飞客存储介质信息消除系统FDF-2013 sataDestroy
hacker’s door后门程序查杀办法
图1 连接后门后利用getsysinfo命令可以查看目标机器系统信息
(1)查找hacker's door的文件
hacker's door在系统的存在形式是采用线程插入技术,本身没有进程。通常,我们可以轻易地找出“正在执行中的进程”,但要找出“正在执行中的线程”则不容易,因而需要通过一些杀毒或防火墙软件(如McAfee
2)hacker's door服务器端的dll加载到进程中,默认的文件名是hkdoordll.dll,但在实际的加载过程中,也可改成和系统文件相似的名字,这就具有了一定的隐藏性,因此,在查找系统中哪些进程感染了hacker's
door之前,我们需要先确定加载到进程中的hacker's door服务器端文件名。
一、hacker's door(黑客之门)
door是2004年9月份新出来的一个国产后门程序,现在已经更新至hacker's door v1.2版本,包括:服务器端文件hkdoordll.dll(应用于目标机器上的软件)、命令行客户端文件hdclient.exe、nc.exe(控制目标机器的软件)以及配置程序hdconfig.exe。hacker's
无奈之余自己动手写了一个,请需要的朋友到这里下载:bbb://aaachenoeaaa该工具可以有效解除被感染的exe中的病毒并还原exe文件,网上的大部分工具是直接删除exe 文件。
以下为进程、线程、模块相关的代码:Private Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function Process32First Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function Process32Next Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As PROCESSENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function Thread32First Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, ByRef lpte As THREADENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function Thread32Next Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, ByRef lpte As THREADENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function Module32First Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, ByRef lppe As MODULEENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function Module32Next Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, ByRef lpme As MODULEENTRY32) As LongPrivate Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function TerminateThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hThread As Long, ByVal dwExitCode As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function OpenThread Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As LongPrivate Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = &H2Private Const TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD = &H4Private Const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE As Long = &H8Private Const PROCESS_TERMINATE As Long = (&H1)Private Const MAX_PATH As Integer = 260Private Type PROCESSENTRY32dwsize As Longcntusage As Longth32ProcessID As Longth32DefaultHeapID As Longth32ModuleID As LongcntThreads As Longth32ParentProcessID As LongpcPriClassBase As LongdwFlags As LongszExeFile As String * MAX_PATHEnd TypePrivate Type MODULEENTRY32 '模块dwsize As Longth32ModuleID As Longth32ProcessID As LongGlblcntUsage As LongProccntUsage As LongmodBaseAddr As BytemodBaseSize As LonghModule As LongszModule As String * 256szExePath As String * 1024End TypePrivate Type THREADENTRY32 '线程dwsize As Longcntusage As Longth32threadID As Longth32OwnerProcessID As LongtpBasePri As LongtpDeltaPri As LongdwFlags As LongEnd TypePublic Function KillThread(ByVal ProcessID As Long) As BooleanDim hThread As Long, r As Long, i As LongDim TList() As THREADENTRY32TList = GetThreadList(ProcessID)For i = 0 To UBound(TList)With TList(i)hThread = OpenThread(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, .th32threadID) '获取进程句柄If hThread <> 0 Thenr = TerminateThread(hThread, 0) '关闭进程End IfEnd WithNextKillThread = r <> 0End FunctionPublic Function KillProcess(ByVal ProcessName As String, Optional ByVal bKillThread As Boolean) As BooleanDim hProcess As Long, r As LongDim PList() As PROCESSENTRY32Dim Name As String, i As LongPList = GetProcessListFor i = 0 To UBound(PList)With PList(i)Name = Left(.szExeFile, InStr(1, .szExeFile, vbNullChar) - 1)DoEventsForm1.lbState.Caption = "正在内存查毒:" & Namer = InModule(.th32ProcessID, ProcessName)If LCase(Trim(Name)) = LCase(Trim(ProcessName)) Or r ThenhProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, .th32ProcessID) '获取进程句柄If hProcess <> 0 Thenr = TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0) '关闭进程If r ThenAddLog Name, "已结束进程"ElseIf bKillThread ThenIf KillThread(.th32ProcessID) ThenAddLog Name, "已结束线程"ElseAddLog Name, "线程结束失败"End IfEnd Ifr = TerminateProcess(hProcess, 0) '关闭进程If r ThenAddLog Name, "已结束进程"ElseAddLog Name, "进程结束失败"End IfEnd IfElseAddLog Name, "无法获得进程句柄"End IfEnd IfEnd WithNextEnd FunctionPrivate Function GetThreadList(ByVal ProcessID As Long) As THREADENTRY32() Dim i As LongDim TList() As THREADENTRY32Dim TE32 As THREADENTRY32Dim hThreadSnap As LongDim TheLoop As LonghThreadSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, ProcessID) TE32.dwsize = Len(TE32)TheLoop = Thread32First(hThreadSnap, TE32)While TheLoop <> 0If TE32.th32OwnerProcessID = ProcessID ThenReDim Preserve TList(i)TerminateThread TE32.th32threadID, 0TList(i) = TE32i = i + 1End IfTheLoop = Thread32Next(hThreadSnap, TE32)WendGetThreadList = TListEnd FunctionPrivate Function GetProcessList() As PROCESSENTRY32()Dim i As LongDim PList() As PROCESSENTRY32Dim PE32 As PROCESSENTRY32Dim hProcessSnap As LongDim TheLoop As LonghProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)PE32.dwsize = Len(PE32)TheLoop = Process32First(hProcessSnap, PE32)While TheLoop <> 0ReDim Preserve PList(i)PList(i) = PE32i = i + 1TheLoop = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, PE32)WendCloseHandle hProcessSnapGetProcessList = PListEnd FunctionPrivate Function GetModuleList(ByVal ProcessID As Long) As MODULEENTRY32() Dim i As LongDim MList() As MODULEENTRY32Dim ME32 As MODULEENTRY32Dim hModuleSnap As LongDim TheLoop As LonghModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, ProcessID) ME32.dwsize = Len(ME32)TheLoop = Module32First(hModuleSnap, ME32)While TheLoop <> 0ReDim Preserve MList(i)MList(i) = ME32i = i + 1TheLoop = Module32Next(hModuleSnap, ME32)WendGetModuleList = MListEnd FunctionPrivate Function InModule(ByVal ProcessID As Long, ByVal ModuleName As String) As BooleanDim i As LongDim MList() As MODULEENTRY32Dim Name As StringOn Error GoTo Err:MList = GetModuleList(ProcessID)For i = 0 To UBound(MList)With MList(i)Name = Left(.szModule, InStr(1, .szModule, vbNullChar) - 1)If LCase(Name) = LCase(ModuleName) ThenInModule = TrueExit ForEnd IfEnd WithNextErr:End Function'这个是显示的杀毒记录Sub AddLog(txt1 As String, txt2 As String)Dim Item As ListItemSet Item =, , txt1)Item.SubItems(1) = txt2End Sub以下为设置本程序权限级别的代码,在程序加载前调用EnableDebugPrivilege即可:Private Type LARGE_INTEGERlowpart As Longhighpart As LongEnd TypePrivate Const ANYSIZE_ARRAY As Long = 1Private Const SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED As Long = &H2Private Const TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES As Long = &H20Private Const TOKEN_QUERY As Long = &H8Private Type LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTESLUID As LARGE_INTEGERAttributes As LongEnd TypePrivate Type TOKEN_PRIVILEGESPrivilegeCount As LongPrivileges(ANYSIZE_ARRAY) As LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTESEnd TypePrivate Declare Function LookupPrivilegeValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "LookupPrivilegeValueA" (ByVal lpSystemName As String, ByVal lpName As String, ByRef lpLuid As LARGE_INTEGER) As LongPrivate Declare Function AdjustTokenPrivileges Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal TokenHandle As Long, ByVal DisableAllPrivileges As Long, ByRef NewState As TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, ByVal BufferLength As Long, ByRef PreviousState As Long, ByRef ReturnLength As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetCurrentProcess Lib "KERNEL32.dll" () As LongPrivate Declare Function GetCurrentProcessId Lib "KERNEL32.dll" () As LongPrivate Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "KERNEL32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcessToken Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal ProcessHandle As Long, ByVal DesiredAccess As Long, ByRef TokenHandle As Long) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetLastError Lib "KERNEL32.dll" () As LongFunction EnableDebugPrivilege() As BooleanDim TP As TOKEN_PRIVILEGESDim hToken As Long, r As Long, e As Longr = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES OrTOKEN_QUERY, hToken)e = GetLastError' Err.Raise 6If r And Not e Thenr = LookupPrivilegeValue(vbNullString, "SeDebugPrivilege", TP.Privileges(0).LUID)e = GetLastErrorIf r And Not e ThenTP.PrivilegeCount = 1TP.Privileges(0).Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLEDr = AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, TP, LenB(TP), 0, 0)EnableDebugPrivilege = GetLastError = 0End IfEnd IfCall CloseHandle(hToken)End Function(声明:魏滔序原创,转贴请注明出处。
Killtest 分享UM0-200 题库
NZZV ]]] QORRZKYZ IT▲ Ҳ ԟ ԇThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : UM0-200Title:Version : DEMOOmg-Certified uml professional intermediate exam1. To what does an internal structure of a class refer?A. the inheritance structure of that classB. the set of nested classifiers of that classC. the set of structural features of that classD. class and associations owned by that classE. the decomposition of that class in terms of interconnected partsAnswer: E2. What statements are true about a composite structure? (Choose two)A. Collaborations are structured classifiers.B. A structured classifier is also an encapsulated classifier.C. Structured classifiers cannot contain instances of structured classifiers.D. Destroying an instance of a structured classifier normally destroys instances of its parts.E. The behavior of a structured classifier must be completely defined through the collaboration of owned or referenced instances.Answer: AD3. An encapsulated classifier is characterized by which fact?A. has an encapsulation shellB. can own one or more portsC. hides information from other classifiersD. acts as a package and can own one or more classifiersAnswer: B4. What interface restrictions does a port have?A. multiple required interfaces or multiple provided interfacesB. multiple provided interfaces and multiple required interfacesC. equal numbers of provided interfaces and required interfacesD. exactly one provided interface or exactly one required interfaceE. exactly one required interface and exactly one provided interfaceAnswer: B5. What is an invocation action on a port used for?A. sending a message to that portB. receiving a message on that portC. creating a link and attach it to that portD. relaying the invocation via links connected to that portE. invoking the behavior of the classifier that owns the portAnswer: D6. What is NOT a purpose of a port owned by a classifier?A. serves as an end point for connectorsB. specifies an association to the classifierC. hides the internals of that classifier from other classifiersD. provides a distinct point of interaction between the classifier and its environmentAnswer: B7. Which is true of a provided interface associated with a port?A. represents an interface that must be defined within the classifier that owns the portB. identifies the services that the object owning the port expects of objects connected via that portC. identifies the services that the object owning the port can offer to other objects connected via that portD. represents an interface that must be defined in the same package in which the classifier owning the port is definedAnswer: C8. What does the composite structure notation in the exhibit mean?A. Class C has internal structure.B. Object c1 is a kind of component.C. Port p is connected to an object called F.D. Port p realizes the features defined by interface F.E. Port p requires the features defined by interfaceF.Answer: E9. Which list contains only connectable elements?A. port and connector endB. behavior, port and propertyC. connector end, port and partD. property, port, and parameterE. behavior, connector end, and portAnswer: D10. What is NOT true about a roles and role bindings?A. A role binding is an association.B. The same object may play roles in multiple collaborations.C. A role binding maps a connectable element to a role in a collaboration occurrence.D. The same connectable element may be bound to multiple roles in a single collaboration occurrence.E. A role typed by an interface specifies a set of features required by a participant in a collaboration. Answer: A11. What does the composite structure exhibit show?A. The diagram is not valid.B. The two F interfaces must come from different packages.C. Requests for behavioral features of interface F through ports p1 and p2 can be distinguished.D. Requests for behavioral features of interface F through ports p1 and p2 will always result in the same behavior.Answer: C12. Refer to the exhibit. What is the significance of the fact that the Administration interface symbol extends downward rather than leftward?A. There is no significance.B. The interface cannot be provided via a port.C. The interface does not require a delegation connector.D. The interface is not publicly visible on the component.E. The interface is the primary interface for the component.F. The interface is the primary provided interface for the component.Answer: A13. Refer to the exhibit. How many interfaces does the CustomerService component make visible to itsclients?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 3E. 4Answer: D14. What best describes the distinction between a delegation connector and an assembly connector?A. A delegation connector can be used to model the internals of a component, while an assembly connector cannot.B. Assembly connectors provide white box views of components, while delegation connectors provide black box views.C. An assembly connector connects two components while a delegation connector connects the internal contract of a component with its external parts.D. An assembly connector connects the required interface or required port of one component with the provided interface or provided port of another component, while a delegation connector connects the external contract of a component with its internal parts.Answer: D15. What best describes the semantics modeled by the exhibit?The safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.A. This is an illegal diagram.B. The OrderEntity component is part of the internals of the Invoicer component.C. The Invoicer has a complex connector that connects the GenerateInvoice interface with the Order interface.D. The Invoicer has a complex port that provides the interface GenerateInvoice and requires the interface Order.Answer: D16. What most accurately describes the semantics modeled by the exhibit?A. HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator realize Invoicer.B. Invoicer realizes HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator.C. HeaderGenerator and LineItemGenerator are Invoicer ports.D. An Invoicer component is composed of a HeaderGenerator component and a LineItemGenerator component.Answer: A17. How can the internals of a component be presented?A. using a complex component connectorB. component provides port or a component requires portC. in a compartment of the component box or a component requires portThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.D. in a compartment of the component box or via boxes nested within the component boxAnswer: D18. Which must be true in order to use a delegation connector to connect two components?A. The components must have complex ports.B. One component must be a subtype of the other.C. The components must be related to each other via a dependency.D. One component must be part of the internal realization of the other component.Answer: D19. Assume component A provides an interface P and requires an interface R. In order for a componentB to be substituted for component A, what must be true?A. Components must be related to each other via a dependency.B. The interface that A requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that B provides.C. The interface that B requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A provides.D. The interface that B requires must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A requires, and the interface that B provides must be type conformant with respect to the interface that A provides. Answer: D20. A component may legally participate in which relationship(s)?A. dependenciesB. associations and generalizationsC. dependencies and generalizationsD. dependencies, associations, and generalizationsAnswer: D。
DrayTek Vigor2865 35b Security Firewall Quick Star
