Channel width strategy-外文翻译




Abstract--The purpose of this paper is to find an innovative, high efficiency, practical and low cost control system structure with an optimized control strategy for small-scale grid-connected wind turbine with direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). This research adopts the sensorless vector control strategy based on phase-locked loop (PLL) for PMSG control, and the grid-side inverter control strategy is based on the single-phase PLL. The simulation demonstrates that the sensorless control strategy and single-phase grid-side inverter control strategy are practical solutions for grid-connected PMSG wind turbines, and they can provide both generator speed control for optimized wind power tracking and good power quality control for electricity delivered to the grid. The designed system offers many unique advantages, including simple topology, optimized control strategy, cost-effective and fast respond to grid failures.Index Terms--Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), PMSG, pulse-width modulation (PWM) converter, speed control, variable-speed wind turbine.I. I NTRODUCTIONn recent years, great attention has been paid on renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy. Wind energy is the most popular renewable energy source due to its relatively low cost. The overall system cost can be further reduced by optimal control of high efficiency power electronic converters to extract maximum power in accordance with atmospheric conditions [11].The wind energy conversion system based on permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is one of the most favorable and reliable methods of power generation. Reliability of variable-speed direct-driven PMSG wind turbines can be improved significantly comparing to doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbines with gearboxes. Noise, power loss, additional cost, and potential mechanical failure are typical problems for a DFIG wind turbine because of the existence of a gearbox. The use of direct-driven PMSG could solve these problems. Moreover, low voltage ride through (LVRT) is also a big issue for DFIG because the This work was supported in part by the special funds from Beijing Municipal Education Commission.Chunxue Wen, Guojie Lu, Peng Wang and Zhengxi Li are with the Power Electronics and Motor Drivers Engineering Research Centre, North China University of Technology,Beijing,China(e-mail: wenchx1980@, lugod307@, catdapeng2008@, lzx@).Xiongwei Liu and Zaiming Fan are with the School of Computing, Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, PR1 2HE, UK (e-mail: xliu9@, zmfan@) electromagnetic relationship between the stator and the rotor is more complex than PMSG. Therefore, it’s more difficult for DFIG to solve LVRT problem safely and reliably.In a variable-speed PMSG system, vector control approach is often used to achieve nearly decoupled active and reactive power control on the grid-side inverter which is a current regulated voltage source inverter. In this way, the power converter maintains the DC-link voltage and improves the power factor of the system [1], [7], [10]. Different control methods for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in variable-speed wind turbine generators have been discussed in [2], [4], [7].This research adopts the sensorless vector control strategy based on phase-locked loop (PLL) for PMSG control [2]. The method requires only one active switching device, i.e. insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT), which is used to control the generator torque and speed so as to extract maximum wind power. It is a simple topology and low cost solution for a small-scale wind turbine because of the sensorless vector control strategy. The grid-side inverter control strategy is based on the single-phase PLL, which applies a control method in Direct-Quadrature (DQ) rotating frame to single-phase inverter and achieves superior steady state and dynamic performance [6].For small-scale wind turbine, single-phase power supply to consumers is popular. There are many control methods for single-phase inverter, such as PI controller, quasi-PR controller, etc. [5]. However, these methods can’t decouple the active power and reactive power so as to have good power control performance. Single-phase PLL method based on DQ rotating frame can well solve this problem. On the other hand, encoders are vulnerable components for wind turbines, particularly for small wind turbines, because small wind turbines experience severer vibrations than their large counterparts. The sensorless vector control opts out the encoders, and therefore the reliability of wind turbines is much improved. For these reasons, the sensorless vector control and single-phase PLL method have their unique advantages for small-scale wind turbines.This paper is structured further in following three sections. In section II, the principle of the full power back-to-back PWM converter is introduced. Then the vector control of small-scale grid-connected wind power system including sensorless control, vector control of PMSG, single-phase PLL, vector control of grid-side inverter are described in section III. Finally, in section IV, the simulation results and conclusion are given.Vector control strategy for small-scale grid-connected PMSG wind turbine converter Chunxue Wen, Guojie Lu, Peng Wang, Zhengxi Li Member IEEE, Xiongwei Liu Member IEEE,Zaiming Fan Student Member IEEEIII. T HE PRINCIPLE OF FULL POWER BACK-TO-BACK PWMCONVERTERTypical topology model of direct-driven PMSG wind turbine is shown in Fig. 1. Converters of the system adopt back-to-back pairs of pulse-width modulation (PWM) architecture. The generator-side converter controls the generator speed in order to achieve maximum capture of wind power, and the grid-side inverter controls the stability of DC-bus voltage and the power factor of the system. This topology can be a good way to improve performance, and the control method is flexible. Converters have four-quadrant operation function, which can fulfill the generator speed control anddeliver the fine quality of electricity to the grid [7], [8].Fig. 1. Topology of permanent magnet direct-driven wind power systemIII. T HE VECTOR CONTROL OF SMALL-SCALE GRID-CONNECTEDDIRECT-DRIVEN WIND POWER SYSTEM CONVERTERFig. 2 shows the back-to-back PWM voltage convertervector control block diagram. The machine-side PWMconverter controls the electromagnetic torque and statorreactive power (reactive power is often be set to 0) byadjusting the current of the d-axis and q-axis of the machine-side converter. This control mechanism helps the PMSG tooperate in variable speed, so that the wind turbine can workwith maximum power point tracking (MPPT) under the ratedwind speed. The grid-side PWM inverter stabilizes the DC-busvoltage and accomplishes active and reactive decouplingcontrol by adjusting the current of the d-axis and q-axis of thegrid-side. The grid-side PWM inverter also controls thereactive power flow to the grid, usually at unity power factorcondition.A. Sensorless control based on PLLThe speed and position control is achieved throughsensorless vector control of the machine-side converter basedon all-digital phase-locked loop. The phase-locked loop isdesigned to control the frequency of the D-Q axis voltagethrough minimizing the difference of the output voltage phaseangle and the given voltage phase angle, until the outputvoltage phase angle tracks the given voltage phase angle. Asthe phase-locked loop has frequency closed-loop trackingmechanism, the generator voltage frequency and the anglebetween d-axis voltage and rotor flux can be measured withthis characteristic, then the generator speed and rotor positionangle can be derived [2]. The control accuracy is generallygood using this method, however some problems may occurwhen the generator operates at very low speed. The windpower system often works above the cut-in wind speed, so thismethod can be applied to wind power generation system.Fig. 2.The back-to-back PWM voltage converter vector control block diagramThe actual rotor position of PMSG is indicated in the D-Q coordinate system. The estimated location for ∧θ is the d q ∧∧− coordinate system, αβ is the stationary coordinate system, as shown in Fig. 3. As the rotor position of PMSG is estimated rather than measured in the sensorless vector control system, there exists an error θΔ between the actual rotor position θ and the estimated location ∧θ. At the same time, the back-EMF (electromotive force) generated by the rotor permanent magnets generates two d-axis and q-axis components in the estimated rotor position orientation coordinates, which are expressed as sd e ∧and sq e ∧respectively. Conventional PI controller can achieve zero error control, i.e. sd e ∧or θΔ can be adjusted to zero value. The PLL sensorless vector control schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 4, and the value of sd e ∧and sq e ∧can be obtained from (1).sd sd s sd dq sq sd sq sq s sq q d sd sq di u R i L L i e dt di u R i L L i e dt ωω∧∧∧∧∧∧⎧=+−−⎪⎪⎨⎪=+++⎪⎩(1)Fig. 3. Presumed rotating coordinate systemFig. 4. Principle of PLL based sensorless vector controlIf we ignore the current differential items in (1), then wehavesd s sd q sq sd sq sq s sq d sd ˆˆˆˆˆarctan(arctan(ˆˆˆˆˆu R i L i ee uR i L i ωθω−+Δ=−=−−− (2)where sd u , sq u , sd i and sq i are the d, q-axis components of the output voltage and current of the generator stator; d L q L and s R are the inductance and resistance of the stator; ω is thegenerator electrical angular velocity of the generator; "∧" indicates estimated value.Block diagram of sensorless vector control based on digital PLL is shown in Fig. 5. The back-EMF (electromotive force) value of the estimated rotating coordinates can be obtained by calculating the three-phase voltages and currents of the PMSGstator. The calculated angle difference θΔcan be used to estimate the angular velocity through the PI controller. Then the value of the estimated angle can be obtained by integral element. Generally, the speed has considerable fluctuations using this method. Therefore it will achieve a better estimation by adding a low-pass filter (LPF), as shown in Fig. 5.∧Fig. 5. Block diagram of sensorless vector control based on digital PLLB. Vector control of PMSGIn order to study the torque control of PMSG, it is necessary to establish a mathematical model. Because q-axis leads d-axis 90° in the D-Q coordinate system, the generator voltage equation can be expressed as [8]: sd sd s sd d sq sq sq sq sq q d sd di u R i L L i dt di u Ri L L i dt ωωωψ⎧=+−⎪⎪⎨⎪=+++⎪⎩(3) The significance of various physical quantities in (3) is the same as in (1).The generator electromagnetic torque equation can be expressed as:33()22e sq d q sd sq T p i p L L i i ψ=+− (4) where p is the number of generator pole pairs, and ψ is the magnetic flux.Based on the above mathematical model, the sensorless vector control program of PMSG is established, and its controlblock diagram is shown in Fig. i sbi Fig. 6. Sensorless vector control block diagram of PMSGGenerator rotor position and speed which are estimated by sensorless algorithm can be used in vector control. Thereference value of motor torque can be obtained by the speedcontroller. The voltage reference of generator can also be gotby current controller, and then the control signals of rectifier switching device can be obtained by a set of PWM modulation algorithms. The position and speed of generator rotor which is necessary to vector control is obtained by sensorless algorithm.C. Single-phase grid-connected PLLFig. 7 shows the block diagram of the single-phase gird-connected PLL. In order to ensure that the converter outputvoltage is in the same phase with the output current, the PLLis used to achieve unity power factor control. At the sametime, the converter also provides the angle of the referencecurrent transformation [5].Fig. 7. The block diagram of the single-phase PLLThe transformation between orthogonal a-b and D-Q reference frames can be described by trigonometric relations, which are given in (5) and (6), and the rotating reference frame is shown in Fig. 8.Fig. 8. Definition of rotating reference frame⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡b a q d f f f f θθθθcos sin sin cos (5) ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡q d b a f f f f θθθθcos sin sin cos (6)Active power and reactive power equations can beexpressed as:⎩⎨⎧−=+=d q q d qq d d i v i v Q i v i v P (7) If the phase voltage and q-axis coincide, then 0=d v andv v q =, active power and reactive power equations can besimplified as:||||q dP v i Q v i =⎧⎪⎨=−⎪⎩ (8) D. The vector control strategy of the grid-side inverterFor a three phase converter, simple PI compensators designed in a D-Q synchronous frame can achieve zero steady state error at the fundamental frequency, but this method is not applicable to single-phase power converter because there is only one phase variable available in a single-phase power converter, while the D-Q transformation needs at least two orthogonal variables.In order to construct the additional orthogonal phaseinformation from the original single-phase power converter,the imaginary orthogonal circuit is developed, as shown inFig. 9. The imaginary orthogonal circuit has exactly the samecircuit components and parameters, but the current b i and the voltage b e , maintain 90D phase shift with respect to their counterparts in the real circuit- a i and a e [6].Fig. 9. Real circuit and its imaginary orthogonal circuitFrom Fig. 9, the voltage equation can be expressed as:⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−−+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡b b a a b a b a v e v e L i i L R i i p 11001 (9) Transforming the voltage equations into the synchronousreference frame using (5) and (6), and considering 0=d v and v v q =, we have: ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−−−=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡||1//v e e L i i L R L R i i p qd q d q d ωω (10) To achieve decoupled control of active power and reactive power, the output voltage of the inverter in the synchronousreference frame can be expressed as:||)(1v i x L e d q +−=ω (11))(2q d i x L e ω+= (12)Substituting (11) and (12) into (10), system equations canbe rewritten as follows:⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡−=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡211001x x i i L R i i p q d q d (13) The active power and reactive power could be controlled by d i and q i respectively. Therefore, system control can be completed by current feedback loops as follows:))((211q q i i s k k x −+=∗(14)))((212d d i i sk k x −+=∗(15) Fig. 10 shows the control block diagram of the grid-sideinverter. It should be noted that the given active and reactive power should be set at two times of the desired values, because the imaginary circuit will not deliver any active andreactive power to the grid.θωFig. 10. The vector control block diagram of the grid-side inverterIV. S IMULATION RESULTSA simulation model in Matlab/Simulink is developed based on above theoretical analysis, and the system simulation block diagram is shown in Fig. 11.Fig. 11. The system simulation block diagramA. The simulation results of the machine-side converterIn the simulation model, the Reference speed represents the wind speed. At the beginning of the simulation (i.e. 0s), the generator speed is 4rpm and its input torque is -50Nm. At the time of 0.5s, the generator speed is 17 rpm and the input torque maintains at the value of -50Nm. At 1s, the generator speed maintains at 17 rpm and the input torque is -80Nm. The simulated waveforms are shown in Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15, respectively.It can be seen from Fig. 12 and Fig. 13, the error between the estimated rotor position angle and the actual measurement of the rotor position angle is very small in the steady state, there are some fluctuations in the dynamic response, but the rotor position angle is stabilized quickly.It can be seen from Fig. 14 and Fig. 15, there is a small error between the estimated and measured generator rotor speed at low speed. At high speed, however, the error is very small and can be ignored, and the transient response is very short. At the time 1s, the input torque increase affects thegenerator rotor speed slightly, and soon the transientdisappears.ˆ,(d e g )θθ()t sFig. 12. The estimated and measured rotor position angle(rad/s)θθ∧−(s)tFig. 13. The error of estimated and measured rotor position anglet(s)()nrpmFig. 14. The measured generator rotor speedt(s)t()esirpmnFig. 15. The estimated generator rotor speedThe simulation waveforms of the machine-side converterdemonstrate that the sensorless vector control algorithm canestimate the rotor angular position accurately, and the vectorcontrol strategy of the machine-side converter can realizegenerator speed control for the wind turbine to follow theoptimized power curve, i.e. MPPT when the wind speed isbelow rated wind speed.B. The simulation results of the grid-side inverterThe simulation results of the grid-side inverter is shown inFig. 16, Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 respectively.It can be seen from Fig. 16, when the generator outputtorque increases, the DC bus voltage is maintained constant.Fig. 17 shows that θu followsavvery well, and Fig. 18shows thatai followsavvery well.Fig. 16. The simulated DC voltageavuθuθFig. 17. The generator output A phase voltage and the grid voltage vectorangleFig. 18. The output voltage and current of the grid-side inverterFrom the simulation results of the grid-side inverter, it canbe seen that the single-phase PLL algorithm can accuratelytrack the grid-side voltage, and the vector control strategy ofthe grid-side inverter can stabilize the DC bus voltage, andcontrol the grid power factor.V. C ONCLUSIONThis research developed a power electronic converter for asmall direct-driven PMSG wind turbine using the back-to-back pulse-width modulation (PWM) topology. Thesimulation results demonstrate that1) The machine-side converter can control the generatorspeed and torque for the wind turbine to follow the optimizedpower curve, i.e. maximum power point tracking (MPPT)when the wind speed is below rated wind speed.2) The sensorless phase-locked loop (PLL) controlalgorithm can realize the vector control of the generator.3) The grid-side inverter control algorithm based on single-phase PLL can stabilize the DC bus voltage of the converter and control the grid power factor.VI. R EFERENCESPeriodicals:[1]De Tian, “The wind power technology status and development trend inthe world,” New Energy Industry, in press.[2]Ruzhen Dou, Lingyun Gu, Baotao Ning, “Sensorless control of thePMSM based on the PLL,” Electric Machines & Control Application, vol. 32, pp. 53-57, 2005.Books:[3]Qingding Guo, Yibiao Sun, Limei Wang, Modern permanent magnet ACservo motor system. China Electric Power Press, Beijing. 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B IOGRAPHIESChunxue Wen received his BSc degree from Inner Mongolia University of Technology in 2001, MSc degree from Wuhan University in 2006, and PhD degree from the Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. In 2010 he joined the Wind Energy Engineering Research Group at the University of Central Lancashire as a visiting researcher. He is currently working as a Lecturer at the Power Electronics and Motor Drivers Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China. His research interests include power electronics, wind turbine control system, converters for wind turbines.Guojie Lu received his BSc degree from North China Electric Power University in 2006. He worked in Beijing Xinhuadu Special Transformer Company from 2007 to 2009, and was responsible for the technical service transformer. At present, he is registered as a postgraduate research student at the Power Electronics and Motor Drivers Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China. His research area is wind turbine control system.The project aims to develop maximum power point tracking control algorithm for grid-connected small wind turbines.Peng Wang received his BSc degree from Taiyuan University of Technology in 2003, MSc degree from North China University of Technology in 2011. Since 2008, he has been working as a research assistant in Electrical Engineering at the Power Electronics and Motor Drivers Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China. In 2010 he joined the Wind Energy Engineering Research Group at the University of Central Lancashire as a visiting student. His research areas are permanent-magnet synchronous generator control and wind energy engineering.Zhengxi Li received his PhD degree from the University of Science and Technology, Beijing. He is the Chair Professor in Power Electronics and Motor Drivers and Head of the Power Electronics and Motor Drivers Engineering Research Center, North China University of Technology, Beijing, China. He is also Vice President of North China University of Technology. His research interests include power electronics, high voltage power transmission and distribution, intelligent transportation and renewable energy. Xiongwei Liu was born in Xiangtan, China, in 1965. He received his BEng (Hons) degree from National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, in 1985, and his MSc (Distinction) and PhD degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology in 1988 and 1991 respectively.His employment experience included Northwestern Polytechnical University, Huaqiao University, Leeds Met University, University of Hertforshire and University of Central Lancashire. His research interests include wind energy engineering, renewable energy technologies, smart grid and microgrid, and intelligent energy management system.He received a research fellowship from Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation of Germany, which allowed him to visit Ruhr University Bochum, as a research fellow for 18 months from 1993. In 1999 he was awarded a Bronze Medal by Huo Yingdong Education Funding Council and a Model Worker Medal by the Mayor of Quanzhou, China, due to his excellent contributions in higher education when he served as a professor at Huaqiao University. He received a research fellowship from Chinese Scholarship Council, which allowed him to visit Technical University Berlin as a senior research fellow for 6 months in 2000.Xiongwei Liu is currently working as Chair Professor of Energy and Power Management and Head of Wind Energy Engineering Research Group at the University of Central Lancashire.。



d, q: rotor rotation axis, d-axis direction is the rotor pole
dc, qc: synchronous rotation axis, dc-axis direction is the
Te =
� P[(lf/sd (i,de
-If/,q (isde
If/Sd = LIdi'd III 'f'sq = Lsq.isq.
+ If/PM
Te =
It can be seen that:
� PIf/.,<r
x i"
(Notes: L,q = L,d = L, when it is non-salient pole motor)
. U,d = R.,Isd
Abstract-In order to improve the dynamic performance of
PMSM, a Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) is presented. Based on in­ depth analysis of PMSM mathematical model and the operation principle of DTC system, Matlab / Simulink is used to establish a simulation model of this system, and extensive research of simulation is conducted. A large number of simulation results show that the DTC System of PMSM has fast response and good dynamic performance, which verify correctness and feasibility of this system.



