A new approach to interoperability between ODRL and MPEG-21 REL


How to Estimate, Take Into Account, and Improve Travel Time Reliability in Transportation N

How to Estimate, Take Into Account, and Improve Travel Time Reliability in Transportation N

How to Estimate,Take Into Account,and Improve Travel Time Reliability in Transportation NetworksRuey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,Fran¸c ois Modave,Gang Xiang,Tao Li,andTanja MagocCenter for Transportation Infrastructure Systems,University of Texas,El Paso,TX79968,USA,contact vladik@Abstract.Many urban areas suffer from traffic congestion.Intuitively,it may seem that a road expansion(e.g.,the opening of a new road)should always improve the traffic conditions.However, in reality,a new road can actually worsen traffic congestion.It is therefore extremely important that before we start a road expansion project,wefirst predict the effect of this project on traffic congestion.Traditional approach to this prediction is based on the assumption that for any time of the day, we know the exact amount of traffic that needs to go from each o rigin city zone A to every other d estination city zone B(these values form an OD-matrix),and that we know the exact capacity of each road segment.Under this assumption,known efficient algorithms produce the equilibrium trafficflows.In reality,the road capacity may unpredictably change due to weather conditions,accidents, etc.Drivers take this uncertainty into account when planning their trips:e.g.,if a driver does not want to be late,he or she may follow a slower route but with a guaranteed arrival time instead of a (on average)faster but unpredictable one.We must therefore take this uncertainty into account in traffic simulations.In this paper,we describe algorithms that take this uncertainty into account. Keywords:transportation networks,traffic assignment,reliability,risk-taking behavior1.Decreasing Traffic Congestion:Formulation of the Problem Decreasing traffic congestion:a practical problem.Many urban areas suffer from traffic congestion.It is therefore desirable to decrease this congestion:e.g.,by building new roads,or by adding new lanes to the existing roads.Important difficulty:a new road can worsen traffic congestion.Intuitively,it may seem that a road expansion(e.g.,the opening of a new road)should always improve the traffic conditions. However,in reality,a new road can actually worsen traffic congestion.Specifically,if too many cars move to a new road,this road may become even more congested than the old roads initially were,and so the traffic situation will actually decrease–prompting people to abandon this new road.This possible negative effect of a new road on congestion is a very well known“paradox”of transportation science,a paradox which explains the need for a detailed analysis in the planning of the new road;see,e.g,(Ahuja et al.,1993;Sheffi,1985).This paradox wasfirst discovered by A.c 2008by authors.Printed in USA.2Ruey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,et al.Doig(see(Appa,1973))andfirst published in(Braess,1968;Charnes and Klingman,1971;Szwarc, 1971).Importance of the preliminary analysis of the results of road expansion.Our objective is to decrease traffic congestion.We have just mentioned that an addition of a new road can actually worsen the traffic congestion.It is therefore extremely important that before we start a road expansion project,wefirst predict the effect of this project on traffic congestion. Traditional approach to predicting the results of road expansion.Traditional approach to predicting the results of road expansion is based on the assumption that for any time of the day, we know the exact amount of traffic that needs to go from each o rigin city zone A to every other d estination city zone B(these values form an OD-matrix),and that we know the exact capacity of each road segment.Under this assumption,known efficient algorithms produce the equilibrium trafficflows;see,e.g.,(Sheffi,1985).Limitations of the traditional approach to predicting the results of road expansion. In reality,the road capacity may unpredictably change due to weather conditions,accidents,etc. Drivers take this uncertainty into account when planning their trips:e.g.,if a driver does not want to be late,he or she may follow a slower route but with a guaranteed arrival time instead of a(on average)faster but unpredictable one.We must therefore take this uncertainty into account in traffic simulations.What we do in this paper.In this paper,we describe algorithms that take the above uncertainty into account.Comment.Some of the results presented in this paperfirst appeared in our research report(Cheu et al.,2007).This report also describes a software package that implements our algorithms.2.Traffic Assignment:Brief ReminderRoad assignment problem:informal description.In order to select the best road expansion project,we must be able to predict how different projects will affect road congestion.For that,we need to be able,based on the traffic demand and on the road capacities,to predict the traffic on different places of different roads at different times of the day.This prediction problem is called the traffic assignment problem.To describe this problem in precise terms,we need to describe how exactly the traffic demand is described,how the road capacities are described,and what exactly assumptions do we make about the drivers’behavior.Granulation.To describe traffic demand,we divide the urban area into zones and describe how many drivers need to get from one zone to another.Similarly,to describe road capacity,we divide all the roads into road segments(links),and describe the capacity of each link.The time of the day is similarly divided into time intervals.Comment.How to select an appropriate size of a zone,of a road link,and of a time interval?Travel Time Reliability3−On the one hand,thefiner the division,we more accurate is the resulting traffic picture.−On the other hand,thefiner the division,the more zones and links we need to consider and hence,the more computations we need to perform.Thus,the granularity of the traffic problem should be determined by the trade-offbetween accuracy and computational complexity.For example,for the city of El Paso with a population of700,000,a standard road network model consists of681zones and4836road links.How to describe traffic demand?Once we divided the urban area into n zones,we must describe,for every two zones i and j,the number of drivers d ij who need to go from zone i to zone j.The corresponding n×n matrix is called an origin-to-destination matrix,or an O-D matrix,for short.So,to the traffic demand is described by the O-D matrices corresponding to different times of the day.How to describe road capacity?For each road link,the road capacity is usually described by the number c of cars per hour which can pass through this road link.How to describe travel time along a road link?Every road link has a posted speed limit. When there are few cars of this road,then these few cars can safely travel at the speed limit s.The resulting travel time t f along this road link can be estimated as L/s,where L is the length of this road link.This travel time t f is called a freeflow travel time.When the traffic volume v increases,congestions starts,the cars start slowing each other down. As a result,the travel time t along the road link increases.The dependence of the travel time on the volume is usually described by the Bureau of Public Roads(BPR)formulat=t f·1+a·vcβ.The parameters a andβare determined experimentally;usually,a≈0.15andβ≈4. Equilibrium.When a new road is built,some traffic moves to this road to avoid congestion on the other roads;this causes congestion on the new road,which,in its turn,leads drivers to go back to their previous routes,etc.These changes continue until there are alternative routes in which the overall travel time is larger.Eventually,this process converges to an equilibrium,i.e.,to a situation in which the travel time along all used alternative routes is exactly the same–and the travel times along other un-used routes is higher;see,e.g.,(Sheffi,1985).There exist efficient algorithms which,given the traffic demand(i.e.,the O-D matrices)and the road capacity,computes the corresponding equilibrium(Sheffi,1985).This algorithm computes the traffic volume along each road link,the travel time between every two zones,etc.4Ruey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,et al.3.How We Can Use the Existing Traffic Assignment Algorithms to Solve OurProblem:AnalysisOur main objective:reminder.Our main objective is to predict how different road projects will affect future traffic congestion–so that we will be able to select a project which provides the best congestion relief.To be able to do that,we must predict the traffic congestion resulting from the implementation of each of the road projects.How we can predict the traffic congestion resulting from different road projects.As we have mentioned,to apply the existing traffic assignment algorithms,we need to know the traffic capacities and traffic demands.The traffic capacities of the improved road network come directly from the road project–we know which new road links we build,what is their capacity,and which existing links are expanded. So,to solve our problem,we need tofind the traffic demands.Future traffic demands:what is known.There exist tools and techniques for predicting population growth in different zones,and for describing how this population growth will affect the overall traffic demand.Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT)have been using the resulting predictions of daily O-D matrices corresponding to different future times(such as the year2030).Future traffic demands:what is lacking.To get a better understanding of the future traffic patterns,we must be able to describe how this daily traffic is distributed over different time intervals, in particular,how much of this traffic occurs during the critical time intervals corresponding to the morning rush hour.In other words,we need to“decompose”the daily O-D matrix into O-D matrices corresponding to different time intervals,e.g.,1hour or15minute intervals.How tofind traffic demands corresponding to different times of the day:first approxi-mation.In thefirst approximation,we can determine these O-D matrices by simply assuming that the proportion of drivers starts their trip at different times(such as7to7:15am,7:15to7:20am, etc.)as now.Thisfirst approximation is described in the next chapter.Limitation of thefirst approximation predictions–and the need for better predictions. the problem with thisfirst approximation is that the existing traffic pattern is based on the current traffic congestion.For example,if traveling from zone A to zone B takes a long time(say,1hour), drivers who need to drive from A to B and reach B by9am leave early,at8am,so as to be at their destination on time.As a result,in the existing traffic pattern,we have a lot of drivers leaving from A to B at8am.If we simply use the existing travel pattern,we will therefore predict that in the future,a similarly big portion of drivers going from A to B also leaves at8am.If we build a new road segment that eases this congestion,then there is no longer a need for these drivers to leave earlier.As a result,the actual O-D value corresponding to leaving at8am will be much smaller than according to ourfirst approximation prediction.Travel Time Reliability5 To provide a more accurate prediction of the future traffic demand,we must therefore take into account the road improvements.In the following sections,w e describe how this can be taken into account.Taking uncertainty into account.Finally,as we mentioned earlier,we need to take into account the uncertainty which which we can predict travel times.This is taken into account in thefinal sections of this paper.4.How to Predict Future Traffic Demand:First ApproximationMain idea behind thefirst approximation:reminder.To predict the effect of different road projects on the future traffic congestion,we need to know future traffic demand,i.e.,we need to know how many drivers will go from every zone to every other zones at different moments of time.We usually have daily predictions,i.e.,predictions describing the overall daily traffic for every origin-destination(O-D)pair.Based on these daily O-D matrices,we must predict O-D matrices corresponding to different time intervals.It is reasonable to assume that in the planned future,the distribution of departure times will be approximately the same as at present.Under this assumption,we can estimate the O-D matrix corresponding to a certain time interval by simply multiplying the(future)daily O-D matrix by the corresponding K-factor–portion of traffic which occurs during this time interval.These K-factors can be determined by an empirical analysis of the current traffic:a K-factor corresponding to a certain time interval can be estimated as a ratio between−the number of trips which start at this time interval,and−the overall number of trips.Use of empirical K-factors and linear interpolation.At present,the empirical values of the K-factor are only available for hourly intervals.If we want tofind the K-factors corresponding to half-hours or15minute intervals,it is reasonable to use linear interpolation.Let us illustrate linear interpolation on a simple example.Let us assume that we know K-factors corresponding to the hourly traffic,in particular,we know that:−at7:00am,the K-factor is6.0%,meaning that at this moment of time,the traffic volume(in terms of vehicles per hour)is equal to6.0%of the daily traffic volume(in terms of vehicles per day);and−at8:00am,the K-factor is8.0%,meaning that at this moment of time,the traffic volume(in terms of vehicles per hour)is equal to8.0%of the daily traffic volume(in terms of vehicles per day).For example,if for some O-D pair,the daily traffic volume is1,000vehicles per day,then:−at7:00am,the traffic volume will be6.0%·1000=60vehicles per hour,and6Ruey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,et al.−at8:00am,the traffic volume will be8.0%·1000=80vehicles per hour.If we are interested in half-hour intervals,then we need to also estimate the traffic volume at the intermediate moment of time7:30am.Linear interpolation means that as such an estimate,we use the value(6.0+8.0)/2=7%.So,we get the following K-factors for the half-hour time intervals:−at7:00am,the K-factor is6.0%;−at7:30am,the K-factor is7.0%;−at8:00am,the K-factor is8.0%.Similarly,to extrapolate into15minute intervals,we use(6.0+7.0)/2=6.5%for7:15am and (7.0+8.0)/2=7.5%for7:45am.So,we get the following K-factors for the15minute time intervals:−at7:00am,the K-factor is6.0%;−at7:15am,the K-factor is6.5%;−at7:30am,the K-factor is7.0%;−at7:45am,the K-factor is7.5%;−at8:00am,the K-factor is8.0%.In the above example,in which for some O-D pair the daily traffic volume is1,000vehicles per day:−at7:00am the traffic volume is6.0%·1000=60vehicles per hour,−at7:15am the traffic volume is6.5%·1000=65vehicles per hour,−etc.5.How to Take Departure Time Choice into AccountNeed to take departure time choice into consideration.To understand how different road projects will affect the future traffic,we need to estimate the O-D matrices for different time intervals.At present,we usually only have estimates for the daily O-D matrices.In the previous section,we described how to use the current K-factors to divide the daily O-D matrices into O-D matrices for different time intervals.The resulting O-D matrices are,however,only afirst approximation to the actual O-D matrices. Indeed,the existing O-D matrices and the existing values of the K-factor are based on the experience of the drivers under current driving conditions.A driver selects his or her departure time based on the time that the driver needs to reach the destination(e.g.,the work-start time),and the expectedTravel Time Reliability7 travel time.For example,if the driver needs to be at work at8:00am,and the travel time to his or her destination is30minutes,then the driver leaves at7:30am.Population changes and new roads will change expected travel time.For example,if due to the increased population and the resulting increase road congestion the expected travel time increases to45minutes,then the same driver leaves at7:15am instead of the previous7:30am.So,the corresponding entry in O-D matrix corresponding to7:30am will decrease while a similar entry in the O-D matrix corresponding to7:15am will increase.Similarly,if a new freeway decreases the expected travel time to15minutes,then the driver will leave at7:45am instead of the original7:30am.In this case,the corresponding entry in O-D matrix corresponding to7:30am will decrease while a similar entry in the O-D matrix corresponding to 7:45am will increase.In general,the change in a transport network and/or the change in travel time will change the departure time choice and thus,change the resulting O-D matrix.Let us describe how we can take this departure time choice into consideration.The use of logit model:general idea.In transportation engineering,the most widely used model for describing the general choice(especially the choice in transportation-related situations) is the logit model.In the logit model,the probability of departure in different time intervals is determined by the utility of different departure times to the driver.According to this model,the probability P i that a driver will choose the i-th time interval is proportional to exp(u i),where u i is the expected utility of selecting this time interval.The coefficient at exp(u i)must be chosen from the requirement that the sum of these probabilities be equal to1.So,the desired probability has the form P i=exp(u i)/s,where s def=exp(u1)+...+exp(u n).(Motivation for this model is presented in Appendix A.)To apply the logit model,we must be able to estimate the utilities of different departure time choices.According to(Noland and Small,1995;Noland et al.,1998),the utility u i of choosing the i-th time interval is determined by the following formula:u i=−0.1051·E(T)−0.0931·E(SDE)−0.1299·E(SDL)−1.3466·P L−0.3463·SE(T),where E(T)is the expected value of travel time T,E(SDE)is the expected value of the wait time SDE when arriving early,E(SDL)is the expected value of the delay SDL when arriving late,P L is the probability of arriving late,and S is the variance of the travel time.If we denote departure time by t d,and the desired arrival time by t a,then we can express SDE as SDE=max(t a−(t d+T),0), and SDL as SDL=max((t d+T)−t a,0).So,to estimate the values of the utilities,we must be able to estimate the values of all these auxiliary characteristics.How to estimate the expected travel time,expected wait and delay times,and the probability of arriving late.Thefirst of these auxiliary values–the expected value E(T)of the traffic time T–is the most straightforward to compute:we canfind it by simply applying a standard traffic assignment procedure(e.g.,the one implemented in the standard package TransCAD)to the original O-D matrices.8Ruey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,et al.To estimate the expected value E(SDE)of the wait time SDE and the expected value E(SDL) of the time delay SDL,in addition to the travel time,we must also know the departure time t d and the desired arrival time t a.Let us start our analysis with the departure time t d.For simplicity,for all the traffic originating during a certain time interval,as a departure time,we take the midpoint of the corresponding time interval.For example,for all the traffic originating between7:00am and7:15am,we take7:07.5am as the departure time.The analysis of the desired arrival time t a is slightly more complicated.The desired arrival time depends on the time of the day.In the morning,the desired arrival time is the time when the drivers need to be at work or in school.During the evening rush hour,the desired arrival time is the time by which the drivers want to get back home,etc.In terms of traffic congestion,the most crucial time interval is the morning rush hour,when for most drivers,the desired arrival time is the work-start time.In view of this,in the following text, we will refer to all desired arrival times as work-start times.The work-start time usually depends on the destination zone.For example,in El Paso,most zones have the same work-start time with the exception of a few zones such as:−the Fort Bliss zones where the military workday starts earlier,and−the University zone(s)where the school day usually starts somewhat later.For every zone,we therefore usually know the(average)work-start time,i.e.,the(average)desired arrival time for all the trips with the destination in this zone.Of course,the actual work-start time for different drivers arriving in the zone may somewhat differ from the average work-start time for this zone.To take this difference into consideration, we assume that the distribution of the actual works-start time follows a bell-shaped distribution around the average.We only consider discrete time moments,e.g.,time moments separated by15 minute time intervals.It makes sense to assume that:−for the40%of the drivers,the actual work-start time is the average for this zone,−for20%,the work-start time is15minute later,−for another20%,the work-start time is15minutes earlier,−for10%,it is30minutes later,and−for the remaining10%,it is30minutes earlier.For example,if the average work-start time for a zone is8:00am,then the assumed work-start times are as follows−for10%of the drivers,the work-start time is7:30am;−for20%of the drivers,the work-start time is7:45am;−for40%of the drivers,the work-start time is8:00am;Travel Time Reliability9−for20%of the drivers,the work-start time is8:15am;and,finally,−for10%of the drivers,the work-start time is8:30am.For each of these5groups,we can estimate the corresponding value of SDE as SDE(t a)= max(t a−(t d+T),0).To get the desired value of the expected wait time E(SDE),we need to combine these values SDE(t a)with the corresponding probabilities.For example,when the average work-start time is8:00am,the expected value of SDE is equal toE(SDE)=0.1·SDE(7:30)+0.2·SDE(7:45)+0.4·SDE(8:00)+0.2·SDE(8:15)+0.1·SDE(8:15). Similarly,we can estimate the expected value E(SDL)of the delay SDL.By adding the probabil-ities corresponding to different work-start times,we can also estimate the probability P L of being late.How to estimate the variance of the travel time.In the previous paragraphs,we described how to estimate the expected values E(T),E(SDE),E(SDL),and the probability P L.To compute the desired utility value,we only need one more characteristic:the variance S of the travel time. Let us analyze how we can estimate the variance S.In the deterministic traffic assignment model,once we know the capacities of all the road links and the trafficflows(i.e.,the values of the O-D matrix),we can uniquely determine the traffic times for all O-D pairs.In practice,the travel time can change from day to day.Some changes in travel time are caused by a change in weather,by special events,etc.;the resulting deviations from travel time are usually minor.The only case when travel times change drastically is when there is a serious road incident somewhere in the network.Since incidents are the major source of travel time delays,it is reasonable to analyze incidents to estimate the variance S of the travel time.For this analysis,we need to have a record of incidents which occurred during a certain period of time(e.g.,90days).The record of each incident typically includes the location and time of this incident,and the number of lanes of the corresponding road which were closed because of this incident.To estimate the variance S corresponding to a certain time interval(e.g.,from8:00to 8:15am),we should only consider the incidents which occurred during that time interval.Based on the incident location,we canfind the link on which this incident occurred.The incident decreases the capacity of this link.This decrease can be estimated based on the original number of lanes and on the number of lanes closed by this incident.Comment.If all the lanes were closed by the incident,then the capacity of the link goes down to0.A reader should be cautioned that the TransCAD software tool does not allow us to enter0value of a link capacity.To overcome this problem,we set the capacity to the smallest possible value (such1vehicle per hour).For all practical purposes,this is equivalent to setting this capacity to0.Let us now provide heuristic arguments for estimating the decrease in capacity in situations in which some lanes remain open.Let us start with the simplest case of a1-lane road.In reality, depending on the severity of an incident,the factor from0to1describing the decreased capacity can take all possible values from the interval[0,1].In the incident record,we only mark whether the incident actually led to the lane closure or not.In other words,instead of the actual value of the capacity-decrease factor,we only keep,in effect,0or1,with10Ruey L.Cheu,Vladik Kreinovich,et al.−0corresponding to the closed lane,and−1corresponding to the open lane.In yet another terms,we approximate the actual value of the factor by0or1.It is reasonable to assume that:−factors0.5or higher get approximated by1(lane open),while−factors below0.5are approximated by0(lane closed).So,the incident records in which the lane remained open correspond to all possible values of the capacity-decrease factor from the interval[0.5,1].As a reasonable average value of this factor for the case when the lane remained open,we can therefore take the midpoint of this interval,i.e.,the value0.75.In multi-lane roads,an incident usually disrupts the traffic on all the lanes.It is therefore reasonable to assume that if no lanes were closed,then the capacity of each lane was decreased to75%of its original value.Thus,for minor incidents in which no lanes were closed,we set the resulting capacity to3/4of the original capacity of the link.For a2-lane road,if one lane is closed and another lane remain open,then we have one lane with0capacity and one lane with3/4of the original capacity;the resulting capacity is3/4of the capacity of a single lane,i.e.,3/8of the original capacity of the2-lane road.For a3-lane road,if one lane is closed this means that we retain only2/3of the incident-reduced 75%capacity,i.e.,1/2of the original capacity.If two lanes are closed,this means that we retain only1/3of the reduced capacity,i.e.,1/4of the original capacity.Similar values can be estimated for4-lane roads and,if necessary,for roads with a larger number of lanes.For each recorded incident occurring at a given time interval,we replace the original capacity in the incident-affected link by the correspondingly reduced value,and solve the traffic assignment problem for thus reduced capacity.As a result,for each O-D pair,we get a new value of the travel time.−when the incident is far away from the route,this travel time may be the same as in the original (no-incidents)traffic assignment;−however,if the incident is close to the route(or on this route),this travel time is larger than in the no-incidents case.Thus,for each O-D pair and for each time interval,for each day d during the selected time period P(e.g.,90days),we have a value of the travel time t(d):−if there was no incident on this day,the value of the travel time comes from the original traffic assignment;−for the days on which there was an incident during the given time interval,the travel time comes from the analysis of the network with the correspondingly reduced capacity.Based on these values t(d),we compute the mean value E of the travel time as E=1P·Pd=1t(d),and then the desired variance S as S=1P·Pd=1(t(d)−E)2.How to take into account departure time choice when making traffic assignments:a seemingly natural idea and its limitations.In the two previous text,we described how we can compute the characteristics which are needed to estimate the utility related to each departure time.Let us now assume that we know the original O-D matrices for each time interval i.For each time interval i,we can use the corresponding O-D matrix and solve the traffic assignment problem corresponding to this time interval.From the resulting traffic assignment,we can compute the values of the desired auxiliary characteristics,and thus,estimate the expected utility u i of departing at this time interval i.The logit formula P i=exp(u i)/s,where s=exp(u1)+...+exp(u n),enables us to compute the probability P i that the driver will actually select departure time interval i.The probability P i means that out of N drivers who travel from the given origin zone to the given destination zone,N·P i leave during the i-th time interval.The overall number of drivers who leave from the given origin zone to the given destination zone can be computed by adding the corresponding values in the original O-D matrices for all time intervals.Multiplying this sum by P i, we get the new value.These new values form the new O-D matrices for different time intervals i.These new O-D matrices take into account the departure time choice.However,they are not the ultimate O-D matrices.Indeed,since we have changed the O-D matrices,we thus changed the traffic assignments at different moments of time;this will lead to different values of utilities u i and probabilities P i.As an example,let us assume that there is an O-D pair for which the free-flow travel time is30 minutes.Let us also assume that for the corresponding destination,everyone needs to be at work at8am.Let us also assume that at present,there is not much traffic congestion between the origin and destination zones,so everyone leaves around7:30am and gets to work on time.Since we are estimating the distribution of trafficflow over time intervals based on the existing traffic,we will thus conclude that−in the O-D matrix corresponding to7:30am,we will have all the drivers,while−in the O-D matrices corresponding to earlier time intervals,we will have no drivers at all. Let us now apply these O-D matrices to the future traffic,when due to the population increase, the traffic volume becomes much higher.Due to this higher traffic volume,the traffic time will drastically exceed30minutes,so all the drivers leaving at7:30am will be,e.g.,15minutes late.On the other hand,drivers who happen to leave at7:15am encounter practically no traffic–because there was no one needing to drive at this time in the original O-D matrix,so their travel time is exactly30minutes,and they get to work by7:45am,15minutes earlier.As we have seen in the above empirical formula(and in full accordance with common sense),the penalty for being 15minutes late is much higher than the penalty of being15minutes early.As a result,the utility corresponding to leaving at7:15am is higher than the probability of leaving at7:30am.Hence,in。



