



Pumpkin pie, apple, candy, and some places will be ready to wait for the meat of cattle and sheep.The children will carry the Jack-o-lantern, dress in all sorts of strange and went door-to-door to collect candy, keeps saying: "was catnip or treat." (meaning is to give not to give, not to make trouble) if you refuse to give candy, the kids will be very angry, in various ways to punish you, such as: pour the waste in your home, and so on way to punish you, until you give them candy. Medieval Western people called Celts. Celtic New Year on November 1st, New Year's Eve, young people set the Celtics team, wearing all kinds of weird masks, carrying carving radish lights; they walk in between the villages. This was actually as a harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween", the legend who died that year, the soul will be dead on Halloween eve visit, it is said that people should be allowed to visit to see the ghost of a successful harvest and ghost show a hearty welcome. All bonfire and lights, the one to frighten away the ghost, and also to illuminate the ghost route, and guide their return. Name Class Grade。




















手抄报标题:"Happy Halloween! A Spooky Adventure"板块一:万圣节介绍(Introduction to Halloween)标题:What is Halloween?内容:Halloween is a fun and spooky holiday celebrated on October 31st. It's a time when people dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, and go trick-or-treating. Halloween is believed to be a time when spirits of the dead come back to earth. But don't worry, it's all just for fun!板块二:万圣节传统(Halloween Traditions)标题:Fun Traditions内容:•Trick-or-Treating: Kids dress up in costumes and go door-to-door asking for candy.•Pumpkin Carving: People carve faces into pumpkins and put a candle inside to make jack-o'-lanterns.•Costume Parties: Friends and family get together to dress up and have a party.•Bobbing for Apples: A game where you try to catch apples with your mouth in a tub of water.板块三:万圣节故事(Halloween Stories)标题:The Legend of Jack-o'-Lantern内容:Long ago, there was a man named Jack who played tricks on everyone. One day, he tricked the Devil. As punishment, the Devil wouldn't let Jack into Heaven. Jack used a turnip with a candle inside to light his way through the dark. Ever since, we carve pumpkins (which are like big turnips) into jack-o'-lanterns to remember Jack.板块四:万圣节词汇(Halloween Vocabulary)标题:Scary Words内容:•Pumpkin•Costume•Trick-or-Treat•Jack-o'-Lantern•Witch•Ghost•Bat•Spider•Candy•Halloween板块五:万圣节装饰(Halloween Decorations)标题:Spooky Decorations内容:At Halloween, people decorate their homes with spooky things like cobwebs, spiders, and black cats. They also use orange and black colors to make the house look scary. Don't forget to put a jack-o'-lantern on your doorstep to welcome trick-or-treaters!板块六:互动环节(Interactive Corner)标题:Draw Your Own Monster内容:In this section, invite kids to draw their own monster. They can use colorful markers and crayons to make their monster as scary or funny as they want. Encourage creativity and have fun!手抄报底部:可以添加一些简单的万圣节图案,如蝙蝠、南瓜、鬼魂等,以及孩子们的姓名和制作日期。



可根据教学中生成的资源及时调整自己的教学行为当然返朴归真”删繁就简”并非灵丹妙药我们不 能指望它们具有药到病除之神效但是至少它们能消除些说不清道不明的猫腻带给我们以神清气爽之 舒畅!以上谈论纯属一孔之见一家之言各位同仁你在感叹英雄所见略同”还是在笑话我不知天高地 厚乱弹琴?不管如何我已将几年来郁积心头的话语一吐为快很是惬意!哀其不幸怒其不争”这是所 有对语文教学寄予厚望的社会公民的无奈情感作为在语文教学阵地中摸爬滚打的一线教师除了哀叹 抱怨我们应该还有权利更有义务去深思一番去实践一番!课程改革的乐章已奏响语文教学正在努力 实现脱胎换骨埋头苦苦耕耘的教师们不妨跳出语文看语文而后再跳出语文教语文一年两年后或许


奇特是创造性想象的本质特征丰富的想象力是人们漫游科学天空的强劲翅膀因此没有想象就没有创 新落实素质教育保护和发展学生的想象力对于培养学生的创新能力至关重要例如:上《叶子》一课 重点是认识叶子的各种形态在教学时是由学生的具体形象思维到抽想思维再到具体思维都是联系生 活中某些具体形象的事物去鉴别树叶的形态象什么而定义的特别是卵形叶当讲到象什么物体时有的 学生说像鱼的身体有的说像鸭子的身体这时教师也不应全盘否定学生的想象力抑制他们的想法可以 鼓励他们想象的好象这样的叶子叫做卵形叶为后面制作叶形标本发展学生的想象里奠定基础使他们 根据叶形的各种不同形状制成一条象鱼的标本或者是乌龟等的叶形标本既培养了他们创新精神又



