5G Key Technologies: Identifying Innovation Opportunity




华为5G技术认证开放架构,构建5G人才生态以智能化为代表的第四次工业革命,正在到来19世纪18世纪20世纪21世纪,现在5G 作为核心基础设施,驱动智能化革命加速万物感知万物互联万物智能可穿戴设备智能制造智慧城市AlphaGo AI 机器人5GIoT云+AI工业传感设备5G 成为国家数字战略的先导领域新加坡智慧国2025泰国4.0数字马来西亚全球170多个国家发布数字战略沙特:“2030年愿景”助力数字化经济发展巴西:效率巴西战略澳大利亚:数字化经济战略美国:先进制造战略,工业互联网加拿大:数字加拿大150计划英国:2015~2018数字经济战略德国:工业4.0,数字化战略2025俄罗斯:数字经济战略印度:用“印度制造”和“数字印度”引领国家未来日本:制造业白皮书韩国:制造业创新3.0战略中国:数字中国、中国制造2025、互联网+美国:2018《美国国家网络战略》5G 之争上升为政治之争和经济之争欧盟:2016《欧盟5G 宣言》将发展5G 作为构建“单一数字市场”的关键举措中国:中央将5G 列入国家战略4G 改变生活,5G 改变社会日本:2020 东京奥运会5G 正式商用5G 是2030年实现革命性电波系统的前奏韩国:2015发布5G 国家战略,投入1.6万亿韩元;2018 冬奥会首商用华为已推出5G 全系列全场景E2E 产品方案Ecosystem+业务使能数字平台5G 管道芯片终端云AI大数据IoT… …核心网微波传输接入网刀片站M-MIMO AAU全制式BBURRULampSite杆站N53685G CPE ProMate20XMateX巴龙5000… …模组工业制造交通车联网智慧城市… …… …能源华为是业界公认的5G 最佳商用合作伙伴积极推动标准与生态多项关键技术创新成为核心标准率先完成主流芯片组厂商互操作测试Cloud PCCloud Gaming Cloud VR瘦终端、宽管道、云应用,5G 极致体验仪表芯片极化码F-OFDM 上下行解耦FlexE 服务化5G 全频段射频全制式基带5G 全场景承载全融合智简核心网唯一5G 端到端供应商海思自研全系列产品芯片5G is ON首发端到端解决方案技术创新网络最优商用领先网络持续演进技术创新升级应用日渐丰富经验技能融合职业背景云、大、物、智、5G 行业显著矛盾10700万华为认证体系是业界唯一覆盖ICT ICT 技术知识。















目录第一章 项目概况 ............................................................10一、 项目定位及建设理由 ....................................................10二、 项目名称及建设性质 ....................................................11三、 项目承办单位 ...........................................................12四、 项目建设选址 ...........................................................13五、 项目生产规模 ...........................................................六、 原辅材料及设备 .........................................................1313七、 建筑物建设规模 .........................................................13八、 项目总投资及资金构成 ..................................................九、 资金筹措方案 ...........................................................1414十、 项目预期经济效益规划目标 ..............................................十一、 项目建设进度规划 ....................................................1515十二、 项目综合评价 .........................................................15主要经济指标一览表 ..........................................................第二章 公司基本情况 .......................................................17一、 公司基本信息 ...........................................................17二、 公司简介 ................................................................18三、 公司竞争优势 ...........................................................20四、 公司主要财务数据 ......................................................20公司合并资产负债表主要数据 .................................................21公司合并利润表主要数据 .....................................................21五、 核心人员介绍 ...........................................................22六、 经营宗旨 ................................................................23七、 公司发展规划 ...........................................................第三章 市场分析 ............................................................28一、 总体目标 ................................................................29二、 5G产业基础强化行动 .....................................................第四章 背景、必要性分析 ....................................................31一、 行业融合应用深化行动 ..................................................二、 5G应用安全能力锻造工程 .................................................3435三、 提振发展实体经济优化升级现代产业体系 ..................................40四、 基本原则 ................................................................40五、 项目实施的必要性 ......................................................41六、 5G应用安全提升行动 .....................................................42七、 面向行业需求的5G产品攻坚工程 .........................................第五章 发展规划 ............................................................44一、 公司发展规划 ...........................................................48二、 任务及思路 .............................................................第六章 运营管理模式 .......................................................51一、 公司经营宗旨 ...........................................................51二、 公司的目标、主要职责 ..................................................52三、 各部门职责及权限 ......................................................55四、 财务会计制度 ...........................................................61五、 5G应用创新生态培育示范工程 ............................................63六、 5G应用标准体系构建及推广工程 ..........................................63七、 5G应用生态融通行动 .....................................................65八、 保障措施 ................................................................第七章 SWOT分析说明 .....................................................一、 优势分析(S) .........................................................6769二、 劣势分析(W) ........................................................69三、 机会分析(O) .........................................................四、 威胁分析(T) ..........................................................70第八章 创新驱动 ............................................................74一、 坚持创新驱动发展提升创新名城建设的全球影响力 ............................78二、 企业技术研发分析 ......................................................79三、 项目技术工艺分析 ......................................................81四、 质量管理 ................................................................五、 创新发展总结 ...........................................................82第九章 法人治理 ............................................................83一、 股东权利及义务 .........................................................二、 董事 ..................................................................8589三、 高级管理人员 ...........................................................92四、 监事 ..................................................................第十章 建设内容与产品方案 ..................................................94一、 建设规模及主要建设内容 ................................................二、 产品规划方案及生产纲领 ................................................9495产品规划方案一览表 ..........................................................第十一章 项目风险评估 .....................................................一、 项目风险分析 ...........................................................9698二、 项目风险对策 ...........................................................第十二章 进度实施计划 .....................................................一、 项目进度安排 ...........................................................101101项目实施进度计划一览表 .....................................................102二、 项目实施保障措施 ......................................................第十三章 建筑物技术方案 ....................................................103一、 项目工程设计总体要求 ..................................................103二、 建设方案 ................................................................三、 建筑工程建设指标 ......................................................107107建筑工程投资一览表 ..........................................................第十四章 项目投资计划 .....................................................一、 投资估算的依据和说明 ..................................................109110二、 建设投资估算 ...........................................................112建设投资估算表.............................................................112三、 建设期利息 .............................................................112建设期利息估算表 ............................................................113四、 流动资金 ................................................................114流动资金估算表.............................................................五、 总投资 ................................................................115115总投资及构成一览表 ..........................................................116六、 资金筹措与投资计划 ....................................................项目投资计划与资金筹措一览表 ...............................................116第十五章 项目经济效益 .....................................................118一、 经济评价财务测算 ......................................................118营业收入、税金及附加和增值税估算表 ..........................................119综合总成本费用估算表 ........................................................120固定资产折旧费估算表 ........................................................121无形资产和其他资产摊销估算表 ...............................................122利润及利润分配表 ............................................................123二、 项目盈利能力分析 ......................................................125项目投资现金流量表 ..........................................................126三、 偿债能力分析 ...........................................................127借款还本付息计划表 ..........................................................第十六章 项目总结 .........................................................第十七章 附表附件 .........................................................主要经济指标一览表 ..........................................................130131建设投资估算表.............................................................132建设期利息估算表 ............................................................固定资产投资估算表 ..........................................................133133流动资金估算表.............................................................134总投资及构成一览表 ..........................................................135项目投资计划与资金筹措一览表 ...............................................136营业收入、税金及附加和增值税估算表 ..........................................137综合总成本费用估算表 ........................................................固定资产折旧费估算表 ........................................................138138无形资产和其他资产摊销估算表 ...............................................139利润及利润分配表 ............................................................项目投资现金流量表 ..........................................................140141借款还本付息计划表 ..........................................................142建筑工程投资一览表 ..........................................................143项目实施进度计划一览表 .....................................................144主要设备购置一览表 ..........................................................144能耗分析一览表.............................................................第一章 项目概况一、项目定位及建设理由提升面向公众的5G网络覆盖水平。



