Treatment of Cultural factors in Translation



























1 、论文题目英译应注意的问题在翻译汉语论文题目时,除了做到忠实原文,言简意赅,还应注意以下几个问题。





例如:(1)翻译教材中译例的编选原则Principles of Illustrative Examples in Com-piling Translation Textbooks这个题目的中心词是“原则”,英译时首先将中心词principles译出,属于译例的原则,即principles of Illustrative Examples,然后说明附加语“编写翻译教材中”,即in compiling trans-lation textbooks.(2)法律英语的词语特色Vocabulary Characteristics of Legal Eng-lish(3)接收信号频率的精确再生Precise Reproducing of the Frequency ofReceived Signals(4)汉语习语的翻译C_E Translation of Idioms1.2力求简明扼要。

许多论文题目常有“… …的研究”、“… …一瞥”、“漫谈… …”、“试论… …”、“浅说… …”、“… …初探”等词,这是作者行文谦逊,也是在科学上留有余地的表现。


《简·爱》与《呼啸山庄》的对比分析A Contrastive Analysis ofJane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
生活与斗争:对圣地亚哥性格的分析Life with Struggle:Analysis onSantiago’s Character
文化差异下的习语翻译Culture Differences and Idioms Translation
《红楼梦》英译中的译者目的性研究Purpose of Translation in the Two Translations ofHongloumeng
浅谈儿童早期英语教育A Brief Study on Children's Early English Education
从语言学角度看法律英语翻译Analysis of Legal English Translation from Linguistic Aspect
从文化角度看汉语文化词语的英译On Translation of Chinese Culture-loaded Words from a cultural PerspectiveFra bibliotek论文17



翻译基础知识总结1.异化(foreignization) 和归化(domestication)保留原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,叫异化,读者通过这样的译文可以感受到异域文化的东西。

例如,把crocodile tears 译为鳄鱼泪,就是异化的翻译方法;舍弃原语所包含的文化、形象色彩,取而代之用译文的文化色彩,或者牺牲这种文化色彩而只翻译出其意义就是归化,就是让原文“归顺”于译文。

例如把crocodile tears 译为假惺惺的眼泪,就是归化的翻译方法。

2.直译(literal translation) 和意译(free translation) 直译即照着原文直接翻译,例如藏龙卧虎– Hidden dragons and hidden tigers. 意译就是抛弃原文形式而只传达其意义,例如Dutch courage –酒后之勇3.音译(transliteration) 比如:store –士多cheese –汁斯风水–fungshui4.翻译的标准:信达雅faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance “信”指的是忠实于原文的内容和风格(faithful to the content and style of the source text;“达”指的是译文语言流畅自然而不生硬阻滞(the translation or target text should be natural and expressive);“雅”指的是译文译文语言风格尽可能贴近原文风格。

5.词类的转化conversion :名词动词形容词副词根据表达需要,在翻译中,往往需要进行词类的转化,此外,还包括抽象与具体的转化。

6.增添法amplification 比如:增添连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等7.省略法omission比如:省略连接词、范畴词、冠词、介词等等8.汉语是意合(parataxis)语言,分句之间的关系是隐性的(covert),英语是形合(hypotaxis) 语言,分句之间关系还是显性的(overt)9.英语的54种基本句型:SV / SVC / SVO / SVOO / SVOC (参考教材15面)10.比较来说,汉语是动态(dynamic) 语言英语是静态( static) 语言;汉语更喜欢使用有灵主语(及人或其他有生命的词作主语animate subject),英语更喜欢无灵主语(inaminate subject),例如:The sight of the photo reminded me of ...(参考教材31面)11.句子层次来说,英译汉常要分division, 汉译英常要合combination.翻译部分题型:一、篇章汉译英(15分):请注意词的处理技巧的恰当运用,以及句子的组合。








1 、论文题目英译应注意的问题在翻译汉语论文题目时,除了做到忠实原文,言简意赅,还应注意以下几个问题。





例如:(1)翻译教材中译例的编选原则Principles of Illustrative Examples in Com-piling Translation Textbooks这个题目的中心词是“原则”,英译时首先将中心词principles译出,属于译例的原则,即principles of Illustrative Examples,然后说明附加语“编写翻译教材中”,即in compiling trans-lation textbooks.(2)法律英语的词语特色Vocabulary Characteristics of Legal Eng-lish(3)接收信号频率的精确再生Precise Reproducing of the Frequency ofReceived Signals(4)汉语习语的翻译C_E Translation of Idioms1.2力求简明扼要。

许多论文题目常有“… …的研究”、“… …一瞥”、“漫谈… …”、“试论… …”、“浅说… …”、“… …初探”等词,这是作者行文谦逊,也是在科学上留有余地的表现。



