


: 金正昆 社交礼仪是指人们在人际交往过程中所具备的基本素质,交际能力等。社交礼仪 在当今社会人际交往中发挥的作用愈显重要。通过社交,人们可以沟通心灵,建立深 厚友谊,取得支持与帮助;通过社交,人们可以互通信息,共享资源,对取得事业成 功大有获益。随着人们相互合作、相互交往的机会日趋增多,如何学会尊重自己、尊 重他人,应对自如,凸显个人魅力。通过《社交礼仪》节目 VCD 的学习,您会发现人 生的改变从这一时刻开始。 第一集 社交礼仪概述 第二集 遵守公德 第三集 称呼 第四集 介绍自己 第五集 介绍他人 第六集 相见礼节(一) 第七集 相见礼节(二) 第八集 名片(一) 第九集 名片(二) 第十集 交谈的方式 第十一集 谈话的内容 第十二集 拜访 第十三集 待客 第十四集 电话 第十五集 书信 第十六集 电子信函 第十七集 礼品
政执法行为,修正个人不良作风?如何提高公务员办事效率,规范工作行为,改善并 维护政府形象?《政务礼仪》节目,对进一步增加广大公务员的公仆意识,全方位体 现执政为民的思想有着积极作用。 第一集 政务礼仪概述 第二集 国族 第三集 国歌 第四集 国徽 第五集 国花国树国石与国鸟 第六集 办公 第七集 会议 第八集 礼宾次序 第九集 接待 第十集 信访 第十一集 汇报 第十二集 调研 第十三集 慰问 第十四集 参观 第十五集 公文 第十六集 通讯 第十七集 网络 第十八集 民族 第十九集 宗教 第二十集 外事
一层很深的体会———“一个讲规矩、讲礼仪、热情的城市。 ” 金正昆经典语录 1.大事坚持原则,小事坚持变通。 2.善待别人是一种教养,了解别人是一种智慧。 3.正式宴会上喝红酒加雪碧有点傻,加柠檬尤其傻,加冰块特别傻,加话梅 巨傻。 4.你要做多大的事,就要承受多大的压力。 5.好心办坏事是常事,关心过度是一种伤害。 6.人说话的数量往往与社会地位成反比。 7.成功的交往是以对方为中心,交际高手是为别人创造表现机会。 8.不拿别人折磨自己,更不拿自己折磨自己。 9.敌人往往是我们自己寻找和制造出来的。 10.心态决定一切,有阳光心态的人,既能够善待别人,也能够善待自己。 沟通礼仪——懂规矩的人 沟通礼仪——懂规矩的人 不在外人面前讲方言 —— “没有人想丢人,也没有人想得罪人。 ”刚一“上课” ,金教授就给听课的公 务员们点明了学“礼” 、懂“礼”的意义, “如果不懂得规则,不懂礼仪,会常常 贻笑大方。 ” “金教授说,学习礼仪,就是为了有效沟通。但说到沟通,有人以为,不就 是说话嘛。但能说就能有效沟通吗?”金正昆表示,有良好教养的人在公共场合 一般都很“话少” 。因为他明白,言多必失,而那些不懂却又要不停说话的人, 往往容易得罪人, “所以,要坚信一点, ‘智者善听,愚者善说’。 ” 说到公务礼仪,他直言不讳地说,最基本的要求就是不在外人(指外地人) 或者外宾面前讲方言土语。 “如果在公务接待中,遇到熟人或者同事就撇开外地 人讲四川话,那听不懂四川话的外人心里会有多么难受?” 他紧接着说,就好比彭州、都江堰人讲当地方言,外地人听不懂,心里会是 什么样的感受, “所以,懂规矩的人,不会在外人面前讲方言” 。 实例 他列举了发生在自己身上的一个例子, “我和爱人在德国认识,属于半年就 ‘速战速决型’ 。带她回去见公婆时,家里人就商议要带她去餐厅吃饭,以表足



YP-0001潘长军-2007年八宅派风水大师开封面授6讲6.5小时视频10元YP-0002潘长军-2008年12月城市楼房风水面授班6集6小时视频10元YP-0003潘长军-2009年7月小风水-内环境(内八卦)开封市面授班3集3小时视频10元YP-0004潘长军-2009年弟子班外势篇讲课16集7小时+配套资料视频+电子文档10元YP-0005潘长军-2009年太极化解法(外事篇)333页电子文档10元YP-0006潘长军-吉日良辰内部资料17页电子文档10元YP-0007潘长军-灵活运用流年变宅132页电子文档10元YP-0008潘长军-灵活运用三元命45页电子文档10元YP-0009潘长军-奇地灵应(地理奇格特局)136页电子文档10元YP-0010潘长军-太极化解法.大势篇289页电子文档10元YP-0011潘长军-太极化解法外势篇+上1-92页电子文档10元YP-0012潘长军-太极化解法外势篇+下93-186页电子文档10元YP-0013潘长军-桃花真传大全72页电子文档10元YP-0014潘长军-宅居布置学-初级班24页电子文档10元YP-0015潘长军-宅居布置学-中级班24页电子文档10元YP-0016潘长军-宅居布置学-高级班39页电子文档10元YP-0017潘长军-宅居布置学-深化班59页电子文档10元YP-0018潘长军-宅居气场化解法145页电子文档10元YP-0019潘长军-混沌初分+答疑应用专集第一集41页电子文档10元YP-0020潘长军-外势初开+答疑应用专集第二集70页电子文档10元YP-0021潘长军-华灯初上+答疑应用专集第三集42页电子文档10元YP-0022潘长军-横空出世+答疑应用专集第四集47页电子文档10元YP-0023潘长军-风水新解+答疑应用专集第五集42页电子文档10元YP-0024潘长军-活用八卦+答疑应用专集第六集46页电子文档10元YP-0025潘长军-威镇八方+答疑应用专集第七集47页电子文档10元YP-0026潘长军-风水奇招+答疑应用专集第八集51页电子文档10元YP-0027潘长军-企业与楼房风水评判+答疑应用专集第九集137页电子文档10元YP-0028潘长军-太极风水新进展+答疑应用专集第十集85页电子文档10元YP-0029潘长军-风水规划与阴差阳错化解+答疑应用专集第十一集54页电子文档10元YP-0030潘长军-风水实战与八专化解+答疑应用专集第十二集116页电子文档10元YP-0031潘长军-太极化解法·命理篇+答疑应用专集答疑第十三集220页电子文档10元YP-0032潘长军-阴阳规制+答疑应用专集第十四集83页电子文档10元YP-0033潘长军-两断别裁+答疑应用专集第十五集112页电子文档10元YP-0034潘长军-城中走马+答疑应用专第十六集103页电子文档10元YP-0035潘长军-遭遇非典+答疑应用专集第十七集131页电子文档10元YP-0036潘长军-网上问答+答疑专集第十八集127页电子文档10元YP-0037潘长军-凿壁见光+答疑第应用专集十九集133页电子文档10元FY-4046潘长军-量骨测姓学 15元FY-4047潘长军-命学奇帜 30元FY-4048潘长军-阳宅心要 30元FY-4049潘长军-城市高层楼房风水气场蕃层手册 16开103页 40元FY-4050潘长军-《正宗地理雪心》213页 35 元FY-4051潘长军-太极门风水秘技-风水锦囊黄进成(潘长军弟子)188页 50元FY-4052潘长军-太极化解法命理篇220页 50元FY-4054潘长军-八字中的小窍门潘长军校订 237页 50元FY-4055潘长军-无历起命法-流星赶月王力青著潘长军审58页 30元FY-4056潘长军-地理文英259页 38元FY-4058潘长军-背负青天答疑应用专集第二十集 35元FY-4059潘长军-冲天奔地答疑应用专集第二十一集 35元FY-4060潘长军-铁琴铜剑答疑应用专集第二十二集 35元FY-4061潘长军-破关运财答疑应用专集第二十三集 224页 50元FY-4062潘长军-兴败自如答疑应用专集第二十四集 212页 50元FY-4063潘长军-风水心易答疑应用专集第二十五集208页 50元FY-4064潘长军-正本清源答疑应用专集第二十六集415页 50元FY-4065潘长军-2014年太极化解外势篇(增加了100页将近六年实战验证之精华)100元FY-4067潘长军审-奇格特局王力青著113页35元FY-4068潘长军审-命理取用王力青著83页 35元FY-4069潘长军审-四柱初步王力青著114页 35元YY-5023潘长军-旭真案例62页电子文档20元YY-5022潘长军-宅居气场调整实例集54页(少第3页跟第4页)电子文档40元YY-5003潘长军-2014年新版宅居布置学(增加100页实战精华及深层教学内容)电子文档100元。






YP-0001潘长军-2007年八宅派风水大师开封面授6讲6.5小时视频10元YP-0002潘长军-2008年12月城市楼房风水面授班6集6小时视频10元YP-0003潘长军-2009年7月小风水-内环境(内八卦)开封市面授班3集3小时视频10元YP-0004潘长军-2009年弟子班外势篇讲课16集7小时+配套资料视频+电子文档10元YP-0005潘长军-2009年太极化解法(外事篇)333页电子文档10元YP-0006潘长军-吉日良辰内部资料17页电子文档10元YP-0007潘长军-灵活运用流年变宅132页电子文档10元YP-0008潘长军-灵活运用三元命45页电子文档10元YP-0009潘长军-奇地灵应(地理奇格特局)136页电子文档10元YP-0010潘长军-太极化解法.大势篇289页电子文档10元YP-0011潘长军-太极化解法外势篇+上1-92页电子文档10元YP-0012潘长军-太极化解法外势篇+下93-186页电子文档10元YP-0013潘长军-桃花真传大全72页电子文档10元YP-0014潘长军-宅居布置学-初级班24页电子文档10元YP-0015潘长军-宅居布置学-中级班24页电子文档10元YP-0016潘长军-宅居布置学-高级班39页电子文档10元YP-0017潘长军-宅居布置学-深化班59页电子文档10元YP-0018潘长军-宅居气场化解法145页电子文档10元YP-0019潘长军-混沌初分+答疑应用专集第一集41页电子文档10元YP-0020潘长军-外势初开+答疑应用专集第二集70页电子文档10元YP-0021潘长军-华灯初上+答疑应用专集第三集42页电子文档10元YP-0022潘长军-横空出世+答疑应用专集第四集47页电子文档10元YP-0023潘长军-风水新解+答疑应用专集第五集42页电子文档10元YP-0024潘长军-活用八卦+答疑应用专集第六集46页电子文档10元YP-0025潘长军-威镇八方+答疑应用专集第七集47页电子文档10元YP-0026潘长军-风水奇招+答疑应用专集第八集51页电子文档10元YP-0027潘长军-企业与楼房风水评判+答疑应用专集第九集137页电子文档10元YP-0028潘长军-太极风水新进展+答疑应用专集第十集85页电子文档10元YP-0029潘长军-风水规划与阴差阳错化解+答疑应用专集第十一集54页电子文档10元YP-0030潘长军-风水实战与八专化解+答疑应用专集第十二集116页电子文档10元YP-0031潘长军-太极化解法·命理篇+答疑应用专集答疑第十三集220页电子文档10元YP-0032潘长军-阴阳规制+答疑应用专集第十四集83页电子文档10元YP-0033潘长军-两断别裁+答疑应用专集第十五集112页电子文档10元YP-0034潘长军-城中走马+答疑应用专第十六集103页电子文档10元YP-0035潘长军-遭遇非典+答疑应用专集第十七集131页电子文档10元YP-0036潘长军-网上问答+答疑专集第十八集127页电子文档10元YP-0037潘长军-凿壁见光+答疑第应用专集十九集133页电子文档10元FY-4046潘长军-量骨测姓学 15元FY-4047潘长军-命学奇帜 30元FY-4048潘长军-阳宅心要 30元FY-4049潘长军-城市高层楼房风水气场蕃层手册 16开103页 40元FY-4050潘长军-《正宗地理雪心》213页 35 元FY-4051潘长军-太极门风水秘技-风水锦囊黄进成(潘长军弟子)188页 50元FY-4052潘长军-太极化解法命理篇220页 50元FY-4054潘长军-八字中的小窍门潘长军校订 237页 50元FY-4055潘长军-无历起命法-流星赶月王力青著潘长军审58页 30元FY-4056潘长军-地理文英259页 38元FY-4058潘长军-背负青天答疑应用专集第二十集 35元FY-4059潘长军-冲天奔地答疑应用专集第二十一集 35元FY-4060潘长军-铁琴铜剑答疑应用专集第二十二集 35元FY-4061潘长军-破关运财答疑应用专集第二十三集 224页 50元FY-4062潘长军-兴败自如答疑应用专集第二十四集 212页 50元FY-4063潘长军-风水心易答疑应用专集第二十五集208页 50元FY-4064潘长军-正本清源答疑应用专集第二十六集415页 50元FY-4065潘长军-2014年太极化解外势篇(增加了100页将近六年实战验证之精华)100元FY-4067潘长军审-奇格特局王力青著113页35元FY-4068潘长军审-命理取用王力青著83页 35元FY-4069潘长军审-四柱初步王力青著114页 35元YY-5023潘长军-旭真案例62页电子文档20元YY-5022潘长军-宅居气场调整实例集54页(少第3页跟第4页)电子文档40元YY-5003潘长军-2014年新版宅居布置学(增加100页实战精华及深层教学内容)电子文档100元。




