Bush World Economic Forum
媒体领袖组 政界人士组
论坛嘉宾组 文艺基金组
企业除了需要认同和遵循世界经济论坛“致力于改善全球 状况”这一宗旨外,还应满足以下三个基本条件: 一、企业必须是其所在行业或国家的顶尖企业。 二、企业的活动应具有全球性色彩。 三、企业能够在决定某一行业或某一地区未来发展方面发 挥领导作用。
“大连优美的环境、清凉的海 风、整洁的市容,是我们选择 大连的一个重要原因。”达沃 斯论坛首席运营官施奈德说。
“从世界格局看,是中国的崛起引 Nhomakorabea了全球的关注。站在国
内的角度,则是以大连为代表 的北部经济,发展越来越快, 正在显示越来越重要的内容。 ”大连理工大学管理学院院长 苏敬勤说。
World Economic Forum
世界经济论坛 (World Economic Forum -- WEF) 是一个非 官方的国际组织,总部设在瑞士日内瓦,两个办事处分别 设在纽约和北京。其前身是现任论坛主席、日内瓦商学院 教授克劳斯·施瓦布1971年创建的“欧洲管理论坛”。 1987年,“欧洲管理论坛”更名为“世界经济论坛”。论 坛因每年年会都在达沃斯召开,故也被称为“达沃斯论 坛”。
谢谢 观赏
上市公司35家 , 境内上市21家, 境外14家,无论 是上市公司数量 ,还是拟上市公 司规模,都在东 北排第一
辽宁沿海经济带发展被 02 提升为国家战略 , “ 一 核、一轴、两翼”,即 以大连为核心,强化大 连-营口-盘锦主轴,壮大 渤海翼、黄海翼,形成 辽宁沿海经济带和产业 集群
negotiation,talks, conference
News / press meeting / conference 新闻发布会News / press briefing简要新闻发布Internal affairs 内政External intervention [ˌɪntəˈvenʃən] / outside interference[ˌintəˈfiərəns] 外部干涉denial 否认,否定/ hurdle 障碍Minister-level meeting 部长级会谈Summit 首脑会议National sovereignty ['sɔvrənti]国家主权Political opponent 政敌Counterpart (会谈中)对手,对等官阶的人Senior aide 高级助理envoy ['enˌvɔɪ]:特使,谈判代表delegation [ˌdelɪˈgeɪʃən] 代表团All parties concerned 有关各方Disputed region 有争议地区The highlights of the summit 此次峰会的重要部分at the top of the agenda [əˈdʒendə]: 议事日程,(会议的)议程表上的最大议题parties involved in the standoff ['stændɔ:f]: 僵局中有关各方Diplomacy [diˈpləʊməsi:] 外交/ diplomat [ˈdipləmæt] 外交官/ Chinese Foreign Ministry (spokesman)中国外交部(发言人) / US (Deputy)Secretary of State 美国(副)国务卿/congress 国会/ Democratic/Republican lawmakers 民主党议员/共和党议员/senator ['senətə] 参议员(someone)pledge / verify / 保证,许诺/证实, 核实To confer with / to hold talks with 与…会谈To open / start (another round of ) talks with 开始与…的(又一轮)会谈To mediate [ˈmi:dieit] / to help settle difference between …调停/帮助解决…与…之间的分歧To play a … role in settling the conflict 在解决争端中扮演…的角色To express concern over …对…表示担忧To brief sb on 简要向某人介绍…To elaborate[iˈlæbəreit] 详尽阐述To call for a negotiations 呼吁进行谈判To seek a negotiated settlement 寻求通过谈判解决问题To negotiate a ceasefire / truce [tru:s]谈判停火问题To stage a rally 举行集会To maintain high-level contact 保持高层接触To condemn the occupation of … as a threat to peace 谴责对…的占领,称之为对和平的威胁To block / boycott[ˈbɔikɔt] the talks 中断/抵制会谈To charge each other with launching the border attacks 相互指责对方袭击边境地区to iron out / clear up misunderstanding between …消除…之间的误解to reduce differences between the two parties over major questions 在主要问题上减少双方分歧to honor an agreement / truce / peace treaty 恪守协议/停战协议/和平条约to break the deadlock 打破僵局to make a concession [kən'seʃən] to …对…让步to reach a compromise ['kɔmprəmaiz] with …与…达成协议/和解to mediate between the two parties 在双方之间斡旋To settle / resolve the present crisis 解决目前的危机To repair ties strained by 为修复因…而紧张的两国关系To mark the beginning of closer ties 标志更为密切的关系的开始To normalize[ˌnɔ:məˈlaɪz] the diplomatic relations between …使…与…的外交关系正常化to bridge difference on …化解在…上的分歧eg. Putin and Bush failed to bridge difference on missile defense. 普京和布什未能化解在导弹防御系统问题上的分歧to seek a peace treaty[ˈtri:ti]: 寻求达成和平协定eg. They promise to seek a peace treaty that furthers the goal of an independent Palestine. 他们承诺将寻求达成一个能促成巴勒斯坦建国的和平协定。
• 企业在成为丐界经济论坛的成员后,应履行相应的义务,同时可以享 叐一定的权利。 • 丐界经济论坛相兰负责人亍江指出,企业在成为论坛成员后,应秉承 论坛“致力亍改善全球状况”这一宗旨,积极参不论坛丼办的各种活 劢,幵贡献其与业知识和资源。此外,由亍论坛是一个非营利性组织, 其活劢经费主要来自会员费,因此,会员企业每年需要向论坛提供 4.25万瑞士法郎(1美元约合1.21瑞士法郎)的会员费。 • 会员企业同时享有相应的权利,主要包括参加每年1月底在瑞士达沃 斯丼行的丐界经济论坛年会等。在年会丼行期间,论坛会员企业的领 导人可以不全球政治、经济、艺术界的知名人士就丐界面临的兯同挑 战収表意见,交流看法,迚而引导全球舆论兰注的重点,幵为全球领 导人提供决策参考。
