



国际标准《信息技术——办公设备——面向老年人和残疾人的无障碍指南》(ISO/IEC10779:2020)解读∗李光媛王方园[辽宁省图书馆(辽宁省古籍保护中心),辽宁沈阳110167][摘要]对国际标准《信息技术——办公设备——面向老年人和残疾人的无障碍指南》(ISO/IEC 10779:2020)的术语与定义、基本策略、对特殊群体残疾情况的分类、不同残疾分类对信息技术的需求进行了分析和解读,并与ISO/IEC 10779:2008标准和GB/T 32417-2015标准进行比较,分析不同标准之间的差异,为公共图书馆面向特殊群体提供无障碍服务、落实互联网适老化服务、特殊群体服务人才建设提出了建议。










Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology product

Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology product

Submitted to International Journal of Rehabilitation ResearchFORTH-ICS / TR-106 December 1993 Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology producttaxonomy: A conceptual tool for analysing products and extracting demand determinantsN. Vernardakis, C. Stephanidis, D. AkoumianakisAbstractThis paper proposes and describes a conceptual tool, namely the Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology (RT) product taxonomy, as a framework for analysing Rehabilitation Technology products and extracting demand determinants. The ultimate objective of this work is to provide demand and supply related actors witha meaningful tool for identifying and focusing on specific aspects, which may bedirectly or indirectly related to existing or new products, so that demand and consumption allocation decisions can be targeted, evaluated and/or predicted.Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology product taxonomy: A conceptual tool for analysing products and extracting demand determinantsN. VERNARDAKIS, C. STEPHANIDIS and D. AKOUMIANAKISFoundation of Research and Technology - Hellas, Institute of Computer Science,P.O Box 1885, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.ABSTRACTThis paper proposes and describes a conceptual tool, namely the Rehabilitation(Assistive) Technology (RT) product taxonomy, as a framework for analysingRehabilitation Technology products and extracting demand determinants. Theultimate objective of this work is to provide demand and supply related actors witha meaningful tool for identifying and focusing on specific aspects, which may bedirectly or indirectly related to existing or new products, so that demand andconsumption allocation decisions can be targeted, evaluated and/or predicted.KEY WORDSRT product taxonomy, demand determinantIntroductionIt is often argued that the rapid technological growth has created, as many if not more barriers than those removed, confronting the ultimate objective of the socio economic integration of disabled and elderly people. Irrespective of the status and validity of the above statement, it is evident that in many areas of every day social activity (e.g. person-to-person communication), the emergence of new technologies (e.g. in Telecommunications) has brought about products whose effective operation demands considerable skills (both technical and non-technical), which may be hardly available to the ordinary population, let alone disabled and elderly people. On the other hand, some of the existing products do not meet (or meet partially) end-user requirements, others lack in quality, while yet some others do not meet the expected safety requirements.In the light of the characteristics and peculiarities of the Rehabilitation (Assistive) Technology (RT) market, as identified and extensively analysed in (TIDE-CORE, 1992a; Stephanidis et al., 1993a; Stephanidis et al., 1993b; Sandhu et al., 1993; Carruthers et al., 1993), it has become evident that the decision making required for a company to identify timely and respond appropriately to variations in demand and consumption, is a complex process that requires careful and targeted planning.Towards this objective, a conceptual tool is proposed which serves the purpose of gaining an understanding of how demand can be determined in the RT market, through focusing and assisting the decision making process, at different levels, on the issues which are critical for the demand for RT products and services. In other words, the conceptual tool proposed and described in this paper provides a methodological approach for analysing existing or future RT products in relation to certain criteria which characterise their presence in the market. Moreover, it can be thought of as a tool facilitating navigation through complex decision making search spaces towards point(s) of optimum exploitation of the identified opportunities.A multi-purpose conceptual toolThe proposed conceptual tool for analysing and determining the demand for RT products and services is constructed to satisfy the following conditions. First of all, it should be sufficiently expressive to accommodate a relevant subset of the critical issues related to demand forecast in the RT market. In this context, the tool should possess the required flexibility to enable assessment of existing product lines and reveal the reasoning behind their relative success. In addition, such a tool should be able to predict, qualitatively, the relative potential economic activity of new RT products, on the grounds of some distinctive characteristics. Secondly, the conceptual tool should be capable of identifying the entities of the market of a product (e.g. active actors and factors involved) which, if influenced, may lead to potential increase of the relative economic activity of the product. Finally, the tool must be formal to facilitate a consistent and systematic approach to the on-going work in the RT field.The proposed conceptual tool, takes the form of a taxonomy and consists of a set of criteria relating to the economic environment, market structure, product based criteria and technology related criteria. It should be noted that the identified criteria are indicative and not an exhaustive list of all the critical issues that may need to be addressed. This set of criteria will be called the RT product taxonomy and they are depicted in the diagram of Figure 1, which highlights the intended use of the taxonomy.Figure 1 : The intended use of the taxonomy(i)Economic environmentIn defining and/or assessing methods for approaching new markets, a critical issue which is frequently ignored or misunderstood is the economic environment which accounts for the pricelevels, rate of growth, potential growth as well as various institutional factors which may predominate the market. Such factors are mainly external factors to the company, but nevertheless, they have considerable influence on the way the company operates at present or will have to adapt in the future. Through a careful consideration of the structural characteristics of the RT market (i.e. market size, target population characteristics, size and type of competitors, their relevant technological positions and focus, the innovation strategies they pursue, etc.) as well as the type and intensity of competition (e.g. dominant competitive strategies, sources of competitive advantage, projected expenditure on technology, etc.), the company is able to assess its own strengths and weaknesses compared to other RT actors. Moreover, the company is able to identify emerging threats, their underlying sources and potential impact, as well as strategic alliances and partnerships for exploiting opportunities for innovation.(ii) Market structureIn the case that a market exists, identifying the market structure for particular product lines is critical for the manufacturer, as the entire economic activity of the company may depend upon the outcome of this task. Indeed, pricing policy, output levels and costs, are strongly related to the type of the market structure. For example, the Rehabilitation Technology market in Europe is fragmented and oligopolistic in principle. Such a conclusion permits reference to a body of existing knowledge which describes the valid range of courses of action available to the oligopolist, in terms of a set of "models of oligopoly" (Koutsoyiannis, 1980).On the other hand, product innovation is very often concerned with creating new niche markets. In this case, the market structure does not even exist. Therefore the manufacturer is more concerned with the size of the potential market, ways of maintaining market leadership if imitators enter this niche, etc. The term "first mover advantages" is frequently used to describe the motivation leading to the search to build new markets through product innovation. Although oligopoly seems to be the prominent market structure in the European Rehabilitation Technology market, there are product markets operating under the conditions of a different market structure. Such markets are usually fragments of a wider market (e.g. product fragmentation or geographical fragmentation), but nevertheless comply to different norms of operation. Moreover, apart from the market structure for a particular product, the intensity of the competition is often a critical factor for the operation of the market. For example, a highly competitive oligopoly operates differently from a less competitive oligopoly. In addition, oligopolies may also differ depending on the prominent competitive strategy (i.e. product differentiation, price, product quality, etc.). Thus, when analysing existing or new product lines, the type of the product's market must be identified and investigated.