专业英语 CAD
Computer-aided design (CAD) involves the use of computers to create design drawings and product models. Computer-aided design is usually associated with interactive computer graphics, known as a CAD system. Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and are used in the design and geometric model.
计算机辅助设计(CAD)涉及使用计算机 来创建设计图纸和产品模型。计算机辅助 设计通常与交互式计算机图形相结合,称 为CAD系统。计算机辅助设计系统是强大 的工具,用于组件和产品的设计和几何建 模。
Drawings are generated at workstations, and the design is displayed continuously on the monitor in different colors for its various components. The designer can easily conceptualize the part designed on the graphics screen and can consider alternative designs or modify a particular design to meet specific design requirements. Using powerful software such as CATIA (computer-aided three-dimensional interactive applications), the design can be subjected to engineering analysis and can identify potential problems, such as excessive load, deflection, or interference at mating surfaces during assembly. Information (such as a list of materials, specifications, and manufacturing instructions) is also stored in the CAD database. Using this information, the designer can analyze the manufacturing economics of alternatives.
Computer –Aided Design and ManufacturingComputer-aided design (CAD)involoves the use of computer to create design drawings and product models computer-aided design is usually associated with interactive computer graphics (known as a CAD system). Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and used in the mechanical design and geometric modeling of products and components.In cad ,the drawing board is replaced by electronic input and output devices.when using a cad system,The designer can conceptualize the object to be desiged more easily on the graphics screen and can consider alternative designs or modify a particular design quickly to meet the necessary design requirements or changes. The designer can then subject the design to a variety of engineering analyses and can identify potential problems (such as an excessive load or deflection).The speed and accuracy of such analyses far surpass what is available form traditional methods.Draft productivity rises dramatically. When something is drawn once, it never has to be drawn again. It can be retrieved from a library, and can be duplicated, stretched, sized, and changed in many ways without having to be redrawn. Cut and paste techniques are used as Labor-saving aids.CAD makes possible multiview 2D drawings, and the drawings can be reproduced at different levels of reduction and enlargement. It gives the mechanical engineer the ability to magnify even the smallest components to ascertain if assembled components fit properly. Parts with different characteristics, such as movable or stationary, can be assigned different color on the display.Designers have even more freedom with the advent of 3D modeling. They can create 3D parts and manipulate them in endless variations to achieve desired results. Through finite element analysis, stresses can be applied to a computer model and the results graphically displayed giving the designer quick feedback on any inherent problems in a design before the creation of a physical prototype.In addition to the design’s geometric and dimensional features, other information (such as a list of materials, specifications, and manufacturing instructions) is stored in the CAD database. Using such information, the designer can then analyze the economics of alternative designs.Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) involves the use of computer and computer technology to assist in all the phases of manufacturing a product, including process and production planning, machining, scheduling, management, and qualitycontrol. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are often combined into CAD/CAM systems.This combination allows the transfer of information from the design stage into the stage of planning for the manufacture of a product, without the need to reenter the data on part geometry manually. The database developed during CAD is stored; then it is processed further, by CAM, into the necessary data and instructions for operating and controlling production machinery, material-handing equipment, and automated testing and inspection for product quality.In machining operations, an important feature of CAD/CAM is its capability to describe the tool path for various operations, such as NC turning, milling, and drilling. The instructions (programs) are computer generated, and they can be modified by the programmer to optimize the tool path. The engineer or technician can then display and visually check the tool path for possible tool collisions with fixtures or other interferences. The tool path can be modified at any time, to accommodate other part shapes to be machined.Some typical applications of CAD/CAM are: (a) programming for NC, ENC, and industrial robots; (b) design of tools and fixtures and EDM electrodes; (c) quality control and inspection, for instance, coordinate-admeasuring machines programmed on a CAD/CAM workstation; (d) process planning and scheduling; and (e) plant layout.The emergence of CAD/CAM has had a major impact on manufacturing, by standardizing product development and by reducing design effort, tryout, and prototype work; it has made possible significantly reduced costs and improved productivity. The two-engine Boeing 777 passenger airplane, for example, was designed completely by computer (paperless design). The plane is constructed directly from the CAD/CAM software developed (an enhanced CATIA system) and no prototypes or mockups were built, such as were required for previous models.计算机与制造业计算机正在将制造业带入信息时代,计算机长期以来在商业和管理方面得到了广泛得应用,它正做为一种新型得工具进入到工厂中,而且它如同蒸气机在100年前使制造业发生改变那样,正在使制造业发生着改革。
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CCF推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录修订版发布CCF(China Computer Federation中国计算机学会)于2010年8月发布了第一版推荐的国际学术会议和期刊目录,一年来,经过业内专家的反馈和修订,于日前推出了修订版,现将修订版予以发布。
中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物(网络/信息安全)一、 A类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. TIFS IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics andSecurity IEEE /organizations/society/sp/tifs.html2. TDSC IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure ComputingIEEE /tdsc/3. TISSEC ACM Transactions on Information and SystemSecurity ACM /二、 B类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. Journal of Cryptology Springer /jofc/jofc.html2. Journal of Computer SecurityIOS Press /jcs/3. IEEE Security & Privacy IEEE/security/4. Computers &Security Elsevier JISecJournal of Internet Security NahumGoldmann. /JiSec/index.asp6. Designs, Codes andCryptography Springer /east/home/math/numbers?SGWID=5 -10048-70-35730330-07. IET Information Security IET /IET-IFS8. EURASIP Journal on InformationSecurity Hindawi /journals/is三、C类序号刊物简称刊物全称出版社网址1. CISDA Computational Intelligence for Security and DefenseApplications IEEE /2. CLSR Computer Law and SecurityReports Elsevier /science/journal/026736493. Information Management & Computer Security MCB UniversityPress /info/journals/imcs/imcs.jsp4. Information Security TechnicalReport Elsevier /locate/istr中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议(网络/信息安全方向)一、A类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. S&PIEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy IEEE /TC/SP-Index.html2. CCSACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security ACM /sigs/sigsac/ccs/3. CRYPTO International Cryptology Conference Springer-Verlag /conferences/二、B类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecurityUSENIX Security Symposium USENIX /events/2. NDSSISOC Network and Distributed System Security Symposium Internet Society /isoc/conferences/ndss/3. EurocryptAnnual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Springer /conferences/eurocrypt2009/4. IH Workshop on Information Hiding Springer-Verlag /~rja14/ihws.html5. ESORICSEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security Springer-Verlag