词汇学论文 语境与词汇意义On Context and Meaning


现代英语词汇学概论8 Meaning and Context

现代英语词汇学概论8 Meaning and Context

The meaning of make is affected by the grammatical structures. This is called grammatical context. Grammatical context is the grammatical structures in which a particular linguistic item is used.

[47] The ball was good. 1) dancing party 2) round object Revised: The ball was good. I never danced like this before. The ball was good. I used it for a long time.
8.1.2 Linguistic Context

figure 1) a half-length figure (像) 2) a historical figure (人物) 3) double figure (数字) 4) figure of speech (词格)
8.1.2 Linguistic Context
8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context

广场(square) 1) a large flat area without buildings 2) a large building (亚贸广场;武广) 城(city) 1) a large town with more than 300,000 residents 2) 家俱城;书城

8.1.1 Extra-linguistic Context



利用语境理解词汇意义(Context in Interpretation of Word Meaning)湖北省荆门市掇刀石中学刘艳红何庆华AbstractThis paper makes a brief introduction to the theory of context. A number of typical examples are cited to demonstrate the role of context in eliminating ambiguities, removing vagueness, indicating referring meanings. The mastery of contextual knowledge and the analysis of the stylistic features are proposed as the keys to the correct interpretation of word meaning.Key words: context linguistic context non-linguistic context word meaningI IntroductionThe interpretation of word meaning is of paramount importance for a non-native learner both in reading and communication. The meanings of most words are dependent on context because the meanings are influenced immediately by the linguistic environment, and in many cases by the whole speech situation as well. Without context, there is no way to determine the meaning that the speaker intends to convey, whereas with the context there is generally no danger of misinterpretation, for meaning lives in context and the context throws light on meaning (Zhang, 1997, P:210). In order to interpret meaning correctly, it is necessary to study context and research on the importance of context. The emphasis of this paper focuses on the role of context in the interpretation of meaning.II Context and Its DefinitionThe anthropologist Bronislow Malinowski first raised “Context of situation” in the 1920s. According to him, the meaning of an utterance does not come from the idea of the words comprising it but from its relation to the situational context in which the utterance occurs. He (1923) writes, “When we pass from a modern civilized language…to a primitive tongue… there it should be clear at once that conception of meaning as contained in utterance is false and futile …, utterances and situation are bound up inextricably with each other and the contest of situation is indispensable for the understanding of the words.” In the 1930s,J.R.Firth advanced the theory of context. According to J.R.Firth, context consists of two parts; one is inter-language, the other is extra-language, namely, the special situation and condition in which the speech occurs. After 1970s, as many new linguistic branches such as semantics and pragmatics appeared, more and more linguists realize the importance of context. J. Lyons holds that context is a notion of theory. J.Lyons interprets context according to knowledge. He concludes that contest is composed of the knowledge of the following aspects:⑴Each of the participants must know his role and status.⑵The participants must know where they are in space and time.⑶The participants must be able to categorize the situation in terms of its degree of formality.⑷The participants must know what medium is appropriate to the situation.⑸The participants must know how to make their utterances appropriate to the subject-matters, and the importance of subject-matter as a determinant in the selection of one dialect or one language rather than another in bilingual or multilingual communities has beenstressed by such writers as Haugen (1953), Weinreich (1953) and Fishman(1965).⑹The participants must know how to make their utterance appropriate to the province or domain to which the situation belongs. (Lyons, 1977.P: 574)These expositions are given by foreign linguists. Chinese linguists also give us some definitions about context. Mr. Zhang Yunfei makes a conclusion about context that can make us understand it better. Context refers to the lexical items that precede or follow a given word in its traditional sense. Modern linguistic have broaden its scope to include both linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts. Linguistic context is composed of lexical, grammatical and verbal context in its broad sense. Extra-linguistic context refers not only to the actual speech situation in which a word (or an utterance or a speech event) is used but also to the entire cultural background against which a word or an utterance or a speech event is set.The definitions about context are given from different perspectives, but they are related to each other. In a word, meaning is closely tied to context.III The Role of Context in the Interpretation of Meaning“No context, no meaning”, “You know a word by the company it keeps”. These two sentences have been chosen as the mottos by people when they read or communicate. Maybe we can’t completely take them for granted. But we must agree that meaning lives in context and the context throws light on meaning. The following aspects will show the role of context.3.1 Eliminating ambiguitiesAmbiguity