The Characteristics and Translation Techniques Of




商务英语专业毕业论文参考题目1. On Online Advertising2. On Online Training3. On the Techniques of Writing Business Proposals4. On How to Write a Good CV1. 论商务谈判的语言策略Linguistic Strategies in Business Negotiation2. 不同文化背景在国际商务谈判中引起的误解分析(有点大)Misunderstandings Due to Different Cultures in International Business Negotiation3. 论商务英语翻译的标准On Criteria of Business English Translation4. 国际商务的跨文化交流Cross-cultural Communication in International Business6.艾米莉·狄金森诗歌中的科学观点7.艾米莉·狄金森诗歌中的多义性8.艾米莉·狄金森诗歌中的生态意识9.商务信函翻译及对策10.广告语的翻译及对策11.英语广告的翻译对策与效果探析12.英语广告语篇的组织模式分析13. 女性主义翻译在中国14. 西方女性主义翻译本质探讨15. 商标名称的特点与翻译对策19. 商标的语用意义与翻译策略其他16.我国电子商务发展面临的问题分析(有点大)17.汉语中新词汇的翻译技巧探讨18.网络词汇的翻译技巧探讨26. 国际经贸谈判中的文化冲突与对策分析(有点大)27. 商务谈判中的让步策略分析28. 商务谈判中的非难应对策略29. 商务谈判中的细节问题30. 国际经贸谈判的误区分析及应对策略31. 商务谈判僵局应对策略32. 浅析商务谈判中的沉默效应33. 浅析商务谈判中的客观标准34. 商务谈判中的随机应变策略分析35. 价格谈判应对策略36. 商务交易中的装运问题探讨与分析37. 商务交易中的申诉和索赔问题探讨与分析39. 商务谈判中的个人魅力40. 商务活动中的个人魅力41. 国际商务谈判中的肢体语言42. 浅谈我国小型外贸公司的外商接待问题43. 浅谈实质利益谈判法45. 现代商务谈判双赢策略分析47. 商务函电翻译的用词技巧48. 商务英汉互译中词义的不对应(文化意义、风格意义、修辞意义等)50. 浅谈商务英语写作时避免修饰语错位的方法54. 商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译On metaphors in Business English and Translation56. 广告英语翻译的"归化"和"异化"策略.The Stralegies of Domestication and Dissimilation on Advertising English Translation57. 浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertising English58. 经贸文体翻译之生命——准确性The Life of the Translation of the Literature of Economy and Trade——Accuracy in the Translation59. 试谈英文国际经济贸易合同的句法特点A Study of the Characteristics of Sentences in International Economic Trade Contracts in English60. 经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的翻译On Translation of the Dates Amount and Numbers (Figures) in the Economic &Trade Contracts62. 广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略The Language Characteristics and Translation Stragegy of English Advertisements63.商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation64.经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究Adjusting the Tone in International Business English65.协议、合同英语的文体特点The Stylistic Features of the Contract English66.广告英语的翻译On Translation of English Advertisement71. 论经济英语语汇的多学科性On the Multi-discipline of the Economic English Vocabulary73. 经贸英语中含有"钱款"意义词汇的分类及翻译The Classification and Translation of the Business English Terms with the Reference of "Money"74. 经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译A Classification &Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English75. 经贸翻译的词义选择Word Diction in Economy and Trade Translation77. 谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象On Abbreviations in Business English 78. 论经贸英语误译的对策On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in Business English79. 英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts81.浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation84. 商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts85.英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English86.英语网络词汇对汉语的影响(有点大)On the Influence of English Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language 87.浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertisement English88.文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响The Influence of Cultural Differences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business English89.商务英语翻译词性转换的技巧Transformational Techniques of Parts of Speech in Business English Translation 90.英汉品牌名的文化差异On Cultural Differences in Chinese and English Brand Names91.广告英语中的夸张手法极其翻译92.文化因素对广告翻译的影响93.英语报刊标题翻译95. 郑州商场英语公示语调查研究96. 郑州市公共场合英语公示语调查分析98. 商务英语专业毕业生就业岗位之探讨100. 文化和地理因素对外商在中国直接投资的影响(大)101. 如何防范(国际经贸交易中的)信用证诈骗(大)营销类:103. 论绿色营销对企业发展的重要性104. 制约我国企业开展绿色营销的原因及其对策106. 西方的顾客忠诚研究及实践启示107. 企业文化在产品销售中的推动作用108. 文化营销与品牌战略研究110. 论推销中的沟通技巧111. 谈谈与推销对象的交往技巧112. 消费心理与广告研究113. 营销策略中广告的运用114. 论“名牌”的特征及产生条件115. 便利店生存模式探讨(大)注:以上所给出的题目多与商务相关,也可以只写和英语相关的题目。



2021年第5期广东化工第48卷总第439期 · 277 · 目的论视阈下石油工程英语的句法特征及翻译技巧侯易婕(西安石油大学外国语学院,陕西西安710065)[摘要]随着全球化的加速,我国对石油工程领域文本的翻译需求也与日俱增。





[关键词]目的论;石油工程英语;句法特征;翻译技巧[中图分类号]H315.9 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1865(2021)05-0277-03 Characteristics and Translation Skills of Petroleum Engineering English Syntaxfrom the Perspective of Skopos TheoryHou Yijie(School of Foreign Languages, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China)Abstract: With the acceleration of globalization, there is an increasing demand for the translation of petroleum engineering texts in China. Accuracy of translation plays an important role in promoting the development of petroleum engineering technology. In the process of translation, it is necessary to fully consider the intended purpose of the target text to decide what means should be adopted. Based on Skopos theory, this paper analyzes the syntactic characteristics of petroleum engineering English and discusses the translation skills. Translators are encouraged to do translation with an attitude of excelsior and a vision of development, so that the translation is suitable for professionals of petroleum engineering to read, which can promote their learning and communication.Keywords: Skopos theory;petroleum engineering English;syntactic characteristics;translation skills石油是不可再生能源,经济的发展离不开石油。




