论文 Translation of Chinese idioms
The translation of idioms is one of difficulties of translating foreign works
The translation of idioms is one of difficulties of translating foreign works. As we all know, A Dream of Red Mansion is one of the four masterpieces of ancient Chinese history of literature. So the translation of idiom is not an easy thing. Then let us see how Yang & Dai translate these idioms.
On Idioms and Their Translation from Chinese intoEnglish习语及习语的汉英翻译AbstractIdioms are just like incomparably resplendent bight pearls emitting dazzling rays in the palace of literature. Throughout the ages, they animate the works of countless men of literature and writing. Idioms have fixed patterns and abundant connotations. Their vivid images explicitly convey incisive meanings. Chinese idioms are part of the essenceof Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years. In this thesis, the English translation of Chinese idioms will be discussed on the foundation of simply introducing the definitions, origins, features, and classifications of idioms, and a series of principles and methods of idiom translation will be put forward, mainly involving the translation of the Chinese idioms which have similar and dissimilar implications in English.Key wordsChinese idioms; similarity ; dissimilarity摘要习语犹如文学殿堂里一颗璀璨无比的明珠放射着历久不衰的光芒,古往今来,无数文人墨客的笔下都闪耀着它的异彩。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 英语商标的汉译原则及策略2 以姚木兰和斯嘉丽为例看东西方女性意识差异3 A Journey through Harsh Reality: Reflections on Gulliver’s Travels4 非言语交际及其在二语教学中的运用5 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由6 非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查7 超音段特征对意义的影响8 从关联理论角度分析《绝望主妇》中话语标记语I mean9 论英语新闻标题中修辞的汉译10 《雾都孤儿》中南希双重性格分析11 中西方在养老孝道方面的差异12 An Ecocritical Analysis on Lady Chatterley’s Lover13 从妇女主义角度分析《紫色》中三位女性人物特征14 从自我认同角度再析《简爱》15 叶芝:无望的爱情,多变的风格16 The Application of Cohesive Devices in Chinese-English Translation of Chinese Literary Works17 中英文新闻标题的差异18 如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力19 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析20 Application of Politeness Principle in Top Talk21 《红字》中的基督教因素初探22 苔丝悲剧的原因与托马斯哈代悲剧意识的分析23 我看简爱的爱情24 论《简爱》中的经济意识25 论广告与文化2627 On the Image of Women's Language in English28 法律语言特征和法律语言翻译29 A Brief An alysis of Jack London’s Attitude towards Life Reflected in The Call of the Wild30 从《喧哗与骚动》中看复合式意识流手法31 《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较32 从《喜福会》看中国女性在美国的职业倾向33 从《芒果街上的小屋》透视女性自我意识的觉醒34 对圣经文学性之赏析35 解析斯嘉丽的性格及其对现代社会女性的借鉴意义36 Individual Factors in the Tragedy of The Lady with the Camellias37 <<罗伯特家的苔丝>>中动植物的作用38 唯美主义与奥斯卡•王尔德的《道林•格雷的画像》39 试论“选择性”口译的应用——从释意派理论角度分析口译工作中的变译现象40 从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭41 The Joy Luck Club-A Bittersweet Picture of Chinese-Americans across Two Generations42 从懒和熵的视角论《去十九号房间》中苏珊的罪43 从《热爱生命》看杰克•伦敦的生命观44 A Comparison of the English Color Terms45 伯莎梅森形象分析46 论中西婚姻观的差异47 从象征主义视角看《阿拉比》和《一个干净明亮的地方》48 从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译49 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识50 初中英语语法教学之我见51 顺从还是叛逆——解读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的基督教义精神52 A Comparative Study on Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai53 唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例54 论英语电影片名的误译55 《紫色》中女主人公西丽妇女主义的形成56 从两个H男孩的出走看美国历史的变迁57 “适者生存”在《野性的呼唤》中的释义58 中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例59 《喧嚣与骚动》的创作技巧研究60 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现61 从英语中性别歧视词看西方女性社会地位之变化62 论英语词汇中性别歧视现象及其产生的根源63 从功能对等论看中餐菜单的英译64 英汉颜色词“红”的对比研究65 英语委婉语的认知分析66 浅析女主人公性格对其婚恋的影响—在《傲慢与偏见》和《红楼梦》中婚恋比较67 A Contrastive Study on Meanings of Animal Words in English and Chinese68 英汉动物习语的文化差异及其翻译策略69 论《飘》的女性主义70 The Destruction and Degeneration of Heroines in William Faulkner’s Works71 浅析《洛丽塔》中亨伯特的分裂人格72 理想与现实的距离——《麦田里的守望者》中主人公霍尔顿的求索之路73 英语习语陷阱及其学习策略74 艾米丽的心理性格分析75 浅析张培基的散文翻译风格76 动物成语的英译77 无脸之殇——《英国病人》的后殖民指控分析78 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特元素分析79 初中英语课堂教学现状调查80 从自私基因论分析《伊索寓言》的寓意81 从中美非语言差异看国际商务谈判的影响及其对策82 中介语对二语习得的影响探究83 Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby84 从多视角比较《论读书》的两个译本85 非语言交际中体语的文化分析86 关于汉字“打”在英语翻译中的研究87 中西丧葬礼俗的对比研究88 高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策89 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese Greetings90 A Study of Translation of Chinese Idioms with Numeral “San”91 庞德诗歌《在地铁站里》的意象分析92 A Comparison of the English Color Terms93 浅析《简爱》中的女性意识94 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗95 西丽自我身份的寻求——《紫色》的女性主义解读96 英语报刊标题的词汇特点和修辞特点97 图式理论在高中英语阅读中的运用98 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究99 珀西•雪莱抒情诗意象研究100 论《哈克贝里芬历险记》中的口语化语言、幽默讽刺和地方色彩101 A Study on Humanity——Based on the Analysis of David Copperfield102 论林纾翻译小说中的翻译策略103 合作原则在商务谈判中的运用104 Sense and Sensibility in Jane Austen’s Persuasion105 哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异106 浅析《还乡》中爱格敦荒原的象征意义107 可口可乐产品推销中的中国元素分析108 《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧根源分析109 论幽默元素在《老友记》字幕中的翻译110 从《认真的重要性》中的布雷克耐尔夫人看维多利亚时代贵族女性特点111 普通话对英语语音的迁移作用112 浅析《呼啸山庄》希斯克利夫人物形象及其悲剧意义113 论报刊语言翻译中的译者主体性114 完美女性与准则英雄—论《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳115 The Study of Chinese Body Language116 论叶芝的写作风格117 商务合同英语的语言特征118 论初中英语教学中的任务型教学法119 商务英语翻译中的跨文化因素120 浅析《等待戈多》“反戏剧”的艺术特色121 A Comparison of the English Color Terms122 《榆树下的欲望》埃本悲剧命运探析123 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征124 解读《纯真年代》中的女性主义125 从花语的不同含义浅析中西方文化差异126 分析内战对《飘》中斯佳丽的影响127 从文化视角浅谈旅游英语翻译128 从对照艺术看《羊脂球》的人物形象塑造129 浅析中英恭维语130 马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》131 英语影视作品字幕汉译的策略132 从中西思维差异角度看汉英翻译中的中式英语现象133 汽车广告英语的语言特点及其翻译134 《无名的裘德》主人公人物形象浅析135 论莎士比亚《尤利乌斯凯撒》墓地演说中的人际意义的实现手段136 浅谈英语委婉语的作用和原则137 The Narrative Strategy of Wuthering Heights138 数字模糊语义的汉英翻译139 英语禁忌语的语用研究140 An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education141 文化差异对商务谈判的影响及策略142 唐诗宋词中颜色意象的研究及其翻译143 论谭恩美《喜福会》中文化身份迷失与探寻144 A Study of Nonverbal Communication145 影响大学生英语自主学习的因素研究146 A Study on the Motivations of Korean Students in China: Impacts of Internationalization on Korean Higher Education147 性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现148 从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义149 修辞手法在TED演讲中的运用150 英语系动词语义属性及句法行为研究151 汉英谚语中关于文化价值观的比较152 Etiquette and Protocol on Intercultural Business Negotiation153 A Tactics Study of English Listening Teaching in Basic Education Stage154 《杀死一只反舌鸟》文本和电影的比较研究155 Western and Chinese Marriage Differences in Cross-cultural Communication156 多媒体网络教学和传统教学对大学生情感的影响157 A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 158 析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿•考尔菲德的性格特征159 语篇分析在阅读教学中的运用160 穷人的大团结,通往希望之乡的必经之路:《愤怒的葡萄》研究161 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors162 从目的论角度看公司网页误译163 透过《德伯家的苔丝》看哈代托马斯的宗教观164 英汉白色词的文化象征意义及翻译165 The Features of Classic-literature-based Movies Showed in Pride and Prejudice166 二元对立模型在伍尔夫《达洛卫夫人》中的应用167 浅析中西方饮食文化差异168 简析比喻在《围城》中的运用169 The Function of Symbols in the Feminist Novel Possession170 Principles in the Translation of Legal English171 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位172 唐诗意象英译中的文化障碍和策略173 论个人主义对美国英雄电影的影响174 浅谈我国服装行业的网络营销175 关于英汉动物习语区别的研究176 《欢乐之家》中丽莉追求婚姻时的自我矛盾177 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》178 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象179 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性180 中美鬼节文化的对比研究181 浅析小说《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术182 语言迁移对第二语言习得的影响的试探性分析研究183 An Analysis of Hamlet’s Delay of Revenge in Hamlet184 谈英语中的性别差异及其文化内涵185 An Eco-analysis of The Yearling186 跨文化交际中的社交语用失误及其对英语教学的启示187 马克•吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探188 英语写作中干扰因素的分析189 论《简爱》中话语的人际意义190 《洛丽塔》的悲剧分析191 浅析中国时政术语的常用英译方法192 中英道歉语及应答差异193 伊丽莎白.贝内特与简.爱的婚姻观之比较194 从传统节日庆祝方式的角度比较中英文化差异195 论英语中的矛盾修辞196 A Miniature of Ambivalence and Self-Discovery as Reflected by Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club197 《游泳者》中的象征意象分析198 中西跨文化交际中非语言行为的比较研究199 《弗朗西斯麦康伯短促的幸福生活》中麦康伯个性转变之分析200 从关联理论看电影字幕的翻译。
A Study of the Translations of Chinese Idioms from a Cultural Perspective
Submitted by Zhu Jiaming Student ID number W2002A4303D0015
Supervised by Wang Haiyan
4.1.1 Analysis on idioms employing colors………………………………….. 11 4.1.2 Analysis on idioms attached to animals……………………………….. 12 4.2 Analysis on Idioms from the Perspective of Religion………………………….. 13 4.3 Analysis on Idioms from the Perspective of History…………………………… 14 4.4 Analysis on Idioms from the Perspective of Literature………………………... 14 5. Results and Suggestions ………………………………………………. 16 5.1 Results of the Study …………………………………………………………………. 16 5.2 Suggestions on Translating Chinese Idioms into English ……………………. 17 6. Conclusion ………………………………………………………............. 18
Methods on translation of Chinese idioms 汉语成语翻译的方法
汉语成语翻译的方法Methods on translation of Chinese idioms【摘要】汉语成语承载着中华五千年的文化特色和文化信息.而翻译并非只是两种语言之间的一种简单的对应转换过程,而是一种文化的交流和传递。
【关键词】汉语成语,英语习语,翻译,文化内涵,源语,目标语[Abstract] Chinese idioms bear five thousand years of Chinese cultural characteristic and the cultural messages. Translation is not only one kind of simple correspondence switching process between two languages, butis one kind of cultural exchange and transmission.The refore, translating Chinese idioms into English is a concrete operating process. First, the translators must fully understand the intrinsic meaning of the Chinese idioms; second, they should utilize several different translation methods nimbly and contrasts the similarities and differences between the English idioms and Chinese idioms; third, they should carry on the suitable structure adjustment and translate Chinese idioms which bear cultural characteristic and cultural information in maximum limit for the foreign readers. Helping the foreign readers eliminate and reduce language and cultural barrier requests the translator to work diligently to translate the form of Chinese idiom in the way that the foreign readers are glad to accept. At the same time, this is a very big challenge to reappear Chinese culture in English.To understand and translate Chinese idioms into English,it is very important for the translators to master and well acquaint themselves with the original language and the target language and their cultures. They should set out from the aspects of customs and cultural backgrounds and try to grasp the connotation of the original idiom by understanding linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese so as to make his version alike the original text in spirit. This article introduced several methods on translation of Chinese idioms concisely.[Key Words] Chinese idioms;English idioms;translation;cultureconnotation;original language;target language1. IntroductionAbout translation, the translation theoreticians have proposed many different viewpoints. In China, the most popular theory is Mr.Yanfu‟s “faithfulness, expr essiveness and elegance(信,达,雅)”while in the western countries, the most popular one is “equivalent value, equivalent effect and function equivalence(等值,等效,功能对等) ”.These viewpoints are mutually influenced and supplemented. Although the translators have different emphasis points, they all advocate that the translation must express the connotation of the original text faithfully and the style of the original work should reappear in translation. “所谓忠实表达原文的意义,应指忠实表达原文的字面意义,形象意义,隐含意义三个方面。
