超实用!ap微积分教材推荐正在进行ap微积分备考的同学们,你们使用的是哪些ap微积分教材呢?在今天的文章中,留学小编就为同学们推荐了6本极为实用的教材:Cracking the ap calculus AB&BC exams 2008 Edition、Barron''s ap Calculus with CD-ROM、Barron’s ap微积分2008、Kaplan ap Calculus AB & BC 2009、《高等数学》和《微积分》以及高中数学课本,希望大家能够重视!提前预祝各位考生能够在ap微积分考试取得满意成绩!ap微积分课程包括微积分AB (Calculus AB) 和微积分BC(Calculus BC)两门课。
开设Calculus ap 课程的学校或者自学的同学,应该在高一高二进行合理安排,确定课程计划,以保证把学习微积分应具备的知识先行学习完毕。
下面,小编就为大家推荐几本及其实用的ap微积分教材,希望可以同学们在ap微积分考试中取得满意成绩!1.Cracking the ap calculus AB&BC exams 2008 Edition作者:David S.Kahn 2.Barron''s ap Calculus with CD-ROM (Paperback)作者:Shirley O. Hockett,David Bock Barron''s Educational Series3.Barron’s ap微积分2008(附1张cd-rom)作者:张鑫(译)世界图书出版公司北京公司4.Kaplan ap Calculus AB & BC 2009(Kaplan ap Calculus Ab and Bc)作者:Ruby Kaplan Publishing5.中文参考书:高等教育出版社出版的《高等数学》和《微积分》以及高中数学课本。
进行分级认定。 2.期刊分级。以 JCR 为依据,将英文期刊目录分为 A 级、B 级
(含学科 B 级)和 C 级。 (1)A 级期刊。A 级为国际公认顶级学术期刊,其影响因子排名
为所属学科前 8%的期刊。 (2)B 级期刊。B 级为国际知名学术期刊,其影响因子排名为所
(2013 年版)
西南财经大学科研处 编印 二〇一三年五月
根据《西南财经大学教师教学科研社会服务成果认定标准及奖励 办法》(西财大办[2013]3 号)中关于期刊分类与分级标准的相关规定, 编制《西南财经大学学术期刊等级分类目录(2013 版)》。
西南财经大学科研处 2013 年 5 月
3.同时被不同学科收录的少数期刊,按照影响因子排名的就高 原则进行认定。
三、中、英文期刊等级调整原则 在每类每级期刊数量保持不变的前提下,可进行适当调整。按照 有上有下的原则进行等量置换。英文类期刊置换原则上须满足上调的 期刊影响力大于下调的期刊的影响力,CSSCI 期刊须就上调期刊的影 响力给出充分理由,CSCD 期刊原则上须满足上调期刊的 H 指数大于 下调期刊的 H 指数。
一、中文期刊分类与分级 1.基本依据。人文社会科学类期刊以南京大学社会科学评价中 心发布的中文社会科学索引(2012-2013 版,简称 CSSCI)为基本依据, 自然科学类期刊以中国科学院文献情报中心与中国学术期刊电子杂 志社联合开发的中国科学引文数据库(2011-2012 版,简称 CSCD)为 基本依据。 2.中文期刊分级 (1)A 级期刊。所属学科排名前 10%的期刊。如果某学科期刊少 于 10 本,则排名第一的为 A 级期刊。 (2)B1 级期刊。所属学科排名前 50%但未进入前 10%的期刊。 (3)B2 级期刊。未进入 A 级和 B1 级的 CSSCI 和 CSCD 学术期 刊以及北京大学图书馆《中文核心期刊要目总览》的学术期刊。 3.中文 B1 级及以上期刊的英文版作为同级别中文期刊予以认 定。被《新华文摘》全文转载的学术论文,视同 A 级学术论文予以 认定。 4.综合性社科期刊分类中除《中国社会科学》作为 A 级期刊外, 只遴选保留 5 本学术性较强的期刊作为 B1 级期刊,其余期刊均作为 B2 级期刊。 5.民族学与文化学类期刊中,保留《民族研究》作为 A 级期刊, 不设置 B1 级期刊,其余均为 B2 级。 6.遵从我校期刊目录惯例,高校综合性学报不设 A 级期刊,只 设 10 本 B1 级期刊。 二、英文期刊分类与分级 1.基本依据。采用 Thomson-ISI 发布的国际公认的《期刊引证 分析报告(JCR)》(含自然科学版 SCI 和社会科学版 SSCI),按照其 学科分类体系,主要根据收录期刊影响因子大小(非唯一考量因素)
Test 2要尽可能多地查询有关科技、科普方面的网址,应在关键词栏中输入(C )。
A. 科技科普B. 科技AND科普C. 科技OR科普D. 科普科技下列说法正确的是(B )。
A. 流媒体下载工具将完整的影音文件变成影音片段B. FTP下载工具能自动登入到FTP服务器上,快速浏览文件目录,实现多服务器、多文件下载C. 通用下载工具不支持文件的批量下载D. 网站下载工具可下载任意网站的全部文件以下不是统一资源定位器(URL)的组成部分的是(D )。
A. 传输协议B. 主机名C. 文件名D. 浏览器名称某同学要给留学国外的朋友发邮件,若对方的计算机中没有汉字处理系统,可使用的有效、快捷的方法是(D )。
A. 打印汉字形式的邮件内容,并扫描为JPG格式的图片发送B. 用汉语拼音撰写邮件内容并发送C. 将邮件内容译成英文并发送D. 用Photoshop等软件把汉字形式的邮件内容制作为JPG格式的图片并发送在电子邮件地址hnjjzx@中,表示邮件服务器的主机名是(C )。
A. hnjjzxB. 163C. D. com在信息时代,各类信息纷繁复杂,真伪难辨,因此我们需要对获得的信息进行评价,下列选项中不可以用来对信息进行评价的是(B )。
A. 信息的价值B. 信息的随意性C. 信息的时效性D. 信息的可信度信息加工的基础是(C )。
A. 信息的管理B. 信息的表达C. 信息的获取D. 信息的交流期中考试后,班主任用Excel软件计算全班同学的总分和平均分,这种信息加工方式属于(C )。
A. 人工方式B. 程序设计的自动化方式C. 工具软件方式D. 智能化方式使用计算机进行信息加工的一般过程有选择软件、信息录入、信息加工、信息存储,此外,还包括(C )。
A. 信息加密B. 信息删除C. 信息输出D. 信息获取汉字的编码多种多样,有输入码、输出码和机内码等,其功能各异。
用于存储汉字的编码称为(D )。
A. 拼音码B. 输出码C. 字形码D. 机内码。
三大科技文献检索系统【转自】SCI(科学引文索引)、El(工程索引)、ISTP(科技会议录索引)是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要1、科学引文索引SCI(Science Citation Index)《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index,SCI) 是由美国科学信息研究所(£1)1961年创办出版的引文数据库,其覆盖生命科学、临床医学、物理化学、农业、生物、兽医学、工程技术等方面的综合性检索刊物,尤其能反映自然科学研究的学术水平,是目前国际上三大检索系统中最著名的一种,其中以生命科学及医学、化学、物理所占比例最大, 收录范围是当年国际上的重要期刊, 尤其是它的引文索引表现出独特的科学参考价值,在学术界占有重要地位。
许多国家和地区均以被SCI 收录及引证的论文情况来作为评价学术水平的一个重要指标。
从SCI 的严格的选刊原则及严格的专家评审制度来看,它具有一定的客观性,较真实地反映了论文的水平和质量。
根据SCI 收录及被引证情况,可以从一个侧面反映学术水平的发展情况。
特别是每年一次的SCI 论文排名成了判断一个学校科研水平的一个十分重要的标准。
SCI以《期刊目次》(Current Content) 作为数据源,目前自然科学数据库有五千多种期刊,其中生命科学辑收录1350种;工程与计算机技术辑收录1030种;临床医学辑收990 种;农业、生物环境科学辑收录950 种;物理、化学和地球科学辑收录900 种期刊。
各种版本收录范围不尽相同:印刷版(SCI) 双月刊3,500 种联机版(SciSearch)周更新5,600种光盘版(带文摘)(SCICDE)月更新3,500种(同印刷版)网络版(SCIExpanded)周更新5,600种(同联机版)部分科研工作者将SCI戏称为STUPID CHINESE IDE A上世纪80年代末由南京大学最先将SCI 引入科研评价体系。
Unit OneSection CPDA Prizefight: Palm vs. Pocket PCI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. With DataViz’s Documents To Go, you can view and edit desktop documents on your PDA without converting them first to a PDA-specific ________. (format)2. Both Palm OS and Windows Mobile PDAs can offer e-mail via ________ so that new messages received on your desktop system are transferred to the PDA for on-the-go reading. (synchronization)3. The Windows Mobile keyboard, Block Recognizer, and Letter Recognizer are all ________ input areas, meaning they appear and disappear as needed. (virtual)4. Generally speaking, Windows Mobile performs better in entering information and playing ________ files while Palm OS offers easier operation, more ________ programs, better desktop compatibility, and a stronger e-mail application. (multimedia; third-party)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. data field数据字段2. learning curve学习曲线3. third-party solution第三方解决方案4. Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器5. 开始按钮Start button6. 指定输入区designated input area7. 手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system8. 字符集character setUnit ThreeSection BLonghorn:The Next Version of WindowsI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. NGSCB, the new security architecture Microsoft is developing for Longhorn, splits the OS into two parts: a standard mode and a(n) ________ mode. (secure)2. It is reported that Longhorn will provide different levels of operation that disable the more intensive Aero effects to boost ________ on less capable PCs. (performance)3. With Longhorn’s new graphics and presentation engine, we can create and display Tiles on the desktop, which remind us of the old Active Desktop but are based on ________ instead of ________. (XML; HTML)4. The most talked-about feature in Longhorn so far is its new storage system, WinFS, whichworks like a(n) ________ database. (relational)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. search box搜索框2. built-in firewall内置防火墙3. standalone application独立应用程序4. active desktop 活动桌面5. mobile device移动设备6. 专有软件proprietary software7. 快速加载键quick-launch key8. 图形加速器graphics accelerator9. 虚拟文件夹virtual folder10. 三维界面three-dimensional interfaceUnit FourSection CArraysI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Given the array called object with 20 elements, if you see the term object10, you know the array is in ________ form; if you see the term object[10], you know the array is in ________ form. (subscript; index)2. In most programming languages, an array is a static data structure. When you define an array, the size is ________. (fixed)3. A(n) ________ is a pictorial representation of a frequency array. (histogram)4. An array that consists of just rows and columns is probably a(n) ________ array. (two-dimensional)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. bar chart条形图2. frequency array频率数组3. graphical representation图形表示4. multidimensional array多维数组5. 用户视图user(’s) view6. 下标形式subscript form7. 一维数组one-dimensional array8. 编程结构programming constructUnit FiveSection BMicrosoft .NET vs. J2EEI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual ________ while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future. (Machine)2. With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to ________ in other programming languages and to ________. (developers; components)3. J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possiblethrough ________, but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform. (CORBA)4. One important element of the .NET platform is a common language ________, which runs bytecodes in an Internal Language format. (runtime)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. messaging model消息收发模型2. common language runtime通用语言运行时刻(环境)3. hierarchical namespace分等级层次的名称空间4. development community开发社区5. CORBA公用对象请求代理(程序)体系结构6. 基本组件base component7. 元数据标记metadata tag8. 虚拟机virtual machine9. 集成开发环境IDE(integrated development environment)10. 简单对象访问协议SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)Unit SixSection ASoftware Life CycleI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and ________. (testing)2. In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the ________ phase. (analysis)3. In the system development process, the code is written in the ________ phase. (implementation)4. In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the ________ phase. (design)5. The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ________. (structure chart)6. In the system development process, ________ and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase. (flowcharts)7. Pseudocode is part English and part program ________. (logic)8. While black box testing is done by the system test engineer and the ________, white box testing is done by the ________. (user; programmer)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. standard graphical symbol标准图形符号2. logical flow of data标准图形符号3. test case测试用例4. program validation程序验证5. white box testing白盒测试6. student registration system学生注册系统7. customized banking package定制的金融软件包8. software life cycle软件生命周期9. user working environment用户工作环境10. implementation phase实现阶段11. 测试数据test data12. 结构图structure chart13. 系统开发阶段system development phase14. 软件工程software engineering15. 系统分析员system(s) analyst16. 测试工程师test engineer17. 系统生命周期system life cycle18. 设计阶段design phase19. 黑盒测试black box testing20. 会计软件包accounting packageIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:development; testing; programmer; chart; engineer; attend; interfacessystem; software; small; userdevelop; changes; quality; board; UncontrolledIV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:软件工程是软件开发的一个领域;在这个领域中,计算机科学家和工程师研究有关的方法与工具,以使高效开发正确、可靠和健壮的计算机程序变得容易。
