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白化病皮肤癌的发病率文章目录*一、白化病皮肤癌的发病率1. 白化病皮肤癌的发病率2. 白化病的症状3. 白化病的危害*二、白化病的预防*三、白化病的日常保健白化病皮肤癌的发病率1、白化病皮肤癌的发病率白化病的发病是由于酪氨酸代谢障碍导致黑色素合成减少所致。



因此,体内缺乏黑色素的白化病病人可以出现皮肤、粘膜、毛发、眼等白化的症状,并且皮肤癌的发病率较正常人高2、白化病的症状各型白化病患者主要表现为皮肤黑色素减少、对紫外光辅射敏感,易患皮肤癌; 眼部白化病可导致畏光、眼视网膜和虹膜色素减低、并引起视网膜中央凹发育不良、眼球震颤、斜视、视神经根发育异常等导致视力减退,甚至双眼视力丧失。




3、白化病的危害 3.1、严重影响外貌,皮肤上出现突兀的白斑,十分难看,尤其是脸上、手上等比较暴露的部位,无异于一次毁容。









脑白质病变英文解释White Matter Lesions (WML): A Comprehensive Understanding.White matter lesions, also known as white matter hyperintensity (WMH) or simply WMLs, are a common findingin neuroimaging, particularly in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). These lesions are characterized by hyperintense signals on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequences in the MRI scan. WMLs are a marker of small vessel disease in the brain, affecting the white matter tracts that connect different regions of the brain.The white matter of the brain is composed of nerve fibers, which are bundles of axons that transmit signals between neurons. These axons are myelinated, meaning they are coated with a fatty substance called myelin, which allows for faster and more efficient signal transmission. When these axons are damaged, due to various factors, they can develop into WMLs.The etiology of WMLs is multifactorial, with age, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, and other vascular risk factors playing a significant role. As people age, the blood vessels in the brain become less elastic and more prone to damage, leading to ischemia (lack of blood flow) and subsequent white matter damage. Hypertension, in particular, is a strong predictor of WMLs, as it increases the risk of small vessel disease and microbleeds in the brain.The clinical significance of WMLs varies depending on their location, severity, and extent. Mild to moderate WMLs are relatively common in older adults and may not cause any significant symptoms. However, severe WMLs or those located in critical areas of the brain can lead to cognitive impairment, dementia, stroke, and other neurological disorders.One of the most significant associations of WMLs is with cognitive decline and dementia. Multiple studies have demonstrated a strong correlation between the presence andseverity of WMLs and cognitive impairment, particularly in older adults. These lesions are thought to disrupt the neural networks responsible for cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and executive function.WMLs are also closely associated with stroke. The presence of WMLs in the brain increases the risk of stroke, particularly ischemic stroke, due to the damage to small blood vessels and the subsequent reduction in blood flow to critical areas of the brain. Conversely, stroke itself can lead to the development of new WMLs due to the ischemic insult to the brain tissue.The management of WMLs is primarily focused on addressing the underlying vascular risk factors. This includes controlling hypertension, diabetes, and other modifiable risk factors such as smoking and obesity. Medications such as antihypertensives and statins are commonly prescribed to reduce the risk of stroke andfurther progression of WMLs.In addition to medical management, lifestylemodifications such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and cognitive training have also been shown to benefit individuals with WMLs. These interventions can help improve cognitive function, reduce the risk of stroke, and slow down the progression of WMLs.In conclusion, WMLs are a common finding in neuroimaging, particularly in older adults. They are a marker of small vessel disease in the brain and are associated with cognitive impairment, dementia, and stroke. The management of WMLs is multifaceted, involving both medical management and lifestyle modifications to address the underlying vascular risk factors and slow down the progression of the disease. As the population ages and the prevalence of vascular risk factors increases, the importance of early detection and management of WMLs cannot be overstated.。


【 图分 类 号 】 R 4 . 中 51 4 【 献标 识 码 ] A 文 【 章 编 号] 17 — 7 12 1 )2 14 0 文 63 90 (0 10 — 3 — 2
急性冠 脉综 合征 (c t crnr sn rm , C ) 者 的致 aue ooay y do e A S 患 残 率及死亡率很 高 , 目前 A S主要依靠 临床表 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 、 电图及心 C 心

临床探 讨 ・
21 1第9第 期 0年 月 4 2 1 卷
缺血 修饰自 在老年急 脉综 蛋自 性冠 合征早 诊断中的 期 价值
孙霁燕 刘 永 赵晓雪 王宇思 葛 华 ( 沈阳医学 院奉天医院心内科 , 宁沈 阳 10 2 ) 辽 04 1
【 摘要】 目的 探讨缺血修饰 白蛋 白(shm am df dabmi, i e i o i lu n I 对老年急性冠脉综合征的早期诊 断价值 。 方法 人选 c i e MA)
1 . 统 计 学 处理 4
采用 S S 1 . PS 1 0统计学软件 处理, 成组 比较用 t 检验 , 计数资 料采用 x 检验 , <00 为差异有统计学意义 。 P .5
肌酶谱作 出诊断并作危 险评估 。近年来 , 早期溶栓 及介入 治疗
技术的成熟更加强调对 AC S患者进行早期诊断的重要性 。 因此 早期鉴别胸痛患者的病 因, 实现 A S早期 心肌损害可逆 阶段 的 C 诊断及 治疗 , 于减少死 亡率 、 善生活 质量具 有 十分 重要 的 对 改 意义 。本 实验拟探讨 缺血修饰 白蛋 白(shm a m d e lu i e i oi d a — c i f b anI ri, MA)埘 老年急性冠脉综合征的早期诊断 价值 。 [ 1