《5G与智慧交通:加速未来出行大变革》阅读札记目录一、5G技术概述 (2)1.1 5G技术的定义与发展历程 (3)1.2 5G技术的核心特点与优势 (4)二、智慧交通的发展现状 (5)2.1 智慧交通的定义与目标 (7)2.2 当前智慧交通的发展趋势与挑战 (8)三、5G技术在智慧交通中的应用 (9)3.1 5G技术在智能驾驶中的应用 (10)3.2 5G技术在智能交通管理中的应用 (11)3.3 5G技术在车联网与智能交通信息服务中的应用 (13)四、5G对未来出行的影响 (14)4.1 对城市交通出行的影响 (15)4.2 对公共交通出行的影响 (17)4.3 对共享出行与物流运输的影响 (18)五、案例分析 (20)5.1 先进国家在5G与智慧交通领域的典型案例 (21)5.2 国内在5G与智慧交通领域的典型案例 (22)六、面临的挑战与展望 (23)6.1 面临的技术挑战与解决方案 (24)6.2 面临的政策与法规挑战及建议 (26)6.3 对未来5G与智慧交通发展的展望 (27)一、5G技术概述随着科技的飞速发展,5G技术已经成为了当今世界关注的焦点。











全国首个5g全场景应用智慧港口的英文作文The Rise of the Smart Port: Unlocking the Potential of 5G TechnologyThe rapid advancements in technology have transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. One of the most significant breakthroughs in recent years has been the development of 5G technology, which promises to revolutionize various industries, including the maritime sector. China's Qingdao Port, the country's first 5G-powered smart port, stands as a shining example of how this transformative technology can unlock new possibilities and pave the way for a more efficient and sustainable future.At the heart of Qingdao Port's transformation lies the implementation of 5G technology, which has enabled the integration of a wide range of cutting-edge applications. From autonomous vehicles and remote-controlled cranes to real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance, the port has embraced the power of 5G to streamline its operations and enhance its overall efficiency.One of the most remarkable aspects of Qingdao Port's 5G-powered ecosystem is the seamless integration of autonomous vehicles. These self-driving trucks and container movers navigate the port'sexpansive grounds with precision, reducing the risk of human error and increasing the speed of cargo handling. The use of 5G's low latency and high-bandwidth capabilities ensures that these autonomous vehicles can respond in real-time to changing conditions, ensuring the smooth flow of goods and minimizing delays.Furthermore, the deployment of remote-controlled cranes has revolutionized the port's cargo loading and unloading processes. Operators, situated in a centralized control room, can precisely maneuver these towering machines with pinpoint accuracy, thanks to the reliable and low-latency connectivity provided by 5G. This not only enhances safety by removing human workers from potentially hazardous environments but also boosts productivity by optimizing crane utilization and reducing downtime.Another key aspect of Qingdao Port's smart transformation is the implementation of advanced monitoring and predictive maintenance systems. Sensors installed throughout the port's infrastructure continuously collect data on equipment performance, environmental conditions, and operational patterns. This real-time data is then analyzed using powerful AI algorithms, enabling port managers to anticipate and address potential issues before they disrupt operations.By leveraging 5G's high-speed data transmission and low latency, Qingdao Port can respond to these insights quickly, scheduling maintenance activities during off-peak hours and minimizing disruptions to daily operations. This proactive approach not only extends the lifespan of critical equipment but also ensures that the port operates at its optimal efficiency, reducing costs and enhancing the overall customer experience.The benefits of Qingdao Port's 5G-powered smart solutions extend beyond the immediate operational improvements. The port's commitment to sustainability is also evident in its adoption of green technologies, such as renewable energy sources and energy-efficient equipment. By integrating these environmentally-friendly initiatives with its 5G-enabled systems, Qingdao Port is setting a new benchmark for sustainable port operations, contributing to the global effort to mitigate the environmental impact of the maritime industry.The success of Qingdao Port's 5G-powered smart transformation has not gone unnoticed. The port has become a model for other maritime hubs around the world, inspiring them to embrace the transformative potential of 5G technology. As more ports follow in Qingdao's footsteps, the global maritime industry is poised to witness a paradigm shift, where efficiency, sustainability, and technological innovation converge to redefine the future of portoperations.In conclusion, Qingdao Port's journey as China's first 5G-powered smart port is a testament to the transformative power of technology. By leveraging the capabilities of 5G, the port has optimized its operations, enhanced its environmental sustainability, and set a new standard for the maritime industry. As the world continues to witness the rapid evolution of technology, the Qingdao Port model serves as a shining example of how innovation can unlock new possibilities and pave the way for a more prosperous and sustainable future.。



5g的发明与应用的英语作文5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with the world around us. This cutting-edge technology has not only transformed the way we access information but has also paved the way for a more connected and efficient future.The invention of 5G can be traced back to the early 2000s, when researchers and engineers began exploring the potential of higher frequency radio waves to transmit data at faster speeds. The limitations of previous generations of wireless technology, such as 3G and 4G, had become increasingly evident as the demand for high-speed internet, real-time communication, and data-intensive applications continued to grow.One of the key advantages of 5G is its significantly higher data transfer rates, with download speeds that can reach up to 10 Gbps, which is up to 100 times faster than 4G networks. This remarkable speed has enabled a wide range of new applications and services that were previously impossible or impractical. For example, the increased bandwidth and low latency of 5G have made it possible to stream high-quality video in real-time, conduct remote medicalprocedures, and facilitate the development of autonomous vehicles.Another crucial aspect of 5G is its ability to support a much larger number of connected devices simultaneously. This is particularly important in the era of the Internet of Things (IoT), where an ever-increasing number of everyday objects, from home appliances to industrial machinery, are connected to the internet. 5G's capacity to handle a vast number of concurrent connections, with minimal interference, has opened up new possibilities for smart cities, intelligent transportation systems, and the integration of various IoT devices.Beyond the technical advancements, 5G has also had a significant impact on various industries and sectors. In the healthcare field, for instance, 5G has enabled the development of remote patient monitoring systems, real-time telemedicine consultations, and the use of advanced medical imaging technologies. This has been particularly crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the need for remote healthcare services has become more pressing than ever.Similarly, the entertainment industry has benefited greatly from the capabilities of 5G. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences, which were previously hampered by bandwidth limitations, can now be delivered with unprecedented quality and responsiveness. This has opened up new avenues for immersivegaming, interactive entertainment, and enhanced content delivery.The impact of 5G extends beyond just entertainment and healthcare; it has also transformed the way we approach manufacturing, logistics, and smart city infrastructure. The low latency and high reliability of5G networks have enabled the deployment of advanced automation and robotics in industrial settings, leading to increased efficiency, productivity, and safety. In the realm of smart cities, 5G has facilitated the integration of various systems, such as traffic management, public transportation, and energy grids, allowing for more efficient resource allocation and improved urban planning.However, the widespread adoption of 5G technology has not been without its challenges. Concerns have been raised about the potential health effects of the higher frequency radio waves used in 5G networks, as well as the potential for increased cybersecurity risks due to the interconnectedness of 5G-enabled devices. Governments and regulatory bodies around the world have been working to address these concerns through research, policy development, and the implementation of robust security measures.Despite these challenges, the future of 5G looks promising. As the technology continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see even more innovative applications and use cases emerge, transforming various aspects of our lives. From remote work andeducation to smart agriculture and disaster response, the potential of 5G to enhance our daily lives is truly remarkable.In conclusion, the invention of 5G has ushered in a new era of connectivity, revolutionizing the way we communicate, access information, and interact with our environment. As we continue to explore the vast potential of this technology, we can look forward to a future where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds become increasingly blurred, ushering in a new era of unprecedented efficiency, convenience, and innovation.。



