术语列表:JSP:(Java Server Pages),JSP是一种基于Java的技术,用来产生跨平台和跨Web 服务器的动态页面。
JDBC:(Java DataBase Connectivity),Java数据库连接。
它主要是一套让你访问数据库的API,程序人员可以利用JDBC API来执行SQL语句。
Servlet: Servlet可以称之为“服务器小程序”,与Java application不同,它没有main方法,而是用一些特定的方法用于启动、执行和退出。
JavaBeans: JavaBeans是可复用的平台中立的软件组件,可以在软件开发工具中被直观地操作。
在Java 模型中,组件可以修改或与其他组件组合以生成新组件或完整的应用程序。
HTML:(Hypertext Markup Language)超文本标记语言,它是组织多媒体文档的重要语言,它不仅用来编写Web网页,而且可以使用它来制作光盘上的多媒体节目。
关键词:PLC;十人投票机;硬件设计;软件设计目录1 绪论 (1)2 系统硬件设计 (2)2.1 系统输入输出设计 (2)2.2 PLC的选择 (2)2.3 PLC的简介 (3)2.4 PLC接线原理图设计 (4)2.4.1 I/O点分配 (4)2.5 PLC输入输出电路图 (4)3 软件设计 (6)3.1 编程语言的选择 (6)3.2 控制要求 (6)3.3 程序控制流程图 (6)3.4 程序设计 (7)4 仿真结果 (10)结束语 (13)参考文献 (14)致谢 (15)附录 (16)附录A 源程序 (17)附录B 梯形图 (19)1 绪论投票是决策的一种方法,群体经过讨论或辩论,最后通常在特定纸张上标示出投票者的立场,然后投交大会作点算。
指导教师:日期:教师评语:评阅成绩:评阅人:日期:摘要关键词:投票系统系统,表决结果,决议通过第1章三人表决器概述1.1三人表决器的功能描述三个人分别用手指拨动开关S W1、S W2、S W3来表示自己的意愿,如果对某决议同意,各人就把自己的指拨开关拨到高电平(上方),不同意就把自己的指拨开关拨到低电平(下方)。
表决结果用LE D(高电平亮)显示,如果决议通过那么实验板上白灯亮;如果不通过那么实验板上红灯亮;如果对某个决议有任意二到三人同意,那么此决议通过,白灯亮;如果对某个决议只有一个人或没人同意,那么此决议不通过,红灯亮1.2三人表决器”的逻辑功能表决结果与多数人意见相同。
表1“三人表决器”真值表输入逻辑变量输出逻辑变量其中X0,X1,X2为输入表决信号即为s w1,s w2,s w3指示灯,Y0为输出结果即L E D灯由真值表写出逻辑表达式并化简得:Y0=X0*X1+X0*X2+X1*X2第2章三人表决器设计思想2.1组合逻辑电路的分析2.1.1 组合逻辑电路的分析输输入出A B C F00000010010001111000101111011111从真值表发现:输入变量A,B,C中有两个或两个以上为一,则输出为1,从而总结电路功能:三人表决电路。
关键词:单片机;投票器:分机;接口电路:多机通讯原理目录1 选题意义、方案论证................................................... (3)2 系统组成原理与主要功能.................................................. . (3)3 硬件电路设计 (5)3.1 MCS-51单片机的选择及芯片参数 (5)3.2 RS-485芯片选择及其参数 (7)3.3 时钟电路及复位电路 (9)3.4 按键及指示灯设计 (9)3.5 串行通讯接口的电路设计........................................ ........... (9)4 软件程序设计 (9)4.1 基本原理........................................................ . (9)4.2 通讯协议 (10)5 软、硬件调试及性能分析......................................................... (13)6 结论 (13)课程设计体会................................................... (13)参考文献 (15)附录 (16)附录1 电路原理图 (16)附录2 程序清单 (17)1 选题意义、方案论证本设计要求利用MCS-51系列单片机为控制核心,设计投票系统的分机控制器,用于表决活动。
·XTAL2 片内振荡器反相放大器和时钟发生线路的输出端。
我们采用内部时钟方式,如图,引脚 XTAL是片内振荡器反向放大器和时钟发生线路的输入端。XTAL2是片内振荡器反相放大器的输出端。当使用片内振荡器时,外接石英晶体和微调电容。
·P0口 8位、漏极开路的双向I/O口。
·P1口 8位、准双向I/O口,具有内部上拉电阻。
51系列单片机通常有上电复位和按键复位两种方式。我们采用了最简单的一种上电复位及按键复位电路如图所示,上电后,由于电容充电,使RESET持续一段时间的高电平,完成复位操作;当单片机处于运行中或死锁时,按下“复位”按钮,也可使单片机进入复位状态。通常选择C=10~30uF, R=100~1000Ω。
{if(!P11) /*判断总控开关,按下则执行以下程序*/
二、系统功能介绍1. 用户注册与登录在线投票系统允许用户进行注册,并提供账号登录功能。
2. 投票创建与管理在线投票系统提供创建投票活动的功能。
3. 参与投票注册用户可以通过登录系统参与已创建的投票活动。
4. 投票统计与分析在线投票系统提供投票结果的统计与分析功能。
5. 投票结果分享注册用户可以选择将投票结果分享至社交媒体平台,与他人进行讨论和交流。
三、系统使用方法1. 用户注册与登录1.1 进入在线投票系统主页,点击“注册”按钮。
1.2 填写个人信息,包括用户名、邮箱地址和密码。
1.3 点击“注册”按钮完成注册。
1.4 注册成功后,点击“登录”按钮。
1.5 输入注册时设定的用户名和密码,点击“登录”按钮。
1.6 登录成功后,用户即可使用在线投票系统的所有功能。
2. 投票创建与管理2.1 在登录状态下,点击系统主页的“创建投票”按钮。
2.2 输入投票主题、选择投票类型、设置投票选项和投票时间等。
2.3 点击“创建”按钮完成投票活动的创建。
2.4 登录用户可以在系统主页的“我的投票”页面查看已创建的投票活动。
图2.1 系统组成框图2.各元器件选择及功能介绍:(1) AT89C52简介AT89C52是一种带4K字节闪存可编程可擦除只读存储器(FPEROM—Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)的低电压,高性能CMOS 8位微处理器,俗称单片机。
外形及引脚排列如图2.2所示图2.2 AT89C51系列单片机(2) 1602显示电路设计与原理1602是字符型液晶,它是16*2的显示的。
Accu-Vote OS 投票机设备设置指南说明书
ED-701 (Rev. 7/13) –Secretary of the State MODERATOR’S HANDBOOK EQUIPMENT SET-UP GUIDERevision 2.1 — July, 2013S e t -U pRegular Ballot BinOPEN BALLOT BOX SHOWING COMPARTMENTSWrite-In BinBallot Deflector Deflector MotorRear DoorRear DoorBallot Chute GuideS e t -U pTHE BALLOT BOXThe Ballot Box that accompanies the Accu-Vote OS is a completely secure ballot storage system. It allows for the storage of all voted ballots. The ballot box will also sort out ballots into a different compartment. For instance, the box sorts write-in ballots into a separate compartment from other ballots. This eliminates the need for you as a election official to sort out the write-ins at the end of the night, making your job easier .1. AUXILIARY COMPARTMENTThere is a compartment on the side of the unit to hold ballots that have NOT been scanned.If there is ever a problem, an elector can al-ways place their ballot into this side compart-ment and it can be counted later according to procedure.2. MAIN BALLOT BINThere are two main compartments in the back of the Ballot Box. The first is called the Main Ballot Bin and handles the vast majority of the ballotsscanned. It is on the left side ofthe Ballot Box when viewed from the back. This bin holds up to about one thousand ballots. When the tabulator counter reaches about 900, this bin should be emptied.3. WRITE-IN BINThe second main compartment is called the Write-in Bin and holdsthe write-in ballots sorted by the ballot box. It is on the right sideof the Ballot Box when viewed from the back. This bin rarely, if ever , needs to be emptied during voting.Zone of PrivacyThe ballot box and voting tabulator should be placed at least three feet from any wall,partition, or guardrail and at least four feet from the T abulator Tender’s station. The Reg-istrars of Voters may supply a marking device to be placed around the tabulator to pre-vent electors, waiting in line to cast their ballot, from encroaching upon an elector who is submitting his ballot into the tabulator . Such marking device, if used, should be placed three to four feet from the tabulator in order to prevent electors from determining the votes cast on each other’s ballots submitted into the tabulator .Write-In Bin Auxiliary CompartmentUse the following steps to set up the in-dividual voting privacy booth.1. Open case and remove legs.2. Close case, and lay so the bottom is facing up.3. Expand the 4-piece leg section by rotating the A legs opposite the B legs.4. Insert the A legs into the A slots.5. Insert the B legs into the B slots.6. On the expanded