4.分析本样题可得出新SAT阅读趋势(1)背景知识变难(2)增加寻证题(3)增加图表信息(4)增加较为专业的学科文章(5)行号定位被弱化第一篇文章主题:与女仆的情感关系(文学小说)Questions1-5are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Edith Wharton,Ethan Frome,originally published in1911.Mattie Silver is Ethan’s household employee.(Mattie Silver had lived under Ethan’s roof for a year,and from early morning till they met at supper he had frequent chances of seeing her;but no moments in her company were comparable to those when,her arm in his,and her light step flying to keep time with his long stride,they walked back through the night to the farm.)(He had taken to the girl from the first day,when he had driven over to the Flats to meet her,and she had smiled and waved to him from the train,crying out,“You must be Ethan!”as she jumped down with her bundles,houseworkwhile he reflected, looking over her slight person:“She don’t look much on housework,but she ain’t a fretter, anyhow.”)(But it was not only that the coming to his house of a bit of hopeful young life was like the lighting of a fire on a cold hearth.)The girl was more than the bright serviceable creature he had thought her.(She had an eye to see and an ear to hear:he could show her things and tell her things,and taste the bliss of feeling that all he imparted left long reverberations and echoes he could wake at will.)It was during their night walks back to the farm that he felt most intensely the sweetness of this communion.He had always been more sensitive than the people about him to the appeal of natural beauty.His unfinished studies had given form to this sensibility and even in his unhappiest moments field and sky spoke to him with a deep and powerful persuasion.But hitherto the emotion had remained in him as a silent ache,veiling with sadness the beauty that evoked it.He did not even know whether any one else in the world felt as he did,or whether he was the sole victim of this mournful privilege.Then he learned that one other spirit had trembled with the same touch of wonder:that at his side,living under his roof and eating his bread,was a creature to whom he could say:“That’s Orion down yonder;the big fellow to the right is Aldebaran,and the bunch of little ones—like bees swarming—they’re the Pleiades...”or whom he could hold entranced before a ledge of granite thrusting up through the fern while he unrolled the huge panorama of the ice age,and the long dim stretches of succeeding time.The fact that admiration for his learning mingled with Mattie’s wonder at what he taught was not the least part of his pleasure.And there were other sensations,less definable but more exquisite,which drew them together with a shock of silent joy:the cold red of sunset behind winter hills,the flight of cloud-flocks over slopes of golden stubble,or the intensely blue shadows of hemlocks on sunlit snow.When she said to him once:“It looks just as if it was painted!”it seemed to Ethan that the art of definition could go no farther,and that words had at last been found to utter his secret soul....As he stood in the darkness outside the church these memories came back with the poignancy of vanished things.Watching Mattie whirl down the floor from hand to hand he wondered how he could ever have thought that his dull talk interested her.To him,who was never gay but in her presence,her gaiety seemed plain proof of indifference.The face she lifted to her dancers was thesame which,when she saw him,always looked like a window that has caught the sunset.He even noticed two or three gestures which,in his fatuity,he had thought she kept for him:a way of throwing her head back when she was amused,as if to taste her laugh before she let it out,and a trick of sinking her lids slowly when anything charmed or moved her.1.Over the course of the passage,the main focus of the narrative shifts from the(A)reservations a character has about a person he has just met to a growing appreciation that character has of the person’s worth.(B)ambivalence a character feels about his sensitive nature to the character’s recognition of the advantages of having profound emotions.(C)intensity of feeling a character has for another person to the character’s concern that that intensity is not reciprocated.(D)value a character attaches to the wonders of the natural world to a rejection of that sort of beauty in favor of human artistry.2.In the context of the passage,the author’s use of the phrase“her light step flying to keep time with his long stride”(line4)is primarily meant to convey the idea that(A)Ethan and Mattie share a powerful enthusiasm.(B)Mattie strives to match the speed at which Ethan works.(C)Mattie and Ethan playfully compete with each other.(D)Ethan walks at a pace that frustrates Mattie.3.The description in the first paragraph indicates that what Ethan values most about Mattie is her(A)fitness for farm labor.(B)vivacious youth.(C)receptive nature.(D)freedom from worry.4.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A)Lines1–5(“Mattie...farm”)(B)Lines5–10(“He had...anyhow”)(C)Lines10–11(“But it...hearth”)(D)Lines12–15(“She had...will”)5.The author includes the descriptions of the sunset,the clouds,and the hemlock shadows(lines 34–36)primarily to(A)suggest the peacefulness of the natural world.(B)emphasize the acuteness of two characters’sensations.(C)foreshadow the declining fortunes of two characters.(D)offer a sense of how fleeting time can be.第二篇文章主题:交通阻塞(社会科学类)Questions6–8are based on the following passage and supplementary material.This passage is adapted from Richard Florida,The Great Reset.©2010by Richard Florida.In today’s idea-driven economy,the cost of time is what really matters.With the constant pressure to innovate,it makes little sense to waste countless collective hours commuting.So,the most efficient and productive regions are those in which people are thinking and working—not sitting in traffic.The auto-dependent transportation system has reached its limit in most major cities and muting by car is among the least efficient of all our activities—not to mention among the least enjoyable,according to detailed research by the Nobel Prize–winning economist Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues.Though one might think that the economic crisis beginning in2007would have reduced traffic(high unemployment means fewer workers traveling to and from work),the opposite has been true.Average commutes have lengthened,and congestion has gotten worse,if anything.The average commute rose in2008to25.5minutes,“erasing years of decreases to stand at the level of2000,as people had to leave home earlier in the morning to pick up friends for their ride to work or to catch a bus or subway train,”according to the U.S.Census Bureau,which collects the figures.And those are average mutes are far longer in the big West Coast cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco and the East Coast cities of New York, Philadelphia,Baltimore,and Washington,D.C.In many of these cities,gridlock has become the norm,not just at rush hour but all day,every day.The costs are astounding.In Los Angeles,congestion eats up more than485million working hours a year;that’s seventy hours,or nearly two weeks,of full-time work per commuter.In D.C., the time cost of congestion is sixty-two hours per worker per year.In New York it’s forty-four hours.Average it out,and the time cost across America’s thirteen biggest city-regions is fifty-one hours per worker per year.Across the country,commuting wastes4.2billion hours of work time annually—nearly a full workweek for every commuter.The overall cost to the U.S.economy is nearly$90billion when lost productivity and wasted fuel are taken into account.At the Martin Prosperity Institute,we calculate that every minute shaved off America’s commuting time is worth$19.5billion in value added to the economy.The numbers add up fast:five minutes is worth$97.7 billion;ten minutes,$195billion;fifteen minutes,$292billion.It’s ironic that so many people still believe the main remedy for traffic congestion is to build more roads and highways,which of course only makes the problem worse.New roads generate higher levels of“induced traffic,”that is,new roads just invite drivers to drive more and lure people who take mass transit back to their cars.Eventually,we end up with more clogged roads rather than a long-term improvement in traffic flow.The coming decades will likely see more intense clustering of jobs,innovation,and productivity in a smaller number of bigger cities and city-regions.Some regions could end up bloated beyond the capacity of their infrastructure,while others struggle,their promise stymied by inadequate human or other resources.Adapted from Adam Werbach,“The American Commuter Spends38Hours a Year Stuck in Traffic.”©2013by The Atlantic.6.The passage most strongly suggests that researchers at the Martin Prosperity Institute share which assumption?(A)Employees who work from home are more valuable to their employers than employees who commute.(B)Employees whose commutes are shortened will use the time saved to do additional productive work for their employers.(C)Employees can conduct business activities,such as composing memos or joining conference calls,while commuting.(D)Employees who have lengthy commutes tend to make more money than employees who have shorter commutes.7.As used in line42,“intense”most nearly means(A)emotional.