ecmm of titanium alloy Ti5Al4V
















申请日:2016.05.31 公开日:2016.07.27
本发明公开了一种含钨的高强钛合金,由以下质量分数的成分组成:Al 4.0%~5.5%,Cr 3.0%~5.0%,Mo 2.0%~4.0%,W 2.0%~4.5%,Fe 0.2%~0.8%,余量为Ti和不可避免的杂质.本发明含钨的高强钛合金热加工性优良,经退火后的室温抗拉强度可在860~1 500 MPa的范



Estimated from Rockwell C. Estimated from Rockwell C. Estimated from Rockwell C.
Kt (stress concentration factor) = 6.7 e/D = 2 e/D = 2
Poisson's Ratio Charpy Impact Fatigue Strength Fatigue Strength Fracture Toughness Shear Modulus Shear Strength
8.6 祄/m-癈
4.78 礽n/in-癋
9.2 祄/m-癈
5.11 礽n/9 礽n/in-癋
0.5263 J/g-癈
0.126 BTU/lb-癋
6.7 W/m-K 46.5 BTU-in/hr-ft�-癋
1604 - 1660 癈
2920 - 3020 癋
1604 癈
Key Words: Ti-6-4; UNS R56400; ASTM Grade 5 titanium; UNS R56401 (ELI); Ti6Al4V, biomaterials, biomedical implants, biocompatibility
Component Wt. %
Physical Properties Density
Metric 4.43 g/cc
English 0.16 lb/in�
Mechanical Properties
Hardness, Brinell Hardness, Knoop Hardness, Rockwell C Hardness, Vickers Tensile Strength, Ultimate Tensile Strength, Yield Elongation at Break Reduction of Area Modulus of Elasticity Compressive Yield Strength Notched Tensile Strength Ultimate Bearing Strength Bearing Yield Strength





















1. 晶胞结构概述Ti6Al4V采用了一种称为六方最密堆积(hcp)的晶胞结构。



2. 晶胞参数Ti6Al4V的晶胞参数是晶胞结构的重要参数,它影响了材料的物理性质和机械性能。

对于Ti6Al4V合金,其晶胞参数为a = 0.295 nm和c = 0.468 nm,其中a是六边形晶胞的边长,c是晶胞的高度。


3. 晶胞填充Ti6Al4V的晶胞填充是指晶胞中钛、铝和铁原子的相对位置和排列方式。



4. 晶胞间距Ti6Al4V的晶胞间距是指相邻晶胞之间的距离。


对于Ti6Al4V合金,晶胞间距为d = 0.242 nm。


5. 晶胞方向Ti6Al4V的晶胞方向是指晶胞中原子排列的方向。

























它与其它材料相比较的强度系数如下:物理性能密度:4.428g/cm3(0.160lb/in3)弹性模数:105-116Gpa (15.2-16.8 psi x 106)β换相点:955+/-15℃(1825+/-25℉)液相点:1655+/-20℃(3011+/-35℉)固相点:1605+/-10℃(2920+/-20℉)电阻系数:~1.5μΩ*m(-250℃)~1.75μΩ*m(室温)~1.9μΩ*m(530℃)磁性:钛6铝-4钒没有磁性热膨胀图表耐腐蚀性当接触到空气或水中的氧气时,钛6铝-4钒立即自然地形成一层稳定、连续和紧密的附着氧化膜。



论谕牽鏑均仪器-34-PETROLEUM TUBULAR GOODS&INSTRUMENTS2020年12月•试验研究#钛合金钻杆用Ti5A13VMoZr合金的定相转变温度研究!T&李睿哲】,冯春1,李宁2,李双贵3(1•中国石油集团石油管工程技术研究院,石油管材及装备材料服役行为与结构安全国家重点实验室陕西西安710077;2•中国石油塔里木油公司新疆库尔勒841000;3•中国石化西北油公司新疆乌鲁木齐830011)摘 要:钛合金钻杆具有密度低、强韧性好、耐疲劳及耐腐蚀性能好等优点,是当前油气工业研究的热点。





