2018年最新 黄冈市2018年秋季高三年级期末调研考试数学试题(理科) 精品
黄冈市2018年秋季高三年级期末调研考试数学试题(理科)一、选择题:本大题有 12小题,每小题5分,共60分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 函数y =12sin (2x - π6) – 5sin(2x + π3)的最大值是 ( )A .5B .12C .13D .152. 已知函数y =log a x 的图象与其反函数的图象有交点,且交点的横坐标为 x 0,则有 ( ) A .a >1且x 0>1 B .0<a <1且0<x 0<1 C .a >1且0<x 0<1 D .0<a <1且x 0>1或a >1且x 0>13. 已知a = (3,2),b = (-6,1),而(λa + b )⊥ (a - λb ),则λ= ( )A .1或2B .2或- 12C .2D .以上都不对4. 双曲线3x 2-4y 2-12x +8y +3=0经过向量a 平移后的方程可化为标准方程,则a = ( ) A .(2,1) B .(1,2) C .(2,-1) D .(-2,-1)5. 已知A={x |x =5n +1,n ∈N},B={x |x =5n +2,n ∈N},C={x |x =5n +3,n ∈N},D={x |x =5n +4,n ∈N},若α∈A ,β∈B ,θ∈C ,γ∈D ,则A .α2∈A ,β2∈D ,θ2∈D ,γ2∈AB .α2∈A ,β2∈B ,θ2∈C ,γ2∈D C .α2∈A ,β2∈C ,θ2∈B ,γ2∈A D .α2∈B ,β2∈D ,θ2∈D ,γ2∈B6. 设甲、乙两地的距离为a (a >0),小王骑自行车以匀速从甲地到乙地用了20分钟,在乙地休息10分钟后,他又以匀速从乙地返回甲地用了30分钟,则小王从出发到返回原地所经过的路程y 和其所用的时间x 的函数的图象为 ( ).B .C .D .7. 设P={1,2,3,4,5},Q={3,4,5,6,7,8},定义P ※Q={(a ,b )|a ∈P ,b ∈Q},则P ※Q 中元素的个数为 ( ) A .4 B .5 C .30 D .1208. 设函数⎩⎨⎧≥<-=-),1(lg ),1(12)(1x x x x f x 若f (x 0)>1,则x 0的取值范围是 ( ) A .(0,10) B .(—1,+∞) C .(—∞,—2)∪(—1,0) D .(—∞,0)∪(10,+∞)9. 将一张画了直角坐标系且两轴的长度单位相同的纸折叠一次,使点(2,0)与点(-2, 4)重合,若点(5,8)与点(m ,n )重合,则m+n 的值为 ( ) A .4 B .-4 C .13 D .-13 10. 设A 、B 两点的坐标分别为(-1,0),(1,0), 条件甲:0=⋅; 条件乙:点C 的坐标是方程 x 2+y 2=1的解. 则甲是乙的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不是充分条件也不是必要条件 11. 已知映射 f ∶A →B ,其中B=R ,对应法则f ∶x → y = log 0.5 (2 - x ) - 1-x ,对于实数k ∈B ,在集合A 中不存在原象,则k 的取值范围是 A .k >0 B .k <1 C .k <0 D .以上都不对12. 如图,一个粒子在第一象限运动,在第一秒内,它从原点运动到(0,1),而后它接着按图所示在x 轴、y 轴的平行方向来回运动(即(0,0)→(0,1)→(1,1)→(1,0)→(2,0)→…),且每秒移动一个单位长度,那么2018秒时,这个粒子所处位置为( ) A .(20,44) B .(21,44) C .(44,20) D .(44,21) 13. 有甲、乙、丙、丁四位歌手参加比赛,其中有一位获奖,有人走访了四位歌手,甲说:“是乙或丙获奖。
2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。
3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。
4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
1. 与“火焚水激”法相似的外力作用是( )A. 风化作用B. 侵蚀作用C. 搬运作用D. 堆积作用2. 在甲地修路时,古人采取的对策是( )A. 沿河成路B. 陡峻盘旋C. 岭横越垭D. 险绝而栈3. 古代褒斜道修通的地理意义是( )A. 乙地发展为区域经济文化中心B. 方便成都与长安间的钱粮运输C. 连接了八百里秦川与四川盆地D. 增加通往汉中的交通运输方式【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B【解析】考查外力作用,交通运输线建设的地理意义。
2018—2018学年度南昌市高三年级调研测试卷数 学 (文科)本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分.第I 卷1至2页,第II 卷3至4页,共150分. 第I 卷考生注意: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的准考证号、姓名填写在答题卡上.考生要认真核对答题卡上粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名、考试科目”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致. 2.第I 卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.第II 卷用黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上书写作答.若在试题卷上作答,答案无效. 3.考试结束,监考员将试题卷、答题卡一并收回. 参考公式: 如果事件A B ,互斥,那么球的表面积公式()()()P A B P A P B +=+24πS R =如果事件A B ,相互独立,那么 其中R 表示球的半径()()()P A B P A P B ⋅=⋅球的体积公式如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是P ,34π3V R =那么n 次独立重复试验中恰好发生k 次的概率其中R 表示球的半径()(1)kk n kn n P k C p p -=-一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{|ln }A x y x ==,集合{2,1,1,2}B =--,则AB =A .(1,2)B .{1,2}C .{1,2}--D .(0,)+∞2.已知复数z 的实部为1-,虚部为2,则5iz =A .2i -B .2i +C .2i --D .2i -+3.若函数2()()f x x ax a =+∈R ,则下列结论正确的是 A .存在a ∈R ,()f x 是偶函数 B .存在a ∈R ,()f x 是奇函数C .对于任意的a ∈R ,()f x在(0,+∞)上是增函数 D .对于任意的a ∈R ,()f x在(0,+∞)上是减函数4.如图所示,一个空间几何体的主视图和左视图都是 边长为1的正方形,俯视图是一个直径为1的圆, 那么这个几何体的体积为A .32πB .2πC .3πD .4π5.已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且满足32132S S -=,,则数列{}n a 的公差是A .12B .1C .2D .36.若下框图所给的程序运行结果为S=20,那么判断框中应填入的关于k 的条件是A .9k =B .8k ≤C .8k <D .8k >7.已知函数sin()y A x m ωϕ=++的最大值为4,最小值为0,最小正周期为π2,直线π3x =是其图象的一条对称轴,则符合条件的函数解析式是A.π4sin 46y x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭ B.π2sin 223y x ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭ C.π2sin 423y x ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭ D.π2sin 426y x ⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎝⎭8.已知函数()()21,1,log , 1.a a x x f x x x --⎧⎪=⎨>⎪⎩≤若()f x 在(),-∞+∞上单调递增,则实数a的取值范围为 A .()1,2 B .()2,3C .(]2,3D .()2,+∞9.直线l 过抛物线22(0)y px p =>的焦点,且与抛物线的交于A 、B 两点,若线段AB 的长是8,AB 的中点到y 轴的距离是2,则此抛物线方程是A .212y x =B .28y x = C .26y x = D .24y x = 10.如图,在透明塑料制成的长方体ABCD —A1B1C1D1容器内灌进一些水,将容器底面一边BC 固定于地面上,再将容器倾斜,随着倾斜度的不同,有下列四个说法: ①水的部分始终呈棱柱状;②水面四边形EFGH 的面积不改变; ③棱A1D1始终与水面EFGH 平行; ④当1E AA ∈时,AE BF +是定值.其中正确说法是A . ①②③B .①③C .①②③④D .①③④二.填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.把答案填写在题中横线上.11.函数f(x)=2log (1)x -的定义域为_________.12.已知O 为坐标原点,点(3,2)M ,若(,)N x y 满足不等式组104x y x y ≥⎧⎪≥⎨⎪+≤⎩,则OM ON ⋅ 的最大值为__________. 13.已知正三棱柱111ABC A B C -的所有棱长都等于6,且各顶点都在同一球面上,则此球的表面积等于 。
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
第I 卷(选择题)一、单选题1.如图所示,为氢原子能级示意图的一部分,关于氢原子,下列说法正确的是( )A. 一个氢原子从n =3能级跃迁到n =l 能级,可能辐射出3种不同频率的电磁波B. 从n =4能级跃迁到n =3能级,氢原子会吸收光子,能级升高C. 从n =4能级跃迁到n =3能级,氢原子会向外辐射光子,能级降低D. 处于不同能级时,核外电子在各处出现的概率是一样的2.如图所示,理想变压器原线圈输入电压u =U m sin ωt ,副线圈电路中R 0为定值电阻,R 是半导体材料做成的光敏电阻(光照强度增大,电阻减小).V 1和V 2是理想交流电压表,示数分别用U 1和U 2表示;A 1和A 2是理想交流电流表,示数分别用I 1和I 2表示.下列说法正确的是( )A. I 1和I 2表示电流的瞬时值B. U 1和U 2表示电压的最大值C. 光照强度增大,U 2变小、I 1变小D. 光照强度增大,U 2不变、I 1变大3.如图所示,a 、b 、c 、O 位于同一直线上,ab =bc .在O 点固定一点电荷Q ,已知b 点电势高于c 点电势.一电子仅在电场力作用下先从a 点运动到b 点,再从b 点运动到c 点,经历两个运动过程.下列说法正确的是( )A. 点电荷Q 带正电B. 两个运动过程,电场力做的功相等C. 两个运动过程,电子运动的加速度相等D. 整个运动过程,电子的动能不断减小4.“天宫一号”圆满完成相关科学实验,预计2018年“受控”坠落.若某航天器变轨后仍绕地球做匀速圆周运动,但动能增大为原来的4倍,则变轨后( )A. 向心加速度变为原来的8倍B. 周期变为原来的C. 角速度变为原来的4倍D. 轨道半径变为原来的5.如图所示,倾角为 的粗糙斜劈放在粗糙水平面上,物体a 放在斜面上,轻质细线一端固定在a 上,另一端绕过2个光滑的滑轮固定在c 点,滑轮2下悬挂物体b ,系统处于静止状态.若将悬挂点c 向右移动少许,而a 与斜劈始终保持静止.下列说法正确的是( )A. 地面对斜劈的摩擦力一定增大B. 斜劈对a 的摩擦力一定增大C. 细线对a 的拉力一定减小D. 斜劈对地面的压力一定减小6.如图所示,在第二象限中有水平向右的匀强电场,在第一象限内存在垂直纸面向外的匀强磁场.一带电粒子(电荷量为q ,质量为m )以垂直于x 轴的速度v 0从x 轴上的P 点进入该匀强电场,恰好与y 轴正方向成45°角射出电场,再经过一段时间又恰好垂直于x 轴进入第四象限.已知OP 之间的距离为d ,粒子重力不计,则( )此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号A. 带电粒子通过y轴时的坐标为(0,d)B. 电场强度的大小为C. 带电粒子在电场和磁场中运动的总时间为D. 磁感应强度的大小为二、多选题7.如图所示,在光滑水平面上以速度v0匀速滑动的物块,运动到A点时受到一水平恒力F 的作用,经过一段时间后运动到B点,速度大小仍为v0,方向改变了90°,在此过程中()A. 物块的加速度大小方向都不变B. 物块的速度大小不变,方向时刻改变C. 水平恒力F的方向一定与AB连线垂直D. 物块的动能先增加后减小8.如图所示,木块A、B的质量分别为m1、m2,A、B之间用一轻弹簧相连,将它们静置于一底端带有挡板的光滑斜面上,斜面的倾角为θ,弹簧的劲度系数为k.现对A施加一平行于斜面向上的恒力F,使A沿斜面由静止开始向上运动.当B对挡板的压力刚好为零时,A的速度刚好为v,下列说法正确的是()A. 此时弹簧的弹力大小为B. 在此过程中拉力F 做的功为C. 在此过程中弹簧弹性势能增加了D. 在此过程中木块A 重力势能增加了第II卷(非选择题)三、实验题9.在“测定金属的电阻率”实验中:(1)用螺旋测微器测量金属丝的直径D,示数如图甲所示,D=__________mm.(2)某小组利用电流表(内阻约0.1Ω)、电压表(内阻约3kΩ)等器材,按要求从0开始测量,得到多组电流、电压数据,求出金属丝的电阻R x=50Ω.