McKinsey onFinanceMcKinsey on Finance is a quarterly publication written by expertsand practitioners in McKinsey & Company’s Corporate Finance practice. This publication offers readers insights into value-creating strategiesand the translation of those strategies into company performance.This and archived issues of McKinsey on Finance are available online at .Editorial Contact: McKinsey_on_Finance@To request permission to republish an article send an e-mail to permission@.Editorial Board: James Ahn, Richard Dobbs, Marc Goedhart, Bill Javetski, Timothy Koller, Robert McNish, Herbert Pohl, Dennis SwinfordEditor: Dennis SwinfordExternal Relations: Joanne MasonDesign Director: Donald BerghDesign and Layout: Kim BartkoManaging Editor: Sue CatapanoEditorial Production: Roger Draper, Karina Lacouture, Scott Leff,Mary ReddyCirculation: Susan CockerCover illustration by Walter VasconcelosCopyright © 2006 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.This publication is not intended to be used as the basis for trading in the shares of any company or for undertaking any other complex or significant financial transaction without consulting appropriate professional advisers. No part of this publication may be copied or redistributed in any form without the prior written consent of McKinsey & Company.Learning to let go:Making better exit decisionsPsychological biases can make it difficult to get out ofan ailing business.John T. Horn, Dan P. Lovallo, and S. Patrick ViguerieWhen General Motors launched Saturn,in 1985, the small-car division was thecompany’s response to surging demandfor Japanese brands. At first, consumerswere very receptive to what was billed as“a new kind of car company,” but salespeaked in 1994 and then drifted steadilydownward. GM reorganized the division,taking away some of its autonomy in orderto leverage the parent company’s economiesof scale, and in 2004 GM agreed to investa further $3 billion to rejuvenate the brand.But 21 years and billions of dollars afterits founding, it has yet to earn a profit.1Similarly, Polaroid, the pioneer of instantphotography and the employer of morethan 10,000 people in the 1980s, failed tofind a niche in the digital market. A seriesof layoffs and restructurings culminated inbankruptcy, in October 2001.These stories illustrate a commonbusiness problem: staying too long witha losing venture. Faced with the prospectof exiting a project, a business, oran industry, executives tend to hang ondespite clear signs that it’s time to bailout. Indeed, when companies do finallyexit, the spur is often the arrival of anew senior executive or a crisis, such as aseriously downgraded credit rating.Research bears out the tendency ofcompanies to linger. One study showed thatas a business ages, the average total return toshareholders tends to decline.2 For mostof the divestitures in the sample, the sellerwould have received a higher price had itsold earlier. According to our analysis of abroad cross-section of US companies from1993 to 2004, the probability that a failingbusiness will grow appreciably or becomeprofitable within three years was less than35 percent. Finally, researchers who studiedthe entry and exit patterns of businessesacross industries found that companies aremore likely to exit at the troughs of businesscycles—usually the worst time to sell.3Why is it so difficult to divest a business atthe right time or to exit a failing project andredirect corporate resources? Many factorsplay a role, from the fact that managerswho shepherd an exit often must eliminatetheir own jobs to the costs that companiesincur for layoffs, worker buyouts, andaccelerated depreciation. Yet a primaryreason is the psychological biases that affecthuman decision making and lead executivesastray when they confront an unsuccessfulenterprise or initiative. Such biases routinelycause companies to ignore danger signs,to refrain from adjusting goals in the faceof new information, and to throw goodmoney after bad.In contrast to other important corporatedecisions, such as whether to make1 Alex Taylor III, “GM’s Saturn problem,” Fortune, December 13, 2004.2 Richard Foster and Sarah Kaplan, Creative Destruction: Why Companies That Are Built to Last Underperform the Market—and How to Successfully Transform Them, New York: Currency, 2001.3 Richard E. Caves, “Industrial organization and new findings on the turnover and mobility of firms,” Journal of Economic Literature, 1998, Volume 36, Number 4, pp. 1947–82 (/journal.html).McKinsey on Finance Summer 2006acquisitions or enter new markets, bad timing in exit decisions tends to go in one direction, since companies rarely exit or divest too early. An awareness of this fact should make it easier to avoid errors— and does, if companies identify the biases at play, determine where in the decision-making process they crop up, and thenadopt mechanisms to minimize their impact. Techniques such as contingent road maps and tools borrowed from private equity firms can help companies to decide objectively whether they should halt afailing project or business and to navigate the complexities of the exit.The psychological biases at playThe decision-making process for exiting a project, business, or industry has three steps. First, a well-run company routinely assesses whether its products, internalprojects, and business units are meeting expectations. If they aren’t, the second step is the difficult decision about whether to shut them down or divest if they can’t be improved. Finally, executives tackle the nitty-gritty details of exiting.Each step of this process is vulnerable to cognitive biases that can undermine objective decision making. Four biases have significant impact: the confirmation bias, the sunk-cost fallacy, escalation of commitment, and anchoring and adjustment. We explore the psychology behind each one, as well as its influence on decisions (Exhibit 1).Analyzing the projectLet’s start with a brief test of a person’s ability to analyze hypotheses. Imagine that someone deals four cards from a deck,each with a number printed on one side and a letter on the other.4 Which pair would you choose given an opportunity to flip over just two cards to test the assertion, “If a card has a vowel on one side, then there must be an odd number on the other side”?Most people correctly choose the U but then incorrectly select 7. This patternillustrates the confirmation bias: people tend to seek information that supports their point of view and to discount information that doesn’t. An odd number opposite U confirms the statement, while an even number refutes it. But the 7 doesn’t provide any new information—a vowel on the other side confirms the assertion, but a consonant doesn’t reveal anything, since consonantsQ2 2006 Cognitive bias Exhibit 1 of 3Glance: Four cognitive biases significantly affect exit decisions.4This example comes from P. C. Wason,“Reasoning,” in B. M. Foss, ed., New Horizons in Psychology I, Harmondsworth, United Kingdom: Penguin, 1966, pp. 135–51.can have even or odd numbers on their flip sides. The correct choice is the 8 becauseit could reveal something: if there is a vowel on the other side, the statement is false. Now imagine a group of executives evaluat-ing a project to see if it meets performance hurdles and if its revenues and costs match the initial estimates. Just as most people choose cards that support a statement rather than those that could contradict it, business evaluators rarely seek datato disprove the contention that a troubled project or business will eventually come around. Instead, they seek market research trumpeting a successful launch, quality control estimates predicting that a product will be reliable, or forecasts of production costs and start-up times that would confirm the success of the turnaround effort. Indeed, reports of weak demand, tepid customer satisfaction, or cost overruns often give rise to additional reports that contradict the negative ones.Consider the fate of a US beer maker, Joseph Schlitz Brewing. In the early 1970s, executives at the company decided to usea cheaper brewing process, citing market research suggesting that consumers couldn’t tell beers apart. Although they received constant evidence, in the form of lower sales, that customers found the taste of thebeer brewed with the new process noticeably worse, the executives stuck with theirlow-cost strategy too long. Schlitz, once the third-largest brewer in the United States, went into decline and was acquired by rival Stroh in 1982. Likewise, when Unilever launched a new Persil laundry detergentin the United Kingdom, in 1994, the company tested the formula on new clothes successfully but didn’t seek disconfirming evidence, such as whether it would damage older clothing or react negatively to common clothing dyes. Consumers discovered that it did, and Unilever eventually had to return to the old formula.Deciding which projects to exitAt this stage, the sunk-cost fallacy isthe key bias affecting the decision-making process. In deciding whether to exit, executives often focus on the unrecoverable money already spent or on the project-specific know-how and capabilities already developed. A related bias is the escalationof commitment: yet more resources are invested, even when all indicators point to failure. This misstep, typical of failing endeavors, often goes hand in hand with the sunk-cost fallacy, since large investments can induce the people who make them to spend more in an effort to justify the original costs, no matter how bleak the outlook. When anyone in a meeting justifies future costs by pointing to past ones, red flags should go up; what’s required instead is a levelheaded assessment of the future prospects of a project or business.The Vancouver Expo 86 is a classic example.5 The initial budget,CAN $78 million in 1978, ballooned to CAN $1.5 billion by 1985, with a deficitof more than CAN $300 million. During those seven years, the expo received several cash infusions because of the provincial government’s commitment to the project. Outrageous attendance estimateswere used to justify the added expense (the confirmation bias at play). Predictionsof 12.5 million visitors, which would have stressed Vancouver’s infrastructure,grew at one point to 28 million—roughly Canada’s population at the time. Moreover, Canadians had seen budget deficits for big events before: the 1967 Montreal Exposition lost CAN $285 million—six times early estimates—and the 1976 Montreal Olympics lost more than CAN $1 billion, though no deficit had been expected.Learning to let go: Making better exit decisions5J erry Ross and Barry M. Staw, “Expo 86: Anescalation prototype,” Administrative ScienceQuarterly, Volume 31, Number 2, pp. 274–97.McKinsey on Finance Summer 2006Contrast that with the story of the Cincinnati subway. Construction began in 1920. When the $6 million budget ran out, in 1927, the leaders of the city decided that it no longer needed the subway, a point suggested by studies from independent experts. Further construction was stopped, though crews had finished building the tunnels.6 The idea for the subway had been conceived in 1884, and the project was supported by Republicans and Democrats alike, so this decision was not a whim; World War I and shifting demographic needs had altered the equation. Fortunatelyfor Cincinnatians, during the past 80 years, referendums to raise funds for completion have all failed.Proceeding with the cancellationThe final bias is anchoring and adjustment: decision makers don’t sufficiently adjust future estimates away from an initial value. Early estimates can influence decisions in many business situations,7 and this bias is particularly relevant in divestment decisions. There are three possible anchors. One is tied to the sunk cost, which the ownermay hope to recover. Another is a previous valuation, perhaps made in better times. The third—the price paid previously for other businesses in the same industry—often comes up during merger waves, as it did recently in the consolidation of dot-com companies. If the first company sold for, say, $1 billion, other owners may think that their companies are worth that much too, even though buyers often target the best, most valuable company first.The sale of PointCast, which in the 1990s was one of the earliest providers of personalized news and information overthe Internet, shows this bias at work.The company had 1.5 million users and $5 million in annual advertising revenue when Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation (NewsCorp) offered $450 million to acquire it. The deal was never finalized, however, and shortly thereafter problems arose. Customers complained of slow serviceand began defecting to Yahoo! and other rivals. In the next two years, a numberof companies considered buying PointCast, but the offer prices kept dropping. In the end, it was sold to Infogate for $7 million. PointCast’s executives may well have anchored their expectations on the first figure, making them reluctant to accept subsequent lower offers.8Axing a project that flops is relatively straightforward, but exiting a business or an industry is more complex: companies can more easily reallocate resources—especially human resources—from terminated projects than from failed businesses. Higher investments, which loom larger in decision making, are typically tied up in an ongoing business rather than inan internal project. The anguish executives often feel when they must fire colleagues also partially explains why many closures don’t occur until after a change in the executive suite. Divestiture, however, is easier because of the possibility of selling the business to another owner. Selling a project to another company is much more difficult, if it is possible at all.When a company decides to exit an entire business, the characteristics of the company and the industry can influence the decision-making process (Exhibit 2). If a flagging division is the only problematic unit in an otherwise healthy company, for instance, all else being equal, managers can sell or close it more easily than they could if it werethe core business, where exit would likely mean the company’s death. (Managers might still sell in this case, but we recognize that it will be hard to do so.) It sometimes (though rarely) does make sense to hang on6 Allen Singer, The Cincinnati Subway: History of Rapid Transit, Chicago: Arcadia Publishing, 2003.7 John T. Horn, Dan P. Lovallo, and S. Patrick Viguerie, “Beating the odds in market entry,” The McKinsey Quarterly, 2005 Number 4, pp. 34–45 (/links/22192).8 L inda Himelstein, “Dusting cobwebs off a Web staple,” BusinessWeek, July 14, 2003.in a declining industry—for instance, if rivals are likely to exit soon, leaving the remaining company with a monopoly.Becoming unbiasedSeveral techniques can mitigate the effects of the human biases that confound exit decision making. One way of overcoming the confirmation bias, for instance, is to assign someone new from the management team to assess a project. At a multinational energy and raw-materials company, a manager who was not part of an initial proposal must sign off on the project. If the R&D department claims that a prototypeproduction process can ramp up to full speed in three months, for example, the production manager has to approve it. If the target isn’t met, the production manager too is held accountable. Making executives responsible for the estimates of other people is a powerful check: managers are unlikely to agree to a target they cannot reach or to overestimate the chances that a project will be profitable. The likely result is more honest opinions.Well-run private equity firms adopt these practices too. One leading US firm assigns independent partners to conduct periodic reviews of businesses in its portfolio. If Mr. Jones buys and initially oversees a company, for example, Ms. Smith is later charged with the task of reviewing the purchase and its ensuing performance. She takes her role seriously because she is also accountable for the unit’s final performance. Although the process can’t eliminatethe possibility that the partners’ collective judgment will be biased, the reviews not only make biases less likely but also make it more likely that underperformingcompanies will be sold before they drain the firm’s equity.Another tool that can help executivesovercome biases and make more objective decisions is a contingent road map that lays out signposts to guide decision makers through their options at predetermined checkpoints over the life of a projector business. Signposts mark the points when key uncertainties must be resolved, as well as the ensuing decisions and possible outcomes. For a contingent road map to be effective, specific choices must be assigned to each signpost before the project begins (or at least well before the project approaches the signpost). This system in effect supplies a precommitment that helps mitigate biases when the time to make the decision arrives.Learning to let go: Making better exit decisionsWhat influences exit decisions?Cognitive biasExhibit 2 of 3Glance: The type of industry or company matters in exit decisions.Declining vs growing industryDifferences• Different skills, capabilities required • Timing of exit differs• In mature industries, cost efficiency, operational excellence are necessary• In growing industries, growth, innovation, marketing, R&D are necessary• In declining industries, companies shouldstrive to outlast competitors only if profits from ultimate monopoly, cost advantage justify interim losses• In growing industries, companies should exit only if freeing up resources for better alternativesCurrently profitable vs unprofitable business• Corporate focus can be biased toward attention on unprofitable business• Company may overreact and sell unprofitablebusiness that should be kept, while hanging on to profitable business that should be sold • Unprofitable business unit frequently focuses on ‘should we sell?’ and profitable business unit focuses on ‘should we buy or expand?’ when both should focus on ‘are we the long-term natural owner of this business? How can we maximize long-term profits? How can we maximize the sale price?’Focused vsdiversified business• Focused company has harder time divestingcore business because it could result in death of entire enterprise• Diversified company has greater freedom to balance portfolio• Diversified company can cross-subsidize from other units• Focused company might be better at divesting because all their attention is on the main business• Diversified company could pay less attention to smaller, unprofitable business and neglect selling until too lateSimilarities• Focus on expected future profit,growth rates• Compare to current (and prospective) competitors• Ask periodically when is best time to exit industry• Establish timing of divestiture questions early and adhere to the schedule• Determine expected profitability; don’trely on current profit levels• Unprofitability does not necessarily point to exit• In declining industry, issue is whether business can survive as final monopolist • Determine natural owner of business• Biases are similar (eg, sunk-cost fallacy,optimism)• Executives likely to resist exit because of stigma of failureMcKinsey on Finance Summer 2006One petrochemical company, for instance, created a road map for an unprofitable business unit that proposed a newcatalyst technology in an attempt to turn itself around (Exhibit 3). The road map established specific targets—a tight range of outcomes—that the new technology had to achieve at a series of checkpoints over several years. It also set up exit rules if the business missed these targets.Road maps can also help to isolate the specific biases that may affect the corporate decision-making process. If a signpost suggests, for example, that a project or business should be shut down but executives decide that the company has invested too much time and money to stop, the sunk-cost fallacy and escalation-of-commitment bias are quite likely at work. Of course, the initial road map might have to be adjusted as new information arrives, but the changes, if any, should always be made solely to future signposts, not to the current one.Contingent road maps prevent executives from changing the decision criteria in midstream unless there is a valid, objective reason. They help decision makers to focus on future expectations (rather than past performance) and to recognize uncertainty in an explicit way through the use of multiple potential paths. They limit the impact of the emotional sunk costs of executives in projects and businesses. And they help decision makers by removing the blame for unfavorable outcomes that have been specified in advance: the explicit recognition of problems gives an organization a chance to adapt, while a failure to recognize problems beforehand requires a change in strategy that is often psychologically and politically difficult to justify. Before the invasion of Iraq in2003, for example, it was uncertain how US troops would be received there. If the Bush administration had publicly announced a contingency plan providing for thepossibility of increased troop levels should an insurgency erupt, the president would most likely have had the political cover to adopt that strategy.When companies are finally ready to sell a business, the decision makers can overcome any lingering anchoring and adjustment biases by using independentevaluators who have never seen the initial projections of its value. Uninfluenced by these earlier estimates, the reviews of such people will take into account nothing but the project’s actual experience, such as the evolution of market share, competition, and costs. One leading private equity firm overcomes anchoring and other biases in decision making by routinely hiring independent evaluators, who bring aCognitive bias Exhibit 3 of 3Glance: A contingent road map establishes targets.new set of eyes to older businesses inits portfolio.There are ways to ease the emotionalpain of shutting down or selling projects or businesses. If a company has several flagging ones, for example, they canbe bundled together and exited all at once or at least in quick succession—the business equivalent of ripping a bandage off quickly. Such moves ensure thatthe psychological sense of failure that often accompanies an exit isn’t revisited several times. A one-time disappointment is also easier to sell to stakeholders and capital markets, especially for a new CEO with a restructuring agenda.In addition, companies can focus on exiting businesses with products and capabilities that are far from their core activities, as P&G did in 2002, when it divested and spun off certain products in order to focus on others with stronger growth prospects and a more central position in its corporate portfolio.9 Although canceling a project or exitinga business may often be regarded as a sign of failure, such moves are really a perfectly normal part of the creative-destruction process. Companies need to realize that in this way they can free up their resources and improve their ability to embrace new market opportunities.By neutralizing the cognitive biases that make it harder for executives to evaluate struggling ventures objectively, companies have a considerably better shot at making investments in ventures with strong growth prospects. The unacceptable alternativeis to gamble away the company’s resources on endeavors that are likely to fail in the long run, no matter how much is invested in them.John Horn (John_Horn@) is a consultant in McKinsey’s Washington, DC, office; Dan Lovallo is a professor at the Australian Graduate School of Management (of the University of New South Wales) as well as an adviser to McKinsey; Patrick Viguerie (Patrick_Viguerie@ ) is a partner in the Atlanta office. Copyright © 2006 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.9 Procter & Gamble annual report, 2002.Learning to let go: Making better exit decisionsHabits of the busiest acquirersM&A executives at the most successful US companies understandnot only how acquisitions create value but also how to enlist the support of the organization.Robert N. Palter and Dev Srinivasan A thin line divides the kind of mergerthat nurtures a company’s growth fromone that destroys value. No surprise,then, that M&A practitioners go to greatlengths to tilt the odds in their favor. Theyhire world-class M&A teams, modify theorganizational design of their companies, oradd systems, tools, and processes to smoothintegration and to accelerate the captureof synergies. Yet a merger’s performance overtime is subject to so many variables thatit’s difficult to analyze whether such movesreally work.To unearth the practical insights that canhelp companies succeed in planningand executing acquisitions, we went directlyto the executives most responsible foroverseeing M&A at the top US acquirers.1Over the course of 20 interviews withbusiness-development officers, we exploredtheir thinking on what does and doesn’twork in M&A. Then, to see what companiesrewarded by the capital markets weredoing differently, we compared the differentapproaches of these companies withtheir general performance during an activeperiod of acquisitions.Our findings provide a road map for theway companies should think aboutand execute acquisitions to improve theirodds of success. We found, for example,that development officers at most of therewarded acquirers tend to treat M&Aas a tool to support strategy, not asa strategy in itself. Moreover, they useM&A to complement a company’sdistinct capabilities. They understand thelimitations of acquiring a company inorder to acquire its superior management oroperational know-how. And to implementthe details of integration, they involveindividual business units in different ways,depending on the type of merger.One lesson from the experts clasheddirectly with conventional M&A lore:world-class M&A teams made up offormer investment bankers and lawyersare not a differentiator of performance.Companies with talented M&A teams areas likely to be rewarded by the marketsas not. Moreover, talented teams are fairlycommon, and the professionals whobelong to them are abundant. Instead, thetenure of an executive was a differentiator;companies with longer-tenured executivesduring a period of acquisitions weremore likely to be rewarded. Other necessaryfactors—including organizational design,people, systems, tools, and processes—are insufficient without a solid approach toacquisitions and integration.M&A is a tool, not a strategyMany companies act as though acquisitionsare their growth strategy. These companies McKinsey on Finance Summer 20061 Of the top 75 US companies by market capitalization and the top 75 by revenues asof June 2005, 33 had accumulated at least30 percent of their market value through acquisitions. The executives most responsible for M&A activity at 20 of those companies agreed to sit down for a rigorous hour-long conversation covering more than 100 questions about the organizations, processes, tools, and metrics used in acquisitions and integration. We then compared the activities of acquirers that were rewarded by the markets—those whose total returns to shareholders exceeded the returns of their peer group from December 1994 to December 2004—with the activitiesof acquirers that were not rewarded during the same period.。



