第四节 回热循环
一、回热循环的装置系统图和T-S 图 分析朗肯循环,导致平均吸热温度不高的原 因是水的预热过程温度较低,故设法使吸热过程 的预热热量降低,提出了回热循环。 回热是指从汽轮机的适当部位抽出尚未完全 膨胀的压力、温度相对较高的少量蒸汽,去回热 加热器中加热低温冷凝水。这部分抽汽未经凝汽 器,因而没有向冷源放热,但是加热了冷凝水, 达到了回热的目的,这种循环称为抽汽回热循环。
图8 再热循环的T-S图
从图可以看出,再热部分实际上相当于在原来 的郎肯循环1A3561的基础上增加了一个附加的循环 ab2Aa。一般而言,采用再热循环可以提高3%左右的 热效率。
w0 q1
(h1 ha ) (hb h2 )
第七章 蒸汽动力循环
水蒸气朗肯循环、回热循环、再热循 环、热电循环的组成、热效率计算及提高 热效率的方法和途径
第一节 朗肯循环
1、水蒸汽的卡诺循环的组成,如图1 2、水蒸汽的卡诺循环在蒸汽动力装置中不被应用
不超 374 0 C ),T2不低
h a
d 3600
w0 (h1 ha ) (hb h2 )
1、采用再热循环后,可明显提高汽轮机排 汽干度,增强了汽轮机工作的安全性; 2、正确选择再热循环,不仅可提高汽轮机 排汽干度,还可明显提高循环热效率; 3、采用再热循环后,可降低汽耗率; 4、因要增设再热管道、阀门等设备,采用 再热循环要增加电厂的投资,故我国规定 单机容量在125MW及以上的机组才采用此循 环。 [例7-2] 注意,再热后,各经济指标的变化
1. 能量产生:
- 蒸汽机工作时,通常从锅炉中获取能量。
2. 蒸汽输送与控制:
- 高温高压的蒸汽通过管道输送到蒸汽机的核心部件——活塞缸或者涡轮叶片部分。
3. 能量转换:
- 在活塞式蒸汽机中,高压蒸汽进入活塞上方的空间后,对活塞产生推力。
- 在蒸汽涡轮机中,高速流动的蒸汽冲击涡轮叶片,使涡轮快速旋转。
4. 能量释放与循环:
- 当活塞完成一次往复运动或涡轮完成一次转动后,蒸汽的压力已经下降,不再具有足够的能量推动活塞或涡轮继续有效工作。
➢整机要求:运行平稳可靠,应有多级可靠的内毒素分离技术,避免交叉污染和意 外故障,应最大限度地减少系统死点。
➢材质要求:凡是与原料水、纯蒸汽接触的材料应采用316L或其它与其性能相符的材 料;密封材料应为无毒无脱落的制药级别的材质,如PTFE等;框架结构应为304不 锈钢材质。
➢表面要求:与物料、纯蒸汽接触的材料的内表面应采用电化学抛光并进行酸洗钝化 处理;所有保温结构应有304不锈钢外保护层,保护层表面亚光,焊接/铆接处理;正 常开机时保温机构的外表面应不超过45℃;框架结构的外表面也宜亚光处理。
➢主要部件要求:蒸发器、预热器、冷却器等换热结构应采用双管板管壳式换热结构, 最大限度的避免交叉污染;应有可靠去除不凝性气体的分离装置;宜配置在线监测装 置。
划➢设备集成要求:水平管道的安装应有足够的坡度,保证管道的完全排空;焊点图要 有焊缝编号,关键部位的焊缝要有焊丝材质,焊接工艺参数,一定比例的X光射线探 伤和内窥镜检验报告,酸洗钝化报告等;管子尽量采用三维弯管,尽量减少弯头对接; 尽量满足3D原则。
学习计划:1.1 理解汽轮机的基本原理学习目标:了解汽轮机的工作原理和基本结构,包括汽轮机的热力循环、叶片叶轮结构以及热能转化过程。
1.2 掌握汽轮机的工作特性学习目标:了解汽轮机的工作特性,包括工作范围、效率、输出功率和运行稳定性。
学习计划:2.1 了解汽轮机在发电厂的应用学习目标:了解汽轮机在发电厂中的应用场景和工作原理,包括汽轮机发电系统的组成、运行方式和效率优化。
2.2 熟悉汽轮机在船舶上的应用学习目标:了解汽轮机在船舶上的应用场景和工作原理,包括船舶动力系统的组成、动力输出方式和动力调节技术。
2.3 了解汽轮机在工业生产中的应用学习目标:了解汽轮机在工业生产中的应用场景和工作原理,包括工业汽轮机的组成、工作方式和能量利用技术。
一、蒸汽的产生1.1 燃料燃烧:蒸汽机的工作原理首先需要燃料燃烧产生热能。
1.2 热能传导:燃烧气体的高温通过传导方式传递给锅炉内的水。
1.3 蒸汽产生:水的温度升高到一定程度时,水分子变得活跃,逐渐蒸发成蒸汽。
二、蒸汽的传导2.1 管道系统:蒸汽在锅炉内产生后,需要通过管道系统传导到蒸汽机。
2.2 管道绝热:为了减少能量损失,管道系统通常会进行绝热处理,以减少蒸汽在传导过程中的能量损失。
2.3 蒸汽调节:蒸汽的传导过程中,需要通过阀门进行调节,以确保蒸汽的流量和压力符合蒸汽机的要求。
三、蒸汽的扩张3.1 蒸汽进入汽缸:蒸汽通过传导后进入蒸汽机的汽缸。
3.2 活塞运动:蒸汽的进入使得汽缸内的活塞受到推力,从而产生运动。
3.3 连杆传动:活塞的运动通过连杆传动到曲轴,进一步转化为旋转运动。
四、蒸汽的排出4.1 排气阀:在活塞运动的过程中,蒸汽会被排气阀控制排出。
4.2 冷却系统:排出的蒸汽需要通过冷却系统进行冷却,以转化为液态水再次进入锅炉,循环使用。
4.3 废气排放:在排出蒸汽的过程中,也会产生废气,需要通过排气管道排放。
五、蒸汽机的运转5.1 控制系统:蒸汽机的运转需要通过控制系统进行监控和调节。
连续介质 分子间隙
§1.2 流体的粘性
虚拟演示 粘性演示 PLAY
定义:在流动的流体中, 定义:在流动的流体中,如果各流体层的流速 不相等, 不相等,那么在相邻的两流体层之间的接触面 就会形成一对等值而反向的内摩擦力( 上,就会形成一对等值而反向的内摩擦力(或 粘性阻力)来阻碍两气体层作相对运动。 粘性阻力)来阻碍两气体层作相对运动。即流 体质点具有抵抗其质点作相对运动的性质, 体质点具有抵抗其质点作相对运动的性质,就 称为流体的粘性。 称为流体的粘性。
例2 续
于是作用在轴表面的阻力矩为 M= τAr= V/ δ πdl d/2 消耗的功率 N=Mω=V/δ πdld/2 2πn/60 ω δ π π =0.72 3.77/(0.2 10-3) π 0.36 1 0.36/2 2π π π 200/60 =57.9(kw)
第二阶段( 第二阶段(可压缩流体动力学 的发展阶段) 的发展阶段)
1908年普朗特和迈耶提出了激波和膨胀 年普朗特和迈耶提出了激波和膨胀 波理论 1910年瑞利和泰勒研究得出了激波的不 年瑞利和泰勒研究得出了激波的不 可逆性; 可逆性; 1933年泰勒和马科尔提出了圆锥激波的 年泰勒和马科尔提出了圆锥激波的 数值解
譬如看看河中的流水, 譬如看看河中的流水 , 观察水面上漂浮的树叶等物的 速度差别可以发现靠岸处的水流就比河中心的水流慢 这是典型的粘性影响. 些。这是典型的粘性影响 摩擦盘也是粘性力在起作用。 摩擦盘也是粘性力在起作用。
分子不规则运动的动量 交换 分子间的吸引力
v≈v ∞ v ∞
=(F/A) (h/V)=0.004 N s/ m2
【例2】转轴直径d=0.36m,轴承长度l=1m,轴与轴承之间的缝 转轴直径d=0.36m,轴承长度l=1m, d=0.36m l=1m 隙宽度δ=0.2mm其中充满 =0.72Pas的油, 其中充满 s的油 隙宽度δ=0.2mm其中充满=0.72Pas的油,若轴的转速 n=200r/min, 求克服油的粘性阻力所消耗的功率。 n=200r/min, 求克服油的粘性阻力所消耗的功率。 【解】由驱动力矩=阻力力矩得到 由驱动力矩 阻力力矩得到 τ1(2πr1l)r1= τ2 (2πr2l)r2 π π 再由 τ=dV/dy (dV/dy)1=(dV/dy)2 (r2/r1)2 则得 因为缝隙很小,近似认为r 因为缝隙很小,近似认为 1=r2,速度成线性分布 即速度梯度为 dV/dy=V/ δ 其中,粘附于轴表面的油的运动速度V等于轴表面的周向速度 等于轴表面的周向速度, 其中,粘附于轴表面的油的运动速度 等于轴表面的周向速度, 即 V= πdn/60= π 0.36 200/60=3.77m/s
1. 基本热力学循环基本热力学循环包括理想气体循环和理想蒸汽循环。
2. 几个关键过程理想气体循环通常包括等温膨胀、绝热膨胀、等温压缩和绝热压缩四个过程。
3. Carnot循环原理Carnot循环是一种理想的热力学循环,被认为是效率最高的循环。
4. Rankine循环原理Rankine循环是一种常用于蒸汽动力装置中的循环。
5. Brayton循环原理Brayton循环是一种常用于燃气轮机中的循环。
1.3 水蒸汽及其物性参数
1.3.4 水蒸气典型热力过程——2、汽轮机内的绝热流动过程 汽 轮 机 设 备 及 系
①将蒸汽热能转变成机械功; ②对外所做的功等于工质的焓降。
wi h1 h2
• 各种类型的汽轮机
1.3 水蒸汽及其物性参数
1.3.4 水蒸气典型热力过程——3、通过喷嘴的绝热流动 汽 轮 机 设 备 及 系
①由公式:h1↑、 h2 ↓、 h2’ ↓ → ηT ↑ ② p1 ↑、 t1 ↑ → h1 ↑ p2 ↓ → h2 ↓、 h2’ ↓ 总之:从循环的角度
• 提高初参数,降低终参数 • 提高平均吸热温度,降低平均放热温度 • 提高热源温度,降低冷源温度
o 系列化参数
• 在我国,经过多年的研究,对于特定容量的机组,所选用的水蒸汽参数 已形成系列化参数
o 由两个可逆定温过程和两个 可逆绝热过程所构成的动力 循环。温熵图:
• 1→2:定温吸热过程
q1 T1s12
• 2→3:绝热膨胀做功过程 • 3→4:定温放热过程
q2 T2 s34
• 4→1:绝热压缩耗功过程
o 循环净功
w0 q1 q2
1.2 卡诺循环
1.2.1 卡诺循环 汽 轮 机 设 备 及 系 3、结论
1.4 朗肯循环及其改进
1.4.2 再热循环 汽 轮 机 设 备 及 系
1.4 朗肯循环及其改进
汽 轮 机 设 备 及 系 1.4.2 再热循环 1.采用再热技术的目的:
o 增加吸热环节→ 提高吸热过程平均吸热温度 → 提高循环效率
电厂蒸汽的知识点总结一、蒸汽的产生1.1 燃料燃烧和锅炉发电厂一般使用煤、燃气、石油等作为燃料,通过燃料的燃烧来产生热能,然后利用锅炉将热能转化为蒸汽。
1.2 蒸汽发生系统蒸汽发生系统包括给水系统、蒸汽系统和排污系统。
1.3 蒸汽的参数蒸汽的参数包括压力、温度、干度和质量等指标。
二、蒸汽的输送2.1 主汽管道主汽管道是将锅炉产生的蒸汽输送到汽轮机组的重要设备,它承担着连接锅炉和汽轮机的功能。
