A Sequence Kernel and its Application to Speaker Recognition




Mac-A-Mal:An Automated Framework for Mac Malware HuntingPham Duy Phuc*************************SfyLabsFabio Massacci*********************** University of TrentoAbstractAs Mac systems grow in popularity,so does macOS mal-ware whilst macOS malware analysis is still lagging be-hind,even when researchers deal with malicious behav-iors in the user space.To amend this shortcoming,we have come up with macOS analyzer for malware Mac-A-Mal:A system for behavioral monitoring of components at kernel level which allows analysts to automatically in-vestigate malware on macOS,broadly extending what is available today with Cuckoo sandbox.By leveraging on kernel-level system calls hooking,the framework is able to detect and mitigate malware anti-analysis tech-niques.In particular,it combines static and dynamic analysis to extract useful information and suspicious be-haviors from malware binaries,their monitored behaviors such as network traffic,malware evasion techniques,per-sistence methods,file operations etc.,without being de-tected by common Mac malware evasion techniques.We have used the framework to evaluate thousands macOS samples to estimate how widespread Mac malware vari-ants and families are today(thanks to VirusTotal).Mac malware in2017demonstrates a drastic improvement by using evasion techniques.Overall,we used our systems to classify the dataset and found that85%of collected samples are adware,49%of classified variants belong to backdoor/trojan.By hunting Mac samples on Virus-Total,we found a so-far-undiscovered organized adware campaign which leverages several Apple legitimate de-veloper certificates,a few of other undetected keyloggers, and trojan samples participating in APT32OceanLotus targeting Chinese and Vietnamese organizations,as well as hundreds of malware samples which have otherwise low detection rates.1IntroductionContrary to popular belief,Mac is not immune from mal-ware.According to a cyber-security report from Bit9and Carbon Black Threat Research team,Mac devices have seen more malware attacks in2015than the pastfive years combined.Mac malware grew744%with around 460,000instances detected,says McAfee report in2016. The trend in Mac malware was not slowing down in2017, there were nearly300,000new instances of macOS mal-ware in thefirst3quarters of2017,lifting the year-total to over700,000.[6]The malware problem has become bigger and stronger over years,while the majority of malware targets at Mi-crosoft Windows operating system,other operating sys-tems have become relevant targets as well.By under-standing how they behave,what these threats are,and engaging in ways to detect them,we can contribute to more secure and stable solutions for Mac computing ex-perience.However,research about macOS malware and relevant solutions to automated Mac malware analysis are limited.While many types of state-of-the-art malware on Windows platform took decades to develop from the first known malicious software to happen in the wild,now they start emerging on Apple computers in a shorter time. Static malware analyses are mostly used to analyze macOS malware. E.Walkup[10]was able to extract Mach-O structure,import libraries(DyLib)and functions feature from a data set consisting of420malware samples and1000goodware over20machine learning models. Furthermore,S.Hsieh et al.[4]presented a study of clas-sifying Mac OS X malware in2016with a set of features extracted from Mach-O metadata using tools such as nm, otool,or strings on VirusTotal sample collection of 2015-2016.They also included derivative numerical fea-tures created from meta information,which are introduced in learning-based malware classification,e.g.function call distribution,structure complexity,etc.D.Dorsey[3] presented a weighted distance metric solution to generate and compare assembly mnemonics signature of Mach-O binaries using mpesm.The study successfully discovered 7over18,000samples to be UPX compressed,and3 groups signature matched at least85%of malicious sam-ples.However,no significant signature could identify the difference between malicious samples and17,000known benign samples.Regarding dynamic Mac malware studies,V. Mieghem[8,9]presented a novel generic behavioral detection method based on system calls names and prevention mechanism for malware on OS X.Sequences of system call traces are analyzed,from which certain malicious system call patterns,interactions with shells and auto-run services appear to be an accurate indication of malware on a system.Three types of user profiles are established to evaluate the detection patterns,resulting in a100%detection rate and a0%to20%false positive rate, depending on the type of user profile.M.Lindorfer et al.[5]have built an OS X honeypot based high-interaction and used it to evaluate more than6thousands blacklisted URLs to estimate how widespread malware for Mac OS X is in2013.Onlyfive websites were found to drop binaries through drive-by downloads,but none of them targeted OS X.Furthermore,they developed a dynamic analysis environment with DTrace and analyzed148 malicious samples.The result has shown that while some OS X malware families are sophisticated,several fail to perform simple but critical jobs like persistence. A. Case et al.[1,2]presented malware detection techniques with a specific focus on kernel-mode components for OS X,particularly for rootkit that targets at kernel data and user land malware written in Objective-C for Mac.They utilize V olatility to detect rookit in kernel memory.For Objective-C malicious code,they analyzed important artifacts in the memory and produced output that could easily be used by analysts to isolate and investigate more deeply these behaviors even when the Objective-C runtime maintained state out of the dynamic loader and the code section of executables.We evaluated some of popular dynamic macOS analyz-ers and we found that Cuckoo sandbox is an open source project providing most robust solution for malware analy-sis framework.Although it only supports Windows,Linux but partially Android and macOS.It adopts DTrace which is basically a binary instrumentation platform rather than a malware analysis.Apple does not allow DTrace to mon-itor official Apple binaries and requires traced software to run under root permission,its tracing techniques can be easily defeated by trivial anti-debugging tricks.Besides, Macsandbox1is a modified version of Cuckoo sandbox on Mac,using Dtrace and library injection for process tracing.However,running on user space makes it vul-nerable to trivial anti-debug and anti-hook techniques. For analysis on kernel-space region,Fireeye Monitor2 is a closed source software for manual analysis,which 1https:///sandialabs/mac-sandbox2https:///blog/threat-research/ 2017/03/introducing_monitor.html performs process execution,file and network logging.In this white paper,we study an automated solution for Mac malware analysis framework.We show that it is possible to automatically perform behavioral monitor of process execution,file activities,network traffic,with regards of virtualized environment,malware evasion de-tection and mitigation.2Mac-A-Mal:Automated macOS mal-ware analyzerMac-A-Mal is a combination of both static and dynamic ing static analysis to understand in depth sus-picious areas of code,and dynamic analysis to unpack packed binary and monitor malware behaviors.It takes actual behavioral data of malware samples executions inside virtual sandboxes simultaneously,in which it can process multiple samples at once.The sandbox is armored with network sniffer,system calls and behavior logging, as well as anti-evasion from kernel-mode to send back report to analysis machine.Researchers thereafter can review reports to spot any suspect activities such as sus-picious network activity,invoked anti debug techniques, persistent activities etc.Researchers can also perform common malware detection techniques such as Y ARA rules and behavioral signature to automatically detect a whole sample family.The overview design of Mac-A-Mal framework is illustrated in Fig.1.The analysis machine gathers samples and feed them to the monitor machine(s) running on macOS simultaneously.Data sharing features and default Apple protection mechanisms such as XPro-tect,Gatekeeper,etc.are disabled to capture malware behavior accurately.The analyzer processes2main tasks:•Static analysis:Parsing Macho executable and dis-play:Symbol table,segment,sections,load com-mands,dylib,entropy etc.Analyzing other common Macfile types such as DMG,PKG etc.as well as their certificate details.•Results collection:Output to web front-end as well as JSON format which can be easily applied with behavioral signature,machine learning or Y ARA rules.The monitor processes following tasks:•Dynamic analysis:Processing monitor behavior un-der kernel-space with Anti anti-vm,anti-debug etc.logging and mitigation.Additionally,common mal-ware analysis techniques are implemented such as network monitor,droppedfiles collection,etc.We implement an analysis agent on analysis machine un-der kernel space,which basically performs:SyscallFigure1:Mac-A-Mal framework designtable discovery technique to unslide KASLR to ob-tain kernel base image address,then walks through the kernel base image to locate load command seg-ment,andfinally performs system table lookups. These proposed techniques are compatible to latest version of macOS High Sierra.Once the sysent ta-ble is located,we patch its entries to our defined callback functions.In particular,when a malware invokes system calls,it queries the address of the call in the XNU kernel syscall table,which now is patched to our callback function address.The callback functions will perform execution logging, malware evasion detection and mitigation,as well as post-processing for the calls(forward or drop).•Anti evasion:We develop kernel system calls log-ging in which existing solutions failed,e.g.by hook-ing into posix spawn(),execve()and copying double pointers between user space and kernel space. Fig.2shows how we detect and mitigate evasion techniques by hooking into ptrace(),csrctl(), ioctl()and sysctl().•Execute samples via open default handler:By hook-ing in kernel space,we can execute samples us-ing default Mac handler-/usr/bin/open as wellas XPCProxy,in which Dtrace and MacSandbox failed to trace.It means any types offiles can be opened with capability of process forks tracing(e.g. .app;.dmg;.doc;.zip etc.)without using other app-opener.•No human interaction:During the analysis,the sand-box implements libraries for taking screenshots of the analysis screen.These screen shots are helpful for analysts to review automated analysis and recog-nize some cases that needs human interaction,for instance mouse click to confirm installation or pass-word typing for Authorization solver.We use Quartz library to detect the login window then answer pass-word using KeyboardEvents.Screenshot images are analyzed to seek for confirmation buttons.If detected,it performs mouse clicks by using Quartzs MouseEvents.If packages are stored within an Ap-ple disk image,hdiutil will be used to attach the disk,and execute all application inside its root folder.•Hardening the virtual analysis machine:We modify virtual machine footprints in machine configuration as well as manipulate its hardware information in kernel level.Besides,default Apple security featuresFigure2:Mac-a-Mal anti environment evasion module using kernel hooking and memory patching.(1)A system call is invoked in the user space,(2)Hook the system call,(3)Return the control to the original system call,(4)Returns value to the user space and manipulate system call arguments if anti-evasion attempts are detected,(5)The return value is logged for further analysis using Logger component,(6)Return values from the kernel space to the analyzer in userspace,(7)the exit()system call is not hooked and forwarded back to the user space.such as XProtect,GateKeeper,etc.are deactivated in order to execute any arbitrary malicious samples. 3Case studies of undetected Mac malware discoveryThese case studies dive deeper into the illustration drawn in Section2by explaining detailed analysis on some major malware campaigns which are found by Mac-A-Mal.•OSX/Mughthesec[7]The adware campaign wasfirst founded in the wild in August2017.It pretended to install legitimate Adobe flash and silently install Potential Unwanted Ap-plications(PUA)such as Booking,Advanced Mac Cleaner,SafeFinder Safari extension,AdBlock,etc.Reports show that the campaign dropped some ma-licious binaries related to AMCleaner adware cam-paign.It was likely an affiliation advertising cam-paign,in which adware authors spent some moneyfor buying legitimate Apple developer certificates. By using a combination of behavioral rules(antivm), static rules(suspicious legitimate Apple developer certificate),and suspect network activities based on results from Mac-A-Mal,we discovered71signed archives.Attackers had used at least10Apple legiti-mate developer certificates,and only2of them were revoked at the time of discovery.Moreover,some of dropped MachO executables were not signed,which means it could transform from adware to backdoor silently.•APT32-OceanLotusAPT32was an APT campaign targeted Chinese and Vietnamese infrastructure.It wasfirst discovered by Qihoo360,and followed up by AlienVault,Fire-Eye and Palo Alto Networks.By study thefirst generation of Mac OceanLotus samples through our framework,we generated some similar behavioral signatures amongst the family.In March2017,wefound second generation of Mac APT32which has 0detection rate over more thanfifty Anti-virus ven-dors by hunting those behaviors on VirusTotal Intelli-gence service.Ourfinding shows that the campaign was improved from thefirst variant by eliminating all Bash command executions.Unlike common Mac malware,this variant tried to execute under user privilege instead of higher privilege that may easily convey malicious behaviors.4DiscussionWe have processed more than2000malicious samples and85%of the collected samples are adware,which are dominated by OSX/Pirrit and OSX/MacKeeper.That statistic result is well confirmed according to reports from other Anti-virus vendors.Once installed,macOS adware usually persistent deep inside the victim system and starts hjacking browser.Their purpose is to make advertising revenue for attackers by installing PUA or redirecting victims to unwanted websites.They are widespread be-cause technically they are not viruses but can potentially perform malicious activities.After analyzing the samples set,results retrieved from Mac-A-Mal were later post-processed through a classi-fier based on numerous rules:code signing authority, persistence indicators,processes creation and shell exe-cution,backdoor port listening,network activities,Tor network indicator,anti-analysis techniques,file creation and modification,browsers change and super-user per-mission authentication,etc.We also compared them to VirusTotal detection results and other Anti-virus labeled variant name to verify the accuracy.We observed a total of86different Mac malware families until2017,and49% of them belongs to backdoor/trojan variant.We study the evolution of macOS malware by using heat map analysis of most Mac malware variants in Ap-pendix Fig.3and Fig. 4.We evaluate that macOS malware in2017demonstrates a drastic improvement by using anti-analysis techniques.The behaviors can be grouped into following categories:(i)persistence,file write,browser modification;(ii)root request,bash exe-cution;(iii)anti analysis;(iv)network,Tor,open port.5 variants are found applying various evasion techniques including ptrace(),sysctl(),sleep().Some vari-ants tried to discover running security tools on the system or terminate analysis software(e.g.DTrace,lldb,etc.). Besides,some samples never made any persistence at-tempt such as XAgent which is an upgraded version of Komplex in2016also known for participating in APT28 targeting individuals in the aerospace industry running macOS.It can be seen that Mac malware in2017car-ried out more frequent browser modification activities.It means that macOS malware is becoming more grey,and it has been boosted by numerous adware to redirect victims to fraud web traffic or unwanted advertising.In addition, a large number of increased super-user request behaviors shows that Mac malware is trying to increment phising user passwords in order to grant root access of the system and perform more advanced malicious activities.5Future WorkWe would like to later apply more robust and advanced techniques for better features extraction from the analysis, and machine learning for a larger scale of Mac samples. References[1]C ASE,A.,AND R ICHARD,G.G.Advancing mac os x rootkitdetection.Digital Investigation14(2015),25–33.[2]C ASE,A.,AND R ICHARD,G.G.Detecting objective-c malwarethrough memory forensics.Digital Investigation18(2016),3–10.[3]DORSEY,D.Analyzing entrypoint instruction differencesin mach-ofiles with mpesm.https://www.carbonblack.com/2016/03/01/analyzing-entrypoint-instruction-differences-in-mach-o-files-with-mpesm/,2006.Accessed:30-July-2017.[4]H SIEH,S.,W U,P.,AND L IU,H.Automatic classifying of macos x samples.Virus Bulletin,2016.Accessed:20-July-2017. [5]L INDORFER,M.,M ILLER,B.,N EUGSCHWANDTNER,M.,ANDP LATZER,C.Take a bite-finding the worm in the apple.In Infor-mation,Communications and Signal Processing(ICICS)20139th International Conference on(2013),IEEE,pp.1–5.[6]M INIHANE,N.,M ORENO,F.,P ETERSON,E.,S AMANI,R.,S CHMUGAR,C.,S OMMER,D.,AND S UN,B.Mcafee labs threats report,December2017.[7]P HUC,P.D.What is safefinder/operatormac campaign?,07/2017(accessed30-August-2017).[8]V AN M IEGHEM,V.Detecting malicious behaviour using systemcalls.TU Delft Repositories,2016.[9]V AN M IEGHEM,V.Behavioural detection and prevention ofmalware on os x.Virus Bulletin,2016(accessed20-July-2017).[10]W ALKUP,E.Mac malware detection via staticfile structureanalysis.University of Stanford,CS229:Machine Learning Final Projects,2014.A Publication of this WorkSource code of the framework is all available for down-load on Github:https:///phdphuc/mac-a-mal.The academic paper of this work has been composed in a paper”MAC-A-MAL:macOS Malware Analysis Framework Resistant to anti evasion techniques”which was submitted to the International Symposium on Engi-neering Secure Software and Systems ESSoS2018.B AppendixFakeFileOpener and MacKeeper are classified as Adware,Keranger is ransomware and the rest of variants is trojan/backdoor.Figure3:Behavior heatmap of macOS malware in2016ChromePatch and Mughthesec are classified as Adware,Macransom is ransomware and the rest of variants is trojan/backdoor.Figure4:Behavior heatmap of macOS malware in2017。


