


(3) 数据的关联; (为了获得全局的环境地图和实现定位,还需要将不同时间、不同地 点的
感知信息进行匹配和联合,存在局部数据之间的关联问题,也存在局部数据 与全局数据的关联与匹配问题) (4) 自定位;
(移动机器人的定位按照有无环境地图可以分为基于地图的定位和无地图的 定位)
(5) 探索规划 (主要目的是提高地图创建的效率,使机器人在较短的时间内感知范围覆
·环境特征不够明显时; ·传感器信息比较少,难以从一次感知信息中获得环境特征。
在未知环境中,环境信息的不确定性尤为明显。研究人员已经提出了 多种用来处理不确定性的度量方法,如模糊度量、概率度量、信任度量、 可能性度量、证据理论度量等等。目前在SLAM中使用较多的主要是模糊 度量和概率度量的方法。
图3:路标C被观测到 (在新的位置,路标C被观测到,路标C的相对于A的位置也是一个估计值(更大的圈)
图5:机器人返回到初始位置 (此时机器人的位置相对于没有移动前更加不确定,一个超大的椭圆表示了其可能的真实位置值范围)
图6:对A点的重新测量 (通过对A的重新测量,图4中的超大椭圆值被大大的缩小了,其位置真值落入了一个比较小的范围内)
说明:机器人在定位误差随着机器人的移动而增加。 说明:机器人在定位误差随着机器人的移动而增加,但是由于有了路标的纠正,其误差相对就小了很多。
说明:通过2次对路标的测定,其定位误差已经大大减少 说明:经过3次误差校正,其定位精度已经很好了,但是随着路标位置的丢失,其定位误差又一次的扩大了。
示的全局模型相结合的环境建模方式。环境特征的提取采用了Hough transform与Clustering 相结合的方法。感知数据的融合采用了扩展卡尔曼滤波方式。



slam实现方法SLAM实现方法什么是SLAMSLAM,即Simultaneous Localization and Mapping,即同时定位与地图构建。



常用的方法包括:- 特征点法:通过提取图像中的特征点,利用这些特征点之间的匹配关系来计算相机的运动和地图的构建。

- 直接法:通过建立图像亮度的灰度残差模型,直接估计相机的运动和地图的构建。

- 深度学习法:利用深度学习的方法,通过训练神经网络来实现相机的定位和地图的构建。


常用的方法包括:- 自适应模型法:通过分析激光数据的反射特性,自适应地建立地图模型,同时进行定位。

- 点云拼接法:通过将多帧激光数据进行拼接,建立点云模型,同时进行定位。

- 分段匹配法:将激光数据进行分段匹配,利用匹配关系来计算相机的运动和地图的构建。


常用的方法包括: - 扩展卡尔曼滤波法:通过预测和更新步骤,利用卡尔曼滤波算法来估计相机的位姿和地图的构建。

- 粒子滤波法:通过随机采样的方法,利用粒子滤波算法来估计相机的位姿和地图的构建。

- 单纯惯导法:通过积分惯性传感器的数据,估计相机的位姿变化,实现定位和地图构建。





slam回环检测方法总结SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)回环检测方法总结SLAM(同时定位与地图构建)是一种用于移动机器人或自主驾驶车辆在未知环境中进行自主导航的方法。



下面将介绍几种常见的SLAM回环检测方法:1. 特征匹配方法:特征匹配方法是最常见的回环检测方法之一。




2. 视觉词袋方法:视觉词袋方法是一种基于图像内容描述的回环检测方法。

它通过提取图像中的局部特征,并将其表示为视觉词袋(visual bag of words)。



3. 惯性测量单元(IMU)融合方法:IMU融合方法是一种结合了惯性测量单元(加速度计和陀螺仪)和视觉传感器的回环检测方法。



4. 深度学习方法:近年来,深度学习方法在回环检测领域取得了显著的进展。





SLAM经典入门教程SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)是指机器人或移动设备在未知环境中同时实现自身定位和环境地图构建的技术。



一、SLAM的基本概念1. 定位(Localization):机器人或移动设备在地图中确定自身位置的过程。

2. 地图构建(Mapping):机器人或移动设备在移动过程中构建环境地图的过程。

3. 同步(Simultaneous):指机器人或移动设备在进行定位和地图构建时同时进行,相互依赖、相互影响。

4. 自身定位误差(Self-localization error):机器人或移动设备定位的准确性,影响其整体性能。

5. 地图构建误差(Mapping error):机器人或移动设备构建环境地图的准确性,影响其对环境的理解能力。





三、经典SLAM算法1. EKF-SLAM(Extended Kalman Filter SLAM):基于扩展卡尔曼滤波器的SLAM算法,利用状态估计和协方差矩阵来实现定位和地图构建。

