The Digital Body Development System




3C(China Compulsory Certification,中国强制性产品认证制度)3D(Three Dimensional,三维)3DCG(3D computer graphics,三维计算机图形)3DNow!(3D no waiting,无须等待的3D处理)3DPA(3D Positional Audio,3D定位音频)3DS(3D SubSystem,三维子系统)3GIO(Third Generation Input/Output,第三代输入输出技术)AA(Accuview Antialiasing,高精度抗锯齿)AAC(Advanced Audio Compression,高级音频压缩)AAM(AMD Analyst Meeting,AMD分析家会议)AAM(Automatic Acoustic Management,自动机械声学管理)AAS(Automatic Area Segments)AAT(Average access time,平均存取时间)ABB(Advanced Boot Block,高级启动块)ABP(Address Bit Permuting,地址位序列改变)ABP(Advanced Branch Prediction,高级分支预测)ABS(Auto Balance System,自动平衡系统)A-Buffer(Accumulation Buffer,积聚缓冲)AC(Acoustic Edge,声学边缘)AC(Audio Codec,音频多媒体数字信号编解码器)AC-3(Audio Coding 3,第三代音响编码)AC97(Audio Codec 97,多媒体数字信号解编码器1997年标准)ACCP(Applied Computing Platform Providers,应用计算平台提供商)ACG(Aggressive Clock Gating,主动时钟选择)ACIRC(Advanced Cross Interleave Reed - Solomon Code,高级交叉插入里德所罗门代码)ACOPS(Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention System(CPU过热预防系统)ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,先进设置和电源管理)ACR(Advanced Communications Riser,高级通讯升级卡)ACS(Access Control Software,存取控制软件)ACT(Action,动作类游戏)AD(Analog to Digitalg,模拟到数字转换)ADC(Analog to Digital Converter,模数传换器)ADC(Apple Display Connector,苹果专用显示器接口)ADI(Adaptive De-Interlacing,自适应交错化技术)ADIMM(advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules,高级双重内嵌式内存模块)ADIP(Address In Pre-Groove,预凹槽寻址)ADSL(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line,不对称数字订阅线路)ADT(Advanced DRAM Technology,高级内存技术)AE(Atmospheric Effects,大气雾化效果)AE(Auto Focus,自动测光)AES-OCB(Advanced Encryption Standard-Operation Cipher Block,高级加密标准-操作密码块)AF(Auto Focus,自动对焦)AFC media(antiferromagnetically coupled media,反铁磁性耦合介质)AFC(Advanced Frame Capture、高级画面捕获)AFC(Amplitude-frequency characteristic,振幅频率特征)AFE(Analog Front End,模拟前置)AFM(Atomic Force Microscope,原子力显微镜)AFR(Alternate Frame Rendering,交替渲染技术)AG(Aperture Grills,栅条式金属板)AGBS(Advance GameBoy development System,高级GameBoy发展系统)AGC(Anti Glare Coatings,防眩光涂层)AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port,图形加速接口)AGPS(Assisted Global Positioning System,援助全球定位系统)AGTL+(Assisted Gunning Transceiver Logic,援助发射接收逻辑电路)AGU(Address Generation Units,地址产成单元)AH(Authentication Header,鉴定文件头)AHA(Accelerated Hub Architecture,加速中心架构)AI(Artificial Intelligence,人工智能)AIMM(AGP Inline Memory Module,AGP板上内存升级模块)AIS(Alternate Instruction Set,交替指令集)AL(Additive Latency,附加反应时间)AL(Artificial Life,人工生命)ALAT(advanced load table,高级载入表)ALDC(Adaptive Lossless Data Compression,适应无损数据压缩)ALU(Arithmetic Logic Unit,算术逻辑单元)Aluminum(铝)AM(Acoustic Management,声音管理)AMC(audio/modem codec,音频/调制解调器多媒体数字信号编解码器)AMR(Audio/Modem Riser,音效/调制解调器主板附加直立插卡)An isotropic Filtering(各向异性过滤)ANSI(American National Standards Institute,美国国立标准协会)AOI(Automatic Optical Inspection,自动光学检验)AOL(Alert On LAN,局域网警告)APC(Advanced Power Control,高级能源控制)API(Application Programming Interfaces,应用程序接口)APIC(Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller,高级可编程中断控制器)APM(Advanced Power Management,高级能源管理)APPE(Advanced Packet Parsing Engine,增强形帧解析引擎)APS(Alternate Phase Shifting,交替相位跳转)APS(Audio Production Studio,音频生产工作室)APU(Audio Processing Unit,音频处理单元)APX(All Position eXpansion,全方位扩展)AR(Auto-Resume,自动恢复)ARC(Anti Reflect Coating,防反射涂层)ARF(Asynchronous Receive FIFO,异步接收先入先出)ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析协议)ARPG(Action Role Play Games,动作角色扮演游戏)ARR(Annual Return Rate,年返修率)ASB(Advanced System Buffering,高级系统缓冲)ASC(Advanced Size Check,高级尺寸检查)ASC(Anti Static Coatings,防静电涂层)ASC(Auto-Sizing and Centering,自动调效屏幕尺寸和中心位置)ASCI(The 10-year Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative,领先10年战略加速计算机)ASCII(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国国家标准信息交换代码)ASD(Auto Stereoscopic Display,自动立体显示)ASF(Advanced Streaming Format,高级数据流格式)ASF(Alert Standards Forum,警告标准讨论)ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit,特殊应用积体电路)ASIO(Audio Streaming Input and Output interface,音频流输入输出接口)ASK IR(Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red,长波形可移动输入红外线)ASMO(Advanced Storage Magneto-Optical,增强形光学存储器)ASP(Active Server Pages,活动服务页)ASP(Application Service Provider,应用服务提供商)ASPI(Advanced SCSI Programming Interface,高级SCSI可编程接口)AST(amorphous-silicon TFT,非晶硅薄膜晶体管)AST(Average Seek time,平均寻道时间)AT(Advanced Technology,先进技术)ATA(Advanced Technology Attachment,高级技术附加装置)ATAPI(AT Attachment Packet Interface,AT扩展包接口)ATC(Access Time from Clock,时钟存取时间)ATC(Advanced Transfer Cache,高级转移缓存)ATD(Assembly Technology Development,装配技术发展)ATL(ActiveX Template Library,ActiveX模板库)ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode,异步传输模式)ATM(Automatic Teller Machine,自动提款机)ATOMM(Advanced super Thin-layer and high-Output Metal Media,增强形超薄高速金属媒体)ATP(Active to Precharge,激活到预充电)ATRAC(Adaptive TRansform Acoustic Coding,可适应转换声学译码)ATSC(Advanced Television Systems Committee,高级电视系统委员会)ATX(AT Extend,扩展型AT)AUD_EXT(Audio Extension,音频扩展)AUX(Auxiliary Input,辅助输入接口)AV(Analog Video,模拟视频)AV(Audio & Video,音频和视频)AVG(Adventure Genre,冒险类游戏)AVI(Audio Video Interleave,音频视频插入)B Splines(B样条)B.O.D.E(Body Object Design Envioment,人体/物体/设计/环境渲染自动识别)BAC(Bad Angle Case,边角损坏采样)Back Buffer(后置缓冲)Backface culling(隐面消除)BAD(Best Amiga Dominators)BASIC(Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Codec,初学者通用指令代码)Battle for Eyeballs(眼球大战)BBS(BIOS Boot Specification,基本输入/输出系统启动规范)BBUL(Bumpless Build-Up Layer,内建非凹凸层)BCF(Boot Catalog File,启动目录文件)BEDO(Burst Enhanced Data-Out RAM,突发型数据增强输出内存)Benchmarks(基准测试程序数值BGA(Ball Grid Array,球状网阵排列)BHT(branch prediction table,分支预测表)BIF(Boot Image File,启动映像文件)Bilinear Filtering(双线性过滤)BIOS(Basic Input/Output System,基本输入/输出系统)BLA(Bearn Landing Area,电子束落区)BLP(Bottom Leaded Package,底部导向封装)BMC(Black Matrix Screen,超黑矩阵屏幕)BMS(Blue Magic Slot,蓝色魔法槽)BOD(Bandwidth On Demand,弹性带宽运用)BOPS(Billion Operations Per Second,十亿次运算/秒)BP(Brach Prediction,分支预测)BPA(Bit Packing Architecture,位封包架构)BPI(Bit Per Inch,位/英寸)bps(bit per second,位/秒)bps(byte per second,字节/秒)BPU(Branch Processing Unit,分支处理单元)BRC(Beta Release Candidate,测试发布候选版)BSD(Berkeley Software Distribution,伯克利软件分配代号)BSP(Binary Space Partitioning,二进制空间分区)BSP(Boot Strap Processor,启动捆绑处理器)BSRAM(Burst pipelined synchronous static RAM,突发式管道同步静态存储器)BTAC(Branch Target Address Calculator,分支目标寻址计算器)BTO(Build-To-Order,按序构建)BURN-Proof(Buffer UnderRuN-Proof,防止缓冲区溢出)C.O.P(CPU overheating protection,处理器过热保护)C2C(card-to-card interleaving,卡到卡交错存取CAD(computer-aided design,计算机辅助设计)CAM(Common Access Model,公共存取模型)CAM(Computer-aided manufacturing,计算机辅助制造)CAS(Column Address Strobe,列地址控制器)CAV(Constant Angular Velocity,恒定角速度)CBDS(Continuous Background Defect Scanning,连续后台错误扫描)CBF(Cable Broadband Forum,电缆宽带论坛)CBGA(Ceramic Ball Grid Array,陶瓷球状网阵排列)CBMC(Crossbar based memory controller,内存控制交叉装置)CBR(Committed Burst Rate,约定突发速率)CBR(Constant Bit Rate,固定比特率)CBU(color blending unit,色彩混和单位)CCD(Charge Coupled Device,电荷连接设备)CCIRN(Coordinating Committee for Intercontinental Research Networking,洲际研究网络协调委员会)CCM(Call Control Manager,拨号控制管理)cc-NUMA(cache-coherent non uniform memory access,连贯缓冲非统一内存寻址)CCS(Cross Capacitance Sensing,交叉电容感应)CCS(Cut Change System)CCT(Clock Cycle Time,时钟周期)CD(Compact Disc)cd/m^2(candela/平方米,亮度的单位)CDIP(Ceramic Dual-In-Line,陶瓷双重直线)CDPD(Cellular digital Packet data,细胞数字信息包数据)CDR(CD Recordable,可记录光盘)CDRAM(Cache DRAM,附加缓存型DRAM)CD-ROM/XA(CD-ROM eXtended Architecture,唯读光盘增强形架构)CDRS(Curved Directional Reflection Screen,曲线方向反射屏幕)CDRW(CD-Rewritable,可重复刻录光盘)CDSL(Consumer Digital Subscriber Line(消费者数字订阅线路)CE(Consumer Electronics,消费电子)CEA(Consumer Electronics Association,消费者电子协会)CEA(Critical Edge Angles,临界边角)CEM(cube environment mapping,立方环境映射)CEMA(Consumer Electronics Manufacturing Association,消费者电子制造业协会)Center Processing Unit Utilization,中央处理器占用率CEO(Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官)CF(CompactFlash Card,紧凑型闪存卡)CFM(cubic feet per minute,立方英尺/秒)CG(C for Graphics/GPU,用于图形/GPU的可编程语言)CG(Computer Graphics,计算机动画)CGI(Common Gateway Interface,通用网关接口)CG-Silicon(Continuous Grain Silicon,连续微粒硅)CHRP(Common Hardware Reference Platform,共用硬件平台)CHS(Cylinders、Heads、Sectors,柱面、磁头、扇区)CIEA(Commercial Internet Exchange Association,商业因特网交易协会)CIR(Committed Information Rate,约定信息速率)CIS(Contact Image Sensors,接触图像传感器)CISC(Complex Instruction Set Computing,复杂指令集计算机)CL(CAS Latency,CAS反应时间)Clipping(剪贴纹理)CLK(Clock Cycle,时钟周期)Clock Synthesizer,时钟合成器CLV(Constant Linear Velocity,恒定线速度)CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor,互补金属氧化物半导体)CMOV(conditional move instruction,条件移动指令)CMP(on-chip multiprocessor,片内多重处理)CMR(Colossal Magneto Resistive,巨磁阻抗)CMS(Code Morphing Software,代码变形软件)CMSS(Creative Multi Speaker Surround,创新多音箱环绕)CMT(course-grained multithreading,过程消除多线程)CNPS(Computer Noise Prevention System,计算机噪音预防系统)CNR(Communication and Networking Riser,通讯和网络升级卡)CNT(carbon nano-tube,碳微管)COAST(Cache-on-a-stick,条状缓存)COB(Cache on board,板上集成缓存)co-CPU(cooperative CPU,协处理器)COD(Cache on Die,芯片内核集成缓存)COM(Component Object Model,组件对象模式)COMDEX(Computer Distribution Exposition,计算机代理分销业展览会)compressed textures(压缩纹理)Concurrent Command Engine,协作命令引擎COO(Chief Organizer Officer,首席管理官)Copper(铜)CP(command processor,指令处理器)CPA(Close Page Auto recharge,接近页自动预充电)CPE(Customer Premise Equipment,用户预定设备)CPGA(Ceramic Pin Grid Array,陶瓷针型栅格阵列)CPI(count per inch,每英寸计数)CPI(cycles per instruction,周期/指令)CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device,复杂可程序化逻辑组件)CPRM(Content Protection for record able media,记录媒体内容保护)CPS(Certification Practice Statement,使用证明书)CPU(Center Processing Unit,中央处理器)CRC(Cyclical Redundancy Check,循环冗余检查)CRM(Customer Relationship Management,顾客关系管理)CRT(Cathode Ray Tube,阴极射线管)CRT(Cooperative Redundant Threads,协同多余线程)CS(Channel Separation,声道分离)CSA(Canadian Standards Association,加拿大标准协会)CSA(Communication Streaming Architecture,通讯流架构)CSC(Colorspace Conversion,色彩空间转换)CSD(Circuit Switched Data,电路切换数据通话)CSE(Configuration Space Enable,可分配空间)CSG(constructive solid geometry,建设立体几何)CSP(Chip Scale Package,芯片比例封装)CSP(Chip Size Package,芯片尺寸封装)CSS(Cascading Style Sheets,层叠格式表)CSS(Common Command Set,通用指令集)CSS(Content Scrambling System,内容不规则加密)CTI(Computer Telephone Integration,计算机电话综合技术)CTO(Chief Technology Officer,首席技术官)CTR(CAS to RAS,列地址到行地址延迟时间)CTS(Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,计算机腕管综合症)CTS(Clear to Send,清除发送)CVS(Compute Visual Syndrome,计算机视觉综合症)CXT(Chooper eXTend,增强形K6-2内核)DA(Digital to Analog,数字到模拟转换)DAB(digital audio broadcast,数字音频广播)DAC(Digital to Analog Converter,数模转换器)DAC(Dual Address Cycle,双重地址周期)DAE(digital Audio Extraction,数据音频抓取)DAN(Dance,跳舞类游戏)DAO(Disc At Once,整盘刻录)DAO-RAW(Disc At Once Read after Write,整盘刻录-写后读)DASP(Dynamic Adaptive Speculative Pre-Processor,动态适应预测预处理器)Data Forwarding(数据前送)dB(decibel,分贝)DB(Deep Buffer,深度缓冲)DB(Device Bay,设备插架)DBBS(Dynamic Bass Boost System,动态低音增强系统)DBI(dynamic bus inversion,动态总线倒置)DBS(Direct Broadcast Satellite,直接卫星广播)DBS-PC(Direct Broadcast Satellite PC,人造卫星直接广播式PC)DC(Digital Camera,数码相机)DC(Dreamcast,世嘉64位游戏机)DCA(Defense Communication Agency,国防部通信局)DCC(Digital Compact Cassette,数字盒式磁带)DCC(Digital Content Creation,数字内容创造)DCD(Directional Corelational De-interlacing,方向关联解交错)DCD(Document Content Description for XML,XML文件内容描述)DCE(Data Circuit Terminal Equipment,数据通信设备)DCLK(Dot Clock,点时钟)DCOM(Distributing Component Object Model,构造物体模块)DCT(Display Compression Technology,显示压缩技术)DCT(DRAM Controller,DRAM控制器)DD(Double Side,双面内存)DDBGA(Die Dimension Ball Grid Array,内核密度球状矩阵排列)DDC(Display Data Channel,显示数据通道)DDC(Dynamic Depth Cueing,动态深度暗示)图像DDE(dynamic data exchange,动态数据交换)DDMA(Distributed DMA,分布式DMA)DDP(Digital Display Port,数字输出端口)DDR SDRAM(Double Date Rate,上下行双数据率SDRAM)DDR(Double Date Rate,上下行双数据率)DDS(Direct Draw Surface,直接绘画表面)DDSS II(Double Dynamic Suspension System II,第二代双层动力悬吊系统)DDSS(Dolby Digital Surround Sound,杜比数字环绕声)DDSS(Double Dynamic Suspension System,双悬浮动态减震系统)DDT(Dynamic Deferred Transaction,动态延期处理)DDWG(Digital Display Working Group,数字化显示工作组)DEC(Direct Etching Coatings,表面蚀刻涂层)Decal(印花法)Decode(指令解码)Deflection Coil(偏转线圈)DES(ata Encryption Standard,数据加密标准)DFL(Dynamic Focus Lens,动态聚焦)DFP(Digital Flat Panel,数字平面显示标准)DFPG(Digital Flat Panel Group,数字平面显示标准工作组)DFS(Digital Flex Scan,数字伸缩扫描)DFS(Dynamic Flat Shading,动态平面描影)DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol,动态主机分配协议)DHHF(Dual Head - High Fidelity,高精度第四代双头)DHT(Dolby Headphone Technology,杜比耳机技术)DIB(Dual Independent Bus,双重独立总线)DIC(Digital Image Control,数字图像控制)DID(Device ID,设备ID)Digital Multiscan II(数字式智能多频追踪)DIL(dual-in-line)DIMM(Dual In-line Memory Modules,双重内嵌式内存模块)Directional Light(方向性光源)DiscWizard(磁盘控制软件)DIT(Disk Inspection Test,磁盘检查测试)Dithering(抖动)DIVA(Data IntensiVe Architecture,数据加强架构)DIY(Do it Yourself,自己装机)DLL(Delay-Locked Loop,延时锁定循环电路)dll(dynamic link library,动态链接库)DLP(digital Light Processing,数字光处理)DLS(Downloadable