
今天为大家奉上三国演义双语故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?三国演义双语故事(一)初出茅庐Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and finally succeeded in inviting Zhuge Liang to be his military adviser. Yet his sworn brothers,Guan Yu and Zhang Fei,did not take Zhuge seriously. Before long, Cao Cao dispatched an army of 100,000 to attack Liu Bei's headquarters at Xinye. Cao's troops were at the command of General Xiahou Chun. When Liu Bei turned to Zhuge Liang for advice,Zhuge said:“Ihave to borrow your majesty's sword of authority in that I am fafraid that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will not listen to me.” Liu lost no time in lending his sword of authority to Zhuge who then started to dispatch Liu's army for the defence.Zhuge ordered Guan Yu to Lück and wait at Mount Yushan with 1,000 troops. Guan was not to attack the enemy but rather let them pass. He would charge at the enemy as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Zhang Fei was ordered to Lürk and wait in the valley with another 1,000 troops. Zhang was to attack the town of Bowang as soon as he saw fire break out in the enemy procession. Guan Ping, adopted son of Guan Yu and General Liu Feng were ordered to each guide 500 troops to wait behind the slope of Bowang. They would set fire to the enemy procession as soon as the enemy arrived at the slope. Zhuge recalled Zhao Yun from Fancheng to be the vanguard ofLiu's army. But Zhao was ordered not to defeat the advancing enemy but rather pretend to be defeated. Liu Bei was given 1,000 troops as the back up force.Guan Yu was so curious that he asked:“We all go out to fight the battle. But what will you do?” Zhuge Lian g answered smiling,“I will sit and wait here in town.” Zhang Fei burst into larghter and said:“We all go out to risk our lives while you enjoy your time carefree inside the town!” Zhuge said:“I have the sword of authority. Those who disobey my orders will be executed.” Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, but they walked away sneeringly.Since the generals carried out Zhuge Liang's orders to the letter, the enemy was routed Zhuge's first military advice truned out to be smart and farsighted. Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals in the Liu camp soon came to respect the new military adviser.刘备三顾茅庐请出诸葛亮并拜为军师。

三国经典故事中英双语阅读三国的故事无疑问是经典的,很多人对三国的诸葛亮,周瑜以及孙权等人都是非常敬仰的,不知道大家又是如何的呢?今天为大家奉上三国英语故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?三国英语故事(一)辕门射戢Yuan Shu sent 100 thousand troops, led by General Ji Ling,to attack Liu Bei. For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand,Yuan wrote Lü a letter,together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu. Liu, on the other hand,wrote lüa letter asking for assistance. “If I remain an onlooker with folded arms,”thought Lü,“I will be in danger after Yuan defeats Liu. But if I help Liu, Yuan will be be resentful to me.” So Lü invited both Liu Bei and Ji Ling to a bqnqet.Lü sat between Liu and Ji at the banquet. After a few rounds of toasts Lü began,“Please grant me a favor by stopping the fight.” When Ji Ling refused, Lu shouted for his long lance to be brought over. Both Liu and Ji got a fright. “I'll stand my lance 150steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you two will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way.” Ji secretly hoped that he would miss the target, while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees. Lü and wine brought up to him. After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow, aimed and shot with a big shout. The arrow flew like lightening toward the target, and hit right on the edge of the lance. A big applause rose from everybody around. Lu dropped his bow and laughed,saying,“You see,even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.” With his excell ent archery,Lü averted a fight between the two sides.袁绍之弟袁术派大将纪灵率领十万大军攻打刘备。

今天为大家奉上中国三国英语小故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?中国三国英语小故事(一)刮骨疗毒This is a story from Three Kingdoms. Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City. When his men took the arrowhead out,they found that the poison had already seeped into the bone, so they persuaded him to go to Jingzhou for treatment. Determined to take over Fancheng City, Guan refused to retreat. Seeing Guan's wound getting worse day by day,they sent out scouts to look for famous doctors. One day, a man named Hua Tuo came by boat to the camp especially to cure Guan Yu. Guan asked him about how he would heal the wound. Hua said:“I am afraid that you will be scared, so Isuggest that we set up a post with a loop to tie down your arm with rope. Then, when your eyes are covered,I will start the operation.” Guan laughingly said,“That's necessary.” Then he gave orders to h old a dinner for Hua Tuo. After drinking several glasses of wine,Guan started to play chess. At the same time, he reached out his right arm to Hua Tuo and said,“It is at your disposal. I have no fear.” Hua cut the skin and flesh open and scraped the bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess. In a moment,the blood filled a basin. When the poison was scraped off the bone, Guan stood up and smilingly said,“Now my arm can move freely just likebefore. Mr. Hua Tuo,you are a magic doctor!” Hua said,“Since I started medical practice, I have not seen anyone like you. You are a magic general.”关羽攻打樊城时,被毒箭射中右臂。

三国演义英文故事双语阅读版提起三国演义,不免想到诸葛亮的草船借箭,在我们的学生课本中,不也有关于诸葛孔明使用草船借箭这个计谋的文章吗?今天为大家奉上三国演义英文故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?三国演义英文故事(一)草船借箭This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to manufacture 100,000 arrows within ten days. Zhuge said,“Give me three days.” He also signed a pledge placing himself liable for punishment should he fail to complete the order. Zhou Yu ridiculed that Zhuge Liang was looking for self-destruction. On the one hand, Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows. He also sent Lu Su to spy on him to find out what was going on. In fact, Zhuge Liang had already realized that this was a plot by room, Zhuge said to Lu Su,“Save me please.” He asked Lu Su to lend him 20boats, each lined with straw-made scarecrows and manned by 30 soldiers. He requested that Lu Su not tell Zhou Yu what was happening.When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he did not find anything unusual. Nothing happened on the second day either. In the small hours of the third day, Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge's fleet sailed toward the camp of Cao Cao. A thick mist had spread over the surface of the river. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuge's fleet got close to the Cao camp before dawn,Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums to fake an attack. Zhuge and Lu Su simply sat insideone of the boats and drank wines to enjoy themselves.As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum beating, they mistook it for a surprise attack by the Zhou Yu camp. Since they could see nobody on the river, they gathered 3,000 bow men and ordered them to shoot arrows towards where the shouting and drum beating came. The front of the scarecrows was quickly shot full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his fleet turned around to expose the other side of the scarecrows. When this side was also shot full of arrows, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return to their base port. The soldiers shouted,“Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.” After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows from the scarecrows.东吴与刘备联合抗曹,东吴大都督周瑜命诸葛亮十日内制作十万支箭。