AP Computer Science ACourse Design:The proposed syllabus is for a two-semester course, assuming 30 weeks are available prior to the AP exam. The course meets for five 45-minute class periods per week. The course includes several individual programming projects assigned for one or two weeks each. The time after the AP CS Exam is devoted to a team project and enrichment activities. The course includes an optional enrichment unit on files, graphics, and GUI, which is not required for the AP exam.Prerequisite:Introduction to Computer Science as described in the Introductory Course syllabus.Introductory Course includes a study of hardware and software components of a computer system and the roles of these components within the system.Reading and exercises: Chapter 1: An Introduction of Hardware, Software and the Internet, from Java Methods A&AB: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, AP Edition, Andover, Mass., Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin, Skylight Publishing, 2006.Assignment: Research the evolution of the computer industry.Course Objectives:∙Understand and apply the main principles of object-oriented software design and programming: classes and objects, constructors, methods, instance and static variables,inheritance, class hierarchies, and polymorphism∙Learn to code fluently in Java in a well-structured fashion and in good style; learn to pay attention to code clarity and documentation∙Learn to use Java library packages and classes within the scope of the AP Java subset ∙Understand the concept of an algorithm; implement algorithms in Java using conditional and iterative control structures and recursion.∙Learn to select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve a given problem.∙Compare efficiency of alternative solutions to a given problem.∙Learn common searching and sorting algorithms: Sequential Search and Binary Search;Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort∙Understand one- and two-dimensional arrays, the List interface, and the ArrayList class, and use them appropriately in programming projects∙Acquire skills in designing object-oriented software solutions to problems from various application areas∙Learn the GridWorld case study and accompanying exercises and questions provided by the College Board∙Discuss ethical and social issues related to the use of computers∙Prepare for the AP exam in computer science..Texts and Supplementary Materials:Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin. Java Methods A&AB: Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures, AP Edition, Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2006.Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin. Be Prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java, 4th Edition, Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2009.The College Board’s GridWorld case study, Parts 1-4.Litvin, Maria, and Gary Litvin. 250 Multiple-Choice Computer Science Questions in Java.Andover, Mass.: Skylight Publishing, 2008.Current magazine and Internet articles discussing ethical and social issues related tocomputer use.Teacher Materials:The College Board’s Computer Science A Course Descr iption.The College Board’s GridWorld Teacher Manual.AP Central resources.Java Methods Student Disk, Teacher Disk, PowerPoint slides, Test Package, additional resources at /javamethods and /oop. Course Outline:Chapter numbers for readings and exercises refer to Java Methods A&AB, AP Edition. The labs, case studies, and projects proposed below come from Java Methods and serve only as examples of possible assignments; the teacher’s favorites may be used instead. GridWorld refers to the College Board’s GridWorld case study narrative.Unit 1: Review of the introductory material (4 weeks)1. Java syntax and style (Weeks 1-2; duration 2 weeks)Import statements and library classes. Comments. Indentation and braces. Primitive data types. Declaring fields and local variables. Arithmetic operators. Boolean expressions, relational and logical operators.Reading and exercises: Chapters 5-7, Appendix A.Labs: Exercises and/or free-response questions from the Test Package for Chapters 5-7.2. Review of algorithms (Week 3; duration 1 week)Algorithms using iterations and recursion. When not to use recursion (e.g., Fibonacci Numbers).Reading and exercises: Chapters 4 and 8.Labs: Exercises and/or free-response questions from the Test Package for Chapters 4 and 8.3. Review of classes and objects (Week 4; duration 1 week)Classes and objects. Variables, constructors and methods. An introduction to inheritance. First Steps case study review.Reading and exercises: Chapter 3.Lab: “Bystander” in First Steps (Exercise 3-12).Unit 2: Classes, class hierarchies, GridWorld (7 weeks)4. An introduction to GridWorld (Week 5; duration 1 week)Experimenting with the GridWorld GUI. An overview of the classes and objects involved. Role-play exercise.Reading and exercises: GridWorld Part 1.Lab: Set up a GridWorld project and run BugRunner.Lab:Simple extensions of the Bug class.5. Details of defining classes and using objects (Weeks 6-7; duration 2 weeks)Public and private fields and methods. Constructors and the new operator. References to objects. Calling methods and accessing fields. Passing parameters to constructors and methods. return statement. Overloaded methods. Static variables and methods. GridWorld continued.Reading and exercises: Chapter 9; GridWorld Part 2.Lab:Snack Bar.Lab:GridWorld exercises for Part 2 (page 12).6. Strings (Week 8; duration 1 week)String objects. Literal strings. Immutability. String methods. Converting strings into numbers and numbers into strings. The Character class and its methods.Reading and exercises: Chapter 10.Lab:Lipograms (Section 10.8).7. Class hierarchies, abstract classes, and interfaces (Weeks 9-11; duration 3 weeks) Class hierarchies. Polymorphism. Abstract classes. Invoking superclass’s constructors and calling superclass’s methods. Case Study: Dance Studio. Interfaces.Reading and exercises: Chapter 11, GridWorld Part 3.Lab:Dance Studio.Lab:Past free-response questions on class hierarchies and polymorphism.Lab:Creating a subclass of Actor, GridWorld Part 3 group activity (p. 24).Unit 3: Arrays, the List interface, ArrayList s, searching and sorting (8 weeks)8. Arrays (Week 12; duration 1 week)One-dimensional arrays. Arrays as objects. Declaring and initializing. Indices. Length. IndexOutOfBoundsException.Reading and exercises: Sections 12.1-12.3.Lab:Fortune Teller (Section 12.3).9. ArrayList s; algorithms for arrays and ArrayList s(Weeks 13-14; duration 2 weeks)The List interface. ArrayList’s constructors and methods.Traversals and the “for each” loop. Finding the largest and the smallest element. Inserting and removing elements. When to use arrays and when —ArrayList s. ArrayList s in GridWorld.Reading and exercises: Sections 12.4-12.9, GridWorld Part 4.Lab:Creating an Index for a Document(Section 12.9).Lab:Past free-response questions on arrays and ArrayList.Lab:GridWorld Part 4 exercises (p. 32).10. Two-dimensional arrays (Weeks 15-16; duration 2 weeks)Declaring 2-D arrays. Indices. Accessing the number of rows and columns. Traversals.Reading and exercises: Sections 12.10-12.11.Lab:Chomp(Section 12.11).11. Searching and sorting. Introduction to analysis of algorithms. (Weeks 17-19;duration 3 weeks)Comparing objects. The equals method and the Comparable interface. Sequential and Binary Search. Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, and Mergesort. The java.util.Random class. The number of comparisons required in Sequential and Binary Search. Comparison of efficiency of “quadratic” sorting algorithms (Selection Sort and Insertion Sort) vs. Mergesort.Reading and exercises: Chapter 13.Lab:Chapter 13 exercises (e.g., 13-4, 13-9).Lab:Keeping Things in order (Section 13.4).Lab:Benchmarks (Section 13.9) — compares efficiency of several sorting algorithms.Unit 4: Enrichment (optional, 5 weeks)12. Streams and files (Weeks 20-21; duration 2 weeks)Text and binary files. Streams vs. random-access files. Java I/O package. The Scanner class. Checked exceptions.Reading and exercises: Chapter 14.Lab: Dictionary for Ramblecs (Section 14.5).Lab: Exercises and projects from the Test Package for Chapter 14.13. Graphics and GUI (Weeks 22-24; duration 3 weeks)Computer graphics concepts. The Java Graphics class. GUI components and their events. Layouts. Handling mouse and keyboard events.Reading and exercises: Chapters 15, 16, 17.Lab: Pieces of the Puzzle (Section 15.7).Programming project: Ramblecs (Section 16.6).Programming project: Drawing Editor (Section 17.4).Unit 5: Review (6 weeks)14. GridWorld review (Weeks 25-27; duration 3 weeks)Review of the GridWorld classes and interfaces. Modifications and exercises.Reading and exercises: GridWorld Parts 1-4; Be Prepared Chapter 6.Labs:GridWorld Enhancements (from suggested exercises for Part 4, p. 32, and Be Prepared).15. Review and practice for the exam (Weeks 28-30; duration 3 weeks)Reading:Be Prepared Chapters 1-5; Be Prepared Chapter 7 (past free-response questions and solutions), Be Prepared practice exams, 250 Multiple-Choice Computer ScienceQuestions.Unit 6: After the AP exam (Duration varies)Suggested activities: a team project to implement a game (for example, the Game of SET, /oop or Battleship or a project based on GridWorld); a potentially useful project for the school; student presentations on ethical and social issues related to the use of computers (Appendix F).。
