









以下是一道选择题的示例:A. 1KBB. 1MBC. 1GBD. 1TB解释:1TB等于1024GB,因此它表示的二进制位数最多。





以下是一道阅读理解题的示例:(3)阅读以下Java代码,解释程序的输出是什么?public static void main(String args) {int arr = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {if (arr[i] % 2 == 0) {System.out.println(arr[i]);解释:这个Java程序会遍历数组中的每一个元素,如果元素是偶数,则将其打印出来。





半期考试 答案详解

半期考试 答案详解

Mid-term checking problems ofIntermediate EconomicsAnswer Sheet1. Multiple Choices (20×2=40) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) A C B B C D B A A D (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) B A B A D A B C B C2. True or False (15×1=15)(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) F T F T F F T T F T (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) TTFFT1. Multiple Choices (20×2=40)(1) If she spends all of her income on lemons and tangerines, Isabella can just afford 30 lemons and 8 tangerines per day. She could also use her entire budget to buy 6 lemons and 14 tangerines per day. The price of lemons is 6 guineas each. How much is Isabella's income per day? (a) 372 guineas (b) 377 guineas (c) 371 guineas (d) 363 guineas(2) In year 1, the price of good x was 1, the price of good y was 1, and income was 30. In year 2, the price of x was 6, the price of good y was 5, and income was 30. On a graph with x on the horizontal axis and y on the vertical, the new budget line is: (a) flatter than the old one and lies below it. (b) flatter than the old one and lies above it. (c) steeper than the old one and lies below it. (d) steeper than the old one and lies above it.(3) Fanny consumes goods x and y. Her indifference curves are described by the formula y =k/(x + 7). Higher values of k correspond to better indifference curves. Which of the following is true? (a) Fanny likes good y and hates good x.(b) Fanny prefers bundle (8, 9) to bundle (9, 8). (c) Fanny prefers bundle (9, 5) to bundle (5, 9). (d) Fanny likes good x and hates good y.(4) Manuel consumes only apples and bananas. He prefers more apples to less, but he gets tired of bananas. If he consumes fewer than 17 bananas per week, he thinks that one banana is a perfect substitute for one apple. But you would have to pay him one apple for each banana beyond 17 that he consumes. The indifference curve that passes through the consumption bundle with 25 apples and 26 bananas also passes through the bundle with A apples and 11 bananas, where A equals: (a) 21 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 26(5) Chen has preferences represented by the utility function: U(x, y) ={}x y y x 6,4min ++. If x is on the horizontal axis and y is on the vertical axis, what is the slope of his indifference curve at the point (9, 4)?(a) The slope is -4. (b) The slope is -6/4. (c) The slope is -1/6 (d) The slope is -1/4.(6) Raymond's preferences are represented by the utility function U(x; y) = x=y if y > 0 and U(x; y)= 0 if y = 0.(a) Raymond has indifference curves that are rectangular hyperbolas. (b) Raymond prefers more of each good to less. (c) Raymond has quasi-linear preferences.(d) Raymond has indifference curves that are upward sloping straight lines if y > 0.(7) Hans has 27 dollars, which he decides to spend on x and y. Commodity x costs $16 per unit and commodity y costs $10 per unit. He has the utility function U(x; y) = 5x 2 + 2y 2 and he can purchase fractional units of x and y. (a) Hans will choose only x. (b) Hans will choose only y.(c) Hans will choose some of each commodity, but more y than x. (d) Hans will choose some of each commodity, but more x than y.(8) Paul's utility function is {}y x y x ++3,3min . Simon's utility function is{}y x y x 39,93min ++. Paul and Simon have the same income and face the same prices. Which of the following is true?(a) Paul and Simon will demand the same amount of good x. (b) Paul will demand more y than Simon. (c) Simon will demand more y than Paul.(d) Each will prefer the other's consumption bundle to his own.(9) Daisy received a tape recorder as a birthday gift and is not able to return it. Her utility function is U(x, y, z) = x+z 1/2f(y) where z is the number of tapes she buys, y is the number of tape recorders she has and x is the amount of money she has left to spend. f(y) = 0 if y < 1 and f(y) = 32 if y is 1 or greater. The price of tapes is 4 and she can easily afford to buy dozens of tapes. How many tapes will she buy?(a) 16 (b) 18 (c) 14 (d) 20(10) Walt consumes strawberries and cream but only in the fixed ratio of three boxes ofstrawberries to two cartons of cream. At any other ratio, the excess goods are totally useless to him. The cost of a box of strawberries is 10 and the cost of a carton of cream is 10. Walt's income is 200. Which of the following is true? (a) Walt demands 10 cartons of cream. (b) Walt demands 10 boxes of strawberries.(c) Walt considers strawberries and cartons of cream to be perfect substitutes. (d) Walt demands 12 boxes of strawberries(11) Remember that the Laspeyres price index uses the old quantities for the weights. In 1971, good x cost 3 and good y cost 1. The current price of good x is 3 and the current price of good y is 5. In 1971 the consumption bundle was (x, y) = (3, 5). The current consumption bundle is (x, y) = (9, 4). The Laspeyres index of current prices relative to 1971 prices is closest to which of the following numbers?(a) 3.36 (b) 2.43 (c) 0.30 (d) 1.52(12) At prices (4, 12); Harry chooses the bundle (9, 4). At the prices (8, 4); Harry chooses the bundle (2, 9). Is this behavior consistent with the weak axiom of revealed preference? (a) Yes (b) No (c) It depends on his income.(d) We would have to observe a third choice to be able to say.(13) Cindy consumes goods x and y. Her demand for x is given by x(p x , m) = 0.05m-5.15p x . Now her income is 419, the price of x is 3, and the price of y is 1. If the price of x rises to 4 and if we denote the income effect on her demand for x by DI and the substitution effect on her demand for x by DS, then:(a) DI = -0.28 and DS = -0.52. (b) DI = -0.28 and DS = -4.88. (c) DI = -0.52 and DS = -0.52. (d) DI = 0 and DS = -2.00.(14) Waldo consumes only apples and bananas and bananas are an inferior good for him. The priceof apples increases, but there is an increase in his income that keeps him on the same indifference curve as before. (Waldo has convex preferences; and he prefers more to less of either good.)(a) After the change, Waldo will buy more bananas and less apples.(b) After the change, Waldo will buy less bananas and more apples.(c) After the change, Waldo will buy more of both goods.(d) After the change, Waldo will buy less of both goods.(15) Reginald is fond of cigars. His utility function is U(x, c) = x+10c-5c2 where c is the number of cigars he smokes per week and x is the money that he spends on consumption of other goods. Reginald has $200 a week to spend. Cigars used to cost him $1 each, but their price went up to $2 each. This price increase was as bad for him as losing the following amount of income:(a) $5 (b) $7.25 (c) $9 (d) $8.50(16) Holly consumes only goods X and Y. Her income is 600 and her utility function is U(x, y) ={}y x,max where x is the number of units of X she consumes and y is the number of units of Y she consumes. The price of good Y is 1. The price of good X used to be 1/2; but is now 2. The equivalent variation of this price change for Holly is:(a) 300. (b) 600. (c) 150. (d) 800.(17) The demand function is described by the equation q(p) = 190- p/5. The inverse demand function is described by:(a) q(p) = 190 - 5p. (b) p(q) = 950- 5q.(c) q(p) = 1/(190- p/5). (d) p(q) = 1/190- q/5.(18) If the demand function for tickets to a play is q = 3 600-45p; at what price will total revenue be maximized?(a) 160 (b) 80 (c) 40 (d) 20(19) The demand function for fresh strawberries is q = 200- 5p and the supply function is q =60+2p. What is the equilibrium price?(a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 50(20) The inverse demand function for cases of whiskey is defined by p = 241-11q and the inverse supply function is defined by p = 17+5q. Originally there was no tax on whiskey. Then the government began to tax suppliers of whiskey $112 for every case they sold. How much did the price paid by consumers rise when the new equilibrium was reached.