英语专业毕业论文题目11、新闻英语的特点及其翻译2、网络英语及其翻译3、浅谈国际商务合同的翻译4、计算机英语的特点及翻译5、论中国古诗词的英文翻译6、广告英语的词汇特征与翻译7、浅谈汉诗英译的几个难点8、英文歌词翻译浅析9、文化差异与翻译10、文体学和翻译11、论商务英语翻译原则12、初涉外事口译的特点及翻译技巧13、外交会议中的口译错误现象及应对14、广播电视中的翻译艺术15、英汉称谓语的比较及翻译16、英汉成语跨文化研究与翻译策略17、指环王及欧洲奇幻文学专有名词翻译浅析18、从颜色词看英汉互译中的文化忠实与文化转化19、浅析颜色词的语义特征20、中西文化差异对商务谈判的影响21、中西思维方式差异的成因及表现形式22、从习语看中西文化差异23、中西言语禁忌对比24、中西方禁忌习俗比较25、从李阳的“疯狂英语”探讨英语教学中的情感因素26、浅谈学生口语交际能力的培养27、焦虑对大学生英语学习的影响及对策28、小学英语课堂的互动教学29、如何处理精读和泛读的关系30、如何对付英语阅读材料中的生词31、如何通过阅读扩大词汇量32、提高阅读能力和提高英语听力的关系33、英语听说读写四种技能的关系34、通过英语阅读提高英语写作能力35、英语快速阅读能力的构成成分36、中学生英语自主学习能力的培养37、英语教学中的语言焦虑及解决策略38、简笔画 -英语教学中简单高效的教学手段39、提高英语听力理解能力的策略和技巧40、电子辞典与英语教学41、文学批评方法之我见42、解读布莱克诗篇《老虎》的象征意义43、弥尔顿创作目的和结果的矛盾之我见44、华滋华斯诗歌的自然观45、简析《秋颂》的美学价值46、由《云雀颂》看雪莱的诗歌创作观47、论叶芝诗歌中的象征主义48、狄金森诗歌的现实意义49、论现代诗歌与后现代诗歌的异同50、解读《麦克白》的创作意义51、由海明威的《杀人者》理解客观叙述法52、解读福克纳的《干燥七月》53、中外文学作品比较54、不同英语文作品比较55、英文作品中的人物分析56、英文作品的社会意义57、英文作品的文体风格58、 Life with Struggle59、 A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma60、Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen ' s “ Pride and Prejudice ”61、An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe ' s “ The Raven ” and “ Annabel Lee ”62、 An Analysis of the Source of Tess ' Tragedy63、 Heroism in Hemingway ' s Works64、“ Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty ”65、 The Light of the Dark : the Greatest Works of Conan and Agatha66、 The Ambiguity in The Scarlet Letter67、 About the Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter68、 On Wuthering Heights69、 Money and Marriage70、 The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two Cities71、 Jane Eyre, a Symbol of Feminism72、 Desalination and Optimization73、 To Champ with the Changes74、 Hawthorne ' s Theory of Romance and The Scarlet Letter75、The Cuban Culture Contest of “ The Old Man and the Sea ”76、Comment the Themes of “ The Merchant of Venice ”77、 An Analysis of the Characters in Jane Eyre78、 The Real Theme of the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn79、 On the Bronte Sisters and theirs Writings80、 To Love or To Be Loved? Analysis of Major Characters in Wuthering Heights81、 Gothic Features in Wuthering Heights82、 The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form83、 Return and Transcendence - Comment on the Bear and The Old Man and The Sea84、Comment on the Biblical Images in Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes85、 Reexamination of Santiago - Hero of The Old Man and The Sea86、 Comparison of Gone with the Wind and The Collector - An Analysis of Women ' s Problem87、 Satire in Catch - 2288、 On Pair Work and Group Work and Their Use in English Language Teaching89、 Cultural Difference and English Teaching90、International Communication College Culture and Education91、 Initiation and Situation in English Learning Motivation92、 Cognitive Approach in Oral English Teaching93、 Self- access Learning s E'ffects on the Application of the Balanced Activities Approach94、International Communicative Activities into College English Language Teaching95、 The Application of Communication Approach to English Teaching96、A Comparative Study of Compliments: Cross-culture Perspectives97、 Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching98、Increasing Cultural Awareness of English for Middle School Students99、How to Improve Listening Skills of the Secondary School Students in English Teaching100、 An Exploration of Body Language101、 The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English102、On the Merit and Application of Computer-assisted Instruction103、 Multiple Intelligence Theory and Language Teaching-Considering Student-Countered104、 Body Language on Nonverbal Communication105、Analysis of Language Characteristics in Advertising English106、 Proverbs and Culture107、 Body Language Functions in Cultures108、 Difference and Similarities of the Word: Black109、 Culture, Language and Communication110、 Euphemism ---Their Construction and Application111、 Culture Difference and Translation112、 Exotic Cultures Influence on English Vocabulary113、 The Future Emergence of Chinese English114、 Euphemism in English115、The Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education116、 Differences Between American and English on Lexis117、 On Translation Methods of Numerals in Chinese and English118、 On the Du Fu ' s Poems Translation119、The Comparison and Translation of Chinese andEnglish Idioms120、 Loyalty in Translation121、 Equivalence and its Application in Translation122、 Cultural Equivalence in Translation123、 Onomatopoeia and its Translation124、On the Cross-Culture Pragmatic Failure in English Translation125、 Remarks on the Translation of Chinese Set-Phrase126、A study of English Transitional Words and Expressions 英语过渡词及表达法的研究127、Sex Differentiation and Sexism in English Language 英语中的性别及性别歧视128、Pragmatic Failures in Communication 交际中的语用失误探析129、Euphemistic Expressions in English Language 英语中的委婉语表达130、On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能131、Cultural Factors and Limitations of Translation 翻译的文化因素局限性132、On Translation of Trademarks in Ads and Names of Export Commodities论广告商标、出口商品名称的翻译133、On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译134、On Translation of Computer Terms论计算机的术语翻译135、On the Writing and Translation of Foreign Trade contracts论涉外经济合同写作及翻译136、On Equivalent Translation and Its Application in E-C Translation论等效翻译及其在英汉翻译中的应用137、Lexical Gaps in Translation 英汉互译的词义差异138、Translation of Rhetoric Devices in EST科技英语修辞手法的翻译139、On “Negation”论正说反译、反说正译英语专业毕业论文题目21、航海英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的意义2、医学检验专业双语教学的思考3、“微时代”下的军事医学英语微课教学研究4、浅析中医五行学说一些术语的英译5、传统美学视角下的散文翻译中情感美的传递6、目的论视角下的文学翻译策略研究——以《红楼梦》两个英文译本为例7、英汉句法的差异与翻译8、《长恨歌》中认知隐喻的翻译9、高罗佩《武则天四大奇案》英译之诗学探析10、诗歌翻译中的“意、音、形”之美——唐诗《江雪》四种英译的对比分析11、《红楼梦》角色姓名“归化”译法探究12、论戏剧翻译的可表演性原则13、《越人歌》的审美再现——从语内翻译到语际翻译14、早期西方汉学家英译《聊斋志异》中的跨文化操纵15、“西语哲”视域下的英汉句子形态的差异及启示16、中英文日常交际用语的差异探析17、网络环境下英语教学模式改革初探18、基于图式理论的高职商务英语专业听力作业设计研究19、翻译工作坊教学模式研究20、高校英语教学中目的语文化的渗透和本族语文化的回归研究21、新课改下高校教育硕士(英语)培养模式的探索与反思22、中小学英语衔接工作的探索与实践23、信息技术与高校英语教学整合研究24、探究基于计算机辅助模式的大学英语课堂教学情感因素25、开元数字化平台大学英语教学模式研究——基于建构主义理论26、非英语专业大学英语教师课堂话语的互动特征分析——以实习教师课堂为例27、西部农村中学英语写作在线同伴反馈和教师反馈的对比研究28、基于网络的高职英语自主学习生态化研究'))));基于网络的高职英语自主学习生态化研究29、小学英语课堂激励方法的应用策略研究30、高中英语以读促写的“读写一体化”教学模式探究31、研究生英语学术论文语体特征多维度对比分析32、MOOC下的中国职业英语教育改革探索与应对33、初中英语教学策略初探34、西北地区初中生英语自主学习浅见35、浅议小学英语教学中的词汇教学36、试析模块教学法在中职酒店英语教学中的应用37、英语词汇增长路线图理论研究38、语法及语法教学:从知识到技能的转变——D.拉森-弗里曼的语法观及语法教学刍议39、周作人的直译观及其嬗变40、新教学环境下的英语专业第二课堂建设分析41、论翻转课堂模式下英语课堂提问策略的转变42、支架式教学模式对中职英语教学的启示43、基于“输出驱动假设”的警务英语教学策略研究44、跨文化交际意识对商务英语翻译的影响45、从目的论视角浅谈英文电影片名中译46、浅析英语新闻标题的翻译47、论《论语》英译中的语用充实48、翻译目的论视角下的汉语典籍英译——以《论语》英译为例49、英美影视作品中“神翻译”的定义及方法探析50、电影片名翻译的跨文化解读51、“讨论”与“演讲”相结合的大学英语课堂教学实践52、单词配对法对双语词汇翻译的影响53、素质教育视野下农村中小学教师心理资本开发与学生英语学习的关系54、硕士研究生公共英语课程的元认知策略55、语境中语块的加工及其影响因素——以中级汉语学习者为例56、激发和培养学生英语学习兴趣之管见57、浅谈如何提高小学英语教学质量58、如何更好地利用多媒体辅助英语教学59、平行文本视域下的企业简介汉英翻译策略研究60、文化差异的导入对大学英语教学的意义英语专业毕业论文题目31、“Over”的意象图式、隐喻意义及跨语言映射规律研究2、英语学习词典中形容词源强化词的处理研究3、英语学术论文摘要中被动句的语篇功能分析4、语调对揭示英语听力材料中隐含信息的作用5、美国情景喜剧《成长的烦恼》中的言语幽默的产生及其汉译6、从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫2》的字幕翻译7、评价理论态度视角下中国高校网站英文简介的态度意义研究8、基于会话原则对情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》言语幽默的修辞分析9、毕业典礼演讲语篇的系统功能分析10、系统功能语法视角下的服饰广告语篇分析11、语域理论视角下的幽默研究12、英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比研究13、从汉译英看汉语对中式英语产生的影响14、系统功能语言学视角下英语政治新闻语篇中的名物化现象研究15、商务英语口译中的跨文化语用失误16、 2012年**竞选视频“前进”中人际意义的多模态分析17、基于语料库的《红楼梦》说书套语英译研究18、莫言作品在英语世界的译介19、英语话语中责任型情态表达度的研究20、接受美学理论视角下情景喜剧的字幕翻译研究21、英文广告中的情态人际功能分析22、 **就职演说与上海科技馆演讲系统功能语法对比分析23、中外学者学术论文引言部分中综述性动词使用特征的对比研究24、内向型汉英词典中成语条目的译义策略25、英语介词短语功能识别及其在翻译中的应用26、 TED文化交流类演讲的概念功能分析27、赛珍珠《水浒传》翻译研究28、海事新闻中的词汇衔接研究29、国际商务期租合同中指示语的语法化研究30、基于语料库的商务信函中谢意词的修饰语研究31、《功夫熊猫》字幕翻译中的跨文化传播因素32、新闻语篇中转述话语的批评性分析33、罗格2008和2012奥运开幕致辞的预设触发语研究34、对《基督教科学箴言报》就2012年中日**争端报道的批评性话语分析35、搭配词典中复合名词处理的改进36、从认知的角度解读英文新闻标题中的动词名化现象37、高阶英语学习词典的多模态释义研究38、英语学习词典中同词反义现象的处理策略研究39、英文产品说明书中情态动词的认知研究40、图形-背景理论下英文广告仿拟语的认知研究41、美国2012年总统竞选辩论中情态附加语的人际意义分析42、 NBA即席解说的人际意义研究43、 **总统医疗改革演讲的批评话语分析44、基于语料库的中国学者和英语母语学者英文经济管理类论文模糊限制语使用对比研究45、模糊修辞的语用功能46、英语身体词汇一词多义的概念隐喻分析47、英汉基本颜色词跨范畴现象对比研究48、英汉借词范畴化认知研究49、解构视角下翻译中的二元对立分析50、汉英广告语篇中的预设研究51、英汉植物隐喻的跨文化理解研究52、《推销员之死》中话语标记语之语用研究英语专业毕业论文题目41 从《远离尘嚣》看偶然与巧合2 从亨伯特看纳博科夫的流亡观3 透过餐具看中西方饮食文化4 从女性主义角度解读《太阳照常升起》中的女主角——勃莱特5 从文化视角探讨隐喻的翻译6 从生态批评角度看威廉·福克纳的《熊》中人与自然的关系7 从功能对等角度分析常用英语修辞格汉译8 任务型语言教学法的优势9 自我身份的探寻—评拉尔夫·埃里森《看不见的人》10 浅析英文报纸中体育新闻用语的模糊修辞11 从电影《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》中探究美国人的个人主义12 中美恭维言语行为跨文化比较研究13 表现主义技巧在《推销员之死》中的'运用14 中国非英语专业学生在英语学习中使用元认知策略的情况调研15 浅析英语中六种基本颜色词的英美文化内涵16 浅析广告翻译中的文化顺应处理17 从文化角度分析中美房地产广告的差异18 浅析动画《加菲猫》和《加菲猫之双猫记》中的享乐主义和利己主义19 圣经原型解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》20 论《卡斯特桥市长》中哈代的进化向善论思想21 顺从的女人——分析《荒凉山庄》中埃斯特的形象22 从中美传统节日对比看节日的文化内涵23 成人的童话——《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中象征主义的体现24 简析网络时代英语全球化25 《查泰莱夫人的情人》的生态女性主义解读26 从社会文化价值方面比较中美情景喜剧差异27 论《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的宿命28 《蝇王》的启示:理性的呼唤29 中文旅游文本英译中的歧义现象分析30 从中美婚宴差异看集体主义和个人主义31 影响非英语专业大一新生口语输出的因素32 《走出非洲》:走出迪内森的矛盾态度33 旅游宣传资料中的误译与解决方法34 从女性主义角度解读华顿《纯真年代》中的埃伦35 电子词典与英语学习36 英语习语与基督教37 《伤心咖啡馆之歌》中爱米利亚性别身份分析38 从关联理论的角度欣赏幽默翻译39 英语缩略语及其语用功能40 英专和非英专学生英语作文中错误的对比研究41 武汉方言对英语语音的影响及其对教学的启示42 中西行星命名的文化探源43 英语新闻中的新词44 中国古典诗歌英译中对“三美”理论的探索45 从电影《七宗罪》浅析原罪46 浅论体态语的社会功能47 中西思维方式差异对中英语篇的影响48 中国和西方国家婚俗的比较49 浅析合作原则的违背在广告语言中的运用50 浅析电影《推手》中中美家庭的文化冲突51 从广告语言看中美文化价值观差异52 用言语行为理论浅析英语广告中的双关语53 论新闻英语汉译中的归化与异化策略54 以Of Study(《论读书》)的两个中译本为例浅析译者主体性55 美国二十世纪六十年代反战文化研究56 中国英语热的真相——文化帝国主义57 中美恭维语对比研究58 论民族中心主义与美国媒体近年来涉华报道59 从文化的角度看中美商务谈判风格的差异60 《推销员之死》中威利与比夫的父子关系61 从拉康的镜像理论看杨克的悲剧根源62 从正负值面子理论简析中美面子差异63 中国菜名翻译中的文化翻译策略64 从旧南方到新南方——斯佳丽·奥哈拉在内战前后的成长历程65 探究家乐福公司的企业文化:基于其网站内容的文本分析66 汉语对英语写作词汇的负迁移作用67 《美国悲剧》的消费文化分析68 从二语习得角度对比分析英语习语学习中的翻译导向模式与文化导向模式69 礼貌原则在英文商务信函中的应用70 南方哥特式小说特征在《心是孤独的猎手》中的体现71 城市公示语的汉译英探索72 归化与异化理论在汉语歇后语翻译中的应用73 《婚礼的成员》中弗兰淇·亚当斯双性同体现象的研究74 论《喜福会》中的文化冲突与共存75 广告语言模糊性的语用研究76 利用美剧进行英语听力自主学习77 大学生英语口语学习动机研究78 从文化视角看中国白酒广告79 从功能翻译看《围城》英译本中文化信息的传递80 对《达罗卫夫人》中克莱丽莎和塞普提默斯形象的研究81 公示语汉译英错误及对策探析82 探究美国安利公司的企业文化:基于其网站内容的文本分析83 运用写长法促进英语写作能力的提高84 中美“面子文化”对比分析85 英汉恭维语和告别语的对比分析86 英汉爱情隐喻的对比研究87 新闻英语汉译的翻译技巧浅析88 中美家庭文化比较89 从文化的角度浅析中美企业人力资源管理的差异90 华中农业大学英语专业学生高级英语学习状况调查91 跨文化交际中中西方馈赠礼仪刍议92 解读《双城记》中的人道主义思想93 论《了不起的盖茨比》中的消费主义94 从戴姆勒克莱斯勒事件看文化因素对跨国企业合并的影响95 对中美离岸外包过程中跨文化交际案例的分析96 从"老友记"中看合作原则在英语称赞语及其回应语中的应用97 浅论美国文化与美语词汇98 英汉植物词语联想意义的跨文化对比99 一个被忽视的“准则英雄”——论《永别了,武器》中的女主人公凯瑟琳。



