新人教版八年级英语下册unit1 Section A-1-优质课件.ppt


_Unit1 SectionA 知识点课件 2022-2023学年人教版八年级英语下册

_Unit1 SectionA 知识点课件 2022-2023学年人教版八年级英语下册

③〔代词〕足够,充分,充足 可作主语或宾语。 Did you have enough yesterday? 昨天你吃饱了吗?
[拓展]“….enough(for+名词/代词 +)to do sth.”意为 “(某人/某物)足够……,能做某事”,可与 so...that...(如 此……以至于……)进行同义句转换。 The box is light enough for the boy to carry. =The box is so light that the boy can carry it. 这个箱子足够轻,这个男孩能搬动。
(2)rest ①〔不及物动词〕休息
He lies down and rests for an hour after lunch every day. 他每天午饭后躺下休息一个小时。 ②〔名词〕休息 take/have a(good)rest(好好)休息
You must take a rest from your work. 你必须放下工作休息一下。
-Would you like some coffee with sugar? 你想喝点儿加糖的咖啡吗?
No, thanks. I'd like tea without anything 不,谢谢,我想要清茶。
China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。
I feel like a bird in the cage. 我感觉像在笼中的鸟儿。
It looks like there is a heavy rain. 天看起来要下大雨。
You need to take breaks away from the computer. 你需要离开电脑休息。 (1)need ①〔实义动词〕需要 后面可接名词、代 词、动词-ing形式及带to的动词不定式作宾语。 She needs a good rest. 她需要好好休息。

人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Section A 1a-1c 课件(共22张PPT)

人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Section A 1a-1c 课件(共22张PPT)
• 2,Recite the new words and expressions of this lesson.
• 3,Make up conversations .
8、 配 合 中 心 校参加 大兴区 传统校 运动会 。 9、 认 真 配 合 中心校 参加镇 教职工 运动会 。
三 、 具 体 工 作安排 : 九月:
(1)制 定 体 育 教 学计 划,学校 各项体 育管理 制度。 (2)组 建 运 动 队 ,制定 各队活 动计划 及管理 措施 (3)配 合 中 心 校 参加 区传统 校
3. Nurse: What’s the matter, Ben?
Ben : I h__a_v_e__a__s_o_r_e__b__a.ck
4. Nurse: What’s the matter, Nancy?
Nancy : I h__a_v_e__a__t_o_o__th__a_c. he
5. Nurse: What’s the matter, Judy?
1c. Look at the picture. What are the students’ problems? Make conversations.
A: What’s the matter with Judy? B: She talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.
neck hand
eye ear

人教版八年级英语下册教学PPT课件Unit1第一课时(Section A 1a-2d)

人教版八年级英语下册教学PPT课件Unit1第一课时(Section A 1a-2d)
Nancy: has a toothache
Sarah: has a cold
Ben: has a sore back
David: got a stomachache last night
Judy: has a very sore throat
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Nancy____ Sarah ____ David ____ Ben ____ Judy ____
1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names[1-5].
Nancy___3__ Ben ___5__
This is my... These are my...
1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letter[a-m] for each part of the body.
__h___ arm __e___ back __g___ ear __i___ eye __b___ foot ___a__ hand __j___ head __l___ leg __c___ mouth ___d__ neck __m___ nose ___k__ stomach __f___ tooth
last night
birthday party.
has a sore back __h_u_r_t __ _h_im__s_el_f_when playing soccer.
Nancy has a toothache


