


Maxent简要使用教程在AT&T Labs-Research、普林斯顿大学、生物多样性和生物技术研究中心以及美国自然历史博物馆的支持下,本教程由Steven Phillips,Miro Dudik和Rob Schapire撰写,基本介绍了如何使用MaxEnt程序对物种的地理分布进行最大熵建模。

有关最大熵建模背后的理论以及此处使用的数据和统计分析的主要类型的详细说明,请参见Steven J. Phillips, Robert P. Anderson and Robert E. Schapire, Maximum entropy modeling of species geographicdistributions. Ecological Modelling, V ol 190/3-4 pp 231-259, 2006.Two additional papers describing more recently-added features of the Maxent software are:Steven J. Phillips and Miroslav Dudik, Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and acomprehensive evaluation. Ecography, V ol 31, pp 161-175, 2008.Steven J. Phillips, et al. Opening the black box: an open-source release of Maxent. Ecography, In press, 2017 .我们使用的环境数据包括南美的气候和海拔数据以及潜在的植被层。

我们的物种样本是褐喉三趾树懒(Bradypus variegatus)。

这些数据来自2001年的Anderson&Handley分类法修订版(/reference/84876),和Phillips 的2006年论文中。

3DMAX 中英文对照

3DMAX 中英文对照

中英文对照一、File〈文件〉New〈新建〉Reset〈重置〉Open〈打开〉Save〈保存〉Save As〈保存为〉Save selected〈保存选择〉XRef Objects〈外部引用物体〉XRef Scenes〈外部引用场景〉Merge〈合并〉Merge Animation〈合并动画动作〉Replace〈替换〉Import〈输入〉Export〈输出〉Export Selected〈选择输出〉Archive〈存档〉Summary Info〈摘要信息〉File Properties〈文件属性〉View Image File〈显示图像文件〉History〈历史〉Exit〈退出〉二、Edit〈菜单〉Undo or Redo〈取消/重做〉Hold and fetch〈保留/引用〉Delete〈删除〉Clone〈克隆〉Select All〈全部选择〉Select None〈空出选择〉Select Invert〈反向选择〉Select By〈参考选择〉Color〈颜色选择〉Name〈名字选择〉Rectangular Region〈矩形选择〉Circular Region〈圆形选择〉Fabce Region〈连点选择〉Lasso Region〈套索选择〉Region:〈区域选择〉Window〈包含〉Crossing〈相交〉Named Selection Sets〈命名选择集〉Object Properties〈物体属性〉三、Tools〈工具〉Transform Type-In〈键盘输入变换〉Display Floater〈视窗显示浮动对话框〉Selection Floater〈选择器浮动对话框〉Light Lister〈灯光列表〉Mirror〈镜像物体〉Array〈阵列〉Align〈对齐〉Snapshot〈快照〉Spacing Tool〈间距分布工具〉Normal Align〈法线对齐〉Align Camera〈相机对齐〉Align to View〈视窗对齐〉Place Highlight〈放置高光〉Isolate Selection〈隔离选择〉Rename Objects〈物体更名〉四、Group〈群组〉Group〈群组〉Ungroup〈撤消群组〉Open〈开放组〉Close〈关闭组〉Attach〈配属〉Detach〈分离〉Explode〈分散组〉五、Views〈查看〉Undo View Change/Redo View change〈取消/重做视窗变化〉Save Active View/Restore Active View〈保存/还原当前视窗〉Viewport Configuration〈视窗配置〉Grids〈栅格〉Show Home Grid〈显示栅格命令〉Activate Home Grid〈活跃原始栅格命令〉Activate Grid Object〈活跃栅格物体命令〉Activate Grid to View〈栅格及视窗对齐命令〉Viewport Background〈视窗背景〉Update Background Image〈更新背景〉Reset Background Transform〈重置背景变换〉Show Transform Gizmo〈显示变换坐标系〉Show Ghosting〈显示重橡〉Show Key Times〈显示时间键〉Shade Selected〈选择亮显〉Show Dependencies〈显示关联物体〉Match Camera to View〈相机与视窗匹配〉Add Default Lights To Scene〈增加场景缺省灯光〉Redraw All Views〈重画所有视窗〉Activate All Maps〈显示所有贴图〉Deactivate All Maps〈关闭显示所有贴图〉Update During Spinner Drag〈微调时实时显示〉Adaptive Degradation Toggle〈绑定适应消隐〉Expert Mode〈专家模式〉六、Create〈创建〉Standard Primitives〈标准图元〉Box〈立方体〉Cone〈圆锥体〉Sphere〈球体〉GeoSphere〈三角面片球体〉Cylinder〈圆柱体〉Tube〈管状体〉Torus〈圆环体〉Pyramid〈角锥体〉Plane〈平面〉Teapot〈茶壶〉Extended Primitives〈扩展图元〉Hedra〈多面体〉Torus Knot〈环面纽结体〉Chamfer Box〈斜切立方体〉Chamfer Cylinder〈斜切圆柱体〉Oil Tank〈桶状体〉Capsule〈角囊体〉Spindle〈纺锤体〉L-Extrusion〈L形体按钮〉Gengon〈导角棱柱〉C-Extrusion〈C形体按钮〉RingWave〈环状波〉Hose〈软管体〉Prism〈三棱柱〉Shapes〈形状〉Line〈线条〉Text〈文字〉Arc〈弧〉Circle〈圆〉Donut〈圆环〉Ellipse〈椭圆〉Helix〈螺旋线〉NGon〈多边形〉Rectangle〈矩形〉Section〈截面〉Star〈星型〉Lights〈灯光〉Target Spotlight〈目标聚光灯〉Free Spotlight〈自由聚光灯〉Target Directional Light〈目标平行光〉Directional Light〈平行光〉Omni Light〈泛光灯〉Skylight〈天光〉Target Point Light〈目标指向点光源〉Free Point Light〈自由点光源〉Target Area Light〈指向面光源〉IES Sky〈IES天光〉IES Sun〈IES阳光〉SuNLIGHT System and Daylight〈太阳光及日光系统〉Camera〈相机〉Free Camera〈自由相机〉Target Camera〈目标相机〉Particles〈粒子系统〉Blizzard〈暴风雪系统〉PArray〈粒子阵列系统〉PCloud〈粒子云系统〉Snow〈雪花系统〉Spray〈喷溅系统〉Super Spray〈超级喷射系统〉七、Modifiers〈修改器〉Selection Modifiers〈选择修改器〉Mesh Select〈网格选择修改器〉Poly Select〈多边形选择修改器〉Patch Select〈面片选择修改器〉Spline Select〈样条选择修改器〉V olume Select〈体积选择修改器〉FFD Select〈自由变形选择修改器〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择修改器〉Patch/Spline Editing〈面片/样条线修改器〉Edit Patch〈面片修改器〉Edit Spline〈样条线修改器〉Cross Section〈截面相交修改器〉Surface〈表面生成修改器〉Delete Patch〈删除面片修改器〉Delete Spline〈删除样条线修改器〉Lathe〈旋转修改器〉Normalize Spline〈规格化样条线修改器〉Fillet/Chamfer〈圆切及斜切修改器〉Trim/Extend〈修剪及延伸修改器〉Mesh Editing〈表面编辑〉Cap Holes〈顶端洞口编辑器〉Delete Mesh〈编辑网格物体编辑器〉Edit Normals〈编辑法线编辑器〉Extrude〈挤压编辑器〉Face Extrude〈面拉伸编辑器〉Normal〈法线编辑器〉Optimize〈优化编辑器〉Smooth〈平滑编辑器〉STL Check〈STL检查编辑器〉Symmetry〈对称编辑器〉Tessellate〈镶嵌编辑器〉Vertex Paint〈顶点着色编辑器〉Vertex Weld〈顶点焊接编辑器〉Animation Modifiers〈动画编辑器〉Skin〈皮肤编辑器〉Morpher〈变体编辑器〉Flex〈伸缩编辑器〉Melt〈熔化编辑器〉Linked Xform〈连结参考变换编辑器〉Patch Deform〈面片变形编辑器〉Path Deform〈路径变形编辑器〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉* Surf Deform〈空间变形编辑器〉UV Coordinates〈贴图轴坐标系〉UVW Map〈UVW贴图编辑器〉UVW Xform〈UVW贴图参考变换编辑器〉Unwrap UVW〈展开贴图编辑器〉Camera Map〈相机贴图编辑器〉* Camera Map〈环境相机贴图编辑器〉Cache Tools〈捕捉工具〉Point Cache〈点捕捉编辑器〉Subdivision Surfaces〈表面细分〉MeshSmooth〈表面平滑编辑器〉HSDS Modifier〈分级细分编辑器〉Free form Deformers〈自由变形工具〉FFD 2×2×2/FFD 3×3×3/FFD 4×4×4〈自由变形工具2×2×2/3×3×3/4×4×4〉FFD Box/FFD Cylinder〈盒体和圆柱体自由变形工具〉Parametric Deformers〈参数变形工具〉Bend〈弯曲〉Taper〈锥形化〉Twist〈扭曲〉Noise〈噪声〉Stretch〈缩放〉Squeeze〈压榨〉Push〈推挤〉Relax〈松弛〉Ripple〈波纹〉Wave〈波浪〉Skew〈倾斜〉Slice〈切片〉Spherify〈球形扭曲〉Affect Region〈面域影响〉Lattice〈栅格〉Mirror〈镜像〉Displace〈置换〉Xform〈参考变换〉Preserve〈保持〉Surface〈表面编辑〉Material〈材质变换〉Material By Element〈元素材质变换〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉NURBS Editing〈NURBS面编辑〉NURBS Surface Select〈NURBS表面选择〉Surf Deform〈表面变形编辑器〉Disp Approx〈近似表面替换〉Radiosity Modifiers〈光能传递修改器〉Subdivide〈细分〉* Subdivide〈超级细分〉八、Character〈角色人物〉Create Character〈创建角色〉Destroy Character〈删除角色〉Lock/Unlock〈锁住与解锁〉Insert Character〈插入角色〉Save Character〈保存角色〉Bone Tools〈骨骼工具〉Set Skin Pose〈调整皮肤姿势〉Assume Skin Pose〈还原姿势〉Skin Pose Mode〈表面姿势模式〉九、Animation〈动画〉IK Solvers〈反向动力学〉HI Solver〈非历史性控制器〉HD Solver〈历史性控制器〉IK Limb Solver〈反向动力学肢体控制器〉SplineIK Solver〈样条反向动力控制器〉Constraints〈约束〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Link Constraint〈连结约束〉LookAt Constraint〈视觉跟随约束〉Orientation Constraint〈方位约束〉Transform Constraint〈变换控制〉Link Constraint〈连接约束〉Position/Rotation/Scale〈PRS控制器〉Transform Script〈变换控制脚本〉Position Controllers〈位置控制器〉Audio〈音频控制器〉Bezier〈贝塞尔曲线控制器〉Expression〈表达式控制器〉Linear〈线性控制器〉Motion Capture〈动作捕捉〉Noise〈燥波控制器〉Quatermion(TC〈TCB控制器〉Reactor〈反应器〉Spring〈弹力控制器〉Script〈脚本控制器〉XYZ〈XYZ位置控制器〉Attachment Constraint〈附件约束〉Path Constraint〈路径约束〉Position Constraint〈位置约束〉Surface Constraint〈表面约束〉Rotation Controllers〈旋转控制器〉注:该命令工十一个子菜单。

Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト

Infoprint 250 導入と計画の手引き 第 7 章ホスト

Type of service...............: TOS
Maximum transmission unit.....: MTU
60 1500
: xxxx
48 Infoprint 250
31. AS/400
WRKAFP2 (V3R1 & V3R6)
Advanced function printing............:
AFP attachment........................:
Online at IPL.........................:
Separator drawer......................:
Separator program.....................:



RESM 575 Spatial AnalysisSpring 2010Lab 6 Maximum EntropyAssigned: Monday March 1Due: Monday March 820 pointsThis lab exercise was primarily written by Steven Phillips, Miro Dudik and Rob Schapire, with support from AT&T Labs-Research, Princeton University, and the Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History. This lab exercise is based on their paper and data:Steven J. Phillips, Robert P. Anderson, Robert E. Schapire.Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions.Ecological Modelling, Vol 190/3-4 pp 231-259, 2006.My goal is to give you a basic introduction to use of the MaxEnt program for maximum entropy model ing of species’ geographic distributions.The environmental data consist of climatic and elevational data for South America, together with a potential vegetation layer. The sample species the authors used will be Bradypus variegatus, the brown-throated three-toed sloth.NOTE on the Maxent softwareThe software consists of a jar file, maxent.jar, which can be used on any computer running Java version 1.4 or later. It can be downloaded, along with associated literature, from /~schapire/maxent. If you are using Microsoft Windows (as we assume here), you should also download the file maxent.bat, and save it in the same directory as maxent.jar. The website has a file called “readme.txt”, which contains instructions for installing the program on your computer.The software has already been downloaded and installed on the machines in 317 Percival.First go to the class website and download the file.Extract it to the c:/temp folder which will create a c:/temp/tutorial-data directory.Find the maxent directory on the c:/ drive of your computer and simply click on the file maxent.bat. The following screen will appear:To perform a run, you need to supply a file containing presence localities (“samples”), a directory containing environmental variables, and an output directory. In our case, the presence loc alities are in the file “c:\temp\tutorial-data\samples\bradypus.csv”, the environmental layers are in the directory “layers”, and the outputs are going to go in the directory “outputs”. You can enter these locations by hand, or browse for them. While browsing for the environmental variables, remember that you are looking for the directory that contains them –you don’t need to browse down to the files in the directory. After entering or browsing for the files for Bradypus, the program looks like this:The file “samples\bradypus.csv” contains the presence localities in .csv format. The first few lines are as follows:species,longitude,latitudebradypus_variegatus,-65.4,-10.3833bradypus_variegatus,-65.3833,-10.3833bradypus_variegatus,-65.1333,-16.8bradypus_variegatus,-63.6667,-17.45bradypus_variegatus,-63.85,-17.4There can be multiple species in the same samples file, in which case more species would appear in the panel, along with Bradypus. Other coordinate systems can be used, other than latitude and longitude, as long as the samples file and environmental layers use the same coordinate system. The “x” coordinate should come before the “y” coordinate in the samples file.The directory “layers” contains a number of ascii raster grids (in ESRI’s .asc format), each of which describes an environmental variable. The grids must all have the same geographic bounds and cell size. MAKE SURE YOUR ASCII FILES HAVE THE .asc EXTENSION One of our variables, “ecoreg”, is a categorical variable describing potential vegetation classes. You must tell the program which variables are categorical, as has been done in the picture above.Doing a runSimply press the “Run” button. A progress monitor describes the steps being taken. After the environmental layers are loaded and some initialization is done, progress towards training of the maxent model is shown like this:The “gain” starts at 0 and increases towards an asymptote during the run. Maxent is a maximum-likelihood method, and what it is generating is a probability distribution over pixels in the grid. Note that it isn’t calculating “probability of occurrence” – its probabilities are typically very small values, as they must sum to 1 over the whole grid. The gain is a measure of the likelihood of the samples; for example, if the gain is 2, it means that the average sample likelihood is exp(2) ≈ 7.4 times higher than that of a random background pixel. The uniform distribution has gain 0, so you can interpret the gain as representing how much better the distribution fits the sample points than the uniform distribution does. The gain is closely related to “deviance”, as used in statistics.The run produces a number of output files, of which the most important is an html file called “bradypus.html”. Part of this file gives pointers to the other outputs, like this:Looking at a predictionTo see what other (more interesting) content there can be in c:\temp\tutorial-data\outpus\bradpus_variegatus.html, we will turn on a couple of options and rerun the model. Press the “Make pictures of predictions” button, then c lick on “Settings”, and type “25” in the “Random test percentage” entry. Lastly, press the “Run” button again. You may have to say “Replace All” for this new run. After the run completes, the file bradypus.html contains this picture:The image uses colors to show prediction strength, with red indicating strong prediction of suitable conditions for the species, yellow indicating weak prediction of suitable conditions, and blue indicating very unsuitable conditions. For Bradypus, we see strong prediction through most of lowland Central America, wet lowland areas of northwesternSouth America, the Amazon basin, Caribean islands, and much of the Atlantic forests in south-eastern Brazil. The file pointed to is an image file (.png) that you can just click on (in Windows) or open in most image processing software.The test points are a random sample taken from the species presence localities. Test data can alternatively be prov ided in a separate file, by typing the name of a “Test sample file” in the Settings panel. The test sample file can have test localities for multiple species. Statistical analysisThe “25” we entered for “random test percentage” told the program to ran domly set aside 25% of the sample records for testing. This allows the program to do some simple statistical analysis. It plots (testing and training) omission against threshold, and predicted area against threshold, as well as the receiver operating curve show below. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) is shown here, and if test data are available, the standard error of the AUC on the test data is given later on in the web page.A second kind of statistical analysis that is automatically done if test data are available is a test of the statistical significance of the prediction, using a binomial test of omission. For Bradypus, this gives:Which variables matter?To get a sense of which variables are most important in the model, we can run a jackknife test, by selecting the “Do jackknife to measure variable important” checkbox . When we press the “Run” button again, a number of models get created. Each variable is excluded in turn, and a model created with the remaining variables. Then a model is created using each variable in isolation. In addition, a model is created using all variables, as before. The results of the jackknife appear in the “bradypus.html” files in three bar charts, and the first of these is shown below.We see that if Maxent uses only pre6190_l1 (average January rainfall) it achieves almost no gain, so that variable is not (by itself) a good predictor of the distribution of Bradypus. On the other hand, October rainfall (pre6190_l10) is a much better predictor. Turning to the lighter blue bars, it appears that no variable has a lot of useful information that is not already contained in the others, as omitting each one in turn did not decrease the training gain much.The bradypus_variegatus.html file has two more jackknife plots, using test gain and AUC in place of training gain. This allows the importance of each variable to be measure both in terms of the model fit on training data, and its predictive ability on test data.How does the prediction depend on the variables?Now press the “Create response curves”, deselect the jackknife option, and rerun the model. This results in the following section being added to the“bradypus_variegatus.html” file:Each of the thumbnail images can be clicked on to get a more detailed plot. Looking at frs6190_ann, we