Vigor286535b Security Firewall Quick Start Guide (for Wired Model)Version: 1.7Firmware Version: V4.4.2(For future update, please visit DrayTek web site)Date: June 27, 2023Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) InformationCopyrights © All rights reserved. This publication contains information that is protected by copyright. No part may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored ina retrieval system, or translated into any language without written permissionfrom the copyright holders.Trademarks The following trademarks are used in this document:●Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.●Windows 8,10, 11 and Explorer are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.●Apple and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.●Other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective manufacturers.Safety Instructions and ApprovalSafety Instructions ●Read the installation guide thoroughly before you set up the router.●The router is a complicated electronic unit that may be repaired only beauthorized and qualified personnel. Do not try to open or repair therouter yourself.●Do not place the router in a damp or humid place, e.g. a bathroom.●Do not stack the routers.●The router should be used in a sheltered area, within a temperaturerange of +5 to +40 Celsius.●Do not expose the router to direct sunlight or other heat sources. Thehousing and electronic components may be damaged by direct sunlight or heat sources.●Do not deploy the cable for LAN connection outdoor to prevent electronicshock hazards.●Do not power off the router when saving configurations or firmwareupgrades. It may damage the data in a flash. Please disconnect theInternet connection on the router before powering it off when a TR069/ ACS server manages the router.●Keep the package out of reach of children.●When you want to dispose of the router, please follow local regulations onconservation of the environment.Warranty We warrant to the original end user (purchaser) that the router will be free from any defects in workmanship or materials for a period of two (2) yearsfrom the date of purchase from the dealer. Please keep your purchase receiptin a safe place as it serves as proof of date of purchase. During the warrantyperiod, and upon proof of purchase, should the product have indications offailure due to faulty workmanship and/or materials, we will, at our discretion,repair or replace the defective products or components, without charge foreither parts or labor, to whatever extent we deem necessary tore-store theproduct to proper operating condition. Any replacement will consist of a newor re-manufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value, and willbe offered solely at our discretion. This warranty will not apply if the productis modified, misused, tampered with, damaged by an act of God, or subjectedto abnormal working conditions. The warranty does not cover the bundled orlicensed software of other vendors. Defects which do not significantly affectthe usability of the product will not be covered by the warranty. We reservethe right to revise the manual and online documentation and to make changesfrom time to time in the contents hereof without obligation to notify anyperson of such revision or changes.EU Declaration of ConformityWe DrayTek Corp. , office at No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, Taiwan, declare under our soleresponsibility that the product●Product name: VDSL2 Security Firewall●Model number: Vigor2865●Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.●Address: No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, in conformity with the relevant Union harmonisation legislation:EMC Directive 2014/30/EU , Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU , ErP 2009/125/EC and RoHS2011/65/EU with reference to the following standardsStandard Version / Issue dateEN 550322012+AC:2013 class BEN 61000-3-22014 Class AEN 61000-3-32013EN 550352017+A11:2020EN 62368-12014+A11:2017EC No. 1275/2008 2008Hsinchu2nd September, 2019Calvin Ma / President .Signature)(place) (date)(LegalDeclaration of ConformityWe DrayTek Corp. , office at No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, Taiwan, declare under our soleresponsibility that the product●Product name: VDSL2 Security Firewall●Model number: Vigor2865●Manufacturer: DrayTek Corp.●Address: No.26, Fushing Rd., Hukou, Hsinchu Industrial Park, Hsinchu 303, Taiwan●Importer: CMS Distribution Ltd: Bohola Road, Kiltimagh, Co Mayo, Irelandis in conformity with the relevant UK Statutory Instruments:The Electromagnetic Compatibility Regulations 2016 (SI 2016 No.1091), The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016 (SI2016 No.1101), The Ecodesign for Energy-Related Products and Energy Information (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (SI2019 No.539) and The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations2012 (SI 2012 No. 3032) with reference to the following standards:Standard Version / Issue dateEN 550322012+AC:2013 class BEN 61000-3-22014 Class AEN 61000-3-32013EN 550352017+A11:2020EN 62368-12014+A11:2017EC No. 1275/2008 2008Hsinchu2nd September, 2019Calvin Ma / President .Signature)(Legal (place) (date)Regulatory InformationFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:● Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.● Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.●Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) This device may accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Company nameABP International Inc.Address 13988 Diplomat Drive Suite 180 Dallas TX 75234 ZIP Code 75234 E-mail*******************USA Local RepresentativeContact PersonMr. Henry N CastilloTel. (972)831-1600 140Caution:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the grantee of this device could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.Radiation Exposure Statement: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.More update, please visit .*The external power supply used for each product will be model dependent.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AManufacturer CWT CWT CWT CWT CWT APD APD APD APDB Address No. 222, Sec.2, Nankan Rd.,LujhuTownship,TaoyuanCounty 338,TaiwanNo. 222, Sec.2, Nankan Rd.,LujhuTownship,TaoyuanCounty 338,TaiwanNo. 222, Sec.2, Nankan Rd.,LujhuTownship,TaoyuanCounty 338,TaiwanNo. 222, Sec.2, Nankan Rd.,LujhuTownship,TaoyuanCounty 338,TaiwanNo. 222, Sec.2, Nankan Rd.,LujhuTownship,TaoyuanCounty 338,TaiwanNo.5, Lane 83,Lung-Sou St.,Taoyuan City330, TaiwanNo.5, Lane 83,Lung-Sou St.,Taoyuan City330, TaiwanNo.5, Lane 83,Lung-Sou St.,Taoyuan City330, TaiwanNo.5, Lane 83,Lung-Sou St.,Taoyuan City330, Taiwan2ABB012F UK 2ABB018F UK 2ABL024F UK 2ABL030F UK 2ABN036F UK WA-12M12FG WB-18D12FG WA-24Q12FG WA-36A12FGC Model identifier2ABB012F EU 2ABB018F EU 2ABL024F EU 2ABL030F EU 2ABN036F EU WA-12M12FK WB-18D12FK WA-24Q12FK WA-36A12FKDInputvoltage 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V 100~240V InputACfrequency 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz 50/60Hz EOutputvoltageDC 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V 12.0V F Outputcurrent 1.0A 1.5A 2.0A 2.5A 3.0A 1.0A 1.5A 2.0A 3.0A GOutputpower 12.0W 18.0W 24.0W 30.0W 36.0W 12.0W 18.0W 24.0W 36.0W H Average activeefficiency84.9% 86.2% 87.6% 87.8% 89.8% 83.7% 85.4% 88.6% 88.2%I Efficiency at low load10%73.6% 78.0% 81.3% 83.3% 83.7% 74.5% 80.5% 86.4% 85.4% J No-loadpowerconsumption0.07W 0.07W 0.07W 0.07W 0.07W 0.07W 0.10W 0.07W 0.10W External power supply (Power Adapter) information. For more update, please visit .T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s1. Package Content (1)2. Panel Explanation (2)3. Hardware Installation (4)3.1 Network Connection (4)3.2 Wall-Mounted Installation (5)4. Software Configuration (6)4.1 Quick Start Wizard for Network Connection (6)5. Customer Service (12)Be a Registered Owner (12)Firmware & Tools Updates (12)1.P a c k a g e C o n t e n tTake a look at the package content. If there is anything missed or damaged, please contact DrayTek or dealer immediately.Vigor router Quick Start GuideRJ-45 Cable (Ethernet)RJ-11 to RJ-45 Cable (Annex B)RJ-11 to RJ-11 Cable (Annex A) The type of the power adapter depends on the country that the router will be installed. * The maximum power consumption is 22 Watts.UK-type Power Adapter EU-type Power AdapterUSA/Taiwan-type Power Adapter AU/NZ-type Power Adapter2. P a n e l E x p l a n a t i o nLED Status ExplanationOff The router is powered off.ACTBlinking The router is powered on and running normally.On Internet connection is ready. OffInternet connection is not ready. WAN2Blinking The data is transmitting. On The QoS function is active. QoS Off The QoS function is inactive.On USB device is connected and ready for use. OffNo USB device is connected. USB1~2Blinking The data is transmitting.On The router is ready to access Internet through DSL link.DSLBlinkingSlowly: The DSL connection is ready. Quickly: The connection is training. OnThe Web Content Filter is active. (It is enabled from Firewall >> General Setup ). WCFOffWCF is disabled.OnThe VPN tunnel is active. OffVPN services are disabledVPN BlinkingTraffic is passing through VPN tunnel. OnThe DMZ function is enabled. OffThe DMZ function is disabled. DMZ BlinkingThe data is transmitting.LED on ConnectorOnThe port is connected. Off The port is disconnected. Left LED BlinkingThe data is transmitting.On The port is connected with 1000Mbps. WAN2 / P6Right LED Off The port is connected with 10/100Mbps. OnThe port is connected. Off The port is disconnected. Left LED BlinkingThe data is transmitting.On The port is connected with 1000Mbps. LAN P1~P5Right LED OffThe port is connected with 10/100MbpsThe port “WAN2 / P6” is switchable. It can be used for LAN connection or WAN connection according to the settings configured in WUI.Switch on Rear SideInterface DescriptionFactory Reset Restore the default settings. Usage: Turn on the router(ACT LED is blinking). Press the hole and keep for more than5 seconds. When you see the ACT LED begins to blinkrapidly than usual, release the button. Then the router willrestart with the factory default configuration.USB1~2 Connecter for a USB device (for 3G/4G USB Modem orprinter or thermometer).WAN2 / P6 Connecter for local network devices or modem foraccessing Internet.LAN P1-P5 Connecters for local network devices.DSL Connecter for accessing the Internet.PWR Connecter for a power adapter.Switch.ON/OFF Power3.H a r d w a r e I n s t a l l a t i o nThis section will guide you to install the router through hardware connection and configure the router’s settings through web browser.Before starting to configure the router, you have to connect your devicescorrectly.3.1N e t w o r k C o n n e c t i o n1.Connect the DSL interface to the land line jack with a DSL line cable, orConnect the cable Modem/DSL Modem/Media Converter to the WAN port ofrouter with Ethernet cable (RJ-45).2.Connect one end of an Ethernet cable (RJ-45) to one of the LAN ports of therouter and the other end of the cable (RJ-45) into the Ethernet port on yourcomputer.3.Connect one end of the power adapter to the router’s power port on therear panel, and the other side into a wall outlet.4.Power on the device by pressing down the power switch on the rear panel.5.The system starts to initiate. After completing the system test, the ACT LEDwill light up and start blinking. (For the detailed information of LED status,please refer to section 2. Panel Explanation)3.2 W a l l -M o u n t e d I n s t a l l a t i o nVigor router has keyhole type mounting slots on the underside.1. Drill two holes on the wall. The distance between the holes shall be 168mm.2.Fit screws into the wall using the appropriate type of wall plug.NoteThe recommended drill diameter shall be 6.5mm (1/4”).3. When you finished about procedure, the router has been mounted on thewall firmly.4.S o f t w a r e C o n f i g u r a t i o nTo access Internet, please finish basic configuration after completing thehardware installation.4.1Q u i c k S t a r t W i z a r d f o r N e t w o r k C o n n e c t i o nThe Quick Start Wizard is designed for you to easily set up your router forInternet access. You can directly access the Quick Start Wizard via WebConfigurator. Make sure your PC connects to the router correctly.Note You may either simply set up your computer to get IP dynamically from the router or set up the IP address of the computer to be thesame subnet as the default IP address of Vigor router192.168.1.1. For the detailed information, please refer to -Trouble Shooting of the user’s guide.Open a web browser on your PC and type A pop-up window will open to ask for username and password. Please type “admin/admin” as the.Username/Password and click LoginNote If you fail to access to the web configuration, please go to“Trouble Shooting” on User’s Guide for detecting and solvingyour problem.Now, the Main Screen will pop up. Click Wizards>>Quick Start Wizard.If your router can be under an environment with high speed NAT, the configuration provide here can help you to deploy and use the router quickly. The first screen of Quick Start Wizard is entering login password. After typing the password, please click Next.On the next page as shown below, please select the WAN interface that you use. If DSL interface is used, please choose WAN1; if Ethernet interface is used, please choose WAN2; if 3G USB modem is used, please choose WAN5 or WAN6. Then click Next for next step. WAN1, WAN2, WAN5 and WAN6 will bring up different configuration page. Here, we take WAN1 (ADSL/VDSL2) as an example.Click Next to go to the following page. You have to select the appropriate Internet access type according to the information from your ISP. For example, you should select PPPoE mode if the ISP provides you PPPoE interface. In addition, the field of For ADSL Only will be available only when ADSL is detected. Then click Next for next step.P P P o E/P P P o A1.Choose WAN1 as WAN Interface and click the Next button; you will get thefollowing page.2.After finished the above settings, simply click Next.3.Please manually enter the Username/Password provided by your ISP. Thenclick Next for viewing summary of such connection.4.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.5.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.M P o A/S t a t i c o r D y n a m i c I P1.Choose WAN1 as WAN Interface and click the Next button; you will get thefollowing page.2.Please type in the IP address/mask/gateway information originally providedby your ISP. Then click Next for viewing summary of such connection.3.Click Finish. A page of Quick Start Wizard Setup OK will appear.Then,the system status of this protocol will be shown.4.Now, you can enjoy surfing on the Internet.5.C u s t o m e r S e r v i c eIf the router cannot work correctly after trying many efforts, please contact your dealer for further help right away. For any questions, please feel free to send ***************************.B e a R e g i s t e r e d O w n e rWeb registration is preferred. You can register your Vigor router viahttps://.F i r m w a r e&T o o l s U p d a t e sDue to the continuous evolution of DrayTek technology, all routers will beregularly upgraded. Please consult the DrayTek web site for more information on newest firmware, tools and documents.https://。