®©2019 The College Board. College Board, Advanced Placement, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are2019AP®COMPUTER SCIENCE A FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONSCOMPUTER SCIENCE ASECTION IITime—1hour and30minutesNumber of questions—4Percent of total score—50Directions:SHOW ALL YOUR WORK.REMEMBER THAT PROGRAM SEGMENTS ARE TO BE WRITTEN IN JAVA.Notes:• Assume that the interface and classes listed in the Java Quick Reference have been imported where appropriate. • Unless otherwise noted in the question, assume that parameters in method calls are not null and that methodsare called only when their preconditions are satisfied.• In writing solutions for each question, you may use any of the accessible methods that are listed in classes defined in that question.Writing significant amounts of code that can be replaced by a call to one of these methods will not receive full credit.©2019 The College Board.1.The APCalendar class contains methods used to calculate information about a calendar.You will write twomethods of the class.public class APCalendar{/** Returns true if year is a leap year and false otherwise. */private static boolean isLeapYear(int year){ /* implementation not shown */ }/** Returns the number of leap years between year1 and year2, inclusive.* Precondition: 0 <= year1 <= year2*/public static int numberOfLeapYears(int year1,int year2){ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }/** Returns the value representing the day of the week for the first day of year,* where 0 denotes Sunday, 1 denotes Monday, ..., and 6 denotes Saturday.*/private static int firstDayOfYear(int year){ /* implementation not shown */ }/** Returns n, where month, day, and year specify the nth day of the year.* Returns 1 for January 1 (month = 1, day = 1) of any year.* Precondition: The date represented by month, day, year is a valid date.*/private static int dayOfYear(int month,int day,int year){ /* implementation not shown */ }/** Returns the value representing the day of the week for the given date* (month, day, year), where0 denotes Sunday, 1 denotes Monday, ...,* and 6 denotes Saturday.* Precondition: The date represented by month, day, year is a valid date.*/public static int dayOfWeek(int month,int day,int year){/* to be implemented in part (b) */ }// There may be instance variables, constructors, and other methods not shown.}©2019 The College Board.(a) Write the static method numberOfLeapYears, which returns the number of leap years betweenyear1 and year2, inclusive.In order to calculate this value,a helper method is provided for you.• isLeapYear(year) returns true if year is a leap year and false otherwise.Complete method numberOfLeapYears below. You must use isLeapYear appropriately to receive full credit./** Returns the number of leap years between year1 and year2, inclusive.* Precondition:0 <= year1 <= year2*/public static int numberOfLeapYears(int year1,int year2)©2019 The College Board.(b) Write the static method dayOfWeek, which returns the integer value representing the day of the week forthe given date (month, day, year), where0 denotes Sunday, 1 denotes Monday, ..., and 6 denotes Saturday.For example,2019began on a Tuesday,and January5is the fifth day of2019.As a result, January 5,2019, fell on a Saturday, and the method call dayOfWeek(1, 5, 2019)returns 6.As another example, January 10 is the tenth day of 2019. As a result, January 10, 2019, fell on a Thursday, and the method call dayOfWeek(1, 10, 2019) returns 4.In order to calculate this value,two helper methods are provided for you.• firstDayOfYear(year) returns the integer value representing the day of the week for the first day of year, where 0 denotes Sunday, 1 denotes Monday, ..., and 6 denotes Saturday. Forexample,since2019began on a Tuesday,firstDayOfYear(2019)returns 2.• dayOfYear(month,day, year) returns n, where month, day, and year specify the nth day of the year. For the first day of the year, January 1 (month = 1, day = 1), the value1 is returned. This method accounts for whether year is a leap year. For example,dayOfYear(3, 1, 2017) returns 60, since 2017 is not a leap year, whiledayOfYear(3, 1, 2016) returns 61, since 2016 is a leap year.©2019 The College Board.Complete method dayOfWeek below. You must use firstDayOfYear and dayOfYear appropriately to receive full credit./** Returns the value representing the day of the week for the given date* (month, day, year), where 0 denotes Sunday, 1 denotes Monday, ...,* and 6 denotes Saturday.* Precondition: The date represented by month, day, year is a valid date.*/public static int dayOfWeek(int month,int day,int year)©2019 The College Board.2.This question involves the implementation of a fitness tracking system that is represented by theStepTracker class. A StepTracker object is created with a parameter that defines the minimum number of steps that must be taken for a day to be considered active.The StepTracker class provides a constructor and the following methods.• addDailySteps, which accumulates information about steps, in readings taken once per day• activeDays, which returns the number of active days• averageSteps, which returns the average number of steps per day, calculated by dividing the total number of steps taken by the number of days trackedThe following table contains a sample code execution sequence and the corresponding results.©2019 The College Board.Write the complete StepTracker class, including the constructor and any required instance variables and methods.Your implementation must meet all specifications and conform to the example.3.Many encoded strings contain delimiters.A delimiter is a non-empty string that acts as a boundary betweendifferent parts of a larger string.The delimiters involved in this question occur in pairs that must be balanced, with each pair having an open delimiter and a close delimiter.There will be only one type of delimiter for each string.The following are examples of delimiters.Example 1Expressions in mathematics use open parentheses"("and close parentheses")"as delimiters.For each open parenthesis, there must be a matching close parenthesis.(x +y)*5 (x + (y) is a valid mathematical expression.is NOT a valid mathematical expression because there are more open delimiters than close delimiters.Example 2HTML uses <B> and </B> as delimiters. For each open delimiter <B>, there must be a matching close delimiter </B>.<B>Make this text bold</B> <B>Make this text bold</UB>is valid HTML.is NOT valid HTML because there is one open delimiter and no matching close delimiter.©2019 The College Board.In this question, you will write two methods in the following Delimiters class.public class Delimiters{/** The open and close delimiters. */private String openDel;private String closeDel;/** Constructs a Delimiters object where open is the open delimiter and close is the* close delimiter.* Precondition: open and close are non-empty strings.*/public Delimiters(String open,String close){openDel=open;closeDel=close;}/** Returns an ArrayList of delimiters from the array tokens, as described in part (a). */ public ArrayList<String>getDelimitersList(String[]tokens){ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }/** Returns true if the delimiters are balanced and false otherwise, as described in part (b).* Precondition: delimiters contains only valid open and close delimiters.*/public boolean isBalanced(ArrayList<String>delimiters){ /* to be implemented in part (b) */ }// There may be instance variables, constructors, and methods that are not shown.}©2019 The College Board.(a) A string containing text and possibly delimiters has been split into tokens and stored inString[] tokens. Each token is either an open delimiter, a close delimiter, or a substring that is not a delimiter. You will write the method getDelimitersList, which returns an ArrayList containing all the open and close delimiters found in tokens in their original order.The following examples show the contents of an ArrayList returned by getDelimitersList for different open and close delimiters and different tokens arrays.Example 1openDel: closeDel: tokens: ArrayList of delimiters:Example 2openDel: closeDel: "("")""<q>""</q>"tokens:ArrayList of delimiters:© 2019 The College Board.Complete method getDelimitersList below./** Returns an ArrayList of delimiters from the array tokens, as described in part (a). */ public ArrayList<String>getDelimitersList(String[]tokens)(b) Write the method isBalanced, which returns true when the delimiters are balanced and returnsfalse otherwise. The delimiters are balanced when both of the following conditions are satisfied;otherwise,they are not balanced.1.When traversing the ArrayList from the first element to the last element,there is no point atwhich there are more close delimiters than open delimiters at or before that point.2.The total number of open delimiters is equal to the total number of close delimiters.Consider a Delimiters object for which openDel is"<sup>"and closeDel is"</sup>".The examples below show different ArrayList objects that could be returned by calls to getDelimitersList and the value that would be returned by a call to isBalanced.Example 1The following example shows an ArrayList for which isBalanced returns true. As tokens are examined from first to last,the number of open delimiters is always greater than or equal to the number of close delimiters.After examining all tokens,there are an equal number of open and close delimiters."<sup>""<sup>""</sup>""<sup>""</sup>""</sup>"Example 2The following example shows an ArrayList for which isBalanced returns false."<sup>""</sup>""</sup>""<sup>"↑When starting from the left, at this point,condition 1 is violated.Example 3The following example shows an ArrayList for which isBalanced returns false."</sup>"↑At this point, condition 1 is violated.Example 4The following example shows an ArrayList for which isBalanced returns false because the second condition is violated. After examining all tokens,there are not an equal number of open and close delimiters."<sup>""<sup>""</sup>"©2019 The College Board.Complete method isBalanced below./** Returns true if the delimiters are balanced and false otherwise, as described in part (b).* Precondition: delimiters contains only valid open and close delimiters.*/public boolean isBalanced(ArrayList<String>delimiters)©2019 The College Board.4. The LightBoard class models a two-dimensional display of lights, where each light is either on or off, asrepresented by a Boolean value.You will implement a constructor to initialize the display and a method to evaluate a light.public class LightBoard{/** The lights on the board, where true represents on and false represents off.*/private boolean[][]lights;/** Constructs a LightBoard object having numRows rows and numCols columns.* Precondition: numRows > 0, numCols > 0*Postcondition:each light has a40%probability of being set to on.*/public LightBoard(int numRows,int numCols){ /* to be implemented in part (a) */ }/** Evaluates a light in row index row and column index col and returns a status* as described in part (b).