2. FastSLAM:基于粒子滤波器的SLAM算法,将地图分解为多个粒子,每个粒子都有自己的状态和权重,通过多次重采样来更新地图。



SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)是一种在未知环境中同时进行定位和地图构建的技术,它在无人驾驶、机器人导航等领域有着广泛的应用。


1. 视觉里程计(Visual Odometry):通过连续的图像帧,使用特定的优化算法,计算出机器人在运动过程中的相对位姿变化。


2. 稠密地图构建(Dense Map Construction):利用机器人移动时获取的图像数据,将这些图像数据进行融合和优化,最终得到一个稠密的地图。

在这一步骤中,通常会使用优化算法,例如光束法束调整(Bundle Adjustment)来提高地图的精度。

3. 位姿估计(Pose Estimation):通过已知的地图和机器人获取的图像数据,利用优化算法估计机器人在地图中的绝对位姿,这一步骤也是SLAM中的一个重要环节。






SLAM(Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)是一个复杂的研究领域,涉及机器人技术、计算机视觉和传感器融合等多个学科。


1. 基于RGB-D相机的SLAM系统实现


2. 基于激光雷达的SLAM系统实现

在这个题目中,你可以选择使用开源的激光雷达数据集,如KITTI或Velodyne HDL32E等,并实现一个SLAM系统来处理激光雷达数据。

你可以选择使用开源的SLAM框架,如Cartographer或LeGO-LOAM 等,并根据需要进行修改和优化。

3. 基于IMU和轮速传感器的SLAM系统实现
在这个题目中,你可以使用IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit)和轮速传感器来获取机器人的运动信息,并实现一个SLAM系统来处理机器人在动态环境中的定位和地图构建问题。


slam 平面检测原理

slam 平面检测原理

slam 平面检测原理







融合激光SLAM与视觉SLAM技术在矿山地下环境勘查与治理中的应用研究目录一、内容概览 (2)1. 研究背景和意义 (3)1.1 矿山地下环境的重要性 (4)1.2 激光SLAM与视觉SLAM技术的融合应用前景 (5)2. 研究现状和发展趋势 (7)2.1 国内外研究现状 (8)2.2 技术发展趋势与挑战 (9)二、激光SLAM技术概述及其在矿山地下环境中的应用 (10)1. 激光SLAM技术原理及特点 (12)1.1 激光SLAM技术的基本原理 (13)1.2 激光SLAM技术的特点分析 (14)2. 激光SLAM技术在矿山地下环境中的应用现状 (15)2.1 地下环境建模与测量应用 (16)2.2 地下空间定位与导航应用 (18)三、视觉SLAM技术概述及其在矿山地下环境中的应用 (19)1. 视觉SLAM技术原理及特点 (21)1.1 视觉SLAM技术的基本原理 (22)1.2 视觉SLAM技术的特点分析 (24)2. 视觉SLAM技术在矿山地下环境中的应用现状与挑战 (25)2.1 应用现状分析 (27)2.2 技术挑战与问题探讨 (28)四、激光SLAM与视觉SLAM技术的融合研究及其应用前景分析 (29)1. 技术融合的原理与方法探讨 (31)1.1 数据融合的基本原理与方法研究 (32)1.2 激光与视觉信息融合的技术路径探讨 (33)2. 融合技术在矿山地下环境勘查与治理中的应用案例分析 (35)一、内容概览本研究旨在深入探讨融合激光SLAM与视觉SLAM技术在矿山地下环境勘查与治理中的实际应用。