leg unit, fit the large silver peg into the round hole.This keeps the leg unit from collapsing.7. Add one leg extension to each of the four legs.8. Flip booth over so that it stands up-right.9. Open case and rotate side panels up and snap into the lid of the case.10. Booth is ready to use.S e t -U pVOTING PRIVACYBOOTHvOTING BOOTH SUPPLIESMarking PenVoting Instructions Sheet Magnifying SheetCLOSE OF POLLSPut Caps on felt pensCollect the pens & magnifiers give them to Asst. Registrars Close up privacy boothsTake privacy booths to storage area Take polling place signs & sign posts to storage areaSET UP vOTING PRIvACY BOOTHSS e t -U pTHE ACCU-vOTE TABULATORThe Accu-Vote Optical Scan Tabulator is a straightforward, simple, and reliable piece of election equipment. As a election official you will find that the Accu-Vote OS (aka “OS” or “Optical Scan”)will allow you to run a smooth and trouble-free election. The unit is easy to set-up, run, and shutdown. This section will take you on a tour of the unit.Power Cord/Power SupplyThe power supply and power cord are important in that they allow the Optical Scan to have power in order to operate. They also allow the battery to charge.KeysThe keys supplied to you with your Optical Scan unit are of critical importance. Without them you will not be able to lock or unlock the ballot box or the unit itself. The key with a plastic cap around it is for the ballot box and the plain key is for the printer compartment on the Optical Scan unit. Keys will be given to each Moderator .BatteryThe Accu-Vote OS was designed to ensure that voting never stops. To do that the unit was given an onboard battery. The battery charges anytime the unit is plugged in AND turned on. When fully charged, the battery will last for approximately 2 hours.LCD DisplayElection officials can see what is going on with the tabulator by looking at the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Messages will be displayed on the LCD allowing the election official to act ac-cordingly.Memory CardThe memory card contains ALL the election data.Uninterruptible Power SupplyYou will also have access to an uninterruptible power supply. A UPS is designed to keep elec-tronic devices running even when the power goes out. The UPS systems you have access to will add up to 16 hours of power for the Optical Scan unit.Printer coverLCD DisplayBallot ReaderYES/NO ButtonsMemory Card Slot with Lock BarI. OPENING PROCEDURESFOR OPTICAL SCANTABULATORS1. Open the top of the ballot boxand insure that no ballots are in the box. Then close and lock the compartments.2. Ensure that all other ballot box compartments are locked and secure.3. Check the seal on the bag and record the number in the Moderator’s Report. Must match number on Pre-Election Report.4. Remove the seal on the bag and inspect the tabulator deliv-ered to the polling place and record the Voting District and Town information located on the tabulator label in the Modera-tor’s Report. If the information is not correct for the polling place in question, contact the Registrars of Voters immedi-ately.5. Check the seal on the front of the tabulator to insure it is not broken and record the number in the Moderator’s Report. Must match number on Pre-Election Report.Step 1 – Check Main, Write-in, and AuxiliaryCompartments to ensure no ballots are insideStep 4 – Unpack Optical Scan unit and inspect it.Set-UpEQUIPMENT SET-UPAND CLOSE-DOWNTABULATOR SET-UP THE MORNING OF THE ELECTIONPlug UPS into wall outlet. If supplied,plug extension cord into back of UPS.Tabulator plug connects to the back ofthe UPS, or to the extension cord.6. Using the plastic cap key, unlock and open the retainer door (front panel access door) where the Op-tical Scan is to be placed on the ballot box.7. Remove the security plate from the back of the ballot box. Be sure to leave lock in open position.8. Slide the ACCU-VOTE tabulator half-way onto the ballot box.Step 6-7 – Unlock security plate and retainerdoorStep 7 – Set the security plate in the groove inthe ballot box as shownStep 8 – Slide the Optical Scan halfway into the ballot boxS e t -U p9. Feed the power cord through the tube from the back of the ballot box.10. Insert one end of the cord into the ACCU-VOTE and the other end into the Uninterruptible Power Sup-ply (UPS) then plug the UPS into an extension cord or wall outlet.11. Be sure to turn the UPS unit ‘On’ by pressing and holding the power button until the unit is on.12. Remove (with the bare key) the printer cover to the ACCU-VOTE.Step 9 – Feed the power cord through the tun-nel in the back of the ballot boxStep 10 – Plug the female end of the powercord into the Optical Scan unitStep 12 – Unlock and remove printer cover .S e t -U p13. Turn the ACCU-VOTE on with the red switch located in the rear of the tabulator .14. The tabulator will automati-cally print a zero report. The Moderator and both Assistant Registrars will sign the bottom of this printout. Place this tape in the transfer case with the ballots at the end of the night. Check toensure that the Town, State,Date and Voting District are cor-rect.15. Inspect the zero report to ensure that all Offices, Candi-date’s Names, Questions, Write-In Lines are correct.16. When the ACCU-VOTE asksfor another printout, press the YES button on the front of the tabulator . Detach this printout and tape it to the wall at the polling place.17. When the ACCU-VOTE asks for another printout, press the YES button on the front of the tabulator . Sign this printout and leave it attached to the tabulator .Fold it so it will fit under the printer