2009 The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory Measuring Carbon Dioxide from Space
分方程在图像处理中的应用报告他们 的最新结果 。 会议期间来 自浙江大学医学院的两位主任医师 也介绍 了医学图像分析 中的一些应用。他们首先介 绍了磁共振张量成像技术、神经纤维束成像 、T灌 C 注成像等具有丰富数学背景的医学影像成像技术 , 重点介绍了 Df s n R r e i 中的数学方法。 i i I o sn uo M P c sg 然后着重介绍 了图像 处理在计算机 辅助外科手术
品质的优劣将直接影响到居住者 的身体健康以及整 个 国家公 民的身体素质 ,中国建筑研究院的曹 国庆
态及重要性。中国科技部 国际合作司姚为克副司长 代表科技部到会致辞 ,就我国建筑节能现状及节能 政策作了重要讲话。住房与城 乡建设部建筑节能与 科技 司韩 爱兴 副 司长代 表 建设 部 就建 筑 能源 消耗 及 中国人均能源消耗作 了详细的阐述。会议承办方代 表清华大学科研院常务副院长姜培学教授、中国建 筑科学研究院副院长许杰峰教授 、英 国中英科技创 新计划执行董事柴曼怡女 士也在开幕式上致辞 , 姜 培学教授根据清华大学 19 年 6 98 月提 出的建设“ 绿
除 微分方程在图像处理等领域的应用打下比较好的基
荸 础。 通过国际会议的举办, 对于提高我 国该领域的专
衡 家学者在国际上声誉 ,提高本学科的国际水平有很
勤 慧
刘志宏: 博士生 。
收稿 E :0 9 1 — 0 t 20— 23 期
5 0
会 议 报
热物理研究所副所长李俊明教授 、中国建筑科学研 究院科技处处长王清勤教授。 大会开幕 式 由诺 丁汉 大学 Sf ia教 授主 aa Rft
议 报 告
20 0 9中 英建筑可持续能源和环境 技术研讨会
刘志 宏
《科技新时代》2009航空航天类最佳科技成果 2009年12月26日 08:21 科技新时代《科技新时代》杂志(美国著名科普杂志《Popular Science》简体中文版)12月号公布了一年一度的“100项最佳科技成果”,涉及娱乐通信、汽车、电脑、摄影摄像、安全、健康医疗、绿色、航空航天、家用、工程、运动休闲等11个领域。
学 系统、同一个 电子 部件 和 同样 的 电源和 飞行
定标装置。图 1 ME T S的光学示意 图,图 2 为 RI 为M R I E TS的设计 图,图 3 ME T S的研 制模 为 RI 样 。表 1列出 了 ME TS的主要性能参数。 RI 在 20 09年 8月于美 国圣地亚哥召 开 的 “ 红
图3 MER I T S的研 制模 样
表 1 ME T S的 主 要 性 能 参 数 RI
机 载 监 视 技 术
光谱 范 围
在 军 事发 展 中,机 载监视 技 术是 一个 更新 较为 迅速 的领 域。一 些新 的设 计 正在被 采 用, 7 m ^ 4 i 线 列 1:7 m 一 1  ̄ g 一1 g n 4t m 而更多 的则是 处于研 制 阶段:其 中包 括 “A gl ne 线 列 2:7 m 一 4 g 0 m Fr i e” 系 统 和 “B cE e” 系 统 ( 传 感 器 的像 uk y 其 元 数 分 别 达 到 6M 和 3M)以及 正 在 测 试 的 自主 6 9 实 时地 面全方位监 视成 像系 统 ( R U S 。作 A G SI) 为 “ 捕食者”无人机 或 “ 乌”无人机技 术 的一 蜂 部分 , “ R U —S”系统能够获得 清晰度 高达 A G SI 1 G像素 的 图像。 . 8 军用成像技 术 然而技 术领 域 有 时发 展得 实在太 快 ,因此 美 国陆 军想把 更加 先进 的军用 成像技 术 纳入他 们 的武器 库。这种 成像技 术应 该考 虑 到下 列 因
外航天遥感与仪 器 X I ”专题会 议上 ,德 国行 VI
星研 究 所 的研 究 人 员 G bieEA n l ar l .ro e d等人 对 ME T S仪器 的测量要求、 RI 研制现 状 以及 正在进 行 中的测试鉴定 工 作作 了详细介 绍 ( 见 Po. 参 rc
注:文章仅用于英语学习,禁止用于其他用途!第一篇Shown in the artist’s rendering is the Mars Helicopter, a small, autonomous rotorcraft, will travel with NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover, currently scheduled to launch in July 2020, to demonstrate the viability and potential of heavier-than-air vehicles on the Red Planet.Destined to become the first aircraft to attempt powered flight on another planet, NASA’s Mars Helicopter officially has received a new name: Ingenuity. Vaneeza Rupani, a junior at Tuscaloosa County High School in Northport, Alabama, came up with the name and the motivation behind it during NASA’s “Name the Rover”essay contest(征文比赛).Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech(翻译)艺术家的渲染图上显示了火星直升机,这是一种小型的自动旋翼飞机,将与NASA 的毅力号火星车一起登陆火星。
这 是 根 据 N S “ ada 5 和 A A L n st ”
天文 学家 日前通 过欧洲 南 方天 文 台甚大望远 镜拍到 了“ e a ” 团的 T r n5 星 z 最新照片。“ ezn5 星团极不寻常 , T r ” a 可 能是个仞生的原星 系, 很久 以前与银河
海槽则不会 , 从而产生 了我们从 图中看 在这幅艺术想象 图中, 从黑洞 ( ) 左 喷 射而 出的高能粒 子束 将附近 星系 的 恒星点亮。两项根据欧洲南方天文台数 据 实施 的最新 研究 表 明 ,活跃 的黑 洞 HE 4 0 2 5 0 5 — 9 8通过“ 服” 制 附近的星系 , 引发快速 的恒星形成过程 , 以此创建 自 己未来 的家 园。天文学家认 为 , 多数 质 量很大 的星 系中央都有超 大质量黑洞 , 虽然他 们 尚不 确定 星系 和黑洞 哪 个最 先 出现 。 0 5 — 9 8黑洞没有 自己的 HE 4 0 2 5 到的云 中 现弧形洞的景象。
2 0 9年 “ 勃 ’ 空 望 远 镜 图 片 精 选 0 哈 ’ 太
● 晓 国国家地理网站 日前公布了一组 林 覆盖 。 此图是森林覆盖率 变化情况分 析报告 的一部分 ,该 分析结 果表 明从 东
二 7 精彩太空照片。这些照片展示了
N S A A的“ 哈勃 ” 太空望远镜最新拍摄的
“ ada 7 L n st ”两颗卫星 的数 据制作 的高 清图 ,图中显示 19 年 一2 0 间巴 90 0 0年
4云现 弧形 洞 .
在这张 由 N S A A的 T r er a卫星拍摄
时 间 表 是 在我 们 和
空 气倍 增 器 不 会 积 尘 也
宇宙 中存 在 的时 间计算 器 如果
不 会 发 出 很 大 的 噪音 更 不 会 伤 到 因 为
死 了 他 的时 间表就停止 不 动 而地 球
好奇 而 想 摸 摸 风 扇 的小 朋 友 最 重 要 的
的时 间表 还 在 继 续 运 行 站在 两 面 镜 子
的时 间 计算 器 暂 停
在 这 段 时 间 你做
的 运 动 不 计 时 间 而 你 的 自我认 知 却 是
在运 动 在 旁 人 看 来 你便在瞬 间 移动
太 空望 远 镜 赫歇 尔 ’ ’ .‘ ‘
这早 已 不 是 什么秘
密 在
些 地 方 由 于 温 度 极 低 使 得光
容 词 指 物体 移 动 速 度快 到
一 一
种理 个人
无 声 也 比 传 统 电扇安 全
戴森 空 气倍
瞬 间便 能
增 器 和 传 统 电风 扇
样 能
但 如 何 达 到这 种 效 果 呢 ?
不 同 的是 它 还 能 通 过 人 为控制 发
, 。
