IQ 英文ppt
智商是用来反映一个人智力水平的比值,它体 现了一个人的观察力、注意力、记忆力、思维力、 想象力等方面。1916年特曼首次推出了一个公式, 他认为智商=智龄÷年龄×100。中国科技大学叶国 华在1995年提出一种新的原则,把智力优势表现在 记忆和思维两个方面,主要指记忆占40分,观察占 20分,思维占60分。
情商(EQ)是Emotional Quotient的缩 写 ,情商又称情绪智力,是近年来心理学
家们提出的与智力和智商相对应的概念。它 主要是指人在情绪、情感、意志、耐受挫折 等方面的品质。总的来讲,人与人之间的情 商并无明显的先天差别,更多与后天的培养 息息相关。
情商EQ形成于婴幼儿时期,成型于儿童和青少年 阶段,它主要是在后天的人际互动中培养起来的。青 春期是一个人的黄金时代,因为这是一个人走向成人 的一个过渡时期。在这个时期,其学习和发展任务是 非常重要的。但是,中学生由于面临着生理上、心理 上的急剧变化,还有学业上的巨大的压力,这些,都 会使现代中学生造成心理失衡和复杂的心理矛盾,甚 至产生种种不良的后果。据一份22个城市的调查报告 显示,实际上我国中学生中有各种心理问题者达15% 一20%,表现形式以亲子矛盾、伙伴关系紧张、厌学 和学习困难、考试焦虑等现象为多。这些问题的发生 大多与学生的自我控制能力有关,多是源于其心中时 常涌出的各种非理性情绪。而提升EQ水平最快捷、最 有效的方法是心理训练。
情商和智商虽然都与遗传因素、环境因素有 关,但是,它们与遗传、环境因素的关系是有 所区别的。智商与遗传因素的关系远大于社会 环境因素。根据调查结果,约70—80%智力差 异源于遗传基因,20—30%的智力差异系受到 不同的环境影响所致。”情商的形成和发展, 先天的因素也是存在的。例如,“人类的基本 表情通见于全人类,具有跨文化的一致性。”
Unit 13 lesson 1 EQ:IQ 教学课件
7. end up v. to be in the end(in the stated place,
condition, etc.) 最后成为(处于)
他最后成了公司的主管人. He ended up (as) head of the firm. 我们动身去北京, 可最后却去了新疆. We set off for Beijing, but ended up in Xinjiang. 一开始我们并不喜欢它,可最后我们却为之欢呼. We didn’t like it at first, but we ended up cheering.
or rank; (demote) 提升 (2). to bring goods to public notice in order to encourage people to buy; 推销货物 (3). To help in the growth or development of 促进 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉. The young army officer was promoted to ( the rank of) captain. 推销我厂新牙膏的一场大的广告宣传攻势. A big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste. 牛奶可增进健康. Milk promotes health.
3. matter: v. to be important (often in negatives) 重
要,要紧 我这次如果误了火车也没什么关系,因为稍后还有一趟车. It doesn’t matter to me if I miss my train, because there’s another one later. 他来不来有关系吗? Does it matter whether he will come or not ?
Unit 13 Lesson 1课件 EQ:IQ
Unit 13 People
Lesson 1 EQ:IQ
1.Test your IQ: 1. My uncle hasn’t slept for many days but he
isn’t tired at all. What’s his secret? (He sleeps at night.) 2. What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bones? (A glove.)
a=10, b=20, c= 10, d= 0
2. You are a gifted student who always gets As in exam. But you have just found out you got a C in a recent test. What do you do?
group. b) Give the members time to get to know each
other. c) Ask each member for ideas about how to solve
8. What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?
(Old age.)
If you can quickly answer most of the questions correctly, that means you have a good brain. In other words, you have a high IQ.
and then state your case as precisely as you
Lesson 1 EQ:IQ
1.Test your IQ: 1. My uncle hasn’t slept for many days but he
isn’t tired at all. What’s his secret? (He sleeps at night.) 2. What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bones? (A glove.)
a=10, b=20, c= 10, d= 0
2. You are a gifted student who always gets As in exam. But you have just found out you got a C in a recent test. What do you do?
group. b) Give the members time to get to know each
other. c) Ask each member for ideas about how to solve
8. What would George Washington be most famous for if he were alive today?
(Old age.)
If you can quickly answer most of the questions correctly, that means you have a good brain. In other words, you have a high IQ.
and then state your case as precisely as you
It’s my honor to do the Power Point (PPT)
Thank you 商务英语二班:王亚林
But,no photo of my father .
