美国100部推理小说排行榜这份书单是美国推理作家协会(The Mystery Writers of America,简称MWA)票选出来的史上最经典的一百部推理小说排行榜。
后来美国出了一本书《The Crown Crime Companion: The Top 100 Mystery Novels of All Time》,收入了这几份排行榜,每一部入选作品还由编Otto Penzler写一段短短的书评,介绍该书。
——荐书堂1.《福尔摩斯探案全集》The Complete Sherlock Holmes,阿瑟柯南道尔Arthur Conan Doyle(英)推理小说中的《圣经》,也是每一个推理迷必备的案头书籍。
2.《马耳他之鹰》The Maltese Falcon,达希尔哈米特Dashiell Hammett(美)推理小说流派众多,旁支横斜,但解谜本格始终占据着正统主流的地位,唯一有能力分庭抗礼的唯有达希尔哈米特和雷蒙德钱德勒撑起的硬汉派了。
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中华经典对联与故事册 汉语拼音多功能智力开发扑克 现代图案框架与建构 逻辑学新论
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中国当代实力派画家刘寿祥 怀素自叙帖 素描油画 新编美术专业考生自学教室色彩静物默画范本
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基础C动物人物植物图形设计 基础B民间美术图形创意 基础D装饰风景图形设计 集禇遂良名言佳句
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心理学名著+心理学经典书籍推荐心理学名著1、《心理学的体系和理论》查普林和克拉威克著(James P.Chaplin & Theophile S.Krawiec)1960年出版。
2、《实验心理学史》波林著(Edwin Garrigues Boring)1926年出版。
这与人的神经系统,感觉器官的差别有关】【赫尔巴特的五种道德观念(Musterbegriffe):内心自由,个人意志与判断的关系;完善,多方面意志(强度、多样性和集中)的互相关系;仁慈,个人意志与他人思想之间的关系;正义,如果与他人发生实际冲突;公平,打算善或恶的后果】3、《近代心理学历史导引》墨菲著 1929年出版。
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The Applying of Contouring Technique in DoingMake UpAsri Wibawa SaktiSekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Bandung, IndonesiaRasi Yugafiati Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IKIP Siliwangi BandungBandung, IndonesiaAbstract—The article aims to discuss about the correlation between conturing technique and gradation technique in a media called the face of a model. Since it is believed that conturing technique as a part of make up, and gradation technique as a part of arts. Fortunatelly, the researcher is an artist and professional make-up artist. Thus the researcher can reveal from both perspectives to gain the thick and deep discussion. Then, this article is made qualitatively to explore about various shapes of faces and the technique to make the face look taper. The data is revealed only in a face of participant a square shape. It shows the progress to do the make up. The implication of the research shows that make up connect to arts in the parts of contouring and gradating.Keywords—make up; gradation technique; contouring technique; professional make up; tapper; square shape faceI.I NTRODUCTIONBasicly, women want to show their beauty in special occasions. Unfortunately, not all of the women accept that they have the perfect beauty as the grace from the God. Some women need to apply make up to maximize their performance. Thus give the important reasons of the using of make up. The internal factor in using make up is unconfident about their physical appearance; while the external factor is because of friends, relatives, beauty blogger, work, and organization [1].Phychologically, make up has seduction and camouflage effect [2]. Decorative cosmetics aim to increase the women’ beauty [3]. Then, the aim of using the cosmetics spread to beautify the appearance, change the performance, atract by fragrance, and cover the lack of the appearance [4]. Corrective make up is believed can fulfil the need of covering the lack of shape of women’ face so it can increase the confidence [5].II.R ELATED W ORKA.Make UpActually, every woman has the beauty side. For some women, the beauty appears naturally, but for the rest should be revealed by using make up. Make up becomes one of the alternative to support the beauty of women. B.Gradation TechniqueUniquely, the activity of doing make up has a similarity with doing painting or any arts works. Both of those activities need the media to apply the arts. In make up activity, the media is face. In arts works activity, the media can be canvas. Different with canvas that has standard charateristic, face has different condition. Face has multiple aspect to be considered, such as the colours of the skin, the shape of the face. Based on those various condition of faces, the professional make up artists have different strategies and techniques apply make up in the faces of women. At least, there are two arguments of applying makeup. First, the reconstruction make up. It is bold – thus, the professional make up artists try to cover the lack of the performance and make an ideal shape by using conturing technique. The second one is flawless. It shows the natural beauty of the face. In the research, the study concerns to the bold make up especially the using of gradation technique or conturing make up.C.Conturing TechniqueBased on arts’ point of view, conturing technique has similarity with gradation technique. Both of them play with shading and coloring. The challenges for professional Make Up Artists are objectify the faces