SLAM Tutorial Part I

SLAM Tutorial Part I

Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping(SLAM): Part I The Essential AlgorithmsHugh Durrant-Whyte,Fellow,IEEE,and Tim BaileyAbstract—This tutorial provides an introduction to Simul-taneous Localisation and Mapping(SLAM)and the exten-sive research on SLAM that has been undertaken over the past decade.SLAM is the process by which a mobile robot can build a map of an environment and at the same time use this map to compute it’s own location.The past decade has seen rapid and exciting progress in solving the SLAM problem together with many compelling implementations of SLAM methods.Part I of this tutorial(this paper),de-scribes the probabilistic form of the SLAM problem,essen-tial solution methods and significant implementations.Part II of this tutorial will be concerned with recent advances in computational methods and new formulations of the SLAM problem for large scale and complex environments.I.IntroductionThe Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping(SLAM) problem asks if it is possible for a mobile robot to be placed at an unknown location in an unknown environment and for the robot to incrementally build a consistent map of this environment while simultaneously determining its lo-cation within this map.A solution to the SLAM problem has been seen as a‘holy grail’for the mobile robotics com-munity as it would provide the means to make a robot truly autonomous.The‘solution’of the SLAM problem has been one of the notable successes of the robotics community over the past decade.SLAM has been formulated and solved as a theoretical problem in a number of different forms.SLAM has also been implemented in a number of different domains from indoor robots,to outdoor,underwater and airborne systems.At a theoretical and conceptual level,SLAM can now be considered a solved problem.However,substantial issues remain in practically realizing more general SLAM solutions and notably in building and using perceptually rich maps as part of a SLAM algorithm.This two-part tutorial and survey of SLAM aims to pro-vide a broad introduction to this rapidly growingfield. Part I(this paper)begins by providing a brief history of early developments in SLAM.Section III introduces the structure the SLAM problem in now standard Bayesian form,and explains the evolution of the SLAM process. Section IV describes the two key computational solutions to the SLAM problem;through the use of the extended Kalmanfilter(EKF-SLAM)and through the use of Rao-Blackwellised particlefilters(FastSLAM).Other recent so-lutions to the SLAM problem are discussed in Part II of Hugh Durrant-Whyte,and Tim Bailey are with the Australian Centre for Field Robotics(ACFR)J04,The University of Sydney,Sydney NSW2006,Australia, hugh@.au,tbailey@.au this tutorial.Section V describes a number of important real-world implementations of SLAM and also highlights implementations where the sensor data and software are freely down-loadable for other researchers to study.Part II of this tutorial describes major issues in computation, convergence and data association in SLAM.These are sub-jects that have been the main focus of the SLAM research community over the pastfive years.II.History of the SLAM Problem The genesis of the probabilistic SLAM problem occurred at the1986IEEE Robotics and Automation Conference held in San Francisco.This was a time when probabilis-tic methods were only just beginning to be introduced into both robotics and AI.A number of researchers had been looking at applying estimation-theoretic methods to mapping and localisation problems;these included Peter Cheeseman,Jim Crowley,and Hugh Durrant-Whyte.Over the course of the conference many paper table cloths and napkins werefilled with long discussions about consistent mapping.Along the way,Raja Chatila,Oliver Faugeras, Randal Smith and others also made useful contributions to the conversation.The result of this conversation was a recognition that consistent probabilistic mapping was a fundamental prob-lem in robotics with major conceptual and computational issues that needed to be addressed.Over the next few years a number of key papers were produced.Work by Smith and Cheesman[39]and Durrant-Whyte[17]established a statistical basis for describing relationships between land-marks and manipulating geometric uncertainty.A key el-ement of this work was to show that there must be a high degree of correlation between estimates of the location of different landmarks in a map and that indeed these corre-lations would grow with successive observations.At the same time Ayache and Faugeras[1]were under-taking early work in visual navigation,Crowley[9]and Chatila and Laumond[6]in sonar-based navigation of mo-bile robots using Kalmanfilter-type algorithms.These two strands of research had much in common and resulted soon after in the landmark paper by Smith,Self and Cheese-man[40].This paper showed that as a mobile robot moves through an unknown environment taking relative observa-tions of landmarks,the estimates of these landmarks are all necessarily correlated with each other because of the common error in estimated vehicle location[27].The im-plication of this was profound:A consistent full solution to the combined localisation and mapping problem wouldrequire a joint state composed of the vehicle pose and every landmark position,to be updated following each landmark observation.In turn,this would require the estimator to employ a huge state vector(of order the number of land-marks maintained in the map)with computation