2.The Cultural Factors in Translation Practice影响翻译实践的文化因素文化因素对翻译的影响〖摘要〗由于世界是一个整体,这决定了人类众多的语言之间具有某些相似性,因而不同语言之间就存在着相互沟通交流的基础,存在着可供参考的意义.正是由于该意义的存在,不同语言之间的所指意义形象上.思维方式,思维形象的异同会造成语言文化差异,翻译时可采取思维方式的转换,思维形象的转换与移植来处理.又因为文化差异的因素对翻译的影响不可低估. 不同民族的语言交流实质上是不同民族的文化交流. 只有重视文化内涵, 才能克服翻译过程中语言的障碍. 真正达到文化交流的目的. 本文着重从词义联想和意象, 理解和思维, 比喻和习惯表达, 宗教信仰和历史典故等四个方面论文化差异对翻译有影响.〖关键词〗文化差异, 翻译, 影响所谓翻译, 简单地说, 就是把原文的意思在译文中表达出来. 但是这简单的一句话, 做起来却并不容易. 因为" 语言基本上是一种文化和社会的产品, 因此它必须从文化和社会的角度去理解" . 在英汉翻译的实践中, 通过对两种文化差异的对比, 从而掌握它们的特点, 并运用这些特点解决翻译中遇到的困难,是十分重要的. 美国著名的翻译理论家尤金·奈达认为, 翻译中出现的最严重的错误往往不是因为词语表达不当所造成的, 而是因为错误的文化假背景所导致的. " 归根到底, 翻译中的大部分问题都是因为两种语言差异而造成的障碍. " 可见, 在翻译这个千里之行的旅程中, 始于足下的应当是对两种语言文化差异的对比. 这是翻译的一个主要任务, 也是一个难题.在语言交流的过程中, 不同民族的人能否互相沟通, 不仅取决于他们对语言本身的理解, 而且取决于他们对语言所负载的文化意蕴的理解. 唯有深刻理解两种语言的文化差异, 才能跨越语言鸿沟, 从而使翻译中的问题迎刃而解. 在此, 本文着重从四个方面谈谈文化差异对翻译的影响.1 词义联想与意象对翻译的影响词在特定的语境中具有不同的联想记忆, 不同民族的人们对事物属性认识不同, 他的心理反映也不同, 在词义联想与意象上必然存在一定的差异. 例如, 在东方文化中, " 红娘" 一词是指促成美好姻缘的人, 常会使人想起中国古典名著《西厢记》中的丫环; 而在西方文化中, go- between和 match- maker除了表示" 媒人" 的意思外, 还有" 中间人" , " 掮客" 的含义. 人们也就不可能产生类似的文化意象. 可见, 产生词义联想失误或缺乏适宜的文化意象, 就会造成翻译过程中错译或误译的现象. 请看例句:例1: One eye- witness is better than ten hear- says.这是一句谚语. 如果词义联想不当, 直译为" 一次目睹胜过十次耳闻. " 则译文没有完全体现原文的含义. 在英语中, ten一词除了表示具体数学" 十" 之外, 还用以泛指" 多" 的含义, 所以, 译为" 百闻不如一见" 更为妥当, 贴切.例2: She is the boss s girl Friday.这句话的关键是girl Friday一记号, 如果望文生义, 想当然地译为" 情妇" , 就会错译. 在英语中, girl Friday是个成语, 意为" 得力助手" (尤指秘书), 因此, 正确译文是: 她是老板的私人秘书.2 理解与思维差异对翻译的影响世界上几乎每一个民族都有自己独特的语言理解和思维方式, 英汉两个民族也不例外, 在观察, 理解与思维方式上都存在着一定的差异. 对同一事物, 往往因理解不同, 而产生语言表达方式的差异. 对颜色词的理解和使用, 便是一个突出的例子. 在英汉两种语言中, 颜色的所指是完全一样的, 但由于理解的差异, 使其文化含意完全不同. 请看下列一组单词的英汉对比(参照英语奥林匹克小学四年级分册主编包天仁吉林教育出版社) .英语汉语black tea 红茶black coffee 浓咖啡(不加糖或牛奶)black eyes 挨打后的黑眼圈dark eyes 黑眼睛brown sugar 红糖blue film 黄色影片in the black 赢利in the red 亏损, 赤字white sale 大减价white lie 善意的谎言White elephant 贵而无用的东西此外, 英汉两个民族在逻辑思维上也存在着差异, 请看例句:例3. Nobody could be too foolish this day.这句话若直译为: " 今天谁也不会太愚蠢" , 那就大错特错了. 因为英语中的双重否定结构, 体现为一种逆向思维的方式. 其正确译文应该是: 今天, 无论你怎样出洋相, 都不算过分.例4.It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention.这也是一个体现为逆向思维的双重否定结构. 如果直译为: " 过高估计这项发明的价值是不可能的" , 则与原文的意思大相径庭. 正确的译文应为: 这项发明的价值无论怎样估计也不会太高.由此可见, 在翻译实践过程中, 只有对不同民族在理解与思维上的差异作深入细致的了解, 才能避免错译, 误译, 从而达到事半功倍的效果.3 比喻和习惯表达对翻译的影响比喻及习惯表达都是具有浓郁民族文化色彩的语言成份, 也是翻译过程中导致理解障碍的原因之一. 只有深入研究, 对比, 理解两种语言在比喻和习惯表达上差异, 才能摆脱理解障碍造成的困境, 真正达到译文" 入木三分" . 由于文化差异, 不同的民族对同一世界的认识, 可以有不同的透视角度, 因而就会产生喻体不同, 比喻相似的现象, 即比喻的差异. 请看下列一组词的英汉对比(参照英语奥林匹克小学四年级分册主编包天仁吉林教育出版社) .:英语汉语as strong as horse 气壮如牛as blind as a bat 鼠目寸光for the birds 对牛弹琴goose flesh 鸡皮疙瘩something fishy 蛛丝马迹as wise as an owl 像猴子一样聪明a lion in the way 拦路虎lick one s boots 拍马屁Diamond cuts diamond 棋逢对手A flash in a pan 昙花一现Have one foot in the grave 风烛残年To grow like mushrooms 雨后春笋此外, 两种语言在习惯表达上也有差异, 请看例句:例5.If you ever think he is lazy, think again.这如果直译为: " 如果你认为他懒的话, 再想一想吧" . 从表面上看十分忠实原文, 但由于忽略了在特定环境下英语习惯表达的特点, 实际上完全没有将原文的真正意思译出来. 其正确译法是: 如果你认为他懒的话, 那你就错了.例6.When I say Chinese food, I mean Chinese food.这句话照字面直译为: " 当我说中国菜时, 我是指中国菜" . 这不仅破坏了原句的意思, 也没有将句中特定的表达法体现出来. 如果译为" 我说的是正宗的中国菜" 那就好多了.4 宗教信仰与典故对翻译的影响东西方文化在宗教信仰与历史典故中, 存在着极大的差异. 西方人多信奉基督教, 认为上帝创造一切, 宗教多有" 圣经" , " 洗礼" , " 修女" , " 教堂" , " 上帝" 等词汇. 而中国人信奉佛教, 道教, 多有" 玉帝" , " 观音" , " 菩萨" , " 佛主" , " 慈悲为怀" 等宗教词汇. 在中国文化中, 历史典故丰富多彩, 如" 盘古开天" , " 牛郎织女" , " 项庄舞剑" , " 卧薪尝胆" 等等. 在西方文化中, 许多历史典故来源于古希腊和罗马神话及圣经故事. 请看例句:例7.You are just a doubting Thomas. You won t believe what I tell you.这句话中的doubting Thomas源于圣经故事, Thomas是耶稣的12门徒之一, 此人生性多疑. 后来, 英语中使用doubting Thomsa表示多疑之人. 理解了其中的文化内涵, 我们便可以将其译为: 你这个人真多疑, 我说什么你都不信.例8.Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay beings begin to breathe.基督教认为, 上帝创造了人, 而人来自尘土. 因此, 英语中creation指 " 上帝" . 而clay指 " 上帝创造的人" . 理解了creation和 clay这两个词的宗教涵义后, 就可将原文译为: 老师是创造的见证人, 目睹生命呼吸成长.东西方文化中不同的宗教信仰和历史典故浸透在各自的语言表达之中, 只有深刻了解东西方文化个性的差异, 理解语言中的文化内涵, 才能避免错译, 误译, 使翻译真正起到文化交流的作用.5 结语翻译作为文化交流的工具, 加快了国际间的交流,使很多的科学技术与科研成果能得到大家的认同,并得到发展.使资源得到充分的利用.尤金·奈达说过: " 就真正成功的翻译而言, 译者的双文化功底甚至比双语言功底更重要, 因为词语只有在其起作用的文化语境中才富有意义. " 可见文化差异对翻译的影响不可低估, 随着东西方文化交流的不断发展, 加强对语言文化差异的敏感度, 是做好翻译工作必须认真研究和探讨的课题.浅谈英汉翻译实践中的文化因素浅谈英汉翻译实践中的文化因素安维 1 ,赵顺发(1. 天津职业大学,天津市300402 ; 2. 天津工程职业技术学院,天津市300280)摘要: 语言是文化的重要组成部分,它既是文化的一种表现形式,又是一种社会文化现象。