(B)concentrated.(C)brilliant.(D)determined.8.Which claim about traffic congestion is supported by the graph?(A)New York City commuters spend less time annually delayed by traffic congestion than the average for very large cities.(B)Los Angeles commuters are delayed more hours annually by traffic congestion than are commuters in Washington,D.C.(C)Commuters in Washington,D.C.,face greater delays annually due to traffic congestion than do commuters in New York City.(D)Commuters in Detroit spend more time delayed annually by traffic congestion than do commuters in Houston,Atlanta,and Chicago.第三篇文章主题:海龟的磁场定位(自然科学类)Questions9–14are based on the following passage and supplementary material.This passage is adapted from Ed Yong,“Turtles Use the Earth’s Magnetic Field as Global GPS.”©2011by Kalmbach Publishing Co.(In1996,a loggerhead turtle called Adelita swam across9,000miles from Mexico to Japan, crossing the entire Pacific on her way.)Wallace J.Nicholstracked this epic journey with a satellite tag.But Adelita herself had no such technology at her disposal.How did she steer a route across two oceans to find her destination?Nathan Putman has the answer.By testing hatchling turtles in a special tank,he has found that they can use the Earth’s magnetic field as their own Global Positioning System(GPS).By sensing the field,they can work out both their latitude and longitude and head in the right direction. Putman works in the lab of Ken Lohmann,who has been studying the magnetic abilities of loggerheads for over20years.In his lab at the University of North Carolina,Lohmann places hatchlings in a large water tank surrounded by a large grid of electromagnetic coils.In1991,he found that the babies started in the opposite direction if he used the coils to reverse the direction of the magnetic field around them.They could use the field as a compass to get their bearing. Later,Lohmann showed that they can also use the magnetic field to work out their position.For them,this is literally a matter of life or death.Hatchlings born off the sea coast of Florida spend their early lives in the North Atlantic gyre,a warm current that circles between North America and Africa.If they’re swept towards the cold waters outside the gyre,they die.Their magnetic sense keeps them safe.(Using his coil-surrounded tank,Lohmann could mimic the magnetic field at different parts of the Earth’s surface.)If he simulated the field at the northern edge of the gyre,the hatchlings swam southwards.If he simulated the field at the gyre’s southern edge,the turtles swam west-northwest. These experiments showed that the turtles can use their magnetic sense to work out their latitude—their position on a north-south axis.Now,Putman has shown that they can also determine their longitude—their position on an east-west axis.He tweaked his magnetic tanks to simulate the fields in two positions with the same latitude at opposite ends of the Atlantic.If the field simulated the west Atlantic near Puerto Rico,the turtles swam northeast.If the field matched that on the east Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands,the turtles swam southwest.In the wild,both headings would keep them within the safe,warm embrace of the North Atlantic gyre.Before now,we knew that several animal migrants,from loggerheads to reed warblers to sparrows, had some way of working out longitude,but no one knew how.By keeping the turtles in the same conditions,with only the magnetic fields around them changing,Putman clearly showed that they can use these fields to find their way.(In the wild,they might well also use other landmarks like the position of the sea,sun and stars.)Putman thinks that the turtles work out their position using two features of the Earth’s magnetic field that change over its surface.They can sense the field’s inclination,or the angle at which it dips towards the surface.At the poles,this angle is roughly90degrees and at the equator,it’sroughly zero degrees.They can also sense its intensity,which is strongest near the poles and weakest near the Equator.Different parts of the world have unique combinations of these two variables.(Neither corresponds directly to either latitude or longitude,but together,they provide a “magnetic signature”that tells the turtle where it is.)Orientation of Hatchling Loggerheads Tested in Magnetic FieldsAdapted from Nathan Putman,Courtney Endres,Catherine Lohmann,and Kenneth Lohmann,“Longitude Perception and Bicoordinate Magnetic Maps in Sea Turtles.”©2011by Elsevier Inc. Orientation of hatchling loggerheads tested in a magnetic field that simulates a position at the west side of the Atlantic near Puerto Rico(left)and a position at the east side of the Atlantic near the Cape Verde Islands(right).The arrow in each circle indicates the mean direction that the group ofhatchlings swam.Data are plotted relative to geographic north9.The passage most strongly suggests that Adelita used which of the following to navigate her 9,000-mile journey?(A)The current of the North Atlantic gyre(B)Cues from electromagnetic coils designed by Putman and Lohmann(C)The inclination and intensity of Earth’s magnetic field(D)A simulated“magnetic signature”configured by Lohmann10.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A)Lines1–2(“In1996...way”)(B)Lines23–24(“Using...surface”)(C)Lines41–42(“In the wild...stars”)(D)Lines49–51(“Neither...it is”)11.As used in line3,“tracked”most nearly means(A)searched for.(B)traveled over.(C)followed.(D)hunted.12.Based on the passage,which choice best describes the relationship between Putman’s andLohmann’s research?(A)Putman’s research contradicts Lohmann’s.(B)Putman’s research builds on Lohmann’s.(C)Lohmann’s research confirms Putman’s.(D)Lohmann’s research corrects Putman’s.13.The author refers to reed warblers and sparrows(line37)primarily to(A)contrast the loggerhead turtle’s migration patterns with those of other species.(B)provide examples of species that share one of the loggerhead turtle’s abilities.(C)suggest that most animal species possess some ability to navigate long distances.(D)illustrate some ways in which the ability to navigate long distances can help a species.14.It can reasonably be inferred from the passage and graphic that if scientists adjusted the coils to reverse the magnetic field simulating that in the East Atlantic(Cape Verde Islands),the hatchlings would most likely swim in which direction?(A)Northwest(B)Northeast(C)Southeast(D)Southwest第四篇文章主题:弹劾尼克松总统(政治类)Questions15–19are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from a speech delivered by Congresswoman Barbara Jordan of Texas on July25,1974,as a member of the Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives.In the passage,Jordan discusses how and when a United States president may be impeached,or charged with serious offenses,while in office.Jordan’s speech was delivered in the context of impeachment hearings against then president Richard M.Nixon.Today,I am an inquisitor.An hyperbole would not be fictional and would not overstate the solemnness that I feel right now.My faith in the Constitution is whole;it is complete;it is total.And I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution,the subversion, the destruction,of the Constitution.“Who can so properly be the inquisitors for the nation as the representatives of the nation themselves?”“The subjects of its jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men.”*And that’s what we’re talking about.In other words,[the jurisdiction comes]from the abuse or violation of some public trust.(It is wrong,I suggest,it is a misreading of the Constitution for any member here to assert that for a member to vote for an article of impeachment means that that member must be convinced that the President should be removed from office.)The Constitution doesn’t say that. The powers relating to impeachment are an essential check in the hands of the body of the legislature against and upon the encroachments of the executive.(The division between the two branches of the legislature,the House and the Senate,assigning to the one the right to accuse and to the other the right to judge—the framers of this Constitution were very astute.)They did not make the accusers and the judges...the same person.We know the nature of impeachment.We’ve been talking about it a while now.It is chiefly designed for the President and his high ministers to somehow be called into account.It is designed to“bridle”the executive if he engages in excesses.“It is designed as a method of national inquest into the conduct of public men.”*The framers confided in the Congress the power,if need be,to remove the President in order to strike a delicate balance between a President swollen with power and grown tyrannical,and preservation of the independence of the executive.The nature of impeachment:a narrowly channeled exception to the separation of powers maxim. The Federal Convention of1787said that.It limited impeachment to high crimes and misdemeanors,and discounted and opposed the term“maladministration.”“It is to be used only for great misdemeanors,”so it was said in the North Carolina ratification convention.And in the Virginia ratification convention:“We do not trust our liberty to a particular branch.We need one branch to check the other.”