
MA5800-X15/X7MA5800-X15和MA5800-X7是华为发布的一种智能接入光线交换机,支持LTE、FTTX以及企业接入等多种应用场景,并采用Metro 1000全面接入解决方案,可以实现快速的宽带接入。

数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800数据中心交换机CloudEngine 12800(简称CE12800)系列交换机是华为公司面向数据中心和高端园区网络推出的新一代高性能核心交换机。
技术规格参数CE12804S CE12808S CE12804 CE12808 CE12812 CE12816交换容量(bps)16T/80T 32T/160T 16T/80T 32T/160T 48T/240T 64T/320T包转发率(pps)14400M 28800M 14400M 28800M 43200M 57600M业务槽位4 8 4 8 12 16交换网槽位2 4 6 6 6 6交换架构Clos交换架构、信元交换、VoQ、分布式大缓存风道类型标准前后风道设备虚拟化支持VS(1:16虚拟化)支持CSS集群支持SVF网络虚拟支持TRILL化支持Overlay虚拟化(VXLAN/NVGRE)硬件网关虚拟机感知支持nCenter数据中心互联支持EVN跨数据中心二层网络SDN特性支持OPSCloudEngine 7800数据中心交换机CloudEngine 7800数据中心交换机关键特性40GE汇聚交换机全40GE交换机,1U高设备支持32个40GE接口,可灵活拆分为10GE接口;支持iStack堆叠技术,实现机架内、机架间以及跨区域超长距的高性能堆叠,构建可扩展、易管理的数据中心网络平台;支持IETF标准协议TRILL,构建512节点的大二层网络,实现虚拟机大范围在线迁移。

8500万URL地址库 130+分类 基于用户、IP、分类、次数等趋势和TOPN统计 URL过滤日志查询 POS/GE/10GE 链路支持 DHCP 中继/服务器 基于策略的路由 IPv4/IPv6 动态路由(RIP/OSPF/ISIS/BGP) 域间/Vlan间路由 4096 虚拟系统(VSYS)定义 VLAN虚拟化 安全域虚拟化 自定义虚拟资源 VFW间路由 基于虚拟系统的流量CAR 管理虚拟化 多租户虚拟资源隔离 WebUI (HTTP和HTTPS) 命令行接口 (控制台) 命令行接口 (远程登录) 命令行接口 (SSH) U2000及VSM网管系统 分级管理员 软件升级 配置回退 STelnet、SFTP 安全性认证 电磁兼容性 (EMC) 认证 CB, Rohs, FCC, MET, C-tick, VCCI认证 结构化系统日志 SNMP (v2) 二进制日志 路由跟踪 固有的(内部)数据库 RADIUS记账 基于Web进行验证
基于策略的目的NAT 端口范围预分配 发夹访问模式 SMART NAT NAT64 DS-Lite 6RD(IPv6快速部署) 入站智能DNS 服务器负载均衡 基于应用的Qos DES, 3DES,和 AES 加密 MD5 和 SHA-1 认证 手工配置密钥,PKI (X 509)以及IKEv2 前向安全性 PFS(DH组) 防重放攻击 支持传输模式、隧道模式 IPSec NAT穿越 DPD探测 EAP 认证 EAP-SIM、EAP-AKA VPN 网关冗余 IPSec V6,IPSec 4 over 6, IPSec 6 over 4 L2TP 隧道 GRE 隧道 SYN-flood, ICMP-flood, TCP-flood, UDP-flood, DNS-flood 攻击防御 Port-scan, Smurf, Tear-drop, IP-Sweep 攻击 防御 IPv6扩展头攻击防护 TTL 检测 TCP-mss 检测 攻击日志输出 主-主,主-备模式 双机热备切换(华为冗余协议) 配置同步备份 防火墙及IPSec VPN会话同步备份 设备故障检测 链路故障检测 双主控切换 识别和控制超过6000种协议: P2P,即时通讯,游戏,股票,VoIP,视频,流媒体,邮件,移动电话,网页浏览,远程接 入,网络管理,以及新闻等。 在线获取CA证书 在线获取CRL 多级CA 证书 支持PKCS#10证书协议 CA认证 SCEP、OCSP、CMPv2协议支持 异常协议检测 自定义签名 知识库自动更新 零日攻击防御 蠕虫、木马、恶意软件攻击防御 500万种病毒检测 基于流检测,性能更高 加密流量检测 按照病毒家族趋势和TOPN统计

华为交换机参数基本参数产品型号Quidway S9306产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 2.4Tbps包转发率1080MPPS传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数扩展插槽 6网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能其它参数外形尺寸442×476×442mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V最大功率800W重量<30Kg华为 S5700-52P-LI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数产品型号S5700-52P-LI-AC产品类型千兆以太网应用层级二层包转发率78Mpps硬件参数接口类型48个10/100/1000Base-TX,4个100/1000Base-X SFP接口数目52口传输速率10M/100M/1000Mbps端口结构非模块化堆叠支持可堆叠网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持端口镜像和RSPAN(远程端口镜像)MAC地址表16K其他性能基于五元组、IP优先级、TOS、DSCP、IP协议类型、ICMP类型、TCP源端口、VLAN、以太网帧协议类型、CoS等信息,实现复杂流分类功能。
支持DoS(Denial of Service)类防攻击、网络的防攻击、用户的防攻击等功能。
其中DoS类防攻击主要包括SYN Flood、Land、Smurf、ICMP Flood。
用户的防攻击涉及DHCP仿冒攻击、中间人攻击、IP/MAC Spoofing 攻击、DHCP request flood、改变 CHADDR 值的 DoS 攻击等等。
支持通过建立和维护DHCP Snooping 绑定表,侦听接入用户的MAC/IP 地址、租用期、VLAN-ID、接口等信息,解决 DHCP 用户的IP 和端口跟踪定位问题。