* Precondition: row and col are valid indexes in lights.*/public boolean evaluateLight(int row,int col){ /* to be implemented in part (b) */ }// There may be additional instance variables, constructors, and methods not shown.}©2019 The College Board.(a) Write the constructor for the LightBoard class, which initializes lights so that each light is set toon with a 40% probability. The notation lights[r][c]represents the array element at row r and column c.Complete the LightBoard constructor below./** Constructs a LightBoard object having numRows rows and numCols columns.* Precondition: numRows > 0, numCols > 0*Postcondition:each light has a40%probability of being set to on.*/public LightBoard(int numRows,int numCols)©2019 The College Board.(b) Write the method evaluateLight, which computes and returns the status of a light at a given row andcolumn based on the following rules.1.If the light is on,return false if the number of lights in its column that are on is even,includingthe current light.2.If the light is off,return true if the number of lights in its column that are on is divisible by three.3.Otherwise,return the light’s current status.For example, suppose that LightBoard sim = new LightBoard(7, 5) creates a light board with the initial state shown below, where true represents a light that is on and false represents a light that is off.Lights that are off are shaded.lights0 1 2 3 4 5 6 01234Sample calls to evaluateLight are shown below.©2019 The College Board.Complete the evaluateLight method below./**Evaluates a light in row index row and column index col and returns a status * as described in part (b).* Precondition: row and col are valid indexes in lights.*/public boolean evaluateLight(int row,int col)STOPEND OF EXAM©2019 The College Board.。
学术英语课后答案 unit1
学术英语理工教师手册Unit 1 Choosing a TopicI Teaching ObjectivesIn this unit , you will learn how to:1.choose a particular topic for your research2.formulate a research question3.write a working title for your research essay4.enhance your language skills related with reading and listening materials presented in this unit II. Teaching Procedures1.Deciding on a topicTask 1Answers may vary.Task 21 No, because they all seem like a subject rather than a topic, a subject which cannot be addressed even by a whole book, let alone by a1500-wordessay.2Each of them can be broken down into various and more specific aspects. For example, cancer can be classified into breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer and so on. Breast cancer can have such specific topics for research as causes for breast cancer, effects of breast cancer and prevention or diagnosis of breast cancer.3 Actually the topics of each field are endless. Take breast cancer for example, we can have the topics like:Why Women Suffer from Breast Cancer More Than Men?A New Way to Find Breast TumorsSome Risks of Getting Breast Cancer in Daily LifeBreast Cancer and Its Direct Biological ImpactBreast Cancer—the Symptoms & DiagnosisBreastfeeding and Breast CancerTask 31 Text 1 illustrates how hackers or unauthorized users use one way or another to get inside a computer, while Text2 describes the various electronic threats a computer may face.2 Both focus on the vulnerability of a computer.3 Text 1 analyzes the ways of computer hackers, while Text 2 describes security problems of a computer.4 Text 1: The way hackers “get inside” a computerText 2: Electronic threats a computer facesYes, I think they are interesting, important, manageable and adequate.Task 41Lecture1:Ten Commandments of Computer EthicsLecture 2:How to Deal with Computer HackersLecture 3:How I Begin to Develop Computer Applications2Answersmay vary.Task 5Answers may vary.2 Formulating a research questionTask 1Text 3Research question 1: How many types of cloud services are there and what are they? Research question 2: What is green computing?Research question 3: What are advantages of the cloud computing?Text 4Research question 1: What is the Web 3.0?Research question 2: What are advantages and disadvantages of the cloud computing? Research question 3: What security benefits can the cloud computing provide?Task 22 Topic2: Threats of Artificial IntelligenceResearch questions:1) What are the threats of artificial intelligence?2) How can human beings control those threats?3) What are the difficulties to control those threats?3 Topic3: The Potentials of NanotechnologyResearch questions:1) What are its potentials in medicine?2) What are its potentials in space exploration?3) What are its potentials in communications?4 Topic4: Global Warming and Its EffectsResearch questions:1) How does it affect the pattern of climates?2) How does it affect economic activities?3) How does it affect human behavior?Task 3Answers may vary.3 Writing a working titleTask 1Answers may vary.Task 21 Lecture 4 is about the security problems of cloud computing, while Lecture 5 is about the definition and nature of cloud computing, hence it is more elementary than Lecture 4.2 The four all focus on cloud computing. Although Lecture 4 and Text 4 address the same topic, the former is less optimistic while the latter has more confidence in the security of cloud computing. Text3 illustrates the various advantages of cloud computing.3 Lecture 4: Cloud Computing SecurityLecture 5: What Is Cloud Computing?Task 3Answers may vary.4 Enhancing your academic languageReading: Text 11.Match the words with their definitions.1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.ranging from(从……到)arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)opens a path for(打开了通道)requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。
2022年福建省泉州市全国计算机等级考试网络技术真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.向有限的空间输入超长的字符串是哪一种攻击手段()。
A.按芯片集分类B.按数据端口分类C.按电源类型分类D.按系统总线的带宽分类3.ADSL上行速率在()A.64Kbps~640KbpsB.640Kbps~7MbpsC.7Mbps~10MbpsD.10Mbps~20Mbps4.按密钥的使用个数,密码体制可以分为( )。
A.数据区B.对外服务区C.重要业务区6.下列关于Serv-U FTP服务器配置的描述中,错误的是()。
A.配置服务器域名时,可以使用域名或其他描述B.配置服务器IP地址时,服务器有多个IP地址需分别添加C.配置服务器域端口号时,可使用端口21或其他合适的端口号D.配置域存储位置时,小的域应选择.INI文件存储而大的域应选择注册表存储7.在OSI参考模型的各层中,向用户提供可靠的端到端(End-to-End)服务,透明地传送报文的是( )。
A.应用层B.数据链路层C.传输层D.网络层8.某公司分配给人事部的IP地址块为59.67.159.224/27,分配给培训部的IP地址块为59.67.159.208/28,分配给销售部的IP地址块为59.67.159.192/28,那么这三个地址块经过聚合后的地址为()A.第14题长期以来,网络操作系统的三大阵营是Novell的Netware和I.MicroSoft的WindowsNTⅡ.MicroSoft的Windows2000Ⅱ.UNIXⅡ.Linux ()A.Ⅱ和ⅡB.I和ⅡC.I和ⅡD.Ⅱ和Ⅱ10.下列关于Windows Server 2003系统下DHCP服务器参数的描述中,错误的是()。
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学 学博士学位论文
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第 4 章 图表 ............................................................................................ 9
学 学博士学位论文
This is a LATEX template for the master/doctor thesis/dissertation of Harbin Institute of Technology (due to personal interest, not an official template). Keywords: Master/Doctor thesis/dissertation, Harbin Institute of Technology, LATEX template
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harmful insects.
wandering the website, reading posts and never actually posting anything
13. A ________ potato is someone who spends most of their time surfing the net.
2N A N O T E 3C H N O L
4B U M P
5C L O N E
10G E
13M O U S E
16E T A I L E R
17C Y B E R
19M E A T S P A C E
Six simple letters on a plain white page – that’s the face of t_h_e__m_o_s_t_p_o_w__e_r_fu_l_t_e_c_h_n_o_l_o_g_y_c_o_m__p_a_n_y__ in the world, revered, envied, and sometimes scorned. Google’s cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page started the company as grad students __in__1_9_9_8__. It has made them _a_st_o_n_i_sh__in_g_l_y_r_i_c_h_. Today they stand atop an empire cast in their own image, _a_u_d_a_c_i_o_u_s_, ambitious, and often c_o_n_t_r_o_v_e_r_si_a_l. It is a company like no other, _th__ri_v_i_n_g_ on long hours, too much coffee, and something quite elusive – genius.
5.2 人工智能的应用 同步练习 高中信息技术浙教版(2019)必修一
5.2 人工智能的应用一、选择题1.在反向推理过程中,如何避免陷入局部最优解()A.增加搜索空间B.引入随机性C.采用启发式搜索算法D.所有选项2.在反向推理过程中,如何处理不确定性问题()A.使用概率论和模糊逻辑B.引入专家经验C.采用正向推理D.所有选项3.深度优先搜索算法在解决实际问题中有什么局限性()A.只能解决迷宫问题B.只能解决最短路径问题C.在某些情况下可能无法找到最优解D.无法处理有向图4.在深度优先搜索中,我们如何确定搜索的终止条件()A.当队列为空时停止搜索B.当找到目标节点时停止搜索C.当访问所有节点时停止搜索D.当达到预设的搜索深度时停止搜索5.符号运算中的“与”运算符通常用哪个符号表示()A.∧B.∧C.→D.↔6.下面关于宽度优先搜索的说法,哪个是正确的?()A.它总是能找到问题的最短解B.它适用于所有类型的问题C.它使用递归来实现D.它从图的任意节点开始搜索7.在自然语言处理中,情感分析旨在识别文本中表达的情感倾向。
下列哪项不属于常用的特征提取方法()A.主成分分析(PCA)B.线性判别分析(LDA)C.支持向量机(SVM)D.小波变换9.在人工智能中,通过模拟人类的思考和行为过程来解决问题的技术是()A.深度学习B.强化学习C.无监督学习D.模仿学习10.以下实际生活场景中,涉及到人工智能技术的是()∧手机银行通过人脸识别提供转账身份验证∧通过手机APP远程打开家里的空调∧拨打某电商客服电话,与语音助手沟通解决售后问题∧开车时,打开自动驾驶功能∧用扫描仪扫描文件,然后把文件用Email发出去A.∧∧∧B.∧∧∧C.∧∧∧D.∧∧∧11.下列关于人工智能的说法,不正确的是()A.人工智能将成为未来经济发展的新引擎和新一轮产业变革的核心驱动力B.人工智能有三种主要方法,即:符号主义、联结主义和行为主义C.人脸识别、指纹识别和语音识别,都应用了人工智能技术D.AlphaGo Zero仅自学3天就成了围棋界的绝顶高手,说明今后人工智能将取代人类12.以下不属于人工智能应用的是()A.使用翻译笔将汉语翻译成英文B.刷脸获取健康码信息C.工厂员工通过按指纹进行签到D.将手机设置为通话时自动录音13.某小区采用了“智能小区物业管理系统”,该系统主要包括门禁系统、车辆道闸系统、可视对讲系统、实时监控系统等子系统。
Web of Science 的使用说明检索技术1.系统默认为词、词组检索。
2.检索词之间可采用布尔逻辑算符:AND 、OR、NOT、SAME进行组配3.通配符:*、?、$* = 一个或多个字符= 一个字符$ = 0或一个字母检索方法Web of Science分快速检索(Quick Search)、一般检索(General Search)引文检索(CITED REFERENCE SEARCH)、高级检索(Advanced Search)、结构检索(structure search)五种检索方式。
一、快速检索(Quick Search)在快速检索(Quick Search)输入框内输入可检索的论文标题,摘要和关键词,检索词之间可采用逻辑算符“AND, OR, NOT, SAME”和通配符“*,? ,$”进行组配检索。
快速检索栏下,增加了“Author Finder”链接,该链接也可以在General Search 页面作者字段下方找到。
“Author Finder”对于区分姓和名的首字母相同的作者非常有效,可以通过作者所从事的学科主题和所在的研究机构缩小检索范围,共有下列4个步骤:Step 1: Enter Author Name(输入作者姓名)Step 2: Select Author Variant(选择作者名的不同写法,不确定的选择加*的写法)Step 3: Select Subject Category(选择作者所从事的学科主题)Step 4: Select Institution(选择作者所在的研究机构)二、一般检索(General Search)在执行检索前,还可以通过选择数据库、指定时间段、语种(46种)、文献类型(35种)等来限制检索结果,查准率和查全率高,利用价值大。
A.LinuxB.BIOS升级程序C.WORD文字解决软件D.Windows 72、__________是关于Windows的文献类型和关联的不对的说法。
A.一种文献类型可不与任何应用程序关联B.一个应用程序只能与一种文献类型关联C.一般情况下,文献类型由文献扩展名标记D.一种文献类型可以与多个应用程序关联3、在PowerPoint 2023中,可运用__________来组织大型幻灯片,以简化其管理和导航。
A.占位符B.节C.视图D.动画刷4、__________是有关Windows下标准格式A VI文献对的的描述。
说明:①被引文献的作者; ②被引文献的出版年、发表的期刊(缩写刊名)、
卷、页码; ③引用文献的作者; ④引用文献发表的期刊(缩写刊名)、卷、页码、
出版年; ⑤引用文献类型代码:
B书评、C更正或勘误、D会议论文、E社论、 I传记、K编年表、L通讯或快报、M会议摘要、 N技术札记、R评论和专题目录、W对计算机 软硬件或数据库等的评论,无代码者为期刊 论文或科技报告。
