Aptitude test



IPAT 的全称是 IBM Personal Aptitude Test,即 IBM 个
人能力测试。 这是 IBM 招募新员工的笔试,考查英文阅读速度和基本运算反应能力。 我前些天申请了 IBM 公司的工作,ChinaHR 初选后
通知我去参加笔试。 以下内容纯属个人感想,不涉及题目内容、对 IBM 的评价,仅供参考。

第二部分:英文字母排序 时间25
题信大至是:aabbcc 选下一个为d。当然有的不这么简单,有时跳了好多个,也有向前

4 c e d b a
5 e d a c b


A) 题目分布: PartⅠ 25 min 30 Ques
PartⅡ 10 min 40 Ques
PartⅢ 30 min 25 Ques
①a ②b ③c ④d ⑤e

①a ②b ③c ④d ⑤e



以章节为顺序一、人力资源管理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)人力资源经理:( human resource manager)高级管理人员:(executive) / i`gzekjutiv职业:(profession)道德标准:(ethics)操作工:(operative employees)专家:(specialist)人力资源认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI)二、外部环境:(external environment)内部环境:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)管理多样性:(managing diversity)三、工作:(job)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析计划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷调查法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区服务经理助理:(assistant district service manager)四、人力资源计划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)战略规划:(strategic planning)长期趋势:(long term trend)要求预测:(requirement forecast)供给预测:(availability forecast)管理人力储备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资源信息系统:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)五、招聘:(recruitment)员工申请表:(employee requisition)招聘方法:(recruitment methods)内部提升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作公告:(job posting)广告:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)特殊事件:(special events)实习:(internship)六、选择:(selection)选择率:(selection rate)简历:(resume)标准化:(standardization)有效性:(validity)客观性:(objectivity)规范:(norm)录用分数线:(cutoff score)准确度:(aiming)业务知识测试:(job knowledge tests)求职面试:(employment interview)非结构化面试:(unstructured interview)结构化面试:(structured interview)小组面试:(group interview)职业兴趣测试:(vocational interest tests)会议型面试:(board interview)七、组织变化与人力资源开发人力资源开发:(Human Resource Development,HRD) 培训:(training)开发:(development)定位:(orientation)训练:(coaching)辅导:(mentoring)经营管理策略:(business games)案例研究:(case study)会议方法:(conference method)角色扮演:(role playing)工作轮换:(job rotating)在职培训:(on-the-job training ,OJT)媒介:(media)八、企业文化与组织发展企业文化:(corporate culture)组织发展:(organization development,OD)调查反馈:(survey feedback)质量圈:(quality circles)目标管理:(management by objective,MBO)全面质量管理:(Total Quality Management,TQM)团队建设:(team building)九、职业计划与发展职业:(career)职业计划:(career planning)职业道路:(career path)职业发展:(career development)自我评价:(self-assessment)职业动机:(career anchors)十、绩效评价绩效评价:(Performance Appraisal,PA)小组评价:(group appraisal)业绩评定表:(rating scales method)关键事件法:(critical incident method)排列法:(ranking method)平行比较法:(paired comparison)硬性分布法:(forced distribution method)晕圈错误:(halo error)宽松:(leniency)严格:(strictness)3600反馈:(360-degree feedback)叙述法:(essay method)集中趋势:(central tendency)十一、报酬与福利报酬:(compensation)直接经济报酬:(direct financial compensation)间接经济报酬:(indirect financial compensation)非经济报酬:(no financial compensation)公平:(equity)外部公平:(external equity)内部公平:(internal equity)员工公平:(employee equity)小组公平:(team equity)工资水平领先者:(pay leaders)现行工资率:(going rate)工资水平居后者:(pay followers)劳动力市场:(labor market)工作评价:(job evaluation)排列法:(ranking method)分类法:(classification method)因素比较法:(factor comparison method)评分法:(point method)海氏指示图表个人能力分析法:(Hay Guide Chart-profile Method) 工作定价:(job pricing)工资等级:(pay grade)工资曲线:(wage curve)工资幅度:(pay range)十二、福利和其它报酬问题福利(间接经济补偿)员工股权计划:(employee stock ownership plan,ESOP)值班津贴:(shift differential)奖金:(incentive compensation)分红制:(profit sharing)十三、安全与健康的工作环境安全:(safety)健康:(health)频率:(frequency rate)紧张:(stress)角色冲突:(role conflict)催眠法:(hypnosis)酗酒:(alcoholism)十四、员工和劳动关系工会:(union)地方工会:(local union)行业工会:(craft union)产业工会:(industrial union)全国工会:(national union)谈判组:(bargaining union)劳资谈判:(collective bargaining)仲裁:(arbitration)罢工:(strike)内部员工关系:(internal employee relations)纪律:(discipline)纪律处分:(disciplinary action)申诉:(grievance)降职:(demotion)调动:(transfer)晋升:(promotion)以开头字母为顺序16PF 卡特尔16 种人格因素测试360-degree appraisal 360 度评估360-degree feedback 360 度反馈7S 7S 原则/模型New 7S 新7S 原则/模型80/20 principle 80/20 法则AAR-After Action Review 行动后学习机制Ability Test 能力测试Ability of Manager 管理者的能力Absence Management 缺勤管理Absence rate 缺勤率Absent with leave 因故缺勤(被)许可缺勤Absent without Leave 无故缺勤擅离职守Absenteeism 缺勤Accelerating Premium 累进奖金制Accident Frequency 事故频率Accident Insurance 意外伤害保险Accident Investigation 事故调查Accident Loss 事故损失Accident Prevention 事故预防Accident Proneness 事故(频发)倾向Accident Severity 事故严重程度Accident Severity Rate 事故严重率Accident Work Injury 工伤事故Achievement Need 成就需求Achievement Test 成就测试Action Learning 行动(为)学习法Action Research 行动研究Active Practice 自动实习Adjourning 解散期解散阶段Administer 管理者Administrative Level 管理层次Administrative Line 直线式管理ADR-Alternative Dispute Resolution 建设性争议解决方法Adventure learning 探险学习法Adverse Impact 负面影响Advertisement Recruiting 广告招聘Affective Commitment 情感认同Affiliation Need 归属需求Affirmative Action 反优先雇佣行动Age Composition 年龄结构Age Discrimination 年龄歧视Age Retirement 因龄退休Agreement Content 协议内容ALIEDIM 费茨帕特里克出勤管理模型Allowance 津贴Alternative Ranking Method 交替排序法Amoeba Management 变形虫式管理Analytic Approach 分析法Annual Bonus 年终分红Annual Leave 年假Annuity/Pension 退休金Applicant-Initiated Recruitment 自荐式招聘Application Blank 申请表Appraisal Feedback 考评反馈Appraisal Interview 考评面谈Appraisal Standardization 考评标准化Appraiser Training 考评者培训Apprenticeship Training 学徒式培训Arbitration/Mediation 仲裁Assessment Center 评价中心ATS-Applicant Tracking System 求职跟踪系统Attendance 考勤Attendance Incentive Plan 参与式激励计划Attendance Rate 出勤率Attitude Survey 态度调查Attribution Theory 归因理论Audiovisual Instruction 视听教学Authority 职权Availability Analysis 可获性分析Availability Forecast 供给预测Background Investigation 背景调查Balance-Sheet Approach 决算表平衡法Bargaining Issue 谈判问题BARS-Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Method 行为锚定等级法Basic Skill 基础技能Behavior Modeling 行为模拟Behavior Modification 行为矫正疗法Behavioral Description Interview 工作方式介绍面试Behavioral Rating 工作方式考核法BEI-behavior event interview 行为事件访谈法Benchmark Job 基准职位Benchmarking Management 标杆管理Benefit Plan 福利计划Benefit/Welfare 福利BFOQ-Bona Fide Occupational Qualification 实际职业资格Biological Approach 生物型工作设计法Board Interview 会议型面试BOS-Behavior Observation Scale 行为观察量表Borter-Lawler's theory of Expectency 波特—劳勒期望激励理论Bottom-Line Concept 底线概念Boundaryless Organizational Structure 无疆界组织结构Bounded Rationality 有限理性Brainstorm Ideas 头脑风暴法Broadbanding Pay Structure 扁平薪资结构BSC-balanced scorecard 平衡计分卡Burnout 精力耗尽Business Necessity 经营上的必要性Cafeteria-Style Benefit 自助式福利CAI-Computer-assisted Instruction 电脑辅助指导Campus Recruiting 校园招聘Candidate-Order Error 侯选人次序错误Career Anchors 职业锚/职业动机Career Counseling 职业咨询Career Curve 职业曲线Career Cycle 职业周期Career Development Method 职业发展方法Career Path 职业途径Career Path Information 职业途径信息Career Planning 职业规划career plateau 职业高原Career Stage 职业阶段Career Training 专业训练职业训练Career-Long Employment 终身雇佣制Case Studay Training Method 案例研究培训法CBT-Computer Based Training 以计算机为载体的培训Central Tendency 居中趋势CIPP-Context,Input,Process,Product CIPP 评估模型CIRO-Context Evaluation,Input Valuation,Reaction Evaluation,Output Evaluation CIRO 培训评估模式CIT-Critical Incident Technique 关键事件技术Classification Method 分类法Classroom Training 课堂培训Closed Shop 闭门企业CMI-Computer-managed Instruction 电脑管理指导Coaching 辅导教练Co-Determination 共同决策制Coercive Power 强制权力Cognitive Aptitude Test 认知能力测试Cohesiveness 凝聚力Colleague Appraisal 同事考评Collective Bargaining 劳资谈判Comparable Worth 可比价值Comparative Appraisal Method 比较评估法Compensable Factor 报酬要素Compensation & Benefit 薪酬福利Compensation Committee 报酬委员会Compensatory Time Off 补假Competence-Based Interview 基于能力的面试Competency Assessment 能力评估Competency 胜任特征Competency Model 胜任特征模型Competency-Based Education and Training 能力本位教育与训练Competency-Based Pay/Skill-Based Pay 技能工资Complex 情结Compressed Workweek 压缩工作周Compulsory Binding Arbitration 强制性仲裁Computerized Career Progression System 电脑化职业生涯行进系统Computerized Forecast 电脑化预测Conceptual Skill 概念性技能Conciliation 调解Concurrent Validity 同期正当性Conference Method 会议方法Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Construct Validity 结构效度Constructive Discharge 事实上的解雇Content Validity 内容效度Contractual Right 契约性权利Contrast Error 比较性错误Contributory Plan 须付费的退休金计划Coordination Training 合作培训Copayment 共同付费Core Competency 核心竞争力Core Value 核心价值观Core Worker 核心员工Core Workforce 核心工作团队Corporate Culture 企业文化Corporate Identity 企业识别Corporate Image 企业形象Correlation Analysis 相关分析Cost Per Hire 单位招聘成本Criterion-Related Validity 标准关联效度Critical Job Dimension 关键性工作因子Cross-Functional Training 跨功能训练Cross-Training 岗位轮换培训Culture Shock 文化冲突Cumulative Trauma Disorder 累积性工伤Cutoff Score 录用分数线Cyclical Variation 循环变动Decertification 取消认可Defined Benefit Plan 固定收益制Delphi Analysis 德尔菲分析Deutero Learning 再学习Differential Piece Rate 差额计件工资Dimission 离职Dimission Interview 离职面谈Dimission Rate 离职率Disciplinary Action 纪律处分Discriminant Analysis 判别分析dismissal reason 解雇理由disparate impact 差别性影响disparate treatment 差别性对待distribute bonus/profit sharing 分红distributive bargaining 分配式谈判distributive justice 分配公正diversity management 多样性管理diversity training 多样化培训division structure 事业部结构Double-Loop Learning 双环学习Downsizing 裁员DTL-Decision Tree Induction 决策树归纳法Dual Career Path 双重职业途径dust hazard 粉尘危害EAP-Employee Assistance Program 员工帮助计划Early Retirement 提前退休Early Retirement Factor 提前退休因素Early Retirement Window 提前退休窗口Earnings 薪资Economic Strike 经济罢工Education 学历Education Subsidy 教育津贴EEO-Equal Employment Opportunity 公平就业机会EEOC-Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 公平就业机会委员会Effect Factors of Career Planning 职业规划影响因素Effect Factors of Development 开发影响因素Effective Coaching Technique 有效的训练方法Effective Working Hour 有效工时Efficiency of Labor 劳动效率Efficiency Wage 效率工资Ego-Involvement 自我投入E-Learning 网络化学习Election Campaign 选举活动Electronic Meeting 电子会议Emotional Appeal 感召力Employee Attitude Surveys 员工态度调查Employee Career Management 员工职业生涯管理Employee Consultation Services 员工咨询服务Employee Equity 员工公平Employee Leasing 员工租借Employee Involvement 员工参与Employee Manual 员工手册Employee Orientation 员工向导Employee Ownership 员工所有制Employee Polygraph Protection Act 《雇员测谎保护法案》[美] Employee Potential 员工潜能Employee Referral 在职员工推荐Employee Retirement Income Security Act 《职工退休收入保障法》[美] Employee Safety and Health 员工安全和健康Employee Security 员工安全Employee Security Measures 员工安全措施Employee Self-Service 员工自助服务Employee Services Benefits 员工服务福利Employee Skill 员工技能Employee Stock Ownership Trust 企业员工持股信托Employee Surplus 员工过剩Employee Survey 员工测评Employee Training Method 员工培训方法Employee Turnover 员工流动Employee Turnover Rate 员工流动率Employee Under Training 受训员工Employee-Centered Job Redesign 以员工为中心的工作再设计Employees Bonus 雇员红利Employer Unfair Labor Practices 雇主不当劳动行为Employment 雇用Employment Agency 职业介绍所Employment Application Form 应聘申请表Employment at will 自由就业Employment Consultant 招聘顾问Employment Contract Renewal 雇用合同续签Employment Diseases 职业病Employment History 工作经历Employment Objective 应聘职位Employment Offer/Enrollment 录用Employment Relationship 员工关系Employment Separation Certificate 离职证明书Empowerment 激励自主Entitlement 授权法EQ-Emotional Quotient 情感智商EPA-Equal Pay Act 《平等工资法案》Equal Pay For Equal Work 同工同酬Equity Theory 公平理论E-Recruit 网络招聘ERG theory ERG 理论ERM-Employee Relationship Management 员工关系管理ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划ESOP-Employee Stock Ownership Plan 员工持股计划Essay Method 叙述法ETS-Environmental Tobacco Smoke 工作场所吸烟问题E-Survey 电子调查Evaluation Criterion 评价标准Excellent Leader 优秀领导Executive Ability 执行力Executive Compensation 管理层薪资水平Executive Development Program 主管发展计划Executive Director 执行董事Executive Management 行政管理Executive Marketing Director 市场执行总监Executive Recruiters 高级猎头公司Executive Salaries 管理层工资Exempt Employee 豁免员工Exit Interview 离职面谈Expectancy Theory 期望理论Expectation 期望值Expected Salary 期望薪水Experimental Method 实验法Experimental Research 试验调查Expiry of Employment 雇用期满Exploit of HR 人力资源开发External Costs 外部成本External Employment 外部招聘External Environment of HR 人力资源外部环境External Equity 外部公平External Labor Supply 外部劳力供应External Recruiting Sources 外部招聘来源External Recruitment Environment 外部招聘环境Extra Work 加班Extrinsic Rewards 外部奖励Face Validity 表面效度Factor Comparison Method 因素比较法Fair Labor Standards Act 《公平劳动标准法案》Family and Medical Leave Act 《家庭和医疗假期条例》[美] Fiedler Contingency Model 费德勒的权变模型First Impression Effect 初次印象效应Five-Day Workweek 每周五天工作制Fixed Term Appointment 固定期聘用Fixed Term Contract 固定任期合同Fixed Term Staff 固定期合同工FJA-Functional Job Analysis 功能性工作分析法Flat Organizational Structure 扁平化组织结构Flex Place 弹性工作地点Flex Plan 弹性工作计划flex time 弹性工作时间Flexible Benefits Program 弹性福利计划Forced Distribution Method 强制分配法Forced-Choice Method 强迫性选择法Formal Organization 正式组织Front-Line Manager 基层管理人员Full-Time 全职Function 职能Function of HRM 人力资源管理职能Functional Conflict Theory 冲突功能理论Functional Department 职能部门Funeral Leave 丧假Fundamental Attribution Error 基本归因误差Gain-Sharing Plan 收益分享计划Gang Boss 领班/小组长Gantt Charts 甘特图GATB-General