(a) It rose by 112 dollars. (b) It rose by 114 dollars.(c) It rose by 77 dollars. (d) It rose by 75 dollars2. True or False (15×1=15)(1) If there are two goods with positive prices and the price of one good is reduced, while income and other prices remain constant, then the size of the budget set is reduced.(2) A consumer prefers more to less of every good. Her income rises, and the price of one of the goods falls while other prices stay constant. These changes must have made her better off.(3) If preferences are transitive, more is always preferred to less.(4) A consumer with convex preferences who is indifferent between the bundles (1, 2) and (9, 6) will like the bundle (5, 4) at least as well as either of the first two bundles.(5) With quasilinear preferences, the slope of indifference curves is constant along all rays through the origin.(6) A person with the utility function U(x, y) = y +x2 has convex preferences.(7) Sharon spends all of her income on peaches and strawberries. Peaches are a normal good for her. Her income increased by 20 percent and prices did not change. Her consumption ofstrawberries could not have increased by more than 20 percent.(8) A good is a luxury good if the income elasticity of demand for it is greater than 1.(9) If income is doubled and all prices are doubled, then the demands for luxury goods will more than double.(10) The strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.(11) It is possible for a consumer to satisfy the weak axiom of revealed preference, but violate the strong axiom of revealed preference.(12) A Giffen good must be an inferior good.(13) The compensated demand function refers to the demand function of someone who is adequately paid for what he or she sells.(14) Consumer's surplus is another name for excess demand.(15) The inverse demand curve P(x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.3. Essay ( 45 points)1 (5 points). Use an example to explain why taking a monotonic transformation of a utility function does not change the marginal rate of substitution.Answer 1: Consider utility functions 211x x U += and )(2212x x U += where 01≥x and 02≥x . At any ),(21x x , by the definition of the marginal rate of substitution (MRS), for 1U , the MRS is1111211121,-=-=-=U x U x U x x MU MU MRS and for 2U , the MRS is1222221221,-=-=-=U x U x U x x MU MU MRSThen 221121,,1U x xU x x MRS MRS =-= for any ),(21x x . (Further, the conclusion holds for any monotonic transformation f . Let)),((),(211212x x U f x x U = where 1U is any given futility function. At any ),(21x x , we have 12112111211221,,U x x U x U x U x U x U x x MRS MUMU MUf MU f MRS=-=⨯'⨯'-= . Thus the conclusion follows.)2 (10 points). Assume that Smith’s utility function is 22Y X U =(unit: dollar), the price of good X and Y are 2$=X P and 3$=Y P . His income is $500 per month. Answer the following questions: (a) How many good X and good Y does Smith buy per month?(b) If Smith has the membership of good X’s special customer and the membership costs $100, he can buy good X at a price of $1. Please help Smith to decide whether to buy the membership.Answer 2: (a) Smith ’s choice with respect to X and Y can written as50032 ..m ax m ax 22,,=+=+=Y X Y P X P t s Y X U Y X YX YXThe utility-maximizing conditions are50032322222=+=⇒=Y X YX XY P MU P MU Y Y X XThen we have 125*=X and 33.833250*==Y .(b) By buying the membership that costs $100, the problem of Smith ’s choice is4003 ..m ax m ax 22,,=+='+'=Y X Y P X P t s Y X U Y XYX YXFollowing the problem-solving procedure in (a), we conclude that if he buys the membership,he will purchase 200*=m X and .67.663200*==m YNow we calculate the Smith ’s utilities, U and m U , gained in these two case respectively.m m m U Y X Y X U ==⨯<⨯==2*2*22222*2*)()()3/200(200)3/250(125)()(Thus, he will buy the membership.3 (20 points). Consider a market with 2 consumers. Consumer 1’s utility function and income are432411211),(xx x x U = and $100. Consumer 2’s utility function and income are 2121243ln 41),(x x x x U += and $200. Please answer(a) What are Consumer 1’s and 2’s individual demand functions for 1x ?(b) What is the market demand function for 1x ?(c) Assume further that original price of 1x is $5 and goes up to $10. Calculate (Slutsky) substitution effect and income effect for Consumer 2’s demand.Answer 3: (a) Let 1p and 2p be Good 1 and 2’s prices. Then Consumer 1’s utility maximization is described as{}12211432411,211,..m ax ),(m ax 2121m x p x p t s x x x x U x x x x =+=where 1001=m .Then the optimization conditions are434341111122112112122112141241143243111,2121m x p m x p x p p p x x m x p x p p p x x x x MU MU MRS x x x x =⇒⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+=⇒⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧=+===-- Thus Consumer 1’s inverse demand function is1111112514x x m p =⨯=where the superscription “1” indexes Consumer 1.Similarly, Consumer 2’s utility maximization is described as2221121,212,..41ln 41m ax ),(m ax 2121m x p x p t s x x x x U x x x x =+⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧+=where 2200m =.Then the optimization conditions are211222112112221121122,33143412121p x p m x p x p p p x m x p x p p p x MU MU MRS xx x x =⇒⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+=⇒⎪⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎪⎨⎧=+=== Thus Consumer 2’s inverse demand function is21213x p p =where the superscription “2” indexes Consumer 2.(b) Note that the market demand curve is the outcome of adding individuals ’ demand curves horizontally. At any given price of Good 1, the quantity demanded in the market is1212121111375325p p p p p x x x M +=+=+= That is, the market inverse demand function isMx p p 121375+=(c) From Consumer 2’s demand function 22113p x p =, his/her quantity demanded at 51=p with 2002=m is 2221121(,)(5,200)15p x p m x ==. To keep his/her purchasing power constant, his/her income needs to raise by 222(105)153p pm ∆=⨯-=. Then the income necessary to keep purchasing power constant is 250502002=+='m . So the quantity demanded at 101='p with 222003pm '=+is 22221121(,)(10,200)330p px p m x ''=+= Then by the definition of (Slutsky) substitution effect, we have2222222111211211(,)(,)(10,200)(5,200)330s p px x p m x p m x x ''∆=-=+-=- Now turn to the income effect. Clearly, his/her quantity demanded at 101='p with 2002=m is2221121(,)(10,200)30p x p m x '==. By the definition of income effect, we have 222222111211211(,)(,)(10,200)(10,200)03npx x p m x p m x x '''∆=-=-+= (Further,wecancheckSlutskyEquation(oridentity)holds.Thatis,.3003022212121p p x x x n s -=+-=∆+∆=∆. Note that Consumer 2’s utility function2121213(,)ln 44U x x x x =+is a quasilinear function, and for 1x ’s demand function 22113p x p =is irrelevant to the income, so the income effect is 0, and the substitution effect is equivalent to the total effect).4 (10 points). Assume that market supply curve is s s Q P 5100+= where s P and s Q are the priceandthequantitysuppliedrespectively,andmarketdemandcurveisd d Q P 5200-= where d P and d Q are the price and the quantity demandedrespectively. Please answer the following questions:(a) What is the perfectly competitive equilibrium of the market?(b) If the government imposed a tax 50=t on per unit good that a firm sells in the market, calculate the deadweight loss caused by this taxing. Answer 4: (a) The equilibrium conditions are⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≡=≡=****)()(QP Q P Q PP P s s s s Then we have150,1051005200*****==⇒+==-P Q Q P QThat is, the market equilibrium price and quantity are 150 and 10 respectively.(b) In the presence of a tax 50=t on suppliers, the supply curve shifts upwards toss Q P '+='5150. Then according to the equilibrium conditions, we have 175,551505200*****==⇒+==-T T T T T P Q Q P Qwhere *T Q and *T P are the equilibrium quantity and price respectively in the case of taxing.By the definition of deadweight loss, we can calculate it as()()125d )10100d )()(105**=-=-=⎰⎰t t t t P t P D Q Q s d T。