see that the response is highest for frs6190_ann = 0, and is fairly highfor values of frs6190_ann below about 75. Beyond that point, the response drops off sharply, reaching -50 at the top of the variable’s range.So what do the values on the y-axis mean? The maxent model is an exponential model, which means that the probability assigned to a pixel is proportional to the exponential of some additive combination of the variables. The response curve above shows the contribution of frs6190_ann to the exponent. A difference of 50 in the exponent is huge, so the plot for frs6190_ann shows a very strong drop in predicted suitability for large values of the variable.On a technical note, if we are modeling interactions between variables (by using product features) as we are for Bradypus here, then the response curve for one variable will depend on the settings of other variables. In this case, the response curves generated by the program have all other variables set to their mean on the set of presence localities. Note also that if the environmental variables are correlated, as they are here, the response curves can be misleading. If two closely correlated variables have strong response curves that are near opposites of each other, then for most pixels, the combined effect of the two variables may be small. To see how the response curve depends on the other variables in use, try comparing the above picture with the response curve obtained when using only frs6190_ann in the model (by deselecting all other variables).Feature types and response curvesResponse curves allow us to see the difference between different feature types. Deselect the “auto features”, select “Threshold features”, and press the “Run” butto n again. Take a look at the resulting feature profiles –you’ll notice that they are all step functions, like this one for pre6190_l10:If the same run is done using only hinge features, the resulting feature profile looks like this:The outline of the two profiles is similar, but they differ because the different classes of feature types are limited in the shapes of response curves they are capable of modeling. Using all classes together (the default, given enough samples) allows many complex response curves to be accurately modeled.SWD FormatThere is a second input format that can be very useful, especially when your environmental grids are very large. For lack of a better name, it’s called “samples with data”, or just SWD. The SWD version of our Bradypus file, called “bradypus_swd.csv”, starts like this:species,longitude,latitude,cld6190_ann,dtr6190_ann,ecoreg,frs6190_ann,h_dem,pre6190_ann,pre6190_l10,pre6190_l1, pre6190_l4,pre6190_l7,tmn6190_ann,tmp6190_ann,tmx6190_ann,vap6190_annbradypus_variegatus,-65.4,-10.3833,76.0,104.0,10.0,2.0,121.0,46.0,41.0,84.0,54.0,3.0,192.0,266.0,337.0,279.0 bradypus_variegatus,-65.3833,-10.3833,76.0,104.0,10.0,2.0,121.0,46.0,40.0,84.0,54.0,3.0,192.0,266.0,337.0,279.0 bradypus_variegatus,-65.1333,-16.8,57.0,114.0,10.0,1.0,211.0,65.0,56.0,129.0,58.0,34.0,140.0,244.0,321.0,221.0 bradypus_variegatus,-63.6667,-17.45,57.0,112.0,10.0,3.0,363.0,36.0,33.0,71.0,27.0,13.0,135.0,229.0,307.0,202.0 bradypus_variegatus,-63.85,-17.4,57.0,113.0,10.0,3.0,303.0,39.0,35.0,77.0,29.0,15.0,134.0,229.0,306.0,202.0It can be used in place of an ordinary samples file. The difference is only that the program doesn’t need to look in the environmental layers to get values for the variables at the sample points. The environmental layers are thus only used to get “background” pixels – pixels where the species hasn’t necessarily been found. In fact, the background pixels can also be specified in a SWD format file, in which case the “species” column is ignored. The file “background.csv” ha s 10,000 background data points in it. The first few look like this:background,-61.775,6.175,60.0,100.0,10.0,0.0,747.0,55.0,24.0,57.0,45.0,81.0,182.0,239.0,300.0,232.0 background,-66.075,5.325,67.0,116.0,10.0,3.0,1038.0,75.0,16.0,68.0,64.0,145.0,181.0,246.0,331.0,234.0 background,-59.875,-26.325,47.0,129.0,9.0,1.0,73.0,31.0,43.0,32.0,43.0,10.0,97.0,218.0,339.0,189.0background,-68.375,-15.375,58.0,112.0,10.0,44.0,2039.0,33.0,67.0,31.0,30.0,6.0,101.0,181.0,251.0,133.0 background,-68.525,4.775,72.0,95.0,10.0,0.0,65.0,72.0,16.0,65.0,69.0,133.0,218.0,271.0,346.0,289.0We can run Maxent with “bradypus_swd.csv” as the samples file and “background.csv” (both located in the “swd” directory) as the environmental layers file. Try running it –you’ll notice that it runs much faster, because it doesn’t have to load the big environmental grids. The downside is that it can’t make pictures or output grids, because it doesn’t have all the environmental data. The way to get around this is to use a “projection”, describ ed below.Batch runningSometimes you need to generate a number of models, perhaps with slight variations in the modeling parameters or the inputs. This can be automated using command-line arguments, avoiding the repetition of having to click and type at the program interface. The command line arguments can either be given from a command window (a.k.a. shell), or they can defined in a batch file. Take a look at the file “batchExample.bat” (for example, using Notepad). It contains the following line:java -mx512m -jar maxent.jar environmentallayers=layers togglelayertype=ecoreg samplesfile=samples\bradypus.csv outputdirectory=outputs redoifexists autorunThe effect is to tell the program where to find environmental layers and samples file and where to put outputs, to indicate that the ecoreg variable is categorical. The “autorun” flag tells the program to start running immediately, without waiting for the “Run” button to be pushed. Now try clicking on the file, to see what it does.Many aspects of the Maxent program can be controlled by command-line arguments –press the “Help” button to see all the possibilities. Multiple runs can appear in the same file, and they will simply be run one after the other. You can change the default values of most parameters by adding command-line arguments to the “maxent.bat” file. Regularization.The “regularization multiplier” parameter on the “settings” panel affects how focused the output distribution is – a smaller value will result in a more localized output distribution that fits the given presence records better, but is more prone to overfitting. A larger value will give a more spread-out prediction. Try changing the multiplier, and look at the pictures produced. As an example, setting the multiplier to 3 makes the following picture, showing a much more diffuse distribution than before:ProjectingA model trained on one set of environmental layers can be “projected” by applying it to another set of environmental layers. Situations where projections are needed include modeling species distributions under changing climate conditions, and modeling invasive species. Here we’re going to use projection for a very simple task: making an output grid and associated picture when the samples and background are in SWD format. Type or browse in the samples file entry to point to the file “swd\bradypus_swd.csv”, and similarly for the environmental layers in “swd\background.csv”, then enter the “layers” directory in the “Projection Layers Directory”, as pictur ed below.When you press “Run”, a model is trained on the SWD data, and then projected onto the full grids in the “layers” directory. The output grid is called“bradypus_variegatus_layers.asc”, and in general, the projection directory name is appended to the species name, in order to distinguish it from the standard (un-projected) output. If “make pictures of predictions” is selected, a picture of the projected model will appear in the “bradypus_variegatus.html” file.NOTE: ascii files can be converted into ESRI Grids by using the Ascii to Raster grid command in ArcToolbox.Your assignment is to convert the ascii file into a grid format, display it in ArcMap and create a map layout. Provide an appropriate legend showing the probabilities. Print it out and turn in to class next week.。



maxscript常用方法MaxScript是一种用于Autodesk公司的3D建模和动画软件3ds Max 的脚本语言。



第一部分:MaxScript简介1. 什么是MaxScript?MaxScript是一种用于3D建模和动画软件3ds Max的脚本语言,它可用于自动化工作流程和创建自定义工具和插件。

2. MaxScript的用途是什么?MaxScript可以用于自动化任务,创建自定义用户界面,进行批量操作,修改对象属性和参数,生成复杂的几何体,以及大量其他的应用。

3. 如何运行MaxScript脚本?在3ds Max中,可以通过打开“MaxScript编辑器”窗口并将脚本粘贴或加载预先保存的脚本来运行MaxScript。

4. MaxScript的语法是怎样的?MaxScript的语法类似于其他编程语言,包括变量定义、条件语句、循环和函数定义等。

第二部分:常用的MaxScript方法1. 创建对象MaxScript可以使用一系列函数来创建不同类型的对象,例如盒子、球体、平面等。


2. 对象操作MaxScript提供了各种函数来操作对象,例如移动(move)、旋转(rotate)和缩放(scale)等。

3. 材质和贴图MaxScript可以设置对象的材质和贴图属性,例如设置颜色、漫反射、高光和纹理等。

4. 动画控制MaxScript可以控制对象的动画,例如设置关键帧、曲线插值和自动化运动等。

5. 用户交互MaxScript可以创建自定义的用户界面,例如对话框、按钮和滑块等,以便用户与脚本进行交互和操作。

6. 文件操作MaxScript可以进行文件的读取和写入操作,例如打开和保存场景文件、导入和导出模型文件等。



Maxent简要使用教程在AT&T Labs-Research、普林斯顿大学、生物多样性和生物技术研究中心以及美国自然历史博物馆的支持下,本教程由Steven Phillips,Miro Dudik和Rob Schapire撰写,基本介绍了如何使用MaxEnt程序对物种的地理分布进行最大熵建模。

