1外文原文A: Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputerTh e si ng le-ch i p mi cr oc om pu ter is t he c ul mi nat i on o f bo th t h e d ev el op me nt o f th e d ig it al com p ut er an d t he int e gr at ed ci rc ui ta r gu ab ly th e t ow m os t s i gn if ic ant i nv en ti on s o f t h e 20t h c en tu ry[1].Th es e to w typ e s of a rc hi te ctu r e ar e fo un d i n s in gl e-ch ip m i cr oc om pu te r. So m e em pl oy t he sp l it p ro gr am/d ata me mo ry o f th e H a rv ar d ar ch it ect u re, sh ow n in Fi g.3-5A-1, o th ers fo ll ow t hep h il os op hy, wi del y a da pt ed f or ge n er al-p ur po se co m pu te rs a ndm i cr op ro ce ss o r s, of ma ki ng no lo gi c al di st in ct io n be tw ee n p ro gr am a n d da ta m em or y a s i n th e Pr in cet o n ar ch it ec tu re,sh ow n inF i g.3-5A-2.In g en er al te r ms a s in gl e-chi p m ic ro co mp ut er i sc h ar ac te ri zed b y the i nc or po ra tio n of al l t he uni t s o f a co mp ut er i n to a s in gl e d ev i ce, as s ho wn in Fi g3-5A-3.Fig.3-5A-1 A Harvard typeFig.3-5A-2. A conventional Princeton computerFig3-5A-3. Principal features of a microcomputerRead only memory (ROM).R OM i s u su al ly f or th e p er ma ne nt,n o n-vo la ti le s tor a ge o f an a pp lic a ti on s pr og ra m .M an ym i cr oc om pu te rs an d mi cr oc on tr ol le r s a re in t en de d fo r h ig h-v ol ume a p pl ic at i o ns a nd h en ce t he e co nom i ca l ma nu fa ct ure of t he d ev ic es r e qu ir es t ha t the co nt en ts o f the pr og ra m me mo ry b e co mm it te dp e rm an en tl y d ur in g th e m an uf ac tu re o f c hi ps . Cl ear l y, th is im pl ie sa ri g or ou s a pp roa c h t o R OM co de d e ve lo pm en t s in ce c ha ng es ca nn otb e m a d e af te r man u fa ct ur e .T hi s d e ve lo pm en t pr oce s s ma y in vo lv e e m ul at io n us in g a s op hi st ic at ed deve lo pm en t sy st em w i th a ha rd wa re e m ul at io n ca pa bil i ty a s we ll a s th e u se of po we rf ul so ft wa re t oo ls.So me m an uf act u re rs p ro vi de ad d it io na l RO M opt i on s byi n cl ud in g i n th ei r ra ng e de vi ce s wi th (or i nt en de d fo r us e wi th) u s er pr og ra mm ab le m em or y. Th e s im p le st of th es e i s us ua ll y d ev ice w h ic h ca n op er ate in a m ic ro pr oce s so r mo de b y usi n g so me o f th e i n pu t/ou tp ut li ne s as a n ad dr es s an d da ta b us f or acc e ss in g e xt er na l m e mo ry. T hi s t ype o f d ev ic e c an b e ha ve fu nc ti on al l y a s t he si ng le c h ip mi cr oc om pu te r fr om wh ic h i t i s de ri ve d a lb eit w it h r es tr ic ted I/O an d a mo di fie d e xt er na l ci rcu i t. T he u se o f t h es e RO Ml es sd e vi ce s is c om mo n e ve n in p ro du ct io n c ir cu it s wh er e t he v ol um e do es n o t ju st if y th e d e ve lo pm en t co sts of c us to m on-ch i p RO M[2];t he rec a n st il l b e a si g ni fi ca nt s a vi ng in I/O a nd ot he r c hi ps co mp ar ed t o a c on ve nt io nal mi cr op ro ce ss or b as ed c ir cu it. M o re e xa ctr e pl ac em en t fo r RO M d ev ic es c an b e o bt ai ne d in t he f o rm o f va ri an ts w i th 'pi gg y-ba ck'EP RO M(Er as ab le p ro gr am ma bl e ROM)s oc ke ts o rd e vi ce s w it h EP ROM i ns te ad o f R OM 。
英语自动化相关作文英文回答:Automation is the technology of making a process or system operate automatically. Automation has been used for centuries, but it has only been in the last few decadesthat it has become truly transformative.One of the most important ways that automation is changing the world is by making it possible to produce goods and services more efficiently. For example, automated factories can produce cars, appliances, and other products with far less human labor than was required in the past. This has led to lower prices for consumers and higher profits for businesses.Automation is also making it possible to provide new and improved services. For example, self-driving cars have the potential to make transportation safer and more efficient. Automated customer service chatbots can provide24/7 support, freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex tasks.Of course, automation also has some potential drawbacks. One concern is that automation could lead to job losses. As machines become more capable, they may be able to perform tasks that are currently done by humans. This could lead to widespread unemployment and economic dislocation.Another concern is that automation could lead to a loss of human skills. If people are no longer required toperform certain tasks, they may lose the ability to dothose tasks. This could lead to a decline in human knowledge and skills.Overall, automation is a powerful technology that has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks of automation and to take steps to mitigate those risks.中文回答:自动化是使流程或系统自动运行的技术。
ieee robotics and automation letters级别
ieee robotics and automation letters级别
1.IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 期刊简介
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 是一本由美国电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)出版的机器人学与自动化领域的学术期刊。
在众多机器人学与自动化领域的期刊中,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 的级别和影响力堪称顶级。
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 的主要研究领域包括但不限于机器人控制与规划、机器人视觉与感知、机器人运动学与动力学、人机交互、自动化控制系统等。
对于中国科研工作者而言,IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 是一个重要的国际交流平台。
自动化方向SCI论文投稿期刊推荐!自动化方向的SCI一区期刊其实也有很多的,现在不少作者会选择在SCI一区发表论文,一区期刊大多数有着一定的影响力与含金量,也是作者们的多数首选,下面为大家推荐几本自动化方向的SCI期刊,供大家参考!一、《IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS》IEEE工业电子交易月刊。
二、《IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems》IEEE系统、城域网和控制论交易的范围:系统包括系统工程领域。
自动化外文引文一:[1]Nazri Nasir,Shabudin Mat. An automated visual tracking measurement for quantifying wing and body motion of free-flying houseflies[J]. Measurement,2021,143.[2]Rishikesh Kulkarni,Earu Banoth,Parama Pal. Automated surface feature detection using fringe projection: An autoregressive modeling-based approach[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2021,121.[3]Tengyue Fang,Peicong Li,Kunning Lin,NengwangChen,Yiyong Jiang,Jixin Chen,Dongxing Yuan,Jian Ma. Simultaneous underway analysis of nitrate and nitrite inestuarine and coastal waters using an automated integrated syringe-pump-based environmental-water analyzer[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta,2021,1076.[4]Shengfeng Chen,Jian Liu,Xiaosong Zhang,XinyuSuo,Enhui Lu,Jilong Guo,Jianxun Xi. Development ofpositioning system for Nuclear-fuel rod automated assembly[J]. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2021,61.[5]Cheng-Ta Lee,Yu-Ching Lee,Albert Y. Chen. In-building automated external defibrillator location planning and assessment through building information models[J]. Automation in Construction,2021,106.[6]Torgeir Aleti,Jason I. Pallant,Annamaria Tuan,Tom van Laer. Tweeting with the Stars: Automated Text Analysis of the Effect of Celebrity Social Media ications on ConsumerWord of Mouth[J]. Journal of Interactive Marketing,2021,48.[7]Daniel Bacioiu,Geoff Melton,MayorkinosPapaelias,Rob Shaw. Automated defect classification of SS304 TIG welding process using visible spectrum camera and machine learning[J]. NDT and E International,2021,107.[8]Marcus von der Au,Max Schwinn,KatharinaKuhlmeier,Claudia Büchel,Bj?rn Meermann. Development of an automated on-line purification HPLC single cell-ICP-MS approach for fast diatom analysis[J]. Analytica ChimicaActa,2021,1077.[9]Jitendra Mehar,Ajam Shekh,Nethravathy M. U.,R. Sarada,Vikas Singh Chauhan,Sandeep Mudliar. Automation ofpilot-scale open raceway pond: A case study of CO 2 -fed pHcontrol on Spirulina biomass, protein and phycocyanin production[J]. Journal of CO2 Utilization,2021,33.[10]John T. Sloop,Henry J.B. Bonilla,TinaHarville,Bradley T. Jones,George L. Donati. Automated matrix-matching calibration using standard dilution analysis withtwo internal standards and a simple three-port mixing chamber[J]. Talanta,2021,205.[11]Daniel J. Spade,Cathy Yue Bai,ChristyLambright,Justin M. Conley,Kim Boekelheide,L. Earl Gray. Corrigendum to “Validation of an automated counting procedure for phthalate-induced testicular multinucleated germ cells” [Toxicol. Lett. 290 (2021) 55–61][J]. Toxicology Letters,2021,313.[12]Christian P. Janssen,Shamsi T. Iqbal,Andrew L. Kun,Stella F. Donker. Interrupted by my car? Implications of interruption and interleaving research for automatedvehicles[J]. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,2021,130.[13]Seunguk Lee,Si Kuan Thio,Sung-Yong Park,Sungwoo Bae. An automated 3D-printed smartphone platform integrated with optoelectrowetting (OEW) microfluidic chip for on-site monitoring of viable algae in water[J]. Harmful Algae,2021,88.[14]Yuxia Duan,Shicai Liu,Caiqi Hu,Junqi Hu,Hai Zhang,Yiqian Yan,Ning Tao,Cunlin Zhang,Xavier Maldague,Qiang Fang,Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo,Dapeng Chen,Xiaoli Li,Jianqiao Meng. Automated defect classification in infrared thermography based on a neural network[J]. NDT and E International,2021,107.[15]Alex M. Pagnozzi,Jurgen Fripp,Stephen E. Rose. Quantifying deep grey matter atrophy using automated segmentation approaches: A systematic review of structural MRI studies[J]. NeuroImage,2021,201.[16]Jin Ye,Zhihong Xuan,Bing Zhang,Yu Wu,LiLi,Songshan Wang,Gang Xie,Songxue Wang. Automated analysis of ochratoxin A in cereals and oil by iaffinity magnetic beads coupled to UPLC-FLD[J]. Food Control,2021,104.[17]Anne Bech Risum,Rasmus Bro. Using deep learning to evaluate peaks in chromatographic data[J].Talanta,2021,204.[18]Faris Elghaish,Sepehr Abrishami,M. Reza Hosseini,Soliman Abu-Samra,Mark Gaterell. Integrated project delivery with BIM: An automated EVM-based approach[J]. Automation in Construction,2021,106.[19]Carl J. Pearson,Michael Geden,Christopher B. Mayhorn. Who's the real expert here? Pedigree's unique bias on trust between human and automated advisers[J]. Applied Ergonomics,2021,81.[20]Vibhas Mishra,Dani?l M.J. Peeters,Mostafa M. Abdalla. Stiffness and buckling analysis of variablestiffness laminates including the effect of automated fibre placement defects[J]. Composite Structures,2021,226.[21]Jenny S. Wesche,Andreas Sonderegger. When computers take the lead: The automation of leadership[J]. Computers in Human Behavior,2021,101.[22]Murat Ayaz,Hüseyin Yüksel. Design of a new cost-efficient automation system for gas leak detection in industrial buildings[J]. Energy & Buildings,2021,200.[23]Stefan A. Mann,Juliane Heide,Thomas Knott,Razvan Airini,Florin Bogdan Epureanu,Alexandru-FlorianDeftu,Antonia-Teona Deftu,Beatrice Mihaela Radu,Bogdan Amuzescu. Recording of multiple ion current components and action potentials in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes via automated patch-clamp[J]. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods,2021,100.[24]Rhar? de Almeida Cardoso,Alexandre Cury,Flavio Barbosa. Automated real-time damage detection strategy using raw dynamic measurements[J]. Engineering Structures,2021,196.