RAIDInternational Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection Springer-Verlag /7. ACSACAnnual Computer Security Applications ConferenceIEEE /8. DSNThe International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks IEEE/IFIP /9. CSFWIEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop /CSFWweb/10. TCC Theory of Cryptography Conference Springer-Verlag /~tcc08/11. ASIACRYPT Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security Springer-Verlag /conferences/ 12. PKC International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography Springer-Verlag /workshops/pkc2008/三、 C类序号会议简称会议全称出版社网址1. SecureCommInternational Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks ACM /2. ASIACCSACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security ACM .tw/asiaccs/3. ACNSApplied Cryptography and Network Security Springer-Verlag /acns_home/4. NSPWNew Security Paradigms Workshop ACM /current/5. FC Financial Cryptography Springer-Verlag SACACM Symposium on Applied Computing ACM /conferences/sac/ 7. ICICS International Conference on Information and Communications Security Springer /ICICS06/8. ISC Information Security Conference Springer /9. ICISCInternational Conference on Information Security and Cryptology Springer /10. FSE Fast Software Encryption Springer WiSe ACM Workshop on Wireless Security ACM /~adrian/wise2004/12. SASN ACM Workshop on Security of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks ACM /~szhu/SASN2006/13. WORM ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode ACM /~farnam/worm2006.html14. DRM ACM Workshop on Digital Rights Management ACM /~drm2007/15. SEC IFIP International Information Security Conference Springer IWIAIEEE International Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /17. IAWIEEE SMC Information Assurance Workshop IEEE /workshop18. SACMATACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies ACM /19. CHESWorkshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems Springer /20. CT-RSA RSA Conference, Cryptographers' Track Springer /21. DIMVA SIG SIDAR Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment IEEE /dimva200622. SRUTI Steps to Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet USENIX /events/23. HotSecUSENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security USENIX /events/ 24. HotBots USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Understanding Botnets USENIX /event/hotbots07/tech/25. ACM MM&SEC ACM Multimedia and Security Workshop ACM。
机械工程英语翻译Unit 7
Unit7 CAD/CAM /CAPPCAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and compuer-aided manufacturing. It isCAD/CAM这个词条的意思是计算机辅助设计和计算机辅助制造。
它是在设计和制造中运用the technology concerned which the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in数字化计算机执行某些职能的技术。
design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of greater integration of design这两个在生产企业中被看作是截然不同的,相互分离的。
and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as distinct and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-intgrated factory of the future.Computer-aided design(CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the计算机辅助设计可以定义为使用计算机系统来协助一个设计方案的形成,修改,分析及优化creation, modification, analysis, or optimization of a design. The computer systems consist of the计算机系统由硬件和软件组成来进行公司特定用户需要的专门设计功能。
Creo 中常用术语缩写的说明信息
Advanced Assembly Extension
Advanced Design Extension
Advanced Framework Extension
Manikin Analysis Extension
Model Based Definition
Mechanism Dynamics Option
Mechanism Design Extension
Multi-Pass Adaptive
Product Development System
Progressive Die Extension
级进Байду номын сангаас扩展
Product Lifecycle Management
Product and Manufacturing Information
Reverse Engineering Extension
Rights Management Extension
Routed Systems Designer
表示计算机辅助工程的英文缩写Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) is a term commonly used to refer to the application of computer software and tools in the field of engineering. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including mechanical, electrical, civil, and chemical engineering, among others. CAE plays a crucial role in the design, analysis, and optimization of various engineering systems and processes. In this article, we will explore the significance of CAE and its impact on the engineering industry.One of the key advantages of CAE is its ability to simulate and model complex engineering problems. By using advanced software and algorithms, engineers can create virtual prototypes and test them under different conditions. This allows for a more efficient and cost-effective design process, as it reduces the need for physical prototypes and extensive testing. Additionally, CAE enables engineers to identify potential issues and make necessary modifications before the actual production or construction phase, saving both time and resources.Another important aspect of CAE is its contribution to the analysis and optimization of engineering systems. Through the use of computational methods, engineers can evaluate the performance of various components and systems, such as stress analysis, fluid dynamics, and thermal management. This enables them to identify potential weaknesses or areas for improvement, leading to enhanced designs and increased efficiency. Moreover, CAE facilitates the exploration of different design alternatives and the evaluation of their impact on performance, allowing engineers to make informed decisions based on data-driven analysis.Furthermore, CAE plays a significant role in the field of manufacturing. It enables engineers to simulate and optimize manufacturing processes, such as casting, molding, and machining. By analyzing factors such as material properties, tooling, and process parameters, CAE helps in improving product quality, reducing production costs, and minimizing waste. It also aids in the identification of potential manufacturing issues, such as part distortion or tool wear, allowing for timely adjustments and improvements.In addition to design and analysis, CAE is also utilized in the field of virtual testing and validation. Engineers can simulate and evaluate the performance of products under various operating conditions, such as structural integrity, durability, and safety. This helps in ensuring that products meet the required standards and regulations before they are manufactured or deployed. Virtual testing also allows for the identification of potential failure modes and the optimization of product performance, leading to enhanced reliability and customer satisfaction.The use of CAE has revolutionized the engineering industry, providing engineers with powerful tools and capabilities to tackle complex problems. It has significantly reduced the time and cost associated with traditional design and testing methods, while improving overall product quality and performance. Moreover, CAE has enabled engineers to explore innovative design concepts and push the boundaries of engineering possibilities.In conclusion, Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) is an essential component of modern engineering practices. Its ability to simulate, analyze, and optimize engineering systems has revolutionized the design and manufacturing processes. By leveraging advanced software andcomputational methods, engineers can enhance product performance, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. CAE has undoubtedly become an indispensable tool in the field of engineering, enabling engineers to push the boundaries of innovation and deliver cutting-edge solutions.。
第一章 计算机图形学简介
• 在近二十年中,国际标准化组织 (ISO)已经批准的和正在讨论 的与图形有关的标准有: 计算机图形核心系统及其语言联 编(GKS);三维图形核心系统 及其语言联编(GKS-3D);程序 员层次交互式图形系统及其语言 联编(PHIGS);计算机图形元 文件(CGM);
计算机图形接口(CGI);基本 图形转换规范 (IGES);产品数 据转换规范(STEP)等。
• 名称 典型设备 功能 定位 叉丝,指姆轮 输入一个点坐标 笔划 图形输入板 输入一系列点坐标 数值 数字键盘 输入一个整数或实数 选择 功能键、叉丝、光笔 由一个整数得到某种选择 拾取 光笔接触屏幕上已显示图形 通过一种拾取状态来判别 字符串 字符键盘 输入一个字符串
• 交互任务是用户输入到计算机的 一个单元信息,基本任务有四种: 定位、字串、选择、取数。
研究用计算机及其图形设备来 输入、表示、变换和输出图形 的原理、算法及系统。
经过多年的研究与发展,逐渐 形成了多个与图形相关的分支: 计算机图形(Computer Graphics)、图像处理(Image Processing)和模式识别 (Pattern Recognition)。
计算机图形:用计算机生成、 处理和显示的对象。由几何数 据和几何模型利用计算机进行 存储、显示、并修改完善后形 成。 CAD (CAGD), CAM, CAE.