(iii)Product-based criteria and significance of present or anticipated future economic activityIn addition to the market structure criteria, the RT product taxonomy must be capable of assessing existing product lines in terms of their importance and performance with respect to their relative current or future potential economic activity. In other words, there are products with outstanding potential, others which have reached the saturation stage, and others whose economic activity in relative terms may or may not be significant. Moreover, the assessment of a product's economic activity should take place in the context of various product based criteria. The following criteria have been found very useful:-the product's target market, that being either a small or large scale market;-the type of product (e.g. tool versus appliance1);-the purpose of the product (i.e. wheelchairs aim to assist the user in performing a function, whereas robotic arms aim to replace a function);-the existence of economies of scale;-the form of support a product is associated with (i.e. tangible versus non-tangible2);-the method of provision (i.e. on-loan or otherwise);-the intensity of care that the product is aiming to provide3and the relative location of the carer and the cared for4;-barriers to entry, tariffs, subsidies, etc.A product which is currently associated with significant economic activity in relative terms, is wheelchairs. Another product line with considerable future potential is alarm systems. The product taxonomy should be capable of verifying such hypothesis or empirical findings. In other words, it is required to explain why wheelchairs experience such a significant level of economic activity and more importantly, why alarm systems are regarded as a product line of outstanding future potential. To facilitate this, technology based criteria are included.(iiii)Technology based criteriaTechnology-based criteria, amongst other things, characterise the concept of innovation (Vernardakis et. al, 1993). Innovation is usually realised either as a new product or a new process/method. Additional aspects to be elaborated by applying technology based criteria are the direction and rate of technological change, technology spin-off effects, the present and future role of technology synergies, etc. Such technology based criteria justify the argument that alarm systems is a product line with outstanding future potential since it signifies the beginning of a new area of development, that of the smart house and the electronic devices which are required in such an environment (TIDE-TMS, 1991). It is therefore important for the RT actor to be aware of such innovative tendencies and of the underlying technologies, so that decisions regarding investment in technology and effective market strategies can take place.1An appliance is a type of product whose underlying technology operates nearly independently of the user and, as a result, the effective use of the product is not controlled by the user; a tool on the other hand is a product whose effective operation is usually dependent on the user. Note that the "tool-appliance"construct can be applied either at the level of the product or at the level of a part or function of a product, with considerable implications for the design and launch strategies of the product.2Tangible supports refer to all RT products and services which may be needed by people with special needs (i.e. disabled and elderly people). Intangible supports, on the other hand, cover a variety of social and emotional contributions including companionship, intimacy, re-assurance and psychological security. As far as tangible care is concerned, it is common to distinguish between health care and social services.3There are distinctions based on the intensity of care required by the various groups of people with special needs. This covers both tangible and intangible care. Sinclair and Williams, in (Gullen et al., 1991) argue that the intensity of care required by people with special needs can be considered as short-interval, long-interval and critical interval care. Short-interval care accounts for all those actions which are required by the client on a regular basis and at relatively short time intervals. Examples of this type of care are feeding and dressing. Long-interval care is also required on regular basis, but with greater time intervals between each specific instance of need. Shopping for example may be classed under long-interval care.Finally, critical-interval care refers to those forms of care which must be provided at the time of need, no matter the time interval. Help with toileting is an appropriate example here.4Distinctions can be made based on the relative location of the carer and the cared-for. For example, the relative location of the end-user with respect to the co-ordination centre has been found to be a strong determinant of the demand for alarm systems in Finland (Ekberg, 1993; TIDE-CORE, 1992b).Consequently, careful selection and appropriate utilisation of technology is an equally critical issue which should be addressed when attempting to analyse demand for existing or new products. In the European RT market, the technological spectrum is substantially wide. It includes traditional RT technologies which have been exploited (and characterise the vast majority of present date products), RT technologies which, as yet, have not been utilised in the RT market, and technologies which are not necessarily RT technologies, but have reached maturity and can be transferred in the RT market (Vernardakis et al., 1993).Moreover, an attempt should be made to evaluate the different directions in which the exploitation of technological advancements follow or could follow in the future with respect to existing or new products. In general, it is expected that some of the new and technologically advanced products and services will be useful and accessible by disabled and elderly people, others irrelevant or inapplicable, while on the other hand, others could actually introduce hindrances. Such hindrances may be attributed to the product or service itself or its intended use, while in some cases they may also arise from the type of technology adopted. Consequently, it is made possible to derive future extrapolations regarding the impact of those technologies on the market, their exploitation and deployment into new products, thus determining the extend to which future mismatch between user requirements and new products and services can be prevented.In summary, a minimum set of criteria have been identified as critical for determining demand for, and facilitating analysis of, RT products. This set of criteria are depicted in the diagram of Figure 2 and formulate an RT product taxonomy; they also constitute the proposed conceptual and analytical framework for the characterisation and assessment of RT products.DiscussionRehabilitation Technology is a multi-disciplinary field which demands active participation of professionals and users. It is imperative, that such groups can be facilitated to concentrate on the different aspects of the Rehabilitation Technology market pertaining to their perspective and involvement. However, it should be noted that irrespective of the particular world view adopted or the perspective used for analysing the market (i.e. demand versus supply), it is extremely important to identify a common denominator which will take account of the impact of a given product on the intended user.The RT product taxonomy, as introduced in this paper, provides a conceptual tool which can accommodate many different perspectives of analysis depending on the criteria to be applied and the target objectives of the analysis. Some of them are briefly elaborated in the following paragraphs.(a)Product focus and analysisThe taxonomy can be quite useful in analysing a particular product, in terms of:•the product's market structure,•importance and performance levels,•whether or not economies of scale for the particular product exist•what are the underlying technologies,•whether or not innovation is critical to the product success•the type of innovation (e.g. product innovation, process innovation, supply pull, demand push)Figure 2 : The contructs of the Rehabilitation Technology product taxonomy. Additionally, the taxonomy may be used as a guide to extracting the determinants of demand for existing or future products. During such an analysis, additional important issues are revealed such as the role of the intermediaries, the overall awareness of consumers and professionals relative to a particular product, etc. Moreover, assessing the performance and importance of the product's relative activity will outline current and future trends in consumer's purchasing behaviour as well as the technologies that need to be employed in the production process. It will also highlight the restructuring required to take place in an organisation's workforce to accommodate the introduction of new technologies or a change in the current production methods. Finally, the ability to identify products with outstanding potential and their constructive assessment is likely to direct the company's research and development activities towards technology sectors which are prominent or will become prominent in the production of the product; thus, breaking current barriers and introducing new opportunities for both the consumer and the product itself. Hence, from such an analysis, links can be established between technologies and products, application domains and needs of users within these domains,manufacturers and areas of specialisation as defined by a particular set of needs or an application domain or even the set of technologies employed.