答:自然功率也称波阻抗负荷。是指负荷阻抗为波阻抗时,该负荷所消耗的功率。 2-6、什么叫变压器的短路试验和空载试验,从这两个试验可确定变压器哪些参数? 答:1)短路试验:低压侧短路,在高压侧加电压使绕组通过的电流达额定值,测出高压侧 所加电压值和回路所消耗的有功功率 PK 。可确定的参数:绕组电阻 RT =
2-11 、电力系统负荷有几种表示方式?它们之间有什么关系?
答:电力系统负荷有两种表示方法:阻抗和导纳,它们相互等值。 2-12 、组成电力系统等值网络的基本条件是什么? 答:标么值的折算和电压级的归算即求出的电力系统各元件参数。 2-13 、什么是有名制?什么是标幺制?标幺制有什么特点?基准值如何选取? 答:有名制:进行电力系统计算时,采用有单位的阻抗、导纳、电压、电流、功率等进行运 算。 标幺制:进行电力系统计算时,采用没有单位的阻抗、导纳、电压、电流、功率等的 相对值进行运算。 标幺制的特点:线电压和相电压的标幺值数值相等,三相功率和单相功率的标幺值数
3 Ia=3 Ia。即故障时单相接地电
当 IL=
系统中会产生谐振过电压, 这是不允许的; 当I ∑ IC 时称为全补偿,
∑ IC
时称为过补偿,这是系统运行中经常使用的补偿方式;当 IL <
∑ IC 时称为欠补偿,一般
也不采用, 以防止再切除线路或系统频率下降时使 电压。
2-1 、架空电力线路由哪些部分组成?它们的作用如何?架空电力线路的杆塔由哪些形 式? 答:架空电力线路由导线、避雷线、杆塔、绝缘子和金具等构成。 作用:1 )导线:传输电能; 2 )避雷线:将雷电流引入大地以保护电力线路免受雷击; 3 )杆塔:支持导线和避雷线,保持导线与导线、导线与避雷线、导线与大地 的安全距离; 4)金具:支持、接续、保护导线和避雷线,连接和保护绝缘子。 杆塔的型式:直线杆,耐张杆,终端杆,转角杆等。 2-2、在电力系统计算时,导线材料的电阻率ρ为什么略大于它们的直流电阻率?
WHAT’S NEW IN THE SEVENTH EDITION:The section on ”A Financial Crisis Takes Us for a Ride Along t he Phillips Curve” has been updated.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:By the end of this chapter, students should understand:why policymakers face a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment.why the inflation-unemployment trade-off disappears in the long run.how supply shocks can shift the inflation-unemployment trade-off.the short-run cost of reducing inflation.how policymakers’ credibility might affect the cost of reducing inflation.CONTEXT AND PURPOSE:Chapter 22 is the final chapter in a three-chapter sequence on the economy’s short-run fluctuations around its long-term trend. Chapter 20 introduced aggregate supply and aggregate demand. Chapter 21 developed how monetary and fiscal policies affect aggregate demand. Both Chapters 20 and 21 addressed the relationship between the price level and output. Chapter 22 will concentrate on a similar relationship between inflation and unemployment.The purpose of Chapter 22 is to trace the history of economists’ thinking about the relationship between inflation and unemployment. Students will see why there is a temporary trade-off between inflation and unemployment, and why there is no permanent trade-off. This result is an extension of the results produced by the model of aggregate supply and aggregate demand where a change in the price level induced by a change in aggregate demand temporarily alters output but has no permanent impact on output.389390❖Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and UnemploymentKEY POINTS:∙ The Phillips curve describes a negative relationship between inflation and unemployment. By expanding aggregate demand, policymakers can choose a point on the Phillips curve with higher inflation and lower unemployment. By contracting aggregate demand, policymakers can choose apoint on the Phillips curve with lower inflation and higher unemployment.∙ The trade-off between inflation and unemployment described by the Phillips curve holds only in the short run. In the long run, expected inflation adjusts to changes in actual inflation, and the short-run Phillips curve shifts. As a result, the long-run Phillips curve is vertical at the natural rate ofunemployment.∙ The short-run Phillips curve also shifts because of shocks to aggregate supply. An adverse supply shock, such as an increase in world oil prices, gives policymakers a less favorable trade-off between inflation and unemployment. That is, after an adverse supply shock, policymakers have to accept a higher rate of inflation for any given rate of unemployment, or a higher rate of unemployment for any given rate of inflation.∙ When the Fed contracts growth in the money supply to reduce inflation, it moves the economy along the short-run Phillips curve, which results in temporarily high unemployment. The cost of disinflation depends on how quickly expectations of inflation fall. Some economists argue that a crediblecommitment to low inflation can reduce the cost of disinflation by inducing a quick adjustment of expectations.CHAPTER OUTLINE:I. The Phillips CurveA. Origins of the Phillips Curve1. In 1958, economist A. W. Phillips published an article discussing the negative correlationbetween inflation rates and unemployment rates in the United Kingdom.2. American economists Paul Samuelson and Robert Solow showed a similar relationshipbetween inflation and unemployment for the United States two years later.3. The belief was that low unemployment is related to high aggregate demand, and highaggregate demand puts upward pressure on prices. Likewise, high unemployment is relatedto low aggregate demand, and low aggregate demand pulls price levels down.4. Definition of Phillips curve: a curve that shows the short-run trade-off betweeninflation and unemployment.Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment❖ 3915. Samuelson and Solow believed that the Phillips curve offered policymakers a menu ofpossible economic outcomes. Policymakers could use monetary and fiscal policy to chooseany point on the curve.B. Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and the Phillips Curve1. The Phillips curve shows the combinations of inflation and unemployment that arise in theshort run as shifts in the aggregate-demand curve move the economy along the short-runaggregate-supply curve.2. The greater the aggregate demand for goods and services, the greater the economy’s outputand the higher the price level. Greater output means lower unemployment. The higher theprice level in the current year, the higher the rate of inflation.3. Example: The price level is 100 (measured by the Consumer Price Index) in the year 2020.There are two possible changes in the economy for the year 2021: a low level of aggregatedemand or a high level of aggregate demand.a. If the economy experiences a low level of aggregate demand, we would be at a short-run equilibrium like point A. This point also corresponds with point A on the Phillips curve.Note that when aggregate demand is low, the inflation rate is relatively low and theunemployment rate is relatively high.b. If the economy experiences a high level of aggregate demand, we would be at a short-run equilibrium like point B. This point also corresponds with point B on the Phillips curve.Note that when aggregate demand is high, the inflation rate is relatively high and theunemployment rate is relatively low.392❖Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment Figure 24. Because monetary and fiscal policies both shift the aggregate-demand curve, these policiescan move the economy along the Phillips curve.a. Increases in the money supply, increases in government spending, or decreases in taxesall increase aggregate demand and move the economy to a point on the Phillips curvewith lower unemployment and higher inflation.b. Decreases in the money supply, decreases in government spending, or increases in taxesall lower aggregate demand and move the economy to a point on the Phillips curve withhigher unemployment and lower inflation.II. Shifts in the Phillips Curve: The Role of ExpectationsA. The Long-Run Phillips Curve1. In 1968, economist Milton Friedman argued that monetary policy is only able to choose acombination of unemployment and inflation for a short period of time. At the same time,economist Edmund Phelps wrote a paper suggesting the same thing.2. In the long run, monetary growth has no real effects. This implies that it cannot affect thefactors that determine the economy’s long-run unemployment rate.Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment ❖ 3933. Thus, in the long run, we would not expect there to be a relationship between unemployment and inflation. This must mean that, in the long run, the Phillips curve is vertical.4. The vertical Phillips curve occurs because, in the long run, the aggregate supply curve is vertical as well. Thus, increases in aggregate demand lead only to changes in the price leveland have no effect on the economy’s level of output. Thus, in the long run, unemployment will not change when aggregate demand changes, but inflation will.5. The long-run aggregate-supply curve occurs at the economy’s natural level of output. Thismeans that the long-run Phillips curve occurs at the natural rate of unemployment.394❖Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and UnemploymentB. The Meaning of “Natural”1. Friedman and Phelps considered the natural rate of unemployment to be the rate towardwhich the economy gravitates in the long run.2. The natural rate of unemployment may not be the socially desirable rate of unemployment.3. The natural rate of unemployment may change over time.C. Reconciling Theory and Evidence1. The conclusion of Friedman and Phelps that there is no long-run trade-off between inflationand unemployment was based on theory, while the correlation between inflation andunemployment found by Phillips, Samuelson, and Solow was based on actual evidence.2. Friedman and Phelps believed that an inverse relationship between inflation andunemployment exists in the short run.3. The long-run aggregate-supply curve is vertical, indicating that the price level does notinfluence output in the long run.4. But, the short-run aggregate-supply curve is upward sloping because of misperceptionsabout relative prices, sticky wages, and sticky prices. These perceptions, wages, and pricesadjust over time, so that the positive relationship between the price level and the quantity ofgoods and services supplied occurs only in the short run.5. This same logic applies to the Phillips curve. The trade-off between inflation andunemployment holds only in the short run.6. The expected level of inflation is an important factor in understanding the difference betweenthe long-run and the short-run Phillips curves. Expected inflation measures how much peopleexpect the overall price level to change.7. The expected rate of inflation is one variable that determines the position of the short-runaggregate-supply curve. This is true because the expected price level affects the perceptionsof relative prices that people form and the wages and prices that they set.8. In the short run, expectations are somewhat fixed. Thus, when the Fed increases the moneysupply, aggregate demand increases along the upward sloping short-run aggregate-supplycurve. Output grows (unemployment falls) and the price level rises (inflation increases).9. Eventually, however, people will respond by changing their expectations of the price level.Specifically, they will begin expecting a higher rate of inflation.Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment ❖ 395D. The Short-Run Phillips Curve1. We can relate the actual unemployment rate to the natural rate of unemployment, the actual inflation rate, and the expected inflation rate using the following equation:a. Because expected inflation is already given in the short run, higher actual inflation leadsto lower unemployment.b. How much unemployment changes in response to a change in inflation is determined by the variable a, which is related to the slope of the short-run aggregate-supply curve.2. If policymakers want to take advantage of the short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation, it may lead to negative consequences.a. Suppose the economy is at point A and policymakers wish to lower the unemploymentrate. Expansionary monetary policy or fiscal policy is used to shift aggregate demand tothe right. The economy moves to point B, with a lower unemployment rate and a higherrate of inflation.b. Over time, people get used to this new level of inflation and raise their expectations ofinflation. This leads to an upward shift of the short-run Phillips curve. The economy ends up at point C, with a higher inflation rate than at point A, but the same level ofunemployment.396 ❖ Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and UnemploymentE. The Natural Experiment for the Natural-Rate Hypothesis1. Definition of the natural-rate hypothesis: the claim that unemployment eventually returns to its normal, or natural rate, regardless of the rate of inflation .2. Figure 6 shows the unemployment and inflation rates from 1961 to 1968. It is easy to see the inverse relationship between these two variables.3. Beginning in the late 1960s, the government followed policies that increased aggregate demand.a. Government spending rose because of the Vietnam War.b. The Fed increased the money supply to try to keep interest rates down.4. As a result of these policies, the inflation rate remained fairly high. However, even thoughinflation remained high, unemployment did not remain low.a. Figure 7 shows the unemployment and inflation rates from 1961 to 1973. The simple inverse relationship between these two variables began to disappear around 1970.b. Inflation expectations adjusted to the higher rate of inflation and the unemployment rate returned to its natural rate of around 5% to 6%.III. Shifts in the Phillips Curve: The Role of Supply ShocksA. In 1974, OPEC increased the price of oil sharply. This increased the cost of producing many goods and services and therefore resulted in higher prices.1. Definition of supply shock : an event that directly alters firms’ costs and prices,shifting the economy’s aggregate -supply curve and thus the Phillips curve .2. Graphically, we could represent this supply shock as a shift in the short-run aggregate-supplycurve to the left.3. The decrease in equilibrium output and the increase in the price level left the economy with stagflation.Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment ❖ 397B. Given this turn of events, policymakers are left with a less favorable short-run trade-off between unemployment and inflation.1. If they increase aggregate demand to fight unemployment, they will raise inflation further.2. If they lower aggregate demand to fight inflation, they will raise unemployment further. C. This less favorable trade-off between unemployment and inflation can be shown by a shift of theshort-run Phillips curve. The shift may be permanent or temporary, depending on how people adjust their expectations of inflation.D. During the 1970s, the Fed decided to accommodate the supply shock by increasing the supply of money. This increased the level of expected inflation. Figure 9 shows inflation and unemploymentin the United States during the late 1970s and early 1980s.IV. The Cost of Reducing InflationA. The Sacrifice Ratio1. To reduce the inflation rate, the Fed must follow contractionary monetary policy.a. When the Fed slows the rate of growth of the money supply, aggregate demand falls.b. This reduces the level of output in the economy, increasing unemployment.c. The economy moves from point A along the short-run Phillips curve to point B, which hasa lower inflation rate but a higher unemployment rate.Price Unemployment Rate398❖Chapter 22/The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemploymentd. Over time, people begin to adjust their inflation expectations downward and the short-run Phillips curve shifts. The economy moves from point B to point C, where inflation islower and the unemployment rate is back to its natural rate.2. Therefore, to reduce inflation, the economy must suffer through a period of highunemployment and low output.3. Definition of sacrifice ratio: the number of percentage points of annual output lostin the process of reducing inflation by one percentage point.4. A typical estimate of the sacrifice ratio is five. This implies that for each percentage pointinflation is decreased, output falls by 5%.B. Rational Expectations and the Possibility of Costless Disinflation1. Definition of rational expectations: the theory according to which people optimallyuse all the information they have, including information about governmentpolicies, when forecasting the future.2. Proponents of rational expectations believe that when government policies change, peoplealter their expectations about inflation.3. Therefore, if the government makes a credible commitment to a policy of low inflation,people would be rational enough to lower their expectations of inflation immediately. Thisimplies that the short-run Phillips curve would shift quickly without any extended period ofhigh unemployment.C. The Volcker Disinflation1. Figure 11 shows the inflation and unemployment rates that occurred while Paul Volckerworked at reducing the level of inflation during the 1980s.2. As inflation fell, unemployment rose. In fact, the United States experienced its deepest recession since the Great Depression.3. Some economists have offered this as proof that the idea of a costless disinflation suggested by rational-expectations theorists is not possible. However, there are two reasons why we might not want to reject the rational-expectations theory so quickly.a. The cost (in terms of lost output) of the Volcker disinflation was not as large as many economists had predicted.b. While Volcker promised that he would fight inflation, many people did not believe him.Few people thought that inflation would fall as quickly as it did; this likely kept the short-run Phillips curve from shifting quickly.D. The Greenspan Era1. Figure 12 shows the inflation and unemployment rate from 1984 to 2005, called the Greenspan era because Alan Greenspan became the chairman of the Federal Reserve in 1987.2. In 1986, OPEC’s agreement with its members b roke down and oil prices fell. The result of this favorable supply shock was a drop in both inflation and unemployment.3. The rest of the 1990s witnessed a period of economic prosperity. Inflation gradually dropped, approaching zero by the end of the decade. Unemployment also reached a low level, leadingmany people to believe that the natural rate of unemployment had fallen.4. The economy ran into problems in 2001 due to the end of the dot-com stock market bubble,the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and corporate accounting scandals that reduced aggregate demand. Unemployment rose as the economy experienced its first recession in a decade.5. But a combination of expansionary monetary and fiscal policies helped end the downturn,and by early 2005, the unemployment rate was close to the estimated natural rate.6. In 2005, President Bush nominated Ben Bernanke as the Fed chairman. E. A Financial Crisis Takes Us for a Ride Along the Phillips Curve1. In his first couple of years as Fed chairman, Bernanke faced some significant economicchallenges.a. One challenge arose from problems in the housing and financial markets.b. The resulting financial crisis led to a large drop in aggregate demand and high rates of unemployment.c. Figure 13 shows the implications of these events for inflation and unemployment.d. From 2007 to 2009, as the decline in aggregate demand raised unemployment, it alsoreduced the inflation rate from about 3 percent to about 1 percent.e. From 2010 to 2012, unemployment fell and the inflation rate rose from about 1 percentto about 2 percent.f. In essence, the economy first rode down the Phillips curve and then rode back up.g. Note that expected inflation and the position of the short-run Phillips curve wererelatively stable during this period.SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes1. The Phillips curve is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1To see how policy can move the economy from a point with high inflation to a point with lowinflation, suppose the economy begins at point A in Figure 2. If policy is used to reduceaggregate demand (such as a decrease in the money supply or a decrease in governmentpurchases), the aggregate-demand curve shifts from AD1 to AD2, and the economy movesfrom point A to point B with lower inflation, a reduction in real GDP, and an increase in theunemployment rate.Figure 22. Figure 3 shows the short-run Phillips curve and the long-run Phillips curve. The curves aredifferent because in the long run, monetary policy has no effect on unemployment, which tends toward its natural rate. However, in the short run, monetary policy can affect the unemployment rate. An increase in the growth rate of money raises actual inflation above expected inflation, causing firms to produce more since the short-run aggregate supply curve is positively sloped, which reduces unemployment temporarily.Figure 33. Examples of favorable shocks to aggregate supply include improved productivity and adecline in oil prices. Either shock shifts the aggregate-supply curve to the right, increasing output and reducing the price level, moving the economy from point A to point B in Figure 4.As a result, the Phillips curve shifts to the left, as the figure shows.Figure 44. The sacrifice ratio is the number of percentage points of annual output lost in the process ofreducing inflation by 1 percentage point. The credibility of the Fed’s commitment to reduceinflation might affect the sacrifice ratio because it affects the speed at which expectations ofinflati on adjust. If the Fed’s commitment to reduce inflation is credible, people will reducetheir expectations of inflation quickly, the short-run Phillips curve will shift downward, andthe cost of reducing inflation will be low in terms of lost output. But if the Fed is not credible,people will not reduce their expectations of inflation quickly, and the cost of reducinginflation will be high in terms of lost output.Questions for ReviewFigure 51. Figure 5 shows the short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The Fed canmove the economy from one point on this curve to another by changing the money supply.An increase in the money supply reduces the unemployment rate and increases the inflation rate, while a decrease in the money supply increases the unemployment rate and decreases the inflation rate.Figure 62. Figure 6 shows the long-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. In the long run,there is no trade-off, as the economy must return to the natural rate of unemployment on the long-run Phillips curve. In the short run, the economy can move along a short-run Phillips curve, like SRPC1 shown in the figure. But over time (as inflation expectations adjust) the short-run Phillips curve will shift to return the economy to the long-run Phillips curve, for example shifting from SRPC1 to SRPC2.3. The natural rate of unemployment is natural because it is beyond the influence of monetarypolicy. The rate of unemployment will move to its natural rate in the long run, regardless of the inflation rate.The natural rate of unemployment might differ across countries because countries havevarying degrees of union power, minimum-wage laws, collective-bargaining laws,unemployment insurance, job-training programs, and other factors that influence labor-market conditions.4. If a drought destroys farm crops and drives up the price of food, the short-run aggregate-supply curve shifts to the left and the short-run Phillips curve shifts to the right, because the costs of production have increased. The higher short-run Phillips curve means the inflation rate will be higher for any given unemployment rate.5. When the Fed decides to reduce inflation, the economy moves down along the short-runPhillips curve, as shown in Figure 7. Beginning at point A on short-run Phillips curve SRPC1, the economy moves down to point B as inflation declines. Once people's expectations adjust to the lower rate of inflation, the short-run Phillips curve shifts to SRPC2, and the economy moves to point C. The short-run costs of disinflation, which arise because the unemployment rate is temporarily above its natural rate, could be reduced if the Fed's action was credible, so that expectations would adjust more rapidly.Figure 7Quick Check Multiple Choice1. b2. d3. c4. a5. b6. dProblems and Applications1. Figure 8 shows two different short-run Phillips curves depicting these four points. Points aand d are on SRPC1 because both have expected inflation of 3%. Points b and c are onSRPC2 because both have expected inflation of 5%.Figure 82. a. A rise in the natural rate of unemployment shifts both the long-run Phillips curve and theshort-run Phillips curve to the right, as shown in Figure 9. The economy is initially onLRPC1 and SRPC1 at an inflation rate of 3%, which is also the expected rate of inflation.The increase in the natural rate of unemployment shifts the long-run Phillips curve toLRPC2 and the short-run Phillips curve to SRPC2, with the expected rate of inflationremaining equal to 3%.Figure 9b. A decline in the price of imported oil shifts the short-run Phillips curve to the left, asshown in Figure 10, from SRPC1 to SRPC2. For any given unemployment rate, theinflation rate is lower, because oil is such a significant aspect of production costs in the economy.Figure 10c. A rise in government spending represents an increase in aggregate demand, so it movesthe economy along the short-run Phillips curve, as shown in Figure 11. The economy moves from point A to point B, with a decline in the unemployment rate and an increase in the inflation rate.Figure 11d. A decline in expected inflation causes the short-run Phillips curve to shift to the left, asshown in Figure 12. The lower rate of expected inflation shifts the short-run Phillips curve from SRPC1 to SRPC2.Figure 12Figure 133. a. Figure 13 shows how a reduction in consumer spending causes a recession in both anaggregate-supply/aggregate-demand diagram and a Phillips-curve diagram. In bothdiagrams, the economy begins at full employment at point A. The decline in consumerspending reduces aggregate demand, shifting the aggregate-demand curve to the leftfrom AD1 to AD2. The economy initially remains on the short-run aggregate-supply curve AS1, so the new equilibrium occurs at point B. The movement of the aggregate-demand curve along the short-run aggregate-supply curve leads to a movement along short-run Phillips curve SRPC1, from point A to point B. The lower price level in the aggregate-supply/aggregate-demand diagram corresponds to the lower inflation rate in the Phillips-curve diagram. The lower level of output in the aggregate-supply/aggregate-demanddiagram corresponds to the higher unemployment rate in the Phillips-curve diagram.b. As expected inflation falls over time, the short-run aggregate-supply curve shifts to theright from AS1 to AS2, and the short-run Phillips curve shifts to the left from SRPC1 toSRPC2. In both diagrams, the economy eventually gets to point C, which is back on thelong-run aggregate-supply curve and long-run Phillips curve. After the recession is over, the economy faces a better set of inflation-unemployment combinations.Figure 144. a. Figure 14 shows the economy in long-run equilibrium at point a, which is on both thelong-run and short-run Phillips curves.b. A wave of business pessimism reduces aggregate demand, moving the economy to pointb in the figure. The unemployment rate increases and the inflation rate declines. If theFed undertakes expansionary monetary policy, it can increase aggregate demand,offsetting the pessimism and returning the economy to point a, with the initial inflationrate and unemployment rate.c. Figure 15 shows the effects on the economy if the price of imported oil rises. The higherprice of imported oil shifts the short-run Phillips curve to the right from SRPC1 to SRPC2.The economy moves from point a to point c, with a higher inflation rate and higherunemployment rate. If the Fed engages in expansionary monetary policy, it can returnthe economy to its original unemployment rate at point d, but the inflation rate will behigher. If the Fed engages in contractionary monetary policy, it can return the economy to its original inflation rate at point e, but the unemployment rate will be higher. Thissituation differs from that in part (b) because in part (b) the economy stayed on thesame short-run Phillips curve, but in part (c) the economy moved to a higher short-runPhillips curve, which gives policymakers a less favorable trade-off between inflation and unemployment.。
第三章 选择理论在第一章中,我们对经济学中的选择进行了一般性分析,这一章重点分析建立在偏好基础上的个人选择,即个人如何进行选择并做出决策。
第一节 偏好与偏好假定一、个人偏好关系1、选择束偏好(preferences )说明了个人面临各种可供选择的对象时,哪一个是值得或更值得去争取的这样一个问题。
无论商品,行动以及它们的组合,都可以用一般化的概念 选择束(choice bundle )来表示。
例如,当个人面临两种商品的选择时,图3-1给出了几个可供选择的选择束,它们分别表示:A :三瓶啤酒和四个鸭蛋;B :二瓶啤酒和六个鸭蛋;C :四瓶啤酒和八个鸭蛋; A 、B 、C 分别代表了消费者的选择束。
4 C 3 A2 B4 6 8图3-1:消费者的选择束再比如,当个人面临两种可供选择的行动(如学习和聊天)时,至少有下列三种选择束: A :聊天,不学习;啤酒(瓶)鸭蛋(只)B:学习,不聊天;C:学习两小时,聊天两小时。
边际替代率递减规律 Y • 边际替代率递减是 边际效用递减在无 差异分析中的具体 表现。
X 在水平距离相同时, 垂直距离越来越短。
• 商品的边际替代率递减规律是指:在维持效用 水平不变的前提下,随着一种商品消费数量的 连续增加,消费者为得到每一单位的这种商品 所需要放弃的另一种商品的消费数量是递减的。
12、边际替代率MRSXY递减时,MUx和MUy必定( )
C. MUx递减,MUy递增 D. MUx递增,MUy递减
(二)预算线 Budget Line
1、含义 又称为预算约束线、消费可能线或价格线。 它表示在消费者收入和商品价格既定的条件下, 消费者的全部收入所能购买到的两种商品的不同 数量的各种组合。 2、表达式 以I表示消费者的既定收入,两种商品分别为X1和X2,
无差异曲线为直角形状。 2 平行于横轴时边际替代
垂直于横轴时边际替代 率MRS12= ∞
U1 U2
1 2 3 4 眼镜片 完全互补品
• 练习 1、在商品空间存在无数条无差异曲线是因为消费者收入
水平时高时低。 2、无差异曲线的形状取决于( ) A.消费者收入 B.所购商品的价格 C.消费者偏好 D.商品效用水平的大小 3、消费者的偏好保持不变时,消费者的()也保持不变。 A.均衡点 B.满足 C.所喜爱的两种商品的无差异曲线 D.购买商品数量 4、如果无差异曲线相交,那么( ) A.边际替代率递减规律的假设不成立 B.偏好一定违反了完备性的假设 C.偏好一定违反了传递性的假设 D.以上说法都正确
夏洛特的网英文版CHAPTER 1 生词注解
《夏洛特的网》英文版生词注解CHAPTER 11. Papa (father的昵称)爸爸2. ax n. 斧子3. set the table 摆放餐具4. never amount to do anything 毫无成就;一事无成。
5. do away with 废除;消除6. shriek v. 尖叫7. a pitcher of 一片/一壶cream n 奶油8. yell v. 大喊9. sneaker n 球鞋sop v.吸水;浸湿;浸透n. 面包片10. sob v. 啜泣;抽噎11. a matter of life and death 生死攸关的事12. raise a litter of pigs 养一窝猪文中“I know more…than you do.”意思为“养一窝猪,我比你懂得多。
”13. Injustice adj. 不公平;不公正14. a queen look 奇怪的表情15. runt n. 小家畜16. carton n. 硬纸盒17. bacon n. 培根,烟熏咸肉片18. stove n. 炉子19. sink v. 下沉n. 水池;水槽20. roller towel 卷轴毛巾21. wobble v. 摇摆;摇晃;失去信心22. scratch v. 抓挠23. lid n. 盖子24. timely adv. 及实地;适时地(反)untimely adv.25. miserable adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的26. specimen /ˈspesɪmən/ n. 样品;标本27. distribute v. 分发;分配;分布28. promptly adv. 迅速地;立即29. nursing bottle 奶瓶nurse n.护士v. 看护;照料;喂奶30. rubber 橡胶nipple n. 奶嘴;奶头31. pour 倾倒pour …into 倒入32. infant n. 婴儿such v 吮;吸33. appetite /ˈæpɪtaɪt/ n. 胃口;欲望;爱好34. slip v 滑倒;脱落slip into 滑入35. doughnut /ˈdəʊnʌt/ n.炸面包圈,甜甜圈;环状物36. gun 枪37. blissful adj. 幸福的;无忧无虑的38. entire adj. 完全的;彻底的charge n. 负责;照顾39. whisper v. 低语;小声说dreamily adv. 做梦似地40. giggle/ˈɡɪɡ(ə)l/ v. 咯咯地笑41. blush v 脸红(=become red in the face because of embarrassment)。
中国文化概况(修订版)Chapter 3
Traditional Operas
Do you know what kinds of operas the following pictures indicate?