refers to a word, phrase, sentence or group of sentences with more than one possible interpretation or meaning. (ZhangYunfei and Zhou Xiqing, 1986,P:241). There are several types of ambiguities. Here we mainly talk about two types of them from the perspectives of linguistic context and non-linguistic context. One is lexical ambiguity due to the multiple meanings of words or homonym. A word that has multiple meanings will be discussed. Only when a word is used in an adequate context, people can understand its real meaning, For example:(1)John did not turn up because he was engaged.The word engaged in this context can mean both “(of a person) busy; occupied” and “to be married”. The context fails to narrow down the meaning so that the reader may find it difficult to decide what exactly the speaker means. But there would be no misunderstanding if the original sentence is changed as “John did not turn up because he was engaged in his office”.The non-linguistic context---the actual speech situation also plays a role in eliminating ambiguities. People can easily understand the different meaning of a word when it is used in different time or place. Take the sentence “Pass the port” for example, pass can mean “go across” or “give by hand”, port has the meaning “harbor” or “a kind of wine”, So what is the real meaning is difficult to determine. But in our daily life, this kind of sentence does not create any misunderstanding because the word can be interpreted by the place. If we say it at table, it obviously means “Hand me the wine”. If the captain orders to the navigator in the process of navigation, it mu st mean “Go across the harbor”.Another type is structural ambiguity that arises from grammatical analysis of a sentence or a phrase. For example:(2)“I am an associate editor and professor”. After the addressee hears this sentence, he can’t make sure whether he is an associate and professor or associate editor and professor.3.2 Removing vaguenessVagueness refers to the meaning of a word that is not clear. Whether a word is vague or not isrelative. For example:(3) It is a beast.(4) This is a good strawberry.(5) This is a good lemon.In Sentence (3), beast is a vague notion. It is vaguer than elephant, but it is more concrete than animal. Nevertheless, people have no idea of what kind of beast it is. But in Sentence (4) and (5),although good is a vague word, its meaning is clear in a definite context. In Sentence (4), strawberry determines the meaning of good. As the sweeter the strawberry is, the better it is. So good must be “sweet” not “sour”. By the same token the sourer the lemon is, the better it is. So “a good lemon” means “a sour lemon”.3.3 Indicating referentsThe mastery of deictic information is the key to the interpretation of meaning. Deixis is dependent on context and its reference lies in context. Deictic expressions are pronouns, demonstratives (this/that, these/those), certain time and place adverbs (e,g. here and now), some verbs of motion (e.g. come /go ) and even tenses. In order to avoid repletion, deixis is widely used in books and in communication. If we are not familiar with the context, there is no way to understand the referents. The following dialogue is written by the well-known linguist, Firth:(6)Do you think he will ?I do not know. He might.I suppose he ought to, but perhaps he feels he can’t.Well, his brothers have. They perhaps think he needn’t.Perhaps eventually he may. I think he should, and I very much hope he will.Because there is no context, it is difficult to guess what the participants are talking. In fact, the modal verb will, might and ought to in the above dialogue are used in place of the verb phrase “join the army,”Person deixis is frequently used in a speech event. In communication, the addressee must change certain person deixis which is used by the addressers Here is a humor about the false use of person deixis.(7) Voice on phone:“ John Smith is sick and can not attend class today. He requested me to notify you.”Professor: All right, who is this speaking?”V oice on the phone:“ This is my roommate.”If the student pays attention to the use of person deixis and uses “his” instead of “my ”, then he will successfully play truant. Other deixis also plays important roles in the interpretation of meaning. There is no need to repeat,3.4 Supplying information omitted through ellipsisEllipsis is a kind of rhetorical features. It is also a kind of tendencies of Modern English, For example:(8)John drinks far too much.(9) When shall we eat?(10) Bacon’s figures of speech are forensic, intend to convince and confound.(11) Janet! Donkeys!(12) Janet! Wine!In these five sentences, (8)—(10) omit the objects. The conventional grammarians call it “deletion”. In fact, if we are familiar with the collocation of English words, we can determine theomitted words: drink refers to “drink wine”, eat means “have the meal”, convince means “make people believe”, confound means “defeat the opponent”. Sentence (11) and (12) omit verbs, but we can infer the predicates from its objects. Donkeys means ‘”Drive away donkeys” or “”be careful of donkeys”, wine means “bring wine or “Pour wine.”3.5 Inferring meaningsOne of the most important roles of context is provision of clues for inference of meaning. As words are always used in a definite context, there must be some hints. So we can infer their meanings. The following paragraphs will indicate how context influences the meaning of words.