2.2 辅助蒸汽系统辅助蒸汽系统包括加热蒸汽系统、再热蒸汽系统和回热蒸汽系统等,用于提高蒸汽的温度和压力,以满足汽轮机对蒸汽参数的要求。
2.3 蒸汽轮机组蒸汽轮机组是将蒸汽能量转化为机械能的装置,是发电厂的核心部件之一。
b. 传统的线性和非线性规划方法
(2)非线性规划法: 发展原因: 热力系统部件的特性往往是非线
性的,在很多情况下采用线性模型计算往 往与实际相差很大,因此必须建立相应的 非线性算法。 非线性算法 :转动坐标轴直接搜索(DSFD) 法、罚函数法等 。
b. 传统的线性和非线性规划方法
(2)非线性规划法: 应用情况:A T Clary在1996年对Tennessee
Eastman Division of Eastman化工公司24台 锅炉、19台汽轮机构成的复杂系统使用非 线性算法进行了计算。 不足:这些算法虽然已经比较成熟,但无法 保证对于任意的非线性规划问题都能准确 地收敛到全局最优解。
c. 启发式算法
基础:蒸汽动力系统的热力学分析 目的:推导出针对能量使用优化的总体原则
方式。 D、平衡各产汽单位的发汽量,利用足低价燃料的
• 蒸汽系统无缓冲裕量,必须时刻保持产耗
• 蒸汽动力系统运行必须有调节裕量。 • 所有运行的蒸汽管路必须保持最低流通量,
• 未投用蒸汽管路或运行蒸汽管路的盲端必
法又针对混合整数线性规划问题发展了分枝限界 反向跟踪法、隐枚举法等,这些方法都可以准确 地求解全局最优解。
应用情况:R T Couch等对6台锅炉、25台汽 轮机和1台备用汽轮机构成的供电系统进行了研究, 采用线性混合整数规划的方法在技术上解决了较 为复杂的能量系统的负荷分配问题,其中涉及到 了部分机组启停的情况。
网络热力学模型、网络流体力学模型三个 部分组成,而网络拓扑模型又包括:用于 描述网络节点与管段关系的关联矩阵和描 述网络回路信息的圈矩阵以及描述网络通 路信息的割矩阵等部分。
火车的蒸汽原理图一. 蒸汽机构蒸汽机构是火车蒸汽原理的核心部分,它将燃烧室的高温高压蒸汽转化为动力能源。
1. 锅炉锅炉是蒸汽机构中的核心部件,它通过燃烧燃料产生高温高压蒸汽。
2. 汽缸汽缸是蒸汽机构中将蒸汽能量转化为机械能的部件。
3. 曲轴曲轴是蒸汽机构中的关键部件,它将往复运动的活塞转化为旋转运动,从而驱动火车前进。
4. 连杆连杆是蒸汽机构中活塞与曲轴之间的连接部件,它将活塞的往复直线运动转化为曲轴的旋转运动。
二. 蒸汽循环蒸汽循环是蒸汽机构中的重要环节,它保证了蒸汽的连续供应和循环利用。
1. 进水口进水口是蒸汽循环的起点,它将水引入锅炉,被加热转化为蒸汽。
2. 主汽阀主汽阀是控制蒸汽流入机构的关键部件,它根据需要开启或关闭,调节蒸汽流量。
3. 排汽阀排汽阀是蒸汽循环中的出口,它用于排出使用过的蒸汽和冷却后的凝汽水。
4. 泵泵是蒸汽循环中用于水循环的设备,它将冷凝水抽回锅炉进行二次加热再转化为蒸汽。
三. 辅助装置辅助装置在火车蒸汽原理中起到补充和提高效能的作用,包括给水装置、空气压缩机和润滑系统等。
1. 给水装置给水装置负责向锅炉提供水源补给,确保持续的蒸汽产生。
2. 空气压缩机空气压缩机将大气中的空气进行压缩,用于蒸汽制动和各种操作装置的动力。
3. 润滑系统润滑系统为蒸汽机构的各个部件提供润滑,减少磨擦和磨损,提高机械效率。
四. 蒸汽排放和余热利用蒸汽机构产生的烟气和废热需要得到合理处理和利用,以提高能源利用效率和环境保护。
1. 烟囱烟囱用于排放烟气,防止污染环境。
2. 烟气余热回收装置烟气余热回收装置可以对烟气中的热能进行回收利用,提高能源利用效率。
3. 冷凝水回收装置冷凝水回收装置用于回收锅炉排出的冷凝水,并进行适当的处理和再利用。
一、蒸汽的产生1.1 燃烧燃料:蒸汽机的运行需要燃料来产生热能,通常使用煤、石油、天然气等燃料进行燃烧。
1.2 加热水:燃料的燃烧产生的热能被传递给水,使水变成蒸汽。
1.3 调节压力:通过控制燃料的燃烧速度和水的加热温度,可以调节蒸汽的压力和温度。
二、蒸汽的扩张2.1 进气阀开启:当蒸汽达到一定压力时,进气阀打开,将高压蒸汽进入活塞腔。
2.2 活塞向前运动:高压蒸汽推动活塞向前运动,产生动力。
2.3 排气阀关闭:当活塞运动到一定位置时,排气阀关闭,防止蒸汽泄漏。
三、蒸汽的压缩3.1 进气阀关闭:当活塞运动到前进的极限位置时,进气阀关闭,阻止新的蒸汽进入活塞腔。
3.2 排气阀打开:同时,排气阀打开,将残余的蒸汽排出活塞腔。
3.3 活塞向后运动:排出蒸汽后,活塞受到外部压力的作用向后运动,完成一个工作循环。
四、功率输出4.1 连杆机构:活塞通过连杆机构连接转动轴,将直线运动转换为旋转运动。
4.2 飞轮调节:飞轮的作用是调节转动轴的速度和平稳性。
4.3 输出动力:转动轴通过传动装置输出动力,驱动其他机械设备运行。
五、循环往复5.1 持续运行:蒸汽机通过不断地产生、扩张、压缩蒸汽,实现持续运行。
5.2 能量转换:蒸汽机将热能转化为机械能,实现能量转换。
5.3 应用广泛:蒸汽机曾是工业革命时代的主要动力来源,如今仍广泛应用于发电、船舶、火车等领域。
对于一般的汽油机, 7-9。
v1 v 2 称为压缩
比,>1,表示工 质在燃烧前被压
定容燃烧汽油柴油机压缩比的提高受到限制, 因而限制了其热效率的提高。
发展了空气和燃料分别压缩的 压燃式内燃机(柴油机)。
以柴油为燃料,定压加热 理想循环是柴油机实际工 作循环的理想化,常称狄
目的:克服汽轮机尾部蒸 汽湿度过大造成的危害。
高压汽轮 机
增加了新的循环:61' 2' 26。
一般而言,采用一次再热循环以后,循 环热效率可提高2%~ 4%左右。 实际应用的再热次数一般不超过两次。
q 1(h 1h 3)(h 1 ' h 6)
q2 h2' h3
➢压缩冲程1-2;(空气被绝热压 缩到燃料的着火点以上)
由装在气缸顶部的喷嘴将燃料喷入汽缸,燃 料的微粒遇到空气着火燃烧。随着活塞的移 动,燃料不断喷入、不断燃烧,这一燃烧过 程2-3的压力基本保持不变。 ➢工作过程3-4;
燃料喷射停止后,燃烧随即结束,这时活 塞靠高温高压燃烧产物的绝热膨胀而继续 被推向右方而形成工作过程3-4; ➢排气过程4-0;
排气阀们打开,废气迅速排出,最后活塞 反向移动,继续将废气排出,排气过程为 4-0,从而完成一个实际循环。
热效率计算101蒸汽动力基本 循环
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C H A P T E R T W OFundamentals ofSteam Power2.1 IntroductionMuch of the electricity used in the United States is produced in steam power plants. Despite efforts to develop alternative energy converters, electricity from steam will continue, for many years, to provide the power that energizes the United States and world economies. We therefore begin the study of energy conversion systems with this important element of industrial society.Steam cycles used in electrical power plants and in the production of shaft power in industry are based on the familiar Rankine cycle, studied briefly in most courses in thermodynamics. In this chapter we review the basic Rankine cycle and examine modifications of the cycle that make modern power plants efficient and reliable.2.2 A Simple Rankine-Cycle Power PlantThe most prominent physical feature of a modern steam power plant (other than its smokestack) is the steam generator, or boiler, as seen in Figure 2.1. There the combustion, in air, of a fossil fuel such as oil, natural gas, or coal produces hot combustion gases that transfer heat to water passing through tubes in the steam generator. The heat transfer to the incoming water (feedwater) first increases its temperature until it becomes a saturated liquid, then evaporates it to form saturated vapor, and usually then further raises its temperature to create superheated steam.Steam power plants such as that shown in Figure 2.1, operate on sophisticated variants of the Rankine cycle. These are considered later. First, let’s examine the simple Rankine cycle shown in Figure 2.2, from which the cycles of large steam power plants