关键词:油气井;管材;钻杆;钛合金;热处理中图法分类号:TE921文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-0077(2020)06-0034-04DOI:10.19459/ki.61-1500/te.2020.06.008T!p Phase Transition of Tl5Al3VMoZrAlloy for Titanium Alloy Drill PipeLNRuizhe1,FENGChun1,LNNing2,LNShuanggui3(PC Tubular Goods Researct Institute,State Key Laborator*for Performance and Structure Safety o PetroleumTubular Goods and Equipment Materials,Xi'an,Shaanxi710077,China;2.PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company,Korla,Xinjiang841000,China;3.Sinopec Northwesi Oifedl Company,Urumqi,Xinjiang830011,China)AbstraC:Titanium alloy drill pipe has the adventages of low density,good toughness,fatigue resistancc and corrosion resistancc,etc.N is a highlight in current oil and gas industo research.In this paper,the T&'phase transition temperature of Ti5AKVM o Z-alloy for titanium alloy drVl pipe is determined by three methods,which ae continuous temperature metalloyraphic method,DSC dVferential thermal analysis method and calculation method.The result of continuous heating metallurgical method is970C.DSC dVferenticl thermal analysis method has a thermal laa during heating,and the result is980C.The result of calculation method is966.3C.By combining resultr of the three methods,the T&'phase transition temperature of Ti5AKVM o Z-alloy is determine to be970C.The above research resultr provide a labc-ratoo data basis for rationtly formulating the heat treatment process of Ti5AKVM o Z-alloy pipe for titanium alloy drill pipe.Key words:oil and gas well;tubular goods;drill pipe;titanium alloy;heat treatment性好和耐高温性能优越等特点,对于石油勘探开发的深、超、水平井以及海洋有广阔的应用前钛合金钻杆是一种轻合金钻杆,具有强度高、耐蚀景)1_4*。


保 载 10 m i n 下 钛 合 金 Ti-6A M V 保载-疲劳寿命的预报以其与试验结果[9]的对比示于图2 。由该图 可知,预报值与文献[9]中的拭验结果吻合较好。在高应力水平下室温保载10 m i n 的钛合 金 Ti-6A 1-4V 材料的保载-疲劳寿命要明显低于疲劳寿命,并且随着应力水平的增加保载-疲劳与疲劳寿命之间的差异 增加。在 应 力 峰 值 处 l O m h 保载加速了材料裂纹的扩展速率,加速的原因可能是裂纹尖端塑性应变的 急剧累积* 随着应力水平的降低,保载-疲劳寿命与疲劳寿命之间的差异减少。当应力水平为〇.6\时, 保载-疲劳与疲劳寿命相重合。在 室 温 保 载 10 m i n 时该材料的饱和应力水平为0.6 在应力水平低于 饱和应力之后,峰 值 保 载 10 m i n 对 Ti-6A 14V 材料寿命没有影响。
关 键 词 :保载-疲劳;钬合金;保载时间;寿命
中 图 分 类 号 :0346.2
文献标识码: A
〇 引言
二十一世纪前后大深度载人潜水器发展迅速,全 世 界 约 有 1 0 0 艘载人潜水器活跃于海底。大深度 载 人 潜 水 器 承 受 着 巨 大 的 外 压 ,复 杂 的 水 下 环 境 对 其 耐 压 壳 体 结 构 、生 命 支 持 、潜 浮 与 应 急 抛 载 、导 航 通 讯 以 及 作 业 等 系 统 都 有 着 特 殊 的 要 求 。其 中 ,作 为 乘 员 和 仪 器 搭 载 设 备 的 耐 压 壳 体 其 安 全 和 可 靠 性尤其重要。钛 合 金 Ti-6A 1-4V 的力学性能有强度-重量比高、抗腐蚀能力强等优点[1],它在大深度载 人 潜 水 器 中 有 着 广 泛 的 应 用 。潜 水 器 在 服 役 期 间 不 仅 要 承 受 上 浮 和 下 潜 循 环 载 荷 的 作 用 ,而 且 要 承 受 在海底工作中保载的作用。因此,耐压壳结构疲劳问题实际上是保载-疲劳问题。国内外大量试验结果 表 明 ,钛 合 金 材 料 在 保 载 -疲 劳 下 的 裂 纹扩展速率要明显高于纯疲劳载荷情况,即保载-疲劳寿命要明显 低 于 疲 劳 寿 命 。普 遍 认 为 在 室 温 下 保 载 对 钛 合 金 的 影 响 会 随 着 应 力 峰 值 和 保 载 时 间 的 增 加 而 增 加 [2_8]。 因此,用传统疲劳载荷来预报钛合金材料的寿命是偏危险的。本文在考虑小裂纹效应的基础上提出室



硬质合金刀具切削钛合金Ti6Al4V界面摩擦特性研究∗范依航;郝兆朋【摘要】Titanium alloys Ti6Al4V have superior properties,such as excellent strength⁃to⁃weight ratio,high corrosion resistance and good mechanical properties. However, due to its high chemical reaction and low thermal conductivity, tool wears seriously during cutting.In order to choose resonable cutting parameters so as to reduce tool wear,the frictioncharac⁃teristic of tool⁃chip/workpiece interface in machining Ti6Al4V with carbide tools were studied under different cutting speeds.The results show that,at rather low cutting speed,there are lots of adhesion materials in the close contact area in tool wear surface.At quite high cutting speed,the adhesion materials become unstable and diffusion occurs in thetool⁃work⁃piece interface.The peeling off of unstable adhesion material leads to tool micro⁃chipping and accelerates tool wear.When employing optimum cutting speed,the oxidation reaction occurs in tool⁃workpiece interface.The oxides generated in the cut⁃ting process acts as a boundary lubrication layer,which makes the chemical wear and adhesive wear to reach equilibrium, therefore,the high⁃temperature adhesion is inhibited and tool wear is reduced.%钛合金Ti6Al4V具有高的比强度、良好的机械性能和抗蚀性,但因其化学活性大、导热系数低,切削时刀具磨损严重。