• 1964年孔斯(Steve Coons)在麻 省理工学院提出了用小块曲面 片表示自由型曲面时,使曲面 片边界达到任意高次连续阶的 理论,称之为孔斯曲面。孔斯 和法国雷诺汽车公司的贝齐尔 (Pierre Bezier)并列被称为现 代计算机辅助几何设计技术的 创始人。
Lesson 2 CAD课程2 CADComputer-aided design (CAD) involves the use of computers to create design drawings and product models. Computer-aided design is usually associated with interactive computer graphics, known as a CAD system. Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and are used in the design and geometric modeling of components and products.计算机辅助设计(CAD)涉及计算机来设计图纸、产品模型的使用。
Drawings are generated at workstations, and the design is displayed continuously on the monitor in different colors for its various components. The designer can easily conceptualize the part designed on the graphics screen and can consider alternative designs or modify a particular design to meet specific design requirements. Using powerful software such as CATIA (computer-aided three-dimensional interactive applications), the design can .be subjected to engineering analysis and can identify potential problems, such as excessive load, deflection, or interference at mating surfaces during assembly. Information (such as a list of materials, specifications, and manufacturing instructions) is also stored in the CAD database. Using this information, the designer can analyze the manufacturing economics of alternatives.图纸生成工作站,和设计的连续显示在监视器上不同的颜色,不同的部分。
Computer GraphicsShi-Min HuShi Min HuTsinghua UniversityTsinghua UniversityToday s TopicsToday’s Topics•Why splines?•B-Spline Curves and properties •B-Spline surfacesB Spline surfaces•NURBS curves and SurfacesWhy to introduce B Spline(BWhy to introduce B-Spline (B样条)•Bezier curve/surface has many advantages, but they have two main shortcomings:e e cu ve/su ace ca ot be od ed oca y–Bezier curve/surface cannot be modified locally(局部修改).–It is very complex to satisfy geometric continuityIt i l t ti f t i ti itconditions for Bezier curves or surfaces joining.•History of B-splinesI1946S h b d li b d–In 1946, Schoenberg proposed a spline-basedmethod to approximate curves.–It’s motivated by runge-kutta problem ininterpolation: high degree polynomial may surge p g g p y y g upper and down–Why not use lower degree piecewise polynomial Wh t l d i i l i lwith continuous joining?–that’s Spline–But people thought it’s impossible to use Spline in shape design because complicatedin shape design, because complicated computation–In 1972, based on Schoenberg’s work, Gordon I1972b d S h b’k G d and Riesenfeld introduced “B-Spline” and lots of corresponding geometric algorithms.f di i l i h–B-Spline retains all advantages of Bezier curves, and overcomes the shortcomings of Bezier curves.•Tips for understanding B-Spline?–Spline function interpolation is well known, it can Spline function interpolation is well known it canbe calculated by solving a tridiagonalequations(三对角方程).i–For a given partition of an interval, we cancompute Spline curve interpolation similarly.–All splines over a given partition will form aAll splines over a given partition will form alinear space. The basis function of this linearspace is called B-Spline basis function.i ll d B S li b i f i–Similar to Bezier Curve using Bernstein basis functions, B-Spline curves uses B-Spline basis f nctions B Spline c r es ses B Spline basis functions.B-Spline curves and it’s p Properties•Formula of B-Spline Curve.n ]1,0[),()(,0∈=Σ=t t B P t P n i i n i are control points ∑==i k i i t N P t P 0,)()(–are control points. –(i=0,1,..,n) are the i-th B-Spline basis function ),,1,0(n i P i L =)(,t N k i of order k. B-Spline basis function is a order k (degree k -1) piecewise polynomial (分段多项式) determined by the knot vector, which is a non-decreasing set of numbers.g•Demo of B-splineThe story of order & degree•The story of order°ree–G Farin: degree, Computer Aided Geometric Design –Les Piegl: order, Computer Aided DesignL Pi l d C Aid d D iB Spline Basis Function B-Spline Basis Function•Definition of B-Spline Basis Function –de Boor-Cox recursion formula:⎧⎩⎨<<=+Otherwiset x t t N i i i 01)(11,−−,,11,111()()()i i k i k i k i k i k i i k i t t t t N t N t N t t t t t +−+−+−++=+−−–Knot Vector: a sequence of non-decreasing number L L L k n k n n n k k t t t t t t t t +−++−,,,,,,,,,,11110L L L•, i = 01k=•, i = 02k=⎧⎩⎨<<=+Otherwiset x t t N i i i 01)(11,,,11,111()()()i i k i k i k i k i k i i k i t t t t N t N t N t t t t t +−+−+−++−−=+−−B Spline Basis Function B-Spline Basis Function•Questions:–What is nonzero domain(非零区间) of B-Splinebasis function ?)(,t N k i –How many knots does it need?Wh t i th d fi iti d i ()f th –What is the definition domain(定义区间) of the curves?4,4()()i i P t PN t =∑0i =B Spline Basis Function B-Spline Basis Function•take k=4, n=4 as example 4,4()()i i P t PN t =∑876543210,,,,,,,,t t t t t t t t t 0i=B Spline Basis Function B-Spline Basis Function•Properties:N ti it d l l t–Non-negativity and local support •is non-negativeis a non ero pol nomial on ,()i k N t ]•is a non-zero polynomial on ⎧∈≥+t t t t N k i i ],[0[,i i k t t +,()i k N t –Partition of Unity⎩⎨=otherwisek i 0)(,•The sum of all non-zero order k basis functions onis 1 ∑n 11[,]k n t t −+=+−∈=i n k k i t t t t N011,],[1)(B Spline Basis Function B-Spline Basis Function•Properties:Diff ti l ti f th b i f ti–Differential equation of the basis function:,,11,11111()()()i k i k i k i k i i k i k k N t N t N t t t t t −+−+−++−−′=+−−–Please compare with the Bernstein base:)]B 10 )],()([)(1,1,1,n i t B t B n t n i n i n i ⋅⋅⋅=−=′−−−;,,,B SplineB-Spline•Category(分类) of B-Splineg g p–General Curves could be categorized to two groups by checking if the start point and the endpoint areoverlapped:•Open Curves•Close CurvesClose Curves–According to the distribution(分布) of the knots inknot vector, B-Spline could be classified to theknot vector B Spline could be classified to thefollowing four groups:Uniform B-Spline(均匀B样条)U if B S li–(1) Uniform B-Spline,,,,,,,,•The knots are uniformed distributed, like 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7•This kind of knot vector defines uniform B-Spline basisfunctionuniform B-Spline of Degree 3if B S li f D3Quasi Uniform B Spline(Quasi-Uniform B-Spline(准均匀B样条)–(2) Quasi-Uniform B-Splinep•Different from uniform B-Spline, it has:–the start-knot and end-knot have repetitiveness(重复度) of k–Uniform B-Spline does not retain the “end point” property ofBezier Curve, which means the start point and end point ofuniform B-Spline are no-longer the same as the start point andend point of the control points. However, quasi-Uniform B-end point of the control points However quasi Uniform BSpline retains this “end point” propertyQuasi-uniform B-Spline curve of degree 3Piecewise Bezier Curve(Piecewise Bezier Curve(分段Bezier曲线)–(3) Piecewise Bezier Curvep()•the start-knot and end-knot have repetitiveness(重复度)of kp•all other knots have repetitiveness of k-1•Then each curve segment will be Bezier curvesPiecewise B-Spline Curve of degree 3Piecewise Bezier Curve(分段Bezier曲线) Piecewise Bezier Curve(•For piecewise Bezier curve, the different pieces of th l ti l i d d t M i ththe curve are relatively independent. Moving the control point will only influence the corresponding piece of curve, while other pieces of curves will be not change. Furthermore, the algorithms for Bezier not change.Furthermore,the algorithms for Bezier could also be used for piecewise Bezier Curve.•But this method need more data to define the curve (more control points, more knots).Non-uniform B-Spline (非均匀B p (样条)–(4) Non-uniform B-Spline•The knot vectors satisfy T t t t =L e o vec o s sa s y conditions that the sequence of knots is non-)01[,,,]n k +decreasing(非递减). –repetitiveness of two end knots, <= k –repetitiveness of other knots, <= k-1•This kind of knot vector defines the non-uniformB-Spline.Properties of B Spline Curves Properties of B-Spline Curves•Properties of B-Spline curvesL l(–Local(局部性)•The curve in interval is only affected ],[1+∈i i t t t by at most k control points , and is independent of other control points.),,1(i k i j P j L +−=•Changing the position of control point will only affect the curve on interval i P only affect the curve on interval),(k i i t t +n∑==i k i i t N P t P 0,)()(Properties of B Spline Properties of B-Spline–Continuity(连续性)P()i i d f i i•P(t) is continuous at a node of repetitiveness r.–Convex hull(凸包性)1k r C −−•A B-spline curve is contained in the convex hullof its control polygon More specifically if t is of its control polygon. More specifically, if t is in knot span , then P(t) is in the h ll f t l i t n i k t t i i ≤≤−+1),,(1convex hull of control points ik i P P ,,1L +−Properties of B Spline Properties of B-Spline–Piecewise polynomial (分段多项式)•In every knot span, P(t) is a polynomial of t whose y p ()p ydegree is less than k.