其实还有很多插曲需要我们自己找的,下面就是二、背景中其他歌曲(为方便大家观看,英文内容未作调整)第一季第一集101 Pilot场景:What song was playing while Ross and Rachel were each looking out of their windows, during the rainstorm?歌曲名称:Sky Blue and Black演唱者:Jackson Browne专辑出处:I''m Alive.歌词:In the calling out to one anotherOf the lovers up and down the strandIn the sound of the waves and the criesOf the seagulls circling the sandIn the fragments of the songsCarried down the wind from some radioIn the murmuring of the city in the distanceOminous and lowI hear the sound of the world where we playedAnd the far too simple beautyOf the promises we madeIf you ever need holdingCall my name, and I''ll be thereIf you ever need holdingAnd no holding back, and I''ll see you throughSky Blue And BlackWhere the touch of the lover endsAnd the soul of the friend beginsThere''s a need to be separate and a need to be oneAnd a struggle neither winsWhere you gave me the world I was inAnd a place I could make a standI could never see how you doubted meWhen I''d let go of you handYeah, and I was much younger thenAnd I must have thought that I would knowIf things were going to endAnd the heavens were rollingLike a wheel on a trackAnd our sky was unfoldingAnd it''ll never fold backSky Blue And BlackAnd I''d have fought the world for youIf I thought that you wanted me toOr put aside what was true or untrueIf I''d known that''s what you neededWhat you needed me to doBut the moment has passed by me nowTo have put away my prideAnd just come through for you somehowIf you ever need holdingCall my name, and I''ll be thereIf you ever need holdingAnd no holding back, I''ll see you throughYou''re the color of the skyReflected in each store-front window paneYou''re the whispering and the sighingOf my tires in the rainYou''re the hidden cost and the thing that''s lostIn everything I doYeah and I''ll never stop looking for youIn the sunlight and the shadowsAnd the faces on the avenueThat''s the way love is第一季第七集107 TOW The Blackout场景:What song where Phoebe, Joey, and Monica singing while Ross was fighting the cat?歌曲名称:Top of the World演唱者:The Carpenters.第一季第九集109 TOW Underdog Gets Away场景一:In the montage showing Joey''s V.D. poster all over the city歌曲名称:Don''t Stand So Close To Me演唱者:The Police场景二:When Ross was singing to his unborn child(翻唱版)歌曲名称:Hey, We''re the Monkeys演唱者:The Monkeys.第一季第十集110 The One With The Monkey新年派对中的歌曲场景一:聚会开始歌曲名称:Shiny Happy People演唱者:R.E.M.专辑出处:Out of Time.场景二:The song which played while Chandler had photos with Janice and while Phoebe said goodbye to Scientist Guy 歌曲名称:Into Your Arms演唱者:Lemonheads.第一季第十一集111 TOW Mrs. Bing场景:What song was while Monica and Phoebe took care of Coma Guy?歌曲名称:My Guy演唱者:Mary Wells.第一季第十二集112 The One With the Dozen Lasagnes场景:What TV themes are they humming?歌曲名称:The Odd Couple歌曲名称:I Dream of Jeannie第一季第十五集115 TOW the Stoned Guy场景:When Ross has Celia (the dirty talker) over, what music is playing?歌曲名称:Girl, You''ll Be a Woman演唱者:Neil Diamond.第一季第十七集117 TOW Two Parts场景一:What song was playing at the beginning of Phoebe''s party (before she arrived)?歌曲名称:What''s the Frequency演唱者:R.E.M.场景二What song (that went "In a New York Minute...") was playing when Ross and Marcel were in the hospital? 歌曲名称:New York Minute演唱者:Don Henley专辑出处:The End of the Innocence.第一季第十八集118 The One With All the Poker场景:What did they whistle in the opening scene?歌曲名称:The theme music from the movie "Bridge on the River Kwai."第一季第十八集、第二季第十二集118 & 212 The One With All the Poker/The One After the Superbowl场景:What song did Marcel play in 118, which they also sang to get his attention at the movie set in 212?歌曲名称:The lion sleeps tonight(Mbube)演唱者:Zulu singer Soloman Linda.第一季第十九集119 The One Where The Monkey Gets Away场景:What music was playing when Louisa tried to shoot Marcel with a tranquilizer dart?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "Shaft."第一季第二十一集121 TOW the Fake Monica场景:What song was playing as Marcel was taken away?歌曲名称:You''re a Big Boy Now演唱者:John Sebastian.第一季第二十四集124 The One Where Rachel Finds Out场景:What song was playing while Rachel was waiting for Ross at the airport?歌曲名称:Take a Bow演唱者:Madonna专辑出处:Bedtime Stories.第二季第一集201 TOW Ross''s New Girlfriend场景:What music played when Ross and Rachel were talking on the balcony?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you(演奏版)第二季第四集204 TOW Phoebe''s Husband场景:What music is playing when Ross dances in the street, the morning after sleeping with Julie?歌曲名称:Singing in the Rain(from the movie Singing in the Rain)演唱者:Gene Kelly.第二季第五集205 TOW Five Steaks and an Eggplant -场景:What Hootie song opened the concert?歌曲名称:I Go Blind第二季第七集207 TOW Ross Finds Out -场景一:What music is playing while Monica and Chandler work out?歌曲名称:Macho Man,演唱者:The Village People.场景二:What music is playing when Chandler dances away from Monica at the end?歌曲名称:Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy演唱者:Tchaikovsky.专辑出处:胡桃夹子第二季第八集208 TOW The List -场景:What song did Ross request on the radio? And What song followed it?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2专辑出处:The Joshua Tree.歌曲名称:It was followed演唱者:Grant Lee Buffalo歌词:With or Without YouSee the stone set in your eyesFeel the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight of hand and twist of fateOn a bed of nails she makes me waitAnd I wait....without youWith or without youWith or without youThrough the storm we reach the shoreYou give it all but I want moreAnd I''m waiting for youWith or without youWith or without youI can''t liveWith or without youAnd you give yourself awayAnd you give yourself awayAnd you giveAnd you giveAnd you give yourself awayMy hands are tiedMy body bruised, she''s got me withNothing left to winAnd nothing else to loseWith or without youI can''t liveWith or without you第二季第十一集211 TOW The Lesbian Wedding -场景一:What songs were used at the wedding & reception?歌曲名称:Trumpet Voluntary,演唱者:Jeremiah Clarke.场景二:Just before and while Ross danced with Susan,歌曲名称:Strangers in the Night演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第二季第十三集213 The One After the Superbowl场景一:What song was when Chandler left the restaurant, shielded the bathroom-stall door? 歌曲名称:Love is like a wild bird专辑出处:卡门场景二:What song was playing while Ross spent his last day with Marcel?歌曲名称:Looks Like We Made It演唱者:Barry Manilow作曲:Richard Kerr作词:Will Jennings.第二季第五集214 TOW The Prom Video -场景:What song did Ross play on his keyboard in the prom video?歌曲名称:Axel F演唱者:Harold Faltermeye专辑出处:"Beverly Hill Cop" soundtrack.第二季第十五集215 The One Where Ross & Rachel... You Know -场景:What song was playing when they... you know?歌曲名称:Wicked Game,演唱者:Chris Isaak专辑出处:Heart Shaped World.歌词:The world was on fire and no one could save me but youIt''s strangeWhat desire will make foolish people doI never dreamed that I''d meet somebody like youI never dreamed that I''d love somebody like youChorus:I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in lovewith youWhat a wicked game you played to make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing to do to let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to say you never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing to do to make me dream of youChorus:And I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in lovewith youI never dreamed that I''d love somebody like youI never dreamed that I''d lose somebody like youChorus:No I don''t wanna fall in loveNo I don''t wanna fall in loveNobody else loves no one第二季第五集217 TOW Eddie Moves In -场景:What song was playing when Chandler and Joey were looking through their windows, missing each other? 歌曲名称:All by Myself,演唱者:Eric Carmen.第二季第五集221 TOW The Bullies -场景:What song did Monica and her co-workers at the diner dance to?歌曲名称:YMCA演唱者:The Village People.第二季第二十二集222 The One With Two Parties -场景:What song were featured in this episode?歌曲名称:Shoe Box演唱者:Barenaked Ladies歌曲名称:Sexuality,演唱者:K.D. Lang歌曲名称:Big Yellow Taxi演唱者:Joni Mitchell歌曲名称:It''s a Free World演唱者:R.E.M.歌曲名称:Good Intentions演唱者:Toad the Wet Sprocket第二季第五集Stain Yer Blood演唱者:Paul Westerberg第二季第二十三集223 The One With The Chicken Pox -场景:What song played Ross came into Central Perk wearing the Navy uniform?歌曲名称:Theme from the movie An Officer and A Gentleman第二季第二十四集224 TOW Barry & Mindy''s Wedding -场景:What song played after Rachel sang "Copa Cabana"?歌曲名称:Someone To Watch Over Me演唱者:Frank Sinatra专辑出处:Classic Sinatra: His Great Performances 1953-1960."第三季第六集306 The One With The Flashback场景:What song started playing when Rachel hit the jukebox in her fantasy about Chandler?歌曲名称:Time of The Season作词:Rod Argent演唱者:The Zombies (1969).歌词"It''s the time of the season when love runs highIn this time, give it to me easyAnd let me try with pleasured handsTo take you in the sun to promised landsTo show you every oneIt''s the time of the season for lovingWhat''s your name?Who''s your daddy?Is he rich like me?Has he taken any timeTo show youWhat you need to live?Tell it to me slowlyTell youWhat I really want to knowIt''s the time of the season for loving(repeat last stanza)第三季第八集308 TOW The Giant Poking Device -场景:What song were Chandler and Phoebe singing at the end?歌曲名称:Endless Love演唱者:Lionel Richie and Diana Ross.第三季第九集309 The One With All the Football -What songs were used during the football game?场景一:When they first decided to start playing "tough,"歌曲名称:Get Ready For This演唱者:2 Unlimited场景二:After they traded players, so it was girls against guys, and Phoebe was asking how they''re going to beat the boys 歌曲名称:Misirlou,演唱者:Dick Dale and His Deltones.场景三:During the slow-motion final play歌曲名称:The Natural,演唱者:Randy Newman第三季第十五集315 TOW Ross and Rachel Take a Break -场景:What song was played while Ross danced with & kissed the copy girl?歌曲名称:With or Without You,演唱者:U2.第三季第十八集318 TOW The Hypnosis Tape -场景:What song played while Monica and Pete were in Italy at the Pizza shop?歌曲名称:That''s Amore演唱者:Dean Martin第四季第四集404 TOW The Ballroom Dancing场景:What music did Joey and Treeger dance, on the roof?歌曲名称:Night and Day演唱者:Frank Sinatra.第四季第五集405 The One With Joey''s New Girlfriend -场景:What music was playing while Chandler chased Kathy down the street?歌曲名称:The theme from the original TV show, "The Mod Squad."第四季第十四集414 TOW Joey''s Dirty Day -场景:What song played at the beginning of the strip club scene?歌曲名称:It''s No Good演唱者:Depeche Mode专辑出处:Ultra第四季第十六集416 TOW the Fake Party -场景一:What songs were playing at the party?歌曲名称:Brimful of Asha演唱者:T. Singh, of the group "Cornershop"场景二:After that song歌曲名称:The Impression That I Get,演唱者:The Mighty场景三:After the commercial break, when Phoebe and Joey were sitting in armchairs talking about meat, and then Rachel came in wearing her cheerleader outfit歌曲名称:6th Avenue Heartache,演唱者:The Wallflowers.第四季第十九集419 TOW all the Haste -场景:What song does The Singing Man sing each morning?歌曲名称:Feels So Good演唱者:Chuck Mangione第四季第二十二集422 TOW the Worst Best Man Ever -场景:What song was playing while Joey remembers all the good times he had with the Duck?歌曲名称:Weekend in New England演唱者:Barry Manilow作词:Randy Edelman.歌词:Last night, I waved goodbye, now it seems yearsI''m back in the city, where nothin'' is clearBut thoughts of me, holdin'' you, bringin'' us nearCHORUSAnd tell meWhen will our eyes meet?When can I touch you?When will this strong yearnin'' end?And when will I hold you again?Time in New England, took me awayLong rocky beaches and youby the bayWe started a story whose end must now waitCHORUSI feel the change comin'', I feel the wind blowI feel brave and daring!, I feel my blood flow, ohWith you I could bring out all the love that I haveWith you there''s a heaven, so earth ain''t so badCHORUS第四季第二十三集423 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 1 -场景:What song played while Joey and Chandler first started touring London?歌曲名称:London Calling,演唱者:The Clash.歌曲名称:England Swings演唱者:Roger Miller第四季第二十四集424 TOW Ross''s Wedding, part 2 -场景:the music used just before the traditional wedding march歌曲名称:Walkaway演唱者:Cast专辑出处:1995 album, All Change第五季第四集504 TOW Phoebe Hates PBS -场景:What music played at the end when Monica and Chandler exited the closet?歌曲名称:Pizzicati演唱者:Leo Delibes专辑出处:from the ballet Sylvia第五季第七集507 TOW Ross Moves In -场景:What song was played at Danny''s party?歌曲名称:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth第五季第十四集514 TOW Everyone Finds Out -场景:What song does Chandler put on, to which Phoebe dances seductively?演唱者:Semisonic歌词(作词作曲Dan Wilson)Out in the land where my dreams flew aroundI bulldozed the trees and set my feet on the groundPut a day in and a week would come outI didn''t have time for doubtThen when the whole thing went down the drainI learned that the future don''t always obeyNow I''m afraid to get back in the poolSomehow I''d feel like a foolMaking a PlanMaking a PlanHigh in the morning with climbing to doHigh in the turrets I''m thinking of youEverybody says it''s all for the bestSomehow I wouldn''t have guessedLittle dominions turn into dustSchemes blow away on a breeze of mistrustI''m not feeling sorry for little ol'' meBut I''m not about to beMaking a PlanMaking a PlanStop, you work your way up til you dropDown down until your ears go popWhat were we gonna do at the top?I forgotNow I can sit and watch the time flyAnd I''ll feel better when time has gone byAnd I''ll never again be blindsidedBy fateThe future will have to waitI only have time for todayAs long as I can delayMaking a PlanA PlanMaking a PlanA Plan第五季第十五集515 TOW The Girl Who Hits Joey -场景:What song does Ross play at his party, which no one attends?歌曲名称:The Rockafeller Skank,演唱者:Fatboy Slim第五季第十八集518 TOW Rachel Smokes -场景:What songs played at Rachel''s birthday party?歌曲名称:Never There演唱者:Cake专辑出处:Prolonging The Magic歌曲名称:Jammin''演唱者:Bob Marley.第五季第十九集519 TOW Ross Can''t Flirt -场景:What song did Chandler sing on Joey''s video tape?第六季第一集601 The One After Vegas -场景:What song did Joey sing to Phoebe after they dropped of the hitchhiker? 歌曲名称:Space Oddity演唱者:David Bowie.第五季第二十集520 TOW the Ride Along -场景:What music playing as Joey shielded Ross from the "gunshot"?歌曲名称:theme song from the 60''s cop show "Ironsides."第五季第二十二集522 TOW Joey''s Big Break -场景:What song was playing as Joey drove up to the Nevada movie location?歌曲名称:Horse With No Name,演唱者:America专辑出处:America.歌词:On the first part of the journeyI was looking at all the lifeThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsThere was sand and hills and ringsThe first thing I met was a fly with a buzzAnd the sky with no cloudsThe heat was hot and the ground was dryBut the air was full of soundI''ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After two days in the desert sunMy skin began to turn redAfter three days in the desert funI was looking at a river bedAnd the story it told of a river that flowedMade me sad to think it was deadYou see I''ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...After nine days I let the horse run free''Cause the desert had turned to seaThere were plants and birds and rocks and thingsthere was sand and hills and ringsThe ocean is a desert with it''s life undergroundAnd a perfect disguise aboveUnder the cities lies a heart made of groundBut the humans will give no loveYou see I''ve been through the desert on a horse with no nameIt felt good to be out of the rainIn the desert you can remember your name''Cause there ain''t no one for to give you no painLa, la ...第五季第二十三、二十四集523/524 The One In Vegas -场景一:What song played when Phoebe, Chandler, and Monica first arrived in Vegas?歌曲名称:For The Love of Money,演唱者:The O''Jays.场景二:What song did Rachel dance naked?Love to Love演唱者:Donna Summer.场景三:What big "Vegas songs" and performers did they use?歌曲名称:It''s Not Unusual演唱者:Tom Jones歌曲名称:Danke Schoen演唱者:Wayne Newton歌曲名称:Everybody Loves Somebody,演唱者:Dean Martin歌曲名称:Viva, Las Vegas!演唱者:Elvis Presley第六季第六集606 The One On The Last Night -场景一:What song was playing went Chandler tried (but failed) to let Joey win at Foosball?歌曲名称:O Fortuna演唱者:Carl Orff.场景二:What song played at the end, when Rachel left, leaving Monica and Chandler alone together in their apartment?歌曲名称:I''ll be there for you.(吉他版本)第六季第十集610 TOW The Routine -场景一:when Monica and Ross were trying to get noticed演唱者:Every Word Means No演唱者:Smash Mouth.场景二:when Joey moved his energetic dance partner aside to go after Janine and "Tall Guy"歌曲名称:I Wouldn''t Normally Do This Kind of Thing,演唱者:Robbie Williams.场景三:during Ross and Monica''s "Routine"歌曲名称:Trouble With Boys演唱者:Loreta场景四:when Joey and Janine finally got to kiss歌曲名称:modern version of Auld Lang Syne (the traditional New Years song)第六季第十五集615 TOW It Might Have Been, part 1 -场景:What music was used while fat Monica danced, during the end credits?歌曲名称:Shake Your Groove Thing,演唱者:Peaches and Herb第六季第十六集616 TOW It Might Have Been, part 2 -场景一:What music was playing during dinner for Monica and Dr. Roger?歌曲名称:Nocturne in E flat, Opus 9, Number 2,演唱者:Frederick Chopin.场景二:What music was playing when Rachel was as Joey''s apartment (getting drunk)?歌曲名称:That was View From the Other Side,演唱者:Duncan Sheik第六季第十七集617 The One With Unagi -场景:What was the first song on Chandler''s mixed tape (Valentine gift to Monica)?歌曲名称:The Way You Look Tonight, often performed演唱者:Tony Bennett(原唱:Frank Sinatra)第六季第十九集619 The One With Joey''s Fridge -场景:What song played while Ross danced with Elizabeth on MTV?歌曲名称:Delicious,演唱者:Semisonic第六季第二十集620 The One With Mac & C.H.E.E.S.E. -场景:What song played during the Joey / Chandler hug sequence?歌曲名称:You Really Got a Hold on Me演唱者:Smokey Robinson & the Miracles.第六季第六集625 The One With The Proposal, part 2 -场景:What music was playing at the end when Chandler and Monica were dancing?歌曲名称:Wonderful Tonight演唱者:Eric Clapton歌曲名称:He is Everything You Want,演唱者:Veritcal Horizon.第七季第十集710 TOW The Holiday Armadillo -场景:What music was playing at the end while they lit the candles?歌曲名称:The Fiddler on the Roof第七季第十一集711 TOW All The Cheesecakes -场景:What music was used at the Geller''s cousin''s wedding?歌曲名称:Get Ready演唱者:Rare Earth第七季第十四集714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty -场景一:What music was playing at Monica''s surprise party?歌曲名称:Big Time Operator, from the album演唱者:Big Bad Voodoo Daddy专辑出处:This Beautiful Life场景二:What music was playing at the end when Ross and Joey finally got Ross''s car out of it''s parking spot? 歌曲名称:theme song from the TV show "Route 66".第七季第十九集719 The One With Ross and Monica''s Cousin -场景:What song played everytime Cassie (Denise Richards) swung her hair around?歌曲名称:I''m Gonna to Love You演唱者:Barry White.第七季第二十二集722 The One With Chandler''s Dad -场景一:In the first Vegas scene歌曲名称:Believe,演唱者:Cher场景二Chandler''s Dad performed 2 songs歌曲名称:I Feel Pretty歌曲名称:It''s Raining Men演唱者:The Weathergirls.场景三:In the scene where Rachel was driving the Porsche and got pulled over by a cop歌曲名称:Ride Wit Me,演唱者:Nelly, also featuring City Spud第七季第二十四集724 The One With Monica and Chandler''s Wedding, Part 2 -场景一While Chandler walked down the aisle (and then Ross, Phoebe, and Rachel)歌曲名称:Groovy Kind of Love演唱者:Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders.场景二:Monica''s walk down the aisle歌曲名称:My Love演唱者:Paul McCartney and Wings.场景三:After the ceremony finished, during the last few shots while Chandler歌曲名称:Everlong, 演唱者:The Foo Fighters第八季开篇800 In NBC''s commercials, advertising the episodes of season 8,场景:What song was playing?歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第五集805 The One With Rachel''s Date -场景:What song played as Rachel entered the coffee shop and saw Ross with Mona?歌曲名称:Closing Time演唱者:Semisonic第八季第八集808 The One With The Stripper -场景:What music played while Monica stripped?歌曲名称:Let Me Blow Ya Mind,演唱者:Eve (also featuring Gwen Stefani)专辑出处:Scorpion第八季第十三集813 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath -场景:What music played when Chandler was relaxing in the tub?歌曲名称:Only Time,演唱者:Enya专辑出处:Day Without Rain第八季第二十四集824 The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, part 2 -场景一:What music played after Rachel finally gave birth?歌曲名称:River of Tears,演唱者:Eric Clapton.场景二:What music played when Joey found the ring at the end?歌曲名称:Sign on the Window,演唱者:Bob Dylan专辑出处:New Morning第九季开篇900 In NBC''s promos for season 9,What song was playing?歌曲名称:Let My Love Open The Door演唱者:Pete Townshend歌曲名称:Come Along演唱者:Titiyo。