Idiom Translation under the Chineseand English CulturesClass XXX Number XXX Name XXXAbstract:Nida, a famous translator, says, "For truly successful translation, it is much more important to familiarize two cultures than master two languages, because words are assigned meanings in its particular cultures."(Background information) This is to say, translation is closely related with not only languages but also cultures. Studies of the cultural distinction in idiom translation are still relatively weak in the field of translation in China. Exclusive research on the translation of Chinese and English idioms is still incomplete.In the last twenty years, idiom translation has mostly emphasized the level of inter-lingual communication, but cultural differences were rarely involved in it.(Identify problem)This thesis analyses the cultural differences in Chinese and English idioms, then studies English-Chinese\Chinese-English idiom translation methods(Research subject)from the angle of culture(Method)and points out some warnings concerning idiom translation: pay attention to context and choose the right version in line with the style and meaning of the original passage(Results); culture is a whole way of life, when new culture emerges, new idioms also appear, therefore idiom translation should develop with the time.(Conclusion)Key Words: idioms; culture; translation论英汉文化背景下的习语翻译摘要:著名翻译学家奈达指出:“对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为词语只有在其作用的文化背景下才有意义。
英语论文题目1. English Translation of Chinese Idioms from Perspective of Foreignization and Domestication从归化与异化看汉语习语的英译2. Political Factors in E-C and C-E Translation英汉互译中的政治因素3. Aesthetic Association in Business Translation审美联想与商务翻译4. English Translation of Chinese Public Signs公共标识的英译探析5. E-C and C-E Translation of Company Profile公司简介的英汉互译6. .6. Comparative Study and Translation of Chinese and English Advertisements 中英广告语言比较研究及翻译7. Untranslatability in C-E and E-C Translation英汉互译中的不可译性8. Principle and Strategy in Movie Name Translation电影名称翻译的原则及策略9. Features and Principles of Movie Subtitle Translation电影字幕翻译的特点与原则10. Features and Translation of Tourism Publicity Materials旅游宣传品特点及翻译11. Metaphors in Science and Technology English隐喻视角下的的科技英语12. Verbal Characteristics in Women’s Talk女性言语交际的特点13. Pragmatic Features of Court Language法庭语言的语用特征探析14. A Pragmatic Study of Humor Language言语幽默的语用研究15. Discussion of Collocation Errors and Coping Strategies浅谈词汇搭配错误分析及其应对策略16. Analysis of Network Word Creation网络词汇造词法分析17. Gender Discrimination in English Language论英语语言中的性别歧视18. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Address Terms英汉称谓的语用对比研究19. Social Strata of English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词与社会分层20. Negative Native Cultural Transfer in English Acquisition英语习得中的母语文化负迁移21. Clause Structure Transfer in English-Chinese Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试英汉翻译中的从句结构转换22. Logical Thinking in Chinese-English Translation of TEM8逻辑思维在英语专业八级考试汉译英中的应用23. Culture Information in Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试翻译中的文化信息初探24. Note-taking of Interpreting in Listening Comprehension of TEM8口译笔记法在英语专业八级听力考试中的运用25. Conjunction in Chinese-English Translation of TEM8英语专业八级考试汉译英中连接现象的翻译26. Discourse Analysis in Listening Comprehension of TEM8语篇分析在英语专业八级听力考试中的应用27. Literal and Free Translation in Prose Translation by Zhang Peiji浅析张培基散文翻译中的直译与意译28. 28.Rhetorical Features of English Color Words and Their Translation英语颜色词的修辞特征及其翻译29. 29.Cross-cultural Translation of English and Chinese Idioms英汉成语跨文化翻译策略30. 30.Rhetorical Characteristics in English Names and Their Translation英语姓名的修辞现象与翻译31. Movie Farewell to My Concubine’s Subtitles Translation—A Perspective of Domestication and Foreignization 从归化和异化看电影《霸王别姬》的字幕翻译32. Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s Short StoryA Rose for Emily威廉?福克纳短篇小说《献给爱米莉的玫瑰》叙事技巧分析33. Symbolism in Bliss by Katherine Mansfield凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德小说《幸福》的象征主义分析34. English Translation of Chinese Classic Poetry Titles中国古典诗歌标题英译35. English Translation of Fussiness in Tang Poems唐诗中模糊语言的翻译36. Features of Tourism English and Its Translation旅游英语特点及其翻译37. English Translation of “Qing Ming” by Du Mu杜牧的诗《清明》的英译研究38. Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation翻译中文化差异的处理方法39. Approach to Translation of Poetic Image诗歌翻译的意象问题探讨40. Chinese Translation of the English Film Titles英语电影片名汉译研究41. Anxiety in EFL Listening Comprehension外语听力理解中焦虑问题的研究42. Relationship of Writing Ability between Thinking in L1 and L2母语思维与外语写作能力的关系43. Implementation of Learner Autonomy Training in EFL Classroom外语课堂中学习者自主性训练44. Vocabulary Learning Strategies of Non-English Major Students非英语专业大学生词汇学习策略研究45. Effects of Different Reading Tasks on Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition不同的阅读任务对附带性词汇习得的影响研究46. Corrective Feedback in College English Classroom大学英语课堂的纠正性反馈研究47. Productive Vocabulary Development of Chinese College English Majors中国英语专业大学生产出性词汇发展研究48. Application of Input Theory to College English Reading Teaching and Learning输入理论在大学英语阅读教学与学习中的应用49. Negative Transfer of Mother T ongue in College EFL Writing大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移研究50. Effects of L2 Vocabulary Learning Modes on Its AcquisitionL2词汇学习方式对学习效果的影响探究51.On the Differences between Chinese and Westerners in Non-language Communication谈中国人和英美人非语言交际的差异52.On the Contribution of the American Blacks during American Civil War美国黑人在美国历史上的贡献53.On American Black English浅谈美国黑人英语54.On the Differences of the Marriage Concept between Chinese and American浅谈中美婚姻观念的差异55.A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries中西方国家的餐桌礼仪与文化的对比分析56.On Sister Carrie’s Criticism upon American Society论<<嘉莉妹妹>>对美国社会的批判意义57、On Scarlett’s Attitude towards Life关于斯佳丽的生活观58、On the Characterization of Picaresque Huck论哈克的流浪汉形象59、On the Moral Spirit in the Great Gatsby. 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的道德观60、Thomas Hardy’s Pessimism in Tess of the D’urbervelles托马斯.哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中的悲观主义61、A Study of Tom Joad in the Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》的中汤姆约德研究62、Mark Twain’s Linguistic Style in T he Adventures of Tom Sawyer浅析《汤姆索娅历险记》中马克吐温的语言风格63、On the Characteristics of Uncle T om汤姆叔叔的性格分析64、A Study of the Themes in a Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的主题思想研究65、The Tragic Fate of “a Pure Woman” in the Conflict of the Individual and the Society “一个纯洁女人”在人与社会发展冲突中的悲剧命运66、On the Language Style of a Midsummer-Night's Dream 论《仲夏夜之梦》的语言风格67、The Social Significance of Swift's Gulliver's Travels《格列佛游记》的社会意义68、The Psychological Analysis in Macbeth论莎士比亚《麦克白》的心理刻画69、Inflexible Ada in Cold Mountain《冷山》中执著的艾达70、On the Romanticism and Realism of Alice in Wonderland 论爱丽丝梦游仙境的童话性与现实性71、On the Tragicomedy of Rebecca in Vanity Fair论《名利场》中利蓓加的悲喜一生72、On the Humour of Oliver Twist论《雾都孤儿》的幽默艺术。
English - and - Chinese - Idioms - Translation[1]
English - and - Chinese - Idioms - Translation[1]苏晓宁 2021303172 13010802Professor Ruan HongmeiTheory and Practice of Translation Between English and ChineseEnglish and Chinese Idioms TranslationBoth Britain and China have a long history which creates many idioms and they are widely used in people’s daily life. However, because of the differences in geographic environment, culture traditions, social customs and religions, there are some difficulties in the translation between English and Chinese idioms. The purpose of this paper is to show the aspects thatinfluence the translation of English and Chinese idioms, and to offer some methods in idioms translation.Geographic environment is the foundation of humans’ existence and development, so different geographic environments have different influences on the formation and development of the nations’ culture (李红艳,2021). Chinais always a country which agriculture plays an important role since ancient time, so a large number of idioms related to agriculture have been in use.e.g. (1) 槁木死灰――withered wood or cold ashes (2) 骨瘦如柴――belean as a rakeLiving on an island, the English are keen on sailing and traveling, the English language abounds in idioms connected with navigation (Ouyang Hongxiang, 2021).e.g. (1) all at sea――不知所措(2) in the same boat――同舟共济1Culture traditions also have a profound influence on the language. Many Chinese idioms come from fables, historical events and folk legends (李红艳,2021).e.g. (1) 亡羊补牢――It’s never too late to mend.(2) 三顾茅庐――make three calls at the thatched cottage (3) 愚公移山――how Yukong moved the mountainsCompared with that, many English idioms are from ancient Greek and Roman myths and the works written by great masters such as Shakespeare (李红艳,2021).e.g. (1) the Trojan horse――特洛伊木马(2) arrow of Cupid――丘比特之箭(3)at one fell swoop――刹那之间Social custom is an important part of culture and it is also a critical difference between English and Chinese culture. The differences are indicated from the idioms related to animals and colors (李红艳,2021 ). In China,idioms related to dragon are usually positive while idioms related to dog are often negative. However, English idioms are opposite. Red is usuallyconsidered as a symbol of happiness and thriving, but it is usually related to violence and blood in English.e.g. (1) 狗急跳墙――a concerned beast will do something desperate (2)乘龙快婿――an ideal son-in-law (3) a lucky dog――幸运儿(4) Love me, love my dog――爱屋及乌 (5) 红极一时――the day in the sun2(6) a red rag to a bull――激起暴怒的缘由Every nationality has its own religious belief and culture and it has influence on human’s values, behaviors and ling uistic expression. As a result, many idioms related to religion appeared in both English and Chinese (李红艳,2021). Buddhism and Taoism are the two major religions in China’s history. On the other hand, Christianity has the biggest impact in Europe, and manyEnglish idioms are from the Bible and Christianity.e.g. (1) 借花献佛――offer a present to a guest with other people’sthings(2) 道高一尺,魔高一丈――While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten (3) finger on the wall――不祥之兆(4) Forbidden fruit is sweetest――禁果分外甜Because of the culture differences existed between China and Britain, itis almost impossible to achieve absolute equivalency in translation. What the translator can do is just to make the translation as close as the meaning ofthe original work. Several methods can be used in the translation of idioms such as literal translation, semantic translation, a combination of the two methods and annotation.Literal translation is not word for word but the translation of theoriginal thoughts and contents without changing the way of expression. This method best shows the national traits of original works(吕瑞昌等 et al., 1983). By using the literal translation, translators can remain the characters of original works and make the reader realize the culture of foreign countries.e.g. (1) 有其父必有其子――like father, like son3(2)好事不出门,恶事行千里。
