公司理财 习题库 Chap017




公司理财练习题一、选择题1. 公司理财的主要目标是:A. 增加股东财富B. 提高公司规模C. 降低成本D. 提升品牌形象2. 在资本预算中,净现值(NPV)为正意味着:A. 项目亏损B. 项目盈利C. 项目盈亏平衡D. 项目风险高3. 以下哪项不是公司财务杠杆的表现形式?A. 债务融资B. 股权融资C. 优先股融资D. 资产出售4. 根据现代投资组合理论,投资组合的预期收益与:A. 个别资产的风险成正比B. 个别资产的回报率成正比C. 投资组合的风险成正比D. 个别资产的波动性成正比5. 以下哪个是衡量公司流动性的指标?A. 资产负债率B. 流动比率C. 股东权益比率D. 收益增长率二、判断题6. 公司的财务杠杆可以增加股东的收益,但同时也会增加公司的财务风险。

()7. 一个项目的内部收益率(IRR)低于公司的资本成本时,该项目被认为是不可接受的。

()8. 公司的现金流量表主要反映公司的经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动。

()9. 股票的贝塔系数越高,其风险越低。

()10. 公司的财务报表分析可以揭示公司的财务状况和经营成果。

()三、简答题11. 简述公司进行资本结构调整的原因及其可能的影响。

12. 解释什么是资本成本,并说明它在公司投资决策中的作用。

13. 描述现金流量表中经营活动、投资活动和筹资活动的区别及其重要性。

四、计算题14. 假设一家公司计划投资一个项目,初始投资为100万元,预计未来五年的净现金流量分别为20万元、25万元、30万元、35万元和40万元。


15. 一家公司的总资产为5000万元,总负债为3000万元,股东权益为2000万元。


五、案例分析题16. 某公司正在考虑发行债券来融资,债券的票面利率为6%,期限为10年,每年支付一次利息。











































































PS:书中课后例题不出,大家可以当习题练练~考试题型:1.单选题10分 2.判断题10分 3.证明题10分 4.计算分析题60分 5.论述题10分注:第13章没有答案第一章1.在所有权形式的公司中,股东是公司的所有者。






















公司理财练习题一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是:A. 最大化利润B. 最大化股东财富C. 最小化成本D. 最大化市场份额2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?A. 风险与收益权衡原则B. 资本结构原则C. 利润最大化原则D. 资本预算原则3. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)主要用于:A. 确定公司的资本成本B. 评估公司的财务状况C. 计算公司的现金流量D. 预测公司的市场表现4. 以下哪项不是公司财务报表的一部分?A. 资产负债表B. 利润表C. 现金流量表D. 产品目录5. 公司进行资本预算时,通常采用哪种方法来评估投资项目的可行性?A. 净现值法B. 总成本法C. 销售增长率法D. 市场份额法6. 以下哪种融资方式不涉及债务?A. 发行债券B. 发行股票C. 银行贷款D. 租赁融资7. 公司进行财务分析时,常用的比率分析不包括:A. 流动比率B. 速动比率C. 市盈率D. 存货周转率8. 以下哪种风险管理策略不涉及对冲?A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 直接投资9. 公司进行现金管理时,主要关注:A. 存货水平B. 应收账款C. 现金及现金等价物D. 长期投资10. 以下哪种不是公司并购的动机?A. 市场扩张B. 技术获取C. 减少竞争D. 提高成本二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 公司进行财务规划时,需要考虑的因素包括:A. 市场环境B. 竞争对手C. 法律法规D. 内部资源12. 以下哪些属于公司理财中的长期融资方式?A. 发行债券B. 银行贷款C. 发行股票D. 短期借款13. 在进行资本预算时,以下哪些现金流是公司需要考虑的?A. 初始投资B. 运营现金流C. 税收影响D. 残值14. 以下哪些是公司进行风险评估时需要考虑的因素?A. 市场风险B. 信用风险C. 操作风险D. 政治风险15. 公司进行国际财务管理时,需要关注哪些汇率风险?A. 交易风险B. 经济风险C. 会计风险D. 翻译风险三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 简述公司理财的三个主要目标,并解释它们之间的关系。




2003年改组为华旗股份有限公司,总股本2 500万股。

公司章程中规定,公司净利润按以下顺序分配:(1)弥补上一年度亏损;(2) 提取10%的法定公积金;(3)提取15%任意公积金;(4)支付股东股利。







华旗公司于2015年1月15 FI召开董事会会议,要求公司的总会计师对公司目前财务状况做出分析,同时提出新的财务政策方案,以供董事会讨论。








1)单选题,共20题,每题5.0分,共100.0分1单选题(5.0分)资产未来创造的现金流入现值称为?A. 资产的价格B. 资产的分配C. 资产的价值D. 资产的体量2单选题(5.0分)谁承担了公司运营的最后风险?A. 债权人B. 股东C. 管理层D. 委托人3单选题(5.0分)金融市场有哪些类型?A. 货币市场B. 资本市场C. 期货市场D. 以上都是4单选题(5.0分)以下哪项是债券价值评估方式?A. 现值估价模型B. 到期收益率C. 债券收益率D. 以上都是5单选题(5.0分)融资直接与间接的划分方式取决于?A. 融资的受益方B. 金融凭证的设计方C. 融资来源D. 融资规模6单选题(5.0分)以下哪种不是财务分析方法?A. 比较分析B. 对比分析C. 趋势百分比分析D. 财务比例分析7单选题(5.0分)以下哪个不是价值的构成?A. 现金流量B. 现值C. 期限D. 折现率8单选题(5.0分)比率分析的目的是为了?A. 了解项目之间的关系B. 了解金融发展变化C. 分析资金流动趋势D. 分析金融风险9单选题(5.0分)影响公司价值的主要因素是?A. 市场B. 政策C. 信息D. 时间10单选题(5.0分)以下哪种是内部融资方式?A. 留存收益B. 股票C. 债券D. 借款11单选题(5.0分)什么是营运资本?A. 流动资产-流动负债B. 流动资产+流动负债C. 流动资产*流动负债D. 流动资产/流动负债12单选题(5.0分)PMT所代表的含义是?A. 现值B. 终值C. 年金D. 利率13单选题(5.0分)金融市场的作用是什么?A. 资金的筹措与投放B. 分散风险C. 降低交易成本D. 以上都是14单选题(5.0分)以下哪项不是财务管理的内容?A. 筹资B. 融资C. 信贷D. 营运资本管理15单选题(5.0分)微观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 机构财政B. 账目管理C. 股市投资D. 公司理财16单选题(5.0分)计划经济时代企业的资金来源是?A. 个人B. 公司C. 银行D. 财政17单选题(5.0分)宏观金融的研究对象是什么?A. 货币流通B. 资产分配C. 货币政策D. 金融历史18单选题(5.0分)以下哪项不是以资产或股权为基础的收益率指标?A. 投入资本收益率B. 总资产收益率C. 净资产收益率D. 销售毛利率19单选题(5.0分)我国资本市场的开启最初是为了?A. 为国企解困B. 与国外市场同步C. 发展经济D. 发展教育20单选题(5.0分)财务分析首要解决的问题是?A. 报表数据的真实性B. 报表数据的丰富性C. 报表数据的相关性D. 报表数据的完整性答案:1-5CBDDB6-10BBACA 11-15ACDCD16-20DCDAA。



公司理财选择题题库Multiple Choice Questions:Chapter 1 CONTROLLERc 1. The person generally directly responsible foroverseeing the tax management, cost accounting,financial accounting, and information systemfunctions is the:a. treasurer.b. director.c. controller.d. chairman of the board.e. chief executive officer.TREASURERa 2. The person generally directly responsible foroverseeing the cash and credit functions,financial planning, and capital expenditures isthe:a. treasurer.b. director.c. controller.d. chairman of the board.e. chief operations officer.CAPITAL BUDGETINGd 3. The process of planning and managing a firm’slong-term investments is called:a. working capital management.b. financial depreciation.c. agency cost analysis.d. capital budgeting.e. capital its operations is called:a. working capital management.b. financial depreciation.c. cost analysis.d. capital budgeting.e. capital structure.WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENTa 5. The management of a firm’s short-term assetsand liabilities is called:a. working capital management.b. debt management.c. equity management.d. capital budgeting.e. capital structure.called a:a. corporation.b. sole proprietorship.c. general partnership.d. limited partnership.e. limited liability company. GENERAL PARTNERSHIPc 7. A business formed by two or more individualswho each have unlimited liability for businessdebts is called a:a. corporation.b. sole proprietorship.c. general partnership.d. limited partnership.e. limited liability company.CORPORATIONa 9. A business created as a distinct legal entitycomposed of one or more individuals or entitiesis called a:a. corporation.b. sole proprietorship.c. general partnership.d. limited partnership.e. unlimited liability company.LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANYa 12. A business entity operated and taxed like apartnership, but with limited liability for theowners, is called a:a. limited liability company.b. general partnership.c. limited proprietorship.d. sole proprietorship.e. corporation.a. maximize current dividends per share of theexisting stock.b. maximize the current value per share of theexisting stock.c. avoid financial distress.d. minimize operational costs and maximize firmefficiency.e. maintain steady growth in both sales and netearnings.CHAPTER 4Discounted Cash Flow Valuation ANNUITYa 1. An annuity stream of cash flow payments is aset of:a. level cash flows occurring each time period for afixed length of time.b. level cash flows occurring each time periodforever.c. increasing cash flows occurring each time periodfor a fixed length of time.d. increasing cash flows occurring each time periodforever.e. arbitrary cash flows occurring each time periodfor no more than 10 years.ANNUITIES DUEe 2. Annuities where the payments occur at the endof each time period are called _____ , whereas_____ refer to annuity streams with paymentsoccurring at the beginning of each time period.a. ordinary annuities; early annuitiesb. late annuities; straight annuitiesc. straight annuities; late annuitiesd. annuities due; ordinary annuitiese. ordinary annuities; annuities due PERPETUITYc 3. An annuity stream where the payments occurforever is called a(n):a. annuity due.b. indemnity.c. perpetuity.d. amortized cash flow stream.e. amortization table.STATED INTEREST RATESa 4. The interest rate expressed in terms of theinterest payment made each period is called the_____ rate.a. stated annual interestb. compound annual interestc. effective annual interestd. periodic intereste. daily interestcompounded once per year is called the _____rate.a. stated interestb. compound interestc. effective annuald. periodic intereste. daily interestANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATEb 6. The interest rate charged per period multipliedby the number of periods per year is called the_____ rate.a. effective annualb. annual percentagec. periodic interestd. compound intereste. daily interestCHAPTER 5Interest Rate and Bond Valuation COUPONa 1. The stated interest payment, in dollars, made ona bond each period is called the bond’s:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate.FACE VALUEb 2. The principal amount of a bond that is repaid atthe end of the loan term is called the bond’s:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate. MATURITYc 3. The specified date on which the principalamount of a bond is repaid is called the bond’s:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to for owning a bond is called the:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate.COUPON RATEe 5. The annual coupon of a bond divided by its facevalue is called the bond’s:a. coupon.b. face value.c. maturity.d. yield to maturity.e. coupon rate.PAR BONDSa 6. A bond with a face value of $1,000 that sells for$1,000 in the market is called a _____ bond.a. par valueb. discountc. premiumd. zero coupone. floating rateDISCOUNT BONDSb 7. A bond with a face value of $1,000 that sells forless than $1,000 in the market is called a _____bond.a. parb. discountc. premiumd. zero coupone.floating ratemore than $1,000 in the market is called a _____bond.a. parb. discountc. premiumd. zero coupone. floating rate CHAPTER 6Stock Valuation GROWING PERPETUITYa 1. An asset characterized by cash flows thatincrease at a constant rate forever is called a:a. growing perpetuity.b. growing annuity.c. common annuity.d. perpetuity due.e. preferred stock.DIVIDEND GROWTH MODELb 2. The stock valuation model that determines thecurrent stock price by dividing the next annualdividend amount by the excess of the discountrate less the dividend growth rate is called the_____ model.a. zero growthb. dividend growthc. capital pricingd. earnings capitalizatione. discounted dividendDIVIDEND YIELDc 3. Next year’s annual dividend divided by thecurrent stock price is called the:a. yield to maturity.b. total yield.c. dividend yield.d. capital gains yield.e. earnings yield.appreciate (or depreciate) is called the _____yield.a. currentb. totalc. dividendd. capital gainse. earningsPREFERRED STOCKd 5. A form of equity which receives preferentialtreatment in the payment of dividends is called_____ stock.a. dual classb. cumulativec. deferredd. preferrede. commonPREFERRED STOCKe 6. A _____ is a form of equity security that has astated liquidating value.a. bondb. debenturec. proxyd. common stocke. preferred stockDifficulty level: MediumCOMMON STOCKe 7. A form of equity which receives no preferentialtreatment in either the payment of dividends orin bankruptcy distributions is called _____stock.a. dual classb. cumulativec. deferredd. preferrede. commonDIVIDENDSc 12. Payments made by a corporation to itsshareholders, in the form of either cash, stock orpayments in kind, are called:a. retained earnings.b. net income.c. dividends.d. redistributions.e. infused equity.PRIMARY MARKETe 13. The market in which new securities areoriginally sold to investors is called the _____market.a. dealerb. auctionc. over-the-counterd. secondarye. primarySECONDARY MARKETd 14. The market in which previously issued securitiesare traded among investors is called the _____market.a. dealerb. auctionc. over-the-counterd. secondarye. primaryCHAPTER 10 Risk and Return Lessons from Market History RISK PREMIUMa 1. The excess return required from a risky assetover that required from a risk-free asset is calledthe:a. risk premium.b. geometric premium.c. excess return.d. average return.e. variance.VARIANCEb 2. The average squared difference between theactual return and the average return is called the:a. volatility return.b. variance.c. standard deviation.d. risk premium.e. excess return.STANDARD DEVIATIONc 3. The standard deviation for a set of stock returnscan be calculated as the:a. positive square root of the average return.b. average squared difference between the actualreturn and the average return.c. positive square root of the variance.d. average return divided by N minus one, where Nis the number of returns.e. variance squared.GEOMETRIC AVERAGE RETURNd 5. The average compound return earned per yearover a multi-year period is called the _____ average return.a. arithmeticb. standardc. variantd. geometrice. real Difficulty level: MediumARITHMETIC AVERAGE RETURNa 6. The return earned in an average year over amulti-year period is called the _____ average return.a. arithmeticb. standardc. variantd. geometrice. real RISK PREMIUMc 7. The excess return you earn by moving from arelatively risk-free investment to a risky investment is called the:a. geometric average return.b. inflation premium.c. risk premium.d. time premium.e. arithmetic average return.TOTAL RETURNe 8. The capital gains yield plus the dividend yieldon a security is called the:a. variance of returns.b. geometric return.c. average period return.d. current yield.e. total return.(CAPM)a b. the expected return on a risky asset. c. the expected return on a collection of riskyassets.d. the variance of returns for a risky asset.e. the standard deviation of returns for a collectionof risky assets.PORTFOLIO WEIGHTSb 2. The percentage of a portfolio’s total valueinvested in a particular asset is called thatasset’s:a. portfolio return.b. portfolio weight.c. portfolio risk.d. rate of return.e. investment value. to a greater or lesser degree, is called _____ risk.a. idiosyncraticb. diversifiablec. systematicd. asset-specifice. totalUNSYSTEMATIC RISKd 4. Risk that affects at most a small number ofassets is called _____ risk.a. portfoliob. undiversifiablec. marketd. unsystematice. totalSYSTEMATIC RISK PRINCIPLEb 6. The _____ tells us that the expected return on arisky asset depends only on that asset’s nondiversifiable risk.a. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH)b. systematic risk principlec. Open Markets Theoremd. Law of One Pricee. principle of diversificationBETA COEFFICIENTa 7. The amount of systematic risk present in aparticular risky asset, relative to the systematic risk present in an average risky asset, is calledthe particular asset’s:a. beta coefficient.b. reward-to-risk ratio.c. total risk.d. diversifiable risk.e. Treynor index. return and its beta coefficient is the:a. reward-to-risk ratio.b. portfolio weight.c. portfolio risk.d. security market line. e. market risk premium.CHAPTER 12Risk, Cost of Capital, and Capital BudgetingWACCe 1. The weighted average of the firm’s costs of equity, preferred stock, and after tax debt is the: a. reward to risk ratio for the firm. b. expected capital gains yield for the stock. c. expected capital gains yield for the firm. d. portfolio beta for the firm. e. weighted average cost of capital (WACC). CAPM b 2. If the CAPM is used to estimate the cost ofequity capital, the expected excess marketreturn is equal to thea. return on the stock minus the risk-free rate.b. difference between the return on the market andthe risk-free rate.c. beta times the market risk premium.d. beta times the risk-free rate.e. market rate of return.CHARACTERISTIC LINEc 3. The best fit line of pairwise plot of the returnsof the security against the market index returnsis called thea. Security Market Line.b. Capital Market Line.c. characteristic line.d. risk line.e. None of the above.CHAPTER 14Capital Structure: Basic Concepts MM PROPOSITION Ib 2. The proposition that the value of the firm isindependent of its capital structure is called:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. MM Proposition I.c. MM Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.MM PROPOSITION IIc 3. The proposition that the cost of equity is apositive linear function of capital structure iscalled:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. MM Proposition I.c. MM Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.Difficulty level: MediumINTEREST TAX SHIELDa 4. The tax savings of the firm derived from thedeductibility of interest expense is called the:a. interest tax shield.b. depreciable basis.c. financing umbrella.d. current yield.e. tax-loss carryforward savings.CAPITAL STRUCTURE DEFINITIONd 8. The firm's capital structure refers toa. the way a firm invests its assets.b. the amount of capital in the firm.c. the amount of dividends a firm pays.d. the mix of debt and equity used to finance thefirm's assets.e. how much cash the firm holds.CHAPTER 15 Capital Structure: Limits to the Use of Debt DIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 1. The explicit costs, such as the legal expenses,associated with corporate default are classifiedas _____ costs.a. flotationb. beta conversionc. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. unleveredINDIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 2. The costs of avoiding a bankruptcy filing by afinancially distressed firm are classified as_____ costs.a. flotationb. direct bankruptcyc. indirect bankruptcyd. financial solvencye. capital structurecorporate default are referred to as the _____costs of a firm.a. flotationb. default betac. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. financial distressBANKRUPTCYb 6. The legal proceeding for liquidating orreorganizing a firm operating in default is calleda:a. tender offer.b. bankruptcy.c. merger.d. takeover.e. proxy fight.ACCOUNTING INSOLVENCYd 8. A firm that has negative net worth is said to be:a. experiencing a business failure.b. in legal bankruptcy.c. experiencing technical insolvency.d. experiencing accounting insolvency.e. in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. CAPITAL STRUCTUREd 10. The value of a firm is maximized when the:a. cost of equity is maximized.b tax rate is zero.c. levered cost of capital is maximized.d. weighted average cost of capital is minimized.e. debt-equity ratio is minimized.CAPITAL STRUCTUREe 11. The optimal capital structure has been achieved when the:a. debt-equity ratio is equal to 1.b. weight of equity is equal to the weight of debt.c. cost of equity is maximized given a pre-tax cost of debt.d. debt-equity ratio is such that the cost of debt exceeds the cost of equity.e. debt-equity ratio selected results in the lowest possible weighed average cost ofcapital.Dividend and Other Payouts I. DEFINITIONSDIVIDENDSa 1. Paym ents made out of a firm’s earnings to itsowners in the form of cash or stock are called:a. dividends.b. distributions.c. share repurchases.d. payments-in-kind.e. stock splits.DISTRIBUTIONSb 2. Payments made by a firm to its owners fromsources other than current or accumulatedearnings are called:a. dividends.b. distributions.c. share repurchases.d. payments-in-kind.e. stock splits.REGULAR CASH DIVIDENDSc 3. A cash payment made by a firm to its owners inthe normal course of business is called a:a. share repurchase.b. liquidating dividend.c. regular cash dividend.d. special dividend.e. extra cash dividend.LIQUIDATING DIVIDENDSa 4. A cash payment made by a firm to its ownerswhen some of the firm’s assets are sold of f iscalled a:a. liquidating dividend.b. regular cash dividend.c. special dividend.d. extra cash dividend.e. share repurchase.SHARE REPURCHASEe 12. A _____ is an alternative method to cashdividends which is used to pay out a firm’searnings to shareholders.a. mergerb. tender offerc. payment-in-kindd. stock splite. share repurchaseSTOCK DIVIDENDSa 13. A payment made by a firm to its owners in theform of new shares of stock is called a _____dividend.a. stockb. normalc. speciald. extrae. liquidatingSTOCK SPLITSb 14. An increase in a firm’s number of sharesoutstanding without any change in owners’equity is called a:a. special dividend.b. stock split.c. share repurchase.d. tender offer.e. liquidating dividend.。