cover and lock it with the bare key.Step 13 – Turn the Optical Scan unit onStep 14 – Review and sign the Zero Report Step 17 – Fold up third copy of tape and replaceprinter coverS e t -U p18. When the ACCU-VOTE asks for another printout,press the NO button on the front of the tabulator and lock the front panel access door . The tabulator should now display the voting dis-trict number and show a vote count of zero. If the tabulator does not display this information, contact the Registrars of Voters imme-diately.19. Carefully slide the tabu-lator back until it stops in place.20. Close and lock the front panel access door .21. Open the top slot of the Auxiliary compartment lo-cated on the upper left side of the ballot box and leave it open for the day. The ACCU-VOTE is now ready to accept ballots.22. Ensure all signage is posted.Step 19 – Slide the Optical Scan unit all the wayback until securely seatedStep 20 – Close and lock retaining doorStep 21 – Unlock and open Auxiliary SlotS e t -U pPanasonic KX-FL511 Fax-CopierS e t -U pIvS SET UP AND BREAKDOWNS e t -U pTo program Fax Only mode,□ Press the menu button.□ Press (#) then [0][0]. DisplayS e t -U pPACKING UP THE IvS vOTE BY PHONE SYSTEM□Unplug the Fax machine and telephone from the wall outlets to prevent additional votes from being recorded.□All IVS ballots, cover sheets and ending pages should be given to the election officials designated by the Registrars of Voters for counting.□The designated officials shall ensure that the total amount of ballots recorded on the IVS log (_____) equals the total number of ballots contained in the ballot box (_____).□The designated officials shall count the total votes cast for each candidate on the bal-lots.□The totals for each candidate shall be reported on the Moderator’s Return in the “Hand-Count” column for each candidate.□The Moderator shall continue to close the polls and produce the Moderator’s returns as normally required.□The ballots produced by the IVS system are not absentee ballots, however , they maybe counted centrally or at the polling place as determined by the Registrars of Voters.5.volume vs Amplify a. Incoming Voice VolumeYou can adjust the volume of your vot-ing session by simply sliding the VOL control. This gives you up to 18 db more volume.b. AmplifyIf you need the volume to be louder ,follow the direction below:i. Press the blue AMPLIFY but-ton as shown below to turn the incom-ing voice amplifier on or off. When AMPLIFY is on, the AMPLIFY indicator comes on.ii. Adjust the volume while on acall by moving the VOL slide control as shown below. With AMPLIFY on, in-coming volume will be up to 48 db louder .SUPPLIESAccessible table, privacy shield, chair , disposable wipes, paper & diagrams of phone key pad uses.Fax/Copier (Panasonic KX=FL511) with black power cord, long telephone cordTelephone (Ameriphone XL-50) with white power cord, short telephone cord, headphonesIMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERSIvS Server Phone # 1-866-486-3841IvS Help Phone # 1-502-426-7905 Election Official ID# _____ and Ballot Access ID# ______ Our Analog Phone # ___-___ -_____ TESTING THE IvS vOTE BY PHONE SYSTEMa. On Election morning a test fax will be sent from the server to the polls to verify thatyour equipment is set up properly and working.b. Using the system, vote a “Test” ballot between 6:00 a.m. and 8 a.m. This ballot shouldbe marked “VOID” and filed with your Moderator’s Paperwork at the end of the night.OPERATING THE IvS vOTE BY PHONE SYSTEM1. ELECTOR:a. CHECKS-IN to vote and is marked as voting in-person.b. notifies election official of intent to use Accessible Voting System.2. ELECTION OFFICIAL:a. Escorts elector to IVS location.(Optional: Ballot Clerk gives elector an IVS pass & directs them to the IVS machine.)b. Mark “Log Sheet” to keep track of the # of electors using IVS system.c. Dial IVS telephone line @ 1-800-866-486-3841.d. Enter election official ID# when prompted by IVS. (ID# different for each precinct)e. Enter Ballot Access ID# when prompted by IVS.(**If you receive a message asking whether the previous ballot should be spoiledanswer YES. This means that the previous ballot was not completed correctly.)f.*For Primaries ONLY-select appropriate ballot (Democrat or Republican).g. Hand phone to elector, when prompted by IVS (offer headphone option).h. Instruct/Inform elector:i. to press any key to begin the voting process.ii. that verbal instructions are given during the vote by phone process.iii. to put completed ballot into auxiliary bin.i.Leave voting area to allow for elector privacy.j.From a distance watch to see if assistance is needed.3. ELECTOR:a. Presses any key to begin the voting process.b. Navigates the audio ballot by pressing the 2-4-5-6-8-0-#keys on the telephoneas instructed by IVS.i. Press 4 & 6 to go back & forth one Candidate at a time.ii. Press 2 & 8 to go back & forth one Contest at a time.iii. Press 5 to select/deselect a Candidate.iv. Press 0 for Helpv. Press ## to end the ballot -----the callc. Fax machine will print out the cover sheet & balloti. Elector should call election official if additional assistance is needed d. Verify the accuracy of the printed ballot (if able)e. place cover sheet & ballot into a ballot box4. ELECTION OFFICIAL:a. make sure elector inserts ballot into auxiliary bin or SPOILS ballot. (If ballot is SPOILED elector has the option of voting AVS again or by paper ballot) S e t -U pII. CLOSING PROCEDURES 1. Unlock the front panel ac-cess door (upper front lock on the ballot box) with the plas-tic covered key. This will make