2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (718)
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (891)
第六单元冷战结束后的世界题组一聚焦河南中考一、选择题1.(2018河南,20,1分)下图反映了当前人类面临的问题是( )捷克瑟比斯提拉地区酸雨毁坏的树木A.经济混乱B.资源匮乏C.环境恶化D.贫富分化2.(2017河南,19,1分)下面是1992年统计的部分跨国公司和国家经济实力对比表,据此可知,跨国公司( )A.是垄断国际贸易的主要经济体B.是国际资本输出的主要来源C.在经济全球化中扮演重要角色D.阻碍了欧洲国家的经济发展3.(2016河南,19,1分)从1990—2007年,全球经济从22.8万亿美元增长至53.3万亿美元,全球贸易增长了133%。
全球经济的快速增长直接得益于( )A.美苏两极格局瓦解B.多极化趋势发展C.亚太经合组织成立D.经济全球化加速4.(2013河南,20,1分)20世纪70年代末,美国弗吉尼亚州北部的威林格突遭酸雨袭击,三天之内全城树木脱叶,花草枯萎,呈现一片灰白色。
该事件凸显了人类在发展中面临着( )A.资源问题B.毒品问题C.环境问题D.战争问题二、非选择题5.(2011河南,25,7分)阅读材料,回答问题:材料一材料二二战以来,国际组织如雨后春笋般的蓬勃发展,适应了新科技革命带来的经济全球化的需要,适应了当代世界多极化趋势的需要,发展中国家为适应这种变化,积极参与各种国际组织。
分析表格内容,从中能够得到的结论是( )①各国间进行合作生产,联系日益密切②美国丧失了资本主义头号经济强国的地位③发达国家掌握核心科技,在全球化过程中占据主导地位 ④体现了当今世界“一超多强”的局面 A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②③2.(2018鹤壁一模)经济全球化的今天,发展中国家的经济年增长速度每下降3%,发达国家的经济增长速度就有可能下降1%。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (1138)
如:She knew that the teacher had se en the film.她知道这位老师看过这部电影。
“that the teacher had seen the film”做 knew 的宾语,同时又是由连接词 that 引导的从句,所以它叫做宾语从句。
2. 宾语从句的分类(1)动词宾语从句:顾名思义,它是位于动词后面的宾语从句。
如:He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class.他问我们班上谁的书法最好。
如:I agree with what you said just now.我同意你刚才说的话。
如:I am afraid that I will be late. 恐怕我要迟到了。
3. 引导宾语从句的连接词(1)that:没有含义,在宾语从句中不做成分(2)whether/if:表示是否,在宾语从句中不做成分。
I don't know if /whether he still lives h ere after so many years. 我不知道这么多年后,他是否还住在这里。
(3)连接代词:what, which, who, whom, whose(在宾语从句中做主、宾、表和定语)连接副词:where, when, how, why(在宾语从句中做状语)The small children don't know what is in their stockings.(what 在宾语从句中做主语)这些小孩子不知道什么在他们的长筒袜里。
Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning?(why 在宾语从句中做原因状语)你能告诉我为什么你今天早上开会迟到吗?4. 在做宾语从句的题目时应注意两点(1)时态:①当主句是现在时态时,宾语从句可以根据需要使用任何时态。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (800)
I've been buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twentyyears...
...you have learned a valuable(有价值的)lessontoday.
In the Republic of Korea,the"hand heart"has been popular for a long time,but in a differentway.
After the students get paid, therestof the money goes to a local youth project.
However, I knew that as soon as I got my smartphone back I would be one of thosepeopleonce again.
Many young popstarsin theUShave done the move in recent photos.
Nasreddin's wife brought somesoupto the table and the visitor tasted it.
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (502)
河南省滑县2019届高三数学第二次联考试题文(扫描版)2018—2019学年高三年级调研考试(二)数学(文科)参考答案1.【答案】B【解析】依题意,{}{}232,1,0,1,2Z A x x =∈-≤<=--,故{}0,2A B =,故选B.2.【答案】A 【解析】依题意,()()()()24i 13i 24i 26i 4i 121010i1i 13i 13i 13i 1010--------====--++-,故选A. 3.【答案】D【解析】依题意,131********n n ⎡⎤⎛⎫-⎢⎥⎪⎝⎭-⎢⎥⎣⎦=--,化简可得2log 6n =,故[]2n =,则第2日蒲生长的长度为D. 4.【答案】C【解析】运行该程序,第一次,999,2S k ==;第二次,995,4S k ==;第三次,979,6S k ==;第四次,915,8S k ==;第五次,659,10S k ==,第六次365,12S k =-=,此时0S <,故输出的k 的值为12,故选C. 5.【答案】B【解析】A 班学生的分数多集中在[70,80]之间,B 班学生的分数集中在[50,70]之间,故A B x x >;相对两个班级的成绩分布来说,A 班学生的分数更加集中,B 班学生的分数更加离散,故22A B s s <,故选B.6.【答案】A【解析】依题意,()()()()55255550550mn m n m n n m n ->-⇔--->⇔-->5,5,5,5,m m n n ><⎧⎧⇔⎨⎨><⎩⎩或故“2216m n +<”⇒“5525mn m n ->-”,反之不成立,例如6m n ==;故“2216m n +<”是“5525mn m n ->-”的充分不必要条件,故选A. 7.【答案】C【解析】作出该几何体1111ABCD A B C D -的直观图,旋转一定的角度后,得到的图形如下图所示,观察可知,1CA =1A D =,1A B = C.8.【答案】B【解析】依题意,不妨设点M (x,y )在第一象限,联立225,,x y by x a ⎧+=⎪⎨=⎪⎩解得,x c y ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩(其中222b a c +=),可知四边形MNPQ为矩形,且根据双曲线的对称性,2c c ⋅=,即225c ab =,解得12b a =(2b a=舍去),故所求渐近线方程为12y x =±,故选B. 9.【答案】D【解析】依题意,函数()f x 为偶函数,故1k =-,则()()320g k x g x ++-+=即为()()132g x g x -++-=-,故函数()g x 的图象的对称中心为()1,1-,故选D.10.【答案】A【解析】依题意,()()()3sin 32sin 33f x x x x πϕϕϕ⎛⎫=-+-=-+ ⎪⎝⎭,则()333Z k k ππϕπ⨯-+=∈,则()43Z k k πϕπ=-∈;因为2πϕ<,故3πϕ=,故()2sin 3f x x =,则将函数()f x 的图象向右平移6π个单位长度 后得到函数()2cos3g x x =-的图象,故选A. 11.【答案】B【解析】依题意,当0x ≥时,()()2'1212121f x x x x x =-=-,故当()0,1x ∈时,()'0f x <,当()1,x ∈+∞时,()'0f x >,且()11f =-,作出函数()f x 的大致图象如下所示;令()()()22320g x f x f x =--=⎡⎤⎣⎦,解得()()122f x f x ==-或,观察可知,函数()g x 共有3个零点,故选B.12.【答案】A【解析】设()00,M x y ,()11,N x y ,则直线MA 1的斜率为1003MA y k x -=,由11NA MA ⊥,所以直线NA 1的斜率为1003NA x k y =--.于是直线NA 1的方程为:0033x y x y =-+-.同理,NA 2的方程为:0033x y x y =--+.联立两直线方程,消去y ,得20109y x x -=. 因为()00,M x y 在椭圆221189y x +=上,所以22001189x y +=,从而2292x y -=-.所以012x x =-. 所以1212012MA A NA A S x S x ∆∆==,故选A. 13.【答案】322-或【解析】依题意,()4212m m +⋅=,解得322m =-或. 14.【答案】5【解析】作出不等式组所表示的平面区域如下图阴影部分所示,观察可知,当直线2z x y =-过点55,33A ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭时,2z x y =-取最大值,最大值为5.15.【答案】108【解析】依题意,不妨设2AB =,故所求概率22224P ππ⨯⨯+⨯⨯==.16.【解析】因为()sin sin 4sin sin ABC b a A b B B S bc C ∆+=⋅+,故2sin sin 4sin sin ABC ab A b B B S bc C ∆+=⋅+,即222sin sin 4sin sin ABC a B b B B S c B ∆+=⋅+,即2224ABC a b c S ∆+-=,故cos sin ab C ab C =,故4C π=,则△ABC的外接圆半径为2sin c C ==.17.