I think my dad is too handsome , you will be blind worship. (盲目崇拜)
•AQ(Adversity Quotient): A person’s ability to cope with setbacks (用于衡量一个人应 对挫折、逆境的能力)
AQ includes four aspects : · Control 控制感
· Origin&Ownership
· Reach
But, I don’t think so. I think that in addition to other Qs has no IQ,EQ,AQ.
MQ,DQ,FQ,WQ,SQ,HQ,CQ……Th ere are all own, just didn’t find my mother .
Dear, Do you know about Qs?
This is my second sister, In Korea, Dongguo university, junior(东国大学) this year. Her part-time job is plane model(平 面模特). I think her EQ is very high.
What about IQ ?
IQ( intelligence quotient ) is a score that shows a person’s level of intelligence. It consists of seven abilities. Powers of observation (观察力),attention the faculty of memory (记 忆力),thinking ability, imagination , analysis and judgment ability(分 析判断能力) and strain capacity (应变能力).
Thank you 商务英语二班:王亚林
But,no photo of my father .
I think my dad is too handsome , you will be blind worship. (盲目崇拜)
•AQ(Adversity Quotient): A person’s ability to cope with setbacks (用于衡量一个人应 对挫折、逆境的能力)
AQ includes four aspects : · Control 控制感
· Origin&Ownership
· Reach
But, I don’t think so. I think that in addition to other Qs has no IQ,EQ,AQ.
MQ,DQ,FQ,WQ,SQ,HQ,CQ……Th ere are all own, just didn’t find my mother .
Dear, Do you know about Qs?
This is my second sister, In Korea, Dongguo university, junior(东国大学) this year. Her part-time job is plane model(平 面模特). I think her EQ is very high.
What about IQ ?
IQ( intelligence quotient ) is a score that shows a person’s level of intelligence. It consists of seven abilities. Powers of observation (观察力),attention the faculty of memory (记 忆力),thinking ability, imagination , analysis and judgment ability(分 析判断能力) and strain capacity (应变能力).
pa pe pi po pu
猪: pig 雪梨:pear
que qui
passing Байду номын сангаасown
•Ii – big did fit gift hit
• jim kick lip mit nit • pig quick
• kot lot mop not
• Pp - pat pet pig pot pup
• qu - quat quest quick quot
• Good morning. • Good afternoon. • Good evening. • Good night.
The foundation of success lies in good habits
·学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去 战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折
Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal
la le li lo lu
锁: lock 嘴唇: lip
ma me mi mo mu
牛奶:milk 妈妈: mum
na ne ni no nu
Unit 7 Careers Lesson 1 EQ:IQ (教学课件)-高中英语北师大版
Understanding of EQ and IQ IQ stands for__In__te_l_li_g_e_n_c_e_Q__u_o_ti_e_n_t_. EQ stands for_E_m__o_ti_o_n_a_l_Q__u_o_t_ie_n.t Most students’ beliefs IQ:_i_s_w_h__a_t _d_e_te_r_m__in_e_s__h_o_w__w_e_l_l _th_e_y__a_r_e_g_o_i_n_g_t_o_d_o__i_n_l_if_e__. New research findings EQ:_s_u_c_c_e_s_s_is__n_o_t_s_im__p_l_y_t_h_e_r_e_s_u_l_t _o_f_a_h_i_g_h__IQ. Description of IQ and EQ IQ:_t_e_ll_s_h_o_w__i_n_te_l_li_g_e_n_t_y_o_u__a_r_e_________________________. EQ:_te_l_ls__h_o_w__w_e_ll__y_o_u_u_s_e_y_o_u__r_in__te_l_li_g_e_n_c_e_______________. Professor Salovey’s description of IQ and EQ at work__i_t_is__IQ___ _t_h_a_t_g_e_ts__y_o_u_e_m__p_l_o_y_ed__b_u_t_i_t_i_s_E_Q__t_h_a_t_g_e_t_s_y_o_u__p_r_o_m_o_t_e_d__.
1. Because they have a low EQ. 2. They have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations. 3. They are open to new ideas and have a positive attitude towards life, and they are less likely to be troubled by internal problems. 4. “People skills” refer to understanding and communication. 5. The people in Professor Mayer’s study changed by being more willing to help people with difficulties and by showing a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings. They also became more positive about life and more willing to try new things. 6. EQ is important because being successful in life requires being able to get on well with others and being able to understand and react to situations in the best possible way.
