数据结构与算法分析 第9章 答案 Larry Nyhoff 清华大学出版社
第八章选择题1. C2.A3.B4.C5.D6.B7.B8.A9.D 10.D 11.C 12.C填空题1.n、n+12. 43.8.25( 折半查找所在块 )4.左子树、右子树5.266.顺序、(n+1)/2、O(log2n)7.m-1、[m/2]-18.直接定址应用题1.进行折半查找时,判定树是唯一的,折半查找过程是走了一条从根节点到末端节点的路径,所以其最大查找长度为判定树深度[log2n]+1.其平均查找长度约为[log2n+1]-1.在二叉排序树上查找时,其最大查找长度也是与二叉树的深度相关,但是含有n个节点的二叉排序树不是唯一的,当对n个元素的有序序列构造一棵二叉排序树时,得到的二叉排序树的深度也为n,在该二叉树上查找就演变成顺序查找,此时的最大查找长度为n;在随机情况下二叉排序树的平均查找长度为1+4log2n。
3. 评价哈希函数优劣的因素有:能否将关键字均匀的映射到哈希表中,有无好的处理冲突的方法,哈希函数的计算是否简单等。
冲突的概念:若两个不同的关键字Ki和Kj,其对应的哈希地址Hash(Ki) =Hash(Kj),则称为地址冲突,称Ki和K,j为同义词。
(1)开放定址法(2)重哈希法(3)链接地址法4.(1)构造的二叉排序树,如图(2)中序遍历结果如下:10 12 15 20 24 28 30 35 46 50 55 68(4)平均查找长度如下:ASLsucc = (1x1+2x2+3x3+4x3+5x3)/12 = 41/128.哈希地址如下:H(35) = 35%11 = 2H(67) = 67%11 = 1H(42) = 42%11 = 9H(21) = 21%11 = 10H(29) = 29%11 = 7H(86) = 86%11 = 9H(95) = 95%11 = 7H(47) = 47%11 = 3H(50) = 50%11 = 6H(36) = 36%11 = 3H(91) = 91%11 = 3第九章选择题1. D2.C3.B4.D5.C6.B7.A8.A9.D 10.D填空题1.插入排序、交换排序、选择排序、归并排序2.移动(或者交换)3.归并排序、快速排序、堆排序4.保存当前要插入的记录,可以省去在查找插入位置时的对是否出界的判断5.O(n)、O(log2n)6.直接插入排序或者改进了的冒泡排序、快速排序7.Log2n、n8.完全二叉树、n/29.1510.{12 38 25 35 50 74 63 90}应用题11.(1)Shell排序(步长为5 3 1)每趟的排序结果初始序列为100 87 52 61 27 170 37 45 61 118 14 88 32步长为5的排序14 37 32 61 27 100 87 45 61 118 170 88 52步长为3的排序结果14 27 32 52 37 61 61 45 88 87 170 100 118步长为1的排序结果14 27 32 37 45 52 61 61 87 88 100 118最后结果14 27 32 37 45 52 61 61 87 88 100 118 170(2)快速排序每趟的排序结果如图初始序列100 87 52 61 27 170 37 45 61 118 14 88 32第一趟排序[32 87 52 61 27 88 37 45 61 14]100[118 170]第二趟排序[14 27]32[61 52 88 37 45 61 87]100 118[170]第三趟排序14[27]32[45 52 37]61[88 61 87]100 118[170]第四趟排序14[27]32[37]45[52]61[87 61]88 100 118[170]第五趟排序14[27]32[37]45[52]61[87 61]88 100 118[170]最后结果14[27]32[37]45[52]61[61]87 88 100 118[170](3)二路归并排序每趟的排序结果初始序列[100][87][52][61][27][170][37][45][61][118][14][88][32]第一趟归并[87 100][52 61][27 170][37 45][61 118][14 88][32]第二趟归并[52 61 87 100][27 37 45 170][14 61 88 118][32]第三趟归并排序[27 37 45 52 61 87 100 170][14 32 61 88 118]第四趟归并排序[14 27 32 37 45 52 61 61 87 88 100 118 170]最后结果14 27 32 37 45 52 61 61 87 88 100 118 17012.采用快速排序时,第一趟排序过程中的数据移动如图:算法设计题1.分析:为讨论方便,待排序记录的定义为(后面各算法都采用此定义):#define MAXSIZE 100 /* 顺序表的最大长度,假定顺序表的长度为100 */ typedef int KeyType; /* 假定关键字类型为整数类型 */typedef struct {KeyType key; /* 关键字项 */OtherType other; /* 其他项 */}DataType; /* 数据元素类型 */typedef struct {DataType R[MAXSIZE+1]; /* R[0]闲置或者充当哨站 */int length; /* 顺序表长度 */}sqList; /* 顺序表类型 */设n个整数存储在R[1..n]中,因为前n-2个元素有序,若采用直接插入算法,共要比较和移动n-2次,如果最后两个元素做一个批处理,那么比较次数和移动次数将大大减小。
第九章查找一、选择题1•若查找每个记录的概率均等,则在具有n 个记录的连续顺序文件中采用顺序查找法查找一个记录,其平均查找长度ASL 为()。
A .(n-1)/2B.n/2C.(n+1)/2D.n 2. 下面关于二分查找的叙述正确的是()A. 表必须有序,表可以顺序方式存储,也可以链表方式存储C.表必须有序,而且只能从小到大排列B. 表必须有序且表中数据必须是整型,实型或字符型D.表必须有序,且表只 能以顺序方式存储3. 用二分(对半)查找表的元素的速度比用顺序法() A. 必然快B.必然慢C.相等D.不能确定4. 具有12个关键字的有序表,折半查找的平均查找长度()A.3.1B.4C.2.5D.55.当采用分块查找时,数据的组织方式为()A. 数据分成若干块,每块内数据有序B. 数据分成若干块,每块内数据不必有序,但块间必须有序,每块内最大(或最小)的数据组成索引块C. 数据分成若干块,每块内数据有序,每块内最大(或最小)的数据组成索引块D. 数据分成若干块,每块(除最后一块外)中数据个数需相同6. 二叉查找树的查找效率与二叉树的((1))有关,在((2))时其查找效率最低(1) :A.高度B.结点的多少C.树型D.结点的位置(2) :A.结点太多B.完全二叉树C.呈单枝树D.结点太复杂。