[25]Mengmeng Zhong,Tielong Wang,Chengdu Qi,Guilong Peng,Meiling Lu,Jun Huang,Lee Blaney,Gang Yu. Automated online solid-phase extraction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry investigation for simultaneous quantification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and organophosphorus flame retardants in environmental waters[J]. Journal of Chromatography A,2021,1602.[26]Pau Climent-Pér ez,Susanna Spinsante,Alex Mihailidis,Francisco Florez-Revuelta. A review on video-based active and assisted living technologies for automated lifelogging[J]. Expert Systems With Applications,2021,139.[27]William Snyder,Marisa Patti,Vanessa Troiani. An evaluation of automated tracing for orbitofrontal cortexsulcogyral pattern typing[J]. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2021,326.[28]Juan Manuel Davila Delgado,LukumonOyedele,Anuoluwapo Ajayi,Lukman Akanbi,OlugbengaAkinade,Muhammad Bilal,Hakeem Owolabi. Robotics and automated systems in construction: Understanding industry-specific challenges for adoption[J]. Journal of Building Engineering,2021,26.[29]Mohamed Taher Alrefaie,Stever Summerskill,Thomas W Jackon. In a heart beat: Using driver’s physiological changes to determine the quality of a takeover in highly automated vehicles[J]. Accident Analysis andPrevention,2021,131.[30]Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh,Rashid Ali. Automated atrophy assessment for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis from brain MRI images[J]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2021,62.自动化外文参考文献二:[31]Vaanathi Sundaresan,Giovanna Zamboni,Campbell Le Heron,Peter M. Rothwell,Masud Husain,Marco Battaglini,Nicola De Stefano,Mark Jenkinson,Ludovica Griffanti. Automatedlesion segmentation with BIANCA: Impact of population-level features, classification algorithm and locally adaptive thresholding[J]. NeuroImage,2021,202.[32]Ho-Jun Suk,Edward S. Boyden,Ingrid van Welie. Advances in the automation of whole-cell patch clamp technology[J]. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,2021,326.[33]Ivana Duznovic,Mathias Diefenbach,Mubarak Ali,Tom Stein,Markus Biesalski,Wolfgang Ensinger. Automated measuring of mass transport through synthetic nanochannels functionalized with polyelectrolyte porous networks[J]. Journal of Membrane Science,2021,591.[34]James A.D. Cameron,Patrick Savoie,Mary E.Kaye,Erik J. Scheme. Design considerations for the processing system of a CNN-based automated surveillance system[J]. Expert Systems With Applications,2021,136.[35]Ebrahim Azadniya,Gertrud E. Morlock. Automated piezoelectric spraying of biological and enzymatic assays for effect-directed analysis of planar chromatograms[J]. Journal of Chromatography A,2021,1602.[36]Lilla Z?llei,Camilo Jaimes,Elie Saliba,P. Ellen Grant,Anastasia Yendiki. TRActs constrained by UnderLying INfant anatomy (TRACULInA): An automated probabilistic tractography tool with anatomical priors for use in the newborn brain[J]. NeuroImage,2021,199.[37]Kate?ina Fikarová,David J. Cocovi-Solberg,María Rosende,Burkhard Horstkotte,Hana Sklená?ová,Manuel Miró. A flow-based platform hyphenated to on-line liquid chromatography for automatic leaching tests of chemical additives from microplastics into seawater[J]. Journal of Chromatography A,2021,1602.[38]Darko ?tern,Christian Payer,Martin Urschler. Automated age estimation from MRI volumes of the hand[J]. Medical Image Analysis,2021,58.[39]Jacques Blum,Holger Heumann,Eric Nardon,Xiao Song. Automating the design of tokamak experiment scenarios[J]. Journal of Computational Physics,2021,394.[40]Elton F. de S. Soares,Carlos Alberto V.Campos,Sidney C. de Lucena. Online travel mode detection method using automated machine learning and feature engineering[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems,2021,101.[41]M. Marouli,S. Pommé. Autom ated optical distance measurements for counting at a defined solid angle[J].Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2021,153.[42]Yi Dai,Zhen-Hua Yu,Jian-Bo Zhan,Bao-Shan Yue,Jiao Xie,Hao Wang,Xin-Sheng Chai. Determination of starch gelatinization temperatures by an automated headspace gas chromatography[J]. Journal of Chromatography A,2021,1602.[43]Marius Tarp?,Tobias Friis,Peter Olsen,MartinJuul,Christos Georgakis,Rune Brincker. Automated reduction of statistical errors in the estimated correlation functionmatrix for operational modal analysis[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2021,132.[44]Wenxia Dai,Bisheng Yang,Xinlian Liang,ZhenDong,Ronggang Huang,Yunsheng Wang,Wuyan Li. Automated fusionof forest airborne and terrestrial point clouds throughcanopy density analysis[J]. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,2021,156.[45]Jyh-Haur Woo,Marcus Ang,Hla Myint Htoon,Donald Tan. Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Versus Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty andPenetrating Keratoplasty[J]. American Journal of Ophthalmology,2021,207.[46]F. Wilde,S. Marsen,T. Stange,D. Moseev,J.W. Oosterbeek,H.P. Laqua,R.C. Wolf,K. Avramidis,G.Gantenbein,I.Gr. Pagonakis,S. Illy,J. Jelonnek,M.K. Thumm,W7-X team. Automated mode recovery for gyrotrons demonstrated at Wendelstein 7-X[J]. Fusion Engineering and Design,2021,148.[47]Andrew Kozbial,Lekhana Bhandary,Shashi K. Murthy. Effect of yte seeding density on dendritic cell generation in an automated perfusion-based culture system[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal,2021,150.[48]Wen-Hao Su,Steven A. Fennimore,David C. Slaughter. Fluorescence imaging for rapid monitoring of translocation behaviour of systemic markers in snap beans for automatedcrop/weed discrimination[J]. Biosystems Engineering,2021,186.[49]Ki-Taek Lim,Dinesh K. Patel,Hoon Se,JanghoKim,Jong Hoon Chung. A fully automated bioreactor system for precise control of stem cell proliferation anddifferentiation[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal,2021,150.[50]Mitchell L. Cunningham,Michael A. Regan,Timothy Horberry,Kamal Weeratunga,Vinayak Dixit. Public opinion about automated vehicles in Australia: Results from a large-scale national survey[J]. Transportation Research Part A,2021,129.[51]Yi Xie,Qiaobei You,Pingyang Dai,Shuyi Wang,Peiyi Hong,Guokun Liu,Jun Yu,Xilong Sun,Yongming Zeng. How to achieve auto-identification in Raman analysis by spectral feature extraction & Adaptive Hypergraph[J].Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2021,222.[52]Ozal Yildirim,Muhammed Talo,Betul Ay,Ulas Baran Baloglu,Galip Aydin,U. Rajendra Acharya. Automated detection of diabetic subject using pre-trained 2D-CNN models with frequency spectrum images extracted from heart ratesignals[J]. Computers in Biology and Medicine,2021,113.[53]Marius Kern,Laura Tusa,Thomas Lei?ner,Karl Gerald van den Boogaart,Jens Gutzmer. Optimal sensor selection for sensor-based sorting based on automated mineralogy data[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2021,234.[54]Karim Keddadouche,Régis Braucher,Didier L.Bourlès,Mélanie Baroni,Valéry Guillou,La?titia Léanni,Georges Auma?tre. Design and performance of an automated chemical extraction bench for the preparation of 10 Be and 26 Al targets to be analyzed by accelerator mass spectrometry[J]. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B,2021,456.[55]Christian P. Janssen,Stella F. Donker,Duncan P. Brumby,Andrew L. Kun. History and future of human-automation interaction[J]. International Journal of Human - Computer Studies,2021,131.[56]Victoriya Orlovskaya,Olga Fedorova,Michail Nadporojskii,Raisa Krasikova. A fully automated azeotropic drying free synthesis of O -(2-[ 18 F]fluoroethyl)- l -tyrosine ([ 18 F]FET) using tetrabutylammonium tosylate[J]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes,2021,152.[57]Dinesh Krishnamoorthy,Kjetil Fjalestad,Sigurd Skogestad. Optimal operation of oil and gas production usingsimple feedback control structures[J]. Control Engineering Practice,2021,91.[58]Nick Oliver,Thomas Calvard,Kristina Poto?nik. Safe limits, mindful organizing and loss of control in commercial aviation[J]. Safety Science,2021,120.[59]Bo Sui,Nils Lubbe,Jonas B?rgman. A clustering approach to developing car-to-two-wheeler test scenarios for the assessment of Automated Emergency Braking in China using in-depth Chinese crash data[J]. Accident Analysis and Prevention,2021,132.[60]Ji-Seok Yoon,Eun Young Choi,Maliazurina Saad,Tae-Sun Choi. Automated integrated system for stained neuron detection: An end-to-end framework with a high negative predictive rate[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine,2021,180.自动化外文参考文献八:[61]Min Wang,Barbara E. Glick-Wilson,Qi-Huang Zheng. Facile fully automated radiosynthesis and quality control of O -(2-[ 18 F]fluoroethyl)- l -tyrosine ([ 18 F]FET) for human brain tumor imaging[J]. Applied Radiation andIsotopes,2021,154.[62]Fabian Pütz,Finbarr Murphy,Martin Mullins,LisaO'Malley. Connected automated vehicles and insurance: Analysing future market-structure from a business ecosystem perspective[J]. Technology in Society,2021,59.[63]Victoria A. Banks,Neville A. Stanton,Katherine L. Plant. Who is responsible for automated driving? A macro-level insight into automated driving in the United Kingdom using the Risk Management Framework and Social NetworkAnalysis[J]. Applied Ergonomics,2021,81.[64]Yingjun Ye,Xiaohui Zhang,Jian Sun. Automated vehicle’s behavior decision making using deep reinforcement learning and high-fidelity simulation environment[J]. Transportation Research Part C,2021,107.[65]Hasan Alkaf,Jameleddine Hassine,TahaBinalialhag,Daniel Amyot. An automated change impact analysis approach for User Requirements Notation models[J]. TheJournal of Systems & Software,2021,157.[66]Zonghua Luo,Jiwei Gu,Robert C. Dennett,Gregory G. Gaehle,Joel S. Perlmutter,Delphine L. Chen,Tammie L.S. Benzinger,Zhude Tu. Automated production of a sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 1 (S1P1) PET radiopharmaceutical [ 11C]CS1P1 for human use[J]. Applied Radiation andIsotopes,2021,152.[67]Sarfraz Qureshi,Wu Jiacheng,Jeroen Anton van Kan. Automated alignment and focusing system for nuclear microprobes[J]. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B,2021,456.[68]Srikanth Sagar Bangaru,Chao Wang,MarwaHassan,Hyun Woo Jeon,Tarun Ayiluri. Estimation of the degreeof hydration of concrete through automated machine learning based microstructure analysis – A study on effect of image magnification[J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics,2021,42.[69]Fang Tengyue,Li Peicong,Lin Kunning,Chen Nengwang,Jiang Yiyong,Chen Jixin,Yuan Dongxing,Ma Jian. Simultaneous underway analysis of nitrate and nitrite in estuarine and coastal waters using an automated integrated syringe-pump-based environmental-water analyzer.[J]. Analytica chimica acta,2021,1076.[70]Ramos Inês I,Carl Peter,Schneider RudolfJ,Segundo Marcela A. Automated lab-on-valve sequential injection ELISA for determination of carbamazepine.[J]. Analytica chimica acta,2021,1076.[71]Au Marcus von der,Schwinn Max,Kuhlmeier Katharina,Büchel Claudia,Meermann Bj?rn. Development of an automated on-line purification HPLC single cell-ICP-MS approach for fast diatom analysis.