1. Because they have a low EQ. 2. They have problems getting on with other people and dealing with difficult situations. 3. They are open to new ideas and have a positive attitude towards life, and they are less likely to be troubled by internal problems. 4. “People skills” refer to understanding and communication. 5. The people in Professor Mayer’s study changed by being more willing to help people with difficulties and by showing a better understanding of the disabled students’ feelings. They also became more positive about life and more willing to try new things. 6. EQ is important because being successful in life requires being able to get on well with others and being able to understand and react to situations in the best possible way.
英语阅读ppt IQ
• In the past, the experts in brain intelligence quotient is inherent(与生俱 来的), impossible to upgrade(提 升). But this argument is outd ated(过时的).
• Recent studies show that human intelligence can be promoted(提 升) before the age of two.
By Dying Group
• A brief introduction of IQ(IQ简介) • Data about IQ • Can IQ upQ( intelligence quotient ) is a score that shows a person’s level of intelligence. • It consists of seven abilities. Powers of observation (观察 力),attention the faculty of memory (记忆力),thinking ability, imagination , analysis and judgment ability(分析判断能力) and strain capacity (应变能力).
• Even somebody is after two years old, his IQ can also promoted by eating to enhance(增强) IQ. Of course, it is a healthy eating habit, not to eat everything.
智商 ppt课件
通过解数学题、玩逻辑游 戏等方式,可以锻炼逻辑 思维和推理能力。
培养批判性思维,学会分 析问题、评估信息、推理 结论等技巧。
通过写作和辩论活动,训 练逻辑思考和表达能力。
通过记忆数字、图像、文字等练习,提高记忆能 力。
智商通常被定义为一个人在特定年龄段 内的智力水平,其值是一个相对的概念 ,用于比较不同个体在同一年龄段的智
智商测试通常包括语言推理、非语言推 理、数学能力、空间能力等方面的测试
智商的概念最早由心理学家阿尔弗雷 德·比奈(Alfred Binet)在1905年提 出,用于鉴别智力落后的儿童。
高握新知识和 技能,为企业创造更大的价值。
高智商的人通常具备更好的领导 能力,因为他们能够更好地分析 和解决问题,并能够更好地规划 和组织团队工作。
高智商的领导者通常具备更强的 战略思维能力,能够更好地制定 和实施企业战略,推动企业的发 展。
智力是一个多维度的概念,包括逻辑思维能力 、创造力、记忆力、注意力等多个方面,而智 商主要关注认知能力方面的测试和评估。
因此,智商高的人不一定在其他方面表现出色 ,同样,智商低的人也可能在其他方面具有天 赋和优势。
智力测试是一种标准化的评估工 具,用于测量一个人的认知能力
创造力测试的结果可以用来评估一个人的创造力和创新思维,以及在艺术、科学和 商业等领域的发展潜力。
A、不是的 的
• 17.我被朋友、同事起过绰号、挖苦过:________
A、从来没有 B、偶尔有过 有的事
• 18.有一种食物使我吃后呕吐:________
• 这是一组欧洲流行的测试题,共33题,测试时间25分钟。 如果你已经准备就绪,请开始计时。
• 1.我有能力克服各种困难:________
• A、是的 B、不一定
• 2.如果我能到一个新的环境,我要把生活安排得:__
• A、和从前相仿 B、不一定 C、和从前不一样
• 3.一生中,我觉得自已能达到我所预想的目标:___
11、 1 3 2 4 6 5 7 ( ) ,请写出“ ( ) ”处 的数字
12南之于西北正如西之于:A西北 B东北 C西南 D东南
13、找出不同类的一项 :A铁锅 B小勺 C米饭 D碟子
14、9 7 8 6 7 5 ( ),请写出“ ( ) ”处的数字
15、找出不同类的一项:A写字台 B沙发 C电视 D桌布
16、961 (25) 432 932 ( ) 731 ,请写出( )内
18、望子成龙的家长往往( )苗助长: A揠 B堰 C偃
19、填上空缺的词: 金黄的头发(黄山)刀山火海
赞美人生( )卫国战争
• A、是的 B、不一定 C、不是的
• 4.不知为什么,有些人总是回避或冷淡我:________
• A、不是的 B、不一定 C、是的
General Intelligence (g)
factor that Spearman and others believed underlies specific mental abilities
measured by every task on an intelligence test
defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested “standardization group”
Normal Curve
the symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes
verbal performance (nonverbal)
Assessing Intelligence: Sample Items from the WAIS
General Information Similarities Arithmetic Reasoning Vocabulary Comprehension Digit Span
Emotional Intelligence
ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions
Intelligence and Creativity
the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
factor that Spearman and others believed underlies specific mental abilities
measured by every task on an intelligence test
defining meaningful scores by comparison with the performance of a pretested “standardization group”
Normal Curve
the symmetrical bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many physical and psychological attributes
verbal performance (nonverbal)
Assessing Intelligence: Sample Items from the WAIS
General Information Similarities Arithmetic Reasoning Vocabulary Comprehension Digit Span
Emotional Intelligence
ability to perceive, express, understand, and regulate emotions
Intelligence and Creativity
the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
IQ 英文ppt
By group 6
IQ ?