7. 对大小均为n 的有序表和无序表分别进行顺序查找,在等概率查找的情况下,对于查找失败,它们的平均查找长度是((1)),对于查找成功,他们的平均查找长度是((2))供选择的答案:A.相同的B.不同的9.分别以下列序列构造二叉排序树,与用其它三个序列所构造的结果不同的是()A .(100,80,90,60,120,110,130)B.(100,120,110,130,80,60,90) C. (100,60,80,90,120,110,130)D.(100,80,60,90,120,130,110)10. 在平衡二叉树中插入一个结点后造成了不平衡,设最低的不平衡结点为A,并已知A 的左孩子的平衡因子为0右孩子的平衡因子为1,则应作()型调整以使其平衡。
( ×)6、快速排序总比简单排序快。
( ×)二、单项选择题1.在已知待排序文件已基本有序的前提下,效率最高的排序方法是(A)。
A.直接插入排序B.直接选择排序C.快速排序D.归并排序2.下列排序方法中,哪一个是稳定的排序方法?(B)A.直接选择排序B.折半插入排序C.希尔排序D.快速排序3、比较次数与排序的初始状态无关的排序方法是( B)。
A.直接插入排序B.起泡排序(时间复杂度O(n2))C.快速排序D.简单选择排序4、对一组数据(84,47,25,15,21)排序,数据的排列次序在排序的过程中的变化为(1)84 47 25 15 21 (2)15 47 25 84 21 (3)15 21 25 84 47 (4)15 21 25 47 84 则采用的排序是( A)。
A. 选择B. 冒泡C. 快速D. 插入5、快速排序方法在(D)情况下最不利于发挥其长处。
A. 要排序的数据量太大B. 要排序的数据中含有多个相同值C. 要排序的数据个数为奇数D. 要排序的数据已基本有序6、用某种排序方法对线性表{25,84,21,47,15,27,68,35,20}进行排序,各趟排序结束时的结果为:(基准)20,21,15,25,84,27,68,35,47(25)15,20,21,25,47,27,68,35,84(左20右47)15,20,21,25,35,27,47,68,84(左35右68)15,20,21,25,27,35,47,68,84 ;则采用的排序方法为(C)。
Chapter 5:Hashing5.1(a)On the assumption that we add collisions to the end of the list (which is the easier way if a hash table is being built by hand),the separate chaining hash table that results is shown here.4371132361734344419996791989123456789(b)96794371198913236173434441990123456789-25-w w w .k h d a w .com课后答案网(c)96794371132361734344198941990123456789(d)1989cannot be inserted into the table because hash 2(1989)=6,and the alternative locations 5,1,7,and 3are already taken.The table at this point is as follows:4371132361739679434441991234567895.2When rehashing,we choose a table size that is roughly twice as large and prime.In our case,the appropriate new table size is 19,with hash function h (x ) = x (mod 19).(a)Scanning down the separate chaining hash table,the new locations are 4371in list 1,1323in list 12,6173in list 17,4344in list 12,4199in list 0,9679in list 8,and 1989in list 13.(b)The new locations are 9679in bucket 8,4371in bucket 1,1989in bucket 13,1323in bucket 12,6173in bucket 17,4344in bucket 14because both 12and 13are already occu-pied,and 4199in bucket 0.-26-w ww .k h d a w.com课后答案网(c)The new locations are 9679in bucket 8,4371in bucket 1,1989in bucket 13,1323in bucket 12,6173in bucket 17,4344in bucket 16because both 12and 13are already occu-pied,and 4199in bucket 0.(d)The new locations are 9679in bucket 8,4371in bucket 1,1989in bucket 13,1323in bucket 12,6173in bucket 17,4344in bucket 15because 12is already occupied,and 4199in bucket 0.5.4We must be careful not to rehash too often.Let p be the threshold (fraction of table size)atwhich we rehash to a smaller table.Then if the new table has size N ,it contains 2pN ele-ments.This table will require rehashing after either 2N − 2pN insertions or pN deletions.Balancing these costs suggests that a good choice is p = 2/ 3.For instance,suppose we have a table of size 300.If we rehash at 200elements,then the new table size is N = 150,and we can do either 100insertions or 100deletions until a new rehash is required.If we know that insertions are more frequent than deletions,then we might choose p to be somewhat larger.If p is too close to 1.0,however,then a sequence of a small number of deletions followed by insertions can cause frequent rehashing.In the worst case,if p = 1.0,then alternating deletions and insertions both require rehashing.5.5(a)Since each table slot is eventually probed,if the table is not empty,the collision can beresolved.