因首先被瑞典学者Waldenstrom发现,故又称华氏巨球蛋白血症(Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia,WM)。




















那么,白化病到底是什么呢?英文回答:Albinism is a genetic condition characterized by the absence of pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. It is caused by a lack of melanin, the pigment responsible for determining the color of these body parts. Individuals with albinism often have very pale skin, white or light-colored hair, and light-colored or even pinkish eyes. Thiscondition affects people of all races and ethnicities, although it is more commonly seen in certain populations, such as those of African descent.Albinism is caused by a mutation in one of severalgenes involved in the production of melanin. This mutation can be inherited from one or both parents who carry thegene. There are different types of albinism, including oculocutaneous albinism (affecting the eyes, skin, and hair) and ocular albinism (primarily affecting the eyes). The severity of the condition can vary greatly among individuals, with some having only mild symptoms while others may have more significant impairments.People with albinism are more susceptible to sunburnand skin damage due to the lack of melanin, which provides natural protection against the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. They may also have vision problems, such as decreased visual acuity, nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), and photophobia (sensitivity to light). Additionally, individuals with albinism may experiencesocial challenges and discrimination due to their appearance.中文回答:白化病是一种遗传病,其特点是皮肤、毛发和眼睛缺乏色素。

阿尔茨海默病 淀粉样斑块里面的结构

阿尔茨海默病 淀粉样斑块里面的结构

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease, AD)是一种逐渐加重的神经系统退行性疾病,主要表现为认知功能障碍和记忆力减退。








1. 淀粉样斑块的主要组成成分在淀粉样斑块中,主要成分是由Aβ蛋白片段聚集形成的斑块结构。

Aβ蛋白片段是由β-淀粉样前体蛋白(amyloid precursor protein, APP)经过酶解作用产生的,有两种主要类型:Aβ40和Aβ42。


2. 淀粉样斑块的结构特点淀粉样斑块的结构特点主要包括形态和成分两个方面。




3. 淀粉样斑块的形成机理至今对于淀粉样斑块形成的具体机制仍不十分清楚,但目前学术界普遍认为是由Aβ蛋白片段的异常聚集和沉淀所致。


4. 对淀粉样斑块的治疗研究针对淀粉样斑块结构和形成机理的研究,科研工作者们也开展了诸多治疗研究。








Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the effects of Osmen Plant Eyebrow Growing liquid on hair growth and hair cycle of C57BL/6 mouse alopecia mode.MethodsAnagen was induced over the back of telogen mice by epilation of 8% Na2S.The experimental mice were using respectively medication for 23 days,meanwhile the daily changes of skin color and the final hair growth characteristic were observed.Furthermore,the effects of its on hair growth were evaluated by measuring morphology and the number of follicle in mice.Resultsosm01,02 samples and the positive control can significantly shorten the C57BL / 6 mice after depilation turned from pink to black time (P<0.05),osm01 sample can be significantly reduced skin darkening of the skin to grow hair time table.Skin structure intact mice,tissue without inflammation,compared with distilled water control group,osm01 superficial dermis and positive control group significantly increased the number of follicles (P<0.05).ConclusionOsmen Plant Eyebrow Growing 1iquid not only can induce and prolong anagen,but also postpone catagen in C57BL/6 mice.Moreover,it can promote hair growth of experimental mice.Key words:Osmen Plant Eyebrow Growing liquid;C57BL/6 mice;hair growt;gmwing phase of hair cycle奥斯曼生眉液,由欧洲菘蓝叶、何首乌根、诃子、侧柏叶和黑种草籽五味中药组成,具生眉、养眉功能,产品一经上市,便以它鲜明的民族性、天然性和功效性立即引起社会各方面的关注,受到消费者的青睐,显示出巨大的市场潜力[1]。





白化病是依据临床表型特征分为三大类别:(1)眼白化病(ocular albinism,OA), 病人仅眼色素减少或缺乏,具有不同程度的视力低下,畏光等症状,国外群体发病率约为1/60,000;(2)眼皮肤白化病(oculocutaneous albi-nism,OCA),除眼色素缺乏和视力低下、畏光等症状外,病人皮肤和毛发均有明显色素缺乏,国外报道发病率为1/20,000~1/10,000;眼皮肤白化病又可以根据致病基因的不同分为四型(OCA1~OCA4),在我国,OCA1和OCA2较为常见。

(3)白化病相关综合征,病人除具有一定程度的眼皮肤白化病表现外,还有其他特定异常,如同时具有免疫功能低下的Chediak-Higashi综合征和具有出血素质的Hermansky-Pudlak 综合征,这类疾病较为罕见。












