解 是 :利 用 时 间 表
红 外 光 谱扫 描 天 空
赫歇 尔 运 行在 距
“ 户座 ”飞 船 的 研 制进 行 近 地 猎
轨 道 以远 的载 人 探 索。 探 索 技 术 发 展 对 精 心 设
计 的 航 天 技 术 项 目进 行 充 分 投
商业 参与 探 索计 划 根 据 美
国 《 间法 》的特 别 规 定 ,N S 空 AA
的 采 购 活 动 具 有 相 当 大 的 灵 活 性 。 N S 应该 在适 当 的时候 利 用 AA 这 些 条 款 ,鼓 励 商 业 供 应商 更 多 的参 与 ,向他 们 分 配 与 其优 势 相
目 ,那 么 美 国将 会 获 得 外 交 关 系
首选 目标 。月 球 优 先及 灵 活 性 途
的实 质 性 利益 ,也 会 得 到 更 多 的 资源 。 短 期 航 天 飞 机 计 划 当前
的航 天 飞机 飞行 表 必 须 以安 全 谨
慎 的 方 式安 排 。 根 据 目前 的 飞行 安 排 ,航 天 飞 机 很 可 能会 飞行 到 2 ll 年 的 第 2 度 ,为 这 种 可 0 财 季 能性 作好 预 算准 备是 很 重要 的。
况 的原 因。
获 取 该 运 载 能 力 。在 适 当的激 励
这 将 会 大 大增 加 美 国 及 其 国际 伙
伴 的 投 资 回报 ,否 则 将会 显 著 削 弱 美 国 发展 及 领 导 未 来 国际 航 天 合作 伙伴 的能 力。 重 型 运 载 火 箭 发 射 重 型 运 载 火 箭 至 近 地轨 道 以及 将 重 型 有效 载 荷 运 离地 球 将 有 利 于 太 空
划 最 终评 审 报 告 同几年 前 公 布 的
哥 伦 比亚号 事 故调 查 委 员会 报 告
等 评 审报 告 一 样 ,反 映 出 了美 国 载 人航 天 计 划 以及 N S 内部 存 在 AA 的技 术和 管理 方 面 的诸 多 问题 , 值 得 认 真研 究 ,现初 步 归纳 出几
科技新闻月报作者:来源:《中国科技教育》2009年第10期Science News科学新闻(2009-09-12)The Cover封面故事逐渐治疗法:随着食物过敏反应的逐渐增加,新的治疗策略可以帮助患者根据自身的耐受性而进食。
In the News科学新闻灌溉问题:卫星数据显示,灌溉压力的增加,使得印度北部的地下水正在面临枯竭的境地。
神经细胞玩Simon says游戏(Simon says是英国传统儿童游戏,大致可以理解为“你说我做”——译者注):一项新研究发现了人体中存在镜像神经细胞的证据。
美 国成 像 侦 察 卫 星 向何 处 去 … … … ( 3 1)
美 军 数 据 链 发 展 概 况 与 启 示 … … … ( 9 1)
非 地 球 静 止 轨 道 航 天 器 发 射 市 场 回顾 及 未来 1 O年 预 测 ( ) … … … ( 4 上 2) 印度 太 空 力 量 的发 展 … … … … … … ( O 3)
3月 号
“ 普 勒 ” 的 使命 … … … … … … … … () 开 1
3 8
・ 空间扫描 (2 8 1 1 3 5 6 1、1、2、3、3 、3 、3)
《 际太 空》20 国 0 9年 1 号 2月
5月 号
欧洲 “ 天琴 座 ” 运 载 火 箭 研 制 进 展
… … … … … … … … … … … … …
空 间扫描 ( 、1) 8 9
美 、苏 / 载 人 登 月 运 载 火 箭 特 点 分 析 俄
… … … … … … … … … … … … …
( 3) 2
下 一 波 火 星 探 测 热 谁 唱 主 角 … … … ( 8 2) 美 俄 卫 星 相 撞 事 件 分 析 … … … … … ( 0 3) 金 融 危 机 对 美 国航 天 业 的影 响 … … ( 4 3)
《 际 太 空 国
20 0 9年 ( — 1 号 )总 目次 1 2月
1月 号
伊 朗 自行 发 射 首 颗 卫 星 引起 全 球 关 注
… … … … … … … … … … … … … ・ ・ ・
20 0 8年 的世 界 航 天 活 动 … ¨ …… … ・( ) 1 日本 高 速 因特 网卫 星一 一 “ 带 ” 纽
最 新 月 球 合成 孔 径 雷 达 图像 解 读 … ( 9 1) 国外 载人 登 月 发 展 趋 势 分 析 … … … ( 2 2) “ 国际空间站” 上 的 “ 能环保” … ( 9 节 2)
K-T界线地层中异常的铬同位素比例也是撞击理论的强力证据。铬同位素比例在地球上是相当平均的,因此, 铬同位素比例异常跟铱含量异常高含量都可排除是火山作用引起。此外,在K-T界线量测到的铬同位素比例相当 类似于碳质球粒陨石中的量测结果。因此可能的撞击务是碳质小行星或彗星,而彗星的组成物质相当类似于碳质 球粒陨石。
地球或其他行星和小行星、彗星等其他 天体互相碰撞的事件
01 撞击物体积
03 人类文明的终结
02 生物集群灭绝
撞击事件(Impact event)是指地球或其他行星和小行星、彗星等其他天体互相碰撞的事件。根据历史记载, 有数百个在特定地区造成死伤以及财物损失的小撞击事件(包含火流星爆炸)被记录下来。在海洋发生的撞击事 件可能造成海啸对海洋和海岸造成损害。
2008年10月7日,一个编号2008TC3的小行星当接近地球时被追踪20小时,并在进入地球大气层时在苏丹上空 爆炸。这是首次有物体在进入地球大气层以前被侦测到,而它的数百个陨石碎片散布在努比亚沙漠。
2009年7月19日,一位业余天文学家在木星的南半球发现了一个新形成的地球大小黑斑。热红外线分析发现 该区域温度较周围高,且在光谱中发现了氨。喷气推进实验室的科学家确定在2009年发生了另一次撞击事件,可 能是因为尚未发现的小型彗星或其他以冰组成的天体撞击造成。
1994年苏梅克-列维9号彗星撞击木星的事件等于是对人类的一个“警钟”,天文学家们因此开始进行许多寻 天计划开始寻找小行星,例如林肯近地小行星研究小组、近地小行星追踪、洛厄尔天文台近地小行星搜寻计划等 其他计划,因此大幅提升了小行星的发现率。
1998年观测到两颗彗星以相当近的距离接近太阳,第一颗彗星是在当年6月1日,翌日再发现第二颗。NASA站 上的一个影片可看到这两颗彗星接近太阳后,太阳戏剧性地喷发出大量物质(可能和撞击无关)。这两颗彗星应 是在撞击太阳表面前就已蒸发。根据喷气推进实验室的科学家泽但尼克·瑟卡尼那(ZdeněkSekanina)的研究, 最近一次真正撞击到太阳表面的事件是一颗“超级彗星”-霍华德-古门-米歇尔彗星(CometHoward-KoomenMichels)在1979年8月30日撞击太阳。
2009年2月24日, OCO-1由于“金牛座”火箭故障而导致发射失败。
Unit 1 Nature in the balanceⅠ.阅读理解A[2022·南昌市第三次模拟]No matter where you go around the globe, everybody loves to celebrate. And when it comes to celebration, festivals offer something for everyone.Mardi Gras (New Orleans, Louisiana)Also known as Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras in New Orleans is a cultural event. Though the celebration is held every year, the festivities last for months. And if you love music, check out the annual Galactic concert at the worldfamous Tipitina's on Lundi Gras (the day before Mardi Gras).La Tomatina (Valencia, Spain)Launched way back in 1944 or 1945, La Tomatina is one of the oldest festivals on our list. It's also easily the happiest but the messiest, coming off like the world's biggest food fight.Legend has it that the whole thing started when some local boys joined a parade alongside musicians. The boys made the performers so angry that they tried to hit the boys, and a vendor's (摊贩) vegetable stand fell victim to the incident.If you go, please follow some simple rules: Don't throw hard objects; squash the tomato before throwing it; keep a safe distance from tomato trucks and stop in time.Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland)Founded back in 1967, Montreux is one of the oldest music festivals in the world. It is also the second largest jazz festival, after the Montreal International Jazz Festival. That Canadian concert may attract more visitors — around 2 million annually. But Montreux benefits from its pretty location on the attractive shores of Lake Geneva. The area is particularly beautiful in late June/early July, when the festival is held.1.When is the Galactic concert held?A.On Mardi Gras.B.On Lundi Gras.C.On Montreux Jazz Festival.D.On La Tomatina.2.What do people do on La Tomatina?A.Punish naughty boys.B.Enjoy musicians' performance.C.Throw tomatoes without hurting.D.Catch people who destroy tomatoes.3.Where can you read the passage probably?A.In a news report.B.In an academic journal.C.In a concert brochure.D.In a travel magazine.B[2022·青岛市高中质量检测]Every year on April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. It gives a voice to emerging public consciousness about the state of our planet. The founder is Gaylord Nelson.What moved Gaylord Nelson to action was the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill (溢出) in Southern California, the largest oil spill in the United States at that time. The spill proved to be an environmental nightmare as it had a strong impact on marine life, killing an estimated 3,500 seabirds, as well as marine animals such as dolphins, elephant seals and sea lions. Inspired by the student antiwar movement at that period of time, Nelson found it was a right time to channel the energy of the students towards a fight for environmental protection. He decided that it was time to educate the Americans on the need to protect the environment. Thus, Earth Day was born in 1970, and public environmental consciousness took centre stage.On 22nd April 1970, millions of Americans took to the streets to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment and thousands of students marched in protest at the terrible situation of the environment. Businesses were forced to follow environmental standards if they wanted to continue their operations. The year 1990 saw Earth Day reach out to many more countries around the world. It helped pave the way for the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, bringing together many nations, for a joint effort towards protecting the environment. In 2009, the United Nations decided to officially set April 22 as Earth Day. For his role as the founder of Earth Day, Gaylord Nelson was awarded the Presidential Medalof Freedom (1995), the highest honour given to civilians in the United States. We honour the man, as the fight for a cleaner environment continues.4.What can we learn about Earth Day?A.It was founded at the end of 1970s.B.It was first celebrated in Rio de Janeiro.C.People will march on the streets on this day.D.It arouses public environmental awareness.5.What did Gaylord Nelson do to make Earth Day possible?A.He reduced the loss of the oil spill.B.He participated in an antiwar movement.C.He set environmental standards for businesses.D.He involved more people in environmental issues.6.What is the third paragraph mainly about?A.The focus of Earth Day.B.The development of Earth Day.C.The world's concern for the environment.D.The joint efforts of different countries.7.Which of the following best describes Gaylord Nelson?A.Intelligent. B.Responsible.C.Considerate. D.Knowledgeable.