Quidway S5700系列全千兆企业网交换机产品概述:Q uidway S5700系列全千兆企业网交换机(以下简称S5700),是华为公司为满足大带宽接入和以太网多业务汇聚而推出的新一代绿色节能的全千兆高性能以太网交换机。
它基于新一代高性能硬件和华为公司统一的VRP?( Versatile RoutingPlatform)平台,具备大容量、高密度千兆端口,可提供万兆上行,充分满足客户对高密度千兆和万兆上行设备的需求,同时针对企业网用户的园区网接入、汇聚、IDC千兆接入以及千兆到桌面等多种应用场景,融合了可靠、安全、绿色环保等先进技术,采用简单便利的安装维护手段,帮助客户减轻网络规划、建设和维护的压力,助力企业搭建面向未来的IT网络。
产品规格:强大的多业务支持能力S5700支持IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping/Filter/FastLeave/Proxy等协议。
S5700支持线速的跨VLAN组播复制功能,支持捆绑端口的组播负载分担,支持可控组播,可以充分满足IPTV 和其他组播业务的需求。
S5700支持MCE 功能,实现了不同VPN用户在同一台设备的隔离,有效解决用户数据安全问题,同时降低用户投资成本。
此外,针对Smartlink 和 RRPP均提供多实例功能,可实现链路负载分担,进一步提高了链路带宽利用率。

第1章产品介绍1.1 产品简介随着Internet市场的不断发展,用户对通信的需求已从传统的电话、传真、电报等低速业务逐渐向高速的Internet接入、可视电话、视频点播(Video On Dem and,VOD)等宽带业务领域延伸。
Quidway S3500系列以太网交换机是华为公司自主开发的L2/L3层以太网交换机,提供线速的二层、三层交换功能及IP路由功能。
目前包含的型号为:l S3526以太网交换机l S3526 FS以太网交换机l S3526 FM以太网交换机l S3526E以太网交换机l S3526E FS以太网交换机l S3526E FM以太网交换机S3526/S3526E以太网交换机提供24个10/100Base-TX固定以太网端口、1个Console口及2个千兆扩展模块插槽,支持1000Base-SX、1000Base-LX、1000Base-T、1000Base-ZX、1000Base-LX GL接口模块及堆叠模块,可以实现上行连接或交换机的堆叠。
& 说明:S3526和S3526E以太网交换机在软件功能、提供的插槽、端口范围,从总体上是一样的。
因此,为提高可读性,在本手册中,除非特别说明,对于S3526/S3526E所共有的功能,将只用S3526代表,而不提及S3526/ S3526E。
S3526 FS/S3526E FS与S3526 FM/S3526E FM以太网交换机的区别仅在于它们提供的固定光端口属性不同:S3526 FS/S3526E FS以太网交换机提供12个百兆单模光端口,S3526 FM/S3526E FM以太网交换机提供12个百兆多模光端口。

华为交换机参数基本参数 产品型号 产品类型 应用层级 背板带宽 包转发率 传输方式硬件参数 扩展插槽网络与软件 VLAN 支持 网管功能其它参数 外形尺寸 电源电压 最大功率 重量Quidway S9306 路由交换机 三层 2.4Tbps 1080MPPS 存储转发方式6支持 VLAN 功能 支持网管功能442×476×442mm DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 800W <30Kg华为 S5700-52P-LI-AC 详细参数基本参数 产品型号 产品类型S5700-52P-LI-AC 千兆以太网查看:更多信息 | 产品图片应用层级 包转发率 硬件参数 接口类型 接口数目 传输速率 端口结构 堆叠支持 网络与软件 VLAN 支持 网管功能 MAC 地址表其他性能其它参数 外形尺寸 电源电压 最大功率二层 78Mpps48个10/100/1000Base-TX,4个100/1000Base-X SFP 52口 10M/100M/1000Mbps 非模块化 可堆叠支持 VLAN 功能 支持端口镜像和 RSPAN(远程端口镜像) 16K 基于五元组、IP 优先级、TOS、DSCP、IP 协议类型、ICMP 类型、TCP 源端口、VLAN、 以太网帧协议类型、CoS 等信息,实现复杂流分类功能。
S5700支持基于流的双速三 色限速功能,每端口支持8个优先级队列,支持 WRR、DRR、SP、WRR+SP、DRR+SP 多 种队列调度算法,有效地保证话音、视频和数据业务质量。
支持 DoS(Denial of Service)类防攻击、网络的防攻击、用户的防攻击等功能。
其中 DoS 类防攻击主要包括 SYN Flood、Land、Smurf、ICMP Flood。
网络的防攻击 主要是指 STP 的 BPDU/Root 攻击。
用户的防攻击涉及 DHCP 仿冒攻击、中间人攻击、 IP/MAC Spoofing 攻击、DHCP request flood、改变 CHADDR 值的 DoS 攻击等等。

华为s5700交换机配置1.通过串口和交换机的console口相连2. 在PC上单击“开始> 所有程序> 附件> 通讯> 超级终端”打开超级终端软件,如图4-15所示新建一个连接。
3. 设置连接端口,如图4-16所示。
4. 设置端口通信参数,如果用户配置过用户界面,参数需要保持一致,如果没配置过,则与设备缺省值保持一致。
图4-17 端口通信参数设置#添加VLAN<Quidway> system-view[Quidway] vlan 10[Quidway-vlan10] quit#设定端口模式<Quidway> system-view[Quidway] int gigabitethernet 0/0/21[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/21] port link-type access[Quidway-GigabitEthernet0/0/21]quit#将端口加入Vlan<Quidway> system-view[Quidway] vlan 10[Quidway-vlan10] port gigabitethernet 0/0/21 [Quidway- vlan10] quit#设置VLAN IP(管理IP)<Quidway> system-view[Quidway] interface vlanif 10[Quidway-Vlanif10] ip address[Quidway- Vlanif10] shutdown[Quidway- Vlanif10] undo shutdown#开启http 服务< Quidway >dirDirectory of flash:/Idx Attr Size(Byte) Date Time FileName0 -rw- 955 Feb 09 2012 16:16:09 private-data.txt1 -rw- 1,089,840 Jan 01 1970 00:02:05 S5700SI-V100R005C01SPC100.web .zip2 -rw- 10,215,068 Oct 01 2008 00:02:28 3 -rw- 626,426 Jan 01 1970 00:03:17 s27_37_57-v100r005sph008.pat4 -rw- 12,240 Jan 01 1970 00:03:19 $_patchstate_reboot5 -rw- 706 Feb 09 2012 17:33:05 vrpcfg.zip31,620 KB total (19,928 KB free)< Quidway >system-view[Quidway]http server load S5700SI-V100R005C01SPC100.web.zip[Quidway]http server enable设置电脑 ip和192.168.0.253 在同一网段并且电脑能够和192.168.0.253ping通检测方法:浏览器打开http:// Pwd:admin#重启[Quidway] reboot其他的设置就可以登录到web页面上进行设置了。