市场营销英文术语市场market 市场营销marketing需求demand 商品goods服务service 顾客满意customer satisfaction顾客价值customer value 交易transaction营销者marketer 生产观念production concept产品观念product concept 推销观念selling concept市场营销观念marketing concept社会营销观念social marketing concept顾客 customer 顾客让渡价值customer delivered value 顾客总价值total customer value顾客总成本total customer cost顾客满意customer satisfaction维系顾客keep customer关系营销relationship marketing全面质量管理total quality marketing市场营销环境marketing environment微观环境micro environment宏观环境macro environment市场机会market opportunity愿望竞争者desired competitors属类竞争者generic competitor产品形式竞争者product competitor目标市场target market市场营销组合marketing mix情绪moods 情绪emotion消费者行为customer behavior文化culture 人口统计因素demographies参照群体reference group 角色模型role stereotype知觉perception 认知学习cognitive learning动机motive 个性personality态度attitude 自我概念self-concept生活方式life style组织市场organizational market企业市场business market非营利组织市场non-profit organizational market政府市场government market直接再购straight rebuy 修正再购 modified rebuy新任务采购new task 购买中心buying center倡议者initiators 使用者users 影响者influencers 决定者deciders 购买者buyers 控制者gatekeepers 营销信息marketing information营销信息系统marketing information system MIS市场调研market research描述性调研predictive research解释性调研interpretive research市场需求market demand市场需求潜量market demand potential企业需求量enterprise demand企业需求潜量enterprise demand potential定性预测qualitative forecasting定量预测quantitative forecasting企业战略enterprise strategy企业使命说明书enterprise statement战略经营单位strategy business units,SBU波士顿矩阵Boston matrix通用电器公司方法the General Electric Model,GE市场吸引力market attractiveness业务实力business attractiveness密集型增长战略intensive growth strategies市场渗透market penetration strategy市场开发market development strategy产品开发product development strategy一体化增长战略integrative growth strategies前向一体化forward integration后向一体化backwards integration水平一体化horizontal integration多角化增长战略diversification growth strategies 同心多角化concentric diversification水平多角化horizontal diversification复合多角化conglomeration diversification市场营销战略marketing strategy市场营销组合marketing mix市场营销组织marketing organization职能型组织functional organization地区型组织regional organization产品管理型组织managerial organization of product市场管理型组织managerial organization of market公司与事业部型组织organization of corporation andbusiness unit市场营销管理marketing management市场营销计划marketing planning市场营销方案marketing program市场营销控制marketing controlling市场竞争market competition完全竞争pure competition非完全竞争imprecate competition垄断竞争monopolistic competition市场领导者market leader 市场挑战者market challenger 市场追随者market follower 市场补缺者marketing niche 市场细分market segmentation目标市场target market市场定位market positioning无差异性市场策略undifferentiated marketing tactics 差异性市场策略differentiated marketing tactics集中性市场策略concentrated marketing tactics产品product 服务service核心产品core product 形式产品actual product期望产品expected product 延伸产品augmented product 潜在产品potential product 耐用品durable goods非耐用品nondurable goods 产品线product line产品项目product item 产品组合product mix产品组合长度product mix length产品组合宽度product mix width产品组合深度product mix depth产品组合关联度product mix consistency产品生命周期product life cycle开发期development stage 引进期introduction stage 成熟期maturity stage 衰退期decline stage新产品开发new product development产品概念product concept商业化commercialization 包装package包装策略package strategy品牌brand 品牌命名brand naming品牌决策branding decision统一品牌blanket family brand品牌使用者决策brand-sponsor decision个别品牌individual brand分类品牌separate family brand多品牌multi—brand统一的个别品牌company/individual brand合作品牌co—branding 品牌设计brand designing品牌资产brand equity 品牌延伸brand extension内涵不变式延伸invariable meaning extension内涵渐变式延伸gradual changing meaning extension品牌管理brand management竞争导向定价competition-driven pricing折扣定价discount pricing地区定价region pricing差别定价discrimination pricing撇脂定价skim pricing 渗透定价penetration pricing 满意定价neutral pricing 尾数定价mantissa pricing 整数定价integer pricing 招徕定价fetch—in pricing 声望定价prestige pricing目标收益定价法target—return pricing认知价值定价法perceived-value pricing价值定价法value pricing通行价格定价法going-rate pricing分销渠道distribution channel 中间商intermediate 分销渠道设计distribution channel design实体分配physical distribution渠道冲突channel conflictcha15 促销策略促销promotion 促销策略promotion policies理性诉求rational appeals 情感诉求emotional appeals 道德诉求moral appeals大众传播媒体mass media 气氛atmosphere事件event 量力支出法affordable method销售额百分比法percentage-of-sales method竞争对等法competitive-parity method目标任务法objective-task method广告advertising 人员推销personal selling公共关系public relations 营业推广sales promotion 促销组合promotion mix推动策略push strategy 拉引策略pull strategy广告目标mission 告知性广告information advertising 劝告性广告persuasive advertising提示性广告reminder advertising整合营销传播integrated marketing communication服务service 服务核心产品core product服务附加产品supplement product服务的无形性intangibility of service服务体验属性experience attributes服务的信任度属性credence attributes服务的有形展示physical evidence关系营销relationship marketing体育营销sports marketing网络营销network marketing会展营销exhibition marketing文化营销cultural marketing。

distribution channel

distribution channel

Distribution channel networks and management1.IntroductionThe common definition of distribution channel is that when the products move from the producer to the final consumer or industrial user, the direct or indirect way which go through in the process of transferring the ownership is the distribution channel.In china, Market power transfer from the large retailers to distributors, wholesale trade in China is rising rapidly, and a well-developed distribution system covering both urban and rural areas, are formed within the past 10 years. Unfortunately, this distribution system developed very unhealthy.Apart from the role of government, in a sense, the market order is due to the decision of behavior of enterprises and distributors. Enterprises do not have the ability to standardize the behavior of distributors. Distributors lacks the conscious and self-discipline, so the Chinese market disorder is not surprising.As a result, distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.2.Distribution channel development in the foreign countryDistribution channel has captured foreign business man's sight in the last century. I will cite a case about Coca-Cola.The beverage market in the United States has a huge sales of $ 54 billion a year , 353 ml or 8 ounces of a soft drink for every men, women and children. At the end of the 20th century, the Coca-Cola Company's products accounted for 43% of the above total, but the company aims to surpass 50%. Coca-Cola hopes to throw away their biggest competitor Pepsi which occupied 31% market share.Coca-Cola is facing a mature market. The extremely usual method has been used again and again. They captured market share from competitors hands with the new products, competitive pricing, and large-scale promotional weapons . But, nowadays, the Coca-Cola Company will use a new method: to emphasize channels. Through providing more intensive supply of Coca-Cola, storage and marketing of Coca-Cola products , financial distributors and retailers are more active in promote their product . Channel strategy 's core is that I want customers, I want your shelves, and I want your customer's appetite, and I would also like every point of the potential growth of market share in soft drink market.To achieve this goal, the Coca-Cola Company reached close collaboration with its bottlers, wholesalers and retailers in order to jointly develop an intensive channel strategy. Coca-Cola sell its distribution agreemen to the universities, drug chains, and a large number of retail stores which may become its soft drinks retailers . At the same time, Coca-Cola also give some convenience store who give the best placement and exclude their competitors from outside a extra reward. Coca-Cola products will appear in each convenient store, including schools, the Church, clinics and the club. In short, Coca-Cola can be purchased in any place people want to buy soft drinks . This new channel strategy enhanced the depth and width of Coca-Cola. The scope of the strategy include 2,000,000 reserves Coca-Cola store industry, 450,000 restaurants and fast food outlets, as well as 1.4 million vending machines. In fact, Coca-Cola build up a intensive distribution channel strategy so as to provide broad market coverage. Ultimately, CEO imaged Coca-Cola's distribution channels as a tap of every consumer kitchen. However, cold water is not run out of the tap instead of lathery Coca-Cola!Coca-Cola is the world's most familiar and well-known brand. But they still focused on channels, Coca-Cola recognized that a great product, and even the world-famous products, succeeded only in the quality. In fact, if Coca-Cola products are not ready to meet the consumer needs of the tens of thousands around the world, then Coca-Cola is also unworthy of the name.It is no doubt that the distribution channels makes this high-level supply possible. Coca-Cola and other competitors, tens of thousands of products and services must bedelivered through the distribution channels. Only in this way, a large number of such products and services could be delivered to companies and organizations' hands. Distribution channels and personnel constitute a complex and dynamic system. But the ultimate consumer only see a lot of work less than they do. Consumers only see just a lot of final result like creating a new type of store, services, decide of the structure and operation of distribution channels. Distribution channels affect tens of thousands of consumers' life who are dependent on the pyramid structure supply of products and service.3.Distribution channel networks and management in china3.1 Development status of distribution channel in ChinaChinese enterprises in the development have gradually realized the importance of distribution channels, and distribution channels typically accounted for 15% -40% of the share of the prices of goods and services. This figure also reflects the potential to improve competitiveness and profitability of enterprises through improving distribution channels.Scientific design and ingenuity distribution channel management can often bring a higher return for the enterprise.The technology development is accelerating the evolution of the channels. The next few years, the channel management is facing challenges and opportunities with speed growth. Information networks have been able to make the product or service provider to skip the traditional distributors so as to deal directly with the end customers. In addition, logistics field appeared a large number of innovations, including the efficient and reliable overnight courier distributor inventory status and real-time tracking information systems, these innovations out of the original product and parts inventory system, and to create the conditions for the distribution channel network of recycling.At the same time, all walks of life appeared many new distribution channels, and create opportunities for businesses to cut costs and quickly occupy the specific market segments. For example, direct mail, the large warehouse supermarkets and online ordering. The importance of these new channels for consumer goods manufacturers isgrowing. Although there are such a wide range of important opportunities, few companies are able to take full advantage of it. Why enterprises' performance is not satisfactory in such a tactical significance field?3.2 The difficulties in seeking the new channel opportunitesPlenty of reasons cause channel opportunities difficult to identify.First, the shopping habits of consumers is not changed in one night,but in a gentle way. For instance, people accept credit cards and ATMs after a very long time. The large warehouse-style supermarkets have opened in many cities in China, this not only maintain the traditional distribution channels but also acquire the consumers' acceptance. Strangely, it did not attract the attention and interest of most manufacturers.Second, Chinese enterprises generally use external channels, rarely have direct contact with their end users, hopes distributors to discover and use new channels. In this mode, however, will inevitably lead to the exclusion of the distributors of emerging channels. Users of new channels often refuse to purchase from distributors, tend to deal directly with the enterprise.Finally, the biggest obstacle of channel innovation often exists in the internal enterprise. From management side, companies tend to focus on the control and management of distribution channels, neglect the importance of maintaining reasonable contact with consumers. They cannot understand the feelings and opinions of consumerstimely, comprehensive and accurately. Many companies can not even accurately grasp the consumers' buying habits.For an enterprises which has a hope to discover and use new channels,only a way to help them achieve their goals is to strengthen contact with the end-user and find buying habits from them. Enterprises must note that, even if the internal staff is their end users, their buying experience and habits is difficult on behalf of ordinary consumers, because the internal staff are often able to enjoy some privileges, they can not experience the ordinary consumer purchase feeling.4 How can we improve our distribution networks and managementTo solve the problem existing in distribution channels, almost all companies have indeed a very significant and positive action to take measures, but no roots, no innovation, so the action and measures is useless, which called positive inert in management. For example, many enterprises increase the clerk's practice, not only failed to reduce distribution costs but also resulted in a rise on the channel costs.Next, I will point out three major aspects of analysis methods to integrate distribution channels.4.1 Channel strategy and channel management4.1.1 Customer satisfaction should be considered as the main objective. The attention should be shifted from the distributors to the customer service.As long as customers meet their satisfaction, the enterprises can achieve good performance. This simple truth was overlooked by many businesses. Customer satisfaction determine customer loyalty. Customer loyalty will create a good premise of channel innovation for the enterprise and channel integration. Under this premise , the enterprise can focus on several lower cost for the customer but it can bring real benefitsof the things, in order to avoid or minimize the cost of those who do not attach importance to the target customer.Unfortunately , in many industries, the enterprise did not do so. They placed distributors demand above the customers', even neglect end-users' needs and end up hurting customer satisfaction, until lose the customer loyalty.4.1.2 To re-examine and develop channel strategy and strategicChannels should be determined by the customer demand and economic efficiency. We should be concerned about the operation of the channels (sales, distribution, telegraph and other) whether they are effective and prompt . The results and performance of the channels should also be evaluated from the angle of the main target customers .Channels constitution often has been a clear division of labor on the channel. And it determines which channels should serve the small quantities of high-profits products, which channels should adopt the principle of small profits with large quantities.For most businesses, a thorough study of the existing or potential channels and escaping from the shackles of a single channel, multi-channel strategy reasonable, is the primary means to increase market share and sales.When enterprises use the new channels, distributors and salesmen's direct reaction is to worry about a channel conflict that generate price competition and distribution fault problems. It needs to be emphasized that first of all,the price competition and distribution fault problems is the management issues, and then channel issyes. Distribution and sale are definitely two concepts. The distribution process should be carefully controlled, and can be fully involved in sales (retail) link. Every conflict has its solution. Do not break down the value of questionable channels because of the conflicts.4.2 Customer relationship managementThe true customer relationship management (CRM) was implement with large obstacles in China. Because even the common customer profiles are difficult to establish. Their customer profiles are rough, inaccurate and obsolete data. This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is not knowing how to use customer information for management and marketing services.4.2.1 Classification of the existing total dealer, different management approach to different categoriesEnterprises should divide them into available and unavailable according to their attitude and ability, eliminate the unavailable ones. Enterprises must get rid of the impact of emotional factors, and also do not worry about the possible short-term impact on the sales to the phase-out of a distributor. Enterprise need bigger and bigger scale , but it also need a better and healthy internal environment. A healthy distribution channels is the core to a healthy enterprise. This conclusion has been proved by the reality.The next step is the further classification. Available ones must be divided into training and reforming ones . Give the former ones free training, or eliminate them.4.2.2 The re-design and definition of the content and the role of the client filesThrough a comprehensive, systematic and professional management methods, a full range of management will implement on customers . Second, enterprise should expand the role of the client files into the market management tools and management tools . Finally, customer profiles about the total dealer should be extended to all distributors, to establish a comprehensive second installment and retailers file, and gradually amplitude gradually from distributors to consumers. The ultimate extension is to the end-users.4.2.3 The use of modern information technology to create and deal with customers, market information systemsMost enterprise customers and market information cannot be established. On the one hand, ignoring cause the result. More importantly, they do not know what information to collect , do not know how to deal with information. Not all information can be used, only the customer knowledge extracted from the complex information and market knowledge is useful, know only establish enterprise content management system, in order to make the customer knowledge and market knowledge business management and marketing services. The use of large-scale sales of businesses, if you do not use modern information technologies and means, to establish a sound and valuable information is almost unthinkable.4.3 ClerkUltimately, no matter what and how to do in channel innovation, clerk is the advanced people to promote and operate it. Even if the use of modern information technologies and means, it can not replace the personal skills of distributors and salesmen, and not a substitute for the simple and correct market insight.The success or failure of the enterprise channel innovation, largely depends on the clerks' correct understanding of the necessity and urgency of the innovation, the ability to enhance the personal skills required by the innovation.4.3.1 Professional training on the salesmanClerk of the Chinese enterprises, even those good enterprise, the professional clerk is also very limited. Many companies implement salesman training, but this training exists many problems: do not let the salesman to recognize the need for training. The salesman did not really enter the training status, or too utilitarian; no training systems, training can not be sustained, not ongoing training. It is difficult to play a role. Assessment of the effectiveness of training is not combined with personal income and advancement.4.3.2 Redefine the role of salesmanThe role of most businesses salesman in the individual marketing is the basis for the definition of the channel innovation. And it will be conducted in a professional marketing and system marketing base. The salesman's work is no longer based on the sales of the core, but the core of a solid marketing foundation work. The appraisal of the clerk firstly depend on the action points in the course of action,then the sales. Objectively speaking, simple training and education cannot solve the problem. The real difficulty is that this is a a specialization and professionalization process. Recognizing this, the enterprise just know how much effort and costs they will take in order to achieve their goals. The biggest difference of Chinese enterprises is that they only need to find the problems and solutions can be. And we should not only find a solution, it is but also more important to solve the specialization and professionalization of personnel.5.ConclusionThe importance of distribution channel is obvious in the 21 century. Distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.6.ReferenceFeng,L.Y. 2002, Distribution channel management, Economic Management Press.。

