Dante Alighieri
Henry Wadsworth LongfellowHenry Wadsworth Longfellow MonumentWhen this staute was unveiled on M and Connecticut Streets NW, the place was absolutely buzzing. The heroic bronze figure sat draped in his academic robe, book in hand, and looked out on the streets packed with the wide spectrum of adoring fans: men, women, and children “of all races and nationalities.”It was May 7, 1909. The Marine Band played "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "America the Beautiful" while the flag that had previously covered thestatue “floated above the heads of the great throng.” Then a Reverend blessed the ceremony—such was the power of the man!And yet for all the pomp with which it was dedicated, when DCist went to see this monument of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow one recent evening, we could hardly see him. The man described as “the joyful, enthusiasti c mouthpiece of what was best in his time” sits unlit, alone, and stranded on an island in the middle of the noisy intersection southeast of Dupont Circle.Rev. George R. Grose wrote in the Zion’s Herald that at the dedication there was a large shield in the middle of the platform which read (from Longfellow’s “The Building of a Ship”):“Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!Sail on, O Union, strong and great!Humanity, with all its fears,With all the hopes of future years,Is hanging breathless on thy fate!”The only inscription we could find was one word: LONGFELLOW.Even though interest in the monument has obviously waned considerably—our contact at the NPS said, “In my six years here, no on has ever asked about the monument”—the original context of the monument’s construction is, as the Revisiting Series tends to find with most forgotten monuments, rather fascinating.The monument was erected not only as a testament to one of this country’s greatest poets, but also as a statement of American culture. For at the time of the unveiling, according to Grose, there were no national monuments in D.C. that commemorated American literature.Grose mentions the Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey, and is both relieved and jubilant that the nation was able to raise the $35,000—“by gifts from rich and poor”—to celebrate Longfellow’s contribution to American literature and society. Grose was sure the monument cemented the U.S.’s legitimacy in global culture and expressed the nation’s propulsion into a new age. Indeed, L ongfellow, “while he makes us feel the nobility of his white soul, and brings close to our view the great, simple, normal life of humanity,” would be a fine model for America as it sought to keep its morals and traditions in order while adjusting to a frenetically industrialized, internationalizing modernity.There may not be “flags, wreaths, and festoons of laurel and bunches of iris, the poet’s favorite flower,” commemorating Longfellow anymore, but surely we have space in our hearts for a little appreciation for one of the most important figures in American literature. So next time you find yourself stuck in traffic or transitioning from one Dupont bar to another, take a second to pay your respects. Remember peaceful old Longfellow, the poet who was not only "the purest democrat known to humanity," but a crucial player in this country's cultural maturation.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 – March 24, 1882) was an American poet whose works include Paul Revere's Ride, A Psalm of Life, The Song of Hiawatha and Evangeline. He also wrote the first American translation of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the five members of the group known as the Fireside Poets. Longfellow was born and raised in the Portland, Maine area. He attended university at an early age at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. After several journeys overseas, Longfellow settled for the last forty-five years of his life in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in a wood frame house once occupied during the American Revolution by General George Washington and his staff.Early life and educationBirthplace in c. 1910Longfellow was born in 1807 to Stephen and Zilpah (Wadsworth) Longfellow in Portland, Maine, and grew up in what is now known as the Wadsworth-Longfellow House. His father was a lawyer, and his maternal grandfather, Peleg Wadsworth Sr., was a general in the American Revolutionary War. He was descended from the Longfellow family that came to America in 1676 from Yorkshire, England and from Priscilla and John Alden on his father's sideLongfellow's siblings were Stephen (1805), Elizabeth (1808), Anne (1810), Alexander (1814), Mary (1816), Ellen (1818), and Samuel (1819).Longfellow was enrolled in a "dame school" at the age of only three, and by age six, when he entered the Portland Academy, he was able to read and write quite well. He remained at the Portland Academy until the age of fourteen and entered Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine in 1822. At Bowdoin, he met Nathaniel Hawthorne, who became his lifelong friend. He was a 5th great grandson of John Howland and Elizabeth Tilley who were on the Mayflower.First European tour and professorship at BowdoinAfter graduating in 1825, he was offered a professorship at BowdoinCollege with the condition that he first spend some time in Europe for further language study. He toured Europe between 1826 and 1829 (visiting England, France, Germany, Holland, Italy and Spain), and upon returning went on to become the first professor of modern languages at Bowdoin, as well as a parttime librarian. During his years at the college, he wrote textbooks in French, Italian, and Spanish and a travel book, Outre-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea. In 1831, he married Mary Storer Potter of Portland.Second European tour and professorship at HarvardHenry Wadsworth LongfellowLongfellow was offered the Smith Professorship of French and Spanish at Harvard with the stipulation that he spend a year or so abroad. His 22-year old wife, Mary Storer Potter died during the trip in Rotterdam after suffering a miscarriage in 1835. Three years later he was inspired to write "Footsteps of Angels" about their love.When he returned to the United States in 1836, Longfellow took up the professorship at Harvard University. He settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he remained for the rest of his life, although he spent summers at his home in Nahant. He began publishing his poetry, including "Voices of the Night" in 1839 and "Ballads and Other Poems", which included his famous poem "The Village Blacksmith", in 1841.Marriage to Frances "Fanny" AppletonFanny Appleton LongfellowLongfellow began courting Frances "Fanny" Appleton, the daughter of a wealthy Boston industrialist, Nathan Appleton. During the courtship, he frequently walked from Harvard to her home in Boston, crossing the Boston Bridge. That bridge was subsequently demolished and replaced in 1906 by a new bridge, which was eventually renamed as the Longfellow Bridge. After seven years, Fanny finally agreed to marriage and they were wed in 1843. Nathan Appleton bought the Craigie House, overlooking the Charles River as a wedding present to the pair.His love for Fanny is evident in the following lines from Longfellow's only love-poem, the sonnet "The Evening Star," which he wrote in October, 1845: "O my beloved, my sweet Hesperus! My morning and my evening star of love!"He and Fanny had six children:Charles Appleton (1844-1893)Ernest Wadsworth (1845-1921)Fanny (1847-1848)Alice Mary (1850-1928)Edith (1853-1915)Anne Allegra (1855-1934).When the younger Fanny was born