CHAPTER 25Mergers and Acquisitions I. DEFINITIONSMERGERa 1. The complete absorption of one company by another, wherein the acquiring firmretains its identity and the acquired firm ceases to exist as a separate entity, is called a:a. merger.b. consolidation.c. tender offer.d. spinoff.e. divestiture.CONSOLIDATIONb 2. A merger in which an entirely new firm is created and both the acquired and acquiringfirms cease to exist is called a:a. divestiture.b. consolidation.c. tender offer.d. spinoff.e. conglomeration.TENDER OFFERc 3. A public offer by one firm to directly buy the shares of another firm is called a:a. merger.b. consolidation.c. tender offer.d. spinoff.e. divestiture.HORIZONTAL ACQUISITIONd 4. The acquisition of a firm in the same industry as the bidder is called a _____acquisition.a. conglomerateb. forwardc. backwardd. horizontale. verticalVERTICAL ACQUISITIONe 5. The acquisition of a firm involved with a different production process stage than thebidder is called a _____ acquisition.a. conglomerateb. forwardc. backwardd. horizontale. verticalCONGLOMERATE ACQUISITIONa 6. The acquisition of a firm whose business is not related to that of the bidder is called a_____ acquisition.a. conglomerateb. forwardc. backwardd. horizontale. verticalPROXY CONTESTb 7. An attempt to gain control of a firm by soliciting a sufficient number of stockholdervotes to replace the current board of directors is called a:a. tender offer.b. proxy contest.c. going-private transaction.d. leveraged buyout.e. consolidation.GOING-PRIVATE TRANSACTIONc 8. A business deal in which all publicly owned stock in a firm is replaced with completeequity ownership by a private group is called a:a. tender offer.b. proxy contest.c. going-private transaction.d. leveraged buyout.e. consolidation.LEVERAGED BUYOUTd 9. Going-private transactions in which a large percentage of the money used to buy theoutstanding stock is borrowed is called a:a. tender offer.b. proxy contest.c. merger.d. leveraged buyout.e. consolidation.STRATEGIC ALLIANCEe10. An agreement between firms to cooperate in pursuit of a joint goal is called a:a. consolidation.b. merged alliance.c. joint venture.d. takeover project.e. strategic alliance.JOINT VENTUREc11. An agreement between firms to create a separate, co-owned entity established to pursue a joint goal is called a:a. consolidation.b. strategic alliance.c. joint venture.d. merged alliance.e. takeover project.SYNERGYe 12. The positive incremental net gain associated with the combination of two firmsthrough a merger or acquisition is called:a. the agency conflict.b. goodwill.c. the merger cost.d. the consolidation effect.e. synergy.SUPERMAJORITY AMENDMENTa 13. A change in the corporate charter making it more difficult for the firm to be acquiredby increasing the percentage of shareholders that must approve a merger offer is calleda:a. supermajority amendment.b. standstill agreement.c. greenmail provision.d. poison pill amendment.e. white knight provision.STANDSTILL AGREEMENTb 14. A contract wherein the bidding firm agrees to limit its holdings in the target firm iscalled a:a. supermajority amendment.b. standstill agreement.c. greenmail provision.d. poison pill amendment.e. white knight provision.GREENMAILc 15. The payments made by a firm to repurchase shares of its outstanding stock from anindividual investor in an attempt to eliminate a potential unfriendly takeover attemptare referred to as:a. a golden parachute.b. standstill payments.c. greenmail.d. a poison pill.e. a white knight.POISON PILLSd 16. A financial device designed to make unfriendly takeover attempts financiallyunappealing, if not impossible, is called:a. a golden parachute.b. a standstill agreement.c. greenmail.d. a poison pill.e. a white knight.SHARE RIGHTS PLANSe 17. Corporate charter provisions allowing existing stockholders to purchase stock at somefixed price in the event of a hostile outside takeover attempt are called:a. pac-man defenses.b. shark repellent plans.c. golden parachute provisions.d. greenmail provisions.e. share rights plans.GOLDEN PARACHUTESa 18. Generous compensation packages paid to a firm’s top management in the event of atakeover are referred to as:a. golden parachutes.b. poison puts.c. white knights.d. shark repellents.e. bear hugs.POISON PUTSb 19. Corporate charter provisions that force the firm to buy back its securities at a set andusually quite high price are called:a. golden parachutes.b. poison puts.c. white knights.d. shark repellents.e. bear hugs.WHITE KNIGHTSc 20. A friendly suitor that a target firm turns to as an alternative to a hostile bidder is calleda:a. golden suitor.b. poison put.c. white knight.d. shark repellent.e. crown jewel.SHARK REPELLENTd 21. Any tactic employed by a target firm to discourage unwanted merger offers is referredto as a:a. golden parachute.b. poison put.c. white knight.d. shark repellent.e. bear hug.EQUITY CARVE-OUTb22. The sale of stock in a wholly owned subsidiary via an initial public offering is referred to as a(n):a. split-up.b. equity carve-out.c. countertender offer.d. white knight transaction.e. lockup transaction.SPIN-OFFd23. The distribution of shares in a subsidiary to existing parent company stockholders is called a(n):a. lockup transaction.b. bear hug.c. equity carve-out.d. spin-off.e. split-up.II. CONCEPTSACQUISITIONSa 24. Which of the following statements concerning acquisitions are correct?I. Being acquired by another firm is an effective method of replacing seniormanagement.II. The net present value of an acquisition should have no bearing on whether or not the acquisition occurs.III. Acquisitions are often relatively complex from an accounting and tax point of view.IV. The value of a strategic fit is easy to estimate using discounted cash flow analysis.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I and IV onlyd. I, III, and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVMERGERb 25. In a merger the:a. legal status of both the acquiring firm and the target firm is terminated.b. acquiring firm retains its name and legal status.c. acquiring firm acquires the assets but not the liabilities of the target firm.d. stockholders of the target firm have little, if any, say as to whether or not the mergeroccurs.e. target firm continues to exist as a subsidiary of the acquiring firm.ACQUISITION OF STOCKe 26. An acquisition of a firm through the purchase of shares of the outstanding stock:I. is frequently more expensive than if the two firms had just merged.II. can be accomplished without the involvement of the target fir m’s board of directors.III. can be accomplished without having the shareholders vote on the acquisition.IV. may be dependent upon the maximum amount of shares made available for sale to the acquiring firm.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVVERTICAL ACQUISITIONd 27. When a building supply store acquires a lumber mill they are doing a ______acquisition.a. horizontalb. longitudinalc. conglomerated. verticale. complementary resourcesSTOCK ACQUISITIONc 28. If Microsoft were to acquire U.S. Airways, the acquisition would be classified as a_____ acquisition.a. horizontalb. longitudinalc. conglomerated. verticale. complementary resourcesTAKEOVERSa 29. Assume that both firm A and firm B formally agree to each put up $10 million toform firm C. The operations of firm C are restricted to conducting research anddevelopment activities for the benefit of firms A and B. Firm C is a _____ of firms Aand B.a. joint ventureb. going-private transactionc. conglomerated. subsidiarye. leveraged buyoutTAKEOVERSe 30. Which of the following activities are commonly associated with takeovers?I. the acquisition of assetsII. proxy contestsIII. management buyoutsIV. leveraged buyoutsa. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. I, II, and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVTAXES AND ACQUISITIONSc 31. In a tax-free acquisition, the shareholders of the target firm:a. receive income that is considered to be tax-exempt.b. gift their shares to a tax-exempt organization and therefore have no taxable gain.c. are viewed as having exchanged their shares.d. sell their shares to a qualifying entity thereby avoiding both income and capital gainstaxes.e. sell their shares at cost thereby avoiding the capital gains tax.PURCHASE ACCOUNTING METHODd 32. The purchase accounting method requires that:a. the excess of the purchase price over the fair market value of the target firm berecorded as a one-time expense on the income statement of the acquiring firm.b. goodwill be amortized on a yearly basis.c. the equity of the acquiring firm be reduced by the excess of the purchase price over thefair market value of the target firm.d. the assets of the target firm be recorded at their fair market value on the balance sheetof the acquiring firm.e. the excess amount paid for the target firm be recorded as a tangible asset on the booksof the acquiring firm.PURCHASE ACCOUNTING METHODb 33. Goodwill created by an acquisition:a. affects the cash flows of the acquiring firm on an annual basis for a period of years.b. must be reviewed each year to determine its current value to the firm.c. reduces the taxable income of the firm as it is expensed.d. has no effect on the reported earnings of a firm when it is expensed.e. is recorded in an amount equal to the fair market value of the assets of the targetfirm.POOLING OF INTERESTSd 34. The pooling of interests method of accounting:I. creates an account called goodwill which is recorded on the balance sheet of themerged firm.II. consists of simply combining the balance sheets of the acquiring and the target firms.III. is no longer permitted by FASB.IV. acknowledges the excess of the purchase price over the fair market value and records this amount on the balance sheet of the acquiring firm.a. I and III onlyb. I and IV onlyc. II and IV onlyd. II and III onlye. I, II, and IV onlyINCREMENTAL CASH FLOWSc 35. The incremental cash flows of a merger can relate to changes in which of thefollowing?I. revenuesII. number of authorized shares of stockIII. taxesIV. capital requirementsa. I and II onlyb. II, III, and IV onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVSYNERGYe 36. Which one of the following statements illustrates a synergistic effect of a merger?a. The revenue of the combined firm is equal to the revenue of the acquiring firm plus therevenue of the target firm.b. The costs of the combined firm exceeds the costs of the acquiring firm plus the costs ofthe target firm.c. The tax liability of the combined firm is greater than the summation of the taxliabilities of each separate firm.d. The depreciation expense of the combined firm is equivalent to the depreciationexpense of the acquiring firm plus the depreciation expense of the target firm.e. The capital requirements of the combined firm are less than the summation of thecapital requirements of each separate firm.SYNERGYd 37. A potential merger that has synergy:a. should be rejected due to the projected negative cash flows.b. should be rejected because synergy destroys firm value.c. has a net present value of zero and thus returns the minimal required rate of return.d. creates value and therefore should be pursued.e. reduces the anticipated net income of the acquiring firm.SYNERGYd 38. A proposed acquisition may create synergy by:I. increasing the market power of the combined firm.II. improving the distribution network of the acquiring firm.III. providing the combined firm with a strategic advantage.IV. reducing the utilization of the acquiring firm’s assets.a. I and III onlyb. II and III onlyc. I and IV onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVACQUISITION GAINSc 39. Which of the following represent potential tax gains from an acquisition?I. a reduction in the level of debtII. an increase in surplus fundsIII. the use of net operating lossesIV. an increased use of leveragea. I and IV onlyb. II and III onlyc. III and IV onlyd. I and III onlye. II, III, and IV onlyACQUISTION CONSIDERATIONSc 40. When evaluating an acquisition you should:a. concentrate on book values and ignore market values.b. focus on the total cash flows of the merged firm.c. apply the rate of return that is relevant to the incremental cash flows.d. ignore any one-time acquisition fees or transaction costs.e. ignore any potential changes in management.ACQUISITIONS AND EARNINGS PER SHAREb 41. If an acquisition does not create value, then the:a. earnings per share of the acquiring firm must be the same both before and after theacquisition.b. earnings per share can change but the stock price of the acquiring firm should remainconstant.c. price per share of the acquiring