are derived.In the simple Rankine cycle, steam flows to a turbine, where part of its energy is converted to mechanical energy that is transmitted by rotating shaft to drive an electrical generator. The reduced-energy steam flowing out of the turbine condenses to liuid water in the condenser. A feedwater pump returns the condensed liquid (condensate) to the steam generator. The heat rejected from the steam entering the condenser is transferred to a separate cooling water loop that in turn delivers the rejected energy to a neighboring lake or river or to the atmosphere.As a result of the conversion of much of its thermal energy into mechanical energy, or work, steam leaves the turbine at a pressure and temperature well below the turbine entrance (throttle) values. At this point the steam could be released into the atmosphere. But since water resources are seldom adequate to allow the luxury of one-time use, and because water purification of a continuous supply of fresh feedwater is costly, steam power plants normally utilize the same pure water over and over again. We usually say that the working fluid (water) in the plant operates in a cycle or undergoes of cyclic process, as indicated in Figure 2.2. In order to return the steam to the high-pressure of the steam generator to continue the cycle, the low- pressure steam leaving the turbine at state 2 is first condensed to a liquid at state 3 and then pressurized in a pump to state 4. The high pressure liquid water is then ready for its next pass through the steam generator to state 1 and around the Rankine cycle again.The steam generator and condenser both may be thought of as types of heat exchangers, the former with hot combustion gases flowing on the outside of water-filled tubes, and the latter with external cooling water passing through tubes on which the low- pressure turbine exhaust steam condenses. In a well-designed heat exchanger, both fluids pass through with little pressure loss. Therefore, as an ideal, it is common to think of steam generators and condensers as operating with their fluids at unchanging pressures.It is useful to think of the Rankine cycle as operating between two fixed pressure levels, the pressure in the steam generator and pressure in the condenser. A pump provides the pressure increase, and a turbine provides the controlled pressure drop between these levels.Looking at the overall Rankine cycle as a system (Figure 2.2), we see that work is delivered to the surroundings (the electrical generator and distribution system) by the turbine and extracted from the surroundings by a pump (driven by an electric motor or a small steam turbine). Similarly, heat is received from the surroundings (combustiongas) in the steam generator and rejected to cooling water in the condenser.At the start of the twentieth century reciprocating steam engines extracted thermal energy from steam and converted linear reciprocating motion to rotary motion, to provide shaft power for industry. Today, highly efficient steam turbines, such as shown in Figure 2.3, convert thermal energy of steam directly to rotary motion. Eliminating the intermediate step of conversion of thermal energy into the linear motion of a piston was an important factor in the success of the steam turbine in electric power generation. The resulting high rotational speed, reliability, and power output of the turbine and the development of electrical distribution systems allowed the centralization of power production in a few large plants capable of serving many industrial and residential customers over a wide geographic area.The final link in the conversion of chemical energy to thermal energy to mechanical energy to electricity is the electrical generator. The rotating shaft of the electrical generator usually is directly coupled to the turbine drive shaft. Electrical windings attached to the rotating shaft of the generator cut the lines of force of the stator windings, inducing a flow of alternating electrical current in accordance with Faraday's Law. In the United States, electrical generators turn at a multiple of the generation frequency of 60 cycles per second, usually 1800 or 3600 rpm. Elsewhere, where 50 cycles per second is the standard frequency, the speed of 3000 rpm is common. Through transformers at the power plant, the voltage is increased to several hundred thousand