Sounds Level,可下载音色)DLS-2(Downloadable Sounds Level 2,第二代可下载音色)DM(Displacement mapping,位移贴图)DMA(Direct Memory Access,直接内存存取)DMAC(Direct Memory Access Controller,直接内存存取控制器)DME(Direct Memory Execute,直接内存执行)DMF(Distribution Media Format)DMI(Desktop Management Interface,桌面管理接口)DMT(Discreet Monitor Timing,智能型显示器调速)DMT(Discrete Multi - Tone,不连续多基频模式)DMT(Dynamic Multithreading Architecture,动态多线程结构)DNA(Distributed Internet Application,分布式因特网应用程序)DNS(Domain Name System,域名解析系统)DOA2 HC(Deal or Live 2 hardcore,生与死2完整版)DOC(Disk On Chip,芯片磁盘)DOCSIS(Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications,线缆服务接口数据规格)DOF(Depth of Field,多重境深)DOJ(Department of Justice,反不正当竞争部门)DOM(Document Object Model,文档目标模型)DoS(Denial of Service,拒绝服务)DOS(Disk Operating System,磁盘操作系统)DOSD(Digital On Screen Display,同屏数字化显示)Dot Pitch(点距)dot texture blending(点型纹理混和)DOT(Dynamic Overcooking Technology,动态超频技术)DOT3(Dot product 3 bump mapping,点乘积凹凸映射)Double Buffering(双缓冲区)DP(Dual Processor,双处理器)DPBM(Dot Product Bump Mapping,点乘积凹凸映射)DPC(Desktop PC,桌面PC)dpi(dot per inch,每英寸的打印像素)DPMS(Display Power Management Signaling,显示能源管理信号)DPP(Direct print Protocol,直接打印协议DQL(Dynamic Quadra pole Lens,动态四极镜)DQS(Bidirectional data strobe,双向数据滤波)DQUICK(DVD Qualification and Integration Kit,DVD资格和综合工具包)DRA(deferred rendering architecture,延迟渲染架构)DRAM(Dynamic Random Access Memory,动态随机存储器)DRCG(Direct Rambus Clock Generator,直接Rambus时钟发生器)DRDRAM(Direct RAMBUS DRAM,直接内存总线DRAM)DRF(Digital radio frequency,数字无线电频率)DRI(Direct Rendering Infrastructure,基层直接渲染)DRM(Digital rights management,数字版权保护)DRSL(Differential Rambus Signaling Level,微分RAMBUS信号级)DRSL(Direct Rambus Signaling Level,直接RAMBUS信号级)DS3D(DirectSound 3D Streams)DSD(Direct Stream Digital,直接数字信号流)DSL(Data Strobe Link,数据选通连接DSL(Down Loadable Sample,可下载的取样音色)DSM(Dedicated Stack Manager,专门堆栈管理)DSM(Distributed shared memory,分布式共享内存)DSMT(Dynamic Simultaneous Multithreading,动态同步多线程)DSO(Dynamic Sound-stage Organizer,动态声音层组建)DSP(Delivery Service Partner,交付服务合伙人)DSP(Digital Signal Processing,数字信号处理)DSP(Digital Sound Field Processing,数字音场处理)DSP(Dual Streams Processor,双重流处理器)DST(Depleted Substrate Transistor,衰竭型底层晶体管)DST(Drive Self Test,磁盘自检程序)DSTN(Double layers Super Twisted Nematic,双层超扭曲向列,无源矩阵LCD)DSVD(Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data)DTD(Document Type Definition,文件类型定义)DTE(Data Terminal Equipment,数据终端设备)DTL(Developer Tool,发展工具包)DTR(Disk Transfer Rate,磁盘传输率)DTS(Digital Theater System,数字剧院系统)DTT(DeskTop Theater,桌面剧院)DTV(Digital TV,数字电视)DTV(Dual Threshold Voltage,双重极限电压)DTXS(Decryption Transform for XML Signature,XML签名解密转换)DUN(Dial-Up Networking,拨号网络)DUV(Deep Ultra-Violet,纵深紫外光)DV(Digital Vidicon,数码摄录机)DVB(Digital Video Broadcasting,数字视频广播DVC(Digital Vibrance Control,数字振动控制)DVD(Digital Video/Versatile Disk,数字视频/万能光盘)DVD-R(DVD Recordable,可记录DVD盘)DVD-RAM(Digital Video/Versatile Disk - Random Access Memory,随机存储数字视频/万能光盘)DVD-RW(DVD Rewritable,可重复刻录DVD盘)DVFM(Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Management,动态电压和频率管理)DVI(Digital Video Interface,数字视频接口)DVI(Digital Visual Interface,数字化视像接口)DVMT(Dynamic Video Memory Technology,动态视频内存技术)DWDM(Dense WaveLength Division Multiplex,波长密集型复用技术)DxR(DynamicXTended Resolution,动态可扩展分辨率)DXTC(Direct X Texture Compress,DirectX纹理压缩)Dynamic Z-buffering(动态Z轴缓冲区)E(Economy,经济,或Entry-level,入门级)E3(Electronic Entertainment Expo,电子娱乐展览会)EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol,扩展证明协议)EAX(Environmental Audio Extensions,环境音效扩展技术)EB(Expansion Bus,扩展总线)EBGA(Enhanced Ball Grid Array,增强形球状网阵排列)EBL(electron beam lithography,电子束平版印刷)EBR(Excess Burst Rate,超额突发速率)EC(Early Childhood,学龄前儿童)EC(Embedded Controller,嵌入式控制器)ECC(Elliptic Curve Crypto,椭圆曲线加密)ECC(Error Checking and Correction,错误检查修正)ECD(Electro Chromic Display,电铬显示器)ECP(Extended Capabilities Port,延长能力端口)ED(Execution driven,执行驱动)EDA(Electronic Design Automatic,电子设计自动化)E-DDC(Enhanced Display Data Channel,增强形视频数据通道协议)EDEC(Early Decode,早期解码)Edge Anti-aliasing(边缘抗锯齿失真)EDO(Enhanced Data-Out RAM,数据增强输出内存)EE(Emotion Engine,情感引擎)E-EDID(Enhanced Extended Identification Data,增强形扩充身份辨识数据)EEPROM(Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM,电擦写可编程只读存储器)eFB(embedded Frame Buffer,嵌入式帧缓冲)EFEAL(Extended Field Elliptical Aperture Lens,可扩展扫描椭圆孔镜头)EFF(Electronic Frontier Foundation(电子前线基金会)EFI(Extensible Firmware Interface,扩展固件接口)EFM(Eight to Fourteen Modulation,8位信号转换为14位信号)EFU(Elemntary Functional Unit,增强功能单元)EHCI(Enhanced Host Controller Interface,加强型主机端控制接口)EHSDRAM(Enhanced High Speed DRAM,增强型超高速内存)EIDE(enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics,增强形电子集成驱动器)EISA(Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture,增强形工业标准架构)EL DDR(Enhanced Latency DDR,增强反应周期DDR内存)Embedded Chips(嵌入式)EMBM(environment mapped bump mapping,环境凹凸映射)Embosing(浮雕)EMC(Electron Magnetic Compatibility,电磁兼容)EMF(Electron Magnetic Field,电磁场)EMI(Electromagnetic Interference,电磁干扰)EMP(Emergency Management Port,紧急事件管理端口)EMS(Enhanced Memory System,增强内存系统)EMS(Enhanced Message Service,扩展型信息服务)EMS(Expanded Memory Specification,扩充内存规格)EOL(End of Life,最终完成产品)EOS(eBookMan Operating System,电子书操作系统)EPA(edge pin array,边缘针脚阵列)EPA(Environmental Protection Agency,美国环境保护局)EPF(Embedded Processor Forum,嵌入式处理器论坛)EPIC(explicitly parallel instruction code,并行指令代码)EPL(electron projection lithography,电子发射平版印刷)EPM(Enhanced Power Management,增强形能源管理)EPM(enterprise project manage)EPOC(Electronic Piece of Cheese,小型电子块)EPOC(Elevated Package Over CSP,CSP架空封装)EPP(Enhanced Parallel Port,增强形平行接口)EPROM(erasable,programmable ROM,可擦写可编程ROM)EPV(Extended Voltage Protection,扩展电压保护)ERD(Emergency Repair Disk,应急修理磁盘)ERP(Enterprise Requirement Planning,企业需求计划)ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源计划)ERP(estimated retail price,估计零售价)ES(Energy Star,能源之星)ES(Engineering Sample,工程样品)eSATA(External Serial ATA,扩展型串行ATA)ESCD(Extended System Configuration Data,可扩展系统配置数据)ESD(electro-static discharge,静电释放)ESDJ(Easy Setting Dual Jumper,简化CPU双重跳线法)ESDRAM(Enhanced SDRAM,增强型SDRAM)ESER(EAC Secure Extract Ripping,EAC安全抓取复制)ESP(Electronic-Shock Protection,电子抗震系统)ESP(Embedded System Platform,嵌入式系统平台)ESP(Encapsulating Security Payload,压缩安全有效载荷)ESR(Equivalent Series Resistance,等价系列电阻)ESRAM(Enhanced SRAM,增强型SRAM)eTM(embedded Texture Buffer,嵌入式纹理缓冲)ETRI(Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,电子和电信研究协会)EULA(End-User License Agreement,最终用户释放协议)EUV(Extreme Ultra Violet,紫外光)EUV(extreme ultraviolet lithography,极端紫外平版印刷)EVF(Electronic Viewfinder,电子取景窗)E-WDM(Enhanced Windows Driver Model,增强型视窗驱动程序模块)Execute Buffers(执行缓冲区)Extended Burst Transactions(增强式突发处理)Extended Stereo(扩展式立体声)Factor Alpha Blending(因子阿尔法混合)FADD(Floationg Point Addition,浮点加)FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题回答)Fast Z-clear(快速Z缓冲清除)FAT(File Allocation Tables,文件分配表)FB(fragment buffer,片段缓冲)FBC(Frame Buffer Cache,帧缓冲缓存)FBGA(Fine-Pitch Ball Grid Array,精细倾斜球状网阵排列)FBGA(flipchip BGA,轻型芯片BGA)F-Buffer(Fragment Stream FIFO Buffer,片段流先入先出缓冲区)FC(Famicom,任天堂8位游戏机)FC(Fibre Channel,光纤通道)FC-BGA(Flip-Chip Ball Grid Array,反转芯片球形栅格阵列)FCC(Federal Communications Commission,联邦通信委员会)FC-PGA(Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array,反转芯片针脚栅格阵列)FCRAM(Fast Cycle RAM,快周期随机存储器)FDB(Fluid Dynamic Bearing,非固定动态轴承)FDB(fluid-dynamic bearings,动态轴承)FDBM(Fluid dynamic bearing motors,液态轴承马达)FDC(Floppy Disk Controller,软盘驱动器控制装置)FDD(Floppy Disk Driver,软盘驱动器)FDIV(Floationg Point Divide,浮点除)FDM(Frequency Division Multi,频率分离)FED(Field Emission Displays,电场显示器)FEMMA(Foldable Electronic Memory Module Assembly,折叠电子内存模块装配)FEMMS(Fast Entry/Exit Multimedia State,快速进入/退出多媒体状态FFB(Force Feed Back,力反馈)FFJ(Force Feedback Joystick,力量反馈式操纵杆)FFT(fast Fourier transform,快速热欧姆转换)FGM(Fine-Grained Multithreading,高级多线程)FID(FID(Frequency identify,频率鉴别号码)FIFO(First Input First Output,先入先出队列)FIR(finite impulse response,有限推进响应)FireWire(火线,即IEEE1394标准)FISC(Fast Instruction Set Computer,快速指令集计算机)FL(fragment list,片段列表)FL(Function Lookup,功能查找)Flat(平面描影)FlexATX(Flexibility ATX,可扩展性ATX)flip double buffered(反转双缓存)flip-chip(芯片反转)FLIR(Forward Looking Infra-Red,前视红外)FLOPs(Floating Point Operations Per Second,浮点操作/秒)Flow-control(流控制)FLS(Front Light Screen,前发光屏幕)Flyback Transformer(回转变压器)FM(Flash Memory,快闪存储器)FM(Frequency Modulation,频率调制)FMA(full-motion animated backdrops)FMAC(Floating-Point Multiply-Accumulators,浮点累积乘单元)FMC(Frictionless Memory Control,无阻内存控制)FMD ROM(Fluorescent Material Read Only Memory,荧光质只读存储器)FMT(fine-grained multithreading,纯消除多线程)FMUL(Floationg Point Multiplication,浮点乘)Fog table quality(雾化表画质)Fog(雾化效果)FPD(flat panel display,平面显示器)FPM(Fast Page Mode,快页模式内存)FPRs(floating-point registers,浮点寄存器)FPS(First Person Shooters,第一人称射击游戏)FPS(FourPointSurround,创新的四点环绕扬声器系统)fps(frames per second,帧/秒)FPU(Float Point Unit,浮点运算单元)FR(Frames Rate,游戏运行帧数)FR(Frequence Response,频率响应)Frames rate is King(帧数为王)FRC(Frame Rate Control,帧比率控制)FRICC(Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee,联邦调查因特网协调委员会)FRJS(Fully Random Jittered Super-Sampling,完全随机移动式超级采样)Front Buffer(前置缓冲)FSAA(Full Scene/Screen Anti-aliasing,全景/屏幕抗锯齿)FSB(Front Side Bus,前端总线)FSE(Frequency Shifter Effect,频率转换效果)FSR(force sensor resistance,动力感应电阻)FSTN(Film compensated Super Twisted liquid crystal,带补偿膜超扭曲相列)FSUB(Floationg Point Subtraction,浮点减)FTC(Federal Trade Commission,联邦商业委员会)FTG(Fighting Game,格斗类游戏)FTP(File Transfer Protocol,文件传输协议)Fur(软毛效果)FW(Fast Write,快写,AGP总线的特殊功能)FWH(Firmware Hub,固件中心)GART(Graphic Address Remappng Table,图形地址重绘表)GB(Game Boy,任天堂4位手提游戏机)GB(Garibaldi架构,Garibaldi基于ATX架构,但是也能够使用WTX构架的机箱)GBA(Game Boy Advanced,任天堂增强型手提游戏机)GBC(Game Boy Color,任天堂手提16色游戏机)GBL(GameBoy Light,GB夜光型)GBP(GameBoy Pocket,GB口袋型)GDC(Game Developer Conference,游戏发展商会议)GDI(Graphics Device Interface,图形设备接口)GFD(Gold finger Device,金手指超频设备)GG(Game Gear,世嘉彩色手提游戏机)GHC(Global History Counter,通用历史计数器)Ghost((General Hardware Oriented System Transfer,全面硬件导向系统转移)GI(Global Illumination,球形光照)GIC(Gold Immersion Coating,化金涂布技术)GIF(Graphics Interchange Format,图像交换格式)GIF(Graphics Interface unit,图形接口单元)GLV(grating-light-valve,光栅亮度阀)GM(General Midi,普通MIDI)GM(Glass Mould,玻璃铸制)GMCH(Graphics & Memory Controller Hub,图形和内存控制中心)GMR(giant magnetoresistive,巨型磁阻)Gouraud Shading,高洛德描影,也称为内插法均匀涂色GPA(Graphics Performance Accelerator,图形性能加速卡)GPF(General protect fault,一般保护性错误)GPIs(General Purpose Inputs,普通操作输入)GPL(GNU Public License,GNU公众授权)GPRS(General Packet Raice,整合封包无线服务)GPRs(General Purpose Registers,通用寄存器)GPS(Global Positioning System,全球定位系统)GPT(Graphics Performance Toolkit,图形性能工具包)GPU(Graphics Processing Unit,图形处理器)GS(Graphic Synthesizer,图形合成器)GSM(Galvanization Superconductive Material,电镀锌超导材料)GTF(General Timing Formula,普通调速方程式)GTL(Gunning Transceiver Logic,发射接收逻辑电路)GTS(Giga Textel Sharder,十亿像素填充率)Guard Band Support(支持保护带)GUI(Graphics User Interface,图形用户界面)GVPP(Generic Visual Perception Processor,常规视觉处理器)GWS(graphics workstations,图形工作站)HAL(Hardware Abstraction Layer,硬件抽像化层)HCF(Host Controller,主体控制处理)HCI(Host Controller Interface,主机控制接口HCL(Hardware Compatibility List,硬件兼容性列表)HCRP(Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile,硬复制电缆复位协议子集)HCT(Hardware Compatibility Test,硬件兼容性测试HDA(Head Disk Assembly,头盘组件)HDA(high-efficiency Audax High Definition Aerogel,高效高清楚气动)HDIT(High Bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology,高带宽微分互连技术)HDMI(High Definition Multimedia Interface,高精度多媒体接口)HDR(High Dynamic Range,高级动态范围)HDRL(high dynamic-range lighting,高动态范围光线)HDSL(High bit rate DSL,高比特率数字订阅线路)HDSS(Holographic Data Storage System,全息数据存储系统)HDTV(high definition television,高清晰度电视)HDVP(High-Definition Video Processor,高精度视频处理器)HE(Home Edition,家庭版)HEL(Hardware Emulation Layer(硬件模拟层)HID(Human Interface Device,人机对话接口设备)Hierarchical Z(Z分级)HiFD(high-capacity floppy disk,高容量软盘)Hi-fi(high fidelity,高精度设备)high triangle count(复杂三角形计数)HLL(high level language,高级语言)HLLCA(High-Level Language Computing Architecture,高级语言计算架构)HL-PBGA(表面黏著,高耐热、轻薄型塑胶球状网阵封装HLSL(High Level Shading Language,高级描影语言)HMC(hardware motion compensation,硬件运动补偿)HMC(holographic media card,全息媒体卡)HMD(holographic media disk,全息媒体磁盘)Home PNA(Home Private Network Adapter,家庭私人网络适配器)HOS(Higher-Order Surfaces,高次序表面)HPC(Hand held PC,手持电脑设备)HPDR(High-Precision Dynamic-Range,高精度动态范围)HPF(High-Pass Filter,高通滤波器)HPNA(home phoneline networking,家庭电话线网络)HPS(High Performance Server,高性能服务器)HPTC(high performance technical computing,高性能技术运算)HPW(High Performance Workstation,高性能工作站)HRAA(High Resolution Anti-aliasing,高分辨率抗锯齿)HRTF(Head Related Transfer Function,头部关联传输功能)HSCSD(High-Speed Circuit-Switched Data,高速巡回开关数据)HSDRAM(High Speed DRAM,超高速内存)HSF(Host Signal,主体信号处理)HSI(High Speed Interconnect,高速内连)HSLB(High Speed Link Bus,高速链路总线)HSP(Host Signal Processing,主体信号处理)HSR(Hidden Surface Removal,隐藏表面移除)HT(Hyper Transport,超级传输)HTA(Hypertext Application,超文本应用程序)。

