Chinese translation guidelines
医学英语 如何翻译修饰语
14. There are complex problems in medicine, and it takes much time to solve them.
15. The heart is slightly bigger than a fist, and lies between the lungs.
5. However, in spite of all these similarities between the diseases, there are also important differences.
6. The chief effects of electric currents are magnetic, heating and chemical ones.
27. I’m looking for a flat. I’d really like one with a garden.
is not impossible. [译文]如果我们把眼光放得远些,我们可知将来前
往火星旅行不无可能。 [例句2] Further delay would cause greater losses. [译文]我们如果再耽搁,将会蒙受更大的损失。
[例句3] The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune.
[例句2] There is more to their life than political and social and economic problems; more than transient everydayness.
中国人名英文规则Chinese Names in English: Rules and GuidelinesIntroduction:The translation of Chinese names into English can be a challenging task due to the distinct differences in linguistic structure and cultural connotations between the two languages. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the rules and guidelines for rendering Chinese names accurately and appropriately in English, ensuring clarity and effective communication in cross-cultural contexts.1. Names with Different Components:Chinese names typically consist of a surname and a given name, but variations exist such as compound surnames or multiple given names. When translating such names into English, it is essential to retain the original order, as the surname always precedes the given name. For example, the name "张伟" should be translated as "Zhang Wei," with "Zhang" as the surname and "Wei" as the given name.2. Pinyin Transliteration:Pinyin, the official romanization system for Mandarin Chinese, plays a crucial role in translating Chinese names into English. It uses the Latin alphabet to represent the pronunciation of Chinese characters accurately. When transliterating Chinese names, follow the Pinyin system to ensure consistency and avoid confusion. For instance, the name "李娜" should be transliterated as "Li Na," adhering to the Pinyin pronunciation guidelines.3. Surname Abbreviations:In certain cases, Chinese individuals may adopt an abbreviated version of their surname when introducing themselves in English-speaking contexts. This practice helps facilitate communication and addresses the challenges of pronunciation and recognition for non-Chinese speakers. For example, the surname "王" can be abbreviated to "Wang" instead of the full transliteration "Wáng," providing ease of use while retaining cultural identity.4. English Equivalent or Meaningful Translation:When translating Chinese names, it is common to search for an English equivalent that phonetically approximates the original pronunciation. However, if an equivalent is not readily available, a translation that captures the meaning or characteristics of the Chinese name can be used. This approach ensures that the English name reflects the essence of the original name. For instance, the name "贝克汉姆" can be translated as "Beckham," as it conveys the similar sound and cultural appeal associated with the renowned footballer.5. Personal Preferences and Cultural Sensitivity:Respecting an individual's personal preference for the translation or pronunciation of their name is crucial. Some individuals may choose an alternative name, while others may prefer to keep their original Chinese name intact. It is essential to honor and accommodate these preferences, as they reflect personal identity and cultural heritage.6. Common Mistakes to Avoid:When translating Chinese names into English, certain common mistakes should be avoided. Firstly, using literal translations that maintain the structure of Chinese names can result in awkward or confusing English names. Secondly, excessive modification or substitution of Chinese characters can lead to inaccurate or misleading renditions. Lastly, it is advisable to avoid overly generic English names, as they may diminish cultural distinctiveness.Conclusion:Translating Chinese names into English requires careful consideration of linguistic, cultural, and personal factors. Adhering to the rules and guidelines outlined in this article ensures accurate and appropriate representations of Chinese names in English, fostering effective cross-cultural communication. By respecting individuals' preferences and promoting cultural sensitivity, we can bridge linguistic and cultural gaps while maintaining the integrity of Chinese names in English contexts.。
中国文化典籍英译Introduction:Chinese culture is rich and diverse, with a long history that dates back thousands of years. One of the most important aspects of Chinese culture is its literature, which includes a vast collection of classical texts known as "典籍" (diǎnjí). These texts cover a wide range of topics, including philosophy, history, poetry, and more. Translating these cultural treasures into English is crucial for promoting cross-cultural understanding and sharing Chinese wisdom with the world. In this text, we will explore the standard format and guidelines for translating Chinese cultural classics into English.1. Understanding the Cultural Context:Before starting the translation process, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the cultural context surrounding the text. This includes knowledge of Chinese history, philosophy, and literary traditions. Familiarize yourself with the time period in which the text was written, the author's background, and the societal influences that shaped the work. This understanding will help you accurately convey the intended meaning and nuances of the original text in English.2. Accuracy and Faithfulness to the Original:When translating Chinese cultural classics, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy and faithfulness to the original text. Pay close attention to the author's style, syntax, and word choices. Strive to retain the original meaning while adapting it to the target language. Avoid adding personal interpretations or biases that may distort the author's intentions. A faithful translation will preserve the essence of the original work and allow readers to experience the beauty and depth of Chinese culture.3. Language and Style:Translating Chinese cultural classics into English requires a mastery of both languages. The translator should possess a strong command of Chinese and Englishgrammar, vocabulary, and syntax. It is important to choose appropriate English equivalents for Chinese idioms, metaphors, and cultural references. Consider the target audience and aim for a style that is accessible and engaging. Maintain a balance between preserving the original text's literary qualities and ensuring readability for English-speaking readers.4. Footnotes and Annotations:Chinese cultural classics often contain references to historical events, figures, and cultural practices that may be unfamiliar to non-Chinese readers. To provide necessary context and enhance understanding, footnotes and annotations can be added to the translated text. Footnotes should be concise and provide explanations or additional information without interrupting the flow of the main text. Annotations can be used for more extensive explanations or discussions of specific cultural elements.5. Consistency and Coherence:Maintaining consistency and coherence throughout the translation is essential. Use consistent terminology for recurring concepts, names, and phrases. Pay attention to the logical flow of ideas and ensure that the translated text reads smoothly and coherently. Consider the overall structure of the text and how individual sections relate to each other.A well-structured translation will help readers navigate the complexities of the original work and fully appreciate its cultural significance.6. Editing and Proofreading:Once the translation is complete, thorough editing and proofreading are necessary to ensure accuracy and quality. Review the translated text for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Verify that the translation accurately reflects the original text's meaning and intent. Consider seeking feedback from native speakers or experts in the field to further refine the translation. A well-edited and polished translation will enhance its credibility and readability.Conclusion:Translating Chinese cultural classics into English is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It requires a deep understanding of both Chinese and English languages, as well as a profound knowledge of Chinese history and culture. By following the standard format and guidelines outlined above, translators can accurately convey the beauty and wisdom of Chinese literature to a global audience. Through these translations, we can bridge cultural gaps and foster a greater appreciation for the richness of Chinese culture.。
翻译网站大全1. 正方翻译网/2. 翻译帝国/3. 中国在线翻译网/index.asp4. 中国翻译家联盟/5. 金桥翻译/index.asp6. 翻译园地/fyyd/index.shtml7. 中国译协网/tran/index.htm8. 译者(四川省翻译工作者协会) /9. 翻译中国/10. 翻译资源网/11. 同声传译专业网站/index.htm12. 翻译(中国英语教育教学网) /translation/Index.asp13. 翻译世界(英语麦当劳) /emda.asp?PageID=7&PageM=翻译世界&Pageok=114. 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试网/15. 免费在线翻译网论坛/bbs/16. 免费在线翻译网站(网络中国)/17. 在线翻译(hao123)/ss/fy.htm18. Google Translation /translate_t19. worldlanguage在线翻译/ChineseSimplified/Translation.htm20. 千英在线翻译(北京千英翻译公司) /online/21. 在线翻译(华建翻译) /user_trans.php22. 英语在线翻译(我爱英语网) /whbm/html/20031115_001.html23. 联通翻译/24. CCSEE看中文/xinxiangmu/yrfy.htm25. 外语时空/trans/26. 即时翻译/Computer_Network/Web_Site/Translation_Site/Translation.htm27. Systran Software /index.html28. World站点自动翻译/wl/Translate29. 免费在线多语言互译/tran/30. Language Tools(Yahoo) /language/31. 在线英汉互译/dict/32. 在线翻译(胜易网) /fanyi.htm33. 在线词典/34. 在线翻译(神州华译) /zxfy.htm35. SDL 在线翻译服务/36. 在线翻译(代理中国)/translate/2/37. 在线翻译服务(从化太平二中)/t/38. 多语言在线互译/cgi-bin/transducer.html39. 中国精饰网(在线翻译) /fanyifuwu.htm40. 中国旅游联盟网在线翻译/server/english.htm41. 在线翻译服务(小舟百姓家园)/bbs/fanyizsf.asp42. 泉州网络服务(智能在线翻译) /en/43. 安徽通信服务公司(在线翻译) /bbs/z_fanyi.asp44. /45. 中国对外翻译出版公司/46. 王国振英语翻译/47. 苏州博译翻译社/48. 武汉大学珞珈人翻译有限公司/49. 武汉海德翻译有限公司/50. 北京五车翻译有限公司/51. 青岛文源翻译有限公司/yuzhong.asp52. 北京旷达信翻译中心/53. 上海浦东达浦翻译有限公司/54. 中国专家翻译网(华译网翻译公司) /default.asp55. 新译通英语翻译/hangye/yingyu.htm56. 上海雨林翻译/English.html57. 共明翻译/gb/yingyufanyi2752/58. 上海汇添富翻译公司/59. 北京佳音特翻译公司/60. 耀亚翻译服务(北京)有限公司/ContentIndex.htm61. 北京飞帆速译翻译有限公司/62. 沟通翻译公司/yingyufanyigongsi.htm63. 广州市同赢翻译有限公司/fy/yz/yingyu/64. Archi-Voice翻译WEB 聚焦翻译公司/66. 环球时代翻译/SChinese/english.index.htm67. 上海译港翻译公司/68. 沟通翻译/69. 北京夏兴翻译服务中心/index.html70. 