(b)This seems to eliminate primary clustering but not secondary clustering because all ele-ments that hash to some location willtry the same collision resolution sequence.(c,d)The running time is probably similar to quadratic probing.The advantage here is thatthe insertion can’t fail unless the table is full.(e)A method of generating numbers that are not random (or even pseudorandom)is given in the references.An alternative is to use the method in Exercise chaining hashing requires the use of pointers,which costs some memory,and thestandard method of implementing calls on memory allocation routines,which typically are expensive.Linear probing is easily implemented,but performance degrades severely as the load factor increases because of primary clustering.Quadratic probing is only slightly more difficult to implement and gives good performance in practice.An insertion can fail if the table is half empty,but this is not likely.Even if it were,such an insertion would be so expensive that it wouldn’t matter and would almost certainly point up a weakness in the hash function.Double hashing eliminates primary and secondary clustering,but the compu-tation of a second hash function can be costly.Gonnet and Baeza-Yates [8]compare several hashing strategies;their results suggest that quadratic probing is the fastest method.5.7Sorting the MN records and eliminating duplicates would require O (MN log MN )timeusing a standard sorting algorithm.If terms are merged by using a hash function,then the merging time is constant per term for a total of O (MN ).If the output polynomial is small and has only O (M + N )terms,then it is easy to sort it in O ((M + N )log (M + N ))time,which is less than O (MN ).Thus the total is O (MN ).This bound is better because the model is less restrictive:Hashing is performing operations on the keys rather than just com-parison between the keys.A similar bound can be obtained by using bucket sort instead of a standard sorting algorithm.Operations such as hashing are much more expensive than comparisons in practice,so this bound might not be an improvement.On the other hand,if the output polynomial is expected to have only O (M + N )terms,then using a hash table saves a huge amount of space,since under these conditions,the hash table needs only-27-w w w .k h d a w .c o m课后答案网O (M + N )space.Another method of implementing these operations is to use a search tree instead of a hash table;a balanced tree is required because elements are inserted in the tree with too much order.A splay tree might be particularly well suited for this type of a problem because it does well with sequential paring the different ways of solving the problem is a good programming assignment.5.8The table size would be roughly 60,000entries.Each entry holds 8bytes,for a total of 480,000bytes.5.9(a)This statement is true.