firm should increase because of the growth of the firm.d. earnings per share will most likely increase while the price-earnings ratio remainsconstant.e. price-earnings ratio should remain constant regardless of any changes in the earningsper share.ACQUISITION EFFECTSc 42. Which one of the following statements is correct?a. Acquiring firms tend to avoid firms with large net operating losses when they areseeking a target firm to acquire.b. If an acquisition increases the debt level of a firm the tax liability of the firmtends to increase as a result.c. If either an increase or a decrease in the level of production causes the average cost perunit to increase the firm is currently operating at its optimal size.d. Firms can always benefit from economies of scale if they increase the size of their firmthrough acquisitions.e. If a firm uses its surplus cash to acquire another firm the shareholders of theacquiring firm immediately incur a tax liability related to the transaction. COMPLEMENTARY RESOURCESb 43. Which one of the following combinations of firms would benefit the most through theuse of complementary resources?a. a ski resort and a travel trailer sales outletb. a golf resort and a ski resortc. a hotel and a home improvement centerd. a swimming pool distributor and a kitchen designere. a fast food restaurant and a dry cleanerCOMPLEMENTARY RESOURCESa 44. Which one of the following is most likely a good candidate for an acquisition thatcould benefit from the use of complementary resources?a. a sports arena that is home only to an indoor hockey teamb. a hotel in a busy downtown business district of a major cityc. a day care center located near a major route into the main business district of a largecityd. an amusement park located in a centralized Florida locatione. a fast food restaurant located near a major transportation hubINEFFICIENT MANAGEMENTa 45. The shareholders of a target firm benefit the most when:a. an acquiring firm has the better management team and replaces the target firm’smanagers.b. the management of the target firm is more efficient than the management of theacquiring firm which replaces them.c. the management of both the acquiring firm and the target firm are as equivalent aspossible.d. their current management team is kept in place even though the managers of theacquiring firm are more suited to manage the target firm’s situation.e. their management team is technologically knowledgeable yet ineffective.ACQUISITION GAINSc 46. Which of the following represent potential gains from an acquisition?I. the replacement of ineffective managersII. lower costs per unit producedIII. an increase in firm size so that diseconomies of scale are realizedIV. spreading of overhead costsa. II and III onlyb. I and IV onlyc. I, II, and IV onlyd. I, III, and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVEFFECTS OF ACQUISITIONSd 47. Which one of the following statements is correct?a. A firm must realize some synergy as a result of a merger if the earnings per shareof the acquiring firm increase.b. Any diversification achieved through a merger is valued by investors.c. Any increase in earnings per share due to a merger provides financial reasoning for anincrease in the stock price per share.d. Firms with surplus cash need to justify an acquisition as having a business purposeother than the avoidance of a dividend distribution.e. Diversification is one of the greatest benefits derived from an acquisition.COST OF AN ACQUISITIONa 48. The value of a target firm to the acquiring firm is equal to:a. the value of the target firm as a separate entity plus the incremental value derived fromthe acquisition.b. the purchase cost of the target firm.c. the value of the merged firm minus the value of the target firm as a separate entity.d. the purchase cost plus the incremental value derived from the acquisition.e. the incremental value derived from the acquisition.CASH VERSUS STOCK ACQUISITIONc 49. Which one of the following statements is correct?a. If an acquisition is made with cash then the cost of that acquisition is dependent uponthe acquisition gains.b. Acquisitions made by exchanging shares of stock are normally taxable transactions.c. The management of an acquiring firm may put itself at risk of losing control of thefirm if they do acquisitions using shares of stock.d. The stockholders of the acquiring firm will be better off when an acquisition results inlosses if the acquisition was made with cash rather than with stock.e. Acquisitions based on legitimate business purposes are not taxable transactionsregardless of the means of financing used.DEFENSIVE TACTICSb 50. The primary purpose of a flip-in provision is to:a. increase the number of shares outstanding while also increasing the value per share.b. dilute a corporate raider’s ownership position thereby in creasing the cost of a takeover.c. reduce the market value of each share of stock.d. give the existing corporate directors the sole right to remove a poison pill.e. provide additional compensation to any senior manager who loses their job as a resultof a corporate takeover.DEFENSIVE TACTICSc 51. If a firm wants to take over another firm but feels the attempt to do so will be viewedas unfriendly they could decide to take a _____ approach to the acquisition.a. crown jewelb. shark repellentc. bear hugd. countertender offere. lockupACQUISITION EFFECTS ON STOCKHOLDERSd 52. Which of the following have been suggested as reasons why the stockholders inacquiring firms may not benefit to any significant degree from an acquisition?I. th e price paid for the target firm might equal that firm’s total valueII. management may have priorities other than the interest of the stockholdersIII. the target firms tend to be much larger than the acquiring firmsIV. the merger benefits may have been underestimateda. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. III and IV onlyd. I and II onlye. I and IV onlyDIVESTITURES AND RESTRUCTURINGSe 53. Which of the following are reasons why a firm may want to divest itself of some of itsassets?I. to raise cashII. to get rid of unprofitable operationsIII. to get rid of some assets received in an acquisitionIV. to cash in on some profitable operationsa. I and II onlyb. I, II, and III onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVDIVESTITURES AND RESTRUCTURINGSa 54. Which one of the following statements is correct?a. A spin-off frequently follows an equity carve-out.b. A split-up frequently follows a spin-off.c. An equity carve-out is a specific type of acquisition.d. A spin-off involves an initial public offering.e. A divestiture means that the original firm ceases to exist.III. PROBLEMSGOODWILLb55. Turner, Inc. has $4.2 million in net working capital. The firm has fixed assets with a book value of $48.6 million and a market value of $53.4 million. Martin & Sons isbuying Turner, Inc. for $60 million in cash. The acquisition will be recorded using thepurchase accounting method. What is the amount of goodwill that Martin & Sons willrecord on their balance sheet as a result of this acquisition?a. $0b. $2.4 millionc. $6.6 milliond. $7.2 millione. $11.4 millionMERGER PREMIUMa 56. Rudy’s, Inc. and Blackstone, Inc. are all-equity firms. Rudy’s has 1,500 sharesoutstanding at a market price of $22 a share. Blackstone has 2,500 shares outstandingat a price of $38 a share. Blackstone is acquiring Rudy’s for $36,000 in cash. What isthe merger premium per share?a. $2.00b. $4.25c. $6.50d. $8.00e. $14.00MERGER PREMIUMb 57. Jennifer’s B outique has 2,100 shares outstanding at a market price per share of $26.Sally’s has 3,000 shares outstanding at a market price of $41 a share. Neither firm hasany debt. Sally’s is acquiring Jennifer’s for $58,000 in cash. What is the mergerpremium per share?a. $1.43b. $1.62c. $1.81d. $2.04e. $2.07VALUE OF FIRM B TO Ac 58. Jennifer’s Boutique has 2,100 shares outstanding at a market price per share of $26.Sally’s has 3,000 shares outstanding at a market price of $41 a share. Neither firm ha sany debt. Sally’s is acquiring Jennifer’s for $58,000 in cash. The incremental value ofthe acquisition is $2,500. What is the value of Jennifer’s Boutique to Sally’s?a. $26,000b. $27,600c. $57,100d. $58,200e. $60,500VALUE OF FIRM B TO Ad 59. Rudy’s, Inc. and Blackstone, Inc. are all-equity firms. Rudy’s has 1,500 sharesoutstanding at a market price of $22 a share. Blackstone has 2,500 shares outstandingat a price of $38 a share. Blackstone is acquiring Rudy’s for $36,000 in cash. Theincre mental value of the acquisition is $3,500. What is the value of Rudy’s Inc. toBlackstone?a. $30,000b. $32,500c. $33,000d. $36,500e. $39,500CASH ACQUISITIONb 60. ABC and XYZ are all-equity firms. ABC has 1,750 shares outstanding at a marketprice of $20 a share. XYZ has 2,500 shares outstanding at a price of $28 a share. XYZis acquiring ABC for $36,000 in cash. The incremental value of the acquisition is$3,000. What is the net present value of acquiring ABC to XYZ?a. $1,000b. $2,000c. $3,000d. $4,000e. $5,000CASH ACQUISITIONd 61. Firm A is acquiring Firm B for $40,000 in cash. Firm A has 2,500 shares of stockoutstanding at a market value of $18 a share. Firm B has 1,500 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $25 a share. Neither firm has any debt. The net presentvalue of the acquisition is $2,500. What is the value of Firm A after the acquisition?a. $40,000b. $42,500c. $45,000d. $47,500e. $50,000c 62. Firm A is acquiring Firm B for $25,000 in cash. Firm A has 2,000 shares of stockoutstanding at a market value of $21 a share. Firm B has 1,200 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $17 a share. Neither firm has any debt. The net presentvalue of the acquisition is $1,500. What is the price per share of Firm A after theacquisition?a. $21.00b. $21.25c. $21.75d. $22.00e. $22.50CASH ACQUISITIONa 63. Alto and Solo are all-equity firms. Alto has 2,400 shares outstanding at a market priceof $24 a share. Solo has 4,000 shares outstanding at a price of $17 a share. Solo isacquiring Alto for $63,000 in cash. The incremental value of the acquisition is $5,500.What is the net present value of acquiring Alto to Solo?a. $100b. $400c. $1,200d. $2,400e. $5,500CASH ACQUISITIONc 64. Principal, Inc. is acquiring Secondary Companies for $29,000 in cash. Principal has2,500 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $30 a share. Secondary has1,600 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $15 a share. Neither firm has anydebt. The net present value of the acquisition is $4,500. What is the price per share ofPrincipal after the acquisition?a. $30.00b. $30.70c. $31.80d. $32.10e. $32.50STOCK ACQUISITIONc 65. Winslow Co. has agreed to be acquired by Ferrier, Inc. for $25,000 worth of Ferrierstock. Ferrier currently has 1,500 shares of stock outstanding at a price of $21 a share.Winslow has 1,000 shares outstanding at a price of $22. The incremental value of theacquisition is $4,000. What is the merger premium per share?a. $1b. $2c. $3d. $4e. $5c 66. Winslow Co. has agreed to be acquired by Ferrier, Inc. for $25,000 worth of Ferrierstock. Ferrier currently has 1,500 shares of stock outstanding at a price of $21 a share.Winslow has 1,000 shares outstanding at a price of $22. The incremental value of theacquisition is $4,000. What is the value of Winslow Co. to Ferrier, Inc.?a. $24,000b. $25,000c. $26,000d. $28,000e. $29,000STOCK ACQUISITIONe 67. Brite Industries has agreed to merge with Nu-Day, Inc. for $20,000 worth of Nu-Daystock. Brite has 1,200 shares of stock outstanding at a price of $15 a share. Nu-Day has2,000 shares outstanding with a market value of $19 a share. The incremental value ofthe acquisition is $3,500. What is the value of Nu-Day after the merger?a. $53,000b. $54,250c. $56,000d. $57,750e. $59,500STOCK ACQUISITIONa 68. Goodday & Sons is being acquired by Baker, Inc. for $19,000 worth of Baker stock.Baker has 1,500 shares of stock outstanding at a price of $25 a share. Goodday has1,000 shares outstanding with a market value of $16 a share. The incremental value ofthe acquisition is $2,000. How many new shares of stock will be issued to completethis acquisition?a. 760.0 sharesb. 840.0 sharesc. 960.0 sharesd. 1,187.5 sharese. 1,312.5 sharesSTOCK ACQUISITIONe 69. Holiday & Sons is being acquired by Miller’s, Inc. for $20,000 worth of Miller’s stock.Miller has 1,300 shares of stock outstanding at a price of $20 a share. Holiday has1,000 shares outstanding with a market value of $18 a share. The incremental value ofthe acquisition is $2,000. What is the total number of shares in the new firm?a. 1,000 sharesb. 1,300 sharesc. 1,500 sharesd. 2,000 sharese. 2,300 shares。