available the control panel with the YES and NO buttons.2. Check the seal on the front of the tabulator and insure that it is not broken. Record the seal number in the Mod-erator’s Report.3. Open the Auxiliary Com-partment and remove any un-scanned ballots.4. Process the ballots (if any) from the Auxiliary compart-ment by feeding them into the tabulator. If there are any ballots that continually reject, and the ballot is marked cor-rectly, but contains an over-vote, over-ride the ballot in the tabulator by pressing and holding the YES button while feeding the ballot through the tabulator.Step 1 – Unlock and open retaining doorStep 3 – Open Auxiliary Compartmentand remove un-scanned ballotsSet-UpCLOSING THE TABULATORStep 4 – Override overvote rejections by hold-ing the YES button and feeding the ballot5If there are any ballots that continually reject, and the ballot is mis-marked, hand count these ballots in accordance with the Modera-tors Handbook.6If the Absentee ballots are to be counted at the polling place, they may be processed at this time. The number of Absentee ballots that were processed at this time is en-tered in the Moderator’s Re-port. All absentee ballots, worksheets and Record of Vote were sealed in deposi-tory envelopes and labeled by voting district.7The Moderator and Assis-tant Registrars of Voters record the number on the public counter (number of tabulator counted ballots) in the Moderator’s Report.8From the tabulator, unlock and remove the printer door with the bare key.9. Obtain the ENDER card from the inside pocket of the black carrying case and insert it into the tabulator WHILE pressing BOTH the YES and NO buttons at the same time, this will automatically print the Election results report.Step 7 – Record the vote totalsStep 8 – Unlock and remove printer coverSet-UpStep 9 – Feed Ender Card while pressing andholding the YES and NO buttons10. Remove and sign the Elec-tions Results Report from the tabulator. The Moderator shall read the tabulator results for each Candidate and Question as shown on the Elections Re-sults Report. Suggestion: Each Assistant Registrar of Voters should enter the total in the column Tabulator Total on the Tally Sheets.11. Record the number of Total ballots from the bottom of the report in the Moderator’s Re-turn. It then must be attached to the Tally Sheet that is filed with the Municipal Clerk.12. When the tabulator asks for another printout, press YES. Detach this printout and place it in the ballot transfer case.13. When the tabulator asks for another printout, press YES. (This printout is signed by the Moderator and Assistant Registrars of Voters and postin the polling place for public inspection.)14. When the tabulator asks for another printout, press NO.Step 12 & 13– Press YES for second and thirdcopies of Results ReportStep 10 – Review and sign Election Results Re-port.Set-UpStep 14 – Press NO after you have printed threecopies15. Turn the Accu-Vote off with the red switch located in the rear of the tabulator 16. Replace and lock the printer cover back on.17. Check the seal on the front of the Optical Scan and ensure that it is not broken. Record the seal number in the Moderator’s Return18. Place the tabulator along with the power cord into the black carrying case for trans-port to the secure location.Step 15 – Turn the Optical Scan unit offStep 16 – Replace and lock the printer coverSet-UpStep 18 – Place the tabulator unit back intoits carrying case19. Unlock the Write-In bin and record the number of bal-lots in the bin in the Modera-tor’s Report. The Moderator and Assistant Registrars shall count by hand the write-in votes cast for the office in which the elector indicated a write-in vote and shall record them on the tally sheet.20. All ballots containingwrite-in votes are sealed in a separate depository envelope marked write-in bin and placed in the ballot transfer case.21. The Moderator shall total all tabulator and hand counted votes and publicly declared the total votes cast for each candidate and question, and the officials shall then sign the Moderator’s Return.22. All ballots from the regular bin must be placed in the Bal-lot Transfer Case.23. The ballot transfer case and tabulator bag are sealed with seals whose numbers are to be written in the Modera-tor’s Report.Step 19 – Main Compartment and Write-In Binshould be completely emptiedStep 22 – Ballot Transfer CaseSet-Up。
网站投票需求说明书1.前言 ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
编写目的................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
背景说明................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统应用范围............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
任务概述................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
系统功能................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
开发环境................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2. 应对方案 ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
项目建设原则............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
实用性原则........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
|可靠性原则........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
安全性原则........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
兼容性原则........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
信息服务动态模型原则................................. 错误!未定义书签。