the Battered-Body TrickThis is a story from Three Kingdoms that happenedbefore the Battl e of Chibi.One night,Zhou Yu wasthinking hard in his tent about how to defeat CaoCao's army,when Huang Gai came in.He suggest edattacking with fire.“Well,it's exactly what I mean todo.”Said Zhou Yu. “That's why I'm keeping those twospies:to convey false information to Cao's camp.ButI need a man to play the same game for us.”Huang Gaisaid he was willing to do it.They decided to carry outthe trick of being flogged to win the enemy'sconfidence.the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent.Heordered the commanders to take three months's rat ions and prepare to defend their line.HuangGai came forward and sai d:“We don't need three months.If not,we'd better throw down ourwea pons and sue for peace.”Zhou Yu exploded in fury. “Ibear our lord's mandate,”he cried,“to lead our troops todestroy Cao Cao.How dare you weaken our mor ale?Remove him and execute him!”Huang Gai proudly,“I have served the Southland through three successive reigns.Where dothe likes of you come from?”the entire assembly got on their knees to intercede for Huang Gai. Zhou Yu said at last:“Inconsideration for the commanders'views,I shall not kill you.G ive him one hundred strokesacross the back!”Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground.Not yet at fifty blows of the rod,his skin wasbroken and his oozing flesh was crossed with welts.He fainted several times.Zhou Yu let Kan Ze,Huang Gai's friend,to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao,whichHuang Gai had prepared.Before long,C ao Cao received a letter from the two spies,saying“Lookfor a bo at with a blue-GREen flag at the bow.That will be Huang Gai.”In Huang Gai's boat therewere combustibles.In this way,Huang Gai wa s able to set fire to Cao Cao's camp.When the redcurrent of fire passed through the surface of the river,Cao Cao's ships,linked with chains,turned into ashes.苦肉计赤壁大战之前,周瑜苦思破曹之计。

今天为大家奉上三国演义英文故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?三国演义英文故事(一)设连环计The manipulation of state affairs by the prime minister Dong Zhuo towards the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220) aroused strong anger in people,but nobody dared to air it. Upright ministers wanted to but failed to think of a way to get rid of him. Deep at night and alone in his garden, Wang Yun, a minister, sighed at these worries, his teaful eyes cast up at the moon. Suddenly, he heard a sigh from the pavilion nearby. He went over to see Diao Chan,the sixteen-year-old,very beautiful singsong girl in his family. Upon enquiry, the girl went down on her knees and said,“Your excellency has treated me so nice after Icame. How could I repay your kindness? Ihave noticed your knitted eyebrows, You must have big worries that Idare not ask. Isighed, because Iwish Icould help you in some way.”Who could believe, thought Wang that the destiny of the Han Dynasty lies in this girl's hand. He helped the girl up, then he himself prostrated and kowtowed to her. “Why do you bow to me?” the puzzled girl asked. She repeated her offer to help in any way.Convinced of her res olüte attitude,Wang Yun was straightforward:“Both Dong Zhuo and his stepson Lü Bu love women. I'll take you as my step daughter, then I'll betroth youto Lü Bu before I present you as a gift to Dong Zhuo. You will seek opportunities to sow discord betwee n them and make Lü kill Dong. In this way we can preserve the Han Dynasty.” “If I fail to do as you say,” she vowed,“I will die a violent death.” These were the interlocking stratagems laid by Wang Yun and Diao Chan.东汉末年,太师董卓专权,朝野上下敢怒不敢言。

辕门射戢Magic Shot Outside the Military CampYuan Shu sent100thousand troops,led byGeneral Ji Ling,to attac k Liu Bei.For fear of LüBu inXuzhou who might lend Liu a hand,Yuan wrote Lüaletter,together with many food supplies as gifts,asking him not to help Liu.Liu,on the other hand,wrote lüa letter asking for assistance.“If I remain anonlooker with folded arms,”thought Lü,“I will be indanger after Yuan defeats Liu.But if I help Liu,Y uanwill be be resentful to me.”So Lüinvited both Liu Beiand Ji Ling to a bqnqet.Lüsat between Liu and Ji at the banquet.After a few rounds of t oasts Lübegan,“Pleasegrant me a favor by stopping the fight.”When Ji Ling refus ed,Lu shouted for his long lance to bebrought over.Both Liu and Ji got a fright.“I'll stand my lance150steps away outside the gate.If myarrow hit s its edge you two will stop your fight.And if I miss the target you have your own way.”Jisecretly hoped that he would miss the target,while Liu crossed his fingers wished Lu succees.Lüand win e brought up to him.After each one had a cup Lu arched his bow,aimed and shot with abig shout.The arrow flew like lightening tow ard the target,and hit right on the edge of the lance.Abig appl ause rose from everybody around.Lu dropped his bow and laughed,sa ying,“You see,even the heavens wish that you stop fighting.”With his excellent archery,Lüaverted a fightbetween the two sides.辕门射戢袁绍之弟袁术派大将纪灵率领十万大军攻打刘备。

三国英语故事小短文带翻译:计收姜维Jiang Wei was adept with both pen and sword. He was not only a man of intelligence and bravery, but also a man of resources and astuteness. Zhuge Liang wanted to win Jiang Wei over to be his assistant. When he learned that Jiang Wei wasa filial son whose mother was living in Jicheng City, he devised a plan to win him over. He ordered Wei Yan to attack Jicheng City by bluffing and blustering. As soon as Jiang Wei heard the news, he immediately led the troops to JichengCity to save his mother.Zhuge Liang sent captured-general Xiahou Mao to Jicheng City to persuade Jiang Wei to surrender. When Xiahou Mao was only halfway there, he was told bypeople that Jiang Wei had already surrendered to the Shu State. Therefore Xiahou Mao had to go to Tianshuiguan. Hecame to the city of Tianshuiguan about Jiang Wei's surrender. In the middle of the night, Zhuge Liang asked somebody to dress up as Jiang Wei and attack Tianshuiguan. This made the officers and soldiers in the dity really believe that Jiang Wei's surrender to Shu State was true.守卫天水郡的魏国大将姜维,文武双全智有勇有谋。