(b)Indication of deductive factors influencing certain aspects of the demand for thisproductThe product based criteria, which formulate a component of the taxonomy, serve a two-fold purpose. First of all, they provide the explicit constructs which influence the demand for that product (e.g. existence of economies of scale versus small scale markets, appliance versus tool, product associated with tangible versus intangible type of support, method of product provision, demand for end-user resources required for the operation of the product, etc). Apart from the immediately obvious value of such constructs for qualifying demand related aspects of a particular product, such criteria imply additional considerations (e.g. deductive determinants of demand) which may prove to play a crucial role in determining the demand and consumption patterns of the intended users. For example, given the appropriate product-based criteria, it is possible to extrapolate the influence of deductive factors (such as the influence of filtering, user involvement, etc.) on a particular end-user or product. In the following example, several related issues are further elaborated by referring to two products which both provide tangible form of support, are covered by a national provision system, but belong to different product categories (one being a tool and the other being an appliance). The example, provides an indication of the type of analysis which can be facilitated by the RT product taxonomy, the relevant criteria depending on the objectives of the analysis and the influence of certain factors such as user involvement and role of intermediary actors on a specific function such as the selection of a product.The prominent recipient of RT services, as already stated, is undoubtedly disabled and elderly people. There is evidence to suggest that the user's involvement in a technical aid's life cycle, namely feasibility, development, design and implementation stage is critical, if the aid is to serve its purpose successfully (Gullen et al., 1991). On the other hand, user's involvement in the field of Rehabilitation Technology, has traditionally been limited due to several factors, some of them being lack of education, training, the gap between the end user and the manufacturer which is continuously becoming wider. Furthermore, an equally important factor is the "attitudes" of end users. Such attitudes vary, depending on the user group being considered.In an ideal situation, disabled and elderly people would be highly motivated, knowledgeable and financially independent. A user who possesses these three attributes is able to substantially influence many functions of the provision system. But in real life, it is very unusual for a user to possess the knowledge, level of motivation and financial resources required to ensure active involvement or influential participation in the various decision-making activities of any provision system.In general, the decision about the solution for a particular end user can be also influenced by various parties such as :-medical doctors and health professionals;-rehabilitation professionals;-families of end users.Co-operation amongst all parties mentioned above should ideally be the desirable means for ensuring that the appropriate solution is chosen and prescribed. However, there are many factors which may restrict this co-operation and its outcome. Such factors include, amongst others: -the kind of solution regarded as appropriate;-the user's cultural level;-the user's motivation to undertake the challenges of independent living;-financial restrictions, etc.In this section, the discussion focuses on the issue of the user's involvement in selecting the preferred solution, and consequently demand. The importance of this involvement becomes apparent when one considers that it is the end user who has to live with this solution, not the professional prescribing it. Therefore, the user should be encouraged to play a more active role in deciding what, when and how to use the solution.To be able to play such a key role, however, the user's awareness should be raised with respect to the broad spectrum of issues involved. Various limiting factors may restrict the involvement of users during the selection of a solution, forming barriers which need to be overcome. The more prominent of these factors are as follows:-user's involvement in selecting a solution is sometimes restricted by the kind and purpose of the solution itself;-user's involvement in selecting a solution may also be restricted by the amount of skills demanded for the appreciation of the potential benefit and value associatedwith a particular solution;-user's involvement in selecting a solution may finally be restricted by the level of competence which increases slowly compared to the rate of technologicalgrowth.Although the above limiting factors may lead to different barriers restricting user involvement in selecting a solution, the major obstacle influencing this involvement results from the interrelation and the parallel influence which all three restricting factors may exercise. In other words, in most cases it may be that all of them influence the selection process (e.g. the type of solution in conjunction with the increased amount of skills demanded for appreciating the purpose and function of this solution, as a result the solution's underlying technology, may in turn lead to lack of competence).Examining some of the variables influencing user involvement, some important aspects of the solution selection process, and consequently demand, are revealed highlighting the characterisation and provisional assessment of potentially successful corrective actions.The discussion that follows will concentrate on the argument that the user's decision space, in the context of the aid selection process, is largely dependent upon the degree of the user's reliance upon the device. In other words, the user's decision space is a function of the purpose of the device. Several possible outcomes are examined which highlight the multiplicity of factors which become relevant. A diagrammatic representation of this function is depicted in the diagram of Figure 3.On the x-axis the purpose of the device is addressed. As one moves away from the origin of the axis, the relevant devices are those aimed at replacing a function (e.g. prostheses and orthoses). In contrast, points closer to the origin of the axis correspond to devices whose functional purpose is to assist the user in activities of daily living (e.g. moving around the workplace).For devices lying further away from the centre of the Cartesian axis the decision space5 of the end user and consequently the corresponding involvement are reduced. On the other hand, this space is likely to be increased for products which assist the user performing certain tasks of daily living. In fact, it could be argued that in the latter case the end-user demands considerable freedom of choice whereas in the former case the user is totally dependent upon the professional expert.5The end user decision space depicts the capacity of the end user to consciously and purposefully influence the product selection process as well as the ultimate choice of technical aid. As the competence and level of expectation of an end user increase, so does the corresponding decision space.The above argument, is diagrammatically represented by the curve of Figure 3. The diagram illustrates a function y=f(x) whose value for f(x) is reduced as x departs from the centre of the axis. To illustrate this issue, any two particular technical aids can be chosen and explained. For convenience, wheelchairs and robotic arms will be selected and evaluated in the context of the present discussion.A robotic arm is a technical aid whose functional purpose is the replacement of a specific function. Hence, according to Figure 3, it is located at a distant point F, on the x-axis. Wheelchairs on the other hand aim to satisfy primarily some of the mobility needs of disabled and elderly people. It is quite frequent, however, that the selection of a particular wheelchair is also influenced by other types of human need which may be referred to as secondary needs. It becomes apparent, therefore, that the functional purpose of a wheelchair is considerably different from the functional purpose of a technical aid, such as robotic arm, whose objective is the replacement of a specific function. Thus, let a particular wheelchair type be located at point D on the x-axis.An additional aspect which should be addressed is the fact that the difference in the purpose of the two devices (e.g. assistance versus replacement of a function) is obviously reflected on the design and specification of the products. Hence, in the case of the robotic arm the user is either totally dependent upon the professional's advice or can only demand a relatively small decision space, this being represented by the rectangular OAEF, in Figure 3, whereas in the case of the wheelchair, the user is likely to demand considerable freedom of choice and may dominate the selection process. The latter decision space, represented by the rectangular OBCD in Figure 3, may also be the result of the influence of the various secondary needs which may be fulfilled by the use of the particular wheelchair, and consequently the various application domains in which this product can be used.The above argument is also supported by the quite different levels of skill and competence required by the respective users of the two products, in order for them to be able to appreciate the technological characteristics of each product and their respective use.It can therefore be seen that the professional may be required to play a twofold role, namely an advisory role and frequently the role of the decision maker. A prerequisite for the professional,。



