09 Nanofabrication based on MEMS technology
47, 051301 (2010) ©2010 中国激光杂志社doi: 10.3788/lop47.051301基于绝缘体上硅脊型纳米线光波导方向耦合器的TE/TM偏振分束器王剑威戴道锌时尧成杨柳(浙江大学现代光学仪器国家重点实验室光及电磁波研究中心,浙江 杭州 310058)摘要利用有限元方法和时域有限差分方法,优化设计了一种结构紧凑的基于绝缘体上硅脊型纳米线光波导方向耦合器的TE/TM偏振分束器。
考虑到方向耦合器的波导间隙较小时制作工艺较为困难,且模式失配会引入一些损耗,因此波导间隙取约100 nm较为合适。
数值计算结果表明经过优化的偏振分束器最短长度大约为17.3 µm,偏振分束器的消光比大于15 dB时,波导宽度制作容差为-20~10 nm,带宽约为50 nm。
关键词集成光学;偏振分束器;方向耦合器;绝缘体上硅中图分类号 O436 OCIS 130.5440 230.1360 文献标识码 ADesign of Compact TE/TM Polarization Beam Splitter Based on Silicon-on-Insulator Ridge Nanowire Directional Coupler Wang Jianwei Dai Daoxin Shi Yaocheng Yang Liu(Centre of Optical and Electromagnetic Research, State Key Laboratory for Modern Optical Instrumentation, ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310058, China)Abstract A compact TE/TM polarization beam splitter (PBS) based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) ridge nanowire directional coupler is designed and optimized by using a finite-element method (FEM) and a finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. Considering the fabrication precision and the mode mismatching loss in a directional coupler, a gap width about 100 nm is chosen. The ridge height, the ridge width and the gap of two parallel nanowires are optimized to have the shortest length for the polarization splitter. The numerical simulations show that the optimized PBS has a short length of about 17.3 µm, and the waveguide width has a fabrication tolerance of about-20~10 nm, and the bandwidth is about 50 nm when the extinction ratios for both polarizations are larger than 15 dB.Key words integrated optics; polarization beam splitter; directional coupler; silicon-on-insulator1 引言近年来,基于绝缘体上硅(SOI)材料的硅纳米线光波导已成为集成光学领域的研究热点。
973项目申报书——2009CB930700-基于表面等离子体共振的新纳米结构体系和传感器项目名称: 基于表面等离子体共振的新纳米结构体系和传感器首席科学家: 徐红星中国科学院物理研究所起止年限: 2009.1至2013.8 依托部门: 中国科学院一、研究内容拟解决的关键科学问题:本项目的主要任务是通过优化表面等离子体共振性质的新纳米结构体系~研究光、分子和金属纳米结构之间相互作用的机制和相关表征新技术~进而发展新一代超灵敏表面等离子体共振传感器和表面增强光谱传感器~为我国研发具有自主知识产权的相关传感器和分析测试仪器打下坚实基础。
为此~我们需要解决的关键科学问题包括:1. 新纳米结构体系的表面等离子体光子学研究的关键科学问题,1,目前所大量研究的是一些常见金属纳米结构的特定的表面等离子体特性~但是如何可以控制金属纳米结构的生长或组装~以实现可设计的表面等离子体特性,,2,表面等离子体共振激元在严格意义上是如何产生、演化、传导和衰减的,,3,表面等离子体激元是一个天然的光电混合体系~它不仅伴有电荷的转移~也有能量的转移~若再考虑与探测分子的相互作用~如何理解和揭示复杂的电荷和能量转移机理。
2. 表面增强拉曼散射和表面增强荧光研究的关键科学问题,1,SERS基底材料的拓展。
3.文件ABC.001.TXT的后缀名是TXT 。
14.已知一篇参考文献的著录为:”Levitan, K. B. Information resource management. New Brunswick: RutgersUP,1986”,该作者的姓是:Levitan 。
20.查询关键词为短语"DA TA OUTPUT",可以用位置算符(W)改写为:DA TA(W) OUTPUT 。
21.著录参考文献时,对于三个以上的著者,可以在第一著者后面加上et al. ,代表"等人"的意思。
第39卷第4期2009年8月微电子学MicroelectronicsVo l 39,N o.4Aug.2009收稿日期:2008-11-19;定稿日期:2009-02-23基金项目:国家高技术研究发展(863)计划基金资助项目(2008A A031403);国家重点基础研究发展(973)计划基金资助项目(2006CB302706);国家自然科学基金资助项目(60825403,90607022,60506005)动态综述阻变存储器及其集成技术研究进展左青云,刘 明,龙世兵,王 琴,胡 媛,刘 琦,张 森,王 艳,李颖弢(中国科学院微电子研究所纳米加工与新器件集成技术实验室,北京100029)摘 要: 在各种新型非挥发性存储器中,阻变存储器(RRAM )具有成为下一代存储器的潜力。
介绍了RRAM 器件的基本结构,分类总结了常用的材料以及制备工艺,对RRAM 阵列的集成方案进行了比较,并讨论了目前存在的问题;最后,对RRAM 的研究趋势进行了展望。