volts for transmission to distant distribution centers. At the distribution centers as well as neighborhood electrical transformers, the electrical potential is reduced, ultimately to the 110- and 220-volt levels used in homes and industry.Since at present there is no economical way to store the large quantities ofelectricity produced by a power plant, the generating system must adapt, from moment to moment, to the varying demands for electricity from its customers. It is therefore important that a power company have both sufficient generation capacity to reliably satisfy the maximum demand and generation equipment capable of adapting to varying load.2.3 Rankine-Cycle AnalysisIn analyses of heat engine cycles it is usually assumed that the components of theengine are joined by conduits that allow transport of the working fluid from the exit of one component to the entrance of the next, with no intervening state change. It will be seen later that this simplification can be removed when necessary.It is also assumed that all flows of mass and energy are steady, so that the steady state conservation equations are applicable. This is appropriate to most situations because power plants usually operate at steady conditions for significant lengths of time. Thus, transients at startup and shutdown are special cases that will not be considered here.Consider again the Rankine cycle shown in Figure 2.2. Control of the flow can be exercised by a throttle valve placed at the entrance to the turbine (state 1). Partial valve closure would reduce both the steam flow to the turbine and the resulting poweroutput. We usually refer to the temperature and pressure at the entrance to the turbine as throttle conditions . In the ideal Rankine cycle shown, steam expands adiabatically and reversibly, or isentropically, through the turbine to a lower temperature andpressure at the condenser entrance. Applying the steady-flow form of the First Law of Thermodynamics [Equation (1.10)] for an isentropic turbine we obtain:q = 0 = h 2 – h 1 + w t [Btu/lb m | kJ/kg]where we neglect the usually small kinetic and potential energy differences between the inlet and outlet. This equation shows that the turbine work per unit mass passing through the turbine is simply the difference between the entrance enthalpy and the lower exit enthalpy:w t = h 1 – h 2[Btu/lb m | kJ/kg] (2.1)The power delivered by the turbine to an external load, such as an electrical generator,is given by the following:Turbine Power = m s w t = m s (h 1 – h 2) [Btu/hr | kW]where m s [lb m /hr | kg/s] is the mass flow of steam though the power plant.Applying the steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics to the steam generator,we see that shaft work is zero and thus that the steam generator heat transfer isq a = h 1 – h 4[Btu/lb m | kJ/kg](2.2)The condenser usually is a large shell-and-tube heat exchanger positioned below or adjacent to the turbine in order to directly receive the large flow rate of low-pressure turbine exit steam and convert it to liquid water. External cooling water is pumped through thousands of tubes in the condenser to transport the heat of condensation of the steam away from the plant. On leaving the condenser, the condensed liquid (called condensate ) is at a low temperature and pressure compared with throttle conditions.Continued removal of low-specific-volume liquid formed by condensation of the high-specific-volume steam may be thought of as creating and maintaining the low pressure in the condenser. The phase change in turn depends on the transfer of heat released to the external cooling water. Thus the rejection of heat to the surroundings by thecooling water is essential to maintaining the low pressure in the condenser. Applying the steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics to the condensing steam yields:q c = h 3 – h 2[Btu/lb m | kJ/kg](2.3)The condenser heat transfer q c is negative because h 2 > h 3. Thus, consistent with sign convention, q c represents an outflow of heat from the condensing steam. This heat is absorbed by the cooling water passing through the condenser tubes. The condenser-cooling-water temperature rise and mass-flow rate m c are related to the rejected heat by:m s |q c | = m c c water (T out - T in )[Btu/hr | kW]where c water is the heat capacity of the cooling water [Btu/lb m -R | kJ/kg-K]. The condenser cooling water may be drawn from a river or a lake at the temperature T in and returned downstream at T out , or it may be circulated through cooling towers where heat is rejected from the cooling water to the atmosphere.We can express the condenser heat transfer in terms of an overall heat transfer coefficient, U , the mean cooling water temperature, T m = (T out + T in )/2, and the condensing temperature T 3:m s |q c | = UA (T 3 - T m )[Btu/hr | kJ/s]It is seen for given heat rejection rate, the condenser size represented by the tube surface area A depends inversely on (a) the temperature difference between thecondensing steam and the cooling water, and (b) the overall heat-transfer coefficient.For a fixed average temperature difference between the two fluids on opposite sides of the condenser tube walls, the temperature of the available cooling watercontrols the condensing temperature and hence the pressure of the condensing steam.Therefore, the colder the cooling water, the lower the minimum temperature and pressure of the cycle and the higher the thermal efficiency of the cycle.A pump is a device that moves a liquid from a region of low pressure to one of high pressure. In the Rankine cycle the condenser condensate is raised to the pressure of the steam generator by boiler feed pumps, BFP. The high-pressure liquid water entering the steam generator is called feedwater . From the steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics, the work and power required to drive the pump are:w p = h 3 – h 4[Btu/lb m | kJ/kg](2.4)andPump Power = m s w p = m s (h 3 – h 4)[Btu/hr | kW]where the negative values resulting from the fact that h 4 > h 3 are in accordance with the thermodynamic sign convention, which indicates that work and power must be supplied to operate the pump.The net power delivered by the Rankine cycle is the difference between the turbine power and the magnitude of the pump power. One of the significant advantages of the Rankine cycle is that the pump power is usually quite small compared with the turbine power. This is indicated by the work ratio , w t / w p , which is large compared with one for Rankine cycle. As a result, the pumping power is sometimes neglected inapproximating the Rankine cycle net power output.It is normally assumed that the liquid at a pump entrance is saturated liquid. This is usually the case for power-plant feedwater pumps, because on the one handsubcooling would increase the heat edition required in the steam generator, and on the other the introduction of steam into the pump would cause poor performance and destructive, unsteady operation. The properties of the pump inlet or condenser exit (state 3 in Figure 2.2) therefore may be obtained directly from the saturated-liquid curve at the (usually) known condenser pressure.The properties for an isentropic pump discharge at state 4 could be obtained from a subcooled-water property table at the known inlet entropy and the throttle pressure. However, such tables are not widely available and usually are not needed. The enthalpy of a subcooled state is commonly approximated by the enthalpy of thesaturated-liquid evaluated at the temperature of the subcooled liquid. This is usually quite accurate because the enthalpy of a liquid is almost independent of pressure. An accurate method for estimating the pump enthalpy rise and the pump work is given later (in Example 2.3).A measure of the effectiveness of an energy conversion device is its thermalefficiency, which is defined as the ratio of the cycle net work to the heat supplied from external sources. Thus, by using Equations (2.1), (2.2), and (2.4) we can express the ideal Rankine-cycle thermal efficiency in terms of cycle enthalpies as:th = (h1 – h2 + h3 – h4)/(h1 – h4)[dl](2.5)In accordance with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Rankine cycle efficiency must be less than the efficiency of a Carnot engine operating between the same temperature extremes. As with the Carnot-cycle efficiency, Rankine-cycle efficiency improves when the average heat-addition temperature increases and the heat-rejection temperature decreases. Thus cycle efficiency may be improved by increasing turbine inlet temperature and decreasing the condenser pressure (and thus the condenser temperature).Another measure of efficiency commonly employed by