Previously on Tyrant... 《暴君》前情提要I warned you, I'll kill her! 我提醒过你的我会杀了她Oh, my... My god. 天...天呐‭O h, my god. 天呐And your fighters-- how many survived? 你们的战士有多少人活下来足够拆除哈里发军队的防空炮Enough to take the antiaircraft battery from theCaliphate.Taking the battery is one thing, 拆除防空炮holding on to it until our planes can land is another. 和坚持到我们的飞机降落可不是一码事We know the risk. 我们知道有多大风险General Sayid is briefing 萨伊德将军一会儿his soldiers later this morning. 会在基地给他的士兵介绍情况When his motorcade passes, 等他的车队经过时my operative will detonate an IED. 我的特工将会引爆一颗炸弹There is a bomb on the road. 路上有炸弹- A bomb? - Tell the driver -炸弹-所以告诉司机to stop the car... 停车...General Sayi! Y ou are under arrest 萨伊德将军你因谋杀for the murder of Amira Al Fayeed!阿米拉·阿尔·法耶德被捕Ask yourselves-- if we've come to this, 扪心自问事情到了这个地步who's safe now? 还有谁是安全的- Tell me what really happened. - I don't know. -告诉我到底是怎么回事-我不知道Was it father? 是父亲吗Was he trying to kill my brother 是他想杀掉我的弟弟instead of the other way around? 而并非弟弟想杀他吧Everything dies around your father. 你父亲身边充斥着死亡And you stood by his side! 而你就站在他的身边Y ou stayed silent. Y ou took the deal! 你保持沉默你接受了交易Sammy, the military is not coming. 塞米军队不会来Y our father is on his own. 你父亲只能孤军奋战了This is base camp. Khalil, 这里是大本营哈里尔Please respond immediately. I repeat, 请立刻回复重复一遍This is base camp. Khalil, please respond immediately.这里是大本营哈里尔请立刻回复I repeat, please respond immediately. 重复一遍请立刻回复{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}穆罕默德·阿齐兹{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}法蒂玛·哈米德{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}艾哈迈德·奥瑟曼{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}茹安·阿尔扎拉Ru'a Al-Zara. 茹安·阿尔扎拉- Zara. - ‭Z ara. -扎拉-扎拉Y eah. 是的Next. 下一个Dirar El-nami. 迪拉尔·埃尔纳米Okay. 好了What is this? 这是什么It's Khalil's men. 是哈里尔的手下If that's even his real name. 如果那是他的真名的话So we need to figure out 所以我们得确认if he was among the ones we killed.他有没有已经被我们杀死His movement is finished. 他的行动已经结束了Whether he's dead or alive makes no difference. 他是死是活都没有区别Perhaps you would feel differently 也许如果他杀的是你妻子if it was your wife he murdered. 你的感受就会有所不同I'm leaving for Raqqa to see my brother. 我要去拉卡见我哥哥Okay. 好的Ihab... 伊哈卜Don't let vengeance distract you from our real target. 不要因为仇恨忘了我们真正的目标Khalil was just a detour on the way 哈里尔只是我们干掉贾to Jamal Al Fayeed. 马尔·阿尔·法耶德时顺手的目标Sir, our most recent assessment of the Caliphate forces. 总统这是对哈里发军力的最新评估The numbers are disappointing. 数字不太尽如人意Tell me. 告诉我I suggest you look at the numbers yourself, sir. 我建议您自己看总统先生The Caliphate's revenue is far greater 哈里发的收入比我们than our previous estimates, uh... 之前预估的大多了...They control our oil fields. 他们毕竟控制了我们的油田Well, it... It isn't just the oil, sir. 不...不仅仅是油田Aid is pouring in through their regional affiliates. 各个区域争相给他们提供援助Their military capability is growing while ours 他们的军力逐渐增长而我们的... is... stalled. 却滞缓不前Mr. President, 总统先生I... I have been talking to our... 我...我曾经和我们...Well, my-my counterpart in-in Burkina Faso. 布基纳法索的上校谈过About? 谈了什么His president is willing to grant political asylum他的总统愿意给您和您的家人to you and to your family. 提供政治庇护Are you telling me to run away, Mahmoud? 你是要我逃跑吗马哈茂德No... 不...I'm giving you an option. 我只是给您一种选择Before it is too late to take it. 趁现在还不算太晚This... would protect you 这...可以保护你from any war crimes charges brought against you by the ICC, 免收国际法院提起的任何战争罪的指控and, as I mentioned, 而且我之前也提过it would include your extended family.这包括你所有的家人And yours. 以及你的I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. President, 不好意思打扰您总统先生but your sister-in-law is here to see you. 但您的弟妹要见您She says it's urgent. 她说很紧急Molly is here? Why? 莫莉来了为什么She was with Mrs. Al fayeed earlier.她之前见了阿尔·法耶德夫人Well, Mahmoud will show her in. 马哈茂德会把她带进来I won't run away. 我不会逃跑的I'm not a coward. 我不是懦夫Neither will you, Mahmoud. 你也不能跑马哈茂德Assemble the chiefs of staff. 召集参谋长I want to hear their plans 我想听听他们to defend Asima against the Caliphate. 抵挡哈里发入侵阿斯玛的计划Sir. 总统Molly. 莫莉A sign of my guilt, 这是我罪孽的标记like Cain. 就像该隐I hope I won't bear it for the rest of my life. 希望我下半辈子不用一直带着这个印记Jamal, Barry's alive.贾马尔巴里还活着What? 什么The man you know as Khalil.他就是你所知的哈里尔The man who's been fighting the Caliphate inside Ma'an. 就是那个一直在马安对抗哈里发的人That's Barry. 那就是巴里Bassam is not dead? 巴萨姆没死I only found out myself a few days ago. 我自己也是几天前才知道的And now he's gone in without any support. 但他现在孤立无援so unless you let General Said go, 所以除非你放了萨伊德将军you'll be killing him a second time. 否则你就是第二次杀了他Liar. 你胡说How else could I know you switched him 否则我怎么会知道你在刑场with another man at the gallows? 把他换成了另一个人That you left him in the desert to die? 你把他丢在沙漠自生自灭That he only survived because a Bedouin took him in? 他能活下来是因为一个贝多因人救了他Arif told you. 阿里夫告诉你的I should have thrown him from the helicopter. 我真该直接把他从直升机上扔下去He fled to Dubai, and now I understand why. 他飞迪拜去了我现在知道原因了I'm trying to save my husband. 我是在救我的丈夫- Are you? ‭- Y es. -是吗-是的Or are you plotting with Rami? 或者这是你和拉米的计谋呢Tell me-- 告诉我How did he find you? 他怎么找到你的Or did you find him? 还是你去找他的Barry is alive. I swear to you. 巴里还活着我向你发誓Something is wrong. 有问题What are these tricks and plots? 这些阴谋诡计是怎么回事How could Rami do all of this from prison? 拉米在监狱里是怎么做到的I won't fall for it. 我不会上当的- Do you hear me? ‭- Jamal! -你听清楚了吗-贾马尔Jamal... 贾马尔Leave her alone! 放开她Molly, Molly, please, wait. 莫莉莫莉等等- Please... - ‭W hat? -等等-怎么Is it true? 是真的吗Is Bassam really alive? 巴萨姆真的还活着吗Group three, come in. 第三小组请回答I repeat, group three, report your position. 重复一遍第三小组报告你的位置They can't hear us over the wind. 风太大了他们听不清Bring these goggles to them. 把这些护目镜给他们Suleiman, go with him. 苏莱曼和他一起去Come. 走吧Suleiman! 苏莱曼Khalil! 哈里尔Come on! 走Who wants tea? 谁想喝茶Come in, base one. 请回答一号基地This is base one. Come in. 这里是一号基地请回答This is Ibrahim. 我是易卜拉欣Khalil. 哈里尔He is coming. 他马上就到Did you say Khalil? 你说哈里尔吗- Y ou all right? - Fine. Just a scratch. -你没事吧-没事一点小伤We need to find and locate the command and control 我们必须找到并定位指挥控制台console.This is base camp. 这里是大本营Answer if you hear can me. 收到请回复This is Khalil. 我是哈里尔We've taken the antiaircraft battery. 我们已经拿下了防空炮General Said isn't coming. 萨伊德将军不会来了No one is coming. 没人会来That's why we've been trying to reach you. 所以我们才一直联系你What do you mean no one is coming? 没人会来是什么意思Jamal had General Said arrested. 贾马尔逮捕了萨伊德将军And Solomon's leaving the country with his men. 所罗门也带着人要离开了Sammy's mother found out. She will tell you the details, 塞米的母亲发现的具体的她会告诉你but you have to get out of there. 但你们必须现在就离开那里Okay, listen up. We need to fall back. 好吧听着我们得撤退了I'll explain once we're safe, 等安全了我再向你们解释but we need to get out of here before the storm passes. 但我们必须在沙尘暴过去之前离开这里Caliphate coming from the south. 哈里发从南边来了We can't retreat. 我们无法撤退We're surrounded. 我们被包围了{\an8}{\fn方正黑体简体\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}暴君\N第二季第十一集How is it possible? 这怎么可能I watched him die. I mourned him. 我亲眼看着他死去也为他哀悼了I know you find that hard to believe.我知道你觉得难以置信但我在乎的是我丈夫需要你的帮助All that matters to me is that my husband needs yourhelp.I can't help anyone. 我帮不了任何人Y ou killed him once. Y ou can't give up 你已经杀了他一次你不能放弃and watch him die again. 眼睁睁地看着他再死一次Leila, this is your chance, too. 莱拉这也是你的机会And Ahmed's. 还有艾哈迈德的If Barry has an army behind him, then-- 如果巴里身后有一支军队那么... What? Then what? 怎样那么怎样Ahmed's abandoned me. 艾哈迈德已经弃我而去And I'm tied to that man in there, 而我厌倦了这里的那个男人that... horror of a man, 那个恶魔no matter what I do. 不管我怎么做I tried to kill him. 我想要杀了他I took a gun 我拿着枪and pointed it at him. 指着他But I couldn't. 但我下不了手Maybe I should be grateful. 也许我该心存感激Maybe there are... still things也许... 我还有that I can't bring myself to do. 无法逼迫自己做出的事But my punishment is that I will never be free. 但我的惩罚就是我永无自由之日What if... 如果...We could figure out how to free General Said? 我们能想办法救出萨伊德将军呢I know it's a long shot. 我知道这很冒险But with him and Barry and an army fighting in your name-- 但有他和巴里和一支以你和艾哈迈德的and Ahmed's-- 名义进行行动的军队Who knows what could happen on the other side? 谁知道战局又将如何I mean, it's got to be worth a chance, Leila. 这是一个机会莱拉It's got to be better than this, than giving up. 总比就这么放弃来得好Could you do that? 你能做到吗Could you free the general? 你能释放将军吗I could speak to Mahmoud. 我可以和马哈茂德谈谈I... think I might be able to convince him, for his own sake. 也许能说服他为了他的自身利益放人Except... 只是...- What? - ‭E xcept we'd have -什么-只是a general with no army. 那将军手头根本没有军队Jamal controls the treasury. 贾马尔控制了国库I have no way to pay Solomon's soldiers. 我没钱付给所罗门的士兵I do. 我有Now that the sandstorm has passed, we're moving in! 沙尘暴已经过去了我们马上攻进去How can you be sure that Khalil is among them? 你怎么确定哈里尔就在他们当中One of my men reported it before he was killed. 我的人死之前报告了这个情况This man, Khalil, I need to see him. 这个人这个哈里尔我要见他I need to see him myself. 我要亲眼见到他Y ou stand down until I get there. 我到之前你别轻举妄动They've taken over our antiaircraft battery. 他们占领了我们的防空炮Our airspace is vulnerable now! 我们的领空现在失势了I can be there within the hour! 我一小时之内就能到I can kill Khalil and every one of his men in 15 minutes! 我十五分钟之内就能杀了哈里尔和他的人Commander, your job is to follow my orders-- 指挥官你的工作是奉我的命令行事it's not to question them! 而不是质疑我的命令Shouldn't you be calling Abu Omar? 你怎么不去联系阿布奥马尔No. 不必We don't need to disturb him with this. 没必要拿这种事去烦他Come on. Come on. 过来都过来I destroyed their command console. 我捣毁了他们的指挥中心At least they'll know we were here. 至少他们会知道我们来过这里They've stopped shooting. 他们停火了Hold your fire! 停止射击Hold your fire! 停止射击Hold your fire! 停止射击What are they doing? 他们在做什么Whatever they're doing, they're not going anywhere. 不管在做什么他们哪也去不了Colonel. 上校Madam First Lady. 第一夫人Y our husband is still in his chambers. 您丈夫还在他房里I'm here to talk to you. 我来找你谈谈About the death of Amira Al Fayeed, Colonel.阿米拉·阿尔·法耶德遇害的事上校What I don't understand 我很不理解is how my husband let you live this long.我丈夫怎么还留着你的命Surely you arranged for the bomb 显然是你安排的炸弹that mistakenly killed his mother instead of Rami. 本来想炸拉米却误杀了我丈夫的母亲That is a very strong accusation, Madam First Lady. 这可是很严重的指控第一夫人Y ou don't honestly believe 你不会真以为that anyone outside your very little circle believes你那个小圈子外的人真的会the official story, do you? 相信官方的说法吧If you'll excuse me, 抱歉失陪了I have to arrange for the defense of Asima.‭我还要安排阿斯玛的防御工作Asima? 阿斯玛Asima is indefensible without an army, 没有军队怎么保阿斯玛and right now, Colonel, you have half an army, at best. 而且上校如今你手上最多只有一半军力I have my orders, Madam. 我只是服从指挥夫人Do you read history books, Colonel? 你看史书吗上校The newspaper? 报纸呢Then you know of Egypt, Libya, Iraq. 那你该知道埃及利比亚伊拉克吧When the Caliphate finishes on Ma'an and turns on us, 一旦哈里发军队攻占了马安就会冲我们来了after they depose my husband, 把我丈夫赶下台后what do you think will happen to you and me? 你觉得他们会如何对待你我呢I don't know what it is you are asking me to do. 我不明白你想叫我做什么Release Rami to lead the counterattack on Ma'an. 释放拉米让他领军去马安防守反击The-the President will have me executed 如果没有总统的命令就那么做if I were to do that without his order. 总统会杀了我Our deaths are already pending, Colonel,如果哈里发军队继续进攻上校if the Caliphate is not stopped. 我们迟早会死Colonel Solomon? 所罗门上校Are you Colonel Solomon? 你是所罗门上校吗Who's asking? 你又是谁My name's Molly Al Fayeed. 我叫莫莉·阿尔·法耶德Another Al Fayeed? 又一个姓阿尔·法耶德的I'm here to make a deal with you. 我来想跟你谈笔交易What's that? 什么交易It's a wire transfer for $10 million, 这是一千万美元的电汇deposited into any account of your choosing, 会把钱存到你选定的账户provided you and your men move forward 只要你们肯前去马安with the attack on Ma'an. 