on April 7, 1847, Dr. Nathan Cooley Keep administered the first obstetric anesthetic in the United States to Fanny Longfellow.Longfellow retired from Harvard in 1854, devoting himself entirely to writing. He was awarded an honorary doctorate of Laws from Harvard in 1859.The death of FrancesLongfellow was a devoted husband and father with a keen feeling for the pleasures of home. But his marriages ended in sadness and tragedy.On a hot July day, while putting a lock of a child's hair into an envelope and attempting to seal it with hot sealing wax, her dress caught fire causing severe burns.She died the next day, aged 44, on July 10, 1861. Longfellow was devastated by her death and never fully recovered. The strength of his grief is still evident in these lines from a sonnet, "The Cross of Snow" (1879) which he wrote eighteen years later to commemorate her death:Such is the cross I wear upon my breastThese forty five years, through all the changing scenesAnd seasons, changeless since the day she died.DeathLongfellow died on March 24, 1882, after suffering from peritonitis for five days.He is buried with both of his wives at Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 1884 he was the first American poet for whom a commemorative sculpted bust was placed in Poet's Corner of Westminster Abbey in London.Longfellow's workLongfellow was such an admired figure in the United States during his life, that his 70th birthday in 1877 took on the air of a national holiday, with parades, speeches, and the reading of his poetry. He had become one of the first American celebrities.His work was immensely popular during his time and is still today, although some modern critics consider him too sentimental. His poetry is based on familiar and easily understood themes with simple, clear, and flowing language. His poetry created an audience in America and contributed to creating American mythology.Longfellow's poem "Christmas Bells" is the basis for the Christmas carol "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day".Longfellow's home in Cambridge, the Longfellow National Historic Site, is a U.S. National Historic Site, National Historic Landmark, and on the National Register of Historic Places. A two-thirds scale replica was built in Minneapolis, Minnesota at Minnehaha Park in 1906 and once served as a centerpiece for a local zoo.Noted minister, writer and abolitionist Edward Everett Hale founded organizations called the Harry Wadsworth Clubs.TriviaA number of schools are named after him in various states, including Maine, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Minnesota, Montana, Pennsylvania, New York and Texas."Longfellow Serenade" is a pop song by Neil Diamond.In March 2007 the United postal service made a stamp after him.。
AVVIO RAPIDO Router mobili 5G 安装指南说明书
Per caricare la batteria, collegare il cavo USB al router mobile, quindi collegarlo a una presa a muro utilizzando l'adattatore di alimentazione CA o una porta USB del computer.Assicurarsi che l'orientamento della scheda nano SIM coincida con l'orientamento indicato sull'etichetta del dispositivo e inserirla delicatamente, quindi posizionare la batteria e il coperchio posteriore.NOTA: utilizzare solo le dita per inserire o rimuovere la scheda nano SIM. L'utilizzo di altri oggetti potrebbe danneggiare il dispositivo.1. COM'È FATTO IL DISPOSITIVO2. INSTALLAZIONE DELLA SIM E DELLA BATTERIAIl router mobile viene fornito con i seguenti componenti:• Router mobile Nighthawk® M6 o M6 Pro 5G*• Coperchio della batteria • Batteria• Cavo USB Tipo C• Alimentatore (varia in base all’area geografica)• Adattatori con presa Tipo C (per la maggior parte dei Paesi europei)•Adattatori con presa Tipo G (per il Regno Unito)*Illustrazioni del modello Nighthawk M6 per scopi illustrativi.antenna esterna (TS-9)antenna esterna (TS-9)USB Tipo CEthernetCONFORMITÀ NORMATIVA E NOTE LEGALIPer informazioni sulla conformità alle normative, compresala Dichiarazione di conformità UE, visitare il sito Web https:///it/about/regulatory/.Prima di collegare l'alimentazione, consultare il documento relativo alla conformità normativa.Può essere applicato solo ai dispositivi da 6 GHz: utilizzare il dispositivo solo in un ambiente al chiuso. L'utilizzo di dispositivi a 6 GHz è vietato su piattaforme petrolifere, automobili, treni, barche e aerei, tuttavia il suo utilizzo è consentito su aerei di grandi dimensioni quando volano sopra i 3000 metri di altezza. L'utilizzo di trasmettitori nella banda 5.925‑7.125 GHz è vietato per il controllo o le comunicazioni con sistemi aerei senza equipaggio.SUPPORTO E COMMUNITYDalla pagina del portale di amministrazione Web, fare clic sull'icona con i tre puntini nell'angolo in alto a destra per accedere ai file della guida e del supporto.Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito netgear.it/support per accedere al manuale dell'utente completo e per scaricare gli aggiornamenti del firmware.È possibile trovare utili consigli anche nella Community NETGEAR, alla pagina /it.GESTIONE DELLE IMPOSTAZIONI TRAMITE L'APP NETGEAR MOBILEUtilizzare l'app NETGEAR Mobile per modificare il nome della rete Wi-Fi e la password. È possibile utilizzarla anche per riprodurre e condividere contenutimultimediali e accedere alle funzioni avanzate del router mobile.1. Accertarsi che il dispositivo mobile sia connesso a Internet.2. Eseguire la scansione del codice QR per scaricare l'appNETGEAR Mobile.Connessione con il nome e la password della rete Wi-Fi 1. Aprire il programma di gestione della rete Wi‑Fi deldispositivo.2. Individuare il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile(NTGR_XXXX) e stabilire una connessione.3. Only Connessione tramite EthernetPer prolungare la durata della batteria, l'opzione Ethernet è disattivata per impostazione predefinita. Per attivarla, toccare Power Manager (Risparmio energia) e passare a Performance Mode (Modalità performance).4. CONNESSIONE A INTERNETÈ possibile connettersi a Internet utilizzando il codice QR del router mobile da uno smartphone oppure selezionando manualmente il nome della rete Wi‑Fi del router e immettendo la password.Connessione tramite codice QR da uno smartphone 1. Toccare l'icona del codice QR sulla schermata inizialedello schermo LCD del router mobile.NOTA: quando è inattivo, lo schermo touch si oscura per risparmiare energia. Premere brevemente e rilasciare il pulsante di alimentazione per riattivare lo schermo.3. CONFIGURAZIONE DEL ROUTER MOBILETenere premuto il pulsante di accensione per due secondi, quindi seguire le istruzioni visualizzate sullo schermo per impostare un nome per la rete Wi‑Fi e una password univoci.La personalizzazione delle impostazioni Wi‑Fi consente di proteggere la rete Wi‑Fi del router mobile.Impostazioni APNIl router mobile legge i dati dalla scheda SIM e determina automaticamente le impostazioni APN (Access Point Name) corrette con i piani dati della maggior parte degli operatori. Tuttavia, se si utilizza un router mobile sbloccato con un operatore o un piano meno comune, potrebbe essere necessario immettere manualmente le impostazioni APN.Se viene visualizzata la schermata APN Setup Required (Configurazione APN richiesta), i dati APN dell’operatore non sono presenti nel nostro database ed è necessario inserirli manualmente. Immettere i valori fornitidall’operatore nei campi corrispondenti, quindi toccare Save (Salva) per completare la configurazione.NOTA: l’operatore determina le proprie informazioni APN e deve fornire le informazioni per il proprio piano dati. Si consiglia di contattare il proprio operatore per le impostazioni APN corrette e di utilizzare solo l’APN suggerito per il piano specifico.Schermata inizialeAl termine della configurazione, il router visualizza la schermata iniziale:Wi‑FiPotenza Carica Rete Codice QR connessione rapida Wi‑FiNome e Wi‑FiIcona del codice QR。
