认真分析历年试题,做好总结,对于考生明确复习方向,确定复 习范围和重点,做好应试准备都具有十分重要的作用。
要将真题中的题还原到书中,看看真题在全书中的分布,这样, 自己也能大概有一个出题人的范围,根据这样的规律,复习的针对性 会大大提高。
(2) 《英国文学选读》,上海译文出版社,
(3) 《美国文学简史》,南开大学出版社,
(4) 《美国文学选读》,南开大学出版社,
(三)专业就业前景 就业形势比较好,英语语言文学专业生毕业主要从事高等、中等
本阶段,考生要对指定参考书进行更深入复习,加强知识点的前 后联系,建立整体框架结构,分清重难点,对重难点基本掌握。做历 年真题,弄清考试形式、题型设置和难易程度等内容。 4、冲刺阶段
总结所有重点知识点,包括重点概念、理论和模型等,查漏补缺, 回归教材。温习专业课笔记和历年真题,做专业课模拟试题。调整心 态,保持状态,积极应考。 注意事项 1.学习任务中所说的“一遍”不一定是指仅看一次书,某些难点多的 章节可能要反复看几遍才能彻底理解通过。 2.每本书每章节看完后最好自己能闭上书后列一个提纲,以此回忆 内容梗概,也方便以后看着提纲进行提醒式记忆。 3.看进度,卡时间。一定要防止看书太慢,遇到弄不懂的问题,要 及时请教专业咨询师或本校老师。
(二) 学习笔记的整理方法 1.在仔细看书的同时应开始做笔记,笔记在刚开始的时候可能会 影响看书的速度,但是随着时间的发展,会发现笔记对于整理思路和 理解课本的内容都很有好处。 2.做笔记的方法不是简单地把书上的内容抄到笔记本上,而是把 书上的内容整理成为一个个小问题,按照题型来进行归纳总结。笔记 应着重将自己不是非常明白的地方标记出来,通过多做题对知识点进 行梳理总结,对题型归类。 (三)真题的使用方法
北京航空航天大学计算机学院2011年硕士研究生招生复试分数线全国统考生一志愿报考专业复试资格基本线:一志愿报考学科门类(专业类别)学科代码总分基础科目业务科目政治英语数学专业课计算机科学与技术081200 345 45 45 80 80 地图制图学与地理信息工程081603 310 45 45 80 80计算机技术(专业学位)085211 300 45 45 80 80另:(1)参加单独考试、强军计划的考生若满足我校制定的复试资格基本线,也需要参加本次复试。
北京航空航天大学翻译硕士 复试真题、复试经验
2011年部分高校MBA专业复试分数线最新汇总1、北大2011年MBA分数线:A线:总分215英语55综合120B线:总分190英语55综合1202、清华2011年MBA分数线:A线:总分215英语60综合1303、北京师范大学2011年MBA分数线:A线:总分160英语50综合90B线:总分170英语45综合1004、人民大学2011年MBA分数线:A线:总分205英语60综合120B线:总分180英语50综合1055、北航2011年MBA分数线A线:总分170英语50综合1006、哈工大2011MBA分数线总分175英语48综合1007、复旦大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分215分英语65分综合130分B线:总分195分英语60分综合120分C线:总分175分英语60分综合110分国际班A线(含AsiaMBA):总分215分英语70分综合130分国际班B线(含AsiaMBA):总分185分英语60分综合110分8、上海交通大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分220分综合120分英语60分B线:总分185分综合110分英语50分C线:国家东部线(待公布)9、北京理工大学2011年MBA分数线总分170分综合100分英语50分10、厦门大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分195分综合110分英语55分B线:总分165分综合100分英语50分11、天津大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分175分综合110分英语50分B线:总分155分综合100分英语40分12、哈工大2011年MBA分数线总分175分综合100分英语48分13、中山大学2011年MBA分数线总分180分综合110分英语50分(中山大学岭南学院2011年MBA分数线总分180分综合110分英语50分中山大学管理学院2011年MBA分数线总分180分综合110分英语50分)14、华北电力大学2011年MBA分数线第一批:总分170分综合100分英语50分第二批:国家线(待定)15、北京工商大学2011年MBA分数线总分不低于170 英语不低于50分进入预复试16、上海财经大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分200分,英语55分,综合能力120分B线:总分180分,英语52分,综合能力105分17、广东外语外贸大学2011年MBA分数线总分160分(含160分)、英语45分(含45分)、综合90分(含90分)以上18、兰州大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分150分综合85分英语42分B线:总分140分综合80分英语37分19、中国科技大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分185分综合100分英语50分B线:参照B类地区国家分数线20、华南理工大学2011年MBA分数线总分175分综合100分英语50分21、西北工业大学2011年MBA分数线总分155分综合90分英语48分22、北京工业大学2011年MBA分数线总分不低于155 综合不低于85 英语不低于4323、西安交通大学2011年MBA分数线总分170分综合110分英语55分24、上海财经大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分200分综合120分英语55分B线:总分180分综合105分英语52分25、中国农业大学2011年MBA分数线总分165分综合110分英语48分26、南开大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分不低于210 分,英语不低于60 分,综合不低于125 分B线:总分不低于170 分,英语不低于50 分,综合不低于100分27、浙江大学2011年MBA分数线总分175分综合110分英语52分28、中国科学技术大学2011年MBA分数线总分185分综合100分英语50分29、武汉大学2011年MBA分数线总分180分综合115分英语50分30、中南大学2011年MBA分数线总分165分综合100分英语50分31、四川大学2011年MBA分数线A 线:总分185,综合100,英语50B 线:总分165,综合90 ,英语4532、重庆大学2011年MBA分数线总分160分综合100分英语50分33、华中科技大学2011年MBA分数线总分170分综合110分英语47分34、东北大学2011年MBA分数线总分160分综合100分英语50分35、南京大学2011年MBA分数线A线:总分不低于205 分,英语不低于60 分,综合不低于110 分B线:总分不低于180 分,英语不低于50 分,综合不低于100分36、东南大学2011年MBA分数线总分170分综合105分英语45分37、山东大学2011年MBA分数线总分160分综合100分英语50分38、湖南大学2011年MBA分数线总分165分综合100分英语45分39、电子科技大学管理学院2011年MBA分数线总分160分综合90分英语45分40、吉林大学管理学院2011年MBA分数线总分180分综合110分英语50分41、北京第二外国语学院2011年MBA分数线总分:160分;综合:90分;英语:45分42、中科院研究生院2011年MBA分数线总分,英语单科、综合单科,总分均达到国家A类地区43、社科院研究生院2011年MBA分数线联考成绩175分以上;原则上第一志愿报考清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、上海交通大学、复旦大学五所院校的考生。
Self-introduction自我介绍Name:William Shakespeare Graduated University:×××××××××××Major:English Literature Admission Time:20XX-09-01—20XX-06-30Telephone:+86×××××××(MP)E-mail:520521××××@(后附范文5篇及10类常见问题解答,总有一个适合你!)20XX年XX月XX日目录范文一(英文) (3)范文一(中文) (3)范文二(英文) (3)范文二(中文) (3)范文三(英文) (3)范文三(中文) (3)范文四(英文) (3)范文四(中文) (3)范文五(英文) (3)范文五(中文) (3)十类常见问题解答 (3)(一)"What can you tell me about ......?".. (3)(二)"What would you like to be doing......?" .. (3)(三)"What is your greatest strength ?" (3)(四)"What is your greatest weakness?" (3)(五)"How do you feel about your progress to date?" (3)(六)行为面试问题 (3)(七)压力面试问题 (3)(八)案例面试问题 (3)(九)非常规问题 (3)(十)其他常见的英语面试问题 (3)范文一(英文)--适合医学、理、工、农、艺、政治经济学相关专业Good afternoon dear professors, my name is ××, it is really a great honor to have a chance for this interview.Now I‟ll introduce myself briefly. I am ××years old, born in ××province.I received my bachelor degree in 20××, supervised by Professor ××, in ××University.I have been interested in scientific research. In the past few years, I published more than ××(5)papers about numerical methods for the fractional PDE. Furthermore, I am participating in the research of two projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation. At the same time, I undertake a lot of teaching loads, more than ××(200)periods each year.However, with the time going on, the more I studied and experienced, the clearer I realized that I really need study further. Thus, I began to prepare for ××(the doctor‟s entrance examination). Owing to my hard work, I passed the first examination. If I am given the chance of further study, I will work hard to enrich my knowledge and make myself to be a well-qualified ××(doctor).I am very easy to get on with, so I have lots of friends. Sometimes I prefer staying alone, reading, surfing the internet to gain some latest news of my profession, also, I‟m keen on ××(playing basketball).。
北航考研复试班-北京航空航天大学英语语言文学考研复试经验分享北京航空航天大学(Beihang University)简称北航,是中华人民共和国工业和信息化部直属、中央直管副部级建制的全国重点大学,世界一流大学建设高校,211工程、985工程重点建设高校,入选珠峰计划、2011计划、111计划、卓越工程师教育培养计划、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、国家级新工科研究与实践项目、国家级大学生创新创业训练计划、国家大学生创新性实验计划、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范高校,为国际宇航联合会、中欧精英大学联盟、中国西班牙大学联盟、中俄工科大学联盟成员,是全国第一批16所重点高校之一、80年代恢复学位制度后全国第一批设立研究生院的22所高校之一,也是新中国第一所航空航天高等学府。
