chapter 6-2003
第6章 旋风分离器
分离单管 隔热耐磨单层衬里 吊筒
6.3 旋风分离器内气固两相流动规律
颗粒的分离是在含尘气流在分离器中的运动过程中实现的, 因此,分离器内气固两相的流动分布规律是决定分离性能的主 要因素 。
6.3.1 旋风分离器内气相流动规律
(1) 三维气流速度方向的定义
1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40
dp=3μm dp=5μm dp=8μm dp=12μm dp=16μm
0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 r/R
图5-5 主要分离空间内颗粒粒级浓度沿径向分布(z=225)
(1) 分离器内颗粒浓度分布-沿壁面条带形螺旋线状分布
6.3.2 旋风分离器内固相流动分布规律
(2) 分离器内颗粒浓度分布-沿径向外高内低
6.3.2 旋风分离器内固相流动分布规律
(2) 分离器内颗粒浓度分布-沿径向外高内低
6.3.2 旋风分离器内固相流动分布规律
6.3.2 旋风分离器内固相流动分布规律
(3) CLK型(扩散型)
筒体下部为一倒锥形,并在底部装有倒置 的顶部开孔的漏斗形挡灰盘,其下沿与四壁底 圈留有齿缝。这种结构的作用是防止返回气流 将落下的粉尘重新卷起,因而提高了除尘效率, 尤其对直径10μm以下颗粒,效果更为明显,它 适用于净化颗粒浓度高的气体。
(4) CZT型(长锥型)
具有较长的锥体,一般采用锥体 长度为2.8D。体积小、用料省、除尘 效率高,适用于捕集非黏性的金属、 矿物、纤维性粉尘、刨花和木屑,特 别对纤维性的棉尘除尘效率几乎为 100%。
The Projection Process
Target Corporation Projected Income Statement
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sales: $52,204 = $46,839 x 1.11455 Gross profit: $17,157 = $52,204 x 32.866% Cost of goods sold: $35,047 = $52,204 - $17,157 Selling, general, and administrative: $11,741 = $52,204 x 22.49% Depreciation and amortization: $1,410 = $22,272 (beginning-period PP&E gross) x 6.333% 6. Interest: $493 = $9,538 (beginning-period interest-bearing debt) x 5.173% 7. Income before tax: $3,513 = $17,157 - $11,741 - $1,410 - $493 8. Tax expense: $1,328 = $3,513 x 37.809% 9. Extraordinary and discontinued items: none 10. Net income: $2,185 = $3,513 - $1,328
Financial Statement Analysis
K R Subramanyam John J Wild
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
王建龙 文湘华 编著
夏北成 化学工业出版社
参 考 污染控制微生物 书 目 生物化学
马文漪等 南京大学出版社 徐亚同等 化学工业出版社 王希成 清华大学出版社
J.Nicklin 科学出版社
范冬萍等 羊城晚报出版社
一 、
达2240亿美元。 引
比如“三色”农业-绿色“露天农业” 、白色“工
得到了影像,从而分辨出这种分子的维度、角度和形状; 引 她发现DNA是螺旋结构,至少两股,其化学“信息”面 言 向进里面。
1973:第一个成功的克隆转化实验,第一个有目的的 基因重组实验,是现代生物技术的标志。
1997:英培育出世界上第一例体细胞克隆动物“多莉” 羊,2003年2月14日去世。
美国于2003年3月5日启动了牛基因组测序工程,将 言 能够改进牛奶和牛肉制品的质量以及提高食品的安全系
一种新的软件MyGrid将加快人类基因组解读,而且 它还可以自动找到与该研究有关的信息,搜索基因和蛋 白质数据、调节网络和任何其它相关信息。
序号标准名称版本1 VDA1质量证据-质量要求的文件化和存档指南2008年10月第3版2 VDA2 供方选择、质量保证协议、生产过程和产品放行(PPF)、批量生产中的质量绩效、成分申报(I M D S)2004年第4版11V D A4(章节6/C h a p t e r6)质量功能展开(Q F D)2003年12V D A4(章节7/C h a p t e r7)过程能力2005年13V D A4(章节8/C h a p t e r8)过程的经济设计2004年14V D A4.3开发过程–项目策划1998年15V D A5测量系统分析(测量不确定度)2003年第1版16V D A6质量审核的基本标准2008年第5版17V D A6.1质量体系审核:有形产品2003,第4次修订18V D A6.2质量体系审核:无形产品2004年,第2版27V DA11成功实施V DA6.1,I S O/T S169492003年,第1版28V D A12过程导向2002年,第1版29V D A13开发软件控制系统2004年,第1版30 VDA14过程管理中的预防性质量管理方法2008年5月,第1版31V D A16装饰表面处理2008年,第2版32V D A17物流过程分析(O d e t t e)1999年9月,第2.1版33V D A18汽车行业卓越管理(A E)2003年,第2版34V D A18.1E F Q M模式2000年,第1版42 VDA18.10汽车行业卓越管理(AE)案例研究评估手册2005年,第1版43V D A19颗粒清洁技术标准2004年,第1版44 汽车零件产品建议书VDA标准样板(SOW) 2007年11月,第1版45 供应链中共同的质量管理体系–新零件的成熟度保障(CDP) 2006年11月,第1版46稳健生产过程(R P P)2007年11月,第1版。
序号标准名称版本1 VDA1质量证据-质量要求的文件化和存档指南2008年10月第3版2 VDA2 供方选择、质量保证协议、生产过程和产品放行(PPF)、批量生产中的质量绩效、成分申报(I M D S)2004年第4版3 VDA3.1 可靠性管理-确保汽车制造商的可靠性可靠性管理-确保汽车制造商的可靠性2000年第3版4V D A3.2可靠性管理-工具和方法2004年第3次印刷5V D A4(章节0/C h a p t e r0)质量保证方法和工具介绍2003年6D A4(章节1/C h a p t e r1)基本工具2003年第4版7V D A4(章节2/C h a p t e r2)开发过程2003年第4版8V D A4(章节3/C h a p t e r3)产品与过程F M E A2008年9V D A4(章节4/C h a p t e r4)失效树分析(F T A)2003年10V D A4(章节5/C h a p t e r5)试验设计(D O E)2003年11V D A4(章节6/C h a p t e r6)质量功能展开(Q F D)2003年12V D A4(章节7/C h a p t e r7)过程能力2005年13V D A4(章节8/C h a p t e r8)过程的经济设计2004年14V D A4.3开发过程–项目策划1998年15V D A5测量系统分析(测量不确定度)2003年第1版16V D A6质量审核的基本标准2008年第5版17V D A6.1质量体系审核:有形产品2003,第4次修订18V D A6.2质量体系审核:无形产品2004年,第2版19V D A6.3过程审核1998年,第1版20V D A6.4质量体系审核:工装和设备2005年,第2版21V D A6.5产品审核2008年,第2版22V D A6.7过程审核:工装和设备2005年,第1版23V D A7质量数据交换(Q D X)2005年,第1版24V D A8拖车生产商的管理体系最低要求2004年,第3版25 VDA9轿车生产测试的符合性:排放和燃油消耗系统的质量保证2005年,第2版26V D A10供应网络中的顾客满意C S I)2001年,第1版27V D A11成功实施V D A6.1,I S O/T S169492003年,第1版28V D A12过程导向2002年,第1版29V D A13开发软件控制系统2004年,第1版30V D A14过程管理中的预防性质量管理方法2008年5月,第1版31V D A16装饰表面处理2008年,第2版32V D A17物流过程分析(O d e t t e)1999年9月,第 2.1版33V D A18汽车行业卓越管理(A E)2003年,第2版34V D A18.1E F Q M模式2000年,第1版35V D A18.2卓越管理模式及其评估系统介绍2000年,第1版36V D A18.3卓越管理基石2000年,第1版37V D A18.4大型公司的卓越管理2000年,第1版38V D A18.6评审员评估手册2000年,第1版39 VDA18.7由VDA6.1和ISO/TS16949: 2002迈向卓越管理2004年,第1版40 VDA18.8建立汽车行业卓越模式关键绩效指标(KPI)系统2003年,第1版41V D A18.9汽车行业卓越管理(A E)-案例研究2005年,第1版42 VDA18.10汽车行业卓越管理(AE)案例研究评估手册2005年,第1版43V D A19颗粒清洁技术标准2004年,第1版44汽车零件产品建议书V DA标准样板(S OW) 2007年11月,第1版45 供应链中共同的质量管理体系–新零件的成熟度保障(CDP) 2006年11月,第1版46稳健生产过程(R P P)2007年11月,第1版。
Section 5
Section 5 Steel CastingsA. Liquid Quenched and TemperedSteel Castings1. ScopeThese Rules are applicable to statical and centrifugal castings made of liquid quenched and tempered cast steel grades intended for the construction of naval ships and floating equipment.2. Grades of liquid quenched and temperedsteel castingsLiquid quenched and tempered steel casting grades are quenched and tempered steels alloyed with nickel, chromium and molybdenum, the carbon content of which is so adjusted that, on the one hand, a marten-sitic-bainitic structure is produced on hardening in water or oil, ensuring high strength at the same time as very high toughness and, on the other hand, impair-ment of the component quality during hardening is reliably prevented. Liquid quenched and tempered steel casting grades in the sense of these Rules in-clude, for example:– the GL quality grades GL-M550G, GL-M650G and GL-M700G– G14NiCrMo10-6 (1.6779) and G17NiCrMo13-6(1.6781) as per SEW 520– G15NiCrMo10-6 as per WL 1.6786G16NiCrMo12-6 as per WL 1.6787G12NiMoCr17-4 as per WL 1.6788 – HY80 and HY100 as per MIL-S-23008– G17NiCrMo13-6 as per EN 10213-3In each case, these grades or others approved by GL must meet the requirements set out in 3.3. Technicalrequirements3.1 Steel-makingprocessThe steels shall be manufactured in works approved by GL using the AOD, VOD or VODC process, or using another process approved by GL.3.2 ChemicalcompositionThe chemical composition shall satisfy the require-ments stated in the approved specification and in Table 5.1.In addition, the maximum content of named elements must not exceed the values given in Table HeattreatmentThe castings shall be subjected to annealing with a transformation of the primary structure and to quench-ing and tempering, in accordance with the data given in the approved specifications or as per Table 5.3. The details of the heat treatment shall be determined by the manufacturer. All individual steps of the heat treat-ment process must be documented.Table 5.1 Chemical composition of liquid quenched and tempered cast steel gradesTable 5.2 Maximum content of other elements in steel castingsTable 5.3 Data for heat treatmentTable 5.4 Mechanical and technological properties3.4 MechanicalpropertiesThe requirements applicable to the mechanical proper-ties and the impact energy shall conform to the data given in Table 5.4 or to the recognized standards or approved specifications.3.5 External and internal condition Depending on the quality requirements, the external and internal condition shall conform to the severity levels as per Chapter 2, Section 4, G.For the test, the castings can be subdivided into testing zones with different requirements regarding their quality levels. The subdivision is based on one or more of the following principles:– operating loads to be expected– effect of defects on the component safety– possible risk of damage on failure of the com-ponent– required welding reliability at the intersections– necessary freedom from defects after machining If the evaluation is carried out according to other stan-dards, the requirements shall be equivalent to those specified in the GL Rules.If castings are required to undergo final inspection in accordance with the AD data sheets, proof of the qual-ity levels and scopes of testing shall be furnished in accordance with these Rules.3.5.1 SeveritylevelsFor the admissibility of external and internal imperfec-tions in castings, the provisions set out in Chapter 2, Section 4, G.3. apply.3.5.2 SurfacefinishThe surface finish of the castings must permit the execution and evaluation of the prescribed non-destructive tests.In the areas that are not machined, the castings must be freed from their casting skin completely – as far as is technically possible - by grinding. The surface qual-ity to be achieved thereby should comply with refer-ence sample 4 S 2 of Technical Recommendation No. 359-01 1. In the area of the welding edges, the surface quality must comply with reference sample 2 S 2. The welding edges shall be stated in the casting drawing. The width of the welding edges shall be 1,5 × the wall thickness.4. TestingThe castings shall be presented for testing in the fin-ished condition (delivery condition) and shall undergo the following tests. In the case of castings intended for steam boilers, Chapter 2, Section 4, D.1.2 shall be observed. Casting of safety class I shall be tested indi-vidually.4.1 TensiletestingThe mechanical properties shall be verified by tensile testing. The tests shall be performed on a heat-by-heat basis, parts undergoing the same heat treatment being grouped into test batches in accordance with Chapter 2, Section 4, A.10.2.2. A tensile test specimen shall be taken from each test batch and tested. Cast-ings with unit weights > 1000 kg shall be tested indi-vidually.4.2 Notched-bar impact bending testThe castings shall be subjected to the notched bar impact test. The number of sets of test specimens (3 Charpy V-notch specimens per set) shall be deter-mined in the same way as the number of tensile test specimens.4.3 HardnesstestAll quenched and tempered steel castings which are tested on a heat-by-heat basis shall be subjected to a comparative hardness test. The result of the hardness test shall show that quenching and tempering has been carried out homogeneously (the difference in hardness between the hardest and the softest tested component in the test batch shall not exceed 30 HB).4.4 Non-destructivetestingThe manufacturer shall ensure by non-destructive tests on his products that the requirements pertaining to the external and internal condition according to 3.5 are met. Unless otherwise agreed, the scope of testing shall conform to TRD 103 or AD data sheet W5, whichever is appropriate. Valves and fittings are sub-ject to TRD 110. Furthermore, the Rules set out in Chapter 2, Section 4, A.10.4 shall be observed.