采取进攻Is that your own personal money? 那是你个人的钱吗Y es. 是的Y ou do not look much like my... usual employers. 你看起来并不像...我平常的雇主The man you know as Khalil,那个叫哈里尔的人the leader of the Red Hand, 血红手的首领that's my husband. 他是我丈夫If you don't act now, 如果现在不采取行动if you don't provide him the support you've promised... 如果你不提供之前说好的支援...It's not as simple as that. 没那么简单We do not have a General, so we do not have an army, 缺少一位将军带领我们就算不上是军队just lots of men with rifles. 仅仅是拿着步枪的一大伙人And with all due respect, ma'am, 很抱歉女士I am not going into battle under your command... 我无法听您的命令去打仗...I'm working on that right now. 这个我们正在办Look, as much as I would 听我说虽然我真的- like to take your money, - my husband is there. -很想收您的钱-我丈夫就在战场上- I am not going... - I'm just asking you to hold... -我还是得走... -拜托你别急着...I guess I'm working for you now. 现在开始我为您效力He wasn't always like this, 他以前不是这样的Ihab Rashid. 伊哈卜·拉希德Before he joined the Caliphate,加入哈里发军队之前my brother and I fought with him. 我们哥俩和他并肩作战We hid him from Jamal's soldiers. 我们帮他躲过贾马尔的士兵Him and his wife Samira. 帮了他和他的妻子萨米拉After the gas attack, everything changed. 毒气袭击之后一切都变了Whatever Ihab is now, 不管伊哈卜现在什么样Jamal Al Fayeed made him that way. 都是贾马尔·阿尔·法耶德造成的Khalil, can you hear me? 哈里尔能听到吗Go ahead. 请说The operation is back on. 军事行动已恢复Copy that. How? 收到怎么做到的Sammy's mother, somehow she got General Said released. 塞米妈妈她把萨伊德将军弄出来了He will be there soon with his military. 他很快就带军队过来If you can hold off the Caliphate... 如果能拖住哈里发军队...We'll do what we can. Thank you. 我们会尽力而为谢谢Dad? 爸Sammy? 塞米Y eah. 是我Marwan, wrap this one more time. 马尔万再裹一圈Sammy, you have every right to be angry with me, but... 塞米你完全有理由冲我发气可是...I'm glad you're not here. 还好我没让你来这儿I'm not angry. 我不生气I just don't want to lose you a second time. 我只是不想再失去你一次Khalil, you need to see something. 哈里尔你得过来看看One second. 稍等一下I love you, Sammy. 我爱你塞米I love you, too. 我也爱你Dad... 爸...Dad? 爸Khalil! 哈里尔It's Ihab Rashid. 是伊哈卜·拉希德He's here. 他来这儿了Khalil! 哈里尔Or whoever you are! 不管你是谁I will trade your life 我要拿你的性命for the lives of the rest of your men! 和你手下的性命作交换So surrender yourself, Khalil! 快出来投降哈里尔I will spare them! 我就饶了他们Y ou have one minute! 给你一分钟I just got the message that the operation is back on. 我刚收到消息军事行动恢复了General Said's on his way. 萨伊德将军正在赶来If I go down there, I may be able to buy us some time. 我下去的话或许能争取点时间Don't even think about it. 想都别想‭W e need time for the General to get here. 我们需要时间等将军赶来And then what? 然后呢All of us, we're just soldiers. 我们大家都只是士兵Marwan is right. 马尔万说的没错30 seconds! 还有三十秒Look, if God is willing for us to survive this, 如果真主想让我们活下去we need a leader. 我们需要领导Y ou'll lead yourselves. 你们会领导自己I have faith in every one of you. 我对你们每个人都有信心No. No. No. Marwan. Marwan. 不不马尔万马尔万Marwan! 马尔万Here I am! 我在这I am Khalil! 我就是哈里尔Hold your fire! 别开枪Marwan, no! Marwan, no! 马尔万不马尔万不Don't dishonor his sacrifice. Let him go. 别让他白白牺牲让他去Stop! 停下Don't move. 不许动I am Khalil. 我是哈里尔Khalil. 哈里尔Y ou said you would spare my men. 你说过会放了我的人Y ou seem a little young to be the leader of men. 你作为领导人有点年轻啊My generation deserves the chance 我这代人有权利to determine its own future. 决定自己的命运Not one dictated by barbarians. 而不是受野蛮人摆布Y ou... killed my wife. 你杀了我妻子Y ou left her to die alone,让她一个人孤独死去bleeding on a floor. 失血过多而死And you call me a barbarian. 你还说我是野蛮人No, no, no. No, no. 别别别No, you look at me. 你看着我I want you to look me in the eyes 我割断你的喉咙时when I slit your throat. 你得看着我的眼睛Before your wife died... 在你妻子死前She said some things. 她说了些话Or maybe you'd rather cut my throat 或许你宁愿割了我的喉咙than hear what she said. 也不愿意听吧Tell me. 告诉我She asked... 她请求She begged... for God to forgive you 她乞求真主原谅你for what you've done. 原谅你的所作所为No. No. 不可能She said that you were once good, 她说你曾经是个好人but that the world had poisoned you. 但这个世界害了你She said that you were infected now. 她说你被蛊惑了That you were not liberating the people, 说你不是在解放人们you were destroying them. 而是在摧毁他们No. ‭不Samira knew... 萨米拉知道...She knew better than me what's needed to be done... 她比我更清楚哪些需要做And so I know that you... 所以我知道you are lying. 你在撒谎Y ou... are not... Khalil.你不是哈里尔We are all khalil. 我们都是哈里尔Khalil! 哈里尔Are you such a coward, Khalil?! 你是个懦夫吗哈里尔Sending a boy to do your job?! 派一个孩子替你送死This is Khalil? 这是哈里尔吗No. 不是No, but-but he is up there, 但他在那上面And he will come to me. Khalil! 他会下来的哈里尔Come down, or, I swear to God, 下来否则我向真主发誓I will cut this boy into little pieces! 我会把他碎尸万段Khalil! 哈里尔I told you to leave this alone.我说过别为此寻仇Take him away. 把他带走Y ou were right, Siddiq. 你说的没错西迪克We will not dishonor his sacrifice. 我们不会让他白白牺牲I am sorry, 对不起Abu Omar. 阿布奥马尔I overstepped my bounds. 我越界了Y es, you did. 是啊I should have consulted you first. 我本该先问过你And, uh, I won't make the same mistake again. 我不会再犯同样的错误了No, you won't. 对你不会再犯了Have you forgotten that you came to me, hmm? 你忘了是你来找的我吗Y ou enlisted me to front for the Caliphate.靠我为哈里发招募士兵Y ou need me, because I am from Abuddin-- you are not. 你需要我因为我是阿布丁人而你不是Naga, you know I'm right. 纳加你知道我没说错Come. 走吧What are you doing? 你这是干什么Abu... Abu Omar. Abu Omar! 阿布...阿布奥马尔Many of our fighters are loyal to him,我们的很多战士都忠于他especially from Ma'an. 特别是那些来自马安的Don't worry, commander. 别担心首领I will release him when he remembers who is in charge. 等他记起掌权的是谁我就放了他There's 20 more of them flanking us on the right! 右侧还有二十多敌军We have to fall back! 我们得撤退Cover me! 掩护我Come on! 快走Khalil, I need you here. 哈里尔这边需要你They're coming up the east flank. 他们从东侧上来了Naga, come, now! Go! 纳加快走Come on. 快点Have your men secure the landing strip. 让你的人守住跑道We have three C-130s coming in.-.. 我们还有三架C-130要过来Let's go. 我们走No! 不Abu Omar! 阿布奥马尔Abu Omar! 阿布奥马尔Abu Omar! 阿布奥马尔Send reinforcements to the oil fields. 派人增援油田That's their next target. 那是他们下一个目标Go to the oil field now. 立刻去油田Help! Help! 救命救命No, no, no, no, no! No! 不不不Y ou were right. 你说的没错I spent too much of my life enabling your father, 我这辈子花了太多时间为你父亲找借口standing by his side, even when I knew he was wrong... 甚至他做错时我也支持他Are you asking for my sympathy? 你在求我同情吗- No, I didn't... - ‭L ook around. -我没有-你四处看看Look at what you bought with that silence. 看看你用沉默换来的这一切Who could ever sympathize with you? 有谁能同情你呢Someone who could see inside my heart. 能看透我心的人So you're right. 你说得对No one. 没人能Okay, then. 那好吧I don't want anyone's sympathy. 我不是要任何人的同情I want to make things right, Ahmed. 我想改变现状艾哈迈德I've left your father. 我要离开你父亲了- What? - He can't know that now. -什么-现在不能让他知道这事That would be too dangerous. But... 那样太危险了可是...it's over. 一切都结束了Those are just words, Mother. 你不过说说而已母亲I freed Rami. 我释放了拉米I let him out of prison, 让他出了监狱gave him an army to fight alongside Bassam. 还给了他一支军队与巴萨姆并肩作战I committed treason. 我犯了叛国罪There's no going back. 回不了头了Mother... 母亲I didn't do it for me. 我这么做不是为了自己I don't know what will happen to us. 我不知道我们会怎样I don't know if God is still by our side, 我不知道真主是否会保佑我们but if he is, 可就算真主保佑我们if we prevail, none of this will mean anything 就算我们获胜如果你扭头离开if you walk away from this place. 这一切仍旧毫无意义Y ou woke me up, Ahmed. 你唤醒了我艾哈迈德My beautiful son. 我帅气的儿子Put aside your anger and let me do the same for you. 放下你的怒火让我为你做同样的事We've secured the base. 基地已经安全了I have Solomon moving our troops towards the oilfields.我已经让所罗门带部队朝油田进发With their air defenses down, 他们的防空能力已经被摧毁we'll have the aerial bombardment start this nightfall.今天黄昏我们就可以开始实施空袭I came here with 40 men and women, 我带着男女共四十人来这里and there are four of us left. 而现在只剩下我们四人Barely feels like a victory. 一点胜利的感觉都没有I'm sorry. 很遗憾I'm gonna go help with triage. 我要去帮忙救助伤员了Try and be a doctor again. 努力再做回一个医生And I'd like to see my son and talk to my wife. 而且我要去见我儿子和我妻子通话了Right. 好I'll take the war from here. 这场战争我接手了Okay. 好Hello? Hello? 喂喂Molly. 莫莉Barry. 巴里Is that really you? 真的是你吗It's really me. 真的是我Molly? 莫莉Oh, God, just keep talking, okay? 天呐继续说I just want to hear your voice. 我只想听听你的声音I'm alive, and it's over, and you did it. 我还活着已经结束了你做到了Y ou saved my life, the day... 你救了我救了这一天maybe even this country. 也许还拯救了这个国家I'll settle for you. 能救你我就很满足了Have you talked to Sammy? 你和塞米打过电话了吗Y eah. We've been on the phone practically this whole time. 打了这几个小时我们基本一直在通话He wouldn't hang up. 他不愿挂电话Okay. I'm gonna call him next. 好我接下来就打给他I want him to come and help me set up a field hospital.我要他来帮我建立个战地医院A way from the fighting? 远离前线吗Far away. 离得远远的No more war for me. 我不想再参与战争了I can meet you there if you want. I can help. 需要的话我也过去我能帮得上忙I'm gonna send the stable patients 我要把情况稳定的伤员back to the hospital in Asima, 送回阿斯玛的医院but they'll need doctors there. 但他们在那里还是需要医生Of course. 当然Just promise me you'll stay safe, okay? 答应我你们会一直安安全全好吗Y ou and Sammy? 你和塞米I promise. 我保证I want to see you so much. 我好想见你Me, too. 我也是Okay, I'm gonna go. 好了我要挂了I love you. 我爱你I'll call you again soon. 很快我会再打电话给你的Okay. 好Really soon, okay? 要快点I love you. 我爱你I love you. 我爱你Okay, I'll see you there. 好我们在那里见He just sat down with General Said.他刚刚和萨伊德将军汇合了They're making plans to move into Ma'an 正在计划进军马安to take back the city. 夺回城市I can't believe this. 我真不敢相信这是真的He did it. 他做到了Y eah... ‭we did it. 没错我们做到了- How did he sound? - ‭H e sounded good. -他听起来怎么样-他很好He sounded... strong. 声音听上去很强健And he's not hurt? 没受伤吗No. I don't think so. 没应该没受伤He's sending a helicopter for me to come join him. 他派直升机来接我去汇合That's good. 那就好That's so good. 太好了I told you. 我告诉过你的Y our father just takes time to grow into things. 你父亲只是需要点时间去适应Y eah. 是啊- Y eah. - ‭I'm going home. -是啊-我要回家了And see my sisters. 回去见我妹妹们Y ou can finally go back to Tal Jiza and find Ghani.你终于可以回塔奥吉扎去找加尼了Y es. Who knows how big he'll be. 没错都不知道他长得多高了I can't wait to see my mother's face when my father and I both 我都等不及看到我和父亲一起走进屋里时walk into the room at the same time. 我母亲脸上的表情了Y es, how wonderful. 没错太美好啊In our estimation, we-we have the resources 据我们估计哈里发军队来进攻阿斯玛时to withstand a Caliphate siege of Asima for 我们的资源能支撑two weeks, three at most. 两周最多三周Of course, if the Chinese government 当然了如果天朝政府responds to our latest request for aid, 回应我们最新的援助请求的话those numbers change. 数字就会有所不同Ah. Y ou are playing defense. 你这只是在计划防守However, we need a battle plan 而我们需要的是作战计划that turns the Caliphate attack on Asima 让哈里发国进攻阿斯玛这一战into their Waterloo.成为他们的滑铁卢之战No, no, no, no, no. 不不不Don't look at Mahmoud for answers, look at me. 不要看马哈茂德寻找答案就看着我I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in a meeting. 抱歉我不知道你正在开会What do you want now? 你们又想要干什么We have news, Jamal. 我们带来了消息贾马尔Good news. 好消息What game do you want to play now? 这回你又想玩什么把戏Leave me. I have no... no time for this. 别来烦我我没时间听这些Molly wasn't lying, earlier.之前莫莉没有撒谎Y ou didn't kill your brother. 你没有杀死你弟弟Oh, stop it. 别说了I'm investigating that. 我正在调查那事In any case, I don't want to go through this again. 无论如何我都不想再听一遍了Providence was on your side all along, Jamal. 真主一直都站在你这一边贾马尔Oh, really? 真的吗Then why God would punish us for something I didn't do? 那为何真主要为我没做过的事而惩罚我们呢No, you weren't being punished. 你并没有被惩罚Look around, Leila. 看看现在的情况莱拉Everything is devastation. 一切都完了What would you call it? 你要怎么解释呢Why is everyone plotting, lying... 为什么每个人都要密谋都要撒谎No one was plotting. 没人在密谋No one was lying. 也没有人撒谎Show him. 给他看Bassam left this for Sammy and Molly before the battle. 巴萨姆在战前留了这个给塞米和莫莉Once I joined the resistance, 我加入抵抗者时I knew that I couldn't be Khalil forever. 就知道我不可能永远都扮作哈里尔。



