



七年级下第三周周测数学试卷(有答案)一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.一个三角形的两边长为2和6,第三边为偶数,则这个三角形的周长为()A.10 B.12 C.14 D.162.若一个多边形的内角和与它的外角和相等,则这个多边形是()A.三角形B.四边形C.五边形D.六边形3.一个三角形的三个内角中,锐角的个数最少为()A.0 B.1 C.2 D.34.下面说法错误的是()A.三角形的三条角平分线交于一点B.三角形的三条中线交于一点C.三角形的三条高交于一点D.三角形的三条高所在的直线交于一点5.同一平面内有四条直线a、b、c、d,若a∥b,a⊥c,b⊥d,则c、d的位置关系为()A.互相垂直B.互相平行C.相交D.没有确定关系6.如图,点E在CD延长线上,下列条件中不能判定AB∥CD的是()A.∠1=∠2 B.∠3=∠4 C.∠5=∠B D.∠B+∠BDC=180°7.如图,直线l1∥l2,则下列式子成立的是()A.∠1+∠2+∠3=180°B.∠1﹣∠2+∠3=180°C.∠2+∠3﹣∠1=180°D.∠1+∠2﹣∠3=180°8.如图,两个全等的直角三角形重叠在一起,将其中的一个三角形沿着点B到C的方向平移到△DEF的位置,AB=10,DO=4,平移距离为6,则阴影部分面积为()A.48 B.96 C.84 D.429.如图所示,小华从A点出发,沿直线前进10米后左转24°,再沿直线前进10米,又向左转24°,…,照这样走下去,他第一次回到出发地A点时,一共走的路程是()A.140米B.150米C.160米D.240米10.一个多边形切去一个角后,形成的另一个多边形的内角和为1080°,那么原多边形的边数为()A.7 B.7或8 C.8或9 D.7或8或9二、填空题(本大题共9小题,每空2分,共22分)11.回答下列问题:(1)若一个多边形的内角和与外角和的总和为1800°,则这个多边形是边形.(2)一个多边形的每一个外角都等于72°,这个多边形是边形,它的每个内角是度?12.若n边形内角和为900°,则边数n=.13.一个正多边形的内角和为540°,则这个正多边形的每一个外角等于.14.若多边形的每一个内角均为135°,则这个多边形的边数为.15.如图,是一个不规则的五角星,则∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=.(用度数表示)16.如图,AD∥BC,BD平分∠ABC,∠A:∠ABC=2:1,则∠ADB=度.17.在△ABC中,已知∠ABC=50°,∠ACB=60°,BE是AC上的高,CF是AB上的高,H是BE 和CF的交点,则∠BHC=.18.如图,AB∥CD∥EF,且CG∥AF,则图中与∠BAF互补的角共有个.19.如图,在△ABC中,∠A=60°,BD、CD分别平分∠ABC、∠ACB,M、N、Q分别在DB、DC、BC的延长线上,BE、CE分别平分∠MBC、∠BCN,BF、CF分别平分∠EBC、∠ECQ,则∠F=.三、解答题(本大题共六小题,共58分)20.如图,已知DF⊥AB于点F,且∠A=45°,∠D=30°,求∠ACB的度数.21.如图,在△ABC中,∠ABC=56°,∠ACB=44°,AD是BC边上的高,AE是△ABC的角平分线,你能求出∠DAE的度数吗?请试一试!22.如图,D是△ABC的BA边延长线上的一点,AE是∠DAC的平分线,∠B=∠C,试说明:AE∥BC.23.如图,∠ABD和∠BDC的平分线交于点E,BE的延长线交CD于点F,且∠1+∠2=90°.求证:(1)AB∥CD;(2)猜想∠2 与∠3的关系并证明.24.完成下面推理过程:如图,已知∠1=∠2,∠B=∠C,可推得AB∥CD.理由如下:∵∠1=∠2(已知),且∠1=∠CGD(),∴∠2=∠CGD(等量代换).∴CE∥BF().∴∠=∠C().又∵∠B=∠C(已知),∴∠=∠B(等量代换).∴AB∥CD().25.如图①,△ABC的角平分线BD、CE相交于点P.(1)如果∠A=70°,求∠BPC的度数;(2)如图②,过P点作直线MN∥BC,分别交AB和AC于点M和N,试求∠MPB+∠NPC的度数(用含∠A的代数式表示);(3)在(2)的条件下,将直线MN绕点P旋转.(i)当直线MN与AB、AC的交点仍分别在线段AB和AC上时,如图③,试探索∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系,并说明你的理由;(ⅱ)当直线MN与AB的交点仍在线段AB上,而与AC的交点在AC的延长线上时,如图④,试问(i)中∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系是否仍然成立?若成立,请说明你的理由;若不成立,请给出∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系,并说明你的理由.七年级(下)第三周周测数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1.一个三角形的两边长为2和6,第三边为偶数,则这个三角形的周长为()A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16【考点】三角形三边关系.【分析】根据在三角形中任意两边之和大于第三边,任意两边之差小于第三边.即可求解.【解答】解:第三边的取值范围是大于4且小于8,又第三边是偶数,故第三边是6.则该三角形的周长是14.故选:C.2.若一个多边形的内角和与它的外角和相等,则这个多边形是()A.三角形B.四边形C.五边形D.六边形【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】根据多边形的内角和公式(n﹣2)•180°与多边形的外角和定理列式进行计算即可得解.【解答】解:设多边形的边数为n,根据题意得(n﹣2)•180°=360°,解得n=4.故这个多边形是四边形.故选B.3.一个三角形的三个内角中,锐角的个数最少为()A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【考点】三角形内角和定理.【分析】依据三角形的内角和是180°,假设在一个三角形中只有1个锐角或一个锐角都没有,则可以得出这个三角形的内角和大于180°,所以假设不成立,据此即可判断.【解答】解:假设在一个三角形中只有1个锐角或一个锐角都没有,则另外的两个角或三个角都大于或等于90°,于是可得这个三角形的内角和大于180°,这样违背了三角形的内角和定理,假设不成立.所以任何一个三角形的三个内角中至少有2个锐角.故选(C).4.下面说法错误的是()A.三角形的三条角平分线交于一点B.三角形的三条中线交于一点C.三角形的三条高交于一点D.三角形的三条高所在的直线交于一点【考点】三角形的角平分线、中线和高.【分析】根据三角形的角的平分线、中线、高线的性质即可确定.【解答】解:A、三角形的三条角平分线交于一点,是三角形的内心,故命题正确;B、三角形的三条中线交于一点,是三角形的重心,故命题正确;三角形的三条高所在的直线交于一点,三条高不一定相交,故C错误,D正确.故选C.5.同一平面内有四条直线a、b、c、d,若a∥b,a⊥c,b⊥d,则c、d的位置关系为()A.互相垂直B.互相平行C.相交D.没有确定关系【考点】平行公理及推论.