








A.加⼯→收集→存储→发布B.收集→存储→加⼯→发布C.存储→收集→加⼯→发布D.发布→收集→加⼯→存储3.A SCII码是⼀种常⽤的英⽂字符编码,它的编码总数是________。

A.144 B.7 C.128D.2564.计算机系统由______。



A.操作系统→驱动程序→应⽤软件B.应⽤软件→驱动程序→操作系统C.应⽤软件→操作系统→驱动程序D.驱动程序→操作系统→应⽤软件7.关于冯·诺依曼“存储程序”的思想,下列说法中不正确的是_______ 。


2009学年水平考试第4套 答案

2009学年水平考试第4套 答案


上海市教育考试院保留版权高中学业考试2010 信息科技答案第1页(共2页)


表达式s= s+1/(2*i)写成s= s+0.5/i或s= s+1/2/i也正确。

Visual Basic(VB):
do while i<=100
s= s+1/(2*i)
for i=1 to 100
s= s+1/(2*i)
next i
Visual Basic(VB)评分标准:
数字、字母或符号大小写、全半角都不区分;答案中有i=1得1分;有do while得1分;有i<=100 得1分;有s= s+1/(2*i)得1分,有i=i+1得1分,有loop得1分。

数字、字母或符号大小写、全半角都不区分;答案中有for 得1分;有i=1得1分;有to 得1分;有100得1分,有s= s+1/(2*i)得1分,有next i得1分。

高中学业考试2010 信息科技第2页(共2页)。







一个小球以一定速度沿轨道切线方向进入轨道,以下关于小球运动的说法中正确的是()v第3题第5题A .轨道对小球做正功,小球的线速度不断增大B .轨道对小球做正功,小球的角速度不断增大C .轨道对小球不做功,小球的角速度不断增大D .轨道对小球不做功,小球的线速度不断增大 4.为了安全,汽车在行驶途中,车与车之间必须保持一定的距离,这是因为从驾驶员看见某一情况到采取制动动作的反应时间里,汽车仍然要通过一段距离,这个距离称为反应距离,而从采取制动动作到汽车停止运动通过的距离称为制动距离。




对于信息载体,以下说法错误的选项是 _______。







在这时期,挚友小华有好信息告诉小明,除了手机外,以下方法中有效的是 _______。

① 在博客上发信息② 发送电子邮件③ 在聊天工具上留言④ 经过快递通知A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④3.世博会上机器人吸引了众多眼光。


① 机器人能“感觉”光、声、温度和外力。


③ 机器人能够达成很多人难以胜任的工作。



A.在 Photoshop 上修饰一幅图片。




5.将十进制数31 变换成二进制数为_______。

A.10001B.11111C.D.6.□□□ B 是一个三位的二进制数(其尾部的 B 是二进制数的表记)。

以下表达式必定能成立的有 _______ 。

① □□□ B>7② □□□ B=7③ □□□ B<7④ □□□ B<=7A.①②③④B.②③④C.③④D.④7.英文字母“ a”的 ASCII 码为二进制数,英文字母“G”的 ASCII 码为二进制数,数字字符“ 7”的 ASCII码为二进制数,则它们之间的大小关系知足_______。

A.“ a”>“ G”>“ 7”B.“G”>“ a”>“ 7 ”C.“ 7”>“ G”>“ a”D.“ a”>“ 7”>“ G”8.英文字符的ASCII码在计算机内储存时只占用 1 个字节,而汉字机内码却起码需要占用 2个字节。











处理器Intel Core2 Duo(Merom) T5550(1.83G)请阅读这些技术参数,该处理器的主频是_________。











第一套 第I 部分统一模块:信息科技基础说明:本模块共30题,总分75分。

题型有单项选择题和填空题,每题 2.5分。

1. 一位科学家对一群老年人说: “在不久的未来,为了避免孤独,老人可能面临这样的选择,是选择一只宠物狗,还是选择一个数码伴侣?”他又解释说:“所谓数码伴侣,就是具有人工智能的电脑或机器人。

” 在场的老人对这个话题非常感兴趣,议论纷纷。

下列说法中,属于最不了解信息科技发展情况的是()A.我不相信数码伴侣能够帮我找到去公园或医院的路B.现在的智能手机就已经具备了数码伴侣的某些功能C.我期待数码伴侣能够跟我聊天,我一定会选择它D.我猜想,数码伴侣离不开网络支持,否则就会变“傻”【参考答案】A盖越来越广,表示 技术的普及和发展。

在下面的两幅图片中我们可以看到,同是观看歌星的表演,今 天的情景与二十年前大不一样。

很多观众带着智能手机和 iPad 等移动设备,一边观看,一边上网,在 上 发表评论,上传现场拍摄的照片和视频,与网友共享艺术盛宴。


A .路由器;B.存储;C.有线网;D.软键盘; E .无线网;F.微博;G .集线器;H .通信【参考答案】E ; H ; F3 .小华的父亲保存了很多老照片和旧的文字手稿,有些手稿还是用毛笔写的,他想与自己的亲朋好友在网 上共享这些珍贵的历史资料,为此小华提出了一些建议。