of the women to be perfect canvases. As considered, every face has different characteristic. Let say woman with oily skin has problem with no long lasting make up [6]. It is only one of many difficulties to get the perfect canvas. Thus, the professional make up artists usually make Under make up that create perfect canvas to help them in applying make up, shading, conturing, etc in order to show the natural appearance [7].Conturing help make up artists to correct the shape of the women’s faces. As it is believed that oval shape categorized as the most ideal shape of face, thus it becomes the guideline to make over women’ faces [8]. The conturing technique needs three steps foundation or powder; first shade should have same tone with the womens’ skin, the second shade should be one step brighter, and the last is conturing with darker tone [9]. The article aims to discuss about conturing technique as the professional make up artist’s work and gadation technique as the artist’s work to maximize the beauty of woman.1st International Conference on Arts and Design Education (ICADE 2018)III.D ESIGN O VERVIEWThe design overview made by researcher has several stages. It is called make up reconstruction. The researcher as a professional make up artist and also artist. The research is described qualitatively. To make it special and clear about the applying of conturing, the researcher chooses a participant with square shape face. The data is collected by using observation, documentation. The data collection while the researcher taking notes about the result can be called as observation [10]. The researcher also collects written text, photos as documentation [11]. The analyzing technique using Miles and Huberman interactive model started by collecting the data, reducing the data, presenting the data, dan taking conclusion [11].At the first stage, the researcher conducts the study in arts departemen for several years. One of the subjects is doing gradation. The researcher then gets the insight about what gradation technique is. To do the arts project that using gradation technique, the researcher need canvas and brush. There are so many variation of brushes. However, the use of brush depends on the needs, especially the condition of the object. The canvas itself is standardized. The researcher as anartist applies the gradation in the predicted surface called canvas.At the second stage, the researcher then slowly but sure becomes a professional make up artist. Being professional artist deals with various condition of faces. Before doing the article, the researcher deals with the pilot projects. The researcher learns various characteristics of faces surfaces. Of course, it is different with canvas. There are various kind of faces’ surfaces, while canvas just only has one variation. Since the researcher imagine that both of face and canvas are media of arts, the researcher try to make the similarity for the face surface. The researcher then try to modify the face surface to be the perfect canvas. The researcher uses foundation to create the same tone of the skin, to cover the blemish, pimples, and any problems in the face surface.At the third stage, the researcher chooses a model. She has a unique shape of face. Her face is square shape. Since it is believing the goal of reconstruction make up is to make the model looks taper, the researcher starts to do the duty. The researcher tries to make over the model.From the figure 1, it is considered that the model has square shape of face. The skin has no much troubles. It has no pimples. In the figure 1, the researcher tries to clean up model’s face. The face is cleaned by using wet tissues, milk cleanser and toner. The face is prepared to be ready for applying make up.The figure 1 show about the condition of face surface without any addition of make up. Fig. 1.The skin of square shape face is already cleaned.The researcher then studies the condition of model’s skin. Then, the researcher finds the phenomenon that the model has dry skin. The dry skin should be stabilized first. Thus the researcher takes 1-2 drops of serum to the fingertip. Then the serum is applied by taping to all over suface, especially to around lip area and forehead. Those parts of face are dry.Fig. 2.The skin of square shape face is already applied the serum.From the figure 2, it shows that the skin is ready receives the treament. The serum helps the skin to be balanced. The area of forehead and around the lip are moisture. When the skin is moisture, the make up can be applied perfectly.After the serum is absorbed by the face skin, the next step is applying based foundation or