有关最大熵建模背后的理论以及此处使用的数据和统计分析的主要类型的详细说明,请参见Steven J. Phillips, Robert P. Anderson and Robert E. Schapire, Maximum entropy modeling of species geographicdistributions. Ecological Modelling, V ol 190/3-4 pp 231-259, 2006.Two additional papers describing more recently-added features of the Maxent software are:Steven J. Phillips and Miroslav Dudik, Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and acomprehensive evaluation. Ecography, V ol 31, pp 161-175, 2008.Steven J. Phillips, et al. Opening the black box: an open-source release of Maxent. Ecography, In press, 2017 .我们使用的环境数据包括南美的气候和海拔数据以及潜在的植被层。

我们的物种样本是褐喉三趾树懒(Bradypus variegatus)。

这些数据来自2001年的Anderson&Handley分类法修订版(/reference/84876),和Phillips 的2006年论文中。




感谢以下自由软件包的作者,我们在这里使用:ptolemy/plot, gui/layouts, gnu/getopt and com/mindprod/ledatastream.此页包含MaxEnt 程序的参考信息。

有关该方法的背景信息,请参阅以下两篇论文:Steven J. Phillips, Robert P. Anderson, Robert E. Schapire. Maximum entropy modeling of species geographic distributions. Ecological Modelling, V ol 190/3-4 pp 231-259, 2006.Steven J. Phillips, Miroslav Dudik. Modeling of species distributions with Maxent: new extensions and a comprehensive evaluation. Ecography, V ol 31 pp 161-175, 2008.物种的模型由一组环境或气候层(或"覆盖")确定,该层为景观中的一组网格细胞,以及一组已观测到该物种的样本位置。








max中使用maxscript返回对象名称的命令以下是一份介绍如何在Max中使用Maxscript返回对象名称的命令的详细文章:标题:使用Maxscript在3ds Max中返回对象名称的命令引言:在3D建模和动画制作中,3ds Max是一个常用的软件工具。

在使用Maxscript 进行脚本编写时,有时需要返回对象的名称。



第一部分:Maxscript入门1. 介绍Maxscript的背景和用途2. 安装和配置Maxscript的环境3. Maxscript的基本语法和数据类型4. 创建和运行Maxscript脚本文件第二部分:获取对象名称1. 了解Maxscript中的内置对象以及它们的属性2. 使用"for"循环遍历场景中的对象3. 利用对象的属性来获取对象的名称4. 将对象名称保存到变量中第三部分:返回对象名称的命令1. 介绍Maxscript中的“name”命令2. 理解“name”命令的语法和参数3. 在Maxscript中使用“name”命令返回对象名称4. 根据具体需求对返回的对象名称进行处理和操作第四部分:示例代码1. 基于前面的学习内容编写一个简单的Maxscript脚本2. 使用示例代码演示如何返回并操作对象名称3. 运行和调试Maxscript脚本第五部分:最佳实践和进阶技巧1. 了解更多Maxscript命令和函数2. 使用条件语句和循环结构来处理复杂情况3. 优化和提高Maxscript脚本的性能4. 使用Maxscript扩展3ds Max的功能结论:本文详细介绍了如何使用Maxscript在3ds Max中返回对象名称的命令。


Xen 管理工具 xm命令详解

Xen 管理工具 xm命令详解

Xen 管理工具xm:xm 命令,就是管理Xen 的最基本的工具,一下是其所有参数项解释:xm list:显示虚拟机运行状态xm create:启动一个非托管的虚拟机xm help:所有可用的xm命令概述xm top:提供所有虚拟机的状态概貌xm console:使用文本方式连接虚拟系统xm new:添加虚拟机到Xenbase托管环境xm start:从Xenbase托管环境启动虚拟机xm destroy:像关掉电源那样关闭虚拟机xm shutdown:正确地关掉虚拟机xm reboot:重新启动虚拟机xm pause:暂停虚拟机的活动而不释放使用的内存资源xm unpause:激活使用xm pause命令暂停的虚拟机xm save:将虚拟系统当前状态保存到文件中xm restore:重新启动已经保存在文件里的虚拟机xm 命令的使用:下面介绍xm命令的具体使用方法:1.显示所有虚拟机的运行状态[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 450 1 r----- 5377.0fc5 4 256 1 -b---- 0.1列出所有正在运行的虚拟系统(也可以称为虚拟机);可以看到,一个名为Domain-0 的系统正在运行。

Domain-0 就是Xen 本身,Domain-0 负责提供其它虚拟操作系统的硬件环境,其它的系统都是基于Domain-0 开始的,它的ID 为0,其权限是最高的。

占用的内存是450M ,虚拟的CPU 个数是 1 个,运行状态处于r(即就是run,正在运行);运行时间是5377 秒;还有一个虚拟系统fc5 ,它的id 是4,占用内存256M ,虚拟CPU 个数是 1 个... ...2.通过配置文件来引导被虚拟的操作系统;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm create -c虚拟操作系统的启动配置文件,比如要启动被虚拟的操作系统是Fedora Core 5.0 ,就写一个启动Fedora 的配置文件,比如是fc5vm.cfg,然后就可以通过下面的命令来引导Fedora 了;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm create -c fc5vm.cfg3.从终端或控制台登录正在运行的虚拟操作系统;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm console 正在运行的虚拟操作系统的Name 或ID ;举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 512 1 r----- 5561.9fc5 4 256 1 -b---- 0.2通过配置文件来引导被虚拟的操作系统[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm console fc54.存储正在运行的虚拟操作系统的状态及唤醒虚拟操作系统;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm save[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm restore举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 458 1 r----- 260.3fc5 2 256 1 ------ 6.5[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm save 2[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm restore[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm console fc55.停止正在运行的虚拟操作系统/ 激活停止的虚拟操作系统[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm pause[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm unpause举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 458 1 r----- 260.3fc5 2 256 1 ------ 6.5[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm pause 2[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm unpause 26.调整虚拟平台/ 虚拟操作系统的占用内存我们可以调整正在运行中的虚拟平台(Domain-0) 所占内存大小及虚拟操作系统所占用的内存大小;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm mem-set举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 458 1 r----- 260.3fc5 2 256 1 ------ 6.5[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm mem-set 2 1287.关闭被虚拟的系统[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm shutdown 虚拟操作系统的Name 或DomID[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm destroy 立即停止虚拟的系统(重要);举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 458 1 r----- 260.3fc5 2 256 1 ------ 6.5[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm shutdown fc5或[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm shutdown 2或[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm destroy 28.调整虚拟平台及虚拟操作系统的虚拟CPU 个数;[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm vcpu-set举例:[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm listName ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State Time(s)Domain-0 0 458 1 r----- 260.3fc5 2 256 1 ------ 6.5[root@localhost ~]# /usr/sbin/xm vcpu-set 2 49 )查看虚拟系统运行的状态;[root@localhost ~]# xm top或[root@localhost ~]# xentop。

maxtor硬盘 指令

maxtor硬盘 指令

- shift+F3: 选择硬盘。

- Scan 或 F4:对硬盘表面进行扫描测试。

- Erase:高级擦除(速度较慢),又叫擦零。

- Fasterase:快速擦除。

- PWD:加密。

- Unlock:解锁。

- ID:硬盘参数检测。

- Makebad:创建坏道。

- Remap:修复xx。

- Erase Delays:修复弱道。

- Clrmbr:装不进系统时可用此命令。

- Dispwd:去掉密码,前提是要用Unlock后,而且还要知道密码。

- Hpa:砍LBA值,只能从后往前砍,0:表示暂时砍掉;1:表示永久砍掉。

- Nhpa:恢复被砍的LBA值。




Mantis帮助手册目录1系统简述 (1)2系统角色 (1)2.1管理员 (3)2.1.1我的视图 (3)2.1.2查看问题 (5)2.1.3提交问题 (10)2.1.4变更日志 (12)2.1.5路线图 (13)2.1.6统计报表 (14)2.1.7管理 (14)用户管理 (15)项目管理 (17)标签管理 (26)自定义字段管理 (28)平台配置管理 (31)插件管理 (33)配置管理 (34)导入问题 (36)2.1.8个人资料 (37)个人资料 (37)更改个人设置 (38)管理列 (39)管理平台配置 (39)2.1.9注销 (39)2.2经理 (39)2.2.1操作区别 (40)2.3开发员 (40)2.3.1操作区别 (41)2.4修改员 (41)2.4.1操作区别 (41)2.5报告员 (41)2.5.1操作区别 (42)2.6复查员 (42)2.6.1操作区别 (43)3操作权限 (43)1系统简述Mantis 是一个开源的问题管理系统;基于PHP+MySql,可以运行在 Windows/Unix 平台上。