1、〔2021年6月〕欧盟发布了新时期下物联网的行动方案A 、2021年6月B、2021年1月C、2021年6月D2021年1月3、?2025对美国利益湷在影响的打破性技术?是由〔C、国家情报委员会〕发表的A、联邦调查局B、中央情报局C、国家情报委员会D、国务院咨询委员会4、〔B、医疗信息化〕是物联网在安康与医疗方面最大的应用。


A、空间技术B、反浸透技术C、核聚变技术D、信息技术13、1997年,IBM提出〔A、-BusinEss〕A、-BusinEss B、- BusinEss on DemAnD C、SOAD、SmArt Dust19、在射频技术和互联网技术结合方面最有代表性的研究是由〔C、MIT〕完成的A、YALEB、HARV ARDC、MITD、OMBRIDGE20、1995年,〔D、比尔、盖茨〕首次提出物联网概念A、沃伦、巴菲特B、乔布斯C、保罗、艾伦D、比尔、盖茨22、物联网在国际电信联盟中写成〔Internet of Things〕A、Network EvErything B、IntErnEtC、ThingsD、IntErnEtE、vErythingF、Network27、〔B、智慧城市〕建立是中国城市化推进到一定程度的必然产物。

A、智慧交通B、智慧城市C、和谐城市D、智慧地球28〔at&t〕公司与杰尔系统公司的Trur OnE解决方案相结合,为用户提供电信级的手机或PC视频监控应用。

A、E B、M C、T&T D、DISON多项选择:31、2021年,出现次贷危机的美国住房抵押贷款机构是〔B、房利美D、房地美〕A、美联储B、房利美C、花旗银行D、房地美33、纳米科学技术涉及的学科技术包括〔A、量子力学C、介观物理D、混沌物理〕A、量子力学B、计算机技术C、介观物理D、混沌物理37、“物联网〞指的是在物理世界的实体中部署具有一定〔B、感知才能C、计量才能D、执行才能〕的嵌入式芯片和软件,使之成为“智能物体〞。



《我在硅谷管芯片:芯片产品线经理生存指南》读书札记目录一、书籍概述 (2)1. 书籍背景与作者简介 (3)2. 故事梗概及主要观点 (3)二、技术与管理理念 (5)1. 芯片技术基础 (6)(1)芯片制造流程 (7)(2)芯片设计原理 (8)(3)先进芯片技术趋势 (9)2. 产品线管理思想 (11)(1)芯片产品线管理理念 (12)(2)产品与项目管理体系建设 (14)三、芯片产品线经理的角色与职责 (15)1. 角色定位与技能要求 (17)(1)芯片产品线经理的角色分析 (18)(2)所需技能与能力要求 (18)2. 职责划分与工作流程 (19)(1)产品规划与设计职责 (21)(2)生产与供应链管理职责 (22)(3)市场与销售支持职责 (23)四、硅谷芯片产业生态分析 (25)1. 硅谷芯片产业概况 (26)(1)产业规模与增长趋势 (27)(2)市场结构与竞争格局 (28)2. 生存指南 (30)(1)硅谷文化与企业环境分析 (31)(2)成功策略与实践经验分享 (32)五、产品创新与市场营销策略 (33)1. 产品创新路径与方法探讨 (34)(1)新技术跟踪与研发策略制定 (35)(2)产品迭代与优化实践案例分享 (36)2. 市场营销策略制定与执行要点 (38)一、书籍概述《我在硅谷管芯片:芯片产品线经理生存指南》是一本深入剖析芯片产品线管理领域的专业书籍。







数字经济新蓝海5G与人工智能的融合创新《数字经济新蓝海 5G 与人工智能的融合创新》在当今数字化浪潮汹涌的时代,数字经济已然成为推动全球经济增长的关键力量。

而在数字经济的广袤领域中,5G 和人工智能的融合创新正犹如一颗璀璨的新星,照亮了一片充满无限可能的新蓝海。

5G 技术的出现,以其超高的速度、超低的延迟和海量的连接能力,为信息的传输打开了全新的通道。


但 5G 的到来改变了这一切,它使得数据能够以惊人的速度在设备之间流动,为各种应用提供了坚实的基础。



然而,如果没有 5G 技术的支持,人工智能的应用往往会受到数据传输速度和延迟的限制。

当 5G 与人工智能相互融合,所产生的协同效应是令人瞩目的。


通过 5G 网络,医生可以实时操控千里之外的手术器械,而人工智能则能够辅助医生进行精准的诊断和手术规划。


在交通领域,5G 和人工智能的融合让自动驾驶更加安全可靠。




利用5G 网络,工厂内的设备可以实现无缝连接,实时监测生产过程中的各项数据。


教育领域同样受益于 5G 与人工智能的融合。





人工智能可供性、智能制造平台价值共创与制造企业数字化转型绩效目录一、内容概览 (2)1. 研究背景 (2)2. 研究意义 (4)3. 研究目的和方法 (5)二、人工智能可供性概述 (6)1. 人工智能的概念与发展历程 (7)2. 人工智能的供给与需求 (8)3. 人工智能可供性的特征和表现 (10)三、智能制造平台价值共创分析 (11)1. 智能制造平台的定义与特点 (12)2. 智能制造平台的价值创造过程 (13)3. 价值共创的参与者和合作模式 (14)四、制造企业数字化转型绩效研究 (16)1. 数字化转型的背景与趋势 (17)2. 数字化转型的绩效评价体系 (18)3. 影响数字化转型绩效的因素分析 (19)五、人工智能在智能制造平台中的应用及其影响 (20)1. 人工智能在智能制造平台中的技术应用 (22)2. 人工智能对智能制造平台的影响和改变 (23)3. 人工智能提升智能制造平台竞争力的机制 (25)六、智能制造平台与数字化转型绩效的关联分析 (26)一、内容概览人工智能在制造业中的可供性:分析人工智能技术在制造业中的优势和局限性,以及企业在引入人工智能技术时需要关注的关键因素。





