一、选择题(本题共有15个小题,每小题3分,共45分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,全选对的得3分,选不全的得1分,错选或不选的得0分)1.(2005.12济南市期末试题)下列情况中运动的物体,不能被...看作质点的是A.研究绕地球运转时的“神舟”六号飞船B.研究飞行中直升飞机上的螺旋桨C.研究在水平推力作用下沿水平地面运动的木箱D.研究飞行过程中的炮弹2.(2006学年江苏省徐州市期中考试)关于速度与加速度,下列说法中正确的是A.速度越大,加速度一定越大B.速度为零,加速度也一定为零C.加速度为零,速度也一定为零D.加速度与速度无关3.作匀加速直线运动的物体,加速度是2米/秒2,它意味着A.物体在任一秒末的速度是该秒初的两倍B.物体在任一秒末的速度比该秒初的速度大2米/秒C.物体在第一秒末的速度为2米/秒D.物体任一秒初速度比前一秒的末速度大2米/秒4.(2006年太原市调考一)在下列给出某一个物体运动的v—t图象,其中哪一个图在现实生活中是不可能的5.(2005年济南市第一中学期中考试)汽车以20 m/s 的速度做匀速直线运动,刹车后的加速度为5 m/s2,那么开始刹车后2 s 与开始刹车后6 s 汽车通过的位移之比为A.1∶1B.3∶1C.3∶4D.4∶36.(2005年山东省实验中学期中考试试题)物体由静止开始以恒定的加速度a 向东运动t 秒后,加速度变为向西,大小不变,再经过t 秒时,物体的运动情况是A.物体位于出发点以东,速度为零B.物体位于出发点以东,继续向东运动C.物体回到出发点,速度为零D.物体回到出发点,运动方向向西7.(2005年12月济南市期末考试)物体由斜面顶端由静止开始匀加速滑下,现把斜面分成长度相等的三段,物体通过每段的时间比为A.3∶2∶1B.1∶(2-1)∶(3-2)C.1∶21∶31D.3∶2∶18.关于上海、北京、哈尔滨三地的重力加速度大小的比较正确的是 A.g 上海>g 北京>g 哈尔滨 B.g 北京>g 上海>g 哈尔滨 C.g 哈尔滨>g 北京>g 上海 D.g 哈尔滨>g 上海>g 北京9.从高为5 m 处以某一初速度竖直向下抛出一个小球,在与地面相碰后弹起,上升到高为2 m 处被接住,则这段过程中A.小球的位移为3 m ,方向竖直向下,路程为7 mB.小球的位移为7 m ,方向竖直向上,路程为7 mC.小球的位移为3 m ,方向竖直向下,路程为3 mD.小球的位移为7 m ,方向竖直向上,路程为3 m10.下列关于平均速度和瞬时速度的说法中正确的是A.作变速运动的物体在相同时间间隔里的平均速度是相同的B.瞬时速度就是运动的物体在一段较短的时间内的平均速度C.平均速度就是初末时刻即时速度的平均值D.某物体在某段时间里的瞬时速度都为零,则该物体在这段时间内静止11.关于自由落体运动的下列说法中正确的是A.初速度为零的竖直向下的运动是自由落体运动B.只在重力作用下的竖直向下的运动是自由落体运动C.自由落体运动在任意相等时间内的速度变化相等D.自由落体运动是匀变速直线运动12.右图为电磁打点计时器打出的一条纸带,从纸带上看,打点计时器出的毛病是A.打点计时器接在直流电源上B.电源电压不够大C.电源频率不够大D.振针压得过紧13.(2005年济南市期末考试试题)计算机的发展为物理实验数据的处理带来极大的便利。
常州市2006~2007学年第一学期期末质量调研2007年元月高三语文试卷第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分)一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列各组词语中加点的字的读音,全都与所给注音相同的一组是 A .塞s āi 塞.车 堵塞. 塞.翁失马 塞.外风光 B .数sh ǔ 数.说 数.落 数.典忘祖 数.一数二 C .舍sh è 舍.弃 寒舍. 舍.本逐末 退避三舍. D .屏b ǐng 屏.除 屏.蔽 屏.气凝神 屏.退左右1.B(A 项,s āi /s è/s ài /s ài ;C 项,sh ě,/sh è/sh ě/sh è;D 项,屏蔽p íng ,余读b ǐng)2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是A .竣工 入场券 世外桃源 一如继往B .修葺 名信片 旁征博引 自暴自弃C .膺品 度假村 谈笑风生 墨守成规D. 追溯 候车室 人情世故 出其不意2.D(A 项,一如继往——一如既往;B 项,名信片——明信片;C 项,膺品——赝品)3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是A .从古到今,龙一直是中国的形象标志。
B .多哈亚运会的开幕式精彩纷呈,长城、京剧、丝绸之路等中国元素的引入让人不免担心,北京奥运会开幕式要想超越多哈,留给张艺谋的空间已是捉襟见肘....。
C .庄子的哲学用诗意盎然的散文写出,充满赏心悦目....的寓言,颂扬一种崇高的人生理想,与任何西方哲学不相上下。
D .为本刊撰稿,一定要针对具体而微....的问题,能有切身的体会更好,切忌空泛冗长。
3.C(A 项,不可理喻,指不能够用道理使他明白,形容固执或蛮横,不通情理。
B 项,捉襟见肘,本义是拉一下衣襟就露出胳膊肘儿,形容衣服破烂,常用来比喻困难重重,应付不过来。
)1.日本自第二次世界大战后,已经历了两次工业结构调整,现在正在进行第三次工业结构调整,该次调整后的主导产业是A.轻工业 B.重化工业C.高科技工业 D.资源和技术导向型工业2. 下列关于“可持续发展”的认识,正确的是A.停止开采不可再生资源,为子孙后代积累巨大财富B.加大加快各类可再生资源的开采力度C.控制人口增长,使人口数量维持在目前的水平D.在资源开发利用时,不能危害未来人类的生活需求3.下列关于地理环境对生产活动影响的叙述,不正确的是A.长江三角洲的轻工业发展依托于当地发达的农业基础B.长江三角洲发展重工业依托于当地丰富的矿产资源C.松嫩平原发展重化工业依托于当地丰富的石油资源和周围地区的煤、铁等资源D.长江三角洲商业贸易发达依托于优势的地理位置4.下列关于南北方传统民居差异的说法,正确的是A.南方民居墙体厚B.南方民居屋顶坡度小C.南方民居屋房檐宽D.南方民居正南正北的方位观强5.下列关于长江中下游平原的叙述,正确的是A.由若干平原组成B.本区河流、湖泊较多,但无沼泽分布C.是中国最大的平原D.地势低平,土质疏松6.下列关于区域发展阶段的划分的说法,正确的是A.对于区域发展阶段划分的看法所有学者都认为划分为三个阶段B.区域发展的初期阶段时期的人地关系已显现出不协调C.区域发展的后期阶段人地关系矛盾加剧D.区域发展的成长阶段人地关系基本上是协调的7.有关区域及其特点的叙述,正确的是A.一个地区就是一个区域,各区域间没有明显的差异B.有人类居住的地方就是一个区域,认识了这里的人们,也就知道了该区域的特点C.区域内部没有明显差异,因此,很难形成区域特点D.区域是人们在地理差异的基础上,按一定指标划分出来的加快西部地区的开发应该是全面的,但要把水资源的有效开发和利用放在突出位置,做到生态环境建设、发展特色旅游、促进交通通信设施建设协调发展,据此回答8~11题。
常州市第一中学2006—2007学年度第二学期期末考试高一年级语文试卷出卷老师毕晓敏审卷老师陈宝祥本试卷共七大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟一、(12分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一组是()A.编纂.(zuàn)纾.祸(shū)后嗣.(sì)恫.吓(dîng)栉.风沐雨(zhì)B.汲.水(jí)绛.紫(jiàng)芜.杂(wú)攻讦.(jiã)怙.恶不悛(hù)C.隽.秀(jùn)笞.刑(chī) 蜷.缩(juǎn)慰藉. (jiâ) 掎.角之势(jǐ)D、缱绻.(quǎn) 桎梏.(gù)勾.当(gōu)庇.护 (pì) 断壁颓垣.(yuán)2.下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是()A、湮没自诩炫丽骇人听闻B、涟漪趿拉取谛纷至沓来C、社稷缄默荒冢闻名遐迩D、谥号陷井菲薄有史可稽3.下列句子中成语使用正确的一项是()A.D.经过西方现代、后现代美学思潮熏陶的新生代作家,文学观念已经和他们的前辈南辕北辙....。
2007-2008 学年度江苏省常州一中高三第一学期第一阶段考试政治试题本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分。
第I卷(选择题共68分)一、单选题1 .为了提高我国高收入群体自觉纳税的意识,2006 年11 月8 日国家税务总局发布了《个人所得税自行纳税申报办法(试行)》。
首次明确提出个人年收入所得 1 2万元以上的纳税人须向税务机关自行申报纳税。
从权利和义务的角度看,上述材料说明我国公民()A •收人越高,义务越大B •权利和义务都不容推卸C.基本义务是不断变化的 D •必须自觉履行义务2 •今年年初,应温家宝总理的邀请,1 2名建筑工人、乡村医生、出租车司机、农民、下岗再就业人员等基层代表,出席国务院征求意见的座谈会。
这体现了()A .公民直接行使国家权力B .政府体察民情,尊重民意C.政府坚持依法行政的原则D公民有向国家权力机关反映意见的权利3•某村党支部书记坚信一人富了不算富,大家都富才叫富”。
该村党支部书记的做法体现了共产党员在实践中()A •落实从群众中来,到群众中去的工作方法B. 坚持科学执政、民主执政、依法执政C发挥先锋模范作用D・坚持了辩证的否定观4•上述材料中一人富了不算富,大家都富才叫富”的观点,体现的价值判断与价值选择是A .个人价值与社会价值的统一B .自觉遵循自然发展的客观规律C. 自觉遵循社会发展的客观规律D •在劳动中创造价值5. 夸美纽斯说:凡是在知识上有进展而在道德上没有进展的人,那便不是进步而是退步。
”这说明()A .知识比道德更重要B .加强知识与道德修养是无止境的C.知识修养的根本意义在于道德修养 D .知识与道德两者相互联系缺一不可6. 两千多年前,孔子提出了“君子和而不同”的思想。
常州市第一中学2005-2006学年第一学期期末考试高二语文试卷一、(18分,每题3分)1、下列加点字的注音没有错误的一项是()A 伶俜.píng 寥.落liǎo 纶.巾guān 怆.然chuàngB 菲.薄fěi 浸渍.zè歆.羡xīn 编纂.zuànC 修葺.qì蹊.跷xī椽.子chuán 荒芜.wǔD 颔.首hàn 欹.侧qī商贾.gǔ尸骸.hái2、下列词语没有错别字的一项是()A 绯红屠戮陨身不恤高风亮节B 自栩恬淡冥顽不化吹毛求疵C 罪孽豆蔻名列前茅怏怏不乐D 喋血暮蔼根深蒂固怨天尤人3、填入下列各句横线处的词语最恰当的一项是()①长春出版社1992年出版的《实用双向汉语大辞典》词条多达6万余,________了现代汉语大多数词汇。
②在家庭中,把丈夫与妻子之间、父母与子女之间以及兄弟姐妹之间紧紧______ 起来的是亲情。
③无论是奥斯卡还是格莱美,还是金球奖,它们在奖项的公正、公平和公开性上,_____ 着最基本的道德要求和艺术准则.④只有书籍,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号给你。
A 包括连接恪守传播B 囊括联结固守传递C 包括联结恪守传递D 囊括连接固守传播4、下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一项是()A 美英联军进攻巴格达,使得伊拉克穷兵黩武....,只有招架之功,而无还手之力。
B 像《变形记》这样在内容与表达方面不可理喻....的作品,一般的读者往往对其敬而远之。
C 国际奥委会对奥运赞助设置了种种清规戒律....,禁止奥运赛场上有任何广告行为,使得TOP赞助商只能通过其他途径实现赞助计划。
D 真没想到,他是这样的态度,推己及人....,把自身应负的责任摆脱得干干净净。
5、下列各句没有语病的一项是()A 这次再版的长篇小说的作者都是很有名气的,如陈忠实的《白鹿原》、路遥的《平凡的世界》。
web 试卷生成系统谢谢使用一、填空题(每空? 分,共? 分)1、若函数的定义域为,则函数的定义域为 .2、y =f(x)是关于x=3对称的奇函数,f (1)=1,,则= .3、的值域为.4、已知方程的两根为,且,则的取值范围是5、在△ABC 中,A .B.c分别为∠A .∠B .∠C 的对边,若A .B .c 成等差数列,sin B = 且△ABC 的面积为,则= .6、若对终边不在坐标轴上的任意角,不等式恒成立,则实数的取值范围是 .二、选择题(每空? 分,共? 分)7、已知,那么=A .B .C .D .8、已知:,则是的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件 C.充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件9、关于直线、与平面、,有下列四个命题:①且,则; ②且,则;③且,则; ④且,则.其中真命题的序号是:A .①②B .③④C .①④ D .②③10、设是第二象限角,且,则的值是A .B .C .D .11、若,则的取值范围是A .[1,5]B .C .D .12、若函数f (x)满足,且则函数y=f(x)的图象与函数的图象的交点的个数为A. 3 B. 4 C. 6D. 813、若四面体的六条棱中有五条长为,则该四面体体积的最大值为A . B. C .D.14、已知偶函数y=f(x)在[-1,0]上为单调递减函数,又、为锐角三角形的两内角,则A . B.C. D.15、菱形ABCD 的边长为,H分别在AB、BC、CD、DA上,且,沿EH与FG把菱形的两个锐角对折起来,使A、C两点重合,这时A点到平面EFGH的距离为A .B . C.D.16、已知定义在R上的奇函数为偶函数,对于函数有下列几种描述,(1)是周期函数(2)是它的一条对称轴(3)是它图象的一个对称中心(4)当时,它一定取最大值其中描述正确的是A.(1)(2) B.(1)(3) C.(2)(4) D.(2)(3)三、计算题(每空?分,共?分)17、已知函数,.(1)求的最大值和最小值;(2)若不等式在上恒成立,求实数的取值范围.18、已知函数。
读清洁生产产品生命周期示意图(图1),回答1——2题:MP Q图1N1.字母M表示的环节是()A.产品包装运输B.产品使用回收C.环境D.原材料加工2.在清洁生产中评估产品对环境的影响的主要标准()A.从原材料开采环节评估B.从产品生产过程评估C.从产品废弃物处置情况评估D.从产品的整个生命周期全过程评估区域是地球表面的空间单位,不同的区域自然环境有差异,聚落景观和人类活动也有差异,据此回答3——4题:3.下列关于我国南北方传统民居的差异与对应形成原因的组合,正确的是()A.北方民居正南正北的方位观比南方强——受宗教思想的影响B.从北到南,房屋进深.高度和坡度都逐渐增大——便于雨水的排泻和屋内通风纳凉C.建同等面积的住房,北方的建筑成本比南方高——北方地区地价和建筑材料价格高D.建同样高度的多幢楼房,北方楼房的南北间距比南方大——北方地区地广人稀4.受区域自然地理环境影响最明显的人类活动是()A.农业 B.工业 C.金融贸易 D.服务业5.关于“地理信息系统”的叙述,正确的是()A.是一个在飞机或卫星上对地物进行感知,获取信息的系统B.是地图的延伸C.能随时确定自己所处的地理坐标D.具有全天候.全球性.连续性和实时性的特点下图为“我国某山地剖面图”,读图回答6~8题6.根据图中资料可以判断该地区属于 ( )A .热带季风气候B .亚热带季风气候C .温带季风气候D .温带大陆性气候7.该地区七月份气温( )A .从南向北依次递减B .从北向南依次递减C .随海拔增加而增加D .随海拔增加而减少 8.从图中信息可知( )A .山地的南坡为夏季风的迎风坡B .该地的蒸发量与地形有密切关系C .该地冬季降水量大于夏季降水量D .该地的风向为偏北风读图4,完成9-10题。
