Circadian and photic regulation of clock and clock-controlled proteins
热带作物学报2024, 45(4): 837 846Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops基因沉默番木瓜环斑病毒复制酶基因(PRSV-Nib)获得抗病毒病番木瓜的研究吴清铧1,2,贾瑞宗2*,郭静远2,杨牧之2,胡玉娟2,郝志刚2,赵辉2**,郭安平2** 1. 海南大学热带作物学院,海南海口 570228;2. 海南省南繁生物安全与分子育种重点实验室/中国热带农业科学院三亚研究院/中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术研究所,海南三亚 572024摘要:番木瓜是重要的热带经济水果。
番木瓜环斑病毒(Papaya ringspot virus, PRSV)是番木瓜的重要病毒病,经常导致严重的产量损失和质量恶化。
自从1998年第一例转基因番木瓜问世以来,使得基于“致病菌衍生的抗病性(pathogen-derived resistance, PDR)”的抗病育种策略获得成功广泛应用。
本研究拟采用RNAi策略针对复制酶(nuclear inclusion b. Nib)获得广谱抗PRSV番木瓜新种质。
通过hi TAIL-PCR方法确定NibB5-2插入位点位于第2号染色体supercontig_30的1976766的位置。
关键词:番木瓜;番木瓜环斑病毒;Nib基因;RNA介导的病毒抗性中图分类号:S436.67 文献标志码:AGene Silencing of Papaya ringspot virus Replicase Gene (PRSV-Nib) to Obtain Virus Resistant PapayaWU Qinghua1,2, JIA Ruizong2*, GUO Jingyuan2, YANG Muzhi2, HU Yujuan2, HAO Zhigang2, ZHAO Hui2**, GUO Anping2**1. College of Tropical Crops, Hainan University, Haikou, Hainan 570228, China;2. Hainan Key Laboratory for Biosafety Monitor-ing and Molecular Breeding in Off-Season Reproduction Regions / Sanya Research Institutey, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agri-cultural Sciences / Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Sanya, Hainan 572024, ChinaAbstract: Papaya is an economically important tropical fruit. Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) is an important virus dis-ease of papaya, often causing significant yield losses and quality deterioration. Since the introduction of the first trans-genic papaya in 1998, PDR-based breeding strategies for disease resistance have been successfully applied. The contra-diction between disease resistance based on sequence homology and increased virus genetic diversity became a new challenge for papaya breeding. In this study, we propose to use RNAi strategies aim at nuclear inclusion b gene (Nib) to obtain broad-spectrum resistance to PRSV papaya. With optimized embryo callus generation-Agrobatium meidated transformation-shoot regeneration, 52 shoots were obtained after resistance screening and a total of 24 transgenic posi-tive shoots were obtained by specific PCR screening for the T0 generation. In the T0 generation field natural disease test, 收稿日期 2022-12-16;修回日期 2023-02-15基金项目 海南省重大科技计划项目(No. ZDKJ202002);海南省重点研发计划项目(No. ZDYF2022XDNY257);崖州湾科技城菁英人才项目(No. SCKJ-JYRC-2022-67)。
加拿大国家自然科学和工程学研究委员会(NSERC)国际杰出青年科学家奖获得者(1993);瑞士热带医学研究院(1990-92)和多伦多大学(1993-1995)博士后;香港城市大学生物和化学系研究员(1996);加拿大国家食品检验局寄生虫学研究中心研究科学家(1997-1999);加拿大Saskatchewan大学Research Officer (1999-2002)。
在PNAS(USA), The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Trends in Parasitology, Schnizophrenia Bulletin,International Journal for Parasitology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, Parasite Immunology,科学通报等发表论文90多篇,其中SCI论文70多篇。
主要研究方向:非洲锥虫和动物锥虫进化,寄生原虫与宿主(细胞)关系,人畜共患病原体流行病学研究项目:国家自然科学基金;国家“973”计划;美国斯丹利医学研究院;电话(Tel):+8620-84115079;84115070传真(Fax):+8620-84036215Email:lsslzr@Selected Publications:1.Wang T, Liu M, Gao XJ, Zhao ZJ, Chen XG, Lun ZR. (2010). Toxoplasma gondii: The effectsof infection at different stages of pregnancy on the offspring of mice. ExperimentalParasitology (In press).2.Lun, Z.R., Lai, D.H., Li, F.J., Lukeš, J., A yala, F. J. (2010). Trypanosoma brucei: two steps tospread out from Africa? Trends in Parasitology, 26:424-427i, D.H., Wang, Q.P., Li, Z., Luckins, A.K. Reid, S.A., and Lun, Z.R. (2010). Investigationsinto human serum sensitivity expressed by stocks of Trypanosoma brucei evansi.International Journal for Parasitology, 40:705-10.4.Lun, Z.R., Reid, S.A., Lai, D.L., Li, F.J., (2009). Atypical human trypanosomiasis: Aneglected disease or just an unlucky accident? T rends in Parasitology, 25:107-108.i, D.H., Hashimi, H., Lun, Z.R., Francisco J., A yala, F.J., Lukeš, J. (2008) Adaptations ofTrypanosoma brucei to gradual loss of kinetoplast DNA: T. equiperdum and T. evansi are petite mutants of T. brucei. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 105:1999-2004.6.Lun, Z.R., Wang, Q.P., Chen, X.G., Li, A.X. and Zhu, X.Q. (2007). Streptococcus suis: anemerging zoonotic pathogen. The Lancet Infectious Diseases,7:201-2097.Li, F.J., Gasser, R.B., Lai, D.H., Claes, F.,Zhu, X.Q. and Lun, Z.R. (2007) PCR approach forthe detection of Trypanosoma brucei and T. equiperdum and their differentiation from T.evansi based on maxicircle kinetoplast DNA, Molecular and Cellular Probes, 21:1-78.Li, S.Q., Li, S.Q. Fung, M.C., Reid, S., Inoue. N, and Lun Z.R. (2007) Immunization withrecombinant beta-tubulin from Trypanosoma evansi induced protection against T. evansi, T.equiperdum and T. b. brucei infection in mice.Parasite Immunology, 29:191-199.9.Torrey, E.F., Bartko, J.J., Lun, Z.R. and Y olken, R.H. (2007) Antibodies to Toxoplasmagondii in patients with schizophrenia. A meta-analysis. Schnizophrenia Bulletin, 33:729-736.10.Li, F.J., Lai, D.H., Lukes, J., Chen, X.G., Lun, Z.R. (2006) Doubts about Trypanosomaequiperdum strains classed as Trypanosoma brucei or Trypanosoma evansi. Trends inParasitology, 22:55-56.11.Lun, Z.R., Chen, X.G., Zhu, X.Q., Li, X.R and Xie, M.Q. (2005) Are Tritrichomonas feotusand Tritrichomonas suis synonyms? Trends in Parasitology, 21:122-125.12.Li, F.J., Gasser, R.B., Zheng J.Y., Claes, F., Zhu, X.Q., and Lun, Z.R. (2005)Application ofmultiple DNA fingerprinting techniques to study the genetic relationships among threemembers of the subgenus Trypanozoon (Protozoa: Trypanosomatidae). Molecular andCellular Probes, 19: 400-407.13.Lun, Z.R., Gasser, R.B., Lai, D.H. Li, A.X., Zhu, X.Q., Y u, X.B. and Fang, Y.Y. (2005)Clonorchiasis: a key food-borne zoonosis in China deserving serious attention. The Lancet Infectious Diseases,5:22-33.Chapters in Books (In English):(1) Chen X.G. and Lun, Z.R.(2005). Basic Biology of Toxoplasma gondii, in V ol 4,Toxoplasmosis and Basesiosis in Asia Ed by Y ano A. et al., Published by AAA Committee and The Federation of Asian Parasitologists.(2) Wang, Q.P. and Lun, Z.R. (2008) Streptococcus suis: the threat remains. In EmergingInfections, Chapter 11, V ol 8 (Edt by W.M. Scheld, S.M. Hammer, and J.M. Hughes) ASM Press, Washington, DC. (pp. 213-228).(3) Wang, Q.P. and Lun, Z.R. (2010) Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Humanangiostrongyliasis. In Zoonoses, second edition (Edited by Stephen Palmer,Lawson Soulsby, Paul Torgerson and David Brown). Oxford Press。
山东农业大学学报(自然科学版),2023,54(5):650-656VOL.54NO.52023 Journal of Shandong Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-2324.2023.05.002多脂鳞伞P-YD01的菌丝生物学特性及引种驯化栽培试验吴耀越,程欣荣,黄宇柯,朱仁启,陈文思,张大川,初洋*烟台大学生命科学学院,山东烟台264005摘要:对采自烟台大学校园的一株多脂鳞伞(P-YD01)进行了形态学及ITS序列分析鉴定,并对其菌丝生物学特性、最佳培养基配方及驯化栽培进行等进行了研究。
关键词:多脂鳞伞;菌丝生物学特性;培养基;驯化;栽培中图法分类号:S736.15文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-2324(2023)05-0650-07 Mycelial Biological Characteristics and Domestication,CultivationExperiment of Pholiota adiposa P-YD01WU Yao-yue,CHENG Xin-rong,HUANG Yu-ke,ZHU Ren-qi,CHEN Wen-si, ZHANG Da-chun,CHU Yang*College of Life Sciences/Yantai University,Yantai264005,ChinaAbstract:A strain of Pholiota adiposa(P-YD01)taken from the campus of Yantai University was analyzed and identified by morphological identification and ITS sequence analysis,and its mycelial biological characteristics,optimal medium formulation and domestication and cultivation were studied.The results show that the optimal carbon and nitrogen sources of P-YD01are D-fructose and beef extract,and the optimal culture temperature is25°C-30°C,and the optimal growth pH is at 5.0.It is found that P-YD01grows fastest in cornmeal primary medium,the optimal mushroom season should be fall,and the optimal cultivation medium is cottonseed shell medium.In addition,scratching mycelium operation for Pholiota adiposa can significantly improve its primodium emergence neatness and fruiting body homogeneity.Keywords:Pholiota adiposa;mycelial biological characteristic;culture medium;domestication;cultivation大型真菌,又称蕈菌,在自然界中种类繁多,分布广泛,且具有丰富营养[1,2]。
Circadian gene expression patterns ofandin the chick pineal glandHeike Holthues *,Lydia Engel,Rainer Spessert,Lutz VollrathDepartment of Anatomy,Johannes Gutenberg University,55099Mainz,GermanyReceived 27October 2004AbstractThe directly light-sensitive chick pineal gland contains at least two photopigments.Pinopsin seems to mediate the acute inhib-itory effect of light on melatonin synthesis,whereas melanopsin may act by phase-shifting the intrapineal circadian clock.In the present study we have investigated,by means of quantitative RT-PCR,the daily rhythm of photopigment gene expression as mon-itored by mRNA levels.Under a 12-h light/12-h dark cycle,the mRNA levels of both pigments were 5-fold higher in the transitional phase from light to dark than at night,both in vivo and in vitro.Under constant darkness in vivo and in vitro,the peak of pinopsin mRNA levels was attenuated,whereas that of melanopsin was not.Thus,whereas the daily rhythm of pinopsin gene expression is dually regulated by light plus the intrapineal circadian oscillator,that of melanopsin appears to depend solely on the oscillator.Ó2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:Melanopsin;Pinopsin;Gene expression;Pineal gland;Circadian rhythm;ChickLight applied in the scotophase has two distinct ef-fects in the isolated chick pineal gland:it acutely inhibits melatonin synthesis and it phase-shifts the intrapineal circadian oscillator that drives melatonin synthesis (for a review see [1]).Inhibitory and phase-shifting effects ap-pear to be mediated by two different transduction path-ways [2],which are probably separated from their origin,suggesting that different photopigments are in-volved [3,4].The photopigment(s)that start the respec-tive cascade have not as yet been identified,although there are at least two candidates,viz.pinopsin and melanopsin.Pinopsin is an opsin-like protein whose gene is exclu-sively expressed in the pineal gland [5,6].Pinopsin mRNA levels of chickens kept under a 12-h light/12-h dark schedule (LD 12:12)undergo diurnal fluctuations with peaks during the second half of the day and troughs during the dark.The light-induced up-regula-tion of pinopsin gene expression has also been observed in pineal organs in vitro,although to a lesser degree than in vivo [7].Pinopsin gene expression is supposed not to be under the control of the intrapineal circadian clock,since no rhythm in the amount of pinopsin mRNA in constant darkness has been demonstrated so far [7].This behaviour is in contrast to the gene expression of several retinal photoreceptive molecules,that all show a clear circadian rhythm with peaks near the transition between the subjective day and the subjective night and troughs during the subjective night [8–11].Although the precise role of pinopsin is unclear,several features make it likely that it contributes to mediating the acute effect of light [12,13].Melanopsin was first isolated from the photosensitive melanophores of Xenopus laevis [14].In non-mammals,melanopsin is expressed in photoreceptive structures such as the pineal [15,16].In mammals,a homologue of melanopsin is expressed in a photosensitive subset of retinal ganglion cells that project to the suprachias-matic nucleus (SCN),the central circadian pacemaker0006-291X/$-see front matter Ó2004Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2004.11.022*Corresponding author.Fax:+4961313923719.E-mail (H.Holthues)./locate/ybbrcBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326(2005)160–165BBRC[17].This tissue localization has raised the possibility that melanopsin mediates the entraining and hence phase-shifting effect of light.Various studies with mela-nopsin knockout mice have confirmed that melanopsin is an important molecule in the photoreceptive system for the entrainment of the circadian rhythm in mammals [18].An avian homologue of melanopsin has been iden-tified in the chick pineal gland[19].Chicken melanopsin has a high homology(72%amino acid identity)to Xeno-pus melanopsin and is exclusively expressed in the para-follicular cells of the pineal and in non-photoreceptor cells of the retina[1].In contrast to pinopsin,nothing is known about the behaviour of melanopsin gene expression in the chicken pineal gland under various lighting conditions.Tofill