文拓翻译(上海/北京)公司/english.htm71. 新译通翻译有限公司/72. 北京东方德勤翻译服务有限公司/yuzhong/73. 海洋翻译网/English.htm74. 北京世纪纵横翻译中心/index.htm75. 上海语翼翻译服务有限公司/76. 北京天合宇翻译/77. 北京海魂翻译中心/78. 北京华文世讯翻译有限公司/79. 译商网/80. 妙文翻译公司/81. Talking China /82. 大洋翻译/83. 深圳市名家译翻译咨询有限公司/84. 北京翻译无忧网/85. 大连金石翻译社/86. 环球友联科技翻译公司/87. 翻译人才网/88. 中国商务翻译网/first89. 武汉圣士翻译/90. 北京万国桥翻译中心/member.htm91. 北京译立德翻译公司/index.htm92. 云浮翻译网/93. 北京翻译网/chinese94. 北京元培翻译中心/95. 北京远景和顺翻译有限公司/96. 伯乐留学/97. 山东省外事翻译中心/98. 南京翻译网(江苏省翻译工作者协会) /old/default.asp /xyzc.asp99. 南京译文翻译学校/msfc.asp100. 北京向导翻译公司/101. 北京外国语大学翻译家教中心/102. 北京天地方圆翻译公司/103. 北京天地译辉翻译服务中心/104. 北京天沃木森信息咨询有限公司/105. 北京奥博文翻译中心/106. 北京安博信商务翻译咨询公司/107. 北京展英科技发展有限公司/108. 北京市理德涉外咨询服务公司/109. 北京广联翻译公司/110. 北京思佳译翻译公司/111. 北京摆渡船翻译社/112. 北京星辉翻译中心/113. 北京晨辉创业技术咨询中心/114. 北京朗雅翻译公司/115. 北京未来宝翻译服务中心/116. 北京浩海时代翻译中心/about-cn.asp117. 北京海内比邻翻译有限公司/118. 北京海豚外文翻译社/119. 北京润驰翻译有限公司/120. 北京潇然翻译有限公司/121. 北京爱丁外文翻译社/122. 北京环球启达翻译咨询有限公司/123. 北京环球通译翻译中心/beijing, 124. 北京瑞和翻译编审中心/125. 北京百嘉翻译服务有限公司/126. 北京百益都外文翻译公司/127. 北京百语汇翻译/index.htm128. 北京盛世弘文翻译服务中心/129. 北京神州信达翻译有限责任公司/ 130. 中国英文速记及翻译权威/ 131. 北京神州华译翻译有限公司/ 132. 北京神州译苑翻译公司/133. 北京科城翻译中心/134. 北京简爱翻译公司/135. 北京索文翻译有限公司/136. 北京纬度商贸咨询有限责任公司/ 137. 北京经济与技术合作翻译中心/138. 北京翻译网(北京/广州)公司/ 139. 北京艺文桥翻译社/140. 北京艾立根翻译公司/141. 北京英华博雅翻译有限公司/ 142. 北京荟萃互联科技发展有限公司/ 143. 北京蓝色动力翻译服务有限公司/144. 北京译万通翻译有限公司/145. 北京译必酷翻译公司/146. 北京译海腾飞翻译有限公司/147. 北京译者翻译社/148. 北京诠译通翻译中心/149. 北京语世通联合翻译中心/150. 北京语之林翻译有限公司/151. 北京语译诚信翻译社/152. 北京通联翻译公司(北京/上海)/ 153. 北京道尔斯翻译服务中心/154. 北京金橄榄外文翻译中心/155. 北京金海玉翻译有限责任公司/156. 北京金舆技术翻译中心/157. 北京鑫博闻言翻译中/158. 北京隆誉达翻译中心/159. 北京霄汉翻译中心/160. 北京骄阳世纪翻译咨询服务有限公司/ 161. 华云翻译/162. 华光韩国语翻译中心/163. 华译翻译/164. 南京学府翻译有限公司/165. 南京樱花翻译社/166. 南京语通翻译有限公司/167. 南京金陵翻译社/168. 博信雅(北京/大连)翻译中心/169. 博典工作室/170. 博翼诺信国际翻译有限公司/171. 博译轩杭州翻译/杭州和信翻译中心/translation 172. 台北翻译社/173. 吉化科技翻译咨询有限公司/174. 名扬翻译有限公司/175. 君南翻译(上海/武汉)有限公司/176. 和平翻译公司/177. 哈尔滨宏程广告翻译有限公司/ 178. 大中华翻译网-珉琏翻译/179. 大连市环亚西文翻译社/180. 大连海盟翻译有限公司/181. 天和汇佳(北京,上海)翻译公司/ 182. 天津安竹翻译有限公司/183. 天津市和平区亚欧翻译中心/184. 天津市译森科技有限公司翻译中心/ 185. 学苑译佳翻译总社(北京上海) / 186. 小舟翻译事务所西部翻译网/187. 广州保立信翻译公司/188. 广州保立信翻译公司/189. 广州市文道译馆/190. 广州市穗晋翻译服务有限公司/191. 广州市贯日翻译服务有限公司(万通达翻译) / 192. 广州市锦程翻译有限公司/193. 广州精文译馆专业翻译服务/194. 广州翻译/195. 广州译信翻译公司/196. 必通(上海)翻译工作室/197. 快速英汉互译-北京向导翻译公司/198. 成功者翻译/199. 成都寰宇翻译中心/200. 成都市通译翻译有限公司/201. 成都语言桥翻译社/202. 文红翻译网/lwfy.asp203. 新译通翻译(上海/北京/广州/青岛/郑杭)公司/ 204. 无忧翻译网/205. 昆明世通翻译事务所/206. 昆明免费翻译网/207. 昌运韩国语翻译服务/208. 晨辉翻译(上海南京深圳北京)有限公司/ 209. 梅氏翻译/210. 武汉同文翻译公司/211. 武汉通达翻译有限公司/212. 汇文翻译服务部/213. 汇泉翻译公司/214. 汉诠翻译公司/215. 沈阳译海科技咨询有限责任公司 河南少林翻译/217. 济南专家园翻译中心/218. 济南博雅翻译咨询有限公司/219. 济南金榜翻译/homepage.htm220. 浙江杭州君信翻译/221. 深圳亮点翻译/222. 深圳准精美翻译有限公司/223. 深圳千博翻译-深圳翻译公司/224. 深圳市中欧翻译有限公司/225. 深圳市全思翻译有限公司/226. 深圳市全译通公文信息翻译中心/227. 北京千言万语翻译有限公司/228. 深圳市华章翻译有限公司// 229. 深圳市华钜翻译有限公司/230. 深圳市博文翻译有限公司/231. 深圳市新视界技术翻译有限公司/232. 深圳市欧达翻译有限公司/233. 深圳市达信雅翻译有限公司/234. 深圳市飞蓝翻译有限公司/235. 深圳翻译服务网/236. 温州和信翻译中心/237. 湖南青铜翻译/238. 现代博语翻译中心/239. 珠海一景商务咨询有限公司/240. 百科翻译中心/241. 盛易顺简历翻译工作室/242. 福译网/243. 秋阳译虎/244. 统一数位翻译(上海北京伦敦洛杉矶台北)//245. 网译/上海市机电科技情报研究所/246. 翻译专家网-世纪同声翻译社/247. 翻译快车/248. 英文简历写作专家/北京联合译通翻译服务中心/ 249. 英语翻译公司上海共明/250. 西安市邦尼翻译有限公司/251. 译港翻译(上海、北京、南京)公司/252. 译龙网际护照翻译系统/253. 诚立信中日商务咨询有限公司/254. 语言桥翻译(北京、上海) /255. 达灵翻译服务(国际) /256. 通联译翻译(北京/上海)公司/257. 通联译翻译公司(北京、上海) /258. 重庆华电翻译有限公司/259. 重庆江北浪子同声翻译工作室/260. 金信技术翻译中心/261. 锦州科技翻译公司/262. 青岛同汇文翻译咨询商社/263. 万洋科技翻译/fyfu.asp264. 河北科技翻译/fygs/265. 北京双雄对外服务公司/index.asp266. 北京同声翻译有限公司/267. 英语翻译技巧/archiver/?tid-1077494.html268. 翻译方法和技巧归纳/user2/walkfarer/archives/2005/1001686.shtml269. 民航飞行员英语翻译的特点和技巧/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=3232270. 英语翻译技巧/lib/f263/tid-62802.html271. 英语翻译的技巧/show/20770.html272. 自学高教自考英语翻译技巧/zxks/wxlbj/20051120131649876_4.htm273. 土木工程英语翻译技巧/lib/yuandi/jiaoyu/zhuzuo/200602/42732.html274. 英语翻译训练方法/Article/200601/66127.shtml275. 常用翻译技巧/data/2005/1230/article_1931.htm276. 浅谈英语翻译方法/english/translation/2003082111752.htm277. 英语翻译训练方法/wyks/fyks/2005-02/1108602132.html/wyks/fyks/2005-02/1108602159.html278. 浅议科技英语翻译方法及技巧/SoftView100046_2.htm279. Institute of Translation and Interpreting /indexMain.html280. International Association of Conference Interpreters /281. European Union of Assosictions of translation companies /282. 香港翻译学会Hong Kong Translation Society .hk/283. 湖北翻译工作者协会/284. 成都翻译协会/285. 深圳市翻译协会/286. 陕西翻译工作者协会/287. 广西翻译协会/288. 南昌翻译协会/sw/company/corporation_web.asp?id=733289. 佛山翻译/南海翻译协会/autoweb/goto.php?storeid=2407290. 广东省翻译工作者协会/gdtag/stud.asp291. 常州市翻译工作者协会/xiehui123.htm292. 美国翻译协会/Article/yeneizhixun/fanyixiehui/200504/337.html293. 肇庆翻译协会/yljy/yljy.htm294. 青岛翻译协会/qdfanyixh295. 华侨大学翻译协会/wyx/student/FANYIXH.HTM296. 福建翻译工作者协会/297. 加拿大安大略译者协会(ATIO) 云南省翻译工作者协会/299. 保定市翻译工作者协会/300. 濮阳市翻译协会/7/71000133899/301. 中国翻译家协会/index.html302. 上海工程翻译协会/01.htm303. 江门市翻译协会/304. 茂名市翻译协会/305. 天津市西戈玛商务翻译/306. 烟台大学学生翻译协会/shetuan/files/allers/fanyixiehui/bmb/index.php307. 镇江市翻译协会/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=44308. 上海市外事翻译工作者协会/waishi/309. 青年翻译协会/jmjc/jmtsw/jmtsw_zzhjg007.html310. 江阴市翻译协会/associate%20notice.htm311. 无锡翻译协会/main.asp312. 上海翻译家协会/。
Chinese Translation
我们目前授予的学位及证书包括:本科阶段:本科预科课程– 1 年大学高等教育大专课程– 2 年国家高等本科技术课程– 2 年学士学位课程– 3 / 4 年硕士学位– 1 年/ 1年半硕士人生哲学学位– 2 年博士学位(PhD degree)– 3 年最低入学要求:请参照大学网站列出的各国家学生入学标准。
英语入学要求:大学基础课程:IELTS 5.5 / 网络TOEFL 61大专课程(HND/Foundation Degree):IELTS 5.5 /网络TOEFL 61学士学位课程: IELTS 6.0 /网络TOEFL 79-80硕士学位: IELTS 6.5 /网络TOEFL 100除此之外,大学还提供以下入学条件低于以上要求的课程:语言基础课程(国际大学预科)该课程作为大学本科课程的初期预备课程,旨在服务于母语不是英语的海外学生。
User Manual Translation GuidelinesIntroductionThe User Manual Translation Guidelines provide detailed instructions on how to accurately translate user manuals from one language to another. By following these guidelines, translators will ensure that the translated manuals are clear, concise, and easy to understand for users in the target language.PurposeThe purpose of this document is to outline the best practices and techniques for translating user manuals in order to maintain consistency and accuracy across different languages. It provides translators with a framework to follow and specific instructions on various aspects of translation, such as grammar, terminology, and sentence structure.Target AudienceThis document is intended for professional translators who specialize in technical translations, particularly user manuals. It is assumed that the translators have a good understanding of both the source and target languages and are familiar with the subject matter of the manual they are translating.Translation ProcessThe translation process for user manuals should follow the following steps:1. Understand the Source MaterialBefore starting the translation, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the content and context of the source material. Familiarize yourself with the product or system described in the manual, as well as any technical terminology that may be used.2. Maintain ConsistencyConsistency is key when translating user manuals. Ensure that the terminology, style, and tone of the translation are consistent with previous translations or existing materials in the target language. Use a glossary and translation memory tools to maintain consistency throughout the entire manual.3. Simplify Complex LanguageUser manuals should be written in clear and concise language that is easy for users to understand. Avoid using overly technical or complex terms that mayconfuse the reader. If necessary, provide explanations or definitions for certain terms to ensure clarity.4. Localize the ContentConsider the cultural and linguistic differences between the source and target languages. Adapt the translation to the target culture while retaining the accuracy of the content. Avoid literal translations that may not make sense to the target audience.5. Proofread and EditOnce the translation is complete, it is essential to proofread and edit the text for any errors or inconsistencies. Check for grammatical, spelling, and typographical errors. Ensure that the translated manual reads fluently and conveys the intended message accurately.ConclusionTranslating user manuals requires a careful and methodical approach to ensure that the translated content accurately represents the original material. By following the guidelines outlined in this document, translators can produce high-quality translations that meet the needs of the end users in the target language. Remember to maintain consistency, simplify complex language, localize the content, and thoroughly proofread the final translation.。
Translation involves three requirements difficult to fulfill: faithfulness, comprehensibility, and elegance.求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,Faithfulness is difficult enough to attain but a translation that is faithful but not comprehensible is translation at all.则达尚焉。
Comprehensibility is therefore of prime importance.海通以来,象寄之才,随地多有;而任取一书,责其能与于斯二者,则已寡矣!Since China’s opening to foreign trade by sea, there has been no lack of interpreters and translator. But if you assign them any book to translate and tell them to meet these two requirements, few can do so.其故在浅尝一也;偏至二也,辨之者少,三也。
The reasons for their inability are:superficiality, partiality and lack of discrimination.今是书所言,本五十年来西人新得之学,又为作者晚出之书,This book is based on the new knowledge of the West acquired during the last fifty years and was one of the author’s later works.译文取明深义,My translation attempts to present its profound thought.故词句之间,时有所傎到附益、不斤斤于字比句次,It does not follow the exact order of words and sentences of the original ideas but reorganizes and elaborates.而意义则不倍本文。
关键词:术语,汉译,规范,忠实,改译中图分类号: H059;Z32文献标识码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8578.2017.01.006Abstract: Based on analyzing some terms in three terminology dictionaries, we discuss terminology translation of economics, finance & banking, and business. Translation norms and faithfulness are briefly discussed as the guidelines on analyzing and dealing with the problems in the translation of some terms collected by the three terminology dictionaries. The author pointed out that some terms have multiple translations, that some are inexactly translated and that some are erroneously translated in the three dictionaries. The author discussed some reasons of these problems and offered corrections for reference.Keywords: terminology, E/C translation, norms, faithfulness, corrections引言《牛津英汉双解经济学词典》(以下简称《经济》)、《牛津英汉双解金融与银行词典》(以下简称《金融》)和《牛津英汉双解商务词典》(以下简称《商务》)①在注重收录本学科术语之外,也收录了与本学科有联系的相关学科术语,因此,一些术语在三本词典中都有收录。
