Chapter1_Introduction to Course - 副本


chapter 1 Introduction (to style)

chapter 1 Introduction (to style)

Mark Twain
And he grew up and married, and raised a large family, and brained them all with an axe one night, and got wealthy by all manner of cheating and rascality; and now he is the infernalist wickedest scoundrel in his native village, and is universally respected, and belongs to the Legislature. So you see there never was a bad James in the Sunday-school books that had such a streak of luck as this sinful Jim with the charmed life. (The Story Of The Bad Little Boy)
Charles Dickens
那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代; 那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那是信 仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是光明的季 节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希望的春天,那 是失望的冬天;我们全都在直奔天堂,我们 全都在直奔相反的方向。
Mark Twain
Thus perished the good little boy who did the best he could, but didn't come out according to the books. Every boy who ever did as he did prospered except him. His case is truly remarkable. It will probably never be accounted for. (The Story Of The Good Little Boy)

跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication

跨文化交际导论(英文版)(第二版) Chapter 1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication

(1) Intercultural communication (2) Cross-cultural communication (跨文 化传播) (3) International communication (4) Comparative mass communication (比较大众传播)
Core Content of ICC
(Rich and Gudykunst)
Intercultural Communication
(Gudykunst and Hammer, 1987)

Four Categories of ICC
Question for Discussion:

1. Can you distinguish intercultural and crosscultural communication? Please give specific examples to illustrate international, interethnic, interracial communication. 2. Compare the core content of intercultural communication study as proposed by Rich and Gudykunst. 3. Please try to come up with at least 3 cases in your daily life to illustrate the features of intercultural communication phenomenon.

第一堂课 - 副本

第一堂课 - 副本
3. How should we plan our twenties according to Meg‟s suggestion?
Video Watching and Question Answering
1. Why 30 is the new 20
• "Thirty's the new 20," Alex would say, and as far as I could tell, she was right. Work happened later, marriage happened later, kids happened later, even death happened later. Twentysomethings like Alex and I had nothing but time. • Because people in modern society settle down later(usually at their 30s) than they used to (at their 20s)
• “虽然现在没有(和一个傻瓜结婚),她也许会和 下一个结婚。同时,致力于Alex婚姻问题的最佳 时期是在她结婚之前,(而不是在她结婚之后)。 • 20 is our defining decade of adult development.
Video Watching and Question Answering
Video Watching and Question Answering
1. Why do Meg and Alex think at first “30 is the new 20” is true? 2. Why does Meg later believe that 30 is not the new 20?

Chapter 1 -- Introduction to Sociology

Chapter 1 -- Introduction to Sociology
Baudrillard, Jameson, Lyotard Life is the chocolates
Auguste Comte -- French Emile Durkheim – French* Max Weber – German* Karl Marx – German* Talcott Parsons - American

Developed comparative typologies of
▪ Mechanical and Organic
Low division of Labor
Roles were specific Tight knit groups Large primary groups Occupations were

Sociological Imagination
Understanding large scale changes and
individual behavior The structural links between social change and individual behavior The ability to see the larger picture

Capitalism Owners now exploit workers for profit Private ownership of property is the key component Work for the self has disappeared False consciousness is dominant Alienation ▪ Destruction of social relationships ▪ Self, Product, Peers, Process

Chapter One Introduction

Chapter One Introduction

Chapter One: Introduction1. Linguistics and English linguistics1) As the name suggests, linguistics is the study of language in general and of particular languages, their structure, grammar, history, culture, and so on.2) According to John Lyons(约翰·莱昂斯),linguistics is divided into types: general linguistics(普通语言学)and descriptive linguistics (描述语言学).A. Differences:i. General linguistics deals with language in general, or the whole human language. Descriptive linguistics studies particular languages.ii. General linguistics aims at developing a theory that describes the rules of human language in general. Descriptive linguistics attempts to establish models that describe the rules of particular languages like Chinese, German, English, etc.B. Relationship:They explicitly or implic itly depend on each other.i. On the one hand, general linguistics provides descriptive linguistics with a general framework in which a particular language can be analyzed and described.ii. On the other hand, the descriptions of particular languages, in turn, supply empirical evidence which may confirm or refute the model(s) put forward by general linguists. Thus, general linguistics and descriptive linguistics are complementary to each other.3) English linguistics is a kind of descriptive linguistics. It deals with a particular language --- English, for the purpose of constructing a model to represent the unconscious linguistic knowledge possessed by a fluent English speaker.Actually the study of any particular language is a kind of descriptive linguistics.2. The nature of language(s)Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols, which is creative, double-structured and changeable.1) Language is a system.i. Every language consists of a set of rules, including phonological rules, morphological rules, syntactic rules, semantic rules, grammatical rules, and so on. These rules underlie people's actual speech or writing.ii. In de Saussure's(索绪尔)term, the system of language is called langue(语言体系)and the speaker's speech is called parole (言语).iii. According to Chomsky(乔姆斯基), competence(语言知识)is "the speaker-hearer's knowledge of his language",while performance(言语行为)is "the actual use of language in concrete situations".iv. Langue or competence is abstract and not directly observed, while parole or performance is concrete and directly observable. It has to take in a definite time and place, and in a particular situation.2) Language is symbolic.i. What is a symbol? How many parts does a symbol consist of?A symbol is essentially made up of two parts: a concrete object or form, and the meaning or the idea that it conveys.ii. There are a few words which cannot be classified as symbols such as the, a, an, etc.3) Language is a system of vocal symbols.i. Two types: visual symbols, auditory symbolsii. Not all sounds produced by human speech organs are linguistic symbols. For example, sneezes, coughs and so on usually do not have symbolic value.iii. Language is primarily speech, and not the written form. Three reasons: A. Biolog ically speaking, children begin to learn to speak much earlier than to learn to read and write. B. Functionally speaking, the spoken form is used more frequently than the written form in our daily life. C. Historically speaking, all human languages were spoken before they were written and there are still many languages in the world today which have not been written down.4) Language is arbitrary.i. The relationship between the sounds and their meaning is arbitrary.ii. By saying language is arbitrary, we mean that we cannot give a reason why a certain linguistic form should represent a certain meaning and why a certain meaning should be represented by a certain form.iii. It does not imply that any individual speaker has the freedom to determine the pronunciation of a word.5) Language is creative.i. Every language contains an infinite number of sentences, which, however, are generated by a small set of rules and a finite set of words.ii. The length of a sentence has no limit in theory.6) Language is double-structured.Two levels: grammatically --- meaningful and sound --- meaningless7) Language is changeable.Language has changes in three systems: sound system, lexical system and grammatical system.3. Scientific method3.0 Definition: Generally speaking, a scientific method is the procedure adopted by scientists in conducting their investigation and establishing their conclusion.3.1 Scientific method in generalFour stages: collecting data, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis and drawing conclusions3.2 Scientific method in linguisticsFour stages: gather data, construct a tentative rule, examine the tentative rule, finalize the ruleAn important principle --- objectivity3.2.1 ObjectivityThree common linguistic biasesA. Some languages are primitive and some languages are advanced.B. Only the standard variety is the pure form of a language.C. Change is not natural for living languages and such a change is a sign of corruption and decay.3.2.2 Sources of dataA. Collecting data is the initial work for any linguistic description.B. If the linguist describes a language that he does not know himself, he may find a suitable native speaker of that language as his informant((为语言学调查)提供资料的本地人),who is usually a bilingual.3.2.3 Rules constructionA. The essential task of linguistic description is to construct rules which may account for a native speaker's implicit knowledge about the language.B. How does a linguist construct a rule?Step 1: the linguist starts with collecting data.Step 2: based on the data collected, he may construct a very simple rule as a tentative version.Step 3: then he examines the tentative rule against further data. If the additional data do not agree with it, he has to modify it.Step 4: he keeps on testing the rule and, accordingly, revising the rule until the rule can account for all the relevant data collected.Attention: very likely, the data gathered are not complete. Thus, the rule formed is open to further modifications.4. The goal of linguistics4.0 Definition: the goal of linguistics is to establish a model of a native speaker's competence.4.1 Modeli. There are two kinds of models:A. a physical or literal model --- it can be used to investigate the function and construction of the real object.B. a conceptual or theoretical model --- it can be used to examine something unobservable such as the nature of economy.Which type does a model of the competence of a native speaker belong to? --- The latter.ii. Two features of an adequate model of competence: explicitness(明确性)and generativeness(生成性)A. By saying a model is explicit, we mean that the rules of the language the model contains are clearly defined.B. By saying a model is generative, we mean that we can use a finite set of rules to generate an infinite number of sentences.4.2 CompetenceA native speaker has four types of linguistic knowledge: phonological knowledge(音位知识), morphological knowledge(词法知识), syntactic knowledge(句法知识)and semantic knowledge(语义知识)i. Phonological knowledge is a native speaker's intuition about the sounds and sound patterns of his language.ii. Morphological knowledge is a native speaker's intuition about how a word is formed.iii. Syntactic knowledge is a native speaker's intuition about whether a sentence is grammatical or not.iv. Semantic knowledge is a native speaker's intuition about the meaning of language.5. Sub-branches of linguistics1) Phonetics(语音学)is the study of speech sounds of all human languages. It deals with questions like how speech sounds are produced, transmitted and perceived, how English sounds are classified and described.2) Phonology (音系学)is the science that deals with the sound system of a language.3) Morphology(词法、形态学)deals with word formation and the internal structure of words.4) Syntax(句法)is concerned with how words are combined to form phrases and how phrases are combined by rules to form sentences.5) Semantics(语义学)is the study of the meaning of words and sentences6. Saussure: The Father of Modern Linguistics1) When did modern linguistics start? --- At the beginning of the 20th century.2) What are the most influential schools of modern linguistics? --- Structural linguistics(结构语言学)and Transformational-generative Grammar (TG Grammar)(转换生成语法)3) Who is commonly acknowledged as the father of modern linguistics? --- Ferdinand de Saussure4) Why is he regarded as the founder of modern linguistics?Answer:1。