项目一财务管理总体认知一、单项选择题1.下列各项企业财务管理目标中,能够同时考虑资金(de)时间价值和投资风险因素(de)是( D ).A.产值最大化 B.利润最大化C.每股收益最大化 D.企业价值最大化2.企业筹资活动(de)最终结果是( D ).A.银行借款B.发行债券C.发行股票D.资金流入7.相对于每股收益最大化目标而言,企业价值最大化目标(de)不足之处是( D ).A.没有考虑资金(de)时间价值 B.没有考虑投资(de)风险价值C.不能反映企业潜在(de)获利能力 D.某些情况下确定比较困难9.下列法律法规同时影响企业筹资、投资和收益分配(de)是( A ).A.公司法 B.金融法C.税法 D.企业财务通则10.在市场经济条件下,财务管理(de)核心是( B ).A.财务预测B.财务决策C.财务控制D.财务分析二、多项选择题2.企业财务管理(de)基本内容包括( ACD ).A. 筹资决策 B.技术决策C.投资决策 D.盈利分配决策3.财务管理(de)环境包括( ABCD ).A.技术环境 B.经济环境C.金融环境 D.法律环境4.以下项目中属于“利润最大化”目标存在(de)问题有( ABCD ).A.没有考虑利润实现时间和资金时间价值B.没有考虑风险问题C.没有反映创造(de)利润与投入(de)资本之间(de)关系D.可能导致企业短期财务决策倾向,影响企业长远发展5.以股东财富最大化作为财务管理目标存在(de)问题有( ABC ).A.通常只适用于上市公司B.股价不能完全准确反映企业财务管理状况C.对其他相关者(de)利益重视不够D.没有考虑风险因素6.下列财务管理(de)目标当中,考虑了风险因素(de)有( BCD ).A.利润最大化 B.股东财富最大化C.企业价值最大化 D.相关者利益最大化7.在分配活动中,企业财务管理(de)核心任务是( BC ).A. 确定筹资结构B. 确定分配规模C.确定分配方式 D. 确定投资方向8.利润最大化目标和每股利润最大化目标存在(de)共同缺陷有( ABD ).A.没有考虑货币时间价值 B.没有考虑风险因素C.没有考虑利润与资本(de)关系 D. 容易导致短期行为11.下列属于货币市场工具(de)有( BD ).A.股票 B.短期国库券C.债券 D.回购协议项目二财务管理价值观念培养一、单项选择题2.一定时期内每期期初等额收付(de)系列款项是( A ).A.即付年金 B.永续年金C.递延年金 D.普通年金4.年内复利m次时,其名义利率r与实际利率i之间(de)关系是( A ).A.i=(1+r/m)m-1 B. i=(1+r/m)-1C.i=(1+r/m)-m -1 D. i=l-(1+r/m)-m5.甲某拟存入一笔资金以备3年后使用.假定银行3年期存款年利率为5%,甲某3年后需用(de)资金总额为34 500元,则在单利计息情况下,目前需存入(de)资金为( A )元.A.30 000 B.29 803.04C.32 857.14 D.31 5006.如果某人5年后想拥有50 000元,在年利率为5%、单利计息(de)情况下,他现在必须存入银行(de)款项是( B )元.A.50 000 B.40 000C.39 176.3l D.47 5007.如果某人现有退休金200 000元,准备存入银行.在银行年复利率为4%(de)情况下,其10年后可以从银行取得( B )元.[(F/P,4%,10)=]A.240 000 B.C.220 000 D.150 0008.某企业向银行借款200万元,年利率8%,半年复利一次,则该项借款(de)实际利率是( D ).A. 7%B. 8%C. %D. 10%9.某人将8 000元存人银行,银行(de)年利率为10%,按复利计算,则5年后此人可从银行取出( D )元.[(F/P,10%,5)=]A.9 220 B.10000C.10 950 D.1288410.某企业拟建立一项基金,每年初投入100 000元,若年利率为10%,5年后该项基金本利和将为( A )元.[(F/A,10%,6)=]A.671 600 B.564 100C.871 600 D.610 50012.关于标准离差和标准离差率,下列表述正确(de)是( D ).A.标准离差是各种可能报酬率偏离预期报酬率(de)平均值B.如果以标准离差评价方案(de)风险程度,标准离差越小,投资方案(de)风险越大C.标准离差率即风险报酬率D.对比期望报酬率不同(de)各个投资项目(de)风险程度,应用标准离差率二多项选择题2.考虑风险因素后,影响投资报酬率变动(de)因素有( ABD )A.无风险报酬率 B.风险报酬系数C.投资年限 D.标准离差率6.在复利计息方式下,影响复利息大小(de)因素主要包括(ABCD ).A. 计息频率B. 资金额C.期限 D.利率8.可以用来衡量风险大小(de)指标有( CD ).A. 无风险报酬率 B.期望值C.标准差 D.标准离差率11.A项目(de)确定报酬率为10%.B项目(de)报酬率有两种可能:一是有50%(de)可能性获得30%(de)报酬率,二是有50%(de)可能性亏损10%.则下列说法正确(de)有( ABD ).A. B项目(de)期望报酬率为10%B.A项目风险小于B项目C.投资者绝不可能选择B项目D. 投资B项目获得(de)实际报酬可能大大超过A项目12.风险收益率(de)大小,取决于(BD ).A. 风险(de)原因 B.风险报酬系数C.风险能否发生 D.标准离差率四、计算分析题1.丙公司现有A、B两个投资项目,它们(de)投资报酬情况与市场销售状况密切相关,有关资料见下表:要求:(1)计算A项目(de)期望值、标准差和标准离差率;(2)计算B项目(de)期望值和标准差和标准离差率;(3)假定丙公司规定,任何投资项目(de)期望报酬率都必须在10%以上,且标准离差率不得超过1,请问丙公司应该选择投资哪一个项目答案:(1)计算A项目(de)期望值和标准差A项目(de)期望值=30%×30%+50%×10%+20%×(-15%)=11%A项目(de)标准差=[30%×(30%-11%)2+50%×(10%-11%)2 +20%×(-15%-11%)2]1/2=15. 62%A项目(de)标准离差率=1.42(2)计算B项目(de)期望值和标准差B项目(de)期望值=30%×20%+50%×10%+20%×5%=12%B项目(de)标准差=[30%×(20%-12%)2+50%×(10%-12%)2+20%×(5%-12%)2]1/2=5.58%B项目(de)标准离差率=5.58%/12%=0.465(3)根据丙公司设定(de)项目选择标准,尽管A项目(de)期望报酬率满足丙公司(de)要求,但标准离差率太高,风险太大,不符合要求,不宜选取;B项目(de)期望报酬率和标准离差率均符合丙公司设定(de)投资标准,丙公司应该选取B项目.解析:本题(de)主要考点是各种风险衡量方法(de)计算,以及通过比较风险和收益做出决策.项目三一、单项选择题1.下列权利中,不属于普通股东权利(de)是( D ).A.公司管理权 B.分享盈余权C.优先认股权 D.优先分配剩余财产权2.相对于股票筹资而言,银行借款(de)缺点是( D ).A.筹资速度慢 B.筹资成本高C.借款弹性差 D.财务风险大3.相对于普通股股东而言,优先股股东所拥有(de)优先权是( D ).A.优先表决权 B.优先购股权C.优先查账权 D.优先分配股利权8.相对于负债融资方式而言,采用吸收直接投资方式筹措资金(de)优点是( B ).A.有利于降低资金成本 B.有利于降低财务风险C.有利于集中企业控制权 D.有利于发挥财务杠杆作用11.按照资金来源渠道不同,可将筹资分为( C ).A.直接筹资和间接筹资 B.内源筹资和外源筹资C.权益筹资和负债筹资 D.短期筹资和长期筹资12.在下列各项中,能够增加企业自有资金(de)筹资方式是( A ).A.吸收直接投资 B.发行公司债券C.利用商业信用 D.留存收益转增资本13.某企业按年利率%向银行借款100万元,银行要求保留10%(de)补偿性余额,则该项借款(de)实际利率为( B ).A.4.95% B.6%C.5.4% D.9.5%四、计算分析题1.某企业于2009年1月5日以每张1 020元(de)价格购买B企业发行(de)利随本清(de)企业债券.该债券(de)面值为l 000元,期限为3年,票面年利率为l0%,不计复利.购买时市场年利率为8%.不考虑所得税.要求:(1)利用债券估价模型评价A企业购买此债券是否合算(2)如果A企业于2010年1月5日将该债券以l l30元(de)市价出售,计算该债券(de)投资收益(1)债券估价P=(1 000+1 000×10%×3)/(1+8%)3=1 031.98(元)由于其投资价值(1 031.98元)大于购买价格(1 020元),故购买此债券合算.(2)计算债券投资收益率K=(1 130—1 020)/1 020×100%=10.78%3.某公司向银行借入短期借款10 000元,支付银行贷款利息(de)方式同银行协商后(de)结果是:(1)如采用收款法,则利息率为l4%;(2)如采用贴现法,利息率为12%;(3)如采用补偿性余额,利息率降为l0%,银行要求(de)补偿性余额比例为20%.要求:如果你是该公司财务经理,你选择哪种支付方式说明理由.答案:(1)本题采取收款法实际利率为l4%.(2)采取贴现法实际利率为:12%/(1—12%)=13.64%(3)采取补偿性余额实际利率为:10%/(1—20%)=12.5%因为三者比较,采取补偿性余额实际利率最低,所以,选择补偿性余额支付方式.4.某公司2009年1月1日发行面值为1 000元,利率为12%,期限为2年,每年年末付息到期还本(de)债券要求:该债券(de)价值为多少答案:该债券价值=1 000×10%×(P/A,12%,2)+1 000×(P/F,12%,2)=100×1.6901+1 000×0.7972=966.21(元)项目四资本成本和资本结构决策一、单项选择题1.某公司发行债券,票面利率为8%,偿还期限5年,发行费率5%,所得税税率为25%,则债券资金成本为( C ).A.10% B.6.32%C.6.91% D.7%2.一般而言,企业资金成本最高(de)筹资方式是( C ).A. 发行债券B. 长期借款C.发行普通股 D.发行优先股3.在个别资金成本(de)计算中,不必考虑筹资费用影响因素(de)是( C ).A. 长期借款成本B.债券成本C.留存收益成本D. 普通股成本4.A公司平价发行债券,票面利率为10%,所得税税率为40%,筹资费用率为10%,则其资金成本为( D ).A.6% B.10%C.5.4% D.6.67%7.某公司(de)经营杠杆系数为1.8,财务杠杆系数为1.5,则该公司销售额每增长1倍,就会造成每股利润增加( D ).A. 1.2倍 B.15倍C.0.3倍 D.2.7倍8. 下列各项中,不影响经营杠杆系数(de)是(D ).A.产品销售数量B.产品销售价格C. 固定成本D.利息费用11.财务杠杆说明( A ).A.增加息税前利润对每股利润(de)影响B.增加销售收入对每股利润(de)影响C.扩大销售对息税前利润(de)影响融资能力12.某企业销售收入为500万元,变动成本率为65%,固定成本为80万元,其中利息15万元.则经营杠杆系数为( C ).A.1.33 B.1.84C.1.59 D.1.2513. 在其他条件不变(de)情况下,借入资金(de)比例越大,财务风险( A ).A. 越大 B.不变C.越小 D.逐年上升二、多项选择题1.下列属于用资费用(de)有( AC ).A.向股东支付(de)股利B.向银行支付(de)手续费C.向银行支付(de)借款利息D.向证券经纪商支付(de)佣金2.个别资金成本主要包括( ABC ).A.债券成本B.普通股成本C.留存收益成本D.资金(de)边际成本4.计算个别资金成本时必须考虑所得税因素(de)是( CD ).A. 优先股资金成本B. 普通股资金成本C.债券成本D.银行借款成本5.债务比例( ),财务杠杆系数(),财务风险( AB ).A. 越高,越大,越高B.越低,越小,越低C.越高,越小,越高D.越低,越大,越低6.影响企业边际贡献大小(de)因素有( BCD ).A.固定成本B.销售单价C.单位变动成本D.产销量7. 下列对财务杠杆(de)论述,正确(de)有( BC ).A.财务杠杆系数越高,每股利润增长越快B.财务杠杆效应是指利用负债筹资给企业自有资金带来(de)额外收益C.财务杠杆系数越大,财务风险越大D.财务杠杆与财务风险无关9. 下列各项中,影响财务杠杆系数(de)因素有( ACD ) .A.产品边际贡献总额B.所得税税率C. 固定成本D.财务费用10.已知某企业经营杠杆系数等于2,预计息税前利润增长10%,每股利润增长30%.下列说法正确(de)有( ABC ).A.产销业务量增长5%B.财务杠杆系数等于3C. 复合杠杆系数等于6D. 资产负债率大于50%11.某企业经营杠杆系数为2,财务杠杆系数为3,则下列说法正确(de)有( ABCD ).A.如果销售量增加10%,息税前利润将增加20%B. 如果息税前利润增加20%,每股利润将增加60%C. 如果销售量增加10%,每股利润将增加60%D. 如果每股利润增加30%,销售量需增加5%四、计算分析题2. 万通公司年销售额为1 000万元,变动成本率60%,息税前利润为250万元,全部资本500万元,负债比率40%,负债平均利率10%.要求:(1)计算万通公司(de)经营杠杆系数、财务杠杆系数和复合杠杆系数.答案(1)经营杠杆系数(DOL)=M/EBIT=400/250=1.6财务杠杆系数(DFL)=EBIT/(EBIT-I)=250/(250-20)=1.09复合杠杆系数(DTL)=DOLXDFL=1.6×1.09=1.74(2)息税前利润增长幅度=×10%=16%每股利润增长幅度=1.74×10%=17.40%项目五项目投资管理一、单项选择题1.在长期投资决策中,一般属于经营期现金流出项目(de)有( A ).A.经营成本 B.开办费投资C.固定资产投资 D.无形资产投资2.从项目投资(de)角度看,将企业为使项目完全达到设计生产能力、开展正常经营投入(de)全部现实资金称为( C ).A.投资总额 B.现金流量C.原始总投资 D.项目总投3.在其他条件不变(de)情况下,若企业提高折现率,数字大小不会因此受到影响(de)指标是( D ).A.净现值 B.获利指数C.净现值率 D.内部收益率5.下列各项中,不会对投资项目内部收益率指标产生影响(de)因素是(D ).A.原始投资 B.现金流量C.项目计算期 D.设定折现率6. 内部收益率是一种能使投资方案(de)净现值( B )(de)折现率.A.大于零 B.等于零C.小于零 D.大于等于零7.通过净现值判别项目是否可行(de)准则是( A ).A.NPV>0 B.NPV=0C.NPV<0 D.NPV≤08.原始投资额是反映项目( A ) (de)价值指标.A.所需现实资金 B. 投资总体规模C.