美国伦布科技 Agilent 16800 Series Portable Logic Analyze

美国伦布科技 Agilent 16800 Series Portable Logic Analyze

Agilent 16800 SeriesPortable Logic AnalyzersData SheetQuickly debug, validate,and optimize your digitalsystem – at a price thatfits your budget.Features and benefits•250 ps resolution (4 GHz) timingzoom to find elusive timing problemsquickly, without double probing•15” display, with available touchscreen, allows you to see more dataand navigate quicklymeasurements and displays of yourlogic analyzer and oscilloscope datalet you effectively track downproblems across the analog anddigital portions of your design•Eight models with34/68/102/136/204 channels,up to 32M memory depth andmodels with a pattern generatorprovide the measurement flexibilityfor any budget•Application support for every aspectof today’s complex designs – FPGAdynamic probe, digital VSA (vectorsignal analysis) and broad processorand bus support2Selection Guide for 16800 Series Portable Logic AnalyzersModels with a built-in pattern generator give you more measurement flexibility1Pattern generator available with 16821A, 16822A and 16823A.Choose from eight models to get the measurement capability for your specific applicationProbes are ordered separately. Please specify probes when ordering to ensure the correct connection between your logic analyzer, pattern generator, and the device under test.Agilent 16800 Series portable logic analyzers offer the performance, applications, and usability your digital development team needs to quickly debug, validate, and optimize your digital system – at a price that fits your budget.The logic analyzer’s timing and state acquisition gives you the power to:•Accurately measure precise timing relationships using4GHz (250ps) timing zoomwith 64K depth•Find anomalies separated in time with memory depthsupgradeable to 32M•Buy what you need today and upgrade in the future. 16800Series logic analyzers comewith independent upgrades for memory depth and state speed •Sample synchronous buses accurately and confidentlyusing eye finder. Eye finderautomatically adjuststhreshold and setup andhold to give you the highestconfidence in measurementson high-speed buses•Track problems from symptom to root cause across severalmeasurement modes byviewing time-correlated datain waveform/chart, listing,inverse assembly, source code, or compare display •Set up triggers quickly andconfidently with intuitive,simple, quick, and advancedtriggering. This capabilitycombines new triggerfunctionality with an intuitiveuser interface•Access the signals that holdthe key to your system’sproblems with the industry’swidest range of probingaccessories with capacitiveloading down to 0.7 pF•Monitor and correlate multiplebuses with split analyzercapability, which providessingle and multi-bus support(timing, state, timing/state orstate/state configurations)Accurately measure precisetiming relationships16800 Series logic analyzers letyou make accurate high-speedtiming measurements with 4GHz(250ps) high-speed timing zoom. Aparallel acquisition architectureprovides high-speed timingmeasurements simultaneouslythrough the same probe used forstate or timing measurements.Timing zoom stays active all thetime with no tradeoffs. View dataat high resolution over longerperiods of time with 64-K-deeptiming zoom.Figure 1. With eight models to choose from, you can get alogic analyzer with measurement capabilities that meetyour needs.3Automate measurement setup and quickly gain diagnostic clues16800 Series logic analyzers make it easy for you to get up and running quickly by automating your measurement setup process. In addition, the logic analyzer’s setup/hold window (or sampling position) and threshold voltage settings are automatically determined so you can capture data on high-speed buses with the highest accuracy. Auto Threshold and Sample Position mode allow you to...•Obtain accurate and reliable measurements•Save time during measurement setup•Gain diagnostic clues and identify problem signalsquickly•Scan all signals and buses simultaneously or just a few•View results as a composite display or as individual signals•See skew between signals and buses•Find and fix inappropriate clock thresholds•Measure data valid windows•Identify signal integrityproblems related to rise times,fall times, data valid windowwidths Identify problem signals overhundreds of channels simultaneouslyAs timing and voltage marginscontinue to shrink, confidencein signal integrity becomes anincreasingly vital requirementin the design validation process.Eye scan lets you acquire signalintegrity information on allthe buses in your design, undera wide variety of operatingconditions, in a matter ofminutes. Identify problem signalsquickly for further investigationwith an oscilloscope. Results canbe viewed for each individualsignal or as a composite ofmultiple signals or buses.Extend the life of your equipmentEasily upgrade your 16800 Serieslogic analyzer. “Turn on”additional memory depth andstate speed when you need more.Purchase the capability youneed now, then upgrade as yourneeds evolve.Figure 2. Identify problem signals quickly by viewing eye diagrams across all buses and signals simultaneously.4578910A Built-in Pattern Generator Gives You Digital Stimulus and Responsein a Single InstrumentSelected 16800 Series models (16821A, 16822A and 16823A)also include a 48-channel pattern generator to drive down risk early in product development. With a pattern generator you can:•Substitute for missing boards,integrated circuits (ICs) or buses instead of waiting for missing pieces •Write software to createinfrequently encountered test conditions and verify that the code works – before complete hardware is available •Generate patterns necessary to put a circuit in a desired state,operate the circuit at full speed or step the circuit through a series of states •Create a circuit initialization sequence Agilent 16800 Series portable logic analyzers with a pattern generator offer a variety offeatures that make it easier for you to create digital stimulus tests.Vectors up to 48 bits wideVectors are defined as a “row” of labeled data values, with each data value from one to 48 bits wide. Each vector is output on the rising edge of the clock.Create stimulus patterns for the widest buses in your system.Depth up to 16 M vectorsWith the pattern generator, you can load and run up to 16Mvectors of stimulus. Depth on this scale is most useful when coupled with powerful stimulus generated by electronic design automation tools, such as SynaptiCAD’sWaveFormer and VeriLogger.These tools create stimulus using a combination of graphicallydrawn signals, timing parameters that constrain edges, clock signals,and timing and Boolean equations for describing complex signal behavior. The stimulus also can be created from design simulation waveforms. The SynaptiCAD tools allow you to convert .VCD files into .PGB files directly, offering you an integrated solution that saves you time.Synchronized clock outputYou can output data synchronized to either an internal or external clock. The external clock is input via a clock pod, and has nominimum frequency (other than a 2ns minimum high time).The internal clock is selectable between 1MHz and 300MHz in 1-MHz steps. A Clock Out signal is available from the clock pod and can be used as an edge strobe with a variable delay of up to 8ns.Initialize (INIT) block for repetitive runsWhen running repetitively, the vectors in the initialize (init)sequence are output only once,while the main sequence isoutput as a continually repeating sequence. This “init” sequence is very useful when the circuit or subsystem needs to be initialized.The repetitive run capability is especially helpful whenoperating the pattern generator independent of the logic analyzer.“Send Arm out to…” coordinates activity with the logic analyzerVerify how your system responds to a specific stimulus sequence by arming the logic analyzer from the pattern generator. A “Send Arm out to…” instruction acts as a trigger arming event for the logic analyzer or other test equipment to begin measurements. Arm setup and trigger setup of the logic analyzer determines the action initiated by “Send Arm out to…”.Figure 3. Models with a built-in pattern generator give you more measurement flexibility.“Wait for External Event…” forinput patternThe clock pod also accepts a 3-bit input pattern. These inputs are level-sensed so that any number of “Wait for External Event”instructions can be inserted into a stimulus program. Up to four pattern conditions can be defined from the OR-ing of the eight possible 3-bit input patterns. A “Wait for External Event” also can be defined to wait for an Arm. This Arm signal can come from the logic analyzer. “Wait for External Event…” allows you to executea specific stimulus sequence only when the defined external event occurs.Simplify creation of stimulus programs with user-defined macros and loops User macros permit you to define a pattern sequence once, then insert the macro by name wherever it is needed. Passing parameters to the macro will allow you to create a more generic macro. For each call to the macro you can specify unique values for the parameters.Loops enable you to repeat a defined block of vectors for a specified number of times. Loops and macros can be nested, except that a macro cannot be nested within another macro. At compile time, loops and macros are expanded in memory to alinear sequence.Convenient data entry andediting featureYou can conveniently enterpatterns in hex, octal, binary,decimal, and signed decimal(two’s complement) bases. Tosimplify data entry, you can viewthe data associated with anindividual label with multipleradixes. Delete, Insert, and Copycommands are provided for easyediting. Fast and convenientPattern Fills give the programmeruseful test patterns with a fewkey strokes. Fixed, Count, Rotate,Toggle, and Random patterns areavailable to help you quicklycreate a test pattern, suchas “walking ones.” Patternparameters, such as step size andrepeat frequency, can be specifiedin the pattern setup.ASCII input file format: your designtool connectionThe pattern generator supportsan ASCII file format to facilitateconnectivity to other tools in yourdesign environment. Because theASCII format does not support theinstructions listed earlier, theycannot be edited into the ASCIIfile. User macros and loops alsoare not supported, so the vectorsneed to be fully expanded in theASCII file. Many design tools willgenerate ASCII files and outputthe vectors in this linear sequence.Data must be in hex format, andeach label must represent a set ofcontiguous output channels.ConfigurationThe pattern generator operateswith the clock pods, data pods,and lead sets described later inthis document. At least one clockpod and one data pod must beselected to configure a functionalsystem. You can select from avariety of pods to provide thesignal source needed for your logicdevices. The data pods, clock podsand data cables use standardconnectors. The electricalcharacteristics of the data cablesare described for users withspecialized applications who wantto avoid the use of a data pod.Direct connection to yourtarget systemYou can connect the patterngenerator pods directly to astandard connector on your targetsystem. Use a 3M brand #2520Series or similar connector. Theclock or data pods will plug rightin. Short, flat cable jumpers canbe used if the clearance aroundthe connector is limited. Use a 3M#3365/20, or equivalent, ribboncable; a 3M #4620 Series orequivalent connector on thepattern generator pod end of thecable, and a 3M #3421 Series orequivalent connector at yourtarget system end of the cable.Probing accessoriesThe probe tips of theAgilent10474A, 10347A, 10498A,and E8142A lead sets plugdirectly into any 0.1-inch gridwith 0.026-inch to 0.033-inchdiameter round pins or 0.025-inchsquare pins. These probe tipswork with the Agilent5090-4356surface mount grabbers andwith the Agilent5959-0288through-hole grabbers, providingcompatibility with industrystandard pins.A Built-in Pattern Generator Gives You Digital Stimulus and Response in a Single Instrument3-STATE IN TTLPattern generator cable pin outsData cable (Pod end)Clock cable (Pod end)2122Unleash the Complementary Power of a Logic Analyzer and an Oscilloscope Seamless scope integrationwith View ScopeEasily make time-correlatedmeasurements between Agilentlogic analyzers and oscilloscopes.The time-correlated logic analyzerand oscilloscope waveforms areintegrated into a single logicanalyzer waveform display foreasy viewing and analysis. Youcan also trigger the oscilloscopefrom the logic analyzer (or viceversa), automatically de-skew thewaveforms and maintain markertracking between the twoinstruments. Perform thefollowing more effectively:•Validate signal integrity•Track down problems caused by signal integrity•Validate correct operation of A/D and D/A converters •Validate correct logical and timing relationships betweenthe analog and digital portions of a designConnectionThe Agilent logic analyzer and oscilloscope can be physically connected with standard BNC and LAN connections. Two BNC cables are connected for cross triggering, and the LAN connection is used to transfer data between the instruments. The View Scope correlation software is standard in the logic analyzer’s application software version 3.50 or higher. The View Scope software includes:•Ability to import some or all of the captured oscilloscopewaveforms•Auto scaling of the scopewaveforms for the best fit inthe logic analyzer displayFigure 4. View Scope seamlessly integrates your scopeand logic analyzer waveforms into a single display.2324Acquisition and analysis tools provide rapid insight into your toughest debug problemsYou have unique measurement and analysis needs. When you want to understand what your target is doing and why, you need acquisition and analysis tools that rapidly consolidate data into displays that provide insight into your system’s behavior.Figure 5. Perform in-depth time, frequency and modulation domain analysis on your digital baseband and IF signals with Agilent’s 89600 Vector Signal Analysis software.Save time analyzing your unique design with a turnkey setup Agilent Technologies and our partners provide an extensive range of bus and processor analysis probes. They provide non-intrusive, full-speed,real-time analysis to accelerate your debugging process.•Save time making bus-and processor-specificmeasurements withapplication specific analysisprobes that quickly andreliably connect to yourdevice under test•Display processor mnemonicsor bus cycle decode•Get support for acomprehensive list ofindustry-standard processorsand buses252627ProgrammabilityYou can write programs to control the logic analyzer application from remote computers on the local area network using COM or ASCII. The COM automation serveris part of the logic analyzer application. This software allows you to write programs to control the logic analyzer. All measurement functionality is controllable via the COM interface.The B4608A Remote ProgrammingInterface (RPI) lets you remotelycontrol a 16800 Series logicanalyzer by issuing ASCIIcommands to the TCP socketon port 6500. This interface isdesigned to be as similar aspossible to the RPI on 16700Series logic analysis systems,so that you can reuse existingprograms.The remote programminginterface works through the COMautomation objects, methods,and properties provided forcontrolling the logic analyzerapplication. RPI commands areimplemented as Visual Basicmodules that execute COMautomation commands, translatetheir results, and return propervalues for the RPI. You can use theB4606A advanced customizationenvironment to customize andadd RPI commands.Figure 6. 16800 Series programming overview2816800 Series Interfaces2930Figure 9. 16800 Series back panelFull profile PCI card expansion slotExternal display portParallel portSerial port10/100 Base T LAN 2.0 USB ports (4)Clock inTrigger out Trigger in Keyboard Mouse AC power Figure 8. 16800 Series front panelOn/Off power switch 15 inch built-in color LCD display, Touch Screen available General purpose knob Run/stop keys Touch screen on/off (if ordered)16800 Series Physical CharacteristicsDimensionsPower 16801A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16802A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16803A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 605 W max 16804A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16806A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16821A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16822A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max 16823A 115/230 V, 48-66 Hz, 775 W max Weight Max net Max shipping 16801A 12.9 kg 19.7 kg (28.5 lbs)(43.5 lbs)16802A 13.2 kg 19.9 kg (28.9 lbs)(43.9 lbs)16803A 13.7 kg 20.5 kg (30.3 lbs)(45.3 lbs)16804A 14.2 kg 21.0 kg (31.3 lbs)(46.3 lbs)16806A 14.6 kg 21.4 kg (32.1 lbs)(47.1 lbs)16821A 14.2 kg 20.9 kg (31.2 lbs)(46.2 lbs)16822A 14.2 kg 21.1 kg (31.6 lbs)(46.6 lbs)16823A14.5 kg 21.3 kg (32.0 lbs)(47.0 lbs)Instrument operating environment Temperature 0˚ C to 50˚ C (32˚ F to 122˚ F)Altitude To 3000 m (10,000 ft)Humidity8 to 80% relative humidity at 40˚ C (104˚ F)Figure 7. 16800 Series exterior dimensionsFigure 10. 16800 Series side view330.32(13.005)Dimensions: mm (inches)28.822(11.347)443.23(17.450)Agilent 1184A TestmobileThe Agilent 1184A testmobile gives you a convenient means of organizing and transporting your logic analyzer and accessories.The testmobile includes the following:•Drawer for accessories(probes, cables, power cords)•Keyboard tray with adjustable tilt and height•Mouse extension on keyboard tray for either right or lefthand operation•on uneven surfaces••Load limits:Total: 136.4 kg (300.0 lb.)Figure 11. Agilent 1184A testmobile cartFigure 12. Agilent 1184A testmobile cart dimensions3132Stationary shelfThis light-duty fixed shelf isdesigned to support 16800 Series logic analyzers. The shelf can be used in all standard Agilent racks. The stationary shelf is mounted securely into placeusing the supplied hardware and is designed to sit at the bottom of the EIA increment. Features of the stationary shelf include:•Snap-in design for easy installation •Smooth edgesRack accessoriesSliding shelfThe sliding shelf provides a flat surface with full product accessibility. It can be used in all Agilent racks to support 16800Series logic analyzers. The shelf and slides are preassembled for easy installation. Features of the sliding shelf include:•Snap-in design for easy installation •Smooth edgesConsider purchasing the steel ballast (C2790AC) to use with the sliding shelf. The ballast provides anti-tip capability when the shelf is extended.Figure 15. Sliding shelf (J1526AC)Figure 14. Stationary shelf (J1520AC)Figure 13. Sliding shelf installed in rackEach 16800 Series portable logicanalyzer comes with one PS/2keyboard, one PS/2 mouse,accessory pouch, power cord and1-year warranty standard.Selecting a logic analyzer to meet your application and budget is as easy as 1, 2, 3333435。



英语作文数字的发展史The Development History of Numbers。

Numbers have been an essential part of human life for thousands of years. From the earliest counting systems to the modern digital age, the development history of numbers is a fascinating journey of human ingenuity and innovation.The earliest counting systems were based on simpletally marks, scratches on a bone or stick to represent quantities. The Sumerians, who lived in Mesopotamia around 4000 BC, developed a more sophisticated system of counting using tokens made of clay. The tokens were shaped like cones, spheres, and cylinders, and each shape represented a different quantity. The tokens were placed in clay envelopes, and the envelopes were marked with the quantity of tokens inside. This system of counting was the precursor to the cuneiform writing system, which the Sumerians developed around 3000 BC.The Egyptians, who lived around the same time as the Sumerians, developed a system of hieroglyphic writing that included symbols for numbers. The Egyptians used a decimal system, with symbols for the numbers 1-9, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000. They also used a system of fractions, with symbols for halves, thirds, quarters, and so on.The Greeks, who lived from around 800 BC to 300 BC, developed a more abstract system of numbers. They used letters of the alphabet to represent numbers, with alpha representing 1, beta representing 2, and so on. This system was called the Attic numerals, and it was used for mathematical calculations and measurements.In the Middle Ages, the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was developed. This system used ten digits, 0-9, and a decimal point to represent numbers. The system was developed by Indian mathematicians and was introduced to Europe by Arab scholars. The Hindu-Arabic numeral system revolutionized mathematics and made complex calculations much easier.In the 17th century, the invention of the logarithm byJohn Napier and the development of calculus by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz further advanced the study of mathematics. The invention of the slide rule in the 17th century and the development of mechanical calculators in the 19th century made mathematical calculations faster and more accurate.The digital age, which began in the 20th century, brought about the development of electronic calculators and computers. These devices use binary code, a system of ones and zeros, to represent numbers. The digital age has revolutionized the way we work with numbers, making complex calculations faster and more accurate than ever before.In conclusion, the development history of numbers is a fascinating journey of human ingenuity and innovation. From the earliest counting systems to the modern digital age, numbers have played a crucial role in human life and will continue to do so in the future.。



手机发展史1g~5g的英语作文The Evolution of Mobile Technology: From 1G to 5GThe world of mobile technology has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few decades. Starting from the humble beginnings of 1G networks, the industry has evolved rapidly, introducing increasingly advanced generations of wireless communication systems. Each generation has brought about significant advancements, revolutionizing the way we connect, communicate, and access information. In this essay, we will explore the journey of mobile technology from 1G to 5G, highlighting the key features and developments that have shaped the industry.1G: The Dawn of Cellular CommunicationThe first generation of mobile networks, commonly known as 1G, was introduced in the early 1980s. This analog-based system provided basic voice communication capabilities, allowing users to make and receive calls on their mobile devices. 1G networks utilized advanced mobile phone systems (AMPS) and were primarily used for voice transmission. The technology was limited in its coverage and suffered from poor call quality, with frequent dropped calls and static interference. However, it laid the foundation for the futuredevelopment of mobile communication.2G: The Digital RevolutionThe 1990s ushered in the second generation of mobile networks, or 2G. This digital-based system marked a significant leap forward, introducing features such as text messaging, picture messaging, and basic internet connectivity. 2G networks, including Global System for Mobile (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), offered improved call quality, better coverage, and increased security compared to their 1G predecessors. The introduction of digital encoding also allowed for more efficient use of the available spectrum, enabling the support of more users within a given geographical area.3G: The Smartphone EraThe early 2000s saw the emergence of the third generation of mobile networks, or 3G. This technology revolutionized the mobile landscape, paving the way for the widespread adoption of smartphones. 3G networks, such as Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and CDMA2000, provided significantly faster data speeds, enabling users to access the internet, stream multimedia content, and engage in video calling. The increased bandwidth and improved network performance transformed the way we interacted with our mobile devices, ushering in a new era of mobile computing and connectivity.4G: The Age of Broadband MobileThe fourth generation of mobile networks, or 4G, was introduced in the late 2000s and early 2010s. 4G networks, including Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), offered even faster data speeds, lower latency, and more reliable connections. This enabled users to enjoy seamless streaming, real-time video conferencing, and high-quality mobile gaming. The increased bandwidth and improved network performance also facilitated the growth of mobile-based applications and services, further enhancing the user experience.5G: The Future of Wireless CommunicationThe latest generation of mobile networks, 5G, has been hailed as the most transformative and disruptive technology in the history of mobile communication. Launched in the early 2010s, 5G networks offer unprecedented speeds, low latency, and increased capacity, revolutionizing the way we interact with our devices and the world around us. 5G technology utilizes advanced techniques such as millimeter-wave spectrum, massive MIMO (Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output), and beamforming to deliver lightning-fast data speeds, seamless connectivity, and enhanced reliability.The impact of 5G extends far beyond personal mobile devices. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including healthcare,transportation, manufacturing, and smart city infrastructure. The low latency and high bandwidth of 5G networks enable real-time data processing, remote control, and the implementation of sophisticated IoT (Internet of Things) applications. This paves the way for advancements in telemedicine, autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and smart city initiatives, transforming the way we live, work, and interact with our environment.Moreover, 5G technology is poised to support the growth of emerging technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and cloud gaming. The high-speed and low-latency characteristics of 5G networks can provide an immersive and seamless experience for users, unlocking new possibilities in entertainment, education, and various other domains.In conclusion, the evolution of mobile technology from 1G to 5G has been a remarkable journey, marked by significant advancements in connectivity, speed, and functionality. Each generation has built upon the successes and lessons of its predecessors, ultimately shaping the way we communicate, access information, and interact with the world around us. As we continue to witness the rapid progress of mobile technology, it is clear that the future holds even more exciting and transformative possibilities, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and experience the world.。



科技引领未来,创新驱动发展英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Technology, Innovation and the FutureIn today's fast-paced world, technology plays an increasingly important role in shaping the future. With rapid advancements in various fields such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and renewable energy, it is clear that technology is driving innovation and fostering development in all aspects of society. From improving healthcare to transforming transportation, the possibilities seem endless. In this essay, we will explore how technology is leading us into the future and driving progress and development.One of the key ways technology is shaping the future is through the concept of digital transformation. With the rise of the internet and smart devices, businesses are increasingly adopting digital technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. From e-commerce platforms to cloud computing services, companies are leveraging technology to streamline their operations and reach new customers. This digital revolutionis not only changing the way businesses operate but also how people interact with each other. Social media platforms have transformed how we communicate, share information, and build communities, connecting people from all over the world.In addition to digital transformation, technology is also driving innovation in important areas such as healthcare. With the advent of advanced medical devices, telemedicine, and personalized medicine, healthcare providers are able to deliver better care to patients and improve outcomes. For example, wearable devices can track vital signs and alert users to potential health issues, while telemedicine allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. These innovations are making healthcare more accessible, affordable, and effective, improving the quality of life for millions of people.Furthermore, technology is also playing a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and environmental degradation. With the development of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, countries are reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and lowering their carbon emissions. Additionally, technologies such as carbon capture and storage are helping to mitigate the impact of greenhouse gases on the environment. By harnessing the powerof technology, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.Overall, it is clear that technology is leading us into the future and driving progress and development in various fields. From digital transformation to innovations in healthcare and renewable energy, technology is revolutionizing how we live, work, and interact with the world around us. As we continue to embrace the possibilities of technology, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future for all.篇2Technology Leads the Future, Innovation Drives DevelopmentWith the rapid development of technology in the 21st century, it has become increasingly clear that technology plays a crucial role in shaping the future. From artificial intelligence and big data to biotechnology and nanotechnology, technological advancements have significantly impacted various aspects of our lives and will continue to do so in the coming years. As a result, it is safe to say that technology is leading us into the future.One of the key areas where technology is leading the way is in the field of artificial intelligence. AI has the potential totransform industries and revolutionize the way we live and work. For example, AI-powered chatbots are now being used in customer service to provide instant support to customers, while self-driving cars are set to revolutionize the transportation industry. In addition, AI is being used in healthcare to diagnose diseases more accurately and develop personalized treatment plans.Another area where technology is making a significant impact is in the field of biotechnology. Advances in gene editing tools such as CRISPR have the potential to revolutionize healthcare by enabling scientists to treat genetic diseases more effectively. In addition, biotechnology is also being used to develop biofuels, which could help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate the effects of climate change.Moreover, technology is driving innovation in the field of energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power are becoming increasingly cost-effective and are being adopted on a large scale. These clean energy sources not only help reduce carbon emissions but also create new job opportunities and drive economic growth.In order to fully harness the potential of technology to lead us into the future, it is essential to foster a culture of innovation.Innovation is the driving force behind technological advancements and is key to creating new products, services, and solutions that meet the needs of society. By investing in research and development and supporting startups and entrepreneurs, we can create an environment that encourages creativity and collaboration.In conclusion, technology is leading us into the future by driving innovation and transforming industries. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is important to remember that the future is in our hands. By working together to harness the power of technology, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.篇3Title: Technology Leads the Future, Innovation Drives DevelopmentIn the modern world, technology plays a crucial role in shaping the future of our society. From communication and transportation to healthcare and education, technological advancements have revolutionized every aspect of our lives. With the rapid pace of innovation, we are witnessing a new erawhere technology is leading the way towards a brighter and more sustainable future.One of the key factors driving this technological revolution is innovation. Innovation is the process of creating new ideas, products, or services that bring about positive change and improvements in society. It is through innovation that we are able to harness the power of technology and use it to solve complex challenges and create new opportunities. Whether it is through the development of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, biotechnology, or renewable energy, innovation is essential for driving progress and ensuring a better future for all.In recent years, we have seen how technology has transformed industries and economies around the world. The rise of digital platforms, cloud computing, and big data analytics has led to the creation of new business models and industries, while also improving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. As we continue to embrace new technologies and adapt to the changing landscape of the digital age, it is clear that innovation will be the driving force behind our future growth and success.Moreover, technology has the power to address some of the most pressing challenges facing our world today, such as climate change, public health, and poverty. By leveraging the latest advancements in science and technology, we can develop innovative solutions that promote sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity. For example, through the use of renewable energy sources, smart cities, and digital healthcare systems, we can create a more sustainable and interconnected world that benefits everyone.In conclusion, technology is not just a tool for progress, but a driving force that shapes our future and drives development. By fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and creativity, we can harness the power of technology to build a better world for generations to come. As we look towards the future, let us embrace the possibilities that technology offers and work together to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous society for all.。