以下建议可行的有( )。

①用绘图仪将这些老照片和旧文稿转换成图片文件,再传到网上 ②用数码相机拍摄这些老照片和旧文稿,将照片文件传到网上 ③用数码摄像机拍摄这些老照片和旧文稿,将视频文件传到网上 ④通过扫描仪将这些老照片和旧文稿变成电子图片文件,再传到网上A.②③④B.①②③C.①③④D.①②④【参考答案】A4 .为了提醒行人安全过马路,一些路口的交通信号灯在显示绿灯的同时,还会发出“嘟嘟”的声音。

这里 用光或声音表示信息主要体现了信息的()。











A.BMP B.JPG C.GIF D.JPEG6.计算机处理信息的全过程是。








宝山区 2016 学年第一学期期末 高中生命科学学科等级考质量监测试卷考生注意:1. 试卷满分 100 分,考试时间 60 分钟。

2. 试卷包含两部分,第一部分为选择题,第二部分为综合题。

3. 答题前,务必用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题纸上填写姓名、班级、学校和准考证号。

考 生需将答案全部写在答題纸上,不要超过答题框,否则不得分。

、选择题 (共 40分,每小题 2 分。

每小题只有一个正确答案 )1. 在电闪雷鸣的极端天气里,人体感知雷鸣的感受器是2. 人体出现地方性甲状腺肿与肌肉抽搐症状是因为缺少3. 在实验条件下,矮牵牛花叶片细胞能发育成完整的植株。

这说明该细胞具有4. “地沟油”的主要成分是脂肪,但还含有许多致病、致癌的毒性物质。

下列有关叙述正确 的是A .“地沟油”的主要成分的组成元素一定是 C 、H 、O 、 NB .“地沟油”的主要成分是生物体内的主要能源物质C .“地沟油”的主要成分遇苏丹Ⅲ染液呈现橘黄色D .“地沟油”的主要成分参与细胞核内染色质组成5. 图 1 表示物质进出小肠上皮细胞的过程示意图。

其中 度。

下列叙述正确的是 A. 葡萄糖通过协助扩散的形式进入此细胞 B. 葡萄糖被运出此细胞,需要消耗 ATP C. 钠离子通过主动运输的方式进入此细胞,D. 组成图中葡萄糖载体和钠离子载体的基本单位相同6. 艾滋病病毒属于 RNA 病毒,有关艾滋病病毒的说法正确的是7. 赫尔希 (A.Hershey) 和蔡斯 (M.Chase) 于 1952年所做的噬菌体侵染细菌的著名实验进一步 证实了 DNA 是遗传物质。

这项实验获得成功的原因之一是噬菌体 A. 侵染大肠杆菌后会裂解宿主细胞 B. 只将其 DNA 注入大肠杆菌细胞中15C.DNA 可用 15N 放射性同位素标记D.DNA 分子具有稳定的双螺旋空间结构8. 人体通过多种调节来维持体温的相对稳定,下列叙述正确的是 A. 安静时由骨骼肌代谢产热 B. 炎热时散热大于产热C. 人体的蒸发散热主要通过呼吸道进行D. 寒冷刺激下甲状腺激素分泌增加以利于产热A. 鼓膜B. 半规管C. 耳蜗D. 听小骨A. 碘、钙B. 钠、钙C. 铁、锌D. 钾、钠A. 普遍性B. 统一性C. 全能性D. 特异性 A. 只有一种细胞器 B. 其基因是 DNA 有效片段C. 寄生在人体肝细胞D. 组成成分与核糖体相似、 的个数代表分子 ( 离子 ) 的浓 图19. 某同学看见课桌上有一层灰, 拿抹布抹课桌时, 不小心手被钉子刺了一下, 手臂快速收回, 在此反射中神经冲动传导途径是 A. 眼→传入神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉 B. 皮肤→传入神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉C. 眼→传入神经→大脑→传出神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉D. 皮肤→传入神经→大脑→传出神经→脊髓→传出神经→肌肉10. 野外旅游迷路的人,长时间不吃饭、不喝水、不休息,其体内激素含量变化正确的是A. 胰高血糖素减少B. 胰岛素增加C. 抗利尿激素增多D. 促甲状腺激素减少 11. 下列关于细胞器的结构和功能的说法,正确的是12. 图 3 中①代表新鲜菠菜叶的光合色素纸层析结果,则右图②所示结果最有可能来自于A. 水培的洋葱叶B. 生长的柳树幼叶C. 培养的衣藻D. 秋冬的银杏落叶① ② 图313. 下列各组化合物中,全是内环境成分的一组是 A. CO 2 、血红蛋白、载体蛋白 B.RNA 聚合酶、抗体、激素C. 胆固醇、 O 2 、血浆蛋白D.Ca2+、消化酶、葡萄糖 14. 如图 4 表示人体内主要能源物质氧化分解的部分途径,其中的大写字母代表物质。





A.20分钟B.20秒C.2分钟D.2秒选学模块1 算法与程序设计1.下列关于算法的叙述中错误的是______。

A.算法必须在计算机上用某种语言实现B.算法必须有输出C.算法不一定有输入D.算法必须在有限步执行后能结束2.下列描述算法的流程图符号中属于判断框符号的是A B C D3.小王同学星期天的计划是:“如果下雨,就在家复习;如果不下雨,就出去郊游”。