Aptitude Test Battery 普通能力倾向成套测验General Union 总工会Given Role Playing 角色定位演示法Glass Ceiling 玻璃天花板Goal Conflict 目标冲突GOJA-Guidelines Oriented Job Analysis 指导性工作分析Golden Handshake 黄金握别Golden Parachute 黄金降落伞Graphic Rating Scale 图尺度评价法Grievance Mediation 抱怨调解Grievance Procedure 抱怨程序Gross Pay/Total Payroll 工资总额Group Appraisal 小组评价Group/Team Bonus 团体/小组奖金Group Congeniality/Cohesiveness 群体凝集力Group Life Insurance 团体人寿保险Group Pension Plan 团体退休金计划Group Piece Work 集体计件制Guaranteed Employment Offer 雇用信H.C.Gantt Premium System 甘特奖励工资制H.Emerson Premium System 艾末生奖励工资制Halo Effect 晕轮效应Halseys Premium System 哈尔赛奖励工资制Handwriting Analysis 笔迹分析法Headhunting 猎头Health Insurance 健康保险H-Form/Holding Company H 型结构Hierarchy of Needs Theory 需要层次理论High Performance Organization 高绩效组织High-Performance Work System 高绩效工作系统HMO-Health Maintenance Organization 健康维护组织Holiday Pay 假日薪水Home/Family Leave 探亲假Horizontal Career Path 横向职业途径Hot Stove Rule 热炉规则Housing/Rental Allowance 住房补贴HR Generalist 人力资源通才HR Information System 人力资源信息系统HR Manager 人力资源经理HR Officer 人力资源主任HR Policy 人力资源政策HRCI-Human Resource Certification Institute 人力资源认证机构HRD Appraisal 人力资源开发评价HRD Intermediary 人力资源开发媒介HRD Process 人力资源开发过程HRD-Human Resource Development 人力资源开发HRM-Human Resource Management 人力资源管理HRP-Human Resource Planning 人力资源规划Human Relations Movement 人际关系运动Hygiene Factor 保健因素Hypnosis 催眠Ill-Health Retirement 病退In-Basket Training 篮中训练Incentive Compensation/Reward Payment/Premium 奖金Incentive Plan 激励计划Incentive-Suggestion System 奖励建议制度Incident Process 事件处理法Independent Contractor 合同工Indirect Financial Compensation 间接经济报酬Individual Incentive Plan 个人奖金方案Individual Income Tax 个人所得税Individual Interview 个别谈话Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账户Industrial Injury Compensation 工伤补偿Industrial Union 产业工会Informal Communication 非正式沟通Informal Organization 非正式组织In-House Training 在公司内的培训Initial Interview 初试Insurance Benefit 保险福利Internal Environment of HR 人力资源内部环境Internal Equity 内部公平Internal Growth Strategy 内部成长战略Internal Job Posting 内部职位公开招聘Internal Recruitment 内部招聘Internal Recruitment Environment 内部招聘环境Interpersonal Skill 人际交往能力Interview Appraisal 面谈考评Interview Content 面试内容Interview Method 访谈法Interview Objective 面试目标Interview Planning List 面试计划表Intrinsic Reward 内在奖励Jack Welch's Management 韦尔奇式管理JAS-Job Analysis Schedule 工作分析计划表Job 工作、职业Job Account 工作统计Job Action 变相罢工(如怠工、放慢速度等) Job Aid 工作辅助Job Assignment 工作分配Job Analysis 工作分析Job Analysis Formula 工作分析公式Job Analysis Methods 工作分析方法Job Analysis Information 工作分析信息Job Analysis Process 工作分析流程JAP-Job Analysis Program 工作分析程序法Job Attitude 工作态度Job Bidding 竞争上岗Job Card 工作单Job Characteristic 工作因素Job Characteristics Model 工作特性模式Job Classification 职位分类Job Clinic 职业问题咨询所Job Code 工作编号,职位编号Job Context 工作背景Job Description 职位描述,工作说明Job Design 工作设计Job Enlargement 工作扩大化Job Enrichment 工作丰富化Job Evaluation 工作评估Job-Family 工作群Job Identification 工作识别Job Involvement 工作投入Job Inventory 工作测量表Job Knowledge Test 业务知识测试Job Morale 工作情绪Job Performance 工作表现Job Plan 工作计划Job Posting 公开招聘Job Pricing 工作定价Job Qualification and Restriction 工作任职条件和资格Job Redesign 工作再设计Job Rotation 工作轮换Job Satisfaction 工作满意度Job Security 工作安全感Job Scope 工作范围Job Sharing 临时性工作分担Job Specialization 工作专业化Job Specification 工作要求细则Job Standard 工作标准Job Stress 工作压力Job Surrounding 工作环境Job Time Card 工作时间卡Job Vacancy 职业空缺,岗位空缺Job-hop 跳槽频繁者Job-posting system 工作告示系统JTPA-Job Training Partnership Act 《职业培训协作法》J.S.Adams Equity Theory 亚当斯的公平理论Junior Board 初级董事会Johari Window 约哈瑞窗户Just Cause 正当理由Karoshi 过劳死Keogh Plan 基欧计划KPI-key Process Indication 企业关键业绩指标Kirkpatrick's Four-level Model of Evaluation 四阶层评估模型Knowledge Database 知识数据库Knowledge Management 知识管理KSA-knowledge ,skill, attitude 知识,技能,态度Labor Clause 劳工协议条款Labor Condition 劳动条件Labor Contract 劳动合同,雇佣合同Labor Contract Renewal 劳动合同续签Labor Cost 劳动成本Labor Demand Forecast 劳动力需求预测Labor Discipline 劳动纪律Labor Dispute 劳动纠纷Labor Exchange/Employment Agency 职业介绍所Labor Handbook 劳动手册Labor Insurance 劳保Labor Laws 劳动法Labor Management Relations Act 《劳动关系法》Labor Market 劳动力市场Labor Protection 劳动保护Labor Rate Variance 工资率差异Labor Redundance 劳动力过剩Labor Relation 劳动关系Labor Relation Consultant 劳工关系顾问Labor Relations Process 劳工关系进程Labor Reserve 劳动力储备Labor Shortage 劳动力短缺Labor Stability Index 人力稳定指数Labor Wastage Index 人力耗损指数Labor/Trade Union 工会Labor/Working Hour 人工工时Labor-Management 劳动管理Lateral Communication 横向沟通Lateral Thinking 横向思维Layoff 临时解雇Layoff Process 临时解雇程序Leader Attach Training 领导者匹配训练Leaderless Group Discussion 无领导小组讨论法Leader-Member Exchange Theory 领导者-成员交换理论Leader-Member Relation 上下级关系Leader-Participation Model 领导参与模式Leadership 领导能力Learning Curve 学习曲线Learning Organization 学习型组织Learning Performance Test 学习绩效测试Legitimate Power 合法权力Level-to-Level Administration 分级管理Life Cycle Theory of Leadership 领导生命周期理论Life Insurance 人寿保险Likes and Dislikes Survey 好恶调查表Limitation Factors of PA 考评的限制因素Line Manager 直线经理Line Authority 直线职权Line-Staff Relationship 直线参谋关系Line Structure 直线结构Loaned Personnel 借调人员Lockout 停工闭厂Locus of Control 内外控倾向Long Term Trend 长期趋势Long-Distance Education 远程教育Long-Range Strategy 长期策略Long-Term Contract 长期合同Lower Management 基层管理Lower-Order Need 低层次需求Lump Sum Bonus/Pay Incentive 绩效奖金Lump-Sum Merit Program 一次性总付绩效报酬计划Managed Care 有控制的医疗保健Management As Porpoise 海豚式管理Management Assessment Center 管理评价中心Management by Walking About 走动管理Management Development 管理层开发Management Development of IBM IBM 的管理层开发Management of Human Resource Development 人力资源开发管理Management Psychology 管理心理学Management Right 管理权Management Risk 管理风险Management Tool 管理工具Management Training 管理培训Managerial Art 管理艺术Managerial Authority 管理权威Managerial Function 管理职能Managerial Grid Theory 管理方格理论Mandated Benefit 强制性福利Mandatory Bargaining Issue 强制性谈判项目Marital Status 婚姻状况Market Price 市场工资Markov Analysis 马尔可夫分析过程Marriage Leave 婚假Massed Practice 集中练习集中学习Matrix Structure 矩阵结构MBO-Management By Objective 目标管理MBTI-Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 迈尔斯—布里格个性类型测量表Mc-Clelland's Theory of Needs 麦克里兰需要理论McDonnell-Douglas Test 麦当纳道格拉斯法Mechanistic Approach 机械型工作设计法Mediator/Negotiator 调解人Medical Insurance 医疗保险Medical/Physical Ability Inspection/Physical Ability Test 体检Membership Group 实属群体Mental Ability Test 逻辑思维测试Mentor 指导者Mentoring 辅导制Mentoring Function 指导功能Merit Pay 绩效工资Merit Raise 绩效加薪Metrics-Driven Staffing Model 标准驱动招聘模式Mid-Career Crisis Sub Stage 中期职业危机阶段Minimum Wage 最低工资Mission Installation Allowance 出差津贴Mixed-Standard Scale Method 多重标准尺度法Motivation 激励Motivational Approach 激励型工作设计法Motivational Factor 激励因素Motivational Pattern 激励方式Motivation-hygiene Theory 激励保健论MPS-Motivating Potential Score 激励潜能分数Multidivisional Structure M 型结构Multimedia Technology 多媒体技术Multiple Cutoff Model 多切点模式Multiple Hurdle Model 跨栏模式National Culture 民族文化National Union ( 国家)总工会Needs Assessment 需求评估Negligent Hiring 随意雇佣Nepotism 裙带关系Network Career Path 网状职业途径Networking 网络化(组织)NGT-Nominal Group Technique 群体决策法No Financial Compensation 非经济报酬Noncontributory Plan 非付费退休金计划Nondirective Interview 非定向面试Nondiscrimination Rule 非歧视性原则Nonexempt Employee 非豁免的员工Nonverbal Communication 非言语沟通No-Pay Study Leave 无薪进修假期Normal Retirement 正常退休Normative Analysis 规范分析法No-Smoking Rule 禁烟规定object teaching 实物教学,直观教学observation method 观察法occupational choice 职业选择occupational disease 职业病occupational environment 职业环境occupational guidance 职业指导,就业指导Occupational Health &Safety Training 职业安全与卫生培训occupational market condition 职业市场状况occupational mobility 职业流动性occupational outlook handbook 职业展望手册offer letter 录用通知书off-the-job training 脱产培训Ombudsperson 督察专员OMS-Occupational Measurement System 职业测定系统on boarding training 入职培训on-the-job training 在职培训open-door policy 门户开放政策opinion survey 意见调查organization 组织organization change and development 组织变革与发展organization character 组织特征organization design 组织设计organization development appraisal 组织发展评价organization development method 组织发展方法organization environment 组织环境organization goal 组织目标organization renewal 组织革新organization size 组织规模organization structure 组织结构organizational analysis 组织分析organizational authority 组织职权organizational career planning 组织职业规划organizational citizenship behavior 组织公民行为organizational climate 组织气候organizational commitment 组织认同感organizational diagnosis 组织诊断organizational function 组织职能organizational level 组织层次organizational merger 组织合并organizational orientation 组织定位organizational/job stress 组织/工作压力organization-centered career planning 以企业为中心的职业计划organized administration 组织管理orientation 岗前培训orientation objective 岗前培训目标orientation period 岗前培训阶段OSHA standard 美国职业安全与健康局/职业安全与健康法案标准out placement 岗外安置oversea assignment 海外工作overtime hour 加班工时overtime wage 加班工资overtime work 加班paired comparison method 配对比较法panel/group interview 小组面试PA-Performance Analysis 绩效分析Parkinson's Law 帕金森定律participant diary 现场工人日记participative management 参与式管理part-time job 兼职PAS-Performance Appraisal 绩效评估体系pattern bargaining 模式谈判patterned behavior description interview 模式化行为描述面试pay calculation 工资结算pay card 工资卡pay cheque/employee paycheck 工资支票pay compression 压缩工资Pay day 发薪日pay equity 报酬公平pay freeze 工资冻结pay grade 工资等级pay period 工资结算周期pay range 工资幅度pay rate 工资率pay rate adjustment 工资率调整pay secrecy 工资保密pay slip/envelop 工资单pay survey 薪酬调查pay/salary rate standard 工资率标准payroll system 工资管理系统Payroll tax 工资所得税payroll/wage analysis 工资分析payroll/wage form 工资形式payroll/wage fund 工资基金pension plan 退休金计划pension/retirement benefit 退休福利people-first value " 以人为本"的价值观perceptual-motor approach 知觉运动型工作设计法performance appraisal 绩效评估performance appraisal interview 绩效评估面谈performance appraisal objective 绩效评估目标performance appraisal period 考评期performance appraisal principle 绩效评估原则performance feedback 绩效反馈performance management system 绩效管理制度performance standard 绩效标准performance-reward relationship 绩效与报酬关系periodic salary adjustment 定期薪资调整permissive management 放任式管理personal character 个人性格,个性personal grievance 个人抱怨personal information record 人事档案personal leave 事假personality test 个性测试Personality-Job Fit Theory 性格与工作搭配理论personnel selection 选拔personnel test 人格测验品格测验Peter M. Senge's Theory of Learning Organization 彼德.圣吉的学习型组织理论physiological need 生理需要piece-rate system 计件工资制pink slip 解雇通知point method 因素计点法polygraph test 测谎测试position analysis questionnaire 职位分析问卷法position description 职位描述position vacant 招聘职位positional level 职位层次positional title 职称post wage system 岗位工资制power distance 权力距离practice 实习predictive validity 预测效度premium plan/incentive system/reward system 奖金制pre-natal/maternity leave 产假prescribed group 正式群体primary welfare 基本福利privacy right 隐私权prize contest 奖励竞争probationary term/probation period 试用期problem-solving team 问题解决团队procedural justice 过程正义process benchmarking 流程标杆管理professional certificate 职业资格证书professional competence/capacity 专业能力professional ethics 职业道德professional examination 专业考试professional liability insurance 职业责任保险professional manager 职业经理人profit-sharing plan 利润分享计划programmed instruction 程序教学projective personality test 人格投射测试promote/demote 晋升/降职protected group 受保护群体psychic reward 精神奖励psychoanalysis 心理分析psychological characteristic/feature 心理特征psychological contract 心理/精神契约psychological factor 心理因素psychological goal 心理目标psychological phenomenon 心理现象psychological test/psychometry 心理测验心理测试psychomotor abilities test 运动神经能力测试quality circles 质量圈quantity of applicant 侯选人数量questionnaire method 问卷调查法quit rate 离职率Race Discrimination 种族歧视Ranking Method 排序法Rater Bias 评估偏差Rating Certificate 等级证书Ratio Analysis 比率分析法Realistic Job Preview 实际岗位演习Reality Shock 现实冲击Reallocate 重新安排重新分配Recommend 员工推荐Recreation Leave Allowance 休假津贴Recreation/Sabbatical Leave 休假Recruiter 招聘人员Recruitment 招聘Recruitment Ditch 招聘渠道Recruitment Examination 招聘考试Recruitment Method 招聘方法Recruitment Optional Program 招聘备择方案Recruitment Task Guide 招募工作指导Red-Circled Employee 红圈员工Reducing Accident 减少事故Reducing Burnout 减少衰竭Reengineering the Corporation 企业再造Reference Check 个人证明材料检查Refusing Applicant 拒绝求职者Regency Effect 近因性错误Regression Analysis 回归分析Regular Earning/Pay/Wage 固定工资Regular Incentive 常规奖励Rehiring 回聘Reinforcement Theory 强化理论Reliability Evaluation 信度评估Renege 违约Replacement Cost 重置成本Requirement Identification 需求识别Requisite Task Attributes Theory 必要任务属性理论Resignation 辞职Resume 简历Resume Inventory 简历数据库Resumption from Leave 销假Retiree System 退休制度Retirement 退休Retirement Age 退休年龄Retirement Fund 退休基金Return of Talent 人才回流Rewarding by Merit/Pay According to Work 业绩报酬Right to Rest and Leisure 休息权Risk Pay Planning 风险工资计划Rokeach Values Survey 罗克奇价值观调查表Role Ambiguity 角色模糊Role Behavior 角色行为Role Conflict 角色冲突Role Playing 角色扮演Roles of HRM 人力资源管理角色Roll-Down Training 自上而下分级培训法Safety Director 安全负责人Safety Inspection 安全检验Safety Measure 安全措施Safety Program 安全方案Safety Training 安全培训Salary Administration 薪水管理Salary Band/Range 薪水范围Salary Survey 薪资调查。