distribution channel

distribution channel

Distribution channel networks and management1.IntroductionThe common definition of distribution channel is that when the products move from the producer to the final consumer or industrial user, the direct or indirect way which go through in the process of transferring the ownership is the distribution channel.In china, Market power transfer from the large retailers to distributors, wholesale trade in China is rising rapidly, and a well-developed distribution system covering both urban and rural areas, are formed within the past 10 years. Unfortunately, this distribution system developed very unhealthy.Apart from the role of government, in a sense, the market order is due to the decision of behavior of enterprises and distributors. Enterprises do not have the ability to standardize the behavior of distributors. Distributors lacks the conscious and self-discipline, so the Chinese market disorder is not surprising.As a result, distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.2.Distribution channel development in the foreign countryDistribution channel has captured foreign business man's sight in the last century. I will cite a case about Coca-Cola.The beverage market in the United States has a huge sales of $ 54 billion a year , 353 ml or 8 ounces of a soft drink for every men, women and children. At the end of the 20th century, the Coca-Cola Company's products accounted for 43% of the above total, but the company aims to surpass 50%. Coca-Cola hopes to throw away their biggest competitor Pepsi which occupied 31% market share.Coca-Cola is facing a mature market. The extremely usual method has been used again and again. They captured market share from competitors hands with the new products, competitive pricing, and large-scale promotional weapons . But, nowadays, the Coca-Cola Company will use a new method: to emphasize channels. Through providing more intensive supply of Coca-Cola, storage and marketing of Coca-Cola products , financial distributors and retailers are more active in promote their product . Channel strategy 's core is that I want customers, I want your shelves, and I want your customer's appetite, and I would also like every point of the potential growth of market share in soft drink market.To achieve this goal, the Coca-Cola Company reached close collaboration with its bottlers, wholesalers and retailers in order to jointly develop an intensive channel strategy. Coca-Cola sell its distribution agreemen to the universities, drug chains, and a large number of retail stores which may become its soft drinks retailers . At the same time, Coca-Cola also give some convenience store who give the best placement and exclude their competitors from outside a extra reward. Coca-Cola products will appear in each convenient store, including schools, the Church, clinics and the club. In short, Coca-Cola can be purchased in any place people want to buy soft drinks . This new channel strategy enhanced the depth and width of Coca-Cola. The scope of the strategy include 2,000,000 reserves Coca-Cola store industry, 450,000 restaurants and fast food outlets, as well as 1.4 million vending machines. In fact, Coca-Cola build up a intensive distribution channel strategy so as to provide broad market coverage. Ultimately, CEO imaged Coca-Cola's distribution channels as a tap of every consumer kitchen. However, cold water is not run out of the tap instead of lathery Coca-Cola!Coca-Cola is the world's most familiar and well-known brand. But they still focused on channels, Coca-Cola recognized that a great product, and even the world-famous products, succeeded only in the quality. In fact, if Coca-Cola products are not ready to meet the consumer needs of the tens of thousands around the world, then Coca-Cola is also unworthy of the name.It is no doubt that the distribution channels makes this high-level supply possible. Coca-Cola and other competitors, tens of thousands of products and services must bedelivered through the distribution channels. Only in this way, a large number of such products and services could be delivered to companies and organizations' hands. Distribution channels and personnel constitute a complex and dynamic system. But the ultimate consumer only see a lot of work less than they do. Consumers only see just a lot of final result like creating a new type of store, services, decide of the structure and operation of distribution channels. Distribution channels affect tens of thousands of consumers' life who are dependent on the pyramid structure supply of products and service.3.Distribution channel networks and management in china3.1 Development status of distribution channel in ChinaChinese enterprises in the development have gradually realized the importance of distribution channels, and distribution channels typically accounted for 15% -40% of the share of the prices of goods and services. This figure also reflects the potential to improve competitiveness and profitability of enterprises through improving distribution channels.Scientific design and ingenuity distribution channel management can often bring a higher return for the enterprise.The technology development is accelerating the evolution of the channels. The next few years, the channel management is facing challenges and opportunities with speed growth. Information networks have been able to make the product or service provider to skip the traditional distributors so as to deal directly with the end customers. In addition, logistics field appeared a large number of innovations, including the efficient and reliable overnight courier distributor inventory status and real-time tracking information systems, these innovations out of the original product and parts inventory system, and to create the conditions for the distribution channel network of recycling.At the same time, all walks of life appeared many new distribution channels, and create opportunities for businesses to cut costs and quickly occupy the specific market segments. For example, direct mail, the large warehouse supermarkets and online ordering. The importance of these new channels for consumer goods manufacturers isgrowing. Although there are such a wide range of important opportunities, few companies are able to take full advantage of it. Why enterprises' performance is not satisfactory in such a tactical significance field?3.2 The difficulties in seeking the new channel opportunitesPlenty of reasons cause channel opportunities difficult to identify.First, the shopping habits of consumers is not changed in one night,but in a gentle way. For instance, people accept credit cards and ATMs after a very long time. The large warehouse-style supermarkets have opened in many cities in China, this not only maintain the traditional distribution channels but also acquire the consumers' acceptance. Strangely, it did not attract the attention and interest of most manufacturers.Second, Chinese enterprises generally use external channels, rarely have direct contact with their end users, hopes distributors to discover and use new channels. In this mode, however, will inevitably lead to the exclusion of the distributors of emerging channels. Users of new channels often refuse to purchase from distributors, tend to deal directly with the enterprise.Finally, the biggest obstacle of channel innovation often exists in the internal enterprise. From management side, companies tend to focus on the control and management of distribution channels, neglect the importance of maintaining reasonable contact with consumers. They cannot understand the feelings and opinions of consumerstimely, comprehensive and accurately. Many companies can not even accurately grasp the consumers' buying habits.For an enterprises which has a hope to discover and use new channels,only a way to help them achieve their goals is to strengthen contact with the end-user and find buying habits from them. Enterprises must note that, even if the internal staff is their end users, their buying experience and habits is difficult on behalf of ordinary consumers, because the internal staff are often able to enjoy some privileges, they can not experience the ordinary consumer purchase feeling.4 How can we improve our distribution networks and managementTo solve the problem existing in distribution channels, almost all companies have indeed a very significant and positive action to take measures, but no roots, no innovation, so the action and measures is useless, which called positive inert in management. For example, many enterprises increase the clerk's practice, not only failed to reduce distribution costs but also resulted in a rise on the channel costs.Next, I will point out three major aspects of analysis methods to integrate distribution channels.4.1 Channel strategy and channel management4.1.1 Customer satisfaction should be considered as the main objective. The attention should be shifted from the distributors to the customer service.As long as customers meet their satisfaction, the enterprises can achieve good performance. This simple truth was overlooked by many businesses. Customer satisfaction determine customer loyalty. Customer loyalty will create a good premise of channel innovation for the enterprise and channel integration. Under this premise , the enterprise can focus on several lower cost for the customer but it can bring real benefitsof the things, in order to avoid or minimize the cost of those who do not attach importance to the target customer.Unfortunately , in many industries, the enterprise did not do so. They placed distributors demand above the customers', even neglect end-users' needs and end up hurting customer satisfaction, until lose the customer loyalty.4.1.2 To re-examine and develop channel strategy and strategicChannels should be determined by the customer demand and economic efficiency. We should be concerned about the operation of the channels (sales, distribution, telegraph and other) whether they are effective and prompt . The results and performance of the channels should also be evaluated from the angle of the main target customers .Channels constitution often has been a clear division of labor on the channel. And it determines which channels should serve the small quantities of high-profits products, which channels should adopt the principle of small profits with large quantities.For most businesses, a thorough study of the existing or potential channels and escaping from the shackles of a single channel, multi-channel strategy reasonable, is the primary means to increase market share and sales.When enterprises use the new channels, distributors and salesmen's direct reaction is to worry about a channel conflict that generate price competition and distribution fault problems. It needs to be emphasized that first of all,the price competition and distribution fault problems is the management issues, and then channel issyes. Distribution and sale are definitely two concepts. The distribution process should be carefully controlled, and can be fully involved in sales (retail) link. Every conflict has its solution. Do not break down the value of questionable channels because of the conflicts.4.2 Customer relationship managementThe true customer relationship management (CRM) was implement with large obstacles in China. Because even the common customer profiles are difficult to establish. Their customer profiles are rough, inaccurate and obsolete data. This is not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is not knowing how to use customer information for management and marketing services.4.2.1 Classification of the existing total dealer, different management approach to different categoriesEnterprises should divide them into available and unavailable according to their attitude and ability, eliminate the unavailable ones. Enterprises must get rid of the impact of emotional factors, and also do not worry about the possible short-term impact on the sales to the phase-out of a distributor. Enterprise need bigger and bigger scale , but it also need a better and healthy internal environment. A healthy distribution channels is the core to a healthy enterprise. This conclusion has been proved by the reality.The next step is the further classification. Available ones must be divided into training and reforming ones . Give the former ones free training, or eliminate them.4.2.2 The re-design and definition of the content and the role of the client filesThrough a comprehensive, systematic and professional management methods, a full range of management will implement on customers . Second, enterprise should expand the role of the client files into the market management tools and management tools . Finally, customer profiles about the total dealer should be extended to all distributors, to establish a comprehensive second installment and retailers file, and gradually amplitude gradually from distributors to consumers. The ultimate extension is to the end-users.4.2.3 The use of modern information technology to create and deal with customers, market information systemsMost enterprise customers and market information cannot be established. On the one hand, ignoring cause the result. More importantly, they do not know what information to collect , do not know how to deal with information. Not all information can be used, only the customer knowledge extracted from the complex information and market knowledge is useful, know only establish enterprise content management system, in order to make the customer knowledge and market knowledge business management and marketing services. The use of large-scale sales of businesses, if you do not use modern information technologies and means, to establish a sound and valuable information is almost unthinkable.4.3 ClerkUltimately, no matter what and how to do in channel innovation, clerk is the advanced people to promote and operate it. Even if the use of modern information technologies and means, it can not replace the personal skills of distributors and salesmen, and not a substitute for the simple and correct market insight.The success or failure of the enterprise channel innovation, largely depends on the clerks' correct understanding of the necessity and urgency of the innovation, the ability to enhance the personal skills required by the innovation.4.3.1 Professional training on the salesmanClerk of the Chinese enterprises, even those good enterprise, the professional clerk is also very limited. Many companies implement salesman training, but this training exists many problems: do not let the salesman to recognize the need for training. The salesman did not really enter the training status, or too utilitarian; no training systems, training can not be sustained, not ongoing training. It is difficult to play a role. Assessment of the effectiveness of training is not combined with personal income and advancement.4.3.2 Redefine the role of salesmanThe role of most businesses salesman in the individual marketing is the basis for the definition of the channel innovation. And it will be conducted in a professional marketing and system marketing base. The salesman's work is no longer based on the sales of the core, but the core of a solid marketing foundation work. The appraisal of the clerk firstly depend on the action points in the course of action,then the sales. Objectively speaking, simple training and education cannot solve the problem. The real difficulty is that this is a a specialization and professionalization process. Recognizing this, the enterprise just know how much effort and costs they will take in order to achieve their goals. The biggest difference of Chinese enterprises is that they only need to find the problems and solutions can be. And we should not only find a solution, it is but also more important to solve the specialization and professionalization of personnel.5.ConclusionThe importance of distribution channel is obvious in the 21 century. Distribution channel in China need improvement and rational management. The mode of it require innovation.6.ReferenceFeng,L.Y. 2002, Distribution channel management, Economic Management Press.。