所需潜在资金 D. 固定资产规模10.投资利润率与投资回收期(de)相同点是( B ).A.两个指标中(de)“投资”,均是原始投资额B.均没有考虑资金时间价值C.都需要使用现金流量D. 都需要使用利润指标11.一般地,流动资金回收发生于( C ).A.建设起点 B.投产时点C.项目终结点 D. 经营期(de)任一时点14. 某投资项目(de)年营业收入为100万元,年总成本为60万元,其中折旧为10万元,所得税率为33%,则该方案每年(de)经营现金净流量为( C )万元.A.40 B.50 C.36.8 D.2615.某投资项目(de)投资总额为100万元,项目每年产生(de)税后利润为10万元,每年(de)折旧额为10万元,则静态投资回收期为( C )年.A.12.5 B.8.33 C.5 D. 2516.投资利润率(de)分母是( D ).A.建设投资 B.原始投资C.固定资产原值 D.投资总额17.投资回收期是指回收( B )所需(de)全部时间.A.建设投资 B.原始总投资C.固定资产原值 D.投资总额二、多项选择题2.完整(de)工业投资项目(de)现金流入主要包括(ABCD ).A.息税前利润 B.固定资产折旧C.回收流动资金 D.回收固定资产变现净值3.净现值法(de)优点有( ABD ).A.考虑了投资风险 B.考虑了资金时间价值C.可以动态上反映项目(de)实际收益率 D.考虑了项目计算期(de)全部净现金流量4.净现值法与现值指数法(de)共同之处在于( CD ).A.都是相对数指标B.都没有考虑货币时间价值因素C.都不能反映投资方案(de)实际投资收益率D.都必须按预定(de)贴现率折算现金流量(de)现值5.下列各项中,属于从长期投资决策静态评价指标(de)是( BD ).A.获利指数 B.投资回收期C.内部收益率 D.投资利润率6.评价投资方案(de)回收期指标(de)主要特点是( ACD ).A.不能反映时间价值 B.不能衡量企业(de)投资风险C.没有考虑回收期后(de)现金流量 D.不能衡量投资方案投资报酬率(de)高低7.下列项目中投资评价指标中,属于动态指标(de)是(ABD ).A.现值指数 B.净现值率C.投资利润率 D.内部收益率四、计算分析题1.已知一公司拟于2009年初用自有资金购置设备一台,需一次性投资l00万元.经测算,该设备使用寿命为5年,税法亦准许按5年计提折旧,设备投入运营后每年可新增息税前利润20万元.假定,该设备按直线法折旧,预计(de)净残值率为5%,不考虑设备(de)建设期和公司所得税.要求:(1)计算使用期内各年净现金流量;(2)计算该设备(de)静态投资回收期;(3)计算该投资项目(de)投资利润率;(4)如果以10%作为折现率,计算其净现值.答案:(1)该设备各年净现金流量测算NCF.=-100万元=20+(100-5)/5=39(万元)NCF1-4=20+(100-5)/5+5=44(万元)NCF5(2)静态投资回收期=100/39=2.56(年)(3)该设备投资利润率=20/100 × 100%=20%(4)该投资项目(de)净现值=39 × 3.7908+100 × 5%×0.6209—100 =147.8412+3.1045—100=50.95(万元)2.某公司准备购入一台设备以扩充生产能力,现有甲、乙两个方案可以选择.甲方案需要投资50 000元,使用寿命5年,采用直线法计提折旧,5年后设备无残值,5年中每年销售收入为20 000元,付现成本6 000元;乙方案需要投资60 000元,采用直线法计提折旧,使用寿命也是5年,5年后设备残值5 000元,每年销售收入25 000元,付现成本第一年6 000元,以后每年增加l 000元,另外,乙方案需要垫付营运资金l0 000元.假设企业适用(de)所得税为30%,平均资金成本为10%.要求:(1)计算两个方案(de)现金流量;(2)计算两个方案(de)净现值;(3)计算两个方案(de)现值指数;(4)计算两个方案(de)投资回收期;(5)根据计算结论选择哪个投资方案.答案:(1)甲方案:初始投资额50 000元每年现金流量NCF=(20 000—6 000—10 000)×(1—25%)+10 000=13 0001-5乙方案:初始投资额60 000元,垫付营运资金l0 000元,共计70 000元;=-70 000元NCF=(25 000—6 000)×(1—25%)+ 11 000×25%=17 000(元) NCFlNCF=(25 000—7 000)×(1—25%)+ 11 000×25%=16 250(元)2=(25 000—8 000)×(1—25%)+ 11 000×25%=15 500(元)NCF3=(25 000—9 000)×(1—25%)+ 11 000×25%=14 750(元)NCF4NCF=(25 000—10 000)×(1—25%)+ 11 000×25%+15 000=29 000(元)5(2)净现值:甲方案:l3 000 × 3.7908—50 000=(元)乙方案:l7 000×0.9091+16 250×0.8264+15 500 × 0.7513+14 750 × 0.6830+29 000×0.6209—70 000=-1 (元)(3)现值指数:甲方案:l3 000 × 3.7908/50 000=0. 99乙方案:(l6 600×0.9091+15 900×0.8264+15 200 × 0.7513+14 500 × 0.6830+28 800×0.6209)/70 000=0.98(4)投资回收期:甲方案:50 000/13 000=3.85(年)乙方案:4+(70 000—17 000—16 250—15 500—14 750)/29 000=4.22(年) (5)根据计算,选择甲方案.项目六营运资金管理一、单项选择题1.下列各项中,不属于流动负债(de)特点包括( D ).A.速度快 B.弹性大C.风险大 D.具有波动性2.下列项目中,不属于现金持有动机中交易动机(de)是( B ).A.支付工资 B.购买股票C.缴纳所得税 D.派发现金股利3.企业应持有(de)现金总额通常小于交易动机、预防动机和投机动机所需要(de)现金余额之和,其原因是( D ).A.现金(de)存在形式在不断变化 B.现金与有价证券可以互相转换C.现金在不同时点上可以灵活使用 D.各种动机所需要(de)现金可以调节使用4.与现金持有量没有明显比例关系(de)成本是( C ).A.机会成本 B.资金成本C.管理成本 D.短缺成本5.企业在进行现金支出管理时,可利用(de)现金浮游量是指( C ).A.企业账户所记存款余额B.银行账户所记企业存款余额C.企业账户与银行账户所记存款余额之差D.企业实际现金余额超过最佳现金持有量之差6.企业为满足交易动机而持有现金,所需考虑(de)主要因素是( A ).A.企业销售水平(de)高低 B.企业临时举债能力(de)大小C.企业对待风险(de)态度 D.金融市场投机机会(de)多少7.下列有关现金管理(de)成本中,属于固定成本性质(de)是( A ).A.现金管理成本 B.现金短缺成本C.占用现金(de)机会成本 D.转换成本中(de)委托买卖佣金8.某公司每年(360天)现金需求额为400万元,每次转换(de)交易成本为20万元,银行(de)存款利率为10%,则该公司目标现金持有量为( C ).A.200万元 B.300万元C.400万元 D.500万元12.在下列费用中,属于应收账款机会成本(de)是( D ).A.转换费用 B.坏账损失C.收账费用 D.投资于应收账款而丧失(de)再投资收益17.下列各项中,属于现金支出管理方法(de)是( B ).A.银行业务集中法 B.合理运用“浮游量”C.账龄分析法 D.邮政信箱法19.下列各项中,属于应收账款机会成本(de)是( D ).A.收账费用 B.坏账损失C.客户资信调查费 D.应收账款占用资金(de)应计利息20.下列属于缺货成本(de)是( D ).A.存货(de)保险费用 B.存货残损霉变损失C.储存存货发生(de)仓储费用 D.产品供应中断导致延误发货(de)信誉损失22.在确定经济进货批量基本模式下(de)进货批量时,应考虑(de)成本是( D ).A.进货成本 B.订货成本C.储存成本 D.进货费用和储存成本23.采用ABC控制法时,A类存货应符合(de)条件是( A ).A.品种数占总品种数(de)l0%,价值占总价值(de)70%B.品种数占总品种数(de)70%,价值占总价值(de)10%C.品种数占总品种数(de)70%,价值占总价值(de)30%D.品种数占总品种数(de)30%,价值占总价值(de)70%26.企业向银行短期借款,借款利率为10%,补偿性余额为l2%,则实际贷款利率为( C ).A.7.8% B.10%C.% D.14%二、多项选择题1.流动资产与固定资产投资相比,特点包括( BCD ).A.弹性大 B.流动性强C.具有并存性 D.具有波动性2.企业为维持预防动机所需要(de)现金余额主要取决因素有( ABD ).A.企业临时(de)举债能力 B.企业愿意承担(de)风险程度C.企业在金融市场上(de)投资机会 D.企业对现金流量预测(de)可靠程度5.用存货模式分析确定最佳现金持有量时,要考虑(de)成本费用项目有( CD ).A.现金管理费用 B.现金短缺成本C.持有现金(de)机会成本 D.现金与有价证券(de)转换成本6.企业在确定为应付紧急情况而持有现金(de)数额时,需考虑(de)因素有( BD ).A.企业销售水平(de)高低 B.企业临时举债能力(de)强弱C.金融市场投资机会(de)多少 D.企业现金流量预测(de)可靠程度8.应收账款(de)成本包括( ABD ).A.机会成本 B.坏账成本C.财务成本 D.管理成本11.影响应收账款机会成本(de)因素有( ABCD ).A.应收账款周转天数 B.变动成本率C.赊销收入净额 D.资金成本率14.赊销在企业生产经营中所发挥(de)作用有( BC ).A.增加现金 B.减少存货C.促进销售 D.减少借款15.存货(de)功能主要包括( ABCD ).A.防止停工待料 B.适应市场变化C.降低进货成本 D.维持均衡生产16.流动负债主要来源有( ABD ).A.短期借款 B.商业信用C.发行债券 D.应付账项四、计算分析题1. 某企业现金收支状况比较稳定,全年(de)现金需要量为900 000元,每次转换有价证券(de)固定成本为450元,有价证券(de)年利率为10%.要求:(1)计算最佳现金持有量.(2)计算最低现金持有成本.(3)计算最佳现金持有量(de)全年转换成本.(4)计算最佳现金持有量(de)机会成本.(5)计算有价证券(de)转换次数和转换间隔期.答案(1)最佳现金持有量=(2×900000×450/10%)1/2=90000(元)(2)最低现金持有成本=(2×900000×450×10%)1/2=9000(元)(3)最佳现金持有量(de)全年转换成本=(900000/90000) ×450=4500(元)(4) 最佳现金持有量(de)机会成本=(90000/2) ×10%=4500(元)(5) 有价证券(de)转换次数=(900000/90000)=10(次)有价证券(de)转换间隔期=360/10=30(天)3. 方华公司预计年耗用某材料80 000公斤,单价20元/公斤,单位储存成本10元,平均每次进货费用为40元,该材料不允许缺货.要求:(1)计算该材料(de)经济订货量;(2)计算与经济订货批量有关(de)存货总成本;(3)计算经济订货批量(de)平均占用资金;(4)计算年度最佳进货批次答案(1)经济订货批量=1040800002⨯⨯=800(公斤)(2)与经济订货批量有关(de)存货总成本=8 000(元)(3)资金平均占用额=800/2×20=8 000(元)(4)全年最佳进货次数=80 000/800=100(次)项目七一、单项选择题1.下列各项中,不属于收益与分配管理(de)内容是(D ).A.收人管理 B.成本管理C.利润分配管理 D.筹资决策管理5.公司采用固定股利政策发放股利(de)优点主要表现为( B ).A.降低资金成本 B.维持股价稳定c.提高支付能力 D.实现资本保全7.一般而言,适应于采用固定股利政策(de)公司是( C ).A.负债率较高(de)公司 B.盈利波动较大(de)公司C.盈利稳定或处于成长期(de)公司 D.盈利较高但投资机会较多(de)公司9.某公司目标资金结构为自有资金与借人资金之比为6:4,该公司下一年度计划投资1 200万元,今年年末实现(de)净利润为3 000万元.按照剩余股利政策,该公司可用于分配股利(de)金额是( D ).A.1500 B.1720C.2200 D.228016.下列各项中,能使股票交易价格产生下降(de)日期可能是( A ).A.除息日 B.股权登记日C.股利宣告日 D.股利支付日二、多项选择题5.下列各项中,属于公司发放股票股利优点(de)有( ABCD ).A.有利于吸引投资者B.促进公司股票(de)交易和流通C.可以降低公司股票(de)市场价格D.可以传递公司未来发展前景良好(de)信息10.下列各项中,属于揭示投资中心特点(de)表述包括( BCD ).A.属于最高管理层 B.承担最大(de)责任C.具有投资决策权 D.所处在责任层次最高11.下列关于除息日表述正确(de)有( AD ).A.在除息日前,股利权从属于股票B.在除息日前,股利权不从属于股票C.在除息日前,持有股票者不享有领取股利(de)权利D.从除息日开始,新购入股票(de)投资者不能分享最近一期股利13.采用固定股利支付率政策(de)原因有( CD ).A.使公司增强财务弹性 B.促进股票价格(de)稳定与上扬C.体现投资风险与投资收益(de)对等 D.保持股利与盈利之间(de)一定比例关系16.固定或稳定增长(de)股利政策(de)优点包括( ABD ).A.有利于稳定股价 B.有利于吸引投资者C.有利于改善企业资本结构 D.有利于树立公司良好(de)形象17.收益与分配管理(de)意义包括( ABCD ).A.收益分配是企业优化资本结构(de)重要措施B.收益分配是国家建设资金(de)重要来源C.收益分配是企业再生产(de)条件D.收益分配体现了企业所有者、经营者和劳动者之间(de)利益关系项目八财务分析与考核一、单项选择题1.短期债权人在进行企业财务分析时,最为关心(de)是( B ).A.企业获利能力 B.企业支付能力C.企业社会贡献能力 D.企业资产营运能力2.如果企业速动比率很小,下列结论成立(de)是( C ).A.企业资产流动性很强 B.企业短期偿债能力很强C.企业短期偿债风险很大 D.企业流动资产占用过多4.最关心企业偿债能力(de)是( B ).A.所有者B.债权人C.经营决策者D. 政府经济管理机构7.对权益乘数描述正确(de)是( B ).A.资产负债率越高,权益乘数越低B.资产负债率越高,权益乘数越高C.权益乘数高,说明企业(de)负债程度比较低。