是一种衰减量能突变的可变衰减器,平时不引入衰减, 遇到外界干扰时,突然加大衰减。
由于射频/微波结构与频率有关,不同频段的元器件, 结构不同,也不能通用。
Z R / / RR Z 0 s 1 p s 2 0
对衰减器的要求是衰减量为 A=20lg|s21|(dB) 端口匹配10lg|s11|=-∞。
求解联立方程组就可解得各个阻值。 下面就是这种衰减器的设计公式:
R s1 1
1 R s 1 / R p 1/ Rp a11 a12 a 21 a 22
2 R s1 R / R p 1 R s1 / R p
s 21 s 12
2 ( a 11 a 12 a 12 a 21 ) a 11 a 12 a 21 a 22
A 10
2 Rp Z0 1 R s1 R s 2 Z 0
1 1
对于 П 型同阻式衰减器,取 Z1 Rs Rp1=Rp2 ,可以用上述 T 型同 阻式衰减器的分析和设计方 Rp1 法。 利用三个[ A ]参数矩阵相 A 乘的办法求出衰减器的[ A ] 1 0 10 参数矩阵,再换算成[ S ] 1 Rs Z0 矩阵,就能求出它的衰减量。 2
同阻式 异阻式
Z1、Z2是电路 输入端、输出 端的特性阻抗