第30卷 第2期2009年 4月材 料 热 处 理 学 报TRANS ACTIONS OF M ATERIA LS AND HE AT TRE AT ME NTV ol .30 N o .2April2009钛合金表面激光重熔NiCrBSi +TiN 涂层的组织研究郭立新, 刘荣祥, 王亚明, 周 玉, 雷廷权(哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001)摘 要:对T C4合金喷涂NiCrBS i +20v ol %T iN 涂层进行激光重熔试验,利用SE M 、TE M 等手段对熔覆层的组织进行了分析。

结果表明,激光重熔层组织消除了喷涂层的组织缺陷,其相组成为(Cr 2Ni 2Fe ),T iNi ,NiB ,Cr 2T i ,T i 2Ni 等,在熔覆区主要以富铬相和富镍相为主,稀释区内的黑色和白色衬度的杆状组织是T i 2Ni 型的金属间化合物。

关键词:激光重熔; 钛合金; 显微组织中图分类号:TG 174144;T N249 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100926264(2009)022*******Study on microstructure of laser remelted NiCrBSi +TiN coatings on surface of tianium alloyG UO Li 2xin , LI U R ong 2xiang , W ANG Y a 2ming , ZH OU Y u , LEI T ing 2quan(School of Material Science and Engineering ,Harbin Institute of T echnology ,Harbin 150001,China )Abstract :Laser remelting of thermal spray coating of NiCrBS i +T iN powders on sur face of T C4alloy was per formed ,and its microstructure was studied by means of SE M and TE M.The experimental results show that macroscopic defects in the thermal spray coatings are eliminated after laser remelting.The phases of the coatings are com posed of (Cr 2Ni 2Fe ),T iNi ,NiB ,Cr 2T i ,T i 2Ni.Cr 2rich phase and Ni 2rich phase are dominant in the clad zone ,and the rod 2like phase in the dilution zone is T i 2Ni 2type intermetallics.K ey w ords :laser remelting ;titaunium alloy ;microstructure收稿日期:2008211220; 修订日期:2009202223作者简介: 郭立新(1968—),男,高级工程师,主要从事激光表面改性及微弧氧化研究,联系电话:0451286418897,E 2mail :guolixin @hit. 。



第27卷第2期粉末冶金材料科学与工程2022年4月V ol.27 No.2 Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy Apr. 2022 DOI:10.19976/ki.43-1448/TF.2021104约束氢致密化处理对粉末冶金Ti-6Al-4V合金致密度与力学性能的影响段中元1,陈奏君1,祝贤智1,刘彬1,刘咏1,梁霄鹏2,周承商1(1. 中南大学粉末冶金研究院,长沙 410083;2. 中南大学材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410083)摘要:以氢化钛粉和6Al-4V预合金粉为原料,采用真空烧结法制备Ti-6Al-4V合金,然后在高纯氢气气氛中进行约束氢致密化处理,再真空退火去除合金中残余的氢。



约束氢致密化处理后,合金的抗拉强度从(936±18) MPa提高到(959±10) MPa,伸长率从(6.7±1.6)%提升到(12±1.1)%。

同时疲劳性能得到改善,在0.5%循环应变幅条件下循环周次达到4 670周次。

关键词:钛合金;约束氢致密化;残余孔隙;显微组织;低周疲劳中图分类号:TG146.23文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-0224(2022)02-171-09Effects of confined hydrogen densification treatment on the densityand mechanical properties of powder metallurgy Ti-6Al-4V alloyDUAN Zhongyuan1, CHEN Zoujun1, ZHU Xianzhi1, LIU Bin1, LIU Yong1, LIANG Xiaopeng2, ZHOU Chengshang1(1. Powder Metallurgy Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)Abstract: Titanium hydride powder and 6Al-4V pre-alloyed powder were used as raw materials to prepare Ti-6Al-4V alloy by vacuum sintering. Then confined hydrogen densification treatment in a high-purity hydrogen atmosphere was carried out, and finally vacuum annealing was performed to remove the residual hydrogen in the alloy. The microstructure morphology of the alloy was observed by an optical microscope. The density and tensile properties of the alloy were determine, and the fatigue performance testing was tested using the MTS-810 hydraulic servo fatigue testing machine .The results show that the confined hydrogen densification treatment can reduce the residual porosity of the sintered Ti-6Al-4V alloy from 2.5% to 1.3%, and the relative density can reach (98.7±0.3)%. After confined hydrogen densification treatment, the tensile strength of the alloy increases from (936±18) MPa to (959±10) MPa, and the elongation increases from (6.7±1.6)% to (12±1.1)%. At the same time, the fatigue performance is improved, and the cycle times reach 4670 cycles under the condition of 0.5% cyclic strain amplitude.Keywords: titanium alloy; confined hydrogen densification; residual porosity; microstructure; low cycle fatigueTi-6Al-4V合金是一种应用最广泛的α+β型钛合金[1−2],具有良好的综合性能,在海洋船舶,航天航空等领域得到广泛应用[3−4]。