学生会要举办英语演讲比赛的通知英语作文English:The Student Union is excited to announce the upcoming English Speech Competition! This event aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their English language skills, boost confidence, and foster communication abilities. Participants will have the opportunity to deliver speeches on a variety of topics, ranging from personal experiences to global issues, allowing for creativity and diversity in expression. The competition will not only enhance participants' linguistic proficiency but also cultivate critical thinking and public speaking skills. We encourage all students who are passionate about English and eager to challenge themselves to participate in this enriching event. Stay tuned for further details on registration and competition guidelines!Chinese translation:学生会很高兴地宣布即将举办的英语演讲比赛!这个活动旨在为学生提供一个展示英语语言能力、增强自信心和培养沟通能力的平台。
笔译质量标准指南Translation Quality Standard Guidelines笔译质量标准指南Translation is an integral part of communication and plays a crucial role in facilitating understanding between different language speakers. However, the quality of translation can vary widely, and in many cases, low-quality translations can lead to miscommunication or even misunderstandings.翻译是沟通的重要组成部分,在促进不同语言之间的相互理解方面起着至关重要的作用。
To address this issue, it is essential to have a set of quality standards for translation to ensure that the translated content accurately conveys the meaning and intent of the original text. These standards can serve as a guideline for translators and translation agencies to maintain consistency and quality in their work.为解决这一问题,有必要制定一套翻译质量标准,以确保翻译内容准确传达原文的意思和意图。
我从家务中学到了很多英语作文Here is my response in English first, followed by the Chinese translation.English:Through the household chores I have learned a great deal that can be applied to writing English compositions. Performing daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and laundry has taught me valuable lessons that I can use to improve my writing skills.First and foremost, attention to detail is crucial. When cleaning the house, I must carefully inspect every nook and cranny to ensure that every surface is spotless. This meticulous approach has translated to my writing, where I strive to proofread my work thoroughly and catch even the smallest grammatical or spelling errors. Just as a speck of dust can ruin the appearance of a clean room, a single typo can detract from the professionalism and quality of my written work.Secondly, the ability to follow instructions and procedures has been invaluable. Many household choresrequire following a specific series of steps to achieve the desired outcome. Similarly, when writing an essay or report, I must adhere to the given guidelines and formatting requirements to ensure that my work is cohesive and meetsthe expectations of my audience. The discipline andattention to detail I have developed through householdtasks has made me a more organized and efficient writer.Moreover, the act of cooking has taught me theimportance of creativity and experimentation. Whenpreparing a meal, I often need to improvise and try new techniques or ingredient combinations to achieve adelicious result. This mindset has carried over to my writing, where I am not afraid to experiment with different writing styles, structures, and approaches to find the most effective way to convey my message. Just as a chef mighttry a new seasoning or cooking method, I am willing to step outside of my comfort zone and take risks in my writing to produce unique and engaging content.Additionally, the laundry process has instilled in methe value of patience and persistence. Washing, drying, and folding clothes can be a time-consuming and repetitive task,but I have learned to approach it with a calm and focused mindset. This same patience and persistence is crucial when writing, as it often takes multiple drafts and revisions to refine a piece of writing to a high standard. I have learned to embrace the process and not become discouraged by setbacks or challenges, knowing that with dedication and hard work, I can produce exceptional written work.Finally, the act of organizing and maintaining a clean and orderly living space has taught me the importance of structure and organization in my writing. Just as I strive to keep my home tidy and well-organized, I apply the same principles to the structure and flow of my written compositions. I carefully plan the outline and organization of my essays, ensuring that each paragraph and section logically builds upon the previous one and that my overall argument or message is clearly communicated.In conclusion, the lessons I have learned from household chores have been invaluable in shaping me into a more effective and skilled writer. The attention to detail, the ability to follow instructions, the creativity and experimentation, the patience and persistence, and theemphasis on structure and organization – all of these qualities have been honed through my daily domestic tasks and have translated directly to my written work. By embracing the lessons learned from the mundane yetessential aspects of household management, I have become a more well-rounded and capable writer, capable of producing high-quality compositions that meet the demands of any academic or professional setting.Chinese:通过家务活,我学到了许多可以应用到英语作文写作中的宝贵经验。
国家标准英文版翻译指南As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I am here to provide a comprehensive guide on translating national standards from Chinese to English. Translating national standards is a crucial task that requires accuracy, clarity, and adherence to specific guidelines. In this guide, we will explore the key principles and best practices for translating national standards into English.1. Understanding the Source Material。
Before beginning the translation process, it is essential to thoroughly understand the source material. This includes familiarizing yourself with the content, context, and technical terminology used in the national standards. It is important to have a clear understanding of the industry or sector to which the standards apply, as well as any relevant regulations or guidelines.2. Research and Terminology。
人工智能时代的机遇与挑战 写一遍英语作文
人工智能时代的机遇与挑战写一遍英语作文I. 机遇A. Efficiency and Productivity BoostIn English:Artificial Intelligence has the potential to significantly enhance efficiency and productivity across various sectors. By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining processes, and optimizing resource allocation, AI technologies can free up human labor for more creative, strategic, and value-added work. This shift not only accelerates business operations but also drives economic growth by fostering innovation and increasing output per capita.Chinese Translation:人工智能具备显著提升各行业效率与生产力的潜力。
B. Personalization and Improved ServicesIn English:AI empowers businesses and organizations to deliver highly personalized experiences and services to consumers. Through data analysis and machine learning algorithms, AI can accurately predict individual preferences, needs, and behaviors, enabling tailored product recommendations, healthcare solutions, educational resources, and more. This level of customization enhances user satisfaction, fosters loyalty, and ultimately drives market competitiveness.Chinese Translation:人工智能使企业和机构能够为消费者提供高度个性化的体验和服务。
外国人来中国 出行指南 英文版
外国人来中国出行指南英文版全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Welcome to China! I am here to give you some tips and tricks to make your trip in China super awesome.First things first, let's talk about transportation. In China, we have lots of options to get around, like the subway, buses, taxis, and even bikes! The subway is super easy to use, with signs in both Chinese and English. Just make sure to have a subway map handy, so you know where you're going. Buses are also a great way to get around, but make sure to have the name of your destination written in Chinese characters to show the bus driver. Taxis are convenient too, but make sure to have the address of your destination written down, as many taxi drivers do not speak English. And don't forget about the bike-sharing apps, they are a fun way to explore the city!Next up, let's talk about food. Chinese food is so yummy! Make sure to try some street food, like dumplings, noodles, and baozi. Just be careful of spicy food if you can't handle the heat. Also, don't be afraid to use chopsticks, they are so much funonce you get the hang of it. And don't forget to try some bubble tea, it's a sweet and chewy drink that is so tasty!Now let's talk about sightseeing. China has so many amazing places to visit, like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Army. Make sure to visit these iconic sites, but also explore some hidden gems in the city. And don't forget to take lots of pictures to remember your trip!Lastly, let's talk about language. Many people in China do not speak English, so it's a good idea to learn some basic Chinese phrases, like "hello" (ni hao), "thank you" (xie xie), and "where is the bathroom?" (cesuo zai nar?). And don't be afraid to use translation apps on your phone to help you communicate with locals.Overall, China is an amazing place to visit with so much to see and do. Just remember to be open-minded, respectful, and adventurous, and you will have the trip of a lifetime! Enjoy your time in China!篇2Hey guys! Welcome to China! I'm here to give you a little guide on what to do and where to go when you visit our awesome country!First things first, let's talk about the food. You gotta try some yummy Chinese food when you're here. There are so many delicious dishes like dumplings, noodles, and Peking duck. Oh, and don't forget to try some street food too, like stinky tofu and lamb skewers. It's all so tasty!Next up, let's talk about language. Not everyone in China speaks English, so it's a good idea to learn a few basic phrases in Chinese. You can say "ni hao" for hello, "xie xie" for thank you, and "zai jian" for goodbye. People will appreciate it when you try to speak their language.Now, let's talk about places to visit. There are so many cool things to see in China. You can visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors. And if you're into nature, you should check out the beautiful landscapes in places like Guilin and Zhangjiajie.Oh, and don't forget to experience some Chinese traditions. You can try your hand at calligraphy, learn how to do kung fu, or watch a traditional Chinese opera. It's all so fascinating!Lastly, let's talk about manners. In China, it's important to be respectful and polite. Make sure to bow when you meet someone for the first time, and don't forget to take off yourshoes when you enter someone's home. Oh, and always remember to say "please" and "thank you."So there you have it, guys! A little guide to help you navigate your way through China. Have an amazing time exploring our country and experiencing all the wonderful things it has to offer. Enjoy!