(b)If a word hashes to a location with value 1,there is no guarantee that the word is in the dictionary.It is possible that it just hashes to the same value as some other word in the dic-tionary.In our case,the table is approximately 10%full (30,000words in a table of 300,007),so there is a 10%chance that a word that is not in the dictionary happens to hash out to a location with value 1.(c)300,007bits is 37,501bytes on most machines.(d)As discussed in part (b),the algorithm will fail to detect one in ten misspellings on aver-age.(e)A 20-page document would have about 60misspellings.This algorithm would be expected to detect 54.A table three times as large would still fit in about 100K bytes and reduce the expected number of errors to two.This is good enough for many applications,especially since spelling detection is a very inexact science.Many misspelled words (espe-cially short ones)are still words.For instance,typing them instead of then is a misspelling that won’t be detected by any algorithm.5.10To each hash table slot,we can add an extra field that we’ll call WhereOnStack, and we cankeep an extra stack.When an insertion is first performed into a slot,we push the address (or number)of the slot onto the stack and set the WhereOnStack field to point to the top of the stack.When we access a hash table slot,we check that WhereOnStack points to a valid part of the stack and that the entry in the (middle of the)stack that is pointed to by the WhereOn-Stack field has that hash table slot as an address.5.14(2)000000100000101100101011(2)01010001011000010110111101111111(3)100101101001101110011110(3)1011110110111110(2)110011111101101111110000000001010011100101110111-28-w w w .k hd a w.c o m 课后答案网。
数据结构 第9章答案
第9章 查找参考答案一、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 在数据的存放无规律而言的线性表中进行检索的最佳方法是 顺序查找(线性查找) 。
2. 线性有序表(a 1,a 2,a 3,…,a 256)是从小到大排列的,对一个给定的值k ,用二分法检索表中与k 相等的元素,在查找不成功的情况下,最多需要检索 8 次。
设有100个结点,用二分法查找时,最大比较次数是 7 。
3. 假设在有序线性表a[20]上进行折半查找,则比较一次查找成功的结点数为1;比较两次查找成功的结点数为 2 ;比较四次查找成功的结点数为 8 ;平均查找长度为 3.7 。
解:显然,平均查找长度=O (log 2n )<5次(25)。
但具体是多少次,则不应当按照公式)1(log 12++=n nn ASL 来计算(即(21×log 221)/20=4.6次并不正确!)。
因为这是在假设n =2m -1的情况下推导出来的公式。
应当用穷举法罗列:全部元素的查找次数为=(1+2×2+4×3+8×4+5×5)=74; ASL =74/20=3.7 !!!4.【计研题2000】折半查找有序表(4,6,12,20,28,38,50,70,88,100),若查找表中元素20,它将依次与表中元素 28,6,12,20 比较大小。
5. 在各种查找方法中,平均查找长度与结点个数n 无关的查找方法是 散列查找 。
6. 散列法存储的基本思想是由 关键字的值 决定数据的存储地址。
7. 有一个表长为m 的散列表,初始状态为空,现将n (n<m )个不同的关键码插入到散列表中,解决冲突的方法是用线性探测法。
如果这n 个关键码的散列地址都相同,则探测的总次数是 n(n-1)/2=( 1+2+…+n-1) 。
(而任一元素查找次数 ≤n-1)二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共27分)( B )1.在表长为n的链表中进行线性查找,它的平均查找长度为A. ASL=n; B. ASL=(n+1)/2;C. ASL=n +1; D. ASL≈log2(n+1)-1( A )2.【计研题2001】折半查找有序表(4,6,10,12,20,30,50,70,88,100)。
清华大学出版社数据结构(C++版)(第2版)课后习题答案最全整理第1 章绪论课后习题讲解1. 填空⑴()是数据的基本单位,在计算机程序中通常作为一个整体进行考虑和处理。
2. 选择题⑴顺序存储结构中数据元素之间的逻辑关系是由()表示的,链接存储结构中的数据元素之间的逻辑关系是由()表示的。
A 线性结构B 非线性结构C 存储位置D 指针【解答】C,D【分析】顺序存储结构就是用一维数组存储数据结构中的数据元素,其逻辑关系由存储位置(即元素在数组中的下标)表示;链接存储结构中一个数据元素对应链表中的一个结点,元素之间的逻辑关系由结点中的指针表示。
三. 判断题
1. 有 n 个元素依次进栈,则出栈序列有(n-1)/2 种。 F 2. 栈可以作为实现过程调用的一种数据结构。 T 3. 在栈满的情况下不能做进栈操作,否则将产生“上溢”。 T 4. 在循环队列中,front 指向队头元素的前一个位置,rear 指向队尾元素的位置,则队 满的条件是 front=rear。 F
数据结构与算法 习题册