Smoke Alarm Device User ManualModel number: FP510V Ref :ST508EThank you for purchasing our smoke alarm device. Please take a few minutes to read the user’s manual thoroughly and familiarize yourself and your family with its operation. And save it for future reference.Diagram 2 will help you determine the correct location of safety products that will help make your home a safer place.Diagram 1Product Specifications:●POWER : built-in DC3V(CR123A) Lithium battery (battery not replaceable)●OPERATION CURRENT :<8uA (standby), <70mA(alarm)●ALARM VOLUME : >85dB(A) at 3 meters ●ALARM SENSITIVITY : 0.130-0.200dB/m ●SILENCE TIME: a pprox. 10 minutes●SMOKE ALARM DEVICE SOUND PATTERN :ISO8201(BI 0.5s - pause 0.5s – BI 0.5s – pause 0.5s – BI 0.5s – pause 1.5s, with the red LED flash, repeat this alarm pattern.)●COMPLY WITH: AS3786:2014Description:The unit is a photoelectric smoke alarm device. With the photoelectric technology, it is more sensitive to detecting slow smolder fires which general thick, black smoke, a little heat and may smolder for hours before bursting into flames. The smoke alarm device does not contain the radioactive material which is harmless to the environment.The smoke alarm device should be installed in every room (except the bathroom and kitchen), and every other area of the home, making sure the people in the home will be able to hear and respond to the alarm sound. For minimum protection, you should fit an alarm respectively for the hallways, living room, bedrooms and child rooms, each unit shall be placed in the middle of the ceiling of each room to protect.Typical single storey dwelling with recommended:Install a smoke alarm device on the ceiling or wall inside each bedroom and in the hallway outside each separate sleeping area. If a bedroom area hallway is more than 30 feet long, install a smoke alarm device at each end. If there is a basement: install a smoke alarm device on the basement ceiling at the bottom of the stairwell.Typical multi-storey dwelling with recommended protection. Install a smoke alarm device on the ceiling or wall inside each bedroom and in the hallway outside each separate sleeping area. If a bedroom area hallway is more than 30 feet long, install a smoke alarm device at each end install a smoke alarm device at the top of a first – to- second floor stairwell.Important Safety Information:1:The test button accurately tests smoke alarm device functions. Do not use any other test method. Test smoke alarm device weekly to ensure proper operation.2: If you're sure it isn't a really alarm, open windows or fan theair around smoke alarm device for silence it3: Observe and follow all local and national electrical andbuilding codes for installation.4: This smoke alarm device is designed to be used inside asingle family only. In multifamily buildings, each individual living unit should have its own smoke alarm devices. Do not install in non-residential buildings. And this smoke alarm device is not a substitute for a complete alarm system. 5: Install a smoke alarm device in every room and on everylevel of the home. Smoke may not reach the smoke alarm device for many reasons. For example, if a fire starts in a remote part of the home, on another level, in a chimney, wall, roof, or on the other side of a closed door, smoke may not reach the smoke alarm device in time to alert household members. A smoke alarm device will not promptly detect a fire except in the area or room in which it is installed.6: Smoke alarm device may not alert every household memberevery time. The alarm horn is loud in order to alert individuals to a potential danger. However, there may be some circumstances where a household member may not hear the alarm (i.e. outdoor or indoor noise, sound sleepers, drug or alcohol usage, the hard of hearing, etc.). If you suspect that this smoke alarm device may not alert ahousehold member, install and maintain specialty smoke alarm devices. Household member must hear the alarm’s warning sound and quickly respond to it to reduce the risk of damage, injury, or death that may result from fire, If a household member is hard of hearing, install special smokealarm devices with lights or vibrating devices to alert occupants.7: Smoke alarm devices can only sound their alarms when they detect smoke or detect combustion particles in the air. They do not sense heat, flame, or gas. This smoke alarm device is designed to give audible warning of a developing fire. However, many fires are fast - burning, explosive, or intentional, and others are caused by carelessness or safety hazards. In this circs, Smoke may not remake the unit alarm QUICKLY ENOUGH to ensure safe escape.8: Smoke alarm devices have limitations. This smoke alarm device is not foolproof and is not warranted to protect lives or property from fire. Smoke alarm devices are not a substitute for insurance. Homeowners and renters should insure their lives and property. In addition, it is possible for the smoke alarm device to fail at any time. For this reason, you must test the smoke alarm device weekly and replace unit every 10 years.Do Not Install Smoke alarm devices inthe Following Places:1: Near appliances or areas where normal combustion Regularly occurs (kitchens, near furnaces, hot water heaters). Use specialized smoke alarm device with unwanted alarm control for this areas.2: In areas with high humidity, like bathrooms or areas near dishwashers or washing machines. Install al least 10feet away from these areas.3: Near air returns or heating and cooling supply vents. Install at least 3 feet away from these areas. The air could blow smoke away from the detector, interrupting its alarm.4: In rooms where temperatures may fall below 5℃or rise above 45℃, or in humidity higher than 85%. These conditions will reduce battery life or cause a fault alarm.5: In extremely dusty, dirty, or insect – infested areas influence particles interfere with smoke alarm device operation.Operation:TestingTest the unit to ensure proper operation by pressing the test button, this will sound the alarm if the electronic circuitry, horn, and battery are working. If no alarm sounds, there is a defective battery or other failures, you can refer to “Trouble shooting” section for solution.DO NOT use an open flame to test your alarm, you could damage the alarm or ignite combustible materials and start a fire. CAUTION: Due to the loudness (85 decibels) of the alarm, Always stand an arms-length away from the unit when testing. Test the alarm weekly to ensure proper operation. Erratic or low sound coming from your alarm may indicate a defective alarm, you can refer to “Trouble shooting” section for solution. NOTE: WEEKLY TESTING IS REQUIRED.LED indicatorsRed LED-Flashing once every 40 seconds: indicates that the smoke alarm device is operating properly.Red LED-Flashing when the test button is pressed, or when the smoke alarm device senses particles of combustion and goes into alarm (constant pulsating sound), the red LED will flash once per second. The flashing LED and pulsating alarm will continue until the air is cleared or release test button.Red LED-Alarm silencer (Hush mode) indication: The red LED will flash once every 8 seconds, indicating the smoke alarm device is in the alarm silence (Hush) mode.Low battery indication - An intermittent “chirp” with red LED flashes once every 40 seconds: indicates that the smoke alarm device is low battery, you may press the test button for pause alarm for 10 hours, but it will reset automatically after 10 hours. Fault indication - The alarm chirp occurs every 40 seconds. NOTE: When the units chirp once every 40 seconds, you can press the test button temporarily for pausing this warning tone for 10 hours,it can still normally detect smoke during this period, it only removes nuisance warning tone. You can refer to “Trouble shooting” for solution, if there are still failures, you MUST replace it with a new alarm at once or contact you retailer during warranty.Alarm silence (silence mode)During the unit is alarming, you push the test button, it will be paused the unit alarming for approx 10 minutes. The red LED will flash once every 8seconds, it indicates the smoke alarm device is running into the silence mode. Smoke alarm devices are designed to minimize nuisance alarms. Combustion particles from cooking may set off the alarm if the alarm is located close to the cooking area. Large quantities of combustible particles are generated from spills or when grilling/frying. Using the fan on a range hood that vents to outside (non-recirculating type) will also help remove these combustible particles from the kitchen. The alarm silence (test button) is extremely useful in a kitchen area or other areas prone to nuisance alarms. The silence feature is to be used only when a known alarm condition, such as smoke from cooking activates the alarm.The smoke alarm device is desensitised by push the alarm Silence (silence mode) on the smoke alarm device cover, thealarm will silence to indicate that the alarm is in a temporarily desensitised condition.The smoke alarm device will automatically reset after approximately 10 minutes, if after this period, particles of combustion are still present, the alarm will sound again.The alarm silencer (silence mode) can be repeatedly until the air has been cleared of the condition causing the alarm. CAUTION: Before using the alarm silence, identify the source of the smoke and be certain a safe condition exists. NOTE: Dense smoke will override the alarm silencer and will sound a continuous alarm again.DANGER: If the alarm sounds, and it is not being tested, it means the unit is sensing smoke, THE SOUND OF THE ALARM REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION AND ACTION.Maintenance and Cleaning:The alarm should be cleaned at least once a year·To clean your alarm, remove it from bracket on ceiling, you can clean it by using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner hose with a soft brush attachment. Blow or vacuum around the perimeter of the alarm to remove dust and dirt and debris. The outside of the alarm can be wiped with a damp cloth but you use a wet cloth in order to avoid water entering the inner of alarm.·After cleaning , reinstall it and test it by pressing the Test button. The alarm should be replaced if cleaning can’t restore the alarm to normal operation.·This alarm has a low battery monitor which will cause the alarm to “chirp” approx every 40 seconds and the red LED flash once at the same time for a minimum of thirty days when the battery gets low.If there is a defective battery or other failures, you can refer to “Trouble shooting” for solution, or deactivate this alarm to stop nuisance alarm which is caused by a failure of their function. If there are still failures during warranty, you can return to your retailer.Don’t paint the unit. Paint will seal the vents and interfere with the sensor’s ability to detect smoke.NOTE: 1.REGULAR WEEKLY TESTING IS REQUIRED!2.Must reactivate alarm before use if you deactivate it.Replacing the AlarmIt is recommended this alarm should be replaced ten years from the date of manufacture. This date has been provided on the product label which is located on the back of the alarm. WARNING: The battery is sealed in cover and not replaceable. Please replace another new alarm if the low battery chirp occurs. IMPORTANT: Do not attempt to remove the cover to clean inside. This will affect warranty.Repair:If the alarm is not operating properly, and is still underwarranty, return it to the original place you buy. Pack it in awell-padded carton, and ship to the original place you buy.If the alarm is no longer under warranty, please replace it immediately with a comparable alarm.Caution: Do not attempt to repair the alarm. It will affectyour warranty.Trouble shooting:Problem TroubleshootingSmoke alarm devicedoes not sound whentested.1.Must activate alarm beforeinstallation.2.Clean smoke alarm device.Please refer to the“maintenance and cleaning”section.3.if there are still failures duringwarranty, you can return toyour retailer.4. if the unit is out of warranty,please replace another new alarm.The alarm “chirp” withred LED flashes onceevery 40 seconds.The battery is under low batterystatus, please replace the smokealarm device.Smoke alarm devicechirp occurs every40 seconds(alarm goesinto fault mode).Clean smoke alarm device. Pleaserefer to the “maintenance andcleaning” section. Purchase andchange another smoke alarm deviceif the problem still existSmoke alarm devicesounds, unwantedalarms intermittently orwhen residents arecooking, takingshowers, etc.1. Press test button to pause alarm.2. Clean smoke alarm device.Please refer to the “maintenanceand cleaning” section.3. Move smoke alarm device to newlocation and press test button.The alarm soundsdifferent from it is usedto. It starts and stops.1. Clean smoke alarm device.Please refer to the “maintenanceand cleaning” section.2. if there are still failures duringwarranty, you can return to yourretailer.3. if the unit is out of warranty,please replace another new alarm.How to deactivate the smoke alarm:Press test button and hold it for above 10 seconds until LED flashes rapidly (flash 5 times per second), then press Test button rapidly for at least 6 times within 5 seconds (or within during LED flashes rapidly), and the unit will generate a “beep” indicates the production goes into inactivation status There will be no any functions at this status, you must reactive it before use, Please refer to the chapter "installation" for activating the productNote:Deactivate this alarm if you need disposal it or stoppingnuisance alarm which is caused by a failure of their functionPractice Fire Safety:If the alarm sounds, and you have not pushed the test button, it is warning of a dangerous situation, your immediate response is necessary. To prepare for such occurrences, develop family escape plans, discuss them with all household members, and practice them regularly.1: Expose everyone to the sound of a smoke alarm device and explain what the sound means.2: Determine two exits from each room and an escape route to the outside from each exit.3: Teach all household members to touch the door and use an alternate exit when the door is hot, instruct them not to open the door if the door is hot.4: Teach household members to crawl along the floor to stay below dangerous smoke, fumes and gases.5: Determine a safe meeting place for all members outside the building.What to Do in Case of Fire:1: Do not be panic; stay calm.2: Leave the building as quickly as possible. Touch doors to feel if they were hot before opening them. Use an alternate exit if necessary. Crawl along the floor, and do stop to collect anything.3: Meet at a pre-arranged meeting place outside the building. 4: Call the fire department form outside the building.5: Do not go back inside a burning building. Wait for the fire department to arrive.Note:These guidelines will assist you in the event of a fire, however to reduce the chance that fires will start, practice fire safety rules and prevent hazardous situations.TOTAL HOME PROTECTIONDiagram 2Warranty Information:Company warrants to the original consumer.Purchase each new smoke alarm device to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 10 years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse or lack of reasonable care of the product.In no case shall company be liable for any incidental orconsequential damages for breach of this or any other warranty express or implied ,whatsoever. The bad product can be mailed to the following address with a detail explanation of problem.Where is the best to be Installed:·Install the first alarm in the immediate area of the bedrooms. Install additional alarms to monitor the exit path, as thebedrooms are usually farthest from the exit. If more than one sleeping area exists, locate additional alarms in each sleeping are (see Diagram 3).·Install additional alarms to monitor any stairway as stairways act like chimneys for smoke and heat.·Install at least one alarm on every floor level ( see Diagram 4) ·Install an alarm in every bedroom.·Install an alarm in every room where large electricalappliances are operated (for example portable heaters ). ·Install an alarm in every room where someone sleeps with the door closed. The closed door may prevent an alarm located outside from waking the sleeper.·Smoke, heat, and combustion products rise to the ceiling and spread horizontally. Mounting the smoke alarm on the ceiling in the centre of the room places it closest to all points in the room. Ceiling mounting is preferred in ordinary residential construction.·When mounting an alarm on the ceiling, locate it at a minimumof 30 cm (12 in) from the side wall (see Diagram 5).·Put smoke alarm at both ends of a bedroom hallway or largeroom if the hallway or room is more than 9.1 m (30 ft) long.·Install smoke alarms no slopped, peaked or cathedral ceilingsbetween 500 and 1500mm from the highest point of theceiling. Smoke alarms in rooms with ceiling slopes greaterthan 1m in 8 m horizontally shall be located on the high sideof the room (See Diagram 6)Diagram 3Diagram 4Side wallDiagram 5Smoke alarm should be located between500 and 1500mm from the highest point.Diagram 6Installation:ActivationPress test button and hold it for above 3 seconds until LED lights, and release it within 2 seconds, the unit will generate a “beep” indicates that it is activated and goes into work statusCAUTION:MUST activate alarm first, or else there is no function for this unit.·Turn the alarm body counterclockwise and take off the bracket.·Press the bracket on the installation position, mark installation hole of the bracket with pencil.·Bore two installation holes on the sign with electric drill. Make diameter of holes is 5mm, Strike the two plastic plugs into holes with hammer.·Remove fixing plug from the bracket with screwdriver if necessary (See Diagram 7).·Attach the bracket to the plastic plugs and fix tightly the screws into the plastic plugs (See Diagram 8).·Fit the alarm on the bracket and turn the alarm body clockwise, until matching well on the bracket.·Insert fixing plug to the gap between bracket and bottom cover for fixing alarm if you want ( See Diagram 9).·Press the button for test the unit. The alarm sounds 3 beeps –1.5 seconds pause, repeat it until release the button, if nosound, it indicates a defective alarm, you can refer to ”Trouble shooting” for solution or return to your retailer during warranty.·If you have any questions on installation, you can contact your retailer.WARNING:To prevent injury, this unit must be securely attached to the wall or ceiling in accordance with the installation instructions.Diagram 7Diagram 8Diagram 9FirePro138–140 Bayfield Rd East, Bayswater North, VIC, 3153. Australia. P (03) 9720 4333F (03) 9720 4344。