三、修正本构模型在高速铣削中的应用1. 材料去除机制的研究:通过引入修正的本构模型,我们可以更准确地描述钛合金Ti-6Al-4V在高速铣削过程中的材料去除机制。


2. 切削力控制:修正的本构模型可以帮助我们预测和控制切削过程中的切削力。


3. 优化加工工艺:基于修正的本构模型,我们可以对加工工艺进行优化。






热处理对EBM Ti-4Al-5V-5Mo-6Cr-1Nb合金显微组织与拉伸性能的影响

热处理对EBM Ti-4Al-5V-5Mo-6Cr-1Nb合金显微组织与拉伸性能的影响

RESEARCH研究论文Ti–4Al–5V–5Mo–6Cr–1Nb (Ti–45561)是一种近β钛合金,其Mo 当量为13.3。



Ti–15–3合金经300℃/8h+450℃/16h 的双时热处理对EBM Ti–4Al–5V–5Mo–6Cr–1Nb 合金显微组织与拉伸性能的影响*乔 虹1,刘运玺1,陈 玮1,2,杨 洋1,2(1. 中国航空制造技术研究院,北京 100024; 2. 高能束流加工技术重点实验室,北京 100024)[摘要] 研究了电子束选区熔化(EBM )Ti–45561合金的显微组织及热处理对其组织性能的影响。

发现成形态材料具有沿z 方向外延生长的β柱状晶,这是由于凝固过程中的温度梯度造成的,而730℃的成形腔温度环境使得每一个β晶粒内部有针状α相析出。


在影响EBM Ti–45561合金强度与塑性的热处理参数中,时效温度的影响最大,固溶温度次之,时效时间的影响最小。


关键词: 增材制造;钛合金;热处理;显微组织;拉伸性能Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of EBMTi–4Al–5V–5Mo–6Cr–1Nb AlloyQIAO Hong 1, LIU Yunxi 1, CHEN Wei 1,2, YANG Yang 1,2( 1. A VIC Manufacturing Technology Institute, Beijing 100024, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Power Beam Processing, Beijing 100024, China )[ABSTRACT] The effect of heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of EBM Ti–45561 was investigated. The as-build material exhibited columnar β grains epitaxially grew along z direction, which is caused by the temperature gradient during the solidification process. Acicular α phase precipitated inside each β grains due to the 730℃ environment temperature. With the increase of post-build annealing temperature and extension of annealing time, the grain boundary α phase and secondary α phase were both coarsened. When the solution treat temperature was increased, the percentage of primary α phase decreased. Among the 3 heat treatment parameters, the annealing temperature has the strongest influence on tensile properties, and the annealing time has the smallest influence. The elongation of the EBM Ti–45561 increased with annealing temperature; while the strength of the material decreased with annealing temperature.Keywords: Additive manufacturing; Titanium alloy; Heat treatment; Microstructure; Tensile properties DOI:10.16080/j.issn1671-833x.2020.19.085效处理后,其屈服强度相比450℃/16h 的单时效进一步提高5%[5]。







钛合金用 Al - V中间合金的生产研究概况

钛合金用 Al - V中间合金的生产研究概况

钛合金用Al - V中间合金的生产研究概况铝(Al)和钒(V)是钛合金中的关键元素,尤其在航空用钛合金中起着很重要的作用。

非钢铁合金中90 %以上的V 可用来生产有色合金和磁性合金。


钛合金中的V (添加量为 1 %)可作为强化剂和稳定剂,钛合金中添加4 %V 时,合金具有好的延展性和成形性。

钛合金中最重要的两种合金是Ti - 6Al - 4V 和Ti - 8Al - 1Mo1V,这两种合金共占钛合金市场的50 % ,可用于生产喷气发动机、高速飞行器骨架和火箭发动机机壳。

钒通常以Al - V 中间合金形式加入到钛合金中。

Al - V 中间合金是银灰色块状合金,是钛合金生产中主要的合金成分,其质量的优劣直接影响钛合金的性能。




1 、Al - V中间合金的制备方法为了达到所期望的钛合金的最佳性能,其关键是制备高纯、均匀的中间合金,这对于满足特殊使用的宇航、航空工业钛合金的高质量要求是至关重要的。