在对 Mantis 摸索几天后,发现它基本可以满足问题管理日常流程。

而且,Mantis 是 B/S 结构的 web 系统,如果今后有需要,还可以配置到 Internet 上,实现异地进行问题管理。

2系统角色在 Mantis 系统中,分别有几种角色:管理员、经理、开发员、修改员、报告员、复查员。








1. 标题:使用#号表示标题级别,例如# 表示一级标题,## 表示二级标题,依次类推。

2. 段落:文本内容默认为段落,用空行进行分段。

3. 列表:有序列表使用数字加英文句点表示,无序列表使用-或*表示。

4. 链接:使用[链接文本](链接地址)的格式表示链接。

5. 图片:使用![图片描述](图片地址)的格式表示图片。

6. 强调:使用*或_包裹文本表示斜体,使用**或__包裹文本表示加粗。

7. 代码:使用`包裹代码块,使用```包裹多行代码块。

8. 引用:使用>表示引用,可以嵌套使用表示多层引用。






maxint头函数 -回复

maxint头函数 -回复






因此,在Python 3.x版本中,maxint实际上等于sys.maxsize的值。

那么,如何使用maxint头函数呢?下面,我们将逐步介绍使用maxint 的过程。




pythonimport sys第二步:使用maxint函数一旦我们导入了sys模块,我们就可以使用其中的maxsize属性来获取整数的最大值。

在Python 2.x版本中,我们可以使用maxint函数来获得最大整数的值。

pythonmax_int = sys.maxint然而,在Python 3.x版本中,我们需要改用maxsize属性来获取整数的最大值。

pythonmax_int = sys.maxsize第三步:打印最大整数的值一旦我们成功获取了最大整数的值,我们可以将其打印出来,以便查看。

pythonprint("最大整数的值是:", max_int)这样,我们就完成了使用maxint头函数的过程。

完整的代码如下所示:pythonimport sysmax_int = sys.maxsizeprint("最大整数的值是:", max_int)通过运行这段代码,我们可以在控制台中看到打印出的最大整数值。