【解析】(1)依题意,设BD x =,则AD =,3BC x =,又,43B AB π==.在△ABD 中,由余弦定理得3cos4216322π⋅⋅-+=x x x ,即2280x x +-=,解得2x =,或4-=x (舍去). 则36BC x ==;(5分)(2) 在△ ABC 中,设A,B,C 所对的边分别为a,b,c , 由正弦定理sin sin b c B C=,得sin sin c B C b ==又AC b AB c =>=,所以B C >,则C为锐角,所以cos 3C =则()1sin sin sin cos cos sin 2BAC B C B C B C ∠=+=++=.(10分) 18.【解析】(1)依题意,设等差数列{}n a 的公差为d ,则4224d a a =-=,解得2d =,故11a =,21n a n =-,而236m mS S +=+,则214436m m a a m +++=+=,解得8m =,故32424232425762m S S ⨯==+⨯=;(6分)(2)因为21n a n =-,故()()+1211111212322123n n a a n n n n +⎛⎫==- ⎪++++⎝⎭,故()111111111...23557792123323n nT n n n ⎛⎫=-+-+-++-= ⎪+++⎝⎭.(12分) 19.【解析】(1)依题意 ,所求平均数为20.260.36100.28140.12180.04⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯ 0.4 2.16 2.8 1.680.727.76=++++=;(3分) (2)依题意,完善表中的数据如下所示:故()222000800600200400333.3310.828100010001200800K ⨯⨯-⨯=≈>⨯⨯⨯;故有99.9%的把握认为“愿意购买该款电视机”与“市民的年龄”有关;(7分)(3)依题意,使用时间在[)0,4内的有1台,记为A ,使用时间在[]4,20内的有4台,记为a,b,c,d ,则随机抽取2台,所有的情况为(A ,a ),(A ,b ),(A ,c ),(A ,d ),(a ,b ),(a ,c ),(a ,d ),(b ,c ),(b ,d ),(c ,d ),共10种,其中满足条件的为(a ,b ),(a ,c ),(a ,d ),(b ,c ),(b ,d ),(c ,d ),共6种,故所求概率63105P==.(12分)20.【解析】(1)作出平面EFG 的图形如下所示,点G 为线段SB 上靠近B 点的三等分点;C(5分)(2)依题意, 因为0090,45SDA SAD ∠=∠=,故SD AD ==而2SA SB ==,所以222SB SD BD =+, 所以SD BD ⊥,又因为DADB D =,所以SD ABCD ⊥平面;因为SD ⊂平面SCD,所以平面SCD ABCD ⊥平面. 作'EE CD ⊥于'E ,因为平面=SCDABCD CD 平面,所以'EE ⊥平面SCD ;又因为//EF SCD 平面,所以'EE 即为F 到平面SCD 的距离.在△ABD 中,设AB 边上的高为h ,则h =,因为23ED EC BD AC ==,所以2'3EE h ==,即F 到平面SCD(12分)21.【解析】(1)依题意,直线l :28y x =+,联立22,28,x y y x ⎧=⎨=+⎩故24160x x --=,设11(,)M x y ,22(,)N x y ,则124x x +=,1216x x =-,故1220MN x =-==;(5分)(2)联立0,40,x y x y -=⎧⎨+-=⎩解得2x y ==,故()2,2A ,设直线l 的方程为:4(2)y k x -=+,11(,)M x y ,22(,)N x y , 则11112(2)222AM y k x k x x -++==--,22222(2)222AN y k x k x x -++==--, 212121212121212[(2)2][(2)2][2()4]2(4)4(2)(2)2()4AM ANk x k x k x x x x k x x k k x x x x x x +++++++++++==---++, 联立抛物线22x y =与直线4(2)y k x -=+的方程消去y 得22480x kx k ---=,可得122x x k +=,1248x x k =--,代入AM AN k k ⋅可得1AM AN k k ⋅=-.(12分)22.【解析】(1)依题意,()0,x ∈+∞,()221'222x mx f x x m x x++=++=⋅,若22m -≤≤,则210x mx ++≥,故()'0f x ≥,故函数()f x 在()0,+∞上单调递增;当22m m <->或时,令210x mx ++=,解得12xx ; 若2m >0<0<,故函数()f x 在()0,+∞上单调递增; 若2m <-,则当x ⎛∈⎝⎭时,()'0f x >,当x ∈⎝⎭时,()'0f x <,经典资料经典资料(一)当x ⎫∈+∞⎪⎝⎭时,()'0f x >; 综上所述;当2m ≥-时,函数()f x 在()0,+∞上单调递增;当2m <-时,函数()f x在⎛ ⎝⎭和⎫+∞⎪⎝⎭上单调递增,在⎝⎭上单调递减;(6分) (2)题中不等式等价于2222ln 2e 3x x mx x x ++≤+,即2e ln x x x mx -+≥, 因此2e ln x x x m x -+≥,设()2e ln x x x h x x-+=,∴ ()'10h =,当)1,0(∈x 时,()2e 1ln 10x x x x -++-<,即0)('<x h ,)(x h 单调递减; 当),1(+∞∈x 时,()2e 1ln 10x x x x -++->,即0)('>x h ,)(x h 单调递增; 因此1=x 为)(x h 的极小值点,即1)1()(+=≥e h x h ,故e 1m ≤+, 故实数m 的取值范围为(],e 1-∞+.(12分)。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (218)
河北省邢台市第一中学2018-2019学年高一英语上学期第二次月考试题(扫描版)邢台一中高一第二次月考英语参考答案:听力: 1-5 CBACB 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 BCABA 16-20 CBCAB阅读理解:21-23 B D A 24-27BCCC 28- 31 C A B B 32-35 BCCB36-40 C D E F A完形填空:41-45 CDBAC 46-50. BCBAC 51-55. DDCAB 56-60. CDBCA语法填空:61.survivor 62. destroyed 63. disadvantages 64. trapped 65. congratulations 66.reliable 67. persuade 68. preferred 69. determined 70. smelly改错71 them---which 72. extremely 73. As 74. where -----that 75. while----when76.a去掉 77. 加that/who 78. had----has 79. too------so 80.catching---caught写作:Dear Tom,How time flies! I have been in high school for two months. Now I’m writing to tell you something about it.I felt a little lonely at the beginning ,which made me miss all the teachers and classmates in Junior High school. But now, I have got used to my new school life. Not only do I get along well with my new classmates but I have made many new friends. Besides, the teachers here are strict with us so that I like and respect them very much. In a word, I’ll make good use of my time and make an effort to study well, because it is my dream to go to a good university after three years’ hard work.Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishesYoursLihua录音原文Text 1M: Have we missed it? The man said it was only five blocks away opposite a restaurant. W: Wait a minute, the bank, the tower… There it is, the Jackson Bookstore. Let’s go.Text 2W: My car has broken down, and I have to attend a meeting in my company this afternoon. M: You’re really lucky. I can give you a lift.Text 3W: Jack, how did you like the novel?M: I thought it was a simple story, but I liked the language. It really made me laugh. Text 4M: Do you like your salad?W: Yes. It’s nice and fresh. And I’m thinking of some ice cream after it. How about yours?M: Mine is rather tasteless.W: Maybe you need to add some salt and olive oil.Text 5M: How did you like