上表反映白化病群体发病率为0.0066%。运用Hardyweiberg定律数学公式(P2+2pq+q2=1)计算得到湖南省白化 病致病基因频率(p)为0.0081,致病基因携带者频率为 (2pq)为0.0161。
此前美国科学家已定位克隆了HPS1、 HPS2、HPS3三种同样导致相同疾病的 基因。 据论文主要完成者之一中山大学 青年学者李巍博士介绍,白化病在临床 分类约有8种,其中HPS危害最大,是常 染色体隐性遗传病,可导致出血时间延 长、白化病、溶酶体胶质样沉积等病状。 患者通常于30~50岁之间死于肺纤维化、 出血、结肠炎等严重并发症。目前对该 病仍缺乏有效的治疗办法。
白化病一般表现为 常染色体隐性遗传方 式 。就是说患者的双 亲都携带了白化病基 本身不发病。如果夫 妇双方同时将所携带 的致病基因传给子女, 就会患病,而且子女 中男女患病机会均等, 这种情况的发生几率 是 ¼。研究表明,近 亲结婚会增大患病。
有一种以眼睛损害为主的白化病类型, 及眼白化病,表现为 X 连锁隐性遗传,是 一种中间型遗传,是由母亲所携带的白化 病基因传给儿子时才患病,传给女儿一般 不患病,这种传递的概率是 1/2 。这种类 型在所有白化病类型中所占比例相对较少。 大约70个表现型正常的人中有一个白化基 因的杂合子。
白化病的症状及分类 白化病的发病机制(重点) 白化病的遗传机制(重点)
• 定义:白化病(albinism)是一种较常见的 皮肤及其附属器官黑色素缺乏所引起的疾 病,由于先天性缺乏酪氨酸酶,或酪氨酸 酶功能减退,黑色素合成发生障碍所导致 的遗传性白斑病。
• 表现:视网膜无色素,虹膜和瞳孔呈现淡 粉色或淡灰,畏光,眯眼。皮肤、眉毛、 头发及其他体毛都呈白色或白里带黄。俗 称为“羊白头”。






皮肤异常蛋白的类型皮肤异常蛋白有多种类型,其中一些常见的包括:1. 细胞凋亡相关蛋白:这些蛋白参与了皮肤细胞凋亡的调控,如Bcl-2家族蛋白、caspase家族蛋白等。

2. 炎症相关蛋白:这些蛋白在皮肤炎症过程中发挥重要角色,如TNF-α、IL-1家族蛋白等。

3. 皮肤屏障相关蛋白:这些蛋白参与了维持皮肤屏障功能的调控,如角蛋白家族蛋白、表皮脂家族蛋白等。

4. 细胞外基质相关蛋白:这些蛋白参与了皮肤组织结构的建立和维护,如胶原蛋白、弹力蛋白等。


以下是一些例子:1. 白癜风:在白癜风病变部位,常见的异常蛋白包括酪氨酸酶、黑色素细胞表面抗原等。

2. 银屑病:银屑病患者皮肤中出现了多种细胞因子和炎症相关蛋白的异常表达,如IL-17、TNF-α等。

3. 痤疮:痤疮患者皮脂中的异常脂质和皮脂腺过度分泌相关蛋白可能导致痤疮的发生和发展。

































1.皮肤异色病样表现的慢性移植物抗宿主病一例 [J], 魏云;孙澜;吴丽娟;丁高中;冯雨苗;姚盛;潘春梅;马伟;陈朝潮;华纲
2.表现为血管萎缩性皮肤异色病样改变的蕈样肉芽肿一例 [J], 盛珉旻;薛燕宁;陈芳;闵仲生
3.以高热、皮肤异色病为主要表现的复发性皮肌炎1例 [J], 杨雅骊;温海;雷文知;都琳;刘晓刚;陈江汉;陈裕充
4.皮肤美容——采用脉冲染料激光治疗皮肤异色症可引起严重的色素减退 [J],
5.先天性血管萎缩性皮肤异色症并发汗孔角化症及双侧虹膜发育不全的特殊病例1例 [J], Mak R.K.H.;Griffiths W.A.D.;Mellerio J.E.;吴佳纹


























1、测定血脑屏障完整性原理之南宫帮珍创作伊文思蓝属于一种经常使用的偶氮染料制剂,因其分子量年夜小与血浆白卵白相近, 而且在血液中与血浆白卵白有很高的亲和力, 由于正常状态下血浆白卵白无法透过血脑屏障, 所以染色时, 如神经系统是完整的, 与血浆白卵白结合的依文思蓝无法使其着色.相反如果神经系统血脑屏障被破坏, 依文思蓝就可以进入神经系统并使其着色.在荧光波长470与540 nm 各有一强峰, 680 nm 处有一弱峰.其在组织中的含量常使用化学透析法和比色法进行检测.脑组织中血脑屏障的破坏, 可以引起毛细血管的通透性增加, 结合EB的白卵白可通过BBB进入脑组织, 应用化学比色法甲酰胺测定脑组织EB渗出量, 可以反映血脑屏障的开放水平, 并在此基础上进一步探讨分歧细胞移植干预与BBB通透性的效应关系.伊文思蓝灌注染色法结合共聚焦激光扫描显微镜观察脑切片中EB 荧光强度, 可以检测血脑屏障中血管形态的改变, 同时对脑组织中渗入的EB含量进行定量分析.两者结合可以从形态学、组织定量上相互弥补完善.2、实验准备试剂:2%EB、1%戊巴比妥钠、0.9%氯化钠、20U/ml肝素钠、二甲基甲酰胺器材:冰冻切片机、共聚焦激光扫描显微镜、分光光度计、恒温箱、离心机、注射器、输液器、解剖器械等3、测定方法1、各组植物正法前0.5h(也有的为1h、2h)尾静脉(或股静脉)注入2%EB(2ml/kg, 也有的用3、4ml/kg)(剂量与提前时间成反比?)2、1%戊巴比妥钠30-40 mg/kg麻醉后翻开胸腔, 心内灌注肝素生理盐水(0.9%氯化钠+20U/ml肝素钠)200-300ml(有文献提出当右心房流出液体变清澈时即可停止灌注), 断头取脑作矢状切取半脑分离海马, 一半脑组织进行冰冻切片, 应用冰冻切片机行10-20μm切片, 于共聚焦激光扫描显微镜下观察 EB通透情况.3、另一半脑组织称重, 剪碎置于二甲基甲酰胺(1ml/100mg脑组织, 也可用三氯乙酸、甲酰胺)60℃孵育24h, 1000r/min离心5min(有的作者认为脑组织在甲酰胺中匀浆呈胶状, 上清液不能通过离心取得, 水浴后直接取上清液比色), 用分光光度计检测波长为620 nm的吸光度.4、采纳软件(Oringen7.0)进行数据分析, 根据绘制的EB标准曲线计算EB含量.4、试剂购买EB二甲基甲酰胺。