【分析】作出图形,根据平行公理的推论解答.【解答】解:如图,∵a∥b,a⊥c,∴c⊥b,又∵b⊥d,∴c∥d.故选B.6.如图,点E在CD延长线上,下列条件中不能判定AB∥CD的是()A.∠1=∠2 B.∠3=∠4 C.∠5=∠B D.∠B+∠BDC=180°【考点】平行线的判定.【分析】根据平行线的判定方法直接判定.【解答】解:选项B中,∵∠3=∠4,∴AB∥CD (内错角相等,两直线平行),所以正确;选项C中,∵∠5=∠B,∴AB∥CD (内错角相等,两直线平行),所以正确;选项D中,∵∠B+∠BDC=180°,∴AB∥CD(同旁内角互补,两直线平行),所以正确;而选项A中,∠1与∠2是直线AC、BD被AD所截形成的内错角,因为∠1=∠2,所以应是AC ∥BD,故A错误.故选A.7.如图,直线l1∥l2,则下列式子成立的是()A.∠1+∠2+∠3=180°B.∠1﹣∠2+∠3=180°C.∠2+∠3﹣∠1=180°D.∠1+∠2﹣∠3=180°【考点】平行线的性质.【分析】根据平行线的性质进行判断即可.【解答】解:因为l1∥l2,所以∠1=+∠3,可得:∠1+∠2﹣∠3=180°,故选D8.如图,两个全等的直角三角形重叠在一起,将其中的一个三角形沿着点B到C的方向平移到△DEF的位置,AB=10,DO=4,平移距离为6,则阴影部分面积为()A.48 B.96 C.84 D.42【考点】平移的性质.=S梯形ABEO,【分析】根据平移的性质得出BE=6,DE=AB=10,则OE=6,则阴影部分面积=S四边形ODFC根据梯形的面积公式即可求解.【解答】解:由平移的性质知,BE=6,DE=AB=10,∴OE=DE﹣DO=10﹣4=6,=S梯形ABEO=(AB+OE)•BE=(10+6)×6=48.∴S四边形ODFC故选:A.9.如图所示,小华从A点出发,沿直线前进10米后左转24°,再沿直线前进10米,又向左转24°,…,照这样走下去,他第一次回到出发地A点时,一共走的路程是()A.140米B.150米C.160米D.240米【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】多边形的外角和为360°每一个外角都为24°,依此可求边数,再求多边形的周长.【解答】解:∵多边形的外角和为360°,而每一个外角为24°,∴多边形的边数为360°÷24°=15,∴小华一共走了:15×10=150米.10.一个多边形切去一个角后,形成的另一个多边形的内角和为1080°,那么原多边形的边数为()A.7 B.7或8 C.8或9 D.7或8或9【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】首先求得内角和为1080°的多边形的边数,即可确定原多边形的边数.【解答】解:设内角和为1080°的多边形的边数是n,则(n﹣2)•180°=1080°,解得:n=8.则原多边形的边数为7或8或9.故选:D.二、填空题(本大题共9小题,每空2分,共22分)11.回答下列问题:(1)若一个多边形的内角和与外角和的总和为1800°,则这个多边形是十边形.(2)一个多边形的每一个外角都等于72°,这个多边形是五边形,它的每个内角是108度?【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】(1)根据多边形的外角与内角的关系,可得答案;(2)根据多边形的外角和,可得答案;根据内角与外角的关系,可得答案.【解答】解:(1)∵相邻的内角与外角是邻补角,∴相邻内角与外角的和180°,1800÷180=10,故答案为:十;(2)360°÷72°=5,故答案为:五;内角180°﹣72°=108°,故答案为:108.12.若n边形内角和为900°,则边数n=7.【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】由n边形的内角和为:180°(n﹣2),即可得方程180(n﹣2)=900,解此方程即可【解答】解:根据题意得:180(n﹣2)=900,解得:n=7.故答案为:7.13.一个正多边形的内角和为540°,则这个正多边形的每一个外角等于72°.【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】首先设此多边形为n边形,根据题意得:180(n﹣2)=540,即可求得n=5,再由多边形的外角和等于360°,即可求得答案.【解答】解:设此多边形为n边形,根据题意得:180(n﹣2)=540,解得:n=5,∴这个正多边形的每一个外角等于:=72°.故答案为:72°.14.若多边形的每一个内角均为135°,则这个多边形的边数为8.【考点】多边形内角与外角.【分析】先求出每一外角的度数是45°,然后用多边形的外角和为360°÷45°进行计算即可得解.【解答】解:∵所有内角都是135°,∴每一个外角的度数是180°﹣135°=45°,∵多边形的外角和为360°,∴360°÷45°=8,即这个多边形是八边形.故答案为:8.15.如图,是一个不规则的五角星,则∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=180°.(用度数表示)【考点】三角形内角和定理.【分析】根据三角形外角性质,可得∠1=∠C+∠2,∠2=∠A+∠D,那么有∠1=∠C+∠A+∠D,再根据三角形内角和定理有∠1+∠B+∠E=180°,从而易求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=180°.【解答】解:如右图所示,∵∠1=∠C+∠2,∠2=∠A+∠D,∴∠1=∠C+∠A+∠D,又∵∠1+∠B+∠E=180°,∴∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E=180°.故答案是:180°.16.如图,AD∥BC,BD平分∠ABC,∠A:∠ABC=2:1,则∠ADB=30度.【考点】平行线的性质;角平分线的定义.【分析】本题主要利用平行线的性质和角平分线的定义进行做题.【解答】解:∵AD∥BC,∴∠A+∠ABC=180°;∵∠A:∠ABC=2:1,∴∠ABC=60°;∵BD平分∠ABC,∴∠DBC=30°,∵AD∥BC,∴∠ADB=30°.17.在△ABC中,已知∠ABC=50°,∠ACB=60°,BE是AC上的高,CF是AB上的高,H是BE 和CF的交点,则∠BHC=110°.【考点】多边形内角与外角;三角形内角和定理.【分析】先利用三角形的内角和等于180°求出∠A的度数,再利用四边形的内角和等于360°求出∠EHF的度数,再根据对顶角相等求解即可.【解答】解:∵∠ABC=50°,∠ACB=60°,∴∠A=180°﹣∠ABC﹣∠ACB=180°﹣50°﹣60°=70°,∵BE是AC上的高,CF是AB上的高,∴∠EHF=360°﹣90°×2﹣70°=110°,∴∠BHC=∠EHF=110°.故答案为:110°.18.如图,AB∥CD∥EF,且CG∥AF,则图中与∠BAF互补的角共有5个.【考点】平行线的性质.【分析】根据平行线的性质及对顶角的定义进行解答即可.【解答】解:∵AB∥CD∥EF,∴∠BAF+∠AHD=180°,∠AHD=∠1,∴∠AHD、∠1与∠BAF互补;∵∠CHF=∠AHD,∴∠AHF与∠BAF互补;∵CG∥AF,∴∠MCG=∠CHF,∠1=∠2,∴∠2、∠MCG与∠BAF互补;∴图中与∠BAF互补的角共有5个.