用算法描述这一计划,合适的算法结构是B选择模式 C循环模式 D树型模式 A 顺序模式4. 以下流程图中,循环条件为:i<=5,循环体为s=s+i,i=i+1,要使循环体执行5次,循环变量i的初值应该是():A 1B 0C 5D 45.流程图填空:要计算1+2+3+…+100的和,以下流程图中应填写的语句是 ( ) 开始i ←1,s ←0结束i<=100YNi ←i+1s ←s+i输出sA s ←s+iB s ←s+100C s ←s+1 Ds ←100选学模块2 设计与创作(平面作品创作略)动画作品创作:学校里开展了“讲文明、树新风”的宣传活动,小明决定创作一个动画作品来宣传自己的想法,他看到公园里有游客随处乱扔垃圾,就以“乱扔垃圾”为自己作品的主题制作动画作品,创意如下:作品名称:大嘴春游记创意描述:大嘴是一个贪吃的垃圾桶,什么东西都往嘴里放,一天,它高高兴兴去春游,它走过公园里的草地,草地上的垃圾都成了它的美食,苹果核、废纸、塑料袋、烟头等等,慢慢地大嘴感到不舒服了,脸色不断变化,身体不断膨胀,最后随着一声爆炸,大嘴消失了。

1、1.小明使用工具绘制了一个圆形,如下图所示:要去除红色的边缘,一下操作中正确的是()A 用选择工具点选红色边缘,然后按2.为了调整“大嘴”在背景中的位置,需要选中它,下列操作不正确的是:A 使用“选择工具”点击蓝色区域,然后按住Shift键再点击黑色的眼睛B 使用“选择工具”在工作区里拖动画出一个矩形区域,该区域包括整个“大嘴”的形象,如图所示C 使用“套索工具”选择“大嘴”图形的边缘D 点击“选择工具”后,按“CTRL”+ “A”的快捷键3.小明要在片首和片尾处打出主题词,最合适的是()A 片首为“大嘴春游记”,片尾为“爱护环境,请勿乱扔垃圾!”B 片首为“谁害了大嘴”,片尾为“爱护树木”C 片首为“爱护公物人人有责”,片尾为“爱护环境,勿乱扔垃圾!”D 片首为“迎世博”,片尾为“爱惜粮食”4.要制作一个“大嘴”走过草地的动画,可是设置了动作补间动画以后时间轴上显示的却是虚线,可能的原因是A 没有将帧元素设置为元件B 起始帧和终止帧相隔太远了C 应该使用形状补间动画D 起始帧和终止帧相隔太近了5.为了给动画设置一个草地的背景,小明在场景中插入草地的图片,调整完尺寸以后发现原先制作的大嘴图片看不见了,如图所示,可能的原因是()A 草地图片太大了,以至于大嘴的图片被挤出了工作区域B 草地图片覆盖在大嘴图片上面了C 一个帧里只能放一个图像所以大嘴图片被草地图片替代掉了D 大嘴图片被隐藏了6.针对第5题中出现的问题,小明尝试采取各种办法,使让大嘴出现在草地上,以下方法中,不可行的是()。










A.7B.2 C.8 D.165.计算机中,将二进制编码转换成模拟声音信号的部件是______。


A.100H B.100B C.100D D.2547.下列叙述正确的是______。















A.程序 B.流程图 C.流程 D.算法2、计算机是一种按照设计好的程序,快速、自动地进行计算的电子设备,计算机开始计算之前,必须把解决某个问题的程序存贮在计算机的中。