常州市第一中学2006-2007学年度第一学期期末试卷高二年级英语试卷出卷老师阮航卫一、听力(20’)第一节1. What do we know about Mrs Fisher?A.She is in hospital.B. She has no family.C. She will go abroad.2. Where does the conversation take place?A.In the streetB. In a hotelC. In a restaurant3. How soon will the man have to send the report?A.In four days.B. In five days.C. In six days4. What will the speakers most probably do?A.Go to a first-aid station.B.Try to find a quiet place.C.Take a walk around the city.5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.CousinsB. Mother and sonC. Aunt and nephew第二节T ext 66. What is the man?A.A flat managerB. An army officerC. A house designer7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The rental agreementB.The working conditionsC.The living surroundings8. How many complaints does the woman make?A.TwoB. ThreeC. FourT ext 79. What kind of woman does the man prefer?A.Managing houseworkB.Putting up new ideasC.Working from home10. What do we know about the man’s views on women?A.They are in line with the current views.B.They are quite progressive for the times.C.They mirror the views of old generations.11. What does the man most likely do for the rest of an evening?A.He stays with his friend and watches TV.B.He meets a woman who shares his interest.C.He returns home alone and stays with his dog.T ext 812. What does the man want to talk about in the discussion?A.Bringing up childrenB.Training children to be quietC.Helping children with their problems13. What should a mother do when her child is quietly playing?A.Talking with himB. Staying with himC. Doing her own work14. Why is a child always shouting according to the man?A.He is bored.B.He isn’t playing.C.His mother isn’t with him.T ext 915. When does the train arrive in Stratford?A.At 6: 05B. At 6: 15C. At 8: 0016. What is the woman eager to do?A.See a playB. Catch a trainC. Check in at a hotel17. What will the woman have enough time to do?A.Do some sightseeing.B.Have something to eatC.Visit St. Mary’s ChurchT ext 1018. What is the speaker?A.A waitress.B. An art collectorC. A tourist guide19. What is the speaker’s attitude toward the founders of the museum?A.AdmirationB. IndifferenceC. Disappointment20. What can we learn from the talk?A.The story of the West has been truthfully told.B.The African Americans contributed the most art.C.The museum has exhibits showing Western history.二、单项天空(15’)21. —I wonder why the manager was absent from yesterday’s conference?—______ he had been present?A. How comeB. What ifC. If onlyD. Why22. What the provincial government has been doing is ______ success. Now the preserved area has become _____ home to birds.A. \ ; aB. a; a C a; \ D \; \23. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ______ should have attrac ted the local government’s attention.A. solvingB. solveC. to solveD. solved24. Don’t be so jealous ______ her. As you know, she is worthy of the praise for , she is so enthusiastic ______ and has been so devoted to the activities.A. about; ofB. about; aboutC. of; ofD. of; about25. The amazing news was ______ at the press conference held yesterday.A. sent outB. given outC. brought outD. thrown out26. _________ off my feet these days, I haven’t ______ for you to be interviewed this Saturday.A. Having rushed; arrangedB. Rushed; intendedC. Rushed; arrangedD. Having rushed; intended27. —Y ou seem nowhere to be found. What have you been doing?—I have been writing two papers at the same time, one on environmental protection, _______ on preventive measures to stop pollution.A. oneB. anotherC. the oneD. the others28. So far our research has been limited _____ safety of public transportation.A. to ensureB. in ensuringC. to ensuringD. for ensuring29. There is still no news of the car _____ in the snow.A. stickingB. being stuckC. stuckD. to stick30. Now that the boy is so dedicated to the training for an athlete, maybe he will ____ to the National Games one day.A. get itB. mean itC. do itD. make it31. —We didn’t find Xiao Ming attending a lecture.—No one ____ him about _____ a lecture the following day.A. told; there to beB. had told; there to beC. told; there wasD. had told; there being32. It was in the mid-1980s that cartoons began to take off in China, and _____ there were only picture-story books.A. after thatB. before whichC. before thatD. after which33. —Wha t’s the weather like in winter?—It’s _____ warmer in winter here than in your hometown.A. veryB. fairlyC. quiteD. rather34. As my money _____, I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.A. has run outB. has been used upC. is running outD. is using up35. When the old man is alone, he often murmurs to himself _____.A. in habitB. out of the habitC. in the habitD. out of habit36. —Y ou ______ the party in time.—Sorry, I was held up by accident.A. are supposed to attendB. should attendC. could attendD. are supposed to have attended37. —It is said that the popular record has been sold out.—What a shame! How I regret that I didn’t buy _____.A. such oneB. any a suchC. no suchD. one such38. Jessica is a very religious girl; she believes that she is always _____ supported by her god.A. spirituallyB. typicallyC. mentallyD. separately39. The careless driver is _____ for the traffic ______ yesterday.A. to be blamed; that happenedB. to blame; having happenedC. to be blamed; having happenedD. to blame; that happened40. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it _____ shopping and eating.A. refers toB. speaks ofC. comes toD. focuses on41. This is a good piece of work, _____ a few slight faults .A. besidesB. exceptC. in addition toD. apart from42. He is a strict but kind teacher, _____ is always trying to make his classes _____ and interesting.A. one; livelyB. the one who; liveC. the one; liveD. one who; lively43. Is it _______ he often plays truant to play games on the Internet ______ makes his parents angry with him?A. since; whatB. that; whatC. because; thatD. that; that44. If you _____ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.A. shouldn’t contactB. didn’t contactC. weren’t to contactD. hadn’t contacted45. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ______ a sudden loud noise.A. being thereB. should there beC. there wasD. there having been46. The comments which he made ______ marketing bothered his boss greatly.A. being concernedB. concernedC. be concernedD. concerning47. I have been informed of when we ______ for London next year.A. will leaveB. leaveC. would leaveD. have left48. The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they ______.A. were playingB. were to playC. had playedD. played49. —Why bother? There’s too much rubbish here. Y ou’ll never pick it all up.—Maybe not. But at least this part of the park ______ cleaner.A. will beB. wasC. has beenD. is50. —Which materials can be thrown into the sea ______ on the nature of them?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. dependsB. dependedC. dependingD. to depend三、完形填空(20’)As an educator and care provider, I have worked with numerous children infected with AIDS. The relationships (交往) that I have had with them have been ___51___ in my life. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great ___52___ can be found in the smallest of bodies. Let me tell you the story about Tyler.Tyler was ___53___ infected with AIDS; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he had to depend on ___54___ to survive (存活). At times, he also needed extra oxygen to ___55___ his breathing.Tyler wasn’t ___56___ to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not ___57___ to find him playing and racing around his backyard. All of us were ___58___ at his pure joy in being ___59___ and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often said to him jokingly that he moved so fast that she needed to dress him in ___60___. In that way, when she looked through the window, she could quickly ___61___ him.Unfortunately, he grew quite ___62___ and so did his mother. ___63___ it became clear that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about ___64___, she comforted him by telling him that she was ___65___ too, and that she would be ___66___ him soon in heaven.A few days before his death, Tyler called me over to his hospital bed and ___67___, “I might die soon, I’m not ___68___. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom ___69___ she would come to heaven, too. I’ll be ___70___ when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.”51. A. gifts B. problems C. sufferings D. wonder52. A. fear B. kindness C. courage D. happiness53. A. soon B. first C. born D. found54. A. doctors B. medicine C. operations D. comforts55. A. continue B. last C. force D. support56. A. willing B. pleased C. sorry D. determined57. A. often B. unusual C. long D. nice58. A. happy B. sad C. wondering D. surprised59. A. playing B. alive C. loved D. running60. A. red B. green C. new clothes D. rags61. A. catch B. stop C. find D. help62. A. ill B. serious C. terrible D. pale63. A. Until B. Before C. Because D. When64. A. life B. death C. spirits D. heaven65. A. leaving B. ill C. dying D. afraid66. A. with B. for C. after D. around67. A. cried B. whispered C. suggested D. promised68. A. regretted B. longly C. ready D. frightened69. A. refused B. permitted C. promised D. agreed70. A. waiting B. dressed C. playing D. racing四、阅读理解(40’)AHe is only the second international basketball player after Y ao Ming to come top of the NBA draft (选秀). If that is not enough, his good looks are also expected to make Andrea Bargnani a hit with female fans. So keep an eye on him —Y ao’s potential new rival. Bargnani joined the Toronto Raptors (多伦多猛龙队) from Italian side Benetton Treviso. He agreed a two-year deal worth almost US$8 million.In his NBA summer league debut for the Raptors against the Washington Wizards (奇才队),Bargnani netted 20 points and claimed 4 rebounds.The 20-year-old stands 2.09 metres tall and weighs in at 102.1 kilograms. He has already been compared to German superstar Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks (小牛队).Bargnani is particularly rated for his long-range ability, averaging a 43 per cent success rate with 3-point shots. His skills have earned the nickname “The Magician ”. “On the court I am always trying to give my best and I want to become a forward that uses my potential to the fullest, ” said Bargnani.71. The passage mainly tells us __________.A.Andrea Bargnani is a hit with female fans.B.He is called “The Magician”.C.Bargnani joined the Toronto Raptors.D.Bargnani is a potential NBA star.72. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?A.Bargnani is very good-looking, tall and strong.B.Dirk Nowitzki is a super star of Toronto Raptors.C.Y ao Ming is the first international basketball player to come top of the NBA draft.D.Before Bargnani joined Toronto Raptors, he belongs to Benetton Treviso.73. Why can we say Bargnani has been talented player for a while now?A.Bargnani netted 20 points and claimed 4 rebounds in his NBA summer league debut.B.Bargnani stands 2.09 metres tall and weighs in at 102.1 kilograms.’C.Bargnani has an average of a 43 per cent success rate with 3-point shots.D.Bargnani was popular with his female fans.74. Which of the following words has the similar meaning with the word “net” in Paragraph 2A. scoreB. beatC. leadD. enjoyBTickets for the 2008 Beijing summer Olympics will go on sale in early 2007, and those for the Game s’ opening ceremony and the finals of some hot events will be more expensive, according to the organizing committee of Beijing Olympic Games on Friday.“We will not unveil the tickets sales scheme until early next year, ”said Liu Jingmin, vice mayor of Beijing and vice executive (行政的) president of the Games’ organizing committee. “Except for those reserved for the Olympic family, most of the tickets will be sold on the market. Foreigners in 202 countries and regions worldwide can buy the tickets through their own Olympic committees, ” said Liu.The number of the tickets is yet to be determined, for some stadiums are still under construction and their seating capacity remains unknown. The ticket prices will undergo scientific survey and calculation, according to Liu.“We have conducted a poll (民意检测) on our official website to collect public opinions and constructive suggestions, to make sure that common people can afford the tickets, ” he said.But one thing is certain that the prices of the tickets for the opening ceremony and some popular events will be relatively high, said Liu. As to how and where to buy the 2008 Olympics tickets, Liu said the organizing committee is yet to come up with a decision.75. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Nothing is certain about the 2008 Olympics tickets.B.All of the 2008 Olympics tickets will be sold on the market.C.All the 2008 Olympics tickets will be of the same price.D.The Beijing Olympics tickets won’t be too expensive for ordinary people.76. The underlined word “unveil” in the second paragraph means “_______”.A. keep…secretB. make…publicC. not sellD. carry out77. What can you conclude from the passage?A.Some details about the 2008 Olympics tickets remain unknown.B.The prices of the tickets for the opening ceremony will be higher than those of the others.C.The Olympics family don’t need to buy the 2008 Olympics tickets.D.All the 2008 Olympics tickets will be sold in China.78. What is the passage most probably selected from?A. A book on sportsB. A newspaperC. A diaryD. A notebookCMark Shuttleworth is just 28 years old. He is about to feel out of this world. On April 22. Shuttleworth, who is a South American Internet millionaire, will set off for a dream trip to the International Space Station.“The training has been excellent,”Shuttleworth said from the Star city training center just outside Moscow, Russia. Taking a Russian Soyuz rocket, Shuttleworth will become the world’s second “Space tourist”. Last April, wealthy Californian businessman Dennis Tito paid Russia US $20 million for an eight-day trip to ISS. Tito, 60, helped science by taking some medical tests. Shuttleworth hates being called a tourist. He said he will take responsibility for radio and life support systems in the capsule (太空舱). By the time he leaves for ISS, Shuttleworth will have had about eight months of full-time training.“The training includes weightlessness and centrifuge (离心分离机) training, as well as learninghow to use communications and control systems,”he said. Shuttleworth will carry out three experiments in space for Africa. And he hopes to educate young people about space. “The task is causing excitement among scientists and school kids. I am very satisfied that it is worthwhile. ”Shuttleworth said.He will be met by astronauts at the Space Station, among whom is American Daniel Bursch. Living in space for more than one month now, Bursch has already missed some of the simple pleasures of Earth. In space he can’t, for example, enjoy taking a breath of fresh air on a winter morning.“My family is probably the number one thing I miss like the kids coming into my room and waking me up, ”Bursch said last month in a space-to-ground interview. Bursch landed at the station last December along with two co-workers. They will be on duty there for five and a half months.“We have a mixture of Russian and US food. It’s excellent, ” Bursch said. “But it surely would be nice to have a pizza and a beer! ”79. What is implied but not stated in the passage?A.Shuttleworth hates being called a tourist.B.Shuttleworth will do three experiments in space for the USA.C.The first space tourist is from the USA.D.Bursch has been in the space for more than one month now.80. Shuttleworth will set off to the International Space Station to _________.A.make him the world’s first “space tourist”B.make a trip to realize his dreamC.help scientists carry out some experimentsD.make himself known to the people in the world81. When Shuttleworth arrives at the Space Station, ________.A.he can communicate with his family his family by radio conveniently.B.he can meet many American astronautsC.he will be supplied with pizza and beer constantlyD.he will have the experience of weightlessness82. The underlined word “They” in the sixth paragraph refers to ________.A.two co-workersB.Shuttleworth and two co-workersC.Bursch and two co-workersD.Bursch, Shuttleworth and two co-workersDIn many countries, authority is seldom, if ever, questioned, either because it is highly respected or because it is feared. Sometimes, too, because rank