The Characteristics and Translation of Business ContractsEnglishContentsAbstract: 11. General Introduction of Business Contracts English 41.1 Concept of Business Contracts English. 41.2 Basics of Business contracts English. 41.3 Structure of Business contracts English. 5I. Contents of preamble. 5III. Contents of Final Clauses. 52. Main Features of Business Contracts English 52.1 Lexical Features. 52.1.1 Massive Use of Archaism.. 52.1.2 Abundance of Technical Terms and Abbreviated Expression 62.1.3Juxtaposition of Synonyms and Specialized Legal Meaning Words 72.1.4Usage of “Shall”. 73.1 Syntactic Features. 83.1.1 Logical Expressions. 83.1.2Compound Sentence. 83.1.3Statement Sentence. 93.1.4Conditional Clause and Attributive Clause. 94. Principles of Business Contract English Translation 104.1 Faithfulness. 104.2 Exactness. 104.3 Consistency. 115. Practical Analysis and Translation of Business Contract English 115.1Lexical Level 115.1.1Translation of Synonyms. 115.1.2Translation of Detailed Terms. 116.1 Syntactic Level 126.1.1 Adjustment of the Subject 126.1.2Adjustment of the Object 126.13Adjustment of the predicative. 13Conclusion. 14Notes: 15 Acknowledgement (17)Abstract:A regime of contract is fundamental to modern society. The whole economy, even the whole social system bases on it. Along with the rapid development of global economy integration, international business are more and more frequent and, business English, as a tool for international economic exchange and business routines has a new type of comprehensive subject. More and more English-learners and law-majors hope they can know something about business English contracts so as to understand them correctly, translate them exactly and make them perfectly. However, business English contract has its unique features. It has strict requirement in terms of the structure, content, format and diction. In English-Chinese contract translation, translators should have a strong awareness of lexical and syntactic features of business English contract as well as be knowledgeable about its translation criteria, so that translators can have a better comprehension and translation would be accurate, rigorous and normative.摘要:合同制度是现代社会必不可少的一种制度。



新闻英语的特点及翻译技巧1. 引言1.1 新闻英语的重要性Currently, I need to produce an article about the characteristics and translation techniques of news English based on my outline. The outline includes an Introduction: [Importance of News English, Characteristics of News English], Body: [Conciseness of News English, Objectivity of News English, Accuracy of News English, Translation Techniques of News English, Learning Methods of News English], Conclusion: [Summary of the Characteristics and Translation Techniques of News English]. Now, please provide the content related to the Importance of News English in the Introduction section with a word count requirement of 200 words. Just focus on the content, and do not include any information unrelated to the content.1.2 新闻英语的特点新闻英语的特点在于其简练、客观和准确。




PresentationGood afternoon, teachers. I’m XXX. I come from English Education major, Class 1. Now I will present my efforts to you all and I gratefully welcome any correction.The title of my paper is Characteristics and Translation Techniques of Advertisement English. I choose this as my topic due to the following reasons. On the one hand, I am interested in Advertisement English, especially its linguistic features. English Advertising as a special kind of language is different from common English. It has its own features in morphology, syntax and rhetorical devices. The language is concise, vivid, attractive, colorful and impressive. And, it is full of new and novel words and culture terms. On the other hand, with the development of social economy, it is no doubt that advertisement becomes more and more important and plays an important role in our daily life. As far as I’m concerned, it’s meaningful to do more profound studies in this area. For the above facts, I select the subject of Characteristics and Translation Techniques of Advertisement English as the title of my paper.The following is an outline of my presentation. This paper attempts to make a study on characteristics and translation techniques of advertisement English through analyzing the process of advertisement translation and dealing it with some principles and methods. This paper consists of three parts. The first part makes a detailed discussion on the characteristics of advertisements in English in terms of vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric. The second part puts forward some practical translation techniques such as: literal translation, free translation, flexible translation method, and the four-character translation method by the guidance of some advertisement translation principles. The last part calls for the advertisement translators to be alert to some requirements in ads translation.Ok, that's all. Now you may raise your questions! I am ready! Thank you。



商务英语毕业论文选题英语系学生(商务英语专业)毕业论文选题参考1.On Cultural Turn in Translation of Business English论商务英语翻译中的文化转向2.Politeness and Its Manifestation in Business Correspondence礼貌及其在商务信函的体现3. A Pragmatic Study of English Euphemisms英语委婉语的语用研究4. A Comparative Study and Translation of English and Chinese Euphemisms from Pragmatic Perspective英汉委婉语的语用对比与翻译5. A Study of Politeness Strategies in English Business Letter商务英语信函中的礼貌策略研究6. A Pragmatic Study on the Vague Language in Business Correspondence商务信函中模糊语言的研究7. A Contrast Study of Courtesy Language in English and Chinese英汉礼貌用语对比研究8. A Study of the Cross-cultural Factors in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究9.On Translation of English and Chinese Trademarks From the Approach of Functional Equivalence从功能对等的角度论英汉商标翻译10. A Tentative Study on the Principles and Mechanism of Brand Name Translation试论商标名称的翻译原则与机制11.A Study of Cultural Factors in the Sino-American Business Negotiation中美商务谈判中的文化因素研究12.The Grand Strategy of Politeness in International Business Negotiation礼貌大同策略在国际商务谈判语言中的体现13.A Contrast Study on Compliment and Compliment Response in Chinese-American Business Negotiation中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答对比研究14.A Pragmatic Analysis of Business Language幽默语言的语用研究15.EC----CE Comparison of Ambiguity from a Pragmatic Perspective从语用角度看英汉歧义现象16.An Intercultural Perspective on Business English Teaching and Learning in China中国商务英语教学中的文化透视17.A Study of the Variety of Move Structures in English Business Letters—A Genre Analysis英语商务信函语步结构的多样性研究18.Face Considerations in China and the Us and its Implications for Cross-Cultural Business中美面子观差异及其对跨文化商务谈判的影响19.Differences of Chinese and English Idioms in the Perspective of Cultural Difference从文化视角看英汉习语的差异20.The Analysis of Fuzziness in Advertising English广告英语的模糊性探析21.Metaphor in English Euphemism隐喻在英语委婉语中的应用22.Politeness Representation in English Business Correspondence商务英语信函中礼貌的表现23.Politeness Principles and Strategies in Business English商务英语的礼貌原则与策略24.Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析parative Study of Language in Advertising between English &Chinese中西方广告语言比较26.Cultural Differences in Advertising between English &Chinese中西方广告中的文化差异27. Morphology in Advertising English广告英语的词汇特点28.Syntax in Advertising English广告英语的句法特点29.Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English广告英语的修辞方法30.Figure of Speech in Advertising of English & Chinese比喻在中西广告中的运用parative Study of Thinking Way between Chinese & English中西方思维方式比较32.On the Influence of Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language英语网络词汇对汉语的影响33.Application of Communicative Approach to the Teaching of Oral Business English 交际教学法与商务英语口语教学34.The Application of Case Study in Business English Teaching案例教学法在商务英语教学中的应用35.The Application of Situated Teaching Theory in Business English Teaching情境教学理论在商务英语教学中的运用36.On Fostering Communicative Competence in Business English Teaching试论商务英语教学中语言交际能力的培养37.The Application of Task-based Teaching in Business English Teaching任务教学法在商务英语教学中的应用ing Communicative Approach in Teaching Vocabulary in Business English Class 用交际教学思想指导商务英语教学中词汇教学39.Cultivation of Cross-cultural Communication in Business English Teaching商务英语教学中跨文化交际能力的培养work and Business English Teaching计算机网络与商务英语教学41.On Color Terms in Business English浅谈商务英语中的颜色词42.A Study on Formation of Neologisms in Business English商务英语新词构词研究43.Analysis of Business English Words' Characteristics商务英语词汇特点浅析44.The Lexical Features of E-commerce English and Its Translation电子商务英语的词汇特征及翻译45.On the Planning and Design of Business English商务英语课程设置的探讨46.On the Characteristics and Translating Skills of Business English商务英语的特点及翻译技巧47.The Use of Business English Correspondence in Business商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用48.The Use of English in Business with Non-native English Speakers与非英语国家商务谈判中英语的运用49.On the Teaching of Spoken English in Business English商务英语专业口语课程教学探讨50.On the Business English Writing after China’s Entry into WTO入世商务英语写作的研究51.On the Writing Mistakes in Business English商务英语写作中的错误探讨52.On the Characteristics and Feature of International Commercial Contracts浅谈涉外合同英语特色53.On the Characteristics and Translating Skills of English Advertising广告英语的特征和翻译54.On the Teaching of English for Tourism旅游英语教学探讨55.Linguistic Analysis of Metaphor in Business Reading经贸英语阅读中隐喻现象的语言学分析56.Acronym in International Trade English and Its Translation国际贸易英语中的缩略语及其翻译57.Linguistic Tactics in Business Negotiation商务英语谈判中的语言策略58.Semantic Analysis of Business English Writing商务英语写作的语义学分析59.Analysis on the Feature of Business English vocabulary and Its Translation Tactics 商务英语词汇的特征分析及翻译策略60.Analysis of the Color Word in Business English商务英语中的颜色词分析61.Linguistic Feature of Business Advertisements and Its Translation商务广告的语言特点及其翻译62.Non-verbal Communication in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的非语言交际63.Linguistic Feature of Business English Correspondence and Its Application in International Trade外贸英语函电的语言特点及其在国际贸易中的应用64.Social Factors in the Evolution of Business English Words and Expressions商务英语语词演化的社会因素65.A Tentative Study of Cultural Similarities and Differences from the Public Service Advertisement in English and Chinese中英公益广告语言中的中西文化异同初探66.Translation of Business Words of Chinese Characteristic具有中国特色商业词汇的英译67.Stylistic Characteristics of English for Business Letters商务信函英语的文体特征68.Stylistic Characteristics of English for Business Contracts商务合同英语的文体特征69.Politeness Principles and Writing of Business Letters礼貌原则与商务信函写作70.A Study on Translation of Some Restrictive Words in International Business Contracts国际商务合同中一些限定词语的翻译研究71.Term Using of English Advertisement英语广告中的术语应用72.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析73.The Comparison of Euphemism in Wording of Sino-Western Letters中西书信用语的委婉语比较74.The Role and Function of Communication Language in Business Negotiation沟通语言在商务谈判中的作用与功能75.The Characteristics and Translation Techniques of Business English商务英语的特点及翻译技巧76.The Role of Body-Language in Business English试论肢体语言在商务谈判中的作用77.The Status of documentary secretary in International Trade单证员在国际贸易中的地位78.The Translating Skills of English Business Correspondence商务英语函电翻译技巧79.Risk Prevention for Export Settlement浅谈出口结汇风险的防范80.The Reform of Tax Rebate System and Its Influence中国退税制度的改革及其影响81.Translation and Strategy of Trademarks商标名称的翻译与策略82.Business English and Business Communication商务英语与商务交际83.Status of Documentary Work in International settlement制单工作在国际结算中的地位84.Study of Tariff Barriers and Non-Tariff Barriers关税壁垒与非关税壁垒探讨85.Negotiation of Material Rewards浅谈实质利益谈判法86.New Problems of International E-Commerce Development国际电子商务发展面临的新问题87.Relationship Between the Business English Writing Mistakes and Business English Writing Teaching商务英语写作中的错误与商务英语写作教学之间的关系88.How to Prevent Credit Fraud如何防范信用证诈骗89.Etiquette in business negotiations礼仪在商务谈判中的作用90.Status and Prospects of Chinese Trade中国贸易的现状和前景91.The policy adjustment of the new trade protectionism and Chinese Trade’s Development新贸易保护主义的政策调整与我国贸易发展92.UCP600 - New Rules of L/CUCP600-信用证领域的新规则探讨93.Analysis of Tone in Business English Writing商务写作中的语气分析94.The Inspection Certificate in International Trade浅谈商检证书在国际贸易中的作用95.Cultural Factors in Business Activities试论文化因素对商务活动的作用96.How to Translate Well Daily Business Documents如何翻译好日常商务文书97.Announcements in Business Interview浅论商务面试中的注意事项98.Methods of Learning Business Oral English浅谈商务英语口语的学习方法99.The Application of Oral English in the Business Field英语口语在商务领域中的应用100.The Influence of Cultural Differences on the International Business negotiations 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响。