西欧中世纪大学的产生以及其在教育史上的地位和作用西欧中世纪大学概况2008-12-02 22:07西欧有着优秀的大学教育传统,有很多流传至今的大学,其渊源可以一直追溯到11世纪。
如意大利的波洛尼亚大学(University of Bologna),据考证成立于1088年,被誉为“大学之母”。
当时建立的大学主要有波洛尼亚大学,法国的巴黎大学(University of Paris,1160)、蒙彼利埃大学(University of Montpellier,1220)和图卢兹大学(University of Toulouse,1229),英国的牛津大学(University of Oxford,1167)和剑桥大学(University of Cambridge,1209),西班牙的帕伦西亚大学(University of Palencia,1212)和萨拉曼卡大学(University of Salamanca,1218)等等。
2. The Divine Comedy
主人公,假想自己作为一名在世者对死者灵魂所 居世界的一次探访。
字面的意义:但丁游历地狱、炼狱、天堂的情景。 寓言意义:善有善报、恶有恶报 哲理意义:人通过自觉的受苦,可以改善人性, 达到至善至美的境界 神秘意义:不可言说性
2. The Divine Comedy
Originally Commedia (Comedy)
Divine added in 16th Century Originally called Comedì a and later called Divina by Boccaccio Traveler begins low (Hell) and ends in Paradise.
2.1 Structure
3 parts Inferno (Hell, guided by Virgil) - eternal place of despair Purgatorio (Purgatory, guided by Virgil) - place where souls are in a temporary, purifying fire Paradiso (Heaven, guided by Beatrice) - dwelling place of the everlastingly blessed
1.诗为寓言说。一切文 艺都是象征性的或寓言 性的。 2.艺术以善为内容,美 为形式。 3.人要有理性。 4.主张建立意大利标准 民族语言——俗语。用 意大利俗语作为文学用 语。对发展意大利民族 文学有重要贡献。
意大利文艺复兴的先驱——但丁但丁·阿里盖利(Dante Alighieri,1265—1321)是意大利文艺复兴的先驱,恩格斯称他是“中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人”。
1 但丁于1265年5月下旬生于佛罗伦萨的一个没落的骑士家庭。
文艺复兴时期人物介绍 英文版
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543)
He believed that the Sun was located near the center of the universe. It was this center of universe which influenced those bodies and caused them to revolve. This is called suncenter theory of the universe or the heliocentric theory .
Famous Men of the Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci Dante Alighieri Nicolaus Copernicus
Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)
Dante Alighieri, an Italian poet, who is the founder of modern Italian, also known as the pioneer of the Renaissance , famous for the long poem "Divine Comedy". His works were first written in local dialects rather than as Latin in the medieval European formal literary language and he implicitly criticized and exposed the corruption and stupidity of medieval religious domination.
Research on the Reform of College English Teaching
Research on the Reform of College English Teaching under the Background of New Liberal ArtsTalehati AilimubieerdiSchool of Foreign Languages, Yili Normal University Abstract: English is the key content in students’ learning, which is also the foundation for students to learn and communicate in the future. The reform content of the new curriculum standard clearly pointed out: Teachers should improve the actual efficiency of college English teaching, expand English training by guiding college students to have interesting thinking activities, and improve their ability to learn. If teachers want to improve the English literacy of students, they should actively promote reading education. The launch of college English plays a key role in broadening the knowledge and horizons of college students and improving their English literacy and reading ability. Therefore, the dissertation mainly analyzes the problems of college English teaching and the specific teaching strategies under the background of the new liberal arts so as to promote students’ English literacy and comprehensive development.Keywords: College English; English teaching; The new liberal arts; Reform strategiesDOI: 10.47297/wspciWSP2516-252710.20210501R eading is an important content in English teaching, which is also an extension of reading activities in class, and an important part to cultivate college students’ reading skills. Efficient reading activities can make in-class English activities more effective. And this requires college English teachers to pay full attention to English teaching, fully understand the difficulties faced by English teaching today, and innovate reading strategies based on the personality and characteristics of each college student in the class so as to effectively improve the learning quality of student.About the author: Talehati Ailimubieerdi (1981-04) , Male, Kazakh. Birth Place: Xinyu-an, Xinjiang, School of Foreign Languages, Job title: Lecturer, Master degree, Research Interest: linguistics and Applied Linguistics.Research on the Reform of College English Teaching under the Background of New Liberal Arts 1. The Dilemma of College English T eaching(1) Low Motivation of Students to LearnFor college students, they do not concentrate on learning English compared with their own professional courses, when they are learning English content because they think that English lessons are not important. Therefore, there are not enough interests of student when learning English content, and they also have low motivation to learn. After class, students would not look at the content of English. In the daily teaching, when teachers explain the content in English courses, the rate of students to raise their heads is obviously lower than that of other courses and only some students like to learn content related to English. Judging from final assessments of students, most students answer questions by searching for information on the internet, and do not have their own opinions. Some students even make some very low-level mistakes. When listening to the English course, most of the students do not willing to answer questions, and they are not motivated to learn. Therefore, students do not understand enough about the content in English course.(2) Teachers’ Unclear Understandings of English TeachingMost college English teachers only pay attention to students’ academic performance and their ability to work out the exercise. Therefore, college English teachers usually only select articles from textbooks or reference books for reading teaching and explanation when organizing students to read. However, It is impossible to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of college students for reading on this boring way of reading teaching, and students only have a surface understanding of the article without mastering the skills and methods of reading. College English teachers also ignore the important meaning of reading. A low understanding about reading is an important reason that affects the efficiency of college English reading teaching. It makes students only passively participate in reading activities and cannot prompt students to actively understand related knowledge. As a result, teaching efficiency is low.(3) Backward Teaching Concepts and MethodsThe main purpose of English teaching is to have an inner dialogue with the author through the thinking and speculation of readers, so as to achieve emotional resonance. Whether it is an article in a college English textbook or a reading comprehension topic, it tends to allow readers to communicate with the author in depth, to achieve soul collision and emotional integration, and to further enable readers to truly feel the real emotions expressed in the article, thereby significantly promoting the reading ability of students. However, the reading concepts and reading teaching methods of most college English teachers are too traditional and backward. Teachers believe that students’ reading is only for exams. In daily teaching, teachers have been regarded as the main body of the classroom andCreativity and Innovation Vol.5 No.1 2021students have been regarded as bystanders in the classroom. At the same time, the teaching method of reading adopted by English teachers is simply to question and explain, which not only does not meet the requirements of the new curriculum reform, but also greatly dampens the enthusiasm of students for reading, and affects the cultivation of reading initiative and thinking of students.