the biology course last term?W: The course could have been better organized.M: You are right. In my opinion, the teacher has taught that course so many times that he is bored with it and just doesn’t care anymore.Text 6W: Paul, I’m nervous.M: Why?W: I’m always nervous whenever I put on the headphones.M: But you can enjoy some music first. The music is very nice.W: Yes, it is. But when the conversation begins, I can’t catch a word.M: You don’t have to catch every word. Try to get the keywords.W: But how can I identify the keywords?M: Those words that tell the main idea of the conversation or are repeated several times in it.W: Well, probably I should get what is the main idea first.M: I think it’s the nervousness that brings you so much trouble.W: I guess so.Text 7M: I need some flowers for my wife’s birthday.W: Are you interested in those red roses?M: I like red roses, but my wife prefers blue ones.W: I’m afraid you’ll have to follow her preference.M: Yes. I’ll take a dozen of blue roses. Please pack them with light purple packing paper.W: OK. Anything else? There are many other gifts available in our shop, such as watches, rings, and handbags.M: No, thanks. I’ve just got her a necklace.W: She should be pleased with your gifts.M: I think she will.Text 8M: I really admire you, Diana.W: Why, Jerry?M: You are really happy and able to achieve high scores at school.W: I work very hard and that’s it. Practice makes perfect.M: Isn’t there anything else?W: I have no idea.M: You must have a high IQ score.W: Well, Jerry, let me tell you a secret.M: Go ahead.W: My IQ score is slightly above average.M: Seriously? But you are such a genius.W: Maybe I’ve got a higher EQ. I’m not sure.M: Well, perhaps you’re right. Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ.W: You can say that again, Jerry. And I’m sure you’re high in both of them. Witha little more time studying the books, you can also get high marks.M: Oh, thank you. I’m going to the library, are you coming?W: Let’s go!Text 9M: Do you learn computers at school or on your own?W: I learned most of the knowledge about computers by myself.M: Do you have a laptop or a PC of your own?W: Yes, I have a PC.M: Do you like your present computer or do you want a new one?W: I want to have a new one because my computer runs quite slowly now.M: How long have you had your computer?W: For about three years.M: Oh, that’s pretty old for a computer. By the way, do you often talk with your friends through the internet?W: Yes, I do.M: Do high school students often communicate with each other through the internet? W: Yes, we do. Most young people do so.M: OK. Thanks a lot, Alice.Text 10Spain is one of the most popular tourist destinations for visitors around the world. It is famous for its unusual lifestyle. For example, Spanish people usually have lunch at half past two in the afternoon and have dinner at ten o’clock in the evening. People don’t usually go to bed before midnight. Visitors to Spain oftenask, “When do Spanish people sleep?” The Spanish people sleep less and go out more than other Europeans. Spanish people love walking. They often go for a walk around the town in the evenings. On Friday and Saturday nights, the bars and restaurants are full of people. The cinema is also popular in Spain. 25% of adults go to the cinema once a week or more. But Spanish nightlife really starts at midnight. A lot of disco bars don’t close until six in the morning. About 21% of the population goes to church. Spanish people often go away for a trip at Easter and at Christmas. Many families have a house in different cities and they can live there whenever they want.。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (517)
1.春秋战国时期,儒家提出治理社会的主要依据是A.法律制度 B.强权政治 C.伦理道德 D.道法自然2.有学者说,春秋战国时期,尤其是战国时期,既是血腥、残酷的时代,也是宽容、自由的时代,“宽容”“自由”主要指A.诸子百家争鸣B.商人地位提高C.士的兴起D.“学在民间”3.历史上,西汉宣帝年间发生一次日食时,宣帝即刻下诏说:“皇天见异,以戒朕躬,是朕之不逮、吏之不称也。
这说明儒家思想的扬弃归根结底取决于A.统治者个人喜好 B.当时的经济状况 C.文人学者的喜好 D.时代发展的需要5.汉代儒学增加了“君权神授”、“天人感应”等内容,下列行为中与此思想有关..的是A.祭天仪式的兴盛 B.皇帝的微服私访 C.郡县制的实施 D.科举制的推行6.曹丕问:“君父各有笃疾,有药一丸,可救一人,当救君邪,父邪?”邴原便毫不迟疑地答道:“父邪。
…D.邴原的意识与董仲舒新儒学的内容基本一致7.与北宋张载的“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为天下开太平”和顾炎武的“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”这两则名句的精神内涵最为接近的是( )A.己所不欲,勿施于人B.慎思明辨,格物致知C.苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之D.不义而富且贵,于我如浮云8.钱乘旦在《现代文明的起源于演进》中这样评价理学:“它的丰富性与普遍性使中国统治者与士大夫相信儒家学说已经穷尽世界一切真理。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (1115)
