白色污染White Pollution
• White pollution" mainly refers to the two negative effects on the environment: "visual pollution" and "potential hazards“.
"Visual pollution "
"potential hazards"
Affects of white pollution
◇It’s tough for soil to absorb them .As a result , the plants can’t absorb water and nutrients from the soil normally .Worse still ,the plants will drop in production and even the farmers will have a poor harvest.
◇If we burn the plastic waste .It will produce harmful gas and result in air pollution ,which will also do harm to human’s health.
△ For the individuals, we can minimize the use of one-time items, drive low-emission cars and use the phosphate-free laundry detergent power when doing some washing.
2.问题产生根源:居民为其方便(forthesakeofconvenience),大量使用,造成不可逆转的污染(causeirreversibledamagetoenvironment)。,数据显示,,那么问、消失2.,多关注3.第三段(方法2):主动在外国校园举办文化节宣传和交流自己国家的文化(organizeactivitiesaimingtointroduceandexchangemothercountry’s culture)4.结尾:保持文化多样性是每一个人应尽的职责(itiseveryone’sobligationtokeepthediversityofcultures)不能一味融入国外文化(fitintoforeignculture)而忽视了本国文化的培育(turnablindeyetomothercountry’sculture)考博英语作文预测范文:传统文化保护与发扬ProtectingtheIntangibleCulturalHeritagesLiketangibleculturalheritagessuchastheGreatWallandtheForbiddenCity,intangibleculturalheritages likePekingOperaandConfucius-commemoratingritualsareequallycrucial.Weshouldmakeourutmoste ffortstopreserveintangibleheritagesbecause,withoutheirphysicalformofexistence,theyareingreaterris kofextinction.民俗、有某种文化和历史的认同感。
白色污染的英文摘要作文英文:White pollution, also known as white garbage, refers to the pollution caused by discarded white plastic products, such as plastic bags, packaging materials, and disposable tableware. It has become a serious environmental issue in many countries around the world. White pollution not only affects the beauty of the environment, but also poses a great threat to the survival of animals and plants.One of the major problems of white pollution is that it takes a very long time for white plastic products to decompose. For example, a plastic bag can take up to 500 years to decompose, while a plastic bottle can take 450 years. This means that once these white plastic products are discarded, they will remain in the environment for a very long time, causing harm to the ecosystem.In addition, white pollution also affects human health.When white plastic products are improperly disposed of, they can release harmful chemicals into the soil and water, contaminating the food chain and posing a risk to human health. For example, if a plastic bag is thrown into a river, it may be mistaken for food by aquatic animals, leading to their death. When humans consume these contaminated animals, they may also suffer from health problems.To address white pollution, it is important for individuals to reduce the use of white plastic products and properly dispose of them. For example, we can bring our own reusable bags when shopping, and choose products with minimal or recyclable packaging. In addition, we should make an effort to recycle white plastic products whenever possible. By taking these simple actions, we can all contribute to reducing white pollution and protecting the environment.中文:白色污染,也被称为白色垃圾,指的是由废弃的白色塑料制品引起的污染,如塑料袋、包装材料和一次性餐具。
关于白色污染的英语作文高三带题目White pollution, also known as plastic pollution,refers to the environmental problem caused by the excessive use and improper disposal of plastic products. This issue has become a global concern due to its detrimental effects on ecosystems and human health. In this essay, I will discuss the causes and consequences of white pollution, as well as propose some possible solutions to this problem.First and foremost, the primary cause of whitepollution is the widespread use of plastic products.Plastic has become an integral part of our daily lives due to its convenience and durability. However, the overconsumption of plastic items such as bags, bottles, and packaging materials has led to a significant increase in plastic waste. Moreover, the improper disposal of these products exacerbates the problem. Many people still throw plastic waste into rivers, oceans, and landfills, where they take hundreds of years to decompose, if at all.In addition to the environmental impact, whitepollution also poses a serious threat to wildlife. Marine animals, in particular, are highly vulnerable to plastic pollution. For example, turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and end up choking on them. Similarly, seabirds can get entangled in plastic debris, leading to injuries or even death. The ingestion of plastic by marine creatures not only disrupts