1. 下列C++代码的输出结果是()。

2. 对于如下图的二叉树,说法正确的是()。

A. 先序遍历是132。

B. 中序遍历是123。

C. 后序遍历是312。

D. 先序遍历和后序遍历正好是相反的。

3. 已知两个序列s1={1,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,1}、s2={3,5,7,4,8,2,9,5,1},则它们的最长公共子序列是()。

4. 关于序列{2,7,1,5,6,4,3,8,9},以下说法错误的是()。

A. {2,5,6,8,9}是它的最长上升子序列。

B. {1,5,6,8,9}是它的最长上升子序列。

C. {7,5,4,3}是它的最长下降子序列。

D. {1,5,6,8,9}是它的唯一最长上升子序列。

5. 关于图的深度优先搜索和广度优先搜索,下列说法错误的是()。

A. 二叉树是也是一种图。

B. 二叉树的前序遍历和后序遍历都是深度优先搜索的一种。

C. 深度优先搜索可以从任意根节点开始。

D. 二叉树的后序遍历也是广度优先搜索的一种。

6. 对于如下二叉树,下面访问顺序说法错误的是()。

A. HDEBFIGCA不是它的后序遍历序列B. ABCDEFGHI是它的广度优先遍历序列C. ABDHECFGI是它的深度优先遍历序列D. ABDHECFGI是它的先序遍历序列7. 以下哪个方案不能合理解决或缓解哈希表冲突()。

A. 丢弃发生冲突的新元素。

B. 在每个哈希表项处,使用不同的哈希函数再建立一个哈希表,管理该表项的冲突元素。

C. 在每个哈希表项处,建立二叉排序树,管理该表项的冲突元素。

D. 使用不同的哈希函数建立额外的哈希表,用来管理所有发生冲突的元素。

8. 在C++中,关于运算符&,下面说法正确的是()。

9. 下面关于图的说法正确的是()。

A. 在无向图中,环是指至少包含三个不同顶点,并且第一个顶点和最后一个顶点是相同的路径。










可能用到的相对原子质量:H—1 N—14 O—16 S—32 Fe—56第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共126分)一、选择题(本题共13小题,每小题6分。





下列说法不.准确的是A.①表示促进细菌细胞壁的形成B.④表示抑制细菌DNA的转录C.c过程中,mRNA部分碱基序列不能编码氨基酸D.将N个细菌的F用32P标记,放在31P的培养液中连续分裂m 次,含31P 标记的细菌有N·2m 个4.下列有关生态内容的叙述中,错误的是A .当种群数量为2K 时,种群出生率与死亡率相等 B .低碳生活方式有助于维持生物圈中碳循环的平衡C .依据种群年龄组成可预测种群的出生率和死亡率D .果园中适当增加昆虫种类能提高果园物种丰富度5.生物体都有遗传变异的特性,有利变异更容易在竞争中获胜,下列说法正确的是A .自然选择决定了生物变异和进化的方向,进化导致生物多样性形成B .繁殖过程中产生的变异个体都可以作为进化的原材料C .癌症的发生是多个基因突变累积的结果D .基因重组和染色体变异必须在有性生殖前提下才能发生6.下列关于生物科学研究方法的叙述,不.正确的一项是 A .采用模型建构的方法,能够帮助我们认识人体内血糖的调节机制B .遗传学家采用假说一演绎法,证明了基因位于染色体上C .鲁宾和卡门利用同位素标记法,探明了光合作用中碳原子的转移途径D .用样方法和取样器取样法可分别调查植物的种群密度和土壤动物的丰富度7.化学与人类生产、生活密切相关,下列有关说法正确..的是 A .工业上用惰性电极电解熔融的MgO 可制得MgB .为加快漂白精的漂白速率,使用时可滴加几滴醋酸C .草木灰可与铵态氮肥混合施用D .氢氧化铝、氢氧化钠、碳酸钠都是常见的胃酸中和剂8.设N A 表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确..的是 A .标准状况下,2.24L Cl 2与过量稀NaOH 溶液反应,转移的电子总数为0.1N AB .电解饱和食盐水,当阴极产生2.24L H 2时,转移的电子数为0.2N AC .常温下,1.0L pH=13的NaOH 溶液中,由水电离的OH -离子数目为0.1N AD .将100mL0.1mol·L -1的FeCl 3溶液滴入沸水中可制得Fe(OH)3胶粒0.01N A9.常温下,在下列指定条件的各溶液中,一定能大量共存的离子组是A .中性溶液中:K +、Fe 3+、ClO -、SO 42-B .pH<7的溶液中:Na +、Ba 2+、Br -、Cl -C .加入金属镁能产生H 2的溶液中:Na +、Fe 2+、SO 42-、NO 3-D .c (H +)/c (OH -)=10-12的溶液中:K +、NH 4+、HCO 3-、NO 3-10.下列解释事实的化学方程式或离子方程式不正确...的是 A .向AgCl 悬浊液中加入KI 溶液:AgCl(s) + I -(aq)AgI(s) + Cl -(aq) B .明矾净水:Al 3+ + 3H 2O Al(OH)3 + 3H +C .90℃时,测得纯水中K w =3.8×10-13:H 2O(l)H +(aq) + OH -(aq) ∆<0H D .用热的纯碱溶液可以清洗油污:CO 32-+ H 2O HCO 3- + OH - 11.已知K 2Cr 2O 7溶液中存在如下平衡:Cr 2O 72-(橙色)+H 2O 2H + + 2CrO 42-(黄色)。



某某省某某市第七中学2019-2020学年高一英语下学期半期考试试题(含解析)考试时间:120 分钟满分:150 分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5 分,满分7.5分)听下面5 段对话。


听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. What is probably the woman? A.A policewoman.B. A shopkeeper. C. A waitress.2. How much less did the man pay for the vase?A. $15.99.B. $10.C. $5.99.3. What do we know about the man?A. He had a car.B. He likes driving very much.C. He lives far from the subway.4. What is the man advised to do?A. Have a rest.B. Have a check-up.C. Drink a lot of water.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. An animal.B. A baby.C. A story.第二节(共15 小题,每小题1.5 分,满分22.5分)听下面5 段对话或独白。


听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。



6. Why does the man want to redo his bedroom?A. T o rent it out.B. To match the furniture.C. T o repair the furniture.7. What color does the woman suggest?A. Yellow.B. Red.C. White.8. What do we know about the man?A. He will change the bed.B. He will change the sofa.C. He will change the wallpaper.听第7段材料,回答9至11题.9 Walis Mr. CarsondoingwhenMr. Priccals him?A.Hetont for lunch.B.Hleis aving a meeting.C. Hes having a talk with his customer.10. What is Mr. Prince's number?A.Hongkong 68261427 extension 4063.B. Hongkong 86261427 extension 4036.C. Hongkong 68261427 cxtension 4036. 11. What's the rehtionhp betweenthe woman and M. Carson? A. T eacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Boss and secretary. 听第8段材料,回答12至14题. 12. Whatdo we know about the fnctory leaders? A. They have gained the respect oflocal people. B, They will build another factory to recycle the wastes.C. They have promised to do something against the ollution.13, What will the special machine be used to do?A. Filter the waste water.B. Take in the finc dust in the smoke.C. Recycl the wastes into useful things.14, Where does the man's family live?A. Near river,B. Near a factory.C. Near a school听第9段材料,回答第I5至17题.15. How many more credits does the woman take than the man?A.3.B.4.C.5.16. Why does the woman want to know more students?A. To borrow books from them.B. To know the teachers better.C. T o make friends with them.17. What will the woman do next?A. Go to the bookstore.B. Go to the brary.C. Go to meet somcone.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题.18. Whatdo some intemational students do during their gapyear?A. T ake this chanc to travelB. Perform their military duty.C. Meet other educational requirements.19. What are the parents concemed about?考试A. Students may miss their friends at cllge.B. It goes against the schedule of some ollges.C.C.Students may not want to cotinue their studies. 20. What is Holly Bull’s job? A. T o provide tutorship to students. B. To help students plan their gap year. C. T o call the media’s attention to the gap year. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。