英 语 专业 1999 年级毕业论文(设学号 姓 名 指导教师 论 文 题 目2099001 唐 萍 吕 艳 A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Euphemisms 英汉委婉语对比研究 2099002 郑 梅 雷志敏 Characteristics of English Vocabulary in Advertising 广告英语的词汇特点2099003 杨婷婷 余富林 An Inter-communication View of Words and Their Translation 从跨文化角度看词的文化意义及其翻译 2099004 梅光幸 雷志敏 The Features of Adjective Suffixes 形容词后缀的特征2099005 杨 英 吕 艳 Politeness Principles in English Communication and Pragmatic Failure 英语交际中的礼貌原则和语用失误2099006 李春花 龙纯良 The Comparative Study of Color in Cutural Meaning Between English and Chinese 英语中颜色词的翻译 2099007 周 杰 何敏慧 S trategies for Improving Students’ Listening Abilities 提高学生听力能力之策略2099008 李海燕 阙道彬 Modal Expressions of Adjectives and Adverbs in the Context 英语形容词、副词在语境中的情态表达 2099009 李文英 刘开军 A Comparative Study Between English and Chinese Passive Voice 英汉被动语态cf 比较研究 2099010 李 平 宗乐善 A Comparative study of English and Chinese Onomatopoeia 英汉摹声比较 2099011 陈 英 刘淑芳 Features of Computer English Word-formation 计算机英语的词法特征 2099012 唐 淼 余富林 The Characteristics of Web English 网络英语的特点2099013 谢玉平 吴传凤 Vivid Characters, Deep Impressions – An Analysis of the Characters in Oliver Twist 鲜明的人物,深刻的印象-《雾都孤儿》人物分析2099014 伍平华 莫善清 Analysis of Puritanism Perspectives The Scarlet Letter 红字中的清教主义思想2099015 李建萍 刘淑芳 The notional passive and comparison between English and Chinese 意义被动句及其英汉比较 2099016 黄赛花 刘淑芳 The Forms and Uses of Genitive Nouns of English 英语名词属格的形式和用法 2099017 张 镟 刘肇云 A Comparative of Existential Sentence in English and chinese 英汉存在句对比 2099018 向亚萍 徐明初 The English and Chinese comparison of Rhetoric in Advertisements 英汉广告修辞对比 2099019尹卫玲高绍祥The Referential Function of the Definite Article 定冠词的指涉功能计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099020 向延梅吴传凤The Characteristics and Translation of Trademark Words商标英语的特点和翻译2099021 刘彩霞余富林On the Phenomena of Sentence Contraction in English and Chinese Marks论英汉语中的句子紧缩现象2099022 游丽娟刘肇云Functions and Application of English Punctuations英语标点符号的功能及应用2099023 左光辉余富林 A Comparison of Animal Figures in Chinese and English中英有关动物的比喻的比较2099024 彭锦红陈勇The Linguistic Features of Punning Advertisement广告双关语的言语美特点2099025 佘晶丹熊云甫The Image of Tess by Hardy哈代笔下的苔丝形象2099026 李晓靓余富林 A Comparison of English and Chinese Phonetic Ambiguity英汉语音歧义的比较2099027 杨瑜徐明初Translation Techniques of Proverbs and Idioms 谚语和习语的翻译技巧2099028 郑奇陈勇The Choice of Contents and Ways in Translation论翻译的内容与译法的选择2099029 肖清芳陈勇Semantic Abnormality and Rhetorical Collocation in English英语中的语义异常与修辞搭配2099030 刘劲宗乐善The Analysis of Gertrude’s Psychological Description in Sons and Lovers 浅析《儿子与情人》中格鲁德的心理描写2099031 罗秋霞宗乐善The Nature of Metaphor—From the Nature of Metaphor to Its Differences Between English and Chinese 隐喻的本质—从隐喻本质看英汉差别2099032 胡芳刘肇云On the Translation of Trademark Words 浅谈商标词的翻译2099033 唐亚兰吕艳Application of Body Language体态语的应用2099034 龙兰丽何敏慧 A Comparison of the Forms of Plural Nouns between Chinese and English中英名词复数形式的对比2099035 骆娟杨玲The Comparative Study between Metonymy and Metaphor借代与隐喻辞格的比较研究2099036 李丹吕艳The Differences Between British and American English英式英语和美式英语区别2099037 伍华高绍祥Characteristic Language—Analyzing Desdemona’s Charater from the Words 性格语言—从Desdemona 的语言看其性格英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099038 陈岚李钢The Realism in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn现实主义《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中的表现2099039 李娟雷志敏 A Comparative Study of the English and Chinese Color Terms英汉颜色词使用的对比研究2099040 王焕相刘开军 A Minor Classification of English Modals and Semi-modals英语助动词与和半助动词之细微分类2099041 陈莹李诗平 A Study of English Active Form With Passive Meaning英语主动形式被动意义研究2099042 章静陈兴An Analysis of Language Features in English Advertisings广告英语的语言特点分析2099043 梅宏娟杨玲Transitional Words and Their Usage论过渡词及其用法2099044 张凤年莫善清The Development of the American Civil Rights Movement in 1960s论美国六十年代民权运动的发展2099045 罗兆毓龙纯良Cultural Factors and Limitations of Translation翻译的文化因素局限性2099046 李丹娄胜平Contest Immersion and Emergence in the Translation of Chinese Poetry into English 汉诗英译中的语境与“融入”和“化入”2099047 卫雁熊云甫On Gray’s Elegy论格雷的《墓畔幽思》2099048 文卓吴传凤Body Language in English Teaching in Middle School中学英语教学中的体态语2099049 王令牛张莉On the Fighting Spirit in The Grapes of Wrath论《愤怒的葡萄》中的斗争精神2099050 毕维陈兴Sexual Discrimination in English 英语中的性别歧视2099051 曹晓燕张杨莉On the Betrayal and Rebellion in Wuthering Heights论《呼啸山庄》中的背叛与反抗2099052 李泽民熊云甫An Analysis of When You are Old评析叶芝各诗《当你老了》2099053 唐华松金泽民Holden’s Confusion, Struggle and S elf-salvation—A P sycho-analysis of the Hero of T he C atcher in the Rye霍尔顿的困惑、抗争与自救——《麦田里的守望者》主人公的心理解析2099054 范胜兰张杨莉A n Analysis of Elizabeth’s Character in Pride and Prejudice对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析2099055 任艳霞吕艳English Idioms and Culture英语习语与文化英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099056 郑剑湘张杨莉The Characterization of Robinson Crusoe 论鲁滨逊的性格塑造2099057 潘叶青牛张莉A Comparative Study of Black Women and White Women’s Social Status in the U.S论美国黑人妇女和白人妇女的社会地位比较2099058 刘炎斌娄胜平The Translation of Indefinite Numerals in English 英语不确定数词的翻译2099059 谢艳丽熊云甫Marfin Eden’s Choice of Death 论马丁伊登的死亡选择2099060 杨红盛海玲On the Use and Translation of “as…as…”论as…as…的用法与翻译2099061 刘定宏牛张莉A C omparative Study of Two Concepts of Privacy and “Ladies First”in China and the Western Count ries 有关隐私和女性优先观念在中国和西方国家的比较研究2189062 何莉牛张莉A Comparative Study of Western China Development and American Westward Expansion 中国西部开发与美国西进运动的比较研究2279063 李洁莫善清The Political Essence of American Economic Aid in Modern Times论新时期美国经济援助的政治内涵2369064 付丽兰牛张莉A Look at the Mass Media of China and Britain Today and its Words Characteristics 浅谈中英大众媒体之现状及词汇特点2459065 蒋春凤刘肇云On English Passive Voice小议被动态2549066 肖江蓠刘开军On the Flexible Use of English Animal Words 浅谈英语动物动词的活用2639067 蔡凤莲娄胜平The Flexibility of the Translation of Chinese Idioms汉语成语英译的灵活性2729068 谭保华熊云甫On Ursula in The Rainbow论《虹》中的厄修拉2819069 戴郁静陈勇Analysis of Ceategorized Context and the Politeness Principle of Lrony 反语的分类语境和礼貌原则浅析2099070 冯丽陈兴On English Color Terms英语颜色词的研究2099071 陈娉婷娄胜平On the Associative Meaning of the Main Color Words小议颜色词的联想意义2099072 尹佳陈兴On the Rhetorical Value of Taboo Words论禁忌语的修辞价值2099073 胡丽妮娄胜平On the Free Translation in the Translation of Idioms 试论习语翻译中的意译英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099074 代利群雷志敏The Infinitive Active in Form and Passive in Meaning 英语不定式主动结构表被动意义2099075 杨翠萍袁妮A Comparison of English and Chinese Proverbs and Their Translation 英汉谚语的比较与翻译2099076 吴丹绮雷志敏A Comparative Study of the “Be” Subjunctive and the Imperative Mood Be型虚拟语气与祈使语气的比较研究2099077 刑剑袁妮Faithfulness in Translation论翻译的忠实性2099078 张碧海熊云甫The Pursuit of Gatzby论盖茨比的追求2099079 李冬华熊云甫C ompson’s Family Tragedy in The Sound and Fury论《喧华与骚动》中康普生家族的悲剧2099081 周琴娄胜平On the Metaphoric Meaning of Colors and Their Translation 论英汉颜色的喻义及其翻译2099082 毛丹张英慧Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Color Words and their Translation 英汉颜色词的文化差异及翻译2099083 易平雷志敏 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Passive Sentences英汉被动句比较研究2099084 赵静宗乐善On the Interactive Teaching Method交互式教学方法2099085 邵春花杨玲Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation英语含蓄否定的若干表达方式2099086 伍俊刘淑芳On the Rhetorical Features of English Proverbs论英语谚语的修辞特征2099087 唐媚芬雷志敏On English Noun Modifier论英语名词定语2099088 刘颖颖李诗平 A Comparative Study of Chinese and English Onomatopoeias 中英拟声词对比研究2099089 刘红梅余富林Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译的归化与异化2099090 成霞陈勇Differences of Body Language in Cross-Culture Communication跨文化交际中身体语言的差异性2099091 周孟瑜刘开军On English Subjunctive Verb Forms and Their Classifications论英语虚拟语气动词及其分类2099092 张漫红刘开军On the Structure Classification of English Tag Question附加疑问句的分类研究英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099093 陈琼华徐明初On Functions of Semantics and Discourse in There-Existential Sentences 论存在句的语义功能和语篇功能2099094 颜红亮徐明初Study on Vogue-Words论英语中的时髦词2099095 刘玲牛张莉On the Social Value of Gone with the Wind and Scarle tt’s Character论《飘》的社会价值和斯佳丽的人物性格2099096 罗利波牛张莉On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character试论简爱·性格的发展2099097 洪国旗刘肇云 A Comparison between American Puritanism and New Transcendenlism美国清教主义与超验证主义比较2099098 程艺李诗平 A Tentative Study on English Euphemism浅论英语委婉语2099099 洪芳牛张莉On The Hard-boiled Image in Hemingway’s Works 论海明威作品中的“硬汉”形象2099101 徐佳丽何敏慧On the Art of Rhetorical Devices浅谈广告中英语中修辞的艺术2099102 李红英杨玲On the Rhetorical Structures of Texts 语篇的修辞结构分析2099103 杨石英徐明初On Transferred Epithet and Its Translation浅谈移就修辞及其翻译2099104 陈顺意李诗平The Latest Development of English & Chinese Vocabulary 英汉词汇的新发展2099105 易杨牛张莉The Different Fate of the Two Women Love Defenders—My Comments on Lin Daiyu and Jane Eyre 两个为爱而战的两个女性的不同命运---我看林黛玉和简爱2099106 曾德洁陈勇Cutural Metaphoric Meaning of Food Language in Englsih Colloquialism论英语口语中饮食语言的文化喻义2099107 涂增莫善清Changes of Value in Gone With The Wind《飘》中所体现的价值观念转化赏析2099108 陈英莫善清On Comparison Between ways of Thinking and Value Tendencies of Americans and Chinese论中美思维方式的差异及价值取向之比较2099109 代立高绍祥The lnterpersonal Function in Business Letter商务信函中的人际功能2099110 彭俊高绍祥The Textual Functions of Pre-Predicate That- Clauses That -Clauses前置的语篇功能2099111 王文升宗乐善Female Characters As Spiritual Educate In Spenser’s The Faerie Queene斯宾塞《仙后》中作为精神教育家的女性英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099112 付依娜陈兴Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions习语的象征意义2099113 黄亦贵刘淑芳On the Main Differences between American English and British English 美式英语与英式英语的差异2099114 孙艳高绍祥On the Semantic and Pragmatic Meaning of Utterance论话语的字面意义和语用意义2099115 曹云辉徐明初Translation Skills of Culture-loaded Words—On“Setected stories of LuXun” 文化员找词汇的翻译方法和技巧——《鲁迅小说选》英译谈2099116 定莹张杨莉On the Image of Women in Jan Eyre论《简爱》中的女性形象2099117 袁琦刘淑芳A n Analysis of the Part of Speech of “As” and Its Uses As的词性与用法分析2099118 裴静余富林The Translation of the Passive Voice in EST 科技英语被动语态的翻译2099119 彭云佳阙道彬The Useage of Articles冠词的用法2099120 徐欣张杨莉Wordswort h’s View on Nature and Life 论华兹华斯的自然观及人生观2099121 易玲陈兴Mastering the Studying Law of Children’s Language Learning and Promoting the Second Language Acquisition 掌握儿童语言学习规律,促进二语习得2099122 杨薇娄胜平Advertisement Translation广告的翻译2099123 张家武刘开军Some Aspects of Articles in English Study英语冠词学习要点2099124 谭智凤吴传凤The Comparison between English and Chinese Nonce Words英汉仿词比较2099125 张志华牛张莉O n the Creation of Characters in Dicken’s A Tale of Two Cities论狄更斯《双城记》中的人物塑造2099126 郑曼陈勇On Similarities and Differences in the Formation English and Chinese 浅谈英汉仿词在构成形式上的异同2099127 万前珍吴传凤Love Always Overcomes Hatred爱总能战胜恨2099128 杨丛李诗平The Characteristics of American English美国英语的语言特点2099129 陈丽娟盛海玲Aanalysis on the Chineses Borrowings in English 英语中汉语借词探析英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099130 刘美华张杨莉The Rhetoric in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的修辞现象2099131 蒋英杰高绍祥The Textual Function of Passive Voice论被动语态的语篇功能2099132 金燕飞陈兴Features of Network English网络英语的特点2099133 袁涛吴传凤The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools中学英语教学中体态语言的运用2099134 刘茵莫善清A Comparison Between American and Chinese Higher Education in the 21st Century 二十一世纪中美高等教育之比较2099135 杨小芳余富林The Use of the Comma and the dash in EST科技英语中逗号与破折号的用法2099136 姜建华雷志敏On Phenomena of Sexism in English 英语中的性别歧视现象2099137 王华平盛海玲On the Transferred Negation in English浅析英语中的否定转移2099139 段岚龙纯良On How to Translation of the Chinese Reduplicated Words into English汉语叠词英译2099140 张警方阙道彬The Classification and translation of English Idiom Preposition英语成语介词的分类及翻译2099141 金佳宗乐善On Hardy’s Fatalism in Tess论《苔丝》中哈代的宿命论2099142 韩飞岸刘淑芳The Features and Origin of French Borrowings in English英语中法语外来词的特点及由来2099143 姚燕群张英慧Symbolism of Colors in idomatic Expressions颜色习语表达的象征意义2099144 黄书何敏慧The Difference of Styles in Translation 翻译中的文体差异2099145 江友君余富林On the Translation of Noun Phrases in EST科技英语名词术语的译法初探2099146 王湘艳熊云甫Tess’ Sense of Responsibility苔丝的责任心2099147 彭术连何敏慧Teacher’s Roles in Class教师在课堂中的角色2099148 胡小玲张英慧On Euphemistic Expressions in English论英语中的委婉表达法英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099149 熊梅何敏慧The Nominalization and Grammatical Metaphor英汉名词化和语法隐喻2099150 侯海英徐明初The Structures and Characteristics of English Simile and Metaphor 英语中的比喻结构的特征2099151 赵禹熊云甫Humanitarianism in A Tale of Two Cities《双城记》中的人道主义思想2099152 刘亦伶何敏慧On Satire and Humor in Pride and Prejudice浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的讽刺与幽默2099153 彭娟李诗平English Phrasal Verbs论英语短语动词2099154 印晓蕾刘肇云Cultural Difference of English—Chinese Idioms and Its Translation英汉习语的文化差异与翻译2099155 唐琳吕艳On English Rhetorical Elliptical Sentences英语修辞省略句2099156 刘怡君刘肇云Communication Failures Appeared in Intercultural Communication论跨文化交际中的语用失误2099157 钱晓静杨玲On Zeugma’s Rhetorical Effect and Translation浅析轭式搭配的修辞效果与翻译2099158 李永红徐明初 A Comparative Study on Oxymoron and Duiding英语矛盾修辞比较研究2099159 姚维余富林The Translation of Long Sentences in EST科技英语的长句翻译2099160 刘园园余富林The Differences and Application of Chinese and English Palindrome中英回文辞格的发展差异与应用2099161 曾欢张杨莉Lolita, the Tragedy of Pedophilia《诺莉塔》:恋童癖的悲剧2099162 艾华香熊云甫S arah’s Way to Freedom萨拉的自由之路2099163 陈雪张杨莉Jane Eyre’s Sense of Interiority简爱的自卑感2099164 彭翔高绍祥Coherence in Interpretation of Discourse论语篇翻译中的连贯2099165 