(4) The Influence of Online MediaWith the rapid development of network information technology, the information explosion occurred on network media has had a great impact on our lives and work. At the same time, due to the poor resistance of college students and the lack of good supervision by teachers and parents, attention of students is so easy to be attracted by online information. Most college students also choose to waste time in short videos or online games, which makes college English reading activities not really implemented and seriously affects the improvement of the classroom teaching efficiency of college English.2. Effective Strategies for Developing College English T eaching under the Background of New Liberal Arts(1) Teachers Who Should Play a Guiding Role1) Leading by Example and Playing an Exemplary RoleWhen students learn English, teachers usually play a super important role. Therefore, teachers should set up an excellent role for students and read extracurricular articles frequently to improve their own literary quality. In addition, teachers should also actively guide students to read extracurricular articles. While teaching students to read, they can also improve their literary literacy.2) Guiding Reading Methods of StudentsFor the teaching of English reading, teachers can teach students some reading methods and skills. These methods mainly include intensive reading, skimming and ingenious reading. In the teaching process, English teachers should correctly guide students to read articles, so that students can have a deeper understanding of the relevant content. For the reading method of ingenious reading, some students are unable to master this method due to their own limited ability, which requires teachers to actively guide them to apply the method of ingenious reading to read when teaching, and make reasonable use of some related stories or characters to help students understand the content of the article and experience the emotions expressed in the article.3) Encouraging Students to Take Reading NotesAt this stage, a common problem for college students is that students may think they have proficiently mastered the knowledge, but after a period of time, they will forget it. Therefore, it requires students to take notes carefully. For reading, itResearch on the Reform of College English Teaching under the Background of New Liberal Arts is also necessary for students to take certain notes. These notes can be a summary of the content of the article or their own experience. In the process of taking notes, it can promote students to further understand the content of the article, and it is also convenient for students to review after class, so as to further improve the learning efficiency of students in reading.(2) Stimulating the Interest of Students in ReadingInterest is the motivation for students, and reading interest can motivate college students to actively read, so that teachers can cultivate students to have good reading habits and reading methods. Therefore, the primary task for college English teachers to improve the efficiency of English reading teaching is to fully stimulate the interest of college students in reading and ignite their reading initiative and desire for knowledge, which will support students to read and think in depth. Most college students have strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, so English teachers can fully combine their learning ability and characteristics to innovate teaching methods of reading, so as to fully mobilize college the learning initiative of students.(3) Grasping the Teaching Progress of ReadingAt this stage, in the process of teaching English reading, there is a huge amount of article teaching, and the difficulty of the article is also quite different. Due to the limited reading ability of college students, coupled with the fact that some students have a shallow understanding about the article, so that students would have many problems when learning extracurricular content. For example, for students with poor abilities, it may be super difficult to read the content of extracurricular articles, it is also not easy to understand the connotation of the article, and it will also depress these students so that they would lose confidence in the study of classics. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers to make a reasonable reading plan when teaching, guide students to arrange reading activities according to their own learning situation step by step, and choose what students are interested in as much as possible to improve their reading ability. In addition, English teachers should formulate appropriate teaching plans based on the actual situation of the students before developing English reading teaching.(4) Organizing Rich Activities of Reading TeachingDifferent students have different opinions on the same reading article, so reading notes of students would be different. Therefore, teachers can organize students to conduct selection activities of reading notes and allow students to vote for the best reading notes. In this way, students can share their own reading opinions, and it can cultivate the good reading habits of colleges students, stimulate their interests in taking reading notes often when they are reaching, improve the efficiency of actual English reading of college students, and improve their reading ability and comprehensive literacy.Creativity and Innovation Vol.5 No.1 20213. ConclusionAll in all, reading can not only greatly enrich the English knowledge of college students in the class, but also speed up the process of cultivating their good reading habits and abilities. College English teachers should attach great importance to the significant role of reading, and stimulate the reading interest of students in the class to the greatest extent through the development of effective and abundant reading activities, promote their own reading ability, promote the efficiency of college English reading teaching so that the foundation for the future study and life of students can be laid.References[1] Huang Zhang. “An Analysis of the Reform Path of College English Teaching underthe Background of the ‘Internet+’ Era” [J]. New West, 2019(12): 150+145.[2] Pei Yanqiu. “Research on the Reform and Development of College English Teach-ing Based on the ‘Internet +’ Era” [J]. News Research Guide, 2019, 10(07): 13-14. [3]Zhang Zhifan. “Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures in College EnglishTeaching under the Background of Big Data” [J]. Think Tank Times, 2019(20):217-18.。