2017英语二新题型原文The new format of the 2017 English II exam has caused quite a stir among students and educators alike. Many are concerned about the increased difficulty and the impact it may have on students' performance. However, it is important to consider the potential benefits of the new format and how it may better prepare students for future academic and professional endeavors.From the students' perspective, the new format may initially seem daunting and overwhelming. The increased length and complexity of the exam may lead to anxiety and stress for many students. However, it is important for students to approach the new format with a positive mindset and see it as an opportunity to challenge themselves and improve their English language skills. By embracing the new format and putting in the necessary effort and preparation, students can develop a deeper understanding of the English language and improve their overall proficiency.Educators are also facing challenges with the new format, as they must adapt their teaching methods and strategies to effectively prepare students for the exam. The increased emphasis on critical thinking and analysis requires educators to provide students with opportunities to engage in higher-level thinking and develop their analytical skills. Additionally, educators must ensure that students are equipped with the necessary resources and support to succeed in the new format, such as practice materials and guidance on how to approach the longer and more complex exam questions.Despite the initial concerns and challenges, the new format of the English II exam has the potential to better prepare students for future academic and professional endeavors. The increased length and complexity of the exam may better reflect the demands of college-level coursework and the professional world, where critical thinking and analysis are essential skills. By mastering the new format, students can develop the skills and confidence needed to excel in college and beyond.In conclusion, while the new format of the 2017 English II exam may present challenges for students and educators, it also offers valuable opportunities for growth and development. By approaching the new format with a positive mindset and embracing the challenge, students can improve their English language skills and prepare themselves for future success. Educators play a crucial role in supporting students through the transition to the new format, providing them with the necessary resources and guidance to excel. Ultimately, the new format has the potential to better prepare students for the demands of college and the professional world, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to thrive in their academic and professional endeavors.。



2022年考研考博-考博英语-北京科技大学考试预测题精选专练VII(附带答案)第1套一.综合题(共25题)1.单选题The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously() relations between the two countries.问题1选项A.tumbleB.jeopardizeC.manipulateD.intimidate【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。


根据句子关键词disagreement over trade restrictions(关于贸易限制的分歧)和relations(关系)可猜测,空格部分表示“贸易分歧恶化了关系”,因此四个选项中只有jeopardize符合。



2.单选题The belief that it’s healthy to let off steam no longer()for we are working under heavy pressure.问题1选项A.holdsB.carriesC.takesD.stands【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。





3.单选题John has such()power that his friends always behave in the way that he wants them to. 问题1选项A.convincingB.feasibleC.operationalD.manipulative【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。



大学英语读写试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. AccommodationB. AcknowledgementC. AcquaintanceD. Acknowledge2. The correct usage of the verb "lead" in the sentence is:A. The path leads to the river.B. The path leads to the river.C. The path leads to the river.D. The path leads to the river.3. In the context of the passage, what does the word "perpetuate" mean?A. To make something last foreverB. To end something completelyC. To start something newD. To change something drastically4. According to the author, what is the primary purpose of education?A. To teach students how to make moneyB. To prepare students for future careersC. To foster critical thinking and creativityD. To memorize facts and figures5. What is the main difference between the two types of learning mentioned in the text?A. One is more effective than the other.B. One is more enjoyable than the other.C. One is more practical than the other.D. One is more theoretical than the other.二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. The ________ of the city has changed dramatically over the past decade.7. The ________ of the new policy has been met with mixed reactions.8. The ________ of the project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.9. The ________ of the company's success can be attributed to its innovative approach.10. The ________ of the book is expected to be released next month.三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:[Passage content goes here. The passage should be a coherent text that can be understood and analyzed by the reader.]11. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of environmental conservationB. The impact of technology on societyC. The role of education in personal developmentD. The challenges of urbanization12. According to the passage, what is the author's opinion on the topic?A. The author is in favor of the topic.B. The author is against the topic.C. The author is neutral about the topic.D. The author's opinion is not clear.13. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. [Statement 1]B. [Statement 2]C. [Statement 3]D. [Statement 4]14. What can be inferred from the passage about the future of the subject discussed?A. It will continue to grow and evolve.B. It will face significant challenges.C. It will remain stable and unchanged.D. It will become obsolete and irrelevant.15. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To informB. To persuadeC. To entertainD. To describe四、写作题(共40分)16. Write an essay on the following topic: "The Role ofTechnology in Modern Education." Your essay should be no less than 300 words and should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. (40分)答案:一、选择题1. D2. A3. A4. C5. D二、填空题6. appearance7. implementation8. completion9. success10. sequel三、阅读理解11. A12. C13. B14. A15. B四、写作题[此处不提供具体答案,因为写作题的答案应由考生根据题目要求自行撰写。











第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。




例:How much is the shirt?A.₤19.15.B.₤9.18.C.₤9.15.答案是C。

1.What is the man doing?A.Reading a magazine.B. Typing a report.C.Checking his email.2.When will the woman meet the manager tomorrow?A.At 8:00 am.B.At 8:30 am.C.At 9:00 am.3.What does the woman want the man to do?A.Buy lunch.B. Go to a bank.C.Buy a box.4.Where does the woman find the window cleaner?A.In the yellow bottle.B.In the blue bottle with a red top.C. In the red bottle with a blue top.5. What is the matter with the man?A. He has a fever.B. He has a cough.C.He has a headache.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