化学部分A卷:7.C 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.B 12. C 13.BB卷:7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.B26. (15分)(1)D→B→C→B (2分)(2)硬质玻璃管 (2分)(3) 5NO+3MnO4-+4H+=5NO3-+3Mn2++2H2O (2分)(4)60% (2分)(5)②淀粉溶液 (1分)加入最后一滴液体时,锥形瓶内溶液恰好从蓝色变为无色,且维持半分钟不变色(2分) ③56.6% (2分) ④BD(2分)27.(14分)(1)Bi2S3+6Fe3+=2Bi3++6Fe2++3S (2分)抑制溶液中Bi3+的水解(2分) SiO2(2分)(2)过滤、洗涤、干燥(2分)28. (14分)(1)CO2(g)+3H2(g)=== 1/2C2H4(g)+2H2O ΔH=-(b-a) kJ/mol(2分)(其它合理答案均得分)(2)负 (1分) 4OH――4e-=O2↑+2H2O或2H2O―4e-=O2↑+4H+(2分)(3)①Ir (1分) ②d和e(2分),<(2分)③状态a和c均未达到平衡,状态c温度高反应速率快,CO2的转化量大,转化率高;(2分)④62527(或23.15)(2分)35.【化学-物质结构与性质】 (15分)3d4s分) d (1分)(2)①具有孤电子对(或孤对电子) (2分)②sp 3(1分) 8N A (2分) ③CN -或C 22-或NO +(2分)(3)从锰到铼原子序数增大,核对外层电子引力增大,电子层数增多,核对外层电子引力减小,但前者占主导,所以铼中的金属键更强,熔点更高 (2分) (4)6 (1分) 234(3.74×10-8)3×N A(2分)36.【化学——选修5:有机化学基础】(15分) (1)- CH 3(2分)(2)取代反应(1分) -CHO(1分) (3)乙醛(2分)(4)O - CCH 2CHHOCHCH 222C -OO+ 2H 2O(2分)(5)10 (2分)CHC H 2CHO OH或或HOCH 2CHCHOOHCHCHOHOCH 2 (2分)HCHOH 2Cu/O 2ΔΔ3CH 2OHCH 3CH 3CH 2ClNaOH/H 2 OCH 2-CH 2-CH 2OHOHHOCH 2CH 2 CHO(3分)(6)。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (1085)
第六章 圆第一节 圆的基本性质姓名:________ 班级:________ 限时:______分钟1.(2018·石家庄二十八中质检)如图,点 A 、B 、C 均在⊙O 上,若∠ABC+∠AOC=90°, 则∠AOC 的大小是( )A .30°B .45°C .60°D .70°2.(2018·菏泽)如图,在⊙O 中,OC⊥AB,∠ADC=32°,则∠OBA 的度数是( )A .64°B .58°C .32°D .26°3.(2018·秦皇岛海港区一模)将量角器按如图所示的方式放置在三角形纸板上,使点C 在半圆上,点A 、B 的读数分别为88°、30°,则∠ACB 的大小为( )A .15°B .28°C .29°D .34°4.(2019·原创) 如图,在⊙O 中,AC ︵=BD ︵,∠AOB =40°,则∠COD 的度数为( )A .20°B .40°C .50°D .60°5.(2018·广州)如图,AB 是⊙O 的弦,OC⊥AB,交⊙O 于点C ,连接OA ,OB ,BC ,若∠ABC=20°,则∠AOB的度数是( )A.40° B.50° C.70° D.80°6.(2018·聊城)如图,⊙O 中,弦BC与半径OA相交于点D,连接AB,OC.若∠A=60°,∠ADC=85°,则∠C的度数是( )A.25° B.27.5° C.30° D.35°7.(2019·原创)如图,在半径为4的⊙O中,弦AB∥OC,∠BOC=30°,则AB的长为( )A.2 B.2 3 C.4 D.4 38.(2018·陕西改编)如图,△ABC的顶点A,B,C均在⊙O上,AB=AC,∠BCA=65°,作CD∥AB,并与⊙O相交于点D,连接BD,则∠DBC的大小为( )A.15° B.25° C.35° D.45°9.(2018·甘肃省卷)如图,⊙A过点O(0,0),C(3,0),D(0,1),点B是x轴下方⊙A上的一点,连接BO,BD,则∠OBD的度数是( )A .15°B .30°C .45°D .60°10.(2018·张家口桥东区模拟)如图,半径为5的⊙A 中,弦BC ,ED 所对的圆心角分别是∠BAC,∠EAD,若DE =6,∠BAC+∠EAD=180°,则弦BC 的长等于( )A .8B .10C .11D .1211.(2018·保定二模)“圆材埋壁”是我国古代著名数学著作《九章算术》中的一个问题:“今有圆材,埋在壁中,不知大小,以锯锯之,深一寸,锯道长一尺,问径几何?”将其抽象为数学问题大致如下:如图所示,CD 垂直平分弦AB ,CD =1寸,AB =1尺,求圆的直径.(1尺=10寸),根据题意可知直径长为( )A .10寸B .20寸C .13寸D .26寸12.(2018·泰安)如图,⊙O 是△ABC 的外接圆,∠A=45°,BC =4,则⊙O 的直径为________.13.(2018·无锡)如图,点A 、B 、C 都在⊙O 上,OC⊥OB,点A 在劣弧BC ︵上,且OA =AB ,则∠ABC=________.14.(2019·原创)如图,等腰△ABC 内接于⊙O,已知AB =AC ,∠ABC=30°,BD 是⊙O 的直径,如果CD=433,则AD =________.15.(2018·杭州)如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,点C 是半径OA 的中点,过点C 作DE⊥AB,交⊙O 于D 、E 两点,过点D 作直径DF ,连接AF ,则∠DFA=________. 16.(2019·原创)如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,CD 是⊙O 的弦,且CD⊥AB 于点E. (1)求证:∠BCO=∠D;(2)若CD =8,AE =3,求⊙O 的半径r.1.(2017·广安)如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,且经过弦CD 的中点H ,已知cos ∠CDB=45,BD =5,则OH 的长度为( )A.23B.56 C .1 D.762.(2018·河北第7次联考)如图,点D 、E 分别是⊙O 的内接正三角形ABC 的AB 、AC 边上的中点,若⊙O 的半径为2,则DE 的长等于( )A. 3B. 2 C .1 D.323.(2019·原创)如图,△ABC 是等腰直角三角形,其中AB =AC ,∠BAC=90°,⊙O 经过点B ,C ,连接OA ,若AO =1,BC =6,则⊙O 的半径为________.4.(2019·原创)如图,已知△ABC 内接于⊙O,AB 是直径,点D 在⊙O 上,OD∥BC,过点D 作DE⊥AB,垂足为E ,连接CD 交OE 于点F. (1)求证:△DOE∽△AB C ;(2)连接OC ,设△DOE 的面积为S 1,四边形BCOD 的面积为S 2,若S 1S 2=27,求sin A 的值.参考答案【基础训练】1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.4 2 13.15° 14.4 15.30° 16.(1)证明:∵OB=OC ,∴∠OBC=∠OCB, ∵∠ADC=∠ABC,∴∠BCO=∠D ;(2)解:∵OA⊥CD,∴CE=DE =4,设⊙O 的半径为r ,则OE =OA -AE =r -3,在Rt △OCE 中,由勾股定理得OC 2=CE 2+OE 2,即r 2=42+(r -3)2,解得r =256.【拔高训练】 1.D 2.A 3.134.(1)证明:∵AB 是⊙O 的直径,∴∠ACB=90°, ∵DE⊥AB,∴∠DEO=90°, ∴∠DEO=∠ACB,∵OD∥BC,∴∠DOB=∠ABC, ∴△DOE∽△ABC.(2)解:∵△DOE∽△ABC,∴S △DOE S △ABC =(DO AB )2=14,∴S △ABC =4S △DOE =4S 1,∵OA=OB ,∴S △BOC =12S △ABC =2S 1,∵S 四边形BCOD =S △BCO +S △DOE +S △BDE ,S 1S 2=27,∴S 1S 1+2S 1+S △DBE =27,解得S △DBE =S 12,∴S △ODE =2S △DBE , ∴OE=2BE ,∴OD=32OE ,∴sin A =sin ∠ODE=OE OD =23.。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (918)
河北省遵化一中2018届高三数学下学期第四次综合训练试题 文本试题共 5 页,共 23 题。
一.选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1、若复数z =2i +21i+,其中i 的虚数单位,则复数z 的模为 ( )A .1BCD .22、设A ,B 是两个非空集合,定义运算A ×B ={x |x ∈A ∪B ,且x ∉A ∩B }.已知A ={x |y =2x -x 2},B ={y |y =2x ,x >0},则A ×B =( )A .[0,1]∪(2,+∞)B .[0,1)∪[2,+∞)C .[0,1]D .[0,2]3、已知1:1,:1p x q x><,则p 是q 的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也非必要条件4、已知平面,αβ,直线,l m ,且有,l m αβ⊥⊂,给出下列命题:①若//αβ,则l m ⊥;②若//l m ,则αβ⊥;③若αβ⊥,则//l m ;④若l m ⊥,则//αβ,其中正确命题个数有( ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .45、已知某个几何体的三视图如下,根据图中标出的尺寸(单位:cm ),可得这个几何体的体积是 ( )A .383cmB .343cmC .323cmD .313cm6、已知等差数列{a n }的公差为2,若前17项和为S 17=34,则a 12的值为( )A . 8B . 6C . 4D . 27、若变量x ,y 满足约束条件⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x +y ≥-1,2x -y ≤1,y ≤1,则z =3x -y 的最小值为( )A .1B .-1C .-7D .28、已知双曲线﹣=1(a >0,b >0)的左顶点与抛物线y 2=2px 的焦点的距离为4,且双曲线的一条渐近线与抛物线的准线的交点坐标为(﹣2,﹣1),则双曲线的焦距为( ) A . 2B .2C.4D . 