F6 slides day 1




╔━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━╗┃┃┃¤╭⌒╮制作出品:小小强┃┃╭⌒╮╭⌒╮联系Q Q :381458536 ┃┃╱◥██◣︶╭⌒交流E_mail :zjqcomputer@ ┃┃|田︱田田| ╰︵﹏~┃┃╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬^_^互相学习,资源共享,共同发展!^_^ ┃╚┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━┅━╝众所周知,当PE启动或运行系统安装程序并在底部出现提示信息时,可按F6键从软盘加载SATA/RAID/AHCI驱动,从而使PE或系统安装程序能识别SATA/RAID/AHCI上的磁盘。











[Slide官方教程]官方教程_01 快速入门教程

[Slide官方教程]官方教程_01 快速入门教程

快速入门教程0 简介本“快速入门教程”将使用一个简单的模型演示Slide软件的一些基础功能。


模型特性:1、均匀的,只有一种材料构成的边坡;2、没有考虑水压(干燥的);3、圆形滑移表面搜索(Grid Search)1 模型如果你还没有打开Slide软件,通过双击在“桌面”或者“开始菜单”中的Slide软件的图标运行Slide建模程序。


1.1 项目设定(Project Setting)项目设定(Project Setting)对话框用于配置Slide模型的主要分析参数,例如破坏方向(Failure Direction),度量单位,分析方法(Analysis Methods)和地下水方法(Groundwater Method)。


Select: Analysis → Project Settings图1-1 项目设定对话框通过从对话框左侧的列表中选择页面名称(例如“常规(General)”,“方法(Method)”,“地下水(Groundwater)”等)可以访问“项目设置”对话框的各个页面。

在“常规(General)”页面上,确保将“应力单位(Stress Units)”选项设置为“公制(Metric)”。


在“项目摘要(Project Summary )”页面上,输入“快速入门教程”作为项目标题。

(可以输入中文)不要更改对话框中任何选项,只需点击OK 。

1.2 输入边界(Entering Boundaries )必须为每个Slide 模型定义的第一个边界是“外部边界(External Boundary )”。

Slide 模型中的外部边界是一条闭合的折线,它包含您要分析的土壤区域。



人教版英语六年级下册第一单作文,包含意思全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Dream Vacation (我理想的假期)I'm so excited to share with you my dream vacation! It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. (我很高兴能与你分享我理想的假期!这是我思考已久的事情,我迫不及待地想告诉你所有的细节。

)My dream vacation would be to visit Paris, the beautiful capital of France. I've seen so many pictures and videos of Paris, and it looks like a magical place straight out of a fairy tale. (我理想的假期就是参观法国首都巴黎这座美丽的城市。


)The first thing I would want to see is the Eiffel Tower. It's one of the most famous landmarks in the world, and I can only imagine how amazing it would be to stand beneath its towering iron structure. I would take tons of pictures and maybe even go up to the observation deck to get a bird's eye view of the whole city. (我最想看的第一件事就是埃菲尔铁塔。



flashcs6动画制作实例教程浪花一一朵篇一:Flash CS6是一款功能强大的动画制作软件,它提供了丰富的工具和特效,可以帮助我们创建令人惊叹的动画效果。

在本教程中,我们将学习如何使用Flash CS6制作一段名为“浪花一一朵”的动画。


打开Flash CS6并选择“新建”选项。














Flash CS6提供了丰富的滤镜和特效,我们可以利用这些工具来增强动画效果。


Flash CS6还提供了其他导出选项,如导出为视频文件或将动画嵌入到PDF文件中。

总结起来,Flash CS6是一款强大的动画制作软件,可以帮助我们创建令人惊叹的动画效果。

在本教程中,我们学习了如何使用Flash CS6制作一段名为“浪花一一朵”的动画。


无论是用于个人娱乐还是商业用途,Flash CS6都是一个很好的选择。

Elfsight Testimonials Slider 用户指南说明书

Elfsight Testimonials Slider 用户指南说明书

Testimonials Slider User GuideBefore you install this module, you should make a backup of your site. The instance mode should be set to development before you begin the installation. Enter the console and navigate to run the command below.1.php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer then goto /app/code folder. (If you don't see the code folder, you need to create one. After that create an Elfsight/TestimonialsSlider folder and extract the extension files into this folder. If there are any files already in the Elfsight/ TestimonialsSlider folder, remove them and replace with the new extracted ones).2.Next, open the console and navigate to run the command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade Important: If you’re installing the module in developer mode, you don't need to re-compile. If not, recompile and generate the browser static-content with the command below:1.php bin/magento setup:di:compile2.php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploySwitch the mode back to production after you complete the setup. magento deploy:mode:set production & make sure all file and folder permissions are correct.Backend settings:PHP: 7.0MySQL: 5.7Settings screenshots: 1.Style tab2.Content tab3.More tab。


本PPT课件介绍了如何在Slides中制作出漂亮、实用的PPT。我们将教授您在 Slides中创建、设计和分享PPT的每一步骤。
SLIDES具有许多实用的功能,如主题选择和PPT共享,可以帮助您制作出专业的、有吸引力 的演示文稿。
SLIDES提供了多种动画效果,可以让您的演示文稿更 加生动、有趣。
您可以在Slides中选择要添加的音效,并对其进行自 定义设置。这些音效将使您的PPT更加动感,吸引观 众的眼球。
您可以设置PPT的权限和保护 等级,以确保您的PPT不会被 篡改或盗用。您还可以设定 阅读权限,以确保只有授权 人才能查看您的PPT。
对于需要个性化PPT制作的用户,Slides提 供了自定义图像、样式和主题的选项。
除了SLIDES外,市场上还有多款 PPT制作软件。我们分析了它们 的优点和不足之后,认为SLIDES 是最好的选择,它操作简单、实 用扎实。