...The North Carolina ratification convention:“No one need be afraid that officers who commit oppression will pass with immunity.”“Prosecutions of impeachments will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole community,”said Hamilton in the Federalist Papers,number65.“We divide into parties more or less friendly or inimical to the accused.”*I do not mean political parties in that sense.(The drawing of political lines goes to the motivation behind impeachment;but impeachment must proceed within the confines of the constitutional term“high crime[s]and misdemeanors.”)Of the impeachment process,it was Woodrow Wilson who said that“Nothing short of the grossest offenses against the plain law of the land will suffice to give them speed and effectiveness.Indignation so great as to overgrow party interest may secure a conviction;but nothing else can.”Common sense would be revolted if we engaged upon this process for petty reasons.(Congress has a lot to do:appropriations,tax reform,health insurance,campaign finance reform,housing,environmental protection,energy sufficiency,mass transportation.)Pettiness cannot be allowed to stand in the face of such overwhelming problems.So today we’re not being petty.We’re trying to be big,because the task we have before us is a big one.*Jordan quotes from Federalist No.65,an essay by Alexander Hamilton,published in1788,on the powers of the United States Senate,including the power to decide cases of impeachment against a president of the United States.15.The stance Jordan takes in the passage is best described as that of(A)an idealist setting forth principles.(B)an advocate seeking a compromise position.(C)an observer striving for neutrality.(D)a scholar researching a historical controversy.16.The main rhetorical effect of the series of three phrases beginning in line4(“the diminution, the subversion,the destruction”)is to(A)convey with increasing intensity the seriousness of the threat Jordan sees to the Constitution.(B)clarify that Jordan believes the Constitution was first weakened,then sabotaged,then broken.(C)indicate that Jordan thinks the Constitution is prone to failure in three distinct ways.(D)propose a three-part agenda for rescuing the Constitution from the current crisis.17.As used in line29,“channeled”most nearly means(A)Worn.(B)sent.(C)constrained.(D)siphoned.18.In lines37–41(“Prosecutions...sense”),what is the most likely reason Jordan draws a distinction between two types of“parties”?(A)To counter the suggestion that impeachment is or should be about partisan politics(B)To disagree with Hamilton’s claim that impeachment proceedings excite passions(C)To contend that Hamilton was too timid in his support for the concept of impeachment(D)To argue that impeachment cases are decided more on the basis of politics than on justice19.Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A)Lines11–14(“It...office”)(B)Lines16–19(“The division...astute”)(C)Lines42–44(“The drawing...misdemeanors”)(D)Lines50–52(“Congress...transportation”)第五篇文章:动物的智商(对比阅读——自然科学)Questions20–24are based on the following passages.Passage1is adapted from Susan Milius,“A Different Kind of Smart.”©2013by Science News. Passage2is adapted from Bernd Heinrich,Mind of the Raven:Investigations and Adventures with Wolf-Birds.©2007by Bernd Heinrich.Passage1In1894,British psychologist C.Lloyd Morgan published what’s called Morgan’s canon,the principle that suggestions of humanlike mental processes behind an animal’s behavior should be rejected if a simpler explanation will do.Still,people seem to maintain certain expectations,especially when it comes to birds and mammals.“We somehow want to prove they are as‘smart’as people,”zoologist Sara Shettleworth says.We want a bird that masters a vexing problem to be employing human-style insight.New Caledonian crows face the high end of these expectations,as possibly the second-best toolmakers on the planet.Their tools are hooked sticks or strips made from spike-edged leaves,and they use them in the wild to winkle grubs out of crevices.Researcher Russell Gray first saw the process on a cold morning in a mountain forest in New Caledonia,an island chain east of Australia.Over the course of days,he and crow researcher Gavin Hunt had gotten wild crows used to finding meat tidbits in holes in a log.Once the birds were checking the log reliably,the researchers placed a spiky tropical pandanus plant beside the log andhid behind a blind.A crow arrived.It hopped onto the pandanus plant,grabbed the spiked edge of one of the long straplike leaves and began a series of ripping motions.Instead of just tearing away one long strip, the bird ripped and nipped in a sequence to create a slanting stair-step edge on a leaf segment with a narrow point and a wide base.The process took only seconds.Then the bird dipped the narrow end of its leaf strip into a hole in the log,fished up the meat with the leaf-edge spikes,swallowed its prize and flew off.That was my‘oh wow’moment,”Gray says.After the crow had vanished,he picked up the tool the bird had left behind.“I had a go,and I couldn’t do it,”he recalls.Fishing the meat out was tricky.It turned out that Gray was moving the leaf shard too forcefully instead of gently stroking the spines against the treat.The crow’s deft physical manipulation was what inspired Gray and Auckland colleague Alex Taylor to test other wild crows to see if they employed the seemingly insightful string-pulling solutions that some ravens,kea parrots and other brainiac birds are known to employ.Three of four crows passed that test on the first try.Passage2For one month after they left the nest,I led my four young ravens at least once and sometimes several times a day on thirty-minute walks.During these walks,I wrote down everything in their environment they pecked at.In the first sessions,I tried to be teacher.I touched specific objects—sticks,moss,rocks—and nothing that I touched remained untouched by them.They came to investigate what I had investigated,leading me to assume that young birds are aided in learning to identify food from the parents’example.They also,however,contacted almost everything else that lay directly in their own paths.They soon became more independent by taking their own routes near mine.Even while walking along on their own,they pulled at leaves,grass stems,flowers,bark,pine needles,seeds,cones,clods of earth,and other objects they encountered.I wrote all this down,converting it to numbers.After they were thoroughly familiar with the background objects in these woods and started to ignore them,I seeded the path we would later walk together with objects they had never before encountered.Some of these were conspicuous food items:raspberries,dead meal worm beetles,and cooked corn kernels.Others were conspicuous and inedible:pebbles,glass chips,red winterberries.Still others were such highly cryptic foods as encased caddisfly larvae and moth cocoons.The results were dramatic.The four young birds on our daily walks contacted all new objects preferentially. They picked them out at a rate of up to tens of thousands of times greater than background or previously contacted objects.The main initial criterion for pecking or picking anything up was its novelty.In subsequent trials,when the previously novel items were edible,they became preferred and the inedible objects became“background”items,just like the leaves,grass,and pebbles,even if they were highly conspicuous.These experiments showed that ravens’curiosity ensures exposure to all or almost all items in the environment.20.Within Passage1,the main purpose of the first two paragraphs(lines1–8)is to(A)offer historical background in order to question the uniqueness of two researchers’findings.(B)offer interpretive context in order to frame the discussion of an experiment and its results.(C)introduce a scientific principle in order to show how an experiment’s outcomes validated that principle.(D)present seemingly contradictory stances in order to show how they can be reconciled empirically.21.According to the experiment described in Passage2,whether the author’s ravens continued to show interest in a formerly new object was dictated primarily by whether that object was(A)edible.(B)plentiful.(C)conspicuous.(D)natural.22.The crows in Passage1and the ravens in Passage2shared which trait?(A)They modified their behavior in response to changes in their environment.(B)They formed a strong bond with the humans who were observing them.(C)They manufactured useful tools for finding and accessing food.(D)They mimicked the actions they saw performed around them.。
记票统计描述:模拟n个⼈参加选举的过程,并输出选举结果:假设候选⼈有四⼈,分别⽤“A”、”B”、”C”、”D”表⽰,选举时开始计票, 若输⼊的不是“A”、”B”、”C”、”D”则视为⽆效票。
添加候选⼈的命令如下:addCandidate为命令 xx1为候选⼈addCandidate xx1投票的命令如下:vote为命令 xx1为候选⼈的字符串vote xx1统计投票的命令如下:getVoteResult为命令getVoteResult输出:输出结果以添加候选⼈的顺序进⾏顺序输出,最后⼀⾏为⽆效的数量。
样例输⼊:addCandidate xx1 addCandidate xx2 addCandidate xx3 addCandidate xx4 addCandidate xx5 addCandidate xx6 vote xx1vote xx3vote xx4vote xx1vote xx2vote xx7vote xx4vote xx5vote xx3vote xx2vote xx1vote xx7 getVoteResult样例输出:xx1 3 xx2 2 xx3 2 xx4 2xx5 1xx6 02[cpp]01. /*********************************02. -----------------------------------03. 2015年华为实习⽣机试样题—记票统计04. 题⽬⼀:模拟n个⼈参加选举的过程,并输出选举结果:假设候选⼈有四⼈,分别⽤“A”、”B”、”C”、”D”表⽰,选举时开始计票,05. 若输⼊的不是“A”、”B”、”C”、”D”则视为⽆效票。
样题 现代电气控制系统安装与调试