北航研究生复试内容1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以描述北航研究生复试内容的整体情况和背景。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分:本文主要包括引言、正文和结论三个部分。
2011年北京航空航天大学英语专业(语言学)真题试卷(总分:18.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、简答题(总题数:9,分数:18.00)1.What are the main branches of linguistics? Please identify three branches and explain them briefly.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.The following sentences may have more than one reading. Would you please disambiguate them and state your reasons?(1)The chicken is too hot to eat.(2)Flying planes can be dangerous.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What is the difference between literal language and figurative language? Please give concrete examples to elaborate your points.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Could the sentence "As the night fell, the wind rose" be alternatively expressed as "As the wind rose, the night fell"? Why or why not? Does this indicate a degree of non-arbitrariness about word order?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.What are some important contributions that sociolinguistics has made to language teaching?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.What is construal in cognitive linguistics? Please give examples to elaborate its different dimensions.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Read the following paragraph and list all the function words, including all forms of be. Give the percentage of function words in this paragraph.She was a small woman, old and wrinkled. When she started washing for us, she was already past seventy. Most Jewish women of her age were sickly, weak, broken in body. But this washwoman, small and thin as she was, possessed a strength that came from generations of peasant ancestors. Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks. She would lift the heavy bag, load it on her narrow shoulders, and carry it the long way home.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.What different forms of sound patterning can you find in the following stanza of the poem "Easter Wings" by George Herbert(1593-1663)?Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,Though foolishly he lost the same,Decaying more and more,Till he becameMost poore;With theeO let me riseAs larks, harmoniously,And sing this day thy victories;Then shall the fall further the flight in me.(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.Analyze the following text from the semantic point of view. Explain whether it is justifiable "To call me colored"? Colored Dear White Fella You White FellaCouple things you should know —When you born, you pink When I born, I black When you grow up, you whiteWhen I grow up, I black When you go in sun, you redWhen I go in sun, I black When you cold, you blueWhen I cold, 1 black When you scared you yellowWhen I sacred, 1 black When you sick, you greenWhen I sick, I black And when you die you greyWhen I die—I still black And you have the cheek To call me colored?(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________。
2011年北京航空航天大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷(总分52,考试时间90分钟)1. 名词解释1. Waiting for Godot2. Harlem renaissance3. Antagonist4. Comedy of manners5. Blank verse2. 翻译题1. Please translate the following English into Chinese, and pay attention to its literary quality.It was New Year"s Night. An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake. Then he cast them on the earth, where few more hopeless people than himself now moved towards their certain goal—the tomb. He had already passed sixty of the stages leading to it, and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse. Now his health was poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, and his old age short of comforts.2. Please translate the following Chinese into English and pay attention to its literary quality. 真正成为自己不是一件很容易的事。
北京航空航天大学2011年二外英语考研真题Part I Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases given. (10%,0.5 point for each)1. Only when he returned from the exchange program _______how much he enjoyed it.A) he realized B) he had realized C) did he realize D) as he realized2. ______you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents‟ help.A) Even though B) The moment C) Provided that D) Now that3. You can‟t go out because it is a stor my night; _______, your homework hasn‟t been done.A) anyhow B) moreover C) nevertheless D) therefore4. Many young people left their hometown for big cities ______better jobs.A) in favor of B) in charge of C) in search of D) in honor of5. Why not get some work experience first ______go straight on to university?A) as for B) other than C) rather than D) instead of6. There ______be any difficulty in passing the oral test since you have practiced a lot in school.A) mustn‟t B) shan‟t C) shouldn‟t D) needn‟t7. —You were not listening; what troubled you?