power plant engineers is the heat rate, that is, the ratio of the rate of heat addition in conventional heat units to the net power output in conventional power units. Because the rate of heat addition is proportional to the fuel consumption rate, the heat rate is a measure of fuel utilization rate per unit of power output. In the United States, the rate of heat addition is usually stated in Btu/hr, and electrical power output in kilowatts, resulting in heat rates being expressed in Btu/kW-hr. The reader should verify that the heat rate in English units is given by the conversion factor, 3413 Btu/kW-hr, divided by the cycle thermal efficiency as a decimal fraction, and that its value has a magnitude of the order of 10,000Btu/kW-hr. In the SI system of units, the heat rate is usually expressed in kJ/kW-hr, is given by 3600 divided by the cycle efficiency as a decimal fraction, and is of the same order of magnitude as in the English system. It is evident that a low value of heat rate represents high thermal efficiency and is therefore desirable.EXAMPLE 2.1An ideal Rankine cycle (see Figure 2.2) has a throttle state of 2000 psia/1000°F and condenser pressure of 1 psia. Determine the temperatures, pressures, entropies, and enthalpies at the inlets of all components, and compare the thermal efficiency of the cycle with the relevant Carnot efficiency. Neglect pump work. What is the quality of the steam at the turbine exit?SolutionThe states at the inlets and exits of the components, following the notation of Figure 2.2, are listed in the following table. The enthalpy and entropy of state 1 may be obtained directly from tables or charts for superheated steam (such as those in Appendices B and C) at the throttle conditions. A Mollier chart is usually more convenient than tables in dealing with turbine inlet and exit conditions.For an ideal isentropic turbine, the entropy is the same at state 2 as at state 1. Thusstate 2 may be obtained from the throttle entropy (s2 = s1= 1.5603 Btu/lbm-R) and thecondenser pressure (1 psia). In general, this state may be in either the superheated-steam region or the mixed-steam-and-liquid region of the Mollier and T-s diagrams. In the present case it is well into the mixed region, with a temperature of 101.74°F and an enthalpy of 871 Btu/lbm.The enthalpy, h 3 = 69.73 Btu/lb m , and other properties at the pump inlet are obtained from saturated-liquid tables, at the condenser pressure. The steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics, in the form of Equation (2.4), indicates that neglecting isentropic pump work is equivalent to neglecting the pump enthalpy rise. Thus in this case Equation (2.4) implies that h 3 and h 4 shown in Figure (2.2) are almost equal. Thus we take h 4 = h 3 as a convenient approximation.StateTemperature (°F) Pressure (psia) Entropy (Btu/lb m -°R) Enthalpy (Btu/lb m )11000.0 2000 1.5603 1474.12101.74 1 1.5603 871.03101.74 1 0.1326 69.734 101.74 2000 0.1326 69.73The turbine work ish 1 – h 2 = 1474.1 – 871 = 603.1 Btu/lb m .The heat added in the steam generator ish 1 – h 4 = 1474.1 – 69.73 = 1404.37 Btu/lb m .The thermal efficiency is the net work per heat added = 603.1/1404.37 = 0.4294(42.94%). This corresponds to a heat rate of 3413/0.4294 = 7946 Btu/kW-hr. Asexpected, the efficiency is significantly below the value of the Carnot efficiency of 1 – (460 + 101.74)/(460 + 1000) = 0.6152 (61.52%), based on a sourcetemperature of T 1 and a sink temperature of T 3.The quality of the steam at the turbine exit is(s 2 – s l )/(s v – s l ) = (1.5603 – 0.1326)/(1.9781 – 0.1326) = 0.7736Here v and l indicate saturated vapor and liquid states, respectively, at pressure p 2.Note that the quality could also have been obtained from the Mollier chart for steam as 1 - M , where M is the steam moisture fraction at entropy s 2 and pressure p 2.