成都七中2023—2024学年度下期高2026届半期考试英语试题答案听力1-5 BBCAA 6-10 CCBAA 11-15 CBBAC 16-20 CCBAB阅读理解21-23 CCC 24-27 AAAD 28-31 BDCD 32-35 BCAA 36-39 CDBA 40-44 CGEBD 完形填空45-49 ABACA 50-54 BADDD55-59 ACBBC语法填空60. when61. existence62. are63. longest64. laid65. decoration(s)66. that67. original68. an69. showed/shown单词拼写70. exaggeration 71. incredible 72. applaud 73. Absorbed 74. extent75. budget 76. souvenir 77. continent 78. deer 79. devoted/dedicated80. cruelty 81. sustainable 82. severely/seriously 83. permitting 84. campaign85. strategies 86. breath 87. complexity 88. latter 89. independent【听力原文】1. M: Will you watch my cat for me next weekend? I have to go to Florida for a business meeting.W: Sure. I’ll pick him up on my way home from my yoga class. My kids will be so excited!2. W: Dad, can you drive me to school?M: Sorry, I’m too busy. Why don’t you ride your bike or walk? You need to exercise.W: Well, I think I’ll cycle. I don’t have much time to walk.3. M: What are you doing?W: I’m just looking at this map of the world. I’m preparing for geography class.4. M: I asked your mother about your bike accident. She didn’t know anything about it.W: That’s because I made it up.5. M: Most of the world’s rainforests are in danger.W: Yeah, many plants and animals exist only in rainforests.M: We really need to save the beautiful rainforests.6. W: Jerry, is today Tuesday, the fifth, or am I mistaken?M: I’m not quite sure, either. Let me have a look. Oh, I’m afraid you’ re mistaken, Marie. It’s Tuesday, the seventh. W: Oh, my God! I hope this afternoon Miss Defoe will stay at her office. I must tell her that I’m going to discontinue my biology.M: Why are you stopping biology? You are fond of it, aren’t you?W: Yes, but I’ve missed too many classes because of my part-time job in the restaurant. I’m so far behind everyone and maybe I will fail the exam. So it’s better for me to give it up this term.M: That’s a shame!W: Yeah, but luckily biology is only a course for us to choose this term. I hope I can start again next year.7. M: Are you looking forward to your trip to Canada, Susan?W: I can’t wait to see Canada, David, but I’m kind of worried. My husband insists on flying. You know, planes make me nervous.M: There’s nothing to be frightened of. How many planes fly across the Atlantic every day?W: I have no idea. Hundreds, I suppose.M: And how often do you hear of a crash? Once or twice a year?W: But planes fly so high and fast that once is enough.M: There are more road accidents per day than air deaths per year. Air transport is really safe compared with road transport.W: I still prefer to go by sea. Ships may not travel fast but at least you can relax.M: It’s fine if you’ re a good sailor, but have you ever traveled far in a rough sea?W: No. I’ve only been in a boat once. I sailed down the River Thames on a sightseeing tour, but in any case I’d rather be seasick than dead.8. M: In Rome, people do what everyone else does, but they do it differently. Everything is different.W: What do you mean?M: Well, the weather is quite different there. It doesn’t rain so much as it does here in England. The sun shines more often.W: I feel envious.M: I know, you hate the rain, don’t you?W: I certainly do.M: Romans really love life. They know how to enjoy themselves.W: Do they always eat Italian food and drink wine?M: Not always. But they like good meals. Many tourists go to Rome just for the food, you know.W: Really? How much does it cost to fly to Rome?M: I don’t know exactly, but it does cost a lot of money.9. M: Mom, which day do you think would be the best day for a charity dinner party?W: Well, when will the last examination be held?M: Most of the exams finish this Friday. But there are some music exams that go on until the 23rd.W: I think you’d better wait until after that. When will this term end?M: On January 26th.W: Well, why don’t you have it on the Saturday after that?M: Yes, that sounds like a good idea.W: How many students do you think will attend the charity dinner party?M: Oh, I think my roommates will all come.W: You mean five other students will come?M: Yes. Do you think I could ask Mark to make a video of the evening, Mom?W: Certainly. I think he would be delighted to do that. Tomorrow I’ll call and ask him whether he is free then.M: Thank you, Mom.10. A recent art exhibition in Florida honored the animal often seen as man’s most intelligent friend, the dolphin. The exhibition in the Florida Keys featured life-sized dolphin paintings mainly made of wood, as well as glass and stones. The dolphins were shown at business areas and along the beach. Organizers paid $750 to cover the artists’ fees and the cost of the materials. There were about 100 dolphin themes. They showed the works of local artists, as well as the beach atmosphere the Keys are famous for. Probably the most unique was its artist, Pandora. Pandora, the dolphin painter, is a real dolphin, at the Dolphin Research Center. The playful artist makes colors across a dolphin painting, holding a brush in its mouth. The exhibition will be held by the Monroe Council of the Arts as part of a plan to make the Keys an international art center.。








第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


How was the weather this afternoon?A. Clear.B. Cloudy.C. Windy.Why can’t the man hear the announcers?The sound is turned off.They are speaking softly.The woman is talking on the phone.How much is the shirt?A. $1.B. $3.C. $4.What was the woman’s opinion of Thailand?The food was great.The weather was bad.The people were friendly.What is the man doing?Getting dressed.Supporting the woman.Preparing the woman for an interview.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。