this gap,we have investigated the changes in melanopsin mRNA levels under an LD12:12cycle and under con-stant darkness,both in vivo and in vitro,by utilizing quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR)and comparing these changes with those of pinopsin mRNA levels at the corresponding time points.Materials and methodsAnimals and organ cultures.One-day-old chickens(Leghorns)were purchased from Schwerk(Wistedt,Germany).They were maintained for7–9days with food and water ad libitum under a12-h light/12-h dark(LD12:12)schedule with lights on at Zeitgeber time(ZT)0and lights offat ZT12or transferred to constant darkness(DD)on day8. Light was provided by using lumilux deluxe‘‘daylight’’fluorescent tubes(Osram,Munich,Germany),with an intensity of400lux near the cages.For the in vivo experiments,pineal glands were dissected out on days7–9at the indicated time points under the various light conditions and frozen atÀ70°C until RNA-isolation was carried out.During the dark phase,dissections were carried out under dim red light.For the in vitro experiments,pineal glands were taken from chickens that had been kept under the LD-cycle for6days.The pineal glands were quickly dissected out under sterile conditions between ZT 8and ZT10,and collected in culture dishes containing HanksÕbal-anced salt solution(Sigma,Taufkirchen,Germany).The glands were cultured in Medium199(Gibco,Karlsruhe,Germany)supplemented with2.2g/L NaHCO3,25mM Hepes,1g/L BSA,2mM glutamine, 100U/ml penicillin,and0.1mg/ml an cultures were maintained in a CO2incubator(Heraeus,Hanau,Germany)at37°C under an atmosphere of95%O2and5%CO2under the same lighting schedule as that in vivo for1day.Light inside the incubator(700lux) was provided by adjustable white-light-emitting diodes(Everlight Electronics Europe,Karlsruhe,Germany)with k max=483nm,which is close to the absorption maximum of pinopsin of470nm[5,6].On day2in culture,the LD12:12lighting schedule was either maintained or glands were cultured under DD.Glands were collected throughout the second day at the indicated time points under the various light conditions and frozen atÀ70°C until RNA-isolation was performed. During the dark phase,the collection was performed under dim red light.RNA isolation.The RNA of3–5pooled pineals was isolated by using the RNeasy Mini kit(Qiagen,Hilden,Germany)following the instructions of the manufacturer.The amount of extracted RNA was determined by measurement of the optical density at260and280nm.Reverse transcription.Extracted RNA(1l g)was reverse-tran-scribed by using4U Omniscript reverse transcriptase(Qiagen,Hilden, Germany)in a total volume of20l l,containing2.0l l of10·buffer (supplied with the transcriptase),0.5mM each deoxynucleotide tri-phosphate,10U ribonuclease inhibitor(Ambion,Huntingdon,United Kingdom),and1l M oligo(dT)primer(MWG Biotech,Ebersberg, Germany).A sample without added RNA was routinely included as a control.The reverse transcription(RT)mixture was incubated at37°C for60min to promote cDNA synthesis.The reaction was terminated by heating the sample at95°C for5min.cDNA was diluted1:5or1:25 in RNAse-free distilled water and aliquots of5l l were used for the polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Real-time PCR.Real-time PCR was carried out in a total volume of25l l containing12.5l l absolute QPCR SYBR Green Fluorescein Mix(Abgene,Hamburg,Germany),0.75l l primer(10mM)each,5l l sample,and6l l distilled water.New primers were designed by uti-lizing the software Primer designer5,version5.1(Scientific and Edu-cational Software,Cary,USA).For amplification of pinopsin cDNA (Gallus gallus pinopsin cDNA,GenBank Accession No.U15762)the following primers were used:(forward)50-TGG TGA ATG GGC TGG TCA TC-30and(reverse)50-TCC TCC TGC CAA ACA CGA AG-30.Melanopsin cDNA(Gallus gallus melanopsin cDNA,GenBank Accession No.AY036061)was amplified by using primers(forward) 50-TAT GCA ATA ATT CAC CCG AGA-30and(reverse)50-CTT GGT CCT TCC AGC AAG AG-30.PCR amplification and quanti-fication was performed in an i-Cycler(Bio-Rad,Munich,Germany)as follows:activation of the enzyme at95°C for15min followed by40 cycles of30s at95°C,30s at62°C,and25s at72°C.All amplifi-cations were carried out in duplicate.The purity of the amplification products was confirmed by both the melting curve and gel electro-phoresis.The amount of RNA was calculated from the measured threshold cycles(C t)by a standard curve.Data were normalized by determination of the amount of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy-drogenase(GAPDH)mRNA(chicken GAPDH cDNA,GenBank Accession No.K01458).For the amplification of GAPDH cDNA,the following primers were used:(forward)50-ACC ACT GTC CAT GCC ATC AC-30and(reverse)50-TCC ACA ACA CGG TTG CTG TA-30 [20].ResultsThe mRNA levels of melanopsin in chickens main-tained under a LD12:12lighting schedule underwent diurnalfluctuations similar to those of pinopsin mRNA levels(Fig.1A).Both melanopsin mRNA levels and pinopsin mRNA levels were low in the early morning (between ZT0and ZT6).They started to increase in the middle of the daytime(ZT6)by about5-fold and reached their maximum levels between ZT10and ZT 12.Melanopsin mRNA levels decreased after lights offand returned to low nocturnal levels within4–6h.The diurnal rhythm of both transcripts persisted in organ culture with nearly the same amplitude as that in vivo (Fig.1B).In constant darkness,pinopsin mRNA levels showed only a small increase(about2-fold)during the late subjective day,both in vivo and in vitro(Figs.2A and B);this was also observed on the second day under DD(data not shown).Pinopsin mRNA levels increased again by about5-fold upon exposure to light(data not shown).By contrast,the circadian rhythm of melanop-sin mRNA levels with about5-fold increases in the lateH.Holthues et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications326(2005)160–165161subjective day and troughs during the subjective night persisted and was even slightly enhanced under constant darkness,both in vivo and in vitro(Figs.2A and B). DiscussionThe present results confirm that,when chickens or their isolated pineal glands are kept under LD12:12, pineal pinopsin mRNA formation increases during the second half of the light phase,followed by troughs during the dark phase[7].However,the following differences have been noted.In our hands,pinopsin mRNA forma-tion in pineal glands cultured in vitro under LD12:12 exhibited distinctly greater oscillations than those ob-served by Takanaka et al.[7](5-fold versus1.5-fold) and,more importantly,under DD,a circadian rhythm was clearly detectable.The differences observed are prob-ably explicable by the usage of different methodologies. Whereas we used the highly sensitive real-time RT-PCR,Takanaka et al.[7]measured pinopsin mRNA for-mation by Northern blot analysis,which,as shown for chick retinal cryptochrome1(Cry1)mRNA formation, yields smaller daily amplitudes[21].Takanaka et al.[7]have concluded from the absence of a circadian cycle of pinopsin mRNA formation under DD in vivo that pinop-sin gene expression is regulated by light signals,indepen-dently of the circadian clock.As,in the present study,a clear circadian rhythm of the amount of formed pinopsin mRNA was demonstrable under DD,both in vivo and in vitro,the concept of a circadian clock-independent regu-lation of pinopsin gene expression[7]is no longer tenable. The picture that emerges is that,in addition to exogenous regulation by light,there is a distinct circadian compo-nent in pinopsin mRNA formation.Thus,pinopsin in the chick pineal does not differ from retinal photopig-ments,as far as their circadian rhythmicity is concerned [8–11].In view of the presence of circadian oscillators in retina,suprachiasmatic nucleus,and the pineal gland, the question can be asked as to which of the oscillators is accountable for the presently observed circadian compo-nent.Because the circadian nocturnal increases are equally pronounced in vitro,when the gland is no longer under the control of the retina and/or the suprachias-matic nucleus,as in vivo,we conclude that the intrapineal circadian oscillator is the primemover.The present study is thefirst to show that melanopsin transcript levels are demonstrable in the chick pineal gland,that they undergo diurnalfluctuations under LD12:12,both in vivo and in vitro,and that thefluctu-ations are basically similar to those of pinopsin mRNA accumulation.In view of what has previously been found regarding the diurnal changes of photopigment transcript levels,thesefindings are not unexpected. However,a surprisingfinding is that,under DD,the daily amplitudes of melanopsin gene expression are not reduced,as is the case for pinopsin mRNA forma-tion.We therefore suspect that the daily rhythm of melanopsin mRNA formation is not primarily regulated by light but by the intrapineal circadian oscillator.In which way may the circadian pacemaker control the gene expression of melanopsin and pinopsin?The endogenous rhythmicity of the pacemaker is derived from cell-autonomous feedback loops.In the chick pineal gland,clock genes cClock,cBmal1/2,cPer2,and cCry1/ 2,and their protein products comprise feedback loops in which a cCLOCK-cBMAL1/2heterodimer binds to a CACGTG E-box element in the promoter region of cPer2thus activating its transcription[22].cPER2-cCRY1/2heterodimers in turn inhibit the cCLOCK-cBMAL1/2complex,resulting in the suppression of cPer2transcription.Recently,an E-box sequence has also been found in the promoter region of the pinopsin gene [23].Therefore,the circadian regulation of pinopsin tran-scription might be mediated through the E-box.The pres-ence of a corresponding E-box element in the promoter region of the melanopsin gene remains to be determined.Finally,the question arises as to which of the two investigated pineal photopigments is the most likely can-didate for mediating the circadian entrainment of mela-tonin synthesis in the chick pineal gland.In mammals, there is clear evidence that the acute inhibitory effect of light on melatonin synthesis involves the classical photo-receptors and their opsins[24].The entraining effect of light appears to be mediated by the melanopsin present in retinal non-rod and non-cone cells[25].Whether the expression of mammalian melanopsin in the retinal gan-glion cells is light-induced or under the control of a circadian pacemaker is not yet known.In view of the sit-uation in mammals,it is tempting to postulate that mel-anopsin also exerts an entraining function in the chick pineal gland.Perhaps,as presently shown,the expression of melanopsin is tightly coupled to the intrapineal circa-dian oscillator to allow melanopsin-mediated processes in the cell to feed back onto the oscillator. 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单位代码:10019 学 号:S13070773
长期镉胁迫对莱茵衣藻的毒性及 对光合系统的影响
Toxic effects of long-term cadmium stress on growth and photosystem of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
To research the changes in physiology after long-term cadmium stress, we measured the growth curve, the contents of chlorophyll and MDA, and the activity of peroxidase. The results showed that cadmium had no obvious inhibitory effect on the growth and the synthesis of chlorophyll, while the contents of MDA and the activity of POD was increased, indicated that there was occurring oxidative stress.
The problem of cadmium pollutant in the aquatic ecosystem affects the growth and reproduction of microorganisms and algae. Cadmium can be accumulated in the food chain and therefore affects the food safety and humans’ health. There are many researches focus on the effects of cadmium on algae at the short-term stress, but ralely at the long-term stress. In this study, we used the eukaryotic unicellular chlorophyte Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as material. The wild type Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC125 and the cell wall-deficient mutant CC406 were both grown at the stressed of 10 μg L-1 and 100 μg L-1 CdCl2 for over about 7 months’ subculture. To explore the toxic effects of cadmium on Chlamydomonas reinhardti after the long-term stress, we researched the changes in growth, physiology, photosynthetic system, expression of two key genes and the cadmium adsorption rate.