国家开放大学电大《高级英语阅读(1)》《纳税筹划》网络课形考网考作业(合集)答案《高级英语阅读(1)》网络课答案形考任务一(70分)Chapter 1 Exercise(分值7分)题目1I. Vocabulary skills(3 points)Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word on the right with the correct definition on the left.(0.5 points each)1.the bus or subway2.proof of completion of courses of students3.money for students from scholarships, grants, or loans4.formal talks by professors or instructors on subjects of study5.courses by video, video conferencing, or computers to students in different places6.the points or grade a student gets on a test答案:II. Reading Comprehension (4 points)Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )Experiencing Culture ShockA When Eliza James arrived at the University of Xian, she was excited to live in a new country, to improve her Chinese, and to experience a culture so different from her own. But soon her excitement turned to frustration as she encountered one roadblock after another. "I felt like I couldn't accomplish anything. My dorm room had no heat, I couldn't get into the classes I wanted, and every time I asked someone for help they gave me the runaround. I felt like no one was listening to me." Eliza met with administrators, sentletters of complaint, and even contacted the consulate in Beijing, but she got nowhere. What Eliza didn't realize was that her American approach to solving problems was very different from the Chinese one in which patience and negotiation skills are key. She soon learned how to solve problems within the cultural norms of Chinese society instead of forcing her own values onto those around her. "I finally feel like I fit in and that I know what I'm doing. In fact, it's really fun being in a place that's so incredibly different from what I am accustomed to."B Yoshi Yamamoto is a junior at a small college outside of Boston. Although he is an honors student now, Yoshi didn't always have such an easy time studying in America. "Teaching methods are very different here than they are in Japan. It took me a long time to get used to learning in seminars and discussing ideas with my classmates. At first it seemed like I wasn't actually learning anything." Yoshi's reaction was to totally withdraw: he didn't participate in class discussion; he spent lots of time alone in his room, and he even skipped class on occasion. "I thought I could teach myself. Now I recognize the value of the U.S. academic system, and I am able to adapt it to my own learning style."C Both Eliza and Yoshi experienced what is called culture shock: psychological disorientation due to living in a new culture. For many international students, studying abroad can offer exposure to new cultures and an opportunity to study new fields and languages. However, it also offers the greater challenge of trying to function in a foreign culture. Studying and reading about a certain culture is poor preparation for the reality of living in it. According to psychological studies, the four stages of culture shock are 1. euphoria, 2. hostility, 3. gradual adjustment, and 4. adaptation. Culture shock can be manifested in many ways: homesickness, boredom, stereotyping of or hostility towards the host culture, overeating or overdrinking, withdrawal, and inability to work effectively.D Different people experience different levels of culture shock and react in different ways. For example, Eliza got angry while Yoshi withdrew from society. The most important thing to remember is that culture shock is normal; it is not something to be ashamed of. Luckily, there are some things international students can do to make their adjustment to a new country go more smoothly. For instance, they can stay in touch with family and friends from home, join international student organizations, meet people from their own countries, and get involved in campus activities. Most importantly, they can adjust to life abroad by keeping a sense of humor and trying to remain positive.Recognizing Paragraph Topics(choose the paragraph letter)题目27. an explanation of culture shock选择一项:A. AB. BC. CD. D题目38. ways that students can adjust to living in a new country选择一项:A. AB. BC. CD. D题目49. the experience of an international student in the United States选择一项:A. AB. BC. CD. D题目510. the experience of an international student in China选择一项:A. AB. BC. CD. DChapter 2 Exercise(分值7分)题目1I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Sometimes examples can explain the meaning of a word or phrase. For example, sun, rain, and wind are examples of kinds of weather. Look at the columns below. Match each vocabulary word or phrase in the first column with the examples in the second column. (0.4 points each)1.kinds of extreme weather2.Earth’s natural materials and gases3. diseases or health disorders4. seasons of the year5. natural areas or regions of the earth答案:II. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B or C. (1 point each) Seasonal Affective Disorder: More than Just the BluesA Joshua dreads the winter months, not only because of the cold New England weather--the sleet, snow, wind, and rain--but because as the seasons change from summer to fall to winter, the days get shorter. As the days get shorter, he starts feeling depressed and irritable and spends more and more time at home, eating and sleeping. A graduate student in philosophy, Joshua finds that he gets little work done during the winter months and has trouble paying attention in class and concentrating on his research. "I soon realized that what I thought was just the 'winter blues' was something more extreme than that." Josh visited a doctor who diagnosed him with SAD.B Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a kind of depression that occurs seasonally. It is associated with the long hours of darkness and lack of sunlight during the winter months (people with SAD usually feel worse from December through February). Scientists don't completely understand the exact causes of SAD, but they believe it is related to a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is the basic part of the brain that controls the body's breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone release. The effects of SAD include moodiness, irritability, low energy, increased appetite for carbohydrates (foods such as potatoes, rice, and bread), difficulty concentrating, and the tendency to oversleep.C Although doctors described SAD for the first time in 1984, humans have probably dealt with the disorder for thousands of years. It is not a coincidence that many cultures have important celebrations during the short days of the winter months. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Winter Solstice celebrations all occur in December. These celebrations involve lighting candles in order to bring light, warmth, and happiness to an otherwise depressing time of year.D So what can SAD sufferers do to feel better? Naturally, they need more light. For people who have mild cases of SAD, exercising in the morning sun could be enough to help them. Phototherapy, or light therapy, is usually prescribed for people who have more serious cases of the disorder. In light therapy, patientssit in front of a light box, a strong artificial light, for up to four hours a day. Phototherapy is effective in over 80% of SAD cases, and patients usually see results within three to four days. Although the symptoms of SAD are similar to those of clinical depression, traditional antidepressants have not proven useful in treating SAD. While psychological counseling cannot treat the symptoms of SAD, it is recommended to help SAD sufferers learn to accept and deal with their illness.题目26. Joshua starts feeling depressed and irritable in the winter because选择一项:A. he gets little work doneB. he suffers from Seasonal Affective DisorderC. he is a graduate student in philosophy题目37. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a condition that researchers believe affects people during the winter months. Scientists believe it is caused by选择一项:A. breathing, heartbeat, metabolism, and hormone releaseB. moodiness, irritability, loss of energy, increased appetite, difficulty concentrating, and sleepinessC. lack of sunlight and a biochemical imbalance in the brain题目48. Humans have probably struggled with SAD since选择一项:A. ancient timesB. DecemberC. 1984题目59. People who suffer from SAD can to feel better.选择一项:A. do light therapyB. take antidepressant drugsC. eat carbohydrates题目610. This passage talks about_____.选择一项:A. what the SAD effects areB. Both A and B.C. how to help SAD suffersChapter 3 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Read the passages, then answer the questions that follow. (1 point each )Fast food can be good foodMany people are too busy to prepare and eat three nutritious meals a day.so they turn to the convenience of fast-food restaurants. Many of the items at fast-food restaurants, snack bars, and food stands are fattening and not very nutritious.But fast food doesn’t have to be unhealthy.you can eat at fast-food restaurants and still eat well.Pay Attention to Calories and Fat ContentBy paying attention to the number of calories and fat that a food item has ,you can make smarter choices.Calories are “units for measuring how much energy a food will produce”.condsider two fast-food meals. A quarter-pound hamburger with cheese, jumbo-size fries,and a 16-ounce soda have a total of 1,535 calories and 76 grams of fat .a broiled (cooked under direct heat or over a flame )chicken sandwich ,a side salad with low-fat dressing,and a glass of water at the same fast-food restaurant have only 422 calories and 7 grams of fat .but maybe you really want a hamburger and fries .well,you can have a small hamburger,a small serving of fries,and a glass of water.At a total of 490 calories and 20 grams of fat,that’s still a much smarter choice than the large burger ,fries,and 20 grams of fat ,that’s still a much smarter choice than the large burger,fries,and sada.There’s More That You Can DoThere are a few additional things you can do to make sure you eat well in fast food restaurantS.First of all,say “no” when the cashier asks you if you want to “supersize” you meal (order an extra large portion of each item).Second, ask for no mayonnaise or sauce,or ask for it on the side (in a separate dish).Third,substitute(use something instead of something else)healthy foods for fatty ones. For example,instead of ordering deep-fried tempura,order fresh vegetables.Instead of ordering a beef burrito with lots of cheese and sour cream,order a vegetable burrito with beans and rice.and don’t eat the chips!Another thing you can do is order a side salad or a vegetable soup and eat it first.That way,you will eat some vegetables,and you won’t be able to eat as much of your burger and fries.Fnally,eat slowly and stop eating when you’re full. It sounds simple,but many people keep eating even after they become full.题目11.What is the main idea of this article ?________选择一项:A. It’s smart to eat foods with low calories and fat content.B. Fast food is always bad for you .C. You can eat well in fast-food restaurantD. Fast-food restaurants are the best the place to find healthy foods . 题目22.A small hamburger and small firies has __________选择一项:A. more calories and fat than a chicken sandwich and a salad.B. the same amount of calories and fat as a chicken sandwich and a salad.C. fewer calories and fat than a chicken sandwich and a salad.D. the same amount of calories and fat as a large portion of fries.题目33.Some things you can do to eat well in fast-food restaurants are________ 选择一项:A. ask for eatra manyonnaise and sauce and say no to “surpersizing” .B. order a vegetable burrito instead of chips and eat sour cream .C. order smaller portions and eat all the food you order.D. order healthy foods instead of fatty ones and drink water.题目44.Manyonnaise and sauces probably_________选择一项:A. make you eat less because they make you feel full sooner.B. make you eat more because they make your food taste better.C. have a lot of fat and calories.D. don’t have a lot of fat and calories.题目55. By eating a salad or soup before the rest of your meal,_______选择一项:A. you eat less of the rest of your meal.B. you eat more slowly.C. you get full sooner.D. you eat the rest of your meal more quickly.II. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. (0.4 points each)题目6changes damaging losing global availableThe growing similarities in diet and eating habits around the world are influencing people of various cultures in different ways. For example, Western foods are 6 damaging health in the industrialized island country of Japan. Instead of small meals of seafood, rice, and vegetables, the typical Japanese diet now includes large amounts of meat, dairy products, and desserts like tiramisu, a rich Italian dish full of chocolate, cheese, and sugar. According to Japanese health researchers, such 7 changes in eating habits are related to a great increase in health problems such as heart disease, strokes, cancer, and diabetes. On the other hand, the changing 8 global diet is having the opposite effect on the people in the CzechRepublic. The government of this European nation no longer supports meat and dairy products financially, so the cost of these foods is going up. In contrast, fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming more widely 9 available from private markets and stands. Cooks are even serving salads to schoolchildren, and families are eating healthier home-cooked meals. For these reasons, fewer Czech men are having heart attacks, the women are 10 losing a lot of weight, and most people are living healthier lives.Chapter 4 Exercise(分值7分I. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)题目1Match each vocabulary word on the left with the correct definition on the right. (0.4 points each)1.make sense2.pedestrians3.vehicle4.teenager5.fine答案:II. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (1 point each) These days, it’s getting easier and easier to find your way around. Some people have GPS devices in their cars to make sure they don’t get lost. GPS stand s for Global Positioning System. These devices use satellites in space to “see” where you are and give you directions to where you want to go. And if you don’t have a GPS device, you can simply go online to get step-by-step directions. Websites like and can produce a map and directions in just a few seconds. But how do they do it? MapQuest® uses data (information) from a few different sources to produce directions and maps. Before MapQuest® went online, it sold regular paper ma ps in places like gas stations. The website uses the data from those paper maps, information from digital mapping companies, and government databases. At the moment, MapQuest® uses more than 30 computers to read all this data and provides users with millio ns of maps every day.In order to find the best route (way or path) from one place to another, MapQuest® first has to look at all possible routes. Then MapQuest® looks at each part of each possible route. It considers the types of roads on the different routes. Are they dirt roads, paved roads, freeways, or city streets? It looks at how many turns there are in each route and what kinds of turns they are. Are they right turns or left turns? It also considers the speed limit on each road and how many intersections there are. An intersection is “a place where two or more roads cross each other”.MapQuest® can also tell you how long your trip will take you. It does this by doing some math. MapQuest® bases its estimated driving times on the length and speed limit of each part of the route and the amount of time it probably takes to get through each intersection. For example, it allows more time for a left turn at an intersection than it does for a right turn. Someday, maybe we will have cars that can just drive us wherever we want to go, but for now, mapping websites make it a little harder to get lost.题目26.What is the main idea of this article?选择一项:A. Why mapping websites don’t work well.B. Why mapping websites are better than paper maps.C. How mapping websites work.D. How the first mapping website started.题目37.According to the article, MapQuest®______选择一项:A. started as maker of government databases.B. started as an Internet company.C. uses millions of computers to read data.D. starting by selling paper maps.题目48.When you search for directions, the first thing MapQuest® does is_______选择一项:A. consider how many turns you want to take.B. print out a map and directions.C. estimate driving time.D. look at all possible paths.题目59.When it’s deciding on the best route, MapQuest® probably chooses ________选择一项:A. the route with the most turns.B. dirt roads instead of paved roads.C. freeways instead of dirt roads.D. city streets instead of freeways.题目610. To estimate your driving time, MapQuest® considers _________选择一项:A. the distance between turns on your route.B. the speed limit for half of the route.C. the fastest and slowest speed limits on your route.D. the speed limits and types of turns on your route.Chapter 5 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Read the five main-idea questions that follow about the information in the reading. Three details correctly answer each question. Cross out the untrue, unrelated detail. (1 point each )题目11. What are the definitions of the two main types of families?选择一项:A. Human beings lived in loosely-related groups. Each group had a common ancestor long time ago.B. The nuclear family consists of two parents and their biological or adopted children.C. The extended family may include grandparents, parents, children and relatives living together on the same street or in the same area.D. The nuclear family is the same as the extended family.题目22. What are the reasons for the changes in the structure of the family?选择一项:A. The divorce rate went down and the birthrate began to rise in the early 1900s in the United States.B. Couples did not want many children then.C. In the early 1900s in the United States, the divorce rated went down and the birthrate went down.D. At that time, couples were staying married for few years.题目33. What happened to families in industrialized countries in the 1930s and 1940s?选择一项:A. Before and during World War II, families faced few financial problems and women didn’t have to work away from home.B. Men were at war, so women had to work outside the home.C. Before and during World War II, families had problems.D. Families had serious financial problems during World War II.题目44. What changes will happen to family structure during the next decades?选择一项:A. Divorces would be fewer, mothers would stay at home after the war.B. Children began living at home longer.C. After the war, family structure changed back.D. After the war, there were more divorces and fewer stay-home-mothers.题目55. What will families be like in the future?选择一项:A. Many people want the traditional two-parent family back.B. Two-parent family will probably come back and all other family forms will end.C. Unmarried parents with adopted or foster children, and one-person households.D. There may be more single-parent families.II. Vocabulary Skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each)题目6living extended category typical believeThe Family of the FutureMany people today would like the traditional two-parent family back—that is to say, they want a man and a woman to marry for life; they also think the man should sport the family and the woman should stay home with the children. However, few families now fall into this 6 category In fact, if more women decide to have children on their own, the single-parent household may become more 7typica l than the traditional family in many countries. Also, unmarried couples may decided to have more children—or they might take in foster children or adopt. And because people are staying single and 8 living longer (often as widows), there may be more one-person households in the future. On the other hand, some people 9believe similar events happen again and again in history. If this is true, people may go back to the traditional 10 extended or nuclear family of the past. Others think the only certainty in history is changing: in other words, the structure of the future family could begin to change faster and faster—and in more and more ways.Chapter 6 Exercise(分值7分)I. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Complete the following statements by choosing the best from the answers A, B, C, or D. (0.4 points each)题目11. Some examples of the architecture of old Europe are the magnificent cathedrals and castles. The design and building styles of modern architecture are excellent too. What does the noun architecture mean in these sentences?选择一项:A. the place with significant civilization everywhereB. people that study the culture of old Europe and other societiesC. the art and science of designing the study of classical literatureD. the form and plan of buildings and other structures题目22. Perhaps the real beginning of civilization—with its scientific and technological discoveries and inventions—was in the Middle East and Africa. Over five thousand years ago, those ancient civilizations had astronomy, mathematics, medicine, government, and so on. Which word is a synonym of the word civilization? 选择一项:A. technologyB. cathedralC. cultureD. astronomy题目33. The cultural legacy of ancient Chinese and Indian peoples included walled cities, the first governments, tools for work, and weapons for protection. odern peoples built on this legacy.What is a possible explanation of the word legacy?选择一项:A. ideas and achievements passed from earlier generations to modern societyB. a gift of money that somebody gives to another personC. international business conducted in cities and government structuresD. the state or condition of being legal; not against the law题目44. “For me, the idea of ancient culture creates a contradiction in definitions,” said Karen, going against Mei’s views. “Only modern things can be part of culture.Of course, people that like classical art and music will contradict me.”What might the noun contradiction mean?选择一项:A. the opposition of two opinionsB. wearing a Hawaiian shirt in an ancient cultureC. the short forms of two words togetherD. to put words together题目55. Because of the worldwide media—movies, TV, CDs, the Internet, newspapers, magazines—everybody knows the same information, plays the same music, and enjoys the same jokes.How might you define the phrase the media?选择一项:A. the combination of visual, sound, and printed ways to send ideas around the worldB. communication styles include motions, gestures and facial expressionsC. the tradition of being in the middle—not on the extremes of possible viewsD. events that appear in the daily news and that everyone knows aboutII.Reading Comprehension (5 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False. (1 point each)Many visitors to different countries don’t realize how important it is to understand a country’s culture. Sometimes people learn this lesson by making a big cross-cultural blunder, or embarrassing mistake. In business situations, these blunders can cost a lot of money or end business relationships.6.It is important to understand other people’s cultures before you do business with them.选择一项:A. FB. T题目7For example, one company wanted to sell toothpaste in Southeast Asia. In their advertisements, they claimed that their toothpaste whitens teeth. They didn’t understand that many of the local people chewed betel nuts to make their teeth black, and that these people thought black teeth were attractive.7. The toothpaste company probably kept using the same advertisement in Southeast Asia.选择一项:A. FB. T题目8In another case, a car company tried to sell a car called “Matador” in a Spanish-speaking country. The company thought that it was a strong name because it means “bullfighter”. In Spanish, matador is indeed a noun meaning “bullfighter”. But it is also an adjective meaning “killing”. Imagine driving around in a car called “Killing”!8. The car company that tried to sell a car to a Spanish-speaking country probably didn’t sell many Matador cars in that country.选择一项:A. FB. T题目9A European businessman had an important meeting with a company in Taiwan. He wanted to bring gifts for the people he was meeting with. He thought that something with his company’s logo on it would be a nice gift. So he bought some very nice pocket knives and h ad his company’s logo printed on them. He didn’t know that giving a knife as a gift symbolizes cutting off a friendship!9. The European businessman probably researches new cultures before he visits them now.选择一项:B. F题目10It’s very easy to make blunders like these people did. But it’s also very easy not to. Before you visit a new country, research that country’s customs and etiquette (social rules for polite behavior). You can find a lot of information online. Just go to a search engine and type in key words like “cross-cultural etiquette” or “cultural information Taiwan”. By spending a few minutes doing research, you can save yourself from a lot of embarrassment and make sure you don’t accidentally off end anyone.10. What you can disagree with people to save yourself from making cross-cultural blunders.选择一项:A. TB. FChapter 7 Exercise(分值7分)I. Reading Comprehension (5 points)Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for True and “F” for False on the Answer Sheet. (1 point each)题目1For instance, a doctor doesn’t always have time to thoroughly explain an illness. In these cases, the Internet can be a valuable resource—a place to read all about the causes, symptoms, and remedies for an illness.1. One benefit of using the Internet as a medical resource is it has a lot of information about illnesses and diseases.选择一项:A. FB. T题目2For example, some websites claim that sniffing (smelling) a newspaper can cure nausea (the feeling of being sick to your stomach and wanting to vomit).2. One possible remedy for nausea is drinking a lot of tea.选择一项:A. TB. F题目3Other websites suggest that a person with a cold should keep a piece of raw garlic in his or her mouth allday and bite down on it every few minutes to release the juice. People with smelly feet are told to soak their feet in tea for half an hour.3. The websites remedies might be unpleasant or odd, but they probably will cause harm. And who knows? They might actually be unhelpful.选择一项:A. FB. T题目4An herbal remedy for helping your memory may also be a blood thinner. So if your doctor prescribed (put you on) a blood thinner and you start taking this herb without asking your doctor about it, a simple cut could be deadly; you might not be able to stop bleeding.4. A person who is taking a prescribed drug should probably talk to the doctor before taking an herbal remedy.选择一项:A. FB. T题目5The bottom line is this: be careful when using the Internet as a health resource. Use it to find information that you can discuss with your doctor. But don’t spend a lot of money on “miracle cures”.5. The best way to use the Internet as a medical resource is to read about your illness and discuss what you find out with your doctor.选择一项:A. TB. FII. Vocabulary skills(2 points)Read the paragraph below and fill in each blank with a word from the box. ( 0.4 points each)题目6disease substance classification prevent figureIn a small-town farm market, hundreds of elderly people drink a glass of sour dark cherry juice every day. These happy senior citizens, some of them over the age of 90, claim that the natural fruit juice cures—or at least decreases—the pain of their arthritis, a 6 disease of the joints of the aging body. It’s a folk remedy, not a proven medical therapy. Nevertheless, science is beginning to 7 figure out why sour cherry juice might work to improve the health of patients with arthritis. The secret is in the 8 substance that。



高二英语创新学习习惯单选题20题(答案解析)1.Innovation in learning requires us to____new methods constantly.A.pick upB.take upe up withD.put up with答案:C。

“pick up”表示捡起、学会;“take up”表示开始从事、占据;“come up with”表示想出、提出;“put up with”表示忍受。


2.To develop innovative learning habits,we should____different perspectives.A.adoptB.adaptC.admireD.adjust答案:A。



3.A good learner always____the opportunity to learn something new.A.seizesB.savesC.spends答案:A。



4.Innovative learning means____traditional ways of thinking.A.breaking away fromB.breaking downC.breaking inD.breaking out答案:A。

“breaking away from”表示脱离、摆脱;“breaking down”表示分解、出故障;“breaking in”表示闯入、打断;“breaking out”表示爆发。



2024年外研版英语初二上学期期末自测试卷及答案指导一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will hear eight short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.A)The man was late for the meeting.B)The man arrived on time.C)The woman looked at the watch.D)The man forgot to wear a watch.2、Listening ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, several questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Question 1: Why does the woman go to the bookstore?A) To find a book for Christmas gift.B) To do some research for her paper.C) To meet her friend.D) To look for a job.Answer 1: CExplanation: The woman mentions that she had an appointment with her friend at the bookstore, which indicates she went there to meet her.Question 2: What is the man’s attitude towards buying the ticket in cash?A) He is strongly opposed to it.B) He is indifferent to the method of payment.C) He prefers to pay by cash.D) He is desperate to find a credit card.Answer 2: BExplanation: The man responds, “It doesn’t matter, either way works for me,” showing that he doesn’t have a preference between cash or another form of payment.3、 What is the weather like today?•A) Sunny•B) Rainy•C) Snowy•D) CloudyAns: B. RainyExplanation: In the听力材料中,提到“今天天气下雨”,因此答案是B. Rainy。