关键词: 非挥发性存储器;阻变存储器;电阻转变中图分类号:T P333.5文献标识码:A文章编号:1004-3365(2009)04-0546-06Progress in Development of Resistive RAM and Its Integration TechnologyZU O Qingyun,LIU Ming,LON G Shibing ,WAN G Qin,H U Yuan,LIU Qi,ZH ANG Sen,WAN G Yan,LI Yingtao(K ey L aborator y of Nano -f abrication and N ov el Dev ice s I nte gra ted Tec hnology ,I nstitu te of M icr oelec tr onics,T he Chinese A cade my of Sc ienc es,Be ij ing 100029,P.R.China)Abstract: Resistive r andom access memor y (R RA M )is one of the most pr omising candidat es for nex t generationof no n -volatile memo ry.T he basic structur e of R RA M w as described.R esist ive sw itching materials and electrodes for R RA M wer e summar ized,and t heir fabrication technolog ies wer e reviewed.Different techniques fo r integ ration of RR AM ar ray w ere discussed and exist ing pr oblems wer e analyzed.A nd finally,the research trend o f RR AM w as discussed.Key words: No n -v olatile memo ry ;Resistiv e rando m access memor y (R RA M );Resistiv e sw itching EEACC : 1265D1 引言随着集成电路工艺32nm 技术节点的来临,传统的Flash 非挥发性存储器遇到了一系列的问题。
2009年10月06日下午 09:312009年10月6日瑞典皇家科学院6日宣布,将2009年诺贝尔物理学奖授予英国华裔科学家高锟以及另外两位美国科学家。
美国国家工程院院士、英国皇家工程科学院院士,英国皇家艺术学会会员,瑞典皇家工程科学院外籍院士, 台湾中央研究院院士,中国科学院外籍院士。
《微纳制造技术》教学大纲课程代码:NANA2027课程名称:微纳制造技术英文名称:Nanofabrication课程性质:专业教学课程学分/学时: 2分/36时考核方式:闭卷考试、课堂报告、课后作业开课学期: 5适用专业:纳米材料与技术先修课程:半导体器件物理后续课程:新能源材料与技术、纳米材料表征技术选用教材:唐天同,《微纳加工科学原理》,电子工业出版社,2010年一、课程目标通过本课程的理论教学与课后作业,使学生具备以下能力:熟悉微纳制造常用的工艺及方法,了解其应用场景及对比不同方法之间优缺点;可以运用公式计算解决材料选择、加工参数相关问题;对新兴微纳制造技术及未来发展趋势有一定了解。
第二章微电子与光电子集成技术中使用的材料(支撑毕业要求1-2,2-2)课时:2周,共4课时教学内容第一节晶体结构与性质一、晶体的几何结构二、晶体的电学性质三、晶体的光学性质第二节半导体材料一、元素半导体二、I II-V族半导体三、I I-VI族半导体四、I V-IV族化合物半导体第三节纳米结构与材料一、半导体超晶格结构二、量子阱、量子线和量子点要求学生:对晶体材料的几何结构、能带结构和电学性质基础认知;了解硅与几种典型半导体材料的特点和用途;了解新型一维、二维材料的结构特点以及用途。
第三章光刻(支撑毕业要求1-2,2-2)课时:2周,共4课时教学内容第一节光学光刻一、接触式和接近式曝光光刻二、投射式光刻三、先进光刻技术和其他改进分辨率的方法第二节光刻胶一、光刻胶类型三、涂敷和显影工艺三、光刻胶的化学放大和对比度增强技术第三节 X射线曝光技术一、X射线曝光原理二、X射线曝光技术应用要求学生:了解光刻技术的种类;学会改进分辨率的方法及相关参数计算;熟悉光刻工艺的具体步骤;认识新型光刻设备的优点及其应用;掌握使用软件绘制简单的光刻掩膜版的能力。
聚焦离子束设备的院士英文回答:Focused Ion Beam (FIB) Equipment for Academicians.Focused ion beam (FIB) equipment is a sophisticated tool used in various research fields, including materials science, nanotechnology, and semiconductor manufacturing. It combines a high-energy ion beam with a focused electron beam to perform precise material modification and analysis at the nanoscale.FIB systems are versatile and offer a range of capabilities, including:Nanofabrication: FIB can be used for precise patterning, cutting, and deposition of materials at sub-micron resolution.Surface modification: Surface properties, such astopography, composition, and wettability, can be modified using FIB.3D imaging: FIB can generate high-resolution 3D images of materials by sequentially milling and imaging the sample.Elemental analysis: FIB systems equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) or secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) can perform elemental analysis of materials.FIB equipment is typically operated by highly skilled personnel, often with a background in physics, materials science, or engineering. Due to its complexity and high cost, FIB systems are primarily