their natural habitat but also poses a risk to human health, as plastic particles can enter the food chain.Furthermore, white pollution has adverse effects on human health. Chemicals found in plastic, such as bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, can leach into food and beverages, especially when plastic containers are heated. These chemicals have been linked to various health problems, including hormonal imbalances, reproductive issues, and certain types of cancer. The long-term exposure to plastic pollutants can have serious consequences for human well-being.To address the issue of white pollution, individuals,governments, and businesses must take collective action. Firstly, reducing the consumption of plastic products is crucial. People can opt for reusable alternatives, such as cloth bags and stainless steel water bottles, to minimize plastic waste. Additionally, governments should implement strict regulations on the production and use of plastic, as well as promote recycling and waste management programs.Furthermore, innovation and technology play a vitalrole in combating white pollution. Scientists and researchers are continuously developing new materials that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. For instance, bioplastics made from renewable resources, such as cornstarch and sugarcane, offer a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics. Encouraging the use of such innovative materials can significantly reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste.In conclusion, white pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. The excessive use and improper disposal of plastic products have led to devastating consequences for the environment, wildlife, andhuman health. However, through collective efforts and the adoption of sustainable practices, we can mitigate the effects of white pollution and create a cleaner andhealthier planet for future generations.中文回答:白色污染,也被称为塑料污染,指的是由于过度使用和不当处理塑料制品而导致的环境问题。
白色污染White pollution(英语美文)
白色污染White pollution英语美文the city, said on Monday that large companies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard have responded to the decree by switching to biodegradable containers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the iceberg in the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.Zhao's bureau has met with four other relevant departments on several occasions. What they produced is not a feasible solution but an echo or rewording of the Central Government decree, according to Luo Wei from Shenzhen Municipal Legal Affairs Bureau, who is responsible for reviewing this “echo". The “echo" has now been passed on to the municipal government which is expected to announce it formally in the near future. But Luo said she's not sure if this rewording can play a significant role in eliminating white pollution in the city. “We don't lack laws, regulations or decrees. The real concern is the effective enforcement of these laws or regulations," said Luo.Zhao Hua admitted that cities like Shanghai and othercoastal cities which are sensitive about their image as tourist destinations are doing a better job in this regard. “Shanghai is said to have produced a very detailed handbook on how to carry out the curbing work and Hainan has even banned disposable foam slippers in hotels," Zhao said.Liu Guanqing, president of Shenzhen Xunbao Investment Development Co Ltd, a local manufacturer of biodegradable food containers was very eager to hear the municipal government's decision on the matter. “Since early this year, I've seen orders fly in. I'll expand production once the government announces its stance on the issue."我们已经听到和谈论的一个相当长的时间:遏制了所谓的“白色”污染众所周知的。
布局:合理规划 幻灯片的布局, 确保内容清晰、 有序
设计:运用色彩、 字体、图片等元 素,使幻灯片更 具吸引力
背景:选择合适 的背景,使幻灯 片更加美观
动画:适当添加 动画效果,使幻 灯片更加生动有 趣
图表的选择:根据数据特点选择 合适的图表类型,如柱状图、饼 图、折线图等
图表的设计:调整图表的样式、 颜色、字体等,使其与PPT的整 体风格保持一致
危害健康:白色污染中的有害物 质会对人体健康造成危害
影响美观:白色污染会影响城市 美观,降低城市形象
减少使用一次性塑料制品,如 塑料袋、吸管等
推广可降解塑料制品,如生物 降解塑料、光降解塑料等
加强垃圾分类和回收,提高塑 料废弃物的回收利用率
提高公众环保意识,倡导绿色 生活方式,减少塑料污染
字体颜色:根据PPT的主题和内容选择合适的字体颜色,如黑色、白色、蓝色、红色等 字体样式:根据PPT的内容和展示环境选择合适的字体样式,如加粗、斜体、下划线等
音量:适中,确保听众能 清晰听到
语速:适中,避免过快或 过慢
语调:富有感情,根据内 容调整语调
停顿:适当停顿,给听众 思考和理解的时间
发音:清晰准确,避免方 言和口音影响理解
语气:自信坚定,展现演 讲者的自信和热情
手势:使用适当 的手势来强调重 点,增加演讲的 生动性
眼神交流:与听 众进行眼神交流, 建立信任和联系
站姿:面部表情传达情 感,增强演讲的 感染力
眼神交流:与观众进行眼神 交流,展现自信和真诚
塑料制品:如塑料袋、 塑料瓶、塑料餐具等
聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料:如 快餐盒、包装材料等
合成纤维:如涤纶、腈 纶等
合成橡胶:如轮胎、密 封圈等