课后习题部分 第一章 绪论 ......................................................................................................... 1 第二章 线性表...................................................................................................... 3 第三章 栈和队列 .................................................................................................. 5 第四章 串 ............................................................................................................. 8 第五章 数组和广义表 ......................................................................................... 10 第六章 树和二叉树 ............................................................................................ 13 第七章 图 ........................................................................................................... 16 第九章 查找 ....................................................................................................... 20 第十章 排序 ....................................................................................................... 23
void main()
{ BSTNode *bt;
KeyType k=3;
int a[]={5,2,1,6,7,4,8,3,9},n=9;
//创建《教程》中图 9.4(a)所示的二叉排序树
#define M 26 int H(char *s)
//求字符串 s 的哈希函数值
构造哈希表 void Hash(char *s[]) //
{ int i,j;
char HT[M][10]; for (i=0;i<M;i++)
HT[i][0]='\0'; for (i=0;i<N;i++) { j=H(s[i]);
//求每个关键字的位置 求 // s[i]的哈希函数值
while (1)
不冲突时 直接放到该处 { if (HT[j][0]=='\0') //
{ strcpy(HT[j],s[i]);
} for (i=0;i<M;i++)
else { path[i+1]=bt->key;
算法分析(第二版)清华大学出版社 部分习题的参考答案
1. A2. C3. C4. C5. C6. A
7. C8. D9. D10. C11. A12. CBBAA
1.A2. D3. A4. C5. A
6. B7. A8. B9. C10. D
1 X1=1 0 3 0 5 6 1 0 7
X3=1 0
8 9
• 该算法首先扩展上层结点,采用智能化的限界 函数,有利于大范围地剪枝; • 该算法处理活动结点时,只经过一次扩展即列 出所有子结点,而回溯算法每次只扩展一个子 结点,遍历的路径较长。所以效率较高。 • 较高的效率是以付出一定代价为基础的。
0 3
2 X2=1 4 X3=1 0 8 9 1 10 0 5 0 11 1
1 6 0 13
n=3,M=35,W=( 11,21,23),P=(2 1,31,33)
按FIFO方式从活 7 动结点表中选 A-结点进行扩 1 0 展,其搜索过 14 15 程为:
– 对状态结点的处理是跳跃式的。 – 算法要维护一个“活动结点表”。需占用较多的空 间
6.2 单源最短路径问题
1. 问题描述
下面以一个例子来说明单源最短路径问题:在下 图所给的有向图G中,每一边都有一个非负边权。要求 图G的从源顶点s到目标顶点t之间的最短路径。
6.2 单源最短路径问题
下图是用优先队列式分支限界法解有向图G的单源最 短路径问题产生的解空间树。其中,每一个结点旁边的 数字表示该结点所对应的当前路长。
顶点i和j间有边,且此 路径长小于原先从原点 到j的路径长
6.3 最小耗费搜索
设x是所有可行解集合A中的一个可行解,D(x)是找到x 所需要的耗费(如:当这个耗费与该解在T中的深度成正 比时,可以定义D(x)等于x的深度),要求找到一个可行 解x*,使得D(x*)=minD(x) (x∈A)。
算法与数据结构课后答案9-11章第9章集合一、基础知识题9.1 若对长度均为n 的有序的顺序表和无序的顺序表分别进行顺序查找,试在下列三种情况下分别讨论二者在等概率情况下平均查找长度是否相同?(1)查找不成功,即表中没有和关键字K 相等的记录;(2)查找成功,且表中只有一个和关键字K 相等的记录;(3)查找成功,且表中有多个和关键字K 相等的记录,要求计算有多少个和关键字K 相等的记录。
在n 个位置上均可能成功。
前者在某个位置上(1<=i<=n)查找成功时,和关键字K 相等的记录是连续的,而后者要查找完顺序表的全部记录。
9.2 在查找和排序算法中,监视哨的作用是什么?【解答】监视哨的作用是免去查找过程中每次都要检测整个表是否查找完毕,提高了查找效率。
9.3 用分块查找法,有2000项的表分成多少块最理想?每块的理想长度是多少?若每块长度为25 ,平均查找长度是多少?【解答】分成45块,每块的理想长度为45(最后一块长20)。
9.4 用不同的输入顺序输入n 个关键字,可能构造出的二叉排序树具有多少种不同形态? 【解答】 9.5 证明若二叉排序树中的一个结点存在两个孩子,则它的中序后继结点没有左孩子,中序前驱结点没有右孩子。
9.6 对于一个高度为h 的A VL 树,其最少结点数是多少?反之,对于一个有n 个结点的A VL 树,其最大高度是多少? 最小高度是多少?【解答】设以N h 表示深度为h 的A VL 树中含有的最少结点数。
数据结构第九、十章 作业答案
第九章 查找一、填空题1. 在数据的存放无规律而言的线性表中进行检索的最佳方法是 顺序查找(线性查找) 。
2. 线性有序表(a 1,a 2,a 3,…,a 256)是从小到大排列的,对一个给定的值k ,用二分法检索表中与k 相等的元素,在查找不成功的情况下,最多需要检索 8 次。
设有100个结点,用二分法查找时,最大比较次数是 7 。
3. 假设在有序线性表a[1..20]上进行折半查找,则比较一次查找成功的结点数为1;比较两次查找成功的结点数为 2 ;比较四次查找成功的结点数为 8 ,其下标从小到大依次是1,3,6,8,11,13,16,19______,平均查找长度为 3.7 。
解:显然,平均查找长度=O (log 2n )<5次(25)。
但具体是多少次,则不应当按照公式)1(log 12++=n n n ASL 来计算(即(21×log 221)/20=4.6次并不正确!)。
因为这是在假设n =2m -1的情况下推导出来的公式。