(13) Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy, unsociable person.(14) Europe, an ice-covered moon of the planet Jupitor, may be able to support life, spaceagency scientists believe.In Sentence (13), the meaning of gregarious is reflected exactly by the antonym unsociable.In Sentence (14), Europa is a new word, but we can infer its meaning from its appositive “an ice-covered moon of the planet Jupitor”. Hence Europ a must be “a satellite belonging to Jupitor”.The above example show that we can determine the word meaning from the word meaning from the words or sentences which precede or follow.IV Knowledge of Context in Interpretation of Word MeaningHaving specifying the role of context in the determination of word meaning, the next paragraphs will emphasize the knowledge of context in interpretation of word meaning.4.1 The mastery of linguistic knowledge and the analysis of the contextIn order to understand word meaning in context, first of all, one must grasp the basic knowledge of vocabulary in the target language such as word structure, word formation, word collocation and types of meaning, etc. What’s more, he must remem ber the common meanings of words. All these are essential in the interpretation. In addition to the vocabulary knowledge, one has to analyze the context which refers to analyze the context which refers to the linguistic context and context, word-meaning can be understood from relative words, sentences, passage or even the whole book, In the light of the context of situation, one has to make sure of the role and status of the participants, time and place of the speech and the situation (formal or informal).4.2 Analyzing the stylistic featuresThe context can eliminate ambiguities, but in some articles, the writer intentionally devices certain context to create ambiguity so as to achieve humor. So it is necessary to analyze the stylistic features. The next example is a good illustration.(15) The clerk (entering): Are you engaged?Augustus: What business is that of yours? However, if you will take the trouble to read the society papers for this week, you will see that I am engaged to the Honorable LucyPopham, youngest daughter of.The Clerk: That is not what I mean. Can you see a female?Augustus: Of course I can see a female as easily as a male. Do you suppose I am blind?The Clerk: You do not seem to follow me, somehow. There is a female downstairs: What you might call a lady. She wants to know can you see her if I let her up.The humor comes from the polysemants engaged and see. Engaged means “busy” when it is used by the clerk, while it refers to “to be married” when A ugustus says it. See is also a pun. What the clerk means is “v i sit somebody”, but what Augustus understands is “become aware of (sb/sth)by using the eyes”.4.3 The understanding of background knowledgeBackground knowledge mentioned in this article is confined to the cultural background. Every language is part of a culture and also the carrier of culture, so language must serve and reflect culture. Since words are the main part of language, most of them must be strongly tied to culture. Then, the correct interpretation of words presupposes a good knowledge of the culture of the target language, The cultural background is a broad view of context. Malinowski, a well-known anthropologist, writes;“The conception of context must burst the bonds of mere linguis tics and be carried over into the analysis of the general conditions under which a language id spoken… The study of any language, spoken by a people who live under conditions different from our own and possess a different culture, must be carried out in conjunction with the study of their culture and of their environ ment.”The same lexical item may have the same designative meaning in different countries. But because of cultural differences, their connotative meaning is quite different. Take the common word dog for example. Dog in English is associated with “loyalty”, “faithfulness”, “a close companion” and all pos itive qualities. It is a favorable word. If you call an Englishman “old dog” or “lucky dog”, he will be glad; whereas to Chinese, dog takes on neg ative associations such as wicked” or “disgusting”. If a person is compared to a dog, he must be looked down on by others.V ConclusionTo sum up, the contents of the context are abundant. Context not only refers to the linguistic context which is lexical, grammatical and verbal context in its broad sense, but also the non0linguistic context which covers the actual speech situation and the entire cultural background. As non-native speaker, one has to remember the basic meaning of words. The most important thing is to understand and use them in concrete context. The context can eliminate ambiguities, remove vagueness, indicate referents, supply information omitted through ellipsis and infer meanings in the process of word-understanding. According to the theory of context and its role, the mastery of linguistic knowledge, the analysis of stylistic features, the grasping of cultural background are essential factors in the interpretation of word meaning.BibliographyHatch, Evelyn. (1992 ) D iscouse and Language Education .Cambridge University Press. Lyons, J(1977)Semantics Vo1.2. Cambridge University Press.Leech, GN.(1983 )Principles of Pragmatics. LongmanHopper, Jane, et al. (1988)The Language of Learning: Vocabulary for College Success. Wadsworth Publishing Company张维友(1997)《英语词汇学教程》,华中师范大学出版社。