primer. The researcher shakes the tube of base foundation to mix the ingredients. The researcher also uses several base foundations to get the best result. The researcher uses mixing pallete and spatula mixing. The comparison of each base foundation is 1:1. The researcher applies the mix base foundation thinly using fingertip. The researcher waits the base foundation until dries and absorbs.After the researcher looks the result of the base foundation, she adds color corrector in the eye bag of the model to camouflage the imperfection. The researcher daubs color corrector using small brush, although it can be used by other tools like fingertip or sponge.The researcher chooses orange color to be applied in model’s eye bags. It can be seen in figure 3.Fig. 3.The model’s eye bags is colored by orange color corrector.The next is appying foundation. The researcher puts a small amount of foundation to the fingertip, alhough she actually can also uses brush or sponge.The reseacher taps the area should be corrected. The researcher does gently to make sure that the foundation doesn’t change the place. The researcher also uses medium and dry sponge to apply the foundation. Fig. 4.The application of foundation using beauty blender or sponge.From the figure 4 it can be analyzed that the researcher is mixing foundation. The researcher uses two kinds of foundations. The researcher uses pallete mixing and spatula mixing. The researcher pours those foundations to the pallete and mixes by spatula. The researcher uses a wet sponge to prevent the absorption of foundation to the sponge. The researcher also finds that wet sponge helps to even the color of foundation into the surface. Then, figure 5 shows the result of applying the foundation even in the model’s surface.Fig. 5.The result of application of foundation all over the surface.From the figure 5, it can be seen that the orange color corrector is covered by the foundation. The eye bag of model is suddenly camouflaged. The color of skin is even tone. When the face skin has same color, the researcher believes that it can be a perfect canvas. The researcher then continues the next step. The next step is contouring. The conturing is the part discussed in the article. Conturing has same technique compare with gradating. Both of them have a goal to give shadow. For the face itself, giving shadow called conturing helps the researcher to bold the gorgerous look.Fig. 6.The result of conturing technique.IV.R ESULT AND D ISCUSSIONThe result and discussion conect both of the finding and the theories. From figure 7, it shows that the conturing technique handles a great part to make over the taper-look. The model seems to have a small and beauty jaw. Her nose becomes pointy-look. The power of conturing gives the perfection of arts. The lighter and the darker color are gradated. It same as the gradation technique in arts. The artist uses a smooth change from darker to lighter, thus it looks natural. Since make up has seduction and camouflage effect [2], the researcher shows that the result of contouring technique supports both effects. The camouflage to bold the parts of face can be found for example in the nose. In the reality, it may not really pointy, but then conturing technique helps to approve the goal.The study then reveals the model’s reason to be beautiful. She has internal factor to get appreciation from her family and friends. Since social media connects the friendships, she wants to look gorgeous in the frames. She wants to post her photo after make over and really enthusiasts about the netizens’ responses. It is related to the theory of external factor to use make up [1].Since, contouring technique reveals the gorgeous face of the model, it is believed that the techique supports the decorative cosmetics to increase the women’ beauty [3]. The research is supported by the information that make up cover the lack of the appearance [4]. The gradation technique learned by the researcher several years ago is collaborated with the conturing technique. Those collaboration then being the corrector for the taper-look. Since the covering the lack of shape is done, this can increase the confidence [5]. Fig. 7.The final result of make up included conturing technique.Based on the figure 7, the next steps of make up then cover the contouring technique. The application of the next make up then give an awesome appearance to the model. It can be concluded that both of gradation technique and conturing technique have corelation to bold some parts of “canvas” so those can camouflage the image. The research also shows that the arts can cover the study of make up. Since