CONTENTS目录第一部分2015中考英语综合阅读卷首语 (1)第二部分目录 (2)第三部分模拟实战演练Test1.中考英语综合阅读训练(一) (3)Test2.中考英语综合阅读训练(二) (6)Test3.中考英语综合阅读训练(三) (9)Test4.中考英语综合阅读训练(四) (12)Test5.中考英语综合阅读训练(五) (15)Test6.中考英语综合阅读训练(六) (18)Test7.中考英语综合阅读训练(七) (21)Test8.中考英语综合阅读训练(八) (24)Test9.中考英语综合阅读训练(九) (27)Test10.中考英语综合阅读训练(十) (30)Test11.中考英语综合阅读训练(十一) (33)Test12.中考英语综合阅读训练(十二) (36)Test13.中考英语综合阅读训练(十三) (39)Test14.中考英语综合阅读训练(十四) (42)Test15.中考英语综合阅读训练(十五) (45)Test16.中考英语综合阅读训练(十六) (48)Test17.中考英语综合阅读训练(十七) (51)Test18.中考英语综合阅读训练(十八) (54)Test19.中考英语综合阅读训练(十九) (57)Test20.中考英语综合阅读训练(二十) (60)第四部分参考答案.................................................................................................63-642015年中考英语综合阅读训练(一)一.突破完形难度建议用时实际用时评分(满10分)6分钟In a zoo,a baby camel asked his mother,“Mother,may I ask you some questions?”“Sure!”said Mother.“Is there anything1with you?”The baby asked,“Why do camels have humps(驼峰)?”Mother said2“Well,son,we are desert animals,so we need the humps to store3and we are known to live without water.”The baby said,“OK,then why are our4long?”Mother said,still calmly,“Son, clearly they are meant for5in the desert.You know with them we can move around the desert6than anyone does!”The baby said,“OK,then why are our eyelashes(睫毛)7?Sometimes they bother my sight.”Mother with pride said,“My son,those long eyelashes can help make our eyes stay8from the sand and wind.”After thinking for a while the baby said,“I see.The humps are to store water9we are in the desert,and the legs are for walking and those eyelashes10my eyes safe.Then, Mom,what are we doing here in the zoo?”The story tells us that skills,knowledge,abilities and experiences are only useful if we are at the right place.()1.A.wrong B.good C.interesting D.right()2.A.loudly B.calmly C.happily D.excitedly()3.A.food B.energy C.water D.salt()4.A.necks B.ears C.eyes D.legs()5.A.sleeping B.walking C.listening D.shaking()6.A.better B.nearer C.higher D.weaker()7.A.black B.brown C.short D.long()8.A.out B.up C.away D.down()9.A.when B.although C.until D.because()10.A.dress B.keep C.explain D.know二.提升阅读题目难度建议用时实际用时评分(满10分)A篇5分钟B篇5分钟A篇World Tai Chi and Qigong Day is an event held on the last Saturday of April each year, which promotes(倡导)practices of Tai Chi and Qigong.Especially,followers of Tai Chi andQigong hope to educate the world about the health benefits of the two exercises.The World Tai Chi Day website says it is also a day to help put people in touch with teachers and healing(治疗) centers.This event,which started in1999,joins people in over65countries.That number grows every year as Tai Chi becomes better known.Celebrations include Tai Chi exhibitions(表演)in many cities around the world.The day is recognized by the World Health Organization.Tai Chi is actually a Chinese martial art,also called Wushu.It is not used for self-defence, but is instead practiced for health reasons.Doctors say it has benefits to those who have heart and blood pressure problems.Many people who practice it say it makes you live longer.Tai Chi is famous around the world for its followers practice it in parks.A type of Tai Chi with just42 movements,was a sport in the11th Asian Games in1990.There are attempts(尝试)to make it an Olympic event.()1.When is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day?A.In the last month of each year.B.On the last day of April each year.C.On each Saturday of the fourth month.D.On the last Saturday of every April. ()2.The event is held to_______Tai Chi and Qigong.A.encourage the development ofB.cure people of their illnesses byC.make people happy bycate the world to make money from ()3.How is World Tai Chi and Qigong Day celebrated?A.The followers travel to over65countries.B.Tai Chi members are recruited(招募)on the website.C.There are Tai Chi performances in many cities.D.The World Health Organization hold different activities.()4.What does“self-defence”in the second paragraph mean?A.自我牺牲B.自我防卫C.自我欣赏D.自我表现()5.Which of the following is TRUE about Tai Chi?A.It is becoming better and better known in the world.B.It is only good for those people who have heart problems.C.It has been a sport in Asian Games since1990.D.It is now one of the events in the Olympics.B篇A young girl wanted to go to a party with her friends,but her parents would not allow her to go.So they had an ter that evening,the girl got dressed and jumped out of her bedroom window and went to her friend's house.At the party,the girl met a guy who was a few years older than her.They talked for a while and they liked each other.The guy drank a lot.When the party ended,the girl found the guy was drunk and asked him not to drive by himself.He just laughed and told her not to be so stupid.Speeding down the highway,the guy was asked to slow down.Suddenly,they crashed into another car before she had chance to scream.When the girl awoke,she found herself lying in a hospital bed.She was in pain and couldn't move her arms or legs.The nurse told her the guy and the people in the other car had died in the accident.The young girl was scared and regretted.She asked the nurse to give a message to her parents.“Just tell them that I'm sorry and I love them very much.”The nurse said nothing.She just held the girl’s hand.Within minutes,the girl was dead.A doctor who stood nearby came over and asked the nurse why she didn’t say yes to the girl.“I didn’t know what to say,”sighed(叹气)the nurse.“I didn’t want to tell her that the two persons who died in the other car were her parents.”()1.The passage mainly tells about a story of______.A.a partyB.a nurseC.a guyD.an accident()2.What happened to the girl at the party?A.She drank a lot.B.She met a guy.C.She met her parents.D.She ate a lot.()3.What's the main reason for the accident?A.The driver was drunk.B.The weather was too bad.C.The driver had no driving license.D.The driver drove at night.()4.How did the girl feel after the accident?A.Terrible and scared.B.Scared and lucky.C.Scared and regretted.D.Lucky and sorry.()5.What can we infer about the girl’s parents?A.They were probably driving to look for their daughter.B.They were probably driving to a mall.C.They were probably driving for fun.D.They were probably driving to a party.三.决胜任务型难度建议用时实际用时评分(满10分)6分钟You can buy chewing gum(口香糖)in nearly every country of the world.But it wasn't always like that.Here is the history of chewing gum.The American Indians were the first people to chew gum.This gum came from a special tree that grew on their land.In1848,a sailor(水手)called John Curtis began selling it.He was the first person to sell chewing gum.The gum he sold cost just a few cents for two pieces.It became popular very quickly even though it was very hard to chew.Nowadays,other things are added to the gum to make it soft and sweet.By1890,there were hundreds of different chewing gum.The most famous name in chewing gum,however,is probably William Wrigley.He________a lot of money in advertising and even sent free pieces of gum to children on their birthdays.He also said that chewing gum helped people work better and that it stopped people from feeling tired.Although today millions of people chew gum,not everyone thinks it is a good thing to do. Many people think it is dirty.The Singapore government does not allow people to buy chewing gum.One reason for this is that when some people have chewed all the taste out of their piece of gum,they take it out of their mouths and put it on to the backs of seats or other places.1题完成句子;2题简略回答问题;3题将文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的答题线上;4题找出并写下全文的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”样题一、2015 年“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”比赛内容包含四个环节:Part I Read and Know(读以明己)Part II Read and Reason(读以察世)Part III Read and Question(读以启思)Part IV Read and Create(读以言志)二、比赛样题仅为2015 年阅读大赛赛题的内容和形式样例,并非完整试卷。
五、“Part I Read and Know(读以明己)”部分不计成绩,根据参赛选手答题情况给予个性化反馈。
六、“Part VI Read and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。
比赛样题:Part I Read and KnowIn this part, you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities. Read as fastas you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself. Are You Charismatic?Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you. It won’t affect the quality of your workor provide you with wonderful original ideas, but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want tomake it big in life. If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you area genius, you will have made it. The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes.1) Do people find themselves attracted to you?A. Yes, it can be embarrassing sometimes.B. No, no more than other people.C. I suppose they do a bit.2) Do you find that people agree with you regardless of the quality of your arguments?A. No, never.B. Not that often.C. All the time.3) Would you find it easy to attract followers?A. No, not at all.B. Not very easy.C. Yes, it’s really no problem.4) Do you find casual acquaintances open up and tell you their lifestories in intimate detail?A. Occasionally.B. Never.C. Happens all the time. Sometimes I just can’t get away.Part II Read and ReasonIn this part, you will read texts of different forms and genres. Read the instructionscarefully and answer the questions based on your comprehension, analysis and inferencesof the texts.1. Among the four statements below, one statement is the main point, and the other three arespecific support for the point. Identify the main point with P and the specific support with S.