选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Improving yourself

选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Improving yourself

Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.moderator n.主持人2.detox n.脱瘾3.fundraising n.募捐,筹款4.profile n.概况5.towel n.毛巾6.procrastination n.拖延7.spit v.吐口水,吐唾沫8.headphones n.(头戴式)耳机9.bin n.垃圾箱10.headline n.媒体报道的热门话题;标题11.toothpaste n.牙膏12.soap n.肥皂13.item n.一件商品(或物品) 14.unprecedentedly ad v.空前地15.jar n.(玻璃)罐子,广口瓶16.lifelong adj.终身的17.likewise ad v.同样地;相似地18.nail n.钉子Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.switch v.(用开关)改变,转换2.distract v.分散(注意力),使分心3.constantly ad v.持续不断地;经常地4.deadline n.截止时间;最后期限5.appropriate adj.恰当的;合适的6.district n.地区,区域7.vision n.构想,设想Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.security n.安全;保护措施→secure adj.安全的;可靠的;稳固的2.motivate v.激发,激励→motivation n.动力,动机→motivated adj.积极的;主动的3.occupy v.占用,占去(时间)→occupation n.占领,占用;职业→occupied adj.忙于……的;使用中的4.access n.接触的机会→accessible adj.可使用的;可接触到的;可到达的;易懂的5.rely v.(为生活或生存而)依赖→reliable adj.可信赖的6.considerate adj.替他人着想的→consideration n.仔细考虑;体谅;顾及→consider v.考虑;认为7.promote v.促进,增进→promotion n.提升;晋升;促销8.clarify v.澄清,讲清楚,阐明→clarification n.澄清,阐明9.necessity n.必需品;必然性→necessary adj.必然的;必要的10.invest v.投资→investment n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入11.objectively ad v.客观地→objective adj.客观的n.目的;目标→object v.反对;拒绝n.物体;对象12.equip v.使有知识和技能,使能够胜任;装备,配备→equipment n.器材;设备1.maximise /'mæks I ma I z/v t.最大限度利用;最大化2.affectionate /ə'fekʃənət/adj.充满深情的;表示关爱的3.anecdote /'æn I kdəʊt/n.逸事;趣闻4.wooden /'wʊdn/adj.木制的;木头的;呆板的5.climax /'kla I mæks/n.高潮;巅峰6.provoke /prə'vəʊk/v t.激发;挑衅7.norm /nɔːm/n.规范;标准;常态8.sake /se I k/n.缘故;理由for the sake of为了……的缘故;由于9.interval /'I ntəvl/n.间隙;间隔10.spur /spɜː(r)/v t.& n.激励;鞭策;刺激Ⅳ.背核心短语1.switch on (用开关)开,打开2.throw in the towel认输3.rely on依靠,依赖4.max out(钱)花光;(信用卡)刷爆5.in contrast to与……形成对比6.personal finances (个人的)财务管理7.persuade sb to do sth说服某人做某事8.on reflection经过仔细考虑9.be occupied with忙于……10.miss out错失(机会);不包括,遗漏11.check out核实;查看;结账离开12.step away from远离13.barrier to ……的障碍14.in control of控制,掌管15.the here and now当下,此时此刻16.put aside储存;留出(一段时间);把……撇开不理,不考虑Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.Not eating for two days would have been easier! (would have done)让我饿两天可能还更轻松些!2.To be honest,I didn’t find the detox too difficult,but I did give my phone to my dad to avoid giving in!(“do+动词原形”表强调)说实话,我觉得社交媒体脱瘾没那么难,但为了让自己不要半途而废,我还是把手机上交给爸爸了。



BEC口语讲义Part 1 Interview:Sample ScenariosInterlocuter: Good morning. My name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?A: Yeah.B: Yeah.I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‟d like to know something about each of you. Ms A, can you tell me a bit about yourself.A.My pleasure. As you know, my name is A. I‟m from Jiangsu Province. I‟m nowstudying in OO University. And I‟m majoring in international trade there.I: Thank you. Ms A. Now Ms B, can you tell me something about your ambitions?B: Yes, I am now a student with OO University majoring in business administration.I hope I can get my MBA and join a world famous multinational company. And after I have had enough experience, I am going to start a company of my own.I: Thank you, Ms B. And Ms A, could you tell me about your ambitions?A: A big question for me indeed. I‟ve never thought about it, but I bet I‟ll work towards a CEO of a big multinational corporation. That‟s my goal in life. And that‟s why I am spending so much time on English, business English in particular..I: Mr. A, you say you‟re spending a lot of time on business English. Do you think business English is difficult to learn?A: Not exactly, though it may be difficult at the initial stage. The thing is that you need to have some business knowledge before you start to learn business English.I: How about you, Ms B? Is it difficult for you?B: Not really. You know, I like English very much, and my major is business administration. So I have always found business English very interesting.* * * *I: Good morning, my name is X, and this is my colleague, Y. And your names are A and B?A: Yeah.B: Yes.I: Thank you. Now, first of all, we‟d like to know something about each of you. Miss A, can you tell me something about your work?A: My pleasure. I‟m working with APC Inc., which is a US-based company. I have worked there for three years on the international marketing side. I must say that it is a very interesting job. I love my job.I: Thank you, Miss A. Now Miss B, can you tell me about your activities outside college?B: Well, I do a lot of interesting things in my spare time. I often go shopping on weekends,something most of the young ladies like me do that in their spare time. And I have worked part time for several big companies. I think, by doing that, I can have some hands-on experience in business. That‟s very important for my future career.I: Thank you, Miss B. And you Miss A, can you tell me about your hometown?A: Hmm…well, my hometown is Nantong. It lies at the mouth of Yangtze River, the longest in China. It has a population of 5 million. There‟s quite some places of historical interests there. And the economy there is growing fast in my hometown. The friendly environment has attracted a lot of investment from overseas.I: Miss B, you said you‟d worked for several companies on a part time basis. Is there any other reason for you to work there apart from obtaining some work experience? B: Yeah. Obviously I can make some extra money from that. You know, my mother is now retrenched. It‟s really not easy for my parents to support me. And I don‟t want to be too heavy a burden for them.I: How about you, Miss A? Are you a part time by any chance?A: Oh, yes. But I don‟t work for companies. I teach several private students. I think teaching is a very interesting job, especially when I see my students are making progress. And just as Miss B said, money is an important consideration for me. So I teach for entertainment as well as for cash.Other possible questions:Life:What‟s your name? Where are you from? Do you think the place you are living in is an ideal place for living? Where do you like to live, in the city or in the countryside? Do you live near here? How did you come here?Work: Where do you work? What kind of work do you like? Who do you work for? What do you like best about your work? What do you think of your present job? What do you think of working at home? Do you like your boss? What kind of boss do you like best?Study: Where do you study? What kind of subjects do you like best? Do you like your school? How do you like exams at school?Hobbies: What do you often go shopping for? Do you like sports? What kind of sports do you like best? Do you think football is more popular in China than before? What are you hobbies? What kind of extracurricular activities do you like best? Why are you interested in golf?* * * *Part 2 Mini-presentation: (1 min preparation, 1 min talk)The structure of a good mini-presentation:I.Introduction: one or two sentences. No need to be very long.There are two ways of starting the question in BEC III “how to…‟ and …the importance of…‟,and BEC II questions always start with …what is important when doing something‟So, for …how to…‟, you can always start with …Well, when it comes to xxing…, quite a number of things can be done.‟or …Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course – how?‟For … the importance of…‟, you can start with …Well, in my view, you should not underestimate the importance of …‟ or …Well, as is known to all, it is very important to…The question is of course –why?‟For BEC II, you can start with …Well, when it comes to xxing…, several vital factors must be taken into account. … or …Well, as we all know, many factors must be considered when…, the questions is of course – which ones?‟Basically, …how to…‟ asks about methods, …the importance of…‟ asks about benefits, and ‘what is important when…‟ asks about factors to consider.II. Main body: 1st point + development sentences2nd point + development sentences(3rd , 4th points + development sentences) ……During the preparation, you should think of at least two points, in the form of key words or key phrases. Then you make a sentence using the each key word or phrase.There are four common ways to construct a development sentence:1.Explanation of the point : In this way, To put it another way, In other words, That is tosay, …so to speak, …let‟s say2.Stating Reasons : As a result, As a consequence, Consequently, Therefore, Due to, Thanks to,On account of3.Giving Examples: Say, For instance, For example, As a good example, By way of example4.Negative hypothesis : If…notBeginning: First of all, To begin with, For one thing, At the first stage, Initially, The company will begin by…Transition: And, And of course, Then, Besides, On the other hand, But more than that, Not only that, Apart from that, And an other thing, On top of that, What‟s more, Beyond those, But most importantly, But above all, Last but not least, Once…, Having (done)…III. Recapitulation or Conclusion: one or two sentences.All in all, In short, In a word, In brief, To summarise, To sum up, To recap, In conclusion, On the whole, Altogether, In a nutshell, To cut a long story shortYou can use the pattern …While there are also other considerations in… I believe the factors mentioned above are the most significant ones. … for …how to…‟ and …what is important…‟ questions. For …the importance of…‟, you can use …While there are also other arguments why… I believe thereasons mentioned above are the most significant ones. …* * * *Sample Mini-presentations:A. III-1. Career Development: how to fill a key vacancyWhen it comes to filling a key vacancy, a company will usually follow the same standard procedure. (开题)It will begin by producing an accurate job description of what it would like the successful candidate to do. (要点1,关键词job description)From this, it can then produce a profile of this ideal candidate, which is a list of skills, experience, attributes and so on. (发展1,解释)Having produced this profile, the company must then decide on the best recruitment method to capture a candidate with this profile. (要点2,关键词recruitment method)This might be an internal advertisement or an external advertisement in a newspaper, on the Internet say, even an agency or perhaps a headhunter. (发展2,例子)Having decided on the best recruitment method, the advertisements are then placed or the headhunter contacted and a list of candidates will be then drawn up to be put through t he company‟s recruitment processes. (要点3,关键词recruitment processes)This might be interviews, psychometric tests or even hand-writing analysis. (发展3,例子)This will then produce the ideal candidate for the company.The company will then have to negotiate terms with this candidate (要点4,关键词negotiate terms)and, hopefully, this will result in terms which are both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the candidate they want. (发展4,解释)Even though different companies vary somewhat in their efforts to fill open posts, the steps mentioned above are very much the norm rather than the exception in any industry. (结论)B. III-11. Recruitment: the importance of having a good CVWell, in my opinion, you should never underestimate the importance of having a good CV. (开题)To begin with, in the majority of cases, your CV is the employer‟s first impression of you. (要点1,关键词first impression)Your first chance to impress your potential employer, let‟s say. (发展1,解释)As you should remember to your advantage, yo u‟ve got only 30 seconds to leave a positive impression on someone, whether he is a customer or a potential employer. (发展1,解释)But more than that, your CV also showcases your essential skills in order to compete in today‟s job market. (要点2,关键词skills)In other words, it provides an illustration of your skills to organize, summarize, prioritize and present information effectively, say, as well as your linguistic and communicative abilities. (发展2,解释)But above all, a CV, by its very nature, also indicates how your qualification and experience match your employer‟s requirements. (要点3,关键词qualification and experience)In this way, your prospective boss will be able to reach a sound decision on your suitability for the position. (发展3,解释)Even though employers these days use a variety of selection techniques, such as analyzing your handwriting or psychometric tests, a good CV is still the single most important part of any application. (结论)C. II-13. What is important when choosing a new supplier? Prices and discounts, ReputationWell, when it comes to choosing a new supplier, several vital factors must be taken into account.To begin with, I think we must consider the price of goods first. We can compare the prices offered by different suppliers and choose the one which is more reasonable. Because only if we get the supply at lower price can we make profits. Of course, it would be even better if the supplier can offer discounts to regular clients.Another point we should also consider is the location of the su pplier. We‟d better choose one who is not too far away from us. If the supplier is too far away, that will most likely increase the cost of transportation.Besides, it‟s also very important to consider whether the supplier is reliable. We would never choo se those who always deliver their goods late or those who can‟t ensure the quality of goods. Because late delivery may bring heavy loss to us, and quality is the lifeline of any business. Otherwise we may lose our own clients. So in this aspect, we must not make any concessions, and lower prices cannot be a valid mitigating factor.While there are also other considerations in choosing a supplier, such as reputation, means of payment, after-sales service, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.D. II-36. What is important when choosing business premises to rent? Location, Length of contractWell, as we all know, many factors must be considered when choosing business premises to rent, the questions is of course – which ones?From my point of view, we should first take the location into consideration. Some companies choose to locate in office blocks downtown; some would like to be near the largest concentrations of their target customers. It depends largely upon the type of the company in question. Companies that provide services must be located within easy access. So they usually choose those places where there is convenient transportation.Another important facet to consider is the size of the premises. Nowadays, more and more large companies prefer an open, spacious working floor which allows colleagues to communicate and interact freely. Of course, a small company would not rent the whole floor. That will be a waste of space and an unnecessary cost burden.Last but not least, the length of contract should not be neglected. A fixed-term contract islegally binding and can only serve to make your situation worse in times of recession. Whenever possible, flexible contract arrangement should be preferred.While there are also other considerations in choosing business premises, such as rent and facilities, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.E. III-7. Career Development: The importance of acquiring a range of skills throughout your careerWell, as is known to all, it is very important for a person to acquire a range of skills in the course of his career. The question is of course – why?When he has a range of skills, first of all, he is obviously more competitive than those who don‟t and therefore has better chances of surviving a downturn. To put it another way, companies are likely to retain highly skilled staff members even when mass layoff is inevitable.And that‟s not the only benefit. A person with a range of skills is more likely t o work his way to the top of the corporate ladder. In most companies, whether or not you have the appropriate skills is a relevant criterion for promotion.On the other hand, it will also be easier for a skilled employee to find a job outside his own company if he is not satisfied with his present job. In this way, acquiring a variety of skills in one‟s career offers more professional mobility.So, when all the benefits are taken into account, no wonder acquisition of skills is taken so seriously nowadays.F. III-8. Career Planning: how to assess the career opportunities provided by different types of companiesWell, when it comes to assessing different career opportunities, several vital factors must be taken into account.First of all, the type of company should be taken into consideration. Different types of firms have their own benefits and challenges. In a multinational company., say, you can learn international business management and culture, and as an icing on the cake, you may have more opportunities to travel abroad. However, English is the working language in multinationals. You have to be very good at English to work there. So state-owned companies may better suit some people.Salary should be another important consideration. As everyone knows, multinational companies usually offer higher salaries. But if you have just graduated from college, you shouldn‟t be too concerned about that. As a new hand, it‟s more important to gain more experience through working rather than earn quick money.After salary, we should not ignore other financial rewards in the form of fringe benefits. Some companies offer housing allowance, car allowance, children‟s education allowance in addition to salaries. Still others provide staff with free health club and cafeteria. And high tech firms often supplement salaries with stock options.Although there are also other considerations in assessing different careeropportunities, such as training, location, and good colleagues, I believe the factors mentioned above are the most indispensable ones.G. III-31. Human Resources: how to select the right staff for promotionWell, as is known to all, it is very important to select the right staff for promotion. The question is of course – how?For one thing, qualification definitely counts a great deal. A good qualification, especially an advanced degree, normally indicates high aptitude and a wide range of knowledge and skills. Even though we often hear clichés like …But degrees don‟t mean everything‟, in the real world, qualification actually means a lot.That said, there ARE certain skills and knowledge, or what we call flair, that come only from long-time hands-on experience. So it is only natural that the next thing to consider should be experience. Only by accumulating enough experience can an employee be totally at ease with his duties. Besides, experience can also tell us about his performance, track record, and leadership potential.Well, last but not least, personality should also be a factor in any staffing decision. Different positions require different personal qualities. The highest virtues for an engineer engaged in R & D, for instance, would be meticulousness and creativity. Yet for a sales manager, being energetic and outgoing is much more important because sales managers have to leave a good first impression upon their clients. But for any position, hard-working people are always welcome.So to recap, qualification, experience and personality are the three promotion criteria that we all need to keep in mind.H. III-62. Product Promotion: how to promote an imported brandWith so many people these days making a conscious decision to buy domestic products, the pressure on those companies wishing to promote imported brands is greater than ever before.Initially, a company needs to show how their product is superior to the local equivalents. Maybe it‟s better quality; maybe it‟s more stylish; maybe it‟s better image. Anyway, a company needs to show customers the benefits of being more adventurous in their buying decisions, in order to encourage them to move away from the home brands they currently use.Well, beyond that, if you market a product as something exotic or unusual, say, you‟re bound to attract new clients. As you may also have expe rienced, most people have a strong craving for things novel and unfamiliar. Of course, when the sense of curiosity wears off, such a strategy will usually fall short of expectations.Last but not least, cultural stereotypes are also a powerful selling tool. A cosmetics range associated with French chic, for example, is sure to attract customers. And if people are looking to buy a reliable car, there‟s no better label than …made inGermany‟. These national associations can also be exploited at the point o f sale. Playing French music in supermarkets, for example, is proven to improve the sales of French wine.All in all, if you want to successfully promote an imported brand, you need to give your customers a good reason to try something a little bit more exciting than their own home brands.I. III-70. Advertising: the importance of stereotypes in advertisingWell, I‟m very much convinced that you should never underestimate the importance of stereotypes in advertising.First of all, a stereotype is something enduring and easily identifiable to a whole national group. When an Asian audience see Eiffel Tower in an ad, they instantly conjure up the romantic image of Paris at night. And with that in mind, any product associated with French chic, say, cosmetics, perfume, and fashion, will become an easy sell. As another example, the German Audi designers in white lab coats are obviously obsessed with perfection. And so we can guarantee that any product we buy from them is going to be designed to perfection the moment we see this ad.What‟s more, stereotypes can make us feel good about our own value systems or customs. An ad targeted at a British audience might pit a refined Londoner against a brash New Yorker and that‟ll give the impression that the product we‟r e selling is obviously full of taste and discretion. And in this way, stereotypes reinforce the positive qualities in the minds of the viewers.And lastly, stereotypes make good comedy because everybody wants to laugh at other countries and people who are different. A fictitious aboriginal tribe once served as the backdrop for a celebrated cell phone ad. The contrast between the modern and the primitive kept the audience in stitches. And of course, if they‟ve had a laugh, they‟re more likely to remember the advert.So to sum up, stereotypes are useful to advertisers because they‟re basically a shorthand. You‟ve got thirty seconds to get your main selling point across. And with a stereotype you can do that in two.J. III-84. Marketing: the importance of packaging products appropriately In recent years, numerous factors have made packaging an important marketing tool.Increased competition and clutter on retail store shelves means that packages now must perform many sales tasks -- from attracting attention, to describing the product, to making the sale. Among these, the first one is undoubtedly the most crucial function. Companies are realizing the power of good packaging to create instant consumer recognition of the company or brand. Nowadays, in an average supermarket, which stocks 15,000 to 17,000 items, the typical shopper passes by some 300 items per minute, and 53 percent of all purchases are made on impulse. In this highly competitive environment, the package may be the seller‟s last chance to influence buyers. It becomes a “five-second commercial”. The renowned Campbell Soup Company, say, estimates that the average shopper sees its familiar red and white can 76 times a year, creating the equivalent of$26 million worth of advertising. However, everyone‟s favorite success story on packaging involves the ubiquitous red Coke can. Marketers everywhere have emulated but rarely equaled the marketing power of its simple design. More recently, the picture of a smiling Tiger Woods, the golf guru, appears on the boxes of a certain brand of cereals, apparently to convey an image of fitness, energy, and vitality. The effort has not been wasted – its sales tripled in one year.In brief, while good packaging can serve many practical purposes, it is with its utility in effective product promotion that marketers are primarily concerned.K. III-87. Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a company’s products Well, as is known to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. The question is of course – how?I think there are several ways to do that. For one thing, we should always make sure that we provide our customers with quality goods and quality after-sales service, as these two aspects are indisputably the lifeline of any business. Continuous new product development and innovation in service are also necessary in reinforcing and expanding customer base.Apart from that, enough emphasis should be laid on the feedback from our customers. If necessary, prompt action should be taken to take care of their needs and demands.Finally, if possible we should provide some incentives to repeat customers. For example, we can grant a certain rebate to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. And offering coupons and free delivery to customers are also effective and feasible methods.All in all, we should try our utmost to keep our customers satisfied and fulfill their expectations. Only by doing so can we maintain clients‟ interest in our products.L. III-113. Production Development: the importance of R & D to a company To illustrate the importance of research and development to some firms, the level of annual investment in research and development by the top ten listed corporations in the States can serve as a telling indicator: each of these firms typically spends more than $1 billion on research and development per year. The question is, why?First of all, firms invest funds in research and development primarily in order to design new products. F or instance, Procter and Gamble‟s R & D resulted in its two-in-one shampoo and conditioner technology. This new technology has been used in its famous Pantene, Head & Shoulders products, which now enjoy a significant market share in various countries.On the other hand, companies also use R & D to improve the products they already produce. Again, Procter and Gamble has improved the technology of Tide detergent more than seventy times. And not surprisingly, Tide is now the leading detergent in North America.What‟s more, R & D can allow one firm a huge competitive advantage and therefore improve revenue streams dramatically. For example, Pfizer, one of the pharmaceutical titans, has successfully obtained patents for such best selling drugs as Benadryl, Listerine and Viagra. In other words, Pfizer now has the monopoly in these lucrative drugs. This …license to print money‟ comes directly from Pfizer‟s R & D activities.In short, firms that spend money on R & D have found to their delight that the benefits almost always exceed the expenses.M. III-130. Health and Safety: the importance of a safe working environment for maintaining staff moraleFirms that create a safe working environment not only prevent injuries but improve the morale of their employees as well. I feel strongly that this is something indispensable for any company.First of all, a safe working environment offers peace of mind to staff members and therefore can significantly motivate staff to enhance a firm‟s productivity. As a result, m any leading firms, such as Intel and GE, now identify workplace safety as one of their main goals. Not surprisingly, these are some of the best performing firms anywhere in the world.What‟s more, a safe environment can reduce the occurrence of workplace a ccidents, which are usually a source of staff dissatisfaction and low trust in the management. Taking safety measures can enhance staff loyalty and, in turn, moral. For instance, Levi Strauss and Co. imposes safety guidelines not only in its US facilities but also in Asian factories where some of its clothes are made. Starbucks, meanwhile, has developed a code of conduct in an attempt to improve the quality of life in coffee-producing countries, in an effort to buck against sweatshop-like working conditions. These two companies have been rated highly by their employees.In short, if you want to boost morale among your staff, or to put it in plain words, if you want to see enthusiasm, confidence, or loyalty in your workforce, then safety should have your prior attention.N. III-137. International Business: the importance of a global presence for a company With more mergers and acquisitions than ever before, I think it‟s becoming quite clear that a company in the future will need to have a global presence in order to compete in tomorrow‟s market place. This presence can give a company many competitive advantages.To begin with, say, it can give access to local market knowledge, which can help avoid some very, very expensive mistakes on account of cultural conflicts. The Matsushita Firm of Japan learned this at a price, when they, without knowing the negative connotations of the word in the US, first launched their products under the brand name of “National‟. Only when they switched to …Panasonic‟ did the fla t sale become brisk.On top of that, a global presence can spread the risk of doing business. As the saying goes: Don‟t put all your eggs in one basket. If a company sells to more than one market, it can survive a downturn in any one of those markets, tha t‟s something for sure.And if a company becomes truly global, the size of the company means it can realize economies of scale, say, in advertising or distribution or shipping. It can also move its production from country to country and take advantage of the best conditions at any given time.So I think, all in all, when these things are taken into consideration, it‟s quite clear that any company not looking to establish a global presence in the future may not have a future at all.O. III-138. Business Ethics: how to encourage ethical behaviour from employees Figures show that more and more companies are now reporting their ethical performance and it‟s clear, I think, that companies now have to address the issue of ensuring ethical behaviour amongst their staff. The question is of course – how?To begin with, awareness is key. And in order to promote awareness for ethics, the company needs to put ethics high on the training and staff development agenda. The HR department, say, can sponsor some workshops or seminars on business ethics, or even invite some external experts for this purpose.Once these procedures are in place, the company then needs to spell out an official code of ethical practice and ensure that all employees have access to it and can understand it easily. The company then needs to implement an effective and anonymous system of reporting any breaches of this code. Some companies even benchmark their ethical practices against those of industry leaders and see how they‟re doing.I suppose it‟s also vital that companies ensure that their senior managers set a good example, …walk and talk‟ so to speak. If they don‟t behave ethically why should staff?All in all, whatever measures a company adopts, it needs to make staff understand why ethics is important not just to the company but also to themselves as well.* * * *BEC II Part 2 questions:Career 职业题1.What is important when looking for a new job? Location, Salary, Good colleaguesSee C, F--Last but not least, good colleagues are not a minor consideration either. As we all know,。