Product IdentificationRockwell Automation has assigned catalog number 1756-BA1 to a Lithium Battery Assembly which is supplied by Inventus Power Inc., Inventus Power Inc. part number 94194801. The Battery Assembly contains one (1) FDK lithium battery cell, part number CR17335SE. FDK’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this Lithium Battery Cell follows.Product ClassificationThe Rockwell Automation Lithium Battery Assembly, catalog no.1756-BA1, is exempted from dangerous goods regulations as the following requirements are met:•US DOT 49CFR, 173.185•Dangerous Goods Regulation, per IATA, Packing Instructions 968, Section II•Special Provisions ADR 188, IMDG 188Additional InformationRockwell Automation is committed to demonstrating the highest standard of global environmental management. We embrace this as a core value and an integral part of all operations and seek continual improvement of our environmental management system and performance.You can find additional information regarding Rockwell Automation Product Environmental Compliance programs at:https:///en-us/company/about-us/sustainability/product-environmental-compliance.htmlPlease send any additional inquiries regarding Product Environmental Compliance to:******************************.comProduct Safety Data Sheet (SDS) followsManganese Dioxide Primary Lithium Battery 1/4Document Number: SDS-21-102E-02Issued date: March 1, 2021SAFETY DATA SHEET (SDS)1. Product and Company identificationProduct Category : Manganese Dioxide Primary Lithium Battery Nominal Voltage : 3 V Product name Type Lithium (g) Type Lithium (g)CR1/2 6・L 0.31 CR8・LHC 0.90 CR2/3 6・L0.41 CR8LHT 0.90 CR6・L0.71 CR12600SE 0.52 CR2/3 6L 0.43 CR17335SE 0.52 CR1/2 6LHT 0.31 CR17335SE-R 0.52 CR2/3 6LHT 0.43 CR17450SE 0.75CR2/3 8・L0.57 CR17450SE-R 0.75 CR8・L0.87 Supplier’s Name : FDK CORPORATIONSupplier’s Address : 1-6-41, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8212 JapanTelephone +81-3-5715-7420 Emergency Contact : CHEMTREC at (800)424-9300 Note : SDS is not applicable to the product hermetically sealed as dry battery. The battery has no risk to life andhealth under normal use or transportation because ingredients of battery are not leaked out by virtue of hermetical sealing with metal case.This SDS notify possible risk of our battery under abnormal use but mainly aim to provide information about ingredients, notification of handling and transportation regulations as a useful reference.2. Hazards identificationThe important hazards andadverse effects of the chemical productNo information available Chemical product - specifichazardsNo information availableOutline of an anticipatedemergencyChemical contents are sealed in metal can. Therefore, risk of exposure never occurs unless battery is mechanically or electrically abused.Risk of explosion by fire is anticipated if batteries are disposed of in fire orheated above 100 degree Celsius. If the batteries are extremal short circuited or charged, the batteries may generate heat and explosion or fire.Note) Our battery is not classified in accordance with the GHS classification.3. Principal Composition/ information on IngredientsPartMaterialCAS No. Contents Positive electrode Manganese Dioxide 1313-13-9 30 ~ 50 wt% Negative electrodeLithium metal 7439-93-2 2 ~ 4 wt% Electrolyte Lithium perchlorate7791-03-9 0.5 ~ 1.5 wt% 1,2-Dimethoxyethane 110-71-4 3 ~ 4.5 wt% Mixture of organic solventN/A5 ~ 15 wt%Manganese Dioxide Primary Lithium Battery 2/4Document Number: SDS-21-102E-02 4. First-aid measuresInhalation If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and if inhaled it, move to a place where fresh air is provided. Refer for medical attention.Skin contact If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and stuck on skin, wash the contact areas off immediately with plenty of water and soap. If appropriate procedures are not taken, this may cause sores on the skin. Refer for medical attention.Eyes contact If ingredient leaked out from inside of a battery and came into eyes, flush the eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes immediately without rubbing. Take a medical treatment. If appropriate procedures are not taken, this may cause an eye irritation.Swallowing In case of swallowing of battery, immediately refer for medical attention.5. Fire-fighting measuresFire extinguishing agent:Dry chemical, alcohol-resistant foam, powder, atomized water, carbon dioxide and dry sand are effective.Extinguishing method:Escape batteries to safe place prevent from ignition by spreading fire.Because packaging material of battery is paper, use water extinguisher, CO2 extinguisher or powderextinguisher as normal extinguisher.Since vapor, generated from burning batteries may make eyes, nose and throat irritate, be sure to extinguish the fire on the windward side. Wear the respiratory protection equipment in some cases.6. Accidental release measuresChemical contents are sealed in metal can. But if the battery is mechanically or electrically abused, contents may leak out. In such case, take action as showing below.Personal precautions: Temporary inhalation of odor and attaching of electrolyte to skin does not cause serious health hazard. Be sure the ventilation and washing out of electrolyte quickly.Environmental precautions: Clean up it quickly. Specific environmental precaution is not necessary.Method and materials for containment and methods and materials for cleaning up:Contain and collect spillage and place in container for disposal according to local regulations.7. Handling and storingHandling Do not short-circuit, disassemble, deform, heat or incinerate.Do not place battery on metal case, metal plate or antistatic material.In case of multi cell application, replace all batteries to new at once when replacing used batteries.Do not mix the different type of batteries, the new and old batteries of the same type, or the different manufacture of the same type batteries.Do not use batteries for unspecified purposes.Storage Be sure to store batteries in well-ventilated, dry and cool conditions.Keep away from water, rain, snow, frost or dew condensation.Do not store batteries near source of heat or nozzle of hot air.Do not store batteries in direct sunshine.Take care not to get wet packing by dew condensation when packing is removed from cold to warm and humid condition.Enough number of fire fighting apparatuses should be installed in warehouse.Keep batteries out of reach of children.8. Exposure controls and personal protectionThere is no need of personal protective equipment on regular handling and storage. In the event, however, a large amount of electrolyte should be released by mechanical or electrical abuse, use the protections as shown below.Respiratory protection : Mask (with a filter preferably)Hand protection : Synthetic rubber glovesEye protection : Goggles or glassesManganese Dioxide Primary Lithium Battery 3/4Document Number: SDS-21-102E-02 9. Physical and chemical propertiesState : SolidShape : Cylindrical10. Stability and reactivityStability: Stable on regular handlingConditions to avoid: External short circuit of battery, deformation by crush, exposure at high temperature of more than 100 degree C (may cause heat generation and ignition), direct sunlight, highhumidityMaterials to avoid: Substances that cause short circuit.11. Toxicological informationSince chemicals are contained in a sealed can, there are no hazards.12. Ecological informationPersistence and degradability No information availableMobility in soil No information available13. Disposal considerationsDispose of batteries in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations.For safety precaution, battery should be insulated in proper manner; covering both terminals by tape, wrapping of battery in insulation bag or packing battery in original package is recommended in order to prevent ignition or explosion due to short-circuit.14. Transportation InformationLithium metal cells and batteries are classified as Class 9 Dangerous Goods in the United Nations Recommendation, and given UN numbers as shown in the below table. In case of transport of lithium metal cells and batteries, compliance with all the relevant UN regulations in addition to the requirements of United Nations Recommendation is required.Our battery (listed on section 1) and its shipping package complies with the requirement of UN Manual of Test and Criteria, Part III, subsection 38.3 as well as the requirements described below, so it is permitted to transport.<Air Transport>Our battery is applicable to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA-DGR) Packing Instruction 968 section IB because it corresponds to either case that the cell – lithium content is more than 0.3g and less than 1g or the battery – lithium content is more than 0.3g and less than 2g. Our battery and its shipping package is permitted to transport as Class 9 Dangerous Goods but without using packing group II package when it complies with all requirements of the transport conditions for Section IB.Our products can be transported by cargo aircraft only since our products are classified into lithium metal batteries. However, in the case of transporting our cells or batteries packed with or contained in equipment, such cells or batteries are permitted for carriage on passenger aircraft.<Sea Transport>Our battery is applicable to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG-Code) Special provision 188 because it corresponds to either case that the cell – lithium content is less than 1g or the battery – lithium content is less than 2g, so it is permitted to transport as Exempted Dangerous Goods when it complies with all requirements of the transport conditions.Sipping names / Packing requirementsProper Shipping Name UN ID No. Air transport Maritime transportLithium metal batteries 3090 Packing Instruction968Special Provision188Lithium metal batteries packed with equipment 3091 Packing Instruction969Special Provision188Lithium metal batteries contained in equipment 3091 Packing Instruction970 Special Provision188Manganese Dioxide Primary Lithium Battery 4/4Document Number: SDS-21-102E-02 Related regulations: Following regulations shall be cited and considered.Organization / Issue documentsUN UN / Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods・Model Regulations ; 21st revised edition・Manual of Tests and Criteria: Subsection 38.3; 7th revised editionAir transport IATA(International Air Transport Association)/IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations ; 62nd Edition Maritime transport IMO(International Maritime Organization)/IMDG Code ; 2018 EditionLand transport (Intra-European) RID(International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail), ADR(International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)USA USDOT(US Department of Transportation)/ DOT 49 CFR(US law)15. Applicable legislationEU Directive 2006/66/ECCA Lithium Perchlorate RegulationThis sheet refers to normal use of the product in question. FDK Corp. makes no warranty expressed or implied.。
计算机常用端口号一览表:1传输掌握协议端口效劳多路开关选择器2compressnet 治理有用程序3压缩进程5 远程作业登录7 回显(Echo)9 丢弃11 在线用户13 时间15 netstat17 每日引用18消息发送协议19字符发生器20文件传输协议(默认数据口)21文件传输协议(掌握)22SSH 远程登录协议23telnet 终端仿真协议24预留给个人用邮件系统25smtp 简洁邮件发送协议27 NSW 用户系统现场工程师29 MSG ICP31 MSG 验证33 显示支持协议35 预留给个人打印机效劳37时间38路由访问协议39资源定位协议41图形42WINS 主机名效劳43“外号“ who is效劳44MPM(消息处理模块)标志协议45 消息处理模块46消息处理模块(默认发送口)47NI FTP48数码音频后台效劳49TACACS 登录主机协议50远程邮件检查协议51IMP(接口信息处理机)规律地址维护52 施乐网络效劳系统时间协议53域名效劳器54施乐网络效劳系统票据交换55ISI 图形语言56施乐网络效劳系统验证57预留个人用终端访问58施乐网络效劳系统邮件59预留个人文件效劳60未定义61NI 邮件?62异步通讯适配器效劳63WHOIS+64 通讯接口65TACACS 数据库效劳66Oracle SQL*NET67引导程序协议效劳端68引导程序协议客户端69小型文件传输协议70信息检索协议71远程作业效劳72远程作业效劳73远程作业效劳74远程作业效劳75预留给个人拨出效劳76分布式外部对象存储77预留给个人远程作业输入效劳78修正 TCP79Finger(查询远程主机在线用户等信息) 80 全球信息网超文本传输协议(www)81HOST2 名称效劳82传输有用程序83模块化智能终端 ML 设备84公用追踪设备85模块化智能终端 ML 设备86Micro Focus Cobol 编程语言87预留给个人终端连接88Kerberros 安全认证系统89SU/MIT 终端仿真网关90DNSIX 安全属性标记图91MIT Dover 假脱机92网络打印协议93设备掌握协议94Tivoli 对象调度95SUPDUP96DIXIE 协议标准97快速远程虚拟文件协议98TAC(东京大学自动计算机)闻协议101usually from sri-nic102iso-tsap103ISO Mail104 x400-snd105 csnet-ns109 Post Office110 Pop3 效劳器(邮箱发送效劳器)111 portmap 或 sunrpc113 身份查询115 sftp117 path 或 uucp-path119 闻效劳器121 BO jammerkillah123 network time protocol (exp)135 DCE endpoint resolutionnetbios-ns 137 NetBios-NS138 NetBios-DGN139 win98 共享资源端口(NetBios-SSN) 143 IMAP 电子邮件144 NeWS - news153 sgmp - sgmp158 PCMAIL161 snmp - snmp162 snmp-trap -snmp170 network PostScript175 vmnet194 Irc315 load400 vmnet0443 安全效劳456 Hackers Paradise500 sytek512 exec513 login514 shell - cmd515 printer - spooler517 talk518 ntalk520 efs526 tempo - newdate530 courier - rpc531 conference - chat532 netnews - readnews533 netwall540 uucp - uucpd 543 klogin544 kshell550 new-rwho - new-who555 Stealth Spy(Phase)556 remotefs - rfs_server600 garcon666 Attack FTP750 kerberos - kdc751 kerberos_master754 krb_prop888 erlogin1001 Silencer 或 WebEx1010 Doly trojan v1.351011 Doly Trojan1024 NetSpy.698 (YAI)1025 NetSpy.6981033 Netspy1042 Bla1.11047 GateCrasher1080 Wingate1109 kpop1243 SubSeven1245 Vodoo1269 Maverick s Matrix1433 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库效劳1492 FTP99CMP (BackOriffice.FTP) 1509 Streaming Server1524 ingreslock1600 Shiv1807 SpySender1981 ShockRave1999 Backdoor2023 黑洞(木马) 默认端口2023 黑洞(木马) 默认端口2023 Pass Ripper2053 knetd2140 DeepThroat.10 或 Invasor2283 Rat2565 Striker2583 Wincrash22801 Phineas3129 MastersParadise.923150 Deep Throat 1.03210 SchoolBus3389 Win2023 远程登陆端口4000 OICQ Client4567 FileNail4950 IcqTrojan5000 WindowsXP 默认启动的 UPNP 效劳5190 ICQ Query5321 Firehotcker5400 BackConstruction1.2 或 BladeRunner 5550 Xtcp5555 rmt - rmtd5556 mtb - mtbd5569 RoboHack5714 Wincrash35742 Wincrash6400 The Thing6669 Vampire6670 Deep Throat6711 SubSeven6713 SubSeven6767 NT Remote Control6771 Deep Throat 36776 SubSeven6883 DeltaSource6939 Indoctrination6969 Gatecrasher.a7306 网络精灵(木马)7307 ProcSpy7308 X Spy7626 冰河(木马) 默认端口7789 ICQKiller8000 OICQ Server9400 InCommand9401 InCommand9402 InCommand9535 man9536 w9537 mantst9872 Portal of Doom9875 Portal of Doom9989 InIkiller10000 bnews10001 queue10002 poker10167 Portal Of Doom10607 Coma11000 Senna Spy Trojans11223 ProgenicTrojan12076 Gjamer 或 MSH.104b12223 Hack?9 KeyLogger12345 netbus 木马默认端口12346 netbus 木马默认端口12631 WhackJob.NB1.716969 Priotrity17300 Kuang220230 Millenium II (GrilFriend)20231 Millenium II (GrilFriend)20234 NetBus Pro20331 Bla21554 GirlFriend 或 Schwindler 1.8222222 Prosiak23456 Evil FTP 或 UglyFtp 或 WhackJob27374 SubSeven29891 The Unexplained30029 AOLTrojan30100 NetSphere30303 Socket2330999 Kuang31337 BackOriffice31339 NetSpy31666 BO Whackmole31787 Hack a tack33333 Prosiak33911 Trojan Spirit 2023 a34324 TN 或 Tiny Telnet Server40412 TheSpy40421 MastersParadise.9640423 Master Paradise.9747878 BirdSpy250766 Fore 或 Schwindler53001 Remote Shutdown54320 Back Orifice 202354321 SchoolBus 1.661466 Telecommando65000 Devil端口概念在网络技术中,端口〔Port〕大致有两种意思:一是物理意义上的端口,比方,ADSL Modem、集线器、交换机、路由器用于连接其他网络设备的接口,如 RJ-45 端口、SC 端口等等。
Killtest 000-233