Energy and Environmental protection1.sustainable development 可持续发展2.white pollution白色污染3.acid rain酸雨4.carbon dioxide 二氧化碳5.greenhouse effect温室效应6.nature reserve 自然保护区7.World Environment Day世界环境日8.United Nations Conference on Environment andDevelopment (UNCED) 联合国环境与发展大会9.United Nations Environment Programs (UNEP) 联合国环境规划署10.State Environmental Protection Administration 国家环境保护总局11.protect and improve the living environment 保护和改善生活和生态环境12.environmental degradation 环境恶化13.motor vehicle exhaust 汽车尾气排放14.popularize environmental protection knowledge 普及环保知识15.enhance the awareness of the importance ofenvironmental protection 增强环保意识16.improve the eco-construction 加强生态建设17.prevent and control pollution 防治污染18.reinforce the conservation of water and soil 加强水土保持19.ecological balance 生态平衡20.slow down the pace of global warming 减缓全球变暖速度21.tackle the problems of sand and soil erosion 治理沙地和水土流失问题22.protect rare wild animals and plants 加强珍惜野生动植物保护工作23.pursue a green life 崇尚绿色生活方式24.apply new exploitation methods 采用新开采方式25.decrease the disposal of pollutants 消减污物排放26.recycle paper 再生纸27.slow down the rate of resource degradation 降低资源消耗率28.develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源29.deteriorate 恶化30.environmental-friendly 环保的31.emission 排放32.sulfur dioxide 二氧化硫33.economization 节约34.to raise energy utilization efficiency 提高能源利用率35.water logging 涝灾36.afforestation 植树造林37.the Three Norths Shelterbelt Project “三北”防护林工程38.bio-diversity 生物多样性39.vegetation 植被40.fossil energy 化石能源41.research and extension institution 科研推广单位42.immediate interest眼前利益43.long-term interest 长远利益44.root cause 根本原因45.prerequisite 前提46.ozone layer depletion 臭氧层损耗47.to lumber 采伐48.river section 河段49.supporting policies 配套政策50.domestic water supply 生活用水51.whoever causes pollution must remedy it谁污染,谁治理52.tighten up environmental management强化环境管理53.excessive consumption of natural resources 过渡消耗自然资源54.to prevent and control pollution and other public hazards防止污染和其他公害55.massive discharge of pollutants 大量排放污染物56.ecological balance 生态平衡57.endangered species 濒危物种58.environmental science 环境科学59.atmosphere pollution 大气污染60.dust pollution 粉尘污染61.dust storm 沙尘暴62.pesticide residue 农药残留63.pollution-free 无污染64.sewage treatment 污水处理65.garbage recycling 垃圾再循环66.biodegradable vegetation可生物降解的物质67.deforestation 森林砍伐68.windbreak 防护林。
环保污染作文英语作文:白色污染White Pollution_作文专题
环保污染作文英语作文:白色污染WhitePollution环保污染作文英语作文:白色污染white pollutionwhite pollution refers to plastic pollution. it is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. when leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour white from white pollution becomes their headache.everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. if we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen ⅱ one day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.to prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. however, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.1 / 22 / 2。
2.问题产生根源:居民为其方便(forthesakeofconvenience),大量使用,造成不可逆转的污染(causeirreversibledamagetoenvironment)。,数据显示,,那么问、消失2.,多关注3.第三段(方法2):主动在外国校园举办文化节宣传和交流自己国家的文化(organizeactivitiesaimingtointroduceandexchangemothercountry’s culture)4.结尾:保持文化多样性是每一个人应尽的职责(itiseveryone’sobligationtokeepthediversityofcultures)不能一味融入国外文化(fitintoforeignculture)而忽视了本国文化的培育(turnablindeyetomothercountry’sculture)考博英语作文预测范文:传统文化保护与发扬ProtectingtheIntangibleCulturalHeritagesLiketangibleculturalheritagessuchastheGreatWallandtheForbiddenCity,intangibleculturalheritages likePekingOperaandConfucius-commemoratingritualsareequallycrucial.Weshouldmakeourutmoste ffortstopreserveintangibleheritagesbecause,withoutheirphysicalformofexistence,theyareingreaterris kofextinction.民俗、有某种文化和历史的认同感。
白色污染 英文作文
白色污染英文作文英文:White pollution, also known as plastic pollution, is a serious environmental problem that has been affecting our planet for many years. It refers to the accumulation of plastic waste in the environment, especially in the oceans, which is harmful to marine life and can have devastating effects on the ecosystem.The problem of white pollution is caused by the excessive use of plastic products, such as bags, bottles, and packaging materials. These products are often used once and then discarded, leading to a huge amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or in the environment.To tackle this problem, we need to reduce our use of plastic products and find more sustainable alternatives. For example, we can use reusable bags and water bottles, and choose products with minimal packaging. We can alsorecycle plastic waste and support initiatives to clean up plastic pollution in the oceans.In addition, governments and businesses have an important role to play in reducing white pollution. Theycan introduce policies and regulations to limit the use of plastic products and promote sustainable alternatives. They can also invest in research and development of newmaterials that are more environmentally friendly.Overall, white pollution is a complex problem that requires a concerted effort from individuals, governments, and businesses to address. By taking action to reduce our use of plastic products and support initiatives to clean up plastic pollution, we can help protect our planet andensure a sustainable future for generations to come.中文:白色污染,也称为塑料污染,是一个严重的环境问题,已经影响了我们的星球很多年。