[J]. Analytica chimica acta,2021,1077.[72]Risum Anne Bech,Bro Rasmus. Using deep learning to evaluate peaks in chromatographic data.[J].Talanta,2021,204.[73]Spade Daniel J,Bai Cathy Yue,LambrightChristy,Conley Justin M,Boekelheide Kim,Gray L Earl. Corrigendum to "Validation of an automated counting procedure for phthalate-induced testicular multinucleated germ cells" [Toxicol. Lett. 290 (2021) 55-61].[J]. Toxicologyletters,2021,313.[74]Zhong Mengmeng,Wang Tielong,Qi Chengdu,Peng Guilong,Lu Meiling,Huang Jun,Blaney Lee,Yu Gang. Automated online solid-phase extraction liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry investigation for simultaneousquantification of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and organophosphorus flame retardants in environmental waters.[J]. Journal of chromatography. 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TRActs constrained by UnderLying INfant anatomy (TRACULInA): An automated probabilistic tractography tool with anatomical priors for use in the newborn brain.[J]. NeuroImage,2021,199.[84]Sedghi Gamechi Zahra,Bons Lidia R,Giordano Marco,Bos Daniel,Budde Ricardo P J,Kofoed Klaus F,Pedersen Jesper Holst,Roos-Hesselink Jolien W,de Bruijne Marleen. Automated 3D segmentation and diameter measurement of the thoracic aorta on non-contrast enhanced CT.[J]. European radiology,2021,29(9).[85]Smith Claire,Galland Barbara C,de Bruin Willemijn E,Taylor Rachael W. Feasibility of Automated Cameras to Measure Screen Use in Adolescents.[J]. American journal of preventive medicine,2021,57(3).[86]Lambert Marie-?ve,Arsenault Julie,AudetPascal,Delisle Benjamin,D'Allaire Sylvie. Evaluating an automated clustering approach in a perspective of ongoing surveillance of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) field strains.[J]. Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases,2021,73.[87]Slanetz Priscilla J. Does Computer-aided Detection Help in Interpretation of Automated Breast US?[J]. Radiology,2021,292(3).[88]Sander Laura,Pezold Simon,Andermatt Simon,Amann Michael,Meier Dominik,Wendebourg Maria J,Sinnecker Tim,Radue Ernst-Wilhelm,Naegelin Yvonne,Granziera Cristina,Kappos Ludwig,Wuerfel Jens,Cattin Philippe,Schlaeger Regina. Accurate, rapid and reliable, fully automated MRI brainstem segmentation for application in multiple sclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases.[J]. Human brainmapping,2021,40(14).[89]Pajkossy Péter,Sz?ll?si ?gnes,Racsmány Mihály. Retrieval practice decreases processing load of recall: Evidence revealed by pupillometry.[J]. International journal of psychophysiology : official journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology,2021,143.[90]Kaiser Eric A,Igdalova Aleksandra,Aguirre Geoffrey K,Cucchiara Brett. A web-based, branching logic questionnaire for the automated classification ofmigraine.[J]. Cephalalgia : an international journal of headache,2021,39(10).自动化外文参考文献四:[91]Kim Jin Ju,Park Younhee,Choi Dasom,Kim Hyon Suk. Performance Evaluation of a New Automated Chemiluminescent Ianalyzer-Based Interferon-Gamma Releasing Assay AdvanSure I3 in Comparison With the QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube Assay.[J]. Annals of laboratory medicine,2021,40(1).[92]Yang Shanling,Gao Xican,Liu Liwen,Shu Rui,Yan Jingru,Zhang Ge,Xiao Yao,Ju Yan,Zhao Ni,Song Hongping. Performance and Reading Time of Automated Breast US with or without Computer-aided Detection.[J]. Radiology,2021,292(3).[93]Hung Andrew J,Chen Jian,Ghodoussipour Saum,OhPaul J,Liu Zequn,Nguyen Jessica,Purushotham Sanjay,Gill Inderbir S,Liu Yan. A deep-learning model using automated performance metrics and clinical features to predict urinary continence recovery after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy.[J]. BJU international,2021,124(3).[94]Kim Ryan S,Kim Gene. Double Descemet Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK): Secondary DSAEK Without Removal of the Failed Primary DSAEK Graft.[J]. Ophthalmology,2021,126(9).[95]Sargent Alexandra,Theofanous Ioannis,Ferris Sarah. Improving laboratory workflow through automated pre-processing of SurePath specimens for human papillomavirus testing with the Abbott RealTime assay.[J]. Cytopathology : official journal of the British Society for Clinical Cytology,2021,30(5).[96]Saba Tanzila. Automated lung nodule detection and classification based on multiple classifiers voting.[J]. Microscopy research and technique,2021,82(9).[97]Ivan D. Welsh,Jane R. Allison. Automated simultaneous assignment of bond orders and formal charges[J]. Journal of Cheminformatics,2021,11(1).[98]Willem Jespers,MauricioEsguerra,Johan ?qvist,Hugo Gutiérrez-de-Terán. QligFEP: an automated workflow for small molecule free energycalculations in Q[J]. Journal of Cheminformatics,2021,11(1).[99]Manav Raj,Robert Seamans. Primer on artificial intelligence and robotics[J]. Journal of OrganizationDesign,2021,8(1).[100]Yvette Pronk,Peter Pilot,Justus M.Brinkman,Ronald J. Heerwaarden,Walter Weegen. Response rate and costs for automated patient-reported outcomes collection alone compared to combined automated and manual collection[J]. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes,2021,3(1).[101]Tristan Martin,Ana?s Moyon,Cyril Fersing,Evan Terrier,Aude Gouillet,Fabienne Giraud,BenjaminGuillet,Philippe Garrigue. Have you looked for “stranger things” in your automated PET dose dispensing system? A process and operators qualification scheme[J]. EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry,2021,4(1).[102]Manuel Peuster,Michael Marchetti,Ger ardo García de Blas,Holger Karl. Automated testing of NFV orchestrators against carrier-grade multi-PoP scenarios using emulation-based smoke testing[J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless ications and Networking,2021,2021(1).[103]R. Ferrús,O. Sallent,J. Pérez-Romero,R. Agustí. On the automation of RAN slicing provisioning: solution framework and applicability examples[J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless ications and Networking,2021,2021(1).[104]Duo Li,Peter Wagner. Impacts of gradual automated vehicle penetration on motorway operation: a comprehensive evaluation[J]. European Transport Research Review,2021,11(1).[105]Abel Gómez,Ricardo J. Rodríguez,María-Emilia Cambronero,Valentín Valero. Profiling the publish/subscribe paradigm for automated analysis using colored Petri nets[J]. Software & Systems Modeling,2021,18(5).[106]Dipanjan Moitra,Rakesh Kr. Mandal. Automated AJCC (7th edition) staging of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) using deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN)[J]. Health Information Science and Systems,2021,7(1).[107]Marta D’Alonzo,Laura Martincich,Agnese Fenoglio,Valentina Giannini,Lisa Cellini,ViolaLiberale,Nicoletta Biglia. Nipple-sparing mastectomy: external validation of a three-dimensional automated method to predict nipple occult tumour involvement on preoperative breast MRI[J]. European Radiology Experimental,2021,3(1).[108]N. V. Dozmorov,A. S. Bogomolov,A. V. Baklanov. An Automated Apparatus for Measuring Spectral Dependences ofthe Mass Spectra and Velocity Map Images of Photofragments[J]. Instruments and Experimental Techniques,2021,62(4).[109]Zhiqiang Sun,Bingzhao Gao,Jiaqi Jin,Kazushi Sanada. Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of a Novel Automated Manual Transmission with Gearshift Assistant Mechanism[J]. International Journal of Automotive Technology,2021,20(5).[110]Andrés Vega,Mariano Córdoba,Mauricio Castro-Franco,Mónica Balzarini. Protocol for automating errorremoval from yield maps[J]. Precision Agriculture,2021,20(5).[111]Bethany L. Lussier,DaiWai M. Olson,Venkatesh Aiyagari. Automated Pupillometry in Neurocritical Care: Research and Practice[J]. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports,2021,19(10).[112] B. Haskali,Peter D. Roselt,David Binns,Amit Hetsron,Stan Poniger,Craig A. Hutton,Rodney J. Hicks. Automated preparation of clinical grade [ 68 Ga]Ga-DOTA-CP04, a cholecystokinin-2 receptor agonist, using iPHASE MultiSyn synthesis platform[J]. EJNMMI Radiopharmacy andChemistry,2021,4(1).[113]Ju Hyun Ahn,Minho Na,Sungkwan Koo,HyunsooChun,Inhwan Kim,Jong Won Hur,Jae Hyuk Lee,Jong G. Ok. Development of a fully automated desktop chemical vapor deposition system for programmable and controlled carbon nanotube growth[J]. Micro and Nano Systems Letters,2021,7(1).[114]Kamellia Shahi,Brenda Y. McCabe,Arash Shahi. Framework for Automated Model-Based e-Permitting System forMunicipal Jurisdictions[J]. Journal of Management in Engineering,2021,35(6).[115]Ahmed Khalafallah,Yasmin Shalaby. Change Orders: Automating Comparative Data Analysis and Controlling Impacts in Public Projects[J]. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,2021,145(11).[116]José ?. Martínez-Huertas,OlgaJastrzebska,Ricardo Olmos,José A. León. Automated summary evaluation with inbuilt rubric method: An alternative to constructed responses and multiple-choice testsassessments[J]. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education,2021,44(7).[117]Samsonov,Koshel,Walther,Jenny. Automated placement of supplementary contour lines[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science,2021,33(10).[118]Veronika V. Odintsova,Peter J. Roetman,Hill F. Ip,René Pool,Camiel M. Van der Laan,Klodiana-DaphneTona,Robert R.J.M. Vermeiren,Dorret I. Boomsma. Genomics of human aggression: current state of genome-wide studies and an automated systematic review tool[J]. PsychiatricGenetics,2021,29(5).[119]Sebastian Eggert,Dietmar W Hutmacher. In vitro disease models 4.0 via automation and high-throughput processing[J]. 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自动化专业英语原文和翻译Automation in the Manufacturing Industry: An OverviewIntroduction:Automation plays a crucial role in the manufacturing industry, revolutionizing production processes and enhancing efficiency. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the concept of automation in the manufacturing sector, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and future prospects. It also includes a translation of the text into English.Section 1: Definition and Importance of AutomationAutomation refers to the use of technology and machinery to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. In the manufacturing industry, automation is essential for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and improving product quality. It allows companies to achieve higher production rates, increased precision, and improved safety standards.Section 2: Benefits of Automation in Manufacturing2.1 Increased ProductivityAutomation enables manufacturers to produce goods at a faster rate, leading to increased productivity. With the use of advanced robotics and machinery, repetitive tasks can be performed efficiently, allowing workers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of production.2.2 Enhanced Quality ControlAutomated systems ensure consistency and accuracy in manufacturing processes, leading to improved product quality. By minimizing human error, automation reduces defects and variations, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and reduced waste.2.3 Cost ReductionAutomation helps in reducing labor costs by replacing manual work with machines and robots. Although initial investment costs may be high, long-term savings are significant due to increased efficiency and reduced dependence on human labor.2.4 Improved Workplace SafetyAutomation eliminates the need for workers to perform hazardous or physically demanding tasks. Robots and machines can handle tasks that pose risks to human health and safety, thereby reducing workplace accidents and injuries.2.5 Increased FlexibilityAutomated systems can be easily reprogrammed to adapt to changing production requirements. This flexibility allows manufacturers to respond quickly to market demands, introduce new products, and customize production processes.Section 3: Challenges in Implementing Automation3.1 Initial InvestmentImplementing automation requires substantial capital investment for purchasing and integrating machinery, software, and training. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may face financial constraints in adopting automation technologies.3.2 Workforce AdaptationAutomation may lead to job displacement, as certain tasks previously performed by humans are now handled by machines. Companies need to provide training and re-skilling opportunities to ensure a smooth transition for their workforce.3.3 Technical ComplexityAutomation systems often involve complex integration of various technologies, such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Companies must have skilled personnel capable of managing and maintaining these systems effectively.Section 4: Future Trends in Automation4.1 Collaborative RobotsCollaborative robots, also known as cobots, are designed to work alongside humans, assisting them in tasks that require precision and strength. These robots can improve productivity and safety by working in close proximity to humans without the need for extensive safety measures.4.2 Internet of Things (IoT) IntegrationThe integration of automation systems with the Internet of Things allows for real-time monitoring and control of manufacturing processes. IoT enables seamless communication between machines, sensors, and data analytics platforms, leading to predictive maintenance and optimized production.4.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI)AI technologies, such as machine learning and computer vision, enable automation systems to learn and adapt to new situations. AI-powered robots can analyze data, make decisions, and perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention, revolutionizing the manufacturing industry.Conclusion:Automation has become an integral part of the manufacturing industry, offering numerous benefits such as increased productivity, enhanced quality control, cost reduction, improved workplace safety, and increased flexibility. While challenges exist, such as initial investment and workforce adaptation, the future of automation looks promising with the emergence of collaborative robots, IoT integration, and artificial intelligence. Embracing automation technologies will undoubtedly pave the way for a more efficient and competitive manufacturing sector.Translation:自动化在创造业中的应用:概述简介:自动化在创造业中扮演着重要的角色,革新了生产过程,提高了效率。
以下是一些具有代表性的自动化核心期刊:1. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control(IEEE自动控制系统学报):这是自动化领域最重要的期刊之一,涵盖了自动控制理论、方法和应用的广泛领域。
2. Automatica(自动化学报):这是国际上最著名的自动化期刊之一,涵盖了自动控制、系统理论和应用的各个方面。
3. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(鲁棒与非线性控制国际期刊):该期刊专注于鲁棒控制和非线性控制领域的研究。
4. Journal of Process Control(过程控制学报):该期刊关注过程控制领域的研究,包括化学工程、生物工程、电力系统等方面的控制问题。
5. IEEE Transactions on Robotics(IEEE机器人学报):该期刊关注机器人技术领域的研究,包括机器人感知、运动规划、控制与导航等方面的问题。
以上仅是自动化核心期刊中的一部份,还有不少其他重要的期刊,如Control Engineering Practice(控制工程实践)、IEEE Control Systems Magazine(IEEE控制系统杂志)等。
以下是一些常见的自动化核心期刊,供您参考:1. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(影响因子:6.764):这是一个由IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)出版的期刊,涵盖了自动化科学与工程领域的广泛研究。
2. Automatica(影响因子:6.793):这是一本由国际自动控制联合会(International Federation of Automatic Control)出版的期刊,是自动化领域的顶级期刊之一。
3. Control Engineering Practice(影响因子:3.356):这是一个面向实际应用的自动化期刊,关注自动化技术在工业和工程领域的应用。
4. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems(影响因子:2.212):这是一个涵盖智能机器人和自主系统领域的期刊,发表了许多关于机器人技术、智能控制、自主导航等方面的研究论文。
控制类外文期刊SCI,EI比较好投的有哪些作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05控制类的SCI的都很难发,除非内容很好!如果不错就试试SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization.作者: mqlong 发布日期: 2007-12-05你研究具体哪方面?可以交流一下。
作者: Hongtan 发布日期: 2007-12-05International Journal of systems science, Internatioanl Journal of control, 应该要好中一点,atuomatica,IEEE AC, systems and control letters一般比较难中作者: ertuo104 发布日期: 2007-12-05ddfdd作者: qpl001 发布日期: 2007-12-05我现在主要做智能控制,研究随机梯度及投影算法有一段时间,研究了一种他们的快速收敛的方法,想发到国外的期刊上,速度快一点的作者: yanwei123456 发布日期: 2007-12-05建议找计算数学类的,applied numerical mathematics, Journal of computational and applied mathematics, applied mathematics and computation等等!不过现在数学类(包括控制类的)没有很快的,一般都得小半年才有审稿意见!系统与控制类投稿期刊整理AI MagazineAmerican Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) PublicationsApplied Mathematical ModellingApplied Mathematics and ComputationArtificial IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence in EngineeringAutomatic control and computer sciences. 0146-4116Automatica. 0005-1098Automation and control. 0110-6295Automation and remote control. 0005-1179Chemical Design Automation NewsComputational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Computational Statistics & Data AnalysisComputer Aided Geometric DesignComputer-Aided DesignComputers & Electrical EngineeringComputers & GraphicsComputers & Mathematics with Applications Computers in EngineeringComputers in IndustryControl ApplicationsControl Engineering PracticeControl, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. Computing & control engineering journal.Control and instrumentation. 0010-8022Control engineering. 0010-8049Data & Knowledge EngineeringDecision Support SystemsDiscrete Applied MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsEcological ModellingEngineering Analysis with Boundary Elements Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems with ApplicationsElectronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Germany Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Israel Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: Portugal Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra: USA Electronic Transactions On Numerical Analysis Future Generation Computer SystemsFuzzy Sets and SystemsIEE Computing & Control Engineering JournalIEE Proc. Control theory and applications 0143-7054 IEEE Control Systems MagazineIEEE Robotics and Automation MagazineIEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology. 1063-6536 IEEE SpectrumIEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlIEEE Transactions on Robotics and AutomationIFAC PublicationsImage and Vision ComputingIndustrial and Systems Control EngineeringInformation SystemsInstrumentation & control systemsInternational journal of adaptive control and signal processing. International journal of control.Information and Software TechnologyIntegration, the VLSI JournalInteracting with ComputersInternational journal of robotics & automation.International journal of systems automation, research & applications.Journal of Computational and Applied MathematicsJournal of Systems ArchitectureJournal of Systems and SoftwareJournal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and ControlJournal of Dynamical and Control Systems:IsraelJournal of Dynamical and Control Systems:USAJournal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and ControlJournal of Process ControlJournal of Robotics and Autonomous systemsJournal of automation and information sciences.Knowledge-Based SystemsLinear Algebra and Its ApplicationsMathematics and Computers in SimulationMathematics and Computers in Simulation with Applied Numerical Math. Microprocessors and MicrosystemsMathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:Netherlands Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems:USAMechatronicsModeling, Identification, and ControlNeural NetworksNeurocomputingParallel ComputingPattern RecognitionPattern Recognition LettersPerformance EvaluationRobotics and Autonomous SystemsSIAM Journal on Control and OptimizationSimulation Practice and TheorySystems and Control LettersTransactions of ASME. J. dynamic systems, measurement & control.SCI、EI收录的自动控制类期刊。
1. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE)IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(TIE) 是电气工程与自动化领域的重要期刊之一。
2. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE)IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE) 是电力电子领域中的顶级期刊。
3. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE) 是自动化科学与工程领域的知名期刊。
自动化专业英语原文和翻译英文原文:Automation in the field of engineering has brought about significant advancements and revolutionized various industries. With the help of cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions, automation has become an integral part of many processes, increasing efficiency and productivity.In the field of automation engineering, professionals are responsible for designing, developing, and implementing automated systems and machinery. These systems are designed to perform tasks with minimal human intervention, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall performance.Automation engineering involves the use of various tools and technologies such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs), robotics, and computer-aided design (CAD) software. These tools enable engineers to design and control complex systems, ensuring smooth operations and optimal performance.One of the key benefits of automation in engineering is the ability to streamline processes and reduce manual labor. By automating repetitive tasks, engineers can focus on more complex and critical aspects of their work, leading to increased productivity and higher quality output.Moreover, automation plays a crucial role in enhancing safety in various industries. By replacing human workers with automated systems, the risk of accidents and injuries can be significantly reduced. Automated systems are designed to follow strict safety protocols and can perform tasks in hazardous environments that may be dangerous for humans.In addition to improving efficiency and safety, automation also offers cost-saving benefits. Although the initial investment in automation technology may be high, the long-term savings in labor costs and increased productivity outweigh the initial expenses.Automation can also lead to reduced material wastage and improved resource management.Automation engineering professionals play a vital role in the design and implementation of automated systems. They are responsible for conducting thorough analysis, developing system requirements, and ensuring seamless integration of automation technology into existing processes. They also provide technical support and troubleshooting expertise to address any issues that may arise.In conclusion, automation in the field of engineering has revolutionized various industries by increasing efficiency, productivity, and safety. Automation engineering professionals play a crucial role in designing and implementing automated systems, utilizing cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions. With the continuous advancements in automation technology, the future of engineering looks promising, with even greater possibilities for improved performance and streamlined processes.中文翻译:自动化在工程领域带来了重大的进步,并对各行各业进行了革命性的改变。
1. Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems Engineering (JCASE):该期刊涵盖了控制系统、自动化和系统工程领域的各个方面,包括模型预测控制、自适应控制、鲁棒控制等。
2. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (TCST):该期刊是IEEE控制系统技术委员会的官方刊物,主要发表关于控制系统理论和应用方面的研究论文。
3. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (IJCAS):该期刊是一份开放获取的国际期刊,涵盖了控制系统、自动化和系统工程领域的各个方面,包括智能控制、非线性控制、网络化控制系统等。
4. Control Engineering Practice (CEP):该期刊主要关注实际工程应用中的控制技术和方法,包括工业自动化、机器人技术、交通运输等领域的控制问题。
5. European Journal of Control (EJC):该期刊是一份国际性的控制领域期刊,发表了许多高质量的研究论文,涵盖了从基础
自动化专业英语原文和翻译Automated Professional English Original Text and TranslationOriginal Text:Automation plays a crucial role in the field of engineering, particularly in the domain of industrial processes. It involves the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce human intervention, increase efficiency, and improve productivity.In the context of the automation industry, professionals need to have a strong command of English to effectively communicate and collaborate with international partners and clients. Therefore, it is essential for students studying automation to develop their English language skills, especially in technical and professional contexts.The curriculum for automation majors should include courses that focus on English for specific purposes, such as technical writing, presentations, and negotiations. These courses should provide students with the necessary vocabulary, grammar, and communication strategies to effectively convey complex technical information in English.In addition to language skills, automation professionals should also be familiar with industry-specific terminology and concepts. They should have a solid understanding of automation systems, robotics, control systems, and programming languages commonly used in the field. This knowledge will enable them to effectively communicate and work with colleagues and clients from different countries.Furthermore, automation professionals should be aware of the latest advancements and trends in the industry. They should stay updated on new technologies, regulations, and best practices. This can be achieved through continuous professional development, attending conferences, workshops, and participating in online forums and communities.Translation:自动化在工程领域中起着至关重要的作用,特别是在工业过程领域。
自动化专业专业英语作文In the realm of industrial development, the term "automation" has become synonymous with progress and efficiency. The integration of automation into various sectors has not only revolutionized the way we work but has also significantly impacted the job market and the skills required by the workforce. This essay aims to explore the evolution of automation, its current state, and the potential implications for the future of work.The Dawn of AutomationThe inception of automation can be traced back to the early 20th century with the advent of assembly lines in manufacturing. The concept of automating repetitive tasks was pioneered by Henry Ford, whose assembly line for the Model T revolutionized the automobile industry. This marked the beginning of a shift towards mechanization and the reduction of human labor in the production process.Advancements in AutomationOver the decades, automation has evolved from simple mechanical systems to sophisticated computer-controlled processes. The introduction of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and the integration of robotics have allowed for greater precision and speed in manufacturing. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has furtherpropelled automation to new heights, enabling machines tolearn from experience and improve their performance over time.Current State of AutomationToday, automation is pervasive across various industries.From manufacturing to agriculture, healthcare to finance, the influence of automation is evident. The rise of smart factories, where machines communicate with each other andmake decisions autonomously, is a testament to the sophistication of modern automation. Similarly, the use of drones for delivery and surveillance, as well as autonomous vehicles, showcases the versatility of automation indifferent sectors.Impact on the WorkforceThe impact of automation on the workforce has been a topic of much debate. On one hand, automation has led to job displacement, particularly in roles that involve repetitive tasks. On the other hand, it has created new jobopportunities in fields such as robotics engineering, data analysis, and AI development. The demand for skilled workers who can operate, maintain, and improve automated systems has never been higher.Future ImplicationsLooking ahead, the future of work is likely to be heavily influenced by automation. As technology continues to advance, more complex tasks may be automated, leading to a furthershift in the types of jobs available. It is crucial for educational institutions to adapt their curricula to prepare students for this changing landscape. Lifelong learning and upskilling will become essential for individuals to remain relevant in the job market.ConclusionIn conclusion, automation has been a driving force in industrial and technological advancement. While it presents challenges in terms of job displacement, it also offers opportunities for innovation and the creation of new roles. As we move towards a more automated future, it is imperative that we focus on education and skill development to ensure that the workforce is prepared for the changes ahead. The key lies in harnessing the power of automation to enhance human capabilities, rather than replacing them.。
英语作文(自动化)Title: English Essay Writing (Automation)Introduction:English essay writing is an essential skill for students to master, as it not only helps improve language proficiency but also encourages critical thinking and creativity. With the advancement of technology, automation has begun to play a significant role in assisting students with their essay writing process. In this article, we will explore how automation has revolutionized the way students approach English essay writing.1. Automated Research:1.1 Automated research tools can help students gather relevant information quickly and efficiently.1.2 These tools can search through vast databases and online resources to provide students with accurate and up-to-date information.1.3 Automated research saves students time and effort, allowing them to focus on analyzing and synthesizing information for their essays.2. Grammar and Spelling Check:2.1 Automated grammar and spelling checkers can help students identify and correct errors in their writing.2.2 These tools can provide instant feedback on grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes, helping students improve the overall quality of their essays.2.3 Automated grammar and spelling checkers also suggest alternative words or phrases to enhance the clarity and coherence of the essay.3. Essay Structure and Organization:3.1 Automated essay writing software can assist students in structuring their essays effectively.3.2 These tools provide templates and guidelines for different types of essays, helping students organize their ideas logically.3.3 Automated essay writing software also helps students create introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions that flow smoothly and cohesively.4. Plagiarism Detection:4.1 Automated plagiarism detection tools can help students ensure the originality of their essays.4.2 These tools compare students' writing with a vast database of academic and online sources to identify any instances of plagiarism.4.3 Automated plagiarism detection tools provide students with a percentage of originality and suggest ways to paraphrase or cite sources properly.5. Feedback and Revision:5.1 Automated feedback tools can provide students with instant feedback on their essays.5.2 These tools highlight areas for improvement, such as clarity, coherence, and argumentation, helping students revise their essays effectively.5.3 Automated feedback tools can also track students' progress over time, allowing them to see their growth as writers and learners.Conclusion:Automation has transformed the way students approach English essay writing, making the process more efficient and effective. By utilizing automated research, grammar and spelling checkers, essay structure and organization tools, plagiarism detection software, and feedback and revision tools, students can improve their writingskills and produce high-quality essays. As technology continues to advance, automation will play an increasingly important role in helping students become better writers.。
ieee robotics and automation letters级别
ieee robotics and automation letters级别1. 引言1.1 概述本篇文章旨在探讨与分析关于IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters的级别及其在机器人和自动化领域的重要性。
1.2 文章结构本文将主要包括五个部分:引言、正文、研究结果与分析、成果与意义以及结论。
1.3 目的本文的目的是介绍IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters级别,重点介绍其在机器人和自动化领域中所具有的重要性以及对学术界和工业界带来的影响。
最终,我们期望读者能从本文中获得有关IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters级别的详尽信息,并为自己未来的研究或投稿选择提供参考和指导。
2. 正文部分内容:2.1 研究背景:在这一节中,首先介绍机器人与自动化领域的背景和发展趋势。