材 料 与 方 法
迫 的影 响 。水 胁 迫 、 金属 处 理 、 冷 、 旱 或病 原 1 共 生体 形 成有 关 的菌株 重 寒 干 . 1
物侵 染 和 盐胁 迫 等 都会 诱 导 LT 基 因 的表 达 , Ps 而
华 癸 中 慢 生 根 瘤 菌 ( sr io im u k i Meohz bu h a ui 且个 体 的表达水 平 与 植 株 的 生 长 阶段 、 织 类 型 及 7 5 R) 组 6 3 和摩 西 球 囊 霉 ( o smosa ) Glmu se e 均来 自华 作用 因素 有着 密切 关 系_ 。 8 ] 中农 业大 学农 业微 生物 学 国家重 点实 验室共 生 固氮 前期 研究 中 , 通过抑 制 差减 杂交技 术 , 离 获得 课题 组保 存 的纯化 菌株 。 分
L TP(ii ta se rti) 广 泛 存 在 于 植 和 AsB2 9编 码 非 特 异 性 脂 质转 运 蛋 白 n I 1 1 d rn frp oe 是 p n l 5 s , TP T 1氨 基 酸 序 列 具 有 较 高 的 同源 物、 动物 和微 生物 中的一类 脂质 转移 蛋 白 , 其共 同特 与 多 种 植 物 的 L P 性 _ 。吴梅 等E] 发 现 在 紫 云 英 与 华 癸 中慢 生 根 g ] l还 O 征 是含 有 8 位 点高度 保 守 的半 胱 氨酸残 基 。根据 个 蛋 白特 性 、 对分 子质 量 和等 电点等 一些 特征 , 相 可分 瘤 菌共 生体 系 中增强 表达 的结 瘤素 基 因对 共生 固氮 在 为 L 1 L P 个 家族 _ ] 大多数 植物 的 L 具 有重 要作 用 。因 此 , 根 瘤 中特 异 或 增 强 表达 的 TP 和 T 22 1, TP f P基 因 , 大可 能也 在豆科 根 瘤 的共 生 固氮 中具 很 属于 L P T 1家 族 。大 量 研 究 表 明 : TP L 1在 植 物 的 Lr 然 生长发 育过 程 中可 能具 有 多 种 功 能 , 括 参 与脂 类 有 重要 作用 , 而 目前 人 们 对 其 具体 功 能 及 作用 机 包 的转运 [ 、 与植 物角 质层 和蜡 质层 的合成 _ 、 3参 ] 4 增加 制 的认 识还 远远 不够 。本 试验 研究 紫 云英共 生表达 ] 的非特 异性 转脂 蛋 白编 码基 因 As 4 E2 6和 AsB 5 l29 细胞 壁 的延 展 性 ¨ 、 与 植 物 对 病 原 菌 的 防 御 反 5参 ] 在根瘤 发 育和 固氮 过 程 中的组 织 和 时空 表 达特 性 , 应 [ 与植物 抵抗 非 生 物 胁 迫 l 及 花 粉 成 熟 [ 有关 、 6 l ] 探 讨根 瘤 特异 的转脂 质蛋 白基 因是 否参 与非 生物 因 等 。LT 基 因属 于 一 个 小 的多 基 因家 族 , 同 的 Ps 不 素重 金属 的胁 迫应 答 , 旨在 为 深 入研 究 其 在 共 生 固 LT 基 因编 码 相 似 的 蛋 白质 , Ps 同一 家 族 不 同 的 成 氮和胁 迫 应答 中的功能及 机 制提供 基 础和依 据 。 员具有 不 同 的表 达 模 式 , 同时 每 个 基 因 的表 达 模 式 受植 物 的生长发 育 阶段 、 剖结构 、 物或非 生物 胁 1 解 生
分子生物学作业:翻译沃森和克里克于1953年发表在《科学杂志》上的关于DNA双螺旋模型的论文Nature科学杂志Equipment,and to Dr. G. E. R. Deacon and the captain and officers of R.R.S.Discovery II for their part,in making the observations.Molecular structure of nucleic acids核酸分子结构A structure for Deoxyribose nucleic acid脱氧核糖核酸的结构We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid (D.N.A). This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.我们希望去提出一种结构是刺激性的脱氧核糖核酸即DNA。
A structure for nucleic acid has already been proposed by Pauling and Corey2.鲍林和科瑞提出了核酸的结构。
they kindly made their manuscript available to us in advance of publication.在他们出版前,他们爽快的将对他们有用的手稿给我们。
Their model consists of three intertwined chains,with the phosphates near the fibre axis,and the bases on the outside.他们提出的模型由三个缠绕的链组成,以磷酸盐靠近纤维轴线并且盘绕在外部。
Constitutive Expression of the CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED
Cell,Vol.93,1207–1217,June 26,1998,Copyright ©1998by Cell PressConstitutive Expression of the CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1(CCA1)Gene Disrupts Circadian Rhythms and Suppresses Its Own Expressionfunction by regulatingtranscription (Dunlap,1996).How-ever,only the WC-2protein has been shown to bind to DNA (Crosthwaite et al.,1997;Linden and Macino,1997).The demonstration that WC-2is a component of the circadian oscillator also supports a central role of the Zhi-Yong Wang †and Elaine M.Tobin*Department of Molecular,Cell,and Developmental Biology UCLALos Angeles,California 90095-1606circadian clock in light responses of Neurospora ,since the wc-2mutant is defective in almost all photore-sponses (Crosthwaite et al.,1997).Recently,putative Summaryclock component genes have also been identified in mammals (King et al.,1997;Sun et al.,1997;Tei et al.,The CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED 1(CCA1)gene 1997).encodes a MYB-related transcription factor involved There is a wide range of processes in plants that show in the phytochrome induction of a light-harvesting a circadian rhythm.These include movement of organs chlorophyll a /b -protein (Lhcb)gene.Expression of the such as leaves and petals,stomata opening,stem elon-CCA1gene is transiently induced by phytochrome and gation,sensitivity to light of floral induction,metabolic oscillates with a circadian rhythm.Constitutive ex-processes such as respiration and photosynthesis,and pression of CCA1protein in transgenic plants abol-expression of a large number of different genes (Bu ¨nn-ished the circadian rhythm of several genes with dra-ing,1936;and reviewed by Piechulla,1993;McClung matically different phases.These plants also had and Kay,1994;Anderson and Kay,1996;Kreps and Kay,longer hypocotyls and delayed flowering,develop-1997).It is believed that the circadian rhythm of gene mental processes regulated by light and the circadian expression is part of the underlying mechanism for clock.Furthermore,the expression of both endoge-many,if not all,of the rhythms in metabolic and develop-mental processes.nous CCA1and the related LHY gene was suppressed.Most of the circadian-regulated genes studied pre-Our results suggest that CCA1is a part of a feedback viously are related to photosynthesis and have a peak loop that is closely associated with the circadian clock level of expression in the morning.A few exceptions in Arabidopsis.include the cold,circadian rhythm RNA binding protein 2(CCR2/AtGRP7)gene (Carpenter et al.,1994;Heintzen Introductionet al.,1997)and the Catalase3(CAT3)gene (Zhong and McClung,1996),which peak in the evening.The rhyth-Photoreceptors and circadian clocks are universal mic expression of these genes is thought to reflect out-mechanisms for sensing and responding to the light puts from the circadian oscillator.The CCR2/AtGRP7environment.The phase of circadian rhythms can be protein has been shown to be involved in the oscillation set by light and dark transitions,but these rhythms can of its own transcript and the transcript of a related gene.persist even in the absence of such external time cues.However,it is not involved in the circadian rhythms of In addition to regulating daily activities,photoreceptors other genes and is therefore believed to be a slave oscil-and circadian clocks are also involved in the seasonal lator that is part of an output pathway of the master regulation of processes such as flowering,a develop-clock (Heintzen et al.,1997).mental response to day length called photoperiodism There is an intimate relationship between certain pho-(Thomas and Vince-Prue,1997).However,although the toreceptors and the circadian clock,including the en-importance of circadian rhythms in plant growth and trainment and resetting of the clock by light,the “gating”development has long been recognized,and Arabi-of photoreceptor activity by the clock,and the concerted dopsis mutants with altered clock function have been action of photoreceptors and circadian clocks on com-isolated (Millar et al.,1995a),no clock component has mon cellular and physiological processes (Johnson,yet been identified in plants.1994;Millar and Kay,1997).In plants,phototransduc-tion not only sets the phase,but also affects the ampli-Studies of the clock mechanisms of Neurospora and tude and period of circadian rhythms (Millar et al.,Drosophila have demonstrated that in these organisms 1995b).Members of the phytochrome family of plant the central oscillating mechanisms involve a feedback photoreceptors,which can exist in two photochemically loop whereby transcription is inhibited as a result of the interconvertible forms and are involved in regulation of accumulation of the encoded proteins (Dunlap,1996).plant development and growth (Quail,1997),play impor-Clock genes isolated in both organisms,FRQ and WC-2tant roles in regulating clock activities (Millar and Kay,of Neurospora and PER and TIM of Drosophila ,satisfy 1997;Thomas and Vince-Prue,1997).Many of the genes a set of basic criteria proposed for components of the regulated by phytochrome are also regulated by the circadian oscillator (Aronson et al.,1994;Kay and Millar,circadian clock (Piechulla,1993).1995;Dunlap,1996;Crosthwaite et al.,1997).These The Lhcb gene family (previously designated CAB ;genes encode nuclear proteins that are predicted toJansson et al.,1992),which encodes apoproteins of the light-harvesting complex associated with photosystem II,has been one of the model systems for studies of *To whom correspondence should be addressed.both phytochrome and circadian regulation of gene ex-†Present address:Plant Biology Laboratory,Salk Institute,San Diego,California 92186.pression.These studies have led to the identification ofCell1208A1Expression Oscillates with aDiurnal RhythmArabidopsis plants were grown and main-tained on soil in LD12:12for3weeks,thenseedlings were collected about every4hr.CCA1protein was detected with affinity-puri-fied anti-CCA1antibodies after blotting.TheLhcb1*1RNA was detected by quantitativeRT-PCR.Open and closed bars representlight and dark photoperiods,respectively.Time0,light-on of the day the first samplewas taken.promoter elements involved in phytochrome induction Resultsas well as promoter regions important for the circadianrhythm of gene expression(Anderson and Kay,1995;Expression of the CCA1Gene Showsa Diurnal RhythmCarre´and Kay,1995;Kenigsbuch and Tobin,1995).Sev-We measured the levels of CCA1protein during growth eral protein factors interacting with some of these pro-of seedlings in a12hr light and12hr dark photoperiod moter regions have also been identified;however,in(LD12:12).Figure1shows that CCA1protein was ex-vivo function has only been demonstrated for one ofpressed rhythmically,with peak levels occurring around these factors(Wang et al.,1997).These studies have1hr after dawn.The diurnal rhythm of the expression also demonstrated the intimate link between phyto-of the Lhcb1*1gene is also shown.The peaks for the chrome regulation and the circadian clock in regulatingCCA1protein occur slightly earlier than those of the transcription(Nagy et al.,1993;Millar and Kay,1996;Lhcb RNA.These results are consistent with our previ-Anderson et al.,1997).ous observation that CCA1is an activator of Lhcb tran-We have previously isolated and characterized a tran-scription and is of primary importance in the regulated scription factor,designated CCA1,which binds to a re-expression of the Lhcb genes.They also suggested that gion of an Arabidopsis Lhcb promoter(Lhcb1*3)that isthe expression of CCA1might be regulated by a circa-necessary for its phytochrome responsiveness(Wangdian rhythm and be responsible for the circadian rhythm et al.,1997).CCA1is a Myb-related protein that bindsof the expression of Lhcb at least two of the Lhcb genes of Arabidopsis,Lhcb1*1and Lhcb1*3,at a sequence that is conserved in Lhcbgenes of many A1RNA showed a transientConstitutive Expression of CCA1Resultsincrease when etiolated seedlings were transferred toin Longer Hypocotyls and Substantiallywhite light,and this increase preceded the increase inDelayed FloweringLhcb RNA.Most importantly,expression of antisenseIn order to investigate the functions of CCA1,we trans-CCA1RNA in transgenic plants reduced the phyto-formed Arabidopsis plants with a fusion construct that chrome induction of the Lhcb1*3gene,demonstratingplaced the coding region of the CCA1cDNA under the that CCA1can act as a transcriptional activator of thiscontrol of the CaMV35S promoter,which directs consti-gene in vivo.It has also been shown that a36bp regiontutive high-level expression in plants.From53primary of the closely related Lhcb1*1promoter that is sufficienttransformants,we obtained homozygous seeds of33 to confer a circadian rhythm of expression to a reportertransformed lines that each had a single site of insertion gene(Carre´and Kay,1995)is bound by CCA1(Wang etfor further analysis.These lines(CCA1-ox plants)dis-al.,1997).played a range of alterations in hypocotyl length and in We have now further investigated the role of CCA1flowering time.Figure2A shows the range of hypocotyl and have found that it plays a central role in circadian lengths in wild types and a sample of CCA1-ox trans-regulation.It has satisfied many of the criteria expected genic lines for five-day-old seedlings grown in LD16:8 for a component of the circadian oscillator,including photoperiods.In14of the17transgenic lines tested, rhythmic expression,disruption of multiple circadian the hypocotyl length was significantly longer than wild rhythms by its constitutive expression,being subject to type.Figure2B shows the time to bolting for23of the negative feedback regulation,and being induced by CCA1-ox transgenic lines,representing the range seen light signals.In the accompanying paper,the discovery in all33lines.Many of the transgenic lines showed a and characterization of a closely related gene,LHY,is substantial delay in flowering.In the most extreme case, described.Overexpression of LHY caused similar long flowering was delayed until56days,while the wild-type hypocotyl and late flowering phenotypes as the overex-plants bolted to flower in about22–24days.The number pression of CCA1(Schaffer et al.,1998,this issue of of rosette leaves at the time of bolting is also shown in Cell).Together our findings demonstrate that CCA1and Figure2B.The correlation of the number of leaves with LHY are closely associated with the circadian clock in the bolting time in both wild-type and the transgenic Arabidopsis.They also provide a possible molecular link plants indicates that the delayed flowering was due to for light and circadian clock regulation of gene expres-developmental regulation rather than a general growth sion and plant development.defect.A Circadian Clock–Associated Gene of Arabidopsis1209Figure2.Constitutive Expression of CCA1Protein Affects Hypocotyl Growth in Light andCauses Delayed Flowering(A)CCA1-ox plants have longer hypocotylsthan wild-type plants.Average hypocotyllengths(ϮSD)of wild-type and different linesof CCA1-ox transgenic plants grown for5days in LD16:8light cycles.Col,wild type,Columbia ecotype;WS,wild type,WS eco-type;o3–o39,CCA1-ox lines in Col back-ground;6-1a,CCA1-ox in WS background.