A.硬盘 B.软盘 C.内存 D.CPU3、使用计算机解题的步骤,以下描述正确的是:。



A.一组 B.二个 C.一个 D.一个以上6、计算机程序中的数据部分用来存储。


A .有1个输入B .有多个输入C .有0个或多个输入D .有1个或多个输入8、关于算法的有穷性特征,以下描述正确的是: 。





2、第I卷(1—16小题,25 — 84小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡上。






第I卷(共105分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. A programmer. B. A writer. C. A reporter. D. An operator.2. A. At the airport. B. At the hotel. C. At the railway station. D. At the restaurant.3. A. In July. B. In August. C. In September. D. In October.4. A. 300. B. 200. C. 150. D.100.5. A. She stole money from others. B. She fell down and got hurt.C. She was unhappy for being wronged.D. She lost some of her money.6. A. They are going swimming. B. They are going hiking.C. They are going shopping.D. They are going diving.7. A. She wants to start her own business. B. She feels busy and tired.C. She enjoys her present job very much.D. She is not satisfied with her present situation.8. A. She is not feeling well. B. She has just attended a meeting.C. She has just finished exercising.D. She had to hurry to arrive on time.9. A. Interesting. B. Boring. C. Difficult. D. Opposite.10. A. Noise pollution is the most serious problem.B. Many people have been killed by noise.C. The man doesn’t agree with the woman.D. Attention should be paid to noise pollution.Section BDirections:In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Usage of Water. B. Common Expressions.C. Expressions about Water.D. A Story about Water.12. A. Being in hot water. B. Being in deep water.C. Keeping your head above water.D. Throwing cold water.13. A. The story is in deep water. B. Keep your head above water.C. The story throws cold water on me.D. The story can’t hold water.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following report.14. A. To buy gifts at lower prices. B. To avoid crowded stores.C. To have a wider range of choices.D. To push business into the black.15. A. The day before Thanksgiving. B. The Monday before Thanksgiving.C. The day after Thanksgiving.D. The Monday after Thanksgiving.16. A. The development of the Internet.B. The biggest day of the holiday season.C. The spending of the holiday season.D. The change of people’s shopping habit.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. It was claimed that his daughter was engaged ______ a sound all-round player.A. toB. inC. aboutD. for26. The winning prize in the Wife-carrying World Championships is an amount of beer equal to_____ of the winner’s wife’s body weight.A. itB. thisC. thatD. those27. An Indian man has been described as the world’s _____ student, as he has failed his highschool exams 38 times.A. badB. worseC. worstD. worsened28. Restaurants, clothing stores and book stores _____ from providing free plastic shopping bags.A. have prohibitedB. are prohibitingC. have been prohibitedD. will prohibit29. Often listening to MP 3 with a high-volume _____ lead to permanent hearing loss.A. mustB. mayC. shouldD. need30. It’s less likely that an earthquake will happen in Shanghai, according to a report _____ theurban quake risks of 30 major cities.A. estimatedB. to estimateC. being estimatedD. estimating31. _____ pandas’diets usually consist mostly of bamboo, they can also eat meat and theysometimes catch insects and small birds.A. Much asB. On conditionC. Providing thatD. The moment32. Hotels in Beijing _____ a rising reservation rate in spite of a slight drop in the average roomprice last month.A. sawB. seeC. was seeingD. had seen33. – What is it that made Obama happy?– _____ the US President.A. To electB. ElectingC. Being electedD. Having elected34. Scientists are actively searching for living things and sending messages into space -just_____ living things do exist.A. even ifB. as thoughC. as long asD. in case35. About 2/3 of the world population watched Beijing Olympic events, making the Games themost _____ in history.A. watchingB. having watchedC. watchedD. to watch36. It’s reported _____ some 100,000 college graduates will be chosen to assume village officialsacross the country in 5 years.A. ifB. becauseC. whenD. that37. A lack of sense of family responsibility has caused many couples born in the 1980s _____quickly.A. divorceB. to divorceC. divorcingD. divorced38. Many people sleep with the charging phones right next to their heads, _____ could increasethe chances of getting cancer.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that39. Most people take Internet search engines for granted, _____ Page and Brin have a differentview.A. beforeB. butC. afterD. unless40. An idea occurred to the headmaster _____ he might resolve the problem of security in school.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. whereSection BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Knowledge is free on the Internet at a small but ___41___ number of colleges and universities.About 160 schools around the world now put free course materials on the web to the ___42___. Recent additions in the United States ___43___ projects at Yale, Johns Hopkins and the University of California, Berkeley.Berkeley said it would offer videos of lectures on YouTube. Free videos from other schools are ___44___ at the Apple iTunes store.The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) became an early ___45___with its OpenCourseWare project, first ___46___ in 2001. Free lecture notes, exams and other resources are published at . Many exams even include the answers.Today, OpenCourseWare offers materials from 1,800 undergraduate and graduate courses. These ___47___ from physics to political science.Visitors can learn the same things that M.I.T. students learn. But as the site points out, OpenCourseWare is not a M.I.T. education. Visitors receive no credit toward a degree. Some materials from a course may not be available, and the site does not provide ___48___ with teachers.Still, M.I.T. says that the site has had forty million visits by thirty-one million visitors fromalmost every country. Sixty percent of the visitors are from outside the United States and Canada. Students and educators use the site, including students at M.I.T. But the largest number of visitors, about half, are self-learners.Some professors have become well-known around the world as a result of appearing online. Walter Lewin, a physics professor at M.I.T., is ___49___ popular. Fans enjoy his entertaining lectures.M.I.T. OpenCourseWare now includes materials for high school. The aim is to improve education in science, technology, maths and engineering.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Good nutrition and a balanced diet will help your child grow up healthy. Whether your kid is a toddler (学步的孩子) or a teen, you can take steps to improve nutrition and encourage smart ___50___ habits. There are several ways, one of which is to have ___51___family meals.Family meals are a comforting occasion for both ___52___ and kids. Kids who take part in regular family meals are also ___53___ likely to eat fruits, vegetables and grains, and less likely to snack on ___54___foods, smoke or drink alcohol.___55___, family meals offer the chance to introduce your child to new foods and ___56___which foods your child likes and which ones he or she doesn’t.Teens may ___57___ their noses at family meals -not ___58___ because they’re trying to become independent. Yet studies find that teens still want their parents’advice, so use the mealtime as a ___59___ to reconnect. Also, consider trying these ways:●Allow your teen to invite a friend to dinner.●Involve your teen in meal ___60___ and preparation.