三国演义英语小故事(一)蒋干盗书This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms. Cao cao sent a letter to Zhou Yu to summon him to surrender. Zhou Yu tore Cao's letter to pieces. Zhou Yu's classmate, Jiang Gan,was working for Cao Cao as an adviser, Jiang offered to travel to Wu to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender. One day while Zhou Yu was discussing with his subordinates how to defeat Cao Cao, he was told that Jiang Gan had come to see him. Zhou immediately figured out that Jiang must have come to persuade him to surrender. Zhou Yu devised a clever plan to thwart his efforts and enlisted the help of his subordinate to carry it out. Then he went to meet Jiang Gan all smiles. Zhou Yu took Jiang Gan's hands and marshaled him into his tent and treated him to a banquet. When all his generals and subordinates came for dinner, Zhou Yu told those around the table:“This is an old friend or mine. Though he came from the Cao Cao camp, he did not come to persuade me to surrender. Please do not suspect him.” After the banquet,Zhou Yu pretended that he had too much and invited Jiang Gan to his bedroom for a rest. Zhou Yu soon pretended to have fallen asleep. Jiang Gan took this chance to thumb through Zhou Yu's documents. He was shocked to find a letter from Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, two generals of the Cao camp, who had written Zhou Yu to surrender. Jiang hid letter of surrender in his pocket and returned to the bed, pretending that he was sill asleep.After midnight, someone sneaked into Zhou Yu's tent andwoke him up,telling him “A messenger came from the Cao camp to say that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were not yet a position to carry out their plan.” After he heard the news, Zhou Yu went back to sleep. Jiang Gan got up again silently and snuck out of Zhou Yu's camp. He crossed the river immediately and handed the letter of surrender to Cao Cao. Cao was enraged and he had Cai Mao and Zhang Yun executed.When the news spread to Wu, Zhou Yu burst into laughter and said,“Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were the two generals I feared most. Now I fear no one.” Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp.曹操给周瑜下了一道降书,周瑜见书,撕得粉碎。

少儿英语小故事:三国演义黄忠请战英文版少儿英语小故事:三国演义黄忠请战英文版Huang Zhong Takes on the ChallengeThis is a story from Three Kingdoms. Huang Zhong, a veteran in the army of Shu,was one of its top five generals. Zhang He under Cao Cao had suffered one defeat after another. Cao Hong gave him a 5,000-strong army to attack Jiameng Pass. When Liu Bei learned this, he consulted with Zhuge Liang, his military advisor. Zhuge Liang said: Zhang He is a distinguished general of Cao Cao. Only Zhang Fei could defeat him. This irritated veteran Huang Zhong. Huang shouted:Advisor has looked down upon me. I will get his head off and offer it to you. Zhuge Liang prodded Huang again by saying, Though you are valiant, I am afraid you are not Zhang He's match because you are too old. When Huang Zhong heard this, his gray hair angrily stood on end. He said, Old as I am, I am able to open two bows and am full of vitality. Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it. He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken. Then Zhuge Liang said: If you go ,whom would you like to be your assistant? Huang Zhong replied, Veteran Yan Yan. If the two of us can not defeat Zhang He,my gray-haired bead is yours. Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang were very pleased. The veteran generals were ordered to fight Zhang He. When Huang Zhong and Yan Yan got to Jiameng Pass, they laid a trap to defeat Zhang He. Then they used skillful tactics to take over Tiandang Mountain,the granary of Cao Cao's army. Later,they captured Dingjun Mountain. They reported back to Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang declaring a complete victory.黄忠请战黄忠是蜀军中有名的老将。

今天为大家奉上中国三国演义英语故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?中国三国演义英语故事(一)单骑救主Though Liu Bei was outnumbered by Cao Cao's troops in the Xinye battle, Liu defeated Cao thanks to the smart tactic he had resorted to. Cao soon commanded an army of 500,000 to take his revenge. When Liu Bei and his force of 3,000 got to Dangyang County, they were stopped by Cao's troops. A bitter fight lasted until dawn and the Liu army narrowly managed to eLüde the chasing enemy.As day broke, General Zhao Yun discovered that Liu Bei's wife and son were missing. Zhao gathered 30 troops and fought his way back onto the battlefield to look for Liu's wife, Madam Mi, and son, A Dou. With the help of a middle-aged woman,Zhao Yun found Madam Mi and A Dou by the side of a dry well behind a collapsed wall. Madam Mi said:“A Dou is safe now with you,General. I'd rather die than encumber you.” When Zhao Yun was not looking her way,Madam Mi threw herself into the well. Suddenly, Cao troops came charging toward Zhao Yun. With tears in his eyes,Zhao Yun pushed down what remained of the collapsed wall to cover the dry well. He then held A Dou against his chest and rode his horse onward as he fought off attackers. It took Zhao Yun three rounds of combat to fight off the chasing enemy. At one point Zhao was engaged by General Zhang He and a unit of Cao's troops. Zhao and Zhangfought a dozen rounds and Zhao tried to break the siege. But Zhao Yun and his horse unexpectedly fell into a trap. Just as Zhang He charged to pierce Zhao Yun with his spear,Zhao's horse leapt out of the trap. Zhang He was taken aback by the sudden move and his horse backed off several gaits. Zhao Yun fought Cao's generals and troops single-handedly. No one could get close to him. Cao Cao, who was watching the battle from a nearby hilltop, ordered that Zhao Yun be captured alive. Zhao Yun made the most of Cao's no-kill order and broke through the siege in the end. When he returned to his camp,Zhao Yun handed the young master to Liu Bei.新野一战,刘备以少胜多打败曹操,曹操引五十万大宫前来报仇。

三英战吕布Toward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo's hand, a very cruel and manipulating person. Yuan Shao, the leader of an opposition force,led a punitive expedition to Lüoyang, the capital. Dong Zhuo sent a very battlewise general named Hua Xiong to meet sent a very battlewise general named Hua Xiong to meet the expedition army. Hua killed several generals in run from Yuan Shao's side. Guan Yu volünteered to meet Hua Xiong, saying if he failed to kill him he would kill himself. At this, Cao Cao, in admiration,poured a cup of heated wine for Guan Yu for encouragement. But Guan said,“Keep the cup here until I come back.” When Guan Yu returned with Hua Xiong's head,the wine in the cup was still warm. .东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。