应当用穷举法罗列:全部元素的查找次数为=(1+2×2+4×3+8×4+5×5)=74; ASL =74/20=3.7 !!!4.折半查找有序表(4,6,12,20,28,38,50,70,88,100),若查找表中元素20,它将依次与表中元素 28,6,12,20 比较大小。
5. 在各种查找方法中,平均查找长度与结点个数n 无关的查找方法是 散列查找 。
6. 散列法存储的基本思想是由 关键字的值 决定数据的存储地址。
7. 有一个表长为m 的散列表,初始状态为空,现将n (n<m )个不同的关键码插入到散列表中,解决冲突的方法是用线性探测法。
如果这n 个关键码的散列地址都相同,则探测的总次数是 n(n-1)/2=( 1+2+…+n-1) 。
(而任一元素查找次数 ≤n-1)8、设一哈希表表长M 为100 ,用除留余数法构造哈希函数,即H (K )=K MOD P (P<=M ), 为使函数具有较好性能,P 应选( 97 )9、在各种查找方法中,平均查找长度与结点个数无关的是哈希查找法10、对线性表进行二分查找时,要求线性表必须以 顺序 方式存储,且结点按关键字有序排列。
数据结构课后习题答案第九章 查找
第九章9.1 若对大小均为n的有序顺序表和无序顺序表分别进行顺序查找,试在下列三种情况下分别讨论两者在等概率时平均查找长度是否相同?(1)查找不成功,即表中没有关键字等于给的值K的记录;(2)查找成功,且表中只有一个关键字等于给定值K的记录;(3)查找成功,且表中有若干关键字等于给定值K的记录,要求找出所有这些记录。
答:(1)相同,有序n+1; 无序n+1(2)相同,有序12n+;无序12n+(3)不相同,对于有序表,找到了第一个与K相同的元素后,只要再找到与K 不同的元素,即可停止查找;对于无序表,则要一直查找到最后一个元素。
9.3 画出对长度为10的有序表进行折半查找的判定树,并分别求其等概率时查找成功和查找不成功的ASL。
【解答】(1)算法int seqsearch(SeqList R,KeyType K){int i;R[n]=K; // 设置哨兵i=0;while (R[i].key<K)i++;if (R[i].key==K)return i% n;elsereturn 0;}(2)查找长度成功情况:ASL succ=(1+2+3+……+n)/n=(n+1)/2失败情况:K<R[0].key时,比较1次,就终止查找;R[0].key<K< R[1].key时,比较2次,就终止查找;R[1].key<K< R[2].key时,比较3次,就终止查找;…R[n-2].key<K< R[n-1].key时,比较n次,就终止查找;R[n-1].key<K时,比较n+1次,就终止查找;所以ASL unsucc=((1+2+3+……+n+(n+1))/(n+1)=(n+2)/2。
第九章查找 习题解答9.5 画出对长度为10的有序表进行折半查找的判定树,并求其等概率时查找成功的平均查找长度。
解:求得的判定树如下: 57109643182ASL 成功=(1+2*2+4*3+3*4)/10 =2.99.9 已知如下所示长度为12的表(Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec )(1)试按表中元素的顺序依次插入一查初始为空的二叉排序树,画出插入完成之后的二叉排序树,并求其在等概率的情况下查找成功的平均查找长度。
解:(1)求得的二叉排序树如下图所示:JanFeb MarApr Aug Dec June July MaySeptOctNov在等概率情况下查找成功的平均查找长度为:ASL 成功=(1+2*2+3*3+4*3+5*2+6*1)/12=42/12=3.5(2)分析:对表中元素进行排序后,其实就变成了对长度为12的有序表进行折半查找了,那么在等概率的情况下的平均查找长度只要根据折半查找的判定树就很容易求出。
长度为12的有序表进行折半查找的判定树如下图所示:681211754193210所以可求出:ASL 成功=(1+2*2+4*3+5*4)/12=37/129.19 选取哈希函数H(k)=(3k) MOD 11。
用开放定址法处理冲突,di=i((7k)MOD 10+1)(i=1,2,3,…)。
解:因为H(22)=0;H(41)=2;H(53)=5;H(46)=6;H(30)=2;H 1(30)=3;H(13)=6;H 1(13)=8;H(01)=3;H 1(01)=0;H 2(01)=8;H 3(01)=5;H 4(01)=2;H 5(01)=10H(67)=3;H 1(67)=2;H 2(67)=1所以:构造的哈希表如下图所示:并求得等概率情况下查找成功的平均查找长度为:ASL 成功=(1*4+2*2+3+6)/8=17/89.21 在地址空间为0~16的散列区中,对以下关键字序列构造两哈希表: (Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec )(1)用线性探测开放定址法处理冲突;(2)用链地址法处理。
Mark Allen Weiss 数据结构与算法分析 课后习题答案9
(b) We define a pass of the algorithm as follows: Pass 0 consists of marking the start vertex as known and placing its adjacent vertices on the queue. For j > 0, pass j consists of marking as known all vertices on the queue at the end of pass j − 1. Each pass requires linear time, since during a pass, a vertex is placed on the queue at most once. It is easy to show by induction that if there is a shortest path from s to v containing k edges, then dv will equal the length of this path by the beginning of pass k . Thus there are at most | V | passes,
Next, send three units of flow along s, D, E, F, t. The residual graph that results is as follows: A 1 s 2 4 1 3 G 3 D 2 2 4 1 H 2 2 3 2 2 4 E 3 I B 2 2 3 1 C 1 F 4 4 3 t