专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷204(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 2. LISTENING COMPREHENSIONPART II LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.听力原文: A New Approach to Debate (1)Teachers of English may hesitate to teach debate because they think it is beyond their students’ language ability, or proficiency. But debate can be a powerful tool. It can help students learn to speak naturally and to listen carefully. Professor Charles Lebeau teaches English and debate in Japan. He wrote “Discover Debate” with Michael Lubetsky. The book helps English teachers and learners understand how to carry on a simple debate. The “Discover Debate” approach has three stages: creating a visual aid to communicate an argument, presenting the argument and answering the other team’s argument. Each stage puts increasing demands on language ability. It begins with a pre-debate experience. When teaching debate to English learners, Mr. Lebeau recommends beginning with “controlled practice.”Students work in pairs to practice saying opinions and giving reasons in short conversations. (2)They learn to identify opinions and arguments about everyday topics, such as sports stars, foods, weather and habits.(3)Teachers may be tempted to give students serious topics, such as “People should stop using nuclear power.” However, Mr. Lebeau cautions that English learners may not have the necessary language ability to handle such topics. More serious topics often require special vocabulary and research. Mr. Lebeau’s classes in Japan are like many in universities; they have 40 to 50 students. (4)He has students form debate teams of three or six, depending on the total number of students. (5)Each_team creates a visual aid to show their thinking on the topic. The visual is a house: a roof represents an opinion, pillars are the reasons supporting the opinion and the foundation is the evidence. In the next stage, students present their argument. They have to do some talking, but not too much. (6)The third stage is answering the opponents’ argument. Here, debaters need a higher level of language ability. (7)Mr. Lebeau recommends pausing for the opposing team to develop their answers, or refutations. Each team might go to a different area and discuss the weak points in the opposing argument. Students must first think about the arguments carefully. In “Discover Debate,”Michael Lubetsky and Charles Lebeau include a guide to help students evaluate arguments. The evaluation also takes advantage of the visual aid of a house. (8)Students are asked to look for flaws, or problems. They identify things that are either “not true”or “not important.”(9)Students can write easilyremembered abbreviations on their opponents’ houses: “NT” for not true, “NAT” for not always true, or “NNT” for not necessarily true. These simple expressions make it easier for students to refute their opponents’arguments. Traditional debate includes several cycles of presentation and refutation. For English learners, one cycle of presentation and refutation is usually enough practice. Mr. Lebeau says sometimes he asks the rest of the class to vote on which side won. (10)Asking for audience feedback gives the lesson a good ending. But, he says, additional discussion depends on the situation and the level of the students.A New Approach to DebateI. Teachers’hesitation: debate is beyond students’【T1】______【T1】______II. Suggestions from Prof. Charles Lebeau to teachersa) Begin with controlled practice: to【T2】______opinions and arguments【T2】______b) Caution: no【T3】______topics 【T3】______III. “Discover Debate”ApproachTeam members: depending on the【T4】______of students 【T4】______The first stage: creating a【T5】______aid【T5】______The second stage: presenting argumentsThe third stage: answering the【T6】______argument 【T6】______a) Pause for the opponents to develop answers or【T7】______【T7】______b) Evaluate arguments: to look for【T8】______ . 【T8】______c) Write easily remembered【T9】______【T9】______Ending: ask for audience 【T10】______【T10】______ 1.【T1】正确答案:language ability/proficiency解析:空格前的beyond students’提示填入一个名词,表示“超出学生的……范围”。



立意选材结构语言摘抄仿写英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Writing an English essay can seem like a daunting task, but breaking it down into key elements can make the process much more manageable. As a student, understanding the purpose, content selection, structure, language usage, incorporation of quotations, and strategic imitation is crucial for crafting an effective and impactful essay.Purpose:Before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), it's essential to establish the purpose of your essay. Are you aiming to inform, persuade, analyze, or express a personal viewpoint? Identifying the purpose early on will guide your content selection, language choices, and overall approach. For instance, a persuasive essay might require a more assertive tone and stronger rhetorical devices, while an informative essay might prioritize objective facts and clear explanations.Content Selection:With the purpose in mind, the next step is to carefully select the content that will support your argument or central idea. Thorough research is key, as you'll need to gather relevant information, evidence, and examples from credible sources. However, it's equally important to be selective and prioritize the most compelling and pertinent information. Including irrelevant or tangential details can dilute the impact of your essay and confuse the reader.Structure:A well-structured essay is like a roadmap that guides the reader through your thought process and arguments. The traditional structure comprises an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should capture the reader's attention, provide context, and present a clear thesis statement. The body paragraphs should logically develop your arguments, with each paragraph focused on a specific point supported by evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize your main points, reinforce your thesis, and leave a lasting impression.Language:The language you use in your essay plays a crucial role in conveying your ideas effectively. Precise word choice, varied sentence structures, and appropriate tone and register are allessential elements. Avoid overly complex or convoluted language, as clarity should be a priority. Additionally, pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure that your writing is polished and professional.Quotations:Incorporating well-chosen quotations from credible sources can significantly strengthen your arguments and lend authority to your essay. However, it's important to use quotations judiciously and ensure that they are properly introduced, integrated into your writing, and analyzed or explained. Overreliance on quotations or using them without proper context can detract from the flow and coherence of your essay.Imitation:While plagiarism is strictly prohibited, strategic imitation can be a valuable learning tool. Analyzing and emulating the writing styles, techniques, and structures employed by accomplished writers can help you develop your own writing skills. Pay attention to how they construct their arguments, incorporate evidence, and craft compelling sentences and transitions. However, it's crucial to avoid direct copying and instead aim to internalize and adapt these techniques in your own unique voice.As you navigate the complexities of English essay writing, remember that practice, feedback, and continuous improvement are key. Embrace the challenges, learn from your mistakes, and strive to produce work that not only meets academic standards but also showcases your critical thinking, creativity, and command of the language.篇2Theme, Content, Structure, Language: The Keys to Great English WritingAs an English student, I've learned that writing a strong essay requires mastering several key elements - theme, content selection, structure, and language. Getting these right is essential for creating a compelling and effective piece of writing. Let me break each of these down and share my thoughts.ThemeThe theme is the central idea or message that runs through your essay. It's the glue that holds everything together and gives your writing purpose and meaning. A good theme tackles an interesting and relevant topic, providing insight into the human condition or the world around us.Choosing a theme can be tricky. You want it to be specific enough to explore in depth, but broad enough to allow for analysis from multiple angles. For example, instead of the overly broad "Love," you might choose "The Destructive Power of Jealousy in Relationships" as a more focused theme.Once you've settled on a theme, every part of your essay should tie back to it in some way. Your examples, analysis, and arguments should all work together to illustrate and support the central message you're trying to convey.Content SelectionWith your overarching theme in mind, the next step is choosing what content and examples to include in your essay. This is where research becomes critical - you need to gather a variety of relevant facts, quotes, and insights from credible sources.When selecting content, ask yourself: Does this support my theme? Does it offer a fresh perspective or counter-argument to consider? Is it interesting and substantive enough to analyze in depth? Your examples should be specific and vivid, allowing you to dive into detailed analysis.At the same time, be judicious about what to leave out. Not every piece of information will be relevant or strengthen your essay. Stick to your theme and cull anything that feels extraneous or distracting.StructureNow that you have a theme and content, how do you organize it all? This is where smart structural choices come into play. There are numerous ways to structure an essay, but a few proven models include:The classic 5-paragraph essay (intro, 3 body paragraphs, conclusion)Comparing and contrasting two ideas, texts, or viewpointsChronological or process-oriented for examining sequential eventsCause-and-effect for exploring relationships between thingsThe structure you choose should make logical sense and enable a smooth flow from one idea to the next. Use clear transitions to link paragraphs and sections. The intro should hook the reader, the body should build your argument, and the conclusion should leave a lasting impression.LanguageFinally, we come to language - the vehicle through which you convey your theme, content, and structure. Using language effectively can make or break an essay. You should strive for:Precise vocabulary to articulate your ideas clearlyVaried sentence structures to create rhythm and maintain interestA consistent, academic tone appropriate for the contextVivid descriptions that immerse the reader in key details and examplesIf writing is not your strength, don't be afraid to revise, rev篇3Theme, Material Selection, Structure, Language, Excerpts, and Imitation in English WritingWriting an effective English essay requires a well-crafted combination of various elements. In this essay, I will explore the significance of theme, material selection, structure, language, excerpts, and imitation in the process of English writing.Theme:The theme serves as the backbone of any written work, providing a central idea or message that the writer aims to convey. Identifying a compelling and relevant theme is crucial as it sets the tone and direction for the entire piece. A strong theme not only captivates the reader's interest but also allows for deeper exploration and analysis. In my English writing, I strive to choose themes that resonate with my personal experiences, societal issues, or universal truths, as these tend to evoke a more profound connection with the audience.Material Selection:Selecting appropriate materials is an essential step in developing a well-rounded and substantive English essay. This involves gathering relevant information, examples, anecdotes, and evidence from reliable sources to support the central theme or argument. Effective material selection not only lends credibility to the writing but also enhances the depth and persuasiveness of the essay. As a student, I have learned to critically evaluate sources, prioritize authoritative and scholarly materials, and strike a balance between factual information and thought-provoking perspectives.Structure:The structure of an English essay plays a pivotal role in organizing thoughts, guiding the reader's understanding, and ensuring a cohesive flow throughout the piece. A well-structured essay typically consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction captures the reader's attention and presents the central thesis or argument. The body paragraphs provide the main supporting points, evidence, and analysis, while the conclusion summarizes the key ideas and offers a final perspective or call to action. As a student, I have come to appreciate the importance of a clear and logical structure, as it not only facilitates the writing process but also enhances the overall readability and impact of the essay.Language:Language is the medium through which ideas are conveyed in an English essay. Effective use of language involves employing a diverse vocabulary, varied sentence structures, and appropriate tone and style. Strong language skills not only enhance the clarity and precision of the writing but also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and emotional resonance of the piece. As a student, I continuously strive to expand my vocabulary, experiment with different stylistic techniques, and adapt mylanguage to suit the intended audience and purpose of the essay.Excerpts:Incorporating well-chosen excerpts or quotations from authoritative sources can significantly enrich an English essay. These excerpts serve as supporting evidence, provide credibility, and offer alternative perspectives or insights. Effective use of excerpts involves seamlessly integrating them into the writing, properly citing the sources, and providing appropriate context and analysis. As a student, I have learned to carefully select relevant and impactful excerpts that complement and reinforce the central argument or theme of my essay.Imitation:Imitation, in the context of English writing, involves studying and emulating the techniques, styles, and approaches of accomplished writers. By analyzing the works of notable authors, poets, or essayists, students can gain valuable insights into effective writing strategies, such as varying sentence structures, employing literary devices, or crafting compelling narratives. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between imitation and originality, ensuring that the writing remains authentic and avoids plagiarism. As a student, I have benefited from studyingthe works of esteemed writers, allowing me to incorporate their strengths while still maintaining my unique voice and perspective.In conclusion, crafting an effective English essay requires a harmonious interplay of theme, material selection, structure, language, excerpts, and imitation. By thoughtfully considering and mastering these elements, students can elevate their writing to new heights, effectively conveying their ideas, engaging their readers, and leaving a lasting impact. The journey of English writing is a continuous process of learning, refining, and honing one's skills, ultimately enabling students to express themselves with clarity, depth, and eloquence.。



职业的英语测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does the word "profession" mean?A) A job that requires specific education and trainingB) A hobby that someone enjoysC) A part-time occupationD) A volunteer position2. Which of the following is NOT a professional qualification?A) A degree in the relevant fieldB) A strong work ethicC) The ability to play video gamesD) Certification from a recognized institution3. What is the term used to describe the process of becominga member of a profession?A) PromotionB) RecruitmentC) AccreditationD) Retention4. In the context of professions, what does "ethics" refer to?A) The physical appearance of a professionalB) The moral principles that guide professional conductC) The salary range of a professionD) The tools used in a profession5. Which of the following is a common characteristic ofprofessionals?A) They work independentlyB) They are not accountable for their actionsC) They do not require ongoing educationD) They have no code of conduct6. What is the term for a professional who has been certified by a professional body?A) A specialistB) A practitionerC) A consultantD) An affiliate7. What does "CPD" stand for in the context of professional development?A) Career Progression DevelopmentB) Certified Professional DevelopmentC) Continuing Professional DevelopmentD) Comprehensive Professional Development8. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of professional membership?A) Access to professional networksB) Opportunities for professional developmentC) Reduced job securityD) Access to industry-specific resources9. What is the term used to describe the process of a professional being recognized for their expertise in a specific field?A) CertificationB) RecognitionC) ValidationD) Endorsement10. Which of the following is a common requirement for maintaining professional status?A) Paying annual membership feesB) Attending social eventsC) Participating in non-professional activitiesD) Relocating to a different city答案:1. A2. C3. C4. B5. A6. B7. C8. C9. D10. A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. A professional is someone who engages in a __________ that requires specific education and training.12. Professional development often involves __________ to stay current in one's field.13. The term "continuing education" is often used interchangeably with __________.14. A professional's __________ is a set of rules that guidetheir conduct and responsibilities.15. To maintain their professional status, individuals may need to complete a certain number of __________ hours each year.答案:11. vocation12. ongoing education13. CPD14. code of ethics15. CPD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. What are the benefits of joining a professional association?17. Why is it important for professionals to adhere to a code of ethics?18. Describe the role of a professional certification in a career.19. Explain the concept of professional liability.答案:16. Benefits of joining a professional association include networking opportunities, access to industry news and resources, professional development, and advocacy for the profession.17. Adhering to a code of ethics is important for professionals to maintain public trust, ensure ethical behavior, and protect the reputation of the profession.18. Professional certification validates an individual's knowledge and skills in a specific field, often leading toincreased credibility, better job opportunities, and higher earning potential.19. Professional liability refers to the legal responsibility of professionals for the advice or services they provide, which can result in legal consequences if they fail to meetthe expected standards of care.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)20. Discuss the importance of ongoing professional development in today's rapidly changing work environment.21. Elaborate on the role of professional standards in maintaining the quality of services provided by professionals.答案:20. Ongoing professional development is crucial in a rapidly changing work environment as it ensures that professionalsstay abreast of new developments, technologies, and best practices in their field. It helps to maintain their competence, fosters innovation, and can lead to career advancement. Continuous learning also contributes to the adaptability and resilience of professionals in the face of industry disruptions.21. Professional standards play a critical role inmaintaining the quality of services provided by professionals. They set the benchmarks for competence。