has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority.In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic accomplishments (成就). This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people as bad for young people’s manners, that young people lack respect for authority. This impression may be createdwhen visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner.83. According to the passage, the interest in questioning and searching ______.A.is bad for young people’s mannersB.results in a lack of respect for authorityC.helps to develop creativity and efficiencyD.does harm to the interpersonal relationship at work84. According to the passage, Americans’interest in questioning and searching shows that they ______.A.are rude in social conversationsB.have a strong desire to know about everythingC.desire a high degree of equality and individualityD.want to learn more facts and discuss ideas85. What can we learn from the passage?A.Authority should be respected and strictly followed.B.American youths should be more respectful to the authority.C.It is improper to question the ideas of your superiors and those of older and more experiencedmen.D.It is worthwhile to let students question the authority and find their own answ ers to questions.86. It can be seen that the author is _______ the American attitude towards authority.A. appreciative ofB. proud ofC. critical ofD. indifferent to (冷漠的)EWhy are so many people afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure in part of human condition and that, as the family therapist (治疗专家) V irginia Satir observes, “every person has the right to fail.”Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standard. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “Perfect!” even though it moves unsteadily on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails, his teacher is unfair or stupid.When one of my daughters was ten, she decided to raise money for charity by holding a carnival (嘉年华会). Proud of her, we hastily allowed her to put posters, all over town. We realized too late that she couldn’t possibly handle all the refreshments, shows, and games promised in the posters. The whole family pitched to prevent an embarrassing failure and the next year she advertised an even more ambitious carnival. Why not? We had kept her from discovering her imitations. The trouble with failure prevention devices is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything. No one can win all the time and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll of the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “it doesn’t matter”,because it does. The youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment and then be helped to master it.Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts adults and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did I fail”? Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about inquiring.Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. Y ou can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even failure that seems definitive can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction. After twelve years of studying ballet, a friend of mine came to a professional company for a job. She was turned down, “Would further training help”? she asked. The ballet master shook his head. “Y ou will never be an advancer”, he said. “Y ou haven’t the body for it”.In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock courageously, asking, “What have I left? What else can I do? ”My friend put away her toeshoes and moved into dance thereby, a field where she’s both competent and useful. Failure frees one to take risks because there’s less to lose. Often there is renewal of energy —an awareness of new possibilities.87. The author implies that success _________.A.prepare us for life in the real worldB.provides us with much more freedom than failure doesC.is all that really mattersD.doesn’t encourage new thinking88. According to the passage ________.A.parents need to help their children discover their limitationB.parents need to help their children avoid failureC.parents should be aware of their children’s limitationsD.parents should tell their children about limitations89. Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?A.Success can come only after many failures.B.No one can succeed all the time.C.Everyone appreciates a good loser.e every failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement.90. Which of the following would be the best title for this selection?A.Teaching Y our Child to Success.B.Learning from FailureC.How to Be successful.D.Why We Are So Afraid of Failure.五、单词拼写(5’)91. When I stepped in, I found him sitting on the bed with his legs c_____.92. The moment the challenging task was a______, I couldn’t help but jump with joy.93. Only with the quality of good g______, can we buy them.94. If taking p_______ attitudes towards life, you will find life is so sweet and lovely.95. It would be greatly a_______ if you could offer me an opportunity to have a go.96. If you want to make enormous progress in your English studies, you will have to a______ a lot of vocabulary in your mind and practise more97. Though a_______ to the three of us, the seemingly tough task was completed in the giventime.98. After having been tried in court many times, he was declared i______ of the crime.99. There are still quite a few problems r_____ to be solved in the university, so the president looks a bit worried.100. I am still in a d_______ as to whether to accept his offer or turn it down.六、情景对话(5’)A: What exactly is your job?B: Our job is to make sure that the laws about pollution and waste arenot (101) b______. There are over thirty different pollution laws in the (101)__________ (102) s________ of New Y ork. (102)_________ A: When was the “Waste Watch” section (103) s_________. (103)_________ B: In 1981. There had been a lot of reports of pollution. So the govern-ment told the police (104) f______ to start up a special section. (104)_________ A: How bad was the situation?B: It was (105) p________ bad. Some firms were pouring waste (105)_________ (106) s_____ from their factories into the rivers. Some were pouring liquid (106)_________ waste onto dry land inside the factory. (107) O_______ were paying truck (107)_________ companies to take the waste out of town.A: So what do you do now?B: We look out for companies driving waste out of town. They need (108) (108)_________ p_______ to do this. And we check on companies whenever we getreports.A: Can you give an example?B: Y es. We had an idea one company was breaking the law. Once aweek a truck used to call at the company’s factory. It never (109) d______ (109)_________ anything, but we thought it was taking away waste. So we followed thetruck. We used an ordinary car, not a police car. At four o’clock the nextmorning, the truck drove to the port and started to (110) p______ the liquid (110)________ into the sea.七、写作(15’)假如你是学生会主席,请根据下列提示,在校园网上用英语写一份书面通知,通知你校即将举行一次英语演讲活动。
#常州市2006_2007学年第一学_r_n 期期末质量调研高一语文试题
常州市2006—2007学年第一学期期末质量调研高一语文试题 2007年2月(全卷100分,测试时间120分钟)(一)阅读下面一段文字,完成1~5题。
(史铁生《我和地坛》)1.依次填入文中画横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(2分)()A.碰撞挺浮现默念 B.闯荡熬幻现念叨C.碰撞熬幻现默念 D.闯荡挺浮现念叨2.这三段文字主要传达了“我”的哪些情感?请简要概括。
每题2分,共40分) 1.关于重力的以下说法中,正确的是 ( B )A.物体静止时受到的重力最大,沿水平面运动时的重力变小B.重力的方向总是竖直向下的C. 一个挂在绳子上的物体,它受到的重力就是绳对它的拉力D.重力的大小只决定于物体质量2.在力的合成中,下列关于两个分力与它们的合力的关系的说法中,正确的是( D ) A.合力一定大于每一个分力 B.合力一定小于每一个分力C.合力的方向一定与分力的方向相同D.两个分力的夹角在0°~180°变化时,夹角越大合力越小 3.下列关于弹力产生的条件的说法中,正确的是:( D )A .物体间不相互接触,也能产生弹力;B .只要两物体接触就一定会产生弹力;C .只有弹簧才能产生弹力;D .两个物体直接接触且相互挤压发生形变才会产生弹力。
4.关于摩擦力的方向,下列说法中正确的是:( B ) A .摩擦力的方向总是和物体运动的方向相反; B .滑动摩擦力的方向可能和物体运动的方向相同; C .受静摩擦力作用的物体一定是静止的;D .物体受的摩擦力的方向总是和物体的相对运动或相对运动趋势的方向相同。
5.有四位同学把斜面对重物的支持力3N ,分别画成如图1-2的四种情况,其中画正确的是( A )6.一个物体在五个共点恒力的作用下保持静止状态,则错误的说法是:( C ) A .这五个力的合力为零;B .其中任何一个力必和其他四个力的合力的大小相等,方向相反;C .若只撤除其中的一个力,物体仍可保持静止状态;D .若只撤除其中的一个力,物体将沿此力方向的反方向向加速运动。