吉林工程技术师范学院2011届学士学位论文电子表决器设计学位类别:工学学士专业:电子信息工程指导老师:***学生:颜时石中国·吉林·长春2011年4月目录摘要 (2)Summary (3)第一章绪论 (4)1. 1电路设计的背景 (4)1. 2国内外相关领域的研究进展 (4)1. 3主要研究内容 (5)第二章单片机 (6)2. 1单片机概述 (6)2. 2单片机介绍 (7)2. 3单片机历史 (8)2. 4单片机的应用领域 (9)2. 5 AT89C51单片机简介 (9)第三章电路设计的总体构想与思路 (10)3. 1评分表决电路设计的系统框图 (10)3. 2评分表决电路的结构 (10)第四章评分表决电路设计方法 (11)4. 1评分表决电路总的设计图 (11)4. 2十六路输入的表决电路的设计 (12)4.3 10路输入的评分电路 (21)第五章结束语 (28)5. 1全文总结 (28)5. 2心得体会 (28)5. 3工作展望 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)摘要21世纪是数字化的时代,随着数字电路和信息处理技术的飞速发展,数字信号处理技术逐渐发展成为一门主流技术,它在电子信息、通信、软件无线电、自动控制、仪表技术、信息家电等高科技领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。
关键词:表决电路、语音电路、单片机Summary21 century is the era of digitalization. With the rapid development information processing technology, digital signal processing technology of has developed as a kind of main technology gradually. It has been widely applied in the high-tech fields such as electronic information, communication, software radio, automatic control, instrument technology and information electrical household appliances.Design, Simulation and the simulation results are presented in detail for an electronic scoring and voting system in the thesis. The system is made up by a microprocessor and the chips for data acquisition and output display. The voting function is realized by a counter and multiplexer. The input signals for the voting and scoring can be as much as 16 ports. The results are displayed in time on abig screen, which can be decimal digits for average scoring or Chinese characters for the voting results.The system has been verified by the simulation results.Key words: Electronic voting, Electronic scoring, Microprocessor第一章绪论1. 1电路设计的背景21世纪是数字化的时代,现代电子科学技术的飞速发展,使其己经渗入到社会的各个领域。
1引言.............. 错误!未定义书签。
1.1编写目的..................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2定义 ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.3参考资料..................... 错误!未定义书签。
2需求分析 (2)2.1功能分析 (2)2.2业余活动 ................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 .3数据字典 ..................................错误!未定义书签。
2 .4数据流图 (5)3结构设计 (10)3.1概念结构设计 (10)3.2逻辑结构设计 (11)3.3物理结构设计 (12)4运用设计 (12)4.1安全保密设计 (12)4.2系统运行与维护 (12)投票系统数据库设计说明书1.引言1.1编写目的在积极建立科学管理机制的今天,仅仅靠原始的手工管理或简单的单机管理,管理部门面对大量的信息,无法有效率地将其中的重要部分提取出来,并做出相应的判断和处理。
1.2定义1.系统名称:投票系统2.数据库管理软件:Microsoft SQL Server3.数据库设计人员:李娇4.使用本数据库的程序: 5.数据库设计采用软件:Microsoft Office Visio 20036.统采用B/S体系结构:Brower (浏览器端)负责提供表达逻辑、显示用户界面信息、访问数据库服务器;Server (服务器)端用于提供数据服务。
7.运行平台:服务器端:windows server 2003. 浏览器端:安装了IE等浏览器的任意操作系统1.3参考资料与数据库(Microsoft SQL server)有关的书籍等2.需求分析2.1功能分析1.投票主题管理:查询、增加、更改、删除2.投票选项信息管理:查询、增加、更改、删除3.投票人信息管理:查询、增加、更改、删除4.管理员信息管理:查询、增加、更改、删除5.投票信息管理:查询、增加、更改、删除6.投票情况:投票时间安排、多少人已投票,投票结果显示7.投票人信息:账号、个人资料、密码登陆、密码修改8.投票人安排:参加了多少投票及投票结果9.管理员信息:账号、密码、密码修改2.2业余活动(未定)2.3数据字典2.数据结构投票人(账号、姓名、年龄、密码)管理员(账号、姓名、密码)投票主题(名称、序列号、选项标志)系统(名称、代号)登陆成功,投票人页面返回登陆成功、管理员页面返回1.0 用户登录第二层数据流局部应用2.0 投票人投票安排3.0 管理员投票3.结构设计3.1概念结构设计(E-R图)3.2逻辑结构设计3.2.1基本表管理员(账号、姓名、密码)投票主题(名称、序列号、选项标志)3.2视图投票安排(主题、选项标志、结果)3.2.3 物理结构设计建立系统程序员视图,包括:a.数据在内存中的安排,包括对索引区、缓冲区的设计;b.所使用的外存设备及外存空间的组织,包括索引区、数据块的组织与划分;c.访问数据的方式方法。
A guide for the VotersControl unit and Balloting UnitofElectronic Voting Machine1. Why should you vote?India is the largest democracy in the world. The right to vote and more importantly the exercise of franchise by the eligible citizens is at the heart of every democracy. We, the people, through this exercise of our right to vote have the ultimate power to shape the destiny of country by electing our representatives who run the Government and take decisions for the growth, development and benefit of all the citizens.2. Who can vote?All citizens of India who are 18 years of age as on 1st January of the year for which the electoral roll is prepared are entitled to be registered as a voter in the constituency where he or she ordinarily resides. Only persons who are of unsound mind and have been declared so by a competent court or disqualified due to ‘Corrupt Practices’ or offences relating to elections are not entitled to be registered in the electoral rolls.3. What is an electoral roll?3.1 An electoral roll is a list of all eligible citizens who are entitled to cast their vote in an election. The electoral rolls are prepared Assembly Constituency wise. An electoral roll for any Assembly Constituency is sub-divided into parts corresponding with the polling booths. The Election Commission of India has decided to generally have a maximum of 1200 electors per booth. The polling booths are so set up that no voter should ordinarily travel more than 2 kms. to reach the polling booth. Normally, one part will correspond with one polling booth.3.2 To exercise your franchise, the first and foremost requirement is that your name should be in the electoral roll. Without your name registered in the relevant part for the area where you ordinarily reside in the Assembly Constituency, you will not be allowed to exercise your franchise. Therefore, it is your duty to find out whether your name has been registered or not.4. How to register?4.1 The Election Commission prepares the electoral rolls through a process of intensive revision where house-to-house enumeration is done and electors residing in each house are registered by official enumerators who go physically from door-to-door to collect the information about electors. This process is done normally once in five years. Between two Intensive revisions, summary revisions are done every year during a specified period when persons who are left out of the electoral rolls are given an opportunity to register themselves by applying in Form-6. It is also expected from you to get your name deleted from the place where you earlier resided, and get it included at new place in case you have shifted. For this, on your part, it is sufficient that you