scaling as the square of the number of landmarks.Crucially,this work did not look at the convergence prop-erties of the map or its steady-state behavior.Indeed,it was widely assumed at the time that the estimated map errors would not converge and would instead exhibit a ran-dom walk behavior with unbounded error growth.Thus, given the computational complexity of the mapping prob-lem and without knowledge of the convergence behavior of the map,researchers instead focused on a series of approxi-mations to the consistent mapping problem solution which assumed or even forced the correlations between landmarks to be minimized or eliminated so reducing the fullfilter to a series of decoupled landmark to vehiclefilters([28],[38] for example).Also for these reasons,theoretical work on the combined localisation and mapping problem came to a temporary halt,with work often focused on either mapping or localisation as separate problems.The conceptual break-through came with the realisation that the combined mapping and localisation problem,once formulated as a single estimation problem,was actually convergent.Most importantly,it was recognised that the correlations between landmarks,that most researchers had tried to minimize,were actually the critical part of the problem and that,on the contrary,the more these corre-lations grew,the better the solution.The structure of the SLAM problem,the convergence result and the coining of the acronym‘SLAM’wasfirst presented in a mobile robot-ics survey paper presented at the1995International Sym-posium on Robotics Research[16].The essential theory on convergence and many of the initial results were developed by Csorba[11],[10].Several groups already working on mapping and localisation,notably at MIT[29],Zaragoza [5],[4],the ACFR at Sydney[20],[45]and others[7],[13], began working in earnest on SLAM1applications in indoor, outdoor and sub-sea environments.At this time,work focused on improving computational efficiency and addressing issues in data association or‘loop closure’.The1999International Symposium on Robot-ics Research(ISRR’99)[23]was an important meeting point where thefirst SLAM session was held and where a degree of convergence between the Kalman-filter based SLAM methods and the probabilistic localisation and map-ping methods introduced by Thrun[42]was achieved.The 2000IEEE ICRA Workshop on SLAM attractedfifteen re-searchers and focused on issues such as algorithmic com-plexity,data association and implementation challenges. The following SLAM workshop at the2002ICRA attracted 150researchers with a broad range of interests and appli-cations.The2002SLAM summer school hosted by Hen-rik Christiansen at KTH in Stockholm attracted all the 1Also called Concurrent Mapping and Localisation(CML)at this time.key researchers together with some50PhD students from around the world and was a tremendous success in build-ing thefield.Interest in SLAM has grown exponentially in recent years,and workshops continue to be held at both ICRA and IROS.The SLAM summer school ran in2004 in Tolouse and will run at Oxford in2006.III.Formulation and Structure of the SLAM problemSLAM is a process by which a mobile robot can build a map of an environment and at the same time use this map to deduce it’s location.In SLAM both the trajectory of the platform and the location of all landmarks are esti-mated on-line without the need for any a priori knowledge of location.A.PreliminariesFig.1.The essential SLAM problem.A simultaneous estimate of both robot and landmark locations is required.The true locations are never known or measured directly.Observations are made between true robot and landmark locations.See text for details.Consider a mobile robot moving through an environment taking relative observations of a number of unknown land-marks using a sensor located on the robot as shown in Figure1.At a time instant k,the following quantities are defined:•x k:The state vector describing the location and orien-tation of the vehicle.•u k:The control vector,applied at time k−1to drive the vehicle to a state x k at time k.•m i:A vector describing the location of the i th landmark whose true location is assumed time invariant.•z ik:An observation taken from the vehicle of the location of the i th landmark at time k.When there are multiple landmark observations at any one time or when the specific landmark is not relevant to the discussion,the observation will be written simply as z k.In addition,the following sets are also defined:•X 0:k ={x 0,x 1,···,x k }={X 0:k −1,x k }:The history of vehicle locations.•U 0:k ={u 1,u 2,···,u k }={U 0:k −1,u k }:The history of control inputs.•m ={m 1,m 2,···,m n }The set of all landmarks.•Z 0:k ={z 1,z 2,···,z k }={Z 0:k −1,z k }:The set of all landmark observations.B.Probabilistic SLAMIn probabilistic form,the Simultaneous Localisation and Map Building (SLAM)problem requires that the probabil-ity distributionP (x k ,m |Z 0:k ,U 0:k ,x 0)(1)be computed for all times k .This probability distribution describes the joint posterior density of the landmark lo-cations and vehicle state (at time k )given the recorded observations and control inputs up to and including time k together with the initial state of the vehicle.In gen-eral,a recursive solution to the SLAM problem is de-sirable.Starting with an estimate for the distribution P (x k −1,m |Z 0:k −1,U 0:k −1)at time k −1,the joint pos-terior,following a control u k and observation z k ,is com-puted using Bayes Theorem.This computation requires that a state transition model and an observation model are defined describing the effect of the control input and observation respectively.The observation model describes the probability of making an observation z k when the vehicle location and landmark locations are known,and is generally described in the formP (z k |x k ,m ).