30The dance troupe from the Bunditpatanasilpa InstituteThe Kon – Ramakienand Dance of Four Regions, a classical Thai dance, at the6th China Xinjiang International Dance Festival in Urumqi,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on July 23, 2023. (MAOJIANJUN)hina isplaying anincreasinglyimportant rolein the world.Everyone hasrecognizedthat theChineseeconomy isundergoingsteady andsound growth. At the same time, development of Thailand-China relations has entered a new historical period. Interconnectivity between Thailand and China through policy communication, unimpeded trade, and people-to-people exchange has brought the two countries into a period of high-quality development.Describing Thailand-China relations with such words as important and special doesn’t do them justice because this set of relations is truly fraternal. Many Thailand residents are of Chinese origin like myself. At least 20 of the 30 Thai prime ministers have been Thai citizens of Chinese origin. It’s not uncommon for Thai politicians to recognize roots in China. Chinese roots give the Thai-Chinese an irreplaceable cultural identity and deep feelings for Chinese culture. In recent years, cultural and people-to-people exchanges between Thailand and China have been increasingas relations between the two countries have entered a new stage ofThailand and development.China is Thailand’s mostimportant trading partner, andThailand is one of China’s top threetrading partners in ASEAN. Chinahas emerged as the largest sourceof foreign direct investment (FDI)in Thailand. I see bright prospectsfor high-quality trade and industrialcooperation between Thailandand China in the new era becauseChina’s high-level opening-up willmake it possible for Thailand andChina to complement each otherin trade. During my tenure as theprime minister of Thailand, I paidgreat attention to Thailand-Chinatrade cooperation, especially in thetourism sector.The friendship between Thailandand China withstood the test ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. Thailandsincerely appreciates China’sassistance to Thailand in pandemicprevention and control. The firstdose of COVID-19 vaccine that manyThai citizens received was fromChina. The pandemic decimated thetourism industry of Thailand. Now,the government of Srettha Thavisinis introducing a series of measures toboost the country’s tourism industryincluding a visa exemption policy.I earnestly look forward to the fullrecovery of tourism in Thailandand China and more cultural andpeople-to-people exchange activitiespromoting mutual understanding.From a macro perspective, theworld is in a period of frequentconflicts, and geopolitical conflictsare on the rise. The conflicts, whichhave led to challenges to globalsupply chains and dramatic rises inprices of food, commodities, andoil, testify to the value of peace. Itis even more worrisome that theUnited States and the West arewaging ideological wars as theirconventional approach to gainBy Abhisit VejjajivaTogether for High-31China:economic gains through politics. For a few years, the U.S. has been launching small-scale trade wars around the world, but we didn’t care much about them until the trade war with China became more prominent. The U.S. overstretched nationalsecurity issues to suppress free trade investment and review global supply chains, which eventually forcedproducts of its competitors out of the supply chains or to other production bases. At the same time, the U.S. has exploited ideological conflicts topromote unfair competition including suppressing developing countries in the name of environmentalprotection, human rights, or a variety of other excuses, which eventually leads to developing countries losing their productivity advantages.Unfortunately, this terrible situation is getting even worse.I think ASEAN countries should all stay vigilant against the U.S. trade war against China. Although some Southeast Asian countries have benefited from the productivity transfer from China at the initial stage of this trade war, from a long-term perspective, the U.S.-launched trade war will significantly reduce the efficiency of the industrial chain, hindering all countries from effectively utilizing their resource endowments. The end result will be a blockage of free trade and a sharp decline in the volume of trade among all countries, which would be detrimental to global economic growth.Both Thailand and China aresupporters of peaceful development. The two countries should work together to navigate the threats and challenges within the region and promote cooperation on cultivating new quality productive forces to eliminate interference of geopolitics in economic development.Meanwhile, we should recognize that differences between the West and Asian countries in political-economic systems and values will cause the West to continue to see Asian countries as a long-term threat to their own development. Therefore, rhetoric involving so-called threats will continue for some time. The U.S. used to be a world leader, but it should not impose Western values on Asian countries or force Asian countries to follow the development path of the West.China’s growth is being watched by the world, and globalization has fostered free trade. I agree with the Chinese vision that mutual learning among civilizations and pluralistic equality are the cornerstones of consensus, and that superpowers and small countries should treat each other as equals. I believe that Thailand and China will join hands for high-quality development and that the concept of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation is changing the landscape of the world.Thailand and China should work together to navigate the threats and challenges within the region and promote cooperation on cultivating new quality productive forces to eliminate interference of geopolitics in economicdevelopment.Quality DevelopmentAbout the author Abhisit Vejjajiva is former Prime Minister of Thailand.。
对但丁的英文介绍作文Title: Dante Alighieri: The Father of Italian Literature。
Dante Alighieri, born in Florence, Italy, in 1265, is celebrated as one of the most significant figures in world literature. His masterpiece, "The Divine Comedy," not only stands as a pinnacle of medieval literature but also serves as a cornerstone of Italian culture and identity. Let's delve into the life and works of this remarkable poet.Dante's early life was marked by political turmoil in Florence, a city divided between two rival factions, the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. Despite his involvement in Florentine politics, Dante's true passion lay in literature and poetry. He received a thorough education in classical literature, which profoundly influenced his writing style and themes."The Divine Comedy," Dante's magnum opus, is an epicpoem divided into three parts: "Inferno," "Purgatorio," and "Paradiso." The poem follows the protagonist, Dante himself, as he journeys through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, guided by the Roman poet Virgil and later by his beloved Beatrice. Through vivid imagery, intricate allegory, and profound symbolism, Dante explores themes of sin, redemption, andthe divine order of the universe.One of the most striking aspects of Dante's work is his vivid depiction of Hell in the "Inferno." Each circle ofHell represents a different sin, with punishments tailoredto fit the crime. Dante's portrayal of sinners and their torments is both gruesome and morally instructive,reflecting his belief in divine justice and the consequences of human actions.In "Purgatorio," Dante explores the concept of purification and repentance. Here, souls undergo penancefor their sins, striving towards spiritual purification before ascending to Paradise. This part of the poemreflects Dante's belief in the possibility of redemptionand the transformative power of grace.Finally, in "Paradiso," Dante ascends through the celestial spheres, encountering saints, angels, and ultimately, the divine presence of God. Through sublime imagery and profound theological insights, Dante paints a vision of Heaven that transcends earthly understanding, conveying the eternal bliss of the redeemed soul unitedwith God.Aside from "The Divine Comedy," Dante wrote numerous other works, including philosophical treatises, love poetry, and political essays. His influence extended beyond the realms of literature, shaping the Italian language itself. Dante's Tuscan dialect, known as "vulgar Latin," became the foundation of modern Italian, earning him the title of "the father of the Italian language."Dante's legacy reverberates through the centuries, inspiring generations of writers, artists, and thinkers.His profound insights into the human condition, his exploration of theological truths, and his poetic genius continue to captivate readers worldwide. From the depths ofHell to the heights of Paradise, Dante Alighieri remains a towering figure in the pantheon of world literature, his words echoing through the corridors of time.。