AItaly ToursTake our well-designed Italy tour package to explore this charming land.4-6 DaysIf it is your first time to visit Italy, Rome, Florence and Venice are your best choices to learn about the essential history, culture andadmire the masters’ artworks of this great country.7-9 DaysVenice in the north as a start, then to Florence, Pisa, Cinque Terre, lastly in Rome, this route covers popular cities, art, heritage as well as the beautiful Mediterranean coastline. For nature and sea lovers, Rome, Sorrento, Amalfi Coast and Capri Island could be nice destinations.10 Days or MoreThe typical 2-week Italy tour packages would cover top tourist cities and important landmarks. You could go through the country from North to South.Best Time to Visit: Spring from April to June; autumn from September to OctoberMajor Cities for International Flights: Rome (capital), Venice, Florence, NapoliVisa: Citizens from the USA, Canada, Australia, and citizens of EU and EEA countries do not need a visa and are allowed to stay up to 90 days. The Schengen visa can also be used for travelling to Italy. Money Tips: Euro is the official currency. Major credit cards are widely accepted, but cash is still necessary in some cases.1. Which places are recommended for those who have never visited Italy beforeA. Rome, Florence and Venice.B. Capri Island, Venice and Pisa.C. Pisa, Florence and Cinque Terre.D. Rome, Sorrento and Amalfi Coast.2. Which tour package is designed for enjoying natural sceneryA.4 –6 Days.B.7 –9 Days.C.10 Days or More.D.2 Weeks.3. Which month may be the most suitable to visit ItalyA. March.B. May.C. August.D. November.BEvery so often, 31-year-old Chen Jiawen, a product designer at a technology company in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, sets aside a day for herself called Unplug Day. On this day, she disconnects from the digital world and focuses on real-life experiences. In the morning, she prepares breakfast for herself while listening to music. In the afternoon, she wanders through the park with friends and in the evening, they enjoy a meal together without touching their phones, engaged in deep conversation. Upon returning home, she spends the evening reading.Chen started the plan as she often felt “interrupted” by technology, ci ting moments of distraction (分心) like pop-up notifications, ring tones and repetitious warnings leading her to check for new messages, and feelings of information ov erload. “Occasionallydisconnecting from the network is like feeding the brain a day of vegetarian food,” Chen said. Unplug Day is part of her plan to combat information overload from overusing the phone and to rebuild her focus. In addition to this, she has started replacing short videos with longer ones and prioritizes reading in-depth news articles or books. “When friends gather and everyone is glued to their phones, it makes me uncomfortable,” Chen said, adding that burying herself in social media prevented her from completing work as planned, leading to psychological burdens and a decreasing focus.It’s become a common situation where modern people might unconsciously use the time spent waiting at traffic lights to watch a short video or constantly check out a trending topic upon receiving a push notification from an app. To prevent this sense of being “controlled” by mobile devices, some young Chinese like Chen are experimenting with digital minimalism and are discovering positive outcomes from their efforts. Technology should bring us joy, not reduce the time we spend with family or increase our anxiety. Our goal is to control technology rather than letting it control us.4. What can we learn about Unplug DayA. It is a day for reading.B. It is a day without phones.C. It is a day away from the Internet.D. It is a day to spend withfriends.5. What does the underlined word “combat” in paragraph 2 meanA. Range.B. Cancel.C. Obtain.D. Prevent.6. What is the direct impact of over-involvement in social mediaA. Tasks’ delays.B. Stress from peers.C. Mental problems.D. A decreasing focus.7. What does the author suggest people do in the last paragraphA. Enjoy the benefits of technology.B. Decrease the time spent on digital devices.C. Remove the apps informing new messages.D. Watch longer videos while waiting at traffic lights.CHoney is a simple pleasure. It’s easy to forget, while enjoying its luxurious sweetness on a slice of buttered toast, that it is the end-product of a complicated production line involving advanced biological machinery and thousands of skilled workers.Honey starts out as nectar (花蜜), a solution of various sugars that flowering plants produce to attract insects like butterflies and all kinds of bees. Most of these visitors drink it down on the spot as nutrition for themselves. A food-hunting worker bee, though, does things differently. The bee stores the nectar in its honey stomach rather than digesting it. The stomach can hold a lot of nectar, up toalmost half the bee’s unloa ded body mass, and filling it may require a thousand flower visits. The transformation of nectar into honey begins while the bee is still on the wing, as the honey stomach produces enzymes (酶) that break down the larger, complex sugar molecule (分子) into smaller ones.On arrival back at the hive, where bees live and work, the bee unloads the nectar by giving the sugary solution to other workers, who pass it back and forth between each other, adding more enzymes each time. Once it is sufficiently sticky, the mixture is laid down in the beeswax cells of the honeycomb and the workers continue the drying process by fanning it with their wings. Only when the water content has been reduced to about 18 percent (from about 75 percent in the original nectar) do they seal the cells with beeswax lids. At this point , it is well and truly honey.An average hive produces about 11 kg of honey in a season, which requires the bees to fly over 1.5 million kilometers between them. A standard jar of honey requires about 80,000 km. The effort that has gone into making honey is worth remembering when spreading it onto toast —it can surely only add to the pleasure.8. Why does the worker bee store the nectar in its stomachA. To digest better.B. To absorb its nutrition.C. To keep it for its future food.D. To share it with other bees.9. What can be inferred from paragraph 3A. The cells are sealed by sticky solution.B. Producing honey requires teamwork.C. The drying work is done by female bees.D. It’s critical to maintain water percentage.10. How is the last paragraph developedA. By listing figures.B. By giving definitions.C. By making comparisons.D. By providing examples.11. Which may be a suitable title for the textA. Skilled WorkersB. A Simple PleasureC. Advanced and Intelligent CreaturesD. Luxurious Sweetness from Delicate WorkDTitled “A new future of work: The race to deploy (部署) AI and raise skills in Europe and beyond”, the report highlights the potential for AI to transform the global workforce by 2030, China Media Group reported on Sunday.The report suggests that generative AI could automate nearly one-third of working hours in the US and Europe, leading to a polarization of the labor market. High-skilled, high-wage jobs may face talent shortages, while low-wage industries could experience asurplus (剩余) of labor. The percentage of high-wage jobs is expected to rise by 1.8 percent, while low-wage jobs may decrease by 1.4 percent. Germany, according to the report, is projected to have around 3 million jobs affected by AI by 2030, representing 7 percent of its total employment. Office jobs in administrative sectors of companies and public institutions are expected to be hit the hardest, accounting for 54 percent of all AI-impacted positions. In addition, the report stresses the importance of upskilling and reskilling the workforce to meet the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, suggesting that individuals can adapt by actively participating in training programs. McKinsey researchers call on manager s to invest heavily in employee education and training, saying that without a significant improvement in the skill levels of the workforce, AI cannot fully release its potential.The rapid development and widespread application of AI are unavoidable trends, and the potential risks and issues must be addressed through development. Improving the governance system is not about restricting AI development but promoting its healthy growth. It is essential to establish a legal and policy framework suited to the development. The necessities are highlighted that a policy environment should be created which is beneficial to AI research, development, and application and thesafety responsibilities and accountability mechanisms for AI systems should be clarified, ensuring trackability and repairability of responsible parties.12. What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly aboutA. The threats posed by AI.B. The future workforce training.C. The advantages of AI workforce.D. The potential effect of AI on workforce.13. What is emphasized to meet the challengeA. Education and training.B. Skills of management.C. Government investment.D. Policy and opportunities.14. What is the author’s attitude towards AI developmentA. Unclear.B. Dismissive.C. Objective.D. Doubtful.15. Which column of a news website may the text be taken fromA. Fashion.B. Health.C. Technology.D. Service.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



外文原文SMART CARD for SMART CAMPUSKFUPM Case StudyTala1 Halawani and Mohamed MohandesKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineralsmohandes@. SaAbstractSmart card is the latest addition in the world of information technology. The vision of the smart card program is to provide access to services that is secure, fast,friendly, easy to use, flexible, personal, and is accessible by the users kom anyplace at any time. A smart card is of the size of a conventional credit card with an embedded computer chip that stores and transacts data between users and devices. This data is associated with either value or information or both and is stored and processed within the chip of the card. The card data is transacted via a card reader attached to a computing system as a peripheral device. Smart cards are extensively used through several key applications like education, healthcare, banking, entertainment, and transportation.1. IntroductionSmart card is a mini-computer capable of storing and processing data. Although, at -present, they are most popular as single-function cash cards and long-distance calling cards, their capabilities range from retaining tickets, money, frequent flyer miles, travel preferences, insurance information, key demographic data, links to a patient’s medical records, to allowing access into a building, logging onto a network, etc. The potential of the smart card is limitless. With the added bonus of these functions being performed on a single card, smart cards have the ability to become indispensable tools.Smart cards were first introduced in Europe a couple of decades ago as a stored value tool for pay phones to reduce theft [I]. As smart cards and other chip-based cards advanced, people found new ways to use them, such as charging cards for creditpurchases and for record keeping in place of paper. Smart cards provide tamper-proof storage of user and account identity. They provide protection against a full range of security threats, kom careless storage of user passwords to sophisticated system hacks. Smart card can be multi-functional through the use of several applications stored on the card. This paper starts with the history of smart cards and describes the different types of smart cards with characteristics of each type. Finally, the paper will detail KFUPM smart card system as an important case study in the field.2. The History of Smart CardsThe first plastic payment card for general use was issued by the Dinners Club in 1950. At first the card’s functions were quite simp le [2]. They initially served as data carriers that were secure against forgery and tampering. General information, such as the card issuer’s name, was printed on the surface while personal data elements, such as the cardholder’s name and the card number were embossed. Further more, many cards bad a signature field. Protection against forgery was provided by visual features. Therefore, the system’s security depended completely on the retail staff accepting the cards. However, this was not an overwhelming p roblem due to the card‘s initial exclusivity. There was a pressing need for machine-readable cards to reduce handling cost in addition to the fact that card issuer’s losses due grew from year to year due to fraud [2].The first improvement consisted of a magnetic strip on the back of the card. This allowed digital data to be stored on the card in a machine-readable form as a supplement to the visual data. Additionally, security is enhanced by the use of a secret personal identification number (PIN) that is compared to a reference number stored in the magnetic strip [3].Although the embossed card with a magnetic strip is still the most commonly used type of payment card, they suffer from a severe weakness in that data stored on the strip can be read, deleted and rewritten by anyone with access to the appropriate equipment. PIN must be stored in the host system in a secure environment, instead of on the magnetic strip. Most systems that employ magnetic strip cards have on-line connectionsto the system’s host computer for security reasons. However, this generates considerable data transmission costs.The development of the smart card, combined with the expansion of electronic data processing has created completely new possibilities for solving this problem. Progress in microelectronics in the 1970’s made it possible to integrate data storage and arithmetic logic on a single silicon chip measuring a few square millimeters [2]. The ideas of incorporating such an integrated circuit into an ID card was contained in a patent application filed in Japan by Kunitaka Arimura in Japan concerning “a plastic card incorporating one or more integrated circuit chips for the generationof distinguishing signals” in1970 [3]. However, the first real progress in the development of smart cards came when Ronal Moreno registered his smart card patent on “an independent electronic object with memory” in France in 1974.A breakthrough was achieved in 1984, when the French telecommunication authorities decided to use prepaid chip cards for public pay phones due to the increasing vandalism and theft. Chip cards were demonstrated to be a cost effective solution. The French example was followed by many other countries. Today, more than 100 countries use chip cards for their public phone systems. By 1990 the total number of smart cards reached 60 million cards [4]. Today, several billion smart cards are in use worldwide.3. Types of Smart CardsSmart cards are composed of a chip, an interface between the chip and the card reader, and a plastic body. Smart cards are classified according to the chip type; memory chip cards as well as microprocessor chip cards. They can also be classified according to the method of communication with the reader. Cards may communicate with readers either through direct physical contacts (contact cards) or through a radio kequency signals (contactless cards).3.1 Memory Chip CurdsMemory cards have no sophisticated processing power and cannot manage filesdynamically. They are used for data storage and applications. Data can consist of the identification number, serial number of the card, installed applications and the information required to a specific application in case of mudti-appliciation cards. The main use for memory smart cards is to store card’s operating sy stem, nm-time e:nvironment, issuer security domain, card issuer application, keys, and certificates for cryptography. Keys function as passwords to secure environments, and certificates verify the authenticity of keys. Memory smart cards are built erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) or electrically EPROM (EEPROM) chi,ps. EPROM is often used in prepaid service cards such as phone cards that count off minutes used and then are discarded. EEPROM, which can be changed up to 100,000 times, includes built-in logic that can be used to update a. counter in prepaid service cards.3.2 Microprocessor Chip CurdsThese cards have on card dynamic data processing capabilities. The chip contains a microprocessor or a microcontroller that manages memory allocations and file access. It manages data in organized file structures, via a card operating system (COS). Unlike other operating systems, this software controls access to the on card user memory. Thi,s capability permits different and multiple functions and/or different applications to reside on tkle card. The microprocessor chips used for cards are smaller, slower versions of the central processing units used in PCs. Their pro,gamming capability provides support to functionality of the card. Microprocessor smart cards are required for applications that manipulate or compare data, such as public key infrastructure (PKI), dataencryption, Java applets, and electronic purses. Every microprocessor smart card bas a COS on the chip to operate the internal functions of the application. The COS loads off the read-onlymemory (ROM), much like: a basic inputloutput system (BIOS) on a PC [Z].3.3 Contact Smart CmdsIn addition to the classification of smart card based on the chip type, smart cards can be classified based on communication type. Contact smart card requires a phyriical contact between card and the reader. They use an eight or six pin contacts on the top of the card to physically connect to the card reader. Their ch.ip could be memory or microprocessor type [5].3.4 Contactless Smart CurdsContactless smart cards use an antenna to communicate with the reader. They are powered from an RF field generated by the card reader. The RF field also transfers data between the card and the reader [4]. Employee identification badges for building access are typically contactless smart cards. Additionally, most cards used for transportation are contactless as well.3.5 Combination Smart CardsMultipurpose combination smart cards are a hybrid mix of the contact and contactless designs. They include contacts for communication with a contact type reader, and also include an antenna for communication with an RF type reader [5].4. KFUPM Smart Card SystemUniversities need simple identity cards for all employees and students who are granted access to certain data, equipment and departments according to their status. Multifunction, microprocessor based smart cards incorporate identity with access privileges and also stores value for use in various locations, such as cafeterias and stores. Numerous universities around the world are utilizing smart cards. KFUPM is one of the first universities in the area to adopt a comprehensive multifunctional smart card system. KFUPM card is a dual card that bas two chips; one for contact applications and the other is for contactless applications. The contact chip will be utilized to store cardholder photo in addition for future bank services while the contactless chip will be utilized for all other functions. The card systemwill provide the following functions:Photo IDLibrary borrowing privilegesElectronic purseRecreation center sewicesMedical center servicesE-LeamingAccess control to university facilities Logical access to PCs and the internet These functions are controlled from a control management center (CMC) as shown in Figure.1. The CMC will host a file database server that is connected to the university network, enabling the system to access the student information system (SIS) and personnel payroll databases (PPS). An additional database is created for the cardholder database and will be residing in the system's server. There are several components of the CMC.Figure.1 Card Management CenterThe function of the card issuing System (CIS) is to capture the digital photograph and the biometrics template of the cardholder [6-71. As can be seen in Figure.2, the CIS consists of a card printer, biometrics scanner, digital camera, and a workstation. The CIS workstation is connected to the network to access the databases for the required information and data. However, records under processing could be stored for a sbort period in the CIS local database before it is passed onto the cardholder database to reduce the load on KFUPM network.Figure.2 Card Issuance CenterCard personalization system (CPS) performs the chip personalization in addition to defining the door access level for the cardbolder. CPS works on a cliendserver configuration, where the application used for the personalization process resides on the server. Therefore, each defined CPS workstation uses the KFUPM network to access and invoke the CPS application in the server. The CPS application can access the SIS and PPS through the KFUPM network. CPS consists of biometrics scanner, contact card reader and contactless reader as seen in Figure.3.Figure.3 Card Personalization SystemDue to the presence of contact and contactless chips, personalization has to be performed twice. Once the personalization process is complete, the system performs a biometrics verification process to insure that biometrics templates match the actual physical cardholder.Access control system (ACS) is responsible for controlling all defined accesscontrolled areas. It is also used to define the various group levels, which allow proper control of the movement of students and personnel in the university. This system provides access control to the university gates, buildings,Laboratories, library, recreation centers and car parks, as shown in Figure.4. ACS tracks and records movement of staff and students in controlled regions.Figure.4 Access control systemPayment management system (PMS) is responsible for collecting the various E-purse and university account transactions performed at the point of sale (POS) terminals. These POS terminals would be available at restaurants, library, recreation center, medical center, and coffee shops. The POS system accepts cash payments, make payments via university account, and make payments and provide refunds using the E-Purse system. Figure.5 shows the POS system.Figure5 Point of Sale SystemConclusionsThis paper introduced smart card technology. It presented the history and Ines of smart cards. Additionally, it highlighted the important points of KFUPM smart card system. Upon completion of the system, it is hoped that KFUPM smart card project will be an important case study for other universities in the are.% to follow.中文译文校园智能卡摘要智能卡的诞生是对世界信息技术的一种补充。



AcronymsASCII Bit CASE CCTV CPU DBA DBMS EDI FTP HTTP HTTPS ID IDS IPIS ISO IT LAN PBX PC PCR PDA PERT PIN PKI RAID RFID SDLC SSL TCP UPS VoIP WAN American Standard Code for Information Interchange Binary digitComputer-aided system engineeringClosed-circuit televisionCentral processing unitDatabase administratorDatabase management systemElectronic data interchangeFile Transfer ProtocolHypertext Transmission ProtocolSecured Hypertext Transmission Protocol IdentificationIntrusion detection systemInternet protocolInformation systemsInternational Organization for Standardization Information technologyLocal area networkPrivate branch (business) exchangePersonal computer/microcomputerProgram change requestPersonal digital assistantProgram Evaluation Review TechniquePersonal identification numberPublic key infrastructureRedundant Array of Inexpensive DisksRadio frequency identificationSystem development life cycleSecure Sockets LayerTransmission Control ProtocolUninterruptible power supplyVoice-over Internet ProtocolWide area networkIn addition to the aforementioned acronyms, candidates may also wish to become familiar with the following additional acronyms. Should any of these abbreviations be used in exam questions, their meanings would be included when the acronym appears.Additional Acronyms4GL ACID ACL AES AHAI AICPA ALE ALU ANSI API ARP ASIC ATDM ATMB-to-B B-to-C B-to-E B-to-G BCI BCM BCPBIBIA BIMS BIOS BIS BLP BNS BOM BOMP BPR BRP BSC CA CAAT CAD CAE CAM CASE CCK CCM CD Fourth-generation languageAtomicity, consistency, isolation and durability Access control listAdvanced Encryption StandardAuthentication headerArtificial intelligenceAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants Annual loss expectancyArithmetic-logic unitAmerican National Standards InstituteApplication programming interfaceAddress Resolution ProtocolApplication-specific integrated circuitAsynchronous time division multiplexingAsynchronous Transfer Mode or automated teller machine Business-to-businessBusiness-to-consumerBusiness-to-employeeBusiness-to-governmentBusiness Continuity InstituteBusiness continuity managementBusiness continuity planningBusiness intelligenceBusiness impact analysisBiometric Information Management and SecurityBasic Input/Output SystemBank for International SettlementsBypass label processBackbone network servicesBill of materialsBill of materials processorBusiness process reengineeringBusiness recovery (or resumption) planBalanced scorecardCertificate authorityComputer-assisted audit techniqueComputer-assisted designComputer-assisted engineeringComputer-aided manufacturingComputer-aided software engineeringComplimentary Code KeyingConstructive Cost ModelCompact diskCD-RCD-RW CDDF CDPD CEO CERT CGI CIAC CICA CIMCIOCIS CISO CMDB CMM CMMI CNC COBIT COCOMO2 CODASYL COM COM/DCOM COOP CORBA CoS COSO CPM CPOCPS CRCCRL CRMCSACSF CSIRT CSMA/CD CSOCSU-DSU DAC DASD DATDCEDCE Compact disk-recordableCompact disk-rewritableCall Data Distribution FunctionCellular Digital Packet DataChief executive officerComputer emergency response teamCommon gateway interfaceComputer Incident Advisory CapabilityCanadian Institute of Chartered AccountantsComputer-integrated manufacturingChief information officerContinuous and intermittent simulationChief information security officerConfiguration management databaseCapability Maturity ModelCapability Maturity Model IntegrationComputerized Numeric ControlControl Objectives for Information and related Technology Constructive Cost ModelConference on Data Systems LanguageComponent Object ModelComponent Object Model/Distributed Component Object Model Continuity of operations planCommon Object Request Broker ArchitectureClass-of-serviceCommittee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway CommissionCritical Path MethodologyChief privacy officerCertification practice statementCyclic redundancy checkCertificate revocation listCustomer relationship managementControl self-assessmentCritical success factorComputer security incident response teamCarrier-sense Multiple Access/Collision DetectionChief security officerChannel service unit/digital service unitDiscretionary access controlsDirect access storage deviceDigital audio tapeData communications equipmentDCOM DCT DD/DS DDL DDN DDoS DECT DES DFD DHCP DID DIP DLL DMS DMZ DNS DoS DOSD DRII DRP DSL DSS DSSS DTE DTR DVD DVD-HD DWEA EAC EAI EAM EAP EBCDIC EC ECC EDFA EER EFT EIGRP EJB EMI EMRT Distributed computing environmentDistributed Component Object Model (Microsoft) Discrete Cosine TransformData dictionary/directory systemData Definition LanguageDigital Divide NetworkDistributed denial of serviceDigital Enhanced Cordless TelecommunicationsData Encryption StandardData flow diagramDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDirect inward dialDocument image processingDynamic link libraryDisk management systemDemilitarized zoneDomain name serverDenial of serviceData-oriented system developmentDisaster Recovery Institute InternationalDisaster recovery planningDigital subscriber linesDecision support systemsDirect-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)Data terminal equipmentData terminal readyDigital video discDigital video disc-high definition/high density Data warehouseEnterprise architectureEstimates at completionEnterprise application integrationEmbedded audit moduleExtensible Authentication ProtocolExtended Binary-coded for Decimal Interchange Code Electronic commerceElliptical curve cryptographyEnterprise data flow architectureEqual-error rateElectronic funds transferEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol Enterprise java beansElectromagnetic interferenceERD ERP ESP EVA FAR FAT FC FDDI FDM FEA FEMA FER FERC FFIEC FFT FHSS FIPS FP FPA FRAD FRB FRR GAS GB GID GIS GPS GSM GUI HAHD-DVD HDLC HIPAA HIPO HTML HW/SW I/OI&A ICMP ICT IDE IDEF1X IETF Emergency response timeEntity relationship diagramEnterprise resource planningEncapsulating security payloadEarned value analysisFalse-acceptance rateFile allocation tableFibre channelsFiber-Distributed Data InterfaceFrequency division multiplexingFederal enterprise architectureFederal Emergency Management Association (USA)Failure-to-enroll rateFederal Energy Regulatory Commission (USA)Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (USA) Fast Fourier TransformFrequency-hopping spread spectrumFederal Information Processing StandardsFunction pointFunction point analysisFrame relay assembler/disassemblerFederal Reserve Board (USA)False-rejection rateGeneralized audit softwareGigabyteGroup IDGeographic information systemsGlobal position systemGlobal system for mobile communicationsGraphical user interfaceHigh availabilityHigh definition/high density-digital video discHigh-level data link controlHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (USA) Hierarchy input-process-outputHypertext Markup LanguageHardware/softwareInput/outputIdentification and authenticationInternet Control Message ProtocolInformation and communication technologiesIntegrated development environmentIntegration Definition for Information ModelingIPFIPLIPMAIPRsIPSIPSecIPXIRIRIRCIrDAIRMIS/ORP ISAKMP/Oakley ISAMISDNISPITFITGIITILITSMITTITUJITKbKBKBKDSIKGIKLOCKPIL2TPLCPM&AMACMAC address MANMAPMISMODEMMOSMPLSMRP Internet Engineering Task ForceInformation processing facilityInitial program loadInternational Project Management Association Intellectual property rightsIntrusion prevention systemIP SecurityInternetwork Packet ExchangeIncident responseInfraredInternet relay chatInfrared Data AssociationIncident response managementIS disaster recovery planningInternet Security Association and Key Management Protocol/OakleyIndexed Sequential Access MethodIntegrated services digital networkInternet service providerIntegrated test facilityIT Governance InstituteInformation Technology Infrastructure LibraryIT service managementInvitation to tenderInternational Telecommunications UnionJust in timeKilobitKilobyteKnowledge baseThousand delivered source instructionsKey goal indicatorKilo lines of codeKey performance indicatorLayer 2 Tunneling ProtocolLink Control ProtocolMergers and acquisitionMandatory Access ControlMedia Access Control addressMetropolitan area networkManufacturing accounting and production Management information systemModulator/demodulatorMaintenance out of serviceMSAUs MTBF MTS MTTR NAP NAS NAT NCP NDA NFPA NFS NIC NIST NNTP NSP NT NTFS NTP OBS OCSP OECD OEP OFDM OLAP OO OOSD ORB OS OSI OSPF PAD PAN PBX PDCA PDN PER PHY PICS PID PID PMBOK PMI POC Multiprotocol label switchingManufacturing resources planningMultistation access unitsMean time between failuresMicrosoft’s Transaction ServerMean time to repairNetwork access pointNetwork access server or Network attached storage Network address translationNetwork Control ProtocolNondisclosure agreementNational Fire Protection Agency (USA)Network file systemNetwork interface cardNational Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) Network News Transfer ProtocolName Server Protocol or Network service providerNew technologyNT file systemNetwork Time ProtocolObject Breakdown StructureOnline Certificate Status ProtocolOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development Occupant emergency planOrthogonal frequency division multiplexingOnline analytical processingObject-orientedObject-oriented system developmentObject request broker (ORB)Operating systemOpen Systems InterconnectionOpen Shortest Path FirstPacket assembler/disassemblerPersonal area networkPrivate branch exchangePlan-Do-Check-ActPublic data networkPackage-enabled reengineeringPhysical layerPlatform for Internet content selectionProcess IDProject Initiation DocumentProject Management Body of KnowledgePOP POS POTS PPP PPPoE PPTP PRPRD PRINCE2 PROM PSTN PVCQAQATRARAD RADIUS RAID RAM RAS RBAC RDBMS RFRFI RFPRIP RMI ROI ROLAP ROM RPC RPO RST RTORWS/HTTP S/MIME SASAN SANS SAS SBC SCADA Project Management InstituteProof of conceptProof of possessionPoint of sale or Point-of-sale systemsPlain old telephone servicePoint-to-point ProtocolPoint-to-point Protocol Over EthernetPoint-to-Point Tunneling ProtocolPublic relationsProject request documentProjects in Controlled Environments 2 Programmable Read-Only MemoryPublic switched telephone network Permanent virtual circuitQuality assuranceQuality assurance testingRegistration authorityRapid application developmentRemote Access Dial-in User Service Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks Random access memoryRemote access serviceRole-based access controlRelational database management systemRadio frequencyRequest for informationRequest for proposalRouting Information ProtocolRemote method invocationReturn on investmentRelational online analytical processing Read-only memoryRemote procedure callRecovery point objectiveResetRecovery time objectiveRewritableSecure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolSecure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Security AssociationStorage area networkThe SANS InstituteStatement on Auditing StandardsSCARF SCARF/EAM SCM SCORSD/MMC SDLC SDOSECSETSLASLIPSLM SLOC SMART SMESMF SMTPSNA SNMPSOSOA SOAP SOHOSPI SPICE SPOC SPOOL SQLSSHSSIDSSOSVC SYSGEN TACACS TCOTCP/IP TCP/UDP TDM TELNET TESTFTP TKIPTLS Session border controllerSupervisory Control and Data AcquisitionSystems Control Audit Review FileSystems Control Audit Review File and Embedded Audit ModulesSupply Chain ManagementSupply Chain Operations ReferenceSecure digital multimedia cardSystem development life cycleService delivery objectiveSecurities and Exchange Commission (USA)Secure electronic transactionsService level agreementSerial Line Internet ProtocolService level managementSource lines of codeSpecific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound Subject matter expertSystem management facilitySimple Mail Transport ProtocolSystems network architectureSimple Network Management ProtocolSecurity officerService-oriented architectureSimple Object Access ProtocolSmall office-home officeSecurity parameter indexSoftware Process Improvement and Capability Determination Single point of contactSimultaneous peripheral operations onlineStructured Query LanguageSecure ShellSet services identifiersSingle sign-onSwitched virtual circuitsSystem generationTerminal Access Control Access Control SystemTotal cost of ownershipTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Transmission Control Protocol/User Datagram Protocol Time-division multiplexingTeletype networkTerminal emulation softwareTMSTP monitors TQMTRUATUBEUDDIUDPUIDUMLURIURLURNUSBVLANVoIPVPNWAPWBSWEPWLANWMLWORMWPWPAWPANWSDL WWANWWWX-to-X XBRLXMLXqueryXSL Trivial File Transport Protocol Temporal Key Integrity Protocol Transport layer securityTape management systemTransaction processing (TP) monitors Total quality managementTechnical reportUser acceptance testingUnsolicited bulk e-mailDescription, discovery and integration User Datagram ProtocolUser IDUnified Modeling LanguageUniform resource identifierUniversal resource locatorUniform resource nameUniversal Serial BusVirtual local area networkVoice-Over IPVirtual private networkWireless Application ProtocolWork breakdown structureWired Equivalent PrivacyWireless local area networkWireless Markup LanguageWrite-once and read manyWork packagesWi-Fi Protected AccessWireless personal area networkWeb Services Description Language Wireless wide area networkWorld Wide WebExchange-to-ExchangeExtensible Business Reporting Language Extensible Markup LanguageXML queryExtensible Stylesheet Language。