On Context and Meaning12级英语D班,赖惠珊,NO.12Linguists have classified context from different perspectives and for different aims. For example, context may be classified into broad and narrow ones according to their scopes; notional and situational ones according to their content; emotional and rational ones according to their emotions; implicit and explicit ones according to expressing forms, etc. However, the most widely used way is to draw a distinction between two major types:linguistic context and non-linguistic context, which can be illustrated as the following.There are two Types of context.1)Linguistic contextIt refers to all the words that go before or come after the word in question. There are three main types of lingustic context.A. Lexical context refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a particular word appears or combined with a given polysemous word. For example, ‘a white paper’ means government document; ‘a term paper’ means essay writtten at the end of the term; ‘today’s paper’ means newspaper.B. Grammatical context: the syntactic structure of the context detemines various individual meanings of a polysemous word. Take some example, ‘become+pronoun/n (used as objecct), meaning ‘suit,befit’ ; ‘become+of, meaning happen to, often in a bad way’Such meaning are sometimes described as grammatically bound meanings. The grammatical structure of context alone, however, although indicative of differences in the meanings of a word in various structures, is not sufficient to indicate all the individual meanings of given word. Consider the following sentences, which show that get has different meanings in the same pattern ‘get+n’.“I don’t get your point” , “I’ll get him on that point” , “she really gets me when she says these foolish thing”. The above examples show that th e meaning of a word often has to be determined by the lexical and the grammatical contexts combined.C. Verbal context in its broad sense: maybe an entire passage, or even an entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting.2)Extra-linguistic contextIt is also called non-linguistic context, which includes people, place, time, relevant objects, background knowledge etc.Context is of great importance for the understanding of word meaning,especially for the understanding of the meanings of polysemic words. No matter how many denotative meanings a word may have,generally there will be no risk of misunderstanding the meaning,when it occurs in a particular context.The vital role of context in determination of word meaning.The impact of context on word meaning can be seen in the following aspects:Elimination of ambiguityAmbiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. When a word with multiple meanings is used in an inadequate context, it creates ambiguity.Lexical ambiguitiesthe damage was done by the river.He is a hard businessman.Structural ambiguitiesThe fish is ready to eat.I like Mary better than Jean.2)Conveying emotional overtonesIndicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word. The emotive side of word meaning depends largely on the context, with the exception of those words that have affective meaning as part of word meaning. Only the context can show whether or a word should be taken as a purely objective expression, whether it conveys and evokes emotions, or whether an appreciative word is used in an unfavorable way.Providing clues for the correct comprehension of word meaningContext may prove extremely valuable in guessing the meanings of new words. In many cases, when a new word appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. Indicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word context is of great importance in understanding the references of pro-forms such as I,you,he,this or that or do, etc. Not only can context indicate referents, it can also make clear the range of the meaning of a word.Context in its traditional sense refers to the lexical items that precede or follow a given words. Modern linguists have broadened its scope to include both linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts. Lingustic context is lexical, grammatical and verbal context in its broad sense. Extra-linguistic context refers not only to the actual speech situation in which a word is used but also to the entire cultural background against which a word, or an utterance or a speech event is set.Both the linguistic and extra-linguistic contextes are necessary to determine the exact meaning of polysemic and homonymous words. However,we must see the impact of context on meaning in its proper perspective. Every word has a meaning or meaning of its own, independent of context. When we say context determines the word sense, we do not mean that it gives a sense to the word, but that it selects one out of all possible meanings already there.One should always develop one’s ability to determine word meaning from the clues furnished bu the context in which the word occurs.word meaning and context are closely related. In our reading, we can just memorize the single meaning, we need to notice the context, for it will do us great favor in reading and comprehension. If we know different meanings of a word, we can confirm its meaning from the context, and if we don’t know any meaning of a new word, we also can infer it from context clues. Think about the context is an important strategy for language learners.。