《会计专业英语》Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting

《会计专业英语》Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting
Chapter 1 Introduction to Accounting
▪ 1.1 What is accounting ▪ 1.2 Forms of business entities ▪ 1.3 Business activities ▪ 1.4 Users of accounting information ▪ 1.5 Types of accounting ▪ 1.6 Careers in accounting
Internal users
➢ Internal users are employees of an enterprise and are directly involved in managing and operating the business.
➢ From basic labor categories to chief executive officers, all employees are paid, and their paychecks are generated by the accounting information system.
➢ Resources owned by a business are called capital assets. ➢ Assets have different types and names. Various, non-current,
and tangible assets are called property, plant, and equipment (PPE).
Investing activity
➢ Investing activities involve the purchase of the resources a company needs in order to operate.

Chapter 1-1

Chapter 1-1

Language is ……
What is language?
Comments on the following ideas
1. Language is a means of communication. 2. Language has a form-meaning correspondence. 3. The function of language is to exchange information.
The subject matter of linguistics
• The subject matter of linguistics is all natural languages, living or dead. • It studies the origin, growth, organization, nature and development of languages. • It discovers the general rules and principles governing languages.
Phonetics (语音学)
• It is the scientific study of speech sounds, including the articulation, transmission and reception of speech sounds, the description and classification of speech sounds. • [b] 双唇爆破辅音
• Linguistics differs from traditional grammar at least in three basic ways:



From national accounting standards to global standards
• Advantages of a single set of global accounting standards:
– – – – – – – – – – – More accurate and timely information. Lower risk for small investors. Easier access to foreign capital markets. Increased credibility of domestic capital markets among foreign capital providers and potential foreign merger partners. Increased credibility of financial statements of companies in lessdeveloped countries. Lower cost of capital for companies. No need for reconciliation another country’s accounting standards. Comparability of financial data across borders. Increased market efficiency. Greater transparency and greater understandability. Reduced national standard-setting costs.
Advanced accounting and international financial reporting standards Pag. 5