版本 Rev(1)
It's a company that offers individuals or enterprises access over the Internet to applications and related services that would otherwise have to be located in their own personal or enterprise computers. 一种为个人或企业级用户提供通过Internet访问应用程序或相关服务的公司。从而,上述应用程序或相关服务就不必存在 于用户自己的个人电脑或企业服务器上。
A device that supports the seat frame assembly ,provides attachment to the floor pan of the vehicle and provides adjustments to be made to the seated position. 一个支承座椅骨架总成的机构,它提供到汽车地板的连接和使座椅调节定位。 Convert an ideal, want, technology into a feasible product concept. 将主意、需要和技术转化为可行的产品概念。 Inclusion of prevention measures to eliminate product defects during the design and development period. 包含预防性措施来消除在设计和开发期间的产品缺陷。
2W/4W/6 W/8W
3rd Seat 第三排座椅 4th Seat 第四排座椅 5S/Visual Management 5S和可视化管理



石河子大学信息科学与技术学院毕业论文课题名称:手写体数字识别系统设计学生姓名:学号:学院:信息科学与技术学院专业年级:电子信息工程2007级指导教师:职称:完成日期:二○一一年六月十一日手写体数字识别系统设计学生:指导教师:[摘要] 随着科学技术的迅速发展,在邮政编码、统计报表、财务报表、银行票据等处理大量字符信息录入的场合,手写数字识别系统的应用需求越来越强烈,如何将数字方便、快速地输入到计算机中已成为关系到计算机技术普及的关键问题。


[关键词] 预处理,结构特征提取,分类识别,手写体数字识别Handwritten Digit Recognition SystemStudents:Teacher:Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, in zip code, statistics, reports, financial statements, Bank bills dealing with a large number of characters, such as information recorded occasions, handwritten digit recognition system of requirement has become stronger and stronger, how easily and quickly the number entered in the computer has become a key issue relates to the popularization of computer technology. This article design implementation has a based on Matlab software of handwriting body digital recognition system, used module of design method, write has camera entered, and directly read pictures, and write Board entered three a module, using camera, tools, will to text form exists of handwriting body digital entered into computer, completed on handwriting body digital pictures of collection, and design has a handwriting digital recognition method, on handwriting body digital image for pretreatment, and structure features extraction, and classification recognition, eventually to text form output digital, to implementation handwriting body digital of recognition.Key words: Pretreatment, structure feature extraction, classification and recognition, handwritten digit recognition.目录第一章引言 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2课题研究目的及意义 (2)1.2.1 手写体数字识别的研究目的 (2)1.2.2 手写体数字识别的研究意义 (3)1.3课题研究现状及发展趋势 (3)1.4课题整体结构 (5)1.5课题难点分析 (5)第二章开发运行环境 (6)2.1系统开发环境和运行环境 (6)2.2开发工具介绍 (6)2.2.1 硬件部分介绍 (6)2.2.2 软件部分介绍 (8)第三章手写体数字识别系统构成及原理 (10)3.1图像处理基础知识 (10)3.2手写体数字识别系统构成 (13)3.3手写体数字识别系统原理 (13)3.3.1预处理 (13)3.3.2图像分割 (17)3.3.3特征提取 (19)3.3.4分类识别 (20)第四章手写体数字识别系统设计分析 (21)4.1程序主界面 (21)4.2基准库的选择与建立 (23)4.3手写体数字识别系统设计 (23)4.3.1摄像头输入模块的设计 (23)4.3.2直接读图模块的设计 (25)4.3.3写字板输入模块的设计 (27)第五章系统性能评价及实验结果分析 (30)5.1识别系统性能的评价 (30)5.2实验结果分析 (31)第六章结论 (33)6.1毕业设计总结 (33)6.2课题前景与展望 (34)致谢 (37)参考文献 (37)附录 (39)附1、识别部分主程序 (39)附2、创建模板部分函数 (40)附3、切割图片部分函数 (42)附4、输出图片部分函数 (43)第一章引言1.1 课题背景数字已有数千年的历史,在世界上使用很广,然而,在当今社会里,如何快速高效地将数字输入计算机,已成为影响人机接口效率的一个重要瓶颈,也关系到计算机能否真正在我国得到普及应用[1]。



一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. China has developed a________cameras that can see through the Earth’s crust (地壳) so that it can be analyzed without having to dig into it. (根据首字母单词拼写)2. The railway s_________shows that the train will come, so you can’t pass now. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. The most terrible thing to put up with is the woman boss’s a_______ smile. (根据首字母提示拼写单词)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. His public ________(形象) is quite different from the real person, making us amazed. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)5. Graduates with _________ (高等的) degrees will be appointed to management posts. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. Helen is a woman who combines beauty with ________ (智商,智慧). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词(单词拼写)7. This t__________ is useful but it has its limitations. (技术)(根据中英文提示单词拼写)8. It is now possible to hold a video ________ (a meeting organized on a particular subject) in real time on a mobile phone. (根据英文提示单词拼写)四、完成句子9. She _______ everything was all right.她对其他女孩发信号说一切正常。



2024年11月7日China Daily时政类语篇型填空专项训练(老年人食堂满足了人口老龄化的需求)(上)Canteens for seniors feed demands of aging populationPassage 1It's lunchtime, and the canteen in a residential community in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, is filled with 1. (excite). Inside, an 2. (attract) array of freshly cooked dishes awaits the elderly residents of the neighborhood.A message flashes 3. a screen as one senior enters — "Mr Chen, seafood and soy products aren't 4. (suit) for you today". Personalized reminders appear on the screen for certain residents, and offer meal 5. (suggest) based 6. their health data.The canteen for seniors in Cuiyuan No 1 Community, 7. of the first government-subsidized dining halls for elderly people in Zhejiang, offers discounted meals and delivery 8. (serve) for senior residents.The community is home to over 9,800 people, a quarter of 9. are aged 60 or above. As the dietary needs of the seniors have evolved, so 10. the canteen's technology.Passage 2"Our canteen has become much 1. (smart)," said Xiang Feifei, director of the community residents' committee. "2. seniors who require special care, the day care center monitors their vital signs and feeds this data 3. the canteen's digital system. 4. someone is allergic to seafood, the system detects it and generates a customized menu advising them 5. to avoid," she said.To protect privacy and ensure 6. (secure), facial recognition and health data usage 7. (govern) by a privacy agreement. Both elderly residents and their children sign this agreement, ensuring the data 8. (use) only withtheir consent and strictly for non-commercial purposes, Xiang said.The initiative not only 9. (improve) the quality of life for the elderly, but also provides crucial support for younger family members, including those who have to work during the day and are unable to look 10. their parents at all times.Passage 3For 66-year-old Hu Huali, 1. (she) visits to the community's seniors canteen, which is just a five-minute walk from her home, 2. (become) a part of her daily routine."A hearty meal 3. one meat dish and two vegetable sides costs around 16 yuan ($2.25). It's delicious and affordable."she said.Chen Peng's parents, 4. of whom are 5. (near) 80, enjoy three discounted meals a day from Monday to Friday."In the past, their meals 6. (be) often makeshift — flatbread and fried dough in the morning, 7. (boil) porridge with pickled vegetables — sometimes they would eat like that all day," Chen said. "We were really 8. (worry)."Now, this burden has 9. (ease). "For elderly people like my parents, they can enjoy hot, affordable meals and have someone 10. (chat) with, which helps alleviate loneliness," he added.Passage 4China, like many 1. countries, is undergoing a demographic shift. The country has nearly 300 million citizens aged 60 or above, 2. (office) figures show. That number 3. (expect) to top 400 million by 2035 and approach 500 million by around 2050, 4. which point seniors will account 5. nearly 35 percent of the country's total population.At present, about 90 percent of elderly people in China choose home care, about 7 percent rely 6. community care, and 3 percent live in institutional care, survey data from the National Health Commission shows.In October last year, the State Council executive 7. (meet) reviewed and approved an action plan for actively developing elderly meal assistance services.This year, it was included in the China National Aging Committee's list of 8. (practice) matters for the elderly, with the central government 9. (allocate) 300 million yuan in guidance funds 10. (support) the development of assistance services to provide meals for the elderly.参考答案参考答案11.excitement2.attractive3.across4.suitable5.on6.suggestions7.one8.services9.whom 10.has参考译文1现在是午餐时间,浙江省杭州市一个小区的食堂里充满了兴奋的气氛。



2000年英语一试卷第一部分:听力(30分)Section A(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. What does the woman mean?A. She doesn't like the movie.B. She has seen the movie.C. She wants to see the movie.2. Where are the two speakers?A. In a restaurant.B. In a store.C. In a library.3. How much should the man pay?A. 10.B. 15.C. 20.4. What is the man going to do?A. Go to work.B. Have a rest.C. See a doctor.5. When will the meeting start?A. At 9:00.B. At 9:15.C. At 9:30.SectionB(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Conversation 16. What is the man's job?A. A teacher.B. A doctor.C. A salesman.7. What is the woman interested in?A. The man's product.B. The man's company.C. The man's experience.Conversation 28. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister.9. What are they talking about?A. A party.B. A trip.C. A movie.10. When will they leave?A. Tomorrow.B. Next week.C. Next month.SectionC(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面一段独白,回答第11 - 15题。



英文回答:The digital economy is based on information technology and the Internet and is characterized by digitalization, networking and intellectualization that drive change and innovative economic patterns in traditional industries. With the acceleration of the global digitization process, the digital economy has be an important engine for economic development worldwide. As the main subject and organizer of the State, the Government plays an important role in the development of the digital economy. The development of digital infrastructure needs to be strengthened first on how Governments develop the digital economy. The development of the digital economy requires a sound information infrastructure and a network environment, and Governments need to invest more in promoting the full coverage of broadband networks and the universal application of 5G technologies. Governments should also promote the development and innovation of technologies related to the digital economy and the development of a dynamic digital industry. Governments should also encourage and support enterprises to invest more in the digital economy, nurture the digital economy industry ecosystem and promote deeper integration between the digitaleconomy and the real economy.数字经济是以信息技术和互联网为基础,以数字化、网络化和智能化为特征,推动传统产业变革和创新的经济形态。



Electronic and information engineering is the application of the computer and modem technology for electronic information control and information processing the discipline, the main research information acquisition and processing, electronic equipment and information system design, development, application and integration. Now, electronic and information engineering has covered many aspects of the society, like telephone exchange station how to deal with various phone signal, a mobile phone is how to transfer our voice even image, the network around us how to transfer data, and even of the army of the information age how to confidential information transmission, are involved in electronic and information engineering application technology. We can through some basic knowledge learning know these things, and able to apply more advanced technology in new product research and electronic and information engineering is professional This program is to cultivate master the modern electronic technology theory, familiar with electronic system design principle and design method, have stronger computer, foreign language and corresponding engineering technology application ability, facing the electronic technology, automatic control and intelligentcontrol, computer and network technology, electronic, information, communication field of broad caliber, the high quality, comprehensive development of integrated with innovation ability engineering technology talent development.Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solid mathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, and mainly electrical; To learn many circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher. Such as their connection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications system, will also visit some big company of electronic and information processing equipment, understanding mobile phone signal, cable TV is how to transmission, etc, and can organic ?Course classification:1. The mathematicsThe higher mathematics-(the department of mathematics mathematical analysis + space analytic geometry + ordinary differential equation) speak mainly is calculus, to learn thecircuit of the people, the calculus (a yuan, multiple), curve surface integral, series, ordinary differential equation, Fourier transform, the other the Laplace transformation in the subsequent frequently encountered in theory.Probability and statistics-all communication, signal processing with relevant course with probability theory.Mathematical physical methods-some school graduate student intellect, some schools into complex variable functions (+ integral transform) and mathematical physics equation (is partial differential equations). Study the mathematical basis of electromagnetic field, microwave.May also be introduced stochastic process (need to probability basis) and functional analysis.2. TheoryThe circuit principle-basic of the program.Signal and system, continuous and discrete signal time domain, frequency domain analysis, is very important but also is difficultDigital signal processing-discrete signal and system analysis, signal digital transformation, digital filters, and so on.The application of information theory, information theoryrange is very wide, but electronic engineering often put this course speak into coding theory.Electromagnetic field and wave-the day the course, basically is the counterpart of the dynamics in the physics department of the electricity, using mathematical to study the magnetic field (constant electromagnetic field, time-dependent electromagnetic fields).3. CircuitAnalog circuit-the transistor, the op-amp, power supply, A/D and D/A.Digital circuit--a gate, trigger and combination circuit, timing circuit, programmable devices, digital electronic system4. ComputerMicrocomputer principle-80 x86 hardware work principle.Assembly language, direct correspondence of the CPU commands programming language.Single chip microcomputer CPU and control circuit, made a piece of integrated circuit, all sorts of electric equipment of all necessary, normal explanation 51 series.Cc++ language-(now speak only c language schools may not much) writing system programming language, and the development of hardware related often are used.Software foundation-(computer specialized data structure + + + algorithm operating system database principles + compilation approach + software engineering) can also be a few course, speaks the principle of software and how to write software.Professional training requirements:This major is an electronic and information engineering major. Students of this specialty mainly studies the signal acquisition and processing, the power plant equipment information system of professional knowledge, by electronic and information engineering practice of basic training, with design, development, application and integrated electronic equipment and the ability of the information system.Professional training requirements:This major is an electronic and information engineering major. Students of this specialty mainly studies the signal acquisition and processing, the power plant equipment information system of professional knowledge, by electronic and information engineering practice of basic training, with design, development, application and integrated electronic equipment and the ability of the information system.The graduates should have the following several aspects of knowledge and ability:1. Can a system to manage the field wide technology basic theoretical knowledge, to adapt to the electronic and information engineering extensive work range2. Grasp the electronic circuit of the basic theory and experiment technology, analysis and design of electronic equipment basic ability3. To grasp the information acquisition, processing the basic theory and application of the general method, has the design, integration, application and computer simulation of information system of the basic skills.4. Understand the basic principles of information industry, policies and regulations, understand the basic knowledge of the enterprise management5. Understand electronic equipment and information system of theoretical frontiers, with research, development of new system, the new technology preliminary ability6. Master of literature retrieval, material inquires basic ?The future:Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solid mathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, andmainly electrical; To learn many circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher. Such as their connection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications system, will also visit some big company of electronic and information processing equipment, understanding mobile phone signal, cable TV is the ? how to transferAlong with the social informatization of thorough, the most industries need electronic and information engineering professionals, and a high salary. Students can be engaged in electronic equipment and information system design, application development and technical management, etc. For example, make electronic engineers, design develop some electronics, communication device; Do software engineer, hardware design, development and all kinds of relevant software; Do project executive, planning some big system, the experience, knowledge requires high; Still can continue to study to become a teacher, engaged in scientific research work, etc.China IT industry started so far have ten years, very young.Fresh things, chaoyang industry is always much attention. It is for this reason, the computer professional quickly become the university of popular major, many schoolmates sharpening again sharpened head to the ivory tower of ivory top drill, or for interest, or to make a living master a foreign skills, or for future better and faster development.The first few years of the computer professional than hot, in recent years professional to this choice in the gradually rational and objective. Students and parents consider is more of a more advantageous to the personal self based on long-term development of the starting point.In this industry, seems to have the potential law: a short career. So the body not old heart first, thought the "hope the way how to turn what should IT management, sales, or under IT the bodies from beginning to the past business, or simply turned... ., exactly what to do, still wandering in the, in the confusion, the code of a few years ago life seems to be erased it shall not plan, leaving only the deserted what some memories.Too much about the industry's bad, many, many elder's kind advice, in computer professional students in the heart of the buried the uneasy seeds, whether should continue to choose the bank, or career path should be explicit turn? Choose this line,is likely to mean that the choice of physical and mental suffering course, accept the industry of experience.Exit? Is the heart has unwilling, think about for several years hard work, they write in pencil full program writing paper, the class was, when working with the, less romantic hold lots of time, for the future is more a self-confidence to submitting a professional, the profound professional resume. Who would like to be the last into the heart to the east of the water flow.Any one industry all have their own bright and gloomy, just people don't understand. For just the us towards campus, has entered the society for seniors learn elder sister, for different positions of each elder, life is always difficult, brilliant casting is progressive, we can not only see industry bright beautiful beautiful appearance, and neglect of its growth lift behind the difficult, the gap between the two extremes of course huge, from such a perspective, apparently went against the objective. And for his future career build is the same, it's early form, its make, its cast, it's affluent, and it's thick, is a brick step by step a tired build by laying bricks or stones.Exactly do a "starter, don't want to entry-level, want to introduction and no entry-level" IT people, the answer at ease in each one.Can say electronic and information engineering is a promising discipline, is not optional despise any a subject. To do a line, loves a line, since choosing it, will it never do things by halves.on Electronic and information engineering is the application of the computer and modem technology for electronic information control and information processing the discipline, the main research information acquisition and processing, electronic equipment and information system design, development, application and integration. Now, electronic and information engineering has covered many aspects of the society, like telephone exchange station how to deal with various phone signal, a mobile phone is how to transfer our voice even image, the network around us how to transfer data, and even of the army of the informatiage how to confidential information transmission, are involved in electronic and information engineering application technology. We can through some basic knowledge learning know these things, and able to apply more advanced technology to research and development of new products.Electronic information engineering major is learning the basic circuit of knowledge, and master the computer processing with the method of information. The first to have solidmathematical knowledge, for physics requirement is high, and mainly electrical; To learn many circuit knowledge, electronic technology, signal and system, computer control principle, communication principle, basic courses. Learning in electronic and information engineering design, to themselves have to connect with computer some circuit experiment, to operate and use tools requirements is also higher. Such as their connection sensor circuit, with computer set small communications system, will also visit some big company of electronic and information processing equipment, understanding mobile phone signal, cable TV is how to transmission, etc, and can organic ?。