例子:What’s wrong with you? I have a sore eye. There is something wrong with my eye.
Watch and say the illness. have a sore throat
have a sore back
What’s wrong with her?
She has a stomachache.
问:What’s the matter with sb/sth.? =What’s wrong with sb/sth?病症 There is something wrong with
你很轻易找到。他是我们三年级二班一个男生,晨会、做操、放学排路队时总是站在第一排,教室里最脏抽屉一定是他。对了,他书包通常不是放在课桌抽屉里,而是扔在地上。几乎 每节课我都要提醒他或是帮他捡起,但下节课再来看,他书包又咧着大嘴躺在了地上,书本散落一地,他双脚,正无情地踩在一个练习本上……每每此时,我都无语凝噎,不忍直视那 么,他抽屉里不放书包放什么?课外书、牛奶盒、瓜皮果壳、小玩具、蚂蚁、毛毛虫、小树枝、黑乎乎樟树籽、金灿灿棕榈树籽……总之,五花八门,应有尽有。老师刚收缴了一批, 立马他又塞进另一批……其更新换代速度堪比火箭发射,让人叹为观止……因为小Z不讲卫生,每到周一换座位时,轮到坐他座位同学总是叫苦连天、自认倒霉,皱着眉头、捂着口鼻 一遍一遍地擦,先用抹布蘸着水擦,再用纸巾擦,直到完全闻不到异味才勉勉强强坐下。尽管如此,小Z同学却有很多好朋友。每次分组活动,大家都抢着要他。为何?第一,他是个 小书迷,知识渊博;第二,他表示能力强,说话幽默幽默有条理;第三,他为人大方,乐于分享。从小Z优点来看,你是不是认为他应该是个学霸?这……怎么说呢,当前算不上,但 未来极有可能……看看作文课上他即兴画思维导图吧,有条理,有创意,让小搭档们佩服得五体投地,怎么看都不像是一个熊孩子,一个“学渣”作品。可是,我天天给孩子们听写十 个词语,他天天正确率只有百分之六十左右,很多字不会写。他是一个不折不扣“君子”,光读光看不动手写,哪怕就是新学几个词语,他也不愿意写一写抄一抄。不论课上课下,凡 是要动笔写时,他不是钻到桌子底下东找找西摸摸,就是在书包里左翻翻右抖抖,总之就是老半天下不了笔。他人已经写完了拿给老师批改,他可能才开始写第一题………那磨磨蹭蹭 样子,活活要把老师气死。他妈妈认为他从小握笔姿势错误怎么也纠正不了,造成写字速度很慢,所以不愿意写字。我却不这么认为,我以为没这么简单,一定另有原因,只不过我现 在还没弄明白而已。上周四早晨第三、四节课,语文单元测试。两节课考试时间过去,试卷一张张收了上来,最终一个交卷是小我快速扫了一下卷面。哦买噶第一页基础题几乎一片空 白!作文也没写完,只写了三四行!这么子,批改出来总分顶多也就二三十分!怎么会这么!再差也不会如此啊!考试时不务正业偷玩蚂蚁去了?还是有意不做?身为语文老师兼班主 任我气得跳脚,一阵胸闷。怎么办?把他叫到办公室狠批一顿?或者请他家长来学校?此时,脑海里突然闪出一幕幕画面:他在班级读书分享会上侃侃而谈,他在课堂上回答下列问题 时妙语如珠,他把自己零食和玩具大方地给同学们分享,他羞涩地笑着把他饼干递到我手中……即使在完成作业方面他确实做得不好,尽管在上课时经常偷看课外书,但不可否定是, 他绝对是个好学上进好孩子!试卷答成这么,可能另有原因吧?不不不,不能那么简单粗暴!我应该先了解一下真实原因。要知道,“刑讯逼供”最轻易“屈打成招”……午餐后自习 时间。我笑眯眯地对小Z说:“小Z,我们教室好脏啊,你愿不愿意为大家服务一下,清扫一下教室?“愿意!”他二话没说,跑着去拿扫把。不要做作业,预计他心里乐开了花。他一 手拿扫把,一把持簸箕,认真地扫着。看到谁脚下有纸屑,他就轻声提醒他抬起脚来,再把纸扫出来,态度友好,而且不影响他人。扫地动作也很是娴熟、麻利不一会儿功夫,他就把 教室清扫得干洁净净,我当众狠狠地表彰了他一番,然后把他叫到我身边,拿了把椅子让他坐下他顺从地坐下了,刚才还因为受了表彰而神采飞扬,此时却目光黯淡,低着头不敢看我, 像是在担心暴风雨降临。我摊开他早晨考那张试卷,和颜悦色地柔声问道:“这么多题没做,我想了半天也想不出原因,你能告诉我为何么?换句话说,我很想知道你是怎么答题,因