giving an O ( | E | | V | ) bound. 9.8 See the comments for Exercise 9.19. 9.10 (a) Use an array Count such that for any vertex u , Count[u] is the number of distinct paths from s to u known so far. When a vertex v is marked as known, its adjacency list is traversed. Let w be a vertex on the adjacency list. If dv + cv ,w = dw , then increment Count[w] by Count[v] because all shortest paths from s to v with last edge (v ,w ) give a shortest path to w . If dv + cv ,w < dw , then pw and dw get updated. All previously known shortest paths to w are now invalid, but all shortest paths to v now lead to shortest paths for w , so set Count[w] to equal Count[v]. Note: Zero-cost edges mess up this algorithm. (b) Use an array NumEdges such that for any vertex u , NumEdges[u] is the shortest number of edges on a path of distance du from s to u known so far. Thus NumEdges is used as a tiebreaker when selecting the vertex to mark. As before, v is the vertex marked known, and w is adjacent to v . If dv + cv ,w = dw , then change pw to v and NumEdges[w] to NumEdges[v]+1 if NumEdges[v]+1 < NumEdges[w]. If dv + cv ,w < dw , then update pw and dw , and set NumEdges[w] to NumEdges[v]+1. 9.11 (This solution is not unique). First send four units of flow along the path s, G, H, I, t. This gives the following residual graph: A 1 s 2 4 G 4 2 2 4 3 D 1 H 2 2 3 2 2 4 E 3 I B 2 2 3 1 C 1 F 4 4 3 t
5.若表中的记录顺序存放在一个一维数组中,在等概率情况下顺序查找的平均查找长度为( )
6.对长度为4的顺序表进行查找,若第一个元素的概率为1/8,第二个元素的概率为1/4,第三个元素的概率为3/8,第四个元素的概率为1/4,则查找任一个元素的平均查找长度为( )
(Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
3.下面描述不正确的是( )
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Chapter 9: ADT Implementations: Templates and Standard Containers Exercises 9.3
template <typename DataType> DataType average(DataType a, DataType b) { return (a + b)/2; }
template <typename DataType> int search(DataType x[], int length, DataType target) { for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) if (x[index] == target) return index; return -1; } // index of -1 denotes not found
template <typename DataType> DataType max(DataType a, DataType b) { if (a > b) return a; else return b;
template <typename DataType> DataType median (DataType a, DataType b, DataType c) { DataType max = a, min = b; if (a < b) { max = b; min = a; } if (c > max) return max; else if (c < min) return min; else return c; }
/*-- ListT.h -----------------------------------------------------------This header file defines the data type List for processing lists. Basic operations are: Constructor empty: Check if list is empty insert: Insert an item erase: Remove an item display: Output the list <<: Output operator -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <iostream> #ifndef LISTT #define LISTT const int CAPACITY = 1024; template <typename ElementType> class List { public: /******** Function Members ********/ /***** Class constructor *****/ List(); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------Construct a List object. Precondition: None Postcondition: An empty List object has been constructed; mySize is 0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ – 97 –
– 96 –
Chapter 9
template <typename DataType> void arrayMaxMin(DataType x[], int length, DataType & min, DataType & max) { min = max = x[0]; for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (x[i] < min) min = x[i]; if (x[i] > max) max = x[i]; } }
// current size of list stored in myArray // array to store list elements