1. 研究背景随着科技的飞速发展和数字化转型的浪潮席卷全球制造业,人工智能(AI)和智能制造已成为推动制造业转型升级的核心力量。



43第353期 唯捷创芯,加速5G射频芯片升级迭代射频前端市场普遍不被公众所熟知,然而,无线通信却无法忽视它的存在,作为信号翻译不可或缺的工具,如今却被国际厂商牢牢掌控。


■ 本刊记者 / 季生频前端被“卡脖子”问题。

在无线通讯中,射频前端与基带、射频收发器和天线共同实现无线通讯的两个本质功能,即二进制信号与电磁波信号之间的双向转化,据集Yole 数据,射频前端市场由海外厂商垄断,导致了华为5G 手机受挫。

如今,华为新款手机网络测试结果已然达到5G 水平,其背后将代表着国产5G 射频芯片产业的崛起,作为射频前端市场中的一员,唯捷创芯(688153.SH )在“卡脖子”问题上,致力提供高性能产品解决方案。

专注射频前端市场如图表1所示,射频前端指的是射频收发芯片与天线之间的模块,包括PA 模组(射频功率放大器模组)、LNA 模组(接收端模组)。

PA 模组将调制电路所产生的射频信号功率放大,以输出到天线上辐射出去,而LNA 模组主要用于通信系统中将接收自天线的信号放大,以便于后级的电子设备处理,两者之间的通力合作最终实现了无线电磁波信号的发送与接收,若是没有射频前端,手机等移动终端设备将无法拨打电话和连接网络,失去无线通信功能。




其中,在研项目主要以5G 射频前端项目为主,整体研发项目预估投入资金规模为9.83亿元,累计已完成投入资金为6.53亿元,项目资金投入完成率为66.43%。



关于5g技术和人工智能的英语作文The Convergence of 5G Technology and Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Connectivity and Intelligence.In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, the convergence of 5G technology and artificial intelligence (AI) holds the promise of revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with the world. 5G, the fifth generation of mobile technology, offers unprecedented speed, latency, and capacity, while AI brings intelligence and autonomy to a wide range of applications. Together, these two technologies have the potential to transform every aspect of our lives.5G technology is characterized by its ultra-high speed, low latency, and massive connectivity. It enables the seamless transmission of vast amounts of data at speeds far surpassing previous generations of mobile technology. This increase in bandwidth and speed opens up a world ofpossibilities for AI applications, which rely on vast amounts of data to learn and improve. With 5G, AI systems can access and process data in real-time, enabling faster decision-making and more accurate predictions.AI, on the other hand, is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. It enables machines to learn and adapt, making them increasingly capable of performing complex tasks that require human-like intelligence. When combined with 5G, AI systems can take advantage of the enhanced connectivity and speed to operate more efficiently and effectively. For example, self-driving cars rely on AI to navigate and make decisions, while 5G provides the necessary bandwidth and latency to ensure smooth, real-time communication between the car and its surroundings.The convergence of 5G and AI also holds significant implications for the enterprise world. With 5G's ability to connect devices seamlessly and AI's ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data, enterprises can gain unprecedented insights into their operations, customers, and markets. This enables them to make more informeddecisions, improve efficiency, and create new revenue streams. For example, retailers can use AI-poweredanalytics to understand customer behavior and preferences, and then leverage 5G's speed and connectivity to deliver personalized experiences and targeted marketing messages.Moreover, the combination of 5G and AI has thepotential to transform the way we access and consume media. With 5G's high-speed connectivity, streaming video and audio content becomes smoother and more immersive. AI, on the other hand, can enhance this experience by recommending content based on user preferences, personalizing the viewing experience, and even enabling interactive content that adapts to the user's inputs and feedback.However, the convergence of 5G and AI also raises important considerations about privacy, security, and ethical implications. As AI systems become more pervasive and reliant on vast amounts of data, ensuring theprotection of personal information and preventing misuse becomes paramount. Additionally, as AI systems become more autonomous and capable of making decisions that affecthuman lives, there is a need to ensure that these decisions are made ethically and responsibly.In conclusion, the convergence of 5G technology and artificial intelligence represents a significant milestone in the evolution of technology. It has the potential to transform the way we live, work, and interact with the world, enabling new experiences, improving efficiency, and creating new opportunities. However, as we embrace this new era of connectivity and intelligence, it is crucial that we also consider the ethical, privacy, and security implications that accompany it. By doing so, we can ensure that technology continues to serve as a force for positive change in our lives.。













图1 2018年—2022年“绽放杯”大赛中工业领域项目统计0 15G工业互联网应用挑战2022年9月,工业和信息化部提出了5G全连接工厂[7]:充分利用以5G为代表的新一代信息技术,基于工业互联网新型基础设施,新建或改造产线、车间、工厂等生产现场,形成生产单元广泛连接、IT/OT深度融合、数据要素充分利用、创新应用高效赋能的先进工厂。

