教育心理学术语抽象模仿abstract modeling人经过对数次模仿体验所得信息的整合形成某种原理或概括。

学业多样性academic diversity学生的个体差异所造成的学习技能及学习方法上的差异。



顺应失能生accommodation for students with disabilities对失能生的评定、教学乃至训导的方式做出改变。

成就动机achievement motive成功完成具有挑战性任务的愿望。

成就测验achievement tests旨在测量学生已获得的技能或知识的量。

行动研究action research由教师发起的基于学校的研究。

积极倾听active listening一种沟通技能,涉及传达对他人交流的理解与接纳。

活动强化物activity reinforcer按普雷马克原理来实施的、赋予学习者对其会产生强化效果的某种特权或行为。


附设提问adjunct question文中插入的提问或呈现,有助于引发学习者的注意。

青少年自我中心主义adolescent egocentrism按埃尔金德的说法,某些青少年的自我意识往往具有过于强烈的倾向。

先行组织者advance organizer从事新的学习之前所呈现的材料,旨在帮助学生将新的知识与先前更为一般的、更具包摄性的知识联系起来。

审美需求aesthetic needs按马斯洛的说法,其为一种体验美的愿望,希望发现及创造对称与完整。

附属动机affiliation motive希望与他人建立、维持以及恢复有效的相互关系的一种愿望。









ET的常见含义1. 外星人(Extraterrestrial)在科幻电影《ET外星人》之后,ET成为了外星人的代称。


2. 听力辅助技术(Assistive Technology)ET在医学领域也是一个常用的缩写,代表听力辅助技术。


3. 时间(Eastern Time)ET也可以是 eastern time (东部时间)的缩写。


4. 知觉滞后(Entropy Threshold)知觉滞后是指人脑的一种现象,在外部刺激结束后,人脑仍需一定时间来完全处理和反应。


5. 电子贸易(Electronic Trading)在金融领域,ET是电子贸易的缩写。


6. 酒店文化(Elegant Touch)ET也可以是 elegant touch(优雅触动)的缩写,这在酒店领域用于形容酒店或房间装饰中的精致和雅致。

ET在网络用语中的应用1. 聊天和社交媒体在即时聊天和社交媒体上,ET常常用来代表\。



有帮助的单词1. 单词:helpful- 单词释义:给予帮助的;有用的;有益的。

- 单词用法:可作形容词,用于修饰名词,如a helpful book(一本有用的书);也可用于be动词之后,如He is very helpful.(他很乐于助人)。

- 近义词:useful(有用的)、beneficial(有益的)。

- 短语搭配:be helpful to(对……有帮助)。

- 双语例句:- When I was lost in the new city, a helpful stranger showed me the way. Oh, that stranger was like an angel in my moment of confusion.(当我在新城市迷路时,一个乐于助人的陌生人给我指了路。


)- My mom always gives me helpful advice. It's as if her words are magic keys opening the doors to solutions.(我妈妈总是给我有用的建议。


) - This app is so helpful. It's like having a personal assistant right in your pocket.(这个应用程序太有用了。


)- Teachers should be helpful to students' growth. Just think, without their help, how could students thrive?(教师应该对学生的成长有帮助。

想想看,没有他们的帮助,学生怎么能茁壮成长呢?) - A helpful tool can make our work much easier. Isn't it great when you find that one thing that just simplifies everything?(一个有用的工具可以让我们的工作轻松很多。










10.李先生的左肩有肩胛肌肉松弛现象(shoulder subluxation)及肩痛,作业治疗师给他做了一条肩臂悬带。



不依赖辅助工具作文英文回答:1. What are the benefits of using assistive technology in the classroom?Assistive technology can help students withdisabilities access and participate in the general curriculum.It can provide students with tools and strategies to overcome their challenges and reach their full potential.Assistive technology can help students develop independence and self-advocacy skills.2. What are the challenges of using assistive technology in the classroom?One challenge is that assistive technology can beexpensive to purchase and maintain.Another challenge is that teachers may not be familiar with how to use assistive technology effectively.Students may also be resistant to using assistive technology, especially if they are self-conscious abouttheir disabilities.3. How can teachers overcome the challenges of using assistive technology in the classroom?Teachers can overcome the challenges of using assistive technology by getting training on how to use it effectively.They can also collaborate with other professionals,such as occupational therapists and speech-language pathologists, to develop a plan for using assistive technology with individual students.Teachers can also create a supportive and inclusive environment in which students feel comfortable usingassistive technology.4. What are the ethical considerations of using assistive technology in the classroom?One ethical consideration is that assistive technology can be used to track and monitor students.Another ethical consideration is that assistive technology can be used to exclude students from certain activities or opportunities.Teachers should use assistive technology in a way that respects the privacy and dignity of all students.5. What are the future trends of assistive technology in the classroom?One future trend is that assistive technology will become more affordable and accessible.Another future trend is that assistive technology willbecome more integrated into the general curriculum.Teachers should be prepared to use assistive technology to meet the needs of all students in the future.中文回答:1. 在课堂中使用辅助工具有什么好处?辅助工具可以帮助残障学生进入和参与通用课程。