1、表示硬件版本参数LI(Lite software Image)表示设备为弱特性版本。
SI (Standard software Image)表示设备为标准版本,包含基础特性。
EI(Enhanced software Image)表示设备为增强版本,包含某些高级特性。
HI(Hyper software Image)表示设备为高级版本,包含某些更高级特性。
对于三层交换机且是SI版本的可能不支持动态路由协议,例如:华为Quidway S3300-SI 系列交换机包括S3328-SI、S3352-SI并不支持动态路由协议OSPF,只支持静态路由和RIP,如果组网中需要用到OSPF,那么必须选用S3328-EI或是S3352-EI版本的。
主要为兼容3526F,3526EF,3552F 等老产品的命名;PWR,表示端口支持POE属性SXXYY,其中XX表示型号,YY表示端口数量;例如:S3328、S3352分别是24个下行口+4个上行口以及48个下行口+4个上行口。

华为交换机参数基本参数产品型号Quidway S9306产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 2.4Tbps包转发率1080MPPS传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数扩展插槽 6网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能其它参数外形尺寸442×476×442mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V最大功率800W重量<30Kg电源电压AC:100-240V AC,50/60Hz,90-264V AC,50/60Hz最大功率<792W华为 S5700-24TP-SI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数产品型号S5700-24TP-SI-AC产品类型千兆以太网应用层级三层背板带宽256Gbps包转发率36Mpps传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数接口类型10/100Base-T端口,10/100/1000M Combo电口接口数目24口传输速率10M/100Mbps堆叠支持可堆叠网络与软件网络标准IEEE 802.3,IEEE 802.3u,IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3z,IEEE 802.3x,IEEE 802.1Q,IEEE 802.1d,IEEE 802.1XVLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能双工传输支持全双工MAC地址表8K其它参数外形尺寸250×180×43.6mm 电源电压AC 100-240V最大功率<40W重量<1.4Kg其它工作温度:0-50℃工作湿度:10%-90% 存储温度:-5-55℃存储湿度:10%-90%华为 S5700-28P-LI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片华为 Quidway S9303 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数产品型号Quidway S9303产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 1.2Tbps包转发率540MPPS传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数传输速率10M/100M/1000Mbps扩展插槽 3网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能MAC地址表16k外形尺寸442×476×175mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 最大功率350W重量15Kg华为 Quidway S9306 详细参数基本参数产品型号Quidway S9306产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 2.4Tbps包转发率1080MPPS传输方式存储转发方式扩展插槽 6网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能其它参数外形尺寸442×476×442mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 最大功率800W重量<30Kg华为 S5710-28C-EI 详细参数基本参数产品型号S5710-28C-EI产品类型千兆以太网应用层级二层包转发率156Mpps接口类型20个10/100/1000Base-T,4个100/1000Base-X千兆Combo口,4个10GE SFP +口,上行支持8×10/100/1000BASE-T,8×1000Base-X,2×10GE SFP+插卡接口数目28口扩展插槽2个网络与软件网管功能支持网管功能MAC地址表16K其他性能支持智能堆叠(S5700-HI和S5700S-LI系列除外)支持MFF 支持虚拟电缆检测(Virtual Cable Test) 支持端口镜像和RSPAN(远程端口镜像) 支持Telnet远程配置、维护支持SNMPv1/v2/v3 支持RMON 支持eSight网管系统、支持WEB网管特性支持自动配置支持集群管理HGMP 支持HTTPS 支持系统日志、分级告警支持GVRP协议支持MUX VLAN功能支持802.3az能效以太网EEE(S5700-LI和S5700-HI支持)支持断电告警Dying gasp功能(S5700-LI支持)支持NetStream(S5710-EI支持)其它参数电源电压AC:100-240V AC,50/60Hz DC:-48--60V DC 最大功率<100W华为 S5700-28C-HI-24S 详细参数。
华为S5700-HI系列高速 ги格勒网关开关系列说明书