Beijing Opera
Beijing Opera • originally a form of local theatre, then a national opera of China • the four basic skills include singing, recitation, acting and acrobatic fighting • the four major roles include sheng, dan, jing and chou • has distinguished facial make-up and costume
Chapter 1 市场营销 题库
Value and satisfaction
Customer value is the difference between the values the customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product. Customer satisfaction depends on how well the product’s perceived performance lives up to the customer’s expectations.
Creating, delivering and communicating superior customer value is key.
Marketing management involves managing demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationships.
Needs, wants, and demands
Marketing involves satisfying customer needs. Needs describe basic human requirements. Human needs are states of felt deprivation. Humans have many complex needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory
selfactualization needs
Multiple Choice1. Suppose we estimate that the demand elasticity for fine leather jackets is -.7 at their current prices. Then we know that:a. a 1% increase in price reduces quantity sold by .7%.b. n o one wants to buy leather jackets.c. d emand for leather jackets is elastic.d. a cut in the prices will increase total revenue.e. l eather jackets are luxury items.ANSWER: aPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM2. If demand were inelastic, then we should immediately:a. c ut the price.b. k eep the price where it is.c. g o to the Nobel Prize Committee to show we were the first to find an upward sloping demand curve.d. s top selling it since it is inelastic.e. r aise the price.ANSWER: ePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM3. In this problem, demonstrate your knowledge of percentage rates of change of an entire demand function (HINT: %ΔQ = E P•%ΔP + E Y•%ΔY). You have found that the price elasticity of motor control devices at Allen-Bradley Corporation is -2, and that the income elasticity is a +1.5. You have been asked to predict sales of these devices for one year into the future. Economists from the Conference Board predict that income will be rising 3% over the next year, and AB’s management is planning to raise prices 2%. You expect that the number of AB motor control devices sold in one year will:a. f all .5%.b. n ot change.c. r ise 1%r.d. r ise 2%.e. r ise .5%.ANSWER: ePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ChallengingQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: Cross Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOMS: ApplicationDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM4. A linear demand for lake front cabins on a nearby lake is estimated to be: Q D = 900,000 - 2P. What is the point price elasticity for lake front cabins at a price of P = $300,000? [HINT: E p = (∂Q/∂P)(P/Q)]a. EP = -3.0b. EP = -2.0c. EP = -1.0d. EP = -0.5e. EP = 0ANSWER: bPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ChallengingQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM5. Property taxes are the product of the tax rate (T) and the assessed value (V). The total property tax collected in your city (P) is: P = T•V. If the value of properties rise 4% and if Mayor and City Council reduces the property the tax rate by 2%, what happens to the total amount of property tax collected? [HINT: the percentage rate of change of a product is approximately the sum of the percentage rates of change.}a. I t rises 6 %.b. I t rises 4 %.c. I t rises 3 %.d. I t rises 2 %e. I f falls 2%.ANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: Cross Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM6. Demand is given by Q D = 620 - 10·P and supply is given by Q S = 100 + 3·P. What is the price and quantity when the market is in equilibrium?a. T he price will be $30 and the quantity will be 132 units.b. T he price will be $11 and the quantity will be 122 units.c. T he price will be $40 and the quantity will be 220 units.d. T he price will be $35 and the quantity will be 137 unitse. T he price will be $10 and the quantity will be 420 units.ANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionKEYWORDS: BPROG: AnalyticDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM7. Which of the following would tend to make demand INELASTIC?a. t he amount of time analyzed is quite longb. t here are lots of substitutes availablec. t he product is highly durabled. t he proportion of the budget spent on the item is very smalle. n o one really wants the product at allANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM8. Which of the following best represents management's objective(s) in utilizing demand analysis?a. i t provides insights necessary for the effective manipulation of demandb. i t helps to measure the efficiency of the use of company resourcesc. i t aids in the forecasting of sales and revenuesd. a and be. a and cANSWER: ePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Income Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/23/2016 3:14 PM9. Identify the reasons why the quantity demanded of a product increases as the price of that product decreases.a. a s the price declines, the real income of the consumer increasesb. a s the price of product A declines, it makes it more attractive than product Bc. a s the price declines, the consumer will always demand more on each successive price reductiond. a and be. a and cANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Demand RelationshipsKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/23/2016 3:15 PM10. An increase in the quantity demanded could be caused by:a. a n increase in the price of substitute goodsb. a decrease in the price of complementary goodsc. a n increase in consumer income levelsd. a ll of the abovee. n one of the aboveANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Demand RelationshipsKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM11. Goods having a negative calculated income elasticity are...a. s uperior goodsb. p roducers' goodsc. n ondurable goodsd. i nferior goodse. n one of the aboveANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Income Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/20/2016 12:21 PM12. If the cross price elasticity measured between items A and B is positive, the two products are referred to as:a. c omplementsb. s ubstitutesc. i nelastic as compared to each otherd. b oth b and ce. a, b, and cANSWER: bPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Cross Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/23/2016 3:17 PM13. When demand is ____ a percentage change in ____ is exactly offset by the same percentage change in ____ demanded, the net result being a constant total consumer expenditure.a. e lastic; price; quantityb. u nit elastic; price; quantityc. i nelastic; quantity; priced. i nelastic; price; quantitye. n one of the aboveANSWER: bPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM14. Marginal revenue (MR) is ____ when total revenue is maximized.a. g reater than oneb. e qual to onec. l ess than zerod. e qual to zeroe. e qual to minus oneANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM15. The factor(s) which cause(s) a movement along the demand curve include(s):a. i ncrease in level of advertisingb. d ecrease in price of complementary goodsc. i ncrease in consumer disposable incomed. d ecrease in price of the good demandede. a ll of the aboveANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Demand RelationshipsKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM16. An increase in each of the following factors would normally provide a subsequent increase in quantity demanded, except:a. p rice of substitute goodsb. l evel of competitor advertisingc. c onsumer income leveld. c onsumer desires for goods and servicese. a and bANSWER: bPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/23/2016 3:19 PM17. Durable goods are:a. c onsumers' goodsb. r aw materials combined to produce consumer goodsc. t hose that must be replaced after each used. t hose that may be stored and repairede. n one of the aboveANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Demand RelationshipsKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/20/2016 12:52 PM18. The demand for durable goods tends to be more price elastic than the demand for non-durables.a. t rueb. f alseANSWER: aPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: Demand RelationshipsKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 7/23/2016 3:27 PM19. A price elasticity (E D) of −1.50 indicates that for a ____ increase in price, quantity demanded will ____ by ____.a. o ne percent; increase; 1.50 unitsb. o ne unit; increase; 1.50 unitsc. o ne percent; decrease; 1.50 percentd. o ne unit; decrease; 1.50 percente. t en percent; increase; fifteen percentANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM20. Those goods having a calculated income elasticity that is negative are called:a. p roducers' goodsb. d urable goodsc. i nferior goodsd. n ondurable goodse. n one of the aboveANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Income Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM21. An income elasticity (E y) of 2.0 indicates that for a ____ increase in income, ____ will increase by ____.a. o ne percent; quantity supplied; two unitsb. o ne unit; quantity supplied; two unitsc. o ne percent; quantity demanded; two percentd. o ne unit; quantity demanded; two unitse. t en percent; quantity supplied; two percentANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Income Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM22. When demand elasticity is ____ in absolute value (or ____), an increase in price will result in a(n) ____ in total revenues.a. l ess than 1; elastic; increaseb. m ore than 1; inelastic; decreasec. l ess than 1; elastic; decreased. l ess than 1; inelastic; increasee. n one of the aboveANSWER: dPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM23. Empirical estimates of the price elasticity of demand [in Table 3.4] suggest that the demand for household consumption of alcoholic beverages is:a. h ighly price elasticb. p rice inelasticc. u nitarily elasticd. a n inferior goode. n one of the aboveANSWER: bPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM24. Auto dealers slash prices at the end of the model year in response to deficient demand/excess inventory but restaurants facing the same problem slash production becausea. a uto customers are less price sensitive than restaurant customersb. p rice elasticity of demand (in absolute values) is higher for auto than restaurant customersc. p rice elasticity of supply is lower in auto than in restaurantsd. r estaurant food spoils quickly and is much more perishablee. p rice elasticity of supply in autos is smaller than the absolute value of price elasticity of demand but thereverse is true for restaurantsANSWER: ePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM25. Songwriters and composers press music companies to lower the price for music downloads becausea. d emand for on-line music is inelasticb. p rofits are maximized where price elasticity of demand is -1.0c. s ongwriter royalties are a percentage of sales revenued. p rofits and total revenue are maximized at different quantitiese. p rofits are maximized at the same prices as sales revenueANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: Reflective Thinking - BPROG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM26. Which of the following demand factors are under the control of management?a. p rice of productb. a dvertisingc. p rice of competitors' productsd. c ustomer servicee. a ll except cANSWER: ePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: EasyQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: KnowledgeDATE CREATED: 7/20/2016 1:19 PMDATE MODIFIED: 7/20/2016 1:25 PM27. Factors affecting the price elasticity of demand include all of these EXCEPT:a. p ercentage of the consumer's budgetb. t he availability and closeness of substitutesc. p ositioning as income inferiord. t ime period of adjustmente. a ll of the above affect the price elasticity of demandANSWER: cPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ModerateQUESTION TYPE: Multiple ChoiceHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: ComprehensionDATE CREATED: 7/20/2016 1:19 PMDATE MODIFIED: 7/20/2016 1:30 PMEssay28. The manager of the Sell-Rite drug store accidentally mismarked a shipment of 20-pound bags of charcoal at $4.38 instead of the regular price of $5.18. At the end of a week, the store's inventory of 200 bags of charcoal was completely sold out. The store normally sells an average of 150 bags per week.(a)What is the store's arc elasticity of demand for charcoal?(b)Give an economic interpretation of the numerical value obtained in part (a)ANSWER:(a)Q1 = 150 P1 = $5.18 Q2 = 200 P2 = $4.38(b)A 1 percent increase in price will result in a 1.71 percent decrease in demand for charcoal.POINTS: 1 DIFFICULTY: Challenging QUESTION TYPE: EssayHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPRPOG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: AnalysisDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM29. The Future Flight Corporation manufactures a variety of Frisbees selling for $2.98 each. Sales have averaged 10,000 units per month during the last year. Recently Future Flight's closest competitor, Soaring Free Company, cut its prices on similar Frisbees from $3.49 to $2.59. Future Flight noticed that its sales declined to 8,000 units per month after the price cut.(a)What is the arc cross elasticity of demand between Future Flight's and Soaring Free's Frisbees?(b)If Future Flight knows the arc price elasticity of demand for its Frisbees is −2.2, what price would they have to charge in order to obtain the same level of sales as before Soaring Free's price cut?ANSWER:(a)Q A1 = 10,000 P B1 = $3.49 Q A2 = 8,000 P B2 = $2.59(b)E D = −2.2 Q1 = 8,000 P1= 2.98 Q2 = 10,000POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ChallengingQUESTION TYPE: EssayHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPRPOG: AnalysisTOPICS: Cross Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: AnalysisDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM30. The British Automobile Company is introducing a brand new model called the "London Special." Using the latest forecasting techniques, BAC economists have developed the following demand function for the "London Special":Q D = 1,200,000 − 40PWhat is the point price elasticity of demand at prices of (a) $8,000 and (b) $10,000?ANSWER:(a)(b)POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ChallengingQUESTION TYPE: EssayHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPRPOG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Price Elasticity of DemandKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: AnalysisDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM31. Hanna Corporation markets a compact microwave oven. In 2010 they sold 23,000 units at $375 each. Per capita disposable income in 2010 was $6,750. Hanna economists have determined that the arc price elasticity for this microwave oven is −1.2.(a)In 2011 Hanna is planning to lower the price of the microwave oven to $325. Forecast sales volume for 2011 assuming that all other things remain equal.(b)However, in checking with government economists, Hanna finds that per capita disposable income is expected to rise to $7,000 in 2011. In the past the company has observed an arc income elasticity of +2.5 for microwave ovens. Forecast 2011 sales given that the price is reduces to $325 and that per capita disposable income increases to $7,000. Assume that the price and income effects are independent and additive.ANSWER:(a)Q1 = 23,000 P1 = $375 P2 = $325(b)Price effectIncome effectY2 = 7,000 Y1 = 6,750Net effect = Price effect + Income effect = .1714 + .0909 = .2623Using the initial quantity (Q1 = 23,000) as the base in computing the percentage change yields:Using the average quantity [(Q1 + Q2)/2] as the base in computing the percentage changeyields:POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: ChallengingQUESTION TYPE: EssayHAS VARIABLES: FalseNATIONAL STANDARDS: U nited States - BPRPOG: AnalysisTOPICS: The Combined Effect of Demand ElasticityKEYWORDS: BLOOM’S: AnalysisDATE CREATED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AMDATE MODIFIED: 6/21/2016 8:43 AM。