语言学中英术语对照Glossary and Index Aabbreviation 缩写词,略语Abercrombieablative 夺格,离格abstractness 抽象性accent 重音(符)accuracy 正确性accusative 宾格achievement test 成绩测试acoustic phonetics 声学语音学acquisition习得acronym 缩略语action process 动作过程actor 动作者addition 添加address form 称呼形式addressee 受话人addresser 发话人adjective 形容词adjunct 修饰成分;附加语adverb 副词affix 词缀affix hopping 词缀跳跃affixation词缀附加法affricate 塞擦音agreement 一致关系airstream 气流alliteration 头韵allomorph 词/语素变体allophone 音位变体allophonic variation 音位变体allophony音位变体现象alveolar ridge 齿龈alveolar 齿龈音ambiguity 歧义ambiguous歧义的American descriptive linguistics 美国描写语言学American English 美式英语American Indian languages 美国印第安族诸语言American structuralism 美国结构主义analogical creation 类推造字anapest 抑抑扬格anaphor 前指替代anaphoric reference 前指照应AndersonAnimal communication system 动物交际系统animate 有生命的annotation 注解antecedent 先行词;前在词anthropological 人类学的anthropological linguistics 人类语言学anticipatory coarticulation 逆化协同发音antonomasia 换称;代类名antonym 反义词antonymy 反义(关系)appellative 称谓性applied linguistics 应用语言学applied sociolinguistics 应用社会语言学appropriacy 适宜性appropriateness 适宜性;得体性approximant 无摩擦延续音Apteaptitude test 素质测试Arabic 阿拉伯语arbitrariness 任意性argument 中项;中词;主目article 冠词articulation 发音articulator 发音器官articulatory phonetics 发音语音学artificial speech 人工言语aspect 体aspirated 吐气;送气assimilation 同化associative 联想associative meaning 联想意义assonance 准压韵;半谐音Atkinson, A.M.attributive 属性;修饰语;定语auditory phonetics 听觉语音学Austin, John Langshaw authentic input 真实投入authorial style 权威风格authoring program 编程autonomy 自主性auxiliary 助词auxiliary verb 助动词Bbabbling stage 婴儿语阶段back-formation 逆构词法base component 基础部分behaver 行为者behavioural process 行为过程behaviourism 行为主义bilabial 双唇音bilabial nasal 双唇鼻音bilateral opposition 双边对立bilingualism 双语现象binary division 二分法binary feature 二分特征binary taxonomy 二分分类学binding 制约binding theory 制约论Black English 黑人英语blade 舌叶;舌面前部blank verse无韵诗blending 混成法borrowing 借用;借词bound morpheme 粘着语素bounding theory 管辖论bracketing 括号法brevity maxim 简洁准则bridging 架接British English 英式英语broad transcription 宽式音标broadening 词义扩大Brown corpus 布朗语料库Ccalculability 可计算性calque 仿造;仿造词语cancellability 可删除cardinal numeral 基数cardinal vowel 基本元音case 格case grammar格语法case theory格理论category 范畴categorical component 范畴成分causative 使役的;使投动词CD-I, compact disk-interactive 交互式激光视盘center 中心词central determiner 中心限定词chain relation 链状关系chain system 链状系统Chinese 汉语choice 选择choice system 选择系统circumstance 环境因子class 词类class shift 词性变换clause 小句;从句click 吸气音;咂音clipping 截断法closed class 封闭类closed syllable 闭音节cluster 音丛coarticulation 协同发音coda 结尾音节;符尾code 语码;信码cognitive psycholinguistics 认知心理语言学cognitive psychology 认知心理学cognitive system 认知系统coherence 相关;关联cohension 衔接co-hyponym 同下义词colligation 类连结collocative meaning 搭配意义color word 色彩词color word system 色彩词系统command 指令common core 共核common noun 普通名词communication 交际communicative competence 交际能力communicative dynamism, CD 交际性动力communicative language teaching, CLT 交际语言教学法communicative Sentence Pattern, CSP 交际性句子模式communicative syllabus 交际教学大纲communicative test 交际性测试communicative-grammatical approach 交际-语法教学法compact disk 激光盘COMPACT DISD-READ ONLY MEMORY,CD-ROM 激光视盘comparative degree 比较级competence 能力complement 补语complementary antonym 互补反义词complementary antonymy 互补反义关系complementary distribution 互补分布complex predicate 复合谓语component 成分componential analysis 成分分析composite proposition 复合命题compositionality 复合性compound 复合词;复合句comprehension 理解computation 计算computational linguistics 计算语言学computational system 计算系统computer 计算机;电脑computer-assisted learning, CAL 计算机辅助学习computer corpus 计算机语料库computer hardware 计算机硬件computer literacy 计算机操作能力computer networks 计算机网络computer system 计算机系统computer-assisted instruction, CAI 计算机辅助教学computer-assisted learning,CALL 计算机辅助语言学习conative 意动的concept 概念conceptual meaning 概念意义concord 一致(关系)concordance 共现关系concrete noun 具体名词concurrent 同时发生的conjugation 词形变化conjunct 连接副词conjunction 连接词conjunction buttressing 连接词支撑connotation 内涵consequent 跟随成分consonance 辅音韵consonant辅音constant opposition 不变对立constative 表述的constituent command 成分指令constituent proposition 成分命题constituent structure analysis 成分结构分析constituent 成分construct 编制construct validity 编制效度construction 构建constructivism 构建主义contact 接触content analysis 内容分析content validity 内容效度content word 实义词context dependent 语境依赖的context of situation 情景语境context 语境contextual analyses 语境分析contextual meaning 语境意义contrastive analysis 对比分析control theory 控制理论controlled language 有控制的语言convention 常规;规约conventional meaning 常规意义;规约意义conventionality 常规性;规约性conversational implicature 会话含义conversational maxim 会话准则converse antonymy 相反反义现象conversion 变换cooperative principle, CP 合作原则coordinate construction 并列结构coordination 并列Cordercoreferential 互参的coronal 舌面前音corpus data 语料库语料corpus (pl. corpora) 语料;素材corpus linguistics 语料库语言学context 上下文countable 可数(名词)counterfactual proposition 反事实命题couplet 对句;对联creativity 创造性;原创性Creole 克里澳尔语;混和语cross-cultural 跨文化cross-cultural communication 跨文化交际cross-linguistic 跨语言的culture 文化culturally-specific 文化特异的curriculum 教学大纲customizing 定制的Ddactyl 扬抑抑格Dani language 达尼语data retrieval, DR 资料检索database 数据库dative (case) 与格dative movement 与格移动declarative 陈述句decoding 解码deductive 演绎的deep structure 深层结构defeasibility 消除可行性definite 有定的degenerate data 无用的语料deixis 指称delicacy 精密阶denotation 外延;指称dental 齿音dentalization 齿音化derivation 衍生derivational affix. 衍生词汇derivational morphology 派生形态学description 描写descriptive adequacy 描写充分性descriptive linguistics 描写语言学design feature 结构特征determiner 限定词developing grammar 发展语法deviant 变体deviation 偏离;变异devoicing 清音化diachronic linguistics 历时语言学diachronic 历时的diacritic 附加符号;变音符diagnostic test 诊断性测试dialect 方言dialectology 方言学dialogue对话dictionary 词典digitized sound 数字化语音dimetre 二音步诗行diphthong 二合元音;双元音direct object 直接宾语direct speech, DS 直接言语direct thought, DT 直接思想directionality 方向性discourse 语篇;话语discourse analysis 语篇分析;话语分析discourse interpretation 语篇理解discrete 分离的;离散的discrete-point grammar 离散语法discrete point test 分立性测试disjunction 分离关系displacement 移位dissimilation 异化(作用) distinctive feature 区别性特征distinguisher 辩义成分distribution 分布do-insertion rule do 添加规则domain 范围;领域dorsal 舌背音;舌中音dorsum 舌背(音)double comparative 双重比较download 下载drama 戏剧drill-and-practice software 操练软件D-structure D结构dual 双数dualistic view 二分观点duality 二重性Eearly Modern English 早期现代英语economy 经济性;简洁性ejective 爆发音electronic mail 电子邮件Elizabethan English 伊利莎白时期英语ellipsis 省略(法)elliptical sentence structure 省略句子结构embedded element 嵌入成分emic 位学的emotive 感情的emphasis 强调empirical 经验主义的empirical data 经验主义的语料empirical validity 经验效度empiricism 经验主义empty category, EC 空范畴enabling skills 使成技能化encoding 编码end rhyme 末端韵endocentric construction 内向结构entailment 蕴涵entry condition 入列条件epenthesis 插音;增音equipollent opposition 均等对立equivalence 相等equivalence reliability 相等信度error analysis 错误分析EST 科技英语ethnicity identity 民族认同ethnography of communication 交际民族学etic 非位的;素的evaluation 评估event process 事件过程example-based machine translation 基于例句的机器翻译exchange error 交换错误exchange sequence 交际序列exchange structure 交际结构exhaustive 穷尽的;彻底的existent 存在物existential 存在句existential process 存在过程existential quantifier 存在数量词exocentric 外向的exocentric construction 外向结构experiential 经验的experiential function 经验功能experimental psycholinguistics 实验心理语言学explanatory adequacy 解释充分性explicit grammar instruction, EGI 明显的语法教学法expression minimization 表达最底程度expressive 表达的extended standard theory, EST 扩展标准理论extensive 引申的;扩展的extent-condition format 程度条件格式external evaluation 外部评估external qualifier 外部修饰语extrinsic sources of error 外在的错误来源eye movement 眼部移动。

hku aptitude test 题目汇总

hku aptitude test 题目汇总

Hku Aptitude Test 题目汇总第一部分:数学能力1. 求解方程1.1 求解一元一次方程组1.2 求解二元二次方程1.3 求解含绝对值的方程2. 几何题2.1 计算三角形的面积2.2 计算圆的周长和面积2.3 计算多边形的内角和外角之和3. 数据分析3.1 理解均值、中位数和众数的概念3.2 解析数据分布的正态分布和偏态分布第二部分:语文能力1. 词汇运用1.1 填空题:根据语境填入正确的词语 1.2 选择题:选择同义词或反义词2. 阅读理解2.1 阅读短文并回答问题2.2 分析文章主旨和作者意图3. 写作能力3.1 选择题:选择合适的词语填入句子3.2 作文题:写一篇关于环保的文章第三部分:思维能力1. 逻辑推理1.1 推理填空:根据条件进行推理并填写空白处1.2 排列组合:计算排列或组合的个数2. 比喻与类比2.1 选择题:根据比喻或类比的关系选择正确的答案 2.2 填空题:根据给定的比喻或类比填写空白处3. 情境分析3.1 阅读情境描述并回答问题3.2 分析情境中的人物关系和冲突第四部分:实践能力1. 实验设计1.1 根据题目要求设计小学科学实验1.2 完善实验步骤和材料准备2. 技能操作2.1 图像处理:使用图片编辑软件对图片进行简单处理2.2 文字排版:使用文字编辑软件进行排版操作3. 项目管理3.1 根据给定需求制定项目计划3.2 管理团队完成项目任务结语Hku Aptitude Test 包含了数学能力、语文能力、思维能力和实践能力四个方面的内容。



在Hku Aptitude Test的数学能力考核部分中,数学题目不仅涉及基本的数学运算和几何知识,还包括了数据分析和解题能力。


1. 求解方程1.1 求解一元一次方程组在求解一元一次方程组的题目中,考生需要通过列方程组、消元、求解变量的值等步骤来解答问题,考验了考生的代数运算能力和解方程的技巧。



【最新投行| 四大|外企shl真题题库|Aptitude test|Numer|Logic|Verb】专门针对各大投行|四大|外企校园招聘、社会招聘笔试,资料包含了包含了各大投行、四大、快销等外企笔试 Aptitude tests 官网全套题库【10种题型 1900道试题详细解析】以及各大外企的100余套shl真题题库,适用于shl、Kenexa、Cubiks、 TalentQ、Saville Consulting等测试,可作为各大投行、四大会计、各快消企业、各咨询公司等外企的笔试复习资料。

具体包括但不限于汇丰、渣打、花旗、恒生、瑞士、德意志、摩根大通、美林、巴莱克、毕马威、普华永道、德勤、安永,宝洁,联合利华、安利、玛氏、箭牌、百威、飞利浦等外企公司各职位,资料说明:本资料分为三个模块:第一部分:各大外企笔试Aptitude Tests全套题库题库包含10种题型 1900道试题详细解析,所有题目 Questions和Solutions全部齐全,且含有详细解析,各种题型Tests 的套数和Questions 的数量与以下描述完全一致第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的shl真题集包含100余套shl真题,以下列有详细目录,通常各公司为同一机构出题,且往往选自同一题库,出现原题的概率极高,因此参考性极强第三部分:shl笔试资源合集(shl解题技巧,练习题等),包含90余套shl解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容四大优势:1、aptitude tests适用于多家公司,且带详细答案解析,不断更新2、100多套真题题库都是历往考试真题,极具参考性,原题出现概率极高3、适用范围广,适用于shl、Kenexa、Cubiks、TalentQ、Saville Consulting等测试4、题型覆盖全面:包括Numerical、Logical、Verbal、Inductive、Diagrammatic、Situational Judgement、In-Tray and E-Tray、Assessment Centre、Critical Thinking、Error Checking 10种题型最新更新:KPMG毕马威在线测试online text全套测试题一KPMG毕马威在线测试online text全套测试题二KPMG毕马威在线测试online text全套测试题KPMG毕马威在线测试online text全套测试题dtt德勤CEB测试全套测试题2016年5月15日毕马威kpmg-full全套测试题及参考答案(含log,num,ver)2016年5月22日普华永道pwc-full全套测试题及参考答案(含log,num,ver)2016年5月24日毕马威kpmg-full全套测试题及参考答案(含log,num,ver)第一部分:各大外企笔试Aptitude Tests全套题库题库--与官网保持同步更新第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的shl真题集包含100余套shl真题,获取方式或者直接掏宝联系望望名:蔚蓝小小天使第三部分:shl笔试资源合集(shl解题技巧,练习题等),该部分当日五星好评评语后获赠包含90余套shl解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容,详细目录::PART 1: 四大拿我较为熟悉的PWC举例来说,它下面有不同的部门,比如audit,tax,advisory等。



【最新投行| 四大|外企shl 真题题库|Aptitude test|Numer|Logic|Verb 】专门针对各大投行| 四大| 外企校园招聘、社会招聘笔试,资料包含了包含了各大投行、四大、快销等外企笔试Aptitude tests 官网全套题库【10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析】以及各大外企的100 余套shl 真题题库,适用于shl 、Kenexa、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、Saville Consulting 等测试,可作为各大投行、四大会计、各快消企业、各咨询公司等外企的笔试复习资料。