BrochureProduct OverviewBased on next-generation, high-performance hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the S5700-HI provides excellent NetStream function, flexible Ethernet networking, comprehensive VPN tunneling technologies, diversified security mechanisms, mature IPv6 features, and are easy to manage and maintain. All these features make the S5700-HI the best choice as an access switch on large and medium-sized campus networks or data centers and aggregation switch on smallcampus networks.S5700-HI mentioned in this document refers to the whole S5700-HI series including S5710-HI, and descriptions about S5710-HI are unique features of S5710-HI.Models and AppearancesModels and AppearanceDescriptionS5700-28C-HI● 24x10/100/1000Base-T ports●Subcards supported: 4x1000Base-X SFP subcard, 2x10GE SFP+ subcard, and 4x10GE SFP+ subcard● Double swappable AC/DC power supplies ●Forwarding performance: 96 Mpps ●Switching capacity: 256GbpsS5700-28C-HI-24S● 24x100/1000Base-X ports●Subcards supported: 4x1000Base-X SFP subcard, 2x10GE SFP+ subcard, and 4x10GE SFP+ subcard● Double swappable AC/DC power supplies ● Forwarding performance: 96 Mpps ● Switching capacity: 256GbpsS5710-108C-PWR-HI (front)● 48x10/100/1000BASE-T ports and 8 x 10GE SFP+ ports●Three slots on the front panel: support 16x1000Base-X SFP subcard and 16x10/100/1000Base-T subcard●One slot at the real panel: supports 4x40GE QSFP+ subcard and 4x10GE SFP+ subcardS5710-108C-PWR-HI (back) ●Double swappable AC power supplies ●Forwarding performance: 504 Mpps ●Switching capacity: 1024GbpsFeatures and HighlightsVarious Combinations of Ports●The S5710-HI has four subcard slots that can accommodate various extended subcards to provide high-density10GE/40GE uplink ports. With its eight fixed 10GE SFP+ ports, the S5710-HI can have different subcards installed to provide flexible combination of ports, including 48xGE+8x10GE, 96xGE+8x10GE, 96xGE+12x10GE, and 96xGE+8x10GE+4x40GE. In addition, the S5710-HI provides both optical and electrical ports for flexible access and supports PoE+. The flexible port combinations meet different bandwidth upgrading requirements and protect customers' investment.Comprehensive VPN Technologies●The S5700-HI allows users in different VPNs to connect to the same switch and isolates users through multi-instance routing. The S5700-HI supports Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) QoS, MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE), Virtual Leased Line (VLL), Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS), and Layer 3 Virtual Private Network (L3VPN). They can provide high-quality private line access services for enterprises and are cost-effective case-shaped MPLS switches.Flexible Ethernet Networking●In addition to traditional Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), the S5700-HI supports Huawei-developed Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) technology and the latest Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS) standard. SEP is a ring protection protocol specific to the Ethernet link layer, and applies to various ring network topologies, such as open ring topology, closed ring topology, and cascading ring topology. This protocol is reliable, easy to maintain, and implements fast protection switching within 50 ms. ERPS is defined in ITU-T G.8032. It implements millisecond-level protection switching based on traditional Ethernet MAC and bridging functions.●The S5700-HI supports Smart Link and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), which implement backup of uplinks. One S5700-HI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, significantly improving reliability of access devices. In addition, the S5700-HI provides multiple connection fault detection mechanisms, including Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802.3ah/802.1ag /ITU Y.1731) and Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD). The S5700-HI (except S5710-HI) provides hardware-based 3.3 ms Ethernet OAM detection cycle and 10 ms BFD detection cycle.Diversified Security Control●With enhanced network admission control (NAC) functions, the S5700-HI supports 802.1x authentication, MAC address authentication, Portal authentication, and hybrid authentication, and can dynamically delivery user policies such as VLANs, QoS policies, and access control lists (ACL).●The S5700-HI provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS attacks and user-targeted attacks. DoS attacks are targeted at switches and include SYN flood, Land, Smurf, and ICMP flood attacks. User-targeted attacks include bogus DHCP server attacks, IP/MAC address spoofing, DHCP request flood, and change of the DHCP CHADDR value. You can specify DHCP snooping trusted and untrusted ports to ensure that users connect only to the authorized DHCP server.●The S5700-HI supports strict ARP learning. This feature prevents ARP spoofing attackers from exhausting ARP entries so that users can connect to the Internet normally.Easy-Operation●The S5700 supports Easy-Operation, a solution that provides auto configuration, plug-and-play, USB-based deployment, and batch remote upgrade. The Easy-Operation solution facilitates device deployment, upgrade, service provisioning, and other management and maintenance operations, and also greatly reduces costs of operation and maintenance.●The S5700 can be managed and maintained using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) V1, V2, and V3, Command Line Interface (CLI), web-based network management system, or Secure Shell (SSH) V2.0. Additionally, it supportsremote network monitoring (RMON), multiple log hosts, port traffic statistics collection, and network quality analysis that help in network consolidation and reconstruction.●The S5700-HI can use the GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP) to implement dynamic distribution, registration, and propagation of VLAN attributes. GVRP reduces manual configuration workload and ensures correct configuration. Besides, the S5700-HI supports the MUX VLAN function, which involves a principal VLAN and multiple subordinate VLANs. Subordinate VLANs are classified into group VLANs and separate VLANs. Ports in the principal VLAN can communicate with ports in subordinate VLANs. Ports in a subordinate group VLAN can communicate with each other, whereas ports in a subordinate separate VLAN can communicate only with ports in the principal VLAN.●EasyDeploy: The Commander collects information about the topology of the client connecting to the Commander and saves client startup information based on the topology. The client can be replaced without configuration. Configuration and scripts can be delivered to the client in batches. In addition, the configuration delivery result can be queried.●The Commander can collect and display power consumption on the entire network.Mature IPv6 Technologies●The S5700-HI uses the mature, stable Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) and supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stacks, IPv6 routing protocols (RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+, and IS-IS for IPv6), and IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels including manual, 6-to-4, and Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing Protocol (ISATAP) tunnels. With these IPv6 features, the S5700-HI can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, a pure IPv6 network, or a shared IPv4/IPv6 network, helping realize IPv4-to-IPv6 transition.Excellent Network Traffic Analysis●The S5700-HI provides the NetStream function and can function as a NetStream data exporter. It periodically collects data traffic statistics, encapsulates the statistics in standard V5, V8, or V9 packets, and sends the packets to the NetStream data collector according to NetStream configuration. The collected statistics are then processed to dynamically generate reports, analyze traffic attributes, and generate alarms on abnormal traffic. The NetStream function helps you optimize network structure and adjust resource deployment in a timely manner.●The S5700-HI supports the sFlow function. It uses a method defined in the sFlow standard to sample traffic passing through it and sends sampled traffic to the collector in real time. The collected traffic statistics are used to generate statistical reports, helping enterprises maintain their networks.Product SpecificationsFixed ports 24 10/100/1000Base-T 24 100/1000Base-X 48 10/100/1000BASE-T, 810GE SFP+Extended slots 1 extended slot:●Optional subcard 1: 2 10GESFP+ interface card●Optional subcard 2: 4 10GESFP+ interface card●Optional subcard 3: 41000BASE-X interface card 1 extended slot:●Optional subcard 1: 2 10GESFP+ interface card●Optional subcard 2: 4 10GESFP+ interface card●Optional subcard 3: 41000BASE-X interface card3 front extended slots:●Optional subcard 1: 1610/100/1000BASE-Tinterface card●Optional subcard 2: 161000BASE-X interfacecard1 rear extended slot:●Optional subcard 1: 410GE SFP+ interfacecard (no GE autoadaption)●Optional subcard 2: 440GE QSFP+ interfacecardMAC address table IEEE 802.1d compliance32K MAC address entries IEEE 802.1d compliance32K MAC address entriesIEEE 802.1d compliance456K MAC address entriesMAC address learning andMAC address learning and aging Static, dynamic, and blackhole MAC address entriesPacket filtering based on source MAC addresses MAC address learning and agingStatic, dynamic, and blackholeMAC address entriesPacket filtering based on sourceMAC addressesagingStatic, dynamic, andblackhole MAC addressentriesPacket filtering based onsource MAC addressesVLAN 4K VLANsGuest VLAN and voice VLANGVRPMUX VLANVLAN assignment based on MAC addresses, protocols, IP subnets, policies, and ports1:1 and N:1 VLAN MappingReliability RRPP ring topology and RRPP multi-instanceSmart Link tree topology and Smart Link multi-instance, providing the millisecond-level protectionswitchoverSEPERPS(G.8032)BFD for OSPF, BFD for IS-IS, BFD for VRRP, and BFD for PIMSTP(IEEE 802.1d), RSTP(IEEE 802.1w), and MSTP(IEEE 802.1s)BPDU protection, root protection, and loop protectionMPLS features MPLS L3VPNMPLS L2VPN(VPWS/VPLS)MPLS-TEMPLS QoSIP routing Static routing, RIPv1/v2, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and ECMPIPv6 features Neighbor Discovery (ND)Path MTU (PMTU)IPv6 ping, IPv6 tracert6to4 tunnel, ISATAP tunnel, and manually configured tunnelACLs based on the source IPv6 address, destination IPv6 address, Layer 4 ports, or protocol typeIPv6 Static routing, RIPng, OSPFv3, IS-ISv6, BGP4+, ECMPMulticast IGMP v1/v2/v3 snooping and IGMP fast leaveMLD v1/v2 snoopingMulticast forwarding in a VLAN and multicast replication between VLANsMulticast load balancing among member ports of a trunkControllable multicastPort-based multicast traffic statisticsIGMPv1/v2/v3, MLDv1/v2, PIM-SM, PIM-DM, PIM-SSM, MSDPQoS/ACL Rate limiting on packets sent and received by an interfacePacket redirectionPort-based traffic policing and two-rate three-color CAREight queues on each portWRR, DRR, PQ, WRR+PQ, and DRR+PQ queue scheduling algorithmsWREDRe-marking of the 802.1p priority and DSCP priorityPacket filtering at Layer 2 to Layer 4, filtering out invalid frames based on the source MAC address,destination MAC address, source IP address, destination IP address, TCP/UDP port number,protocol type, and VLAN IDRate limiting in each queue and traffic shaping on portsSecurity User privilege management and password protectionDoS attack defense, ARP attack defense, and ICMP attack defenseBinding of the IP address, MAC address, interface, and VLANPort isolation, port security, and sticky MACBlackhole MAC address entriesLimit on the number of learned MAC addresses802.1x authentication and limit on the number of users on an interfaceAAA authentication, RADIUS authentication, HWTACACS authentication, and NACSSH v2.0Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)CPU defenseBlacklist and whitelistOAM Hardware OAM:●EFM OAM●CFM OAM●Y.1731 performance test(hardware-level delay andjitter detection) Hardware OAM:●EFM OAM●CFM OAM●Y.1731 performance test(hardware-level delay and jitterdetection)Software OAM:●EFM OAM●CFM OAM●Y.1731 performancetestManagement and maintenance iStackMAC Forced Forwarding (MFF)Virtual cable testSNMP v1/v2c/v3RMONWeb-based NMSSystem logs and alarms of different levels 802.3az EEEsFlowNetStreamDying gaspOperating environment ●Operating temperature: 0°Cto 50°C●Relative humidity: 5% to 95%(non-condensing)●Operating temperature: 0°C to50°C●Relative humidity: 5% to 95%(non-condensing)●Operating temperature:0°C to 50°C●Relative humidity: 5%to 95% (non-condensing)Input voltage AC:●Rated voltage range: 100 V to240 V AC, 50/60 Hz●Maximum voltage range: 90 Vto 264 V AC, 50/60 Hz AC:●Rated voltage range: 100 V to240 V AC, 50/60 Hz●Maximum voltage range: 90 Vto 264 V AC, 50/60 HzAC:●Rated voltage range:100 V to 240 V AC,50/60 Hz●Maximum voltagerange: 90 V to 264 VDC:●Rated voltage range: –48 V to–60 V, DC●Maximum voltage range: –36V to –72 V, DC DC:●Rated voltage range: –48 V to–60 V, DC●Maximum voltage range: –36V to –72 V, DCAC, 50/60 HzDC:●Rated voltage range: –48 V to –60 V, DC●Maximum voltagerange: –36 V to –72 V,DCPower consumption <76 W <80 W < 1680 W (Device: 240W,PoE: 1440W)Networking and ApplicationsOn Medium-sized Enterprise NetworksThe S5710-HI can function as a core switch on a medium-sized enterprise network. With four extended slots, the S5710-HI can have various subcards installed to provide more interfaces and bandwidth for fast increasing services.On Large-sized Enterprise NetworksThe S5700-HI can function as an access device on a large-sized enterprise network or an aggregation device on a small-sized or medium-sized campus network. It supports link aggregation and dual-homing to improve network reliability.In Data CentersThe S5700-HI can be used in a data center. It connects to gigabit servers and aggregates traffic from the servers to uplink devices through trunk links. If multiple servers are available, an S5700 stack can be used to facilitate network maintenance and improve network reliability.Ordering InformationThe following table lists ordering information of the S5700-HI series switches.Part Number Description02353631 S5700-28C-HI-24S (24xGig SFP, with 1 interface slot)02353630S5700-28C-HI (24xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports, with 1 interface slot)02354043 S5710-108C-PWR-HI (48xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports, 8x10 Gig SFP+, PoE+, with 4 interface slots) 03021JYN 2x10 Gig SFP+ Interface Card (used in S5700-HI series)03021JYM 4x10 Gig SFP+ Interface Card (used in S5700-HI series)03021JYP 4xGig SFP Interface Card (used in S5700-HI series)03021PED 16xGig SFP Interface Card (used in S5710-HI series)03021NXB 16xEthernet 10/100/1000 ports Interface Card (used in S5710-HI series)03021NKW 4x40 Gig QSFP+ Interface Card (used in S5710-HI series)03021PHQ 4x10 Gig SFP+ Interface Card (used in S5710-HI series)02310GBM 170W DC Power Module (used in S5700-HI series)02130966 170W AC Power Module (used in S5700-HI series)02130971 350W AC Power Module (used in S5710-HI series)02130984 1150W AC PoE Power ModuleMore InformationFor more information about Huawei Campus Switches, visit or contact us in the following ways:●Global service hotline: /en/service-hotline●Logging in to the Huawei Enterprise technical support website: /enterprise/●Sending an email to the customer service mailbox: ********************Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2018. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior writtenconsent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and thecustomer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within thepurchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address:Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:。