故答案为:5.19.如图,在△ABC中,∠A=60°,BD、CD分别平分∠ABC、∠ACB,M、N、Q分别在DB、DC、BC的延长线上,BE、CE分别平分∠MBC、∠BCN,BF、CF分别平分∠EBC、∠ECQ,则∠F=15°.【考点】三角形内角和定理;三角形的外角性质.【分析】先由BD、CD分别平分∠ABC、∠ACB得到∠DBC=∠ABC,∠DCB=∠ACB,在△ABC中根据三角形内角和定理得∠DBC+∠DCB=(∠ABC+∠ACB)==60°,则根据平角定理得到∠MBC+∠NCB=300°;再由BE、CE分别平分∠MBC、∠BCN得∠5+∠6=∠MBC,∠1=∠NCB,两式相加得到∠5+∠6+∠1=(∠NCB+∠NCB)=150°,在△BCE中,根据三角形内角和定理可计算出∠E=30°;再由BF、CF分别平分∠EBC、∠ECQ得到∠5=∠6,∠2=∠3+∠4,根据三角形外角性质得到∠3+∠4=∠5+∠F,∠2+∠3+∠4=∠5+∠6+∠E,利用等量代换得到∠2=∠5+∠F,2∠2=2∠5+∠E,再进行等量代换可得到∠F=∠E.【解答】解:∵BD、CD分别平分∠ABC、∠ACB,∠A=60°,∴∠DBC=∠ABC,∠DCB=∠ACB,∴∠DBC+∠DCB=(∠ABC+∠ACB)==×=60°,∴∠MBC+∠NCB=360°﹣60°=300°,∵BE、CE分别平分∠MBC、∠BCN,∴∠5+∠6=∠MBC,∠1=∠NCB,∴∠5+∠6+∠1=(∠NCB+∠NCB)=150°,∴∠E=180°﹣(∠5+∠6+∠1)=180°﹣150°=30°,∵BF、CF分别平分∠EBC、∠ECQ,∴∠5=∠6,∠2=∠3+∠4,∵∠3+∠4=∠5+∠F,∠2+∠3+∠4=∠5+∠6+∠E,即∠2=∠5+∠F,2∠2=2∠5+∠E,∴2∠F=∠E,∴∠F=∠E=×30°=15°.故答案为15°.三、解答题(本大题共六小题,共58分)20.如图,已知DF⊥AB于点F,且∠A=45°,∠D=30°,求∠ACB的度数.【考点】三角形内角和定理.【分析】由三角形的内角和定理,可得∠AEF=45°,再由对顶角相等得出∠CED=∠AEF=45°,由外角和定理即可求得∠ACB的度数.【解答】解:∵DF⊥AB于点F,∴∠EFA=90°,∵∠A=45°,∴∠AEF=45°,∴∠ACB=∠CED+∠D=45°+30°=75°.21.如图,在△ABC中,∠ABC=56°,∠ACB=44°,AD是BC边上的高,AE是△ABC的角平分线,你能求出∠DAE的度数吗?请试一试!【考点】解直角三角形.【分析】先求出∠BAC的度数,再求出∠BAD的度数和∠CAE的度数,再求出∠DAE的度数.【解答】解:∵∠BAC=180°﹣56°﹣44°=80°,又∵AE是△ABC的角平分线,∴∠CAE=40°,∵∠ABC=56°,AD是BC边上的高.∴∠BAD=90°﹣56°=34°,∴∠DAE=∠BAE﹣∠BAD=∠CAE﹣∠BAD=40°﹣34°=6°.22.如图,D是△ABC的BA边延长线上的一点,AE是∠DAC的平分线,∠B=∠C,试说明:AE∥BC.【考点】平行线的判定;三角形的外角性质.【分析】由AE是∠DAC的平分线,则可得∠DAE=∠CAE,由三角形外角性质,可得∠DAC=∠B+∠C,再根据∠B=∠C,得出∠DAE=∠B,据此可得AE∥BC.【解答】证明:∵AE是∠DAC的平分线,∴∠DAE=∠EAC,∵∠DAC是△ABC的外角,∴∠DAE=∠B,∴AE∥BC.23.如图,∠ABD和∠BDC的平分线交于点E,BE的延长线交CD于点F,且∠1+∠2=90°.求证:(1)AB∥CD;(2)猜想∠2 与∠3的关系并证明.【考点】平行线的判定;角平分线的定义;余角和补角.【分析】(1)已知BE、DE平分∠ABD、∠BDC,且∠1+∠2=90°,可得∠ABD+∠BDC=180°,根据同旁内角互补,可得两直线平行.(2)已知∠1+∠2=90°,即∠BED=90°,那么∠3+∠FDE=90°,将等角代换,即可得出∠3与∠2的数量关系.【解答】证明:(1)∵BE、DE平分∠ABD、∠BDC,∴∠1=∠ABD,∠2=∠BDC;∵∠1+∠2=90°,∴∠ABD+∠BDC=180°;∴AB∥CD;(同旁内角互补,两直线平行)(2)∠2+∠3=90°.理由:∵DE平分∠BDC,∴∠2=∠FDE;∵∠1+∠2=90°,∴∠BED=∠DEF=90°;∴∠3+∠FDE=90°;∴∠2+∠3=90°.24.完成下面推理过程:如图,已知∠1=∠2,∠B=∠C,可推得AB∥CD.理由如下:∵∠1=∠2(已知),且∠1=∠CGD(对顶角相等),∴∠2=∠CGD(等量代换).∴CE∥BF(同位角相等,两直线平行).∴∠BFD=∠C(两直线平行,同位角相等).又∵∠B=∠C(已知),∴∠BFD=∠B(等量代换).∴AB∥CD(内错角相等,两直线平行).【考点】平行线的判定与性质.【分析】先由对顶的定义得到∠1=∠CGD,则∠2=∠CGD,根据平行线的判定得到CE∥BF,则∠C=∠BFD,易得∠B=∠BFD,然后根据平行线的判定即可得到AB∥CD.【解答】解:答案为:对顶角相等;同位角相等,两直线平行;BFD两直线平行,同位角相等;BFD;内错角相等,两直线平行.25.如图①,△ABC的角平分线BD、CE相交于点P.(1)如果∠A=70°,求∠BPC的度数;(2)如图②,过P点作直线MN∥BC,分别交AB和AC于点M和N,试求∠MPB+∠NPC的度数(用含∠A的代数式表示);(3)在(2)的条件下,将直线MN绕点P旋转.(i)当直线MN与AB、AC的交点仍分别在线段AB和AC上时,如图③,试探索∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系,并说明你的理由;(ⅱ)当直线MN与AB的交点仍在线段AB上,而与AC的交点在AC的延长线上时,如图④,试问(i)中∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系是否仍然成立?若成立,请说明你的理由;若不成立,请给出∠MPB、∠NPC、∠A三者之间的数量关系,并说明你的理由.【考点】三角形内角和定理;平行线的性质;三角形的外角性质.【分析】(1)根据三角形内角和定理得到∠BPC=180°﹣∠PBC﹣∠PCB,再根据角平分线定义得到∠BPC=180°﹣(∠ABC+∠ACB),再利用三角形内角和定理得∠BPC=180°﹣=90°+∠A,然后把∠A的度数代入计算;(2)根据平角定义得∠MPB+∠NPC=180°﹣∠BPC,然后根据(1)的求解;(3)(i)∠与(2)的说理一样;(ⅱ)有结论∠MPB﹣∠NPC=90°﹣∠A.【解答】解:(1)∠BPC=180°﹣∠PBC﹣∠PCB=180°﹣(∠ABC+∠ACB)=180°﹣=90°+∠A=90°+×70°=125°;(2)∵∠BPC=90°+∠A,∴∠MPB+∠NPC=180°﹣∠BPC=180°﹣(90°+∠A)=90°﹣∠A;(3)(i)∠MPB+∠NPC=90°﹣∠A.理由如下:∵∠BPC=90°+∠A,∴∠MPB+∠NPC=180°﹣∠BPC=180°﹣(90°+∠A)=90°﹣∠A;(ⅱ)不成立,有∠MPB﹣∠NPC=90°﹣∠A.理由如下:由图可知∠MPB+∠BPC﹣∠NPC=180°,由(i)知:∠BPC=90°+∠A,∴∠MPB﹣∠NPC=180°﹣∠BPC=180°﹣(90°+∠A)=90°﹣∠A.2017年4月7日。