具体包括但不限于汇丰、渣打、花旗、恒生、瑞士、德意志、摩根大通、美林、巴莱克、毕马威、普华永道、德勤、安永,宝洁,联合利华、安利、玛氏、箭牌、百威、飞利浦等外企公司各职位,资料说明:本资料分为三个模块:第一部分:各大外企笔试Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库包含10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析,所有题目Questions 和Solutions 全部齐全,且含有详细解析,各种题型Tests 的套数和Questions 的数量与以下描述完全一致!!!第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的shl 真题集包含100余套shl 真题,以下列有详细目录,通常各公司为同一机构出题,且往往选自同一题库,出现原题的概率极高,因此参考性极强!!!第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容四大优势:1、aptitude tests 适用于多家公司,且带详细答案解析,不断更新2、100 多套真题题库都是历往考试真题,极具参考性,原题出现概率极高3、适用范围广,适用于 shl 、Kenexa 、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、SavilleConsulting 等测试4 、题型覆盖全面:包括 Numerical 、Logical 、Verbal 、Inductive 、 Diagrammatic 、 Situational Judgement 、 In-Tray and E-Tray 、Assessment Centre 、 Critical Thinking 、Error Checking 10 种题型第一部分:各大外企笔试 Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库 -- 与官网10 种题型 第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的 shl 真题集包含 100 余套 shl 真题, 详细目录: 获取方式或者直接掏宝联系望望名:素簌簌素保持同步更新第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),该部分当日五星好评评语后获赠包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容,详细目录:。

Altitude Test

Altitude Test

8.1 贮存试验
3.保持此条件至少1h或有关标准中规定 的时间。 4.以不大于7kPa/min(10m/s)的速率将 箱内压力(高度)恢复到正常试验大气 条件高度(压力)。 斜率<7kPa/min
气压 57.3kPa(4550km) 维持时间>1h
8.1 贮存试验曲线
8.2 贮存运行试验
低气压和温度结合有高温低气压,低温低气 压等等,甚至有时候会跟振动结合。 单位换算:1mb(毫巴)=1hPa(百帕) =0.1KPa
. 2 低气压环境条件对产品的影响在正常大气压
下是无法模拟的,必须按相关标准进行试验, 这样才能保证产品的质量。

低气压试验主要适用于: 在高海拔地区贮存和工作的装备; 在飞机增压和非增压舱中运输和工作的装备; 暴露于快速减压或爆炸减压环境中的装备; 在飞机外部挂飞的设备。
产品消耗电能,发热 而升高的温度叫温升 高度 增加 大气压 降低 产品温升 增加
温度过高导致产品性能 下降或运行不稳定等现象
4.3 低气压对电性能的影响
正常大气压下,许多电气产品以空气为绝 缘介质。这些产品用于高海拔地区或作为机载 设备时,大气压降低,常常在电场较强的电极 附近产生局部放电现象,称之为电晕。有时候 甚至会发生空气间隙击穿,正常工作状态被破 坏。
6.1 试验适用范围
1.贮运和空运环节; 2.工作/机外挂飞; 3.快速减压; 4.爆炸减压
贮存运行实验 (op)

美国高考纵横谈 Scholastic Aptitude Test

美国高考纵横谈 Scholastic Aptitude Test

美国"高考"纵横谈Scholastic Aptitude TestSAT即Scholastic Aptitude Test,是美国大学本科标准入学考试,可称为美国的“高考”。

美国在2005年3月开始New SAT考试。

考试内容:写作部分:学生手写文章一篇(student-written essay);多项选择题(multiple choice questions),包括识别句子错误(Identifying sentence errors),改进句子(Improving sentences),改进段落(Improving paragraphs)。

阅读部分:也是多项选择题的形式,包括完句(Sentence completion) ,文章阅读(Passage-based reading)。






New SAT写作部分(Writing Section)介绍(之一):除根据题目手写作文一篇外,还有测试英语语法与句子结构、篇章结构的内容:1. New SAT的识别句子错误(Identifying sentence errors):New SAT的识别句子错误(Identifying sentence errors)与TOEFL的结构题类似,所不同的是New SA T还有E 项(No error)。



1. Susan and Peter /were inspired (A) to become /a professional writer (B) / after hearing (C) a famous journalist /speak about (D) the challenges of investigative reporting. No error. (E)2. /Quick to (A) /take advantage (B) of Melanie Johnson’s /preoccupation in (C) the History of the Johnson family, the genealogist proposed investigating /that (D) history — for a large fee. No error. (E)3. Howard Gardner, an /observer of (A) Chinese elementary education, has questioned the view thatrequiring young children /to copy (B) models /prevents (C) them from becoming /a creative artist (D) later in life. No error. (E)4. The labor union /is negotiating (A) a contract with the hospital /that (B) /will satisfy (C) the demands ofthe workers and /be acceptable (D) to all levels of management.No error. (E)5. The research study /reveals (A) startling proof of a /constant (B) changing seafloor that /comprises (C) the major /part of (D) the underwater landscape. No error. (E)6. /Since some (A) people are /convinced that (B) dowsing, a method of finding underground water with aY-shaped stick, is effective, but others condemn the procedure /as (C) /mere superstition.(D) No error. (E)7. /Nearly all (A) of the editors of the magazine /agree (B) that of the two articles /to be published (C), Fujimura’s is the /more exciting (D). No error. (E)8. The exchange between the teacher and the student /promotes (A) learning /far different (B) from thatwhich results /as (C) the student listens /but does not (D) participate.No Error.(E)美国在2005年3月开始New SAT考试。