found in academic institutions, national laboratories, and research centers.For academicians, FIB equipment provides unparalleled capabilities for advanced research and development. It enables:Sample preparation for electron microscopy: FIB canprepare thin sections of materials for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis.Nanodevice fabrication: FIB can be used to fabricate nanodevices, such as transistors, sensors, and actuators.Materials characterization: FIB can provide insights into the structure, composition, and properties of materials at the nanoscale.To obtain the most benefit from FIB equipment, academicians should consider the following factors:Research goals: Identify the specific research questions that FIB can help address.Sample requirements: Determine the compatibility of your samples with FIB processing.Training and resources: Ensure access to qualified personnel and support for FIB operation and maintenance.Budget and funding: Secure adequate funding to purchase and operate FIB equipment.中文回答:聚焦离子束(FIB)设备。
新发 明将在 上海世 博会台湾馆展 示。
可将机械 能量转化为 电能, 转化率达 2%。 0 未来
台湾 纺织产业综合研究所将L D包裹在纺 这种新 型材料 将对人类 生活产 生积极 的影响。 E
织纱线 中,增加 了纺织 品的应用 范围和 附加价 据林立伟介绍 , 一般纺织 品纤维直径 为 1 0岬 。 值 ,2 0 0 8年先完成雏 型 ,2 0 0 9年正式将 L D 纳米纤维只有 1Im。如 果把这种 纤维织入 纺 E L
粘胶为原料混纺 的P A E E C 纱线等 , 这类纱线主 要用 于春 夏季面料 、 服装的制作 。
美 国 加州 大 学 伯 克 利 分 校 : 研制 出可智 能发 电的新型 纳米纤 维
伯克利分校机械 工程 系林立伟和来 自北京 中科 院 电子研究所 的访 问学者王军波等组成研
科技 新成果 “ 纱线 包裹 L D”将在 世博 E 会台湾馆展 出
羊毛混纺系列纱线是新澳集 团将在展会上 反应性 的新型纺织助剂 ,经色媒 体处理后 的棉 亮相 的另一大类产品 。 该类产品 中有 以桑蚕丝 、 纤维与色媒体 的反应性基 团反应 ,使棉 纤维由
牛奶 纤维 、莱 赛尔 、棉 、粘 胶等 原料 混纺 的 此 引进 阳离子染座 。溶液 中阴离子性 的染料就 F IN S I R E D H P纱线 . 以莱赛尔 、 有 抗起球腈纶 、 会和 阳离子染座正负相吸迅速 上染及固着。
降低 了强力损先 优 体纺织品的印染技术 ,通过与大型 内衣厂家 的 了竹浆 纤维漂 白产 品白度 , 合作保持 着技术与产 品同步 。立体成 型纺织 采 选 了相容 性好的活性染 料和相应 的染色工艺 , 紫外线吸 用 的是在纺织阶段 将面料 立体成型 的技术 。由 提高了染色质量 开发 了新型 阻燃 剂 、 无 提 于该面料表面呈凹凸立体状 ,所 以无法使用 常 收剂 、 甲醛抗皱整理剂及相关 的整理技术。 规的印染工艺技术进行 上色。 o R vs 在引进 高了功 能性产 品的附加值 L n ei e 喷墨印染机后 ,开发 出了可 以将立体 纺织面料 在 印染过程 中保持 立体 造型 的模具 。 0 9 在2 0 年 L n ig集团推广 VlOF 纤维 e zn L 『 r 春夏 , u z 推 出的B d l 系列产品 , Gne o yWi d 就充 兰精(e z g集 团董事局 日前 与柯恩纤维 Lni ) n 分发挥了该技术的特点 , 成功地对 3 0 件立体 有限公司( eh i 达成战略合作协 议。 00 K lem) 将在全 术 可以在成 衣阶段进行 印染 上色 , 以, 所 省去了
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[] 牛 7
畅. 中美研究 型大学本科 生科研 能力 培养 比
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[பைடு நூலகம்]王付欣 , 8 何
滔. 大学文科本科生科研能力状况调
引下 , 用各 自领域 中的特定方法对 未知领域 的探 索过程 。它 的实施 还需 要有 项 目、 金 、 管体 资 监 系 的配合 , 并且也需要有 一定的成果展现 。
纺织 教育
20 09正
件艺 术 品 、 个 小 发 明 、 个 农 业 领 域 的试 一 一
[ ] [ ] 克. 出 象 牙塔 : 代 大学 的社 会 责 任 5 美 博 走 现 [ . M] 徐小洲 , 军 , . 陈 译 杭州 : 浙江教育 出版社 ,
20 01: 2, 61 2 1 .
参考文献 : [ ]王 英 杰 , 宝 存. 际 视 野 中 的 大学 创新 教 育 1 刘 国 [ . 原: M] 太 山西 教 育 出 版 社 ,0 5 16 18— 20 : 8 ,8
1 9, 2 8 2 0.
查报告 [ ] 教育探究 ,0 8 3 :8 J. 2 0 ( )4 . [ ]程建 芳。 9 创新与挑战 : 世界名校鉴 [ . 京 : M] 北 北京
验 , 者是对 一份历 史文献 的分 析 , 或 关键 在 于活
动是否 产生一 些创造 性 成果 L 】 。所 以 , 大学 生
科 研适 用于各 个学科 , 唯有 方式不 同。
由上述分析可 以对 大学生 科研 作 出一个 比
俞建勇 中国工程院院士、东华大学教授
纺丝成本低廉、可纺物质种类繁 多、工艺可控等优点 ,已成
要通过与纳米技 术、生物技 术等的交叉融合 ,向 自然界学
习,研 制具 有类生物功能 “ 活” 的材料体 系.开发新一代 仿生器件及在 关键领域的应用突破 研 究主要 集中在功能
纳 米 材料 制 备 、 组 装 及 仿 生人 工肌 肉 、 仿 生 皮 肤 应 用研 究 ,