最后一个显著的群体是55岁以上的老年人,他们构成了新 车消费者的25%,并且这个比例还将升高。老年购买者倾向 于驾驶的安全和方便,包括警告欲睡司机的电子系统、不刺 眼的表盘和简化的电子控制设备。
未来的汽车将变得更加容易操作,并装有智能系统:快速 敏捷的计算机会使发动机和传送系统的运转更加高效;电子 悬浮系统、雷达障碍扫描系统会帮助司机避免车祸;导向系 统在荧屏上显示各种可选择的路线,以帮助司机避免交通堵 塞。自动变色玻璃和红外系统可提高夜间的可视度,刹车防
然而,全球还将会有更大的变化发生,如人们所期望的 1992年欧洲经济体统一、东欧巨变、前苏联经济的发展及中 国市场经济的巨大潜力。
在欧洲和澳大利亚,公司有着巨大的市场潜力,销售网遍 布两大陆,并且在英国、德国、比利时和西班牙都有组装厂。 为准备在欧洲1992年以后的发展,公司在20世纪90年代初收 购了英国的美洲豹股份有限公司,并有意在瑞典的Saab汽车 公司中获得一部分股份。
价格控制。作为特殊商品,药品的价格在中国受到政府的 控制。1997年,国家发展改革委员会颁布了药品定价的原则: ①区分品牌药与非品牌药; ②对比本国同类产品的价格或与 中国经济发展水平相当的其他国家的同类产品价格; ③区分 生产条件符合GMP标准与不符合GMP标准的药物;④区分创 新药物与仿制药。
会计英语Chapter03Summary of Questions by Difficulty Level (DL) and Learning Objective (LO) True/False Item DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO1.Easy C1 23.Hard C2 46.Easy P12.Easy C1 24.Hard C2 47.Easy P13.Med C1 25.Hard C2 48.Easy P14.Med C1 26.Easy C3 49.Easy P15.Easy C2 27.Easy C3 50.Easy P16.Easy C2 28.Easy C3 51.Easy P17.Easy C2 29.Easy C3 52.Med P18.Med C2 30.Easy C3 53.Med P19.Med C2 31.Med C3 54.Med P110.Med C2 32.Med C3 55.Med P111.Med C2 33.Med C3 56.Med P112.Med C2 34.Med C3 57.Hard P113.Med C2 35.Med C3 58.Hard P114.Med C2 36.Hard C3 59.Hard P115.Med C2 37.Med A1 60.Hard P116.Med C2 38.Med A1 61.Easy P217.Med C2 39.Hard A1 62.Easy P218.Med C2 40.Hard A1 63.Easy P319.Med C2 41.Easy A2 64.Easy P320.Med C2 42.Easy A2 65.Med P321.Hard C2 43.Med A2 66.Med P322.Hard C2 44.Med A2 67.Easy P445.Hard A2 68.Easy P4Multiple ChoiceItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO69.Easy C1 93. Easy P1 117. Hard P170.Med C1 94. Easy P1 118. Hard P171.Med C1 95. Med P1 119. Hard P172.Med C1 96. Med P1 120. Hard P173.Med C1 97. Med P1 121. Hard P174.Easy C2 98. Med P1 122. Hard P175.Easy C2 99. Med P1 123. Hard P176.Med C2 100. Med P1 124. Hard P177.Med C2 101. Med P1 125. Hard P178.Med C2 102. Med P1 126. Hard P179.Med C2 103. Med P1 127. Hard P180.Med C2 104. Med P1 128. Hard P181.Med C2 105. Med P1 129. Hard P182.Hard C2 106. Med P1 130. Hard P183.Hard C2 107. Med P1 131. Easy P284.Med C3 108. Med P1 132. Easy P285.Med A1 109. Med P1 133. Med P286.Hard A1 110. Med P1 134. Med P287.Hard A1 111. Med P1 135. Easy P388.Hard A1 112. Med P1 136. Med P389.Easy A2 113. Med P1 137. Med P390.Easy A2 114. Med P1 138. Med P491.Med A2 115. Med P1 139. Med P492.Med A2 116. Hard P1MatchingItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO 140. Med C1,C2 141. Med C1-C3 142. Med P1 P1,P2,A2 P2,P3Short EssayItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO 143. Med C1 148. Hard C3 153. Hard P1 144. Med C2 149. Hard A1 154. Hard P1,P4 145. Med C2 150. Hard A2 155. Easy P2 146. Med C3 151. Easy P1 156. Easy P3 147. Med C3 152. Hard P1 157. Med ProblemsItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO 158. Hard A1 169. Med P1 180. Med P1 159. Hard A1 170. Med P1 181. Hard P2 160. Hard A1 171. Med P1 182. Med P3 161. Hard A1 172. Med P1 183. Med P3 162. Med A2 173. Med P1 184. Med P3 163. Med A2 174. Med P1 185. Med P3 164. Med A2 175. Med P1 186. Med P3 165. Easy P1 176. Med P1 187. Med P3 166. Easy P1 177. Hard P1,P2 188. Med P4 167. Med P1 178. Hard P1,P2 189. Med P4 168. Med P1 179. Hard P1,P4Completion ProblemsItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO 190. Med C1 196. Med C3 202. Easy P1 191. Med C2 197. Med C3 203. Easy P1 192. Med C2 198. Med C3 204. Easy P1 193. Hard C2 199. Med C3 205. Easy P1 194. Med C3 200. Hard A1 206. Med P2 195. Med C3 201. Easy A2 207. Med P3ProblemsItem DL LO Item DL LO Item DL LO208. Med C2, A1 210 Hard C2,P1,P3 212. Hard C2, P1,P3209. Med A2 211. Hard A2True / False Questions1. A company's fiscal year must correspond with the calendar year.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C12. The time period principle assumes that an organization's activities can be divided into specific time periods. TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C13. Interim statements report a company's business activities for a 1-year period.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C14. A fiscal year refers to an organization's accounting period that spans twelve consecutive months or 52 weeks. TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C15. Adjusting entries are made after the preparation of financial statements.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C26. Adjusting entries result in a better matching of revenues and expenses for the period. TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C27. Two main accounting principles used in accrual accounting are matching and full closure. FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C28. Adjusting entries are used to bring asset or liability accounts to their proper amount and update the related expense or revenue account.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C29. The matching principle requires that revenue not be assigned to the accounting period in which it is earned.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C210. The revenue recognition principle is the basis for making adjusting entries that pertain to unearned and accrued revenues.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C211. The cash basis of accounting commonly results in financial statements that are not comparable from period to period.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C212. Under the cash basis of accounting, no adjustments are made for prepaid, unearned, and accrued items.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C213. Since the revenue recognition principle requires that revenues be earned, there are no unearned revenues in accrual accounting.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C214. The matching principle requires that expenses get recorded in the same accounting period as the revenues that are earned as a result of the expenses, not when cash is paid.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C215. The cash basis of accounting is an accounting system in which revenues are reported when cash is received and expenses are reported when cash is paid.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C216. The cash basis of accounting recognizes revenues when cash payments from customers are received.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C217. The accrual basis of accounting recognizes revenues when cash is received from customers.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C218. The accrual basis of accounting recognized expenses when cash is paid.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C219. Recording revenues early overstates current-period income; recording revenues late understates current period income. TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C220. Recording expenses early overstates current-period income; recording expenses late understates current period income. FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C221. Prior to recording adjusting entries at the end of an accounting period, some accounts may not show proper financial statement amounts even though all transactions were correctly recorded.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C222. A company paid $9,000 for a six-month insurance policy. The policy coverage began on February 1. On February 28, $150 of insurance expense must be recorded.FALSEExpense = $9,000/6 = $1,500AACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C223. On October 15, a company received $15,000 cash as a down payment on a consulting contract. The amount was credited to Unearned Consulting Revenue. By October 31, 10% of the services required by the contract were completed. The company will record consulting revenue of $1,500 from this contract for October.TRUERevenue = $15,000 x 10% = $1,500AACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C224. The accrual basis of accounting reflects the principle that revenue is recorded when it is earned, not when cash is received.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C225. The accrual basis of accounting requires adjustments to recognize revenues in the periods they are earned and to match expenses with revenues.TRUEDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C226. Adjusting entries are designed primarily to correct accounting errors.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C327. Adjustments are necessary to bring an asset or liability account to its proper amount and also update a related expense or revenue account.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C328. Each adjusting entry can only affect a balance sheet account.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C329. Accrued expenses at the end of one accounting period are expected to result in cash payments in a future period. TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C330. Accrued revenues at the end of one accounting period are expected to result in cash payments in a future period. FALSEDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: C331. Each adjusting entry affects only one or more income statement account and never cash. FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C332. Accrued expenses reflect transactions where cash is paid before a related expense is recognized.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C333. Under the accrual basis of accounting, adjustments are often made for prepaid expenses and unearned revenues. TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C334. The entry to record a cash receipt from a customer when the service to be provided has not yet been performed involvesa debit to an unearned revenue account.FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C335. Costs incurred during an accounting period but that are unpaid and unrecorded are accrued expenses.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: C336. An adjusting entry often includes an entry to Cash.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: C337. Before an adjusting entry is made to recognize the cost of expired insurance for the period, Prepaid Insurance and Insurance Expense are both overstated.FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A138. Before an adjusting entry is made to accrue employee salaries, Salaries Expense and Salaries Payable are both understated.TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A139. Failure to record depreciation expense will overstate the asset and understate the expense. TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A140. A company's month-end adjusting entry for Insurance Expense is $1,000. If this entry is not made then expenses are understated by $1,000 and net income is overstated by $1,000. TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A141. Profit margin can also be called return on sales.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: A242. Profit margin measures the relation of debt to assets.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: A243. Profit margin reflects the percent of profit in each dollar of revenue.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A244. Profit margin is calculated by dividing net sales by net income.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: A245. Ben and Jerry's had total assets of $149,501,000, net income of $6,242,000, and net sales of $209,203,000. Its profit margin was 2.98%.TRUE$6,242,000/$209,203,000 = 2.98%AACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: A246. A contra account is an account linked with another account; it is added to that account to show the proper amount for the item recorded in the associated account.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P147. If on January 1, 2009 a company paid $18,000 cash for one year of rent in advance and adjusting entries are made at the end of each month, the balance of Prepaid Rent as of December 1, 2009 should be $1,500.TRUE$18,000 x 1/12 = $1,500AACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P148. Accumulated depreciation is shown on the balance sheet as a subtraction from the cost of its related asset.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P149. A salary owed to employees is an example of an accrued expense.TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P150. In accrual accounting, accrued revenues are recorded as liabilities.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P151. Depreciation expense is an example of an accrued expense.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: EasyLearning Objective: P152. Earned but uncollected revenues are recorded during the adjusting process with a credit to a revenue and a debit to an expense.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P153. Depreciation expense for a period is the portion of a plant asset's cost that is allocated to that period.TRUEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P154. All plant assets, including land, eventually wear out or decline in usefulness.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P155. Net income for a period will be overstated if accrued salaries are not recorded at the end of the accounting period. TRUEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P156. Depreciation measures the decline in market value of an asset.FALSEAACSB: CommunicationsAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: MediumLearning Objective: P157. A company owes its employees $5,000 for the year ended December 31. It will pay employees on January 6 for the previous two weeks' salaries. The year-end adjusting on entry on December 31 will include a debit to Salaries Expense and a credit to Cash.FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: Decision MakingDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: P158. A company purchased $6,000 worth of supplies in August and recorded the purchase in the Supplies account. On August 31, the fiscal year-end, the supplies count equaled $3,200. The adjusting entry would include a $2,800 debit to Supplies. FALSEAACSB: AnalyticAICPA BB: IndustryAICPA FN: MeasurementDifficulty: HardLearning Objective: P1。
Chapter 5 光束限制
5.2 视场光阑
物方视场角: 入射窗的边缘对入瞳中心的张角. 像方视场角: 出射窗的边缘对入瞳中心的张角. 若物位于无穷远,物方视场的大小以物方视场角表示
Chapter 5 光束限制
(1)用计算法或作图法求每一光阑被它前面光组在物空 间所成的像;
Chapter 5 光束限制
的张角2 半视场角与也可以表示光组视场的大小,因此常 把与称为视场角。
Chapter 5 光束限制
视场光阑是对一定位置的孔径光阑而言的。当孔径光阑位置 改变时,原来的视场光阑将可能被另外的光孔所代替。
Chapter 5 光束限制
5.1 孔径光阑
M1 M2
Chapter 5 光束限制
U— 物方孔径角
U′— 像方孔径角
Q Q Q2
U' y' P
Chapter 5 光束限制
入瞳(Entrance pupil) :孔径光阑被其前面的光学镜组在物空 间所成的像.