新人教版八年级英语下册unit1 Section A 2-优质课件.ppt

新人教版八年级英语下册unit1 Section A 2-优质课件.ppt
What’s the matter with the man? He has a stomachache. He was lying on the side of the road.
What should we do? We should help him.
Did the bus driver help them?
2. I sat in the same way without _m__o_v_in_g__ (move).
3. He only thought about _sa_v_i_n_g_ (save) a life and didn’t think about _h_i_m_s_e_lf_ (him).
1. 先认真阅读每个题目的意思,弄清要求 我们寻找什么信息。
2. 带着问题,再来读短文。在短文中认真 寻找我们所需的信息,在有相关内容的 地方,应多读几次,认真理解,以找到 想要找的信息。
3. 最后 ,再通读一遍,检查一下所找的 答案是否正确。
1. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? How do you know? It comes from a newspaper. It tells us the time, the place, the character and the event in the first paragraph.
√ and old man.
5 ____ Some passengers helped get
√ the old man onto the bus.
6 ____ The old man got to the hospital in time.

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 习题课件 Period 1 Section A (1a-2c)

人教版八年级下册英语 Unit 1 习题课件 Period 1 Section A (1a-2c)
D “Ishecrazy?” Womenalmostnever______8. 6.A. asking B. totellC. tospeakD. toask
【点拨】used to do sth.“过去经常做某事” ,为固 定词组。根据后面的直接引语可知,这里是指 “疑问”。
Inthosedays, whenpeoplesawarunner, theyused______6, “Hey, what'sthehurry?” ortheymightsayto______7, “Ishecrazy?” Womenalmostnever______8. 7.AB. them B. themselvesC. theirs D. they
fishandvegetables______5lunch. for
toothache, what’sthematter, stomach, shtomuladc, h takeyourtemperature
toothache, what’s the matter, stomach, should, take your temperature
toothache, what’sthhoeumldatter, stomach, should, takeyourtemperature
toothache, what’s the matter,

人教版英语八年级下册Unit1What’s the matterSection A 1a-1c课件

人教版英语八年级下册Unit1What’s the matterSection A 1a-1c课件

_i_ eye _b_ foot _a_ hand
_j_ head
脚(复数feet) 手
_l_ leg _c_ mouth

_d_ neck m__nose _k_ stomach
脖颈 鼻子 胃;腹部
_f_ tooth
What’s the matter with him/her?
1. 听力材料抄一遍 2. U1单词matter-hurt,三英一汉抄一遍。
for the first time. 8. If you agree, you can nod(点头) your _h_e_a_d_.
Learning Goals: 1、听录音, 完成相应练习; 2、翻译听力材料,熟读并role-play; 3、能用英语谈谈自己哪里不舒服:
—What’s the matter? —I have a cold.
have a cold 得了流感
have a sore back 背疼
What’s the matter with him/her?
get a stomachache 胃痛
have a toothache 牙疼
What’s the matter with him/her?
have a fever 发烧
New words
matter sore stomachache foot neck
n. 问题;事情 adj. 疼痛的;酸痛的 n.胃痛;腹痛 n. 脚;足 n. 颈;脖子
stomach throat fever lie rest cough

人教版 八年级英语 下册 Unit1_what's_the_matter课件(完整)

人教版 八年级英语 下册 Unit1_what's_the_matter课件(完整)
should lie down and rest. Boy: I guess I should.
Conversation 4 Girl :What’s wrong with your face? Boy: It’s not my face.It’s my tooth.I have a toothache. Girl:You should see a dentist and get an X-ray. Boy:But will it hurt? Girl:No,and if you don’t go to the dentist now,it’ll hurt even more later!
night,I got a stomachache. I almost couldn’t get myself out of bed this morning.
Conversation 3 Nurse:What’s the matter,Ben?Can you move? Ben:Not really.I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself.It
foot n. 脚;足 neck n. 颈;脖子
Words and expressions
stomach n. 胃;腹部 throat n. 咽喉;喉咙 fever n. 发烧 lie v.躺;平躺
lie down 躺下 rest v. 放松;休息
cough v. 咳嗽 X-ray n. X射线;X光
Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.
3b Read the passage again and check the things that happened in the story.