每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。



alternate keysA weak entity type implies a(a) relationship with total participation constraint(b) weak relationship type(c) relationship with partial participation constraint(d) strong relationship typeCorrect answer is (a)Multiple-Choice Quiz 11. An E-Commerce system consists of the following components. Which of these same components must be included in a database?The data, such as information about the goods available for sale, customers, orders placed, shipping information, etc.A database must include a collection of programs that control the data, such as programs to create, maintain, and manipulate the data. These programs can be easily used to create, maintain, and manipulate data in other domains.A database must include a collection of programs that operate on the data, but are specific to the E-commerce system. These programs enable users to browse through the store-items, place orders, track shipping, etc.(a) I, II, and III(b) I only(c) I and II only(d) II onlyCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 14.29Feedback:Database refers to just the data----------------------------------------------------------------------2.In a database system, whose responsibility is it to provide data consistency?(a) the database administrator's(b) the user's(c) the application programmer's(d) the DBMS'sCorrect answer is (d)----------------------------------------------------------------------3.An E-Commerce system consists of the following components. Which of the same components must be included in a database management system?The data, such as information about the goods available for sale, customers, orders placed, shipping information, etc.A collection of programs must be included that control the data, such as programs to create, maintain, and manipulate the data. These programs can be easily used to create, maintain, and manipulate data in other domains, such as in a library information system.A collection of programs that operate on the data, but are specific to the E-commerce system. These programs enable users to browse through the store-items, place orders, track shipping, etc.(a) II and III only(b) II only(c) I only(d) I, II, and IIICorrect answer is (b)Feedback:A DBMS refers to just the set of general-purpose programs to control data.----------------------------------------------------------------------4.An E-Commerce database contains data about customers, products, orders, system response times, etc. Which of the following can be specified as integrity constraints in an E-Commerce database system?No two products can have the same product ID.The DBMS response time for all Web requests should be at most 2 seconds.A customer order cannot have more than one shipping address.(a) I only(b) I and II only(c) I and III only(d) I, II, and IIICorrect answer is (c)Feedback:The constraints I, II and III specify the application semantics of the data captured in the E-Commerce database. Constraint III, although it seems contrary to common sense, is not something that can be prohibited by the DBMS because the DBMS is general purpose. The response time of the DBMS cannot be enforced by the DBMS. It depends on factors such the processor speed, memory available, etc.----------------------------------------------------------------------5.An E-Commerce system consists of the following components. Which of these same components will constitute a database system?The data, such as information about the goods available for sale, customers, orders placed, shipping information, etc.A collection of programs that control the data, such as programs to create, maintain, and manipulate the data constitutes a database system. These programs can be easily used to create, maintain, and manipulate data in other domains such as in a library information system.A collection of programs that operate on the data, but are specific to the E-commerce system, constitutes a database system. These programs enable users to browse through the store-items, place orders, track shipping, etc.(a) I and II only(b) I only(c) II only(d) I, II, and IIICorrect answer is (d)Feedback:A database system includes the data, the DBMS, and the application-specific programs that operate on that data.----------------------------------------------------------------------6.A database is needed for which of the following application scenarios?I.A video store that needs to keep track of data about members, about videos carried by the store, about videos rented by members, as well as data concerning borrow-date, return-date, and payment information.II.In the human resources department of a company, information about employees, their titles, their salaries and sick days, and about vacation days taken by each employee.III.A computer-simulated video game which needs to calculate and display, the physical (x, y) location of each actor in the game, the speed with which they are moving at the current instant, the direction in which they are moving, the action they are performing, the angle at which the game-player is viewing the scene.(a) I and II only(b) I and III only(c) I, II, and III(d) I onlyCorrect answer is (a)Feedback:(c) Unrelated data such as site downtimes, price of goods, employees, etc do not constitute a database.----------------------------------------------------------------------7.The physical storage structure will be _____ to the application programmer in a database approach, and will be _____ to the application programmer in a file system approach.(a) hidden, hidden(b) visible, visible(c) hidden, visible(d) visible, hiddenCorrect answer is (c)---------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple Choice 21.The cardinality of a table is the number of _____ in the table.(a) columns(b) keys(c) rows(d) foreign keysCorrect answer is (c)----------------------------------------------------------------------2.The degree of a table is the number of _____ in the table.(a) foreign keys(b) columns(c) rows(d) keysCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 10.004.The arity元数of a table is the number of _____ in the table.(a) rows(b) foreign keys(c) columns(d) keysCorrect answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.What information is necessary when specifying the structure of a table?(a) the name of the table, the names of the table's attributes, the data types of attributes, and the formats of attributes(b) the name of the table and the names of the table's attributes(c) the name of the table and the amount of storage space to be allocated to the table(d) the name of the table, the names of the table's attributes, the data types of the table's attributes, the formats of the table's attributes, and the maximum number of rows that the table can haveCorrect answer is (a)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.A join operation joins _____ tables into _____.(a) three, one(b) two, one(c) four, two(d) three, twoCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.Which of the following SQL statements can be used to remove a row from a table?(a) REMOVE(b) ERASE(c) DESTROY(d) DELETECorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Which of the following SQL statements can be used to modify just one row (out of many rows) in a table?(a) CHANGE(b) ALTER(c) MODIFY(d) UPDATECorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.Which of the following SQL statements can be used to add a row to a table?(a) CREATE(b) APPEND(c) INSERT(d) ADDCorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.DML is used to(a) manipulate the structure of database applications.(b) specify the structure of a database.(c) add/modify/delete data in the database.(d) add and delete tables.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.DDL is used to(a) define the structure of database applications.(b) specify the structure of a database.(c) access the contents of tables.(d) add contents to tables.Correct answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.Which of the following SQL statements can be used to create a relational table?(a) APPEND(b) INSERT(c) ADD(d) CREATECorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.The term query by example refers to(a) a query for SQL examples(b) example SQL queries provided by other users that can be modified to suit current needs(c) a visual query language developed by IBM(d) example SQL queries provided by the DBMS that users can modify to suit their current needsYour score on this question is: 10.001.The foreign key in a table T1 _____ the same _____ as the corresponding primary key in table T2.must have, nameneed not have, namemust have, domain(a) I and III(b) I and II(c) II and III(d) I, II, and IIICorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.What can be specified in the selection condition of a SELECT statement?(a) a Boolean operation(b) the conditions under which the statement should be executed(c) the time at which the selection should be performed(d) an arithmetic operationCorrect answer is (a)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.The SQL clause to perform a set UNION operation is(a) MELD(b) UNION(c) UNITE(d) COMBINECorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.The SQL clause to perform a set difference operation is(a) DIFFER(b) OMIT(c) REJECT(d) EXCEPTCorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.A difference operation can be applied to tables that(a) are the same size(b) have the same column names(c) are union compatible(d) have the same nameCorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 0.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.A deletion operation will _____ if the deletion leads to the violation 违反 of a referential integrity constraint.(a) succeed without warning(b) succeed with warning(c) fail(d) crash the systemCorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple-Choice Quiz 31.When a string whose length is strictly less than n is entered as the value of a field whose SQL data type is VARCHAR(n), the system responds by(a) padding the end of the string with spaces to length n before storing it.(b) padding the end of the string with NULL characters to length n before storing it.(c) re-prompting for the entry of a string whose length is exactly n.(d) storing the string as is.Correct answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.In SQL, when destroying a database, the RESTRICT option removes(a) the schema if the database has no data (empty tables)(b) the data and schema from the specified database, but not from related databases(c) the data but not the schema(d) everything in the specified database: the data, schema, etc.Correct answer is (a)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.When removing a table from the schema, using the RESTRICT option would(a) remove the table and all other tables that the specified table refers to(b) recursively remove the table and all other tables that the removed table refers to(c) remove the table and all references to it(d) remove the table if there are no references to itCorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.In SQL, one function of the AS operator is to(a) define the domain of an attribute(b) control the order in which a query’s rows are sorted(c) limit the cardinality of a relation(d) customize the names of columns in a query’s resultCorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00Feedback:See section 2.1.2, subsection "Aliasing in SQL: The AS operator," in the course notes.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.In SQL, a database can be created by which of the following?