49、“中学生歌手大赛”比赛现场上七位评委为某选手打出的分数的茎叶统计图如图所示,去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后,所剩数据的平均数和方差分别为( )A .5和1.6B .5和0.4C .85和0.4D .85和1.610、在区间[]0,2π上任取一个数x ,则使得2sin 1x >的概率为 A .16 B .14 C .13 D .2311、阅读如图所示的程序框图,若输入的10k =,则该算法的功能是A .计算数列{}12n -的前10项和B .计算数列{}12n -的前9项和C .计算数列{}21n -的前10项和 D .计算数列{}21n -的前9项和 12、设直线l 与曲线()321f x x x =++有三个不同的交点,,A B C ,且AB BC ==,则直线l 的方程为A .51y x =+B .41y x =+C .1y =+D .31y x =+二.填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分) 13、在数列{}n a 中,112n n a a +=,11a =,若n S 是数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则20S = . 14、已知函数(0)x y a b b =+>,1>a ,它的图像经过点(1,3)P ,则411a b+-的最小值为 .15、圆O 内接∆ABC 中,M 是BC 的中点,3AC =.若4AO AM ⋅=,则AB = .16、如图,在Rt△BAC 中,,90︒=∠A D,E 分别是AC,BC 上的点,且满足︒=∠=∠30CDE ADB ,BE=4CE,若CD=3,则△BDE 的面积为 .三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (600)
河南省封丘县一中2018-2019学年高一数学上学期期中试题第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(本题共12道小题,每小题5分,共60分)1.设全集为R,函数()1x f x +=的定义域为M,则R C M = ( )A.{}2x x ≥ B.{}21x x x <≠-且 C.{}21x x x ≥=-或 D.{}21x x x >=-或 2.设全集U =R ,集合A ={x |21-+x x ≤0},B ={x |1<2x<8},则(∁R A )∩B =( ) A .[2,3) B .(0,2] C .(1,2] D .[1,3]3.定义在R 上的偶函数()f x 满足:对任意的1212(,0]()x x x x ∈-∞≠、,有2121()()0f x f x x x -<-,且(2)0f =,则不等式2()()05f x f x x+-<的解集是( )A .(-∞,-2)∪(2,+∞) B.(-∞,-2)∪(0,2) C. (-2,0)∪(2,+∞) D. (-2,0)∪(0,2)4.如图,设全集U=R ,{|1}M x x x =∈R ,≤,{|02}N x x x =或≤≥,则图中阴影部分表示的集合为( )A .{|12}x x ≤≤B .{|12}x x <≤C.{|12}x x <≤ D .{|12}x x <<5.函数2()ln(1)f x x =+的图象大致是( )A. B .C. D .6.设25a bm ==,且112a b +=,则m =( )A..107.若函数()y f x =是函数xy a =(0a >且1a ≠)的反函数(2)1f =,且,则(8)f =( )A .3B .13 C.-3 D .13-8.若函数()y f x =为偶函数,且在(-∞,0)上单调递减,()20f =,则()30f x ->的解集为( ){|22}x x -<<{|15}x x << 9.幂函数f(x)=(m 2-m -1)3m m2x -+在(0,+∞)时是减函数,则实数m 的值为( )A .2或﹣1B .﹣1C .2D .﹣2或110.已知2))(()(---=b x a x x f ,并且βα,是方程0)(=x f 的两根,实数βα,,,b a 的大小关系可能是( )A .βα<<<b a B .b a <<<βαC. βα<<<b a D .b a <<<βα11.已知定义在R 上的奇函数)(x f 的图像关于直线1=x 对称,且1)1(=-f ,则)2017()3()2()1(f f f f ++++ 的值为( ) A .-1 B .0 C. 1 D .212.函数2230()lg 10x x x f x x x ⎧+-=⎨->⎩,,≤的所有零点之和为( )A .7 B .5 C.4 D .3第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(本题共4道小题,每小题5分,共20分)13.已知函数3()ln(3bf x ax c x x=+-+-,(3)7f -=,则f (3)的值为 . 14.函数212log (6)y x x =+-的单调递增区间为 . 15.函数213(),(2)()24log ,(02)x x f x x x ⎧+≥⎪=⎨⎪<<⎩,若方程()0f x k -=仅有一根,则实数k 的取值范围是 . 16.已知f 是有序数对集合{}**,|),(N y N x y x M ∈∈=上的一个映射,正整数对()x,y 在映射f 下的象为实数z ,记作z y x f =),(,对于任意的正整数)(,n m n m >映射f 由下表组出:使不等式4),2(≤x f x成立的x 的集合是 。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (91)
..KCl (3)熔融KI (4)4 (5)22.4bc/(aN A)L 26.(10分)
(3)氯气( Cl2) (1分)红(1分) Cl2+NaOH=NaCl+NaClO+H2O反应(2分)(4)BCD(2分;部分且正确1分)
(1)500ml容量瓶(2分;只写容量瓶不给分)(2)33.1 (2分)
29. (4分;每空2分)(1)11.9 mol·L-1(无单位不给分)(2)16.8 30.(8分;每空2分)
(1)略(2)还原性和酸性(2分;部分且正确1分)(3) 0.5 5.6。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (1008)
15.5串并联电路中电流的规律1.在“探究串联电路中的电流特点”实验中,某同学用电流表分别测出图中A、B、C三处的电流大小,并初步得到它们之间关系的结论.为了进一步探究它们之间的关系,下一步他的操作是()A.将电源两极对调,再次测量A、B、C三处的电流B.改变开关S的位置,再次测量A、B、C三处的电流C.将图中两只灯泡位置对调,再次测量A、B、C三处的电流D.换用不同规格的灯泡,再次测量A、B、C三处的电流2.一同学在探究串联电路的电流规律时,按甲图连接好电路.闭合开关S后观察到两个电流表的偏转情况如乙、丙两图所示.下列说法正确的是()A.两灯的两端电压一定不同 B.两灯的电阻一定不同C.通过两灯的电流一定相等 D.两灯的亮度一定相同3.如图所示,在探究并联电路电流关系时,小明用电流表测出A、B、C三处电流分别为I A=0.5A,I B=0.3A,I C=0.2A,记录数据后,下一步首先应该做的是()A.分析数据,得出结论 B.换用不同规格的小灯泡,再测出几组电流值C.换用电流表的另一量程,再测出一组电流值 D.整理器材,结束实验4.小明通过实验研究串联电路中的电流关系,实验电路如图所示,闭合开关S后,灯泡L1、L2均不发光,且电流表示数为零.他用电流表检测电路故障,将电流表的正、负接线柱分别与a、b两点相连接,灯L2发光,电流表的示数为0.3A;将电流表的正、负接线柱分别与b、c两点相连接,灯L1、L2均不发光,且电流表的示数为零.若电路中只有一处故障,下列对于故障的判断正确的是()A.灯L1处出现了短路B.灯L2处出现了短路 C.灯L1处出现了断路D.灯L2处出现了断路5 . 在探究串、并联电路电流关系的时候,测量完一组数据后,还要换另外两只不同规格的灯泡再次测量,这是为了()A.为了使测量得到的数据更准确 B.为防止灯泡损坏影响实验结果C.为获得普遍适用的结论 D.看其中哪组数据更准确就填哪一组6.如图是某同学在一次实验探究中所连接的电路.开关S1、S2都闭合时,电流表的示数是1.2A,S2断开时,电流表的示数变化了0.5A.下列判断正确的是()A.通过L1的电流为1.2A B.通过L1的电流为0.5AC.通过L2的电流为0.5A D.通过L2的电流为0.7A7.如图所示,A1、A2、A3三个电流表的示数分别为I1、I2、I3,则有()A.I1=I2+I3B.I1=I2=I3C.I1>I2>I3 D.I1<I2<I38.同一电路中有甲、乙两灯泡,已知通过两灯泡的电流分别为0.2A、0.5A,则它们是()A.肯定是串联 B.肯定是并联C.一定不是并联 D.可能是串联,可能是并联9.如图所示,在探究并联电路的电流关系时,小明把阻值不等的两个灯泡接入电路中,用电流表测出通过A、B、C三点的电流分别为I A、I B、I C.关于它们之间的大小关系,正确的是()A.I A= I B = I C B.I A>I B = I C C.I A= I B + I C D.I A<I B<I C10. 如图开关从闭合到断开,电流表A1和A2的示数I1、I2的变化()A、I1变小I2变大 B.I1不变I2变大C.I1变大I2变小 D.I1不变I2变小11题图 12题图 13题图 14题图11.如图所示,两只电流表都有0.6A和3A两个量程,当开关S闭合后,两电流表指针偏转角度相同,则通过L1、L2两灯的电流之比为()A.I1:I2=4:1 B.I1:I2=1:4 C.I1:I2=5:1 D.I1:I2=1:512.如图所示,闭合开关后,L1、L2、L3中的电流分别是0.2A、0.2A、0.3A,则电流表的示数()A.0.2A B.0.5A C.0.7A D.0.4A13.如图所示的电路中,闭合开关后,已知流过灯L1的电流为I1,流过灯L2的电流为I2(I1>I2),则电流表的读数应等于()A.I1B.I2C.I1- I2D.I1+ I214.如图所示,若当开关闭合时电流表A1的示数为0.6A,A2示数0.4A,则L1和L2中电流分别是()A.0.6A,0.4A B.0.2A,0.4A C.0.4A,0.6A D.0.4A,0.2A15.串联在同一电路里的两盏灯L1、L2,当闭合开关后发现L1比L2亮,关于经过它们的电流,下列说法正确的是()A.L1的电流大 B.L2的电流大 C.相等 D.无法比较它们的电流大小16.如图所示,电流表A1的示数为1.6A,电流表A2的示数为0.8A,则L1中的电流是____A,L2中的电流是____A.17.小明家中装有一台电视机、一台洗衣机、两盏照明灯,正常工作时的电流分别为200mA、1A和250mA.