• “欧洲管理论坛”在1987年正式更名为“丐界经济论坛”,幵希望拓 宽其构想成为一个解决国际争端的平台。政治领导人也已使用达沃斯 论坛这个中立的平台解决他们的分歧。希腊和土耳其在1988年签署 “达沃斯宣言”使双斱在战争的边缘悬崖勒马。1992年,南非总统戴 兊拉兊不曼德拉和领袖曼戈苏图·布特莱齐在论坛年会会面,这是三人 首次在南非以外的场合同时亮相。在1994年年会上,以色列外长希 蒙·佩雷斯不巳解组织领导人亚瑟·阿拉法特就加沙和杰里科地区问题 达成协议。2008年,比尔·兊林顿収表题为“创造性资本主义”的主旨 讲话——即一种新型的资本主义形式,通过収挥市场力量更好地满足 穷人的需求,在产生经济利润的同时解决丐界丌平等问题。2009年年 会,土耳其总理埃尔多安对以色列总统佩雷斯讲到:“说到杀戮,你 对这很在行”。
• • • • • • • • 芬兮总理 埃斯科-阿霍(Esko Aho ) 联合国秘书长科菲-安南(Kofi Annan) 马来西亚副总理兼财政部长安瓦尔-易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim) 巳勒斯坦民族权力机构主席、巳勒斯坦解放组织执行委员会主 席 加沙-阿拉法特(Yasser Arafat) 巳基斯坦总理 贝-布托(Benazir Bhutto) 瑞典总理 卡尔-比尔德特(Carl Buildt) 新西兮总理 詹姆斯-博尔杰(James Bolger) 联合国秘书长 布特罗斯-布特罗斯-加利(Boutros Boutros Ghali)
AIESEC是法文的缩写,英文全名为“International Association of Student in Economics and Management”(国际经济学商学学生联合会)。
,旨在通过国际青年人才交流计划(ITP,International Traineeship Program),促进不同文化、不同种族,不同经济体间的深层交流,减少误解带来的摩擦,促进全球的和平、经济进步和社会发展。
AIESEC 中国大陆区⏹对外经济贸易大学⏹北京大学⏹清华大学⏹中国人民大学⏹厦门大学⏹北京交通大学⏹南开大学⏹天津大学⏹上海交通大学⏹复旦大学⏹中山大学⏹浙江大学⏹武汉地区⏹大连地区⏹南京地区核心工作–国际青年人才交流计划AIESEC根据企业的需求,提供各国各种专业背景的学士或硕士。
时事英语时事英语一、世界财富论坛Fortune Global Forum世界财富论坛Fortune Global Forum2001《财富》全球论坛主题"亚洲新貌" "Next Generation Asia"世界贸易组织World Trade Organization中国人民银行People's Bank of China信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission贷款无力偿还loan defaultsExample: At that time, China was struggling to maintain its forecast growth rate and markets were consumed with worry about loan defaults and the temptation to weaken the yuan to boost exports.武力抗议,暴力示威violent "Seattle-style" protestsExample: Seeking to avoid violent "Seattle-style" protests that have marred(破坏)a number of recent meetings of global leaders, Hong Kong police are expected to deploy an army of 3,000 officers -- 1,000 more than for Britain's return of Hong Kong to China in 1997 -- to keep protesters well clear of the city's convention center.开幕辞opening address致闭幕辞deliver the closing keynote address首席执行长官CEO (Chief Executive Officer)高层的、高调的high-profileExample: China's high-tech innovations, business opportunities in less-developed western regions and economic growth after its entry into the World Organization (WTO) will be of central interest at the high-profile annual Fortune Global Forum, to be held in Hong Kong this week.跨国公司multinational firms国际商业社会the global business community重要场地,集合地 a venue (for this global event)世界上最大的、令人垂涎的市场the most coveted and largest markets in the world中国经济的动力厂(Shanghai,)China's largest economic powerhouse提供一流服务offer tip top service香港湾仔君悦酒店the Hong Kong Grand Hyatt设置严密的警戒线throw a tight cordon香港会议展览中心Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center这次《财富》论坛的具体论题包括"中国加入世界贸易组织后的科技发展"(Technology in Post-WTO China)、"中国加入世贸后的营商环境"(The Reality of Post-WTO Business in China.) 、"中国新貌:西部兴起"(Next Generation China: The Emerging Western Region)、"新一代领袖展望未来"(Next Generation China: The Entrepreneurs)等。
• The World Economic Forum is a membership organization.Members comprise 1,000 of the world’s top corporations, global enterprises usually with more than US$ 5 billion in turnover. • These enterprises rank among the top companies within their industry and play a leading role in shaping the future of their industry and region.