file claim application in Form 6 before the Electoral Registration Officer of the new place and in that application give the full address of your earlier place of residence. Short absence from place of residence does not debar one to continue his/her name in electoral roll. Similarly, deletions are carried out of electors who have died or who have shifted residence from one area to another outside the prescribed part of the electoral roll. You should note that you can be registered only at one place. Registration in more than one place is an offence.4.2 During Intensive Revision of electoral rolls which normally takes place once in five years, a draft roll is prepared after house to house enumeration and published at every polling booth location for inviting claims and objections. Any eligible person can file claim in Form No. 6 for inclusion of his name in the roll or raise an objection to somebody’s name or for deletion of his or any other person's name in Form No. 7. Similarly if any particulars in the electoral roll are to be modified such as name, house number, middle name, last name, age, sex, epic number etc. a claim in Form No. 8 can be filed. In case any elector has changed his house from the polling area of one booth to other booth in the same Assembly Constituency he can file application in Form No. 8A for change/transposition from one electoral part to other part.4.3 During Summary revision of electoral rolls which takes place every year, the existing electoral rolls are published at each polling booth locations to invite claims and objections for inclusion, deletion, modification andtransposition. After due enquiry all the claims and objections are decided anda supplementary electoral roll is prepared and published.4.4 Even after the final publication of electoral rolls the process of continuous updation of electoral rolls goes on and the citizens are free to file any application for the addition, deletion, modification and transposition with the Electoral Registration Officer.4.5 As per the law, your name can be registered upto the last date of filing nominations by candidates that has been notified by the Election Commission for any general election or bye-election to an Assembly or Parliament. To enable the Electoral Registration Officer to take action on your application, you must apply at least ten days before the last date of making nominations as he has to mandatorily invite objections by giving a seven clear days notice before including your name in the roll. If you apply later than ten clear days before the last date for nominations your name may not be included for the purposes of that particular election.5. How to check your name in the electoral rolls and to find the polling station where you have to go to vote?As an elector you should immediately check whether your name has been included in the electoral roll of the constituency where you reside or not. You can find out this information from the Electoral Registration Officer of your area. Electoral rolls in all major cities have now been displayed on official websites also.6. Do you have an Electors’ Photo Identity Card (EPIC)?The Election Commission of India has made voter identification mandatory at the time of poll. The electors have to identify themselves with either Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) issued by the Commission or any other documentary proof as prescribed by the Commission.7. Will possession of an EPIC alone entitle you to vote?7.1 You should note that mere possession of an EPIC issued to you does not guarantee you your vote, because it is mandatory that your name should appear in the electoral roll.Once you have found out that your name is there in the electoral roll and you also possess an identification document prescribed by the Election Commission (EPIC or others), you are entitled to vote.7.2 Before you come to the polling booth, there are some other important aspects that you need to know as an elector and a conscientious citizen of the country.8. What is the Disclosure by Candidates?8.1 Recently the Election Commission of India has made it mandatory consequent upon a Judgment of Hon’ble Supreme Court that all candidates must file an affidavit along with their nomination form with details such as:-i. his/her criminal antecedents,ii. his/her assets and liabilities and those of his/her spouse and dependents, andiii. his/her educational background.This has been done with a view that every citizen has a right to know about the candidates contesting an election and make an informed choice.8.2 The Election Commission has directed all Returning Officers to display the copies of nomination papers and accompanying affidavits received during any day on his notice board immediately on receipt and make copies of these for distribution to the press and any members of public who want this information, free of cost. Any citizen of the country can obtain copies of the nomination form and the affidavit filed by any candidate from the Returning Officer and it shall not be refused. As a voter you have every right to seek this information and get it.8.3 The details of the dues owed by the candidates to the Government are published by giving an advertisement in the leading newspapers by the Returning Officer for the benefit of electors.8.4 Above measures help the electors make an informed choice about the candidate they are going to vote for.9. What are the basic do’s and don’t’s as polling day approaches?9.1 As a voter you should also know the aspects that are considered as corrupt practices or electoral offences:(i) Offering or accepting money or any other gratification either to vote foror not to vote for a particular candidate.