根据《中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范》的规 定,对文献的标识码规定如下:
A——理论与应用研究学术论文(包括综述报告) B——实用性技术成果报告(科技)、理论学习与社会实践总
结(社科) C——业务指导与技术管理性文章(包括领导讲话、特约评论
等) D——一般动态性信息(通讯、报道、会议活动、专访等) E——文件、资料(包括历史资料、统计资料、机构、人物、
利用这种索引可以通过一篇发表年代较远的 文献查找到与其密切相关的较新文献。
(2)来源索引(Source Index简称SI) 包括:来源索引、来源出版物目录、团体索引。 (a)来源索引是《科学引文索引》的主体,它按引用文
献(来源文献)作者的姓名字顺排列,其下列出引用文献 的篇名及出处(只反映在第一著者之下)。 在合著者姓名下,给出第一著者姓名。若无著者姓名的 文献,则按出版物名称字顺排在SI的最前面。其著录格 式如下:
SCI有一套严格的评价期刊质量的体系,入选的期刊 每年都依此进行评价和调整;而且SCI收录文献的学 科专业广泛。
我国教育部、科技部每年都要对全国的科研单位和 高等院校的学术研究情况进行评估,其主要依据之 一就是统计SCI收录的有关单位的论文情况及其被 引用的情况。
6、国际标准化组织简称:ISO 、本标准每5 年修订一次二、选择题1、如果需要检索某位作者的文献被引用的情况,应该使用(C )检索。
A.分类索引B.作者索引C.引文索引D.主题索引2、利用图书馆的据库检索期刊论文时,可供选择的中文数据库是(D )。
A.超星数字图书馆B.万方学位论文C.国研网D.维普科技期刊 E.高校财经库3、如果检索有关多媒体网络传播方面的文献,检索式为(A D)。
A.多媒体and 网络传播B.多媒体+网络传播C.多媒体or 网络传播D.多媒体*网络传播4、如果对某个课题进行主题检索时,可选择的检索字段有( A D E )。
A.关键词B.作者C.刊名D.题名E.文摘5、二次文献又称检索工具,包括:(A CD )。
abstract module 抽象模型access 访问、存取access control 访问控制access control information 访问控制信息access mechanism 访问机制access right 访问权限accessibility information 可达性信息accessibility problem 可达问题(网页亲和力问题) accessible 可达的、可访问的accessible authoring practice 可达性编译实践accessiblity 可达性acss (audio cascading style sheets) acss(音频层叠样式表) activate 激活active grammar 活动的文法activity 活动actor 角色adaptation 适应、适配adaptation preferences 适配偏好additional characters 附加字符advisory board 咨询常委会advisory committee 咨询委员会age 寿命agent 代理alert 警告(信号)alpha alphaalpha compaction 透明度alpha separation alpha 分割alpha table alpha 表alternative information 可选信息amaya amayaancestor 祖先、前辈结点anchor 锚点ancillary chunk 辅助数据块animation 动画annotation 注释anonymity 匿名antecedent 前提apache apacheapplet applet(应用小程序)application 应用程序、应用application personalization 应用程序个性化application programming interface (api), conventional input/output/device api 应用程序编程接口(api)、通用输入/输出/设备apiarc 弧architecture 体系结构、架构argument 参数artifact 物件ascii art ascii艺术asr (automatic speech recognition) asr(自动语音识别)assertion 断言assistive technology 辅助技术asynchronous 异步的asynchronous exchange 异步交换at user option 用户可选择的atomic 原子的atomic test 原子测试attribute 属性attribute name 属性名attribute specification 属性说明attribute value 属性值attribute, or cc/pp attribute cc/pp 属性attribute-list declarations 属性列表声明audio 音频audio description 音频描述audio track 音轨audio-only representation 纯音频表示audit guard 审计防护机制auditory description 听觉描述authentication 身份验证author 作者author styles 作者风格authoring 创作authoring tool 创作工具authorization 授权axis 坐标轴back link 返回链接background image interference 背景图像干扰backward compatible 向下兼容base text 基础文本baseline 基准线binding 绑定binding expression 绑定表达式bit depth 位深度(色彩深度)black box 黑箱bopomofo 汉语拼音字母bot 自动代理程序bounding box 边界框 (or 区域框)box 框braille 盲文bridge 网桥browser 浏览器button 按钮byte 字节byte order 字节顺序cache cache(高速缓存)cacheable 可缓冲的candidate recommendation (cr) 候选推荐标准(cr) capability 性能captions 字幕card 卡cascading style sheet 层叠样式表cc/pp processor cc/pp 处理器cc/pp repository cc/pp 资料储存库cdata sections cdata 节cern 欧洲粒子物理研究所certification 认证chair 主持、(小组的)主席chairman 主席channel 通道character 字符character data 字符数据character data (cdata) 字符数据(cdata) character encoding 字符编码character or expression depth 字符或表达式深度character or expression width 字符或表达式宽度character reference 字符引用check for 检查child 子(节点)child 子(元素)choreography (webservice)编排chromaticity (cie) 色度(cie)chunk 数据块class 类class definition 类定义class description 类描述class name 类名class of product 产品类别click-stream 点击流client 客户端collapse 压缩collated text transcript 按序文字记录colour type 颜色类别comm 交通comments 注释complete 完备的complex ruby markup 复杂ruby标记compliance 一致性component 组件composite (verb) 合成concept 概念condition 条件conditional content 条件内容conditional sections 条件节confidentiality 机密性confidentiality 机密性、保密性configuration 配置configure, control 配置、控制conformance 一致性conformance clause 一致性条款conformance level 一致性级别conformance testing 一致性测试conforming document 一致性文档connection (网络)连接consequent 结论consistent 一致的constraint 限制contained (element a is contained in b) 包含(元素a包含于元素b)container (constructor) 容器(构造器)containing document 容器文档content 内容content developer 内容开发者content elements 内容元素content generation 内容生成content model 内容模型content negotiation 内容协商content provider 内容供应商content selection 内容选择content set 内容集content token element 内容记号元素context (of a given mathml expression) (给定mathml表达式的)上下文context node 上下文节点context position 上下文位置context size 上下文大小contradictory behaviors 矛盾行为control 控制control item 控制项convenience 便利conversation 会话conversion tool 转换工具coo 首席运营官cookie cookiecorrect 正确的credentials 凭证critical chunk 关键数据块css (cascading style sheets) css(层叠样式表)css w3c cascading style sheet specification. css w3c 层叠样式表规范标准cyberspace 信息空间cyc cyc(知识表示项目)daemon 独立后台程序data category 数据范畴data element 数据元素data model 数据模型data resource 数据资源data schema 数据规划data set 数据集data structure 数据结构database 数据库datastream 数据流datatype 数据类型datatype property 数据类型特性data-valued property 数据值特性date space 数据空间decideable 可判定的declaration 声明declared 声明的declared 已声明的decomposition 分解deepest 最深的default 默认default 默认的default namespace 默认命名空间deferred request authentication 推迟请求验证defining required attributes 定义必要属性defining the type of attribute values 定义属性值类型deflate deflate(一种压缩算法)delivered image 传输完成的图像delivery context 传送上下文delivery policy 传送策略delivery unit 传送单位deprecated 弃用depth 深度descendant 子节点descendants 子节点device 设备device independent 与设备无关的device-independence 设备无关dialog 对话digital rights management 数字版权管理digital signature 数字签名dimensions of variability 变化元direct sub-expression (of a mathml expression of) (mathml 表达式的)直接子表达式directly contained (element a in b) (a)直接包含于(b)director 领导人、总监discovery 探索discovery service 探索服务discretionary choices 任意选项discretionary items 任意条款document 文档document character set 文档字符集document content, structure, and presentation 文档内容、结构、表示document entity 文档实体document language 文档语言document model 文档模型document object model 文档对象模型document object, document 文档对象、文档document order 文档顺序document profile 文档设置文件document source, text source, 文档源、文本源document style semantics and specification language (dsssl) 文档风格语义和规范语言(dsssl)document tree 文档树document type 文档类型document type declaration 文档类型声明document type definition (dtd) 文档类型定义(dtd)documentation 参考文件dom (document object model) dom(文档对象模型)dom (document object model, see ) dom(文档对象模型)dom level 0 dom level 0domain 域domain name 域名driver 驱动程序dtd dtddtd 文件类型定义(dtd)dtd-determined id dtd确定iddtmf (dual tone multi-frequency) dtmf(双音多频)dublin core 都柏林核心dynamic content 动态内容dynamic html (dhtml) 动态html(dhtml)early normalization 提早标准化ease of parsing and serializing: 解析和序列化(串行化)的简化ebt (electronic book technology) 电子图书技术ecmascript ecmascriptedi (electronic data interchange) 电子数据交换editing view 编辑视图electronic data interchange (edi) 电子数据交换element 元素element content 元素内容element name 元素名element type 元素类型element type declaration 元素类型声明element, element type 元素、元素类型elements 元素embed 嵌入embedded object 嵌入式对象embedded web request 嵌入式网络请求embellished operator 修饰操作符empty 空empty-element tag 空元素标签enabled element, disabled element, 激活的元素、实效的元素encryption 加密end point 终点ending resource 结束资源end-tag 结束标签enquire enquire(程序名)entail 推导entities 实体entity 实体entity reference 实体引用enumerated attributes 枚举属性episode 情节equable practice 等同的实践equivalent 等价的equivalent (for content) (内容上)等价error 错误escape 转义event 事件events and scripting, event handler, eventhandler 事件和脚本、事件处理器、事件处理器executable content 可执行内容expanded name 扩展名expanded-name 扩展名explicit expiration time 显式过期时间explicit user request 显式用户请求explicit web request 显式web请求explicitly undefined behaviors 显式未定义行为extended link 扩展连接extended links 扩展连接extending pre-defined elements 扩展预定义元素extensible markup language (xml) 可扩展标记语言(xml)extensible style language (xsl) 可扩展样式语言(xsl)extensional 外延的external 外部的external entity 外部实体external markup declaration 外部标记声明externally-determined id 外部可确定idfacet 分面facilities 设施fatal error 致命错误feature 特性、特徵fellow 研究员fences 栅栏分隔符fia (form interpretation algorithm) fia(表单解释算法)filter 过滤器filtering 过滤first node rule 首节点定律first-hand 第一手的focus of attention 关注焦点focus, content focus, user interface focus,user 焦点、内容焦点、用户界面焦点、用户following element 后继元素font 字体for compatibility 为了兼容性for interoperability 为了互用性form 表单form control 表单控制form item 表单项gamma gammagateway 网关general entities 通用实体generic identifier 通用标识符gif (graphics interchange format) gif(图形交换格式)gilc (global internet liberty campaign) gilc(全球网络自由化运动)glossary of terms for device independence (version usedfordevice 设备无关的术语表glyph 字形graphical 图像的graphics 图像greyscale 灰度group ruby 组rubyharmonized adaptation 和谐适应harmonized user experience 和谐用户体验height 高度heuristic expiration time 启发式过期时间highlight 突出(显示)hint 暗示hiragana 平假名host 主办者host 主机host language 宿主语言host page 主网页、主页html htmlhtml (hypertext markup language) html(超文本标记语言) http (hypertext transfer protocol) http(超文本传输协议) http client http客户端http gateway http网关http payload entity http载荷实体http proxy http代理http representation http表示http request http请求http response http响应http server http服务器hybrid document 混合文档hyperlink 超链接hypertext 超文本idempotent 等幂identical 等同的identified data 被标识的数据identifier 标识符ideograph 象形文字iff 当且仅当image 图像image data 图像数据image map 图像映射图implementation 实现implementation conformance statement (ics) 实现一致性声明(ics)implementation dependent values (or features) 实现相关值(特徵)implementation platform 实现平台implicit web request 隐式网络请求important 重要的imports closure 导入完成inbound 进入inbound/outbound 进入/外出included 包含的inconsistent 矛盾的independent web 独立网index 索引indexed-colour 索引色indexical 索引的indexing 索引indirectly contained 间接包含individual 个体individual-valued property 个体价值特性infer 推理inform 通知information space 信息空间informative text (帮助)信息文本initial soap sender 初始soap发送者input configuration 输入配置input item 输入项inria (institut national de recherche en infomatique et automatique) inria(法国国家信息与自动化研究所)instance 实例instance data 实例数据instance data node 实例数据节点instance of (类的)实例instance of mathml mathml的实例instantiate 示例integrity 完整性intensional 内涵的interaction 交互作用interactive element, non-interactive element,non-interactive 交互式的元素、非交互式的元素、非交互式的interlaced png image 交错的png图像internal 内部的internal entity 内部实体internationalized resource identifier 国际化资源标识符internet 互联网interoperability 互用性interpretation 解释、理解intranet 内联网intrinsic dimensions 