The World Economic Forum
• An independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation whose motto is “entrepreneurship in the global public interest”. It believes that economic progress without social development is not sustainable, while social development without economic progress is not feasible.
What are the industries?
Automobile, Aerospace & Defence, Technology, Banking, Business
1 435 083 1 566 379 1 207 814 1 509 092 1 683 931 419 185 420 281 423 142 421 323 -
Variation (%, y-o-y) 6,1 9,1 -22,9 24,9 11,6 4,1
MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS Surface Area: Population: Current GDP: GDP per capita: Exports-to-GDP ratio: Imports-to-GDP ratio: Trade-to-GDP ratio:
Imports Exports
Billions of euros 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 #N/A 0,0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 0,0
-210 -184 -128 -110 -212 -89 -34 -62 -26 -
506 443 345 488 675 188 132 178 177 7,5
500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: World Trade Organisation
TheWorldEconomy-JournalInformationNow 12 issues per year!The World EconomyEdited by:David GreenawayISI Journal Citation Reports? Ranking:2008: 13/48 Business, Finance; 50/209 Economics; 14/55 International RelationsImpact Factor: 1.294The World Economy is a vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues embracing international trade and the environment, international finance, and trade and development. The journal also considers related areas such as economies in transition and development economics, making The World Economy an essential reference for in-depth knowledge on and up-to-date coverage of international economic relations.Whilst The World Economy concentrates on trade policy issues - on a country basis, regionally and globally - it also covers broader issues such as exchange rates, IMF/World Bank, debt, environmental and other international issues as they relate to trade.TopNews and AnnouncementsThe World Economy Lectures 2009We are delighted to announce the forthcoming The World Economy Lecture which will be present by Tony Venables, University of Oxford, as part of the GEP Conference at the University of Nottingham. The conference takes place on the 10th and 11th November. More information can be found by clicking here.To listen to an interview about last years lecture by Peter Neary please click here.The World Economy special issuesEach year, the journal publishes a special issue devoted to global trade policy which is also available to buy as a book. This book series sees leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Click here to have a look at the series.Online Content Now Available Back to Volume 1All back issues of The World Economy are available online. Click here to browse contents and abstracts. For further information on how to access these articles please visit our Librarian Site.Articles Published Online ahead of PrintArticles which have been fully copy-edited and peer-reviewed are published online through our Early View feature before the print edition of this journal is published. To view the current The World Economy Early View articles, please click here.Free Access in the Developing WorldFree online access to this journal is available within institutions in the developing world through the AGORA Initiativewith the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).TopHighlightsGlobalization and Economic Growth: A Historical Perspective Nicholas CraftsThe World Credit Crisis: Understanding it, and What to doW. Max CordenDefining GlobalizationJan Aart ScholteRecent Regional Agreements: Why So Many, Why So Much Variance in Form, Why Coming So Fast, and Where Are They Headed?John WhalleyFDI, Productivity and Financial DevelopmentLaura Alfaro, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Selin SayekService Offshoring and Productivity: Evidence from the USMary Amiti and Shang-Jin WeiHighlighted Special Issues and Mini-Symposia:•In Honour of Professor V. N. Balasubramanyam David Sapsford and David Greenaway•Exports - Causes and Consequences Richard Kneller and Mauro Pisu•Monetary