A Study on the Characteristics and Translation Str

A Study on the Characteristics and Translation Str

US-China Foreign Language, October 2021, Vol. 19, No. 10, 270-275doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2021.10.003A Study on the Characteristics and Translation Strategies ofEnglish News HeadlinesLU Danli, ZHANG LeUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, ChinaWith the rapid development and gradual maturity of the information age, the news media has become the basicmedia for people to obtain information from all over the world. Due to the differences between English and Chinesein cultural background, rhetoric tradition, and linguistic expression, news translation is confronted with thechallenge of overcoming language barriers in information transmission. The headline is the soul of news anddetermines the attention of news. Mastering the headline information can help readers effectively understand thegist of the news. Therefore, when translating English news headlines, we should first understand the characteristicsof the headlines and apply translation strategies in a targeted way. By analyzing the characteristics of newsheadlines, this paper studies the principles and strategies of translation of English news headlines.Keywords: linguistic characteristics, English news headlines, translation strategiesIntroductionThe headline of a newspaper story usually gives the main idea or the gist of the story. It is a very importantpart of a news report. This paper will discuss the characteristics and translation strategies of English news headlines. This paper consists of three major sections. Section one introduces major characteristics of English news headlines. Section two describes the translation principles of English news headlines. Section three discusses the translation strategies of English news headlines. The final section will conclude the whole paper. Characteristics of English News HeadlinesConcise and Vivid ExpressionThe purpose of a headline is to give a summary of what is going on in the news so that readers can quickly get to the heart of the story. In order to meet the requirements of the popularity of English news headlines, short and simple words are often used. This can not only save the space of the newspaper, but also enable more readers to understand English news and improve the readability and practicability of English news. So, acronyms appear frequently in English news headlines, especially in the description of organizations. Appropriate shortening of some common words in news headlines can not only reduce the length of news headlines, but also enhance their novelty. Abbreviations are roughly divided into two categories. One category includes shortened words. For example, “expo” is the abbreviation of “exposition”. The other categoryLU Danli, Master, postgraduate student, College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China.ZHANG Le, Doctor, associated professor, College of Foreign Languages, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai, China.All Rights Reserved.CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATION STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH NEWS HEADLINES 271combines the capital letters of each word in a phrase into one word, such as AQ (Adversity Quotient), EST(Eastern Standard Time). No matter readers are familiar with them or not, they can find the full names ordefinitions of them in news chapters.“Newness” is the life of news language, which is determined by the content of news reports. In order to keep close to social life and grasp the pulse of the times, news reports need to create a large number of newwords to spread new ideas and fashions, so as to attract public attention. Therefore, frequent use of new wordsis a prominent feature of English news, which usually includes two types of situation (Xu, 2018). In onesituation, a new meaning is derived from an old word, such as “clone”, which means “copy” now. In the othersituation, a new word is purely created, such as “computernik”, which means someone addicted to computers.News reports have a high requirement for information dissemination and effectiveness, so words often change their part of speech (such as from a noun to a verb, or vice versa). For example, the headline“Cooperative Operation Profits Farmers” has changed “Profit” from noun to verb, making the headline moreconcise and clear. In addition, English news has wide audience, so a large number of easy-to-understand wordsare used to enhance the overall accessibility of the headlines. Among them, using proper nouns and specialnames to refer to specific meanings is one of the ways to improve the popularity of the headlines. For instance,it is common to use the name of a building or place to refer to a country, such as “the White House” for theUnited States and “the Louvre” for France.Distinct Grammatical FeaturesThe grammar of English news headlines is different from that of normal use and has its unique characteristics. The news story that appears in the newspaper has already happened; so according to the basicrules of grammar, it needs to be expressed in the past tense. But the use of past tense deviates from the essentialcharacteristic of news. In order to enhance readers’ experience of news events, editors should abide by thespecial principle of “news present tense”, and use the simple present tense to formulate news headlines (Zhu,2008).A news headline should be a complete sentence, but in order to be concise and highlight importantinformation, function words such as articles, auxiliary words, link verbs, conjunctions, and pronouns are oftenomitted from the headline on the premise of not affecting the expression of the main theme of the news. In thisway, the length of the headline is shortened to a large extent, so as to avoid procrastination and redundancy. Forexample, the headline “It’s Time to Organize Your Book” could be shortened to “Time to Organize YourBook” and the headline “Japan Is in Danger of Reform” could be shortened to “Japan in Danger of Reform”.Punctuation marks are auxiliary recording symbols of the written system, which can divide meaning groups, substitute words, emphasize information, and highlight the sense of reality (Zhang, 2020). Punctuationmarks can make news headlines simple and lively, leaving people with thinking space. Headlines focus onstructural clarity and often use three types of punctuation. The first is comma, which is used to replace theconjunction “and” to save space, such as in the headline “US, Japan Meet in Women’s World Cup”. Thesecond is dash, which is often used to quote a statement to make the headline more intuitive and clear. Forinstance, the headline “Next iPhone Update Will Let You Disable Intentional Slow Down—Tim Cook” meansthat Tim Cook says that next iPhone update will let you disable intentional slowdown. The third is colon, whichis used to mean “to say” or “to think” or to replace the related verb “to be”, so as to make the headline moredirect.All Rights Reserved.CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATION STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH NEWS HEADLINES272 Abundant Rhetorical FeaturesIn order to highlight the novelty of English news headlines, rhetorical devices are often used in order to achieve humorous, vivid, or ironic effects. The first type is pun. In a specific context, homophone or polysemy can be used to generate double meaning. In English, there are a lot of words with the same spelling but different meanings. Applying this kind of puns in news headlines can increase their connotation and arouse readers’ interest. For example, the headline “Champagne Economy or Bubble Economy?” highlights the difficulty of maintaining production in France in the economic decline caused by champagne losses. And when headlines are created, champagne can be used to both illustrate economic losses and allude to the bubble economy. Pun can not only induce readers’ associations, but also add humor or irony to headlines.The second type is exaggeration, which can quickly attract the attention of readers and enhance the influence of the headline, causing readers’ imagination of news content. However, editors should highlight the essence of the matter when applying exaggeration so as to avoid overreaching. For example, “A Vow to Zip His Lips” not only rhetorically indicates the action of “sew up the lips”, but also can be translated as “keep a secret”.The third type is euphemism. For taboo contents in a specific culture, the direct expression is not elegant, so obscure and polite words can be used to express them, which makes the language more appropriate and generally accepted by the public. For example, after Watergate, people often use the word “Watergate” to describe similar political events, followed by “Monica Scandal” and “Korea Scandal”.The fourth type is alliteration and end rhyme. “Soldiers Salary Soars”, for example, is a headline with each word starting with an “S”. From the perspective of lexical meaning, “Rises” or “Goes High” can replace “Soars”, but the beauty of rhythm in the original headline will be lost. It can be seen that alliteration could more easily attract readers’ attention and leave a deep impression on readers. In the headline “After the Boom Everything Is Gloom”, “Boom” is similar to “Gloom” in the form of final rhyme. End rhyme can not only enhance readers’ audio-visual pleasure, but also stimulate readers’ interest in this news content. In addition, the double rhyming rhetoric of “alliteration + end rhyme” makes English news headlines more orderly, which has a strong sense of rhythm. In the headline “From Monster to Martyr?”, “Monster” and “Martyr” have completely opposite meanings but with the same pronunciation of the first and the last sound. The simultaneous appearance of alliteration and end rhyme, which concentrates on a single person in a news headline, is highly ironic and highlights the excellent writing skills of news editors.Translation Principles of English News HeadlinesAccuracyIn the translation of English news headlines, the first principle is to ensure the accuracy of the headlines, which is not to go against the original author’s idea and which is to grasp the important content of the news. Once the key content of the news is not grasped in the translation, the translator may not be able to feel the error of the translation, trapped in the dilemma of catching the meaning of words literally. The accuracy of the news headline directly determines the quality of the whole report, so it should be regarded as the primary standard in the translation and the theme content of the news should not deviate. As Chinese and foreigners have different ways of thinking, it is necessary to take into account cultural differences and accurately express the connotation and mood of the news headlines.All Rights Reserved.CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATION STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH NEWS HEADLINES 273RefinementWhen the requirement of accuracy is met, another important point of translation of English news headlines is refinement. Due to the differences between languages, it is difficult to find the corresponding words inChinese for some words in English, which leads to procrastination in translation. Therefore, it is necessary toensure the refinement of translation. In order to ensure that the headlines achieve the effect of refinement,translators need to analyze the headlines of English news. Abbreviations are often used to make English newsheadlines more concise, so abbreviated words can also be used in translation, which is also a common methodfor translating English news headlines.VitalityWith the special nature, English news headlines have a unique way of presentation. In most cases, news headlines are often made vivid by rhetorical devices. A good news headline can not only make readersunderstand the important content of the news, but also stimulate readers’ interest and deepen readingimpression. However, due to cultural differences, translators must have a deep understanding of the culture ofrelevant English-speaking countries, and fully consider the Chinese language and culture to translate withappropriate words. In addition to ensuring the similarity in form, it is more important to ensure the mutualcommunication of connotation, so as to express the original charm of language.Translation Strategies of English News HeadlinesLiteral TranslationWhen English news headlines are clear and easy to understand, literal translation can be used. The greatest advantage of literal translation is that it retains the language features, expression forms, and content meaning ofthe original text. Although there are some differences between Chinese and Western cultures, people have a lotin common in terms of feelings and thinking patterns. Therefore, literal translation is the most commontranslation method and also the preferred strategy of translators.Free TranslationIf literal translation cannot accurately express the content of the original headline, or its readability cannot be accepted by the reader of the target language, free translation can be considered. In general, free translationdoes not need to strictly maintain the original structure, but only needs to clearly and completely express itscorresponding meaning, without paying attention to too many details in grammar. But this does not mean thatthe translator can freely adjust the patterns and structure; instead, the translator must translate on the basis ofthe original meaning. It allows readers to capture the true content of news from hidden information. Forexample, the headline “Believing the Believers” can be translated into “人类的信仰” and “Looking Back toLook Ahead” can be translated into “回首往昔,展望未来”. Free translation can not only accurately expressthe meaning of the original headline, but also better reflect the rich and profound connotation of Chinese.Amplification Method in TranslationIf the readers of target language lack the relevant background knowledge, the addition of annotations or related information becomes necessary. For instance, the translation of “Tyson’s Trade Treatment” is “美国女贸易经济学家泰森的贸易对策”. For the readers familiar with the content of the original text, “Tyson” in theheadline is easy to understand. Accurately grasping the main point, however, can be difficult for the targetreaders, who will mistake “Tyson” for a champion boxer. Therefore, it is necessary for the translator to add All Rights Reserved.CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATION STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH NEWS HEADLINES274 some information about Tyson as an economist, so that the target audience can accurately receive the information. As another example, the translation of “Jack Ma: Don’t Use Trade as a Weapon” is “马云出席达沃斯:不要把贸易当作武器”. The original headline only tells what Ma said, but the translator added specific conference details to help the target readers better know the news information. The translated version gives the readers background information on Ma’s stance on the trade war. Such translation is helpful to improve the accuracy of expression and shorten the distance between events and readers. More importantly, it can stimulate the reader’s interest to continue reading.Method of Using Rhetorical DevicesAlthough news needs to be concise and accurate, distinctive headlines are a magic weapon to attract readers. The use of various rhetorical devices can make a news report sparkling. If the headline contains some rhetorical devices, such as puns, metaphors, and rhymes, the translation should also use the corresponding rhetorical devices, in order to achieve the same rhetorical characteristics as the original as much as possible. For instance, the headline “After the Booms, Everything Is Gloom” is translated by “一别繁荣,一片愁容”. “Boom” and “Gloom” form the end rhyme and the Chinese translation perfectly shows the rhyme feature of the original through “Rong” and “Rong” with the same pronunciation to form the end rhyme. Also, the two “yi” achieve the effect of alliteration, fully showing the rhetorical effect with a feeling of unity. As another example, the headline “A Bowl of Soup a Day Could Keep the Pounds at Bay” applies the pattern of an old saying “An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away”, achieving the rhyme effect. So, it can be translated by “一天一碗汤,脂肪减光光” by imitating the format of this proverb. This translating method not only accurately conveys the intended meaning of the original headline, but also makes the news headlines more interesting.Conversion Between Positive and Negative Words In the process of translation, we should also pay attention to the different nature of words between countries and understand the context of the original news. For example, in the headline “The Chinese Market, a Bottomless Pit”, the phrase “A Bottomless Pit” in Chinese has a negative meaning. If we literally translate it into Chinese, the Chinese market will be described as derogatory. Through reading the content of the news, the phrase “A Bottomless Pit” comes from the mouth of the president of the famous sports brand Nike, which happened when he inspected Shanghai. After analyzing the context, it can be found that what he wants to express is that the market potential of China is great. In this headline, if the relevant context and expression of the words are not analyzed, it is easy to cause negative understanding and even affect the relationship between the two countries. Therefore, in the process of translation, we should focus on the meaning of each word in different countries to make it fit with the original context, so that we can translate and express it accurately and play a positive role in communication.ConclusionNews headlines, whether in Chinese or English, reflect their own language and cultural characteristics. So, the translation of news headlines is not only the conversion between different languages, but also a cultural communication which must be carried out on the basis of the characteristics of English news headlines. In the process of translation, translators will be affected by many cultural differences, such as different cultural backgrounds, thinking patterns, and historical allusions. Therefore, it is particularly important to adopt different translation strategies according to the specific situation.All Rights Reserved.CHARACTERISTICS & TRANSLATION STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH NEWS HEADLINES 275The purpose of news headline translation is to enable the readers of the target language to accurately obtain the information in the source language. Readers tend to pay more attention to the content of the originalnews headline, but less to its form. In order to ensure the readability of the news headlines, translators shouldnot only accurately convey the information of the original headline, but also make the target language conformto the reading habit and thinking mode of the readers. Only in this way can the cultural information hidden inthe original news headlines be excavated and transmitted accurately and effectively, which helps readers of thetarget language better understand the news content.ReferencesDuanmu, Y. W. (2011). Functions and language features of English newspaper headlines. Foreign Languages Research, (2), 43-45.Dou, H. L. (2016). Lexical features and translation strategies of news English. News Junkie, (2), 66-68.Xu, M. W. (2018). News English and translation. Beijing: China International Translation Press.Zhu, Y. G. (2008). Linguistic features & translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press.Zhang, X. (2020). English news headline translation based on functional theory. Journalistic Research Guide, (1), 225-226.All Rights Reserved.。