保护环境的英语作文:White Pollution关于保护环境的英语作文:White Pollution白色污染White PollutionWith the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty of plastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it do harm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city is dirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time. What’s worse, the poison released from the plastic bags is harmful.随着人民生活水平的显著提高,人们购买的商品越来越多。
Being current generation of young people, we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags .We can substitute them with cloth bags or reuse them. And the government can make rules to avoid using them. If we do our best, the use of plastic bags can be reduced, thus the white pollution can be controlled.作为当代年轻的一代,我们应该采取措施来控制塑料袋的使用。
重点初中六五环境日英语精选作文:白色污染White pollution persistsWE‘VE been hearing and talking about it for a fairly long time: curbing what has become known as “white" pollution. But still we are using the white polystyrene (PS) foam food containers and other disposable plastic products, which largely make up this form of littering.Miandianwang, a well-known local fast-food chain, is still handing out takeout food in these PS foam containers,even though they should been phased out before December 31,2000, under a Central Government decree. One of the waiters said in its outlet on Hongli Road on Monday that they are going to switch to environmentally friendly containers “some time in the future".However, the Miandianwang outlet in Sam‘s Club, which is affiliated with Wal-Mart, is offering take-out food in light brown containers which are biodegradable. Liang, a clerk with Sam‘s Club, told Shenzhen Daily yesterday that the club required the Miandianwang outlet to do so in its contract.According to Liang, all the departments in the club switched to biodegradable containers during the SpringFestival holiday.Zhao Hua, with the energy division of the ShenzhenMunicipal Economic Development Bureau, one of the fivemunicipal government departments involved in the curbing ofwhite pollution in the city, said on Monday that largecompanies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard haveresponded to the decree by switching to biodegradablecontainers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the icebergin the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.Zhao‘s bureau has met with four other relevant departmentson several occasions. What they produced is not a feasiblesolution but an echo or rewording of the Central Government decree, according to Luo Wei fromShenzhen Municipal Legal Affairs Bureau, who is responsiblefor reviewing this “echo". The ”echo" has now been passed onto the municipal government which is expected to announce itformally in the near future. But Luo said she‘s not sure ifthis rewording can play a significant role in eliminating whitepollution in the city. “We don‘t lack laws, regulations ordecrees. The real concern is the effective enforcement of theselaws or regulations," said Luo.Zhao Hua admitted that cities like Shanghai and othercoastal cities which are sensitive about their image as tourist destinations are doing a better job in this regard. “Shanghai is said to have produced a very detailed handbook on how to carry out the curbing work and Hainan has even banned disposable foam slippers in hotels," Zhao said.Liu Guanqing, president of Shenzhen Xunbao Investment Development Co Ltd, a local manufacturer of biodegradable food containers was very eager to hear the municipal government‘s decision on the matter. “Since early this year, I‘ve seen orders fly in. I‘ll expand production once the government announces its stance on the issue."12---来源网络整理,仅供参考。