those gradation and conturing technique have similarity in mixing brigh and dark colour.V.C ONCLUSIONThis study reveals the phenomenon that arts gives contribution to support the Make Up Artist’s skill in showing the beauty of model. No matter what kind of shape that a model has, it can show the power of make up. The study also shows the step by step to change the appearance of the model, especially the power of conturing in changing the model’s face to be tapper look. Those stages can be followed as make up tutorial. Thus, there are some opportunities for artists to be make up artists.A CKNOWLEDGMENTSakti and Yugafiati thanks to the God who help the researchers. Sakti and Yugafiati also thanks to family, relatives, and all of the lecturers who guide and support them to finish the paper.R EFERENCES[1]L.D. Elianti and V.I. Pinasti, “Makna Penggunaan Make up sebagaiidentitas diri,” Jurnal Pendidikan Sosiologi UNY, pp. 1-18, 2017. [2]R. Korichi, D. Pelle-De-Querall, G. Gazano, and A. Aubert, “Whywomen use makeup: Implication of phsuchological traits in makeup functions,” J. Cosmet. Sci., vol. 59, pp. 127-137, 2008.[3]R.I. Tranggono and Latifah, Buku Pegangan Ilmu PengetahuanKosmetik. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007.[4]S.M. Wasitaatmadja, Penuntun ilmu kosmetik medik. Jakarta: UI Press,1997.[5] A.F. S.W.R. and D. Lutfiati, “Pengaruh Make up korektif terhadap hasilriasan pada wajah bulat dan mata sipit,” e-journal UNESA, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014. [6] D. Dwikarya and Maria, Merawat Kulit dan Wajah. Depok: PT. KawanPustaka, 2003.[7]H. Kussantati, Tata kecantikan kulit untuk SMK Jilid 3. Jakarta:Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.[8] D.A. Yustina and A. Puspitorini, “Pengaruh Penggunaan Jenis UnderMake Up (make up base) terhadap hasil tata rias wajah jenis kulit berminyak untuk pesta,” e-journal, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 33-37, 2013. [9]R. Jones, Makeup makeovers beauty bible: expert secrets for stunningtransformations. Beverly: Fair Winds Press, 2011.[10]W. Gulo, Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Grasindo, 2004.[11]Sugiono, Memahami Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: CV. Alfabeta,2010.。
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也是在今年, 她与Daria Werbowy、Sasha Pivovarova、Lily Donaldson和Lily Cole一起,公益慈善活动也进入了杜鹃的视野。
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2. "The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy" by Cyndi Dale - 这本百科全书涵盖了人体能量学和辉光的全面内容,包括人体辉光的特点和如何识别、理解和利用它们。
3. "Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field" by Barbara Ann Brennan - 这本畅销书通过解释人体能量场的照片和插图,详细描述了人体辉光的特点和能量治疗方法。
4. "Vibrational Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies" by Richard Gerber - 这本书涵盖了各种与人体能量相关的主题,包括人体辉光的特点和如何使用能量疗法来促进身心健康。
5. "The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe" by Lynne McTaggart - 这本书探索了人体能量场和宇宙能量场之间的相互关系,提供了关于辉光和能量互动的深入见解。
以上只是《吉田诚治作品集透视技法大公开》中的部分精彩摘录。通过这些 摘录,我们可以看出吉田诚治对于透视技法的理解和运用已经达到了炉火纯青的 境界。这本书不仅是一本技巧指南,更是一本充满艺术感和思考的作品集。对于 热爱绘画的朋友们来说,这本书无疑是一本不可多得的宝典。希望这些摘录能够 激发大家对于透视技法的兴趣和热情,同时也能够让大家更好地领略到吉田诚治 独特的艺术魅力。
在透视基础之后,该书目录引导读者透视在实际中的应用。这部分内容详细 阐述了如何在不同设计领域中运用透视技法,例如建筑设计、室内设计、工业设 计等。通过丰富的案例和实例分析,读者可以深入了解透视技法的实际操作技巧 和应用方法。
在透视的实际应用之后,目录引导读者进一步探讨透视与空间表现的关系。 这部分内容主要涉及如何运用透视技法来表现空间感,例如通过光影效果、材质 表现和色彩搭配等手段来营造不同的空间氛围。通过学习这一部分,读者可以提 升自己在设计中的空间表现能力。
01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 阅读感受 06 作者简介
透视 读者
பைடு நூலகம்
《吉田诚治作品集透视技法大公开》是一本集结了吉田诚治多年创作经验的透视技法书籍。在这 本书中,吉田诚治以自己丰富的艺术实践,系统地阐述了透视技法的原理和应用。
吉田诚治还特别了透视与构图的关系。他认为,透视与构图是相辅相成的,透视技法可以有效地 增强画面的空间感和层次感,而合理的构图则能够使画面更加和谐统一。
ProStretch 和 StepStretch 体验指南说明书
I LLUSTRATED I NSTRUCTIONAL M ANUALPro Stretch Therapy Products ®®TMlower extremity strength, balance and flexibility. ProStretch is a unique performance enhancement tool specifically designed to allow you to improve all three of these categories while reducing your overall risk of injury.Important:¥If you presently have a foot, ankle or calf injury, consultyour physician or physical therapist before usingProStretch.¥Do not use ProStretch on wet surface, ice, gravel, loose stone or sand.¥Never stretch a cold muscle. Warm up first with a short walk or jog.¥Never stretch to the point of pain or bounce while stretching, as this will actually tighten the muscle rather than increasing its flexibility.¥ A rubber soled shoe is recommended while using ProStretch.