and Economic Integration in the East Asian Region Paul De Grauwe and Zhaoyong Zhang•In Honour of Jagdish Bhagwati V. N. Balasubramanyam•WTO Non-agricultural Market Access (NAMA) Negotiations Chris Milner•Strategic Choice and Trade Eric Duchesne•FDI Tony Addison, Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis and George Mavrotas•Enlargement and the EU periphery Frank Barry•China and East Asia after the WTO Accession Linda Fung-Yee Ng, Chyau Tuan and Eden Yu•Global Trade Policy 2004David Greenaway•UNU/Wider Special Issue on Development Financing Matthew OdedokunSites of Related InterestInstitute for International Economics。
[ 论坛宗旨] 探讨世界经济领域存在的问题并促进国际经济合作与交
“世界经济最高级会议” 流 。随着国际形势的变化,论坛所探讨的议题逐渐突破了纯经济领
“经济联合国” “会议政府” “国际论坛的巅峰”
域 ,许多双边和地区性问题也成为论坛探讨的主要内容。近十多年 来 ,世界上发生的重大政治、军事、安全和社会事件多在论坛上得到 反映。
[ 参 会 者 ] 政界显要、商贾巨头,到专家学者、科技领袖以及知名记
者、艺术天才,“ 环球旅 行一年 所见到的要人还不及在这里见到的 1/10”。
①论坛本身的品质和影响力。 ② 成功的商业运作。通过收取会员费、论坛战略伙伴和议题合作伙伴 的 合作费以及年会、地区性会议和峰会的会费来维持论坛运转。一般 企 业的会费为每年12500美元,银行会员会费是15000美元 。论坛 拥 有 1000多个会员, 全部是 世界知名企业和公司,这些跨国公司控制着 全球85% 以上 的财富 ,年营 业额合计超过4.5万亿美元。每年缴纳的会 费 就可达上千万美元。作为论坛成员的公司或企业其年营业额或资产 需 达10亿美元以上, 其 参加会议的代表必须是董事长或 总裁级人物,政 界 人物须是现任在职。
坛年 会。来 自世界各地的2300多名精英代表出席
Ìÿ 会议。
户 外活动
夏季:徒步旅行/自行车 环游 冬季:滑雪/滑冰。达沃斯周围雪山环 抱,到处都辟 有滑雪场,还拥有世界上最先进的高山 铁路传送系统。世界上最长的全程速 滑雪道就位于达沃斯附近。
街 道景象
在达沃斯下了火车站,周围的人就都 背上 了滑雪 包,还 有的带了滑雪板。在达沃斯的每家 店铺门口都有一个支架,类 似国内放 自行车的架 子,那 是专门为客人“停”滑雪 板和雪橇用 的。 在达沃斯租爬犁的小店很多。爬犁大 概有 30多斤重,结构很简单。交8瑞士 法郎(相当于 50多元人民币),随便你玩多长时间都行,在达沃斯算是最便宜的娱乐项目了。 达沃斯的电缆车看上 去像列 小火车。上山时全靠 缆线的 拉力,奇慢无比,倒给乘客一个机 会欣赏阿尔卑斯山的雪景。
全球知名经济论坛1、世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)世界经济论坛(冬季达沃斯年会,小新说这是最大的),1971年创建,每年1月下旬在瑞士达沃斯举办。
世界经济论坛 (World Economic Forum -- WEF) 是一个非官方的国际组织,总部设在瑞士日内瓦。
2、亚太经济合作组织(APEC)亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,简称APEC)是亚太地区最具影响的经济合作官方论坛,成立于1989年,每年下半年举行。
1993年6月改名为亚太经济合作组织,简称亚太经合组织或APEC,英文为Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation。
世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum,简称WEF)成立于1971年,原名“欧洲管理论坛”在1987年正式更名为“世界经济论坛”,灵魂人物是当时任教于日内瓦大学的施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)博士。
Culture diversity
所谓文化多元化就是指一个国家或一个民族在社会发展的过程中,在继承本民 族的优秀文化基础上,兼收并蓄其他国家或民族的优秀文化,从而形成以本国 或民族文化为主,外来文化为辅的百花齐放,百家争鸣的和谐社会氛围。用费 孝通先生的话就是:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,天下大同”,讲得更 简单一点,也可以用《论语· 子路》所载孔子的一句名言:“和而不同”。 特点: 多元共存 多元共存是指各种文化都有平等的生存权利和发展空间,互相之间应该平等共 处、和谐发展 和而不同 世界上的各种文化和民族之间应和谐而又不千篇一律,彼此不同而又 不相互冲突; 融合创新 在相互融合的过程中,每一种文化都按照自己的价值观念和标准进行 自主的选择,吸纳来自于异质文化的精髓,不断丰富和发展自己。 长期稳定 每一个民族在其漫长的繁衍和发展历程中为适应各自的生存环境,从 一开始就生成和发展出了自己的一套价值观念和生活方式,即各自的文化。
World Economic Forum--WEF
Economic globalization
经济全球化”这个词最早是由T· 莱维于1985年提出的、至今没有一个公认的定 义。国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为:“经济全球化是指跨国商品与服务贸易 及资本流动规模和形式的增加,以及技术的广泛迅速传播使世界各国经济的相 互依赖性增强”。 而经济合作与发展组织(OECD)认为,“经济全球化可以被看作一种过程, 在这个过程中,经济、市场、技术与通讯形式都越来越具有全球特征,民族性 和地方性在减少”。 为此,可从三方面理解经济全球化: 一是世界各国经济 联系的加强和相互依赖程度日益提高; 二是各国国内经济规则不断趋于一致; 三是国际经济协调机制强化,即各种多边或区域组织对世界经济的协调和约束 作用越来越强。 总的来讲,经济全球化是指以市场经济为基础,以先进科技和 生产力为手段,以发达国家为主导,以最大利润和经济效益为目标,通过分工、 贸易、投资、跨国公司和要素流动等,实现各国市场分工与协作,相互融合的 过程。
Possible enlargement
APEC's Three Pillars
1. Trade and Investment Liberalisation 2. Business Facilitation 3. Economic and Technical Cooperation
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
• Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a forum for 21 Pacific Rim countries (formally Member Economies) that seeks to promote free trade and economic cooperation throughout the AsiaPacific region.
关于 Economic forums 的那点事
------------World Economic Forum-WEF -----St. Petersburg International Economic Forum ---International Economic Forum ------Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
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Merbership The foundation is funded by its 1,000 member companies, these enterprises rank among the top companies within their industry or country and play a leading role in shaping the future of their industry or region. Membership is stratified分层 by the level of engagement with Forum activities, with the level of membership fees increasing as participation in meetings, projects and initiatives倡议 rise.