公司理财试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的主要目标是()。

A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 销售收入最大化答案:C2. 以下哪项不是公司理财的基本原则?()A. 风险与收益权衡原则B. 分散投资原则C. 资本成本原则D. 利润最大化原则答案:D3. 公司财务杠杆的计算不包括以下哪项?()A. 财务杠杆系数B. 权益乘数C. 资产负债率D. 流动比率答案:D4. 以下哪项不是公司理财中的资本预算方法?()A. 净现值法B. 内部收益率法C. 投资回收期法D. 盈亏平衡点法答案:D5. 在公司理财中,以下哪项不是资本结构决策的影响因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 财务风险C. 公司规模D. 通货膨胀率答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 公司理财中,以下哪些因素会影响公司的资本成本?()A. 无风险利率B. 市场风险溢价C. 公司财务杠杆D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C2. 以下哪些是公司理财中的风险管理工具?()A. 期货合约B. 期权合约C. 保险D. 股票答案:A, B, C3. 公司理财中,以下哪些是资本预算的步骤?()A. 确定投资项目的现金流量B. 计算项目的净现值C. 进行项目风险评估D. 确定项目的折现率答案:A, B, C, D4. 以下哪些是公司理财中常用的财务比率分析?()A. 流动比率B. 资产负债率C. 净资产收益率D. 市盈率答案:A, B, C5. 公司理财中,以下哪些是影响公司资本结构的因素?()A. 公司所得税B. 公司规模C. 行业特性D. 通货膨胀率答案:A, B, C三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 公司理财的目标是股东财富最大化。