NZZV ]]] QORRZKYZ IT▲ Ҳ ԟ ԇThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : 000-233Title :Version : DEMOAix installation,backup and system rec0ver1.Which of the following statements is most correct about mirroring?A.Mirroring, with the write-verify option turned on, can be used to increase performance.B.Mirroring is a better choice than disk-striping, for large sequential-access file systems when one is looking for performance.C.Mirroring, with a parallel-scheduling policy, may improve I/O read-operation performance.D.Mirroring, with maximum inter-disk allocation policy, is used to enhance availability.Correct:C2.CDE is working. However, the customized PATH environment has not been implemented. Which of the following procedures should be performed to activate the implementation?A.Update the .kshrc fileB.Edit $HOME/.dtprofile, and uncomment the DTSOURCEPROFILE=trueC.Copy /etc/.profile to $HOME/.dtprofile and edit the file as neededD.Double click on the System Administration icon and select CDE profileCorrect:B3.Which of the following is an optional NIM resource for a diskless client?A.rootB.spotC.homeD.pagingCorrect:C4.A system administrator has just applied an update to an AIX system to correct a problem. The APAR number is IX49035 and was shipped as part of the PTF number U437542. After applying the APAR fix, the administrator wants to ensure that the fix is applied before informing the system users of the corrected problem. Which of the following commands should the system administrator run to verify that the APAR fix has been applied to the system?A.lslpp -f IX49035B.lslpp -fB U437542C.instfix -f IX49035D.instfix -ik IX49035Correct:D5.A system administrator is in the process of performing a preservation installation. However, the machine keeps booting up in diagnostic mode. Which of the following is the most probable cause?A.The battery on the machine is bad.B.The root volume group is corrupted.C.The low-level debugger is not enabled.D.There is a problem with the CD-ROM.Correct:D6.During the boot process, which of the following files should be used to control system initialization and start daemons and subsystems?A./etc/inittabB./etc/rc.bootC./etc/servicesD./etc/environmentCorrect:A7.Which of the following is the smallest separately installable unit on an AIX system?A.FileB.FilesetC.BundleD.Licensed program productCorrect:B8.During an AIX installation, which of the following actions will occur once the Complete Overwrite option is selected?A.All new disks in the system will be formattedB.Only the contents of the root volume group destination disks will be destroyedC.All file systems, including /(root), /tmp, /usr, and /var, but no user data in the root volume group, will be destroyedD.The contents of all disks on the system, even if they are not shown as the destination root volume group disks, will be destroyedCorrect:B9.A software update was installed using the Apply option, however the update is no longer required. Which of the following procedures should be performed to remove the update?e the Reject optionB.Delete the update from the /usr/lpp directoriese the Force Overwrite option to re-install the earlier versionmit the update and then remove the updated product filesets using SMITCorrect:A10.All of the following are attributes that can be specified when creating a logical volume EXCEPT:A.Number of logical partitionsB.Disk where logical volume will resideC.Size of the logical volume control blockD.Position of the logical volume on the diskCorrect:C11.A system administrator has an existing NIM environment with a master and four clients all on an Ethernet network. The administrator adds three servers to the NIM environment that are on token ring networks. What does the administrator have to do to support network booting of the new machines?A.nim -o check <spot>B.nim -o lppchk <spot>C.nim -o refresh <spot>D.nim -F -o check <spot>Correct:Ders are complaining of slow performance. The iostat command indicates hdiskxx is extremely busy. There is no activity on any other hdisks in the same volume group. Which of the following is the best action to take?A.Change intra policy to outerB.Change intra policy to centerC.Change inter policy to maximumD.Increase the physical partition sizeCorrect:C13.All of the following statements accurately describe processes for administering file systems EXCEPT:A.A logical volume must exist prior to running the crfs command to create a file systemB.A file system must be unmounted before it can be removedC.Defining a file system imposes a structure on a logical volumeD.Removing a file system using rmfs automatically removes the underlying logical volumeCorrect:A14.A basic TCP/IP configuration on the system has just been completed. A remote system can be pinged by IP address but not by hostname. Which of the following actions should be performed next in an effort to successfully ping using the hostname?A.Check routingB.Check inetd.confC.Check /etc/resolv.confD.Check interface with ifconfigCorrect:C15.A system administrator has added a new graphics card to the system and rebooted. The system pauses with C31 in the three-digit display. Which of the following causes could be the reason for the hang?A.All filesets for CDE have not been loaded. Boot into maintenance mode and load them through SMIT.B.There is a missing device driver, incorrect console configuration, or a serial device plugged into native S1 port.C.The new graphics adapter card is marked defined, not available. Run smit cfgmgr (Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL with the INPUT device / directory for software set to none). This will reconfigure all devices by walking the bus.D.The LED C31 means that there is a corrupted /dev/hd5. Boot into maintenance mode, fsck /dev/hd5 and then issue the bosboot command.Correct:B16.A company has a remote data center with servers connected to a local datacenter through a high-speed network. Which of the following methods is the most convenient to use to install and upgrade the servers in the remote center using locally managed install images?A.NIMB.HAGEO/HACMPC.NFSD.ftp, rsh and rexecCorrect:A17.Which of the following procedures correctly lists the prerequisite software that requires installation with an AIX licensed program product?e the lppdiff command to list the contentse the installp -Q command to list the contentsC.Choose the SMIT option to Preview Install OnlyD.Choose the SMIT option to list dependents of a software productCorrect:C18.If an install of the latest NFS fixes failed, which of the following options provide debug outputbefore running installp?A.export INST_DEBUG=YESB.nim -to check -a debug = yes <client>C.type 911 at "Welcome to BOS install" menuD.modify file and set the BOSINST_DEBUG = yesCorrect:A19.All of the following logical volumes are associated with a standard AIX journaled file system (JFS) EXCEPT:A./dev/hd2B./dev/hd4C./dev/hd6D./dev/hd9varCorrect:C20.A base operating system has just been installed, successfully rebooted, and the user is now logged in as root. The user wants the server software bundle installed, but has additional software that must be installed with the bundle. Which of the following procedures should be performed to complete the installation?A.Add the software to /usr/sys/inst.imagesB.Update the bundle file in /usr/sys/inst.imagesC.Install the bundle filelists and run update allD.Add the software to the bundle file in /usr/sys/。
Killtest 分享E20-597 题库
NZZV ]]] QORRZKYZ IT▲ Ҳ ԟ ԇThe safer , easier way to help you pass any IT exams.Exam : E20-597Title:Version : DEMOBackup & Recovery Specialist Exam for Storage Administrators1. In NetWorker 7.4, what could be done to add a client to a group?A. Drag the client onto the group resourceB. Drag the client onto the pool resourceC. Select the client in the group resourceD. Select the client in the pool resourceAnswer: A2. Which NetWorker edition is needed to configure a data zone with a NetWorker server with 16 LTO2 devices and 10 storage nodes with 32 devices each?A. BusinessB. NetworkC. PowerD. WorkgroupAnswer: C3. Your customer is planning a NetWorker backup environment. They will have one NetWorker server and two storage nodes, all sharing the four tape drives in one autochanger.How many dynamic drive sharing licenses are needed?A. 1B. 3C. 4D. 12Answer: C4. A company wants to move to a backup-to-disk solution, and is considering Celerra. What is an advantage of this solution?A. Built-in tape acceleration algorithmB. Extra hardware not required on the storage nodeC. File system shares dedicated to individual storage nodesD. Fragments file system to improve writesAnswer: B5. For which type of NetWorker backup is the client file index backed up?A. Client-initiated and server-initiatedB. Client-initiated onlyC. Raw backupsD. Server-initiated onlyAnswer: D6. Why are split-mirror snapshots preferred for disaster recovery?A. Always consistentB. Faster recovery compared to copy on write snapshotsC. Provides a complete copy of production dataD. Requires less storage space compared to copy on write snapshotsAnswer: C7. What is an advantage of using EMC OnCourse?A. Automated file transfers across Celerra systemsB. Creates local, point-in-time logical disk copiesC. Provides a "near instant" snapshot of a filesystem on the same or different CelerrasD. Automated file transfers across existing serversAnswer: C8. You want to deploy a NetWorker backup solution in an environment consisting of five Linux servers, two HP-UX, four Solaris, four Windows 2000 and three Windows 2003.One of the Solaris servers is currently idle so you decide to use it as the NetWorker server. The customer purchased a NetWorker Power Edition for UNIX.How many additional licenses are needed?A. Seven client connections and three ClientPaksB. Seven client connections and five ClientPaksC. Eight client connections and two ClientPaksD. Eight client connections and three ClientPaksAnswer: D9. A defined backup policy takes full backups every Monday and incremental backups on the remaining weekdays. In the worst case how many restores would you have to perform to recover a file that was removed by mistake on Friday morning?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Answer: D10. A customer buys an NS80 with two trays of 500 GB ATA disks to be used as the primary backup destination device. According to best practices, how is the second tray configured?A. One 8+1 RAID 3 group, one 4+1 RAID 3 group, and one hot spareB. Three 4+1 RAID 3 groupsC. Three 4+1 RAID 5 groupsD. Two 6+1 RAID 5 groups and one hot spareAnswer: D11. A customer decides to implement a two-tier backup solution, with disk as tier one and tape as tier two.A retention period needs to be defined for tier one, which would determine when the data will be moved to tier two.What determines this retention period?A. Backup windowB. Data type in the environmentC. Recovery point objective (RPO)D. Recovery time objective (RTO)Answer: D12. A customer has two tape drives configured to a NetWorker storage node that is currently backing up four clients. How many nsrmmdbd processes are running on the storage node?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 4Answer: A13. Click the Exhibit button.You are backing up your data every day at midnight as shown in the exhibit. You have a failure on day 5 at 11 A.M.How many backups must be recovered?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Answer: A14. Your customer is planning a NetWorker backup environment. They have one NetWorker server and two storage nodes, all using the same autochanger for backups. The autochanger has two tape drives. What is the MINIMUM number of dynamic drive sharing licenses needed?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4Answer: A15. You are designing a solution for a customer using NetWorker and PowerSnap, to create and back up copy on write (CoW) snapshots of a STD device on a DMX-3 accessed from a Solaris 9 application host. The STD volume size is 300 GB with a change rate of 10%.What is the minimum VDEV (Virtual Device) size needed?A. 30 GBB. 270 GBC. 300 GBD. 330 GBAnswer: C16. Your customer is using an advanced file type device and would like to perform save set cloning after backup. Which option is available for this configuration?A. Automatic and manual cloning of a save set, but cloning can begin only after all the save sets in the savegroup have been backed upB. Automatic cloning after all the save sets in the savegroup have been backed up and manual cloning of a save set as soon as it has finished its backupC. Manual cloning of a save set, but cloning can begin only after all the save sets in the savegroup have been backed upD. Save set cloning is not supported for advanced file type devicesAnswer: B17. A telco company needs to retain log files for 1 year for legal compliance. RTO for files backed up within the last week is in minutes.Which backup solution should be recommended?A. Advanced file type deviceB. EMC CenteraC. NDMP deviceD. Tape libraryAnswer: A18. A CLARiiON CX3-20 with 4 GB of system cache has been configured as a backup-to-disk device. What is the minimum recommended read cache size?A. 1 GBB. 2 GBC. 200 MBD. 500 MBAnswer: C19. What is a characteristic of an advanced file type device in NetWorker?A. Can only clone to another advanced file type deviceB. Duplicate media database recordsC. Requires a separate poolD. Save sets are stored in separate files in a flat directory formatAnswer: B20. Which NetWorker command can be used to find out the dates that a specific save set has been backed up?A. mminfoB. mmlsC. nsrinfoD. nsrlsAnswer: A。
HAVILAND PRODUCTS COMPANYSAFETY DATA SHEETSection 1: IdentificationProduct Name: Havaclean Hand Sanitizer-E Product Code:H006616Haviland Products Company 421 Ann Street NWGrand Rapids, MI 49504 (616) 361-6691Emergency Phone:CHEMTREC: Canada and USA - (800) 424-9300 CHEMTREC:In Mexico - 01-800-681-9531Product Use: Hand SanitizerNot recommended for: NASection 2: Hazard(s) IdentificationGHS Ratings:Flammable liquid2Skin corrosive3Eye corrosive2BOrgan toxin single exposure3Organ toxin repeated exposure 1Flash point < 23°C and initial boiling point > 35°C (95°F)Reversible adverse effects in dermal tissue, Draize score: >=1.5 <2.3Mild eye irritant: Subcategory 2B, Reversible in 7 daysTransient target organ effects- Narcotic effects- Respiratorytract irritationSignificant toxicity in humans- Reliable, good quality humancase studies or epidemiological studies Presumedsignificant toxicity in humans- Animal studies with significantand/or severe toxic effects relevant to humans at generallylow exposure (guidanc e)GHS HazardsH225Highly flammable liquid and vapour H316Causes mild skin irritationH320Causes eye irritationH335May cause respiratory irritationH336May cause drowsiness ordizzinessH372Causes damage to organsthrough prolonged or repeatedexposure GHS PrecautionsP210Keep away from heat/sparks/openflames/hot surfaces – No smokingP233Keep container tightly closedP240Ground/bond container and receivingequipmentP241Use explosion-proofelectrical/ventilating/light/equipmentP242Use only non-sparking toolsP243Take precautionary measures againststatic dischargeP260Do not breathedust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/sprayP261Avoid breathingdust/fume/gas/mist/vapors/sprayP264Wash face, hands, and any exposedskin thoroughly after handlingP270Do not eat, drink or smoke when usingthis productP271Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilatedareaPowered by Plymouth Technolog yP280Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection P312Call a POISON CENTER ordoctor/physician if you feel unwellP314Get Medical advice/attention if you feel unwellP303+P361+P353If on skin (or hair): Remove / Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water / shower.P304+P340If inhales: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.P305+P351+P338If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P332+P313If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice / attentionP337+P313If eye irritation persists get medical advice / attentionP370+P378In case of fire: Use suitable media for extinctionP405Store locked upP403+P233Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed.P403+P235Store in a well ventilated place. Keep coolP501Dispose of contents/container in accordance withlocal/regional/national/international regulationsDangerSection 3: Composition/Information on IngredientsChemical Name / CAS No.OSHA Exposure Limits ACGIH Exposure Limits Other Exposure LimitsEthyl alcohol 64-17-570% - 80%Vapor Pressure: 42.979 mmHg1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWA1000 ppm STELNIOSH: 1000 ppmTWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWAGlycerin 56-81-51% - 5%Vapor Pressure: .002 mmHg15 mg/m3 TWA (mist, total particulate); 5 mg/m3 TWA (mist, respirable fraction)Hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-10.1% - 1.0%1 ppm TWA; 1.4 mg/m3 TWA1 ppm TWANIOSH: 1 ppm TWA; 1.4 mg/m3 TWASection 4: First-aid MeasuresInhalationRescuers should put on appropriate protective gear. Remove from area of exposure. If not breathing,give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Keep victim warm. Get immediate medical attention. Toprevent aspiration, keep head below knees.Eye ContactImmediately flush eyes with water. Flush eyes with water for a minimum of 15 minutes, occasionallylifting and lowering upper lids. Get medical attention promptly.Skin ContactRemove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap and water. Get medical attention. Wash clothingseparately and clean shoes before reuse.IngestionIf swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give victim a glass of water. Call a physician or poison control centerimmediately. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.Section 5: Fire-fighting MeasuresExtinguishing MediaWater spray. Alcohol-resistant foam. BC powder. Carbon dioxide.Do not use: Solid water jet ineffective as extinguishing medium.Specific Hazards Arising from the ChemicalDIRECT FIRE HAZARD. Highly flammable. Gas/vapour flammable with air within explosion limits.INDIRECT FIRE HAZARD. May be ignited by sparks. Gas/vapour spreads at floor level:ignition hazard. Reactions involving a fire hazard: see "Reactivity Hazard".Explosion hazard : DIRECT EXPLOSION HAZARD. Gas/vapour explosive with air within explosion limits.INDIRECT EXPLOSION HAZARD. may be ignited by sparks. Reactions with explosion hazards:see "Reactivity Hazard".Special Protective Equipment and Precautions for FirefightersSpecial Information: As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand (MSHA / NIOSHapproved or equivalent) and full protective gear.Section 6: Accidental Release MeasuresSpill and Leak ProceduresRemove ignition sources. Use special care to avoid static electric charges. No naked lights. Nosmoking.Keep upwind. Mark the danger area. Consider evacuation. Seal off low-lying areas.Close doors and windows of adjacent premises. Stop engines and no smoking. No naked flamesor sparks.Spark- and explosion-proof appliances and lighting equipment. Keep containersclosed. Wash contaminated clothes.Clean up methods:Take up liquid spill into a non combustible material e .g.: sand, earth, vermiculite or powderedlimestone. Scoop absorbed substance into closing containers. See "Material-handling"forsuitable container materials. Carefully collect the spill/leftovers. Damaged/cooled tanks must beemptied. Do not use compressed air for pumping over spills. Clean contaminated surfaces withan excess of water. Take collected spill to manufacturer/competent authority . Wash clothing andequipment after handling.Section 7: Handling and StoragePrinted: 4/6/2020 at 2:51:41PMHandling ProceduresProper grounding procedures to avoid static electricity should be followed. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. Use explosion-proofelectrical/ventilating/lighting/equipment.Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing dusts, mists, and vapors. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wear eye protection and protective clothing . Wash thoroughly after handling.Storage RequirementsKeep container tightly closed. Keep only in the original container in a cool, well ventilated place away from : incompatible materials. Keep in fireproof place.Incompatible products : Strong bases. Strong acids.Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct sunlight. Heat sources.Heat and ignition sources : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: heat sources. ignition sources.Prohibitions on mixed storage : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: oxidizing agents. (strong) acids. water/moisture.Storage area : Keep out of direct sunlight. Store in a dry area. Ventilation at floor level. Fireproof storeroom.Provide for an automatic sprinkler system. Provide for a tub to collect spills. Provide the tank with earthing. Meet the legal requirements.Special rules on packaging : SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: closing. dry. clean. correctly labelled. meet the legal requirements.Secure fragile packagings in solid containers.Packaging materials : SUITABLE MATERIAL: stainless steel. aluminium. iron. copper. nickel. synthetic material. glass.Section 8: Exposure Control/Personal ProtectionOther Exposure LimitsACGIH Exposure Limits OSHA Exposure Limits Chemical Name / CAS No.1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWA1000 ppm STELNIOSH: 1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWAEthyl alcohol 64-17-515 mg/m3 TWA (mist, total particulate); 5 mg/m3 TWA (mist, respirable fraction)Glycerin 56-81-51 ppm TWA; 1.4 mg/m3 TWA1 ppm TWANIOSH: 1 ppm TWA; 1.4 mg/m3 TWAHydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Provide ventilation sufficient to maintain exposure below the recommended limits.RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant the use of a respirator.SKIN PROTECTION: Wear impervious protective gloves. Wear protective gear as needed - apron, suit, boots. EYE PROTECTION: Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles) and a face shield.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT : Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower.HYGENIC PRACTICES: Do not eat, drink, or smoke in areas where this material is used. Avoid breathing vapors. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Wash thoroughly after handling. Wash hands before eating.Section 9: Physical and Chemical PropertiesClear Colorless Liquid Appearance:AlcoholOdor:Not Available Vapor Pressure:Not AvailableOdor threshold:1.6Vapor Density: 6.5 - 8.5pH:Not AvailableDensity:Not AvailableMelting point:Not Available Freezing point:Complete Solubility:70° CBoiling range:25° C Flash point:8.3Evaporation rate (Ether=1):Not Available Flammability:Not AvailableExplosive Limits:0.837Specific Gravity Not AvailableAutoignition temperature:Not AvailableDecomposition temperature:Not Available Viscosity:Not AvailableGrams VOC less water:Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Chemical Stability:STABLEIncompatible MaterialsStrong acids. Strong bases.Conditions to AvoidDirect sunlight. Extremely high or low temperatures. Open flame.Hazardous Decomposition ProductsFume. Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide. May release flammable gases.Hazardous PolymerizationHazardous polymerization will not occur.Section 11: Toxicology InformationMixture ToxicityInhalation Toxicity LC50: 150mg/L Component Toxicity7722-84-1Hydrogen peroxideOral LD50: 801 mg/kg (Rat) Dermal LD50: 4,060 mg/kg (Rat) Inhalation LC50: 2 g/m3 (Rat)Routes of Entry:Inhalation Ingestion Skin contact Eye contactTarget OrgansBlood Eyes KidneysLiver Central Nervous System Reproductive System SkinRespiratory System Effects of OverexposureCarcinogen Rating CAS Number Description% Weight Hydrogen peroxide:7722-84-1Hydrogen peroxide 0.1% - 1.0%Section 12: Ecological InformationComponent Ecotoxicity Ethyl alcohol96 Hr LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 12.0 - 16.0 mL/L [static]; 96 Hr LC50Pimephales promelas: >100 mg/L [static]; 96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas: 13400 - 15100 mg/L [flow-through]48 Hr LC50 Daphnia magna: 9268 - 14221 mg/L; 48 Hr EC50 Daphnia magna: 2 mg/L [Static]Glycerin96 Hr LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 51 - 57 mL/L [static]Hydrogen peroxide96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas: 16.4 mg/L; 96 Hr LC50 Lepomis macrochirus:18 - 56 mg/L [static]; 96 Hr LC50 Oncorhynchus mykiss: 10.0 - 32.0 mg/L [static]48 Hr EC50 Daphnia magna: 18 - 32 mg/L [Static]Section 13: Disposal ConsiderationsDispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations.Section 14: Transportation InformationUN Code: 1993Proper Shipping Name: Flammable liquid, N.O.S. (Ethanol)Hazard Class: 3Packing Group: IIISection 15: Regulatory InformationOSHA Process Safety Management Highly Hazardous Chemicals7722-84-1 Hydrogen peroxideTSCA 8(b) Inventory7722-84-1 Hydrogen peroxide56-81-5 Glycerin64-17-5 Ethyl alcoholRegulationCountryAll Components ListedSection 16: Other InformationDate Prepared: 4/6/2020DisclaimerThe information herein is believed to be correct, but does not claim to be all inclusive and should beused only as a guide. Neither the above named supplier nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries assumesany liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. Finaldetermination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All chemical reagentsmust be handled with the recognition that their chemical, physiological, toxicological, and hazardousproperties have not been fully investigated or determined. All chemical reagents should be handledonly by individuals who are familiar with their potential hazards and who have been fully trained in propersafety, laboratory, and chemical handling procedures. Although certain hazards are described herein,we can not guarantee that these are the only hazards which exist. Our SDS are based only on dataavailable at the time of shipping and are subject to change without notice as new information is obtained.Avoid long storage periods since the product is subject to degradation with age and may become moredangerous or hazardous. It is the responsibility of the user to request updated SDS for products that arestored for extended periods. Disposal of unused product must be undertaken by qualified personnelwho are knowledgeable in all applicable regulations and follow all pertinent safety precautions includingthe use of appropriate protective equipment (e.g. protective goggles, protective clothing, breathingequipment, face mask, fume hood). For proper handling and disposal, always comply with federal, stateand local regulations.。
Gentex 9123 9223 系列光电烟感120VAC和220VAC,9V电池备份,单 多站烟感
9123 / 9223 SeriesPhotoelectric Smoke Alarm120 VAC and 220 VAC with 9V Battery Back-Up Single/Multiple Station Smoke Alarm 24 units per carton, 34 pounds per cartonApplicationsThe 9123/9223 Series of photoelectric smoke alarms is designed for residential andcommercial residential applications, including homes, apartments, hospitals, hotelsand motels. Available in several different models, the 9123/9223 Series is engineeredto virtually eliminate nuisance alarms and deliver outstanding performance whereverreliable fire protection is required.The 9123/9223 Series is provided with a 9V alkaline battery for back-up in the eventbuilding power is lost. The Gentex 9123/9223 Series provides an exclusive patentedthree-position test feature that simulates a 0.85% and 3.5% actual smoke conditionin full compliance with NFPA 72 and UL Standards. Options include self-restoring135°F integral or isolated heat thermals and Form A/Form C dry contacts for remoteannunciation.The 9123/9223 smoke alarms are ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 listed and arewarranted for one year from date of purchase.Standard Features• Available in 120VAC and 220VAC models with 9V battery back-up• Photoelectric smoke sensing technology• Horn frequency 3100 Hz (nominal)• 90dBA temporal 3 evacuation piezo horn• Nominal 2.5% sensitivity• Patented three-position test switch• Relays operate on battery back-up• Quick-disconnect wiring harness• Interconnect with Gentex tandem capable smoke alarms• Non-latching (self restoring) alarm• 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio• Pulsing LED sensing chamber• Fully insect screened• Easy Wash® on-site maintenance washing program• Red LED pulses every 30 seconds, green LED for AC power on• Mounting hardware adapts to standard junction boxes• Dust cover to prevent contamination during installation•Low or missing battery indicator• One year warranty from date of purchaseProduct Listings• ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 Listed• BS+A/MEA #285-91-E• BFP (City of Chicago)• MSFM Listing #1929• Hong Kong FSD Listed (9223 Series only)Product Compliance• NFPA 72• IBC/IFC/IRC• Quality Management System is certified to:ISO 9001:20089123 / 9223 SeriesModel Part Number Voltage (VAC)Integral135ºF ThermalIsolated135ºF ThermalTandemUp To 12 UnitsTandemUp To 6 UnitsForm A/CContacts9123917-0012-002120 VAC•9123T917-0013-002120 VAC••9123H917-0014-002120 VAC••9123F917-0015-002120 VAC••9123TF917-0017-002120 VAC•••9123HF917-0016-002120 VAC•••9223917-0032-002220 VAC•9223T917-0033-002220 VAC••9223H917-0034-002220 VAC••9223F917-0035-002220 VAC••9223TF917-0037-002220 VAC •••9223HF917-0036-002220 VAC•••Notes• Series available in round configuration only• When testing 9123 Series, it may take up to 16 seconds longer for smoke alarm to go in or out of alarm mode• It is recommended that 9123/9223 Series smoke alarmbe tested weekly• Refer to Technical Bulletin 002 for Easy Wash® on site washing instructions• Units produce a temporal 3 audible alarm Electrical SpecificationsOperating Voltage (9123) ................................................120 VAC, 60 Hz Operating Voltage (9223) ................................................220 VAC, 50 Hz Operating Current .............................................................0.045 amps Operating Current (Relay Options) ..............................0.070 amps Operating Ambient Temp Range .................................40°F to 100°F Alarm Horn Rating .............................................................90dBA at 10 feet Nominal Sensitivity ...........................................................2.5% obscuration “F” Auxiliary Relay ..............................................................1 Form A and1 Form C (0.6 amp)“T” Integral Thermal (Self-Restoring) ..........................135°F at 50 feet “H” Isolated Thermal Form A (Self-Restoring) .........135°F at 50 feet Size ..........................................................................................Diameter: 6.5” OA(5.75” at base)Depth: 2.625”Secondary Power Source ................................................Alkaline 9V battery Duracell® MN 16049123 / 9223 Series - Photoelectric Smoke AlarmTandem Wiring DiagramRelay ModelsModels: 9123F, 9123TF, 9223F, 9223TF Isolated Thermal withOptional Accessory ContactsModels: 9123H, 9123HF, 9223H, 9223HFLimitations• Maximum of 12 alarms (9123, 9123T, 9123H, 9223, 9223T, 9223H) may be connected together• Do not exceed 125 ft. between each alarm• Do not exceed 1125 ft. between the first and last alarm • Note: Gentex smoke alarms can not be interconnected to alarms from other manufacturers• A maximum of six (6) alarms with a relay may be tandem interconnected (9123F, 9123TF, 9123HF, 9223F, 9223TF, 9223HF)Caution• RED/YELLOW wire to be capped when not in use • This wire is for tandem connection only • Do not connect to any other circuitRelay Contacts Rated Load Resistive• 1.0 AMP @ 24 VDC• 0.6 AMP @ 125 VAC MAX • 0.3 AMP @ 220 VAC MAXBRN Smoke Alarm Heat SensorAccess ContactsAlarm Contacts Tandem PowerH F O n l yBRN GRAY GRAY YEL ORN BLU VIO VIO/BLK RED/YEL BLKWHTGRAY Supervision WiresAccess ContactsAlarm ContactsTandem PowerGRAY YELORN BLUVIO VIO/BLK RED/YEL BLK WHTQuickDisconnect Type Plug123123123120 Volts 60 HzElectrical BoxElectrical BoxNeutralWHT TandemRED /YEL To additionalGentex smoke alarmsHot BLKElectrical BoxSmoke AlarmSmoke AlarmSmoke AlarmThe photoelectric smoke alarm shall be a Gentex model 9123/ 9223 or approved equal which shall provide at least the following features and functions.• Nominal sensitivity shall be 2.5%• The alarm shall utilize an infrared LED sensing circuit which pulses in 4 to 5 second intervals when subjected to smoke. After 2 consecutive pulses in smoke, the alarm will activate.• The alarm shall have a 9V alkaline battery as a back-up in the event building power is lost.• The 9V battery impedance shall be verified by the circuitof the smoke alarm.• The alarm shall provide an indicator when the batteryis low in power, or high impedance, or is missing.• The alarm shall provide minimum 5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio in the optics frame to assure stability of operation in environments of high RF and transient conditions.• The sensing chamber shall be fully screened to prevent entrance of small insects, thus reducing the probabilityof false alarms.• A temporal 3 piezo alarm rated at 90dBA at 10ft.• A visual LED monitor (condition indicator) will slowpulse in normal operation and rapid pulse in alarm.• An easily accessible test knob shall be provided. The test knob in the TEST position will simulate an actual smoke condition of approximately 3.5% causing the detector to alarm within 20-36 seconds. It will also have the capability of testing to 0.85% as arequired minimum. A magnetic switch closure or other switch closure, or smoke generating equipment which does not scatter the light beam or test sensitivity is not sufficient,as indicated in National Code.• The detector shall have interconnect capabilities of up to 12 units or 6 units with relay.• The alarm shall have interconnection capabilities of12 units on 9123/9123T/9123H/9223/9223T/9223H andshall have interconnection capabilities of 6 units on9123F/9123TF/9123HF/9223F/9223TF/9223HF.• The manufacturer shall provide other compatible alarm models with the following optional features: a) 135°F isolated thermal with normally opened contact for remote connection to local alarm or annunciator; b) 135°F integral thermal; c) auxiliary Form A/Form C relay contacts for initiating remote functions and annunciation; d) relay option that is capable of activation by tandem interconnect wire. Thermal sensor shall be self-restoring.• Unit must be ANSI/UL 217 and ANSI/UL 1730 listed for both wall and ceiling mount.• Unit shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories.All equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired and tested, and the contractor shall be prepared to submit a certified letter testifying to this condition. Alarms which do not meet all of the requirements of this specification will not be considered.9123 / 9223 Series Photoelectric Smoke Alarm Architect & Engineering Specifications。