–Derivative formula(Derivative formula(导数公式)′′nn)()()(0,0,'===⎟⎠⎞⎜⎝⎛=∑∑i k i i i k i i t N P t N P t P ],[)()1(111,111+−−=−+−∈⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−−−=∑n k k i ni i k i i i t t t t N t t P PkProperties of B SplineProperties of B-Spline–Variation Diminishing Property(变差缩减性)•this means no straight line intersects a B-splinethi t i ht li i t t B licurve more times than it intersects the curve'scontrol polygons.t l l–Geometry invariability(几何不变性)•The shape and position of curve are independentwith the choosing of coordinate system(坐标系).Properties of B Spline Properties of B-Spline–Affine invariability(仿射不变性)nI h h f f i i i i bl d h∑=+−∈=i n k k i i t t t t N P A t P A 011,],[,)(][)]([•It means that the form of equation is invariable under the affine transformation.–Line holding(直线保持性)•It means that if the control polygon degenerates to a line,the B-Spline curve also degenerates to a line.Properties of B Spline Properties of B-Spline–Flexibility(灵活性)U i B S li C il t t•Using B-Spline Curve we can easily construct special cases such as line segment(线段), cusp(尖)t t li ()点), tangent line(切线).•For example, for B-Spline of order 4 (degree 3), if li l dyou want to construct a line segment, you only need to specify collinear (共线). 321,,,+++i i i i P P P P •you only need to let12i i i P P P ++==Properties of B Spline Properties of B-Spline相•If you want the curve tangent(相切) to a specific line L,you only need to specify on line L, and21,,++i i i P P P repetitiveness of less than 2.3+i t iP 1+i P 2+i P P )(tPP 4+i (a)四顶点共线(b)二重顶点和三重顶点−i P 23()重节点和三重节点(c)二重节点和三重节点(d)三顶点共线图.1.26 三次B样条曲线的一些特例De Boor Algorithm De Boor Algorithm•To compute P(t) (a point on the curve), you could use B-Spline formula, but it is more efficient to use de pBoor algorithm.De Boor Algorithm:•De Boor Algorithm:)()()(,,==∑∑jki ink i i t NP t N P t P 10−+−+−==⎤⎡−+−=jk i i k j i i t N tt t N t t P )()(111,111,1−++−=+++−+⎤⎡−−⎥⎦⎢⎣−−∑jk i i k j i k i i k i k i i k i i t t t t t t t t ],[)(11,1111+−+−=−−+−+∈⎥⎦⎢⎣−+−=∑j j k i k j i i i k i i i k i t t t t N P t t P t tDe Boor Algorithm De Boor Algorithm•Let⎧⋅⋅⋅+−+−==k k i r P ,,2,1,0,⎪⎪⎨−−+−−=−−−+−t P t t t t t P t t t t jj j t P r i r k i r i i i r i ),()()(]1[1]1[][•Then⎪⎪⎩⋅⋅⋅++−++−=−⋅⋅⋅=−+−+j r k j r k j i k r ir k i i r k i ,,2,1;1,,2,1∑∑−==jk i ijki it N t Pt NP t P 1,]1[,)()()()(•This is De Boor Algorithm.+−=+−=k j i k j i 21De Boor Algorithm De Boor Algorithm•The recursion of De Boor Algorithm is as shown below:01P P 1[1]j k P −+M 22[1][2]333j k j k j k j k j k P PP P P −+−+−+−+−+→→→[1][2][1]k j jjjP PPP−→→M M M M nP MDe Boor Algorithm De Boor Algorithm•Geometric meaning (几何意义)of De Boor Algorithm–It has an intuitive geometric interpretation: corner g pcutting (割角).•It means that using line segment to cut][][r r It means that using line segment to cut corner . Begin frompolygon1i i P P +]1[−r i P ⋅⋅⋅polygon , after k-1 steps of cutting, fi ll i j k j k j P P P +−+−21P −P P j we finally get point on the curve P(t).)(]1[t r j +−k j P −P]1[P 4+−k j 1+−k j 2+k j jKnot Insertion Knot Insertion •Knot insertion–An important tool for practical interactive use of B-p pspline, which allows one to add a new knot to a B-spline without changing the shape or its degree.For spline without changing the shape or its degree. For instance, one may want to insert additional knots in order to be able to raise flexibility of shape control order to be able to raise flexibility of shape control.•Insert a new knot t to a knot span Th k t t b[]1,+i i t t •The knot vector becomes:[]k n i i t t t t t t T ++=,,,,,,,1101L L •denoted as:[]11121111101,,,,,,,1++++=k n i i i tt t t t t T L LKnot Insertion Knot Insertion•The new knot sequence defines a new group of B-Spline Basis F nctions The original c r e Spline Basis Functions. The original curve P(t)can be expressed by this new group of BasisFunctions and new control points , which are unknown.1jP +=111n t N P t P ∑=0,)()(j kjjKnot Insertion Knot Insertion•Boehm gives a formula for computing new control points:p ⎪⎧+−==1,,1,0 ,11k i j P P j j L ββ⎪⎩⎨++−==−+−=+−=−−1,,1 ,,,2 ,)1(111n r i j P P r i k i j P P P j jj j j j j L L ββj t t −=β•r is the repetitiveness of newly inserted knot in the knot jk j j t t −−+1s t e epet t ve ess o ew y se ted ot t t e ot sequence.Knot Insertion Knot Insertion1P 1P P 1P 03i points(totally k-1points)36points( totally k 1 points) are replaced by the right ones(totally k points)],[43t t t ∈See demo of knot insertionB Spline Surface(B B-Spline Surface(B样条曲面)•Given knot vectors in axes(参数轴) U and V:],,,[10p m u u u U +=L B S li f f d i d fi d],,,[10q n v v v V +=L •B-Spline surface of order p ×q is defined as:m n∑∑===i j q j p i ij v N u N P v u P 00,,)()(),(B Spline Surface B-Spline Surface•are the control points of B-Splineij P Surface, which are usually referred to as thecontrol net ).(控制网格、特征网格)•and are B-Spline basis)(,u N p i )(,v N q j functions of order p and q , one for each direction (and ),which could also be direction (U and V ), which could also be computed by de Boor-Cox formula.B Spline Surface B-Spline Surface03P 23P33P02P 22P 12P32P01P 11P 21P 31P P 10P 20P 0030PNURBS Curve and SurfaceNURBS Curve and Surface •Disadvantage of B-Spline curve and Bezier Curve:–can’t accurately represent conic(圆锥曲线) curveexcept parabola(抛物线),NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B Spline) •NURBS(Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) (非均匀有理B样条)–In order to find a mathematical method that couldrepresent conic and conicoid(二次曲面) accurately. yNURBS•NURBS is too complex•Les Piegl s The NURBS Book,Les Piegl’s The NURBS Book–“NURBS from Projective Geometry to Practical Use”–Les Piegl,Graduated from Budapest University ofi l d d f d i i fHungary, many years in SDRC company for geometricmodeler designd l d iNURBSSome years ago a few researchers joked about NURBS,saying that the acronym really stands for NOBODYUnderstands Rational B-Splines, write the authors in their foreword; they formulate the aim of changing NURBS to EURBS, that is, Everybody.…There is no doubt that they have achieved this goal....I highly recommend the book to anyone who is interestedp y p in a detailed description of NURBS. It is extremely helpful for students, teachers and designers of geometric modeling ysystems. ——Helmut PottmannNURBS•Advantages of NURBS–It provide a general and accurate representation forrepresenting and designing free curves or surfaces(自由曲线曲面)–They offer one common mathematical form for bothstandard analytical shapes (e.g., conics) and free-formshapes (parametric form).–can be evaluated reasonably fast by numerically stableand accurate algorithms;NURBS•Advantages of NURBS–They are invariant under affine as well as perspectivetransformations.–the control points and weights can be modified, whichgives great flexibility for designing curves/surfaces.–non-rational B-Spline, non-rational and rational Beziercould be viewed as special cases of NURBS.NURBS•Some difficult problems in using NURBS –Require more storage than traditionalcurve/spline methods. (such as circle representation) p–If the weights are set inappropriately, the curvewill be abnormal(畸变).will be abnormal()–It is very complex to deal with situations likecurve overlap(曲线重叠).NURBS •Before discussing about NURBS, let’s first review the definition of B-Spline:n∑==i k i i t N P t P 0,)()()()()(1,111,1,t N t t t t t N t t t t t N k i i k i k i k i i k i i k i −++++−−+−−+−−=k n k n n n k k t t t t t t t t +−++−,,,,,,,,,,11110L LLNURBS•Definition of NURBS curve.–NURBS Curves are defined by piecewiserational B-Spline polynomial basis functionp p y(分段有理B样条多项式基函数):∑== =nnikiiitNP,)(ω∑∑==ikiinikiitRPtNtP,0,)( )()(ω=nki ik itNtR, ,)()(ω∑=jkjjt N,)(ωDefinition of NURBS Definition of NURBS•NURBS basis R i,k (t) retains all properties of B-Spline Basis.–Local support: Ri,k(t)=0,t ∉[ti, ti+k]–Partition of Unity:∑n Partition of Unity:–Differentiability(可微性): If is not a knot is infinitely differentiable()==i k i u R 0,1)(•If t is not a knot, P(t)is infinitely differentiable(无限次可微) in the knot interval. If t is a knot, P(t) is only C-(k-r) continuous.continuous. –If ωi =0, then R i,k (t)=0;If +th R (t)1–If ωi =+∞, then R i,k (t)=1;Definition of NURBSDefinition of NURBS•NURBS curve has similar geometric properties as the B Spline C r e:the B-Spline Curve:–Local support (局部支持性).–Variation Diminishing Property(变差缩减性)–Strong Convex hull(凸包性)–Affine invariability(仿射不变性)–Differentiability(y(可微性)–If the weight of a control point is 0, then correspondingcontrol point doesn t affect the curve.control point doesn’t affect the curve.Definition of NURBS Definition of NURBS–If , and , then N i l/i l B i d ∞→i ω],[k i i t t t +∈i P t P =)(–Non-rational/rational Bezier curves and non-rational B-Spline curves are special cases ofNURBS curve.。