心理学专业英语词汇(V)v factor 语文理解因素v.f. 语言震颤va 视敏度vacancy 空虚vacant state 空态vacillate 波动vacuum reaction 真空反应vacuum response 真空反应vagabond 游民vagabondage 流浪vagabondish 流浪者vagal 迷走神经的vagary 奇想vagoaccessorius 迷走副神经vagoglossopharyngeal 迷走舌咽神经的迷走舌咽神经的vagogram 迷走神经电图vagomimetic 类迷走神经的vagoneurosis 迷走神经病vagosplanchnic 迷走交感神经的vagotomy 迷走神经切断术vagotonia 迷走神经过敏vagotonin 迷走神经紧张素vagotony 迷走神经紧张vagotropic 对迷走神经起作用的vagotropism 向迷走神经性vagovagal 经迷走神经反射的vagrancy 思想游移不定vagus nerve 迷走神经vagusstoff 迷走神经素vainglory 自负vakt 多感官教学法valence 效价valence 诱发力valence expectancy model 诱意性期待模型valetudinarianism 虚弱valid argument 有效论证valid argumentation 有效论点valid dimension 有效维度valid exclusion 正确排除valid inclusion 正确录取valid negative 正确否定valid positive 正确肯定validate validity 实证效度validation 效度validation study 效度研究validity 效度validity coefficient 效度系数validity criterion 效度标准valnoctamide 甲乙基戊酰胺valuable 有价值的value 价值value analysis 价值分析value analysis engineering 价值分析工程value clarification 价值澄清法value consensus 价值共认value expression 价值表现value form 价值形式value goal 价值目标value goal congruence 价值目标一致性价值目标一致性value judgment 价值判断value of autonomy 自主的价值value of calculation 计算值value of personality 人格的价值value scale 价值量表value standard 价值标准value system 价值体系value test 价值观测查values 价值观念values characteristics 价值观特征values clarification 价值观辨析values clarification school 价值观辨析学派value expressive function 价值表现机能价值表现机能vamp 勾引vandalism 破坏行为vane 反复无常的人vane kindergarten test 韦恩幼儿园测验vanish 消失vanishing point 隐没点vanity 虚荣心vanquish 克服vantage 优势vapidity 乏味vaporish 忧郁的vaporous 空想的variability 变异性variability scale 离势量表variable 变量variable 可变的variable annuity 可变年金variable certainty equivalent method 可变确定值等分法variable contrast 可变反差variable error 变误variable geometry 可变机翼variable interval 不定时variable interval reinforcement 变动间隔强化variable limit 可变极限variable quantity 变量variable radix 可变基数variable ratio 变率variable ratio reinforcement 变率强化variable selection 变量选择variable stimulus 变异刺激variable interval reinforcement schedule 变动时距式强化方式variable interval schedule 可变时距程序可变时距程序variable pay programs 浮动工资方案浮动工资方案variable ratio reinforcement schedule 变动比率式强化方式variable ratio schedule 可变比率程序可变比率程序variable sweep wing 可变后掠翼variance 变异数variance 方差variance analysis 方差分析variance component 方差成分variance components method 方差分析法方差分析法variance law 方差律variance of configuration 组态方差variance of sum 总和方差variance of totals 总量方差variance optimum value 方差最优值variance partitioning 方差划分variance ratio 变异刺激variance testing 方差检定variance yields 方差值variance component model 方差分子模式variance maximizing rotation 极大方差轴转variant 变异variate 变量variation 变异variation 离中趋势variation analysis 差异分析variation tone 变调音variational psychology 差别心理学variator 调音器varicolored 杂色的varied reaction 多变反应variety 多样化varmint 流氓vary 改变vary in size 大小不同vascular 血管的vascular dementia 血管性痴呆vascular plethysmography 血管容积描记法vascular reaction 血管反应vascular reflex 血管反射vascular theory 脉管论vasculomotor 血管舒缩的vasoconstriction 血管收缩vasoconstrictor centre 血管收缩中枢vasoconstrictor nerve 血管收缩神经vasodilatation 血管舒张vasodilator 血管舒张药vasodilator centre 血管舒张中枢vasodilator nerve 血管舒张神经vasomotor centre 血管舒缩中枢vasomotor headache 血管运动性头痛vasomotor reflex 血管舒缩反射vasopressin 血管加压素vasovagal 血管迷走神经的vdt 视觉显示终端ve 爱vecordia 轻度精神障碍vector 矢量vector 向量vector addition 向量加法vector algebra 向量代数vector analysis 向量分析vector approach to psychotherapy 心理治疗指向分析vector diagram 向量图vector distribution 向量分布vector method 向量法vector notation 向量记法vector psychology 向量心理学vector quantity 向量vector sum 向量和vector variable 向量变量vectorcardiogram 心电向量图vectorcardiograph 心电向量描记器veerne s syndrome 韦内综合症vegan 绝对素食者veganism 绝对素食主义vegetarian 素食者vegetarianism 素食主义vegetation 单调的生活vegetative 植物性的vegetative function 营养机能vegetative life 植物性生活vegetative motivation 生存动机vegetative nervous system 植物性神经系统vegetative neurosis 植物性神经官能症植物性神经官能症vegetative stimulus 植物神经性刺激vehement 热烈的vehicle 媒介物vehicle 运载工具vehicle accident 交通事故vehicles 载体veiled 掩饰的vein 静脉veinlet 小静脉velar stop 舌后塞音velleity 意志薄弱velocimeter 速度计velocity 速度velocity constancy 速度常性velocity threshold 速度阈限velocity transposition phenomenon 速度变换现象velometer 速度计venae cerebri 大脑静脉venae cordis 心静脉venenation 中毒venenum 毒venereal disease 性病venereologist 性病学家venereology 性病学venereophobia 性病恐怖症venerismus 性病venery 性欲的vengeful 有报仇心理的venous pulse 静脉脉搏vent 发泄ventilation 舒发ventrad 向腹侧ventral 腹侧ventral horn 腹角ventral medial hypothalamus 腹中下丘脑腹中下丘脑ventral root 腹根ventralward 向腹侧ventricle 脑室ventriculitis 脑室炎ventriculogram 脑室造影照片ventriculography 脑室造影术ventriculometry 脑室压测量法ventriculus cerebelli 小脑室ventriculus cerebri 脑室ventriculus quartus 第四脑室ventriculus tertius 第三脑室ventrobasal complex 腹侧基底核丛ventrolateral nucleus of thalamus 丘脑腹外侧核ventromedial arcuate nucleus 腹内侧弓状核ventromedial hypothalamus 腹内侧下丘脑ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus 下丘脑腹内侧核venture 冒险vep 视觉诱发电位veracious 可靠的veracity 真实性verbal 言语的verbal ability 言语能力verbal ability test 言语能力测验verbal alexia 语性失读verbal amnesia 词语遗忘verbal aphasia 词汇性失语症verbal apraxia 词汇性失用症verbal aptitude test 言语能力测验verbal association 言语联想verbal attack 言语攻击verbal behavior 言语行为verbal coding 言语编码verbal communication 口头沟通verbal communication 言语交流verbal conditioning 言语条件作用verbal development 言语发展verbal development in infancy 婴儿期言语的发展verbal discrimination 语文辨别verbal error 用词错误verbal exposition 言语表达verbal expression skill 言语表达能力verbal feedback 言语反馈verbal figure 语图verbal function 言语功能verbal generalization 语意类化verbal inhibition 言语抑制verbal intelligence 语文智力verbal intelligence test 语文智力测验verbal iq 语文智商verbal kinesthesia 言语动觉verbal learning 语文学习verbal meaning 语文意义verbal mediation 言语中介verbal memory 语文记忆verbal paraphasia 语性错语verbal power 言语功率verbal psychotherapy 言语心理治疗verbal reasoning 语文推理verbal reasoning quotient 语文推理商数语文推理商数verbal reinforcement 言语强化verbal report method 口头报告法verbal scale 言语量表verbal stereotype 语性刻板印象verbal suggestion 言语暗示verbal test 文字测验verbal thought 言语思维verbalism 言语主义verbalization 言语表达verbalized attitude 言表态度verbal motion transfer 言语动作迁移verbatim recall 逐字回忆verbicide 滥用语词者verbigeration 重复言语verbomania 饶舌癖verb adjective proportion 动词形容词比动词形容词比veridical perception 真实知觉verifiable 可证实的verification 验证verification of data 数据核对verification process 验实过程verification stage 论证期verification test 证实试验verify 证实verisimilitude 真实性verity 真实性vermis 蚓部vermis cerebelli 小脑蚓部vernier 微差游标vernier acuity 游标视敏度vernier chronoscope 微差计时器verno s hierarchy structure model of intelligence 弗南智力层次结构模式versatility 多面性versatility indices 多方适应性指标versed 精通的version test 变式检查verstehend psychologie 理解心理学vertebrates 脊椎动物vertex positive wave 顶正波vertical association 垂直联想vertical axis 纵轴vertical center line illusion 垂直中线错觉vertical diagonal band 对顶带vertical differentiation of organization 组织的纵向分化vertical group 垂直团体vertical growth 垂直成长vertical integration 垂直整合vertical inventory 垂直式量表vertical loyalty 垂直效忠vertical mobility 纵向流动vertical process 垂直过程vertical sampling 垂直抽样vertical social distance 纵向社会距离vertical social mobility 纵向社会流动vertical society 纵向社会vertical transfer 垂直迁移verticality 垂直性vertical horizontal illusion 横竖错觉vertiginous 眩晕的vertigo 眩晕vertigophobia 眩晕恐怖症verve 活力very bright 聪明儿童vesania 躁狂症vesanic 疯癫的vesica 泡vesical reflex 膀胱反射vesicle 囊泡vestibular 前庭的vestibular apparatus 前庭装置vestibular function 前庭机能vestibular hallucination 前庭幻觉vestibular membrane 前庭膜vestibular nerve 前庭神经vestibular nucleus 前庭神经核vestibular nystagmus 前庭性眼振vestibular organ 前庭器vestibular response 前庭反应vestibular sac 前庭囊vestibular sensations 前庭感觉vestibular stimulation 前庭刺激vestibular system 前庭系统vestibular vegetative disturbance 前庭植物性紊乱vestibule 前庭vestibule school 技工学校vestibulocerebellum 前庭小脑vestibulocochlear nerve 听前庭神经vestibulo ocular reflex 前庭眼球反射vestibulo ocular response 前庭眼球反应前庭眼球反应vestibulo proprioceptive illusion 前庭本体性错觉vestibulo spinal tract 前庭脊髓径vestigial 发育不全的vestigial organ 退化器官vex 使烦恼vexation 烦恼vf 语言震颤vi reiforcement schedule 变动时距式强化方式viability 生存力vibes 激动vibrate 振动vibratile 振动的vibration 振动vibration adaptation 振动觉适应vibration base 振动台vibration effect 振动效应vibration exposure limits 振动耐受限度振动耐受限度vibration limit 受振限度vibration limit for comfort 保证舒适的受振限度vibration limit for safety 保证安全的受振限度vibration platen 振动平台vibration sensation 振动觉vibration sense 振动觉vibration sensitive receptor 振动感受器振动感受器vibration table 振动台vibratiuncle 微振vibrato 颤音vibrator 振动器vibrocardiogram 心振动描记图vibrocardiography 心振动描记术vibrograph 振动显示器vibromasseur 振动按摩器vibrometer 振动治聋器vibrophone 鼓膜振动器vibrophonocardiograph 心振动心音描记器vibroscope 振动仪vibrotherapeutics 振动疗法vibrotherapy 振动疗法vicarious 感应式vicarious 替代的vicarious classical conditioning 感应式古典条件作用vicarious conditioning 替代性条件作用替代性制约作用vicarious consequences 替代性结果vicarious emotional arousal 感应式情绪引发vicarious experience 替代性经验vicarious extinction 感应式学习消除vicarious function 替代作用vicarious learning 代替学习vicarious reinforcement 替代性强化vicarious responding 替代反应vicarious satisfaction 感应式满足vicarious trial and error 替代性尝试错误vice 恶习vicinal 邻近的vicious argument 错误论点vicious circle 恶性循环vicious habits 恶习vicious pronunciation 不正确发音vicious transformation 恶性转化viciousness of crime 犯罪恶习vicissitudes of libido 欲力转变victim 被害人victim psychology 被害人心理victimization 受害victimize 受害video 电视video amplifier 视频放大器video amplitude 视频振幅video data terminal 显示数据终端video display units 视频显示器video frequency 视频video recall 视觉回忆video signal 视频信号videotapes 录像磁带videotapes instruction 录像磁带教学video phone 电视电话vie 竞争viennese school 维也纳学派vier 竞争者vierodt s law 维厄洛两点阈定律vieth muller circle 维斯穆勒圆view 观点view 看法view of criminality 犯罪观view of live 人生观view of the world 世界观viewing angle 视角viewing distance 视距viewing system 观察系统views on intelligence and ability 智能观智能观views on knowing and doing 知行观views on mind and matter 心物观views on vital will and energy 志气观view point 观点vigilambulism 醒性梦行症vigilance 警戒vigilance task 警戒工作vigor 精力vigor tolerance 总耐力vigorous 健壮性vigotsky concept formation 维哥斯基概念形成测验vile practices 可耻行为vile violence 狂热行为vile weather 恶劣天气vilification 诬蔑villaret s syndrome 维拉雷综合症vinbarbital 戊烯巴比妥vincent curve 文森特曲线vindicability 可证明性vindicable 可证明的vineland social maturity scale 威尼兰社会成熟量表vino 酒vinous 酒的vinous excitement 酒后兴奋violate 强奸violence 暴动violent behavior 暴力行为violet 紫viper 险恶之人viral 病毒的viral leukoncephalopathy 病毒性脑白质病virgin 处女virginal anxiety 处女焦虑virile 男性化virile response 强劲性反应viriligenic 促男性化的virilism 男性化virility 有男性特征virilization 女性男性化virtual 实质上的virtual image 虚像virtual memory 虚拟存储器virtual organization 虚拟组织virtual temperature 虚温virtual work 虚功virtue 德行virus inhibition 病毒抑制viscera 内脏visceral brain 内脏脑visceral drive 内脏驱力visceral hallucination 内脏幻觉visceral learning 内脏学习visceral nerve 内脏神经visceral nervous system 内脏神经系统内脏神经系统visceral pain 内脏痛visceral paraesthesia 内脏感觉异常visceral reaction 内脏反应visceral receptor 内脏感受器visceral reflex 内脏反射visceral sensation 内脏感觉visceral vegetative system 内脏植物性系统visceroatonia 内脏优势型visceroatonia type 内脏型visceroceptor 内脏感受器viscerogenic desires 出自本能的欲望viscerogenic motivation 生理性动机viscerogenic need 内脏性需要visceroinhibitory 抑制内脏运动的visceromotor 内脏运动的viscerosensory 内脏感觉的viscerotonia 肥胖型viscerotonia 内脏强健型viscero neurosis 内脏性神经症viscus 内脏visibility curve 视见曲线visibility function 视见函数visibility level 能见度水平visibility meter 能见度仪visible 能见的visible light 可见光visible mutant 可见突变型visible range 可视域visible spectrum 可见光谱vision 视觉vision theory 视觉说visual 视觉的visual accommodation 视觉调节visual acuity 视敏度visual adaptation 视觉适应visual afterimage 视觉后像visual agnosia 视觉失认症visual agnosic alexia 视觉失认性失读visual aid 视觉教具visual allesthesia 视觉异处感觉visual amnesia 文字盲visual analyzer 视觉分析器visual angle 视角visual aphasia 视觉性失语症visual area 视觉区visual arts 视觉艺术visual auditory aid 视听辅助工具visual axis 视轴visual brightness 视觉亮度visual capacity 视觉能力visual cell 视细胞visual center 视中枢visual cliff 视崖visual code 视码visual coding 视觉编码visual cognition 视觉认知visual contrast 视觉对比visual coordinate 视觉坐标visual cortex 视觉皮质visual defect 视觉缺陷visual deprivation 视剥夺visual development 视觉发展visual direction 视觉方向visual discrimination 视觉辨别visual disparity 双眼视差visual display 视觉显示visual display terminal 视觉显示终端visual display unit 视觉显示单元visual displays 视觉显示器visual disturbance 视觉障碍visual environment 视觉环境visual ergonomics 视觉工效学visual evoked potential 视觉诱发电位visual exploration 视觉探索visual fatigue 视觉疲劳visual feedback 视觉反馈visual field 视野visual field of color 彩色视野visual field of fixation 注视视野visual fixation 注视visual focusing 视觉焦距visual hallucination 幻视visual hallucination 视幻觉visual hearing 以视代听visual idea 视觉观念visual illusion 视错觉visual illusion in flight 飞行视错觉visual image 视觉表象visual imagery 视觉表象visual information 视觉信息visual information storage 视觉信息储存视觉讯息储存visual kinesthetic 视动的visual language 视觉语言visual limen 视觉阈限visual line 视线visual literacy 视觉认识能力visual masking 视觉掩蔽visual measurement 目测visual memory 视觉记忆visual meter 视觉计visual motor 视动visual motor behavior rehearsal 视觉运动行为演练visual motor gestalt test 视动完形测验视动完形测验visual movement 视觉运动visual noise 视觉噪声visual noise in tracking 追踪中的视觉干扰visual object agnosia 视觉物体失认visual organ 视觉器官visual organization 视觉组织visual pattern recognition 视觉模式辨认视觉模式辨认visual pattern recognition machine 视觉图像辨认机visual perception 视知觉visual perception of velocity 速度的视知觉visual performance 视觉功能visual photometry 视觉测光法visual pigment 视色素visual preference of neonate 新生儿的视觉偏爱visual projection 视像投射visual purple 视紫visual pursuit 视觉追踪visual range 视觉范围visual receptor 视觉感受器visual reflex 视反射visual register 视觉登记visual resolution factor 视觉分辨率visual rivalry 视觉竞争visual scanning 视觉扫描visual search 视觉搜索visual search pattern 视觉搜索模式visual sensation 视觉visual sense 视觉visual sensibility 视觉感受性visual size perception 大小视知觉visual space 视觉空间visual space agnosia 视觉空间失认visual speech area 视觉言语区visual stimulus 视觉刺激visual surround 视觉环境visual symbol 视觉符号visual system 视觉系统visual task 视觉作业visual thinking 视觉思维visual threshold 视觉阈限visual time error 视觉时间误差visual tracking 视觉跟踪visual type 视觉类型visual violet 视紫质visual white 视白质visual world 视觉世界visual yellow 视黄质visualization 视觉化visualization of geometry 几何学的视觉化visualized 直观的visually directed reaching 视觉引导伸向视觉引导伸向visually handicapped 视觉缺陷者visual auditory aid 视听辅助工具visual auditory kinesthetic tactile 多感官教学法visual kinesthetic 视动的visual spatial ability 视觉空间能力visual vocal distance 视音距visuoauditory 视听的visuognosis 视觉辨认visuometer 视力计visuopsychic 精神视觉的visuopsychic area 视觉心理区visuosensory 视觉的visuo motor flexibility 视觉运动伸缩性视觉运动伸缩性vital 生机的vital capacity 生活力vital center 生命中枢vital energy 生命力vital force 生命力vital functions 生命机能vital hardiness 生命抵抗力vital impulse 活力vital index 生命指数vital meridian 冲脉vital movement 生机运动vital of lungs capacity 肺活量vital selection 生存竞争vital statistics 生命统计vital theory 生机论vitalism 生机说vitality 活力vitaminology 维生素学vitanition 维生素缺乏性营养障碍vitium 缺陷vitodynamics 生物动态学vitreous humor 玻璃状液viva 口试vivacious type 活泼型vividness 清晰viviparous 胎生的viviperception 活体观察vivisection 活体解剖vivosphere 生存空间vl 能见度水平vmh 腹内侧下丘脑vns 自主神经系统vocabulary 词汇vocabulary quantity 词汇量vocabulary test 词汇测验vocabulary word 字汇词vocal 声音的vocal center 发声中枢vocal cord 声带vocal fremitus 语言震颤vocal register 发音音域vocal tract 声道vocalism 发声vocality 发声能力vocalization 发音vocation 职业vocational adjustment 职业适应vocational aptitude 职业能力倾向vocational aptitude test 职业能力倾向测验vocational blink 职业盲vocational choice 职业选择vocational counseling 职业咨询vocational counselors 职业咨询人员vocational development 职业发展vocational education 职业教育vocational guidance 职业指导vocational interest 职业兴趣vocational interest blank 职业兴趣问卷vocational interest blank 职业兴趣问卷职业兴趣问卷vocational interest inventory 职业兴趣量表vocational maladjustment 职业适应不良职业适应不良vocational maturity 职业成熟性vocational preference inventory 职业偏好量表vocational psychology 职业心理学vocational rehabilitation 职业更新vocational selection 职业选择vocational training 职业训练voder 语音合成器vogt s syndrome 伏格特综合症voice 声音voice controls 语音控制器voice disorder 声音障碍voice key 音键voice onset time 嗓音起始时间嗓音起始时间voice print 声纹voice sound 有音声voiceless sound 无音声voice operated controls 语音控制器voicing 牵动声带void 空虚voigt s boundary lines 伏伊特界线volatility 易变volition 意志volition act 意志行为volitional behavior 意志行为volitional behavior disturbance 意志行为障碍volitional characteristics 意志特征volitional development 意志发展volitional movement 意志行动volitional quality 意志品质volitive 意志的volitive faculty 意志力volley principle 并发原则volley theory 并发论volt 伏特voltage 电压voltammeter 伏特计volume 容量volume color 容量色volume conservation 体积守恒volume control 容量控制volumetric analysis 容量分析volumetric receptor 容积接受体volumetric thirst 容量渴voluntarism 唯意志论voluntarist 唯意志论者voluntaristic philosophy 唯意志哲学voluntaristic psychology 唯意志论心理学voluntary 随意的voluntary 自愿的voluntary action 有意动作voluntary activity 自发性活动voluntary attention 有意注意voluntary behavior 有意行为voluntary chain 自由连锁店voluntary contraction 随意收缩voluntary coordination 自发性协调voluntary hospitalization 自愿住院voluntary imagination 随意想象voluntary motion 随意运动voluntary movement 随意运动voluntary muscle 随意肌voluntary muscular tissue 随意肌组织voluntary nervous system 自主神经系统voluntary parenthood 自愿亲职voluntary response 自主性反应voluntary test 自发测验volunteer 自愿者voluntomotory 随意运动的voluptuous 激起情欲的vomeronasal organ 犁鼻器vomit 呕吐vomiting center 呕吐中枢vomiting phobia 呕吐恐怖症vomiturition 干呕vomitus cruentus 呕血von kries s law of coefficient 冯·克里斯系数法则von kries s persistence law 冯·克里斯持续律von restorff effect 冯·雷斯托夫效应von restorff effect 孤立效应voodoo 巫术voodoo death 巫术死亡vot 嗓音起始时间嗓音起始时间vowel 元音vowel cancellation task 删除元音的工作删除元音的工作voyeur 窥阴癖者voyeurism 窥阴癖vr reinforcement schedule 变动比率式强化方式vrbison illusion 奥尔比逊错觉vte 替代性尝试错误vu 容量vulgar desires 低级欲望vulgarism 粗俗vulnerability 脆弱性vλ光亮度函数。