Chapter 5 光束限制
5.1 孔径光阑
相对孔径: 入射光瞳直径/系统焦距, A D f .相对孔径A越大,
表明能进入系统的光能也越多. 而照相机,则常用另一个术语—
第一课SIDE BY SIDE 一起,肩并肩地 BOOK 1 CHAPTER:[’tʃæptɚ]章,回 ONE Page 1 V ocabulary 词汇;语汇Preview 预看1。
alphabet:['ælfə,bɛt]字母表Aa Ba Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt UuVv Ww Xx Yy Zz2。
numbers0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 104.address5.telephone number phone numberPAGE 2 What’s your name? ListenWhat’s your name? My name is Maria.What's your address? My adress is 235 Main street What’s your phone number? My phone number is 7418906.Where are you from? I’m from Mexico City。
Page 3 How to Say it!Meeting People ListenA。
Hello.My name is Peter Lewis。
B.Hi.I’m Nancy Lee。
Nice to meet you。
Nice to meet you,too。
page 4What’s your name? ListenMy name is David Carter。
I’m American. I'm fro m San Francisco。
(旧金山)My name is Mrs。
Grant. My phone number is 549—2376。
My name is Ms,Martinez。
My telephone number is (213)694—5555.My fax[fæks]传真机number is (213)694—5557.My name is Peter Black。
68-习题作业-Exercises in Chapter 3(Lexicon)
the rest has been borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed. ( )
are attached. ( )
25. Bound morphemes can be used independently under certain circumstance. ( ) 26. Inflectional morphemes can always change the classes of the words to which they
II .Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper word. 11.“Gentle” is the ___________ of the word “gentlemanliness. 12.Some morphemes like “water”, “desire”, “work”, “able” and “like” constitute
morphemes. ( )
23. All words have morphs but not necessarily allomorphs. ( ) 24. Derivational morphemes can never change the class of the words to which they
D. clipped words
6. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is .
序号标准名称版本1 VDA1质量证据-质量要求的文件化和存档指南 2008年10月第3版2 VDA2 供方选择、质量保证协议、生产过程和产品放行 (PPF)、批量生产中的质量绩效、成分申报(I M D S)2004年第4版3 可靠性管理-确保汽车制造商的可靠性可靠性管理-确保汽车制造商的可靠性2000年第3版4可靠性管理-工具和方法2004年第3次印刷5V D A4(章节0/C h a p t e r0)质量保证方法和工具介绍2003年6D A4(章节1/C h a p t e r1)基本工具2003年第4版7V D A4(章节2/C h a p t e r2)开发过程2003年第4版8V D A4(章节3/C h a p t e r3)产品与过程F M E A2008年9V D A4(章节4/C h a p t e r4)失效树分析(F T A)2003年10V D A4(章节5/C h a p t e r5)试验设计(D O E)2003年11V D A4(章节6/C h a p t e r6)质量功能展开(Q F D)2003年12V D A4(章节7/C h a p t e r7)过程能力2005年13V D A4(章节8/C h a p t e r8)过程的经济设计2004年14开发过程–项目策划1998年15V D A5测量系统分析(测量不确定度)2003年第1版16V D A6质量审核的基本标准2008年第5版17质量体系审核:有形产品2003,第4次修订18质量体系审核:无形产品2004年,第2版19过程审核1998年,第1版20质量体系审核:工装和设备2005年,第2版21产品审核2008年,第2版22过程审核:工装和设备2005年,第1版23V D A7质量数据交换(Q D X)2005年,第1版24V D A8拖车生产商的管理体系最低要求2004年,第3版25 VDA9轿车生产测试的符合性:排放和燃油消耗系统的质量保证 2005年,第2版26V D A10供应网络中的顾客满意C S I)2001年,第1版27V D A11成功实施,I S O/T S169492003年,第1版28V D A12过程导向2002年,第1版29V D A13开发软件控制系统2004年,第1版30V D A14过程管理中的预防性质量管理方法2008年5月,第1版31V D A16装饰表面处理2008年,第2版32V D A17物流过程分析(O d e t t e)1999年9月,第版33V D A18汽车行业卓越管理(A E)2003年,第2版34模式2000年,第1版35卓越管理模式及其评估系统介绍2000年,第1版36卓越管理基石2000年,第1版37大型公司的卓越管理2000年,第1版38评审员评估手册2000年,第1版39由和I S O/T S16949:2002迈向卓越管理2004年,第1版40建立汽车行业卓越模式关键绩效指标(K P I)系统2003年,第1版41汽车行业卓越管理(A E)-案例研究2005年,第1版42汽车行业卓越管理(A E)案例研究评估手册2005年,第1版43V D A19颗粒清洁技术标准2004年,第1版44汽车零件产品建议书V D A标准样板(S O W)2007年11月,第1版45 供应链中共同的质量管理体系–新零件的成熟度保障(CDP) 2006年11月,第1版46稳健生产过程(R P P)2007年11月,第1版。
Chapter 1 – Brief History of AviationChapter 2 – DeregulationChapter 3 – Structure of the IndustryChapter 4 – Airline EconomicsChapter 5 – How Aircraft FlyChapter 6 – SafetyChapter 7 – SecurityChapter 8 – AirportsChapter 9 – Air Traffic ControlChapter 10 – Airlines and the Environment5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks) 6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage) 11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe) 21章空调(Air Conditioning)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章.防火(Fire Protection)27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机吊舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)安定面56章窗户(Windows)57章机翼(Wings)70章标准施工—发动机(Standard Practices—Engines) 71章动力装置(Power Plant( Package))72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))01 INTRODUCTION05 PERIODIC INSPECTIONS06 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS07 LIFTING AND SHORING08 LEVELING AND WEIGHING09 TOWING AND TAXIING10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE AND RETURN TO SERVICE11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS12 SERVICING - ROUTINE MAINTENANCE18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY)20 STANDARD PRACTICES - AIRFRAME21 AIR CONDITIONING22 AUTO FLIGHT23 COMMUNICATIONS24 ELECTRICAL POWER25 EQUIPMENT / FURNISHINGS26 FIRE PROTECTION27 FLIGHT CONTROLS28 FUEL29 HYDRAULIC POWER30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION31 INDICATING / RECORDING SYSTEMS32 LANDING GEAR33 LIGHTS34 NAVIGATION35 OXYGEN36 PNEUMATIC37 VACUUM38 WATER / WASTE39 ELECTRICAL - ELECTRONIC PANELS AND MULTIPURPOSE COMPONENTS 41 WATER BALLAST45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM (CMS)46 INFORMATION SYSTEMS49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER51 STANDARD PRACTICES AND STRUCTURES - GENERAL52 DOORS53 FUSELAGE54 NACELLES / PYLONS55 STABILIZERS56 WINDOWS57 WINGS60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER / ROTOR61 PROPELLERS / PROPULSORS62 MAIN ROTOR(S)63 MAIN ROTOR DRIVE(S)64 TAIL ROTOR65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE66 ROTOR BLADE AND TAIL PYLON FOLDING67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINE71 POWER PLANT - GENERAL72 ENGINE72(T) ENGINE - TURBINE / TURBOPROP, DUCTED FAN / UNDUCTED FAN 72(R) ENGINE - RECIPROCATING73 ENGINE - FUEL AND CONTROL74 IGNITION75 BLEED AIR76 ENGINE CONTROLS77 ENGINE INDICATING78 EXHAUST79 OIL80 STARTING81 TURBINES (RECIPROCATING ENGINES)82 WATER INJECTION83 ACCESSORY GEAR BOXES (ENGINE DRIVEN)84 PROPULSION AUGMENTATION91 CHARTS5章时间限制、维修检查(Time Limits,Maint. Checks)6章尺寸和区域(Dimensions and Access Panels)7章顶起和支撑(Lifting and Shoring)8章对准和称重(Leveling and Weighing)9章飞机拖曳(Towing and Taxiing)10章飞机停场,系留,封存(Parking,Mooring,Storage)11章标牌和铭记(Placards and Markings)12章勤务(Servicing)BMS3-33润滑脂的介绍20章标准施工---机体(Standard Practices---Airframe)21章空调(Air Conditioning)空调出口温度高原创]关于737-300/500的空调空中超温,会有那些原因引起呢(专业贴)22章自动飞行(Auto Flight)737NG的Y/D故障分析供大家参考23章通讯(Communications)24章电源(Electrical Power)IDG和GEN B2972电源及APU自动关车排故思路之分析25章设备/装饰(Equipment/Furnishings)26章防火(Fire Protection)有关737灭火瓶...... 火警探测27章飞行操纵(Flight Controls)28章燃油(Fuel)737飞机燃油浮子电门29章液压源(Hydraulic Power)液压问题关于液压保险在液压管路的作用和位置请教液压系统故障30章防冰和排雨(Ice and Rain Protection)31章指示/记录系统(Indicating/Recording system)32章起落架(Landing Gear)如何延长飞机轮胎的使用寿命前轮磨损谁能说说金属刹车片和碳刹车片的优缺点请问哪位对防滞刹车结构熟悉的,简单介绍一下,谢谢那里有资料,网上有吗请教:飞机换轮子的时候为什么要转动轮子一起B737-300飞机使用自动速度刹车时,AUTO SPEED BRAKE 跳开关跳开33章灯光(Lights)34章导航(Navigation)35章氧气(Oxygen)36章气源(Pneumatic)一起引气故障导致的增压故障(B737NG)37章真空(Vacuum)38章水/污水(Water/waste)45章中央维护系统(Central maintenance System)49章机载辅助动力装置(Airborne Auxiliary Power)APU启动不起来了! 维护灯亮51章结构与标准施工(Structures & Standard Practices) 52章舱门(Doors)53章机身(Fuselage)54章发动机短舱/吊架(Nacelles/Pylons)55章稳定装置(Stabilizers)56章窗户(windows)[讨论]玻璃上裂纹深度的测量57章机翼(wings)70章标准施工---发动机(Standard Practices---Engines)71章动力装置(Power Plant (Package))IAEV2500系列发动机试车总结72章发动机(内部)(Engine (Internals))73章发动机燃油和控制(Engine Fuel and Control)74章点火装置(Ignition)75章发动机空气(Air)76章发动机操纵(Engine Controls)77章发动机指示(Engine Indicating)78章排气系统(Exhaust)737反推故障79章发动机滑油系统(Oil)80章发动机起动(Starting)82章注水(Water Injecting)91章图表(不同性质的)(Charts (Miscellaneous))ATA Specification 22001 *Reserved for Airline Use2 *Reserved for Airline Use3 *Reserved for Airline Use4 *Reserved for Airline Use5 TIME LIMITS/ MAINTENANCE CHECKS-00 General-10 Time Limits-20 Scheduled Maintenance Checks-30 & -40 Reserved-50 Unscheduled Maintenance checks6 DIMENSIONS AND AREAS7 LIFTING & SHORING-00 General-10 Jacking-20 Shoring8 LEVELING & WEIGHING-00 General-10 Weighing and Balancing-20 Leveling9 TOWING & TAXIING-00 General-10 Towing-20 Taxiing10 PARKING, MOORING, STORAGE & RETURN TO SERVICE -00 General-10 Parking/Storage-20 Mooring-30 Return to Service11 PLACARDS AND MARKINGS-00 General-10 Exterior Color Schemes and Markings-20 Exterior Placards and Markings-30 Interior Placards12 SERVICING-00 General-10 Replenishing-20 Scheduled Servicing-30 Unscheduled Servicing13 *Unassigned14 *Unassigned15 *Unassigned16 *Unassigned17 *Unassigned18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS (HELICOPTER ONLY) -00 GENERAL --10 VIBRATION ANALYSIS-20 NOISE ANALYSIS19 *Unassigned20 STANDARD PRACTICES-AIRFRAME-90 *Reserved for Airline Use21 AIR CONDITIONING-00 General-10 Compression-20 Distribution-30 Pressurization Control-40 Heating-50 Cooling-60 Temperature Control-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant22 AUTO FLIGHT-00 General-10 Autopilot-20 Speed-Attitude Correction-30 Auto Throttle-40 System Monitor-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating23 COMMUNICATIONS-00 General-10 Speech Communications-15 SATCOM-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling -30 Comfort-40 Interphone-50 Audio Integrating-60 Static Discharging-70 Audio & Video Monitoring-80 Integrated Automatic24 ELECTRICAL POWER-00 General-10 Generator Drive-20 AC Generation-30 DC Generation-40 External Power-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution -60 DC Electrical Load Distribution 25 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Galley-40 