1. 智慧城市,5G技术与灯塔应用相结合,可以实现智慧城市的建设和管理。


2. 工业制造,在工业领域,5G+灯塔应用也有着广泛的应用前景。


3. 医疗保健,5G技术和灯塔应用的结合,也为医疗保健领域带来了许多创新。


4. 农业领域,5G+灯塔应用也在农业领域展现出巨大潜力。






5G技术对智能制造的影响及应用第一章 5G技术的概述5G技术是第五代移动通信技术的简称,是未来移动通信技术的发展方向。


第二章 5G技术对智能制造的影响1.提高生产效率传统的工业设备往往需要靠有线网络连接,而无线5G技术的应用使得设备之间的信息传输速度更快,延迟更低,有效提高了设备之间的交互和通信速度,从而提高了生产效率。







第三章 5G技术在智能制造中的应用1.智能机器人5G技术的低延迟和高速率使得智能机器人得以实现。






第四章 5G技术在智能制造中的商业价值1.基于5G技术的智能生产5G技术的低延迟和高速率,能够让智能制造的设备、传感器、人员和物流设备而之间交换实时信息。
























1. 远程操作与监控借助5G技术,建筑行业可以实现远程操作与监控。



2. 虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)应用有了5G技术的支持,建筑行业可以广泛应用虚拟现实和增强现实技术。