Youdan Shuai digitization integration in other cities still need to be optimized. As an open city in the Chengdu Economic Circle, Meishan city adheres to the implementation of the digital economy development strategy in Sichuan Province, cultivates and strengthens new drivers of the digital economy, actively creates a digital economy industrial park, and promotes the deep integration of the digital economy in the city. This paper analyzes the current status and development of digital economy in Meishan city based on recent economic development statistics.2 Current Status of Digital Economy Development in Meishan CityMeishan City has been actively implementing the digital economy development strategy of Sichuan Province. In 2019, the Meishan Municipal Government issued the "Meishan City Digital Economy Development Plan (2019-2023)", which proposed a clear goal. By 2023, Meishan City should form a basic digital economy development system, with a total digital economy output value of about 70 billion yuan and a proportion of GDP that is equal to the provincial average level [4].Meishan's digital economy is developing rapidly, ranking third in Sichuan province in 2021.2.1 Digital Economy Promotes Agricultural ModernizationMeishan City is located in the southwest of Chengdu Plain, which has a superior geographical location, suitable climate, and abundant water and plant resources, providing abundant conditions for agriculture products. Products such as Danling orange, Hongya green tea, and Pengshan grape are characteristic indication in Meishan City. Among them, citrus cultivation has a long history and has become the leading agricultural industry and the primary industry for increasing income and assisting agriculture in this city. Under the strategic deployment of rural revitalization, agricultural development is gradually integrating with the digital economy, and the use of digital technology provides new ideas for rural revitalization. Utilizing digital butlers to comprehensively monitor the growth status and basic environment of crops, analyzing data to respond to environmental changes, and efficiently adjusting the temperature, light, water, and soil required for planting, not only improves crop growth efficiency but also saves costs. With the development of the internet and the rise of e-commerce platforms, local agricultural products are sold online and live streamed through the internet, expanding sales channels, and solving the problem of difficult crop sales. Therefore, the digital agricultural production and management in Meishan City promote the developmentofFig. 1 Overview of digital economy development in China 50Development Economics of China traditional agriculture towards digital agriculture, continuously accumulate experience in building digital villages and modern agriculture, and promote the deep integration of digital economy and agriculture [5].2.2 Digital transformation in industrial developmentIn 2023, Meishan City will focus on constructing 96 industrial projects, accounting for over 70% of the city's key construction industrial projects this year. With the resumption of work and production of 30 key industrial projects under construction and 829 industrial enterprises above designated size in the city, the manufacturing industry has made a full start in its sprint [6]. The RFID intelligent archive cabinet project has been invested in Danling Yihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Industrial Park of Meishan City. With government approval, the company has become a demonstration project for the integration of digital economy and real economy. This project combines intelligent and information-based archive data management, collects and monitors data from various stages of each case data flow, dynamically manages case flow, and has the advantages of high efficiency and automation. The Meishan Municipal Government aims to rebuild industrial Meishan, improve the cloud coverage rate of the city's government system, encourage local enterprises to deeply communicate and cooperate with global leading digital communication technology enterprises, increase basic investment, utilize cloud technologies such as intelligent manufacturing, intelligent finance, and intelligent management, empower deep integration of industry and digitization, and promote high-quality development of the city.2.3 Digital economy stimulates the vitality of culture and tourismMeishan City has famous tourist attractions such as Sansu Temple, Wawu Mountain, Pengzu Mountain, Jiulong Mountain Forest National Park, and Heilong Beach, making it an excellent tourist destination. Meanwhile, as the former residence of Su Dongpo, Meishan City has a rich historical and cultural heritage and abundant cultural resources. With the continuous development of moderndigital technology, the city has also increased the digital content of cultural and tourism. ModernFig. 2 Digital Economy Ranking in Sichuan Province in 202151Youdan Shuai interactive technologies such as 3D naked eye, virtual reality, and holographic imaging provide visitors with a visual experience through the combination of sound, light, electricity, and cultural relics, such as the "Wen Qu Xing Su Shi" 3D public welfare cultural course developed by Sansu Temple. In addition, cloud based roaming projects such as online live streaming and virtual museums also bring convenience to online audiences. 3D laser scanning is used to establish a 3D digital model. By measuring the model, it is possible to detect and observe cultural relics from multiple angles and all directions. These modern new technologies not only enhance the public's tourism experience and promote the development of cultural tourism in Meishan City, but also play a positive role in the protection of historical heritage, providing accurate data for future cultural relic reconstruction, inheritance, and other work. Data driven and technological support continue to stimulate new vitality in the development of cultural and tourism industries. As a tertiary industry, the cultural and tourism industry also provides a new development space for promoting the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.3 Industrial Structure and Digital Economy Integration in Meishan CityA reasonable industrial structure can maximize the development of the regional economy. Optimizing industrial structure has also become an important factor in promoting regional economy [7]. Fig.3 shows the proportion of the three major industries in Meishan City's GDP from 2017 to 2022 [8].From Fig.3, we can know that the GDP of Meishan City steadily increased, and the proportion of the three major industries in the city's GDP has been constantly changing from 2017 to 2022. In 2017, the GDP of Meishan City was 111.723 billion yuan, with the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries accounting for 14.9%, 45.5%, and 39.6% respectively. In 2018, the Meishan City ’s GDP was 125.602 billion yuan. The first, second, and third industries account for 14.8%, 44.2%, and 41% respectively. In 2019, the GDP of Meishan City was 138.20 billion yuan. The first, second, and thirdindustries account for 14.4%, 38.2%, and 47.4% respectively. In 2020, the GDP of Meishan City wasFig. 3 The proportion of the three major industries in Meishan City's GDP from 2017 to 202252Development Economics of China53142.374 billion yuan. The contribution rates of the three industries to GDP growth are 20.2%, 32.7%, and 47.1%, respectively. In 2021, the GDP of Meishan City was 154.787 billion yuan. The contribution rates of the three industries to GDP growth are 13.0%, 34.1%, and 52.9%, respectively. In 2022, the GDP of Meishan City was 163.551 billion yuan. The contribution rates of the three industries to economic growth are 18.6%, 34.4%, and 47.0%, respectively.Between 2017 and 2022, the proportion of the tertiary industry in GDP continued to rise, rising to 47% overall, with a growth rate of 18.1%. This indicates that the development trend of the tertiary industry in Meishan City is relatively good, achieving and maintaining optimized development, becoming a pillar industry of Meishan's economy. In the industrial structure, the larger the proportion of the tertiary industry in the GDP of a region or country, the higher the level of modern economic development of that region or country. The upgrading of industrial structure, industrial upgrading, and the added value of products are the factors that affect GDP growth. The digital economy, as a new form of economy, integrates into the traditional real economy to promote its upgrading, forming changes in traditional economic formats, optimizing industrial structure upgrading, and continuously expanding the proportion of the tertiary industry. Its development positioning as a cultural and tourism city has continued to expand the infrastructure of informatization digitization. The deep integration of the digital economy with the tertiary industry can once again optimize its industrial structure and promote its sustainable economic development.4 The issues in the development of digital economy in Meishan City4.1 Small scale of new technology infrastructureThe number of 5G base stations is insufficient, and the large-scale deployment cannot meet the development needs. The server shelving rate and utilization rate are low, and there is a significant gap between urban and rural areas. Therefore, the overall layout of the city's network infrastructure is imbalanced and insufficient. The construction of new technology infrastructure such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and blockchain is also relatively slow, leading to a lack of close business connections between enterprises [9]. The main advantages of Meishan City are the manufacturing of basic materials and components, processing and assembly, which are located at the lower end of the value chain and lack terminal products that can lead the market. As a result, the competitiveness of enterprises is weak.In addition, the average grain yield in this city is relatively low, mainly growing some small crops, such as sweet potatoes, rapeseed, rice, peanuts, etc., lacking the support of corresponding new operating tools and digital management technology, unable to improve production efficiency, and difficult to predict market trends. The digital economy has not yet formed an independent and complete industrial cluster, and new technologies have not effectively empowered various industries for digital transformation.4.2 Lack of enthusiasm for industrial digital transformationThere are significant differences in the perception of industry digitization among enterprises, with insufficient enthusiasm for investing in core technologies and service supply [10]. For many small and medium-sized enterprises, they also face multiple problems and pressures. There is no mature model enterprise to lead, with insufficient funds and high trial and error costs. The understanding of industrial internet, big data, and cloud computing needs to be deepened.The arable land resources in Meishan City are becoming increasingly scarce, while traditional grain yields are low and transportation is inconvenient, which has become one of the reasonsYoudan Shuai 54hindering the external sales and processing conversion rate of crops. With the intensification of urbanization, a large number of rural laborers have entered cities, and most of the remaining farmland is cultivated or abandoned by the elderly. Without the introduction of innovative technologies, agriculture cannot have high-quality development and high returns, and farmers' motivation to grow grain is decreasing, hindering the digital transformation of traditional agriculture.4.3 Platform construction lacking innovative resourcesThe proportion of local research and experimental development funding to GDP is 0.76%, which is about one-third of the provincial level. The original public welfare research and development institutions mainly focus on traditional industrial layout, while universities, research institutions, and vocational colleges have less resource allocation in fields such as cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence. The proportion of enterprises establishing technology centers is only about 13%. Without professional research in advantageous fields, it is impossible to lead enterprises and innovative projects, and there is a lack of prediction for future projects with competitive advantages, resulting in a certain degree of information gap. Lack of attractiveness for innovative talents, lack of coordinated and dynamic management of talent resources, and inconsistency between the talent introduced for the industry and the needs of industrial development, hindering the full utilization of talent resources and hindering industrial innovation and development.5 ConclusionIn summary, the infrastructure construction of Meishan City has shown a growing trend, while the digital economy data that determines the degree of penetration is also constantly expanding. However, by comparing the gap between provincial capital cities and excluding market factors, it can be concluded that the current level of digital economy development in Meishan City is still at a relatively low level.References[1] Jinping Xi. "Continuously strengthening, optimizing, and expanding China's digital economy". Qiushi [J]. 2022 (2).[2] Lifeng He. "Continuously strengthening, optimizing, and expanding China's digital economy, accelerating thedevelopment of digital industries, and building a digital China". Macroeconomic management [J]. January 2023 (1).[3] The State Council. "The 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of the Digital Economy" [R]. No. 29. 2021.[4] Sichuan Provincial People's Government. "Evaluation Report on the Comprehensive Development Level of DigitalEconomy in Sichuan Province (2022)" [R]. No. 32. 2022.[5] Liu Chuanming, Yin Xiu, Wang Linshan. "Regional Differences and Dynamic Evolution of Digital EconomyDevelopment in China" [J]. China Science and Technology Forum, March 2020 (3): 97-109.[6] Dongpo District Economic and Information Technology Bureau, "All Key Industrial Projects under Construction andIndustrial Enterprises above Designated Size in Meishan Will Resume Work and Production" [R]. 2022.[7] Zhong Yexi, Mao Weisheng. "Spatial pattern and influencing factors of digital economy in the Yangtze RiverEconomic Belt" [J] Journal of Chongqing University (Social Sciences Edition), 2020 (05).[8] National Bureau of Statistics. /.[9] Meishan City People's Government, "Meishan City's 14th Five Year Plan for the Construction of New Infrastructure"[R]. 2021.[10] United Nations International Telecommunication Union. "Measuring Digital Development: Facts and Figures in2022" [R], 2022.Development Economics of China2023, VOL. 7, NO. 1, 55-62DOI: 10.47297/wspdecWSP2515-797309.20230701Research on China's Short-term Cross-border Capital Flows under the Impact of US Economic Policy UncertaintyJiaxuan LiSichuan UniversityABSTRACTThe outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, followed by conflicts between Russiaand Ukraine and the escalation of trade conflicts between China and theUnited States, have caused turbulence in the global economic and finan‐cial environment. All countries have introduced macroeconomic policiesto deal with the crisis, and the uncertainty of economic policies has in‐creased, affecting cross-border capital flows. In particular, the impact ofeconomic policy uncertainty in the United States, the world's number onepower and an important relationship partner, on our economy should notbe overlooked. On the basis of existing studies, this paper selects themonthly economic data from January 2015 to December 2022, takes theoutbreak of COVID-19 as the node, and uses VAR model to analyze the im‐pact of US economic policy uncertainty on China's short-term capital flowin two periods before and after the epidemic.KEYWORDSShort-term Cross-border Capital Flow; COVID-19; VAR ModelI IntroductionIn 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic broke out. The economy, trade, people's life and other aspects of the world is affected a lot. As of now, countries with good epidemic control have gradually resumed international trade, in addition to constantly monitoring large-scale outbreaks of the epidemic.The United States, as the world's most powerful superpower, has a GDP (calculated at exchange rates) that is second to none in the world, with a total GDP of 20 trillion yuan, accounting for approximately 22% of the world's total production, and a per capita GDP of up to 60000 US dollars. In terms of exports, imports, and FDI, it ranks among the top two in the world. And the United States is also the world's largest consumer and importer, therefore, economic and trade relations with other countries are also inevitable. Therefore, changes in the supply and demand relationship in the US market will have a significant impact on consumers and producers around the world. Moreover, the US monetary policy and instability in financial markets will also spread to other countries around the world through US dollar assets. The uncertainty displayed by the United States internationally is increasingly attracting widespread attention internationally, and it will also have a significant impact on China's short-term cross-border capital flows.Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, various international uncertainties have increased. Under such background, there is a dual pressure of slowing down China's economic growth rate. This paper uses the latest statistical data to analyze the impact of the US economic policy uncertainty on short-term cross-border capital flows in China. Exploring its mechanism and effects will provide a more detailed theoretical basis for China's macroeconomic decision-making.。