目前Al - V 中间合金的制备方法主要有三种:铝热法、两步法和自燃烧法。

(1)铝热法是一种常规方法,该法是采用五氧化二钒(V2O5) 、铝粉和造渣剂(CaF2)等混合料在大气中进行铝热反应来实现的。



德国于1957年就开始研究Al - V 合金,60 年代确立了两步法。

该法是将铝热法制出的Al - V 中间合金再进行第二次真空熔炼,以进一步提纯,即用铝热法得到含钒85 %的高钒合金,然后再进行二次真空感应熔炼,在熔炼过程中加入Al 制造所需的Al - V中间合金。

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ORIGINAL PAPERA potential method for electrochemical micromachining of titanium alloy Ti6Al4VL.M.Jiang ÆW.Li ÆA.Attia ÆZ.Y.Cheng ÆJ.Tang ÆZ.Q.Tian ÆZ.W.TianReceived:29August 2007/Revised:31January 2008/Accepted:31January 2008/Published online:21February 2008ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2008Abstract The micromachining of complex three-dimen-sional microstructures (bulk micromachining)on metals can be applied to fabricate many novel devices for micro electromechanical system (MEMS),which will greatly benefit the development of MEMS.In this paper,a new electrochemical micromachining method named the con-fined etchant layer technique (CELT)was explored on the micromachining of the titanium alloy.Micro-scale trape-zoidal slots were replicated on titanium alloy by using a mold with the corresponding negative microstructures (trapezoidal teeth).The machining resolution reached 0.503l m.The electrochemical mechanisms involved in the process are analyzed and the parameters that influenced the machining resolution are discussed.Keywords Bulk micromachining ÁConfined etchant layer technique ÁEtching ÁTitanium1IntroductionSo far silicon is still predominant among the materials used for micro electromechanical systems (MEMS).In recent years,more metals have been investigated for MEMS due to their excellent electrical and thermal con-ductivity and mechanical and magnetic properties [1–6].However,up to now metallic MEMS components that have been fabricated are mainly nickel and copper with simple structures since the main micromachining tech-nology is based on LIGA (an acronym from German words for lithography,electroforming,and molding)[7,8]that can be applied to fabricate high-aspect-ratio bulk microstructure for Ni and Cu [9,10].Titanium is an important metal,but it is difficult to micromachine by LIGA due to the difficulty in electro-or electroless-deposition of titanium in the microstructured photoresist formed by X-ray photolithography,which is one of the key steps of the LIGA process.Furthermore,the complex three-dimensional (3D)microstructures without straight sidewalls are very difficult to machine by LIGA.Ti and its alloys possess the best strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance among metals.In contrast with Si,Ti and its alloys have much higher fracture toughness,better electrical conductivity and greater bio-compatibility.Therefore,they are very attractive for MEMS uses.Although as a functional thin film material,Ti has long been used in the microelectronics industry where only patterning titanium thin film (known as sur-face micromachining)is needed [11,12],it is rarely used in MEMS due to the difficulty of micromachining com-plex 3D microstructure with a high-aspect-ratio.Surface micromachining on Ti is easy to carry out by photoli-thography,electronic beam,ionic beam or reactive ion etching and so on;however,these techniques are difficultA.Attia is on leave from Physical Chemistry Department,National Research Centre,El-Tahrir St.,Dokki,Cairo,Egypt.L.M.Jiang (&)ÁA.Attia ÁJ.Tang ÁZ.Q.Tian ÁZ.W.Tian State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces,Department of Chemistry,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,Chinae-mail:lm-jiang@L.M.Jiang ÁW.Li ÁZ.Y.ChengSchool of Material Science and Engineering,Nanchang Hangkong University,Nanchang 330063,ChinaA.AttiaPhysical Chemistry Department,National Research Centre,El-Tahrir St.,Dokki,Cairo,EgyptJ Appl Electrochem (2008)38:785–791DOI 10.1007/s10800-008-9513-7to apply in micromachining complex3D microstructure for Ti.As well as the techniques mentioned above for metal micromachining,other methods of interest such as through-mask electrochemical micromachining(EMM) [13–15]have been investigated and some useful micro-structures have been obtained[16–18].However,due to the isotropy of electrochemical dissolution of metals, undercutting inevitably takes place.Therefore,it is dif-ficult to get high-aspect-ratio microstructures,especially for complex three-dimensional microstructures.In the 1980s,Bard’s group invented scanning electrochemical microscopy(SECM)[19]and used it in micromachining of metals[20–22].It generated etchant electrochemically on a microelectrode to etch the samples and was effec-tive for etching of copper.Nevertheless,owing to the free diffusion of the etchant,its spatial resolution was limited.Recently,two new approaches for bulk mi-cromachining of metals were proposed.One was ultrashort voltage pulses electrochemical machining reported by Schuster et al[23–26].The other was anisotropic reactive ion etching with oxidation(ARIO) reported by Aimi et al.