刘琢徐明初Influence of Cultural Differences on Translation 文化差异对翻译的影响2099166 张欣子盛海玲On the Form of Emphasis in English 英语中的强调的表达形式英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099167 刘婉萍袁妮On Translation of English New Words论英语新词的翻译2099168 欧勇刘开军A Brief Exploration of Lexical Ambiguity in English and Its Pragmatic Effects Words 浅谈英语词汇的歧义与语用效果2099169 陆晓红娄胜平On Ellipsis论省略2099170 朱兰红余富林The Cultural differences and translation of English and Chinese idioms 英汉习语与文化差异的翻译2099171 高艳琴张英慧On Emphatic Patterns in English英语中的强调形式研究2099172 田薇琪徐明初On Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation中英翻译的中式英文2099173 田湘群徐明初Elementary Analysis of Translating Attributive Clause浅析定语从句的翻译2099174 胡秋明刘开军 A Brief Research on the English Infinitive Structure英语不定式初探与研究2099175 唐冰芳陈勇English Words Sanantic Variattion and the Society英语词汇语义变化与社会的关系2099176 昌佩仙熊云甫On the Symbolism in Blake’s Poems论布莱克诗歌中的象征主义2099177 许剑凤张英慧Some Ways of Expressing Implied Negation in English英语含蓄否定表达法种种2099178 梁怡君吴传凤On Franslation of Trademarks and Names of Export Commodities论商标、出口商品名称的翻译2099179 周菡盛海玲 A Brief Introduction to Grammatical Ambiguity in English浅谈英语中的语法歧义现象2099180 伍海英余富林On the Basic methods and skills of translation of Business English Terms 商务英语词汇翻译常用方法与技巧初探2099181 刘金娥高绍祥The Functions of Pre-Posed Infinitive clauses不定式分句前置的使用功能2099182 田芝盛海玲On The Borrowed Elements in the English Vocabulary 浅谈英语词汇中的外来成份2099183 吴红梅宗乐善English Synonyms and Vocabulary Enlargement英语同义词及词汇扩展2099184 傅亚辉吕艳On the Use of Euphemisms in The Daily Life浅议委婉语在日常生活中的运用英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099185 杨才有徐明初Parody in advertisement A study on Translation广告中的仿似现象探悉2099186 戴杏花盛海玲On the Semantic Function and Usage of the Conjunction “and”连词“and”的语义功能与用法2099187 刘桂郴徐明初A BriefTalk on Differences and Translatability of English and Chinese Idioms 浅析英汉习语的文化差异及其可译性2099188 叶荣兴宗乐善On Steps of Learning English 英语学习步骤浅议2099189 刘忆平张英慧 A Comparative Study of Ambiguity and Pun in English英语中歧义与双关的对比研究2099190 鲁亚丽何敏慧Slangs about Vegetables & Fruits in English and Their Uses英语中有关蔬菜和水果的俚语及其运用2099191 赵生群刘开军On Absolute Nomination Construction浅析独立主格结构2099192 何乐吴传凤 A Balanced Approach to Oral English Teaching英语口语教学平衡方法2099193 李艳刘开军On the Verb Forms of English Subjective Mood浅谈英语虚拟语气的动词形式2099194 尹晔玲李诗平 A Contrastive Study on English and Chinese Idioms 英中习语对比2099195 石子娟袁妮On Translation of English Allusion英语典故的翻译2099196 文芬高绍祥 A Constrastive Analysis of Euphemism Between Chinese and English中英委婉语的对比分析2099197 向淑敏陈兴On the Fuzziness and Vagueness of Language 论语言的模糊与含糊2099198 陈兰龙纯良Refle ctions on Animals in and out of China从国内外的动物说起2099199 徐颖刘肇云Translation Techniques of Chinese Idioms汉语成语的翻译技巧2099201 李召军徐明初Idioms and Features of Idioms习语及其习语特征2099202 孙慧李诗平 A Comparative Study on the English and the Chinese Metaphor英汉隐喻对比研究2099203 石娜杨玲A Comparative Study of Euphemism and Fuzzy Language in English and Chinese委婉语与模糊语中英对比研究英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099204 卜成芳盛海玲On Idioms Used in Colloquial English论习语在英语口语中的使用2099205 涂少芳张英慧 A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre简·爱女权主义思想初探2099206 胡丰龙纯良Translation of the Peculiar Speech of Each Participant in the Conversation 论小说个性语言翻译2099207 文慧红阙道彬On the Cognition and Usage of Metaphor论隐喻的认知及其运用2099208 彭慧玲雷志敏The Classification of Metaphor隐喻的分类2099209 程竹玲阙道彬On the Types and Uses of the Passive Voice论英语被动语态的类型及用法2099210 夏金锦刘开军 A Detailed Study on THERE in English Existential Sentence试论英语存在句结构中的引导词THERE 2099211 傅诺诚何敏慧The Differences of Rhythm between Chinese and English英汉节奏差异2099212 杨见清阙道彬On The Usage of “T hat”论“That”的用法2099213 李玲何敏慧The Exploration of Oral English Teaching Methodology英语口语教学法探讨2099214 李志文龙纯良To Cultural Difference between English and Chinese Idioms and Their Translation 浅谈英汉习语的文化差异及翻译2099215 赵娟鹃刘淑芳On Feminism in Pride and Prejudice试论《傲慢与偏见》中的女权意识2099216 舒丽颖何敏慧Appropriate Use of Body Language in Spoken English Teaching 英语口语教学中体态语的适当使用2099217 文慧袁妮On Translation of Trade Marks论商标的翻译2099218 洪林阙道彬The Rhetoric in Advertising English广告英语中的修辞2099219 杨艳莫善清The Hegemonic Nature of Unilateralism of the Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy 布什政府外交政策单边主义的霸权主义实质2099220 李凤娟徐明初The Linguistic Characteristics of Business English and Its Translation 商务英语的语言特点及翻译刍义2099221 谭静刘淑芳On the Borrowed Words in English英语中的外来词英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099222 刘桂花李诗平Color Words in English英语中的颜色词研究2099223 周辉龙纯良The Existence and adaptation of Untranslatable From不可译现象的存在和转化2099224 刘莉英陈兴The Tense-Aspect System of English Grammar-Forms and Meanings英语语法中的时体体系:形式和意义2099225 石亚娟陈兴On Vague Terms in Everyday Spoken English论英语日常口语中的模糊词语2099226 谢艳泓徐明初A Tentative Study on the Translation of Adverbial English Dallses in Clause 英语状语从句汉译初探2099227 林池容杨玲Euphemism and Its use in Translation 委婉语及其在翻译中的使用2099228 蒋丹刘淑芳The Communicative Functions of Euphemism委婉语的交际功能2099229 胡焱平阙道彬On the Usage of “It”“It”的用法2099230 李红阙道彬On English Linguistic Taboos论英语语言的禁忌2099231 雷彩云阙道彬 A Tentative Analysis of English Color Words探英语中的颜色词2099232 雷国红李诗平On English Siamese Twins 英语成对词词组初探2099233 谭林池李诗平On English Elliptical Sentence英语省略句2099234 邓晖吕艳The Characteristics of Attributes in English英语定语之我见2099235 道霞李钢Feminism in Jane Eyre论女权主义在简爱中的体现2099236 左欢袁妮The Translation of Idioms 谈习语翻译2099237 李彦妮牛张莉 A Comparative Study of Chinese Jokes and Western Humor中国笑话和西方幽默2099238 李小红张英慧Cultural Differences in English and Chinese Everyday Conversation中英日常会语中的文化差异2099239 游菲菲盛海玲The Form and Function of the Euphemism英语委婉语的构成及其功能英语专业1999 年级毕业论文(设计)清理汇总表学号姓名指导教师论文题目2099240 李子祥莫善清O n the Pessimistic Fendencies in Hemingway’s later works试论海明威后期中作品中的颓废主义倾向2099241 彭旭娟龙纯良On the Cultural Differences between Chinese—English Translation论中英翻译中的文化差异2099242 陈昊袁妮On Translation of English of Colour Words论颜色词的翻译2099243 韩雨飞盛海玲An Analysis of the Usage of Infinitive in English不定式的用法剖析2099244 王燕袁妮Culture Differences and Translation文化差异与翻译2099245 田津雷志敏The cultural Connotation and Expressive Technique of Euphemism委婉语的文化内涵和表现手法2099246 雷文君杨玲 A Comparative Study of “Pun” and “Shuangguan”“Pun”与“双关”的比较研究2099247 刘奕兵阙道彬English from Sexism to Neutralization英语中的性别歧视与中性化。
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中国成语 英语作文
Chinese idioms,known as chéngyǔin Mandarin,are a rich part of the Chinese language,often used to convey complex ideas and sentiments succinctly.These idioms are typically composed of four characters and are derived from historical events,fables, or classical literature.When writing an English essay about Chinese idioms,you can explore their origins,meanings,and applications in various contexts.Introduction to Chinese IdiomsIn the opening paragraph,introduce the concept of Chinese idioms,explaining their importance in Chinese culture and communication.Mention that they are a concise way to express deep meanings and are often used in literature,speeches,and everyday conversation.Historical BackgroundDiscuss the historical roots of Chinese idioms.Explain how many idioms originated from ancient stories,legends,or historical events.For example,the idiom掩耳盗铃yǎněr dào líng,which translates to to plug ones ears while stealing a bell,comes from a fable about a thief who thought he could steal a bell without being heard if he covered his own ears. Cultural SignificanceElaborate on the cultural significance of Chinese idioms.Describe how they reflect traditional Chinese values,morals,and wisdom.For instance,the idiom塞翁失马,焉知非福sài wēng shīmǎ,yān zhīfēi fú,which means a blessing in disguise,teaches the lesson that misfortune may turn out to be a blessing.Common UsageProvide examples of common idioms and their meanings.Explain how these idioms are used in different situations to express emotions,give advice,or tell a story.For example,画龙点睛huàlóng diǎn jīng,which translates to to add the finishing touch,is used to describe the act of completing something with a final,crucial detail.Translation ChallengesDiscuss the challenges of translating Chinese idioms into English.Explain that the cultural and historical context of these idioms can make direct translations difficult,and sometimes a literal translation does not convey the same meaning or impact.Modern ApplicationExplore how Chinese idioms are used in modern contexts,such as in business,politics, and social media.Discuss how they continue to be a vital part of Chinese communicationand how they are adapted to fit new situations.ConclusionConclude your essay by summarizing the importance of Chinese idioms in preserving cultural heritage and facilitating effective communication.Reflect on the beauty and depth of these linguistic expressions and their potential for crosscultural understanding. Examples of Chinese Idioms to Include in Your Essay对牛弹琴duìniútán qín to play the lute to a cow,meaning to waste ones efforts on someone who cannot appreciate it.破釜沉舟pòfǔchén zhōu to break the cauldrons and sink the boats,meaning to make a determined stand with no way back.井底之蛙jǐng dǐzhīwāa frog in a well,referring to someone with a narrow perspective.Remember to provide the English translations and explain the cultural or historical context of each idiom to help your readers understand their significance and usage in Chinese language and culture.。
The Influence of Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English on E-C Subtitle Translation: A Case Study of Pride andPrejudice摘要《傲慢与偏见》是英国作家简•奥斯丁的作品,也是18世纪最杰出的小说之一。
关键词:文化翻译理论;《傲慢与偏见》;电影字幕;翻译策略AbstractPride and Prejudice is one of the most outstanding novels of the 18th century by the British writer Jane Austen. After that, the novel was made into a film and was deeply loved by Chinese audiences. Because of the great differences between the author's growth environment, era background and cultural concept and Chinese culture, Chinese audiences are not familiar with the 18th century British society, and it is difficult for them to understand some plots and lines. This requires subtitle translators to cross cultural barriers and promote the understanding of Chinese audiences.With the rise of cultural translation theory, translators can better present the contents of different cultural works, and also provide a new idea for literary translation. For translators, the difficulty of literary translation is well known. Due to cultural differences, the effect of literary translation will be different. In the process of translation, translators need to focus on the social and cultural environment at that time, and choose corresponding translation strategies according to the context of the body to reduce the burden of understanding of the audience. This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter mainly states the research background and problems of this paper. The second chapter introduces the research status of cultural translation theory. The third chapter introduces the cultural differences between China and the West. Chapter four explores the strategic choices in Pride and Prejudice from the perspective of cultural translation theory. The last chapter summarizes the main findings of the study.Key words:cultural translation theory; Pride and Prejudice; film subtitles; translation strategyContents1.Introduction.............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Idioms 英汉互译中对习语翻译的探析