他们采用的是图乙中的_____电路图,所测电阻R x的真实值_______(选填“大于”、“小于”、“等于”)50Ω.10.某实验小组用图甲所示的实验装置测量滑块与长木板之间的动摩擦因数.在一端装有定滑轮的长木板上固定A、B两个光电门,与光电门相连的计时器能显示滑块上的遮光片通过光电门时的遮光时间,滑块通过绕过定滑轮的轻质细绳与测力计挂钩相连,测力计下吊着沙桶,测力计能显示挂钩所受的拉力,滑块对长木板的压力与滑块的重力大小相等,已知遮光片宽度为d,当地的重力加速度为g.(1)为了满足实验的要求,下列说法正确的是_______.A.长木板应放在水平桌面上B.长木板没有定滑轮的一端应适当垫高,以平衡摩擦力C.沙桶及测力计的总质量应远小于滑块的质量D.定滑轮与滑块之间的细绳应与长木板平行(2)甲同学测出A、B两光电门之间的距离为L,滑块通过A、B两光电门的时间分别为t1、t2,滑块的加速度大小a=_________(用字母L、d、t1、t2表示).(3)多次改变沙桶里沙的质量,重复步骤(2),根据测得的多组F和a,作出a-F图象如题23图乙所示,由图象可知,滑块的质量为____________,滑块与长木板间的动摩擦因数为________.四、解答题11.如图所示,固定在同一水平面内的两根平行长直金属导轨的间距为d(导轨电阻不计),其右端接有阻值为R的电阻,整个装置处在竖直向上的匀强磁场中,磁感应强度大小为B.一质量为m、电阻为r的匀质导体杆ab垂直于导轨放置,与导轨接触良好,杆与导轨之间的动摩擦因数为μ.对ab施加水平向左的恒力F,使ab从静止开始沿导轨运动,当运动距离为l时,速度恰好达到最大.已知重力加速度大小为g.在此过程中,求:(1)导体杆ab的最大速度v m;(2)电阻R产生的焦耳热Q R.12.如图所示,水平面上AB间有一长度x=4m的凹槽,长度为L=2m、质量M=1kg的木板静止于凹槽右侧,木板厚度与凹槽深度相同,水平面左侧有一半径R=0.4m的竖直半圆轨道,右侧有一个足够长的圆弧轨道,A点右侧静止一质量m1=0.98kg的小木块.射钉枪以速度v0=100m/s射出一颗质量m0=0.02kg的铁钉,铁钉嵌在木块中并滑上木板,木板与木块间动摩擦因数μ=0.05,其它摩擦不计.若木板每次与A、B相碰后速度立即减为0,且与A、B不粘连,重力加速度g=10m/s2.求:(1)铁钉射入木块后共同的速度V;(2)木块经过竖直圆轨道最低点C时,对轨道的压力大小F N;(3)木块最终停止时离A点的距离s.13.如图所示,质量为m=6kg的绝热气缸(厚度不计),横截面积为S=10cm2,倒扣在水平桌面上(与桌面有缝隙),气缸内有一绝热的“T”型活塞固定在桌面上,活塞与气缸封闭一定质量的理想气体,活塞在气缸内可无摩擦滑动且不漏气.开始时,封闭气体的温度为t0=270C,压强P=0.5×105P a,g取10m/s2,大气压强为P0=1.0×105P a.求:①此时桌面对气缸的作用力大小;②通过电热丝给封闭气体缓慢加热到t2,使气缸刚好对水平桌面无压力,求t2的值.14.如图所示,一个足够大的水池盛满清水,水深h=0.4m,水池底部中心有一点光源A,其中一条光线斜射到水面上距A为l=0.5m的B点时,它的反射光线与折射光线恰好垂直.求:①水的折射率n;②用折射率n和水深h表示水面上被光源照亮部分的面积(推导出表达式,不用计算结果,圆周率用π表示).五、填空题15.下列说法正确的是A.凡是符合能量守恒定律的宏观过程一定自发地发生而不引起其他变化B.气体的温度降低,表明气体分子热运动的剧烈程度减弱C.机械能可以全部转化为内能,内能也可以全部转化为机械能而不引起其他变化D.如果两个系统分别与状态确定的第三个系统达到热平衡,那么这两个系统彼此之间也必定处于热平衡E.气缸里一定质量的理想气体发生等压膨胀时,单位时间碰撞器壁单位面积的气体分子数一定减少16.下列说法正确的是A.机械波从一种介质进入另一种介质,如果波速变大,那么波长一定变大B. 在太阳光照射下,肥皂泡呈现彩色,这是光的衍射现象C.已知弹簧振子初始时刻的位置及其振动周期,就可判断振子在任意时刻振动的方向D.变化的磁场可以产生电场,变化的电场可以产生磁场E.发生多普勒效应时,波源发出的波的频率并没有发生变化重庆市2018届高三学业质量调研抽测(第二次)物理试题物理答案1.C【解析】A项:一个氢原子从n=3能级跃迁到n=l能级,最多可能辐射2种不同频率的电磁波,故错误;B、C项:从n=4能级跃迁到n=3能级,是从高能级向低级跃迁,氢原子会放出光子,能级降低,故B错误,C正确;D项:处于不同能级时,核外电子在各处出现的概率是不一样的,故D错误。
深圳市2018届高三年级第一次调研考试语文2018.3 注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。
2018届广东省深圳市高三第一次调研考试英 语注意事项:1.答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
第I 卷(选择题) 一、阅读理解ALost cities that have been foundThe White CityIn 2015, a team of explorers to Honduras in search of “the Lost City of the Monkey God” led to thediscovery of the White City. They found the ruins in the Mosquitia region of the Central American country —which is known for poisonous snakes, vicious jaguars and deadly insects. It is believed that local people hid here when the Spanish conquerors(征服者)occupied their homeland in the 16th century. Canopus and HeracleionModern researchers were teased by the ancient writings about the Egyptian cities Canopus andHeracleion — where Queen Cleopatra often visited. But the cities weren't found until 1992, when a search inAlexandria waters found that the two cities had been flooded for centuries. Artifacts(史前器物)showed thatthe cities once highly developed as a trade network, which helped researchers piece together more about thelast queen of Egypt.Machu PicchuA Yale professor discovered “the Lost City in the Clouds” in 1911. A combination palaces, plazas,temples and homes, Machu Picchu displays the Inca Empire at the height of its rule. The city, which wasabandoned in the 16th century for unknown reasons, was hidden by the local people from the Spanish conquerors for centuries, keeping it so well preserved.TroyThe ancient city of Troy in Homer's The Iliad was considered a fictional setting for his characters to run wild. But in 1871, explorations in northwestern Turkey exposed nine ancient cities layered(层叠)on top of each other, the earliest dating back to about 5,000 years before. It was later determined that the sixth or seventh layer contained the lost city of Troy and that it was actually destroyed by an earthquake, not a wooden horse. 1.Why did people hide in the White City in the 16th century? A. To survive the war. B. To search for a lost city. C. To protect their country. D. To avoid dangerous animals. 2.Which of the following was related to a royal family member? A. The White City. B. Canopus and Heracleion. C. Machu Picchu. D. Troy. 3.What can we learn about Troy? A. It was built by Homer. B. It consisted of nine cities. C. It had a history of 5,000 years. D. It was ruined by a natural disaster. B My motivation for starting our family tradition of reading in the car was purely selfish: I could not bear listening to A Sesame Street Christmas for another 10 hours. My three children had been addicted to this cassette on our previous summer's road trip. As I began to prepare for our next 500-mile car trip,I came across a book Jim Trelease's The Read Aloud Handbook . This could be the answer to my problem, I thought. So I put Roald Dahl’s James and the Giant Peach into my bag. When I began to read aloud the tale of the boy who escapes the bad guys by hiding inside a giant peach, my three kids argued and wrestled in their seats. But after several lines, they were attracted into the rhythm of the words and began to listen. We soon learned that the simple pleasure of listening to a well-written book makes the long miles pass more quickly. Sometimes the books we read became highlights of the trip. I read Wilson Rawls's Summer of the Monkeys as we spent two days driving to the beach. We arrived just behind the power crews restoring(恢此卷只装订不密封 班级姓名准考证号考场号座位号复)electricity after a tropical storm. The rain continued most of the week, and the beach was covered with oil washed up by the storm. When we returned home, I asked my son what he liked about the trip. He answered without hesitation, “The book you read in the car. ”Road trips still offer challenges, even though my children now are teenagers. But we continue to read as we roll across the country. And I'm beginning to see that reading aloud has done more than help pass the time. For at least a little while, we are not shut in our own electronic worlds. And maybe we've started something that will pass on to the next generation.4.Why did the author start reading in the car?A. She wanted to have a better journey.B. She wanted to keep a family tradition.C. Her children were addicted to reading.D. Her children were tired of the cassette.5.How did the children react after the author read a few lines?A. They kept fighting.B. I hey hid themselves.C. They soon settled clown.D. 