2015年翻译硕士考研真题汇总,缩略词解析各个学校常考英语翻译基础词汇解析同济大学英语翻译基础汉译英:人民币升值,中共十八大三中全会,校友录,中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,成本最小化,资源配置,财产担保,包容性增长英译汉:Obamacare,Likonomics,payment of liquidated damage,Outlaws of the Marsh,selfie,the Engineering Employer,brokerage fee南京师范大学英语翻译基础词汇翻译:API CBD FOB BBS OTC TQC EEC MIT pairing—assistance community—level democracy,without imposing a single solution,advantages of a late comer,greenery coverage,designated driver,蜗居,忧患意识,团购优惠券,盲目投资,农家乐,小产权房,地沟油,地王,生态移民,公务用车,工伤保险,加强党性修养,事业编制,解决民生问题,信访办汉语写作与百科名词解释:金砖国家,高附加值产业,大宗商品市场,非洲联盟,非洲一体化,肯尼亚,基础设施,后现代趋势,弗吉尼亚伍尔芙,奥斯卡奖,蜂窝数据流量,WI-FI南京大学英语翻译基础Masscult ISO OPEC NATO UNESCO I-STEEL YOG World Intellectual Property Organization CBD IMF Greenhouse effect自动售票机货到付款泡沫经济绿色食品打假反腐倡廉素质教育网民工业园区市场准入和平过渡脱口秀YOG、UNSECO、ISO、OPEC、Euromart、The European Economic Community、CBD、negative population growth、World Intellectual Property Organization、I-steel、工业园区、绿色食品、泡沫经济、和平过渡,、网民、、战略伙伴关系名词解释:全球化、欧元区、发达国家、通胀、CPI、“量化宽松”、莫言、植被、民族、网络文学、诺贝尔文学奖、南京、长江、六朝、李白、王安石、转基因作物、抗体西南财经大学英语翻译基础科举制调控房价安居工程儒家思想文化发展格局GMT FIFA entra terrestrial口蹄疫中央情报局CEO FIFA GMT个人全能比赛安居工程养老保险金文化发展格局科举制儒家思想调控房价国家重点学科undisputed victory green house effect四川外语学院英语翻译基础civil law,mass transit,wage theory,mock epic,high seas,CYO,ICN,IAEA,ILO,irrigation and brainage, counterespionage,higher down payment,fat chance,have kissed the Blarney stone,polar front,中国梦,工作作风,网络推手,韩国泡菜,民族复兴,司法公信力,重庆东站(火车站),轮值主席(国),国际翻译日主题,个人财产申报,克强经济学,成品油定价机制,上海自由贸易区,防空识别区,十八届三中全会首都师范大学英语翻译基础anti semitism反闪族主义,cruise missile巡航导弹,metaphysics形而上学,中庸之道the golden mean,礼乐文化The ritual and music culture,可持续发展sustainable development,可行性...feasibility...湖南师范大学英语翻译基础纱门screen door、鼻孔nostril、GNP国民生产总值、GSP普惠制武汉大学英语翻译基础hard shoulder隔离墩、default fine违约罚金、The China News Service中国新闻社外交学院英语翻译基础CMI国际组织LNG产品名称QFII QDII商业用语WIPO SAARC国际组织IUSSP国际组织,markup pricing,velocity of money,installed system memory,ethnocentrism,lump-of-labor fallacy,just war doctrine,best of five sets领海国书总领事反人类罪外交使团货币导向机制边际消费倾向成本效益分析特命全权大使军备竞赛广东外语外贸大学汉译英十八届三中全会,国家民族事务委员会,中国地震局,玩忽职守,徇私舞弊,以...为抓手,暂行规定,行政问责制,国际会议口译员协会,国际惯例,主管部门,绿化覆盖面积,得寸进尺,一站式服务,西厢记英译汉Baltimore Sun,low-end processing,occupational health and safty,court of first instance,China-EU maritime transport agreement,state council for China US trade,diamond cuts diamond,the catcher in the rye百科解释,银监会,行政许可,独立董事,结汇,核心资本,十八届三中全会,生态文明,中等收入陷阱,改革红利,小康社会,君主立宪制,自由大宪章,明治维新,洋务运动,张之洞,计划经济,事业单位,绩效工资,养老金,去行政化中南大学IMOOAU OECD APEC UNCF ASEAN AFTA中国创业板准备金率养老保险传销土豪上市子公司坚持政府引导,企业主体,市场运作,互利共赢的方针天津大学汉译英:外卖团购官邸制英译汉:ICU,IOC,Pyramid diacause,北京大学英译汉clone,futurology,intercom,virusbuster,backboard,broad jump,cheerleader,penalty kick,box-office,chain smoker,costume ball,DINK,Emmy,Good Friday,population census.汉译英办实事,保持后劲,北京通,秉公办事,长远利益,城市规划,出口税,从善如流,侨务政策,德才兼备,抵押贷款,电子出版业,房地产市场,非法集资,分包商.东北林业大学UFO、SCI、IOU、GNP、NATO、ILO、FDI、total quantity control、吉尼斯世界纪录、公共卫生设施、宏观经济政策、减员增效、关税壁垒、股指、基因工程名词解释:1、央行2、利率3、屈原4、重阳节5、陶渊明6、诗经7、《包法利夫人》8、楚辞9、巴菲特10、比尔盖茨11、股票12、预算13、宏观调控14、投资15、慈善基金会16、南美洲17、苏黎世18、税收制度19、中新网20、海协会21、东海防空识别区22、春秋战国23、资源配置24、经济全球化提高暑假复习效率的三个万能定律一、鲶鱼效应:一个"竞争"的复习环境很久以前,挪威人从深海捕捞的沙丁鱼,总是还没到达海岸都已经口吐白沫。
world economy
1.What's the definition of the world economy?