.华为交换机参数基本参数 产品型号 产品类型 应用层级 背板带宽 包转发率 传输方式硬件参数 扩展插槽网络与软件 VLAN 支持 网管功能其它参数 外形尺寸 电源电压 最大功率 重量Quidway S9306 路由交换机 三层 2.4Tbps 1080MPPS 存储转发方式6支持 VLAN 功能 支持网管功能442×476×442mm DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 800W <30Kg..华为 S5700-52P-LI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数 产品型号 产品类型 应用层级 包转发率硬件参数 接口类型 接口数目 传输速率 端口结构 堆叠支持网络与软件 VLAN 支持 网管功能 MAC 地址表其他性能其它参数 外形尺寸S5700-52P-LI-AC 千兆以太网 二层 78Mpps48个10/100/1000Base-TX,4个100/1000Base-X SFP 52口 10M/100M/1000Mbps 非模块化 可堆叠支持 VLAN 功能 支持端口镜像和 RSPAN(远程端口镜像) 16K 基于五元组、IP 优先级、TOS、DSCP、IP 协议类型、ICMP 类型、TCP 源端口、VLAN、 以太网帧协议类型、CoS 等信息,实现复杂流分类功能。
S5700支持基于流的双速三 色限速功能,每端口支持8个优先级队列,支持 WRR、DRR、SP、WRR+SP、DRR+SP 多 种队列调度算法,有效地保证话音、视频和数据业务质量。
支持 DoS(Denial of Service)类防攻击、网络的防攻击、用户的防攻击等功能。
其中 DoS 类防攻击主要包括 SYN Flood、Land、Smurf、ICMP Flood。
网络的防攻击 主要是指 STP 的 BPDU/Root 攻击。
用户的防攻击涉及 DHCP 仿冒攻击、中间人攻击、 IP/MAC Spoofing 攻击、DHCP request flood、改变 CHADDR 值的 DoS 攻击等等。
Multifunctional 175 系列外部无线接入点数据手册说明书