丁hey read together aloud.6.What can we learn about the author and her family’s trip to the beach?A. They were caught in a storm.B. They enjoyed reading on the road.C. They had a good time on the beach.D. They thought it had passed too quickly.7.Which can be the best title for the text?A. Better Traveling than ReadingB. Books that Changed My ChildrenC. Road Trips Full of ChallengesD. Reading Makes Great Road TripsCThe arm bones of women who lived 7-000 years ago show a surprising level of strength-even higher than today's professional athletes. That's according to a first-ever study comparing prehistoric(史前的)bones to those of living people. The finding suggests a revision of history — the everyday lives of prehistoric women were filled with hard labor, rather than just sitting at home doing lighter tasks while the men struggled and fought for life.“Before the study, there are no clear records descr ibing how our ancient ancestors lived. It can be easy to forget that bone is a living tissue, one that responds to the difficulties we put our bodies through,” said lead author Alison Macintosh. “Physical force and muscle activity both put pressure on the bone. The bone reacts by changing in shape, thickness and other aspects over time. ”Previous studies only compared female bones to contemporary male bones, the researchers said — and that's a problem, because the response of male bones to stress and change is much bigger than that of women. For instance, as humans moved from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle constantly on the move to a more settled agrarian (农耕的)one, changes can be observed in the structure of the shinbone (胫骨) 一and these changes were much more evident in men.However, a comparison of the bones of prehistoric women to the bonos of living female athletes can help us work out a more accurate pi cture of what those prehistoric women were doing. “By analyzing the bones of living people and comparing them to the ancient hones, we can start to explain the kinds of labor our ancestors were performing,” Macintosh said. What they found was that women's leg strength hasn’t changed a great deal, but their arms used to be very powerful. Prehistoric women, the researchers found, had arm strength 11〜16 percent stronger than those of modern rowers, and 30 percent stronger than those of non-athletes.8.What does the study tell about prehistoric women?A. They were stronger than men.B. They had lighter bones than men.C. They did tough tasks as the men.D. They spent most time staying at home.9.What problem did previous studies on prehistoric bones have?A. They lacked enough comparison.B. They only studied men's bones.C. They focused little on bones.D. They ignored the lifestyles.10.What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. Bones’ structure.B. Bones' thickness.C. Bones’ response to stress.D. Bones’ stress from hard labor.11.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. It’s still hard to explain our ancestors' lifestyle.B. Prehistoric women went through much suffering.C. Women's arms have become much stronger over time.D. Prehistoric women are stronger than contemporary females.DA few years ago, Darla Hoff painted a pumpkin face onto a round straw bale(捆)at A1 and Karen Goldman's farm in Idaho Palls to advertise her U-pick pumpkin field. While Darla has stopped growing pumpkins, the annual tradition of straw bale art lives on at the farm and has drawn friends and neighbors to participate in it. Past creations have included an owl, Minions, tractors and a teddy bear.To make the tractors, A1 baled round straw bales in two different sizes smaller ones for the tractor's front tires and larger ones for the rear(尾部). Large square bales made up the bodies. Jerry Kienlen used his farming equipment to arrange the bales in the shape of two tractors. Then it was time to bring the tractors to life. Karen and her daughter. Lana Hedrick, secured some green paint, and A1 got some red paint. Darla's husband, James, sprayed the creation with a paint gun. For the finishing touches, Steven donated two shiny exhaust stacks (排气管),and A1 and Karen donated two steering wheels from their farm parts.The farm's annual straw bale art projects have now become a way for everyone to celebrate the end of another growing season. It's just something fun to do together after harvest. This neighborhood has always been close. Generations of these families have grown crops in this soil. Raised on the farms where they live now, they grew up together as their elders did before. A1 and Karen are truly super neighbors. Every year they also grow about two acres of corn to give away. Anyone can pick some, or A1 and Karen will even deliver. And during long Idaho winters, everyone gathers at the farm to enjoy fresh coffee and cookies.This year's straw hale creation theme is Straw Wars. And all eyes will be on A1 and Karen's farm as their creation takes shape.12.Why did Darla paint a pumpkin face onto a straw bale?A. To recycle straw bales.B. To please his neighbors.C. To create a new tradition.D. To make an advertisement.13.What does the underlined phrase “the creation" in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. The straw bale tires.B. The square straw bales.C. The straw bale tractors.D. The farming equipment.14.What do local people think of the straw bale art show?A. It needs something fun.B. It’s a good way to celebrate harvest.C. It makes A1 and Karen famous in the town.D. It stands for the beginning of a new season.15.What kind of neighbors are A1 and Karen according to Paragraph 3?A. Generous.B. Creative.C. Funny.D. Determined.