[27].However,complex3D microstructures are still difficult to micromachine by these methods.In this paper we present an electrochemical bulk micromachining method named the confined etchant layer technique(CELT)[28–32]for micromachining titanium and its alloys.The fundamentals of CELT can be described as follows:The etchant is generated elec-trochemically on the surface of a machining tool or a mold with desired3D microstructures.A specific scav-enger is added to the electrolyte that captures the etchant within a very short duration so as to prevent the etchant from diffusing away from the mold surface.Thus,the etchant layer around the mold is kept so thin that its profile takes approximately the contour of the micro-structures of the mold.When moving the mold until the etchant layer contacting the workpiece,the workpiece will be etched.By continuously approaching the mold to the workpiece with etching proceeding,an approximate mirror-image replica of the microstructures of the mold is obtained.Theoretically,if the concentration of the scavenger is much greater than that of the etchant generated on the mold,it can be assumed that the scavenger concentration remains constant during the whole process and the scav-enging reaction is of pseudo-first-order with rate constant k s.The thickness of the confined etchant layer(l)can be estimated as:l=(D/k s)1/2[32],where D is the diffusion coefficient of the etchant in the solution.The major advantages of CELT can be summarized as follows:it can be used to fabricate complex3-dimen-sional micro-(or nano-)structures;it can control precisely the machining depth by controlling the moving distance of mold(through high precision PZT),rather than by approximately controlling the machining time as in pho-tolithography;it can be used in a batch process with fewer steps than in photolithography.The possible destruction and denaturalization of the intrinsic structure beneath the machining surface usually caused by high-energy beam machining can be avoided.In our laboratory the replication of complex3D microstructures has been achieved on the surface of GaAs,Si,copper and nickel with a nano or sub-micro resolution[28–31].Here,micromachining on titanium related alloys is reported.Microstructures like trapezoidal slots are repli-cated on titanium alloy(Ti6Al4V)by using a mold with trapezoidal teeth.The electrochemical mechanisms involved in the process are analyzed in detail and the parameters influencing machining resolution are discussed. 2ExperimentThe titanium alloy to be etched was Ti6Al4V with1mm thickness.It was polished with alumina powder of2l m, 0.5l m and0.05l m diameter successively,then rinsed with water and acetone in an ultrasonic bath,andfinally washed with ultra pure water prior to use.The3D mold on which the etchant is generated electrochemically was set as the working electrode in a three-electrode system. The counter electrode was a Fe wire ring surrounding the working electrode,and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)was used as reference electrode.The workpiece (Ti6Al4V)was set at open-circuit in the solution.As the contact between the mold and workpiece would lead to anodic dissolution of the workpiece,a potentiometer was connected between them to detect the voltage change so as to judge whether they were contact or not.Great care should be taken to avoid contact between them as the mold approaches the workpiece surface.During the etching process,the mold was raised some distance and then lowered periodically to allow the solution between mold and workpiece to be refreshed.The mold used in this work was a silicon wafer containing some regular trapezoidal gear-like microstructures.In order to achieve good conductivity of the mold,a100nm thick of Ptfilm was deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on the mold surface to ensure good conductivity on the mold.All chemicals were of analytical grade and diluted with ultra-pure water.The etchant-forming solution comprised 0.2M NaF+0.4M NaClO3+0.6M NaClO4+0.3M NaNO2+0.1M ing constant current polariza-tion,I=5mA cm-2.The working temperature was maintained in the range40–45°C.The microstructures of the mold and the etched work-piece were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM),(Nanoscope IIIa,Digital Instruments)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM),(QUANTA-200).3Results and discussion3.1The investigation on the‘‘confining-etching’’systemA solution containing NaF,NaClO3and NaNO2as pre-cursors to generate electrochemically etchants of HF and HNO3in situ was used.The NaOH was used as a scav-enger as described above.The electrochemical and chemical reactions during the micromachining process are described as follows:(1)Generation reactions of etchants(on the surface of themold)ClOÀ3þH2O!ClOÀ4þ2Hþþeð1ÞNOÀ2þH2O!NOÀ3þ2Hþþeð2ÞHþþFÀ!HFð3ÞHþþNOÀ3!HNO3ð4ÞPreviously,the mechanism of reaction(1)had been studied extensively[33,34].The H+generated from reactions(1) and(2)combines with F-and NO3-on the surface of the mold to form etchants HF and HNO3.