白化病缺少多少染色体文章目录*一、白化病缺少多少染色体*二、白化病的病因是哪些*三、白化病饮食注意事项白化病缺少多少染色体 1、白化病缺少多少染色体白化病是由于先天性缺乏一种酶酪氨酸酶,当这种酶缺乏以后,会导致皮肤黑色素合成缺乏,导致全身的皮肤出现白斑。




























常用的技术和方法有:RFLP连锁分析法、ASO、Southern印迹杂交、PCR-SSCP、Sequencing 等。








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F ORUM O RIGINAL R ESEARCH C OMMUNICATIONThe Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide Donors on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Formation of Inflammatory Mediators in MacrophagesMatthew Whiteman,1Ling Li,2Peter Rose,2Choon-Hong Tan,3David B.Parkinson,4and Philip K.Moore 2AbstractThe role of hydrogen sulfide (H 2S)in inflammation is controversial,with both pro-and antiinflammatory effects documented.Many studies have used simple sulfide salts as the source of H 2S,which give a rapid bolus of H 2S in aqueous solutions and thus do not accurately reflect the enzymatic generation of H 2S.We therefore compared the effects of sodium hydrosulfide and a novel slow-releasing H 2S donor (GYY4137)on the release of pro-and antiinflammatory mediators in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-treated murine RAW264.7macrophages.For the first time,we show that GYY4137significantly and concentration-dependently inhibits LPS-induced release of proinflammatory mediators such as IL-1b ,IL-6,TNF-a ,nitric oxide ( NO),and PGE 2but increased the synthesis of the antiinflammatory chemokine IL-10through NF-k B =ATF-2=HSP-27–dependent pathways.In contrast,NaHS elicited a biphasic effect on proinflammatory mediators and,at high concentrations,increased the syn-thesis of IL-1b ,IL-6,NO,PGE 2and TNF-a .This study clearly shows that the effects of H 2S on the inflammatory process are complex and dependent not only on H 2S concentration but also on the rate of H 2S generation.This study may also explain some of the apparent discrepancies in the literature regarding the pro-versus antiin-flammatory role of H 2S.Antioxid.Redox Signal.12,1147–1154.IntroductionHydrogen sulfide (H 2S)is a pungent gas that is formed endogenously in mammalian tissues from the amino acids cysteine and homocysteine by pyridoxal-50-phosphate–dependent enzymes such as cystathionine-g -lyase (CSE;E.C. cystathionine-b -synthetase (CBS;E.C.,28).To date,H 2S biosynthesis has been identified in a variety of mammalian tissues,notably in the brain,heart,and the gastrointestinal tract,as well as in isolated vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells and neurons (19,29).A number of possible physiologic and pathophysiologic roles for this gas have been put forward,and a range of potential therapeutic uses of this gas has been proposed (10,21,28).It is now becoming increasingly apparent that H 2S exerts complex effects on inflammation.For example,we previously reported that administration of sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS),a ‘‘fast releasing’’H 2S donor,to mice (9)provokes an in-flammatory reaction,as evidenced by increased liver and lungmyeloperoxidase (MPO)activity (a marker for tissue leuko-cyte infiltration)and histologically by the presence of accu-mulated leukocytes extravascularly in the lung.These results suggest a proinflammatory effect of H 2S,as does the finding that dl -propargylglycine (PAG),an irreversible inhibitor of CSE,exhibits antiinflammatory activity in a range of animal models of inflammation (2,4,14).However,NaHS also has been reported to inhibit leukocyte adhesion to gastric mucosal blood vessels (30),which may be suggestive of an antiinflammatory effect.In addition,H 2S ‘‘scavenges’’proinflammatory oxidants such nitric oxide ( NO),peroxynitrite (ONOO -),hypochlorous acid (HOCl)(25,26),superoxide,and hydrogen peroxide (3,6,15);such effects might be expected to alleviate inflammation.Finally,S -diclofenac (an H 2S-releasing derivative of the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug,diclofenac)exhibits more-pronounced antiinflammatory activity in endotoxic shock (11)and against carrageenan-induced hindpaw edema (18)in the rat than does diclofenac.In each case,evidence has been presented that the1Peninsula Medical School,University of Exeter,St.Luke’s Campus,Exeter,Devon;and 2Pharmaceutical Science Research Division,King’s College,University of London,London,England.3Department of Chemistry,National University of Singapore,Singapore.4Peninsula Medical School,University of Plymouth,Tamar Science Park,Plymouth,Devon,England.ANTIOXIDANTS &REDOX SIGNALING Volume 12,Number 10,2010ªMary Ann Liebert,Inc.DOI:10.1089=ars.2009.28991147augmented antiinflammatory action of this compound is sec-ondary to the release of H2S from the parent molecule. Recently,this group reported that GYY4137[morpholin-4-ium4methoxyphenyl(morpholino)phosphinodithioate]re-leases H2S slowly over a period of hours both in vitro and after injection in the rat in vivo(13).In addition,GYY4137exhibits antiinflammatory activity in vivo,as evidenced by a reduction in the lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced increase in plasma proinflammatory cytokines(TNF-a,IL-1b,IL-6),nitrite=nitrate, C-reactive protein,and l-selectin in the conscious rat(12).H2S exerts complex and,at times,opposing effects on in-flammation in whole animals.One possible explanation for these discrepant data may be the choice of H2S donor used in these various studies.The available H2S donors release H2S at different rates and therefore give rise to