An Optimized SVPWM Strategy for Five-Level Active NPC (5L-ANPC) Converter

An Optimized SVPWM Strategy for Five-Level Active NPC (5L-ANPC) Converter

An Optimized SVPWM Strategy for Five-Level Active NPC(5L-ANPC)ConverterGuojun Tan,Member,IEEE,Qingwei Deng,and Zhan LiuAbstract—Thefive-level active neutral-point-clamped(5L-ANPC)converter has been widely studied for its excellent per-formance in high-power medium-voltage applications.This pa-per analyzes the space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM) strategy of the5L-ANPC converter in the virtual coordinate,and presents an optimized control strategy which can balance the neu-tral point(NP)voltage and avoid the dead-time effects for the first time.In this strategy,on one hand,the125space vectors are combined by96triangles in the seven-segment vector synthesis method,then the triangles are divided into seven categories which have different characteristics of balancing the NP voltage,and ev-ery category has its own principles to choose the vector sequence and compute the vector durations.On the other hand,the dead-time effects of the5L-ANPC converter are studied in detail and the transitions between different switching states are constrained in the optimized control strategy to avoid the dead-time effects that cannot be compensated by traditional pulse-based dead-time compensation methods.Finally,the optimized SVPWM strategy is experimentally verified in this paper.Index Terms—Active neutral-point-clamped(ANPC),dead-time effect,five-level(5L),neutral point voltage balance,space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM).I.I NTRODUCTIONT HE multilevel converters have been widely used in mo-tor drive applications such as pumps,blowers,compres-sors,and conveyors for the advantages of high-power capacity, low total harmonic distortion,low switching frequency,and so on[1],[2].As an answer to the increasing demand for drives which can increase the power factor and reduce the switching frequency,thefive-level converter has come into being.Thefive-level neutral-point-clamped(5L-NPC)converter and thefive-levelfloating-capacitor(5L-FC)converter are both the expansions of typical three-level topologies.However,both of them have the difficulty in balancing the voltages of capaci-tors[3].For the5L-NPC converter,four capacitors have to be connected in series to provide the dc-link four voltage levels[4]. The5L-FC converter has as many as ten FCs[5],so it is moreManuscript received November12,2012;revised January24,2013;accepted February8,2013.Date of current version July18,2013.This work was sup-ported in part by Jiangsu Engineering Research Center for Electrical Drive and Control under Project180101018,and in part by Science and Technology Department of Jiangsu Province under Grants BA2008029.Recommended for publication by Associate Editor P.Barbosa.The authors are with the School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou,Jiangsu221008,China (e-mail:gjtan@;dengqw@;zhanliu@) (Corresponding author:Q.Deng).Color versions of one or more of thefigures in this paper are available online at .Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TPEL.2013.2248172Fig.1.Simplified circuit diagram of one5L-ANPC phase leg.TABLE IP HASE S WITCHING S TATES OF THE5L-ANPC CONVERTERcomplicated to balance the capacitor voltages.Even though thecascaded H-Bridge converter can avoid the difficulty in balanc-ing the capacitor voltages,it is limited in some applicationsbecause of the dependence on isolated dc power sources[6].The5L-ANPC converter’s topology is presented by one-phase leg in Fig.1,which is composed of four parts(dc-link,Ce1,Ce2,and Ce3).The dc-link is shared by all three-phaselegs[7].The dc-link capacitors(C1and C2)are charged to halfof the total dc-link voltage(2V),and thefloating-capacitor(Cph)is charged to one fourth of the total dc-link voltage.Ce1provides three voltage levels(−V,0,V),and Ce2and Ce3provide three voltage levels(−V/2,0,V/2);thenfive levels(−V,−V/2,0,V/2,V)are generated by combining the twoparts’levels.Ce1devices are comprised of two series-connectedIGBTs,so that all IGBTs are rated for a quarter of the dc-link voltage.By following the list of switching combinationsin Table I,the devices of Ce1,Ce2,and Ce3can provide eight 0885-8993/$31.00©2013IEEEswitching states andfive-phase voltage levels.In Table I,the devices S1,S2,S5,and S6are turned ON or OFF at the same time,and the devices S3,S4,S7,and S8are turned ON or OFF at the same time.In order to facilitate the presentation,we num-ber the voltage levels−V,−V/2,0,V/2,V as0,1,2,3,and4, respectively.Detailed studies on balancing the voltages for differentfive-level topologies are addressed in[8]–[10].The5L-ANPC con-verter’s dc-link has only two capacitors and every phase(A B C) has one FC,which makes it easy to balance all the voltages. There have been many documents on balancing the dc-link ca-pacitor voltages;however,they are usually based on the SPWM strategy or the SHE-PWM strategy[11],[12].This paper studies the space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM)strategy of the5L-ANPC converter,which combines its125space vectors by96triangles in the virtual coordinate and then divides all the triangles into seven categories which have different character-istics of balancing the NP voltage.Even though the SVPWM strategy has to take as many as125space vectors into account, the regularities to balance the NP voltage can be found if space vectors are studied in the triangles of the virtual coordinate. Another question that should be considered is the dead-time effects caused by the5L-ANPC converter.As shown in Fig.1, the phase leg is composed of four parts,and the complementary devices in at least one part will be OFF simultaneously during the dead-time period,which may form unwanted circuits for the current.Then the voltage levels may be clamped to other unwanted levels,and it will cause many voltage glitches.There has been no paper that presents a SVPWM strategy preventing the voltage from being clamped to other unwanted levels for 5L-ANPC converters.The transitions between different switch-ing states are constrained in the optimized strategy to avoid this problem.II.SVPWM S TRATEGY OF THE5L-ANPC C ONVERTER The2-D Cartesian coordinate system is often used to analyze the space vectors.However,it is complex to compose the refer-ence space vector and compute the space vectors’distribution in the coordinate system,especially for the multilevel converters’SVPWM strategy.Therefore,the ja–jb–jc virtual coordinate is used here as shown in Fig.2.The virtual axes of ja,jb,and jc are obtained by rotating the axes of A,B,and C counter-clockwise by90◦,respectively.The number of space vectors increases to125,and many space vectors coincide with each other.The zero voltage vectors are labeled0in the diagram of Fig.2,and there arefive distinctive three-phase space vector combinations possible.Some voltage vectors have four distinc-tive combinations,some have three distinctive combinations, some have two distinctive combinations,and some have only one combination.The distinctive space vectors of every voltage vector are labeled,respectively,according to the voltage level of every phase(A B C).For example,if the three-phase voltage levels are3,4,and1,the space vector is numbered as341.Any reference space vector can be composed by the space vectors of the triangle in which it is located.In order to ensure that every phase voltage changes between adjacent levels and alldevices Fig.2.Space vectors diagram of the5L-ANPCconverter.Fig.3.Space vectors of one triangle.turn ON and OFF at most one time in a switching period,the seven-segment vector synthesis method is used[13].As an ex-ample shown in Fig.3,the reference space vector(Uref)can be composed of four space vectors in a triangle by the following vector sequences,220–230–330–331–330–230–220,230–330–331–341–331–330–230,330–331–341–441–341–331–330,or 331–341–441–442–441–341–331[14].The triangles in Fig.2are numbered and divided into seven categories as shown in Fig.4.The six triangles of Category I have ten vector sequences to compose the reference space vector, the six triangles of Category II have eight vector sequences,the twelve triangles of Category III have seven vector sequences,the twelve triangles of Category IV havefive vector sequences,the eighteen triangles of Category V have four vector sequences,the eighteen triangles of Category VI have two vector sequences, and the twenty-four triangles of Category VII have only one vector sequence.With the redundant switching states of the phase voltage levels1,2,and3,the number of distinctive three-phase switching states is512.So,the optimized control strategy mustfind a proper combination of three-phase switching states and choose a proper vector sequence to compose the reference voltage vector and balance the NP voltage and FC voltages at the same time.Fig.4.Triangles in sevencategories.Fig.5.Connecting States between L and dc-link capacitors.III.O PTIMIZED S TRATEGY OF B ALANCINGTHE N EUTRAL P OINT V OLTAGEIt is critical to reduce the ripples of the NP voltage for high-quality phase voltages.With the strategy of balancing the FC voltages being presented in [3],this paper only discusses how to balance the NP voltage in detail.The three-phase resistive–inductive load L is used for a three-phase 5L-ANPC converter,and there are ten connecting states between L and the two dc-link capacitors as shown in Fig.5,where the arrow shows the current flowing direction.It can be seen from Fig.5that in states a and b,the load L is connected with C1only.This means C1is discharged and C2is charged;therefore,the NP voltage will increase.In States c and d,the load L is connected with C2only.This means C2is discharged and C1is charged,and the NP voltage will decrease.In State e,the load L is connected with both C1and C2,and C1and C2will have the same average current if the three-phaseTABLE IIC ONNECTING S TATES OFD ISTINCTIVE T HREE -P HASE S WITCHING STATESTABLE IIIC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEI1load is symmetric,so the NP voltage will only fluctuate slightly.In States f and g,the load L is not connected with the NP,and C1and C2have the same current at any time.This means the NP voltage will not change.In States h,i,and j,the load L is not connected with any capacitor,so the NP voltage will not change.In order to facilitate the analysis,states a and b are described as “+,”States c and d are described as “−,”and States e,f,g,h,i,and j are described as “0.”“+”means increasing the NP voltage,“−”means decreasing the NP voltage,and “0”means having no effect on the NP voltage.As is described in Section II,there may be several vector sequences that can be used to compose the reference space vector when it is located in a triangle of Fig.4,and every vector sequence has four distinctive space vectors.What is more,some space vectors have distinctive switching states,so distinctive vector sequences may have distinctive results on balancing the NP voltage.Take triangle I1for example,space vector 121has eight distinctive three-phase switching states shown in Table II.The A-phase voltage level −V/2can be generated by either switching state V2or V3,and the B-phase voltage level 0can be generated by either switching state V4or V5,and the C-phase voltage level −V/2can be generated by either switching state V2or V3.So the eight switching states will connect with C 1and C 2in three states (States c,d,and i).The three-phase switching states V2V4V2,V2V5V2,V2V4V3,V2V5V3,V3V4V2,and V3V5V2will decrease the NP voltage,while the switching states V3V4V3and V3V5V3will not change the NP voltage.In order to balance the FCs,the switching states of States c and d will be used frequently [15],so space vector 121has the characteristic of decreasing the NP voltage.The other space vectors’characteristics in triangle I1are studied in the same way and shown in Table III.Table III only gives thefirst four space vectors of every vector sequence,and all the possible connecting states for every space vector are listed under every space vector.If state a or b is possible,a“+”is given.If State c or d is possible,a“−”is given.If State e or f or g or h or i or j is possible,a“0”is given.In this way,space vector121can be described as “−0,”which means the vector decreases the NP voltage during some switching periods while keeps the NP voltage unchanged during the other switching periods,so the vector can be used to decrease the NP voltage.All the space vectors of triangle I1have three kinds of characteristics,“−0,”“0,”and“+0,”among which“−0”means decreasing the NP voltage or keeping the NP voltage unchanged,“0”means keeping the NP voltage unchanged only,and“+0”means increasing the NP voltage or keeping the NP voltage unchanged.It can be seen from Table III that No.1and4vector sequences have similar characteristics of decreasing the NP voltage for both having three space vectors of “−0”and one space vector of“0.”No.2and3vector sequences also have similar characteristics of decreasing the NP voltage for both having four space vectors of“−0.”In order to simplify the process of choosing the vector sequence,No.1and2vector sequences are discarded.No.8and9vector sequences have similar characteristics of increasing the NP voltage.So do No. 7and10.Thus,No.9and10vector sequences are discarded too.For the remaining vector sequences,the vector sequence’s characteristic of increasing the NP voltage is enhanced when the vector sequence’s number increases.As thefirst and fourth space vectors coincide with each other, they share the same duration T.Take No.5vector sequence for example;if the duration of the space vector121(T1)is longer than that of the space vector232(T2),this vector sequence’s ability to decrease the NP voltage will enhance.So the control-ling factor f(−1<f<1)is introduced to adjust the durations in a vector sequence,and its value is decided by the following equation:f=U NP−U∗NPΔU NP(1)where U NP is the real NP voltage;U∗NP is the reference NP voltage;ΔU NP is the absolute value of the maximum NP voltage difference allowed.Then,the durations can be decided as follows:T1=T·(1+f)2T2=T·(1−f)2(2)where T1is thefirst space vector’s duration and T2is the fourth space vector’s duration in a vector sequence.No.3,4,and5vector sequences can be used to decrease the NP voltage,and the higher the NP voltage,the smaller is the vector sequence’s number.No.6,7,and8vector sequences can be used to increase the NP voltage,and the lower the NP voltage, the bigger is the vector sequence’s number.In other words,No. 3vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is much higher than the reference value,and No.5vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is just a little higher than the referenceTABLE IVC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEII1 value.In this way,the space vector232can be used to reduce the NP voltage’s excessive decrease when constrained by(1) and(2).No.4vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is between the two situations mentioned previously.No.8vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is much lower than the reference value,and No.6vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is just a little lower than the reference value. Thus,space vector221can be used to reduce the NP voltage’s excessive increase when constrained by(1)and(2).No.7vector sequence is chosen when the NP voltage is between the two situations mentioned earlier.Thefirst and fourth space vectors’durations of the other vector sequences are also decided by(1) and(2).And the otherfive triangles of Category I have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP voltage in triangle II1are shown in Table IV.All the space vectors in tri-angle II1havefive kinds of characteristics of balancing the NP voltage,“−,”“−0,”“+0,”“+,”and“±0.”“−”means decreas-ing the NP voltage only,“−0”means decreasing or keeping the NP voltage unchanged,“+0”means increasing or keeping the NP voltage unchanged,“+”means increasing the NP voltage only,and“±0”means increasing or decreasing or keeping the NP voltage unchanged.As shown in Table IV,No.1and2vector sequences have sim-ilar characteristics of decreasing the NP voltage,while No.7and 8vector sequences have similar characteristics of increasing the NP voltage.So,No.1and8vector sequences are discarded to simplify the process of choosing the vector sequence.What is more,No.4vector sequence is also discarded for its space vectors of“±0”and“+0”which weaken the characteristic of decreasing the NP voltage seriously.Meanwhile,No.5vector sequence is discarded for its space vectors of“±0”and“−0”which weaken the characteristic of increasing the NP voltage. For the remaining vector sequences,the vector sequence’s char-acteristic of increasing the NP voltage is enhanced when the vector sequence’s number increases.No.2and3vector se-quences can be used to decrease the NP voltage,and the higher the NP voltage,the smaller is the vector sequence’s number. No.6and7vector sequences can be used to increase the NP voltage,and the lower the NP voltage,the bigger is the vector sequence’s number.Even though some space vectors’character-istics become diverse(such as“±0”),the space vectors that have the characteristic of“+”or“−”will make No.3and6vector sequences have clear characteristics,if thefirst and fourth spaceTABLE VC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEIII1TABLE VIC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEIV2vectors’durations are decided by (1)and (2).The other five triangles of Category II have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP volt-age in triangle III1are shown in Table V All the space vectors of triangle III1have the same five kinds of characteristics as the space vectors in triangle II1.The vector sequence’s character-istic of increasing the NP voltage is enhanced when the vector sequence’s number increases.No.1and 2vector sequences can be used to decrease the NP voltage,and the higher the NP volt-age,the smaller is the vector sequence’s number.No.6and 7vector sequences can be used to increase the NP voltage,and the lower the NP voltage,the bigger is the vector sequence’s number.No.3,4,and 5vector sequences are discarded for they have too many space vectors of “±0”.The first and fourth space vectors’durations are also decided by (1)and (2).The other 11triangles of Category III have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP volt-age in triangle IV2are shown in Table VI.All the space vectors of triangle IV2also have the same five kinds of characteristics as the space vectors in triangle II1.The vector sequence’s char-acteristic of increasing the NP voltage is enhanced when the vector sequence’s number increases.No.1vector sequence can be used to decrease the NP voltage,and No.5vector sequence can be used to increase the NP voltage.The vector sequences of No.2,3,and 4are discarded for their too many space vectors of “±0”which weaken the characteristic of balancing the NP volt-age.The first and fourth space vectors’durations are decided by (1)and (2)too.The other 11triangles of Category IV have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP volt-age in triangle V4are shown in Table VII.All the space vectors of triangle V4also have the same five kinds of characteristics TABLE VIIC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEV4TABLE VIIIC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEVI3TABLE IXC ONNECTING S TATES OF THE V ECTOR S EQUENCES IN T RIANGLEVII3as the space vectors in Triangle II1.And the vector sequence’s characteristic of increasing the NP voltage is enhanced when the vector sequence’s number increases e only No.1vector sequence to decrease the NP voltage,and only No.4vector se-quence to increase the NP voltage.No.2and 3vector sequences are discarded for space vectors of “±0”which weaken the char-acteristic of balancing the NP voltage.The first and fourth space vectors’durations are also decided by (1)and (2).And the other 17triangles of Category V have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP volt-age in triangle VI3are shown in Table VIII.It can be seen from Table VIII that all the space vectors of Triangle VI3have three kinds of characteristics,“−0,”“0,”and “+0,”among which “−0”means decreasing or keeping the NP voltage unchanged,“0”means keeping the NP voltage unchanged only,and “+0”means increasing or keeping the NP voltage unchanged.Even though Triangle VI3has only two vector sequences,No.1vector sequence will have the characteristic of decreasing the NP volt-age if space vector 320’s duration is longer than 431’s,and No.2vector sequence will have the characteristic of increasing the NP voltage if space vector 441’s duration is longer than 330’s.So the first and fourth space vectors’durations should also be decided by (1)and (2).And the other 17triangles of Category VI have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage.The space vectors’characteristics of balancing the NP voltage in triangle VII3are shown in Table IX.All the space vectors of triangle VII3have the same three kinds of characteristics as the space vectors in triangle VI3.Triangle VII3has only one vector sequence,and the second and third space vectors will keep the NP voltage unchanged.What is more,the first space vector has the characteristic of decreasing the NP voltage,while the fourth space vector has the characteristic of increasing the NP voltage.So the NP voltage can also be balanced by adjusting theFig.6.Flowchart of the optimized NP voltage control strategy.duration of space vector330(T1)and that of space vector441 (T2)according to(1)and(2).The other23triangles of Category VII have the same regularity of balancing the NP voltage. From the aforementioned analysis,the optimized SVPWM strategy’s steps to balance the NP voltage are given as follows: 1)find out the triangle where the reference space vector(Uref)is indicated in Fig.4;2)choose the most appropriate vector sequence according tothe NP voltage difference in the triangle,and the vector sequence’s number is described as L;3)adjust the durations of thefirst and fourth space vectorsT1and T2by(1)and(2).Theflowchart of this optimized SVPWM strategy is shown in Fig.6,where“DW”means decreasing the NP voltage,and“UP”means increasing the NP voltage.It can also be seen from Tables III to IX that different vector sequences have different space vectors,and different space vec-tors affect the FCs of three-phase legs differently.In this paper, the method in[3]is used to balance the FCs.Thus,space vectors with phase voltage level1or3can be used to balance the FC of the phase leg whose phase voltage level is1or3.In the opti-mized SVPWM strategy,four space vectors are combined in a vector sequence,and every phase voltage level changes between adjacent levels(0–1–0,1–2–1,2–3–2,and3–4–3).That means every phase leg has at least one space vector that can be used to balance its FC in any vector sequence during a switching period. So,all the three FCs can be balanced well under the optimized SVPWM strategy of balancing the NP voltage.IV.O PTIMIZED S TRATEGY OF A VOIDING THE D EAD-T IMEE FFECTS IN THE5L-ANPC C ONVERTERIt is known from the introduction that every phase of the5L-ANPC converter can produce eight switching states as shown in Fig.7,and the phase current i is positive when itflows out of the converter.In normal working conditions,the allowed transitions between switching states are shown in Fig.8.By this transition control strategy,the reference space vector can be composed of the seven-segment vector synthesis method, and transitions only appear between adjacent phase voltage lev-els.Take the vector sequence000–010–110–111–110–010–000 for instance,the A-phase voltage level changes by0–1–0,and the transition of switching states is V1–V2–V1or V1–V3–V1. Which transition to choose depends on the need of balancing the A-phase FC voltage[16].In order to prevent straight-though short circuits,the devices have to wait for a dead-time period before turning ON,which will cause the complementary de-vices to keep OFF simultaneously for a dead-time period.Then, unwanted current circuits will be formed via the devices’an-tiparallel diodes.In this way,the phase voltage level may be clamped to another unwanted level.The pulse-based dead-time compensation methods for two-and three-level converters are described in[17]and[18].For the5L-ANPC converter,take the transition V4–V6for example,and the phase voltage level will change from level 2to level3.During the dead-time,all the devices of Ce1and Ce2are OFF,and device S11is also OFF,while device S10 is ON.When the current is positive,it willflow out through device S10and the antiparallel diodes of devices S7,S8,and S12;so the switching state changes from V4[see Fig.7(d)]to V2[seeFig.7(b)]and the phase voltage level changes from level 2to level1.When the current is negative,the current willflow in through the antiparallel diodes of devices S1,S2,S9,and S10; so the switching state changes from V4[see Fig.7(d)]to V8[see Fig.7(h)]and the phase voltage level changes from level2to level4.All the transitions of adjacent voltage levels are studied and the dead-time effects are shown in Table X.“direct”means the switching state changes into the wanted one directly,and “delay”means the switching state waits for a dead-time period before changing into the wanted one.Take the transition V1–V2–V1for instance;when the current is positive,the switching state will stay in V1for one more dead-time period before changing into V2,and after V2’s duration is over,the switching state will change from V2to V1directly.In this way,V1’s duration is one dead-time period longer than needed,and V2’s duration is one dead-time period shorter than required.On the contrary,when the current is negative,the switching state will change from V1to V2directly,and after V2’s duration is over, the switching state will stay in V2for one more dead-time period before changing into V1.In this way,V1’s duration is one dead-time period shorter than needed,and V2’s duration is one dead-time period longer than needed.These kinds of dead-time effects can be offset by the pulse-based dead-time compensation method presented in[17],while the dead-time effects of transitions V4–V6–V4,V4–V7–V4,V2–V5–V2,and V3–V5–V3cannot be offset in the compensation method for the phase voltage level will be clamped to other unwanted levels. Therefore,the optimized control strategy in this paper constrains the transitions as shown in Fig.9to avoid the second kind of dead-time effects.As shown,when the phase voltage changes between level1and level2,V4is used for level2,and when the phase voltage changes between level2and level3,V5is used for level2.This will not only avoid the second kind of dead-time effects,but also produce all the phase voltages needed.Fig.7.Eight switching states of the 5L-ANPCconverter.Fig.8.Phase voltages and allowed transitions for the 5L-ANPC converter.TABLE XD EAD -T IME E FFECTS OF S WITCHING S TATE TRANSITIONSFig.9.Phase voltages and optimized transitions for the 5L-ANPC converter.Replace the first kind of glitches with “Offset-Glitches”and the second kind of glitches with “No-Offset-Glitches.”During the experimental verification,there will be a third kind of glitchescaused by the stray inductance,and “Inductance-Glitches”will be used to indicate them.V .E XPERIMENTAL V ERIFICATIONTo prove the optimized SVPWM strategy of the 5L-ANPC converter,an experimental prototype is constructed.The abili-ties to balance the NP voltage and avoid the dead-time effects are verified.The main experimental parameters are dc-bus voltage V dc =100V ,rated FC voltage V ph =25V ,dc-link capaci-tor C 1=C 2=1050μF ,FC C ph =1050μF ,switching fre-quency f sw =4kHz ,modulation index is 0.8,and three-phase resistive–inductive load (R =8Ωand L =23mH).A.Results of Balancing the NP VoltageFig.10shows the voltages of the upper and lower dc-link ca-pacitors under the optimized SVPWM strategy.They are mea-sured with an Agilent Technologies MSO6014A scope,and the dc-link voltage is maintained by a three-phase uncontrolled rec-tifier.It can be seen from Fig.10(a)that the voltage waveforms of the upper and lower dc-link capacitors Vc1and Vc2fol-low the same trace,and they are at a half of the dc-link voltage.Fig.10(b)shows that the maximum difference between Vc1and Vc2is less than 1.5%of the total dc-link voltage,which means the optimized strategy of balancing the NP voltage works well.In Fig.10(c)and (d)are shown the three-phase FCs’voltage waveforms,and they are at a quarter of the dc-link voltage.The amplitude of the ripple on the FC is around 7%,which proves that the optimized strategy of balancing the NP voltage has little influence on balancing the FC voltage.B.Results of Avoiding the Dead-Time EffectsIt can be seen from Section IV that the choice of the switching state for level 1or level 3depends on the need of balancing the。