On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Idioms英汉互译中对习语翻译的探析ContentsAbstract (1)Key Words (1)1. Introduction (2)2. Gaps between English Idioms and Chinese Idioms (2)2.1 The Gaps in Religion (3)2.2 The Gaps in Living Circumstances (3)2.3 The Gaps in Social Custom and Habit (3)2.4 The Gaps in History Allusion (4)3. The Categories of Translation of Idioms (4)3.1 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms (4)3.1.1 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms in English (5)3.1.2 The Translation of Corresponding Idioms in Chinese (5)3.2 The Translation of Partial Corresponding Idioms (5)3.3 The Translation of Specific Idioms (6)4. The Methods of Translating Idioms (8)4.1 Literal Translation (8)4.2 Literal Translations with Notes (9)4.3 Free Translation (9)4.4 Free Translation with Notes (9)4.5 Free Translation-Replacements with Similar Idioms (10)4.6 Combination of Literal and Free Translation (10)5. Conclusion (10)References (11)On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English IdiomsAbstract: Idioms are linguistic chunks formed by the regular phrases and sentences. It is a special and inseparable part of language. An idiom takes a very important partin the language, which reflects the national colors of the native speakers and isconsidered as the sinew of the language. Every language has its own idioms.There are a large number of idioms existed in both English and Chinese, andthey make the two languages more colorful and beautiful. This thesis is aboutthe translation of idioms in both English and Chinese. After the generalunderstanding and introduction to the source of idioms, a series of methods ofidioms’ translation would be discussed. The thesis is divided into three parts.Firstly, it will give the general understanding and introduction to the source ofthe idioms. And the source of the idioms will be divided into four parts.Secondly, it is discussed the ways of translation of the three kind idiomsaccording to the relationship between English idioms and Chinese idioms.Thirdly, several practical translating methods of the English idioms andChinese idioms would be introduced from the point of the view of keeping theflavor of the original idioms.Key words: English idioms; Chinese idioms; categories; translating methods摘要:习语是指由固定词组和句子组成的模块。
A Comparative Study of the Translation of English and Chinese idioms
2422019年30期总第470期翻译研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUSA Comparative Study of the Translation of English and Chinese idioms文/Xu Jing【Abstracts】Idiom refers to fixed phrase or short sentence extracted from social practice for a long time. It is created bypeople of all nationalities in the long-term use of language. Thus, idioms often have strong national, historical and local color and carry profound cultural connotations. This paper, through the analysis of the cultural differences between China andforeign countries, tries to find a solution to the translation of Chinese and English idioms.【Key words】idiom translation; cultural differences; translation methods 【作者简介】Xu Jing, Yantai Nanshan University.2. Cultural differences between English and Chinese idiomsThe cultural differences are analyzed as follows: regional cultural difference, historical and cultural differences and social custom difference.2.1 Regional cultural differencesRegional culture concerns the culture moulded by theregion, natural conditions and geographical environment. In terms of regional culture, different ethnic groups usually use varying language forms to convey the same phenomenon. (Zhu, 1997). Different location and geographical environment1. IntroductionAccording to Wang Zuoliang, the most difficult part in translation lies in the varying cultures. In Chinese, Idioms often have fixed structure. Some also represents historical allusionsand carries implied intentions. Some may use metaphor orother rhetoric to express meaning. While in English, idiom refers to a group of words whose meaning is varying from the meanings of each separable words. In a sense, idiomsreflect the peculiar culture of a country or a nation. Therefore, when translating idioms, the figure of speech, and cultural information should be taken into consideration.解。
英汉习语对比及其翻译【Abstract】Idioms are the essence of a language, which have strong national colors and distinctive cultural connotations. So it is difficult for both English and Chinese readers to understand the idiom translation thoroughly and exactly. This thesis first analyzes the similarity of English and Chinese idioms from the aspect of rhetorical means, such as alliteration, rhyme, repetition, antithesis and so on. Then it probes into the causes of the differences in English and Chinese idioms from the aspects of different living circumstances, different cognitions of things, different religions and beliefs, and different historical allusions and myths, etc. After that, it talks about the three typical problems in English-Chinese idiom translation, such as interpreting the English idioms too literally, copying Chinese customary sayings mechanically, and lacking in necessary explanatory notes. Finally, it summarizes five idiom translation methods, including literal translation with explanation, literal translation with association, transformation of meanings, application of Chinese couplet and equal consideration of both images and meanings. All the significance of this thesis is to convey the idioms‟ cultural information as much as possible, which is very useful for the language learning.【Key Words】idiom; comparison; translation【摘要】习语通常包括成语、俗语、格言、歇后语、谚语、俚语、行话等。
Culturally-loaded words of translation among the factors of a language, it is the vocabulary that carries the most culture information and reflects human life thoroughly.Since each language contains elements which are derived from its culture , such as idioms ,proverbs, and other expressions, we can not always find equivalent words ,or we can not understand their conceptual grouping,culture background,semantic association. we can not transfer our own culture to another when we translate the literature works of another country.Translation is not only an interlingual transfer, but also a cross-culture communication. The strategies often employed in translating these culture-loaded expressions are foreignizing translation domesticating translation, semantic translation,and their mixture.Froeignizing Translation(异化译法)As either literal translation or cultural translation is associated with two cultural contexts in which their cultural content is undoubtedly conveyed in two different languages. We all know th at “信”, “达”, “雅” are the criterion of all kinds of translation proposed by Yan Fu. To be faithful to the original is “信” To make the translation text acceptable . and understandable is “达”. To make the translated text as its own cultural flavor is “雅”. One of the basic principles of translation is to be faithful to the original. According to this principle, translation should first be faithful to the content of the original. Foreigning translation is a good way to retain the culture flavors of the source-language and enables the reader to have an alien reading experience,thus developing the reader's awareness of culture difference. For example, when we say 酸葡萄,we mean the things that we can not get. If we don translate it well , readers will not know the exact meaning of the "sour grapes".Domesticating Translation(归化译法)This method minimizes the foreignness of the source-language text by changing the heterogeneous elements into what is familiar to the targeted language reader.It is usually employed when the translator believe the translator believes that the original cultural flavor is widely different from Chinese culture and therefore too difficult for readers to understand.The intercultural awareness becomes especially important. Lack of cultural knowledge affects his comprehension negatively. However, intercultural awareness cannot grow naturally.On the basis that not everyone has the cultural awareness , the translator should bear in their mind that domestication translation is of great importance. For example ,"lion in the way" ,if the translator can not express the precise meaning to the readers , they will become confused.Semantic Translation(意译法)When the preform methods fail to express, we can also use the semantic translation.In this method ,we use the method of "concretization" or ‘abstraction" . For instance, "Mickey Mouse" equals to small and unimportant staffs. It reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the English culture-loaded expression within the syntactic and semantic constraints of the Chinese language .We have varieties of ways to translate the culture -loaded expressions and many of things to keep in mind. Such as not to translate English idioms into Chines idioms bearing strong cultural flavor ,using proper Chinese idioms in translation.In this way , we can have a better translation of the culture- loaded expressions and achieve better communication .英译汉论文外院09 翻译2班黄子英20090910010320。
On the Translation of Idioms From a Perspective of Culture
1.1The definition of idiom: an idiom is an element of a language that possesses a unique way of expression based on its time-honored use. (Li Funing, 1979: 4) In other words, an idiom is a fixed group of words or a single word, or even a sentence, with a special meaning that cannot be guessed from its structure. That is to say, the meaning of an idiom must be leant as a whole. A simple definition of the idiom would be the use of common words in a special sense. “To spill the beans”, for instan ce, is not at all connected with beans; it means “to tell something that is secret”.In English Idioms and How to Use Them, J. Seidle et al point out that idioms “are not a separate part of the language which one can choose either to use or omit,but they form an essential part of the general vocabulary of the language.”(Seidle et al, 1978)Merriam-Webster‟s Collegiate Dictionary (Eleventh Edition), published in 2003, gives four definitions of the term idiom. The first sense of the word idiom is “the language peculiar to a people or to a district, community, or class: DIALECT.” The second sense is “the syntactical, grammatical, or structural form peculiar to a language.” The third sense is “an expression in the usage of a language that is peculiar to itself either grammatically (as no, it wasn‟t me) or having a meaning that cannot be derived from the conjoined meanings of its elements (as Monday week for “the Monday a week after next Monday”).” The fourth sense is “a style or form of artistic expression that is characteristic of an individual, a period of movement, or a medium or instrument <the modern jazz idiom>; broadly: MANNER, STYLE<a new culinary idiom>.” (Lin & Liu, 2005)1.1.1Definitions of English IdiomsAccording to Warren, the word “idiom” in English is used to describe special phrases that are an essential part of a language. These phrases need not follow normal grammar rules in the language and can have both idiomatic and liter meaning. An English idiom is defined in the Webster‟s New World Dictiona ry of the American Language, 2nd college edition, 1972 as “an accepted phrase, construction, or expression is contrary to the usual patterns of the language or having a meaning of different from literal”. In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, its definition is “a group of words in a fixed order having a particular meaning, different from the meaning of each word understood on its own”.1.2.2 Definitions of Chinese IdiomsIn Chinese, there also exist linguistic constructs which are similar to Englishidioms, so-called “成语”. Similar to English idiom, “成语” are also lexical or word groups and phrases which are established through long time of use and are accepted through practice. This is the definition of Chinese idiom in a narrow sense. In a broad sense, the Chinese “equivalent” for “idiom” is “熟语”, it refers to a kind of a set phrase or sentence fixed by long usage. According to Cihai (Xia,1999), “熟语是语言中固定的词组或句子,使用时一般不能任意改变其组织,且要以其整体来理解语义,包括成语、谚语、格言、惯用语、歇后语等.” “Shuyu are fixed phrases or sentences of a language, which cannot be modified arbitrarily. They must be interpreted as a semantic unit. They include set phrases, proverbs, maxims, locutions and two-part allegorical sayings, etc.” A Chinese idiom is newly defined as “a Chinese idiom, constituted by words, relatively fixed in structure, is a narrative language unit which can perform a multiple of functions.”