●Keep your mealtime calm and pleasant -no lectures or ___61___.What’s important as a family meal? Any time your family eat together —whether it’s takeout food or a home-cooked meal. Try to ___62___ for nutritious food and a time when everyone can be there. This may mean eating dinner a little ___63___ to wait for a child who’s at sports practice. It can also mean setting aside time on the ___64___, such as Sunday brunch (早午餐), when it may be more convenient to gather as a group.50. A. learning B. eating C. sleeping D. behaving51. A. common B. usual C. regular D. normal52. A. friends B. classmates C. relatives D. parents53. A. still B. not C. more D. less54. A. cheap B. dear C. various D. unhealthy55. A. As a result B. In addition C. In reality D. Generally speaking56. A. find out B. bring in C. pick out D. make up57. A. turn up B. put down C. clear up D. do up58. A. outstanding B. interesting C. surprising D. challenging59. A. meeting B. game C. chance D. task60. A. planning B. burning C. improving D. eating61. A. drinking B. arguing C. smoking D. delaying62. A. order B. buy C. share D. strive63. A. earlier B. later C. slower D. faster64. A. holidays B. occasions C. weekends D. weekdaysSection BDirections:Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Poliana came from Brazil to the U.S. for academic reasons. She wanted to improve her English, because it could help her get a better job, maybe even a job teaching English someday. She’s interested in traveling and studying different cultures. She said that Brazilians try to copy North American customs, so she was interested in understanding why.Before coming to the U.S., Poliana had a certain image of North Americans. She got her image of North Americans from watching North American TV and movies in Brazil. She saw several Hollywood movies about high schools in the U.S., and she imagined high school could be a lot of fun. High school students seemed to have a lot of freedom. She imagined they participated in a lot of fun activities both inside and outside of school. However, she now thinks that Brazilian students have more fun and freedom in school.Poliana sometimes feels disappointed because outside of school there are few places for young people to meet their friends and talk. In Brazil, young people often get together at parties or at a shopping mall.In addition, Poliana thinks most North American students pretend to like her, because she comes from a foreign country, but actually don’t make an effort to get to know her well. She also feels North American students often discriminate against other students who don’t have fashionable clothes and hairstyles. In her opinion, North Americans aren’t open to different cultures and customs.65. Why did Poliana come to the U.S.?A. Because she was interested in traveling and studying different cultures.B. Because she could find a better job in the U.S..C. Because she wanted to make her major better.D. Because she hoped to teach English in the U.S..66. When Poliana got to the U.S., she found high school students there _____.A. had a lot of fun and freedomB. saw several Hollywood movies outside of schoolC. participated in a lot of fun activities inside and outside of schoolD. had less fun and freedom67. Which of the following is correct about what Poliana saw and felt in the U.S.?A. It seemed that most American students liked her.B. Poliana frequently feels disappointed.C. Young people in America often get together at parties or at a shopping mall.D. North Americans are willing to accept different cultures and customs.68. The underlined phrase ―discriminate against”in the last paragraph may be replaced by―________‖.A. fight againstB. look down uponC. take toD. distinguish(B)The following are two ads from Axalto in China Daily. Read them carefully and complete the relevant choices below:Receptionist / SecretaryPrimary Responsibilities:●Provide receptionist service to Beijing Office.●Pick up phone calls, make appointments, receive visitors, record and file documents.●Travel arrangements including administration and purchase of tickets, hotel reservations,preparation and calculation of travel orders and the equivalent payments.●Post service including local express service, EMS(快递).●Provide secretarial support to related teams (HR, Sales, Marketing). Adjust the operation ofdifferent departments independently by taking creative measures.●Meeting arrangement upon requirement.●Prepare presentation material.●Organize customer event.●Combine data and help administration department to adjust schedule.Education / Skill requirements:●University degree or equivalent, major in English is preferred.●At least 1 year's experience as a Secretary.●Self-motivated, could work under pressure and independently.●Strong in telecommunication skill and interpersonal communication skill.●Good team spirit, quick learner.●Result oriented, self-discipline.Software Engineer —ToolsPrimary Responsibilities:●Work as a software engineer on Smart Cards Tools Research and Development.●Responsible for software development activities including implementation and testing. Specific Duties:●Do/take part in software development analysis and design.●Do/take part in software development/good at work with C++ Java.●Do/take part in performing unit test/system test over the application software beingdeveloped.●Do/ take part in software tools test/check activities.●Work closely with other engineers to ensure high quality of product/tools delivery. Education / Skill requirements:●Bachelor's or Master’s Degree in Software Engineering/Informatics/Computer Science.●Knowledge in object oriented analysis & design with UML.●Familiar with development/programming in C++ and Java.●Good sense and awareness of software quality.●Good English communication skills and should be comfortable in multi-cultural environment.Knowledge in Smart Card (智能卡) /GSM (数字通) is preferred.●Knowledge in XML, Python will be an advantage.If you are interested in the above positions, please send your resume(简历)to:E-mail: axalto_hr_china@axalto/comPlease indicate the position you are applying for.69. Which of the following sentences is NOT the primary responsibilities of secretary?A. Pick up phone calls, make appointments and file documents.B. Preparation and calculation of travel orders and the equivalent paying.C. Responsible for activities including typing.D. Provide secretarial support to related teams.70. _______ is a must for those applying for the position of software engineer.A. Fluent English and being able to talk with people from different countriesB. A Doctor's Degree in InformaticsC. A M aster’s Degree in Computer ScienceD. Being able to live comfortably without trouble71. You will have more chance to apply for the position of software engineer if you_________.A. have reached high level in English communicationB. have got a Bachelor's Degree in software EngineeringC. have graduated from college with a Master's Degree in Computer scienceD. have a good knowledge of Smart Card or GSM(C)I was only ten, but Mom couldn’t put off the Talk any longer. ―I think,‖ she began, ―that you should start investing some of that money you have saved.