(B)CCA1-ox transgenic plants have delayedflowering in long-day(LD16:8)photoperiods.Mean time to bolting(closed bars)and theaverage number of rosette leaves(openbarsϮSD)are shown for wild-type(WT)andCCA1-ox transgenic lines(3–2c3).(C)The CCA1protein level and the severityof the phenotypes are correlated in differenttransgenic lines.Scatter plots illustrating thecorrelation between the relative level of CCA1protein and hypocotyl lengths(left)or boltingtime(right)in a wild-type sample(open sym-bol)and eleven CCA1-ox lines(closed sym-bols).The relative levels of CCA1protein indark-grown seedlings were determined byWestern blotting.The hypocotyl lengths andbolting times are as shown in Figures2A and2B.r,correlation coefficient.P,levelof signifi-cance.We demonstrated the dominant nature and cosegre-CCA1Shows a Circadian Rhythm of ExpressionThe observations of a diurnal rhythm of CCA1expres-gation of the late flowering and longer hypocotyl pheno-types with the inserted transgene by analysis of the T2sion and alteration of flowering time of the CCA1-ox generation of five randomly selected lines and of the F2transgenic plants led us to test whether CCA1itself was population of the back-crossing of plants homozygous regulated by the circadian clock and how its overexpres-for the insertion to wild-type plants.In all cases,coseg-sion affected the circadian rhythm of Lhcb gene expres-regation was observed(data not shown).sion.Figure3A shows that when wild-type plants weretransferred from growth in LD12:12photoperiods into If the phenotypes were caused by the ectopic expres-sion of the CCA1protein,the severity of the phenotypes continuous light(LL),the levels of CCA1RNA and protein would be expected to correlate with the CCA1proteinshowed a circadian oscillation,both with peak levels quantity in the different transgenic lines.Figure2C dem-occurring around subjective dawn.Also shown is the onstrates that this is indeed the case for both the longercircadian rhythm of the Lhcb1*1RNA,which peaked hypocotyl and delayed flowering phenotypes for11ran-about4–8hr after subjective dawn.domly selected independent transgenic lines.Sinceboth hypocotyl elongation and flowering are develop-Constitutive Expression of CCA1Abolishesmental processes primarily regulated by light and thethe Circadian Rhythm of Lhcb1*1Genecircadian clock,these observations suggested that Expression in Continuous Light(LL)CCA1has important functions in light responses andWhen the CCA1-ox plants were transferred to continu-circadian rhythms in addition to the expression of Lhcb ous light for an extended period,the circadian rhythm genes.of the endogenous Lhcb1*1gene was absent.FigureCell1210Figure4.Constitutive Expression of CCA1Disrupts Normal Circa-Figure3.Constitutive Expression of CCA1Protein Abolishes thedian Rhythms of Lhcb1*1,CAT3,and CCR2Genes in LL Conditions Circadian Rhythm of Lhcb1*1RNA Expression in LLExpression of Lhcb1*1(A),CAT3(B),and CCR2(C)RNAs in wild-CCA1RNA,CCA1protein,and Lhcb1*1RNA levels in wild-type andtype and the CCA1-ox(line o38)plants grown for10days in LD CCA1-ox(line o34)plants after shifting from LD12:12photoperiods12:12photoperiods,then shifted into continuous light(LL)after light-into constant light.Plants were grown for10days on MS2S mediumon of day11(time0).Seedlings were harvested about every4hr. in LD12:12photoperiods,then shifted into constant light after light-The Lhcb1*1and CCR2RNA levels were determined by quantitative on of day11.After25hr,tissue was collected about every3hr forRT-PCR and the CAT3RNA levels by RNA gel blotting.The UBQ10 32hr.Two RNA gel blots were each hybridized with32P-labeledRNA levels were used as an internal control.Values were normalized CCA1or Lhcb1*1RNA probe,and both with UBQ10RNA the lowest value of the wild-type samples.The bar containing Proteins from the same tissue were analyzed by Western blottingopen and hatched boxes shows the subjective light and dark photo-and detected with affinity-purified anti-CCA1antibody.The openperiods,respectively.and shaded bars represent subjective light and dark photoperiods,respectively.that are nearly the opposite of the Lhcb1*1RNA.Further-more,the CAT3RNA level damps to a high level in DD,while the Lhcb and CCR2RNAs damp to a low level 3B shows the expression of the CCA1RNA and protein(Carpenter et al.,1994;Zhong and McClung,1996;Heint-and the Lhcb1*1RNA in CCA1-ox plants transferredzen et al.,1997).A representative experiment comparing from LD12:12cycles into LL.The CCA1RNA was ex-the expression pattern of these genes in LL to that of pressed at a high level,and the CCA1protein was ex-the Lhcb1*1gene in wild-type and CCA1-ox plants is pressed at a constant level similar to the peak levelshown in Figure4.In the wild-type plants,the phase of wild-type plants.Interestingly,the normal circadianof Lhcb1*1RNA oscillation(Figure4A)was nearly the rhythm of the Lhcb1*1RNA was absent in these plants.opposite of that of the CAT3(Figure4B)and CCR2 The Lhcb1*1RNA was constantly expressed at a level(Figure4C)RNAs,as previously observed.In the CCA1-similar to the peak level in wild-type plants.These resultsox plants,the rhythm of expression of the Lhcb1*1gene indicate that the circadian rhythm of the Lhcb1*1RNAwas virtually abolished.The expression patterns of is mediated by the oscillation of the CCA1protein.CCR2and CAT3RNAs were also profoundly affected.Although there was some fluctuation in the CCR2and CCA1-ox Plants Also Show Altered Expression CAT3RNA levels in the CCA1-ox plants,the amplitudes of Additional Circadian Regulated Genes of these fluctuations were reduced compared to wild-in Continuous Light(LL)type plants and they did not show circadian periodicity. We tested whether constitutive expression of CCA1can Similar results were obtained with a second CCA1-ox affect the circadian rhythms of genes that are expressed line(o34).Thus,constitutive expression of CCA1can differently from Lhcb1*1.In wild-type plants,the circa-affect circadian rhythms with different phases in LL con-dian rhythms of the CCR2and CAT3RNAs have phasesditions.A Circadian Clock–Associated Gene of Arabidopsis1211Figure5.Constitutive Expression of CCA1Abolishes the Circadian Oscillation of the Lhcb1*1,CAT3,and CCR2RNAs in DDQuantitation of CCA1,Lhcb1*1,CAT3,and CCR2RNAs after plants grown in LD12:12photoperiods were shifted into DD.Wild-type and CCA1-ox(lines o34and o38)plants were grown in constant light for4days,entrained in LD12:12cycles for6days,then shifted into constant darkness.Samples were taken about every3–4hr.RNA gel blot of total RNA(15g/lane)was hybridized with the probes of the CCA1(A), Lhcb1*1(B),CAT3(C),and CCR2(D)genes.Both autoradiographs and quantitation of the RNA gel blots are shown.The signals of UBQ10 RNA(not shown)were used as the internal control for quantitation.Constitutive Expression of CCA1Causes Arrhythmic a low level of expression.In CCA1-ox plants,CCA1RNA Expression of Lhcb1*1,CAT3,and CCR2RNAlevel increased in the first4hr and then stayed at a level in Constant Darkness(DD)about5-fold higher than the peak level of wild type Plant circadian rhythms often become undetectable(Figure5A).The Lhcb1*1RNA level in wild-type plants after one to two cycles in conditions of prolonged dark-peaked at about16hr after light-off as usually observed ness(DD).There is a mutant(elf3)that is thought to affect(Millar and Kay,1996),though the second,low-ampli-an input pathway to the clock and that has defective tude peak was not obvious in this experiment(Figure5B).In contrast,the Lhcb1*1RNA level decreased on circadian rhythms in LL but not in DD(Hicks et al.,1996).It was therefore of interest to test whether constitutive transfer to DD and showed no oscillation in the CCA1-expression of CCA1affected circadian rhythms in DDox plants(Figure5B).conditions.Plants were entrained in LD12:12cycles The CAT3RNA level peaked first at about27hr after and then transferred and maintained in complete dark-light-off and damped to a high level in wild-type plants ness until tissue was harvested under a green safe light.(Figure5C),similar to what was observed previously(Zhong et al.,1997).In CCA1-ox plants,the CAT3RNA Figure5shows the pattern of expression of four differentgenes that show rhythmic behavior in wild type and level increased for the first24hr and was then main-compares that rhythm to their expression in two linestained at a high level(Figure5C).The circadian phase of CCA1-ox plants.of the expression of CCR2gene was very similar to that In wild-type plants,the CCA1RNA level peaked aboutof the CAT3gene in wild-type plants,but the CCR2RNA 12hr after light-off,and then the oscillation damped to damped to a low level.In CCA1-ox plants,the CCR2Cell1212Figure6.Expression of the LHY Gene andthe Endogenous CCA1Gene Is Suppressedin the CCA1-ox Transgenic Plants(A)Gel blot analysis of the RNA samples usedin Figure4.The blot was hybridized sequen-tially with the RNA probes containing the se-quence of the CCA15Јuntranslated region(UTR),which is not included in the CCA1-oxtransgene,the LHY5ЈUTR,and the UBQ103ЈUTR.Bars represent subjective photoperi-ods.Total RNA(15g)was loaded in eachlane.(B and C)Quantitation of the data shown in(A)normalized to the lowest value of wild-type samples.RNA level increased in the first16hr in DD and then of CCA1RNA,was repressed in the CCA1-ox plants. slowly dropped to a low level,showing no circadianWe also note that the peak of LHY expression in wild-oscillation(Figure5D).These results demonstrate that type plants was slightly earlier than that of CCA1.Thus,constitutive expression of CCA1protein suppressed the the circadian rhythms of Lhcb1*1,CAT3,and CCR2gene expression are all disrupted in the CCA1-ox plants expression and abolished the circadian rhythm of both in DD.CCA1and LHY genes,suggesting the possibility thatthese two genes are part of a feedback regulatory loop. The Rhythmic Expression of Both the EndogenousCCA1Gene and of the LHY Gene Is Repressed CCA1Can Be Transiently Inducedin CCA1-ox Plantsby Phytochrome ActionOur finding that the constitutive expression of CCA1Another requirement expected for a circadian clock disrupted multiple circadian rhythms and at least twocomponent is that the amount or activity should be af-clock-regulated developmental processes,flowering fected by signals that reset the clock(Kay and Millar,1995).In higher plants,the circadian clock can be en-time and hypocotyl elongation,suggested the possibilitythat CCA1might be a component of the circadian oscil-trained and reset by red and far-red light,which is per-lator itself.Because in several other organisms the circa-ceived by phytochrome(Nagy et al.,1993).We tested dian clock comprises a negative auto regulatory feed-whether such light treatments could affect the expres-back loop where the protein products of clock genession level of CCA1.Figure7A shows that a brief red feedback suppress their own gene expression,we illumination of dark-grown plants was sufficient to in-duce a transient increase in CCA1RNA,peaking at about tested whether there might be a feedback regulatorymechanism governing the expression of the CCA1gene.1hr,then declining by8hr to a level lower than before The expression of the endogenous CCA1gene wasthe light treatment.Figure7B shows that the CCA1RNA analyzed in the CCA1-ox plants grown in LD12:12cycles could also be induced by red plus far-red light or far-and transferred into continuous light.Figures6A andred light alone,suggesting that the very low fluence 6B show that while the CCA1RNA level oscillated ro-response mediated by phytochrome A is responsible forthis induction.These results demonstrate that CCA1 bustly in wild-type plants,the expression of the endoge-nous CCA1gene in the CCA1-ox plants remained at a RNA levels can be quickly induced by light signals that constant low level that was equivalent to the trough levelare known to reset the wild-type plants.Similar results were obtained witha second CCA1-ox line(o34).Thus,a high level of CCA1Discussionprotein can cause nearly complete suppression of theCCA1gene in LL conditions.The transcription factor CCA1was originally isolated asa protein binding to an Lhcb promoter and involved in The similarity of the phenotypes of plants constitu-tively expressing CCA1to the gain-of-function lhy mu-the phytochrome regulation of its expression.The re-tant plants described in the accompanying paper(Schaf-sults reported here now make it clear that CCA1is also fer et al.,1998)led us to test whether CCA1can also involved in the circadian rhythm of Lhcb gene expres-cause suppression of the LHY gene.Figures6A and6Csion.Furthermore,CCA1plays an important role in circa-demonstrate that the expression of LHY RNA,like that dian rhythms of expression of additional genes and inA Circadian Clock–Associated Gene of Arabidopsis1213fluence response.Our findings further support the im-portant role of CCA1in the phytochrome induction ofLhcb gene expression.CCA1is also involved in the circadian rhythm of Lhcbgene expression.In wild-type plants,the phase of CCA1oscillation precedes that of Lhcb1*1RNA by about3hr.Such a phase relationship is consistent with CCA1beingan activator for Lhcb genes and its oscillation drivingthe oscillation of the Lhcb RNAs.This is confirmed bythe finding that in the CCA1-ox plants,constitutive ex-pression of CCA1protein caused constitutive Lhcb RNAexpression in LL.We have previously shown that CCA1binds to a36bp promoter region of the Lhcb1*1genethat is sufficient for circadian rhythm of expression(Carre´and Kay,1995;Wang et al.,1997).Therefore,CCA1most likely directly regulates Lhcb gene A1RNA Level Is Induced by Red and Far-Red Light insion by binding to the promoter of these genes. Etiolated SeedlingsThe activity of CCA1on Lhcb gene expression ap-(A)Time course of CCA1RNA induction after a1.5min R treatmentpears to be dependent on light signaling.Whereas the of six-day-old etiolated seedlings.RNA gel blot of samples of totalRNA(15g/lane)was hybridized with an RNA probe synthesized Lhcb1*1RNA was maintained at a high level in CCA1-from CCA1cDNA clone24.ox plants under LL conditions,it dropped steadily after (B)Phytochrome induction of CCA1RNA.Six-day-old etiolated transferring CCA1-ox plants into constant darkness, seedlings were given no treatment(D),30s red light(R),30s redeven though the CCA1RNA was still expressed at a light followed by10min far-red light(R/FR),or10min far-red lighthigh level.We have also observed that etiolated CCA1-(FR)treatment1hr before tissue was A1RNA wasox plants expressed Lhcb RNA at a level similar to that quantitated by competitive RT-PCR.The average of two experi-ments is shown.Similar results were obtained in a third experiment in etiolated wild-type plants(Z.