白色污染的现状英语作文英文回答:White Pollution: A Global Environmental Crisis.White pollution refers to the accumulation of plastic trash in the environment. It is an alarming problem that poses significant threats to both natural ecosystems and human health.Sources of White Pollution.Plastic pollution originates from various sources, including:Single-use plastic bags and utensils.Disposable packaging.Industrial plastics.Agricultural plastics.Environmental Impacts.Plastic waste accumulates in landfills, oceans, and other natural habitats. Its non-biodegradable nature results in long-term environmental consequences:Marine pollution: Plastic debris entangles and harms marine life, disrupting food chains and causing habitat degradation.Land pollution: Plastic waste contaminates soil and groundwater, reducing crop yields and posing a risk to human and animal health.Air pollution: Incinerating plastic releases harmful toxins and pollutants into the atmosphere.Human Health Impacts.White pollution also affects human health through:Exposure to toxic chemicals: Plastics contain chemicals that can leach into the environment and accumulate in human tissues, potentially leading to cancer and other health problems.Ingestion of microplastics: Tiny plastic particles can enter the food chain and be ingested by humans, affecting digestion and overall health.Magnitude of the Problem.The scale of white pollution is staggering. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, over 400 million tons of plastic waste are produced annually, with only a small fraction recycled.Mitigation Strategies.Addressing white pollution requires a multifaceted approach:Reduce plastic production: Implementing bans or taxes on single-use plastics.Promote recycling and composting: Establishing comprehensive waste management systems.Substitute plastic with sustainable materials: Developing biodegradable alternatives to plastic packaging.Raise awareness: Educating the public about the environmental and health impacts of plastic pollution.Conclusion.White pollution is a pressing global crisis that demands immediate action. By reducing plastic production, promoting recycling, and investing in sustainable alternatives, we can mitigate its devastating effects on our planet and our well-being.中文回答:白色污染的现状。
高考英语作文白色污染White pollution is a serious environmental issue that we are facing today. It refers to the pollution caused by various kinds of waste plastic products, such as plastic bags, bottles, and packaging materials. This type of pollution has a significant impact on our environment, wildlife, and human health. In this essay, I will discussthe causes and effects of white pollution, as well as some possible solutions to this problem.The causes of white pollution are mainly due to the excessive use of plastic products in our daily lives. With the development of industry and technology, the productionof plastic products has increased rapidly, leading to alarge amount of plastic waste being generated. Additionally, improper disposal of plastic waste, such as littering and illegal dumping, also contributes to white pollution. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, and it can accumulate inthe environment for a long time.The effects of white pollution are far-reaching. Firstly, it poses a serious threat to wildlife. Many marine animalsand birds often mistake plastic for food, which can lead to their injury or death. Moreover, plastic waste can also contaminate soil and water, affecting the growth of plants and the quality of drinking water. In addition, the production and disposal of plastic products release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases, contributing to air and water pollution, and ultimately, climate change. Furthermore, white pollution also has a negative impact on human health, as the chemicals from plastic waste can leach into the food chain and pose health risks to humans.To address the issue of white pollution, it is essential to adopt a multi-faceted approach. Firstly, we need to reduce the production and use of single-use plastic products. This can be achieved through the implementation of policies and regulations, as well as public education and awareness campaigns. Additionally, we should promote the use of biodegradable and eco-friendly alternatives to plastic, such as paper bags, reusable containers, and compostable packaging materials. Furthermore, proper waste management and recycling systems should be established to ensure the proper disposal and recycling of plastic waste.In conclusion, white pollution is a pressing environmental problem that requires immediate attention and action. By understanding its causes and effects, and implementing effective solutions, we can work towards reducing and preventing white pollution, and creating a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.白色污染是我们今天面临的严重环境问题。
看到下面足以说明水的污染非常的严重境,【提示:第二张图 的左边发是什么?