(Wen, 2005:17)In a broad sense, English idioms cover all of the following forms: set phrases, proverbs, common sayings, colloquialisms, allusions and slangs. Here three important forms of idioms are selected for explanation.Set phrasesOne most important group of idioms are set phrases whose form is set and many of them are rather rigid and cannot show up in any other forms. There is an inexhaustible storehouse of set phrases that play an important role in English language. One example with cultural traces is “to kick the bucket”. Its origin can be traced back to a religious ceremony of baptism in Christianity. As far as a Christian is concerned, his/her important three stages, birth, marriage and death, are closely connected with a religious ceremony: baptism. A Christian needs to receive baptism from an administrator when he/she was born, get married in the church with blessings of a certain minister and be baptized again when he/she is going to die”. So the idiom “kick the bucket” is a euphemistic expression connoting “to die” referring to the death of a Christian in the ceremony of being baptized. Another examples “to show one‟s teeth” suggests “to take a threatening tone or to show an intention to injure”, whichnot only has literal meaning of showing one‟s teeth, but also acquires an implication. There are some typical examples of English set phrases listed below: to fall in love, to go Dutch, a fly on the wheel, in black and white, etc.ProverbsProverbs are a special kind of English idioms. Longman Modern English Dictionary defines proverb as “a brief familiar maxim of folk wisdom, usually compressed in form, often involving a bold image and frequently a jingle that catches the memory.”They are rich in content and succinct in wording. Proverb is often defined as the wisdom of many and the wit of one, stating commonly experienced or for the purpose of giving wise advice to others. Hundreds of English proverbs have great vitality because of their wide general application among people of all social strata. They express in a few words, a fact or a truth which deals with everyday experience. For instance, “First come, first served” means “people will be dealt with as they come, without special treatment for latecomers”; “O nce bitten, twice shy”suggests “a person who has been tricked will be more careful in the future”; “M ore haste, less speed” means “the more you hurry, the less real progress you are likely to make”; “N o gains without pains”teaches us that “nothing can be gained without effort”; “A cat may look at a king” means “Everyone is born equal”; “B etter late than never” states “it is better to do something late than not to do it at all”. Besides, many proverbs may be found to back up almost any view. They may express contradictory opinions as “Well begun is half done” and “A good beginning makes a good ending”emphasize the importance of the beginning stage of a task, whereas “All is well that ends well” lay stress on the finish or on the result.stick, couch potato, pop, on the beam, bookaholic, etc. Owing to its popularity with common people, slang is described as the ordinary man‟s poetry, reflecting their common but colorful lives.Generally speaking, Chinese idioms include the following forms: set phrases (chengyu), proverbs, common sayings (suyu), proverb (yanyu), and two-part allegorical saying (xiehouyu). They will be explained with examples respectively below.Set phrases (chengyu)Chinese set phrases are “phrases with 2 plus 2 pattern with descriptive or informative function.” (Wen, 2005:290) Since they are generally composed of four characters, they are also called set phrases of four characters. Chinese set phrases are forceful, terse and vivid in imagery. For instance, “杀鸡取卵” means “If you sell the cow, you sell her milk too”, “自食其果”, which means “to eat the fruit of one‟s own behavior”, “过河拆桥” means “The danger past and God forgotten” and “反唇相讥” means “to turn back at one‟s counterpart for blaming”. Besides, some Chinese set phrases are full of classical allusions which make them more difficult to understand. “重蹈覆辙”means “to follow the same old disastrous road or to meet the same fate” and “功亏一篑”means “to fail at the threshold of success for lack of a final effort ”. Except these four character set phrases, there are a small number of set phrases in Chinese language consisting of more or less than four characters, but they are so few that people would still regard them as set phrases. Example are: “不到黄河心不死” (Until all is over one…s ambition never dies), “八仙过海,各显神通” (each one has its special skills and advantages), “眼中钉” (a thorn in one‟s flesh, a thing or person that makes someone furious ), “覆巢无完卵” (individuals can not survive if the whole is ruined), “凡事预则立,不预则废”(one would be successful if he prepares well ahead of time, otherwise he will fail on the task), etc. (/cy/) Common sayings (suyu)Common sayings are popular, easy to understand and widely used in the colloquial language with looser requirements in syntax. Compared with Chinese set phrases, common sayings are not quite neat in form and relatively loose in structure. For example, “这山望着那山高” (It is always the other mountain that looks higher; The grass is greener on the other side; to be dissatisfied with what one has), “杀鸡给猴看”(to punish someone as a warning to others) , “画虎不成反类犬”(the poor skill of painting makes the tiger look like a dog), and “喝水不忘挖井人” (When you drink water, think of its source). Interestingly, we can find the equivalents of the above common sayings in set phrases like “见异思迁”, “杀鸡儆猴”, “画虎类犬”, “饮水思源” which have the same meaning with its corresponding common sayings. According to some linguists in China, the category of common saying should be included into that of proverbs since they are both informal and to some extent illuminating, though proverbs are more refined and often have a parallel structure.Proverb (yanyu)Proverbs are not only plain and popular but also terse and implicit. They often expound a profound truth through a simple matter in daily life. The Former English Prime Minister once gave such a comment on proverbs: “proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.” Like the English proverbs, Chinese proverbs are also the accumulated wisdom of ordinary people. They sum up life experience and serve the guidance for people in how to behave oneself in society and how to solve the problems in certain situations. For instance, “路遥知马力,日久见人心”(As distance tests a horse‟s strength, so time reveals a person‟s heart), “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”(Man who does not work hard in his youth will be grieved when he grows old), “到什么山上唱什么歌” (to do in Rome as the Romans do), “骄傲使人落后” (Pride goes before, and shame comes after), “玉不琢,不成器” (The fine st diamond must be cut), “五十步笑百步” (The pot calls the kettle black), and “水能载舟,亦能覆舟”(The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up), “忠言逆耳利于行” (Unpleasant advice is a good medicine), etc. The meaning is plain yet the truth contained in each proverb is profound and illuminating. Chinese proverbs, like English counterpart, apply to a rule for conduct..As we know, an idiom is a form of expression peculiar to a language. Everylanguage has its own peculiarities in expression, alien from each other. The four-character structures dominate the Chinese idioms, while an English idiom is a combination of two or more words. Both Chinese and English idioms are usually structurally fixed and semantically opaque, i.e. metaphorical rather than literal and function as a single unit of meaning. From the definitions of idiom, we can extract two characteristic features that an idiom manifests, on which we can decide whether or not an expression is an idiom or not. One is structural stability and the other is semantic unity.Firstly, established and refined by long practical use, an idiom has a relatively high degree of stability of the lexical components. An idiom allows little or no variation in form under normal circumstances, that is to say, no constituent word in an idiom can be omitted arbitrarily or be substituted by another synonymous word. In general, any change in the components will result in absurdities or even render the idioms nonsense. In normal cases, a speaker or writer cannot do any of the following changes unless he or she is consciously making a joke or attempting play on words: 1. Change the order of the constituent word (e.g. “at sevens and sixes” instead of “at sixes and sevens”);2. Delete a constituent word (e.g. “chip off the block”instead of “chip off the old block”);3. Add a constituent word (e.g. “cool as a fresh cucumber” instead of “cool as a cucumber”);4. Replace a word with another (even with a synonymous word) (e.g. “born in the blue” instead of “born in the purple”)5. Change its grammatical structure (e.g. “the separation of wheat and chaff” instead of “separate the wheat from the chaff”).In Chinese, similarly, we can only say: “七上八下” not “八上七下”; “五颜六色”not “五色六颜”, although “颜”and “色” both mean “color”. However, just as what has been mentioned above, sometimes, either for the sake of sarcasm or for thesense of humor or for the sake of style, we can build some irregular idiom structure from the original ones, but these irregular variants are only for temporary purpose, and may not be commonly acknowledged and accepted by people. The following are two examples for further illustration:(1) “can‟t see the ocean for the stream” is from “can‟t see the wood for the trees”;(2) “easy on the ears” is from “easy on the eyes ”.Similarly in Chinese:(3) “一石三鸟” (to shoot three birds with one stone) is an irregular variant of the set phrase “一石二鸟”(to shoot two birds with one stone);(4) “爱之入骨”(to love someone at an extreme level) from “恨之入骨” (to hate someone at an extreme level);1.4.2 Features of English IdiomsEnglish idioms are a kind of special speech form that is peculiar in grammatical structure, meaning and usage. They have the following fundamental features:1. English idioms can be very short or rather long.e.g. “affluenza”——illness from wealth and rank; “blue b eard”——criminal for serials of wife-killer; “boycott”——to refuse to buy or take part in as a way of expressing strong disapproval; “catch-22”——a difficult situation in which one can neither advance nor retreat; “ghostwriter”——write on someone‟s behalf Some idioms are much longer, sometimes consisting of entire sentences, e.g. “more than one way to skin a cat” ——mean that there are many methods to solve the problem; “to cut one‟s coat according to one‟s cloth”——act according to actual circumstances; “bite off more than one can chew”——ability not equal to one‟s ambition; “burn the candle at both ends”——lead an indulgent and short life; “pot calling the kettle black” ——make fun of people who have the same shortcoming as oneself2. English idioms take different structures.There are three kinds of structures of English idioms. The first kind has an irregular and illogical structure. E.g. in the idiom “Diamond cut diamond”, the verb cut is an irregular and illogical form from the view-point of Modern English grammar. And so is the proverb “The devil take the hindmost”. The second kind has a regular structure, but the meaning is not clear. “to have a bee in one‟s bonnet”, for instance, has a regular structure, but the meaning is not clear. It means “to have a strange fixed idea about something.” It is impossible to explain the idiom from the original meaning of the individual words. It should be mentioned that most English idioms belong to this category. The third kind is a special group in which both structure and meaning are irregular. “(to do) through thick and thin” is an example. Not only the structure of (verb) + prep. +adj. (used as nouns) is a bit difficult for us to understand, but the meaning of the idiom cannot be guessed. It means “through both good and bad times” or “in spite of all the difficulties.”3.An English idiom has a special meaning.