一种带前馈的双闭环APFC控制方法闫文华;王小鹏;鱼鹏飞【摘要】为了提高传统功率因数校正(PFC)数字控制的稳态性能、动态响应和功率因数,降低输入电流谐波畸变,提出了一种带前馈的双闭环有源功率因数校正(APFC)控制方法.首先,建立了Boost PFC控制系统的小信号模型,推导出了系统传递函数;然后,估算出了Boost拓扑结构主要器件的参数值.通过前馈的作用,系统可以快速响应调整输入电压的变化,利用电压环和电流环实现对输入电流和输出电压的调节.Simulink建模仿真表明:该方法能够在输入电压波动较大的情况下有效地稳定控制输出电压,提高系统的动态响应能力和输入功率因数,减小输入电流谐波畸变.%In order to improve the steady state performance,dynamic response and power factor of traditional power factor correction (PFC) digital control method and reduce the harmonic distortion of input current,a double closed loop active power factor correction (APFC) control method with feed-forward is proposed.Firstly,the small signal model of Boost PFC control system is built and the system transfer function is deduced,and then the parameters of the main device with Boost topology is estimated.By means of the feed-forward,the system can quickly respond to the change in input voltage.Furthermore,the use of voltage loop and current loop can achieve input current and output voltageregulation.Simulink modeling shows that this method can effectively control the output voltage in case of input voltage largelyfluctuating,improve the system dynamic response ability and input power factor,and reduce the input current harmonic distortion.【期刊名称】《测试科学与仪器》【年(卷),期】2017(008)003【总页数】7页(P264-270)【关键词】有源功率因数校正;前馈;双闭环控制;传递函数【作者】闫文华;王小鹏;鱼鹏飞【作者单位】兰州交通大学电子与信息工程学院,甘肃兰州730070;兰州交通大学电子与信息工程学院,甘肃兰州730070;北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院,北京100044【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM464Abstract: In order to improve the steady state performance, dynamic response and power factor of traditional power factor correction (PFC) digital control method and reduce the harmonic distortion of input current, a double closed loop active power factor correction (APFC) control method with feed-forward is proposed. Firstly, the small signal model of Boost PFC control system is built and the system transfer function is deduced, and then the parameters of the main device with Boost topology is estimated. By means of the feed-forward, the system can quickly respond to the change in input voltage. Furthermore, the use of voltage loop and current loop can achieve input current and output voltage regulation. Simulink modeling shows that this method can effectively control the outputvoltage in case of input voltage largely fluctuating, improve the system dynamic response ability and input power factor, and reduce the input current harmonic distortion.Key words: active power factor correction; feed-forward; double closed loop control; transfer functionCLD number: TM464 Document code: AThe problems of power factor correction (PFC) caused by the large use of power electronic devices are becoming more and more serious. A large number of harmonics produced by nonlinear loads in the power network make the input current distorted[1], as a result, the power quality of the power network is seriously affected. Active power factor correction (APFC)[2-4] can effectively improve the quality of power network and enhance the power factor of the system. The three-phase high-power APFC digital control technology has become the research focus of PFC technology.Compared to Flyback[2], Buck[3] and other topologies, Boost[4-6] APFC converter has less high-frequency ripple component of input current and higher output voltage. Above all, its highlight is that the input power factor can be maintained over the entire input voltage range[4,7]. At present, the commonly used PFC digital control methods include peak current control method[8], average current control method[9], and so on. Peak current control method compares output voltage with reference voltage to generate error signal; and then generates input reference current by means of the compensator of digital signals, finally, inductor current andreference current are compared to produce the driving power of pulse-width modulation (PWM) signal.However, this method needs to add slope compensation in the input channel of the comparator, and the effects of improving the power factor (PF) and reducing the harmonic distortion rate (total harmonic distortion, THD) are not perfect[8]. The average current control method compares inductor current with reference current to produce a signal, which is averaged by current error amplifier; and then the signal comparator compares the amplified average current with the sawtooth wave to generate the PWM driver of the power transistor. When it comes to achieve projects through the instrumentality of digital signal processor (DSP) or other devices that contain both hardware and software, the problem of time delay increases the bandwidth and gain of current loop, resulting in heavier load on the current loop. Of course, the performances of steady-state and the dynamic response capability of the system are not perfect[9-11].The double closed loop control strategy of non-isolated Weinberg converter with input voltage feed-forward was proposed in Ref.[12]. The used level of power is 1-2 kW. But when it comes to high power applications, it is difficult to guarantee its own advantages. While the double closed loop control strategy of Boost converter with input voltage feed-forward can effectively guarantee the performance of power equipment in high power condition. Ref.[10] used analog control chipUC3854 to control Boost PFC, and its control circuit needed many components, therefore it was easily affected by temperature and aging ofcomponents. At the same time, the working point and system parameters were easy to drift. The digital control can overcome the shortcomings of analog control. Moreover, software control is beneficial to easier system upgrading, functional extension, and more complex control algorithms. Aiming at the defects of PFC digital control method mentioned above, a double closed loop average current APFC control method [12] with feed-forward is proposed, of which feed-forward component improves the systematical dynamic response of input voltage, current loop makes input current closer to sinusoidal wave, and voltage loop keeps output voltage stable. The proposed method not only enhances the power factor of input current and dynamic response capability of the system, but also reduces the harmonic distortion of input current.The core part of control method is mainly composed of feed-forward component and double closed-loop control part. The feed-forward component mainly can improve the systematic dynamatic response ability of jumping input voltage, and the double closed loop part can improve the input power factor of power electrical devices and reduce the harmonic distortion of the input current.1.1 Double closed loop average current control method with feed-forward As shown in Fig.1, AC input voltage is uin, input inductance current is iLa and DC output voltage is uoa, which are input into the A/D converter through the sampling circuit, with the analog quantity being converted into digital quantity. The error between the feedback output voltage uo filtered and reference voltage Uref is adjusted by voltage loop PI controllerto generate a DC value that is similar to constant. And then this DC value and the input voltage pass through the multiplier to generate the current reference value iref, After that, the error between the iref and input current iL is adjusted by the current loop PI controller to generate the uPI. At the same time, the error between Uref and uo to do division by Uref, as a result, the duty cycle component uFF of feed-forward part is generated. Finally, the sum of uFF and uPI is compared with the triangular carrier to generate the final PWM driver, thus the inductor current is controlled in real time to approximate the inductance average current.1.2 Control modelIn order to estimate the correlation coefficient of the proportional-integral (PI) controller, we can build a small signal model of Boost PFC control system and figure out its transfer function. Based on this, we can build a Simulink simulation model of the system. In PFC digital control strategy, the double closed loop PI control of voltage outer loop and current inner loop is adopted. Considering the effect of coupling between the double closed loop, relative to proportional-integral-differential (PID) or proportional-differential (PD) control, PI control has the advantages of simple design, fast rise time, in sensitiving to the initial value a reasonable initial value can converge to the optimal solution, which brings great convenience for parameter debugging, and its parameters is less than those the classical PID control. In addition, due to the obvious delay phenomenon in the numerical control of actual project and the limitation of switching frequency of power pipe, the PI control can better solve thelag effect and improve the stability of the system.The small signal model of Boost PFC control system is shown in Fig.2. Fm and He(s) are the PWM and sampling gain of the system, respectively; Hi(s) and HV(s) are the transfer functions of the current loop and voltage loop, respectively; , , gm=2kii/uin. The transfer functions Gud and Gig of the “control-output”, Gug and Gid of the “input-output” can be figured out as.In the average current control with feed-forward, the pulse width modulator gain Fm iswhere re is the slope of the saw-tooth wave, and rn is the slope of current error amplifier’s output signal.The current loop transfer function can be obtained from the current loop control loop, as shown in Fig.3, namely.According to the small signal model of Boost PFC control system, the open-loop transfer function of current loop Ti(s) can be obtained asThe transfer function of voltage loop is obtained from the voltage loop control loop (Fig.4).According to the small signal model and system function of the Boost PFC control system, the Simulink simulation model is set up, as shown in Fig.5. The parameters of the Boost inductor L and filter capacitor C are estimated asy.In order to test the effect of power factor correction and the dynamic response capability of the system in case of the jumping input voltage , it is verified on the basis of Simulink modeling, in which the three-phase input AC voltage is 176- 256 V, boost inductor is L=750 μH, filter capacitor is C=4 230 μF, power tube’s switching frequency is f=24 kHz, and the maximum load is about 15 kW. Fig.6 shows the steady-state waveform of the output DC voltage. It can be seen the steady-state output is DC 400V, and the ripple voltage peak-to-peak value is about 6 V.In order to compare the dynamic response capability of the system when the input AC voltage is abruptly changed, the input voltage is abruptly fallen from 220 to 176 V at 0.57 s. Fig.7(a) shows the dynamic response wave of the system’s output voltage without feed-forward. It can be seen that the output voltage Vo falls, rises, slightly falls and finally tends to be stable. However, the voltage overshoot is obvious and the whole adjustment process takes 0.35 s. Fig.7(b) shows the dynamic response wave of the system’s output voltage with feed-forward, which tells us that tending to be stale only take 0.09 s without the voltage overshoot. Fig.8(a) and Fig.9(a) are the system’s dynamic response waves of the input current and the inductance current without feed-forward, It can be seen that the regulation of input current Iin and inductance current IL are similar to those of Vo, the processes have concussive phenomenon, Iin and IL take 0.12 s and 0.16 s tend to be stable, respectively. Fig.8(b) and Fig.9(b) are the system’s dynamic response waves of the input current and theinductance current with feed-forward, respectively. It can be seen that Iin and IL take 0.06 s and 0.08 s tend to be stable, respectively, and the processes are nearly without concession. Apparently, the dynamic response speed of the system is obviously faster, and the dynamic response process is better than the system without feed-forward section. Table 1 presents the system’s PF and THD of the three-input power. It can be seen that with the increase of the load power, the PF of three input power covering A, B and C are greater than 0.99, and the trend of increase is almost close to 1; the THD of the three-input current is less than 5%, and the effect of PFC is ideal and thus reaches the desired goal.A double closed loop average current APFC control method with feed-forward is proposed, and a three-phase APFC control system based on Boost topology is designed. In view of the fast change of the input voltage, the dynamic response capability of the system is improved by feed-forward circuit. The current regulating loop limits the inductance current, at the same time the double closed loop structure reduces the phase lag. Simulink modeling and simulation show that the method can effectively control the output voltage stability, improve the system dynamic response ability and input Power factor of the system, and reduce the harmonic distortion of the input current, thus the ideal power factor correction effect is obtained.[1] LU Wei-guo, FANG Hui-min, YANG Yi-di, et al. Analysis and design of dynamic slope compensation for Boost PFC converter. Electric Power Automation Equipment, 2017, 37(5): 1-6.[2] BEN Hong-qi, ZHANG Ji-hong. Active power factor correction technology in switching mode power supply. Beijing: Machinery Industry Press, 2010.[3] WANG Zhao-an, LIU Jin-jun. Power electronics technology. Beijing:China Machine Press, 2009.[4] CHEN Zhe. Boost APFC device design. Electrical Technology, 2010, (1):45-50.[5] YAO Kai, RUAN Xin-bo, MAO Xiao-jing, et al. Reducing storage capacitor of a DCM Boost PFC converter. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2012, 27(1): 151-160.[6] LIU Zhi-fei, DU Gui-ping, DU Fa-da. A novel high-efficiency bridgeless dual boost PFC converter. Power Electronics, 2017, 51(1): 68-71.[7] Abramovitz A. Effect of the Ripple Current on Power Factor of CRM Boost APFC. IEEE International Power Electronics & Motion C, 2006, 17(3):1-4.[8] YAN Chang-guo, GONG Ren-xi, LIU Xiao-yong. Modeling and design of staggered boost converter based on peak control. Science & Technology and Engineering, 2017, 17(2): 44-48.[9] HAO Bing-jin, XU Yan. Active power factor orrection analysis based on average current control. Journal of Shandong Agricultural University (Natural science edition), 2012, 43(4): 543-548.[10] LI Jing-ling. Research and simulation of control method for active power factor correction circuit. Electrotechnics Electric, 2010, 11(3): 33-36.[11] HOU Ming-kai, CHEN Cheng-hu, CHENG Ming-yang. 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足球机械人外文文献原文翻译RoboCup is a Stage which Impulse theResearch of Basic Technology in Robot1 IntroductionRoboCup is an international joint project to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and related field. It is an attempt to foster AI and intelligent robotics research by providing a standard problem where wide range of technologies can be integrated and examined. RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a central topic of research, aiming at innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries. The ultimate goal of the RoboCup project is by 2050, develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots that can win against the human world champion team in soccer (Fig 1).In order for a robot team to actually perform a soccer game, various technologies must be incorporated including: design principles of autonomous agents, multi-agent collaboration, strategy acquisition, real-time reasoning, robotics, and sensor-fusion.RoboCup is a task for a team of multiple fast-moving robots under a dynamic environment. RoboCup also offers a software platform for research on the software aspects of RoboCup (Burkhard02).One of the major applications of RoboCup technologies is a search and rescue in large scale disaster. RoboCup initiated RoboCup rescue project to specifically promote research in socially significant issues.In the next section we will introduce the origin, organization and leagues of RoboCup.Section 3 we will discuss the relative technology in RoboCup.2 The Origin, Organization and Leagues of RobocupThe concept of RoboCup was first introduced by professor of Alan Mackworth in 1993. The main goal of RoboCup is to propose a challenged research issue to develop robotic. Following a two-year feasibility study, in August 1995, an announcement was made on the introduction of the first international conferences and footballgames.Now RoboCup Soccer is divided into the following leagues: Simulation league(2D,3D), Small-size robot league (f-180), Middle-size robot league (f-2000), Fourlegged robot league, Humanoid league. In July 1997, the first official conference and games were held in Japan. The annual events attracted many participants and spectators.2.1 RoboCup 2D-Simulation LeagueThe RoboCup 2D-simulation league uses a simulator called the Soccer Server to do the soccer simulation. The Soccer Server provides a standard platform for research into multiagent systems. The Soccer Server simulates the players, the ball and the field for a 2D soccer clients (11 for each team) connect to the server, each client controlling a single player. Every 100ms the Soccer Server accepts commands, via socket communication, from each client. The client sends low level commands (dash, turn or kick) to be executed (imperfectly) by the simulated player it is controlling. Clients can only communicate with each other using an unreliable, low bandwidth communication channel built intotheFigure 1. Soccer racing in the futureSoccer Server. The Soccer Server simulates the (imperfect) sensing of the players, sending an abstracted(objects, . players and ball, with direction, distance and relative velocity) interpretation of field of vision to the clients every 150ms. The field of vision of the clients is limited to only a part of the whole field. The Soccer Server enforces most of the basic rules of (human) soccer including off-sides, corner kicks and goal kicks and simulates some basic limitations on players such as maximum running speed, kicking power and stamina limitations (Bom99).An extra client on each team can connect as a “coach”, who can see the whole field and send strategic information to clients when the play is stopped, for example for a free-kick. The Soccer Monitor (Fig 2) connects to the Soccer Server as another client and provides a 2D visualization of the game for a human audience. Other clients can connect in the same way to do things like 3D visualization, automated commentary and statistical analysis.There are no actual robots in this league but spectators can watch the action on a large screen, which looks like a giant computer game. Each simulated robot player may have its own play strategy and characteristic and every simulated team actually consists of a collection of programmers. Many computers are networked together in order for this competition to take place. The games last for about 10 minutes, with each half being 5 minutes duration.Figure 2. RoboCup 2D-Simulation league2. 2 RoboCup 3D-Simulation LeagueThe 3D competition makes use of the simulator that is based on the simulation system introduced at the RoboCup 2003 symposium and the spades simulation middleware system introduced at the RoboCup 2002 symposium. It can be downloaded from source forge (Fig 3). One of the goals for future 3D soccer competitions is to have simulated robots with articulated bodies, for example like humanoid robots. Prior to compiling and installing the rcssserver3D, you need to install a few software packages. You can compile and install rcssserver3D in two different ways, a "light" installation and the full installation. With the full installation, you get an additional library (called kerosin), which is useful to visualize objects nicely, especially articulated objects (this are objects consisting of more than one geometry linked with joints). These features are not (yet) required for the soccer simulation. The light installation, which is the default, you get a not so fancy OpenGL visualization. To enable the full installation, pass the "--enable-kerosin" flag to the `configure' shell script. For the generic installation instructions, see the text below the specific instructions here.Required libraries for the default installation:(1) spades- working versions: , older versions may also work;-get it at: projects/ spades-sim;Figure 3. RoboCup 3D-Simulation league- description: agent middleware, handles timing issues and networking;- additional info: you need a recent version of expat for spades.(2) ruby- working versions: or newer;- get it at: description: scripting language;- additional info: if you compile ruby yourself, configure with enable-shared.(3) boost- working versions: get it at: description: c++ programming extensions.(4) ode- working versions: ;- - get it at: projects/ open- de;- -descriptions: for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics.(5) OpenGL, GLUTYou need the OpenGL and GLUT headers for the visualization. This may be dependent on your graphics card. (GLUT is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit).-part for example of XFree86-Mesa-devel;-you should get it with your linux distro.Small-size Robot LeagueThe field of play must be rectangular. The dimensions include boundary lines. Length: 4900mm, Width:3400 mm. A small-size RoboCup takes place between two teams of five robots each (Fig 4).Figure 4. Small-size robot leagueEach robot must conform to the dimensions as specified in the F180 rules: The robot must fit within a 180mm diameter circle and must be no higher than 15cm unless they use onboard vision. The robots play soccer on a green carpeted field that is long by wide with an orange golf ball. Robots come in two flavors, those with local on-board vision sensors and those with global vision. Global vision robots, by far the most common variety, use an overhead camera and off-field PC to identify and track the robots as they move around the field. The overhead camera is attached to a camera bar located 3m above the playing surface. Local vision robots have their sensing on the robot itself. The vision information is either processed on-board the robot or is transmitted back to the off-field PC for processing. An off-field PC is used to communication referee commands and, in the case of overhead vision, position information to the robots. Typically the off-field PC also performs most, if not all, of the processing required for coordination and control of the robots. Communications is wireless and typically uses dedicated commercial FM transmitter/receiver units although at least one team has used IRDA successfully.Middle Size LeagueTwo teams of 4 mid-sized robots with all sensors on-board play soccer on a field. Relevant objectsare distinguished by colors. Communication among robots (if any) is supported on wirelesscommunications. No external intervention by humans is allowed, except to insert or remove robotsin/from the field.Figure 5. Middle Size League2. 5 The Four-Legged LeagueIn The Four-Legged League, participating teams have to use robots specified by the Competition Committee without any modification on its hardware.In 2004 there are choices of either using:-Sony Entertainment Robot AIBO ERS-210/210A, or-Sony Entertainment Robot AIBO ERS-7, or-A combination of both in the teamThe four main technical issues associated with the SSL are the following:Robust color processing and color tracking. The lighting at tournament halls is very irregular; there are shadows and unpredictable variations during a game. The software has to surmount these difficulties while processing video frames provided by inexpensive cameras. In recent years, most good teams have solved these issues, and we do not see them losing the robots or the ball.Robust mechanical design. A robot able to play at a good level in the SSL must be fast (1-2 m/s maximal speed) and able to resist strong collisions. Typically, SSL robots can fall from a table and continue playing. There has been a new emphasis in mechanical design during the last two years with the introduction of such innovations as omni directional drive (Cornell 2000) and dribbling bars that allow robots to control the ball and pass it (Cornell 2001).Robust wireless communications. This might be considered the single most important unsolved issue in the SSL. Most teams use the same RF chips and this has led to significant interference problems in thepast. Tournaments have become too long because it is very difficult to schedule simultaneous games. A solution such as WaveLan cards or Bluetooth modules will be explored in the future.Good programming of robot behavior. It can be safely said that most teams in the SSL have adopted a pure reactive design with simple strategic goals. The fact that the field of play is too small relative to the size of the robots means that it does not pay to compute too complicated strategies. The horizon of most systems is just a few frames into the future, since the robots are so fast relative to the size of the field. Thus, enlarging the field has to become a major research issue if more sophisticated strategies are to be programmed.Figure 6. 4 legged league Figure 7. Humanoid leagueHumanoid LeagueHumanoid robots show basic skills of soccer players, such as shooting a ball, or defending a goal. Relevant objects are distinguished by colors. External intervention by humans is allowed, as some of the humanoid robots are tele-operated.3 Viewing a Soccer Game as a Multi-Agent EnvironmentA soccer game is a specific but very attractive real time multi-agent environment from the viewpoint of distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent research. If we regard a soccer team as a multi-agent system, a lot of interesting research issues will arise.In a game, we have two competing teams. Each team has a team-wide common goal, namely to win the game. The goals of the two teams are incompatible. The opponent team can be seen as a dynamic and obstructive environment, which might disturb the achievement of the common team goal. To fulfill the common goal, each team needs to score, which can be seen as a sub-goal. To achieve this subgoals, each team member is required to behave quickly, flexibly, and cooperatively; by taking local and globalsituations into account.The team might have some sorts of global (team-wide) strategies to fulfill the common goal, and both local and global tactics to achieve subgoals. However, consider the following challenges:-the game environment, . the movement of the team members and the opponent team, is highly dynamic. -the perception of each player could be locally limited.-the role of each player can be different.-communication among players is limited; therefore, each agent is required to behave very flexibly and autonomously in real-time under the resource bounded situation.Summarizing these issues, a soccer team can be viewed as a cooperative distributed realtime planning scheme, embedded in a highly dynamic environment. In cooperative distributed planning for common global goals, important tasks include the generation of promising local plans at each agent and coordination of these local plans. The dynamics of the problem space, . the changing rate of goals compared with the performance of each planner, are relatively large, reactive planning that interleaves the plan generation and execution phases is known to be an effective methodology at least for a single agent to deal with these dynamic problems.For cooperative plan schemes, there are frequent changes in the problem space or the observation of each agent is restricted locally. There is a trade-off between communication cost, which is necessary to coordinate the local plans of agents with a global plan, and the accuracy of the global plan (this is known as the predictability/responsiveness tradeoff). The study of the relationship between the communication cost and processing cost concerning the reliability of the hypotheses in FA/C, and the relationship between the modification cost of local plans and the accuracy of a global plan in PGP illustrate this fact. Schemes for reactive cooperative planning in dynamic problem spaces have been proposed and evaluated sometimes based on the pursuit game (predator-prey)(Hiroaki01). However, the pursuit game is a relatively simple game, the environment is basically for the study of a single agent architecture.We see that a robot soccer game will provide a much tougher, fertile, integrated, exciting, and pioneering evaluation environment for distributed artificial intelligence and multiagent research.4 Research Issues for Robocup with Real RobotsIn this section, we discuss several research issues involved in realizing real robots for RoboCup.(1) Design of RoboCup player and their control: Existing robot players have beendesigned to perform mostly single behavior actions, such as pushing/dribbling/rolling. A RoboCup player should be designed so that it can perform multiple subtasks such as shooting (including kicking), dribbling (pushing), passing, heading, and throwing a ball; which often involves the common behavior of avoiding the opponents. Roughly speaking, there are two ways to build RoboCup players:- Design each component separately, which is specialized for a single behavior and then assemble them into one.- Design one or two components that can per form multiple subtasks.Approach 1 seems easier to design but more difficult to build and vice versa. Since the RoboCup player should move around quickly it should be compact; therefore, approach 2 should be a new target for the mechanical design of the RoboCup player. We need compact and powerful actuators with wide dynamic ranges. Also, we have to develop sophisticated control techniques for as few as possible multiple behavior components with low energy consumption. The ultimate goal of a RoboCup player would be a humanoid type, that can run, kick and pass a ball with its legs and feet; can throw a ball with its arms and hands, and can do heading with its head. To build a team of humanoid type robots currently seems impossible.(2) Vision and sensor fusion: Visual information is a rich source of information toperceive, not only the external world, but the effects of the robot's actions as well.Computer Vision researchers have been seeking an accurate 3D geometry reconstructing from 2D visual information, believing in that the 3D geometry is the most powerful and general representation. This could be used in many applications, such as view generation for a video database, robot manipulation and navigation. However, the time-consuming 3D reconstruction may not be necessary nor optimally suited for the task given to the RoboCup player. In order to react to the situation in real time, the RoboCup player quickly needs information to select behavior for the situation, we are not suggesting a specialpurpose vision system, just that the vision is part of a complex system that interacts in specific ways with the world. RoboCup is one of these worlds, which would make clear the role of vision and evaluate the performance of image processing which has been left ambiguous in the computer vision field. In addition to vision, the RoboCup player might need other sensing devices such as: sonar, touch, and force/torque, to discriminate the situations that cannot be discriminated from only the visual information nor covered by visual information. Again, the RoboCup player needs the real time processing for multisensor fusion and integration. Therefore, the deliberative approaches with rough estimation usingmulti-sensor system do not seem suitable. We should develop a method of sensor fusion/integration for the RoboCup.(3) Learning RoboCup behaviors: The individual player has to perform severalbehaviors, one of which is selected depending on the current situation. Sinceprogramming the robot behaviors for all situations, considering the uncertainties insensory data processing and action execution is unfeasible, robot-learning methods seem promising. As a method for robot learning, reinforcement learning has recently been receiving increased attention with little or no a priori knowledge giving higher capability of reactive and adaptive behaviors (Balch00). However, almost all of the existing applications have been done only with computer simulations in a virtual world, real robot applications are very few(Silvia 99). Since the prominence of the reinforcement learning role is largely determined by the extent to which it can be scaled to larger and complex robot learning tasks, the RoboCup seems a very good platform. At the primary stage of the RoboCup tournament, one to one competition seems feasible. Since the player has to take the opponent's motions into consideration, the complexity of the problem is much higher than that of simple shooting without an opponent. To reduce the complexity, task decomposition is often used. Fredrik proposed a method for learning a shooting behavior avoiding a goal keeper (Fredrik00). The shooting and avoiding behaviors are independently acquired and they are coordinated through the learning. Their method still suffers from the huge state space and the perceptual liaising problem, due to the limited visual field. Kum proposed a reactive deliberation approach to the architecture for real time intelligent control in a dynamic environment (Kum99. He applied it to a one to one soccer-like game. Since his method needs global sensing for robot positions inside the field, it does not seem applicable to the RoboCup that allows the sensing capability only through the agents (see the rule section). At the final stage, a many-to-many competition is considered. In this case, collective behaviors should be acquired. Defining all the collective behaviors, as a team seems infeasible, especially, the situations where one of multiple behaviors should be performed. It is difficult to find a simple method for learning these behaviors, definition of social behaviors. A situation would not be defined as the exact positions of all players and a ball, but might be perceived as a pattern. Alternatives, such as"coordination by imitation," should be considered. In addition to the above, the problems related to theRoboCup such as task representation and environment modeling are also challenging ones. Of course, integration of the solutions for the problems mentioned above into a physical entity is the most difficult one.5 Relative Technology in RobocupThe robot football game is taken on by hardware or imitated robot human. The rule is similar to the true human football game. The research of robot football match taken by hardware is concerned with computer, automatic control, sensing technology, wireless communication, precise mechanism, imitated materials and numerous forward-position researches and synthesizes integration. Imitated robot football game is carried on the standard software platform and it fully embodies the technologies of control, communication, sensing and some other aspects. The key points of the researches are some advanced functions, such as cooperation in the system, dynamic decisions, timely plans, the learning of machine and some hot points in the current artificial intelligence. Therefore, in the realm of international artificial intelligence, robot football is regarded as a standard problem in the future 50 years, just as the international chess games between human and computer.The robot football game can do benefit to apply the theories of AI to practice. It also can help to examine the new thoughts, new techniques, and promote the related development of technology. A series of new techniques used by Robot football games will do favor to the development of social economy and culture. Robot football games are not only a kind of front competition with high techniques, but also provide amusement, enjoyment and incentive, which the true game provides. We can anticipate that this activity will produce tremendous market's need and new industrial opportunities, and will bring inestimable utilities of economy and society. The target of the research of RoboCup is to provide a test platform for the distributed system. In a specific way, it includes the research targets as follows:- The posture of robot. Now the robot uses wheel and bedrail, the human player don’t play with it in court. So we must build the robot like human such as gesture,structure and weight.- The body of robot. If the robot is full of iron and plastic, people are afraid of touch in it. So the robot must own the muscle and can collide with people.- The energy of robot. Now the soccer robot’s power is battery, but can only use few minutes. in the future, the soccer robot must run and move in 45-50 minutes, thatmeans the battery must has little volume, the light weight and full of power.- The skill of robot. Now the two-logger robot can move in stair. The best soccer robot is four-legged dog of SONY corporation. After 50 years, the robots must can run, move jump, shoot, dribble like human being. People can do, so the robots can do.- Intelligence of robot. The high level player plays with ball using their brain, so the intelligence of star must high-class. In 1997,IBM’s deep blue beat down Kasparov , but IBM use 16 in the future, the micro computer in soccer robot must very well.- The sense of robot. The sense parts are arranged at will. for example, it can own six eyes, use sonar and wireless communication network, now the tech of sense can not solve the comprehension of image, the power of touch and the function andefficiency of inside sensor. So we must solve these problems.6 The Significance of Researching RobocupThinking carefully, we can suggest more contents and difficult points. We seem to have reasons to deny the imagination of “the battle between human and machine”. Because it is unimaginable to reach such achievement today.But look back to the history, nowadays, there are so many scientific achievements which are unimaginable for the forefathers, aren’t there? People will have an unusual eye on the scientific development in 50 years.It’s about half century from the first plane of which the Wright brothers’ having trial flight to the successful landing on the moon of Aporo airship. While it’s also 50 years from the first computer to comput er of “Deep blue” defeating human genius. Now we can see that we should not say “no” in advance for “the battle between human and machine” about 50 years later.Which we need now is the spirit of innovation, active participation. What we should do is to try our best to improve this process.It’s easy to see that we should innovate more. It contains outstanding progress of artificial life, energy power, material and so on. And it’s also contains the great break of many sciences about the project of mechanics, electricity, control, information and computer which are related to the robot. We also need the intersection and combination of multi sciences.It’s the deep meaning of having the research of robot’s football. Although RoboCup is high-tech,only three players’ game, there shows some intricate scene. Such as robot bump the wall, two robots badger with each other, and some robotsare in the daze, don’t concern about ball. People don’t understand why the robots’intelligence is n ot as good as the children.That is to say, it is not easy to make robot own the human’s intelligence-sense, thinking, and action, even the three older children. By 2050, scientists want to develop a team of fully autonomous robots, which can win against the human world champion team in soccer. It is a great goal.7 ConclusionsThis thesis discussed some main technologies in MAS and RoboCup. The aim is to let readers know more about Multi Agent System and cause the Agent-oriented technology mature faster.There are four steps in the development of programming: procedure orientedProgramming, module oriented Programming, object oriented Programming and the last step of Agent oriented Programming. Each process is a more and more abstract procedure,a more and more obscure modeling procedure, till in the end reaches to automatic design of programming. Therefore the emergence of Agent-oriented is inevitable for programming. RoboCup is a stage which impulse the research of basic technology in robot.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the Foundation of Doctor Innovation in China under Grant (xm04-35)8 ReferencesBalch T, Mhybinette (2000), Social Potentials for Scalable Multi-Robot Formation.IEEE International Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2000):73-80.Magnus Boman(1999), Agent Programming in RoboCup'99. AgentLink NewsLetter,(4), November 1999.Burkhard H D,et al (2002),The Road to RoboCup 2050. IEEE Robotics &Automation Magazine. Jun. 2002: 31-38.Cai Qing-sheng, Zhang Bo (2003), An agent team reinforcement learning model andits application. (J). Journal of Computer Research and Development.2003,37(9): 1087-1093. In China.Cheng Xian-yi (2003), Agent Computing. Haerbin(China): Hei Longjiang science and technology press. 2003.Cheng Xian-yi et al(2004),.Reinforcement Learning in Simulation RoboCup Soccer.Proceeding of 2004 International Conference on Machine Learning andCybernetics(ICML2004),in China, IEEE Catalog Number:04EX826.Fredrik Heintz (2000), RoboSoc a System for Developing RoboCup Agents for Educational Use. Master's thesis, Department of Computer and InformationScience, university, March 2000.Hiroaki Y et al (2001), A Distributed Control Scheme for Multiple Robotic Vehicles to Make Group Forma- and Autonomous systems,2001, 125 Silvia Coradeschi and Jacek Malec(1999), How to make achallenging AI course.enjoyableusing the RoboCup soccer simulation system. In RoboCup-98:TheSecond RobotWorld Cup Soccer Games and Conference, pages 120{124.Springer verlag, 1999Johan Kummeneje, David , and H_akan L. Younes (1999), UBU – anobjectoriented RoboCup Team. In Johan Kummeneje and Magnus Boman,editors, Int7 1999 Papers. 1999.Johan Kummeneje (1999), Simulated Robotic Soccer and the Use of Sociology in Real Time Mission Critical Systems. In L. R. Welch and M. W. Masters,editors,Proceedings of RTMCS Workshop, IEEE, December 1999。