-Y.W.and E.M.T.,un-in which RNA was analyzed by RNA gel blotting.published data),though they expressed the CCA1pro-tein at a high level(Figure2C).These results suggestthat the activation of the Lhcb1*1gene requires light developmental processes regulated by the circadian signal transduction in addition to the presence of CCA1 clock.The fact that the CCA1protein level in the CCA1-protein.Light may activate CCA1either by direct post-ox plants was similar to the peak level in wild-type plants translational modification or by regulating activities of supports the idea that the phenotypes of the CCA1-ox other factors that are required for CCA1function. plants were due to abolishing its rhythmic expressionrather than due to a massive increase over the normalpeak level of the CCA1protein.Along with these find-Constitutive Expression of CCA1Affects Multiple ings,the demonstration that CCA1acts as part of a Circadian-Regulated Processesnegative feedback loop regulating its own expression Although CCA1is a transcription factor for Lhcb gene raises the possibility that CCA1is a part of the clock expression,its function is not limited to the regulation mechanism itself or is closely associated with it.Be-of Lhcb genes.The fact that its constitutive expression cause CCA1is involved in both phytochrome and circa-affected flowering time was the first indication that it dian regulation of gene expression,it may also provide had a function related to circadian rhythms.Indeed,we a molecular link for an understanding of the intimate have found that the constitutive expression of CCA1 relationship between photoreceptors and the circadian resulted in the alteration of a number of physiological clock.and molecular processes that are regulated by the circa-dian clock.Function of CCA1in the Phytochrome InductionIt has been known from physiological studies in both and the Circadian Rhythm of Lhcb plant and animal systems that the circadian clock is Gene Expressioninvolved in photoperiodism(Thomas and Vince-Prue, We have previously shown that CCA1binds to a con-1997).Several mutations that affect circadian rhythmshave been shown to affect photoperiodic responses served promoter element of the Lhcb1*3gene and acti-vates its expression in response to phytochrome induc-also(Hicks et al.,1996;Stirland et al.,1996).Arabidopsis tion.Expression of antisense CCA1RNA reduced theis a facultative long-day plant,with flowering promoted phytochrome induction of Lhcb1*3RNA,and the expres-by long-day photoperiods.The late flowering phenotype sion of CCA1itself was induced by light prior to theof the CCA1-ox plants is,therefore,most likely a result induction of Lhcb1*3RNA(Wang et al.,1997).The obser-of disruption of the circadian rhythm that is involved in vation that CCA1RNA level can be induced by brief redthe normal photoperiodic response.and far-red illumination shows that the light induction The longer hypocotyl phenotype of the CCA1-ox of CCA1in etiolated seedlings is mediated by phyto-plants is also likely to be related to a disruption of a chrome,most probably by the very low fluence response normal circadian clock function.A circadian rhythm in of phytochrome A.Interestingly,a recent report(Kolarthe rate of stem elongation of Chenopodium rubrum has et al.,1998)has shown that in tobacco the phytochrome-been reported(Lecharny and Wagner,1984).Dowson-coupled circadian oscillator is regulated by the very lowDay and Millar have observed that the growth rate of。
中国瓜菜2021,34(2):1-7萝卜(Raphanus sativus L.,2n=18)为十字花科萝卜属蔬菜,主要食用器官为肉质根,可菜用,也可入药,为传统药食同源植物。
根据表型与使用目的,可将栽培萝卜分为5种类型:亚洲大萝卜(R.sati-vus var.hortensis)、欧洲樱桃萝卜(R.sativus、黑萝卜(R.sativus var.niger)、油用萝卜(R. sativus var.chinensis)以及鼠尾萝卜(R.sativus var. caudatus)[2]。
carboxylic acid|羧酶
carboxymethyl cellulose|羧甲基纤维素
capillary electrode|毛细管电极
capillary electrophoresis|毛细管电泳
capillary free electrophoresis|毛细管自由流动电泳
capillary gas chromatography|毛细管气相层析
capillary isoelectric focusing|毛细管等电聚焦
catalytic core|催化核心
catalytic mechanism|催化机理
catalytic RNA|催化性RNA
catalytic selectivity|催化选择性
catalytic site|催化部位
catalytic subunit|催化亚基
cathode ray polarograph|阴极射线极谱仪
cation acid|阳离子酸
cationic acid|阳离子酸
cationic catalyst|正离子催化剂
cationic detergent|阳离子(型)去污剂
cationic பைடு நூலகம்nitiator|正离子引发剂
cationic polymerization|正离子聚合,阳离子聚合
A s a t T edmae f y n mf rl B y p i : s iadi h s l ia rso sswees d du d r b t c : h a g s H p u e i ro s a Mu c) n sp y io cl ep n e r t i n e r o t e( d t og ue
e a e nh nc d UV- r da in f r 3 B a it o we ks o e .Th o e f bo o ial fe i e d s s o il gc l e f ct UV- ir d t n we e 6 9 l m 。d。 y ve B ra i i r 3 d a o
d c e s d w i t e n e e ha ce UV- r dit n wh r a MDA c n e t infc n l ic e s d e r ae t h i u d r n n m d B a ai o ee s o tn sg iia t y n ra e a d h n t eቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
( b n V B rd t n n .1k d eh n e - ai i , b u 0 h h rta mb n U - m e U a i t - ai i )a d90 Jm (n ac dUVB rd t n ao t3 % i e h a i t V B ao ao g n e
P yilgc l ep n e oE h n e B R daino y n m #r t h s o ia R s o sst n a cdUV- a it fH p u o o ae
S HEN e YANG u ,GUO h il ng L i, W S u - a CAO n i To g
第50卷第2期2021年3月福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University ( Natural Science Edition )开花植物CO/FT 分子途径的生物学功能和分子进化罗碧珍,罗永海(福建农林大学生命科学学院,福建福州350002)摘要:开花是被子植物的重要生物学行为,关系到植物种群的维持与繁衍.CONSTANS( CO )和FLOWERING LOCUS T( FT )是植物开花分子调控网络中的2个关键基因,形成CO/FT 途径协同作用,受光周期途径调控,在植物成花转变过程中扮演 枢纽的角色.CO/FT 途径有古老的系统发育源头,在物种进化过程中处于调控个体生长与繁育的核心位置,在同一物种内 或不同物种间存在高度的功能多样性,参与了众多生物学途径或植物器官发育调控.本文总结了 CO/FT 途径及其所在基因家族成员的生物学功能及其分化,结合近年来的新进展,对CO/FT 途径的研究进行了展望.关键词:光周期;CO ; FT ;基因家族;功能分化中图分类号:Q94 文献标识码:A文章编号:1671-5470(2021)02-0155-09DOI :10.13323/ki.j.fafu(nat.sci.) .2021.02.002开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID )The biological function and molecular evolution of CO/FT pathway in flowering plantsLUO Bizhen , LUO Yonghai(College of Life Sciences , Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou , Fujian 350002, China)Abstract : Flowering is a vital biological process for species maintenance and propagation in angiosperm. CONSTANS ( CO ) and FLOWERING LOCUS T ( FT ) are two key genes that involve in the genetic network which regulates plant flowering. The CO and FT genes form a synergistic pathway which is influenced by photoperiod. The CO/FT pathway has an ancient phylogenetic origin and plays pivotal roles in individual growth and reproduction in land plants. In this review , we summarized the biological functions and divergences of the CO/FT pathway , and the members of related gene families , highlighted recent advances in the field , and pro posed the future research directions.Key words : photoperiod ; CO ; FT ; gene family ; functional divergence开花(flowering)是被子植物从营养生长转变为生殖生长的过程,关系着被子植物能否成功繁衍后代, 因而是植物体最重要的生命行为.开花起始受到一系列因子的诱导与调控,主要可以分成两大类:一类是 环境信号,如温度和日照时间的长短等;另一类是植物内源性的变化,如幼年到成年的转变、激素水平的变 化等.这些相互关联的诱导与调控途径主要包括光周期途径(photoperiod pathway )、春化途径(vernalization pathway )、环境温度途径(ambient temperature pathway )、植物激素途径(plant hormone pathway )和自主开花 途径(autonomous flowering pathways ).其中,光周期途径对植物的生长发育具有多方面的影响,除了开花, 它还影响植物器官的发育(例如马铃薯块茎的形成)、叶片的衰老与脱落等.在光周期途径中,CONSTANS (CO )和FLOWERING LOCUS T( FT )基因是起核心作用的两个基因,形成一个分子途径,参与了多个生物 学过程.1光周期转录因子CO1.1 CO 在拟南芥中的功能及分子作用机制CO 是拟南芥中首个被发现的CONSTANS-LIKE( COL )基因成员,其mRNA 和蛋白的表达受光周期的 调控,进而整合生物钟信号和光信号调控开花[3].拟南芥在长日照条件下,CO mRNA 到达高峰出现在午 后,但在短日照条件下却出现在黄昏后⑷.研究表明⑹,开花时间与拟南芥CO 启动子的CTTTACA 重复序收稿日期:2020-05-14 修回日期:2020-10-16基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31771855).作者简介:罗碧珍(1995-),女.研究方向:细胞生物学.Email : *****************.通信作者罗永海( 1977-),男,副教授,博士 .研究方向:甘薯 重要农艺性状的分子调控机制.Email : yonghailuo@ .-156-福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)第50卷列个数的自然变异相关,多个与CYCLING DOF FACTORs(CDFs)同源的DNA BINDING WITH ONE FINGER(DOF)转录因子能够结合CO基因的启动子CTTT位点,参与长日照上午时段CO基因转录的抑制.同时,CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1(CCA1)和LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL(LHY)能够抑制FLAVIN-BINDING.KELCH REPEAT、F-BOX1(FKF1)和GIGANTEA(GI)的转录,后几个基因都对CDFs有负调控作用.在长日照的午后阶段,FKF1和GI以依赖蓝光的方式相互作用,从而诱导CDFs降解,导致CO 的mRNA能在长日照午后积累[6].此外,有研究表明ZEITLUPE(ZTL)也参与了这个过程,GI在核内与ZTL 相互作用,进而使FKF1从ZTL中分离出来,因此,GI通过协调FKF1和ZTL的平衡在精确控制开花中起着关键作用[7].CO蛋白表达的精细调控对诱导成花素基因FT在长日照午后阶段的表达有重要作用.PHYTOCHROME B(PHYB)信号和E3泛素连接酶HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTICALLY RESPONSIVE GENES1 (HOS1)参与了上午CO蛋白的降解冈.在午后阶段,由于CDFs的降解,CO的mRNA不断积累,CO蛋白的积累出现高峰.CRYPTOCHROME(CRY)会以依赖蓝光的方式与SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA-1051(SPA1)和CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1(COP1)复合物结合从而抑制其活性,使得CO蛋白在午后稳定积累⑼.CO蛋白与光敏色素作用因子PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4(PIF4)相互作用并与FT 的启动子结合激活了FT的表达[|0].在黄昏以后,尽管CO mRNA仍能够有较高水平的积累,但是COP1和SPA1的复合物能够高效地降解CO蛋白[11],导致FT的转录激活不能实现.CO通过一段独特的序列元件能够直接与受体DNA结合,这段独特的序列元件包含一致的TGTG(N2-3)ATG基序,该元件也在FT的启动子中存在,使得CO蛋白能够顺利结合并行使功能[12].在短日照条件下,CO通过激活开花抑制因子TERMINAL FLOWER1(TFL1)起抑制开花的作用[13].在生物学上,超级短日照(3h)或者黑暗(有蔗糖)条件下也能促进开花,说明短日照比超级短日照更能抑制开花这一过程[14].另外,近期研究表明[15],CO对遮荫诱导的开花有加速的作用,他通过调节FAR-RED1 (HFR1)的表达量,促进FT、TSF、SOC1和SPLs的表达,导致加速开花.1.2CO在不同物种中的功能保守性CO直系同源基因在众多植物物种广泛存在.水稻光周期敏感基因Heading date1(Hd1)是拟南芥CO 的直系同源基因,在短日照和长日照条件下具有不同的功能.在短日照条件下,Hd1通过诱导Hd3a(拟南芥FT的直系同源基因)促进抽穗,在长日照条件下则抑制抽穗[16].在葡萄中,人们发现VvCO的功能与葡萄开花的季节性周期有关.同时,研究人员也对2个葡萄开花整合基因VFY和V V MADS3(分别是拟南芥LFY和SOC1基因的直系同源基因)进行分析,发现在开花诱导期,潜伏芽中VvCO^VFY和VvMADS S的表达量最高.V”CO主要是在11月表达,VFY和VvMADS S的峰值则分别在1月和12月,提示这些基因之间存在一定时空关联[17].在大麦中,HvCO1的过表达加速了长日照和短日照条件下大麦的开花,并导致长日条件下HvFT1mRNA的上调.研究人员还发现,大麦中HvCO1的下游存在着其他光周期响应因子Ppd-H1.对HvCO1过度表达和Ppd-H1自然遗传变异分离群体的分析表明,HvCO1可能通过激活HvFT1诱导开花,而Ppd-H1独立于HvCO1mRNA的表达水平调节H v FT1[18].兰科植物的花期具有重要的市场价值,为了探究光周期对兰花开花的影响,研究人员在分别在墨兰、春兰、建兰中鉴定和分离出CsCOL1、CgCOL和CeCOL 基因.在拟南芥中异源表达发现CsCOL1和CeCOL能够促进开花,而CgCOL抑制开花[19].总而言之,随着近年来植物科学的快速发展,人们对很多物种的开花性状展开分子生物学研究并取得进展,诸多物种的CO基因家族已经得到分析.这些研究表明,尽管在不同的物种中CO基因行使功能的分子机制存在分化,但它们均与光周期的响应相关,与高等植物的生殖生长有关,显示其具有古老的系统发生历史、在物种进化中具有高度的功能保守性.1.3CO基因家族及其功能分化CO基因家族属于植物特有的锌指转录因子家族,家族成员(即COL基因)含有2个保守的结构域,一个是B-box结构域,即在氨基末端含有一个锌指结构,是由4个半胱氨酸CX2CX16CX2C所形成的特殊结构,参与蛋白与蛋白间相互作用[20].另一个是CCT(CO,COL,TOC1)结构域,该结构域并不只存在于CO第2期罗碧珍等:开花植物CO/FT分子途径的生物学功能和分子进化-157-基因家族里,由靠近羧基端的43个氨基酸组成,具有核定位的功能,能与血红素激活蛋白(HAPS)、COP1相互作用,还可能是一个DNA结合区域[21].拟南芥、水稻和大麦等物种基因组的研究发现,包含至少1个 B-box和1个CCT结构域的CO祖先基因发生了多次基因重复事件.拟南芥基因组有17个COL基因,水稻 有16个COL基因,大麦有9个COL基因[22].根据COL序列信息,CO基因家族可分为3个分支:分支一的成员包含2个B-box(B1和B2)结构域和1个CCT结构域;分支二的成员也包含2个B-box(B1和B2)结构域和1个CCT结构域,但在B2中含有1个额外的锌指结构;分支三的成员仅包含1个B-box(B1)结构域和1个CCT结构域[23].COL基因的功能众多,就开花性状而言,有促进开花的,也有抑制开花的.例如在拟南芥中,与CO基 因不同,COL4是长日照和短日照条件下的开花抑制因子,作用于FT和SOC1等基因[24].在大麦中,HvCO1的过表达和Ppd-H1的自然变异对长日照下的茎伸长有重要影响,HvCO1的过表达转基因植株的茎伸长明显加快,显示其不仅具有影响开花时间的功能[18].在芥菜中‘Phytochrome A signal transduction1(PAT1)与COL13相互作用,由此产生的PAT1-COL13蛋白复合物介导了荠菜芽的分枝,揭示了光敏色素信号与开花途径在调节植物分枝发育过程中新的介导模式,为提高作物产量提供了新的研究方向[25].此外,光敏色素信号与开花途径在生长素水平上也具有一定的调节作用.拟南芥光敏色素(phytochrome B,PhyB)能通过感知红光与远红光的比值(R:FR)进而调节植物的生命活动.拟南芥COL7是连接光感应和生长素水平变化的关键基因[26],在高R:FR中促进了编码生长素生物合成抑制因子SUPERROOT2(SUR2)的mRNA表达,但在低R:FR中并没有促进SUR2的表达,表明COL7以依赖高R:FR的方式调控植物生长素水平.在矮牵牛中,研究人员鉴定到了与拟南芥COL16的同源基因PhCOL16a、PhCOL16b和PhCOL16c,发现这3个基因的表达模式和叶绿素的含量相关.在矮牵牛过表达PhCOL16a可发现植株的花冠呈淡绿色,其叶绿素含量及叶绿素合成关键酶均明显高于野生型.这说明PhCOL16对叶绿素的合成有正向调节作用[27]•此外,近期的研究发现COL基因在调节ROS途径的功能中也发挥着重要作用[28].总之,尽管CO基因家族并不算大,COL基因的功能分化却很明显,除了涉及到茎的伸长、芽的分枝、生长素的水平、叶绿素的合成、ROS途径的调节外,还能影响花苞的开花、块茎的形成、淀粉的形成、细胞周期的调控等(图1).不同的COL基因是否通过相同或类似的机制在行使功能呢?考虑到CO的功能是被光质、光照长度、光周期和其它外部信号影响或激活的,人们有理由推测其它COL蛋白也通过类似的方式进行调节[29],回答这个问题需要人们研究更多物种、更多COL基因的分子作用机制.图1开花植物COL基因的功能分化Fig.1Functional differentiation of CO-likegenes in flowering plants2开花途径整合因子FT2.1FT在拟南芥中的功能及分子作用机制FT蛋白被称为成花素(florigen),是植物开花的关键整合点,可以整合各个开花调控途径信号并将其-158-福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)第50卷传递给下游因子,从而调控植物的开花.主要基于拟南芥的研究表明,拟南芥FT mRNA在叶片中被诱导表达,形成的FT蛋白通过维管束系统被运输到顶端分生组织[30];在分生组织中,FT和FLOWERING LOCUS D(FD)、14-3-3s等蛋白结合形成成花素激活复合体(florigen activation complex,FAC),识别并激活包括APETALA1(4P1)和SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS1(SOC1)等花原基属性下游基因,实现植物从营养生长到生殖生长的转变,即诱导开花[31,32].FT基因的诱导表达是植物开花的关键环节,这个过程受众多上游因子/因素的复合调控,包括一系列的正调控与负调控.其中,CO是FT基因表达的关键正调控因子:CO通过它的CCT结构域结合到FT启动子的CO应答元件上,与同样结合到FT启动子上的NUCLEAR FACTOR Y(NF-Y)一起形成特殊的染色质构象,激活FT基因的表达[|2].其他通路的基因也参与了FT基因表达的调控,包括但不仅限于F-BOX1 (FKF1).SALT TOLERANT(STO,又名BBX24).PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4(P/F4).LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN1(LHP1)、FLOWERING LOCUS C(FLC)和SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SFP)等[33-36].在拟南芥中,除了FT外,开花抑制子(TEKM/N4L FLOWER1,TFL1)也是重要基因之一.FT和TFL1是同源基因,编码一类磷脂酰乙醇胺结合蛋白(PEBPs)基因,PEBPs在细菌、动物和植物生长和器官分化多种信号途径中发挥重要作用[37].除诱导FT外,CO也可直接或间接诱导TFL1的表达,后者可能通过与FD相互作用、削弱了FT与FD之间的结合,从而抑制FT下游几个基因的表达,如LEAFY(LFY)和4P1,从而延迟茎尖分生组织向生殖发育的转变[38].总体上,科学家们对FT在植物成花诱导方面的功能研究已比较深入,但对其在叶片中发挥的作用仍不够很清楚.近期,有研究发现FT能够诱导SWEET10的转录,SWEET10在叶脉中编码蔗糖双向转运体,介导蔗糖的转运.该结果表明FT信号通路可能参与了开花植物能源的分配与利用[39].2.2FT在不同物种中的功能保守性研究表明,FT同源基因在多年生木本植物、禾本科植物、豆科植物、杜鹃花科、观赏性植物等多个物种中均具有促进生殖发育和成花转变的功能,显示其具有高度保守的生物学功能[40-44].例如,Endo et al[40]将柑橘Ci'FT基因cDNA在拟南芥中异源表达,发现其能够促进拟南芥从营养生长到生殖生长的转变;将该基因在枳树中组成型表达,发现转基因植株表现出早花、早果等表型.Wang et al[45]研究表明,在拟南芥中,异源表达银杏FT同源基因G6FT导致拟南芥早开花;RNA-seq和qRT-PCR分析结果表明,G6FT在拟南芥中的异源表达上调了其他与花器官发育、转录因子和乙烯途径有关的内源基因.近期研究表明[46],菟丝子能够“窃听”到寄主植物的开花信号,寄主的FT蛋白能够转运到菟丝子中,与CaFD结合从而启动开花,自身的CaFT则因一个或多个位点的突变导致功能的丧失,无法与CaFD相互作用.系统发育研究表明其共同祖先进化出这种依赖寄主的开花机制.此类研究说明FT蛋白的功能在众多物种中的生物学功能是非常保守的,能够促进植物从营养生长到生殖生长的转变.除此之外,人们发现FT同源基因具有其他方面的功能.例如,Shenha。