Modern design and manufacturingCAD/CAMCAD/CAM is a term which means computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. It is the technology concerned with the use of digital computers to perform certain functions in design and production. This technology is moving in the direction of greater integration(一体化)of design and manufacturing, two activities which have traditionally been treated as distinct(清楚的)and separate functions in a production firm. Ultimately, CAD/CAM will provide the technology base for the computer-integrated factory of the future.Computer-aided design (CAD) can be defined as the use of computer systems to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, or optimization(最优化)of a design. The computer systems consist of the hardware and software to perform the specialized design functions required by the particular user firm. The CAD hardware typically includes the computer, one or more graphics display terminals, keyboards, and other peripheral equipment. The CAD software consists of the computer programs to implement(实现,执行)computer graphics to facilitate the engineering functions of the user company. Examples of these application programs include stress-strain (压力-应变)analysis of components(部件), dynamic(动态的)response of mechanisms, heat-transfer calculations, and numerical control part programming. The collection of application programs will vary from one user firm to the next because their product lines, manufacturing processes, and customer markets are different these factors give rise to differences in CAD system requirements.Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plant’s production resources. As indicated by the definition, the applications of computer-aided manufacturing fall into two broad categories:puter monitoring and control.2.manufacturing support applications.The distinction between the two categories is fundamental to an understanding of computer-aided manufacturing.In addition to the applications involving a direct computer-process interface (界面,接口)for the purpose of process monitoring and control, compute-aided manufacturing also includes indirect applications in which the computer serves a support role in the manufacturing operations of the plant. In these applications, the computer is not linked directly to the manufacturing process. Instead, the computer is used “off-line”(脱机)to provide plans, schedules, forecasts, instructions, and information by which the firm’s production resources can be managed more effectively. The form of the relationship between the computer and the process is represented symbolically in the figure given below. Dashed lines(虚线)are used to indicate that the communication and control link is an off-line connection, with human beings often required to consummate(使圆满)the interface. However, human beings are presently required in the application either to provide input to the computer programs or to interpret the computer output and implement the required action.CAM for manufacturing supportWhat is CAD/CAM software?Many toolpaths are simply too difficult and expensive to program manually. For these situations, we need the help of a computer to write an NC part program.The fundamental concept of CAD/CAM is that we can use a Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) system to draw the geometry of a workpiece on a computer. Once the geometry is completed, then we can use a computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system to generate an NC toolpath based on the CAD geometry.The progression(行进,级数)from a CAD drawing all the way to the working NC code is illustrated as follows:Step 1: The geometry is defined in a CAD drawing. This workpiece contains a pocket to be machined. It might take several hours to manually write the code for this pocket(凹槽,型腔). However, we can use a CAM program to create the NC code in a matter of minutes.Step 2: The model is next imported into the CAM module. We can then select the proper geometry and define the style of toolpath to create, which in this case is a pocket. We must also tell the CAM system which tools to use, the type of material, feed, and depth of cut information.Step 3: The CAM model is then verified to ensure that the toolpaths are correct. If any mistakes are found, it is simple to make changes at this point.Step 4: The final product of CAD/CAM process is the NC code. The NC code is produced by post-processing(后处理)the model, the code is customized(定制,用户化)to accommodate the particular variety of CNC control.Another acronym that we may run into is CAPP, which stands for Computer-Aided Part Programming. CAPP is the process of using computers to aid in the programming of NC toolpaths. However, the acronym CAPP never really gained widespread acceptance, and today we seldom hear this term. Instead, the more marketable CAD/CAM is used to express the idea of using computers to help generate NC part programs. This is unfortunate because CAM is an entire group of technologies related to manufacturing design and automation-not just the software that is used to program CNC machine tools.Description of CAD/CAM Components and FunctionsCAD/CAM systems contain both CAD and CAM capabilities – each of which has a number of functional elements. It will help to take a short look at some of these elements in order to understand the entire process.1. CAD ModuleThe CAD portion of the system is used to create the geometry as a CAD model. The CAD model is an electronic description of the workpiece geometry that is mathematically precise. The CAD system, whether stand alone or as part of a CAD/CAM package, tends to be available in several different levels of sophistication. (强词夺理,混合)2-D line drawings 两维线条图Geometry is represented in two axes, much like drawing on a sheet of paper. Z-level depths will have to be added on the CAM end.3-D wireframe models 三维线框模型Geometry is represented in three-dimensional space by connecting elements that represent edges and boundaries. Wiregrames can be difficult to visualize(想象,形象化,显现), but all Z axis information is available for the CAM operations.3-D surface models 三维表面模型These are similar to wireframes except that a thin skin has been stretched over the wireframe model to aid in visualization.Inside, the model is empty. Complex contoured Surfaces are possible with surface models.3-D solid modeling 三维实体模型This is the current state of the market technology that is used by all high-end software. The geometry is represented as a solid feature that contains mass. Solid models can be sliced(切片,部分,片段)open to reveal internal features and not just a thin skin.2. CAM ModuleThe CAM module is used to create the machining process model based upon the geometry supplied in the CAD model. For example, the CAD model may contain a feature that we recognize as a pocket .We could apply a pocketing routine to the geometry, and then all of the toolpaths would be automatically created to produce thepocket. Likewise, the CAD model(模子,铸型)may contain geometry that should be produced with drilling operations. We can simply select the geometry and instruct the CAM system to drill holes at the selected locations.The CAM system will generate a generic(一般的,普通的)intermediate (中间的,媒介)code that describes the machining operations, which can later be used to produce G & M code or conversational programs. Some systems create intermediate code in their own proprietary(所有的,私人拥有的)language, which others use open standards such as APT for their intermediate files.The CAM modules also come in several classes and levels of sophistication. First, there is usually a different module available for milling, turning, wire EDM, and fabrication(装配). Each of the processes is unique enough that the modules are typically sold as add-ins(附加软件). Each module may also be available with different levels of capability. For example, CAM modules for milling are often broken into stages as follows, starting with very simple capabilities and ending with complex, multi-axis toolpaths :● 21/2-axis machining● Three-axis machining with fourth-axis positioning● Surface machining● Simultaneous five-axis machiningEach of these represents a higher level of capability that may not be needed in all manufacturing environments. A job shop might only require 3-axis capability. An aerospace contractor might need a sophisticated 5-axis CAM package that is capable of complex machining. This class of software might start at $5,000 per installation, but the most sophisticated modules can cost $15,000 or more. Therefore, there is no need to buy software at such a high level that we will not be able to use it to its full potential.3.Geometry vs. toolpathOne important concept we must understand is that the geometry represented by the CAD drawing may not be exactly the same geometry that is produced on the CNC machine C machine tools are equipped to produce very accurate toolpaths aslong as the toolpaths are either straight lines or circular arcs. CAD systems are also capable of producing highly accurate geometry of straight line and circular arcs, but they can also produce a number of other classes of curves. Most often these curves are represented as Non-Uniform(不均匀的,不一致的)Rational Bezier Splines (NURBS) (非均匀有理B样条). NURBS curves can represent virtually any geometry, ranging from a straight line or circular arc to complex surfaces.Take, for example, the geometric entity that we call