MAX命令大全Absolute Mode Transform Type-in绝对坐标方式变换输入Absolute/Relative Snap Toggle Mode绝对/相对捕捉开关模式ACIS Options ACIS选项Activate活动;激活Activate All Maps激活所有贴图Activate Grid激活栅格;激活网格Activate Grid Object激活网格对象;激活网格物体Activate Home Grid激活主栅格;激活主网格ActiveShade实时渲染视图;着色;自动着色ActiveShade(Scanline)着色(扫描线)ActiveShade Floater自动着色面板;交互渲染浮动窗口ActiveShade Viewport自动着色视图Adaptive适配;自动适配;自适应Adaptive Cubic立方适配Adaptive Degradation自动降级Adaptive Degradation Toggle降级显示开关Adaptive Linear线性适配Adaptive Path自适应路径Adaptive Path Steps适配路径步幅;路径步幅自动适配Adaptive Perspective Grid Toggle适配透视网格开关Add as Proxy加为替身Add Cross Section增加交叉选择Adopt the File's Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度Advanced Surface Approx高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Advanced Surface Approximation高级表面近似;高级表面精度控制Adv. Lighting高级照明Affect Diffuse Toggle影响漫反射开关Affect Neighbors影响相邻Affect Region影响区域Affect Region Modifier影响区域编辑器;影响区域修改器Affect Specular Toggle影响镜面反射开关AI Export输出Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件AI Import输入Adobe Illustrator(*.AI)文件Align对齐Align Camera对齐摄像机Align Grid to View对齐网格到视图Align Normals对齐法线Align Orientation对齐方向Align Position对齐位置(相对当前坐标系)Align Selection对齐选择Align to Cursor对齐到指针Allow Dual Plane Support允许双面支持All Class ID全部类别All Commands所有命令All Edge Midpoints全部边界中点;所有边界中心All Face Centers全部三角面中心;所有面中心All Faces所有面All Keys全部关键帧All Tangents全部切线All Transform Keys全部变换关键帧Along Edges沿边缘Along Vertex Normals沿顶点法线Along Visible Edges沿可见的边Alphabetical按字母顺序Always总是Ambient阴影色;环境反射光Ambient Only只是环境光;阴影区Ambient Only Toggle只是环境光标记American Elm美国榆树Amount数量Amplitude振幅;幅度Analyze World分析世界Anchor锚Angle角度;角度值Angle Snap Toggle角度捕捉开关Animate动画Animated动画Animated Camera/Light Settings摄像机/灯光动画设置Animated Mesh动画网格Animated Object动画物体Animated Objects运动物体;动画物体;动画对象Animated Tracks动画轨迹Animated Tracks Only仅动画轨迹Animation动画Animation Mode Toggle动画模式开关Animation Offset动画偏移Animation Offset Keying动画偏移关键帧Animation Tools动画工具Appearance Preferences外观选项Apply Atmospherics指定大气Apply-Ease Curve指定减缓曲线Apply Inverse Kinematics指定反向运动Apply Mapping指定贴图坐标Apply-Multiplier Curve指定增强曲线Apply To指定到;应用到Apply to All Duplicates指定到全部复本Arc弧;圆弧Arc Rotate弧形旋转;旋转视图;圆形旋转Arc Rotate Selected弧形旋转于所有物体;圆形旋转选择物;选择对象的中心旋转视图Arc Rotate SubObject弧形旋转于次物体;选择次对象的中心旋转视图Arc ShapeArc Subdivision弧细分;圆弧细分Archive文件归档Area区域Array阵列Array Dimensions阵列尺寸;阵列维数Array Transformation阵列变换ASCII Export输出ASCII文件Aspect Ratio纵横比Asset Browser资源浏览器Assign指定Assign Controller分配控制器Assign Float Controller分配浮动控制器Assign Position Controller赋予控制器Assign Random Colors随机指定颜色Assigned Controllers指定控制器At All Vertices在所有的顶点上At Distinct Points在特殊的点上At Face Centers 在面的中心At Point在点上Atmosphere氛围;大气层;大气,空气;环境Atmospheres氛围Attach连接;结合;附加Attach Modifier结合修改器Attach Multiple多项结合控制;多重连接Attach To连接到Attach To RigidBody Modifier连接到刚性体编辑器Attachment连接;附件Attachment Constraint连接约束Attenuation衰减AudioClip音频剪切板AudioFloat浮动音频Audio Position Controller音频位置控制器AudioPosition音频位置Audio Rotation Controller音频旋转控制器AudioRotation音频旋转Audio Scale Controller音频缩放控制器AudioScale音频缩放;声音缩放Auto自动Auto Align Curve Starts自动对齐曲线起始节点Auto Arrange自动排列Auto Arrange Graph Nodes自动排列节点Auto Expand自动扩展Auto Expand Base Objects自动扩展基本物体Auto Expand Children自动扩展子级Auto Expand Materials自动扩展材质Auto Expand Modifiers自动扩展修改器Auto Expand Selected Only自动扩展仅选择的Auto Expand Transforms自动扩展变换Auto Expand XYZ Components自动扩展坐标组成Auto Key自动关键帧Auto-Rename Merged Material自动重命名合并材质Auto Scroll自动滚屏Auto Select自动选择Auto Select Animated自动选择动画Auto Select Position自动选择位置Auto Select Rotation自动选择旋转Auto Select Scale自动选择缩放Auto Select XYZ Components自动选择坐标组成Auto-Smooth自动光滑AutoGrid自动网格;自动栅格AutoKey Mode Toggle自动关键帧模式开关Automatic自动Automatic Coarseness自动粗糙Automatic Intensity Calculation自动亮度计算Automatic Reinitialization自动重新载入Automatic Reparam.自动重新参数化Automatic Reparamerization自动重新参数化Automatic Update自动更新Axis轴;轴向;坐标轴Axis Constraints轴向约束Axis Scaling轴向比率Back后视图Back Length后面长度Back Segs后面片段数Back View背视图Back Width后面宽度Backface Cull背面忽略显示;背面除去;背景拣出Backface Cull Toggle背景拣出开关Background背景Background Display Toggle背景显示开关Background Image背景图像Background Lock Toggle背景锁定开关Background Texture Size背景纹理尺寸;背景纹理大小Backgrounds背景Backside ID内表面材质号Backup Time One Unit每单位备份时间Banking倾斜Banyan榕树Banyan tree榕树Base基本;基部;基点;基本色;基色Base/Apex基点/顶点Base Color基准颜色;基本颜色Base Colors基准颜色Base Curve基本曲线Base Elev基准海拔;基本海拔Base Objects导入基于对象的参数,例如半径、高度和线段的数目;基本物体Base Scale基本比率Base Surface基本表面;基础表面Base To Pivot中心点在底部Bevel Profile轮廓倒角Bevel Profile Modifier轮廓倒角编辑器;轮廓倒角修改器Bezier贝塞尔曲线Bezier Color贝塞尔颜色Bezier-Corner拐角贝兹点Bezier Float贝塞尔浮动Bezier Lines贝塞尔曲线Bezier or Euler Controller贝塞尔或离合控制器Bezier Position贝塞尔位置Bezier Position Controller贝塞尔位置控制器Bezier Scale贝塞尔比例;贝兹缩放Bezier Scale Controller贝塞尔缩放控制器Bezier-Smooth光滑贝兹点Billboard广告牌Biped步迹;两足Birth诞生;生产Birth Rate再生速度Blast爆炸Blend混合;混合材质;混合度;融合;颜色混合;调配Blend Curve融合曲线Blend Surface融合曲面Blend to Color Above融合到颜色上层;与上面的颜色混合Blizzard暴风雪Blizzard Particle System暴风雪粒子系统Blowup渲染指定区域(必须保持当前视图的长宽比);区域放大Blue Spruce蓝色云杉Blur模糊Body主体;身体;壶身Body Horizontal身体水平Body Rotation身体旋转Body Vertical身体垂直Bomb爆炸Bomb Space Warp爆炸空间变形Bone骨骼Bone Object骨骼物体;骨骼对象Bone Objects骨骼物体;骨骼对象Bone Options骨骼选项Bone Tools骨骼工具Bones骨骼Bones/Biped骨骼/步迹Bones IK Chain骨骼IK链Bones Objects骨骼物体Boolean布尔运算Boolean Compound Object布尔合成物体Boolean Controller布尔运算控制器Both二者;全部Bottom底;底部;底部绑定物;底视图Bottom View底视图Bounce弹力;反弹;反弹力Bound to Object Pivots绑定到物体轴心Bounding Box边界盒Box方体Box Emitter立方体发射器Box Gizmo方体线框Box Gizmo(Atmospheres)方体线框(氛围)Box Mode Selected被选择的物体模式Box Mode Selected Toggle被选择的物体模式开关Box Selected按选择对象的边界盒渲染;物体长宽比BoxGizmo立方体框;方体线框Break Both行列打断Break Col列打断Break Row行打断Bridge过渡Bright亮度Brightness亮度Bring Selection In加入选择;加入选择集Bubble膨胀;改变截面曲线的形状;气泡;浮起Bubble Motion泡沫运动;气泡运动Bubbles气泡;泡沫;改变截面曲线的形状;膨胀Build Only At Render Time仅在渲染时建立By Material Within Layer按层中的材质Calc Intervals Per Frame计算间隔帧;计算每帧间隔Camera摄像机视图;镜头点;摄像机;相Camera Point摄像机配合点Camera Point Object摄像机配合点物体CamPoint相机配合点Cancel Align取消对齐Cap封盖;封顶;盖子Cap Closed Entities封闭实体Cap End封底Cap Height顶面高度;顶盖高度Cap Holes封闭孔洞Cap Holes ModifierCap Segments端面片段数Cap Start始端加盖;封闭起端Cap Surface封盖曲面Capping顶盖Capsule囊体;胶囊;胶囊体Capsule Object胶囊体;囊体Case Sensitive区分大小写Cast Shadows投射阴影Center Point Cycle中心点循环Center&Sides中心和边Centered,Specify Spacing居中,指定间距Centimeters厘米C-Ext C型物体;C型延伸体;C型墙C-Extrusion Object C型物体;C型延伸体;C型墙Chamfer倒角;切角Chamfer Curve曲线倒角;切角曲线Chamfer Cylinder倒角圆柱体Chamfer Cylinder Object倒角圆柱体Chamfer Edge倒角边缘Chamfer Vertex倒角顶点ChamferBox倒角长方体;倒角方体;倒角立方体ChamferBox Object倒角长方体;倒角方体;倒角立方体ChamferCyl倒角圆柱体;倒角柱体Change改变Change Graphics Mode改变图形模式Change Leg StateChange Light Color改变灯光颜色Change to Back Viewport改变到后视图Change to Bottom Viewport改变到底视图Change to Camera Viewport改变到摄像机视图Change to Front View改变到前视图Change to Grid View改变到栅格视图Change to Isometric User View改变到用户轴测视图Change to Left View改变到左视图Change to Perspective User View改变到用户透视视图Change to Right View改变到右视图Change to Shape Viewport改变到二维视图Change to Spot/Directional Light View改变到目标聚光灯/平行光视图Change to Top View改变到顶视图Change to Track View改变到轨迹视图Channel通道Chaos混乱;混乱度Character角色Character Structures角色结构Child孩子Children子级Chop切除;切劈Chord Length弦长;弦长度Circle圆;圆形;圆形区域Circle Shape圆形Circular Region圆形区域Circular Selection Region圆形选择区域Clear清除Clear All清除全部;清除所有的捕捉设置Clear All Smoothing Groups清除全部光滑组Clear Selection清除选择Clear Set Key Mode BufferClear Surface Level清除表面级Click and drag to begin creation process单击并拖动,开始创作Clone复制;克隆Clone Method克隆方式;复制方法Close Cols.