––––––––––––––1Bureau de Normalisation des Industries de la Fonderie, France B. Non-Magnetizable Steel Castings1. ScopeThese Rules are applicable to steel castings made of non-magnetizable steels which are used for the con-struction of naval vessels and floating equipment.2. Suitable grades of castingThe following, or comparable, grades of casting with a relative permeability µr < 1,01 may be used, provided that they meet the requirements of 6.:– non-magnetizable casting steel as per SEW 395 – other non-magnetizable casting steels conform-ing to other standards or specifications, aftertheir suitability has been established by GL. Aninitial test of product suitability on the manufac-turer's premises may be required for this pur-pose.–the non-magnetizable cast steel grades accord-ing to Table 5.5Table 5.5 Materials for non-magnetizable steelcastings in accordance with WL3. Selection of the grades of cast steelNon-magnetizable casting steels which are intended for cargo-handling and processing equipment with design temperatures below 0 °C, or for which a special chemical stability in relation to the cargo or operating fluids is required, must additionally comply with the requirements for castings set out in Chapter 2, Section 4, E. “Steel Castings for Use at Low Temperatures” and F. “Stainless Steel Castings”.4. Heat treatment and delivery conditionAll steel castings shall be supplied in a heat-treated condition appropriate to the grade of cast steel, i.e. they must be solution-annealed and quenched in water.5. External and internal condition5.1 BasicrequirementsDepending on the quality requirements, the external and internal condition shall conform to the quality levels as per Chapter 2, Section 4, G.For testing of internal condition there should be used the radiographic inspection. In view to ultrasonic inspection special agreements have to be met.For the test, the castings can be subdivided into testing zones with different requirements regarding their quality levels. The subdivision is based on one or more of the following principles:– operating loads to be expected– effect of defects on the component safety– possible risk of damage on failure of the com-ponent– required welding reliability at the intersections– necessary freedom from defects after machiningIf the evaluation is carried out according to other stan-dards, the requirements shall be equivalent to those specified in Chapter 2, Section 4, G.If castings are required to undergo final inspection in accordance with the AD data sheets, proof of the qual-ity levels and scopes of testing shall be furnished in accordance with these Rules.5.2 SeveritylevelsFor the admissibility of external and internal imperfec-tions in castings, the provisions set out in Chapter 2, Section 4, G.3. apply.5.3 SurfacefinishThe surface finish of the castings must permit the execution and evaluation of the prescribed non-destructive tests.In the areas that are not machined, the castings must be freed of their casting skin completely - as far as is technically possible - by grinding.6. Requirements applicable to the material 6.1 ChemicalcompositionThe limits stated in the standards and/or the specifica-tions approved by GL are applicable.6.2 Resistance to intercrystalline corrosionAll grades of cast steel shall be resistant to intercrys-talline corrosion in the condition in which they are supplied. If it is intended to weld castings without post-weld heat treatment, only grades of cast steel that are corrosion-resistant in this condition shall be used, e.g. cast steels stabilized with Nb or containing not more than 0,03 % C. Because of the alloy content, no demands can be made on the steel grades 1.3802 and 1.3966 with regard to their resistance against intercrystalline corrosion; the test shall be omitted for these steels.6.3 Mechanical properties and impact energy The requirements specified in the standards or in the approved specifications are applicable.7. TestingThe castings shall be presented for testing in the fin-ished condition (delivery condition) and shall undergo the following tests:7.1 TensiletestingThe mechanical properties shall be verified by tensile testing. The tests shall be performed on a heat-by-heat basis, parts undergoing the same heat treatment being grouped into test batches in accordance with Chap-ter 2, Section 4, A.10.2.2. A tensile test specimen shall be taken from each test batch and tested. Castings with unit weights > 1000 kg shall be tested individu-ally.7.2 Notched-bar impact bending testThe castings shall be subjected to the notched bar impact bending test. The number of sets of test speci-mens (3 Charpy V-notch specimens per set) shall be determined in the same way as the number of tensile test specimens.7.3 Test of resistance to intercrystallinecorrosionThe manufacturer shall check the resistance to inter-crystalline corrosion of austenitic steel castings in-tended for welded assemblies and – where stipulated in the order – of other austenitic steels as well. Testing shall be carried out in the following conditions:– steels containing C ≤0,03 % and stabilized steels: after sensitizing heat treatment (700 °C,30 minutes, quenching in water)– all other steels: in the condition in which they are supplied. At least two specimens from eachheat shall be tested in accordance withISO 3651-2. The test shall be confirmed by themanufacturer by means of a certificate.7.4 Non-destructivetestingThe manufacturer shall ensure by non-destructive tests on his products that the requirements pertaining to the external and internal condition according to A.3.5 are met. Unless otherwise agreed, the scope of testingshall conform to AD Data Sheet W5; valves and fit-tings are subject to TRD 110. Furthermore, the Rules set out in Chapter 2, Section 4, A.10. shall be ob-served.7.5 Testing the permeabilityFor castings of non-magnetizable steel, the relative permeability µr shall be determined by random tests on a metallic clean surface for the delivery condition. For the number of necessary random samples see Table 5.6.The relative permeability µr must not exceed the value of 1,01. Table 5.6 Number of random samples。
A GUIDE FOR NEW FACILITIESVOLUME 6: BIOPHARMACEUTICALS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OFDRAFT FOR REVIEWJANUARY 2003Copyright:This document is owned by ISPE. No reproduction of the whole or any part of this document is to be made without the written authority of ISPE.CONTENTS1INTRODUCTION1.1BACKGROUND1.2SCOPE OF THE GUIDE1.3KEY CONCEPTS OF THE GUIDE1.4USING THE GUIDE2THE REGULATORY BASIS FOR FACILITY REQUIREMENTS2.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY2.2SCOPE2.3DEFINITIONS2.4REGULATORY CONSIDERATIONS2.5GENERAL CONCEPTS2.6BIBLIOGRAPHY2.7SIGNIFICANT REGULATORY DOCUMENTS3MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIES3.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY3.2OPEN VERSUS CLOSED SYSTEMS3.3PYROGEN-CONTROLLED PROCESSING3.4CONSIDERATIONS FOR MULTI-PRODUCT OPERATIONS3.5VIRAL CLEARANCE3.6STAGE OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT3.7OPERATIONAL UPSET3.8OPERABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY3.9CLEANING AND HOUSEKEEPING CONSIDERATIONS4CHAPTER 4: PROCESS AND EQUIPMENT4.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY4.2TYPICAL BIOPHARMACEUTICAL PROCESSES4.3CRITICAL PROCESS PARAMETERS4.4GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR EQUIPMENT DESIGN4.5SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS4.6SUMMARY5PROCESS SUPPORT AND UTILITIES5.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY5.2REGULATORY ISSUES5.3SYSTEM IMPACT DESCRIPTIONS5.4SYSTEM LAYOUT AND ROUTING5.5SPECIFIC SERVICE CONSIDERATIONS6FACILITY6.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY6.2PROCESS CONSIDERATIONS6.3OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS6.4FACILITY LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS6.5OPERATIONAL SUPPORT6.6AREA ENVIRONMENT6.7ARCHITECTURE AND FINISHES6.8DISCRETIONARY CONSIDERATIONS7PROCESS CONTROLS7.