data sheetMultifunctional 175 series outdoor wireless access points (APs) deliver enterprise-grade Wi-Fi to high-density client environments in campuses, storage yards, warehouses, container and transportation facilities, extreme industrial production areas and other harsh environments.These high-performance 802.11n outdoor APs deliver wireless data rates up to 300 Mbps per radio and ensure peak performance by utilizing channel bonding, block acknowledgement and MIMO radios. Advanced antenna technology also increases RF signal range and reliability.Able to survive in harsh outdoor environments, 175 series APs withstand exposure to high and low temperatures, persistent moisture and precipitation, and are fully sealed to keep out airborne contaminants. All electrical interfaces include industrial-strength surge protection.The 175 series outdoor APs feature two dual-band 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radios with 2x2 MIMO and four external antenna connectors.WI-FI CLIeNt OPtIMIZatIONTo eliminate sticky client behavior, every Aruba AP comes with ClientMatch™ technology, which continuously gathers session performance metrics and utilizes this data to steer mobile devices to the best AP and radio on the WLAN, even while users roam.Best-IN-CLass RF MaNaGeMeNtAll Aruba APs include Adaptive Radio Management™ technology, which is essential to creating the most reliable, high-performance WLANs. ARM™ manages the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radio bands to optimize Wi-Fi client performance and ensures that APs stay clear of RF interference.ARUBA 175 seRIesOUTdOOR ACCess POINTsFor high-density Wi-Fi client environmentsThe 175 series can be configured to provide part-time ordedicated air monitoring for spectrum analysis and wireless intrusion protection, VPN tunnels to extend remote locations to corporate resources, and wireless mesh connections where ethernet drops are not available.ChOOse YOUR OPeRatING MOdeThe 175 series of outdoor APs offers a choice of operating modes to meet your unique management and deployment requirements.• Controller-managed mode . When managed by Aruba Mobility Controllers, 175 series APs offer centralized configuration, data encryption, policy enforcement and network services, as well as distributed and centralized traffic forwarding. Please refer to the Aruba Mobility Controller data sheets for more details.• Aruba Instant™ mode . In Aruba Instant mode, a single AP automatically distributes the network configuration to other Instant APs in the WLAN. simply power-up one Instant AP, configure it over the air, and plug in the other APs – the entire process takes about five minutes. For large installations across multiple sites, the Aruba Activate™ service significantly reduces deployment time by automating device provisioning, firmware upgrades, and inventory management. With Aruba Activate, Instant APs are factory-shipped to any site and configure themselves when powered up.If WLAN and network requirements change, a built-in migration path allows 175 series Instant APs to become partof a WLAN that is centrally managed by a Mobility Controller.adVaNCed FeatURes• spectrum Analysis: -spectrum analyzer remotely scans the 2.4-GHz and5-GHz radio bands to identify sources of RF interference. • security: -With an OpenDNS service subscription, Aruba Instantdelivers integrated web filtering, malware and botnetprotection to every device connected to the WLAN -Integrated Trusted Platform Module (TPM) for securestorage of credentials and keys -secureJack-capable for secure tunneling of wiredEthernet trafficOPeRatING MOdes• 802.11a/b/g/n Aruba Instant AP• 802.11a/b/g/n Mobility Controller-managed AP• Air monitor (AM)• secure enterprise mesh• Remote AP (RAP) when used with a Mobility Controller WIReLess RadIO sPeCIFICatIONs• AP type: dual-radio, dual-band 802.11n outdoor• Software-configurable dual radio supports 2.4 GHzand 5 GHz• 2x2 MIMO 802.11n with two spatial streams and up to300 Mbps per radio• supported frequency bands(country-specific restrictions apply): -2.400 to 2.4835 GHz -5.150 to 5.250 GHz -5.250 to 5.350 GHz -5.470 to 5.725 GHz -5.725 to 5.850 GHz• Available channels: Dependent upon configuredregulatory domain• dynamic frequency selection (dFs) optimizes the use ofavailable RF spectrum• supported radio technologies: -802.11b: direct-sequence spread-spectrum (dsss) -802.11a/g/n: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFdM) -802.11n: 2x2 MIMO with two spatial streams• supported modulation types: -802.11b: BPsK, QPsK, CCK -802.11a/g/n: BPsK, QPsK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM• Transmit power: Configurable in increments of 0.5 dBm• Maximum transmit power: -2.4 GHz: 25 dBm aggregate(limited by local regulatory requirements) -5 GHz: 25 dBm aggregate(limited by local regulatory requirements)• Maximum ratio combining (MRC) for improvedreceiver performance• Cyclic delay diversity for improved downlinkRF performance• space-Time Block Coding (sTBC) for increased range and improved reception• Association rates (Mbps): -802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 -802.11a/g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 -802.11n: MCs0 to MCs15 (6.5 Mbps to 300 Mbps)• 802.11n high-throughput (HT) support: HT 20/40• 802.11n packet aggregation: A-MPdU, A-MsdU POWeR IN• IAP-175P and AP-175P: 48-volt dC 802.3at power overethernet (Poe+)• IAP-175AC and AP-175AC: 100-240-volt AC from external AC power source• Maximum power consumption: 18 watts; excludes power consumed by any Poe device connected to and powered by the IAP-175AC and AP-175ACPOWeR OUt• The AC powered model provides an 802.3af Poe powersource (Pse) on the ethernet interfaceaNteNNa• Four N-type female interfaces (two 2.4 GHz and two5 GHz) for external MIMO antennas• Feeder cable may be used for external antenna deployments INteRFaCes• Network: One 10/100/1000BAse-T ethernet (RJ-45),auto-sensing link speed and MdI/MdX• Power: One AC power connector (IAP-175AC and AP-175AC) • Other: One UsB console interfaceMOUNtING• Wall or mast mounted using the mounting bracketsupplied with the unit; solar shield includedMeChaNICaL• dimensions/weight (unit): -225 mm x 225 mm x 105 mm (8.9” x 8.9” x 4.1“),excluding connectors -3.5 kg (7.7 lb): IAP-175P and AP-175P -4.25 kg (9.4 lb): IAP-175AC and AP-175AC• dimensions/weight (shipping): -395 mm x 348 mm x 375 mm (15.6” x 13.7” x 14.8“) -8.25 kg (18.2 lb): IAP-175P and AP-175P -9 kg (19.8 lb): IAP-175AC, AP-175AC eNVIRONMeNtaL• Operating temperature: --30° C to 60° C (-22° F to 140° F): IAP-175P and AP-175P --40° C to 55° C (-40° F to 131° F): IAP-175AC, AP-175AC • Operating humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing• Operating altitude: Up to 3,000 meters (9,850 feet)• storage and transportation temperature: -40° C to +70° C (-40° F to +158° F)• Weather rating: IP66 and IP67• Wind survivability: Up to 165 mph• shock and vibration: eTsI 300-19-2-4 spec T41.e class 4M3 ReGULatORY• FCC/Industry of Canada• Ce Marked• R&TTe directive 1995/5/eC• Low Voltage directive 72/23/eeC• eN 300 328• eN 301 489• eN 301 893• UL/IeC/eN 60950For more country-specific regulatory information and approvals, please see your Aruba representative. CeRtIFICatIONs• CB scheme safety, cTUVus• Wi-Fi certified 802.11a/b/g/nWaRRaNtY• One year parts and laborMINIMUM aRUBaOs VeRsION• on an Aruba Mobility Controller• Aruba Instant softwareMaximum capability of the hardware provided. Maximum transmit power is limited by local regulatory settings.©2014 Aruba Networks, Inc. Aruba Networks®, Aruba The Mobile edge Company® (stylized), Aruba Mobilty Management system®, People Move. Networks Must Follow.®, Mobile edge Architecture®, RFProtect®, Green Island®, eTIPs®, ClientMatch®, Bluescanner™ and The All Wireless Workspace Is Open For Business™ are all Marks of Aruba Networks, Inc. in the United states and certain other countries. The preceding list may not necessarily be complete and the absence of any mark from this list does not mean that it is not an Aruba Networks, Inc. mark. All rights reserved. Aruba Networks, Inc. reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication and the product specifications without notice. While Aruba Networks, Inc. uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the specifications contained in this document, Aruba Networks, Inc. will assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. DS_AP175Series_1006141344 CrossmAn Ave | sunnyvAle, CA 940891.866.55.AruBA | T: 1.408.227.4500 | FAX: 1.408.227.4550 |**********************For a complete list of accessories, please see the AP-175 Configuration Guide .。