translation culture factor

translation culture factor

• But sooner could flow backward to is fountains; This stream, than wealth and honor can remain. 功名富贵若长在,汉水 亦应西北流 西北流 is Compared to Vanishing wealth.
The impact of historical allusions and customs
• The historical allusion is the national cultural heritage, with a distinctive cultural character and rich cultural history, reflecting the different historical and cultural characteristics. With the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures, many of the biblical story of the Western literature, and Chinese mythology, story, poetry and songs play a important role in translation
• A truly wise person does not show off his (her) ability 大智若愚 • Eventually, every secret will be disclosed 水落石 出 • A man can not be judged by his appearance, nor can the water in the sea be measured by a bucket. 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量 • Study hard when you are young. It will pay off when you get older 少壮不努力 老大徒伤悲


Application of China-English in C-E Translation中国英语在汉英翻译中的应用
On Translation of English Neologism浅谈英语新词的译名
Chinese Translation Skills of English Business News英语经济新闻汉译技巧
An Analysis of Common Errors and the Standard Translation of Office Signs办公室标示语翻译中常见错误的分析及翻译规范
A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Teahouse《茶馆》两个英译本的比较研究
A Review of the Cultural Differences Between China and America -Based on the Comparison of Obama and Hu Jintao's Speeches从奥巴马与胡锦涛的演说审视中美文化差异
A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions ofThe Art of Life《生活的艺术》两个汉译本的比较研究
On the Contextual Adaptation Theory Embedded in Film Title Translation
A Study on English Translation of Chinese Idioms from a Memetic Perspective模音论视角下汉语习语英译探究
On E-C Translation of Brand Names from Perspective of Functional Equivalence从功能对等理论看英文商标的汉译














On Cultural Treatment of Traditional Chinese

On Cultural Treatment of Traditional Chinese

On Cultural Treatment of Traditional ChineseMedicine Translation from the Perspective of Adaptation Theory:--A Case Study of the C-E Translation on Yellow Empero’s Canon Internal Medicine摘要: 中医是优秀的中华民族文化,在2000多年的悠久历史中逐渐形成了一套完整科学、独具特色的医学体系。