—I ________my coming math exam.A) am thinking about B) was thinking aboutC) had thought about D) will think about8. In some people‟s opinions, the ______powerful the country becomes, the_____ pleasant it is to live in.A) most; fewer B) more; fewer C) more; less D) most; less9. Walter offered a lift when he was leaving the office, but _______our work we turned down the offer.A) not having finished B) not finished C) finished D) having finished10. So many uses have been discovered of this wood _____the supply of this special tree isbecoming smaller and smaller.A) then B) what C) that D) which11. With no central government, the island was ruled by kings, ______a different region of thecountry.A) each controlling B) each controlledC) each to control D) each was controlling12. Mutin Van Buren was the eighth President of the United States and the first_____ nativelanguage was not English but Dutch.A) that B) whose C) which D) where13. If he ______consider the problem again, he might get a correct conclusion.A) can B) should C) would D) might14. A dictionary that size has ______words than you need and it's not so handy.A) much more B) many more C) many D) a great deal of15. What is ______attracts you most when you paid a visit to Beijing the other day?A) it which B) that that C) it that D) that which16. With a lot of difficult problems _______, the manager felt a heavy burden taken off his mind.A) settled B) to be settled C) settling D) to settle17. Over 80 percent of the population of China ______ peasants.A) was B) is C) would be D) are18. John shut everybody out of the kitchen______ he could prepare his grand surprise for theparty.A) which B) when C) so that D) as if19. _______today, he would get there by Sunday.A) Would he leave B) Was he leaving C) Were he to leave D) If he leave20. The next morning she found the man _____in bed, dead.A) lying B) lie C) lay D) layingPart II Choose the word or phrase from the four choices given which is most appropriate to complete the sentence. (15%,1 point for each)21. Last year the advertising race ______by 20 percent.A) raised B) aroused C) arose D) rose22. —How much is the T-shirt_______?—65 dollars.A) worth B) cost C) worthy D) paid23. Remember that customers don‟t ______about prices in that city.A) debate B) consult C) dispute D) bargain24. They blamed the failure on George. Actually, he______.A) is not to blame B) interestingC) is not to be blamed D) should not blame25. Surely it doesn't matter where the students associations get their money from; what _______iswhat they do with it.A) applies B) stresses C) counts D) functions26. Sorry, sir, if my bike doesn‟t_______, I won‟t be late for school again.A) work out B) come across C) put off D) break down27. The manager said that they had an ________plan if the plan they had submitted was notaccepted.A) alternate B) alternative C) absolute D) appreciable28. Maria is a______ person and never makes any unreasonable demands.A) sensitive B) sensible C) obedient D) jealous29. Violent programs on television may have a bad ____on children.A) affection B) pressure C) influence D) control30. One-room schoolhouses can still be found in ______areas where there are no other schools formany miles.A) disposed B) deserted C) isolated D) abandoned31. I‟m afraid you have no _____but to come along with us.A) possibility B) permission C) choice D) selection32. The first thought after Charles ______a little from his surprise was to get away.A) returned B) absorbed C) dissolved D) recovered33. Japan has to employ an increasing number of overseas workers because there is no easysolution to its labor_______.A) decline B) rarity C) vacancy D) shortage34. The two dogs started to fight, so we tried to _____ them.A) split B) separate C) tear D) divide35. The rapidly growing birth rate brings about a lot of environmental problems, which thegovernment is supposed to take______.A) significantly B) severely C) earnestly D) seriouslyPart III Reading Comprehension. (30%,2 points for each)ALike many of my generation, I have a weakness for hero worship. At some point, however, we all begin to question our heroes and our need for them. This leads us to ask: What is a hero?Despite immense differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics that instruct and inspire people.A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a story of adventure to tell and a community who will listen. But a hero goes beyond mere fame.Heroes serve powers or principles larger than themselves. Like high voltage transformers, heroes take the energy of higher powers and step it down so that it can be used by ordinary people.The hero lives a life worthy of imitation. Those who imitate a genuine hero experience life with new depth, enthusiasm, and meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom do they serve. What are they willing to live and die for? If the answer or evidence suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes. Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant?Heroes are catalysts(催化剂) for change. They have a vision from tile mountain top. They have the skill and the charm to move the masses. They create new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of the British Empire. Without Rosa Parks and Martin Luther, King, Jr., we might still have segregated buses, restaurants, and parks. It may be possible for large scale change to occur without leaders with magnetic personalities, but the pace of change would be slow, the vision uncertain, and the committee meetings endless.36. Although heroes may come from different cultures, they _____.A) generally posses certain inspiring characteristicsB) probably share some weaknesses of ordinary peopleC) are often influenced by previous generationsD) all unknowingly attract a large number of fans37. According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that ______.A) they have a vision from the mountaintopB) they have a warm feelings and emotionsC) they can serve as concrete examples of noble principlesD) they can make people feel stronger and more confident38. Madonna and Michael Jackson are not considered heroes because _____.A) they are popular only among certain groups of peopleB) their performances do not improve their fans morallyC) their primary concern is their own financial interestsD) they are not clear about the principles they should follow39. Gandhi and Martin Luther