管理学第9版练习题英文版附答案1Chapter 1 Introduction to Management and Organizations TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONSA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1.Today’s managers are just as likely to be women as they are men.2.Management affects employee morale but not a company’s financial performance.WHO ARE MANAGERS?3.In order to be considered a manager, an individual must coordinate the work of others.4.Supervisors and foremen may both be considered first-line managers.WHAT IS MANAGEMENT?5.Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.6.Effectiveness is concerned with the means of getting things done, while efficiency is concerned withthe attainment of organizational goals.7. A goal of efficiency is to minimize resource costs.8.Efficiency is often referred to as “doing things right.”9.Managers who are effective at meeting organizational goals always act efficiently.WHAT DO MANAGERS DO?10.The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.11.Determining who reports to whom is part of the controlling function of management.12.Directing and motivating are part of the controllingfunction of management.13.Fayol’s management functions are basically equivalent to Mintzberg’s management roles.14.The roles of figurehead, leader, and liaison are all interpersonal roles.15.Disturbance handler is one of Mintzberg’s interpersonal roles.16.Mintzberg’s informational management role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminatinginformation.17.Mintzberg’s resource allocation role is similar to Fayol’s planning function because it involves thecoordination of employee’s activities.18.Resource allocation and disturbance handling are both considered decisional roles.19.A finance manager who reads the Wall Street Journal ona regular basis would be performing thefigurehead role.20.Katz found that managers needed three essential skills: technical, human, and informational.21.Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.22.Conceptual skills become less important as a manager moves into top management.23.Interpersonal skills involve a manager’s ability to think about abstract situations.24.Coaching and budgeting are skills closely related to the management function of leading.25.Budgeting is a skill that is related to both planning and controlling.26.In today’s world, organizational managers at all levels and in all areas need to encourage theiremployees to be on the look-out for new ideas and new approaches.27.Only first-line managers and employees need to be concerned with being customer-responsive.28.Innovation is only important in high-tech firms.WHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION?29.A distinct purpose is important in defining an organization.30.A nontaxable organization, such as the United Way, cannot be considered an organization. MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.A MANAGER’S DILEMM A31.Which of the following statements regarding managers in today’s world is accurate?a.Their age range is limited to between 30 and 65.b.They are found only in large corporations.c.They can be found exclusively in for-profit organizations.d.The single most important variable in employee productivity and loyalty is the quality of therelationship between employees and their direct supervisors.32.According to data collected by Catalyst, a nonprofit research group, _________ percent of corporateofficers in Fortune 500 companies are women.a.55.3b.15.7c.39.7d.21.9WHO ARE MANAGERS?33.Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order toaccomplish organizational goals is assembly line workerb. a laborerc. a managerd. a salesperson34.In the past, nonmanagerial employees were viewed as employees who ___________.a.reported to top executivesb.reported to middle managersc.supervised othersd.had no others reporting to them35.Which of the following types of managers is responsible for making organization-wide decisions andestablishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization?a.first-line managersc.production managersd.research managers36.All levels of management between the supervisory level and the top level of the organization aretermed _____________.a.middle managersb.first-line managersc.supervisorsd.foremen37.Which of the following levels of management is associated with positions such as executive vicepresident, chief operating officer, chief executive officer, and chairman of the board? leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managers38.Agency head or plant manager is most likely associated with which of the following? leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managers39.The lowest level of management is ______________.a. a nonmanagerial employeeb. a department of research managerc. a vice presidentd. a first-line manager40.Supervisor is another name for which of the following? leaderb.middle managerc.first-line manager41.Managers with titles such as regional manager, project leader, or plant manager are_______________.a.first-line managersc.production managersd.middle managers42.Which of the following best reflects the management structure of a traditional organization?a.pyramidb.circlec.hub with spokesd.infinite line43.Division manager is associated with which of the following levels of management? leadersb.middle managersc.first-line managersWHAT IS MANAGEMENT?44._____________ is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with andthrough other people.a.Leadingb.Managementc.Supervisiond.Controlling45.The distinction between a managerial position and a nonmanagerial position is _______________.a.planning the work of othersb.coordinating the work of othersc.controlling the work of others/doc/b815723333.html,anizing the work of others46.Which of the following is an example of an efficient manufacturing technique?a.cutting inventory levelsb.increasing the amount of time to manufacture productsc.increasing product reject ratesd.decreasing product output47.Wasting resources is considered to be an example of managerial _____________.a.efficiencyb.effectivenessc.inefficiencyd.ineffectiveness48.An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same cost, butwith many defects, would be _____________.a.efficient and effectiveb.increasing efficiencyc.increasing effectivenessd.concerned with inputs49.Effectiveness is synonymous with _____________.a.cost minimizationb.resource controlc.goal attainmentd.efficiency50.Efficiency refers to _____________.a.the relationship between inputs and outputsb.the additive relationship between costs and benefitsc.the exponential nature of costs and outputsd.increasing outputs regardless of cost51.In successful organizations, ______________.a.low efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in handb.high efficiency and low effectiveness go hand in handc.high efficiency and high effectiveness go hand in handd.high efficiency and high equity go hand in hand52.Whereas _____________ is concerned with the means of getting things done, _____________ isconcerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.a.effectiveness; efficiencyb.efficiency; effectivenessc.effectiveness; goal attainmentd.goal attainment; efficiencyWHAT DO MANAGERS DO?MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS53.How many management functions were originally proposed in the early part of the twentieth century?a.threeb.fourc.fived.nine54._____________ was a French industrialist who first identified the basic management functions.a.Weberb.Taylorc.Herzbergd.Fayol55.Today, the basic management functions are considered to be ______________.a.planning, coordinating, staffing, and directingb.planning, organizing, leading, and directing/doc/b815723333.html,manding, organizing, leading, and staffingd.planning, organizing, leading, and controlling56.Which of the following management functions from the mid-1950s is no longer included in the basicfunctions of management?/doc/b815723333.html,mandingb.staffingc.leadingd.controlling57.Writing an organizational strategic plan is an example of the ______________ management function.a.leadingb.coordinatingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing/doc/b815723333.html,anizing includes _____________.a.defining organizational goalsb.hiring organizational membersc.motivating organizational membersd.determining who does what tasks59.A manager resolving conflict among organizational members is performing what function?a.controlling/doc/b815723333.html,mandingc.directingd.leading60.The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is called _____________.a.controllingb.coordinatingc.leading/doc/b815723333.html,anizingMANAGEMENT ROLES61.__________ developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do, consisting of 10different but highly interrelated roles.a.Henri Fayolb.Henry Fordc.Henry Mintzbergd.Henry Morris62.According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the _____________ roles are those that involve peopleand other duties that are ceremonial and symbolic in nature./doc/b815723333.html,rmationalb.interpersonalc.technicald.decisional63.The roles of disseminator, figurehead, negotiator, liaison, and spokesperson are more important atthe __________ levels of the organization.a.lowerb.middlec.higherd.supervisory64.Which of the following is not an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokespersonb.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocator65.A human resource manager attending a local Society for Human Resource Management meetingwould be functioning in which role?/doc/b815723333.html,rmationalb.leaderc.liaisond.disseminator66.A finance manager who reads the Wall Street Journal ona regular basis would be performing whichrole?a.figureheadb.monitorc.disseminatord.interpersonal67.The _____________ role is more important for lower-level managers than it is for either middle- ortop-level managers.a.leaderb.entrepreneurc.spokespersond.disseminator68.The emphasis that managers give to various roles seems to be based on their _____________./doc/b815723333.html,anizational levelb.tenure with the organizationc.experience in their fieldd.personality69.Which of the following is not an example of an interpersonal role according to Mintzberg?a.figureheadb.leaderc.liaisond.spokesperson70.According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the ______________ roles involve receiving,collecting, and disseminating information.a.interpersonal/doc/b815723333.html,rmationalc.technicald.decisional71.All of the following are examples of informational roles according to Mintzberg except____________.a.liaisonb.monitorc.disseminatord.spokesperson72.Which of the following is not an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokespersonb.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocator73.All of the following are managerial roles that are more important at the higher levels of theorganization except ________________.a.leaderb.disseminatorc.figureheadd.negotiator74.Which of the fol lowing represents the most useful way of describing the manager’s job?a.rolesb.functionsc.skills/doc/b815723333.html,anizational level75.Many of Mintzberg’s roles align with the basic functions of management. For example, the_____________ role is a part of planning.a.figureheadb.leaderc.liaisond.resource allocation76.All three o f Mintzberg’s interpersonal roles are part of the _____________ function./doc/b815723333.html,anizingb.planningc.leadingd.controllingMANAGEMENT SKILLS77.Which of the following identified the three essential managerial skills?a.Katzb.Lewisbergc.Rainesd.Chambers78.The three essential managerial skills include _____________.a.technical, human, and empiricalb.human, empirical, and conceptualc.technical, interpersonal, and controllingd.technical, human, and conceptual79.Understanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor.a.humanb.technicalc.conceptuald.empirical80.Which of the following is true concerning technical and managerial skills?a.Human skills and technical skills remain equally important as managers move to higher levels.b.Technical-skill needs remain necessary and human skills decrease as managers move to higherlevels.c.Human skills remain necessary and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higherlevels.d.Both human-skill and technical-skill needs decrease as managers move to higher levels.81.Managers with good __________ are able to get the best out of their people.a.human skillsb.conceptual skillsc.technical skillsd.visual skills82.Technical skills include _______________.a.leadership and efficiency in a certain specialized fieldb.knowledge of and proficiency in a certain specialized fieldc.familiarity with and interest in a general field of endeavord.skill and interest in a general field of endeavor83.The ability to work well with other people, both individually and in a group, requires________________.a.technical skillsb.assessment skillsc.planning skillsd.human skills84.Which of the following types of skills are described with terms such as abstract situations andvisualization?a.interpersonalb.humanc.technicald.conceptual85.Which one of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?a.decision making/doc/b815723333.html,municating with customers/doc/b815723333.html,ing information to solve business problemsd.product knowledge86.Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management, as these managersare dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work?a.humanb.technicalc.conceptuald.empirical87.Budgeting is associated with the management functions of planning and _____________.a.directing/doc/b815723333.html,anizingc.leadingd.controlling88.Mentoring is primarily associated with the management function of _____________.a.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizingc.leadingd.controllingWHAT IS AN ORGANIZATION?89.An organization is ______________.a.the physical location where people workb. a collection of individuals working for the same companyc. a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purposed. a group of individuals focused on profit making for their shareholders90.One of the common characteristics of all organizations is ____________, which is typicallyexpressed in terms of the organization’s goals.a.its peopleb.its goalsc.its systematic structured.its purpose91.One of the common characteristics of all organizations is _____________, which clarifies members’work relationships.a.its peopleb.its goalsc.its deliberate structured.its purpose92.A deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose is _____________.a. a structure.b. a assembly operation93.A difference between traditional organizations and new organizations is that the new organizationstend to be more _____________.a.stable/doc/b815723333.html,mand orientedc.rule orientedd.dynamicWHY STUDY MANAGEMENT?94.Which of the following best describes the concept that management is needed in all types and sizesof organizations, no matter the country in which they’re located?a.the partiality of managementb.the segmentation of managementc.the universality of managementd.the cultures of management95.Universality of management means that _____________a.all managers in all organizations perform the four management functionsb.all managers in all organizations can perform their job thesame wayc.all organizations can hire any manager to perform the management jobsd.any manager can work in any organization and perform any management job96.As members of the general public, we have a vested interest in improving the way organizations aremanaged because _________________.a.we stand to benefit personally from an individual organization’s profitsb.we interact with organizations every single day of our livesc.if organizations don’t improve, we won’t have a place to work in the future/doc/b815723333.html,anizations supply inputs to other organizations/doc/b815723333.html,anizations that are well managed ____________.a.choose the best suppliers for their products/doc/b815723333.html,pete on an international basis because they have the best productsc.always have the lowest-cost productsd.develop a loyal customer base, grow, and prosper98.According to management expert Peter Drucker, management is about ______________.a.profitsb.peoplec.planningd.participation99.Which of the following types of managerial positions is most likely to involve clerical duties?a.shift supervisorb.regional department headc.project managerd.chief executive officer100. A manager’s success is typically _______________.a.dependent on how hard the manager closely the manager supervises the employeesc.based on how skilled the manager is at the technical elements of the jobd.dependent on others’ work performance101. A primary responsibility of managers is creating a work environment that safe and well clean and organizedc.allows employees to do their work to the best of their abilityd.provides excellent customer service102.Managers often ______________.a.are prevented from making business decisionsb.change their career paths during their work livesc.have opportunities to think creatively and use their imaginationsd.must depend on their employees for guidance in dealing with superiors103.Which of the following represents a challenge of management?a.enjoy relatively easy with a variety of peoplec.have little influence on organizational outcomesd.have to deal with a variety of personalities104.Each of the following represents a challenge of management except _______________.a.must operate with limited resourcesb.are highly valued by organizationsc.must motivate workers in uncertain situationsd.success depends on others’ performanceSCENARIOS AND QUESTIONSFor each of the following choose the answer that most completely answers the question.WHO ARE MANAGERS?Managerial Basic Training (Scenario)Imagine that your marketing company has just merged with a manufacturing organization. You have been asked to help provide some “basic” managerial training to the engineers in the research and development unit of the new sister company. To make sure you are covering the necessary issues, your boss has asked to see an overview of materials that you will be providing the engineers.105.Now that both companies are merged and are a systematic arrangement of people set to accomplish a specific purpose, they could be described as a(n) unitb.multinational company/doc/b815723333.html,anizationd.holding company106.One of the first things the engineers need to learn is that _____________ are the people who direct the activities of others in an organization.a.directorsb.managersc.subordinatesd.line workers107.Another fact that engineers need to learn is that supervisors may frequently be referred to as _____________.a.middle managersc.project leadersd.first-line managers108.Many of the engineers in the group are unclear about what managers actually do. Your training materials explain that a manager’s job focuses on _____________.a.the performance of clerical dutiesb.personal achievementc.helping others accomplish their work goalsd.supervising groups rather than individual employeesThe Customer Meeting (Scenario)Kelly, a production supervisor, is responsible for 10 employees who assemble components into a finished product that is sold to distributors. Kelly reports to Ben, a production manager, who in turn reports to Dan, a general manager, who reports to McKenna, a vice president of operations. Recently, McKenna asked Dan to have a meeting with Kelly and Ben regarding some customer concerns in the production area. The focus of the meeting was to judge the validity of the customer concerns, and to develop a specific plan to address these concerns.109.What is the commonality among Kelly, Ben, Dan, and McKenna?a.They all produce the same product.b.They all have the same job content.c.They all are managers.d.They all have the same vision.110.Kelly is considered to be what level of management? managerb.superintendent of assemblyc.middle managerd.first-line manager111.Ben and Dan are considered to be what level of management? managersb.middle managersc.superintendents of assemblyd.first-line managers112.McKenna is considered to be what level of management? managerb.superintendent of assemblyc.middle managerd.first-line manager113.The structure of the managerial relationships among McKenna, Dan, Ben, and Kelly can best be described as a ____________.a.flexible work groupb.traditional pyramid structurec.innovative nuclear structure/doc/b815723333.html,munication hubWHAT IS MANAGEMENT?The Perfect Manager (Scenario)Brenda Kraft has proven herself to be an able manager. Her section has a high project completion rate with the highest-quality product and the lowest defects in her division. In addition,she accomplishes this with fewer full-time people than other managers. Some say that the secret of her success is in her ability to delegate responsibility and her understanding of the basic “management functions.”114.Brenda’s ability to complete activities efficiently and effectively with and through other people is known as _____________.a.managementb.leadershipc.coerciond.delegation115.Brenda’s ability to produce the same amount of product with fewer personnel is a reflection of her ___________.a.effectivenessb.process skillsc.leadershipd.efficiency116.The fact that Brenda completes her projects is an indication of her _____________ as a manager.a.leadershipb.effectivenessc.efficiencyd.attention to detail117.If Brenda accomplished her projects on time with high-quality results, but she took more time than other managers in the process, you could say that as a manager she was ____________.a.efficient, but not effectiveb. a leader, but not a top managerc.project oriented, but not effectived.effective, but not efficient118.The “management functions” exemplified by Brenda include all but which of the following?a.planningb.controlling/doc/b815723333.html,anizingd.calibratingWHAT DO MANAGERS DO?Joe the Manager (Scenario)As a production supervisor, Joe decides on Friday afternoon how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run in his department. He also decides which of his employees are going to be responsible for operating which machines within the department next week, as his employees are multi-skilled assemblers. On Monday, he informs his employees of their assignments to specific machines by handing out assignment sheets. He tells the employees that the schedule is going to be difficult this week due to the increased number of units. He goes on to tell them that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees. Each day during the week, Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected.119.When Joe decides how many units of output his employees will be able to produce and on which days certain products will be run, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing120.When Joe checks the amount of output that the employees have completed and the number of units that have been rejected, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizing121.When Joe tells the employees that he is sure they can fulfill the schedule because they are such good and skilled employees, he is performing which of the management functions?a.controllingb.leadingc.planning/doc/b815723333.html,anizingThe Busy Day (Scenario)Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of coffee at 5 A.M. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the morning: the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion, and the second to a group of Control Systems managers from the east coast. Don then has a meeting with the unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil’s recent drop in performanc e (a task Don always hates). Next, Don is spending a couple of hours reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief synopsis for his presentation next week to the division president. Finally, in the late afternoon, he will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just anotherday in the glamorous life of a manager. 122.Together, all of the functions that Don performs during his busy day correspond to the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which one of the following management researchers?a.Herzbergb.Skinnerc.Mintzbergd.Fayol123.When Don conducts the tour for the east coast managers, he will be operating in which of the management roles?a.leaderb.liaisonc.monitord.figurehead124.When Don meets with Phil to discuss Phil’s performance issues, Don will be operating in which management role?a.leaderb.figureheadc.monitord.disturbance handler125.What role will Don be performing when he gives the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?a.monitorb.figureheadc.disseminatord.spokesperson126.When Don reviews the new equipment malfunction, what management role will he play when deciding whether to bring in extra people?a.monitorb.disseminatorc.resource allocatord.disturbance handlerThe General Manager (Scenario)Michael is the general manager of a production facility. In a routine day, Michael might meet with city officials or civic leaders about environmental issues due to the plant’s presen ce in the community. After these meetings, he will then meet with the plant’s functional managers to discuss the concerns expressed by the city representatives. Other times, Michael might meet with the production manager, Betty, and the human resource manager, Joyce, to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department. Michael might also spend time on the Internet looking for new technologies that can be used in the production processes of his plant.127.When Michael gains information from city officials or civic l eaders to learn how the plant’s operations may be affecting the environment, he is performing which management role?a.leaderb.resource allocatorc.entrepreneurd.monitor128.When Michael meets with Betty and Joyce to discuss a complaint filed by one of the employees in a production department, he is performing which management role?a.resource allocatorb.disturbance。