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY7.2BIOPHARMACEUTICAL AUTOMATION ISSUES7.3LEVEL OF AUTOMATION7.4BIOPHARMACEUTICAL UNIT OPERATIONS7.5CONTROL SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE7.6VALIDATION OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL AUTOMATION SYSTEMS8COMMISSIONING AND QUALIFICATION8.1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY8.2IMPACT ASSESSMENT8.3QUALIFICATION9GLOSSARY10APPENDIX - EUROPEAN ASPECTS10.1INTRODUCTION (GENERAL)10.2WATER QUALITY (REF: CHAPTER 4 AND 5)10.3BIO-CONTAINMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (SEE CHAPTER 5) 10.4ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ISSUES10.5CHROMATOGRAPHY SKID SHARING10.6QUALIFICATION AND VALIDATION (REF: CHAPTER 8)1 INTRODUCTION1.1 BACKGROUNDThe design, construction, commissioning, and qualification of biopharmaceutical facilities will challenge manufacturers, engineering professionals and equipment suppliers. These facilities must not only meet cGMP regulations but must comply with local codes, laws, and regulations.The current situation is one of confusion and sometimes little science:• •• ••• • Solutions are applied out of context (one product’s approaches inappropriately applied to a different type of product)Product and process are not considered in decisions. A common reason is “Company X did it, so we should, too.”Capital concerns:Capital funds may be limited, so wise use of funds is importantThe need to get quick facility approval at all costs has led to overspending to remove potentialsnags during inspectionsMoney is not going toward product protection as much as to “fluff”:Money that could have been used for protecting the product is diverted to features with noproduct impact:– Mirror finishes, “stainless steel” facilities– Confusion regarding required process water quality, often over-specified without economic or scientific justification– Classified spaces (cleanrooms) where they are not needed, as for closed processes1.2 SCOPE OF THE GUIDEThis guide may be used by industry for the design, construction, commissioning, and qualification of new biopharmaceutical facilities. It is neither a standard nor a GMP, nor is it a detailed design guide. It is not intended to replace governing laws or regulations that apply to facilities of this type. The application of this document for new or existing facilities is at the discretion of the facility owner or operator. Approaches to meeting GMP provided in this guide need not be retroactively applied to currently licensed facilities.This guide applies to large molecule biotech products, cell-cultured or fermented:It does not apply to blood, vaccines, etc. However, most concepts in this guide may be applied to these productsIt applies to biopharmaceutical Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) products licensed by both CBER (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research) and CDER (Center for Drug Evaluationand Research)U.S. GMPs:•• •• Not much is specifically stated in the U.S. GMPs but best practices are covered here. It is ultimately the owner’s responsibility to justify decisions and approaches to regulators.Other GMPs are covered in the Appendix.National Institute of Health (NIH) and other safety issues are mentioned in the guide where they affect GMPs or design.The audience for this guide is professionals involved in the design, construction, validation and operation of licensed biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities:The mission of the Baseline® Guides is to help operating companies to satisfy the GMPs andproduce product in a manner that allows the manufacturer to stay in businessThis guide is not a GMP, but instead it focuses on use of resources to meet GMP. This Guide is but one approach to satisfying the intent of the GMPs. Other methods of protecting the productmay exist now or evolve in the future. If an issue is not covered in this guide, or if alternativesappear feasible, the reader is advised to discuss them with the appropriate regulatory agencies before significant financial commitments are made.It is intended that this Guide will be used by regulators and quality control to understand thetechnical issues regarding the facility or process. This Guide does not attempt to cover the basics of the engineering sciences, nor does it attempt to cover biopharmaceutical GMPs that do notaddress the facility or the manufacturing process technology.1.3 KEY CONCEPTS OF THE GUIDE1.3.1 Does the process equal product?There is a continuum of process and facility approaches based on the product and processes used to make the product. The best engineering solution makes optimal use of people, materials, and capital while protecting the product. There is not one “right” or “perfect” way to design and operate the facility. However, the design of a facility has a profound impact on process design and on how the facility is operatedDue to limitations in analytical methodologies and only superficial understandings of the relationships between process variables and final product quality, biopharmaceutical processes have historically been viewed as “black boxes”. Thus, there also has been a prevailing view that the “process equals the product”. This view has led to reluctance to alter biopharmaceutical processes, a reluctance that has been reinforced by conservative regulatory approaches. How could manufacturers assure the identity of the final product in the case of process variations? How could manufacturers assure the final product with changes in scale or changes in the facilities of manufacture?As the industry has developed a better understanding of biopharmaceutical processes and as analytical methods have improved, we have developed a better understanding of the “cause and effect” relationship between process variables and products. This evolution has caused a change in focus to those issues that are critical to the consistent manufacture of high quality products. Products and processes have been proven to be transportable between facilities and can be operated on different scales.1.3.2 Process design is tied to facility designThis Guide covers the variables that most directly affect the process and facility:•• • • •• • Open versus closed processing:– Closed processing places more emphasis on protecting the product INSIDE the process.– Open processing places more emphasis on the facility and its people.What works best for one product, facility, or process scale may not work best for another product, facility, or process scaleFeatures that work well in a single product facility may be inadequate for a multiple product facility Chapter 3 discusses these issues as well as viral clearance and clinical materials manufactureProcess controls:Automation is not a GMP requirement, but if automation is used then there are GMP implications.Chapter 7 provides more insight regarding automation.For subjects generic to all pharmaceutical facilities, the reader is directed to other sources for more in-depth information.Qualification basics are covered in ISPE Baseline® Guide for Commissioning and Qualification– Commission everything in accordance with Good Engineering Practice, but– Qualify only direct impact systems and critical components of those systems.– Design Qualification or Enhanced Design Review will help comply with ICH Q7A– Qualification considerations specific to Biopharmaceutical systems are covered in Chapter 8, with reference to topic-specific qualification activities in Chapters 3 through 7 Water and steam systems are covered in the ISPE Water and Steam Systems Baseline® Guide The Guide user is encouraged to work with the regulators to iron out “unique” issues before they become significant issues.1.3.3 Controlled ProcessingThe product must be protected by controlling the process and often its surroundings. This requires knowledge of the product and process and protection utilizing segregation and flow patterns. Chapter 3 discusses controlled processing in more detail. Know the Product (and its process)Intimate knowledge of the product, its critical parameters, the processes involved, and processing parameters is essential. Evaluation of potential contamination routes is needed. Data that demonstrate control of the process and to justify processing decisions will be key to a successful facility. The process can not add contaminationThe process’s contamination profile must be known and the process controlled to specifications.• Process Water should reflect the product purity profile.