King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who ______.A) are good at demonstrating their charming charactersB) can move the masses with their forceful speechesC) are capable of meeting all challenges and hardshipsD) can provide an answer to the problems of their people40. The author concludes that historical changes would _____.A) be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualitiesB) not happen without heroes making the necessary sacrificesC) take place if there were heroes to lead the peopleD) produce leaders with attractive personalitiesBThe decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, for one, is glad.The fact the ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation‟s moral climate, says this ethics(伦理学)professor at the University of Chicago, is reasonable to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it.But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Mateirialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. “The thought tha t …I‟m in it for me‟ has become deeply rooted in the national consciousness.” Ms. Elshtain says.Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With today‟s greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self.In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U.S.. And Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that: Data show that Americans are struggling with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a high rate of births to unmarried mothers.The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament (挽歌) for some nonexistent “g olden age,” Elshtain says, nor is it a wishful(一厢情愿的)longing for a time that denied opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejudice.Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society, she says. “Slowly, you recognize that the things that matter are those that can‟t be bought.”41. Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans _____.A) have adapted to a new set of moral standardsB) are longing for the return of the good old daysC) have realized the importance of material thingsD) are awakening to the lowering of their moral standards42. The moral decline of American society is caused mainly by _____.A) its growing wealthB) the self-centeredness of individualsC) underestimating the impact of social changesD) the prejudice against women and minorities43. Which of the following characterizes the traditional communities?A) Great mobility.B) Concern for one‟s neighborsC) Emphasis on individual effort.D) Ever-weakening social bonds.44. In the 1950s, classroom violence ______.A) was something unheard ofB) was by no means a rare occurrenceC) attracted a lot of public attentionD) began to appear in analysts‟ data45. According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed _____.A) if people can return to the “golden age”B) when women and men enjoy equal rightsC) when people rid themselves of prejudiceD) if less emphasis is laid on material thingsCThe process of perceiving other people is rarely translated (to ourselves or others) into cold, objective terms. “She was 5 feet 8 inches tall, had had fair hair, and wore a colored skirt.” More often, we try to get inside the other person to pinpoint his or her attitudes, emotions, motivations, abilities, ideas and characters. Furthermore, we sometimes behave as if we can accomplish this difficult job very quickly—perhaps with a two-second glance.We try to obtain information about others in many ways. Berger suggests several methods for reducing uncertainties about others: watching, without being noticed, a person interacting with others. P articularly with others who are known to you so you can compare the observed person‟s behavior with the known others‟ behavior, observing a person in a situation where social behavior is relatively unrestrained or where a wide variety of behavioral responses are called for, deliberately structuring the physical or social environment so as to observe the person‟s responses to specific stimuli: asking people who have had or have frequent contact with the person about him or her: and listing various strategies in face-to-face interaction to uncover information about another person-questions, self-disclosures(自我表露), and so on. Getting to know someone is a never-ending task, largely because people are constantly changing and the methods we use to obtain information are often imprecise. You may have known someone for ten years and still know very little about him. If we accept the idea that we won‟t ever fully know another person, it enables us to deal more easily with those things that get in the way of accurate knowledge such as secrets and deceptions. It will also keep us from being too surprised or shocked by seemingly inconsistent behavior. Ironically, those things that keep us from knowing another person too well (e. g. , secrets and deceptions) may be just as important to the development of a satisfying relationship as the things that enable us to obtain accurate knowledge about a person (e.g., disclosures and truthful statements).46. The word “pinpoint” (Line 3, Para. 1) basically means______.A) appreciate B) obtain C) interpret D) identify47. What do we learn from the first paragraph?A) People are better described in cold, objective terms.B) The difficulty of getting to know a person is usually underestimated.C) One should not judge people by their appearances.D) One is usually subjective when assessing other people‟s personality.48. It can be inferred from Berger‟s suggestions that_____.A) people do not reveal their true self on every occasionB) in most cases we should avoid contacting the observed person directlyC) the best way to know a person is by making comparisonsD) face-to-face interaction is