Key words: molecular excited state, rydberg state, predissoc iation, Na2, CaCl
摘 要 ......................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT(英文摘要).......................................................................... I 目 录 ....................................................................................................... I 符号对照表‫ﻩﻩ‬I 第一章 引 言 ............................................................................................‫ﻩ‬1
清华大学硕士论文博士论文格 式及范文详解
———————————————————————————————— 作者: ———————————————————————————————— 日期:
章标题 一级节标题
二级节标题 三级节标题 正文段落
页眉 页码
号 仿

宋 或


/* 在本例中是 devices_kset 容器,详细介绍可参照《Linux 设备模型浅析之设备篇》,后 面将列出 devices_kset 的定义 */ kset = top_kobj->kset; uevent_ops = kset->uevent_ops; // 本例中 uevent_ops = &device_uevent_ops
struct sk_buff *skb; size_t len;
/* allocate message with the maximum possible size */ len = strlen(action_string) + strlen(devpath) + 2; skb = alloc_skb(len + env->buflen, GFP_KERNEL); if (skb) {
return 0; }
// 获得用于存放环境变量的 buffer /* environment buffer */ env = kzalloc(sizeof(struct kobj_uevent_env), GFP_KERNEL); if (!env)
return -ENOMEM;
/* 获取该 kobj 在 sysfs 的路径,通过遍历其父 kobj 来获得,本例是/sys/devices/platform/ s3c2410-rtc/rtc/rtc0 */ /* complete object path */
goto exit;
/* 如果配置了网络,那么就会通过 netlink socket 向用户空间发送环境标量,而用户空间 则通过 netlink socket 接收,然后采取一些列的动作。这种机制目前用在 udev 中,也就是 pc 机系统中,后面会分析*/ #if defined(CONFIG_NET) /* send netlink message */ /* 如果配置了 net,则会在 kobject_uevent_init()例程中将全局比昂俩 uevent_sock 初试化 为 NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT 类型的 socket。*/ if (uevent_sock) {



r8s使用指南中国科学院植物研究所张金龙编译zhangjl@前言r8s是美国加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的进化生物学家Mike Sanderson编写的用于估算进化树分化时间的软件,在进化生物学、分子生物地理学等学科有着广泛的应用,已经成为估算分化时间不可或缺的软件之一。



本文基于当前版本r8s 1.7.1,参照其说明书,介绍该软件在Linux下的安装和操作,并对其模块的功能和选项进行简要的说明。

译者于北京香山2010年1月23日目录一r8s下载与安装 (1)下载 (1)安装 (1)1 在MacOS上 (1)2 在Linux上(以Ubuntu 9.0为例) (1)(1)下载源程序 (1)(2)解压缩 (1)(3) 源代码的编译 (1)注:g77编译器的安装 (1)3 Windows用户 (2)二程序运行 (2)1 在Linux中(Ubuntu linux 或PHYLIS) (2)2 在WindowXP中运行 (3)程序运行模式 (3)1 交互模式 (3)2 批处理模式 (3)三命令行说明 (4)blformat命令: 进化树的基本信息 (4)mrca命令为节点定名 (5)fixage命令:设定节点的分化时间 (5)constrain命令:限定节点的分化时间 (5)divtime 命令分化时间估算 (5)showage 显示分化时间和分化速率: (6)describe 显示进化树及树的说明 (6)set 命令 (7)calibrate 时间校对 (7)profile 从多个树中提取某个节点的信息 (7)rrlike 检验进化速率 (7)四数据处理过程中的建议 (7)关于进化模型的说明 (7)局部进化时间模型localmodel (7)对于获得时间的建议 (8)关于时间估算的bootstrap的方法 (8)改错 (8)五实例分析 (8)附录命令参考 (11)blformat (11)calibrate (11)cleartrees (11)collapse (11)constrain (11)describe (11)divtime (11)execute (12)fixage (12)localmodel (12)mrca (12)profile (12)prune (12)quit (12)reroot (12)rrlike (12)set (12)showage (13)unfixage (13)mrp (13)bd (14)一r8s下载与安装下载r8s的下载网址/r8s//r8s/r8s1.71.dist.tar.Z安装1 在MacOS上在MacOS上运行,在UNIX shell中运行已经编译好的可执行文件即可。



















t2t级别 英语 基因组 -回复

t2t级别 英语 基因组 -回复

t2t级别英语基因组-回复the following question, the complete question is: "What is a genome and how does it work?"Introduction:The genome is the complete set of genetic material or DNA present in an organism. It contains all the information necessary for the development, growth, and functioning of an organism. This article aims to explain what a genome is and how it works, highlighting the various components involved and their functions.1. What is a genome?A genome is the entire DNA sequence present in an organism. It consists of all the genes, non-coding regions, and regulatory elements that determine the characteristics and traits of an individual. Genomes can vary in size and complexity depending on the organism. For example, humans have a genome consisting of approximately 3 billion base pairs, while bacteria have smaller genomes.2. Structure of a genome:A genome is composed of DNA, which is a long double-stranded helix. DNA is made up of four nucleotides – adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). These nucleotides form base pairs where A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. The arrangement of these base pairs forms the genetic code that carries the instructions for building and maintaining an organism.3. Genes and their functions:Genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for making proteins, which are the building blocks of cells. They provide the blueprint for the structure and function of an organism. Genes control various traits such as eye color, height, and susceptibility to diseases. Each gene consists of a specific sequence of nucleotides that encode a protein or RNA molecule.4. Non-coding regions:In addition to genes, a genome also contains non-coding regions. These regions do not code for proteins but play essential regulatory roles. They control gene expression by determiningwhen and where genes are turned on or off. Non-coding regions include enhancers, silencers, and promoters, which interact with specific proteins to regulate gene activity.5. Genome organization:Genomes are organized into chromosomes, which are long strands of DNA wrapped around structural proteins called histones. Chromosomes are located within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and are visible during cell division. They ensure the proper distribution of genetic material to daughter cells. Genes and other regulatory elements are arranged linearly along the chromosomes.6. Replication and transcription:DNA replication is the process by which a cell creates an exact copy of its genome. It occurs during cell division and ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes. Transcription is the process of copying the genetic information from DNA into RNA. It serves as an intermediate step in protein synthesis.7. Translation and protein synthesis:Translation is the process by which the genetic information carried by RNA is converted into a sequence of amino acids to form a protein. This process occurs in the ribosomes, where transfer RNA molecules bring the amino acids to the ribosome according to the instructions encoded in the RNA. Proteins have numerous essential functions in cells, including enzymatic activity, structural support, and signaling.8. Genomics and its importance:Genomics is the study of genomes and their functions. Advances in genomics have revolutionized many areas of biology and medicine. It has enabled the identification of disease-causing genes, the development of personalized medicine, and the understanding of evolutionary relationships between species. Genomic research is continually uncovering new insights into the complexity of life and helping solve biological mysteries.Conclusion:The genome is an intricate and essential component of living organisms. Its discovery and study have transformed our understanding of genetics, biology, and human health. By unraveling the secrets of the genome, scientists have unlocked the potential for diagnosing and treating diseases, developing new agricultural techniques, and expanding our knowledge of the natural world.。