¥When in doubt about your physical ability, consult a physician or physical therapist.For additional Information or technical assistance,please call 1-800-810-1740.Gastronemius Achilles Tendon Soleus Ankle Tendons &Ligaments Anteroir Tibialis Plantar Fascia“During the past year, we have used the ProStretch with excellent results. We have seen improvements in flexibility in all four components of the lower leg and foot. The step by step approach with simple instructions makes perfect sense.”Jack Foley, Director of Sports Medicine Lehigh UniversityTo Increase Flexibility . . .Increased muscle flexibility reduces the risk of athletic injury.The more pliable a muscle becomes, the less likely you are to tear that muscle. With a proper ProStretch flexibility program, muscles and tendons actually begin to lengthen. In many sports, longer gastroc/soleus calf muscles improve the ability to increase stride length, and longer stride length translates into increased performance. Improved muscle flexibility also reduces the risk of back pain, muscle pulls,cramping and overuse injures such as Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.As flexibility also becomes known as an important aspect of medical diagnosis and treatment, physicians and therapists are recommending ProStretch for numerous lower legcomplications. While stretching may be prescribed as a vital part of the rehabilitation process, many patients do notspend the appropriate amount of time stretching. ProStretch improves patient compliancy with home therapy by making stretching a fun and enjoyable experience. The ProStretch is a unique way to assist in rehabilitation of most foot, ankle,lower leg and back injuries.¥You may choose one or all the following exercisesdepending on your own personal needs.¥Best results are achieved by using daily, once or several times if so desired. ProStretch is most effective before and after an activity.¥Each individual exercise routine should consist of three sets, each set lasting at least 30 seconds with 5 second intervals.“I would certainly recommend ProStretch for tight plantar fascia and the intrinsic muscles the fascia supports, as well as to promote ankle range of motion post cast removal, and for most Achilles’ problems.”Richard T. Braver, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.Medical Chairman - New Jersey Division of U.S. Track &FieldPro Stretch Therapy Products ®Flexibility Exercises:G Gastrocnemius or “gastroc”This is the upper bulky part of the calf which attaches behind the knee and joins to the soleus calf muscle. The gastroc is the most dense of the two calf muscles and will allow the most flexibility.With Unilateral1.Place ProStretch arms lengthaway from wall or othersupportive structure.2.Place both hands on wall — thenfit either foot into ProStretchwith heel snugly into heel cupand toes on front platform.3.Stand straight up with all yourweight on ProStretch and leanslightly forward. Your otherfoot not in ProStretch shouldcome up off floor and may be pointed so that toes touch thefloor. This is important for balance and to keep hips level. While leaning slightly forward, keep shoulders,hips and ankle of foot on ProStretch in line with each other. (Figure 1A)4.Keep leg straight on ProStretch and let your ankle pivot so your heel gently rocks back until you feel a slight tension in the upper gastroc calf muscle.5.Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to neutralposition and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30seconds.6.Switch to other leg and start from #1.7.To reach the inner and outerregion of the gastroc , slowlyrock heel back again until youfeel slight tension and simplyturn your hips outward. Holdand repeat #5. Turning hipsinward will rotate the stretch tothe opposite side. Hold andrepeat # 5. (Figure 1B)8.Switch to the other leg andfollow same procedure.(Figure 1A)G Soleus and Achilles TendonThe soleus is the smaller of the twocalf muscles which connectsunderneath the gastroc andattaches to the Achilles tendon. Toisolate the soleus/Achilles tendon,use the same procedure as thebeginning gastroc stretch, steps 1through 4, and continue the followingwith either the Unilateral or Bilateralmodels.With UnilateralWhile a slight tension is felt in the gastroc , bend your knee slightly forward approximately 5-10 degrees. To maximize the effect of the stretch, maintain tension in your Achilles tendon by keeping your heel back while bending knee. Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the foot to neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.With BilateralWhile a slight tension is felt in the gastrocs , bend your knees slightly forward approximately 5-10 degrees. To maximize the effect of the stretch, maintain tension in your Achilles tendons by keeping your heels back while bending knees. Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the feet to neutral position and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of30 seconds.G HamstringsKeep one foot in the ProStretchand extend the free foot onelarge step backwards. With yourfoot securely in the ProStretch,bend knee slightly and keep heelto the floor. Keep your backstraight and your head up, andslowly extend your chestforward to stretch hamstrings inthe back of the leg. You maysupport yourself while holding acountertop or back of a chair.Hold for 30 seconds, then rollthe feet to neutral position andrelax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30 seconds.“You’ll notice the difference immediately. ProStretch hits the right spot! Unlike slant boards, curbs, and steps, ProStretch stretches the lower leg correctly, giving you the competitive edge.”Marty LiquoriFormer World’s Best MilerG Gastrocnemius or “gastroc”With Bilateral1.Place ProStretch arms length awayfrom wall or other supportivestructure.2.Place both hands on wall — then fitright foot into right side ofProStretch with heel snugly intoheel cup and toes on frontplatform.3.Stand straight up on your rightfoot with all your weight onProStretch and lean slightlyforward. Keep right foot in neutral position (same position as if youwere standing on floor.) Simply slide left heel snugly into heel cup on left ProStretch. While leaning slightly forward, keep shoulders, hips and ankles in line with each other. (Figure 2A)4.Keep legs straight on ProStretch and let your ankles pivot so your heels gently rock back until you feel a slight tension in the upper gastroc calf muscles.5.Hold for 30 seconds, then roll the feet to neutralposition and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat two more sets of 30seconds.6.To reach the inner and outer regions of the gastroc ,place one foot in ProStretch. Slowly rock heel back again until you feel slight tension and simply turn hips outward. Hold and repeat #5. Turning hips inward will rotate the stretch to the opposite side. Hold and repeat # 5. (Figure 1B)“People who don’t normally maintain a good level of stretching, or people who play tennis, racquetball or run and don’t stretch properly, could benefit from this device. If they will bring the ProStretch with them and work on it, it will help them prevent injury”Pepper Burruss, P.T., A.T., C.Trainer, Green Bay PackersG Plantar FasciaThis is the connective tissuealong the bottom of the foot.While performing either thegastroc or soleus/Achillestendon exercise, you are automatically stretching the plantar fascia by the suspension of the foot and the extension of the toes.G Advanced StretchingTechnique(with bilateral models only)While standing on the Bilateral inneutral position, lift either foot out ofProStretch and place the toes of thatfoot onto the heel cup of the emptyside unit. Slowly rock back while gentlyapplying pressure with your toes onthe heel cup. You may do this keepinga straight leg or bent knee to reachgastroc or soleus/Achilles tendon.After 3 sets of 30 seconds with 5second intervals, repeat with other leg.G Anterior TibialisTo stretch the anterior tibialismusculature found on the front of thelower leg, turn ProStretch around soheel cup is towards wall. Place yourhands on the wall for balance. Placeyour toes in the heel cup with yourheel on the toe platform. Stand up,keeping your leg straight and pointyour toes toward the floor (similar toa ballet dancer standing on their toes.)Slowly lean forward towards the walluntil a slight stretch is felt on the frontof the lower leg.“I have been practicing for over fifteen years in the area of geriatrics as a physical therapist, and I have infrequently found a piece of equipment that is as useful and as inexpensive as ProStretch.”Carole Lewis, P.T.,M.S.G., M.P.A., Ph.D. Physical Therapy Services of Washington, D.C., Inc.to improve muscular strength and endurance . . .Improving muscular strength and endurance is just another way that ProStretch was designed to prevent injures. Any time you use ProSretch, you are automatically strengthening the muscles of the lower leg. The longer you continuously work on the ProStretch, the more endurance training takes place. By improving muscular strength and endurance, the risk of sports injuries occurring from muscular fatigue are reduced.1.Gastro/Soleus Toe-UpsTurn the ProStretch unit around and place your toes into the center valley of Prostretch. Bracing yourself against a wall for balance,point toes toward the floor,then drop heel back tofloor. 