7.放在水平地面上的物块,受到一个与水平方向成θ角斜向下方的力F 的作用,物块在水平地面上做匀速直线运动,如图1-3所示。
如果保持力F 的大小不变,而使力F 与水平方向的夹角θ变小,那么,地面受到的压力N 和物块受到的摩擦力f 的变化情况是( C )A.N 变小,f 变大B.N 变大,f 变小C.N 变小,f 变小D.N 变大,f 变大 8.在图2-2的四个图象中,有一个是表示物体做匀速直线运动的图象。
1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a pet shopB. In a medical labC. In a clinic for animals2. What was the score of the match?A. 0:40B. 0:14C. 0:43. Why was the man away for two weeks?A. Because he was in hospital.B. Because he was visiting his sick mother.C. Because he was on vacation.4. Which man is the thief?A. a middle-aged man, with short brown hairB. a middle-aged man, with long black hairC. a middle-aged man, with long brown hair5. Who is Mr. Smith, according to the conversation?A. a lecturerB. a singerC. a doctor第二节(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话或对白。
1. 不能人工诱导原生质体融合的方法是()A. 振动B. 刺激C. PEG试剂D. 重压2. 关于单克隆抗体不正确的是()A. 化学性质单一B. 用有性繁殖获得C. 特异性强D. 可用于治病、防病3. 能提高良种家畜繁殖能力的细胞工程技术是()A. 组织培养B. 细胞融合C. 胚胎移植D. 细胞核移植4. 在动物细胞培养中,所培养的动物细胞大都取自()A. 幼龄动物器官B. 老龄动物器官C. 中年动物器官D. 中年动物器官5. 据图判断,下列叙述不符合生态学原理的是()A. 物质经过了多级利用,实现了良性循环B. 每一级生产环节都获得产品,提高了生态经济效益C. 由于食物链延长,能量逐级损耗,系统总能量利用效率降低D. 由于各级产物都可以利用,减少了废物和污染6.我国的“三北”防护林是一项规模空前的生态建设工程,被誉为“绿色万里长城建设工程”。
下列不属于植树造林在保护环境方面要求的是()A.调节气候 B.防风固沙,防止荒漠化C.提供木材 D.维持大气的碳—氧平衡7.生态恢复工程的第一步是()A.恢复这一地区的生物群落 B.恢复植被C.形成合理、高效的食物链 D.保持一定的动物数量8.被誉为“世界生态工程之最”的是()A.退耕还林还草生态工程 B.三北防护林生态工程C.湿地生态净化工程 D.草原植被恢复生态工程9.下列关于生态农业的叙述中,错误的是()A.生态农业是以环境与经济协调发展为前提的B.生态农业以保持生态系统内的生态平衡为主导思想C.以高投人获得农业的高产量D.生态农业开展多种经营10.下列不属于我国生态工程建设实例的是()A. 沼气工程 B.桑基鱼塘C.防沙治沙工程 D. 焚烧城市生活垃圾11.关于小流域综合治理工程应用原理,不正确的是()A.整体原理 B.协调与平衡原理C.工程学原理 D. 少消耗高产出原理12.下列关于湿地生态系统的作用的说法,错误的是()A.涵养水源、蓄洪防旱B. 调节区域气候,自然净化污水C.为迁飞鸟类和多种动植物提供栖息地,保护生物多样性D.大量种植高产农作物,解决粮食物问题13.随着城市化进程的加快,一方面促进了城市的繁荣,另一方面也带来了严重的环境污染,下列选项中与城市环境污染无关的是()A.汽车尾气排放造成大气污染 B.过度开发利用土地造成植被减少C.土木工程建设带来噪音污染 D.产生大量生活垃圾造成环境污染14.南京古泉生态农场将养猪、养鱼、沼气工程、养鸭、养蚯蚓、养蘑菇和种植果树等生长过程合理地组合在一起,形成一个良好循环系统。
2006年江苏省常州市第一中学高三上学期期末考试化学试卷相对原子质量:H —1 C —12 O —16 Na —23 N —14 Cl —35.5 K —39第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共74分)一、选择题(本题包括8小题,每小题4分,共32分。
) 1.居室装修用石材的放射性常用Ra 22688作为标准,居里夫人(Marie Curie )因对Ra 元素的研究两度获得诺贝尔奖。
下列叙述中正确的是A .一个Ra 22688原子中含有138个中子B .Ra 元素位于元素周期表中第六周期ⅡA 族C .RaCl 2的熔点比CaCl 2高D .Ra (OH )2是一种两性氢氧化物2.下列有关晶体的说法中,正确的是A .分子晶体中一定存在共价键B .原子晶体的熔、沸点均较高C .离子晶体中不一定存在离子键D .金属晶体的硬度均较大3.蓄电池是一种可反复充电、放电的装置.某种蓄电池充电和放电时发生的反应为:O 2H NiO Fe 22++22OH Ni OH Fe )()(+。
该蓄电池的正极材料是A . NiO 2B .FeC .Fe (OH )2D .Ni (OH )24.元素周期表中前20号不同周期的四种元素A 、B 、C 、D ,原子序数依次递增,可形成离子化合物DA 、CB 、D 2B ,可形成共价化合物A 2B 、若A 、D 同族,则上述物质中有关离子半径大小顺序正确的是A .D>C>B>AB .B>C>D>AC .D>B>C>AD .C>D>A>B5.在某晶体中,与某一种微粒x 距离最近且等距离的另一种微粒y 所围成的空间构型为正八面体型(如图)。
该晶体可能为 A .CsCl B .NaClC .CO 2D .SiO 26.已知NaHSO 3溶液呈酸性、NaHCO 3溶液呈碱性。
现有浓度均为0.1 mol/L 的NaHSO 3溶液和NaHCO 3溶液,溶液中各粒子的物质的量浓度存在下列关系(R 表示S 或C ),其中正确的是A .c (Na +)>c (HRO 3-)>c (H +)>c (RO 32-)>c (OH -) B .c (Na +)+c (H +)=c (HRO 3-)+c (RO 32-)+c (OH -)C .c (H +)+c (H 2RO 3)=c (RO 32-)+c (OH -)D .两溶液中c (Na +)、c (HRO 3-)、c (RO 32-)分别相等 7.被誉为“太空金属”的钛,在室温下,不与水、稀硫酸和稀硝酸作用,但易与氢氟酸 作用,其可能原因是A .氢氟酸的酸性比其它酸强B .氢氟酸的氧化性比其它酸强C .氢氟酸的还原性比其它酸强D .钛离子易与氟离子形成可溶性难电离物质8.下图表示可逆反应mA (g )+nB (g )pC (g )在不同温度(T )、压强(p )下,生成物C 的物质的量分数x (C )的变化情况.下列关于该正反应热效应及方程式中A 、B 、C 的化学计量数的判断中,正确的是A.吸热反应,m+n<p B.吸热反应,m+n>pC.放热反应,m+n<p D.放热反应,m+n>p二、选择题(本题包括10小题,9~16每小题4分,17~18每小题5分,共42分。
这组是()A.F1=8N,F2=3N B.F1=4N,F2=9NC.F1=3N,F2=3N D.F1=2N,F2=1N6.某物体沿直线运动,其v—t图象如图所示,则下列说法正确的是A.第1s内和第6s内速度方向相反B.第1s内和第6s内的加速度方向相反C.第2s内的加速度为零D.第6s末物体回到原出发点7.关于矢量和标量的说法中正确的是A.平均速度、瞬时速度和加速度都是矢量,速率、平均速率、时间和质量都是标量B.比较矢量大小,只要比较值的大小,而比较标量的大小要带(+、-)符号进行C.矢量的合成满足平行四边形法则,标量的合成只要代数加减即可D .矢量和标量没有严格的区别,同一个物理量有时是矢量,有时是标量 8.下列关于速度和加速度的说法中,正确的是A .加速度与速度没有直接的联系,速度很大时,加速度可大可小也可负B .当加速度与速度方向相同且又减小时,物体却做加速运动C .物体的速度变化量越大,加速度越大D .物体的速度变化越快,加速度越大 9、一物体做匀变速直线运动,下列说法正确的是A .如果做匀加速直线运动,一段过程位移中点的速度大于时间中点的速度,如果是做匀减速直线运动,则时间中点的速度大于位移中点的速度B .无论做匀加速还是匀减速直线运动,一段过程时间中点的速度总是小于位移中点的速度C .无论做匀加速还是匀减速直线运动,一段过程时间中点的速度总是大于位移中点的速度D .无论做匀加速还是匀减速直线运动,一段过程时间中点的速度总是等于位移中点的速度10、如图所示为一质量分布均匀的光滑圆柱体的横截面,O 为圆心,半径为R .圆柱体横卧在两个光滑台阶A 和B 上,A 和B 分别为圆柱体和两个台阶的接触点,∠AOB =105°。
江苏省常州市第一中学-度第一学期高一数学期末考试卷 苏教教
江苏省常州市第一中学2006-2007学年度第一学期高一数学期末考试卷本试卷共三大题,满分100分,考试时间120分钟一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分. 在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 设集合}35|),{(},64|),{(-==+-==x y y x B x y y x A ,则B A = A .{1,2} B .{(1,2)} C .{1,2}x y == D .(1,2)2. 函数)23(log )(231+-=x x x f 的单调递增区间为A .(,1)-∞B .(2,)+∞C .3(,)2-∞D .3(,)2+∞ 3. 已知直线3430x y +-=与直线6140x my ++=平行,则它们之间的距离是A .1710 B . 175C .8D .2 4. 设,,x y z 是空间不同的直线或平面,对于下列四种情形,能使“如果x z ⊥且y z ⊥,那么x y ”为真命题的是①,,x y z 均为直线; ②,x y 是直线,z 是平面 ③z 是直线,,x y 是平面; ④,,x y z 均为平面.A .①,②B .①,③C .③,④D .②,③5. 定义运算2)2(2)(,)(,222-⊕*=-=⊕-=*x xx f b a b a b a b a 则函数为A .奇函数B .偶函数C .既是奇函数又是偶函数D .既非奇函数又非偶函数 6. 已知球内接正方体的表面积为S ,那么球的体积等于C. 24D. 127. 已知直线l 的方程为:34120x y -+=,则直线l 与两坐标轴围成的三角形的内切圆方程为 A .012222=--++y x y x B .012222=+-++y x y xC .012222=++++y x y xD .012222=---+y x y x8. 根据表格中的数据,可以判定方程20xe x --=的一个根所在的区间为A. (1,0)-B. (0,1)C. (1,2)D. (2,3) 9. 一个棱柱是正四棱柱的条件是A.底面是正方形,有两个侧面是矩形B.底面是正方形,有两个侧面垂直于底面C.底面是菱形,且有一个顶点处的三条棱两两垂直D.每个侧面都是全等矩形的四棱柱 10. 曲线y =与直线34y x b =+有公共点,则b 的取值范围是 A .[3,1]- B .[4,1]- C .[4,0]- D .1[3,]2-二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分.11. 设点M 是点(2,3,5)N -关于坐标平面xoy 的对称点,则线段MN 的长度等于 ▲ . 12.函数31()log (3)f x x =-的定义域是 ▲ .13. 用若干块相同的小正方体搭成一个几何体,从两个角度所观察的图形如右图所示,则搭成该几何体最少需要的小正方体块数是 ▲ 块.14. 已知圆22:(3)(4)4C x y -+-=,过点A(1,0)与圆C 相切的直线方程为 ▲ . 15. 某市原来的民用电价为0.52元/千瓦时,换装分时电表后,峰时段(早上8点至晚上21点)的电价为0.55元/千瓦时,谷时段(晚上21点至次日早上8点)的电价为0.35元/千瓦时,对于一个平均每月用电量为200千瓦时的家庭,要使节省的电费不少于原来电费的10%,则这个家庭每月在峰时段的平均用电量至多为 ▲ 千瓦时.16. 有两个相同的直三棱柱,高为a2,底面三角形的三边长分别为)0(5,4,3>a a a a .用它们拼成一个三棱柱或四棱柱,在所有可能的情形中,表面积最小的是一个四棱柱,则a 的取值范围是____▲______.三、解答题:本大题共5小题,共52分(6+10+10+8+8+10). 解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17. 已知三角形的顶点为(2,4)A ,(0,2)B -,(2,3)C -, 求:(1)AB 边上的中线CM 所在直线的方程; (2)求ABC ∆的面积.18. 如图,长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,1==AD AB ,21=AA ,点P 为1DD 的中点.(1)求证:直线1BD ∥平面PAC ; (2)求证:平面PAC ⊥平面1BDD ; (3)求证:直线1PB ⊥平面PAC .PD 1C 1B 1A 1DC BA3a4a 5a2a2a5a4a 3a19. 函数2()1ax b f x x +=+是定义在(,)-∞+∞上的奇函数,且12()25f =. (1)求实数,a b ,并确定函数()f x 的解析式;(2)判断()f x 在(1,1)-上的单调性.并用定义证明你的结论.(3)写出()f x 的单调减区间,并判断()f x 有无最大值或最小值?如有,写出最大值或最小值.(本小问不需说明理由)20. 在直三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,90,1ABC AB BC ∠===. (1)求异面直线11B C 与AC 所成的角的大小;(2)若1A C 与平面ABC 所成角为45,求二面角1A A C B --的正切值.21. 已知O :221x y +=和定点(2,1)A ,由O 外一点(,)P a b 向O 引切线PQ ,切点为Q ,且满足||||PQ PA =. (1) 求实数a b 、间满足的等量关系; (2) 求线段PQ 长的最小值; (3) 若以P 为圆心所作的P 与O 有公共点,试求半径取最小值时的P 方程.A 1[参考答案]11、 10 ; 12、 (3,4)(4,)+∞ ; 13、 10 ;14、1x =或3430x y --=;15、 118; 16、(0,317、(Ⅰ)解:AB 中点M 的坐标是(1,1)M ,……………………………………………1分中线CM 所在直线的方程是113121y x --=---,即2350x y +-= …2分 (Ⅱ)解法一: AB ==3分直线AB 的方程是320x y --=, 点C 到直线AB 的距离是d ==………………………5分 所以△ABC 的面积是1112S AB d =⋅=. …………………………6分 18、解:(1)设AC 和BD 交于点O ,连PO ,(1分)由P ,O 分别是1DD ,BD 的中点,故PO//1BD ,又PO PAC ⊂平面 所以直线1BD ∥平面PAC --(3分)(2)长方体1111D C B A ABCD -中,1==AD AB , 底面ABCD 是正方形,则AC ⊥BD又1DD ⊥面ABCD ,AC ABCD ⊂平面,则1DD ⊥AC , 又 ⊂11BD,DD 平面BDD ,所以AC ⊥面1BDD ,(6分) 又AC PAC ⊂平面则平面PAC ⊥平面1BDD -------------------------(8分) (3)PC 2=2,PB 12=3,B 1C 2=5,所以△PB 1C 是直角三角形。