Chapter 1 Brief introduction to the country(英美国家概况)

Chapter 1 Brief introduction to the country(英美国家概况)

Chapter 1 Brief introduction to the country (position, area, geographical features, climate)General viewThe United States of America is a federal republic, one of the frequently-mentionedcountries in the world, has established a highly developed national economy within a matter of about two hundred years, counting from the time of its independence. One indisputable factor, perhaps, stems from the generosity of nature. It provides Americans with a large piece of fertile land sandwiched in between two large oceans. The richnatural resources and the variety of climatic conditions all contribute to economic as well as cultural development. Some Americans described their country as a “land of o pportunities” and claimed that “Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man’s habitation.”(Lai, 214) Position and areaThe full name of the countryis the United States of America, abbreviated to the United States (U.S.) or America. Mainland America is situated in the south of North America, mainly within the northern temperate zone. America has two land neighbors: Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The boundary between America and Canada is open and undefended. On the west,the United States borders on the Pacific Ocean which provides convenient sea routes for America’s foreign trade with the Far East. To the east of America lies the large Atlantic Ocean which witnessed numerous European immigrants sailing to their dreamland in the New World.The US consists of 50 states with a total area of about 9.4 million square kilometerswhich makes it the fourth largest country in the world. Two states are separated from the continental United States: Alaska which faces Russia across the Bering Strait, is separated from mainland America by Canada; Hawaii lies about 3200 kilometres away to the west and in the Pacific Ocean. Besides the 50 states, the United States also includes a number ofoverseas territories. The main ones are Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands (in Latin America). Mainland America extends about 5000 kilometres from east to west, and some 2500 kilometers from south to north. Its coastline is about 20 000 kilometres. America’s position on the globe and its relative position in relation to other countries both provideadvantage for the country in its development.(Lai, 217) Canada has been America’s most important trading partner and the trade between America and Mexico is also climbing. The three nations have reached an agreement on establishing the North America Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA).Geographical features (图示)Mainland America can be generally divided into three basic geographical areas or surface regions: the Atlantic Seacoast and the Appalachian Mountains in the east; the great Mississippi River Basin in the middle; and the Rockies west to the Pacific Ocean. (or roughlydivided into : the eastern part, the western part, and the great central plain in between.) (Lai, 217—224) The eastern part is made up of the highlands formed by the Appalachian Range. It holds 1/6 of the national territory. Three components make up this upland belt, the Piedmont Plateau in the east, the Appalachian Plateau in the west and theAppalachian Valley in the middle. The Appalachians are old mountains with rounded tops and densely-wooded hills, usually not exceeding an elevation of 800 metres.In the east of the upland belt lies the Atlantic Coastal Plain (also called the Atlantic Seacoast). It is a wide strip of fairly level country between the Atlantic and the Appalachians. It isthe country (land) of the first European immigrants and the original 13 states. The western part consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range(科迪勒拉山系). From west to east, this mountain system is composed of the Coast Range,(海岸山岭)the Cascades (喀斯喀特山脉),the Sierra Nevada Mountains(内华达山脉)and the Rocky Mountains, “the backbone of the continent”. These high mountains, sharp and rugged, stretch all the way from Mexico to the Arctic, with their tops of bare rock often capped with snow. The whole area of this part holds 1/3 of the country’s territory on the continent. The striking and varied scenery of the Rockies has led to theestablishment of a number of national parks here, 38 in all. One of the most famous is the Yellow Stone National Park. In the park there are deep canyons, towering water falls, great caves far beneath the earth, hot springs and dense virgin forests. The National Grand Canyon Park is also world-famous.Between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the RockyMountains there is a large desert of 170,000 square kilometers. Close to the western edge of this region, there is a particularly lonely stretch of desert known as Death Valley(死谷) with an area of 6700 square kilometers. It is the lowest place with 85 meters below the sea level and the highest temperature in America. Along the Pacific Coast arethe lower and gentler Coast Ranges which include many forested hills and lowlands. Between the Coast Ranges and the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Cascade Mountains are two great valleys: the Great Central Valley in the south and Willamette Valley in the north. The Silicon Valley (硅谷), center of the electronic industry in America, is situated here.Between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians lies the central plain (also the Great Mississippi River Basin)which occupies 1/2 of America’s landmass on the continent. Rivers rising in both mountain chains flow toward each other down the sloping sides of this vast bowl, emptying into the mighty Mississippi River, the“Father of Waters”. The northeastern part of the Mississippi Basin is also known as the Middle West, or Midwest (also called the central lowlands), which is the most important agricultural area in the US. The western part of the central plain is also called the Great Plains. The Great Plains run north and south through the entire country, covering adistance of about 640 kilometres in width. With a sparse population and featureless level ground, they display best America’s largeness. Now many large tracts of land in this area have been turned into agricultural fields. This area is still important for beef production.The US has many rivers and lakes. The longest riveris the Mississippi, 2 348 miles (3 779km) long. Next is the Missouri, 2 115 miles (3 725) from its most distant headwater to its mouth in the Mississippi. The combinedMissouri-Mississippi is the third longest river in the world. The most important lakes in America are the Great Lakes including Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron,Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario, covering an area of about 240 000 square kilometres. Only Lake Michigan belongs to America completely while the other four are shared with Canada. These five lakes are the largest lake group in the world and contain about half of the world’s fresh water. Climate(Luo, 5)The climate in the US variesfrom coast to coast. Temperatures change from 20 degrees centigrade below in winter to nearly 25 centigrade above zero in summer. Taking the country as a whole, the climate belongs to the continental or the mild subtropical climate. The southwest and California have warmer climates with moist air. In the western plateau including Nevada, Arizona,Utah and parts of Idaho and Colorado, days are hot and nights cool. The weather is dry and there is little rain. In the northeast and the areas around the Great Lakes, the weather is hot in summer and cold in winter. There is much rain and snow. The Gulf Plain and the southeastern part enjoy warm weather and moist air. In the central plain the weather is hot in summerand cold in winter during which there is much snow. Almost through the middle of the country, north and south runs a well-known 50 centimeter Rainfall Line, in the east of which there is comparatively more rain so agriculture is easy ; but in the west of which there is much less rain with the exception of the coastal areas along the Pacific.1)A humid continentalclimate(湿润的大陆性气候) is found in the north-eastern part of the country.2)In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate.(湿润的亚热带气候---东南部)3)The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate海洋性气候--太平洋西北岸)4)The southern part of thePacific coast in California (加州太平洋沿岸南部)has a Mediterranean climate (地中海式气候)with warm, dry summers and moist winters.Many factors besides latitude influence the climate in the United States. Perhaps the most important forces are the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Gulf of Mexico ,and the GreatLakes.影响美国气候的最主要的因素为:太平洋,和大西洋,墨西哥湾,五大湖。