如果电路中的电流不允许超过3A,他家最多还能再装300mA的照明灯____ 盏.18.“红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯也要等一等,交通安全要注意”.路口的这些交通指示灯是_ ___ 的(选填“串联”或“并联”).有时红灯快结束时黄灯也同时亮了,此时电路中的总电流__ _(选填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”).19.如图甲所示电路,当开关S闭合后,电流表的指针偏转如图乙所示,其中a电流表测量的是通过____(选填“电源”、“ L1”或“L2”)的电流,b电流表的读数应为____A.20.家有一台电视机、一台电冰箱、一台洗衣机和4盏相同规格的电灯,工作时通过的电流分别是200mA、400mA、1A和0.18A(一盏电灯),若这些电器同时使用,干路中的电流是 ____A.21.在“探究并联电路中电流特点”的实验中,某同学连接了如图所示的电路:(1)该同学连接电路时开关应______________.(2)该同学连好电路后闭合开关,观察到灯泡_______不发光,其原因是______________.(3)随后该同学在原电路上只改动了一根导线便完成了实验.请你在图中改动的一根导线上画“×”,并用笔线代替导线画出正确的电路,使两只电流表分别测干路和支路的电流.(4)排除故障后闭合开关,电流表A1和A2的示数如图所示,则通过L2的电流为________A.22.小明同学做“用电流表测电流”实验的电路如图所示,请用笔线代替导线将电路连接完整,使灯L1和L2并联连接,电流表测量通过灯L1的电流.23 . 如图是“探究串联电路电流特点”的实验电路图:(1)实验中,选择两个小灯泡的规格应该是______的.(填“相同”或“不相同”).(2)下表是某同学实验中的一组数据:由表格所记录的数据可得出结论:______________________________.(3)请你分析说明小明同学这一实验方案中的不足:_________________________.(4)实验中某同学发现两个串联的小灯泡中,一个发光,一个不发光,造成其中一个小灯泡不发光的原因是_____ ______.A.通过这个灯泡的电流比另一个灯泡的电流小 B.灯泡的灯丝断了C.该小灯泡灯座处可能短路了 D.小灯泡靠近负极.24.如图是小明探究串联电路电流特点的实验电路图:(1)如图1,小明连电路时把一只开关和两个小灯泡连接后,刚将线路两端接到电源两极,L2就亮了,但L1没亮.他在实验操作中不当之处是:_______________________________.实验时L1没亮的原因可能是_______________________________.A.通过灯泡L1的电流比L2中的电流小 B.该灯泡的灯丝断了C.该小灯泡灯座处可能短路了 D.该灯泡靠近电源负极(2)甲、乙两同学在做实验时,闭合开关前,电流表的指针均指在零刻度处;当闭合开关试触时,发现电流表指针摆动分别出现了如图2甲、乙所示的两种情况.请分析他们在电流表的使用上分别存在什么问题?(填在下面横线上)甲: _______________________________.乙:_______________________________.25.在“探究并联电路中电流的关系”的实验中小明把电流表分别接入到电路中的A、B、C处,测出它们的电流,填入下表;(1)下面设计的表格中存在的不足之处是_________________;0.22(2)为了防止个别偶然因素的影响,完成后面两次实验所采用方法是_____ ______;以得出结论:并联电路干路中的电流等于______________.。
2019届秋季上学期高二语文8月月考试题(含解析) (818)
专题八动词和动词短语1.[2018河南,31]—Are you going to the cinema tonight? —I don't know. I go or I stay at home.A. will; willB. must; mustC. should; shouldD. might; might2.[2017河南,28]—I don't care what people think.—Well, you . You're not alone in this world.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.will3.[2016河南,27]—You look very pretty, if I say so.—Thanks a lot for saying that.A. mustB. mayC. willD. have to4.[2015河南,26]—What's the matter with Tom? He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let's go and ask Ms Brown.A. canB. needC. mayD. would5.[2013河南,26]—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?—Yes, I'm afraid we . That's the traffic rule.A.canB. mayC. have toD. need6.[2012河南,29]—Do you have any plans for this weekend?—I'm not sure. I go climbing Mount Yuntai.A.mustB. needC. mayD. can7.[2011河南,26] you wait a few more minutes? It'll be your turn soon.A. MustB. ShouldC. CouldD. Might8.[2010河南,34]—It's such a long way! What shall I do?—You take my car if you want.A. willB. mustC. mayD. shall9.[2009河南,24]—Excuse me, where are we going to have our class meeting?—I'm not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He know.A. canB. mayC. needD. shall10.[2009河南,28]—Excuse me, when does Flight CZ3391 take off?—One moment, please. I'll it .A.look; upB.take; awayC.give; backD.turn; down【参考答案】1—5 DCBCC 6—10 CCCBA。
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2018-2019学年安阳市二中高二年级第一次月考英语试卷第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AReading poems can be a lot of fun for kids. With these children's poetry books, children will gain a new appreciation for poetry and the spoken word.Joyful Noise: Poems for Two VoicesThe entertaining sounds of insects fill these poems by Paul Fleischman, making it a favorite with 12-15-year-olds. These poems were written to be read aloud by two readers.Paul Fleischman received the John Newbery Medal for young people's literature for the book in 1989. Other recognition included: Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Honor Book, ALA Notable Children's Books list and so on.Eric Beddow's artwork, full page, detailed pencil pictures, are vivid and effective complements to the poetry, which brings insects to life when read aloud by two voices.You Read to Me, I'll Read to You: Very Short Stories to Read Together Poet Mary Ann Hoberman is the author of the picture book, which includes the joyful pictures of Michael Emberley. The book contains very short story poems for two people to read aloud, alternately and together. Each of the 12 stories for 6-11-year-olds features rhythm, rhyme, and repetition, as well as humor and attention on the joys of reading.The book is one of a series of story poems. All the books are designed to be read aloud by two people, as if, says Hoberman, it's “a little play for two voices.” The two people can be an adult and a child or two children.Big Talk: Poems for Four VoicesPoems for four voices are much more challenging to present than poems for two voices, but middle school students