Lavatories-50 Additional Compartments-60 Emergency-70 Available-80 Insulation26 FIRE PROTECTION-00 General-10 Detection-20 Extinguishing-30 Explosion Suppression27 FLIGHT CONTROLS-00 General-10 Aileron & Tab-20 Rudder & Tab-30 Elevator & Tab-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-50 Flaps-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -70 Gust Lock & Dampener-80 Lift Augmenting28 FUEL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dump-40 Indicating29 HYDRAULIC POWER-00 General-10 Main-20 Auxiliary-30 Indicating30 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION-00 General-10 Airfoil-20 Air Intakes-30 Pitot and Static-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors -50 Antennas and Radomes-60 Propellers/Rotors-70 Water Lines-80 Detection31 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Instrument & Control Panels-20 Independent Instruments-30 Recorders-40 Central Computers-50 Central Warning Systems-60 Central Display Systems-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems 32 LANDING GEAR-00 General-10 Main Gear and Doors-20 Nose Gear and Doors-30 Extension and Retraction-40 Wheels and Brakes-50 Steering-60 Position and Warning-70 Supplementary Gear33 LIGHTS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -40 Exterior-50 Emergency Lighting34 NAVIGATION-00 General-10 Flight Environment-20 Attitude & Direction-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-40 Independent Position Determining -50 Dependent Position Determining -60 Flight Management Computing35 OXYGEN-00 General-10 Crew-20 Passenger-20 Passenger-30 Portable36 PNEUMATIC-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating37 VACUUM-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Indicating38 WATER/WASTE-00 General-10 Potable-20 Wash-30 Waste Disposal-40 Air Supply39 *Unassigned40 *Unassigned41 WATER BALLAST-00 General-10 Storage-20 Dump-30 Indication42 *Unassigned43 *Unassigned44 CABIN SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Cabin Core System-20 Inflight Entertainment System -30 External Communication System -40 Cabin Mass Memory System-50 Cabin Monitoring System-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System45 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE SYSTEM-00 General-5 thru -19 CMS/Aircraft General -20 thru -49 CMS/Airframe Systems -45 Central Maintenance System-50 thru -59 CMS/Structures-60 thru -69 CMS/Propellers-70 thru -89 CMS/Power Plant45INFORMATION SYSTEMS-00 General-10 Airplane General Information Systems -20 Flight Deck Information Systems-30 Maintenance Information Systems-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems -50 Miscellaneous Information Systems47 *Unassigned48 *Unassigned49 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER-00 General-10 Power Plant-20 Engine-30 Engine Fuel and Control-40 Ignition/Starting-50 Air-60 Engine Controls .-70 Indicating-80 Exhaust-90 Oil50 Cargo and Accessory Compartments-00 General-10 Cargo Compartments-20 Cargo Loading Systems-30 Cargo Related Systems-40 Available-50 Accessory-60 Insulation51 Standard Practices, General-00 General-10 Investigation, Cleanup and Aerodynamic Smoothness-20 Processes-30 Materials-40 Fasteners-50 Support of Airplane for Repair and Alignment Check Procedures -60 Control-Surface Balancing-70 Repairs-80 Electrical Bonding52 DOORS-00 General-10 Passenger/Crew-20 Emergency Exit-30 Cargo-40 Service and Miscellaneous-50 Fixed Interior-60 Entrance Stairs-70 Monitoring and Operation-80 Landing Gear53 FUSELAGE-00 General-10 thru -90 (As Required) Fuselage Sections54 NACELLES/PYLONS-00 General-10 thru -40 (As Required) Nacelle Section -50 thru -80 (As Required) Pylon55 STABILIZERS-00 General-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-20 Elevator-30 Vertical Stabilizer-40 Rudder56 WINDOWS-00 General-10 Flight Compartment-20 Passenger Compartment-30 Door-40 Inspection and Observation57 WINGS-00 General-10 Center Wing-20 Outer Wing-30 Wing Tip-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices -50 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Devices-60 Ailerons and Elevons-70 Spoilers-80 (as required)-90 Wing Folding System58 *Unassigned59 *Reserved for Airline Use60 STANDARD PRACTICES - PROPELLER/ROTOR61 PROPELLERS/PROPULSION-00 General-10 Propeller Assembly-20 Controlling-30 Braking-40 Indicating-50 Propulsor Duct62 ROTOR(S)-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Rotor head(s)-30 Rotor Shaft(s)/Swashplate Assy(ies) -4063 ROTOR DRIVE(S)-00 General-10 Engine/Gearbox couplings-20 Gearbox(es)-30 Mounts, attachments-40 Indicating64 TAIL ROTOR-00 General-10* Rotor blades-20* Rotor head-30 Available-40 Indicating65 TAIL ROTOR DRIVE-00 General-10 Shafts-20 Gearboxes-30 Available-40 Indicating66 FOLDING BLADES/PYLON-00 General-10 Rotor blades-20 Tail pylon-30 Controls and Indicating67 ROTORS FLIGHT CONTROL-00 General-10 Rotor-20 Anti-torque Rotor control (Yaw control) -30 Servo-control System68 *Unassigned69*Unassigned70 STANDARD PRACTICES - ENGINES71 POWER PLANT-00 General-10 Cowling-30 Fireseals-40 Attach Fittings-50 Electrical Harness-60 Air Intakes-70 Engine Drains72 ENGINE TURBINE/TURBO PROP DUCTED FAN/UNDUCTED FAN-00 General-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted Gear Driven Propulsor)-20 Air Inlet Section-30 Compressor Section-40 Combustion Section-50 Turbine Section-60 Accessory Drives-70 By-pass Section-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted)73 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL-00 General-10 Distribution-20 Controlling-30 Indicating74 IGNITION-00 General-10 Electrical Power-20 Distribution-30 Switching75 AIR-00 General-10 Engine Anti-Icing-20 Cooling-30 Compressor Control-40 Indicating76 ENGINE CONTROLS-00 General-10 Power Control-20 Emergency Shutdown77 ENGINE INDICATING-00 General-10 Power-20 Temperature-30 Analyzers That-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems 78 EXHAUST-00 General-10 Collector/Nozzle-20 Noise Suppressor-30 Thrust Reverser-40 Supplementary Air79 OIL-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Indicating80 STARTING-00 General-10 Cranking81 TURBINES-00 General-10 Power Recovery-20 Turbo-Supercharger82 WATER INJECTION-00 General-10 Storage-20 Distribution-30 Dumping and Purging-40 Indicating83 ACCESSORY GEAR-BOXES-00 General-10 Drive Shaft Section-20 Gearbox Section84 Propulsion Augmentation -00 General-10 Jet Assist Takeoff85 *Unassigned86 *Unassigned87 *Unassigned88 *Unassigned89 *Unassigned90 *Unassigned91 CHARTS92 *Unassigned93 *Unassigned94 *Unassigned95 *Reserved for Airline Use96 *Reserved for Airline Use97 WIRING REPORTING-00-00 General-01-00 Zone 100 Fuselage Lower-02-00 Zone 200 Fuselage Top-03-00 Zone 300 Stabilizers-04-00 Zone 400 Nacelles-Pylons-05-00 Zone 500 Left Wing-06-00 Zone 600 Right Wing-07-00 Zone 700 Landing Gear Compartment -08-00 Zone 800 Doors-09-00 Zone 900 Lavatories & Galleys-20-00 Electrical Standard Items/Practices -21-00 Air Conditioning - General-21-10 Compression-21-20 Distribution-21-30 Pressurization Control-21-40 Heating-21-50 Cooling-21-60 Temperature Control-21-70 Moisture/Air Contaminant Control-22-00 Auto Flight - General-22-10 Autopilot-22-20 Speed - Attitude Correction-22-30 Auto Throttle-22-40 System Monitors-22-50 Aerodynamic Load Alleviating-23-00 Communications - General-23-10 Speech Communications-23-15 SATCOM-23-20 Data Transmission and Automatic Calling-23-30 Passenger Address, Entertainment and Comfort -23-40 Interphone-23-50 Audio Integrating-23-60 Static Discharging-23-70 Audio and Video Monitoring-23-80 Integrated Automatic Tuning-24-00 Electrical Power - General-24-10 Generator Drive-24-20 AC Generation-24-30 DC Generation-24-40 External Power-24-50 AC Electrical Load Distribution-24-60 DC Electrical Load Distribution-25-00 Equipment/Furnishings - General-25-10 Flight Compartment-25-20 Passenger Compartment-25-30 Galley-25-40 Lavatories-25-60 Emergency-25-80 Insulation-26-00 Fire Protection - General-26-10 Detection-26-20 Extinguishing-26-30 Explosion Suppression-27-00 Flight Controls - General-27-10 Aileron & Tab-27-20 Rudder & Tab-27-30 Elevator & Tab-27-40 Horizontal Stabilizer-27-50 Flaps-27-60 Spoiler, Drag Devices and Variable Aerodynamic Fairings -27-70 Gust Lock & Dampener-27-80 Lift Augmenting-28-00 Fuel - General-28-10 Storage-28-20 Distribution-28-30 Dump-28-40 Indicating-29-00 Hydraulic Power - General-29-10 Main-29-20 Auxiliary-29-30 Indicating-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection - General-30-10 Airfoil-30-20 Air Intakes-30-30 Pitot and Static-30-40 Windows, Windshields and Doors-30-50 Antennas And Radomes-30-60 Propellers/Rotors-30-70 Water Lines-30-80 Detection-31-00 Indicating/Recording Systems - General-31-10 Instrument and Control Panels-31-20 Independent Instruments-31-30 Recorders-31-40 Central Computers-31-50 Central Warning Systems-31-60 Central Display Systems-31-70 Automatic Data Reporting Systems -32-00 Landing Gear- General-32-10 Main Gear and Doors-32-20 Nose Gear and Doors-32-30 Extension and Retraction-32-40 Wheels and Brakes-32-50 Steering-32-60 Position And Warning-32-70 Supplementary Gear-33-00 Lights - General-33-10 Flight Compartment-33-20 