ModernLanguageAptitudeTestandManualModern Language Aptitude Test and Manual (MLAT)Carroll, J.B., & Sapon, S.M. (1959). San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation.Linda Steinman and Monika Smith, OISE/UTThe Modern Language Aptitude Test (MLAT) was designed to measure the ability of English speakers to learn a foreign language quickly in classroom settings. The test, used for selection, placement, and diagnostic purposes, was developed over 40 years ago and has not been updated in any way since then. It is still in use, however, and this intrigued us. In this paper, we take a critical look at the MLAT to determine why this test has retained a firm hold in the area of predicting foreign language aptitude and to explore whether it should, at this time, be updated.The testThe MLAT measures four skills: phonetic coding ability, grammatical sensitivity, memory ability, and inductive language learning ability. The names of the five test sections and the tasks that the test-takers must perform are as follows:Part I: Number Learning (aural) - Listen on tape to pseudo-words for numbers and then transcribe numbers of up to three digits.Part II: Phonetic Script (aural) - Learn and then demonstrate recognition of correspondences between speech sounds and orthographic symbols.Part III: Spell ing Clues - Read words that are spelled as they are pronounced and choose synonyms for them.Part IV: Words in Sentences - Note selected words in model sentences and locate words that have similar functions in other sentences.Part V: Paired Associates - Memorize a lexicon of 24 words from another language, practise, and then be tested on those words.Case studyIn order to examine face validity and to determine first hand the ease of test operation, we administered the MLAT to a volunteer graduate student. A native English speaker, he was interested in knowing how proficient a language learner he is. We selected the long form of the MLAT, which takes one hour to complete.Operationally, the test is a pleasure. All that is needed is a tape recorder, thepre-recorded MLAT cassette, a test booklet, an examinee answer sheet, atest-scoring sheet, an administrator's manual, and a pencil. The manual is excellent and answered most of our questions. The tape delivers all instructions to thetest-taker and even allows for time allotments.We interviewed our volunteer after he wrote the test. Some of his comments follow: 'It was quite hard. There was no time to think about how you were doing. I am used to essay-type questions, so the multiple choice was different for me and it was sometimes hard to keep my place on the scoring sheet.' (We noticed his time-saving strategy of not filling in the circles on his answer sheet with pencil; he just circled them and went back after to 'colour them in.')We asked, 'Would you say it is a fair test? Would you accept it as a fair predictor of your foreign language aptitude?' He replied, 'Yes, the test was a good one. It was long enough and it had a range of questions. But I know there is more to language learning that what was on the test, such as motivation and personality.'One of our expectations was that the volunteer would find the test vocabulary or the test format dated. We asked, 'Did the test seem current?' He replied, 'The voice on the tape was a little old, but otherwise it seemed fine.'In our minds, both face validity and ease of test administration were established.A point of interest: it is stated in the manual that while it is preferable to administer the long form of the test, the short form (which takes 30 minutes and omits Parts I and II) should yield similar results. This did not hold true for our volunteer, who did far better on the first two parts of his test. If he had taken the short form, his score would have been significantly lower.Validity and concernsThe MLAT was developed over five years of extensive research into the prediction of success in foreign languages. Experimental tests were administered to approximately 5,000 people. Four relatively independent components of language aptitude were identified for the final version of the test. The test was validated thoroughly, and validation has been ongoing since then (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995; Grigorenko, Sternberg, & Ehrman, 2000; Sparks, Ganschow, & Patton, 1995).The MLAT is also the established benchmark test for validating other measures of language aptitude or predictors of language proficiency. Some recent examples include the VORD (Parry & Child, 1990) and the CANAL-FT (Grigorenko, Sternberg, & Ehrman, 2000).The MLAT has consistently achieved good results and has high predictive value, but it has not gone unquestioned. A frequent challenge to the MLAT has been that it does not reflect current knowledge in the field of cognitive psychology (Oxford, 1990; Rees, 2000; Stansfield, 1989). Researchers, however, find it difficult to agree on how to define, and then on how to measure, many of these traits (Rychlak, 1981, cited in Rees, 2000; Sternberg, 1995). There appear to be, for example,irreconcilable differences in theories about what constitutes personality and contention over distinguishing learning style from ability.Does the MLAT measure language aptitude? We are satisfied that the test measures the four components mentioned earlier, but Carroll himself agrees that not all possible aspects of language aptitude are included in the MLAT (Carroll, 1990). His model indicates that language proficiency results from a combination of aptitude, motivation, institutional setting, and other possible factors. An aptitude test, therefore, will predict success in a language course only to some degree. Aside from the difficulties already mentioned in determining which other factors to include and how to measure them reliably, expanding the aptitude test might generate practicability problems. The test might become too long and/or harder to administer. Furthermore, the predictive success of an aptitude test will itself depend on the reliability of the achievement measurement to which it is compared (Goodman et al., 1990; Green, 1975).Another challenge to the MLAT has been the change in classroom methodology since the test's development. Language training is now more communicative. Does this make the MLAT less useful? Carroll reports in the MLAT manual that different approaches to language teaching did not significantly alter the validity of the test scores (p. 22). The MLAT continues to perform well even in recent studies (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995), achieving good correlations with proficiency measures in modern classrooms. Perhaps the MLAT measures metalinguistic awareness which is independent of classroom methodology (Sparks, Ganschow, & Patton, 1995). Changes in classroom methodology, therefore, do not seem to indicate a pressing need for a change to or update of the test.Need for updatingThe MLAT manual provides norm tables for high school students (Grades 9-12) as well as for adult learners. However, we had difficulties deciding on a suitable table for evaluating our volunteer's performance. As an adult graduate student, he seemed to fit neither the table for high school student nor the table for members of (mostly) the Armed Forces enrolled in language schools. In addition, the norms tables in the manual were established in 1958, when the high school population would have been quite different from more recent cohorts. The importance of establishing local norms for determining cut-off scores is emphasized by Ehrman and Oxford (1995) and in the MLAT manual (p. 20). However, when, as in our case, individuals (not groups) are tested, no comparison with other members of a cohort is available. It would therefore be useful if an update of the manual were to include some new norms tables.Carroll (1990) mentions a need to 'fine-tune' the MLAT and suggests a possible alternate form of the test to relieve test-giver tedium, prevent leakage, and permit retesting of individuals. Minor defects cited by Carroll include a lack of clear noticeabout the speeded nature of Part III. Our volunteer test-taker was not aware of the short time available for answering this section and consequently ran out of time half way through. We recommend that a more explicit warning be added to test instructions on the answer sheet and on the tape. Similarly, in Part I, each digit of the three-digit number is scored separately. This is not made clear to test-takers, and they might well feel that it is not worth entering any of the digits if they mishear one of them. Thus, they would lose the opportunity to earn partial marks.We would like to see some minor changes to the manual itself, such as the deletion of instructions regarding the old reel-to-reel tape recorders. The current version of the test comes with a cassette tape, so the directions should correspond.Finally, as the test is clearly still valuable (Ehrman & Oxford, 1995, recommend using the MLAT more often), a computer version would appear appropriate.We return to the question of the MLAT'S staying power and offer the following possibilities. Firstly, a prodigious amount of testing has gone into the MLAT, and Carroll has countered many of the challenges to the test. Secondly, many tests and studies done in the last 40 years have used the MLAT as a benchmark. To call the MLAT into question would call manysubsequent studies into question, too.There is, however, current activity in the development of foreign language aptitude tests. Jonathan Rees (2000) writes about a test being developed now at the University of Birmingham, where he believes that 'the time is ripe, both intellectually and commercially' for new research in this area. As well, the CANAL-F Test (Cognitive Ability for Novelty in Language Acquisition-Foreign) is currently being refined.For now, the MLAT appears to serve its purpose. With some updating, it is likely to continue to be a strong test instrument for many years to come.ReferencesCarroll, J.B. (1990). Cognitive abilities in foreign language aptitude: Then and now. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 11-29). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Ehrman, M.E., & Oxford, R.L. (1995). Cognition plus: Correlates of language learning success. Modern Language Journal, 79, 67-89.Goodman, J.F., et al. (1990). Determining exemptions from foreign language requirements: Use of the Modern Language Aptitude Test. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 15, 131-141.Green, P. (1975). Aptitude testing: An on-going experiment. Audio-Visual Language Journal, 12, 205-210. Grigorenko, E.L., Sternberg, R.J., & Ehrman, M.E. (2000). A theory-based approach to the measurement of foreign language learning ability: The Canal-F theory and test. Modern Language Journal, 84, 390-405.Oxford, R. (1990). Styles, strategies and aptitude: Connections for language learning. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 67-125). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Parry, T.S., & Child, J.R. (1990). Preliminary investigation of the relationship between VORD, MLAT, and language proficiency. In T.S. Parry & C.W. Stansfield (Eds.), Language aptitude reconsidered (pp. 30-66). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.Rees, J. (2000). Predicting the future of foreign language aptitude testing. In S. Cornwell & P. Robinson (Eds.), Individual differences in foreign language learning: Effects of aptitude, intelligence, and motivation. Conference proceedings, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo.Sparks, R.L., Ganschow, L., & Patton, J. (1995). Prediction of performancein first-year foreign language courses: Connections between nativeand foreign language learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 638-655.Spolsky, B. (1995). Prognostication and language aptitude testing. Language Testing, 12, 321-340.Stansfield, C.W. (1989). What is foreign language aptitude? Washington, DC: Eric Clearinghouse. (ERIC Documentation Reproduction Service No. ED 318 226)Sternberg, R. (1995). Styles of thinking and learning. Language Testing, 12,259-291.2001 The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 58, 2 (December/décembre) The College of Oxford University“Mode N” Test for Entrance to Classics 1995LANGUAGE APTITUDE TESTTime allowed: 60 minutesPlease write your name and college of first choice at the top of this page.1.The problems below are in roughly ascending order of difficulty and youshould work your way through them in this order. Credit will be given for all work done even if the paper is not completed.2.Read very carefully all the information you are given.3.Write your answers in he space provided on the paper.(You may if you wish towrite your rough work also on the paper).4.Write very clearly.I. The following sentences are in This language (an invented language).Isolate the individual words and work out their meanings. Your analysis should be such that every segment of every sentence is assigned to the same word; that is, when a sentence is broken up into words, there should be no residue:a. hi–tiacumya–? Is a cat listening carefully?b. hi–tisno–sist? Is the little girl listening carefully?c. mya–tsno–hi–ti. The cat is listening sleepily.d. sisacuhi–ti. A little girl is listening carefully.How does one express the following in This language?1. … cat?? _______2. …little girl”? ________3. … carefully?? __________4. …sleepily?? _________5.…a?? __________6.“the”? _________7.… is listening??__________II. In This language (the same as in problem one) there are two classes of nouns and two classes of verbs In sentences, each member of each class of verbs and nouns behaves according to exactly the same pattern as every other member of its class but the pattern may vary from class to class.One class of nouns and one class of verbs is characterized by the presence of a long vowel (a –e –i –o u –) in some or all of its forms; the other class of each is characterized by the absence of a long vowel.The only other thing you need to know is hat the order of words is much more flexible in This language than it is in English. Now proceed by studying the examples that are translated for you and then translating the sentences that follow:a.cunmati kid.'A child is coming.'b.go-ti kid't.'The child is going.'c.mu- kid'n go-pi.'A cow and a child are going.'d.cunmapi ben mu-'t'n, la-pi'n.'A boy and the cow are coming and singing.'Translate into English:8.kid't mu-'n cunmapi, sno-'n go-pi.Translate into This Language:9. A cow is coming.10.The boy is singing.e.ner't ge-'t'n spi-pi benun mu-f'n.'The man and the girl see a boy and (some) cows'.f.g e-s benus'n neruf't lunkapi, stri-n't'n bungapi.'(Some) girls and (some) boys are watching the men and annoying thewoman' .Translate into English:11.mu-n sisuf'n spi-ti stri-'t.Translate into This Language:12.A woman is watching the man.13.The children are annoying the women.g.kid't spit ho-n't.'The child saw the house (his home).'h.wuf't cumat stri-n't.'The dog came to the woman.'i.benus't bugap mu-n't, gop'n ho-f't.'The boys annoyed the cow and went to the houses (their homes,home).'Translate into English:14.spip neruf't lukap'n mya-s't.Translate into This Language:15.The children sang and the man went home.16.The boy came home and annoyed the women.III. In each of Questions 17-31, you find an English sentence containing a word UNDERLINED IN CAPITALS: let us call this word "the model". There follows in each case at least one other sentence in bold type.For each question, consider the function that the model has in the structure of its sentence -- the job that it does in relation to the other words in its sentence -- and then underline in the bold sentence the single word which most closely matches it in terms of this function within its sentence.If you find that two (or more) words match the model equally closely, underline them both (all). In questions with more than one bold sentence, do not expect to find a match necessarily in each sentence; there may be one in each sentence but there may not be.Here is an example:("model") Anne is cutting up APPLES.Ben is growing up fast.Maria is throwing the dogs sticks.The answer is sticks in the second sentence. Like APPLES, and unlike any other word in the bold sentences, sticks names what is directly acted on by the action of the verb: sticks are being thrown, just as APPLES are being cut.Now answer the questions that follow:17.This Act was the first to legalize the UNIONS.I know my parents shared a love of music.The other week, friends we visited told us the same story.18.Diaries and memoirs have not caused ME much interest.One Sunday I rang to see what they would offer Dad.Her look made you first freeze and then move as fast as you could.Dad told us to come and watch the man giving the dolphins fish.19.A fresh START was the crux of the idea.Small wonder John and Sarah found life a heavy burden.Not one of them escaped the consequences of that conflict and each in turn became part of that movement of peoples. 20.WE apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.Will anyone notice the difference?Why doesn't he just sit down and get on with it?21.With a sinister tearing noise the large package SPLIT apart.He shrugged his shoulders, wrinkled his face and shook with laughter.Sometimes they open quite easily but usually you need a knife to split them.22.Under the stairs was found the missing PIECE of cakeA new car was offered as first prize.He was handed a shovel and given two hours to finish the job.23.My father, SEARCHING for a job, had left Manchester and his parents in1912.The acres had remained intact, growing in value and not decreasing in number.John Thomas Salt, whose friends seemed to relish using both his forenames, had married Mary Jane Jones from North Cheshire.To us, accustomed to such upheavals, it would seem natural to leave home fora safer haven.24.Without exception it was a time of EMBRACING new cultures and rejectingthe past.In the unhealthy conditions surrounding heavy engineering and mining, working and holding on placed many pressures on dwindling family resources.25.Small wonder John and Sarah found life a heavy BURDEN.He shifted his weight nervously from foot to foot.Recent legislation has made it an offence to fail to disclosesuch details.26.But these farms and bits of ground had gone again BEFORE our time.It was not easy to resettle in lands supposedly fit for heroes to live in after over twenty million souls had perished.27.I must write BEFORE the mists of time obscure the clarity of my recollections.Before 1914 life had gone on at a very different pace.Even when the battles began, change uas slow to come.28.Some left FOR the colonies or journeyed to the Americas.He married his sweetheart and they set up home outside Coventry.During the early days of his high hopes he had become used to her presence.29.I knew the day would EVENTUALLY arrive when I could sit down and takestock.Naturally, conditions in 1960 were still a far cry from those we enjoy today.How he got in was little short of a miracle.30.He'll PROBABLY recommend that we wait another SLY months.Predictably, the previously mentioned grand-daughter resisted this fiercely.31.What I am loath to do is SCRIPT a narrative about myself.Editing the Bulletin is a difficult task, since copy arrives at three of the busiest times of the year.END OF PAPERCUCD Bulletin 25 (1996)University of Oxford 1996(http:/doc/aea13682dd3383c4bb4cd2f5.html /Classics/CUCD/test.html)。

毕马威 KPMG aptitude test的题型介绍

毕马威 KPMG aptitude test的题型介绍
前前后后我大概用了一个多礼拜的时间刷题库,经典就不用说了,SHL、渣打、德勤等等都做了个遍(没办法不刷多点题心里没底啊! )
3、KPMG的numerical test和verbal test:/external/mocktest/#
UKCAT的verbal test网上练习
还有就是,虽然邮件上说每部分需要45分钟,但是这其中包含了15分钟的训练题,以及本来需要30分钟答题但是我只给你25分钟(还是24?)的正式测试题,所以大家还是得按照25分钟(or 24?)的时间来训练~
二、应对策略 据SHL公司说,此类能力测试的设计可以让参与者真实反映自身能力,通过模拟训练不会对结果有实质性影响。老外总是太低估中国学生的应试能力了,有把握的说,按照本文的提示进行对题型的熟悉和一定的练习,应试者可以在原有基础上至少提高10%的成绩。
下面介绍几个numerical test不错的练习:

Aptitude Tests

Aptitude Tests

• Sá fá r, Anna and Kormos, Judit. 2008. Revisiting problems with foreign language aptitude. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 46 (2). pp. 113-136. • Cook, Vivian. 2000. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. • Ellis, Rod. 1999. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Shanghai: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press • Lightbown, Patsy M. and Spada, Nina. 2011. How Language are Learned. Oxford University Press. • Robinson, Peter. 2005. Aptitude and Second Language Acquisition. NJ: Cambridge University Press. • Skehan, Peter.1989. Individual Differences in Second-Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold.
1) Should communicative competence be included?