人教版七年级英语下册第一——第三单元测试题一..单选(25分每小题1分)()1、There _____some bread on the table.A. is B .are C. have D .has()2、--- ____ are you late? ----Because I get up late.. A Why B. Where C. What D How()3. He wants me_____him.A. helpB. helpsC. helpingD. to help()4 People like______animal because they are ______cute.A. kinds of, kind ofB. kind of, this kind of C、kind of kind of()5、 Mike ______at 7 every day, then he goes to school at 7:30.A get up B.gets up C.gets on D.get off()6. In the zoo, we can________many kinds of animals.A. lookB. look atC. watchD.see()7. We can see the sun in the day and the moon ________night.A. inB. duringC. atD. on()8, . Jim’s little sister is only eight_______.. A. months old B. month old C. year’s old D. year old()9---Which amimal is dangerous? ---_______.A. A giraffeB. A sheepC. A tigerD. A dolphin()10、Betty likes to _____her dog.A. play toB. play forC. play andD. play with()11、 Bill eats ______.A leaf B. leafs C. leaves D. leafes()12、. Where ____he ______from?A. is, comeB. does, comesC. does come()13、What ___do you want to do?A otherB else C. other thing D. else’s( )13.There _______some children in the park.A.is.B. hasC. areD. have( )14. Mary wants to_________300 yuan for this coat.A. spendB. payC. takeD. cost( )15. You should look left and right when you go ________the road.A. acrossB. throughC. overD. past( )16You’ll find the bridge ______the left.A. onB. inC. atD.from( )17. –Let’s ______a walk. –All right.A. takeB. goC. turnD. to take( )18. The old man enjoy _______to Beijing Opera.A. listenB. listeningC. to listeningD. listens( )19. Zhongshan Park is a good place to have _____ .A. a funB. fun C funs D. funning( )20. The train______Beijing at 8 o’clock.A.reaches B .arrives C.gets D.reaches in( )21. –I ______you feel better soon.A. hopeB. wishC. thinkD. should( )22. Do you know the______a supermarket?A. way ofB. road ofC. way toD. road to( )23. On weekends, the supermarkets are always_______.A.freeB. quietC. interesting D busy( )24. Next to the hotel is a small house_____interesting garden.A. with aB.with anC. to aD.to an( )25 ---____a pay phone on Center Street? ---Yes, there is.A. It isB. There isC. Is itD. Is there二.完形填空(10分)Li Lei gets an e-mail ____46_ Jackson Wilson. Jack is a student in Canada. He wants to _____47 Chinese.Dear friend,My name is Jack Wilson. I am from Toronto, _____48 . I am 13 years old. I’m a schoolboy. I know China is a great _____49 . I want to make friends(交朋友) _____ 50 China and I want to learn Chinese.There are nineteen students in _____ 51 class. My classmates are from six countries. They are learning English. My parents are from France. They _____ 52 French. I speak English and French. There are mThere are nineteen students in _____ 51 class. My classmates are from six countries. They are learning English. My parents are from France. They _____ 52 French. I speak English and French. There are m Toronto. I want to learn Chinese , _____ 54 I don’t have any Chinese textbooks. Could you _____ 55 me ?Please write back soon. Thank you.Jack Wilson( ) 26. A. for B. to C. from D. of( ) 27. A. teach B. learn C. speak D. know( )28. A. Canada B. Japan C. Australia D. France( ) 29. A. city B. country C. people D. school( ) 30. A.on B. at C. in D. to( )31. A. his B. your C. my D. their( ) 32. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk( )33. A. there B. here C. peoples D. students( )34. A. so B. and C. for D. but( ) 35. A. give B. help C. write D. leave三.阅读理解(2×15)(A)Mr. and Mrs. Smith come from London, England. They work in China now. They teach English in a middle school . They like their work very much. They have two children, Sam and Sue. They are both in Shangh Smith can’t speak Chinese, but his wife can speak it very well.Mr. Smith likes swimming and reading, and Mrs. Smith likes swimming and reading, too. They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in the evening. Sam and Sue like playing games with Chinese boys an Sam’s uncle works on a farm near London. He likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Shanghai, but he can’t speak Chinese. So he is still(仍然) there and goes to Chinese classes every day.( )36. Where are Sam and Sue from ?A. CanadaB. AmericaC. EnglandD. Australia( )37. What sport does Mrs. Smith like ?A. SwimmingB. RunningC. Playing basketballD. Walking( )38. What does Sam’s uncle do ?A. A teacherB. A workerC. A farmerD. An actor( )39. What does Sue like ?A. Swimming and readingB. Playing computer gamesC. Watching TVD. Playing games( )40. ________ are in different countries now.A. Mr. and Mrs. SmithB. Mrs. Smith and her childrenC. Mr. Smith and his brotherD. Mr. Smith and his children(B)A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but can not speak it very well.One day she goes to a shop.She wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supper.But she can not remember(记得“hen”.Just then the shop waiter asks her: “Can I help you?”“I want the egg’s mother ”the woman answered.The shop waiter does not understand(明白) her and says:“Sorry, we have not any bigger(较大的) eggs. remembers(记起) the word “cock(公鸡)”.She says:“I want the cock’s wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs(笑).( )41.The woman goes to London_______.A. to learn EnglishB.to have supperC.to see her son( )42.The woman________.A.only knows a little EnglishB.knows much EnglishC.doesn’t know English( )43.The shop waiter think the egg’s mother must be”_______”.A.bigger eggsB.the cock’s wifeC.hens( )44.The shop waiter laughs because he ________.A.understand the woman at lastB.think it is interesting(有趣的)C. does not understand the woman( )45. Is the woman clever(聪明的)?A. Yes, he isB. No, she isn’tC. Yes, she is(C)Dear Peter,I know that you are coming to Luzhou next week. Welcome to my home. Let me tell you the way to my house. You will live in Changjiang Hotel on Changjiang Street , won’t you ? OK ! Changjiang Street is a fa our city. You can start from your hotel and go straight along Tongcheng Street. You pass two small streets: Hongxing Street and Lujiang Street. When you see an overbridge (高架桥),please turn right and go along old street, but it’s clean. There’s a big park on the street. It’s beautiful and clean. When you get to Jinzhai Street, please turn left and go along it. You will pass Wuhu Street and Tunxi Street. Then you can see a K supermarket across from the KFC and my house is near the supermarket. There’s a pay phone in front of the KFC. You can call me there and I will go to meet you.I hope you will have a good trip.Yours,Li Li( )46. Where will Peter live in Hefei ?A. Li Li’s roomB. Changjiang HotelC. Anhui HotelD. His friend’s house( )47. How is Changjiang Street by Li Li’s words ?A. It’s beautiful .B. It’s famous.C. It’s old.D. It’s famous and busy.( )48. How many streets are mentioned (提及) in this letter ?A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 9( )49. How is the park ?A. It’s old but it’s clean.B. It’s on Tongcheng Street.C. It’s beautiful and clean.D. It’s quiet and dirty.( )50. Where’s the KFC ?A. It’s near Li Li’s home.B. It’s between the supermarket and the pay phone.C. It’s across from the supermarket.D. It’s across from the pay phone.四用所给词的适当形式填空(20分)1. This is a ________________(宁静的)street.2. They are tired. I think they need to _______________(放松) .3. What_______(语言) do you like best?4.Take a _____________ _____________(走过) the park,youcan see a bank5.I know the _____________to the _____________(旅馆).6_____________(熊猫) are _____________(有几分) shy7 This is the_____________(开始)of this class五.书面表达(15分)。