FL Studio 快捷键

FL Studio 快捷键

FL Studio 快捷键(朽木原创)File OperationsCtrl+O Open File 打开文件Ctrl+S Save File 保存文件Ctrl+N Save New Version 保存到新的版本Ctrl+Shift+S Save As... 另存Ctrl+R Export Wave File 导出Wav文件Ctrl+Shift+R Export MP3 File 导出Mp3文件Ctrl+Shift+M Export MIDI File 导出Midi文件Alt+1..8 Open Recent Files 1..8 打开最近的9个曲子Pattern Selector (Numpad)1..9 Select Patterns 1..9 选择模块1-9+ Next Pattern 下一个模块- Previous Pattern 前一个模块Right Arrow Next Pattern 下一个模块(这个功能也可以把界面切换到Sequencer 来现实,不要小键盘) Left Arrow Previous Pattern 前一个模块F4 Next Empty Pattern 新建一个空的模块Step Sequencer1...9, 0 Mute/Umute First 10 Channels 最先的十个通道静音调整Ctrl+1..9,0 Solo/UnSolor First 10 Channels 最先的十个通道播放调整(按一下是亮是Solo,再按一下就是全体播放了)Up Arrow Select Previous Pattern 选择下一个模块Down Arrow Next Pattern 选择前一个模块Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Channel(s) 去除当前选择的通道Alt+G Group Selected Channels 建立当前选择的通道组Alt+Z Zip Selected Channel(s) 折叠当前选择的通道Alt+U Unzip Selected Channel(s) 展开当前选择的通道Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Channel(s) Up 向上移动当前选择的通Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Channel(s) Down 向下移动当前选择的通道Page Up Next Channel Group 下一个通道组Page Down Previous Channel Group 前一个通道组Ctrl+X Cut Channel Steps/Score CutCtrl+C Copy Channel Steps/Score CopyCtrl+V Paste Channel Steps/Score Paste Ctrl+Shift+C Clone Channel(s) Clone Shift+Left Arrow Shift Steps Left 向左移动StepShift+Right Arrow Shift Steps Right 向右移动StepAlt+R Randomize 随机功能Alt+P Send to Piano Roll 发送到钢琴窗口K Show Keyboard Editor 显示键盘音调布局G Show Graph Editor 显示Velocity布局Record / Playback / TransportBackSpace Toggle Line/None Snap Line 和None的锁定选择Space Start/Stop Playback 开始和暂停L Switch Pattern/Song Mode 歌曲和模块的选择R Switch On/Off Recording 录音开与关0 (NumPad) Fast Forward 节加速播放/ (NumPad) Previous Bar (Song Mode) 向前一个小节* (NumPad) Next Bar (Song Mode) 向后一个小节Ctrl+E Toggle Edit Mode 步进录音模式Ctrl+H Stop Sound (Panic)Ctrl+T Toggle Typing Keypad to Piano Keypad 锁定到键盘(用电脑键盘就可以弹一些音,此时选择工具是不能用的Ctrl+B Toggle Blend NotesCtrl+Shift+M Toggle MetronomeCtrl+I Toggle Wait for InputWindow NavigationTab Cycle Nested Windows 软件里的窗口切换Enter Show/Hide/Max/Min Playlist 显示/隐藏/最大/最小的播放事件(这个功能不仅是这个窗口能用,其它也可以的)Esc Closes a Window 关闭窗口F1 This HelpF5 Shows/Hides PlaylistF6 Shows/Hides Step SequencerF7 Shows/Hides Piano RollF8 Shows/Hides Sample BrowserF9 Shows/Hides MixerF10 Shows/Hides MIDI SettingsF11 Shows/Hides Song Info WindowF12 Close All WindowsCtrl+Shift+H Arrange Windows 排列窗口PlaylistShift+Ctrl+Ins Insert Pattern (Before Selected Pattern) 插入模块Shift+Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Pattern 去除模块Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Pattern Up 把模块向上移动Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Pattern Down 把模块向下移动Alt+G Grid Color 颜色调用Alt+C Color Selected 颜色选择Al+P Edit Selected Pattern in Piano RollAlt+Q Quick QuantizeCtrl+A Select All0 (zero) Center Playback To Playing Position 回到中心位置Alt+F Clips Flat DisplayCtrl+Alt+F Clips Glass EffectKey of PianoP DrawB PaintD EraseC CutE SelectZ Zoom to SelectionSnap SelectorS Slide Toggle这里有两个选择,按一下为笔画,再按一下为滑音M Display ModeKeyboardMini KeyboardText (Drum Names, Slice names etcALT + draw mode. Playback toolALT + draw mode. Split (cut)Ctrl+O Open File 打开文件Ctrl+S Save File 保存文件Ctrl+N Save New Version 保存到新的版本Ctrl+Shift+S Save As... 另存Ctrl+R Export Wave File 导出Wav文件Ctrl+Shift+R Export MP3 File 导出Mp3文件Ctrl+Shift+M Export MIDI File 导出Midi文件Alt+1..8 Open Recent Files 1..8 打开最近的9个曲子Pattern Selector (Numpad)1..9 Select Patterns 1..9 选择模块1-9+ Next Pattern 下一个模块- Previous Pattern 前一个模块Right Arrow Next Pattern 下一个模块(这个功能也可以把界面切换到Sequencer 来现实,不要小键盘)Left Arrow Previous Pattern 前一个模块F4 Next Empty Pattern 新建一个空的模块Step Sequencer1...9, 0 Mute/Umute First 10 Channels 最先的十个通道静音调整Ctrl+1..9,0 Solo/UnSolor First 10 Channels 最先的十个通道播放调整(按一下是亮是Solo,再按一下就是全体播放了)Up Arrow Select Previous Pattern 选择下一个模块•2009-6-17 19:04•回复••Philharmoic•2楼Down Arrow Next Patte rn 选择前一个模块Ctrl+Del Dele te Selected Chann el(s) 去除当前选择的通道Alt+G Grou p Selected Channe ls 建立当前选择的通道组Alt+Z Zip Sel ected Channel (s) 折叠当前选择的通道Alt+U Unzi p Selected Channe l(s) 展开当前选择的通道Alt+Up Arrow Move Sele cted Channel(s) U p 向上移动当前选择的通道Alt+Down Arro w Move Sele cted Channel(s) D own 向下移动当前选择的通道Page Up Nex t Channel Group 下一个通道组Page Down P revious Channel Group 前一个通道组Ctrl+X Cut C hannel Steps/Scor e CutCtrl+C Cop y Channel Steps/S core Copy Ctrl+V Past e Channel Steps/S core Paste Ctrl+Shift+C Clone Chan nel(s) C loneShift+Left Arrow Shift Step s Left 向左移动StepShift+Right Arro w Shift Step s Right 向右移动StepAlt+R Rando mize 随机功能Alt+P Send t o Piano Roll 发送到钢琴窗口•2009-6-17 19:04•回复••Philharmoic•3楼K Show Keyboard Editor 显示键盘音调布局G Show Graph Editor 显示Velocity布局Record / Playback / TransportBackSpace Toggle Line/None Snap Line 和None的锁定选择Space Start/Stop Playback 开始和暂停L Switch Pattern/Song Mode 歌曲和模块的选择R Switch On/Off Recording 录音开与关0 (NumPad) Fast Forward 节加速播放/ (NumPad) Previous Bar (Song Mode) 向前一个小节* (NumPad) Next Bar (Song Mode) 向后一个小节Ctrl+E Toggle Edit Mode 步进录音模式Ctrl+H Stop Sound (Panic)Ctrl+T Toggle Typing Keypad to Piano Keypad 锁定到键盘(用电脑键盘就可以弹一些音,此时选择工具是不能用的Ctrl+B Toggle Blend NotesCtrl+Shift+M Toggle MetronomeCtrl+I Toggle Wait for InputWindow NavigationTab Cycle Nested Windows 软件里的窗口切换Enter Show/Hide/Max/Min Playlist 显示/隐藏/最大/最小的播放事件(这个功能不仅是这个窗口能用,其它也可以的)Esc Closes a Window 关闭窗口F1 This Help•2009-6-17 19:04•回复••Philharmoic•4楼F5 Shows/Hides PlaylistF6 Shows/Hides Step SequencerF7 Shows/Hides Piano RollF8 Shows/Hides Sample BrowserF9 Shows/Hides MixerF10 Shows/Hides MIDI SettingsF11 Shows/Hides Song Info WindowF12 Close All WindowsCtrl+Shift+H Arrange Windows 排列窗口PlaylistShift+Ctrl+Ins Insert Pattern (Before Selected Pattern) 插入模块Shift+Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Pattern 去除模块Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Pattern Up 把模块向上移动Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Pattern Down 把模块向下移动Alt+G Grid Color 颜色调用Alt+C Color Selected 颜色选择Al+P Edit Selected Pattern in Piano RollAlt+Q Quick QuantizeCtrl+A Select All0 (zero) Center Playback To Playing Position 回到中心位置Alt+F Clips Flat DisplayCtrl+Alt+F Clips Glass EffectKey of PianoP DrawB PaintD EraseC CutE SelectZ Zoom to SelectionSnap SelectorS Slide Toggle这里有两个选择,按一下为笔画,再按一下为滑音M Display ModeKeyboardMini KeyboardText (Drum Names, Slice names etcALT + draw mode. Playback toolALT + draw mode. Split (cut)FL Studio 6.08 中英文对照快捷键(海森林原创)File OperationsCtrl+O Open File 打开文件Ctrl+S Save File 保存文件Ctrl+N Save New V ersion 保存到新的版本Ctrl+Shift+S Save As... 另存Ctrl+R Export Wave File 导出Wav文件Ctrl+Shift+R Export MP3 File 导出Mp3文件Ctrl+Shift+M Export MIDI File 导出Midi文件Alt+0,1..9 Open Recent Files 0..9 打开最近的9个曲子Ctrl+Shift+H (Re)arrange windows 紧凑安排窗口Pattern Selector (Numpad)模块选择(数字键盘)1..9 Select Patterns 1..9 选择1-9 模块+ Next Pattern 下一个模块- Previous Pattern 前一个模块Right Arrow Next Pattern 下一个模块Left Arrow Previous Pattern 前一个模块F4Next Empty Pattern 新建下一个空的模块(如果巳有一个新的模块,自动切换到下一个空的模块)Channel Window & Step Sequencer(步进音序器窗口)1...9, 0Mute/Umute First 10 Channels1到10通道的静音和播放的切换Ctrl+1..9,0Solo/UnSolo First 10 Channels1到10通道的独奏和全体播放的切换Up Arrow Select Previous Channel 选择前一个通道Down Arrow Next Channel 选择下一个通道Ctrl+Del Delete Selected Channel(s) 删除当前选择的通道Alt+G Group Selected Channels 新建当前选择的通道组Alt+Z Zip Selected Channel(s) 折叠当前选择的通道Alt+U Unzip Selected Channel(s) 展开当前选择的通道Alt+Up ArrowMove Selected Channel(s) Up向上移动当前选择的通道Alt+Down ArrowMove Selected Channel(s) Down向下移动当前选择的通道Page Up Next Channel Group 移动光标到下一个通道Page Down Previous Channel Group 移动光标到前一个通道Ctrl+X Cut Channel Steps/Score 剪切选择的通道里的数据Ctrl+C Copy Channel Steps/Score复制选择的通道里的数据Ctrl+VPaste Channel Steps/Score覆盖粘贴选择的通道里的数据Ctrl+Shift+CClone Channel(s) 复制一个新的通道(没有复制通道里的数据,也有反悔功能,如果不要它只能手工删除) Shift+Left ArrowShift Steps Left 向左移动Step(在通道窗口里和在钢琴窗口有点不同)Shift+Right Arrow Shift Steps Right 向右移动StepAlt+R Randomize 随机处理功能Alt+P Send to Piano Roll 打开到钢琴窗口K Show Keyboard Editor 显示键盘音调布局GShow Graph Editor 显示图形编辑(这里共有Pan,Velocity,Filter Cut,Filter Res,Pitch,Shift可绘制编辑,在实际操作中,可以同时按住G 和K键)Alt+CColor Selected Channel 为选择通道的着色(如果只选择1个通道,那么所有都成为同一种,选2个通道,就可以与其它的不同了)Ctrl+Alt+CGradient Color Selected Channels 推荐几种相近的颜色微博吧—在校大学生的微博家园()大学生微博家园/。



F6 Firmware Update Guide● Zoom Corporation does not bear liability for any damages or third-partyclaims arising from the use of the software, whether directly or indirectly. Unauthorized redistribution, sale, leasing, renting, alteration, or reverse engineering of the software is prohibited. Features and specifications of the software and the contents of the documentation may be changed in futurewithout notice.Copyright(C) 2021 ZOOM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Copying or reprinting this manual in part or in whole without permission is prohibited.Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft® Corporation.Mac® is a trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc.Note: All trademarks and registered trademarks in this document are for identification purposes only and are not intended to infringe on the copyrights of their respective owners.Proper display is not possible on grayscale devices.This guide explains firmware update to Ver. 1.60 as an example.Download the ZIP file containing the firmware update file from F6 download page.■For Windows1. Extracting the ZIP file.Select the folder where you downloaded the ZIP file. ① Click "Compressed Folder Tools", then ② "Extract All". The ZIP file will be extracted.Folder_C Folder_DFolder_C MyFolder2. Copying the firmware update file to a SD card.Copy the “F6SYSTEM.BIN” file to the root directory on a SD card.The firmware update fileCopy the firmware updatefile to the USB flash B flash driveFile to a SD Card.The firmware update file SD Card■For Mac1. Opening the downloaded file.After downloading, click "Downloads" displayed at the bottom of the screen. Then click ➁to open the downloaded file.2. Copying the firmware update file to a SD card.Copy the “F6SYSTEM.BIN” file to the root directory on a SD card.The following is the same procedure for Windows and Mac.1. Insert the SD card into the F6.2. Install new batteries in the F6 or connect an AC adapter.3. While pressing , turn the power on.①②NOTE・ Always make certain that the power is off when inserting or removing a SD card. Inserting orremoving a card while the power is on could result in data loss.・ When inserting a SD card, be sure to insert the correct end with the top side up as shown.4. Useandto select Update, and press .This starts the firmware update.5. After the firmware update completes, turn the power off.NOTE・ During the firmware update, do not turn the power off or remove the SD card. Doing so couldcause the F6 to become unstartable.・ In the unlikely event that a firmware update should fail, conduct the procedures from thebeginning to update the firmware again.Check the firmware version.1. Press.2. Useandto select “SYSTEM” and press.3.Useandto select “Firmware Version” and press .©2021 ZOOM CORPORATION Z2I-4155-02。



小班一日活动计划最简单三个步骤英文版Title: The Simplest Three Steps for a Preschool Daily Activity PlanPlanning daily activities for preschoolers can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are the simplest three steps to create an engaging and educational day for your little ones.Step 1: Free PlayStart the day with free play. This allows children to wake up, socialize, and explore their environment. Provide a variety of toys and materials that stimulate different areas of development, such as blocks for creative building, dolls for pretend play, and books for early reading skills. Monitor the play closely to ensure safety and intervene when necessary.Step 2: Structured ActivitiesAfter free play, transition to structured activities that align with your preschool's curriculum. These could include circle time for storytelling, music and movement, or art projects. The goal is to provide opportunities for learning through play while also introducing new concepts and skills. Keep activities short and engaging to maintain interest.Step 3: Outdoor PlayEnd the day with outdoor play. Fresh air and physical activity are essential for young children's development. Set up outdoor toys and equipment that encourage gross motor skills, such as slides, swings, and balls. Encourage children to engage in imaginative play and socialize with peers. Be sure to supervise closely to ensure safety.By following these three simple steps, you can create a fun and educational day for your preschoolers that promotes learning through play, socialization, and physical activity.中文版小班一日活动计划最简单三个步骤为学龄前儿童规划日常活动可能具有挑战性,但这并不意味着它必须很复杂。