设,与 多个军工集团、科研院所开展全面合作,芳纶 系列产
是 多方面的 , 这种 多功能要求存在着不同功能 不可兼得的巨
大挑 战 如何满足军用纺织品的多功能并存的需求 , 一直是
品在单兵 防护、 武器装备等领域得到广泛应用 在单兵防护
方 面 ,可 应 用于 阻燃 防护 系列 ,防弹 防刺 系列 ,医疗救 护 系
辐射 防护技 术等 ; 改善舒适性能,即作战服 内温湿度调节技 术 、随身携带的呼吸器持续、供应新鲜空气技 术等 ; 发展 多
装甲、 机体外壳具有轻质、防弹的特性 ,可有效抵御战车损
伤,大大提 高作战机动能力 泰和新材以 自主创新为驱 动,
功能性 ,即防弹、防毒 、防火、防辐射一体 、负重 ( 腰部 以
为当前有效制备纳米纤维材料 的主要途径之一 静电纺纳米
纤维的成型过程主要 涉及荷电泰勒锥的形成及射流的稳 定 /
不稳定拉伸细化 , 并可通过 纺丝工艺参数的改变实现该过程
的精确调控 通过优化纺丝工艺如啧头结构、环境条件 、原
通过单个纳米粒子内在性质及相互作用调控,重点解决纳 米可控组装及 多功能界面调控等科 学问题 ,设计 实现 了在 仿生驱动、无源力学传感等智能材料领域的创新应用,相
黄立夫 纳米 -回复
一、谁是黄立夫?黄立夫(Hongjie Dai)是一位华裔科学家,出生于中国四川成都。
1. 纳米材料的制备黄立夫利用化学方法成功地合成了各种纳米材料,包括纳米颗粒、纳米线和纳米片等。
2. 纳米材料的性质研究黄立夫和他的团队对纳米材料的性质进行了深入研究。
3. 纳米材料的应用黄立夫的研究对纳米材料的应用有着重要意义。
1.江苏新型“高钒耐磨合金”材料研究获得重大进展 [J],
2.世界著名的材料科学家与工程专家我国激光材料与光电信息材料的开拓者国际玻璃协会终身成就奖获得者《功能材料》、《功能材料信息》编委会顾问中国科学院院士、第三世界科学院院士干福熹 [J], 无
3.世界著名的材料科学家与工程专家我国激光材料与光电信息材料的开拓者国际玻璃协会终身成就奖获得者《功能材料》、《功能材料信息》编委会顾问中国科学院院士第三世界科学院院士干福熹 [J], 杨亲民(整理)
4.作为药物载体金属有机框架的功能化材料研究进展作为药物载体金属有机框架的功能化材料研究进展 [J], 韩莎莎;赵僧群;刘冰弥;刘宇;李丽
5.新型人工骨关节替代材料研究获得新进展 [J],
Identification of Emerging Technologies in
Nanotechnology Based on Citing Coupling
Clustering of Patents
作者: 李蓓 陈向东
作者机构: 北京航空航天大学经济管理学院,北京100191
出版物刊名: 情报杂志
页码: 35-40页
年卷期: 2015年 第5期
主题词: 新兴技术 识别模型 专利引用耦合 聚类分析 纳米技术
并任IEEE 兼职评委。
【研究方向】1.通信系统与信号处理【在研项目】1.中国低功耗多模北斗卫星导航芯片,项目负责人2.X 波段相控阵雷达 T/R 芯片,项目负责人3.无源2.4GHz RFID电子标签,项目负责人4.美国ADC无线覆盖项目,项目负责人5.欧洲伽利略卫星导航芯片,项目负责人【完成项目】1.2008 年负责并研制出北斗二代,伽利略及GPS多模卫星定位射频芯片,项目负责人2.2007年负责并研制出研制出中国至今唯一一款北斗一代卫星定位射频芯片并量产,项目负责人。
【发表论文】1.“An Ultra-high-speed Comparator for ADC in 90nm CMOS Technology”,IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications, 2009年,独立作者.2.“Low Spur Charge Pump In 0.35μm SiGe Process for PLL”,ASICON, 2009年,独立作者. 3.“A Radio Frequency Low Noise Amplifier with Linearizing Bias Circuit”, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2008年,第三作者.4.“A High Linear Dual-Band PA Driver for GSM/CDMA/PHS Applications”,Pan-Pacific Microwave Conference, 2007, Bankok, 2007,第三作者.5.“A Wideband Low Noise Amplifier in 0.35um SiGe”, China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, 2006年,第三作者.6. “A200 –2250 MHz / 400 –4500 MHz Regenerative Frequency Doubler in a 0.35um SiGe Process”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Milimeter Wave, 2004年,第一作者.7. “A1 V, 1.9 GHz Folded Dual-Gate Mixer in CMOS”,IEEE International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Tech, 2002年,第一作者.8. “A CMOS Mixer using Parasitic Bipolar Transistor”, Canadian Micronet Conference, 2001年,第一作者.9. “A1V, 1.9GHz Mixer using a Lateral Bipolar Transistor in CMOS”,IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2001年,第一作者.10. “A1V, 1.9GHz, Low Distortion Dual Gate CMOS on SOI Mixer”, IEEE International SOI Conference , 2000年,第一作者.【获奖情况】1.1994年获中国科技进步部级一等奖。
1.Nafion修饰碳纤维微电极在抗坏血酸共存下选择性测定去甲肾上腺素 [J], 李梅;陈慧;伍雪巍;农燕婷;陈思伶;唐旻奕;程寒
2.硫辛酸修饰电化学活化碳纤维微电极选择性测定神经递质5—羟色胺 [J], 何品刚;于雁灵
3.微电极研究ⅫNafion修饰微电极伏安特性研究及其在痕量测定中的应用 [J], 庄
4.同多酸和杂多酸修饰微电极的电化学研究——Ⅳ.1:2-磷钼杂多酸薄膜修饰碳纤维微电极的制备和电化性质 [J], 王宝兴;董绍俊
5.Nafion修饰碳纤维微电极测定去甲肾上腺素的研究 [J], 郭满栋
1.光纤珐珀压力传感器交叉相关快速解调算法 [J], 李海洋;郝凤欢;李东明;何少灵
2.电子科大制出新一代微纳光纤珐珀传感器 [J],