• Chapter 3 discusses recovery from upsets and prevention of contamination in manufacturing operations. Contamination control strategyAs discussed in Chapter 3, bulk biopharmaceutical manufacturing is low “bioburden” production. Aseptic-like processing steps or “sterile” processing operations utilizing sterilized process equipment are usually operated closed.Chapter 3 also discusses housekeeping, cleaning, and fumigation. Chapter 4 discusses equipment cleanability, and closure.1.3.4 Segregation and FlowSegregation protects the product from contamination in its surroundings (i.e., from the facility and other products). Segregation may be accomplished via procedures, timing, or by physical means. Flow patterns in the facility influence segregation, especially if more than one product is manufactured there. Chapter 6 provides more detail to help decision-making regarding segregation and flow. Primary and secondary segregation:As discussed in Chapters 2, 3, and 6, protection of product may be accomplished through primary and secondary segregation.Primary Segregation = used to mitigate a known risk of product contamination, usually supported by a strong GMP driver and process data. It is the foundation of the basic organization and operation of the facility and identifies process steps at risk.Secondary Segregation = used when there is little demonstrated risk to product, but segregation is desirable to minimize the risk of human error and mix-ups. There is no direct impact on product quality, but it helps define the facility and its operation, although more from a management standpoint than intrinsic process protection. Secondary segregation is open to interpretation as to applications and methodology. Flow and traffic patterns in the facilityImplementation of the segregation strategies results in “flow”• • • Flow patterns should address scale, volume and duration of expected traffic.Flow patterns should also address upset conditions (such as maintenance and change out of large equipment) and future construction.A mature materials handling philosophy must be in place before establishing flow patternsPhilosophies of primary and secondary segregation affect flow patterns: Raw materials flowProduct flow, including intermediates and hold pointsPersonnel flowGlass and equipment flow (through cleaning protocols)Waste flowFlow patterns may force issues with the cleanliness of the facility:• Materials of construction and architectural details• Building layout and potential contamination routes (via air, people, equipment)• Issues with cleaning of equipment and piping:– CIP/SIP– Wash facilities1.3.5 Open versus Closed Processing1.3.5.1 If a unit operation is demonstrated closed, it may operate in controlled non-classified(CNC) space.• • • •• • • Closed = segregation by physical means (hardware) to protect the product and process from contamination by the surrounding environment (outside the process)“Closure” and its measures must be defined by the Owner, and demonstrated to prevent contamination of the product.Various operating systems have varying degrees of closure, some may be absolute, while others also provide segregation, but to a lesser degree. The use of a “hard” definition may limit the understanding of “closed.”The surrounding room environment is not part of the equation for a closed process, but it should be “controlled”. If a unit operation is open, the product must be protected by other means.Open = not “closed”:Product = process + facilitySurrounding environment is a factor in the process.Either a classified space or a controlled non-classified environment will likely be needed, but the need for area monitoring is driven by the open process.The choice between closed processing in controlled non-classified (CNC) space and open processing in classified space is often driven by scale of the process, cost of operations, and value of product at risk. Chapter 4 provides information to help in selecting process equipment to meet open or closed requirements. Chapter 6 discusses the effects of process closure on the facility.1.3.6 Scale Affects DecisionsChapters 3, 4 and 5 deal with process design and support utility design issues connected with process scale, and Chapter 6 covers facility layout options.One size does not fit all. As scale of the process increases, there is a shift toward:• Vertical layouts with gravity flow of materialsMore closed operationsMore Primary segregationEquipment fixed in place (often dedicated)More automationControlled non-classified space instead of classified space (due to closed processing)Small process scales tend to include:• Horizontal process flow with pumps• Open operations• Segregation by time (campaigning)• Manual operations (mixing, etc.)• Less automationMore portable equipment, often shared with other productsMore need for classified spaces1.3.7 Single product vs. multiple products manufactureAs discussed in Chapter 3, when more than one product is manufactured in a facility, ensuring the products’ safety and quality becomes more difficult but no less important. Multi-product manufacturing facilities may segregate products by campaigning (one product at a time) or may process multiple products concurrently.• Campaigning depends heavily on validated cleaning and changeover procedures. (Chapter 3) Concurrent manufacturing must avoid cross-contamination through physical segregation and operating procedures. (Chapters 3 and 6)1.4 USING THE GUIDE1.4.1 Organization of the GuideAn overview of the Guide’s structure is shown in Figure 1-1.Appendix 6 Chap 14Process technologiesAppendix 7 Chap 15FacilityFigure1.1 Proposed structure of the final ISPE Baseline® Guide for BioPharmaceuticals1.4.2 Application of the GuideAs shown in Figure 1-1 it is necessary to begin by understanding the GMP requirements (Chapter 2) and then addressing the product and operational requirements (Chapter 3). From there, once operational concepts have been established, User Requirements defined, and perhaps even a Functional Design created, the discipline designers may begin detail design.Users of this Guide are advised to refer to other ISPE Baseline® Guides for more detailed or complementary information. For example, water and steam systems are thoroughly discussed in the ISPE Baseline® Guide for Water and Steam systems, and the design of classified pharmaceutical manufacturing space is discussed at length in the ISPE Baseline® Guide for Sterile Manufacturing Facilities.Users of this Guide are also encouraged to understand GMP and specific product requirements thoroughly before attempting facility design. Where there is conflict or a lack of understanding, manufacturers and engineers are encouraged to discuss concepts with the appropriate regulatory agency. Such early discussion opens dialogue and helps to settle potentially thorny issues.1-112 THE REGULATORY BASIS FOR FACILITY REQUIREMENTSDuring the design of new facilities every manufacturer faces numerous issues that may significantly affect the facility cost. These include process definition, process equipment requirements, the definition of a suitable manufacturing environmental quality to support manufacturing, water requirements, and facility layout. While some of the issues faced may affect the quality of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API or bulk drug substance), others may have no impact.The primary element to be considered in a biotech facility is the ability of the facility and the process to protect, i.e., prevent contamination of, the API. Product protection issues may be addressed in a voluntary Product Protection Control Strategy.The evolution of facilities for manufacturing biopharmaceutical products has led to many extremes in size, complexity, and capital/resources. Processing approaches and designs suitable for a small-scale process are often inadequate or inappropriate for a large-scale facility. The multi-product facility will differ in certain key areas from either of these dedicated facilities.Specifically, each company should determine the appropriate requirements to provide adequate protection for its product(s) and, thereby, the requirements for the completed facility. No single solution or design fits all drug substances or products, since the decisions made and incorporated in the facility will depend upon:• Nature of the process and product (i.e., contamination-sensitive processes to less sensitive processes, open versus closed processing, etc.)• Scale and complexity of the process• Number and types of the products in the facilityThis Chapter addresses some of the significant process-related concepts and facility attributes with regulatory implications to be considered when designing a facility. Key points developed include: • There is not one universal “GMP” standard or approach to biopharmaceutical facility and process design. The nature of the product and its processes greatly influences thesedecisions. Systems and their components will have varying effect on each product.• Biotech manufacturing operations are not usually intended to produce a sterile drug substance, but rather one of low bioburden. Although the voluntary adoption of asepticmanufacturing techniques and facility standards have occurred in the industry, suchstandards are not required. The production process and facility should include theappropriate controls to prevent, limit, and detect API contamination.• Processes may be closed or open. Closed processing presents less risk to product and presents fewer demands on the facility design. Local controls may be used with openprocesses to provide protection of the product.• Multiple products segregated by appropriate procedural or physical means may be produced within a single facility.