(a) the command ADD DATABASE(b) the command CREATE SCHEMA(c) the command INSERT DATABASE(d) a series of CREATE TABLE commandsCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.In SQL, a database can be destroyed by which of the following?(a) the command DESTROY DATABASE(b) a series of DESTROY TABLE commands(c) the command DROP SCHEMA(d) the command DELETE DATABASECorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.In SQL, which of the following clauses can be used to sort results in ascending or descending order of attribute values?(a) SORT(b) GROUP BY(c) ORDER BY(d) ARRANGE BYCorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.When specifying a selection criterion in SQL, attributes can be renamed with which of the following operators?(a) AS(b) RENAME(c) ALIAS(d) @Correct answer is (a)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.In a FROM clause of a SELECT statement in SQL, a table can be aliased with which ofthe following operators?(a) AS(b) ALIAS(c) @(d) RENAMECorrect answer is (a)Your score on this question is:10.008.When specifying a selection criterion in SQL, attributes can be renamed with which ofthe following operators?(a) AS(b) RENAME(c) ALIAS(d) @Correct answer is (a)Your score on this question is:10.009.In a FROM clause of a SELECT statement in SQL, a table can be aliased with which of the following operators?(a) ALIAS(b) @(c) RENAME(d) ASCorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.In SQL, which of the following operators can be used to express searches that test for a range in a selection condition?(a) FROM and TO(b) RANGE(c) BETWEEN(d) START and ENDCorrect answer is (c)Multiple-Choice Quiz 41.A vertical view allows users access to(a) only the user tables(b) only specific columns of the defining tables(c) only specific rows of the defining tables(d) only the system tablesCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.Which of the following is true about updateability of views?(a) A view is updateable if it involves multiple tables and no keys.(b) A view is updateable if it involves one table and does not containa key.(c) A view is not updateable under any circumstance.(d) A view is updateable if it involves one table and contains a key.Correct answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.Which of the following is true about updateability of views?(a) A view is updateable under all circumstances.(b) A view is not updateable if it involves one table and contains a key.(c) A view is not updateable if it involves aggregate functions and nestedqueries.(d) A view is not updateable under any circumstance.Correct answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.A horizontal view allows users access to(a) only specific columns of the defining tables(b) only the system tables(c) only specific rows of the defining tables(d) only the base tablesCorrect answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.Consider two tables, Employee(EmpNo, Name, DeptNo) and Department(DeptNo, Name, Manager) with primary keys being EmpNo and DeptNo respectively. The DeptNo attribute of the Employee table has a NOT NULL constraint and is a foreign key that references the DeptNo attribute of the Department table. The Manager attribute of the Department table has a NOT NULL constraint and is a foreign key that references the EmpNo attribute of the Employee table. When the tables are empty, the only way to insert rows into the two tables is(a) not to use a transaction at all(b) to use a transaction either in DEFERRABLE mode or in NOT DEFERRABLE mode(c) to use a transaction in NOT DEFERRABLE mode(d) to use a transaction in DEFERRABLE modeCorrect answer is (d)Your score on this question is: 10.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.Which of the following referentially triggered actions are supported in SQL when a referential integrity constraint is violatedSET NULLREJECTCASCADESET DEFAULT(a) I, II, and III only(b) I, III, and IV only(c) II and III only(d) I and IV onlyCorrect answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.Which of the following commands can be used to give access permissions to a table?(a) ALLOW(b) AUTHORIZE(c) PERMIT(d) GRANTCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.Who can always give access permissions to a table?(a) the owner of the table(b) only the super-user(c) only the database administrator (DBA)(d) the user of the tableCorrect answer is (a)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Which of the following commands can be used to remove access privileges associated with a table?(a) REVOKE(b) REMOVE(c) DENY(d) RETRACTCorrect answer is (a)9.When is embedded SQL referred to as static SQL?(a) when the embedded SQL is translated into DBMS calls at compile-time(b) when the embedded SQL always returns the same set of results(c) when the embedded SQL operates on the static part of the database(d) when the SQL statements can never be changedCorrect answer is (a)Your score on this question is: 10.0010.When is embedded SQL referred to as dynamic SQL?(a) when the SQL statements are changed in every run(b) when the embedded SQL is translated into DBMS calls at run-time(c) when the embedded SQL always returns different sets of results(d) when the embedded SQL operates on the dynamic part of the databaseCorrect answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.Which of the following is true about views being up to date?(a) Views can be automatically made up to date periodically by the system.(b) Views are up to date only after the synchronization operation by the user.(c) Views are never up to date; there is always a lag time.(d) Views are always up to date.Correct answer is (d)5.The SQL keyword _____ makes the modifications of the transaction permanent, while the SQL keyword _____ discards the modifications of the transaction.(a) COMMIT, ROLLBACK(b) UPDATE, SELECT(c) SAVE, CANCEL(d) WRITE, ABORTCorrect answer is (a)Exam 1 Multiple-Choice1.An insertion operation will _____ if the inserted primary key has a NULL value.(a) crash the system(b) fail(c) succeed without warning(d) succeed with warningCorrect answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.What is an alternate key?(a) The key to use when the primary key does not work(b) Any key that is not a primary key(c) A key that was added to the table after the table was designed(d) A key that will become the primary key when the primary key is deletedCorrect answer is (b)Your score on this question is: 5.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.Which of the following is true about the number of primary keys and alternate keys with respect to a table?(a) There can be many primary keys, but only one alternate key.(b) There can be many primary keys and many alternate keys.(c) There can be only one primary key, but many alternate keys.(d) There can be only one primary key and only one alternate key.Correct answer is (c)Your score on this question is: 5.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.What does a projection operation do?(a) It extends the number of columns in a table.(b) It selects rows from a table.(c) It selects columns from a table.(d) It extends the number of rows in a table.Correct answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.The result of a set difference operation r - s will be(a) tuples in s after deducting their values by the corresponding values in the tuples in r(b) those tuples that are in s but not in r(c) tuples in r after deducting their values by the corresponding valuesin the tuples in s(d) those tuples that are in r but not in sCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.In the relational model, which of the following is true about the data type of a column?(a) It must be atomic and it can be an abstract data type.(b) It need not be atomic and it cannot be an abstract data type.(c) It need not be atomic and it can be an abstract data type.(d) It must be atomic and it cannot be an abstract data type.Correct answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.An insertion operation will _____ if the insertion violates the uniqueness property of a key.(a) succeed without warning(b) fail(c) succeed with warning(d) crash the systemCorrect answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.Which of the following is true about primary keys and foreign keys holding NULL value?(a) A primary key can hold a NULL value and a foreign key can hold a NULL value(b) A primary key cannot hold a NULL value and a foreign key cannot hold a NULL value(c) A primary key can hold a NULL value and a foreign key cannot hold a NULL value(d) A primary key cannot hold a NULL value and a foreign key can hold a NULL valueCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9.With respect to a relational table, what is a key?(a) The one column that uniquely identifies a row in the table(b) The subset of all the rows and columns in the table that are visible to all users in the database system(c) A minimal subset of columns that uniquely identifies a row in the table(d) The ID and password needed to access the tableCorrect answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10.For two tables to be union compatible, corresponding columns from each table should have which of the following?(a) different names(b) different domains(c) the same name(d) the same domainCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------11.In SQL, the results of a _____ statement can be used to process a _____ statement.(a) INSERT, SELECT(b) DELETE, INSERT(c) SELECT, INSERT(d) INSERT, DELETECorrect answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12.In contrast to _____ tables, a view refers to _____.(a) virtual, base tables(b) non-empty, empty tables(c) empty, non-empty tables(d) base, a virtual tableCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------13.In SQL, which of the following operators are used to check for set membership in a SELECT statement?(a) SUBSET and NOT SUBSET(b) MEMBER and NOT MEMBER(c) COMPONENT and NOT COMPONENT(d) IN and NOT INCorrect answer is (d)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------14.Which of the following SQL commands can be used to destroy and remove a table from the schema?(a) DESTROY TABLE(b) DROP TABLE(c) REMOVE TABLE(d) DELETE TABLECorrect answer is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------15.Which of the following is true about the physical storage of tables defined by views?(a) There is no extra physical storage needed to store tables that a view defines.(b) Extra physical storage is needed for storing the tables defined by views, only if views define additional non-existing columns.(c) Extra physical storage is needed to store tables that a view defines, only when rows are inserted into the view.(d) Extra physical storage is always needed to store tables that a view defines.Correct answer is (a)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------16.When a string whose length is strictly less than n is entered as the value of a field whose SQL data type is CHAR(n), the system responds by(a) storing the string as is(b) padding the end of the string with spaces to length n before storing it(c) re-prompting for the entry of a string whose length is exactly n(d) padding the end of the string with NULL characters to length n before storing itCorrect answ er is (b)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------17.When removing a table from the schema, using the CASCADE option would(a) recursively remove the table and all other tables that the removed table refers to(b) remove the table and all other tables that the specified table refers to.(c) remove the table and all references to it(d) remove the table if there are no references to itCorrect answer is (c)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------18.。


