文化对比类1. 中西方餐饮文化对比2. 跨文化交际与中西文化冲突3. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异4.了解中西方不同礼仪在外贸业务中的意义4. 中英文在生活中的差异5. 文化差异与英汉习语的翻译6. 论语境在翻译中的重要性7. 英语听说读写四种技能的关系8. 方言对英语发音的影响9. 英语词汇中的外来语单词10.美国英语的特色11.中外文学作品比较12.报刊英语中标点、缩略语的应用13.背诵在英语中的作用14.英语与美语的差异15.中西饮食文化的比较16.中西文化中礼仪在外贸业务中的比较17. 中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答的比较分析18. 商务英语信函中词汇特征的分析其他1. 礼仪在商务英语谈判中的作用2. 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的作用3. 商务合同中英语词汇的作用4. 商务英语在中国加入WTO后的新发展和新趋势、5. 商务英语函电写作和作用6. 商务谈判的成功因素7. 中美商务谈判中恭维语及恭维应答的比较分析8. 商务英语信函的词汇特征分析9. 英汉习语中的明喻、暗喻和借代10.英汉习语对比及反映的东西方文化异同11.英语商标的文化内涵与汉译12.商务谈判中英语的重要性13.礼仪在商务谈判中的重要性14.还盘信中的写作技巧15.商务谈判中成功的要素16.商务函电的写作及用词特点17.入世商务英语写作的措施研究18.外贸单证在出口业务中的地位和作用19.对背信用证和可转让信用证的对比分析20.外贸单证在缮制过程中的要点毕业论文选题参考(1)以下为论文选题范围参考:1)外贸及其相关领域;2)商务英语语言研究与商务英语教学研究;3)商务英语翻译研究;4)市场营销研究;5)国际商务交际研究(2)以下为商务英语专业的参考选题,仅供参考1) The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of the idioms in Commercial English 试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响2) Commercial English: its characteristics and translation 经贸英语的特点与翻译3) The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English & its Translation 英语经贸契约的用词特点与翻译4) On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译5) Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译6) Lexical Features of Business Contract English and ItsTranslation经贸合同英语词法特征及其翻译7) Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation ofWords in Business Contracts商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记8) The Characteristics and the Present Situation of Foreigntrade English Translation对外经贸翻译的特点与现状9) On the Translation of Commercial Advertisement谈商业广告的翻译10) On the Role of Social Context in Business EnglishTranslation浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用11) On the Criteria of Translating English in to Foreign-oriented Economy and Trade Affairs试论经贸英语翻译的标准12) Translation Characteristics of Economy and TradeEnglish经贸英语的翻译特点13) Understanding and Translation of the DivisionalPhenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译14) On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象15) On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in BusinessEnglish论经贸英语误译的对策16) Multi-angle Views On Business English Translation经贸翻译的多视角17) A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting MajorPositions in Business English经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译18) The Classification and Translation of the BusinessEnglish Terms with the Reference of "Money"经贸英语中含有"钱款"意义词汇的分类及翻译19) A Brief analysis on the Characteristics of BusinessEnglish V ocabulary浅议经贸英语词汇的特点10) Word Diction in Economy and Trade Translation经贸翻译的词义选择21) On the Multi-discipline of the Economic EnglishV ocabulary论经济英语语汇的多学科性22) On the Features of Business English Letters浅谈外经贸英语信函的写作特点23) Adjusting the Tone in International Business English经贸英语缓和口吻表达方法探究24) The Stylistic Features of the Contract English协议、合同英语的文体特点25) On Translation of English Advertisement广告英语的翻译26) Advertisement English Translation in Cross-culturalBackground跨文化背景中的广告英语翻译27) On Modifiers of Nouns in English for Foreign Economy& Trade略谈外经贸英语中的名词修饰语28) On Translation of the Dates, Amount and Numbers(Figures) in the Economic & Trade Contracts经贸契约中日期、金额和数字的翻译29) Translating Strategy of Modern Business English现代商务英语翻译策略30) The New Trend of Economy & Trade English afterChina's Entry into WTO经贸英语在中国加入WTO后的新趋势31) Knowledge of Formulaic Expressions in ForeignEconomic and Trade Contracts for the Study of Legal English了解涉外经贸合同套语扫除法律英语学习障碍32) The Principle of Faithfulness in C-E BusinessTranslation关于英汉经贸翻译的"信"33) Methods and Principles of Trade Mark Translation商标翻译的方法及应遵循的基本原则34) The Language Characteristics and Translation Strategyof English Advertisements广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略35) A Study of the Characteristics of Sentences in International Economic Trade Contracts in English试谈英文国际经济贸易合同的句法特点36) How to Correctly Understand & Translate the Compound Words Formed from Here-, There- and Where- in Economic & Trade Contracts 如何正确理解和翻译经贸契约中Here, There-和Where构成的复合词37) he Life of the Translation of the Literature of Economy and Trade—— Accuracy in the Translation经贸文体翻译之生命——准确性38) On the Rhetoric Character and Translating Method of Advertising English浅析广告英语的修辞特点和翻译方法39) On Metaphors in Business English and Translation商务英语中的隐喻及其翻译40) On "Faithfulness" and "Innovation" in Foreign Trade English Translation外贸英语翻译的"忠实"与"变通" 41) The Strategies of Domestication and Dissimilation on Advertising English Translation广告英语翻译的"归化"和""异化"策略42) Cross-cultural and Cross-linguistic Factors in EnglishAdvertisement Translation英语广告翻译中的跨文化、跨语言因素43) Nominalization application in business English letterwriting and its translation名词化结构在商务英语信函中的应用和翻译44) On the Art of Rhetoric and Translation Approaches inAdvertising English论广告英语的修辞艺术和翻译方法45) The Negative and Active Function of Fuzzy Language inBusiness Writing论模糊语言在经贸英语写作中的作用46) The Application of PP (Polite Principle) in Business English Communication47) CP(Cooperative Principle)and Business English Interpretation48) On the Cliché Expressions in Business English商务英语中陈词腐语探析49) Hypotaxis and Parataxis in the Context of English toChinese Translation of Business Literature商务英语翻译中形合义合分析50) On the Preciseness of Business English Contracts论商务英文合同语言严谨性51) How to Achieve Consideration in BusinessCorrespondence实现商务函电中“consideration”的手段52) A Research into the Legalese in Applied BusinessLiterature商务英语应用文中的法制性语言研究53) On the Balance between Conversational English andOld-fashioned English “conversational English”与“old-fashioned English”的恰当使用54) Features of Foreign Trade English and its TranslationModel外贸英语的特点与翻译模式55) An Analysis of the Rhetorical Devices used in EnglishBusiness Advertisements商务英语广告语言修辞探析56) On the Translation of Trademarks商务英语商标翻译技巧57) Business English Abbreviations and their Functions商务英文缩略语构成及功能58) On the Application of the Politeness Principle in ForeignTrade Correspondence“礼貌”在函电中的恰当使用59) Principles of Translating Economic Literature ofEnterprises from Chinese to English企业外宣资料汉英翻译原则60) English-Chinese Translation of Trademarks: ItsPrinciples and Strategies英语商标的汉译原则及策略61) The Puns in English and Chinese Advertisements and theTranslation of Them英汉广告中的双关语及其英汉互译62) The Pragmatic Analysis and Translation Strategies of Long Sentences in English Business Contracts英语商务合同长句的语用分析及翻译策略63) Influence of Cultural differences on the Chinese-English Translation of Business Writing文化差异对商务汉英翻译的影响64) On Equivalence of Cultural Message in the International Business English Translation国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值研究。