闭合列Close Loft闭合放样Close Rows闭合行Cloth布;布料Cloth Collection采集布料Cloth Modifier布料编辑器;布料修改器Cloud云Col列Collapse坍塌;塌陷Collapse All全部坍塌;全部折叠Collapse Controller坍塌控制器Collapse Stack坍塌堆栈Collapse To坍塌到;折叠到Color颜色Color by Elevation根据海拔指定颜色;以标高分色Color RGB颜色RGBColor Zone色带Combine合并;联合Combos复合;过滤器组合Combustion燃烧;合并Comet彗星Command Panel命令面板Common Hose Parameters软管共同参数Compare比较Compass指南针;指针Compass Object指针物体Completely replace current scene完全替换当前场景Component组成Composite合成;复合材质;合成贴图;复合Compound Object合成物体Compound Objects合成物体Cone锥体Cone Angle锥体角度Cone Object锥体Configure设置;配置Configure Driver设置驱动Configure OpenGL配置OpenGL显示驱动Configure Paths设置路径Conform包裹Conform Compound Object包裹合成物体Conform Space Warp包裹空间扭曲Connect连接Connect Compound Object连接包裹合成物体Connect Edge连接边界Connect Vertex连接顶点Constant晶体;定常;连续的;连续性;恒定;常量;圆片Constant Cross-Section截面恒定Constant Key Reduction Filtering减少过滤时关键帧不变Constant Velocity匀速Constrain to X约束到X轴Constrain to XY约束到XY轴Constrain to Y约束到Y轴Constrain to Z约束到Z轴Constrained Motion约束运动Constraint约束Constraints约束Context前后关系;关联菜单Contour轮廓Contours轮廓Contrast对比度Controller控制器;选择用于控制链接对象的关联复制类型Controller Defaults默认控制器Controller Defaults Dialog默认控制器对话框Controller Output控制器输出Controller Properties控制器属性Controller Range控制器范围Controller Range Editor控制器范围编辑器Controller Types控制器类型Controllers控制器Convert blocks to groups转化块为群组Convert Curve转换曲线Convert Curve On Surface在曲面上转换曲线Convert Groups To转化群组到Convert Instances to Blocks转化关联属性为块Convert Selected转换选择;转换当前选择Convert Surface转换曲面Convert To转换到Convert to Edge转换到边Convert to Editable Mesh转换到可编辑网格Convert to Editable Patch转换到可编辑面片Convert to Editable Polygon转换到可编辑多边形Convert to Editable Spline转换到可编辑曲线Convert to Face转换到面Convert to NURBS Surface转换到NURBS曲面Convert To Patch Modifier转换到面片修改器Convert to single objects转化到单一物体Convert to Toolbar转化到工具行;转换为工具条Convert to Vertex转换到顶点Convert units转换单位Cookie Cutter切割;饼切Copies复制数目Copy复制Copy Envelope复制封皮Copy Normal复制法线Corner拐角点Count数量Crawl Time爬行时间;蠕动时间;变动时间Create a Character创建角色Create a Key for all Transforms为所有变换创建关键帧Create a Multicurve Trimmed Surface创建多重修剪表面;创建多重修剪曲面Create a Multisided Blend Surface创建多边的融合表面;创建多边的融合曲面Create a Position Key创建位置关键帧Create a Position Key on X创建X轴位置关键帧Create a Position Key on Y创建Y轴位置关键帧Create a Position Key on Z创建Z轴位置关键帧Create a Rotation Key创建旋转关键帧Create a Rotation Key on X创建X轴的旋转关键帧Create a Rotation Key on Y创建Y轴的旋转关键帧Create a Rotation Key on Z创建Z轴的旋转关键帧Create a Scale Key创建放缩关键帧Create a Scale Key on X创建X轴的放缩关键帧Create a Scale Key on Y创建Y轴的放缩关键帧Create a Scale Key on Z创建Z轴的放缩关键帧Create Blend Curve创建融合曲线Create Blend Surface创建融合表面;创建融合曲面Create Bones System创建骨骼系统Create Cap Surface创建加顶表面;创建加顶曲面Create Chamfer Curve创建倒直角曲线Create Combination创建组合Create Command Mode创建命令模式Create Curves创建曲线Create Curve-Curve创建曲线-曲线Create Curve Point创建曲线点Create CV Curve创建可控曲线;创建控制点曲线Create CV Curve on Surface创建表面CV曲线;创建表面可控曲线Create CV Surface创建CV表面;创建可控曲面Create Defaults创建默认;创建默认值Create Edge创建边Create Explicit Key Position X创建X轴的位置直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Position Y创建Y轴的位置直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Position Z创建Z轴的位置直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Rotation X创建X轴的旋转直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Rotation Y创建Y轴的旋转直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Rotation Z创建Z轴的旋转直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Scale X创建X轴的放缩直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Scale Y创建Y轴的放缩直接关键帧Create Explicit Key Scale Z创建Z轴的放缩直接关键帧Create Exposure Control创建曝光控制Create Extrude Surface创建拉伸表面;创建拉伸曲面Create Faces(Mesh)创建面数(网格)Create Fillet Curve创建倒圆角曲线Create Fillet Surface创建倒圆角表面;创建倒圆角曲面Create Fit Curve创建拟合曲线Create Key创建关键帧Create Lathe Surface创建旋转表面;创建旋转曲面Create Line创建线Create Mirror Curve创建镜像曲线Create Mirror Surface创建镜像表面;创建镜像曲面Create Mode创建方式Create Morph Key创建变形关键帧Create New Set创建新集合Create Normal Projected Curve创建法线投影曲线Create Offset Curve创建偏移曲线Create Offset Point创建偏移点Create Offset Surface创建偏移表面;创建偏移曲面Create Out of Range Keys创建范围外帧Create Parameters创建参数Create Point创建轴点Create Points创建点Create Point Curve创建点曲线Create Point Curve on Surface创建表面点曲线Create Point Surface创建点表面;创建点曲面Create Polygon创建多边形Create Polygons创建多边形Create Position Lock Key创建位置锁定时间Create Primitives创建几何体Create Rotation Lock Key创建旋转锁定时间Create Ruled Surface创建规则表面;创建规则曲面Create Shape创建截面Create Shape from Edges由边创建图形Create Surfaces创建曲面Create Surface-Curve Point创建表面-曲线点Create Surface Edge Curve创建表面边界曲线Create Surface Offset Curve创建表面偏移曲线Create Surface-Surface Intersection Curve创建表面与表面的相交曲线Create Surf Point创建面点Create Transform Curve创建变形曲线Create Transform Surface创建变换表面;创建变换曲面Create U Iso Curve创建U Iso曲线Create U Loft Surface创建U放样表面;创建U放样曲面Create UV Loft Surface创建UV放样表面;创建UV放样曲面Create Vertex创建顶点Create Vertices创建顶点数Create Vector Projected Curve创建矢量投影曲线Create V Iso Curve创建V Iso曲线Create 1-Rail Sweep创建1-围栏Create 2-Rail Sweep创建2-围栏Creation Method创建方式Creation Time创建时间Crop切割区域;渲染指定的区域,图像大小为指定区域的大小Crop Selected切割选择;按选择对象的边界盒定义的区域渲染,图像大小为指定区域的大小Cross相交Cross Section交叉断面;截面;相交截面;截面参数Crossing横跨Crossing Selection横跨选择CrossSection交差截面;截面CrossSection Modifier交差截面修改器Crowd群体;群集Cube正方体;立方体Cube/Octa立方体/八面体Cubic立方Current当前;当前的Current Class ID Filter当前过滤类别Current Combinations当前组合Current Nodes当前节点Current Object当前物体Current Objects当前物体Current Targets当前目标Current Time当前时间Current Transform当前变换Curvature曲率Curve曲率;曲线;当前Curve Approximation曲线精度控制;曲线近似;曲线逼近Curve Common普通曲线Curve-Curve曲线对曲线Curve-Curve Intersection Point曲线对曲线求交点Curve Editor动画曲线编辑器;运动曲线编辑器Curve Editor(Open)运动曲线编辑器(打开)Curve Fit曲线适配Curve Point曲线点;曲线对点Curve Properties曲线属性Curves曲线Curves Selected被选择的曲线Custom自定义Custom Attributes自定义属性;定制属性Custom Bounding Box自定义绑定物体;自定义边界盒Custom Colors定制颜色Custom Icons自定义图标Customize自定义Customize Toolbars自定义工具条Customize User Interface自定义用户界面Cut剪切Cut Edge剪切边Cut Faces剪切面数Cut Polygons剪切多边形CV Curve可控曲线CV Curve on Surface曲面上创建可控曲线;曲面上的可控曲线CV on Surf曲面CVCV Surf可控曲面CV Surface可控曲面CV Surface Object可控曲面物体CVs Selected被选择的可控节点Cycle循环Cycle Selection Method循环选择方法Cycle Subobject Level循环子物体级别Cycle Through Scale Modes通过放缩方式循环Cycle Vertices循环节点Cycles周期;圈;圈数Cyclic Growth循环增长;循环生长;周期增长CylGizmo柱体线框;柱体框Cylinder圆柱体Cylinder Emitter柱体发射器Cylinder Gizmo柱体线框Cylinder Object圆柱体Damper减振器;阻尼器Damper Dynamics Objects阻尼器动力学物体Dashpot SystemDay日Daylight日光Deactivate All Maps关闭全部贴图;取消激活所有视图Decay衰减Decimals位数Default缺省;缺省值;默认;默认值Default Lighting Toggle默认照明开关Default Projection Distance默认的投影距离Default Viewport QuadDefine定义Define Stroke定义笔触Deflector导向板Deflector Space Warp导向板空间变形Deflectors导向板Deform变形Deformation变形Deformations变形Deforming Mesh CollectionDeg度Degradation退化,降[减]低,减少,降格[级],老[软]化degree角度;度数degrees度;角度Delaunay德劳内类型Delegate代表Delete删除Delete a Position Key on X在X轴删除位置关键帧Delete a Position Key on Y在Y轴删除位置关键帧Delete a Position Key on Z在Z轴删除位置关键帧Delete a Rotation Key on X在X轴删除旋转关键帧Delete a Rotation Key on Y在Y轴删除旋转关键帧Delete a Rotation Key on Z在Z轴删除旋转关键帧Delete a Scale Key on X在X轴删除放缩关键帧Delete a Scale Key on Y在Y轴删除放缩关键帧Delete a Scale Key on Z在Z轴删除放缩关键帧Delete All全部删除Delete All Position Keys删除全部位置关键帧Delete All Rotation Keys删除全部旋转关键帧Delete All Scale Keys删除全部放缩关键帧Delete Both删除行列Delete Button删除按钮Delete Col.删除列Delete Curve删除曲线Delete Key删除关键帧Delete Mesh Modifier删除网格修改器Delete Morph Target删除变形目标Delete Objects删除物体Delete Old删除旧材质;删除当前场景中的对象,合并新来的对象Delete Operand删除操作物体;删除操作对象Delete Original Loft Curves删除原放样曲线Delete Patch删除面片Delete Patch Edge删除面片边界Delete Patch Element删除面片元素Delete Patch Modifier删除面片修改器Delete Patch Vertex删除面片节点Delete Row删除行Delete Schematic View删除图解视图Delete Segment删除线段Delete Shape删除图形Delete Spline删除曲线Delete Spline Modifier删除曲线修改器Delete Tab删除面板Delete Tag删除标记Delete the Pop-up NoteDelete Toolbar删除工具条Delete Track View删除轨迹视图Delete Vertex删除节点Delete Zone删除区域;删除色带Dens密度Density密度;强度;浓度DependenciesDependent Curves从属曲线Dependent Points从属点Dependent Surfaces从属曲面Dependents从属格线;关联Depth深度Depth of Field视野;景深Depth Segs深度片段数Derive From Layers来自层Derive From Materials来自材质Derive From Material Within Layer来自层中的材质Derive Layers By导入层依据Derive Objects By导入物体方式;导入物体依据Derive Objects From导入物体依据Destination目的;显示出在当前场景中被选择对象的名字;目标位置Destination Time目标时间Destory CharacterDetach分离;从对象组中分离对象Detach Element分离元素Detach Segment分离线段Detach Spline分离曲线Details细节Deviation背离;偏差Dialog对话框Diameter直径Die After Collision碰撞后消亡Diffuse漫反射;漫反射光;表面色;过渡区Diffuse(reflective&translucent)过渡色(反射与半透明) Direction方向Direction Chaos方向混乱Direction of Travel/Mblur运动方向/运动模糊Direction Vector矢量方向;方向向量Directional方向;方向型Directional Light平行光Disable无效Disable Scene Redraw ToggleDisable View显示失效;视图无效Disable Viewport非活动视图Disable Viewport Toggle视图切换失效DisassembleDisassemble ObjectsDiscard New Operand Material丢弃新材质Discard Original Material丢弃原材质Disintigrate裂解Disp Approx位移近似Disp Approx Modifier位移近似修改器Displace置换;位移;位移编辑修改器Displace Modifier位移修改器Displace Space Warp位移转换空间变形Displaced Surface贴图置换表面;置换贴图表面;位移表面;位移曲面Display显示;当Display处于打开时,在绘图时会出现捕捉导线。