介绍但丁的英文作文Dante Alighieri was a famous Italian poet who lived in the 13th and 14th centuries. He is best known for his epic poem, "The Divine Comedy," which is considered one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem is dividedinto three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, and it follows the author's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.Dante was born in Florence, Italy, in 1265, and he was heavily involved in the politics of the city. However, he was later exiled from Florence due to his political beliefs and spent the rest of his life traveling and writing. He wrote "The Divine Comedy" while in exile, and it is believed that the poem was influenced by his own experiences and struggles.Dante's work is not only a literary masterpiece but also a reflection of the political and religious turmoil of his time. He used his writing to comment on the corruptionand power struggles of the Catholic Church and thepolitical chaos of Italy. His vivid descriptions of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven are not only a reflection of his religious beliefs but also a commentary on the society in which he lived."The Divine Comedy" has had a lasting impact on literature and has been translated into numerous languages. It has inspired countless artists, writers, and thinkers and continues to be studied and celebrated to this day. Dante's influence on the Western literary tradition is immeasurable, and his work continues to be a source of inspiration and fascination for readers around the world.。
关于但丁英文的作文英文:When it comes to Dante Alighieri, the first thing that comes to mind is his masterpiece, The Divine Comedy. This epic poem is considered one of the greatest works of world literature, and it has had a profound impact on Western culture.Dante was born in Florence, Italy in 1265. He was a poet, writer, and philosopher, and he was also involved in politics. In fact, his political activities led to hisexile from Florence, which had a major impact on his writing.The Divine Comedy is a journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. It is an allegory for the soul's journey towards God, and it is filled with symbolism and metaphors. Dante's use of language is also remarkable, as he wrote in the Tuscan dialect rather than Latin, which was thelanguage of the educated elite at the time.Dante's influence can be seen in many works of literature, art, and music. For example, the poet T.S.Eliot wrote a famous essay on The Divine Comedy, and it inspired the artwork of William Blake and Gustave Doré. Even modern musicians like Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen have referenced Dante in their lyrics.中文:提到但丁·阿利吉耶里,第一个想到的就是他的代表作《神曲》。
介绍但丁的生平和成就的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dante Alighieri, widely known simply as Dante, was an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher of the late Middle Ages. He was born in Florence, Italy in 1265 to a prominent family. Dante's early life was marked by political involvement and he served in various government positions in Florence. However, his political career was cut short when he was exiled from the city in 1302 due to his support for the White Guelphs, a political faction opposed to the Pope.Despite his exile, Dante continued to write and work on his masterpiece, the Divine Comedy. This epic poem, written in the early 14th century, is considered one of the greatest works of world literature. Comprised of three parts - Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso - the Divine Comedy follows the poet's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. It explores themes of sin, redemption, and the nature of God.In addition to the Divine Comedy, Dante wrote numerous other works, including philosophical essays, love poetry, andpolitical treatises. His writings are characterized by their intricate symbolism, vivid imagery, and profound philosophical insights. Dante's work had a lasting impact on Italian literature and culture, and he is often referred to as the "Father of the Italian language."Dante's legacy extends beyond literature. His ideas on politics, theology, and morality continue to influence thinkers and artists to this day. His portrayal of Hell in the Inferno has had a lasting impact on Western culture, inspiring countless artists, writers, and filmmakers. Dante's emphasis on the power of love and the importance of moral integrity resonates with readers of all backgrounds and beliefs.In conclusion, Dante Alighieri was a visionary poet and philosopher whose work continues to captivate readers centuries after it was written. His exploration of the human experience, his profound insights into the nature of sin and redemption, and his enduring influence on literature and culture make him a towering figure in the history of Western thought. Dante's life and achievements are a testament to the power of art to transcend time and speak to the deepest truths of the human soul.篇2Dante Alighieri, commonly known as Dante, was an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher who is widely regarded as one of the greatest literary figures of all time. He was born in Florence in 1265 to a noble family, and his early life was marked by political turmoil and conflict.Dante's most famous work is the Divine Comedy, a long narrative poem that is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. In the Divine Comedy, Dante takes the reader on a journey through the afterlife, guided by the Roman poet Virgil and eventually by his beloved Beatrice. This epic poem explores themes of sin, redemption, and the nature of the human soul, and has had a profound influence on Western literature and art.In addition to the Divine Comedy, Dante wrote numerous other works, including La Vita Nuova, a collection of poems that celebrates his love for Beatrice, and De Monarchia, a treatise on political philosophy. He also played an active role in the political life of Florence, serving as a diplomat and holding various government positions.Dante's works are notable for their depth, complexity, and beauty of language. His writing is characterized by its rich symbolism, philosophical depth, and vivid imagery. Dante'sinfluence on later writers, including Geoffrey Chaucer, John Milton, and T.S. Eliot, cannot be overstated.Dante died in Ravenna in 1321, but his legacy lives on through his works, which continue to be read and studied by scholars, students, and lovers of literature around the world. His profound insights into the human condition and his timeless vision of the afterlife ensure that Dante's influence will endure for centuries to come.