方法:采用改良Leibovitz L-15培养基,从幼鱼的卵巢和精巢中分别建立了大黄鱼卵巢细胞系(LYCO)和精巢细胞系(LYCT)。
再通过优化培养基条件以提高LYCO和LYCT的生长速度和增殖能力,包括ZETA-life 胎牛血清(FBS)浓度、不同传代比例、冻存和复苏等。
LYCO表达卵泡细胞的标记基因Foxl 2,而LYCT表达睾丸支持细胞的标记基因Dmrt 1,且LYCO和LYCT不表达生殖细胞标志基因Vasa。
表明LYCO和LYCT 分别由卵泡细胞和睾丸支持细胞组成。
在LYCO和LYCT中分别敲低Dmrt 1和Foxl 2后,获得的细胞系可有效用于RNA介导的干扰(RNAi)实验和基因间相互作用的研究。
原文标题:Establishment and characterization of the gonadal cell lines derived from large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea) for gene expression studies.Doi: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737300发表文章单位:集美大学水产学院农业农村部东海海水健康养殖重点实验室文章引用:Primary culture and subcultureWhen the primary cells were fully expanded, the subculture was started with a 0.25% trypsin digestion method, and the cell culture bottle was gently turned back and forth. The trypsin was sucked out after most of the cells became round, then 3 mL of new culture medium and 2mL of old culture medium were added again. The cells were gently transferred to the new culture bottle for constant temperature culture.The FBS (Zeta-life, Australia Origin, Z7010FBS-500) concentration remained at 16.7% in the early stage of cell culture and gradually decreased to 10% FBS when the cells were passed to passage 20 (P20),and the morphology turned good. During the first 30 subcultures, the cells were split at a ratio of 1:2 every 2–3 days.结果引用:以澳洲胎牛血清FBS (Zeta-life, Australia Origin, Z7010FBS-500)血清进行的LYCO和LYCT的原代培养.A和B分别表示第2天和第5天的LYCO原代培养细胞; C和D分别表示第5天和第7天的LYCT原代培养细胞。
415国家自然科学基金(41402025)资助收稿日期: 2022–05–07; 修回日期: 2022–05–30北京大学学报(自然科学版) 第59卷 第3期 2023年5月Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, Vol. 59, No. 3 (May 2023) doi: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2023.017北京下苇甸地区新元古代景儿峪组–寒武纪府君山组界线硅质角砾形成模式李辰卿 董琳† 沈冰造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室, 北京大学地球与空间科学学院, 北京 100871;† 通信作者,E-mail:****************.cn摘要 为探讨华北板块在新元古代与寒武纪之间沉积间断后再次接受沉积的具体过程和环境变化, 选取北京西山地区下苇甸剖面青白口系景儿峪组和下寒武统府君山组的硅质沉积作为研究对象, 通过沉积学、岩石学及地球化学分析, 发现景儿峪组顶部硅质层及府君山组底部硅质条带角砾具有相似的接近海水的Ge/Si 比值和稀土配分特征, 揭示府君山组硅质条带角砾可能来自下伏景儿峪组。
研究结果还表明, 府君山组底部含角砾白云岩不具有层理, 且其中角砾成分复杂, 磨圆分选程度较低, 排列杂乱, 可能代表一次冰川沉积。
关键词 景儿峪组; 府君山组; 古风化壳; Ge/Si; 稀土元素Formation of Chert Breccia from the Transitional Beddings between Neoproterozoic Jingeryu Formaiton and Cambrian FujunshanFormation in Xiaweidian Section, BeijingLI Chenqing, DONG Lin †, SHEN BingKey Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution (MOE), School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University,Beijing100871;†Correspondingauthor,E-mail:****************.cnAbstract To investigate the specific processes of deposition and environmental changes in the North China Block during Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian when it received deposition again after a depositional hiatus, chert breccia of the Qingbaikou Series Jingeryu Formation and the Lower Cambrian Fujunshan Formation in the Xiaweidian section of Xishan area of Beijing was analyzed. Based on petrological and geochemical studies, chert layers in Jingeryu Formation and chert breccia in the bottom of the overlying Fujunshan Formation have similar Ge/Si ratios and rare earth element patterns. It indicates that Fujunshan chert breccia might originated from Jingeryu Formation. Breccia-bearing dolomite in the bottom of the Fujunshan Formation is block-shaped, without bedding. The breccia is mixed in component and size, with poor sorting and roundness, and disorderly arranged. Breccia-bearing dolomite in the bottom of Fujunshan Formation may represent glacial deposits. Key words Jingeryu Formation; Fujunshan Formation; paleo-regolith; Ge/Si; rare earth element前寒武纪与寒武纪之交是地质历史上重要的转折期[1–4]。
O-岩藻糖基化在翻译后水平精确调控生物钟周期的新机制近日,Molecular Plant在线发表了中国科学院植物研究所植物分子生理学重点实验室王雷研究组完成的题为Nuclear Localized O-fucosyltransferase SPY Facilitates PRR5 Proteolysis to Fine-tune the Pace of Arabidopsis Circadian Clock的研究论文,报道了岩藻糖基转移酶SPY通过对生物钟核心组分PRR5的O-岩藻糖基化修饰,影响PRR5蛋白的稳定性,从而在翻译后水平精确调控生物钟周期的新机制。
王雷研究组2018年在Molecular Plant和2019年在Nucleic Acids Research杂志上发表的研究论文还分别揭示了植物生物钟调控叶片衰老进程和根的形态建成【2,3】,充分说明维持相对稳定的植物生物钟周期的重要性。
1.创新药物研发中生物学关键问题的思考——中国医学科学院药物研究所杜冠华副所长谈创新药物研发 [J], 刘晓琳
2.印度药物研发新模式:开源药物研发 [J], 李越;张旭
3.搭建特色平台推进药物研发——中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院药物研发中心创新工作纪实 [J], 刘荣;张彦玲
4.海兔——珍贵的海洋药物资源 [J], 钱星博
5.英荷科学家发现人近视基因将研发预防近视药物 [J],
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Circadian and photic regulation of clockand clock-controlled proteins in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of calorie-restricted miceJorge Mendoza,Paul Pe´vet and Etienne ChalletInstitut de Neurosciences Cellulaires et Inte´gratives,De´partement de Neurobiologie des Rythmes,UMR7168⁄LC2,CNRS et Universite´Louis Pasteur,5rue Blaise Pascal,67084Strasbourg cedex,FranceKeywords:calorie restriction,circadian rhythms,clock proteins,photic resettingAbstractIn mammals,behavioural and physiological rhythms as well as clock gene expression in the central suprachiasmatic clock(SCN)are phase-shifted by a timed calorie restriction(T-CR;animals receiving at midday66%of their daily food intake).The molecular mechanism of SCN depends on feedback loops involving clock genes and their protein products.To understand how T-CR mediates its synchronizing effects,we examined the rhythmic expression of three clock proteins,PERIOD(PER)1,2and CLOCK,and one clock-controlled protein(i.e.vasopressin;AVP)in the SCN of mice either fed ad libitum(AL)or with T-CR.Moreover,we evaluated expression of these proteins in the SCN of AL and T-CR mice following a1-h light pulse.The results indicate that,while PER1and AVP rhythms were phase-advanced in T-CR mice,the PER2rhythm showed an increased amplitude.CLOCK was expressed constitutively in AL mice while in T-CR it was significantly reduced,especially after feeding time.A light pulse produced a delayed increase in PER1and a larger increase in PER2expression in the SCN of T-CR mice than in AL animals.In addition,light exposure triggered an increase in AVP-ir cells in both AL and T-CR mice,and also of CLOCK expression but in T-CR mice only.The circadian changes in clock and clock-controlled proteins and their acute responses to light in the SCN of T-CR mice demonstrate that metabolic cues induced by a calorie restriction modulate the translational regulation of the SCN clock.IntroductionIn mammals,the circadian timing system is hierarchical,with the main clock located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei(SCN)of the hypothalamus and subordinate oscillators in some cerebral structures and peripheral tissues(Hastings et al.,2003).The clockwork in the SCN operates in a self-sustained fashion,involving interacting positive and negative transcriptional and post-translational feedback loops(Reppert& Weaver,2001).In the positive loop,the transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1drive rhythmic transcription of Period(Per1–3)and Cryptochrome genes(Cry1–2;Lowrey&Takahashi,2004).PERs and CRYs form heterodimers that translocate to the nucleus,where CRYs act as negative regulators by interacting with CLOCK and⁄or BMAL1, forming a negative feedback loop(Kume et al.,1999;Shearman et al., 2000).The nuclear orphan receptor genes Rev-erb a and Ror a are activated by the CLOCK:BMAL1heterodimer to produce proteins that have opposing actions on Bmal1transcription(Preitner et al.,2002; Sato et al.,2004).Transcription of clock-controlled genes such as arginine vasopressin(Avp)is also regulated by CLOCK:BMAL1(Jin et al.,1999).Light is the most potent cue for the entrainment of the SCN(Daan&Aschoff,2001).Retinal ganglion cells project directly to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic tract(Hannibal,2002).Light resetting of the mammalian SCN clock involves acute induction of immediate–early genes(Kornhauser et al.,1990)and Per genes (Albrecht et al.,1997;Shigeyoshi et al.,1997).On the other hand, temporally restricted feeding( duration of daily food access) is a strong synchronizer for rhythmic gene expression in peripheral oscillators(Damiola et al.,2000;Stokkan et al.,2001).Under constant darkness conditions(but not in a light–dark cycle),temporally restricted feeding or a palatable diet in addition to regular food ad libitum are able to entrain the SCN clock(Mistlberger,1994;Holmes& Mistlberger,2000;Castillo et al.,2004;Caldelas et al.,2005;Lamont et al.,2005;Mendoza et al.,2005a).In contrast to temporally restricted feeding paradigms,which do not reduce calorie intake and which allow enough food to be eaten daily,a calorie restriction is known to be responsible for many beneficial physiological changes(slowing of ageing,extended lifespan,delayed onset of major age-related diseases) in various species(Bordone&Guarente,2005).In rats and mice under a light–dark cycle,a timed calorie restriction(i.e.66%of the animal’s daily food intake given each day at the same time),but not temporally restricted feeding,leads to phase advances of behavioural and physiological circadian rhythms,whatever the feeding time over the daily cycle(Challet et al.,1997,1998).Moreover,the temporal organization of the SCN clockwork and its behavioural and clock-gene responses to light are affected by calorie restriction(Mendoza et al., 2005b),suggesting that these effects are related to calorie reduction. Clock mechanisms depend on the regulation not only of clock gene mRNA but also of their protein products.In order to characterize possible SCN translational modifications induced by a timed calorie restriction,we thus investigated the rhythmic expression of clock proteins and their photic responses in the SCN of mice.Correspondence:Dr Jorge Mendoza,as above.E-mail:jmendoza@neurochem.u-strasbg.frReceived1March2007,revised12April2007,accepted10May2007European Journal of Neuroscience,Vol.25,pp.3691–3701,2007doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2007.05626.x ªThe Authors(2007).Journal CompilationªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing LtdMaterials and methodsAnimals and housingAdult male C3H mice(Charles River,Lyon,France)werefirst housed in groups offive with food and water available ad libitum.After 15days of habituation,mice were then housed singly in cages equipped with a running wheel(10cm diameter)in light-proof, ventilated chambers(23±1°C)under a12–12h light–dark cycle (LD;light,200lux;darkness,0lux).Under LD conditions,zeitgeber time(ZT)was defined relative to lights-on(ZT-0)and lights-off (ZT-12).All experiments were performed in accordance with the Principles of Laboratory Animal Care(National Institutes of Health publication86–23,revised1985)and the French national laws. Experimental designIn thefirst experiment,after3weeks of basal conditions,mice were randomly divided into two groups:a group of mice fed ad libitum (AL)with a mean spontaneous food intake of4.6±0.04g and a timed calorie-restricted group(T-CR)which was given66%(i.e.3.0±0.02g)of the daily food intake at ZT-6.After3weeks of calorie restriction,T-CR mice as well as the AL control mice were killed and brains were removed for immunohistochemistry.Sampling was performed at six temporal points with4-h intervals(ZT-0,-4,-8, -12,-16and-20)over a24-h cycle(n¼4per group and temporal point).Because sampling started at ZT-0,animals killed at ZT-0and ZT-4could not be fed at ZT-6on the day of killing in contrast to animals killed at other ZT points.In the second experiment,for the analysis of clock proteins during light resetting we used other groups of mice under the same light(LD 12:12)and feeding conditions(AL vs.T-CR)as in the previous experiment.At the end of3weeks under each feeding condition, animals were exposed to a1-h light pulse(200lux)at ZT-16and were subsequently killed in darkness at two different times(i.e.4or8h after the onset of the light pulse)at ZT-20and ZT-0(n¼6T-CR and n¼4AL for each time point).According to the molecular phase response curve to light in mice under T-CR(Mendoza et al.,2005b), ZT-16is close to the phase when light leads to the most marked change(reduced photic induction)of Per1mRNA levels in the