2014年八年级英语下册Unit 1 SectionA(1a-1c)课件

2014年八年级英语下册Unit 1 SectionA(1a-1c)课件

Conversation 4
Nurse: You look really tired. What’s the matter, Nancy? Nancy: I didn't sleep well last night. I have a toothache. It's terrible! I can't really eat anything either. It hurts a lot.
Conversation 3
Nurse:What’s the matter, Ben? Can you move? Ben: Not really. I was playing soccer the other day and I hurt myself. It seemed OK at first, but now I have a really sore back.
=What’s the trouble with you? =What’s wrong with you? 你怎么啦? I have a (bad) cold. =I have got a (bad) cold. 我患感冒了。
What’s the matter with him ? He has/has got a stomachache.
Unit 1 What’s the matter?
Yang Xiulan Langan Middle School
Let’s do the actions as the teacher says.
Touch your nose. …
Where is his neck?
have a headache

新目标(人教) 八年级下册英语教学课件 Unit1 Section A(GF-4c)

新目标(人教) 八年级下册英语教学课件 Unit1 Section A(GF-4c)

4b Circle the best advice for these health problems. Then add your advice.
1. Jenny cut herself. She should (get an X-ray / put some medicine on the cut). My advice:
I hurt my back when I fell off my bike.
⑤ sb. get/got hit on the +身体部位. e.g. He got hit on his head when he passed by the
3. ache, sore和hurt 的区别: (1)ache 是一个名词后缀,表示某部位疼痛。
some sleep/rest; have colds; fall down. ➢ Key sentences:
1. Did you hurt yourself playing soccer? 2. You should go home and get some rest. 3. Should we go to school? ➢To learn the usage of should and reflexive pronoun.
1) Did you buy anything for yourself? 你为你自己买什么东西了吗?(做介词宾语)
2) The old man taught himself English. 那位老人自学英语。(做动词宾语)
3) The thing itself is not important. 事情本身并不重要。(做同位语)
see a doctor in time

人教版八年级英语下册unit1 section A 1a-1c课件(共24张PPT)

人教版八年级英语下册unit1 section A 1a-1c课件(共24张PPT)

全国中小学教育资源门户网站 | 天量课件、教案、试卷、学案 免费下载 |



【最新】人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1优质课课件.ppt

【最新】人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1优质课课件.ppt
P.E. class. A: What happened? B: …
Do you like climbing mountains? Did any accidents happen during your climbing? What did you do to overcome it?
Do you know Aron Ralston? Do you
5. Aron still goes mountain
2d. Read the passage again and answer the questions.
1.Where did the accident happen on April 26, 2003?
A, B or C?
__B_____ fall down __C_____have problems breathing __A_____ get hit by a ball __B_,_C___ get sunburned ___B____ cut ourselves ___B____ hurt our back or arm
Ask and answer
A: What’s the matter with…? B: He/She…
Make sentences: give advice
She should drink a lot of water.
She should see a dentist.
He should lie down and sage and underline the words you don’t know. Then look up the words in a dictionary and write down their meanings.