篇3Dante Alighieri, commonly known as Dante, was a renowned Italian poet during the Late Middle Ages. Born in Florence in 1265, he lived through a tumultuous period of political strife and cultural renewal. Dante's life and achievements are marked by his most famous work, the Divine Comedy, which is considered one of the greatest literary masterpieces in the world.Dante's early life was shaped by his involvement in the political conflicts of Florence. He was a member of the Guelph party, which opposed the Ghibellines, and held various public offices. However, in 1302, he was exiled from Florence due to his political views. This exile had a profound impact on Dante's lifeand work, as he traveled throughout Italy and wrote the Divine Comedy during this period of isolation.The Divine Comedy is a narrative poem that follows Dante's spiritual journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. It is comprised of three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. In this epic work, Dante encounters various historical and mythological figures, as well as personal acquaintances, who guide him through the afterlife. The Divine Comedy is not only a profound exploration of the human soul and divine justice but also a reflection of Dante's own experiences and beliefs.Dante's use of the Italian vernacular in the Divine Comedy marked a significant shift in the literary landscape of the time. Prior to Dante, most literature was written in Latin, which limited its accessibility. By writing in the common language of the people, Dante made his work more widely read and understood. This innovation laid the foundation for the development of modern Italian literature and language.In addition to the Divine Comedy, Dante wrote numerous other works, including philosophical treatises, political essays, and love poetry. His writings on ethics, politics, and theology have had a lasting impact on Western thought and continue tobe studied and admired by scholars and readers around the world.Dante's influence extends beyond literature to art, music, and philosophy. His vision of the afterlife has inspired countless artists, from Botticelli to Salvador Dali, who have interpreted his work in their own creative ways. Musicians such as Franz Liszt and Igor Stravinsky have composed works based on the Divine Comedy, while philosophers like T.S. Eliot and C.S. Lewis have drawn upon Dante's ideas in their own writings.Overall, Dante's life and achievements are a testament to the power of creativity, resilience, and the human spirit. Despite facing exile, political turmoil, and personal hardships, he persevered to create a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers centuries later. Dante's legacy as a poet, philosopher, and visionary endures as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.。
写一篇关于神曲的作文400字英文回答:The Divine Comedy, also known as "Divina Commedia" in Italian, is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri in the 14th century. It is considered one of the greatest works of world literature and has had a profound influence on Western culture.The Divine Comedy is divided into three parts: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Each part represents a different realm of the afterlife. In Inferno, Dante describes his journey through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. He encounters various sinners and witnesses their punishments, which are often symbolic of their sins. Purgatorio depicts Dante's ascent through Purgatory, where souls are purified before entering Heaven. Finally, Paradiso portrays Dante's journey through Heaven, guided by his beloved Beatrice, where he experiences the bliss and perfection of God's presence.The Divine Comedy is not only a religious allegory but also a political and social commentary of Dante's time. Through his journey, Dante criticizes the corruption and moral decay of society, as well as the political conflicts that plagued Italy during the Middle Ages. He also explores themes of love, redemption, and the nature of humanity.Dante's use of language in The Divine Comedy is remarkable. He wrote the poem in vernacular Italian, rather than Latin, which was the language of the educated elite at the time. This decision made his work accessible to a wider audience and played a significant role in the development of the Italian language.中文回答:《神曲》,又称为意大利语的“Divina Commedia”,是14世纪达芬奇·阿利吉耶里所著的史诗诗歌。
Text Structure
Part I – (Para 1— 8) the writer encountered his student, tried but failed to convince the student that a pharmacy major needs to read great writes.
scenic spot.
If sth. points to a particular situation , it suggests that the situation exists or is likely to occur.
Eg: All evidence points to his guilt.
The Author– John Ciardi
( 1916—1986) was an accomplished poet and essayist known for his translation of Dante’s Inferno in the US.
The essay was first published in the Rutgers Alumni Monthly, November, 1954.
Lesson One
New words and phrases:
1. fresh ( be fresh out of ) 2. body 3. point to/point out 4. specimen 5. enrol 6. reach for 7. scroll
Lesson One
Part II– (para 9—14) the writer restates, 14 years later, what he still believes to be the purpose of a university– putting its students in touch with the best civilizations the human race has created.
但丁· 阿利吉耶利(意大利文:Dante Alighieri,1265年-1321年9月14日),现代意大利语的奠基者,欧洲文艺复兴时但丁代的开拓人物之一,以长诗《神曲》留名後世。
生平但丁出生在意大利的佛罗伦萨一个没落的贵族家庭,生于1265年,出生日期不清,按他自己在诗中的说法“生在双子座下”,应该是 5月下旬或 6月上旬。
5 岁时生母去世,父亲续弦,后母为他生了两个弟弟、一个妹妹。
但他真正爱的是一个 8岁的小女孩,姓名是贝蕾雅妮彩。
1301年教皇特派法国国王的兄弟瓦鲁瓦的卡罗(Carlo di Valois)去佛罗伦萨“调节和平”,白党怀疑此行另有目的,派出以但丁为团长的代表团去说服教皇收回成命,但没有结果,果然卡罗到佛罗伦萨后立即组织黑党屠杀反对派,控制佛罗伦萨,并宣布放逐但丁,一但他回城,任何佛罗伦萨士兵都可以处决烧死他,从此但丁再也没有能回到家乡。
蛋挞英语作文Egg tarts are a delightful dessert that has captured the hearts of many around the world. Heres an essay about these scrumptious pastries to inspire your English writing. The Allure of Egg Tarts A Sweet DelicacyEgg tarts a delectable treat with a rich history have become a staple in both Eastern and Western cuisines. Originating from the British empire the egg tart has been embraced by the culinary traditions of various cultures particularly in regions like Hong Kong and Macau where it has been given a unique twist.Historical BackgroundThe egg tarts journey began in the 18th century where it was known as a simple custard tart. Over time the recipe was adapted and perfected especially in the East where the flaky pastry crust became a signature feature. The egg tarts popularity soared and it became a symbol of the fusion of Western and Eastern flavors.Ingredients and PreparationThe charm of an egg tart lies in its simplicity. The primary ingredients include eggs sugar milk and a pastry shell. The process of making an egg tart involves creating a creamy smooth custard that is then poured into a prebaked pastry shell. The tarts are then baked until the custard is set but still slightly wobbly a characteristic that is loved by many.Cultural SignificanceIn Hong Kong egg tarts are more than just a dessert they are a cultural icon. They are often found in dim sum restaurants and bakeries where they are enjoyed by locals and tourists alike. The egg tart has become a symbol of the citys vibrant culinary scene representing the harmony of different culinary influences.Varieties and InnovationsWhile the traditional egg tart is a classic there have been many innovations over the years.From the introduction of different flavors such as chocolate or matcha to the creation of mini tarts and even egg挞flavored ice cream the possibilities are endless. These innovations have ensured that the egg tart remains a relevant and beloved dessert in a rapidly changing culinary landscape.ConclusionThe egg tart with its golden flaky crust and velvety custard is a testament to the power of culinary creativity and cultural exchange. It is a dessert that transcends borders and has found a place in the hearts of sweet lovers everywhere. Whether enjoyed as part of a traditional meal or as a quick snack on the go the egg tart is a dessert that continues to enchant with its timeless appeal.This essay serves as an introduction to the world of egg tarts highlighting their history preparation cultural significance and the various innovations that have kept this dessert fresh and exciting. Whether youre a food enthusiast or simply someone looking to expand your English vocabulary this essay offers a sweet exploration into the world of one of the most beloved pastries.。