二、七选五How to Improve Your ConfidenceConfidence is something that everyone admires. At some point in your life you may question your level of confidence and wish it to be higher.16.If you believe the theory that we attract into our lives who we are, then creating and keeping high levels of confidence is vital to your well-being.Watch your intake.17.So reduce the amount of hours of soaps and reality TV each day. Read a book or magazine about a topic you are interested in. Listen to a different radio station you have not listened to before. In this way, you challenge the beliefs you hold and raise your awareness of new things.18.Spend an allocated period of time being quiet and just reflecting on your life. Remove yourself away from others and focus on the power of silence and improve your levels of concentration.Believe in yourself. One of the key steps in raising your level of confidence is to believe it for yourself. You need to believe, accept and be in no doubt that you are a confident person.19.Meanwhile, value the time that you spend doing this process.Take a look around for people you admire. It can be helpful to have someone in your circle that you admire for their skills or achievements. Observe the way they face new challenges and communicate with people. You also should attend a club or a group associated with a topic you're interested in.20.A. Spend some time being quiet.B. In this way, your attitude is changed.C. Spend time imagining you at your absolute best.D. What you read, watch and listen to affects your mindset.E. Your level of confidence affects the decisions you make in your life.F. You'll meet new people different from your present circle of friends.G. These are the kind of people that can help you to grow in confidence.三、完形填空I believe it is in my nature to dance by virtue of the beat of my heart, the pulse of my blood and the music in my mind. So I dance____.My dining room is now a ___ballroom. Each morning when I____the house on the way to make coffee, I turn on the ___,and it's dance time! I dance alone to whatever is playing.Tango(探戈)is a recent enthusiasm. It's a complex and___ dance. The first time I went tango dancing I was too ___to get out on the floor. ___, I stayed on edge of the dance floor when the dancing began. The fancy footwork____me. “Don't make a fool of yourself. Just____it. ” I thought.____my mind, an older woman dropped out of the____,sat down beside me, and said she had a secret for me. She____,“If you do not join the dancing, we will know you are a fool. But if you dance, we will think well of you for____” Inspired by her____words, I took up the____of tango.A friend asked me if I was a little too____. “Tango? At your age? You must be out of your mind!" On the contrary, it’s a deeply considered____I seek the sharp, scary____that comes from beginning something new, which____all my resources and challenges my body and mind. So, when people say, “Tango? At your age?” I____answer, “Yes!”21.A. crazily B. skillfully C. daily D. casually22.A. private B. formal C. temporary D. grand23.A. pass by B. walk through C. clean D. leave24.A. light B. tap C. heat D. music25.A. dangerous B. terrible C. difficult D. dull26.A. scared B. excited C. foolish D. proud27.A. Otherwise B. Still C. Instead D. Anyhow28.A. amazed B. disappointed C. comforted D. confused29.A. watch B. finish C. join D. stop30.A. Occupying B. Reading C. Overlooking D. Entering31.A. class B. show C. dance D. conversation32.A. argued B. admitted C. declared D. whispered33.A. trying B. waiting C. coming D. sharing34.A. bitter B. brave C. wise D. familiar35.A. talk B. challenge C. task D. duty36.A. careful B. humorous C. practical D. ambitious37.A. decision B. suggestion C. belief D. answer38.A. security B. pleasure C. freedom D. relief39.A. changes B. wastes C. saves D. requires40.A. roughly B. simply C. politely D. possibly第II卷(非选择题)四、语法填空Yu Rong, a Chinese artist, thinks of a new way to introduce 41.ancient story of Hua Mulan in her picture book. In the book, I Am Hua Mulan, she tells the story by42.(combine) paper-cutting with international artistic styles. She places Shaanxi paper-cuts over Western-style pencil sketches(素描) 43.(create) a typical presentation of Chinese elements (元素), which turns out to be a 44.(success) and impressive breakthrough.Hua Mulan, 45.story has been told by generations in China, is a fighter from the Northern Wei Dynasty(386-534). As a devoted daughter, she dressed herself as a man to serve in the army 46.place of her father. Mulan’s char acteristics, such as courage, kindness and a disinterested attitude toward fame and fortune, made 47.(she) one of the most respected historical Chinese heroines. Mulan’s story has been adapted 48.(frequent) in modern media, including TV shows, video games and literature. For example, in 1998, Disney produced a film named Mulan, which 49.(consider) a great success by critics and the public.To better tell the story, Yu Rong takes inspiration from her several 50.(visit) to sites of ancient battles and Henan Province’s Yuju Opera. After years of preparation, she finally makes this extraordinary work.五、短文改错51.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。
2017-2018学年度武汉市部分学校新高三起点调研测试理科数学第Ⅰ卷(共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合2{20}A x x x =-≥,{12}B x x =<≤,则A B =I ( )A .{2}B .{12}x x <<C .{12}x x <≤D .{01}x x <≤ 2.设(1)1i x yi -=+,其中,x y 是实数,则x yi +在复平面内所对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限 3.已知等比数列{}n a 中,23a ,32a ,4a 成等比数列,设n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,则33S a 等于( ) A .139 B .3或139 C .3 D .794.将一枚质地均匀的骰子投两次,得到的点数依次记为a 和b ,则方程210ax bx ++=有实数解的概率是( ) A .736 B .12 C. 1936D .5185.函数2()log (45)a f x x x =--(1a >)的单调递增区间是( ) A .(,2)-∞- B .(,1)-∞- C. (2,)+∞ D .(5,)+∞ 6.一个几何体的三视图如图,则它的表面积为( )A .28B .245+ 2045+.205+7.已知,x y R ∈,且0x y >>,若1a b >>,则一定有( )A .a bx y> B .sin sin ax by > C. log log a b x y > D .x y a b > 8.某公司生产甲、乙两种桶装产品,已知生产甲产品1桶需耗A 原料2千克,B 原料3千克;生产乙产品1桶需耗A 原料2千克,B 原料1千克,每桶甲产品的利润是300元,每桶乙产品的利润是400元,公司在要求每天消耗,A B 原料都不超过12千克的条件下,生产产品A 、产品B 的利润之和的最大值为( )A .1800元B .2100元 C. 2400元 D .2700元9.已知不等式2230x y ->所表示的平面区域内一点(,)P x y 到直线3y x =和直线3y x =的垂线段分别为,PA PB ,若三角形PAB 33,则点P 轨迹的一个焦点坐标可以是( ) A .(2,0) B .(3,0) C. (0,2) D .(0,3)10.执行下面的程序框图,如果输入的0x =,1y =,1n =,则输出,x y 的值满足( )A .2y x =B .3y x = C. 4y x = D .5y x =11.已知,A B 分别为椭圆22219x y b +=(03b <<)的左、右顶点,,P Q 是椭圆上的不同两点且关于x 轴对称,设直线,AP BQ 的斜率分别为,m n ,若点A 到直线1y mnx =-的距离为1,则该椭圆的离心率为( ) A .12 B .24 C. 13D .2212.