Application of China-English in C-E Translation中国英语在汉英翻译中的应用
On Translation of English Neologism浅谈英语新词的译名
Chinese Translation Skills of English Business News英语经济新闻汉译技巧
An Analysis of Common Errors and the Standard Translation of Office Signs办公室标示语翻译中常见错误的分析及翻译规范
A Comparative Study of the Two English Versions of Teahouse《茶馆》两个英译本的比较研究
A Review of the Cultural Differences Between China and America -Based on the Comparison of Obama and Hu Jintao's Speeches从奥巴马与胡锦涛的演说审视中美文化差异
A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions ofThe Art of Life《生活的艺术》两个汉译本的比较研究
On the Contextual Adaptation Theory Embedded in Film Title Translation
A Study on English Translation of Chinese Idioms from a Memetic Perspective模音论视角下汉语习语英译探究
On E-C Translation of Brand Names from Perspective of Functional Equivalence从功能对等理论看英文商标的汉译




















® 参 见 方 梦 之 、王 志 娟 : 《变译论的理论贡献和实践意义》, 《外 语 教 学 》 , 2020 年 第 1 期 ,83。 [Fang Mengzhi and Wang Zhijuan, “Bianyilun de 丨ilun gongxian he shijian yiyi” (Contributions and Practical Meaning of Translation Variation Theory), Foreign Language Education, no. 1 (2020): 83.]
4bianyi* ” (Re-interpreting Translation: In Answer to Prof. Zhou Lingshun's Queries), Foreign Language Research, no. 1 (2012): 82.]
圣经文学研究•第2 2 辑
歌 》微 观 变 译 的 部 分 特 征 。® 本 文 将 在 此 基 础 上 ,遍 查 许 地 山 、
汾w办 o /5 /M a z /
no. 10 (2015): 85 _ 101】任东升: 《译者如何对待圣经
内容的 翻 译 》, 《外语与外语教学》,2 0 0 0 年 第 1 2 期 ,5 9 - 6 1 ; [RenDongsheng, “Yizheruhe
duidai Shengjing neirong de fanyi" (How a Translator Translates Biblical Content), Foreign Languages
关键词:《雅歌》,变 译 ,文化意象,结构,互文性 作者单位:河北师范大学外国语学院