比如,“I just cleaned the bathroom”(我刚刚打扫了浴室)中的“just”表示时间的近,而在
“Just do it”(就做吧)中的“just”则表示语气上的鼓励或劝告。








浅议语言学习中语境对把握语义的作用的论文本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意![论文关键词] 语言学习语境语义[论文摘要] 当一个词语、一个句子放在具体的语境中时,它所表达的意义只能是众多义项之一,甚至变成了词典上所没有的临时含义,究其原因,语境起着关键的作用。



























两者紧密联系,但又互相补充,区分的关键因素在于语境(context)和意向(intention). 例如语义学与语用学都研究语言的意义。







英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context

英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context
Chapter VIII
• Two types of contexts • The vital role of context in determination of
word meaning • Suggested Ways for the Correct
• Lexical context
– the lexemes that co-occur with the word in question. The meaning of the word is affected or determined by the neighboring lexemes.
– Linguistic context – Non-linguistic context
• Three functions (role) of context
– Eliminating ambiguity – Conveying emotional overtones – Indicating referents
In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is called linguistic context or co-text. In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation where a word is employed. This is called extralinguistic or non-linguistic context.



对语境的分析英文作文Title: Understanding Context: A Crucial Element in English Composition。

In the realm of English composition, one cannot overstate the importance of context analysis. Context serves as the foundation upon which effective communication is built. It encompasses the circumstances, background information, and cultural nuances that surround aparticular piece of writing or conversation. In this essay, we delve into the significance of context analysis in English composition, exploring how it enhances clarity, precision, and overall effectiveness in communication.First and foremost, understanding context is essential for interpreting the intended meaning of a text. Words and phrases can carry different connotations depending on the context in which they are used. For instance, the word "bank" can refer to a financial institution or the edge of a river, and the context in which it appears determines itsmeaning. Without a clear grasp of the context, readers may misinterpret the author's message, leading to confusion or misunderstanding.Moreover, context analysis enables writers to tailor their language and style to suit their audience. Different audiences have varying levels of familiarity with certain topics, as well as distinct cultural backgrounds and linguistic preferences. By considering the context in which their writing will be received, authors can adjust their tone, vocabulary, and examples to effectively engage their readers. For example, a technical report intended for scientists will employ specialized terminology and detailed explanations, whereas a blog post aimed at a general audience may use simpler language and relatable anecdotes.Furthermore, context analysis facilitates effective communication by allowing writers to anticipate and address potential objections or questions from their audience. By considering the broader context in which their arguments or assertions exist, writers can preemptively provide supporting evidence, counterarguments, or clarifications tostrengthen their position. This proactive approach not only enhances the persuasiveness of the writing but also fosters a sense of trust and credibility with the audience.In addition, context analysis plays a crucial role in maintaining sensitivity and inclusivity in communication. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, and what maybe acceptable or appropriate in one context could be offensive or insensitive in another. By being mindful ofthe cultural, social, and historical context in which their writing is situated, authors can avoid inadvertently perpetuating stereotypes, biases, or microaggressions. This awareness fosters a more inclusive and respectful discourse, where diverse perspectives are valued and acknowledged.Moreover, context analysis aids in the interpretationof non-verbal cues and subtext in communication. In written texts, nuances such as tone, sarcasm, or irony may not be explicitly stated but can significantly impact themessage's meaning. By considering the broader context, including the author's intent, audience expectations, and cultural norms, readers can better discern the underlyingmeaning behind the words. This depth of understanding allows for more nuanced and insightful interpretations of the text.In conclusion, context analysis is a fundamental aspect of English composition that underpins effective communication. By understanding the circumstances, background information, and cultural nuances surrounding a text, writers and readers alike can interpret meaning accurately, tailor their communication to suit their audience, anticipate and address potential objections, maintain sensitivity and inclusivity, and discern non-verbal cues and subtext. In essence, context analysis enriches the writing process, fostering clarity, precision, and depth in communication.。