an ellipse(椭圆形). An ellipse is a class of curve that is mathematically different from a circular arc. An ellipse is easily produced on a CAD system with the click of the mouse. However, a standard CNC machine tool cannot be use to directly problem an ellipse – it can only create lines and circular arcs. The CAM system will reconcile(使和解,使顺从)this problem by estimating the curve with line segments.CNC machine tools usually only understand circular arcs or straight lines. Therefore, the CAM system must estimate curved surfaces with line segments. The curve in this illustration is that of an ellipse, and the toolpath generated consists of tangent line segments that are contained within a tolerance zone.The CAM system will generate a bounding geometry on either side of the true curve to form a tolerance zone.It will then produce a toolpath from the line segment that stays contained within the tolerance zone. The resulting toolpath will not be mathematically correct – the CAM system will only be able to estimate the surface. This basic method is used to produce estimated toolpaths for both 2-D curves and 3-D surface curves.Some CAM programs also have the ability to convert the line segments into arc segments. This can reduce the number of blocks in the program and lead to smoother surfaces.The programmer can control the size of the tolerance zone to create a toolpath that is as accurate as is needed. Smaller tolerance zones will produce finer toolpaths and more numerous line segments, while larger tolerance zones will produce fewer line segments and coarser(粗糙的)toolpaths. Each line segment will require a block of code in the NC program, so the NC part program can grow very large whenusing this technique.We must use caution when machining surfaces. It is easy to rely on the computer to generate the correct tooolpath, but finished surfaces are further estimated during machining with ball end mills.If we do not pay attention to the limitations of these techniques, then the accuracy of the finished workpiece may be compromised (妥协,折衷).4.Tool and material librariesTo create the machining operations, the CAM system will need to know which cutting tools are available and what material we are machining. CAM systems take care of this by providing customizable (可定制的)libraries of cutting tools and materials. Tool libraries contain information about the shape and style of the tool. Material libraries contain information that is used to optimize(使最优化)the cutting speeds and feeds. The CAM system uses this information together to create the correct toolpaths and machining parameters.(参数)The format of these tool and material libraries is often proprietary(专利的,独占的,私有的)and can present some portability issues.Proprietary(轻便,移动)tool and material files cannot be easily modified or used on another system. More progressive (改革论者,进步论者,前进的)CAM developers tend to produce their tool and material libraries as database files that can be easily modified and customized for other applications.5.Verification and post-processorCAM systems usually provide the ability to verify that the proposed toolpaths are correct. This can be via a simple backplot(背景绘制)of the tool centerline or via a sophisticated solid model of the machining operations. The solids verifications(确认,查证)is often a third-party software that the CAD/CAM software company has licensed.(得到许可的)However, it may be available as a standalone package. The post-processor is a software program that takes a generic intermediate code and formats the NC code for each particular machine tool control. The post-processor(后置处理器)can often be customized through templates(模板)and variables toprovide the required customization. (用户化,专用化,定制)6.Portability 轻便,可带的Portability of electronic data is the Achilles` heel(唯一致命的弱点)of CAD/CAM systems and continues to be a time-consuming concern. CAD files are created in a number of formats and have to be shared between many organizations. It is very expensive to create a complex model on a CAD system; therefore, we want to maximize the portability of our models and minimize the need for recreating the geometry on another system.DXF, DWG, IGES, SAT, STL and parasolids are a few of the common formats for CAD data exchange.CAM process models are not nearly as portable as CAD models. We cannot usually take a CAM model developed in one system and transfer it to another platform. The only widely accepted standard for CAM model interchange is a version of Automatically Programmed Tool (APT). APT is a programming language used to describe machining operations. APT is an open standard that is well documented and can be accessed by third-party software developers. A number of CAD/CAM systems can export to this standard, and the CAM file can later be used by post-processors and verification software.There are some circumstances when the proprietary intermediate files created by certain CAD/CAM systems can be fed directly into a machine tool without any additional post-processing. This is an ideal solution, but there is not currently any standard governing this exchange.One other option for XAD/CAM model exchange is to use a reverse post-processor. A reverse post-processor can create a CAD/CAM model from a G &M-code of NC part program. These programs do work; however, the programmer must spend a considerable amount of time determining the design intent of the model and to separate the toolpaths from the geometry. Overall, reverse post-processing has very limited applications.Software issues and trendsThroughout industry, numerous software packages are used for CAD and CAD/CAM. Pure CAD systems are used in all areas of design, and virtually any product today is designed With CAD software-gone are the days of pencil and paper drawings.CAD/CAM software, on the other hand, is more specialized. CAD/CAM is a small but important niche(适当的位置)confined to machining and fabrication organizations, and it is found in much smaller numbers than its CAD big brother.CAD/CAM systems contain both the software for CAD design and the CAM software for creating toolpaths and NC code. However, the CAD portion is often weak and unrefined when compared to much of the leading pure CAD software. This mismatch sets up the classic(第一流的,标准的)argument between the CAD designers and the CAD/CAM programmer on what is the best way to approach CAD/CAM.A great argument can be made for creating all geometry on an industry-leading CAD system and then importing the geometry into a CAD/CAM system.A business is much better off if its engineers only have to create a CAD model one time and in one format. The geometry can then be imported into the CAD/CAM package for process modeling. Furthermore, industry-leading CAD software tends to set an unofficial standard. The greater the acceptance of the standard, the greater the return on investment for the businesses that own the software.The counter argument comes from small organizations that do not have the need or resources to own both an expensive, industry-standard CAD package and an expensive CAD/CAM package. They tend to have to redraw the geometry from the paper engineering drawing or import models with imperfect(有缺点的,未完成的)translators. Any original models will end up being stored as highly non-standardized CAD/CAM files. These models will have dubious(可疑的,不确定的)prospects(景色,前景,期望)of ever being translated to a more standardized version.Regardless of the path that is chosen, organizations and individuals tend to become entrenched(以壕沟防护)in a particular technology. If they have invested tremendous effort and time into learning and assimilating(吸收)a technology, then it becomes very difficult to change to a new technology, even when presented with overwhelming(压倒性的,无法抵抗的)evidence of a better method. It can be quite painful to change. Of course, if we had a crystal ball and could see into the future, this would never happen; but the fact is that we cannot always predict what the dominant(有统治权的,占优势的)technology will be even a few years down the road.The result is technology entrenchment(堑墩)that can be very difficult and expensive to get out from under. About the only protection we can find is to select the technology that appears to be the most standardized (even if it is imperfect) and stay with it-then, if major changes appear down the road, we will be in a better position to adapt.。
Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
46 Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
• . The emergence of CAD/CAM has had a major impact on manufacturing,by standardizing product development and by reducing design effort,tryout,and prototype work;it has made possible significantly reduced costs and improved productivity. The two-engine Boeing 777 passenger airplane, for example, was designed completed by computer (paperless design ).The plane is constructed directly from the CAD/CAM software developed(an enhanced CATIA system)and no prototypes or mockups were built , such as were required for previous models.