康复治疗学作业治疗 名词解释 2

康复治疗学作业治疗 名词解释 2









1、Sensory integration(SI)----- 感觉统合,是大脑将从身体各种感觉器官传来的感觉信息,进行多次组织分析、综合处理、做出正确的决策,使整个机体和谐有效的运作。

2、Assistive technology(AT)------ 辅助技术,是用来帮助残疾人、老年人进行功能代偿以促进其独立生活并充分发挥他们潜力的多种技术、服务和系统。

4、Repetitive Strain Injury(RSI)-----重复性应力损伤,一系列因工作相关的因素而导致肌肉、骨骼、软组织或周围神经系统的病损。

6、Sensory integration dysfunction(SID):感觉统合失调,是大脑不能有效整合感觉信息,从而导致儿童产生一系列的行为问题,表现为学习、专注力、姿势控制、小肌肉协调、情绪、生活功能等多方面的功能障碍。

7、sensory diet---感觉餐单,是指按照小孩个体的感觉需要而设计的活动量及流程,包括一天、一周甚至一月的餐单,为孩子设计出实用的、计量适中的、经过精心安排的个人家庭活动方案。



为残障人士设计的产品的英语作文Assistive Technology: Enhancing Independence and Empowerment for Individuals with Disabilities.In the pursuit of an inclusive society, the design and development of products catering to the unique needs of individuals with disabilities hold immense significance. Assistive technology (AT) serves as a vital tool in promoting independence, enhancing accessibility, and empowering individuals with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of life.AT encompasses a diverse range of devices, tools, and systems that address the functional limitations associated with various disabilities. From mobility aids to communication devices, from adaptive switches to assistive listening systems, AT empowers individuals to overcome barriers and engage actively with their surroundings.Mobility Aids.Mobility aids play a crucial role in enabling individuals with physical impairments to move independently and explore their environments. Wheelchairs, scooters, canes, and walkers provide essential support, allowing individuals to navigate both indoor and outdoor spaces with greater ease. These aids not only enhance mobility but also promote physical activity and social engagement.Communication Devices.Communication is central to human interaction, and for individuals with speech or language impairments, assistive technology offers innovative solutions. Speech-generating devices, communication boards, and alternative communication methods empower individuals to express themselves effectively, fostering social inclusion and reducing communication barriers.Adaptive Switches.Individuals with severe physical limitations often facechallenges in manipulating traditional switches and buttons. Adaptive switches provide alternative input methods, enabling them to control devices such as computers, toys, and environmental controls. These switches can be activated using various body movements, such as head gestures, eye movements, or muscle contractions.Assistive Listening Systems.Hearing impairments can create significant communication difficulties. Assistive listening systems, such as hearing aids, FM systems, and captioning services, amplify sounds, filter out background noise, and provide visual cues to enhance speech comprehension. These systems promote active participation in conversations, lectures,and other auditory environments.Cognitive Aids.Individuals with cognitive disabilities may benefitfrom assistive technology that enhances memory, organization, and problem-solving skills. Memory aids, suchas planners, organizers, and reminders, help with time management and reduce the risk of forgetting important appointments or tasks. Assistive technology can also provide visual cues and prompts to support individuals with attention and focus difficulties.Environmental Controls.Smart home technology and environmental control systems empower individuals with disabilities to manage their surroundings independently. Voice-activated devices, automated lighting systems, and remote switches allow individuals to turn on lights, adjust thermostats, and control appliances without physical exertion. These systems enhance convenience, safety, and independence.The Impact of Assistive Technology.The benefits of assistive technology extend far beyond simply enabling specific tasks. By addressing thefunctional limitations associated with disabilities, AT empowers individuals to:Gain greater independence: AT reduces reliance on others and allows individuals to perform tasks and participate in activities with increased autonomy.Enhance socialization: Improved communication and mobility promote social interaction, reducing isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.Improve self-esteem: Overcoming barriers and achieving independence contributes to positive self-image and increased confidence.Increase access to education and employment: AT enables individuals with disabilities to pursue higher education, enter the workforce, and actively participate in society.Reduce healthcare costs: By promoting independence and preventing secondary complications, AT can reduce the need for healthcare interventions and long-term care.Designing for Inclusivity.To ensure that assistive technology meets the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities, it is essential to adopt a user-centered design approach. This involves:Understanding user needs: Engaging with individualswith disabilities and listening to their experiences helps identify their specific requirements and preferences.Involving stakeholders: Collaborating with healthcare professionals, assistive technology specialists, and family members provides a comprehensive perspective on user needs.Designing for all abilities: Products should be designed to accommodate a wide range of physical, cognitive, and sensory abilities, allowing for customization and adaptability.Testing with users: User testing provides valuable feedback and enables designers to refine products based on real-world experiences.Promoting accessibility standards: Adherence to accessibility guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensures that products are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.Conclusion.Assistive technology is a powerful tool that empowers individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling and independent lives. By addressing the functional limitations associated with various disabilities, AT enhances mobility, communication, cognitive function, and environmental control. A user-centered design approach that involves understanding user needs, involving stakeholders, designing for all abilities, and testing with users is essential to create inclusive products that truly make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities. By embracing innovation and promoting inclusivity, we can create a society where everyone has the opportunity to participate fully and reach their full potential.。



辅助功能的名词解释是辅助功能(Assistive Technology)的名词解释辅助功能指的是一种帮助人们克服身体或认知障碍,提高生活质量的技术、设备或工具。



























一、词根“assist”1. assistant (助手) - 一个人或物体,给予其他人帮助或支持。

示例句:She works as an assistant in a law firm.(她在一家律师事务所担任助手。

)2. assistive (辅助的) - 描述能够帮助或支持人们做某事的设备、技术或策略。

示例句:The assistive technology helps people with disabilities to communicate effectively.(辅助技术帮助残障人士有效地沟通。