英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context

英语词汇学chapter8 Meaning and Context
• 他对上级下达的任务,常常是应付了事,置若罔闻。 • 这类事情不好应付,得想个万全之策才行。
• Indicating referents (表明指示物)
– In conversation, in order to avoid repetition, pronouns (I, you, he, this, that)are often used instead of a noun or noun phrase. contexts can help identify the referents of pronouns.
• Verbal context in its broad sense
– In addition to lexical and grammatical context, the verbal context, in its broad sense, may cover an entire passage, or even an entire book, and even in some cases the entire social or cultural setting.
The grammatical structure of context alone, however, although indicative of the differences in the meanings of word in various structures, is not sufficient to indicate all the individual meanings of a given word.
In a narrow sense, it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is called linguistic context or co-text. In a broad sense, it includes the physical situation where a word is employed. This is called extralinguistic or non-linguistic context.







关键词:语言语境意义;情景语境意义;文化语境意义;社会文化意义;联想意义1 引言词汇除了基本意义之外,还有丰富的语境意义。





2 语境与词义的基本关系Geffrey Leech 说:“语境是语言交际中不能忽视的一个重要因素。








关于语境与词义的关系,Firth说:“You shall know a word by the company it keeps。





语言学家Linda Taylor也说:“只能在词与词的相互联系中来理解掌握词义”。

词汇学论文lexical meaning and context

词汇学论文lexical meaning and context

Lexical Meaning and ContextAbstract: With the With the development of technology, more and more new words are used to express a new concept, but not every appearance of new concepts are accompanied by the emergence of a new word. Therefore, many ordinary words are also used to express a particular concept. Because of the different location and the different meaning, words have the contextual meaning. As an English-language learners, nor only should we understand the basic meaning of the words, but also we should learn the contextual meaning.I divided this passage into four parts, which is definition of context, contextual restrictions, the factors of the context and the influence of context. We can understand the method of analyzing the words in context and the impact of various contextual meaning of words. Then, we should try our best to understand the meaning of English words in the sentence by the provided clue. It can help us to avoid embarrassment of misunderstanding.Key words: Definition; Factors, Contextual restrictions; Influence1.The definition of contextContext is of great importance for the understanding of word meaning, especially for the understanding of the meanings of polysemic words. The important role in the study of context in semantics is increasing brought to the attention of the people. In language communication, context is always changing, which leads to changes in the dynamic semantics. Without the context, the words’ meaning will be pale, indefinite and puzzling. What’s more, the communication will be failed. Therefore, we should know denotative meanings of a word as much as possible and generally there will be no risk of misunderstanding the meaning, when it occurs in a particular context.2.The factors of contextModern linguists have not only placed great emphasis on context but have considerably broadened its scope, and have also probed deeply into its influence on word meanings. The range of the term context has been widened in several directions. Its also no longer restricted to what immediately precedes and follows, but many cover the whole passage and sometimes the whole book in which a word occurs, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting.The factors of context can be divided into three parts. The first factor is natural environment. There are different geographical location between Chinese and English. They have different lifestyles and different characteristics of the word meaning. England is an island country. Its maritime industry was once the top of the world. Thus, many words were produced from navigation. Han Chinese live and multiply in the Asian continent. People can not live without land, land. Land is vital for people, soa lot of Chinese words or idioms are related to land. The second one is culture. Different country has different culture and different customs. Different language implies different national culture and the words also carry a lot of national cultural accumulation. This accumulation plays an important role of ways of thinking and language behavior. When we use “牛饮” to describe the big drinkers, English would say: Drink like a fish. Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of the words in a context, we should learn the culture or background of the words.3.The contextual restrictions on word meaningLondon School Firth founded context in the 1940s. Since the context was founded, linguists expressed their different opinions frequently. Different researchers selected different perspective to use different elements to make different definition of context.Translators analyze and understand the passage by the source of language information to convert and express the understanding meaning of the passage. In this process, whether can the translators accurately understand and express the original information? Not only should they rely on their language skills, personal experiences and the translation skills, but they should focus on the most important thing that is the source language text analysis and understanding accuracy. The accurate analysis of discourse and understanding is inseparable from context, because the usage of every language has its own the context.A.Two types of contextsNowadays, the context was divided into two types: Linguistic Context and Extra- linguistic context.[1] The former refers to the process of communication in the specific environment. It includes words, sentences, paragraphs and passages and so on. The latter one refers to the situation which is limited by the language communication, society and the communicators themselves, such as the specific occasion, time, topic and the character of communicators.In English, polysemy can be seen frequently, including basic meaning, expanding meaning, and metaphorical meaning and so on. However, when a word enters the semantics of the system, its meaning would be single and certain because of the restriction of semantic subjacency. In other words, in the context, the word only has a single meaning which can accurately express the meaning of the sentence or the passage. Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of a word, we must set it into a concrete context. English words meanings are flexible and they always be restricted by the context. Different context make the word has different meanings.American linguist Dwright Bolinger said: In order to understand the meaning of a word, we should rely on the entire semantic range of the word and the function of this word and other word in the same occasion! [2]For example, the preposition “on”has 10 meanings totally in the Anglo Dictionary, but in the specific context, it has only a meaning in a sentence.①a book on the table( 在......上); ②a town on the river( 在......旁); ③smile on somebody( 向着......); ④live on one’s salary (依靠.......); ⑤on questions of common concern(关于......); ⑥be on the committee(是......的成员); ⑦be on leave( 处于......情况) ; ⑧talk on the telephone(以......方式); ⑨on Sunday( 在......时候) ; ⑩Thislunch is on me( 由......支付) 。