SCN, and the only time point studied when Per2mRNA levels were affected (increased photic induction)by T-CR compared to AL conditions. According to the behavioural phase response curve to light,ZT-16is close to the time when light led to similarly large phase delays in the locomotor activity rhythm in both AL and T-CR mice(Mendoza et al., 2005b).This similar resetting response contrasts with the altered light-induced phase shifts at other nocturnal ZT points in T-CR,when Per2 expression is not triggered by light.The lack of differences between AL and T-CR mice in behavioural phase delays induced by light at ZT-15(Mendoza et al.,2005b)may be specifically due to the overexpression of Per2by light(as a compensation for reduced photic induction of Per1?).Therefore,although not evaluated,we did not necessarily expect alteration in behavioural phase shifts after light exposure at ZT-16between AL and T-CR mice. ImmunohistochemistryAt the selected intervals,animals were killed with an isoflurane overdose and perfused transcardially with50mL of0.9%saline followed by50mL of cold4%paraformaldehyde(PAF)in0.1m phosphate buffer(pH7.4).Brains were removed,postfixed overnight in4%PAF at4°C and transferred to a cryoprotectant buffered sucrose solution(30%)for72h at4°C.Brains were then frozen in isopentane at)60°C and stored at)80°C.Four series of30-l m coronal cryosections through the SCN were prepared on a cryostat at)19°C and collected in0.1m phosphate-buffered saline.Free-floating sections were washed in cold50-m m Tris-buffered saline(TBS; pH7.4;Sigma,St Louis,USA)and incubated in a solution of3%of H2O2(Sigma)in TBS for30min at room temperature.Brain sections were then rinsed in TBS,and incubated for2h in a blocking solution in3%normal horse or goat serum(NHS or NGS)and5%of bovine serum albumin in TBS with0.1%Triton X-100(0.1%TBS-X), followed by an incubation in the primary antibody(in0.1%TBS-X plus NHS or NGS)for48h at4°C.We used a goat polyclonal anti-PER1antibody(1:2000,raised against an epitope mapping the N-terminus of human Per1,SC-7724;Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz,CA,USA),a rabbit polyclonal anti-PER2(1:1000, affinity-purified raised against an epitope mapping the C-terminus of mouse Per2;Alpha Diagnostic International,San Antonio,TX,USA), a goat polyclonal anti-CLOCK(1:1000,raised against an epitope mapping the N-terminus of clock of mouse origin,SC-6927;Santa Cruz Biotechnology),and a rabbit anti-arginine vasopressin(A VP; Truus,1:20000,a gift from Dr Ruud Buijs,Netherlands Institute for Brain Research,Amsterdam,the Netherlands).Following incubation in the primary antibody,sections were rinsed in TBS-X and incubated for2h at4°C with a biotinylated antirabbit IgG made in goat,or antigoat IgG made in horse(Vector Laboratories,Burlingame,CA, USA),diluted1:500with0.4%TBS-X.Following incubation with secondary antibody,sections were rinsed in TBS-X and incubated for 1h at room temperature with an avidin–biotin–peroxidase complex (Vectastain Standard Elite ABC Kit;Vector).Following incubation with the ABC reagents,sections were rinsed twice for10min in TBS, and incubated with0.025%3,3¢-diaminobenzidine(Sigma)with 0.01%H2O2in50-m m Tris buffer.After thisfinal incubation,sections were rinsed with TBS,wet-mounted onto gel-coated slides,dehydra-ted through a series of alcohols,soaked in xylene,and coverslipped. The specificity of antibodies was established in mouse brain by preadsorption control experiments.Antibody binding to antigen was blocked by adding the PER1or CLOCK peptides(PER1,sc-7724-P; CLOCK,sc-6927-P;1mg⁄mL,both diluted1:100;Santa Cruz Biotechnology),the PER2peptide(Mouse PER2blocking peptide, Alpha Diagnostic International;1mg⁄mL,diluted1:100)and the vasopressin peptide(H-1780,1mg⁄mL,diluted1:10;Bachem, Bubendorf,Switzerland)to the primary incubation solution.Addition of each peptide prevented respective immunostaining in the SCN. Cell and protein quantificationSections were viewed using a monitoring CCD video camera with Viewfinder Lite software coupled to a microscope(Leica).For the image analysis we used NIH ImageJ software.Positive cells(cells were considered positive when the signal was>3·the background value)were counted in the whole central SCN(two or three sections per animal),based upon the mouse brain atlas(from bregma )0.46mm;Paxinos&Franklin,2001).To estimate the number of stained nuclei,a standard-sized oval encompassing the whole medial SCN was placed over one SCN,and the number of cells within the oval was obtained.The number of immunoreactive(ir)nuclei was expressed as the mean number of immunopositive cells per section.In addition,because not only A VP-positive cells but also A VPfibres are present in the SCN,and these may affect cell counting,in a second analysis expression of A VP was quantified by measuring staining density.The optical density(OD)of A VP-ir cells in the SCN was3692J.Mendoza et al.ªThe Authors(2007).Journal CompilationªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of Neuroscience,25,3691–3701measured in the same sections as for the cell number analysis.The OD was expressed in arbitrary units corresponding to grey levels.To calculate the OD,the background intensity of staining was subtracted from the intensity of staining in the middle SCN.The background intensity was measured in an area devoid of A VP cell bodies or fibres (lateral hypothalamic area)in the same coronal section as the SCN analysis.Statistical analysisThe data from all experiments were evaluated using one-,two-or three-way anova followed by an LSD post hoc test,corrected for multiple comparisons.A value of P <0.05was considered statistically significant.Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package Statistica version 4.5(StatSoft,1993).ResultsBody weight was reduced significantly ( 20%)in T-CR mice during the first week of food restriction and remained stable up to the end of the experiment (Fig.1).Repeated-measures anova showed significant differences between groups and time (Group,F 1,47¼45.2,P <0.001;Time,F 5,235¼70.5,P <0.001).Such a body weight loss is fully reversible after 1week of food ad libitum (Challet et al .,1998;Mendoza et al .,2005b).Circadian and clock-controlled protein expression in calorie-restricted micePER1expression was examined through the SCN in animals under AL and T-CR conditions.One-way anova showed significant diurnal expression of PER1expression in both AL and T-CR mice (Table 1).Although PER1was not significantly different between groups (Group effect,F 1,37¼1.38,NS),there was a trend for a reduced expression of PER1in T-CR animals compared to AL animals (Fig.2).Furthermore,there was a significant difference for the factor time and for thegroup ·time interaction (Time effect,F 5,37¼274.1,P <0.01;interaction,F 5,37¼13.8,P <0.01).PER1acrophase that occurred at ZT-12in AL mice appeared to be phase-advanced to ZT-8in T-CR animals in keeping with changes of Per mRNA patterns that we previously reported (Mendoza et al .,2005b).As illustrated in Fig.2,the abundance of PER2-ir nuclei in the SCN revealed a pronounced daily rhythm under both AL and T-CR conditions (Time effect,F 5,37¼196.3,P <0.01;Table 1).The acrophase of the cycle under both feeding conditions occurred after the light–dark transition,slightly later than that of PER1.The daily peak in PER2expression was modulated by T-CR,leading to an increased amplitude compared to AL conditions (Fig.2).This amplitude difference was reflected in a significant difference between groups (Group effect,F 1,37¼18.4,P <0.01)and a significant interaction of group ·time (interaction,F 5,37¼4.2,P <0.01).Expression of CLOCK-ir was high throughout the SCN at all ZT in AL mice (Fig.3).In contrast,CLOCK-ir expression in the SCN of T-CR mice was slightly rhythmic,with decreased levels at ZT-8(Fig.3;Time effect,F 5,37¼2.6,P <0.05;Table 1).The total number of CLOCK-ir nuclei in AL mice was larger than that in T-CR mice (Group effect,F 1,37¼9.3,P <0.01),indicating that the constitutive level of CLOCK in the SCN cells can be changed by feeding conditions.In both AL and T-CR mice,a rhythm of A VP-positive cells was found essentially in the dorsal region of the SCN (Fig.3;Time effect,F 5,37¼4.4,P <0.002;Table 1).The anova does not show a difference between groups (Group effect,F 1,37¼2.1,NS),but there was a significant difference in the group ·time interaction (interac-tion,F 5,37¼5.5,P <0.001),revealing a clear phase advance of the rhythm in T-CR mice (Fig.3).Of note,a small population of A VP-ir cells was detected in the ventrolateral region of the middle SCN (see arrow in Fig.3).In addition,these results were checked with anova on the OD data;this showed a clear difference between groups,time and the interaction group ·time (Group effect,F 1,37¼6.2,P <0.01;Time effect,F 5,37¼9.1,P <0.001;interaction:F 5,37¼12.6,P <0.001),confirming a phase advance of the A VP rhythm by the T-CR (data not shown).Responses of circadian proteins to light in calorie-restricted miceIn both AL and T-CR animals,1h of light exposure at ZT-16led to a marked increase in PER1-ir in the medial SCN (Fig.4;F 1,28¼260.9,P <0.001)The effect of light was significant 4and 8h later (P <0.05).In T-CR mice,light induction of PER1intheTable 1.Statistical analysis of the diurnal expression of clock and clock-controlled proteins in the SCN of mice under ad libitum and T-CRF -valueP -value Ad libitum (F 5,18)PER-1302.60.001*PER-271.50.001*CLOCK 0.40.8A VP 7.00.001*T-CR (F 5,19)PER-192.00.001*PER-2131.50.001*CLOCK 3.80.01*A VP3.30.02**P <0.05,one-way anova .Timed calorie restriction alters the SCN clock 3693ªThe Authors (2007).Journal Compilation ªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd European Journal of Neuroscience ,25,3691–3701SCN was lower than in AL mice at ZT-20but higher at ZT-0(Fig.4).In addition,in an analysis for the rostral and caudal SCN regions the difference was significant only at ZT-0(P <0.001;data not shown).Light exposure increased the number of PER2-ir cells in the SCN of both AL and T-CR mice at ZT-20(Fig.5;F 1,28¼96.3,P <0.001).In T-CR mice,the light-increased number of PER2-ir cells was higher than in AL animals at ZT-20(Fig.5;P <0.05).The number of PER2-ir cells 8h after light exposure (i.e.ZT-0)was lower than at ZT-20in the SCN from both AL and T-CR mice (P <0.001),although the values were still higher than those in dark control animals.The same effect was present in rostral and caudal SCN (rostral,F 1,28¼153.2,P <0.001;caudal,F 1,28¼107.5,P <0.001;data not shown).Incidentally,we observed that PER2-ir in response to light was expressed in the SCN regions overlapping those cells expressing A VP (including a small ventrolateral region;see arrow in Fig.5).Fig .2.Rhythmic expression of PER1and PER2in the SCN of AL and T-CR mice.(A)Photomicrographs,and (B)mean (±SEM)number of PER1-and PER2-ir nuclei in the SCN from mice under a 12-h LD cycle and AL (black symbols)or T-CR (white symbols)at different ZTs (ZT-0,lights on;ZT-12,lights off).Black and white top bars indicate the LD cycle.Vertical arrow indicates the mealtime.*P <0.05.Scale bar,200l m.3694J.Mendoza et al.ªThe Authors (2007).Journal Compilation ªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of Neuroscience ,25,3691–3701The CLOCK-ir cell number in the SCN was increased4h after the light pulse(Fig.6;F1,28¼15.8,P<0.001).Moreover,this increase depended on feeding conditions.The number of CLOCK-ir cells in the SCN at ZT-20was significantly increased in T-CR mice(P<0.001). In contrast,the small increase in CLOCK induction at ZT-0in the SCN of AL mice exposed to light was not significant(P¼0.08).In the rostral and caudal SCN no differences following either light treatment or feeding conditions were present(data not shown).A VP-ir cell number in the medial SCN was increased8h after light stimulation(Fig.7;F1,26¼22.2,P<0.001)in both AL and T-CR animals.No difference related to feeding conditions was found (F1,26¼0.9,NS).The A VP-ir increase in response to lightwasevident in the dorsomedial SCN,including the small set of cells in the ventrolateral region which also expressed PER2in response to light stimulation (see arrow in Fig.7).DiscussionIn mice,restricted feeding without calorie restriction may affect the behavioural phase angle of photic entrainment (Holmes &Mistlberger,2000;Sharma et al .,2000),while no clear effect of a timed normocaloric feeding was reported on clock gene expression in the SCN (Mendoza et al .,2005b).This difference on the effects at behavioural and molecular levels of these studies could reside in the feeding paradigms used.In our previous experiment (Mendoza et al .,2005b),100%of the daily food intake of the mice was given each day at the same time (i.e.normocaloric feeding)while in the behavioural study reported by Holmes &Mistlberger (2000)mice were under a temporally restricted feeding with 3h of daily food access.It will be interesting in further studies to investigate clock gene expression in mice exposed to this temporal restriction of food access.By contrast,timed calorie restriction (T-CR)modifies entrainment of the SCN to light,at both behavioural and molecular levels,as reflected by transcriptional alteration of the SCN clockwork (Challet et al .,1998;Mendoza et al .,2005b).Here we confirmed and extended our previous data by showing that T-CR also affects translational regulation of SCN clockwork and its light resetting,thus demonstrating that metabolic cues induced by a calorie restriction interact with synchronization tolight.Fig .4.Light exposure stimulated PER1translation in the mouse SCN.