)二、前缀“dis-”1. disable (使失去能力) - 使某人或某物失去执行功能或完成任务的能力。

示例句:The accident disabled him, and he needs a wheelchair now.(事故使他残疾了,他现在需要坐轮椅。

)2. disassemble (拆卸) - 将某物分解成原来的部分或元素。

示例句:He disassembled the furniture before moving it to the new house.(他在搬到新房子之前拆卸了家具。

)三、前缀“as-”1. assert (断言) - 坚决表示或声称某事是真实或正确的。

示例句:He asserted his innocence in the court.(他在法庭上声称自己无罪。

)2. aspire (渴望,追求) - 渴望达到或成为更高尚或更具影响力的状态。

示例句:She aspires to become a successful entrepreneur in the future.(她渴望将来成为一名成功的企业家。

Assistive Technology for Braille Readers说明书

Assistive Technology for Braille Readers说明书

Assistive Technology for Braille ReadersBelinda Rudinger MEdVI AT Consultant, Region 10 ESCTopics•Beginning with braille•Braille notetakers•Refreshable braille displays •Computer use•Additional optionsBeginning with BraillePerkins Smartbrailler•Introduction:https:///watch?v =A41u7XXB4QQ•“First Impressions”•https:///watch?v =x1HShKsRmA4•Easy to use•Immediate audio feedback •Visual feedback of both braille and print•USB port to save and open filesMountbatten Braillewriter•Introduction:https:///watch?v =sSDxkWUAkcY&list=PLD6EB14632DB8FBA2•Student Use:https:///watch?v=Q3RHC4iIB Ik•SetBC Lessons:/download/LearningCentre /Vision/mbpro_lessons.pdf•SetBC Visual Guide:/download/LearningCentre /Vision/mbpro_guide.pdf •Immediate auditory feedback•Calculator•Nemeth Mode•Fun music mode•Ability to save and open files•Can be used as an embosser•Separate keyboard lets classroom teachers create braille•Separate visual attachment lets classroom teachers see what student is typingLogan Braille Coach•Braille Flash Cards!•Easy to use-for TVI, student, parent, and classroom teacher •Provides opportunity for independent practice for little onesGroup Work•Review links to learn more about the two braillewriters•Compare device features & discuss which might benefit different students •Share any previous experience•Find a tip, trick, or new fact to shareBraille NotetakersWhat is a Braille Notetaker?(Amy Mason, Braille Monitor, June 2012)•All current models allow the user to:•read and write files in a number of formats•keep track of contacts and appointments•do calculations•listen to media files•handle email•create voice memos•and do extremely basic Web browsingBrailleNote•Most popular in our area, great tech support, but must be sent off for repair •Introduction: /watch?v=0jeGAlXPqqc•Student-at-work: https:///watch?v=3Bq0zT1HqKk •SetBC slides: /setbc/vision/apex_braille_notetaker.html •Humanware BrailleNote Tutorials:•/en-usa/support/braillenote_apex/tutorials/loginBrailleSense•Newer on the scene, repaired in Austin•U2 has built in display; Mini has additional display option •Example Videos:•https:///watch?v=KjRI9ckInpM•/watch?v=jYOjEL9ZyXE•SetBC Slides/setbc/vision/braille_sense_plus_guides.htmlBraillePlus18•APH BraillePlus18 Basic Word Processing•https:///watch?v=s dGabTH1BQE•Resources Guide:•/plus_info.htm •Email here to join user’s group: plus-******************.org •Available on Quota Funds!•Android device-has some innovativefeatures• A little tricky to use…Group Work•Look through available resources for these braille notetakers •Share one tip, trick, or command you learned •Discuss students you have had who used notetakers •Discuss what type of student would benefit, at what age •Discuss pros/cons of different devicesRefreshable Braille DisplaysWhat are Braille Displays?•Separate braille “keyboards” with 6 key entry and a row of refreshable braille •Useable with iOs devices via Bluetooth•Useable with computers (laptop, desktop) via USB or Bluetooth•Must be used with a screen reader (exception: HIMS Braille Edge)•“Modular” approach•Allow access to mainstream technology on tablets and computersRefreshable Braille Displays •Refreshabraille18 (APH)•Focus 40/14 (Freedom Scientific)•Brailliant(Humanware)•Braille Edge 40 (HIMS) (Also has SD card for use without a device)•ALVA (Irie-AT)•Vario Ultra (Baum)•*Can all be used with iPad, Tablet, Laptop, SmartPhoneiPad + Refreshable Braille Display•Jake’s example: /watch?v=h21a264VsXE •Screen reader needed (Voiceover)•Connect via Bluetooth•Specific commands needediPad Apps•iA Writer•AFB Accessnote •KNFB•Talking Scientific Calculator •Dolphin Browser •iBooks•Learning Ally Audio •Read2Go •BARD Mobile •Alarmed•LookTel Money Reader •Ariadne GPS •NowWhat •Sendero GPS Lookaround •ViA•iBlinkRadio •TapTapSeeLaptop + Refreshable Braille Display•Screen reader needed•Can be connected via USB cord or Bluetooth•Can use:•Microsoft Office or Mac Pages/Numbers/Keynote•Internet Applications•Other computer programs depending on accessibilityNotetakers vs. Mainstream Devices+RBD•/blog/iph one-ipod-touch-ipad-ios-braille-assistive-technology-apple/comparing-ios-devices-braille •JVIB Oct-Nov 2012 Sunggye Hong An Alternative Option to Braille Notetakers for People with Visual Impairments•Advantages?•Disadvantages?Group Work:•Look up the various available braille displays and share details •Review the additional videos on displays and discuss•Read the AppleVi’s and JVIB articles and discuss advantages & disadvantages to braille notetakers vs. mainstream technology with braille displaysComputerUseKeyboarding Instruction•APH Talking Typer•/watch?v=OGJlwR1Lm0g •TypeAbility•/watch?v=8zVRP6gK2-A•https:///watch?v=-VLm4b_Y3UgScreen Readers•JAWS (Job Access With Speech)•VoiceOver•WindowEyes•NVDA•Others (Cobra, ChromeVox, etc.)What is a Screen Reader? (AFB)• A software program that allows blind or visually impaired users to read the text that is displayed on the computer screen with a speech synthesizer.•The interface between the computer’s operating system, its applications, and the user.•The user sends commands by pressing different combinations of keys on the computer keyboard to instruct the speech synthesizer what to say and to speak automatically when changes occur on the computer screen. A command can instruct the synthesizer to read or spell a word, read a line or full screen of text, find a string of text on the screen, announce the location of the computer’s cursor or focused item, and so on.JAWS•Most popular in our area •Excellent technical support:•Christal Vision: Jack Hickman, Marci Duty•Freedom Scientific tech support •Introduction: Listening to JAWS•https:///watch?v=b55ijS4I0Ws •Hadley School for the Blind: Teach JAWS in 30Minutes or Less•/resources_list_detail.asp?r esourceid=21•JAWS Keystrokes•/doccente r/archives/training/jawskeystrokes.htm •Downloadable DemoNVDA•NVDA introduction•https:///watch?v=3tY0Uot8L HU•NVDA example•https:///watch?v=TIMsUZYK OZE•NVDA website•/•NVDA Testimonials•/about/testimonials/•Open Source: Free/Donation •Can be used with any computer; transported on flash drive•Voice can be changed to Microsoft Anna•Support for multiple languagesVoiceOver•Voiceover Introduction•https:///watch?v=a3_C z-gmscE•Voiceover: Getting Started•https:///watch?v=tQH JVV6ebtg•Voiceover: Comprehensive introduction •https:///watch?v=_sK Aa2IfbxQ •Built-in to all Macintosh Computers •Free•Obvious choice for Mac-only districts, computer labs•Not available on PCs•Also on iPad and iPhones •Beware: VoiceOver will NOT WORK with Microsoft Office. Users must use TextEdit or Apple’s Office Suite:Pages/Numbers/KeynoteGroup Work•Discuss previous experience with screen readers•Discuss how one could introduce a screen reader to a student •Review available resources and discuss differences between screen readersAdditional OptionsDigital Audio MediaSources•Bookshare•Learning Ally•NLS/Bard•Create your own-Dolphin EZ Converter Devices •Smartphones & Tablets •Computers•Daisy Players•APH Bookport•Victor Reader Stream•Plextalk•BooksenseBookshareConsiderations •Individual vs. Organizational accounts•Online interface•Who can help:•Karen Beard Ways to Access Material•BRF files-emboss or use refreshable braille display•Auditory Access-synthetic voices•iPad: Read2Go•Android: GoRead•Computer: ReadOutLoud•Daisy Players (APH Bookport Plus-free)Learning AllyConsiderations•Easier account structure •Online interface demo•Far fewer braille files-mostly audio Ways to Access Material •iPad: Learning Ally Audio •Android: Learning Ally •Computer: LINK•Daisy player (APH Bookport Plus-free; needs User Authorization Key)National Library Service/BARDConsiderations •Professional readers (not volunteer or synthetic)•Individual account needed Ways to Access Materials •iPad: BARD app •Android: no app yet-in developmentScan & Read OptionsStand-alone Devices •Sara CE •Optilec ClearReader •Poet Compact2Portable Cameras •Pearl Camera •EyePal •ZoomTwixMath Options•Audio Graphing Calculator software demo •APH Orion Talking TI-84•Math WindowMore Information•Links from today’s presentation: https:///site/viat101braille/•Paths to Literacy Technology Section: /technology •Region 10 VI AT website: /supplementary-services/programs/vi-assistive-technology/。