Ⅱ.完形填空[2022·重庆市高三第三次调研抽测]Little Free Library (LFL) steward Sandy Freel has a rare disease. Some days are __1__ for her to see things than others. “The doctor says I will be __2__ within five years,” said Sandy. She also recently __3__ her husband.She started the LFL __4__ her husband, as they both loved to __5__. One day, while walking in her neighborhood, Sandy __6__ an old bench that she thought would make a nice addition to her __7__. When she asked the gentleman who __8__ the bench if it was for sale, he hesitated and told her that his wife who had __9__ used to sit on it, drinking coffee and reading books.Sandy __10__ understood why he was unwilling to give it up, but told him that __11__ he ever changed his mind she would love to buy it so that people would sit on it while reading in her LFL. Although full of __12__, he still told her that he would__13__ it by that Sunday so that he could also stop at her LFL tosit when he walked his dog. They both had tears in their eyes. “Now we both have a place to sit and __14__ our loved ones,” said Sandy.After starting her LFL, she felt like she had a new purpose again. “I would encourage anyone to stop by and experience the joy of books, which are gifts to people who may feel low and need a __15__,” Sandy said.1.A.more difficult B.clearerC.more convenient D.lazier2.A.dumb B.blindC.lame D.deaf3.A.left B.metC.supported D.lost4.A.in honor of B.in charge ofC.in advance of D.in search of5.A.design B.travelC.read D.sing6.A.cleaned up B.came acrossC.looked for D.fixed up7.A.driveway B.gardenC.balcony D.library8.ted B.requiredC.produced D.owned9.A.passed away B.moved awayC.run away D.broken away10.A.hardly B.typicallyC.immediately D.fortunately11.A.if B.whyC.how D.unless12.A.courage B.hesitationC.gratitude D.suspicion13.A.check B.purchaseC.bring D.change14.A.persuade B.rememberC.admire D.tolerate15.A.suggestion B.liftC.promotion D.jobⅢ.语法填空[2022·河北省高三六校第一次联考试题]______ (green) their hometowns.China's Tree Planting Day could date back to a proposal 3.________ (make) by Sun Yatsen (1866~1925) and Tomb Sweeping Festival (April 5th) 4.________ (adopt) as Tree Planting Day then. However, April 5th was a late time for treeplanting in Southern China, so it was changed to March 12th in order to memorize Sun Yatsen, 5.________ passed away on March 12th.In February 1979, the 5th National People's Congress of People's Republic of China made a 6.________ (decide) that March 12th would be taken as Tree Planting Day, requiring the whole country to carry out treeplanting7.________ (activity) on this day.Now treeplanting in the spring has become a bit of tradition for Chinese. For those 8.________ (live) in the big cities, National Tree Planting Day is 9.________ excellent time for city skipping . They often take the planting as a nice short tour back to nature with their family members. After their fieldwork together, they not only harvest better environment but also more 10.________ (harmony) family relations as well as enthusiasm for the future.课时作业(九)Ⅰ.阅读理解A语篇类型:应用文主题语境:人与社会——庆祝活动——节日【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了世界上几个知名的节日,包括路易斯安那州新奥尔良的狂欢节、西班牙巴伦西亚的西红柿节以及瑞士的蒙特勒爵士音乐节。
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析 。其 目的 是 早 期 发 现 系统 的潜 在 危 险 因素 , 确定 系统 的危 险 性 等 级 , 出 相 应 的 防范 措 施 , 止 这 些 危 险 因素 发 展 成 为 事 提 防 故 , 免 考 虑 不 周 造 成 的损 失 。 是 一 种 应 用 范 围 较 广 ( 、 、 避 人 机 物 、 境 等 方 面 的危 险 因 素对 系 统 的 影 响 ) 环 的定 性 评 价 方 法 。 其 评 价 步 骤 主 要 是 :. 悉 对 象 系统 ;. 析 危 险有 害 因素 和 触 a 熟 b分 发 事 件 ;. 测 可 能 导致 的事 故 类 型 和 危 险 或 危 险 程 度 ;. 定 c推 d确 危 险 有 害 因 素 后果 的危 险等 级 I. 定 相 应 安 全 措 施 。 e 制 () 故 树 分 析 法 (T 。 故 树 分 析 法 又 称 故 障 树 分 析 , 2事 F A) 事