人教七年级下册英语units1-3 测试卷(含答案)

人教七年级下册英语units1-3 测试卷(含答案)

七年级下册英语Unit 1-3 单元测试卷听力部分(25分)I.听句子,选择相应的图片。


(5分( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C.( )5.A. B. C. II.听短对话,选择正确的答案。


(5分)( )6. What club does Bob want to join?A. The swimming club.B. The English club.C. The soccer club.( )7. When does Tony usually exercise?A. On weekends.B. On Monday.C.On Fridays. ( )8. Who gets up the earliest(最早)in Davids family?A. David’s father.B. David.C. David's mother. ( )9. Which bus does Alice usually take?A. The No. 101.B. The No 110.C. The No. 111. ( )10. How does the girls father go to work?A. By bus.B. On foot.C. By train.Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确的答案。



( )11. When does Jim usually get up?A. At five.B. At five thirty.C. At about seven. ( )12. What does Jim usually do in the morning?A. He takes a shower.B. He does his homework.C. He reads English.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。

2020-2021学年七年级下册Unit 1 ---3单元同步测试题含答案

2020-2021学年七年级下册Unit 1 ---3单元同步测试题含答案

Unit 1 单元同步测试题一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

( )16. —Bob, can you play ______ violin?—Yes, but I don’t have ______ violin.A. 不填; theB. the; theC. 不填; aD. the; a( )17. Please help me ______ my math. It’s di fficult.A. toB. forC. onD. with( )18. —Where do you want to go, Beijing ______ Shanghai? —Shanghai.A. andB. orC. soD. but( )19. My brother Peter is good at ______ model planes.A. makeB. makesC. to makeD. making( )20. Miss Li is from China, so she ______ Chinese well.A. saysB. speaksC. talksD. tells( )21. Cindy can’t ______ basketball, but she ______ vol leyball well.A. play; playsB. plays; playsC. plays; playD. play; play( )22. —Does Lily like to ______?—Yes. Here are some of her pictures.A. singB. danceC. drawD. swim( )23. —______ class are you in, Ann?—I’m in Class Two.A. WhereB. WhatC. WhenD. How( )24. —Are you free after school?—______. I have two tennis lessons.A. Yes, I amB. Yes, I doC. No, I’m notD. No, I don’t( )25. —______?—He can sing and dance.A. What can he doB. Does he like musicC. Can he come here this afternoonD. Where does he sing and dance二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案Do you love music? Yes? Some boys and girls in Jing’an Middle School love music, too. 26 also have dreams (梦想) of being musicians. But their dreams are difficult to achieve (实现), 27 they have no money (钱) to 28 a piano, a guitar or a violin.Do you want 29 them? If you do, come and 30 us. We’ll have a great sale at Students’ Home in our school. 31 watches, clothes, schoolbags and many other things will be 32 sale here. We’ll use the money to helpthe 33 in Jing’an Middle School. We 34 buy pianos, guitars or violins for them, or give the money to them, and they can have music 35 .Our sale is from next Monday to Wednesday. We welcome all of you.( )26. A. We B. They C. You D. I( )27. A. and B. or C. because D. so( )28. A. play B. find C. buy D. show( )29. A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help( )30. A. join B. teach C. thank D. see( )31. A. Relaxing B. Big C. Tidy D. Nice( )32. A. in B. at C. on D. with( )33. A. teachers B. students C. boys D. girls ( )34. A. do B. don’t C. can D. can’t( )35. A. stories B. libraries C. parties D. lessons 三. 情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的选项补全对话。



墨达哥州易旺市菲翔学校周周练一、填空题1、-232y x 的系数是_____,次数是_____.2、多项式-3x 2y 2+6xyz +3xy 2-7是_____次_____项式,其中最高次项为_____. 3、在代数式4,3x a ,y +2,-5m 中_____为单项式,_____为多项式.4、三个连续奇数,中间一个是n ,第一个是_____,第三个是_____,这三个数的和为_____.5、(-x 2)(-x )2·(-x )3=_____.()3=-(7×7×7)(m ·m ·m ) 6、()2=x 2-21x +_____.(-102)÷50÷(2×10)0-(0.5)-2=_____. 7、(a -b )2=(a +b )2+_____.化简:4(a +b )+2(a +b )-5(a +b )=_____.8、假设.x +y =-3,那么32-2x -2y =_____..假设3x =12,3y =4,那么27x -y =_____. 9、[4(x +y )2-x -y ]÷(x +y )=_____.(9n )2=38,那么n =_____.10、(x +2)(3x -a )的一次项系数为-5,那么a =_____.11、()÷(-6a n +2b n )=4an -2b n -1-2b n -2.×10-4=_____. 13、计算:[(-2)2+(-2)6]×2-2=_____.[-a 2(b 4)3]2=_____. 二、选择题14、以下计算错误的选项是()x 2·5x 2=20x 4y 3·3y 4=15y 12 C.(ab 2)3=a 3b 6 D.(-2a 2)2=4a 4 15、假设a +b =-1,那么a 2+b 2+2ab 的值是()A.1B.-1C.3D.-3 16、假设a 2b y 与34a x b 的和仍是单项式,那么正确的选项是() A.x =2,y =0B.x =-2,y =0C.x =-2,y =1D.x =2,y =1 17、假设一个多项式的次数是6,那么这个多项式的任何一项的次数都()6 C.不大于6 D.不小于618、以下选项正确的选项是()ab -(-2ab )=7ab B.-x -x =0C.x -(m +n -x )=-m -na 2-21a +41是由a 2,21a ,41三项组成的 19、以下计算正确的选项是()A.(-1)0=-1B.(-1)-1=1C.2a -3=321a D.(-a 3)÷(-a )7=41a 20、(5×3-30÷2)0=() A.0 B.1 C.无意义 D.1521、以下多项式属于完全平方式的是()A.x 2-2x +4B.x 2+x +41C.x 2-xy +y 2 x 2-4x -122、长方形一边长为2a +b ,另一边比它大a -b ,那么长方形周长为()A.10a +2bB.5a +bC.7a +bD.10a -b23、以下计算正确的选项是()A.10a 10÷5a 5=2a 2B.x2n +3÷x n -2=x n +1 C.(a -b )2÷(b -a )=a -b D.-5a 4b 3c ÷10a 3b 3=-21ac三、解答题24、3b -2a 2-(-4a +a 2+3b )+a 225、(a +b -c )(a -b -c ) 26、(2x +y -z )227、(x -3y )(x +3y )-(x -3y )228、101×9929、1122-113×11130、99231、21x -2(x -31y 2)+(-23x +31y 2),其中x =-1,y =21. 32、A =-4a 3-3+2a 2+5a ,B =3a 3-a -a 2,求:A -2B .33、x +y =7,xy =2,求①2x 2+2y 2的值;②(x -y )2的值. 34、一个正方形的边长增加3 cm ,它的面积就增加39 cm 2,求这个正方形的边长. 35、.如图一块直径为a +b 的圆形钢板,从中挖去直径分别为a 与b 的两个圆,求剩下的钢板的面积.36、观察下面的几个算式,你发现了什么规律?①16×14=224=1×(1+1)×100+6×4②23×27=621=2×(2+1)×100+3×7③32×38=1216=3×(3+1)×100+2×8……(1)按照上面的规律,仿照上面的书写格式,迅速写出81×89的结果.(2)用公式(x+a)(x+b)=x2+(a+b)x+ab证明上面所发现的规律.(提示:可设这两个两位数分别是(10n+a)、(10n+b),其中a+b=10) (3)简单表达以上所发现的规律.。

Unit1--Unit3综合检测题 人教版英语七年级下册

Unit1--Unit3综合检测题 人教版英语七年级下册

人教版英语七年级下册Unit1--Unit3综合检测题Ⅰ、单项选择(20分)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