Technically considered a comedy, The merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's most polarizing works. The story has been both derided as anti-Semitic and celebrated for its complex portrayal of Shylock the Jewish moneylender. it’s a divide that Tony and olivier Award-winning actor Jonathan Pryce admits troubled him when he took on the role in Shakespeare Globe’s acclaimed adaptation.“T o be honest I had never liked the play,” Pryce admits. “Like many I found it difficult, un-funny and racist.”Written in around 1600, The Merchant of Venice follows Bassanio’s attempts to woo the wealthy heiress Portia. In order to impress, he borrows money from his friend Antonio, who takes a loan from Shylock on one condition: If the moneylender goes unpaid, he is entitled to a pound of Antonio’s flesh. When Antonio and Bassanio can’t pay off the debt, what follows is a memorable court scene featuring a controversial depiction of Jews.Written during a time when Jews were banished from England (it would be another 50 years before Oliver Cromwell overturned Edward I’s 13th Century edict) and were forced to wear a red hat at all times in cities like Venice, the play has been cited by anti-Semites for centuries. The Nazis broadcast productions of it across German airwaves in 1938 following the Kristallnacht, a horrific two-day attack on synagogues and Jewish businesses.Others, however, point to Shylock’smemorable ‘Hath not a Jew eyes’ courtroom speech as a defense of Shakespeare. The speech is among The Bard’s most eloquent, famous for its pleas of empathy from a char-acter who is openly mistreated throughout the story.While the role of Shylock had, for centu-ries, been played as repulsively evil, it’s been one of the most coveted Shakespearean parts since Jewish actor Jacob Adler’s famed sympa-thetic portrayal became the talk of London in1814. The most respected of thespians – fromSir Henry Irving (the first actor to be knight-ed) to Academy Award winner Al Pacino –have since followed in that tradition.Assuming the role for the Globe’s four-country tour, Pryce eventually reconsideredthe role after re-reading the play last year.The acclaimed actor of both stage (hisaward-winning turn in Hamlet) and screen(Terry Gilliam’s Brazil) arrives with newfame brought about by his memorable por-trayal as the High Sparrow in the mega-hitGame of Thrones.“I saw the play through Shylock’s eyesand, more and more, it took on a contempo-rary relevance,” he explains. “It’s not a racistplay but a play about racism. It’s about thefear of the alien, the immigrant. It’s aboutbuilding barriers and the restricted move-ment of an entire race. In short, it’s a playabout the relationship between Britain andEurope.”The show’s executive producer, TomBird, shares Pryce’s view.“The play shines a light on the toleranceof others,” he explains. “We hope this produc-tion encourages recognition that all humansare fundamentally equal.”London’s theater world was taken bystorm when the adaptation showed last yearat Shakespeare’s Globe, the reconstructedtheater located a few hundred yards from theoriginal Globe Theater on the River Thames’south bank.The show is now in the midst of a worldtour that stops off at the Guangzhou OperaHouse from August 31 to September 3. It willbe the third time the acclaimed productioncompany has performed on the mainland af-ter past tours of A Midsummer Night’s Dreamand Hamlet.“The reception has been incredible fromboth critics and audiences,” Bird says duringa rare moment of free time during the show’stour of America. “The whole acting companyis extraordinarily talented and we are de-lighted that most of them wanted to tour theworld after the original Globe run.”Wed-Sat Aug 31-Sept 3 at 7.30pm, Sun Sept 4 at 3pm; RMB80-880. Guangzhou Opera House, 1 Zhujiang Xi Lu, ZhujiangXincheng, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区珠江新城珠江西路1号*************)it’s not a racist playbut a play aboutracism. it’s aboutbuilding barriersand the restrictedmovement of anentire race. in short,it’s a play about therelationship betweenbritain and europedO wE nOT BlEEd?The high Sparrow Conquers the Bard's Biggest ProblemBy andrEw China r T s|s t A g e36s e p t e m b e r2016|g Z|w w w.t h At s m A g s.c o mCopyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.。



1."This method is superior to the previous one."这种方法比以前的方法优越。

2."This book is worth reading."这本书值得一读。

3."Bear in mind that this is a sensitive issue."记住,这是一个敏感问题。

4."He is better off with his new job."他的新工作让他境况更好。

5."The new policy will bring about significant changes."新政策将带来(引起)重大变化。

6."The new law aims to bring down pollution levels."新法律旨在降低污染水平。

7."The company plans to bring in new technology."公司计划引入新技术。

8."The teacher's encouragement brought out the best in her students."老师的鼓励激发了学生们的最佳表现。

9."She burst into tears."她突然哭了起来。

10."By all means,help yourself."当然,请随便用。

11."She sent the email to the wrong address by mistake."她误把(ad.)邮件发错了地址。

12."They called in a specialist for the job."他们请来了一位专家处理这项工作。



When envisioning a future filled with great achievements,its essential to consider the steps and mindset that will lead to such success.Heres a detailed look at what it takes to set the stage for a prosperous future.Vision and Goal SettingTo achieve greatness,one must first have a clear vision.This involves identifying what you want to accomplish and why its important to you.Setting specific,measurable, achievable,relevant,and timebound SMART goals can help you stay focused and motivated.Education and Continuous LearningA strong foundation of knowledge is crucial for any ambitious endeavor.Pursuing higher education,attending workshops,and engaging in selfdirected learning can all contribute to your intellectual growth.Staying updated with the latest developments in your field of interest is also key to staying competitive.Hard Work and PerseveranceNo achievement comes without effort.Dedication to your goals,coupled with a strong work ethic,is essential.Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when faced with obstacles.Its about learning from failures and using them as stepping stones to success. Networking and Building RelationshipsThe relationships you build can significantly impact your future achievements. Networking with professionals in your field can open doors to opportunities and collaborations.Building a strong support system of friends,family,and mentors can provide the encouragement and advice needed to navigate challenges.Adaptability and FlexibilityThe world is constantly changing,and being able to adapt to new situations is a valuable skill.Being flexible allows you to pivot your plans when necessary and to take advantage of new opportunities that arise.Health and WellbeingMaintaining physical and mental health is fundamental to achieving longterm success.Regular exercise,a balanced diet,and sufficient rest are all essential for keeping your body and mind in top shape.Mental wellbeing is equally important,and practices such as meditation and mindfulness can help manage stress and maintain a positive outlook.Ethics and IntegrityUpholding high ethical standards and demonstrating integrity in all your endeavors can build trust and respect among your peers and the public.This can lead to a positive reputation,which is invaluable in any career.Innovation and CreativityThinking outside the box and being creative in your approach to problemsolving can set you apart from others.Innovation is often the driving force behind significant achievements and can lead to breakthroughs in various fields.Resilience and Emotional IntelligenceBeing resilient means bouncing back from setbacks and maintaining a positive attitude. Emotional intelligence,which involves understanding and managing your own emotions and empathizing with others,can help you navigate social and professional situations more effectively.Time Management and OrganizationEffective time management is crucial for achieving your goals.Being organized helps you make the most of your time and ensures that you can balance multiple tasks and responsibilities.Passion and CommitmentFinally,having a genuine passion for what you do is one of the most powerful motivators. When youre truly committed to your goals,youre more likely to put in the necessary effort and stay the course,even when the going gets tough.In conclusion,achieving a great future is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a combination of personal qualities,skills,and strategic planning.By focusing on these areas,you can set yourself up for a future filled with success and fulfillment.。



英语销售招聘范文1We are currently seeking an exceptional English sales professional to join our dynamic team! Our company is expanding rapidly in the global market, and we need a talented individual who can drive our sales to new heights.The responsibilities of this role are extensive and challenging. You will be required to communicate effectively with international clients, understanding their needs and providing tailored solutions. You will also need to formulate sales strategies to achieve our sales targets and conduct in-depth market analyses to identify new business opportunities.The ideal candidate for this position should possess fluent oral and written English skills. Excellent communication skills are a must, as you will be interacting with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Moreover, a proven track record in sales and a deep understanding of the market are highly desirable.If you believe you have what it takes to excel in this role and are passionate about making a significant contribution to our company's success, we would love to hear from you! Don't miss this opportunity to take your career to the next level. Apply now!2We are on the hunt for exceptional English sales talents to join our dynamic team! Imagine a workplace where you are not just an employee but a key player in shaping the future. Our company offers a vast expanse of development space. Here, your potential knows no bounds!We provide highly competitive compensation and benefits packages. Isn't it something you've been longing for? A pleasant working environment awaits you. It's a place that boosts your motivation and creativity every day!But, we have certain expectations too. We need you to possess a strong spirit of teamwork. Can you thrive in collaborating with others to achieve common goals? Also, the ability to adapt to a high-pressure working environment is crucial. Have you proven your mettle in such scenarios before? And, having successful sales cases in your portfolio would be a definite plus!If you think you have what it takes, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Come and be part of our success story!3We are on the hunt for passionate and driven individuals to join our dynamic team as English sales professionals! Imagine the thrill of communicating with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. Isn't itexciting to bridge the gap and build connections? But it's not all smooth sailing. There are challenges, like understanding the unique needs and preferences of each client. It requires sharp skills and adaptability! However, fear not. Our company offers a professional training system that equips you with the knowledge and strategies needed to succeed. And that's not all! We have regular performance rewards to recognize and celebrate your achievements. The potential to expand into international markets is huge. Don't you want to be a part of this adventure and boost your personal sales capabilities? Here, you'll not only grow professionally but also have the opportunity to make a significant impact. So, if you have the passion, the drive, and the willingness to take on challenges, come and be a part of our amazing team. What are you waiting for?4We are currently seeking passionate and driven individuals to join our dynamic sales team as English sales representatives! This is an amazing opportunity that offers not only a fulfilling job but also a clear and promising career path.The main responsibilities of this position include communicating with customers on a daily basis. You will need to understand their needs, provide professional advice and solutions, and establish good relationships with them. Another crucial task is to follow up on orders, ensuring a smooth process from placement to delivery. Maintaining excellent customerrelationships is also of paramount importance. You will handle customer inquiries and complaints promptly and effectively to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.As for the career development, with your hard work and excellent performance, you can progress from a sales representative to a sales manager. Imagine leading a team, making strategic decisions, and achieving greater business success! Isn't it exciting?If you have excellent communication skills in English, a passion for sales, and a strong desire to grow, we sincerely welcome you to join us! Don't miss this wonderful chance to shine and create a brilliant career!The Recruitment Team5We are currently on the hunt for an exceptional English sales professional to join our dynamic team! 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高一英语周报试题及答案一、词汇与语法(共20分,每题2分)1. The new law will come into _______ on the first day of next month.A. effectB. affectC. effortD. afford2. The teacher asked us to _______ the text and then answer the questions.A. read throughB. read overC. read outD. read aloud3. The company has _______ its profits by 20% this year.A. increasedB. decreasedC. raisedD. lowered4. She _______ to the meeting this afternoon because she had to take care of her sick child.A. attendedB. missedC. escapedD. avoided5. The book is _______ interesting that I can hardly put it down.A. soB. suchC. veryD. too二、阅读理解(共30分,每题3分)Passage 1(文章内容略)6. What is the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of a healthy diet.B. The benefits of regular exercise.C. The dangers of smoking.D. The effects of stress on health.7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a way to reduce stress?A. Listening to music.B. Taking a walk.C. Eating junk food.D. Practicing yoga.8. The author suggests that stress can be beneficial if:A. It is managed properly.B. It is completely avoided.C. It is caused by work.D. It is experienced in small amounts.Passage 2(文章内容略)9. What does the author think about the use of technology in education?A. It is essential.B. It is unnecessary.C. It is harmful.D. It is controversial.10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using technology in the classroom mentioned in the passage?A. Improved student engagement.B. Enhanced learning outcomes.C. Increased teacher workload.D. Greater access to resources.三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)(文章内容略)11. The word "prosperous" in the context most likely means _______.A. wealthyB. successfulC. crowdedD. noisy12. The author believes that the key to a country'sdevelopment is its _______.A. natural resourcesB. population sizeC. economic policiesD. educational system13. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the decline in manufacturing jobs?A. Technological advancementsB. GlobalizationC. Government policiesD. Environmental regulations14. The author suggests that the best way to improve the job market is by _______.A. investing in technologyB. encouraging entrepreneurshipC. providing job trainingD. lowering taxes15. The overall tone of the passage is _______.A. optimisticB. pessimisticC. neutralD. critical四、书面表达(共30分)16. Write an essay of about 200 words on the topic "The Role of Technology in Modern Society". You should write clearly and coherently, and support your ideas with examples andreasons.(作文内容略)参考答案一、词汇与语法1-5 AADBA二、阅读理解6-10 DCBDA三、完形填空11-15 ABACD四、书面表达(作文评分标准略)。