(2)It is reasonable to assume that once the vehicle locationand map are defined,observations are conditionally inde-pendent given the map and the current vehicle state.The motion model for the vehicle can be described in terms of a probability distribution on state transitions in the formP (x k |x k −1,u k )(3)That is,the state transition is assumed to be a Markovprocess in which the next state x k depends only on the immediately proceeding state x k −1and the applied control u k ,and is independent of both the observations and the map.The SLAM algorithm is now implemented in a standard two-step recursive (sequential)prediction (time-update)correction (measurement-update)form:Time-updateP (x k ,m |Z 0:k −1,U 0:k ,x 0)=P (x k |x k −1,u k )×P (x k −1,m |Z 0:k −1,U 0:k −1,x 0)d x k −1(4)Measurement UpdateP (x k ,m |Z 0:k ,U 0:k ,x 0)=P (z k |x k ,m )P (x k ,m |Z 0:k −1,U 0:k ,x 0)P (z k |Z 0:k −1,U 0:k )(5)Equations 4and 5provide a recursive procedure for calcu-lating the joint posterior P (x k ,m |Z 0:k ,U 0:k ,x 0)for the robot state x k and map m at a time k based on all observa-tions Z 0:k and all control inputs U 0:k up to and including time k .The recursion is a function of a vehicle model P (x k |x k −1,u k )and an observation model P (z k |x k ,m ).It is worth noting that the map building problem may be formulated as computing the conditional density P (m |X 0:k ,Z 0:k ,U 0:k ).This assumes that the location of the vehicle x k is known (or at least deterministic)at all times,subject to knowledge of initial location.A map m is then constructed by fusing observations from differ-ent locations.Conversely,the localisation problem may be formulated as computing the probability distribution P (x k |Z 0:k ,U 0:k ,m ).This assumes that the landmark lo-cations are known with certainty and the objective is to compute an estimate of vehicle location with respect to these landmarks.C.Structure of Probabilistic SLAMTo simplify the discussion in this section we will drop the conditioning on historical variables in Equation 1and write the required joint posterior on map and vehicle location as P (x k ,m |z k )and even P (x k ,m )as the context permits.The observation model P (z k |x k ,m )makes explicit the dependence of observations on both the vehicle and land-mark locations.It follows that the joint posterior can not be partitioned in the obvious mannerP (x k ,m |z k )=P (x k |z k )P (m |z k ),and indeed it is well known from the early papers on consis-tent mapping [39],[17]that a partition such as this leads to inconsistent estimates.However,the SLAM problem has more structure than is immediately obvious from these Equations.Referring again to Figure 1,it can be seen that much of the error between estimated and true landmark loca-tions is common between landmarks and is in fact due to a single source;errors in knowledge of where the robot is when landmark observations are made.In turn,this im-plies that the errors in landmark location estimates are highly correlated.Practically,this means that the relative location between any two landmarks,m i −m j ,may be known with high accuracy,even when the absolute loca-tion of a landmark m i is quite uncertain.In probabilistic form this means that the joint probability density for the pair of landmarks P (m i ,m j )is highly peaked even when the marginal densities P (m i )may be quite dispersed.The most important insight in SLAM was to realize that the correlations between landmark estimates increasemonotonically as more and more observations are Practically,this means that knowledge of the relative tion of landmarks always improves and never gardless of robot motion.In probabilistic terms,this that the joint probability density on all landmarks becomes monotonically more peaked as moreare made.This convergence occurs because the observations by the robot can be considered as‘nearly measurements of the relative location between Referring again to Figure1,consider the robot atx k observing the two landmarks m i and m j.The location of observed landmarks is clearlythe coordinate frame of the vehicle and successivevations from thisfixed location would yield further pendent measurements of the relative relationship between landmarks.Now,as the robot moves to location x k+1, it again observes landmark m j this allows the estimated location of the robot and landmark to be updated rela-tive to the previous location x k.In turn this propagates back to update landmark m i even though this landmark is not seen from the new location.This occurs because the two landmarks are highly correlated(their relative lo-cation is well known)from previous measurements.Fur-ther,the fact that the same measurement data is used to update these two landmarks makes them more correlated. The term‘nearly independent’measurement is appropriate because the observation errors will be correlated through successive vehicle motions.Also note that in Figure1at location x k+1the robot observes two new landmarks rel-ative to m j.These new land-marks are thus immediately linked or correlated to the rest of the ter update to these landmarks will also update landmark m j and through this landmark m i and so on.That is,all landmarks end up forming a network linked by relative location or cor-relations whose precision or value increases