3. 智能安全监测5G技术的高速和低延迟特性,为建筑行业的安全监测提供了全新的解决方案。



4. 物联网与智能化管理建筑行业的物联网和智能化管理得益于5G技术的快速传输速度和稳定性。



5. 无线通信与协作在建筑工地上,5G技术为工人们提供了更强大的无线通信能力。




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5G Key Technologies: Identifying InnovationOpportunityCantika Felita1, Muhammad Suryanegara2Department of Electrical EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, Universitas IndonesiaDepok, Indonesiacantika.felita@ui.ac.id1, m.suryanegara@ui.ac.id2Abstract—The “not yet officially defined” 5G standard leads to the consequence that its relevant technological innovation is still widely open. For identifying innovations opportunity, we should discover the specific technical area to contribute to the technological development of 5G. This paper dicusses a framework answering the main question: In which technological area one may contribute to the innovation? The answer shall benefit countries, firms, universities and research institute which intends to contribute to the formulation of official 5G standard.First, we reviewed the key technologies of 5th generation mobile communication technology (5G). Ubiquitous and interoperability of the network are main technical focus. A flat IP-based network concept was reviewed, as well as cognitive radio technology to reach the terminal which have artificial intelligence. BDMA technology was proposed to help achieving system efficiency in terms of multiple access system. Second, we identified technological challenges, focusing on the issues related to security and problems to deal with limited frequency spectrum resources. Subsequently, we mapped the innovation opportunity based on technical area which is recently published in research article. We concluded that innovation opportunities lies on the research regarding security, network, technological implementation and applications issues.Keywords—5G; innovation; standardI.I NTRODUCTIONToday, changes in the realm of telecommunication technology have occurred and will remain happening. Mobile telecommunication grows from first generation, known as 1G, to 2G, 3G, and now to the fourth generation that still in implementation stage in several countries, 4G. Every generation of technology have several differences and innovations.5G is a terminology that is used for the 5th generation mobile technology. Telecommunication companies or standardization bodies of telecommunication such as 3GPP, WiMax Forum, or ITU-R haven’t issued the official standard for 5G [1]. The absence of official standard makes the 5G have limitless possibilities. However several expectations have been raised about how 5G should and will be.The 5G technology is expected to complete the 4G technology and provide solutions to the shortage arising from 4G technology. This technology will be a new technology that makes users able to access different Radio Access Technologies (RATs) using one mobile [2]. 5G has been proposed to assemble the existing wireless and wired communication techniques into an all IP (Internet Protocol) high performance world wide network [3]. 5G technology will help perfecting World Wide Wireless Web (WWWW) [4]. WWWW itself is an attempt to create a circumstance where subscriber can savor the great quality and quick access of internet, dynamic movement, favorable Bit Error Ratio (BER) and great security as on wired communications in their wireless communication devices. Limitations of frequency resources making 5G shall have a technical development, which uses other resources than frequency/time resources in order to increase a capacity of the system [1].In this paper, we try to identify innovation opportunity of the 5G technological development. It explored the fundamental literature framework to answer a question: in which technological area one may contribute to the innovation? The answer shall benefit countries, firms, universities and research institute which intends to contribute to the formulation of official 5G standard.The second section of this paper provides the review of the key technologies of 5th generation mobile communication technology (5G). The third section presents our identification of technological challenges, focusing on the issues related to security and problems to deal with limited frequency spectrum resources. In the fourth section, we mapped the innovation opportunity based on technological area which is recently published in research article.II.R EVIEW OF 5G K EY T ECHNOLOGIES There are several key technologies which are expected to help fulfilling the need of improvement for 5G. Those are Flat IP Based Network and Cognitive Radio (CR).A.Flat IP Based NetworkPrevious works by Toni Janevski from University Sv Kiril I Metodij define the basic concept of 5G mobile network which is seen as user-centric concept instead of operator-centric as in 3G or service-centric concept as seen for 4G. The 5G mobile phone is designed as an open platform on different layers, from physical layer up to the application [5].The network layer at 5G networks will be divided into several sub-layers to provide all-IP connectivity anywhere and anytime. The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) in the network layer is inevitable, given the IP system is the best and most used system to support and expand the network layer nowadays. All IP Network (AIPN) system has started well since the development of LTE.All IP Network (AIPN) system has started well since the development of LTE as an an evolution of the 3GPP system. Flat IP Network is a key concept that is expected to make 5G acceptable to all kinds of technology [1]. Flat IP architecture provides a way to identify each device using symbolic names, unlike the hierarchical architecture commonly used in the usual IP address [1]. With the shift to flat IP architectures, mobile operators will be able to [1]:∙Reduce the number of network elements in the data path, thereby reducing operations costs and capitalexpenditure.∙Splitting the cost of service delivery from the amount of data that is sent to equate infrastructure capabilitiesto the requirements of emerging applications ∙Minimize system latency and enable applications witha lower tolerance for delay; upcoming latencyenhancements on the radio link can also be fullyrealized.