nasa 出舱服中二氧化碳处理方案
nasa 出舱服中二氧化碳处理方案下载温馨提示:该文档是我店铺精心编制而成,希望大家下载以后,能够帮助大家解决实际的问题。
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VOA原文c001 2009年太空领域的重大发现
2009: A Year of Discovery and Promise in Space MARIO RITTER: I'm Mario Ritter.STEVE EMBER: And I'm Steve Ember with EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English. This week, we tell about some of the biggest space stories of two thousand nine. First, there was the American space agency's discovery of water on the moon. We also talk to a NASA expert about the discovery of methane gas on Mars. And we hear about the test flight of NASA's newest rocket.(MUSIC)MARIO RITTER: Possibly the biggest space story this year was the discovery of water on the moon. The best evidence was provided by a dramatic experiment carried out on October ninth. NASA used its Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, to look for water deep beneath the lunar surface.To get below the ancient lunar rocks, NASA crashed a rocket into the moon's south pole. The crash caused soil to be expelled many kilometers above the lunar surface. LCROSS studied the soil before it too crashed into the moon. The experiment pushed the search for water several meters below the lunar surface much deeper than had been possible before.STEVE EMBER: In November, Anthony Colaprete, a leading scientist with the LCROSS project, spoke about information gathered by the spacecraft. He said about one hundred kilograms of water had been found in the material ejected by the moon crash. Water has now been confirmed in amounts much greater than had been thought.In September, NASA scientists had announced the discovery of water molecules mainly in the moon's extreme northern and southern areas. They noted, however, that they could also be seeing evidence of another molecule, hydroxyl.MARIO RITTER: Instruments on three separate spacecraft gathered that evidence of lunar water. NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper made the most recent observations. It was one of eleven scientific devices carried by the Chandrayaan-One spacecraft of the Indian Space Research Organization. The Mapper is a spectrometer, which measures reflected light wavelengths. The device shows scientists what an object is made of from great distances.Similar devices on NASA's Cassini and Epoxi spacecraft also reported water. But those observations were made years ago. NASA scientists had not trusted the results without clear confirmation.The Moon Mineralogy Mapper could only examine lunar soil to a depth of a few millimeters. And the amount of water found in that layer was very small. Now, LCROSS has shown that large amounts of water could exist on the moon. And it raises even more questions.Was water brought to the moon by space rocks and icy bodies called comets? Or could processes deep within the moon produce water? If that is the case, it may be possible that the moon could hold enough water for future explorations or even colonies.(MUSIC)STEVE EMBER: The presence of water on the moon was not the only major solar system discovery NASA made this year. In January, a team of NASA and university scientists announced that they had found methane gas on Mars. The group used NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility and the W.M. Keck telescope. Both instruments are in Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Methane is better known as natural gas. On Earth, it is mainly produced by processes linked to biology.This raises the exciting possibility that life may have existed in the past on Mars. Or it may still exist deep below the surface. Michael Meyer is lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program