(ii) Inducement by way of liquor, feast, gifts, etc. to vote for or not to vote for a particular candidate.(iii) Inducement to vote or not to vote for a particular candidate on the grounds of religion, caste, community, sectarian beliefs or place of birth.(iv) Threat to an elector of ex-communication if he votes for or against a particular candidate.(v) Offer of free conveyance to any elector to go to or from any polling station.10. What is the process of voting? How do you go about it?10.1 The poll date and hours are fixed by the Election Commission India and they are well publicized before all elections.10.2 When you reach the polling station, entry will be regulated by queues. There will be separate queues for men and women voters and the physically handicapped persons. The persons who enforce the queues will allow 3-4 voters into the polling station at a time. Physically handicapped voters and women voters with babies in arm will be given precedence over the other voters in the queue.10.3 Stage 1:When you enter the polling station, you will go to the First Polling Officer who is in-charge of the marked copy of the electoral roll and responsible for identification of electors. You should keep your identity document ready to show to the First Polling Officer. You can also show to him the unofficial identity slip giving your particulars. However, you should note that unofficial identity slip only helps in locating your name in the electoral roll but is not a guarantee of your identification. The First Polling Officer will then call out your name and serial number so that the polling agents become aware of your presence and your identity is not challenged.10.4 Stage 2: Thereafter, if your identity is not challenged, you will proceed to the Second Polling Officer who will mark your left forefinger with the indelible ink. Thereafter, he will proceed to record your serial number in the electoral roll in the Register of Voters. Once this is recorded, you are to sign in the appropriate column in the Register of Voters. If a voter cannot sign, his/her thumb impression will be obtained. The Second Polling Officer will then give you a signed voter’s slip which will record your serial number in the register of voters and your serial number in the electoral roll.10.5 Stage 3:You will then proceed to the Third Polling Officer who will take the voter’s slip issued to you by the Second Polling Officer. The Third Polling Officer will press the "Ballot" button on the Control Unit of voting machine and direct you to the voting compartment where you will record your vote on the balloting unit of the voting machine. Please note that each voter will proceed to the voting compartment in exactly the same sequence in which his/her serial number is recorded in the voters’ register.10.6 Stage 4:Voting Procedure.•Inside the voting compartment, you are to press the blue candidate button on the Balloting Unit against the name and symbol of the candidate of your choice.•Press the button only once.•On the candidate button being pressed, the red lamp will glow against the name and symbol of that candidate.•There will also be a beep sound heard to indicate that your vote has been recorded and the Busy lamp goes off in the Control Unit.•This process is repeated for other voters till end of the poll.10.7 You must remember that secrecy of voting is important.Every elector is expected to maintain the secrecy of voting and in case of failure to maintain secrecy the elector may not be permitted to vote. Any person who violates the secrecy, will be booked for an offence under Section 128 of Representation of People Act, 1951. You should, therefore, not disclose to any person who you have voted for. Similarly, if any election official attempts to obtain information on who you have voted for, it will amount to an offence committed by that official. Photography of a voter casting vote is prohibited. It may also be noted that no polling official or agent can come inside the voting compartment underthe pretext of helping you to vote. You can, however, be permitted to take a companion of not less than 18 years with you for recording your vote, if for any physical infirmity you require such assistance.11. Can you decline to cast your vote at the last stage?11.1 The law enables a voter to decline casting his vote at the last stage. If you decide not to cast your vote after having signed on the Register of Voters and after having received the voters’ slip from the Second Polling Officer, you must inform the Presiding Officer immediately. He will then take back the voters’ slip from you and proceed to record in the remarks column of the Register of Voters that you have declined to exercise your franchise and you will be required to put your signature under such entry. After this is done, you can leave the polling station without proceeding to the Voting Compartment. 