tend to enjoy the challenge. The three-story poems in itwill appeal to middle schoolers. The author, Paul Fleischman, provides a clear description of how to use the book. The poems are color-coded to make them easier for the four readers to keep track of their parts.I Am Phoenix: Poems for Two VoicesThe fifteen poems for two voices in the book are all about birds. Ken Nutt's soft pencil pictures complement the poems by Paul Fleischman. The words of each poem are in two columns, each to be read by one person, sometimes individually, sometimes together.1.Which book is written for primary school students?A. Big Talk: Poems for Four VoicesB. Joyful Noise: Poems for Two VoicesC. I Am Phoenix: Poems for Two VoicesD. You Read to Me, I'll Read to You : Very Short Stories to Read Together2.How is Big Talk: Poems for Four Voices different from the other 3 books?A. It goes with a CDB. It contains pictures.C. It has instructions for book-users.D. It is for two children to read aloud.3.Where may the passage be taken from?A. A novel.B. A website.C. A textbook.D. A science report.BThe morning had been a disaster.My tooth was aching, and I'd been in an argument with a friend.Her words still hurt: "The trouble with you is that you won't put yourself in my place.Can't you see things from my point of view?" I shook my head stubbornly — and felt the ache in my tooth.I'd thought I could hold out till my dentist came back from holiday, but the pain was really unbearable.I started calling the dentists in the phone book, but no one could see me immediately.Finally, at about lunchtime, I got lucky."If you come by right now," the receptionist said, "the dentist will fit you in."I took my purse and keys and rushed to my car.But suddenly I began to doubt about the dentist.What kind of dentist would be so eager to treat someone at such short notice? Why wasn't he as busy as the others?In the dentist's office, I sat down and looked around.I saw nothing but the bare walls and I became even more worried.The assistant noticed my nervousness and placed her warm hand over my ice-cold one.When I told her my fears, she laughed and said, "Don't worry.The dentist is very good.""How long do I have to wait for him?" I asked impatiently."Come on, he is coming.Just lie down and relax.And enjoy the artwork," the assistant said."The artwork?" I was puzzled.The chair went back.Suddenly I smiled.There was a beautiful picture, right where I could enjoy it: on the ceiling.How considerate the dentist was! At that moment, I began to understand what my friend meant by her words.What a relief!4.Which of the following best describes the author's feeling that morning?A. Cheerful.B. Nervous.C. Satisfied.D. Upset.5.What made the author begin to doubt about the dentist?A. The dentist's agreeing to treat her at very short notice.B. The dentist's being as busy as the other dentists.C. The surroundings of the dentist's office.D. The laughing assistant of the dentist.6.Why did the author suddenly smile?A. Because the dentist came at last.B. Because she saw a picture on the ceiling.C. Because she could relax in the chair.D. Because the assistant kept comforting her.7.What did the author learn from her experience most probably?A. Strike while the iron is hot.B. Have a good word for one's friend.C. Put oneself in other's shoes.D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.CIn Canada and the United States, there is a new group of children called "satellite kids", who live in one place but whose parents live in another place.Asians are immigrating to Canada and the United States in larger numbers than ever before. Most Asians immigrate because they believe that they can give their children a better education in the West. In Asia, especially in China, Japan, and Korea, it is difficult to go to university. Students must pass the strict national examination. However, in Canada and the United States, it is easy to go to university, and anyone who wants to go can go. As a result, Asian parents decide to leave their countries so that their children can go to university.The problem is that when Asians arrive, they discover that finding a job and making money are more difficult in the West than in the East. Also, they find that they are very lonely, and that they miss their homes. Because of these two reasons, most Asian parents decide to go back to work while their children study in the West. Therefore, these children become "satellite kids", and most of their parents do not know how sad it is to be a "satellite kid".Recently Canadians and Americans discovered the "satellite kid" problem. Because these children do not speak English well and their parents are not there to take care of them, they are often absent from school. To be a "satellite kid" means growing up in a country where you know you are different and where you cannot make friends because you do not speak English well. Also, it means growing up lonely, because your parents are elsewhere. What these "satellite kids" will probably say to their parents is that it's better to have parents around than to have a university education. 