whenever an observation is made.This process can be visualized(Figure2)as a network of springs connecting all landmarks together,or as a rubber sheet in which all landmarks are embedded.An observa-tion in a neighbourhood acts like a displacement to spring system or rubber sheet such that it’s effect is great in the neighbourhood and,dependent on local stiffness(correla-tion)properties,diminishes with distance to other land-marks.As the robot moves through this environment and takes observations of the landmarks,the the springs be-come increasingly(and monotonically)stiffer.In the limit, a rigid map of landmarks or an accurate relative map of the environment is obtained.As the map is built,the lo-cation accuracy of the robot measured relative to the map is bounded only by the quality of the map and relative measurement sensor.In the theoretical limit,robot rel-ative location accuracy becomes equal to the localisation accuracy achievable with a given map.2These results have only been proved for the linear Gaussian case [14].Formal proof for the more general probabilistic case remains an open problem.environment,correlations increase(red links become thicker).As landmarks are observed and estimated locations are corrected,and these changes are propagated through the spring network.Note,the robot itself is correlated to the map.IV.Solutions to the SLAM Problem Solutions to the probabilistic SLAM problem involve finding an appropriate representation for the observation model Equation2and motion model Equation3which al-lows efficient and consistent computation of the prior and posterior distributions in Equations4and5.By far the most common representation is in the form of a state-space model with additive Gaussian noise,leading to the use of the extended Kalmanfilter(EKF)to solve the SLAM problem as described in Section IV-A.One important al-ternative representation is to describe the vehicle motion model in Equation3as a set of samples of a more gen-eral non-Gaussian probability distribution.This leads to the use of the Rao-Blackwellised particlefilter,or Fast-SLAM algorithm,to solve the SLAM problem as described in Section IV-B.While EKF-SLAM and FastSLAM are the two most important solution methods,newer alternatives, which offer much potential,have been proposed including the use of the information-state form[43].These are dis-cussed further in Part II of this tutorial.A.EKF-SLAMThe basis for the EKF-SLAM method is to describe the vehicle motion in the formP(x k|x k−1,u k)⇐⇒x k=f(x k−1,u k)+w k,(6)where f(·)models vehicle kinematics and where w k are additive,zero mean uncorrelated Gaussian motion distur-bances with covariance Q k.The observation model is de-scribed in the formP(z k|x k,m)⇐⇒z(k)=h(x k,m)+v k,(7)where h(·)describes the geometry of the observation and where v k are additive,zero mean uncorrelated Gaussian observation errors with covariance R k.With these definitions the standard EKF method[31], [14]can be applied to compute the meanˆx k|kˆm k=Ex km|Z0:k,and covarianceP k|k=P xx P xmP T xm P mmk|k=Ex k−ˆx km−ˆm kx k−ˆx km−ˆm kT|Z0:kof the joint posterior distribution P(x k,m|Z0:k,U0:k,x0) from:Time-updateˆx k|k−1=f(ˆx k−1|k−1,u k)(8) P xx,k|k−1=∇f P xx,k−1|k−1∇f T+Q k(9)where∇f is the Jacobian of f evaluated at the estimate ˆx k−1|k−1.There is generally no need to perform a time-update for stationary landmarks3.Observation-updateˆx k|kˆm k=ˆx k|k−1ˆm k−1+W kz(k)−h(ˆx k|k−1,ˆm k−1)(10)P k|k=P k|k−1−W k S k W Tk(11)whereS k=∇hP k|k−1∇h T+R kW k=P k|k−1∇h T S−1kand where∇h is the Jacobian of h evaluated atˆx k|k−1and ˆm k−1.This EKF-SLAM solution is very well known and inherits many of the same benefits and problems as the standard EKF solutions to navigation or tracking problems.Four of the key issues are briefly discussed here: Convergence:In the EKF-SLAM problem,convergence of the map is manifest in the monotonic convergence of the determinant of the map covariance matrix P mm,k,and all land-mark pair sub-matrices,toward zero.The individual land-mark variances converge toward a lower bound deter-mined by initial uncertainties in robot position and obser-vations.The typical convergence behaviour of landmark location variances is shown in Figure3(from[14]). Computational Effort:The observation update step re-quires that all landmarks and the joint covariance matrix be updated every time an observation is made.Naively, this means computation grows quadratically with the num-ber of landmarks.There has been a great deal of work un-dertaken in developing efficient variants of the EKF-SLAM solution and real-time implementations with many thou-sands of landmarks have been demonstrated[21],[29].Ef-ficient variants of the EKF-SLAM algorithm are discussed in Part II of this tutorial.3However,a time-update is necessary for landmarks that may move [44].4050607080901001100.511.522.5Time (sec)StandardDeviationinX(m)Fig.3.The convergence in landmark uncertainty.The plot shows a time history of standard deviations of a set of landmark locations.A landmark is initially observed with uncertainty inherited from the robot location and observation.Over time,the standard deviations reduce monotonically to a lower bound.New landmarks are acquired during motion(from[14]).Data Association:The standard formulation of the EKF-SLAM solution is especially fragile to incorrect associ-ation of observations to landmarks[35].The‘loop-closure’problem,when a robot returns to re-observe landmarks af-ter a large traverse,is especially difficult.The association problem is compounded in environments where landmarks are not simple points and indeed look different from differ-ent view-points.Current work in this area will be described in Part II of this tutorial.Non-linearity:EKF-SLAM employs linearised models of non-linear motion and observation models and so inher-its many caveats.Non-linearity can be a significant prob-lem in EKF-SLAM and leads to inevitable,and sometimes dramatic,inconsistency in solutions[24].Convergence and consistency can only be guaranteed in the linear case. B.Rao-Blackwellised FilterThe FastSLAM algorithm,introduced by Montemerlo et al.