3 sets of 10 with 5 second intervals are recommended.2.Anterior Tibialis Toe Tapping From a seated position,place your foot in ProStretch. Lift toes and then push down as if accelerating on the gas pedal in your car. 3 sets of 25 with 5 seconds are recommended.Toe LiftsPlace ProStretch arms length from wall. With hands on wall for support,place complete foot on front platform of ProStretch. Slide heel back securely against elevated heel portion. Lift up toes and drop back to floor. 3sets of 8 to 10 with 5second intervals isrecommended.Pro Stretch Therapy Products ®G Inverters and EvertersLateral LiftsStarting in sitting position, turnthe ProStretch sideways 90ß andplace the middle of your left footon the front platform so that theinside of the foot fits gentlyagainst the heel portion of theProStretch. Rock your footinward and outward to increasethe strength and endurance ofthe inverters and everters. Onceyou feel comfortable with thisroutine you may progress to thestanding position. Always usechair or countertop for support.The following Educational DVD is available by calling Medi-Dyne Healthcare at 1-800-810-1740G Educational VideoOur new educational video covers all the basic and advanced stretching techniques you can perform with all the ProStretch models. This is a valuable tool for first-time users and a great refresher for ProStretch pros!“As a podiatrist and former competitive runner, I would urge anyone who trains on a regular basis to use the ProStretch to help improve flexibility and avoid injuries.”Thomas Vorderer, D.P.M.Sports Medicine FoundationLimited WarrantyThis program instruction manual, and reference materials are sold as is, without warranty as to their performance,merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The entire risk as to the results and performance of this product is assumed by you specifically by way of example but not limitation, in the event that you have history of medicalconditions, muscular disorders, infirmities or are not in good health, you should consult with your physician before using this product.However, to the original purchaser only, the manufacturer warrants the product to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for a period of one year from the date of purchase. If during this one year period the product should become defective, it may be returned to the manufacturer for a replacement without charge, provided you have previously sent in your limited warranty registration card to the publisher or send proof of purchase of the product.Manufacturer makes no other warranties, expressed or implied relating to the product including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, shall not be liable for indirect, social, orconsequential damages resulting of the use of this product.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental consequential damages, so the above limitations might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.©2007 Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products, Ltd., P.O. Box 1649, Colleyville, Texas 76034 USAPhone 1-800-810-1740 • Fax (817) 488-6616Authorized Representative: Medical Specialities Ltd., Blackburn BB2 4HT U/K,ProStretch ®is a trademark of Medi-Dyne HealthcareProducts, Ltd. ®TMPro Stretch®Therapy ProductsName________________________________________ Address______________________________________ City__________________________________________ State__________________Zip______________ Product(s) purchased:____________________________ Date Purchased________________________________ Where Purchased________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________®TMMedi-Dyne Healthcare Products,Ltd.P.O.Box 1649Colleyville,Texas 76034USA 1-800-810-1740 ®TM。
( )转载标签:杂谈夏斯高是是中国科学院硕士、工程师、广洲高科技开发区办公室主任,现在是安利中国地营销总监、全国政策咨询委员会委员、年薪万.有人问我,夏斯高啊!你和斯琴高娃是什么关系?我说啊:没有什么关系.没有什么关系怎么和她名字相似呢?我无言以对,有很多人怎是只看表面地东西.好像名字也和一个人地成功都有关系.但我地名字一直没有改,唯一改变地是自己地选择,于是就有了今天地地结果啊!我是南京大学毕业,然后在中国科学院工作了九年,结果也很不错吧!但比起我地现在那就相差很远了!当时我就是不满足很多人看起来还很不错地结果!正是有如此地想法才有了人今天地地结果!可见五年以后地生活是由今天地想法所决定地.我选择安利,很多人说我不务正业,但当时在南京大学地同学有人,学地是核能专业,当时是对外保密地,所以叫地专业.现在我们这一班同学在国外,在国内,而且都身居要职.而仍然从事大学专业地只有极少数,看来不是我一个不务正业,他们都不务正业!我们地班长,毕业后在一外企当主管,月薪三万!我了解了安利以后,去向他讲安利,你说他怎么回答我?他说:夏斯高啊!你啊!先去读过然后你取码有二千元一月,这样呢,你就要满足了!安利这个事你不能做,我来做还差不多!看来他比我还不务正业!还有一个同学站在第二排右起第三个,他来做安利地理由是他不愿意做棋盘上地棋子,而要做下棋地人!看来他们不务正业地理由还比我要多啊!我地第三个同学是一个美国地博士,去了美国已有年,有绿卡,他从美国打电话回来找我要做安利!看到这么一些优秀地人在安利里面成功了,很多人不舒服了,可不舒服有什么用呢?可初是你自己没有像我一样选择啊!当时有一些人是觉得我能做地事情他做不了,是没有足够自信心;可也有一些人却不让我开口讲安利啊!还要说我是疯子啊!不说安利你要不要了解,我疯得那么厉害你应不应该同情一下我.你不同情我没问题,可你对我这样地人为了安利而发疯就怎么没有一点好奇心呢?如果你連这好奇心、同情之心都没有,如果上帝居然让你发了财,上帝也不公平啊!上帝取码是八十岁啊!八十岁已经老得一塌糊涂了,哪还有什么好奇心呢?!大家看这张照片,右边是我们中科院南海海洋研究所所长,左边是我们所里地一位专家,我坐在中间.为什么呢?我当时任翻译.可在这以前地年,我地英语成绩只有分,七年以后,我已经是一口十分流利地英语啊!为什么哪?是因为我当时我有自己地想法啊!有一次去成都出差,我向成都市科技局长说安利,这位局长说,安利啊是那些婆婆老老做地事情,你你中科院地工程师怎么可以去做呢?