Molecular Research in Oil

Molecular Research in Oil

Chapter15Molecular Research in Oil Palm,the Key Oil Crop for the FutureSean Mayes,Farah Hafeez,Zuzana Price,Don MacDonald,Norbert Billotte, and Jeremy RobertsAbstract African oil palm(Elaeis guineensis Jacq)produces more thanfive times the yield of oil/year/hectare of any annual oil crop.In consequence,it represents a key species for meeting future vegetable oil needs(both for food and for industry) against the background of a rising world population.As it is a tree crop and naturally out-crossing current planting material is,in contrast to most annual crops,generally heterogeneous.This complicates breeding for future needs.Recent developments in molecular biology have the potential to substantially alter approaches for the genetic improvement of oil palm.Some of these biotechnological approaches have already made an impact,for example,somatic embryogenesis for clonal propagation and routine geneticfingerprinting for quality control.The recent development of plant sequence-based approaches,supported by bioinformatics and broadly classified into genomics(DNA)and functional genomics(mRNA,protein and metabolites)could lead to a step-wise change in our understanding of the genetic basis of agronomic traits and the development of practical tools and trait information for plant breed-ing.These high-throughput developments add significant new potential to the two broad approaches generally adopted in crop molecular research.The“bottom-up”approach involves investigating individual genes and the pathways in which they operate with a long-term aim to develop a complete understanding of these networks and their importance in trait specification.The alternative“top-down”approach starts with the trait in the species of interest and uses inheritance studies,anonymous molecular markers,and physiological techniques to begin to dissect the trait and its interactions with the environment.Genomics and functional genomics represent a suite of techniques which can help to bridge the gap between the bottom-up and the top-down approaches.In this article we review recent progress in developing molec-ular resources for oil palm and assess the potential impact that specific cutting edge techniques,already developed and implemented in other plant and crop species, could have in oil palm.The article gives background information on the various technologies,but is not intended to be exhaustive.A number of good text books and S.MayesSchool of Biosciences,Sutton Bonington Campus,Nottingham University,Loughborough, Leicestershire,LE125RD,UKe-mail:sean.mayes@P.H.Moore,R.Ming(eds.),Genomics of Tropical Crop Plants371 C Springer2008372S.Mayes et al. articles are available which go into greater detail.It also does not go into depth on discoveries in other species,except to illustrate their potential utility in oil palm.15.1IntroductionThe oil palm(Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)is a tropical perennial crop originating in Central and Western Africa in the humid lowland tropics,within±10◦latitude of the equator(Corley and Tinker2003).Oil palm is a monocotyledonous tree belonging to the Family Arecacea,tribe Cocoseae,and subtribe Elaeidinae.This subtribe consists of the genus Elaeis.The genus name,Elaeis,is from the Greek elaia for olive. The African oil palm’s specific name,guineensis,refers to the tree’s discovery by Jacquin in the Gulf of Guinea area(Jacquemard1998).The chromosome number is2n=32(Maria et al.1995)and the genome size is1C=980Mbp(Bennett and Smith1991;Bennett and Leitch2005).The genus also contains E.oleifera HBK(the South American oil palm).The major interest in oil palm is the high oil content of the mesocarp and kernel of its fruits that are produced in heavy bunches. The plant is monoecious with out-crossing maintained through successive cycles of male and female inflorescence production on a single palm.The length of the male and female cycles varies widely according to genotype and environment(Corley and Donough1995).The fruit is a sessile drupe produced in bunches of up to3,000 fruits on mature palms,with an average of around1,500fruit/bunch.The fruits vary in size and shape and may weigh from3g to30g.At maturity,the fruit is red-brown and consists of the pulp,the shell,and the kernel.The pulp(mesocarp;60%to 90%of fruit weight,35%to55%of bunch weight)yields an edible,orange-red oil commonly known as palm oil.The endosperm or kernel when crushed produces a clear yellowish oil that is known as palm kernel oil and is similar to coconut oil.Palm oil and its refined derivatives,palm olein and palm stearin,are the major commercial products of oil palm(Corley and Tinker2003).The plant generation time is prolonged,with seeds taking around100–120days to germinate,including a heat-treatment,followed by10–12months in the nursery before the young seedlings are ready forfield planting.The oil palm starts to bear fruit after2–3years offield planting and approaches maturity at around10years. The economic life of plantings varies from20–30years,depending on local condi-tions,with excessive palm height being the major factor for replanting(Corley and Tinker2003).Of all oil-bearing plants,the oil palm produces the most oil per hectare per year, with reported oil yields exceeding12t/ha in some experimental plots in Malaysia and3to7t/ha more typically in commercialfields,although average Malaysian yield is still currently below4t/ha.Thirty-five percent oil-to-bunch content has also been reported(Soh et al.2003a)with22–28%being more common.Palm kernel oil has been estimated at2–3%of bunch weight but can reach5%.Corley(1985) predicted a potential oil yield based on physiological modelling of17t/ha/year,sug-gesting that significant breeding progress can still be made.However,current yield potential,i.e.,achievable yield under ideal conditions,still has a significant way to15Molecular Research in Oil Palm,the Key Oil Crop for the Future373 go before approaching this theoretical potential.A mature palm tree initiates one inflorescence in the axil of each leaf and this develops over a period of2–3years. Palms usually produce one or two fruit bunches every month(in female phase)or one or two male inflorescences per month(in male phase)(Adam et al.2005).A mature female bunch may easily weigh50kg and is composed of over3,000fruitlets each attached by an abscission zone(Henderson and Osborne1990;Henderson et al. 2001)to thefibrous bunch.Interestingly,one of the main domestication adapta-tions of most crops,i.e.,non-shattering fruit,here more appropriately termed non-shedding,has not yet been developed in oil palm.The current signal for harvesting a ripe bunch is the accumulation of loose fruit at the base of the tree.A single male inflorescence on a mature palm can weigh2–3kg and yield significant quantities of pollen.The pollen can be preserved by freeze-drying for future controlled crosses, potentially enabling a significant genetic contribution to commercial palms from pollen parents.15.1.1Economic,Agronomic,and Societal Importance of Oil Palm While oil palm cultivation arose in Africa,where it still makes an important con-tribution to diet and industry,the countries most dependent upon oil palm econom-ically are in Southeast Asia,particularly Malaysia and Indonesia,with Thailand and Papua New Guinea also having significant plantations.The rapid increase in plantation area in Malaysia from300,000ha in1970to4.1million ha in2006,and a total area of over5million ha in Indonesia in2006,indicates the economic im-portance of this plantation crop and the growing world demand for palm oil.Palm oil has recently overtaken soybean oil as the world’s leading vegetable oil,with Europe and China at present the major markets.Production in African countries is now beginning to increase,although Southeast Asian production dominates world trade.Plantations in South American countries have also been established and are increasing output(Corley and Tinker2003).Palm oil’s unique composition makes it versatile for applications in food manu-facturing and in the chemical,cosmetic,and pharmaceutical industries,with palm oil often being separated into olein and stearin fractions before export(Pantzaris 1997).About90%of the world’s palm oil is used for edible purposes(Sambanthamurthi et al.2000).Palm oil generally has a1:1ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids. Despite a concerted effort by US soybean farmers to label palm oil as a specific risk factor,nutritional studies show that a diet with a high proportion of palm oil as the fat component is as healthy as any other,particularly with regard to atherosclerosis risk factors and coronary heart disease(Corley and Tinker2003).Palm oil is semi-solid at normal room temperature(22◦C),which favors its use as the solid-fat component for margarines.Many temperate vegetable oils require catalyst-based hydrogenation to increase the level of saturation and melting temperature before they can be used as a solid-fat component.In biological systems,single double-bonds are always in the374S.Mayes et al. CIS configuration.Catalyst-based hydrogenation leads to trans-fatty acids,which have been implicated in cardiovascular disease.The recent decision of a number of major supermarkets in the UK to remove all trans-fatty acids from their products and the imposition of legislation in the United States requiring the labelling of products exceeding a threshold(0.5–1.0%)of trans fatty acids(US FDA,2006)have provided an additional boost for the use of palm oil.It is also highly suitable for deep frying because of the low content of polyunsaturated linoleic acid and a higher level of saturated fatty acids(Sambanthamurthi et al.2000),which are less susceptible to oxidation.Palm oil contains high levels of natural antioxidants such as tocopherols, tocotrienols,and carotenoids,although it is generally bleached during processing. Industrial extraction of these antioxidants for the manufacture of health supplements has started.About10%of palm oil is used for non-food products such as oleochemicals (e.g.,Kuntom and Hamirin2000),cosmetics,and,increasingly,biofuels(Chuah et al.2006).It is also used in the metal and leather industries.Fatty acid methyl esters from palm oil can be used as substitutes for diesel(Choo and Cheah2000),or alcohol can be produced by fermentation of carbohydrates(Corley and Tinker2003) to provide fuel for burning.Demand from the biofuel sector has recently led the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to limit the amount of palm oil going into biofuels to12mt annually(;Oil World Weekly,July21st 2006)to protect the food-use supply of palm oil.Biodegradable plastics such as polyhydroxyburate(PHB)could also be produced from oil palm and to develop this application is one of the objectives of the Malaysia/Massachusetts Institute of Technology Biotechnology Partnership Programme(/ malaysia/),by manipulating theflux of acyl groups from acetyl coenzyme A to polyhydroxyalkonates(Houmiel et al.1999;Masani Mat Yunus et al.2001).Palm kernel is also widely used in luxury soaps and as a direct substitute for coconut in confectionary fats,ice cream,and coffee whiteners.Palm kernel meal, which is left over after kernel oil extraction,is used as livestock feed(Corley and Tinker2003)although it is nutritionally poor and is often mixed with other cattle feeds(Soh et al.2003a).In recent years there has also been considerable interest in the potential for developing palm material into additional by-products such as chipboard(Hassan and Sukaimi1993),aggregate for concrete(Mannan et al.2005),an additive for recycled paper production(Ibrahim2003),and many others.On many plantations,the empty bunches remaining after fruit harvest are used as a source of nutrients and as a mulch for the plantation.Thefibers and shells remaining after oil extraction of the fruit are used as a fuel to generate electrical energy for the plantation.After the oil has been extracted,the remain-ing palm oil mill effluent(POME)is potentially a rich fertilizer source and can be used to make biogas or a livestock feed.Recently,POME was shown to con-tain substantial quantities of phenolics andflavonoids that have potent antioxidant properties(Sundram et al.2003).Technology currently being developed by the Malaysian Palm Oil Board(MPOB;.my/)is geared towards turning this material into a nutraceutical product that could have substantial health benefits.15Molecular Research in Oil Palm,the Key Oil Crop for the Future375 15.1.2Oil Palm as an Experimental OrganismAs an experimental organism,oil palm has a number of features/traits to recommend it.It is long-lived(e.g.,a study in1970to evaluate breeding progress was able to collect seed from unselected material planted in1878;Corley and Lee1992),has high individual value justifying the expense of molecular work,and a selected indi-vidual can produce significant numbers of progeny(around1,500per mature female bunch and millions of offspring for a male pollen contribution).Genetically,it has an intermediate genome size and behaves as a diploid.This makes molecular work reasonably straightforward.A further advantage of oil palm is the ability to gen-erate clonal material through somatic embryogenesis(Soh et al.2003a).Breeding populations of restricted origin(BPROs;Rosenquist1985)form the basis of many breeding programs.These often show trait variation between origins,so introgres-sion of different origins remains one way to make new breeding progress without completely sacrificing progress already made.Despite some60million years since the geographical speciation of E.guineensis(African oil palm)from E.oleifera (South American oil palm),probably with the break-up of Gondwanaland,fertile F1hybrids can be formed(Hardon1969;Hardon1969).This has been important in South America,where disease problems have had an effect on pure E.guineensis material(de Franqueville2003)with the E.oleifera and E.oleifera x E.guineensis hybrids appearing to be less susceptible.Scientifically,material from hybrids is also of interest,as it is clear from molecular analysis that there has been significant genome divergence between the two species,particularly in repetitive sequences (Price et al.2002,2004;Kubis et al.2003)There are,however,many disadvantages to the use of oil palm as a model organ-ism.The selection cycle is long and breeding trials take considerable areas of land, with143plants/ha being a common planting density.Genetically,oil palm exists as heterogeneous material.Few fully inbred lines are available and oil palm usually exhibits significant inbreeding depression if self-pollinated(Luyindula et al.2005a). The lack of genetically homozygous inbred lines hampers genetic analysis and pre-vents stable propagation of elite genotypes by seed.Somatic embryogenesis does have the potential tofix elite genotypes(which will be heterozygous,rather than homozygous)and a number of groups are also working on the techniques to gener-ate doubled haploid material(Madon et al.2005b).This approach has been widely adopted in cereal genetics.15.2Genetics,Breeding,and Biotechnology15.2.1The Genetics and Breeding of Oil PalmOil palm breeding and research are dominated by two major factors–shell-thickness and long selection cycles.376S.Mayes et al.The thickness of the fruit shell,or endocarp,is primarily controlled by two alleles of the shell thickness gene Sh(Beirnaert and Vanderweyen1941).The homozygous, thick-shelled dura fruit type typically produces30%less palm oil than does the heterozygous,thin-shelled,tenera fruit type.The other homozygote,pisifera,has no shell and in most germplasm the fruit bunches abort during development,result-ing in no yield.It has been proposed that pisifera is the result of a mutation that fails to lignify the region in which the shell would normally form(Sparnaaji1969; Bhasker and Mohankumar2001).In dura fruit,two copies of the wild-type gene lead to a replacement of30%of the mesocarp with shell,reducing oil yield by 30%,compared to tenera(heterozygous)fruit.There is an overlap of the range of shell-thickness for dura and tenera,with the definitive feature for classifying fruit forms into dura or tenera being the presence of afiber ring around the shell in the tenera form.This overlap of shell-thickness ranges may suggest that different sources of alleles for Sh are not identical.It has also been suggested that other loci may carry modifiers of shell-thickness,including possibly maternally inherited genes(Okwuagwu and Okolo1992,1994).Sources of female-fertile pisifera exist and it has been postulated that a fertility gene is linked closely to the shell-thickness gene(Wonkyi-Appiah1987).Selection cycles are typically10–12years for dura(female parent)palms and 16years for pisifera(male parent)palms,where sterility of pisifera requires sib-breeding and extensive progeny testing.This means that since the1910s to1920s, when palm breeding began in a systematic way,there have been perhaps only eight generations of breeding and selection.Despite the limited number of generations for improvement,oil yields quadrupled up to the1990s in Malaysia,with half of this increase attributed to genetic improvement,with30%of the gain from replacing the dura thick-shelled fruit form with the tenera thin-shelled form and the other half due to improved agronomy(Corley and Lee1992).The majority of traits of agronomic importance are thought to be polygenic;however,a limited number of mono-or possibly oligogenic traits have been identified.The most important monogenic trait, as already mentioned,is shell-thickness.Other candidate traits include: Fruit traits:Nigrescens(fruit black when unripe,ripening to reddish brown,the wild-type state);Virescens(fruit green when unripe,ripening to bright orange due to absence of carotenoids in the exocarp);albescens(mesocarp lacks carotenoids and remains pale when ripe);genetic mantling(poissoni;development of the rudi-mentary androecium in female fruits to produce supplementary carpels).Vegetative traits:idolatrica(fusion of pinnae),dumpy(short height mutant), although simple inheritance is still controversial(Soh et al.2003a;Luyindula et al.2005b)and crown disease(twisting of the rachis in juvenile palms)(Blaak 1970;Breure and Soebagjo1991).Disease traits:Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum fsp elaedis has been postulated as being controlled by two genes,but also remains controversial(de Franqueville and de Greef1987;Flood2005).Most other traits,including oil yield,are thought to be polygenic.Breaking down a complex trait,such as oil yield,into components,e.g.,oil-to-mesocarp,mesocarp-to-fruit,fruit-to-bunch etc.(termed“bunch analysis”),is one common approach to15Molecular Research in Oil Palm,the Key Oil Crop for the Future377 try to reduce the oil yield trait to simpler,perhaps more heritable,components for breeding and selection(Blaak et al.1963;Corley and Tinker2003).Physiological approaches to oil palm improvement have been used to try to understand the com-ponents that make upfinal oil yield,examining the balance of the source and sink traits(Corley and Tinker2003).A major threat to yield is the recent significant increase in incidence and severity of the disease caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninensis which brings about basal and upper stem rot(Flood and Bridge2000;Pilotti et al.2003,Sanderson2005; Susanto et al.2005;Hasan et al.2005).Oil palms attacked by this soil-borne basid-iomycete must be removed to prevent the spread of the disease.The identification of sources of resistance and markers that segregate with such disease resistance genes would be a valuable tool in future breeding programs(Durand-Gasselin et al.2005) and the development of markers specific to the disease causing G.boninensis is a usefulfirst step for diagnostics(Latiffah et al.2002;Panchal and Bridge2005; Utomo et al.2005).The total phenotypic variation present for any trait can be partitioned into compo-nents,reflecting genetic,environmental,and genetic x environmental variances.A trait will respond to selection in a breeding program only if it is strongly transmitted to the next generation,i.e.,the trait is largely under genetic control.Estimates of oil palm heritability and GxE interactions for particular traits provide information to the breeder for increased selection efficiency(Soh and Tan1983;Rafii et al.2001;Rafii et al.2002;Soh et al.2003a).Soh et al.(2003b)demonstrated various methods of estimating broad sense heritability.These concurred with earlier estimates that yield component trait heritabilities were generally low,probably due to their continual use as selection criteria.The same approach can be used to derive breeding values for individual parental palms.Estimates of General Combining Abilities and Specific Combining Abilities essentially reflect additive and non-additive effects,respectively,together with an er-ror component(Falconer1989).Other approaches,such as the Best Linear Unbiased Predictor(BLUP)have potential to assist the evaluation process(Purba et al.2001).The domination by the single gene for shell-thickness(Sh)of the breeding of oil palm,which requires all commercial material to be of the heterozygous tenera (thin-shelled)form,has a significant effect on the approaches adopted.This and the long generation and selection times has led to the development of variations of the Recurrent Reciprocal Selection(RRS)or the Family and Individual Selection (FIS)systems being widely adopted.Many breeding programs involve the sepa-rate development of maternal and paternal germplasm,followed by test-crossing to evaluate palm quality and to select good parents from each pool to produce the com-mercial hybrid.Variations on this approach have been suggested(Durand-Gasselin et al.1999).As an alternative to the RRS-based approach,an extreme FIS approach can lead to continual crossing to unrelated material,producing polyhybrids,as has been used extensively in Africa(Corley and Tinker2003;Soh et al.2003a).In practice,many breeding programs are a blend of approaches,with pure RRS being impossible because of female sterility in many pisifera sources.Soh(1999)and Soh et al.(2003a)have reviewed this in detail.378S.Mayes et al.15.2.2Biotechnology of Oil PalmThe potential of oil palm biotechnology has been reviewed a number of times (e.g.Rival et al.2001;Rival et al.2003)and one area where considerable progress (with one serious set-back)has been made is clonal propagation.As oil palm has only a single vegetative meristem,it is not possible to replicate elite genotypes by cuttings or graftings.The absence of fully inbred lines means that it is also not pos-sible to commercially propagate elite individual oil palm genotypes by seed.These two constraints led to the development of a clonal propagation system based on somatic embryogenesis in a number of laboratories in the1970s.The development of this approach and the predicted benefits of it have been extensively reviewed(see Corley and Tinker2003).The discovery of abnormalflowering(Corley et al.1986) in clonal material which led to bunch abortion and sterility was a significant set-back for the adoption of clonal palms,and considerable effort has gone into trying to un-derstand the basis of this(Rival et al.1998;Jaligot et al.2000;Matthes et al.2001; Syed Alwee2001;Toruan-Mathius et al.2001;Jaligot et al.2003;Kubis et al.2003; Jaligot et al.2004;Morcillo et al.2006).Hypomethylation of a specific(as yet un-known)gene or genes currently seems to be the most likely cause(Rival et al.2000), probably acting through phytohormone levels(Jones1998).Recent characterization of the oil palm equivalents(orthologues)of genes involved infloral patterning and subsequent inflorescence architecture in other species may accelerate its identifica-tion(Adam et al.2006;Syed Alwee et al.2006).Recent work has identified the risk factors involved(Eeuwens et al.2002),and current clonal production with an em-phasis on limited production from each embryogenic callus,while not completely eliminating the presence of abnormality,has reduced occurrence to economically viable levels.The development of suspension culture systems(Texeira et al.1995; Alberlenc Bertossi et al.1999;Soh et al.2003a)for the production of somatic em-bryos and of cryopreservation techniques for their storage also offers the possibility of mass production of artificial seed(Dumet et al.2000;Chaudhury and Malik2004 Tarmizi et al.2004).In the last10years there has been something of a“cautious Renaissance”in the commercial planting of clonal oil palm(Soh et al.2001;Soh et al.2003a).However,the development of a reliable marker for the abnormality is critical for high throughput oil palm clonal propagation;to provide an early warning system,and to give added confidence to growers.In addition to somatic embryogenesis enabling the production of large numbers of elite genotypes,both for research and commercial exploitation,tissue culture methods have provided a basis for research into genetic transformation of oil palm. Thefirst report of transient expression in oil palm tissues,using the biolistics ap-proach,was presented at the International Oil Palm Congress(PIPOC)in1993 (Mayes et al.1995)and significant progress has been made since.Work on establish-ing conditions for transformation(Te-chato et al.2002;Zubaidah and Siti Nor2003; Rohani et al.2003;Abdullah et al.2005;Lee2006)and evaluating potential for such technology(Parveez2003;Siti Nor et al.2001;Murphy2006)together with the genes needed to achieve these ends(e.g.,for oil biosynthesis,Shah and Cha2000; Asemota and Shah2004;for carotenoids;Khemvong and Suvachittanont2005;for15Molecular Research in Oil Palm,the Key Oil Crop for the Future379 kernel expression,Cha and Shah2001)have also been reported.In many species, transformation approaches based on Agrobacterium tumefaciens have been pared to the biolistics approaches,this method generates simpler and lower copy inserts in transformed plants.This is important for stability of transgene expression(instability of expression often being caused by the construct producing aberrant dsRNA).Agrobacterium-mediated transformation also produces unlinked inserts in a reasonable number of transformants,potentially facilitating the segrega-tion of the selective marker away from the gene of interest–so-called clean gene technology(Afalobi et al.2004).Development of an efficient Agrobacterium trans-formation system for oil palm is a key requirement for commercial deployment of this technology.Many Southeast Asian countries(such as Malaysia)are still in the process of developing biosafety systems and protocols for scientific and commercial use of genetically modified(GM)organisms.The commercial future of such work in oil palm will undoubtedly be influenced by this.Time scales are also a major concern,particularly to develop significant numbers of palms to make niche market transgenic palms viable.With modifications to oil composition,separate processing facilities will also be required to maintain the premium obtained from the modifica-tion.From induction of callus to production offield-planted palms producing a yield can take8-10years.Multiplication of material would take significant time,although introduction of GM by using the trait expressing palm as a pollen source is one option,as male inflorescences produce considerable amounts of pollen.Transgenic approaches would raise potential containment issues of the modified gene(as well as issues of safeguarding the research investment)and in some countries theft of material from nurseries is common.The targeting of transgenes to the plastid might resolve the issue of GM pollen release and might also improve the efficiency with which expression takes place.However,the potential to produce a high-oleate palm oil and other novel oils for nutraceutical or industrial markets(e.g.,Murphy2006) and the possibility of tackling some currently intractable problems(such as Gano-derma,for which a genetic/breeding solution is still a number of generations off) makes transgenic technology inviting(for current status in a number of crops see FAO,2005).For both scientific study and even for potentially fairly direct commercial ex-ploitation,a robust and high-efficiency transformation system for oil palm is desirable.15.3Genomics and Gene MappingPlant genomes vary significantly in DNA content between species.A simple ex-ample would be to compare the genome size of rice(Oryza sativa;430Mb)with the genome size of barley(Hordeum vulgare;5,000Mb).Both species are diploids and both are members of the Poaceae,with the major difference being that rice is a tropical and barley a temperate grass species.It is also likely that to survive both species need similar numbers of genes.The difference in genome size between such。