()答案:正确2. 公司理财中,财务杠杆越高,公司的财务风险越大。

()答案:正确3. 在公司理财中,资本成本是指公司为获得资金所支付的成本。

()答案:正确4. 公司理财中,通货膨胀率的提高会降低公司的资本成本。



CHAPTER 17Financial Leverage and Capital Structure PolicyI. DEFINITIONSHOMEMADE LEVERAGEa 1. The use of personal borrowing to change the overall amount offinancial leverage to which an individual is exposed is called:a. homemade leverage.b. dividend recapture.c. the weighted average cost of capital.d. private debt placement.e. personal offset.M&M PROPOSITION Ib 2. The proposition that the value of the firm is independent of itscapital structure is called:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.M&M PROPOSITION IIc 3. The proposition that the cost of equity is a positive linear functionof capital structure is called:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.BUSINESS RISKd 4. The equity risk derived from a firm’s operating activities is called_____ risk.a. marketb. systematicc. extrinsicd. businesse. financialFINANCIAL RISKe 5. The equity risk derived from a firm’s capital structure policy iscalled _____ risk.a. marketb. systematicc. extrinsicd. businesse. financialINTEREST TAX SHIELDa 6. The tax savings of the firm derived from the deductibility of interestexpense is called the:a. interest tax shield.b. depreciable basis.c. financing umbrella.d. current yield.e. tax-loss carryforward savings.UNLEVERED COST OF CAPITALb 7. The unlevered cost of capital is:a. the cost of capital for a firm with no equity in its capital structure.b. the cost of capital for a firm with no debt in its capital structure.c. the interest tax shield times pretax net income.d. the cost of preferred stock for a firm with equal parts debt andcommon stock in its capital structure.e. equal to the profit margin for a firm with some debt in its capitalstructure.DIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 8. The explicit costs, such as the legal expenses, associated withcorporate default are classified as _____ costs.a. flotationb. beta conversionc. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. unleveredINDIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 9. The costs of avoiding a bankruptcy filing by a financially distressedfirm are classified as _____ costs.a. flotationb. direct bankruptcyc. indirect bankruptcyd. financial solvencye. capital structureFINANCIAL DISTRESS COSTSe 10. The explicit and implicit costs associated with corporate default arereferred to as the _____ costs of a firm.a. flotationb. default betac. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. financial distressSTATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREa 11. The proposition that a firm borrows up to the point where the marginalbenefit of the interest tax shield derived from increased debt is justequal to the marginal expense of the resulting increase in financialdistress costs is called the:a. static theory of capital structure.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. capital asset pricing model.e. open markets theorem.BANKRUPTCYb 12. The legal proceeding for liquidating or reorganizing a firm operatingin default is called a:a. tender offer.b. bankruptcy.c. merger.d. takeover.e. proxy fight.LIQUIDATIONc 13. The complete termination of a firm as a going business concern iscalled a:a. merger.b. repurchase program.c. liquidation.d. reorganization.e. divestiture.ACCOUNTING INSOLVENCYd 14. A firm that has negative net worth is said to be:a. experiencing a business failure.b. in legal bankruptcy.c. experiencing technical insolvency.d. experiencing accounting insolvency.e. in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.REORGANIZATIONd 15. An attempt to financially restructure a failing firm so that it cancontinue operating as a going concern is called a:a. merger.b. repurchase program.c. liquidation.d. reorganization.e. divestiture.II. CONCEPTSCAPITAL STRUCTUREb 16. A firm should select the capital structure which:a. produces the highest cost of capital.b. maximizes the value of the firm.c. minimizes taxes.d. is fully unlevered.e. has no debt.CAPITAL STRUCTUREd 17. The value of a firm is maximized when the:a. cost of equity is maximized.b tax rate is zero.c. levered cost of capital is maximized.d. weighted average cost of capital is minimized.e. debt-equity ratio is minimized.CAPITAL STRUCTUREe 18. The optimal capital structure has been achieved when the:a. debt-equity ratio is equal to 1.b. weight of equity is equal to the weight of debt.c. cost of equity is maximized given a pre-tax cost of debt.d. debt-equity ratio is such that the cost of debt exceeds the cost of equity.e. debt-equity ratio selected results in the lowest possible weighed average cost ofcapital.BREAK-EVEN EBITd 19. ABC, Inc. is comparing two capital structures to determine how to bestfinance their firm’s operations. The first option consists of 100percent equity financing. The second option is based on a debt-equityratio of .40. What should ABC do if their expected earnings beforeinterest and taxes (EBIT) is less than the break-even level Assumethere are no taxes.a. select the leverage option because the debt-equity ratio is less than .50b. select the leverage option since the expected EBIT is less than the break-even levelc. select the unlevered option since the debt-equity ratio is less than .50d. select the unlevered option since the expected EBIT is less than the break-even levele. cannot be determined from the information providedBREAK-EVEN EBITa 20. You have computed the break-even point between a capital structurethat has no debt and one that has debt. Assume there are no taxes. Atthe break-even level, the:a. firm is just earning enough to pay for the cost of the debt.b. firm’s earnings before interest and taxes are equal to zero.c. earnings per share for the levered option are exactly double those of the unleveredoption.d. advantages of leverage exceed the disadvantages of leverage.e. firm has a debt-equity ratio of .50.BREAK-EVEN EBITa 21. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning therelationship between a capital structure with debt and one withoutdebt Assume there are no taxes.a. When a firm is operating at a point where the actual earnings beforeinterest and taxes (EBIT) exceed the break-even level, then addingdebt to the capital structure will increase the earnings per share(EPS).b. The earnings per share will equal zero when EBIT is zero for a levered firm.c. The advantages of leverage primarily occur when EBIT is just barely positive.d. The firm’s EPS will always be higher if the firm uses leverage.e. EPS are more sensitive to changes in EBIT when a firm is unlevered.HOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 22. Bryan invested in Bryco, Inc. stock when the firm was financed solelywith equity. The firm is now utilizing debt in its capital structure.To unlever his position, Bryan needs to:a. borrow some money and purchase additional shares of Bryco stock.b. maintain his current position as the debt of the firm did not affect his personal leverageposition.c. sell some shares of Bryco stock and hold the proceeds in cash.d. s ell some shares of Bryco stock and loan it out such that he creates apersonal debt-equity ratio equal to that of the firm.e. create a personal debt-equity ratio that is equal to exactly 50 percent of the debt-equityratio of the firm.HOMEMADE LEVERAGEe 23. The capital structure chosen by a firm doesn’t really matter because of:a. taxes.b. the interest tax shield.c. the relationship between dividends and earnings per share.d. the effects of leverage on the cost of equity.e. homemade leverage.M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXc 24. M&M Proposition I with no tax supports the argument that:a. business risk determines the return on assets.b. the cost of equity rises as leverage rises.c. it is completely irrelevant how a firm arranges its finances.d. a firm should borrow money to the point where the tax benefit from debt is equal to thecost of the increased probability of financial distress.e. financial risk is determined by the debt-equity ratio.M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXa 25. The proposition that the value of a levered firm is equal to the value of an unleveredfirm is known as:a. M&M Proposition I with no tax.b. M&M Proposition II with no tax.c. M&M Proposition I with tax.d. M&M Proposition II with tax.e. static theory proposition.M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXa 26. The concept of homemade leverage is most associated with:a. M&M Proposition I with no tax.b. M&M Proposition II with no tax.c. M&M Proposition I with tax.d. M&M Proposition II with tax.e. static theory proposition.M&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXc 27. Which of the following statements are correct in relation to M&M Proposition II withno taxesI. The return on assets is equal to the weighted average cost of capital.II. Financial risk is determined by the debt-equity ratio.III. F inancial risk determines the return on assets.IV. The cost of equity declines when the amount of leverage used by a firm rises.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I and II onlyd. III and IV onlye. I and IV onlyM&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXa 28. M&M Proposition I with tax supports the theory that:a. there is a positive linear relationship between the amount of debt in a levered firm andits value.b. the value of a firm is inversely related to the amount of leverage used by the firm.c. t he value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a levered firmplus the value of the interest tax shield.d. a firm’s cost of capital is the same regardless of the mix of debt and equity used by the firm.e. a firm’s weighted average cost of capital increases as the debt-equity ratio of the firmrises.M&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXd 29. M&M Proposition I with taxes is based on the concept that:a. the optimal capital structure is the one that is totally financed with equity.b. the capital structure of the firm does not matter because investors can use homemadeleverage.c. the firm is better off with debt based on the weighted average cost of capital.d. the value of the firm increases as total debt increases because of the interest tax shield.e. the cost of equity increases as the debt-equity ratio of a firm increases.M&M PROPOSITION II, WITH TAXa 30. M&M Proposition II with taxes:a. has the same general implications as M&M Proposition II without taxes.b. reveals how the interest tax shield relates to the value of a firm.c. supports the argument that business risk is determined by the capital structureemployed by a firm.d. supports the argument that the cost of equity decreases as the debt-equity ratioincreases.e. reaches the final conclusion that the capital structure decision is irrelevant to the valueof a firm.M&M PROPOSITION IIc 31. M&M Proposition II is the proposition that:a. supports the argument that the capital structure of a firm is irrelevant to the value ofthe firm.b. the cost of equity depends on the return on debt, the debt-equity ratio and the tax rate.c. a firm’s cost of equity capital is a positive linear function of the firm’s capital structure.d. the cost of equity is equivalent to the required return on the total assets of a firm.e. supports the argument that the size of the pie does not depend on how the pie is sliced.BUSINESS RISKd 32. The business risk of a firm:a. depends on the level of unsystematic risk associated with the assets of the firm.b. is inversely related to the required return on the firm’s assets.c. is dependent upon the relative weights of the debt and equity used to finance the firm.d. has a positive relationship with the cost of equity for that firm.e. has no relationship with the required return on a firm’s assets according to M&MProposition II.FINANCIAL RISKd 33. Which of the following statements concerning financial risk are correctI. Financial risk is the risk associated with the use of debt financing.II. As financial risk increases so too does the cost of equity.III.Financial risk is wholly dependent upon the financial policy of a firm.IV. Financial risk is the risk that is inherent in a firm’s operations.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVINTEREST TAX SHIELDe 34. The present value of the interest tax shield is expressed as:a. (T C D) R A.b. V U + (T C D).c. [EBIT (T C D)] R U.d. [EBIT (T C D)] R A.e. T c D.INTEREST TAX SHIELDc 35. The interest tax shield has no value for a firm when:I. the tax rate is equal to zero.II. the debt-equity ratio is exactly equal to 1.III. t he firm is unlevered.IV. a firm elects 100 percent equity as their capital structure.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, and IV onlyINTEREST TAX SHIELDc 36. The interest tax shield is a key reason why:a. the required rate of return on assets rises when debt is added to the capital structure.b. the value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a levered firm.c. the net cost of debt to a firm is generally less than the cost of equity.d. the cost of debt is equal to the cost of equity for a levered firm.e. firms prefer equity financing over debt financing.INTEREST TAX SHIELDd 37. Which of the following will tend to diminish the benefit of the interest tax shield given a progressive tax rate structureI. a reduction in tax ratesII. a large tax loss carryforwardIII. a large depreciation tax deductionIV. a sizeable increase in taxable incomea. I and II onlyb. I and III onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVBANKRUPTCYe 38. Which one of the following statements concerning bankruptcy is correcta. The administrative costs incurred in a bankruptcy are considered indirect bankruptcycosts.b. Bondholders have a greater incentive than stockholders to keep a firm from filing forbankruptcy.c. Bankruptcy is sometimes used as a means to increase payroll costs.d. The assets of a firm tend to increase in value when a firm is in financial distress.e. An implicit cost of bankruptcy is the loss of key employees.BANKRUPTCYe 39. Indirect bankruptcy costs:a. effectively limit the amount of equity a firm issues.b. serve as an incentive to increase the financial leverage of a firm.c. include direct costs such as legal and accounting fees.d. tend to increase as the debt-equity ratio decreases.e. include the costs incurred by a firm as it tries to avoid seeking bankruptcy protection.OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREe 40. When a firm is operating with the optimal capital structure:I. the debt-equity ratio will also be optimal.II. the weighted average cost of capital will be at its minimal point.III. t he required return on assets will be at its maximum point.IV. the increased benefit from additional debt is equal to the increased bankruptcy costs of that debt.a. I and IV onlyb. II and III onlyc. I and II onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, and IV onlyOPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREd 41. The optimal capital structure will tend to include more debt for firms with:a. the highest depreciation deductions.b. the lowest marginal tax rate.c. substantial tax shields from other sources.d. lower probability of financial distress.e. less taxable income.OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREc 42. The optimal capital structure of a firm _____ the marketed claims and _____ thenonmarketed claims against the cash flows of the firm.a. minimizes; minimizesb. minimizes; maximizesc. maximizes; minimizesd. maximizes; maximizese. equates; (leave blank)c 43. The optimal capital structure:a. will be the same for all firms in the same industry.b. will remain constant over time unless the firm does an acquisition.c. of a firm will vary over time as taxes and market conditions change.d. places more emphasis on the operations of a firm rather than the financing of a firm.e. is unaffected by changes in the financial markets.M&M THEORYb 44. The basic lesson of M&M Theory is that the value of a firm is dependent uponthe:a. capital structure of the firm.b. total cash flows of the firm.c. percentage of a firm to which the bondholders have a claim.d. tax claim placed on the firm by the government.e. size of the stockholders claims on the firm.OBSERVED CAPITAL STRUCTURESb 45. Corporations in the U.S. tend to:a. minimize taxes.b. underutilize debt.c. rely less on equity financing than they should.d. have extremely high debt-equity ratios.e. rely more heavily on bonds than stocks as the major source of financing.e 46. In general, the capital structures used by U.S. firms:a. tend to overweigh debt in relation to equity.b. are easily explained in terms of earnings volatility.c. are easily explained by analyzing the types of assets owned by the various firms.d. tend to be those which maximize the use of the firm’s available tax shelters.e. vary significantly across industries.BANKRUPTCY PROCESSc 47. A firm is technically insolvent when:a. it has a negative net worth on its balance sheet.b. the value of the firm’s assets is less than the value of the firm’s liabilities.c. it is unable to meet its financial obligations.d. it files the legal forms petitioning for bankruptcy protection.e. the value of its stock declines by more than 50 percent.BANKRUPTCY PROCESSb 48. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning a Chapter7 bankruptcya. A firm in Chapter 7 bankruptcy is reorganizing its operations such that is can return to being a viable concern.b. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a trustee will assume control of the firm’s assets untilthose assets can be liquidated.c. Chapter 7 bankruptcies are always involuntary on the part of the firm.d. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the claims of creditors are paid prior to theadministrative costs of the bankruptcy.e. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows a firm to restructure its equity position such that newshares of stock are generally issued prior to the firm coming out of bankruptcy.BANKRUPTCY PROCESSe 49. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which one of the following is generallyconsidered to be the highest priority claima. consumer claimb. dividend payment to preferred shareholderc. company contribution to the employees’ retirement accountd. payment to an unsecured creditore. payment of employee wagesBANKRUPTCY PROCESSe 50. A firm may file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy:I. in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage.II. using a prepack.III. w hile allowing the current management to continue running the firm.IV. even though it is not insolvent.a. I and III onlyb. I, II, and IV onlyc. I and II onlyd. III and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVSTATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREa 51. The static theory of capital structure:a. assumes that the firm’s operations and assets are fixed.b. assumes that the firm’s o perations are fixed but that its assets are increasing.c. supports increasing the leverage employed by a firm when the probability of financialdistress becomes significant.d. equates the benefits of equity financing to the costs associated with the probability offinancial distress.e. states that a firm should operate at the point where the cost of capital is maximized.STATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREc 52. The static theory of capital structure supports the theory that value-maximizingmanagers will:a. look to the asset side of the balance sheet to increase firm value since the mix of debt and equity selected is unlikely to affect firm value.b. not concern themselves with the capital structure of the firm as it is an irrelevant issue.c. select the capital structure for which the cost associated with the probability offinancial distress equals the benefit of the interest tax shield.d. select an all equity capital structure to ensure the value of the firm is maximized.e. select the capital structure which maximizes the interest tax shield. III. PROBLEMSBREAK-EVEN EBITe 53. Becker Industries is considering an all equity capital structureagainst one with both debt and equity. The all equity capitalstructure would consist of 25,000 shares of stock. The debt and equityoption would consist of 15,000 shares of stock plus $250,000 of debtwith an interest rate of 7 percent. What is the break-even level ofearnings before interest and taxes between these two options Ignoretaxes.a. $41,150b. $41,450c. $41,500d. $42,680e. $43,750BREAK-EVEN EBITa 54. Blackstone, Inc. is currently an all equity firm that has 65,000shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $22 a share. The firmhas decided to leverage their operations by issuing $605,000 of debtat an interest rate of percent. This new debt will be used torepurchase shares of the outstanding stock. The restructuring isexpected to increase the earnings per share. What is the minimum levelof earnings before interest and taxes that Blackstone is expectingIgnore taxes.a. $92,950b. $94,700c. $95,250d. $95,400e. $96,150BREAK-EVEN EBITb 55. Martha White’s Fabrics is currently an all equity firm that has15,000 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $ a share.Company management has decided to issue $50,000 worth of debt and usethe funds to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. The interestrate on the debt will be 9 percent. What are the earnings per share atthe break-even level of earnings before interest and taxes Ignoretaxes.a. $b. $c. $d. $e. $HOMEMADE LEVERAGEc 56. Martin & Sons (M&S) currently is an all equity firm with 40,000 sharesof stock outstanding at a market price of $25 a share. The company’searnings before interest and taxes are $80,000. M&S has decided to addleverage to their financial operations by issuing $500,000 of debtwith a 7 percent interest rate. This $500,000 will be used torepurchase shares of stock. You own 1,000 shares of M&S stock. Youalso loan out funds at a 7 percent rate of interest. How many of yourshares of stock in M&S must you sell to offset the leverage that thefirm is assuming Assume that you loan out all of the funds you receivefrom the sale of your stock.a. 400 sharesb. 450 sharesc. 500 sharesd. 550 sharese. 600 sharesHOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 57. You currently own 500 shares in K&S Stores. K&S is currently an allequity firm that has 25,000 shares of stock outstanding at a marketprice of $10 a share. The company’s earnings before interest andtaxes is $20,000. K&S has decided to issue $150,000 of debt at a 6percent rate of interest. This $150,000 will be used to repurchaseshares of stock. How many shares of K&S stock must you sell to unleveryour position if you can loan out funds at a 6 percent rate ofinteresta. 150 sharesb. 200 sharesc. 250 sharesd. 300 sharese. 500 sharesHOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 58. R&F Enterprises is an all equity firm with 70,000 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $8 a share. The company has earningsbefore interest and taxes of $42,000. R&F decides to issue $200,000 ofdebt at a 7 percent rate of interest. The $200,000 will be used torepurchase shares of the outstanding stock. Currently, you own 1,500shares of R&F stock. How many shares of this stock must you sell tounlever your position if you can loan out funds at a 7 percent rate ofinteresta. 489 sharesb. 497 sharesc. 508 sharesd. 536 sharese. 541 sharesM&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXa 59. Thompson & Thomson is an all equity firm that has 500,000 shares ofstock outstanding. The company is in the process of borrowing $8million at 9 percent interest to repurchase 200,000 shares of theoutstanding stock. What is the value of this firm if you ignore taxesa. $ millionb. $ millionc. $ milliond. $ millione. $ millionM&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXc 60. Uptown Interior Designs is an all equity firm that has 40,000 sharesof stock outstanding. The company has decided to borrow $1 million tobuy out the shares of a deceased stockholder who holds 2,500 shares.What is the total value of this firm if you ignore taxesa. $ millionb. $ millionc. $ milliond. $ millione. $ millionM&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXe 61. You own 25 percent of Unique Vactions, Inc. You have decided to retireand want to sell your shares in this closely held, all equity firm.The other shareholders have agreed to have the firm borrow $ millionto purchase your 1,000 shares of stock. What is the total value ofthis firm today if you ignore taxesa. $ millionb. $ millionc. $ milliond. $ millione. $ millionM&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXd 62. Your firm has a debt-equity ratio of .75. Your pre-tax cost of debt ispercent and your required return on assets is 15 percent. What is yourcost of equity if you ignore taxesa. percentb. percentc. percentd. percente. percentM&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXb 63. Bigelow, Inc. has a cost of equity of percent and a pre-tax cost ofdebt of 7 percent. The required return on the assets is 11 percent.What is the firm’s debt-equity ratio based on M&M II with no taxesa. .60b. .64c. .72d. .75e. .80M&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXd 64. The Backwoods Lumber Co. has a debt-equity ratio of .80. The firm’srequired return on assets is 12 percent and its cost of equity ispercent. What is the pre-tax cost of debt based on M&M II with notaxesa. percentb. percentc. percentd. percente. percentM&M PROPOSTION I, WITH TAXb 65. The Winter Wear Company has expected earnings before interest andtaxes of $2,100, an unlevered cost of capital of 14 percent and a taxrate of 34 percent. The company also has $2,800 of debt that carries a7 percent coupon. The debt is selling at par value. What is the valueof this firma. $9,900b. $10,852c. $11,748d. $12,054e. $12,700M&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXb 66. Gail’s Dance Studio is currently an all equity firm that has 80,000shares of stock outstanding with a market price of $42 a share. Thecurrent cost of equity is 12 percent and the tax rate is 34 percent.Gail is considering adding $1 million of debt with a coupon rate of 8percent to her capital structure. The debt will be sold at par value.What is the levered value of the equitya. $ millionb. $ millionc. $ milliond. $ millione. $ million。