文化认同的英语作文英文回答:Culture is a comprehensive and multifaceted conceptthat defies a single, all-encompassing definition. It encompasses a wide array of beliefs, values, customs, traditions, practices, languages, and artifacts that define a particular society or group of people. Culture is a dynamic and evolving phenomenon, constantly shaped by both internal and external factors. It has a profound impact on individual and collective identity, influencing our perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world around us.Cultural identity is the sense of belonging to a particular cultural group and the identification with its shared values, beliefs, and practices. It is a complex and multi-layered concept that is influenced by various factors, including ethnicity, nationality, religion, language, and shared experiences. Cultural identity provides individuals with a sense of continuity and belonging, connecting themto a community and a sense of shared purpose.Acculturation is the process by which individuals adopt the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of a new or dominant culture while retaining elements of their original culture. It is a complex and ongoing process that can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. On the positive side, acculturation can facilitate integration into a new society and promote understanding and respect for diverse cultures. However, it can also lead to cultural conflict, loss of cultural identity, and feelings of alienation.Assimilation is the process by which individuals abandon their original culture and fully adopt the values, beliefs, and practices of a new or dominant culture. It is a more extreme form of acculturation that often results in the loss of cultural heritage and a sense of cultural identity. Assimilation can be voluntary or involuntary, and it can have profound implications for individuals and communities.Deculturation is the process by which individuals losetheir original culture and do not adopt a new one. This can occur through various factors, such as forced displacement, cultural genocide, or prolonged isolation. Deculturation can have devastating consequences, leading to feelings of loss, alienation, and a sense of rootlessness.Multiculturalism is the presence of multiple cultures within a single society. It recognizes and values the diversity of cultural expressions and promotes the coexistence of different cultural groups. Multiculturalism can foster understanding, tolerance, and respect for different ways of life. However, it can also lead to cultural conflict and the creation of cultural enclaves.Transculturalism is the process of transcendingcultural boundaries and adopting elements from various cultures. It involves a selective integration of cultural values, beliefs, and practices, resulting in a hybrid or blended cultural identity. Transculturalism is often associated with globalization and the increased interconnectedness of the world.中文回答:文化认同。


2 Cultural Sensitivity and Localization
How proofreading and editing contribute to maintaining cultural sensitivity in translated content.
3 Working with Subject Matter Experts
Techniques for Effective Business English Translation
Transcreation and
Terminology Management and Glossaries
Adapting content to resonate with the target audience while
Adapting to Cultural Differences
Understanding the importance of cultural sensitivity when translating business content.
Business Etiquette Across Cultures
Online Language Resources
Exploring valuable online resources for business English translators.
Cultural Nuances in Business Terminologies
Considering cultural variations and their impact on translating business-specific terms.



过去和现在的饮食变化英语作文英文回答:In the annals of human history, the evolution of our dietary habits has been a transformative journey, shaped by an intricate interplay of cultural, technological, and environmental factors. From the foraging practices of our hunter-gatherer ancestors to the industrialized food systems of today, the way we consume sustenance has undergone a series of profound changes.Preindustrial Era:During the preindustrial era, human diets wereprimarily based on locally available, unprocessed foods. Subsistence farming and hunting formed the backbone of sustenance, with a focus on staple crops such as grains, legumes, and root vegetables. These diets were characterized by high fiber intake and a moderate consumption of animal products. The advent of agriculture,around 10,000 years ago, marked a significant dietary shift, as humans transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities.Industrial Revolution:The Industrial Revolution ushered in a new era of food production and distribution. Advancements in food processing, refrigeration, and transportation enabled the mass production and export of processed foods, leading to a dramatic increase in the consumption of refined grains, sugars, and unhealthy fats. These dietary changes had profound implications for public health, contributing tothe rise of chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.Modern Era:In the modern era, dietary patterns have further diversified and become increasingly individualized. Globalization and technological advancements have made a wide variety of foods accessible to consumers, leading toboth dietary abundance and nutritional challenges. The rise of fast food, processed meals, and sugary drinks has fueled an epidemic of preventable diseases. Simultaneously, a growing awareness of the health implications of dietary choices has led to the emergence of specialized diets and dietary supplements.Key Dietary Changes:Over the centuries, several key dietary changes have occurred, including:Decrease in Fiber Intake: The consumption of fiber-rich foods has declined significantly, primarily due to the increased consumption of processed grains and refined foods.Increased Sugar Consumption: The widespreadavailability of sugary drinks and processed foods has ledto a dramatic increase in sugar intake, contributing to weight gain and metabolic disorders.Higher Fat Intake: The shift towards processed foodshas also resulted in higher consumption of unhealthy fats, particularly saturated and trans fats.Reduced Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables: Despite increased access to fresh produce, many individuals do not meet the recommended daily intake of fruits and vegetables.Health Implications:The dietary changes that have occurred over time have had significant implications for public health. The increased consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats has contributed to the rise of chronic diseases such as:Obesity: The prevalence of obesity has skyrocketed in recent decades, primarily due to the overconsumption of calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods.Heart Disease: The high intake of saturated and trans fats has increased the risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death globally.Diabetes: The increased consumption of sugary drinks and processed foods has contributed to the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes.Contemporary Dietary Trends:In response to growing health concerns, several contemporary dietary trends have emerged, including:Plant-Based Diets: These diets emphasize the consumption of whole, plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.Whole Food Diets: These diets focus on consuming minimally processed foods, including fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.Intuitive Eating: This approach encourages individuals to listen to their bodies' hunger and fullness cues, and to develop a balanced and healthy relationship with food.Conclusion:The evolution of human dietary habits is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, shaped by a myriad of factors. The dietary changes that have occurred over time have had significant implications for public health, underscoring the profound impact that our food choices have on our overall well-being. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, it is imperative to promote healthy and sustainable dietary patterns that nourish our bodies and support our long-term health.中文回答:古代饮食:在工业革命之前,人类的饮食主要基于当地可获得的未加工食品。
















关键词:文化词语字幕翻译翻译策略语言特点华中科技大学硕士学位论文AbstractChina’s booming film industry creates the need to communication with people of various cultural backgrounds. Chinese-English translation of subtitle has become an increasingly important medium for the outside world to know China. As a new field of translation, study of film subtitle translation is attracting more and more attention. The past research mainly focused on time and space constraints, its relevance to multimedia translation, quality control and standardizations. This thesis attempts to analyze, from the cultural perspective, factors influencing strategies adopted in subtitle translation.Culture is closely related to language and language is the carrier of culture. How to translate culture-specific words and expressions in the subtitle translation has been a crucial issue concerned by subtitler.On the basis of its precedents the author of this thesis tries to study the translation of culture-specific words in the context of the culture differences, linguistic features and translation strategies and find out some applicable approaches to handle these kinds of words by exploring the translations strategies of the culture-specific words in the subtitle of the film “the Curse of Golden Flower”, directed by Zhang Yimou. This thesis attempts to contrast the culture-specific words in English and Chinese with the contrastive approach. At the same time, the author tries to probe into its appliance in translation. And since in essence, translation is an important device in intercultural communication, the translator can by no means neglect the cultural information embodied in messages.Key words: culture-specific words subtitle translation translation strategies language features独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。