• IQ(Intelligence Quotient)
• An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.
The uses...
• IQ scores are used in many contexts: as predictors of educational achievement or special needs, by social scientists who study the distribution of IQ scores in populations and the relationships between IQ score and other variables, and as predictors of job performance and income.
The origin...
The term "IQ", from the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early modern children's intelligence tests in the early 20th Century.
国内最好棋手-常昊: 世界围棋第一人-李昌镐: 达芬奇 莱布尼兹 亚里士多德 小布什 138 139 220 205 200 91
By group 6
IQ ?
• IQ(Intelligence Quotient)
• An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.
The uses...
• IQ scores are used in many contexts: as predictors of educational achievement or special needs, by social scientists who study the distribution of IQ scores in populations and the relationships between IQ score and other variables, and as predictors of job performance and income.
The origin...
The term "IQ", from the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early modern children's intelligence tests in the early 20th Century.
国内最好棋手-常昊: 世界围棋第一人-李昌镐: 达芬奇 莱布尼兹 亚里士多德 小布什 138 139 220 205 200 91
EQ and IQ 英文PPT课件
It was discovered that high IQ is more than 130 points . And low IQ is lower than 70 points. Nearly 80% people have the common IQ. (IQ between 80-120).
Ten Quotients
1.智商 2.情商 3.逆商 4.德商 5.胆商 6.财商 7.心商 8.志商 9.灵商 10.健商
1. intelligence quotient 2. emotional quotient 3. adversity quotient 4. moral quotient 5. daring quotient 6. financial quotient 7. mental quotient 8. will quotient 9. spiritual quotient 10. health quotient
"I'am Forrest,Forrest Gump!"
• Forrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and the muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything. But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire!
Achievement Test
a test designed to assess what a person has learned
Assessing Intelligence
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
most widely used intelligence test subtests
a condition of limited mental ability indicated by an intelligence score below 70 produces difficulty in adapting to the demands of life varies from mild to profound
The most genetically similar people have the most similar scores
Genetic Influences
the proportion of variation among individuals that we can attribute to genes variability depends on range of populations and environments studied
The Normal Curve
Getting Smarter?
Assessing Intelligence
the extent to which a test yields consistent results assessed by consistency of scores on:
粘液将壳口封住;当外壳损害致残时,它能分泌出某些物质修复肉体和外壳。具有很强的忍耐性。蜗牛具有惊人的生存能力,对冷、热、饥饿、干旱有很强 的忍耐性。喜恒温养殖。温度恒定在~8℃之间,生长发育和繁殖旺盛。蜗牛在爬行时,还会在地上留下一行粘液,这是它体内分泌出的一种液体,即使走在 刀刃上也不会有危险。 [] 分布范围 世界各地有蜗牛四万种,在我国各省区都有蜗牛分布,生活在森林、灌木、果园、菜园、农田、公园、庭园、寺庙、高 山、平地、丘陵等地阴暗潮湿地区。主要以植物茎叶、花果及根为食。是农业害虫之一,也是家畜、家禽某些寄生虫的中间宿主。 [] 主要种类 蜗牛是陆生 贝壳类软体动物,从旷古遥远的年代开始,蜗牛就已经生活在地球上。蜗牛的种类很多,约多种,遍步世界各地,仅我国便有数千种。我国有食用价值的约
to improve EQ.