外语学院往届本科毕业论文选题汇总表2000级毕业论文选题(169题)1.Cultural Connotation of Words and Their Translation2.On Translation of Tourist Material3.Domestication and Foreignization on Literary Translation4.Translation as a Language Teaching Technique5.On the Translation of Kinship Terms in A Dream of Red Mansion in the Cultural Perspective6.Translation of Proverbs That Have Cultural Connotation7.The Rhetoric Characteristic of English Advertisement and its Translation Methods 8.On Application of Presentation of Lesson Plan in English Teaching and Its Significance9.The Application of the Body Language inForeign Language Teaching10.The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising English11.On the Combination of the Theory and Practice in Presentation of Teaching Plan 12. A Talk on Social and Cultural Connotation between Chinese and English V ocabulary13.An Effective Way of Rapid Command of Journalistic English in Listening14.Characteristics of Newspaper English15.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors16.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majors17.Structural and Lexical Characteristics of News18.Lexical of Journalistic English19.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors20.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majors21.Improvement in Listening Ability for English Majors22.Improvement in Speaking Ability for English Majorsparison of Vocabulary, Morphology and Usage Between British English and American English24.The Theories and Methods of the Translation of Movie Names25.Pragmatics and Translation26.An Analysis of the Implying Feminism in Jane Eyre27.The Characteristics of EMMA28. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Proverbs29.Advanced Modern Woman ---Ursula –Character Analysis of the Rainbow30.The Characteristic of Jane Eyre31.An Analysis of the theme of Vanity Fair32.Narrative Feature in Dickens’ Works33.EA T OR BE EA TEN --an Analysis of the Significance of THE CALL OF THE WILD34.The Women’s Consciousness in Pride and Prejudice35.Translation of Idiom with Numbers Through Culture Difference36.On English Structural Ambiguity37.The Application of Group Learning in English Teaching38.How to Present New English Vocabulary in Classroom39.Attention—the Main Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching40.The Function of Teachers’Feedback in English Composition41.On the Comprehensive Quality of Foreign Language Teachers42.Teachers ---the Main Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching43.On the Cultural Connotation of English Proverbs44.The Learning Strategies of Good Language Learner45.The Task-based Approach in EnglishV ocabulary Teaching46.Affective Factor Affecting English Classroom Teaching47.The Study on the Combination of Modern Educational Technology and Task-based Foreign Language Learning48.The Misconceptions of Communicative English Teaching in Middle School49.Making Students Learning on Their Own Initiative50.On the Subtlety and Restraint that Mark Emily Dickinson’s Poem51.Analysis the Characters of Elizabeth Bennet52.On the Poetic Features of Leaves of Grass53.Henry’s Realist Writing and His Ending Art54.On O.Henry’s Ending Art55.An Analysis on the Characters of Great Expectationsparison Between Poems by Dickinson and Those by Li Qingzhaoplexity and Profundity of Humanity--On the Characterization in Wuthering Heights58.Tomorrow is Another Day —Analysis on the Character of Protagonist of ―Gone with the Wind‖ by Margaret Mitchell59.Tess, a Victim of False and Confused Concepts of the Time60.An Initial Probe into the Tragic Meaning of Hamlet61.Introduction to Cultural Connotation in English Vocabulary Teaching62.Song of Myself—Embodiment of American Spirit63.Translation of Names and Cross-cultural Communication64.On Surname of English and Chinese65.The Conversion of Chinese and English Cultural Values in Dating Advertisements 66.Preliminary Study on the Culture of English and Chinese Names67.Across-cultural Contrastive Study ofEnglish and Chinese Metaphor68.Politeness in Stores69.How to Use EFL Resources70.The Principles and Skills of Translations of Business Advertisement71.Stylistic Features and Translation of Advertisement72.Promoting Learner Autonomy in the EFL Classroom73.Application of Multimedia in English Teaching74.Task-based Learning in English Language Teaching75.The Characteristics and Translation of Advertising Language76.The Internet and English Teaching77.The Features of News’ Headlines Subtitle: The Distinctive Features of Headlines in Journalistic English78.Application of Multimedia Computer in English Language Teaching79.The Teaching Strategy in English Reading80.Pragmatic Failures in Daily Conversation of Interculture81.The Differences between Chinese and English Body Language82.Cultural and Pragmatic Differences between Chinese and English in Intercultural Communication83.How to Shift Student from Passive to Initiative in English Class84.Application of Decode Theory in Listening Comprehension85. A Study of the Theory of Second Language Acquisition Applied in Bilingual Education in China86.Individualism in USA and China87.On Improving English Communicative Ability88.English Reading and Culture89.Influences of Cultural Differences on Oral English Learning90.The Necessity of the English Testing Reform91.Cultural Connotations of Color Words in English and Chinese92.On Improving Student’s Oral English93.Discussing the Study of English Phonetics94.Oral English Learning Environment95.Paul and Miriam’s Love Tragedy96.Analyses on Heathcliff’s and Catherine’s Character Images from the Stylistic Angle97.Morality in ―Lady Chatterley’s Lover‖98.Polarized Love and Man-Woman Relationship Probe into Lawrence’s Viewpoint on Love99.Regulated Hatred in the Work of Jane Austen100.Morality in Lawrence’s Novels101.The Comment on Tess’ Character and Her Tragic Life102.An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Personality 103.Greece Mythology Was Used in Keats’Poems104.Cultural Differences of Words for Color in English/Chinese105.Differences in Exchanging Language between English and Chinese Culture 106.Friendship in an Intercultural Communication107.Analysis of the Communicative Usage of the Color Words in View of the Sino-British Cultural Differences108.Meaning of Words, Vocabulary and Cross-Cultural Communication109.The Skills at Translating English into Chinese110.Cultural Differences in Time Values —the Influences in Intercultural Communication 111.The English Onomatopoeia and Its Rhetorical Effects112.A Study of Middle School Listening Teaching by Multimedia113.A Study of Prediction in Listening Comprehension114.On Metaphor of Emotions115.Metaphor of Love116.A study In Metaphor of ―Anger‖117.A Contrastive Study of the Use of Color Words in English and Chinese118.Brand-name Translation from English to Chinese and Consumer’s Psychology 119.How to Improve Quality of Interpreting 120.On Translation of Packing for Commodity121.Cultural Influence on the Translation of Trademarks122.Contrastive Study Between the Cultural Connotation of Animal Words in English and Chinese123.On the Translating Strategies of Film Titles124.The Comparative Study on the Translation of English Movie Titles in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainlandment on the Translation of English Film126.Theories and Methods on the Movie Title Translation127.Talking about the Methods andTechniques of the English-Chinese Film Title Translation128.The Study on Taboo and Euphemism 129.The Moniker of Euphemism130.On the Influence of Language Testing on Language Teaching131.On Testing Suitable for Task-based Language Teaching Method132.An Analysis of the Failure of Language Teaching and the Countermeasures133.On Testing Suitable for Task-based Language Teaching Method134.On Testing Suitable for Task-Based Language Teaching Method135.On the Influence of Examination-oriented Education to the Development of Student’s Language Performance136.The Modes of ET (Educational Technologies) --Based Foreign Language Teaching137.Misuse & Misconceive of the Conformity of Modern Information Technology intoEnglish Teaching138.Something about the Application of the Chat Room in English Teaching139.Teacher s’Roles in Web-Based Foreign Language Teaching140.Primary School English Education with Internet Technology141.Teacher’s Role in Web-based Foreign Language Teaching142.The Modes of ET (Educational Technologies) –Based Foreign Language Teaching143.On the Information Literacy of English Learners in Web based Learning Environments144.The Application of Chatting Room in English Learning145.Strategies of English Language Learning on Internet146.The Application of Cyber Culture to College English Teaching147.Internet English Resources Information &Retrieval148.Conformity of Modern Information Technologies into English Teaching149.The Bottleneck Factors in English Pronunciation150.On Color Culture and Chinese—English Color Words151.The Differences between English & Chinese Idioms in Senses152.On the Similarities of Rhetorical figures Between English and Chinese153.The Cultural Differences and the Obtrusion of Translation154.On Cultivating the Compound Talents of English Majors155.On Mark Twain's Novels (theme)156.Saint, Snob or Somewhere In Between----Holden in The Catcher In The Rye157.Understanding Mark Twain’s Realism Through The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn158.The Striving and Affection of Julien in ―The Red and the Black‖159.Analysis of Personalities of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn160.Strategies to Solve the Vocabulary Teaching Problems161.Chinese Sense in Teaching of English Tense162.How to Broaden One’s Vocabulary 163.On Ways of Improving Students’ Abilities to Remember Vocabulary164.Teaching of English Grammar165.How to Broaden University Students’V ocabulary166.Teaching of English Text167.How to Identify Metonymy and Synecdoche168.The Application of Communicative Approach for English Teaching169.How to Improve English Listening Comprehension with Predication2001级毕业论文选题(197题)1.任务型教学模式下的评价体系2.中英学术性个人主页标题语言研究3.论基于网络的大学英语学习环境4.教师用语的基本要求5.学习策略与学习者策略6.信息时代高校英语学习者信息素养研究7.基于E-mail和E-file 的大学英语写作模式研究8.关于归化与异化的思考9.中西文化差异与广告资料翻译10.文学翻译中的文化因素11.翻译学的建设:传统的定位与选择12.文化研究语境下的翻译研究13.E-Learning与高校大学英语教学改革14.广告翻译的特点与方法15.哲学领域:解构主义对翻译研究的影响16.网络英语广告语言的语用策略研究17.高校校园网络文化建设之我见18.论网络英语广告的文体特征19.自主学习中的学习策略20.公益性中英文网络广告语言对比研究21.中西方译论比较22.基于Blog的虚拟学习环境与大学教学改革23.英语口语教学的语言环境24.形成性评估在中学英语任务型教学中的运用25.英语口语如何学26.网络英语广告语言的修饰策略研究27.基于E-file的英语写长法教学研究28.写长法作文教学与二语习得理论在实践中的应用29.主观试题和客观试题的互补30.E-Learning与高校大学英语教学改革31.英汉姓名对比32.听力障碍及对策33.培根“Of Love”的修辞特色34.英语口语教学方法研究35.信息时代英语教师的角色与地位36.基于体裁教学法的中学英语写作教学37.英汉数字禁忌比较38.英汉商业广告词修辞手法对比39.计算机辅助外语教学的理论与实践40.《还乡》中火的象征意义41.英语语音与英语口语的关系42.英语教学资源的开发与利用43.体裁分析在专业英语阅读教学中的应用44.体裁教学法与高校英语专业学习45.英汉谚语蕴涵的思想道德观46.关于英语听力课堂教学设计47.中西方饮食文化比较48.外语教学中的跨文化交际意识的培养49.影响听力理解的因素50.认知主义与计算机辅助外语教学51.商务英语翻译与文体研究52.简.奥斯丁小说中的灰姑娘主题53.微型小说结构技巧分析54.英语单词的特殊用法55.网络辅助英语教学56.体裁教学法与大学英语写作教学改革57.体裁教学法与专四英语写作58.多媒体在英语教学中的运用59.英语单词教学探析60.英语广告中双关语的种类及翻译61.英语语音教学研究62.美国英语与英国英语歧义谈63.在语境中培养学生的听力预测能力64.从《苔丝》看哈代的创作思想65.惠特曼诗作风格分析66.英汉语颜色词的文化异同67.民族文化心理因素对英汉语词汇感情色彩的影响68.翻译中的文化差异69.谈英语书名的汉译70.词语的文化内涵与翻译71.如何提高八级阅读理解能力72.英语的艺术性教学73.简爱,19世纪崭新的理想女性形象74.良好英语学习习惯及其培养75.《草叶集》与美国精神76.狄金森诗作的魅力因素探讨77.任务型教学模式在英语课堂中的有效运用78.英汉同义词对比研究79.文化交流与翻译80.论交际教学法与教师角色的转变81.活跃英语课堂教学的有效方法82.现代汉语中英语外来词译名翻译83.速学英语的理论与方法84.英语委婉语的语用功能和文化内涵85.词义与文化86.狄金森诗作主题与意象研究87.论专业英语四八级听力88.论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达法89.非母语课堂的英语学习动机90.初中英语教学的课堂设计与实施91.姓名的翻译与跨文化交际92.关于有效改进英语口语的系统方法的见解93.课程改革与观念转变的关系94.谈外部因素对课程改革实施的影响95.图式理论与听力理解96.交际法在英语语法教学中的应用97.论《呼啸山庄》的艺术魅力98.英美现当代文学中的女性主义思潮99.英语新闻报道中的流行语100.论英美文学课程的功能与策略101.影响听力理解的非语言因素102.课标改革与考核体系的关系103.互动式学习与讲授法教学的比较104.中西戏剧舞台艺术比较105.常用英语新闻术语分析106.论《蝇王》中的人性观107.从图式理论看听力理解与背景知识的关系108.现时英语新闻的结构特点109.大学生如何通过网络学习英语110.英语新闻标题的理解与翻译111.英语歌曲与英语教学112.语言实验室的情感学习113.论《查特莱夫人的情人》中的情爱观114.谈动机因素爱英语教学中的作用115.新课标对教学理念的影响116.英美现当代文学中的后代主义思潮117.文化差异对听力理解的影响118.怎样指导中学生写英语作文119.新课标实施中教师的角色120.外语专业学生科研意识与能力之培养121.伊丽莎白时期的英国戏剧主题分析122.从图式理论看听力理解与社会文化的关系123.晚清小说的社会影响124.林语堂翻译思想研究125.钱仲书翻译思想研究126.口译与跨文化意识127.语言与广告128.严复翻译理论研究129.语言能力与交际能力的关系与转化130.商务英语翻译在商务洽谈中的应用131.谈英语阅读多项选择题的编写技巧132.商标翻译与文化差异探讨133.口译特点与口译教学134.英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异135.从心理学角度探讨少儿英语教学136.英语教学中的英汉文化对比137.成功兴趣原理在英语教学中的运用138.习语翻译与文化差异探讨139.异化还是归化140.如何提高中学生的英语写作水平141.如何在英语阅读中扩大学生词汇量142.如何提高中学生的听力水平143.英语委婉语的交际功能144.中学生英语学习主动性的培养145.翻译法在外语教学中的地位146.英语歧义现象的归类与探析147.英语课堂中不同的课文解释148.如何在英语教学中扩大学生知识面149.本族语对学生学习英语的负面影响及其对策150.英汉基本颜色词文化寓意对比151.交际教学法的利弊谈152.翻译与性别153.中学生英语学习主动性的培养154.中西文学作品的译文比较155.英汉语言文化内涵对比浅析156.英汉语言文化内涵对比浅析--禁忌语,身势语157.海明威作品塑造的硬汉精神158.合同翻译(国际航运方向159.体育新闻术语分析160.活动教学法在小学英语教学中的应用实践161.当代西方电影的文化特征162.浅谈《理智与情感》163.提高英语阅读能力的方法164.试论英语专业四级写作技巧165.论文化背景与英语阅读理解的关系166.物理学翻译特点167.广告英语的特点及其翻译168.浅谈英语教师素质169.文化因素对英语翻译的影响170.小议英汉习语翻译中的文化差异171.浅谈利用新课标教材激发学生英语学习兴趣172.如何转换英语学习中的差生173.英语测试改革的必要性174.从英语词汇中看中英文化的差异175.英语人名的意义176.如何撰写商务计划书177.如何提高初中生的英语兴趣178.体态语在英语教学中的运用179.宗教文化对中英语言差异的影响180.翻译中的归化与异化现象181.文化与英语教学的关系182.英语情趣教学183.初中生英语学习心理训练的研究184.情景法在英语教学中的运用185.商业广告186.如何提高口译能力187.英语新闻的特点188.浅谈跨文化交际能力的培养189.海明威与菲茨杰拉德——两位“迷惘的一代”作家对比研究190.中学课堂交际法运用191.网络辅助英语教学192.英语词汇学习策略193.电影片名翻译194.口译翻译初探195.中国重点高校主页英文版建设现状调查196.语言水平与听力理解的关系197.应试教育对英语教学的影响2002级毕业论文选题(134题)1.基于多媒体技术的英语听力教学2.《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象研究3.海明威式的英雄与拜伦式英雄4.广告语汉译的跨文化意识5.中国迪士尼,传统,新潮?6.英文电影在文化传播中的功用7.在英语教学中开发学生的非智力因素8.英语教学中处理英汉文化差异的对策9.中学英语教学中的阅读教学模式探讨10.计算机辅助英语教学环境下二语习得研究11.《自我之歌》的内涵浅析12.《苔丝》女主角自身悲剧研究13.从《老人与海》看海明威的人生哲学14.影响英语学习自主性的主要因素15.试论跨文化交际和教学策略中的问题16.Towards Portfolio: A New Approach for Assessment17.任务型教学模式的利弊18.手势语认知与跨文化交际19.行为举止认知与跨文化交际20.根据跨文化交际礼貌原则调节我们的行为举止21.从文化差异看英汉颜色词22.商标翻译的文化因素23.商务英语写作的文体风格24.商标名称的美学特征及其翻译25.中学情感教学26.英语委婉语的语言特点与跨文化交际27.中学英语课堂中的教学互动28.文化差异与翻译29.预测能力与听力理解30.图式理论与英语新闻听力理解31.怎样提高中学生阅读技能32.称赞语的中西文化对比研究33.汉英动物词语的文化内涵34.英汉动物习语比喻形象的文化差异35.英汉语基本颜色词的文化意义对比36.英语习语的特点及其翻译37.论法律英语的模糊性38.英语影视片名的翻译技巧39.论英文影片片名翻译原则40.美国俚语的语义与语境分析41.交际中的身体语言与文化42.中学新教材呈现环节研究43.科技英语新闻句子用法及其翻译44.外交文书的用法和外交翻译45.网络辅助教学在中学英语课堂中的合理应用46.英语教学资源的开发与利用47.中西自然神话比较48.惠特曼诗作风格分析49.华兹华斯与陶渊明田园诗的对比研究50.从《老人与海》看海明威的人生哲学51.教师在当代大学生心目中的地位52.英语教学无定法---各种教学法的优势互补53.中学英语教学法论54.文化差异对听力理解的影响55.有关动物的中国成语英译56.希思克厉夫的复仇之路57.从哈姆雷特的犹豫看人性的弱点58.哈姆雷特人物形象的分析59.服饰搭配与跨文化交际60.广告忠实问题带来的危机61.谈商贸英语翻译的原则62.文化研究语境下的译学研究取向63.新闻英语中模糊语研究64.英语词汇中一词多义的隐喻现象及其逻辑模式65.英语阅读中的内涵与外量问题研究66.论网络虚拟环境下外语学习者的语言输入67.互联网资源在任务型高中英语教学中的应用68.多媒体英语教学的利与弊69.英语专业教学技能训练研究70.误解形成的社会心理根源71.英语开始语的模式及应用策略72.英汉语颜色词的文化异同73.交际教学法的利弊74.非语言表达和英语课堂教学75.英语教学测试与学生自主学习76.英语课堂中的教学互动77.从狭义的角度看影响英语学习的非智力因素78.中英文化中“请求”言语的比较79.迪士尼卡通电影与外语教学80.初中英语教学中的口语教学模式探讨81.任务型教学应用于农村英语教育的适应性82.多媒体在中学英语教学中的运用83.《简爱》中的女性形象研究84.从性别观看苔丝的悲剧85.The influence of cultural differences on listening comprehension86.图式理论在词汇习得中的应用87.New Textbooks, Old Teaching Strategies?---- A Glance at the FLT in High Schools88.Reflections on the Practice of TBLT89.浅析哈代《还乡》中对荒原的背景描写90.长腿叔叔的人物形象分析91.运用―预测‖方法提高英语听力92.影响英语听力理解的因素分析93.英语听力课中的文化导入94.非语言因素对听力理解的影响95.圣地亚哥精神上的胜利—对《老人与海》中不同角色的解析96.<飘>中女主人公性格特点及其时代背景分析97.论海明威笔下的硬汉形象98.互评作用在外语教学中的作用99.学生喜欢何种评改方法调查报告100.如何提高初中生英语学习动机101.论中国大学生在会话中的语码混用现象研究102.排比手法在罗斯福总统和杜鲁门总统就职演说中的应用103.禽流感给人类带来的思考104.谈英语书名汉译105.中国菜谱英译方法与技巧106.从跨文化的角度研究广告翻译107.中学英语教学中的写作教学模式探讨108.信息转化活动在英语阅读教学中的应用109.中学英语教学中的听力教学模式探讨110.英语灾难类新闻惯用短语及其翻译111.封建制度下的男权主义及其渐结构112.从《老人与海》看海明威对生命意义的探索113.新课标下初中英语教法分析114.英语委婉语的语言特点及文化内涵115.关于交际策略和跨文化交际能力的研究116.互动式教学在培养学生自主学习能力的作用117.老师评改学生作文的可信度调查报告118.论英语教学中的讲授型教学与合作学习型教学119.委婉语中的隐喻机制120.Thoughts on the Practice of TBL T121.Essential Elements in Designing a Communicative Task in EFL Classroom 122.从莎士比亚到哈姆雷特到哈姆雷特的复仇123.商务领域中的跨文化交际124.狄更斯语言模糊性及其艺术效果125.跨文化交际中礼貌原则126.文化差异在商务谈判中的反映127.从狗的中英习语看文化习性128.英语学习中的俚语现象探索129.《20年后》文体分析130.文化研究语境下的译学研究取向131.英语习语的文化差异及其翻译132.文化差异与跨文化交际133.中国大学生英语运用错误调查研究134.跨文化在身体语言体现2003级毕业论文选题(97题)1. 浅谈旅游广告宣传品的英译2.网络机辅助英语教学环境下学生情感因素的培养3.英语听力中的语音障碍问题.4.论网络资源在英语国家国情课程教学中的作用5.流行文化对英语语言的影响6.中西文化中非语言交际的差异7.论英汉社交文化对比8.乐昌市中学英语教学师生关系的调查报告9.英汉语篇差异与翻译10.认知、词义与翻译11.跨文化视野中的异化与归化翻译12.狄更斯作品中的女性角色研究13.华兹华斯与陶渊明的自然观之比较14.《罗米欧与朱丽叶》与《柳荫记》中的人物形象比较研究15.杰克·伦敦作品中超人理念的变迁研究16.英语书名汉译基本技巧17.谈<<水浒传>>中骂的翻译18.含有数字“一”的汉英习语的隐含意义比较19.英汉广告双关语的修辞功能20.中学生在汉语环境下学习外语的心态调查21.从《傲慢与偏见》看简。