National Talent Search (First Level) Scholarship Examination, 2013(For Student Studying in Class - 10)Scholastic Aptitude TestPart – II18-11-2012 Time : 90 minutes Max. Marks : 90 Instructions :There are 90 questions belong to the following subjects :1. Physics : (S.No. 1 to 12) – 12 questions2. Chemistry : (S.No. 13 to 23) – 11 questions3. Biology : (S.No. 24 to 35) – 12 questions4. Mathematics : (S.No. 36 to 55) – 20 questions5. History : (S.No. 56 to 65) – 10 questions6. Geography : (S.No. 66 to 75) – 10 questions7. Political Science : (S.No. 76 to 85) – 10 questions8. Economics : (S.No. 86 to 90) – 5 questions1. Which is not the unit of Force -Dyne (3)NewtonJoule (4)(1)Poundal(2)Ans. [3]2. The expansion of a solid body depends on -(1) Mass of the solid only (2) Nature of the solid only(3) Temperature of the solid only (4) Nature and temperature of the solidAns. [4]3. Which country is called the country of Wind mills ?(2)Britain(1)HollandAmericaIndia (4)(3)Ans. [1]4. Who was the first President of Atomic energy commission in India -VikramSarabhai(1) Homi Jahangir Bhabha (2)(3) Prof. M.S. Swaminathan (4) Prof. Meghnad SahaAns. [1]5. The particles of the medium in the transverse wave move -(1) Circular Motion (form) (2) Oval form (3) In direction of the wave motion(4) Perpendicular to the direction of the wave motionAns. [4]6. The Lens used in the Camera is -(1) Convex Lens(2) Concave Lens(3) Biconvex Lens (4) Biconcave Lens Ans. [1, 3]Lens use in camera is generally biconvex it is a type of convex lens (converging lens). So both options are correct.7.Velocity of sound is maximum in -(1) Water (2) Oil (3) Air (4) Iron Ans. [4] 8.One Volt is equal to -(1) 1 Joule (2) 1 Newton/Coulomb (3) 1 Joule/Coulomb (4) 1 Coulomb/Newton Ans. [3] Sol. W = QV9. On a bulb is written 220 Volt and 60 watt. Find out the resistance of the bulb and the value of the current flowing through it -(1) 806.66 ohm and 0.27 ampere (2) 500 ohm and 2 ampere(3) 200 ohm and 4 ampere(4) 100 ohm and 1 ampereAns. [1] Sol. P = R V 260 =R220220× R = 60220220× = 806.66 ΩP = VII = 22060I = 0.2727 Ampere10. The maximum attraction in a magnet is -(1) In the centre (2) On the sides(3) On the poles (4) On the surfaceAns. [3]11. The unit of frequency is -Joule(1)Hertz (2)CalorieKiloOhm (4)(3)Ans. [1]12. The first Astronaut in space was -Armstrong(1)Neel(2)H.G.WalesGodai(3) Uri Gagarin (4)RobertAns. [3]13. Boiling point of Water is -373ºK (4)(3)100ºK 273ºK (2)(1)0ºKAns. [3]14. The Process by which a mixture of Sodium Chloride and Ammonium Chloride can be separated, is called -(2)ChromatographySublimation(1)Distillation(4)Evaporation(3)Ans. [1]15. The formula of Ammonium Sulphate is -(NH4)2SO4(3) NH4(SO4)2(4) NH4(SO4)3NH4SO4 (2)(1)Ans. [2]16. Isotopes of an element have -(1) Same Physical Properties (2) Different Chemical Properties(3) Different No. of Neutrons (4) Different Atomic NumberAns. [3]17. A Brown and bright element "x" when heated in presence of air turns in to black substance "y". If hydrogengas is passed over this heating material again "x" is obtained "x" and "y" are -(1) Cu and CuO (2) S and SO2(3) C and CO2(4) Na and NaHAns. [1]18. P H of any neutral solution is -(4)7(3)14(1)(2)1Ans. [4]19. An non metal, which is found in liquid state is -OxygenCarbon(4)Iodine (3)(1)Bromine(2)Ans. [1]20. The P H of a solution which turns red litmus Blue will be -4(3)(4)5(2)9(1)1Ans. [2]21. Which of the following is correct electronic configuration of Argon -(1) 2, 8 (2) 2, 8, 8 (3) 2, 8, 1 (4) 8, 2, 8Ans. [2]22. Element "x" which is solid and having high melting point, form a Chloride "x Cl3". This element "x" wouldbe in which group of Periodic table -Al(4)Si(3)MgNa(1)(2)Ans. [3]23. Methane with the Molecular formula "CH4" has -(1) 4 Covalent bonds (2) 8 Covalent bonds(3) 6 Covalent bonds (4) 2 Covalent bondsAns. [1]24. Cell organelle which differentiates plant cell from animal cell is -(1) Cell Membrane (2) Plastids(4)VacuolesNucleolus(3)Ans. [2]Sol. Plastids are present only in plant cells.25. Blood is a type of connective tissue, which has -Platlets (4) All of the aboveW.B.C. (3)R.B.C. (2)(1)Ans. [4]Sol. R.B.C, W.B.C. & Platlets are components of blood.26. Bile Juice is secreted from -Intestinalglands (2)glandsSalivary(1)(4)LiverStomach(3)Ans. [4]Sol. Bile Juice is secreted from liver27. When acidity in Stomach increases, the medicine generally used is -(1) Sodium bicarbonate (2) Sodium Carbonate(3) Ammonium Carbonate (4) Ammonium bicarbonateAns. [1]Sol. Sodium bicarbonate reduces stomach acid.28. Planeria is kept in which group -Platyhelminathes(1) Coelentrata (2)Annelida(4)Nematoda(3)Ans. [2]Sol. Planeria is an example of flatworm.29. Which of the following is an example of Brayophyte -Pinus (4)Algae(3)FernMoss (2)(1)Ans. [1]Sol. Moss is an example of Brayophyte.30. Dissimilarity found in Aves and Mamalia is -(1) Warm Blooded Animal (2) Lay eggs(3) Breathe through Lungs (4) Four chambered heartAns. [2]Sol. Aves are viviparous and mammals are oviparous.31. Substances necessary for autotrophic Nutrition are -(1)ChlorophyllCO2 and H2O (2)ofaboveAllthe(4)light(3)SunAns. [4]Sol. All are essential component for photosynthesis.32. Blood Pressure is measured with an instrument called - (1) Thermometer (2) Stethoscope (3) Sphygmo manometer(4) Clinical ThermometerAns. [3]Sol.A sphygmomanometer or blood pressure meter is a device used to measure blood pressure. 33.Phloem tissues in plants are responsible for - (1) Transportation of Water(2) Transportation of Food (3) Transportation of Amino acids(4) Transportation of OxygenAns. [2]Sol.Phloem tissue is responsible for transportation of food in plants. 34.The plants is which vegetative propagation is found, are -(1) Brayophullum (2) Sugarcane (3) Rose (4) All of the above Ans. [4]35.Which of the following is not a plant harmone -(1) Auxin (2) Gibberellins (3) Cytokinin (4) Adrenaline Ans. [4] Sol.Adrenaline is secreated by adrenal gland in human. 36.Graph drawn from the equation y = x 2 – 3x – 4 will be -(1) Circle (2) Parabola (3) Straight line (4) Hyperbola Ans. [2]37.For which values of 'a' and 'b' does the following pair of linear equations have an infinite number of solutions2x + 3y = 7, (a – b)x + (a + b)y = 3a + b – 2(1) a = 5, b = 1(2) a = 4, b = 2(3) a = 1, b = 5(4) a = 2, b = 4Ans. [1] Sol. )b a (2− = 2b a 37)b a (3−+=+2a + 2b = 3a – 3b ;)b a (3+= 2b a 37−+5b = a ; b 63 =2b 167− 16b – 2 = 14 b 2b = 2b = 1a = 538.If b 2 – 4ac ≥ 0 then the roots of quadratic equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 is -(1) a 2ac 4b a 2b 2−± (2) a 2ac4b a 2b 2+±−(3) a 2ac 4b a 2b 2+± (4) a 2ac4b a 2b 2−±− Ans. [4] Sol.x = a 2ac 4b b 2−±− = a2ac 4b a 2b 2−±− 39.The sum of the third and seventh terms of an A.P. is 6 and their product is 8, then common difference is -(1) ± 1 (2) ± 2 (3) ± 21 (4) ± 41Ans. [3] Sol. a + 2d + a + 6d = 6 (a + 2d) (a + 6d) = 82a + 8d = 6 (3 – 2d) (3 + 2d) = 8 a = 3 – 4d 9 – 4d 2 = 8 1 = 4d 2d = ±21 40.In a given figure in trapezium ABCD if AB || CD then value of x is -A BC D•x–222x+55O(1) 829 (2) 298 (3) 20 (4) 201Ans. [3]Sol.∆AOB ~ ∆COD OC AO = OD OB52 =5x 22x +−4x + 10 = 5x – 10 ⇒ 20 = x41. If points (x, 0), (0, y) and (1, 1) are Collinear then the relation is - (1) x + y = 1 (2) x + y = xy (3) x + y + 1 = 0 (4) x + y + xy = 0Ans. [2]Sol. 1111y 010x = 0 ⇒ x (y – 1) + 1 (–y) = 0 ⇒ xy – x – y = 0 ⇒ x + y = xy42.If sin (A + B) =23, cos (A – B) = 23 and 0 < A + B ≤ 90º, if A > B then the value of A and B are - (1) A = 45º, B = 15º (2) A = 60º, B = 30º (3) A = 0º, B = 30º (4) A = 30º, B = 0º Ans. [1] Sol. A + B = 60º A – B = 30º––––––––– 2A = 90º A = 45º B = 15º 43.If the Angle of elevation of sun increases from 0º to 90º then the change in the length of shadow of Towerwill be -(1) No change in length of shadow (2) length of shadow increases (3) length of shadow decreases (4) length of shadow will be zero Ans. [3] Sol.CWhere BC is the length of shadow and θ is variable.Q tan θ = BC AB ⇒ BC = θtan ABas θ tends to 90º So BC tends to 0. So length of shadow decreases so the answer is (3) But option (4) is correct when final value of θ = 90º thenBC = º90tan AB = 0/1AB= 0∴ BC = 0∴ length of shadow will be zero.44.The perimeter of square and circumference of Circle are equal, the area of square is 121 m 2 then the area of circle is -(1) 7 πm 2(2) 14 πm 2(3) 21 πm 2 (4) 49 πm 2Ans. [4] Sol. 4 side = 2πr4 × 11 = 2πrr = π22∴ area = πr 2= π.2222π =222222× × 7 =722× 49 = 49 π 45.A drinking glass is in the shape of a frusturm of a cone of height 14 cm. The diameter of its two circular ends are 4 cm and 2 cm then the capacity of glass is -(1)3cm 32102 (2)3cm 31102 (3)3cm 32101 (4)3cm 31101 Ans. [1] Sol. V = )r r r r (h 31212221++π= 72231× × 14 (4 + 1 + 2) =3308 = 32102 46.The median and mode of a frequency distribution are 525 and 500 then mean of same frequency distribution is -(1) 75 (2) 107.5 (3) 527.5 (4) 537.5 Ans. [4] Sol. Mean = 2emod median 3−= 2500)525(3−= 25001575−=21075= 537.5 47.The author of the book "The Book of games of chance" Based on probability theory is -(1) J. Cardon(2) R.S. Woodwards(3) P.S. Laplace(4) P.S. PhermaAns. [1]48.Rationalising the denomenator of535− is - (1) )53(25+ (2) )53(25+−(3) )53(25− (4) )53(25−−Ans. [2] Sol.5353535++×−=53)53(5−+ = )53(25+−49.Value of 22100is -(1) 1 (2) 50100(3) 250 (4) 299Ans. [4] 50.The number of Straight line drawn from one point to any other point are -(1) 4 (2) 3(3) 2 (4) 1 Ans. [4] 51.In a given figure PQ || ST, ∠PQR = 110º, ∠RST = 130º, then value of ∠QRS is -(1) 20º (2) 50º (3) 60º (4) 70º Ans. [3]52.The bisectors of angles of a parallelogram makes a figure which is-(1) Rectangle (2) Circle (3) Pentagon (4) Octagon Ans. [1] Sol. 2B 2A ∠+∠ = 2º18053. The Chord of maximum length in a Circle is called - (1) Radius(2) Arc(3) Diameter(4) PointAns. [3]54.Area of triangle ABC whose sides are 24 m, 40m and 32 m is -(1) 96 m 2(2) 384 m 2(3) 43 m 2(4) 192 m 2Ans. [2] Sol. s =2324024++ = 296= 48Area = )3248)(4048)(2448(48−−−= )16)(8)(24)(316(× = 16 × 24 = 38455.Curved surface of right circular cylinder is 4.4 m 2, radius of base is 0.7 m. then the height is (Take π = 22/7) (1) 1 m(2) 2 m(3) 3 m(4) 4 mAns. [1]56.Who built Jantar-Mantar ?(1) Sawai Jai Singh (2) Mirza Raja Jai Singh(3) Raja Man Singh(4) Pratap SinghAns. [1]57.Who was the author of "Geet Govind" ?(1) Sarangdhar (2) Jaidev (3) Madhodas (4) Bihari Ans. [2] 58.Kaila Devi Sanctuary is situated in which district ?(1) Alwar (2) Dungarpur (3) Karauli(4) UdaipurAns. [3] 59.Who was mainly responsible for "Bang-Bhang" ? (1) Lord Litton(2) Lord Rippon(3) Lord Meuchale(4) Lord KorzenAns. [4]60. In 1913, Dada Saheb Phalke made the movie-(1) Basant (2) Raja Harishchandra (3) Anari (4) Paying guestAns. [2]61. What is Gilotin ?(1) Mine of Coal (2) Human Settlement (3) Death Machine (4) Shifting AgricultureAns. [3]62. Massai Mara national Park is located in -(1) India (2) Pakistan (3) Sudan (4) KenyaAns. [4]63. In which country first time the cultivation of opium begin ?India (3) China (4) Britain(1)(2)PortugalAns. [3]64. Which treaty was imposed on Germany after first world war ?Paris (3) Vienna (4) London(1)(2)VersaillesAns. [1]65. Who opened the first Cricket Club in India ?(1) Britisher (2) Hindu (3) Jurestreian (4) MuslimAns. [1]* According to NTSE the option (3) is correct i.e. Jurestreian (spelling is wrong) it’s Zoroasterians.But the correct answer would be option (1) Britishers because in the question they have asked about Cricket Club which was opened by Britishers and the Indian Cricket Origin was done by Zoroasterians. For Ref (NCERT History Class IX page no 150)66. What is "Barkan" ?(1) Name of Sand dune (2) Name of Village(3) Name of Tree (4) Name of MountainAns. [1]67. Which state coast line is called the Malabar ?Kerala (3) Rajasthan (4) West Bengal Gujrat (2)(1)Ans. [2]68. Ranthambore is situated in -Pradesh (3) Assam (4) Madhya PradeshArunchal(1)(2)RajasthanAns. [1]69. The full form of C.N.G. is -(1) Compound Natural Gas (2) Complex Natural Gas(3) Compound New Gas (4) Compressed Natural GasAns. [4]70. The ore of iron is-Bauxite (4)(3)Lignite (1)Haematite(2)UraniumAns. [1]71. Gender ratio in India is -(4)400/1000(3)300/1000940/1000880/1000(1)(2)Ans. [2]72. Bhakra-Nangal Project is situated on the River ?(3)MahiDamodar (4)(1)Satluj (2)TungbhadraAns. [1]73. When was "Indian wildlife Protection Act" implemented ?19761972 (3)1974 (4)(1)1970 (2)Ans. [2]74. Salty Water lake is -(1) Jaisamand lake (2) Rajsamand lake (3) Didwana lake (4) Gapsagar lake Ans. [3]75. The Rainfall that occurs during winter season is known as-(3) Mango Shower (4) MavathCyclone(1)Monsoon(2)Ans. [4]76. Who is the first person of India ?(1) Prime Minister (2) President (3) Governor (4) Chief Minister Ans. [2]77. The Country that is not permanent member of United Nation Organisation is ?IndiaChina (4)Britain (3)(1)Russia (2)Ans. [4]78. "The long walk to freedom" is autobiography of ?(1) Nelsen Mandela (2) Mahatma Gandhi (3) Barak Obama (4) Amitabh Bachchan Ans. [1]79. "Code of conduct" is related to ?Cereals (4)Transportation (3)Election(2)War(1)Ans. [4]80. Who can seek information from government under "right to information Act" ?Only Government officials(2)(1)AnyCitizen(3) Only elected members of Loksabha (4) Only elected members of Vidhan SabhaAns. [1]81. How many languages are three under article 8th in the Indian Constitution ?25(4)(3)1522(1)(2)20Ans. [1]82. The first nation of the world which provided adult franchise is -(1) America (2) India (3) Brazil (4) NewzilandAns. [4]83. Which of the following Country has adopted the one (single) Party System ?America (3) Japan (4) ChinaIndia (2)(1)Ans. [4]84. In which year Indian National Congress was established -1985 (4)1885 (3)1905(1)1889 (2)Ans. [2]85. Out of the following which is not a union territory ?(2)Chandigrah (3) Goa (4) Daman and Div(1)PuducherryAns. [3]86. When was the "National Rural Employment Gurantee Act" Passed ?20072005 (4)(1)2003 (3)2001 (2)Ans. [3]87. What is GDP ?(1) Gross Daily Production (2) Gross Domestic Production(3) Gross Domestic Power (4) Gross Development Production Ans. [2]88. When is the National Consumer Day celebrated in India ?(1) December, 24 (2) September, 16 (3) March, 8 (4) May, 25 Ans. [1]89. According to Census-2011 the literacy rate of Rajasthan ?(1) 48.34 % (2) 54.90 % (3) 67.06 % (4) 74.04 % Ans. [3]90. In which year did the Economic Liberalisation start in India ?1999 (4)2004 1991 (2)1996 (3)(1)Ans. [1]。