可行性报告范文英文篇一:可行性研究报告(英文) - 副本4,000,000 tons laterite-nickel oreProject in IndonesiaFeasibility Study ReportChapter 1 General Introduction1.1 Overview of the project.......................................................... . (7)1.2 Research conclusions of the project established (8)1.2.1 Market prospects (8)1.2.2 Supply of the raw material (8)1.2.3 Policy protection (9)1.2.4 Capital assurance (9)1.2.5 Organization guarantee (9)1.2.6 Technical support (9)1.2.7 HR building (9)1.2.8 Risk control (10)1.2.9 Financial Benefit conclusion (11)Social benefits conclusion (11)compositive estimation of the projectestablished (11)1.3 Main technical and economic indexes............................................ (11)Chapter 2 Background of the Project2.1 The background of construction (13)2.2 The necessity of construction (13)2.3The feasibility of construction (13)2.3.1 Economic feasibility (13)2.3.2 Policy feasibility (14)2.3.3 Technical feasibility (14)2.3.4 Model feasibility (14)2.3.5 Organization and HR feasibility (15)Chapter 3 Project Analysis and Forecasting3.1 The market scale survey (15)3.2The market competence survey (16)3.3 The market prospect forecasting (17)3.4 The product schemes and construction scale (17)3.5 The forecast of the product salesrevenue (18)Chapter 4 Construction conditions and site selection4.1 Resources and raw materials (18)4.2 Selection area for the construction (19)4.3 Site selection (19)Chapter 5 Plant Know-How5.1 Project composition (20)5.2 Technical solutions in production (21)of process technical scheme (21)5.2.2 Process flow (23)5.2.3 Brief outline of the process (25)5.3 29 full intelligent tunnel kiln (26)5.3.1 Brief description of the tunnel kiln development (26)5.3.2 Structure of the tunnel kiln (27)5.3.3 Kiln structure (29)5.3.4 Main technical parameters of the tunnel kiln (34)5.3.5 Comparative advantages and disadvantages of the rotary and tunnel kiln (35)5.4 24 setsφ3. 6m two-stage gas furnace, air-cooled, cooling process cold gas stations (36)5.4.1 Overview of gas furnace (36)5.4.2 Planning designbasis (37)5.4.3 Project scale and main technical requirements (38)5.4.4 National standard (adopted or referenced) (38)5.4.5 Design of gas station (39)5.4.6 Brief outline of the process and advantages in energy saving and environment protection (43)5.4.7 Flowing process............................................ . (44)5.4.8 Main characters of φ3.6m two stages generator (48)5.4.9 Electronic control and instrument system in gas station (49)Pipe network system in gas station............................................ .. (49)Coal feedingsystem............................................. (51)Gas wet desulfurization.................................... . (51)Manufacturing standards, testing standards, acceptance criteria,detection means.............................................. . (55)Gas preparation and safe production of gas station (56)Gas preparation and firefighting of gas station (57)The organization and working personnels of the gas station (57)Direct cost calculating........................................ .. (57)Device configuration detail of gas system (58)5.5 Material balance, water balance, nickelelement balance, gas balance, andequipment capacity matched of the project............................................ (61)5.5.1 Material balance, water balance, nickel element balance, gasbalance ........................................... ................................................... .. (62)5.5.2 Main equipment scheme in production......................................... . (64)5.6 Working system............................................. .. (68)5.7 Production inspection......................................... (68)5.8 General layout and transportation, utility and ancillaryengineering........................................ ................................................... . (68)Chapter 6 Environmental Protection and Labor Safety6.1 Environmental state of the construction region (77)篇二:外商投资企业可行性研究报告范本(英文)Feasible Research ReportThe project of company ,which is invested and held byCo.,Ltd ,has been accepted to set up by Foreign Economic and Trade Commission. On the basis of that , making feasible research report is examined and approved by Feng Xian district People’s Government.A. The basic condition of the project:1. The company’s name : Co.,Ltd.English Name: Co.,Ltd.2.Registered Address:3.Investment Scale:The total amount of investment is dollars,the registered capital is dollars.4. Investment Pattern:5. Business Scope :6. Business Scale: Annual Output Value is dollars.7. Business Term: Years.8. Production Marketing:% Export Sales ,% Selling ondomestic marketB. The Investor’s Brief Introduction And Investment Reason Investor: Nationality:Registered Address:Founded in Year in, Company with the Registered Capital of , has mainly been dealing with the Business for years so that selling network spreads all over themarket. The company keeps a good selling tendency in the past few years. Mr., the president of the company,has been engaged in the producing,selling and management in the field of for many years, possessing great attainment in development, designing and production technology. The company has a good reputation in the business circles.Company thinks that the project has a great capacity in the Chinese pany will make use of the advancedTechnology to improve the functions of the products ,the quality of the products and productivity; will strengthen its own ability to develop market ;willintroduce local high-tech talents to research and develop new products mutually, increasing domestic and oversea competition, assisting customers to improve productivity. Therefore ,the production and management of the project is extremely reliable.C. Investment Scale:The total amount of investment is dollars, the Registered Capital is dollars, the balance between the Registered Capital and the total amount of investment is raised by Solely Foreign –funded Company. The Registered Capital of dollars is arranged as follows:D. Production Equipments and Raw Materials:1. The main production equipments of the project will be purchased in the home and oversea market.2. Productive Technological Process.3. Raw Materials:4. The Production Raw Materials are purchased . E. Water ,Electricity and Communication:1. Production Power Supply of the Project is about Kw and Production Water Supply iston per day.2. Perfect traffic and Communication of Feng Xian completely meet Solely Foreign-funded company’s requirement on the production and management.F. Disposals Of The Three Wastes (Waste gas ,water and industrial residue.)There are no Three Wastes discharging in the course of production of the project.The labour production ,Health ,Reducing the temperature and noise in the course of production will be disposed as stipulation of Chinese government.G. Organizational Structure And Staff:1. Organizational Structure: The Soley Foreign-funded Company adopts the system that general manager is responsible for the company under the leadership of the Board of Directors. Setting up corresponding departments according to the requirement of production and management ,the general manager is completely responsible for production and managing activities and the Board ofDirectors.2. There are about staff in the Solely Foreign-funded Company.Except that the higher managerial staff are appointed by the investor.All the other staff are recruited openly and selected on merit ,implemented Labour Contract System. H. The Estimation Of Economic Benefits:According to the project market Estimation ,the Sales income is dollars from the first year to the second year,the SalesIncome is dollars from the third year to the fifth year,the Sales income isdollars from the sixth year to the tenth year.Theestimation of Economic Benefits is divided into three periods.When the Sales income adds up to dollars annually ,the main economic targets are as follows: Sales Income: dollars. Total Cost: dollars.Include:Variable Cost : dollarsFixed Cost :dollarsBefore-tax Profits:dollarsProfits Of The Distribution: dollars Sales Profits Rate: % Capital Profits Rate:%Term Of Return On Investment :EstimateYears.Concrete estimation can been seen from Table One to Table Ten :Table One : The Main Economic Data On Feasible ReportTable Two:Raise MoneyTable Three:The Total Amount Of InvestmentTable Four:Total Depreciation And Stall Selling TableFive:Staff And Salaries Table Six:Cost Estimation Table Seven: Cost TableTable Eight:Profits Estimation I. Conclusion:The project is managed by Solely Foreign-funded Company,whose products are completely exported to some countries and areas such as.The Sales Prospect is goodand the project is equipped with some facilities such as, protecting output quality.Raw Materials are mainly purchase indomestic market.Therefore it is an investment project which cancreate foreign currency.The outputs of the project is completelyexported ,having good economic benefits and having greatcapacity of being resistant to venture.In Feng Xian County ,goodinvestment environment and some perfect municipal infrastructure such as energy,traffic,communication can provide convenient condition for foreign investment .So the project is actively feasible.Signature:Import Equipment ListDollarsTable One : The Main Economic Data On Feasible Report篇三:商务英语可行性报告写作格式及要求商务英语可行性报告写作格式及要求一、商务英语可行性报告写作要求选择一个商务项目,对该项目的可行性进行调查研究与分析,直至确定实施该项目并撰写项目计划,是工商组织经常进行的商务活动。

语言学教程Chapter 1_introduction(1)

语言学教程Chapter 1_introduction(1)
• Without the awareness of the nature and mechanism of our language, we will be ignorant of what constitutes our essential humanity.
Discuss with your neighbors ---• What is language? • What do you know when you claim to know a language?
“Language is a form of human communication by means of a system of symbols principally transmitted by vocal sounds.” --Stuart C. Poole: An Introduction to Linguistics (1999)
Some fundamental views about L
• Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently and without instruction. • Language operates by rules. • All languages have three major components: a sound system, a system of lexicogrammar and a system of semantics. • Everyone speaks a dialect. • Language slowly changes.
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. --Ronald Wardhaugh: Introduction to Linguistics (1977)