[32],marked a fundamental conceptual shift in the de-sign of recursive probabilistic SLAM.Previous efforts fo-cused on improving the performance of EKF-SLAM,while retaining its essential linear Gaussian assumptions.Fast-SLAM with its basis on recursive Monte Carlo sampling, or particlefiltering,was thefirst to directly represent the non-linear process model and non-Gaussian pose distribu-tion.4This approach was influenced by earlier probabilistic mapping experiments of Murphy[34]and Thrun[41]. The high dimensional state-space of the SLAM prob-lem makes direct application of particlefilters compu-tationally infeasible.However,it is possible to reduce the sample-space by applying Rao-Blackwellisation(R-B), 4Note,FastSLAM still linearises the observation model,but this is typically a reasonable approximation for range-bearing measurements when the vehicle pose is known.whereby a joint state is partitioned according to the prod-uct rule P(x1,x2)=P(x2|x1)P(x1)and,if P(x2|x1) can be represented analytically,only P(x1)need be sam-pled x(i)1∼P(x1).The joint distribution,therefore,is represented by the set{x(i)1,P(x2|x(i)1)}N i and statistics such as the marginalP(x2)≈1NNiP(x2|x(i)1)can be obtained with greater accuracy than is possible by sampling over the joint space.The joint SLAM state may be factored into a vehicle component and a conditional map component.P(X0:k,m|Z0:k,U0:k,x0)=P(m|X0:k,Z0:k)P(X0:k|Z0:k,U0:k,x0).(12) Here the probability distribution is on the trajectory X0:k rather than the single pose x k because,when conditioned on the trajectory,the map landmarks become independent (see Figure4).This is a key property of FastSLAM,and the reason for its speed;the map is represented as a set of independent Gaussians,with linear complexity,rather than a joint map covariance with quadratic complexity.Fig.4.A graphical model of the SLAM algorithm.If the history of pose states are known exactly then,since the observations are condi-tionally independent,the map states are also independent.For Fast-SLAM,each particle defines a different vehicle trajectory hypothesis. The essential structure of FastSLAM,then,is a Rao-Blackwellised state,where the trajectory is represented by weighted samples and the map is computed analytically. Thus,the joint distribution,at time k,is represented by theset{w(i)k ,X(i)0:k,P(m|X(i)0:k,Z0:k)}N i,where the map accom-panying each particle is composed of independent Gaussiandistributions P(m|X(i)0:k ,Z0:k)=MjP(m j|X(i)0:k,Z0:k).Recursive estimation is performed by particlefiltering for the pose states,and the EKF for the map states.Updating the map,for a given trajectory particle X(i)0:k ,istrivial.Each observed landmark is processed individually as an EKF measurement update from a known pose(see Figure5).Unobserved landmarks are unchanged.Propa-gating the pose particles,on the other hand,is more com-plex,as we discuss below.We forego giving a background on particlefilters,except to say that it is derived from a recursive form of sampling Fig.5.A single realisation of robot trajectory in the FastSLAM algo-rithm.The ellipsoids show the proposal distribution for each update stage,from which a robot pose is sampled and,assuming this poseis perfect,the observed landmarks are updated.Thus,the map fora single particle is governed by the accuracy of the trajectory.Many such trajectories provide a probabilistic model of robot location. known as sequential important sampling(SIS)[15],which actually samples from a joint state history,but“telescopes”the joint into a recursion via the product rule.P(x0,x1,...,x T|Z0:T)=P(x0|Z0:T)P(x1|x0,Z0:T)...P(x T|X0:T−1,Z0:T). At each time-step k,particles are drawn from a proposal distributionπ(x k|X0:k−1,Z0:k),which approximates the true distribution P(x k|X0:k−1,Z0:T),and the samples are given importance weights to compensate for any discrep-ancy.The approximation error grows with time(and in-herent joint state-space),increasing the variation in sam-ple weights,degrading statistical accuracy.A resampling step reinstates uniform weighting,but causes loss of histor-ical particle information.This leads to a crucial property: SIS with resampling can produce reasonable statistics only for systems that“exponentially forget”their past[8](i.e., systems whose process noise cause the state at time k to become increasingly independent of preceding states).The general form of a R-B particlefilter for SLAM is as follows.We assume that,at time k−1,the joint state is represented by{w(i)k−1,X(i)0:k−1,P(m|X(i)0:k−1,Z0:k−1)}N i.1.For each particle,compute a proposal distribution,con-ditioned on the specific particle history,and draw a sample from itx(i)k∼π(x k|X(i)0:k−1,Z0:k,u k).(13) This new sample is(implicitly)joined to the particle his-tory X(i)0:k=X(i)0:k−1,x(i)k.2.Weight samples according to the importance functionw(i)k=w(i)k−1P(z k|X(i)0:k,Z0:k−1)P(x(i)k|x(i)k−1,u k)π(x(i)k|X(i)0:k−1,Z0:k,u k).(14)The numerator terms of this equation are the observation model and the motion model,respectively.The former。