数学专有名词英文词典Mathematics Glossary: A Comprehensive English Dictionary of Mathematical TermsIntroduction:Mathematics is a language of numbers, shapes, patterns, and relationships. It plays a crucial role in various fields, including science, engineering, economics, and finance. To effectively communicate and understand mathematical concepts, it is essential to have a solid grasp of mathematical vocabulary. This article aims to provide a comprehensive English dictionary of mathematical terms, allowing readers to enhance their mathematical knowledge and fluency.A1. Abacus: A counting device that uses beads or pebbles on rods to represent numbers.2. Absolute Value: The distance of a number from zero on a number line, always expressed as a positive value.3. Algorithm: A set of step-by-step instructions used to solve a particular problem or complete a specific task.4. Angle: The measure of the separation between two lines or surfaces, usually measured in degrees.5. Area: The measure of the amount of space inside a two-dimensional figure, expressed in square units.B1. Base: The number used as a repeated factor in exponential notation.2. Binomial: An algebraic expression with two unlike terms connected by an addition or subtraction sign.3. Boundary: The edge or perimeter of a geometric shape.4. Cartesian Coordinates: A system that uses two number lines, the x-axis and y-axis, to represent the position of a point in a plane.5. Commutative Property: The property that states the order of the terms does not affect the result of addition or multiplication.C1. Circle: A closed curve with all points equidistant from a fixed center point.2. Congruent: Two figures that have the same shape and size.3. Cube: A three-dimensional solid shape with six square faces of equal size.4. Cylinder: A three-dimensional figure with two circular bases and a curved surface connecting them.5. Decimal: A number written in the base-10 system, with a decimal point separating the whole number part from the fractional part.D1. Denominator: The bottom part of a fraction that represents the number of equal parts into which a whole is divided.2. Diameter: The distance across a circle, passing through the center, and equal to twice the radius.3. Differential Equation: An equation involving derivatives that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives.4. Dividend: The number that is divided in a division operation.5. Domain: The set of all possible input values of a function.E1. Equation: A mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions, usually containing an equal sign.2. Exponent: A number that indicates how many times a base number should be multiplied by itself.3. Expression: A mathematical phrase that combines numbers, variables, and mathematical operations.4. Exponential Growth: A pattern of growth where the quantity increases exponentially over time.5. Exterior Angle: The angle formed when a line intersects two parallel lines.F1. Factor: A number or expression that divides another number or expression without leaving a remainder.2. Fraction: A number that represents part of a whole, consisting of a numerator anda denominator.3. Function: A relation that assigns each element from one set (the domain) to a unique element in another set (the range).4. Fibonacci Sequence: A sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones.5. Frustum: A three-dimensional solid shape obtained by slicing the top of a cone or pyramid.G1. Geometric Sequence: A sequence of numbers where each term is obtained by multiplying the previous term by a common ratio.2. Gradient: A measure of the steepness of a line or a function at a particular point.3. Greatest Common Divisor (GCD): The largest number that divides two or more numbers without leaving a remainder.4. Graph: A visual representation of a set of values, typically using axes and points or lines.5. Group: A set of elements with a binary operation that satisfies closure, associativity, identity, and inverse properties.H1. Hyperbola: A conic section curve with two branches, symmetric to each other, and asymptotic to two intersecting lines.2. Hypotenuse: The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle, always the longest side.3. Histogram: A graphical representation of data where the data is divided into intervals and the frequency of each interval is shown as a bar.4. Hexagon: A polygon with six sides and six angles.5. Hypothesis: A proposed explanation for a phenomenon, which is then tested through experimentation and analysis.I1. Identity: A mathematical statement that is always true, regardless of the values of the variables.2. Inequality: A mathematical statement that asserts a relationship between two expressions, using symbols such as < (less than) or > (greater than).3. Integer: A whole number, either positive, negative, or zero, without any fractional or decimal part.4. Intersect: The point or set of points where two or more lines, curves, or surfaces meet.5. Irrational Number: A real number that cannot be expressed as a fraction or a terminating or repeating decimal.J1. Joint Variation: A type of variation where a variable is directly or inversely proportional to the product of two or more other variables.2. Justify: To provide a logical or mathematical reason or explanation for a statement or conclusion.K1. Kernel: The set of all inputs that map to the zero element of a function, often used in linear algebra and abstract algebra.L1. Line Segment: A part of a line bounded by two distinct endpoints.2. Logarithm: The exponent or power to which a base number must be raised to obtain a given number.3. Limit: The value that a function or sequence approaches as the input or index approaches a particular value.4. Linear Equation: An equation of the form Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are constants, and x and y are variables.5. Locus: The set of all points that satisfy a particular condition or criteria.M1. Median: The middle value in a set of data arranged in ascending or descending order.2. Mean: The average of a set of numbers, obtained by summing all the values and dividing by the total count.3. Mode: The value or values that appear most frequently in a data set.4. Matrix: A rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns.5. Midpoint: The point that divides a line segment into two equal halves.N1. Natural Numbers: The set of positive whole numbers, excluding zero.2. Negative: A number less than zero, often represented with a minus sign.3. Nonagon: A polygon with nine sides and nine angles.4. Null Set: A set that contains no elements, often represented by the symbol Ø or { }.5. Numerator: The top part of a fraction that represents the number of equal parts being considered.O1. Obtuse Angle: An angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.2. Octagon: A polygon with eight sides and eight angles.3. Origin: The point (0, 0) on a coordinate plane, where the x-axis and y-axis intersect.4. Order of Operations: The set of rules for evaluating mathematical expressions, typically following the sequence of parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.5. Odd Number: An integer that cannot be divided evenly by 2.P1. Parabola: A conic section curve with a U shape, symmetric about a vertical line called the axis of symmetry.2. Pi (π): A mathematical constant representing the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to3.14159.3. Probability: The measure of the likelihood that a particular event will occur, often expressed as a fraction, decimal, or percentage.4. Prime Number: A natural number greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself.5. Prism: A three-dimensional figure with two parallel congruent bases and rectangular or triangular sides connecting the bases.Q1. Quadrant: One of the four regions obtained by dividing a coordinate plane into four equal parts.2. Quadrilateral: A polygon with four sides and four angles.3. Quartile: Each of the three values that divide a data set into four equal parts, each containing 25% of the data.4. Quotient: The result obtained from the division of one number by another.5. Quaternion: A four-dimensional extension of complex numbers, often used in advanced mathematics and physics.R1. Radius: The distance from the center of a circle or sphere to any point on its circumference or surface, always half of the diameter.2. Radical: The symbol √ used to represent the square root of a number or the principal root of a higher-order root.3. Ratio: A comparison of two quantities, often expressed as a fraction, using a colon, or as a verbal statement.4. Reflection: A transformation that flips a figure over a line, creating a mirror image.5. Rhombus: A parallelogram with all four sides of equal length.S1. Scalene Triangle: A triangle with no equal sides.2. Sector: The region bounded by two radii of a circle and the arc between them.3. Series: The sum of the terms in a sequence, often represented using sigma notation.4. Sphere: A three-dimensional object in which every point on the surface is equidistant from the center point.5. Square: A polygon with four equal sides and four right angles.T1. Tangent: A trigonometric function that represents the ratio of the length of the side opposite an acute angle to the length of the adjacent side.2. Theorem: A mathematical statement that has been proven to be true based on previously established results.3. Transversal: A line that intersects two or more other lines, typically forming angles at the intersection points.4. Trapezoid: A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.5. Triangle: A polygon with three sides and three angles.U1. Union: The combination of two or more sets to form a new set that contains all the elements of the original sets.2. Unit: A standard quantity used to measure or compare other quantities.3. Unit Circle: A circle with a radius of 1, often used in trigonometry to define trigonometric functions.4. Undefined: A term used to describe a mathematical expression or operation that does not have a meaning or value.5. Variable: A symbol or letter used to represent an unknown or changing quantity in an equation or expression.V1. Vertex: A point where two or more lines, rays, or line segments meet.2. Volume: The measure of the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object, often expressed in cubic units.3. Variable: A symbol or letter used to represent an unknown or changing quantity in an equation or expression.4. Vector: A quantity with both magnitude (size) and direction, often represented as an arrow.5. Venn Diagram: A graphical representation of the relationships between different sets using overlapping circles or other shapes.W1. Whole Numbers: The set of non-negative integers, including zero.2. Weighted Average: An average calculated by giving different weights or importance to different values or data points.3. Work: In physics, a measure of the energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved against an external force.4. Wavelength: The distance between two corresponding points on a wave, often represented by the symbol λ.5. Width: The measurement or extent of something from side to side.X1. x-axis: The horizontal number line in a coordinate plane.2. x-intercept: The point where a graph or a curve intersects the x-axis.3. x-coordinate: The horizontal component of a point's location on a coordinate plane.4. xy-plane: A two-dimensional coordinate plane formed by the x-axis and the y-axis.5. x-variable: A variable commonly used to represent the horizontal axis or the input in a mathematical equation or function.Y1. y-axis: The vertical number line in a coordinate plane.2. y-intercept: The point where a graph or a curve intersects the y-axis.3. y-coordinate: The vertical component of a point's location on a coordinate plane.4. y-variable: A variable commonly used to represent the vertical axis or the output in a mathematical equation or function.5. y=mx+b: The equation of a straight line in slope-intercept form, where m represents the slope and b represents the y-intercept.Z1. Zero: The number denoted by 0, often used as a placeholder or a starting point in the number system.2. Zero Pair: A pair of numbers that add up to zero when combined, often used in integer addition and subtraction.3. Zero Product Property: The property that states if the product of two or more factors is zero, then at least one of the factors must be zero.4. Zero Slope: A line that is horizontal and has a slope of 0.5. Zeroth Power: The exponent of 0, which always equals 1.Conclusion:This comprehensive English dictionary of mathematical terms provides an extensive list of vocabulary essential for understanding and communicating mathematical concepts. With the knowledge of these terms, readers can enhance their mathematical fluency and explore various branches of mathematics with greater confidence. Remember, mathematics is not just about numbers, but also about understanding the language that describes the beauty and intricacies of the subject.。

blastp (2)

blastp (2)

blastp1. IntroductionThe blastp program is a commonly used tool in bioinformatics for sequence analysis. It is a local alignment algorithm that compares a protein query sequence to a protein database to identify similar sequences and infer their functions. blastp is a part of the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) suite and is widely used in various biological research fields.2. How blastp Works2.1. Local AlignmentThe blastp algorithm performs local alignment, which means it seeks to identify regions of similarity between the query sequence and the database sequences rather than aligning the entire sequences. This allows for more efficient and accurate analysis by focusing on the most relevant regions.2.2. Scoring SystemBy default, blastp uses the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix to calculate the similarity scores between amino acid residues. The scoring matrix assigns a positive score to similar residues and a negative score to dissimilar residues. These scores are used to identify regions of similarity between the query and database sequences.2.3. The blastp AlgorithmThe blastp algorithm consists of the following steps:1.Database Preparation: The protein database is indexed and formatted for efficient searching.2.Query Sequence Input: The user provides the query sequence in FASTA format.3.Scoring: The query sequence is compared to the database sequences using the BLOSUM62 scoring matrix. The algorithm identifies matches and calculates similarity scores.4.Filtering: The algorithm applies a statistical filter to eliminate low-scoring matches.5.Alignment Extension: The algorithm extends the matching regions to maximize the alignment score.6.Construction of the Alignment: The algorithm constructs the final alignment using the highest-scoring regions.7.Database Statistics: blastp provides statistical information about the query’s similarity to the database sequences, including the E-value, which estimates the number of false positive matches.3. Uses of blastpThe blastp program has various applications in bioinformatics research:1.Protein Function Prediction: blastp can compare a protein ofunknown function to a database of annotated proteins to predict its function based on similarity to known proteins.2.Homology Identification: blastp can identify homologous proteinsthat share a common evolutionary origin. This information is useful forstudying protein evolution and inferring functional relationships.3.Protein Structure Analysis: By identifying similar proteins in thedatabase, blastp can assist in predicting the structure of the query proteinbased on the known structure of a homologous protein.4.Sequence Annotation: blastp can be used to annotate proteinsequences by identifying conserved domains and motifs that indicate theirfunction.4. Comparison with Other Sequence Alignment Toolsblastp is one of several sequence alignment tools available for protein analysis. Here are some key differences between blastp and other popular tools:•BLASTp vs. BLASTx: While blastp compares protein sequences to a protein database, blastx compares nucleotide sequences to a protein database.blastx can help identify potential protein-coding genes in DNA sequences.•BLASTp vs. PSI-BLAST: PSI-BLAST is an iterative version of blastp that can help detect remote homologs by building a position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM). blastp is more suitable for identifying close homologs, while PSI-BLAST is better at finding more distant relatives.5. ConclusionThe blastp program is a valuable tool for protein sequence analysis, allowing researchers to identify similar sequences, predict protein function, and study protein evolution. With its efficient local alignment algorithm and robust scoring system, blastp has become a standard tool in bioinformatics research. By providing statistical information and alignment details, blastp helps researchers make informed decisions about their protein analysis.。