“To rain cats and dogs” is an idiom whose meaning cannot be determined from its component parts. Mastery of the idiom comes only through carefully study and practice. Only then can we grasp its meaning (to rain very hard).4. English idioms are usually made of commonly-used words.English idioms are vivid in usage, brief in structure and profound in meaning.E.g. “once in a blue moon”—once in a very l ong time; very rarely; almost never; “to cry for the moon”—to desire strongly something that cannot be gained; “to fly high”—to be ambitious; “to put the cart before the horse”—to do things in the wrong order; “to turn up one‟s nose at”—to show disdain for5. English idioms are often created on the basis of alliteration, rhyme and euphony.I dioms like “black and blue”, “time and tide wait for no man”, “to buy in bulk”, “with might and main”, etc. are typical examples for alliteration in English. Rhyme can be found in many idioms, e.g. dine and wine, rough and tough, wear and tear, and so on. Many idioms in English may produce euphonic effect according to their sounds and structures. E.g. A stitch in time saves nine; an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth;Beggars cannot be choosers; First come, first served; Look before you leap. (Lin & Liu, 2005)Chapter 2 Language, Culture and Idiom Translation2.2 The Relationship Between Language and CultureThe famous translator and linguist Eugene Nida did point out clearly that “Therole of language within a culture and the influence of culture on meanings of words and idioms are so pervasive that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful consideration of its crucial cultur al background.” (Nida, 1993: 1) Similarities lie in different nations‟ cultural values; however, different social systems, different economic conditions and different historical development stages will create different cultural phenomena and their corresponding cultural advantages will be differentiated. Whether the cultural values are same or not, they will all leave traces on the corresponding languages. The major role of language is that it is the instrument of thought, which provides a useful link between inner thought and public behavior. It is clear that language and culture are closely related with each other. For many years, researchers have been dwelling on the relationship between language and culture. They have contributed many theoretical comments and innumerable facts. In a word, language is the presentation of culture. Without knowledge of cultures, it is difficult to learn languages well. On the other side, culture is expressed through the actual use of the language.Mr. Deng Yanchang and Mr. Liu Runqing have well illustrated the relationship between language and culture, “Language is a part of culture and plays very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, they maintain, culture would not be possible. On the other side, language is influenced and shaped by culture and reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their way of living and thinking.”(Deng & Liu, 1989:3) Similar illustration appeared in Mr. Wang Binqin‟s book, he indicates that “as a tool to preserve and disseminate culture, language on the one side reflects culture and on the other side is restricted by culture. In the development process, a nation‟s culture is constantly accumulated through its language, reflecting the nation‟s social, historical, cultural and psychological characteristics. ” (Wang Binqin, 1995:1-2)From these remarks, we can see that language is an extremely special component of culture. Language reflects and embodies culture and culture influenceslanguage. As the most important carrier of culture, language reinforces and preserves culture, its beliefs, customs and future development. As long as a language exists, the culture it represents will survive. Even if a culture is out of human civilization, it can still be studied through its language.2.3 Cultural Factors Affecting Language and Idiom TranslationChine se idioms, such as “大公无私”, “天下兴亡匹夫有责”, “明哲保身, 舍生取义”testify people‟s thought and uncover the moral standards of behavior in ancient China. They express Chinese culture obviously. Similarly, English culture is conveyed by her language, such as “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” to differentiate herself to other cultures. Language requires that thoughts should be selected, categorized, oriented, and combined, and each language places its own constraints on these processes. Therefore, we see that language is the principle means whereby people conduct their social lives. When used in context of communication whether in speech or writing, it is certainly bound up with culture. Thus language actually is the expression, display and embodiment of cultural reality. As idioms are the most representative part of a language, they are usually highly specialized in meaning and closely ties to distinctive cultural features and cultural attitudes, that is to say, they relate to culture tightly to the highest degree and thus they record all the details or trace of the culture. It is believed that idioms are the most culturally loaded element in any language‟s vocabulary. They are like the mirror giving clear reflection of different cultures. The following part will discuss the phenomenon of different cultural factors through case studies, such as regional cultural factors, religious cultural factors, historical cultural factors, etc, that influencing language and idiom translation, so as to shed some light on the important cultural background a translator should pay attention to when doing the translation work.2.3.1 Regional Cultural FactorsDifferent geographical situations and natural conditions have caused different cultures, which is the regional culture. This kind of cultural differences show themselves especially in the directions and its corresponding things. Natural EnvironmentDifferent geographical situations and natural conditions have caused different cultures, which is the regional culture. This kind of cultural differences show themselves especially in the directions and its corresponding things.Geographical environment has impact on climate, and climate influences languages and connotative meaning of words. T ake “东风” and “east wind”for example. There are corresponding words in Chinese and western culture, their reference meaning is the same, but the connotative meaning is quite different. In Chinese people‟s eyes,“东风” symbolizes spring and warmth. It makes e very living things revive. Therefore, comes the saying of “东风报春” and Chinese people are partial to east wind. In Britain, east wind comes from north of the European continent, representing coldness and unpleasantness, while the west wind comes from the Atlantic Ocean, which is warm and pleasant. We can read the feeling of dislike from Samuel Butler‟s “biting east winds”, Charles Dickens‟s “How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind.” A famous English proverb says: “When the wind is in the east, it‟s good for neither man nor beast.”(东风到, 寒风吹, 对人对畜都不好). About the west wind, we can get the pleasing feeling from John Milton‟s “And west winds with musky wing”, John Masefield‟s “It‟s a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds‟ cries”, and etc. Therefore, British people dislike east wind. But they like west wind, which represents warmth and spring. There are two famous sentences from Percy Bysshe Shelley‟s Ode to the West Wind: O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind? Here, “wind” should be translated into “西风”, and make some expla nation to this regional cultural difference, or else it will bring about confusion to Chinese readers who are unfamiliar with English regional culture.Besides the wind, the climate featured as rainy and foggy of the Britain gives birth to a lot of corresp onding idioms, such as “as right as rain”, for it is usual to rain in this region but unusual otherwise. And the idiom “After rain comes fair weather” tells people that the success will finally come after difficulties. Others like “under the weather” will be quoted when someone is not feeling well or gets an illness, since the weather in the island is rather changeable which resulted from the oceanic climate.The differences in living environment resulted in the differences in people‟s thinking about the same thing. Some things have rich connotation in one culture and can bring about rich association while in another culture they may be prosaic and have no cultural meaning. This is the culture‟s individuality and difference.2.3.2 Factors About CustomsIdioms are featured in profound life flavor and distinctive national color. Customs are the representation of a nation‟s cultural consciousness during a long history. They are the fertile soil from which idioms can draw nutrition and gain strong vitality. Many idioms are derived from customs and habits. For example, in America, apple-pie is a common food. Housewives often bake seven apple-pies at the beginning of a week and eat one pie for one day. Thus, “apple-pie order” becomes the substitutive expression for “neat and in good order”. Another idiom relating food is “a piece of cake”, which means an easy task, for cake is a common de ssert in English culture. However, in Chinese culture, cake is a comparatively high grade food. Therefore, we Chinese people t end to use “小菜一碟” to refer to the same concept.The differences concerning customs and habits between western world and China are displayed in many aspects. The most typical one lies on the attitude towards animals. First is the dog. “狗”and “dog” have diff erent concept in western and Chinese cultures. In Chinese culture, under most circumstances, dog is an animal representing dirty and filthy. Idioms linked with dog are mostly containing derogatorysense, such as “狐朋狗党”(evil associates), “狗急跳墙” (A cornered dog will leap over a wall in desperation), “狼心狗肺”(evil-hearted), “狗胆包天” (monstrous audacity), “狗仗人势” (Like a dog threatening people on the strength of its master's power), “狗嘴里吐不出象牙”(A dog's mouth emits no ivory). While in the western countries, dog is c onsidered to be man‟s faithful friend or beloved one. Dog is treated as one of the family members in European and American families. In some English idioms, the image of dog is used on a person. For instance, “You are a lucky dog”; “Every dog has his day”,“Old dog will not learn n ew tricks”, “ Love me, love my dog”, “a top dog” (a person who dominate the whole situation), “a water dog” (a person who is good at swimming), “to help a lame dog over a stile”(to help someone when he is in trouble), “Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion”. If someone is heavily ill, then he is “sick as a dog”; if he is so ti r ed, then he is “dog tired”. On the contrary, Chinese people have a loving feeling for cat. The cultural connotation of cat usually refers to its cuteness and lovab le character. If people use “馋猫” to say someone is greedy for food, he or she is always saying it with affection. However, in the western culture, cat is the incarnation of devil and the guard of Middle Ages witch. Western people abominate cats, so they refer a woman harbors evil intentions as cat and an old lady who is bad-tempered will be called “old cat”.2.3.3 Religious Cultural FactorsReligious culture refers to the culture caused by a people‟s religious belief and ideology, which is expressed in a nation‟s warship and taboo differences. I n both English and Chinese languages, the number of idioms and expressions involving religion is quite huge. As language is the direct reality of ideology, the sharply different religious idioms are best portraiture of the two nations‟ religious concept.Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are the three great religions in China and have deep influence on Chinese culture. So in our traditional culture, we have “Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, the king of Hell” and “Dragon king” in myth. Those culturalimages will not be found in English culture. English people have their own cultural images in religion, such as God, because they believe Christianity. They think that world is created by God, and all things in the world are arranged by God. (Gen, 1998: 231)The Chinese saying “谋事在人, 成事在天” reflects the influence of Buddhism. Other idioms like “借花献佛”(to present Buddha with borrowed flowers-- to get things from another person to entertain one's own guests),“缘木求鱼”(do the impossible as one who climb a tree to catch fish—a fruitless approach), “闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚” (make effort at the last moment ), “做一天和尚撞一天钟”(not make long-term plan; killing time is the only purpose), “道高一尺,魔高一丈” (While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten) all represent the great influence of religious culture on Chinese language. Likewise, Christianity is the major source from which idioms relating with religious color derive. For example, “Man proposes, God disposes”; “God help those who help themselves”, “as poor as the church mouse”, “in the right church, but in the wrong pew”, “keep one‟s fingers crossed” (wish someone good luck).Bible is honored as classics by Christianity, as it gives an account of so many myths, legend, code, religious rules and historical events with religious coloring; therefore, plenty of idioms derived from Bible. Examples are “Job‟s patience” (very patient), “Judas kiss”, “a daughter of Eve”(female), “as wise as Solomon” (outstandingly wise and smart). (Li Qun, 2002)Let‟s look at another sentence, “He can be relied on. He eats no fish.” The phrase“to eat no fish” comes from a religious allusion. It means that, during Elizabeth I period, in order to express their loyalty, Christian refused to follow the custom that anti-governmen t Catholics eat only fish on Friday. Therefore, “to eat no fish,” means “loyalty”.2.3.4 Historical Cultural FactorsHistory culture is the culture that is formed during special process of history。
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Translation of Chinese idioms繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous爱不释手fondle admiringly爱财如命skin a flea for its hide爱屋及乌love me,love my dog He that loves the tree loves the branch安居乐业live and work in peace and contentment白手起家build up from nothing百里挑一one in hundred百折不挠be indomitable半途而废give up halfway leave sth. Unfinished包罗万象all-embracing all-inclusive饱经风霜weather-beaten卑躬屈膝bow and scrape cringe悲欢离合vicissitudes of life背道而驰run counter to run in the opposite direction本末倒置put the cart before the horse笨鸟先飞the slow need to start early必由之路the only way闭关自守close the country to international intercourse变本加厉be further intensified变化无常chop and change fantasticality变化无常chop and change fantasticality别开生面having sth. New别有用心have ulterior motives彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane兵不厌诈in war nothing is too deceitful博古通今erudite and informed不败之地incincible position不耻下问feel not ashamed to learn from one's subordinates不可救药be past praying for beyond redemption不劳而获reap where one has not sown不屈不挠fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity不速之客crasher uninvited guest不同凡响outstanding不言而喻speak for itself tell its own story tell its own tale went without saying 不遗余力spare no effort spare no pains不以为然not approve object to不义之财filthy lucre filthy pelf the mammon of unrighteousness不亦乐乎extremely不远千里go to the trouble of travelling a long distance不约而同happen to coincide不择手段by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul 不知所措be at a loss be all adrift lose one's head out of one's wits才疏学浅have little talent and learning惨绝人寰extremely cruel沧海桑田time brings a great change to the worlds沧海一粟/九牛一毛a drop in the bucket草木皆兵a state of extreme nervousness层出不穷emerge in endlessly层峦迭嶂peaks over peaks察言观色carefully watch what sb. is doing and saying姹紫嫣红very beautiful flowers畅行无阻checkless车水马龙heavy traffic沉默寡言taciturnity称心如意well-content趁热打铁strike while iron is hot Hold a wolf the iron is hot成群结队gang horde诚惶诚恐with reverence and awe诚心诚意sincere desire承上启下a connecting link between the preceding and the following吃苦耐劳tough吃里扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly痴心妄想胡思乱想wishful thinking持之以恒preserve叱咤风云ride the whirlwind愁眉苦脸pull a long face snoot愁眉苦脸的,愁眉苦脸地woebegone morosely臭名远扬,臭名昭著flagrancy,notorious出乎意料unexpected出口成章have an outstanding eloquence出类拔萃,鹤立鸡群fill the bill supereminence出谋划策give counsel suggest出奇制胜defeat sb. by a surprise action出生入死go through fire and water触类旁通comprehend by analogy垂头丧气,无精打采down in the mouth lose one's spirits with the tail between the legs 垂头丧气的blue about the gills crestfallen downhearted绰绰有余more than sufficient此起彼伏as one falls,another rises从容不迫go easy take one's time从容不迫的leisured unhurried从容不迫地by easy stages粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy粗枝大叶的broad-brush措手不及unaware unprepared错综复杂扑朔迷离anfractuosity错综复杂的anfractuous daedal reticula sinuous打草惊蛇act rashly and about: the enemy大材小用waste one's talent on a petty job大公无私selfless大海捞针look for a needle in a bottle of hay大惑不解be extremely puzzled大惊小怪a storm in a teacup foofaraw fuss like a hen with one chicken大惊小怪的spoffish大快人心affording general satisfaction大名鼎鼎famous well known大器晚成great minds mature slowly大千世界the boundless universe大失所望greatly disappointed大同小异largely identical but with minor differences大显身手大显神通strut one's stuff大言不惭夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty大智若愚Still waters run deep. An empty vessel makes the most sound Still water runs deep 呆若木鸡dumbstruck transfixed待人接物the ways one gets along with others殚思极虑rack one's brains胆小如鼠cannot say boh to a goose胆战心惊的funky淡泊明志not seek fame and wealth道貌岸然be sanctimonious得过且过drift along muddle along得天独厚的advantaged得心应手handy with facility得意忘形得意洋洋bloat get dizzy with success得意洋洋elated elation exaltation jauntiness得意扬扬ride high得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop high-blown perky得意扬扬的triumphant德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity德高望重sainted saintlike登峰造极reach the limit reach the peak of perfection地大物博vast territory and abundant resources颠倒黑白颠倒是非混淆是非call white black swear black is white颠三倒四confused disorderly雕虫小技insignificant skill调兵遣将move forces调虎离山lure the enemy away from his base掉以轻心treat sth. Lightly喋喋不休blat cackle chackle harp harp on jaw-jaw rattle twitter wag顶天立地of indomitable spirit东施效颦blind imitation with ludicrous effection东山再起bob up like a cork独具匠心show originality独树一帜develop a school of one's own独一无二in a class by oneself独一无二的unique unmatched unparalleled度日如年one day seems like a year断章取义garble quote out of context对牛弹琴whistle jigs to a milestone Cast pearls before swine对症下药suit the remedy to the case多才多艺versatility多才多艺的accomplished all-round allround miscellaneous versatile多愁善感sensitivity sentimentality多愁善感的moonstruck spoony多此一举bring owls to Athens hold a candle to the sun多多益善the more the better咄咄逼人aggressive脱胎换骨thoroughly remould oneself阿谀奉承趋炎附势greasiness恩将仇报以怨报德忘恩负义bite the hand that feeds one尔虞我诈each trying to cheat the other发人深省的thought-provoking发人深省set people thinking发扬光大carry forward翻山越岭tramp over hill and dale翻天覆地world-shaking泛滥成灾overrun飞黄腾达青云直上come into one's kingdom rise in the world strike oil 飞黄腾达的successful飞禽走兽birds and beasts废寝忘食forget food and sleep分道扬镳part company,each going his own way分化瓦解disintegrate divide and demoralize分门别类classify纷至沓来come in a continuous stream纷至沓来的thick as hail奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety愤愤不平be indignant愤世嫉俗的cynical丰富多彩rich and colorful丰功伟绩great achievement丰衣足食have ample food and clothing风花雪月sentimental writings of the exploiting classes风马牛不相及be totally unrelated风靡一时be the rage风平浪静calm风起云涌like a rising wind and scudding clouds风雨同舟stand together regardless of situation风雨无阻in all weathers锋芒毕露make a showy display of one's abilities蜂涌而来pour逢场作戏join in the fun on occasion逢凶化吉trun ill luck into good奉公守法law-abiding敷衍了事make short shrift of palter scuffle釜底抽薪take a drastic measure to deal with a situation赴汤蹈火出生入死go through fire and water富丽堂皇magnificence覆水难收spilt water cannot be gathered up again It is no use crying over spilt milkIdioms as the most typical representation of one nation's culture have their own characteristics. Since each nation has its own culture, its idioms represent each nation's unique culture.China and the UK both have a long history and abundant cultural sources.,also both of them have a large number ofidioms which represent their own cultural characteristics, however the ways of living, the geographical conditions and natural environments and others are different with different nations. The notions and ideas of the people of diverse nations and the forms of expressing, these concepts are by no means identical in all respects. So while translating them one shouldrefer to their own culture.The translation of idioms should follow the three basic requirements of translation: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which were proposed by Chinese famous translator Yan Fu. And the translation should base on the linguisticcontext.But the translator should pay more attention to the non-linguistic context that is social culture. While translating English and Chinese idioms, the key to get the same meaning of original version is to completely understand the meaning of the original idioms especially the cultural connotation hidden behindthe idioms.In all , there are four methods of translating idioms. The first method is literal translation. Different cultures has their own in dividuality, meanwhile they also have commonness. In English and Chinese idioms a few of them have the equivalent literal meaning or cultural meaning. These idioms can be translated equivalently. Another is free translation. The translators have to understand the cultural meaning contained in the original idioms and translate it into the idioms contained the similar cultural meaning which can be understood by the readers. The third one is paraphrasing translation. To avoid the cultural gaps which will be produced naturally by direct literal translation without any notes. So the translators have to paraphrase the cultural background of these idioms so that thereaders can understand the cultural connotation of them. The last one is combination of literal translation and free translation. Literal translation will decrease the read ability of the version sometimes ,while free translation will often change the faithfulness of English idioms. In order to overcome this trouble, we may employ a combination of literal translation and free translation.English and Chinese belong to the different phylum. The cultures of the two languages are totally different. Some idioms which contain profound cultural information cannot be accepted by the readers. So the translation of the idioms should firstly be faithful to the original idioms. The translator should send more cultural information of the idioms to the readers in order to let the readers get the same impression.。