‖Does a ten-year-old child really need to know the financial facts of life? As immigrants with little money, my parents were convinced that the time to teach children about investment building was as early as possible. They wanted my brother and me to get a head start on that long road to financial stability.Two years earlier my parents had helped me open my first bank account, and now my mother was introducing me to mutual funds. An enthusiastic pupil, I was soon contributing income from my paper route towards my investments.Then, later, as a high-school student with university on the horizon, I began to wonder how I could possibly afford the $2,200-a-year tuition. I had decided to major in sciences, with the aim of going on to medical school. In other words, there were a lot of years of tuition ahead of me.Clearly, it was time to step up my investing planning. I read investment magazines carefully and thoroughly for money-making advice. My comfort level grew, as did my investment. At the end of high school, I was able to pay for my university tuition. In fact, the proceeds of that investment supported me much of the way through medical school.Since Mom’s first chat nearly two decades ago, I have come a long way as an investor. Above all, I have seen firsthand how smart investing can help you reach important goals in life. It’s partly thanks to the good financial habits I picked up as a child that I’m enjoying a medical residency in Edmonton today — thanks, in other words, to my money-wise Mom and Dad.72. When did the writer’s parents open his first bank account?A. When the writer was only ten years old.B. When the writer was twelve years old.C. When the writer was eight years old.D. When the writer finished his junior school.73. The time when the writer could afford his university tuition was _______.A. two years later after his mother’s talkB. the year when he majored in sciencesC. at the end of high schoolD. when he read investment magazines for money-making advice74. Why did the writer’s mother encourage the writer to learn to invest?A. Because the writer liked to know something about financial facts of life.B. Because the writer was an enthusiastic pupil.C. Because the writer’s parents were immigrants with little money.D. Because the writer’s parents thought the children should know how to consume.75. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. Debt of gratitudeB. The memory of parentsC. Thanks to the proceeds of that investmentD. Success comes from financial stability(D)Scientists estimate that more than 60 percent of cancer deaths in the United States are preventable through lifestyle changes. Although there is no certain way to avoid all cancers, reducing individual risk factors significantly decreases the likelihood of getting many forms of this dangerous disease.The American Chemical Society estimates that smoking causes nearly 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the United States — that is, about 166,000 cancer deaths each year. All cancer deaths caused by tobacco smoking could be prevented completely by not smoking and not using smokeless tobacco. For those who already smoke, quitting will reduce the risk of developing cancer. Studies show that after about ten years of not smoking, a past smoker’s risk lowers to about the level of those who have never smoked.After quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet is the best way to lower the risk of cancer. Certain foods have been found to protect against cancer. Among these foods are cabbage, tomatoes, soy products, and foods high in vitamins A, C, and E. In addition, green and possibly black teas contain compounds that protect the body from cancer-causing substance.To lower cancer risk, diets should include little or no red meat. Other foods to avoid or consume in moderation include sugar, fat from animal products, and salt. Added fats and oils should come from vegetables, such as olives or corn, rather than from animal sources. Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) should come from whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat bread, rather than from processed foods, such as white rice and white bread.The risk of cancer of the esophagus (食道) increases with heavy alcohol consumption, and many studies suggest that consuming alcoholic drinks increases the risk of breast cancer as well. Studies show that limiting intake to two drinks a day for men, and one drink per day for women, reduces cancer risk.Low levels of physical activity have been implicated (牵连) in some cancer. Moderate activity for 30 minutes a day enhances the immune system, shortens the time food takes to move through the intestines (肠), and changes body composition and hormone levels. Researchers are studying how these effects might lower cancer risk.76. Which do you think is the best title for this passage?A. Lifestyle and DiseaseB. Tips for Cancer PreventionC. Causes of CancersD. How do We Remain Healthy?77. Which of the following is true according to the author?A. Those who have quitted smoking for 10 years and non-smokers have the same cancer risk .B. Once a smoker has stopped smoking, there is almost no chance of getting cancers.C. A balanced diet is absolutely effective in preventing one from getting cancer.D. A person drinking tea regularly will not be likely to suffer from cancer.78. What kind of people increase their chances of getting cancers?A. Their food contains less sugar, animal fat, and salt.B. One who is not moderate in drinking and eating.C. Those who have one or two drinks regularly and enjoy doing so with their families.D. Those whose diet contains a lot of red meat and not a little fruit.79. The last paragraph implies that ______.A. Food's staying in one's body for too long a time might be related to a kind of cancerB. Exercise can consume more whole grainsC. 30 minutes' physical activity is good for ordinary peopleD. Plenty of physical exercise is most important for one to remain healthySection CDirections:Read the following text and choose the most suitable heading from A-F for eachparagraph. There is one extra heading which you do not need.80.The earth is getting warmer. People burn coal, oil and gas and this produces carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These gases, called ―greenhouse gases ‖, prevent the heat of the sun from leaving the earth ’s upper atmosphere and this makes the earth warmer.81.A few weeks ago a group of scientists produced a report about global warming and the natural world. They wanted to find out if global warming was dangerous for plants and animals. According to what they found, the scientists say that during the next 50 years about 25% of land animals and plants will become extinct. More than a million plant and animal species will be extinct by 2050.82. More than 10% of all plants and animals will become extinct. It is too late to save many plants and animals because of the greenhouse gases that are already in the atmosphere. But the scientists say if we control greenhouse gases now, we could save many more plants and animals from extinction.83.The scientists studied some regions of the world with a very rich biology. These regions were Europe, Australia, Central and South America, and South Africa. Their studies showed that species living in mountainous areas had a better chance of survival because they could move uphill, to get cooler. In flat areas, such as deserts, plants and animals would have to move a very long distance to get cooler, so they are in greater danger of extinction.84.The scientists found that half of the 24 species of butterflies they studied in Australia would soon become extinct. 60% of the species in the Kruger National Park in South Africa would also die out, and more than 100% of the 300 South Africa plant species they studied would also become extinct. One of the plants in danger of extinction is the national flower of South Africa, the King Protea. They studied 163 tree species in the Cerrado region of Brazil and found that 70 would become extinct. Many of the plants and trees that live in this region live nowhere else in the world. In Mexico, they studied 1,870 species and found that more than 30% of these were in danger of extinction.第II卷(共45分)I.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 给他这么多钱毫无意义。