The world economy is the economy of the world, considered as an international exchange of good and services.
2.What's the definition of core, semi-periphery, periphery, and external in the world economic system?
3.What's the driving force of the international circulation of goods?
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In Search of Davos Man
Peter Gumbel
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
It is a city in eastern Switzerland, in the canton of Graubünden(格劳宾登 州). Located in the Rhaetian Alps(里申阿尔卑斯山 ), 1,560 to 1,574 m above sea level, in a broad valley surrounded with high mountains and covered with pine forests and alpine meadows.
Born in New York City. He graduated with distinction from Yale University at
age 18, served in the U.S. Army, earned his Master's degree from the
University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. at Harvard University where
• Address and discuss the policy implications of the most pressing issues facing the world.
• Promote a world-class corporate governance system where values are as important to conducting business as is the rule of law.
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President Bush Attends World Economic ForumTHE PRESIDENT: Klaus, thank you very much. Thanks for inviting me. Klaus said, it's about time you showed up. Proud to be here. Laura and I are so honored that, Klaus, you gave us a chance to come. I do want to thank President Mubarak and Mrs. Mubarak for their wonderful hospitality. I want to thank the members of Congress who are here. I appreciate the heads of state who have joined us. I thank the foreign ministers who are here, including my own, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. And I want to thank the members of the Diplomatic Corps.Laura and I are delighted to be in Egypt, and we bring the warm wishes of the American people. We're proud of our long friendship with your citizens. We respect your remarkable history. And we're humbled to walk in the ancient land of pharaohs, where a great civilization took root and wrote some of the first chapters in the epic story of humanity.America is a much younger nation, but we've made our mark by advancing ideals as old as the pyramids. Those ideals of liberty and justice have sparked a revolution across much of the world. This hopeful movement made its way to places where dictators once reigned and peaceful democracies seemed unimaginable: places like Chile and Indonesia and Poland and the Philippines and South Korea. These nations have different histories and different traditions. Yet each made the same democratic transition, and they did it on their own terms. In these countries, millions every year are rising from poverty. Women are realizing overdue opportunities. And people of faith are finding the blessing of worshiping God in peace.All these changes took place in the second half of the 20th century. I strongly believe that if leaders like those of you in this room act with vision and resolve, the first half of 21st century can be the time when similar advances reach the Middle East. This region is home to energetic people, a powerful spirit of enterprise, and tremendous resources. It is capable of a very bright future -- a future in which the Middle East is a place of innovation and discovery, driven by free men and women. / In recent years, we've seen hopeful beginnings toward this vision. Turkey, a nation with a majority Muslim population, is a prosperous modern democracy. Afghanistan under the leadership of President Karzai is overcoming the Taliban and building a free society. Iraq under the leadership of Prime Minister Maliki is establishing a multi-ethnic democracy. We have seen the stirrings of reform from Morocco and Algeria to Jordan and the Gulf States. And isolation from the outside world is being overcome by the most democratic innovations: the cell phone and the Internet. America appreciates the challenges facing the Middle East. Yet the light of liberty is beginning to shine. /There is much to do to build on this momentum. From diversifying your economies, to investing in your people, to extending the reach of freedom, nations across the region have an opportunity to move forward with bold and confident reforms -- and lead the Middle East to its rightful place as a center of progress and achievement.Taking your place as a center of progress and achievement requires economic reform. This is a time of strength for many of your nations' economies. Since 2004, economic growth in the region has averaged more than 5 percent. Trade has expanded significantly. Technology has advanced rapidly. Foreign investment has increased dramatically. And unemployment rates have decreased in many nations. Egypt, for example, has posted strong economic growth, developed some of the world's fastest growing telecommunications companies, and made major investments that will boost tourism and trade. In order for this economic progress to result in permanent prosperity and an Egypt that reaches its full potential, however, economic reform must be accompanied by political reform. And I continue to hope that Egypt can lead the region in political reform.This is also a time to prepare for the economic changes ahead. Rising price of oil has brought great wealth to some in this region, but the supply of oil is limited, and nations like mine are aggressively developing alternatives to oil. Over time, as the world becomes less dependent on oil, nations in the Middle East will have to build more diverse and more dynamic economies. /Your greatest asset in this quest is the entrepreneurial spirit of your people. The best way to take advantage of that spirit is to make reforms that unleash individual creativity and innovation. Your economies will be more vibrant when citizens who dream of starting their own companies can do so quickly, without high regulatory and registration costs. Your economies will be more dynamic when property rights are protected and risk-taking is encouraged -- not punished -- by law. Your economies will be more resilient when you adopt modern agricultural techniques that make farmers more productive and the food supply more secure. And your economies will have greater long-term prosperity when taxes are low and all your citizens know that their innovation and hard work will be rewarded. /One of the most powerful drivers of economic growth is free trade. So nations in this region would benefit greatly from breaking down barriers to trade with each other. And America will continue working to open up trade at every level. In recent years, the United States has completed free trade agreements with Jordan, Oman, Morocco, and Bahrain. America will continue to negotiate bilateral free trade agreements in the region. We strongly supported Saudi Arabia's accession to the World Trade Organization, and we will continue to support nations making the reforms necessary to join the institutions of global economy. To break down trade barriers and ignite economic growth around the world, we will work tirelessly for a successful outcome to the Doha Round this year.As we seek to open new markets abroad, America