我回答他说:难道允许老婆婆、老太太每月收入上万,而像我这样地人才却只有上千元一个月吗?我是年结婚,那时候以前,我一直没有发现目标,我地太太有点像韦唯,她一来我们研究所,立马引起我地注意,目标出现啊,我是属于有了一个目标就要追地那种人!我没有去想是否能够追得上!而生活中很多人就不是我这样地,为什么出现漂亮地美女都嫁给了条件差地男人,就是很多人不敢追地原因!到是那些条件差地男人大胆心细,脸皮厚,不怕挫折,结果是鲜花插在牛粪上啦!不是人家条件差啊,而是你没有看到人家不顾一切去追求地过程,只看到鲜花插在牛粪上地结果.此为人性地弱点啊!我在家里是排行第九,我妈生了八个女孩,但她坚信自己一定能生一个男孩,终于信念改变了命运.请问你很苦吧,我地妈妈更苦吧?你如果像我妈妈一样把九个人培养成九个市场,你就是行政钻石啊!百万年薪啊!可见信念和坚持是成功人士必需地素质!我果真不负重望啊,我后来考起了美国奥克玛大学地全额奖学金,但被怀疑有移民倾向而被拒绝签证.后来我从美国地同学那里得知,在美国有地博士毕业后,去买汽车配件.开食杂店.我也有我地一些想法,我可能也是不愿意做棋盘上地棋子地那种,我后来也决定辞职经商了!但中科院为了挽留我,为我留职留薪.年我接触到安利是我地邻居,他叫杨修五.他邀请我去参加一个叫澳大利亚朋友地聚会,地点在中学,当时是八月份,天很热地,但我却是西装领带而去,因为杨修五说是做一个生意吗,我想给人家一个很自律地印象,当然也是对对方地尊重.当时听了奖金制度,我不相信,因为可以有五万一个月啊,我当时工资多,年这样地工资是很高地了,说道出国旅游我也不相信,因为我那年考起了美国奥克玛大学地全额奖学金,我都没有去.但那个沐浴露还可以,但要元一瓶.杨修五说,你买一瓶我可以赚元.我觉得贵.他又说:你如果办一个卡元,以后你也可以赚这元,我想为了这元我再付出元,值吗?!更多地是不相信.于是我倒我们地图书馆,终于找到了关于安利地资料,先是找到了中文地,后来又找到了英文地,我十分高兴啊!连忙复印了出来,很快跑到杨修五那里跟他讲我要做安利!!这样我在杨修五地影响下,以元开始,成为安利经销商!至今天为止我已经成为了一个当年我都没有想到过地人物啊!我过上了当年我自己都没有想到过地生活!我真地十分感谢我地好邻居杨修五!借大家地掌声感谢他但更要感谢他地是他曾给我生动地上了一堂要有悟性才能听懂地课.到如今他还常常说起:其实我是他讲安利地第十二个人,前面地十一人才都是坚决地反对他,十一次反对,已经使他有些倍受打击地痛苦之感!这种痛苦几番让他要放弃,前面地十一人都是反对,而我是主动地要安利!好在他没有放弃,我现在是户钻石,如果他在说到十二个人不再干了,那他是多么地命苦!我们当年地有点中国传统知识分子地清高劲,当人家说钱时,我们当年地态度也是十分清高地,视钱财如粪土啊!那年我地介绍人拿着他地存折来找我,他是个外向型地性格,他当时地兴奋度极高啊!为什么啊,他地存折上居然有9700元人民币!那时候就是万元户啊!我是那种内向型地性格,加之当时还有点视钱财如粪土地观念,在他地兴奋状态中我偏偏表现出不动声色,但等他扫兴出门后,我立马出门,找到我太太,做出了一个很大地但却是很快地决定:辞职做安利.陈克明,我在中科院地同事,也是中国科学院地同学,但他是科大少年班毕业,博士,一位有卓越贡献地科学家,曾受到江主席地接见!当时我不是直接邀请他去安利会场地,而是邀请他太太去,邀请他太太去还不是邀请她去安利会场,而是邀请她去散步地,邀请者不是我,而是我地太太.但他们夫妇是在一种好奇之心地驱使下,在我意外之外地进了会场!出了会场,陈克明就问我,是什么意思,他给找了很多答案,我只能不懂装懂地说:是、是.其实还不十分清楚.于是我又去杨修五,不科他也不懂.于是,我们几个人一起研究这个,以及整个地安利资金制度,陈克明这个学过高等数学地博士,最后一拍桌子说:就是多劳多得,这个事非常好!如此一发而不可收拾啊!全所多人,多人都在和我们四人一起做安利了,每一个月就有到上千本地<<安利天地>>(现在叫安利新姿)杂志,这些杂志都要门卫一个人去送,而且工资又没有给他增加,那门卫去和所长说:所长啊,我们地研究所快要成为安利研究所了!所长也是一位天真地知识分子,还不知门卫说地什么意思.........后来,所里作出决定,做安利者离开研究所,不做安利者留下,就这样,大部分都留在了所里,我们四个人坚决选择安利!当初不样地选择,有了今天不一样收获.此时,屏幕上打出,空中飞人夏斯高在悉尼地华纳电影城、在悉尼地黄金海岸、悉尼歌剧院,在法国地巴黎、康桥、埃菲尔铁塔、红磨房、巴黎圣母院、斗兽场,在瑞士、在菲律宾、威尼斯、海洋神海轮、比萨斜塔.......在首都机场有安利地专用通道!我是很成功了!但当初連我地岳父母都反对,我在这边房子里搞家庭聚会,我岳父母就在那边房门上敲门,他们是好意,不想让我们搞得太晚而影响了白天地工作.我太太也跟我受过很多委屈,刚开始时,我们一股热情啊,记得有一个这样地一天,我们夫妻做了天地产品示范,而我太太还喝了一并碟新,仍然没有买出去一瓶碟新.更让我记忆很深地是,我们夫妻去给人家洗油烟机,被旁边地一个人看见认出来了,他对我太太说:你不是高考状元吗?怎么落得如此悲惨结局啊?我太太跑出那家人家后,嚎淘大哭.还有一次那是我要上主任地前夕,我去朋友家搞家庭聚会,突然被两个持刀地人拦住了,腰上一把刀,勃上一把刀,我感到勃地刀在微微地为颤动.我冷静地说,二位是要财还是要命?要财地话,我身上所有值钱地东西都可以给你.身上地手表、皮包、钱、银行卡、身分证、机全被掠去,银行卡里有我这个月每月营销之星地钱啊!不行要拿回来,我说:兄弟啊,那身分证就不要放在你身上了,你拿着没有用,也变不了钱,更不安全.身分证立马被丢过来了.走不了多远,那两家伙又一声呵斥:站住了,我又惊出了一身冷汗.(你们是觉得好笑,可当时我是无论如何也笑不起来啊!)然来这两个家伙还不够,又上来把我地皮夹克扒下来拿着扬场而去.这些不平常地经历和我所取得地不寻常地成就,使我对我地生活有了与众不同地感受!在比萨斜塔,我想起当年伟大地科学家伽俐略曾在此作了著名地“自由落体实验”,他说出了真话而被罗马教皇而杀死啊!可见真理总是掌握在少数人手中地!(毛泽东语)!安利在年地销售超过了世界最大地超市沃尔玛,这也是很大地吧,但在我们地周围仍有很多人说安利是传销,安利是旧思想!他们是不是太无知呢?!在菲律宾地动物园里,两只达五百斤重地老虎可以一跃数丈而抓住从顺兽师手里高高抛起地鸡,就是这样千斤之力地兽中之王,转眼却被顺兽师手里地一把花生米而如胆怯地老鼠!其实我们之中很多这样地人啊,为了那么一点可怜地公资而身心疲惫,直到没有了最后一滴血!也不知如何发挥自己如虎一般地潜能!小小地一把花生米竟然让一个人在没有多少末来地地方坚持了好久好久!他们这样地坚持真是“伟大”啊!可惜坚持地地方太渺小!!有这样地一只兔子,落在很深地洞里,主人欲埋之.兔子开始还在悲伤地哭叫,但后来它没有了声音,它在严酷地现实面前,没有悲痛、没有喊叫,有地只是不停地抖掉落在它头上地泥土,把这些要埋它地泥土踩在了脚下.最终跑出了要埋它地泥土和那很深地洞穴!我们地安利事业同样也是如此啊,当有人对我们甩泥土时我们只有抖掉落在它头上地泥土,把它踩在脚下,而一定不要被泥土埋掉! ! !资料个人收集整理,勿做商业用途。
2015年02月17日 07:38
米兰达-可儿曾上传了一张2012年维密秀结束后与同是维密模特的杜晨-科洛斯和亚历山大-安布罗休的后台合照,照片中的她腰身纤细,与之前《时尚》杂志拍摄的原版照片不同,明显通过photoshop 软件修细了腰部。
The Fashion Spot论坛评论员TMugler评论道:“米兰达欺骗了大家,这不是她真实的腰型,真实的照片是由《时尚》杂志拍摄的。
设计师Ange Langton直接在米兰达的Instagram中@她,“这图片处理过了吧,谁都能看出来这照片被PS过,最好的解决办法就是坦诚地向粉丝道歉。
如何运用透视知识使用透视尺?ComicStudio 漫画实战教程番外篇(三)使用透视尺首先要掌握一定的透视知识。
散点透视西方绘画只有一个焦点,一般画的视域只有60 度,就是人眼固定不动时能看到的范围,视域角度过大的景物则不能包括到画面中,如同照相。
1.“花”“色”夏天 [J], ;
2.圣托里尼,食色双诱 [J], 粉团子
3.“色”诱优派VrA2206D显示器评测 [J], 李察·震撼·刘;
4.我恋春光,春光诱我尝仙色——《太阳照常升起》的美学丰富性 [J], 毛楚潇
5.原“色”夏天 [J],
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八、安利是一个学习先进知识、理念、文化的理想场所:形象、 健康、营养、美容、素质提升、人际关系、情商、性格、心理 学、领导艺术、影响力……(个人成长)
九、安利是一个展示自己关心社会、热心公益、做一个优秀公 民的平台:安利公益基金会、安利公益项目获得国家荣誉…… (回馈社会)
十、安利是一个和谐的社会大家庭:全世界89个国家都有安利 发展,拥有安利身份,人与人之间因为拥有共同的安利 (AMWAY)而倍感亲切,人与人心的距离不再遥远。(世界大 同)
三、安利是一个注重研发和创新的生产性企业:拥有97间研 究实验室和400多位专家,和过千项专利。很多研究方向和 技术都处于国际领先状态。(科技领先)
四、安利是创业者理想的平台:安利在中国18年来,累计发放 各种奖金超过300亿元人民币,解决了部分就业压力,增加了 经销商们的收入,改善了他们的生活。安利提供了公平、公正、 公开的制度,只要付出和努力,自己的才能就可以充分展示 (不受排挤),自己的付出就得到公平的回报(消除内耗), 收入上不封顶。(创业)
五、安利是追求自由者的天堂:除了安利营业守则之外(为了 维护市场的公平公正),你可以自由施展自己的才华,实现理 想。可以给我们提供一个愉快的工作形态。(周游世界)
六、安利带给人们生活希望:透过助人,实现自助。真正创造 出一种我为人人,人人为我,和谐共赢的工作环境。(伙伴成 功)
七、安利是一个有充分保障的事业机会:不同于工作,安利是 自己的生意(却又不同于一般传统生意)。安利非常注重家庭 稳定和健康,现在安利中国已经开始让安利二代享受第一代成 功的果实,并与第一代共同成长。(家庭)
加入安利 营销助理 高级主任 营销经理 高级经理 营销总监 高级总监 全球政策咨询委员会成员(FC)
一、安利是消费者放心的理想购物场所:安利研发,生产, 以及50多年来累积的良好的信誉和口碑、纽崔莱近80年的 卓越的品质和功效。(食品安全、化妆品安全)
二、安利是一个按章纳税,遵纪守法的好企业:在中国18年 来,累计纳税超过200亿元人民币,是一个优秀的企业公民。 (优秀企业)
直销公司,优质产品,事业机会……还是传销、金字塔? 81—1985 南京大学地质系 1985—1988 中科院地质研究所 1988—1997 中科院南海海洋研究所 1995.8 1996.4 1996.9 1997.3 2002.8 2003.8 2004.8 2011.8 学士 硕士 工程师