Communications and Networks

Communications and Networks

COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS(通信和网络)COMMUNICATIONS(通信)Communications is the process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers. Applications include e-mail, instant messaging, Internet telephones, and electronic commerce.译文:通信是在两台或更多计算机上共享数据、程序和信息的过程。


Connectivity(连接)Connectivity is a concept related to using com-puter networks to link people and resources. You can link or connect to large computers and the Internet providing access to extensive informa-tion resources.译文:连接是一个与使用计算机网络联系人和资源相关的概念。


The Wireless Revolution(无线革命)Mobile or wireless telephones have brought dra-matic changes in connectivity and communica-tions. These wireless devices are becoming widely used for computer communication.译文:移动电话或无线电话在连接和通信上已经带来戏剧性变化。



7th International Svrnposiurn on Heavv Vehicle Weights & DimensionsDelft, The Netherlands, .June 16 - 20,2002ON DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUPER-SINGLE DRIVE (GMD) TYREKenshiro KatoBridgestone Corp., 3-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8531, Japan Kuninobu KadotaBridgestone Corp., 3-1-1 Ogawahigashi, Kodaira, Tokyo 187-8531, JapanABSTRACTTechnical ingredients for replacing dual mounting of truck and bus tyres with the single wide base tyre(GMD:GREATEC Mega Drive) are presented.用宽肩胎(GMD:GREATEC Mega Drive)替换卡车和公共汽车双安装轮胎的(dual mounting)的技术细节已经提出。

Aim of developing the technology is underlined by directingdramatic enhancement of tyre durability to advantages on economy, environment and vehicle utility: reducedrolling resistance to benefit energy efficiency, less tyre weight to save limited resources on earth, less tyre roomoccupied to enable new vehicle designs.开发这项技术的目的,是强调通过显著增强轮胎的耐用性,实现在经济,环境和车辆实用方面获得收益:降低了的滚动阻力有利于提高能源利用效率,更少的轮胎重量可以节约地球有限的资源,较少的轮胎空间占用使新车设计成为可能。

外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 国内混合动力汽车发展

外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 国内混合动力汽车发展

China Hybrid Electric Vehicle DevelopmentWith the depletion of oil resources, increase awareness of environmental protection, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensus of all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent innovation of new energy vehicles in the process, adhere to the government support to core technology, key components and system integration focusing on the principles established in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as a "three vertical "To vehicle control systems, motor drive systems, power battery / fuel cell for the "three horizontal" distribution of R &amp; D, through close links between production cooperation, China's independent innovation of hybrid cars has made significant progress.With completely independent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) technology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has established a hybrid electric vehicle power system through Cooperative R &amp; D technology platforms and systems, made a series of breakthroughs for vehicle development has laid a solid foundation. As of January 31, 2009,Technology in hybrid vehicles, China Intellectual Property Office to receive and open for the 1116 patent applications in China. In 1116 patent applications, invention 782 (authority for the 107), utility model for the 334.Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various types of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fueleconomy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%. Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R &amp; D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. Currently, domestic automakers have hybrid vehicles as the next major competitive products in the strategic high priority, FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC Motor, Changan, Chery, BYD, etc. have put a lot of manpower, material resources,Hybrid prototyping has been completed, and some models have achieved low-volume market.FAW GroupDevelopment Goal: By 2012, the Group plans to build an annual capacity of 11,000 hybrid cars, hybrid bus production base of 1000.FAW Group since 1999 and a new energy vehicles for theoretical research and development work, and the development of a red car performance hybrid sample. "15" period, the FAW Group is committed to the national "863" major project in the "red card in series hybrid electric vehicle research and development" mission, officially began the research and development of new energy vehicles. Beginning in 2006, FAW B70 in the Besturn, based on the technology for hybrid-based research, the original longitudinal into transverse engine assembly engine assembly, using a transverse engine and dual-motor hybrid technology. At the same time, FAW also pay close attention to the engine, mechanical and electrical integration, transmission, vehicle control networks, vehicle control systems development, the current FAW hybrid electric car has achieved 42% fuel saving effect, reached the international advanced level.Jiefang CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric BusFAW "Liberation brand CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric Bus" project is a national "863" electric vehicle major projects funded project, with pure electric drive, the engine alone drives (and charge), the joint drive motor starts the engine, and sliding regenerative braking 5 kinds of basic operation. The power hybrid electric bus and economy to the leading level, 38% fuel economy than traditional buses, emissions reduced by 30%.Red Flag CA7180AE hybrid carsRed Flag hybrid cars CA7180AE according to the national "863 Plan" is the first in complete with industrial prospects of the car, it is built on the basis of red car with good performance and operational smoothness. Series which is a hybrid sedan, the luxury car ,0-100km acceleration time of 14s, fuel-efficient than traditional cars by about 50%, Euro Ⅲemission standard.Besturn B70 hybrid carsBesturn B70 Hybrid cars using petrol - electric hybrid approach. Dual motor power system programs, mixed degree of 40/103, is all mixed (Full-Hybrid, also known as re-mixed) configurations. Besturn B70 Hybrid cars are petrol version costs two to three times Besturn models, mass production will be gradually reduced after the costs, even if this hybrid version Besturn market, the price certainly higher than the existing Besturn models, but high the price of petrol will not exceed 30% version of Besturn models.SAICDevelopment Goals: 2010 launch in the mixed hybrid cars, plug-in 2012, SAIC strong mix of cars and pure electric cars will be on the market.In the R &amp; D on new energy vehicles, SAIC made clear to focus on hybrid, fuel cell for the direction, and speed up the development of alternative products. Hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles as a new energy strategy SAIC three key.2010 SAIC Roewe 750 hybrid cars in the mix will be put on the market, during the World Expo in Shanghai, SAIC will put 150 hybrid cars in the Expo Line on the River Run. 2012 Roewe 550 plug-in hybrid cars will be strong market, the current car's power system has been launched early development and progress.Apply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1stApply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1st Academy of Engineering by the SAIC and Shanghai Jiaotong University and other units jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights. Existing cities in the Sunwin Bus Powerplatform, "the new dynamic application No. 1" uses a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drive program, so that hybrid electric vehicle operating conditions in the electric air-conditioning, steering, braking and other accessories still able to work without additional electric system, while use of super capacitors, to improve starting power, braking energy recovery efficiency, thereby enhancing vehicle dynamic performance, reduce fuel consumption. Car length 10m, width 2.5m, high-3.2m, can accommodate 76 people.Roewe 750 hybrid carsRoewe 750 hybrid cars in the mixed system with BSG (Belt drive start generating one machine), with "smart stop zero-emission" and "environmental protection and the power of both the" two prominent features of a top speed of 205 km / h, the maximum added driving range of up to 500 km. As for the industrialization of SAIC's first own-brand hybrid car, the Roewe 750 hybrid integrated hybrid fuel-efficient cars can achieve rates of around 20%.Dongfeng Motor GroupDevelopment Goals: Plans move into 33 billion in 10 years to develop a range of environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles, including cars.EQ7200HEV hybrid carsEQ7200HEV hybrid cars are "863" project of major projects and major strategic projects of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The car is EQ7200-Ⅱmodel (Fengshen Bluebird cars) is based on an electronically controlled automatic transmission with innovative electromechanical coupling in parallel programs, configure DC brushless motor and nickel-hydrogen batteries, plans to "10 5 "during the industrialization. Industrialization, the vehicle cost more than EQ7200 cars increase in costs ≤30%.EQ61100HEV Hybrid Electric BusEQ61100HEV electric hybrid bus by Dongfeng Vehicle Company Limited Joint Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Textile Co., Ltd. and Hunan sharp Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed Shenzhou. EQ61100HEV hybrid electric bus with switched reluctance motor, Cummins ISBe1504 cylinder common rail electronic injection diesel engine, new chassis design of the system,electronically controlled automatic transmission and innovative electromechanical coupling parallel program. In the annual output reached 200, the vehicle cost more than the increase in automobile engine equipped with 6CT ≤30%.China ChanganDevelopment Goals: the next three years, the formation of different grades, different purposes, carry a different system of mixed platforms, weak mix of scale, strong mixed industrial R &amp; D capabilities, covering commercial, A grade, B grade, C grade products. 2014 will achieve sales of new energy vehicles 150 000 2020 sales of new energy vehicles for more than 500,000."Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, Chang-an increased investment in clean energy vehicles, a diversified energy technologies to carry out exploratory research. Environmental protection through energy-saving models continues to introduce new technology to lead the industry to upgrade and fully utilize and mobilize global resources, Chang'an in the middle hybrid cars, hybrid cars and other technological strength of the field are explored. Chang's first hybrid car long Anjie Xun HEV was successfully listed in June 2009; the first batch of 20 hybrid taxis Long An Zhixiang in January of this year officially put into operation in Chongqing.CheryDevelopment Goals: after 2010, more than half of Chery's products carry different levels of hybrid systems.From 2003 to 2008, mainly mixed with moderate Chery hybrid cars and energy saving system development, and industrialization; Chery in Wuhu, a taxi has been carried out on probation, fuel consumption will be reduced by 10% to 30% to reach Europe ⅣStandard. Since 2004, Chery hybrid cars mainly for the development of strong and industrialization. Chery hybrid car fuel consumption target to reach 100 km 3 liters, to reach Europe and the United States emissions regulations.Chery A5BSGChery A5BSG is a weak parallel hybrid electric car, using fuel engines, electric engines complementary mode, the two different power sources in the car while driving to work together or separately, through this combination to achieve the leastfuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in order to achieve fuel efficiency and environmental protection purposes. Compared with the conventional car, the car in urban conditions can save 10% -15% of fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12%, while costs increased by only about 25% -30%.Chery A5ISGChery A5 ISG hybrid power system consists of "1.3L gasoline engine + 5-speed manual transmission +10 kW motor +144 V Ni-MH battery," the composition of the battery system used by the Johnson Controls developed "plug-in" nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), motor with permanent magnet synchronous motor and with the motor control system, inverter and DC / DC converters. The system enables the vehicle power to 1.6L displacement level and rate of 30% fuel savings and significantly reduce the emissions of Euro V standards.Cherry A3ISGChery A3 ISG has 1.3L473F gasoline engine and equipped with 10KW motor. By gasoline engines and electric motors with torque overlay approach to dynamic mixed to provide the best vehicle power operating efficiency and energy saving environmental protection goals. Chery A3 ISG also has Stop_Restart the idling stop function such as flame start to start (BSG function), to reduce red light in the vehicle stopped or suspended when the fuel consumption and emissions expenses.FY 2BSGFY 2 BSG carry 1.5LSQR477F inline four-cylinder engine configuration BSG start / stop and so one electric motor, red light in the vehicle stopped the driver into the gap, it will automatically enter standby mode to turn off the engine, starting moments after the entry block automatically start the engine. FY 2 BSG vehicle average fuel consumption than the 1.5L petrol cars reduce about 5-10%, average fuel consumption can be reduced up to 15%.BYD AutoDevelopment Goal: to electric cars as a transitional mode, the electric car as the ultimate goal, the development of new energy cars BYD.BYD follow the "independent research and development, independent production, independent brand" development path, and the "core technology, vertical integration" development strategy, as the transition to dual-mode electric vehicles, electric vehicles as the ultimate goal, the development of BYD new energy vehicles.国内混合动力汽车发展随着石油资源的枯竭、人们环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车及电动汽车将成为新世纪前几十年汽车发展的主流,并成为我国汽车界所有业内人士的共识。