• Water used in manufacture should be appropriate to the process; WFI may not be scientifically necessary throughout the entire process for most products.3 MANUFACTURING OPERATIONS AND ACTIVITIESThis Chapter involves the operational aspects of a biopharmaceutical facility, as opposed to the physical design of the facility itself, and addresses key regulatory issues and concepts defined in Chapter 2. The Chapter addresses the impact of facility and equipment design decisions on manufacturing operations. Conversely, the Chapter also describes how operability and maintainability considerations should influence the design of a biopharmaceutical facility. Concerns and issues of production management, process operators and other plant support personnel are included. Important concepts addressed in this Chapter are as follows:• • •• • Operational and Procedural Controls can play an important role in protecting the product, and must be factored into the “open versus closed” design decision. Application of these types of controls with a well trained manufacturing staff can often be a better solution than over-engineering a system.“Bioburden-Controlled Processing” and “Pyrogen (Endotoxin)-Controlled Processing” are key operational concepts that have a significant impact on process and facility design, and both are distinctly different from sterile processing. Some features of traditional sterile design and operation may be employed but are typically not required to establish the appropriate level of control.Viral Clearance (Reduction and Inactivation) – Biopharmaceutical processes commonly use raw materials from biological sources, starting with the cell line and often extending to supplements added during the cell culture and purification stages. Cell lines used in the biotechnology industry are extensively characterized for identity and purity, and are tested for the presence of infectious agents. Nevertheless, it is still a regulatory requirement for manufacturers using mammalian cell culture-based processes to demonstrate adequate viral clearance during the manufacturing process. In addition, increasing concern over the transmission of prions from animal-sourced raw materials has required manufacturers to take additional measures to minimize the risk of such contamination. The decision on how/where to accomplish viral clearance can have an impact on the equipment design, and may affect the design and layout of the facility.Segregation is critical in any biopharmaceutical operation to ensure product protection. Traditional applications include:– Between organisms, products, or technologies– Between processing steps (e.g., upstream and downstream operations)– Between raw materials or products at various stages of quality control or process step– Between components or equipment at different stages of cleanlinessSegregation can be accomplished by procedure, by spatial separation (physical), by time (temporal), by environmental control, or by process design (system closure).In a Multi-Product Operation, products can be either campaigned or processed concurrently.For campaigned products, the focus is on cleaning validation, changeover procedures between products, and line clearance procedures. For concurrent product manufacture, the focus is onsegregation, procedural controls, and avoidance of cross-contamination. In all cases, the overall guiding principle is to ensure the quality and safety of the product.Manufacturing at Different Stages of Product Development is important for many biopharmaceutical companies, particularly those facing their first major capital investment in manufacturing facilities. While the regulations are clear in stating that GMP compliance is required for all stages of clinical development, it is also recognized that in most cases the manufacturing process is not completely defined during early-stage clinical work. It is important that process issues having significant impact on the facility design be locked down as early as possible. The emphasis of process/facility design and validation during early-stage clinical manufacturing should be placed on areas that have the greatest impact on product quality and consistency.4 PROCESS AND EQUIPMENTThe Chapter on Process and Equipment is primarily concerned with design aspects of biopharmaceutical processes and equipment, as opposed to the related operational aspects addressed in Chapter 3. More specifically, this Chapter deals with the design of biopharmaceutical process equipment, and associated piping and instrumentation, which contact a product or its components at a stage in the process where such contact could influence the quality, safety, purity, strength or identity of the ultimate product. The primary audience for this Chapter is process and equipment engineers.In general, biopharmaceutical processes are similar in that nearly all have fermentation/cell culture production steps, harvest steps, purification steps, formulation steps, and final bulk filling steps. Although manufacturing processes may differ, certain Critical Process Parameters are consistent from product to product, and certain key considerations for each processing step apply to all processes.Within each process step there are process considerations driven by the overall philosophy of the organization operating the process. The design approach that is chosen based on these considerations (GMP and business drivers) will result in a set of criteria to be used for both equipment selection and overall facility design. There is no single answer to the majority of the process considerations mentioned. However, the combinations of the choices and solutions will define reasonable, compliant process designs.Various types of equipment share similar design considerations and requirements. Specifically, cleanability/drainability, surface finish, materials of construction, shear generation, closure level, containment level, and pressure/temperature requirements must be considered for virtually any piece of equipment or device used in biological manufacturing. Improper consideration can lead to processing systems that are either not operable (placing product at risk) or are operationally inefficient (lower process yields).Key topics addressed in this Chapter are:• Simplified process flow diagrams of several typical biopharmaceutical processes.• Critical process parameters that are consistent from product to product. Key processing (critical) parameters for various processing steps are identified for typical unit operations.Critical process parameters, such as temperature, pH, conductivity, bioburden, endotoxin,product concentration, by-product levels, purity, and stability are generally similar fromprocess to process. However, the acceptance criteria, implications and applicable designoptions from process to process may vary significantly.• General considerations for equipment design – design considerations common to most biopharmaceutical unit operations.• General equipment considerations, such as materials of construction, cleanability, avoiding cross contamination, open vs. closed, process monitoring, safety, containment, andmaintenance, can be applied to most process equipment, and design considerations areoutlined. Similarly, there are design considerations applying specifically to general particularareas such as cell culture and purification. These are outlined as well in the form ofchecklists for the process and equipment engineer.。
chapter.6 企业竞争战略(业务层)(案例)
最初的3条航线,选择在各城市的次要机场之间提供廉 价的点对点的空运服务。 在后来的发展中,不论业务范围如何扩展,西南航都始 终坚持最初制定的“与汽车竞争”的低价、短航线业务方向, 并为此严格进行成本控制,不曾偏离。如在《北美自由贸易 协定》签署后,人们普遍认为总部位于得克萨斯州的西南航 最有条件开辟墨西哥航线,但是西南航并没有选择这一具有 诱惑力的航线;1994年,美国有51个城市希望西南航将服务 带入它们的机场,恳请西南航设立办事处,西南航仍然不受 干扰地严格依据自己短程、低价的定位对航线进行严格的筛 选,只有那些通常每天都有10-20个航班客运量的城市才会 成为西南航办事处的设立点;西南航在20世纪70年代仅飞1 个州,80年代仅飞5个州,90年代扩大到15个州,而且即使 是在繁荣期,也控制年增长率在10%-15%。
我们所找到的这些中国隐形冠军公司不但有类似德国隐 形冠军公司的市场地位和成长经历,而且有非常相似的战略 特征和企业文化,其中最重要的特点之一就是“专注”:集 中一切资源、时间和精力来耕耘一个狭窄市场的公司,显然 比那些三心二意的同行们更有希望成为行业的冠军公司。 “专注”是隐形冠军公司在企业战略上最核心的共同特征。 对于多数隐形冠军公司来说,至少到目前为止,它们的 选择都是聚焦于狭窄的市场,专心做自己最擅长的事情,力 图在一个具体的产品或者业务上形成自己绝对的竞争优势。 简单地说,它们的目标就是要做“小池塘里的大鱼”。而且 多数隐形冠军公司专心耕耘的是“冷门”的利基市场,一方 面,国际大企业对于这样的市场往往掉以轻心,或者因为大 企业的官僚与笨拙而未能充分开掘,而国内企业战略风格帮 助隐形冠军们找到那些看似生僻、其实利润丰厚而且竞争相 对较弱的市场。例如:美的风扇、德生收音机、明珠星石英 钟等企业都是比较典型的例子。
Chapter 6 盈余惯性与价格惯性
Jegadeesh Titman 1993
J是持有月数 K是分组时使用的月数 表1中给出的月平均回报 样本期是从1965年1月到1989年12月 Panel B是滞后一周再购买股票的策略
Jegadeesh Titman 1993
Jegadeesh Titman 1993
Bernard and Thomas, 1989 Bernard and Thomas, 1990 Ball and Bartov, 1996 Jegadeesh, Titman, 1993,2001 Moskowitz, Grinblatt 1999 O’Neal 2000
Barberis, Shleifer and Vishny(1998) 认为“保守性偏差”导致投资者对新信 息反应不足,从而造成了价格惯性与盈 余惯性。反应不足理论得到了学术界广 泛的认同。 Hong and Stein(1999,2000)认为市 场上有两类交易者--信息交易者和噪音交 易者,噪音交易者的存在使得信息只能 缓慢地反应到股票价格中。
套利局限性 2/2
Ke and Ramalingegowda(2005)进一步发现积极 的机构投资者会投资于交易成本较低的股票,从而 加速了这部分公司股价向内在价值的回归;对于交 易成本较高的股票,积极的机构投资者则没有进行 投资,所以,交易成本较高的股票其盈余惯性也较 大。 Ng, Rusticus, and Verdi(2007)研究了交易成本与 盈余惯性的关系,认为当控制交易成本后,套利风 险无法解释惯性现象,并且投资者复杂性(机构持 股比例)也是盈余惯性的决定因素之一。
国际商业管理第6章Formulating Strategy
Implementation Process
Set up control and evaluation systems to ensure success, feedback to planning
Prentice Hall 2003
Chapter 6
Steps in Developing International and Global Strategies
Prentice Hall 2003
Chapter 6
Strategic Planning and Strategy
The process by which a firm’s managers evaluate the future prospects of the firm and decide on appropriate strategies to achieve long-term objectives is called strategic planning. The basic means by which the company competes – its choice of business or businesses in which to operate and the ways in which it differentiates itself from its competitors – is its strategy.