目录第11集 (2)第12集 (19)第13集 (38)第14集 (52)第15集 (70)第11集There's this cage in hell,E011地狱里有个笼子and it's where they keep Lucifer, and I've been in it. 路西法被关在里面我也曾被关在里面I think god wants me to go back. 上帝好像想让我回到那里It wasn't God inside your head, Sam. 进入你头脑的并不是上帝萨姆It was me. 是我Y our brother's in hell... 你弟弟在地狱The darkness, she's the end of everything. 黑暗她可是万物的终结We can beat her. 我们可以打败她...With Lucifer. 和路西法一起Y ou want a vessel? 你想要皮囊- No. - Plan "B." -不-B计划Last words? 有遗言吗Can you really beat her? 你真的能打败她吗- I can. - Then, yes. -我可以-那么好Lucifer. 路西法The Darkness, what is she to you? 黑暗她对你来说算什么Y ou'll never hurt me. 你永远不会伤害我I'm sorry, Amara. 抱歉阿玛拉We're bound, Dean. 我们是联系在一起的迪恩- I told you. - We'll always be bound. -我告诉过你-我们会永远联系在一起I can't be resisted. 我是不可抗拒的That feeling that you have when you're with me, just bliss. 你跟我在一起时就会有的感觉是极乐Why wouldn't you want that? 你为什么不想那样Y ou and I will be together forever. 你和我将永远在一起{\an8}如今{\bord0\pos(190.8,208.646)\shad1.6\fad(360,380)\c&HC9C7C5&}爱尔兰科克郡\N三十年前Padraic? Oh, what are you doing? 帕德里克你干什么呢She loves this song. 她喜欢这首歌It's the only thing that will put her to sleep. 只有这个能哄她入睡Oh, besides... 再说This is our song. 这是我们的歌啊It's good to see you smiling, mo chuisle. 很高兴你又笑了亲爱的I'm trying, Maura. 我在努力莫拉I'm trying. 我在努力Do you hear that? 你听到了吗That would be our daughter. 那是我们女儿No. I hear... 不是我听到了...a scream. 尖叫声It's... 是...Hold on, Padraic! 撑着帕德里克Just hold on! 撑住Get it out of my head! 把它从我脑袋里弄出去Hold on! 撑住Get away from him! 离他远点No! 不It'll be okay, sweet. 没事了亲爱的It'll be o...kay. 不会有事的{\fs20\bord0\shad1\fad(500,500)\fn方正准圆_GBK\c&H24EFFF&}凶鬼恶灵\N{\fs17\c&HFFFFFF&}第十一季第十一集{\fn方正水柱_GBK\fad(150,145)\bord0\shad1.8\fs22\pos(192,239)\c&HD2D2D2&}探索神秘When your brother was trapped in purgatory, 你哥哥被困在炼狱里you were here with a girl and a dog. 你却在这儿泡妞逗狗Y ou can't win this, Sam. Y ou're just not strong enough. 你赢不了了萨姆你不够强大Y ou didn't even bother trying to find him. 你根本没努力去找他And I know that if you're gonna beat the Darkness, 我知道如果你想击败黑暗you have to be ready to watch the people you love die.你得准备好看着你所爱的人死去How long you been up? 你起来多久了I don't know. 我不知道Y ou okay? 你没事吧Y eah, I'm fine. 嗯没事Are you sure? 'cause you haven't left the bunker in days. 你确定吗你好几天没出地堡了I'm fine. 我没事Well, good. 'cause I think I found us a case. 好啊我好像找到件案子Harold Miller, 65. 哈罗德·米勒65岁A resident of Oak Park, an old folks' home, 橡树公园养老院的住户was found yesterday in his room with his head bashed in. 昨天被发现死在屋中头被打碎But get this... 但听好了the doors were locked and there was no sign of break-in. 门紧锁也没有闯入迹象Ghost? Demonic possession? 鬼恶魔附身I figure it's worth a look. What do you think? 我觉得值得一看你说呢Oh, and best part is, 最棒的是Oak Park is 15 minutes from here. 橡树公园离这儿就15分钟It's in our backyard. 就在我们附近And what about the Darkness? 黑暗怎么办What about Cass? We haven't heard from them. 小卡怎么办我们一直没他的消息Okay, first of all, we've got zero on Amara. 首先阿玛拉没有丝毫消息And Cass... Cass will be fine. 小卡不会有事的He always is. 他一向都没事All the parks in the world, 全世界那么多公园and I pick one with an angel in it.我偏偏选了个有天使的I saw you. Couldn't believe my eyes. 我看到你了简直不敢相信Well, believe them. 那就信吧It's beautiful out here, isn't it? 这里真美是吧It's funny. 有意思The things you think you're not gonna miss at all, 那些你以为自己根本不会想念的东西you end up missing the very, very most. 结果却是你最想念的Enjoy it while you can. 趁现在赶紧享受吧I come in peace, brother. 我没有恶意兄弟I am not your brother, Lucifer. 我才不是你的兄弟路西法Well, I'm not looking for a fight. 我不想打架In fact, I am your only hope at beating the Darkness. 事实上我是击败黑暗的唯一希望I heard you, uh... 我听说heard you kids had your big shot at the title,你们这帮熊孩子对她发起了攻击and you missed it. 结果没得手Y ou don't need to be afraid, brother. 不用害怕兄弟I am out of that awful, awful cage. 我已经离开了那个讨厌的笼子And I'm here to save you all.我是来拯救你们所有人的Lucifer ex machina. 战神路西法It cannot be destroyed. 她无法被毁灭But you can be! 但你可以That's the problem with you rank-and-file angels... 你们这些基层天使啊no vision. 毫无远见{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家接送服务{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家Seriously? 不是吧This place is an old folks' home? 这里是个养老院Looks awesome. 看上去好棒{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家早鸟特价今天就预定你的明天吧Maybe we ought to make a reservation. 或许我们该做个预约Y eah, we should be so lucky to live long enough. 能活那么久还好了As I told the police, 我跟警察说了I was walking by Harold's room, 我当时经过哈罗德的房间and I heard a loud banging noise. 听到了很响的撞击声And then I heard Harold yell from inside of his suite, 然后我还听到房间里的哈罗德大喊"Get it out of my head"" "把它从我脑袋里弄出去"So I knocked on the door and called to him. 所以我就敲门喊他And when he didn't reply, 但他没有回应I used my pass key to get into his room. 我就用了我的万能钥匙开门进去了That's when I saw him. He was on his back. 于是看到了他他躺着His skull was, um... 他的头well, there was a lot of blood. 反正流了很多血- And nobody else was in the room. - No. -当时房间里没有别人-没有The windows and doors were locked. 门窗紧锁I even checked the security logs. 我还查了安保记录Nobody was in or out of Harold's room all night. 整晚没人出入哈罗德的房间I don't really understand what could have happened. 我真不明白怎么会出这种事Hey, Mildred. 穆尔德Oh, good morning, Arthur. 早啊亚瑟This is Mildred, one of our residents. 这是穆尔德我们一位住户Good morning. 早上好Um, do you always work late at night? 你总工作到那么晚吗I've been, uh, staying here, actually. 其实我最近一直住在这里My wife left me. 我妻子离开了我Via text, if you can believe it... 还是用短信分的手能相信吗a whole series of emojis. 一连串的表情符号What did you do? 你怎么做的Oh, I didn't stand for that. Unh-unh. Fought fire with fire. 我可没忍着以火攻火了Sent her the poop emoji. 给她发了大粪符号表情Well, that's one way to fly. 这也是个办法I should have sent the heart. I can be so stupid. 我应该发心的我有时候好蠢I just wish she'd call me back. 真希望她回我电话Oh, no, no, I think you did the right thing. 不不我觉得你做得对Um, hey, listen... 听我说Since you've been staying here, uh, a lot, 由于你经常待在这里uh, have you noticed any strange... 你有注意到有什么奇怪的sounds, smells, uh, cold spots? 声音气味或冷点吗What? Uh, no. Why? 什么没有怎么了Oh, just routine questions. 这是例行问题Um, what about enemies? Harold have any enemies? 敌人呢哈罗德有什么敌人吗Actually... 其实he had quite a few. 他还有不少呢What the hell? 怎么回事Turns out Harold was stealing the other residents' viagra. 哈罗德在偷其他住户的伟哥I know. A real dick move, huh? 我知道真混"蛋" 是吧So I got an EMF hit in his room, 我在他房间检测到了电磁场but I got an EMF hit on pretty much every floor in the building. 不过几乎每层楼都能检测得到电磁场How many people died in this place? 这里死过多少人啊Arthur, the, uh... heartbroken manager, 亚瑟那个心碎的经理he gave me access to all the residents' files. 他让我查看了所有的住户档案This is everyone who has passed here. 这是所有在这里去世的人Now, uh... 看看this guy, Jake Townsend, had beef with Harold, 这家伙贾克·汤森跟哈罗德有仇but it wasn't over blue pills. 但不是为了小蓝药丸Jake filed a formal complaint against Harold? 贾克对哈罗德提出过正式投诉啊Y eah, apparently Harold was stealing his pension checks 嗯据称哈罗德在偷他的养老金支票and cashing them for himself. 自己去兑现Now, when Jake died, 贾克死后his family filed a civil suit against Harold,他家人向哈罗德发起了民事诉讼but it just got caught up in the courts 但结果在庭上纠缠and never went to trial.并没能进行庭审So maybe Jake stuck around as a vengeful spirit, 或许贾克作为复仇怨魂回来纠缠took matters into his own hands. 自己解决了问题All right. 好吧So where's Jake Townsend buried? 那么贾克·汤森葬在哪里{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}贾克·汤森挚爱的丈夫和父亲Dude? 哥们Oh, you got this. 你来吧Y ou got it. Y ou're doing great. 你来吧你做得很好So no retirement, huh? 不打算退休吗Hey, you're the one who's always wanted 是你一直打算to go out blaze of glory style... 英勇就义的Preferably while the Bon Jovi song is playing. 最好还有邦·乔维的音乐做背景乐I'm a candle in the wind. 我是《风中之烛》Y eah, but the way you said it, 是啊但你说得it was like that blaze of glory was gonna 好像英勇就义happen sooner rather than later. 会来得比较早Are you okay? 你没事吧No, I'm not, actually. Not at all.不其实我不好很不好Being so close to Lucifer again, that... 再次接近路西法brought stuff up. 让我回想起好多Stuff I thought I forgot about. 我以为已经忘记的事Y ou want to talk about it? 你想谈谈吗No. 不想Well, look. Lucifer is never getting out of that cage, ever. 听我说路西法从未出过那个笼子And you are never going back, period. 而你是永远不会回去了So...case closed. 所以这事到此结束And so is this one. 这个案子也结了Kind of nice being back on a case, huh? 又来查案感觉不错吧Get your mind off of things. 能换换心情Let's burn the bones so we can go home. 赶紧烧了骨头回家吧{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}橡树公园退休之家See you then. Okay. 回头见好Y ou up to some trouble, young lady? 你想惹麻烦吗小姑娘Always, Arthur. 总是的亚瑟Do you hear that? 你听到了吗No. Are you all right? 没有你没事吧It's okay. We've got backup generators. 没事我们有备用发电机- Really? Y ou can't hear that? - No. -不是吧你真没听到吗-没It's sounds like someone's screaming. 像是有人在尖叫What is that? 那是什么I don't see anything. 我什么都没看到Get it out of my head! 把它从我脑袋里弄出去Arthur, I don't hear anything! 亚瑟我什么都没听到啊Tell me what to do! 告诉我该做什么Oh, my god! 天呐Arthur! 亚瑟Arthur! 亚瑟Arthur! 亚瑟{\*}Arthur said he heard something, like a scream. 亚瑟说他听到了什么像是尖叫And did you hear anything? 你听到了吗I didn't hear a thing... 我什么都没听到Except the sound of Arthur bashing his head through that window. 只能听到亚瑟拿脑袋撞碎玻璃窗的声音He just wanted that noise to stop. 他只想让那声音停下He said, "Get it out of my head." 他说"把它从我脑袋里弄出去" Did you notice anything else, a drop in temperature? 你还注意到别的了吗气温下降No. But the power went out. 没有但断电了And when I looked through the broken window, 我从撞碎的窗户往外看时I saw something. 看到了什么What did you see, exactly? 具体是什么东西Y ou're not gonna believe me. They certainly didn't. 你不会相信我的他们是没信But I know what I saw. 但我知道我看到了什么This isn't my first brush with something like this. 我不是第一次接触这种东西了I saw a ghost 10 years ago. 我10年前就见过鬼Nobody believed me then, either. 当时也没人信我We believe you, Ms. Baker. 我们信你贝克女士Agent Osbourne, thank you. 奥斯本探员谢谢你I feel so much safer knowing the FBI is looking into this. 有联调局在调查我觉得安全多了Well, that's... 这...I'm just gonna need my hand back. 我得需要拿回我的手啊Okay. 好吧Ms. Baker, what did you see? 贝克女士你看到了什么It was a woman. 是个女人Long, flowing hair, 有长长的飘散的头发blood-red robes, sunken eyes, 血红的袍子深陷的眼睛and... and she was... 而且她在feeding on Arthur's head. 吃亚瑟的头I'm so sorry. Um, excuse me one second. 很抱歉失陪一下Please don't leave me, Agent Osbourne. 别离开我奥斯本探员No, no. We're not going anywhere. 不不我们不会离开的Excuse me. Ma'am? 打扰女士Ma'am? 女士Sorry. 抱歉Marlene, Special Agent Butler, FBI. 玛琳特别探员巴特勒联调局的Do you know anything 你知道about what happened with Arthur last night? 昨晚亚瑟的事吗Sorry. I wasn't working last night. 抱歉我昨晚没来上班Were you working the night Harold Miller died? 那哈罗德·米勒死的那晚呢All right. 好吧Thanks. 谢谢It's, um... "Thanks." 是"谢谢"Right, of course. Uh, sorry. 嗯当然抱歉I-I only know a little. 我就学过一点I-I took some back in college, but that was a while ago. 我大学时学过一点过去好久了Most people don't know any. 大部分人连一点都不知道呢I appreciate the trying. 多谢你努力I should probably, uh, get back. 我得继续了Y es. Uh, thank you. 嗯谢谢- Witness? - No. -证人吗-不是Okay. So, apparently, not a ghost. 好吧看来不是鬼No. No. Ghosts don't feed on busted-open heads. 不是鬼是不会吃爆开的人脑的Y eah. 嗯All right, I'll check with the coroner, 我去验尸官那里问问see if, uh, anything was missing from our first vic's brain. 看第一位被害人脑子里是否少了什么Fingers crossed it's zombies, 但愿是僵尸and we can get our "Walking dead" on. 我们就能《行尸走肉》一把了{\bord0\pos(190.8,218.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}不管是什么我们得查明白{\bord0\pos(190.8,235.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}赶在它下次进食之前Y eah, I got it. Okay, thanks again. 知道了好再次感谢So, according to the coroner, 据验尸官说part of Harold's frontal lobe was missing. 哈罗德部分前额叶不见了And that tracks with banshees. 这符合死亡女妖的特征Banshees? 