Passenger Compartment-33-30 Cargo and Service Compartments -33-40 Exterior-33-50 Emergency Lighting-34-00 Navigation - General-34-10 Flight Environment Data-34-20 Attitude & Direction-34-30 Landing and Taxiing Aids-34-40 Independent Position Determining -34-50 Dependent Position Determining-34-60 Flight Management Computing-35-00 Oxygen - General-35-10 Crew-35-20 Passenger-35-30 Portable-36-00 Pneumatic - General-36-10 Distribution-36-20 Indicating-37-00 Vacuum - General-37-10 Distribution-37-20 Indicating-38-00 Water/Waste - General-38-10 Potable-38-20 Wash-38-30 Waste Disposal-38-40 Air Supply-44-00 Cabin Systems - General-44-10 Cabin Core System-44-20 In-flight Entertainment System-44-30 External Communication System-44-40 Cabin Mass Memory System-44-50 Cabin Monitoring System-44-60 Miscellaneous Cabin System-45-00 Central Maintenance System (CMS) General -45-05 CMS/Aircraft General-45-20 CMS/Airframe Systems-45-45 Central Maintenance System-45-50 CMS/Structures-45-60 CMS/Propellers-45-70 CMS/Power Plant-46-00 Information Systems - General-46-10 Airplane General Information Systems-46-20 Flight Deck Information Systems-46-30 Maintenance Information Systems-46-40 Passenger Cabin Information Systems-46-50 Miscellaneous Information Systems-49-00 Airborne Auxiliary Power - General-49-10 Power Plant-49-20 Engine-49-30 Engine Fuel And Control-49-40 Ignition And Starting-49-50 Air-49-60 Engine Controls-49-70 Indicating-49-80 Exhaust-49-90 Oil-50-00 Cargo And Accessory Compartments General -50-10 Cargo Compartments-50-20 Cargo Loading Systems-50-30 Cargo Related Systems-50-40 Available-50-50 Accessory Compartments-50-60 Insulation-52-00 Doors - General-52-10 Passenger/Crew-52-20 Emergency Exit-52-30 Cargo-52-40 Service-52-50 Fixed Interior-52-60 Entrance Stairs-52-70 Door Warning-52-80 Landing Gear-53-00 Fuselage - General-54-00 Nacelles/Pylons - General-54-10 Nacelle Section-54-50 Pylon-55-00 Stabilizers - General-55-10 Horizontal Stabilizer or Canard-55-20 Elevator-55-30 Vertical Stabilizer-55-40 Rudder-56-00 Windows - General-56-10 Flight Compartment-56-20 Passenger Compartment-56-30 Door-56-40 Inspection and Observation-57-00 Wings - General-57-10 Center Wing-57-20 Outer Wing-57-30 Wing Tip-57-40 Leading Edge and Leading Edge Devices-57-50 Trailing Edge and Trailing Edge Devices-57-60 Ailerons-57-70 Spoilers-57-90 Wing Folding System-61-00 Propellers/Propulsors - General-61-10 Propeller Assembly-61-20 Controlling-61-30 Braking-61-40 Indicating-61-50 Propulsor Duct-62-00 Rotors-63-00 Rotor Drives-64-00 Tail Rotor-65-00 Tail Rotor Drive-66-00 Folding Blades/Pylon-67-00 Rotors Flight Control-71-00 Power Plant - General-71-10 Cowling-71-20 Mounts-71-30 Fire seals-71-40 Attach Fittings-71-50 Electrical Harness-71-60 Air Intakes-71-70 Engine Drains-72-00 Engine Turbine/Turbo Prop Ducted Fan/Unducted Fan-72-10 Reduction Gear, Shaft Section (Turbo-Prop and/or Front Mounted GearDriven Propulsor)-72-20 Air Inlet Section-72-30 Compressor Section-72-40 Combustion Section-72-50 Turbine Section-72-60 Accessory Drives-72-70 By-pass Section-72-80 Propulsor Section (Rear Mounted) -73-00 Engine Fuel And Control - General -73-10 Distribution-73-20 Controlling-73-30 Indicating-74-00 Ignition - General-74-10 Electrical Power Supply-74-20 Distribution-74-30 Switching-75-00 Air - General-75-10 Engine Anti-Icing-75-20 Cooling-75-30 Compressor Control-75-40 Indicating-76-00 Engine Controls - General-76-10 Power Control-76-20 Emergency Shutdown-77-00 Engine Indicating - General-77-10 Power-77-20 Temperature-77-30 Analyzers-77-40 Integrated Engine Instrument Systems -78-00 Exhaust - General-78-10 Collector/Nozzle-78-20 Noise Suppressor-78-30 Thrust Reverser-78-40 Supplementary Air-79-00 Oil - General-79-10 Storage-79-30 Indicating-80-00 Starting - General-80-10 Cranking98 *Reserved for Airline Use99 *Unassigned100 *Do not use101 *Do not use102 *Do not use103 *Do not use104 *Do not use105 *Do not use106 *Do not use107 *Do not use108 *Do not use109 *Do not use110 *Do not use111 *Do not use112 *Do not use113 *Do not use114 *Do not use115 Flight Simulator Systems。
初中英语总汇七年级上册Chapter 11.rugby n.橄榄球运动2.title n.标题3.greeting n.问候4.signature n.签名5.address n.地址6.pen-friend n.笔友7.Walker n.沃克8.Newcastle n.纽卡斯尔9.magazine n.杂志10.own v.拥有11.architect n.建筑师12.form n.年级13.friendly adj.友好的14.keen adj.喜爱的15.physics n.物理学16.engineer n.工程师17.wishes n.【pl】祝愿18.length n.长度19.height n.高度20.blond adj.金色的21.birth n.出生22.express v.表达23.rat n.老鼠24.age n.年龄25.excellent adj.优秀的26.dancer n.舞蹈家短语work as 从事...工作be keen on 热衷于in the middle 在中间reply to 回复hear from 收到(某人)来信Chapter 21.motorbike n.摩托车2.probably adv.大概,或许3.whizz-kid n.神童4.top adj.(位置、级别或程度)最高的5.business n.公司6.uniform n.校服7.discuss v.讨论8.client n.客户9.achieve v.达到10.grade n.成绩等级11.fail v.失败12.exam n.考试13.collect v.接走14.return v.返回15.attend v.参加16.club n.俱乐部17.assist v.帮助18.violin n.小提琴19.continue v.继续20.guard n.警卫21.construction n.建筑22.messenger n.邮差23.dentist n.牙医24.manager n.经理25.accountant n.会计26.correct adj.正确的27.explain v.解释28.politeness n.礼貌29.electricity n.电30.cell n.细胞31.energy n.能量32.force n.力量33.temperature n.温度34.questionnaire n.问卷调查35.daydream v.做白日梦36.physical adj.身体的37.temper n.脾气38.truth n.真相39.jogging n.慢跑40.balcony n.阳台短语physical exercises 体育锻炼lose one’s temper 发脾气Chapter 31.ferry n.渡船2.dial v.拨号3.ambulance n.救护车4.fire service n.消防队5.argue v.吵架6.trouble n.麻烦7.tourist n.游客8.stare v.盯着9.steal v.偷窃10.purse n.钱包11.missing adj.遗失的12.hurry v.赶快13.aboard adv.上(船飞机等)14.report v.举报15.theft v.偷窃16.handcuffs n.(复)手铐17.thief n.小偷18.notice v.注意19.rather adv. 相当20.weight n.体重21.baseball n.棒球运动22.press v.按23.switch v.用开关开(或关)24.apologize v.抱歉25.record v.录音26.record n.按钮27.discover v.发现28.robbery v.抢劫29.helicopter n.直升飞机30.programme n.节目短语deal with 解决hold out 取出Chapter 41.decimal adj.小数的2.odd adj.基数的3.plus prep.加4.fraction n.分数5.subtract v.从…减去6.minus prep. 减7.multiply v.乘8.times prep.乘9.divide v.除,除以10.degree n.度,度数11.percentage n百分数. 12.even adj.偶数的13.equal v.等于14.Egyptian n.埃及人15.invent v,发明16.system n.系统17.especially adv.尤其,特别18.calculate v.计算19.brain n.大脑20.International adj.国际的21.ancient adj.古代的22.however adv.然而,不过23.nearly adv.几乎,差不多24.count v.数数25.Indian n.印度人26.develop v.发展27.invention n.发明28.abacus n.算盘29.accurate adj.精确的,准确无误的30.bead n.(有孔的)珠子31.wire n.丝,线32.bottom adj.底部的33.figure n.数字34.electronic adj.电子的35.square root n. 平方根36.powerful adj.强大的, 强有力的37.calculation n 计算.38.change n.找零39.flight n.航班40.kid n.(非正式)小孩41.separately adv.分别的42.double adj.双的,成双的43.check v.核对44.instruction n.指导,指令45.decide v.决定46.total adj.总的47.announcement n.公告48.decision n.决定49.fellow adj. 同伴的,同类的50.traffic n.交通51.accident n. 事故52.rise v.上升短语at least 至少consist of 由…组成stand for 代表in a flash 一瞬间Chapter 51.astronaut n.宇航员2.rocket n.火箭3.telescope n.望远镜4.monster n.怪物,妖怪5.captain n.机长6.towards prep.向,朝着nd v.登陆8.unknown adj.未知的9.pilot n.飞行员10.cave n.洞穴11.navigator n.导航员12.suddenly adv.突然地13.roar v.吼叫,怒吼14.kill v.杀15.alien n.外星人16.bar n.长条,棒17.steel n.钢18.plan n.计划19.appear v.出现20.trust v.信任,信赖21.reply v. 回答22.underground n.地铁23.unfortunately adv.不幸地24.suggestion n.建议25.passenger n.乘客26.court n.球场27.intention n.目的28.housework n.家务29.forecast n.预报,预测30.invitation n.邀请31.invite v.邀请32.survey n.调查33.arrange v.安排34.quiz n.智力游戏35.suitable adj.合适的petition n.比赛,竞赛37.cycling n.骑自行车运动38.sailing n.帆船运动39.barbecue n.烧烤40.special adj.特殊的,特别的短语go through 穿过,通过in pieces 成为碎片Oriental Pearl TV Tower东方明珠电视塔dress up 装扮,打扮Chapter 61.blow v.吹2.escape v.逃跑3.almost adv. 几乎4.immediately adv.立即,立刻5.snore n.打呼噜,打鼾ser n.激光7.torch n.手电筒8.interrupt v.打岔,插嘴9.otherwise adv.不然,否则10.cage n.笼子11.aim v.瞄准12.beam n.光线,光束13.attack v.攻击,袭击14.damage v.损害,伤害15.secretly adv.悄悄地,秘密地16.Venus n.金星17.crash n.坠毁,失事18.Mars n.火星et n.彗星20.base n.基地21.first aid n.急救22.rope n.粗绳,绳索23.axe n.斧头24.sunglasses n.墨镜,太阳镜25.litre n.升(容量单位)26.blanket n.毯子27.Importance n.重要(性)28.figure n.人影,轮廓短语fall asleep 入睡wake up 醒来go out 熄灭七年级下册Chapter 11.defeat v.打败;击败2.cycling n.骑自行车3.skiing n.滑雪4.champagne n.香槟酒5.mineral water n.矿泉水6.call v.召唤7.plan v.计划8.spread v.伸开,展开9.wing n.翅膀10.coast n.海岸11.mountain n.山;山脉12.crop n.农作物;庄稼13.wheat n.小麦14.sunflower n.向日葵15.scenic adj.景色优美的16.Loire Valley n.卢瓦尔河谷17.castle n.城堡18.capital n.首都19.attraction n.向往的地方;有吸引力的事20.Eiffel Tower n. 埃菲尔铁塔21.Arc de Triomphe n.凯旋门22.EuroDisney n.欧洲迪士乐园23.project n.课题研究24.offer v.提供25.provide v.提供;供应26.product n.产品27.include v.包括28.wine n.葡萄酒;果酒29.shop v.购物30.culture n.文化31.exhibition n.展览会32.concert n.音乐会33.event n.事件;大事34.iron n.铁35.repaint v.重新(涂)漆36.parachute n.降落伞37.avenue n.大道38.abroad adv.在国外; 到国外39.relative n.亲戚40.relax v.放松;休息41.waterfall n.瀑布短语spread one’s wings 展开翅膀go abroad 出国Chapter 21.sunflower n.向日葵2.pollution n.污染3.process n过程;进程4.unhealthy adj.不健康的;不卫生的5.flight v.斗争6.azalea n.杜鹃7.harmful adj.有害的8.pass v.传递9.collect v.收集;搜集10.project n.课题研究11.interview v.采访;面谈12.doctor n.博士13.end n.末端14.breathe v.呼吸15.fresh adj.清新的;新鲜的16.natural adj.天然的;自然的17.air conditioner n.空调18.cool v.冷却19.insect n.昆虫20.warn v.提醒;警告21.produce v.产生22.chemical n.化学物质23.join v.连接;加入24.underground adv.在地下municate v.传达; 传递26.burn v.使)烧毁27.destroy v.摧毁;破坏28.against prep.反对;违反29.poster n.海报30.reduce v.减少31.oxygen n.氧气32.point n.观点;理由33.alive adj.活着的34.plastic adj.塑料的35.agree v.赞同36.leisure n.空闲;休闲37.dig v.挖38.container n.