– 98 –
Chapter 9
//--- Definition of class constructor template <typename ElementType> inline List<ElementType>::List() : mySize(0) {} //--- Definition of empty() template <typename ElementType> inline bool List<ElementType>::empty() const { return mySize == 0; } //--- Definition of display() template <typename ElementType> inline void List<ElementType>::display(ostream & out) const { for (int i = 0; i < mySize; i++) out << myArray[i] << " "; } //--- Definition of output operator template <typename ElementType> inline ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const List<ElementType> & aList) { aList.display(out); return out; } //--- Definition of insert() template <typename ElementType> void List<ElementType>::insert(ElementType item, int pos) { if (mySize == CAPACITY) { cerr << "*** No space for list element -- terminating " "execution ***\n"; exit(1); } if (pos < 0 || pos > mySize) { cerr << "*** Illegal location to insert -- " << pos << ". List unchanged. ***\n"; return; } // First shift array elements right to make room for item for(int i = mySize; i > pos; i--) myArray[i] = myArray[i - 1]; // Now insert item at position pos and increase list size myArray[pos] = item; mySize++; }
Chapter 9
/***** empty operation *****/ bool empty() const; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------Check if a list is empty. Precondition: None Postcondition: true is returned if the list is empty, false if not. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /***** insert and erase *****/ void insert(ElementType item, int pos); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------Insert a value into the list at a given position. Precondition: item is the value to be inserted; there is room in the array (mySize < CAPACITY); and the position satisfies 0 <= pos <= mySize. Postcondition: item has been inserted into the list at the position determined by pos (provided there is room and pos is a legal position). ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void erase(int pos); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------Remove a value from the list at a given position. Precondition: The list is not empty and the position satisfies 0 <= pos < mySize. Postcondition: element at the position determined by pos has been removed (provided pos is a legal position). --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /***** output *****/ void display(ostream & out) const; /*------------------------------------------------------------------Display a list. Precondition: The ostream out is open. Postcondition: The list represented by this List object has been inserted into out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ private: /******** Data Members ********/ int mySize; ElementType myArray[CAPACITY]; }; //--- end of List class template //------ Prototype of output operator template <typename ElementType> ostream & operator<< (ostream & out, const List<ElementType> & lt;typename DataType> DataType arraySum(DataType x[], int length) { DataType sum = x[0]; for (int index = 1; index < length; index++) sum += x[index]; return sum; }