人教版高中英语选修计算机英语课件 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers 9. Chapter Summary课件

人教版高中英语选修计算机英语课件 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers 9. Chapter Summary课件

Discuss the uses of the Internet and World Wide Web
Distinguish between system software and application software Differentiate among types, sizes, and functions of computers in each category Describe the role of each element in an information system
Explain how home users, small office/home office users, mobile users, power users, and enterprise users each interact with computers
Discuss how society uses computers in education, finance, government, health care, science, publishing, travel, and manufacturing
Home User
• Personal financial management • Web access • Communications • Entertainment
Small Office/Home Office User
• Look up information • Send and receive e-mail messages • Make telephone calls

阅读材料1 chapter 1-Introduction-to-communication

阅读材料1 chapter 1-Introduction-to-communication

INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONWhat is communication?The word "Communication" is one of the most important words in the English language vocabulary. Lack of communication or the inability of people to communicate effectively causes stress, frustration, anger, resentment, disappointment and misunderstanding. Most of the problems occur at the workplace are due to miscommunication and misunderstanding. Good communication skills of the workers are important and vital for the success of the workplace.If you ask a person "what is communication", he or she may come up with a definition that "communication is transmitting and receiving information". The root meaning of the word'communication' derives from Latin "Communis", meaning 'common' or 'shared'. This word is in the group of words 'communication', 'communism', and 'community'. When you have some information, until you have shared it with another person, you have not communicated it and communication process is not completed by this only. Until he has understood it the way you understand it, the said information has not been shared. Communication is the process of creating shared understanding (Baker, 2000). According to Kaul (1998), communication is a process of interaction.Communication is the tool that makes societies possible. It is not an accident that communication and community have the same word root. There would be no communities without communication and vice versa.Human communication is something people do. It has no life of its own. People make relationship between each other by communication. It is not conducted entirely or even mostly in words. Nonverbal communication occupies a great role in human communication as well as verbal communication.Communication seems to flow through the social system like blood through the individual cardio-vascular system. A human being engages communication from birth to death. You cannot not communicate. Humans are living in groups. So they have to communicate at any moment. It is essential.According to Harold D. Lasswell, there are three social functions in communication.∙Surveillance of the environment.∙Correlation of the different parts of society in responding to environment.∙Transmission of the social heritage from one generation to another.Charles Write added a fourth function to Lasswell's categories.∙EntertainmentCommunication is a science as old as mankind. From the very early stage of the human evolution, humans felt the need of communication. Initially, they made use of body language, signs and symbols to transmit message. With time, signs and symbols were replaced by words and languages.Aristotle proposed the first model of communication. His simplistic model of communication has the components of sender, receiver and message. In his model, the sender is the primary important component. The process of communication is one-way.Lasswell extended the scope of Aristotle's model by emphasizing on the channel of communication. The three factors on which Lasswell put emphasis are - the sender, the message and the channel. His model also proposed a one-way communication process.Shannon and Weaver have integrated the concepts proposed by Aristotle & Lasswell and emphasized the importance of the encoding the message prior to send it to the receiver. It should be encoded in a form, which would be accepted by the receiver. They also recognized the potential of noise in distorting the message. According to these two, flow o?communication is a one-way process. But they have given an important role to feedback process.In 1955, Wilbur Schramm proposed three models of communication - each an improvement of the existing one. His first model was similar to the model of Shannon-Weaver. By his second model, for the first time, the receiver was taken into consideration and his field of knowledge was also thought to be equally important. However these two models were one-way. His third model was a major breakthrough in the field of communication. For the first time it proposed the significance of two-way communication. It necessitated that after decoding the message by the receiver, response should be transmitted to the sender.Importance of communicationWithin the past 30 - 50 years many changes have taken place in the communication field than in the whole history of mankind. These technological improvements enable us 10 communicate faster more efficiently and effectively. We have got e-mail, Internet, fax, telephones, pagers, mobile phones, etc. However the question is "Do we communicate more effectively"? The answer is "No".Children today have less opportunity to communicate and learn people's skills. Many rush out to the school without having a proper breakfast. In the classroom they are under pressure to achieve academically. There is less time to play and interact with other students.After school they rush out to tuition classes. Back at home, many children eat their meal in front of the TV. Then they are isolated in their own world. They do not have enough time for human relationship skills.In many homes it is rare for a family to sit around a table and eat a meal together. Family members have a less time to interact with each other, even between the husband and wife. Marriage break-ups, divorce and domestic strife all seem to be on the increase. One of the major reasons for these conflicts is lack of communication between the family embers. The successful family environment used to be the greatest vaccination to human conflicts. In this environment children were guided and unacceptable behaviour was corrected.Everything that we do throughout the day involves communication in one form or another. Communication touches every sphere of our lives. When communication breaks down; marriages break up; wars start between countries; conflicts start between companies, etc. According to Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University the world's problems could be solved if we kept talking.One big company gave jobs to 1000 University graduates. They are intelligent, well qualified and hard working. But within 12 months 60 percent of them have left the company. Why? Some are simply not up to it, or find that the work doesn't suit them, but the largest single reason for this high drop-out rate is their inability to communicate with their peers and their supervisors. You can acquire great knowledge, but unless you can communicate to others, it is worthless. The good example in Buddhisam is "Pachcheka Buddha". He cannot communicate his knowledge to others like "Buddha.?Many Human Resource managers complain that it is not easy to find people who can communicate effectively. The major problem is in the education system. The teachers do not teach their students how to communicate effectively. Therefore these students are not prepared for the business world.Poor communication will inevitably lead to a negative outcome. Effective communication will undoubtedly lead to a positive one.In the modern world there is a more urgent need than ever for people at the top to be able to communicate with others.It would be impossible for anyone in any public company to hold his job without mastering the skills of how to communicate with employees, peers, customers, clients, superiors, handle the media and speak in public, etc.Managers spend 70 to 80 percent of their time in some form of communication - speaking, reading, writing and listening. Management must communicate to gain understanding to motivate, and to obtain cooperation from employees. Every aspect of management is related in some way to the process of communication. Unfortunately 70 percent of all business communications fail to achieve their intended purpose.A manager must communicate effectively in order to achieve personal success in an organization. Managers are evaluated or assessed by their ability to communicate with superiors, subordinates, peers and clients. Communication is the vehicle through which human abilities and physical resources are combined to produce outputs and achieve objectives (Jitendra, 1998).Definition of communicationThere are a number of definitions for communication. Few of them are as follows.∙Roger & Shoemaker: Transferring a message from source to receiver (One way communication)∙Kincaid & Schramm: Sharing of information (Two way communication)∙Gecolea: Process of sharing, ideas, feeling and attitudes∙Nanayakkara G. : The exchange of ideas in such a way that the meanings and intention are accurately understood by the persons involved.∙Leagans: Communication is a process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts, feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common understanding of meaning,intent and use of message.∙Thayer: Communication is the mutual interchanges of ideas by any effective means.There is no single universally accepted definition for communication. Therefore I would like to suggest the following definition."Communication is a process which occurs by sharing ideas, information and feelings among two or more people. It provides an interaction between two or more people."By the above given definition we can have an idea about the nature of communication.∙Communication is a process: It is a dynamic, continuous, ongoing, flexible activity.Communication has no beginning or end.∙Communication takes place within more than two people: To have a communication there should be at least two people. Because human communication takes place among people.∙Communication shares ideas, information and feelings: Effective communication takes place when it is a two-way communication. Through communication it is expected to share ideas, information and feelings of the people.∙Communication provides interaction between the people: Existence of any community depends on interaction of the people internally and externally both. To have suchinteraction, people have to share ideas, information and feelings. That means they have to communicate with each other.Purpose of communicationDifferent scholars have identified different purpose of communication. According to Schramm, purpose of communication is an immediate reward and a delayed reward.He says that individuals are rewarded immediately on receiving or producing some kind of message. According to Berlo, the only purpose of communication is to influence others. He says that our communication behavior has its (purpose, its goal, as the production of a response. On the basis of above given descriptions and on our own experiences, purposes of communication can be listed as follows.∙Inform the others∙Receive others response∙Convince the people∙Make love with others∙Seek advice and solution for problems∙Complete the given tasks, administrate the people, collaborate with the colleagues and coordinate with others∙Entertain the others and enjoy yourselfSome other authors as Lasswell and Write have described the purposes of mass communication as surveillance, interpretation and prescription, transmission of culture and entertainment.The purpose of communication is a very wide one. By speaking and writing we send the messages. By listening and reading we receive the messages. According to the research studies in communication it has been found that everyone listens more than what he talks. He reads more than writes. In general everyone spends more time for receiving message than sending. For example the time allocation in communication activities in a day is as follows。



UNIT 1As we are at the start of the course, this seems a good moment to offer some advice on how to make the task of learning English easier.课程开始之际,就如何使学习英语的任务更容易提出一些建议似乎正当其时。

Some Strategies for Learning EnglishLearning English is by no means easy. It takes great diligence and prolonged effort.学习英语绝非易事。


Nevertheless, while you cannot expect to gain a good command of English without sustained hard work, there are various helpful learning strategies you can employ to make the task easier. Here are some of them.虽然不经过持续的刻苦努力便不能期望精通英语,然而还是有各种有用的学习策略可以用来使这一任务变得容易一些。