1. 基于RGB图像的6D位姿估计:这种方法首先从输入的RGB图像中提取特征,然后与已有的3D模型进行匹配,通过PnP (Perspective-n-Point)算法建立2D-3D坐标的对应关系,从而估计目标物体的6D位姿。

2. 基于点云的6D位姿估计:这种方法直接使用点云数据作为输入,通过点云配准或深度学习技术来估计物体的6D位姿。

3. RGB+点云融合的6D位姿估计:这种方法结合了RGB图像和点云数据,利用两者互补的信息来提高6D位姿估计的准确性和鲁棒性。





slam建图学习计划1. 学习目标我们的学习目标是建立对Slam建图技术的深入理解,包括算法原理、数学基础和实际应用。





2. 学习内容为了达成以上学习目标,我们可以按照以下内容进行学习:(1)Slam基础知识学习Slam的基本原理和分类,包括基于特征、基于直接法和基于深度学习的方法。

可以阅读相关的论文和教材,例如《Probabilistic Robotics》、《SLAM for Dummies》,并参与Slam建图相关的在线课程和讨论。







3. 实践项目为了加强对Slam建图技术的理解和应用,我们可以选择一个实际的项目来进行实践。


可以使用开源的Slam库和传感器套件,例如ROS、Hector Slam和ZED相机,实现一个完整的Slam建图系统。

4. 教学反馈在学习过程中,我们建议定期进行教学反馈,包括参加线下或线上的Slam建图研讨会、参与Slam建图竞赛和分享自己的项目经验。



6d位姿估计数据集制作方法6D位姿估计数据集制作方法主要包括以下几个步骤:1. 采集数据:首先,需要采集一定数量的RGB图像和对应的3D模型。



2. 标注数据:对于每幅图像,需要标注其中目标物体的位置和姿态。

这些标注数据可以通过专业工具(如PASCAL VOC、COCO等)进行手动标注,也可以通过半自动或自动标注方法(如SfM、Multi-View Stereo 等)生成。


3. 制作训练集和测试集:将采集到的图像和对应的标注数据分为训练集和测试集。



4. 数据增强:为了提高模型的泛化能力,可以对训练集数据进行增强。



5. 归一化:将图像和标注数据进行归一化处理,使其在同一尺度下进行计算。


6. 制作数据集:将处理好的图像、标注数据以及对应的3D模型组织成数据集。


7. 模型训练:使用制作好的数据集训练6D位姿估计模型。



8. 模型评估:在训练过程中或训练完成后,使用测试集评估模型的性能。













【摘要】在6D物体姿态估计领域中,现有算法往往难以实现对目标物体精准且鲁棒的姿态估计.为解决该问题,提出了一种结合残差注意力、混合空洞卷积和标准差信息的物体6D姿态细化网络.首先,在Gen6D图片特征提取网络中,采用混合空洞卷积模块替换传统卷积模块,以此扩大感受野、加强全局特征捕获能力.接着,在3D 卷积神经网络中,加入残差注意力模块,这有助于区分特征通道的重要程度,进而在提取关键特征的同时,减少浅层特征的丢失.最后,在平均距离损失函数中,引入了标准差信息,从而使模型能够区分物体的更多姿态信息.实验结果显示,所提出的网络在LINEMOD数据集和GenMOP数据集上的ADD指标分别达到了68.79%和56.03%.与Gen6D网络相比,ADD指标分别提升了1.78个百分点和5.64个百分点,这一结果验证了所提出的网络能够显著提升6D姿态估计的准确性.

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ECMR 2007 –SLAM Tutorial
Dr. Andreas Nüchter
Institute of Computer Science
Knowledge-Based-Systems Research Group
University of Osnabrück
andreas@nuechti.de http://www.nuechti.de
Pose via
wheel revolutions
Measured data,
camera or scanner Map represented as grid or that contains features
Mounted on mobile robots for 3D collision avoidance
•Professional 3D scanners
light (close
–pulsed laser vs. time-of-flight (mid and long range)
What you should learn now, using the show program Most robotic data sets acquired by a
Viewing a single indoor 3D scan, setting a maximal distance
–s 1 –e 1 dat_schillerplatz
Convert to matrix , then
works in 3 translation plus 3 rotation dimensions
6D SLAM with closed loop detection and global relaxation.
first term! (The
with,then for
Rewrite using the trace of a matrix Lemma: For all positiv definite matrices
,then is
of is
and 3 x 3 and a diagonal matrix and
lemma it is
Therefore maximizes for with
,then with is
K-d trees for searching in logarithmic time
⇐Backtracking Approximation in the ANN package represents a method for not-evaluating leafs, taking small errors into account.
How to split a k-d tree during construction?
Cells may have an arbitrary aspect ratio
Best performance is achieved by the so-called optimized
bin/slam6D –s 0 –e 3 –m 3000 –-algo=2 dat1
bin/slam6D –s 0 –e 15 –m 3000 –-algo=2 dat2
extrapolation and ICP using reduced data (indoors)
where models random Gaussian noise, added to the unkown exact pose and the co-variance matrix of the overlapping scans computed from
extrapolation and ICP and
loop detection and global relaxation bin/slam6D –s 0 –e 75 –r 10 –i 100 –d 250
-I 50 –-cldist=750 –D 500 dat3。