__________________________________________________________________Example 2-2If the throttle mass-flow is 2,000,000 lb m /hr and the cooling water enters the condenser at 60°F, what is the power plant output in Example 2.1? Estimate the cooling-water mass-flow rate.Solution: The power output is the product of the throttle mass-flow rate and the power plant net work. ThusPower = (2 × 106)(603.1) = 1.206 × 109 Btu/hrorPower = 1.206 × 109 / 3413 = 353,413 kW.The condenser heat-transfer rate ism s q c = m s ( h 3 – h 2 ) = 2,000,000 × (69.73 – 871) = – 1.603×109 Btu/hrThe condensing temperature, T 3 = 101.74 °F, is the upper bound on the cooling water exit temperature. Assuming that the cooling water enters at 60°F and leaves at 95°F, the cooling-water flow rate is given bym c = m s |q c | / [ c water (T out – T in )] = 1.603×109 /[(1)(95 - 60)] = 45.68×106 lb m /hrA higher mass-flow rate of cooling water would allow a smaller condenser cooling-water temperature rise and reduce the required condenser-heat-transfer area at the expense of increased pumping power.____________________________________________________________________2.4 Deviations from the Ideal – Component EfficienciesIn a power plant analysis it is sometimes necessary to account for non-ideal effects such as fluid friction, turbulence, and flow separation in components otherwise assumed to be reversible. Decisions regarding the necessity of accounting for these effects are largely a matter of experience built on familiarity with the magnitudes of the effects,engineering practices, and the uses of the calculated results.TurbineIn the case of an adiabatic turbine with flow irreversibilities, the steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics gives the same symbolic result as for the isentropic turbine in Equation (2.1), i.e.,w t = h 1 – h 2[Btu/lb | kJ/kg](2.6)except that here h 2 represents the actual exit enthalpy and w t is the actual work of an adiabatic turbine where real effects such as flow separation, turbulence, irreversible internal heat transfers, and fluid friction exist.An efficiency for a real turbine, known as the isentropic efficiency, is defined as the ratio of the actual shaft work to the shaft work for an isentropic expansion between the same inlet state and exit pressure level. Based on the notation of Figure 2.4, we see that the turbine efficiency is:turb = (h 1 – h 2 )/(h 1 – h 2s )[dl](2.7)where h 2s , the isentropic turbine-exit enthalpy, is the enthalpy evaluated at the turbine inlet entropy and the exit pressure. For the special case of an isentropic turbine, h 2 = h 2s and the efficiency becomes 1. Note how state 2 and the turbine work change in Figure 2.4 as the efficiency increases toward 1. The diagram shows that the difference between the isentropic and actual work, h 2 – h 2s , represents work lost due to irreversibility. Turbine isentropic efficiencies in the low 90% range are currently achievable in well-designed machines.Normally in solving problems involving turbines, the turbine efficiency is known from manufacturers’ tests, and the inlet state and the exhaust pressure are specified.State 1 and p 2 determine the isentropic discharge state 2s using the steam tables. The actual turbine-exit enthalpy can then be calculated from Equation (2.7). Knowing both p 2 and h 2, we can then fully identify state 2 and account for real turbine behavior in any cycle analysis.PumpWork must be supplied to a pump to move liquid from a low pressure to a highpressure. Some of the work supplied is lost due to irreversibilities. Ideally the remaining effective work to raise the pressure is necessarily less than that supplied. In order forthe efficiency of a pump to be less than or equal to 1, it is defined in inverse fashion to turbine efficiency. That is, pump efficiency is the ratio of the isentropic work to the actual work input when operating between two given pressures. Applying Equation (2.4) and the notation of Figure (2.5), the isentropic pump work, w ps = h 3 – h 4s , and the pump isentropic efficiency ispump = w ps /w p = (h 4s – h 3)/(h 4 – h 3)[dl](2.8)Note the progression of exit states that would occur in Figure 2.5 as pump efficiency increases for a fixed inlet state and exit pressure. It is seen that the pump lost work,given by h 4 – h 4s decreases and that the actual discharge state approaches the isentropic discharge state.States 4 and 4s are usually subcooled liquid states. As a first approximation their enthalpies may be taken to be the saturated liquid enthalpy at T 3. More accurateapproximations for these enthalpies may be obtained by applying the First Law for a closed system undergoing a reversible process, Equation (1.8): Tds = dh - vdp . For an isentropic process it follows that dh = vdp . Because a liquid is almost incompressible,its specific volume, v , is almost independent of pressure. Thus, using