1.— Does your cousin usually go to work by car?— No. He always goes to work on bus.A. \; aB. a; \C. a; aD. the; a2.Can you help me _______ my English?A.withB.ofC.learningD.about3. There are sixty in an hour.A. hoursB. days C .minutes D. seconds4.Tom wants _______ the swimming club.A.to joinB.joinsC.joiningD.join5. --do you go to work?---By bus.A. WhatB. HowC. How longD. How far6.—Can you paint or sing?—_______.A.Yes, I canB.No, I can’tC.I can singD.I like singing7.—Can your sister sing?—_________.A.Yes, he canB.Yes, he doesC.No, she doesn’tD.Yes, she canlie wants to be a(n) in the future. She loves colors.A. engineerB. artistC. nurseD. waiter9.Bob’s home is about ten kilometers school.A. farB. toC. fromD. in10.He is a boy.A. five year oldB. five years oldC. five-year-oldD. five–years-old11.She________ Chinese and she can________ a little English.A.speaks;speaksB.speak;speakC.speaks;speakD.speak;speaks12.–Have a good day at school.---.A. That’s OKB. Thank youC. No, thanksD. Yes, good13.—Tom likes soccer.What club can he join?—He can join the ______ club.A.sportB.musicC.sportsD.swimming14.Now the phone is so helpful in our life. It a mini computer.A. likesB. is likeC. is likingD. like15.— I want to be a volunteer in the coming YOG (青年奥运会).—cool! That will help you make more friends.A. ListensB. LooksC. SoundsD. Hears16.I think there is with the watch. It tells the right time.A. wrong somethingB. something wrongC. nothing wrongD. wrong anything17. --does it take you to go to the school by bike?--About 15 minutes.A. HowB. How farC. How longD. How many18.Miss Read likes children very much.She can be good _______ children.A.withB.forC.inD.at19.It’s difficult English well.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learns20.Tom sits Mary and Jim.A. amongB. betweenC. onD. nextⅠ、完形填空,先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。



新目标7年下册Units 1-3 练习题1.2. My father ______ t o work every day..E. lesson is a _____ t ime for us students. We can run andshout on the playground.4. Many of _____ come to our village to sing for us everyyear.5. After _____ , we are a little tired.6. He tells me _____ t he subway to go to the park.7. We brush our _____ every morning.8. I like singing, but Linda is good at ____ .II.根据句意及所给提示,补全单词或用单词、固定短语、固定搭配的正确形式填空。

1. It ' s _____ (重要的)not to be late for school.2. —What j ____ does your sister do—She is a teacher.3. My grandma usually telling us ____ (故事)to us.4. —When can she _______ (和... 谈话)you, Jim—This afternoon.5. They have _____ (横过,越过)a big river every day.6. We l ___ home at six and go to school every morning.7. Miss Li ______ (教我们)English.8. Jim has lunch at home. He _________ (飞快地跑)to school after lunch.山.从方框里选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。



一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. √-1B. √4C. πD. 2/32. 下列各式中,分式是()A. 2x + 3B. 5/xC. x² - 4D. 3√x3. 已知a > 0,且a² = 4,则a的值为()A. -2B. 2C. ±2D. 无解4. 在直角坐标系中,点P(2,-3)关于x轴的对称点是()A.(2,3)B.(-2,-3)C.(-2,3)D.(2,-3)5. 下列各式中,能表示直角三角形斜边长的式子是()A. a² + b² = c²B. a² - b² = c²C. a² + c² = b²D. a² - c² = b²6. 已知一元一次方程2x - 5 = 3x + 1,则x的值为()A. -6B. -4C. 4D. 67. 下列各数中,是偶数的是()A. 1/2B. √4C. -3D. 0.58. 已知一元二次方程x² - 5x + 6 = 0,则x的值为()A. 2,3B. 3,2C. -2,-3D. -3,29. 下列各式中,是绝对值表达式的是()A. |x - 1|B. x² - 1C. √xD. 2/x10. 已知a,b,c是三角形的三边,且a + b = c,则该三角形是()A. 直角三角形B. 等腰三角形C. 等边三角形D. 无法确定二、填空题(每题3分,共30分)11. 3的平方根是______,-5的立方根是______。

12. 若a² = 9,则a的值为______。

13. 已知点A(-2,3),点B(4,-1),则线段AB的中点坐标是______。

14. 若a² + b² = 25,且a > 0,b < 0,则a的值为______。




(每空1分,总共20分)1.Who can _________Japanese in your class?A.tell 2. say C.speak D.talk2.Can you play _______guitar , Tom ?A. aB. anC. /D. the3.My brother wants _______the cless club.A.joinB. to joinC.joinsD. join to4. —Can Mr.Zhang play the piano ?---- _________.A.Yes , he doesB. Yes , he can’tC. No, he can’tD. No , he doesn’t4.Can you show your watch _________me , please ?A.InB. atC. toD. on5.Practice more , ________you’ll learn Engl ish better.A.orB. soC.andD.but6.Chen Lin is from Beijing and Wang Han is _______from Beijing.A. tooB. toC. reallyD. also7. The old women is good ________her sons and daughters.A. atB. withC. fromD. of8. The boy is very lazy. He is often late _______school in the morning.A. inB. ofC. forD. with9.We go to work _______Monday to Friday.A. withB. outC. ofD.from10.---_________do you take a shower , Tony ?----At 8:30 in the evening.A.What timeB. How manyC. How longD. How much11.---Do you often go to the gym ?---No ,_______. I don’t like sports at all.A.AlwaysB. neverC. oftenually12.Look at the clock. It’s six fifteen . ________A, fifteen to six B. fifteen past six C. a quarter to six D.a quarter past five13._________is the zoo from here ?A. How longB.How manyC. How farD. How much14. ---Have you heard of TFBOYS ?---Certainly. About ________teenagers love them very much in our school.A.hundredsB. two hundreds ofC. two hundredsD. two hundred15.My mother often goes to the market _________.A. by her bikeB. by bikeC.by a bikeD.takes a bike16.---________will the 6th Chinese Film Festival in France last ?---From May 24th to July 19th .A. How oftenB. How soonC.How longD.How many17. She is a _______girl.A.seven-years-oldB.seven year-oldC.seven years-oldD.seven-year-old18.It is not very easy _________English well.A. to studyB. studyingC. studyD. for studying19.---How far is your home from school?---About _________walk.A.five minute’sB. five minutes’C. five minutes20.He eats a ________breakfast and runs out of the house ________.A. quick ; quickB.quickly ; quickC. quick ; quicklyD. quickly ; quickly二.完形填空(10分)Mr.Smith is may Englishi teacher. He _______(21)from Singapore.Mr.Smith is a 35 years old. He can ________(22)English and Chinese.He is good with us,so we all like ________(23).He is tells us Singapore is a beautiful________(24).There is a zoo named Night Safari in the country. It’s very ________(25).Mr.Smith often goes to the zoo to see the animals with his children on weekends.Mr.Smith lives at 87King street. In the morning, Mr.Smith goes to work_______(26)his children go to school. Mr.Smith always takes them to school every day .Mrs.Smith stays at home every day . She does the housework. She always eats her lunch at home. __________(27)the afternoon, She usually visits her friends. They often drink tea together. In the evening , Mr.Smith and his children come home from _________(28).At night, the children always do ________(29)homework. Then they go to bed. Mr.Smith usually __________(30)his bewspaper. But sometimes he and his wife watch television.21. A. come B. is C.are D.be22. A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk23. A. he B. his C. him D. himself24. A. country B. countries C. beach D. sea25. A. interest B. interested C. interests D. interesting26. A. but B. and C. or D. so27. A. From B. On C. At D. In28. A. school B. home C. park D. zoo29. A. his B. her C. their D. theirs30. A. looks B. watches C. sees D. reads三.阅读理解(每空2分,共20分)(1)Peter is a good student. On weekdays , he gets up at six in the morning. And then he has breakfast at home. After that he reads English from 6:30 to 7:00. He goes to school at seven . He has four classes in the morning. He has lunch at school , but on Sundays , he has lunch at home with his family. He has three classes in the afternoon . He leaves school at about 5:00.He often has dinner at home. In the evening, he usually does his homework . Sometimes he watches TV. Sometimes he does some reading .And sometimes he plays computer games. He reads some sto rybooks at ten o’clock every day before he goes to bed.He is a good student and his parents like him very much.31.When does Peter get up weekdays ? ________A. At five forty.B. At sixC. At six thirtyD. At seven32. What does he do from 6:30 to 7:00 ? _________A. He has breakfast.B. He goes to schoolC. He reads English.D. He gets up.33.He has lunch _________on Sundays.A. at homeB. at schoolC. is a shopD. with his friends34. At ten o’clock in the evening , he _________.A. plays computer games with friendsB. watches TV with parentsC. does some readingD. goes to school35. We can know he doesn’t _______in the evening.A. play computer gamesB. watch TVC. do some readingD. wash clothes(2)People go to work in different ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near the workplace. Some people go to work by bike because they live far from the workplace , or they like riding bikes ..They think it’s good for their health. Tod ay more people have private(私人的)cars ,so they can go to work by car. In the south of China , some people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses. Will people go to work by plane ? I think so , if necessary(有必要的).根据短文判断正(T)误(F)36.All people like to go to work by bike. ( )37.Riding bikes is good for our health. ( )38.Today more people drive to work. ( )39.In the north of China , some people go to work by boat. ( )40.The writer thinks some people will go to work by plane if necessary. ( )四.词汇部分。