固有维数inverse function 反函数ip (internet protocol) ip(网际协议)ipr (intellectual property rights) ipr(知识产权)irc irc(互联网中继会话)iri reference iri引用iso (international standards organization) iso(国际标准化组织) isp (internet service provider) isp(互联网服务提供商)java java(编程语言)jigsaw jigsaw(网站名称)jpeg (joint photographic experts group) jpeg(联合图片专家组:一种图片编码格式)jsgf jsgf(java api语音语法格式)kana <日>假名kanji <日>日本汉字katakana <日>(日本字母)片假名keio university 庆应大学(日本)key 键、密钥、关键key binding 密钥绑定key location 密钥定位key management 密钥管理key name 密钥名key validation 密钥确认lambda expression lambda表达式language binding 语言绑定language identifier 语言标识符late normalization 推迟标准化layout schema (plural: schemata) 布局schemalcs (laboratory for computer science) lcs(计算机科学实验室)lead (live early adoption and demonstration) lead(早期采用及示范政策)level 级、层lexical space 词法空间libwww libwww(www相关程序模块库) linearized table 线性化表格line-mode (命令)行模式line-mode browser (命令)行模式浏览器link 链接link text 链接描述文字linkbases 链接库linking element 链接元素list 列表literal 字面literal entity value 字面实体值live 在使用的local name 本地名local part 本地部分local resource 本地资源logic 逻辑longfellow longfellow(w3c电话会议的24线连接器) loose coupling 松耦合lossless compression 无损压缩lossy compression 有损压缩luminance 亮度lz77 lz77(数据压缩算法)machine understandable 机器可理解的manageable service 可管理的服务management 管理management capability 管理能力management interface 管理界面management policy 管理政策management semantics 管理中的语义marc record marc记录(标准的机器可识别图书馆目录卡)markup 标记markup declaration 标记声明markup language 标记语言markup model 标记模型match 匹配mathematical markup language (mathml) 数学标记语言(mathml)mathml element mathml元素mathml expression (within some valid mathml mathml表达式may 可以member 会员menu 菜单message 消息message correlation 消息相关性message exchange pattern (mep) 消息交换模式(mep)message receiver 消息接收方message reliability 消息可靠性message sender 消息发送方message transport 消息传输meta- 元的(前缀、表示一个事物应用于其自身)metadata 元数据(用于描述数据的数据)metaphysical 纯哲学的micropayments 微支付、小额付款minimal constraint, principle of 最小约束原理mit (massachusetts institute of technology) mit(麻省理工学院) mixed content 混合内容mixed initiative 混合式驱动modality 模态model binding expression 模型绑定表达式model item 模型项model item property 模型项性质model theory 模型理论modularization 模块化modularization model 模块化模型module 模块monoruby 单rubymonotonic 单调的mosaic mosaic(最早出现在internet上的web浏览器)multi-purpose internet mail extensions (mime) 多用途网际邮件扩充协议(mime)must 必须mystic mystic(w3c电话会议的6线连接器)name 名称、名字named class 制定类namespace 命名空间namespace name 命名空间名称namespace prefix 命名空间前缀namespace-valid 命名空间有效的namespace-validating 命名空间验证namespace-well-formed 命名空间良构的natural language 自然语言navigation 导航navigation bars 导航栏navigation mechanism 导航机制ncsa (national center for supercomputing applications) ncsa(美国国家超级应用计算中心)negotiate content 协商内容negotiation metadata 协商元数据nelson, ted 无net 互联网(internet)network byte order 网络字节顺序new 新的next next(公司名称)nntp (network news transfer protocol) nntp(网络新闻传输协议)node 节点、结点none 无nonmonotonic 非单调的non-repudiation 不可否认性non-variant content 无差异内容normative text 标准的文本normative, informative 标准的、信息丰富的notation declarations 符号声明notations 符号、记法note 笔记object 对象object property 对象性质obligation 义务occurs as attribute value 作为属性值出现office 办事处onload onloadonrequest onrequestontological 本体论的ontology 本体论、本体ontology document 本体文档open source 开放源码openmath openmatchoperating environment 操作环境operation 操作operator, an mo element 操作符operator, content element 操作符optional 可选择的optional behaviors 可选择行为optional features 可选择特徵orchestration 编排origin server 源服务器other 其他otherwise 否则outbound 外出的output modalities 输出模态override 重载owl class owl类owl web ontology language guide owl网络本体语言指南packet 包page view 页面阅览palette 调色板parameter entity 参数实体parameter-entity references 参数实体参考parent 父类、双亲parent document type 父类文件类型parsed character data (pcdata) 已解析字符数据(pcdata) parsed entity 已解析实体parsing 解析partial understanding 部分理解participate 参与pass extraction 传递抽取pass phrase key 通行密钥path 路径payload security 负载安全perceivable unit 可感知单元permission 许可permission guard 许可保护机制person or organization 个人或组织personal digital assistant (pda) 掌上电脑(pda)pgp (pretty good privacy) pgppics (platform form picspixel 像素pkc (public key cryptography) pkc(公钥密码学)pki (public key infrastructure) pki(公钥基础设施) placeholder 占位符plug-in 插件png (portable network graphics) pgn(便携式网络图象格式) png datastream png数据流png decoder png解码器png editor png编辑器png encoder png编码器png file png文件png four-byte signed integer png四字节符号整数png four-byte unsigned integer png四字节无符号整数png image png图像png signature png签名point 点point of regard 注视点pointer 指针pointer part 指针部分policy 策略policy guard 策略保护机制practice 实践preceding element 前序元素pre-defined function 预定义函数preference 偏爱、偏好presentation elements 表达元素、表达元件presentation layout schema 表达布局schema presentation markup 表达标记presentation token element 表达标记元素preserve 保持principal 主实体principal node type 首要结点类型priority 1 (p1) 优先级1priority 2 (p2) 优先级2priority 3 (p3) 优先级3privacy 隐私privacy policy 隐私策略process 进程、处理processing instructions 数据处理指令profile profile、设置文件profiling 设置文件prompt 提示、提示输入proof of possession (pop) 证明所有权(pop) properties, values, and defaults 性质、值和默认property 性质property definition 性质定义proposed edited recommendation 已修正的提议推荐标准proposed recommendation (pr) 提议推荐标准(pr) proposition 建议protection 保护protocol 协议provider agent 供应(商)代理provider entity 供应实体proximity position 近似位置proxy 代理、代理服务器public identifier 公共标识符publish 发表、发布publisher 发布者purpose 目的、意图qualified name 限定名qualifier 限定符quality assurance, qa 质量保证、qaquality of service 服务质量、qosrdf (resource description framework) rdf(资源描述语言) rdf resource rdf资源reader 读者reading 读取中rec recreceiver 接收者recognize 识别recommendation 推荐、推荐标准reduced image 简化过的图像reference architecture 参考体系结构reference image 参考图像reference in attribute value 属性值参考reference in content 内容参考reference in dtd dtd参考reference in entity value 实体值参考registry 注册、登记reify 具体化relation 关系remote resource 远程资源render 渲染、显示rendered content 渲染过的/显示的内容rendered content, rendered text 渲染过的/显示的文字、内容rendering 渲染/显示rendering preferences 渲染/显示的选项repair content, repair text 修复内容replace 代替replaced element 被替代的元素replacement text 替代文字repository 资料档案库representation 表现、表现形式request 请求、要求requester agent 请求方代理requester entity 请求方实体rescinded recommendation 作废的推荐标准reserved 保留的resource 资源resource manifestation 资源公开声明response 响应、回应restriction 约束restriction, global 全局约束restriction, local 局部约束、本地约束results verification 结果确认reverse document order 逆序文档rfc (request for comments) rfc(徵求意见)rgb merging rgb合并root 根rpc (remote procedure call) rfc(远程程序调用)rsa rsa(加密算法)ruby text ruby文字safe 安全的safe zone 安全区域sample 样本sample depth 样本深度sample depth scaling 样本深度缩放satisfy 满足scanline 扫描线schema schemaschema (pl., schemata) schema(复数,schemata) schema constraint schema约束schema representation constraint schema表示约束schema, rdf schema rdfschemaschema-determined id 由schema决定的标识scheme schemescope of a declaration 声明范围screen magnifier 屏幕放大器screen reader 屏幕阅读器scribe 会议记录员script 脚本语言、脚本security 安全security administration 安全管理security architecture 安全体系结构security auditing 安全审核security domain 安全域security mechanism 安全机制security model 安全模型security policy 安全策略security policy expression 安全策略表示security service 安全服务selected sub-expression (of an maction element) (maction元素的)选择性子表达式selection, current selection 选择、当前选择semantic 语义的semantic requirement 语义需求(同“测试断言”)semantic web 语义网semantically transparent 语义透明的sender 发送者separation of form from content 内容形式相分离serial access, sequential navigation 顺序访问、顺序导航server 服务器server 服务器端程序server 服务提供者、服务器端程序server session 服务器会话service 服务service description 服务描述service interface 服务界面service intermediary 服务中介service provider 服务提供者service provider (data controller, legal entity) 服务提供者(数据管理员、法人实体)service requester 服务请求者service role 服务任务service semantics 服务语义service-oriented architecture 面向服务体系结构/构架session 会话sgml (standard generalized markup language) sgml(标准通用标记语言)shall 必须should 应该sibling 兄弟simple link 简单链接simple links 简单链接simple ruby markup 简单ruby标记site maps 网站地图size and color of non-text content 非文本内容的字体和颜色smil (synchronized multimedia integration language) smil(同步多媒体集成语言)soap application soap应用软件soap binding soap绑定soap body soap主体soap envelope soap信封soap fault soap错误soap feature soap特色soap header soap报头soap header block soap报头块soap intermediary soap中介soap message soap消息soap message exchange pattern (mep) soap消息交换模式(mep)soap message path soap消息路径soap module soap模块soap node soap节点soap receiver soap接收者soap role soap角色soap sender soap发送者soap(simple object access protocol) soap(简单对象访问协议) sophia sophia(地名:sophia-antipolis)source document 源文件source image 源图像space-like (mathml expression) 类空(mathml表达式)speech 语音srgs (speech recognition grammar specification) srgs(语音识别语法规格说明书)ssml (speech synthesis markup language) ssml(语音合成标记语言)stale 陈旧的、过时的standard 标准standard generalized markup language (sgml) 通用标记语言标准starting resource 起始源start-tag 开始标记state 状态statement 声明strict conformance 严格一致string identity matching (字符)串匹配string indexing 串索引string-value 串值structural markup 结构化标记style sheet 样式表subdialog 子对话sub-expression (of a mathml expression) (mathml表达式的)子表达式submission 提交的文档subsite 子站suggested rendering rules for mathml presentation elements 推荐的mathml表示元素渲染规则supersite 超站support, implement, conform 支持、实现、符合supported 支持的svg (scalable vector graphics) svg(可缩放向量图形)synchronize 同步synchronous 同步的system entity 系统实体system identifier 系统标识符sysweb sysweb(w3c系统网络组)tables of contents 目录tabular information 表格式信息tag 标签tag(technical architechture group) tag(w3c技术构架组)tangle tangle(程序名)tapered prompts 渐缩式提示tcp (transmission control protocol) tcp(传输控制协议)team 团队technical architecture group 技术构架组technical report 技术报告term taken verbatim from another source 其他资料使用的词汇test area 测试区test assertion 测试断言test case 测试用例test framework 测试框架test purpose 测试目的test requirement 测试需求、测试断言test suite 测试集text 文本text content, non-text content,non-text 文本内容、非文本内容、非文本text decoration 文本修饰text transcript 文本抄本the empty string 空(字符)串third-party 第三方throw 抛出time parameters 时间参数tls(transport layer security) tls(传输层安全)tobin tobin(人名:mauricej.tobin)token 标记token element 标记元素tokenized 标记化的top-level element (of mathml) (mathml的)最高层元素topology 拓扑结构tracing 跟踪transaction 事务transcript 抄本transformation 转化、转换traversal 遍历triple 三元组truecolour 真彩色trust service 信任服务tts(text-to-speech) tts(文语转换)tunnel 