1. Do not treat all new words in exactly the same way. Have you ever complained about your memory because you find it simply impossible to memorize all the new words you are learning? But, in fact, it is not your memory that is at fault. If you cram your head with too many new words at a time, some of them are bound to be crowded out. What you need to do is to deal with new words in different ways according to how frequently they occur in everyday use. While active words demand constant practice and useful words must be committed to memory, words that do not often occur in everyday situations require just a nodding acquaintance. You will find concentrating on active and useful words the most effective route to enlarging your vocabulary.1. 不要以完全同样的方式对待所有的生词。


The change in the industrial environment demands the business to adopt to SCM and it can bring the following effects
Background Emerging new channel Standardization of product and tech Severe competition Speed management Internet booming Shorter product life cycle
Supply Chain Management
Yuhua Zhang
Professor of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Tel: 020-39328850 E-mail: zhyh58@
Chapter1 Introduction to Supply Chain Management Chapter2 Logistics Network Configuration Chapter3 Inventory Management, Supply Contracts and Risk Pooling Chapter4 The Value of Information Chapter5 Supply Chain Integration Chapter6 Strategic Alliances Chapter7 Procurement and Outsourcing Chapter8 International Issues in SCM Chapter9 Design for Supply Chain Management Chapter10 Pricing and Customer Value



Modern Control Systems 12th Edition Course Design (EnglishVersion)IntroductionThe objective of this course design is to provide an overview of modern control systems using the Modern Control Systems 12th Edition textbook. Modern control systems are an integral part of any engineering discipline and this course ms to provide students with an in-depth understanding of fundamental control concepts, techniques and technologies that can be applied to a wide range of industrial applications. The course is designed to be delivered over 5 weeks, with a total of 20 sessions spanning lectures, discussions, and hands-on tutorials. The course design follows a syllabus that covers the following topics:1.Introduction to Control Systems2.Dynamic Models of Systems3.Feedback Control Systems4.The Time-Domn Response of Dynamical Systems5.The Frequency-Domn Response of Dynamical Systems6.Stability of Linear Control Systems7.Control System Design using Root Locus8.Control System Design using Frequency ResponseAnalysis9.State Space Analysis of Control Systems10.Digital Control Systems11.Nonlinear Systems and Control12.Control Systems ApplicationsLearning ObjectivesUpon completion of this course, students will be expected to do the following:1.Gn knowledge and understanding of the basicprinciples and concepts of control systems.2.Understand the mathematical modelling of dynamicsystems and the formulation of feedback control systems.3.Analyze and interpret the time-domn response ofdynamic systems.4.Analyze and interpret the frequency-domn responseof dynamical systems.5.Understand the stability concepts of linear controlsystems and use them in control system design.e root locus for control system design.e frequency-response analysis for control systemdesign.8.Understand the state space analysis of controlsystems.9.Understand digital control systems.10.Analyze and interpret the nonlinear systemsand control.11.Apply control systems and techniques toindustrial applications.Course OverviewThe course will be delivered over five weeks comprising of 20 sessions. Each session will last approximately 2 hours and will take place twice a week. The course structure is as follows:Week 1Session 1: Introduction to Control Systems (Chapter 1) •Overview of control systems and their applications.•Open-loop and closed-loop control systems.•Feedback control systems.•Modelling of dynamic systems and transfer functions.Session 2: Dynamic Models of Systems (Chapter 2)•Mathematical models of physical systems.•Block diagram representation of systems.•Time-domn analysis of systems.•State space representation of systems.Week 2Session 3: Feedback Control Systems (Chapter 3)•Control system objectives and performance.•Laplace transforms.•Transfer functions and Block diagrams.•Error criteria and tracking systems.Session 4: The Time-Domn Response of Dynamical Systems (Chapter 4)•Time-domn specifications.•Steady-state errors and stability.•Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion.•Root locus and the design of PI and PID controllers.Week 3Session 5: The Frequency-Domn Response of DynamicalSystems (Chapter 5)•Frequency-domn analysis of linear systems.•Bode plots.•Nyquist criterion.•Stability margins.Session 6: Stability of Linear Control Systems (Chapter 6) •Stability analysis of control systems.•Root locus and the design of lead and lag compensators.•Introduction to control system design using state space methods.Week 4Session 7: Control System Design using Root Locus (Chapter 7)•Control system design using the root locus method.•Lead and lag compensation design.•Root locus design using Matlab.Session 8: Control System Design using Frequency Response Analysis (Chapter 8)•Control system design using the frequency response methods.•Bode plots and Nyquist criterion.•Design using Matlab.Week 5Session 9: State Space Analysis of Control Systems (Chapter 9)•State space analysis of control systems.•System controllability and observability.•Pole placement design.Session 10: Digital Control Systems (Chapter 10) •Sampling and Reconstruction.•The Z-Transform.•Digital Control Systems.Session 11: Nonlinear Systems and Control (Chapter 11) •Nonlinear systems and their analysis.•Phase plane analysis.•Control of nonlinear systems.Session 12: Control Systems Applications (Chapter 12) •Industrial applications of control systems.•Case studies in automotive, process control, robotics, and aerospace.ConclusionThis course design provides students with an in-depth understanding of modern control systems and theirapplications in a wide range of industrial sectors. The syllabus is designed to cover all the fundamental control concepts, techniques and technologies that would be of relevance in any engineering discipline. By mastering the concepts and techniques in the course, students should be able to design, analyze and apply control systems to real-world problems. The course design incorporates practical applications using Matlab to enable students to simulate and experiment with control systems and get hands-on experience.。



ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND VENTURE CAPITALChapter 1: Introduction to EntrepreneurshipThe subject of entrepreneurship is receiving considerable attention worldwide in recent years as more and more people have discovered the opportunities that entrepreneurship presents to them. Further, in many countries in the world, starting and running your own business is the first, and often only, option for most people. Literally tens of millions of small businesses exist in all parts of the world. These small businesses provide the economic viability and well-being for billions of people. This text is designed to introduce this important topic in a new way as we focus our attention on the special tactics required to bring new technology to market, largely through the development of new companies.There are many sources for explanations of entrepreneurship and we will look a t a few of these. However, the purpose of this text is to examine the topic from the perspective of those who have access to new technology and who desire to commercialize that technology. In many instances, but certainly not all cases, this commercialization will result in the formation and development of a new company. We will examine the process of opportunity evaluation, business planning, and financing the new venture is significant detail in the chapters that follow. A good number of worksheets and planning guides will be provided so that the interested entrepreneur can be thorough in the business evaluation and planning. As much as anything, this book is a tool to assist you in planning a new venture and for creating the strategic and business plans that will give direction and substance to your planning.Defining EntrepreneurshipMany definitions of entrepreneurship have been offered over the last century. The word “entrepreneur” comes from a French word meaning “to do” or “to go between”. Another way of describing that meaning is that an entrepreneur attempts to go between two groups and do something of value for both groups. A dictionary definition of an entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business. A definition that is very useful is that an entrepreneur innovates or creates for personal gain; takes the initiative to create wealth, and accepts personal risk of the activities.Other definitions include the following from students at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York:“An entrepreneur is a person who is willing to take risks in order to obtain positive results.”“An entrepreneur is one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.”“An entrepreneur is a person who has the vision and the drive to make a project happen.”“An entrepreneur is a person who a ssembles and deploys resources in new combinations that disrupt an otherwise static market.”“Entrepreneurship is the discovery of new combinations of resources under uncertain situations that generate profits as a reward for risk-taking.”An additional way to look at entrepreneurship is as the Austrian Economist Joseph Schumpeter did nearly 100 years ago. He emphasized the role of innovation in entrepreneurship, focusing on:∙New products∙New production methods∙New markets∙New forms of corporate organizationAccording to Schumpeter, wealth is created when innovation results in new demand with the entrepreneur combining input factors such as new technology or new procedures to generate value for the customer. The hope is that the value created for customer will exceed the cost of the inputs factors, resulting in superior returns to the entrepreneur.Peter Drucker, famous American management advisor and author, said, “Entrepreneurs innovate. Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. It is the act that gives resources a new capacity to create wealth. Innovation, indeed, creates a resource.”We will use these definitions because of the emphasis we will take in this book about new and innovative technologies or procedures that give rise to entrepreneurial opportunities.Entrepreneurship is where the excitement of business really occurs. While we will emphasize that entrepreneurship usually results in the formation of a new company, we also understand that new technologies may more appropriately be used by existing companies, so there is an important role for innovation within existing companies of all sizes. But whether a new company is formed or an existing company is expanded, entrepreneurship is the creative outlet for those who are willing to innovate, create value, and take risk.’Entrepreneurship is where dreams and reality meet – or collide! It is where large companies have their small beginnings. Every large company today had its start as the entrepreneurial dream of its founders. Pick any large corporation in the world, and at some point in its history it started as a small operation, usually under with one or two founders who had a dream and were not afraid of the risks. These companies come in various shapes and sizes, have differing reasons and results; it is where time and talent are put to the test in the marketplace. Guy Kawasaki, a successful entrepreneur and teacher in the US, emphasized the role of action in entrepreneurship when he wrote, “…doing, not learning to do, is the essence of entrepreneurship.”1 The Germa n author Goethe said, “What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it! Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”An example of such a new venture that has quickly grown to worldwide status is the Shanghai-based company called Focus Media. In 2002, Jason Jiang (**will need his Chinese name here**) observed that many Chinese will wait for elevators in the numerous buildings where they work and live. He decided that there would be an opportunity to advertise to these people as they wait for elevators. By 2003 he had secured contracts to put advertising screens next to these elevators in 50 locations in Shanghai. His risk taking innovation has proven to be auspicious! By 2008 Focus Media has nearly 200,000 screens in nearly 100 cities in China, resulting in revenues estimated to be about US$500 million with earnings of about US$150 million. The company is listed on NASDAQ (Ticker symbol FMCN) and has a market cap of nearly US$4 billion. This innovative idea has made Jason Jiang one of China’s richest young entrepreneurs.The example of Focus Media is exactly what Jeffry Timmons had in mind when he wrote his pioneering book on entrepreneurship entitled, New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, “Entrepreneurs, as they invent, mold, recognize, and pursue opportunities, are the genius and energy behind this extraordinary value and wealth creation phenomenon: the entrepreneurial process.”2 Timmons further declared that, “Entrepreneurship…is arg uably the single most powerful force to create economic and social mobility.”3Entrepreneurship is both Art and ScienceArt and science are often thought of as very distinct disciplines. Artistic expression as exhibited in the arts is usually considered to be creative, impulsive, full of energy and emotion, and insightful. Science, on the other hand is more methodical, analytical, approached with a disciplined mind and a systematic approach. Just like the merging of two powerful rivers in Chongqing to form the mighty Chang Jiang, in entrepreneurship the merging of the two streamsof art and science are blended to form a powerful combination that stimulates economic growth worldwide. Entrepreneurship requires a good bit of artistry in creativity, energy, and insight. But accompanying such artistic flair is the disciplined, methodical analysis that must evaluate each opportunity and challenge in order to find solutions that will create value for customers and founders alike.The careful blending of both art and science in entrepreneurship is having tremendous results. “Entrepreneurs are driving a revolution that is transforming and renewing economies worldwide. Entrepreneurship is the essence of free enterprise, because the birth of new businesses gives a market economy its vitality. New and emerging businesses create a very large proportion of innovative products and services that transform the way we work and live, such as personal computers, software, the Internet…,biotechnology drugs…There has nev er been a better time to practice the art and science of entrepreneurship.”4One on-going study that shows the impact that entrepreneurship is having worldwide is the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Started in 1997, GEM looks at the economic impact and determinants of entrepreneurship in more than 50 countries worldwide. GEM defines two type of entrepreneurship: opportunity based and necessity based. In general, nations with high per capital income levels have more opportunity-based entrepreneurship and those nations with lower per capital income level see much more necessity driven entrepreneurship. GEM also reports that regardless of the income level of the countries, young people in the age group 25-34 years old are the most active in early stage ventures. But in all countries, except the Philippines, men are more likely to be the entrepreneurs, though women are gaining ground in the years since the study began. (For the full report for 2006 and prior years, go to/ and click on GEM Publications at the top of the page and then GEM Global Reports. You can then select the year of the report you want to read.)Entrepreneurship is about combining dreams and ambitions with analysis and discipline to achieve the best possible results for the customers and for the entrepreneurs. Art and science combine to make an opportunity emerge for the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur will identify a need or opportunity, create or develop a solution, and implement the solution in a way that creates value. Entrepreneurs perhaps take risks more than others, but they focus on the opportunity, have confidence in their dream and in their ability to make it happen. They prepare themselves carefully and systematically study the opportunity in order to reduce the risks to manageable levels. This combination of artistic flair and technical competence allows the entrepreneur to maximize the chances of success while minimizing the risk incurred. This bookwill help the entrepreneur unleash his or her creative powers while providing the tools for a systematic review of opportunities.。