3.基于多孔式敏感膜片的MEMS光纤珐珀传感器及其局部放电检测 [J], 司文荣;傅晨钊;卜剑;倪鹤立;李浩勇;王谢君;鞠登峰;虞益挺
4.电子科技大学研制出微纳光纤珐珀传感器 [J],
5.基于可调谐珐珀滤波器的光纤珐珀传感解调系统研究 [J], 王军;陈伟民;章鹏;朱永;高庆
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Nanofabrication Based on MEMS Technology Yuelin Wang,Senior Member,IEEE,Xinxin Li,Tie Li,Heng Yang,and Jiwei JiaoAbstract—In this paper,a novel nanofabrication method that develops from the traditional microelectromechanical system (MEMS)technology of anisotropic etching,deep reaction ion etching,and sacrificial layer process has been reviewed based on our work.With such a technology,nano tips,nano wires,nano beams even nano devices can be fabricated in a batch process. Beams with thickness of only12nm,a nano tip with a heater on the beam,and a nano wire whose width and thickness is only 50nm are demonstrated.The scale effect of the Young’s modulus of silicon has been observed and the nano-electronic-mechanical data storage has been presented.Index Terms—Microelectromechanical system(MEMS), nanofabrication,nanoelectromechanical system(NEMS).I.I NTRODUCTIONI N THE PAST decade,nanotechnology has captured lotsof interests for their novel properties in nano materials and dramatic behaviors in nano devices.All these above improve-ments are based on the manufacturing method development in that scale.Currently,many nanofabrication methods have been developed aiming on them,for example,X-ray lithography, electron-beam lithography[1]–[4],nano-imprint lithography (NIL)[5]–[8],focused ion beam(FIB)nanolithography[9], [10],single atom manipulation[11],and quantum dot self-assembly process[12]–[14],etc.All these technologies can be generally classified into top-down or bottom-up methods.Roukes et al.[1]used focused electron-beam to scan point by point to the substrate coated with polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA)so that the PMMA is exposured and patterned to form the nano device structure they needed.Orloff reported kinds of applications of FIB technology[9],which is something like the electron-beam lithography.Zankovych achieved15-nm feature size using NIL technology[5].In this method,a stamp which is fabricated by electron-beam lithography and dry etching is needed to mask the substrate.It can be found that all these technologies are top-down methods and base on the electron lithography.In the meanwhile,manipulation of selected single atom using a near contact atomic force microscope working at low temperature is an atom-by-atom method to build a nano structure,which is a bottom-up method.Manuscript received November24,2004;revised March19,2005.This work was supported by the Major State Basic Research Program of China"Micro-to-nano scale fabrication based on top-down principle(Project2006CB300403). The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publication was Dr.Ai-Qun Liu.The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology, National Laboratory of Microsystem Technology,Shanghai Institute of Mi-crosytem and Information Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200050,China.