英语七年级下册-Unit 1-Unit 3检测试卷及答案

英语七年级下册-Unit 1-Unit 3检测试卷及答案

英 语 七年级下册
Unit 1-Unit 3 检测卷
( B )1.A.on ( A )2.A.There are ( B )3.A.first ( A )4.A.spend ( C )5.A.finished
B.in B.There is B.second B.is spending B.are finishing
英 语 七年级下册
Unit 1-Unit 3 检测卷
( D )23.Where does Alice have her breakfast?
A.At home.
B.At school.
C.In the car.
D.On the school bus.
( C )24.It takes Mike about his home.
begin 1 September after a long summer holiday. 2 two terms in a school year.The first one is from September to January and the 3 is from February to June.Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old.They usually 4 twelve years in primary school(小学)and middle school.
Millie:I usually ride my bike to school.It takes me about twenty minutes.Sometimes,my father drives me to school in his car. Sarah:My sister Mona and I like running to school.Running is good for ually we leave home at half past seven a.m.Then we get to school at seven fifty.



七年级下册数学第一单元测试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的整数和小数的混合运算结果?A. 3 × 0.5 + 0.2 = 1.7B. 4.5 + 2.6 ÷ 0.2 = 17C. 2 × (3 + 4.5) = 13D. 5.6 ÷ 1.1 × 2 = 102. 计算边长为5cm的正方形的面积,结果是多少平方厘米?A. 25B. 50C. 100D. 1253. 一个长方形的长是12cm,宽是8cm,那么它的周长是多少厘米?A. 40B. 48C. 56D. 644. 一个三角形的底边长为10cm,高为6cm,那么它的面积是多少平方厘米?A. 30B. 40C. 60D. 805. 一个圆的半径是7cm,求这个圆的周长(使用π≈3.14)。

A. 14.28cmB. 21.98cmC. 28.54cmD. 43.96cm6. 一个班级有40名学生,其中女生占60%,那么男生有多少人?A. 16B. 24C. 26D. 347. 一个数的三倍加上5等于17,这个数是多少?A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 58. 下列哪个分数是最简分数?A. 四分之六B. 三分之九C. 二分之一D. 五分之十9. 一个分数的分子是10,分母是它的三倍,这个分数化简后是什么?A. 五分之三B. 三分之五C. 一分之二D. 二分之五10. 一个比例的两个外项分别是8和12,两个内项分别是2和多少?A. 3B. 4C. 6D. 9二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 一个长方形的长是15cm,宽是9cm,它的面积是________平方厘米。

12. 一个圆的直径是10cm,那么它的半径是________cm。

13. 一个班级有45名学生,女生占总数的40%,那么男生有________名。

14. 一个数除以4的结果是2.5,这个数是________。

15. 一个三角形的底边长为8cm,高为5cm,它的面积是________平方厘米。



飞翔英语七年级下册答案广州版1、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect2、I _______ seeing you soon. [单选题] *A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look forward to(正确答案)3、July hardly joins in any class activities,_____? [单选题] *A. does she(正确答案)B. doesn't sheC. didn't sheD. is she4、My home is about _______ away from the school. [单选题] *A. three hundred metreB. three hundreds metresC. three hundred metres(正确答案)D. three hundreds metre5、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t6、I’ve _______ a job interview today. [单选题] *A. haveB. had(正确答案)C. hasD. have gone to7、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go8、Something must be wrong with the girl’s _______. She can’t hear clearly. [单选题] *A. ears(正确答案)B. noseC. armsD. eyes9、_____ whether robots will one day have vision as good as human vision. [单选题] *A. What is not yet knownB. It is not yet known(正确答案)C. As is not yet knownD. This is not yet known10、93.Welcome ________ our school! [单选题] *A.to(正确答案)B.inC.atD./11、Will you please say it again? I _______ you. [单选题] *A. didn’t hear(正确答案)B. don’t heardC. didn’t heardD. don’t hear12、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need13、How many subjects are you _______ this year? [单选题] *A. takesB. takeC. taking(正确答案)D. took14、Amy and her best friend often ______ books together.()[单选题] *A. read(正确答案)B. readsC. is readingD. to read15、28.The question is very difficult. ______ can answer it. [单选题] * A.EveryoneB.No one(正确答案)C.SomeoneD.Anyone16、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where17、My brother often does ______ homework first after school.()[单选题] *A. heB. his(正确答案)C. sheD. her18、Guilin is _______ its beautiful scenery. [单选题] *A. famous for(正确答案)B. interested inC. fond ofD. careful with19、Julia’s on holiday in Shanghai _______. [单选题] *A. in a momentB. after a momentC. at the moment(正确答案)D. at any moment20、The boy lost his()and fell down on the ground when he was running after his brother. [单选题] *A. balance(正确答案)B. chanceC. placeD. memory21、—______ you speak French?—Yes, I can.()[单选题] *A. NeedB. Can(正确答案)C. MightD. Must22、Be careful with the knife. You may hurt _______. [单选题] *A. himselfB. ourselvesC. myselfD. yourself(正确答案)23、( ) _____ New York _____ London have traffic problems. [单选题] *A. All…andB. Neither….norC. Both…and(正确答案)D. Either…or24、18.Monica wants to be a _______. She is good at sports and she loves teaching others. [单选题] *A.coach(正确答案)B.secretaryC.architectD.waiter25、Its’time to go to bed. _______ your computer, please. [单选题] *A. Turn onB. Turn inC. Turn off(正确答案)D. Turn down26、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] * A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why27、( )He gave us____ on how to keep fit. [单选题] *A. some advicesB. some advice(正确答案)C. an adviceD. a advice28、27.Will it ______ warm in the room? [单选题] *A.areB.be(正确答案)C.isD.going to be29、He went to America last Friday. Alice came to the airport to _______ him _______. [单选题] *A. take; offB. see; off(正确答案)C. send; upD. put; away30、Leave your key with a neighbor ___ you lock yourself out one day [单选题] *A. ever sinceB. even ifC. soon afterD. in case(正确答案)。