Shure SLX-D 无线系统用户手册说明书

Shure SLX-D 无线系统用户手册说明书

SLX-D Wireless SystemShure online user guide for SLX-D digital wireless system. Version: 5.2 (2022-F)Table of ContentsSLX-D Wireless System3 Overview3 Features 3 System Components 3 Set Up the Receiver 6 Wearing the Bodypack Transmitter7 Hardware Interface7 Receiver Front and Back Panels 8 Navigating the Receiver Menus 9 Transmitters 10 Transmitter Menu Options and Navigation 12 Locking and Unlocking the Receiver Controls 13 Batteries and Chargers 14 Install Transmitter Batteries 14 Setting the AA Battery Type 15 Shure SB903 Rechargeable Battery 15 Average Charging Times 17 Sound Check and Gain Adjustment17 System Set Up17 Creating Audio Channels 18 What are Groups and Channels? 18 Using the Guided Frequency Setup 18 Manual Frequency Selection 20 Linking Two Transmitters to a Receiver 21 Adding SLX-D to Other Shure Wireless Systems 21 Radio Frequency (RF) Settings 21Setting the Transmitter RF Power 21 Networking 22 Connecting to a Network 22 Automatic IP Addressing 22 Configuration Tips 22 Network Troubleshooting 22 Connecting to an External Control System 22 Firmware Updates22 Updating the Transmitter Firmware 23 Firmware Release Requirements 23 Mount the SLX-D Receiver in a Rack 23 Installing Footpads 24 Accessories24 Optional Accessories 25 Specifications29 Receiver Output Connectors 36 Transmitter Input 36 Frequency Range and Transmitter Output Power 37 Frequencies for European Countries37 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS39 WARNING40 Important Product Information40 LICENSING INFORMATION 40 Australia Warning for Wireless 41 Certifications41 Information to the user 41•••••••••••••••••SLX-DWireless System OverviewSLX-D Digital Wireless delivers clear audio and stable RF performance with easy setup and rechargeability options. SLX-D is built to handle a wide range of applications, from day-long conferences to nighttime performances.Automatic channel scan and IR sync are even easier with a guided setup feature programmed into each SLX-D wireless re-ceiver. Manage multiple-system group scans and firmware updates with third-party setup and control via Ethernet. Operate up to 32 compatible systems per 44 MHz band for up to 8 hours from 2 AA batteries, or add Shure SB903 rechargeable batteries and charger accessories. SLX-D provides >118 dB dynamic range and stable, efficient RF transmission for a selection of hand-held, lavalier and headset microphones.FeaturesTransparent 24-bit digital audioExtended 20 Hz to 20 kHz frequency range (microphone dependent)118 dB dynamic rangeDigital predictive switching diversity44 MHz tuning bandwidth (region dependent)32 available channels per frequency band (region dependent)Up to 10 compatible systems per 6MHz TV band; 12 systems per 8 MHz band Easy pairing of transmitters and receivers over IR scan and sync Automatic channel scanLink multiple receivers for group scan and firmware updates via Ethernet port Compatible with Shure Wireless Workbench control software Remote monitoring and control via ShurePlus Channels app Third-party setup and control via EthernetElegant and easy-to-use interface with high-contrast LCD menu Guided setup mode installed in each SLX-D receiverTransmitters use 2 AA batteries or Shure SB903 rechargeable batterySystem configurations include handheld transmitters with interchangeable microphone capsules, bodypacks with a range of lavalier, headset and instrument microphones and single and dual rack-mountable receivers.System ComponentsAll systems include:①Rack mounting hardware②¼-wave antennas (2)③Power supply®™1.5V AA batteries (2)⑤SLXD4 or SLXD4D receiverGuitar system includes:⑥¼" to mini 4-pin guitar cable ⑦SLXD1 bodypack transmitterVocal system includes:Microphone clip⑨SLXD2 handheld transmitter with microphone cartridge (choice of SM58, SM86, Beta 58A , Beta 87A , Beta 87C , orKSM8/B*)*KSM8/B availability depends on region.Lavalier, Headworn, and Instrument systems include bodypack transmitter (⑦) and one of the following:⑩WL183/WL185 lavalier microphone⑪WL93 miniature lavalier microphone⑫SM35 headset microphone⑬Beta 98H/C instrument microphone⑭MX153 earset headworn microphone®®™™™ system includes:⑦SLXD1 bodypack transmitter⑨Handheld transmitter with SM58 microphone head⑪WL185 lavalier microphoneSet Up the ReceiverAttach the included antennas to the back of the receiver.Connect the power supply to the receiver and plug the cord into an AC power source.3.4.Connect the audio output to an amplifier or mixer.Press the power button on the receiver. Use the menu to set the system to microphone (mic) or instrument (line) levelas appropriate.Wearing the Bodypack TransmitterClip the transmitter to a belt or slide a guitar strap through the transmitter clip as shown.For best results, the belt should be pressed against the base of the clip.◦◦Hardware InterfaceReceiver Front and Back Panels① Sync LEDFlashing: IR sync mode is enabledSolid: Receiver and transmitter aligned for IR sync② IR PortAlign with the transmitter IR port during an IR sync to program transmitters.③ DisplayShows menu options, receiver and transmitter settings.④ Sync ButtonPress to activate IR sync.⑤ Exit ButtonPress to cancel and exit the current operation.⑥ Control KnobChange menu parameters, push knob to confirm.⑦ Power ButtonPowers receiver on or off.◦◦⑧ Power Supply JackConnection point for DC power supply.⑨ Ethernet PortFor network connection.Amber LED (network speed):off = 10 Mbps, on = 100 Mbps Green LED (network status):off = no network link, on = network link active flashing = rate corresponds to traffic volume⑩ XLR Audio OutputBalanced (1: ground, 2: audio +, 3: audio - )⑪ 1/4" Instrument/Auxiliary OutputImpedance Balanced (Tip: audio+, Ring: audio-, Sleeve: ground)⑫ Antenna ConnectorsBNC connector for receiver antennasNavigating the Receiver MenusThe receiver has a main menu for setup and configuration and an advanced menu to access additional receiver functions. Use the control knob to navigate menu screens and confirm selections; use the exit button to return to the previous level.Main MenuPush the control knob button to access the menu, and rotate to advance to the next menu screen.1. Frequency Setup1.1 Guided Fre-quency SetupStep-by-step instructions to initialize a new system, or to add a re-ceiver to an existing system1.2 Group ScanReceiver automatically scans for the best available group, if applic-able.Note: Some bands consist of only a single group. RF performance is the same in single-group bands as in bands that support multiple groups.1.3 Channel ScanReceiver automatically scans for available channels within the se-lected group•••◦◦ 1.4 Manual Fre-quency SetupManually tune the receiver to a desired frequency2. Channel Name Customize the channel name3. GainMonitor audio levels and adjust the receiver gain 4. Mic/Line LevelSwitch between output levels5. Advanced Settings5.1 Device LockUnlock: Receiver is unlockedLock Menu : Receiver settings are lockedLock Menu & Power : Receiver settings and power button are locked5.2 Network Con-figuration Switch between automatic and manual IP addressing5.3 Controller Ac-cessBlock or allow third-party control access5.4 Transmitter PresetApply and sync transmitter presets5.5 Device Preset Save current receiver settings or restore last saved settings 5.6 Factory Reset Restores all settings to factory defaults following a system reboot 5.7 Transmitter Firmware Update transmitter firmware using IR sync 5.8 AboutDisplays firmware version and serial number6. Help Provides a link to additional materials (/slxd4)Transmitters① Power LEDGreen = unit is powered on Red = low battery② On/Off SwitchPowers the transmitter on or off.③ Display:View menu screens and settings. Press any control button to activate the display.④ IR PortAlign with the receiver IR port during an IR sync for automated transmitter programming.⑤ Menu Navigation Buttonsmenu = Use to navigate between menu screens.enter = Press to confirm and save parameter changes.⑥ Battery CompartmentRequires 2 AA batteries or a Shure SB903 rechargeable battery.⑦ Battery CoverScrews into place to protect battery compartment during use.⑧ Bodypack AntennaFor RF signal transmission.⑨ Handheld Integrated AntennaFor RF signal transmission.⑩ Microphone CartridgeInterchangeable with a variety of Shure cartridges.⑪ TA4M Input JackConnects to a 4-Pin Mini Connector (TA4F) microphone or instrument cable.Transmitter Menu Options and NavigationThe transmitter features individual menu screens for setting up and adjusting the transmitter. To access the menu options from the home screen, press the menu button. Each additional press of the menu button advances to the next menu screen. Use the enter button to select and confirm options on the active menu screen.•••••••••••1.2.3.Home ScreenUse the enter button to select one of the following home screen displays:Channel name/Group and channel/Battery icon Channel name/Frequency/Battery iconChannel name/Battery icon/Group and channel Channel name/Battery icon① Mic OffsetMatch audio levels between two transmitters used in a combo system. Range is 0 to 21 dB (3 dB increments).② RF PowerSelect an RF power setting:High = 10 mW Low = 1 mW③ High Pass Turn the high pass filter On or Off④ BatteryTo ensure accurate battery metering, set the battery type to match the installed AA battery type.Note: Menu is not selectable when Shure rechargeable batteries are installed.⑤ Auto Lock Turn the transmitter auto lock on or off ⑥ Lock TypeDetermine auto lock behavior:Menu Only : Locks the menu to prevent transmitter settings from being changed Menu & Power : Locks the menu and disables the power switch⑦ About Displays the firmware, hardware, and band informationLocking and Unlocking the Receiver ControlsThe following control lock options can be accessed under 5. Advanced Settings > 5.1 Device Lock :Unlock: receiver controls are unlockedLock Menu: prevents access to menu items (receiver can still be powered off)Lock Menu & Power: disables the power switch as well as menu controls Select the desired option and press the control knob to confirm.Transmitter Auto LockThe transmitter controls can be locked or unlocked by selecting On (locked) or Off (unlocked) from the transmitter Auto Lock menu. When auto lock is enabled, the transmitter controls lock when you return to the home screen.Note: The enter button can still be used to change the home screen display on a locked transmitter.To activate auto lock:Press the menu button to navigate to the Auto Lock e the enter button to edit and the menu button to select On.Press enter to save. The lock icon appears on the display to confirm that the control locks are enabled. unlock the transmitter and deactivate auto lock:Press enter then menu to unlock the transmitter controls.Navigate to the Auto Lock settings and select Off.Press enter to save. The transmitter will no longer lock when you return to the home screen.Batteries and ChargersInstall Transmitter BatteriesImportant: To avoid damaging transmitters, only use Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable batteries or 1.5V AA batteries.Bodypack:Push the tab up and open the battery door to access the battery compartment.Place a Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2 AA batteries in the compartment.Close the battery door.Handheld:Remove the battery cover to access the battery compartment.Lift the battery door to open the battery compartment.Place a Shure SB903 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2 AA batteries in the compartment.Replace the battery cover.1.2.◦◦◦ the AA Battery TypeTo ensure accurate display of transmitter runtime, set the battery type in the transmitter menu to match the installed AA battery type (the default setting is Alkaline). If a Shure rechargeable battery is installed, selecting a battery type is not necessary and the battery type menu will not be displayed.Press the menu button to navigate to the Battery screen.Press enter, then use the menu button to select the installed battery type:Alkaline = AlkalineNiMH (nickel metal hydride)Lithium (non-rechargeable, 1.5V max)Press enter to save.Shure SB903 Rechargeable BatteryThe SB903 lithium-ion rechargeable battery powers the SLX-D transmitters. Use the SBC10-903 single bay or SBC203 dual bay chargers to recharge SB903 batteries.Important: Always fully charge a new battery before first use.To fully charge a new SB903 battery, it must be placed directly in the charger. After the first charge, the battery can be charged by docking the transmitter in the SBC203 dual-bay charging station.Single Bay ChargerThe SBC10-903 single bay charger offers a compact charging solution.Plug the charger into an AC power source or USB port.Insert a battery into the charging bay.Monitor the charging status LEDs until charging is complete.1.2.3.Charging Status LEDsDescription Color StateReady for Use Green (solid)Device is fully charged Charging Red (flashing)ChargingError Yellow (quick flashing)Battery or power supply errorNot chargingOffPower supply is disconnected, or no device is docked in the charging bayDual Bay ChargersThe SBC203 dual-bay charger can charge individual batteries or batteries installed in transmitters.Plug the charger into an AC power source.Insert batteries or transmitters into the charging bay.IMPORTANT: Insert transmitters facing forward to avoid damage.Monitor the charging status LEDs until charging is complete.Charging Status LEDsDescription Color StateReady for Use Green (solid)Device is fully charged ChargingRed (flashing)ChargingErrorYellow (quick flashing)Battery or power supply error*Yellow (slow flashing)Outside of operating temperature rangeNot chargingOffPower supply is disconnected, or no device is docked in the charging bay•••* If an error occurs when a transmitter is docked in the charger, remove the battery from the transmitter and place directly into the charger. If the error persists, contact Shure Technical Support.Important Tips for Care and Storage of Shure Rechargeable BatteriesProper care and storage of Shure batteries results in reliable performance and ensures a long lifetime.Always store batteries and transmitters at room temperatureIdeally, batteries should be charged to approximately 40% of capacity for long-term storage During storage, check batteries every 6 months and recharge to 40% of capacity as neededAverage Charging TimesSBC10-903Time Charging Operating Runtime Capacity 1 hour 1 hour 15%3 hours4 hours 50%5 hours : 30 minutes>8 hours100%SBC203Time Charging Operating Runtime Capacity 30 minutes 1 hour 15%1 hour : 15 minutes 4 hours 50%2 hours : 30 minutes>8 hours100%*based on battery with 100% healthSound Check and Gain AdjustmentNavigate to the receiver's Gain screen to test the transmitter at performance levels. Adjust the gain to keep the audio indicatorwithin the optimal range. Reduce the gain if there is audible distortion of the audio.•••••••• Set UpCreating Audio ChannelsA wireless audio channel is formed when a receiver and transmitter are tuned to the same frequency. The SLX-D system pro-vides 3 methods for tuning the receiver and transmitter to the same frequency:Guided Frequency Setup: A step-by-step guide to walk you through the processScan and IR Sync: The receiver scans the RF spectrum for the best available frequency and an IR sync automatically tunes the transmitter to the receiver frequencyManual Group, Channel, or Frequency Assignment: Manually set the receiver and transmitter to the same group and channel number, or frequencyWhat are Groups and Channels?To minimize interference, Shure wireless systems organize RF bands into predefined groups and channels . A group is a set of compatible frequencies within a frequency band. A single frequency within a group is a channel. Tune a receiver and trans-mitter to the best available channel within its group to set up your system.Note: Because groups are band-dependent, some systems don't have multiple groups. Single-group bands have the same RF performance as those with mul-tiple groups.All receivers in the same band should be set to the same group. You can set them manually, or use the Guided Frequency Set-up to walk you through the process.Connect all the receivers in your system using Ethernet cables. For best results, use a network switch when connecting 3 or more receiver units.Important! To avoid interference, before you begin:Turn off all transmitters for the systems you are setting up. This prevents them from interfering with the frequency scan.Turn on the following devices so they are operating as they would be during the presentation or performance. This will allow the scan to detect and avoid any interference from these devices:Configured wireless systems or devices ComputersLarge LED panels Effects processors CD playersUsing the Guided Frequency SetupSet up a new system:Push the control knob on the receiver and select 1. Frequency Setup > 1.1 Guided Frequency Setup .Select Initialize My System and push the control knob to continue.Turn off all transmitters you plan to use with your system.Select start scan .After the scan is done, push the control knob to assign frequencies to the receiver.Turn on the transmitter you plan to use with this receiver.7.8.Align the infrared (IR) ports on the transmitter and receiver, and push the sync button. Once the sync is complete, the system is ready for use.Add a new receiver to your system: the control knob and select 1. Frequency Setup > 1.1 Guided Frequency Setup .Select Add Receiver to My System .To change the group, rotate the control knob to select G:, push to select, rotate to change the number, push again toconfirm.Select start scan .After the scan completes, push the control knob to apply the receiver channel.Turn on the transmitter you plan to use with this receiver.Align the infrared (IR) port on the transmitter with that on the receiver, and push the sync button.Once the sync is complete, the system is ready for use.Manual Frequency SelectionTo manually adjust group, channel or frequency:Select 1. Frequency Setup > 1.4 Manual Frequency Setup from the receiver e the control knob to select and adjust the group (G), channel (C), or frequency (MHz).Select apply and push the control knob to save.••1.2.Linking Two Transmitters to a ReceiverLinking two transmitters to a receiver offers the flexibility to provide a performer with either a handheld or bodypack transmitter to meet their preference. For performances requiring instrument changes, two bodypack transmitters can be linked to a single receiver.Note: Only turn on and operate one transmitter at a time to prevent interference between the transmitters.Syncing the Transmitters to the ReceiverBoth transmitters must be individually linked to the receiver by performing an IR Sync.Turn on the first transmitter and perform an IR Sync with the receiver.Perform a sound check and adjust the transmitter gain if necessary. When finished, turn off the transmitter.Turn on the second transmitter and perform an IR Sync with the receiver.Test the transmitter at performance conditions and adjust the transmitter gain if necessary. When finished, turn off the transmitter.Matching Audio Levels with Mic OffsetWhen linking two transmitters to a receiver, there may be a difference in volume levels between microphones or instruments. If this occurs, use the Mic Offset function to match the audio levels and eliminate audible volume differences between transmit-ters. If using a single transmitter, set Mic Offset to 0 dB.Turn on the first transmitter and perform a sound check to test the audio level. Turn off the transmitter when finished.Turn on the second transmitter and perform a sound check to test the audio level.If there is an audible difference in the sound level between the transmitters, navigate to the Mic Offset menu on thetransmitter to increase or decrease the Mic Offset to match the audio levels.Adding SLX-D to Other Shure Wireless SystemsUse Shure’s Wireless Workbench frequency coordination tool to find compatible frequencies across different Shure wireless systems. To get started, download the software from /wwb . For additional assistance, please visit /contact .Radio Frequency (RF) SettingsSetting the Transmitter RF PowerThe transmitter offers two RF power settings which determine the transmitter range.Low = 1 mW High = 10 mWUse the Low setting when the transmitter and receiver are in close proximity.Navigate to the transmitter RF power e the menu button to select High or Low.3.1. 2. 3.1. 2.•••••••••◦◦••Press enter to save.NetworkingThe receiver uses an Ethernet connection to network with other components and includes an internal DHCP client for automat-ic network configuration when connected to a DHCP enabled router.Connecting to a NetworkInsert an Ethernet cable in the Ethernet port on the rear of the receiver.Connect the cable to a computer or router.The port LEDs on the receiver will illuminate to indicate network connectivity and network traffic.Automatic IP AddressingEnable a DHCP service on the server or use a DHCP enabled router.When the receiver is powered on, the DHCP server will automatically assign an IP address to the receiver.Configuration TipsUse shielded Cat 5 or better Ethernet cables to ensure reliable network performanceThe LEDs on the Ethernet port illuminate indicating a network connection is activeThe network icon illuminates when the receiver detects additional Shure devices on the networkAll components must operate on the same subnetUse multiple Ethernet switches to extend the network for larger installationsNetwork TroubleshootingUse only one DHCP server per networkAll devices must share the same subnet maskAll receivers must have the same level of firmware version installedCheck the LED status of the network icon on the front panel of each device.If the network icon is not illuminated, check the cable connection and the LEDs on the Ethernet port.If the Ethernet port LEDs are not illuminated and the cable is plugged in, replace the cable and recheck the LEDs and network icon.Connecting to an External Control SystemThe SLX-D receiver is compatible with external control systems such as AMX or Crestron via Ethernet. Use only one controller per system to avoid messaging conflicts.Connection: Ethernet (TCP/IP; SLX-D receiver is the client)Port: 2202For a comprehensive list of SLX-D command strings, visit https:///command-strings/SLXD/en-US.••Firmware UpdatesFirmware is embedded software in each component that controls functionality. Periodically, new versions of firmware are devel-oped to incorporate additional features and enhancements. To take advantage of design improvements, new versions of the firmware can be uploaded and installed using the Shure Update Utility (SUU). Download the SUU from https:///en-US/products/software/shure_update_utility .Perform the following steps to update the firmware:CAUTION! Ensure the device has a stable network connection during the update. Do not turn off the device until the update is complete.Connect the device and computer to the same network (set to the same subnet).Open the SUU application.Click the Updates button at the top of the window to open the Download Manager .Note: This button will be labeled either "Check for updates..." or "[#] updates available"From the Download Manager , select the desired firmware versions.Tip: The dropdown in the upper right allows you to quickly Select: All or Select: None .Note: After updating, you may need to clear your browser's cache to display updates to the device's web application.Click Download, and then Close the Download Manager. Downloaded firmware is listed and can be viewed and man-aged in the Firmware tab.From the Update Devices tab, select the new firmware and press Send Updates to begin the firmware update, whichoverwrites the existing firmware on the device.Updating the Transmitter FirmwareFrom the Device Configuration menu of the receiver: Advanced Options > Tx Firmware Update .Align the infrared (IR) port on the transmitter with that on the receiver, and push the sync button.Important:Alignment must be maintained during the entire update cycle.Once the sync is complete, the system is ready for use.Firmware Release RequirementsAll devices are part of a network with multiple communications protocols that work together to ensure proper operation. The recommended best practice is that all devices are on an identical release. To view the firmware version of each device on the network, navigate to device configuration and look under (Settings) > Firmware .The format for Shure device’s firmware is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. (Ex. 1.6.2 where 1 is the Major firmware level, 6 is the Mi-nor firmware level, and 2 is the Patch firmware level.) At a minimum, devices that operate on the same subnet should have identical MAJOR and MINOR release numbers.Devices of different MAJOR releases are not compatible.Differences in the PATCH firmware release level may introduce undesired inconsistencies.Mount the SLX-D Receiver in a RackAll accessories are supplied:Installing FootpadsAccessoriesOptional AccessoriesBatteries and ChargersShure Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery SB903Dual Docking Charger SBC203-AR SBC203-AZ SBC203-BR SBC203-CN SBC203-E SBC203-IN SBC203-J SBC203-K SBC203-TW SBC203-UK SBC203-USSingle Battery Charger SBC10-903-AR SBC10-903-AZ SBC10-903-BR SBC10-903-CN SBC10-903-E SBC10-903-IN SBC10-903-J SBC10-903-K SBC10-903-TW SBC10-903-UK SBC10-903-USUHF Antenna Power Distribution AmplifiersAntenna/Power Distribution System 470-960 MHz UA844+SWBUA844+SWB-AZ UA844+SWB-BR UA844+SWB-C UA844+SWB-E UA844+SWB-J UA844+SWB-K UA844+SWB-TW UA844+SWB-UK UA844+SWB-INAntenna/Power Distribution System, Less cable 470-960 MHz UA844+SWB/LCUA844+SWB/LC-AR UA844+SWB/LC-BR UA844+SWB/LC-C UA844+SWB/LC-E UA844+SWB/LC-UKUltra Wideband Antenna/Power Distribution System 174-1805 MHz UA845UWBUA845UWB-AR UA845UWB-AZ UA845UWB-BR UA845UWB-C UA845UWB-E UA845UWB-IN UA845UWB-J UA845UWB-K UA845UWB-TW UA845UWB-UKUltra Wideband Antenna/Power Distribution System, Less cable 174-1805 MHz UA845UWB/LCUA845UWB/LC-AR UA845UWB/LC-BRUA845UWB/LC-UK UABIASTIn-Line Power Supply UABIAST-US UABIAST-UK UABIAST-BR UABIAST-AR UABIAST-E UABIAST-CHN UABIAST-IN UABIAST-K UABIAST-J UABIAST-AZ UABIAST-TWIn-Line Amplifiers and AntennasIn-Line Antenna Amplifier, 470-900 MHz UA834WBIn-Line Antenna Amplifier, 902-960 MHz UA834XA Active Directional Antenna 470-790 MHZ UA874E Active Directional Antenna 470-698 MHZ UA874US Active Directional Antenna 470-900 MHZ UA874WB Active Directional Antenna 925-952 MHZ UA874XDirectional Wideband Antenna for PSM Systems 470-952MHzPA805SWBDirectional Wideband Antenna for PSM Systems650-1100 MHzPA805X Passive Omnidirectional Antenna 470-1100 MHz UA860SWB UHF Passive Antenna Splitter UA221 Front Mount Antenna Kit (Includes 2 Cables And 2 Bulk-head)UA600 Remote Antenna Bracket With BNC Bulkhead Adaptor UA505。



数字化系统开发流程Digital System Development Process.A digital system development process is a structured approach to developing digital systems. It typically involves the following steps:1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis. The first step in developing a digital system is to gather and analyze the requirements. This includes understanding the needs of the end users and the system's functionality.2. System Design. Once the requirements have been gathered and analyzed, the next step is to design the system. This includes creating a conceptual design and a detailed design.3. Implementation. The implementation phase involves coding the system and developing the hardware.4. Testing. Once the system has been implemented, it must be tested to ensure that it meets the requirements. This includes functional testing, performance testing, and security testing.5. Deployment. The final step in the developmentprocess is to deploy the system. This includes installing the system on the target hardware and training the end users.The digital system development process is an iterative process. This means that the steps may be repeated multiple times until the system meets the requirements.数字化系统开发流程。



51In recent years, as the digital economy continuously booms, digital technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data, tele-medicine and artificial intelligence are developing rapidly and being deeply integrated with various application scenarios, which gradually turn into an important driver for economic innovation and development. As one of the scenarios closest to the social economy and people ’s lives, the increasingly digitalized healthcare industry, namely digital healthcare, is receiving more and more attention.Various countries areaccelerating the development of digital healthcare policiesIn digital societies, it has become a major trend for the global healthcare industry to go digital, and various policies have been introduced to boost this process. For example, China issued the Opinions on PromotingDigital Healthcare Industry Ushered in Great Opportunitiesthe Development of Internet Plus Healthcare in 2020 and the 14th Five-Year (2021-25) Plan for Digital Economy Development in 2022. Japan announced strategies for the digital medical and health service industry in 2022, while the E.U. proposed the European Health Data Space in the same year. In 2021, the Health Innovation 2030 plan was launched in France.Jointly promoted by policies, market demand, digital technology, and even the COVID-19 pandemic, the global digital healthcare industry is developing rapidly. According to Grand View Research, the size of the global digital healthcare market will reach U SD 211 billion in 2022 and U SD 809.2 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual rate of 18.6% between 2023 and 2030. From a technical perspective, digital healthcare mainly includes four market segments: tele-medicine, mobile health(mHealth), healthcare services and digital healthcare systems, of which tele-medicine ranks No. 1 in terms of the market size.According to the Blue Book for Global Digital Healthcare Industry (2023-2027) (hereinafter referred to as the Blue Book) published by the Forward Industry Research Institute, the advances in big data, artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies have stimulated the digital healthcare industry to provide personalized and smart medical services. The global sharing of digital healthcare data should be improved, as data is the key to the digitization of healthcare. In recent years, various countries have increased their investments in digital infrastructure, which will be supportive to the sharing and opening of global digital healthcare data in the future. The demand for tele-medicine services is surging due to the growing need for accurate health and fitness monitoring, secure storage of healthcare information, and real-time population management. Meanwhile, upgrades in tele-medicine hardware and software are contributing to further market growth.In recent years, countries in the Asia Pacific region such as China, Japan, and India have carried outThe demand for Tele-medicineservices is surging due to the growing need for accurate health and fitness monitoring, secure storage of healthcare information, and real-time population management.By Audrey Guo52national strategic plans targeting the digital healthcare industry, and the growingly mature digital healthcare market in Asia Pacific is expected to provide a new drive.The digital healthcare market in China is growing quicklyAt present, digital technology continues to penetrate the healthcare industry, driving the gradual expansion in the market size, including that of digital medical services, virtual doctor’s visits, over-the-counter e-commerce, health consumer goods e-commerce and other segments. In 2021, the market volume of digital healthcare exceeded RMB 400 billion.Technically speaking, digital healthcare, with its technological adv a nt a g e s , c a n help solv e t he information asymmetr y bet ween doctors and patients, simplify medical procedures, reduce the costs of medical services, and improve the medical experience, and the efficiency of disease diagnosis and patient management. As the Blue Book indicated, in 2021, technology made a contribution to the digital healthcare industry of USD 11.5 billion, and this volume is expected to reach about U SD 78.8 billion in 2030. From the perspective of the share of digital healthcare in medical expenditure in China, the penetration rate was less than 3% by 2018 and grew to about 5% in 2021.According to the 2020 Insights for Digital Healthcare, from the perspective of digital consumer healthcare scenarios, only the scenario focusing on health and wellness information (learning information) recorded a penetration rate of higher than 60%, while those of other scenarios including virtual doctor visits, online medicine purchases, disease management and so on are still at a low level. In general, digital healthcare in China is still underdeveloped. Surveys showed that Internet hospitals are still dependent on physical hospitals and doctors for resources and are facing challenges in developing online business models and improving the experience of patients using these platforms, meaning that the policies are lagging behind. The Internet hospitals are not mature as a whole, resulting in low penetration rateof digital healthcare in core businesses (chronic disease management, virtual doctor’s visits, Internet plus family doctor contracting services, etc.), which accounts for less than 60%.The Blue Book shows that, with the support of emerging technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, medical services including diagnosis and treatment, medical prescriptions, examinations and tests, and medical insurance will gradually come to be digitalized, and the trend of digital upgrading in the medical industry is mainly manifested in four aspects: medical IT infrastructure, medical sof t wa re sy stems, med ica l data management systems, and artificial intelligence. As digital healthcare technology continues to advance, the importance of medical software continues to become more evident, and such investments are on the rise. It is expected that in 2027, the market volume of medical IT and medical software solutions will reach RMB 104.3 billion and 335 billion respectively.First-tier cities in China areleading the investment boom in digital healthcareThe Internet hospital system is an important foundation for the development of digital and smart hea lthca re. In 2022, more than 1,700 Internet hospitals across the countr y have off icially obtained licenses, and are mainly concentrated in Sichuan, Guangdong, Beijing, Ningxia, Shandong and other Internet plus healthcare demonstration and economically leading coastal provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities. Although differences in the regional influence of those Internet hospitals exist, the overall development tends to be balanced.According to the data from CB Insights, Qichamao and ITjuzi, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Chengdu are the top six cities in China leading the construction of digital healthcare centers, meaning first-tier and new first-tier cities are driving the investment boom in digital healthcare. Beijing is the leader in both the number of digital healthcarecompanies above the designated size and the valuation of representative companies.In recent years, the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA) has explored innovative initiatives for digital healthcare. For example, it was the first in northern China to promote the industrial c luster ing of Internet hospita ls through self-built physical medical institutions, and it has since further streng thened the innovation by guiding Internet hospitals to develop high value-added business models such as medicine e-commerce, online research service platforms and digital therapies. At the end of February 2023, Binhai-Zhongguancun Digital Healthcare Industry Park was officially inaugurated, marking the fact that TEDA will speed up the building of the largest digital healthcare center in North China.The Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay Area is becoming one of the most promising areas in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Based on the good policy opportunities, robust industrial foundation and superior geographical location, the digital healthcare industry in the Dongguan Binhaiwan Bay A rea w il l play a key role in the overall planning and development of the digital healthcare indust r y i n Dong g ua n. Ta k ing advantage of the ecological environmentIn 2021, startups in AI plushealthcare sector received a total investment of USD 12.5 billion in 541 rounds of financing, nearly doubled that of 2020.53and location and transportation, the Dongguan Binha iwan Bay A rea aims to build a highland for the integrated development of biology and information technology (BT+IT) in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, by focusing on intelligent healthcare research and development, high-end manufacturing of digital medical devices and health service capacities.Fengdong New City in Xi ’an, Shaanxi Province, is continuously strengthening the development of its digital healthcare industry, and is expected to build a new blue ocean market in northwest China. In recent years, Fengdong New City has continued to improve its regional intelligent healthcare system, introduce convenient digita l hea lthca re ser v ices, and construct large health industrial parks to attract leading enterprises in precision medicine, and is continuously promoting the scale and cluster development of advantageous industries. Meanwhile, Fengdong New City Digital Medicine Industrial Park project is planned to be put into operation in June 2023, as an industrial demonstration project in the field of the pharmaceutical circulation in Shaanxi Province.The West Coast New Area of Qingdao continues to focus on the development of the digital healthcare industry. In August 2022, the West Coast New Area signed an agreementwith CEC Optics Valley to officially launch Qingdao Digital Healthcare S c ienc e a nd Te c h nolog y Pa rk , thus entering the digital healthcare market. Qingdao Digital Healthcare Science and Technology Park plans to construct “one base, two centers and three platforms”, in order to promote t he s y nerg ist ic de velopment of traditional medical services and digital information technology, with the aim of becoming the first digital healthcare park covering all elements and the whole industrial chain in Shandong Province, and further encouraging the integration of the digital economy and the healthcare industry, and therefore empowering the transformation and upgrading of the traditional medical industry.Digital healthcare industry is attractive to global investorsAs the Blue Book implied, the global healthcare big data market volume reached U SD 32.93 billion in 2021, and it is a conservative forecast that the market will grow to above USD 80 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 10.2% from 2022 to 2030. In 2022, there were over 200 rounds of financing in the global healthcare industry, including 14 rounds topping USD 100 million, mainly involving medical data software, healthcare big data analysis services, healthcare data platform, system development, etc.In 2021, startups in the AI plus healthcare sector received a total investment of U SD 12.5 bil lion in 541 rounds of financing, nearly double t h at of 2020. From t he perspective of segment investment prospects, AI technologies such as data resources, computing power, and algorithm models are increasingly being integrated into the healthcare industry. In the near future, medical A I technologies in the f ields of paramedicine, image diagnosis, and voice and electronic medical records will become more popular. However, other medical AI technologies in the fields of gene sequencing, precision medicine and drug development are less mature, but with brighter prospects in the long term.With the rapid penetration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, robotics has been developing rapidly, and is now fully integrated with the healthcare industry, resulting in a major change in surgical technology. The global shortage of healthcare providers and the growing demand for automated healthcare devices are driving the rapid expansion of the medical robotics market. According to Next Move, the size of the global medical robotics market was about U SD 10.88 billion in 2021, and may increase to U SD 12.5 billion by 2022 in a tentativeestimation.。