万圣节的英语手抄报Traditions of Halloween (万圣节的传统习俗)Many of the traditions associated with Halloween can be traced back to the ancient festivals of Samhain, such as costuming, trick-or-treating, pinata, pumpkin carving.Symbols of Halloween(万圣节的象征)Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more interesting.Do you know what they are?Ghost、Haunted house、spider、bat、vampire、werewolf、coffin、zombie、witch、skull、pirate、Skull &Crossbones、mummy、skeleton、goblin、ghoul、tomb、Bandaged finger、owl、black cat、mask、moon【万圣节象征】【Black Cats黑猫】OK, so while Halloween started out to be about the end of harvest, etc., there are some ancient cultures who also believed that, on Halloween night, the veil between the living world and the spirit world was, if not lifted entirely, at least a little thinner.Ancient Celtic religions taught that cats were reincarnatedsouls of humans, and that they were able to see the future.? Also, it was thought (as mentioned earlier) that witches could turn into cats.Truth be told, most single ladies were thought to be witches, and, just like today, many of the single ladies had?cats.? So, in the 1600’s or so, the local cat lady would have probably been tried for witchcraft.【Skeletons骷髅】The Druids and the Celts believed that the skull was the “psychic seat” of the human soul.? All in all, skulls and skeletons are associated with Halloween because they represent the end of the physical part of life, something that is connected to Halloween both beca use of the death of the “light” seasons and because of the perceived connection to the spirit realm.【Ghosts鬼怪】The idea of ghost plays into this idea that Halloween night is the one night that the spirits of the ancestors are able to walk among the living.?【Masks and Costumes面具和服饰】Speaking of ghosts, what is Halloween without costumes?? Back in Celtic times, it was thought that if you could trick the spirit, the spirit would refrain from bothering you about pesky things like tributes and respect.On a night that the “veil” between the spirit world and the natural world was so thin, it’s best to pretend to be someone else.? In the 1950’s, trick-or treating became all the rage in the United States (can you believe it was that late?)【Pumpkin lanterns南瓜灯】Originally, the beggars put candles inside them to light their way from house to house to beg and pray.? Eventually, the tradition changed to carving pumpkins, and Jack-o-Lanterns as we know them were born.? One legend sticks out above all others in regards to the Jack-o-lantern tradition.An Irishman named “Stingy Jack” was a?drunk?and a prankster, and he managed to make both God and the Devil angry.? He died, and neither heaven nor hell wanted him, so he was stuck wandering around on earth.He carried a turnip, hollowed out, with a candle inside, tolight his way, and to keep him from knocking on their door, the Irish would carve scary jack-o-lanterns to put around their houses to keep him away.? Or, so they believed, and a tradition was born.【Witches巫婆】What’s the go-to Halloween costume for most little girls?? Oh right – some Disney princess.? What?WAS the go-to Halloween costume for little girls until about 10 years ago?? Witch!? What’s the go-to costume for most female people who get talked into dressing up for their office’s Halloween party?? Witch!?What’s the central subject of most Halloween movies??Witch!Witches were feared, and it was believed that their “powers” were at their greatest on Halloween night.?It was thought that witches were in league with the devil. Still, the image of a witch riding her broomstick across a full moon is one of the most traditional Halloween symbols or images today.。


知为此我特设置了时政快讯栏目时间一般是一周一次但不确定若重大事件发生时甚至可以一天两次 及时报道组织者可以是学生也可以是教师内容可以是国内外大事也可以是班内或学校的新闻期末评 选出反映知识点热点的最佳新闻和典型材料的报道对报道事件及时准确报道效果反映很好的通讯员 予以奖励时政快讯活跃了课堂气氛开阔了学生视野使学生树立了家事国事天下事事事关心”的思想 自由论坛我们常说使学生成为学习的主人但在具体的操作中由于课时所限教学内容多的原因真正让 学生发表意见的机会并不多因此我利用课余时间组织了自由论坛栏目在这个自由的时间里学生就某 个问题畅所欲言或辩论或演说或私语每个人都有发言的机会论题


第 2n a saucepan( 炖 锅 ). Put the saucepan over a pan of boiling water. Boil the water until the caramels melt. Put a wooden stick into the top of each apple, dip the apple into the caramel. Let them cool on wax paper and enjoy! Scary Stories No Halloween party is complete without at least one scary story. Usually one person talks in a low voice while everyone else crowds together on the floor or around a fire. The following is a retelling of a tale told in Britain and in North Carolina and Virginia. "What Do You Come For?" There was an old woman who lived all by herself, and she was very lonely. Sitting in the kitchen one night, she said, "Oh, I wish I had some company." No sooner had she spoken than down the chimney tumbled two feet from which the flesh had rotted. The old woman's eyes bulged with terror. Then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet.



英语万圣节手抄报英语万圣节手抄报Every November 1,, is Catholic celebrate festival holiday All Hallows Day or All Saint 's Day.Halloween (or Hallowe'en) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which monly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o'-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)".The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summer's end".Snap-Apple Night (1832) by Daniel Maclise.Depicts apple bobbing and divination games at a Halloween party in Blarney,Ireland.The name 'Halloween' and many of its present-day traditions derive from the Old English era.The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before AllHallows Day. Although the phrase All Hallows is found inOld English (ealra hālgena m?ssed?g, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.。

万圣节英语小报简单好看 手绘

万圣节英语小报简单好看 手绘

万圣节是诸圣节(All Saints’Day)的俗称,本是天主教等基督宗教的宗教节日,时间是11月1日。


紧随诸圣节之后的是11月2日的诸灵节(All Souls’Day),这一天缅怀的则是已逝但还未升入天国的灵魂,信徒们会祈祷他们早日升天。







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同桌的两个同学分别用沙泥土做两个小玩具再来让他们自己评价一下谁的光滑然后再交换做一次再 让他们自己评价这样学生从两次的对比中懂得了沙和呢土颗粒的大小不一样黏性也不一样 第五 教师要积极启发让学生充分发表自己的意见学生的主体作用不仅在观察实验中体现出来在观察实验 之后也要让学生把他们在实验观察中的发现说出来特别是结论性的规律性的知识要让学生自己说出 来教师不能代替பைடு நூலகம்对了给予鼓励说错了也让他说完例如:我教《我们的身体》一课时让学生说说我 们的身体分几个部分学生没有说出有四个部分有的说五个部分有的说六个部分有的说七个部分等各 不相同的答案这或多或少是正常的这是他们的认识水平所决定的通过大家的讨论后是能达到共识