maxscript replace 函数

maxscript replace 函数

maxscript replace 函数在3ds Max MaxScript中,`replace` 函数用于在字符串中查找并替换指定的子字符串。

下面是`replace` 函数的基本语法:```maxscriptreplace <string> <oldSubStr> <newSubStr>```其中:- `<string>` 是要进行替换操作的原始字符串。

- `<oldSubStr>` 是要被替换的子字符串。

- `<newSubStr>` 是用来替换`<oldSubStr>` 的新子字符串。

以下是一个简单的示例,演示了如何使用`replace` 函数:```maxscriptoriginalString = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"newString = replace originalString "fox" "cat"print newString```在这个例子中,我们首先定义了一个原始字符串`originalString`,然后使用`replace` 函数将其中的"fox" 替换为"cat",并将结果存储在`newString` 变量中。


请注意,`replace` 函数是区分大小写的,如果需要对大小写不敏感进行替换操作,可以使用`replace insensitive` 函数。

例如:```maxscriptoriginalString = "The quick brown Fox jumps over the lazy dog"newString = replace insensitive originalString "fox" "cat"print newString```这将会将字符串中的"Fox" 替换为"cat",不区分大小写。



MAXScript基础语法showclass的⽤法语法:showClass <pattern_string> [ :<stream> ]showClass "Box.* "--显⽰Box这个类所包含的属性showClass "path*"--显⽰所有类名以 path 开头的类showClass "noise.*" --显⽰ noise 类贴图所有可存取的属性showClass "*:mod*" --显⽰所有 modifier 类showClass "*.*rad*" --显⽰拥有属性名中包含字符 rad 的属性的所有类showClass "*.*" to:f --显⽰所有类、超类、属性,并输出到指定⽂件showClass "*:*controller*" --显⽰所有在其超类名中包含字符 controller 的类showProperties()函数showProperties()函数⽤来显⽰某⼀特定 MAXWrapper 类对象的属性语法:showProperties <maxwrapper_object> [ <property_pattern> ] [ to:<stream> ] showProperties $foo.bend --显⽰对象 foo 的 Bend_modifier 的属性ffdmod = $baz. ' FFD_Box_4x4x4 ' --指向对象 baz 的 FFD_modifiershowProperties ffdmod "disp*" to:log--显⽰ FFD_modifier ⾥以 disp 开头的属性showProperties $foo.pos.controller--显⽰position类controller⾥的次级controller移动旋转缩放move(移动)move <name_obj> [(x,y,z)]move myBox [10,0,0]scale(缩放)scale <name_obj> [(x,y,z)]rotate(旋转)rot_obj=eulerangles x y zrotate myBox rot_obj添加修改器语法:addmodifier obj_name (modifier_name<parameters>)addmodifier myBox (Twist angle:30)myBox.twist.angle=60--修改Modifier参数创建动画animate On(at time 0(myBox.pos=[-100,0,0]; myBox.scale=[1,1,0.25])at time 100(myBox.pos=[100,0,0]; myBox.scale=[1,1,3]))数组数组是⼀组数据的集合,在 MAXScript ⾥,数组的每个元素可以是任何不同的数据类型,⽽且可以被单独获取语法:#(<expr>,<expr>)每个<expr>都可以为数字、表达式、字符⽅法classOf <value>--返回<value>所属的数据类型superClassOf <value>--返回<value>的超级类,也即<value>所属类的⽗类for obj in $* do(if classOf obj == Box then append allBoxes obj)isKindOf <value> <class>--如果<value>继承⾃类<class>,则返回 True,否则返回 False allBoxes=for obj in $* where(isKindOf obj Box)do collect objissTructDef <value>--如果<value>是⼀个结构定义,则返回 TrueisStruct <value>--如果<value>是⼀个结构类的数据,则返回 TrueisController <value>--如果<value>是⼀个控制器,则返回 True。

maxscript 语法

maxscript 语法

MaxScript是3ds Max软件的内置脚本语言,用于自动化3D建模和动画过程。

以下是一些基础的MaxScript语法要点:1. 打印输出:在调试MaxScript时,可以使用`print`函数将字符串输出到控制台。


例如,`print "Hello, World!"`会在控制台输出“Hello, World!”。

2. 变量声明:在MaxScript中,可以直接使用变量名来引用变量,无需显式声明变量类型。

例如,`myVariable = 10`将创建一个名为`myVariable`的变量,并将其值设置为10。

3. 条件语句:使用`if`...`then`...`else`结构来编写条件语句。

例如,`if (condition) then (code_if_true) else (code_if_false)`。

4. 循环语句:可以使用`for`循环来重复执行一段代码。

例如,`for i=1 to 10 do (print i)`将会打印数字1到10。

5. 函数定义:使用`fn`关键字定义函数。

例如,`fn myFunction() = ( code here )`定义了一个名为`myFunction`的函数。

6. 对象操作:在3ds Max中,几乎所有的操作都与对象(如模型、相机、灯光等)有关。


7. 事件和监听器:可以通过编写事件处理程序来响应用户的操作或其他事件。


8. 宏录制:MaxScript还支持宏录制,可以将用户的操作自动转换为MaxScript代码。


9. 模块和插件:可以将MaxScript代码编写成模块或插件,以便在3ds Max中重复使用或与其他用户共享。

maxint头函数 -回复

maxint头函数 -回复








以下是一个示例:pythonimport sysdef main():max_int = sys.maxsizeprint("整数的最大值为:" + str(max_int))if __name__ == "__main__":main()在上述示例中,我们首先导入sys库。


最后,我们使用print 函数将最大整数值打印到屏幕上。






maxint头函数 -回复

maxint头函数 -回复
















例如,在Java中,可以使用Integer类的MAX_VALUE 常量来获得int类型的最大值。






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MaxEnt HELP (1)2011年05月20日星期五 15:15可参考的文献:Steven J. Phillips, Robert P. Anderson, Robert E. Schapire.Maximum entropy modeling ofspecies geographic distributions.Ecological Modelling, Vol 190/3-4 pp 231-259, 2006.Steven J. Phillips, Miroslav Dudik, Robert E. Schapire.A maximum entropy approachto species distribution modeling.Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference onMachine Learning, 2004, 655-662.Miroslav Dudik, Steven J. Phillips, Robert E. Schapire.Performance guarantees forregularized maximum entropy density estimation.Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on ComputationalLearning Theory, 2004, 472-486.模型表达每个栅格单元的适宜性,由环境变量层的函数计算所得。




Inputs:输入Samples:三列,列间以逗号分隔:物种,经度/X,纬度/Ye.g.:Species, Long, LatBlue-headed Vireo, -89.9, 48.6Loggerhead Shrike, -87.15, 34.95物种种类数不限,单个物种可以选择或不选择。


环境变量层必须是以ESRI ASCII格式,以后*.asc,或者DIVA-GIS的.gri和.grd 格式。



环境变量层还可以以SWD格式输写,SWD格式的输写如下:SWD(samples-with-data)格式:样本值(物种分布数据)以.csv格式存储如下:Species, X, Y, Var1, Var2, Var3即物种,X,Y,变量1的值,变量2的值,变量3的值。

e.g.Blue-headed Vireo, 310186, 8243704, 1, 19.5, 0.91Blue-headed Vireo, 300243, 8173341, 2, 18.3, 1.04该文件为物种分布数据文件。


背景点值以相同的格式输写:Species, X, Y, Var1,Var2, Var3background,320268, 8428840, 1, 17.5, 0.55background, 301886, 8432739, 2, 18.1,0.65则背景值的SWD文件作为环境变量层。



Algorithmparameters运算参数:要素类型(feature types):环境变量的拟合函数叫作要素(feature),即拟合环境变量的概率分布。


选择”auto features自动选择要素类型”,则允许根据模型中使用的物种发生点的数量来。








Threshold的作用在于使得大于V 的所有单元格的总概率等于样本中大于该值的部分。



Discrete: 自动为每个分类环境变量生成一个discrete要素。



控制参数controlparameter把鼠标放在每个参数上不动时,将显示参数作用的小提示Response curve:绘制环境变量是如何决定预测的发生概率值的曲线Jackknife:测量每个环境变量的重要性输出outputs:maxentResults.csv:列出训练样本的数量、gain值和测试数据的gain值和AUC。

如果选择了jackknife,则regularized(调整的) training gain和每次jackknife的测试数据的gain值和AUC。







多个jackknife和response curves图表全放在plot文件夹下。





If typical presences used during trainingare from environmental conditions where probability of presence is around 0.5,then the logistic output can be interpreted as predicted probability ofpresence (otherwise they can be interpreted as relative suitability). 如果在训练中存在的典型的环境条件,从那里出现概率约为0.5,则logistic输出可以被解释为预测出现概率(否则它们可以作为相对适宜解释)。

如果p(x)是环境条件x的raw输出,则相应的logistic值为c p(x) / (1 + c p(x)),c是一个特殊值(即,raw分布的熵的指数值)。

Cumulative output某一单元格的值为所有比该单元概率单元格概率值的总和,乘以100。


MaxEnt HELP (2)2011年05月20日星期五 15:15Maxent的计算:Maxent的计算式regularizedparameter设置为0的时候(即不加以调整):P(x) = exp(c1 * f1(x) + c2 *f2(x) + c3 * f3(x) ...) / ZC1,c2。

为常数,而f1,f2为要素(即每个环境变量的要素函数),z是个按比例缩放的常数,用以确保所有单元格的p值的总和是1.the algorithm that is implemented by thisprogram is guaranteed to converge to values of c1, c2, ..., that give the(unique) optimum distribution P. 保证算法收敛到的C1,C2,...值,即给予(唯一)最优P分布。






每个物种,其权重都会写进一个自己的.asc 文件中。