篇3Hey guys, welcome to China! I'm here to give you a guide on how to make the most of your trip to this amazing country. Let's get started!First things first, let's talk about transportation. In China, we have all sorts of transportation options like buses, subways, and taxis. The subway is a great way to get around big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. Just make sure to watch out for the crowds during rush hour!Next up, let's talk about food. Chinese food is super yummy and there are so many different dishes to try. Make sure to try some traditional dishes like dumplings, noodles, and hotpot. Oh, and don't forget to try some street food too – it's so delicious!When it comes to sightseeing, China has some amazing places to visit. The Great Wall is a must-see, as well as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an. And if you're into nature, make sure to visit places like Zhangjiajie and Guilin – they are so beautiful!And last but not least, let's talk about language. In China, most people speak Mandarin Chinese. But don't worry if you don't speak Chinese – many people in big cities can speak English too. Just remember to download a translation app on your phone to help you out.So there you have it, a quick guide to help you navigate your way around China. Have an amazing trip and enjoy all the wonderful things this country has to offer. Have fun!篇4Once upon a time in China, there were some foreign visitors coming to explore our amazing country. As a friendly and helpful little Chinese student, I want to create a guide for them so they can have the best experience possible! Here are some tips and information for our foreign friends to have a fantastic time in China.First of all, let's talk about transportation. China is a very big country with a lot of cities and attractions to visit. To get aroundeasily, you can use the high-speed train, subway, or bus systems. They are all very convenient and affordable ways to travel from place to place. If you prefer to use a taxi or ride-sharing app, just make sure to have the address of your destination written in Chinese characters to show the driver.Next, let's discuss the food! Chinese cuisine is famous all over the world for its delicious flavors and unique dishes. Some popular dishes you should try include dumplings, Peking duck, hot pot, and noodles. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also sample some street food like stinky tofu, fried scorpion, or skewered squid. Just remember to bring some tissues or wet wipes with you in case you need to clean your hands or face after eating.In terms of accommodations, China has a wide range of options for visitors. You can choose to stay in luxury hotels, budget-friendly hostels, traditional courtyard houses, or even homestays with local families. Make sure to book your accommodations in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure a comfortable place to rest and relax after a long day of exploring.When it comes to sightseeing, China has no shortage of amazing attractions to visit. Some must-see places include theGreat Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, and the bustling city of Shanghai. Don't forget to take lots of photos and videos to capture your memories and share them with your friends and family back home.Finally, let's talk about some cultural tips for our foreign friends. In China, it is important to greet people with a bow or a handshake, especially when meeting someone for the first time. Remember to address people by their titles and last names, and always use polite language and gestures when interacting with locals. Additionally, always remove your shoes before entering someone's home, and never point your finger at someone or touch their head as it is considered disrespectful.In conclusion, China is a beautiful and diverse country with a rich history and vibrant culture. By following these tips and guidelines, our foreign friends can have an unforgettable experience exploring everything that China has to offer. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in the Middle Kingdom! Enjoy your trip and safe travels! ✈️篇5Title: Guide for Foreigners Visiting ChinaHey there! Welcome to China! I'm here to give you a super cool guide on how to enjoy your time in this amazing country. So let's get started, shall we?1. Language:In China, most people speak Mandarin Chinese. But don't worry if you don't speak Mandarin, many young people can speak English, especially in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. You can also use translation apps on your phone to communicate with locals.2. Food:Chinese food is so yummy! You have to try dumplings, noodles, fried rice, and all sorts of other tasty dishes. But be careful if you're not used to spicy food, some dishes can be really hot! Also, don't forget to try some delicious street food while you're out exploring.3. Sightseeing:There are so many amazing places to visit in China! Don't miss the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Terracotta Warriors, and the beautiful scenery in places like Guilin and Zhangjiajie. Remember to take lots of photos and soak in the culture.4. Transportation:Getting around China is easy with the high-speed trains, subways, and buses. Just make sure to plan your routes in advance and have your destination written in Chinese characters to show to the driver or ticket agent. Taxis are also available in most cities, but always ask them to use the meter.5. Etiquette:Chinese people are very friendly and welcoming. Remember to greet people with a smile and show respect for their culture. It's polite to wait for others to start eating before you dig in and to offer a toast when you're having a meal with locals.6. Shopping:China is a shopper's paradise with lots of markets and malls selling all kinds of goodies. Don't forget to haggle for a better price when you're shopping at markets. And make sure to pick up some souvenirs like Chinese tea, silk, or traditional handicrafts to take back home.7. Weather:China has diverse weather depending on which regionyou're in. Summers can be hot and humid, while winters can becold and snowy. Make sure to check the weather forecast before you pack your bags and dress accordingly.8. Safety:China is a safe country to visit, but like any other place, it's important to be cautious. Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places like tourist attractions and public transportation. And always carry a copy of your passport with you.So there you have it – a fun and informative guide for your trip to China. Get ready to have a blast exploring this incredible country and making unforgettable memories. Enjoy your time in China, and don't forget to share your adventures with us!Happy travels! #China #TravelGuide #ExploreTheWorld篇6Hello everyone! Today I'm going to give you a guide for foreigners who come to China. It's gonna be super fun and helpful, so let's get started!First things first, when you come to China, you gotta try all the yummy Chinese food. There's so much delicious stuff likedumplings, noodles, and fried rice. Make sure you use chopsticks like a pro and slurp your noodles loud to show you're enjoying it.Next, you gotta visit the famous places in China. There's the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the cute pandas in Chengdu. Take lots of pictures and selfies to show off to your friends back home.If you want to talk to Chinese people, you can learn some basic Chinese phrases. Say "ni hao" for hello and "xie xie" for thank you. The locals will love it and maybe even teach you more words.When you're in China, be prepared for the crowds and the loud noises. The streets are always busy with people and cars honking, but it's all part of the fun and excitement of the city.Don't forget to bargain when you're shopping at the markets. The sellers will give you a high price at first, so you gotta negotiate and get a good deal. It's like a game, so have fun with it!And lastly, be respectful of the Chinese culture and traditions. Bow when you meet someone older, take off your shoes before entering a home, and always say thank you for everything. The locals will appreciate your effort to fit in.So there you have it, a guide for foreigners coming to China.I hope you have an amazing time exploring this beautiful country and experiencing all that it has to offer. Have fun and enjoy your trip!篇7Hello everyone, I'm here to give all the foreign friends who come to China a super cool guide in English! Let's get started!First things first, when you arrive in China, you gotta try all the delicious food. Chinese food is so yummy and unique, you have to try everything from dumplings to hot pot to Peking duck. Don't be afraid to be adventurous and try new things, you might discover your new favorite dish!Next, you gotta check out all the amazing tourist spots in China. The Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors are must-see attractions. Make sure to take lots of pictures and soak up all the history and culture that China has to offer.Now, let's talk about transportation. In China, there are lots of ways to get around, like taxis, subways, and buses. Make sure to download a translation app on your phone so you can communicate with the locals and get around easily. And don'tforget to bargain when taking a taxi or shopping at a market, it's a part of the fun!When it comes to social interactions, Chinese people are very friendly and welcoming. Don't be shy to make new friends and practice your Chinese language skills. You might even get invited to join a traditional tea ceremony or celebrate a Chinese holiday with a local family.And last but not least, make sure to respect the local customs and traditions. In China, it's important to be polite, show respect to elders, and follow the rules. So make sure to bow when greeting someone, take off your shoes when entering a home, and never stick your chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice.Overall, China is an amazing country with so much to offer. So embrace the culture, try new things, and have the time of your life exploring this beautiful and diverse country. Enjoy your time in China and have a fantastic trip!