设点M 是棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -的棱AD 的中点,点P 在面11BCC B 所在的平面内,若平面1D PM 分别与平面ABCD 和平面11BCC B 所成的锐二面角相等,则点P 到点1C 的最短距离是( ) A 25 B .22 C. 1 D 6第Ⅱ卷(共90分)二、填空题(每题5分,满分20分,将答案填在答题纸上)13.设向量(,1)a m =r ,(1,)b m =r ,且3a b b +=-r r r,则实数m = .14. 12展开式中2x 的系数为 .(用数学填写答案)15.设等差数列{}n a 满足3736a a +=,46275a a =,且1n n a a +有最小值,则这个最小值为 .16.已知函数()sin()f x x πωϕ=+(0a ≠,0ω>,2πϕ≤),直线y a =与()f x 的图象的相邻两个交点的横坐标分别是2和4,现有如下命题:①该函数在[2,4]上的值域是[]a ; ②在[2,4]上,当且仅当3x =时函数取最大值;③该函数的最小正周期可以是83; ④()f x 的图象可能过原点.其中的真命题有 (写出所有真命题的序号)三、解答题 (本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.)17. 已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,等比数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n T ,11a =-,11b =,223a b +=.(1)若337a b +=,求{}n b 的通项公式; (2)若313T =,求n S .18. 在锐角ABC ∆中,内角,,A B C 的对边分别是,,a b c ,满足cos 2cos 22cos()cos()066A B B B ππ-+-+=.(1)求角A 的值;(2)若b =b a ≤,求a 的取值范围.19. 甲、乙两名运动员参加“选拔测试赛”,在相同条件下,两人6次测试的成绩(单位:分)记录如下:甲 86 77 92 72 78 84 乙 78 82 88 82 95 90(1)用茎叶图表示这两组数据,现要从中选派一名运动员参加比赛,你认为选派谁参赛更好?说明理由(不用计算);(2)若将频率视为概率,对运动员甲在今后三次测试成绩进行预测,记这三次成绩高于85分的次数为X ,求X 的分布列和数学期望()E X 及方差()D X .20. 如图1,在矩形ABCD 中,4AB =,2AD =,E 是CD 的中点,将ADE ∆沿AE 折起,得到如图2所示的四棱锥1D ABCE -,其中平面1D AE ⊥平面ABCE .(1)设F 为1CD 的中点,试在AB 上找一点M ,使得//MF 平面1D AE ; (2)求直线1BD 与平面1CD E 所成的角的正弦值.21. 已知抛物线2:2C x py =(0p >)和定点(0,1)M ,设过点M 的动直线交抛物线C 于,A B 两点,抛物线C 在,A B 处的切线交点为N . (1)若N 在以AB 为直径的圆上,求p 的值;(2)若三角形ABN 的面积最小值为4,求抛物线C 的方程.22.已知函数()1xf x e ax =--(a R ∈)( 2.71828e =…是自然对数的底数). (1)求()f x 单调区间;(2)讨论1()()()2g x f x x =•-在区间[]0,1内零点的个数.试卷答案一、选择题1-5:CDBCD 6-10: BDCAD 11、12:BA二、填空题13.2± 14. 552-15. -12 16.③ 三、解答题17.(1)设{}n a 的公差为d ,{}n b 的公比为q ,则1(1)n a n d =-+-,1n n b q -=.由223a b +=,得4d q += ① 由227a b +=,得228d q += ②联立①和②解得0q =(舍去),或2q =,因此{}n b 的通项公式12n n b -=.(2)∵231(1)T b q q =++,∴2113q q ++=,3q =或4q =-,∴41d q =-=或8.∴21113(1)222n S na n n d n n =+-=-或245n n -. 18.(1)由已知cos 2cos 22cos()cos()066A B B B ππ-+-+=得2222312sin 2sin 2(cos sin )044B A B B -+-=化简得sin 2A =,又三角形ABC 为锐角三角形,故3A π=. (2)∵b a =≤,∴c a ≥,∴32C ππ≤<,63B ππ<≤由正弦定理得:sin sin a bA B=sin 2B=,即32sin a B =由13sin (,]2B ∈知[3,3)a ∈. 19.(1)由图可知乙的平均水平比甲高,故选乙(2)甲运动员每次测试高于85分的概率大约是13,成绩高于85分的次数为X 服从二项分布,分布列为X 0 1 2 3P827 49 29 1271()313E X =•=,122()3333D X =••=20.(1)14AM AB =取1D E 中点L ,连接AL ,∵//FL EC ,//EC AB ,∴//FL AB 且14FL AB =,所以,,,M F L A 共面,若//MF 平面1AD E ,则//MF AL , ∴AMFL 为平行四边形,所以14AM FL AB ==(2)设点B 到1CD E 的距离为d ,由11B BCD D BCE V V --=可得122CED d S ∆•=. 设AE 中点为H ,作HG 垂直直线CE 于G ,连接DG ,∵1D E ⊥平面AECB ∴1D G EC ⊥,则13DG =,123D B =,∴11132CED S EC D G ∆=••=d =,所以直线1BD 与平面1CD E. 21.解:(1)可设:1AB y kx =+,11(,)A x y ,22(,)B x y , 将AB 方程代入抛物线C 方程得2220x pkx p --= 则122x x pk +=,122x x p =- ①又22x py =得'x y p=,则,A B 处的切线斜率乘积为12221x x p p =-=-则有2p =(2)由①可得122N x x x pk +==21AB x =-=点N 到直线AB的距离d ==12ABN S AB d ∆=••=≥∴4=,∴2p =,故抛物线C 的方程为24x y = 22.解:(1)'()xf x e a =-当0a ≤时,'()0f x >,()f x 单调增间为(,)-∞+∞,无减区间; 当0a >时,()f x 单调减间为(,ln )a -∞,增区间为(ln ,)a +∞(2)由()0g x =得()0f x =或12x =先考虑()f x 在区间[]0,1的零点个数当1a ≤时,()f x 在(0,)+∞单调增且(0)0f =,()f x 有一个零点; 当a e ≥时,()f x 在(,1)-∞单调递减,()f x 有一个零点; 当1a e <<时,()f x 在(0,ln )a 单调递减,(ln ,1)a 单调递增.而(1)1f e a =--,所以1a ≤或1a e >-时,()f x 有一个零点,当11a e <≤-时,()f x 有两个零点而12x =时,由1()02f =得1)a =所以1a ≤或1a e >-或1)a =时,()g x 有两个零点;当11a e <≤-且1)a ≠时,()g x 有三个零点。
‘约之“对儒家文化,我们有所了解,像有位同学向他提问:可是,之类的道理,我也很认可;‘推己及人'以礼'‘以德服人' 在生活中真要那样做,会不会连公交车都挤不上去?”如果你是子思,你将怎样回应这样的提问?要求选好角度,确定立意;明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字。
北重三中2017~2018学年度第二学期高三年级第九次调研试考试理综试题第一部分选择题(共126分)一、选择题(本题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题目要求)1.下列关于细胞癌变及癌细胞的叙述,正确的是( )A.癌细胞的分裂失去控制,但其增殖是有限的B.癌细胞表面粘连蛋白的增加,使其易扩散转移C.有些物理射线可诱发基因突变,导致细胞癌变D.癌变是细胞异常分化的结果,此分化大多可逆2.在观察某植物细胞的质壁分离及质壁分离复原实验中,依次观察到的结果示意图如下,其中①、②指细胞结构。
a、b、c表示离心管编号,条带表示大肠杆菌DNA离心后在离心管中的分布位置,下列叙述错误的是( )A.本活动运用了同位素示踪和密度梯度离心技术B.a管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌是在含14NH4CI的培养液中培养的C.b管的结果表明该管中的大肠杆菌的DNA都是14 N –15N—DNAD.实验结果说明DNA分子的复制是半保留复制的4.下列关于自然选择的叙述错误的是()A.自然选择是生物进化的重要动力B.自然选择加速了种群生殖隔离的进程C.自然选择获得的性状都可以通过遗传进行积累D.自然选择作用于对个体存活和繁殖有影响的变异性状5.某二倍体高等动物(2n=6)雄性个体的基因型为AaBb,其体内某细胞处于细胞分裂某时期的示意图如下。
下列叙述正确的是( )A.形成该细胞过程中发生了基因突变和染色体畸变B.该细胞含有3个四分体,6条染色体,12个DNA分子C.该细胞每条染色体的着丝粒都连有两极发出的纺锤丝D.该细胞分裂形成的配子的基因型为aBX、aBX A、AbY、bY 6.生物兴趣小组调查人群中某单基因遗传病发病率时获取如表所示数据,下列叙述中正确的( )调查性别男性女性调查人数A B患者人数a bA.此遗传病在人群中发病率表示为(a+b)/(A+B)×100%,在男性中发病率表示为a/(A+B)×100%B。
绝密★启用前2018年湖北省高三四月调研测试试卷英语试题湖北省教育学会命制2018.4.26 本试题卷共10页,72题。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.答案是C。
1. What does the woman think about the food in China?A. It’s not good.B. It’s fatty.C. It’s delicious.2. What is Frank looking for?A. His money.B. A film ticket.C. An envelope.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. A Sunday planB. A sports meeting.C. A school trip.4. Where is the man going to?A. The Zoo Road.B. The Park Road.C. The King Road.5. How is Alice’s weekend?A. Dull.B. Average.C. Interesting.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
1. Where is the theater?A. On Martin‟s Lane.B. On Maple Street.C. On Craven Street.2. What seems to be the man‟s hobby?A. Watching TV.B. Reading books.C. Talking on the WeChat.3. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Avoid on-sale things.B. Wait until the weekend.C. Get better shampoo.4. When will the speakers probably meet?A. On Wednesday afternoon.B. On Thursday afternoon.C. On Friday afternoon.5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Employer and employee.C. Customer and manager.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What has the man been doing this afternoon?A. Mending the washing machine.B. Looking for a laundry shop.C. Doing some cleaning.7. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Husband and wife.C. Customer and clerk.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
在下列每小题中,选出一个正确答案)1.下列加点字的读音全部正确的一组是A. 付梓.(zǐ)悫.直(qiào)巷.道(hàng)纨绔.(kù)B.守拙.(zhuó)忖.度(cǔn )龟.裂(jūn )恫.吓(dòng)C.龃.龉(jǔ)神祇.(qí)对峙.(zhì)攻讦.( jié)D.攥.握(zhuàn)炽.热(chì)嫉.恨(jí)蕴藉.(jiè)2.下列没有错别字的一组是A. 按步就班不可思议姹紫嫣红黯然失色B. 雷霆万钧出类拔萃融汇贯通相形见绌C. 四季常青心无旁鹜理屈辞穷鬼鬼祟祟D.病入膏肓察言观色迷离惝恍疾言厉色3.下列加点字词的解释错误..的一组是A. 礼尚.往来(崇尚)沸反盈.天(充满)功败垂.成(已经)B. 明日黄花..(菊花)不欺.暗室(昧心)天真无邪.(不正当)C. 长治.久安(太平)沉沦之渐.(沾染)厥.功甚伟(其、他的)D. 举一反.三(类推)不即.不离(接近)尤不可觏.(遇见)4.依次填入下列句子横线的关联词,最恰当的一项是有些批评家说,中国的文人学士,是诗人,带着很浓厚的颓废色彩,中国的诗文里,赞颂秋的文字特别的多。
外国的诗人,何尝不然A. 特别而那么而也B. 尤其就那么但也C. 特别而所以而又D. 尤其都所以但又5.下列各句中,没有..语病的一句是A.在质量月活动中,他们围绕以提高产品质量为中心,进行了综合治理,尤其加强了对工艺流程、验收程序的监控。