语用意义的词汇语用学解析-英语论文-语言学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——1. 引言语用意义的确定取决于特定的语用交际环境,表现为语境语用化现象。

在话语理解过程中词语可起到语用触发语(pragmatic triggers)的作用,能引导语用者进行以语用环境为基础的语义语用选择。






2. 词汇语用学词汇语用学是在其学科自身发展过程中参照语用学和词汇学的目标、理论与方法进行词汇语用研究中衍生出来的分支学科。



前者主要涵盖Austin 和Searle的言语行为理论,Grice 的会话含意理论,Leech 等的礼貌原则,Horn 的两原则,Levinson 的新格氏理论,Vers-chueren 的顺应论,Harbemas 的规范语用学等;而后者则主要包括Sperber Wilson 的关联理论和Kasher 的认知语用学理论(徐盛桓2007: 6)。


冉永平(2005: 343-350)认为,最新的语用学研究趋势和词汇语用的可探讨领域表明,词汇语用学的研究已具备充足的依据。

Blutner(1998: 115-162)把词汇语用学定义为试图系统解释语言应用中不确定性词义(under-specification of lexical items)的语用现象及其语用加工的研究。



语境在英语教学中的重要性研究【摘要】Language learning is closely related to context, making it crucial in English teaching. This article explores the significance of context in language acquisition, focusing on its impact on vocabulary and grammar learning, as well as listening and speaking skills. The role of context in cultural communication is also discussed. Through examining these aspects, the study highlights the importance of context in enhancing language proficiency and understanding. The findings emphasize the need for educators to incorporate contextual learning strategies in their teaching practices. Looking ahead, future research can explore innovative ways to leverage context for more effective language instruction. In conclusion, this research underscores the vital role that context plays in English language teaching and its potential for further exploration in the field of education.【关键词】关键词:语境、英语教学、语言习得、词汇学习、语法教学、听力、口语能力、文化交际、研究成果、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 背景介绍The importance of context in English language teaching has been a topic of increasing interest and research in recent years. Context plays a crucial role in language acquisition and understanding, as it provides the necessary framework for learners to grasp the meaning and usage of words, phrases, and grammatical structures.1.2 研究意义The importance of context in English language teaching has long been recognized by educators and researchers. Understanding the significance of context in language learning is crucial for both teachers and students in order to effectively acquire and apply language skills in real-world situations.2. 正文2.1 语境对语言习得的影响语境对语言习得的影响是广泛而深远的。


































歧义有两种,一种是语法或句法上的歧义,例如“youngmenandwomen”,可被理解为yo-ung/men and women /(两者都年轻)或者,yotmg men/and wom,all(前者年轻)。




例如:(1)the damage was done bv the river,句(1)中by的意思可以是beside(在…旁边),也可以是throughthe agenc of(由…造成)。