(2)Etching reactions(on the surface of the workpiece) Tiþ6HF!H2½TiF6 þ2H2ð5ÞAlþ4HNO3!AlðNO3Þ3þNOþ2H2Oð6Þ2Vþ6HF!2VF3þ3H2ð7ÞHNO3is a well-known passivator for Ti,especially at high concentrations.It can suppress the corrosion of Ti. However,in a solution of‘‘HNO3+NaF’’,a systematic experiment indicated that this solution still corrodes Ti6Al4V rapidly until the concentration of HNO3reaches 1M.(3)Destruction reaction of etchant(in solution near thesurface of the mold)HþþOHÀ!H2Oð8ÞNO2-can also combine with H+since HNO2is also a weak acid similar to HF.Therefore it is expected that a competition between NO2-and F-for electrogenerated H+may occur.In the solution,the following equilibria exist:HNO2 HþþNOÀ2K aðHNO2Þ¼½Hþ ½NOÀ2½HNO2¼5:13Â10À4HF HþþFÀK aðHFÞ¼½Hþ ½FÀ½HF¼6:61Â10À4where K a is the ionization constant of the acid.According to the above equations NO2-has even stronger ability to combine with H+than F-.For example,if1mol L-1of [H+]is added to a neutral solution of1mol L-1NaF,the F-will associate with H+to form HF,andfinally [HF]&0.99935mol L-1while[H+]&0.00065mol L-1.On the other hand,if1mol L-1of[H+]is added to a neutral solution of1mol L-1NaNO2,the NO2-will also associate with H+to form HNO2andfinally[HNO2]& 0.9995mol L-1and[H+]&0.0005mol L-1.Appar-ently,NO2-has a greater tendency to combine with H+.In addition,if the concentration of the electrogenerated H+is sufficiently high,a decomposition reaction,H++ NO2-?HNO2?NO:+NO2:+H2O,may take place, which will lead to more H+being consumed by NO2-.From thermodynamic data it is possible that there exists another etching reaction:Alþ6HNO2!AlðNO2Þ3þ3NOþ3H2O.Figure1shows the cyclic voltammetric(CV)curves of a polycrystalline Pt electrode in different electrolytes. Curve1corresponds to the electrolyte composed of0.2M NaF+0.2M NaClO3.The oxidation peak with a current(I p1)of3.71910-3A cm-2at the peak potential(u p1)of1.53V was observed.When the potential was higher than 1.56V,the dissociation reaction of waterð2H2OÀ4e¼O2þ4HþÞtook place,and oxygen bubbles evolved on theelectrode.In the case of curve 2in the electrolyte of 0.2M NaF +0.1M NaNO 2,an oxidation peak with a current (I p2)of 8.04910-3A cm -2was observed at the peak potential (u p2)of 1.00V.It can be shown that NO 2-has higher anodic oxidation reaction rate than ClO 3-.However,in the electrolyte containing two oxidable precursor of 0.2M NaF +0.2M NaClO 3+0.1M NaNO 2,as shown in curve 3,theoretically it should have two oxidation peaks,but its only oxidation peak u p3with a current (I p3)of 1.05910-2A cm -2is at 1.2V,which is higher than u p2and less than u p1.The peak is a very wide one.When the potential moved positively to 1.6V,oxygen bubbles also began to evolve on the electrode.There was no second peak in curve 3.This is likely due to interaction betweenClO 3-and NO 2-radicals on the electrode surface during adsorbing and discharging processes,which leads to the oxidation peaks of two precursors shifting and tending to anarrow potential range.A synergistic effect between ClO 3-and NO 2-for electrochemical oxidation can be observed from the CV curves.Corresponding to the potential u p3of curve 3,the current values on the curve 1and curve 2are I 1=1.48910-4A cm -2and I 2=7.52910-3A cm -2respectively.Obviously,I p3is much larger than the sum of I 1and I 2.This may be caused by the catalysis of ClO 3-tothe electrooxidation of NO 2-on the electrode surface.To understand the interaction,A algebraic summation of curve 1and curve 2of Fig.1is calculated and shown in Fig.2(here only the positive scanning segments of curve 1and curve 2are calculated).Curve 3of Fig.2represents the summation curve of curves 1and 2.It has two oxida-tion current peaks,I p30and I p300,corresponding to the peak potential values of curve 1and curve 2respectively.Curve 3of Fig.2is very different from the curve 3of Fig.1obtained by experiment.It suggests that the effect of combining the precursors of NaClO 3and NaNO 2is not simply through the summation of the effects of each.The interactions between the two precursors of H +in the electrode processes made their behavior different from that when they are separated.During the etching process,some hydrogen evolved on the titanium surface,which may influence the thickness of etchant layer.A small amount of surfactant (hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride,0.1g L -1)was added to facilitate hydrogen bubble detachment and evolution.3.2Electrochemical micromachining on Ti6Al4V alloy Figure 3illustrates a significant improvement in resolution caused by scavenger during the micro hole machining.Figure 3a is an SEM image of a Pt tip used as mold for machining Ti alloy.Its apex-diameter is about 48l m.Figure 3b is the microstructure machined on the surface of titanium alloy with the above Pt tip as the etchant