• • • •
Prentice Hall 2003
Chapter 6
Reasons for Going International
• • • •
Proactive Reasons Economies of scale Growth opportunities Resource access and cost savings Incentives
AMBA™ 3 APB Protocolv1.0Specification Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BAMBA 3 APB ProtocolSpecificationCopyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.Release InformationChange historyDate Issue Change25 September 2003A First release for v1.017 August 2004B Second release for v1.0Proprietary NoticeWords and logos marked with® or™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of ARM Limited in the EU andother countries, except as otherwise stated below in this proprietary notice. Other brands and namesmentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this documentmay be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written permission of the copyrightholder.The product described in this document is subject to continuous developments and improvements. Allparticulars of the product and its use contained in this document are given by ARM Limited in good faith.However, all warranties implied or expressed, including but not limited to implied warranties ofmerchantability, or fitness for purpose, are excluded.This document is intended only to assist the reader in the use of the product. ARM Limited shall not be liablefor any loss or damage arising from the use of any information in this document, or any error or omission insuch information, or any incorrect use of the product.AMBA Specification License1.Subject to the provisions of Clauses 2 and 3, ARM hereby grants to LICENSEE a perpetual, non-exclusive,nontransferable, royalty free, worldwide licence to use and copy the AMBA Specification for the purpose ofdeveloping, having developed, manufacturing, having manufactured, offering to sell, selling, supplying orotherwise distributing products which comply with the AMBA Specification.2.THE AMBA SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES EXPRESS, IMPLIEDOR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF SATISFACTORYQUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE.3. No licence, express, implied or otherwise, is granted to LICENSEE, under the provisions of Clause 1, touse the ARM tradename, or AMBA trademark in connection with the AMBA Specification or any productsbased thereon. Nothing in Clause 1 shall be construed as authority for LICENSEE to make anyrepresentations on behalf of ARM in respect of the AMBA Specification.ii Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BConfidentiality StatusThis document is Open Access. This document has no restriction on distribution.Product StatusThe information in this document is final, that is for a developed product.Web AddressARM IHI 0024B Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.iiiiv Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BContentsAMBA 3 APB Protocol SpecificationPrefaceAbout this specification (x)Feedb ack (xiii)Chapter1Introduction1.1About the AMBA 3 APB .............................................................................. 1-21.2Changes for AMBA 3 APB Protocol Specification v1.0 ............................... 1-3Chapter2Transfers2.1Write transfers ............................................................................................. 2-22.2Read transfers ............................................................................................ 2-42.3Error response ............................................................................................ 2-6Chapter3Operating States3.1Operating states .......................................................................................... 3-2Chapter4Signal Descriptions4.1AMBA 3 APB signals .................................................................................. 4-2 ARM IHI 0024B Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.vContentsvi Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BList of FiguresAMBA 3 APB Protocol SpecificationKey to timing diagram conventions (xi)Figure2-1Write transfer with no wait states .............................................................................. 2-2 Figure2-2Write transfer with wait states ................................................................................... 2-3 Figure2-3Read transfer with no wait states .............................................................................. 2-4 Figure2-4Read transfer with wait states ................................................................................... 2-5 Figure2-5Example failing write transfer .................................................................................... 2-6 Figure2-6Example failing read transfer .................................................................................... 2-7 Figure3-1State diagram ............................................................................................................ 3-2 ARM IHI 0024B Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.viiList of Figuresviii Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BPrefaceThis preface introduces the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) 3Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) protocol specification. It contains the followingsections:•About this specification on page x•Feedback on page xiii.ARM IHI 0024B Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ixPrefaceAbout this specificationThis is the specification for the AMBA 3 APB protocol. All references to APB in thismanual refer to AMBA 3 (not AMBA 2 or earlier versions).Intended audienceThis specification is written to help hardware and software engineers to design systemsand modules that are compatible with the APB protocol.Using this specificationThis specification is organized into the following chapters:Chapter1 IntroductionRead this chapter for an overview of the APB protocol.Chapter2 TransfersRead this chapter for information about the different types of APBtransfer.Chapter3 Operating StatesRead this chapter for descriptions of the APB operating states.Chapter4 Signal DescriptionsRead this chapter for descriptions of the APB signals.ConventionsThis section describes the conventions that this specification uses:•Typographical•Timing diagrams on page xi•Signals on page xii.TypographicalThis specification uses the following typographical conventions:italic Highlights important notes, introduces special terminology,denotes internal cross-references, and citations.bold Highlights interface elements, such as menu names. DenotesARM processor signal names. Also used for terms in descriptivelists, where appropriate.x Copyright ©2003, 2004. ARM Limited. All rights reserved.ARM IHI 0024BPreface monospace Denotes text that you can enter at the keyboard, such ascommands, file and program names, and source code. monospace Denotes a permitted abbreviation for a command or option. Youcan enter the underlined text instead of the full command or optionname.monospace italic Denotes arguments to monospace text where the argument is to bereplaced by a specific value.monospace bold denotes language keywords when used outside example code.< and > Angle brackets enclose replaceable terms for assembler syntaxwhere they appear in code or code fragments. They appear innormal font in running text. For example:•MRC p15, 0 <Rd>, <CRn>, <CRm>, <Opcode_2>•The Opcode_2 value selects which register is accessed. Timing diagramsThe figure named Key to timing diagram conventions explains the components used in timing diagrams. Variations, when they occur, have clear labels. You must not assume any timing information that is not explicit in the diagrams.Shaded bus and signal areas are undefined, so the bus or signal can assume any value within the shaded area at that time. The actual level is unimportant and does not affect normal operation.Key to timing diagram conventionsPrefaceSignalsThe signal conventions are:Signal level The level of an asserted signal depends on whether the signal isactive-HIGH or active-LOW. Asserted means HIGH foractive-HIGH signals and LOW for active-LOW signals.Prefix P Denotes AMBA 3 APB signals.Suffix n Denotes AXI, AHB, and AMBA 3 APB reset signals.Further readingThis section lists publications that provide additional information about the AMBA 3protocol family.ARM periodically provides updates and corrections to its documentation. See for current errata sheets, addenda, and the Frequently AskedQuestions list.This document contains information that is specific to the APB interface. See thefollowing documents for other relevant information:•AMBA AXI Protocol Specification (ARM IHI0022).PrefaceFeedbackARM Limited welcomes feedback on the APB protocol and its documentation.Feedback on the productIf you have any comments or suggestions about this product, contact your suppliergiving:•the product name• a concise explanation of your comments.Feedback on this specificationIf you have any comments on this specification, send email to errata@ giving:•the title•the number•the relevant page number(s) to which your comments apply• a concise explanation of your comments.ARM Limited also welcomes general suggestions for additions and improvements.PrefaceChapter1IntroductionThis chapter provides an overview of the AMBA 3 APB. It contains the followingsection:•About the AMBA 3 APB on page1-2•Changes for AMBA 3 APB Protocol Specification v1.0 on page1-3.Introduction 1.1About the AMBA 3 APBThe APB is part of the AMBA 3 protocol family. It provides a low-cost interface that is optimized for minimal power consumption and reduced interface complexity.The APB interfaces to any peripherals that are low-bandwidth and do not require the high performance of a pipelined bus interface. The APB has unpipelined protocol.All signal transitions are only related to the rising edge of the clock to enable theintegration of APB peripherals easily into any design flow. Every transfer takes at least two cycles.The APB can interface with the AMBA Advanced High-performance Bus Lite(AHB-Lite) and AMBA Advanced Extensible Interface (AXI). You can use it to provide access to the programmable control registers of peripheral devices.本页已使用福昕阅读器进行编辑。