篇8Hey guys! Welcome to China! I'm here to give you a little guide on what to do and see while you're visiting.First off, let's talk about food. Chinese food is super yummy and there are so many different dishes to try. Make sure to eat some dumplings, noodles, and fried rice. Oh, and don't forget about the street food - it's the best! But be careful of spicy food, it might be too hot for you.Next up, let's talk about transportation. In China, there are lots of ways to get around. You can take a taxi, a bus, or even ride a bike. The subway is also a great option, just make sure to check the signs because everything is in Chinese.Now, let's talk about sightseeing. There are so many cool things to see in China. You definitely have to visit the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors. Also, don't forget to check out the pandas in Chengdu, they're adorable!Lastly, let's talk about the language. Most people in China speak Mandarin, so it might be helpful to learn a few basic phrases. Hello is "nǐ hǎo", thank you is "xièxiè", and goodbye is "zàijiàn". People will appreciate it if you try to speak their language.Overall, China is an awesome place to visit with so much to see and do. Just remember to be respectful of the culture and enjoy your time here. Have fun exploring and soaking up the beautiful sights and sounds of this amazing country!篇9Title: A Guide for Foreigners Visiting ChinaHey everyone! Welcome to China! I'm here to give you some tips and tricks for your trip in our awesome country. Let's get started!1. Language Barrier:Okay, let's be real. Not everyone in China speaks English. So, it would be super helpful if you learn a few basic Chinese phrases like "hello" (nǐ hǎo), "thank you" (xiè xie), and "goodbye" (zài jiàn). If you get lost, you can also use translation apps on your phone to communicate with the locals.2. Food Adventures:Chinese food is amazing, but it can be a little different from what you're used to. Don't be afraid to try new dishes like dumplings, noodles, and Peking duck. Just make sure to ask if it's spicy before taking a bite. And don't forget to slurp your noodles – it's totally okay here!3. Transportation:In China, we have super cool transportation options like buses, subways, and high-speed trains. Make sure to downloadtransportation apps like Didi for taxis or Moovit for public transport. And always keep a map handy in case you get lost. Oh, and be prepared for some crowded buses and trains – it's all part of the adventure!4. Cultural Etiquette:In Chinese culture, it's polite to greet others with a bow or a handshake. And when you receive a gift, make sure to accept it with both hands. Also, don't be surprised if locals stare at you –they're just curious about foreigners. Oh, and it's considered rude to point with your index finger, so use your whole hand instead.5. Sightseeing:There are so many amazing places to visit in China like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Terracotta Warriors. Make sure to take lots of pictures, but be respectful of the historical sites. And don't forget to haggle at the markets – it's expected here!So there you have it – a quick guide to exploring China like a pro! Have an amazing trip and enjoy all the delicious food and beautiful sights. Zài jiàn! (Goodbye!)篇10Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you all about what to do when you have a foreign friend coming to visit China. It's super important to make them feel welcome and help them have an awesome time while they're here.First things first, when your foreign friend arrives in China, make sure to greet them with a big smile and a warm welcome. You can say "Welcome to China!" or "Ni hao!" to make them feel at home. It's always nice to show them some Chinese hospitality right from the start.Next, you should help your foreign friend get around. China is a big place with lots of cool stuff to see, so it's easy for them to get lost. Make sure to give them a map and show them how to use public transportation like buses and subways. You can also suggest some popular tourist attractions like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, or the Terracotta Warriors. And don't forget to tell them about the delicious Chinese food they should try, like dumplings, hotpot, and Peking duck.When your foreign friend wants to go shopping, be their personal guide. Help them bargain with the vendors at the markets to get the best prices. And if they want to buy souvenirs, suggest some traditional Chinese items like silk clothes, jadejewelry, or Chinese tea sets. Your friend will love having some cool stuff to remember their trip by.Lastly, make sure to teach your foreign friend some basic Chinese phrases so they can communicate with the locals. You can show them how to say "hello," "thank you," and "how much does this cost?" in Chinese. It will make their experience in China much more enjoyable when they can speak a little bit of the language.Overall, just be a good friend and show your foreign friend all the amazing things that China has to offer. They will have a fantastic time exploring this beautiful country and experiencing the rich culture. So let's welcome our foreign friends with open arms and give them an unforgettable trip to China!。
catti口译二级 英文
CATTI 口译二级英文1. IntroductionThe CATTI (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters) is an important certification for individuals aspiring to become professional translators and interpreters in China. The CATTI exam is divided into multiple levels, with the second level focusingspecifically on English language proficiency. In this article, we will delve into the details of the CATTI口译二级英文 exam and explore its various aspects.2. Exam StructureThe CATTI口译二级英文exam evaluates candidates’ English languageskills in both translation and interpretation. It consists of three parts:2.1 Listening ComprehensionIn this section, candidates are required to listen to various English audio recordings and answer questions based on the content. The recordings cover a wide range of topics, such as news, interviews, lectures, and discussions. Candidates need to demonstrate theirlistening skills by accurately understanding and interpreting the information presented in the recordings.2.2 Sight TranslationIn the sight translation section, candidates are given short English texts that they need to translate into Chinese simultaneously. The texts can be of various genres, including newspaper articles, business documents, and legal texts. Candidates must possess strong language comprehension and translation abilities to accurately convey the meaning and style of the original text in their translation.2.3 Consecutive InterpretationThe consecutive interpretation part is perhaps the most challenging section of the CATTI口译二级英文 exam. Candidates are required to interpret a spoken English passage into Chinese. The passage can be a speech, a presentation, or a conversation. Candidates must listen attentively, comprehend the information in real-time, and deliver an accurate and coherent interpretation.3. Preparation StrategiesTo succeed in the CATTI口译二级英文 exam, candidates need to have awell-rounded understanding of the English language and possess effective interpretation and translation techniques. Here are some strategies to help candidates prepare for the exam:3.1 Improve English Language SkillsCandidates should focus on enhancing their English language skills, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Engaging in activities such as watching English movies, listening to English podcasts, and reading English literature can significantly improve language proficiency.3.2 Practice Translation and InterpretationRegularly practicing translation and interpretation exercises is crucial for candidates to become more proficient in these skills. Candidates should translate various types of texts from English to Chinese and vice versa, ensuring accuracy, coherence, and fluency in their translations. Additionally, practicing consecutive interpretation exercises with a focus on accurate interpretation of meaning and effective delivery is essential.3.3 Familiarize Yourself with Exam FormatCandidates should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the format and requirements of the CATTI口译二级英文 exam. Obtaining past exam papersand practicing under timed conditions can help candidates simulate the real exam scenario and improve their time management skills.3.4 Seek Professional GuidanceIf possible, candidates should consider seeking guidance from experienced professionals or enrolling in specialized training courses. Such guidance can provide valuable insights into effective translation and interpretation techniques, as well as provide feedback on areas that need improvement.4. Tips for the ExamOn the day of the CATTI口译二级英文 exam, candidates should keep the following tips in mind:4.1 Stay Calm and FocusedMaintaining a calm and focused mindset is crucial during the exam. Stress and anxiety can negatively impact performance, so candidates should try to stay relaxed and concentrate on the task at hand.4.2 Read the Instructions CarefullyReading and understanding the instructions for each section of the exam is essential. Candidates should pay close attention to the requirements and any specific guidelines provided to ensure they meet the expectations of the examiners.4.3 Manage Time EffectivelyTime management is vital during the exam. Candidates should pace themselves accordingly to ensure they have enough time to complete all sections without rushing or omitting any answers. It is advisable to allocate more time to sections that are perceived as more challenging.4.4 Review Your WorkBefore submitting their exam, candidates should take a few moments to review their answers. This allows them to identify any potential errors or omissions and make any necessary corrections.ConclusionThe CATTI口译二级英文 exam is an arduous but rewarding journey for individuals aspiring to become professional translators and interpreters. Adequate preparation, strong language skills, and effectiveinterpretation and translation techniques are the keys to success. By following the strategies and tips outlined in this article, candidates can increase their chances of achieving a satisfactory result in the exam and advancing their careers in the field of translation and interpretation.。