∙Evolve radio access and packet core networks independently of each other to achieve greaterdevelopment and make better flexibility in networkplanning and deployment.∙Develop a flexible core network that can be the basis of innovative services for mobile and generic IP accessnetwork.Create a platform that will enable mobile broadband operators to be competitive with wired networks in terms of price and performance.IPv6 is the best possible system that can support a flat IP network for technology implementation 5G later. IPv6 is the latest revision of the IP system is expected to overcome the shortcomings of the predecessor version of IPv4. Each device will then have a fixed IPv6 address, and multiple addresses Care of Address (CoA). The number of CoA for the device is according to the number of access networks where device is connected. There are 3 sub-layers of the network layer, the lower network layer, middleware layer and the upper network layer. Lower network layer use CoA, middleware network layer translates CoA into IPv6 so the upper network layer using IPv6 addresses.Device is expected to be provided by a variety of options in order to get the best wireless connection in accordance with the type of device and current network conditions. QoS parameters such as delay time, jitter, bandwidth, reliability and so on will be stored in a database that can be used for training intelligent algorithms in a mobile terminal, thus the 5G technology can choose the best connections for the device at the given time and condition. B.Cognitive RadioFor mobile and wireless communications technologies, since the 4G, interoperability was an important thing, as it is also applied for 5G. Interoperability system means any system with different technologies can work together and communicate with each other. The network architecture for 5G mobile system consists of a user terminal and a number of independent, autonomous radio access technologies [6]. Within each of the terminals, each of the radio access technologies is seen as the IP link to the outside Internet world [6]. With the use of cognitive radio terminal, 5G can achieve interoperability and still have a good quality of service. In the cognition system, the system recognizes the location, position and condition to determine the best option for network. With this system, users can choose a suitable network for communication and different wireless networks will be able to integrate and communicate with each other via cognitive radio devices.Cognitive radio is an intelligent communication system that is aware of its surrounding environment (i.e., outside world), and uses the methodology of understanding-by-building to learn from the environment and adapt its internal states to statistical variations in the incoming RF stimuli by making corresponding changes in certain operating parameters (e.g., transmit-power, carrier-frequency, and modulation strategy) in real-time, with two primary objectives in mind: highly reliable communication whenever and wherever needed; efficient utilization of the radio spectrum [7].By that definition, the cognitive terminal is a smart terminal with intelligence to choose the proper network from all the existing wireless networks [5]. The choice is based on some information such as time, demand, and resource. The 5G technology proposes a universal terminal, which should include all of the radio predecessors features into a single device [5]. This terminal convergence is strongly sustained by the users’ needs and demands; therefore, cognitive radio becomes the ideal 5G terminal candidate [5].III.T ECHNOLOGIVAL C HALLENGESBy understanding the key technologies of 5G, we identified the technological challenges which mainly lie on the problems concerning security as well as limited frequency resources. A.SecurityBeing able to scan the available spectrum, select from a wide range of operating frequencies, adjust modulation waveforms, and perform adaptive resource allocation–all of these in real-time– these new Cognitive Radio technology will be able to adapt to a wide variety of radio interference conditions and adaptively select the most efficient communication mechanisms [8]. However, in addition to the advantages and potential of the cognitive radio technology, there are a number of challenges related to security, especially in cognitive radio terminals. The paradigm of cognitive radio systems poses a new threat on security, such as selfish misbehaviors, harmful interference, licensed user emulation, competition between licensed users and eavesdropping [9].There is an opportunity and need to develop a system that able to prevent the misuse in the highly open and granularcontrol which is provided to the radio interface. One of them was proposed by [8] with a framework known as TRIESTE which is short term for Trusted Radio Infrastructure for Enforcing SpecTrum Etiquettes. TRIESTE will be able to ensure that radio devices are only able to access and use the spectrum in a manner that conforms to their privileges [8].B.Limited Frequency Spectrum ResourcesLimited spectrum resources yielded a major challenge for mobile and wireless technologies. Those limited frequency and time are divided to be used among multiple users. Due to this condition, it is expected to improve efficiency in order to enhance the capacity and quality of the system. To achieve this, several multiple access techniques used today, for example, Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), etc. However, in all of multiple access system that are used nowadays, the capacity of a mobile communication system depends on time and frequency. This generates a challenge to develop a multiple access system which is able to resolve the dependencies of capacity to the limited frequency spectrum. Korean research and development has suggested BDMA as a radio interface for 5G, which is not depended on frequency/time resources [1].The BDMA technique of the present invention divides an antenna beam according to locations of the mobile stations to allow the mobile stations to give multiple accesses, thereby significantly increasing the capacity of the system [1]. In such a concept, mobile stations and a base station are in a Line of Sight (LOS) state, so they exactly know each other's positions. In this condition they will be able to