46 Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
• In machining operations,an important feature of CAD/CAM is its capability to describe the tool path for various operations,such as NC turning,milling,and drilling. The instructions (programs)are computer generated,and they can be modified by the programmer to optimize the tool path .The engineer or technician can then display and visually check the tool path for possible tool collisions with fixtures or other interferences. The tool path can be modified at any time,to accommodate other part shapes to be machined. • Some typical applications of CAD/CAM are:(a) programming for NC,CNC,and industrial robots;(b) design of tools and fixtures and EDM electodes;(c) quality control and inspection,for instance,coordinatemeasuring machines programmed on a CAD/CAM workstation;(d)process planning and scheduling ;and(e) plant layout.
计算机辅助几何设计CAGDComputer-Aided Geometric Design CAGDCAGDComputer-Aided Geometric DesignCG (Computer Graphics)计算机图形学的发展主要原因主要原因::图形设备昂贵图形设备昂贵、、功能简单功能简单,,基于图形的应用软件缺乏应用软件缺乏。
计算机图形学的研究内容为此,必须建立图形所描述的场景的几何表示,再几何表示计算机辅助几何设计计算机图形学的研究内容与应用Entertainment Industry: Movie industryEntertainment Industry: GameCAD : Product designCAD : Architectural DesignSIGGRAPHGeometric ModelingComputational Geometry)计算几何(《数学辞海第四卷)数学辞海》》第四卷CAGDComputer-Aided Geometric Design计算机辅助几何设计CAGD的研究对象初等解析曲线曲面自由型曲线曲面CAGD计算机执行计算和处理程序CAGD 的核心问题中,核心的问题是计算机表示 核心的问题是计算机表示对形状数学描述的要求CAGD的发展主线矢函数方法与Coons方法以上两者都存在形状控制与连接问题Bézier方法éBézier/xdjyjx/tuxing /Chapter3/Bezier/CG_Txt_3_202.htmBézier曲面片B样条方法B样条方法较成功地解决了局部形状控制问题,并在参数连续性基础上解决了连接问题。
M P(0.5)P(1)P(0)B2..P (0)P (1),,P(1)P1P 0P 2P 3P(0)P(μ)......P mP nP(t)B0B1B2B32/)()1(2/)()0(6/)4()1(6/)4()0(1302321210B B P B B P B B B P B B B P −=′−=′++=++=/xdjyjx/tuxing/Chapter3/BSpline/CG_Txt_3_204.htmB样条曲面片NURBS方法NURBS 方法提出NURBS 方法方法,,即非均匀有理B 样条方法主要是为了找到既与描述自由型曲线曲面的B 样条方法相统一相统一,,又能精确表示二次曲线弧与二次曲面的数学方法数学方法。
名词解释(一)APC(Advanced Process Control):先进过程控制,以模型预测控制、线性规划理论为基础,采用动态矩阵控制等软件技术,实现工艺过程的多变量协调控制,提高装置操作平稳性。
APS(Advanced Planning and Scheduling):高级生产计划与排期,具有生产计划调度功能,最充分地利用企业的资源条件,找到最佳的调度排程结果。
APM (Asset Performance Management) :资产性能管理,采集和分析历史和实时运营及资产数据,以提升资产性能、降低成本等。
BPM(Business Process Management ):业务流程管理,是一种以规范化的构造端到端的卓越业务流程为中心,以持续提高组织业务绩效为目的的系统化方法。
BI(Business Intelligence):商业智能,通常被理解为将企业中现有的数据转化为知识,帮助企业做出明智的业务经营决策的工具。
BIM(Building Information Modeling):建筑信息模型,辅助三维图形、物件导向、建筑学有关的设计。
CAD(Computer Aided Design):计算机辅助设计,利用计算机及其图形设备帮助设计人员进行设计工作。
CAE(Computer Aided Engineering):计算机辅助工程,用计算机对工程和产品进行性能与安全可靠性分析,对其未来的工作状态和运行行为进行模拟,及早发现设计缺陷,并证实未来工程、产品功能和性能的可用性和可靠性。
CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing):计算机辅助制造,利用计算机辅助完成从生产准备到产品制造整个过程活动。
CAPP(Computer Aided Process Planning):计算机辅助流程计划,借助于计算机软硬件技术和支撑环境,利用计算机进行数值计算、逻辑判断和推理等的功能来制定零件机械加工工艺过程。
Geometric Modeling
Geometric ModelingGeometric modeling is a computer-aided design technique that involves creating digital representations of physical objects using mathematical equations. It is a crucial part of modern engineering and design, and has revolutionized the way we approach product development. In this essay, I will explore the various perspectives on geometric modeling, including its benefits, limitations, andethical considerations. From an engineering perspective, geometric modeling is an essential tool for designing and prototyping new products. It allows engineers to create detailed digital models of complex objects, which can be analyzed and modified before physical prototypes are produced. This saves time and money, and ensures that the final product meets the required specifications. Geometric modeling also allows engineers to simulate the behavior of objects under different conditions, such as stress, temperature, and vibration. This helps to identify potential problems early in the design process, and ensures that the final product is safe and reliable. From a design perspective, geometric modeling allows designers to explore different shapes, sizes, and configurations for their products. It enables them to create complex curves, surfaces, and textures that would be difficult or impossible to achieve using traditional design methods. Geometric modeling also allows designers to test different materials and colors, and to visualize how their products will look in different environments. Thishelps to ensure that the final product is aesthetically pleasing and meets the needs of the target audience. However, geometric modeling also has its limitations. One of the main challenges is creating accurate models that reflect the physical properties of the object being modeled. This requires a deep understanding of the materials, manufacturing processes, and physical laws that govern the behavior of objects. It also requires a high degree of skill and expertise in using the software tools that are used to create the models. Another challenge is ensuring that the models are compatible with the manufacturing processes that will be used to produce the final product. This requires close collaboration between designers, engineers, and manufacturers, and may require modifications to the design or manufacturing processes. From an ethical perspective, there are also important considerations when using geometric modeling.One of the most significant is the potential for intellectual property theft. Because geometric models can be easily shared and reproduced, there is a risk that designs may be stolen or copied without permission. This can lead to lost revenue, damage to the brand, and legal disputes. Another ethical consideration is the impact of geometric modeling on the environment. The use of digital models can reduce the need for physical prototypes and testing, which can reduce waste and energy consumption. However, the production and disposal of electronic devices used in geometric modeling can also have a negative impact on the environment. In conclusion, geometric modeling is a powerful tool for engineering and design, but it also has its limitations and ethical considerations. It requires a high degree of skill and expertise, and close collaboration between designers, engineers, and manufacturers. To ensure that it is used ethically, it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits, and to take steps to protect intellectual property and minimize environmental impact. By doing so, we can continue to harness the power of geometric modeling to create innovative and sustainable products that meet the needs of society.。