The Single-chip MicrocomputersAbstract: nowadays, almost nobody are not familiar with the computer. Exactly, people’s life will not continue without the computer. Now, the computer is more and more likely to be used in an automatic system design to imit ate human being’s brain. This essay will introduce something about Single-chip Microcomputers.Keywords: SCM, semiconductor, computer1.the history of the SCMModern computer technology, industrial revolution, the world economy from the capital into the economy to knowledge economy. Field in the electronic world, from the 20th century into the era of radio to computer technology in the 21st century as the center of the intelligent modern era of electronic systems. The basic core of modern electronic systems are embedded computer systems (referred to as embedded systems), while the microcontroller is the most typical and most extensive and most popular embedded systems.Fifties and sixties in the 20th century, the most representative of the advanced electronic technology is wireless technology, including radio broadcasting, radio, wireless communications (telegraph), Amateur Radio, radio positioning, navigation and other telemetry, remote control, remote technology. The early radio technology to promote the development of electronic technology, most notably electronic vacuum tube technology to semiconductor electronic technology. The development of semiconductor technology lead to the production of integrated circuit, forming the modern electronic technology leap from discrete electronics into the era of era of integrated circuits. Semiconductor integrated circuits in the basic digital logic circuits first breakthrough. A large number of digital logic circuits, such as gates, counters, timers, shift registers, and analog switches, comparators, etc., for the electronic digital control provides excellent conditions for the traditional mechanical control to electronic control. Power electronic devices and sensor technology to make the original to the radio as the center of electronic technology turned to mechanical engineering in the field of digital control systems, testing in the field of information collection, movement of electrical mechanical servo drive control object.Semiconductor and integrated circuit technology will bring us a universal age of electronic technology, wireless technology as the field of electronic technology a part of. 70 years into the 20th century, large scale integrated circuit appeared to promote the conventional electronic circuit unit-specific electronic systems development.Now comes the embedded systems,and the Single-chip Microcomputer or MCU is a typical. If you meet the massive data-processing computer system known as general-purpose computer system, then the system can be the embeddedobject (such as ships, aircraft, motorcycles, etc.) in a computer system called the embedded computer. Embedded system is primarily a computer system, followed by it being embedded into the object system, objects in the object system to achieve required data collection, processing, status display, the output control functions, as embedded in the object system, embedded system computer does not have an independent form and function of the computer. SCM is entirely in accordance with the requirements of embedded system design, so SCM is the most typical embedded systems. SCM is the early application of technical requirements in accordance with the design of embedded computer chip integration, hence the name single chip. Subsequently, the MCU embedded applications to meet the growing demands of its control functions and peripheral interface functions, in particular, highlight the control function, so has international name the single chip microcontroller (MCU, Microcontroller Unit).2.About common single chipSTC microcontroller STC's mainly based on the 8051 microcontroller core is a new generation of enhanced MCU, the instruction code is fully compatible with the traditional 8051, 8 to 12 times faster, with ADC, 4 Road, PWM, dual serial ports, a global unique ID, encryption of good, strong anti-interference. PIC Microcontroller: MICROCHIP's products is its prominent feature is a small, low power consumption, reduced instruction set, interference, reliability, strong analog interface, the code of confidentiality is good, most of the chip has its compatibleFLASH program memory chips. EMC SCM: Elan's products in Taiwan, with much of the PIC 8-bit microcontroller compatible, and compatible products, resources, compared to the PIC's more, cheap, there are many series of options, but less interference. ATMEL microcontroller (MCU 51): ATMEl company's 8-bit microcontroller with AT89, AT90 two series, AT89 series is the 8-bit Flash microcontroller 8051 is compatible with the static clock mode; AT90 RISC MCU is to enhance the structure, all static methods of work, containing the line can be Flash MCU programming, also known A VR microcontroller. PHLIPIS 51PLC Microcontroller (MCU 51): PHILIPS company's MCU is based on the 80C51 microcontroller core, embedded power-down detection, simulation and on-chip RC oscillator and other functions, which makes 51LPC in highly integrated, low cost, low power design to meet various applications performance requirements. HOLTEK SCM: Sheng Yang, Taiwan Semiconductor's single chip, cheap more categories, but less interference for consumer products. TI company microcontroller (MCU 51):Texas Instruments MSP430 provides the TMS370 and two series of general-purpose microcontroller. TMS370 MCU is the 8-bit CMOS MCU with a variety of storage mode, a variety of external interface mode, suitable for real-time control of complex situations; MSP430 MCU is a low power, high functionality integrated 16-bit low-power microcontroller, especially for applications that require low power consumption occasions Taiwan Sonix'ssingle, mostly 8-bit machines, some with PIC 8-bit microcontroller compatible, cheap, the system clock frequency may be more options there PMW ADC internal noise filtering within the vibration. Shortcomings RAM space is too small, better anti-interference.3. Fundamentals of Single-chip MicrocomputersIn contrast to general-purpose CPUs, microcontrollers do not have an address bus or a data bus, because they integrate all the RAM and non-volatile memory on the same chip as the CPU. Because they need fewer pins, the chip can be placed in a much smaller, cheaper package.Integrating the memory and other peripherals on a single chip and testing them as a unit increases the cost of that chip, but often results in decreased net cost of the embedded system as a whole. (Even if the cost of a CPU that has integrated peripherals is slightly more than the cost of a CPU + external peripherals, having fewer chips typically allows a smaller and cheaper circuit board, and reduces the labor required to assemble and test the circuit board). This trend leads to design.A microcontroller is a single integrated circuit, commonly with the following features:central processing unit - ranging from small and simple 4-bit processors to sophisticated 32- or 64-bit processors input/output interfaces such as serial ports (UARTs) other serial communications interfaces like I²C, Serial Peripheral Interface and Controller Area Network for system interconnect peripherals such as timers and watchdog RAM for data storage ROM, EPROM, EEPROM or Flash memory for program storage clock generator - often an oscillator for a quartz timing crystal, resonator or RC circuit many include analog-to-digital converters. This integration drastically reduces the number of chips and the amount of wiring and PCB space that would be needed to produce equivalent systems using separate chips and have proved to be highly popular in embedded systems since their introduction in the 1970s.参考文献:《自动化专业英语》王宏文PART3 UINT4 Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer胡寿松,等.自动控制原理[M].北京:科学出版社,2008《51单片机入门与提高》郭天祥丁往道,等.英语写作手册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994《THE AUTOMATION》The microcomputer。
自动化专业英语第四版课文翻译Unit 1现在工业电子系统使用的是被称为晶体管的装置。
从数学角度看,Ib=Ie-IcUnit 2一个运算放大器的内部结构相当复杂,常常包含大量的分立元件。
自动化专业英语论文Title: Application of Automation Technology in Industrial ProcessesAbstract:This paper aims to explore the application of automation technology in various industrial processes. Automation has revolutionized industries by enhancing efficiency, productivity, and safety. This paper provides an overview of the importance of automation in industrial processes, discusses the key components of automation systems, and presents case studies to illustrate its practical implementation. The findings suggest that automation technology has significantly improved manufacturing processes, reduced human error, and enhanced overall productivity. Furthermore, the paper highlights the challenges and future prospects of automation technology, emphasizing the need for continuous research and development in this field. Overall, this study emphasizes the significance of automation in industrial processes and its potential for further advancements.1. IntroductionAutomation technology has become a crucial aspect of modern industrial processes. It involves the use of advanced control systems to operate and monitor machinery, reducing the need for human intervention. This paper aims to explore the application of automation technology in various industrial sectors, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and future prospects.2. Importance of Automation in Industrial Processes2.1 Enhanced Efficiency and ProductivityAutomation technology significantly improves efficiency and productivity by reducing the time required to complete tasks. Automated systems can operate continuously, without the need for breaks or rest, leading to increased output and reduced production time.2.2 Improved Quality and PrecisionAutomation minimizes human error and ensures consistent quality in production processes. Machines can perform repetitive tasks with high precision, leading to standardized products and reduced defects.2.3 Enhanced SafetyAutomation technology eliminates the need for workers to perform hazardous tasks, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. Machines can handle dangerous substances and operate in extreme conditions, ensuring a safer work environment.3. Components of Automation Systems3.1 Sensors and ActuatorsSensors detect changes in the environment or machine parameters, providing data for decision-making. Actuators are responsible for executing the desired actions based on the sensor inputs.3.2 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)PLCs are the core components of automation systems. They receive inputs from sensors, process the data, and control the actuators accordingly. PLCs can be programmed to perform complex tasks, making them essential for automation.3.3 Human-Machine Interface (HMI)HMIs enable interaction between humans and machines. They provide a user-friendly interface for monitoring and controlling automated processes. Operators can receive real-time information, diagnose faults, and make necessary adjustments through the HMI.4. Case Studies: Application of Automation Technology4.1 Automotive IndustryAutomation has transformed the automotive industry, enabling mass production with high precision. Robotic arms are used for welding, painting, and assembly, resulting in improved efficiency and quality.4.2 Food Processing IndustryAutomation has revolutionized food processing, ensuring hygiene, accuracy, and speed. Automated systems handle tasks such as sorting, packaging, and labeling, minimizing human contact and reducing the risk of contamination.4.3 Pharmaceutical IndustryAutomation technology plays a vital role in pharmaceutical manufacturing, ensuring precise dosage, quality control, and compliance with regulations. Automated systems handle tasks such as mixing, filling, and packaging, maintaining consistency and reducing errors.5. Challenges and Future Prospects5.1 Cost and Implementation ChallengesImplementing automation technology can be costly, requiring initial investment in equipment, training, and infrastructure. Additionally, integrating automation into existing processes may pose challenges, requiring careful planning and coordination.5.2 Workforce AdaptationThe introduction of automation may lead to concerns about job displacement. However, it is important to note that automation creates new job opportunities, such as maintenance and programming of automated systems. Workforce adaptation and upskilling are crucial to harness the full potential of automation technology.5.3 Future ProspectsThe future of automation technology is promising, with advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics. These technologies will enhance thecapabilities of automated systems, enabling more complex tasks to be performed with minimal human intervention.6. ConclusionAutomation technology has revolutionized industrial processes, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and safety. Its application in various sectors, such as automotive, food processing, and pharmaceuticals, has yielded significant benefits. However, challenges related to cost, implementation, and workforce adaptation need to be addressed. Continuous research and development in automation technology will pave the way for further advancements, ensuring its continued relevance and impact in the industrial sector.。