《罪与罚》英语读后感1After reading "Crime and Punishment", I was deeply moved and profoundly influenced. The story delves into the psyche of the protagonist, presenting a vivid picture of his inner turmoil and transformation.The protagonist's psychological changes after committing the crime are truly heart-wrenching. He constantly battles with his conscience, haunted by guilt and fear. His initial belief in his own righteousness gradually crumbles as he realizes the true weight of his actions. For instance, the moments when he is alone in his room, unable to sleep, tormented by thoughts of his crime, are so vividly described that one can almost feel his pain and confusion.The author's critique of social reality is also thought-provoking. The harsh conditions and injustice that drive the protagonist to take extreme measures highlight the flaws and inequalities in society. It makes us question the factors that push individuals to the brink and the responsibility of the community as a whole.This novel is not just a story of crime and punishment, but a profound exploration of human nature, morality, and the society we live in. It has left an indelible mark on my mind, making me reflect on my own actions and the world around me.After reading "Crime and Punishment", I was deeply moved and profoundly influenced. This masterpiece by Dostoyevsky has delved into the most profound and complex aspects of human nature.The protagonist's internal struggles and conflicts reveal the duality of human nature. His decision to commit a crime, driven by his own theories and desperation, showcases the dangerous path one can tread when blinded by ambition and false justifications. The relationship between the protagonist and Sonya, for instance, highlights the contrast between sin and redemption. Sonya's unwavering faith and love serve as a guiding light in the protagonist's dark journey of self-realization.The book also reflects the social problems of that era. Poverty, injustice, and the lack of opportunity forced many into desperate situations, leading them to make choices they otherwise wouldn't. This makes us question the role of society in shaping an individual's actions.From this book, I've gained profound insights into morality and ethics. It teaches us that every action has consequences, and true redemption comes from facing our mistakes and striving to make amends. "Crime and Punishment" is not just a story but a profound exploration of the human soul and the choices we make."Crime and Punishment" is a remarkable literary masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on my mind. The book's literary value and artistic features are truly captivating. The narrative technique employed by the author is highly distinctive. The story unfolds in a way that keeps the reader engaged and on the edge of their seat. For instance, the use of multiple perspectives and flashbacks adds depth and complexity to the plot.The characterization in the novel is nothing short of brilliant. Raskolnikov, the protagonist, is a complex and tortured soul. His inner conflicts and moral struggles are depicted with such precision that one can almost feel his torment. The author's detailed descriptions of his thoughts and emotions make him come alive on the pages.Furthermore, the way the author creates a tense atmosphere through meticulous descriptions is remarkable. The dark and oppressive setting of St. Petersburg, the poverty and desperation of the characters, all contribute to a sense of impending doom. This not only heightens the suspense but also makes the reader empathize with the characters' predicaments.In conclusion, "Crime and Punishment" is a profound and thought-provoking work that showcases the author's genius. It delves deep into the human psyche and the consequences of one's actions, leaving the reader with much to ponder long after the final page is turned."Reading "Crime and Punishment" has been a profound and transformative experience for me. The story, with its complex characters and moral dilemmas, has had a significant impact on my perspective of life and my understanding of personal growth.The protagonist's internal struggle and the constant battle between good and evil within him made me reflect on my own choices and actions. One particular aspect that changed my way of thinking was the idea that every decision we make, no matter how small, has consequences. It made me more cautious and thoughtful before acting, realizing that a momentary impulse could lead to unforeseen and often negative outcomes.Moreover, the book has inspired me greatly in terms of choosing my future path. It taught me that honesty and integrity are not just moral virtues but essential for a fulfilling and peaceful life. Just as the characters in the novel suffered due to their wrongdoings, I understand that taking shortcuts or choosing the path of deception might offer temporary gains but would ultimately lead to a sense of emptiness and guilt.In conclusion, "Crime and Punishment" has not only been an engaging read but also a guiding light, shaping my mindset and influencing the decisions I make as I navigate through life's challenges and opportunities."Crime and Punishment" is a masterpiece that has left an indelible mark on my mind. This profound novel by Fyodor Dostoevsky delves deep into the human psyche and the complex web of morality and justice.From a philosophical perspective, the story poses challenging questions about the nature of crime and the consequences of one's actions. The protagonist's internal struggle between his sense of moral duty and the temptation to transgress societal norms forces us to ponder the very essence of right and wrong. The religious elements interwoven throughout the narrative, such as the concept of sin and redemption, have a profound impact on the characters' destinies. For instance, Raskolnikov's tormented soul seeks salvation, and it is through his recognition of his sins and a glimmer of hope for repentance that offers a glimmer of light in the otherwise dark tale.In terms of cultural significance, the novel transcends boundaries and holds relevance in diverse cultural contexts. It showcases the universal human struggle against one's own demons and the search for meaning and purpose. Different cultures may interpret the themes and messages differently, but the core exploration of human nature remains constant.This book is not merely a story; it is a mirror that reflects the complexity of our own moral choices and the eternal quest for understanding and redemption.。