2018届广州市高三年级调研测 试英语试题
秘密★启用前 试卷类型:A2018届广州市高三年级调研测试英 语2017.12本试卷共 10 页,满分 120 分。
考试用时 120 分钟。
注意事项:1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
2. 回答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案信息点涂黑。
3. 回答第II卷时,必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。
第二部分阅读理解 ( 共两节,满分40分 )第一节 ( 共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分 )阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
AMetropolis Book ClubMembership:All you need to do is fill out the order form at the bottom of the page, select your first order from our book list and then post the completed formback to us.Special offers for new members:As a special offer, you may choose any reduced-price books from our new members’ booklist, to the value of 100 yuan in total.Tick the box on your form to order a free watch.Join before the end of this month and you receive another free book carefully chosen by ourstaff.Order an audio-book from the many on offer, at half the recommended retail price.When you’ve joined:As a member you get around 50% off the publisher’s price of every book you buy, and what’s more, they come straight to your door. Your free club magazine arrives once a month to keep you up to date with the latest best-sellers we’ve added to our list. On the Internet, you can find all our titles for the year at our exclusive members’ website. Our website also has a book swap service where members can request or offer books for exchange. Being a member:All you have to do is order four books during your first year. After that, you can decide on the number of books you wish to take.In each of your monthly club magazines, our experienced staff choose a “Book of the Month” for you, which is offered at an extra-special price. If you do not want this book, just say so in the space provided on the form and send it back to us. We always send the book if we do not receive this form.Once we receive your order, your books are delivered within one week. And remember, you have up to a fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered. If they aren’t what you expected just send them back!21. How can you become a member of the Metropolis Book Club?A. By ordering a watch free of charge.B. By sending the advertisement to the club.C. By choosing books with special prices.D. By returning the completed order form.22. What information does the monthly magazine give members?A. The percentage saved on each book.B. The names of all the books sold by the club.C. The list of the newest books available to buy.D. The books that can be swapped by club members.23. What can we infer from the last part of the passage?A. At least four books should be bought each year.B. Members can look at the books before they buy them.C. Members need to buy the “Book of the Month”.D. The more books bought, the higher the member’s grade.BPaloma sat at a computer in the school library. She stared at the blank screen and the blinking cursor. She rummaged around in her backpack for a rubber band, and then she pulled her hair into a thick ponytail. Paloma looked at the computer screen. It was still blank. She sighed and flipped through her notebook to reread the assignment Mr. Molina had given the class three weeks ago. It was due in just two days, and Paloma knew that she couldn’t procrastinate any longer.Write a creative short story using an experience that you have had recently, Paloma read. Your story should include two examples of figurative language.Paloma and her family had recently taken a trip along North Carolina’s coast. They had visited four different lighthouses, and Paloma wondered what it would be like to live in a lighthouse. She knew that before lighthouses were automated, they were run by a lighthouse keeper who lived on the premises. Paloma thought she’d love to be a lighthouse keeper. Without thinking about it any longer, Paloma began to write the story.I sat with my cat Sadie curled on my lap and looked out the window at the crashing waves. The heavy rain beat against my lighthouse like a thousand footsteps racing up and down the walls.I held Sadie closer, and she let out a small meow of displeasure. I knew that the coming storm could not be too dangerous if Sadie was still acting normally. I had read that animals can sense changes in weather and will seek shelter from a tornado or hurricane. I was relying on Sadie’s calmness to get me through my first hurricane on the island.I knew that my lighthouse was sturdily built. It had survived more than one hundred years’ worth of hurricanes and tropical storms. There was no reason to believe that it couldn’t survive another. I looked up at the staircase that spiraled above me and worried as I felt the tower sway slightly in a gust of wind.Paloma stopped and reread what she had just written. She smiled to herself in delight, saved her story, and then settled into her chair to continue writing. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but she knew that if she kept going, the story would continue to tell itself. Paloma couldn’t wait to find out where it would take her.24. Why is Paloma feeling anxious at the beginning of the passage?A. She hasn’t much time left to do her writing task.B. She doesn’t know the details of her writing task.C. She has completely forgotten about her writing task.D. She doesn’t know what is wrong with her computer.25. What is the inspiration for Paloma’s story idea?A. Her cat.B. Her teacher.C. Her trip.D. Her dream.26. In Paloma’s story, how does the lighthouse keeper decide if the storm is dangerous?A. By listening to the weather report.B. By watching the crashing waves.C. By observing the cat’s behaviour.D. By measuring the movement of the lighthouse.27. As described in the final paragraph, how does Paloma feel after she has written the first part ofher story?A. Confused.B. Excited.C. Relieved.D. Determined.CFor many years, Bruce Bexler dreamed of going where no human had gone before. He wanted to cut a path through unexplored lands and discover rare, exotic species.That might sound like an impossible dream, but Bexler turned it into a reality.In December 2015, he and a team of Australian