Creo 中常用术语缩写的说明信息
文档- CS72633文档详细信息标题有关Pro/ENGINEER 和Creo 中常用术语缩写的说明信息说明∙有关Pro/ENGINEER 和Creo 中常用术语缩写的说明信息∙ Glossary abbreviates detail explanation∙例如 AFX, B-rep, CMM, FMX, HDIC, IMM, MBD, PCX, PMI, WEDM等等适用于∙Pro/ENGINEER 所有版本∙Creo Elements/Pro 所有版本∙Creo Parametric 所有版本原因解决方案ESR External Simplified Representation 外部简化表示FAO Fatigue Advisor Option 疲劳分析顾问FRT Feature Recognition Tool 特征识别工具FEM Finite Element Mode 有限元模式FMX Flexiable Modeling Extension 柔性建模扩展F-rep or FREP Facet RepresentationGCRI GRANITE-based Cross-ReleaseInteroperabilityGRANITE 的跨版本互操作性GD&T Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances 几何尺寸和公差GEA Geometric Element Analysis 几何元素分析GEM Geometric Element Modeling 几何元素建模GEO Geometric Element Optimization 几何元素优化GTOL Geometric Tolerance 几何公差GUI Graphical User Interface 图形用户界面HDIC Heterogeneous Design In ContextHeterogeneous Design In ContextHPGL Hewlett-Packard Graphics LanguageIDD Imported Data DoctorIDF Intermediate Data FormatIGES Initial Graphics Exchange SpecificationIMM Injection Molding Machine 注射成型机ISDX Interactive Surface Design Extension 交互式曲面LCS Local Coordinate System 局部坐标系LDA Large Displacement Analyse 大变形分析LMX Legacy Migration Extension 继承迁移扩展NC Numerical Control 数字控制NURBS Non-uniform Rational Basis SplineMAX Manikin Analysis ExtensionMBD Model Based DefinitionMDO Mechanism Dynamics Option 机构动态扩展MDX Mechanism Design Extension 机构设计扩展MPA Multi-Pass Adaptive 多通道自适应OIT Order Independent TransparencyPAX Plastic Advisor Extension 塑料顾问扩展PCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷电路板。
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Received January 1995; revised September g homogeneous coordinates, a rational curve can be represented in a nonrational form. Based on such a nonrational representation of a curve, a simple method to identify inflection points and cusps on 2-D and 3-D rational curves is proposed. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
where X(t), Y(t), and W(t) are polynomials of degree n in t E [a, hi. Using homogeneous coordinates, we may map r(t) into a 3-D space to obtain a nonrational representation of a curve; i.e., R(t) = (X(t), Y(t), W(t)). In CAGD applications, it is often desirable to find the conditions such that R(t) may or may not have inflection points and cusps. By generalising the approach in (Patterson, 1988), we shall derive such conditions for planar rational curves of any degree. A comprehensive treatment of planar rational curves can be found in (Walker, 1950) and a very readable treatment in (Primrose, 1955). To be consistent, we briefly review some relevant properties of planar rational curves and then derive the inflection point and cusp conditions for R(t). In a homogeneous coordinate system, the point (X, I/, W) is a loop if two distinct parameters tl, t2 give the same ratio for (X, Y, W), i.e.,
Y.-M. LL R.J. Cripps / Computer Aided Geometric Design 14 (1997) 491-497
line to the curve, it must meet the curve at least three times at an inflection point with parameter t. Thus, we have
X' (t) : X(t) = Y'(t) : Y(t) = W'(t) : W(t),
where a dash denotes differentiation with respect to t. If one or two of X(t), Y(t), W(t) are zero, relation (1) needs to be modified. For example, if X(t) = 0 (1) becomes X'(t) = O; Y'(t) : Y(t) = W'(t) : W(t) and if X(t) = Y(t) = 0 (1) becomes
= Y ( t , ) : Y(t2) = W ( t , ) : W(t2).
A cusp may be regarded as the limit of a loop. Then, by using Taylor's expansion in the vicinity of t it can be proved (Primrose, 1955) that a cusp occurs if
Y.-M. Li, R.J. Cripps / Computer Aided Geometric Design 14 (1997) 491-497
solving a univariate polynomial. There are some advantages with respect to our approach. Firstly, we can easily identify the multiplicity of an inflection point, which has a practical importance in manufacturing since the normal of a curve changes directions only at an inflection point with odd multiplicity. Secondly, the occurrence of cusps and inflection points on a 3-D curve corresponds to zeros of one univariate polynomial rather than zeros of three polynomials. Therefore, efficiency and stability in computing such zeros can be assured. In the subsequent sections, we shall assume that our rational parametric curves are properly parametrised; i.e., these curves cannot be identically described by a rational polynomial parametrisation of lower degree. From the theory of algebraic geometry it is known that such proper parametrisation always exists for rational curves. Detailed discussion on proper parametrisation can be found in (Sederberg, 1984, 1986).
Keywords: Rational parametric curves; Inflection points; Cusps
I. Introduction
In C A G D applications, it is often desirable to find the conditions such that a curve may or may not have cusps and inflection points. Given a properly parametrised rational curve a cusp may be considered as a point at which the first derivative vector of a curve vanishes, and an inflection point as a vanishing of the curvature vector. From this point of view, the detection of cusps and inflection points is addressed in (Patterson, 1988; DeRose and Stone, 1989; Manocha and Canny, 1992). From the theory of algebraic curves, a point of multiplicity r is a point at which every line intersects the curve r times. In particular, a point of multiplicity one is a simple point, and a point of multiplicity two is a double point. A loop of a curve is a double point where the curve crosses itself and has two distinct tangents. A cusp is a double point at which two (cuspidal) tangents are coincident. An inflection point of a curve is a simple point at which the tangent intersects the curve three or more times. Accordingly, we say such an inflection point is of multiplicity three or more. From this geometric point of view, we shall derive the inflection point and cusp conditions in the form of determinants. Consequently, inflection points and cusps can be identified by * Corresponding author. 0167-8396/97/$17.00 © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. ,all S0167-8396(96)00041-6