the notation of Figure 2.5, integration with constant specific volume yieldsh 4s = h 3 + v 3 ( p 4 – p 3 )[Btu/lb m | kJ/kg]where a knowledge of state 3 and p 4 determines h 4s .Using Equation (2.8), and without consulting tables for subcooled water, we can then calculate the pump work fromw p = v 3(p 3 – p 4)/ p [ft-lb f /lb m | kN-m/kg](2.9)Note that the appropriate conversion factors must be applied for dimensionalconsistency in Equation (2.9).EXAMPLE 2.3Calculate the actual work and the isentropic and actual discharge enthalpies for an 80%efficient pump with an 80°F saturated-liquid inlet and an exit pressure of 3000 psia. SolutionFrom the saturated-liquid tables, for 80°F, the pump inlet conditions are 0.5068 psia,48.037 Btu/lb m , and 0.016072 ft 3/lb m .Using Equation (2.9), we find that the pump work isw p = [0.016072(0.5068 – 3000)(144)]/0.8 = – 8677 ft-lb f / lb mor w p = – 8677/778 = – 11.15 Btu/lb m.Note the importance of checking units here.The actual discharge enthalpy ish 4 = h 3 – w p = 48.037 – (–11.15) = 59.19 Btu/lb m.and the isentropic discharge enthalpy ish 4s = h 3 – p w p = 48.037 – (0.8)(– 11.15) = 56.96 Btu/lb m. ____________________________________________________________________EXAMPLE 2.4What is the turbine work, the net work, the work ratio, and the cycle thermal efficiency for the conditions of Example 2.1 if the turbine efficiency is 90% and the pump efficiency is 85%? What is the turbine exit quality?SolutionBy the definition of isentropic efficiency, the turbine work is 90% of the isentropic turbine work = (0.9)(603.1) = 542.8 Btu/lb m.By using Equation (2.9), the isentropic pump work is[(0.01614)(1 – 2000)(144)] / 778 = – 5.97 Btu/lb m.The actual pump work is then – 5.97/.85 = – 7.03 Btu/lb m and the work ratio is 542.8/| – 7.03| = 77.2The cycle net work is w t + w p = 542.8 – 7.03 = 535.8 Btu/lb m..Applying the steady-flow First Law of Thermodynamics to the pump, we get the enthalpy entering the steam generator to beh 4 = h 3 – w p = 69.73 – (– 7.03) = 76.76 Btu/lb m.The steam-generator heat addition is then reduced to 1474.1 – 76.76 = 1397.3Btu/lb m. and the cycle efficiency is 535.8/1397.3 = 0.383. Study of these examplesshows that the sizable reduction in cycle efficiency from that in Example 2.1 is largely due to the turbine inefficiency, not to the neglect of pump work.From Equation (2.6), the true turbine exit enthalpy is the difference between the throttle enthalpy and actual turbine work = 1474.1 - 542.8 = 931.3 Btu/lb m. The quality is then x = (h 2 – h l )/(h v – h l ) = (931.3 – 69.73)/(1105.8 – 69.73) =0.832.Thus the turbine inefficiency increases the turbine exhaust quality over theisentropic turbine value of 0.774.____________________________________________________________________2.5 Reheat and Reheat CyclesA common modification of the Rankine cycle in large power plants involvesinterrupting the steam expansion in the turbine to add more heat to the steam before completing the turbine expansion, a process known as reheat . As shown in Figure 2.6,steam from the high-pressure (HP) turbine is returned to the reheat section of the steam generator through the "cold reheat" line. There the steam passes through heated tubes which restore it to a temperature comparable to the throttle temperature of the high pressure turbine. The reenergized steam then is routed through the "hot reheat" line to a low-pressure turbine for completion of the expansion to the condenser pressure.Examination of the T-s diagram shows that reheat increases the area enclosed by the cycle and thus increases the net work of the cycle by virtue of the cyclic integral,Equation (1.3). This is significant, because for a given design power output higher net work implies lower steam flow rate. This, in turn, implies that smaller plant components may be used, which tends to reduce the initial plant cost and to compensate for added costs due to the increased complexity of the cycle.Observe from Figure 2.6 that the use of reheat also tends to increase the average temperature at which heat is added. If the low-pressure turbine exhaust state issuperheated, the use of reheat may also increase the average temperature at which heat is rejected. The thermal efficiency may therefore increase or decrease, depending on specific cycle conditions. Thus the major benefits of reheat are increased net work,。