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用英语写自己做过的一件好事作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Good Thing I DidOne day last summer, I was walking home from the park near my house. It was really hot out and the sun was beating down. I was getting tired and thirsty from running around playing tag with my friends. As I was walking up my street, I noticed my neighbor Mrs. Johnson outside working in her garden.Mrs. Johnson is an older lady who lives alone. Her kids have all grown up and moved away. I've known her since I was little as she lives right next door. She's always been really nice to me, giving me cookies sometimes when I came over to play with her grandkids when they visited. She has a big garden in her backyard that she spends a lot of time taking care of.On this hot summer day, Mrs. Johnson was bent over pulling weeds from her vegetable garden. She had a big wide-brimmed hat on to keep the sun off her face, but even still, she lookedreally sweaty and tired from working so hard in the heat. I felt bad seeing her struggling like that in the blazing sun.I walked over towards her yard and called out, "Hi Mrs. Johnson! Need any help today?" She looked up from the garden, wiping some sweat from her forehead with her arm. "Why hello there! Isn't it just a scorcher today? I'm just trying to get these weeds pulled before they take over completely.""I can help you pull some weeds if you want," I offered. "It'll go faster with two of us working."Mrs. Johnson smiled gratefully. "Well that would be just wonderful dear, if you're sure you don't mind. It's awfully hot out here.""No problem, I don't mind at all!" I said, setting down my backpack and going over to join her in the garden.Mrs. Johnson showed me which plants were the weeds we needed to pull up, being careful not to disturb her tomatoes, green beans, and other vegetables. We worked side-by-side, chatting a bit as we pulled weed after weed from the ground. With me helping, we were able to clear the whole garden of weeds much quicker than if Mrs. Johnson had to do it alone.After about an hour, we had pulled up every last weed. Mrs. Johnson stood up, stretching her back and surveying our work. "My my, doesn't that look just wonderful now? What a tremendous help you were! I can't thank you enough for your kindness today.""I was happy to help out!" I replied with a smile. "Gardening is easier when you have someone else to do it with.""You're such a sweet, hardworking young lady. Here, let me get you something cold to drink after all that hard work." Mrs. Johnson went inside her house and came back out with two big glasses of lemonade for us. That cold, tart lemonade tasted amazing and refreshing after laboring away in the garden.As we sipped our lemonade under the shade of Mrs. Johnson's porch, she told me, "You know, when I was a young girl, neighbors always looked out for each other and lent a helping hand. But these days, it seems like a lot of folks have forgotten all about being a good neighbor. You giving up your time to help an old lady like me today, well, that means more to me than you know. The world could use more kindness like you showed."I felt a warm glow inside hearing Mrs. Johnson's kind words. It hadn't seemed like that big of a deal to me to help her pullsome weeds. But realizing how much it meant to her and how grateful she was, it made me feel really good about my choice to lend a hand instead of just walking on by. Doing a small good deed didn't take much effort from me, but it made Mrs. Johnson's day so much easier and brighter.From that day on, I tried to remember how nice it felt to help out my neighbor, even in just a small way like pulling weeds together. Whenever I had the chance, I kept an eye out for little opportunities to brighten someone else's day through an act of kindness or service, no matter how seemingly insignificant. I helped my dad wash his car, carried groceries for my mom, and volunteered to pull weeds or do yard work for other neighbors who had a hard time keeping up with it.Doing good deeds, even tiny ones, made me feel happy and proud of myself. And seeing how much happier and less stressed the people I helped seemed afterwards, that made the little efforts more than worth it. I realized that you don't have to do huge, amazing things to make a positive difference in someone's life. Just taking a little time to lend a hand, keep your eyes open for chances to be helpful and kind, that's really what matters.We may be young, but kids can definitely be good neighbors, good friends, and good people who make their community alittle bit better just by watching for opportunities to pitch in. A simple act of kindness might seem small, but it can make a big impact. Helping Mrs. Johnson that hot day taught me that doing good things, no matter how minor they might appear, is always the right thing to do. And that feels really good.篇2A Good Deed I DidOne sunny Saturday morning, I woke up early, feeling excited about the day ahead. My mom had promised to take me to the park later, and I couldn't wait to play on the swings and slides. But first, I had to finish my chores.As I was making my bed, I heard a strange noise coming from outside. It sounded like a cat meowing, but it was a bit muffled. Curious, I went to the window and looked out. That's when I saw a tiny kitten stuck inside a cardboard box near our trash cans. The poor thing must have crawled in there and got trapped!I quickly ran downstairs and told my mom about the kitten. She said we should try to rescue it, but we had to be very careful not to scare it. We slowly approached the box, making soft, gentle noises to let the kitten know we were friendly. When wegot close enough, I peeked inside and saw the little furball huddled in the corner, trembling with fear."It's okay, little one," I whis篇3A Good Deed I DidI'm going to tell you about a really good thing I did recently. It made me feel so happy inside and proud of myself. I hope after reading this, you'll want to do nice things for others too!It all started a few weeks ago on a Saturday morning. My mom asked me if I wanted to go to the park with her and my little sister Lily. Of course I said yes! I love going to the park. We can play on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. Sometimes we feed the ducks if we bring bread crumbs from home.When we got to the park, it was pretty empty since it was still early. Lily and I ran straight for the swings while Mom found a bench to sit on. After swinging for a little while, I noticed an old lady struggling to cross the park path over to the benches. She was hunched over, using a cane, and carrying two heavy-looking bags. It looked really hard for her.I remembered what my teacher said about helping others, especially elderly people who need assistance. So I hopped off the swing and went over to the old lady. "Excuse me ma'am, can I help you carry those bags?" I asked politely.She looked surprised at first, but then gave me a big smile. "Why, that would be wonderful, young man. Thank you!"I took the two bags from her and we slowly walked over to the bench area, being careful not to move too quickly for her. The bags were kind of heavy, but I didn't mind at all. I was just happy I could help!When we got to the benches, the nice lady patted me on the shoulder. "Thank you so much for your help, sonny. You are a very kind young boy."I grinned from ear to ear, feeling really proud of myself for doing a good deed. "You're welcome! I'm just glad I could help."After saying goodbye to the lady, I ran back over to my mom and sister. Mom had seen the whole thing and gave me a big hug. "Owen, I'm so proud of you for helping that elderly woman. That was such a thoughtful thing to do!"Lily chimed in. "Yeah, you're the best brother ever Owen!"I felt so happy and accomplished after helping the old lady cross the park. It was such a small act, but it meant a lot to her. And it felt amazing to do something good for someone else, just because I could.From that day on, I tried to look for other opportunities to help people out, even if it was just picking up something someone dropped or holding a door open. Doing good deeds, no matter how little, always gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Like I was making the world a tiny bit better.I really hope my story inspires you to do nice things for others too, even if it's not a huge thing. Just lending a hand to someone who needs it can totally make their day! And trust me, it'll make you feel fantastic as well. Why not make someone smile today by doing a good deed? You'll feel like a million bucks!篇4My Good DeedHave you ever done something really nice for someone else?I mean, like, really really nice? Well, let me tell you about this one time when I did a super good deed that made me feel awesome inside!It all started on a sunny Saturday morning. Mom had asked me to clean my room, which I totally didn't want to do because, you know, cleaning is just so boring. But being the good kid that I am, I decided to listen to her and get it done.As I was sorting through my toys, I came across my favorite action figure, Captain Cosmic. He's this really cool superhero who can fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes. I've had him since I was like, five years old, and he's my most prized possession.Anyway, I was playing with Captain Cosmic when I heard a loud crash outside. I rushed to the window and saw that our neighbor's kid, Tommy, had accidentally kicked his soccer ball through their living room window! Oh man, I knew he was going to be in big trouble.Tommy's dad is kind of a grumpy guy, and he always gets really mad whenever something goes wrong. I could see Tommy standing there, looking all scared and worried, as his dad came storming out of the house.That's when I had an idea. I grabbed Captain Cosmic and ran outside, straight towards Tommy and his dad."Don't worry, Mr. Johnson!" I shouted. "Captain Cosmic is here to save the day!"Tommy's dad looked at me like I was crazy, but I didn't care. I held up Captain Cosmic and said, "Captain Cosmic can fix your window with his super laser vision!"Then, I pretended that Captain Cosmic was shooting a laser beam at the broken window, making cool sound effects with my mouth. "Pew pew pew! Zap! Zap!"Tommy caught on to what I was doing and joined in. "Wow, Captain Cosmic! You're the best superhero ever!"We kept up the act for a few minutes, and eventually, even Mr. Johnson started to smile and play along. By the time we were done, he didn't seem mad at all anymore."Well, I'll be," he said, chuckling. "Captain Cosmic really did save the day, didn't he?"Tommy gave me a big hug and whispered, "Thanks for helping me out, buddy."From that day on, Captain Cosmic became a sort of neighborhood hero. Whenever something went wrong, the kids would come running to me, and I'd bring out my trusty action figure to save the day.That's the story of my good deed. It might not seem like much, but to Tommy and me, it meant the world. I learned that sometimes, all it takes to make someone's day better is a little bit of imagination and a whole lot of kindness.Who knows, maybe one day I'll grow up to be a real-life superhero, just like Captain Cosmic. But for now, I'm just happy that I could use my favorite toy to help a friend in need.So, the next time you see someone feeling down or worried, don't be afraid to do something nice for them. It doesn't have to be anything big or fancy – just a simple act of kindness can go a long way. And who knows? Maybe you'll end up being a hero, too!篇5A Good Deed I Have DoneLast summer, I did something that made me feel really proud. It all started when my mom took me and my little brother to the park near our house. I love going to that park because it has a big playground with swings, slides, and even a rock climbing wall!As soon as we got there, my brother Timmy ran straight for the swings while I went over to the rock climbing wall. I'm a pretty good climber and can usually make it all the way to the top. But on this day, about halfway up, I looked down and saw a boy sitting by himself on a bench, crying. He looked around my age and I had never seen him at the park before.I carefully climbed back down and went over to see what was wrong. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me with teary eyes."I'm lost," he said in a shaky voice. "I can't find my mom anywhere."My heart sank. I could only imagine how scared he must have felt, being all alone at the park without his mom. I knew I had to help him."Don't worry, we'll find your mom," I told him, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'm Jake. What's your name?""Tommy," he replied, sniffling."Okay Tommy, why don't you tell me what your mom looks like and where you last saw her?"He described his mom to me - brown hair, wearing a red shirt - and said the last time he saw her was by the drinkingfountains on the other side of the park. We decided to head over there and look for her.As we walked across the park, I tried my best to keep Tommy's mind off being lost by asking him questions about his favorite games and movies. I could tell he was still pretty scared, but at least he had stopped crying.When we reached the drinking fountains, there was no sign of Tommy's mom. We asked a dad keeping an eye on his kids at the playground if he had seen a woman matching her description, but he shook his head no.I was starting to worry too at this point. What if we couldn't find her? Where could she have gone?Just then, I heard someone calling out "Tommy! Tommy!" It was a woman's voice. I turned around and saw a lady walking our way, looking frantic."That's my mom!" Tommy exclaimed, his face lighting up. He ran over and gave her a big hug, both of them in tears."Thank you so much for finding him!" his mom said to me as she hugged Tommy tight. "I turned around for one second and he had wandered off. I was so worried!"I smiled and shrugged like it was no big deal, but secretly I felt so proud inside. I had helped reunite a lost child with his mom, just by keeping calm and doing the right thing.Tommy's mom thanked me again and gave me a big hug too. Then she bought me an ice cream bar from the snack stand as a reward. I got a Rocket Pop, my favorite!As I walked back over to where my mom and Timmy were, licking my ice cream pop, I felt like I was ten feet tall. Not because I had gotten a treat, but because I had done a good deed that really made a difference to someone that day. Seeing the look of relief and happiness on Tommy and his mom's faces was better than any ice cream.My mom could tell I was feeling pretty proud of myself. "What's up, tough guy?" she asked with a smile when I reached her. "Did you conquer the rock wall?""No, something even better!" I replied. I told her the whole story about finding lost Tommy and helping him get back to his mom."Wow, I'm so proud of you!" she said when I finished, giving me a big hug. "You stayed calm and you did the right thing. Notevery kid would have helped like that. You should feel really good about yourself."And I did. More than good – I felt incredible! It's hard to put into words, but there was just this warm, glowing feeling inside me.I realized that day that nobody is too young to help somebody else. You don't have to be a superhero – you just have to be a good person willing to do the right thing. By keeping my head on straight instead of panicking, I was able to make a little boy's awful situation better and reunite him with his mom.Since that day at the park, I've tried to look for other chances to do good deeds and help others, even if it's just holding the door or offering my seat to someone who needs it more. Doing nice things makes me feel good, but more importantly, it makes the world a little bit better. And with all the bad things going on out there, we need more people doing good!So if you ever get the opportunity to help someone or do a good deed, I encourage you to go for it. Don't wait for someone else to take charge. You might even surprise yourself with how amazing and capable you really are, just like I did that summer day at the park when I helped find Tommy. Believe me, it's a great feeling that will stick with you for life!篇6One Day I Helped A GrandmaOne sunny Saturday morning, I was playing outside with my best friend Tommy. We were kicking a soccer ball around in his front yard and having a lot of fun.All of a sudden, the ball went flying over the bushes and into the neighbor's yard. "Aw man, not again!" Tommy said with a frown. We had lost a lot of balls that way before.I peeked through the bushes and saw the ball had rolled pretty far into the neighbor's backyard. There was an old lady sitting on her porch knitting something. The ball had rolled right up next to her rocking chair."I'll go get it," I told Tommy, carefully making my way through the bushes so I wouldn't get any scratches. I walked up the lady's driveway and into her backyard. "Excuse me, ma'am?" I said politely.The old lady looked up from her knitting and smiled at me through her glasses. She had a kind face with lots of wrinkles. "Why hello there, young man," she said in a raspy voice."Our ball rolled into your yard, sorry about that," I said, picking up the soccer ball. "I just need to grab it really quick.""Oh, not to worry dear," the lady replied. She put down her knitting and slowly stood up from her rocking chair. "But while you're here, could you do an old lady a favor?""Sure, what do you need help with?" I asked. Tommy was waiting for me, but I didn't mind taking a few minutes to help out.The old lady pointed to her backyard, which had gotten pretty overgrown with weeds, leaves, and branches from the big tree in the middle of it. "My yard is in quite a mess, I'm afraid. I'm not as spry as I used to be at my age. Could you please tidy it up a little for me?"I looked at the yard and it did seem like a big job for someone her age. "Yeah, no problem!" I said with a smile. "I'd be happy to help clean it up."And that's what I did. For the next couple of hours, I raked up all the leaves and collected the dead branches into a pile. I pulled lots of weeds and made sure the whole lawn area looked nice and neat. It was hard work, especially with the hot sun beating down, but I kept going.The old lady came out every now and then with a glass of cold lemonade for me. "You're such a hardworking young man," she said. "This is more than I could have hoped for."Finally, after filling up several big yard waste bags, the backyard looked ten times better. You could actually。