英语作文烹饪大赛通知English:Dear Students,We are excited to announce the upcoming English Cooking Contest! This event aims to showcase your culinary skills while enhancing your English language proficiency. Participants will be required to prepare a dish of their choice and present it in English, highlighting the ingredients, cooking methods, and cultural significance of their creation. The judging criteria will include creativity, presentation, taste, and language fluency. This contest is open to all students interested in exploring the intersection of language and cuisine. Registration details and guidelines will be provided soon. Get ready to unleash your inner chef and linguistic talents!Chinese Translation:亲爱的同学们,我们很高兴地宣布即将举办的英语烹饪大赛!此次活动旨在展示你们的烹饪技能,同时提高你们的英语语言水平。
心理学实验英语English:In psychology experiments, researchers utilize various methods to investigate human behavior, cognition, and emotion. These methods may include observation, surveys, interviews, and controlled laboratory experiments. Controlled experiments often involve the manipulation of independent variables to assess their impact on dependent variables. For example, a researcher may manipulate the amount of sleep participants get to observe its effects on their cognitive performance. Additionally, researchers must adhere to ethical guidelines to ensure the well-being and confidentiality of participants. This includes obtaining informed consent, maintaining privacy, and debriefing participants after the experiment. Overall, psychology experiments play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of human psychology and behavior.Chinese Translation:在心理学实验中,研究人员利用各种方法来调查人类行为、认知和情感。
HTH Worldwide Chinese Medical Translation Guide
Abdomen Abdomen 腹部Fu buAbnormal Abnormal 反常Fanchang de Abortion Abortion 堕胎Duo taiAbscess Abscess 脓肿Nong zhong Accidental Accidental 偶然的Ouran deAchilles Tendon Achilles Tendon 跟腱GenjianAcidity Acidity 酸性Suan xingAcne Acne 粉刺FenciActive Active 活跃的Huoyue deAddiction Addiction 上瘾Shang yinAdrenal glands Adrenal glands 肾上腺Sheng shangxian Adult Adult 成人Cheng renAdvice Advice 劝告QuangaoAfter After 之后Zhihou Agammaglobulinaemia Agammaglobulinaemia 缺乏丙种球蛋白血症Quefa bingzhongqiudanbaixue zhengAge Age 年龄NianlingAIDs AIDs 艾滋病Aizi bingAirplane Airplane 飞机FeijiAlcoholism Alcoholism 酗酒Xu jiuAlert Alert 警觉JingjueAll right N/A 安然无恙Anren wuyang Allergic Allergic 过敏GuominAllergic reaction, severe Anaphylactic 过敏性反应Guominxing fanying Allergy Allergy 过敏症Guomin zheng Always Always 总是Zhong shiAlzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's Disease 阿滋海默症Azihaimo zheng Ambulance Ambulance 救护车Jiuhu cheAmnesia Amnesia 健忘症Jianwang zhengAnal Anal 肛门GangmenAnalysis Analysis 分析FenxiAnemia Anemia 贫血症Pinxue zheng Anesthesia Anesthesia 麻醉MazuiAnesthetic Anesthetic 麻醉剂Mazui jipectorisAngina Angina痉挛痛Jingluan tongAngina drug Antianginal 痉挛痛药Jingluan tong yao Ankle Ankle 踝HuaiAntibiotic Antibiotic 抗菌素Kangjun shu Antidepressant Antidepressant 防消沉药Fang xiaochen yao Antidote Antidote 解毒药Jiedu yao Antihistamine Antihistamine 治疗过敏性药Zhiliao guominxing yao Antiseptic Antiseptic 防腐剂Fang fu jiAnti-worm drug Anthelmintic 蠕虫药Ruchong yaoAnus Anus 肛门GangmenAnxiety Agitation 激动JidongAnxiety Anxiety 忧虑You luAny Any 不定量的Bu dingliang de Appendicitis Appendicitis 阑尾发炎Lanwei fayan Appendix Appendix 阑尾LanweiAppetite Appetite 食欲ShiyuAppetite Appetite 食欲ShiyuArm Arm 臂BiArmpit Axilla 腋窝YewoArtery X-ray Arteriography 动脉X光Dongmai X-guang Arthritis Arthritis 关节发炎Guanjie fayan Artificial limb Prosthesis 假肢/体Jia zhi/tiAssist Assist 帮助Bang zhuAsthma Bronchospasm气喘病Qichuan bingAsthma drug Antiasthmatic 气喘病药Qichuanbing yao Asymptomatic Asymptomatic 无症状的Wu zhengzhuang de Athlete’s foot Tinea pedis 癣/圈癣Xuan/quan xuanBaby Baby/infant婴儿Ying'erBack Back 背BeiBackache Backache 背痛Bei tongBacteria Bacteria 细菌XijunBaldness Alopecia 秃头Tu touBarium or Iodine Contrast medium 明显的差别Mingxian de chabie Bathroom Bathroom 浴室/厕所Yushi/cesuoBedpan Bedpan 便盆BianpenBedrails Bedrails 床的扶手Chuang de fushou Bedwetting Enuresis 遗尿Yi niaoBee-sting Bee-sting 蜜蜂刺伤Mifeng cishang Before Before 之前ZhiqianBelly Belly 腹部Fu buBend Bend 弯曲Wan quBetter Better 较好的Jiaohao deBiopsy Biopsy 活组织检查Huo zuzhi jianchaBirth control Birth control 节制生育Jiezhi shengyu Birthmark N/A 胎记Tai jiBladder Bladder 膀胱Pang guangBlanket Blanket 毯子TanziBleed Hemorrhage出血ChuxueBleeding Bleeding 流血LiuxueBlister pack Blister pack 水泡ShuipaoBlistered Bullous 使起泡Shi qipaoBlood Blood 血XueBlood clotting Thromboembolism 血栓/凝块Xue shuan/ning kuai Blood count Blood count 血球计数Xueqiu jishuBlood in the urine Hematuria 尿出血Niao chuxueBlood test N/A 验血YanxueBlood type Blood type 血型XuexingBody Body 身体ShentiBoils Furunculosis疖病Jie bingBowels Bowels 肠ChangBoy Boy 男孩子Nan hai ziBraces (dental) Braces (dental) 牙科矫形钢丝套Yake jiaoxing gangsi tao Brain Brain 脑NaoBrain inflammation Encephalitis 脑发炎Nao fayanBrand names Brand names 名牌子MingpaiziBreakfast Breakfast 早餐Zao canBreast Breast 乳房RufangBreathing Ventilation 呼吸/唤气Huxi/huanqi Breathing in Inspiration 吸气XiqiBreathing out Expiration 呼出气Hu chu qiBrief Transitory短暂的Duanzan de Bronchitis Bronchitis 支气管发炎Zhiqiguan fayan Brother Brother 兄弟Xiong diBruise Contusion青肿QingzhongBuild-up Accumulation积累JileiBurns Burns 烧伤ShaoshangBurp Eructation嗳气Ai qiButtocks Buttocks 半边屁股Banbian piguBy mouth Per oral (PO) 口服Kou fuCaesarian section Caesarian section 剖腹产术Poufu chanshu Cafeteria Cafeteria 自助食堂Zizhu shitangCalf Calf 腓/小腿Fei / xiaotuiCall (for/name) Call (for/name) 叫/叫来/叫名Jiao/jiaolai/jiaoming Call-bell Call-bell 叫人铃Jiao ren lingCancer Carcinoma癌AiCancer-causing Carcinogenic 致癌剂Zhiai jiCardiac Cardiac 心脏的Xinzang deCast (plaster) Cast (plaster) 硬质敷料(石膏) Yingzhi fuliao (shigao) CAT/CT Scan CAT/CT Scan 电子扫描Dianzi saomiao Cataract Cataract 白内障Bain nei zhang Catheter Catheter 导管Dao guanCavities Caries 蛀牙ZhuyaChaplain Chaplain 牧师MushiCheek Cheek 脸皮LianpiChest Chest 胸腔XiongqiangChicken pox Varicella 水豆Shui douChildren Children 儿童ErtongChin Chin 下巴XiabaCholera Cholera 霍乱Huo luan Cholesterol Cholesterol 胆固醇Dangu chun Christian Scientist Christian Scientist 基督教的科学研究Jidujiao de kexueyanjiu Claustrophobia Claustrophobia 幽闭恐怖Youbi kongbuClear Clear 清澈的Qingche deClinic Clinic 诊所ZhensuoCocaine Cocaine 可卡因Ke ka yinCold (low temp) Cold (low temp) 冷的Leng deCold (resp. infection) Upper respiratory infection 呼吸系统发炎Huxi xitong fayanHerpes simplex 庖疹PaozhenCold sore/genital herpesvirusCollarbone Clavicle 锁骨SuoguColon Colon 结肠JiechangComatose Comatose 昏迷Hunmi Complication Complication 复杂的Fuza de Concussion (brain) Concussion (brain) 使(脑部)震伤Shi (nao bu) zhenshang Condition Condition 状况Zhuangkuang Condom Condom 避孕套Biyun taoConfusion Confusion 模糊不清Mohu buqing Constipation Constipation 便秘BianmiContact Lenses Contact Lenses 隐形眼镜Yinxing yanjing Continuous Continuous 连续的Lianxu de Contraceptive Contraceptive 避孕药Biyun yaoContraction Contraction 子宫收缩Zigong shousuo Convulsion Convulsion 痉挛JingluanCoordination Coordination 使协调Shi xietiaoCosmetic Cosmetic 粉饰用的Fenshiyong deCough Cough 咳嗽KesouCough medicine Expectorant 咳嗽药Kesou yaoCoughing up blood Hemoptysis 咳嗽出血Kesou chuxueCramps Cramps 抽筋ChoujinCrohn’s disease Ieitis 回肠发炎Huichang fayan Crutches Crutches 拐杖Guai zhangCry Cry 哭KuCut (from surgery) Incision 切口(外科手术) Qiekou (waike shoushu) Cyst Cyst 胞/囊Bao/nangCystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis 囊肿性纤维化Nangzhongxing xianweihua Dad/Father Dad/Father 爸爸/父亲Baba/fuqinDaughter Daughter 女儿Nu'erDecompression chamber Decompression chamber 减压治疗室Jianya zhiliao shi Decongestant Decongestant 防充血剂Fang chongxue ji Defecation Defecation 排粪便Pai fenbian Dehydration Dehydration 使脱水Shi tuoshuiDentist Dentist 牙医Ya yiDepression Depression 消沉XiaochenDiabetes Diabetes 糖尿病Tangniao bing Diagnosis Diagnosis 诊断ZhenduanDialysis Dialysis 血液过滤治疗方法Xueye guolu zhiliao fangfa Diaper Diaper 一次性尿布Yicixing niaobu Diarrhea Diarrhea 腹泻FuxieDifficulty breathing Dyspnea 呼吸困难Huxi kun nanDifficulty speaking Dysarthria 发音困难Fayin kun nanDifficulty swallowing Dysphagia 吞咽困难Tunyan kun nanDinner Dinner 正餐Zheng (wan) can Diphtheria Diphtheria 百喉Bai houDisease Disease 疾病JibingDislocation Dislocation 使脱位Shi tuowei Disorientation Disorientation 使迷惘Shi miwangDizziness Vertigo 眩晕XuanyunDoctor (female) Doctor (female) 医生(女性) Yisheng (nuxing)Doctor (male) Doctor (male) 医生(男性) Yisheng (nanxing)Dog bite Dog bite 给狗咬Gei gou yaoDosage schedule Dosage schedule 药的剂量时间表(Yao de) jiliang shijianbiao Dose Dose 药的一剂(yao de) yijiDouble vision Diplopia 复视FushiDrainage Drainage 排水Pai shuiDrink Drink 喝HeDry eyes Xerophthalmia 眼睛干燥病Yanjing ganzao bingDry mouth Xerostomia 口腔干燥病Kouqiang ganzao bing Ear drum Tympanic membrane 耳鼓膜Er gu moEar infection Otitis 耳朵发炎Erduo fayanEars Ears 耳朵ErduoEarwax Cerumen 耳垢Er gouEczema Eczema 湿疹ShizhenEEG (brain scan) Electroencephalography 脑电图Nao dian tuEKG Electrocardiography心电图Xin dian tuElbow Elbow 肘ZhouEmergency Emergency 紧急情况Jinji qingkuang Emergency Room Emergency Room 急救室Jijiu shi Emphysema Emphysema 肺气肿Fei qi zhongEnema Enema 灌肠Guan changEnteric-coated Enteric-coated 肠膜Chang moEpilepsy Epilepsy 羊癫疯/癫痫Yangxianfeng/dianxian Error Error 错误CuowuEstrogen Estrogen 雌激素Ci ji suExcrement Excrement 粪便FenbianExercise Exercise 运动Yundong Experimental Experimental 实验性的Shiyan xing deEye Eye 眼睛YanjingEye glasses Eye glasses 眼镜YanjingEye inflammation Conjunctivitis 眼睑发炎Yanjian fayanEye sight Eye sight 视力ShiliEyebrow Eyebrow 眉毛MeimaoEyedrops Eyedrops 眼睛药水Yanjing yaoshui Eyelid Eyelid 眼睑YanjianFace Face 面孔MiankongFainting Syncope 昏厥Hun jueFallopian tube Adnexitis 卵巢发炎Luanchao fayan Family Family 家庭JiatingFatal Fatal 致命的Zhiming deFather Father 父亲FuqinFatigue Fatigue 疲劳PilaoFeces Feces 粪便FenbianFeminine napkin Feminine napkin 妇女月经棉巾Funu yuejing mianjin Fever Pyrexia 发烧FashaoFeverish Febrile 发热的Fare deFinger Finger 手指ShouzhiFingernail Fingernail 指甲ZhijiaFist Fist 拳头QuantouFlu Influenza流行性感冒Liuxixing ganmao Food poisoning Food poisoning 食物中毒Shiwu zhongduFoot Foot 脚JiaoForehead Forehead 额 EFracture Fracture 骨折(折断) Guzhe (zheduan) Friend Friend 朋友PengyouFrostbite Frostbite 冻伤DongshangGall bladder inflammation Cholecystitis 胆囊发炎Dannang fayan Gastroenterologist Gastroenterologist 胃肠病专家Weichanbing zhuanjiaGenetic Genetic 遗传的Yichuan deGenital Genital 生殖器/外阴部Shengzhiqi/waiyinbu Geriatric Geriatric 老年病学Laonianbing xue German measles Rubella 风疹Feng zhenGland Gland 腺XianGlaucoma Glaucoma 青光眼/绿內障Qing guang yan/lu neizhangGluten Gluten 谷/麦/蛋白质营养混合物Gu/mai/danbaizhi yingyanghunhewuGoing to the toilet a lot Polyuria 多尿病/症Duo niao bing/zheng Gollstones Cholelithiasis胆石症Danshi zheng Gonorrhoea Gonorrhoea 淋病Lin bingGood Good 好的Hao deGout Gout 痛风Tong fengGraze-Cut Abrasion 擦伤Ca shangGroin Groin 腹股沟Fugu gou Gynecological Gynecological 