隧道type 类型typeface 字体ucs(universal character set) ucs(通用字符集)ui or action binding expression 用户界面或行为绑定的表达式ultimate soap receiver 最终soap接收者unconditional conformance 无条件服从uniform resource identifier 统一资源标识符union 联合、合并universe 全球的、通用的unnamed class 未命名类unparsed entity 未解析实体unspecified 未指定的upstream/downstream 上游/下游uri 统一资源标识符uri (universal resource identifier) uri(统一资源标识符)uri reference uri引用uri(uniform resource indicator) uri(统一资源指示器)uris urisurl 统一资源定位器url (uniform resource locator) url(统一资源定位器)usage auditing 使用审核usage scenario 使用场景use 使用、采用use case 用例user 用户、使用者user agent 用户代理,useragentuser agent (ua) 用户代理,uauser agent default styles 用户代理默认风格user agent profile 用户代理设置文件user control of every user interface component 每一个用户界面组建的用户控制user experience 用户体验user experience preferences 用户体验偏好user interface, user interface, 用户界面user session 用户会话user styles 用户风格user-input web request 用户输入式网络请求valid 有效的valid mathml data 有效的mathml数据valid style sheet 有效的样式表validating processors 验证的处理器validation (有效性)验证validation rule 验证规则validation, validate, validating 正确性确认、验证-〉(名词)验证、(动词)验证、(动名词)验证validator 验证器validity constraint 有效性约束value space 值空间variant 变量variant content 变量内容versioning 版本控制video 视频view 视图view, viewport 视图、视口viola 计算机语言的一种(不翻译)virtual hypertext 虚超文本visual track 视觉跟踪visual-only presentation 纯视觉表示visualtext 可视化文本vocabulary 词汇表voice 语音voice browser 语音浏览器voicexml document voicexml文档voicexml interpreter voicexml解释器voicexml interpreter context voicexml解释环境vrml 虚拟现实建模语言vrml (virtual reality modeling language) vrml(虚拟现实建模语言)w3c w3cw3c (world wide web consortium) w3c(万维网联盟)w3c recommendation w3c推荐标准w3c recommendation (rec) w3c推荐标准(rec)wai (web accessibility initiative) 网络可达性推动组织、无障碍网络倡议wais (wide area information servers) 广域信息服务系统web web(万维网)web client web客户端web collection web收集web core web核心web neighborhood web邻居web page 网页web page identifier 网页标识符web periphery web外设web request web请求web request body web请求主体web request header web请求报头web resource web资源web response web响应web response body web响应主体web response header web响应报头web server web服务器web service web serviceweb site 网站web site publisher 网站发布者well-formed 良构的well-formedness constraint 格式正确性约束、形式合法性约束white point 白色点width (of a box) (文本或图形框的)宽度working draft (wd) 工作草案working group note 工作组笔记world 世界、领域world wide web 万维网worldwideweb (one word; no spaces) worldwideweb(世界上第一个网络客户端软件)www www(万维网)xforms model xforms模式xforms processor xforms处理器xll (extensible linking language) xll(可扩展链接语言)xml (extensible markup language) xml(可扩展标记语言)xml declaration xml声明xml document xml文件xml name xml名称xml namespace xml命名空间xml processor xml处理器xpointer processor xpointer处理器xsl (extensible style sheet language) 可扩展样式表语言xsl formatting objects (xsl fo) xls格式对象xsl transformation (xslt) xls转化语言zakim zakim(w3c视频会议)zlib zlib压缩格式。
1.自适应Kalman滤波的运动物体跟踪算法研究 [J], 张秀杰;张建忠;谭云福
2.英国牛津大学自适应动物跟踪标签项目 [J],
3.视频动态场景下运动物体的自适应跟踪算法 [J], 程乐凯;翟素兰;涂铮铮;罗斌
4.英国牛津大学纳米粒介导交付项目 [J],
5.英国牛津大学纳米颗粒检测项目 [J],
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© 2011 The College Board.Quick ReferenceAP ® Computer Science AContent of AppendixesAppendix A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Java Quick Reference Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testable API Appendix C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testable Code Appendix E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GridWorld Quick Reference Appendix G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index for Source CodeAppendix A Java Quick Reference Appendix A — Java Quick ReferenceAccessible Methods from the Java Library That May Be Included on the Examclass ng.Object•boolean equals(Object other)•String toString()class ng.Integer•Integer(int value)•int intValue()•Integer.MIN_VALUE // minimum value represented by an int or Integer •Integer.MAX_VALUE // maximum value represented by an int or Integer class ng.Double•Double(double value)•double doubleValue()class ng.String•int length()•String substring(int from, int to) // returns the substring beginning at from // and ending at to-1•String substring(int from) // returns substring(from, length())•int indexOf(String str) // returns the index of the first occurrence of str;// returns -1 if not found•int compareTo(String other) // returns a value < 0 if this is less than other // returns a value = 0 if this is equal to other// returns a value > 0 if this is greater than other class ng.Math•static int abs(int x)•static double abs(double x)•static double pow(double base, double exponent)•static double sqrt(double x)•static double random() // returns a double in the range [0.0, 1.0)interface java.util.List<E>•int size()•boolean add(E obj) // appends obj to end of list; returns true•void add(int index, E obj) // inserts obj at position index (0size)index,≤≤ // moving elements at position index and higher// to the right (adds 1 to their indices) and adjusts size• E get(int index)• E set(int index, E obj) // replaces the element at position index with obj// returns the element formerly at the specified position• E remove(int index) // removes element from position index,moving elements // at position index + 1 and higher to the left// (subtracts 1 from their indices) and adjusts size// returns the element formerly at the specified positionclass java.util.ArrayList<E> implements java.util.List<E>Appendix B — Testable APIinfo.gridworld.grid.Location class(implements Comparable)public Location(int r, int c)constructs a location with given row and column coordinatespublic int getRow()returns the row of this locationpublic int getCol()returns the column of this locationpublic Location getAdjacentLocation(int direction)returns the adjacent location in the direction that is closest to directionpublic int getDirectionToward(Location target)returns the closest compass direction from this location toward targetpublic boolean equals(Object other)returns true if other is a Location with the same row and column as this location; false otherwise public int hashCode()returns a hash code for this locationpublic int compareTo(Object other)returns a negative integer if this location is less than other,zero if the two locations are equal, or a positiveinteger if this location is greater than other.Locations are ordered in row-major order.Precondition: other is a Location object.public String toString()returns a string with the row and column of this location, in the format (row, col)Compass directions:public static final int NORTH = 0;public static final int EAST = 90;public static final int SOUTH = 180;public static final int WEST = 270;public static final int NORTHEAST = 45;public static final int SOUTHEAST = 135;public static final int SOUTHWEST = 225;public static final int NORTHWEST = 315;Turn angles:public static final int LEFT = -90;public static final int RIGHT = 90;public static final int HALF_LEFT = -45;public static final int HALF_RIGHT = 45;public static final int FULL_CIRCLE = 360;public static final int HALF_CIRCLE = 180;public static final int AHEAD = 0;info.gridworld.grid.Grid<E> interfaceint getNumRows()returns the number of rows, or -1 if this grid is unboundedint getNumCols()returns the number of columns, or -1 if this grid is unboundedboolean isValid(Location loc)returns true if loc is valid in this grid, false otherwisePrecondition: loc is not nullE put(Location loc, E obj)puts obj at location loc in this grid and returns the object previously at that location (or null if the location was previously unoccupied).Precondition: (1) loc is valid in this grid (2) obj is not nullE remove(Location loc)removes the object at location loc from this grid and returns the object that was removed (or null if the location is unoccupied)Precondition: loc is valid in this gridE get(Location loc)returns the object at location loc (or null if the location is unoccupied)Precondition: loc is valid in this gridArrayList<Location> getOccupiedLocations()returns an array list of all occupied locations in this gridArrayList<Location> getValidAdjacentLocations(Location loc)returns an array list of the valid locations adjacent to loc in this gridPrecondition: loc is valid in this gridArrayList<Location> getEmptyAdjacentLocations(Location loc)returns an array list of the valid empty locations adjacent to loc in this gridPrecondition: loc is valid in this gridArrayList<Location> getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(Location loc)returns an array list of the valid occupied locations adjacent to loc in this gridPrecondition: loc is valid in this gridArrayList<E> getNeighbors(Location loc)returns an array list of the objects in the occupied locations adjacent to loc in this gridPrecondition: loc is valid in this gridinfo.gridworld.actor.Actor classpublic Actor()constructs a blue actor that is facing northpublic Color getColor()returns the color of this actorpublic void setColor(Color newColor)sets the color of this actor to newColorpublic int getDirection()returns the direction of this actor, an angle between 0 and 359 degreespublic void setDirection(int newDirection)sets the direction of this actor to the angle between 0 and 359 degrees that is equivalent to newDirection public Grid<Actor> getGrid()returns the grid of this actor, or null if this actor is not contained in a gridpublic Location getLocation()returns the location of this actor, or null if this actor is not contained in a gridpublic void putSelfInGrid(Grid<Actor> gr, Location loc)puts this actor into location loc of grid gr.If there is another actor at loc,it is removed.Precondition: (1) This actor is not contained in a grid. (2) loc is valid in gr.public void removeSelfFromGrid()removes this actor from its gridPrecondition: this actor is contained in a gridpublic void moveTo(Location newLocation)moves this actor to newLocation.If there is another actor at newLocation,it is removed.Precondition: (1) This actor is contained in a grid. (2) newLocation is valid in the grid of this actor. public void act()reverses the direction of this actor. Override this method in subclasses of Actor to define types of actors with different behavior.public String toString()returns a string with the location, direction, and color of this actorinfo.gridworld.actor.Rock class(extends Actor) public Rock()constructs a black rockpublic Rock(Color rockColor)constructs a rock with color rockColorpublic void act()overrides the act method in the Actor class to do nothinginfo.gridworld.actor.Flower class(extends Actor) public Flower()constructs a pink flowerpublic Flower(Color initialColor)constructs a flower with color initialColorpublic void act()causes the color of this flower to darkenAppendix C — Testable Code Bug.javapackage info.gridworld.actor;import info.gridworld.grid.Grid;import info.gridworld.grid.Location;import java.awt.Color;/*** A Bug is an actor that can move and turn. It drops flowers as it moves.