different concentra-tions of the gas over different time periods.In the present work,we therefore compared the effect on LPS-induced proinflammatory enzyme=metabolite generation in cultured RAW264.7macrophages of the fast-releasing H2S donor, NaHS,and the slow-releasing H2S donor,GYY4137. Materials and MethodsCulture of RAW264.7cellsThe murine RAW264.7macrophage cell line was pur-chased from the American Type Culture Collection(Rock-ville,MD).RAW264.7cells were chosen for the present experiments,as macrophages play an integral part in the etiology of inflammation,and their response to LPS has been intensively characterized.Cells were cultured in complete Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium(containing10%vol=vol fetal bovine serum,100U=ml penicillin,and100mg=ml streptomycin,pH7.4)at378C in5%CO2until*70–80% confluence.Cells(0.2Â106cells=ml)were then cultured over-night before the addition of either NaHS or GYY4137(both 0–1,000m M)along with an appropriate volume of vehicle,as well as LPS(1m g=ml).After a further24-h incubation period, medium or cells or both were harvested and assayed,as de-scribed later.For some experiments,GYY4137was prepared in aqueous solution and left unstoppered at room temperature for5days. Such‘‘decomposed GYY4137’’failed to release H2S on incu-bation and was therefore used as a control to assess the role of released H2S in the effect of GYY4137.To determine whether H2S donors were cytotoxic in these cells,cellular viability was assessed by using3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-yl)-2,5-diphenylte-trazolium bromide(MTT),as described(25).Assay of CSE=CBS enzyme activityand measurement of H2SCSE and CBS recombinant protein(12.5m g;Abnova Ltd, Taiwan)were added to Tris-HCl buffer(100m M;pH7.4; 258C)containing l-cysteine(10m M)and pyridoxal phosphate (10m M).H2S generation was detected by using a World Pre-cision Instruments H2S-selective membrane and electrode (ISO-H2S-2;2mm,Sarasota,FL),with four-channel TBR4100-416radical detector equipped with a Lab-Trax-4four-channel data-acquisition system,as described previously(13).In separate experiments,H2S generation from added NaHS (1m M)and GYY4137(100m M)in phosphate-buffered saline (3ml;pH7.4;258C)also was determined for comparison.Assay of nitrite,PGE2,H2S,IL-1b,TNF-a,IL-6,and IL-10in mediumLevels of nitrite(NO2À),PGE2,IL-1b,TNF-a,IL-6,and IL-10 were assayed in culture media.NO2Àwas determined spec-trophotometrically in aliquots of culture medium by using the Griess reagent,as described elsewhere(17).H2S in culture medium was measured spectrophotometrically by using the methylene blue assay,as described previously(9).IL-1b,TNF-a,IL-6,and IL-10were assayed with ELISA,according to the manufacturer’s instructions(R&D Systems,Inc.,Minneapolis, MN).PGE2production was determined by using a PGE2 enzyme immunoassay kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions(Cayman,Ann Arbor,MI).Assay of NF-k B,HSP-27,and pATF-2in cellsRAW264.7cells treated as described earlier were har-vested,and the nuclear proteins extracted by using a nuclear extraction kit(Panomics,Fremont,CA),as described previ-ously(11,27).The nuclear extracts(10–20m g)were assayed in duplicate for activity by using TransAM NF-k B p65assay kit (Active Motif,Carlsbad,CA),according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Data are shown as relative light units(RLUs). Phosphorylation of HSP-27and ATF-2was assayed quanti-tatively by using Fast Activated Cell-based ELISA(FACE) HSP27(S82)and ATF2(T71)kits(Active Motif Europe,Rix-ensart,Belgium),again according to the manufacturer’s in-struction.Chemicals and data analysisGYY4137was synthesised chemically by Dr.Choon-Hong Tan(Department of Chemistry,National University of Sin-gapore),as described previously(13).Analytic kits were purchased from suppliers,as stated in the text.All drugs and chemicals were obtained from Sigma Chemical Company (Peele,U.K.).Data are show as meanÆSEM,with the number of observations indicated in parentheses.Statistical analysis was with one-way ANOVA followed by the post hoc Tukey test.A p value of<0.05was taken to indicate a statistically significant difference.ResultsRelease of H2S from CSE=CBS,GYY4137,and NaHS in vitroIncubation of either recombinant CSE or CBS enzyme with added l-cysteine and cofactor resulted in the time-dependent formation of H2S(Fig.1A).CSE produced more H2S than CBS under these experimental conditions,with the amount gen-erated still increasing at180s for both enzymes.Incubation of GYY4137in aqueous solution also resulted in the release of similar amounts of H2S over a similar time frame(Fig.1C).In contrast,release of H2S from incubated NaHS was much greater(*200-fold)and occurred over a much shorter time period(Fig.1B).Effect of GYY4137and NaHS on LPS-evoked PGE2and NO2ÀformationAs expected(17),treatment of RAW264.7cells with LPS resulted in a significant increase in both PGE2and NO2À1148WHITEMAN ET AL.concentrations in the medium.Treatment of LPS-exposed RAW 264.7cells with GYY4137(0–1,000m M )resulted in a concentration-dependent inhibition of the biosynthesis of both PGE 2(Fig.2A)and NO 2À(Fig.2B),with half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC 50)values of 210.9Æ4.5and 127.2Æ32.4m M (n ¼5).Furthermore,similar treatment of RAW 264.7cells with GYY4137(100m M )resulted in a sig-nificant increase in the concentration of H 2S detected in the culture medium after 24h (29.2Æ1.8m M ,c.f.1.6Æ0.7m M ;n ¼5;p <0.05).Inhibition of LPS-evoked formation of both PGE 2and NO 2Àwas >90%inhibition at the higher con-centration (>500m M )of GYY4137used.