the best strategy to uncover information about a person49. In developing personal relationships, secrets and deceptions, in the author‟s opinion, are____.A) personal matters that should be seriously dealt withB) barriers that should be done away withC) as significant as disclosures and truthful statementsD) things people should guard against50. The author‟s purpose in writing the passage is______.A) to give advice on appropriate conduct for social occasionsB) to provide ways of how to obtain information about occasionsC) to call the reader‟s attention to the negative side of people‟s charactersD) to discuss the various aspects of getting to know peoplePart IV Complete the 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank, four choices are given. (20%,1 point for each)Ron Bricker worked in a steel mill until he got laid off. It looked 51 he would never get his old job 52 . Steel companies in the United States 53 doing as much business as they 54 to do. People weren‟t buying as many American cars, so 55 steel was being used. Times were 56 . Mr. Bricker decided to try 57 trade. So, in l983 he went to a computer school: One day President Reagan 58 the school. Mr. Bricker asked the President to 59 him get a new job. The President did. Mr. Bricker 60 a job fixing computers. He went 61 television and told everyone how the President had helped him.There was one big 62 , however, Mr. Bricker didn‟t really like his new job. It was better than 63 , but he wasn‟t happy. The new job 64 only half as much as Mr. Bricker had 65 working in the steel mill. Every day he 66 for his old job back. Then he quit the job the President had helped him get. 67 with computers just wasn‟t for him. He planned to get a job 68 a 51. A) if B) as ifC) as D) whether52. A) in B) backC) on D) forth53. A) weren‟t B) aren‟tC) wasn‟t D) hadn‟t been54. A) accustomed B) happenedC) seemed D) used55. A) more B) lessC) much D) little56. A) tough B) seriousC) rough D) uneasy57. A) other B) moreC) another D) next58.A) called B) cameC) visited D) phoned59. A) have B) helpC) make D) let60. A) wanted B) gotC) received D) gained61. A) in B) intoC) with D) on62. A) thing B) problemC) issue D) question63. A) anything B) everythingC) nothing D) something64. A) sent B) affordedC) paid D) earned65. A) made B) broughtC) taken D) accepted66. A) dreamed B) arrangedC) desired D) wishedtruck. But he didn‟t need to go. 69 were getting better. The steel mill called. They 70 Ron Bricker again.67. A) Working B) DoingC) Meeting D) Conducting68. A) driving B) ridingC) moving D) opening69. A) Matters B) YearsC) Days D) Things70. A) cried B) demandedC) needed D) phonedPart V Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (15%,3 points for each)71. Web 2.0 is a term that may not sound like that much—after all, the internet, what could becalled “web 1.0” has now been around for nearly two decades, and its effects on our personal and professional lives has already been profound.72. But are these changes just the tip of the iceberg? Will the radical new formats and approachesthat characterize Web 2.0 revolutionize our working habits even more profoundly than the original invention of the internet did?73. Web 2.0 are a number of sites which encourage much great user participation-sites which youthe user create by uploading your own pictures, or music, or ideas…whatever…74. “Social networking” is a buzz phrase. Everyone‟s saying it, as though it‟s something new, butreally it‟s about these sites creating their own communities, a space where you might have “friends”who you‟ve never actually met, and may never meet…75. My website is a place where unsigned musicians and bands can post music or videos of theirown music. It means record companies are no longer necessary. New groups don‟t need to send their music to record companies, and depend on them—now they can directly reach people who are interested in listening to new music…Part VI Translate the following sentences into English. Words given in the brackets should be used. (10%,2 points for each sentence)76. 尽管现在网上银行非常普遍,这个国家还是有大约15%的人喜欢使用纸币。
2011年北京航空航天大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part Ⅰ. Vocabulary (30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. Testing new-model plane is a _____ job, but he decided to devote himself to it.A. promisingB. mysteriousC. beneficialD. hazardous【答案】D【解析】句意:测试新机型是一项危险的工作,但他还是决心投身其中。
beneficial 有益的,有帮助的。
2. They have _____ their names upon the pages of history.A. prescribedB. inscribedC. describedD. subscribed【答案】B【解析】句意:他们将自己的名字载入史册。
3. Electronic toys and games, which came on the market in 1976, already _____ a more than half-billion-dollar business.A. consist ofB. compose ofC. compriseD. compromise【答案】C【解析】句意:电子玩具及电子游戏尽管在1976年才上市,其市场业务规模已超过5亿美元。
2010.3.6 中午12点查到成绩367分,好好准备复试。
/viewthread ... mp;authorid=2567011楼主 大 中 小 发表于 2010-5-5 11:10
北航外国语学院资料汇总在 /t3260521p1的附件
北航mpa 复试 英文 自我介绍