今天为大家奉上三国演义英语故事,时间难得,何不深入了解一下让自己的收获更多呢?三国演义英语故事(一)桃园结义Brotherhood Forged in the Peach GardenToward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty(25-220) China was war-stricken. After a royal edict to recruit soldiers in Zhuozhou,three heroes surfaced. One was Liu Bei, a descendent of Liu Sheng, Prince Jin of Zhongshan during the Han Dynasty. Liu Bei was sighing while reading the posted edict when he heard an impatient voice behind,“ What use is just sighing,without a man's devotion to his country?”Then the man introduced himself:“I'm Zhang Fei and my livelihood is selling wine and slaughtering hogs.”“I do wan t to devote myself to the country,” Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. “But how can I help if I'm empty handed?”“You needn't worry,” said Zhang. “I'm willing to give up my fortune to build an army and embark on this new career with you.”While the two talked merrily over cups in a small restaurant,in came a martial looking, handsome man with a huge build and a red complexion. Liu and Zhang invited him to join them. They learned that the man was named Guan Yu. As he had upheld justice by killing a local tyrant, he had fled home and wandered about for many years. During an amiable conversation the threefound that they shared a common ambition and the next day in a peach garden they swore brotherhood to heaven and earth before lit candles and joss sticks, Liu Bei the eldest, Guan Yu the second-oldest and Zhang Fei the youngest. They vowed devotion to China. Later,the three sworn brothers had successful career. Liu Bei ascended to the throne of the State of Shu in 221A.D in present-day Sichuan.东汉(25 -220年)末年,天下大乱。
小学英语三国演义双语小故事之击鼓骂曹阅读素材 (1)

Mi Heng's Denouncement of Cao Cao Mi Heng was recommended to Cao Cao when thelatter,to expand hi s infLüence,needed someone tolobby Liu Biao.But Mi was slighted.Mi took his angerout on almost all of Cao Cao's subordinates.One d ay,at a banquet in honor of distinguished guests,Caobid Mi to w ork as a drummer,just to insult him forfun.Mi came dressed in r ag,and when asked why hesimply stripped off what was on him to p roudly standnude before the public.Guests shut their eyes inembarrass ment.To rebut the angry blame by CaoCao.Mi said.“You said I'm shameless?Not me but someone who has misled his ma jesty.Letpeople vies my clean conscience.”“If you're clean,”Cao roared,“Who's dirty?”“You!”Misneered. “Your eyes are dirty for being unable to tell good men from bad,your mouth is dirtybecause you do not read,your ears are dirty because you refuse to listen to advice,you knownothing about histor y because of your dirty body,and you tolerate nobody because of t he dirt inyour belly.”Cao,infuriated,ordered him to the battle front,hoping the enemy's sword wouldkill him.击鼓骂曹曹操为了扩大自己的努力,想请人去刘表那里游说,孔融就推荐了他的好朋友祢衡。