A、单用户单任务B、单用户多任务C、多用户单任务D、多用户多任务2、、在同一时刻,windows 2000中的活动窗口可以有()A、前台窗口和后台窗口各一个B、255个C、任意多个,只要内存足够D、唯一一个3、用鼠标移动窗口时就是将鼠标指针移到窗口的()上,按住左键用鼠标拖动。

A、菜单栏B、窗口内任一位置C、标题栏D、边框4、为了保证任务栏任何时候在屏幕都可见,可在“任务栏属性”对话框的“任务栏选项”标签中选择()A、不被覆盖B、总在最前C、自动隐藏D、显示时钟5、在windows2000中,对文件和文件夹进行有效管理的一个工具是()A、写字板B、我的公文包C、文件管理器D、资源管理器6、任务栏一般出现在屏幕的底边上,用户也可以把任务栏拖到屏幕的()A、中心B、任何一条边上C、“我的电脑”图标上D、中心偏下一点7、windows 2000的“开始”菜单包括 windows 2000系统的()A、主要任务B、全部功能C、部分功能D、初始化功能8、关于windows2000中,用户管理的说法不正确的有()A、每个用户都有自己的用户账户B、每个用户账户都有自己的用户名和密码C、登录Windows2000可以不需要用户名和密码就能登录系统。

四川省成都市第七中学2021-2022学年高二上学期半期考试生物试题 Word版含答案

四川省成都市第七中学2021-2022学年高二上学期半期考试生物试题 Word版含答案

成都七中2021—2022 学年度上期高2019届半期考试生物试卷考试时间:80 分钟满分:90 分第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分)一、单选题(本题共40 题,1-30每题1 分,31-40每题2 分)1.下列有关生物育种的叙述,正确的是A.杂交育种所选双亲必需是纯合子B.诱变所得植株若不消灭预期性状就应当丢弃C.诱变育种可以在短时间内获得更多的优良变异D.杂交育种所依据的主要遗传学原理是基因的分别定律2.下列关于基因工程技术的叙述,正确的是A.基因工程常以抗生素抗性基由于目的基因B.获得目的基因需要使用解旋酶和限制酶C.基因工程的操作中需要进行目的基因检测与鉴定D.通常用不同的限制酶来获得目的基因和处理运载体3.下列有关现代生物进化理论的观点不正确的是A.物种是生物进化的基本单位B.突变和基因重组供应进化的原材料C.自然选择导致种群基因频率的定向转变D.隔离是物种形成的必要条件4.下列有关生物进化的叙述正确的是A.从根本上讲,若没有突变,进化将不行能发生B.迁入、迁出不会造成种群基因频率的转变C.生物进化过程的实质在于保留对环境更适应的性状D.物种之间的共同进化都是通过物种之间的生存斗争实现的5.下图表示生物新物种形成的基本环节,下列叙述正确的是A.自然选择打算了生物变异和进化的方向,进而导致生物多样性的形成B.由于种群基因频率的转变,生物进化后肯定会形成新的物种C.地理隔离能使种群基因库产生差别,必定导致生殖隔离D.一般状况下种群基因频率的转变是产生生殖隔离的前提条件6.一个种群中AA 占25%,Aa 占50%,aa 占25%。

假如由于环境的变化,每年aa 个体削减20%,AA和Aa 个体分别增加20%。

一年后,a基因的基因频率为A.45.5%B.20%C.18.2 %D.15.6%7.右图为正常人体体液进行物质交换的示意图,其中叙述正确的是①A、B、C、D依次为淋巴、血浆、组织液、细胞内液②神经递质可以存在于C 中③B中的CO2浓度高于C④血红蛋白存在于D 内A.②③B.①④C.①②③D.②③④8.人体中血浆、组织液和淋巴等构成了细胞赖以生存的内环境,下列叙述错误的是A.血浆和组织液都有运输代谢产物、激素等物质的作用B.血浆和淋巴都是淋巴细胞和吞噬细胞的生存环境C.组织液中代谢产物大部分通过毛细血管动脉端重新吸取进入血浆D.组织液中的蛋白质浓度低于血浆中的蛋白质浓度9.在成都七中第38 届田径运动会1500 米竞赛中,运动员需要通过肯定机制来维持内环境稳态,下列说法正确的是A.大量流汗导致失水过多,通过削减抗利尿激素分泌进行调整B.产热增多使体温上升,通过神经一体液调整以维持体温稳定C.运动员猛烈运动中产生的乳酸进入血液后血浆的pH 仍恒定不变D.葡萄糖的大量消耗使血糖浓度偏低,通过增加胰岛素分泌进行调整10.下列关于动物内环境和稳态的叙述中,错误的是A.生长激素、溶菌酶、抗体属于人体内环境的成分B.若内环境稳态不能维持,机体的正常生命活动就会受到威逼C.血浆渗透压的大小主要取决于血浆中无机盐和蛋白质的含量D.稳态是在神经—体液的调整下,通过各器官、系统的协调活动来共同维持11.右图为反射弧结构示意图,相关叙述中错误的是A.伸肌肌群内既有感受器也有效应器B.参与反射弧的神经元的细胞体不都在b 中C.若在Ⅰ处施加一个有效刺激,兴奋传至a处时神经纤维膜外局部电流的方向与兴奋传导方向相同D.在Ⅱ处施加刺激引起屈肌收缩不属于反射12.下列与人体神经调整有关的叙述,错误的是A.肌肉细胞的细胞膜上有神经递质的受体B.神经元细胞膜外Na+内流是形成静息电位的基础C.神经纤维上的电信号可引起突触前膜释放神经递质D.神经递质可将突触前神经元的兴奋传递给突触后神经元13.下列关于人体中枢神经系统的叙述,错误的是A.小脑损伤可导致身体平衡失调B.人的中枢神经系统包括脑和脊髓C.S区受损伤,患者会得运动性失语症D.人脑的高级功能特指语言、学习、记忆、思维功能14.右图为突触结构示意图,下列相关叙述正确的是A.结构①为神经递质与受体结合供应能量B.当兴奋传导到③时,膜电位由内正外负变为内负外正C.递质经②的转运和③的主动运输释放至突触间隙D.结构④膜电位的变化与其选择透过性亲密相关15.下图是神经元的结构模式图,在a、c两点赐予适宜强度刺激(a点为两接线端之间的中点),检测各位点电位变化。







3. 3D NAND通过垂直堆叠存储单元,提高存储密度,降低成本,相比2D NAND具有更高的性能和可靠性。
11.以下哪种接口类型的A III
C. M.2 PCIe
A. Samsung
A. Samsung
B. Intel
C. SanDisk
D. Western Digital
A. Marvell
B. Silicon Motion
C. Toshiba
20.固态硬盘的命名中,“PCIe Gen3 x4”代表()
B. SanDisk
C. Kingston
D. Intel
C. NAND Flash
D. NOR Flash
18. B
19. A
20. B
1. ACD




下列相关叙述错误..的是()A.科学家对DNA复制方式的研究运用了“假说一演绎”法B.试管2的离心结果排除了DNA全保留复制方式C.该实验利用了放射性同位素的质量数不同的原理D.若图中细胞连续分裂三次,两条单链均为14 N的DNA占3/43.当两种生物的DNA单链具有互补的碱基序列时,互补的碱基序列就会结合在一起,形成杂合双链区;在没有互补碱基序列的部位,仍然是两条单链(如图),该技术称为DNA 杂交技术。