法律英语的特点及翻译发布时间:2006-12-27 02:07 浏览次数:2326樊爱茹(包钢(集团) 公司办公厅,内蒙古包头014010)摘要:文章概括介绍了法律英语的主要特点,探讨了如何正确理解和翻译法律英语的方法。

关键词:法律英语;特点;翻译Characteristics and translation of legal EnglishFAN Ai - ru( General Office of Baotou Steel ( Group) Corporation, Baotou 014010, China)Abstract: The characteristics of legal English are briefly introduced and the methods of how to understand and translate it are discussed.Key words: legal English; characteristics; translation法律英语(Legal English) ,在英语国家中被称为Legal Language 或Language of the Law ,即法律语言,指表述法律科学概念及诉讼或非诉讼法律事务时所用的语种或某一语种的部分用语,它是以英语共同语为基础,在立法和司法等活动中形成和使用的具有法律专业特点的语言。




• During the process of translation,
translator’s slip in translation and intentional changing the meaning, incomplete understanding of the meaning and unsuccessful expression will make the receiver confused about the meaning.
• Six steps in communication: • 1) the form of the idea • 2) the encoding of the information • 3) the passing of the information • 4)the decoding of the information • 5) reflection • 6) the adjusting of the information
The person who will pass the information produce the idea. E.g. you maybe want to close the door when you feel cold in the room. At that time the idea comes to you. The second step is to change the idea into the information. You may say “close the door” or “ it is cold here” hoping that your roommates will understand you and close the door. Even you can give a sign to your roommate to close the door. So we choose the best way to express our meaning. We call it encoding.

The Features and Translation of English Sports News 英语体育新闻特色及翻译

The Features and Translation of English Sports News  英语体育新闻特色及翻译

The Features and Translation of English Sports NewsAbstract: In the current society, with the increasing level of people‟s living and on the basis of satisfaction of material life, people started to pursue their spiritual fulfillment. Taking part in and watching sports programs have become a incredible part in people‟s spiritual life. As the international competitions increase, the transmission of sports news has been seen as the carrier of sports information, which has made the sports news an irreplaceable part of transmission of international news. Since 1992, the third leapfrog development was made in China‟s press, the paper and electrical media enjoyed a rapid development. As the development of media, watching sports news , as an important face and time presented on the various media, has become a topic issue surrounding people‟s life.This thesis firstly introduced the general characteristics and forms including the structure, lexicon, topic,numbers and the opinions and skills the translators came up with. In addition, this paper also displayed the problems always occurred in translating English sports news and its reason. According to the basic principles and elements of translation, this thesis puts the emphasis on the discussion of the standard, condition, skills and method of translation.Key Words: Translation methods; sports news; application英语体育新闻的特色及翻译摘要:当前社会,人民生活水平日益提高,在物质生活满足的基础上,人们开始追求精神上的满足。



Principle of Simplicity
Concise language
Business English translation requires concise language to avoid redundancy and repetition, making the translation more concise and powerful.
Different cultural backgrounds
Different countries and regions have different cultural backgrounds, and there may be differences in understanding the same thing.
Purpose and background
To explore the characteristics and translation principles of business English, and improve the quality and efficiency of business English translation.
Deep industry background
Business English is closely related to specific industry backgrounds, requiring translators to possess relevant industry knowledge.
Context accuracy
Business English translation needs to consider contextual factors, including context, cultural background, industry conventions, etc., to ensure the accuracy of the translation in a specific context.


3)翻译的作品原则上必需是原创的,不能抄袭或改译他人译文。 4)论文主要由以下各部分组成 致谢
ⅱ.thecharacteristicsofenglishidiomsandproverbs a.thecharacteristicsofenglishidioms 1.simplebutrich 2.harmoniousphonology 3.vividmetaphor b.thecharacteristicsofenglishproverb 1.conciseandclear 2.symmetricalsentencepattern 3.richandvariedrhetoric ⅲ.thetranslationofenglishidiomsandproverbs
翻译专业开题报告 2 选题的缘由、基本内容: 英语成语(idiom)是英语的核心与精华。其内容丰富,寓意深刻, 具有深厚的感情颜色。假如能在文章、谈话或对外交往中,恰当地加 以运用,会大大增加语言的表达能力,收到良好的效果。英语谚语是 英语语言的精华,是英国艺术宝库的瑰丽明珠。英语谚语的句式特点 是句式简洁,语言精炼,富于形象比方,布满浓郁的民族颜色。学习 和研究英语谚语有助于启迪思想,开拓视野,了解英国的历史文化、 风土人情,以及英国人民的人生哲理,同时还可以学到生动活泼的大 众语言。 本文通过比较英汉成语及谚语这两种语言的相像及不同之处,具 体的介绍英语成语及谚语。第一部分主要从内容和形式两方面谈谈英 语成语及谚语的基本特色;第二部分谈及英语成语及谚语的一般翻译 方法和翻译时应当留意的一些问题。 相关资料收集情况: 陈亚光。小议英谚语和成语的创新。上海外国语学院学报,1983。 黄粉保。英汉成语翻译漫谈。云梦学刊,1999/2 顾雪梁。语成语英译探究。广州师范学院学报,1993/2。 张培基,喻云根,李宗杰,彭谟禹。《英汉翻译教程》。北京:中 国外语教育出版社,xx/8
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The Characteristics and Translation Techniques Of Business English作者:吴狄熙来源:《课程教育研究·新教师教学》2017年第02期【Abstract】With the deepening and expansion of world economic integration,business English has played more and more important role in international trade activities.Business English has its own language.We should grasp business English,and proficient interpreters in English not only needs knowledge but also must acquaint oneself with commercial expertise.Business English translation must follow the principles of translation and interpretation carrying some of the translation strategies.【Key words】business English; language feature; professional expertise【中圖分类号】H315.9 【文献标识码】B 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)02-0033-021.IntroductionBusiness English is to serve business activities and its content is practical and professional with definite purpose in one.As a major in international business activities,its strong function is recognized and accepted with English variations.In this keen business activity,international business activity has been increasing frequently in the world,such as the technology import,foreign trade investment,foreign labour contract with the contract,the international financial business,which all is involved in English and called Business English.Therefore,in the world of rapid economic development today,the more popular business English is,the more familiar learners should grasp its features.This article is to analyze the business English as one kind of language,describe its translation on techniques and methods.Nowadays Business English is not only used by business people,but also by non-businessman.Professional people tend to use mutual-understanding words when talking about their own or other people's working lives,which can be defined as 'Business English'.And it is,nowadays,widely used in contemporary industrial societies.These vocabularies like fax,report,customer,negotiating and so on are words that are practically applied by every adult English speaker or are got the meaning by those who are not specialized.So terms are only used by business people.Presumably a ballet dancer or a forestry worker,he or she would certainly have them at his or her disposal.2.The characteristics of business EnglishBusiness English,as a branch of English,belongs to one of professional and specialized English.For the common and standard English as a basis,it has the basic linguistic feature of Standard English and a business comprehensive part of business knowledge and Standardly,it’s based on English grammar,syntax structure and vocabularies endowed with the professional and specialized characteristics.So learners should grasp its characteristics completely and generally in order to specialize in it further.According to the characteristics of business English,the translating should be professional and accurate so that the reader could understand the information of original text,which is so called equivalent to cultural pared to other expressions of language,business English places more weight on accuracy and loyalty.To a translator,the essential requirement would be fidelity to the source text and representation of the original meaning .Further more,business English is dealing with trade,transaction,and money.In business English translation,a small misunderstanding would result in breakup of cooperation.2.1 Technical vocabulary of business EnglishBusiness English is generally used common words.When involved in commercial activity,it is extensively used and applied for specialized vocabularies and business implications of the exact terms of trade.2.2 Language forma of business EnglishBusiness English is a specialized English language standardized,clear meaning,in brief,and simple and unadorned.The words application is mostly used upon the same meaning or the exact and detailed written words is instead of the basic vocabulary and spoken words in order to ensure its international universality and not too informal.2.3 Rigorous content of business EnglishCompared with general English,business English accurate do not be exaggerated with truth from facts,especially to ensure data and precise terms strictly accurate,or it will cause trouble3.The translation techniques of business EnglishBusiness English is involved in many different areas,for its many aspects of the style features must be flexible peer translation.To make the semantics of information,information is agreed on translation semantic.We have dealt with translation principles of business English.But the translator,who is supposed to operate with the framework of the principles,may face problems.Translator techniques are according to the principle but in fact they maneuver around them without threatening their existence.This is also the case in ordinary Interlingua communication situations.We cannot always convey 100% of what we want to convey,but this inability does not violate the underlying communication principle,because it is compensated for by the background knowledge contributedby the addressee,which helps communication to take place and avoid the breaking of the communication principles.3.1 The definition of business EnglishTranslation is to seek the words having similar meaning in the other language,and even to seek the feasible methods of expressing things.It mainly focuses on the meaning.3.2 The translation standard of business EnglishUpon the principle of "Faithfulness,preciseness and conventionalization",Business activities are directly related with the economic benefits of both parties.Each party wants to make the great interests in the transaction upon negotiation,contract and agreement.3.3 Translation skills of business EnglishBusiness English translation covers more areas,involved in various economic and trade activities.Because of different literary style,different translation methods and standards will be applied and utilized.Business English translation has a diversified standard,is a complementary standard system certain individual standard made up of,which one has its own particular features.3.3.1 PolysemyA word,owing to different context,has different meaning.3.3.2 Conversion of Parts of speechConversion of Parts of speech is one of common translating skills in the international business translation,such as inter-translating in noun & verb,and preposition & verb.4.ConclusionThe above discussion of study and research business English is mainly used in international trade and marketing and business activity of a special kind of English.Business English translation,as a tool and bridge of communication,plays a significant role in this course compared with normal body of English,business English words,sentences and language.Works Cited[1]陳青.商务英语反而翻译策略.北京:潍坊学院.[2]黃和斌.外语教学理论与实践.北京:外语教学与研究出版社.[3]李朝.实用商务英语翻译教程.上海:复旦大学出版社.[4]刘季春.使用翻译教程.北京:中山大学出版社.。