三国演义五十字英语作文小学五年级全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Three Kingdoms StoryHi everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the famous story called "The Three Kingdoms". It's a super cool story with lots of battles, strategies, and awesome heroes!Once upon a time, in ancient China, there were three kingdoms fighting for power: the Wei Kingdom, the Shu Kingdom, and the Wu Kingdom. Each kingdom had its own awesome leader: Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan.Cao Cao was super smart and a great warrior. He wanted to unite all of China under his rule, so he started attacking the other kingdoms. But Liu Bei and Sun Quan were just as determined to protect their kingdoms.Liu Bei was known for being kind and caring. He had two awesome brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were also super strong and brave. Together, they fought many battles to defend the Shu Kingdom.Sun Quan was a wise leader who knew how to make alliances and use strategies to win battles. He had a famous warrior named Zhou Yu who was a master of tactics and helped Sun Quan defeat his enemies.The three kingdoms fought many epic battles, with lots of twists and turns. There were betrayals, alliances, and epic showdowns between the best warriors of each kingdom. It was like a real-life action movie!In the end, the Wei Kingdom emerged as the most powerful, but it was a tough and long journey to get there. Each kingdom had its own strengths and weaknesses, and it was amazing to see how the leaders and warriors used their skills and brains to outsmart each other."The Three Kingdoms" is a classic story that teaches us about friendship, loyalty, courage, and the importance of working together to achieve our goals. It's a story that will inspire and entertain people for generations to come.So, that's the story of "The Three Kingdoms" in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Talk to you later, bye!篇2Title: The Three Kingdoms AdventureHey guys, do you like stories about brave warriors and epic battles? Well, let me tell you all about one of the coolest stories ever – the Three Kingdoms!Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a big, big war called the Three Kingdoms War. It was like a giant game of thrones, with three powerful kingdoms fighting for control of the land. There were so many heroes and villains, battles and strategies, it was totally awesome!The three kingdoms were called Shu, Wei, and Wu. Each kingdom had its own brave warriors and smart generals. The most famous heroes were Liu Bei, the kind-hearted leader of Shu; Cao Cao, the cunning ruler of Wei; and Sun Quan, the brave king of Wu. These guys were total legends!One of the biggest battles in the Three Kingdoms War was the Battle of Red Cliffs. It was a huge naval battle between the forces of Cao Cao and the alliance of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. The good guys used a clever trick to defeat Cao Cao’s massive army, setting fire to their ships and destroying their fleet. It was epic!There were also lots of cool strategies and betrayals in the Three Kingdoms. For example, there was a famous generalnamed Zhuge Liang who was a master of tactics. He came up with all kinds of brilliant plans to outsmart his enemies and lead his kingdom to victory. He was like the smartest guy ever!But it wasn’t all just fighting and battles in the Three Kingdoms. There were also stories of loyalty and friendship, like the bond between the sworn brothers Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. These guys were like the best friends ever, and they al ways had each other’s backs no matter what.In the end, the Three Kingdoms War was finally settled with the famous Battle of Guandu. Cao Cao’s son, Cao Pi, defeated Liu Bei and declared himself the ruler of all China. But even though Cao Pi won the war, the legacy of the Three Kingdoms lived on in the hearts of the people.So, that’s the story of the Three Kingdoms, guys. It’s a tale of bravery, friendship, and epic battles that will be remembered for all time. If you ever get the chance, you should totally check it out –it’s the best story ever!And that’s the end of my Three Kingdoms adventure. Hope you liked it! Bye bye!篇3Three Kingdoms is a really cool story that happened in ancient China. It's like a big adventure with lots of fighting, strategies, and friendship. Let me tell you all about it!Once upon a time, there were three kingdoms in China called Wei, Shu, and Wu. They were always fighting and trying to take over each other's land. The rulers of these kingdoms were really powerful and smart.In Shu, there was a great warrior named Liu Bei, who was known for his bravery and kindness. He had two sworn brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were also very strong and loyal. Together, they fought against the kingdom of Wei to protect their people.In Wei, there was a cunning and strategic ruler named Cao Cao. He was always coming up with new ways to defeat his enemies and expand his kingdom. His advisors, like Sima Yi and Jia Xu, helped him with his plans.In Wu, there was a brave and fearless warrior named Sun Quan. He had a famous general named Zhou Yu who was a master of military tactics. They worked together to defend their kingdom against the attacks of Wei and Shu.The story of Three Kingdoms is full of exciting battles, like the Battle of Red Cliffs where the forces of Wu and Shu defeated Cao Cao's much larger army. There were also betrayals, like when Guan Yu was captured by Wei and executed.But there were also moments of friendship and loyalty, like when Zhuge Liang, a brilliant strategist of Shu, helped Liu Bei take over the kingdom of Shu. And when Zhou Yu sacrificed himself to save Sun Quan from an assassination attempt.In the end, the Three Kingdoms fell apart and China was reunited under the Jin dynasty. But the story of Three Kingdoms lives on as a great tale of honor, courage, and the bonds of brotherhood.So, that's the story of Three Kingdoms, a really awesome adventure filled with battles, strategies, and friendship. I hope you enjoyed learning about it as much as I did telling you!篇4Title: The Three Kingdoms StoryHey everyone, today I want to tell you about a really cool story called "The Three Kingdoms"! It's a super famous Chinesestory about war, strategy, and friendship. Let me tell you all about it!Once upon a time in ancient China, there were three big kingdoms fighting for power. There was the kingdom of Wei, ruled by the cunning Cao Cao. Then there was the kingdom of Shu, led by the brave Liu Bei. And finally, there was the kingdom of Wu, governed by the fierce Sun Quan. These three kingdoms were always fighting with each other to be the strongest.The story is full of exciting battles and clever strategies. Cao Cao was really smart and always had a plan to defeat his enemies. Liu Bei was kind and noble, and many people followed him because he was a great leader. Sun Quan was strong and brave, leading his army to victory in many battles.One of the most famous parts of the story is the Battle of Red Cliffs. It was a huge battle between the kingdoms of Wei and Wu, and they fought on boats in a big river. The Wu army set fire to Cao Cao's ships, and the Wei army was defeated. It was a really exciting battle with lots of action!But even though there was a lot of fighting, there were also moments of friendship and loyalty in the story. For example, the three sworn brothers, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, werealways there for each other, no matter what. They fought together and supported each other through thick and thin.In the end, the three kingdoms did unite under the rule of a strong emperor named Sima Yan. And even though there was still some fighting, peace eventually came to the land.So that's the story of "The Three Kingdoms"! It's a really exciting and interesting story with lots of action and drama. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed telling you! Thanks for listening!篇5Once upon a time, there was a very cool and exciting story called "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". It's about three kingdoms fighting each other to be the boss of all the kingdoms in China.There were three main heroes in the story. The first hero is Liu Bei, who was a kind and caring leader. He was always trying to help people and make peace in the land. The second hero is Cao Cao, who was a smart and strong leader. He wanted to be the Emperor of all of China. The third hero is Sun Quan, who was a brave and loyal leader. He was always fighting to protect his kingdom.These three heroes fought many battles and made many alliances in the story. They used their brains and their brawn to outsmart their enemies and win the wars. They had many loyal followers who helped them in their battles.One of the most famous battles in the story is the Battle of Red Cliffs. This battle was fought on the Yangtze River between Cao Cao's army and the alliance of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. The alliance used fire boats to defeat Cao Cao's much larger army. It was a very exciting battle with lots of action and drama.In the end, the three heroes each controlled their own kingdom. Liu Bei ruled Shu, Cao Cao ruled Wei, and Sun Quan ruled Wu. They tried to work together to bring peace to the land, but their different ambitions caused them to fight each other again."The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a really cool story full of action, drama, and excitement. It teaches us about loyalty, bravery, and leadership. It's a story that will make you cheer for the heroes and boo the villains. It's a story that will make you want to read it again and again.篇6Title: The Three Kingdoms StoryHey everyone, do you know the story of the Three Kingdoms? It's a super cool story about three kingdoms fighting for power in ancient China. Let me tell you all about it!Once upon a time, there was a big kingdom called the Han Dynasty. But the emperor was not a very good ruler, so the kingdom started to fall apart. Three powerful leaders emerged and each wanted to become the new emperor. Their names were Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan.Liu Bei was a kind and caring leader who wanted to bring peace to the land. Cao Cao was a strong and smart ruler who wanted to take control of the whole kingdom. Sun Quan was a clever and strategic leader who wanted to expand his own kingdom.The three leaders fought many battles against each other to become the new emperor. They had great generals and warriors fighting for them, like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun. These warriors were super brave and skilled in battle.One of the most famous battles was the Battle of Red Cliffs. It was a huge naval battle fought between Cao Cao and a combined force of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. They used fire ships to destroy Cao Cao's fleet and won the battle.In the end, the kingdom was divided into three parts – Shu, Wei, and Wu. Liu Bei became the leader of Shu, Cao Cao ruled Wei, and Sun Quan controlled Wu. They all had their own strengths and weaknesses, but they worked hard to make their kingdoms prosper.Even though they fought against each other, the three leaders respected each other's abilities and never gave up. They showed great courage and loyalty to their people and their kingdoms.And so, the Three Kingdoms period became a legendary time in Chinese history. It showed that even in times of war and conflict, there can still be friendship and honor among enemies.So, that's the story of the Three Kingdoms. It's a tale of bravery, loyalty, and the never-ending quest for power. I hope you enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed telling you!篇7Title: The Exciting Three Kingdoms StoryHi everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the super cool Three Kingdoms story! It's like a really awesome adventure!Once upon a time, there were three big kingdoms in China: Wei, Shu, and Wu. They were always fighting with each other to see who was the strongest. Each kingdom had its own super famous generals, like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei from Shu; Cao Cao from Wei; and Sun Quan from Wu. They were like the superheroes of ancient China!The Three Kingdoms story is so exciting because there were lots of battles and cool strategies. Like one time, Cao Cao wanted to defeat the Shu kingdom, so he built a really big and strong army. But Zhuge Liang, the super smart advisor of Shu, came up with a plan to burn down Cao Cao's ships with fire. It was like a sneak attack, and Cao Cao was so surprised!And there were also famous alliances between the kingdoms, like the one between Shu and Wu. They joined forces to fight against the powerful Wei kingdom, and they won some really epic battles together. It was like teamwork makes the dream work!But the sad part of the Three Kingdoms story is that so many brave generals died in the battles. Like Guan Yu, who was known for his loyalty and righteousness, but he was captured and beheaded by the enemy. It was so heartbreaking!In the end, the Three Kingdoms story shows us that even in times of war and chaos, friendship and loyalty are really important. It's not just about who has the biggest army or the most power, but about standing by your friends and doing what's right.So, that's the super exciting Three Kingdoms story in a nutshell! It's full of action, adventure, and some really awesome heroes. I hope you guys enjoyed hearing about it as much as I enjoyed telling you! Thanks for listening!篇8The Three Kingdoms is a super cool story that happened a long long time ago in China. It's all about brave warriors, clever strategies, and big battles. Let me tell you all about it!There were three kingdoms fighting for control: Shu, Wei, and Wu. Each kingdom had their own awesome heroes. There was Liu Bei in Shu, Cao Cao in Wei, and Sun Quan in Wu. They were all super strong and smart, but they didn't always get along.One day, Liu Bei wanted to take over Wei, so he teamed up with his buddy Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was like a super genius with plans and strategies. They went into battle against Cao Cao,and it was a big fight! There were soldiers fighting everywhere, and it was so intense.But then, Cao Cao's army was defeated, and Liu Bei won the battle. Everyone was so happy and cheered for Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. They were like heroes!But the fighting didn't stop there. Wu also wanted to be the strongest kingdom, so they went to war with Wei. Sun Quan and his general Zhou Yu were super determined to win. They had a secret plan to defeat Cao Cao once and for all.In a big battle at Red Cliff, Zhou Yu set fire to Cao Cao's ships and destroyed his army. It was a huge victory for Wu! Cao Cao had to retreat, and Sun Quan was now the king of the strongest kingdom.But the story doesn't end there! There were many more battles and betrayals in the Three Kingdoms. Each kingdom fought hard to be the best, but in the end, they all fell apart.The Three Kingdoms is a really exciting story full of action and adventure. It's all about friendship, honor, and bravery. I love reading about the heroes and villains in the Three Kingdoms. It's like a really cool history lesson with lots of fighting and drama!So, if you want to learn about ancient China and epic battles, the Three Kingdoms is the story for you. It's a classic tale that will never get old. I hope you enjoy reading about the brave warriors and cunning generals of the Three Kingdoms!篇9Title: The Three Kingdoms AdventureHey guys, have you heard about the Three Kingdoms? It's super cool and full of awesome adventures! Let me tell you all about it.Once upon a time in ancient China, there were three kingdoms fighting to be the most powerful. The leaders were Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan. They each had their own army and wanted to take over the other kingdoms.Liu Bei was the kind and noble leader of the Shu kingdom. He had two awesome brothers, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were super strong warriors. They were always fighting for justice and helping the people.Cao Cao was the cunning and ambitious leader of the Wei kingdom. He was really smart and good at strategy. He wanted to conquer all the kingdoms and become the emperor of China.Sun Quan was the brave leader of the Wu kingdom. He had a super cool adviser named Zhou Yu who was a master strategist. Together, they were always coming up with clever ways to outsmart their enemies.The Three Kingdoms were always fighting battles and trying to defeat each other. There were epic battles with thousands of soldiers, fierce generals, and powerful weapons. It was like a big action movie!One of the most famous battles was the Battle of Red Cliffs. It was a huge naval battle fought on the Yangtze River. Sun Quan and Liu Bei joined forces to defeat Cao Cao's massive army. They used fire ships to set Cao Cao's fleet on fire and won a great victory.Another awesome story is about Zhuge Liang, the legendary strategist of the Shu kingdom. He was super smart and had all kinds of cool tricks up his sleeve. He even invented the wooden ox to transport supplies for the army. How clever is that?There were also cool characters like the fierce warrior Lu Bu, the beautiful but deadly Diao Chan, and the brave Guan Yu who had a cool weapon called the Green Dragon Crescent Blade.In the end, the Three Kingdoms eventually came to an end when the kingdom of Wei conquered the other two kingdoms. But the stories of their epic battles and heroic deeds lived on for generations to come.So there you have it, the amazing adventures of the Three Kingdoms! It's a super cool story with lots of action, drama, and awesome characters. If you love epic battles and brave heroes, you'll definitely enjoy the Three Kingdoms.篇10Once upon a time, there were three kingdoms in ancient China called Wei, Shu, and Wu. They were always fighting with each other to see who could become the ruler of the whole land. The Three Kingdoms period is a super famous time in Chinese history and there are so many cool stories about it!In the kingdom of Wei, there was a super sneaky guy named Cao Cao. He was really smart and always coming up with clever plans to defeat his enemies. He wanted to be the ruler of everything, so he tried to make alliances with other kingdoms and trick them into doing what he wanted.In the kingdom of Shu, there was a brave warrior named Liu Bei. He was always fighting against Cao Cao and trying to protecthis people. Liu Bei was a really good guy and everyone loved him because he cared about the ordinary people, not just himself.In the kingdom of Wu, there was a fierce warrior named Sun Quan. He was a really strong fighter and led his army to many victories. Sun Quan was always trying to expand his kingdom and make it the most powerful in the land.There were so many battles between the three kingdoms and so many cool characters like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhuge Liang. They all had their own strengths and weaknesses, but together they were an unbeatable team. They fought bravely against their enemies and became legendary heroes in Chinese history.One of the most famous stories from the Three Kingdoms period is the Battle of Red Cliffs. It was a huge battle between the forces of Cao Cao and the alliance of Liu Bei and Sun Quan. The allied forces used fire ships to defeat Cao Cao's navy and won a great victory. It was an epic battle that showed the power of teamwork and strategy.In the end, the Three Kingdoms period came to an end with the reunification of China under the Jin dynasty. The heroes of the Three Kingdoms were remembered as legends and their stories were passed down through the generations.The Three Kingdoms period is a really cool part of Chinese history and there are so many awesome stories about it. It shows that even in times of war and conflict, there can be heroes who fight for justice and peace. It's a time of bravery, loyalty, and friendship – and that's why the stories of the Three Kingdoms will never be forgotten!。
小学英语 三国演义双语小故事之义放曹操阅读素材