妇科Fu keHair (head) Hair (head) 头发Tou faHallucination Hallucination 幻觉Huan jueHand Hand 手ShouHandicap Handicap 残疾CanjiHardening of the arteries Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化Dongmai ying hua Harmful Adverse 不利的Buli deHay fever Rhinitis 鼻发炎Bi fayanHead Head 头TouHeadache Cephalgia 头痛Tou tongHearing-related Auditory 听觉Ting jueHeart Heart 心脏Xin zangHeart attack Myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞/心脏病发作Xinji gengse/xinzang bingfazuoHeart murmur Heart murmur 不正常的心跳Buzhengchang de xintiao Heart specialist Cardiologist 心脏病专家Xinzangbing zhuanjia Heart valve infection Endocarditis 心瓣膜发炎Xinbanmo fayan Heartburn Reflux 胃灼热Weizhuo reHeel Heel 脚后跟Jiao hougenHelp Help 帮助Bang zhuHemophilia Hemophilia 血友病Xue you bing Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids 痔疮Zhi chuangHepatitis Hepatitis 肝脏发炎Ganzang fayanHernia Hernia 疝ShanHeroin Heroin 海洛因Hai luo yinHigh blood pressure Hypertension 高血压症Gao xueya zhengHigh blood sugar Hyperglycaemia 高血糖症Gao xuetang zhengHigh/over-active thyroid Hyperthyroidism 甲状腺机能高Jiazhuangxian jineng gao Hip Hip 臀部Tun buHIV HIV 艾滋病病毒Aizibing bingduHives Urticaria皮肤疹Pifu zhenHoarseness Hoarseness 嘶哑的Siya deHospitalization Hospitalization 住院Zhu yuanHusband Husband 丈夫ZhangfuHypothermia Hypothermia 低体温症Di tiwen zhengHysterectomy Hysterectomy 子宫割除术Zigong ge chu shuIll Ill 有病的Youbing deImmunity Immunity 免疫的Mianyi de Immunization Immunization 有免疫力的You mianyi liImpetigo Impetigo 脓庖病Nong pao bing Incontinence Incontinence 大小便失禁的Daxiaobian shijin de Indigestion Dyspepsia 消化不良Xiaohua bu liang Indigestion remedy Antacid 制酸剂Zhisuan jiInfection Infection 传染病Chuanran bing Inflammation of thePancreatitis 胰腺发炎Yixian fayanpancreasInjection Injection 注射ZhusheInjury Injury 受伤ShoushangInoperable Inoperable 不可以动手术的Bu keyi dong shoushu de Insect Insect 昆虫KunchongInstructions Instructions 用法说明Yongfa shuomingInsulin Insulin 胰岛素Yi dao suInsurance Insurance 保险BaoxianIntensive care unit (ICU) Intensive care unit (ICU) 加强护理/重症监护室Jiaqiang huli/zhongzhengjianhu shiIntermittent Intermittent 断断续续的Duanduan xuxu deEndoscopy 内部视觉检验Neibu shijue jianyan Internal Exam using fiberoptic tubeIntestinal Intestinal (影响)肠(Yingxiang) chang Intestinal (IV) Intestinal 肠静脉內喂养Chang jingmai nei weiyang Intestines Intestines 肠ChangIntolerance to light Photophobia 畏光症Wei guang zheng Irregular Aberrant 不定期的Bu dingqi deIrregular heartbeat Arrhythmia 心跳反常病Xintiao fanchang bing Irritation Irritation 使感到不适Shi gandao bushiIs/it is Is/it is 是/这是Shi/zhe shiIt It 它TaItchy Pruritic 发痒症Fa yang zhengJaundice Jaundice 黄疸病Huangdan bingJaw Jaw 颌HeJellyfish Jellyfish 水母ShuimuJoint Joint 关节GuanjieJoint pain Arthralgia 关节痛Guanjie tongJuice Juice 果/菜/肉汁Guo/cai/rou zhiKeloid Keloid 瘢瘤Ban liuKetoacidosis Ketoacidosis 酮酸中毒Tongsuan zhongdu Kidney Kidney 肾ShenKidney failure Azotaemia 肾有故障Shen you guzhang Kidney-related Renal 肾脏的Shenzang deKnee Knee 膝XiLaboratory Laboratory 实验室Shiyan shiLack of periods Amenorrhoea 无月经Wu yuejingLast name Last name 姓名XingmingLaxative Laxative 泻药Xie yaoLaying down Supine 仰卧的Yang wo deLeg Leg 腿TuiLethargy Lethargy 无生气Wu sheng qi Leukemia Leukemia 白血病Baixue bingLife support Life support 生命维持器Shengming weichi qi Ligament Ligament 韧带RendaiLip Lip 嘴唇ZuichunLiquor Liquor 烈性酒Liexing jiuLiver Liver 肝脏GanzangLocal Local 本地的Bendi deLow blood pressure Hypotensive 低血压症Di xueya zhengLow blood sugar Hypoglycaemia 低血糖症Di xuetang zhengLow/underactive thyroid Hypothyroidism 甲状腺机能低Jiazhuangxian jineng di Lump N/A 肿块Zhong kuaiLunch Lunch 午餐WucanLung Lung 肺FeiLung-related Pulmonary 肺的Fei deLymph node cancer Lymphoma 淋巴瘤Lin ba liuMalaise Malaise 不适Bu shiMalaria Malaria 疟疾Nueji deMalignant Malignant 恶性的/致命的E'xing de/zhiming de Man Man 男人Nan renMassage Massage 按摩An moMedical Medical 医学的Yixue de Medication Medication 药物Yao wuMedication for irregular heartbeat Antiarrhythmic 治疗心跳反常药Zhiliao xintiao fanchangyaoMedication that preventsblood clottingAnticoagulant 防血凝结药Fang xueningjie yaoMedication to increase urineoutputDiuretic 排尿剂Painiao jiMedication to preventconvulsionsAnticonvulsant 防痉挛药Fang jingluan yaoMedication to reduceswellingAnti-inflammatory 消炎药Xiaoyan yao Medication to treat cancer Antineoplastic 治疗癌症药Zhiliao aizheng yao Medication to treat cancer Antitumor 治疗肿瘤药Zhiliao zhongliu yao Medication to treat cough Antitussive 治疗咳嗽药Zhiliao kesou yao Medication to treat diabetes Antidiabetic 治疗糖尿病药Zhiliao tangniaobing yao Medication to treat epilepsy Antiepileptic 治疗羊癫疯/癫痫药Zhiliaoyangxianfeng/dianxian yao Medication to treat fever Antipyretic 治疗发烧药Zhiliao fashao yao Medication to treat fungusinfectionAntifungal 治疗真菌药Zhiliao zhengjun yaoMedication to treat highblood pressureAntihypertensive 治疗高血压药Zhiliao gaoxueya yao Medication to treat itching Antipruritic 止痒药Zhiyang yao Medication to treat vomiting Antiemetic 治疗呕吐药Zhiliao outu yao Medication/substance tocause vomitingEmetic 使呕吐药Shi outo yao Melanoma Melanoma 黑素瘤Hei su liuMeningitis Meningitis 脑膜发炎Naomo fayan Menopause Menopause 绝经Jue jingMental retardation Mental retardation 智力迟钝的Zhili chidun deMigraine Migraine 偏头痛Pian toutongMild Subclinical不严重的先期症状Bu yanzhong de xianqizhengzhuangMilk production Lactation 泌乳Mi ruMiscarriage Miscarriage 流产/小产Liuchan/xiaochan Mom-mother Mom-mother 妈妈/母亲Mama/muqinMore More 更多的Gengduo deMouth Mouth 口KouMRI MRI (Magnetic ResonanceImaging) 核能声波内部扫描器Heneng shengbo neibusaomiao qiMucus Mucus 粘液Nian yeMultiple sclerosis Multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化Duo fa xing yinghua Muscle Muscle 肌肉JirouMuscle pain Myalgia 肌肉痛Jirou tongMuscle relaxant Muscle relaxant 肌肉松弛药Jirou songchi yao Muscular dystrophy Muscular dystrophy 肌肉营养不良Jirou yingyang buliang Mutism Mutism 哑症Ya zhengNarcotic Narcotic 麻醉剂Mazui jiNasal Nasal 鼻的Bi deNausea Nausea 作呕Zuo'ouNavel Navel 肚脐Du qi Nearsightedness Myopia 近视JinshiNeck Neck 颈JingNeedle Needle 针Zhen Nervousness Nervousness 神经系统Shenjing xitong Nitroglycerin Nitroglycerin 硝化甘油XiaohuaganyouNo No 没有MeiyouNone None 全无QuanwuNon-malignant Benign 良性的Liangxing deNon-urgent Elective 可选择的Ke xuanze de Normal Normal 正常的Zhengchang de Nosebleed Epistaxis 鼻出血Bi chuxueNot ever Not ever 从不Cong buNurse Nurse 护士HushiObesity Obesity 非常肥胖的Feichang feipang de Obstetrical Obstetrical 产科Chan ke Occasional Occasional 偶然的Ouran deOintment Ointment 软膏Ruan gao Operating room Operating room 手术室Shoushu shi Ophthalmological Ophthalmological 眼科学Yan ke xueOral Oral 口用的Kou yong de Orthopedic Orthopedic 矫形外科Jiaoxing waike Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis 骨关节发炎Gu guanjie fayan Osteoporosis Osteoporosis 骨硬化病Gu yinghua bing Ovarian Ovarian 卵巢Luan chao Overdose Overdose 过量Guo liang Ovulation Ovulation 产卵Chan luanOxygen Oxygen 氧气Yang qi Pacemaker Pacemaker 心脏起博器Xinzang qibo qiPain Pain 痛苦TongkuPainful urination Dysuria 排尿困难Painiao kun nanPain-killer Analgesic 止痛ZhitongPalpitation Palpitation 心脏急速的跳动Xinzang jisu de tiaodong Paralysis Paralysis 使麻痹Shi mabiParanoia Paranoia 妄想狂Wangxiang kuang Parasite-related Parasitic 寄生物Jisheng wu Parkinson’s disease Parkinsonism 帕金森氏症Pajinsen shi zheng Patient Patient 病人BingrenPediatric Pediatric 儿科Er kePenis Penis 阴茎YinjingPeriods Menstruation月经Yue jingPeritonitis Peritonitis 腹膜发炎Fu mo fayan Persistent Persistent 持续的Chixu de Perspiration Perspiration 流汗Liu hanPetit mal/absence Petit mal 癫痫小发作Dian xian xiao fazuo Pharmacy Pharmacy 药店Yao dianPhlebitis Phlebitis 静脉发炎Jing mo fayanPhlegm Sputum 痰TanPhobia Phobia 恐惧Kong juPhone Phone 电话DianhuaPhysical therapy Physical therapy 物理治疗法Wuli zhiliao faPillow Pillow 枕头Zhentou“Pins & needles” sensation Paraesthesia 有针刺般的感觉(麻痹) You zhenciban de ganjue(mabi)Placenta Placenta 胎盘Tai panPneumonia Pneumonia 肺发炎Fei fayanPoison Toxin 有毒的You du dePoison ivy/oak Poison ivy/oak 毒常春藤/橡(栎)树Du changchunteng/xiang(yue) shuPolicy number Policy number 保险单的号码Baoxiandan de haoma Polio Poliomyelitis小儿麻痹症Xiao'er mabi zheng Pollen Pollen 花粉Huafen Preeclampsia Preeclampsia 子痫前症/子痫先兆Zixian qian zheng/zixianxian zhaoPregnant Pregnant 怀孕的Huai yan de Premature Premature 早产Zao chan Premenstrual Premenstrual 月经前Yuejing qian Prescription Prescription 药方Yao fangPrevention Prevention 防止FangzhiPriest (Catholic) Priest (Catholic) 神父(天主教) Shen fu (tian zhu jiao) Private room Private room 私用的房间Siyong de fangjian Procedure Procedure 程序Cheng xuPrognosis Prognosis 预言能力Yuyan nengli Prolapse Prolapse 脱垂Tuo chuiProstate Prostate 前列腺Qian lie xianProstate inflammation Prostatitis 前列腺发炎Qian lie xian fayan Psoriasis Psoriasis 牛皮癣/银屑病Niupi xuan/yinxie bing Psychiatric Psychiatric 精神病治疗Jingshenbing zhiliao Psychiatrist Psychiatrist 精神科医生Jingshen ke yisheng Puberty Puberty 青春期/发育期Qingchun qi/fayu qi Pus Purulent含脓的Han nong deQuestion Question 问题WentiRabies Rabies 狂犬病Kuangquan bingRacing heart Tachycardia 心跳过速Xintaio guosu Radiation Radiation 辐射FusheRadiation therapy Radiotherapy 射线治疗Shexian zhiliao Random Sporadic 偶尔发生的Ou'er fasheng deRape Rape 强奸Qiang jianRash Rash 疹子Zhen ziRazor Razor 剃刀Ti daoRecovery room Recovery room 康复室Kangfu shiRectal Rectal 直肠Zhi chang Recuperation Recuperation 复原Fu yuanRecurring Recurrent 重现Chong xian Regurgitation Regurgitation 反胃Fan weiRemission Remission 症状减轻Zhengzhuang jianqing Resuscitation Resuscitation 使恢复知觉Shi huifu zhijueRib Rib 肋骨LeiguRinging in the ears Tinnitus 耳鸣Er mingRumbling tummy Borborygmus 肠有气Chang you qiRunny nose Rhinorrhoea 鼻溢/鼻漏Biyi/bilouRupture Rupture 发疝气Fashan qiScar Scar 伤疤Shangba Schizophrenia Schizophrenia 精神分裂症Jingshen fenlie zheng Sciatica Sciatica 坐骨神经痛Zuo gu shenjing tong Scrotum Scrotum 阴囊袋Yin nang daiSedative Sedative 镇静药Zhenjing yaoSeizure/convulsion Seizure 发作(惊厥) Fazuo (jingjue)Senility Dementia 年老病(心理/智能衰退) Nianlaobing (xinli/zhinengshuai tui)Severe Acute 厉害的Lihai deSexually transmitted Venereal 性病Xing bingShin Shin 胫JingzosterShingles Herpes庖疹爆发的痛苦Paozhen baofa de tongku Shock Shock 震惊ZhenjingShoulder Shoulder 肩JianSickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia 镰状细胞性贫血Lianzhuang xibao xingpinxueSide effect Side effect 副作用Fu zuo yongSinusitis Sinusitis 竇/颅骨发炎Dou/lugu fayanSleep Sleep 睡眠ShuimianSleepiness Somnolence 磕睡的Ke shui deSleeping pill Hypnotic 安眠药An-mian yaoSleeping pill N/A 安眠药丸An-mian yaowan Sleeplessness Insomnia 失眠ShimianSmell Odor 气味Qi weiSmoke Smoke 抽烟ChouyanSnakebite Snakebite 给蛇咬Gei sheyaoSometimes Sometimes 有时YoushiSore throat Laryngitis 喉痛Hou tongSore throat Pharyngitis 喉痛Hou tongSpasm Spasm 痉挛JingluanSpecialist Specialist 专家ZhuanjiaSpeech Speech 说话能力Shuohau nengliSpider bite Spider bite 给蜘蛛咬Gei zhizhu yaoSpinal Spinal 脊椎骨的Jizhuigu deSpleen enlargement Splenomegaly 脾肿大Pi zhong daSprain Sprain 扭伤NiushangStiffness Rigidity 