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他引频次:111引证文献:1.付晓薇,一种基于动态图像的多目标识别计数方法,武汉科技大学,20032.汪颖进,目标跟踪过程中的遮挡问题研究,华中科技大学,20043.杨俊,变电站遥视图像的识别研究,华北电力大学(河北),20044.高腾,静止背景下运动目标跟踪方法的研究,西北大学,20055.崔宇巍,运动目标检测与跟踪中有关问题的研究,西北大学,20056.胡嘉凯,智能视频监控系统中运动目标跟踪有关问题研究及其DSP实现,合肥工业大学,20067.刘天国,红外防火监视监控系统的设计与实现,吉林大学,20068.刘昕,实时视频中选定物体追踪算法的研究,吉林大学,20069.程江华,基于DSP的视频分析系统设计与实现,国防科学技术大学,200510.廖雪超,基于粒子滤波和背景建模的多目标跟踪技术的研究和实现,武汉科技大学,200611.张之稳,嵌入式视频跟踪算法的研究,山东大学,200612.乔月,基于三层动态交互体系的多目标监控系统,哈尔滨工业大学,200613.周香珍,基于DSP的目标跟踪系统的实现,南京理工大学,200614.刘青青,智能式数字视频监控系统的研究与实现,厦门大学,200415.辛瑞红,运动目标的检测与跟踪研究,北京交通大学,200716.单海涛,复杂环境下运动人体分割算法的研究,大连海事大学,200617.武爱民,视频检测与跟踪技术在行人计数中的应用研究,合肥工业大学,200718.魏瑞斌,基于多特征的运动目标跟踪,西北大学,200719.吴雪刚,一种有效的基于粒子滤波器的多目标跟踪技术,西南大学,200720.胡志刚,基于移动通信网络的视频监控系统设计与实现,国防科学技术大学,200621.于晨,基于模板匹配技术的运动物体检测的研究,重庆大学,200722.吴园,运动车辆的检测与跟踪,南京航空航天大学,200723.周敬兵,复杂背景下的目标检测与跟踪技术研究,南京理工大学,200724.罗勤,基于序列图像处理的桥墩防撞预警系统的研究,华中科技大学,200625.肖海燕,动态目标检测与跟踪技术的研究,大连理工大学,200726.汪泉,基于运动目标检测与跟踪的视频测速技术的研究与应用,南昌大学,200727.司长哲,基于DSP的火箭自动跟踪与识别系统,重庆大学,200728.高原,海背景下弱小运动目标的检测和跟踪研究,北京交通大学,200729.庄志国,视频监控系统中有遮挡运动目标的提取和重构,厦门大学,200730.杨洋,智能场景监控系统的研究及其在室内监控中的应用,吉林大学,200831.张恒娟,基于分块高斯背景的运动目标检测与跟踪技术研究,天津师范大学,200832.马杰,视频人脸检测与识别方法研究,湖南大学,200833.陈家树,像素差的平方和增强核粒子滤波的非刚体目标跟踪,西南大学,200834.黄苜,支持向量回归机粒子滤波器非刚体目标跟踪,西南大学,200835.陈方晖,基于DSP的图像识别技术研究,国防科学技术大学,200736.王柱,复杂背景下动态目标的检测与跟踪,昆明理工大学,200737.马樱,基于视频流的步态识别,昆明理工大学,200838.梁昌斌,视频监控系统中运动目标检测和跟踪技术的研究与实现,合肥工业大学,200839.王虎,运动目标检测和跟踪的研究及应用,中国海洋大学,200840.李凤凯,多运动目标的检测与跟踪算法研究,天津大学,200741.刘月明,视频目标运动轨迹提取算法的分析与仿真,哈尔滨工业大学,200742.王久明,基于高速处理器的CMOS数字图像采集系统的硬件设计,哈尔滨工业大学,200743.伍翔,视频图像中运动目标检测与跟踪方法研究与实现,哈尔滨工业大学,200744.戴若愚,基于帧间运动能量差的跟踪算法研究与实现,华中科技大学,200745.闫丽媛,单移动目标跟踪装置的研究,沈阳工业大学,200946.杨翠萍,基于图像处理的视频监控系统的研究与实现,东华大学,200947.江雪剑,东华大学,基于PTZ摄像机的跟踪算法研究,200948.贾鸿儒,遮挡情况下基于特征相关匹配的目标跟踪方法研究,东北师范大学,200949.李明君,基于计算机视觉的运动目标的检测与跟踪的研究,青岛大学,200950.杨隽姝,车辆检测与实时跟踪算法研究,华东师范大学,200951.韩亚伟,视频交通流背景提取与运动目标跟踪检测技术研究,长安大学,200952.山茂泉,运动目标检测和跟踪算法研究,大庆石油学院,200853.罗莹,网络实时音视频处理中运动检测技术的研究与实现,上海交通大学,200854.刘钢,基于小波变换的航空图像处理及动载体多目标跟踪方法研究,中国科学院研究生院(长春光学精密机械与物理研究所),200455.潘锋,仿人眼颈视觉系统的理论与应用研究,浙江大学,200556.岳润峰,等,基于小波分解与运动补偿的弹迹检测方法,兵工自动化,200757.王蓉晖,等,基于小波变换的分层块匹配多目标跟踪方法,吉林大学学报(信息科学版),200458.刘春华,等,运动中的多目标电视跟踪方法,弹箭与制导学报,200459.胡志刚,等,基于无线通信网络的视频监控研究,电脑知识与技术(学术交流),200760.程成,等,眼动交互的实时线性算法构造和实现,电子学报,200961.宋世军,等,运动人体图像分割算法研究,中国工程机械学报,200762.刘钢,等,运动背景下多目标跟踪的小波方法,光电工程,200563.门立彦,等,种视频序列中运动目标的跟踪方法,装备制造技术,200964.杨伟,等,基于mean-shift的多目标粒子滤波跟踪算法设计,光电技术应用,200965.杨伟, 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他引频次:94引证文献:1.李宝昭,基于匹配的图像识别算法的应用研究,硕士学位论文,广东工业大学,20072.陆兵,视频中的文本提取及其应用,硕士学位论文,河海大学,20073.庄志国,视频监控系统中有遮挡运动目标的提取和重构,硕士学位论文,厦门大学,20074.韩啸,基于遗传算法的摄像机内参数标定研究,硕士学位论文,吉林大学,20085.吴亚鹏,基于双目视觉的运动目标跟踪与三维测量,硕士学位论文,西北大学6.邓再强,基于特征点匹配的电子稳像算法研究,硕士学位论文,电子科技大学,20087.赵万金,图像自动拼接技术研究与应用,硕士学位论文,苏州大学,20088.汪心昕,基于内容的广告垃圾图像检测关键技术研究,硕士学位论文,北京邮电大学,20089.代建辉,智能交通系统车辆流量检测技术的研究,硕士学位论文,天津大学,200710.赵文闯,基于视觉的多机器人实验系统室内实时定位研究,硕士学位论文,哈尔滨工业大学,200711.兰信旭,视觉坐标测量的仿真环境设计,硕士学位论文,青岛大学,200812.刘晶晶,基于双目立体视觉的三维定位技术研究,硕士学位论文,华中科技大学,200713.刘永强,基于视觉测量的汽车车轮定位技术的研究,硕士学位论文,大连理工大学,200814.王娟,图像拼接技术研究,硕士学位论文,陕西师范大学,200815.王树峰,基于立体视觉方法的图像三维模型重建研究,硕士学位论文,南京航空航天大学200816.张晶,基于比值算法的图像拼接技术的实现,硕士学位论文,吉林大学,200917.陈光,亚像素级角点提取算法,硕士学位论文,吉林大学,200918.徐江玲,基于非平行双目视觉的三维重建,硕士学位论文,大连理工大学,200919.蒋虎,航片拼接及其与矢量地图的可视化集成技术,硕士学位论文,电子科技大学,200920.李建敏,基于轮廓片段的图像识别技术研究,硕士学位论文,厦门大学,200921.徐秀眉,基于SVG的校园导航系统开发研究,硕士学位论文,长安大学,200922.魏娟,双目视觉在自动倒车系统中的应用研究,硕士学位论文,哈尔滨工程大学,200923.张明志,基于微特征的指纹识别算法研究,硕士学位论文,厦门大学,200824.李海峰,基于要素的图像统计模型研究,硕士学位论文,北京交通大学,200925.李绍君,基于Snake模型的肿瘤显微图像分割技术研究,硕士学位论文,华东交通大学,200826.钱苏斌,曲面重建[D].硕士学位论文,江南大学,200927.倪奎,人脸器官拼接融合及其在人脸动画中的应用,硕士学位论文,中国科学技术大学,200928.阮国威,高速电脑绣花机视频运动检测分析系统,硕士学位论文,北京工商大学,200929.刘军学,移动机器人视觉检测和跟踪研究,硕士学位论文,哈尔滨工业大学,2008.30.陈二龙,PCB视觉检测系统中相机标定算法与位姿测定技术,硕士学位论文,哈尔滨工业大学,200831.徐涛,基于多个广角相机的图像拼接技术,硕士学位论文,浙江大学,201032.邹虹,基于计算机视觉的动作识别对人机界面消隐的研究,硕士学位论文,哈尔滨工业大学,200933.裴聪,基于计算机视觉中双目立体匹配技术研究,江苏大学,201034.肖建军,车辆遮挡检测的研究与应用,北方工业大学,201035.杨文鲜,基于形状的图像匹配复合模型研究,华北电力大学(北京),201036.李畅,基于曲率乘积的直接曲率尺度空间角点检测算法,硕士学位论文,南京航空航天大学,200937.钱镜洁,基于视频的车型识别技术研究,硕士学位论文,南京航空航天大学,200938.孟犇,图像局部特征技术在图像检索系统中的应用,上海交通大学,201039.赵勇,基于覆盖分类的视觉跟踪算法研究,安徽大学,201040.王靖韬,三维重建的摄像机标定技术和多尺度空间下角点检测技术的研究,内蒙古农业大学,201041.李蕊艳,基于机器视觉的芯片识别及定位软件的研究开发,硕士学位论文,西安理工大学,200942.曾东方,单晶生长过程直径检测与化料过程模式分类方法研究,硕士学位论文,西安理工大学,200943.兰昆艳,基于特征检测的车辆跟踪技术的研究,硕士学位论文,北京邮电大学,201044.彭旭,机场监控视频相关事件检测,硕士学位论文,北京邮电大学,201045.时洪光,基于双目视觉的运动目标定位研究,硕士学位论文,青岛大学,201046.戴剑锋,摄像头径向畸变自动校正系统,硕士学位论文,华南理工大学,201047.王奇,基于脸部器官关系的嘴巴检测算法研究,硕士学位论文,湖南大学,201048.吴祺,基于视觉技术的陈展交互设计与实现,硕士学位论文,浙江大学,浙江大学,201049.唐新星,具有立体视觉的工程机器人自主作业控制技术研究,博士学位论文,吉林大学,200750.王立中,基于机器视觉的奶牛体型评定中的关键技术研究,内蒙古农业大学,200951.孙文昌,等,基于熵和独特性的角点提取算法,计算机应用,200952.张裕,等,基于Harris算法的黑白棋盘格角点检测,计算机应用与软件,201053.欧剑,等,基于头部跟踪的虚拟画展系统,计算机应用,201054.兰海滨,等,基于角点检测的彩色图像拼接技术,计算机工程与设计,200955.张登银,等,边缘检测算法改进及其在QoE测定中的应用,计算机技术与发展,200956.王科俊,等,基于共面圆的双目立体视觉分步标定法,应用科技,201057.时洪光,等,双目视觉中的角点检测算法研究,现代电子技术,201058.万敏,基于角点的汉字特征提取与识别算法,宜宾学院学报,201059.李健,抗几何攻击的数字图像水印技术的研究,南京理工大学,200960.张金玲,面向空间舱内机器人遥操作的增强现实仿真场景构建技术研究,北京邮电大学,200961.谭立东,道路交通事故现场快速勘查图像信息处理技术研究,吉林大学,200962.王军南,等,基于视觉的机械臂末端执行器坐标获取,2007系统仿真技术及其应用学术会议论文集,200763.李勃,等,路况PTZ摄像机自动标定方法,中国通信学会通信软件技术委员会2009年学术会议论文集,200964.陈宇波,等,在人脸图像中确定嘴巴位置的方法,电子科技大学学报,200765.陶骏,等,特定视频采集系统中的身份识别的实现,电脑知识与技术,200966.宋洁,等,基于金字塔和模糊聚类的路面图像拼接方法,河北工业大学学报,200867.韩斌,等,改进的亚像素级快速角点检测算法,江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),200968.张铁楠,等,针对棋盘格角点快速检测的一种新方法,计算机工程与应用,200869.赵万金,等,一种自适应的Harris角点检测算法,计算机工程,200870.王娟,师军,吴宪祥,图像拼接技术综述,计算机应用研究,200871.王立中,等,基于图像分块的多尺度Harris特征点检测算法,内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版),200972.冯宇平,等,一种用于图像序列拼接的角点检测算法,计算机科学,200973.任雁,角点检测方法研究,机械工程与自动化,200974.华瑞娟,等,一种多椭圆曲线拟合的新算法,长春理工大学学报(自然科学版),201075.顾国庆,等,基于曲率多尺度的高精度角点检测,光学技术,201076.盛遵冰,等,点对核值匹配的角点检测,计算机工程与应用,201077.马品奎,基于图像分析的超塑性自由胀形实验测量与力学解析,吉林大学,201078.倪奎,人脸器官拼接融合及其在人脸动画中的应用, 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英语 拼接基因序列 -回复