义放曹操Guan Yus Loyal Deed of Letting Cao Cao RunAwayThis story is from the novel Three Kingdoms. CaoCao's troops had suf fered heavy casualties in the ChibiCampaign and there were only 300 troops left. CaoCao led these troops to Huarongdao in retreat. Whilem arching on,Cao Cao,riding horseback,pointedhis whip and laughed loudly,saying,“People sayZhuge Liang is wise and full of clever stratagems,butit seems to me he is as incapable as the averagegeneral. If he hadan army waiting in ambush overthere,I would have no way out.”Be fore he could finish his words,the thunder of cannons washeard and an army headed by Guan Yu stormed out of hiding to block their w ay. At the sight ofGuan Yu's mighty force,the hopeless and disappo inted Cao Cao had to beg Guan Yu for a wayout.“Now I am pressed in the corner. Please take mercy on me for our past friendship and let mego.”“I have already repaid you for your kindness,”replied General Guan. “Today I can't doanything harmful to the nation.”“Do you remember your killing my six generals while you passedthrough the five passes?”Cao Cao reminded Guan Yu. In his mind,Guan Yu admitted that if CaoCao did not ordered his men to let Guan Yu pass through,he would not have gotten through thefive passes ali ve. Guan Yu, a man who valued loyalty highly,ordered his men to make a way andgestured Cao Cao to pass through. Thus,Cao Cao ma de it through alive.义放曹操赤壁之战曹军大败,所剩三百人马,跟随曹操向华容道退去。