坚硬的Jianying deStomach ache Stomach ache 胃痛Wei tongStomach flu Gastroenteritis 胃肠发炎Weichang fayan Stomach ulcer Peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡Xiaohua xing kuiyang Stress Stress 压力YaliStroke Cerebrovascularaccident中风ZhongfengSudden Abrupt 突然的Turan deSudden attack Paroxysmal 发作FazuoSunburn Sunburn 日炙RizhiSuncreen/sunblock Suncreen/sunblock 防晒油膏Fang shai yougao Supplement Supplement 补充BuchongSuppository Suppository 栓剂塞药(座药) Shuan ji sai yao (zuo yao) Surgical Surgical 外科的Waike deSweating Diaphoresis 出汗ChuhanSwelling Swelling 肿胀ZhongzhangSwelling due to fluid Edema 水肿Shui zhongSwelling in artery wall Aneurysm 动脉瘤Dongmai liuSymptom Symptom 症状ZhengzhuangSyringe Syringe 注射器Zhushe qiTampon Tampon 月经棉栓Yuejing mianshuan Teen-ager Adolescent 青少年Qing shao nian Temperature Temperature 发烧FashaoTendency Predisposition使预先有倾向Shi yuxian you qingxiang Tendency Tendency 趋势QushiTendinitis Tendinitis 肌腱发炎Ji jian fayanTest Test 检验JianyanTesticle-related Testicular 睾丸GaowanTetanus Tetanus 破伤风PoshangfengThe Bends/decompression sickness The Bends/decompressionsickness屈痛/减压病(潜水员病) Qutong/jianya bing (qianshui yuan bing)Therapy Therapy 治疗ZhiliaoThigh Thigh 大腿DatuiThrobbing (pain) Throbbing (pain) (心脏/脉搏)跳动痛(xinzang/maibo) tiao dongtongThumb Thumb 大拇指Da muzhiTo die To die 死亡Si wangToe Toe 脚趾JiaozhiToilet Toilet 盥洗室Guanxi shiTongue Tongue 舌头ShetouTonsilitis Tonsilitis 扁桃腺发炎Biantaoxian fayanTooth Tooth 牙齿YachiToothache Toothache 牙痛YatongToothbrush Toothbrush 牙刷YashuaToothpaste Toothpaste 牙膏YagaoTranquilizer Antipsychotic 镇静剂Zhenjing ji Tranquilizer Tranquilizer 镇静剂Zhenjing jiTransfer Transfer 调动Diaodong Transfusion Transfusion 输血Shuxue Transplantation Transplantation 移植YizhiTremor Tremor 发抖Fa dou(Trisomy 21) Down’s Syndrome 唐氏综合症Tangshi zonghe zheng Tube Tube 管状的Guanzhuang de Tuberculosis Tuberculosis 肺结核病Fei jiehe bingTumour Tumour 肿瘤Zhong liuTyphoid fever Typhoid fever 伤寒病Shanghan bingTyphus Typhus 斑疹伤寒Banzhen shanghan Ulcer Ulcer 溃疡KuiyangUltrasound/sonogram Ultrasound/sonogram 超声波检查技术/超声图Chao sheng bo jianchajishu/chao sheng tu Unconscious Unconscious 失去知觉的Shiqu zhijue deUnder the tongue Sublingual 舌头下的Shetou xia deUpset stomach Gastritis 胃溃疡Wei kuiyangUrgent Urgent 紧急的Jinji deUrinary tract Infection UTI Urinary tract Infection UTI 泌尿道感染/发炎Mi niao dao ganran/fayan Urination Micturition 排尿Pai niaoUrine Urine 尿/小便Niao/xiaobianUrine test N/A 验尿/验小便Yan niao/yan xiaobian Vaccination Vaccination 接种疫苗Jiezhong yimiao Vaginal Vaginal 阴道YindaoVaginal discharge Vaginal discharge 阴道排泄物Yindao paixiewu Varicose vein Varicose vein 静脉曲张Jingmai quzhangVial Vial 小的药水瓶Xiao de yaoshui ping Viral Viral 病毒引起的Bingdu yinqi deVision Vision 视力ShiliVisiting hours Visiting hours 访问时间Fangwen shijianVomit (n.) Vomitus 呕吐OutuVomiting Emesis 呕吐OutuVomiting blood Hematemesis 吐血Tu xueWalking Ambulatory可以行动的Keyi xingdong de Warning sensation Aura 感觉有症状Ganjue you zhengzhuang Wart Wart 疣/瘊子You/houziWeakness Weakness 虚弱XuruoWheezing Wheezing 喘气ChuanqiWhen When 什么时候Shenme shihouWhite of the eye Sclera 眼膜Yan moWhooping cough Pertussis 百日咳Bai ri keWife Wife 妻子QiziWomb Uterus 子宫ZigongWorms Worms 蠕虫RuchongWorsening Aggravation 使气恼Shi qinaoWorsening Exacerbation 恶化E'huaWound Wound 伤口/受伤Shangkou/shoushang Wrist Wrist 手腕ShouwanX-ray Radiography射线(X –光) Shexian (X-guang) Yeast infection Candidiasis 念珠菌病Nianzhujun bing Yellow fever Yellow fever 黄热病Huangre bing。
CHINESE-TRANS Test_translation译文
Section 1, MarketingThe future is exciting at EF!EF的未来令人兴奋不已!EF Education First is the world’s largest language education company, with schools and offices in over 50 countries. EF was established in 1965 with the mission to break down the barriers in language, culture, and geography. For over 45 years our success as a language organization has come from our passion to deliver the highest calibre courses available. We offer study abroad programs for all ages and all levels. This year we are excited to announce the launch of a new version of our revoluti onary EF Efekta™ System, complete with new and updated course books and new interactive activities in our iLab language labs. We have also introduced the EFCELT language test, developed through our exclusive collaboration with the University of Cambridge. EF continues to fundamentally improve the way students learn a language.EF英孚教育是世界最大的语言教育机构,英孚教育在50多个国家拥有学校和办公室。
在线汉英翻译Online Chinese-English translation (700 words)1. 你好!我能帮助你翻译一些文件吗?Hello! Can I help you translate some documents?2. 你可以将文件发送给我,然后我会尽快完成翻译。
You can send the documents to me, and I will complete the translation as soon as possible.3. 我会尽量保持原文的意思和语气,同时确保翻译的准确性。
I will try to maintain the meaning and tone of the original text while ensuring translation accuracy.4. 我可以翻译各种类型的文件,如商务信函、合同、报告等。
I can translate various types of documents, such as business letters, contracts, reports, etc.5. 如果你在翻译中有特殊要求,请提前告诉我,我会尽量满足你的需求。
If you have any special requirements during the translation, please let me know in advance, and I will try my best to meet your needs.6. 我的翻译速度较快,但也取决于文件的长度和复杂性。
I can translate at a fast pace, but it also depends on the length and complexity of the documents.7. 翻译完成后,我会将翻译后的文件发送给你,以供审核和修改。
After the translation is completed, I will send you the translated documents for review and revision.8. 我会严格保密你发送给我的文件和翻译内容。
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GALE Program: Chinese to English Translation GuidelinesVersion 2.3December 14, 2006Linguistic Data Consortium/Projects/GALE1Introduction (3)2The Translation Process (3)3Translation Teams (3)4File Formats (4)4.1Source file (4)4.2Completed translation file (5)4.3File Naming Conventions (6)5Delivery of Completed Translations (6)5.1Email Correspondence About Translation (6)6Specific Rules for Translation (6)6.1General Principles (6)6.2Proper Names (7)6.3Numbers (8)6.4Capitalization (9)6.5Punctuation (9)6.6Idioms (10)6.7English or other language content (10)6.8Factual Errors in Source Text (11)6.9Typographical errors (11)6.10Difficult to Translate Source Text (11)6.11Headlines and Titles (12)6.12Special Issues for Translation of Speech Sources (12)6.12.1Disfluent Speech (12)6.12.2Speaker Noise (13)6.12.3Filled Pauses (13)6.12.4Translation of ”嗯” (13)6.12.5Repetition and Restarts (14)6.12.6Partial Words (14)6.12.7Semi-intelligible and Unintelligible Speech (15)6.12.8Program Names (15)6.13Special Issues for Translation of Weblogs and Newsgroups (16)6.13.1Emoticons (Emotion Icons) (16)7Quality Control at LDC (16)8Guidelines (17)1 IntroductionThese guidelines provide an overview of requirements for translation of Chinese text into English to support the GALE Program evaluation of machine translation technology. Genres covered by these guidelines include the following:• Broadcast News (BN) transcripts consisting of "talking head"-style news broadcasts from radio and/or television networks.• Broadcast Conversation (BC) transcripts consisting of talk shows plus roundtable discussions and other interactive-style broadcasts from radio and/or televisionnetworks.• Newswire (NW) consisting of newswire feeds.• Web Newsgroups (NG) consisting of posts to electronic bulletin boards, Usenet newsgroups, discussion groups and similar forums• Weblogs (WL) consisting of posts to informal web-based journals of varying topical contentThis document describes the format of the source text and its translation, and addresses specific issues when translating text from different genres.2 The Translation ProcessTo be completed in next version.3 Translation TeamsInitial translation is performed by translation services employing professional translators. Services must assign files to be translated to a team consisting of at least two members: a Chinese dominant bilingual and an English dominant bilingual. One team member does the initial translation while the other one proofreads the translation. It’s up to the translation agencies to decide who does the initial translation and who does the proofreading. The team makeup may not change during translation of a particular data set.A translation service may have multiple teams working simultaneously. Proofreaders may be shared among teams, unless LDC provides instructions to the contrary for a particular project.Translation teams may use an automatic machine translation system and/or a translation memory system to assist them during translation.Translation teams must be documented as follows:1. Translator and proofreader profiles consisting of name or pseudonym, nativelanguage, second languages, age and years of translation experience. Whenmultiple translation teams are used, also indicate team membership for eachperson.2. Work assignment information consisting of the team number or the name of thetranslator and proofreader for each file in the data set.3. The name and version number of any translation system or translation memoryused.4. A description of any additional quality control procedures or other relevantparameters or factors that affect the translation.This documentation should be submitted to LDC along with the completed translations.4 File FormatsThe source text for translation comes in many different data formats, and may include such metadata as speaker labels, timestamps, section and turn boundaries or other information. LDC converts all source text into a standard translation format before sending data out to translators in order to 1) make the source files easy for translators to read; 2) to avoid translator’s tampering with the metadata; and 3) to aid automatic processing of the data after the translation is returned to LDC.4.1 Source fileEach source file delivered from LDC is divided into segments that roughly correspond to sentences or sentence-like units. Each Chinese segment in the source file consists of 3 components.<cn=##> is a unique identifier for the Chinese segment;•• • • [speaker id] is a speaker identification label that is added for segments takenfrom speech sources like broadcast news and talk shows. Not all segments and files have corresponding speaker IDs. Data drawn from non-speech genres (like newswire and web text) will not have speaker IDs.Chinese text to be translated.To be added: information about web data format:Each corresponding English segment in the source file consists of one component: <en=##> is a unique identifier indicating where the English translation should be added for a given Chinese segment.The ## for a given English segment is identical to the corresponding Chinese segment to be translated.A sample source file appears below:<cn=1>[speaker1] 来看几条日本的消息。