你叫李涛向你的校园生活介绍一,英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, my name is Li Tao. Today I want to share with you all about my school life.First of all, I want to talk about my school. It is a big and beautiful school with a lot of classrooms, a playground, a library, and even a science lab. I love my school because it is such a fun place to be in.Next, let me tell you about my friends. I have a lot of friends in school, and we always play together during recess. We play games like tag, hide and seek, and hopscotch. My friends are the best, and I love spending time with them.In school, we have different subjects like Math, English, Science, and Chinese. I love English the most because I enjoy reading and writing in English. I also like Math because I am good at solving problems. But Science is a bit tricky for me sometimes, but my teacher always helps me understand it better.During lunchtime, we all have our lunch together in the cafeteria. I usually bring my favorite sandwich and a juice box. Sometimes I also buy the school lunch, which is very delicious. After lunch, we have a short break to play before we go back to class.At the end of the day, we have some extracurricular activities like art class, music class, and even sports club. I love art class the most because I like drawing and painting. Sometimes we have art competitions, and I always try my best to win.Overall, I really enjoy my school life. I have so much fun with my friends, and I learn something new every day. I can't wait to go to school every morning and see what adventures await me. I hope you all enjoyed learning about my school life. Thank you for listening.篇2Hi everyone, my name is Li Tao and I want to tell you about my school life. My school is super cool and I have a lot of fun here.First of all, I love my teachers. They are so nice and they teach us lots of interesting things. My favorite subject is math because I love solving problems and learning new things. MyEnglish teacher is also great and she helps me improve my language skills.Secondly, I have so many friends at school. We play together during break time and we help each other with our homework. We also have fun activities like sports day and talent shows. It's so much fun to be with my friends.Lastly, I love our school cafeteria. The food there is delicious and there are so many options to choose from. My favorite is the noodles because they are so yummy. I also love the milkshakes they serve, they are the best!In conclusion, I love everything about my school. The teachers are great, my friends are awesome, and the food is delicious. I can't wait to go back to school every day. Thank you for listening to my school life story!篇3Hello everyone, my name is Li Tao and I want to tell you about my school life.In the morning, I wake up early and eat a yummy breakfast before heading to school. I like to ride my bike to school with myfriends, chatting and laughing along the way. When we arrive, we line up and march into the classroom together.During class, our teacher teaches us many interesting things like math, English, and science. Sometimes we have group activities where we work with our classmates to solve problems and learn new things.At lunchtime, we all go to the cafeteria to eat together. I usually bring a homemade lunch from home, but sometimes I buy my favorite noodles or rice from the school cafeteria. After eating, we have some time to play games or chat with our friends before heading back to class.After school, I have different activities like sports, art, or music class. I love playing soccer with my friends and drawing pictures in art class. Sometimes, I stay after school for extra help with my homework or to participate in a club.When the school day is over, I ride my bike back home, tired but happy. I love my school life because I learn new things, make friends, and have fun every day. I can't wait for tomorrow to do it all over again!That's all about my school life. Thank you for listening!篇4Hi everyone, I'm Li Tao. I want to tell you about my school life!In the morning, I wake up early and get ready for school. I have breakfast with my family before heading out. School starts at 8:00, so I need to be on time.I love all my classes, especially English and art. My English teacher is really nice and she helps me with my pronunciation. In art class, I get to be creative and make all kinds of cool projects.During recess, I play with my friends on the playground. We love playing tag and soccer together. Sometimes we bring snacks to share with each other too.After school, I have some homework to do. I make sure to finish it before dinner. My mom always makes delicious food for me, so I eat a lot and then relax for the rest of the night.I love my school life and all the friends I have made. I can't wait to see what adventures await me tomorrow at school!篇5Hi, my name is Li Tao and I want to tell you about my school life! My school is super cool and I have so much fun there every day.First, let me tell you about my friends. I have a lot of friends in my class and we always play together during break time. We play games like tag, hide and seek, and jump rope. Sometimes we even have races to see who can run the fastest. It’s so much fun!Next, I want to talk about my teachers. My teachers are really nice and they always help us learn new things. My favorite teacher is Miss Wang. She teaches us English and she makes it so interesting. We learn new words and phrases every day and she even sings songs with us to help us remember them. I really like English class because of her.After school, I like to go to the playground with my friends. We play on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. Sometimes we have races to see who can climb to the top of the monkey bars the fastest. It’s hard, but it’s really fun!In the evening, I do my homework and study for tests. I want to do well in school so I always try my best. My parents are really proud of me when I get good grades.Overall, I love my school life. It’s full of fun, friends, and learning. I can’t wait to go back to school tomorrow and do it all over again!篇6Hi, my name is Li Tao! Today I'm going to tell you all about my school life.First of all, let me introduce my school to you. Our school is really big, and there are a lot of students. We have a big playground where we can play basketball, football, and jump rope during recess. We also have a beautiful garden with lots of flowers and trees. It's so nice to sit there and read a book.In the morning, we have assembly where we sing the national anthem and listen to announcements. After that, we have different classes like English, Math, Science, and Art. My favorite subject is Art because I love drawing and painting. In the afternoon, we have lunch in the cafeteria. My favorite dish is fried rice with vegetables.After school, I usually go to the library to borrow books. I love reading stories about adventures and mysteries. Sometimes I also join the after-school club like the chess club or the basketball team. It's so much fun to play with my friends and learn new things.Overall, I really enjoy my school life. I have so many friends and teachers who always support me. I can't wait to go to schoolevery day and learn new things. I hope you enjoyed reading about my school life. Thank you for listening!。