端口结构非模块化堆Fra bibliotek支持可堆叠
基于五元组、IP优先级、TOS、DSCP、IP协议类型、ICMP类型、TCP源端口、VLAN、以太网帧协议类型、CoS等信息,实现复杂流分类功能。S5700支持基于流的双速三色限速功能,每端口支持8个优先级队列,支持WRR、DRR、SP、WRR+SP、DRR+SP多种队列调度算法,有效地保证话音、视频和数据业务质量。提供多种安全保护功能。支持DoS(Denial of Service)类防攻击、网络的防攻击、用户的防攻击等功能。其中DoS类防攻击主要包括SYN Flood、Land、Smurf、ICMP Flood。网络的防攻击主要是指STP的BPDU/Root攻击。用户的防攻击涉及DHCP仿冒攻击、中间人攻击、IP/MAC Spoofing 攻击、DHCP request flood、改变 CHADDR 值的 DoS 攻击等等。支持通过建立和维护DHCP Snooping 绑定表,侦听接入用户的MAC/IP 地址、租用期、VLAN-ID、接口等信息,解决 DHCP 用户的IP 和端口跟踪定位问题。同时,对不符合绑定表项的非法报文(ARP欺骗报文、擅自修改IP地址等)直接丢弃。
Quidway S9306

基于硬件的QOS才能;MPLS QoS,优先级映射,流量监管(CAR),流量整形,拥塞防止(基于IP优先级/DSCP WRED),拥塞管理〔LAN接口:SP/WRR/SP+WRR;WAN接口:PQ/CBWFQ〕,MQC(流分类,流行为,流策略),H-QoS,WLAN QoS,FR QoS
配置150W交流电源,配置2GE WAN口,1GE Combo WAN口;