死亡女妖I thought banshees were good. 死亡女妖不是好的吗The ones tied to fairy lore are. 仙女传说里的是好的They cry out as a warning to a victim's impending death. 他们的喊声是为警告那些将遭遇死亡的人But these guys... 但这些呢are malevolent banshees... total dick bags. 是坏死亡女妖一群混球They use their piercing scream to drive their prey crazy. 他们利用自己的尖叫逼疯猎物Forces the vics to crack open their own eggs, 逼迫被害人自己撞破大脑and then the banshees feed on the yolk. 然后死亡女妖就开吃了而且只有被害人能听到Oh, and he only people who can hear the banshee'sscreamare the vics. 死亡女妖的尖叫怪不得穆尔德什么都没听到Well, that would explain why Mildred didn't hearanything.Oh, and they, uh, travel through mist, 而且他们能穿雾而行which explains how they got into Harold's locked room. 所以就怪不得能进入哈罗德上锁的房间了And they only prey on the vulnerable.而且他们只以弱者为目标Harold did just have hip replacement surgery. 哈罗德刚做过髋关节置换手术And Arthur's wife just left him. 亚瑟的妻子刚离开了他Broken heart. 心碎了That's a kind of vulnerable, I guess. 这也算是"弱"吧They hunt the same place until it's picked clean. 他们在一个地带反复作案直到全吃干净And they only hunt at night, 而且只晚上出没so that just gives us a few hours to figure out who's next. 这样我们有几小时可以锁定下一个受害者Then how do we kill it? 我们怎么杀了它Gold blade. I don't have any in the trunk, 金刀后箱里可没带这个so I got to head back to the bunker and grab a couple. 所以我这就回地堡去拿几把来你留下查明这里谁是"弱者"Y ou stay here and figure out who in this place isvulnerable.Cass? 小卡What the hell are you doing, man? 你在干什么呢Hello, Dean. 你好迪恩Right, yeah. 嗯We don't hear from you for days, 我们好几天没你的信儿了Y ou show up, you start wrecking the joint. 你跑来就搞个天翻地覆I'm sorry. 抱歉Okay. W-what are you doing? 好吧你干什么呢Well, I'm... looking for a spell, 我在找一个咒语something to draw Amara out, but there's... 把阿玛拉引出来但是there's nothing. 毫无发现I had her in my sights. 我都看到她了She was hurt. I should have ended it. 她受伤了我本该了结一切Wait. What? 等等什么How? 怎么了结Well, I don't know. But there has to be something. 我不知道但肯定应该有办法的And how many more chances are we gonna get? 我们还能得到几次机会Y eah, I know. 是啊Saying you're gonna kill is one thing, but... 说要下杀手是一回事actually doing it's something totally different. 但真做又是另一回事了What do you mean? 什么意思I've had two shots at Amara. 我有两次杀阿玛拉的机会I struck out both times. 两次都没得手What are you talking about? 你说什么呢I don't even know where to start. 我都不知道从何说起Dean... 迪恩tell me everything. 全都告诉我Come in. 进来Oh, Agent Butler. 巴特勒探员啊- Well, please, do come in. - Sure. -请进吧-好Where's that partner of yours? 你的搭档呢Oh, he, um... he'll be back soon. 他...就回来Is this you? 这是你吗Y es, that was a long time ago. 嗯那是很久以前了Before I got so good-looking. 那时我还没这么好看呢{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}致敬佩茜·克莱恩Please, have a seat. 请坐吧Sure. 好- Like some tea? - Uh, no, thank you. -喝茶吗-不用了谢谢Ms. Baker? 贝克女士Please, Mildred. 叫我穆尔德吧Mildred. 穆尔德I need to be honest with you. 我必须跟你说实话My partner and I, we're not really FBI. 我和我搭档并非是联调局的We're brothers, and we hunt monsters. 我们是兄弟我们是猎魔人I knew it. I knew it! 我就知道我就知道I -- you two are too cute to be FBI agents. 你俩太帅了根本不像联调局探员And I knew that damn ghost I saw years ago was real. 我也知道我多年前看到的那个鬼是真的Does this, um... 你看这个Does this look familiar? 你看这个像吗Oh, my God, yes. 天哪是的- It's a banshee? - It is. -是个死亡女妖-是的Banshees scream at their victims, 死亡女妖会对被害者尖叫让他们自残然后再去吃他们的getting them to harm themselves, and then they feed ontheir --Brains. 脑子Right. 对Now, banshees prey on the vulnerable,死亡女妖捕食弱者so I checked out all of the residents' medical records, 所以我去查了所有的住户医疗记录and you have an atrial fibrillation,你患有心房纤颤which can be treated with meds. 可以用药物治疗But it means that -- 但这也意味着I'm vulnerable? 我是弱者Am I next? 下一个就是我吗My brother and I aren't gonna let that happen. 我和我哥哥不会让它得逞的We're gonna protect you, okay? 我们会保护你的好吗Y eah. 好Now, banshees only hunt at night, 死亡女妖只在夜晚捕猎so you're safe right now. 所以你现在很安全我们需要你趁现在多休息一下And we really need you to try and get some rest whileyou can.We'll be back. 我们会再过来的One more thing. 还有一件事Do you know a housekeeper named Marlene? 你认识一位叫玛琳的清洁工吗She's deaf. 她是聋子I think maybe you got your names mixed up. 你们大概是弄错了名字吧There is one person on staff named Marlene, 这里的确有位叫玛琳的员工but she's on vacation. 但她休假了Agent Butler, my granddaughter is deaf, 巴特勒探员我孙女也是聋子and I could really use some practice signing.我真心需要练习手语So if there is a staff member that's deaf, 如果真有员工是聋子I would love to talk to them. 那我会很想跟他们谈谈So would I. 我也想{\*}Dressing up as FBI to cover up your kills? 扮成联调局探员来掩盖你杀人的真相It's almost clever. 真是聪明呢Never met a banshee that could blend in.我还从没见过这么融入生活的死亡女妖Wait. What? 等一下什么I read your friend's lips. 我读出你朋友的唇语了"It's feeding time"" 该进食了No, no, no, you're mixed up! Y ou're mixed up. 不不你弄错了你弄错了W-we're not banshees. We're hunters. 我们不是死亡女妖我们是猎人It's my brother. W-we're all hunting the same thing here, 那是我哥咱们追捕的是同一样东西A-a banshee. 死亡女妖In -- in blood red robes, right? 穿着血红长袍对吧I swear. 我发誓Look, test me. Test me, please. 你验证一下试我一下吧See? 看吧Wait a minute. No. 等一下不要Thanks. 谢谢My name is Sam Winchester. 我叫萨姆·温彻斯特Eileen Leahy. 艾琳·莱希The banshee you're hunting... 你们追捕的那个死亡女妖...it killed my parents. 害死了我的父母Oh, God! ? 天呐A hunter found me in my crib, ears bleeding. 有个猎人在婴儿床上发现了我双耳流血Lillian O'Grady, this was hers. 莉莲·奥格雷迪这就是她的遗物She'd been tracking the banshee. 她一直在追捕那个死亡女妖Never found it, though. 但一直没找到So Lillian raised you. 这么说莉莲养大了你More like trained me. 应该说是训练了我She died when I was 16. 我16岁时她便去世了On the job? 猎魔时牺牲的Cancer. 癌症And you've been on your own ever since? 那之后你就一直一个人过吗I prefer working alone. 我喜欢单打独斗Trust issues. 信任问题Y eah. I know. 嗯我懂So, was your mom a hunter or a witch? 那么你妈妈是猎人还是女巫No. Her father was part of this secret organization.不是她父亲是个秘密组织的一员It's defunct now. 现在已经没了The men of letters? 记录者吗Y eah. 对How'd you know? 你怎么知道的My brother and I... 我和我哥哥we're like you. 我们跟你差不多We're legacies. 我们是传人I tried to kill her.我想杀了她的你们俩似乎通过血印联系在了一起Well, the two of you are connected somehow by themark.Y eah, no, it's, uh... it's more than that. 不没那么简单Attraction? 互相吸引吗Oh, Dean. 迪恩I know. 我知道I know. Okay? 我知道的Whatever it is, a... 不管是什么Attraction, connection... 吸引联系I got to tell you, man, it scares me. 我跟你讲真的吓到我了I don't know that I can stop it. 我不知道我能不能阻止它I don't know that I can resist it. 我都不知道我能不能抗拒它Hey, it scares me, too. 我也害怕But we will find out what this is, I promise. 但我们会查个明白的我保证In the end, it may help draw her out. 最终这或许能帮我们引她出来This could be a good thing. 这或许是好事- Sam? - Dean, look up Edward Durbin II. -萨姆-迪恩查一下爱德华·德宾二世- Wait. What? - In the men of letters' files. -等一下什么-在记录者的档案里Oh, son of a bitch. She ain't lying.该死的她没说谎According to the men of letters' records, 根据记录者的档案记载Edward Durbin II was inducted in 1939, 爱德华·德宾二世于1939年加入part of a small delegation that was sent to Europe. 是被派往欧洲的一小支代表团的一员Right. 好吧{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\fad(0,0)\c&HC9C7C5&}另一个我要了{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\fad(0,0)\c&HC9C7C5&}高个子归你了Y eah, her father had just lost his job. 嗯她父亲当时刚失了业He had a nervous breakdown. 他当时精神崩溃了- So, he was vulnerable. - Right. -那他是弱者喽-没错And her mom only knew some basic spells. 而她妈妈只知道一些基本的咒语She used one to banish the banshee, 她用了一个咒驱逐了死亡女妖{\bord0\pos(190.8,220.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}我现在没力气登山了saved Eileen's life.救了艾琳一命Dean, the banshee we're hunting 迪恩我们在追捕的死亡女妖{\bord0\pos(190.8,236.646)\shad1.6\c&HC9C7C5&}你确定你不想两个一起要吗is the same one that killed Eileen's parents. 就是杀了艾琳父母的那个A wesome. 真棒All right. What's the plan? 好吧有什么计划Well, we're gonna use the same Celtic spell eileen used to trap me. 我们要用艾琳用来困住我的那个凯尔特咒语When the banshee comes for Mildred tonight, 等今晚死亡女妖来找穆尔德时we trap it. 我们就困住它And we hit it with gold. 然后用金子杀了它Right. 没错I don't like using Mildred as bait. 我不喜欢把穆尔德当成诱饵Are you worried about her? 你在担心她吗So does this mean she has a shot? 这是不是意味着她真有机会Well, I always did have a thing for Blanche on "Golden girls." 我确实喜欢《黄金女郎》里的{\u1}布兰奇{\u0}{\fn微软雅黑\b1\fs14\3c&H000000&\shad1\bord0} {\an9}该角色形象和本集的穆尔德相似Seriously? 真的吗Hey, don't judge what you don't understand, Sammy. 别对自己不了解的东西评头论足萨姆No, I'm -- I'm not judging. 我没在评头论足I-I just always had a thing for Sophia. 我只是一直喜欢索菲亚Y eah, I could see that. 是啊我看得出来Look, I don't like using anyone as bait. 听着我不想把任何人当成诱饵But this is all we got. 但我们只能这么办I'm on my way. 我这就来Cass, I got to get back to Sam. 小卡我得赶回萨姆身边Listen, about what we talked about, 听着我俩谈的事let's just keep that between you and me... 在我们了解更多情况前...till we know more, okay? 先别和别人说好吗Dean, that's not -- 迪恩那可不...Cass, just...trust me. 小卡相信我就好All right. 好吧But the next time you face Amara, 但下次你面对阿玛拉时you won't be alone. 你不会孤身一人了Thanks, Cass. 谢了小卡{\an8\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}关闭清洁中Not bad. 不错嘛All right. 好了I guess all we have to do now is, uh... 我猜现在我们只需要...Wait. 等着Y eah. 没错Eileen? 艾琳Y ou okay? 你还好吧I'm nervous. 我很紧张If this really is the banshee I've been looking for... 假如这真是我在追踪的那个死亡女妖...Eileen, in my experience... 艾琳以我的经验来看... Revenge is not all it's cracked up to be. 复仇并没有人们说得那么好Killing this banshee 杀死这个死亡女妖is not gonna bring your parents back. 并不能带回你的父母I never met them. 我从没见过他们They're just pictures to me. 他们对于我而言只是几张照片But... 但是...they're family. 他们是亲人My family. 我的亲人I understand. Believe me.我懂的相信我But after you get your revenge, then what? 但复仇之后呢又该怎么办I have no idea. 我不知道My mother was a lawyer. 我妈妈是个律师Be nice to follow in her footsteps. 能追随她的脚步就挺好I was studying law at Stanford 我哥哥来找我去复仇时我正在斯坦福读法律when my brother came and got me so we could get ourrevenge.Y ou've been hunting together ever since? 你俩从那之后就一直一起猎魔了吗Y eah. I-I wouldn't do this without my brother. 是啊没有我哥哥的话我不会干这行的He's had my back every step of the way. 他一直都在罩着我Even when I let him down. 就算我让他失望时他也如此Eileen, this is my brother, Dean Winchester. 艾琳这是我哥哥迪恩·温彻斯特Dean, this is Eileen Leahy. 迪恩这是艾琳·莱希Eileen, it's good to meet you. 艾琳很高兴认识你So you're a... a legacy, too. 那么你也是一个...传人I guess so, yeah. 我猜是的Uh, right, well. 对了Let's see here. 我看看There's one for you. 这是给你的And I'm guessing you already have one. 我猜你已经有一把了Uh, guess we got an extra one for Mildred. 那我们就有多余的一把给穆尔德了Where's Mildred? 穆尔德去哪了Agent! 探员- I'm glad you're back. - Y eah. -真高兴你回来了-是啊I feel safer already. 我已经觉得安全多了Come here. I want to show you something. 过来我想给你看点东西Well, come on and sit down. 过来坐下嘛I'm not gonna bite. Never really was my thing. 我又不咬人我一直不太喜欢那套Okay. 好吧I have the same view from upstairs. 我在楼上也能看到同样的景色West-facing rooms, they cost extra. 面西的房间要额外收费Y ou know, you got to pay for the view. 你得为这景色付钱It's not bad. 挺不错的Not bad. 不错Honey, it's almost as gorgeous as you are. 美人这景色几乎和你一样美了Y ou know, tell me something. 告诉我When's the last time you watched a sunset 你上一次看着落日而不用担心without waiting for something to go bump in the night? 夜里有什么东西冒出来是什么时候的事了Y ou should try it sometime. 你该找机会试试Y eah. 是啊I just hope this one isn't my last. 我只希望这不会是我最后一次I mean, does this stuff really work? 这些东西真的能起作用吗A banshee shows up and... you cut your hand 死亡女妖出现...你就把手割破and slap it on one of those things, 按在那些符号上and it gets trapped. 然后它就被困住了I mean, is this actually something that happens? 真的能行吗Y ep. 能行And then it gets one of these. 然后它就会挨上一刀Mildred...everything's gonna be fine. 穆尔德...一切都会没事的Okay? 好吗Tell me something. 告诉我What did you do before you retired? 你退休之前是做什么的I was in a Patsy Cline tribute band. 我是一支佩茜·克莱恩翻唱乐队的- No. - I'm deadly serious. -不会吧-没错Y ou ever miss life on the road? 你怀念在路上的日子吗Nah. Nah, I had my fun. 不不我玩够了。