英语六年级下册第一单元作文图画全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Awesome Summer VacationThis summer was the best one yet! I had so much fun and did a ton of cool things. Let me tell you all about it.It started off with a bang on the last day of school. Me and my friends were so excited for summer vacation. No more teachers, no more books, no more sitting at desks all day long! We made all kinds of plans to hang out, have sleepovers, go to the pool, and just goof around.The first week was pretty relaxing. I slept in late every day and didn't have to set an alarm clock. Such bliss! I played a ton of video games, watched Netflix, and basically just chilled. My parents didn't really let me do that for too long though before they started nagging me to "go outside and get some fresh air."So I started going to the community pool almost every day. I'd swim laps, play pool games like Marco Polo with my friends, and just soak up the summer sun. My mom always made me puton a ton of sunscreen though, which was really annoying. She didn't want me to get burned.A few weeks into summer, my family went on an awesome camping trip up in the mountains. We all pitched in and set up the tents, then my dad built us a campfire. We roasted hot dogs and made s'mores. So delicious! At night, we looked up at the starry sky. You can't see that many stars with all the city lights where we live. We told spooky ghost stories and my little brother kept looking over his shoulder like a monster was gonna get him! Haha!The best part was going on a long hike the next day. The views from the top of the mountain were breathtaking. You could see for miles and miles. Our dog Buster was getting pretty tired by the end, but he loved running around in the woods, chasing critters. I had a great time and can't wait to go camping again.A few weeks after we got back from camping, it was already time for my birthday! I turned 12 this year, which was really exciting. Instead of having a big party, I just invited a few good friends over for a sleepover and we had a movie marathon. We watched all the latest Marvel and Star Wars movies and stuffed ourselves with pizza, popcorn, candy, and soda. What a sugarrush! We stayed up pretty much all night and my parents had to bang on the door the next morning to wake us up.For my birthday, my parents got me the new virtual reality headset I wanted. It's so awesome! You can play all these crazy immersive games and feel like you're really there. There are also roller coaster simulations and experiences where you can swim with dolphins or walk on the moon. Mind-blowing! I've been using it pretty much every day. My eyes are probably going to go crossed if I'm not careful.Towards the end of the summer, my family took a short trip down to the beach. We squished into our tiny rental cottage, but it was right on the water. Every morning I could look out the window and see the waves crashing on the shore. The ocean air smelled so fresh and salty. During the days, we would literally just plop ourselves on the beach and relax, read books, play frisbee, or take dips in the water. The waves were a little rough from a storm that had blown through a few days before, but I had a blast jumping over them and bodysurfing. We also went on a sunset boat cruise one night, which was really romantic. Ok, not for me, but my parents seemed to like it!Now it's back to school time unfortunately. Summer vacation went by way too fast, as usual. I'm dreading having towake up early again, sitting through boring classes, and getting piled with homework. No more lounging around in my pajamas all day or staying up to all hours! At least I have all my amazing summer memories to look back on during the long, harsh winter. This summer was definitely one for the books and I can't wait for next year!篇2My English Textbook PicturesHi there! I'm so excited to tell you all about the really cool pictures we've been looking at in our English textbook this semester. We just started a brand new unit, Unit 1, and the pictures in this unit are some of my favorites so far.The first picture shows a bunch of different animals all hanging out together. There's a huge elephant taking up almost the whole left side of the picture. He's got these long floppy ears and a really long trunk that's wrapped around a tree branch. Sitting on top of the elephant is a tiny little mouse! The mouse looks so small compared to the elephant. On the elephant's back there's also a cat lazily stretching out in the sun. How funny that all these different animals are just chilling together like best friends!Next to the elephant, there's a sneaky-looking fox peeking out from behind a bush. The fox has a muchwiserand more narrow face than the elephant. His eyes are big and look like they're up to no good. You'd never expect to see a fox hanging around with an elephant, mouse, and cat!In the middle of the picture, there's a peacock showing off his brilliant blue feathers that have amazing patterns and colors on them. The peacock seems to be doing a little dance, probably trying to get the attention of any lady peacocks around. Opposite the peacock, there's a serious-looking owl perched on a branch giving a sidelong glance. Owls always look so wise beyond their years.In the bottom right corner, we can see part of a nest with some tiny blue robin eggs nestled inside. Robins are such a happy sign of spring. And finally, in the very back, there are the tops of some trees or bushes that provide a nice green backdrop to the scene.The next picture is all about sports and games. On the left side, there's a big kickball being kicked by what looks like a kid's leg and foot. Kickball was always one of my favorite recess games back in elementary school. Getting to run around and kick that big red ball as far as you could was the best. Next to thekickball, there's a playground with lots of fun equipment like swings, seesaws, merry-go-rounds, and slides. Some of my fondest childhood memories are from playing tag and dodge ball at parks just like that.In the middle of the picture, there's an illustration of some kids' hands playing rock, paper, scissors. Whenever my friends and I couldn't decide who got to go first, we'd always play rock, paper, scissors to figure it out. On the right side, there's a jump rope laid out on the ground next to a sidewalk obstacle course made up of lines, arrows, and footprints. Double Dutch was hard, but doing fancy jumprope tricks and seeing how long you could go without messing up was so fun.The last thing shown is a big fluffy dog looking like he's ready to fetch a stick or frisbee. Dogs love to play almost as much as kids do! I had the sweetest golden retriever growing up and we'd spend hours in the backyard taking turns throwing his toys for him to catch.Overall, this picture brings back such happy memories of playing outside, being active, and childhood in general. Between games like kickball and the playground, to the nostalgic rock, paper, scissors and jump rope scenes, it reminds me of all the good times I had at school and home. Even the dog makes methink of my family pet. What an incredibly heartwarming collection of images!The third picture in the unit is all about adventures and traveling to different places. At the top, there's a hot air balloon lazily drifting across a blue sky with puffy white clouds. How cool would it be to actually ride in one of those balloons and see the world from way up high? Maybe a little scary too if you're afraid of heights!Below the hot air balloon, there's an illustration of a big cruise ship out on the open ocean. I've never actually been on a real cruise before, but I hear they have awesome buffets, pools, and lots of fun activities to do. It would be incredible to wake up on a different island every morning.Next to the cruise ship, there's a picture of a desert campsite complete with a little tent and campfire under a starry night sky. I love camping and being out in nature, but I don't know if I'd want to camp in the desert where it's so hot! Maybe somewhere more like the woods or mountains. Campfires and roasting marshmallows are one of my favorite parts of camping trips.The bottom portion of the picture shows some ancient ruins, like the remains of a crumbling temple or castle overtaken by trees and vegetation. I've seen ruins like that in movies, and it'scrazy to think about how long they've been around and what sorts of people might have lived there. It would be like traveling back in time to explore those places.Off to the right, there's a small propeller plane that makes me think of going on adventures to remote locations that you can only access by small aircraft. Can you imagine being a pilot and getting to travel all over to places that most people never get to see?The last image is a red double-decker bus, probably from a place like London with all its iconic buses and black cabs. Travelling abroad to big cities And watching the world go by from the top level of a big red bus would be the best way to sightsee. You could plan your whole vacation itinerary just by hopping on and off at all the best spots.This picture really sparked my imagination and my desire to go on adventures when I'm older. There are so many incredible篇3My Unforgettable Summer VacationLast summer, my family and I went on an amazing trip to the beach. It was the first time I had ever been to the ocean, and Iwas so excited! We packed our bags and hopped into the car early in the morning, ready for our adventure.The drive took forever, or at least that's how it felt to me as a kid. I kept asking my parents, "Are we there yet?" every ten minutes. But eventually, we arrived at our destination – a beautiful beach town with white sandy shores and crystal-clear waters.As soon as we stepped out of the car, I could smell the salty sea air. It was so refreshing and invigorating. We quickly checked into our hotel and rushed down to the beach. I couldn't wait to dip my toes into the cool, inviting waves.The beach was crowded with people sunbathing, building sandcastles, and playing in the water. I was eager to join them, so I immediately stripped off my clothes and put on my swimsuit. The sand felt warm and soft between my toes, and I loved the way it squished up between my little fingers.Without hesitating, I raced towards the water, splashing through the shallow waves. The ocean was so vast and blue, stretching out as far as the eye could see. I gasped in delight as a gentle wave washed over my feet, pulling the sand out from under me. It was such a strange and wonderful sensation!My parents called out to me, warning me not to go too deep. Being the adventurous kid I was, I ignored their advice and waded further into the water. Before I knew it, a larger wave came crashing down on me, knocking me off my feet and tumbling me around in the salty water. I emerged, sputtering and coughing, but with the biggest smile on my face. It was thrilling!After my little escapade, my parents insisted that we build a sandcastle together. We spent hours meticulously sculpting towers, walls, and moats, decorating our creation with shells and bits of seaweed. It was a true masterpiece, at least in my eyes.As the day wore on, we played games like frisbee and beach volleyball. I loved running along the shoreline, chasing after the frisbee as it soared through the air. The salty sea breeze blew through my hair, and the warm sun kissed my skin.In the evenings, we would take long walks along the beach, searching for interesting shells and watching the breathtaking sunsets. The sky would transform into a kaleidoscope of oranges, pinks, and purples, reflecting off the calm waters. It was a sight I'll never forget.One night, we even had a bonfire on the beach. We roasted marshmallows and told spooky stories, the flickering flamescasting eerie shadows on our faces. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was oddly soothing, adding to the magical atmosphere.Throughout our trip, we also explored the nearby town, visiting quaint little shops and trying out different restaurants. I loved the fresh seafood, especially the delicious shrimp and crab cakes. We even went on a dolphin-watching tour, where we got to see these magnificent creatures leaping out of the water and swimming alongside our boat.Sadly, our vacation had to come to an end eventually. As we packed up our belongings and headed back home, I felt a pang of sadness. I had fallen in love with the beach and all the wonderful experiences it had to offer.On the drive back, I clutched my bag of seashells and sandcastle remnants, determined to hold onto the memories of that unforgettable summer. I knew that one day, I would return to the beach and create even more cherished memories with my family.From that trip, I learned to appreciate the beauty of nature and the simple joys in life. The ocean, with its vast expanse and ever-changing tides, taught me about the power and wonder of the world around us. And the quality time spent with my parentsreminded me of the importance of cherishing every moment together.As I look back on that summer vacation, it still brings a smile to my face. It was a time of adventure, laughter, and pure bliss. And in my heart, the memories of those sun-kissed days and starry nights will forever remain etched, as vibrant and alive as the crashing waves upon the sandy shore.篇4Title: A Day in the Life of a Sixth GraderHey there! My name is Emily, and I'm a sixth-grade student at Sunshine Elementary School. Today, I'm going to take you through a typical day in my life, filled with exciting classes, fun activities, and memorable moments.It all starts with the sound of my alarm clock blaring at 6:30 a.m. I know, I know, it's way too early for a kid my age, but that's just how it goes. After hitting the snooze button a couple of times (because who doesn't love those extra five minutes of sleep?), I finally drag myself out of bed and get ready for the day ahead.By 7:15 a.m., I'm all set and ready to go. I quickly grab a banana and a glass of milk for breakfast, and then it's time to head out the door. My mom drops me off at school, and I meet up with my best friends, Sarah and Jake, in the schoolyard.The first bell rings at 8:00 a.m., and we all head to our homeroom class. Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Johnson, is always so cheerful and welcoming. She greets us with a warm smile and checks if we've all completed our homework assignments.Our first class of the day is English, and I have to admit, it's one of my favorites. We're currently learning about descriptive writing, and our teacher, Mr. Roberts, is really good at making the lessons engaging and fun. Today, we're working on a creative writing exercise where we have to describe our dream vacation spot in vivid detail.After English, we have Math, which can be a bit of a challenge for me sometimes. But our teacher, Mrs. Lee, is patient and always willing to explain things in a way that makes sense. We're currently learning about fractions and decimals, and I'm determined to master them this year.Next up is Science, and we're studying the fascinating world of plants and their life cycles. Our teacher, Mr. Wilson, loves toincorporate hands-on experiments into his lessons, which makes learning so much more fun. Today, we're going to dissect a flower and label its different parts.Before we know it, it's time for recess! Sarah, Jake, and I head out to the playground, where we play a few rounds of tag and catch up on the latest gossip (you know, the usual sixth-grade stuff).After recess, we have Social Studies, where we're learning about ancient civilizations and their contributions to the world. Our teacher, Mrs. Garcia, is incredibly knowledgeable and always has interesting stories to share.Lunchtime rolls around at noon, and we all head to the cafeteria. The menu today is pizza and salad, which is one of my favorites. I grab a tray and join my friends at our usual table. We chat about our classes, share jokes, and make plans for after school.Once lunch is over, it's time for my favorite part of the day –Art class! Our art teacher, Mr. Thompson, is so talented and inspiring. Today, we're working on creating self-portraits using various mediums like paints, pastels, and charcoal. I can't wait to see how my masterpiece turns out!After Art, we have Physical Education, or P.E. for short. Our P.E. teacher, Coach Smith, always keeps us active and engaged. Today, we're playing a game of basketball, which is a great way to burn off some energy and have fun with our classmates.The final bell rings at 3:00 p.m., signaling the end of the school day. Sarah, Jake, and I gather our belongings and head out to the front of the school, where our parents are waiting to pick us up.Once I'm home, I take a quick snack break and then start on my homework. I try to get as much done as possible before dinner so I can have some free time in the evening.After dinner, I usually spend some time watching my favorite TV shows or reading a book. Sometimes, I'll even video chat with Sarah or Jake to catch up on anything we missed during the day.Around 9:00 p.m., it's time to start getting ready for bed. I take a shower, brush my teeth, and get my backpack and supplies ready for the next day. By 9:30 p.m., I'm all tucked in and ready for a good night's sleep.As I drift off to dreamland, I can't help but feel grateful for the wonderful day I've had. Sure, there were challenges andmoments of frustration, but overall, it was filled with learning, laughter, and quality time with my friends and teachers.Being a sixth grader is a unique and exciting experience, and I'm cherishing every moment of it. Who knows what adventures tomorrow will bring? I can't wait to find out!篇5My Favorite ThingsHi there! My name is Emma and I'm a student in sixth grade. For our first unit in English class this year, we're learning about hobbies and interests. Our teacher asked us to write an essay describing some of our favorite things to do. I have a lot of hobbies that I really enjoy, so it was hard to pick just a few to write about! But here are some of my absolute favorite activities.One of my biggest passions is reading books. I just love getting lost in a great story! My favorite genre is fantasy - I can't get enough of tales about mythical creatures, magic spells, and daring adventures in faraway lands. I'll read anything from classic fantasy novels to new young adult fantasy series. Whenever I start a new book, I get so absorbed in the magical world that I have a hard time putting it down. I've stayed up way too late onschool nights because I just had to keep reading to find out what happened next!My love of reading also extends to comic books and graphic novels. I'm a huge fan of superhero comics, especially anything with Wonder Woman or Spider-Man. There's just something so exciting about tales of ordinary people gaining extraordinary powers and using them to fight evil villains. The bright colors and visuals in comic books make the stories come alive. I have an entire room in my house filled with shelves overflowing with comic book collections!In addition to reading for fun, I also really enjoy creative writing. Coming up with my own stories and characters is an outlet for my imagination. I've filled up dozens of notebooks with short stories, novels, and even some attempts at comic book scripts. My dream is to become a published author one day and see my name on the cover of a book at the bookstore. Maybe I'll even get to meet some of my favorite authors at a book signing event!When I'm not reading or writing, you can usually find me listening to music. I listen to all different genres, but some of my go-to artists are Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, and BTS. Having my headphones on and getting lost in great tunes is myway to relax and escape from the stresses of school and life. Music is like therapy for me - it can boost my mood, calm me down when I'm anxious, or pump me up before a big event like a swim meet or dance recital.Speaking of swimming and dancing, those are two of my favorite physical activities as well. I'm on my school's swim team, and there's nothing quite like the feeling of cutting through the cool water and pushing myself to beat my personal best time. Swimming is such a great full-body workout. And as for dance, I've been taking classes since I was three years old. I love all styles, from hip-hop and jazz to ballet and contemporary. Even after篇6My Favorite PictureHi there! I'm so excited to tell you about my favorite picture from our new English textbook. It's the first picture in Unit 1, and it's just awesome! Let me describe it to you.The picture shows a group of kids, all around my age, having a great time in a park. There are about six or seven of them, both boys and girls. They're all dressed really colorfully, with T-shirts,shorts, and sneakers. The sky in the picture is bright blue, and the sun is shining brightly, so it looks like a beautiful, sunny day.In the center of the picture, there are two boys playing catch with a baseball. One of them has just thrown the ball, and the other boy is getting ready to catch it. They both have big grins on their faces, like they're having a lot of fun. Just behind them, there's a girl sitting on a bench, reading a book. She looks really focused and interested in her book.To the left of the picture, there's a boy and a girl playing on the swings. The girl is swinging really high, with her hair flying behind her, and she has a huge smile on her face. The boy is just starting to swing, and he's looking at the girl, like he's trying to swing as high as she is.On the right side of the picture, there are two more girls. One of them is skipping rope, and the other is turning the rope for her. They both look like they're having a great time, and they're laughing together.In the background of the picture, you can see a couple of adults sitting on a park bench, probably the parents of some of the kids. They're watching the kids play, and they look really happy and relaxed.The best part of the picture, though, is the huge tree right in the center. It's a big, old oak tree with a thick trunk and lots of big branches. The branches are spreading out wide, and they're providing shade for the kids playing underneath. You can see the leaves on the tree are a beautiful green color, and there are even a few birds sitting in the branches.I just love this picture because it reminds me of all the fun times I've had playing with my friends at the park. It makes me feel happy and carefree, just like the kids in the picture. I can almost hear their laughter and see them running around, playing their games.Whenever I look at this picture, I can't help but smile. It just looks like such a perfect day, with the beautiful weather, the big tree, and all the kids having a great time together. It makes me want to grab my friends and head to the park for a day of fun and games.I think that's why this picture is my favorite from the whole book. It just captures the joy and freedom of being a kid, running around and playing with your friends on a sunny day. It reminds me of all the best things about childhood, and it makes me feel happy and nostalgic all at the same time.I hope you can see why I love this picture so much. It's just a simple scene of kids playing at the park, but to me, it represents everything that's great about being a kid. I can't wait to show it to my friends and see if they feel the same way about it.Well, that's my take on my favorite picture from our new English book. What do you think? Do you have a favorite picture from one of your books? I'd love to hear about it! Let me know what you think of this one, too. I'll be happy to describe it again in even more detail if you want.Thanks for letting me share my favorite picture with you. I can't wait to see what other cool pictures and stories we'll find in this new English book. This is going to be an awesome year!。