人教新目标初中英语八年级下册 Unit1 sectionA 1a-2d 课件

人教新目标初中英语八年级下册 Unit1 sectionA  1a-2d 课件

3.主语 + have a + 身体部位+ache
stomachache headache oothache backache
4.主语 + have a + pain+in/on+身体部位
She has a pain in her stomach.
46.MMrr.. JJeennkkininsswaliskoefdtenalalskkeidndtos doinfnderelbieccioause foo.dA.. heAlsikeadn
16.You should put some medicine on it.
1.What’s the matter with Lisa? 2.What did she do on the weekend? 3.What does she need to do ?
我想我以同样的姿势一 动不动地坐得太久了。
the doctor said. He found something was wrong with his heart a
few months later. Now he thought the doctor was right. And he
had“Ytooubeminushtolsopsietawl.eight(减肥),sir,” said the doctor, “unless
ithmepdoerltiacniotusoffofoicder,Bh. hee wass reoafdteynto haseklpedothteorsCd.inhneewr.as The
sfrhieonpdkleyetpoetrhsetsrhieodpk课tehee堂pier训rsbe练st-t阅o 读faw理n解on(巴结)him. They

人教版英语八年级下册 Unit1SectionA (1a-2d)(共23张PPT)

人教版英语八年级下册 Unit1SectionA (1a-2d)(共23张PPT)
talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water
body parts common illnesses advice
2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them.
body parts
head neck
common illnesses
have a headache can’t move her neck
take breaks from lie down and rest go to the doctor
What should we do to keep ourselves from the coronavirus infection?
Listen again and fill in the blanks.
Sarah David Ben Nancy Judy
has a cold
didn’t put on her jacket when it got windy
got a stomachache ate too much food at his
b.drink some hot tea with honey
c. see a dentist and get an X-ray
d.take your temperature e.put some medicine on it
What should you do to keep yourself from the coronavirus infection?


Yes, they will. / No, they won’t.
Fun time: WhTaatswk2il:l your life be like in
10 years?
Education (school, computer, exams, learning method) Family life (food, clothes, chores, entertainment) …
1a: 语法 Learn a Sentence Structure — will + do 1. The backpack will carry you. 2. Cars will always have to stop for stop
signs. 3. The computer will punish you. 4. You will be able to drive to another
人教版八年级下册英语第 一单元课件
Period 1
Section A—1a~1c
1a:导入 Brainstorm all kinds of predictions in 2 minutes.(There are 4 people in a group.)
school life
daily life
future world
Write down the predictions that most likely happen.
• There will / won’t be … • People will / won’t … • Kids …
Let’s predict our future! robot
There will be less pollution in the future.

人教版英语八年级下册Unit1 Section B 1a-1d 课件(共14张ppt)

人教版英语八年级下册Unit1 Section B  1a-1d 课件(共14张ppt)

Listen to the school nurse.
1b Check (√) the problems
you hear.Pro源自lemsTreatments Problems
b, c
felt sick. √
cut his knee. √
Someone had a nosebleed.
_2____ Press the sides of your nose. _1___ Put your head down. _3___ Clean your face.
__1___ Go to the hospital. __2___ Get an X-ray. __3___ Rest for a few days.
2.Master the important phrases: put a bandage on it, run it under water,
have a nosebleed, get hit on the head, put her head down, what happened, tell sb. not to do sth.
1. --- Sam was so careless that he hurt __C____ on the broken glass.
A. myself
B. herself
C. himself
2. It’s cold outside. You’d better __A___ your coat.
When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order.

新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1全单元教学课件

新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1全单元教学课件

What’s the matter with him/her?
He /she _h__a_s_a__co__ld.
have a cold
have a toothache have a fever
have a sore throat
have a stomachache
What’s the matter with him? Does he have a fever? Does he have a toothache? What should he do?
n. 脚;足
n. 脖子
n. 咽喉;喉咙
n. 发烧
lie (lay)
v. 躺;平躺
lie down
n.&v. 放松;休息
n.&v. 咳嗽
toothache n. 牙痛
take one’s temperature 量体温
headache n. 头痛
2d Role-play the Mandcyo: Lnivsae, arrseaytoiuoOnK.?
Lisa: I have a headache and I can’t move my neck. What should I do? Should I take my temperature?
3. 李雷怎么了?他喉咙痛。他应该多喝 水。 What’s the matter with Li Lei ? He has a sore throat. He should drink lots of water.