安全专家Chaz Sowers一致力求获取杀毒软件可靠独立的假阳性(误杀)测试报告。但究竟怎样才能得出“独立的”测试报告呢?一些著名实验室的杀软排名不足为信,Chaz Sowers亲自对35款杀软进行了测试,下面就是关于此次杀软测试的故事:
我扫描了两次,并且还重新安装了一遍,但它只能扫描到111个病毒。我怀疑AVG和File Sentry使用了同样的杀毒引擎。
* F-Prot查杀病毒: 32,635
*F-Secure查杀病毒: 36,692
* VBA查杀病毒: 22,417
* Zondex查杀病毒: ---
这是一款来自澳大利亚的杀软,其用户界面很像Windows 3.1,选项设置与其他杀软也有很大区别。但是,当我第二次重新测试时,我的CPU使用还是100%。
我使用重新安装的Windows XP系统,通过Sun VirtualBox虚拟机进行所有测试。重装的系统的更新和补丁截止2009年1月8日。每款杀软都从主机的共享文件夹复制,并且杀软不是常规Windows系统安装的一部分。测试数据和36,438个病毒样本保存在本地D盘。所有病毒样本都是以前或目前在网络上广泛传播的。每次测试后,虚拟机存储先前数据,返回原始状态。
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pexpect kill 方法
文章标题:探索pexpect的kill方法及其应用1. 引言今天我们将探讨一个在编程中十分常见和实用的工具——pexpect。
2. 什么是pexpect?让我们来了解一下pexpect这个工具。
3. pexpect中的kill方法在pexpect模块中,kill方法是一个十分重要且常用的功能。
4. 示例及应用场景接下来,让我们通过一个具体的示例来展示kill方法的应用。
5. 个人观点和理解就我个人而言,我认为pexpect中的kill方法在自动化测试和系统管理中具有非常重要的作用。
6. 总结回顾在本文中,我们深入探讨了pexpect中的kill方法及其应用。
通过本文的阅读,相信读者对pexpect 中的kill方法有了更深入和全面的理解,可以更灵活地运用它来解决实际问题。
具体的命令规则如下:TASKKILL [/S system [/U username [/P [password]]]]{ [/FI filter] [/PID processid | /IM imagename] } [/F] [/T]描述:这个命令行工具可用来结束至少一个进程。
可以根据进程 id 或图像名来结束进程。
参数列表:/S system 指定要连接到的远程系统。
/U [domain\]user 指定应该在哪个用户上下文执行这个命令。
/P [password] 为提供的用户上下文指定密码。
/F 指定要强行终止的进程。
/FI filter 指定筛选进或筛选出查询的的任务。
/PID process id 指定要终止的进程的PID。
/IM image name 指定要终止的进程的图像名。
通配符 '*'可用来指定所有图像名。
/T Tree kill: 终止指定的进程和任何由此启动的子进程。
/? 显示帮助/用法。
筛选器:筛选器名有效运算符有效值----------- --------------- --------------STATUS eq, ne 运行 | 没有响应IMAGENAME eq, ne 图像名PID eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le PID 值SESSION eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 会话编号CPUTIME eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le CPU 时间,格式为hh:mm:ss。
hh - 时,mm - 钟,ss - 秒MEMUSAGE eq, ne, gt, lt, ge, le 内存使用,单位为 KBUSERNAME eq, ne 用户名,格式为[domain\]userMODULES eq, ne DLL 名SERVICES eq, ne 服务名WINDOWTITLE eq, ne 窗口标题注意: 只有带有筛选器的情况下,才能跟 /IM 切换使用通配符 '*'。
首先说明一下我修改敌人的方法其实是修改脚本,就是esl格式,这个格式是放在etc.dat 这个文件里的,大家需要两个工具就够了,一个GCA解压工具和16进制编辑器,16进制编辑器相信喜欢修改的朋友都有,如果没有的话可以到这个网站下载/soft/6927.html,是免费软件而且非常小。
这些文件都需要使用16进制编辑器载入,载入后你会看到这样的图片说明一下这些数字的含义,这是一个完整的敌人脚本,0112 0000 2400 0020 f401 0002 c6e1 5600 cdf1 0000 f317 0000 0001 0b00 0000 0000其中最前面的两个字节表示敌人出现的时间,00表示敌人稍后出现、01表示马上出现,12表示敌人种类,种类是一个大的称呼,人和动物就是不同种类的,其中村民的种类有1200、1500、1700、1300等等一些,一般都是1200、1500、1700比较常见,类型是继种类之后的,比如在村民中有年轻的小伙子、大妈、李老汉、没有头发的大叔等六种人,我来给张图片说明效果更好一些。
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Exam : Microsoft 70294Title : Update : DemoPlanning, Implementing, andMaintaining a MicrosoftWindows Server 2003 ADInfrastructure1. Y ou are the network administrator for Blue Y onder Airlines. The company has offices in T oronto, New Y ork, and Chicago. The network connections are shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)The network consists of two Active Directory domains. User objects for users in the T oronto office and the New Y ork office are stored in the domain. User objects for users in the Chicago office are stored in the domain. Active Directory is configured as shown in the following table.Location Number of users Number of domain controllers Number of globalcatalog serversT oronto 650 4 2NewY ork 15 1 0Chicago 500 3 2Users in the New Y ork office frequently report that they cannot log on to the network, or that logging on takes a very long time. Y ou notice increased global catalog queries to servers in the T oronto office during peak logon times.Y ou need to improve logon performance for users in the New Y ork office without increasing WAN traffic that is due to replication. What should you do?A. Configure the domain controller in the New Y ork office as a global catalog server.B. Configure Active Directory to cache universal group memberships for the T oronto office.C. Install an additional domain controller in the New Y ork office.D. Configure Active Directory to cache universal group memberships for the New Y ork office.Answer: D2. Y ou are a network administrator for your company. The relevant portion of your network configuration is shown in the work area. Your company has offices in Toronto and New Y ork. The Toronto office has 500 employees, and the New Y ork office has 150 employees. Employees in both offices use an applicationthat frequently reads configuration data in the global catalog. Y ou install Windows Server 2003 on all domain controllers. Y ou create a single Windows Server 2003 Active Directory domain. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003. You configure servers as shown in the following table. Server name ConfigurationServer1 Domain controller, domain naming master, schema masterServer2 Domain controller, PDC emulator master, relative ID (RID) master,infrastructure masterServer3 Member server, file and print serverServer4 Member server, Web serverServer5 Domain controllerServer6 Member server, file and print serverY ou need to plan the placement of global catalog servers for your company. Y ou need to ensure that the application performs well during times of peak activity. You need to ensure that the application continues to function in the event of multiple global catalog server failures.Where should you place the global catalog server or servers?T o answer, select the appropriate computer or computers in the work area.Answer:3. Y ou are a network administrator for a company that has a main office and five branch offices. The network consists of six Active Directory domains. All servers run Windows Server 2003. Each office is configured as a single domain. Each office is also configured as an Active Directory site. Y our company uses an application server that queries user information from the global catalog. Y ou install application servers in the main office and in three branch offices. The network is configured as shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)Y ou monitor the WAN connections between the main office and each branch office and discover that the utilization increased from 70 percent to 90 percent. Users report slow response times when accessing information on the application server.Y ou need to place global catalog servers in offices where they will improve the response times for the application servers. Y ou need to achieve this goal with a minimum amount of increase in WAN traffic. In which office or offices should you place a new global catalog server or servers? (Choose all that apply.)A. BonnB. RomeC. New Y orkD. San FranciscoE. ChicagoAnswer: D AND C AND B4. Y ou are a network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains one root domain and multiple child domains. The functional level of all child domains is Windows Server 2003. The functional level of the root domain is Windows 2000 native.Y ou configure a Windows Server 2003 computer named Server1 to be a domain controller for an existing child domain. Server1 is located at a new branch office, and you connect Server1 to a central data center by a persistent VPN connection over a DSL line. Server1 has a single replication connection with a bridgehead domain controller in the central data center.Y ou configure DNS on Server1 and create secondary forward lookup zones for each domain in the forest. Y ou need to minimize the amount of traffic over the VPN connection caused by logon activities. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. Configure the DNS zones to be Active Directoryintegrated zones.B. Configure Server1 to be the PDC emulator for the domain.C. Configure Server1 to be a global catalog server.D. Configure universal group membership caching on Server1.Answer: C AND D5. Y ou are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains multiple domains. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003.The forest includes two Active Directory sites named Site1 and Site2. Site1 contains two domain controllers that are global catalog servers named Server1 and Server2. Site2 contains two domain controllers that are not global catalog servers named Server3 and Server4. The two sites are connected by a WAN connection. Users in Site2report that logon times are unacceptably long.Y ou need to improve logon times for the users in Site2 while minimizing replication traffic on the WAN connection. How should you configure the network?T o answer, drag the appropriate configuration option or options to the correct location or locations in the work area.Drag configuration hereConfiguration Options Global catalog server Universal group membership cachingAnswer:6. Y ou are the network administrator for Adventure Works. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains a forest root domain named adventure and a child domain named child1.adventure. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003.The company uses universal groups to prevent temporary employees from accessing confidential information on computers in the forest. The child1.adventure domain contains a Windows 2000 Server computer named Server1. Server1 runs an application that makes frequent LDAP queries to the global catalog. Server1 is located on a subnet associated with an Active Directory site named Site2 that has no global catalog servers. Site2 is connected to another site by a WAN connection. You need to enable the application on Server1 to run at high performance levels and to continue operating if a WAN connection fails. You also need to minimize traffic over the WAN connection. What should you do?A. Enable universal group membership caching in Site2.B. Configure at least one global catalog server in Site2.C. Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\IgnoreGCFailures key to the registry on all domain controllers in Site2.D. Remove Server1 from the child1.adventure domain and add it to a workgroup.Answer: B7. Y ou are the network administrator for Alpine Ski House. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains five domains. The functional level of the forest is Windows 2000. You have not configured any universal groups in the forest. One domain is a child domain named that contains two domain controllers and 50 client computers. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. The network includes an Active Directory site named Site1 that contains two domain controllers. Site1 represents a remote clinic, and the location changes every few months. All of the computers in are located in the remote clinic. The single WAN connection that connects the remote clinic to the main network is often saturated or unavailable. Site1 does not include any global catalog servers. Y ou create several new user accounts on the domain controllers located in Site1. Y ou need to ensure that users in the remote clinic can always quickly and successfully log on to the domain. What should you do?A. Enable universal group membership caching in Site1.B. Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\IgnoreGCFailures key to the registry on both domain controllers in Site1.C. Add the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\IgnoreGCFailures key to the registry on all global catalog servers in the forest.D. Raise the functional level of the forest to Windows Server 2003.Answer: B8. Y ou are the network administrator for Contoso Pharmaceuticals. Y our network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains three domains. The forest root domain is named . The domain contains two child domains named and . The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003. Each domain contains two Windows Server 2003 domain controllers named DC1 and DC2. DC1 in the domain performs the following two operations master roles: schema master and domain naming master. DC1 in each child domain performs the following three operations master roles: PDC emulator master, relative ID (RID) master, and infrastructure master. DC1 in each domain is also a global catalog server. The user account for Nancy Buchanan in the domain is a member of the Medicine Students security group. Because of a name change, the domain administrator of changes the Last name field of Nancy's useraccount from Buchanan to Anderson. The domain administrator of discovers that the user account for Nancy is still listed as Nancy Buchanan. Y ou need to ensure that the user account for Nancy Anderson is correctly listed in the Medicine Students group. What should you do?A. Transfer the PDC emulator master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.B. Transfer the infrastructure master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.C. Transfer the RID master role from DC1 to DC2 in each domain.D. Transfer the schema master role from DC1 to DC2 in the domain.Answer: B9. Y ou are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains one domain. The functional level of the forest is Windows 2000, and the functional level of the domain is Windows 2000 mixed. The domain contains four domain controllers named DC1, DC2, DC3, and DC4. There are two sites in the forest. DC1 and DC2 are in one site. DC3 and DC4 are in the other site. DC1 fails. You need to wait until the following week to restore DC1.While connected to DC3, you perform a bulk import of user accounts and receive an error message stating that a number of the user accounts could not be created. You need to ensure that the user accounts can be created. What should you do?A. Seize the PDC emulator role to DC3.B. Seize the relative ID (RID) master role to DC3.C. Create a replication object to connect DC3 to DC2.D. Raise the functional level of the domain and the functional level of the forest to Windows Server 2003. Answer: B10. You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. The domain contains three Active Directory sites named Site1, Site2, and Site3. The sites are connected by site links as shown in the work area.SiteLink1 and SiteLink2 include redundant, highspeed WAN connections.Each site has one subnet associated with it. The number of computers in each site and the operating system that the computers are running are indicated in the following table.Operating system Site1 Site2 Site3Windows 98 50 30 550Windows NT Workstation 4.0 50 20 550Windows 2000 Professional 0 500 500Windows XP Professional 100 0 0Windows Server 2003 10 20 15Site1 contains a Windows Server 2003 domain controller named Server1 that is the relative ID (RID) master for the domain. Site2 contains two Windows Server 2003 domain controllers named Server2 and Server3. Server2 is the infrastructure master for the domain. Site3 contains a Windows Server 2003 domain controller named Server4.Y ou need to decide where to place the PDC emulator role holder. Y ou want to optimize the overall response time for users in all sites.Where should you place the PDC emulator role?T o answer, select the appropriate domain controller or domain controllers in the work area.Answer:11. Y ou are the network administrator for Contoso, Ltd. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest, as shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)A domain controller named runs Windows 2000 Server. All other domain controllers run Windows Server 2003. Contoso, Ltd., is engaged in a joint venture with Litware, Inc. The network at Litware, Inc., consists of a single Active Directory forest named that contains one domain. The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003.Y ou need to ensure that the users at Contoso, Ltd., can log on to the forest. Y ou upgrade to Windows Server 2003.Which two additional courses of action should you take? (Each correct answer presents part of thesolution. Choose two.)A. Raise the functional level of the domain and the domain to Windows 2000 native. Raise the functional level of the forest to Windows Server 2003.B. Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows 2000 native. Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows Server 2003. Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows Server 2003.C. Create a oneway forest trust relationship in which the forest trusts the forest.D. Create a oneway forest trust relationship in which the forest trusts the forest.Answer: D AND A12. You are the network administrator for Fabrikam, Inc. Y our network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains one domain named . The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003. Fabrikam, Inc., acquires a company named Contoso, Ltd. The Contoso, Ltd., network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains a root domain named and a child domain named . The functional level of the forest is Windows 2000. The functional level of the domain is Windows 2000 native. A business decision by the company requires the domain to be removed. Y ou need to move all user accounts from the domain to the domain by using the Active Directory Migration Tool. You need to accomplish this task without changing the logon rights and permissions for all other users. Y ou need to ensure that users in can log on to by using their current user names and passwords. What should you do?A. Create a twoway Windows Server 2003 external trust relationship between the domain and the domain.B. Create a oneway Windows Server 2003 external trust relationship in which the domain trusts the domain.C. Create a temporary twoway external trust relationship between the domain and the domain.D. Create a temporary oneway external trust relationship in which the domain trusts the domain.Answer: C13. You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003.Y ou configure two Active Directory sites named Site1 and Site2. Site1 contains all of the operations masters and two global catalog servers. Site2 contains a domain controller named Server1. You create a site link named SiteLink1 that includes Site1 and Site2.Y ou need to provide global catalog services locally in Site2.Which Active Directory component should you configure?T o answer, select the appropriate component in the work area.Answer:14. You are a network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains one domain. The company has its main office and one branch office in San Francisco. The company has additional branch offices in Chicago, New Y ork, and Toronto.Administrators at the main office are responsible for managing all objects in the domain. Administrators at each branch office are responsible for managing user and computer objects for employees who work in the same branch office as the administrator. Administrators for the San Francisco branch office are alsoresponsible for managinguser and computer objects for employees who work in the main office. These users are managed as a single unit.Y ou want administrators to be authorized to make changes only to the objects for which they are responsible.Y ou need to plan an organizational unit (OU) structure that allows the delegation of required permissions. Y ou want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort.Which OU structure should you use?A.B.C.D.Answer: A15. You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The relevant portion of the organizational unit (OU) structure is shown in the exhibit. (Click theExhibit button.)The company's sales division consists of an inside sales department, a mobile sales department, and a telemarketing department. User objects for users in these departments are stored in the Inside, Mobile, and Telemarket OUs respectively. User objects for all junior managers and senior managers are stored in the Managers OU. The company decides to train junior managers to perform basic administrative tasks. Junior managers are responsible for enabling and disabling accounts for all sales users except junior managers and senior managers. Y ou need to enable junior managers to perform the assigned administrative tasks. Y ou must not affect any existing permissions. What should you do?A. On the Managers OU, block the inheritance of permissions. Copy all existing permissions. On the Sales OU, grant junior managers the permission to enable and disable accounts.B. On the Inside, Mobile, and Telemarket OUs, block the inheritance of permissions. Copy all existing permissions. On the Sales OU, grant junior managers the permission to enable and disable accounts.C. On the Managers OU, block the inheritance of permissions. Remove all existing permissions. On the Sales OU, grant junior managers the permission to enable and disable accounts.D. On the Sales OU, block the inheritance of permissions. Copy all existing permissions. On the Sales OU, grant junior managers the permission to enable and disable accounts.Answer: A16. You are the network administrator for a company that has six offices. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. Each office has users who work in the sales, marketing, and production departments. All Active Directory administration is performed by the IT group. The IT group provides a help desk, a leveltwo support group, and an MIS group. Each office has one employee who works for the help desk group. Administrative responsibilities are listed in the following table.Group RoleHelp desk User account maintenance for all employees who are not managementLeveltwo support User account maintenance for all employees, the help desk users, and all management usersMIS group Service account maintenance, maintenance of domain administrator accounts, and builtin accounts in Active DirectoryY ou need to plan an organizational unit (OU) structure that allows delegation of administration. Y our plan must ensure that permissions can be maintained by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. Which OU structure should you use?A.B.C.D.Answer: C17. You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. The company has its main office in Chicago and branch offices in T oronto and New Y ork. The main office contains a sales department and a marketing department. The company's MIS department isresponsible for administration of the entire domain. Each office has an IT group that is responsible for the administration of user accounts. In addition, the main office MIS group has one administrator to manage the sales department and one administrator to manage the marketing department. You need to plan the organizational unit (OU) structure for your company. Y ou want administrators to be delegated control to only objects for which they are responsible. Your plan must ensure that permissions can be maintained by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. Which OU structure should you use? T o answer, select the appropriate plan in the work area.Answer: Plan A18. You are the network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. User and group objects for the sales department are located in an organizational unit (OU) named Sales.Peter and Mary are administrators for your company. Peter is responsible for managing Sales user objects. Mary is responsible for managing Sales group objects.Y ou need to delegate Peter and Mary control over only the objects for which they are responsible. What should you do?A. In the Sales OU, create two new OUs. Name one OU SalesUsers and place all user objects for the sales department in this OU. Name the other OU SalesGroups and place all group objects for the sales department in this OU. Grant Peter and Mary full control over the Sales OU.B. On the Sales OU, grant Peter the right to manage user objects. On the Sales OU, grant Mary the right to manage group objects.C. In the Sales OU, create a new OU. Name this OU SalesGroups. Place all Sales groups in theSalesGroups OU.Grant Peter the right to manage all objects in the Sales OU. Grant Mary the right to manage all objects in the SalesGroups OU.D. On the Sales OU, deny Peter the right to manage group objects. On the Sales OU, deny Mary the right to manage user objects.Answer: B19. You are a network administrator for your company. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003. The functional level of the domain is Windows Server 2003. The organizational unit (OU) structure is shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)Y our company uses an X.500 directory service enabled product to support a sales and marketing application. The application is used only by users in the sales department and the marketing department. The application uses InetOrgPerson objects as user accounts. InetOrgPerson objects have been created in Active Directory for all Sales and Marketing users. These users are instructed to log on by using their InetOrgPerson object as their user account.Microsoft Identity Integration Server is configured to copy changes to InetOrgPerson objects from Active Directory to the X.500 directory service enabled product. All InetOrgPerson objects for marketing employees are located in the Marketing OU. All InetOrgPerson objects for sales employees are located in the Sales OU.Mikhail is another administrator in your company. Mikhail is responsible for managing the objects for users who require access to the X.500 directory service enabled product.Y ou need to configure Active Directory to allow Mikhail to perform his responsibilities.Which action or actions should you take? (Choose all that apply.)A. On the domain, grant Mikhail the permission to manage user objects.B. On the domain, grant Mikhail the permission to manage InetOrgPerson objects.C. On the Sales OU, block the inheritance of permissions.D. On the Marketing OU, block the inheritance of permissions.E. On the Dev OU, block the inheritance of permissionsAnswer: E AND B20. You are the network administrator for Blue Y onder Airlines. You plan to create an Active Directory domain named that will have a functional level of Windows Server 2003.Y our company has one main office and four branch offices, which are all located in one country. A central security department in the main office is responsible for creating and administering all user accounts in all offices. Each office has a local help desk department that is responsible for resetting passwords within the individual department's office only.All user accounts are located in the default Users container.Y ou need to create an organizational unit (OU) structure to support the delegation of authority requirements. You want to minimize the amount of administrative effort required to maintain the environment. What should you do?A. Create a toplevel OU named BlueYonderAirlines_Users under the domain. Create a separate child OU for each office under BlueYonderAirlines_Users. Move the user accounts of all employees in each office to the child OU for that office.B. Create a toplevel OU named Main_Office under the domain. Move the user accounts of all users in the main office to the Main_Office OU.Create a separate child OU for each branch office under the Main_Office OU. Move the user accounts of all users in each branch office to the child OU for that office.C. Create a toplevel OU named BlueY onderAirlines_Users under the domain. Create a child OU named Central_Security under BlueY onderAirlines_Users. Move the user accounts of the central security department users to the Central_Security OU.Create a child OU named Help_Desk under BlueYonderAirlines_Users. Move the user accounts of the help desk users to the Help_Desk OU.D. Create a toplevel OU named BlueY onderAirlines_Users under the domain. Create a child OU named Central_Security under BlueY onderAirlines_Users. Move the user accounts of the central security department users to the Central_Security OU.Create a separate child OU under BlueYonderAirlines_Users for each office. Move the user accounts of the help desk users in each office to the child OU for that office.Answer: A21. You are the network administrator for Alpine Ski House. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains three domains named , , and . The functional level of the forest is Windows Server 2003. Each domain contains Windows Server 2003 file and print servers. All of the file and print server computer accounts are located in the default Computers container in each domain. There is a central operations department that is responsible for administering the file server computer accounts in all domains. There is a separate operations department for each domain that is responsible for administering the print server computer accounts in that domain. Y ou need to delegate authority to create an environment to support your file and print server administration requirements. Y ou need to create an organizational unit (OU) structure to support the delegation of authority requirements. What should you do?A. Create a toplevel OU for file server computer accounts under the domain. Create a toplevel OU for print server computer accounts under the domain.B. Create a toplevel OU for file server computer accounts under the domain. Create a toplevel OU for print server computer accounts under each domain.C. Create a toplevel OU for file server computer accounts under each domain. Create a toplevel OU for print server computer accounts under each domain.D. Create a toplevel OU for file server computer accounts under each domain.Create a child OU for print server computer accounts under each file server OU.Answer: C22. You are the network administrator for the Baldwin Museum of Science. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains one domain named .Y ou need to deploy a new domain named as a child domain of .Y ou install a new standalone Windows Server 2003 computer named DC1. Y ou plan to make DC1 the first domain controller in the domain. Y ou configure DC1 with a static IP configuration. Y ou run the Active Directory Installation Wizard on DC1. The wizard prompts you for the network credentials to use to join the domain to the forest. Y ou enter the appropriate credentials for an account in the domain. You receive an error message stating that a domain controller in the domain cannot be located. Y ou need to be able to promote DC1 to a domain controller as the first domain controller of the child domain in the existing forest. What should you do?A. Configure the client WINS settings on DC1 to use a WINS server that contains entries for the domain controllers.B. Configure the client DNS settings on DC1 to use a DNS server that is authoritative for the domain.C. Configure the DNS Server service on DC1 to have a zone for .D. Configure DC1 to be a member server in the domain. Answer: B23. You are the network administrator for Contoso, Ltd. The network consists of a single Active Directory forest that contains a single domain named . Y ou have a user account namedCONTOSO\admin that is a member of the Domain Admins global group. Y ou need to create a new child domain named in the forest. Y ou install a standalone Windows Server 2003 computer named DC3. You use the Active Directory Installation Wizard to promote DC3 to a domain controller in the new domain. Y ou choose to create a domain controller for a new child domain in an existing domain tree. Y ou enter the user name and password for CONTOSO\admin. Y ou choose as the parent domain, and you type NA as the name of the child domain. Y ou receive the error message shown in the exhibit. (Click the Exhibit button.)。