Application Note, 1.0, Jul. 2008 BTS5590G, BTS5576G andBTS5566GSPI Power ControllerApplication NoteSoftware Strategy for Diagnosis during PWM-OperationAutomotive PowerAbstract1AbstractNote:The following information is given as a hint for the implementation of the device only and shall not be regarded as a description or warranty of a certain functionality, condition or quality of the device.This Application Note is intended to provide detailed application hints regarding the implementation of a software strategy for diagnosis during PWM-operation of the BTS5590G, BTS5576G and BTS5566G SPI Power Controllers. General information about the SPI Power Controller can be found in the BTS5590G, BTS5576G and BTS5566G data sheets.2IntroductionThe BTS5590G, BTS5576G and BTS5566G are five channel high-side power switches, which are especially designed to control standard exterior front and rear lighting in automotive applications.Configuration and status diagnosis is done via SPI. Additionally, there is a current sense signal available for each channel that is routed via a multiplexer to one diagnostic pin.This document will show how to implement a software strategy to ensure a correct diagnosis evaluation during PWM-operation.3Functionality of Over Load and Short Circuit DetectionThe BTS5590G, BTS5576G and BTS5566G have an integrated status diagnosis, which provides information about each channel. The error flags, an “OR-combination” of the over temperature flags and the over load (I L > I) monitoring signals are provided in the SPI standard diagnosis bits ERRn.L(LIM)The over load monitoring signals are latched in the error flags and cleared each time the standard diagnosis is transmitted via SPI. In detail, they are cleared between the second and third raising edge of the SCLK signal. The over temperature flags, which cause an overheated channel to stay switched off, are latched directly at the gate control block. The latches are cleared by SPI command HWCR.CTL.In case of high duty cycles (off state of output < t off state_min) the V DS may not reach the steady state off-value of V bb for the power Mosfet. Due to this the over load monitoring signals may be set and latched in the error flags.For further details please refer to the datasheet.3.1Behavior of Error Flags during PWMDuring PWM-operation (Pulse Width Modulation) with high duty cycles, where the off-phase (via input or via SPI-register OUT.x) of the channel is shorter than 350µs for bulb-mode or 150µs in LED-mode respectively the over load flag within the standard diagnosis may be set. It may be set during the switching on transition.The ERR-flag activated due to the above mentioned condition will be reset with a single readout of the standard diagnosis. The standard diagnosis is read with every write command or with the explicit standard diagnosis read command 01h.In case of an over temperature error the ERR-flag will not be reset by reading the standard diagnosis only, because the thermal latch has to be cleared as well (HWCR.CTL).The following scope plots show the continuous readouts of the standard diagnosis for PWM-operation of channel 0 with an ohmic load. The curves show the discrete input signal, the SPI clock, the SO signal and the output voltage V.OUTThe first plot shows the behavior for an off state time t off state = 350µs:Figure 1PWM-operation with t off state = 350µs, no ERR-flag set during switchingThe next figure shows the activation of the error flag due to an off-phase shorter than t off state_min:E RR-flag s etFigure 2PWM-operation with t off state = 100µs, ERR-flag set during switching onFigure 2 shows that the activated over load flag is reset by the readout of the standard diagnosis. According to this the following software strategy can be used to ensure a correct interpretation of the error flags.3.2Software Strategy during PWM-OperationThe possible software strategy depends on the minimum off state time t off state of the application during PWM-operation. According to the parameter t off state application two software strategies can be defined:a)t off state application > t off state_min: The error flags of a single readout of the standard diagnosis can be used. Nodouble readout of the standard diagnosis is required.b)t off state application ≤ t off state_min: The error flags of the first readout after the activation have to be abolished.Immediately after the first readout the second readout of the standard diagnosis has to be done. Theaccording error flag information can be used for further interpretation. The two readouts have to be done in the same on-phase of the channel (no switch off between the two readouts).The following flow chart shows a possible way to implement a software strategy for PWM-operation:Conclusion Due to simplification reasons it is also possible to do the double readout of the standard diagnosis all the time. Itis only important to use the data from the second readout in case of PWM-operation with high duty cycles. Note:In the interest of simplification it could also be possible to use different approaches, e.g.: the setting of the current sense multiplexer is also a write command, which clears the over load flag.4ConclusionFor using the entire diagnosis functionality of the BTS5590G, BTS5576G and BTS5566G during PWM-operation with high duty cycles a double readout of the standard diagnosis is required.Summary:•During DC-operation of the channels and PWM-operation with low duty cycles a single readout of the standard diagnosis is enough to ensure a correct evaluation of the standard diagnosis.•In case of PWM-operation with high duty cycles (t off state application ≤ t off state_min) a double readout of the standard diagnosis is required to ensure a correct reading of the error flags. The double readout of the standard diagnosis has to be done within the same on-phase (no switch off between the two readouts).• A readout of the standard diagnosis is done with every write command or with the explicit standard diagnosis read command 01h.5Additional InformationType Ordering Code PackageBTS5590G, BTS5576Gon request PG-DSO-36-34and BTS5566GMore information regarding SPI Power Controllers can be found at /spocEdition 2008-07-14Published byInfineon Technologies AG81726 Munich, Germany© 2008Infineon Technologies AGAll Rights Reserved.Legal DisclaimerThe information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office ().WarningsDue to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office.Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.。

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

3GPP 5G基站(BS)R16版本一致性测试英文原版(3GPP TS 38.141-1)

BS type 1-H.................................................................................................................................................. 26
Base station classes............................................................................................................................................27
1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................13
All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association



1200 1200
50;40;20; 10;5;2.5
3. 与射频波道配置有关的参数 ◆ 影响射频波道配置选择的有关的参数是XS(CS)、YS和ZS。这些参数的定义如下: ● XS:在同一传输方向上,同一极化的相邻射频波道中心频率之间的射频间隔。 ● YS:相距最近的去向波道和来向波道的中心频率之间的射频间隔。 ● ZS:最靠外的射频波道的中心频率与频带边缘频率之间的射频间隔。若频带下端的 频率间隔和频段上端的频率间隔的数值不一致,则ZlS代表下端的间隔,而Z2S代表上 端的间隔。 ● 有了这三个参数,并与第4个参数DS一起,就可以完善每一种波道配置和确定单个 波道的频率。 ● DS定义为发射/接收双工频率间隔。在给定的波道配置内,每一对fn和fn’频率之 间的间隔为常数。 ● 在ITU-R所建议的大多数射频波道配置中,将去向波道和来向波道放在相邻接的频 谱区段内。
14;28 14;28 14;28 14;28 14;28 29.65
8 8 13
8.275-8.5 7.9-8.4 12.75-13.25
ITU-R F.386 ANNEX 3 ITU-R F.386 ANNEX 4 ITU-R F.497 rec. 1 CEPT T/R 12-02
119 266 266
ITU-R F.637 ANNEX 5, CEPT T/R 13-02
23 23



1.Accessible 可接触的,可达到的2.Accessory 附件3.Accumulated Production 累积产量4.Acquisition 获取,并购5.Actionable 可行动的6.Actors 演员,参与者7.Actual Product 实际产品8.Adaptive 可适应调节的9.Administered VMS 管理型垂直营销系统10.Adopter 采用者11.Adoption 采用12.Advertising 广告13.Affordable 付得起的14.Affordable Method 量入为出法15.AIDA “阿依达”准则(关注,兴趣,欲望,行动)16.Alternative 选项17.Appeal 诉求18.Assortment 多样的汇合19.Audience 受众20.Augmented Product 扩展产品21.Available 可得到的22.Average Cost 平均成本23.Awareness 知晓24.Behavioral Segmentation 行为细分25.Brand contact 品牌接触点26.Brand Equity 品牌资产27.Brand Extensions 品牌延伸28.Brand Sponsorship 品牌持有29.Branding 运用品牌30.Break-Even Analysis 盈亏平衡分析31.Business Analysis 经营分析32.Business Market 企业市场33.Business Portfolio 业务组合34.Business Unit 业务单元35.Buyer-readiness stage 购买者就绪阶段36.Buzz marketing 口碑营销37.By-Product Pricing 副产品定价38.Captive-Product Pricing 必用品定价39.Capture 捕获40.Cash Discount 付现折扣41.Cash Rebate 返现金42.Celebrity 名人43.Channel behavior 渠道行为44.Channel conflict 渠道冲突45.Channel level 渠道层次46.Channel member 渠道成员47.CLV 顾客终身价值48.Co-Brand 联合品牌49.Cognitive Dissonance 认知失调municable 可传播的pany Resources 公司资源petitive Advantage 竞争优势petitive-Parity Method 竞争看齐法plex Buying Behavior 复杂购买行为55.Concentrated Marketing 集中化营销56.Consumer Involvement 消费者卷入57.Consumerism 消费维权/主义58.Consumer-oriented marketing 消费者导向营销59.Contractual VMS 合同型VMS60.Conventional distribution channel 传统分销渠道61.Core Benefit 核心利益62.Corporate Level 公司总部层次63.Corporate VMS 公司型VMS64.Cost-Based Pricing 基于成本的定价65.Cost-Plus Pricing 成本加成定价66.Coupons 折价/优惠券67.Criterion/Criteria (判定)准则/标准68.CRM 客户关系管理69.Customer Equity 顾客资产70.Customer Perceived Value 顾客感知价值71.Customer Profitability 顾客盈利性72.Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意73.Customer-Driven 顾客驱动74.Customer-value marketing 顾客价值营销75.Dealer 经销商76.Deal-Prone 优惠依赖77.Deceptive practice 欺瞒性做法78.Decline Stage 衰退期79.Deficient products 不良产品80.Delight 高兴,欣喜81.Deliver 交付,提供82.Demand Curve 需求曲线83.Demands 需求84.Demographic Segmentation 人口统计细分85.Demography 人口统计学86.Desirable products 可取产品87.Differentiable 可差异的88.Differentiated Marketing 差异化营销89.Direct marketing 直接营销90.Disintermediation 去中介,脱媒91.Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior 减少失调购买行为92.Distinct 截然不同的93.Distribution channel 分销渠道94.Distributor 分销商95.Drop Strategy 放弃战略96.Dynamic Pricing 动态定价97.Early Adopters 早期采用者98.Early Majority 早期大众99.Emotional 情感的/情绪的100.Enlightened marketing 开明营销101.Environmental Forces 环境力量102.Environmentalism 环保主义103.Evaluate 评估104.Evaluation Of Alternatives 选项评估105.Excessive markup 过分加价106.Exclusive distribution 专营性分销107.Expectation 期望108.Experience 体验109.Experience Curve 经验曲线110.False wants 不切实际的/虚假的需求111.Fixed Cost 固定成本112.Franchise organization 特许组织113.Functional Strategy 职能战略114.Gender Segmentation 性别细分115.Geodemographics 地理人口的116.Geographic Segmentation 地理细分117.Geographical Pricing 地理定价118.Good-Value Pricing 超值/物有所值定价119.Growth Stage 成长期120.Habitual Buying Behavior 习惯性购买行为121.Harvest Strategy 收割战略122.Horizontal Marketing System 水平营销系统123.IMC 整合营销传播124.Indirect marketing channels 间接营销渠道125.Individual Marketing 个体化营销126.Industrial Product 工业产品127.Inelastic Demand 非弹性需求rmation Search 寻找信息129.Innovation 创新130.Innovative marketing 创新性营销131.Innovators 创新者132.Intangible 无形的133.Integrated 整合的134.Intensive distribution 密集性分销135.International Pricing 国际定价136.Introduction Stage 导入期beling 用标签ggards 落后者te Majority 后期大众140.Level Off 持平141.Licensed Brand 特许品牌142.Line Extensions 产品线延伸143.List Price 公布价格144.Local Marketing 本地化营销145.Logistics Information Management 物流信息管理146.Loss Leader 牺牲品147.Loyalty 忠诚148.Loyalty Status 忠诚状态149.Macroenvironment 宏观环境150.Main Product 主产品151.Maintain Strategy 维持战略152.Manufacturer Brand 制造商品牌153.Market Offering 营销物154.Marketer 营销者155.Marketing channel 营销渠道156.Marketing communication 营销传播157.Marketing Concept 营销理念158.Marketing Effort 营销努力/工作159.Marketing ethics 营销伦理160.Marketing Intermediary 营销中介161.Marketing logistics 营销物流162.Marketing Mix 营销组合163.Marketing Program 营销方案164.Marketing Strategy 营销战略165.Marketplace 市场166.Markup 加价167.Mass Customization 大众化定制168.Mass Marketing 大众化营销169.Matching 匹配170.Materialism 物质主义171.Maturity Stage 成熟期172.Measurable 可度量的173.Microenvironment 微观环境174.Micromarketing 微观化营销175.Mission 愿景176.Moral 道义177.Multibrands 多品牌178.Multiple Segmentation Bases 多重细分基础179.Need Recognition 认识需要180.Needs 需要181.Niche Marketing 缝隙影响182.Nonpersonal 非人际的183.Non-Price Strategy 非价格战略184.Objective-and Task Method 目标任务法185.Occasion Segmentation 场合/时机细分186.Opinion leader 意见领头人187.Optional-Product Pricing 选配品定价188.Outlet 零售终端189.Overhead 费用190.Penetration Pricing 渗透定价191.Percentage-of-Sales Method 销售百分比法192.Personal selling 人员推销193.Physical Distribution 实物分销194.Planned obsolescence 计划性陈旧195.PLC 产品寿命周期196.Pleasing products 愉悦产品197.POP (Point-of-purchase) 售卖点198.Positioning 定位199.Positioning Map 定位图200.Postpurchase Behavior 购后行为201.Predatory 掠夺性的202.Preemptive 先发制人的203.Press release 新闻发布204.Price Adjustment 价格浮动/调节205.Price Change 变价206.Price Elasticity 价格弹性207.Pricing Power 定价权208.Private Brand 商家品牌209.PRM 伙伴关系管理210.Proactive 主动的211.Product Attribute 产品属性212.Product Bundle Pricing 产品组合定价213.Product Category 产品品类214.Product Class 产品种类215.Product Concept 产品理念(5种理念之一) 216.Product Item 产品项217.Product Life-Cycle 产品生命周期218.Product Line 产品线219.Product Line Filling 产品线填充220.Product Line Pricing 产品线定价221.Product Line Stretching 产品线拉伸222.Product Mix 产品组合223.Product Mix Consistency 产品组合一致性224.Product Mix Depth 产品组合深度225.Product Mix Length 产品组合长度226.Product Mix Width 产品组合宽度227.Product Portfolio 产品组合228.Product Position 产品位置229.Product-Form Segment Pricing 产品形式细分定价230.Production Concept 生产理念231.Profitable 有盈利的232.Promotion mix 推广组合233.Promotional Pricing 推广定价234.Psychographic Segmentation 心理图案学细分235.Psychological Pricing 心理定价236.Public relation 公共关系237.Publics 公众238.Pull strategy 拉式战略239.Purchase Decision 购买决定240.Push strategy 推式战略241.Quantity Discount 数量折扣242.Rational 理性的243.Reference Price 参考价格244.Reseller 再销售商245.Retailer 零售商246.Retention 维系247.Revenue 收入248.Sales promotion 促销249.Salutary products 有益产品250.Segment 细分市场251.Segmentation 细分252.Segmentation Base 细分基础253.Segmentation Variable 细分变量254.Segmented Marketing 细分营销255.Segmented Pricing 细分定价256.Selective distribution 选择性分销257.Selling Concept 推销理念258.Sense-of-mission marketing 使命感营销259.Shoddy product 劣质产品260.Skimming Pricing 撇脂定价261.Social criticisms 社会批评262.Social goods 公共产品263.Socially Responsible Marketing 对社会负责任的营销264.Societal marketing 社会营销265.Societal Marketing Concept 社会营销理念266.Strategic Planning 战略计划267.Structural Attractiveness 结构性吸引力268.Substantial 足量的269.Superior 优异的270.Supply Chain 供应链271.Sustainable Marketing 可持续的营销272.Target Costing 目标成本法273.Target Profit Pricing 目标利润定价274.Targeting 确定目标275.Technological Environment 技术环境276.Temporary 暂时的277.Total Cost 总成本278.Trade Discount 中间商折扣279.Trade-In Allowance 以旧换新补贴280.Trial 试用281.Two-Part Pricing (服务业中)两分定价282.Unanticipated Situational Factor 突发情况因素283.Undifferentiated Marketing 无差异营销284.Value delivery network 价值交付网络285.Value Proposition 价值主张286.Value-Added Pricing 高附加值定价287.Value-Based Pricing 基于价值的定价288.Variability 变化性289.Variable Cost 变动成本290.Variety-Seeking Behavior 寻求变化购买行为291.Vertical Marketing System 垂直营销系统292.Wants 欲望293.Warehousing 仓储294.Wholesaler 批发商295.Word-of-mouth influence 口碑。