【最新】人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Section A1优质课课件.ppt

【最新】人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 Section A1优质课课件.ppt
foot n. 脚;足 neck n. 颈;脖子
Words Review
stomach n. 胃;腹部 throat n. 咽喉;喉咙 fever n. 发烧 lie v. 躺;平躺
lie down 躺下 rest v. 放松;休息
cough v. 咳嗽 X-ray n. X射线;X光
Words Review
He looks __te_r_r_i_b_le__. Her face looks a bit He g_e_t_s a s_t_o_m__a_ch__a_ch_.e red. She _h_a_s_a_f_e_v_e_r_.
Her finger (手指) looks __te_r_r_i_b_le__. She _c_u_t_h_e_r_se_l_f_ by accident (意外).
Look and say
nose teeth neck stomach
head eye ear mouth
arm hand
1_a__ Laromok at the picture. Write the correct
___ lbeattcekr [a-m] for each part of the body.
talked too much yesterday and didn’t drink enough water
Look and say
She doesn’t look well. He _d_o_e_s_n_’t_ look well. She _h_a_s a sore throat He _h_a_s__a_t_o_o_th__a_ch__e_. and a cough.
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1b Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names [1-5].
Nancy __3__ Sarah __1__ David__2___
Ben __5___ Judy __4___
I have a cold.
What’s the matter?
twao legs
twao ffoeoet
eye → eyes tooth → teeth hand → hands foot → feet
ear → ears arm → arms leg → legs
牙、脚变复数, 双o变双e
ear hand arm stomach
eye nose
2a Listen and number the pictures [1-5] in the order you hear them.
2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.
1. fever 2. stomachache 3. cough and sore throat
I have a stomachache.
What’s the matter? I have a sore back.
I have a headache.
What’s the matter? I have cough and sore throat.
I cut myself.
How do we give advice if somebody is ill?
a. lie down and rest b. drink some hot tea with honey c. see a dentist and get an X-ray
4. toothache
d. take your temperature
5. cut myself
e. put some medicine on it
You should … 你应该 ……
A: I have a toothache. B: You should see a dentist.
A: I have a stomachache. B: You should lie down and rest.
Pair work
A: What’s the matter? B: I have a toothache. A: Maybe you should see a dentist. B: That’s a good idea.
1- d 2- a 3- b 4- c 5- e
Look at the pictures. What are the students’ problems? Make conversations.
What’s the matter? I have a cold.
I have a fever.
What’s the matter? I have a toothache.
What’s the matter? have a stomachache
What’s the matter? have a sore back
What’s the matter? toothache
What’s the matter?
cough and sore throat
What’s the matter? have a fever
Giving advice
-What’s the matter with Jim? -He has a stomachache. -Maybe he should lie down and rest. -…
I’m a magical or.
-What’s the matter? -I have a sore throat / … -Maybe you should drink lots of water /… -That’s a good idea.
mouth neck
tooth (teeth)
foot (feet)
throat: 喉咙
Follow me:
Everybody moves your body Nod your head and touch your face Touch your nose and close your eyes Touch your ears and clap your hands Raise your arms and look at your back Touch your stomach and tap your foot Sit down and move your legs
say and draw
• Draw the parts of body when you hear
your partner say …
1 Look at the picture. Write the correct a letter [a-m] for each part of the body.
Unit 1
Section A Period 1 (1a —2d)
the names of the body
a mouth
a nose
twano eyes
twano ears
a tooth two teeth
a neck
back stomach
twano arms
twao hands
__h_arm __e_back __g_ear __i _eye
_b__foot __a_hand ___j_head __l _leg __c_mouth ___d_neck _m__nose _k__stomach ___f _tooth
What’s the matter? have a cold
What’s the matter?
I have a stomachache.
What’s the matter?
I have a sore back.
What’s the matter?
I have a sore throat.
Judy Nancy
I have a toothache.