* The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS A and AB Exams.*/public class Bug extends Actor{/*** Constructs a red bug.*/public Bug(){setColor(Color.RED);}/*** Constructs a bug of a given color.* @param bugColor the color for this bug*/public Bug(Color bugColor){setColor(bugColor);}/*** Moves if it can move, turns otherwise.*/public void act(){if (canMove())move();elseturn();}/*** Turns the bug 45 degrees to the right without changing its location.*/public void turn(){setDirection(getDirection() + Location.HALF_RIGHT);}/*** Moves the bug forward, putting a flower into the location it previously occupied.*/public void move(){Grid<Actor> gr = getGrid();if (gr == null)return;Location loc = getLocation();Location next = loc.getAdjacentLocation(getDirection());if (gr.isValid(next))moveTo(next);elseremoveSelfFromGrid();Flower flower = new Flower(getColor());flower.putSelfInGrid(gr, loc);}/*** Tests whether this bug can move forward into a location that is empty or contains a flower. * @return true if this bug can move.*/public boolean canMove(){Grid<Actor> gr = getGrid();if (gr == null)return false;Location loc = getLocation();Location next = loc.getAdjacentLocation(getDirection());if (!gr.isValid(next))return false;Actor neighbor = gr.get(next);return (neighbor == null) || (neighbor instanceof Flower);// ok to move into empty location or onto flower// not ok to move onto any other actor}}BoxBug.javaimport info.gridworld.actor.Bug;/*** A BoxBug traces out a square “box” of a given size.* The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS A and AB Exams. */public class BoxBug extends Bug{private int steps;private int sideLength;/*** Constructs a box bug that traces a square of a given side length.* @param length the side length*/public BoxBug(int length){steps = 0;sideLength = length;}/*** Moves to the next location of the square.*/public void act(){if (steps < sideLength && canMove()){move();steps++;}else{turn();turn();steps = 0;}}}Critter.javapackage info.gridworld.actor;import info.gridworld.grid.Location;import java.util.ArrayList;/*** A Critter is an actor that moves through its world, processing* other actors in some way and then moving to a new location.* Define your own critters by extending this class and overriding any methods of this class except for act. * When you override these methods, be sure to preserve the postconditions.* The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS A and AB Exams.*/public class Critter extends Actor{/*** A critter acts by getting a list of other actors, processing that list, getting locations to move to,* selecting one of them, and moving to the selected location.*/public void act(){if (getGrid() == null)return;ArrayList<Actor> actors = getActors();processActors(actors);ArrayList<Location> moveLocs = getMoveLocations();Location loc = selectMoveLocation(moveLocs);makeMove(loc);}/*** Gets the actors for processing. Implemented to return the actors that occupy neighboring grid locations. * Override this method in subclasses to look elsewhere for actors to process.* Postcondition: The state of all actors is unchanged.* @return a list of actors that this critter wishes to process*/public ArrayList<Actor> getActors(){return getGrid().getNeighbors(getLocation());}/*** Processes the elements of actors. New actors may be added to empty locations.* Implemented to “eat” (i.e., remove) selected actors that are not rocks or critters.* Override this method in subclasses to process actors in a different way.* Postcondition: (1) The state of all actors in the grid other than this critter and the* elements of actors is unchanged. (2) The location of this critter is unchanged.* @param actors the actors to be processed*/public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors){for (Actor a : actors){if (!(a instanceof Rock) && !(a instanceof Critter))a.removeSelfFromGrid();}}/*** Gets a list of possible locations for the next move. These locations must be valid in the grid of this critter. * Implemented to return the empty neighboring locations. Override this method in subclasses to look* elsewhere for move locations.* Postcondition: The state of all actors is unchanged.* @return a list of possible locations for the next move*/public ArrayList<Location> getMoveLocations(){return getGrid().getEmptyAdjacentLocations(getLocation());}/*** Selects the location for the next move. Implemented to randomly pick one of the possible locations,* or to return the current location if locs has size 0. Override this method in subclasses that* have another mechanism for selecting the next move location.* Postcondition: (1) The returned location is an element of locs,this critter’s current location, or null. * (2) The state of all actors is unchanged.* @param locs the possible locations for the next move* @return the location that was selected for the next move*/public Location selectMoveLocation(ArrayList<Location> locs){int n = locs.size();if (n == 0)return getLocation();int r = (int) (Math.random() * n);return locs.get(r);}/*** Moves this critter to the given location loc,or removes this critter from its grid if loc is null. * An actor may be added to the old location. If there is a different actor at location loc, that actor is* removed from the grid. Override this method in subclasses that want to carry out other actions* (for example, turning this critter or adding an occupant in its previous location).* Postcondition: (1) getLocation() == loc.* (2) The state of all actors other than those at the old and new locations is unchanged.* @param loc the location to move to*/public void makeMove(Location loc){if (loc == null)removeSelfFromGrid();elsemoveTo(loc);}}ChameleonCritter.javaimport info.gridworld.actor.Actor;import info.gridworld.actor.Critter;import info.gridworld.grid.Location;import java.util.ArrayList;/*** A ChameleonCritter takes on the color of neighboring actors as it moves through the grid.* The implementation of this class is testable on the AP CS A and AB Exams.*/public class ChameleonCritter extends Critter{/*** Randomly selects a neighbor and changes this critter’s color to be the same as that neighbor’s.* If there are no neighbors, no action is taken.*/public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors){int n = actors.size();if (n == 0)return;int r = (int) (Math.random() * n);Actor other = actors.get(r);setColor(other.getColor());}/*** Turns towards the new location as it moves.*/public void makeMove(Location loc){setDirection(getLocation().getDirectionToward(loc));super.makeMove(loc);}}Appendix E — GridWorld Quick Reference Location Class(implements Comparable)public Location(int r, int c)public int getRow()public int getCol()public Location getAdjacentLocation(int direction)public int getDirectionToward(Location target)public boolean equals(Object other)public int hashCode()public int compareTo(Object other)public String toString()NORTH, EAST, SOUTH, WEST, NORTHEAST, SOUTHEAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST LEFT, RIGHT, HALF_LEFT, HALF_RIGHT, FULL_CIRCLE, HALF_CIRCLE, AHEADGrid<E> Interfaceint getNumRows()int getNumCols()boolean isValid(Location loc)E put(Location loc, E obj)E remove(Location loc)E get(Location loc)ArrayList<Location> getOccupiedLocations()ArrayList<Location> getValidAdjacentLocations(Location loc)ArrayList<Location> getEmptyAdjacentLocations(Location loc)ArrayList<Location> getOccupiedAdjacentLocations(Location loc) ArrayList<E> getNeighbors(Location loc)Actor Classpublic Actor()public Color getColor()public void setColor(Color newColor)public int getDirection()public void setDirection(int newDirection)public Grid<Actor> getGrid()public Location getLocation()public void putSelfInGrid(Grid<Actor> gr, Location loc)public void removeSelfFromGrid()public void moveTo(Location newLocation)public void act()public String toString()Rock Class(extends Actor)public Rock()public Rock(Color rockColor)public void act()Flower Class(extends Actor)public Flower()public Flower(Color initialColor)public void act()Bug Class(extends Actor)public Bug()public Bug(Color bugColor)public void act()public void turn()public void move()public boolean canMove()BoxBug Class(extends Bug)public BoxBug(int n)public void act()Critter Class(extends Actor)public void act()public ArrayList<Actor> getActors()public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors)public ArrayList<Location> getMoveLocations()public Location selectMoveLocation(ArrayList<Location> locs) public void makeMove(Location loc)ChameleonCritter Class(extends Critter)public void processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors)public void makeMove(Location loc)Appendix G Source Code IndexAppendix G — Index for Source CodeThis appendix provides an index for the Java source code found in Appendix C.Bug.javaBug() C1 Bug(Color bugColor) C1 act() C1 turn() C1 move() C2 canMove() C2BoxBug.javaBoxBug(int length) C3 act() C3Critter.javaact() C4 getActors() C4 processActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors) C5 getMoveLocations() C5 selectMoveLocation(ArrayList<Location> locs) C5makeMove(Location loc) C6ChameleonCritter.javaprocessActors(ArrayList<Actor> actors) C6 makeMove(Location loc) C6。