12. What happens when your vote is challenged?In case your identity as a voter is challenged by a polling agent of any candidate, on the ground that you are not the person whose name is listed on the rolls, the Presiding Officer will ask the challenger to give evidence in proof, of his challenge. Similarly, he will ask you for proof of your identity. You can use your EPIC or any other supporting document like Passport, Ration card etc. for this purpose. If the challenge is not established, you will be allowed to vote. However, if challenge is established, you will be debarred from voting and handed over to the police with a written complaint by the Presiding Officer.13. What happens if someone else has cast the vote in your name?13.1 If the First Polling Officer tells you on arrival inside the polling station that your vote has already been cast, bring this to the attention of the Presiding Officer immediately. The law allows you to cast a Tendered Vote. A Tendered Ballot Paper, as per Rule 49P of the Conduct of Elections Rules, will be given to you and you will be required to sign your name on the list of tendered votes. A tendered ballot paper is the same as the ballot paper displayed on the balloting unit, except that it shall be endorsed on the back, with the words, “Tendered Ballot Paper” either stamped by the Returning or written by the Presiding Officer at the time of issuing it.13.2. After marking your choice of candidate with the help of Arrow Cross Mark rubber stamp you should hand over the tendered ballot paper to the Presiding Officer, who will keep it in a separate cover. Please note that in such case, you will not cast your vote on the EVM.14. What are the grievance redressal mechanisms available to you?14.1 If you have any grievance in regard to electoral roll, Electors Photo Identity Card or any other election related matter you may approach following Officers:-Chief Electoral Officer---------------- At the State LevelDistrict Election Officer---------------At the District LevelReturning Officer-----------------------At the Constituency LevelAssistant Returning Officer-----------At Taluka/Tahsil LevelElectoral Registration Officer---------- At the Constituency LevelPresiding Officer-----------------------At Polling StationZonal Officer ------------------------For a group of Poling stations(Detailed addresses etc. to be provided by the CEO)14.2 During every election, the Commission appoints Observers who are senior civil service officers from outside the state. If you have any grievances or problems, you should approach them.。
指导教师签名:**** 年月日二、指导教师评语:指导教师签名:****年月日三、成绩验收盖章**** 年月日五人表决器的设计1 设计目的(1)熟悉集成电路的引脚及安排。
2设计思路(1)设计表决工作电路(2)设计不同开关控制译码器(3)设计输出显示电路3 设计过程3.1、方案论证按键选择译码显示输出图3.1 五人表决器的结构框图1. 当按下开关时,代表同意赞成,开关没有按下去时,表示不赞成。
2. 对逻辑电位进行译码。
3. 对译码后芯片的输出进行显示。
3.2、系统原理对于五人表决器,首先设五人分别为A B C D E 设Y为表决的结果。
表3.1 5人表决器真值表A B C D E Y A B C D E Y0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 00 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 10 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 00 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 10 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 10 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 10 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 10 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 10 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 10 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 10 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1如果红灯亮了,则表示表决通过,若绿灯亮了,表示不通过。
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投票器设计说明书单片机课程设计说明书课题:班级投票显示器班级:机电101-4班姓名:刘洋指导老师:姜凤国同组成员:王仁、刘胜、赵强波、林巍烟台大学机电汽车工程学院目录前言 (3)第一章绪论 (4)1.1 概述 (4)1.2 设计目的 (4)1.3 设计任务和内容 (4)第二章总体设计及核心器件简介 (6)2.1 总体设计 (6)2.2 MCS-51单片机 (6)2.3 LED数码显示器 (10)2.4 发光二级管 (13)第三章投票显示系统电路设计与仿真 (14)3.1 投票显示系统总体功能实现 (14)3.2 系统流程图 (15)3.3 程序编写 (17)3.4 仿真与调试 (19)前言单片机技术是现代电子工程领域一门迅速发展的技术,它的应用已渗透到各种嵌入式系统中。
第一章绪论1.1 概述目前投票显示系统电路的应用可以说非常广泛,班级投票,公司竞选,文娱节目等许多不记名投票活动都经常会用到各式各样的投票器,虽然这些投票器外观和样式都有所不同,功能可能也有多有少,但他们的原理都大同小异。
本文论述了利用单片机制作投票系统的全过程,包括阐述该系统的基本工作原理,利用WAVE软件进行程序编与调试和Proteus ISIS仿真软件进行电路模拟仿真,实物制作与调试。
1.2 设计目的(1)加强对单片机和C51语言的认识,充分掌握和理解设计各部分的工作原理、设计过程、选择芯片器件、模块化编程等多项知识。
1.3 设计任务和内容1.3.1 设计任务分组按照选定题目的设计任务,设计各种单片机应用系统,设计工作量至少要包含:(1)用MCS-51单片机,12MHz时钟,常规的上电和手动复位电路;(2) 3个以上的按键;(3) LED或/和数码管或/和LCD显示及其接口;(4)至少2路输入信号,可以是模拟量或数字量。
1.3.2 设计要求(1)设计一个投票系统,具有计票显示功能;(2)可实现6人同时进行投票,累计票数在显示器上显示;(3)主持人使用一个按键开关控制开始投票,终止投票和清零;(4)投票开始后每人能且仅能投一次票,多投无效;创新:(1)增加发光二极管显示有效性;(2)增加LED显示器显示投票轮数;1.3.3 设计内容(1)编写项目功能说明书,确定应用系统的功能和具体参数;(2)设计电路原理图;(3)编写汇编语言或C语言源程序,程序中加注必要的注解说明;(4)编写设计说明书。
第二章总体设计及核心器件简介2.1 总体设计整个设计以AT89C51单片机为核心,点触开关控制信号通过单片机I/O 口,单片机处理信号并将结果通过LED数码管显示。
2.2 MCS-51单片机2.2.1 AT89C51单片机内部结构AT89C51是一种低电压,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准MCS-51指令系统,片内置通用8位中央处理器(CPU)和4K字节FLASH(FPEROM—Flash Programmable and Erasable Read Only Memory)存储单元,功能强大AT89C51单片机可为您提供许多高性能比的应用场合,可灵活应用在各种控制领域。
由于将多功能8位CPU和闪烁存储器组合在单个芯片中,ATMEL 的AT89C51是一种高效微控制器,AT89C51是它的一种精简版本。
2.2.2 AT89C51单片机的引脚说明1.引脚排列及功能AT89C51的封装形式有PDIP,TQFP,PLCC等,现以PDIP为例。
(1)I/O口线·P0口 8位、漏极开路的双向I/O口。
·P1口 8位、准双向I/O口,具有内部上拉电阻。
·P2口 8位、准双向I/O口,具有内部上拉电阻。
·P3口 8位、准双向I/O口,具有内部上拉电阻。
图2-2 引脚位置(2)控制信号线·RST 复位输入信号,高电平有效。
·EA/VPP 外部程序存储器访问允许信号EA.当EA信号接地时,对ROM的读操作限定在外部程序存储器,地址为0000H-FFFFH;当EA接VCC时,对ROM的读操作从内部程序存储器开始,并可延续至外部程序存储器。
·PSEN 片外程序存储器读选通信号PSEN,低电平有效。
在片外程序存储器取指期间,当PSEN有效时,程序存储器的内容被送至P0口;在访问外部RAM时,PSEN 无效。
·ALE/PROG 低字节锁存信号ALE.在系统扩展时,ALE的下降沿将P0口输出的低8位地址锁存在外接的地址锁存器中,以实现低字节地址和数据的分时传送。
(3)外部晶振引线·XTAL1 片内振荡器反向放大器和时钟发生线路的输入端。
·XTAL2 片内振荡器反相放大器的输出端。
2.2.3 AT89C51单片机复位方式8051的复位方式可以是自动复位(左图),也可以是手动复位(右图),见下图。
图2-2 图2-3此投票器使用自动复位如图2-22.3 数码管LED数码管(LED Segment Displays)是由多个发光二极管封装在一起组成“8”字型的器件,引线已在内部连接完成,只需引出它们的各个笔划,公共电极。
图2-3-1 这是一个7段两位带小数点 10引脚的LED数码管图 2-3-1引脚定义每一笔划都是对应一个字母表示 DP是小数点.图 2-3-2 共阴极LED数码管的内部结构原理图LED数码管要正常显示,就要用驱动电路来驱动数码管的各个段码,从而显示出我们要的数位,因此根据LED数码管的驱动方式的不同,可以分为静态式和动态式两类。
表1.1 显示数字对应的二进制电平信号显示数a b c d e f g字011111101011000021101101311110014011001151011011600111117111000081111111900011012.4 发光二级管发光二极管正向导通,反向截止,当通入正向电时发光。
图2-5第三章投票显示系统电路设计与仿真3.1 投票显示系统总体功能实现利用单片机设计投票显示系统,应先掌握单片机的结构与功能,在设计中充分利用好单片机各管脚,并配合外部电路,坚持简单易懂,节约成本的原则来设计电路。