(e-mail:ylwang@;xxli@; tli@;h.yang@;jiaojw@).Digital Object Identifier10.1109/JSEN.2006.874034Fig.1.(a)Scheme of the structure and(b)the microscopy photo of the nanoprobe.Although all these technologies have successfully formednanostructures,however,they all have drawbacks such as lowefficiency,low controllability,poor batch product ability,or lowcompatibility with the current semiconductor technology.Theymay not be a good candidate for the coming nano industry.As a powerful technology to make microdevices,MEMS hasbeen successfully used in amounts of sensors and actuators inthe past decades[15]–[22].To our knowledge,the key pointof MEMS is its high selectivity especially in the processesof anisotropic wet etching,sacrificial layer process,and dryetching[15],[16].Anisotropic wet etching is based on the factthat different crystalline plane of silicon has a different etchrate in alkaline solution such as KOH,TMAH,etc.[17]–[22].Therefore,silicon with a different plane will have differentetching performance,which makes silicon a good material inbulk micromachining.The sacrificial layer process is one of themost important technologies in surface machining.Generally,it hasfive basic steps.After the deposition and patterning ofthe sacrificial and structure layer as well as the removal of sac-rificial layer,a three-dimensional structure can be formed.The 1530-437X/$20.00©2006IEEEFig.2.SEM photos of the nano tip on a beam integrated with a heater and piezoresistances.success of this process is strongly dependent on the selectivity of etch rate in an etchant.Dry etching is another etching method to form the structure[23],[24].Compared to the wet etching, the etch reactants appear in gas or vapor phase,and in a lot of case it is ionized.In general,dry etching has lower etch rate and higher degree of anisotropy than wet pared to the wet etching process,its selectivity depends on the mask,and it is much easier to be started or stopped.Anisotropic or isotropic etching is dependent on the different etchants.Anisotropic dry etching always has a high aspect ratio and steep walls.It is known that all these processes have been applied on amounts of sensors such as accelerators,gyroscopes,infrared thermopiles,and so on.In this paper,we will review the nanofabrication method based on the MEMS technology in our work,and three different structures,nano probe,nano cantilever and nano wire,are presented.II.R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONA.Nano ProbeNano probe is famous not only because of the role as a nano tip to get the atomic photo in atomic force microscopy(AFM), but also a tool to manipulate the atoms in nano scale.In our paper,the nano probe is integrated with a heater and a piezore-sistor to demonstrate its ultrahigh data storage capability.The nano probe combined with a heater works as a write pen to make marks on a media when it is heated,while the piezore-sistor can provides a read process by detecting the slight force change on the cantilever when the nano tip contacts the marks. The scheme structure and a microscopy photo of our nano probe can be