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Automation Technology and Sense of Control:A Window on Human AgencyBruno Berberian1*,Jean-Christophe Sarrazin1,Patrick Le Blaye1,Patrick Haggard21Systems Control and Flight Dynamics Department,ONERA,Toulouse,France,2Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience,University College London,United KingdomAbstractPrevious studies have shown that the perceived times of voluntary actions and their effects are perceived as shifted towards each other,so that the interval between action and outcome seems shortened.This has been referred to as‘intentional binding’(IB).However,the generality of this effect remains unclear.Here we demonstrate that Intentional Binding also occurs in complex control ing an aircraft supervision task with different autopilot settings,our results first indicated a strong relation between measures of IB and different levels of system automation.Second,measures of IB were related to explicit agency judgement in this applied setting.We discuss the implications for the underlying mechanisms, and for sense of agency in automated environments.Citation:Berberian B,Sarrazin J-C,Le Blaye P,Haggard P(2012)Automation Technology and Sense of Control:A Window on Human Agency.PLoS ONE7(3): e34075.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034075Editor:Manos Tsakiris,Royal Holloway,University of London,United KingdomReceived December5,2011;Accepted February21,2012;Published March30,2012Copyright:ß2012Berberian et al.This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author and source are credited.Funding:The authors have no support or funding to report.Competing Interests:The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.*E-mail:bruno.berberian@onera.frIntroductionAutomation and feeling of controlWe live in an increasingly technological world.Automated systems certainly can make life easier,but can also create complexity and uncertainty.For example,the important role of automation aids in aviation can lead pilots to the following important question:‘‘who is in control now?’’[1].More particularly,the interposition of more and more automation between pilot and aircraft tends to distance pilots from many details of the flying,decreasing their feeling of control[2]. Measuring the feeling of control may be important in evaluating different automated devices,and may also be relevant to evaluating pilot performance.It follows that better measurement and psychological understanding of the human sense of control could contribute to better automatic system design.On the other hand,studying complex control situations,like human interactions with automated devices,may improve our under-standing of cognitive mechanisms that underlie the feeling of control.Quantifying human agencyWhen we act,we usually have a clear feeling that we control our own action and can thus produce effects in the external environment.This feeling has been described as‘‘the sense of agency’’[3],and is recognised as an important part of normal and human consciousness.However,the sense of agency has proved difficult to quantify,and its basis and limits remain unclear. Central to the sense of agency is temporal contiguity between one’s action and the resultant effects[4–6].Interestingly,the reverse seems also true:human intentional actions produce systematic changes in time perception.In particular,the interval between a voluntary action and an outcome is perceived as shorter than the the same outcome event.This phenomenon,called intentional binding[7],may provide an implicit window into human agency. Intentional binding has been widely reported[8–14].Several questions remain about the factors that produce a sense of agency.For example,agency comes by degrees:one can feel more or less in control.This variation is particularly clear when using machines.The feeling of control varies quite subtly as the relation between operator inputs and machine response[2],[15], [16].However,previous tasks relied either on explicit binary judgements of agency vs.non-agency in self-other discrimination paradigms[17],or on contrasting binding between entirely voluntary and entirely involuntary situations[7].Finally,interac-tions with complex machinery are clearly one area where sense of agency is important,but may be difficult to achieve:surprisingly no study,as far as we know,has investigated sense of agency in such applied settings.We therefore explored sense of agency in a complex setting involving flying an aircraft with various degrees of autopilot ing both implicit(intentional binding)and explicit (verbal reports)measures of agency,we demonstrate that degree of automation influences both measures.Our results validate intentional binding as a measure of sense of agency,identify the conditions for experiencing agency in automation settings,and suggest new measures for quantifying human experience of control over critical machinery.MethodsEthics StatementAll participants signed a written declaration of informed consent.The procedure was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki,but no specific ethical approval was obtained considering that ONERA has no Institutional ReviewParticipantsThirteen participants(4females;mean age of32years)from the french aerospace lab took part.Participants were naive to the purposes of the manipulation,had normal or corrected-to-normal vision and no particular expertise in controlling an aircraft. Materials and apparatusThe simulator(see Fig.1)included a navigation display(22-in screen)including the navigation of the aircraft in the horizontal plane and the surrounding traffic.An adjacent monitor(17-in touch screen)showed an autopilot interface,and allowed the participant to change the aircraft’s horizontal trajectory in case of conflict,such as being too close to another aircraft.Moreover,a scale below the autopilot interface enabled recording of partici-pants’responses to agency questions(see later).Thus,the autopilot interface allowed the participant to choose and then execute actions,in a manner analogous to the keypresses in a standard agency experiment.The navigation display showed the effect of the executed action as a visual representation of aircraft heading. Design and procedureThe participants’task was to track the progress of their aircraft on a predefined flight path and intervene as the situation required. In particular,when another aircraft appeared on the flight path, the participant had to perform an appropriate command(see later) to change their aircraft’s heading direction using the autopilot interface.The sequence of events on each trial was as follows(see Fig.2). At the beginning of each trial,participants supervised the navigation of the aircraft on the flight plan.(1)After a randomized short interval,a conflict appeared due to presence of an obstacle (another aircraft)on their path.The participant detected the conflict by a red circle around the obstacle.(2)The participant decided an appropriate heading command,(3)implemented it using a scroll wheel on the interface,and(4)finally executed it by pressing an engagement button.Importantly,the action was effective only after the participant’s engagement of the command. This engagement was marked by the appearance of a green light on the interface coupled to a short sound.(5)After a controlled temporal delay,feedback concerning the success of the action engaged was sent to the participants:a green message‘‘resolved’’plus a sound if successful action;a red message‘‘not resolved’’with a different sound if not.(6)After each trial,and whatever the success of the command engaged,participants had to estimate on a scale from0s to3s the temporal delay perceived between the keypress to engage their command and the appearance of the visual feedback(‘‘conflict resolved’’or‘‘conflict not resolved’’).In the Full Automated Control condition(see below),where participants did not make a keypress,they judged the time between the appearance of the green‘engagement’light plus accompanying sound and the conflict resolution feedback.They were told that the possible range of delays was between1ms and 2999ms.In fact,only three Action/Effect delays(750ms, 1500ms,and2250ms)were presented,in a random order.In order to meet the task requirement,participants had automation tools to predict conflicts with the surrounding traffic, alert humans of this conflict,and provide commands or guidance to resolve the conflict.In order to study how level of automation affect the sense of agency,automation level was varied between block of trials.In accordance with an established classification [18],four different levels of automation were tested(see Fig.3) with,from the least automated condition to the more automated condition:–The Full Operator Control(FOC)condition:conflict detection was automatic;Heading decision,implementation of the decision, and engagement of the adjusted heading command were performed by the participant;–The condition:conflict detection and heading decision were automatic(navigation display indicated a new heading direction which would avoid the conflict);Implementation of the indicated heading using the scroll wheel,and engagement of this decision using the keypress were performed by the participant;–The Automatic decision and implementation-Operator engagement(ADI-OE)condition:conflict detection,heading decision and imple-mentation of this decision were automatic;Engagement of the command was performed by the participant with a keypress;–the Full Automatic control(FAC)condition:Automation tools predicted the conflict,selected,implemented and engagedthe Figure1.Experimental set up with the navigation display on the left,and the autopilot interface on the right.adapted command (indicated by a sound coupled to a green light).The operator merely observed.Each participant performed four blocks of trials,each block of trials corresponding to one level of automation.The blocks were tested in random order.Within each block of trials,participants experienced 9trials (three for each Action/Effect delay tested,again in random order).Finally,at the end of each block of 9trials,participants made an explicit judgement of agency,by verbally reporting how strongly they felt that they caused the manoeuvre to avoid conflict,using a scale from 0(no causal involvement)to 3(strong causal involvement).ResultsIn this study,our primary concern is the relationship between level of automation and our two measures of sense of agency:the perceived duration of intervals between actions and effects and the explicit judgement of causal control.Temporal judgementEach participant made 3temporal judgments for each combination of Automation Level and Action/Effect delay .Participants’mean temporal judgments served as the primary units of analysis.We performed a 4*3ANOVA with Action/Effect delay (750,1500,2250ms)and Automation level (FOC,AD-OIE,ADI-OE and FAC )as within subject factors.There was a significant main effect of Action/Effect delay ,F(2,24)=209.68;p ,.01.,g p 2=.95(see Fig.4).Post-hoc analysis revealed that the interval estimates increased monotonically with the actual interval:the longer the actual action delay was,the longer the action-effect interval was perceived (all p s ,.01).These results indicate that participants were able to track the physical variation of the interval.More interestingly,there was also a significant main effect of Automation level ,F (3,36)=26.154;p ,.01,g p 2=.69(see Fig.5).Post-hoc analysis revealed that interval estimates increased monotonically with the level of automation:the more thesystemFigure 2.Typical sequence of events for one trial.