Title:the influence of cultural difference on business negotiation【Abstract】International business negotiation is playing a more and more important role in modem society. We can see clearly that there are great differences in international business negot iation. Specially, culture can influence negotiating styles in different ways, because negotiators who may come from another nation is different from us in language, beliefs, behaviors manners, Privacy, Food custom, time, thinking, value and attitudes and so on. Different cultures express different ways of doing business. Even though negotiators are well prepared, it is not so easy to reach a satisfactory agreement between negotiators across cultures. Negotiations can be easily broken down due to a lack of mutual understanding of the cultures. Culture affects negotiation even before negotiators meet with face to face. Therefore, learning the opponent's culture and having a good understanding of how cultural differences affect negotiation will be critically important if one wants to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations.CONTENTSPART I Cultural Differences1 The difference of Privacy2 The difference Of Time3 Food practices difference…………..and so onPART II The reasons of the different culture1 V alue Differences2. Political Differences3 .Economic Differences………..and so onPart IV Negotiation Skills: correctly to deal with the cultural differencesPart V How to negotiation and to deal with cultural differences in negotiationPart VI ConclusionPART I Cultural DifferencesNow, with the rapid development of economic globalization and the prosperity of international business, international business negotiations are a very common and important activity in the world. But during negotiation, it is all too natural that conflicts occur where both sides have different views about their own interest or culture. To be fully prepared before the negotiation, negotiators should pay attention to the cultural differences such as privacy, time, Food practices, and so on. Since culture does matter much in international negotiations, the first step is to focus on impacts of cultural differences on business negotiations.①.The difference of PrivacyChinese people's privacy concepts are relatively weak, but personal privacy are very importance for westerners, emphasize personal space, they are not willing to mention their own affairs. So on the issue of privacy, Chinese and westerners frequent conflicts between the two sides, such as: for the first met Chinese people often asked about each other's age, marital status, children, occupation, income and so on, Chinese people think this is an manners, but the West people think these problems are violated their privacy.②.The difference Of TimeWesterners time concept and the money concept are close contact, time is money, they are veryWesterners often feel are not suited to this.③.Food practices differenceThe Chinese nation has a fine tradition of hospitality. For example,the enthusiasm of the Chinese people often offers their cigarettes each other. Chinese banquet, even Put all the delicious on the table, and the owner will use chopsticks help guest nip some foods, and persuade guests are more drink, more eat. In Western countries, people are stress respect for individual rights and privacy, and therefore they will not do help guest nip foods.PART II The reasons of the different cultureSince there are so many cultural differences, then conflict is inevitable.A cultural diversity have many reasons, in a word, eastern and Western cultures have different cultures, historical background, it will inevitably bring some thinking, behavior, and many other differences, even conflicts. Many factors influence the differences of cultures.①.V alue DifferencesEvery culture has own unique value systems, this culture think that is good, another culture might consider bad, but it does not mean that this values are advanced, and the other values are behind. For example, parents in western countries tend to cultivate children to be independent. They encourage their children to deal with their personal things by themselves. Parents in eastern countries, however, always spoil their children. They always help their children finish some things which the children have the ability to cope with by themselves.②.Political DifferencesPolitical differences mean that policies and regulations of the political system standardize the behavior of the people’s role so that people under different political system have different political concepts. Take America and France for example: the power of American president is strictly limited by the Constitution and the other two authorities---Congress and Supreme Court. While France has to expand their president’s power due to their own conditions.③.Economic DifferencesEconomic difference is a reflection of the cultural differences due to economic factors. For example, people in the western developed countries have the rich life, and receive the high education so that they pay more attention to the quality of life, and they have good safety awareness. But in the Third World, especially the developing countries, people are more concerned with the problem of food and clothing. So this is reflected in cultural differences.PART IV Negotiation Skills: correctly to deal with the cultural differencesAs we all know, different countries have different cultures. According to the culture of different countries adopt different strategies in the international business negotiations, in order to ensure that negotiations can be expected to achieve, decision-making must based on cultural differences, learn some international business etiquette and practices, respect each other's cultural practices, so negotiations will be guarantee successfully.Negotiational tactic is objective. Unless we understand it, we can apply it. Specifically speaking, take Chinese negotiators for example, we must achieve the following several points: First, understanding English has always being identified as a key successful factor for Chinese Business. Seco nd, Chinese businessmen have to know the culture differences between the East and the West so that they not only can know their own negotiation’s mentality but also their rival’s mentality. In addition,Chinese businessmen should respect other parties’ customs, in equal and friendly foundation. Third, both partsshould attempt to conciliate the bilateral cultural difference. Studying and respecting the foundation of adversary’s cultural difference requires both sides to exchang ideas, to stand in adversary’s angle and standpoint to think question.PART V How to negotiation and to deal with cultural differences in negotiation1.Pre-negotiation: The pre-negotiation stage begins form the first contact between the two sides whose interest in doing business with each other,we should keep an open mind to recognize and accept the difference, because information gathering will to some extent determine the success and failure of the negotiation.2.Face-to-Face Negotiation: In this stage, I think negotiators should adopt some proper communication skills to reach an agreement. And we know conflict tend to be more difficult and complex when involved negotiators with cultural differences. But conflict is unavoidable during the process of negotiation. To make things worse, poor communication may kill deals. So we should try our best to overcome the cultural differences on negotiation, and utilize some effective communication to gain the common interest. In view of its significance in negotiation, communication is at the heart of the negotiating process.3.Post-negotiation: Finally the business negotiation is brought to the end stage. The contract is being drawn up and to be signed. However, writing and wording of the contract in itself is a kind of negotiating process. For word meaning and business value might differ due to the cultural factors involved in the business negotiation, form of agreement is preferred differently from culture to culture.Part VI ConclusionThe present study represents both affirmation to past cultural factors on changes of perspectives and the success of business negotiation.To be successful in the commercial negotiation between different culture, one must strengthen trans-cultural consciousness, thus form a concept of cultural difference and come to understand and respect these characteristics of different countries in the negotiation, then understand adversary’s valuable ideas , behavior and characteristics to establish mutual trust and cooperation. To be successful in different commercial negotiations,one must overcome national behavior criterion . Cultural differences have great impact on negotiations on every aspect. The above contents are only some example of them. Having a good understanding of those differences and doing some research in this field, trying to reduce and avoid the negative effect that the cultural differences may bring. Furthermore, they are one of the tasks that firms undertake in decision making.。