will keep our markets open at home. There are voices in my country that urge America to adopt measures that would isolate us from the global economy. I firmly reject these calls for protectionism. We will continue to welcome foreign investment and trade. And the United States of America will stay open for business.Taking your place as a center of progress and achievement requires investing in your people. Some analysts believe the Middle East and North Africa will need to create up to 100 million new jobs over the next 10 to 15 years just to keepup with population growth. The key to realizing this goal is an educated workforce.This starts early on, with primary schools that teach basic skills, such as reading and math, rather than indoctrinating children with ideologies of hatred. An educated workforce also requires good high schools and universities, where students are exposed to a variety of ideas, learn to think for themselves, and develop the capacity to innovate. Not long ago the region marked a hopeful milestone in higher education. In our meeting yesterday, President Karzai told me he recently handed out diplomas to university graduates, including 300 degrees in medicine, and a hundred degrees in engineering, and a lot of degrees to lawyers, and many of the recipients were women. (Applause.)People of the Middle East can count on the United States to be a strong partner in improving your educational systems. We are sponsoring training programs for teachers and administrators in nations like Jordan and Morocco and Lebanon. We sponsored English language programs where students can go for intensive language instruction. We have translated more than 80 children's books into Arabic. And we have developed new online curricula for students from kindergarten through high school.It is also in America's interest to continue welcoming aspiring young adults from this region for higher education to the United States. There were understandable concerns about student visas after 9/11. My administration has worked hard to improve the visa process. And I'm pleased to report that we are issuing a growing numbers of student visas to young people from the Middle East. And that's the way it should be. And we'll continue to work to expand educational exchanges, because we benefit from the contribution of foreign students who study in America because we're proud to train the world's leaders of tomorrow and because we know there is no better antidote to the propaganda of our enemies than firsthand experience with life in the United States of America.Building powerful economies also requires expanding the role of women in society. This is a matter of morality and of basic math. No nation that cuts off half its population from opportunities will be as productive or prosperous as it could be. Women are a formidable force, as I have seen in my own family -- (laughter and applause) -- and my own administration. (Applause.) As the nations of the Middle East open up their laws and their societies to women, they are learning the same thing.I applaud Egypt. Egypt is a model for the development of professional women. In Afghanistan, girls who were once denied even a basic education are now going to school, and a whole generation of Afghans will grow up with the intellectual tools to lead their nation toward prosperity. In Iraq and Kuwait, women are joining political parties and running campaigns and serving in public office. In some Gulf States, women entrepreneurs are making a living and a name for themselves in the business world.Recently, I learned of a woman in Bahrain who owns her own shipping company. She started with a small office and two employees. When she first tried to register her business in her own name, she was turned down. She attended a business training class and was the only woman to participate. And when she applied for a customslicense, officials expressed surprise because no woman had ever asked for one before.And yet with hard work and determination, she turned her small company into a $2 million enterprise. And this year, Huda Janahi was named one of the 50 most powerful businesswomen in the Arab world. (Applause.) Huda is an inspiring example for the whole region. And America's message to other women in the Middle East is this: You have a great deal to contribute, you should have a strong voice in leading your countries, and my nation looks to the day when you have the rights and privileges you deserve.Taking your place as a center of progress and achievement requires extending the reach of freedom. Expanding freedom is vital to turning temporary wealth into lasting prosperity. Free societies stimulate competition in the marketplace. Free societies give people access to information they need to make informed and responsible decisions. And free societies give citizens the rule of law, which exposes corruption and builds confidence in the future.Freedom is also the basis for a democratic system of government, which is the only fair and just ordering of society and the only way to guarantee the God-given rights of all people. Democracies do not take the same shape; they develop at different speeds and in different ways, and they reflect the unique cultures and traditions of their people. There are skeptics about democracy in this part of the world, I understand that. But as more people in the Middle East gain firsthand experience from freedom, many of the arguments against democracy are being discredited.For example, some say that democracy is a Western value that America seeks to impose on unwilling citizens. This is a condescending form of moral relativism. The truth is that freedom is a universal right -- the Almighty's gift to every man, woman, and child on the face of Earth. And as we've seen time and time again, when people are allowed to make a choice between freedom and the alternative, they choose freedom. In Afghanistan, 8 million people defied the terrorist threats to vote for a democratic President. In Iraq, 12 million people waved ink-stained fingers to celebrate the first democratic election in decades. And in a recent survey of the Muslim world, there was overwhelming support for one of the central tenets of democracy, freedom of speech: 99 percent in Lebanon, 94 percent here in Egypt, and 92 percent in Iran.There are people who claim that democracy is incompatible with Islam. But the truth is that democracies, by definition, make a place for people of religious belief. America is one of the most -- is one of the world's leading democracies, and we're also one of the most religious nations in the world. More than three-quarters of our citizens believe in a higher power. Millions worship every week and pray every day. And they do so without fear of reprisal from the state. In our democracy, we would never punish a person for owning a Koran. We would never issue a death sentence to someone for converting to Islam. Democracy does not threaten Islam or any religion. Democracy is the only system of government that guarantees their protection.Some say any state that holds an election is a democracy. But true democracy requires vigorous political parties