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A new approach to interoperability between ODRL and MPEG-21 RELJaime Delgado, Jose Prados, Eva RodríguezUniversitat Pompeu Fabra, Passeig de Circumval·lació, 8, 08003 Barcelona, Spain {jaime.delgado, josep.prados, eva.rodriguez}@AbstractA key issue for the real deployment of Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems is interoperability. A clear example is at the level of Rights Expression Languages (RELs), where two of them are a prominent role. On the one hand, ODRL (Open Digital Rights Language) is an initiative being used, for example, by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), a relevant industrial forum in the area of mobile and on the other hand systems MPEG-21 REL is an ISO/IEC standard. MPEG-21 REL is more complete, but rather complex although not exhaustive; this is why ODRL could be considered as a more flexible option.In this paper, we analyse two DRM specifications from OMA, and try to propose its implementation in an MPEG-21 environment. In addition tools able to work in both environments are presented. By defining an MPEG-21 REL DTD, a minor extension of the MPEG-21 REL, and the use of the MPEG-21 IPMP (Intellectual Property Management and Protection), we are in fact specifying MPEG-21 REL profiles. This approach could simplify the implementation of MPEG-21 REL applications and facilitate its interoperability with ODRL. In order to verify the feasibility of our proposal, we have implemented some tools that work with both MPEG-21 REL and OMA DRM.1. IntroductionIn this paper we focus on the interoperability between Rights Expressions Languages, a clear key issue in order to achieve interoperability among complete DRM systems.In [1] we presented a first approach to achieve interoperability between ODRL [2] and MPEG-21 REL [3]. In this first study we concluded that a syntactic approach to map licenses expressed in the two different languages would only be feasible for a subset of both languages, that could be identified as profiles.As OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) [4] has developed the OMA D RM Rights Expression Language versions 1.0 [5] and 2.0 [6] based on ODRL, we have decided to define a specific subsets for MPEG-21 REL equivalent to those specified by OMA.Therefore, in this paper we present how to achieve interoperability between MPEG-21 REL and ODRL for these specific subsets. The MPEG-21 REL subsets defined provides the same features as both OMA DRM RELs. For the first version presented by OMA, it is enough to restrict MPEG-21 REL to achieve interoperability, but for the second version of OMA DRM REL we also have to extend MPEG-21 REL as it does not provide all needed functionalities. OMA DRM REL v2.0 introduces the security and inheritance models that have not been considered in MPEG-21 REL. Then, we have extended the MPEG-21 REL to provide such functionalities. Nevertheless, in the case of security information, we have considered two approaches. In the first one, we have extended MPEG-21 REL defining the appropriate elements to describe the tools that protect the content, while in the second approach, we have used the MPEG-21 Intellectual Property Management and Protection (IPMP) Components [7] standard specification to describe and associate this information to the multimedia content.Moreover, the subsets defined for MPEG-21 REL to achieve interoperability in the mobile domain and presented in this paper could also be considered as mobile profiles for MPEG-21 REL.2. Rights Expression LanguagesDigital Right Management (DRM) needs technologies to protect and securely deliver digital content. To achieve this, it is also needed to have a Rights Expression Language (REL), that is a formal language used to specify this protection and securedelivery. A REL is a formal language, designed to express rights and conditions for digital content access.A Rights Expression Language can be used for example to control the number of times that a right is exercised over a certain digital content, express the copyright associated to a given digital content, describe an agreement between a content provider and a distributor, or between a distributor and an end user, etc.Several RELs have been proposed to describe licenses governing the terms and conditions of content access. In this field, the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) proposed by Renato Ianella and MPEG-21 REL based on the eXtensible rights Markup Language (XrML) [8] cover a prominent role. Both languages are powerful yet complex. MPEG-21 REL and ODRL are syntactically based on XML while structurally they both conform to the axiomatic principles of rights modelling first laid down in the Digital Property Rights Language (DPRL) [9].2.1 ODRLThe ODRL is a proposed language for the DRM community for the standardisation of expressing rights information over content. The ODRL is intended to provide flexible and interoperable mechanisms to support transparent and innovative use of digital resources in publishing, distributing and consuming of electronic publications, music, audio, movies, digital images, learning objects, computer software and other creations in digital form. This is an XML-based usage grammar.Using ODRL it is possible to specify, for a digital resource (music work, content, service, or software application), which is allowed to use that resource, the rights available to them and the terms, conditions or restrictions necessary to exercise those rights on the resource. The ODRL function is to express rights granted by some parties for specific resources and the conditions under which those rights apply.ODRL is based on an extensible model for rights expressions, which involves three core entities and their relationships in a DRM license (see Figure 1): • Party includes end users and Rights Holders.Party can be an entity such as the person,organisation, or device to whom rights aregranted.• Right includes permissions, which can then contain constraints, requirements, andconditions. Permissions are the actual usages oractivities allowed over the assets (e.g. play,print, etc.) Constraints are limits to thesepermissions (e.g. print an e-book for a maximumof 3 times) Requirements are the obligationsneeded to exercise the permission. Conditionsspecify exceptions that, if they become true,expire the permissions and re-negotiation maybe required.• Asset includes any physical or digital content.They must be uniquely identified and mayconsist of many subparts and be in manydifferent formats. Assets can also be non-tangible expressions of works and/or manifestedin particular renditions.Figure 1.Core elements of ODRLODRL includes a data dictionary, which is formed by elements that defines permissions, rights, constraints, and requirements used in an ODRL license. All these elements form the basis of the language and can be extended by additional new elements.For example, consider an e-book distributed to a consumer (Alice) that she can print 3 times. The ODRL license has a sentence that says that Alice is granted with the right to print the book for 3 times. In this case, Alice is a party, the book is an asset, print is a right, and “3 times” is a constraint included in the right element. Figure 2 shows this example.Figure 2. ODRL core elements example.2.2 MPEG-21 RELThe REL from MPEG-21 is based on the XrML proposal. Using MPEG-21 REL it is possible to specify, for a digital resource (content, service, or software application), who is allowed to use that resource, the rights available to them and the terms, conditions or restrictions necessary to exercise those rights on the resource.Part 5 of the MPEG-21 standard specifies the syntax and semantics of a Rights Expression Language.MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language (REL) specifies the syntax and semantics of the language for issuing rights for Users to act on Digital Items, their Components, Fragments, and Containers.MPEG-21 REL makes use of the Rights Data Dictionary [10], part 6 of the MPEG-21 standard, that comprises a set of clear, consistent, structured, integrated and uniquely identified terms. The structure of the RDD is designed to provide a set of well-defined terms for use in rights expressions.At the heart of REL is the REL Core Schema whose elements and types define the core structural and validation semantics that comprises the essence of the specification. The REL Core Schema includes Core Principals, Core Rights, Core Resources and Core Conditions.The core data model is enhanced by a number of so-called “Extensions” which add both functionality and applicability.The most important concept in REL is the license that conceptually is a container of grants, each one of which conveys to a principal the sanction to exercise a right against a resource. The structure of a license is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. MPEG-21 REL licenseThe Title element provides a descriptive phrase about the License that is intended for human consumption in user interfaces. The Inventory element is used for defining variables within a License. The grant or grantGroup element expresses an assertion that some Principal may exe rcise some Right against some Resource, subject, possibly, to some Condition.The grant or grantGroup is formed by the following four elements (see Figure 4):• Principal: identifies an entity such as the person, organisation, or device to whom rightsare granted. Each principal identifies exactly oneparty. Typically, this information has anassociated authentication mechanism by whichthe principal can prove its identity.• Right: specifies the activity or action that a principal can be granted to exercise againstsome resource.• Resource: identifies an object which the principal can be granted a right. It can be adigital work, a service or a piece of informationthat can be owned by a principal. A UniformResource Identifier (URI) can be used to identifya resource.• Condition: specifies one or more conditions that must be met before the right can be exercised.For example, a principal may need to pay a fee toexercise a right, a limit to the number of times, atime interval within which a right can beexercised, etc.Figure 4. MPEG-21 REL core elements example.The issuer element that represents the entity that issues the license may contain two pieces of information, a set of issuer-specific details about the circumstances under which he issues the license, and an identification of the issuer, possibly coupled with a digital signature for the license.Finally, within the other information element, license issuers may place additional content as they find For example, we can consider the previous ODRL example, where an e-book is distributed to a consumer (Alice) that she can print 3 times. The MPEG-21 REL license has a sentence that says that Alice is granted with the right to print the book for 3 times. In this case, Alice is a principal, the book is a resource, print is a right, and “3 times” is a condition. In MPEG-21 REL the right-granting portion of this statement is called a grant and the entire statement is called a license. Figure 5 shows this example.3. Intellectual Property Management and ProtectionCurrently, there is a lack of IPMP solutions to provide interoperability between devices and providers of content and services. Because of this fact, MPEG-21 is trying to provide a framework for the creation of new services that can be used to support new business models and that meet the needs of all memb ers of the value chain. MPEG-21 IPMP has a very important role in the creation of these business models and must provide much more functionality than simply focusing on the content protection.The MPEG-21 IPMP Components standard (Part 4) specifies components for IPMP applied to Digital Items to facilitate the exchange of governed and/or protected content between Peers. The MPEG-21 IPMP Components standard specifies the IPMP Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL) that encapsulates and protects content, fo r example a DIDL document or part(s) thereof or asset(s), and associates appropriate identification and protection information with it. DIDL documents are specified in Part 2 of the MPEG-21 standard, Digital Item Declaration (DID), that provides an interoperable schema for declaring digital representation of works.Moreover, MPEG-21 IPMP Components also describes, in a standardised way, information related to the IPMP Tools that protect the associated Contents, and to the licenses that govern them. The standardised IPMP info schema provides a “framework-level” description for IPMP information related to tools that protect resources or assets. It also addresses authentication of IPMP tools, and integrates rights expressions according to the Rights Data Dicti onary and the Rights Expression Language.4. OMA DRM REL and MPEG-21 RELThe Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) was formed in June 2002 by nearly 200 companies including the world’s leading mobile operators, device and network suppliers, information technology companies and content and service providers. OMA specifications are the result of continuous work to define industry-wide interoperable mechanisms for developing applications and services that are deployed over wireless communication networks.OMA DRM defines a DRM system to enable the consumption of digital content in a controlled manner, taking into account the special requirements and characteristics of the mobile domain. OMA DRM REL is defined as a mobile profile or subset of ODRL v1.1, and specifies the rights expression language used to describe mechanisms for expressing rights over DRM Content in an OMA DRM system.There are two different versions of OMA DRM REL specification: OMA DRM REL specification v1.0 and OMA DRM REL specification v.2.0. Both specifications are defined with a Document Type Definition (DTD).Security constitutes an important part of a DRM System, and OMA DRM REL v1.0 and, in a deeper way OMA DRM REL v2.0, provide the specification of the elements that are needed to get confidentiality , other security features, new rights and conditions.4.1.OMA - based MPEG-21 REL v1.0In this section, we propose an equivalent structure of the Rights Expression Language of OMA DRM REL v1.0, but defined as a subset of MPEG-21 REL, and not as a subset of ODRL (see figure 6).The specification of OMA-based MPEG-21 REL v1.0. is defined with a DTD, and it could be considered a basic subset of OMA - based MPEG-21 REL v2.0. explained in the next section.Figure 6. OMA-based M PEG-21 REL DTD v1.04.2. OMA - based MPEG-21 REL DTD v2.0In this section, we propose an equivalent structure of the Rights Expression Language of OMA DRM REL v2.0, but defined as a subset of MPEG-21 REL, and not as a subset of ODRL (see figures 7 and 8).The specification of OMA-based MPEG-21 REL v2.0. is defined with a DTD, and it could be considered an extension of OMA - based MPEG-21 REL v1.0. explained in the previous section. This specification adds some relevant complexity over version 1.0. The main differences with respect to v1.0. are: inheritance model, new concepts to the security model that were missing in previous version and a data dictionary which is the result of a join of ODRL XML schema, ODRL Data Dictionary and a new OMA Data Dictionary.Figure 7. OMA-based MPEG-21 REL DTD v2.0 part 1Figure 8.OMA-based MPEG-21 REL DTD v2.0 part 2 5. Interoperability between mobile profilesAs said before, ODRL and MPEG-21 REL have many syntactically an structurally similarities.These RELs are widely used, so it is very important to permit interoperability between different systems that use them. They have the same objective and they start from the same base.To transform an ODRL license into an MPEG-21 REL license, or vice versa, is equivalent to transform a XML document to another XML document, where the information they represent is the same one, but with a different XML structure.This is only possible when both specifications convey the same semantics, as it is the case in our mapping from OMA DRM REL to MPEG-21 REL.In order to obtain this transformation, XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) can be used [1]. XSLT applies transformation rules to the document source and, by changing the tree structure, produces a new document, such as another XML document. It can also amalgamate several documents into one, or even produce several documents starting from the same XML document.If we consider the similarities between both languages, and the similarities between the previous equivalent DTDs (those shown in sections 4.1 and 4.2), it can be concluded that the interoperability between both languages is possible only for specific profiles, in this case mobile profiles. To achieve this interoperability or syntactical transformation, XSLT can be used.6. Interoperability between MPEG-21 REL and OMA DRM REL v1.0This section contains a table with the XML equivalences between the OMA ODRL profile and the OMA-bas ed MPEG-21 REL subset, previously defined (see section 4.1). These equivalences will lead us to achieve interoperability between this MPEG-21 REL subset for the mobile domain and OMA DRM REL specification, doing a XSLT transformation.OMA DRM REL v1.0 is f ully supported by OMA DRM REL v2.0, specification that contains the version 1.0. A more precise explanation about REL elements used in the table 1 are given in the next section about version 2.OMA ODRL OMA-based MPEG-21 REL<o-ex:rights><r:license><o-ex:context><o-dd:version>1.0 </o-dd:version> </o-ex:context><r:otherInfo><version>1.0 </version> </r:otherInfo><o-ex:asset><o-ex:context><o-dd:uid> cid:4567829547@foo.co m</o-dd:uid></o-ex:context></o-ex:asset><r:digitalResource><r:nonSecureIndirectURI='cid:4567829547@' /></r:digitalResource><o-dd:display/> <mx:play /> <o-dd:play/><mx:play /><o-ex:permission><o-dd:display><o-ex:constraint><o-dd:count> 1</o-dd:count> <r:allConditions><sx:exerciseLimit><sx:count>1</sx:count></sx:exerciseLimit></r:allConditions></o-ex:constraint></o-dd:display></o-ex:permission><o-ex:asset><o-ex:context><o-dd:uid>cid:4567829547@foo.com</o-dd:uid></o-ex:context><ds:KeyInfo><ds:KeyValue>vUEwr8LzEJoeiC+dgT1mgg==</ds:KeyValue></ds:KeyInfo></o-ex:asset><r:digitalResource><r:nonSecureIndirectURI='cid:4567829547@'/></r:digitalResource>...<r:otherInfo><KeyValue>vUEwr8LzEJoeiC+dgT1mgg==</KeyValue></r:otherInfo>Table 1. XML equivalences7. Interoperability between MPEG-21 RELand OMA DRM REL v2.0In this section, we introduce different tables withXML equivalences, between the OMA DRM REL v2.0and the related MPEG-21 REL subset (see section 4.2).These equivalences will lead us to achieve alsointeroperability with XSLT transformation between thissecond MPEG-21 REL subset for the mobile domain andOMA DRM REL specification.Different models are used to group the XMLequivalences according to their functionality andlicense structure. The models used in this section are:Basic equivalences, Rights, Conditions, Securityinformation association, Security and Inherit model.In the first four models we are defining the elementsthat form the subset of MPEG-21 REL that fulfils OMADRM REL v2.0 specification. The security model can bemapped to MPEG-21 REL by defining thecorresponding elements in MPEG-21 <otherinfo>element or using the MPEG-21 IPMP Componentsspecification. Finally, MPEG-21 has been extended torepresent the OMA DRM <inherit> element.7.1. Bas icThe basic equivalences (see Table 2) constitutes thebasis for licences and includes the necessary elementsin any license. The OMA DRM REL <rights> and<asset> elements are represented with the MPEG 21REL <license> and <digitalResource> elements. TheOMA <context> element provides meta informationabout the rights, and is represented with the MPEG-21<otherinfo> element.OMA DRM REL v2.0 OMA-based MPEG-21 REL <o-ex:rights> <r:license><o-ex:context><o-dd:version>2.0</o-dd:version><o-dd:uid>RightsObjectID</o-dd:uid></o-ex:context> <r:otherinfo><version>1.0 </version> <uid>RightsObjectID</uid> </r:otherinfo><o-ex:asset><o-ex:context><o-dd:uid>ContentID </o-dd:uid></o-ex:context></o-ex:asset> <r:digitalResource><r:nonSecureIndirect URI='ContentID' /></r:digitalResource>Table 2. Basic equivalences7.2. RightsThis table 3 introduces the MPEG-21 REL rights equivalent to the rights specified in OMA DRM REL. The <display> and <play> elements are represented with the <play> element, the <export - move> element with the <move> element and the <export - copy> element with the <adapt> element and <prohibitedAttributeChanges> elements.OMA DRM REL v2.0 OMA-based MPEG-21 REL<o-dd:display/> <mx:play /><o-dd:play/> <mx:play /><o-dd:execute/> <mx:execute /><o-dd:print/> <mx:print /><oma-dd:exportoma-dd:mode="move"><o-ex:constraint> <oma-dd:system> <o-ex:context><o-dd:version> 1.0</o-dd:version> <o-dd:uid>XYZ</o-dd:uid></o-ex:context> </oma-dd:system> </o-ex:constraint> </oma-dd:export> <mx:move/><r:digitalResource><r:nonSecureIndirectURI="ContentID"/> </r:digitalResource><r:allConditions><mx:destination><r:keyHolder><r:info><version>1.0</version> <uid>XYZ</uid></r:info></r:keyHolder></mx:destination></r:allConditions><oma-dd:exportoma-dd:mode="copy"> <o-ex:constraint> <oma-dd:system> <o-ex:context> <o-dd:version> 1.0</o-dd:version> <mx:adapt/><r:digitalResource><r:nonSecureIndirectURI="ContentID1"/></r:digitalResource><mx:prohibitedAttributeChanges><set definition=<o-dd:uid>XYZ</o-dd:uid></o-ex:context></oma-dd:system></o-ex:constraint></oma-dd:export>"urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2003:01-RDD-NS:2346"/><set definition="urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2003:01-RDD-NS:2347"/></mx:prohibitedAttributeChanges><r:keyHolder><version>1.0</version><uid>XYZ</uid></r:keyHolder>Table 3. Rights7.3.Time conditionsThis table 4 introduces the MPEG-21 REL timeconditions equivalent to the ones specified in OMADRM REL. The <datetime> element represented inMPEG-21 REL with the <validityInterval> elementspecifies an interval of time within which a right can beexercised. The <interval> represented in MPEG-21 RELwith the <validityIntervalDurationPattern> elementspecifies a period of time within which a right can beexercised. Finally, the <accumulated> elementrepresented in MPEG-21 REL with the<validityTimeMetered> specifies the maximum period ofmetered usage time during which the rights can beexercised.OMA DRM REL v2.0 OMA-based MPEG-21 REL<o-ex:constraint><o-dd:datetime><o-dd:start>...</o-dd:start><o-dd:end>...</o-dd:end></o-dd:datetime></o-ex:constraint><r:allConditions><r:validityInterval><r:notBefore>...</r:notBefore><r:notAfter>...</r:notAfter></r:validityInterval></r:allConditions><o-ex:constraint><o-dd:interval></o-dd:interval></o-ex:constraint><r:allConditions><sx:validityIntervalDurationPattern><sx:duration> </sx:duration></sx:validityIntervalDurationPattern></r:allConditions><o-ex:constraint><o-dd:accumulated>PT10H</ o-dd:accumulated></o-ex:constraint><r:allConditions><sx:validityTimeMetered><sx:duration>PT10H</sx:duration></sx:validityTimeMetered></r:allConditions>Table 4.Time conditions7.4. More conditionsIn the table 5 we introduce the rest of MPEG-21 RELconditions considered in the mobile subset we aredefining equivalent to the ones specified in OMA DRM REL. The <count> element represented in MPEG-21 REL with the <exerciseLimit> element specifies the number of allowed exercises. The <timed-count> element specify the number of times a permission may be granted over an asset or resource, with the addition of an optional timer attribute. This timer attribute specifies the number of seconds after which the count state can be reduced. As the timer attribute is not specified in MPEG-21 REL, we have defined the <exerciseLimitTime>, that consist of <count> and <duration> elements. The <individual> represented in MPEG-21 REL with the <keyHolder> element specifies the individual to which content is bound. The <system> represented in MPEG-21 REL with the <renderer> element specifies the target system to which DRM Content and Rights Objects can be exported.OMA DRM REL v2.0 OMA-based MPEG-21 REL <o-ex:constraint> <o-dd:count > 1 </o-dd count> </o-ex:constraint> <sx:exerciseLimit> <sx:count>1</sx:count> </sx:exerciseLimit> <o-ex:constraint> <o-dd:timed-count timer=”30”>1 </o-dd:timed-count> </o-ex:constraint> <r:otherinfo><exerciseLimitTime> <sx:count>1</sx:count><sx:duration>30 </ sx:duration> </exerciseLimit></r :otherinfo><r:grant licensePartId="Asset-1"><r:allConditions> <sx:exerciseLimit> <sx:count>1</sx:count> </sx:exerciseLimit> </r:allConditions></r:grant licensePartId="Asset-1"> <r:otherinfo><grant licensePartIdRef="Asset-1"> <exerciseLimitDuration> 30 </exerciseLimitDuration> </grant> </r:otherinfo><sx:exerciseLimit><r:serviceReferencelicensePartIdRef="externalService"/> <sx:count>1</sx:count> </sx:exerciseLimit><o-ex:constraint> <o-dd:individual> <o-ex:context> <odd:uid> XYZ </odd:uid> </o-ex:context> </o-dd: individual> </o-ex:constraint> <r:grant> <r:keyHolder> <r:info><uid>XYZ</uid> </r:info> </r:keyHolder> </r:grant> <o-ex:constraint> <oma-dd:system> <mx:renderer> <r:keyHolder><o-ex:context><odd:uid> XYZ </odd:uid> </o-ex:context> </oma-dd system> </o-ex:constraint><r:info><uid>XYZ</uid> </r:info> </r:keyHolder> </mx:renderer>Table 5. More conditions7.5. SecuritySecurity constitutes an important part of a DRM system. OMA DRM REL v 2.0 provides confidentiality for the CEK (Content Encryption Key) of Rights Objects, integrity of the association between Rights Objects and DRM Content and Rights Object integrity and authenticity.In MPEG-21 REL the security issue is not considered. To provide the OMA DRM REL security functionalities in MPEG-21 REL, we have considered two approaches. The first one is to define this security information within the MPEG-21 REL <otherinfo> element, as defined in the table 6. The second one is to consider MPEG-21 IPMP Components specification, as explained in section 8.Table 6. Security7.6. Security information associationThe table 7 explains how to associate security information to different assets or resources in the same license. The MPEG-21 REL <otherinfo> elementOMA DRM REL v2.0 OMA-based MPEG -21 REL <o-ex:agreement> <o-ex:digest><ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="..."/><ds:DigestValue> DCFHash</ds:DigestValue> </o-ex:digest> </o-ex:agreement> <r:otherinfo> <digest><dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="..."/><dsig:DigestValue> DCFHash</dsig:DigestValue> </digest> </r:otherinfo> <o-ex:agreement> <ds:KeyInfo><xenc:EncryptedKey> <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="..."/><xenc:CipherData> <xenc:CipherValue> EncryptedCEK </xenc:CipherValue> </xenc:CipherData> </xenc:EncryptedKey> <ds:RetrievalMethod URI="REKRe"/> </ds:KeyInfo> </o-ex:agreement><r:otherinfo> <KeyInfo><xenc:EncryptedKey> <xenc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="..."/><xenc:CipherData> <xenc:CipherValue> EncryptedCEK </xenc:CipherValue> </xenc:CipherData> </xenc:EncryptedKey> <ds:RetrievalMethod URI="REKRe"/> </KeyInfo> </r:otherinfo>。