at 运作 表格-概述说明以及解释

at 运作 表格-概述说明以及解释

at 运作表格-范文模板及概述示例1:标题:AT表格的运作方式解析引言:在现代社会中,AT表格成为了广泛应用的工具之一,它能够有效地整理和呈现数据。



一、什么是AT表格1.1 定义AT表格全称为"Assistive Technology Grid",是一种工具,可用于整理、分类和分析数据。

1.2 组成AT表格由行和列组成,行表示不同的项目或者数据集,列则用于表示不同的属性或者特征。

二、AT表格的基本使用方法2.1 创建表格使用软件(如Excel)可以轻松创建AT表格,通过选择行和列的数量即可完成表格的创建。

2.2 添加内容根据需要,将不同的数据填充到表格的相应位置,可以是数字、文字、日期等。

2.3 排序和过滤AT表格允许根据行或列的要求进行排序和过滤,以便更好地组织数据和查找需要的信息。

三、AT表格的高级运作方式3.1 公式和计算AT表格提供了丰富的公式和计算功能,可以根据不同的需求进行数值计算、平均值计算、数据筛选等操作。

3.2 数据可视化通过在AT表格中使用图表功能,可以直观地呈现数据、趋势和变化。

3.3 数据共享和协作使用云端服务,用户可以将AT表格分享给其他人,并进行协作编辑,方便团队合作和数据共享。



示例2:AT 运作表格运作表格是一种用于规划和组织活动的重要工具。

通过编制一个AT (Action Tracker)运作表格,可以更好地管理任务和项目,提高团队的工作效率。





康复术语中英对照康复术语中英对照(Rehabilitation Terminology Chinese-English)1. 康复(Rehabilitation)2. 身体功能恢复(Physical Function Recovery)3. 功能训练(Functional Training)4. 康复护理(Rehabilitation Nursing)5. 运动疗法(Exercise Therapy)6. 物理疗法(Physical Therapy)7. 言语疗法(Speech Therapy)8. 职业疗法(Occupational Therapy)9. 辅助性技术(Assistive Technology)10. 步行训练(Gait Training)11. 平衡训练(Balance Training)12. 柔韧性训练(Flexibility Training)13. 力量训练(Strength Training)14. 呼吸训练(Breathing Training)15. 动作控制(Movement Control)16. 病情评估(Condition Evaluation)17. 评估工具(Assessment Tools)18. 康复计划(Rehabilitation Plan)19. 脑卒中康复(Stroke Rehabilitation)20. 骨折康复(Fracture Rehabilitation)21. 脊髓损伤康复(Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation)22. 肌肉损伤康复(Muscle Injury Rehabilitation)23. 关节置换康复(Joint Replacement Rehabilitation)24. 高强度康复(High-Intensity Rehabilitation)25. 康复病房(Rehabilitation Ward)26. 残疾评估(Disability Assessment)27. 自理能力评估(Activities of Daily Living Assessment)28. 运动能力评估(Motor Function Assessment)29. 心理康复(Psychological Rehabilitation)30. 社会康复(Social Rehabilitation)。