(Top)Representative photomicrographs show coronal sections through the middle SCN of mice kept in an LD cycle,under AL or T-CR conditions,and exposed to a 1-h light pulse at ZT-16.Mice were killed 4or 8h after the beginning of the light pulse or dark control exposure (at ZT-20and ZT-0,respectively);OC,optic chiasm;3V ,third ventricle.(Bottom)Semi-quantitative analysis of PER1-ir cells in the mouse SCN 4and 8h after 1h light exposure at ZT-16(white bars)or after exposure to darkness (black bars)in mice under AL or T-CR conditions.Data are presented as the mean ±SEM.Statistical differences between groups were determined by three-way anova followed by an LSD post hoc test.*P <0.05for differences between light conditions;#P <0.05between feeding conditions.Scale bar,200lm.Fig . 5.Light exposure triggered PER2translation in the mouse SCN.(Top)Representative photomicrographs show coronal sections through the SCN at central level of mice kept in an LD cycle,under AL or T-CR conditions,and exposed to a 1-h light pulse at ZT-16.Mice were killed 4or 8h after the beginning of the light pulse or control dark exposure (at ZT-20and ZT-0,respectively).Arrow shows the small group of cells in the A VP ventrolateral region of SCN expressing PER2.(Bottom)Semi-quantitative analysis of PER2-ir cells in the mouse SCN 4and 8h after 1h light exposure at ZT-16(white bars)or after exposure to darkness (black bars)in mice under AL or T-CR conditions.*P <0.05for differences between light conditions;#P <0.05between feeding conditions.For details see Fig.4.3696J.Mendoza et al.ªThe Authors (2007).Journal Compilation ªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of Neuroscience ,25,3691–3701Altered daily pattern of circadian and clock-controlled proteins during T-CRIn AL mice,rhythmic expression of PER1and PER2has overlapping distribution within the SCN,in accordance with previous findings (Field et al .,2000;LeSauter et al .,2003;Maywood et al .,2003).PER1rhythm was phase-advanced in T-CR mice in comparison with control-fed animals.Moreover,the amplitude of the rhythm was modified by feeding conditions,showing a reduction in the cell number in almost the whole SCN from T-CR mice.Thus,there was a global effect of T-CR on the SCN clockwork without any apparent region-specific response.Because a normocaloric feeding does not change the daily oscillation of Per1expression in the SCN (Mendoza et al .,2005b),this suggests that food intake per se does not affect clock gene expression in the SCN.Therefore,it is unlikely that PER1changes found in the SCN of T-CR mice after feeding time (ZT-8and ZT-12)are due to the fact that mice sampled at these times were fed on the day of killing.If no food at all was provided for the groups of mice sampled from ZT-8to ZT-20,we would not have been able to avoid any possible effect of a longer duration of fasting (ranging from 26to 38h of fasting)compared to the daily fasting conditions (i.e.<24h)under T-CR conditions.The phase and amplitude effects observed at both mRNA and protein levels indicate that the timing and amplitude of PER1oscillation entrained to a LD cycle are changed by T-CR.In T-CR mice,consistent with the lack of shifting effect of T-CR on mRNA Per2expression (Mendoza et al .,2005b),daily expression of PER2does not differ between AL and T-CR.However,the amplitude of PER2oscillation was higher in T-CR mice than in AL mice.The mechanism leading to this PER2up-regulation is not clear.A recent paper raises the possibility that PER1represses light-inducedPER2Fig . 6.Light exposure increased CLOCK translation in the mouse SCN of T-CR mice.(Top)Representative photomicrographs show coronal sections through the SCN of mice kept in an LD cycle,under AL or T-CR conditions,and exposed to a 1-h light pulse at ZT-16.The light pulse induced a small but significant increase in CLOCK-ir in the SCN 4h after exposure in T-CR mice.(Bottom)Semi-quantitative analysis of CLOCK-ir cells in the mouse SCN 4and 8h after a 1-h light exposure at ZT-16(white bars)or after exposure to darkness (black bars)in mice under AL or T-CR conditions.*P <0.05for differences between light conditions.For details see Fig.4.Fig .7.Light exposure increased A VP translation in the mouse SCN of both AL and T-CR mice.(Top)Representative photomicrographs show coronal sections through the medial SCN of mice kept in an LD cycle,under AL or T-CR conditions,and exposed to a 1-h light pulse at ZT-16.Arrow shows the small group of cells in the ventrolateral region of SCN expressing A VP.The light pulse induced a significant increase in A VP-ir in the SCN 8h after exposure in both AL and T-CR mice.(Bottom)Semi-quantitative analysis of A VP-ir cells in the mouse SCN after a 1-h light exposure at ZT-16(white bars)or after exposure to darkness (black bars)in mice under AL or T-CR conditions.*P <0.05for differences between light conditions.For details see Fig.4.Timed calorie restriction alters the SCN clock 3697ªThe Authors (2007).Journal Compilation ªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing Ltd European Journal of Neuroscience ,25,3691–3701and attenuates phase-resetting by light(Masubuchi et al.,2005).The apparent lower amplitude of PER1expression could then partly be involved in the up-regulation of PER2expression.Moreover,acute photic responses of PER2further support this view,because its levels were increased in T-CR mice compared to AL animals.Nevertheless, even if light exposure leads to increased responses of both PER1and PER2expression,the difference in the entrainment patterns suggests that the two proteins respond to T-CR in different fashions. Furthermore,SCN resetting by T-CR has been reported to be altered in both Per1-and Per2-mutant mice(Feillet et al.,2006).Whereas Per1-mutant mice entrained to a T-CR do not show phase advances of the locomotor activity rhythm after transfer to constant darkness, Per2-mutant mice submitted to T-CR show instead larger phase advances than wild-type mice(Feillet et al.,2006).Taken together, these data and our results suggest that PER1and PER2are implicated in the phase-shifting effects of T-CR.The cellular redox state can modulate binding of CLOCK:BMAL1 (heterodimers)to DNA(Rutter et al.,2002).The circadian PER translation could then be modified by T-CR,because a chronic hypocaloric diet may affect the cellular metabolic state of the SCN clock. CLOCK is a nuclear protein expressed constitutively in the SCN of AL mice,contrasting with the rhythmic expression of PER1and PER2 (Field et al.,2000;Maywood et al.,2003;present study).It has already been proposed that CLOCK participates in resetting by T-CR because heterozygous Clock⁄+mice do not show phase advances of the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity induced by T-CR(Challet et al.,2000).Here we show that CLOCK expression was affected by T-CR,showing a general reduction in the number of immunopositive cells over the daily cycle in the SCN,with a more marked reduction 2h after mealtime.In hamsters,a short photoperiod has been shown to induce a circadian rhythm of Clock mRNA in the SCN with low levels from the beginning to the middle of light phase,suggesting that Clock is implicated in the SCN adaptation to photoperiodic changes(Tournier et al.,2003).Under natural short photoperiods,there is a reduction in food availability that is associated with many physiological changes (e.g.decreased body temperature and metabolic state,and weight loss;Malan,1978;Pe´vet,1987;Goldman,2001).Moreover,torpor produces changes in SCN clock genes in Siberian hamsters(Herwig et al.,2006)and its occurrence can be increased by food restriction (Paul et al.,2004).In mice,which are not considered a photoperiodic species,changes in body temperature(Feillet et al.,2006)and body weight as well as modifications of CLOCK expression in the SCN under T-CR conditions(present study)may reflect a short photo-period-like hypometabolic condition in this species.This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the nocturnal peak in pineal melatonin in T-CR mice is not only phase-advanced but is also longer(i.e.short photoperiod-like)than that in AL mice,in spite of similar LD (12–12h)conditions(Mendoza et al.,2005b).In nocturnal rodents fed ad libitum,A VP mRNA and protein oscillations in the SCN have been reported to peak at the middle and the end of the day,respectively(Dardente et al.,2004;Van der Zee et al.,2005).In the present study,we found that daily levels of A VP show a phase advance in T-CR mice compared to AL mice,in full accordance with previous data on A VP mRNA(Mendoza et al., 2005b).Moreover,we noted a reduction in the daily amplitude of A VP immunoreactivity during T-CR.Consistent with thisfinding,a daytime decrease in A VP expression has already been reported in rats under calorie restriction at both mRNA and protein levels(Andrade et al., 2004).In addition,the A VP release pattern from SCN is reduced in food-restricted rats(Kalsbeek et al.,2000).Taken together,these results show that food restriction,coupled or not with calorie restriction,decreases SCN A VP synthesis and release,indicating damped oscillations of this circadian output.Altered light induction of circadian proteins during T-CRLight resetting is associated with an up-regulation of Per mRNA in the SCN during the night(Albrecht et al.,1997;Shigeyoshi et al.,1997; Dardente et al.,2002;Yan&Silver,2002;Hamada et al.,2004).In mice fed ad libitum,a phase-delaying light pulse has been shown to increase PER1and PER2levels within4–9h(Field et al.,2000; Harmar et al.,2002;Yan&Silver,2004),with the number of positive cells similar to the present data(e.g.Harmar et al.,2002).In response to1-h light exposure,expression of PER1and PER2 changed depending on the feeding condition and on the time after light pulse.In T-CR animals,light-induced PER1expression was delayed, but it still occurred in the ventral SCN( retinorecipient, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-and gastrin-releasing peptide-con-taining cells;Dardente et al.,2002;Yan&Okamura,2002;Yan& Silver,2002;Karatsoreos et al.,2004),as observed in AL mice.This regional response is in accordance with previous studies in AL animals (von Gall et al.,2003;Yan&Silver,2004).Moreover,in T-CR mice we found that PER1expression was increased8h after light exposure whereas it was lower4h earlier.We have previously reported a reduced induction of Per1transcription in the SCN of T-CR mice1h after light exposure(Mendoza et al.,2005b).The present time course at the translational level supports the interpretation that light induction of Per1mRNA response could actually be delayed instead of being simply reduced.Moreover,because PER1oscillation in the SCN clock is advanced at least by1h in T-CR mice(present study),photic stimulation may have occurred at a slightly different circadian time. This suggests that the different PER1induction by light between AL and T-CR mice might be due to a different SCN phase at the moment of stimulation.This point,however,does not explain the delay of PER1 induction in T-CR mice that we attribute to the effects of calorie restriction.Moreover,according to the behavioural phase response curve to light,both AL and T-CR mice at ZT-16were still in the phase-delaying zone of light resetting(Mendoza et al.,2005b).For PER2expression at ZT-20,the responses to light were higher in the SCN of T-CR mice than AL animals.This specific light response profile of PER2is consistent with our data on mRNA(Mendoza et al.,2005b). Similar to previous results obtained in mice exposed to light at circadian time16(Yan&Silver,2004),PER2expression was preferentially triggered in the dorsal part(i.e.A VP cells).We also noticed light-induced PER2expression in the small ventrolateral region expressing A VP. Light exposure has been already shown to increase Clock mRNA levels in the rat SCN,suggesting that Clock is somehow involved in photic signal transduction of the circadian clock(Abe et al.,1999). However,we could not confirm this result at the translational level because no significant light-induced CLOCK expression was clearly detected in AL mice.By contrast,there was a light-induced increase in CLOCK cells in the SCN of T-CR mice,indicating that T-CR may change the molecular mechanisms underlying photic synchronization. Heterozygous Clock⁄+mice have high-amplitude phase resetting responses to6-h light pulses,an effect mediated by either reduced pacemaker amplitude or altered light inputs to the SCN clock (Vitaterna et al.,2006).Interestingly,Clock–⁄–mice do not show expected phase delays after light in the early night,but they show much larger late-night,light-induced phase advances than wild-type mice,suggesting that CLOCK may indeed have a role in the light input pathway or in SCN light sensitivity(DeBruyne et al.,2006). After a light pulse,the number of A VP-ir cells was enhanced in the medial SCN,and this increase was more marked(and significant)8h3698J.Mendoza et al.ªThe Authors(2007).Journal CompilationªFederation of European Neuroscience Societies and Blackwell Publishing LtdEuropean Journal of Neuroscience,25,3691–3701。