___A. Hungry bears searching for food often threaten hikers.___B. Hiking on that mountain trail can be very dangerous.___C. Severe weather develops quickly, leaving hikers exposed to storms and cold.___D. When it rains, the trail, which is very steep at some points, becomes slippery.2. Read the following cartoon. Put a tick by the three statements that are most logically basedon the information suggested by it.___A. Lucy has just criticized the boy, Linus.___B. Linus feels Lucy’s criticism is valid.___C. Lucy feels very guilty that Linus has taken her criticism badly. ___D. Lucy doesn’t seem to realize that people may accept constructive criticism but reject destructive criticism.___E. The cartoonist believes we should never criticize others.___F. The cartoonist believes it’s best to criticize others in a constructive way.3. Read an extract of an advertisement. Choose the answer which you think fits each questionbest according to the text.Young Environmental Journalist CompetitionHow to Enter:If you’re aged 16-25, we’re looking for original articles of 1,000 words (or less) withan environmental or conservation theme. The closing date for entries is 30 December, 2015.Your article should show proof of investigative research, rather than relying solely oninformation from the Internet and phone interviews. Y ou don’t have to go far. A reporton pollution in a local stream would be as valid as a piece about the remotest rain forest.Your article should show you are passionate and knowledgeable about environmentalissues. It should also be objective and accurate, w hile being creative enough to holdthe reader’s interest. We are notlooking for“think pieces” or opinion columns.Your aim should be to advance understanding and awareness of environmental issues. Youshould be able to convey complex ideas of readers of this general interest magazine in anengaging and authoritative manner.Facts or information contained in short-listedarticles will be checked.Read the rules carefully.1) Before entering for the competition, young people must have_______.A. conducted some relevant research in their local areaB. gained a qualification in experimental researchC. uncovered some of the evidence in the research by themselvesD. consulted a number of specialists on the subject under research2) The articles submitted must_______.A. focus on straightforward conceptsB. include a range of viewsC. be accessible to non-specialistD. reveal the writer’s standpoint4. Read the passage below. Then choose the best answer to each question that follows.(1) Johnny Appleseed, one of the gentlest and most beloved of American folk heroes, was born in1774 in Leominster, Massachusetts. (2) His real name was John Chapman. (3) Chapman’s early lifewas full of misfortune.(4) First, his father left home to fight in the Revolutionary War. (5) ThenJohn’s mother and baby brother died before John’s second birthday.(6) However, John’s fortunesimproved when his father returned and remarried, and by the time John was in his teens, he had tenbrothers and sisters.(7) As a young man, John began traveling west on foot, stopping to clear land and plant the appleseeds he always carried with him. (8) Settlers who followed John’s path were delighted to findyoung apple orchardsdotting the landscape.(9) John was a friendly fellow who often stopped to visit with families along his way, entertaining them with stories of his travels. (10) Tales of his exploits followed him through Pennsylvania, Ohio,and Indiana. (11) Many of the stories were true. (12) For instance, John really did travel barefoot through the snow, lived on the friendliest of terms with Indian tribes, and refused to shoot anyanimal. (13) Other tales about John, however, were exaggerations.(14) Settlers said, for example,that he slept in the treetops and talked to the birds or that he had once been carried off by a gianteagle. (15) Johnny Appleseed never stopped traveling until his death in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 1845.1) Sentence 1 is a statement of_______.A. factB. opinionC. fact and opinion2) The details in sentences 4 and 5 support the point or points in _______.A. sentence 1B. sentence 2C. sentence 3D. sentence 63) The relationship between sentences 3 and 6 is one of _______.A. contrastB. additionC. cause and effectD. comparison4) We can conclude that Johnny Appleseed _______.A. provided apples for numerous settlersB. was quickly forgotten by the settlersC. grew wealthy by selling his apple treesD. left home because of problems with his family5) The passage suggests that Johnny Appleseed _______.A. grew weary of travelingB. had great respect for other people and animalsC. lived a very short but rich lifeD. planted many trees other than apple trees6) The tone of the passage is _______.A. pessimisticB. bitter and impassionedC. amused and excitedD. straightforward with a touch of admiration7) Which is the most appropriate title for this selection?A. The Planting of American Apple OrchardsB. Folk Heroes of AmericaC. Settlers Recall Johnny AppleseedD. The Life and Legend of John Chapman5. Read the passage below. Then choose the best answer to each question that follows.(1) Television has transformed politics in the United States by changing the way in whichinformation is disseminated, by altering political campaigns, and by changing citizen’s patterns of response to politics.(2) By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party candidates. (3) By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television accelerated the citizen’s focus on character rather than issues.(4) Television has altered the forms of political communication as well.(5) The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were.(6) The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 11/2 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth-century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement and the 10 second “sound bite” in broadcast news. (7) Increasingly the audience for speeches is not that standing in front of the politician but rather the viewing audience who will hear and see a snippet of the speech on the news.(8) In these abbreviated forms, much of what constituted the traditional political discourse of earlier ages has been lost. (9) In 15 or 30 seconds,a speaker cannot establish the historical context that shaped the issue in question, cannot detail the probable causes of the problem, and cannot examine alternative proposals to argue that one is preferable to others.(10) In snippets, politicians assert but do not argue.(11) Because television is an intimate medium, speaking through it requires a changed political style that was more conversational, personal, and visual than that of the old-style stump speech. (12) Reliance on television means that increasingly our political world contains memorable pictures rather than memorable words. (13) Schools teach us to analyze words and print. (14) However, in a word in which politics is increasingly visual, informed citizenship requires a new set of skills.(15) Recognizing the power of television’s pictures, politicians craft televisual, staged events,called pseudo-event, designed to attract media coverage. (16) Much of the political activity we see on television news has been crafted by politicians, their speechwriters, and their public relations advisers for televised consumption. (17) Sound bites in news and answers to questions in debates increasingly sound like advertisements.1) What is the main idea of the passage?A. Citizens in the United States are now more informed about politicalissue because of television coverage.B. Citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians ontelevision instead of in person.C. Politics in the United States has become substantially morecontroversial since the introduction of television.D. Politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television.2) The word “disseminated” in sentence 1 is closest in meaningto_______.A. analyzedB. discussedC. spreadD. stored3) It can be inferred that before the introduction of television,political parties _______.A. had more influence over the selection of political candidatesB. spent more money to promote their political candidatesC. attracted more membersD. received more money4) The author mentions the “stump speech” in sentence 6 as an example of _______.A. an event created by politicians to attract media attentionB. an interactive discussion between two politiciansC. a kind of political presentation typical of the nineteenth centuryD. a style of speech common to televised political events5) The word “that” in sentence 7 refers to _______.A. audienceB. broadcast newsC. politicianD. advertisement6) According to the passage, as compared with televised speeches,traditional political discourse was more successful at _______.A. allowing news coverage of political candidatesB. placing political issues within a historical contextC. making politics seem more intimate to citizensD. providing detailed information about a candidate’s private behavior7) The author states that “politicians assert but do not argue” insentence 10 in order to suggestthat politicians _______.A. make claims without providing reasons for the claimsB. take stronger positions on issues than in the pastC. enjoy explaining the issue to