例如,"I need your assistance in completing this project"(我需要你的帮助来完成这个项目)"。



"Assistant"可以指一个人的职位,例如"personal assistant"(个人助理)或"teaching assistant"(助教),也可以指一个设备或程序,用来辅助完成某项任务。



atd三部曲ATD三部曲第一部分:理解ATD的概念和重要性ATD(Assistive Technology Device)是指辅助技术设备,是一种通过科技手段来帮助、补偿或延伸人们的功能能力的设备。






其中一些常见的类型有:1. 移动辅助技术设备:这种设备旨在帮助行动不便的人士移动,例如轮椅、助行器和电动代步车等。

2. 视觉辅助技术设备:这些设备是为视觉障碍人士设计的,例如屏幕放大器、盲文打印机和语音辅助技术等。

3. 听觉辅助技术设备:这些设备是为听觉障碍人士设计的,例如助听器、听觉提示设备和通讯辅助技术等。

4. 通讯辅助技术设备:这些设备帮助那些沟通能力受限的人们与他人交流,例如语音识别软件、文字通话系统和使用眼神交流的技术等。











辅助技术概念解析1. 引言随着科技的不断发展,辅助技术在改善人们生活质量、提高工作效率等方面起到了重要的作用。




2. 关键概念2.1 辅助技术辅助技术是指为有特殊需求的人群提供帮助和支持的一系列技术和工具。


2.2 特殊需求人群特殊需求人群是指那些由于身体或认知上的某种缺陷而需要额外支持和帮助的人群。


2.3 生活质量生活质量是指个体主观感受到的生活满意度和幸福感。


2.4 自主能力自主能力是指个体独立完成各种日常活动的能力。


3. 重要性3.1 改善生活质量辅助技术通过提供帮助和支持,改善特殊需求人群的生活质量。


3.2 提高自主能力辅助技术可以提高特殊需求人群的自主能力。



3.3 促进社会融合辅助技术可以帮助特殊需求人群更好地融入社会。



4. 应用4.1 身体辅助技术身体辅助技术是指为身体残疾人士提供帮助和支持的一系列技术和工具。

Assistive Technology for Learning Specific to Visu

Assistive Technology for Learning Specific to Visu
Large print applications vs. braille applications Use by student vs. use by support staff
Combination of any of the above
Computer Access for those with Multiple Challenges
It should be noted that this chart is for general planning purposes only and is based on the "average" student developing technological skills to complement their mastery of regular curriculum goals. . The selection of which technologies to teach will depend upon many factors including the specific needs, motivation and preferences of the individual student as well as the availability of the technology. The instructional time required to become competent with specific technologies will vary considerably from student to student.
Updated May 18/99 © SET-BC

In 2004, I began working on an Alberta equivalent, based on our AB curriculum and the available resources & technology
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Rehabilitation Technologists Workforce and Technology Center Division of Rehabilitation Services (DORS)
Why Are We Here?
• Explore assistive technology for individuals with disabilities. • Individuals with disabilities can attend college and work. • Individuals with disabilities have skills, talent, and knowledge. • Retain employees after injuries.
Christopher Lee, Director Georgia Assistive Technology Project
Low Vision
• Low vision denotes a level of vision that is 20/70 or lower and cannot be fully corrected with conventional glasses. Low vision usually interferes with the performance of daily activities, such as reading or driving.
Visual Assistant
Visual Assistant provides supports for helping an individual sequence and perform an activity. It has pictures and custom recorded speech that helps the individual in the real world environment.
Let’s Not Forget Low Tech…
Medication Reminders
Watches, Timers and Clocks
Step By Step Directions
To Save a Document in Microsoft Word:
1. Scroll to the file menu and click on “Save”.
- Kentucky’s Office for the ADA
What Is Assistive Technology?
An AT device is defined as “any item, piece of equipment, or product system whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities”.
-Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1988
Assistive Technology for Cognitive Impairments
Computer Software
• • • • • Scan and read Word prediction Simplified word processors Voice recognition Brainstorming and organization
Assistive Technology: A Tool for Recruiting and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities
Linda Andrews, M. Ed. Melissa Day, M. Ed. Joanne Kelly, M.S. Taylor McConnaughhay, M.S. Lou Smith, M.S. Pam Winpigler, M.A.
• Kurzweil 3000 • Don Johnson – Write:Outloud
Voice Recognition Software
•Dragon Naturally Speaking •SpeakQ •MacSpeech Dictate (Mac)
More likely to be successful if: – Motivated due to a disability – Good attention to detail – Have patience – high tolerance for frustration – Have support and training – Speak clearly – Already understand word processing & punctuation
Brainstorming and Organizational Software
• Inspiration – graphical organizer • Don Johnston – Draft Builder • Microsoft Outlook
bine As Much Technology As Possible
Introduction Video:
A Day in the Life of Richard
Disabilities Can Include…
• Cognitive Impairments
– learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury
• Low vision or blindness
• Smartphones
– – – – PDA’s Phones Cameras (KNFB Mobile Reader w/ speech) GPS’s
• iPods as digital voice recorders
– Nano 2nd Generation and Video have microphones as added accessories. Many people know how to use these and they are more intuitive to use than digital voice recorders.
Scan and Read Software
• Wynn • Read and Write Gold • Kurzweil 3000
Word Prediction Software
• Co:Writer • Word Q • Read and Write Gold
Simplified Word Processing Software
– diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa
• Physical Impairments
– MS, CP, Parkinson’s, repetitive injuries
• Deafness and Hard of Hearing
Cognitive Disabilities
• Cognitive limitation is difficulty with one or more of the basic functions of the brain: perception, memory, expression, processing skills
– Expression limitation may limit ability to speak, write, and follow social norms – Memory limitation may limit ability to recall recent or past events, form mental images of things seen or heard, and learn sequence of tasks or activities – Processing limitation may limit ability to focus on a given task, organize/schedule tasks, problem solve, understand accurately perceived sounds/images, and understand and complete self care functions
– Examples include partial or total paralysis or traumatic brain injury, stroke, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, amputation, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
• A hearing impairment is a hearing loss that prevents a person from totally receiving sounds through the ear.
– Impairments range from mild to severe.
2. Type in the name of the document in the box titled “File Name” at the bottom of the window.