叫气孔。它会把粪便排在自己的身上 ,通过腹足和粘液最终将粪便留在地上。 [] 蜗牛的外套膜腔会在壳口处形成个开口,称为“呼吸孔”,这是气体进出 的地方。仔细观察,呼吸孔常会一开一关,就像是蜗牛呼吸用的“鼻子”;而当蜗牛缩进壳内时,还是会将呼吸孔的开口留于壳口处以便呼吸。外套膜常在 足部或内脏团间,形成; 空包网 ;个与外界相通的空腔,称为“外套膜腔”。蜗牛的呼吸器官就藏于外套膜腔内,有时透 过蜗牛的壳,隐约可以见到壳底下密布的肺血管网,大多位于前侧,靠近头部的方向,这正是外套膜腔的位置。 [] 生长环境 蜗牛喜欢在阴暗潮湿、疏松多 腐殖质的环境中生活,昼伏夜出,最怕阳光直射,对环境反应敏感,最适合环境:温度~℃(~℃时,生长发育最快);空气湿度%~%;饲养土湿度%左 右; 蜗牛 蜗牛(7张) pH为~7。当温度低于℃,高于℃时休眠,低于℃或高于℃,则可能被冻死或热死。但是各种蜗牛各不相同。 [] 蜗牛喜欢钻入疏松的腐 殖土中栖息、产卵、调节体内湿度和吸取部分养料,时间可长达小时之久。杂食性和偏食性并存。喜潮湿怕水淹。在潮湿的夜间,并投入湿漉的食料,蜗牛
粘液将壳口封住;当外壳损害致残时,它能分泌出某些物质修复肉体和外壳。具有很强的忍耐性。蜗牛具有惊人的生存能力,对冷、热、饥饿、干旱有很强 的忍耐性。喜恒温养殖。温度恒定在~8℃之间,生长发育和繁殖旺盛。蜗牛在爬行时,还会在地上留下一行粘液,这是它体内分泌出的一种液体,即使走在 刀刃上也不会有危险。 [] 分布范围 世界各地有蜗牛四万种,在我国各省区都有蜗牛分布,生活在森林、灌木、果园、菜园、农田、公园、庭园、寺庙、高 山、平地、丘陵等地阴暗潮湿地区。主要以植物茎叶、花果及根为食。是农业害虫之一,也是家畜、家禽某些寄生虫的中间宿主。 [] 主要种类 蜗牛是陆生 贝壳类软体动物,从旷古遥远的年代开始,蜗牛就已经生活在地球上。蜗牛的种类很多,约多种,遍步世界各地,仅我国便有数千种。我国有食用价值的约
to improve EQ.
叫气孔。它会把粪便排在自己的身上 ,通过腹足和粘液最终将粪便留在地上。 [] 蜗牛的外套膜腔会在壳口处形成个开口,称为“呼吸孔”,这是气体进出 的地方。仔细观察,呼吸孔常会一开一关,就像是蜗牛呼吸用的“鼻子”;而当蜗牛缩进壳内时,还是会将呼吸孔的开口留于壳口处以便呼吸。外套膜常在 足部或内脏团间,形成; 空包网 ;个与外界相通的空腔,称为“外套膜腔”。蜗牛的呼吸器官就藏于外套膜腔内,有时透 过蜗牛的壳,隐约可以见到壳底下密布的肺血管网,大多位于前侧,靠近头部的方向,这正是外套膜腔的位置。 [] 生长环境 蜗牛喜欢在阴暗潮湿、疏松多 腐殖质的环境中生活,昼伏夜出,最怕阳光直射,对环境反应敏感,最适合环境:温度~℃(~℃时,生长发育最快);空气湿度%~%;饲养土湿度%左 右; 蜗牛 蜗牛(7张) pH为~7。当温度低于℃,高于℃时休眠,低于℃或高于℃,则可能被冻死或热死。但是各种蜗牛各不相同。 [] 蜗牛喜欢钻入疏松的腐 殖土中栖息、产卵、调节体内湿度和吸取部分养料,时间可长达小时之久。杂食性和偏食性并存。喜潮湿怕水淹。在潮湿的夜间,并投入湿漉的食料,蜗牛
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• • • •
• • • • • • • 正常人 中上水平 优秀水平 非常优秀水平 中下水平 临界状态水平 智力缺陷 90-109 110-119 120-139 140以上 80到89 70-79 69以下 50% 14.5% 10% 0.5% 25%
Some people...
The uses...
• IQ scores are used in many contexts: as predictors of educational achievement or special needs, by social scientists who study the distribution of IQ scores in populations and the relationships between IQ score and other variables, and as predictors of job performance and income.
国内最好棋手-常昊: 世界围棋第一人-李昌镐: 达芬奇 莱布尼兹 亚里士多德 小布什 138 139 220 205 200 91
The origin...
The term "IQ", from the German Intelligenz-Quotient, was coined by the German psychologist William Stern in 1912 as a proposed method of scoring early modern children's intelligence tests in the early 20th Century.
• 由法国的比奈(Alfred Binet,1857年- 1911年) 和他的学生所发明,他根据这套 测验的结果,将一般人的平均智商定为 100,而正常人的智商,根据这套测验, 大多在85到115之间。 计算公式为 IQ=100×MA/CA MA = 心智年龄 CA = 生理年龄 如果某人智龄与实龄相等,他的智商即 为100,标示其智力中等。
By group 6
Hale Waihona Puke hat'sIQ ?
• IQ(Intelligence Quotient)
• An intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.