上一个假期和朋友一起做的事英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Last holiday, I had the opportunity to spend time with my friends and engage in activities that we all enjoy. It was a memorable experience that I will cherish for a long time.One of the highlights of our holiday was the trip we took to the beach. We spent the entire day soaking up the sun, playing beach volleyball, and swimming in the cool ocean water. It was a perfect day, filled with laughter and good times. We also had a beach barbecue, where we grilled hot dogs and burgers and enjoyed a delicious meal together.Another fun activity we did was go hiking in the mountains. We packed a picnic lunch and set off on a scenic trail that led us to a beautiful waterfall. The hike was challenging but rewarding, and we were able to take some amazing photos of the stunning scenery. After our hike, we enjoyed our lunch by the waterfall and relaxed in the peaceful surroundings.One evening, we decided to have a movie night at my friend's house. We made popcorn, ordered pizza, and watchedsome of our favorite movies. It was a cozy and relaxing way to spend the evening, and we had a great time reminiscing about old times and making new memories.Overall, my holiday with my friends was filled with fun, laughter, and good times. I am grateful for the opportunity to spend quality time with the people who mean the most to me, and I can't wait for our next adventure together. Friendship is truly a special bond that should be cherished and nurtured, and I am lucky to have friends who make every moment special.篇2During the last holiday, I had the pleasure of spending time with my friends and engaging in various activities together. It was a memorable experience filled with laughter, fun, and bonding.One of the highlights of our holiday was a road trip that we took to the mountains. We packed our bags, loaded up the car, and set off early in the morning. The scenic drive was breathtaking, with snow-capped peaks and lush forests all around us. We stopped at several lookout points to take photos and enjoy the view. It was a great opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature and spend quality time with my friends.Once we reached our destination, we checked into a cozy cabin that we had rented for the weekend. We spent the evenings around a campfire, roasting marshmallows, playing games, and sharing stories. It was the perfect way to unwind and relax after a long day of hiking and exploring.During the day, we went on hikes through the mountains, soaking in the fresh air and stunning scenery. We came across a beautiful waterfall and spent some time wading in the icy cold water. It was invigorating and exhilarating, and we felt a sense of accomplishment after completing the challenging hike.Another fun activity we did was horseback riding. We booked a guided tour through the mountains, trotting along winding trails and taking in the sights. It was a unique experience that allowed us to connect with nature in a different way. We felt like cowboys riding through the Wild West, and the adrenaline rush was unforgettable.Overall, the holiday with my friends was a time of joy, adventure, and camaraderie. We made memories that will last a lifetime and strengthened our bond as friends. I am grateful for the time we spent together and look forward to our next adventure.篇3Last holiday, I spent a wonderful time with my friends. We did a lot of fun and exciting things together. It was a memorable experience that I will cherish forever.First of all, we went on a road trip to the mountains. The scenery was breathtaking, and we had a great time hiking and exploring the beautiful nature around us. We took a lot of pictures and made some amazing memories together.After the road trip, we decided to have a barbecue in the evening. We grilled some delicious food and sat around the campfire, chatting and laughing. It was a cozy and relaxing way to end the day.The next day, we went to a water park. We tried all the water slides and rides, and had a blast splashing around in the pools. The weather was perfect, and we had a lot of fun under the sun.In the evening, we went to a karaoke bar and sang our hearts out. It was so much fun to sing and dance with my friends, and we even made some new friends at the bar. It was a night to remember.Overall, I had an amazing time with my friends during the last holiday. We did so many fun and exciting things together,and I will always cherish the memories we made. I can't wait for our next adventure together!。