华为交换机参数华为交换机参数基本参数产品型号Quidway S9306产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 2.4Tbps包转发率1080MPPS传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数扩展插槽 6网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能其它参数外形尺寸442×476×442mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 最大功率800W重量<30Kg电源电压AC:100-240V AC,50/60Hz,90-264V AC,50/60Hz最大功率<792W华为 S5700-24TP-SI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数产品型号S5700-24TP-SI-AC产品类型千兆以太网应用层级三层背板带宽256Gbps包转发率36Mpps传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数接口类型10/100Base-T端口,10/100/1000M Combo电口接口数目24口传输速率10M/100Mbps堆叠支持可堆叠网络与软件网络标准IEEE 802.3,IEEE 802.3u,IEEE 802.3ab,IEEE 802.3z,IEEE 802.3x,IEEE 802.1Q,IEEE 802.1d,IEEE 802.1XVLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能双工传输支持全双工MAC地址表8K其它参数外形尺寸250×180×43.6mm 电源电压AC 100-240V最大功率<40W重量<1.4Kg其它工作温度:0-50℃工作湿度:10%-90% 存储温度:-5-55℃存储湿度:10%-90%华为 S5700-28P-LI-AC 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片华为 Quidway S9303 详细参数查看:更多信息 | 产品图片基本参数产品型号Quidway S9303产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 1.2Tbps包转发率540MPPS传输方式存储转发方式硬件参数传输速率10M/100M/1000Mbps扩展插槽 3网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能MAC地址表16k外形尺寸442×476×175mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 最大功率350W 重量15Kg华为 Quidway S9306 详细参数基本参数产品型号Quidway S9306产品类型路由交换机应用层级三层背板带宽 2.4Tbps包转发率1080MPPS传输方式存储转发方式扩展插槽 6网络与软件VLAN支持支持VLAN功能网管功能支持网管功能其它参数外形尺寸442×476×442mm电源电压DC:–38.4V-–72V;AC:90V-264V 最大功率800W重量<30Kg华为 S5710-28C-EI 详细参数基本参数产品型号S5710-28C-EI产品类型千兆以太网应用层级二层包转发率156Mpps接口类型20个10/100/1000Base-T,4个100/1000Base-X千兆Combo口,4个10GE SFP +口,上行支持8×10/100/1000BASE-T,8×1000Base-X,2×10GE SFP+插卡接口数目28口扩展插槽2个网络与软件网管功能支持网管功能MAC地址表16K其他性能支持智能堆叠(S5700-HI和S5700S-LI系列除外)支持MFF 支持虚拟电缆检测(Virtual Cable Test) 支持端口镜像和RSPAN(远程端口镜像) 支持Telnet远程配置、维护支持SNMPv1/v2/v3 支持RMON 支持eSight网管系统、支持WEB网管特性支持自动配置支持集群管理HGMP 支持HTTPS 支持系统日志、分级告警支持GVRP协议支持MUX VLAN功能支持802.3az能效以太网EEE(S5700-LI和S5700-HI支持)支持断电告警Dying gasp功能(S5700-LI支持)支持NetStream(S5710-EI支持)其它参数电源电压AC:100-240V AC,50/60Hz DC:-48--60V DC 最大功率<100W华为 S5700-28C-HI-24S 详细参数。

支持BDPU Tunnel

华为s5700s28pli技术参数华为技术参数序号项⽬性能指标固定端⼝×,×地址表⽀持地址容量遵循标准⽀持地址⾃动学习和⽼化⽀持静态、动态、⿊洞表项⽀持源地址过滤特性⽀持个⽀持、⽀持协议⽀持功能⽀持基于协议⼦⽹策略端⼝的⽀持和功能可靠性⽀持环型拓扑和多实例⽀持树型拓朴和多实例,提供主备链路的毫秒级保护⽀持智能以太保护协议⽀持( ),( )和( )协议⽀持保护、根保护和环回保护路由静态路由特性⽀持()⽀持⽀持、、⽀持基于源地址、⽬的地址、四层端⼝、协议类型等⽀持()组播⽀持和快速离开机制⽀持内组播转发和组播多复制⽀持捆绑端⼝的组播负载分担⽀持可控组播⽀持基于端⼝的组播流量统计⽀持对端⼝⼊⽅向、出⽅向进⾏速率限制⽀持报⽂重定向⽀持基于端⼝的流量监管,⽀持双速三⾊功能每端⼝⽀持个队列⽀持、、、+、队列调度算法⽀持报⽂的和优先级重新标记⽀持()()包过滤功能,提供基于源地址、⽬的地址、源地址、⽬的地址、协议源⽬的端⼝号、协议、的⾮法帧过滤功能⽀持基于队列限速和端⼝整形功能安全特性⽤户分级管理和⼝令保护⽀持防⽌、攻击功能、防攻击⽀持、、端⼝、的组合绑定⽀持端⼝隔离、端⼝安全、⽀持⿊洞地址⽀持地址学习数⽬限制⽀持认证,⽀持单端⼝最⼤⽤户数限制⽀持认证,⽀持、、等多种⽅式⽀持⽀持⽀持保护功能⽀持⿊名单和⽩名单接⼊安全⽀持、、、防雷业务端⼝防雷能⼒:管理和维护⽀持⽀持虚拟电缆检测( )⽀持⽀持⽀持⽹管系统、⽀持⽹管特性⽀持⾃动配置⽀持⽀持系统⽇志、分级告警⽀持能效以太⽹()⽀持功能环境要求⼯作温度:℃~℃相对湿度:~(⽆凝露)输⼊电压:额定电压范围:;最⼤电压范围:;外形尺⼨(宽×深×⾼)功耗<。
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传输速率 10/100Mbps 纠错
背板带宽 17.6Gbps 纠错
包转发率 13.2Mpps 纠错
MAC地址表 8K 纠错
端口数量 52个纠错
端口描述 48个10/100Mbps自适应以太网电口,2个GE电口,2个GE光口纠错其它参数
电源电压 AC 100-240V,50/60Hz 纠错
电源功率<20W 纠错
产品尺寸442×220×43.6mm 纠错
传输速率:10/100Mbps 纠错
背板带宽:17.6Gbps 纠错
包转发率:13.2Mpps 纠错
MAC地址表:8K 纠错
端口描述:48个10/100Mbps自适应以太网电口,2个GE电口,2个GE光口纠错其它参数电源电压:AC 100-240V,50/60Hz 纠错
电源功率:<20W 纠错
产品尺寸:442×220×43.6mm 纠错