英语 拼接基因序列 -回复

英语拼接基因序列-回复the question of splicing gene sequences.In recent years, splicing gene sequences have become a crucial topic in the field of genetics. Gene splicing involves the recombination of DNA segments, resulting in the formation of a new genetic sequence. This process plays a vital role in various genetic studies, including gene therapy, genetic engineering, and evolutionary analysis. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of splicing gene sequences, the methods used, and the potential applications and ethical concerns associated with this technology.To begin with, let us delve into the process of splicing gene sequences. At its core, gene splicing refers to the act of cutting DNA at specific points and joining different segments together. This can be done manually in laboratories through a series of molecular techniques known as recombinant DNA technology. Scientists use restriction enzymes to cut DNA at specific sites, and then ligase enzymes are employed to join the fragments back together. This process allows researchers to combine DNA sequences from different organisms or even different parts of the same genome.One of the key reasons why scientists splice gene sequences is to study the function of specific genes. By manipulating the sequences, scientists can observe the effects of gene mutations or knockouts on an organism's phenotype. This knowledge is essential in understanding the mechanisms behind genetic disorders, as well as developing potential treatments or preventative measures. Furthermore, splicing gene sequences enables scientists to analyze the evolutionary relationships between organisms. By comparing the genetic sequences of different species, researchers can determine their genetic similarities and differences, shedding light on their evolutionary history.Gene splicing has also opened doors to significant advancements in genetic engineering and biotechnology. Through genetic engineering, scientists can modify gene sequences to introduce desired traits into organisms. This allows them to create genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that possess specific characteristics, such as increased disease resistance or higher crop yields. Gene splicing has been particularly instrumental in the field of medicine, as it enables the production of therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, on a large scale.Moreover, gene splicing has paved the way for gene therapy, a promising approach to treating genetic disorders. Gene therapy involves introducing a healthy copy of a faulty gene into a patient's cells to correct the underlying condition. By using viral vectors or other delivery mechanisms, scientists can deliver the desired genetic material to the target cells and restore their normal function. While gene therapy is still in its early stages and faces numerous challenges, it holds great potential for treating previously incurable genetic diseases.However, as with any scientific advancement, ethical concerns surround the splicing of gene sequences. One of the main concerns revolves around the potential misuse of this technology. The ability to manipulate genetic sequences raises questions about the boundaries of genetic enhancement and the creation of "designer babies." There are fears that gene splicing could be used fornon-medical purposes like enhancing physical or cognitive abilities, creating inequalities within society. Additionally, the long-term effects of genetically modifying organisms and introducing modified genes into natural populations remain uncertain, raising ecological concerns.In conclusion, splicing gene sequences is a complex and powerful tool in genetics. It allows scientists to study gene function, understand evolution, develop new treatments, and create genetically modified organisms. However, ethical considerations must be taken into account to ensure responsible use of this technology. As the field of genetics continues to advance, it is crucial to strike a balance between scientific progress and societal implications, ensuring that gene splicing is used for the greater benefit of humanity.。

(Linyuan)Link prediction in complex networks-A survey

(Linyuan)Link prediction in complex networks-A survey

Author's personal copy
Physica A 390 (2011) 1150–1170
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Physica A
journal homepage: /locate/physa
Article history: Received 5 October 2010 Received in revised form 10 November 2010 Available online 2 December 2010 Keywords: Link prediction Complex networks Node similarity Maximum likelihood methods Probabilistic models
Link prediction in complex networks has attracted increasing attention from both physical and computer science communities. The algorithms can be used to extract missing information, identify spurious interactions, evaluate network evolving mechanisms, and so on. This article summaries recent progress about link prediction algorithms, emphasizing on the contributions from physical perspectives and approaches, such as the random-walkbased methods and the maximum likelihood methods. We also introduce three typical applications: reconstruction of networks, evaluation of network evolving mechanism and classification of partially labeled networks. Finally, we introduce some applications and outline future challenges of link prediction algorithms. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



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现代电子技术Modern Electronics TechniqueNov. 2023Vol. 46 No. 222023年11月15日第46卷第22期0 引 言在过去的几十年里,单隐层前馈神经网络(SLFNs )和支持向量机(SVMs )等核学习一直是计算智能和机器学习界感兴趣的核心研究课题。






过去SLFNs 的现实应DOI :10.16652/j.issn.1004⁃373x.2023.22.022引用格式:王再辰,程辉,赵亮.基于极限学习机的在线参数更新方法及工业应用[J].现代电子技术,2023,46(22):126⁃130.基于极限学习机的在线参数更新方法及工业应用王再辰, 程 辉, 赵 亮(华东理工大学 能源化工过程智能制造教育部重点实验室, 上海 200237)摘 要: 针对乙烯裂解炉结焦导致裂解炉机理改变,从而引起的模型预测不准确问题,提出一种带有遗忘因子的在线序列简化核极限学习机算法(FOS⁃RKELM )。

该算法基于在线序列的简化核极限学习机,数据可以在线实时添加到网络中,从而提高模型的适应度;通过引入遗忘因子提高最近学习数据对模型的贡献,增强模型在线学习的能力;引入聚类算法优化、简化核极限学习机(RKELM ),提高算法的稳定性。

结果表明:所提算法在Mackey⁃Glass 时滞混沌序列上取得了较好的预测效果;在乙烯产物收率预测问题上,与在线序列简化核极限学习机(OS⁃RKELM )、简化核极限学习机(RKELM )、BP 神经网络和径向基学习机(RBF )算法相比,该算法平均绝对误差显著减小,证明了该算法的有效性。



程序员-计算机英语(总分:79.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、(总题数:50,分数:79.00)1.Each instruction is processed (75) ,and several instructions are at varying stages of execution in the processor at any given time,this is called instruction pipelining.(分数:1.00)A.exactlyB.sequencingC.sequentially √D.intermittently解析:[解析] 每一条指令都是顺序处理的,在某个给定时刻,数条指令同时处在不同的执行阶段,这种执行方式称为指令的流水处理。

2.The error messages given by a C compiler show the message text,the most common (68) of the error,and a suggestion for fixing the error.(分数:1.00)A.consequenceB.cause √rmationD.result解析:[解析] C编译器给出的错误信息包括信息文本、最常见的错误原因和一个纠正错误的建议。

3.Hash functions can generate a (1) bit string from an arbitrarily long piece of plain text.(分数:1.00)A.longB.shortC.variable-lengthD.fixed - length √解析:[解析] Hash函数能够根据任意长度的纯文本产生一个固定长度的字符串。

4.In C language,the usual expression statements are assignments or (59) .(分数:1.00)A.I/OsB.function callsC.operationsD.evaluations √解析:[解析] c语言中,表达式通常是赋值语句或者函数调用。

Symphony Enterprise Management和控制系统的Cnet高速数据通信网络说明

Symphony Enterprise Management和控制系统的Cnet高速数据通信网络说明

Features and Benefits Overview Control ITHarmony RackCommunications Control Network, Cnet, is a high-speed data communicationhighway between nodes in the Symphony™ Enterprise Man-agement and Control System. Cnet provides a data pathamong Harmony control units (HCU), human system inter-faces (HSI), and computers. High system reliability andavailability are key characteristics of this mission-criticalcommunication network. Reliability is bolstered by redun-dant hardware and communication media in a way that thebackup automatically takes over in the event of a fault in theprimary. Extensive use of error checking and messageacknowledgment assures accurate communication of criticalprocess data.Cnet uses exception reporting to increase the effective band-width of the communication network. This method offers theuser the flexibility of managing the flow of process data andultimately the process. Data is transmitted only when it haschanged by an amount which can be user selected, or when apredetermined time-out period is exceeded. The system pro-vides default values for these parameters, but the user cancustomize them to meet the specific needs of the processunder control.TC00895A■Fast plant-wide communication network: Cnet provides fastresponse time to insure timelyinformation exchange.■Efficient data transfer: Message packing and multiple address-ing increase data handlingefficiency and throughput.■Plant-wide time synchronization: Time synchronization of Cnetnodes throughout the entirecontrol process insures accuratedata time-stamping.■Independent node communica-tion: Each Cnet node operatesindependently of other nodes.Requires no traffic directors;each node is its owncommunication manager.■Accurate data exchange: Multi-ple self-check features including positive message acknowledg-ment, cyclic redundancy checks(CRC), and checksums insuredata integrity.■Automatic communications recovery: Rack communicationmodules provide localized start-up/shutdown on power failurewithout operator intervention.Each type of interface supportsredundancy.Harmony Rack CommunicationsOverviewHarmony rack communications encompasses various communication interfaces as shown inFigure1: Cnet-to-Cnet communication, Cnet-to-HCU communication, and Cnet-to-computercommunication.Figure 1. Harmony Rack Communications ArchitectureThe communication interface units transfer exception reports and system data, control, and con-figuration messages over Cnet. Exception reported data appears as dynamic values, alarms, and state changes on displays and in reports generated by human system interfaces and other system nodes. Exception reporting is automatic at the Harmony controller level. Specifically, the control-ler generates an exception report periodically to update data, after a process point reaches adefined alarm limit or changes state, or after a significant change in value occurs.Harmony Rack Communications Control NetworkCnet is a unidirectional, high speed serial data network that operates at a 10-megahertz or two-megahertz communication rate. It supports a central network with up to 250 system node connec-tions. Multiple satellite networks can link to the central network. Each satellite network supports up to 250 system node connections. Interfacing a maximum number of satellite networks gives a system capacity of over 62,000 nodes.On the central network, a node can be a bridge to a satellite network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer, each connected through a Cnet communication interface.On a satellite network, a node can be a bridge to the central network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer.Harmony Control UnitThe Harmony control unit is the fundamental control node of the Symphony system. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-HCU interface. The HCU cabinet contains the Harmony controllers and input/output devices. The actual process control and management takes place at this level. HCU connection to Cnet enables Harmony controllers to:■Communicate field input values and states for process monitoring and control.■Communicate configuration parameters that determine the operation of functions such asalarming, trending, and logging on a human system interface.■Receive control instructions from a human system interface to adjust process field outputs.■Provide feedback to plant personnel of actual output changes.Human System InterfaceA human system interface such as a Signature Series workstation running Maestro or ConductorSeries software provides the ability to monitor and control plant operations from a single point. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The number of workstations in a Sym-phony system varies and depends on the overall control plan and size of a plant. The workstation connection to Cnet gives plant personnel access to dynamic plant-wide process information, and enables monitoring, tuning, and control of an entire plant process from workstation color graphics displays and a pushbutton keyboard.ComputerA computer can access Cnet for data acquisition, system configuration, and process control. It con-nects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The computer connection to Cnet enablesplant personnel, for example, to develop and maintain control configurations, manage the system database, and create HSI displays remotely using Composer™engineering tools. There are addi-tional Composer and Performer series tools and applications that can access plant informationthrough a Cnet-to-computer interface.Cnet-to-Cnet Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces are the INIIR01 Remote Interface and the INIIL02 Local Interface.Figure2 shows the remote interface and Figure 3 shows the local interface.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 2. Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Interface (INIIR01)Figure 3. Cnet-to-Cnet Local Interface (INIIL02)Harmony Rack Communications INIIR01 Remote InterfaceThe INIIR01 Remote Interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module (Fig.2). This interface is a node on a central network that can communi-cate to an interface node on a remote satellite network. In this arrangement, two interfaces arerequired: one for the central network, and the other for the satellite network. Bidirectional commu-nication from the central network to the remote satellite network is through standard RS-232-Cports.The remote interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INIIT12 modules on each network). The secondaryINIIT12 module continuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary module detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary interface takes over and the primary interface is taken offline.INIIL02 Local InterfaceThe INIIL02 Local Interface consists of two INNIS01 Network Interface modules and the INIIT03 Local Transfer Module (Fig.3). This interface acts as a bridge between two local Cnets. One of the INNIS01 modules operates on the central network side and the other operates on the satellite net-work side. Bidirectional communication from the central network to the local satellite network is through cable connection to the NTCL01 termination unit. The maximum distance betweentermination units on the two communication networks is 45.8 meters (150feet).The local interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicatemodules (four INNIS01 modules and two INIIT03 modules). The secondary INIIT03 module con-tinuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline.Cnet-to-HCU Communication InterfaceThe Harmony control unit interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module (Fig. 4). This interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). Through this interface the Harmony con-trol unit has access to Cnet and to Controlway at the same time. Controlway is an internal cabinet communication bus between Harmony rack controllers and the communication interfacemodules.The HCU interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INNPM12 or INNPM11 modules). The secondary net-work processing module (INNPM12 or INNPM11) continuously monitors the primary through a direct ribbon cable connection. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline. Cnet-to-Computer Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-computer interfaces are the INICI03 and INICI12 interfaces. The INICI03 interfaceconsists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module, the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module,and the IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module (Fig. 5). The INICI12 interface con-sists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INICT12 Computer Transfer Module(Fig6).Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 4. Cnet-to-HCU InterfaceFigure 5. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI03)Figure 6. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI12)Harmony Rack CommunicationsA computer interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). It gives a host computer access to point data over Cnet. The computer connects through either an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud or through a SCSI parallel port when using an INICI03 interface. The computer connects through an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud when using an INICI12 interface. Each interface is command driven through soft-ware on the host computer. It receives a command from the host computer, executes it, then replies to the host computer.Note: A workstation running Conductor VMS software does not use an INICI03 or INICI12 Cnet-to-Computer Interface but instead has its own dedicated version of the Cnet-to-computer interface (IIMCP02 and IIMLM01).Communication ModulesTable 1 lists the available Harmony rack communication modules. These modules, in certain combinations, create the various Cnet communication interfaces.Network Interface ModuleThe INNIS01 Network Interface Module is the front end for all the different Cnet communication interfaces. It is the intelligent link between a node and Cnet. The INNIS01 module works in con-junction with the transfer modules and the network processing module. This allows any node to communicate with any other node within the Symphony system.The INNIS01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit (MMU). The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with the transfer modules and network processing module, and to interface to Cnet.The INNIS01 module connects to its Cnet communication network through a cable connected to an NTCL01 termination unit. Communication between nodes is through coaxial or twinaxial cables that connect to the termination units on each node.Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Transfer ModuleThe INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module supports bidirectional communication through twoRS-232-C ports. Port one passes system data only. Port two passes system data or can be used as a diagnostic port. The central network INIIT12 module can use a variety of means to link to the sat-ellite network INIIT12 module such as modems, microwave, and transceivers. The INIIT12Table 1. Harmony Rack Communication Modules ModuleDescription Cnet-to-Cnet Cnet-to-HCU Cnet-to-Computer INIIR01 INIIL02 INICI03INICI12 IMMPI01Multifunction processor interface •INICT03ACnet-to-computer transfer •INICT12Cnet-to-computer transfer •INIIT03Cnet-to-Cnet local transfer •INIIT12Cnet-to-Cnet remote transfer •INNIS01Network interface •••••INNPM11 or INNPM12Network processing•Harmony Rack Communicationsmodule directly communicates with an INNIS01 module. Many of the operating characteristics of the INIIT12 module are determined by function code202 (INIIT12 executive) specifications.The INIIT12 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to serially communicate with another INIIT12 module, to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module, and to interface to Controlway.The INIIT12 module connects through a cable to an NTMP01 termination unit. The two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit.Cnet-to-Cnet Local Transfer ModuleThe INIIT03 Local Transfer Module serves as the bridge between two local Cnet communication networks. It holds the node database and is responsible for transferring all messages between net-works. Messages include exception reports, configuration data, control data, and system status.This module directly communicates with the INNIS01 module of the central network and of the satellite network simultaneously.The INIIT03 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its two INNIS01 modules and to interface to Controlway.Cnet-to-Computer Transfer ModuleThe INICT03A Computer Transfer Module and INICT12 Computer Transfer Module handle all communication with a host computer. These modules are command driven through software on the host computer. The module receives a command from the host computer, executes it, thenreplies. Its firmware enables the host computer to issue commands for data acquisition, process monitoring, and process control, and to perform system functions such as security, timesynchronization, status monitoring, and module configuration.The INICT03A and INICT12 modules are single printed circuit boards that occupy one slot in the module mounting unit. Their capabilities and computer connection methods differ. The INICT03A module can store up to 30,000 point definitions (depending on point types). The INICT12 module can store up to 10,000 point definitions.For the INICT03A module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with an IMMPI01 module. It communicates with the IMMPI01 module through a ribbon cable connection. The IMMPI01 module handles the actual host computer interface andsupports RS-232-C or SCSI serial communication.For the INICT12 module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with a host computer using RS-232-C serial communication. The module cable con-nects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation.Multifunction Processor Interface ModuleThe IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module handles the I/O interface between thehost computer and the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module. The IMMPI01 module supportseither a SCSI or RS-232-C computer interface. When communicating through the RS-232-C port, the module can act as data communication equipment (DCE) or data terminal equipment (DTE).Harmony Rack Communications The IMMPI01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to communicate with its INICT03A module through a ribbon cable connection.For RS-232-C computer interface, the module cable connects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation. The SCSI port is located at the module faceplate. In this case, notermination unit is required.Network Processing ModuleThe INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module acts as a gateway between Cnet andControlway. The module holds the Harmony control unit database and handles the communica-tion between controllers residing on Controlway and the INNIS01 module.The INNPM12 or INNPM11 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mounting unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to interface to Controlway.Rack Communications PowerHarmony rack communication modules are powered by 5, 15, and -15VDC logic power. Modular Power System II supplies the logic power. These operating voltages are distributed from thepower system through a system power bus bar mounted in the cabinet. A module mounting unit connects to this bus bar then routes the power to individual modules through backplaneconnectors.Rack Communications Mounting HardwareHarmony rack communication modules and their termination units mount in standard ABB cabi-nets. The option for small cabinet mounting is provided. The number of modules that can bemounted in a single cabinet varies. Modules of an interface are always mounted in adjacent slots.An IEMMU11, IEMMU12, IEMMU21, or IEMMU22 Module Mounting Unit and an NFTP01 Field Termination Panel are used for module and termination unit mounting respectively (Fig. 7). The mounting unit and termination panel both attach to standard 483-millimeter (19-inch) width side rails. Front mount and rear mount MMU versions are available to provide flexibility in cabinetmounting.A module mounting unit is required to mount and provide power to rack mounted modules. Theunit is for mounting Harmony rack controllers, I/O modules, and communication interfacemodules. The MMU backplane connects and routes:■Controlway.■I/O expander bus.■Logic power to rack modules.The Controlway and I/O expander bus are internal cabinet, communication buses. Communica-tion between rack controllers and HCU communication interface modules is over Controlway. The Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces use dedicated Controlway for redundancy communication. This dedicated Controlway is isolated from all other modules.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 7. Rack I/O Mounting HardwareRelated DocumentsNumber Document TitleWBPEEUD250001??Harmony Rack Communications, Data SheetHarmony Rack Communications WBPEEUS250002C111Harmony Rack CommunicationsWBPEEUS250002C1Litho in U.S.A.May 2003Copyright © 2003 by ABB, All Rights Reserved® Registered Trademark of ABB.™ Trademark of ABB.For more information on the Control IT suiteofproducts,***************************.comFor the latest information on ABB visit us on the World Wide Web at /controlAutomation Technology Products Mannheim, Germany www.abb.de/processautomation email:*********************************.com Automation Technology ProductsWickliffe, Ohio, USA/processautomation email:****************************.com Automation Technology Products Västerås, Sweden /processautomation email:************************.com ™Composer, Control IT , and Symphony are trademarks of ABB.。