in Washington. He spoke to us about the finding.MICHAEL MEYER: It really means that the planet is more active than we thought, and more active--and that can be geologically or maybe even biologically.MARIO RITTER: On Earth, biological activity is very effective in making methane. But Michael Meyer notes that methane also can come from a purely non-biological process called serpentinization. He says the methane discovery presents scientists with a mystery because it is still not clear how the gas is being produced.Martian methane is also unusual because it is not evenly spread over the planet. It can become concentrated in small areas and then disappear. This suggests processes that both supply and remove methane from the atmosphere in certain places. Currently, the best explanation for the loss of methane is that it chemically reacts with dust in the atmosphere. The gas may then turn into something else such as carbon dioxide.STEVE EMBER: NASA plans to send the Mars Science Laboratory to the red planet in the autumn of two thousand eleven. The exploration vehicle will be able to measure methane even at very low levels in many places on the surface.Michael Meyer also says NASA is developing an orbiter with European scientists. It will be able to measure small amounts of many different gases. The orbiter could finally provide evidence about how methane on Mars is created and destroyed. Michael Meyer says planetary scientists often study processes that are very different from ones on Earth. But he says understanding these differences can help discover how some complex processes on our own planet really work.(SOUND: NASA Rocket Launch)MARIO RITTER: On October twenty-eighth, NASA took an important step into the future. The agency carried out a test flight of its next-generation launch vehicle for astronauts.NASA is developing two separate rockets for the Ares program. Phil Sumrall is the Ares Project Office Advanced Planning Manager. He says this was done for safety reasons.The loss of the space shuttle Columbia in February of two thousand three led to an investigation by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. The group recommended that human life must not be risked simply to send equipment into space. The result was a design in which safety was the top concern.PHIL SUMRALL: We designed the Ares One to be the absolute safest possible vehicle that we could conceive.STEVE EMBER: Space scientists designed Ares One with a system that would rescue astronauts whether there was a failure of the rocket in the launch area or during flight. Mister Sumrall says NASA estimates the new Ares One will be twenty to thirty times safer than the Space Shuttle.The other Ares launch vehicle is the huge Ares Five rocket. It will be the biggest rocket ever built. The Ares Five will be one hundred sixteen meters tall and weigh three point seven million kilograms. It will be able to lift nearly forty percent more than the Saturn Five rocket that sent Apollo astronauts to the moon.MARIO RITTER: Much of the Ares technology has been developed fromexisting vehicles. Versions of the solid fuel rockets that are used on the Space Shuttle today will serve as the first stage of the Ares One and booster rockets on the Ares Five. An engine first developed for the Saturn Five moon rocket has been updated to be used on Ares.Existing manufacturing technologies are also being used in new ways on Ares. The tanks of the Ares rockets will be made of aluminum lithium. This is a strong and light metal alloy that has been used on the Space Shuttle. But Ares will use new methods in metal-working science such as friction stir welding. This method uses heat and pressure to join