广东2024年1月自考英语二作文真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Experience in the 2024 January GuangdongSelf-study English ExamHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my experience in the Guangdong self-study English exam that I took in January 2024. It was my first time taking this test, and let me tell you, it was quite an experience!First off, let me tell you about the topics we had to write about in the essay section. We had to write about our favorite childhood memory, a time when we faced a challenge and how we overcame it, and our thoughts on the importance of learning a second language. It was a lot to write about, but I did my best to put my thoughts into words.Then came the listening section, where we had to listen to different conversations and answer questions about them. It was a bit tricky because the speakers had different accents, but I tried my best to pay attention and understand what they were saying.After that, we had the reading comprehension section, where we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. The passages were a bit long, but I tried to read carefully and make sure I understood the main ideas.Finally, we had the speaking section, where we had to talk about a given topic for a few minutes. I was a bit nervous at first, but once I started talking, I found that I actually had a lot to say!Overall, the exam was challenging but also a lot of fun. I learned a lot of new words and phrases, and I also gained more confidence in my English speaking and writing skills. I can't wait to see how I did on the test, and I hope I did well!That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story about the Guangdong self-study English exam. I hope you enjoyed it! Bye!篇2Title: My Amazing Adventure in GuangdongHi everyone! I want to tell you all about the super fun adventure I had in Guangdong. It was in January 2024 and I went there for a special self-study English exam. But don't worry, I still had a lot of time to explore and have fun!First off, let me tell you about the amazing food in Guangdong. I tried all kinds of delicious dishes like dim sum, barbecue pork, and egg tarts. They were so yummy! And the best part was that I got to eat them at a real local restaurant. The flavors were so different from what I'm used to, but I loved every bite!Next, I got to visit some cool places in Guangdong. I went to the Canton Tower, which is one of the tallest buildings in the world. It was so tall that I felt like I was flying when I looked down!I also visited the Chen Clan Ancestral Hall, where I saw beautiful traditional architecture and learned about the history of Guangdong.But the best part of my trip was meeting new friends. I joined a group of local students for a day of exploring and we had so much fun together. We played games, shared snacks, and even practiced speaking English. It was a great way to learn about their culture and make new friends.Overall, my adventure in Guangdong was unforgettable. I learned a lot, tried new things, and made memories that will last a lifetime. I can't wait to go back and explore even more of this amazing place. Guangdong, I'll be back soon!篇3Title: My Guangdong in 2024Hi! I'm a primary school student from Guangdong, and I wanna tell ya about my Guangdong in 2024.First, the weather is super duper nice in Guangdong now. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the air is so fresh! We can go out and play all day long without worrying about rain or smog. It's like a dream come true!Second, the education in Guangdong has improved a lot. We have more fun activities in school, like field trips to museums and science fairs. Our teachers are also cooler and make learning so much more interesting. I even have a robot teacher now, how cool is that?!Third, the technology in Guangdong is top-notch. We have self-driving cars everywhere, and we can even order our favorite snacks with just a tap on our phones. And guess what? We can learn English with a virtual reality game, it's like going on an adventure while learning!Lastly, the people in Guangdong are so friendly and kind. We always help each other out and have big celebrations together.We love to eat yummy dim sum and watch lion dances during the festivals. It's so much fun!In conclusion, Guangdong in 2024 is the best place ever! The weather is great, the education is awesome, the technology is amazing, and the people are fantastic. I'm so lucky to live here! Thank you for listening to my story. Bye-bye!篇4Title: My Experience in the 2024 January Self-study English Exam in GuangdongHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my experience in the 2024 January self-study English exam in Guangdong. It was a really challenging test, but I tried my best and I think I did pretty well!First of all, the reading comprehension part was quite tough. There were a lot of long passages to read and then answer questions about. I had to really concentrate and focus on understanding the main ideas and details. But I took my time and read each question carefully before choosing my answer. I think I got most of them right.Next, there was the writing section. I had to write an essay about my favorite holiday and why I like it. I chose Christmas because I love decorating the tree and spending time with my family. I wrote about all the traditions we have and how much fun we have together. I hope the examiner likes my essay!After that, there was the listening section. This was a bit easier for me because I practice listening to English songs and watching English movies all the time. I could understand most of the dialogue and answer the questions without too much trouble.Finally, there was the speaking part. This was the scariest part for me because I had to talk to the examiner in English! But I tried my best to speak clearly and confidently. I talked about my favorite hobby, which is drawing, and why I enjoy it so much. I hope I didn't make too many mistakes!Overall, I think I did pretty well in the 2024 January self-study English exam in Guangdong. I worked hard and tried my best, so I hope I get a good score. I can't wait to see the results and share them with all of you! Thank you for listening to my story!篇5Title: My Dream SchoolHi everyone, I want to tell you about my dream school in Guangdong in 2024! It would be a super cool school where students can learn, play and have fun together.First of all, my dream school would have state-of-the-art facilities like a big playground with swings, slides, and a soccer field. There would also be a science lab with all the latest equipment for cool experiments. And don't forget about the art room where we can paint, draw, and make crafts.In my dream school, we would have the best teachers who are kind, funny, and love to teach. They would make learning fun and exciting, and always encourage us to do our best. We would have classes in English, Math, Science, and even Chinese calligraphy.But wait, there's more! My dream school would also have fun extracurricular activities like a drama club, a music band, and a gardening club. We could perform plays, play instruments, and grow our own vegetables in the school garden.And last but not least, my dream school would be a place where students feel safe, respected, and happy. We would be taught to be kind to one another and to help those in need. Bullying would not be allowed, and everyone would be included and valued.I hope my dream school will come true one day because it would be the best school ever! I can't wait to go there and learn, make friends, and have the time of my life. Thank you for listening to my dream school story!篇6Hello everyone! Today, I want to tell you about the topic of the 2024 January Guangdong Self-study English Exam. The topic is about "My Dream School".My dream school is a place where every student feels safe and happy. The classrooms are bright and colorful, with lots of books and educational materials. The teachers are kind and patient, and they always encourage us to do our best.In my dream school, we have a big playground where we can play and exercise. There are also gardens where we can learn about plants and animals. I would love to have a garden where we can grow our own fruits and vegetables.One of the best things about my dream school is that we have lots of fun activities and clubs to join. There are sports teams, art clubs, and even a cooking club where we can learn to make delicious food. I would love to be part of a drama club where we can put on plays and musicals.Overall, my dream school is a place where we can learn and grow in a positive and supportive environment. I believe that with hard work and dedication, we can all achieve our dreams and become successful in the future.I hope you enjoyed hearing about my dream school! Thank you for listening.篇7Hello everyone!Today I want to tell you about the English writing exam I took in January 2024. The topic of the essay was "The importance of learning English in today's world". I was very excited to write about this topic because I love English and I think it's so important.First of all, English is a global language. This means that people all over the world speak English and if we know how to speak it too, we can communicate with people from different countries. This is so cool because we can make friends with people from all over the world and learn about different cultures.Secondly, English is the language of technology. So many cool gadgets and apps are in English, so if we know how to readand understand English, we can use all these cool things. Plus, a lot of important information on the Internet is in English, so if we know English, we can learn a lot of new things.Lastly, learning English can help us get better jobs in the future. Lots of companies want employees who can speak English well because they do business with people from other countries. So if we know English, we have more opportunities for good jobs and a successful career.In conclusion, learning English is super important in today's world because it helps us communicate with people from all over the world, use cool technology, and get better jobs. I had so much fun writing about this topic and I hope you all think English is important too!Thanks for listening, bye-bye!篇8Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you the topic of the Guangdong 2024 January self-study English exam. It's a super fun topic that I am excited to talk about!The topic is about the future of technology. Technology is really cool, right? We have so many cool gadgets likesmartphones, smartwatches, and even robots! But what will technology be like in the future? I think it will be super awesome!First of all, I think that in the future, we will have flying cars! Can you imagine that? We can just hop into our flying cars and zoom around the sky like in a movie. It would be so exciting and convenient!Secondly, I think that in the future, robots will be everywhere! They will help us do our chores, cook our meals, and even teach us in school. Robots are super smart and can learn really fast, so they will be great helpers for us.Lastly, I think that in the future, we will have virtual reality games that are so realistic, it will feel like we are actually in the game! We can go on adventures, solve puzzles, and even meet new friends from all around the world. It will be like living in a dream!I am so excited for the future of technology. It will be so much fun to see all the new and cool things that will be invented.I can't wait to see what the world will be like in 2024!So, what do you think about the future of technology? Let me know in the comments below. Thanks for listening! See you next time!篇9Hello everyone, my name is Timmy and today I want to share with you the topic of the Guangdong 2024 January self-study English II test. So, let's get started!The topic of the essay was about my dream job. I was so excited to write about it because I have always dreamed of being a firefighter. I think it would be so cool to help people and save lives. I wrote about how firefighters have to be brave and strong, and how they work as a team to put out fires and rescue people from danger.I also talked about how firefighters have to train hard and be prepared for any emergency that comes their way. They have to have quick thinking and act fast to save lives. I think it would be such an honor to wear the uniform and be a real hero to my community.In my essay, I also mentioned how firefighters are role models for kids like me. I want to be someone that others look up to and admire. I want to make a difference in the world and leave a positive impact on those around me.Overall, I had so much fun writing about my dream job as a firefighter. It made me even more determined to work hard inschool and follow my dreams. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me, and maybe one day, I will be a real-life hero just like the firefighters I wrote about.Thank you for listening to my essay about my dream job. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Good luck to everyone who took the Guangdong 2024 January self-study English II test! Let's all work hard and reach for our dreams!篇10Title: My Dream School in GuangdongHi everyone, I want to tell you about my dream school in Guangdong in 2024. It is going to be the best school ever!First of all, my dream school will have a big playground where we can play, run, and have fun with our friends. There will be swings, slides, and a football field where we can play our favorite sports. And there will be a garden with lots of flowers and trees where we can learn about nature.In my dream school, the classrooms will be colorful and cozy. There will be big windows that let in the sunlight, and the walls will be decorated with pictures and posters that inspire us tolearn. The desks and chairs will be comfortable, and there will be a library where we can borrow books and read them quietly.The teachers in my dream school will be kind and caring. They will help us when we have trouble understanding something, and they will encourage us to do our best. They will make learning fun and interesting, and they will give us lots of opportunities to be creative and express ourselves.I also want my dream school to have a cafeteria where we can have delicious and healthy meals. The food will be cooked fresh every day, and there will be a variety of options to choose from. We will also have a clean and spacious restroom where we can wash our hands and take care of ourselves.In conclusion, my dream school in Guangdong in 2024 will be a place where we can play, learn, and grow. It will be a place where we feel safe and happy, and where we can become the best versions of ourselves. I can't wait for my dream school to become a reality!。



我度过了一个什么假日英语作文80词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: My Awesome HolidayHey guys, guess what? I just had the best holiday ever! I had so much fun and I can't wait to tell you all about it.First, I went to the beach with my family. We built sandcastles, splashed in the waves, and ate delicious ice cream. I even found some cool seashells to take home as souvenirs. It was so much fun playing in the sun and feeling the sand between my toes.Next, we went to an amusement park. I rode on a roller coaster for the first time and I was so scared, but it was also super exciting! We also went on the ferris wheel, bumper cars, and played lots of fun games to win prizes. I even got a giant stuffed bear as a prize!One day, we went camping in the mountains. We hiked through the forest, roasted marshmallows over a campfire, andslept in a cozy tent under the stars. It was so cool to see all the animals and nature around us. I felt like a real explorer!Lastly, we visited a big city and saw lots of famous landmarks. We went to museums, ate yummy food from different cultures, and even went shopping for souvenirs. The city was so busy and loud, but I had a great time exploring all the sights and sounds.Overall, my holiday was amazing. I did so many fun things and made lots of great memories with my family. I can't wait for the next holiday adventure!篇2Title: My Exciting HolidayHi everyone! I'm here to tell you all about my super fun holiday. I had the best time ever and did so many cool things.First off, my family and I went to the beach. We played in the sand, swam in the ocean, and even had a picnic by the shore. I built a sandcastle that was taller than me and collected seashells to bring back home as souvenirs.After that, we went to an amusement park. I rode on roller coasters, ate cotton candy, and played games to win prizes. Ieven went on the Ferris wheel, which was a little scary but also really exciting.One day, we went to the zoo. I saw lions, monkeys, and even a real-life elephant! I learned so much about different animals and got to feed some of them too. It was amazing to be so close to all these wild creatures.And last but not least, I spent a day at home just relaxing and watching movies with my family. We made popcorn, snuggled up on the couch, and laughed at all the funny scenes.Overall, my holiday was so much fun and I can't wait to do it all over again next year. I hope you all had a great holiday too! Bye for now!篇3Last holiday was super-duper awesome! I had so much fun and did loads of cool stuff. I'll tell you all about it!First off, I kicked off the holiday by going on a camping trip with my family and some friends. We pitched tents in the woods, roasted marshmallows over a campfire, and told spooky stories. It was so much fun spending time in nature and sleeping under the stars.After the camping trip, I spent a couple of days at home just chilling out. I watched movies, played video games, and had sleepovers with my besties. It was nice to relax and hang out with my friends without any schoolwork to worry about.Then, I went on a road trip with my family to visit my grandparents in the countryside. We went fishing in a nearby lake, picked fresh fruits from their garden, and had a big BBQ party. I love spending time with my grandparents because they always have the coolest stories to tell.Towards the end of the holiday, I joined a summer camp where I learned how to kayak, rock climb, and do archery. I made new friends, tried new things, and had a blast every single day. I even won a prize for being the most enthusiastic camper!All in all, I had the best holiday ever. I got to spend time with my family and friends, explore new places, and make unforgettable memories. I can't wait for the next holiday to come around so I can do it all over again!篇4Title: My Awesome HolidayHey guys! I want to tell you all about the super fun holiday I just had. It was the best holiday ever!First of all, my family and I went to the beach. We built sandcastles, splashed in the water, and even rode on a banana boat. It was so cool! I saw lots of seashells and even found a shiny starfish.Next, we went to an amusement park. I went on all the rides, even the really scary ones. My favorite was the roller coaster – it was so fast and exciting! I also ate lots of cotton candy and won a big stuffed animal at a game booth.After that, we went camping in the mountains. We roasted marshmallows, sang campfire songs, and told spooky stories. I even saw a shooting star! It was like something out of a movie.Finally, we visited a big city. We went shopping, ate at fancy restaurants, and saw a Broadway show. The lights and sounds were so cool, it felt like I was in a dream.Overall, my holiday was amazing. I had so much fun and made lots of great memories. I can’t wait for the next one!篇5Title: My Awesome HolidayHey everyone, I want to tell you all about the amazing holiday I just had! It was super fun and filled with so many cool things.First off, I woke up late every morning and had a big breakfast of pancakes and bacon. Yum! Then, I would play video games with my friends all day long. We had epic battles and laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt.One day, my family went to the beach. We built sandcastles, splashed in the waves, and ate ice cream cones that dripped all over our hands. It was so much fun! I even found a cool seashell that I kept as a souvenir.Another day, we went to the water park. I went on all the slides and even rode the big wave pool. It was a little scary at first, but then it was awesome! I also had a giant burger and fries for lunch – it was so good.At night, we would have campfires and roast marshmallows for s’mores. We told spooky stories and watched the stars twinkle in the sky. It was the best way to end the day.Overall, my holiday was the best ever. I had so much fun, made gr eat memories, and can’t wait to do it all over again nextyear. I hope you all had an awesome holiday too! Thanks for listening to my story. Bye!篇6So, this one time, I had the best holiday ever! It was super duper fun and I did a lot of cool things. Let me tell you all about it!First off, I woke up super early on the first day of my holiday because I was so excited. I had a big breakfast of pancakes and orange juice, then I got dressed and ready to go out. My mom packed a picnic lunch for me and my friends, so we could have a fun day at the park.We rode our bikes to the park and played on the swings, slides, and monkey bars. We even had a little picnic on a big blanket under a shady tree. It was so nice to relax and eat yummy snacks with my buddies.After the park, we went to the ice cream shop and I got a big scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough. It was the best ice cream I ever had! We walked around the neighborhood, looking at all the cool houses and gardens. I saw a big fluffy cat sleeping on a porch and I wanted to pet it so bad!When we got home, I was super tired but really happy. I had such a great day with my friends and I couldn't wait to do it all over again tomorrow. My holiday was amazing and I'll never forget it. I can't wait for the next one!篇7Oh wow, I had the best holiday ever! It was so much fun and I did so many cool things. First, my family and I went to the beach for a few days. We built sandcastles, swam in the ocean, and ate yummy ice cream. I even tried surfing for the first time and it was super fun!After the beach, we went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. We played in the fields, picked fresh fruits from the orchard, and had a big BBQ with all my cousins. I even got to ride a horse and help feed the chickens. It was like being in a movie!Then, we went camping in the mountains. We roasted marshmallows over the campfire, told spooky stories, and slept in a tent under the stars. I saw so many shooting stars, it was magical!Finally, we went to visit a big city and went to a theme park. I went on all the rides, ate lots of cotton candy, and won a giant stuffed animal at a game booth. I was so excited!I had the best holiday ever and I can't wait to do it all again next year. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing family and to have had so many fun adventures. Yay for holidays!篇8Oh, my goodness! I just had the most amazing holiday ever! I can't wait to tell you all about it!So, first off, my mom and dad surprised me with a trip to Disneyland! Can you believe it? I've always wanted to go there and see all the princesses and ride on the roller coasters. It was like a dream come true!We spent the whole day at the park, going on all the rides and meeting all the characters. I even got to have my picture taken with Mickey Mouse! He was so nice and gave me a big hug.After that, we went to the beach for a few days. I love playing in the sand and swimming in the ocean. We built sandcastles and collected seashells. And at night, we roasted marshmallows over a bonfire. It was so much fun!But the best part of the holiday was when we went camping in the mountains. We hiked through the forest and saw a deer!We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows over the campfire. And at night, we looked up at the stars and made wishes on shooting stars.I had the best time ever on my holiday. I can't wait to go on another adventure with my family soon!篇9Title: How I Spent My HolidayHey guys, do you want to know how I spent my holiday? It was super fun and I can't wait to tell you all about it!First of all, I spent a lot of time with my family. We went on a picnic to the park and had a big barbecue. My dad even taught me how to grill the perfect burger! It was so yummy and I felt like a little chef.Next, I went to the beach with my friends. We built sandcastles, collected seashells, and splashed around in the water. It was so cool to see all the different creatures in the ocean, like crabs and starfish.I also did some fun activities at home. I painted a picture for my grandma, baked cookies with my mom, and had a moviemarathon with my brother. We watched all of our favorite movies and ate popcorn until we were too full to move!Finally, I went to visit my cousins in the countryside. We went horseback riding, picked fresh fruits from the orchard, and had a bonfire with s'mores. It was like a real-life adventure!Overall, my holiday was amazing. I got to spend time with the people I love, try new things, and make memories that will last a lifetime. I can't wait for the next holiday to come around so I can have even more fun experiences. Yay for holidays!篇10Oh my goodness! I just had the best holiday ever! I want to tell you all about it!So, it all started when school ended and I finally got my well-deserved break. I was so excited because I had so many fun things planned for my holiday. The first thing I did was sleep in until noon every day. It was so nice to not have to wake up early for school!Then, my family and I went on a trip to the beach. I love the beach because I get to build sandcastles, swim in the ocean, andeat ice cream all day long. It was so much fun playing in the sun and feeling the sand between my toes.After the beach, we went camping in the mountains. We roasted marshmallows over the campfire, went on hikes, and even saw some wild animals. I felt like a real explorer in the wilderness!When we got back home, I spent time with my friends playing games, riding bikes, and having sleepovers. We laughed so much and had the best time together.Overall, my holiday was amazing. I got to relax, have adventures, and make memories that will last a lifetime. I can't wait for the next holiday to come around so I can do it all over again!。