‘‘Decomposed GYY4137’’did not significantly affect LPS-evoked formation of either PGE 2or NO 2À(p >0.05).In contrast,the effect of NaHS (0–1,000m M )on LPS-evoked PGE 2formation in cul-tured RAW 264.7cells was seemingly biphasic,with modest inhibition (*40%of control values)apparent at lower con-centrations (i.e .,200m M ).This effect was gradually reversed as the concentration of NaHS was increased,with no sig-nificant effect noted at concentrations in excess of 500m M (Fig.2A and B).In contrast,NaHS (0–1,000m M )did not significantly affect LPS-evoked NO 2Àformation,although a trend toward activation of LPS-evoked NO 2Àgeneration was evident at higher concentrations.Interestingly,treatment of RAW 264.7cells with NaHS (100m M )did not increase the concentration of H 2S detected in the culture medium after 24h (1.8Æ0.6m M,c.f.1.6Æ0.8m M;n ¼5;p >0.05).Control experiments showed that neither GYY4137(1m M )nor NaHS (1m M )induced a significant loss of cell viability (percentage)assessed by using the MTT assay;GYY4137,98.3Æ2.5%;NaHS,95.4Æ8.3%;vehicle-treated control cells,102.9Æ3.2%(all n ¼5;p >0.05).Effect of GYY4137and NaHS on LPS-evoked cytokine formationTreatment of RAW 264.7cells with LPS also resulted in a significant increase in both TNF-a and IL-1b concentrations in the medium.Co-treatment of LPS-exposed RAW 264.7cells with GYY4137(0–1,000m M )resulted in a concentration-re-lated inhibition of the formation of both TNF-a (Fig.3A)and IL-1b (Fig.3B)with IC 50values of 70.4Æ4.4and 134.1Æ10.1m M (n ¼5),respectively.In both cases,substantial inhi-bition was achieved at higher concentrations of GYY4137(>500m M ).In contrast,NaHS (0–1,000m M )did not inhibit the biosynthesis of either cytokine (Fig.3A and B).Indeed,at the highest concentration of NaHS used,a significant enhance-ment of the LPS-evoked generation of both TNF-a and IL-1b .Because GYY4137elicited concentration-dependent inhi-bition of LPS-induced TNF-a and IL-1b formation,we also investigated the effect of this H 2S donor on the generation of both proinflammatory IL-6and antiinflammatory IL-10in cultured RAW 264.7cells under identical experimental con-ditions.GYY4137(10–500m M )inhibited the LPS-evoked in-crease in IL-6concentration (Fig.4A),while potentiating the LPS-evoked increase in biosynthesis of IL-10(Fig.4B).Even the lowest concentration of GYY4137used (i.e .,10m M )re-duced IL-6formation by >50%.In comparison,NaHSFIG.1.Time course of in vitro enzymatic formation of H 2S from l -cysteine by recombinant CSE and CBS (A)and spontaneous H 2S release from incubated NaHS (1l M ,B)and GYY4137(100l M ,C).H 2S was detected amperometrically.Results show representative traces from at least four separate experiments.H 2S EFFECT ON MACROPHAGES 1149(100m M )also inhibited IL-6production but failed to affect the generation of IL-10(Fig.4A and B).Effect of GYY4137on phosphorylation of HSP 27and ATF-2Incubation of RAW 264.7cells with LPS resulted in marked phosphorylation of both HSP27and ATF-2(Fig.5A and B).In both cases,inclusion of GYY4137(10–500m M )significantly inhibited LPS-evoked phosphorylation.GYY4137was par-ticularly effective as an inhibitor of HSP-27phosphorylation with an IC 50of 14.0Æ1.1m M (n ¼5).Similarly,relatively low concentrations of GYY4137(10–100m M )also inhibited ATF-2phosphorylation,with an IC 50of 35.1Æ6.7m M (n ¼5).How-ever,in this case,inhibition declined and was partially re-versed at the highest concentration (500m M ).Effect of GYY4137and NaHS on LPS-evoked activation of NF-k BTreatment of RAW 264.7cells with LPS resulted in a significant increase in NF-k B activation.Treatment of LPS-exposed RAW 264.7cells with GYY4137(0–1,000m M )caused a concentration-related inhibition of the activation of NF-k B (Fig.5),with an IC 50value of 214.8Æ10.0m M (n ¼5).Inter-estingly,the effect of NaHS (0–1,000m M )was biphasic,with lower concentrations (100–200m M )promoting NF-k B activa-tion,whereas a high concentration (1,000m M )caused inhibi-tion (Fig.6).DiscussionThe role of H 2S as an inflammatory mediator is clearly complex.The vast majority of studies carried out used simple sulfide salts such as sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS)and so-dium sulfide (Na 2S),which generate H 2S instantaneously in aqueous solutions.Indeed,we show here,by using an H 2S-selective probe,that NaHS releases large amounts of H 2S over a period of a few seconds.Although undoubtedly useful in that these salts are convenient and circumvent the necessity for the somewhat more-complex preparation of authentic H 2S gas solutions,the manner in which cells and tissuesareFIG.2.Effect of NaHS (black columns )and GYY4137(open columns )on LPS (1l g/ml)-evoked release of PGE 2(A )and nitrite (B )in incubated (24h)RAW 264.7cells.Results show concentration of PGE 2(ng =ml)or nitrite (micromolar)and are expressed as mean ÆSEM;n ¼5;*p <0.05(c.f.LPS group);þp <0.05(c.f.saline group);ANOVA plus post hoc Tukeytest.FIG. 3.Effect of NaHS (black columns )and GYY4137(open columns )on LPS (1l g/ml)-evoked release of TNF-a (A )and IL-1b (B )in incubated (24h)RAW 264.7cells.Re-sults show concentration of each cytokine (ng =ml)and are expressed as mean ÆSE;n ¼5;*p <0.05(c.f,LPS