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034075.g002Figure 3.Automation level and cognitive processes in our aircraft navigation task.The red text indicates functions performed by the human operator and black text indicates function performed automatically by the system.was automated,or the less it relied on participant’s actual control,the longer the action-effect interval was perceived(all p s,.01).These results indicate that IB is sensitive to levels of automation,with increasing automation leading to a higher interval estimates,which we interpret as a gradual decrease in sense of agency.Finally,the effect of Automation Level was modulated by the Action/Effect delay,as demonstrated by the significant two-way interaction between these factors:F(6,72)=8.457;p,.01, g p2=.42.Post-hoc analysis reveals that interval estimates from the medium and large Action/Effect delays were strongly modulated by the automation level(p,.01),whilst estimates from the small Action/effect delays were not significantly modulated (p..01)(see Fig.4).Explicit Judgement of AgencyEach participant returned one judgment of agency per Automation Level(see Fig.5).A repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant influence of Automation Level,F(3,36) =46,204;p,.01,g p2=.79.Post hoc analysis shows that judgement of causality decreased monotonically with the level of automation(all p s,.01).As expected,explicit judgements of agency follow the facts of agency.But this is not completely trivial, as judgements of agency frequently do not follow actual control in situations where agency is ambiguous[19],[20].Finally,we correlated the mean binding effect and the explicit judgement of agency across the four levels of automation for each individual subject.We then tested the resulting r(3) correlation coefficients for the group of all13subjects against 0.Correlation between authorship and binding effects was negative and significant(Mean r=20.84,SD=0.105, t(12)=228.821,p,.001),indicating that as actual levels of control were varied,changes in intentional binding closely tracked explicit judgements of agency.This finding boosts the use of intentional binding as an implicit window into human DiscussionIn this experiment,we explored intentional binding in a rich and complex situation involving flying an aircraft with various degrees of autopilot assistance.Our study yielded three important results.First,we observed a strong relation between measures of IB and different levels of system automation.Second,our data revealed a gradual increase in temporal estimation with the increasing level of automation.The more the system was automated,the longer the action-effect interval was perceived. Third,the effect of automation level on intentional binding was dependent on the actual action-effect delays.There was a strong effect of automation level on binding for medium and large action-effect intervals and no effect for small action-effect intervals.Such findings have important implications concerning the precise conditions under which the intentional binding effect occurs: intentional binding is an empirically robust phenomenon that occurs in complex control situations,is sensitive to graded variations in actual level of control,and is task dependent.We now discuss these in turn.Robustness of the binding effectOur findings confirm the interest of the intentional binding as implicit measure of agency.First,we provide evidence that quantitative changes in binding are strongly associated with progressive changes in actual level of control,and also with quantitative changes in explicit ratings of agency(but see[9]). Second,we replicate the basic binding effect in a situation with high face-validity,in which action-event sequences paralleled those that participants might meet in their everyday lives. Interactions with machines regularly involve sending a com-mand to a system,and monitoring the system response,and we regularly feel a sense of controlling how the machine behaves in such situations.Our data thus lend external validity to intentional binding.They confirm that temporal distortionsFigure4.Modulation of interval estimates by actual interval between action and effect for each automation level.Stars represent significant effects(p,.01).doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034075.g004binding may be a useful measure in future cognitive engineering studies.Binding by degreesOur results reveal a gradual increase of interval estimates with the increasing level of automation.In contrast,many previous studies of agency have relied on binary agency-attribution judgements[21].In binary agency-attribution,judgements of agency may depend on a match between predicted and actual effects,leading to a simple‘me’vs.‘not me’decision[22].Our finding of binding by degrees goes beyond a simple compare and decide model.Instead,our results suggest that several features of the way in which intentions guide and sustain action contribute to the experience of acting,and the sense of control.In particular,in our task participants always judged the interval between command engagement and conflict resolution.However,we found that the amount of operator involvement in processing stages preceding the command engagement,such as decision and implementation of the heading adjustment,strongly influenced interval estimates.Thus,specific subprocesses of intentional control may be relevant for sense of agency.For example, processes that generate and select between action alternatives may also contribute to the sense of control over action outcomes (see also[23]).In contrast,previous work emphasised the role of retrospective comparison of intended and actual outcomes in agency judgements[24],[25].More generally,our result suggests action selection,planning and intention realisation may all contribute to sense of agency.In this way,our results are consistent with recent arguments that sense of agency is based on Binding effect and time constraintsOur results suggest that temporal binding is not present for the shortest interval tested here(750ms).Other studies have suggested that longer action–outcome intervals were associated with reduced binding[7],[9],[27].Here we show that very short intervals could also decrease the intentional binding effect.Interestingly,the short interval tested here corresponds to a large interval in previous studies[9],suggesting this is unlikely to be simply a floor effect. The complex nature of the actions and their effects in our device may explain the preferential binding over longer intervals.We propose that temporal contiguity is task dependent and that intentional binding occurs in a specific‘‘window of opportunity’’which may vary across tasks,and may also depend on the range of action-effect delays experienced in a given setting.Operant learning is similarly sensitive to the natural time delays of the system linking actions to effects,even for systems as familiar as one’s own body.For example,when rats learn to avoid eating food associated with illness,the optimal delay between eating and illness is not the shortest possible delay,but a delay consistent with their normal digestive operation[28].ConclusionWe found a distortion of time perception in the control of complex machinery,which adds to a growing literature on sense of agency.Our findings are significant in four ways:First, demonstration of binding effects in a richer and more complex paradigm provides external validity for intentional binding. Second,we show agreement between implicit binding measures of sense of agency,and explicit agency judgement,in such aFigure5.Modulation of interval estimates and explicit judgement of agency by automation level. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034075.g005occurs over temporal windows between action and effect that are longer than those studied previously(see also[11],[29]),according to the significant features of the given task.Fourth,we show that intentional binding measures are sensitive to graded variations in actual and subjective control associated with automation.The link between automation and sense of agency holds promise for future applications.From a cognitive engineering viewpoint,the ability to measure sense of agency quantitatively is important,since it allows sense of agency to be used as a measure in evaluating operator experience.In future research,we will test whether systems that produce stronger subjective sense of agency also produce better performance.When we get on an airplane,we believe(and hope!)that the pilot feels in personal control of the aircraft.Our results offer the interesting possibility of testing whether this is actually true.In a next step,our work could provide guidelines regarding how to boost this feeling of control,and could assess whether feeling of control are related to actual levels of performance in controlling the aircraft.Author ContributionsConceived and designed the experiments:BB JCS PLB PH.Performed the experiments:BB.Analyzed the data:BB PH.Contributed reagents/ materials/analysis tools:BB JCS PLB PH.Wrote the paper:BB JCS PLB PH.References1.Baron S(1988)Pilot control.In:Wiener EL,Nagel DC,eds.Human factors inaviation.San Diego,CA:Academic Press.pp347–386.2.Norman DA(1990)The‘problem’with automation:Inappropriate feedbackand interaction,not‘over-automation’.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London,B327.3.Gallagher S(2000)Philosophical concepts of the self:implications for cognitivesciences.Trends in 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