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英语作文明天去公园玩写一个游玩计划全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Tomorrow, I am planning to go to the park for a day of fun and relaxation. I have been looking forward to this outing for a long time, as I love spending time in nature and enjoying the fresh air. In order to make the most of my day at the park, I have come up with a detailed plan of activities to do and things to see.First, I plan to arrive at the park early in the morning, when the air is still cool and fresh. I will bring along a picnic basket filled with delicious snacks and drinks, so that I can enjoy a nice breakfast in the park. After breakfast, I will go for a leisurely stroll around the park, taking in the beautiful scenery and admiring the flowers and trees.Next, I plan to visit the animal enclosure in the park, where I will be able to see a variety of animals up close. I always find it fascinating to watch the animals in their natural habitat, and I am looking forward to observing them and learning more about them.After visiting the animals, I plan to find a nice spot to sit and relax, perhaps under a shady tree or next to a tranquil pond. I will bring along a good book to read, or maybe just close my eyes and listen to the sounds of nature all around me.In the afternoon, I will join in on some park activities, such as a nature walk, a game of frisbee, or maybe even some yoga in the park. I love being active and enjoying the outdoors, so I am looking forward to trying out different activities and having some fun.As the day draws to a close, I will make my way back to the picnic area and enjoy a delicious dinner as the sun sets. I will watch the sky turn pink and orange, and listen to the birds singing their evening song. It will be a perfect end to a perfect day at the park.Overall, I am so excited to spend the day at the park tomorrow. I am looking forward to immersing myself in nature, enjoying some fun activities, and simply relaxing and unwinding.I know that it will be a day to remember, and I can't wait for tomorrow to arrive.篇2Tomorrow, I am going to the park to have some fun and relaxation. I have planned out my day and I am really excited for it.First, I will wake up early in the morning and have a delicious breakfast to start my day off right. After getting ready, I will pack some essentials for my trip to the park. I will bring a water bottle, some snacks, sunscreen, a hat, and a book to read while lounging in the grass.Once I arrive at the park, I will start by taking a leisurely stroll around the beautiful gardens and paths. I will admire the flowers and trees, listen to the birds chirping, and enjoy the fresh air. After my walk, I will find a nice spot to spread out a picnic blanket and enjoy my snacks while soaking up the sun.Next, I plan to do some people-watching and maybe strike up a conversation with some fellow park-goers. I always enjoy meeting new people and hearing their stories. After that, I will find a good spot to sit and read my book, getting lost in a new world for a few hours.In the afternoon, I will look for some fun activities to do in the park. I might rent a paddle boat to cruise around the lake, or join a game of frisbee with some friendly strangers. I love tryingnew things and getting out of my comfort zone, so this will be a great opportunity for me.As the day comes to a close, I will find a quiet spot to watch the sunset and reflect on my day. I will feel grateful for the time spent in nature and the new experiences I had. Finally, I will pack up my things and head home, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.Overall, I am looking forward to my day at the park tomorrow. It will be a perfect opportunity to relax, have fun, and enjoy the beauty of nature. I can't wait to make memories and take in all the sights and sounds of the park.篇3Tomorrow, my friends and I are planning to go to the park for a day of fun and relaxation. We have been looking forward to this outing for a while now, as it will give us a chance to unwind and enjoy the natural beauty around us.Our day will start bright and early in the morning, as we all gather at the entrance of the park. We will bring along some snacks, drinks, and a picnic blanket to enjoy a leisurely breakfast in the open air. After fueling up, we will begin our day of exploration and adventure.One of the first things we plan to do is take a leisurely stroll around the park, taking in the sights and sounds of nature. We will admire the colorful flowers, listen to the chirping birds, and feel the cool breeze on our faces. As we walk, we will chat and laugh together, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings.Next, we will head to the playground to unleash our inner child and have some fun. We will swing on the swings, slide down the slides, and climb on the jungle gym, letting go of all our worries and cares. We may even challenge each other to a game of tag or hide and seek, reliving our childhood memories and creating new ones to cherish.For lunch, we will find a nice spot to set up our picnic and enjoy a delicious meal together. We will share our food and stories, enjoying the simple pleasure of good company and good food in a beautiful setting. After lunch, we may take a nap on the grass or play some outdoor games like frisbee or volleyball.In the afternoon, we will explore the rest of the park and see what other attractions it has to offer. We may visit the botanical garden to admire the exotic plants and flowers, or take a boat ride on the lake to relax and enjoy the scenery. We may also tryour hand at some outdoor sports like cycling, jogging, or yoga, to stay active and energized.As the sun starts to set, we will find a cozy spot to watch the sunset and marvel at the natural beauty of the park. We will take pictures and create lasting memories of our day together, promising to come back again soon for another adventure. Finally, we will bid farewell to the park, feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and grateful for the wonderful day we had.In conclusion, our trip to the park tomorrow promises to be a day of fun, relaxation, and camaraderie. We are looking forward to exploring the natural beauty around us, indulging in outdoor activities, and creating unforgettable memories. We are confident that our day in the park will be a truly magical experience that we will cherish for a long time to come.。

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Online Learning Environment
Mandatory chapters
Some papers include chapters that you will be directed to study online (printed on green paper)
Additional Notes
Course Exams
Based on June 2010 pass rates – across all papers in the Skills, Essentials & Options modules:
Overall BPP pass rate Pass rate for those handing in both Course Exams on time Pass rate for those not doing so 74% 83% 68%
You can access the online learning environment from any PC* withequirements apply
How much does it cost?
Slide 12
Nothing! The online environment is provided at no additional cost to the classroom course
Logging on to MyStudy…
Slide 14
Your Learning Plan…
Slide 15
Drilling down to the chapters…
Slide 16
Launching an online lecture…
Slide 17
What the online lectures look like…
Will test the remainder of the syllabus
Slide 8
Key Dates for the June 2011 exam
Registered with ACCA by Exam entry by 31 December 2010 15 April 2011
ACCA Paper F6 – Taxation (UK) (FA 2010)
Taught Course
June 2011 Exams Tutor name Tutor telephone Tutorname@
Health & Safety Procedures
• Fire alarm = continuous bell
Corporation tax liabilities
Chargeable gains Inheritance tax National insurance contributions
Value added tax
The obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents
Latest Developments
Updated for syllabus changes Maths & Calculator Basics Module Assumed knowledge IFRS conversion product Course exam 2 debrief
How does it work?
• Online learning environment (see next slide)
Slide 10
Online Learning Environment - How to get access Existing students – added on
Your new course will be added to your existing Learning Plan – log-in details remain unchanged.
• Fire Exits
• Assembly point
• First aid
Slide 2
Course Administration
• Start and finish times • Breaks • Daily attendance register
The attendance register will shortly be passed round the class; please ensure that the information you give is correct. Please note if you are a company sponsored student, then your attendance / non-attendance will be reported to your employer.
Revisiting tricky topics
Slide 13
Please don’t watch everything again online! You should selectively review chapters or examples you found particularly tricky
• Mix & Match
If you can’t make one of the course dates, you must contact Customer Services to check availability of a different session. • London centres call 0845 075 1100; email customerservice@ • For all other locations call 0845 226 2422; email service@
Why have we developed this?
To save you hours of time outside the classroom when revisiting tricky topics
What’s included?
Online lectures for each chapter and your Study Text in an interactive e-book format
Question 2 Question 3
Corporation tax question. Could include 25-30 VAT. Chargeable gains 15
Question 4
Question 5
Will test the remainder of the syllabus
Note: An online debrief for Course Exam 2 will be made available with effect from 31st May 2011 on MyStudy
Slide 6
A B The UK tax system Income tax liabilities
Slide 3
• Toilets
• Canteen/common room
• Drinks machines
• Internet facilities
• After class study room
Switch off Mobile Phones
Slide 4
Pass Assurance
Slide 18
Employment income
Salary Bonus Commission / tips Benefits X X X X X
Allowable deductions
Employment income
Slide 19
Travel expenses
Home No allowable deduction Permanent workplace Allowable deduction Temporary workplace < 40% or 24 months
You must: • Book on both a taught and revision course. • Attend all classes (on time). • Submit both course exams and score at least 30% on each (i.e. make a reasonable attempt): Course Exam 1 – to be submitted by the 11th working day after attending day 3 Course Exam 2 – to be submitted by the 11th working day after attending final day • Certain sponsoring firms have their own internal submission dates which override the pass assurance dates – affected students will be notified by their employer.
• Study Support
– Home study is vital for this paper – Comprehensive guidance provided in the end of day checkpoints – 2 course exams marked and returned with feedback (CE1- 50 marks : CE2 – full exam)