layer wasFig.3(a )SEM image of a mold for etching titanium alloy—Pt tip.Apex-diameter is about 48l m,(b )SEM image of the microstructure etched on the surface of titanium alloy with above Pt tip as the etchant layer not being confined.The pit-diameter is about 131l m.The etching solution composed of 0.2M NaF +0.4M NaClO 3+0.6M NaClO 4+0.3M NaNO 2.Machining time t =25min,(c )SEMimage of the microstructure etched on the surface of titanium alloy with above Pt tip as the etchant layer being confined by scavenger NaOH.The surface hole-diameter is about 54l m.The etching solution composed of 0.2M NaF +0.4M NaClO 3+0.6M Na-ClO 4+0.3M NaNO 2+0.1M NaOH.Machining time t =25minnot confined by scavenger.It is merely a pit.The pit-diameter is about 131l m.Figure 3c shows a micro hole machined on the surface of titanium alloy with the Pt tip The etchant layer was confined by NaOH scavanger.The surface hole-diameter is about 54l m.Obviously,the res-olution is enhanced greatly by the scavenger.Figure 4a shows the trapezoidal gear-like microstruc-tures on another mold used for micromachining.Figure 4b shows the mirror-image replica microstructures of trape-zoidal slots fabricated on Ti6Al4V alloy with the mold.Thirteen slots were fabricated,which is approximately the negative copy of thirteen protruding teeth on the mold surface.In the top left corner of Fig.4b some reaction product remains in the slots.This should be removed by rinsing the workpiece completely after etching.Figures 5a,b are the AFM images and their section profiles of the microstructures on the mold and etched on Ti6Al4V,respectively.Figure 5a shows that the width of the teeth on the mold is 2.45l m (b 1),while the corresponding feature width etched on titanium is 3.50l m (b 2).From the difference of the corresponding feature dimensions between the mold and the etched pattern,the resolution of the microma-chining can be estimated to be D b =(b 2-b 1)/2=0.503l m.Finally,to obtain a higher micromachining resolution,it is necessary to adjust the other processing parameters suchas the current density,the concentration of ClO 3-and OH -.A current density (4–6mA cm -2)was needed to achieve a good surface roughness after micromachining.Too low current density may lead to non-uniform corrosion on the etched surface,while too high current density causes decreased resolution.Theoretically,an increase in NaClO 3concentration enhances the ClO 3-conversion rate andgenerates more H +,which leads to high etching rate.But the experiments indicate that if the concentration of Na-ClO 3is too high ([0.6M in present solution composition),it is difficult to obtain the microstructures.Too high scavenger (NaOH)concentration also did not produce microstructures.Figure 5b shows that the etched titanium surface is still rough;however,further optimization of the process parameters or appropriate post-treatment steps such as electropolishing [35]will improve the smoothness of the etched surface.4ConclusionThe results demonstrate that the confined etchant layer technique (CELT)has potential for machining complex three-dimensional microstructures on Ti alloy (Ti6Al4V).It can be used in a batch process with fewer steps compared to multiple steps in photolithography technique.CELT has low cost as compared with high energy beam machining.Its micromachining resolution depends mainly on the rate of the scavenging reaction.The electrolyte system con-taining NaClO 3,NaNO 2and NaF is suitable for the generation of etchants of HF and HNO 3in situ.Sub-micrometer resolution can be obtained using NaOH as an effective scavenger.Further experiments to achieve high-aspect-ratio complex three-dimensional microstructures for the Ti alloy will make the fabrication of novel micro devices possible and will extend the functionalities of MEMS.Of course,CELT also has some limits.For example,its machining rate is lower than that of high energy beam machining and EMM.After a certain duration the etching rate becomes slow and it is necessary to lift the mold for some distance and replace it periodically to allow ionic diffusion.In addition,contact between the mold and the workpiece should be avoided duringmicromachining.Fig.4(a )SEM image of the mold with trapezoidal gear-like microstructure,(b )Trapezoidal slot microstructure fabricated on Ti alloy surface in the solution composed of 0.2M NaF +0.4M NaClO 3+0.6M NaClO 4+0.3M NaNO 2+0.1M NaOH.Machining time t =35minAcknowledgements This work was supported by Foundation of 863Plan of China (2002AA40170),Foundation of the Material Research Center of Jiangxi Province (ZX200301013),Foundation of the Jiangxi Province Department of Education and the Aeronautical Science Foundation.A.Attia would like to thank Xiamen University for financial support.References1.Mineta T,Mitsui T,Watanabe Y,Kobayashi S,Haga Y,Esashi M (2001)Sens Actuators A Phys 88:1122.Arias F,Oliver SRJ,Xu 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