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常州市第一中学2006-2007学年度第一学期期末试卷高二年级英语试卷出卷老师阮航卫一、听力(20’)第一节1. What do we know about Mrs Fisher?A.She is in hospital.B. She has no family.C. She will go abroad.2. Where does the conversation take place?A.In the streetB. In a hotelC. In a restaurant3. How soon will the man have to send the report?A.In four days.B. In five days.C. In six days4. What will the speakers most probably do?A.Go to a first-aid station.B.Try to find a quiet place.C.Take a walk around the city.5. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.CousinsB. Mother and sonC. Aunt and nephew第二节Text 66. What is the man?A. A flat managerB. An army officerC. A house designer7. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.The rental agreementB.The working conditionsC.The living surroundings8. How many complaints does the woman make?A.TwoB. ThreeC. FourText 79. What kind of woman does the man prefer?A.Managing houseworkB.Putting up new ideasC.Working from home10. What do we know about the man’s views on women?A.They are in line with the current views.B.They are quite progressive for the times.C.They mirror the views of old generations.11. What does the man most likely do for the rest of an evening?A.He stays with his friend and watches TV.B.He meets a woman who shares his interest.C.He returns home alone and stays with his dog.Text 812. What does the man want to talk about in the discussion?A.Bringing up childrenB.Training children to be quietC.Helping children with their problems13. What should a mother do when her child is quietly playing?A.Talking with himB. Staying with himC. Doing her own work14. Why is a child always shouting according to the man?A.He is bored.B.He isn’t playing.C.His mother isn’t with him.Text 915. When does the train arrive in Stratford?A.At 6: 05B. At 6: 15C. At 8: 0016. What is the woman eager to do?A.See a playB. Catch a trainC. Check in at a hotel17. What will the woman have enough time to do?A.Do some sightseeing.B.Have something to eatC.Visit St. Mary’s ChurchText 1018. What is the speaker?A. A waitress.B. An art collectorC. A tourist guide19. What is the speaker’s attitude toward the founders of the museum?A.AdmirationB. IndifferenceC. Disappointment20. What can we learn from the talk?A.The story of the West has been truthfully told.B.The African Americans contributed the most art.C.The museum has exhibits showing Western history.二、单项天空(15’)21. —I wonder why the manager was absent from yesterday’s conference?—______ he had been present?A. How comeB. What ifC. If onlyD. Why22. What the provincial government has been doing is ______ success. Now the preserved area has become _____ home to birds.A. \ ; aB. a; a C a; \ D \; \23. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ______ should have attracted the local government’s attention.A. solvingB. solveC. to solveD. solved24. Don’t be so jealous ______ her. As you know, she is worthy of the praise for , she is so enthusiastic ______ and has been so devoted to the activities.A. about; ofB. about; aboutC. of; ofD. of; about25. The amazing news was ______ at the press conference held yesterday.A. sent outB. given outC. brought outD. thrown out26. _________ off my feet these days, I haven’t ______ for you to be interviewed this Saturday.A. Having rushed; arrangedB. Rushed; intendedC. Rushed; arrangedD. Having rushed; intended27. —You seem nowhere to be found. What have you been doing?—I have been writing two papers at the same time, one on environmental protection, _______ on preventive measures to stop pollution.A. oneB. anotherC. the oneD. the others28. So far our research has been limited _____ safety of public transportation.A. to ensureB. in ensuringC. to ensuringD. for ensuring29. There is still no news of the car _____ in the snow.A. stickingB. being stuckC. stuckD. to stick30. Now that the boy is so dedicated to the training for an athlete, maybe he will ____ to the National Games one day.A. get itB. mean itC. do itD. make it31. —We didn’t find Xiao Ming attending a lecture.—No one ____ him about _____ a lecture the following day.A. told; there to beB. had told; there to beC. told; there wasD. had told; there being32. It was in the mid-1980s that cartoons began to take off in China, and _____ there were only picture-story books.A. after thatB. before whichC. before thatD. after which33. —Wha t’s the weather like in winter?—It’s _____ warmer in winter here than in your hometown.A. veryB. fairlyC. quiteD. rather34. As my money _____, I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.A. has run outB. has been used upC. is running outD. is using up35. When the old man is alone, he often murmurs to himself _____.A. in habitB. out of the habitC. in the habitD. out of habit36. —You ______ the party in time.—Sorry, I was held up by accident.A. are supposed to attendB. should attendC. could attendD. are supposed to have attended37. —It is said that the popular record has been sold out.—What a shame! How I regret that I didn’t buy _____.A. such oneB. any a suchC. no suchD. one such38. Jessica is a very religious girl; she believes that she is always _____ supported by her god.A. spirituallyB. typicallyC. mentallyD. separately39. The careless driver is _____ for the traffic ______ yesterday.A. to be blamed; that happenedB. to blame; having happenedC. to be blamed; having happenedD. to blame; that happened40. Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isn’t much help when it _____ shopping and eating.A. refers toB. speaks ofC. comes toD. focuses on41. This is a good piece of work, _____ a few slight faults .A. besidesB. exceptC. in addition toD. apart from42. He is a strict but kind teacher, _____ is always trying to make his classes _____ and interesting.A. one; livelyB. the one who; liveC. the one; liveD. one who; lively43. Is it _______ he often plays truant to play games on the Internet ______ makes his parents angry with him?A. since; whatB. that; whatC. because; thatD. that; that44. If you _____ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange.A. shouldn’t contactB. didn’t contactC. weren’t to contactD. hadn’t contacted45. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, ______ a sudden loud noise.A. being thereB. should there beC. there wasD. there having been46. The comments which he made ______ marketing bothered his boss greatly.A. being concernedB. concernedC. be concernedD. concerning47. I have been informed of when we ______ for London next year.A. will leaveB. leaveC. would leaveD. have left48. The computers made by our company sell best, but several years ago no one could have imagined the role in the markets that they ______.A. were playingB. were to playC. had playedD. played49. —Why bother? There’s too much rubbish here. You’ll never pick it all up.—Maybe not. But at least this part of the park ______ cleaner.A. will beB. wasC. has beenD. is50. —Which materials can be thrown into the sea ______ on the nature of them?—Sorry, I have no idea.A. dependsB. dependedC. dependingD. to depend三、完形填空(20’)As an educator and care provider, I have worked with numerous children infected with AIDS. The relationships (交往) that I have had with them have been ___51___ in my life. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great ___52___ can be found in the smallest of bodies. Let me tell you the story about Tyler.Tyler was ___53___ infected with AIDS; his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he had to depend on ___54___ to survive (存活). At times, he also needed extra oxygen to ___55___ his breathing.Tyler wasn’t ___56___ to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not ___57___ to find him playing and racing around his backyard. All of us were ___58___ at his pure joy in being ___59___ and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often said to him jokingly that he moved so fast that she needed to dress him in ___60___. In that way, when she looked through the window, she could quickly ___61___ him.Unfortunately, he grew quite ___62___ and so did his mother. ___63___ it became clear that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about ___64___, she comforted him by telling him that she was ___65___ too, and that she would be ___66___ him soon in heaven.A few days before his death, Tyler called me over to his hospital bed and ___67___, “I might die soon, I’m not ___68___. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom ___69___ she would come to heaven, too. I’ll be ___70___ when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me.”51. A. gifts B. problems C. sufferings D. wonder52. A. fear B. kindness C. courage D. happiness53. A. soon B. first C. born D. found54. A. doctors B. medicine C. operations D. comforts55. A. continue B. last C. force D. support56. A. willing B. pleased C. sorry D. determined57. A. often B. unusual C. long D. nice58. A. happy B. sad C. wondering D. surprised59. A. playing B. alive C. loved D. running60. A. red B. green C. new clothes D. rags61. A. catch B. stop C. find D. help62. A. ill B. serious C. terrible D. pale63. A. Until B. Before C. Because D. When64. A. life B. death C. spirits D. heaven65. A. leaving B. ill C. dying D. afraid66. A. with B. for C. after D. around67. A. cried B. whispered C. suggested D. promised68. A. regretted B. longly C. ready D. frightened69. A. refused B. permitted C. promised D. agreed70. A. waiting B. dressed C. playing D. racing四、阅读理解(40’)AHe is only the second international basketball player after Yao Ming to come top of the NBA draft (选秀). If that is not enough, his good looks are also expected to make Andrea Bargnani a hit with female fans. So keep an eye on him —Yao’s potential new rival. Bargnani joined the Toronto Raptors (多伦多猛龙队) from Italian side Benetton Treviso. He agreed a two-year deal worth almost US$8 million.In his NBA summer league debut for the Raptors against the Washington Wizards (奇才队),Bargnani netted 20 points and claimed 4 rebounds.The 20-year-old stands 2.09 metres tall and weighs in at 102.1 kilograms. He has already been compared to German superstar Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks (小牛队).Bargnani is particularly rated for his long-range ability, averaging a 43 per cent success rate with 3-point shots. His skills have earned the nickname “The Magician ”. “On the court I am always trying to give my best and I want to become a forward that uses my potential to the fullest, ” said Bargnani.71. The passage mainly tells us __________.A.Andrea Bargnani is a hit with female fans.B.He is called “The Magician”.C.Bargnani joined the Toronto Raptors.D.Bargnani is a potential NBA star.72. According to the passage, which of the following is not true?A.Bargnani is very good-looking, tall and strong.B.Dirk Nowitzki is a super star of Toronto Raptors.C.Yao Ming is the first international basketball player to come top of the NBA draft.D.Before Bargnani joined Toronto Raptors, he belongs to Benetton Treviso.73. Why can we say Bargnani has been talented player for a while now?A.Bargnani netted 20 points and claimed 4 rebounds in his NBA summer league debut.B.Bargnani stands 2.09 metres tall and weighs in at 102.1 kilograms.’C.Bargnani has an average of a 43 per cent success rate with 3-point shots.D.Bargnani was popular with his female fans.74. Which of the following words has the similar meaning with the word “net” in Paragraph 2A. scoreB. beatC. leadD. enjoyBTickets for the 2008 Beijing summer Olympics will go on sale in early 2007, and those for the Game s’ opening ceremony and the finals of some hot events will be more expensive, according to the organizing committee of Beijing Olympic Games on Friday.“We will not unveil the tickets sales scheme until early next year, ”said Liu Jingmin, vice mayor of Beijing and vice executive (行政的) president of the Games’ organizing committee. “Except for those reserved for the Olympic family, most of the tickets will be sold on the market. Foreigners in 202 countries and regions worldwide can buy the tickets through their own Olympic committees, ” said Liu.The number of the tickets is yet to be determined, for some stadiums are still under construction and their seating capacity remains unknown. The ticket prices will undergo scientific survey and calculation, according to Liu.“We have conducted a poll (民意检测) on our official website to collect public opinions and constructive suggestions, to make sure that common people can afford the tickets, ” he said.But one thing is certain that the prices of the tickets for the opening ceremony and some popular events will be relatively high, said Liu. As to how and where to buy the 2008 Olympics tickets, Liu said the organizing committee is yet to come up with a decision.75. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A.Nothing is certain about the 2008 Olympics tickets.B.All of the 2008 Olympics tickets will be sold on the market.C.All the 2008 Olympics tickets will be of the same price.D.The Beijing Olympics tickets won’t be too expensive for ordinary people.76. The underlined word “unveil” in the second paragraph means “_______”.A. keep…secretB. make…publicC. not sellD. carry out77. What can you conclude from the passage?A.Some details about the 2008 Olympics tickets remain unknown.B.The prices of the tickets for the opening ceremony will be higher than those of the others.C.The Olympics family don’t need to buy the 2008 Olympics tickets.D.All the 2008 Olympics tickets will be sold in China.78. What is the passage most probably selected from?A. A book on sportsB. A newspaperC. A diaryD. A notebookCMark Shuttleworth is just 28 years old. He is about to feel out of this world. On April 22. Shuttleworth, who is a South American Internet millionaire, will set off for a dream trip to the International Space Station.“The training has been excellent,”Shuttleworth said from the Star city training center just outside Moscow, Russia. Taking a Russian Soyuz rocket, Shuttleworth will become the world’s second “Space tourist”. Last April, wealthy Californian businessman Dennis Tito paid Russia US $20 million for an eight-day trip to ISS. Tito, 60, helped science by taking some medical tests. Shuttleworth hates being called a tourist. He said he will take responsibility for radio and life support systems in the capsule (太空舱). By the time he leaves for ISS, Shuttleworth will have had about eight months of full-time training.“The training includes weightlessness and centrifuge (离心分离机) training, as well as learninghow to use communications and control systems,”he said. Shuttleworth will carry out three experiments in space for Africa. And he hopes to educate young people about space. “The task is causing excitement among scientists and school kids. I am very satisfied that it is worthwhile. ”Shuttleworth said.He will be met by astronauts at the Space Station, among whom is American Daniel Bursch. Living in space for more than one month now, Bursch has already missed some of the simple pleasures of Earth. In space he can’t, for example, enjoy taking a breath of fresh air on a winter morning.“My family is probably the number one thing I miss like the kids coming into my room and waking me up, ”Bursch said last month in a space-to-ground interview. Bursch landed at the station last December along with two co-workers. They will be on duty there for five and a half months.