20xx年度信息科技第一学期终试卷.(13页)20xx 学年第一学期宝山区高一信息科技期终测试卷20xx 学年第一学期期终考试高一信息科技测试卷说明:1.本试卷有选择题、填空题和程序设计三大类,共120 分。

2.本试卷考试时间60 分钟,不使用计算器。


一、单项选择题( 1— 45 题每题 2 分,共 90 分)奥运会赛事精彩纷呈,人们可以观看电视直播,也可以通过网络直播感受比赛的激烈,还可以从报纸上知道赛事结果。


..A.信息随着载体的物理形式变化而变化B.同一信息能依附于不同的载体C.报纸、网络和电视都是信息的载体 D.信息广泛传播,不会产生损耗 “天宫一号”机舱内设计了监测和净化装置,以确保航天员在太空家园里也能享受到春天般清新的无毒无害空气,这主要运用的信息技术是__________ 。

A.虚拟现实技术B.遥控技术C.通讯技术D.感测技术3. 关于信息的数字化,以下表述正确的是 __________。

A.信息只能用二进制数表示B.信息的数字化就是将信息转换成十进制数字序列C.声音、图像、文字甚至脑电波等都可以数字化D.信息数字化是信息安全措施之一,所以要将模拟信号转换成数字信号以下选项中不属于信息数字化过程的是 __________。

...A.用数码摄像机拍摄一段视频B.将计算机硬盘上不需要的文件删除C.用扫描仪获取画报上的图片D.用 Windows 系统附件中的“录音机”,录制一段声音十进制数 53 转换成二进制数是 __________ 。

A. 110101 B.100101C. 110100 D.1001006. 一个七位的二进制数,如果其最高位和最低位都为1,在下列几个数值中,可能与该二进制数的值相等的有__________。

①63②65③127④ 129A.①②B.②③C.③④D.①④小王同学在 PowerPoint 文档中为演讲稿文字设置了方正毡笔黑简体字体,但在教室的班班通电脑打开此文档,显示的字体却是宋体。











每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共8题)1.当太阳移动时,蜥蜴的部分肋骨就延长,使身体扁平与阳光呈直角,下列选项正确的是……………………………………………………………………………………………()①这种特性说明生物具有适应性②这种特性说明生物具有应激性③这种特性说明生物具有遗传性决定的④这种特性说明生物具有向光性A.②③ B. ①③ C.③④ D.①②2.鉴定生物体内的还原性糖,应选用a.鸡蛋 b.马铃薯 c.梨为实验材料;试剂应选用d.双缩脲试剂e.碘液f.班氏试剂;方法是g.振荡摇匀h.加热至沸;实验现象是i.蓝紫色j.砖红色 k.淡紫色A.b,e,h,I B. c,f,h,j C. a,d,g,k D. c,f,g,j3.如果一个人多食少动,即摄入食物过多,消耗的物质过少,容易导致身体的肥胖,其主要原因是体内的…………………………………………………………………………()A.有机物氧化分解成CO2和H2OB.葡萄糖合成肝糖元C.非脂肪类有机物转变成脂肪 D.葡萄糖合成肌糖元4.下列关于有性生殖和无性生殖的叙述正确的是…………………………………………()A.所有进行有性生殖的生物,只有单性个体不能产生后代B.无性生殖只能表现亲本的优良性状,所以有极大的应用价值C.有性生殖的后代,其遗传信息来自两个亲本,所以适应环境变化的能力往往更强D.细菌是进行无性生殖的生物,因此细菌的繁殖速度快,且不会发生变异。





在以下十进制数中,能够与此二进制数等值的是:①79 ②81 ③111 ④113A.②③B.②④C.①④D.①③6.小明收藏了从夏朝到民国共21个朝代的古钱币,每个朝代搜集的钱币数最多不超越15枚。