Immigration A Melting Pot of Cultures

Immigration A Melting Pot of Cultures

Immigration A Melting Pot of Cultures Immigration, the movement of people from one country to another with the intention of settling permanently or for a significant period, has been a defining feature of human history. The impact of immigration on the cultural landscape of nations is undeniable, leading to the creation of societies that are often described as "melting pots" of cultures. This essay will explore the multifaceted ways in which immigration contributes to cultural diversity, fosters innovation, and enriches the social fabric of a nation. One of the most significant contributions of immigration is the introduction of new traditions, customs, and perspectives. Immigrants bring with them a wealth of cultural heritage, including art, music, cuisine, and languages. These elements interweave with the existing cultural tapestry of the host country, creating a vibrant and dynamic cultural mosaic. For instance, the influx of immigrants from Latin America into the United States has led to the popularization of Latin music and dance forms, enriching the American cultural scene. Similarly, the presence of immigrants from the Indian subcontinent in the United Kingdom has introduced a wide array of Indian restaurants and culinary traditions, expanding the British palate. Immigration also fosters innovation and economic growth by introducing new skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurial spirit. Immigrants often bring with them specialized skills and expertise that fill gaps in the labor market, contributing to technological advancement and economic development. The history of Silicon Valley, a global hub of technological innovation, is a testament to the role of immigrants in driving progress. Many of the tech giants that we know today were founded or co-founded by immigrants who brought with them groundbreaking ideas and a relentless pursuit of innovation. Furthermore, immigration promotes cross-cultural understanding and tolerance, breaking down barriers and fostering a more inclusive society. As people from different backgrounds interact and share their experiences, they develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures. This process of cultural exchange challenges preconceived notions, reduces prejudice, and promotes a more harmonious society. The presence of diverse communities also exposes individuals to a wider range of perspectives, enriching their worldview and promoting empathy. However, it is important to acknowledge that theintegration of immigrants into a new society can also present challenges. Cultural differences, language barriers, and economic disparities can lead to social tensions and difficulties in adapting to a new environment. It is crucial for governments and communities to implement policies and programs that facilitate the integration of immigrants, providing language support, access to education, and opportunities for economic advancement. Creating an inclusive environment where immigrants feel welcomed and supported is essential for harnessing the benefits of cultural diversity. The concept of a "melting pot" suggests that different cultures blend together to form a new, homogeneous society. However, this metaphor has been criticized for implying the assimilation of immigrants into a dominant culture, potentially leading to the loss of their unique cultural identity. A more accurate representation of the impact of immigration on society is the concept of a "salad bowl," where different cultures coexist and retain their distinct characteristics while contributing to the overall richness and flavor of the society. In conclusion, immigration plays a pivotal role in shaping the cultural landscape of nations, creating vibrant and diverse societies that are enriched by the contributions of immigrants. From the introduction of new cultural traditions and perspectives to the fostering of innovation and economic growth, immigration brings numerous benefits to host countries. While challenges may arise in the process of integrating immigrants, embracing cultural diversity and fostering inclusivity are essential for harnessing the full potential of immigration and creating a society that celebrates the richness of its multifaceted cultural heritage.。

Immigration The Melting Pot of Cultures

Immigration The Melting Pot of Cultures

Immigration The Melting Pot of Cultures Immigration is a topic that has always been a subject of great debate and controversy. It is a complex issue that involves a multitude of perspectives and opinions. One of the most significant aspects of immigration is the idea of the "melting pot" of cultures. This concept refers to the blending of different cultural traditions and practices that occurs when people from diverse backgrounds come together in a new place. The United States is often cited as a prime example of a melting pot, as it has been shaped by the contributions of immigrants fromall over the world. However, the idea of the melting pot is not without its critics, who argue that it can lead to the erasure of unique cultural identities. In this response, we will explore the various perspectives on the concept of the melting pot of cultures and its implications for immigration. From a positive perspective, the melting pot of cultures is seen as a symbol of unity and diversity. It is celebrated as a testament to the idea that people from different backgrounds can come together and create a vibrant and dynamic society. The blending of different cultural traditions can lead to the creation of new and unique forms of art, music, cuisine, and other aspects of culture. This can enrich the overall cultural landscape and create a sense of shared identity among people from diverse backgrounds. In this view, the melting pot is a source of strength and vitality, as it allows for the exchange of ideas and the fostering of understanding and empathy among different groups of people. On the other hand, there are those who argue that the concept of the melting pot can be problematic. They contend that it can lead to the erasure of unique cultural identities and traditions. When different cultures are blended together, there is a risk that certain cultural practices and traditions may be marginalized or lost altogether. This can lead to a sense of alienation and disempowerment among immigrant communities, as they may feel pressure to conform to the dominant culture in order to assimilate. Additionally, the idea of the melting pot can sometimes be used to justify the imposition of a dominant culture on minority groups, which can perpetuate systems of inequality and discrimination. Another perspective to consider is the impact of the melting pot on individual identity. For many immigrants, the process of assimilating into a new culture can be both empoweringand challenging. On one hand, the blending of different cultural traditions can lead to the creation of a new, hybrid identity that incorporates elements from both the immigrant's original culture and the culture of their new home. This can be a source of strength and resilience, as it allows individuals to navigate the complexities of living in a new and unfamiliar environment. On the other hand, the pressure to assimilate and conform to the dominant culture can also lead to a sense of loss and disconnection from one's roots. Immigrants may struggle to maintain a sense of cultural continuity and may feel torn between the traditions of their homeland and the expectations of their new society. In addition to these perspectives, it is important to consider the role of the state in shaping the dynamics of the melting pot. Government policies and practices can have a significant impact on the experiences of immigrants and the way in which different cultures interact and coexist. For example, policies that promote multiculturalism and diversity can create an environment that is more inclusive and welcoming to immigrants, allowing for the preservation and celebration of different cultural traditions. On the other hand, policies that prioritize assimilation and homogeneity may contribute to the erasure of cultural diversity and the marginalization of immigrant communities. Ultimately, the concept of the melting pot of cultures is a complex and multifaceted issue that encompasses a wide range of perspectives and experiences. It is important to recognize the potential benefits of cultural blending, while also being mindful of the challenges andrisks that it can pose. By engaging in open and honest dialogue about the implications of the melting pot, we can work towards creating a society that is truly inclusive and respectful of the diverse cultural traditions that enrich our world.。