容器短语give out 发出;放出.be interested in 对…感兴趣communicate with 与…沟通交流in danger 处境危险cut down 砍倒in order of 以…的顺序Chapter 31.exist v.存在;生存2.human being n.人;人类3.even adv.甚至4.gentle adj.温顺的5.plant n.植物6.fierce adj.凶猛的;残暴的7.fossil n.化石8.skeleton n.骨架;骨骼9.footprint n. 脚印10.Disneyland n.迪士尼乐园11.amusement n.娱乐;消遣12.amusement park 游乐园13.found v.创建14.cartoon n.卡通15.character n.人物16.deliver v. 递送17.mail 邮件18.base v以…为基础19.star n.明星20.mausoleum n.陵墓21.mend v.修理22.roof n.屋顶23.advertisement n.广告24.contain v.包含;含有短语die out 灭绝be based on 以…为基础all year around 全年Chapter 41.sense n.感官2.drum n.耳鼓膜3.blind adj.盲的4.Reception desk 服务台5.allow v.允许...6.location n.位置7.fire alarm n.消防出口8.bark n.(狗)吠叫9.wet v.把...弄湿10.lie v.躺11.fire engine n.消防车12.forward adv.向前13.mind v.注意;小心14.antique n.古董15.gosh int.天哪16.disability n.缺陷;残疾17.perfume n.香水18.balance n.平衡19.Tongue n.舌头20.reception n.接待处:接待区21.book v.预定22.Lead v.带路:带领23.exit n.出口24.describe v.描述25.fire alarm n.火警警报器26.dead adj.失灵的;不运转的27.seem v.似乎28.convenient adj.方便的29.yet adv.现在;马上30.slip v.滑跤31.almost adv.几乎bel n.标签33.horn n.喇叭34.armchair n.扶手椅短语belong to 属于show up 出现watch out 小心go off 突然发出声音look out 小心35. Chapter 51.movement n.移动2.foolish adj.愚蠢的;笨的3.explanation n.解释4.form n.形态;形式5.connect v.与…连接6.politely adv.有礼貌的7.battery n 电池8.iron v.熨9.plug n.插头10.encourage v.鼓励11.lean v.倚靠12.servant n.仆人;佣人13.flow v.流通;流动14.scratch v.搔;抓15.light bulb n.电灯泡16.cable n.电缆17.grin n.露齿笑18.vacuum v.用真空吸尘器清扫19.properly adv.正确地20.water heater n.热水器21.polite ad.有礼貌的短语at last 终于in a way 某种程度上connect…to… (使)连接Chapter 61.uninteresting adj.无趣的2.dull adj.枯燥的e n.英里4.lively adj.活泼的5.slam v.砰的关上6.stone deaf adj.全聋的7.din n.嘈杂声8.harbour n.海港9.waiter n.盘子10.goodness int.天哪11.accept v.接受12.suggestion n.建议13.cheerful adj.愉快的14.good-looking adj.好看的15.successful adj.成功的16.proud adj.骄傲的17.lie down躺下18.speaker n.说话者19.similar adj.相像的20.terribly adv.极度的21.bored adj.烦厌的22.ring n.圈23.racket n.嘈杂声24.typhoon n.台风25.blow v.吹26.hay n.干草27.concept n.&v.关心28.reject v.拒绝29.pain n.疼痛30.fair adj.公平的31.generous adj.慷慨的32.patient adj.耐心的33.brain n.脑子短语thank goodness 谢天谢地feel like 想要lie down 躺下八年级上册Chapter 11.liquid n. 液体2.solid n. 固体3.gas n. 气体4.cover v. 覆盖5.stream n. 小溪6.tap n. 龙头7.pour v. 倾泻,涌流8.freeze v. 吓呆9.waste v. 浪费10.sound v.听起来,似乎11.angry adj. 生气的, 愤怒的12.obey v. 服从,顺从13.nod v. 点头14.reservoir n. 水库15.treatment n. 处理16.works n. 工厂17.travel v. 旅行18.pipe n. 管子19.until conj. 直到…时(为止)20.sewage n. (下水道的)污水21.plant n. 工厂22.pump n. 用泵输送23.pollute v. 污染24.valuable adj. 有价值的,宝贵的25.mint n. 铸币厂26.shiny adj. 光亮的27.customer n. 顾客,客户28.ordinary adj. 普通的29.owner n. 主人,物主30.bath v, 洗澡,沐浴31.total n. 总数,合计32.flow chart n. 流程图,作业图33.step-by-step adj. 循序渐进的34.clean up 打扫干净35.in the first place 首先, 起初Chapter 21.local adj当地的,本地的2.term n. 学期3.publish v. 出版,发行4.hold v. 举行5.elect v. 选举6.chief editor n. 主编7.suggest v. 建议,提议8.experience n.经验,经历9.vote v. 投票,选举10.secretary n. 秘书11.section n.(文件,书等的) 节,段12.free adj. 免费的13.consider v. 考虑14.briefly adv. 简要地15.conclude v. 结束16.mayor n. 市长17.march v.齐步走,行进18.form v. 排列成19.stall n. 摊位,货摊20.jar n. 罐子pliment n. 赞美22.sympathy n.同情,同情心23.praise v. 表扬24.deserve v. 应受,应得25.shame n. 遗憾的事,可惜26.absent adj. 不在场的,缺勤的27.match n.比赛,竞赛28.teenage adj 十三岁到十九岁的29.design n. 设计30.feature n.(报纸,电视等中)特写或专题节目mittee n.委员会32.edition n.(书,报等)版次33.pleased adj 高兴的,满足的34.take charge of 负责, 管理35.ask for 要求,请求36.be responsible for 对… 负责37.talk over 商量,讨论38.pay for 付款39.in one week’s time一周以后Chapter 31.innocent adj 无辜的,无罪的2.detective n. 侦探3.guilty adj.犯罪的,有罪的4.recent adj.最近的,近来的5.case n. 案件6.alone adv.独自,单独7.lock v. 锁,锁上8.safe n.保险箱9.clue n. 线索10.earring n. 耳环11.carpet n. 地毯12.question v. 提问,质问13.deny v.否认,否定necklace n.. 项链14.proof n. 证据15.recognize v.辨认出, 识别出16.suspect n. 嫌疑犯, 可疑对象17.admit v. 承认18.own adj. 自己的,本人的19.insurance n. 保险20.jail n. 监狱21.bracelet n. 手镯22.ruby n. 红宝石23.emerald n. 绿宝石24.diamond n. 钻石25.string n. 线,绳子26.piece n. (尤指一套中的) 一件27.separately adv.单独的, 分别的28.crime n. 犯罪行为29.belt n. 皮带30.doorway n. 门口31.frightened adj 受惊吓的,害怕的32.as well as 也,又33.no longer 不再34.instead of 代替35.behind bars 坐牢36.bump into 撞击Chapter 41.monitor n 显示器.2.speaker n. 扬声器3.keyboard n. 键盘4.mouse n. 鼠标5.type v. 打字,键入6.control v. 控制7.hide v 藏;隐藏8.tiny adj. 极小的; 微笑的9.realize v. 察觉的;意识到10.print v. 打印11.operate v. 操作;使运行12.railway n. 铁路13.judge n. 法官;审判员14.raise v. 提出(问题等)15.supply n. 供应;提供16.order n. 订单pany n 公司.18.reference n. 标识;编号19.price n. 价格20.medium adj. 中等的;中号的21.quantity n. 数量22.opinion n. 意见;看法23.disagree v. 不同意24.hot adj. 辣的25.smooth adj. 柔和的26.speed n 速度27.modern adj. 现代的28.distance n. 距离29.hardly ever难得;几乎不30.be unaware of 不知道; 未察觉31.for the time being 暂时32.in one’s opinion 按某人的意见;据某人看来33.safe n. 保险箱34.clue n. 线索35.earring n. 耳环36.deny v. 否认37.proof v. 证据38.jail v. 监狱39.string n. 绳子40.doorway n. 门口41.behind bars 坐牢42.bump into 撞击Chapter 51.run v. 经营;管理2.tale n. 故事3.rush v. 迅速移动;冲4.cry v. 叫;喊5.Greek n. 希腊人6.main adj. 主要的;最重要的7.wheel n. 轮;车轮8.order v. 命令;要求9.drag v.(使劲儿吃力地)拖;拉10.citizen n. 公民;市民11.celebrate v. 庆祝;庆贺12.joke n. 笑话13.stupid adj. 愚蠢的14.square n. 广场15.army n. 军人16.enter v. 进入17.handsome adj.(男子)好看的18.god n. 神19.golden adj. 金色的20.sail v. 航行21.battle n 战斗,战役22.pretend v. 假装 n.。
Gr- 表示一种沉闷而又令人不快 的声音:groan呻吟, growl咆哮, gruff粗哑的, grumble抱怨, grunt 咕哝, gruntle叽咕…
Fl- 表示“闪烁,不稳定的光”: flame火焰,flamboyant火焰似的, flare 闪耀,flash 闪光,flicker 闪烁
A word is a unity of sound and meaning.
It is also a fundamental structure unit of a sentence, because a sentence is made up of words.
Is a word the smallest unit of meaning?
Morpheme, not a word, is the smallest significant units of speech, which has two types of form, free morpheme and bound morpheme.
A free morpheme is one which can occur as a separate word, a bound morpheme is one which cannot stand by itself.
They are given new meanings
constantly, such as, “green”. 有
Green consumer, green ideas, green issues, green peace, green shoppers, green products, green protection, green technology, green voters (see Wang P15)
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CE 常数
vCE=0:输入特性曲线和普通二极管的伏安特 性曲线相似 原因:此时三极管相当于两个二极管并联
vCE≥1V:特性曲线向右移动 i E I S (e vBE /VT 1)
∵vCE= vCB +vBE
∴vCB= vCE - vBE>0
此时集电结已进入反偏状态,开始收集电子,电 子在基区的复合减少, 对同样的vBE,iB 、iC
vCB= vCE - vBE
vCE较小,集电结没有反偏或反偏电压较小,这时集 电区收集电子的能力较弱,只要vCE稍稍增加,c区 收集电子的能力将明显上升,因此iC上升较大
当集电结反偏电压较大时,扩散到基区的电子基本上都可以 被集电区收集,此后vCE再增加,电流也不会明显的增加 此时, iC和iB 电流满足固定的比例关系, iB 电流增加 ,iC 电流等比例上升
测量三极管三个电极对地电位如下图所示, 试判断三极管的工作状态。
VBE=0.7V VCB=4.3V VCE=5V 放大区
VBE=-1V VCB=10V VCE=9V 截止区
VBE=0.7V VCB=-0.4V VCE=0.3V 饱和区
当集电极电流增加时, 即I B 和I C 增加, 就要 下降,当 值下降到线 性放大区 值的70~30 %时,所对应的集电极 电流称为集电极最大允 许电流ICM。至于值下 降多少,会随三极管的 型号以及生产厂家而有 所差别。
少部分和基区空穴复合 使基区带负电 被基极所接外加正向电压拉走 形成电流IB'
(c) 集电区收集电子
集电结外加反向电压,以漂移电流为主: 基区自身的电子向集电区漂移 IC ICN ICBO 集电区的空穴向基区漂移 I B I B ICBO 两者形成反向饱和电流ICBO。
BJT正常工作的条件:发射结加正向电压(正向 偏臵),集电结加反向电压(反向偏臵)。
(a) 发射区向基区注入电子
I 发射区电子向基区扩散 形成发射极电流 E 基区空穴向发射区扩散 可忽略
(b) 电子在基区中的扩散与复合
扩散到基区的电子有两个去向: I E ICN I B 大部分漂移到集电区 形成电流ICN
范围: 介于饱和区和截止区的平坦部分
特征 : 发射结正偏,集电结反 偏; iC几乎不受vCE的影响; iC i B
6. BJT的主要参数
(1) 电流放大系数 共射极连接方式
直流电流放大系数: IC = IB IC = IB V 常数
交流电流放大系数: iC = iB iC iB V
(2) 电流控制作用及其实现条件
(a) 电流控制作用
I CN 定义: = , 称为 IE “共基极直流电流放大 系数”, 1但接近1
3.1 半导体BJT
1. BJT的结构简介 2. BJT中的电流分配 3. BJT在放大电路中的连接方式 4. BJT的特性曲线 5. BJT输出特性曲线的三个工作区 6. BJT的主要参数
第三章 半导体三极管及放大电路基础
Hale Waihona Puke 3.1 半导体BJTBJT(Bipolar Junction Transistor)为双极结
当BJT工作在线性区时, 可认为
vCE 常数
随着I B、I C电流的 增大, 会下降
和 以及和的关系: IC = = C= I B I 1 + I B V = = CE 1 1 = =1 ) I I E I = I C ( B = B 1 1 + 1 +
BJT的特性曲线是指端电流与端电压之间的关系曲 线,根据输入端和输出端分为输入特性曲线和输出 特性曲线。
(1) 共射极电路的特性曲线 输入特性
输入特性是指当vCE为某一常数, iB 与vBE之间的关 系曲线。
iB f ( vBE ) v
CE 常数
iB f ( vBE ) v
随着vCE增加,曲线移动不大 主要原因:vCE≥1V后,c区已经将来自e区的电子 绝大部分吸引走。
输出特性是指当iB一定的情况下, iC 与vCE之间的 关系曲线。
iC f ( vCE ) i
B 常数
ICEO表示基极开路,c、e极间外加反向电压时 的集电极电流。大小为A量级
ICEO从集电区穿过基 区流至发射区,所以 又叫穿透电流。该电 流和单纯的PN结反 向电流不同。
集电结反偏,引起反向漂 I E I CBO I CBO 移电流ICBO,相当于集电 区对基区注入正电荷,其 I CEO (1 ) I CBO 大小等于ICBO;
(2) 共集电极连接方式
输 入 端:b、c 输 出 端:e、c 共用电极:c 输入端电压和端电流:VBC、IB 输出端电压和端电流:VEC、IE
(3) 共基极连接方式
输 入 端:e、b 输 出 端:c、b 共用电极:b 输入端电压和端电流:VEB、IE 输出端电压和端电流:VCB、IC
4. BJT的特性曲线
分为NPN 和PNP型。
1. BJT的结构简介
(1) NPN型 发射区 比集电 区掺杂 浓度大, 其面积 比集电 区小。
(2) PNP型
(3) BJT的外形图
2. BJT中的电流分配
(1) BJT内部载流子的传输过程
(2) 截止区
范围: iB 0
判断依据: vBE Vth或vCE vCC
特征 : 发射结和集电结均反偏 ; iC 0,vCE vCC; BJT如同工作在断开状态;
(3) 放大区
判断依据 : 0.7V (硅管) vBE 0.3V (锗管) v 1V CE
I CN 定义: = , 称为 I B “共射极直流电流放大
系数”, = 1 1 -
三个电极电流之间满 足一定的比例分配关 系,一个电极电流发 生改变,另两个电流 都会发生变化,因此 I C I CN I CBO 可实现电流控制和放 I B I B I CBO I E I B I C 大作用 I I E I B CN
3. BJT在放大电路中的连接方式
三极管在使用时,通常两个电极作为输入 端,两个电极作为输出端,这样必然有一 个电极是公共电极。根据公共电极,可以 将三极管在放大电路中的连接方式分为三 种,也称三种组态。
(1) 共发射极连接方式
输 入 端:b、e 输 出 端:c、e 共用电极:e 输入端电压和端电流:VBE、IB 输出端电压和端电流:VCE、IC
输入特性 输出特性
iE f ( vEB ) v
iC f ( vCB ) i
CB 常数
E 常数
5. BJT输出特性曲线的三个工作区
vCB= vCE - vBE
(1) 饱和区
特征: i 判断依据: 0 B iB 0 范围: 或 偏或反偏 但反偏电压很小; 发射结正偏,集电结正 ) vBE v V vCE vCE vBECE vCE CC VCC ( 或 随vCE的增加而增加, i B ; iC iC vBE Vth vBE Vth vCE 很小,称为“饱和管压 vCES ” 降
vCE vCB vBE 若vCE 则vCB
集电结空间电荷区变宽 ,同时 基区变窄
vCE的变化引起基区实际宽度变化的现象称为 基区宽度调制效应,它导致vCE较大时,输出 特性曲线略向上倾斜。
(2) 共基极电路的特性曲线
发射结正偏,发射区电子 扩散到基区,其大小为IE IE =ICEO;这些电子中的一 部分和来自集电区的 正 由发射区扩散到基区的 电子, 电荷中和(中和的数目= 若有1个留在基区,就有 个 ICBO),另一部分漂移到集 进入集电区。 电区。
(3) 极限参数
极限参数是指为了保证晶体管在放大电路中能正常、 安全地工作而不能逾越的参数。 集电极最大允许电流ICM 集电极最大允许功率损耗PCM 反向击穿电压 集电极开路时发射极-基极间的反向击穿电压 V(BR)EBO 发射极开路时集电极-基极间的反向击穿电压 V(BR)CBO 基极开路时集电极-发射极间的反向击穿电压 V(BR)CEO
IC 直流电流放大系数: = IE iC 交流电流放大系数:= iE
IC = IE 常数
vCB 常数