pieces of metal together. Friction stir welding can be used to make complex curved and domed structures out of aluminum lithium and similar alloys. And, friction stir welding uses fewer workers at less cost than other methods.Scientists developed the new welding technology at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Montgomery, Alabama. It will be used when Ares is built at the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana.STEVE EMBER: Phil Sumrall says NASA's estimate to keep the Ares program going forward as planned calls for three billion dollars in additional spending a year.He says if money is available, Ares Five could be ready for a test flight by two thousand seventeen. We asked Phil Sumrall how NASA expects to use Ares in its space exploration plans.PHIL SUMRALL: It's not just for going to the moon or near Earth objects. It's what we'd use to go to, eventually, to Mars or to the moons of Mars.NASA named the new rocket system Ares, the Greek name for Mars. The name suggests the goal for a future generation of space explorers. They may be the first humans to set foot on another planet.(MUSIC)STEVE EMBER: I'm Steve Ember with Mario Ritter who also wrote and produced our program. Join us again next week for EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.。
这个数值大大超过 了人体所能承受的光 辐射适应范围。
如果人长期在这种反光条件下工作或生活,视网膜会 受到不同程度的损害,感光细胞功能受到抑制,造成视 力急剧下降。
借2009年国际天文年之机,天文学家大声疾呼:在 地球上建立“黑暗天空”保护区,为子孙后代留下最 后一扇通往宇宙的大门。
国际天文学联合会和联合国教科文组织因此共同签 署了备忘录,以建立和保护具有历史意义的天文台。 现在,许多国家已经意识到保护星空所能带来的生态 效益。
望 远 镜
略 手 制 的
400年后的今天,联合国教科文 组织和国际天文学联合会共同倡 议将2009年定为“国际天文年”, 通过全年在世界近140个国家和地 区举行丰富多彩的科普活动向这 位伟大的天文学家致敬。
探索我们的宇宙(The Universe,Yours to Discover)
谢谢大家! 欢迎同学们来南山观看美
Galileo Galilei
1. 宇宙爆炸区宇宙爆炸区“哈勃”太空望远镜捕捉到著名的行星状星云NGC 2818壮观、清晰的细节。
美丽的行星状星云NGC 2818,是一颗类太阳恒星死亡之时的寿衣。
NGC 2818位于罗盘座的南部,这张图片显示了一颗恒星的外层结构。
2. 零重力训练零重力训练1月15日,美国软件富商查尔斯-西蒙尼正在一艘俄罗斯飞机上进行零重力训练。
3. 绿色彗星绿色彗星2月23日,“鹿林”彗星光临地球。
4. 黑洞爆炸黑洞爆炸半人马座A(Centaurus A)星系中心的一个超大质量黑洞正在不断向外喷射各种物质。
5. 光绘技术光绘技术美国威斯康星州铁河附近地区上空的星体环形轨迹图。
6. 土星卫星土星卫星2月24日,“哈勃”太空望远镜共观测到四颗土星卫星从土星面前走过。
7. 火卫二火卫二2月21日,美国宇航局火星轨道侦察器上的相机捕捉到了火星两个卫星中较小的一个火卫二。
8. 国际空间站国际空间站从“发现”号航天飞机上看,国际空间站出现于地平线之上,背景则是漆黑的太空。
公务员(国考)之行政职业能力测验考前冲刺练习题附答案单选题(共20题)1. 以月球探索作为对比,至今为止,人类历史上成功将月球车送上月球的国家,也只有美国、苏联和中国,可见登月难度之高。
”A.火星探索为什么这么难的原因B.火星探索比月球探索难度更高C.深空探索面临着非常复杂的环境挑战D.我们已经做好准备,实现火星探索【答案】 A2. 植物:二氧化碳( )A.吸尘器:灰尘B.杀毒软件:病毒C.食物:营养D.臭氧层:氟利昂【答案】 A3. 国家统计局2010年2月25日发布2009年国民经济和社会发展统计公报,称中国去年全面落实应对国际金融危机的一揽子计划和政策措施,国民经济形势总体回升向好,各项社会事业取得新的进展。
初步核算,全年国内生产总值335353亿元,比上年增长8. 7%。
A.15288 亿元B.15376 亿元C.15288亿美元D.15376亿美元【答案】 C4. 一个拥有工匠精神、推崇工匠精神的国家和民族,必然会少一些浮躁,多一些纯粹;少一些投机取巧,多一些_____;少一些_______,多一些专注持久;少一些______,多一些优品精品。
A.实事求是好高骛远偷工减料B.兢兢业业口是心非花里胡哨C.脚踏实地急功近利粗制滥造D.稳扎稳打杀鸡取卵敷衍了事【答案】 C5. 阅读终端在不断下移,打开手机就可以阅读到新闻,关注他人微博就可以了解到需要的信息。
所以如果纸媒还( )地认为自己不可取代,那无疑是自寻死路。
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29, February 2009
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Making Precise XCO2 Measurements from Space
• CO2 and other gases absorb only certain colors of light,
– CO2 absorbs primarily “infrared” light
3-Channel Spectrometer (JPL/HS) Dedicated Dedicated Spacecraft Taurus XL bus (OSC) 3110 (KSC) Mission Ops (OSC) NASA GN (GSFC) and SN (TDRSS) Formation Flying as part of the A-Train Constellation
The NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory: Measuring Carbon Dioxide from Space
David Crisp (JPL/Caltech) OCO Principal Investigator February 2009
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29, February 2009
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Global Fossil Fuel Emission Forecasts
10 Carbon Emissions (GtC/y) 9 8 7 6 5 1990
Actual emissions: CDIAC Actual emissions: EIA 2006 Emissions: 8.4 Gt ! 450ppm stabilisation 650ppm stabilisation 2006 A1FI 2005 A1B A1T A2 B1 B2