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流浪羊大糖第十一集 童话连载故事

流浪羊大糖第十一集 童话连载故事


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豪斯医生第一季全部病例第一集神经猪囊虫病第二集因母亲没有注射疫苗引起的婴儿期麻疹发作第三集秋水仙素中毒第四集埃可病毒第五集铜过敏节育环脱落引起第六集Wilson病第七集非洲睡眠症性途径传播第八集衣服上速灭磷中毒第九集动静脉畸形第十集狂犬病第十一集白蚁引发萘中毒第十二集镉中毒大麻种植土地引起第十三集麻风病第十四集吐根(使人呕吐的药)中毒第十五集乌氨酸转氨嫁酰酶缺乏症第十六集柯兴综合征(脑垂体瘤皮质醇增多症)第十七集苯妥英(癫痫药)中毒第十八集小细胞肺癌第十九集怀孕引起血小板减少性紫癜第二十集急性骨髓炎第二十一集演讲第二十二集急性间歇性血卟啉病豪斯医生第二季全部病例第一集嗜铬细胞瘤第二集海马状突起附近血栓第三集鹦鹉热第四集胰岛母细胞增生第五集放射性污染第六集慢性胸腺瘤造成的重症肌无力第七集棘球绦虫囊肿第八集chase医疗事故第九集产气荚膜梭状芽胞杆菌第十集实验性手术,双侧大脑扣带回烧灼术治疗躁郁症(周期性情绪波动)引起的后遗症第十一集避孕药导致的肝细胞腺瘤第十二集戒烟药物引起的血清素失调第十三集男性假两性畸形第十四集淋病导致死亡,心脏移植第十五集二氯化锡和硫代苹果酸金钠联合下毒第十六集壁虱第十七集Erdheim Chester症(多发性骨硬化性组织细胞增生症)第十八集黑死病第十九集疱疹性脑炎第二十集(上)阿巴米原虫感染第二十集(下)阿巴米原虫感染第二十二集乳糜泻第二十三集接合菌病第二十四集House的幻觉第三季第一集下丘脑调节障碍第二集试管婴儿引起的嵌合现象,一人两套DNA第三集淀粉样A蛋白第四集浣熊蛔虫寄生第五集血管神经性水肿第六集小细胞肺癌引起的旁肿瘤神经症候群第七集破碎红纤维综合症第八集慢性肉芽肿疾病第九集红细胞生成性原卟啉症第十集朗格汉斯组织细胞增生症合并成人斯蒂尔症第十一集脑脊髓膜瘤第十二集门诊病历第十三集牙签在体内造成脏器出血第十四集裂头绦虫吸收维生素B12 因病人对疼痛不明感而没有察觉第十五集右脑死亡,钢琴天赋第十六集动静脉畸形造成的遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症第十七集27周婴儿子宫内的先天性囊腺瘤样畸形手术第十八集因潜水引起的高空症第十九集父亲使用伟哥引起孩童体内睾丸激素激增第二十集胸罩挂钩划伤引起的葡萄球菌感染第二十一集细胞孢浆菌感染治愈后的骨髓移植第二十二集吞服清洁剂烧伤引起的感染串行第二十三集血色沉着病第二十四集冠状窦口增多引起的炎症第四季第一集地震伤害引起面部毁容,医治错人引起的输血问题第二集林岛综合症第三集诊断为线虫,但是药物被导盲犬吃掉后,误导医生的诊断第四集麦角中毒第五集附红细胞体病第六集诊断为中暑,实习医生利用铊下毒后用维生素C治疗,证实维生素C可以治疗脊柱灰质炎第七集莱姆病第八集狼疮引起血型化验错误第九集因吸毒,自身免疫系统损伤,引起的麻疹第十集乳腺组织异位第十一集脚趾骨折,骨髓流入血液引起的脂肪栓塞第十二集肾下垂第十三集南美洲锥虫病第十四集过敏性血管炎第十五集(上)蛇蝎女因车祸肾脏损伤,不能代谢感冒药的有害成分致死第十五集(下)蛇蝎女因车祸肾脏损伤,不能代谢感冒药的有害成分致死第五季第一集扩散瘤型麻风第二集器官移植引起的视周神经损伤第三集抗酸剂引起的人体形成牛黄类物质第四集出生时绣花针拍入囟门(企图杀害),成年后发病第五集干燥综合症第六集家族性地中海热第七集氯气中毒第八集铁过量、急性早幼粒细胞白血病第九集沃斯特克氏症第十集遗传性粪卟啉病第十一集产后三周子痫发作第十二集病灶在睾丸的癫痫第十三集动脉导管未闭第十四集子宫内膜异位症第十五集遗传性维-奥二氏综合症第十六集能量饮料引起的脱水第十七集道奇波特综合症第十八集阑尾癌第十九集钩端螺旋体病第二十集(男)心脏性芽生菌病(女)内脏利什曼病第二十一集孢子丝菌病第二十二集结节病第二十三集心肌性淋病第二十四集丙二醇中毒第六季第一二集House戒毒第三集法布里氏病第四集芽生菌第五集颅内浆果状动脉瘤第六集血色素沉着病患者感染创伤弧菌第七集肠外克罗恩氏病第八集血栓性血小板减少性紫癜合并右美沙芬成瘾第九集Wilson的病例第十集Hughes-stovin 休-斯二氏综合症第十一集Wilsons氏症第十二集副肿瘤综合症第十三集Cuddy忙碌的一天第十四集惠普尔氏病第十五集小脑血吸虫病迟发型过敏第十六集神奇的一天第十七集毒芹毒性混合代谢类固醇服用过量第十八集蜜蜂叮咬引起过敏性紫癜第十九集基亚里畸形症第二十集House回忆病例刺青墨水引发过敏反应第二十一集废墟救援第七季第一集House&Cuddy 蟾蜍卵第二集镰状细胞第三集外伤性脊髓空洞症第四集精神分裂症药物副作用第五集小细胞肺癌合并黑素瘤的母亲遗传给婴儿第六集使用甲肝病毒治疗丙肝第七集立克次氏体痘第八集颞叶损伤第九集成人水痘第十集混合型卟啉病第十一集钴中毒第十二集麦克劳德综合症第十三集豌豆进入气管第十四集冷诱发性自体发炎综合症穆-韦二氏综合症第十五集葡萄球菌感染第十六集巴尔通体菌感染,造成动脉壁微血管瘤第十七集成人型雷弗素姆病第十八集(男)Q细菌感染,(女)埃莱尔-当洛综合症第十九集淋巴肉瘤第二十集畸胎瘤第二十一集(男)血管瘤造成神经异常生长,(女)斑蟊素中毒第二十二集肝脏破裂导致内阿米巴蜀虫被释放,加速肝脏损伤第二十三集瓦格纳氏肉芽肿【下载本文档,可以自由复制内容或自由编辑修改内容,更多精彩文章,期待你的好评和关注,我将一如既往为您服务】。


























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第十一集chasm [ˈkæzəm] n.裂口;断层▼一男讲词▼正是“cha s m”简化之后创造了“gap-裂口”confound混淆confuse混淆chaste [t∫eist] adj.贞洁的,纯洁的▼一男讲词▼词源不明。

chide [t∫aid] v.斥责▼一男讲词▼“chide-斥责”或与“child-孩子”同源——斥责“孩子”。

联想:“chide”类似汉语拼音“斥责[chize]”farce [fɑːs] v.(在演讲中)穿插n.闹剧,笑话▼一男讲词▼“farce-穿插”与“fence-剑”——“剑”引申为“穿插”。


▼中西悟语▼“加”两个段子,“兑”个笑话,“兑水”,“干货”gash [gæ∫] n.深长的切口▼一男讲词▼ga-gap-裂口,sh-深——深口knack [næk] n.诀窍▼一男讲词▼“knack”来自“knock-敲”——想到窍门时会敲一下脑袋▼中西悟语▼“有了!”marrow[ˈmærəu] n.骨髓;精华▼一男讲词▼词源不明。

martial [ˈmɑː∫əl] adj.军事的;好战的▼一男讲词▼Mars-战神,ial-的——军事的March-三月,行军Mars战神War-战争shuffle [ˈ∫ʌfl] n./v.搅乱,混合;拖曳;洗牌▼一男讲词▼shuf=shove-乱推,f-无义,le-多次——往一起推——洗牌、混合shove乱推shave第十二集acquiesce [ˌækwiˈes] vi.默许;勉强同意▼一男讲词▼ac-加强语气,quies=quiet-平静,ce-无义——安静,“默”许▼中西悟语▼“默”许;“您不说话就是答应了?”befuddle [biˈfʌdl] vt.使迷惑;使酒醉昏迷,使迷糊▼一男讲词▼fuddle-[ ♐✈♎●]vt.灌醉, 使迷糊, 使烂醉“fuddle”谐音“放倒”——灌醉chore [t∫ɔː] n.零工,杂务▼一男讲词▼chare [♦☞☪☜] v.打杂干零工n.杂务女佣(演变自“care-关心、用心、照料”)deprecate [ˈdeprikeit] v.反对,抗议▼一男讲词▼de-反义,prec-prey-祈祷,ate-后缀curse-诅咒crosshazy [ˈheizi] adj.有薄雾的;模糊的▼一男讲词▼hare-野兔。

gray-灰的obtrude [əbˈtruːd] v.打扰;强行;突出▼一男讲词▼intrude-闯入,侵入extrude-突出,伸出obtrude-强迫,冲出reconnaissance [riˈkɔnisəns] n.侦察,搜索▼一男讲词▼reconnais-recognize-再认识,ance-后缀cogn-认识co-共同gn-knowsinge [sində] v.烧焦,烤焦;损害▼一男讲词▼cind-词根:灰cinder灰烬cinderella灰姑娘venerable [ˈvenərəbl] adj.值得尊敬的▼一男讲词▼ven=win-胜利的、赢的,erable-能的——能赢得尊敬的第十三集acquit [əˈkwit] vt.宣告无罪;卸除义务和责任;还清(债务)▼一男讲词▼ac-加强语气,quit-离开——离开法庭、可以走了——无罪“quit”与“quite-十分、非常”有关——十分了,完成了,就可以离开了acrimonious [ˌækriˈməunjəs] adj.严厉的;辛辣的▼一男讲词▼acr=a n gl e,mony=many-很多,ious-的impeccable [imˈpekəbl] adj.没有缺点的, 不会做坏事的▼一男讲词▼im-否定,pecky-有斑的,able-的——无瑕的pecker-啄木鸟beak-鸟嘴,喙peak-山峰mason [ˈmeisn] n.泥瓦工,石工▼一男讲词▼ma=make-制作,son-后缀——泥瓦工▼中西悟语▼工——作petal [ˈpetl]n.花瓣▼一男讲词▼pet=ex pa n d-膨胀,al-的——花骨朵膨胀成花瓣。

▼中西悟语▼含苞待放petulant [ˈpetjulənt] adj.易怒的,脾气坏的▼一男讲词▼pet-宠物,爱抚;生气,发脾气,ulant-的——易怒的skeleton [ˈskelitən] n.骨架;轮廓▼一男讲词▼skel-shell-壳,et-小的,on-bonesketch [sket∫] n./ v.概要;素描;勾画▼一男讲词▼“sketch”简写自“ske le t on”——概要▼中西悟语▼“骨架”throb [θrɔb] n/vi.跳动▼一男讲词▼词源不明。

velocity [viˈlɔsəti] n.速率;周转率▼一男讲词▼“vel-”简写自“w h e e l-车轮,转”,ocity-模仿celerity-速度——周转率vendor [ˈvendɔː] n.小贩▼一男讲词▼vent-词根:走,or-后缀▼中西悟语▼“沿街叫卖”wiggle [ˈwi g l] v.摆动,扭动▼一男讲词▼“wig”摘取自“wi n g-翅膀”,le-多次反复——摆动,左右扭第十四集adage [ˈædidʒ] n.格言;谚语▼一男讲词▼ag-词根:做,act-bellow [ˈbeləu] v.吼,大声叫▼一男讲词▼“bell-钟”——大声音——叫,“bell”或与“bark-狗吠”有关易混below-底下chubby [ˈt∫ʌbi] adj.圆胖的,丰满的▼一男讲词▼chub-白鲑carp鲤鱼baby▼中西悟语▼白、胖、丰满chum [t∫ʌm] n.密友,室友vi.结为密友▼一男讲词▼chamber房间,室campus大学校园roommate n.同屋者, 室友emblem [ˈembləm] n.徽章;象征▼一男讲词▼“emblem”简写自“symbol n.符号, 象征”hexagon[ˈheksəgən] n.六边形,六角形▼一男讲词▼hex-six-六,agon=angle-角semi-半hemi-半inextricable[inˈekstrikəbl] adj.无法摆脱的▼一男讲词▼extricate[ ]vt.使解脱, 救出extract-拔出,抽出odious [ˈəudjəs] adj.可憎的,丑恶的▼一男讲词▼odor-气味,名声——有气味的——可憎的。

odor [ˈəudə] n.气味,味道▼一男讲词▼“od”简写自“old”,or-后缀——东西老了、时间长了会出味▼中西悟语▼“老人味儿”,时间长了“馊”了。

redeem [riˈdiːm] v.买回,赎回;还清▼一男讲词▼red=re-往回,empty-空了,清了redolent [ˈredəulənt] adj.芳香的;有某种浓烈气味的▼一男讲词▼red-红、花,ol-词根:闻,ent-的—芳香的slanderous [ˈslɑːndərəs] adj.诽谤的,中伤的▼一男讲词▼slander-scandal-丑闻,ous-的scandalscar-刀疤slant [slænt] n.斜面vt.使倾斜▼一男讲词▼“slant-斜面”与“slide-滑动”同源。


whit [whit] n.一点▼一男讲词▼bit小块little 一点whittle [ˈhwitl] v.切,削▼一男讲词▼w-无义,hit-打——削、切。


第十五集clemency [ˈklemənsi] n.温和,仁慈,和蔼▼一男讲词▼clem=cline-词根:倚靠,ency-后缀——可以依靠的——温和、仁慈。


enervate[ˈenəveit] vt.削弱,使失去活力▼一男讲词▼e-出来,nerv-神经,精神,ate-后缀nervous-紧张的flabby [ˈflæbi]adj.软弱的,没有力气的▼一男讲词▼flap-垂下物(与“飞”相关)clap-鼓掌(与“和”相关)slap-掌击(与“啪”相关)graft [græft] v.嫁接▼一男讲词▼graph-词根:写imperative [imˈperətiv]n.命令,诫命adj.强制的;紧急的▼一男讲词▼empire帝国,帝权pare-剥、削pear 梨▼中西悟语▼削梨。

implement [ˈimplimənt] n.工具v.实现,执行▼一男讲词▼imple-employ-雇佣,用,ment-后缀mildew [ˈmildjuː] n.霉v.生霉▼一男讲词▼mil-meal-食物,dew-露水——食物湿了之后——生霉。


pinnacle [ˈpinəkl] n.顶峰,顶点▼一男讲词▼pine-松树pin-大头针,acle-后缀particle点,粒子pith [piθ]n.(植物的)木髓, 骨髓, 重要部分, 核心,▼一男讲词▼词源不明。

path-词根:情感skull [skʌl] n.头颅,头骨▼一男讲词▼“skull”音变自“shell”。


slab [slæb] n.厚板▼一男讲词▼“slab-厚板”与“slice-薄片”反义模仿slur [sləː] v.诽谤n.污点▼一男讲词▼slander+blur-涂污scandal丑闻blear-模糊clear-清楚terse [təːs] adj.简洁的▼一男讲词▼词源不明。

vertex [ˈvəːteks] n.顶;天顶;最高点▼一男讲词▼“vertex”演变自“vertical垂直的,顶点的”over-顶上vertigo[ˈvəːtigəu] n.眩晕,头晕▼一男讲词▼vert-词根:旋转,i-连接,go-走——转圈走——晕warp [wɔːp] v.翘起;弄弯n.弯曲▼一男讲词▼“war”谐音汉语“wan-弯”,p-无义——弯第十六集admonish [ədˈmɔni∫] vt.劝告,训诫;警告▼一男讲词▼ad-加强语气,monish=monitor-班长——班长“提醒”学生。

devour[diˈvauə] v.吞没,狼吞虎咽▼一男讲词▼de-加强语气,vour-嘴——吞没。

carnivore食肉动物“pore-嘴、孔”port-港口▼中西悟语▼“吞”impromptu [imˈprɔmptjuː] n即席演出adj.即席的adv.即席地,未经准备地▼一男讲词▼im-否定,pro-提前,mptu-mp3——不是提前准备的mp3——即兴曲。