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CHAPTER 17Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy I. DEFINITIONSHOMEMADE LEVERAGEa 1. The use of personal borrowing to change the overall amount of financial leverage towhich an individual is exposed is called:a. homemade leverage.b. dividend recapture.c. the weighted average cost of capital.d. private debt placement.e. personal offset.M&M PROPOSITION Ib 2. The proposition that the value of the firm is independent of its capital structure iscalled:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.M&M PROPOSITION IIc 3. The proposition that the cost of equity is a positive linear function of capital structureis called:a. the capital asset pricing model.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. the law of one price.e. the efficient markets hypothesis.BUSINESS RISKd 4. The equity risk derived from a firm’s operating activities is called _____ risk.a. marketb. systematicc. extrinsicd. businesse. financialFINANCIAL RISKe 5. The equity risk derived from a firm’s capital structure policy is called _____ risk.a. marketb. systematicc. extrinsicd. businesse. financialCHAPTER 17INTEREST TAX SHIELDa 6. The tax savings of the firm derived from the deductibility of interest expense is calledthe:a. interest tax shield.b. depreciable basis.c. financing umbrella.d. current yield.e. tax-loss carryforward savings.UNLEVERED COST OF CAPITALb 7. The unlevered cost of capital is:a. the cost of capital for a firm with no equity in its capital structure.b. the cost of capital for a firm with no debt in its capital structure.c. the interest tax shield times pretax net income.d. the cost of preferred stock for a firm with equal parts debt and common stock in itscapital structure.e. equal to the profit margin for a firm with some debt in its capital structure.DIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 8. The explicit costs, such as the legal expenses, associated with corporate default areclassified as _____ costs.a. flotationb. beta conversionc. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. unleveredINDIRECT BANKRUPTCY COSTSc 9. The costs of avoiding a bankruptcy filing by a financially distressed firm are classifiedas _____ costs.a. flotationb. direct bankruptcyc. indirect bankruptcyd. financial solvencye. capital structureFINANCIAL DISTRESS COSTSe 10. The explicit and implicit costs associated with corporate default are referred to as the_____ costs of a firm.a. flotationb. default betac. direct bankruptcyd. indirect bankruptcye. financial distressCHAPTER 17 STATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREa 11. The proposition that a firm borrows up to the point where the marginal benefit of theinterest tax shield derived from increased debt is just equal to the marginal expense ofthe resulting increase in financial distress costs is called the:a. static theory of capital structure.b. M&M Proposition I.c. M&M Proposition II.d. capital asset pricing model.e. open markets theorem.BANKRUPTCYb 12. The legal proceeding for liquidating or reorganizing a firm operating in default iscalled a:a. tender offer.b. bankruptcy.c. merger.d. takeover.e. proxy fight.LIQUIDATIONc 13. The complete termination of a firm as a going business concern is called a:a. merger.b. repurchase program.c. liquidation.d. reorganization.e. divestiture.ACCOUNTING INSOLVENCYd 14. A firm that has negative net worth is said to be:a. experiencing a business failure.b. in legal bankruptcy.c. experiencing technical insolvency.d. experiencing accounting insolvency.e. in Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.REORGANIZATIONd 15. An attempt to financially restructure a failing firm so that it can continue operating as agoing concern is called a:a. merger.b. repurchase program.c. liquidation.d. reorganization.e. divestiture.CHAPTER 17II. CONCEPTSCAPITAL STRUCTUREb 16. A firm should select the capital structure which:a. produces the highest cost of capital.b. maximizes the value of the firm.c. minimizes taxes.d. is fully unlevered.e. has no debt.CAPITAL STRUCTUREd 17. The value of a firm is maximized when the:a. cost of equity is maximized.b tax rate is zero.c. levered cost of capital is maximized.d. weighted average cost of capital is minimized.e. debt-equity ratio is minimized.CAPITAL STRUCTUREe 18. The optimal capital structure has been achieved when the:a. debt-equity ratio is equal to 1.b. weight of equity is equal to the weight of debt.c. cost of equity is maximized given a pre-tax cost of debt.d. debt-equity ratio is such that the cost of debt exceeds the cost of equity.e. debt-equity ratio selected results in the lowest possible weighed average cost ofcapital.BREAK-EVEN EBITd 19. ABC, Inc. is comparing two capital structures to determine how to best finance theirf irm’s operations. The first option consists of 100 percent equity financing. The secondoption is based on a debt-equity ratio of .40. What should ABC do if their expectedearnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) is less than the break-even level? Assumethere are no taxes.a. select the leverage option because the debt-equity ratio is less than .50b. select the leverage option since the expected EBIT is less than the break-even levelc. select the unlevered option since the debt-equity ratio is less than .50d. select the unlevered option since the expected EBIT is less than the break-even levele. cannot be determined from the information providedBREAK-EVEN EBITa 20. You have computed the break-even point between a capital structure that has no debtand one that has debt. Assume there are no taxes. At the break-even level, the:a. firm is just earning enough to pay for the cost of the debt.b. firm’s earnings before interest and taxes are equal to zero.c. earnings per share for the levered option are exactly double those of the unleveredoption.d. advantages of leverage exceed the disadvantages of leverage.e. firm has a debt-equity ratio of .50.CHAPTER 17 BREAK-EVEN EBITa 21. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning the relationship between acapital structure with debt and one without debt? Assume there are no taxes.a. When a firm is operating at a point where the actual earnings before interest and taxes(EBIT) exceed the break-even level, then adding debt to the capital structure willincrease the earnings per share (EPS).b. The earnings per share will equal zero when EBIT is zero for a levered firm.c. The advantages of leverage primarily occur when EBIT is just barely positive.d. The firm’s EPS will always be higher if the firm uses leverage.e. EPS are more sensitive to changes in EBIT when a firm is unlevered.HOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 22. Bryan invested in Bryco, Inc. stock when the firm was financed solely with equity. Thefirm is now utilizing debt in its capital structure. To unlever his position, Bryan needsto:a. borrow some money and purchase additional shares of Bryco stock.b. maintain his current position as the debt of the firm did not affect his personal leverageposition.c. sell some shares of Bryco stock and hold the proceeds in cash.d. s ell some shares of Bryco stock and loan it out such that he creates a personal debt-equity ratio equal to that of the firm.e. create a personal debt-equity ratio that is equal to exactly 50 percent of the debt-equityratio of the firm.HOMEMADE LEVERAGEe 23. The capital structure chosen by a firm doesn’t really matter because of:a. taxes.b. the interest tax shield.c. the relationship between dividends and earnings per share.d. the effects of leverage on the cost of equity.e. homemade leverage.M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXc 24. M&M Proposition I with no tax supports the argument that:a. business risk determines the return on assets.b. the cost of equity rises as leverage rises.c. it is completely irrelevant how a firm arranges its finances.d. a firm should borrow money to the point where the tax benefit from debt is equal to thecost of the increased probability of financial distress.e. financial risk is determined by the debt-equity ratio.M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXa 25. The proposition that the value of a levered firm is equal to the value of an unleveredfirm is known as:a. M&M Proposition I with no tax.b. M&M Proposition II with no tax.c. M&M Proposition I with tax.d. M&M Proposition II with tax.e. static theory proposition.CHAPTER 17M&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXa 26. The concept of homemade leverage is most associated with:a. M&M Proposition I with no tax.b. M&M Proposition II with no tax.c. M&M Proposition I with tax.d. M&M Proposition II with tax.e. static theory proposition.M&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXc 27. Which of the following statements are correct in relation to M&M Proposition II withno taxes?I. The return on assets is equal to the weighted average cost of capital.II. Financial risk is determined by the debt-equity ratio.III. Financial risk determines the return on assets.IV. The cost of equity declines when the amount of leverage used by a firm rises.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I and II onlyd. III and IV onlye. I and IV onlyM&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXa 28. M&M Proposition I with tax supports the theory that:a. there is a positive linear relationship between the amount of debt in a levered firm andits value.b. the value of a firm is inversely related to the amount of leverage used by the firm.c. t he value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a levered firm plus the value ofthe interest tax shield.d. a firm’s cost of capital is the same regardless of the mix of debt and equity used by thefirm.e. a firm’s weighted average cost of capital increases as the debt-equity ratio of the firmrises.M&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXd 29. M&M Proposition I with taxes is based on the concept that:a. the optimal capital structure is the one that is totally financed with equity.b. the capital structure of the firm does not matter because investors can use homemadeleverage.c. the firm is better off with debt based on the weighted average cost of capital.d. the value of the firm increases as total debt increases because of the interest tax shield.e. the cost of equity increases as the debt-equity ratio of a firm increases.CHAPTER 17 M&M PROPOSITION II, WITH TAXa 30. M&M Proposition II with taxes:a. has the same general implications as M&M Proposition II without taxes.b. reveals how the interest tax shield relates to the value of a firm.c. supports the argument that business risk is determined by the capital structureemployed by a firm.d. supports the argument that the cost of equity decreases as the debt-equity ratioincreases.e. reaches the final conclusion that the capital structure decision is irrelevant to the valueof a firm.M&M PROPOSITION IIc 31. M&M Proposition II is the proposition that:a. supports the argument that the capital structure of a firm is irrelevant to the value ofthe firm.b. the cost of equity depends on the return on debt, the debt-equity ratio and the taxrate.c. a firm’s cost of equity capital is a positive linear function of the firm’s capitalstructure.d. the cost of equity is equivalent to the required return on the total assets of a firm.e. supports the argument that the size of the pie does not depend on how the pie is sliced. BUSINESS RISKd 32. The business risk of a firm:a. depends on the level of unsystematic risk associated with the assets of the firm.b. is inversely related to the required return on the firm’s assets.c. is dependent upon the relative weights of the debt and equity used to finance the firm.d. has a positive relationship with the cost of equity for that firm.e. has no relationship with the required return on a firm’s assets according to M&MProposition II.FINANCIAL RISKd 33. Which of the following statements concerning financial risk are correct?I. Financial risk is the risk associated with the use of debt financing.II. As financial risk increases so too does the cost of equity.III. Financial risk is wholly dependent upon the financial policy of a firm.IV. Financial risk is the risk that is inherent in a firm’s operations.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVCHAPTER 17INTEREST TAX SHIELDe 34. The present value of the interest tax shield is expressed as:a. (T C⨯ D) ÷ R A.b. V U + (T C⨯D).c. [EBIT ⨯ (T C⨯ D)] ÷ R U.d. [EBIT ⨯ (T C⨯ D)] ÷ R A.e. T c⨯ D.INTEREST TAX SHIELDc 35. The interest tax shield has no value for a firm when:I. the tax rate is equal to zero.II. the debt-equity ratio is exactly equal to 1.III. the firm is unlevered.IV. a firm elects 100 percent equity as their capital structure.a. I and III onlyb. II and IV onlyc. I, III, and IV onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, and IV onlyINTEREST TAX SHIELDc 36. The interest tax shield is a key reason why:a. the required rate of return on assets rises when debt is added to the capital structure.b. the value of an unlevered firm is equal to the value of a levered firm.c. the net cost of debt to a firm is generally less than the cost of equity.d. the cost of debt is equal to the cost of equity for a levered firm.e. firms prefer equity financing over debt financing.INTEREST TAX SHIELDd 37. Which of the following will tend to diminish the benefit of the interest tax shield givena progressive tax rate structure?I. a reduction in tax ratesII. a large tax loss carryforwardIII. a large depreciation tax deductionIV. a sizeable increase in taxable incomea. I and II onlyb. I and III onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, and III onlye. I, II, III, and IVCHAPTER 17 BANKRUPTCYe 38. Which one of the following statements concerning bankruptcy is correct?a. The administrative costs incurred in a bankruptcy are considered indirect bankruptcycosts.b. Bondholders have a greater incentive than stockholders to keep a firm from filing forbankruptcy.c. Bankruptcy is sometimes used as a means to increase payroll costs.d. The assets of a firm tend to increase in value when a firm is in financial distress.e. An implicit cost of bankruptcy is the loss of key employees.BANKRUPTCYe 39. Indirect bankruptcy costs:a. effectively limit the amount of equity a firm issues.b. serve as an incentive to increase the financial leverage of a firm.c. include direct costs such as legal and accounting fees.d. tend to increase as the debt-equity ratio decreases.e. include the costs incurred by a firm as it tries to avoid seeking bankruptcy protection. OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREe 40. When a firm is operating with the optimal capital structure:I. the debt-equity ratio will also be optimal.II. the weighted average cost of capital will be at its minimal point.III. the required return on assets will be at its maximum point.IV. the increased benefit from additional debt is equal to the increased bankruptcy costs of that debt.a. I and IV onlyb. II and III onlyc. I and II onlyd. II, III, and IV onlye. I, II, and IV onlyOPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREd 41. The optimal capital structure will tend to include more debt for firms with:a. the highest depreciation deductions.b. the lowest marginal tax rate.c. substantial tax shields from other sources.d. lower probability of financial distress.e. less taxable income.OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREc 42. The optimal capital structure of a firm _____ the marketed claims and _____ thenonmarketed claims against the cash flows of the firm.a. minimizes; minimizesb. minimizes; maximizesc. maximizes; minimizesd. maximizes; maximizese. equates; (leave blank)CHAPTER 17OPTIMAL CAPITAL STRUCTUREc 43. The optimal capital structure:a. will be the same for all firms in the same industry.b. will remain constant over time unless the firm does an acquisition.c. of a firm will vary over time as taxes and market conditions change.d. places more emphasis on the operations of a firm rather than the financing of a firm.e. is unaffected by changes in the financial markets.M&M THEORYb 44. The basic lesson of M&M Theory is that the value of a firm is dependent uponthe:a. capital structure of the firm.b. total cash flows of the firm.c. percentage of a firm to which the bondholders have a claim.d. tax claim placed on the firm by the government.e. size of the stockholders claims on the firm.OBSERVED CAPITAL STRUCTURESb 45. Corporations in the U.S. tend to:a. minimize taxes.b. underutilize debt.c. rely less on equity financing than they should.d. have extremely high debt-equity ratios.e. rely more heavily on bonds than stocks as the major source of financing. OBSERVED CAPITAL STRUCTURESe 46. In general, the capital structures used by U.S. firms:a. tend to overweigh debt in relation to equity.b. are easily explained in terms of earnings volatility.c. are easily explained by analyzing the types of assets owned by the various firms.d. tend to be those which maximize the use of the firm’s available tax shelters.e. vary significantly across industries.BANKRUPTCY PROCESSc 47. A firm is technically insolvent when:a. it has a negative net worth on its balance sheet.b. the value of the firm’s assets is less than the value of the firm’s liabilities.c. it is unable to meet its financial obligations.d. it files the legal forms petitioning for bankruptcy protection.e. the value of its stock declines by more than 50 percent.BANKRUPTCY PROCESSb 48. Which one of the following statements is correct concerning a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?a. A firm in Chapter 7 bankruptcy is reorganizing its operations such that is can return tobeing a viable concern.b. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a trustee will assume control of the firm’s assets untilthose assets can be liquidated.c. Chapter 7 bankruptcies are always involuntary on the part of the firm.d. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the claims of creditors are paid prior to theadministrative costs of the bankruptcy.e. Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows a firm to restructure its equity position such that newshares of stock are generally issued prior to the firm coming out of bankruptcy. BANKRUPTCY PROCESSe 49. Under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which one of the following is generallyconsidered to be the highest priority claim?a. consumer claimb. dividend payment to preferred shareholderc. company contribution to the employees’ retirement accountd. payment to an unsecured creditore. payment of employee wagesBANKRUPTCY PROCESSe 50. A firm may file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy:I. in an attempt to gain a competitive advantage.II. using a prepack.III. while allowing the current management to continue running the firm.IV. even though it is not insolvent.a. I and III onlyb. I, II, and IV onlyc. I and II onlyd. III and IV onlye. I, II, III, and IVSTATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREa 51. The static theory of capital structure:a. assumes that the firm’s operations and assets are fixed.b. assumes that the firm’s o perations are fixed but that its assets are increasing.c. supports increasing the leverage employed by a firm when the probability of financialdistress becomes significant.d. equates the benefits of equity financing to the costs associated with the probability offinancial distress.e. states that a firm should operate at the point where the cost of capital is maximized.STATIC THEORY OF CAPITAL STRUCTUREc 52. The static theory of capital structure supports the theory that value-maximizingmanagers will:a. look to the asset side of the balance sheet to increase firm value since the mix of debtand equity selected is unlikely to affect firm value.b. not concern themselves with the capital structure of the firm as it is an irrelevant issue.c. select the capital structure for which the cost associated with the probability offinancial distress equals the benefit of the interest tax shield.d. select an all equity capital structure to ensure the value of the firm is maximized.e. select the capital structure which maximizes the interest tax shield.III. PROBLEMSBREAK-EVEN EBITe 53. Becker Industries is considering an all equity capital structure against one with bothdebt and equity. The all equity capital structure would consist of 25,000 shares of stock.The debt and equity option would consist of 15,000 shares of stock plus $250,000 ofdebt with an interest rate of 7 percent. What is the break-even level of earnings beforeinterest and taxes between these two options? Ignore taxes.a. $41,150b. $41,450c. $41,500d. $42,680e. $43,750BREAK-EVEN EBITa 54. Blackstone, Inc. is currently an all equity firm that has 65,000 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $22 a share. The firm has decided to leverage theiroperations by issuing $605,000 of debt at an interest rate of 6.5 percent. This new debtwill be used to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. The restructuring isexpected to increase the earnings per share. What is the minimum level of earningsbefore interest and taxes that Blackstone is expecting? Ignore taxes.a. $92,950b. $94,700c. $95,250d. $95,400e. $96,150BREAK-EVEN EBITb 55. Martha White’s Fabrics is currently an all equity firm that has 15,000 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $12.50 a share. Company management has decided toissue $50,000 worth of debt and use the funds to repurchase shares of the outstandingstock. The interest rate on the debt will be 9 percent. What are the earnings per share atthe break-even level of earnings before interest and taxes? Ignore taxes.a. $1.005b. $1.125c. $1.175d. $1.200e. $1.250HOMEMADE LEVERAGEc 56. Martin & Sons (M&S) currently is an all equity firm with 40,000 shares of stockoutstanding at a market price of $25 a share. The company’s earnings before interestand taxes are $80,000. M&S has decided to add leverage to their financial operationsby issuing $500,000 of debt with a 7 percent interest rate. This $500,000 will be usedto repurchase shares of stock. You own 1,000 shares of M&S stock. You also loan outfunds at a 7 percent rate of interest. How many of your shares of stock in M&S mustyou sell to offset the leverage that the firm is assuming? Assume that you loan out allof the funds you receive from the sale of your stock.a. 400 sharesb. 450 sharesc. 500 sharesd. 550 sharese. 600 sharesHOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 57. You currently own 500 shares in K&S Stores. K&S is currently an all equity firm thathas 25,000 shares of stock outstanding at a market price of $10 a share. The company’searnings before interest and taxes is $20,000. K&S has decided to issue $150,000 ofdebt at a 6 percent rate of interest. This $150,000 will be used to repurchase shares ofstock. How many shares of K&S stock must you sell to unlever your position if youcan loan out funds at a 6 percent rate of interest?a. 150 sharesb. 200 sharesc. 250 sharesd. 300 sharese. 500 sharesHOMEMADE LEVERAGEd 58. R&F Enterprises is an all equity firm with 70,000 shares of stock outstanding at amarket price of $8 a share. The company has earnings before interest and taxes of$42,000. R&F decides to issue $200,000 of debt at a 7 percent rate of interest. The$200,000 will be used to repurchase shares of the outstanding stock. Currently, youown 1,500 shares of R&F stock. How many shares of this stock must you sell tounlever your position if you can loan out funds at a 7 percent rate of interest?a. 489 sharesb. 497 sharesc. 508 sharesd. 536 sharese. 541 sharesa 59. Thompson & Thomson is an all equity firm that has 500,000 shares of stockoutstanding. The company is in the process of borrowing $8 million at 9 percentinterest to repurchase 200,000 shares of the outstanding stock. What is the value of thisfirm if you ignore taxes?a. $20.0 millionb. $20.8 millionc. $21.0 milliond. $21.2 millione. $21.3 millionM&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXc 60. Uptown Interior Designs is an all equity firm that has 40,000 shares of stockoutstanding. The company has decided to borrow $1 million to buy out the shares of adeceased stockholder who holds 2,500 shares. What is the total value of this firm ifyou ignore taxes?a. $15.5 millionb. $15.6 millionc. $16.0 milliond. $16.8 millione. $17.2 millionM&M PROPOSITION I, NO TAXe 61. You own 25 percent of Unique Vactions, Inc. You have decided to retire and want tosell your shares in this closely held, all equity firm. The other shareholders have agreedto have the firm borrow $1.5 million to purchase your 1,000 shares of stock. What isthe total value of this firm today if you ignore taxes?a. $4.8 millionb. $5.1 millionc. $5.4 milliond. $5.7 millione. $6.0 millionM&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXd 62. Your firm has a debt-equity ratio of .75. Your pre-tax cost of debt is 8.5 percent andyour required return on assets is 15 percent. What is your cost of equity if you ignoretaxes?a. 11.25 percentb. 12.21 percentc. 16.67 percentd. 19.88 percente. 21.38 percentb 63. Bigelow, Inc. has a cost of equity of 13.56 percent and a pre-tax cost of debt of 7percent. The required return on the assets is 11 percent. What is the firm’s debt-equityratio based on M&M II with no taxes?a. .60b. .64c. .72d. .75e. .80M&M PROPOSITION II, NO TAXd 64. The Backwoods Lumber Co. has a debt-equity ratio of .80. The firm’s required returno n assets is 12 percent and its cost of equity is 15.68 percent. What is the pre-tax costof debt based on M&M II with no taxes?a. 6.76 percentb. 7.00 percentc. 7.25 percentd. 7.40 percente. 7.50 percentM&M PROPOSTION I, WITH TAXb 65. The Winter Wear Company has expected earnings before interest and taxes of $2,100,an unlevered cost of capital of 14 percent and a tax rate of 34 percent. The companyalso has $2,800 of debt that carries a 7 percent coupon. The debt is selling at par value.What is the value of this firm?a. $9,900b. $10,852c. $11,748d. $12,054e. $12,700M&M PROPOSITION I, WITH TAXb 66. Gail’s Dance Studio is currently an all equity firm that h as 80,000 shares of stockoutstanding with a market price of $42 a share. The current cost of equity is 12 percentand the tax rate is 34 percent. Gail is considering adding $1 million of debt with acoupon rate of 8 percent to her capital structure. The debt will be sold at par value.What is the levered value of the equity?a. $2.4 millionb. $2.7 millionc. $3.3 milliond. $3.7 millione. $3.9 million。