8.Some Asian parents send their kids abroad because .A. they hope their children may easily find a job thereB. the kids may not be accepted by universities in their own countriesC. all foreign universities are better than the ones in their own countriesD. the kids want to improve their English and make foreign friends9."Satellite kids" refer to Asian kids .A. without parentsB. living abroad aloneC. with university educationD. speaking no English10.Some Asian immigrant children become "satellite kids" because their parents .A.want to leave their own countriesB.want them to go to universityC.return to their countries to workD.want them to be independent11.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Parents want better education for their kids.B.Parents feel lonely and miss their families.C.Canadians and Americans begin to notice the "satellite kid"problem.D.Kids in foreign countries alone are badly in need of care from their families.DIn mid-November of 1963, an island was born in the North Atlantic, some 20 miles off the southwestern coast of Iceland. It had given only one sign of its coming. For three days, farmers on the neighboring Vestmann Islands had noticed a bad smell in the air like the odor of rotten eggs.Early on the morning of November 14, the captain of an Icelandic fishing ship saw black columns erupting from the sea through his telescopes. He suspected that he was seeing a volcano rising from the ocean. The hours that followed proved him right. He was watching the volcanic eruption that built the island later named Surtsey.Some days earlier, a volcano had started to erupt 425 feet below the surface of the sea. It poured out gases and volcanic ash and cinder. They began to build a mountain. By the morning of November 15, the top of the volcano was 33 feet above the water and stillgrowing rapidly. Columns of smoke and gases rose two miles into the air. Violent eruptions continued through the winter. In April 1964, the violent eruptions stopped, and lava began to flow. Surtsey,it seemed, had come to stay.To earth scientists and to biologists, Surtsey was endlessly fascinating. It offered a chance to study a new volcano and to see new land take shape. Earth scientists hoped that by studying what was happening to Surtsey, they would gain a better understanding of the forces behind its growth.Surtsey rose from a huge underwater mountain range that runs down the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and is called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The ridge is the center of many earthquakes, and it is highly volcanic. Here and there its volcanic action has built mountains that thrust(猛推)through the surface of the ocean, creating small islands such as Surtsey. Long ago vast outpourings of lava from the ridge built the big island of Iceland.The ridge, however, is much more than a builder of islands. It is a sign of powerful forces at work within the earth. Many earth scientists are certain that these same forces are builders of continents and mountains and are the cause of the earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They see the ridge as a key to understanding the most basicsecrets of the earth. These forces helped to shape our planet when it was young, to give it land and sea and air, and so to make it the kind of planet where life could develop.12.What was the very first sign of Surtsey?A.Some smoke.B.Explosions.C.An unusual smell.D.A violent storm.13.What do we know about Surtsey?A.It is a huge underwater mountain range.B.It is located 20 miles off Vestmann Islands.C.It took Surtsey almost one year to come into being.D.It was produced by the strong forces within the earth.14.Why is studying Surtsey important to scientists?A.It tells more about the formation of the earth.B.It warns people of dangerous volcanic eruptions.C.It leads to the discovery of new energy sources.D.It helps predict when new islands will be formed.15.What is the passage mainly about?A.How an island was born.B.Where Surtsey rose from.C.What are the secrets to volcanic eruptions?D.Why the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is important.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。