1 、论文题目英译应注意的问题在翻译汉语论文题目时,除了做到忠实原文,言简意赅,还应注意以下几个问题。





例如:(1)翻译教材中译例的编选原则Principles of Illustrative Examples in Com-piling Translation Textbooks这个题目的中心词是“原则”,英译时首先将中心词principles译出,属于译例的原则,即principles of Illustrative Examples,然后说明附加语“编写翻译教材中”,即in compiling trans-lation textbooks.(2)法律英语的词语特色Vocabulary Characteristics of Legal Eng-lish(3)接收信号频率的精确再生实用文档Precise Reproducing of the Frequency ofReceived Signals(4)汉语习语的翻译C_E Translation of Idioms1.2力求简明扼要。

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Treatment of Cultural Factors in TranslationAbstract:Translation is not simply according to the literal meaning to a text into another language, the translation of is in the process of translation to consider and deal with cultural factors. Only consider and deal with cultural factors, through understanding of its concept, meaning and pragmatic meaning, translation to achieve a faithful and idiomatic translation standard.The cultural factors in a significant role in literary translation, correctly handle the cultural differences in literary translation to improve the quality of translation and promote cultural exchanges between nations has a vital role.This paper discusses the several ways of dealing with cultural differences in literary translation, no matter uses which method or using mergers and acquisitions, the purpose of translation is to create a more perfect translation works, fully embodies the style of the original, connotation and meet the needs of the readers.摘要:翻译不是简单地按字面意义把一种文字转换为另一种文字,翻译之难就在于在翻译的过程中要考虑和处理文化因素.只有考虑和处理好文化因素、透彻理解其概念意义和语用意义,翻译才能达到忠实、通顺的翻译标准.文化因素在文学翻译中占有举足轻重的地位,正确地处理文学翻译中的文化差异对于提高翻译作品质量和促进各国之间的文化交流有着至关重要的作用。


Key words:Cultural difference; literary translation; the source language (source language); the target language (target language).关键词:文化差异;文学翻译;源语(source language) ;目的语(target language)As the global economy, politics, and the integration of science and technology, multicultural coexistence is imperative; culture has become very important in the communication and exchanges. Affected by its culture becomes an important factor in literary translation. In today's society, translation is no longer merely is regarded as the change of language, and is seen as an act of intercultural communication. Translation as a kind of cultural patterns.Therefore, how to more accurately and appropriately deal with cultural differences in literary translation is the key to create perfect translation works. This article discussed from different angles to minimize cultural differences of four different methods of translation.一.literary genre and cultural differencesIs translation practice and translation work style closely linked. Different styles of the translated works have their unique language features. Only in the mastery of the source language and target language at the same time the characteristics of the two languages and able to skillfully use two languages, the translator can create real style of the source language translation work. Work language styles of different cultural factors contained in the means are different. For example, in terms of the article of the genre of science and technology, it carries cultural factors is less? In this kind of work in the process of translation, accurate information content from the source language into the target language far comparing two kinds of language and culture is much more important. Instead, in literary works, such as fiction, poetry, prose, culture has become one of the important factors that should be considered in the translation. If you ignore the cultural factors, translation became a no blood no meat, only by piling up the vocabulary and sentence form. Lost culture in the eyes of readers, the translation is not the soul of the works. Good translator in literary translation practice, therefore, should give full consideration to how to deal with cultural differences in the works of different genres.In all literary works, poetry is literary genres that are rich in cultural factors most,whether in the form or content are fully showed its own cultural features. For example: English sonnet seven patterns and Chinese reflect their strong cultural characteristics.In translation practice, in addition to accurately reproduce the connotation of poetry, style and the ideas of the author, should also be translated out of the cultural features of the poem. Many translation skills, such as supplement, annotation and translation, substitution, etc., can be used to solve the phenomenon of cultural differences in translation, so that the culture of the target language readers can fully understand the source language style. As we all know, the Chinese language attaches great importance to the Parataxis (Parataxis) and focus on Hypotaxis, Hypotaxis in English language. Typical feature is the language of Chinese parataxis has many subject and incomplete sentences, however, in normal English grammar, the sentence must have subject. In english-chinese translation, therefore, can by increasing or reducing the subject, object and correlative to achieve language and discourse coherence, and solve the contradiction of the cultural differences between two languages. For example, The tang dynasty poet li bai's poem "静夜思t" can be translatedto accord with the characteristics of English hypotaxis, according to the English translator "subject-predicate bin (SVO)" structure of the language model, increased the subject "I" and "if" in clausal structure and predicate verb "see"; The translator adopts the method of interpretation,Translated“床前明月光”into“Abed , I see a silver light”1Replacement is usually used to make up for the cultural differences between a translation skills. For instance:“众人拾柴火焰高”translated”Many handsmake light work”。