broadcastersD. dislike having to explain their own positions on issues to citizens8) The purpose of paragraph 4 is to suggest that_______.A. politicians will need to learn to become more personal when meeting citizensB. politicians who are considered very attractive are favored bycitizens over politicians who are less attractiveC. citizens tend to favor a politician who analyzed the issue over one who does notD. citizens will need to learn how to evaluate visual political imagesin order to become better informed9) Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?A Political presentations today are more like advertisements than in the past.B. Politicians today tend to be more familiar with the views of citizensthan in the past.C. Citizens today are less informed about a politician’s character than in the past.D. Political speeches today focus more on details about issues than in the past.Part III Read and QuestionIn this part, you will read about related or contradictory views on a variety of issues.You will be required to identify the writer’s position and evaluate the effectiveness of the writer’s arguments.Read the following two passages and answer the questions.Passage AWhile The origin of Species created a great stir when it was published in 1859, Darwinian thought was almost completely out of vogue by the turn of the twentieth century. It took Ronald Fisher’s “Great Synthesis”of the 1920s, which combined the genetic work of Gregor Mendel with Darwin’s ideas about natural selection, and Theodosius Dobzhansky’s “Modern Synthesis” of the 1930s, which built upon Fisher’s work with genetics within a species by focusing on how genetic variation could cause the origin of a new species, to begin to rehabilitate Darwin.Yet, what is remarkable is how very prescient Darwin, working without knowledge of the mechanisms of heredity, proved to be. As prominent biologist Ernst Mayr notes, what made Darwinian theory so remarkable was his emphasis on “population thinking.” This contrasts to Jean- Baptiste Lamarck’s theory of evolution, popular throughout the nineteenth century, which posited that individuals changed personal actions and will. Lamarckian theory is often exemplified by a giraffe constantly reaching up to eat leaves off high branches and passing on its lengthened neck to its children.Such explanations bore a strong resemblance to children’s fables (and indeed Rudyard Kipling’s late nineteenth century Just so Stories build upon Lamarckian theories). Where Darwin differed was his insistence that significant variation was not based within one particular individual, but rather in the breeding population as a whole. Natural selection was not based on the actions or goals of one individual, but variations in the average character of the species.Passage BAs Peter Bowler points out in his aptly named The Non-Darwinian Revolution: Reinterpreting a Historical Myth, nineteenth century Darwinism was quite different from the Darwinism of today. Thomas Huxley, “Darwin’s Bulldog,” so called because of his tireless public campaigning for Darwinian thought, exemplifies this difference. As a result of his advocacy, by the end of the nineteenth century Huxley was the vehicle for Darwinian thought. Noted science fiction writer H.G. Wells,for instance, garnered all of his information about natural selection and evolution through Huxley’s lectures. Yet Huxley’s theory va ried significantly from those of Darwin, focusing on the willof humankind.In the preface to Evolution and Ethics, Huxley wrote that “We cannot do without our inheritance from the forefathers who were the puppets of the cosmic process; the society which renounces it must be destroyed from without. Still less can we do with too much of it; the society in which it dominates must be destroyed from within.” According to Huxley, humankind has moved past physical evolution to the realm of self-directed moral evolution. Huxley, then, acknowledges that humankind has evolved under the pressure of natural selection and must remain aware of the fact or be “destroyed from without,” but he argues that a society that continues in the path that Nature has placed it will be “destroyed from within” because it will no longer be adapted to itself.1) Based on the information in the passage, Rudyard Kipling mostly likely wrote stories ______.A. dedicated to enlightening humans by using animals as positive examples of properbehaviorB. based on futuristic worlds which were populated by evolved subjectsC. featuring individuals developing variation through the power of their desiresD. seeking to exhibit the effects of population thinking in breeding populationsE. portraying the effects of parental inheritance through examiningthe lives of children2) Which of the following best represents Huxley’s beliefs?A. Focusing on physical evolution leaves man as nothing more than a“puppet” of forces beyond his control; to succeed in li fe it isnecessary to reject physical evolution in favor of moral change.B. The ideas of Charles Darwin needed to be carefully delineatedthrough lectures so that his ideas about individual variation could be fully understood.C. By exerting personal will, humankind will be able to enactsignificant, lasting variation which will be demonstrated through the bodies of the children of those who seek change.D. While humankind is inescapably linked to its physical past and thematerial conditionsof its evolution, it must be wary of being too attached to the path dictated by natural selection.E. Certain elements of Darwin’s theory about evolution had to bediscarded so that the public would be willing to accept the thrust of the theory as a whole.3) Which of the following would the authors of Passage A and Passage Bmostly likely agree to be most closely aligned in their thinking?A. Lamarck and Huxley.B. Kipling and Wells.C. Mayr and Bowler.D. Mendel and Huxley.E. Dobzhansky and Wells.4) Which of the following statements about Darwin is supported by both passages?A. Darwin differed significantly from other theorists of evolutionbecause he focused on breeding populations as a whole.B. The modern understanding of Darwin varies significantly fromnineteenth-century beliefs about his theories.C. It was not until the early twentieth century that Darwinism as weknow it began to emerge.D. Fiction writers were particularly interested in disseminating ideasabout Darwin.E. Delineating the specific inheritance of the child is crucial tounderstanding how natural selection proceeds.5) Which of the following best represents the difference between the two passages?A. The first passage begins with current understandings of Darwinismand moves back in time, while the second passage begins with older understanding and moves forward in time.B. While the first passage focuses on the difference between twotheories of evolution, the second paragraph traces differencesbetween two individual interpreters of evolution.C. The first passage introduces a general theory, offers specificevidence, and thenconsiders the ramifications of that theory, while the secondpassage does not consider the ramifications of the evidence itrepresents.D. The first passage is concerned with demonstrating a way in whichDarwin is closely linked with modern thinkers, while the second passage is focused on how he differed from one of hiscontemporaries.E. The first passage provides a historical retrospective of the primaryinterpreters of Darwin, and the second passage centers on oneparticular interpreter.6) Based on the information in Passage B, which of the following claimsin Passage A would Thomas Huxley be most likely to object to?A. It is impossible to truly understand natural selection without the benefit of modern genetictheory.B. It is likely that the giraffe developed a long neck due to the factthat it constantly stretchedit to gain access to food.C. There are different ways to understand how evolution functions to change individuals.D. Variations in the average character of a population are the most crucial factor in the properevolution of man.E. Allowing natural selection to dominate our society will lead to the destruction of humankind.7) Which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the Lamarckian mode of variation?A. An adult bird tries to change the environment for the benefit of its children.B. Seeking to morally adapt to its environment, a chimpanzee changes the way it woos its mate.C. A gi raffe’s bodily shape changes because it is unable to fit into the caves it traditionallysleeps in.D. Because of a change in the environment, a number of chimpanzees die out while othersthrive and pass on their genes.E. Because it hunts for salmon with its mouth wide open, a bear gradually develops astraining mechanism between its teeth.Part IVRead and CreateIn this part, you will be required to write a short essay on a given topic based on yourgeneral reading. You should write with clarity, logic and creativity.1. Write an essay of about 200 words on one of the following topics.1) Hamlet is characterized by his melancholic mood and delay in action.Give a characteranalysis of Hamlet and list the possible reasons for his melancholy and delay.2) A Tale of Two Cities can be regarded as a historical novel, a moral novel and a novel stronglyconcerned with themes of resurrection, redemption and patriotism, as well as of guilt, shameand love. What is your understanding of the themes of the novel?2. Read the essay below. Answer one of the following questions by writing an essay of about200 words.Of StudiesStudies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. For expert men can execute, and perhaps judge of particulars, one by one; but the general counsels, and the plots and marshalling of affairs, come best from those that are learned. To spend too much time in studies is sloth; to use them too much for ornament, is affectation; to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar. They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience:for natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use; but that is a wisdom without them, and above them, won by observation. Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be onlyin the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books; else distilled books are, like common distilled waters, flashy things.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. And therefore, ifa man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a presentwit; and if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he does not. Historiesmake men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logicand rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores. Nay there is no stond or impediment in thewit, but may be wrought out by fit studies: like as diseases of the body may have appropriateexercises. Bowling is good for the stone and reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walkingfor the stomach; riding for the head; and the like. So if a man’s wit be wandering, let him study the mathematics; for in demonstrations, if his wit be called away never so little, he must begin again. If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen; for they are cymini sectores. If he be not apt to beat over matters, and to call up one thing to prove and illustrate another,let him study the lawyers’ cases. So every defect of the mind may have a special receipt.1) We are now living in the age of “information explosion”. What lessons can we learn fromBacon’s “Of Studies” to access information?2) In what sense does reading make a full man?。
Autodesk Revit 2015初级工程师参考样题
Autodesk Revit 2015 初级工程师参考样题1)支持Revit2015的操作系统有:1.xp 32位2.win7 64位3.xin7 32位4.以上均可参考答案:22)关于修剪/延伸错误的说法是:1.修剪/延伸可以使用选择框来选择多个图元进行修剪2.修剪/延伸只能单个对象进行处理3.以上均正确4.以上均错误参考答案:13)使用建筑图元进行能量分析是将能量分析模型发送给哪种软件用于分析?1.Autodesk Green Building Studio2.Autodesk Ecotect3.Autodesk InfraWorks4.Autodesk Navisworks参考答案:14)使用楼板工具在一层标高平面中绘制如图所示的楼板草图,设置“坡度箭头”的属性中箭头与箭尾标高均为F2,则完成楼板后,该楼板:1.仍会放置在一层标高2.会放置在二层标高3.将会放置在一层标高与二层标高之间4.无法生成楼板参考答案:22.选择底图元素3.按面选择元素4.选择时拖动元素参考答案:16)关于“标高视图”,下列说法正确的是:1.删除楼层平面后相应的标高也会跟随删除2.修改楼层平面名称,可以选择同步修改标高名称3.默认的楼层平面比例为1:2004.楼层平面的相关标高选项可以修改参考答案:27)要修改标高的标头,需要使用的族样板名称是什么?1.公制常规模型2.公制标高标头3.公制常规标记4.常规注释参考答案:28)如图所示屋顶样式,应使用何种屋顶方式生成?1.拉伸屋顶2.迹线屋顶3.屋顶斜窗4.屋顶封檐带参考答案:19)关于标记体量楼层的说法,正确的是:1.创建体量楼层后,可以在任意视图中对其进行标记2.标记可以包含各个体量楼层的面积、外表面积、周长、体积和用途的相关信息3.可以在三维视图中标记图元4.如果修改了体量的形状,标记不会随之更新,反映该变化参考答案:22.固定3.隐藏4.以上均可参考答案:111)要建立排水坡度符号,需使用哪个族样板?1.公制常规模型2.公制常规标记3.公制常规注释4.公制详图构件参考答案:312)对于标记方向的设置,下列哪项选项不属于Revit支持的类型?1.垂直2.模型3.角度4.水平参考答案:313)要修改永久性尺寸标注的数值,必须首先选择:1.该尺寸标注2.该尺寸标注所参照的构件或几何图形3.强参照4.弱参照参考答案:314)图中所示墙体核心厚度为:1.2152.03.1874.140参考答案:415)关于门的标记,说法正确的是:1.仅当整个门可见时,才会显示门标记。
ACAA认证平面设计师参考样题1)1英寸等于多少厘米?1. 2.542.25.43.104. 3参考答案:12)下列哪些颜色不属于暖色调?1.粉红色2.白色3.黑色4.粉绿色参考答案:2,3,43)下列哪种字体属于楷体?1. A2. B3. C4. D参考答案:34)通常在使用对比色时,如红色与绿色,为了使颜色对比看起来比较协调,通常应用下列哪种颜色作为过渡及调和的颜色?1.紫色2.黄色3.绿色4.黑色参考答案:45)哪些是平面设计中常用的专色色库?1.PANTONE2.TOYO3.FOLOLTONE4.HKS5.TRUMATCH参考答案:1,2,3,4,56)色彩的三要素是?1.色相2.饱和度3.明度4.RGB参考答案:1,2,37)现代印刷术的创始人是?1.谷登堡2.毕升3.蔡伦4.奥斯特瓦德参考答案:18)传统印刷的基本要素有哪些?1.原稿2.印版3.油墨4.承印材料5.印刷设备参考答案:1,2,3,4,59)数字印刷的基本要素有哪些?1.原稿2.印版3.油墨4.承印材料5.印刷设备参考答案:1,3,4,510)图像分辨率的单位是:1.dpi2.ppi3.lpi4.pixel参考答案:211)当图像是何种模式时,所有的滤镜都不可以使用(假设图像是8位/通道)?1.CMYK模式2.灰度模式3.多通道模式4.索引颜色模式参考答案:412)若想增加一个图层,但在图层面板的最下面”创建新图层“的按钮是灰色不可选,原因是下列选项中的哪一个(假设图像是8位/通道)?1.图像是CMYK模式2.图像是双色调模式3.图像是灰度模式4.图像是索引颜色模式参考答案:413)当将CMYK模式的图像转换为多通道模式时,产生的通道名称是什么?1.用数字1,2,3,4,表示四个通道2.四个通道名称都是Alpha通道3.四个通道名称为“黑色”的通道4.青色、洋红、黄色和黑色参考答案:414)什么色彩模式的图像转换为多通道模式时,建立的通道名称均为Alpha?1.RGB模式2.CMYK模式b模式4.多通道模式参考答案:315)关于创建快照,以下说法正确的是:1.可以创建图像在某状态所有图层的快照2.可以创建图像在某状态时合并图层的快照3.可以创建图像在某状态时当前图层的快照4.可以创建带有本状态前历史记录信息的快照参考答案:1,2,316)下列哪些图像颜色模式是通过“新建”文件对话框无法实现的?b模式2.多通道模式3.索引色模式4.位图模式参考答案:2,317)在8位/通道的灰度图像中最多可以包含多少种颜色信息?1. 12. 23.2564.不确定参考答案:318)在Photoshop CC中,下列哪种图像色彩模式可以支持48位的色彩深度?1.索引色2.灰度3.RGB4.CMYK参考答案:319)在RGB模式的图像中每个像素的颜色值都由R、G、B这3个数值来决定,每个数值的范围都是0到255。
第Ⅰ卷(共两部分满分70分)注意事项:1. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔将答案标号填涂在答题卡上对应题目标号的位置上。
2. 第I卷共两部分,共70分。
1. I earn 10 dollars _____ hour as ______ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.A. a; anB. the; aC. an; aD. an; the2. —Your coffee smells great!—It’s from Mexico. Would you lik e _____?A. itB. someC. thisD. little3. — Tom seldom tells lies, _______?— No, you can trust him.A. doesn’t heB. didn’t heC. does heD. will he4. I am not sure _______ English is spoken in South Africa or not.A. whetherB. ifC. thatD. weather5. — _______ is he?— He is an engineer.A. WhoseB. WhatC. WhoD. Whom6. This is the room ______ I live.A. in whichB. whichC. thatD. in where7. Paper _______ wood.A. make fromB. is made fromC. is made ofD. are made8. — Do you mind my smoking here?— _______!A.No, thanksB. No. Good ideaC. Yes, pleaseD. Yes. Better not9. A number of students______ playing on the ground but I don’t know what the exact number ______.A. is; areB. are; areC. is; isD. are; is10. —Rose, will you go to the museum with me this afternoon?—_____. My aunt is coming to see me.A. CongratulationsB. No problem.C. Sorry, I can’tD. Glad to hear that11. The boy expressed his idea ______ means of drawing.A. withB. byC. onD. in12. His work _____ as very good by art experts.A. regardedB. be regardedC. is regardedD. has regarded13. — How about your weekend?— Very boring. We could do nothing but ______ for the sky to clear up.A. to be waitingB. to waitC. waitD. waiting14. —We’ll have the exam next week; I’m really worried.—______ .A. Just so soB. Take it easyC. No needD. Too early15. My house is ______ yours.A. three times as big asB. as big three times asC. big as three times asD. as three times big as第二节语言应用(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Part A 根据下列图片所提供的信息,从16~22题所给的三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
客观题(共100题,每题1分)• 1•作为学生,我们应该如何解决自身的就业问题:(1)积极做好自己的职业规划(2)职业意识的培养(3)不断提高职业素质(4)强化专业能力A. (1)(3)B. (2)(3)(4)C. (1)(2)(4)D. (1)(2)(3)(4)正确答案D:•2影响生涯规划的外在因素不包括:A. 个人的就业意愿B. 就业机会多寡C. 经济的兴衰D. 职业结构的变迁正确答案:A3•面对严峻的就业形势,许多大学生纷纷走出校园,寻找实习和兼职的机会,为自己未来的工作增加具有说服力的筹码。
针对大学生实习兼职的现象,下列哪一项表述是错误的:A. 学生的天职是学习,而实习兼职严重影响了学生的专业学习,因此实习兼职与专业学习是矛盾的B. 实习、工作的经历对大学生来说很重要,如果拥有很好的实习或兼职工作的经验,不但对就业有帮助,同时也可以使大学生增加对社会的认识和了解C. 摆正学习专业知识与增加实践经验的关系,应该在学习好专业知识的前提下尽可能多地锻炼自己的工作能力D. 参加实习兼职要注意个人合法权益的保护,工作之前最好签订实习合同,约定工作时间、期限、工作内容、劳动报酬、支付方式和方法、劳动条件等正确答案:A4•青年生涯定向的类型包括哪些:(1)自主定向型(2)他主定向型(3)寻求方向型(4)迷失方向型A. (2)(3)(4)B. (1)(2)(3)C. (1)(3)(4)D. (1)(2)(3)(4)正确答案:D5•生涯规划的“金三角模式”不包括:A. 个人自我探索B. 对职业的探索C. 对资源的评估和掌控D. 寻求亲朋好友的意见正确答案:D6•有些大学生的兴趣不在被录取的专业上,而是喜欢其他专业,把很大的精力放在和所学专业关系不大的学习上。
这种现象是大学生职业生涯规划的常见问题,即:A. 职业生涯发展目标不明确B. 生涯发展长期目标相互冲突C. 生涯发展短期目标冲突D. 意识缺乏正确答案:B7•进行生涯规划的五大要素为:知己;知彼;决策;();行动。
Autodesk AutoCAD 2015工程师参考样题
AutoCAD 2015工程师参考样题1)“选项”对话框中哪一个选项卡可以设置新建布局中是否创建视口?1.用户系统配置2.系统3.草图4.显示参考答案:42)可以使用“创建布局”向导创建新布局.向导会提示有关布局设置的信息,其中不包括下列哪项?1.新布局的名称2.布局要使用的图纸尺寸3.工具栏4.布局中视口配置的位置参考答案:33)关于在布局中创建的尺寸,以下说法正确的是?1.在布局中标注的关联尺寸会随视口比例的变化而缩放。
参考答案:14)左图为模型视图,则在布局中直接创建的视口中,不可能出现的视口是:1. A2. B3. C4. D参考答案:35)许可证转移实用程序中,如图所示,哪一个图标表示“许可处于活动状态,可以在此计算机上使用该许可”?1. A2. B3. C4. D参考答案:16)如图所示,当左侧图形的平滑度为2时,右侧图形的平滑度为?1.02. 13. 24. 4参考答案:47)渲染中,暗角和光源中的低频率变化,通过哪个途径可以减少或消除?1.全局照明2.集中采集3.光源特性4.以上都可以参考答案:28)实体中的拉伸命令和实体编辑中的拉伸命令有什么区别?1.没什么区别2.前者是对多段线拉伸后者是对面域拉伸3.前者是由二维线框转为实体,后者是拉伸实体中的一个面4.前者是拉伸实体中的一个面,后者是由二维线框转为实体参考答案:39)在Streering Wheels控制盘中,单击动态观察选项,可以围绕轴心进行动态观察,动态观察的轴心使用鼠标加什么键盘可以调整?1.Shift2.Ctrl3.Alt4.Tab参考答案:210)为了创建穿过实体的相交截面,应用以下哪个命令?1.剖切命令2.切割命令3.设置轮廓4.差集命令参考答案:211)如果需要在实体表面另外绘制二维截面轮廓,则必须应用哪个命令来建立绘图平面?1.建模工具2.实体编辑工具3.ucs4.三维导航工具参考答案:312)通过设计中心拖拽到工具选项板上的块与直接从绘图区域拖拽到工具选项板上的块相比,有何不同之处?1.前者不可以是动态块,而后者可以是动态块2.前者可以是动态块,而后者不可以是动态块3.前者工具特性里的常规项保留了块在图形中的常规特性,后者则都是“使用当前设置”4.前者工具特性里的常规项都是“使用当前设置”,后者则保留了块在图形中的常规特性参考答案:413)以下哪种方法不能创建工具选项板?1.在工具选项板上单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单里选择“新建选项板”2.在设计中心里浏览图形文件中的块,在内容区域单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单里选择“创建工具选项板”3.在设计中心里浏览一个dug文件,在内容区域单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单里选择“创建工具选项板”4.在设计中心里浏览图形文件中的标注样式,在内容区域单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单里选择“创建工具选项板”14)autocad 中可以自定义右键,在命令模式下,单击右键的话哪个选项不能实现?1.确认2.快捷菜单:总是启用3.快捷菜单:命令选项存在时可用4.取消参考答案:415)autocad 默认的窗口操作方式是功能区面板,如果需要打开绘图工具栏,下列方式能实现的是:1.直接拖动绘图面板到功能区边上,就变成了工具栏2.点击状态栏上的切换工作空间图标,切换到autocad经典3.打开菜单浏览器,工具→工具栏→Autocad→绘图4.右击快速访问工具,工具栏→Autocad→绘图参考答案:316)不能对工具选项板进行以下哪些操作?1.调整透明度2.设置自动隐藏3.设置锚点4.设置颜色参考答案:417)如图所示,已知大圆的直径为200,小圆的直径为36,用环形阵列再复制四个同样的小圆,五个小圆的圆心构成一正方形,则五边形的边长为多少?1.70.53422.70.13543.70.25414.69.235418)如图所示,左侧矩形为当前视图平面(显示区域),右上长方形为使用矩形命令创建的矩形,右下长方形为使用直线创建的矩形。
2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”决赛样题及评分细则类型一记叙文写作(Narrative Writing)比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600-800词)。