七年级下册英语飞翔答案1、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)2、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took3、Jane and Tom _______ my friends. [单选题] *A. amB. isC. are(正确答案)D. was4、John suggest _____ anything about it until they found out more facts. [单选题] *A not to sayB. not sayC to say notD not saying(正确答案)5、They were both born _______ March, 1 [单选题] *A. in(正确答案)B. atC. onD. since6、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything7、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *A. 礼物B. 观点C. 邀请(正确答案)D. 好意8、13.—Will you come to my party?—I am not ________ . [单选题] * A.mindB.sure(正确答案)C.happyD.Sorry9、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and10、The blue shirt looks _______ better on you than the red one. [单选题] *A. quiteB. moreC. much(正确答案)D. most11、They returned successfully from ______ moon to _____ earth. [单选题] *A. /; /B. /; theC. the; the(正确答案)D. the; /12、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so13、2.The villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream ________? [单选题] * A.come outB.get awayC.come true(正确答案)D.get out14、I will _______ at the school gate. [单选题] *A. pick you up(正确答案)B. pick up youC. pick you outD. pick out you15、29.There is a book in your left hand. What’s in your ___________ hand? [单选题] * A.the othersB.other (正确答案)C.anotherD.others16、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect17、Both Mary and Linda don't care for fish. [单选题] *A. 喜欢(正确答案)B. 关心C. 照料D. 在乎18、A survey of the opinions of students()that they admit several hours of sitting in front of the computer harmful to health. [单选题] *A. show;areB. shows ;is(正确答案)C.show;isD.shows ;are19、Finally,I have _____ interesting to share with you,and I am sure you will be interested in it. [单选题] *A. everythingB. something(正确答案)C. nothingD. anything20、I will _______ from Hunan University next year. [单选题] *A. learnB. studyC. graduate(正确答案)D. come21、Sitting at the back of the room()a very shy girl with two bright eyes. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. hasD. there was22、Have you kept in()with any of your friends from college? [单选题] *A. contractB. contact(正确答案)C. continentD. touching23、35.___________ good music the teacher is playing! [单选题] *A.What(正确答案)B.HowC.What aD.What the24、His sister ______ the chess club.()[单选题] *A. want to joinB. want joiningC. wants to join(正确答案)D. wants joining25、____ is standing at the corner of the street. [单选题] *A. A policeB. The policeC. PoliceD. A policeman(正确答案)26、Could you please ______ why you can’t come to attend the meeting? [单选题] *A. explain(正确答案)B. understandC. giveD. reach27、Every year Carl _______ most of his time swimming, camping and traveling with his parents. [单选题] *A. is spendingB. spentC. will spendD. spends(正确答案)28、You must pay more attention to your pronunciation. [单选题] *A. 词汇B. 拼写C. 发音(正确答案)D. 语法29、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)30、Comparatively speaking, of the three civil servants, the girl with long hair is _____. [单选题] *A. more helpfulB. extremely helpfulC. very helpfulD. the most helpful(正确答案)。

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1,下列多项式的乘法,可以利用平方差公式计算的是( )
A 、(a-nb )(nb-a )
B 、(-1-a )(a+1)
C 、(-m+n )(-m-n )
D 、(ax+b )(a-bx )
2,(m 2-n 2)-(m-n)(m+n)等于 ( )
A 、-2n 2
B 、0
C 、2m 2
D 、2m 2-2n 2
3,代数式2xy-x 2-y 2=( )
A 、(x-y )2
B 、(-x-y )2
C 、(y-x )2
D 、-(x-y )2
4,(2y x +)2
x -)2等于 ( )
A 、xy
B 、2xy
C 、2xy
D 、0
5,下列计算正确的是 ( )
A 、(a 3)2÷a 5=a 10
B 、(a 4)2÷a 4=a 2
C 、(-5a 2b 3)(-2a)=10a 3b 3
D 、(-a 3b )3÷21
a 2
b 2=-2a 4b
6,-a 6÷(-a)2的值是 ( )
A 、-a 4
B 、a 4
C 、-a 3
D 、a 3
7.如果(3x 2y-2xy 2)÷m=-3x+2y ,则单项式m 为(
A .xy
B .-xy
C .x
D .-y
8.计算:[2(3x 2)2-48x 3+6x]÷(-6x )等于( )
A .3x 3-8x 2
B .-3x 3+8x 2
C .-3x 3+8x 2-1
D .-3x 3-8x 2-1
9.下列计算正确的是( )
A .6a 2b 3÷(3a 2b-2ab 2)=2b 2-3ab
B .[12a 3·(-6a 2)÷(-3a )=-4a 2+2a
C .(-xy 2-3x )÷(-2x )=12y 2+3
2 D .[(-4x 2y )÷2xy 2]÷2xy=-2x+y
10. 下列算式中,正确的是( )
A .(a 2b 3)5÷(ab 2)10=ab 5
B .(31)-2=231=91
C .(0.00001)0=(9999)0
D .3.24×10-4=0.0000324
11. 下列计算正确的是( )
A .x 2(m +1)÷x m +1=x 2
B .(xy )8÷(xy )4=(xy )2
C .x 10÷(x 7÷x 2)=x 5
D .x 4n ÷x 2n ·x 2n =1
12. 一个多项式除以2x 2y ,其商为(4x 3y 2-6x 3y +2x 4y 2),则次多项式为( )
A.2xy -3x +x 2y B.8x 6y 2-12x 6y +4x 8y 2
C.2x -3xy +x 2y D.8x 5y 3-12x 5y 2+4x 6y 3

1,若10m n +=,24mn =,则22m n += 。


(1)22+32 2×2×3 (2)(-1)2+(
41)2 2×(-1)×4
1 (3)(0.2)2+5
2 2×0.2×5 (4)72+72 2×7×7
3.(1)a 2bx 3÷a 2x=_________; (2)3a 2b 2c÷(-34
a 2
b 2)=________; (3)(a 5b 6-a 3b 2)÷ab=________; (4)(8x 2y-12x 4y 2)÷(-4xy )=________.
4.(1)(6×1010)÷( )=-2×105; (2)( )·(-25
a 2x 2)=-5a ; (3)( )÷n=a-b+2c ; (4)(3x 3y 2+x 4y 2-______)÷12
xy=_____+_____-1. 5. 若3x =a ,3y =b ,则3x -y =_________.
6.(32a 2b )3÷(31ab 2)2×43a 3b 2=_________
7.将23333)()3(----mn n m 的结果化成只含有正整指数幂的形式

(1)701×699 (2)99×101 (3)121×119 (4)1007×993
2,(1)(-2t-1)2 (2)(51x+101y)2 (3)(-cd+2
(4)(x+2y )(x-2y )+(x+1)(x-1) (5)x (x-1)-(x-31)(x+3
(6)18a 8b 8÷(-6a 6b 5)·(-13ab )2. (7)(34x 6y 2+65
x 3y 5-0.9x 2y 3)÷(-0.6xy ).
(8)(3a n+2+6a n+1-9a n )÷3a n-1.
3.化简:[(3x+2y )(3x-2y )-(x+2y )(5x-2y )]÷4x .。