chapter6 作物模拟模型
1. 作物生长模型的建模原理
2. 作物生长模型的模拟过程 3. 作物生长模型的模拟范围
1. 模拟系统定义与分析
2. 数据获取与量化处理 3. 数字模型构造与程序编写
4. 模型验证、检验与改进
五、作物生长模型研究进展 六、著名作物生长模型简介 1. DSSAT模型 2. EPIC模型 3. APSIM模型 4. WOFOST模型 5. GOSSYM/COMAX 6. 中国作物模型
七ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ作物生长模型的应用领域
1. 作物生长模型的类型
按照模型所描述的作物种类,作物生长模型可分为单作物专用模型 和多作物通用模型。 单作物专用模型(model for single crop specie)是根据某一具体作
多作物通用模型(model for multiple crop species)是根据各种作 物生理生态过程的共性研制而成模型的主体框架,再结合各种作物
类,前者通常简称为作物生长模型,后者简称 为虚拟植物模型。
第一节 作物生长模型研究及其应用
三、作物生长模拟原理 四、作物生长模型的研制步骤
1. 作物生长模型的概念
作物生长模型,其全称为作物生长模拟模型(Crop Growth Simulation Model),简称为作物模型(Crop Model),是指能 定量地和动态地描述作物生长、发育和产量形成的过程及其对 环境反应的计算机模拟程序。 又被称为机理模型(functional model)或过程模型(process model)。 作物生长模型的开发和应用过程,称为作物生长模拟(Crop Growth Modeling)或作物模拟(Crop Modeling)。
SpaceX团队所有成员全心全意着一个共同目标。他们加入马斯克的团队,加入他看似疯狂的火星移民计划, 终于最终实现了第一步的重要突破——
CHAPTER 8第三次发 射(2008年5月— 2008年8月)
CHAPTER 9八个星期 (2008年8月—2008 年9月)
CHAPTER 10第四次 发射(2008年9月28 日)
CHAPTER 11 步履不停
3 SpaceX的主要
员工(2002 年—2008年)
3 推荐序二商业
航天的无限未 来
4 推荐序三从
SpaceX的早期 创业经历中汲 取经验和勇气
序章(2019年 9月14日)
CHAPTER 2梅林发 动机(2002年8 月—2003年3月)
CHAPTER 1创业初 期(2000年9月—
CHAPTER 3夸贾林 (2003年1月— 2005年5月)
CHAPTER 5卖火箭 (2002年8月— 2006年8月)
CHAPTER 4第一次 发射(2005年5 月—2006年6月)
CHAPTER 6第二次 发射(2006年3 月—2007年3月)
CHAPTER 7得克萨斯 (2003年1月—2008
AMD Athlon64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet
AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power andThermal Data SheetPublication # 30430 Revision: 3.05Issue Date: November 2003© 2003 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.The contents of this document are provided in connection with AdvancedMicro Devices, Inc. (“AMD”) products. AMD makes no representations orwarranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of thispublication and reserves the right to make changes to specifications andproduct descriptions at any time without notice. No license, whether express,implied, arising by estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights aregranted by this publication. Except as set forth in AMD’s Standard Terms andConditions of Sale, AMD assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims anyexpress or implied warranty, relating to its products including, but not limitedto, the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, orinfringement of any intellectual property right.AMD’s products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use ascomponents in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or in otherapplications intended to support or sustain life, or in any other application inwhich the failure of AMD’s product could create a situation where personalinjury, death, or severe property or environmental damage may occur. AMDreserves the right to discontinue or make changes to its products at any timewithout notice.TrademarksAMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Athlon, AMD Opteron, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.30430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data SheetContentsChapter 1AMD Athlon™ 64 Desktop Processor (6)Chapter 2AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Desktop Processor (9)Chapter 3Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor (12)Contents 3AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet 30430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003List of FiguresFigure 1. AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Ordering Part Number Example (6)Figure 2. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Ordering Part Number Example (9)Figure 3. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Ordering Part Number Example (12)List of TablesTable 1. AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Temperature Options (6)Table 2. AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Operating Voltage Options (6)Table 3. AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Model Number Options (7)Table 4. AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Thermal/Power Specifications (7)Table 5. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Temperature Options (9)Table 6. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Operating Voltage Options (9)Table 7. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Model Number Options (10)Table 8. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Thermal/Power Specifications (10)Table 9. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor L2 Cache Size Options (12)Table 10. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Temperature Options (13)Table 11. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Operating Voltage Options (13)Table 12. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Model Number Options (13)Table 13. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power Limit (13)Table 14. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Thermal/Power Specifications (14)4 List of Figures30430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data SheetRevision History 5Revision HistoryDate Revision DescriptionNovember 2003 3.05 General clean up. Updated S3 I/O power for non-FX parts. Fixed mobile OPN example. Added thermal resistance specifications for all OPNs. September 2003 3.02 Changed min P-state information to N/A in Table 8, and removed unreleased entries from Table 4 and Table 14. September 20033.00Initial public release.AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet 30430 Rev. 3.05 November 20036 AMD Athlon ™ 64 Desktop ProcessorChapter 1Chapter 1AMD Athlon ™ 64 Desktop ProcessorThe specifications for the AMD Athlon ™ 64 processor are listed in Table 4 on page 7. Each column represents a specific ordering part number (OPN). Figure 1 provides an example of the OPN structure for this processor family.Refer to the AMD Athlon™ 64 Data Sheet , order# 24659 for all other electrical specifications for the processor, and refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Opteron™ Processors , order# 26094 for power management BIOS requirements.Figure 1. AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Ordering Part Number Example Table 1. AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Temperature OptionsP70°CTable 2. AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Operating Voltage OptionsE 1.50V30430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data SheetChapter 1AMD Athlon ™ 64 Desktop Processor 7Table 3. AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Model Number Options3200+:2000 MHzTable 4. AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Thermal/Power SpecificationsParameter/OPN ADA3200AEP5AP Model Number 3200+CPUID 8000_0001h EAX [31:0]700000F48h FID/VID Status MaxVID Field 8 00h FID/VID Status MaxFID Field 8 0Ch FID/VID Status StartVID Field 8 02h FID/VID Status StartFID Field 8 0Ch L2 Cache Size 1 MBT CASE Max70°C Max P-State2000 MHz VID_VDD 1.50 V IDD Max 57.8 AThermal Design Power 189 WThermal Resistance (case to ambient)90.31°C/W Intermediate P-State #11800 MHz VID_VDD 1.40 V IDD Max 45.6 AThermal Design Power 166 WMin P-State800 MHz VID_VDD 1.30 V IDD Max 25.2 AThermal Design Power 135 WHalt/Stop Grant at Max P-State 2IDDC1 Max 32.5 AI/O Power 52.2 WHalt/Stop Grant at Min P-State 3IDDC1 Max 10.5 AI/O Power 52.2 W S34I/O Power 4,6600mWNotes:1. Thermal Design Power (TDP) is measured under the conditions of T CASE Max, IDD Max, and VDD=VID_VDD,and include all power dissipated on-die from VDD, VDDIO, VLDT, VTT, and VDDA. 2. Assumes t CASE max, VDD, clock divider set to 32. 3. Assumes 50°C, VDD nom, clock divider set to 32.4. Assumes 35°C, VDD, VDDA, and VLDT supplies are off, VDDIO and VTT are powered, memory in self-refreshmode and DDR SDRAM interface tristated except clocks and CKE pins.6.5. Thermal Design Power for VDDIO, VTT, VLDT, and VDDA power planes only.7.6. Thermal Design Power for VDDIO and VTT power planes only.8.7. CPUID extended function 8000_0001h fields are used by the BIOS in uniquely associating a given processor tothe P-states that are valid for that processor. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer ’s Guide for AMD Athlon ™ 64 and AMD Opteron ™ Processors , order# 26094 9.8. FIDVID Status Register, MSR C001_0042h.AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet 30430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003 9.Ambient temperature into heat sink (internal ambient) assumed to be 42°C.8 AMDAthlon™ 64 Desktop Processor Chapter 130430 Rev. 3.05 November 2003 AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet Chapter 2AMD Athlon™ 64 FX DesktopProcessorThe specifications for the AMD Athlon™ 64 FX processor are listed in Table 8 on page 10. Each column represents a specific ordering part number (OPN). Figure 2 provides an example of the OPN structure for this processor family.Refer to the AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Data Sheet, order# 30431 for all other electrical specifications for the processor. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Opteron™ Processors, order# 26094 for power management BIOS requirements.Figure 2. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Ordering Part Number ExampleTable 5. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Temperature OptionsP 70°CTable 6. AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Processor Operating Voltage OptionsE 1.50VChapter 2 AMD Athlon™ 64 FX Desktop Processor 9AMD Athlon ™ 64 Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet 30430 Rev. 3.05 November 200310 AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX Desktop ProcessorChapter 2Table 7. AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX Processor Model Number OptionsFX51:2200 MHzTable 8. AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX Processor Thermal/Power SpecificationsParameter/OPN ADAFX51CEP5AK Model Number FX51CPUID 8000_0001h EAX [31:0]700000F58h FID/VID Status MaxVID Field 8 N/A FID/VID Status MaxFID Field 8 N/A FID/VID Status StartVID Field 8 N/A FID/VID Status StartFID Field 8 N/A L2 Cache Size 1 MBT CASE Max70°C Max Frequency2200 MHz VID_VDD 1.50 V IDD Max 57.4 AThermal Design Power 189 WThermal Resistance (case to ambient)90.31°C/W Intermediate P-State #1VID_VDD N/A IDD Max N/AThermal Design Power 1N/AMin P-StateVID_VDD N/A IDD Max N/AThermal Design Power 1N/AHalt/Stop Grant at Max P-State 2IDDC1 Max 32.5 AI/O Power 52.9 WHalt/Stop Grant at Min P-State 3IDDC1 Max N/AI/O Power 5N/A S34I/O Power 4,62.2 W Notes:1. Thermal Design Power (TDP) is measured under the conditions of T CASE Max, IDD Max, and VDD=VID_VDD,and include all power dissipated on-die from VDD, VDDIO, VLDT, VTT, and VDDA. 2. Assumes t CASE max, VDD, clock divider set to 32. 3. Assumes 50°C, VDD nom, clock divider set to 32.4. Assumes 35°C, VDD, VDDA, and VLDT supplies are off, VDDIO and VTT are powered, memory in self-refreshmode and DDR SDRAM interface tristated except clocks and CKE pins.6.5. Thermal Design Power for VDDIO, VTT, VLDT, and VDDA power planes only.7.6. Thermal Design Power for VDDIO and VTT power planes only.8.7. CPUID extended function 8000_0001h fields are used by the BIOS in uniquely associating a given processor tothe P-states that are valid for that processor. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer ’s Guide for AMD Athlon ™ 64 and AMD Opteron ™ Processors , order# 26094. 9.8. FIDVID Status Register, MSR C001_0042h.9.Ambient temperature into heat sink (internal ambient) assumed to be 42°C.Chapter 3Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64ProcessorThe specifications for the Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 processor (including desktop replacement) are listed in Table 14 on page 14. Each column represents a specific ordering part number (OPN). Figure 3 provides an example of the OPN structure for this processor family.Refer to the Mobile AMD Athlon 64 Processor Data Sheet, order #27105 for all other electrical specifications for the processor. For power management BIOS requirements refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for AMD Athlon™ 64 and AMD Opteron™ Processors, order #26094.Figure 3. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Ordering Part Number ExampleTable 9. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor L2 Cache Size OptionsMB5 1Table 10. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Temperature OptionsX 95°CTable 11. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Operating Voltage Options E 1.50VTable 12. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Model Number Options 3000+:1800 MHz3200+:2000 MHzTable 13. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Power LimitA DTRTable 14. Mobile AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Thermal/Power SpecificationsParameter/OPN AMA3000BEX5AP AMA3200BEX5APModel Number 3000+ 3200+CPUID 8000_0001h EAX [31:0]8 00000F48h00000F48h00hFID/VID Status MaxVID Field9 00h0ChFID/VID Status MaxFID Field9 0Ah12hFID/VID Status StartVID Field9 12h00hFID/VID Status StartFID Field9 00hL2 Cache Size 1MB 1MBT DIE Max 95°C95°CMax P-State 1800 MHz 2000 MHzVID_VDD 1.50 V 1.50 VIDD Max 52.9 A 52.9 AThermal Design Power181.5 W 81.5 WThermal Resistance (case to ambient)100.65°C/W0.65°C/WIntermediate P-State #1 1600MHz 1800MHzVID_VDD 1.40V 1.40VIDD Max 39.1 A 42 AThermal Design Power157 W 61 WIntermediate P-State #2N/A 1600MHzVID_VDD N/A 1.30VIDD Max N/A 33.0 AThermal Design Power1N/A 45 WMin P-State 800 MHz 800MHz1.10V VID_VDD 1.10VIDD Max 15.3 A 15.3 AThermal Design Power119 W 19 WHalt/Stop Grant Max P-State2IDDC1 Max 29.5 A 29.5 AI/O Power6 2.2 W 2.2 WHalt/Stop Grant Min P-State3IDDC1 Max 5.0 A 5.0 AI/O Power6 2.2 W 2.2 WC3/S1 Min P-State4IDDC3 Max 3.5 A 3.5 AI/O Power6 2.0 W 2.0 WS35I/O Power7,5600mW600mWNotes:1.Thermal Design Power (TDP) is measured under the conditions of T DIE Max, IDD Max, and VDD=VID_VDD,and include all power dissipated on-die from VDD, VDDIO, VLDT, VTT, and VDDA.2.Assumes t DIE max, VDD nom +50 mV, clock divider set to 512.3.Assumes 50°C, VDD nom +50 mV, clock divider set to 512.4.Assumes 35°C, VDD nom +50 mV, clock divider set to 512, HyperTransport™ links disconnected, memory inself-refresh mode, DDR SDRAM interface tristated except clocks and CKE pins.5.Assumes 35°C, VDD, VDDA, and VLDT supplies are off, VDDIO and VTT are powered, memory in self-refreshmode and DDR SDRAM interface tristated except clocks and CKE pins.7.6.Thermal Design Power for VDDIO, VTT, VLDT, and VDDA power planes only.8.7.Thermal Design Power for VDDIO and VTT power planes only.9.8.CPUID extended function 8000_0001h fields are used by the BIOS in uniquely associating a given processor tothe P-states that are valid for that processor. Refer to the BIOS and Kernel Developer’s Guide for AMD Athlon™64 and AMD Opteron™ Processors, order# 26094.10.9.FIDVID Status Register, MSR C001_0042h.10.System temperature rise assumed to be 7°C. External ambient assumed to be 35°C.。
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The dihedral angle of H1-C(1)-C(2)-H2 (6): 180o
6.5 Cyclohexane
8 7 tr ans-1,2-dimethylcyclohexane
Relationship of 5 and 7: Enantiomers General statement: For a substitutent X, trans-1,2diX-cyclohexanes have either diaxial or diequatorial and exist as a pair of enantiomers.
6.2 Cyclopropane
3 carbons: lie in a plane
All C-H bonds: eclipsed
The angle of CCC: 60o
6.2 Cyclopropane
1. Which of the following compound(s) is (are) chiral? Meso?
6.5 Cyclohexane
Some common AValues (kcal/mol)
6.5 Cyclohexane
Locked chair conformation
Very bulky substituent group: Overwhelming preference for equatorial position.
6.3 Cyclobutane
The crystal structure, determined by X-ray diffraction, contains chains of hydrogen-bonded molecules. The cyclobutane ring is planar with C-C single bond lengths of 1.567 ± 0.006 and 1.552 ± 0.006 Å (longer than normal C-C, 1.537 Å ).
6.5 Cyclohexane II. Disubstituted cyclohexanes
1. Both substitutents can be axial
1) 1,2-disubstituted cyclohexanes
The dihedral angle of C-C(1)-C(2)-C (5): 180o
Three Types of Cyclic Strain
1. Angle strain (Baeyer Strain) 2. Torsional strain (Pitzer Strain)
3. Steric strain (Prelog Strain)
6.1 Types of Strain
1. Angle strain (Baeyer Strain theory): Proposed by Adolf von Baeyer (Nobel Prize in 1905), an explanation of the relative stabilities of cyclic molecules.
6.1 Types of Strain
2. Torsional strain (Pitzer Strain): Butane
6.1 Types of Strain
3. Steric strain (Prelog Strain): Steric strain (van der Waals strain) is the unfavorable interactions of ring substituents on nonadjacent carbons, arises from a lack of space in the interior of the ring (distance in between less than the sum of their van der Waals radii), which forces substituents into conflict with one another.
6.1 Types of Strain
2. Torsional strain (Pitzer Strain):
Is the repulsion caused by the electrons between X and Y groups in a system of X-C-C-Y (1,2-interaction) when they pass by each other during the rotation around the C-C sigma bond.
6.5 Cyclohexane
1,3-diaxial interaction
6.5 Cyclohexane
Practice: Draw both chair conformers of cis-1-chloro3-methyl-cyclohexane. Is this compound chiral? Consider whether a plane of symmetry exists in any energetically accessible conformation.
Draw cis-2-chlorocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid and its mirror image. What is the stereochemical relationship between them and compound 4?
6.3 Cyclobutane
6.5 Cyclohexane
2) 1,3-disubstituted cyclohexanes
The dihedral angle of C-C(1)…C(3)-C (9): 0o The dihedral angle of H1-C(1)…C(3)-H3 (10): 0o
General statement: cis-1,3-diX-cyclohexanes have either diaxial or diequatorial and are meso (two X are identical, symmetry plane exists).
trans-cyclobutane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid
JACS, 1967,89:2, 223-226
6.3 Cyclobutane
the number of carbon atoms in the ring, n, is even, and the substituents are located at carbon 1 and 1+(n/2), their diastereomers are achiral.
Indigo dye
6.1 Types of Strain
1. Angle strain (Baeyer Strain theory): Occurs when C-C-C single bond angles deviate significantly from the ideal value of 109.5o
6.1 Types of Strain
Ring Strain vs. Cycloalkane Size
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 3 4 5 6
Cyclohexane the most stable
Ring Strain
Cycloalkane Ring Size
Not flat, one carbon is ca.
25o above the plane defined by the other three. 88o.
The internal CCC angle is Certain
substituted cyclobutanes are planar (trans-cyclobutane-1,3dicarboxylic acid).
6.4 Cyclopentane
conformation (envelope-type conformation) around the ring (pseudorotation).
The puckering moves rapidly
6.4 Cyclopentane
6 Stereochemistry of Cyclic Compounds
6.1 Types of Strain
6.2 Cyclopropane
6.3 Cyclobutane
6.4 Cyclopentane
6.5 Cyclohexane
6.6 Summary of Key Points
6.1 Types of Strain
Pseudorotation of cyclopentane (VALISA)
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2003, 4, 107-118
6.5 Cyclohexane
C-C-C angle: 109o29’, close to the
tetrahedral value.
Little strain A C3 axis Two principal conformers (chair and boat) Hydrogens at axial and equatorial positions
6.5 Cyclohexane
Chair Conformer
6.5 Cyclohexane