北航mpa 复试英文自我介绍全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, my name is Lily and I'm so excited to be here at the Beijing MPA interview! I am from a small town in China and I have always dreamed of studying at a prestigious university like Beijing MPA.Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am a hardworking and diligent student who loves learning new things. I have a strong passion for public administration and I believe that studying at Beijing MPA will help me achieve my goals of becoming a successful public servant.During my undergraduate studies, I have participated in various extracurricular activities such as volunteering at local NGOs and organizing charity events. These experiences have taught me the importance of community service and have inspired me to make a positive impact in the world.I am confident that my academic background and my dedication to public service make me a strong candidate for the Beijing MPA program. I am excited to learn from the bestprofessors and to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who share the same passion for public administration as I do.I am looking forward to the opportunity to further develop my skills and knowledge at Beijing MPA. Thank you for considering my application and I hope to contribute to the vibrant academic community at Beijing MPA. Thank you!篇2Hello everyone, my name is Timmy and I am so excited to be here today to introduce myself for the MPA interview at Beihang University.I am a very curious and hardworking student who loves to learn new things. I always challenge myself to do better and improve every day. I am very passionate about public administration and I believe that studying MPA at Beihang University will help me achieve my goals.I have a strong academic background with good grades in all my subjects. I have also participated in various extracurricular activities such as debate club and volunteer work. These experiences have helped me develop my leadership skills and ability to work well in a team.In the future, I hope to use my MPA degree to make a positive impact on society. I want to work in the government or non-profit sector to help improve the lives of others. I believe that Beihang University will provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in this field.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself.I am looking forward to the interview and hope to learn more about the MPA program at Beihang University. Thank you!篇3Hello everyone! My name is Jack and I'm very excited to be here today to introduce myself to all of you. I am from Beijing, China and I recently graduated from elementary school. Now I am here for the MPA interview at Beihang University.I have always been interested in public administration and that's why I chose to apply for Beihang's MPA program. I believe this program will help me gain the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact in my community.In school, I was always involved in extracurricular activities such as student council and volunteer work. I love working with others and I am a great team player. I also enjoy learning new things and challenging myself to do better each day.During my free time, I like to read books, play sports, and spend time with my friends and family. I believe that awell-rounded education involves not only academics but also extracurricular activities and social interactions.I am confident that Beihang's MPA program is the right fit for me and I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from the professors and my fellow classmates. Thank you for considering my application and I hope to be a part of Beihang's MPA program soon!Thank you for listening!篇4Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I am very excited to be here today to introduce myself for the MPA interview at Beihang University.I am a third-year student majoring in Economics and I have always been interested in public administration. I believe that studying MPA at Beihang University will help me gain the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact in my community.During my undergraduate studies, I have participated in various internships and volunteer activities related to public service. I have worked as a volunteer at a local NGO, where I helped organize events and fundraisers to support underprivileged children. I have also interned at a government agency, where I learned about policy-making and program implementation.In addition to my academic and practical experiences, I am also passionate about leadership and teamwork. I have served as the president of the student council at my university, where I led a team of students in organizing school events and promoting student welfare.In my free time, I enjoy reading books on public administration and attending seminars and workshops on related topics. I believe that continuous learning andself-improvement are crucial for personal and professional development.I am confident that studying MPA at Beihang University will help me achieve my goals and fulfill my passion for public service.I look forward to learning from the professors and my fellow classmates, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the interview and hope to be part of the MPA program at Beihang University. Thank you!篇5Hello everyone! My name is Lily and I'm so glad to be here today for the MPA interview at Beihang University. I'm super excited to tell you all about myself and why I want to study MPA.First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm a 10-year-old girl and I love studying and learning new things. I live in a small town with my family and I have a pet cat named Whiskers. In my free time, I like to read books, play with my friends, and help my mom with cooking.I want to study MPA because I want to learn how to be a good leader and help make the world a better place. I believe that studying MPA will give me the skills and knowledge I need to make a positive impact on society. I also want to meet new friends and learn from different cultures.In conclusion, I'm really looking forward to the MPA interview and I hope to show you all what a great student I can be. Thank you for listening to my self-introduction and I can't wait to start this new adventure at Beihang University!