下列有关叙述正确的是()A.每条染色体中的两条染色单体均含3 HB.每个DNA分子的两条脱氧核苷酸链均含3 HC.每个DNA分子中只有一条脱氧核苷酸链含3 HD.所有染色体的DNA分子中,含3 H的脱氧核苷酸链占总链数的1/45.如图表示原核细胞内遗传信息的传递过程,下列有关叙述不正确的是()A.图示细胞中转录和翻译过程同时进行B.RNA与DNA的不同点之一是DNA是双链有氢键,RNA是单链都不含氢键C.转录过程中RNA聚合酶与DNA复制过程中DNA聚合酶的结合位点均在DNA分子上D.过程②③中碱基互补配对的方式不完全相同6.关于基因突变的说法中,正确的是()A.基因突变一定能够改变生物的表现型B.紫外线照射使人患皮肤癌和人由于晒太阳而使皮肤变黑都属于可遗传变异C.基因中脱氧核苷酸的种类、数量和排列顺序的改变就是基因突变D.人工诱变所引起的基因突变或染色体的变异都是有利的7.如图是基因型为Rr且染色体正常的果蝇体内的一个细胞增殖图,下列相关叙述正确的是()A.图示细胞为次级精母细胞、次级卵母细胞或第一极体B.图示细胞发生的变异可通过有性生殖遗传给后代,从而使后代出现三倍体C.图示细胞中染色体暂时加倍,而染色体组并没有随之加倍D.若图中1号染色体上有R基因,则A极的基因组成可能是RR或Rr8.下图中字母代表正常细胞中所含有的基因。







11.英文缩写MBR的含义硬盘主引导记录,英文缩写DBR的含义操作系统引导记录,英文缩写FAT的含义文件分配表区,英文缩写DIR的含义目录区,英文缩写DATA的含义数据区;三、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1.下面哪一个不是基本的的备份类型(A)A.正常备份B.完全备份 C.增量备份 D.差异备份2.用户的需求如下:每星期一需要正常备份,在一周的其他天内只希望备份从上一天到目前为止发生变化的文件和文件夹,他应该选择的备份类型是(B)A.正常备份B.增量备份C.副本备份D.差异备份3.硬盘主引导记录MBR位于整个硬盘的0柱面0磁头1扇区(可看作是硬盘的第一个扇区),共(C)字节A.2048B.1024 C.512D.2684.备份在(A)功能菜单下A.附件B.管理工具 C.系统工具D.辅助工具5.收藏夹的目录名称为(B)A.temp B.FavoritesC.Windows D.MyDocuments6.系统还原功能在(C)功能菜单下A.管理工具B.系统工具C.附件D.辅助工具7.文档资料一般存放目录为C盘下的(A)目录下A.MyDocuments B.Windows C.Windows\system32 D.temp8.磁道从外向内自数字(B)开始顺序编号A.001 B.0C.1D.10249.以下选项,不是MBR的组成部分的是(C)A.主引导程序B.硬盘分区表C.BPBD.分区有效的结束标志10.磁盘每一个有效盘面都有一个盘面号,按顺序从上而下自数字(A)开始依次编号,它与磁头号是对应的;A.0 B.1C.1024D.00111.以下选项中,(B)不是DBR的组成部分A.操作系统引导程序B.MFTC.扩展BPB D.结束标志12.第一个分区的DBR区通常位于硬盘的(C),共512字节A.0柱0磁头1扇区B.0柱1磁头0扇区C.0柱1磁头1扇区D.1柱1磁头0扇区13.若有一块硬盘,划分了C、D、E三个分区,MBR区有几个,分别占用几个扇区,位置在哪儿(A)A.1个,1个,CHS=001 B.3个,1个,CHS=011C.6个,不确定,不确定D.3个,不确定,不确定14.若有一块硬盘,划分了C、D、E三个分区,DBR区有几个,分别占用几个扇区,位置在哪儿(B)A.1个,1个,CHS=001 B.3个,1个,CHS=011C.6个,不确定,不确定D.3个,不确定,不确定15.若有一块硬盘,划分了C、D、E三个分区,FAT区有几个,分别占用几个扇区,位置在哪儿(C)A.1个,1个,CHS=001 B.3个,1个,CHS=011C.6个,不确定,不确定D.3个,不确定,不确定16.若有一块硬盘,划分了C、D、E三个分区,DIR区有几个,分别占用几个扇区,位置在哪儿(D)A.1个,1个,CHS=001 B.3个,1个,CHS=011C.6个,不确定,不确定D.3个,不确定,不确定17.若有一块硬盘,划分了C、D、E三个分区,DATA区有几个,分别占用几个扇区,位置在哪儿(D)A.1个,1个,CHS=001 B.3个,1个,CHS=011C.6个,不确定,不确定D.3个,不确定,不确定18.以下关于硬盘LBA寻址模式的描述,正确的是(B)A.称为三维地址模式B.称为线性地址模式C.是硬盘最早采用的寻址模式,现在基本已被淘汰D.不能管理容量大于1T的硬盘19.拆卸磁盘时,应一边沿(B)旋转盘片,一边向外轻移磁头A.左方向 B.逆时针方向C.顺时针方向D.右方向20.以下关于开盘用工具,说法正确的是(B)A.应使用有磁性的螺丝刀,这样可吸住螺丝,防止其滑落,损坏磁盘B.应在标准的洁净间或超净台里操作,防止灰层损伤磁盘C.只要手上无污渍,无需洗手D.取下的盘片应平放在干净的桌面上四、简答题(每题8分,共40分)1、简述硬盘低级格式化、分区、高级格式化各自主要完成了哪些操作?答:硬盘低级格式化:磁盘的逻辑划分,有效磁面、磁头、磁道、柱面、扇区等的编号;分区主要创建MBR 区;高级格式化主要创建DBR、Fat、DIR、DA TA区。



福建省厦门第一中学2003—2004学年第二学期期中考试初一年数学试卷命题教师:姚丽萍 2004.4一、填空(每题2分,共30分)1、在321+=x y 中,如果2=x ,那么._____=y ,如果0=y ,那么._____=x2、已知二元一次方程43+=y x ,用含x 的代数式表示y 是3、已知⎩⎨⎧==32y x 是方程5x -ky -7 = 0的一个解,则k = 。

4、方程2 x + y = 5的正整数解为 。

5、如果一个三角形的三条高的交点恰好是该三角形的一个顶点,则该三角形的形状__ ___ _.6、如图,请你写出你找到的三个三角形___.7、代数式12-x 的值比1+x 的值大3,则.______=x8、如图是“星星超市”中某洗发水的价格标签,那么这种 洗发水的原价是 。

班级 姓名 座号 准考号*************************密 封 线**********************密 封 线****************************9、能使用单独一种正多边形进行密铺的正多边形有哪几种种分别是 ,它们能进行密铺的理由是 。

10、国家规定:存款利息税 = 利息×20%,银行一年定期储蓄的年利率为1. 98%。


若小明的这笔存款是x 元,根据题意,可列方程为 。

11、如图所示,写出31∠∠、的度数:.____3,_____100=∠=∠12、在∆ABC 中,∠B 和∠C 的平分线交于O ,若∠A= 050,则∠BOC=___ _ 。

13、如图:∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=14、四边形有2条对角线,五边形有5条对角线,六边形有9 条对角线,七边形有 条对角线,…n 边形有 条 (用含n 的代数式表示)对角线.。


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