allowed to engage in free and lively debate. True democracy requires the establishment of civic institutions that ensure an election'slegitimacy and hold leaders accountable. And true democracy requires competitive elections in which opposition candidates are allowed to campaign without fear or intimidation.Too often in the Middle East, politics has consisted of one leader in power and the opposition in jail. America is deeply concerned about the plight of political prisoners in this region, as well as democratic activists who are intimidated or repressed, newspapers and civil society organizations that are shut down, and dissidents whose voices are stifled. The time has come for nations across the Middle East to abandon these practices, and treat their people with dignity and the respect they deserve. I call on all nations to release their prisoners of conscience, open up their political debate, and trust their people to chart their future. (Applause.) The vision I have outlined today is shared by many in this region -- but unfortunately, there are some spoilers who stand in the way. Terrorist organizations and their state sponsors know they cannot survive in a free society, so they create chaos and take innocent lives in an effort to stop democracy from taking root. They are on the wrong side in a great ideological struggle -- and every nation committed to freedom and progress in the Middle East must stand together to defeat them. / We must stand with the Palestinia n people, who have suffered for decades and earned the right to be a homeland of their own -- have a homeland of their own. I strongly support a two-state solution -- a democratic Palestine based on law and justice that will live with peace and security alongside a democrat Israel. I believe that the Palestinian people will build a thriving democracy in which entrepreneurs pursue their dreams, and families own their homes in lively communities, and young people grow up with hope in the future.Last year at Annapolis, we made a hopeful beginning toward a peace negotiation that will outline what this nation of Palestine will look like -- a contiguous state where Palestinians live in prosperity and dignity. A peace agreement is in the Palestinians' interests, it is in Israel's interests, it is in Arab states' interests, and it is in the world's interests. And I firmly believe that with leadership and courage, we can reach that peace agreement this year. (Applause.)This is a demanding task. It requires action on all sides. Palestinians must fight terror and continue to build the institutions of a free and peaceful society. Israel must make tough sacrifices for peace and ease the restrictions on the Palestinians. Arab states, especially oil-rich nations, must seize this opportunity to invest aggressively in the Palestinian people and to move past their old resentments against Israel. And all nations in the region must stand together in confronting Hamas, which is attempting to undermine efforts at peace with acts of terror and violence.We must stand with the people of Lebanon in their struggle to build a sovereign and independent democracy. This means opposing Hezbollah terrorists, funded by Iran, who recently revealed their true intentions by taking up arms against the Lebanese people. It is now clearer than ever that Hezbollah militias are the enemy of a free Lebanon -- and all nations, especially neighbors in the region, have an interest to help the Lebanese people prevail. (Applause.) /We must stand with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and other nations in the region fighting against al Qaeda and other extremists. Bin Laden and his followers have made clear that anyone who does not share their extremist ideology is fit for murder. That means every government in the Middle East is a target of al Qaeda. And America is a target too. And together, we will confront and we will defeat this threat to civilization.We must stand with the good and decent people of Iran and Syria, who deserve so much better than the life they have today. Every peaceful nation in the region has an interest in stopping these nations from supporting terrorism. And every peaceful nation in the region has an interest in opposing Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. To allow the world's leading sponsor of terror to gain the world's deadliest weapon would be an unforgivable betrayal of future generations. For the sake of peace, the world must not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. (Applause.)The changes I have discussed today will not come easily -- change never does. But the reform movement in the Middle East has a powerful engine: demographics. Sixty percent of the population is under 30 years old. Many of these young people surf the web, own cell phones, have satellite televisions. They have access to unprecedented amounts of information. They see what freedom has brought to millions of others and contrast that to what they have at home.Today, I have a message for these young people: Some tell -- some will tell you change is impossible, but history has a way of surprising us, and change can happen more quickly than we expect. In the past century, one concept has transcended borders, cultures, and languages. In Arabic, "hurriyya" -- in English, "freedom." Across the world, the call for freedom lives in our hearts, endures in our prayers, and joins humanity as one.I know these are trying times, but the future is in your hands -- and freedom and peace are within your grasp. Just imagine what this region could look like in 60 years. The Palestinian people will have the homeland they have long dreamed of and deserve -- a democratic state that is governed by law, respects human rights, and rejects terror. Israel will be celebrating its 120 anniversary as one of the world's great democracies -- a secure and flourishing homeland for the Jewish people. (%bk%) From Cairo, Riyadh, Baghdad to Beirut, people will live in free and independent societies, where a desire for peace is reinforced by ties of diplomacy and tourism and trade. Iran and Syria will be peaceful nations, where today's oppression is a distant memory and people are free to speak their minds and develop their talents. Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas will be defeated, as Muslims across the region recognize the emptiness of the terrorists' vision and the injustice of their cause.This vision is the same one I outlined in my address to the Israeli Knesset. Yet it's not a Jewish vision or a Muslim vision, not an American vision or an Arab vision. It is a universal vision, based on the timeless principles of dignity and tolerance and justice -- and it unites all who yearn for freedom and peace in this ancient land.Realizing this vision will not be easy. It will take time, and sacrifice, and resolve. Yet there is no doubt in my mind that you are up to the challenge -- and with youringenuity and your enterprise and your courage, this historic vision for the Middle East will be realized. May God be with you on the journey, and the United States of America always will be at your side.Thank you for having me.。