博士生发一篇information fusion

博士生发一篇information fusion

博士生发一篇information fusion Information Fusion: Enhancing Decision-Making through the Integration of Data and KnowledgeIntroduction:Information fusion, also known as data fusion or knowledge fusion, is a rapidly evolving field in the realm of decision-making. It involves the integration and analysis of data and knowledge from various sources to generate meaningful and accurate information. In this article, we will delve into the concept of information fusion, explore its key components, discuss its application in different domains, and highlight its significance in enhancingdecision-making processes.1. What is Information Fusion?Information fusion is the process of combining data and knowledge from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive and accurate representation of reality. The goal is to overcome the limitations inherent in individual sources and derive improved insights and predictions. By assimilating diverse information,information fusion enhances situational awareness, reduces uncertainty, and enables intelligent decision-making.2. Key Components of Information Fusion:a. Data Sources: Information fusion relies on various data sources, which can include sensors, databases, social media feeds, and expert opinions. These sources provide different types of data, such as text, images, audio, and numerical measurements.b. Data Processing: Once data is collected, it needs to be processed to extract relevant features and patterns. This step involves data cleaning, transformation, normalization, and aggregation to ensure compatibility and consistency.c. Information Extraction: Extracting relevant information is a crucial step in information fusion. This includes identifying and capturing the crucial aspects of the data, filtering out noise, and transforming data into knowledge.d. Knowledge Representation: The extracted information needs to be represented in a meaningful way for integration and analysis.Common methods include ontologies, semantic networks, and knowledge graphs.e. Fusion Algorithms: To integrate the information from various sources, fusion algorithms are employed. These algorithms can be rule-based, model-based, or data-driven, and they combine multiple pieces of information to generate a unified and coherent representation.f. Decision-Making Processes: The ultimate goal of information fusion is to enhance decision-making. This requires the fusion of information with domain knowledge and decision models to generate insights, predictions, and recommendations.3. Applications of Information Fusion:a. Defense and Security: Information fusion plays a critical role in defense and security applications, where it improves intelligence analysis, surveillance, threat detection, and situational awareness. By integrating information from multiple sources, such as radars, satellites, drones, and human intelligence, it enables effective decision-making in complex and dynamic situations.b. Health Monitoring: In healthcare, information fusion is used to monitor patient health, combine data from different medical devices, and provide real-time decision support to medical professionals. By fusing data from wearables, electronic medical records, and physiological sensors, it enables early detection of health anomalies and improves patient care.c. Smart Cities: Information fusion offers enormous potential for the development of smart cities. By integrating data from multiple urban systems, such as transportation, energy, and public safety, it enables efficient resource allocation, traffic management, and emergency response. This improves the overall quality of life for citizens.d. Financial Markets: In the financial sector, information fusion helps in the analysis of large-scale and diverse datasets. By integrating data from various sources, such as stock exchanges, news feeds, and social media mentions, it enables better prediction of market trends, risk assessment, and investmentdecision-making.4. Significance of Information Fusion:a. Enhanced Decision-Making: Information fusion enables decision-makers to obtain comprehensive and accurate information, reducing uncertainty and improving the quality of decisions.b. Improved Situational Awareness: By integrating data from multiple sources, information fusion enhances situational awareness, enabling timely and informed responses to dynamic and complex situations.c. Risk Reduction: By combining information from diverse sources, information fusion improves risk assessment capabilities, enabling proactive and preventive measures.d. Resource Optimization: Information fusion facilitates the efficient utilization of resources by providing a holistic view of the environment and enabling optimization of resource allocation.Conclusion:In conclusion, information fusion is a powerful approach to enhance decision-making by integrating data and knowledge from multiple sources. Its key components, including data sources, processing, extraction, knowledge representation, fusion algorithms, and decision-making processes, together create a comprehensive framework for generating meaningful insights. By applying information fusion in various domains, such as defense, healthcare, smart cities, and financial markets, we can maximize the potential of diverse information sources to achieve improved outcomes.。


U-Boot • U-Boot Directory Structure • U-Boot Control Flow • Modifying U-Boot to Support a New Board • Building the New Firmware • Installation and Testing
பைடு நூலகம்
Day 1
Review Processor Boot Sequence • Role of Boot Firmware • Cold Start/Power-On • Board Initialization • Loading the Operating System • Starting the OS
Prerequisite Courses • Introduction to Linux • Introduction to Real-Time Programming
Related Courses • RTOS to Linux Migration Basics • Workbench for Linux
Who Should Attend • Developers planning to port a BSP to a new board on a supported architecture • Device driver writers • Application programmers interested in seeing what goes on at the hardware level of a Linux image • Senior engineers who want to decide on a final production image of their product



Ⅱ型删失下Lindley分布的参数估计龙兵【摘要】在Ⅱ型删失数据下,讨论了Lindley分布参数的最大似然估计.给出了参数的区间估计和逆矩估计,运用随机模拟的方法对参数进行了统计分析.通过一个例子求出了在不同Ⅱ型删失样本下参数的两种点估计及区间估计,并进行了比较.%Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter from the Lindley distribution was dis-cussed under Ⅱ censored data. The interval estimation and inverse moment estimation were given, and the random simulation method was used to analyze the parameter. An example was provided to find out the two kinds of point estimation and interval estimation about the parameter under differ ent typeⅡcen-sored parison between the two point estimations was discussed.【期刊名称】《湖南师范大学自然科学学报》【年(卷),期】2017(040)006【总页数】5页(P71-75)【关键词】Lindley分布;χ2分布;区间估计;逆矩估计;最大似然估计【作者】龙兵【作者单位】荆楚理工学院数理学院,中国荆门 448000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O212.2Lindley distribution was proposed by Lindley in the literature[1-2] in 1958, which is an important distribution in reliability study. For some life data, the use of Lindley distribution model to fit the effect will be better. At present, there are a lot of statistical scholars who have discussed its properties, and obtained a lot of research results. The properties and applications of compound Lindley distribution were studied in the literatures [3-5]. The empirical Bayes one-sided test was discussed in the literature [6] in the case of independent identically distributed sample. The EB test function was constructed by using the recursive kernel estimation of density function. The optimality of the test function was proved, and the convergence rate was obtained. The empirical Bayes test function of the parameter from Lindley distribution was discussed based on NA random sample sequence in the literature [7]. The interval estimation and hypothesis testing of the parameter in Lindley distribution were studied in the full sample in the literature [8]. The failure model of incomplete data with Lindley distribution was discussed in the literature[9],and maximum likelihood estimation method was used to obtain point estimation and asymptotic confidence interval estimation of the model. An example was given to show that the Lindley distribution have better adaptability compared with exponential distribution and Weibull distribution.In this paper, we will discuss the maximum likelihood estimation, interval estimation and inverse moment estimation of the parameter from Lindley distribution in Ⅱ censored samples, the parameter will be estimated by the method of stochastic simulation, and the average deviation will becalculated. Finally, an example will be given to illustrate the feasibility of the proposed method.The probability density function of Lindley distribution isf(x)=(1+x)e-θx, x>0.Its distribution function isF(x)=1-(1+x)e-θx ,x>0,with parameter θ>0.The data in life test for some data will usually be censored, leading to incomplete data, namely, censored way are type I censored, type Ⅱ censored and so on.It is assumed that there are n products that are independent of each other and are subject to Lindley distribution, with type Ⅱ censored test. When observed with m failure samples, the remaining n-m samples have been withdrawn from the test. The failure time of the m samples have been observed to meet X(1)≤X(2)≤…≤X(m). For the sake of convenience, we will omit the parenthesis of the subscript numbers. The Xi represents the minimum i observation value, which is the full sample case when m=n. According to the above test, the likelihood function is).Substituting (1) and (2) to (3) gives).Log likelihood function islnL(θ)=lnA+2mlnθ-mln(θ+1)+(n-m)ln(1+xm)-θ[xi+(n-m)xm],].Set up h1(θ)=+,h2(θ)=+[xi+(n-m)xm].Obviously h1(θ)>0, h2(θ)>0. When θ→0+,h1(θ)>h2(θ)So, h1(θ) is strictly monotone decreasing lower convex function on (0,+∞) andTherefore, h2(θ) is also strictly monotone decreasing lower convex function on (0,+∞),and h1(θ)<h2(θ)(θ→+∞), indicating that].There is a unique solution on (0,+∞), which is maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter θ, denoted as .According to the distribution function of Lindley distribution, we can get the following lemma.Lemma 1 Let random variable X follow Lindley distribution with parameter θ and let Y=θX-ln(1+X),then Y follows standard exponential distribution. Proof:Let FX(x),FY(y) denote the distribution function of random variable X and Y, respectively, thenFX(x)=1-(1+x)e-θx ,x>0.Therefore 1-(1+X)e-θX~U(0,1)FY(y)=P(Y≤y)=P{θX-ln(1+)≤y}=P{(1+X)e-θX≥e-y}=P{1-(1+X)e-θX≤1-e-y}=1-e-y,y>0.The above expression is just the distribution function of standard exponential distribution, proving Lemma 1.According to the above test, let X(1),X(2),…,X(m) be a type Ⅱ censored sample from Lindley distribution (2) with a capacity of n. One can obtain from Lemma 1 thatθX(1)-ln(1+X(1)),θX(2)-ln(1+X(2)),…,θX(m)-ln(1+X(m))is a type Ⅱ censored sample from standard exponentialy distribution (2) with a capacity of n.Set upW1=n[θX(1)-ln(1+X(1))],W2=(n-1){[θX(2)-ln(1+X(2))]-[θX(1)-ln(1+X(1))]},……Wm=(n-m+1){[θX(m)-ln(1+X(m))]-[θX(m-1)-ln(1+X(m-1))]}.According to literature [10], W1,W2,…,Wm are independent and identically distributed and follow standard exponential distribution. Lemma 2 Let W1,W2,…,Wm be independent and identically distributed and follow standard exponential distribution and set up Sm=2Wj,j=1,2,…,m,then Sm follows Chi-square distribution with 2m degree of freedom. Proof: Because Wj,j=1,2,…,m follows standard exponential distribution, its characteristic function isThe above formula is the characteristic function of the Chi-square variable with 2m degree of freedom. Lemma 2 is proved by the unique decision of characteristic function and the distribution of random variable.It can be proved that Wj,j=1,2,…,m is a monotonically increasing function of θ, so Sm is a monotonically increasing function of θ.Theorem 1 Let X(1),X(2),…,X(m) be a type Ⅱ censored sample from Lindley distribution (2) with a capacity of n, for any 0<α<1, under the confidence level of 1-α,the confidence interval of θ iswhere (·) is an inverse function of Sm, and are respectively and 1-quantiles on Chi-square distribution with 2m degree of freedom.Proof According to Lemma 1, Sm~χ2(2m), and Sm is a monotonically increasing function of θ.Therefore,P(((2m))≤θ≤((2m)))=P((2m)≤Sm≤(2m))=1-α.Because W1,W2,…,Wm are independent and identically distributed and follow standard exponential distribution, it can be used as a quasi sample. Thus, inverse moment estimation of the parameter θ is determined by the following expression(2m).Set θ=1. A simple random sample is randomly generated with a capacity of n from Lindley distribution (2). Different m values are used to obtain type Ⅱ censored samples. Maximum likelihood estimation and inverse moment estimation of the parameter θ can be obtained by expressions (4) and (5). Repeat the above process 1 000 times to obtain the mean and relative deviation of the parameter estimations. The simulation results are shown in Table 1.The simulation results show that the deviation of inverse moment estimation is smaller than maximum likelihood estimation in small sample case, with the increase of sample size, the deviation of inverse moment estimation is larger than maximum likelihood estimation. In general, the mean of inverse moment estimation is larger than maximum likelihood estimation, therefore, the inverse moment estimation is more effective in small sample situations.Set θ=1, a simple random sample is generated with a capacity of 20 fromLindley distribution (2) as follows 0.111 8,0.291 5, 0.327 9, 0.394 8, 0.531 5, 0.628 4, 0.779 1, 0.848 4, 0.939 5, 1.332 3, 1.475 2, 1.719 0, 1.862 5, 1.900 4, 2.061 6, 2.098 8, 3.130 7, 3.303 7, 4.295 6, 6.593 2. Different m values are used to obtain different type Ⅱ censored samples, and carried on the statistical analysis. The results are listed in Table 2.We can see from Table 2 that when sample size n is fixed, the interval length increases with the decrease of m. Inverse moment estimation is closer to the true value than maximum likelihood estimation.[1] LINDLEY D. Introduction to probability and statistics from a Bayesian viewpoint, part II: inference[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965.[2] LINDLEY D. Fiducial distributions and Bayes’ theorem[J].J Royal Stat Soc, 1958,20(1):102-107.[3] GHITANY M E, ATIEH B, NADARAJAH S. Lindley distribution and its application[J]. Math Comput Simula, 2008,78(4):493-506.[4] GHITANY M E, ALMDK, NADARAJAH S. Zero-truncated Poisson-Lindley distribution and its application[J]. Math Comput Simula, 2008,79(3):279-287.[5] ZAMANI H, ISMAIL N. Negative binomial-Lindley distribution and its application[J].J Math Stat, 2010,6(1):4-9.[6] 杜伟娟,彭家龙,李体政.Lindley分布参数的经验Bayes检验的收敛速度[J].统计与决策,2012,21:23-26.[7] 范梓淼,周菊玲. NA 样本下Lindley 分布参数的经验Bayes 检验[J].贵州大学学报(自然科学版),2016,34(2):68-70.[8] 龙兵. Lindley分布中参数的区间估计和假设检验[J].广西民族大学学报(自然科学版),2014,20(1):59-62.[9] 黄文平,周经伦,宁菊红,等.基于竞争失效数据的Lindley分布参数估计[J].系统工程与电子技术,2016,38(2):464-469.[10] LAWLESS J F. Statistical models and methods for lifetime data[M].New York: Wiley, 2003.【相关文献】DOI:10.7612/j.issn.1000-2537.2017.06.012。