篇6Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I am so excited to be here for the MPA interview at Beihang University. I can't wait to tell you all about myself!First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a super silly and funny girl who loves to make people laugh. My friends always say that I am the life of the party! I am also very smart and hardworking. I love learning new things and challenging myself to be the best that I can be.I decided to apply for the MPA program because I want to learn more about public administration and how to make the world a better place. I believe that with the knowledge and skills I will gain from this program, I can make a real difference in people's lives. I am passionate about helping others and being a leader in my community.In my free time, I love to read books, play sports, and spend time with my friends and family. I also enjoy volunteering and giving back to my community. I believe that it is important to always be kind and help those in need.Thank you for taking the time to listen to myself-introduction. I hope that I can make a positive impression onall of you during this interview. I am looking forward to the opportunity to study at Beihang University and make my dreams come true. Thank you!篇7Hello everyone! My name is Emily and I am so excited to be here for the MPA interview at Beihang University. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.I am from a small town in the countryside and I love exploring new things. I always knew that I wanted to study public administration because I want to make a difference in the world.I believe that by studying at Beihang University, I will gain the skills and knowledge needed to achieve my goals.In my free time, I enjoy playing sports and reading books. I also love spending time with my friends and family. I am a very sociable person and I believe that building strong relationships is key to success in any field.I am confident that my strong work ethic, determination, and passion for public administration make me a great candidate for the MPA program at Beihang University. I am looking forward to learning from the professors and my fellow classmates, as well as contributing my own ideas and experiences to the program.Thank you for considering me for this opportunity. I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life and make a positive impact on the world. Thank you!篇8Hello everyone! My name is Lily and I am so excited to be here for the interview of the MPA program at Beihang University.First of all, I want to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to introduce myself. I am a 10-year-old girl from Beijing and I really love studying and learning new things. I have always been interested in government and public administration, that's why I decided to apply for this program.I have been preparing for this interview for a long time, reading books, practicing speaking English and learning about the program and the university. I am confident that I can do well in this interview and I am really looking forward to studying at Beihang University.In my free time, I like to read books, play with my friends and help my parents with chores at home. I believe that studying at Beihang University will help me achieve my dreams and become a successful public administrator in the future.I am so grateful for this opportunity and I promise to work hard and give my best in the program. Thank you for listening to my introduction and I hope to see you all soon at Beihang University. Thank you!篇9Hey everyone! My name is Lily and I’m so excited to share with you about my experience at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics MPA program interview!First off, I want to say that I was really nervous before the interview. I practiced my introduction over and over again in the mirror and tried to calm my nerves by taking deep breaths. But once I got into the interview room, all my fears melted away because the interviewers were so friendly and welcoming.I started off by introducing myself and talking about my background in public administration. I shared how passionate I am about making a difference in my community and how I believe the MPA program at Beihang University will help me achieve my goals. I also talked about my strengths and weaknesses, and how I hope to improve and grow as a leader through this program.During the interview, the panel asked me about my views on current public policy issues and how I would handle different situations as a public administrator. I tried to answer the questions as honestly and confidently as I could, drawing on my past experiences and knowledge.Overall, I had a great time at the interview and I really hope to be accepted into the MPA program at Beihang University. I believe that this program will help me become the best public administrator I can be and make a positive impact in the world. Thank you for listening to my self-introduction, and I hope to see you all at Beihang University soon!篇10Hello everyone, my name is Tommy and I am so excited to be here to introduce myself for the North China University of Technology MPA interview! I am in third grade and I love playing soccer and watching cartoons.I am really interested in studying MPA because I want to be a superhero when I grow up. My mom told me that people who study MPA help make the world a better place by solving problems and helping communities. I want to be able to help people too, so that's why I want to study MPA.In school, I really like math and science. I am always the first one to raise my hand when the teacher asks a question. I also love working in groups and helping my classmates when they don't understand something. I think being able to work well with others is really important, especially when you are studying something like MPA.I am also really good at organizing things and making sure everything is in order. My mom says I am always the one who helps clean up the toys after playtime. I think this skill will be really helpful when I am studying MPA and working on projects with my classmates.I am a very friendly and outgoing person, so I think I will be able to make a lot of new friends at North China University of Technology. I am looking forward to learning new things and becoming a real superhero one day!Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. I hope to see you all at North China University of Technology soon!。