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The Digital Body Development SystemRichard Gerth1, Sven A. Brueckner21Center for Automotive Research1000 Victors Way, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USArgerth@2Altarum Institute3520 Green Court, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USAsven.brueckner@1.AbstractThe Digital Body Development System (DBDS) is a $10.6 million 4 year NIST ATP project to shorten the time to launch vehicles by improving the launch problem solving process. The project is based on two concepts: virtual functional build, and an intelligent agent based decision support system. This paper presents a novel architecture for the decision support system that streamlines the launch process through the integration of a virtual assembly simulation, problem identification, and solution generation and evaluation. Following the virtual functional build process, the architecture deploys a number of multi-agent systems to provide system functionality, such as problem knowledge retrieval, solution generation, modification, and evaluation. The project is co-funded by a consortium of 14 organizations, which have filed for their first patent based on this novel technology.2.IntroductionThe car body is one of the most important vehicle systems. In terms of vehicle model launch it can be considered the most important vehicle system is often the bottleneck during launch, is often the most costly system (powertrain costs can be spread across multiple programs),3.platform development and capital investment costs limit the car manufacturer’s ability to introduce new models (modelmust run for a certain length of time to recoup investment), is the first system the customer sees when first considering a vehicle for purchase.While many efforts have been focused in improving product design, relatively few efforts have been focused on improving vehicle launch, specifically as it pertains to the body. Increasing body quality during launch results in increased customer satisfaction.A recent study of 14 vehicles found a strong correlation between body gaps and flush around the doors and customer satisfaction in fit and finish as measured by J D Power Initial Quality Survey [1].Thus, the DBDS focuses primarily on the vehicle launch process, which includes die tryout and assembly system validation (see Figure 1).Figure 1. Auto Body Development CycleDesign and Manufacturing Lead TimeDetailed engineering design of individual parts and components begins following design freeze. This typically includes a finite element analysis (FEA) of the nominal design to examine stresses, vibration, crash testing, etc., as well as a tolerance analysis to determine how the components will fit. This latter analysis often involves identifying designs that are sensitive to variation and making the design more robust by changing and redesigning parts to reduce geometric effects. Once the individual part design is set, it is released for “tooling” (tool release – i.e. the process of constructing the stamping dies), and the functional build process begins.Functional build is a critical process in launching a vehicle, whereby individual prototype parts are stamped and then sent to a central location to be assembled into a prototype vehicle body [2]. Since production tooling is often not yet available, the body is fastened with screws and rivets, hence it is called a “screwbody.” The screwbody is examined by experienced experts who must decide whether gaps and interference conditions between individual parts are sufficient to warrant changing the dies, the welding tooling, clamp locations, etc. If it is decided that a change is warranted, then the dies may have to be returned to the supplier to be changed. If a change is not warranted, then the specifications may be changed to match the part shape. This usually involves a uni- or bi-directional opening of the part tolerances. The process is then repeated after the changes have been implemented. It is not uncommon to have three or more functional build evaluation bodies during a vehicle launch, which is costly and time consuming.The next evolution of functional build is virtual functional build (VFB). A key enabling technology is optical measurement technology. There are a variety of technologies ranging from laser scanners, such as Perceptron’s ScanWorks, to white light systems, such as Cognitens’ Opticell, and holographic systems, such as Coherix’s ShaPix. These technologies provide precise part representations in virtual form. Stamped parts exhibit significant physical differences from their CAD nominals due to factors in the tooling and forming processes, which is why the optical data is so critical. Rather than sending physical parts to a central location to be assembled, suppliers optically measure their parts and send the virtual part representation to a central web site. The virtual parts are then assembled, and the problem areas are identified. The major advantage of virtual assembly is one is freed from logistical requirements of having all parts sent to a central location at a scheduled time. Coordinating the timing and shipment of up to 30 different suppliers and hundreds of different parts is extremely difficult. Also, the screwbody process itself takes generally 4 to 6 weeks to complete. If critical parts are delayed, then the build can be further delayed. VFB can be completed in a far shorter amount of time. Assembling the virtual part representations is much faster than physically placing parts in fixtures and riveting or screwing the parts together. Furthermore, any part that has not yet been manufactured may be replaced by its CAD nominal as a best guess for what the part will look like. Virtual functional build saves the time and cost of assembling a physical prototype, and allows users to create many more virtual prototypes than physical prototypes. This is particularly important during the iterative die tryout process. The capability to quickly evaluate the effect of a die change on the body assembly is a functional evaluation of the part, as opposed to a pure specification based evaluation.VFB is in its infancy, and there are many process issues that must be addressed, such as purpose of the VFB, information requirements prior to measurement, fixturing requirements, etc. For example, is the purpose of the measurement to check the part dimensions relative to their CAD nominal dimensions, or is the purpose to determine whether the part will cause a problem during assembly? The answer to this question may affect how one fixtures the part. If the purpose is to compare the part relative to part nominal, then one might want to fixture the part in as free a state as possible while still ensuring repeatable results. A comparison of the virtual part with the CAD nominal file would show where dies might need to be adjusted to achieve a better part. If the purpose is to determine assemblability, then one might want to fixture the part as it would be in the assembly tooling (i.e., completely overconstrainted). Displaying parts in body position would then show gap and interference conditions as one would expect to see during assembly.However, VFB as described above is not able to predict the dimensional quality of the assembly. Even in the previous example, where the virtual parts are placed in body position, one would not be able to predict the dimensions of the resulting assembly, because simple visualization cannot account for the springback that occurs after welding and the tooling clamps are released. This requires the integration of tolerance analysis and FEA simulation. Most tolerance analysis models are Monte Carlo simulation based and assume rigid parts, i.e., the assembly process does not affect the dimensional quality of the parts, which we know is not true of body assembly. Tolerance analysis models begin with a nominal representation of the parts and assembly tooling, apply manufacturing variation to the part and tooling features (from design specifications or actual manufacturing data), simulate the assembly process in the appropriate sequence, and output the desired measurements. The output is typically a distribution and a sensitivity analysis for each measurement. Integration of FEA models allows the tolerance simulation to take elastic deformation of the parts induced by spot welding into account. The software typically does not account for plastic deformation, and hence heat distortion effects from welding are not modeled. Conceptually, the parts are assembled in the software. Weld points are identified and the parts are forced into full contact at those points. These points are held as boundary conditions. Then the FEA program minimizes the stress in the assembly by changing the shape of the part according to the boundary conditions.Several groups have developed a joint FEA-dimensional variation simulation engine: General Motors (GM) has developed one for internal use; Dessault Systems released such an engine in Catia V5 product; and UGS PLM has incorporated this functionality in their VisVSA V5.1 product. Future versions of the software will be able to predict the amount of residual stress in a functional build assembly.With these new optical measurement and simulation tools it is possible to virtually assemble and predict dimensional quality including variation. Thus, engineers will have a tool to understand dimensional problems with actual body parts during launch. Despite the large opportunity to improve timing and reduce cost through these two technologies, many of these gains will be difficult to achieve due to the following:1.System complexity: Designers will need to make decisions in concert. Any decision made on one part could have animpact on other adjoining parts. For example, a change on a rear reinforcement rail to ensure it will assemble with arocker panel can also impact how the rail fits with the wheel housing.2.Excessive Engineering Change Orders (ECOs): There are too many ECOs due to a lack of understanding by productdesigners of what design features and changes to design features will have a true impact on the assembly of individualparts, as well as the function of the assembly itself. A better understanding of the impact of design changes onmanufactured assemblies and their variation should lead to a significant reduction in ECOs, a common disruption to asmooth and timely vehicle launch.3.Experiential decision making: Current decision making processes in functional build (whether physical or virtual) arebased on the experience and memory of individuals who have participated in previous programs. This experiencerequires years of hands-on practice with die making, welding, and hand assembly of panels; a knowledge base that israre and becoming rarer as a large portion of the work force reaches retirement. The quality and speed of decision-making can be drastically improved through data or a quantitative understanding of cause and effect relationships in thesystem.munication and coordination of supply chain: Too much time and cost is wasted on tooling buyoff and partvalidation due to unpredicted manufacturing variation, poor communication between suppliers and the customer, andlack of available information.5.Distributed knowledge: Effective solutions to problems and their cost and time impact on the program is generallydistributed in the supply base. It is difficult to identify the suppliers with the pertinent knowledge and evaluate thetradeoffs between competing knowledge.The DBDS, will overcome many of these problems by helping engineers identify and evaluate solution alternatives based on proven historical cases. DBDS closes the design loop during the manufacturing validation phase, using functional build concepts. The DBDS builds upon the knowledge and experience gained during vehicle launch programs and applies them to simulated assembly models based on actual scanned parts.3.The DBDSThe Digital Body Development System (DBDS) is depicted in the blue box in the lower half of Figure 2 and consists of 3 major subsystems:1.Data Preparation and Repository Module (DPRM)2.Virtual Assembly and Simulation Engine (VASE).3.Solution Generation and Evaluation Module (SGEM)The system begins by collecting information in the Data Preparation and Repository Module (DPRM). The module acts as a central collection facility for all data in the system. It checks for data consistency and formatting before sending the data onto VASE or allowing other parts of the system to access the data. It also houses the database of historical problem-solution cases, which is used by the SGEM. In addition, the DPRM contains a set of project management and communication tools to aid in coordinating the product validation and launch process among the various suppliers and the OEM.The VASE then simulates the assembly function and generates dimensional and residual stress distributions for specified measurements across the vehicle body. UGS PLM VisVSA V5.1 is the VASE used in the DBDS. Generally there will be several hundred assembly measurements (simulation outputs) per vehicle. These simulation results are then sent to the Solution Generation and Evaluation Module (SGEM).The SGEM groups problems that have similar characteristics, such as measurement location, measurement type and direction, and common parts involved in the measurements, into problem areas. The problem areas are then ranked according to the problem magnitudes as well as the relationship between problems. Examples of problem relationships are problems that have the same part supplier, or passed through the same assembly steps. These relationships are similar to hypotheses of root causes.The purpose of the grouping and ranking reduce the problem space and identify the critical problems that will drive the solution generation and evaluationmodule.2.begin to introduce information that relates problems to root causes.Using a database of past solutions structured according to problem relevance criteria, an agent based case retrieval network (CRN) is used to identify the best solution to the given problem areas. These solutions are sent to the VASE and automatically implemented in the model to evaluate their functional effectiveness with regards to dimensional quality and residual stress. The system continues to iterate on various solutions using local change rules to modify solutions until it finds solutions that satisfy the design requirements.The DBDS does not explicitly determine the root cause of the system. Instead, the root causes are implicitly embedded in the problem area groupings, the relationships between problem areas, and the relevance edges in the CRN. The SGEM looks for the solutions that best map to the causal structure. In essence, one is looking for the best solution that maps into the problem characteristics under the assumption that problems with the same underlying causal structure have the same root cause, or at least, can be resolved by the same solution.The DBDS is intended to be used iteratively throughout the vehicle program. For example, every time a die is created or modified, such as during prototype, die tryout at the die source, and die tryout on the home line, the system would be invoked (see Figure 2). Scanned part images would be sent to the DPRM and converted to a format suitable for use by the VASE. Simulating the scanned part files, instead of the nominal CAD files would provide information on the effectiveness of die changes and need or lack of need for further changes. The DBDS would determine whether additional changes are necessary, what they should be, and their expected outcome on the assembly as determined from simulation.4.Adaptive Heuristic SearchDBDS treats the generation of solutions to problems identified in the current design as a search problem in the high-dimensional space of possible modifications to the design guided by a fitness function. Any point in this abstract search space is a set of parameterized changes to the current design. Computing the fitness of such a set of changes requires the application of these changes to the design, and the simulation and analysis of the resulting new design comparing it with the current design.In [3] Brueckner and Parunak present an experimental application of their agent-based Adaptive Parameter Search Environment (APSE), which performs a heuristic parallel search across an abstract space of input parameters to an arbitrary simulation model guided by a fitness function defined over metrics reported during the execution of the model. DBDS is an application and extension of APSE in which sets of design changes are treated as input parameters to the virtual assembly of a car body and in which the search is guided by the design intent of the functional build process.The Solution Generation and Evaluation (SGE) module of the DBDS hosts an APSE search agent population, whose task it is to explore the space of possible changes to the base design for improvements that reduce or remove the problems observed in its execution. Thus, the changes to the base design are input parameters to a black-box simulation and a predefined fitness function measures the degree to which the now modified design meets the design intent.The APSE search agents collaboratively explore the space of potential solutions (model parameters) and evaluate them through successive simulation runs. Using a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm [6] combined with probabilistic local hill climbing, the agents coordinate their activity so that computing resources (simulation runs) are focused on exploring the most promising regions of the search space.Given the complexity and massiveness of the search space that DBDS must explore in a given optimization run, the heuristic of the APSE search agents was enhanced. While Search agents in APSE are guided only by the fitness of the currently known solution candidates (points in the abstract search space), DBDS provides two additional sources of guidance for the distributed search (see Figure 3). The first source of solution candidates is the human design team. At any point during the search process, human experts may look at the problem symptoms and the solutions DBDS has explored so far and suggest another solution to the system. Solutions may also be suggested by the solver, a multi-agent system that seeks to match the problem symptoms to the descriptor of solution cases recorded in a case base (see Section 5). The retrieval is guided by the problem symptoms observed in the execution of the current design and by the fitness of solutions that have already been evaluated by the Search agents.behavior. In APSE, an agent explores the search space through a series of short-range moves that are guided by hill-climbing and PSO heuristics. In DBDS, a Search agent monitors the performance of its short-range movement heuristic (rate of improvement over time) and may decide to abandon its current region in search space through a long-range jump beyond the local correlation distance of the fitness function. The destination of the jump is a solution candidate provided by the human design team or the case-based solver. Figure 4 illustrates the emerging agent trajectory in an abstract search to other solution approaches. Just as DBDS currently implements a case-based approach to the solution of problems with the base design, other (e.g., rule-based, model-based, etc.) approaches could be implemented independently and feed into the decision process of the Search agents.5. Swarming Case RetrievalToday’s car body development process heavily depends on human expert knowledge and experience. With DBDS we create a decision support system that has the ability to discover new solutions on its own through a heuristic search and evaluation in simulation, while at the same time utilizing and capturing human creativity and expertise to move from experience-based to data-driven design.The SGE module of DBDS includes a dynamic solver that analyzes problems with the base design as they manifest themselves in observable symptoms during the virtual assembly and that suggests solutions to these problems drawn from a set of problem-solution cases. The solver is integrated with the heuristic search process by suggesting solution candidates to the APSE search agents for their next long-range jumps and by modifying the case retrieval process based on the fitness of the solutions that have already been explored (Figure 6).Fig. 6. The dynamic solver modifies the solution candidates that it suggests to the Search agents based on the progress of theexploration of the search spaceCurrent Set Base DesignAPSE Search Case-of Evaluated SolutionsSymptomsAgents BaseThe ongoing asynchronous interaction with the Search agents and the continuous addition of fitness evaluations of new solutioncandidates requires a dynamic update of the case retrieval. This led to an agent-based any-time approach that continuously integrates changes in the external circumstances without having to restart its reasoning process from scratch.The following details of the operation of the solver top down. First, the adaptive any-time process that manipulates thedescription of the current problem symptoms to provide a high-quality retrieval of high-performance solutions will be presented. This is followed by a description of the specific internal mechanics of the fine-grained agent system that drives the adaptive modification of the current problem description.5.1. The virtual assembly of the base design by the VASE module results in a large set of uniquely identified measurement points on the assembled car body that are either within or outside specified tolerances. Just as a fever, a cough and a runny nose are possible symptoms of an underlying viral infection, so are patterns of deviations at pre-defined measurement points on a (virtually) assembled car body symptoms of specific underlying problems (root causes) with the design.The dynamic solver seeks to match the currently observed symptomatic patterns to those of problems encountered in the past, whose solution is recorded in the case base. The case base is organized into a simplified Case Retrieval Network (CRN) [7], which represents basic components of the problem description and the associated solution as individual nodes in a spreading activation network. The nodes representing problem components are called Information Entity (IE) nodes and a solution is stored in a so-calledCase node. All IE nodes that describe the problem solved in a specific solution case are linked to the respective Case node through weighted relevance edges. The retrieval process first places an activation onto individual IE nodes depending on their match to the current problem symptoms and then propagates the activation through the relevance edges to the Case nodes. The relative activation of the individual Case nodes provides an ordering of the recorded solutions with respect to their relevance to the current problem.The goal is to abstract away from the specific locations and count of measurement points provided by the simulation by identifying symptomatic regions on the virtual car body that may be expressions of the same underlying problem. For instance, if a door is set slightly off-center into its frame, one may find several disconnected regions along the frame in which pre-defined measurements are out of tolerance (e.g., gaps, interferences). To that end, the solver executes a fine-grained multi-agent system that continuously rearranges measurement points into clusters that form components of the problem signature (Figure 7). The currently emerging problem signature is matched against past problems’ signatures in the case base to provide a relevance measure of the available solutions. This relevance measure guides the selection of the next solution candidate upon request of an APSE search agent.A case is then selected probabilistically, based on its current normalized relevance.selected. Otherwise, a case may as well be randomly selected from the entire case base. The current retrieval quality is determined from the Case Selection Entropy (CSE) metric, which is the Shannon (Information) Entropy [11] of the case selection probabilities. The current CSE, resulting from the interaction of the current arrangement of measurement points with the Case Retrieval Network, may modify the behavior of the agents in the next clustering cycle. Similar entropy measures defined over the current preferences of an autonomous decision maker (here case selection) have been used before [4, 9] to estimate the current information these preferences actually convey and to subsequently adapt the decision process if necessary.Figure 8 illustrates the tight feedback loop (black) between the ongoing clustering of measurement points and the current case relevance ordering provided by the CRN. Through this feedback, the identified problem regions are modified to match past experience recorded in the case base more closely while maintaining a close tie with the actual problems observed in the simulation.Fig. 8. Adaptive Case Retrieval Guided by Retrieval Quality and Solution Performance.Observed Pattern ofCaseAgentsThe clustering process is also influenced on a larger time scale by the observed performance of solutions that have been explored by the APSE search agents (white loop in Figure 8). If a solution case is adopted by a Search agent in a long-range jump, DBDS evaluates the fitness of the changed car body design in terms of the reduction in problems compared to the base design and the estimated cost in implementing these changes. The fitness of all solution candidates proposed by the solver is fed back through the CRN (activating case nodes and spreading to IE nodes) to attract the clustering mechanism away from or towards specific arrangements.5.2.Emergent ClusteringThe output of the simulation is a cloud of values for predefined measurement points. Each point is associated with geometric coordinates on the car body, but it also carries additional context values, such as part features with which it is associated, assembly process steps that came in contact with the part, or the supplier providing the part. Thus, a measurement point is located in a high-dimensional space that combines the geometric and context dimensions. Through the additional context, points that are related in the process but not necessarily in geometry can be associated to the same signature component.The goal is to start from the original locations of the measurement points and rearrange the points into arbitrary clusters while trying to keep each point close to its original location. As Figure 9 illustrates, there are a number of possible arrangements that meet these qualitative objectives, as there is no prior assumption on the particular number or size of clusters. The emergent clustering algorithm is designed to potentially visit all these arrangements (with varying probability), and the feedback from the Case Selection Entropy metric and the currently known solution fitness push the clustering system out of unfavorable configurations.scale fine-grained multi-agent systems. Nest sorting [2], is an instance of emergent clustering observed in social insect systems. In this case, independent agents (ants) pick up or drop off passive objects with a dynamically computed probability. This behavior has been replicated in collective robotics (see for instance [5]). An alternative approach to clustering is to give the initiative to the objects themselves, which then reason about their current local arrangement and move about in space. Parunak, et al. successfully applied this approach to create large-scale, self-organizing document bases [10] and the approach was applied here as well.locations and additional context. The sum of two dynamic force vectors, representing the two objectives in the rearrangement, determines the trajectory of an agent. The first force vector (“Home Force” in Figure 10) attracts the agent back to the original location of the measurement point. This force increases with distance. The second force vector is the sum of individual component vectors (“Cluster Force” in Figure 10), which each attract the agent to the location of another nearby agent. The strength of this force decreases with distance. The rates in which the forces change for changing distances are dynamic parameters of the system. In each cycle, each agent calculates the home force and the cluster force vector from the position of the agents in the previous cycle. The vector sum of these two forces determines the direction into which the agent relocates in this step. The length of the step is the length of the combined vector, but limited to a relatively small step-length value (see Figure 11)..。