and American scientists ventured into an isolated tropical rain forest on the island of New Guinea. They were the first people ever to enter the mist-covered region. “As time was limited, we were dropped in by helicopter. Once we were on the ground, there were no trails anywhere; it was really hard to get around,” Bexler says.Within minutes of landing, the team spotted a black chicken-like bird with strange orange skin hanging from its neck. The scientists soon determined that the unusual creature was a type of honeyeater — the first new bird species to be sighted on New Guinea in 60 years.The honeyeater wasn’t the only surprise for the scientists. They discovered more than 40 previously unknown plant and animal species — 13 birds of paradise, 20 frogs, four butterflies, and five palms. “We were like kids in a candy store,” Bexler recalls. “Everywhere we looked, we saw amazing things we had never seen before.”The newfound species didn’t shy away from the scientists. Two long-nosed echidnas — primitive egg-laying mammals — let the visitors pick them up and take them back to camp to study them. An echidna looks like a hedgehog and is also called a spiny anteater.Bexler thinks the animals weren’t scared because they had never seen humans before. “In almost all parts of New Guinea, animals are hunted for food, and because of this, they are very cautious of people,” he explains.“This area gives scientists a place where they can go to study the behaviours of animals that have not yet learned to be afraid of people.”Scientists believe the area is probably the largest untouched forest in Asia. Local people called Kwerba hunt and collect plants from the outer-edges of the forest but told Bexler that not even their ancestors had gone so far into the woods. The wooded area is approximately a 10-day walk from thenearest village.Bexler and his team did not have enough time during the expedition to study the area completely. They hope to return and expect to record many more undiscovered species. “We just scratched the surface,” Bexler says.“Anyone who goes there will come back with a mystery.”28. Which word best describes Bruce Bexler?A. Adventurous.B. Cautious.C.Optimistic. D.Thorough.29. What does Bruce Bexler mean in Paragraph 5 when he says the scientists“were like kids in a candy store”?A. They didn’t have enough food and were hungry.B. They were very excited about what they saw.C. They were misbehaving like naughty children.D. They knew that if they kept searching, they’d find sugar.30. Why did some of the animals allow the scientists to pick them up?A. The scientists seemed to be very friendly.B. The scientists were skilled in handling animals.C. The animals had been well-trained by the local people.D. The animals had no experience or fear of people.31. What can we conclude about the area Bruce Bexler explored?A. The best way to explore the area is by helicopter.B. The area has not been visited by scientists for many years.C. The area still contains many plants and animals unknown to science.D. The locals are unwilling to allow the scientists to enter the deep woods.DPetrol and diesel cars may still dominate our roads, but their days are numbered. A recent university study found that current electric cars could be used for 87 per cent of daily car journeys in the US. That figure could rise to 98 per cent by 2020.One hurdle to the widespread adoption of electric cars has been ‘range anxiety’ — drivers’ concerns about running out of juice on a journey. Whilepetrol stations are conveniently located across national road systems, the necessary network of electric charging stations is still being developed. That said, charging points are becoming increasingly common throughout the USA.Attitudes towards electric vehicles have changed quite considerably over the last few years. Not that long ago, electric cars were met with distrust, and their large price tags drove customers away. Thanks to improvements in battery capacity, recharging times, performance and price, the current generation of electric cars are starting to persuade critics. Plug-in cars will soon give internal combustion engine models a run for their money.As well as advancements on the road, electric vehicles are taking to the seas and skies. Electric boats are among the oldest methods of electric travel, having enjoyed several decades of popularity from the late 19th to the early 20th century before petrol-powered outboard motors took over. Now, the global drive for renewable energy sources is bringing electric boats back. Steps towards electric air travel are also being made, with Airbus and NASA among the organisations developing and testing battery powered planes. The experiments could soon make commercial electric flight a reality.Electric vehicles do not produce any emissions. Were the US to act on the study’s findings and replace 87 per cent of its cars with electric vehicles, it would reduce the national demand for petrol by 61 per cent. However, because of the production processes and the generation of electricity required to charge these vehicles, they cannot claim to be completely emission-free. That said, as many countries continue to increase their use of renewable energy sources, electric vehicles will become even cleaner.32. Which is the best title for this passage?A. My Dream CarB. History of Electric CarsC. Problems with Petrol CarsD. Driving into the Future33. As used in Paragraph 2, the underlined word “hurdle” means _______.A. aimB. barrierC. consequenceD. step34. In the past, why did many people refuse to buy the electric cars?A. They were not good value.B. They were very poorly made.C. They were not widely promoted.D. They couldn’t travel at a high speed.35. What is the function of Paragraph 4?A. To introduce the history of electric travel.B. To explain why the world needs more electric cars.C. To show why more people have interest in electric cars.D. To describe different ways electric vehicles can be used.第二节 ( 共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分 ) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
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参考公式:柱体的体积公式V Sh =柱体
为柱体的底面积,h 为高.