found in Fig.1.The fabrication is begun from an SOI wafer,which consists of an8-m-thick n-type top silicon layer.After thermal oxidation,Fig.3.Data storage demonstrated with the nano probe in different heating times.the tip region is patterned by buffered HF solution.And then,the tip is formed by KOH etching and sharpened by low-tempera-ture oxidation at950 C.The heater,piezoresistor,and wire con-nection hole is boron doped,respectively.Reaction ion etching (RIE)is used to shape the cantilever from the top side after the aluminum interconnection.Then deep reaction ion etching (DRIE)process is employed from the back side to etch through the wafer.After the SiO layer is stripped by BHF,the cantilever is released.A more detailed description can be found in[15]. In this structure,the most important part is the nano probe tip, as it describes above,it is formed by anisotropic wet etching and low temperature oxidation.As the(111)and(411)facet have very slow etch rate in KOH solution,a well-aligned mask can make a silicon pyramid.In the following fabrication process, the large stress on the tip will prevent the oxygen atoms pen-etrating into the tip and stop the oxidation;therefore,the tip of the pyramid will become sharper and sharper and becomes nano scale.Fig.2represents three scanning electron microscope (SEM)photos of the nano probe.The tip size is on the order of several tens of nanometers.As the MEMS technology can make a batch procedure of nano probes at the same time,the array is a promising result to make the tip a useful multiple read/write head.In our data storage experiments,the nano tip has been em-ployed to demonstrate its ability on a polymer.In this case, the data writing process depends on the temperature of the nano probe,i.e.,thetemperatureoftheheater.Furtherexperiments[15] indicate that the heater temperature increased to463K in3ms in a 4-V pulsed voltage,which determines the write speed of the nano probe on a microsecond level.Meanwhile,the piezoresistor canrespond to a force applied on the tip in the orderof N,which demonstrates the read-out ability of the nano probe. When the tip touches on the surface of the polymer,if it is hot enough,the polymer will expand to mark a“1”state on the surface.The write process can be controlled easily by applied voltage,time,and force.A demonstrated data storagecapability Fig.4.(a)Nano beams with thickness of12nm and(b)the scale effect of the nano silicon beam[16].in our experiment is shown in Fig.3.As shown in thefigure,the diameter of the storage point can be less than100nm,it indicates that a storage density as high as30GB/in can be achieved by our nano probe.B.Nano CantileverIn our previous work,an ultrathin silicon nano cantilevers has also been formed with thermal oxidation and XeF isotropic etching in a SOI wafer.The fabrication method can be found elsewhere[16].It also begun the structure from a(100)SOI wafer with P top silicon layer.The110-oriented cantilevers are patterned by photolithography.The dry oxidation is processed to consume up the remaining silicon in the