北航保研英语自我介绍面试(通用5篇)北航保研英语面试篇1Good afternoon (morning), professors:It is my great pleasure to be here. My name is mingmingzhou , graduated fromComputer Science Department of Wuhan niversity.During my four-year study in the university as an under-graduate student, I have built up a solid foundation of professional knowledge, as well as a rich experience of social activities. I am a determined person, always willing to achieve higher goals.What's more, I am good at analysis, with a strong sense of cooperation. All of these led me to the success of passing the first round of the entrance examination to the Master's degree. Personally, I am very humorous and easy-going, enjoying a goodrelationship among my classmates. In my spare time, I like to read books regarding how to be myself and how to deal with problems. Music and movies are my favorite entertainments. As for my sportinterest, I could not deny my greatest interest is football. Playing this game brings me a lot of glory, happiness and passion.All in all, Wuhan University, with a highly qualified faculty and strong academic environment is the university I have long admired. I believe that I am a very qualified applicant for admission into your Master of IT program and can contribute to the enrichment or diversity of your university.THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!北航保研英语自我介绍面试篇2Good morning,my name is karies.It's a great honur to have the opportunity for this interview. I would like to answer whateveryou may raise,and I hope I could make a good performance today.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I'm 21 years old,and I have been living wuhan for nearly 21 years.In the past years ,I spent most of my time on study.I'v passed CET 4 & 6 with a ease.And I have my acedemic records kept distinguished among the whole department.Now all my hard work has got a result,since I have the chance to be interviewed here.I can't describe my character well,but I know I'm optimistic and confident. I like to stay alone,reading or listening music.though I'm alone ,but I'm not lonely.I have many friends here.After the summer intership in shengzhen,I hope to form a systermatic view of IE and to build a solid foundation for future profession after two years study.Doctor Jocob Chen once said" Aim high ,vertical launch ,fly fast,complete your mission with style." Now given the chance,I will try my best to make it.北航保研英语自我介绍面试篇3Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is song yonghao;I am 22 years old .I comes from Luoyang, a very beautiful anicent city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in chang'an university in July ,20xx;and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to tongji university.Generally speaking, I am a hard working student especially do the thing .I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weaver a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personnel computer for half a month. and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore is a person with great perseverance.During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also English is my favorate. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability .but I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention.北航保研英语自我介绍面试篇4There are several reasons.I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer. In my opinion, as one of the most famous *in our country, it provides people with enough room to get further enrichment. This is the first reason.The second one is I am long for doing research in *throughout my life. It''s a pleasure to be with my favorite *for lifetime. I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *job during the past two years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.北航保研英语自我介绍面试篇5Good morning, my dear teachers, my dear professors. I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is Song Yonghao, I am 22 years old. I come from Luoyang, a very beautiful ancient city. my undergraduate period will be accomplished inChang''an university in July, 20xx; and now, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to Tongji University.Generally speaking, I am a hard working student especially do the thing I am interested in. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weaver a homepage for myself, I stayed with my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practise my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my English is not good enough, I will continue studying.Ok, that is all, thank you for your attention。
基础英语第一部分词汇30个单选一个一分词汇很简单语法题比较少有个别词组搭配很常见比如ascribe to ,to some extent 等等词汇有encite ,prescribe ,ascribe,subscribe等等不是很难还有plug in 与plug into 的区分。
英语作文是和去年换汤不换药 professional translation in 21st century 写篇450字作文。
2010年的作文是translation and interpreting in global age英语翻译第一部分考专业术语就那两本书上的coherencerephrasingtextual口译shift释词冗余没把书带回来不记得了日后再补上吧翻译是英译汉比较难至少比去年难多了去年两篇只有一个长句子不会翻译今年则是翻得大不如去年一篇是美国教育部长arne duncan 的关于教育制度改革的没找到原文有些词是political puffery,intellectual dishonest,hispanics ,modest narrowing,achievement gaps一篇是基因与作物产量的关键词genetically crop yield soil acid saline salt tolerence等等中译英一个是关于海南西昌市建立航天主题公园的一个是关于给力这个网络热词的给力上了人民日报的头版头条相对保守的党报给力的意思是酷牛带劲儿,人们根据它的汉语音译又给出了英语版本和法语版本等等。
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