化工原理英文教材chapyou again
v Preparing lessons or preview before class
v →Review after class v Don't take the course just for the grade. v Practice makes a master. If you don't
represented by a letter which symbolizes that quantity, this letter is called dimension. v For SI system, L for length, M for mass, T for temperature, for time. v 3 Unit conversion.
v What is the text book? Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering.
v It is most popular in Chem. Eng. major in USA univ.
v Authors? Warren L. McCabe, Julian C. Smith and Peter Harriott.
化工原理英文教材 chapter1
v About the Courses and time scheduling Lecturing (theory): 14 weeks, 4 classes each week
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1 章 编译简介
1.1 编译器
1.2 源程序的结构
1.3 编译器的实例
1.4 与编译相关的数据结构 1.5 编译器各阶段的分组
• 掌握编译的基本原理和实现方法 • 编写简单的编译器 • 能够将编译中使用的方法和技术,灵活应用到 以后问题的解决上 (问题->形式化描述->计算机化)
● 教学要求
参 考 书 籍

• 《编译原理与实践》 Compiler Construction Principle and Practice Kenneth, C. Clouden 机械工业出版社 • 《编译原理》 Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools Alfred V. Aho 机械工业出版社(中)/人民邮电出版社(英)
2014-7-29 北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院计算机系 4

考核方式 考试
平时成绩 40% (出勤+作业+上机) 期末成绩 60% 额外奖励:大作业

高等数学 C ( PASCAL… ) 离散数学 汇编语言 数据结构
基础程序 Interpreters 解释程序 Assemblers 汇编程序 Linkers 连接程序 Loaders 装入程序 Preprocessors预处理程序
编辑器 Debuggers 调试器 Profilers 剖析器 Project managers 项目管理器
1.2 编译器的结构
阅读原文 识别单词 分析句子 修辞加工 写出译文
2014-7-29 北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院计算机系 20
1.2 编译器的结构
x := y + z * 60;
:= id1 id2 id3
+ * 60
1 x 2 y real real real ... 0 4 8 ... id1 id2 id3 := +

源 程 序 编 译 程 序 目 标 程 序 计 算 结 果 源 程 序 初始数据 解 释 程 序 计 算 结 果
编译 程序
解释 程序
源程序的 目标代码
源程序的 执行结果
把中间代码转 换成目标程序
MOVF MULF MOVF ADDF MOVF R2, id3 R2, #60 R1, id2 R1, R2 id1, R1
R2 := id3 R2 := R2 * 60 R1 := id2 R1 := R1 + R2 id1 := R1 id1 := id2 + id3 * 60
1.3 编译器的实例
例2:a[index] = 4 + 2
The scanner (Lexical analysis ) Input: a stream of characters, Output: a , [ , index , ], = , 4, + , 2 (Tokens) The parser ( Determine the structure of the program ): Input: the forms of tokens Output: a parse tree or a syntax tree
● Building a Program 构建程序
Text Editor 文本编辑器 Preprocessor Compiler 预处理程序 编译 Translator 翻译程序 系统库 Linker 链接器
#include <iostream.h> int main(void) { int a; …; cin>>…; …; return 0; } 源程序
00110100 10101010 … 01001011 10110100
目标 模块
0011010010101010 … … 0100101110110100
16 北京化工大学信息科学与技术学院计算机系 可执行目标代码

Development Environment )
源程序的一个 转换系统
源程序的一个 执行系统

IDE程序 Editors编辑器 Debuggers调试器 Profilers剖析器 Project managers 项目管理器
基础程序 Interpreters解释程序 Assemblers汇编程序 Linkers连接程序 Loaders装入程序 Preprocessors预处理程序
1.1 编译器
Source Program
Target Program
1.1 编译简介

低级语言:面向机器的语言 过程式语言 函数式语言 逻辑式语言 对象式语言 机器语言
程序 设计 语言
Fortran,Pascal,C… Lisp… Prolog… C++…
1.3 编译器的实例
例1. Pascal源程序语句如下: var x, y, z : real; x := y + z * 60;
(记号流)(id,1),(:=),(id,2),(+),(id,3),(*) ,(60)
语法分析 依据源程序的语法规则把源程序的单词序列组成语法短语 (表示成语法树).
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(itr, 60, , T1) (*, id3, T1, T2) (+, id2, T2, T3) (:=, T3, , id1)
x := y + z * 60;
(1) (*, id3, (2) (+, id2, 60, T1) T1, id1)
阅读原文 识别单词 分析句子
输入并扫描源程序 词014-7-29
代码优化 目标代码生成
● The
phase of a compiler 编译程序的结构
源 程 序
词 法 分 析
语 法 分 析
• • • •
编译基础知识和方法 编译器(部分模块)的编写 常用工具(Lex、Yacc)的使用 编程(Programming) 是学习本课程最需要, 同时也最希望提高的能力
x := y + z * 60;
3 4
* itr 60
中间代码生成 (1) (2) (3) (4) (itr, 60, , T1) (*, id3, T1, T2) (+, id2, T2, T3) (:=, T3, , id1) 中间代码的形式与作用: (序号) (op, arg1, arg2, result) result := arg1 op arg2

分 3.5
教学班级 计科1101~1105

参 考 书 籍
编译原理 吕映芝 清华大学出版社 编译程序构造原理 和实现技术 金成植 高等教育出版社 编译程序设计原理 杜淑敏等 北京大学出版社 程序设计语言编译程序 陈火旺等 国防工业出版社
编译原理及实践 Compiler Construction Principle and Practice Kenneth C.Louden 机械工业出版社 编译原理 Compilers: Principles, Techniques,and tools Alfred V.Aho 机械工业出版社(中文) /人民邮电出版社(英文)