评分标准:Narrative WritingContent/Ideas(40%)Theme is strong and well-defined;Setting,characters,and plot are fully fleshed out and connected; Writing uses multiple subplots(if appropriate);Ending is fitting and effective,and provides a sense of completio n.Organizatio n/Development(30%)Flow of action is logical and deliberate;Vivid and imaginative descriptive details are provided; Writing reflects a unique,consistent personal voice; Writing uses appropriate and varied rhetorical devices.Language(30%)Spelling is accurate;Word choice is inventive,appropriate,and deliberate for illustrati ng the topicand presenting character(s);Sentence structure is varied and complex,and serves the purpo se of writing;Dialogue(when present)is believable,appropriate,and effective .比赛样题:Sample task1Read the story starter and continue the plete the story in600-800word s.The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box,and a sked me whether I had a match.“I’msorry,”I said.“Idon’tsmoke,so I haven’tany.You had better ask someon e else.”He looked rather disappointed,hesitated,and then turned away.I watched him walkslowlydown the street before I pickedup the telephone directoryto look up the numberI mean t to dial.I am not used to a public call box so,at my first attempt to get through,the warning pips had stopped beforeI realizedI had to inserta coin.When I was at last able to speak,I was told that the personwhom I urgentlywanted to give a messageto had just that minutegone out.Swearing slightlyundermy breath,I emergedfrom the box and came face to f acewith thelittleman,who was looking as patheticas a stray dog.As he raisedhis hat again,I coul d see hewas quitebald.A thin line,resemblinga duellingscar,crossedone cheek.He spoke nervously.“Excuse my troubling you again,”he said.“MayI walk along with you a little way?I must confidein someone.I need help desperately.”Sampletask 2Look at the pictures,and write a story that fits the picturesand the sequence.Your storyshould be 600-800words.类型二议论文写作(Argumentative Writing )比赛内容:选手完成一篇议论文写作(800词左右)。
网络应用服务管理考题中无主观题,样题如下:一、单项选择题(共40分)1. 目前建立Web服务器的方法主要有:()。
A.IIS B.URL C.SMTP D.DNS答案为:A二、多项选择题(共10分)1. Internet提供的主要信息服务有:、、等。
A.路由服务B.WWW服务C.FTP服务D.电子邮件服务答案为:B、C、D 顺序不限三、判断题(共20分)1. 使用CuteFTP软件可以搭建电子邮件服务器。
()答案为:错误(F)如果判断答案正确则填T四、操作题(共20分)1. 把你的计算机配置为一台SyGate服务器,它使用ADSL或以太网宽带接入Internet,使用一个网卡连接内部局域网(IP地址为:。
SyGate安装程序将验证Internet 连接和TCP/IP协议设定。
AutoCAD 2015工程师参考样题
Autodesk AutoCAD2015工程师参考样题1)可以使用“创建布局”向导创建新布局。
参考答案:45)三维十字光标中,下面哪个不是十字光标的标签?1.X,Y,Z2.N,E,Z3.N,Y,Z4.以上说法均正确参考答案:36)打开附带图片,其中外部参照文件的图层为?1. follr01、floor02、wall012. 0、floor01、floor02、wall013. 0、floor01、floor024. wall01参考答案:27)三维基础工作空间中不包括以下哪个选项卡?1.默认2.实体3.可视化4.插入参考答案:28)实体中的拉伸命令和实体编辑中的拉伸命令有什么区别?1.没什么区别2.前者是对多段线拉伸后者是对面域拉伸3.前者是由二维线框转为实体,后者是拉伸实体中的一个面4.前者是拉伸实体中的一个面,后者是由二维线框转为实体参考答案:39)SURFTAB1和SURFTAB2是设置三维的哪个系统变量?1.设置物体的密度2.设置物体的长宽3.设置曲面的形状4.设置物体的网格密度参考答案:410)AutoCAD软件可以进行三维设计,但不能进行?1.线框建模2.表面建模3.实体建模4.参数化建模参考答案:411)在三点定义UCS时,其中第三点表示为?1.坐标系原点2.X轴正方向3.Y轴正方向4.Z轴正方形12)如何使用.bak文件恢复AutoCAD 图形?1.使用recover来进行修复2.更改.bak扩展名为.dwg3.导出文件为dxf,然后再把dxf文件导入到一个新文件中4.以上说法均可以参考答案:413)标准检查中在什么样的情况下会在应用程序窗口的右下角(状态栏托盘中)将显示弹出消息?1.关联的标准文件丢失2.工作时发生了冲突3.多个标准文件冲突4.关联的标准文件丢失和工作时发生了冲突参考答案:414)在“创建图纸集”向导中,图纸集的创建可以从?1.样例图纸集2.现有图形3.图形样板4.样例图纸集和现有图形参考答案:415)在启动向导中,AutoCAD使用的样板图形文件的扩展名是什么?1.dwg2.dwt3.bak4.dws参考答案:216)创建工具栏的过程中,以下哪些说法是错误的?1.无法在工具按钮之间创建分隔符2.工具按钮的提示内容不能自定义3.工具按钮的命令名称不能自定义4.工具按钮的图像可大可小参考答案:1,2,317)以下关于自定义工作空间中的有关操作哪项是错误的?1.不能控制功能区选项卡中的各选项卡的显示顺序。
1.中国第一部诗歌总集是A.《诗经》 B.《楚辞》 C.《乐府诗集》 D.《九歌》2.中国第一部纪传体通史是A.《汉书》 B.《史记》 C.《左传》 D.《国语》3.喜用“菊”“酒”等诗歌意象的东晋田园诗人是A.谢灵运 B.屈原 C.陶渊明 D.孟浩然4.下列诗人属于“初唐四杰”的是A.王勃 B.李白 C.王维 D.张若虚5.以“沉郁顿挫”为诗歌主要风格的唐代大诗人是A.杜牧 B.李商隐 C.杜甫 D.刘禹锡6.下列作品不属于乐府旧题的是A.《燕歌行》 B.《氓》 C.《关山月》 D.《行路难》7.下列作品属于马致远的是A.《汉宫秋》 B.《牡丹亭》 C.《西厢记》 D.《窦娥冤》8.“唐宋八大家”中属于唐代的作家是A.苏轼 B.柳宗元 C.王安石 D.苏辙9.辛弃疾的词集是A.《乐章集》 B.《漱玉词》 C.《稼轩长短句》 D.《东坡乐府》10.成语“望洋兴叹”出自A.《庄子》 B.《孟子》 C.《荀子》 D.《墨子》11.下列作品属于清代的是A.《金瓶梅》 B.《三国演义》 C.《西游记》 D.《红楼梦》12.陆游的号是A.放翁 B.莲蓬居士 C.玉谿生 D.香山居士13.下列作家属于创造社的是A.冰心 B.郁达夫 C.巴金 D.蔡元培14.下列作家属于当代朦胧诗派的是A.舒婷 B.戴望舒 C.郭沫若 D.张洁15.被称为“短篇小说之王”的作家是A.契诃夫 B.普希金 C.海明威 D.莫泊桑16.下列小说以“湘西世界”为写作背景的是A.《苦恼》 B.《萧萧》 C.《百合花》 D.《断魂枪》17.鲁迅所说的“有真意,去粉饰,少做作,勿卖弄”的描写方法是A.白描 B.渲染 C.彩绘 D.曲笔18.下列句子属于被动句式的是A.都城过百雉,国之害也。
2015National English Competitionfor College Students(Level A-Sample)参考答案及作文评分标准Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)1—5CACADSection B(10marks)6—8DAB9—10AB11—15BADABSection C(5marks)16—20DBACBSection D(10marks)rgest burial site24.major25.east26.4th century BC 27.dwarfs28.emotion29.burial30.secretsPart II Vocabulary,Grammar&Cultures(15marks)Section A(10marks)31—35BADCC36—40AADBCSection B(5marks)41—45ADCDBPart III Cloze(10marks)rge47.geographical48.fetching49.nestled50.precious51.low52.fallen53.roasted54.spicy55.becausePart IV Reading Comprehension(35marks)Section A(5marks)56—60TFTFFSection B(10marks)61—65GAFECSection C(10marks)66.Better self-esteem.67.When people can蒺t work for whatever reason,they show similar signs to real addicts.They become irritable and lethargic.68.According to the author,life was not always so driven by employment.Work in the pre-industrial age was task-orientated,not time-structured,and focused not on money but on the tasks necessary for survival.69.The Industrial Revolution radically changed how people worked.Suddenly,work was no longer structured by seasons,but by the clock.From that point on,work became separated from the rest of life,and began to provide money rather than food and goods.70.It improves productivity,as workers are happier and waste less time commuting;but workers lose touch with the workplace and the people there.Section D (10marks)71.smaller class sizes 72.school budgets 73.no clear link74.local cultural factors 75.limited investment Part V Translation (15marks)Section A (5marks)76.更令人害怕的是巨石开始从陡峭的山上滚下来的声音。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、选择题(每小题1分,共30分)1.以下叙述正确的是( )。
A) 在C程序中,main函数必须位于程序的最前面B) C程序的每行中只能写一条语句C) C语言本身没有输入输出语句D) 在对一个C程序进行编译的过程中,可发现注释中的拼写错误2.一个C语言程序的基本单位是( )A) 函数B) 子程序C) 过程D) 命令3.一个C语言的语句必须使用的结束符号是()A) ,B) 。
C) :D) ;4.下列选项中,可以作为C语言标识符的是()A) 3stu B) #stu C) stu3D) stu.35.设有说明:char w; int x; float y; double z;则表达式w*x+z-y值的数据类型为()A) float B) char C) int D) double6.下列叙述正确的是()A)赋值语句中的“=”是表示左边变量等于右边表达式B)赋值语句中左边的变量值不一定等于右边表达式的值C)赋值语句是由赋值表达式加上分号构成的D)x+=y;不是赋值语句7.若x为int型变量,则执行x=6; x+=x-=x*x; 语句后,x的值为()A) 36 B) -60 C) 60 D) -248.若有a=2,b=3,c=4,则表达式a= =3和a=3的值分别为()A) 0和0 B)1和3 C)3和3 D)0和39.使条件表达式(year%4==0&&year%100!=0)||(year%400==0)结果为假的值是()A) 1950B) 2000 C) 1996 D) 200410.若x、i、j、k都是int型变量,则计算下面表达式后,x的值为( )。
x=(i=4,j=16,k=32)A) 4 B) 16 C) 32 D) 5211.逻辑运算符两侧运算对象的数据类型()A) 只能是0和1 B) 只能是0或非0正数C) 只能是整型或字符型数据D) 可以是任何类型的数据12.若希望当A的值为奇数时,表达式的值为“真”,A的值为偶数时,表达式的值为“假”。
Part I Listening听力(40%)Task 1Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read out twice. You will have 10 seconds for each question.(在本节中,你将听到10个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。
)1.A B C2.A B C3.A B C4.A B C5.A B C6.A B C7.A B C8.A B C9.A B C10.A B CTask 1 Transcripts:1. W: I am exhausted by searching for the latest information of that project on theInternet.M: What has the woman been doing all day?2. W: Amy is a cashier in a shopping centre and she starts to work at nine in themorning.M: What does Amy do?3. W: Catherine will travel abroad on her own next week. She is calling to book a room. M: Which room does Catherine most probably book?4. W: My daughter isn’t feeling very well now. I have to go to the drug store.M: What does the woman want to buy?5. W: Hurry up! It’s 8:30. We only have half an hour to dress up before the party starts. M: When does the party start?6. W: This Friday is Mary’s birthday. I want tosend her a card.M: Which card will be sent by the woman?7. W: Judy is going to have a job interview. She wants to wear something formal.M: What does Judy want to wear?8. W: Our village was destroyed by the flood and many people lost their homes.M: What was the disaster?9. W: Call 119 as soon as possible if you find the fire is out of control.M: What kind of emergency does the woman talk about?10. W: Do you know where I can copy these documents? I need to get them readybefore lunch.M: What is the woman looking for?Task 2Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue. Match the information according to what you hear and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there are two extra pieces of information you do not need. The dialogue will be read out twice. You will have one minute to complete the task. There is one example.(在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(本题3分)3.ceilometer安装配置在云主机iaasvm上,安装ceilometer组件,并配置其监控cinder组件,提交meter-list 查询结果信息到答题框中。
(本题3分)4.创建云硬盘通过命令行创建名为cindervolume的云硬盘,大小为1G,提交cinder list查询的信息到答题框中。
(本题2分)5.扩展云硬盘通过命令行修改云硬盘cindervolume的大小为5G,提交cinder list查询的信息到答题框中。
PaaS采用分开安装的方式部署,VM1部署PaaS平台Broker节点,VM2部署PaaS平台Node节点,VM3部署Git Server。
2).操作系统:centos 6.5x64。
4).主机名配置:Paas Broker的主机名为:paas;Paas Node的主机名为:node;Git Server的主机名为:codeserver。
(本题1分)3.ActiveMQ消息中间件验证PaaS平台使用ActiveMQ消息中间件,访问网页http://(PaaS Broker IP):8161进行验证。
(本题2分)4.CakePHP系统部署在Git Server上配置CakePHP的Git代码源,在PaaS Node通过git clone进行验证,将验证结果截图;部署CakePHP系统,CakePHP的公众URL为;修改应用代码:CakePHP系统成功部署后,在PaaS Node 上通过git下载CakePHP的代码,修改CakePHP的首页文件,把“Release Notes for CakePHP”修改为“PaaS CakePHP”。
(本题2分)第三部分:云应用开发任务一、云存储网盘客户端纳(20分)云存储网盘客户单APP的开发选用Android开源技术平台,SDK采用openstack-java-sdk 来连接云平台和swift云存储,提供了封装jar包openstack-java-sdk_v1.1.jar。
开发环境:Swift SDK(openstack-java-sdk)+Android开发环境(adt-bundle-windows-x86_64)+ JDK1.7 + 基础案例程序CloudStorage。
以附件形式提交该zip 文件到答题框中。