transmit beams which direct to each other's position to communicate without interfering with mobile stations at cell edge [1].For adapting the BDMA system into 5G, the development of the phase array antenna is required. The smart antenna with the ability to switch its beam is needed. Switched beam antennas support radio positioning via Angle of Arrival (AOA) information collected from base and mobile stations. The use of adaptive antenna arrays is one area that shows opportunity for improving the capabilities.IV.I NNOVATION O PPORTUNITIESOpening up innovations opportunity means to discover the technical area as the guidance to conduct research work on such particular technological agenda. We monitored the spread of technical issues related to 5G in various scientific and engineering journals. There are 18 research articles which have stated 5G as the main corresponding topic in their research work. Those publications include 7 conference papers, 7 journal papers, 3 conference reviews and 1 document review.Subsequently, we map the technical area based on 40 keywords mentioned in those 18 research articles. Table 1 lists the keywords and the corresponding number of research articles. In general, it mainly indicates that technical area is not yet heavily concentrated on certain technological agenda. However, more researches were conducted concerning topics of relay selection, mobile ad hoc network and one hop cooperative MAC, while other topics are equally distributed.We identified that the keywords are likely relevant to three technological agenda, i.e. security, network, and technological implementation and applications issues.TABLE I. K EYWORDS ON 5G R ESEARCH P UBLICATIONSSecurity technological agenda spreads over collision avoidance, Denial of Service (DoS), blacklisting, etc. Meanwhile, network technological agenda consists of protocol, all IP network, ad hoc network, etc. Some other technological agenda that remain being the most researched topic are frequency hopping topic, MIMO system, space time codes, relay selection techniques, multi hop systems, etc. There are also a few of topics other those main topics, which are covering about implementation of the proposed 5G applications, such asimplanted medical devices, remote monitoring and telemedicine.Based on those findings, we may formulate the concept to exploit opportunity on certain technological agenda. Researchers may work on those specific areas, which can lead to new innovation on 5G. Such a concept is mainly benefit the developing country which intends to increase their innovation and technological competitiveness. For example, since relay selection has been frequently researched, a new researcher may establish the cooperative work with other researchers working on that field. As in the future, wireless network is forecasted will able to support the relay-based communication, where the relay node is well-placed to receive messages from the source node, process it, and then forward it to the node of its intended destination [10]. Alternatively, developing country can put more concentration on another topic such as spatial diversity, AODV, or technique to improve collision avoidance, since the works on those fields are relatively less conducted.As the continuous upgrading of wireless technologies, the basic concept of 5G is to open up all the doors of possible methods, technologies and techniques used to leverage telecommunication for human life. Combining with the perspective of 5G key technologies, in particular about flat-based IP and cognitive radio, any researchers may contribute to the development of relevant standard. Such research activities are not only to improve faster data access, but also to create innovation on many technical areas as shown in Table 1.Finally, it is commonly known that technological development of preceeding standards (1G, 2G and 3G) were dominantly controlled by developed countries such as USA, Japan and some European countries. Therefore, in current and future time, developing countries should contribute to 5G technological development by utilizing innovation opportunities. Results of research works on 5G can be made into technical submission to the international standardization bodies, such as ITU. Meanwhile, developing countries can also push their national industries to develop patents and to create innovation on relevant 5G technical areas. It is believed that those schemes may influence the global standards development and increase the country’s competitiveness.V.CONCLUSIONSKey technologies in the seam of 5G has been reviewed, i.e. Flat IP Based Network and Cognitive Radio. The key technologies help us to spot the 5G technological challenges. The challenges mainly exist in the security area and the limited frequency resources problem.We have identified innovation opportunity regarding the technological development of 5G standards from understanding technological challenges and exploring fundamental literature framework. There is an opportunity and demand to develop a system that will be able to prevent the misuse of control, maintain the security and enhance the capacity of system. As the result of exploring literature framework, we conclude three technological agenda in which one may contribute to, i.e. security, network, and technological implementation and applications issues. Accordingly, researchers can make new research focusing on those technical area and make new innovation for the 5G technological development. It is expected that research works may result a relevant submission to the international standardization bodies. On the other hand, innovation can be also made by pushing national industries to develop patents and to create innovation on such relevant 5G technical areas.R EFERENCES[1]S. Patil, V. Patil, and P. Bhat, “A Review on 5G Technology”International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, vol 1 Issue 1, January 2012.[2] A.Tudzarov, and T.Janevski, “Design for 5G Mobile NetworkArchitecture” International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, vol 3 No 2, August 2011.[3] C.I. Badoi, N. Prasad, V. Croitiru, and R. Prasad, “5G Based onCognitive Radio” Wireless Pers Communication, 2011.[4] A.K. Pachauri, and O. 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