吕布与貂蝉Following the interlocking stratagems they hadlaid,Wang Yun betro thed his step daughter Diao Chanto LüBu,then,to sow discord be tween the two,presented the girl to Dong Zhou as a concubine.LüBuwas furious,and each time he met Diao Chan,thelatter feigned a sad tearful look.One day,while DongChan was in court,LüBu rushed back to Dong Zhuo'sresidence to see the girl.In the Fengyi Pavilion the girlsaid to him with a desperate look,“I have prolongedmy life in disgrace simply so I could have a fina lmeeting with you and let you know my feelings.Ishouldhave waited u pon you but unfortunately Dong Zhuo took me by force.We can only meet in the nextlife…”So saying she meant to throw herself into the lotus pool.LüBu hurriedly held her back andswore,“How can I be a man if I fail to marry you?”Suddenly aware ofLüBu's absence,DongZhuo,suspicious,rushed back to his residence to see Diao Chan was nowhere.The servicemaids told him the girl and LüBu were in the back garden.Dong Zhuo rushed there and at the sightof the two,roared with anger.LüBu fled.When Dong Zhuo got back to his bedroom he saw DiaoChan's face was tearful.Being demanded for an answer,the girl said,“I was enjoying flowers inthe back garden when LüBu stole in to take my liberty.I tried to escape but he drove me to thepavilion with his lance…”Before long the interlocking stratagems worked out-Dong Zhuo was killedby LüBu.按着王允和貂蝉商定的“连环计”,王允先把貂蝉收为义女许给吕布为妻。

Zhang Fei's ApologyAt Cao Cao's instruction,Liu Bei was about toset off for a pu nitive expedition against Yuan Shu.Before he left,Liu Bei worried about the defence ofXuzhou City.When Zhang Fei volünteered to take thetask,Liu said,“How can I feel assured,whenyou're so fond of drinking and after drinking you alwaysflog your soldiers for no reason?And you're su ch ahot-tempered person and frequently you refuse totake advice.”He entrusted the task upon Zhang onlyafter the latter's repeated entrea tments and resolütionsto mend his ways.For safety,he left consulta nt Chen Deng to assist Zhang.One day Zhanginvited his subordinate officers over.“My elder brother instructed me before he left to stay awayfrom win e for fear I may fail my duties to guard the city.Let's have an final drinking party today,and starting from tomorrow,we will q uit drinking and concentrate on the job.”With these wordssaid,h e began toasting everyone.When neither of his toasts was accepted b y Cao Bao,Zhangflared up,By then,Zhang was already drunk. He had Cao flogged fifty times.After the party wasover,the resent ful Cao sent one of his men to LüBu,the enemy general,asking him to attackthe city that night while Zhang was drunk.Lücame w ith500horsemen.They successfully took thecity.When Zhang woke up with a start,the city was gone.He fought his way out of the enemytroops and fled the city,leaving his elder brother's family be hind.When he met Liu,he felt soshame-faced that he unsheathed his sword meaning to commit suicide,only to be stopped by hiselder b rother.张飞赔罪曹操命刘备伐袁术,刘备临行时为由谁留守徐州拿不定主意。