V Sh =
锥体,其中S 为锥体的底面积,h 为高. 样本数据1x ,2x ,…,n x 的方差2
)(1x x n s n i i -=∑=,其中∑==n i i x n x 1
一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共计70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应位置上......... 1. 已知集合{} 1035 A =
,,{} 20 B x x =->,则A B = ▲ .
2. 已知(13i)(i)10i a b ++=,其中i 为虚数单位,a b ∈,R ,则ab 的值为 ▲ . 3. 已知一组数据8291898890,,,,,则这组数据的方差为 ▲ . 4. 根据如图所示的伪代码,已知输出值y 为3,则输入值x 为 ▲ .
5. 函数2
lg(43)y x x
=--的定义域为 ▲ .
6. 袋中有若干只红、黄、蓝三种颜色的球,这些球除颜色外完全相同. 现从中随机摸出1只球,若摸出的球不是红球的概率为0.8,不是 黄球的概率为0.5,则摸出的球为蓝球的概率为 ▲ .
7. 在△ABC 中,若sin :sin :sin 4:5:6A B C =,则cos C 的值为 ▲
8. 在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知双曲线222
1(0)12x y b b -=>的焦点到渐近线的距离为2,则该双曲线的离心率为 ▲ .
9. 已知
{}n a 是等比数列,n S 是其前n 项和.若32a =,1264S S =,则9a 的值为 ▲ .
棱锥形铁件(不计材料损耗).设正四棱柱与正四棱锥的侧面积分别为1S ,2S ,则1
S S 的值 为 ▲ .
11.已知实数a b c ,,成等比数列,621a b c +++,,成等差数列,则b 的最大值为 ▲ . 12.如图,在平面四边形ABCD 中,4AB =,2AD =,∠60DAB =°,3AC BC =,则边CD 长的最小值为 ▲ .
13.如图,已知2AC =,B 为AC 的中点,分别以 AB,AC 为直径在AC 的同侧作半圆, M,N 分别为两半圆上的动点(不含端点A B C ,,),且BM BN ⊥,则AM CN ⋅的最大值为 ▲ .
14.已知函数310() 2 0ax x f x x ax x x -≤⎧⎪=⎨-+->⎪⎩, ,,
的图象恰好经过三个象限,则实数a 的取值范
围是 ▲ .
1111ABCD ABC D -中,底面
平行四边形,11C B C D =. 求证:(1)11B D ∥平面1C BD ;
(2)平面1C BD ⊥平面11AAC C .
()sin()(0>0 )2
f x A x A ωϕωϕ=+>≤
,,在一个周期内的图象.已知 点P (6 0)-,,(2 3)Q --,是图象上的最低点,R 是图象上的最高点. (1)求函数()f x 的解析式;
(2)记RPO α∠=,(QPO βαβ∠=,均为锐角),求tan(2)αβ+的值.
如图,某生态农庄内有一直角梯形区域ABCD ,AB ∥CD ,AB BC ⊥,3AB =百米,2CD =百米.该区域内原有道路AC ,现新修一条直道DP (宽度忽略不计),点P
在道路AC 上(异于A C ,两点),π
6BAC DPA θ∠=∠=,.
(1)用θ表示直道DP 的长度;
(2)计划在△ADP 区域内种植观赏植物,在△CDP 区域内种植经济作物.已知种植
观赏植物的成本为每平方百米2万元,种植经济作物的成本为每平方百米1万元, 新建道路DP 的成本为每百米1万元,求以上三项费用总和的最小值. 18.(本小题满分16分)
如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆22
221(0)x y a b a b
+=>>的右焦点为F ,P 为
右准线上一点.点Q 在椭圆上,且FQ FP ⊥.
① 求椭圆的方程;
② 若直线OQ PQ ,的斜率分别为12k k ,, 求12k k ⋅的值.
(2)若在x 轴上方存在P Q ,两点,使O F P Q ,,,
四点共圆,求椭圆离心率的取值范围. 19.(本小题满分16分)
n a 满足15
n n n n a a n *+++-=∈N ,数列
{}n a 的前n 项和为n S .
(1)求13a a +的值; (2)若15
32a a a +=.
① 求证:数列{}2n a 为等差数列;
② 求满足224()p
m S S p m *=∈N ,的所有数对()p m ,.
对于定义在区间D 上的函数()f x ,若存在正整数k ,使不等式1
()f x k k
<<恒成立, 则称()f x 为()D k 型函数. (1)设函数
()f x a x
=,定义域[][]3113D =
--,,.若()f x 是(3)D 型函数,求
实数a 的取值范围; (2)设函数2()x
g x e x x =--,定义域(02)D =,.判断()g x 是否为(2)D 型函数,
并给出证明.(参考数据:278e <<)
数 学 II (附加题)
21.【选做题】本题包括A 、B 、C 、D 四小题,请选定其中两题,并在.........相应的答题区域.......内作答...
.若多做,则按作答的前两题评分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. A .[选修4—1:几何证明选讲](本小题满分10分)
如图,△ABC 中,已知3AB =,6BC =,4AC =,D 是边BC 上一点,AC 与过点A B D ,,的圆O 相切,求AD 的长.
B .[选修4—2:矩阵与变换](本小题满分10分)
A ,1203⎡⎤=⎢⎥⎣⎦
B ,=
C AB .
(1)求矩阵C ;
(2)若直线1:0l x y +=在矩阵C 对应的变换作用下得到另一直线2l ,求2l 的方程.
C .[选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程](本小题满分10分)
在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知直线l 的参数方程为3314x t y t
(t 为参数),圆C 的参
数方程为cos sin x r y r θθ
(θ为参数,0r >),若直线l 被圆C 截得的弦长为4,求r 的值.
D .[选修4—5:不等式选讲](本小题满分10分)
已知a b c ,,是正实数,且5a b c ++=,求证:222210a b c ++≥.
将4本不同的书随机放入如图所示的编号为1234,,,的四个抽屉中. (1)求4本书恰好放在四个不同抽屉中的概率;
(2)随机变量X 表示放在2号抽屉中书的本数,求X 的分布列和数学期望()E X .
在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知点F 为抛物线2
2(0)y px p =>的焦点,直线l 过点F 与抛物线相交于A B ,两点(点A 在第一象限). (1)若直线l 的方程为42
y x =
-,求直线OA 的斜率; (2)已知点C 在直线x p =-上,△ABC 是边长为23p +的正三角形,求抛物线的方程.
数学学科参考答案及评分建议 第1页(共11页)
2018年高三调研测试 数学学科参考答案及评分建议
1.{}35, 2.3 3.10 4
. 5.(41)
-, 6.0.3 7.18 8
9.2或6 10.25 11.34 12
13.14 14.0a <或2a > 二、解答题:
数学学科参考答案及评分建议 第2页(共11页)
数学学科参考答案及评分建议 第12页(共11页)
数学学科参考答案及评分建议 第14页(共11页)
数学学科参考答案及评分建议 第16页(共11页)。