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四六级作文永恒十大话题:1.创业与创新;2. 诚信与质量;3.友谊与礼节;4.坚持与成功;



1. 电子商务网站:E-commercialwebsite; E-business website;
2. A成为网络消费的热点:A has been in thespotlight of online consumption.
A leads onlineconsumption.
3. 网民:net users;netizen; Internet surfers

Brick-and-mortar shops have had to regulatetheir sales strategies to compete with online rivals.
在线教育:online education
4. A预计将于..达到… :A is expected toreach…by +时间
5. 与…相比,A的增长速度为…: A has grown atthe rate of…, compared with …
The extensive application ofinformation technology in … not only…,but also facilitates…
绿色循环低碳系统:green, recyclableand low-carbon system
6. 全世界人民渴望准确深入的了解中国:
People from all over the world are eager tohave an accurate and deep understanding of China.
7. 独生子女:only child; 集体主义:collectivism;
互助友爱:be friendly andhelp each other;
应该教会孩子与人分享的好处:Children shouldbe taught the benefits of sharing with others.
8. 各种慢性病成为了中国人健康的主要威胁:
A variety of chronic diseases have becomethe major threat for Chinese people.
9. 服装设计师将传统和现代的观点融合在一起,创造出了新的时尚元素。

Fashion designers use a mixture oftraditional and modern ideas to create new fashion elements.
10. 经济发展进入新常态,精神面貌要有新状态。

China’s economic development has entered anew normal, meaning we must adopt a new mindset.
11. 打造大众创业,万众创新和增加公共产品,公共服务双引擎。

Weneed to develop twin engines -- popular entrepreneurship and innovation, andgreater supplies of public goods and services – to drive development.
12. 众多创客脱颖而出
We have seen great numbers of makersgiving expression to their talents.
13. 从制造大国转向制造强国
TransformChina from a manufacture of quantity to one of quality.
14. 为公平竞争搭好舞台
Levelthe playing field for fair competition.
15. 提供更多优秀的文艺作品,倡导全民阅读,建设书香社会。

We will ensure that more outstandingworks of literature and art are created for the people to enjoy, and encouragea love of reading in all our people to build a nation of avid reader. (Shereads avidly. 她如饥似渴地读书)
16. 生活从不眷顾因循守旧,满足现状者,而将更多机遇留给勇于和善于改革创新的人。

Life never favors those who always followthe beaten path and content themselves with the status quo. Instead, life savesopportunities for people who are willing and able to reform and innovate.
17. 苟日新,日日新,又日新
If one can make thingsbetter for one day, he should make them better every day.
18. 礼尚往来
Courtesy demands reciprocity.
19. 随着城市交通和汽车工业的发展,以及人们生活节奏加快,汽车逐渐成为人们

The development of urban transportationand auto industry, coupled with the
increasingly fast lifestyle, makes the car the favorite of ordinary people, and the
private car grow at anastonishing rate.
20. 经过多年的努力,中国已经在…领域取得了可喜的成就,中国已经成为一个…强国,赢得了世界范围的尊重。

Withmany years’ efforts, the gratifying efforts have been made in…,making china apower nation of … that wins respect from all over the world.
【翻译处女作】——'s Icon:Madgalena——从超模到珠宝设计师背后的故事Expressing her creative talents, Polish stunner Magdalena Frackowiak decided to transcend her modeli
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