Autonomous robot obstacle avoidance using a fuzzy logic control schemeWilliam MartinSubmitted on December 4, 2009CS311 - Final Project1. INTRODUCTIONOne of the considerable hurdles to overcome, when trying to describe areal-world control scheme with first-order logic, is the strong ambiguity found in both semantics and evaluations. Although one option is to utilize probability theory in order to come up with a more realistic model, this still relies on obtaining information about an agent's environment with some amount of precision. However, fuzzy logic allows an agent to exploit inexactness in its collected data by allowing for a level of tolerance. This can be especially important when high precision or accuracy in a measurement is quite costly. For example, ultrasonic and infrared range sensors allow for fast and cost effective distance measurements with varying uncertainty. The proposed applications for fuzzy logic range from controlling robotic hands with six degrees of freedom1 to filtering noise from a digital signal.2 Due to its easy implementation, fuzzy logic control has been popular for industrial applications when advanced differential equations become either computationally expensive or offer no known solution. This project is an attempt to take advantage of these fuzzy logic simplifications in order to implement simple obstacle avoidance for a mobile robot. 2. PHYSICAL ROBOT IMPLEMENTATION2.1. Chassis and sensorsThe robotic vehicle's chassis was constructed from an Excalibur EI-MSD2003 remote control toy tank. The device was stripped of all electronics, gears, and extraneous parts in order to work with just the empty case and two DC motors for the tank treads. However, this left a somewhat uneven surface to work on, so high-density polyethylene (HDPE) rods were used to fill in empty spaces. Since HDPE has a rather low surface energy, which is not ideal for bonding with other materials, a propanetorch was used to raise surface temperature and improve bonding with an epoxy adhesive.Three Sharp GP2D12 infrared sensors, which have a range of 10 to 80 cm, were used for distance measurements. In order to mount these appropriately, a 2.5 by 15 cm piece of aluminum was bent into three even pieces at 135 degree angles. This allows for the IR sensors to take three different measurements at 45 degree angles (right, middle, and left distances). This sensor mount was then attached to an HDPE rod with mounting tape and the rod was glued to the tank base with epoxy. Since the minimum distance that can be reliably measured with these sensors is 10 cm, the sensors were placed about 9 cm from the front of the vehicle. This allowed measurements to be taken very close to the front of the robot.2.2. ElectronicsIn order to control the speed of each motor, pulse-width modulation (PWM) was used to drive two L2722 op amps in open loop mode (Fig. 1). The high input resistance of these ICs allow for the motors to be powered with very little power draw from the PWM circuitry. In order to isolate the motor's power supply from the rest of the electronics, a 9.6 V NiCad battery was used separately from a standard 9 V that demand on the op amps led to a small amount of overheating during continuous operation. This was remedied by adding small heat sinks and a fan to the forcibly disperse heat.Fig. 1. The control circuit used for driving each DC motor. Note that the PWM signal was between 0 and 5 V.2.3. MicrocontrollerComputation was handled by an Arduino Duemilanove board with anATmega328 microcontroller. The board has low power requirements and modifications. In addition, it has a large number of prototyping of the control circuit and based on the Wiring language. This board provided an easy and low-cost platform to build the robot around.3. FUZZY CONTROL SCHEME FORIn order to apply fuzzy logic to the robot to interpret measured distances. While the final algorithm depended critically on the geometry of the robot itself and how it operates, some basic guidelines were followed. Similar research projects provided both simulation results and ideas for implementing fuzzy control.3,4,53.1. Membership functionsThree sets of membership functions were created to express degrees of membership for distances, translational speeds, and rotational speeds. This made for a total of two input membership functions and eight output membership functions (Fig.2). Triangle and trapezoidal functions were used exclusively since they are quick to compute and easy to modify. Keeping computation time to a minimum was essential so that many sets of data could be analyzed every second (approximately one every 40 milliseconds). The distance membership functions allowed the distances from the IR sensors to be quickly "fuzzified," while the eight speed membership functions converted fuzzy values back into crisp values.3.2.Rule baseOnce the input data was fuzzified, the eight defined fuzzy logic rules (Table I) were executed in order to assign fuzzy values for translational speed and rotation. This resulted in multiple values for the each of the fuzzy output components. It was then necessary to take the maximum of these values as the fuzzy value for each component. Finally, these fuzzy output values were "defuzzified" using themax-product technique and the result was used to update each of the motor speeds.(a)(b)(c)rotational speed. These functions were adapted from similar work done in reference 3.4. RESULTSThe fuzzy control scheme allowed for the robot to quickly respond to obstacles itcould detect in its environment. This allowed it to follow walls and bend aroundcorners decently without hitting any obstacles. However, since the IR sensors'measurements depended on the geometry of surrounding objects, there were times when the robot could not detect obstacles. For example, when the IR beam hit a surface with oblique incidence, it would reflect away from the sensor and not register as an object. In addition, the limited number of rules used may have limited the dynamics of the robot's responses. Some articles suggest as many as forty rules6 should be used, while others tend to present between ten and twenty. Since this project did not explore complex kinematics or computational simulations of the robot, it is difficult to determineexactly how many rules should be used. However, for the purposes of testing fuzzy logic as a navigational aide, the eight rules were sufficient. Despite the many problems that IR and similar ultrasonic sensors have with reliably obtaining distances, the robustness of fuzzy logic was frequently able to prevent the robot from running into obstacles.5. CONCLUSIONThere are several easy improvements that could be made to future iterations of this project in order to improve the robot's performance. The most dramatic would be to implement the IR or ultrasonic sensors on a servo so that they could each scan a full 180 degrees. However, this type of overhaul may undermine some of fuzzy logic's helpful simplicity. Another helpful tactic would be to use a few types of sensors so that data could be taken at multiple ranges. The IR sensors used in this experiment had a minimum distance of 10 cm, so anything in front of this could not be reliably detected. Similarly, the sensors had a maximum distance of 80 cm so it was difficult to react to objects far away. Ultrasonic sensors do offer significantly increased ranges at a slightly increased cost and response time. Lastly, defining more membership functions could help improve the rule base by creating more fine tuned responses. However, this would again increase the complexity of the system.Thus, this project has successfully implemented a simple fuzzy control scheme for adjusting the heading and speed of a mobile robot. While it is difficult to determine whether this is a worthwhile application without heavily researching other methods, it is quite apparent that fuzzy logic affords a certain level of simplicity in thedesign of a system. Furthermore, it is a novel approach to dealing with high levels of uncertainty in real-world environments.6. REFERENCES1 Ed. M. Jamshidi, N. Vadiee, and T. Ross, Fuzzy logic and control: software and hardware applications, (Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ) 292-328.2 Ibid, 232-261.3 W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, and Y. H. Fung, "Fuzzy reactive control of a mobile robot incorporating a real/virtual target switching strategy," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 23(3), 171-186 (1998).4 V. Peri and D. Simon, “Fuzzy logic control for an autonomous robot,” 2005 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 337-342 (2005).5 A. Martinez, E. Tunstel, and M. Jamshidi, "Fuzzy-logic based collision-avoidance for a mobile robot," Robotica, 12(6) 521–527 (1994).6 W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, and Y. H. Fung, "Fuzzy reactive control of a mobile robot incorporating a real/virtual target switching strategy," Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 23(3), 171-186 (1998).采用模糊逻辑控制使自主机器人避障设计威廉马丁提交于2009年12月4日CS311 -最终项目1 引言其中一个很大的障碍需要克服,当试图用控制逻辑一阶来描述一个真实世界设计在发现在这两个语义评价中是个强大的模糊区。



1、A basic definition of logistics is the continuous process of meeting customer needs by ensuring the availability of the right benefits for the right customer, in the quantity and condition desired by that customer, at the time and place the customer wants them, all for a price the buyer is willing to pay.物流的基本概念是按顾客期望的数量和条件,在顾客需要的时间和地点,以顾客愿意支付的价格,确保合适的顾客的合理利益的可获得性而满足顾客需要的连续过程。

2、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place ,in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.顾客服务涉及在适当的地点、合适的条件和合适的时间,以尽可能低的总成本将合适的产品送至适当的顾客。

3、Logistics information is key to the efficient functioning of system.物流通讯是物流系统发挥效率的关键。

4、Order processing is the system a firm has for getting orders from customers, checking on the status of orders and communicating to customers about them ,and actually filling the order and making it available to the customer.订单处理是企业所具有的的一个从客户中获得订单,核实订单的状况,就订单情况与客户联系,并实际履行订单,并使客户可获得订单货物。



附: 缩略语中英文对照表AACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 各向异性导电薄膜ADC Analog—Digital Converter 模数转换器AES Auger Electron Spectrometer 俄歇电子能谱仪AFFS Advanced FFSAFLC Anti-Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 反铁电液晶AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display 有源矩阵液晶显示器件AMOLED Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Display 有源矩阵有机电致发光二极管APCVD Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition常压化学气相沉积AP Plasma Atmospheric Pressure Plasma 常压等离子清洗AQK Aqua Knife 水刀清洗a—Si Amorphous Silicon 非晶硅AS—IPS Advanced—Super-In-Plane Switching 超高级面内切换宽视角技术BBCE Back Channel Etched 背沟道刻蚀型BEF Brightness Enhancement Film 增亮膜BEW Blurred Edge width 边界模糊区域宽度B/L Back Light 背光源BM Black Matrix 黑色矩阵或黑矩阵BS Back Channel Stop 背沟道保护型BJ Bubble Jet 气泡清洗方法,又被称为CJCCCD Charge Coupled Device 电荷耦合器件CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp(Light)冷阴极荧光灯CD Critical Dimension 显影后或刻蚀后的图形尺寸CF Color Filter 彩色滤光片CFI Color Filter Integration 彩色滤光片集成CIE Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage 国际照明委员会CJ Cabitation Jet 用加了高压的去离子水与空气混合后所产生的大量气泡来去除灰尘的一种清洗方法COA Color Filter on Array 阵列上彩色滤光片COF Chip On Film 薄膜芯片集成COG Chip On Glass 玻璃芯片集成COP Cycio Olefins Polymer 环烯烃聚合物CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CVD Chemical Vapor Deposition 化学气相沉积CSTN Color STN 彩色超扭曲向列型DDAP Depth AES Profiles 俄歇深度剖面分析D.C. Direct Current 直流DICD Development Inspection CD 显影后光刻胶之间的间距DI water Deionized water 去离子水DLDS Dynamical Low Discrepancy Sequences 网点图案生成方法DLP Digital Light Processing 数字光处理器DMD Digital Micromirror Device 数字微镜装置DRCR Contrast Ratio in Dark Room 暗室对比度EECR Electron Cyclotron Resonance电子回旋共振刻蚀EMI Electro Magnetic Interference 电磁干扰EML Emission layer 发光层EPD End Point Detection 刻蚀结束点的测量EPD Electronic Paper Display 电子纸张显示器件ESR Enhanced Specular Reflector 光学增强反射膜ETL Electron transport layer 电子传输层FFED Field Emitting Display 场致发射显示器FFD Feed Forward Drive 过驱动FFL Flat Fluorescent Lamp 平面荧光灯FFS Fringe Field Switching 边缘场转换宽视角技术FICD Final Inspection CD 刻蚀完成后被刻物质外观图形间距测试得到的尺寸FLC Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 铁电液晶FPDM Flat Panel Display Measurements 平板显示测量方法FSC Field-Sequential Color 场序彩色GHHTL Hole transport layer 空穴传输层HTPS High Temperate Polycrystal Silicon 高温多晶硅IIC Integrate Circuit 集成电路ICM Illumination and Color Management 照明色彩管理IEC International Electrical Commission 国际电工委员会ILB Inner Lead Bonding 内引线焊接IPS In-Plane Switching 面内切换宽视角技术IR Infrared Ray 远红外线IS Inverted Staggered 反交叠结构ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ITO Indium Tin Oxide 锡掺杂氧化铟薄膜JKLLCOS Liquid Crystal On Silicon 硅基液晶(液晶反射式)LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LDD Lightly Doped Drain 微掺杂沟道型LDS Low Discrepancy Sequences 超均匀分布列理论LED Light Emitting Diode 发光二极管LGP Light Guide Plate 导光板LMD Light Measurement Device 光学测试仪器LPCVD Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition 低压化学气相沉积LP—MBE Low Pressure Molecular Beam Epitaxy 低压分子束外延LRCR Contrast Ratio in Lighted Room 亮室对比度LTPS Low Temperate Polycrystal Silicon 低温多晶硅LVDS low V oltage Differential Signaling 低压差分信号MMCU Micro Control Unit 微控制单元MOS-FET Metal Oxide Silicon–Field Effect Transistor 金属—氧化物—硅场效应晶体管MPRT Moving Picture Response Time 运动图象响应速度MS Mega Sonic MHz的超声波清洗方法MV A Multi—domain Vertical Alignment 多畴垂直取向NNB Notebook 笔记本电脑NS Normal Staggered 正交叠结构NTSC National Television System Committee 国际电视系统委员会OOCB Optical Compensated Bending 光学补偿弯曲宽视角技术ODF One Drop Filling 液晶滴注OLB Outer Lead Bonding 外部引线连接OLED Organic Light Emitting Display 有机电致发光二极管OSD On Screen Display 屏幕菜单式调节PPAD 焊接衬垫PCB Print Circuit Board 印刷电路板PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数字处理机PDP Plasma Display Panel 等离子体显示屏PE Plasma Etching 等离子体刻蚀PECVD Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition 等离子体增强化学气相沉积PEP Photo Engraving Process 光刻工艺PI Polyimide 聚酰亚胺取向层PLED Polymer Light Emitting Diode 高分子有机电致发光显示器PMMA Polymethyl Methacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯POL Polarizer 偏振片PR Photo Resist 光刻胶p—Si Polycrystal Silicon(Polysilicon)多晶硅PV A Patterned Vertical Alignment 垂直取向构型PVA Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PWM Pulse width modulation 脉冲宽度调制QQVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array 1/4视频圆形阵列(240×320象素)RRB Roll BRUSH 辊刷RF Radio Frequency 射频RF Power Radio Frequency Power 射频功率RGB Red Green Blue 红绿蓝RIE Reactive Ion Etching 反应离子刻蚀SSEM Scanning Electron Microscope 扫描电子显微镜SEMI Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International 国际半导体设备与材料协会SID Society for Information Display 信息显示协会S—IPS Super— In—Plane Switching 超级面内切换宽视角技术SMD Surface Mounted Device 表面贴装器件SOC System On Chip 芯片上系统SOG System On Glass 玻璃上系统SOP System On Panel 屏上系统SPC Solid Phase Crystallization 固相晶化法SPWG Standard Panel Working Group 屏标准化工作组SSFLC Surface Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal 表面稳定化双稳态模式STN Super Twisted Nematic 超扭曲向列型SW Shower 喷淋清洗TTAB Tape Automated Bonding 带载自动连接TAC Triacetyl Cellulose 三醋酸纤维素TCON Timing Controller 时序控制器TCP Tape Carrier Package 带载封装TEM Transmission Electron Microscope 透射电子显微镜TFT—LCD Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling 最小化传输差分信号TN Twisted Nematic 扭曲向列型UUS UltraSonic 超声波清洗UV UltraViolet lamp 紫外灯清洗VV A Vertical Alignment 垂直取向VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 视频电子标准协会WWB Wire Bonding 线连接XXPS X—ray Photoelectron Spectrom X射线光电子能谱分析YZ工业常用的英文缩写品质人员名称类QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点质量管理人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的质量管理人员OQC output quality control 最终出货质量管理人员IQC incoming quality control 进料质量管理人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数媵CPK capability process index 模具制程能力参数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号藊L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计质量管理GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供货商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 资料中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证(处)QC Quality Control 质量管理(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchasing Order 采购订单MO Manufacture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原设备制造PC Personal Computer 个人计算机CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器A。

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外文翻译原文Channel width strategyMaterial Source:Marketing management Author: Philip Kotler Channel width is to show enterprise in a certain market juxtaposed to use how many middlemen. Enterprises in making channel width strategy faces three choices:1. Exclusive distributionExclusive distribution is to point to in a given area, a certain time only choose a middlemen distribution or other exclusive agent, grant license. This is the most narrow a distribution channels form. The production and management brand, high-grade consumer goods and technical, price higher industrial supplies of enterprise use more this one form. This approach has the advantage that: middlemen business high enthusiasm, a strong sense of responsibility. Defect is market coverage relatively narrow, but also have certain risks, like the middlemen management ability is poor or appear unexpected circumstances, will affect the enterprises to exploit the market in the whole plan.2. Extensive distributionExtensive distribution also called intensive distribution. Even as possible for many middlemen engaged in product distribution, make channels as widened. Low price, purchase frequency and high commodities, industrial supplies of standard, general tools, use more such distribution methods. Its advantage is market coverage is extensive, potential customers have more opportunities to product. Defect is middlemen business enthusiasm low, the responsibility is poor.3. Selective distributionSelective distribution in namely market choosing partial middlemen management of the enterprise products. This is the sole distributor and extensive distributor between between an intermediate form. Mainly applied in testing of choose and buy is tasted, industrial supplies of components and some machines, equipment, etc. Of course business other products enterprises also can consult this practice. If properly selected, which used the middlemen distribution methods can hold concurrently before two ways of advantages.Distribution channel is not unchangeable, new wholesale institutions and retail institutions continue to emerge. In developed countries, some channels is gradually toward modernization and systematized. New channel system is gradually formed. Here, we will examine the vertical and horizontal and multi-channel marketing system the emergence and development of the change.1. The vertical marketing system developmentThe vertical marketing system in recent years is the most important channel developing one of development, it is the opposite of a traditional marketing channel and appear. The traditional marketing channel by independent producers, wholesalers and retailers composition. Every member is as an independent entity to pursue their own profit maximization, even if it is damage system overall expense until they fall apart. No one channel member to other members have all or enough control. Traditional channel can be said to be a highly loose network, each among the members of the fragmented, and split asunder.The vertical marketing system is quite the contrary, it is by the producers, wholesalers and retailers consisting of a unified complex. A channel members with other members of the property, or is a kind of special generation camp relations, or the channel members have considerable strength, forced other members cooperation. The vertical marketing system can by producers and wholesalers, retailers in any organizations as predominator. This system is characteristic of the professional management and centralized execution of network organization, they planned to obtain the scale economy and best market effect. The vertical marketing system may be helpful in controlling a channel action, eliminate channel members to pursue their interests and cause of the conflict. They can through its scale, bargaining strength and repeat service reduce profitability. This pattern is very popular in the west, such as in consumer markets has occupied 70% to 80%, occupies the market leading position.Now there are three main types: company type, management pattern and contractual vertical marketing system.(1) the company type vertical marketing system company type vertical marketing system is made the same owner's name related production and distribution department composite. Vertical integration can backwards or forwards integration, able to channels to achieve a high level of control. Such as holiday hotels are forming a self supply network.(2) management type vertical marketing system management type vertical marketing system is not by the same owners subordinate's related production department and distribution department organization form, but by a large scale, strong enterprise organize. Famous manufacturer has the ability to get from ACTS powerful trade cooperation and support. Therefore, kodak, geely and p&g etc. The company to the relevant goods exhibition, container position, promotions and pricing policy to obtain its again ACTS powerful trade cooperation and support.(3) contractual vertical marketing system contractual vertical marketing system is made independently of companies in the production and distribution of different level, they composed by contract as the basis for unity of their actions, in order to get the than its independent action when they can get greater economic and sales result. Contractual vertical marketing system in recent years obtained very big development, become the economic life one of the most remarkable achievement. Contractual vertical marketing system in three forms:One is the wholesaler promotes the voluntary chain organizations. Wholesalers organization independent retailers established voluntary chain organization, help them and large-scale chain-like organization legitimate. Wholesalers set a plan, according to the plan, the independent retailers sales activities standardized, and obtain the purchasing economic benefits.Two it is retailers cooperation organization. Retailers could take the initiative in forming a new business entity to carry out wholesale business and possible production activities. Members by retailers cooperation organization centralized purchasing, joint advertising. Profits by members allocation. Non-members retailers also through cooperation organization purchasing, but not share the profits.Three it is special generation camp organization. In the production process, a distribution called freelance generation camp channel members may join several links. Special generation camp in recent years is the fastest growing and most interesting retail form. Although the basic thoughts or old, but some special generation battalion of the form is brand new. The method can be divided into three types: the first is a manufacturer of retail freelance and promotes the camp system, such as ford franchised distributors sell its car, these all dealers is independent of the marketing personnel, but agreed to meet the related sales and the service of various conditions, The second is manufacturers wholesale freelance and promotes the camp system, such as Coca-Cola beverages company charter each market bottling dealerbuying the company enrichment beverage bottle, then by contractor, bottle, carbon dioxide gas filling and placing them sales to local market retailers, The third one is service company promotes retail freelance generation camp system. By a service company organization the whole system in order to bring its service effectively provide to customers. This form of most appeared in the taxi industry, fast food service industry and the hotel industry.2. Level marketing system developmentAnother channel development form is by two or more companies to develop a marketing opportunities. These companies lack of capital, skills, production or marketing resources to alone for commercial risks, or found with other companies joint development can produce the huge synergistic action. Between companies combined actions can be temporary or permanent, also can create a special company. This is called the symbiotic marketing.3. Multi-channel marketing system developmentIn the past, many companies only to a single market to use a single channel to enter the market. Today, with the customer market segments and possible channels increases unceasingly, more and more companies to adopt multi-channel marketing. This refers to a company establish two or more of the marketing channel to achieve one or more customers market segment of way. Mr Thibault mann will multi-channel retail organizations defined as "ownership concentration of various business empire, usually consists of several different retail organizations composition, and behind the scenes executes allocation function and the management function integration." The company not only business such as J.C. penny department stores, also opened the popularization of stores and specialty stores.By adding more channels, the company can get three important benefits: increase market coverage, lower cost and more incline to customer channels of sales. Companies constantly increasing channel is to obtain its current channel that no customer segment market (e.g. increase rural agent in order to achieve a sparsely-populated regions agricultural customer market), Or, the company can increase can reduce to existing customer cost of sales of new channels (e.g., rather than telephone sales personnel access small clients); Or, the company can increase its sales feature more suitable for customer requirements (such as using technology-based salesman channel sales complicated equipment).About multi-channel marketing system, whether making channel between the members of "unfair competition" is now becoming a debated. But anyway, channel joint is making enterprise from scattered in disorder guerrilla towards intensive scale positional warfare.Clear the channel of the taskIn the channel of goal setting is completed, channel designers must also will reach target required for execution of the tasks (generally includes purchase, sale, communication, transportation, storage and risk, etc.) clear list.A channel design should reflect differences in different types of intermediary institutions, as well as their mission's strengths and weaknesses. If use marketing intermediary institutions can make the manufacturer's risk reduction, but the business representative of intermediary agencies for each customer sales efforts is below the company sales representatives to achieve the level. Both have their advantage, therefore should add consideration. In addition, in the design of a channel, also need according to different characteristics of products or services to a certain adjustments to maximize the adaptive channel goals.译文Channel width strategy资料来源:Marketing management 作者:Philip Kotler 渠道的宽度策略渠道宽度是指企业在某一市场上并列地使用多少个中间商。