以下是为⼤家整理的关于⼉童英⽂⼩故事三国演义英⽂版:苦⾁计的⽂章,希望⼤家能够喜欢!The Battered-Body Trick This is a story from Three Kingdoms that happened before the Battle of Chibi. One night, Zhou Yu was thinking hard in his tent about how to defeat Cao Cao's army, when Huang Gai came in . He suggested attacking with fire. “Well, it's exactly what I mean to do.” Said Zhou Yu. “That's why I'm keeping those two spies: to convey false information to Cao's camp. But I need a man to play the same game for us.” Huang Gai said he was willing to do it. They decided to carry out the trick of being flogged to win the enemy's confidence. the next day Zhou Yu convened a general assembly of his commanders outside his tent. He ordered the commanders to take three months's rations and prepare to defend their line. Huang Gai came forward and said: “We don't need three months. If not, we'd better throw down our weapons and sue for peace.” Zhou Yu exploded in fury. “Ibear our lord's mandate,” he cried, “to lead our troops to destroy Cao Cao. How dare you weaken our morale? Remove him and execute him!” Huang Gai proudly, “I have served the Southland through three successive reigns. Where do the likes of you come from?” the entire assembly got on their knees to intercede for Huang Gai. Zhou Yu said at last: “In consideration for the commanders' views, I shall not kill you. Give him one hundred strokes across the back!” Huang Gai was forced facedown to the ground. Not yet at fifty blows of the rod, his skin was broken and his oozing flesh was crossed with welts. He fainted several times. Zhou Yu let Kan Ze, Huang Gai's friend, to deliver the letter of surrender to Cao Cao, which Huang Gai had prepared. Before long, Cao Cao received a letter from the two spies, saying “Look for a boat with a blue-GREen flag at the bow. That will be Huang Gai.” In Huang Gai's boat there were combustibles. In this way, Huang Gai was able to set fire to Cao Cao's camp. When the red current of fire passed through the surface of the river, Cao Cao's ships, linked with chains, turned into ashes. 苦⾁计 ⾚壁⼤战之前,周瑜苦思破曹之计。
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三英战吕布Three Heroes Combating Lü BuToward the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), state power fell into Dong Zhuo's hand, a very cruel and manipulating person. Yuan Shao, the leader of an opposition force,led a punitive expedition to Lüoyang, the capital. Dong Zhuo sent a very battlewise general named Hua Xiong to meet sent a very battlewise general named Hua Xiong to meet the expedition army. Hua killed several generals in run from Yuan Shao's side. Guan Yu volünteered to meet Hua Xiong, saying if he failed to kill him he would kill himself. At this, Cao Cao, in admiration, poured a cup of heated wine for Guan Yu for encouragement. But Guan said,“Keep the cup here until I come back.” When Guan Yu returned with Hua Xiong's head, the wine in the cup was still warm. Dong Zhuo was alarmed at the news that his brave general Hua Xiong had been killed.He dispatched Lü Bu with 150,000 troops to guard the Hulao Pass outside the capital. Yuan Shao sent eight armies to attack. When the two sides met, no gen erals from Yuan Shao's side seemed able to withstand Lü Bu; several generals had been killed by him. Zhang Fei charged Lü Bu, but after fifty rounds of fierce combats he still did not succeed. At the sight of his sworn brother Zhang Fei unable to gain an upper hand, Guan Yu lifted his crescent-moon shaped sword to join the battle. After thirty more rounds, hteir elder sworn brother, Liu Bei unsheathed his sword and charged up too. The three brothers closed in. This proved too much for Lü Bu, who feigned a lance attack and while one of the three dodged, ran back to Hulao Pass for his dear life.三英战吕布东汉末年,董卓把持朝政,凶狠专横。
曹操佩服关羽,敬一杯热酒,关羽说:“ 酒先放在这里,我去战罢再喝。
Interlocking Stratagemsthe manipulation of state affairs by the primeminister Dong Zhuo towa rds the end of the EasternHan Dynasty (25-220)aroused strong anger inpeople,but nobody dared to air it. Upright ministerswanted to b ut failed to think of a way to get rid of him. Deep at night and alone in his garden,Wang Yun,aminister,sighed at these worrie s,his teaful eyescast up at the moon. Suddenly,he heard a sigh fromthe pavilion nearby. He went over to see Diao Chan,the sixte en-year-old,very beautiful singsong girl in hisfamily. Upon enquiry,the girl went down on her knees and said,“Your excellency has treated meso nice after Icame. How could I rep ay your kindness?Ihave noticed your knitted eyebrows,Youmust have big worries that Idare not ask. Isighed,because Iwish Icould help you in some way.”Who could believe,thought Wang that the destiny of the Han Dynasty lies in this girl's hand. Hehelped the girl up,then he himself prostrated and kowtowed to her.“Why do you bow to me?”the puzzled girl asked. She repeated her offer to help in any way.Convinced of her resolüte attitude,Wang Yun was straightforward:“Both Dong Zhuo andhis stepson LüBu love women. I'll take you asmy step daughter,then I'll betroth you to LüBubefore I present you as a gift to Dong Zhuo. You will seek opportunities to sow d iscord betweenthem and make Lükill Dong. In this way we can preser ve the Han Dynasty.” “If I fail to do as yousay,”she vowed,“I will die a violent death.”These were the interlocking stratagem s laid byWang Yun and Diao Chan.设连环计东汉末年,太师董卓专权,朝野上下敢怒不敢言。
水淹七军Guan Yu Floods Seven ArmiesThis is a story from Three Kingdoms. Cao Caoappointed Yu Jin as the chief commander in charge ofthe southern expedition,together with Pang De inthe vanguard. They led seven armies to rescueFancheng City. When Guan Yu of Shu learned this,heled his army to take them o n. Guan and Pang foughtover one hundred rounds with neither gaining anadvantage. The fight continued on the second daywithout an exchangeof words. After another 50rounds,Pang rode his horse to flee andGuan rodeafter him. Pang shot an arrow at Guan who was unable to dodge it. The wounded Guan went backto his camp for recuperation. Ten days later,Guan's wound got healed. Guan Yu learned from GuanP ing that Cao Cao's army had moved to the north of the city. Guan Yu went to a nearby hilltop tolook at the terrain. He saw the enem y's troops in the northern mountain valley;also,he noticedthat th e Xiangjiang River was unusually swift. He hit on the idea of flood ing the seven armies. Heordered his army to get boats and rainwear ready. He had his men dam up several points in theriver so as to flood Cao Cao's army. Pang De talked with his generals of moving ou t of the valleyonto higher ground the next day. That night,wind b lew fiercely and rain came down heavily. PangDe,sitting in his ten t,heard the restless movements of the horses and the sound of bat tledrums. Alarmed,he went outside to look. From all sides,floodwa ters were rushing in;the sevenarmies,thrown into a panic,had a lready lost untold numbers in the tide. The water reached adepth of over three meters. With their soldiers,Yu Jin and Pang De climbe d to higher ground. GuanYu urged his forces to strike. Yu Jin and Pang De's armies,seeing no way out,surrendered. PangDe,who had gotten hold of a boat,tried to escape westward. The boat,howev er,wasknocked down by Zhou Cang's raft and Pang De was captured a live.水淹七军曹操命大将于禁为南征将军,庞德为先锋,统帅七路大军,星夜去救樊城。