“We have a mixture of Russian and US food. It’s excellent, ” Bursch said. “But it surely would be nice to have a pizza and a beer! ”79. What is implied but not stated in the passage?A.Shuttleworth hates being called a tourist.B.Shuttleworth will do three experiments in space for the USA.C.The first space tourist is from the USA.D.Bursch has been in the space for more than one month now.80. Shuttleworth will set off to the International Space Station to _________.A.make him the world’s first “space tourist”B.make a trip to realize his dreamC.help scientists carry out some experimentsD.make himself known to the people in the world81. When Shuttleworth arrives at the Space Station, ________.A.he can communicate with his family his family by radio conveniently.B.he can meet many American astronautsC.he will be supplied with pizza and beer constantlyD.he will have the experience of weightlessness82. The underlined word “They” in the sixth paragraph refers to ________.A.two co-workersB.Shuttleworth and two co-workersC.Bursch and two co-workersD.Bursch, Shuttleworth and two co-workersDIn many countries, authority is seldom, if ever, questioned, either because it is highly respected or because it is feared. Sometimes, too, because rank has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority.In other countries, including America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will often be told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be developing exciting new ideas in all fields of science and arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national prizes offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic accomplishments (成就). This interest in questioning and searching may be considered by some people as bad for young people’s manners, that young people lack respect for authority. This impression may be createdwhen visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. It is important to remember that it is the person’s ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, so that the work of the business can progress in the most effective manner.83. According to the passage, the interest in questioning and searching ______.A.is bad for young people’s mannersB.results in a lack of respect for authorityC.helps to develop creativity and efficiencyD.does harm to the interpersonal relationship at work84. According to the passage, Americans’ interest in questioning and searching shows that they ______.A.are rude in social conversationsB.have a strong desire to know about everythingC.desire a high degree of equality and individualityD.want to learn more facts and discuss ideas85. What can we learn from the passage?A.Authority should be respected and strictly followed.B.American youths should be more respectful to the authority.C.It is improper to question the ideas of your superiors and those of older and more experiencedmen.D.It is worthwhile to let students question the authority and find their own answers to questions.86. It can be seen that the author is _______ the American attitude towards authority.A. appreciative ofB. proud ofC. critical ofD. indifferent to (冷漠的)EWhy are so many people afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure in part of human condition and that, as the family therapist (治疗专家) Virginia Satir observes, “every person has the right to fail.”Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standard. A mother describes her child’s hastily made table as “Perfect!” even though it moves unsteadily on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails, his teacher is unfair or stupid.When one of my daughters was ten, she decided to raise money for charity by holding a carnival (嘉年华会). Proud of her, we hastily allowed her to put posters, all over town. We realized too late that she couldn’t possibly handle all the refreshments, shows, and games promised in the posters. The whole family pitched to prevent an embarrassing failure and the next year she advertised an even more ambitious carnival. Why not? We had kept her from discovering her imitations. The trouble with failure prevention devices is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything. No one can win all the time and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll of the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick consolation prize or say, “it doesn’t matter”,because it does. The youngster should be allowed to experience disappointment and then be helped to master it.Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts adults and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did I fail”? Resist the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about inquiring.Success, which encourages repetition of old behavior, is not nearly as good a teacher as failure. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second. Even failure that seems definitive can prompt fresh thinking, a change of direction. After twelve years of studying ballet, a friend of mine came to a professional company for a job. She was turned down, “Would further training help”? she asked. The ballet master shook his head. “You will never be an advancer”, he said. “You haven’t the body for it”.In such cases, the way to use failure is to take stock courageously, asking, “What have I left? What else can I do? ”My friend put away her toeshoes and moved into dance thereby, a field where she’s both competent and useful. Failure frees one to take risks because there’s less to lose. Often there is renewal of energy —an awareness of new possibilities.87. The author implies that success _________.A.prepare us for life in the real worldB.provides us with much more freedom than failure doesC.is all that really mattersD.doesn’t encourage new thinking88. According to the passage ________.A.parents need to help their children discover their limitationB.parents need to help their children avoid failureC.parents should be aware of their children’s limitationsD.parents should tell their children about limitations89. Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?A.Success can come only after many failures.B.No one can succeed all the time.C.Everyone appreciates a good loser.e every failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement.90. Which of the following would be the best title for this selection?A.Teaching Your Child to Success.B.Learning from FailureC.How to Be successful.D.Why We Are So Afraid of Failure.五、单词拼写(5’)91. When I stepped in, I found him sitting on the bed with his legs c_____.92. The moment the challenging task was a______, I couldn’t help but jump with joy.93. Only with the quality of good g______, can we buy them.94. If taking p_______ attitudes towards life, you will find life is so sweet and lovely.95. It would be greatly a_______ if you could offer me an opportunity to have a go.96. If you want to make enormous progress in your English studies, you will have to a______ a lot of vocabulary in your mind and practise more97. Though a_______ to the three of us, the seemingly tough task was completed in the giventime.98. After having been tried in court many times, he was declared i______ of the crime.99. There are still quite a few problems r_____ to be solved in the university, so the president looks a bit worried.100. I am still in a d_______ as to whether to accept his offer or turn it down.六、情景对话(5’)A: What exactly is your job?B: Our job is to make sure that the laws about pollution and waste arenot (101) b______. There are over thirty different pollution laws in the (101)__________ (102) s________ of New York. (102)_________ A: When was the “Waste Watch” section (103) s_________. (103)_________ B: In 1981. There had been a lot of reports of pollution. So the govern-ment told the police (104) f______ to start up a special section. (104)_________ A: How bad was the situation?B: It was (105) p________ bad. Some firms were pouring waste (105)_________ (106) s_____ from their factories into the rivers. Some were pouring liquid (106)_________ waste onto dry land inside the factory. (107) O_______ were paying truck (107)_________ companies to take the waste out of town.A: So what do you do now?B: We look out for companies driving waste out of town. They need (108) (108)_________ p_______ to do this. And we check on companies whenever we getreports.A: Can you give an example?B: Yes. We had an idea one company was breaking the law. Once aweek a truck used to call at the company’s factory. It never (109) d______ (109)_________ anything, but we thought it was taking away waste. So we followed thetruck. We used an ordinary car, not a police car. At four o’clock the nextmorning, the truck drove to the port and started to (110) p______ the liquid (110)________ into the sea.七、写作(15’)假如你是学生会主席,请根据下列提示,在校园网上用英语写一份书面通知,通知你校即将举行一次英语演讲活动。