Initial Surf/Atm State Generate Synthetic Spectrum Instrument Model Difference Spectra Inverse Model
• Validate measurements to ensure XCO2 accuracy of 1 - 2 ppm (0.3 - 0.5%)
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29, February 2009
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CO2 Measurements
CO2 Ground Network
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Carbon Dioxide and Climate
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29, February 2009
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Greenhouse Effects
OCO Data Center Validation Program
Ground Data Processing Center (JPL) L2 XCO2 Retrieval Calibration Program
Full Physics Validation Model
Please visit for more information
By resolving the colors of reflected sunlight in near IR CO2 and O2 bands, we can measure the absorption by each molecule – 2.06 μm CO2 band: Column CO2, Aerosols – 1.61 μm CO2 band: Column CO2 – 0.76 μm O2 A-band: Surface pressure, clouds, aerosols
29, February 2009
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On Thin Ice
1979 From the Climate Time Machine@ / 2007
A gallon of diesel weighs ~6.7 lbs (3.04 kg),
– Diesel is 87% carbon, so 0.87*6.7 lbs = 5.83 lbs (2.65 kg or 0.22 kmole @ 12 kg/kmole) – When burned, this 2.65 kg of carbon combines with 0.22 kmole of O2 (0.22*32 kg/kmole=7.1 kg) to yield 9.75 kg or 21.5 lbs of CO2
– Land or ocean? – Eurasia/North America?
• Why does the CO2 buildup vary from year to year with nearly uniform emission rates? • How will these CO2 sinks respond to climate change?
O2 A-band CO2 2.06 μm
CO2 1.61μm
Clouds/Aerosols, Surface Pressure
Column CO2
CO2, Aerosols, H2O, Temperature
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Mission System Description
Raupach et al., PNAS, 2007.
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CO2 Released by Fossil Fuels
• A gallon of gasoline weighs ~6.3 lbs (2.86 kg)
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New State (inc. XCO2)
FTS Tower Aircraft
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Precise Measurements are Needed to Resolve XCO2 Variations 380
– The average European produces ~14 tons CO2/year – The average Japanese produces ~9.6 tons CO2/year – The average Chinese produces ~2 tons CO2/year
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– Gasoline is 87% Carbon, so 0.87*6.3 lbs=5.48 lbs (2.5 kg, or 0.2 kmole @12 kg/kmole) – When burned, this 2.5 kg of carbon combines with 0.2 kmole of O2 (0.2*32 kg/kmole=6.4 kg) to yield 8.9 kg or 19.6 lbs of CO2 ~20 lbs (8.9 kg) CO2
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can trap thermal radiation (heat) that the Earth would otherwise emit to space. The use of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) and other human activities are rapidly increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere raising concerns about global warming
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CO2 and the Global Carbon Cycle
60 61
9 GtC/yr
90 92
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Outstanding Questions
• Humans have added >200 Gt C to the atmosphere since 1958 • Only about half of this CO2 is staying in the atmosphere • Where are the sinks that are absorbing half of the CO2?
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Measurement Approach
• Collect spectra of CO2 & O2 absorption in reflected sunlight over the globe • Retrieve variations in the column averaged CO2 dry air mole fraction, XCO2 over sunlit hemisphere
l 1 Ga G AS
Similarly, a gallon of Jet Fuel (Kerosene) produces 21.1 lbs (9.59 kg) of CO2
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Your Carbon Footprint