group);þp <0.05(c.f.saline group);ANOVA plus post hoc Tukey test.1150WHITEMAN ET AL.exposed to the gas via NaHS,Na 2S,and H 2S gas solutions is unlikely to reflect accurately either the physiologic or the pathophysiologic situation.Thus,these approaches generate an instant ‘‘bolus’’of H 2S rather than release H 2S in a slow and sustained manner,as occurs enzymatically from CSE and CBS and as would be expected to occur in intact cells =tissues.Therefore,we investigated whether the effects of bolus H 2S (generated by NaHS)or slow and sustained H 2S release (via GYY4137)elicited differential responsiveness to LPS in mu-rine RAW264.7macrophages.In contrast to NaHS,the pres-ent data reveal a very much slower and sustained release of H 2S,again measured by using an H 2S-selective probe,from incubated GYY4137.The present study serves,(a)to highlight important differences in the effect of these two H 2S donors on the inflammatory response of cultured macrophages to LPS,and (b)to shed new light on the possible mechanism(s)un-derlying the recently reported antiinflammatory effect of the slow-releasing H 2S donor GYY4137in LPS-evoked endotoxic shock in vivo (12).GYY4137consistently inhibited LPS-evoked formation of PGE 2, NO (as measured by NO 2Àaccumulation),TNF-a ,IL-1b ,IL-6,and consistently augmented LPS-induced formation of IL-10in cultured RAW 264.7cells.In contrast,the effect of NaHS was very much less consistent,with a biphasic (inhi-bition at a concentration of 200m M ;no action at higher con-centrations)effect on LPS-induced PGE 2and NO 2Àformation and no statistically significant inhibitory effect on the evoked biosynthesis of either TNF-a or IL-1b .Indeed,at the highest concentration studied,NaHS actually promoted LPS-evoked cytokine generation in these cells.Whether such an effect might contribute to the reported proinflammatory effect of this H 2S donor (e.g .,9)is not yet clear.Decomposed GYY4137(left at room temperature for 5days)did not affect LPS-induced biosynthesis of either PGE 2or NO 2À,demonstrating that the effects of GYY4137observed in this study were largely due to released H 2S.Furthermore,GYY4137caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of the LPS-induced NF-k B activation in RAW 264.7cells,togetherFIG.4.Effect of NaHS (black column )and GYY4137(open columns )on LPS (1l g/ml)-evoked release of IL-6(A )and IL-10(B )in incubated (24h)RAW 264.7cells.Saline-treated control cells are shown by the grey column .Results show concentration of cytokines (pg =ml)and are expressed as mean ÆSEM;n ¼5–9;*p <0.05(c.f.LPS group);þp <0.05(c.f.saline group);ANOVA plus post hoc Tukeytest.FIG.5.Effect of GYY4137on phosphorylation of ATF-2(A )and HSP-27(B )in LPS (1l g/ml)-treated (24h)RAW 264.7cells.Saline-treated control cells are shown by the grey column .Results show ratio of phosphorylated to nonpho-sphorylated product and are expressed as mean ÆSEM;n ¼5;*p <0.05(c.f.LPS group);þp <0.05(c.f.saline group);ANOVA plus post hoc Tukey test.H 2S EFFECT ON MACROPHAGES 1151with a concentration-dependent reduction of the phosphor-ylation of both ATF-2and HSP-27.In contrast,the effects of NaHS on NF-k B activation was biphasic,in that lower con-centrations increased activation,but higher concentrations were inhibitory (500m M or greater).Neither GYY4137nor NaHS at the highest concentration used in this study (1,000m M )affected cell viability and thus the observed effect of these H 2S donors on macrophage inflammatory mediator release are unlikely to be secondary to any toxic effect of H 2S,at least under the experimental conditions used in the present work.We previously reported that GYY4137reduced LPS-evoked hypotension and organ damage while reducing plasma cytokine levels in the rat in vivo (12).The present data confirm that GYY4137inhibits LPS-induced release of in-flammatory mediators (i.e .,PGE 2, NO,TNF-a ,and IL1b )from macrophages in vitro and show for the first time that this H 2S donor increases the release of antiinflammatory IL-10under the same experimental conditions.The finding that GYY4137also inhibited LPS-induced NF-k B activation is consistent with previous reports in the literature suggesting an inhibi-tory effect of H 2S on transcription via NF-k B.For example ,H 2S (derived from NaHS)inhibited NF-k B activation in LPS-challenged RAW 264.7macrophages maintained in culture (16),whereas exposure of rats to gaseous H 2S reduced brain (cortical)NF-k B mRNA (5).The H 2S donor drug,S -diclofenac,also reduced liver NF-k B activation in LPS-injected rats (11).In addition,H 2S reduced kidney NF-k B activation in a rat model of renal ischemia =reperfusion injury (22).Other po-tential H 2S donors,such as the garlic constituent,dially-sulfide,also inhibit NF-k B activation in primary cultures of human articular chondrocytes (8)and in lung fibrosis induced by bleomycin in rats (7).In contrast,we show here that only a high concentration of NaHS inhibits NF-k B activation.Indeed,at lower concentra-tions of NaHS (e.g .,100and 200m M ),a small but significant activation of NF-k B is apparent.Interestingly,a similar acti-vating effect of this H 2S donor was reported in an interferon-g (IFN-g )Àprimed human monocytic cell line (U937),most likely by rapid degradation of I k B a (31).It is paradoxic that NaHS (1m M )inhibits NF-k B activation in RAW 264.7cells but promotes the LPS-evoked formation of TNF-a and IL-1b