假设小明想要对每一枚古钱币用二进制停止编码,朝代和古钱币的起编码均为1,以下方案最合理的是:A.运用9位二进制停止编码,前4位用于朝代编码,后5位用于同一朝代钱币编码B.运用8位二进制停止编码,前5位用于朝代编码,后3位用于同一朝代钱币编码C.运用8位二进制停止编码,前4位用于朝代编码,后4位用于同一朝代钱币编码D.运用9位二进制停止编码,前5位用于朝代编码,后4位用于同一朝代钱币编码7.ASCII 码的作用是 〔 〕 A.使英文字母、阿拉伯数字等符号可以被转换成计算机能识别的二进制数 B.用七位二进制数表示一个字符 C.可以表示94个字符 D.可以表示34个控制符8.字母A 的ASCII 码是1000001,那么〝E 〞的ASCII 码是 A.1000101 B.01000101 C.11000101D.010001109.假设用二进制〝0〞代表达色方格,〝1〞代表黑色方格,按行陈列那么此十六进制信息:〝3C ,42,81,A5,81,99,42,3C 〞所表达的点阵图形是:ABCD10.关于汉字机内码和字形码,以下表述正确的选项是 A.汉字字形点阵越精细,其字形码需求的存储空间就越大 B.汉字的字形点阵为24×24时需求的存储空间为24个字节 C.汉字机内码只需一个字节的存储空间D.由于字体不同,所以同一个汉字有不同的机内码11.以下图是同一段声响数字化进程的表示图,以下描画正确的选项是:A.图b 的采样频率低,数字化后的数据量小B.图b 的采样频率高,数字化后的数据量大C.图a的采样频率高,数字化后的数据量小D.图a的采样频率低,数字化后的数据量大12.通常,对声响的数字化经过采样和量化两个步骤来完成。

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A.1001B B.110B C.1101D D.10EH4.目前,国际上普遍采用的字符编码是ASCII码,该编码使用7位二进制数表示,最多可以表示的字符数是_______。

A.256 B.255 C.127 D.1285.字符“J”的ASCII码是1001010,则ASCII码为1001000的字符是_______。




A.10100101 64 B.01011010 8C.01011010 16 D.10100101 89.下列文件类型中,没有经过压缩的图像格式是_______。

A.GIF B.JPG C.BMP D.JPEG10.关于CPU,以下选项中正确的是_______。

A.控制器和运算器合称CPU B.存储器和控制器合称CPUC.运算器和存储器合称CPU D.控制器就是CPU11.关于冯·诺依曼“存储程序”的思想,下列说法中正确的是_______。











A.10. 256. 1. 10和10. 256. 1. 11 B.10. 56. 1. 10和10. 56. 1. 10C.192. 168. 1. 10和192. 168. 1. 11 D.192. 168. 10和192. 168. 1122.FTP://中的“FTP”是指_______。




A.IE浏览器B.DNS C.TCP/IP D.TELNET26.TCP/IP协议是因特网上最常见的协议,它包括TCP协议(___)、IP(___)、SMTP(简单邮件协议)和FTP(文件传输协议)等许多协议,是一个协议族。


A.传输控制协议和远程控制协议B.文件传输协议和网际协议C .传输控制协议和网际协议D .远程控制协议和网际协议 27. 下列信息中,可信度最高的是_______。

A .来历不明的电子邮件中的广告促销B .某BBS 上透露的下期彩票中奖号码C .某博客上发布的捐款方式D .教育部网站公布的最新学业水平考试方案28. 通过wang@ 成功发送电子邮件到zhang@ ,该邮件已存放在_______。

A .发件人的个人计算机中B . 的邮件服务器中C .收件人的个人计算机中D . 的邮件服务器中29. 以下关于算法的说法中正确的是_______。

A .算法是指为解决某一问题而设计的确定的有限的操作步骤B .算法是指解决某一个问题的计算公式C .算法就是流程图D .任何一个问题的算法都是唯一的 30._______。

A .处理框B .输入输出框C .判断框D .起止框31. 算法的三种基本结构是_______。

A .顺序结构、模块结构、条件结构B .顺序结构、循环结构、模块结构C .模块结构、条件结构、循环结构D .顺序结构、分支结构、循环结构32. 以下流程图描述的算法不符合算法特征的_______。

A .有穷性B .可行性C .确切性D .无二义性33. 计算机执行aa/2的操作过程是_______。

A .读取变量a 的值,将运算结果赋值给变量a ,将a 的值除以2B .读取变量a 的值,将a 的值除以2,将运算结果赋值给变量aC .读取变量a 的值,将a 的值赋值给变量a/2中D .将a 的值除以2,再读取变量a 的值,将运算结果赋值给变量a 34. 逻辑表达式(12>10) and not (1>-1)的值是_______。

A .-1B .TC .FD . 1035.如图所示,流程图虚线框部分的控制结构属于_______。

第35题第36题A.顺序结构B.分支结构C.循环结构D.并列结构36.若空气污染指数 API 值小于等于 50 ,说明空气质量为优。

如图是判断空气质量是否为优的部分流程图,其中变量 A 表示 API 值,则虚线框内应为_______。

A.A>=50?B.A<50?C.A <=50?D.A > 50?37.数学表达式a acb b24 2-+-,在计算机程序设计语言中应该表示为_______。

A.-b+sqr(b*b-4*a*c)/(2*a) B.(-b+sqr(b*b-4*a*c))/2*aC.-b+sqr(b*b-4*a*c)/2/a D.(-b+sqr(b*b-4*a*c))/2/a38.以下关于判断框与分支结构的说法正确的是_______。


A.int(x/10) mod 10B.int(x/10)/10C.x-(x mod 10)*100 D.x mod 10040.有一数列1,2,3,4,5, ……N,求数列和S。





1. 某学校需购买一批学生课桌椅,课桌椅每套单价200 元,运输费用是总价的3.5%,下图是描述学校应付总费用的算法流程图。

该流程图中变量P 表示___________,图中虚线框内三个步骤可用一个计算公式表示,这样,变量P 的计算表达式是______________。

第1题 第2题2.判断一个数的奇偶性算法如流程图所示,请在流程图的空白处写出判断条件的表达式______________。