那么句(1)就可有两种理解,即:the damage was done beside the river,(破坏是在河边造成的。

)the river brought about the damage,(是那条河造成的破坏。





















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On Context and Meaning12级英语D班,赖惠珊,NO.12 Linguists have classified context from different perspectives and for different aims. For example, context may be classified into broad and narrow ones according to their scopes; notional and situational ones according to their content; emotional and rational ones according to their emotions; implicit and explicit ones according to expressing forms, etc. However, the most widely used way is to draw a distinction between two major types:linguistic context and non-linguistic context, which can be illustrated as the following.There are two Types of context.1)Linguistic contextIt refers to all the words that go before or come after the word in question. There are three main types of lingustic context.A. Lexical context refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a particular word appears or combined with a given polysemous word. For example, …a white paper‟ means government document; …a term paper‟ means essay writtten at the end of the term; …today‟s paper‟ means newspaper.B. Grammatical context: the syntactic structure of the context detemines various individual meanings of a polysemous word. Take some example, …become+pronoun/n (used as objecct), meaning …suit,befit‟; …become+of, meaning happen to, often in a bad way‟Such meaning are sometimes described as grammatically bound meanings. The grammatical structure of context alone, however, although indicative of differences in the meanings of a word in various structures, is not sufficient to indicate all the individual meanings of given word. Consider the following sentences, which show that get has different meanings in the same pattern …get+n‟.“ I don‟t get your point” , “I‟ll get him on that point” , “she really gets me when she says these foolish thing”. The above examples show that the meaning of a word often has to be determined by the lexical and the grammatical contexts combined.C. Verbal context in its broad sense: maybe an entire passage, or even an entire book, and in some cases even the entire social or cultural setting.2)Extra-linguistic contextIt is also called non-linguistic context, which includes people, place, time, relevant objects, background knowledge etc.Context is of great importance for the understanding of word meaning,especially for the understanding of the meanings of polysemic words. No matter how many denotative meanings a word may have,generally there will be no risk of misunderstanding the meaning,when it occurs in a particular context.The vital role of context in determination of word meaning.The impact of context on word meaning can be seen in the following aspects:1) Elimination of ambiguityAmbiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy. When a word with multiple meanings is used in an inadequate context, it creates ambiguity.Lexical ambiguitiesA.the damage was done by the river.B.He is a hard businessman.Structural ambiguitiesA.The fish is ready to eat.B.I like Mary better than Jean.2)Conveying emotional overtonesIndicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word. The emotive side of word meaning depends largely on the context, with the exception of those words that have affective meaning as part of word meaning. Only the context can show whether or a word should be taken as a purely objective expression, whether it conveys and evokes emotions, or whether an appreciative word is used in an unfavorable way.3)Providing clues for the correct comprehension of word meaningContext may prove extremely valuable in guessing the meanings of new words. In many cases, when a new word appears for the first time, the author generally manages to give hints which might help the readers to grasp the concept or understand the idea. Indicating referents and the range of the meaning of a word context is of great importance in understanding the references of pro-forms such as I,you,he,this or that or do, etc. Not only can context indicate referents, it can also make clear the range of the meaning of a word.Context in its traditional sense refers to the lexical items that precede or follow a given words. Modern linguists have broadened its scope to include both linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts. Lingustic context is lexical, grammatical and verbal contextin its broad sense. Extra-linguistic context refers not only to the actual speech situation in which a word is used but also to the entire cultural background against which a word, or an utterance or a speech event is set.Both the linguistic and extra-linguistic contextes are necessary to determine the exact meaning of polysemic and homonymous words. However,we must see the impact of context on meaning in its proper perspective. Every word has a meaning or meaning of its own, independent of context. When we say context determines the word sense, we do not mean that it gives a sense to the word, but that it selects one out of all possible meanings already there.One should always develop one‟s ability to determine word meaning from the clues furnished bu the context in which the word occurs.word meaning and context are closely related. In our reading, we can just memorize the single meaning, we need to notice the context, for it will do us great favor in reading and comprehension. If we know different meanings of a word, we can confirm its meaning from the context, and if we don’t know any meaning of a new word, we also can infer it from context clues. Think about the context is an important strategy for language learners.。