Aptitude Test

Aptitude Test

Question 3
Question 4
Which Quarter saw the largest percentage increase If the Inflation Indices were rebased at 100 again at
in Earnings through inflation?
the 3rd Quarter, what would be the 4th Quarter
inflation index for Foods?
2nd 3rd 4th All the same Cannot say
(94/100)*100 (94/97.5)*100 (94/95)*100 (100/94)*100 Cannot say
95m None of these
Question 7
Question 8
What was the percentage increase in Total GDP in What would the GDP per person in the workforce
1999 over 1998?
have been in 1997, given that the workforce was
How many unemployed people were there in 1999, given that the workforce was 60% of the population?
55m 3,200,000
65m 3,300,000
75m 3,400,000
85m 3,500,000
55% of the population?
11.2% 14.8% 17.3% 21.8% 25.3%

外语学习能力测验Foreign Language Aptitude Test

外语学习能力测验Foreign Language Aptitude Test
(Modern Language Aptitude Test-Elementary) -- by John Carro & Stanley Sapon, 1967.
• 適用於小學(三至六年級)學生。 • MLAT兒童版。 • 有助於小學之外語學習能力分班及瞭解學 生語言學習之個別需求。
近期研究 (cont.)
• Critical Period Hypothesis and Aptitude • Dekeyser (2000)
– Proposition (Johnson & Newport’s 1989 study)
• Strong negative correlation between age on arrival and level of attained proficiency up till age 17 • There is no correlation between age on arrival and attained proficiency beyond the point.
• 有些FLAT不能反映認知心理學新理論及發現。 • 未將可能影響外語習得的因素,如年齡、學習動 機、學習環境、學習策略等一併納入評估。 • 語言學習能力評估未與學習成效相互印證。 • 雖則可藉測試結果給予獲高分者更多學習時數以 及瞭解其最佳學習策略,若未能有效提升個別學 習者語言學習能力,對受試者並無直接助益,。



aptitude用法【释义】aptituden.天资,天赋;自然的倾向,习性;适宜复数aptitudes【短语】1aptitude test能力倾向测验;性向测验;能力倾向测试;能力测试2Cognitive Aptitude Test认知能力测试;认知才能测试;认知本领测试3Scholastic Aptitude Test学术能力测验;学习能力倾向测验;学术性向测验;学术能力测试4scholastic aptitude学习方面才能;学习方面的才能5aptitude monitoring device智能监控单元6language aptitude语言学能;语言能力倾向;语言能力;语言学习能力7Intuitive aptitude看透事物运作规律8aptitude tests才能试验;能力倾向测验;性向测验;能力测试对个人学习或掌握技术能力的测量9aptitude measure能力倾向测量;能力倾向测定【例句】1Researchers used ACT scores as a measure of intellectual aptitude.研究人员用美国大学入学考试(ACT)成绩来衡量其智力资质。

2She had no aptitude for nursing.她没有从事护理工作的能力。

3She showed a natural aptitude for the work.她表现出了做这工作的天赋。

4His aptitude for dealing with children got him the job.他善于和儿童打交道的本事使他得到了这份工作。

5The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement.该测试将评估能力而不是学业成绩。

6He drifted into publishing and discovered an aptitude for working with accounts.他偶入出版界,发现自己具有管账的天资。



Aptitude test for testersVersion 1.1AnswersIntroductionThe tester’s aptitude test has been compiled to assist the test manager/team leader in the recruiting of good quality testers. This test should be used in conjunction with other interviewing techniques.StructureThe test comprises of 25 questions, each carrying different marks. The questions have been designed to test a broad knowledge of testing from scenario testing to specific questions on testing tools.MarkingThe test should be completed in 1.5hours. However if it takes the candidates longer then penalty points can be deducted (1 point for every extra minute for example). If the candidates take less time then they can be awarded extra points.The total number of points given from the test is 150 – this can be translated into a percentage and you might want to consider having a sliding scale for the potential testers: •Score less than 50% - Fail•Score 50% to 65% - Trainee Tester•Score 65% to 80% - Tester•Score more than 80% - Senior TesterAcknowledgementsThe first draft of the Aptitude Test was issued in June 2001. The following people were kind enough to suggest alternative questions and comment on the content. Appreciation for the first version goes to:Dave Norman, Tim Edmonds, Richard Durham, Barbara Eastman, Kris Pears, Steve Walker and Christine Hunt.No. Answer Score1. They are both accurate! The purpose of testing is to find faults AND2 ensure it me e ts the users needs (fit for purpose).2. It depends on how good your tests were and what they were testing. To2 have justified confidence in the software we must have confidence in ourtests, data and environment.3. Talk to users, developers and analysts to understand what the system is4 supposed to do.Document this understanding and get it reviewed and use this as asubstitute for the Requirements/Design documentation.Talk with testers who have tested the system previouslyRead whatever is available and clarify assumptions4. The tester should first establish whether the reason is because of a test3fault (i.e. they have made a mistake) or whether it is an environmentfault. If neither of these are true then they should then check to seewhether this fault has already been raised. If not then either raise thefault or more preferable – talk to the development group to check thefault out.5. They are as important as each other. However testers need to have a2different mindset to developers and therefore should actively look forpotential faults. If we only concentrate on positive tests (show that thesystem does what it should do) then we will potentially experienceproblems when the system goes live. If we only concentrate on negativetests (showing the system doesn’t do what it shouldn’t) then again wecould potentially miss significant faults. However if we look primarily atbreaking the system then we may find lots of faults (the what if scenarios)but we may not establish if the system is going to meet the users needsand requirements. A balance is needed with all three approaches.6. A good test is one that can potentially find a fault in the system. If this2 test does not find a fault then it will give us a certain amount ofconfidence.Tests must also be efficient – we should not have tests which all do thesame thing.No. Answer Score7. Do you have a test case:171. for a valid scalene triangle?2. for a valid equilateral triangle?3. for a valid isosceles triangle?4. for each of the three permutations of two equal sides in validisosceles triangles?5. in which one side has a length of zero?6. in which one side has a negative length?7. in which the sum of the length of two sides is equal to the length ofthe third?8. for each of the three permutations of case 7?9. in which the sum of the length of two sides is less than the lengthof the third?10. for each of the three permutations of case 9?11. in which all side lengths are zero?12. which uses non-integer input values?13. which uses the wrong number of input values?14. did all your test cases specify the expected output?Myers states that experienced professional programmers score onaverage 7.8 out of the first 14 questions. Extra points can be given forfurther tests such as performance, reliability and configuration8. This is not a serious problem. The message is being printed. The best3solution would be (a) or (d) – it is essential that faults be raised as soonas possible so that Development can fix them. However this is dependenton the severity and priority of the fault. This fault is not stopping anyfurther testing on this script – it might be that other similar problemsoccur with other messages and this extra information might assistdevelopment with further investigation9. The answer is (d) – it might be our environment or it could have been3fixed by some other fault fix in the new version.10. First we should investigate the faults – is it because we had run our tests6 wrongly, or that we were running the tests on the wrong environment?Assuming that it is because the software has regressed – then we mustestablish the nature of the faults and severity of the faults.It is probably inefficient to run any further tests at this stage. We shouldwork with development in getting a new version of the software with thefaults fixed and re-tested before running test set 2.14. Assuming there are 7hours per working day. This task would take you:5 600x10 = 6000 minutes = 100 hours = 14.286 daysThere are a number of options that could be considered:Work overtime (this should not be considered as a first resort)Ask for more staff to help (again this may not be the best approach, particularly if you need to spend time training and mentoring the newstaff)WE SHOULD:Re-prioritise our tests and run the most important tests firstAssuming that not all the 600 tests would have been run within this time, risk assessment need to be made as to the consequences ofnot running the extra tests.After this initial week and the system is implemented there is no reason why the extra tests could not be run (assuming that you aregiven the time)15. Testing tools are very important to assist the tester in their work. Using4 tools can also potentially make the tester more efficient in their work –they are able to run more tests (using regression testing for example). Orthey can quickly compare 3 reports (comparison tool).The tools in themselves however do not make good testers and alsoshould not be considered if the test process is in ‘chaos’.16. Requirement Testing Tools9 Test Design ToolsTest Data Preparation ToolsRegression Testing toolsDebug ToolsDynamic Analysis ToolsCoverage Measurement ToolsStatic Analysis ToolsPerformance Testing ToolsTest Management ToolsNetwork monitoring toolsTest Harness or Simulation toolsThe importance of this question is to see if the candidate has anyknowledge about tools. We do not want the names of tools but want toknow if the candidate can distinguish between the types of tool.17. Any of the following:2 BS 7925-1 (Glossary of testing terms), BS7925-2 (Component Testing),ISO9000 and ISO9001 (Quality standards), IEEE829 (TestDocumentation), IEEE1028 (Reviews), IEEE1044 (Incidents)18. How would you approach these requirements:9a) The system must be user-friendlyWhat do we mean by ‘user-friendly’? Questions to ask:Friendly to whom?Who are the users?Test approaches:Talk to the usersDocument assumptionsCompile test scenarios for people who have not seen the systemDocument tests and review these with the usersb) The system must be easy to installWhat do we mean by ‘easy? Questions to ask:For whom?Is there any installation documentation to follow?Test approaches:Follow installation documentation (if there is any)Allow tests to be run by an inexperienced user to see how easy it isDocument tests and review these with the usersc) The following response times are to be achieved with the newsystem:•Initial loading of the web application must be achieved within 3seconds•Updating of the information on the web page must be no morethan 5 secondsOnce more we need to ask some probing questions surrounding thisrequirement:What happens if we don’t meet the times?Would a range of values be better?What is happening on the network?Are these average times or are they ‘peak’ times?What is involved in updating – how much information?In attempting to test this requirement we would document the exactcriteria for the test and the simplest way would be to time a numberof tests and supply the average.With all these 3 requirements, what we are looking for is to seewhether the potential tester will challenge the requirements ofwhether they would just accept them and try to test to the best oftheir ability19. There are faults in the software4 Failures in live operation can be expensiveSometime a ‘legal’ or contractual requirementTo asses the quality of the softwareTo preserve the quality of the softwareTo help achieve quality software (by finding and removing thefaults)20.15Positive/Valid TestsResultInputExpected0 Operator201 Room 201 (valid boundary)405 Room 405 (valid partition)500 Room 500 (valid boundary)Service7 Room8 Receptionline9 OutsideNegative/In-valid TestsResultExpectedInput1 Error6 Errorboundary)Error200(invalid(invalidboundary)Error501partition)Error550(invalidAny other button ErrorDestructive TestsWhat if I accidentally hit multiple buttons?What if I entered an 0800 number without first getting an outside line(operator should answer)21. Static Testing is non-execution of the code. Techniques include; reviews,4inspections, walkthroughs, individual techniques such as desk checking,data-stepping and proofreading. There is also static analysis (data flowand control flow analysis)22. •ask the customer to prioritise the requirements10•ask the customer to prioritise the tests•what is most critical to the customer’s business•test where a failure would be most severe•test where failures would be most visible•test where failures are most likely•areas changed most often•areas with most problems in the past•most complex areas, or technically criticalpoints:23. Key41. Different programmers wrote A and B2. Complexity level of the programs are the same3. Size of the programs are the same4. Tester is the same for testing A and B5. Number of tests run on both programs is the same6. Number of bugs is higher in program BProgram B seems to have far more faults therefore we would beinclined to spend the further week testing Program B, as there is likelyto be more bugs to find. We may also not be very confident at thispoint with Program B therefore we need to see our confidenceincreased.24.101. Invalid Card – reject card and exit2. Valid Card and Invalid PIN – error message ‘invalid pin…’ (then entervalid pin)3. Valid Card and Invalid PIN – error message ‘invalid pin…’ (then enteranother 2 invalid Pins)4. Valid Card, Valid Pin & Cancel (correct length pin)5. Valid Card, Valid Pin in a large number – but the pin number containsmore than the maximum number – should error6. Valid Card, Valid Pin & Cash Withdraw without receipt7. Valid Card, Valid Pin & Cash Withdraw with receipt8. Valid Card, Valid Pin & Balance enquiry9. Valid Card, Valid Pin & Statement Request10. Destructive tests include:•Putting in 2 cards•Putting correct pin, but adding an extra number to make invalid Assumptions:1. Can insert up to 3 invalid pins and machine retains card2. Can only select one transaction and then have to re-insert card3. Pressing cancel will return card25.10 Potential Problems/OmissionsNo date on log as to when raisedNo keywords (i.e. screen) so that searches can be performedpreventing duplication of fault logsNo status of the log (opened/fixed/closed/cleared etc.)No owner of the log.Has priority – but no severity (i.e. risk to the customer)No version number of the system being tested – it is very likely that the testers are on a different version to development and that it was afault but has been inadvertently fixed on this latest softwareQuery the priority of this log (should it be a 3?)No actual error message on the log – this may give some clue to the developer about the nature of the faultResponse seems to be leading to a dialogue – if we are not careful this fault will never be fixed! Tester should talk to the developer ratherthan sending another message via the fault log.The response by the developer points to another part of the system (security) – this may be an indication of developers trying to quicklyclose the issue without performing sufficient investigation. It couldhowever be because the tester has not spent enough timedocumenting the problem.。




(二)语言测试的功能1 、诊断功能2 、反馈功能3 、定向功能4 、证明功能(1)测试成绩或评价可以作为证明学生掌握程度、能力水平或学习水平的证据;(2)教育行政部门评价教师工作的依据;(3)教育科研人员判定某个教学改革计划是否有效的依据。

5 、教学功能(1)测试本身是教学活动的一部分;(2)促使学生复习、巩固;(3)训练技能、提高分析和解决问题的能力。




2 根据测试目的的不同每一种语言测试都应该具有明确的测试目的。

水平测试(test)2.1 水平测试(proficiency test)这种测试用来测量考生的语言能力,如HSK, CPT(台湾)。


水平测试也可以用来测量考生的某项或几项语言技能的水平,如,(基HSK 础)只测试听力、语法和阅读的技能水平,HSK(初、中等)测试听力、语法、阅读、综合等技能水平,HSK(高等)测试听力、阅读、综合、作文和口语等技能水。





成绩测试(test)2.2 成绩测试(achievement test)这种测试用来测量考生在某一课程或学习的某个阶段的学习进展或学习成果,如对外汉语教学活动中的单元测验、期中考试、期末考试。

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The Elephant is in the refrigerator. Remember?
This tests your memory.
OK, even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your abilities.
This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.
According to Andersen Consulting Worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all questions wrong. But many preschoolers got several correct answers. Anderson Consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four year old.
Question Number 1 How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?
The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe ands question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.
Send this out to frustrate all of your friends
Question Number 2 How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?
Wrong Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator.
Question Number 4 There is a river you must cross. But crocodiles inhabit it. How do you manage it?
Correct Answer: You swim across. Why? All the Crocodiles are attending the Animal Conference.
Question Number 3
The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend except one. Which animal does not attend?
Correct Answer:
The Elephant.
Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door.
This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions.
The following short quiz consists of 4 questions and tells whether you are qualified to be a "professional".
The questions are not that difficult, so don’t cheat by looking ahead!.