PLIDAProgetto Lingua Italiana Dante AlighieriCertificazione di competenza in lingua italianaSessione: giugno 2008 - Livello A2Scrivere (40 minuti - 30 punti)Nome del CentroNumero del CentroData di svolgimento dell’esameLuogoDati del candidato(si prega di compilare la tabella in modo chiaro, poiché questi stessi dati saranno utilizzati per la stampa dei diplomi di certificazione).Numero di iscrizioneCognomeNomeLuogo e data di nascitaFirmaIstruzioni per lo svolgimento della prova:• le buste sigillate contenenti le prove d’esame vengono aperte davanti ai candidati;• compilare la tabella in alto e scrivere le informazioni richieste in stampatello;• la prova Scrivere consiste di due parti: seguite attentamente le istruzioni date per ciascuna parte;• non è consentito l’uso di fogli di brutta copia: potete prendere appunti sullo stampato e poi cancellare con una riga quello che non interessa, lasciando in evidenza il testo definitivo;• è fatto assoluto divieto di utilizzare il bianchetto; i compiti dovranno essere scritti con una penna a inchiostro non cancellabile blu o nero; in caso di correzioni indicare in modo chiaro qual è la scelta definitiva; i compiti scritti a matita o corretti con il bianchetto saranno annullati;• non è possibile usare alcun tipo di materiale didattico o personale di ausilio alle prove (appunti, dizionari, libri, ecc.).Ai sensi del DLGS 196/2003 si ricorda che i dati personali dei candidati saranno utilizzati dalla Segreteria del PLIDA unicamente per il rilascio dei diplomi di certificazione.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solo a uso della Segreteria del PLIDAVOTO TOTALE DELLA PROVA SCRIVERESCRIVERE (40 minuti)Prima parte(Le istruzioni che seguono possono essere spiegate ai candidati anche nella loro madrelingua) IstruzioniGuardate i disegni e raccontate la storia (potete raccontare la storia anche scrivendo un commento per ogni vignetta).(Scrivete circa 75 parole: il conteggio comprenderà anche gli articoli, le preposizioni o le congiunzioni formati da una sola lettera. Sono accettati esercizi che hanno fino a circa 15 parole in meno del numero stabilito. I testi che hanno in totale meno di 55 parole saranno annullati).Seconda parte(Le istruzioni che seguono possono essere spiegate ai candidati anche nella loro madrelingua) IstruzioniHai festeggiato il tuo compleanno in Italia. È stata proprio una serata emozionante, ma uno dei tuoi migliori amici non è potuto venire. Scrivigli un’e-mail: raccontagli i momenti più belli della festa e descrivigli i tuoi regali.(Scrivete circa 75 parole: il conteggio comprenderà anche gli articoli, le preposizioni o le congiunzioni formati da una sola lettera. Sono accettati esercizi che hanno fino a circa 15 parole in meno del numero stabilito. I testi che hanno in totale meno di 55 parole saranno annullati).。
His poetry has been a continuous presence in our language ever since.
He is quoted by merchants and manufacturers on their products, by journalists and preachers in their articles and sermons, and by ordinary men and women in their daily lives.
Some of his lines and phrases are so well known that they have entered the American language.
Some of his lines and phrases – "A boy's will is the wind's will," 男孩的梦是风之梦,男孩的理想大如天。 "Ships that pass in the night," 过夜的船――萍水相逢的人 "Footprints on the sands of time" 能把足迹留在时间的流沙上
His style and subjects were conventional, especially in comparison with Whitman or more modern writers.
6. In Madrid, he spent time with Washington Irving and was particularly impressed by the author's work ethic. Irving encouraged the young Longfellow to pursue writing.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Good morning. Now I am privileged to be here to show something interesting about Dante and his masterpiece - The Divine Comedy briefly to you. I am a guy of the group 9 whose members all specialize in international economics and trade. My presentation today will be divided into 2 parts: the introduction of Dante and The Divine Comedy, which will be attached more.Dante was an Italian poet of the Middle Ages.As a pioneer of the Renaissance, he is also the founder of modern Italian. He was born in Florence. And died in Ravenna.The Divine Comedy is an epic written by Dante between 1308 and 1321. It is widely considered the preeminent works of Italian literature and is seen as one of the greatest works of world literature. The poem's imaginative and allegorical vision of the Christian afterlife is a culmination of the medieval world.On the surface the poem is understood to be fictional. It describes Dante's travels through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, but at a deeper level it represents the soul's journey towards God. At this level, Dante draws on medieval Christian theology and philosophy, especially the teachings of Thomas Aquinas. The divinecomedy contains 3parts: the Inferno, Purgatorio,and Paradiso.InfernoThe poem begins on the night before Good Friday, In the 35th year of Dante when was the halfway along our life's path. (half of the biblical life expectancy of 70), He lost in a dark wood, assailed by beasts (a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf) he cannot evade, and unable to find the "straight way" to salvation. Conscious that he is ruining himself and that he is falling into a "deep place" where the sun is silent. Dante is at last rescued by Virgil, and the two of them begin their journey to the underworld.Allegorically, the Inferno represents the Christian soul seeing sin for what it really is, and the three beasts represent three types of sin: the self-indulgent, the violent, and the malicious.PurgatorioHaving survived the depths of Hell, Dante and Virgil ascend out of the gloom to the Mountain of Purgatory on the far side of the world. The Mountain is on an island, which is the only land in the Southern Hemisphere.In the tradition, purgatory is the process of cleaning the stains after death, it’s also a satisfactory achievement through the experience.of death refining.There are 9 layers in the Purgatory. The ones who have Guilty before his death and the soul can be forgiven can clean the soul according to the seven sins respectively.Allegorically, the Purgatorio represents the Christian life. The Purgatorio is notable for demonstrating the medieval knowledge of a spherical Earth. During the poem, Dante discusses the different stars visible in the southern hemisphere, the altered position of the sun, and the various timezones of the Earth.ParadisoAfter an initial ascension, Beatrice guides Dante through the nine celestial spheres of Heaven. These are concentric and spherical, as in Aristotelian and Ptolemaic cosmology.Dante meets and converses with several great saints of the Church, including Thomas Aquinas, St Bonaventure, St Peter, and St John. The Paradiso is consequently more theological in nature than the Inferno and the Purgatorio. However, Dante admits the vision of heaven he receives is the one that his human eyes permit him to see, and the vision of heaven found in the Cantos is Dante's own personal one.The Divine Comedy finishes with Dante seeing the Triune God. In a flash of understanding, which he cannot express,Dante finally understands the mystery of Christ's divinity and humanity, and his soul becomes aligned with God's love.地狱这首诗开始对耶稣受难日的前一天晚上在1300年以来,我们的生活的道路“但丁是三十五岁,在圣经寿命的一半,在黑暗的木材损失,攻击的野兽(狮子,豹,和她的狼)他不能回避,也无法找到“直通”。