白色污染(White Pollution)是人们对难降解的塑料垃圾(多指塑 料袋)污染环境现象的一种形象称谓。它是指用聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯、 聚氯乙烯等高分子化合物制成的各类生活塑料制品使用后被弃置成 为固体废物,由于随意乱丢乱扔,难于降解处理,以致破环境严重 污染的现象。
首先是破坏环境美,产生视觉污染。龙田镇上随处可见白色的 的塑料袋、饭盒、泡沫包装材料等一次性塑料物品。有时,在宽阔 的马路上散步,一阵风吹过,看见路边的塑料袋被吹上了天空,好 像一只只断了线的风筝。“白色污染”给江河、田野、城市“装饰” 了一道道独特的风景线。 由于“白色污染”的难以分解,会成为杀害动物的凶手。我曾 在报上看过这样的报道,有人在大海里发现死鲸,解剖死鲸的时候 人们又发现,鲸的死亡是因为胃里塞满了塑料袋,还有海豚、海龟 等海洋动物,也因为误食塑料袋而引发死亡……
WHITE POLLUTIONA: In today, a lot of trash exists in our life , I always saw some people make trash everywhere, It can make street not clean ,And it is harm to people's healthy, what do you think these ?B: I think most of the “trash pollution” is white pollution .because we can see that every where.C: What’s the meaning of white pollution. I didn’t here that beforeA: White pollution is made by packaging plastic film, plastic bags and disposable plastic tableware discarded.C: What do you think of the damage of white pollutionB: White trash not only affect the city appearance and the natural landscape,but also it is difficult to degrade, it cause a harm to the ecological environment,A: For example: the white garbage buried underground, it affects the crops absorb nutrients and moisture, and it reduce crop yields, even lead to groundwater pollution, it is harm to human health.C: How about burning them? It’s a fast way to deal white trash. Nothing can leave under the fireA: Oh, that's too bad .burning white trash can produce harmful gases, it cause air pollution, and it is harm to human health. But how to deal them, for human beings it’s a difficult problem.B: What we should do to make reduce white pollution. Do you have some suggestions.C: Why we don’t refuse to use it. If we do that we can never worry about it .There is never white pollution in the world B: But in my opinion, packaging plastic film, plastic bags is good for us that production of plastic packaging makes human life more convenient so we can not refuse to use itC: But as a result of these plastic packaging tend to be discarded after used, it cause the white pollution.A: China has been to strengthen the management of plastic packaging used, enact injunction to reduce the production of white pollution, it also reduce the recycling of the waste plastic packaging.B: What you say is a good idea, but in you life , what pollution also come from which people to use .what do you think of the "trash" value ?C: This is a good think to reduce white pollution. everything have its value .we can make rubbish to divided intorecycle and non recycle ,then we use recycle rubbish to make profit, and non recycle trash to find its value.A: On the one hand, country plans to replace plastic products with paper gradually, on the other hand, make the stability of the plastic packaging to drop, let plastic packaging easy degraded in the natural environment. Abroad have a lot of technology of white garbage disposal we can import.B: For us to control white pollution, first of all, we should to strengthen environmental protection consciousness, country should promote environmental awareness vigorously.Second, we should try not to make the white garbage in our life, we should reduce use what can only use one timeC: I think so .For example, we can take a sack to go to supermarket rather than plastic bag .a sack can use one more time, and learn some skills to reduce waste produced.Finally, we can use own practical action to advocate people to eliminate white pollution.A: I think our home can be more and more clean, and our environment more and more wonderful.B: This is also my ideals. I hope we can make hard, it must be come true.。
Zhao Hua, with the energy division of the Shenzhen Municipal Economic Development Bureau, one of the five municipal government departments involved in the curbing of white pollution in the city, said on Monday that large companies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard have responded to the decree by switching to biodegradable containers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the iceberg in the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.
However, the Miandianwang outlet in Sam's Club, which is affiliated with Wal-Mart, is offering take-out food in light brown containers which are biodegradable. Liang, a clerk with Sam's Club, told Shenzhen Daily yesterday that the club required the Miandianwang ot.
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白色污染White Pollution
With the remarkable improvement of people'sliving standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty ofplastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it doharm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city isdirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it willstay in the soil for a long time. What's worse, the poison released from theplastic bags is harmful.
Being current generation of young people,we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags .We can substitutethem with cloth bags or reuse them. And the government can make rules to avoidusing them. If we do our best, the use of plastic bags can be reduced, thus thewhite pollution can be controlled.