surrounding areas,which deter-mines the thickness of the cantilever.Finally,the cantilevers are released by CO supercritical-point drying.It has been demonstrated that the thickness of the cantilevers can be only12nm as shown in Fig.4(a).Upon the cantilever, the scale effect of the Young’s modulus of the silicon has beenFig.5.Nano wire with a width and thickness of 60nm.Fig.6.Fabrication process of the nano wire by MEMS technology.presented as in Fig.4(b),which indicates that the Young ’s mod-ulus will decrease with the decreasing thickness of the cantilever [16].Besides,the ultrathin cantilever can also be used to detect the ultrasmall force when combined with Carbon nano tube.It has been used to detect the hydrogen storage in a resolution of510g.[25]C.Nano WireWith anisotropic wet etching and the sacri ficial layer process,a silicon nano wire has also been fabricated as shown in Fig.5.The fabrication process can be found in Fig.6.The first oxi-dation and photolithography on a (100)SOI wafer is followed by a KOH etching which de fined a step on the top silicon layer [Fig.6(a)].And then a silicon nitride is deposited on the wafer to cover the step,and a window is opened on the silicon nitride [Fig.6(b)].After the silicon oxide layer is moved as shown in Fig.6(c),a nano Si wire can be fabricated with a carefully con-trolled KOH etching [Fig.6(d)–(e)].Finally,the nano wire is released by the BHF solution.The SEM image indicates that the silicon wire has a cross section as small as6060nm .The–property of the nano wire implies that the fresh sample has different behavior to the same sample after 24h in the air,which indicates that the surface state of the wire may be unstable for the oxidation in the air.Further investigation is still undergoing now.D.DiscussionThe above three nano structures are all fabricated based on traditionally MEMS technology with smart design and care-fully controlled processes.As in a traditional bottom-up pro-cesses,each nano structure should be operated atom by atom or molecular by molecular,our nanofabrication technology pro-vides a well-controllable method to form nano structures in a batch product,which is one of the fundamental requirements for a low-cost pared to other top-down process which always relates to the electron lithography,our technology is more ef ficient and cheaper.Of course,the shape of our nano structures may be limited by the wet etching selectivity and the structure should be consist of some low etch rate crystalline planes,this nanofabrication method is still worthy to be recom-mended to the coming nano industry.III.S UMMARYUpon our nanofabrication work,we can say that nanofabrica-tion can be achieved by MEMS technology with smart design and carefully controlled processes.It can make nano structures and even nano devices conveniently with low cost and batch pro-ductivity,which may accelerate the application of nano devices in the future.R EFERENCES[1]A.N.Cleland and M.L.Roukes,“Fabrication of high-frequencynanometer-scale mechanical 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