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A Sequence Kernel and its Application toSpeaker RecognitionWilliam M.CampbellMotorola Human Interface Lab7700S.River ParkwayTempe,AZ85284Bill.Campbell@AbstractA novel approach for comparing sequences of observations using anexplicit-expansion kernel is demonstrated.The kernel is derived usingthe assumption of the independence of the sequence of observations anda mean-squared error training criterion.The use of an explicit expan-sion kernel reduces classifier model size and computation dramatically,resulting in model sizes and computation one-hundred times smaller inour application.The explicit expansion also preserves the computationaladvantages of an earlier architecture based on mean-squared error train-ing.Training using standard support vector machine methodology givesaccuracy that significantly exceeds the performance of state-of-the-artmean-squared error training for a speaker recognition task.1IntroductionComparison of sequences of observations is a natural and necessary operation in speech applications.Several recent approaches using support vector machines(SVM’s)have been proposed in the literature.Thefirst set of approaches attempts to model emission proba-bilities for hidden Markov models[1,2].This approach has been moderately successful in reducing error rates,but suffers from several problems.First,large training sets result in long training times for support vector methods.Second,the emission probabilities must be approximated[3],since the output of the support vector machine is not a probability.A more recent method for comparing sequences is based on the Fisher kernel proposed by Jaakkola and Haussler[4].This approach has been explored for speech recognition in[5]. The application to speaker recognition is detailed in[6].We propose an alternative kernel based upon polynomial classifiers and the associated mean-squared error(MSE)training criterion[7].The advantage of this kernel is that it preserves the structure of the classifier in[7]which is both computationally and memory efficient.We consider the application of text-independent speaker recognition;i.e.,determining or verifying the identity of an individual through voice characteristics.Text-independent recognition implies that knowledge of the text of the speech data is not used.Traditional methods for text-independent speaker recognition are vector quantization[8],Gaussian mixture models[9],and artificial neural networks[8].A state-of-the-art approach based on polynomial classifiers was presented in[7].The polynomial approach has several ad-vantages over traditional methods–1)it is extremely computationally-efficient for identi-fication,2)the classifier is discriminative which eliminates the need for a background or cohort model[10],and3)the method generates small classifier models.In Section2,we describe polynomial classifiers and the associated scoring process.In Section3,we review the process for mean-squared error training.Section4introduces the new kernel.Section5compares the new kernel approach to the standard mean-squared error training approach.2Polynomial classifiers for sequence dataWe start by considering the problem of speaker verification–a two-class problem.In this case,the goal is to determine the correctness of an identity claim(e.g.,a user id was entered in the system)from a voice input.If is the class,then the decision to be made is if the claim is valid,,or if an impostor is trying to break into the system,.We motivate the classification process from a probabilistic viewpoint.For the verification application,a decision is made from a sequence of observations ex-tracted from the speech input.We decide based on the output of a discriminant function using a polynomial classifier.A polynomial classifier of the formwhere is the vector of classifier parameters(model)and is an expansion of the input space into the vector of monomials of degree or less is used.For example,if and ,then(1) Note that we do not use a nonlinear activation function as is common in higher-order neural networks;this allows us tofind a closed form solution for training.Also,note that we use a bold to avoid confusion with probabilities.If the polynomial classifier is trained with a mean-squared error training criterion and target values of for and for,then will approximate the a posteriori probability[11].We can thenfind the probability of the entire sequence,,as follows.Assuming independence of the observations[12]gives(2)For the purposes of classification,we can discard.We take the logarithm of both sides to get the discriminant function(3)where we have used the shorthand to denote the sequence.We use two terms of the Taylor series,,to approximate the discriminant function and also normalize by the number of frames to obtain thefinal discriminant function(4)Note that we have discarded the in this discriminant function since this will not affect the classification decision.The key reason for using the Taylor approximation is that it reduces computation without significantly affecting classifier accuracy.Now assume we have a polynomial function;we call the vector the speaker model.Substituting in the polynomial function gives(5)where we have defined the mapping as(6) We summarize the scoring method.For a sequence of input vectors and a speaker model,,we construct using(6).We then score using the speaker model,. Since we are performing verification,if is above a threshold then we declare the identity claim valid;otherwise,the claim is rejected as an impostor attempt.More details on this probabilistic scoring method can be found in[13].Extending the sequence scoring framework to the case of identification(i.e.,identifying the speaker from a list of speakers by voice)is straightforward.In this case,we construct speaker models for each speaker and then choose the speaker which maximizes (assuming equal prior probability of each speaker).Note that identification has low com-putational complexity,since we must only compute one inner product to determine the speaker’s score.3Mean-squared error trainingWe next review how to train the polynomial classifier to approximate the probability ;this process will help us set notation for the following sections.Let be the desired speaker model and the ideal output;i.e.,and.The resulting problem is(7) where denotes expectation.This criterion can be approximated using the training set as(8)Here,the speaker’s training data is,and the anti-speaker data is .(Anti-speakers are designed to have the same statistical characteristics as the impostor set.)The training method can be written in matrix form.First,define as the matrix whose rows are the polynomial expansion of the speaker’s data;i.e.,(9)...Define a similar matrix for the impostor data,.Define(10)The problem(8)then becomes(11) where is the vector consisting of ones followed by zeros(i.e.,the ideal output).The problem(11)can be solved using the method of normal equations,(12) We rearrange(12)to(13) where is the vector of all ones.If we define and solve for,then(13) becomes(14) 4The naive a posteriori sequence kernelWe can now combine the methods from Sections2and3to obtain a novel sequence com-parison kernel in a straightforward bine the speaker model from(14)with the scoring equation from(5)to obtain the classifier score(15)Now(because of the large anti-speaker population),so that(15)becomes(16) where is(note that this exactly the same as mapping the training data using(6)),and is.The scoring method in(16)is the basis of our sequence kernel.Given two sequences of speech feature vectors,and,we compare them by mapping andand then computing(17) We call the n aive a p osteriori s equence kernel since scoring assumes indepen-dence of observations and training approximates the a posteriori probabilities.The value can be interpreted as scoring using a polynomial classifier on the sequence ,see(5),with the MSE model trained from feature vectors(or vice-versa because of symmetry).Several observations should be made about the NAPS kernel.First,scoring complexity can be reduced dramatically in training by the following trick.We factor using the Cholesky decomposition.Then.I.e.,if we transform all the sequence data by before training,the sequence kernel is a simple inner product. For our application in Section5,this reduces training time from hours per speaker down to seconds on a Sun Ultra,MHz.Second,since the NAPS kernel explicitly performs the expansion to“feature space”,we can simplify the output of the support vector machine.Suppose is the(soft)output of the SVM,(18)We can simplify this to(19) where.That is,once we train the support vector machine,we can collapse all the support vectors down into a single model,where is the quantity in parenthesis in(19).Third,although the NAPS kernel is reminiscent of the Mahalanobis distance,it is distinct.No assumption of equal covariance matrices for different classes (speakers)is made for the new kernel–the kernel covariance matrix is a mixture of the individual class covariances.Also,the kernel is not a distance measure–no subtraction of means occurs as in the Mahalanobis distance.5Results5.1SetupThe NAPS kernel was tested on the standard speaker recognition database YOHO[14]col-lected from138speakers.Utterances in the database consist of combination lock phrases of fixed length;e.g.,“23-45-56.”Enrollment and verification session were recorded at distinct times.(Enrollment is the process of collecting data for training and generating a speaker model.Verification is the process of testing the system;i.e.,the user makes an identity claim and then this hypothesis is verified.)For each speaker,enrollment consisted of four sessions each containing twenty-four utterances.Verification consisted of ten separate ses-sions with four utterances per session(again per speaker).Thus,there are40tests of the speaker’s identity and40*137=5480possible impostor attempts on a speaker.For clarity, we emphasize that enrollment and verification session data is completely separate.To extract features for each of the utterances,we used standard speech processing.Each utterance was broken up into frames of ms each with a frame rate of frames/sec.The mean was removed from each frame,and the frame was preemphasized with thefilter .A Hamming window was applied and then linear prediction coefficients were found.The resulting coefficients were transformed to cepstral coefficients.Endpointing was performed to eliminate non-speech frames.This typically resulted in approximately observations per utterance.For verification,we measure performance in terms of the pooled and average equal error rates(EER).The average EER is found by averaging the individual EER for each speaker. The individual EER is the threshold at which the false accept rate(FAR)equals the false reject rate(FRR).The pooled EER is found by setting a constant threshold across the entire population.When the FAR equals the FRR for the entire population this is termed the pooled EER.For identification,the misclassification error rate is used.To eliminate bias in verification,we trained thefirst speakers against thefirst and the second against the second(as in[7]).We then performed verification using the second as impostors to thefirst speakers models and vice versa.This insures that the impostors are unknown.For identification,we trained all speakers against each other.5.2ExperimentsWe trained support vector machines for each speaker using the software tool SVM-Torch[15]and the NAPS kernel(17).The cepstral features were mapped to a di-mension vector using a rd degree polynomial classifier.Single utterances(i.e.,“23-45-56”)were converted to single vectors using the mapping(6)and then transformed withthe Cholesky factor to reduce computation.We cross-validated using thefirst enrollment sessions as training and the th enrollment session as a test to determine the best tradeoff between margin and error;the best performing value of was used with thefinal SVMTorch ing the identical set of features and the same methodology,clas-sifier models were also trained using the mean-squared error criterion using the method in[7].Forfinal testing,all enrollment session were used for training,and all verification sessions were used for testing.Results for verification and identification are shown in Table1.The new kernel method reduces error rates considerably–the average EER is reduced by,the pooled EER is reduced by,and the identification error rate is reduced by.The average number of support vectors was which resulted in a model size of about bytes(in single precisionfloating point);using the model size reduction method in Section4resulted in a model size of bytes–over a hundred times reduction in size.Table1:Comparison of structural risk minimization and MSE trainingMSE NAPS SVMAverage EER 1.63% 1.01%Pooled EER 2.76% 1.45%ID error rate 4.71% 2.72%We also plotted scores for all speakers versus a threshold,see Figure1.We normalized the scores for the MSE and SVM approaches to the same range for comparison.One can easily see the reduction in pooled EER from the graph.Note also the dramatic shifting of the FRR curve to the right for the SVM training,resulting in substantially better error rates than the MSE training.For instance,when FAR is,the MSE training method gives an FRR of;whereas,the SVM training method gives an FRR of–a reduction by a factor of in error.6Conclusions and future workA novel kernel for comparing sequences in speech applications was derived,the NAPS kernel.This data-dependent kernel was motivated by using a probabilistic scoring method and mean-squared error training.Experiments showed that incorporating this kernel in an SVM training architecture yielded performance superior to that of the MSE training criterion.Reduction in error rates of up to times were observed while retaining the efficiency of the original MSE classifier architecture.The new kernel method is also applicable to more general situations.Potential applications include–using the approach with radial basis functions,application to automatic speech recognition,and extending to an SVM/HMM architecture.References[1]Vincent Wan and William M.Campbell,“Support vector machines for verification and iden-tification,”in Neural Networks for Signal Processing X,Proceedings of the2000IEEE Signal Processing Workshop,2000,pp.775–784.[2]Aravind Ganapathiraju and Joseph Picone,“Hybrid SVM/HMM architectures for speech recog-nition,”in Speech Transcription Workshop,2000.[3]John C.Platt,“Probabilities for SV machines,”in Advances in Large Margin Classifiers,Alexander J.Smola,Peter L.Bartlett,Bernhard Sch¨o lkopf,and Dale Schuurmans,Eds.,pp.61–74.The MIT Press,2000.[4]Tommi 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