without significantly altering PGE 2or NO 2Àgeneration.These data suggest that NaHS at such high concentrations may also be able to affect the function of transcription factors other than NF-k B.In this respect,we previously reported that adminis-tration of the H 2S donor,S -diclofenac,reduced liver AP-1activation in LPS-injected rats.An identical effect also was observed with the parent compound,diclofenac (11),which would argue against a direct effect of H 2S on AP-1.However,other H 2S donors,such as diallysulfide and diallytrisulfide,have both been reported to increase the DNA-binding activity of AP-1in rat epithelial clone 9cells (23).Certainly,the present data suggest that the effect of NaHS on NF-k B activation under these experimental conditions is biphasic,and further experiments are required to determine whether high con-centrations of NaHS are able to affect other transcription factors in these cells.To the best of our knowledge,no other reports exist of the effect of H 2S donors on either ATF-2or HSP-27.As such,both should now be considered as potential targets for GYY4137=H 2S.In this respect,HSP-27was recently im-plicated as a regulator of the increased expression of both cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2)and IL-6in inflammatory cells exposed to LPS (1),most probably by modulating NF-k B signaling (20),whereas ATF-2is a member of the ATF =cAMP-response element–binding protein family,which play an important role in the cellular stress response.Interestingly,TNF-a is one of the major target genes for ATF-2(24).Growing evidence suggests that ATF-2plays an important role in the stress response,cell growth and differentiation,as well as the immune response,and the finding that it is tar-geted by GYY4137is potentially of wider interest.An important feature of the present study is the finding that,although GYY4137consistently reduced LPS-evoked inflammatory mechanisms in RAW 264.7cells,the response to NaHS was less consistent.It should perhaps be noted that other authors have detected an effect of NaHS on LPS-evoked inflammatory changes (e.g .,NO 2Àformation,iNOS expres-sion,and NF-k B activation)in RAW 264.7cells in culture (16).The reason for the discrepancy between the two studies in not clear.However,important differences exist in the experi-mental conditions used.For example,we incubated cells with either GYY4137or NaHS concurrent with LPS for 24h,whereas in the previous study,macrophages were pre-incubated with NaHS for 12h before addition of LPS,and further incubation for an additional 18h.Bearing in mind the transient stability of NaHS in culture medium,it is likely that the time course of exposure of cells to NaHS will be a very important factor in determining the effect of H 2S on LPS-induced inflammatory mediator release under these experi-mental conditions.With this in mind,it is interesting that,in the present experiments,H 2S was detectable in the culture medium at the end of the incubation period when macro-phages were incubated with GYY4137but not with an equivalent concentration of NaHS.We previously reported that GYY4137releases H 2S slowly (i.e .,over a period of several hours)in aqueous buffer and produces a sustained increase in plasma H 2S concentrationinFIG. 6.Effect of NaHS (black columns )and GYY4137(open columns )on activation of NF-j B in LPS (1l g/ml)-treated (24h)RAW 264.7cells.Results show relative light units (RLU)and are expressed as mean ÆSEM;n ¼5;*p <0.05(c.f.LPS group);þp <0.05(c.f.saline group);AN-OVA plus post hoc Tukey test.1152WHITEMAN ET AL.the anesthetized rat after parenteral injection(13).When dis-solved in water,H2S rapidly forms the hydrosulfide anion (HSÀ),which enters into an equilibrium with Hþto yield H2S. Consequently,GYY4137is best considered a‘‘slow releasing’’H2S donor.In contrast,release of H2S from NaHS is rapid. Indeed,NaHS injection did not result in measurable increase in plasma H2S in the anesthetized rat.Thus,NaHS is con-sidered a‘‘fast releasing’’donor of this gas(13).With this in mind,it is conceivable that RAW264.7cells were exposed to very much higher concentrations of H2S but for a very much shorter time in the presence of NaHS(c.f.GYY4137).In conclusion,the effect of H2S on inflammatory mecha-nisms in isolated macrophages seems to be dependent to a large extent on the choice of H2S donor.It is known that dif-ferent donors release H2S at different rates.It is likely that both the absolute concentration of this gas and the time course of its presence after provocation of an inflammatory response by LPS,in this instance,are critical.Drugs that release small amounts of H2S over an extended time appear to be more effective than drugs that release larger amounts of the gas over a shorter time.This should perhaps be borne in mind in the search for novel H2S donors with potential antiin-flammatory activity in the clinic.Furthermore,the antiin-flammatory effect of GYY4137,which we previously identified in intact rats,is likely to be dependent on inhibition of transcription through the NF-k B pathway.The possibility that GYY4137may also interfere with both ATF-2and HSP-27 is an intriguing one and warrants further study. AcknowledgmentsWe are grateful to the Arthritis Research Campaign (MP=8471,U.K.)and the Northcott Devon Medical Founda-tion for their continued and generous research support. 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